#but the sum of our memories
illuminatedquill · 10 months
Sabine Wren
Tale As Old As Time
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Story Summary: On a cool evening night on Peridea, Sabine and Ahsoka discuss the stories they wish to leave as their legacy.
Evening was falling; a cool breeze whispered through the Noti encampment to herald the coming dark.
Preparations had already been made to move the next morning. Sabine had come to appreciate the constant movement of the strange crab-like beings that had welcomed them into their company. It gave her a sense of purpose; something to focus on in the meantime while her master figured out their next move.
Huddled around the campfire, her belly full after a good dinner consisting of some spicy stew, Sabine listened to the chatter of the Noti around her and gazed into the luminous night sky above.
“It still amazes me, no matter how much I look at it,” said a familiar voice. Sabine turned to find her master, Ahsoka Tano, walking up to the campfire, Huyang close behind.
Sabine agreed. Many evenings on Lothal had provided her with a wondrous view of the stars but Peridea had it beat by a large margin.
Ahsoka sat down next to her Padawan with a slight huff. After a moment, the older Jedi asked, “Would you like to hear a story, Sabine?”
Sabine blinked. “Aren’t I a little too old for bedtime stories?”
“One is never too old,” Ahsoka chided, “to hear a good story, my Padawan.”
Huyang offered, “I have plenty to offer in that department, Lady Wren.”
Sabine considered that. “What kind of stories?” she asked.
“Tales of the Jedi, and their numerous exploits across the galaxy,” said Huyang.
Sabine’s eyebrows raised in astonishment. “I thought the Empire wiped out all stories of the Jedi. Or replaced it with their own propaganda.”
“Oh, they tried,” replied Ahsoka. “To their credit, they did do a thorough job of it. Most of the modern galactic citizens don’t know much about the Jedi at all, despite the purge happening fairly recently in our lifetime.”
She smiled a little. “But they couldn’t erase all of it. The Jedi existed for a millennium before the Empire. Their stories are written in the very fabric of the galaxy.”
“Are there stories about you, Master?”
Ahsoka laughed. “Oh, I’m sure. I traveled a fair amount back in my youth.”
Sabine looked to Huyang with a grin. “Are there any funny ones about her, Huyang?”
Huyang pondered for a moment before replying. “There is one where she had to pretend to be someone’s fiancée. It was with a boy named Lux, I believe-”
Ahsoka, embarrassment coloring her tone, interrupted him. “Okay, maybe not that one.”
Sabine’s grin turned mischievous. “Oh, did you have a crush on him, my master?”
Ahsoka crossed her arms and sighed. “It was complicated. Happened during the Clone Wars.”
“Oh.” Sabine dropped her teasing. “What happened to him?”
Ahsoka seemed to withdraw into herself. “I’m not sure. I heard rumors of his death during the Rebellion.”
Sabine felt a gentle sadness and regret pulsing out from her master. She decided to drop the subject.
“What kind of story would you like to be remembered for, Lady Tano?” asked Huyang.
Ahsoka blinked at the droid. “That’s quite the question, Huyang.”
“You’re a hero,” suggested Sabine. “You’ve helped so many. So maybe a heroic story.”
“Jedi don’t do this to be remembered, Sabine,” reminded Ahsoka. “We do it because it’s right.”
The older Jedi stared into the fire. “I’m not sure I want to be remembered at all,” she confessed. “I haven’t always done the right thing.”
Sabine said, “But you’ve always done the best you can. I’ve never seen you settle for anything less.”
It felt weird defending Ahsoka against herself. She had rarely seen her master be so unsure before.
Ahsoka smiled appreciatively at Sabine. “That’s true.”
She looked at Huyang. “I suppose that’s the story I’d like to be known for: someone who tried her best to help out.”
“Very appropriate,” observed Huyang. “I’ll keep that in mind for future reference, Lady Tano.”
The droid turned to Sabine. “And you, Lady Wren? When the time comes, what kind of story would you like to leave behind?”
Sabine blew out a breath. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “It’s still being written.”
“A good answer,” said Ahsoka. “You’ll have plenty of time to decide.”
“I would suggest a comedy,” offered Huyang.
Annoyed, Sabine flicked a pebble at the droid. It dinged on his metallic exterior, satisfyingly.
Ahsoka laughed. “Go ahead with a story, Huyang. There’s a funny one with Master Yoda, if I recall? When he spent time with the Wookies.”
“Ah, yes,” said Huyang, approvingly. “That is a good story.”
Ahsoka settled into a more comfortable position. Sabine followed suit, leaning in with interest.
“A long time ago,” started Huyang, “in a galaxy, far, far away . . .”
When the story was over, Ahsoka stood and stretched her back. “You’ll take first watch?” she asked Sabine.
Sabine nodded. “Sleep well, Ahsoka. Same to you, Huyang.”
Huyang replied, “As a reminder: I am droid, and therefore do not require sleep.”
She rolled her eyes. “I will throw a bigger rock at you next time,” Sabine promised.
After they left, Sabine took a stick and poked at the campfire. The Noti had retired to their huts; she was alone with her thoughts.
She leaned back and gazed into the star-lit night sky over her head.
When the time comes, what kind of story would you like to leave behind?
Sabine thought of her life so far; what had been lost and sacrificed.
Her mistakes and failures.
Should it be a tragedy? A cautionary tale for others?
As she brooded, the fire began to die out. Reaching out for another log to feed it, she paused.
“I don’t want to be a tragedy,” she said out loud.
She tossed the log into the campfire and it roared back to life. Sabine watched the glowing embers rise on the night breeze, drifting into the night sky like fiery petals.
She thought of home. Not Mandalore - but Lothal. Her loth-cat, Murley.
Kanan. Hera. Jacen. Zeb. Chopper.
My family. The names repeated in her head, over and over, like some sacred prayer.
And, of course, whenever it was darkest for her, she thought of him.
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Sabine looked back into the fire, feeling it’s warmth flow into her.
Ezra filled her mind and, like the campfire, beat back the darkness. It was his constant gift to her; making the dark small.
When the time comes, what kind of story would you like to leave behind?
Sabine smiled. She had her answer.
Whispering, Sabine says it to herself, as though she was uttering a private, secret wish.
“A love story.”
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that-ineffable-devil · 4 months
The Washer Woman told Crystal to "stop looking without and look within" because Crystal said "I need to know who I am" not "I need to know who I was."
Crystal was never the sum of her memories. She was always so much more.
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desolationlesbian · 10 months
do you guys remember when there was discourse about how Ruby and Sapphire were in a toxic and unhealthy relationship or something because they were “fused all the time” even though it was very obviously like. A Metaphor
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For we exist only through what we possess, and we possess only what is actually present, since so many of our memories, moods and ideas leave us and travel to faraway places, where we lose sight of them! Then we can no longer enter them into the accounting system whose sum is our whole being. But they find secret ways of returning within us.
from In Search of Lost Time, Book 6: The Fugitive by Marcel Proust
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peaceblank · 1 year
The med school primary application asking if my work and activities are meaningful, like by simply going out of my way to do anything doesn’t have some kind of impact on my life.
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nebulouscoffee · 1 year
Thinking about Her... (my Dax fic I haven't updated since last July which I really need to bring back from the war)
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hazemsuhail · 1 month
Emergency: Help my family survive and start a new life
Hello everyone, I hope you take a minute to read our story.
I’m Hazem Shawish, trying to save my family from the war
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We’re a family of 8 members, me, my mother, and I have 4 brothers and two sisters. And their kids
Islam (30) years old ( @eslamsuhail )
Samer (29)
Hashem (31)
Mohammad (35)
Nisreen (37) ( @nisreensuhail )
Noor (36).
Amal (12)
Kenzy (17) ( @kenzish )
Zoheer (19)
TikTok video link
In the shadow of conflict, our family has faced unimaginable hardships. The passing of my father, a victim to the cruel grasp of hunger and inadequate healthcare, left a void in our lives, underscoring the fragility of our existence here. My brother, Samer, battles bipolar disorder, a condition exacerbated by the ongoing war and the severe shortage of essential medications. Without access to the necessary treatment, his life is at risk, and we live in constant fear for his well-being amidst the chaos that surrounds us. These personal tragedies have deepened the urgency of our situation.
My brother Samer
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Every day is a struggle for survival, and each night is filled with prayers for a brighter tomorrow. Yet, amidst the darkness, we hold onto hope, seeking solace in the belief that one day, the clouds of war will dissipate, and we will find the peace and stability we so desperately crave. Until then, we endure, clinging to the threads of our resilience, and nurturing dreams of a safer, healthier future for us all.
Our home, once a sanctuary of love and warmth, was destroyed, displacing us into a life of uncertainty and fear. The laughter of my children and my sister's daughters, once the music of our home, is now silenced by the echoes of conflict. They deserve a future where education and happiness are not just dreams but realities.
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Our entire neighborhood In Gaza Before and after
we had a supermarket that helped as to live and earn money, but it was bombed and we have nothing now, pic of our supermarket
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But our challenges are not just physical; they are emotional and psychological. The loss of my father and the imminent threat to my brother's life weigh heavily on us. My mother, who has endured so much, faces the unimaginable fear of losing another child. For her, for my brother, for my children, and for the future of our family, we seek a new beginning.
We dream of a place far from the sounds of war we want to be safe with my family we dream to move to Egypt to save ourselves
This journey is more than a physical relocation; it is a quest for dignity, for normalcy, for the very essence of what makes life worth living. We seek to restore what conflict has stripped from us: our home, our health, and our hope.
We turn to you, not just as donors, but as fellow humans who understand the power of compassion and community. Your support, in any form, is a beacon of hope in our darkest times. It represents solidarity and a shared belief in the sanctity of life and the right to a safe and peaceful existence.
Our dream is simple yet seems a world away:
to escape to Egypt .
for children to pursue education and a life unshaded by conflict, and for us to honor my father's memory in a land of peace.
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However, this dream bears a significant cost, one that is beyond our reach. For each of us to make this journey, to cross borders towards a life of safety and dignity, we estimate the need for at least $5,000 per person. This sum covers the complex tapestry of legal, travel, and initial resettlement expenses.
All of our important links are here
Thank you for hearing our story, for your empathy, and for considering standing with us as we embark on this journey to a new life.🇵🇸🍉❤️‍🩹🙏
With heartfelt gratitude,
Hazem Shawish
vetted by :
@dlxxv-vetted-donations (vetted)
@gazavetters , my number verified on the list is (#75)
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ngmn2002 · 1 year
Me while looking at #JSHK on twitter for the first time in like half a year to see people's reactions to what went on the new chapter:
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I can't lie, it's so much fun. I really, really laughed a lot today. Thank you, Tsukasa! You really made things so much fun as you always does!
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gurorori · 1 year
#one day i wanna post on ao3.... idk how brave i am to like post under my username but#id def anon a lot if i ever were to start postin#im really scared of hate aha#especially for the. things i wanna tap into#i wldn prolly write blatantly Disgustin things like the stuff ppl consider profic or wtv but my brain is unable to generate normal ideas#dats nawt to say im opposed to those things in fiction hehe. i welcome em with open arms But i still have my preferences n limits#a lot of things id ljke to explore in terms of Mika dat i don see ppl bring enuff attention...#PROJECTION BEAM but orphanage stuff. literally no one ever talks abt this i wish there were more works goin in depth on my past#even if im dead set on it bein in accordance with My Own memories as an introjectie#i jus wud love to see ppls visions#but also like okay Somethin happened okay? somethin bad happened.#obviously a lil guy can hate it & b rebellious n run away on several occasions Without smth groundbreakingly bad happenin but in my case#it did!#in hindsight i still believe those memories t shelterin our own trauma under thr guise of source but who knows when ill uncover dat#so yeha for now i live with transmika orphanage trauma HE DID NAWT hvae a good time. despite findin a lot of comfort in his At The Time sibs#especially bein the oldest out of the girls -> feelin sum sense of responsibility n havin to 'grow up' faster akin to an oldest sibling role#while still bein. a kiddo & extremely vulnerable esp in the face of the caregivers#anyway trauma trauma abuse abuse#sorry i can only ever see mika thru the lens of our/my experiences. i wldn wabt it any other way tho
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veritasangel · 1 month
Make you mine
Ft. Geto, Sukuna, Toji, Nanami, Gojo
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sum: do they prefer giving or receiving? (oral sex)
warnings! fempov, oral (receiving & giving), fingering, cum eating/swallowing, 69 in satoru's, legal age gap in toji's, inappropriate photos in suguru's, true form sukuna
wc: 4.6k - masterlist
a/n: wrote nanami's part in awful period pain so i don't like his too much but oh well :/
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Suguru Geto - ex bf
✦ Receiving ✦ He's good at pleasing you, but can be a little selfish at times, especially after your breakup. ✦ Spends far too many nights with only his hand and it just doesn't compare to you, which is why he keeps showing up.
It wasn't long before you two were in your bedroom, you on your knees, with Suguru's cock right in your mouth. You could feel him all too clearly now, with your lips wrapped around him and that shiver of pleasure running through him. How familiar-tasting he was, such that you feel at home like this.
You continued with the task of pleasing him, your eyes holding his; there was a mix of lust and longing in both your gazes. It was as though, in the silence, they confessed that something very real was still held between them.
The tension was thick, the room was filled with the sound of wet slurps and groans as the atmosphere in the room was heating up.
Suguru wasn't letting you go anywhere as he forcefully pushed your head down, allowing his strong cock to go even deeper in your mouth. "There, there—take it like a good little slut," he purred with raw lust.
"Fuck, I missed this," he groaned, fucking your face without an ounce of consideration, his hips giving rough jerks forward. "Missed watchin' you choke on my cock, missed seein' you on your knees fer me."
He would pull out, a moment of him allowing you the chance to get a breath in—and then, brutally, he would plunge back in, setting a relentless pace. "You're mine, baby. Even now- when you wanna' act single."
You gagged and choked, tears streaming down your face, but you didn't want to stop, not when he looked at you with those intense, commanding eyes. His words infused something in your system, like a drug, feeding the fire that licked at your insides. You two ended it because he was toxic, still is, yet you crave it.
"Your mouth, fuck- jus' so good-" Suguru growled, eyes aflame with lust and determination as he continued to use it, "I've jerked off to our old pictures and videos so many times, but it's just not the same. I need new memories, doll. Needed a reminder of how good you are at sucking my cock."
He whipped out his phone, snapping pics of your tear-stained face and bruised lips wrapped 'round his shaft. "Smile for the camera, baby. Give me something to work with."
His words were filthy, but there was something raw underneath them. He needed you, he desired you in a way that was so much more than the physical. His phone continued recording this intimate moment as he worked your face, his cock glistening with your saliva.
You licked along the length of Suguru's shaft. A prominent vein twitched under your touch, enough to make him groan a little louder and tighten his hold on your hair.
"Such a good girl," he whispered in a very lustful tone, "My pretty girl. You know just how to make me feel good." His breathing grew ragged with each flick of the tongue over his erection and every added lick.
Suguru's hips snapped, his cock thrusting in and out of your mouth, the head. Sweat streamed down his forehead, his eyes closed in ecstasy.
Your tongue started teasing the underside of his cock, running at the most sensitive part of his head, which caused him to groan and thrust more.
An intoxicating smell filled the room, a mixture of lust and wanting one could practically smell in the air. There was something primal and instinctual about the two of you and your connection.
You kept on sucking Suguru's cock while his body tensed up. His breathing was coming in shaky gasps; his thrusts became harder. His eyes flickered open, met yours with that wild, atavistic expression of desire crossing his features.
"I'm gonna cum," he growled in a voice that was so low, commanding—that was an order. You knew what it was, so you doubled your effort, taking him deeper, your tongue working double to milk every last drop of pleasure from him.
"Shit, I'm so close-" Suguru panted, and his thrusts were sloppy as he neared that crucial point. Right then, he reared back just enough so you had a moment to catch a breath before he asked, "You want my load, baby? Want me to paint that pretty tongue with it?"
His phone angled down as you nodded, filled with a desire to please him. Suguru was many things, most not great, but the pictures always stayed with him, alone. That you knew.
Looking up the camera, sticking your tongue out at it, a mischievous smile on your face told him that you were ready.
He let out a guttural moan, his cock pulsing and shooting ropes of cum. You swallowed what he was offering, leaning forward, and letting the last squirts decorate your chin and lips.
Finally, Suguru let the last few drops fall onto your tongue, and he sighed satisfactorily as his body went limp. He eyed one of the pictures on his phone, a grin flaring on his lips. "Perfect," he muttered, pocketing the phone.
His thumb swiped over the cum painting your chin before he brought his finger to your lips. "Clean it up, baby," he ordered low, husky. You did, your tongue darting out to suck his thumb clean before he leant down to kiss you softly, one hand tenderly cupping your cheek.
It was a charged moment between you two, intimate and animal-like at the same time, one that sparked something dangerously close to care.
It was a reminder of the shared passion that still raged between you two, despite the time apart from the breakup.
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Sukuna Ryomen - one of his concubines
✦ Dare i say...Giving ✦ This man can get whatever he wants from anyone, he has no shortage of concubines, but there's only one of you so he savours your taste. ✦ He gets satisfaction just from hearing your moans, knowing he's the only one that can cause them.
You're lying back on the bed, your legs spread as he is on his knees, between them. Two of his arms are holding your thighs open and keeping your legs up. One is stroking your hair, and the fourth is at your waist, guiding you to arch your back, giving him better access to your pussy.
Sukuna's head dips down, his smirk still in place as his tongue slides out, flicking at your clit, and he groans at getting the taste of your sweetness. His fingers dig into your thighs even harder, holding you in place as he devours you, like a man starved.
One of those hands abandons your hair and drops down to your breast, squeezing at it, pinching and tugging your nipple. The mixture of pleasure and pain has you arching into his touch, moaning loudly.
The chuckle is dark, the sound is muffled but no less wicked. He pulls back slightly, blowing cool air against your wet folds. "You taste divine, little one. I could feast on this sweet cunt all night long."
With that, he dives back in, tongue delving deep inside you. He fucks you with his tongue, curling it to hit that one spot inside. His other hand joins in, fingers rubbing tight circles on your clit.
Sukuna remains constant—utterly unyielding and unrelenting, convinced that he has you unravelling at your seams. The muttered words of Sukuna follow the lead of his tongue. "You're the sweetest. Can't help but want to keep you by my side, always. My favourite- most precious concubine."
He wasn't a man to pay lip service with words like that. He meant them. You are his favourite, and you have him most taken. It is in the growl of possession in his voice, the way his grip on your thighs tightens, and his fingers work your clit.
Both his words and what he was doing to you had you writhing, and your moans grew louder. It was a heady mixture of pleasure, affection, and the unmistakable intensity of being worshipped by the King.
Sukuna parts his hold over your thighs and works his tongue more intensely, spearing deeper into your core, all with the silent determination to have you come apart on his tongue.
So enflamed in his hunger to suckle, Sukuna's tongue laved over its unending purpose against your pussy, lapping up your sweet nectar. The vibrations in his own moans rubbed against your sensitive flesh, sinfully and erotically loud.
One of your thighs is left abandoned from his hand, now down to grip his own cock. He strokes in time to the thrusts of his tongue, groaning at the dual sensations. The sight of him pleasuring himself while devouring you is fantastically erotic.
His fingers are pushing in, just like his tongue in your tight heat, and curl inside, always rubbing that spot that makes you see stars. All while his other hand is pumping his cock, and the wet sounds fill up the room.
Sukuna gets lost in the overwhelming pleasure but not too much as he remains very focused on you, devouring you. Fingers not ceasing, only driving harder, faster, building you towards the edge as he wanted nothing more than to taste your sweet release.
The taste of you had Sukuna nearly driven wild, his dark eyelashes fluttering under the feel of his own cock gripped tight in his hand. A little desperate, his strokes speed up with a lot more urgency now, parallel to the rhythm of his tongue and fingers inside you.
He is so focused on your pleasure, on making you come, that momentarily he has stopped thinking about himself. It's a rare glimpse of vulnerability—this powerful man, momentarily lost in the act of worshipping his concubine.
He's getting close now, breaths growing ragged, but he doesn't stop, can't stop. He's gone too far, too consumed with the need to have you come, to fill him with your release.
His tongue flattens on your clit, flicking, flicking rapidly over the sensitive nub. His fingers continue, curling inside. He's driving you, forcing you over the edge. Sukuna's hand moves faster over his cock; the wet sound of his strokes fills the room.
He's close, so fucking close. And he holds back—just waits for you, wants to feel your pleasure before he'll take his own.
"Come for me, little one," he growls, the words muffled against your pussy. Let me taste your release. Give yourself to me." His eyes opened, locking onto yours. In them, you saw your own pleasure reflected back at you—intense, all-consuming—you were waiting for him, ready for him to catch you as you fell.
His eyes never leave yours, interested in observing how your features contort with sensation, how your voice grows louder with moans. Every moment, every expression—committed to memory. And your taut body arches off the bed when your orgasm washes over you. Sukuna moans against your pussy, and those vibrations really drive the wave of pleasure through you.
He never quits, keeps on lapping at you until he draws out your orgasm and has you a quivering mess underneath him.
It's all too much for Sukuna; he loses it, coming with a guttural moan, his cum spurting over his hand. He continues stroking himself as he rides out his climax, milking the intense pleasure for all it is worth.
And then he finally pulls back, panting. He straightens up as he leans forward and captures your lips in a searing kiss. You can almost taste yourself on his tongue. Heady. More intoxicating.
"You are my true delicacy, little pet."
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Satoru Gojo - fwb
✦ Honestly both, perfect 50/50 ✦ He's needy and spoilt, wants to have as much as he can get. He's just so desperate for you. ✦ So why not both at the same time? He wants to enjoy the taste of you and have your mouth on him.
You feel Satoru's cock slide into your mouth, and he groans with pleasure as his hips slightly buck forward as you begin to suck. His mouth doesn't stop as he continues with his relentless assault on your pussy, his tongue sucking on your clit before delving deep inside of you.
"That's it, just like that," he pants, muffled in your flesh. "Fuck, your mouth feels so good." He pushes into your mouth, fucking your face as he eats you out, dazed by need and blinded by lust.
Your hands work and twist around his rock-hard length, helping speed you along. His throbbing cock is cradled by your tongue, swirling and flicking around the sensitive tip.
"Fuck, you're so good at that. Bet you'd take my whole cock down your throat if I asked, huh?"
He pushes on your head a little, shoving more of his length down your throat. You gag a bit, but he doesn't stop. "That's a good girl." He coos, fingers sliding inside you meanwhile, curling to strike your sweet spot. "Fuck, you're so wet for me, just dripping all over my face."
The room was filled with moans and whimpers as Satoru's fingers began to pump in and out while his mouth works over your clit, sucking and nipping relentlessly. "Heard you were gonna go out on a date with someone else. Some other guy was gonna fuck you while I what- waited here?"
His words slid from him, possessively jealous, as fingers and tongue worked in tandem, bringing you ever closer to that edge. "You're mine, angel. All mine, and I won't share you with anyone else." He could feel your body trembling—the arousal washing through you. He wanted to hear you say it—that you were his and you wanted him more than you wanted any other person.
He pulls his cock from your mouth, just barely, enough that you can speak. A trail of saliva connects from your lips to his cock.
The look in Satoru's eyes bore into your very soul in a way that desperately teeters on another emotion, maybe wanting or almost angry. "Say it, baby," his fingers remained hard, thrusting in against your very insides, while his thumb tightly rubbed small circles on your clit.
"I need to hear it from you. Tell me you don't want anyone else, that you only want me. Fuck- I can't stand the thought of you with someone else." His voice turns all gruff, like a beg, as he waits for your answer, his body trembling from the surging need and jealousy.
You give in, hating the puppy dog look you know is on his face, the words tumbling out, breathless. "I'm yours, swear- I don't want anyone else."
It's like the words light something up in Satoru; his fingers fist inside you, and his thumb presses onto your clit once more.
Satoru buries his face in your pussy and resumes, sucking at your clit like he was starved. "God, you taste so good. I could eat this sweet pussy all day long."
"No one else gets to have you like this, to make you feel this good." His words are muffled against your flesh, but the possessive tone is clear. As Satoru continues to eat you out, his hips push up again, driving himself deeper until your nose all but burrows into his trimmed pubes. "That's it, show me how much you want me."
He feels the convulse in your throat around his cock, the shudder your body does in pleasure. "So fucking good- shit-"
Your tongue swirled, flicking on the sensitive tip, with your fingers clutching his balls, gently tugging and squeezing them. You feel his cock twitching and throbbing in your mouth; the veins are standing out in relief. Your saliva spills down the length of his shaft, running down your chin.
Satoru's mouth is smeared with your arousal; his fingers are wet with more of your juices. His tongue drags through your folds, leaving a sticky trail.
Satoru's hips faltered, the rhythm of his thrusts against your mouth slowing "Fuuck- I'm so close, baby."
Your body shakes, too, as the peak of your orgasm comes on. You call out, arching your back off that sofa as Satoru's deft mouth pushes you over the edge, eagerly leaning up to continue, holding your hips.
Satoru's cock swells in your mouth, and his hips jerk as he spills his load down your throat. He groans loudly, his fingers still working inside you as you ride out your orgasm to his, his mouth continuing to please you.
His cock twitches in your mouth, and you pull away. He groans at the sensation, his head falling back onto the sofa, his fingers finally leaving your still-quivering pussy, and you feel empty and full of satisfaction.
You lean back down onto the couch, Satoru's thighs acting as a headrest. He shifts again, pulling you up so that you're lying beside him. He wraps one arm around you, tucking you into his side as he pants and tries to catch his breath. "God, you just make me lose my fucking mind," he murmurs. His words were honey-thick with adoration, like candy.
He plants his lips on the top of your head, running his fingers through your hair like silk. "Don’t want ya’ to leave me, so let's just make it official, yeah?" he murmurs, trapping you in his arms.
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Toji Fushiguro - boss
✦ Receiving. ✦ He gets lonely sometimes and craves the attention he gets from you. ✦ His work is exhausting and sometimes he just has to destress, it just so happens that his son’s babysitter is perfect for the job.
Toji groans as you take him into your mouth. He's been dying for this, for your touch, for weeks on end. It's been so long since he's had any kind of sexual contact, and the feeling of your warm, wet mouth around him is almost too much.
He reaches down to tangle his fingers in your hair, guiding the movements as you bob up and down on his length. "Fuck, just like that," he growls, hips rocking forward to meet your mouth. "You're such a good little cocksucker, aren't you? Taking my cock so well."
He wants to savour this, needs to make it last, "Ease up a little for me, sweetheart." His breath catches at you dragging your lips away from him to stroke a hand down over his slick, throbbing cock.
He feels the closeness, building pressure at the base of his spine. He's so close, so fast, it's goddamn embarrassing. Way too long since he'd had another touch. Toji's practically shaking with the effort of holding back, his abs flexing as he fights the urge to just let go.
You go slower, your tongue running downwards as you move to focus on his balls, sucking at the skin.
Toji lets out a shuddering groan as your tongue drags over his sensitive balls, his head falling back against the couch. "Oh fuck," he gasps, fingers tightening in your hair. "That's it, just like that. Suck on them, baby."
He's so goddamn close that he can hardly think. He wants to come, wants to feel the relief of release, but he wants it to last forever. He wants to bask in the feeling of your mouth on him, and he wants to drag out this moment of pure, unadulterated pleasure.
He fights it, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood as you work over his balls, your tongue and lips driving him wild. "Don't stop," he begs, voice rough with need. "Please don't stop."
Toji's breath catches in his throat as your lips trail back up his shaft, planting kisses along it. Each soft kiss sending sparks of pleasure racing through him. He's so unbelievably sensitive, every touch feeling amplified tenfold.
His eyes are heavy-lidded, yet he drinks in the sight of you, kneeling between his legs, flushed, and with shining lips. You look like a goddamn dream, like something straight out of his dirtiest fantasies.
You reach the tip of his cock, and you flick your tongue out to tease the slit, a low, guttural moan coming from Toji's lips as you do so. "Fuck, yes," he hisses, hips bucking slightly forward. "Makin' me feel so good."
He's so close to the edge, it would take only a few more strokes of your tongue, a bit more pressure from your lips, and that would be it. His body all but vibrates with the need as muscles tighten, breathing becomes ragged, and he approaches release.
He watches the way your lips stretch around his girth, eyes narrowed, a look crossing his face of lust mixed with possession. "Look at me, baby," he growls, tightening the grip in your hair. "Look at me while you suck me off."
The sight of your lips wrapped around his cock as your eyes meet his, makes his eyes roll. Toji tightens his grip in your hair, holding you in place, while his hips buck up to meet your mouth as he face-fucks you, using your mouth for his whim of pleasure.
"Fuck, I'm gonna come," he groaned as he fought the urge to let it go.  "You want my cum, baby? You want me to fill your mouth?"
He hisses, hips stuttering forward. "Take it, baby. Swallow every fucking drop." And then he's coming, his cock pulsing in your mouth as he spills himself into your mouth. He groans long and low, head thrown back, fingers tangled in your hair as he rides out the waves of his orgasm.
Toji's chest heaves as his high starts to come down, and he eases up on his grip in your hair. He looks down at you, a satisfied smirk on his lips. His hand comes to rest against your jaw as he silently urges you to open your mouth and show him.
Toji's eyes darken with approval as you open your mouth, revealing nothing but your pink tongue. He smirks, that possessive edge to his gaze sharpening. He leans forward, pulling you up some as his lips meet yours, tasting himself on your tongue. "Good girl," he purrs.
He releases you, giving your ass a sharp smack as he stands. "Get your ass upstairs, we ain't done here," he commands, his voice rough with renewed lust.
His long strides carry him toward the stairs, not waiting to see if you'd follow.
He knows you will.
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Kento Nanami - husband
✦ Giving. ✦ He's the husband blueprint, he looves worshipping you. ✦Especially when he sees you doing anything domestic, he's a sucker for that and finds it hard not to just bend you over and have you cum on his tongue until he's satisified.
He had you sitting on the kitchen counter with your legs wide open, as he tasted every inch of your pussy. He interrupted you as you were making food; he'd already made you come on his tongue once but evidently, he still wasn't done.
The breakfast you'd been preparing seemed as though it had occurred in some other lifetime now, the eggs and bacon were forgotten in their pans, Kento completely focused on you, his lips and tongue ran through your folds with such intensity, that it left you breathless. "So sweet," he purred.
Kento's tongue kept the relentless assault as his nose brushed against your clit, drawing and sucking at your soaking folds. Your hands were in his hair, borderline painful as you drove your hips to his face. Though he relished in that sweet sting, his tongue dove deeper, lapping up your juices as though it was the sweetest nectar.
His hands moved up and down your thighs, gripping and squeezing as he continued to dine from your wetness. His mouth was embedded in your pussy, and his tongue twirled inside you like he was lapping from a river.
"God-fuck- you taste so good," Kento groaned against your flesh, his breath hot against your core. It seemed to be one prolonged, relentless attack, since his tongue did not stop in his mission to have you fall apart once again.
His tongue slowly traced a path from the entrance of your pussy up to your clit. His movements were purposeful. Sucking on the sensitive bud, before moving backwards, pushing his tongue back inside.
The pressure and friction, from his tongue and the bridge of his nose constantly against your clit was driving you insane. He moaned against your flesh, bringing the vibrations to send shockwaves through your body. He was relentless; his tongue never stopping its assault on your pussy.
"Got the prettiest wife-" Kento murmured, his voice muffled but entirely filled with affection. He continued worshiping, his tongue sinking deep within you. "Could do this forever," he moaned.
Kento slowly pushed a finger inside you, curling it at the perfect angle, hitting your sweet spot as his tongue continued. The dual assault had you moaning loudly, your hands gripping his hair more tightly.
"You're so wet," he growled, his voice filled with lust as he pumped his finger in and out of you. His mouth never leaving your clit. Your senses were overwhelmed, with your body tensing in anticipation of the following orgasm. Kento's ministrations continued, driving you closer and closer to the edge.
He sucked on your clit, burst after burst of the pressure and suction that shot shockwaves across your body.  You could feel your orgasm start to build, the tension coiling inside of you. His tongue flicks rapidly over your clit, his fingers thrusting hard and deep inside you.
He's pushing you, urging you towards your climax. And with one last flick of his tongue, you shattered. Your body convulsed, your release gushing onto Kento's face. He lapped it up eagerly, the sound of slurping filling the room, drinking your very essence.
Kento's hands gripped your thighs, holding you in place as you rode out your orgasm. With your tremors subsiding, Kento let go of you, his face slick with your juices.
He looked up at you with a lopsided grin. "That's my beautiful wife," he encouraged, speaking the words with love and adoration in his voice.
Kento stood up, his face shining with a mixture of sweat and your arousal that coated his lips. He wiped his chin with the back of his hand and licked his lips.
Looking down at you with a satisfied grin, he continued, his voice filled just as much lust as with affection, "Seeing you around the house and remembering you're my wife just really gets me going. Sorry- I just couldn't help it."
His exuberance with praise and adoration was contagious. "I'm not complaining," you teased, "But now breakfast is ruined." You turned to the pans; the eggs and bacon were far past their prime by this point.
Kento laughed with mischief in his eyes. "I'd say it was a fair bargain," he chuckled as his eye skimmed your body most appreciatively, "Why don't I take you out for breakfast instead?"
He grinned at the shakiness of your legs as you nod. Smiling, you go to hop off the counter, only to be stopped by Kento-
"A late lunch", he corrects. "I still haven't satiated my fix for you yet, this morning", he went on, his body leaning in close enough that you could feel his erection against your thigh, straining against his sweats.
With that, you couldn't help but smile, leaning up to kiss Kento. The warmth in his praise and the lingering afterglow from your orgasm assured the love the two of you held for one another.
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please reblog if you enjoyed!
© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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anadiasmount · 5 months
photo booth kisses - jude bellingham x reader.
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quick sum: sharing a cheesy kiss with your boyfriend who can’t hide his shy face away from you.
psa 🗣️: a little birthday gift from me to you 🤭🤍
“sit here,” said jude tapping his lap as you closed the red curtain from the booth. you sat on his lap your legs resting by his right side and wrapping an arm behind his shoulders. “i’ll pay!” you quickly say pulling out your card and doing so before jude.
the whole date he refused to let you pay. the food, the arcade, the gifts you won at the end. while you loved the idea of being spoiled you wanted to do something for him, well the both of you to remember the date. you had made a memory box together, which held concert tickets, small flowers he picked for you, polaroids, and other reminders from old dates.
“why did you do that?” jude frowned pulling you closer to him resting his head on top of your shoulder. “because i wanted to,” you mocked him, knowing this would make him rage inside like how you felt when he said to you. “how many did you pay for?” he asked adjusting himself and you so you fit better in the frame.
“three, one for me and one for you! and then the other can go on the fridge or my vanity,” you explained smiling like an idiot as you looked up and saw jude in the frame, cheesing harder and wanting to press kisses all over his face. “i’m putting ours in my locker. my good luck anytime i play,” jude replied kissing your shoulder as you fixed the setting and picked out a cute xoxo frames for the pictures.
“or maybe cut it in half and place it in my wallet to carry you around with me all day,” he said making you pout with joy. “you’re so cute baby,” you tell him seeing jude’s face flush in shyness, his lips in a upside down smile and face begging to be tucked into your neck. “okay get ready! these have to be perfect!” you say clapping your hands excitedly.
three. two. one.
you pose cheesing and smiling hard together, two ducks in a lake happier and more in love then ever. your face beamed with a glow that only appeared when you were with him, not to say the least with jude, his brown eyes shimmering with adoration and love towards you.
three. two. one.
the two of you did a silly face. jude posing like roadman while you stuck up a peace and sticker your tongue out. you laughed it off brushing away how silly jude indeed looked while posing. you had not noticed that it automatically took a picture of you two laughing catched off guard. which made you want to squeal at how perfect it looked.
three. two. one.
you brushed your hand against jude’s jaw, bring his face close to yours and brushed your lips together. the kiss so soft and delicate it made you want more. jude sighed in pleasure, his eyes fluttering as his hands tugged your waist, his thumb rubbing shapes against your skin. you deepen the kiss, jude’s tongue brushing against yours, he tasted like candy, so sweet and tasty.
you both pulled away at the same time, you bit your bottom lip as jude hid the tiny shy smirk in your neck. just like in the movies and tv shows you had seen growing up as a teen, but now you finally experienced it with your handsome boyfriend. who also couldn’t stop cheesing at the kiss and you.
oh he was a madly in love with you. jude was never afraid of anything, but after meeting you, he was so afraid to lose you, so used to you now in his life. you were his lucky charm and the perfect person to be sent at the most perfect time for him. like a photograph taken at the most perfect time and place. a gorgeous flower grown and standing tall between roots and roots of short and dull grass.
“why are you hiding from me?” you teased jude who rested his head still on your shoulder. “because i get shy,” jude admitted with pursed lips. “because when you look at me… all i feel is this?” he took your hand and placed it over his heart. “i love you y/n…” he pecked your lips again, hearing you murmur and i love you back and feel you smiling.
“oh hey wait! they gave us four in total!”
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kquil · 10 months
SUM. : you find out the truth about the boys' relationship
REQUEST. : this might be a dumb question but are the marauders also all in a poly relationship with each other? if so, i'd love one where the reader finally has that realisation and gets all blushy and starts to consider if they'd ever want to include her —@thepunisherfrankcastle
TAGS. : modern au ; muggle au ; tattoo artist james ; tattoo artist sirius ; piercer remus ; only slight fluff ; mostly angst ; im so sorry ; reader finds out the truth ; but not really in the best way ; major misunderstanding trope ; sirius isn't a bad person! ; poly relationship revealed ; yay? ; distance ; walking away trope-ish ; james is precious ; remus trying to make the hard decisions ; our boys need a hug ; wolfstar ; starchaser ; angst angst angst ; im sorry im sorry im sorry!
LENGTH : 5.2k
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Hearing James giggling fills your chest with warmth and is so contagious that you have to bite your lip so as not to join him. He sees your resistance and moves his hand, making you freeze up and stop all movement. His index finger curls under your chin to lift your gaze as his thumb settles on your bottom lip and slowly draws it out from the press of your upper teeth. 
“I can’t be the only one laughing, angel,” on his face is an innocent smile but you know he’s devilish — the raging fire he lights up inside you with the smooth delivery of his simple statement is evidence enough that he’s up to no good.
His light grasp offers barely any resistance when you lift your chin away, “that’s because I’m not ticklish like you,” 
“Hey now,” he warns firmly but you can see the mutual playfulness reflecting clearly in his hazel eyes, it was like staring into clear honey, “you’re the one who’s colouring in my tattoo like a toddler,” 
“I was bored,” you defend a little too quickly, getting huffy and exaggerating a pitiful pout. It was… a sight, James admits in his head; you look adorable like this and he wants to frame the image in his memory forever, “and besides, you agreed to it,”
“Yeah, so don’t tease me about being ticklish,” his hand reaches up to play with a strand of your hair before he leans down to press a kiss onto your forehead, where you feel his mischievous smile lift up the corner of his lips, “instead, tell me how much you love to hear my laugh,”
There’s no way you’ll ever admit that. Not to his face, at least…
“Woah, comfy are we?~” came the familiar teasing voice of Sirius, who walks into the room and almost has his eyes bulging out at the sight of you and James, “you lucky bastard, Prongs,” Sirius clicks his tongue but there’s no malice in his eyes or tone, “shirtless, all relaxed and cool, leaning back into the sofa with our doll on your lap and colouring in your tats,” your cheeks heat up under your skin when a shameless expression takes over James’s face and he sends a wink over at his fellow tattooist. 
“I guess I saved the universe in a past life,” James chuckles, receiving an eye roll in return.
“And you, princess,” Sirius whistles playfully and leans down to kiss the crown of your head, “how lucky you are to have such well-sculpted muscles and a handsome face entertaining you,” the heat on your cheeks continue to blossom, “I don’t know who I’m more jealous of,”
That was the first time you were hinted at Sirius’s dichotomy. Between the wink he sends James and the satisfied grin the glasses-wearing brunette returns, you felt a slight shaking in your heart that you couldn’t quite place. 
It didn’t feel bad… but it didn’t feel good either…
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After the first homemade lunch you made for them, you’ve gotten into the habit of regularly visiting the boys at the shop with boxed lunches whenever time nears noon. They often insisted that the first surprise lunch was enough thanks. 
“It’s really okay for you not to do this, dove,” Remus voices, slowly trailing off as he leans forward to wipe a stray crumb off the side of James’ mouth with his thumb, only to lick the crumb he wiped off without batting an eye. James pays him no mind either and continues savouring your cooking; he was always the one person who devoured your food as if he was a starved man being fed for the first time.
“But–” you quickly protest, trying to dismiss the small gesture between the two, “but I enjoy cooking for you,” 
“And we’re very grateful,” Sirius smiles warmly at you and takes your hand to press a kiss against your knuckles, “but your company is enough,” ever the flatterer and flirt, you resist the butterflies in your stomach from his gesture and words. 
“And we feel guilty that you have to buy and cook all this food,” Remus adds but you assure them one more time. 
“I promise I’ll stop if it ever gets too hard or burdensome but, for now, please let me do it…” the boys look at each other and smile following a unanimous sigh of defeat. You weren’t aware of the effect your soft pleas and pretty eyes had on them. Of course, they couldn’t say ‘no’ and agreed, satisfied with your pledge for the meantime. 
“Ugh! These cookies are amazing!” James praises, completely oblivious to the interaction you had with Remus and Sirius. He looks up and the three of you have to suppress your laughter at his childish appearance, crumbs surrounding his mouth as his cheeks puffed out from the food he still had to chew. 
“Swallow your food first, James,” Remus reminds, which James quickly does before addressing you again. 
“Can you please teach me?” James leans forward in earnest and you swear there are stars in his eyes, “please teach me how to make them so I can have them all the time. I’m an expert at making fruit tarts now but Moony and Padfoot are sick and tired of me making just fruit tarts,”
You were flattered but…“I want them to stay special though,” you pout softly, “I want to be the only person who bakes them for you,”
Before James could answer, Sirius breaks out into peels of laughter, “you don’t have to worry about that, doll,” he winks at you and side-eyes James with a smirk, “James sucks ass in the kitchen, especially when it comes to baking,” James shouts in protest but is swamped by the laughter shared between you, Remus and Sirius. Nevertheless, you finally agreed to teach him just so he stops pouting… even if he looked cute doing so. 
That Saturday, you were at their apartment, eager to teach James the secrets to your baking creations. Their flat was sizable and still relatively clean, which you verbally praise and are clued into all of their cleaning habits in more detail. It appears that they have a pretty good system going on that keeps things neat; Remus handles the organisation of all items and keeps stock on most things, Sirius proactively keeps all spaces clean and James loves doing laundry. When asked, he said that the main reason was because he liked the smell of clean sheets, which you couldn’t really blame him for. Together, their good habits cumulatively result in a tidy space and you were impressed; not only were they great friends but they functioned well together too. In some ways, you were envious of that. 
When you arrived at the apartment, the boys had all of the ingredients you sent over on a list laid out on their kitchen counters, ready to be put together and baked into your famous cookies. 
“Do you two want to join us?” you ask with a smile as James helped you into Sirius’ apron, tying up the strings behind you. 
“We’re good, darling,” Sirius smiles and offers to tie up your hair as James slips into his apron. You don’t deny his assistance and hand him over your hair tie as Remus observes the scene with a soft smile, leaning against the door frame that leads into the kitchen.
As much as Sirius and Remus disparaged James’ abilities to bake in the kitchen, he, once again, proved them wrong. He did pretty well with following your instructions and getting things done if you discounted the times he got distracted and had to pull you away from the work as well, just to share in the fun. The last time you baked together was a lot of fun and you were just as eager to get back into the kitchen with him in order to experience that joy all over again. Like last time, Sirius and Remus occupied the living room while you and James got to making the cookie dough before eventually baking the cookies. With the timer set, it won’t be too long before you’re happily serving everyone yours and James’ baked cookies with some tea and coffee. 
“It’s just down the hall,” James points out, directing you to their bathroom, “it’s the last door on your right,” with a quick word of thanks, you make your way out to relieve yourself while James gets started on clean up duty. You promised not to be too long so he didn’t have to clean all by himself but he just laughed it off and assured you to take all the time you need — ever the sweetheart. 
Your mood was light and happy and, like all other times you spent with the boys, it felt as if you were walking on air… that is, until you weren’t. From the corner of your eye, when passing the living room doorway, your heart came to a stuttering stop at the scene you happened upon. 
Seated on the sofa was Remus with Sirius’ laid down, his head on the tall brunette’s lap. It would have been a scene you could have easily shrugged off if it weren’t for Remus bending down so that the two could share a loving kiss. One that had Sirius running his fingers through Remus’ light brown hair, who returned the touch by tenderly gripping at Sirius’ thigh with a spare hand. You would have remained frozen there, like some petrified statue, if Sirius didn’t hum pleasantly only to have Remus chuckle against his lips. 
Hurrying to the bathroom, you struggle to get the scene out of your head as your heart breaks over and over again until the stinging pain in your chest dulls into a throbbing ache. 
If they were in a loving relationship then you were happy for them, truly…you were; they always looked so content and at bliss around each other, you felt stupid for not having put the puzzle pieces together yourself. It was just conflicting as to why they never hesitated to establish some sort of distance with you when they already had one another. They were together romantically and yet they were able to press loving kisses against your temple and wrap their arms around you with their loved one standing close by?...
“There you are,” James chuckles when you finally make it back into the kitchen, “I was starting to get worried that you somehow got lost on your way to the bathroom,” it was a weak attempt but you joined his laughter without offering to explain your whereabouts. Turning back to the sink, James returns to washing the dishes as you wordlessly get to wiping down the surfaces. He doesn’t appear to notice your sudden change in mood or, at least, he doesn’t let on that he knows; soon enough, he’s yapping away again, being his usual goofy self and drawing a smile from you. He almost makes you forget. You could always count on James to be your ray of sunshine; a happy bug who was eager to spread his contagious joy. 
Sirius and Remus were a… surprise, although you really should have known better than to not suspect anything. They’re happy though, and you’re happy for them; that’s what matters. 
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It was hard to gauge whether or not you should confront them about the revelation you had about their relationship. You had to thoroughly think it over… 
There had to be a reason behind why Remus and Sirius didn’t want to tell you about their relationship and managed to get James in on it too. It must have been a very good reason. So you can’t fault them and resolve to stay silent on the matter. Their privacy needs to be respected; they’ll tell you when they’re ready, you’re sure of it. For now, you just have to act normal, as if nothing happened. The only problem was that you were left to wonder…
Why haven’t they told you? Is it awkward for them? Maybe they didn’t trust you enough? Did they think you were homophobic?— You’re not! You fully support all types of love in all its forms and would never be prejudicial towards them because they preferred the same gender. Or maybe they did trust you but the right time just never came up? That’s also plausible. They probably just need time…yeah! Time, you can give them that; you’re a very patient person, after all—
“H-huh?” you blink rapidly, returning to the present as Remus tilts his head at you curiously. 
“Are you okay?” there’s an amused smirk painted across his lips as he eyes you up and down, “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” his warm voice is like a comforting hug on an autumn day, one that makes you want to lose all thoughts and melt into his arms. 
“Y-yeah!” you chirp as embarrassment begins to creep in, “Sorry about that,” he laughs with you, “I guess I got distracted,” Remus nods, understanding in his eyes as he turns to the clock on the office wall.
“The both of us have been at it for a while,” he hums when reading the time, “I think we deserve a break,”
“Snack run?” 
Seeing the delight in your eyes, Remus laughs and presses a kiss to your temple. It takes everything in you not to lean away out of respect for Sirius —you still need to act as normal as possible so you don’t draw attention but it’s getting harder and harder to do so, “snack run,” he confirms, his gaze lingering on your tight-lipped smile. It’s an awkward tilt of your lips and it doesn’t belong on your usually soft and brightly beaming features, Remus thinks to himself. He wants to ruminate on it’s appearance further but files away his thoughts for another day, “let me tidy up here first and I’ll meet you out front,”
Nodding stiffly, you hurry to leave and get to the front of the parlour, where you can safely catch your breath. There, you can recalibrate your thoughts and feelings from a safe distance—
Your gradually slowing thoughts come to a grinding halt as you pass. 
What did you just see?...
Angling yourself carefully and peeking through the crack of the door, you resist the urge to gasp in horror. In an otherwise empty tattoo room, Sirius sits in his tech chair and angles himself upwards as James stands and leans down to meet the former in a sweet kiss. 
Scandalised, you cover your mouth and step away from the door, suppressing a scream as racing thoughts pour into your head. 
All breath escapes you and the world begins to spin. The charming, loyal and honest character of Sirius that you’ve built up in your head breaks apart and you’re left spiralling at the implications of his betrayal. You feel like crying and vomiting and throwing a rage-filled fit all at the same time! Wait! —No! It’s not about what you want to do it’s about what you need to do and that’s to—
It was then that you hear Remus walking down the steps behind you. Your heart jumps in your chest and your stomach caves in on itself. Leaning forward, you peek through the crack in the open door again and find Sirius carefully prepping his tools for a later appointment while James is against one wall on the other side of the room, checking something on the computer. 
Good… Remus doesn’t have to see anything… you think to yourself, although the thought alone makes your heart break all over again. 
“Ready to go?” Remus asks, approaching you with a lifted brow of curiosity. He’s probably wondering why you haven’t made it to the front of the parlour yet. 
“I-I was just thinking!…uhh,” you bite your lip and try to keep your rising panic from reflecting in your eyes. 
“I don’t really want to go on a snack run,”
“Oh?” Remus didn’t even try to hide his surprise, it wasn’t like you to not go on a snack run — so much for wanting to act normal… “How come?”
“I just remembered something-!” it was a lame excuse but you could kill two birds with one stone through this, it’ll be worth it, “-something I wanted to talk to Sirius about—”
“You called?~” speak of the devil and he shall appear. Upon hearing his name, Sirius pulls open the door and flashes his usual charming smile, which only draws a chilling glare from you. Caught off-guard, Sirius blinks in surprise, “What’s the matter, dollface?”
A taunting whistle floats through the air from behind him as James steps up and eyes your unusually angry expression, “what did you do this time, Pads?”
“I-I don’t know…” his normally confident, unwavering voice stutters and is offered cautiously, almost scared despite the tattooist standing a good few inches taller than you. 
Finding some confidence, you square your shoulders and address Remus again but keep your glare focused on Sirius, “Why don’t you and James go on a snack run while I talk to Sirius?” you almost snap out the cheater’s name from spite. You can’t believe you ever deluded yourself into thinking he was a good person that could do no wrong. He’s charmed you, Remus and James, tricked all three of you and you weren’t going to stand for it. 
The two boys jokingly wish their friend ‘good luck’ as they walk past and head out, promising to get his favourites so he can nurse his wounds from the verbal beat-down he was about to receive with something yummy. It’s clear that James and Remus don’t really believe you’re capable of delivering much vengeance or rage but the fire in your eyes tells Sirius otherwise. As soon as the front door closes behind the two, you push Sirius back into the private tattoo room before he could utter a single word. 
“You need to explain yourself, Sirius Orion Black and you need to do it now!” you demand, your voice harsh and biting, something you’ve never done in front of the boys before and catches the traitor, in your eyes, by complete surprise. Sirius doesn’t know what he’s done but he already feels incredible guilt and sorrow over it. He’s never wanted to draw out such a horrid emotion out of you; you’re only allowed to feel happiness and love and comfort. Not this. Never this…
“I-I don’t understand, princess—” he reaches for you but you step away from his touch, your piercing glare and obvious rejection stabbing a knife through his chest. You’ve never pulled away from his reach before, he’s not used to this. What did he do? He would take it all back, whatever he did, if it meant that you would lean into his touch again rather than pull away. He’d do anything to quash the evident flames of rage in your eyes. What did he do?... What did he do goddamnit?! 
“I saw it! I saw everything! You’re playing both of them!” you shout, your rage lashing out and scorching him with their intense heat. There was no holding you back, you told him everything, about how you saw his kiss with Remus and James. His eyes widen in shock before filling with horror, which does nothing but corroborate your heart breaking revelations, “I don’t want to believe it! How could you do this to them, Siri?...” your shouting voice slowly quietens and tapers off at the end, quivering like a shaken autumn leaf. So heartbroken over the fact, your rage quickly turns into sorrow and tears quickly fill your eyes, “You’re better than that, I know you are!” and you really do. No matter how betrayed you feel and having witnessed the evidence first hand, you cling onto the little slither of faith you still had in Sirius, “Please tell them the truth, they deserve the truth… they deserve you being forthcoming with them because they’re good guys,”
Looking on at you, Sirius feels his heart break. This misunderstanding was tearing you up inside and, although it makes him happy to know that you would confront him and be angry for the boys at his supposed betrayal, watching you break down, and sob uncontrollably made Sirius’ heart twist and clench uncomfortably— painfully so. 
Without a word, he reaches out again and is able to bring you into his arms. You don’t return the gesture but you make no effort to push him away either. 
“Shhh Shhh Shhhhhh, darling…” Sirius whispers comfortingly, softly patting your hair as he waits for your sobbing to calm down enough for him to come clean. Scrap the plan, whatever bullshit plan they came up with to slowly ease you into accepting their relationship before selfishly asking for your love as well. He wasn’t going to let you continue misunderstanding their relationship, especially when it’s causing you so much pain, “...this is all a big misunderstanding…” he begins softly once your cries were finally reduced to soft sniffles, “do you know what polyamory is, sweetheart?”
“It’s when more than two people agree to be in a loving, romantic relationship with each other, all at the same time,” he explains in the same soft voice, his arms never pulling away from you as he feels you slowly lose your grip on resistance. 
“Is…is that…”
“Yes, that’s the relationship James, Remus and I are all a part of…” he looks down with a gentle smile and watches you peek up at him curiously. Sirius resists the urge to swoop down and pepper your face with kisses. Just when he thought his love for you couldn’t grow any bigger, here you were being the sweetest, most caring and lovable little thing he’s ever laid eyes on. 
However, you slowly begin to shake your head and the resistance in your eyes and expression returns. This time you push him away and keep him at arm's reach. Like a scared prey animal being cornered by a predator, you inch your way back until you're pressing yourself against the wall beside the door. It takes Sirius two steps forward to finally stop and keep his place so that you don’t feel pushed or stressed by his presence. 
“I-I won’t believe you until James and Remus say so…” 
He shrugs and gives you a pained smile. He supposes he can’t blame you for being cautious and not believing him, he’s the apparent ‘cheater’, afterall. 
You watch Sirius part his lips to voice something when you hear the parlour door open and rush into the hallway to see James and Remus walk in. The two were grinning cheekily at each other and their arms were piled high with an assortment of snacks. They held true to their promise; you could spot many of Sirius’ favourites among the pile and it made your stomach twist uncomfortably. 
As soon as the two look up and see your dishevelled form, your eyes pink and tearful, your bottom lip wobbling from restrained cries and your frame closed up like a frightened clam, the snacks are carelessly disregarded and they rush to your side. 
“Dove?” Remus calls, worry evident in his voice as he steals a glance at Sirius over your trembling shoulder. The response he was given — tight lips, drawn into a straight line and unreadable eyes — wasn’t enough, however and his chocolate pools hardened into brown stone. What. Did. You. Do?... Remus silently interrogated the tattooist.
“What happened, angel?” James immediately wraps his arms around you and you almost melt into his hold if it weren’t for your need to clarify everything dominating your thoughts. 
“Are you and Remus in a relationship with Sirius?” your hesitant voice, small and fraying at the edges, speaks up but barely above a whisper. The two men visibly stiffen beside you and you feel a well of tears quickly building up again; your thoughts immediately jumping to the worst possible outcome. 
“Tell her the truth. Give her peace of mind, lads,” Sirius speaks up, his own voice lacking its usual confidence and was reduced to a vulnerable softness. 
“Yes,” Remus affirms after a beat of silence. 
“We’re all consenting, we all love each other, mutually!” James pipes up, his tone bordering on defensive despite not knowing what he’s their relationship defending from, “You…you don’t think of us differently do you?”
“No! No no no! Of course not,” you quickly elucidate your thoughts, your shoulders relaxing as you turn and meet eyes with Sirius, mustering a small smile, “it’s actually quite a relief,”
Grinning softly, Sirius steps up to explain the situation, “Dollface over here thought that I was cheating on you and James with each other, Rem,” he chuckles softly, amusement in his eyes though it still lacked their full brightness, “she gave me a good shouting to and looked like she was ready to bite my head off if I didn’t ‘come clean’ to both of you,” Remus laughs and pulls Sirius into a sideways hug as James coos lovingly at you. 
“You got angry for us, angel?” James presses his face into your hair and nuzzles you affectionately, “you’re the sweetest~” he coos, his smirk growing as he feels an embarrassed heat radiating off your cheeks. 
“St-stop the James,” you whine with an awkward smile and wiggle yourself out of his arms, avoiding his pouting lips because you know your resolve will melt away at the sight. It was confirmed. They were in a relationship, all three of them, with each other. You should be happy that Sirius wasn’t a cheater and still the wonderful man you saw him to be. But, no matter how happy you were for them, the twisting of your stomach and the gaping hole in your heart wasn’t easily fixable. 
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The following weeks, you maintained the friendship you had with the boys, who no longer felt the need to limit their intimate touches around you. However, whenever they tried to initiate affection with you, as per usual, once the innocent kiss on the temple and harmless hug was now fervently being rejected by you and pushed away. You had no intention of disrespecting their relationship, even if most acts of affection you exchanged as friends were innocuous. But, then again, it was also your way of protecting your already shattered heart. Yes, you could just stay away from them entirely but you had built such a strong friendship with them that it didn’t feel right to candidly pretend that you’ve never met them before. It’ll do more harm than the harm you were inflicting now…  
Ever the observant man that he was, Remus knew the instant reason behind your hesitation and was quick to reassure you the next time you were invited over for tea. 
“It’s really okay, sweetheart,” the tall brunette hums softly as James and Sirius agree from their own seats, “we’re okay with it and you aren’t going to come in between any of us, I promise you,”
Stubbornly, you shake your head, pulling a deep frown from all of them.
“Are you not comfortable with it?” James asks with uncertainty, his question and its potential implication is filled with enough dread to make even his two lovers stiffen up. 
You nod your head ‘yes’ and they slump in their rejection. It hurt to know that the revelation of their relationship had pushed you away when the basic nature of their affair meant more love for everyone. And they wanted it to include you… Their romance that led to such an abundance of love and promises of more was now paradoxically pushing you away. For once, they didn’t know what to do, not a single one of them could come up with any idea to resolve the ever-growing tension in your relationship. It was a rubber band ready to snap. 
“If you’re uncomfortable then we’ll respect that and keep our distance, touch-wise” Remus surrenders despite the heartbreak it gives him while Sirius shoots up and sends him an irate glare, one that Remus coldly returns. It wasn’t a question of their comfortability but yours, Sirius needed to regard that to the highest degree and Remus was all too ready to make him face the music. They can’t afford to lose you and if it meant that he needed to make the hard decisions then so be it.
“Thank you,”
“...do you not want to be around us anymore?” James speaks up, not necessarily taking things to their extremes but rather potential, future escalations. He’s seen it. In the days and weeks that followed the divulgence of their true relationship, bit by bit you have begun to pull away from them to the point where James can vividly see where the escalation of your behaviour will lead and it’s frightening. One day, you’ll just disappear and that terrifies him. 
“No no…” your weak defence, lacking true resolve, ignites a shock of terrorising fear in all three of them, their eyes shaking with trepidation. But you couldn’t see it because you couldn’t look at them, like a coward. Because that’s what you are — a coward. The heartbreak was chipping away at you. You thought you would be brave enough to see them happy together but you couldn’t. Because, not only were you a coward, but you were selfish too. Green with envy, you stewed in that awful, stomach-twisting, heart-aching, bitter-tasting, gut-wrenching feeling each time you saw every loving kiss, affectionate cuddle and sweetly whispered words. 
Throughout your friendship you grew to love each of them as more than a simple friend. You know it was wrong but they were all so charming in their own, unique way. They treated you sincerely, cared for you without any sinister, ulterior motives and they’ve successfully wormed their way into your life and heart, permanently. 
What was once something that brought you such joy, warmth and feelings of safety was now mercilessly ripping you apart. 
Their dynamic looked different to you now that you were looking through a different lens. They weren’t just close friends anymore, they were very much in love and have been romantically involved for a few years now — it was one of the first things you found out about their relationship. Its longevity was a testament to their unwavering love for each other and here you were, secretly, selfishly and salaciously hoping for your own slice of the love pie.  
How dare you…
Just because you’ve had such bad luck with love didn’t mean you had the right to wish for something that couldn’t possibly become yours. You have no right to ask them for love when they are completely content with their own.  
“Please don’t push us away, dollface,” Sirius begs softly, his steel grey eyes melting into a pool of mercury. Beautiful but poisonous. Something you want but can’t have. 
“I’m sorry,” you’re breathless when you see the genuine fear in their eyes and turn away from the sight. This isn’t the time to turn weak at the knees, “it’s getting pretty late, I should go,” shouldering your bag, you get up and rush to leave their flat. 
“Stay,” Remus half commands and half begs, almost stopping you in your tracks, “please stay… we need to talk to you about something important,” if there was any time for them to reveal the truth, it was now. Before they lose you, before they drown themselves in regret, before they fall into a pit of despair, before they—
“I’m sorry…” you repeat and, just as James feared, you disappear. 
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A/N : this took such a long while to write but i wanted it to be perfect, thank you so much for requesting this darling @thepunisherfrankcastle it fit perfectly into the plot although i did make some slight altercations to your request. unfortunately, there's still more to go after this so i'm going to have to leave you darlings with a cliffhanger, look out for part 5! (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
TAGLIST : @melinajenkins @aastonishment @until-i-found-you @corp0real @sageskisses444 @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @chaosofmanyfandoms @storyofaromance @loving-and-dreaming @somewereinthegalaxi @ashreblogsficshere @cassandra-nerezza-black @stray-bi-kids @ttkttt @notasadgirlipromise @ghostgardn @mess-is-my-aesthetic @susyelectra @fangirlninja67 @pagesfalling @thepunisherfrankcastle @axeofwars @imarimon @in-love-with-4-marauders @chicken-taco-burrito @valencia-rou @feast0nmeee @lestat-whore @hvmxjjk @twilightlover2007 @diaryofabiwoman @woohoney @celestialfantasiess @willbedecided @lovelyygirl8 @iiirhiane-g @mangodamochiii @queerqueenlynn @l3xiluve @brain-has-left @bunbunbl0gs @kneelforloki @citrusiove @virtualbuni @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer @that1nerd-20 @wolfstar4everbitches @skepvids @dearmy-diary @littledollfacebaby @mylifeisnothing @em16cor @krazyk99 @imdoingbetternow @realalpacorn @remussbitch @swiftieeras1989 @lonely-nerd-sodaholic TAGLIST CLOSED
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vaspider · 5 months
Simply put, there is a ton of fascist-chic cosplay involved. Once an officer joins the Grays, they get a special uniform designed by their tech overlords. The Grays will also donate heavily to police charities and “merge the Gray and police social networks.” Then, in a show of force, they’ll march through the city together. “A huge win would be a Gray Pride parade with 50,000 Grays,” said Srinivasan. “That would start to say: ‘Whose streets? Our streets!’ You have the A.I. Flying Spaghetti Monster. You have the Bitcoin parade. You have the drones flying overhead in formation.... You have bubbling genetic experiments on beakers.… You have the police at the Gray Pride parade. They’re flying the Anduril drones …”
Everyone would be welcome at the Gray Pride march—everyone, that is, except the Blues. Srinivasan defines the Blue political tribe as the liberal voters he implies are responsible for the city’s problems. Blues will be banned from the Gray-controlled zones, said Balaji, unlike Republicans (“Reds”). “Reds should be welcomed there, and people should wear their tribal colors,” said Srinivasan, who compared his color-coded apartheid system to the Bloods vs. Crips gang rivalry. “No Blues should be welcomed there.”
While the Blues would be excluded, they would not be forgotten. Srinivasan imagines public screenings of anti-Blue propaganda films: “In addition to celebrating Gray and celebrating Red, you should have movies shown about Blue abuses.… There should be lots of stories about what Blues are doing that is bad.”
Balaji goes on—and on. The Grays will rename city streets after tech figures and erect public monuments to memorialize the alleged horrors of progressive Democratic governance. Corporate logos and signs will fill the skyline to signify Gray dominance of the city. “Ethnically cleanse,” he said at one point, summing up his idea for a city purged of Blues (this, he says, will prevent Blues from ethnically cleansing the Grays first).
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crishayle · 10 months
Astrology notes
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Reminder. When reading, take into account your entire natal chart.Thank you for the feedback⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
People with the Moon conjunction/trine/sextile Jupiter are very friendly. I will not say that they immediately seem cute at first impression (you need to watch the ascendant for this), but in further communication with them you feel their charisma and friendliness.It's very cozy with them!
I often discuss with people their natal chart and their complaints, and I noticed that people with Mercury square/opposition ascendant have certain features in terms of mind. For example, memory problems, or good long-term, but poor short-term memory, it is difficult for them to concentrate on several things at once, or on the contrary, they lack perseverance, it is difficult for them to assimilate new information. Their mind is not weak, just different from the usual one.Or I observe problems with speech (stuttering, burr, lisp, unusual accent)
Selena in the 3rd house, Mercury conjunct Venus/Mars, Venus in the 3rd house have very pleasant voices. Their voices are velvety, most often modal (chest)
Have you noticed how during the scorpio season all astrologers wrote posts on the topic of sex? It's all scorpio's vibe𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑
I read on one forum that the combination of the ascendant in Leo and the Sun/Venus in the 1st house gives a bright and sexy appearance. I'm not sure about sexuality, but their appearance is really very beautiful and unusual!
People with Lilith in the 4th house are more likely than others to think about moving to another city/country, and just to another place. In a change of environment, they can feel out of their comfort zone and self-development. If Lilith is amazed, then the person will want to move because of personal beliefs (most often because of politics)
It seems to me that the most important and cardinal thoughts come to our minds when transit houses return to natal houses (for example, the Sun in the 3rd house in the natal chart and the transit Sun in the 3rd house).It's like a personal new year in my head.You sum up your results, plan, create different options for the future. Ideas may come up that you haven't thought about before. Physically, nothing new is happening, the usual routine (home and study/work), but in a person's head there are huge independent (!!!) changes
Guys, whose strongest planet in the natal chart is the Moon, do you also f*cking feel every full moon and new moon?
People with the Moon in the 1st house, the ascendant in Cancer, the Moon in Cancer/4th house, the Sun in the 4th house need personal space. They can be very sociable and energetic, but they need at least 15 minutes of silence to distract themselves and be alone
Retrograde natal planets can be compared to a splinter that is stuck deep under the skin and you can't see where it can be pulled out. It's difficult, but it's possible. Retrograde planets can also be made less problematic, but it will take a lot of effort
Some underestimate the influence of stellium, believing that the ascendant, the sun and the moon are enough to understand a person.As practice shows, most often this is not enough, especially when the stellium and the Big Three are different in temperament.Please consider your stelliums
Mars in Sagittarius can look athletic even if they don't do sports
If you see a person who reads the news about maniacs, murders and crime, then there is a 90% chance that he has placements in Scorpio/8th house
Most content makers have strong placements in Leo/Aquarius/5th house/11th house. I'm talking about people who have been blogging for a long time and professionally, as well as whose work is related to the media sphere
Mercury in Virgo/6th house has a lively mind in conversation. They argue well, they discuss well, they can turn your words against you.They may respond sharply, but in fact
Often we may be attracted to the creativity or personality of some famous person because of similar placements in the natal chart
On the astro-seek website, you can guess the Sun/Moon/ascendant of a person from a photo. According to statistics, people with Scorpio/Aquarius in the Big Three have the least guessed photos. Still, I agree that these are the most mysterious signs of the zodiac
According to Ceres in the natal chart, you can learn about the upbringing of a person (since this asteroid shows the connection between parents and a child).For example, Ceres in the 5th house indicates a creative child. He could come up with a lot of games, drew a lot, and behaved a little differently than other children. He could love to read or listen to fairy tales.Good imagination, but perceives visual information best
It seems to me that people with the Moon square/opposition Saturn/Uranus/Neptune/Pluto are more likely than other people to wind themselves up. These people perceive emotions, events, people deeply. They have high emotional intelligence, but it is often difficult for them to turn off their head and calm down from thoughts
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thewulf · 8 months
Not Just Pals || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Request - Hello darling! I have a request for you if you don't mind... It's a hangman x fem! Reader pen pals to friends to lovers kind of thing. Like maybe when he was in the academy someone put his name in this program to write to college students but joke on them because he got paired with reader and they hit it off almost instantly... Read Rest Here
A/N: Whew! This one was for whatever reason really tough to write! I changed it up a little bit but I hope you guys still enjoy it. :)
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.9k +
T/W : Self-doubt
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October 9th, 2014
Hi There Y/N,
I’m not sure how you’re really supposed to start one of these things? How are you supposed to go about talking to somebody you’ve literally never met before? Although the Navy/Army pen pal thing could be interesting. I’ll be honest, my buddy signed me up and I didn’t think I’d actually write anything down but then I got the email with your name on it, Cadet Y/N Y/L/N. Consider myself intrigued.
What’s it like up in New York? Is it cold? Do you get a lot of snow? It gets awfully cold down here in Maryland, so I have to imagine how cold it gets up there. I’m from Texas so I’m still adjusting to this weather… four years later. It’s not easy. I think it’s the hardest part of living in the northeast. I’d rather run a marathon with a thirty-pound pack on than sit outside in the snow for more than twenty minutes. I hope to get stationed somewhere warm when this is all set and done.
Your ‘about me’ says you’re going into the Air Defense Artillery after West Point… which is the exact opposite of what I’m doing. Consider myself doubly intrigued Cadet. What do you do? Fire missiles and rockets at jets? That can’t possibly be as much fun as firing them when you’re in the air. It’s cool just not nearly as cool as what I do, know what I mean? Maybe a close second though.
Have you even been in a jet before? I bet you’d like it. I obviously don’t know you, but I haven’t met many people who didn’t like it. There’s something so freeing about flying 1,000 miles per hour in a tiny silver tube. You should try it sometime. If this whole thing works out maybe I’ll even take you up one day, who knows?
I guess that was my attempt at 20 questions. Hopefully you didn’t find it too annoying. Hope to hear back from you soon!
Jake Seresin
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November 23rd ,2014
Hello Future Lieutenant Jake Seresin,
I’m thrilled you actually decided to write. I’m glad my name was all you needed to pick up that pen. I have to admit you made me giggle a few times. You seem effortlessly funny Mr. Seresin. Even for a soon-to-be Pilot.
I find it comical you’re asking me about the weather of all things, Midshipmen. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do on an awkward first date? But to answer your question, yes it’s cold as all get out up here. But I’m from Indiana so I’m used to it. Doesn’t mean I didn’t wish West Point wasn’t in Georgia or something. Why’d they have to put all the Military schools in the north?
What was it like growing up in Texas? Did you ever see snow? One of my favorite memories from this place is watching my roommate (who’s from Florida) see and play in snow for the first time. She froze her ass off but had the day of her life. She also hates snow now. So, it looks like you warm people have that in common.
To sum it up I guess you can say we fire rockets and missiles. My professors always say, ‘If it sounds like rocket science, it is’. Basically, we need to protect the ground troops from the flying bastards aka you. Although we do love our American flying bastards. So, I guess that doesn’t knock you down too many pegs in my book. Do you think they matched us up because our jobs are the antithesis of the other? If so, somebody had a hilarious sense of humor.
I’ve never been in a jet, and I have no plans to either. I don’t think I’d enjoy it if we’re being honest. You’re talking to the girl who gets sea-sick on cruises and had to take a motion pill if we’re going to an amusement park. My lil brain can’t handle the motion. A character flaw as they say. I also have a sense that you wouldn’t go to easy on me, being Army and all. I’ll stick to my calculations and rockets.
Don’t tell anybody I wrote this, but I do think what you guys do is so badass. I work with a bunch of jealous Cadets who couldn’t make it into the Army Aviation division, they’re just bitter. When I was little my dad used to take me to the Blue Angels shows in Chicago whenever they made their way across the States. Kind of the reason why I wanted to be in the military in the first place. But only my dad knows that. And well, I guess you now too. So, keep my secret safe Mr. Seresin.
I know the weather is less than desirable, but I do hope you’re finding things you love in Annapolis! There are some of the best crab cakes I’ve ever had there.
Thanks for the smiles after a long week!
Your New Friend,
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February 16th, 2015
Future Second Lieutenant Y/N Y/L/N,
That has a right to it doesn’t it? Your name sounds good with a Second Lieutenant in front of it. Sorry it’s been so long since I wrote. Getting busy with graduation coming up and practical’s and all. It’s a lame excuse I know, but it’s all I got. I hope you know how big I smiled reading your letter to me. I read it about fifty times before I could write a decent response to you. You have a way with words that I haven’t read in a long, long time.
Was your father in the military? None of my family was. I also loved the Blue Angels when they came down to Houston for the air shows. I’d always beg and plead and finally my mom or sister would give in and take me. They’re also the reason I’m here. So, I guess we should thank them that we got to meet. Neither you nor I would be in these academies without them. Your secret is locked away in the drawer and safe in my head too. It’s super safe with me.
I’ll be honest, the food here is so damn good. I sure do miss my Texas barbeque, but the spread is better up over here. Plus, the snacks? I didn’t know there was different brands sold across the states and you guys have better girl scout cookies! That’s just not fair. I could’ve gone my whole life knowing that there were two versions of girl scout cookies and I got the worse version. I’ve enjoyed the move far more than I’ve regretted it. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. It doesn’t guarantee I’ll be a pilot, but it means I’m one step closer to getting there.
What all schooling do you have to do after you graduate this spring? Are you up for deployment soon? I’ve got a lot left to go. If I get picked after I’ve got a few years of flight school ahead of me. Then I’ll really be off. Wish me luck I make it!
With Love,
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March 13th, 2015
Mr. Seresin,
I was getting worried! I thought it was something I had wrote. I’m glad it’s your negligence and not mine for the lack of communication. I forgive you though. It’s been stressful up here in New York as well. I luckily don’t have any practical’s I need to worry about. Just a few nuclear engineering classes are standing in between me and graduation.
I just have a year of Officer School (if I get selected that is) after this is all set and done come June. We have to apply this April so I’m getting a little anxious about the whole thing. I don’t really have a backup plan that I’d actually like to do so I really, really hope I get selected. Enough about me though, let’s talk about you. You’re going to get picked! Don’t let any bad thoughts get in between you and your goal. I think you’ll make a fine pilot Jake. You seem to have your wits about you which is the first step a lot of people miss.
My dad was in the Navy, like you. Don’t gloat though, it’ll ruin the finely crafted image I have of you. He was a deck hand or something like that. I wish I could ask him some more about it, but he passed when I was just thirteen. I just remember he loved being in the Navy. He loved everything about it. He made it seem like anything was possible with a passion.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the food and the girl scout cookies. It took me by surprise when I got Peanut Butter Patties instead of Tagalongs when I was down south for a winter. I’m so glad I grew up where the real GSC are sold.
I hope this letter brought you as much joy as yours brought me.
With the Same Love,
(P.S. – Here’s my number if you’d like to text instead of write. No pressure!)
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It had only been a week since you sent the last letter. Sure, you hadn’t really known the guy all too well but there was something so exciting about sending written mail. You felt like a little kid on Christmas waiting for a response from him. Who knew throwing your name in something so silly for your class would bring you so much joy.
You sat down on your desk setting your computer out front of you to study. Jake was right. It was an awfully busy time of the year. Applying for your future. Studying for you exams. When you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket you truly didn’t think much of it. It was only hours later when you finally closed the laptop shut that you went to check it that your face scrunched in confusion. You didn’t recognize the area code. It was then that it clicked that it could be him.
No pressure at all text! Hi there (it’s Jake).
You grinned reading it over and over again. That was quick! Maybe you made an impression? You sure hoped so. You hardly even knew what the guy looked like. You might’ve gone digging a little when you got his name. He was cute. Handsome even. But he seemed like that type. That arrogant pilot type. But even in just the two letters you received from him you got the hint that he wasn’t that type of guy at all.
I didn’t think you’d actually text me. It’s good to hear from you.
The messages between the two of you were infrequent at best as the semester ended. But he never failed to put a smile on your face. When you needed a pick me up you went through and read the messages that popped up.
On your graduation day you sent him a picture of you and a few friends in a cap and gown with the text: Beat you! You’re also looking at your newest Officer Candidate too!
You didn’t have to wait long for a reply. Your face only grew with glee seeing his response: Congrats Second Lieutenant. And future Captain. Knew you’d do it. You look beautiful as always.
Typing a quick reply, you hid your smile away just knowing your friends would make a stupid comment about the mystery man that always had you so smiley: You’re making me blush all the way up here in New York. I better get a picture next weekend when you do the same, future Lieutenant.
He came through on your request. When you got the text you could only smile. You spotted him in the picture immediately, your eyes drawn to him. He was so damned handsome. How lucky were you to get paired with a guy like that? Your smile grew further when you read the message: Lieutenant (and future pilot) Jake Seresin reporting for picture duty.
The messages occurred naturally between through the years as you were deployed, and he was in school. Some months you texted more and some you didn’t hear from him at all. It never bothered you. The silly little thing called life happened for both of you.
Still, the two of you often made time for phone calls when the time was right. The first time you talked on the phone you thought you were going to quite literally throw up you were so nervous. But in typical Jake Seresin fashion he made you feel cool as a cucumber. You talked and talked and talked into the morning. It felt so normal. Like you were catching up with an old friend. Jake Seresin. Who was this man that was making it hard to date? He was quite literally everything you wanted and needed in a partner. The universe had a funny way of working sometimes.
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It had been six long years since you received that first letter from him. He was off on a mission now. A dangerous one he couldn’t tell you much about. But he wanted you at his arrival back home in San Diego and you promised him you’d be there. Assured him. That’s how you ended up in here pacing in the hotel room contemplating whether you should really go or not. It felt too intimate, like you were intruding. But he did say none of his family would be there, they had other things going on as the mission was a bit of a surprise to everybody. The pilots were all instructed to keep it as quiet as possible.
Your hands were shaking as you parked your car in the overcrowded lot. Gripping the steering wheel, you took a long breath in. You could do this. You had to do this. For him, for you. You stepped out of the car and made you way to the dock. The aircraft carrier was already docked by the time you got to the meeting site. You stood back and waited. Watched and waited. It felt like an eternity then finally the men and women started pouring out in their Navy Whites. You’d always thought they looked the sharpest of the bunch, but you’d never tell Jake that. He’d make fun of your Army uniforms or something like that.
It felt like both an eternity and seconds later that you spotted him amongst the crowd of sailors exiting the ship searching high and low for you. You promised you’d be there. And here you were. He either felt your eyes on him or had an uncanny sense of timing as his eyes locked with your own. His smile had melted you right there on the spot. You felt helpless as you willed your brain to move but it wouldn’t. You only began to panic a little as he moved with ease through the crowd making his way right to you.
He stood in front of you. Jake Seresin stood in front of you, much taller than you thought, “I knew I recognized you. First Lieutenant Y/L/N.” His eyebrows raised as you gaped at him with wide eyes as if he wasn’t really there. Closing your mouth, you knew you needed to pull it together but that sounded much easier said than done. Jake freaking Seresin, your pen pal was really standing in front of you in real life. He was more of enigma in your mind at this point. Somebody you could have deep life conversations with so easily but never having actually met the man it was hard for you to grasp he was really real. And standing in front of you.
“Jake.” You smiled hoping it sounded somewhat normal. He was so much more handsome than the photos he sent through the years. How was that possible? Wasn’t it supposed to go the other way? You continued once your head finally could form coherent sentences, “Well it’s actually Captain now. Got promoted a couple weeks ago.”
He turned his head to the side just slightly, “You didn’t tell me that.” Almost looking offended you hadn’t told him.
“Never felt like the right time to divulge. With this mission and all. Had to keep you locked in.” You looked up to him now studying his face as you gained more courage talking to him. He was something your dreams couldn’t make up.
He nodded not daring to take his eyes off you. He too thought you were even prettier than he could have envisioned. You’d sent pictures and he’d followed your social media, but nothing could’ve prepared him. Especially in your civilian clothes, he was a sucker already. Deep down Jake knew you were the reason he was so non-committal before. He was looking for somebody just like you and couldn’t find her. Yet here you stood in front of him. You were so funny and witty and smart, and yet he couldn’t put it all into words. You are the whole package and so much more.
“You still could’ve told me. We talked enough before I left.” He grinned seeing that the tension was already easing from your shoulders.
You shook your head, “Wasn’t about me Seresin. I just wanted you to stay focused and safe. And thank goodness you did.” You admitted a little more than you wanted, but he just made you feel so gushy. Like you were a sweeter version of yourself you could hardly recognize. And the words just kept flowing out when he gave you that look with those green eyes.
“Oh yeah?” He challenged you a bit sensing that you were starting to feel a bit more comfortable with him already, “Didn’t think you’d be so relieved darlin’.”
Ignoring the sweet term of endearment you shook your head, “And waste six years of my life on nothing? Jake that’s so inefficient. Of course, I want you safe.” The words came fast, and they were snarkier than you intended. But you truly couldn’t help it.  He had you relaxed within the first five minutes of talking to him. You felt like you could just be you.
He threw his head back in laughter. That same weight had lifted right off his shoulders when you snapped back at him like he was waiting on it, “There she is. My favorite mouthy girl.”
He said it so nonchalantly you thought your heart was going to combust on the spot. Your cheeks surely gave way to your reaction to his words. His favorite mouthy girl? Christ. He was trying to send you into a coma or something! Your brain quite literally short circuited as it failed to form any coherent sentence. He only chuckled in response seeing your cheeks heat up in a blazing blush.
“It’s so nice to actually see you in person. You know I’ve always told you this, but it rings even truer even now. You’re quite a stunner, Captain.” His eyes met yours before you looked away quickly feeling as though you were going to faint at those words. You weren’t sure how this interaction was going to go initially. But you really didn’t think he’d come right out and say that he found you stunning. The occasional letter and texts in between had grown flirtier the longer you had known him, but it never crossed your mind he’d be so outright with it.
You turned away out of sheer bashfulness. Never had a man been so bold with you before. It was foreign. Not uncomfortable, no. Nothing could be with him. He made it easier than seemed possible.
“You flatter me Jake.” You grinned up at him hoping your makeup would hide the darkening of your cheeks, “I should say the same for you. Handsome as ever.”
“Now you’re making me blush, Cap.” Sure as hell the faintest pink dusted his cheek, but he seemed much stronger than you. He kept the eye contact going.
You shook your head trying to bite back the big smile you had on your face, but it showed through anyway. How was he doing this? Making you feel so giddy just by looking at him. You knew this man but for the first time it actually felt like you might actually love him. You’d had the deepest conversations with him. When you needed a laugh you texted him. When you craved advice you called him. He was the guy you turned to. And it dawned on you that he never failed to answer you. He wanted to take your calls and answer your texts. He looked forward to it. He too had fallen for a woman he’d never met before.
You needed the change the subject and fast or more words would be tumbling out, “How was the mission? Everyone make it out okay?” You asked having no idea what you were getting yourself into. Jake hadn’t told you much about what they were doing, couldn’t tell you much. But now that it was over he couldn’t wait to tell you every nitty gritty little detail.
“I’ll tell you if you let me buy you a drink?” He gave you a smirk that sent nerves racing throughout your body. Jesus. This man was something else.
Giving him a curious once over you nodded, “Shouldn’t I be the one buying you a drink sailor? You coming home and all?”
“Absolutely not. I’ll never let you buy me a drink darlin’.”
Gosh, Jake was actually going to be the death of you. He was so good making his words come off so easily. You felt terribly high strung next to him, “And why not?”
“Because I’m trying to woo you sweetheart. When I get you to go on a date with me I have to impress you. Inevitably that’ll work and you’ll become my girlfriend. And I can’t have my girlfriend paying for my drinks, no. And it’ll only get worse when I get the pleasure of marrying you. If my wife thinks she’ll pay for a thing she had another thing coming.” He gleamed at you as if he didn’t just say all of that.
You gulped before a stupid smile grew on your face. Of course, you knew he was forward but again, he just took you on an entirely new adventure with that statement, “That’s quite a bold statement Jake.”
He shrugged, “I thought I should make my intentions perfectly clear. I think you’re one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. And you’re perfectly you. Sharp as tack. Funnier than ever. You’re you. And I really like you.”
You let out a breath not sure if you really believed all of that, “So not just pals, huh?” It was all you could think of quickly but that did it for him. Sealed the deal. He knew he was going to marry you right then and there. You’d complete him in every way he needed you and vice versa.
He shook his head taking his arm in yours, “Not just pals.” Leaning into his gentle embrace you led him to your car where he would not let you drive. He insisted that it was a gentleman’s job even if he was only running off four hours of sleep. You’d appeased the man who was on his very best behavior. Not that you minded. Nope, not at all. You were thrilled that Jake was exactly who he seemed to be. Your Jake. Not just pals indeed.
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Jake Seresin/Top Gun: Permanent Taglist (If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: Taglist Sign Up) @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @mamachasesmayhem @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @illisea @jessicab1991 @guacam011y @dempy
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pressureplus · 1 month
hello!! can i pls ask for headcanons or a lil story abt sebastian coping with the loss of expendable reader he had relationship with? like they knew eachother long enough and had a lil sum going, and out of the blue reader gets really hurt and dies in sebs arms (doesn’t come back either like how u would in the game, ik some stories follow that) need that angst !!!
(keep up the amazing work also!! i love ur guys stories and hc :3)
Thank you, all of your support means so much to us, we're so happy you guys like our work!
Anyway, here, have a little angst in the form of some Headcannons! I turned the angst on this one aaaall the way up for you by making you not only a lover, but literally the centerpiece of this man's life, he was OBSESSED and COMPLETELY IN LOVE with you to a crippling extent ❤️
Sebastian Solace Grieving Headcannons
Warnings: Death, Grief, a mention of injury as a metaphor, and the light implications of Suicide
◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟
• When you passed, it didn't feel real to him... It still doesn't.
• You'd been in his arms when it happened, his large, clawed hands clutching you like you were slipping away from him- and you were.
• He had begged you not to leave him here, pleading and bargaining like it might keep the light in your beautiful eyes for a while longer
• But it was to no avail. Now, he is alone.
• He doesn't talk to the expendables anymore, shutting everyone out was the very first thing that he did when he had to wake up in your shared bed by himself that first morning after what had happened
• He knows you wanted him out of here, and it's the only thing that keeps him alive most days
• That and the need to put an end to HADAL the way that it put an end to you.
• He blames the company, yes, and he definitely blames what or who actually killed you, but the rest of that guilt rests on his own shoulders
• "I should have been there... I should have done something to stop it."
• "Why is it I could only cry?"
• "I don't even know what I'm going to do now that you're gone, Y/N..."
• "Please... Please come back?"
• Doesn't see a future for himself anymore, now that he knows what it is to have you in his life, he just doesn't want anything else
• His existence is solely for spite and for vengeance, now, no point in attempting to move on
• Is more aggressive, generally, to an extent he will get hostile with people more often and even become an active threat to anyone that enters the shop without actively purchasing something from him
• The thought he may grow attached to someone again is one that haunts him, he will be having absolutely NONE of that ever again
• He's a broken man
• Sometimes, he dreams that he can hold you the way that he knows you used to like, and he gets to lay in bed when he wakes up remembering how sweet it was to kiss you and how wonderful your laugh used to be
• He'll lay awake and miss you... But the reminiscing is the only time he's even close to happy anymore
• It's an abstract sort of closeness, the comfort he finds in allowing himself to linger in your memory the only real ease that he takes anymore
• It's a fresh wound that he seems to genuinely enjoy leaving to bleed, definitely not a healthy way to brew in his ever growing sorrow
• The long, long months he spends in the Blacksite alone are empty and void of what little life they'd managed to have before. The color in everything is drained out like the hope that he'd managed to hold onto for so long
• When he eventually leaves and leaks the information that actually DOES end up avenging you, he watches HADAL fall to ruin, unable to get their prisoners anymore and unable to continuing to stay upright for it
• Watching that place burn brought him some peace, honestly, but it just wasn't enough. Nothing was ever going to be enough without you
• He only has one thing left to do. He knows there's really only one thing left he can do for you.
• The public will find his body strung over a gravesite with your name on it the very next morning after everything came to it's close on his plans, a bouquet of your favorite flowers, a newspaper with an article on HADAL's corruption on the cover, and whatever little treasures you'd given him over the years in his still, clawed hands
• And for the first time since you left him:
• Sebastian is smiling.
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