#but the thingy you wrote last night
reginrokkr · 10 months
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» @maquiscursed asked [ AWAY ]: the sender, using their fingertips, tenderly sweeps a few strands of hair out of the receiver’s face so as to see them more clearly. (from neuvi to dain bc i'm drowning in thesis for a couple more hours BUT the long haired dain you sent me still lives rent free in my mind)
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It is said that when one predict themselves to be in a vulnerable state in the foreseeable future, they will choose any place that could mildly do its job at providing them protection until they are back to health. While this statement may work for Dáinsleif at times, self-awareness of the circumstances that follow him— seek him to bring him down to his knees and submit. Reason why under special needs he must take special precautions.
Reason why he chose the depths of Érinnyes Forest as his place of momentary repose, just enough to let the deluge come to pass and all the people be brought to safety. Whenever Twilight treads these grounds, a sense of nostalgia and melancholy fills his chest, pleading him for warm home's respite. For someone like him that long ago has lost his home, this would be unconceivable, a result of delirium that comes from centuries of activity without ever stopping once to consider his own necessities. Not because he lacks them— he, as any other creature of celestial origins or otherwise, harbors his own yearnings.
Then why, one might ask, his soul and the word home combined tug at his heartstrings whenever he walks nearby this area? It is because none other than the willow amidst the lake deeper within the forest. Although different than the Axis Mundi that had compassion for his shattering soul, its Bough Keeper can recognize any manifestations of it on the overworld even when distance is so bold to stay between them.
Vulnerable and exposed as he is did the lunarescent seraph make his way to the top of the rock that serves as a base to the seemingly floating tree and sits there. Like a mother would to her child, leaves of blue react in providing soothing warmth through azure glow, branches extend even farther down near the grass as if to conceal him, lakelight lilies emit luminescent motes to further hide him in a protective maze only for select chosen ones with sufficient authority and recognition of a benevolent soul to be allowed pass to the now fleeting core of the tree.
And yet, even with this kind protection the Bough Keeper isn't entirely safe: for there are those who would gnaw at its roots just to have a way towards him. Like moths that rather than being attracted to light to bask in it, seek to destroy it so it won't bring more harm to them than it already had. I am sorry. One last thought crosses luminary's mind before he enters into a slumber, guilt forming within him as sentience of this tree's beginning of pain registers in his mind— and a promise to soothe its pain soon.
Look at you, all pitiful and weak for falling for that old dragon's enchantment. As it is customary, that nagging voice that would cause terrors to anyone unaccustomed to otherworldly presence connected to their soul returns with the coming of a tide of darkness when Ley Lines are disrupted, and thus the protection She grants to him against the advancement of the corruption dwindles. Once again you would act against your heart's desires. Do you not think you deserve better than to be used as a tool for saving someone else when you need saving the most?
I thought you would know better by now, after centuries of sowing torment within me— that I deserve nothing. Abyss' chaos is tempting, intoxicating as many who have fallen to its will would describe it. It knows what to whisper in one's ear, to beckon them to do the final jump into a pit of desolation and never ending darkness impossible to escape from once within. If there is one good thing unending guilt and endless self-loathing has, is that he cannot fall as easily to desires tainted with defilement.
And yet you would fall for his affections and sweetened words professing love for you. Isn't you who believes that love should heal, not hurt? Then, why would he seek to harm you at the expense of his selfish desire to put those sinners before you?
Fair eyebrows react, knitting in a frown. Coexisting with a man's will brings consequences such as baring his heart to him without intending to do so. This— this is the most dangerous of all in being too weak to repress his voice and presence. That he knows him all too well, even past his own fronts of negativity towards himself. No matter how many layers would call for an irremediable cause, he would know that deep down... his heart still longs for someone to be with him. Someone that filled with awareness of his own circumstances and self-imposed duties won't run away. Someone to share burdens with... someone to spark a light in this dark world of his.
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Intimidating draconic pupils quiver within iridescent depths in the face of an adversity that has an immediate fix, and even then he would be afflicted with struggle at the knowledge of what this will cause to him. The frown in his eye combined with a tremble of lips, unmistakeable. ◜I know it must be done... but has there not been enough suffering, without me having to drag you into the storm?◞
He will never forget the shock that caused his words, immensely touching as the vastness of the seas he possesses authority over— so in line with a heart of gold filled with compassion for someone no bigger than a sinner or an archenemy if one were to think about the endless strife betwixt their kin. Nor he will ever forget the tenderness of his touch, an anticipated balm to his soul for the incoming pain he would come to experience.
◜I will find you when the storm in here and in the Ley Lines has passed.◞
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For being someone full of confidence in being well-versed in my heart's grievances and desires, you have lost sight of the most important of all. Yes, I am a firm believer that love should not bring pain and yes, my longing to encounter someone meant for me isn't any less existent. However... his fight is my fight. It is in proving that humanity will rise against the divine injustice and an even more unfair order over this world that gives me strength to continue, that there is hope to defy this world and re-weave all threads of fate... This pain is but a small price to pay for everything grand that this world will achieve.
A spark of light makes itself manifest in the boundless darkness within his mind and so the voice fades to nothingness. Sensing the presence of another when he should be alone, albescent lashes flutter open in time to see Neuvillette's face close to his, his fingers gentle and loving to sweep away pale strands of hair. Exhaustion borne eyes crinkle at the edges in a smile that one day may remember its way to roseate lips, weary heart light all of a sudden as if a great weight has been lifted.
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◜You came.◞ Though nonexistent of a command, luminescent branches retreat to their initial position as if by one, deeming their protection no longer necessary. Gloved hands reach out to cup his beloved's face tenderly just as he did before they had to part ways moments prior to the deluge. He is here. He kept his promise. Glacial sapphires soften as he brings his face closer to press their foreheads together, to feel his breathing as the ultimate proof that no amount of illusions born from the darkness of his heart could fake this. ◜Worry not. I am alright.◞ Alright wouldn't be precisely the best descriptor to explain his current condition, granted that he had an uncomfortable conversation with an unwelcome presence in his mind and this was filled with even more unpleasant thoughts whose magnitude doesn't match with unavoidable sentiments— for even if he may think that what that man said doesn't reflect his own thoughts, the Abyss never draws something out of thin air. It is born, without a doubt, from preexistent feelings of his heart mixed with darkness he's shrouded in about his person.
A soft sigh is released after calming himself in the soothing presence of the sovereign, then a gentle nod follows as his hands withdraw and drop to the grass to help himself stand. ◜It is not over yet.◞ Weakened as he may currently be, he extends a hand to help Neuvillette stand too— in the back of his mind, cruel laughter resonates coupled with a forced reminder that he, too, needs saving. But it doesn't have to be now, nor it is like it will never come— no. Long ago has it made itself present in his soul... the moment he chose him. ◜There is one more thing to do. The willow... it is weeping.◞
Thank you for protecting me. Now, allow me to return the favor and alleviate your pain.
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yourlocalguardian · 4 months
Two steps
Two steps forward, two steps back
A viscous tango of yearning and fear
I reach for your hand but I fear you are not there
Is it you who stepped back?
Or was it really me that walked that track
I want you there, but I cannot feel safe
Safe to hold your hand and kiss your hair
Two steps forward, one step back
The ground has changed yet not at all
I wonder if it’ll ever stay back
Three steps closer, one step back
I cry in hope that now will be the time
No steps forward, no steps back
To stay with you is the ultimate gift
One step forward, one step back.
Three steps forward, four steps back.
0 notes
6esiree · 3 months
They Barge Into Your Room While You’re Changing
Imagine Alastor, Lucifer, Husk, Vox, and Adam walking in on you changing? Well, for the most part, they barge in and catch you in a difficult situation.
Warnings: I suck at these but uhh, NSFW, AFAB reader, Swearing, Usage of terms like good girl/little girl, oral, penetration, smut is brief tho. Not proofread. I wrote this lil thingy super quickly—sorry for the wait! MINORS DNI!!!
The sound of something shattering had Alastor’s ears perking up, but it wasn’t until it was followed by your helpless cry that he grew curious. You seemed…troubled, desperate even, so how could he resist the temptation to barge into your room? But as he whipped open your door, the doorknob rudely slamming against the cheap wooden paneling, he was disappointed but also slightly amused to see you stuck in a rather strange predicament.
“Fuck! Stupid thing—why won’t you come off?” You hissed, struggling to free your arms from a shirt that was nowhere near your size, your knees planted on the carpet. “Alastor? Oh, are you going to stand there and make me feel more embarrassed than I already am, or are you going to help me?” You snapped, your vulnerable state pleasing him. He closed the door behind him, his fingers carefully twisting the lock.
“Oh, forgive me for answering your pathetic cries for help! Perhaps I should take a seat over there,” Alastor gestured to your bed with his cane, bending down to your level, a shit-eating grin on his face, “And watch this amusing scene you’ve somehow concocted as punishment for your attitude, little girl.”
‘Wait, no!’ You started, but Alastor turned on his heel, the tip of his shoe dragging against the carpet fibers and pushing aside the remnants of your bedside lamp. ‘How thoughtful,’ You deadpanned, your bed creaking underneath his weight. Out of all the people who could have barged into your room, why did it have to be Alastor? He was such a pain in the ass, finding enjoyment in watching others suffer.
“What are you waiting for, hm?” You felt the butt end of Alastor’s cane tap at your ass, and you would have cursed him out if he hadn’t flipped your skirt up, the cold material teasingly dragging up and down your clothed cunt. “Go on, darling, I’ll help you if you put on a little show for me.”
You offered him a ‘Fuck you,’ before complying, hooking your fingers into the collar of your shirt, a distant ache coursing through your muscles as you pulled once more. You felt utterly humiliated, but at the same time, you were secretly enjoying what Alastor was doing to you, shivering as his lips parted with a pleased sigh at the sight of your panties bunching up and outlining your cunt due to your wetness.
“For someone who wanted to be helped, you’re being awfully compliant,” Alastor chuckled. You bit the inside of your cheek, however, especially with the sound of a belt being unbuckled gracing your ears. “Tell me, do you want to get fucked by my cane like the filthy little harlot you are?”
“I’m not…going to tell you that,” You stammered, Alastor clicking his tongue in feigned disappointment. Even if you had done so, the tightness in his pants was just too great for him to indulge you. “Very well, then,” He said, tapping your cunt one last time before withdrawing his cane.
You looked over your shoulder, confused by the sudden turn of events. But then he approached you, kneeling down to tear into your shirt with his claw, freeing your arms from the tight cotton prison. ‘Am I receiving compensation for this?’ Alastor hummed, sporting a hefty erection. Of course the bastard had only helped you for his own personal benefit, but you nodded anyway, his eyes widening as you wiggled your ass with a wicked smile on your face.
Another boring, sleepless night at the Hazbin Hotel—or so that’s what Lucifer thought, the distant sound of a struggle penetrating his ears as he passed by your room. He would’ve continued on his nightly stroll if his feet hadn’t moved outside of his own volition. Well, that’s what Lucifer tried to convince himself as he tentatively pressed his cheek against the door…until the loose hinges suddenly gave him away. At least he was quick to straighten himself out.
“Oh! Hey there—hi! I didn’t mean to do that,” Lucifer coughed, his face flushing in embarrassment as you stared back at him like a deer caught in the headlights, your arms crossed over your chest, obscuring the top half of the tight little, long-sleeved dress you were wearing. “I tried to knock, I swear, but then the door kind of opened up all by itself. Really, I would never—“
“I, uh—I believe you, don’t worry. The hinges are kind of loose…I have a bad habit of slamming doors,” You chuckled, trying to stand up to your full height, but then the sound of fabric tearing echoed throughout your room. “Oh my God, that’s so embarrassing,” You squeaked, “I can’t handle anybody else seeing me like this, though, so could you like, help me out here?”
When you whispered his name with a pleading look on your face, Lucifer quickly closed the door behind him, dragging a random piece of furniture in front of it for extra measure. He tried not to make his nervousness evident as he slowly rounded you, but his fingers gave him away, trembling against your sides. Fuck, it was just so tight, accentuating the curvature of your body almost like a corset would.
“Alright, let’s see here—oh no,” Lucifer said, his fingers hooking underneath your dress from the sides, experimentally tugging it. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t budge, a blush crawling up his neck as it rolled up and revealed more of your skin instead. “Nope, that’s not going to work. How about I lift it up?”
“Please, this thing is practically strangling my arms,” You stuttered. Lucifer wondered how you managed to get it on in the first place, all while he gripped the dress, trying to maintain a respectable distance from you. “Shit, I’m never borrowing anything from Angel’s closet again. He’s so damn skinny.”
Lucifer tried to avert his eyes, but with your ass slowly coming into view, how could he resist stealing a glance—or two, or three, or even four? He felt so guilty, but then you just so happened to lose your balance, bracing yourself on the bed and practically showcasing your half-naked body to him. You offered him a meek apology as you stared at him from over your shoulder. Did you get back up, though? No, not at all.
“Maybe you’ll be able to get it off faster this way?” You suggested, subtly but not so subtly spreading your legs, revealing your damp panties. Lucifer breathed out an ‘Okay,’ pressing his growing erection into you as he leaned in. “Thanks for helping me, Lucifer. I hope you’ll let me repay you for your kindness.”
The moment you decided to balance yourself on the bed, Lucifer knew what you were doing; but your words had his pants pooling around his ankles, his fingers shakily tucking your panties into the inside of your thigh. Nothing could compare to the sight of you spreading your glistening cunt with your dainty fingers, however, your hole pulsating in invitation. Lucifer was so, so glad he chose not to mind his own business as his cock pushed past your folds.
Every day you slid onto the barstool in front of Husk, his chest vibrating in amusement as your face lit up at the sight of your favorite drink waiting for you. That’s why the one time you failed to show up, the full glass in front of your vacant spot dripping with condensation and threatening the integrity of the already cheep wooden countertop, he decided to ask around for you. Unfortunately, nobody knew where you were, so Husk found himself at your door.
“Hey, doll, I don’t mean to disturb ya,” Husk started, his ears falling back against his head as a frustrated cry penetrated the wood. “Just wanted to check up on ya—“ but when he heard something shatter, he just had to let himself into your room, his heart sinking into his stomach at the thought of you in trouble.
“What the fuck, who—Husk?” You panted, staring back at him with rosy cheeks and tousled hair, the contents of a broken bottle of perfume leaking into the carpet before your feet. ‘Shit,’ Husk quickly averted his eyes when he noticed you were in the middle of changing, feeling utterly embarrassed but also secretly relieved that you were alright. “Uhh, I guess now that you’re here, do you think you could lend me a hand?”
Husk hesitated, mumbling ‘Ya sure ya want me to help?’ Of course he’d act so abashed, you thought with a snort. You watched him roll his eyes and close the door with his tail, the hinges softly clicking. Slowly, Husk approached you, his pupils dilating as you turned around and pointed out the strings tightly keeping your dress together with your index finger, the very reason you had failed to show up on time.
“Christ, what happened here?” Husk asked, trying to be mindful of his claws as he slowly untied your dress, the strings in all the wrong places. You looked over your shoulder, playfully telling him to shut up before following up with a serious response. “I’ve never worn a dress without a zipper, alright?” You said. “Damn, doll, I can tell. I mean, ya made a proper mess back here.”
“Hey, I wore this for you,” You admitted, your face flushing in embarrassment as Husk chuckled at that, but then relief quickly washed over you at the feeling of him completely undoing the last string. “I appreciate it, but, ya know,” He practically purred into your ear, plastering himself against your back, his hands sliding into your dress to caress your bare hips. “This is enough to please this old man.”
You tossed your head back onto Husk’s shoulder with a sigh, your eyes fluttering shut as his sandpaper tongue seized the opportunity to roughly caress the expanse of your throat. Meanwhile, the once-constricting fabric slipped from your chest down to your stomach, revealing more of your body to him. ‘May I?’ Husk’s question tickled your skin, answering him by pushing your ass back into his growing erection.
“Mm, aren’t ya just the goodest of girls?” Husk groaned, encouraging you to brace yourself on your dresser nearby. When he kicked your legs open, you expected him to unfasten his pants and fuck you til your legs were numb, but no. Instead, he knelt down, hiking a leg over his shoulder and shoving his snout into your clothed cunt, a smile gracing his lips when you gasped. “Is this fine with ya?”
Oh, you were more than fine with Husk eating you out, eagerly nodding as you stared down at him through your lashes. He licked a long, heavy stripe onto you before deciding to tear into your panties with his claw, exposing you to the cold air. ‘I’ll buy ya anotha pair, babydoll,’ Husk said, latching onto your clit, suckling until you were wet enough to handle the spines on his tongue. You secretly thanked yourself for your inability to use a zipper-less dress.
The sound of heels clicking against linoleum echoed throughout the hallway, a product of Vox incessantly pacing back and forth. His patience thinned with every passing second, and as exaggerated as it seemed, you were already late to your dinner reservation. Five, maybe ten minutes was perfectly reasonable to him, but half an hour? No, you might as well call it off. When Vox felt himself overheating in frustration, he decided to zap himself into your room.
“Now, what the fuck is taking you—oh,” Vox said, the look of annoyance on his face quickly transitioning into one of disbelief. He narrowed his eyes, trying to understand the situation you had inadvertently designed. “What in the Hell—how did you do this to yourself, exactly?” Vox gestured with his hand, your arms sticking up with the way your dress was pulled over your head.
“It was too tight and I refused to accept that I had gained weight,” You explained, your voice muffled but understandable nonetheless. Vox couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched your mouth move against the fabric. “But then I put it on, and I realized if I even thought about trying to walk in this—look, can you just save me from the embarrassment and get this thing off of me?”
You impatiently bounced on your heels as Vox rounded you, squeaking at the feeling of his claws teasingly raking your sides. ‘Hey!’ You said, the man offering you an insincere apology before tearing into the fabric without your permission. A whine escaped your throat—what a cruel thing he had done, you thought, your favorite dress falling to the ground in two pieces. Seething, you turned around, unbothered by the fact that you were standing in just your underwear.
“You asshole, you didn’t even try pulling it!” You seized him by his suit jacket, his hands clasped behind his back as he stared down at you without a single ounce of regret. “Perhaps you should have specified that,” Vox hummed, clearly unaffected by your display of anger. In fact, he found it rather amusing, and oh, did that piss you off.
“Ah, fuck me! I’m sorry for believing that you had common sense,” You hissed, tightening your grip on his jacket, secretly wishing you had the strength to tear into it like he had with your dress. “Unless you don’t have that implemented in your system, you fucking bucket of bolts,” Vox furrowed his brows, “I suggest you download it—it’ll take you a long way, trust me.”
Bam!—Vox suddenly had you up against the wall, whatever you had on top of your dresser tumbling to the ground. You flinched at the sound of something shattering, but you couldn’t do anything about it, not when Vox had your arms pinned above your head with one hand, the other firmly wrapped around your throat. His claws dug into your skin, instilling a bit of fear in your heart.
“Hey, um, I think you’re forgetting that we could have been having a nice, romantic dinner at one of Hell’s most exclusive restaurants,” Vox started, his screen slightly buffering as he stared down at you. “If you hadn’t been so fucking stubborn.” You had the nerve to speak. “So…what now?” You shakily asked, your throat bobbing underneath his palm.
With an insurmountable speed, Vox had you on your knees, forcing you to watch him unbuckle his belt. ‘I’m going to fuck the shit of your mouth,’ He said, the tip of his cock kissing your chin when he finally freed himself. ‘Come on, sweetheart. It’s the least you can do.’ You hated to admit it, but Vox was right…to some degree. All of this could have been avoided easily. So, you obediently parted your lips, trying not to gag as you swallowed his cock.
There was no such thing as barging into your room—at least not if you asked Adam. Your monthly meet-ups consisted of him descending onto your balcony and pushing your doors apart, furling his wings and discarding his mask as he’s welcomed by the heavenly but not so heavenly sight of you sprawled out on your bed. For once, however, Adam arrived about an hour earlier, walking in on you in the middle of a struggle.
“Surprise, surprise! Guess who’s here early—holy shit, babe,” Adam approached you, shocked, your face absolutely flushed as he took in the sight of you in a corset. He personally believed you didn’t need it, but that didn’t stop him from stirring in his robes with the way it accentuated your curves in an ungodly manner. “This is—I mean—wow. You look so fucking gorgeous.”
“I’m glad you think so, seriously. But, um, I’m starting to regret putting it on,” You admitted, dropping your head sort of shamefully. You really wanted to keep it on for Adam, but you had tightened it more than you should have, and now you just wanted to take it off. “I’ve been trying to get it off for a while already, but uh, I went a little overboard. Never worn one before, that’s why.”
Of course, Adam’s face dropped at your admission, but at the same time, he couldn’t have you feeling uncomfortable for your…activities. So, he offered you his help, even though he had not a single idea about how corsets worked. ‘Don’t worry, babe, I gotcha!’ He said, taking one last appreciating look before he rounded you. Yeah, Adam instantly regretted offering himself up—what the fuck was he looking at, exactly?
“Alright, uh, could you guide me through it?” Adam coughed, his fingers hovering above the laces, unsure about where to start. You reached behind you and grabbed his hand, gingerly guiding him. “Just undo these two loops here—pull them at the same time,” He followed your instructions. “Yeah, just like that, baby.” The praise definitely had him blushing.
You let out a sigh of relief as Adam repeated this over and over again, his fingers dutifully working away until he finally finished. ‘Thank you,’ You breathed out, tossing your head back onto his chest, reaching up and tapping his masked cheek. Adam quickly discarded it with a ‘Thump!’, leaning down to meet you halfway. He groaned, the sound of your lips softly gliding against each other exciting him.
“Do you have to take it off?” Adam asked as his hands came down to caress your sides before resuming the kiss. While you didn’t give him a verbal response, the way you groped him through his robes was a reminder of what he came to you for. “Fuck, okay. Maybe some other time, yeah?”
“Mm, you’re going to have to convince me,” You hummed, retracting your hand so you could open the front busk. Adam seized your jaw and placed his thumb on your lower lip, encouraging you to open your mouth. “You’re in for a long fucking night then, babe,” His tongue tangled with yours, eliciting a choked moan from you, “‘Cause I’m not gonna let up on you til you’re screaming ‘Yes.’”
As soon as your corset united with Adam’s mask, he turned you around and hoisted you up into his arms. You squeaked, the bed creaking loudly with your combined weight. His robes came off with a snap of his fingers, but your panties? Oh, he relished in pulling those aside himself. Slowly, his cock pushed past your folds, two fingers affectionately rubbing at your clit while his mouth latched onto your nipple and suckled. Adam was going to convince you, alright.
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thebutchersbitch · 22 days
Sorry if this goes against what you write I couldn't find like a request dos and don't thingy lol but I would love if you wrote about a reader who has to get chained up or locked up every night before they go to sleep because cooper cant trust you won't run away, but one day the restraints are loose or not locked (maybe he does it on purpose to test you) and you decide to stay put because you love him and then he rewards you 🫣
This story can be read alone or as Part Two of this one!! 😊
18+ only
Daddy kink/DDLG | Stockholm Syndrome | Breeding kink | Reader was kidnapped by Cooper months ago, taken from her home and husband, but has forgotten her former life entirely while under Cooper’s manipulation and control
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Cooper’s jaw was tense as he pulled out of the driveway. He’d made a decision he hoped he wouldn’t regret. The consequences of the test he was currently giving you could be lethal to his entire world…and yet, he needed to test your loyalty to him. It wasn’t enough for Cooper to hear you profess with words your love for him. Words alone meant nothing; as a skilled liar, Cooper knew this all too well. He needed real, irrefutable proof that even when given the choice of escape, you’d still be waiting for him when he returned to the safe house.
It’s why he’d left the keys to your cuffs on the table at your side of the bed, where you could easily reach them. If he returned to the house that afternoon on his lunch break and you were still there…then at last, Cooper would have his answer. If however, you’d used the opportunity to escape, then his entire life would be in your hands. Either way, Cooper had to know what would happen if he tested you. He sighed deeply through his nose, lips pressed into a stern, flat line. He looked back at the house one last time before leaving, hoping his instincts about his little girl’s loyalty to him would prove correct…
The hours at the fire station passed by easily enough. When lunch time arrived, Cooper made an excuse to the men working under him about needing an extended break. Family stuff, he lied explained. Really, he needed to go check on his girl.
He packed up his lunch and brought it to the car with him. Cooper drove the few miles from the station to the safe house he kept you in, listening to a local news and weather report on the radio, taking a few distracted bites of his sandwich on the way.
When you heard Cooper’s car come to a stop outside the house, your heart rate kicked up a notch. The handcuffs he’d left you in were now sitting with the keys on your nightstand beside you. Unaware that you were being tested, you’d taken advantage of Cooper’s ‘mistake,’ in leaving the keys within your reach. This will finally prove it to him, you thought. Cooper would see that even with the ability to leave him, you’d choose to stay.
Cooper entered the house downstairs, listening. It was quiet…too quiet. Perhaps you were sleeping, Cooper wondered. Apprehension built within him as his fears you’d escaped multiplied. He passed the stairs quickly, his steps heavy down the carpeted hall that led to the bedroom. You smiled when Cooper’s boots became visible in the crack under the door. He seemed to pause, inhaling a deep breath before pulling back the door. Met with the sight of you sitting on the bed, Cooper felt a sense of peace sink over him. He swallowed the lump of nerves that had been building in his throat, leaning inside the doorway, smiling at his girl. “Hi baby,” he said, and in spite of hearing Cooper’s voice nearly every day for the past ten months, your cheeks still warmed bashfully.
He looked so goddamn handsome, so big, illuminated in the doorway with the hallway light behind him.
Cooper looked at the table beside you, and then your wrist. His test had been successful. You’d proven yourself just as beautifully broken as Cooper hoped you were. He’d never been more proud of his little girl.
“I took the cuffs off,” you said, a little worried. “I hope you’re not mad at me, Daddy.” Cooper shook his head.
“Far from it,” he replied softly. Cooper didn’t hesitate a second longer before taking three quick strides to the bed, and climbing on top of you. Your legs parted instinctively for him, the soft outline of your pussy puffy and warm as Cooper rubbed himself against you.
His kisses on your neck were tender, grateful. He needed this, even more than he’d thought. The knowledge that you were truly his had Cooper’s mind spinning in the best way, his body flooded with adrenaline and happiness. His cock was already stiff against your cunt; he reached between your bodies and undid his jeans, relieving some of the pressure. Cooper’s kisses traveled lower, between your breasts and down your belly. When his tongue traced the outline of your bellybutton, a little giggle shivered out of you. The giggle was quickly silenced and exchanged for a whimper when Cooper’s mouth latched over your pussy.
Any remaining tension in his mind melted away into the moist heat of your cunt. Cooper couldn’t think straight when his face was between your legs, your fingers tugging at his hair, his tongue buried in the soft folds of your pussy. All he could focus on was your sweet taste, the slick smearing across his cheeks as he nuzzled your folds. You rotated your hips side to side, seeking the end of Cooper’s nose to rub your clit against. He sucked fat, wet kisses onto your pussy, a filthy squelch following each.
His shoulders were nestled between your thighs, his chest and belly against the bed as he ate you. Cooper’s arms hooked around your upper legs, his fingers laced together on top of your belly, holding you in place so you couldn’t squirm away from him no matter how hard you came. Pearly liquid oozed from your pussy in between Cooper’s lips, his mouth sealing over your cunt and lightly sucking. The pulsing pressure made your legs twitch, prompting Cooper to lock his arms even tighter across your belly, a proud smirk finding his lips as he realized how close you were.
“So good for me, baby,” Cooper hummed against your pussy, his words interspersed with little kisses and sucks. “Such a good little pussy…all pretty and puffy, just begging for Daddy to kiss it…” He spanked his palm lightly against your cunt, watching your pussy flinch and your tiny hole pucker.
Making you come was what Cooper lived for in this moment. Any time his face was between your legs, your pleasure was all that mattered to him, now more than ever. You’d done so well, proved yourself loyal to him in the most definitive way possible. You needed to be rewarded, to be shown exactly how much Cooper appreciated knowing that his little girl was truly, unquestionably his. Nothing existed beyond the space where Cooper’s face was nestled, his eyes closed in a drug-like satisfaction, your warm thighs acting as earmuffs to seal away the world around him.
Cooper ate you for an hour straight, without a single pause to rest his jaw or tongue. Your ass was sitting in a little puddle of your own juices by the time he was finished. He reached for his phone, pulling it from his pocket with slippery fingers. He cursed when he saw the time. “Have to get back,” he murmured, returning his phone to his pocket, popping his fingers in his mouth to clean them off. Cooper kissed your belly and lifted himself off the bed, stuffing his cock back in his jeans.
He slicked back his hair, wiping his wet chin on his sleeve. “I wish you didn’t have to go,” you told him in a small voice. Cooper nodded as he gently pulled your panties back up. “I know angel,” he said. “But I’ll be back tomorrow.” He winked up at you. “Promise.” Cooper reminded you to eat the lunch he’d brought you from the station, and to get plenty of rest while he was gone. You’d need it for tomorrow, he said. “Because tomorrow,” Cooper explained. “When Daddy gets home, he’s gonna put his dick where his tongue was for the past hour.” Cooper’s tone was darker, a sincerity in his voice that was thick with lust. “And I’m not gonna stop,” he continued. “Till I’ve put a baby inside you.”
Your lips parted in surprise. “Yeah,” Cooper nodded, sensing your confusion. “You’re going to make me a real daddy again, angel.” He leaned closer and cupped your cheek tenderly. “I know that I can trust you now,” Cooper said, an affectionate grin on his lips. “You won’t leave me. That means I can trust you to carry my children.” He sat down on the bed beside you. “Rachel is…” Cooper paused. “She won’t give me anymore kids. It’s fine, it’s her choice, but-.” Cooper sighed. “I want more. You’ll give them to me.” You felt a little dizzy, not just from coming so hard for an hour straight. Cooper’s plans for you had caught you off guard.
“Isn’t that right honey?” Cooper asked, but he wasn’t really asking at all. “You’ll make me a daddy as many times as I want, won’t you?” You nodded slowly, absorbing Cooper’s words. “We’ll deliver the babies here,” Cooper continued, matter-of-factly. “Don’t worry about safety-I’ll make sure it’s safe. I have the training. I can deliver our babies right here-.” Cooper patted the bed, a confident smile on his face. “Firefighters are trained to deliver babies on the job if necessary.” His voice was cheerful. “Did you know that, sweetheart?”
You shook your head ‘no,’ still processing Cooper’s plans for you. He rose from the bed once again, sighing contentedly as he headed for the door. “You’ll make an excellent mother,” Cooper told you. “Much better than mine. I know it.” He patted the doorframe on his way out. “See you tomorrow, sweetheart.”
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pxuvalentinx · 5 months
tags: aventurine x fem reader, nsfw, f!ngering, tiny degradation, fake empathy, edging, hand fetish‼️
a/n: i’m so sorry omgg, i’ve been so busy and tbh also not really motivated to finish any of my drafts. but to feed my starved children (you all) i cooked up some quick aven smut (in the span of 20 minutes). i got one more aven fic in my drafts but it’s kinda a fail ngl, it’s basically the pt2 to the aventurine gunplay thingie i wrote. so do let me know if you’d like to read that😭😭 as always, reqs are open🫶
Aventurine, one of the most talented men when it came to coin tricks. He’d always try to impress you with them, showing you how easily the coin would move from left to right and right to left, slipping so smoothly in between his gloved fingers. And you had to admit, it was indeed very impressive. You tried it once or twice, but without success. Aventurine would always just grin at you, talking about how your little hands just aren’t as talented as his. It would make you slightly pout, asking him to teach you, but he would just turn it down, saying he’d teach you another time.
You loved his hands anyway, slim and long fingers, short nails and a soft palm — whenever he wasn’t wearing those gloves at least. If he was, rings would decorate his hands even more, the gold shining and sparkling as he pushed your hips down. His fingers were hidden in your cunt, curling and thrusting. He didn’t even take off his glove before practically shoving his hand inside you, the fabric feeling rough and soft at the same time, creating a whole new sensation.
He’d always comment on how wet your pussy is, on how nicely it squeezes around his fingers, on how stupidly easy you go dumb only from his hand. Aventurine’s thumb was on your clit, pressing down on it whenever his fingers thrusted into you. The poor people in the hotel room next to you, having to hear your stupid cries and pleas for mercy all night long, all because Aventurine was just a little too talented with his hands.
He fucking loved bringing you to the edge just to deny you again, showing fake empathy. “Poor thing..Let’s try again, shall we?” His pants felt way too tight at this exact moment, watching you beg and beg and beg, while your cunt ruins his gloves and soaks even the skin underneath.
Eventually he would let you cum. Eventually he’d finally stop teasing you so much, and move his fingers in scissoring motions one last time before feeling you explode all over his hand. His other hand was intertwined with yours, his thumb rubbing circular motions over the back of your hand, while the other just abused your insides even further.
How silly that it all started with a little:”What other tricks do you have in store?”
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0cta9on · 10 days
And We Danced
Length: 1.1k words
Genre: Angst
Nmixx Lily x Male Reader
(Author's Note: Wrote this for a prompt thingy hosted by @mintwithchoco! Inspired by this really pretty song, do give it a listen if you have the chance :])
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“...and then he just brushes past me and immediately gets on his game!” Lily huffs, pacing around your room. “Like, I get that he’s tired and all that, but at least a ‘Hi’ would be nice!”
A song you don’t recognize blasts from your speaker, fiery and tumultuous to mimic the current emotions of your friend. With how often she comes over to your place to rant about her boyfriend, it’s a wonder how she doesn’t have a consistent playlist.
“What do you think? Am I just overreacting?” she asks, slumping onto your mattress.
You shake your head. “Not at all.”
“Really? Because if I’m being crazy, I need you to tell me.”
“I know when you’re being crazy, but this isn’t one of those times.”
Lily chuckles before scooting next to you and resting her head on your shoulder. You swallow down the thoughts and words that threaten to burst from your chest, potentially ruining this good thing that you have. Things are fine. Calm down.
“What should I do now?” she asks, her words floating through the open air between the transition of songs. The next song brings in slow, melancholic piano chords paired with a heartbreaking story of unrequited love. Lily’s head sinks deeper into your shoulder like the weight of the lyrics is pulling her down and you’re her only means of support.
You should break up with him.
“You should talk to him,” you say, breathing steadily. “You said that this started happening recently, right? Maybe something happened to him and he just hasn’t told you yet. Most guys are stupid and don’t like talking about their feelings and all that mushy stuff.”
“Talk to him. Right,” she sighs. “You make it sound so simple.”
You shrug. “Things are always more difficult than they seem. It really depends on him for this to work out. You’re doing the best you can, and if he can’t see that then… maybe you should—”
Lily’s phone buzzes from across the room, prompting her to jump towards it with the desperation of a lost puppy finding its owner. Her warmth is stripped away from you in an instant, and the impending cold becomes a grim reminder that it was never yours in the first place. 
Her expression immediately sours as she checks the notification.
“Is something wrong?” you ask, worried.
“No.” Lily’s shoulders slump as she tosses her phone back on your desk with a resounding thud. “Bae just wants me to get her some ice cream on the way home.”
You fail to stifle a chuckle, earning an icy glare from those perfectly round eyes.
“I feel like I’m going insane.” She throws up her hands in exasperation. “What if I just end it all and jump off a cliff?”
“You definitely shouldn’t do that. How else will Bae get her ice cream?” you quip.
“Ha ha, very funny.”
The last bit of sunlight fades past the edge of your window just as the music dies down to give way to the next song. From the first note, you’re left reeling as memories of thumping heartbeats and unattainable closeness flood your mind like a tsunami. Flashing lights, the linoleum scent of the gym floors, your dad’s tie that your mom made you wear, every single excruciating detail of that night comes crashing down in an instant.
The night you cherish deeply, yet regret the most.
“Oh. My. God!” Lily yanks your arm, nearly pulling it out of its socket from sheer excitement. “Get up!”
“Do you not remember this song!?”
“I-I, uh…” Of course you remember it. There hasn’t been a day that’s passed where you don’t think of what that damned song entails.
“Sophomore year homecoming! We slow danced to this song together! How could you forget that!?” She pouts at you, and it takes every facial muscle you have not to immediately burst out into the dumbest smile.
Without hesitation, Lily pulls your arms around her waist and intertwines her fingers behind your neck, and suddenly, you forget how to breathe, how to think, how to function like a regular human being. 
“I-I think I remember this song,” you stutter, not quite meeting her eyes.
You find yourself being transported back to that sophomore dance as the two of you sway to the beats of the music. Lily rests her head on your chest just as she did back then, and you wonder if she can hear your heartbeat as it races from the proximity. You wonder if she can hear your thoughts, what she would think about how every corner of your mind is occupied by her. You wonder what would’ve happened if you had done something, anything differently that night, if a couple words were the difference between dancing here as lovers or as reminiscing friends.
Say something. This is your only chance. After this, she’ll be gone forever.
Yet, just like that night so many years ago, you stand quietly like a fool, damning yourself to an eternity of forever staying out of her reach.
“That was fun,” Lily giggles as she steps away from you, her fingers lingering in between yours. “I should probably head back though, it’s getting kinda late.”
“Um, yeah, sure.” Regretfully, you let go of her hands and walk her to the front door, trying to not let your mess of emotions reveal itself in your expression.
“Maybe we can hang out again tomorrow! If you’re not busy of course.”
“I’ll have to check my schedule, but yeah, I would like that.” Of course you don’t have anything planned for tomorrow. Even if you did, you’d move Heaven and Earth just to spend another moment with her.
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow!” Lily pulls you into a hug like she always does and you fight off every urge screaming at you to keep her close.
“Yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Long after the door shuts behind her, all you can do is stand there, motionless, like life suddenly stops mattering when she’s not around. This is all your fault, really. It shouldn’t be a surprise that guys would line up for an inkling of a chance with her; in fact, you could fill up entire libraries with books describing how perfect Lily is in every single way, forever pondering how a single glance can fill you up with so much joy and sorrow that it threatens to drown you. You had more than a decade head start, you should’ve been the first one in line.
And yet, your own cowardice got in the way.
Again. And again. And again.
That song plays in your head once more, its melody haunting yet comforting. In a perfect world, the two of you would be able to dance all night to a song that never stops.
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k4marina · 1 year
— mornings || s.r
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thots thots thots bby.
more horny shit for you horny fucks
synopsis: just a little smooching (and some more) with simon
warnings: 🎶it’s getting hit in here, so take off-🎶 kidding, slight sexual themes, language, simping on both ends, this is rusheddddd
simon”ghost”riley x fem!reader
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“sweetheart,” that thick manchester accent oozed out like honey. it was rare for simon to fully speak with his accent, but whenever he did it was in the mornings like now.
he let out a deep groan, shifting his hips, moving you around a bit. you sat perched on his lower abdomen, lips darting from his neck to his jaw and to his chest. simons hands were firm on your hips, less to keep you but himself steady.
“i need to.. fuck..” he sucked in a breath when your lips made contact with a slightly sensitive spot on his neck, by his ear. “i.. i need to get to work. i can’t be late.”
you hummed, eyes closed and savoring the feel and taste of him. “almost there. what’s the rush?”
he scoffed, his hands subconsciously making small circles on your hips. “i cant be late- we can’t be late.”
you groaned. “fine fine.” you led a trail of kisses and small bites up his neck to his lips, capturing him into a deep kiss. your hand came up to caress the side of his head while one of his hands went to the back of your head, pulling you down more.
the kiss was slow and meaningful. biting and pulling at each others lips, tongues swirling together with your teeth occasionally rubbing against each other.
when you finally pulled back, panting and dazed, a small string of saliva connected your lips to his.
god, how you wished you could always spend your mornings like this. feeling nothing but each other with no care in the world, kissing as if it were your last kiss. leaving simon, the ghost panting, dazed, and slightly flushed from nothing but a few kisses.
“love.” simon called out from the bathroom. you sat on the edge of the bed, pulling on your military cargo pants. you leaned back, “yeah?”
simon walked out, cargo pants on but no shirt letting his toned and chiseled torso on full display (not that you were against it). he pointed towards his neck and chest, specifically at the dark hickeys that littered his chest and neck.
you purses you lips, “what?”
“you really think i can go into work like this?”
you scoffed, “if i could go after what you did to me last week, then yes you can go like that.”
you got up, walking over to him, arms around his neck. “besides, you’re always covered up. it’s not like anyone will see anyways.”
“you little..”
it’s safe to say that both you and simon arrived late to base that morning. both of you sporting a new look around your necks.
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wow another rushed fic? if there’s any mistakes lmk i wrote this at the dead of night so my brain isn’t doing very brainy things.
idk how many of you will actually read this, BUT if you do, i’m just letting you all know that my request are open so if y’all want time to write smt for simon or idk who else then drop and thing. i’ll do my best but no promises.
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azullumi · 9 months
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“i think i like this little life” ; genshin men
summary — small things and simple moments with him that makes life worth living.
includes — various characters (w/gender-neutral reader)
tags — fluff, established relationship, kind of domestic, not proof-read, kind of word vomit ; scenarios
words — 1336
notes — i was originally going to add like a watching him get ready scenario thingy but then i changed my mind,, anws i feel like i wrote everyone too soft here haha
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;; spending the morning together
honey-dyed light slips through the thin drapery over the window as the distant shrunken circle of golden rises to the sky portraying the morning that comes. the birds sing a gentle tune outside, serving as some sort of alarm that wakes him up, eyes fluttering open to the sight of the familiar ceiling, the feeling of warmth beside him.
although the dawn’s early night was never a pleasant welcome to him as it only indicates the things that he has to do and have to do for the remainder of the day, anticipation comes at the mere thought that he’ll get to start and spend it with you—everything becomes a little bit better like a weight on his shoulder has been lifted.
in the stillness and silence of the morning, there you are besides him; his gaze lingers at your sleeping form—tranquility seen on the edges and corners of your being—, eyes deep and swirling with feelings of affection; he doesn’t even know how soft his expression becomes whenever he looks at you until someone would inform him of it. strands of your hair were tangled and messy, some of it obstructing your face as it fell over your forehead, and the feeble light shines itself on your skin, basking you in a warm golden glow. everything feels like scenery, something out of a claude monet painting. how did he ever become so lucky to have someone as lovely and wonderful as you in his life?
the moment doesn’t last forever, however. as if a fleeting one, a groan was heard from you and you stir yourself awake.
“good morning, lovely. did you sleep well?” his voice, tender and filled with affection, pierces through the gentle silence of the room. he presses a small kiss on your forehead as he greets you, brushing the strands of your hair back as he did. you slowly blink your eyes open, the sight of him greeting you and immediately, a small smile graces your lips. “good morning.” you reply and having just woken up, your words came out as a whisper only for him to hear.
“do you want to get out of bed?” you only shook your head as an answer, snuggling closer to him. face buried on the curve of his neck, you inhale his scent—faintly cloying yet pleasant. he laughs shortly, “we can stay in for a little bit more then.”
for him, the thought of waking up with you to the soft glow of morning outweighs every trace of his not-so-morning-person personality; he’s not a morning person but if he gets to spend every morning under this light with you, he wouldn’t mind it.
ayato, diluc, dainsleif, heizhou, kaeya, baizhu, kaveh
;; watching everything outside the window
it was just a small thing that you would do together, mostly when one of you is bored. sitting by the window, looking out of it, watching every person that passes by, and creating some sort of story behind them—a not-so-true reason behind the passing strangers’ actions. it’s really just a simple way to pass time and to entertain yourself and you love it, especially when you’re doing it with him.
“do you see that man over there?” you start, referring to the man on the street who seems like in a rush, and his gaze follows the mentioned person. “he’s walking—no, wait, he’s running because he’s on the way to meet someone.”
instead of a mere indulgence in gossip or prying into the affairs of others, it transforms into a serene narrative, delicately unwinding the threads of each moment that passes—people watching, the art of noticing. everything felt like a movie with each of the scenes unfolding before you.
he takes a sip from the cup that he was holding, eyes showing a hint of interest. “perhaps he’s on the way to meet the love of his life.” he chimes, his gaze then darting over at the sight of a woman with their dog. “how about them?”
you hum, “maybe on the way to the vet?”
“sounds like a plausible reason.”
the moment stills, the both of you quietly observing and noticing everything outside—like how the plant displayed outside the window of the shop was a different one compared to yesterday or how the cat across the street always sits and waits on that one spot until an old lady comes to feed them. in essence, yesterday was different to today; in a way that yesterday, there were less people than today or that yesterday, the sun whispered its golden tales to you as to today, it wears a different hue as clouds gather in quiet conversations.
“oh, look there, the cat has a companion.” you say, breaking the hushed moment being shared between you two, tone with a faint of excitement in it as your eyes flickered with the same note. “do you think they’re a couple?”
“they look alike, perhaps siblings.”
“that’s silly, you know a lot of cats look alike.”
and yet, despite all the small shifts and subtle differences painted on his moment before and currently, his yesterday was no different than his today, perhaps it was because you were there with him. many people experience today in a different way and for him, he experienced today with you—and he could only silently hope that it remains that way forever.
kaveh, alhaitham, baizhu, wanderer, lyney, heizhou, childe
;; making plans to spend more time together
there’s just something so intimate in doing things together even if it’s just as mundane as making plans together, to see if one has time for the other on a certain day so that you can have a small date with him or to see if he could accompany you out shopping. perhaps, it is one way of saying that the time you have right now is not enough, never enough, and you can’t wait to see spend time with each other again even if the two of you are right there besides each other currently—a shared anticipation that whispers of the inadequacy of the present moment, always leaving you yearning for more time in each other's company.
“do you want to go out tomorrow morning?” he asks you, his voice gentle like the soft beating of his heart against your ear. you lay besides him while your head is resting on top of his chest and he has his arm encircled around your figure which urges you to nestle into the curve of it; your forms were intertwined with one another in bed, his fingers going from tracing the delicate of your back to playing the strands of your hair, twirling and combing through it.
“to where are we going?” you answer, head tilting up to look at him and his eyes meet yours in that moment, a soft gaze full of adoration for you and only you. he hums, as if going into thought, “there’s a newly opened cafe down the street, do you want to have breakfast there or do you want to have it here instead? we can cook something together. which one sounds more appealing to you?”
he gives you a set of choices, giving you the freedom for your own comfort and desire—something that you greatly appreciate. you’ve contemplated on your decision, taking just a few seconds to do so: “the former.”
“in a cafe?”
“yeah, i feel like going out tomorrow. can we wake up early so that we could, like, take a walk and go to the park?” he doesn’t give it a second thought, nodding and agreeing to what you have asked: “i don’t mind. maybe we can have a picnic there?”
“next time we can.” you answer in which he responded with a hum. silence then settles in the air between you two yet it doesn’t last long as he spoke once more: “can you move closer? it feels like you’re not that close enough for me.” he says, earning a chuckle from you.
albedo, thoma, tighnari, zhongli, dainsleif, lyney, cyno
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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sillyrabbit81 · 1 year
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Prompt: Slow & Romantic, Cock Warming from @florxdexcerezo (x) Thank you so much for sending the prompt in. Sorry its taken so long.
Pairing: August Walker x Female Reader
Word Count: Approx. 600
Warnings: Smut, cock warming, p in v sex
Authors Note: I wrote this a few weeks ago, but wasn't feeling up to posting it. I'm still on semi-hiatus, going to be a couple of months more at least, but here is a thingy I did. Hope you like it. Thanks to @nashibirne for reading.
Edited by me, there will be errors
Dividers by me.
Celebration Masterlist
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Your eyes fly open. A heady rush of adrenaline pumps through your veins as your hand slips under the pillow on the empty side of the bed and curls around cold steel. You keep your breath slow and even as if you're still asleep and listen carefully.
But you’re too late.
A firm hand covers yours and a heavy, hard body traps you beneath it.
“Don’t scream,” he says, “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
You loosen your grip on the pistol and allow the hand to take it away. In the dark, you hear the thunk of the gun being placed on the nightstand.
“You could knock,” you point out.
“I didn’t want to wake you.”
“And yet, here we are.”
The weight on top of you shifts and you think you can just make out a small smile on his moustached face. You reach for the lamp, but he stops you.
“Leave it off,” he says.
“August, please,” you whisper. Your hands cover his whiskered cheeks briefly before he shakes you off.
“Leave it.”
He stands. You vaguely see his outline as he removes his clothes. He’s moving stiffly, slowly and breathing in soft grunts and rough exhales.
“How badly are you hurt?” you ask.
“Nothing so bad that a good night's sleep won’t heal,” he says, dismissively. Sometimes it scares you how easily and smoothly he lies to you.
“Then why are you here?” you ask with a rueful laugh. “The last thing you ever do here is sleep.”
You see his shape pause. You stare at where you assume his eyes would be, he needs to know you aren’t stupid; that you know this thing between you won’t result in a ring on your finger or a pretty white dress.
The longer he stands there unmoving, the harder it is to keep looking into the darkness. What is he thinking? You open your mouth to ask, but close it with a small shake of your head. It's not like he’d be honest anyway.
He starts to undress again. You lay back in bed. Does it really matter if he’s here to fuck you or sleep next to you? You’ll give him what he wants, you always do. You can’t help yourself.
He slips into bed, curling himself around your naked form. His hands begin a long exploration along your hip to your ribs and back again while his face is buried into your neck. You can hear him draw rough, ragged breaths, his mouth is so close to your ear, his lips graze along its edge.
Driven by a primal instinct, you arch your back, lean against him and open your legs in an invitation that needs no explanation. He doesn’t hesitate and quickly you feel the smooth, warm head of his cock sliding over your folds, gathering your wetness before sinking deep inside.
By the same instinct, you begin to roll your hips, relishing the feel of his length as your pussy glides over him. But his hand clasps your hip and holds you still, your ass and back pressed firmly against his chest.
“When I’m gone, I dream of this,” August whispers, “of being inside you.”
“Then please move.”
“No,” he growls, “I need to be inside you. All night.”
You moan and he throbs deep within you. His nose presses into your hair, his arms wrap around your chest, holding you tighter and tighter until you think he’ll crush you. 
“You’re so warm,” he whispers as he softens his hold on you. “I need you to keep me warm. I’m so fucking cold without you.”
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lotusmi · 2 years
tw//mental problems, abusive family, bullying, suicide attempt, manifest/void obsession
first of all i want to thank lotus because it helped me even when i was thinking about suicide❤️‍🩹
it's been years since I learned loa and I was having problems with the manifest. althought I have known loa for 2-3 years, i constantly reacted to 3D and for such reasons I could not manifest anything for 2-3 years. and when i first learned loa i was obsessed with void. I was hurting myself to enter void. like if you don't enter void today I will kill you. i was crazy because of void. at the same time, I was staying in the family environment that dragged me to death, and I was bullied at school . i was hated by people even though i did nothing. i tried to commit suicide many times, my family wouldn't let me go to the therapist. also, no one said anything to the bullying I saw. thats why I bullied myself for years in the same way. if I told anyone I was being bullied and asked for help, they would say it was probably my problem to my face💀💀 and towards the end of 2022, i seriously couldn't stand it anymore. i was constantly reading blogs [i think there is no blog i haven't read, lmao] and the last time i couldn't stand it, i tried suicide again, but i failed. later i wrote to lotus and she gave me a lot of advice (baby ily😩❤️) and i cried more than i have ever cried that night. the problem is that while people were already ruining me, the real problem was that i was ruining myself too. after that day, in the first week, i had so many problems in my manifest journey. but until 2023, i said to myself, "i don't want to live like this anymore. i deserve the life I want.” i made a promise. and every time I felt like quitting, i remembered my promise to myself. and now i have revised my whole life, i live in dubai🤭. if you're going to ask how i did this, i started to listen to my inner voice, i almost stopped entering tumblr. i stopped affirming and wrote down the things that i was gonna revise one by one, and added them to the notes app on my phone. i made a note at the bottom that I already have these in my life. when “what if I can't manifest the life I want?” if such thoughts came to my mind, i told myself that the creation was already finished. in this process, i focused only on myself and was developing my self concept. before I went to bed at night, i was constantly imagining the life I wanted and I was staying in that state and saying I already had the life I wanted, I didn't affirm anything extra. and even those who made life difficult for me started to apologize to me. (i manifested their karma life lol) anyway I don't want to talk more about those bitches but I want to mention this. please take a break. relax. stay away from things like void, loa for a few days. I noticed that some of you are obsessed with void on this blog. but i must say void is just a method. if i manifested the life i wanted when i was only 12-13 years old, you can do it too. take a break and do what feels good to you. love yourself. loa blogs can help you up to a point. they can't spare all their days for you. start taking responsibility. find manifest methods that work well for you. love yourself. meditate. i’ve talked a lot but I would like to add that, if someone tells you that you are the cause of the circumstances you are experiencing right now, that you created the conditions in which you live, please tell them to shut their fucking mouths. no such thing. i was blaming myself again, thinking what a disgusting monster i am just because this “you create ur reality” thingy. but the truth is that creation is already over. good luck!
I literally cried when this girl texted me saying she is living her dream life, I was so pround, I am pround 💗
Backstory, she first texted me 12/15/2022
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She told me everything about her circumstances, they were really bad ones, and she was 12 at time and this made my heart so broken (she revised her age) since her parents were really toxic and disgusting ( I am not going to say much about her old story).
So I told her all about the toxic home I lived and how I manifested it away too (my success, my failures).
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So, time passed and 01/feb I got this text!
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I literally cried because I was so happy for herrrr 💗😭😭
"How she did it?"
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She focused in her inner Self being the only reality and ignored all circumstances!
"and i would love to you to add those youtubers and blogs" insta: - kriston jackson youtube: - lana blakely tumblr: - @becomingthatgirl111 — other sources abt loa: - joe dispenza, edward art"
I literally cried so much and I am so happy for you my angel, look how you did it! You were 12 and revised your whole life! 💗💗💗
And that are people out there who don't believe that it is possible to manifest things. Look at this girl 💓
You did it amazing love, I am so pround of you. You are deserving of all the best things in the world. I wish you all the fun in life. Thank you sm for sending me this, I feel so appreciated that I had helped you, but who did all of this was YOU! 💗💗💗
✉️You all, everything is possible!
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gyuriac · 2 months
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content: What's done is done, and it needs to be left behind. So, after a gruesome breakup, why can't he get you off his mind? After many attempts to replace you, he's at a crossroads. He lost you, and that's got to hurt. cw: puke perchance? pairings: sae itoshi x gn!reader notes: my entry of the ORQUÍDEAS EVENT by @17020!! Thanks for letting me enter! (Been 4 months since i last wrote so apologies if it’s not that good)
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“Are you not tired of yourself?”
Under the dim lights of his spacious apartment, SAE found himself loitering around the entrance of his abode. The silence was deafening, yet he didn't let it get to him. Why should he? He lived longer by himself than with you, he doesn’t need you.
He doesn’t need them he said but when a familiar ring tone blared from his phone, he darted across the room, hope bubbling in his chest.
Mayumi is calling…
When he read the Caller ID he clicked his tongue, letting it ring for a while before picking up.
“Sae! You picked up!” The way his name left her mouth left a bitter taste on his tongue—so disgustingly sweet, it sickens him.
Why is it her calling? Why can’t it be-
She called for him once again and Sae was once reminded again that he was still in call
“What do you want?”
“Well,” she starts, shuffling could be heard from the other side of the phone. He figured she was doing something but honestly, he couldn’t care less.
“I was wondering if you can come to a party with me.” His eyebrows scrunched, clearly displeased by her offer. She knew that he was not one for parties, it was too chaotic for his liking.
“If it helps, Yukimiya will be there.” The red head raised his eyebrows in confusion, what does a lukewarm person have to do with him? Just as he was to dismiss the whole idea, she cuts him off.
“Rumors has it that they’ve been seen hanging out with him, but you didn’t hear it from me.” He pursed his lips.
“I’ll go.”
“Yay! I’ll send the deets to you right now!” Before he can take back his words, the line immediately went dead, leaving Sae alone with his thoughts.
In his anger, he slammed his phone on the table, his hand massaging his temples. Damn it! Just as he was about to convince himself he doesn’t need you or anyone in that matter, you come sneaking in once again. Damn it…
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He hated parties. It’s too stuffy, doesn’t help when people get all over his face. Their stinky breath on full blast. Sae stared in disgust as someone puked meters away from him. He’s already regretting this already.
“You came!” A pair of arms suddenly wrapped around his neck, causing him to stagger. He grunted before he held onto her waist, supporting her weight.
The woman in his arms started to giggle and talk about her night. She was clearly under the influence of alcohol. Sae watched how she talked loudly, words not registering in his mind but the way she started to talk about something made him remember you. It fouled his whole mood.
She’s outgoing and loud. You’re quiet and down to earth.
She’s a completely different person yet all of her reminded him of you.
Your constant reassurance, your gentle touches, your love.
In the corner of his eyes, he swore he caught a glimpse of a person, one that he knew all too well. He breaks away from her arms, her complaints falling on deaf ears.
He runs through the crowd, desperate to see your loving gaze once again.
Just as he was about to call your name one last time, he withdrew.
Sae only watched as you threw yourself on someone, smiling brighter than when he was with you.
He wanted to laugh, scream even. How could he be so stupid? He pushed you away. He was the one who broke it off first.
Yes, he’s tired.
Tired of letting you get whisked away from him forever.
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© gyuriac . i'm begging you to not put my works in any a.i thingy and please don't plagiarize. I don't own anything but my edits and writing.
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What About Me?
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Peter Parker x Female Reader!
Warnings: Angst. Reader is upset because Peter is off being busy as Spider-Man and he's stood her up one too many times for her liking
Word Count: 1.6k
Author's Note: Guys this is my first Peter Parker drabble! YAY!~ I absolutely adore Peter and I wrote this one up earlier tonight and figured it'd be good to share! I hope you all love it, I'm so used to writing fluff that sometimes I forget that writing angst is really good too! Let me know if you have any feedback or requests by sending in an ask, and remember to request Mod Shoyo to be specific! Have a great night (Or morning) everyone!
Also, PicsArt doesn't have the same scrabble letter thingies that Kenma and I have been using for our headers so this one is just a major WTF. Sorry if this looks ugly lol :,)
~Mod Shoyo <3
Y/N sat by her bedroom window, overlooking all of Queens from the seventh floor of her apartment building. Night had fallen and the stars were out, all of the buildings nearby had some office lights still on, people were probably still working, even at this ungodly hour.
That’s one thing that they had in common with her boyfriend Peter.
Being a web-slinging superhero was definitely not on Y/N's list of why Peter Parker could be so distant and just vanish all the time. However, when they first officially started dating, Peter took it upon himself to lay out all of his cards for her right then and there. Y/N was more than understanding and he thanked God for her every single day. Y/N knew that she said she’d be okay with the late nights and the canceled plans, that she’d be up waiting for him during late hours of the night just to make sure he came home safe.
But there was only so much she could take.
She stared down at her text messages with Peter. She asked him if he wanted to come and stay over at her apartment tonight since she’d been missing him a little extra these past couple days. Not only has Tony been working him to the bone, but the crime percentages in Queens seem to have only elevated since Peter would be out all night stopping robberies, saving people from getting mugged or kidnapped, the whole shebang. 
I’ll swing over in 10 love <3 11:45 p.m
Y/N looked at the top of her screen and saw that it was 1:57 in the morning. She knew that she got herself into this and she told herself that every time that he was late or had to cancel on her. It wasn’t his fault. Peter was just doing his job, what he signed up to do, so she couldn’t be mad at him. But who could she get mad at?
She looked like a lovesick puppy, just waiting at her window to see the red and blue suit that her boyfriend wore to come swinging over to her building. Tears were streaming down her face and she was making herself more upset by crying over something like this. She grabbed her phone off the windowsill and turned it off, chucking it into a random corner of her room and lying in her bed. She got under her throw blanket on top of her covers and threw it over her head. Her sniffles and soft sobs weren’t loud enough to wake anyone, but a small part of her wished that Peter would walk in and hear how devastated she was.
Being Peter’s girlfriend was a blessing. It was something like a mantra that she told herself every single morning when she woke up. She wanted to be the one he came home to, the one that would make all of his cuts and bruises better after she cleaned him up, she wanted to be the last woman he would ever love in his life. She wanted to be his. Forever. But being in a relationship didn’t always mean that Peter was the one she fussed over all the time. She was entitled to her own feelings and how she felt, and right now, she was sick and tired of waiting up for Peter.
As if right on cue, her bedroom window slid open and in crawled Peter. He was panting, short of breath as soon as he ripped his mask off his face. “I’m so sorry love, there was this guy in an alleyway that wouldn’t leave this group of middle schoolers alone and he-”
Peter stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at Y/N's shaking figure under her throw blanket. He raised an eyebrow and walked over to the bed, his ears picking up on the sounds of her soft sniffles and hiccups. He pulled the blanket off her head and saw her laying in the fetal position. Her hair was covering the side of her face and he couldn’t really see her expression, but he knew that she was upset. Obviously.
“Baby,...” Peter pushed her hair behind her ear and could see her puffy eyes and red nose. “Hey, hey, what’s the matter?”
Y/N sat up in bed and fixed her crazy hair, sniffling and wiping tears off of her cheeks with the sleeves of her shirt. She sputtered and tried to speak, but she didn’t even know what to tell him. Part of her wanted to be straight up and just tell him that this is the seventh time she’s been kept up waiting on him, but the other part of her knew it wasn’t his fault and that she was just upset because he’s been so busy. Just because she was always available for him, doesn’t mean that Peter was always at her dispense too, especially with what he does with his time.
Peter waited for her to explain, but she just looked down at her lap and started to cry again. He felt awful and he was so clueless. He thought back to the last time she cried and remembered that she had lost a grandfather recently that she was close to. Maybe it was that. He grabbed her hand and held it in his tightly.
“Is this about your grandpa again, love?”
Y/N shook her head and pulled her hand away from his. Now Peter was really confused. He racked his brain trying to figure out what else it could be, but every single option he came up with just came to a dead end. Y/N couldn’t help but notice how hard he was trying to think, and she found it ironic. He was so intelligent, the smartest guy she’s ever known. Yet he’s so oblivious when it comes to the small things, she always thought that maybe his brain was so big, that the most simple of questions really took a couple of seconds for him to think about.
“I’m just tired, Peter.” She finally croaked.
Peter’s heart fell into his chest. His gaze met hers instantly and he felt his heart pounding in his chest. He always thought about how Y/N never deserved to be with someone like him, not when he has the whole Spider-Man thing going for him. It’s unfair to her. And he always felt like one day she’d get tired of it all, but he was praying to God out of his own selfishness, that today was not that day.
“This…” She hiccuped. “This is the seventh time that I’ve stayed up past what we agreed to see each other at just to see if maybe you needed a little more time to come home.”
Now Peter understood. 
“You said you’d only be ten minutes at 11:45 and it's two in the morning now, Peter.” Peter looked down at her hands and noticed that they were trembling. “It’s been so hard for me these past couple times to just tell myself this is what I signed up for. But I miss you so much while you’re gone.”
She broke down in tears again, sobbing into her hands. Her sobs and her hiccups were muffled, but that only made them louder in Peter’s head. She was right, in every way imaginable. He hadn’t been much of a boyfriend recently, only texting her about how much he loved and missed her, sending her a quick selfie while he was mid-swing from one crime to the next. He couldn’t even imagine how lonely she must feel within those gaps of time that he wasn’t messaging her.
“Baby, I- I’m so sorry,” Peter cooed. “I know that I’ve been really busy recently, and I-I can’t even think about how lonely you must feel every single time I do this,”
Y/N looked up from her hands and wiped the snot that was running down her nose. She could barely keep her puffy eyes open enough to look at him.
“Don’t ever tell yourself that this is what you signed up for ever again.” Peter scolded. “I asked you to be my girlfriend because I knew in my heart that I was ready to be your boyfriend. And I still believe that. I haven’t been giving you the attention that you deserve and that’s completely on me. Okay?”
Y/N stayed quiet, staring at him with her bloodshot eyes and a quivering lip. The scary part was over. She was never good with calling people out and telling them how what they’re doing affects her. She’d rather just forgive them and never have to talk about it again. But then, when it happens again, she just puts herself through an endless cycle.
“I just miss you…” Y/N sobbed, wrapping her arms around Peter.
She dug her nose into the crook of his neck, bringing her hands up to the back of his head to feel his hair in between her fingers. When Peter hugged her back, her entire body relaxed and she just let him hold her while she cried into his suit. Peter was rubbing her back comfortingly, whispering sweet things into her ears in between pressing kisses to the top of her head and her temples.
“I’ll do better for you, baby. I promise, okay?”
Y/N nodded. 
Peter felt himself getting choked up the entire time Y/N was crying in front of him. The lump in the back of his throat was almost unbearable to push his spit past whenever he swallowed. He held Y/N in his arms for a while longer before finally taking his suit off and changing into some pajamas. He crawled into bed with Y/N and held her once more, the sound of her heart beat finally calming down bringing a soft smile to his face. He kissed the top of her head once more and closed his eyes.
That night, he made a promise to himself.
A promise that she was never going to feel like this ever again.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Patrick Jane x reader - knowledge
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Hiii could I ask fooooor aaa Patrick Jane x reader where reader isn't one to to goof around rather distant but very observant, like she's just on her head but her head is always running and when talking to her she may come across cold but in reality shes like super dupper awkward with the whole interactions thingy. But aslo very intelligent so on a case Jane where she's on the field with Jane and perhaps Cho (we love cho) Jane, well is Jane, but she finds a flaw on his deduction and just bluntly says so but then she's so awkward cuz dude she's new and Jane has already made a name on the CBI and Cho is there which only makes - @fucklife-or-me 💜
You were speaking to one of the officers who arrived on scene, getting his version of what he saw when he arrived.
Jane and Cho were simply wondering around the house, looking at everything while Jane was rattling things off.
“Excuse me.”
You walked away from the officer and over to the pair of them, arms crossed over your chest as you listened to Jane.
He was rambling on about what had happened here, and for the most part out agreed with him, everything he said matched up with all of the evidence.
All except one thing.
“In his coffee were an assortment of medications, aiming to knock him out so his wife could kill him.”
You shook your head.
“You’re wrong.” You said bluntly.
“How so?” Cho asked.
You walked over to both cups and pointed at them both, looking at the steam rising.
“These are freshly made coffee’s, neither have been drunk. The victim was killed at some point last night we know that, and the murderer stayed until just now.”
Jane frowned a little bit, looking at the two cups before turning back to you.
“So what were the cups for then?” He asked.
You shrugged a little bit, going to look around the home.
You were looking at everything and finally you stopped by a draw that was slightly open.
Pulling on a glove, you pulled it open and looked inside.
“My guess, it was a robbery gone wrong.”
You turned them them and just stared at them before you awkwardly looked away.
You didn’t know what to say now, so you simply padded away to carry on looking around before you headed towards the office.
When you got there, you sat down at your desk to do some paperwork before Cho and Jane got back.
“You were right, the victims wife came home and gave us a list of what was missing.” Cho said.
He set the list in your desk and walked away while Jane sat on the other side of your desk.
He watched you working, you were carefully monitoring what you were writing down, and double checking everything.
He looked at the list you had been given before setting it back.
He’d only spoken to you a few times, and this was your first time working a case with him, and he was curious as to how smart you really were.
“If you were to steal something, where would you take it for a quick turn over?”
You looked up at him before quickly typing something into your computer before turning the screen towards him.
“Simple, pawn shops and car boot sales. Car boot sales are a lot easier then pawn shops but there is two in the area that are pretty sketchy, and only three car boots going on today.”
You wrote down everything and handed it over to him before going back to his work.
“How’d you figure that out?”
You shrugged and carried on working on whatever it was you were doing and he handed the information to Lisbon and Rigsby.
Jane decided to stay there with you and carry on questioning you, he wanted to see how able you were, and maybe get a feel for why you spoke so coldly towards them all.
You were a hard worker, that was for sure.
But there was something about about you, an intelligence that you tried to keep hidden deep down within you.
He wanted to see the extent of that knowledge, and he wanted to see how many things you were knowledgeable.
So he kept asking questions about the case, you were giving you him all the answers he wanted and he was sending them over to the rest of the team.
You stopped talking after a while and simply got up and walked away from him without another word.
Jane watched you walk to the kitchen and he titled his head a little bit as he smiled.
“She’s kinda cold towards people.” Grace whispered.
Jane shook his head as he looked up at her.
“Nope, she’s just socially awkward.”
He beamed and got up and walked away, now he was going to find a way to help you over this social awkwardness
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sotwk · 2 months
Hey! I hope you're having a blast with your summer campfire event, it's such a cute idea!! You already wrote a very sweet love letter from Boromir for another ask, so I'll humbly request a love letter from Eomer instead! <3 (I'm an easy customer, my real-world love life is so garbage I'll be happy with anything lol) Happy birthday again!
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Oooh girl. GIRRRRL. Have I got Tea to Serve.
Now I hate to be that busybody town gossip (oh who are we kidding, everyone in Edoras knows exactly what I am), but last night while I was picking up after them eored boys I saw the Marshal, yes that Marshal, toss a ripped and crumpled up sheet of paper into the fire. He'd spent the whole evening scowling and scribbling away at that thing, you'd think he'd forgotten his letters. (Personally, I didn't even think the man knew how to work a quill.)
Anyways, he must have been so frustrated and tired cause he missed his throw and you can bet I fished that lil' nugget up and stuck it in my pocket before anyone could see.
I know, I know, I could get in SO much trouble, he's the Marshal and he's probably got loads of army secrets and stuff to write about, but I could just TELL this wasn't anything business related. And OhMyBema my instincts were right, why do I ever even doubt myself?!
Anyhoo, I am just about halfway done taping the pieces back together like a Ravensburger 1,000-piece (boy was he mad at this letter!) but I can already tell it will be worth the loss of my eyesight. It's a letter FOR YOU, GIRL. AHHHH. I know. I know. And I TOLD YOU.
Once I'm done I'm gonna sneak it into your room--keep an eye on that letter box thingie you have on your desk. If you see a hot mess of a paper in it--it's not garbage! And neither is your love life because GIRL. GIRL.
I gotta go scream into a pillow now before I get back to the Scotch tape.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Hiya squiggly! I always love when you open your requests, so I’m really excited for this! This time Clemont is the (unlucky) winner of my attention, so may I request something with him? I know that’s pretty vague, but the only thing I could think of was a comfort thingy with him and the reader, but I know you already have one of those written (very lovely by the way!) so maybe something with him and Bonnie? They have such a cute dynamic! Whatever you decide, I’m sure it’ll be great! Once again, my apologies that this is kinda vague, but thanks for taking the request and have a great day (or night!) -⚡️
BABIES! Ahh god I love these two so much, your honor! Originally this fic was gonna be angst with some comfort elements, but after thinking on it I revamped the entire thing and just made it sibling fluff and happiness cause yes. I've gotcha covered, friend!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@gladdygirl18 @rachi-roo
Bonnie bit down a sigh as she watched her brother disappear once more in his room, the door shutting with a soft click. It’s been nearly two months since Ash left for Alola, and ever since there seemed to be a permanent cloud hung over Clemont’s shoulders.
Sure, Ash wrote to them anytime he could, and those letters always seemed to brighten him up, but it didn’t seem like the joy lasted that long. As quickly as it came, her brother was back to quietly moping; putting on a brave face when needed but ever stuck in his head.
“Brrr?” Dedenne bumped Bonnie’s hand, snuggling close as the girl carefully picked them up.
“Yeah, I think you’re right. I’m worried for Clem.” She hummed softly, rocking on her heels. “It’s not good for him to stay in all the time. He’ll just keep working on his inventions until he drops.”
More thoughts passed, when suddenly she had an idea.
“I know what to do.”
“B-Bonnie?” Clemont blinked when he found her in front of his door a week later- spread out like a starfish against the cool wood. “What are you doing?”
“I’m blocking you out! You’re not going in there today!” She declared, puffing her cheeks stubbornly like her Dedenne- who interestingly enough was also posed exactly like her. “You’ve been hiding away in your room long enough! It’s time we had a day out!”
“Huh? Yeah- sure, that sounds fine. But I-” He gestured, but Bonnie was already grabbing his arm, pulling him along.
“No buts! You’re coming- right now!” She declared, marching him to the door with such determination he was forced to follow along. “We’ve got the whole day planned out, isn’t that right, Dedenne?”
“Chew!” The mouse squeaked in glee, bouncing beside them as they left their humble home.
“Oh dear..” Clemont sighed, accepting his fate as the warm sunshine touched his cheeks. When his sister wanted something, it was best to go with it.
Luminous City had many attractions. While it was especially dazzling at night, it didn’t fall short during the day. Bonnie skipped ahead, her hand in her his as they passed by crowds and Pokemon alike. Billboards flashed various advertisements: one about an electric gym leader from overseas caught his attention the most. She looked strong.
“Oo, it’s Iono! Word is she might appear in Kalos soon! They say she’s gonna make her debut here in Luminous City! Be ready, Clem- you might have some stiff competition when she arrives!” Bonnie grinned over her shoulder as they watched her add play for the hundreds of faces watching alongside them. “She’s pretty. Hey- you should totally ask her out when she gets here! I could have a famous streamer as my sister!”
“B-Bonnie! That’s not- whoa!” Clemont went to argue, but Bonnie had pulled him further until they stopped before a familiar place.
“Here we are!” She cried, arms high and smiling big as she did a twirl before the steps. “The Luminous museum! Home of all kinds of funny machines!”
Clemont gaped, eyes wide as he stared at the building. “Wha…Bonnie, are you sure about this?”
“Why would I not be?” She tilted her head curiously, confused. “Do you not want to be here? I already got tickets.”
“What- no, no not at all! I’m just- oh, nevermind. Come on!” Like a little kid in a candy store, Clemont practically sprinted to the doors, just barely grabbing the ticket Bonnie gave him. Behind him, he could hear her giggling.
“Bonnie look! This is amazing!” Clemont called out to her, eyes sparkling like gems as he pointed at some rather unique contraption. Bonnie couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Even her brother’s explanation- well, ramblings- didn’t help her understand its purpose.
Smiling and nodding, she let herself look around, taking in the sights around her when-
“Whoa!” She gasped, eyes big as she pointed. “Look at THAT!”
“That” turned out to be a massive Dedenne plush- the ones that cost a pretty penny in the toy stores around Luminous. It was perched with a number of other plushes and prizes as two men gathered a crowd.
“Come one, come all! Guess how many Magnemites are behind the screen and win a prize!” The man in white called out, charming the audience with a dazzling smile.
“Play as many times as you wish; but don’t get too cocky. The number changes after every win! Let’s see who’ll win the first game!” The man in black added, winking and making the crowd giggle. Bonnie felt her heart race with excitement- a guessing game!
“Wow, that must be hard to do.” She mused, finding herself joining the crowd. Next to her, Clemont was quiet with calculation, eyes flickering and mouth moving in silent numbers. “I bet it’s gonna take all morning to guess-”
“You there- the boy in the jumper! What is your guess?” The man in white called out, surprising Bonnie. She looked up at her brother as he raised his hand.
“27 Magnemites.” He said confidently. People blinked, looking towards the pair.
The screen fell back, revealing…
“That’s correct!” The man in white announced, the buzzing pokemon floating about the room and dazzling the crowd. “Come forward, sir and claim your prize!”
“Can my sister pick? I want her to have it.” He asked, gently bringing Bonnie forward. She looked back at him with wide eyes, finding him gently smiling at her.
“Are you sure?” She asked softly, brows furrowing when he nodded. After a moment looking over the prizes, she nodded.
“Okay- I know what I want.”
“Bonnie..you really didn’t have to.” Clemont looked down at the Heliolisk plush in his arms. He didn’t see it when he got there, but all but gaped when she returned with it. “You could have got your Dedenne. That’s what you wanted, right?”
“I liked Heliolisk more.” She shrugged causally, skipping along. “You always use it when you battle- he’s your favorite, right?”
“Well- one of them, yeah..” He couldn’t deny the joy he felt when she gave him the plush. It was so soft and cuddly, the perfect shape and stitching too.
Only… “Hey Bonnie-”
“OH!” She squealed suddenly, pointing at a stand nearby. “Crepes!”
His stomach growled involuntarily, making him blush. Bonnie giggled as she ran over before he could stop her.
Clemont hummed in thought as he watched her order them, his thoughts running wild.
“Mmm! I love crepes! This has been such a great day!” She smiled around her snack, cheeks pink and smile big as the flavors melted on her tongue. “What do you want to do next, Clem?”
“Bonnie..” Clemont’s voice made her pause, halfway through with her bite. “What’s really going on?”
Chewing slowly, she looked out at the people passing by, thinking of her answer. “Nothing really- I just really wanted to spend the day with you, that’s all.”
“I don’t think it’s just that. You took me to the Luminous museum- where we spent the majority of the morning in the inventions section- then when we won that game, you picked out my favorite Pokemon instead of yours. Then you went ahead and bought us crepes even though I know you love ice cream and I could have paid.” He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “So what’s actually going on?”
Caught. Red handed- no passing go. Bonnie ducked her head in defeat. “Okay, you caught me. I wanted to cheer you up.”
“...What?” He blinked, surprised. Bonnie nodded.
“You’ve been so sad since Ash left; don’t tell me you haven’t- I know you.” He shut his mouth before any denial could escape. “I didn’t like seeing you like that, so I had this idea that if I took you to all your favorite places today, you’d be less sad.” She dared a peek, hiding some behind her crepe. “Did…did it work?”
Clemon gaped at her, then he laughed. “Boohonnie! Oh my- come here.” He reached out, pulling his sister close and hugging her gently. “Bonnie, you’re too sweet. I love you so much.”
“Heh, I love you too, big bro.” She grinned, hugging him back and relaxing in his arms. “Seems like you’re finally returning to normal, huh?”
“I do feel better. Thank you- really. I hadn’t realized I looked so sad; sorry for worrying you.” He patted her head gently as he let her go, watching her finish off her crepe. “I’ll be okay- we both will. I know Ash isn’t here right now, but he’s always willing to visit. Maybe we’ll see him again some time, yeah?”
“Hehe, for sure!” She tapped her last bite of crepe with his, finishing it with a smile. With their snack finished, Clemont got up, dusting off his hands and offering one to her.
“Come on- let’s go back to the museum.”
“You're gonna look at all those inventions again, huh?”
“Nope- there’s a Dedenne plush there I want to win. The guy said we can play as many times as we want, right?” He smiled at her booming grin, laughing when she practically dragged him there.
Bonnie was asleep, her new plush cuddled against her chest and her actual pokemon resting on top. Clemont smiled at her as he quietly shut her door, returning to his own room. Their day was a great one- more sight seeing around town followed by food stands and games; his feet hurt at some point but his heart was happy.
As he closed his door, his phone pinged, a familiar name across the notification.
Wanna V.Chat?
Laughing, he texted back his response before setting up at his computer, smiling as the ocean greeted his eyes.
“Aloha from Alola!” Ash cheered as he came into view, dressed in shorts and one of the local flower shirts. He was already radiating tourist energy. “Clem! I was wondering when I was gonna hear from you today!”
“Heh, sorry- I got busy.” He leaned in his hands as he took in Ash’s face. He had only been there for a short time, but his skin was bronzed and his smile was all the more radiant. It was a comforting sight to hold. “I meant to call you earlier, but Bonnie decided we were having a day together.
“Aww! That sounds so fun!’ Ash grinned as he sat down on the sand, adjusting his camera accordingly. “No worries- I was getting over the jetlag anyway. I don’t think I would have been as talkative then vs now.” That and the time zone difference meant it was easier to call at this hour. While Clemont’s sun was setting, Ash’s was just coming up. “You look happy.”
“Oh-” The blonde suddenly felt guilty. “Sorry-”
“Don’t apologize. I’m glad you’re happy.” The brunette smiled at him- genuine and warm like the sun. It never failed to make him blush. “Seeing you doing so good makes me happy; you tend to overwork yourself a lot. Try not to push it.”
“Are you and Bonnie secretly coordinating?” He asked with a raised brow, making Ash laugh. Oh what a bright sound. “I really should tell her I’ve been calling you. She was worried about me today- she’s gonna be angry when she finds out we’re in touch.”
“Hehe, maybe.” Ash laughed again, somewhat sheepish. “Hey- why don’t we make it a monthly thing? The three of us, Serena- we can all get on call together and catch up? I think it would be nice.”
“Yeah- that sounds good. Do you want me to share this number?”
“Nah. We can make a new one.” Ash decided, much to Clemont’s surprise. “I like this one being just us, you know? Call me what you want but…I kinda only wanna see your face right now.”
Clemont blushed more, and even Ash’s cheeks were red. If they were in person, the blonde could picture him gently brushing back his bangs, leaning in to-
“Hey uh- I’ve actually been meaning to ask you something.” Ash jumped in when the silence stretched, coughing some. He was clearly thinking the same thing. “This summer the place I’m staying at opens up to visitors. You can rent it out and have people stay for a month or so.” Ash fiddled with his hands, cheeks on fire as he shyly smiled at the camera. “Do you..want to come by? I mean to visit I mean.”
Clemont stared, taking in the new information with wide eyes. Ash quickly scrambled.
“I mean- if you want to! We can bring Bonnie and Serena- or just us, wait stop that Ketchum- but yeah! I can get the arrangements made; I’ve done some favors here and can get you a good deal on the rooms- why are you laughing?” Ash blinked as Clemont giggled helplessly, hands over his mouth and cheeks pink.
“I’m just- I’m just so happy right now.” He smiled, looking up at Ash’s eyes in the camera. “Yes. I’d love to see you this summer. If you’d have me.”
Ash brightened, nodding. “Of course I will! It’s a date.”
So it was. Clemont couldn’t wait for Summer.
Thanks for reading!
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wavernot4love · 6 months
wanted 2 make a post about some positive things that happened at iDKHOW Buffalo last night, because there certainly was good in there, for everyone involved, and i want to highlight/talk about that stuff!
i make these posts a lot for shows, mostly for myself so i don't forget, but others seem 2 enjoy them too, and i don't think last night's show should be any exception.
- first of all, OPENING BAND in the crowd!!! something i have never heard of dallon doing for that one before, and all things considered, i fully see why he chose to do it here as it fit the clear vibe of just wanting to be close with and sort of revel in the connection with the crowd - and the ability of that to make everything better.
there were no flamboyant theatrics like with visitation, just all of us singing together (it was also just anthony playing onstage), and homie stayed out with us for a long time - most of the song. i was also right up there which was nice.
(i'm just gonna put a keep reading thingy here you can click so this doesn't clog tags/folks' dash due to being long)
was just super sentimental. dallon even brought the "gives me.... and ____ a purpose" thing back, mentioning/gesturing towards anthony, & also the thing where when we're all doing the last "band" he like, leans back and yells it with his hands around his mouth. just kinda got me & made me smile since he didn't do either of those things on saturday, and i always do them out of habit when singing the song because of past shows.
definitely the best moment of the night & the embodiment of everything i love about idkhow. he truly made the best out of everything.
i didn't film all of it, & also my camera angles are bad since i didn't want to shove my phone in dallon (or anyone's) face. this is the only video i really feel comfortable posting from last night since it just felt like everything was alright in that moment, 100%. not that i took many in the first place for that reason, but you get the idea.
- dallon strutting around with a pride flag from someone for half a song!! let me tell you, bro was showing that thing OFF. sadly i just had my film camera in hand in the moment so i just grabbed maybe five shots on that aka i don't have em yet, but i'll have em eventually, and it sure did happen, and it was great. did see a few posts in idkhow's tagged on instagram if ya wanna peep.
- back to what i said in regards to opening band about making a rough situation more positive, dallon brought up this exact point (even moreso than usual, including just on saturday in rochester) earlier in the show while talking about a letter - he went really in depth about turning negative stuff into something beautiful. and was talking about how when he wrote the song, he could only hear what we were doing now (you know the parts, in the chorus) in his head, and now he gets to actually experience it, and so he never stops playing this song even 20 years after he wrote it. i love dallon's love for a letter, man, and hope he never does stop.
- downside has truly become one of my favorite live songs. holy moly dude it had even the otherwise seemingly casual fans going wild, possibly even more than rochester actually. that is a song to freakin JUMP to if there ever was one!!!
- did mention this in my post from last night, but a while after the show (there were only maybe a dozen of us around at this point), on his way out to the bus, dallon kind of smiled & waved at us/said thank you, first to the larger group closer to the venue and then to the few of us a bit further down, too.
can't really word it right, but just the fact that despite seeming quite down, still, bro took care to make sure we all felt appreciated/not ignored was sweet. i think maybe he could tell we were concerned, i don't know, dude, all i do know is there's a lot of kindness in that dude's eyes.
had honestly never really interacted with dallon all these years prior to these shows (besides theatrical visitation crowd stuff), so i hadn't fully realized until these past few days - really given me a different perspective i hadn't fully caught onto before amidst the dramatic aspects of idkhow/dallon & their shows, i guess.
point is, dallon's a kind dude. be good to him. just wanted to say that.
- and finally, last night was my eighth (!) idkhow show, & what's crazy is i have never traveled more than an hour & a half for one all this time. i can't say that goes for any other band, and that fact doesn't go lost on me. western ny loves and shows up for idkhow, & idkhow loves and shows up for western ny always. <3
i just have so much love for all this, dude. i miss the shows already.
this project & dallon's music & the live shows have all been in my life for so long. both of these shows have been special in some way or another, last night being a reminder of how powerful everything idkhow has going is to the point of being able to make something good out of, well, whatever might be going on.
truly hope to catch another show back around here sometime soon. please get out 2 a gig if you can - chances are, like me and everyone i've encountered, really, at their shows, you'll never want to stop going, either, if you do. :p
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