#but the twists and the jokes and the references they made were so funny and so on point that it becomes more enjoyable the more you rewatch~
natsukishinomiyaswife · 4 months
Hello! For the cafe event, could I get a smoothie bowl with jazzy juice please? Thank you! 💖
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Hello 👑 Anon! ☆
Thank you so much for your order! ♡ I hope you enjoy! ♡
This is part of an event I'm doing where people can request stories by placing orders! For more information, please refer to this post! ♡
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⋆ 𝓥𝓲𝓵 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓮𝓷𝓱𝓮𝓲𝓽: 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓲𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓷 ⋆
One smoothie bowl and a jazzy juice, coming right up! ♡
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⋆ In movies, there were always moments that stood out. Moments that made an impact, that people remember for years to come. Sad moments, dramatic moments, funny moments. Character deaths that everyone seems to know, plot twists that left people reeling, jokes that people recite, without having seen the movie in question. For Vil, his dream was to make an impact like this, to have a moment where everyone remembers him. His role, his acting, his work. Ever since you've became a couple though, his attention has been drawn to a specific genre, even auditioning for a role in one.
⋆ Romance movies were well known throughout the film industry, with moments that leave couple's longing to have them. Moments that inspire proposals, weddings, even honeymoons. Moments that left the viewer wanting, wondering what a romance like that would be like. For someone to run after you before you go, stopping you from getting on your train, or in your car, or on the plane. For someone to reunite with you after so long, yet the love you still hold for each other remains, unwavering after years of distance. For someone to run up to you, holding you close and spinning you around as you both laugh in delight, uncaring of the stares around you. For someone to love you, to truly love you, exactly as you are.
⋆ He doesn't want to play the antagonist, or the side character, or the rival. He wants to be the main character, the main love interest, your love interest, for as long as you'll allow him. You are his, after all. The only love interest he has ever wanted, the only person he has ever longed for. So, indulge him, won't you? When he's feeling sentimental, his longing for you getting to be too much, his heart overflowing in his love and adoration for you.
⋆ You had just gone to the theaters to see his most recent film, Vil wearing a disguise so you could enjoy your date privately. You couldn't help but think he still looked handsome, dressed more casually than usual with a pair of sunglasses on his face and a baseball cap on his head. Now that the sun had set, and you were away from the theater, he put his sunglasses away, giving you a better view of his face. The film was a romantic drama, with Vil playing the main character's rival, who was the main love interest's ex. You were enraptured by his performance, unable to take your eyes off him whenever he was on screen. He played the bitter ex well, with moments that made it clear his character was still hopelessly in love with the love interest.
⋆ You couldn't help but feel he would have been better suited as the main character though, thinking about your relationship with him. The main character had been devoted, stern yet caring in his love for his partner. It was clear he had only wanted the best for them, and as you watched their relationship unfold, you couldn't help but think, Vil would have been perfect for this. He should have been the main character. You tell him as much, causing a smile to come to his face.
⋆ As you're walking it begins to drizzle lightly, reminding you of a scene from the movie. In it, the main character and love interest were sitting outside at a restaurant, eating while listening to a band play. The love interest hints that they want to dance with him, leading the main character to drag them near the band. As they begin dancing it starts to drizzle, the main character and love interest having no plans on stopping. It was a cute scene, with them sharing their first kiss before Vil's character interrupts them.
⋆ It seems Vil must be thinking the same thing, pausing as his gaze lingers on a restaurant nearby. There was no band playing, or dinner date, but in that moment he wanted to pretend. Pretend that he was the main character and you were the love interest. Pretend that you had just had a wonderful dinner date, hinting how you wanted to dance with him. He looks at you before pulling you along, urging you to follow him. He stops near the outdoor dining area, where fairy lights shine as the rain continues to drizzle. You can't stay out here too long, he doesn't want either of you to get sick. But indulge him, won't you, when he pulls you in close and sways with you to an unheard beat.
⋆ Lost in your own world as you move to a silent song, his gaze never leaving you. Once your hair starts to become damp, some pieces sticking to your face, he decides your dance must end, even if he longs for it not to. He reminds himself that there will be other dances, other moments for you to have as he holds your cheek in his hand. The kiss you have is slow, as if he wants to savor it, to burn it into his mind. As he pulls away he realizes the rain has started to come down heavier, taking a moment to catch his breath before leading you to shelter. Unlike the movie, there is no credits that will roll, or a romance that will end anytime soon ♡
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I hope you enjoyed your meal, and thank you for visiting the Cathie Cafe! ♡
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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Heyyyy. Could u do some hcs on what tan and readers senses of humour are like together cuz i just feel like when they are in front of other people or in public they are like cackling witches and they are both just quite twisted and into dark humour which nobody else understands but i feel like thats why they get along so well. Hope it makes sense :)))
hiii!! I can so see this and it’s so cute!! thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
— I def feel like it comes across rude and bitchy, but it's always unintentional. you get on so well and bounce off each other without having to try. maybe it makes others jealous
— have this idea, but I need to explain it in layman's terms so I get my thought across properly. sat side by side, one of his arms is draped over your shoulder, he's manspreading (hot) and you're kinda twisting into him, and your legs are slung over his thigh. with the hand thats on your shoulder, he'd be mindlessly playing with the ends of your hair, and he has heart eyes bc why not. and you'd be talking against his cheek, whispering something funny and kissing it in between, playing with his spare hand. it's been eating me up and needed to get it out bc its effing SO CUTE
— "was that too far?" or "was that too much?" or "was that over the line?" or "was that offensive?" is probs within your vocab
— tans usual jokes are probably within the 'ophan' realm
— any new girl fans?? like winston and aly, they have inside jokes they CACKLE at, but no one else finds it funny. I imagine it like that
— another reference, but you know when kelly osbourne made a joke about donald trump?? and the hosts were all like "oooh" I kinda imagine it like that. other people might be "oh that's not.." or "maybe you shouldn't say that," but then the other one of you would be silently cracking up
— like to think he's not one to joke about certain triggering topics. hope he thinks that's too low, and instead of it being funny, would think it's cruel, insensitive and out of line (maybe im projecting what I want in a guy lmao)
— you're both quick and witty with it, but you're smart and know when enough is enough and what is considered too far. feel like you can both come up with them out of nowhere. it's a talent
— like laughing with your friend at class in school, lots of snickers, gentle arm slaps, gasps, cackles. all of it and it's so cute
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nic-42 · 6 months
Married is not the same as just lovers!
I wanted some interaction between Chikage and Shinichi with a touch of humiliation from Toichi and Kaito, it will be long so I'll make a cut
"The day you sleep peacefully and wake up at 2 in the morning and go downstairs and find your magician husband making a house of cards on the kitchen table while the poor guy tries to open a package of gummy bears, you will know how is to be happily married."
chikage said to shinichi as he cut the potatoes for dinner. shinichi was, to say the least, confused. There were only 3 months left until his wedding with Kuroba Kaito and he was helping his mother-in-law prepare dinner for his future husband and father-in-law when the topic of conversation suddenly changed to… this strange comment.
"What? How am I supposed to interpret that?"
Shinichi was trying to figure out, why did this family always speak in code? Not even his parents were that annoying.
"Well honey, I'm referring to your relationship and the changes it will experience, being married is very different from being lovers, when you marry Kaito you will discover things about him that no one else would understand!"
While Chikage put the pan on the fire and moved the meat from the bowl, Shinichi remained thoughtful. He already knew Kaito very well, what else should he know?
"but kaito and I already know each other very well, I don't think it will be a big change"
Chikage chuckled as she looked for something in the refrigerator and with all the cerenity in the world she began to explain.
"I thought the same thing when I married Toichi, but reality slapped me in the face when we started living together as a married couple, I never imagined that my beloved had such… 'peculiar' tastes and habits, you know"
she cleared his throat
"I still remember when I discovered that Toichi spoke in his sleep, it was very strange and funny! I discovered that if I whispered a little I could manipulate his dreams, when I discovered that Mr. gentleman was capable of insulting at such speed when he thought he was alone, when I discovered that he had insomnia and did strange things when he was sleep-deprived, or when I discovered that he loved talking to Kaito when he was barely born! Oh~ it was hilarious to see him interpret our baby's noises and gestures to continue the conversation!"
Shinichi was perplexed, he had no idea that his father-in-law could be so… similar to Kaito in the sense of being adorably weird. It was when a question crossed his mind, what would his kaito be like when they got married?
"So, was it a very drastic change?"
Shinichi began to prepare the salad without taking his eyes off his mother-in-law.
"Oh yes it was! It was a huge twist. going from 'Prince Charming' to 'I don't know how I got here if I don't even know how to boil water' and it was very fun, somewhat difficult but that's what life is about! change others and let others change you"
Shinichi looked lovingly at his mother-in-law, she was right, he and Kaito were young and still changing. It would undoubtedly be fun to evolve with his beloved, but he returned from his thoughts to be able to finish dinner. After many jokes and exchanging secrets from their lovers, dinner was served on time when the front door opened.
"kaa-san, shin-chan, we're home!"
Kaito entered and behind him came his father. Shinichi ran into Kaito's arms and kissed his cheek welcoming him, Kaito blushed and smiled while his parents murmured and laughed behind them. Already seated at the table, the magicians praised their loved ones.
"It's delicious, honey! Your seasoning is always so smooth and unique!" Toichi said while licking his fingers, completely leaving aside the cutlery.
"and the meat is juicy and tender, I'm impressed by how well you cook now shin-chan!" Kaito took another big bite, staining his white shirt.
both cooks looked at each other and laughed
"oh kai-chan, look what a mess you've made! my little messy baby!" Chikage said with a sweet tone and pinched Kaito's cheek.
"um, oji-san, there," shinichi said, holding back a laugh as he brought the fork to toichi.
both wizards looked at their hands/shirt, became silent and turned as red as a tomato.
"oi, chika-chan!" "oi, shin-chan!"
I had to get this out of my system, I love this beautiful family relationship, next is an outing with the kudo! maybe a halloween dance? or wedding preparations? I still haven't decided, help me with that
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leggerefiore · 5 months
cw: short, joking sex mentions, basically all a joke
pairing: Ingo/Reader, Emmet/Reader
Somehow, you and the Subway Boss had found yourselves away from the bustle of Nimbasa and out in the quiet of somewhere off from the main areas of Unova. A train ride out was a pleasant getaway, after all. Your sweet boyfriend would naturally enjoy anything to do with his beloved trains, and you got some alone time out with him. Though, this time, you both stopped to watch the various happenings pass by. Both passengers and cargo trains came down the railroad tracks while you both relaxed on the waiting platform.
One, however, caught your attention in particular. It was a type of car built like a basin. Something was being transported inside, but you could not see from the lower position that you were in. What you could see, however, was the text on the various cars. “Do Not Hump,” you read the text aloud, “… Does that really have to be stated? Are people engaging in sexual acts with the train?”
The twin at your side froze and blinked a few times.
Ingo's cheeks then grew a bright colour as he attempted to grab the brim of a hat that he was not wearing. Instead, he just lowered his head and averted his gaze. You stared at him.  Soon, his hands pressed to his face. A sigh left him. “Dearest, hump does not refer to any explicit in this context,” he began to explain after removing his hands and daring a look at you, “It is a reference to a common method to sort freight cars by using a man-made hill… or, well, a hump.”
You could only laugh at how mortified he seemed by your words. It was clear he was not such a fan of the word but knew the true meaning was nothing as funny as what the phrase brought to mind as someone uninitiated. “So, no one is humping train cars enough to warrant a plea on the vessel itself?” you replied.
“… I do not wish to consider that an actual part of this reality,” Ingo shook his head and gazed at another train that was passing through, “I… I do not think that I would handle someone trying to do that to the subway car well. I would truly start screaming…” You shuddered. His “real” volume could probably cause hearing loss if his normal one was anything to go by.
“… Say, Ingo, would you hump me?” you dared to try again.
He looked at you with the disappointment that only an elder sibling or parent could make.
The younger twin tilted his head at your words. He made direct eye contact with you for a long moment. Much too long. Then, his gaze went to the freight train. He read the text and considered it for a moment. “Nope,” he shook his head, “It is related to a freight car sorting method. It uses a hill or “hump” to do it.” You felt disappointed. Really? You expected him to have something funny to say. But, well, this was his beloved trains you both were talking about.
“Would you still want me if I was a train car?” you decided to twist a usual question people asked their boyfriends, “Would you ignore my “Do Not Hump” warning, Emmy?” Emmet was silent for a moment too long. It left an eerie feeling in the air as he just stared out at the passing cargo train. When it was gone, he eventually returned his full attention back onto you. He then wordlessly nodded. You felt bewildered.
Apparently, your silence eventually brought him back to speaking himself. “… Yep,” he agreed again, “I love my darling too much! I could never, everrr ignore your desires.” You let out a laugh. Your desires… as a train car. The only scary part was being unable to tell if he was joking or being serious. You decided to just stop worrying when he grasped your hand and pointed out to you the odd engine on the train that passed the small platform.
“… Well, you do hump me in a train car, so I guess it isn't that different, is it?” you spoke again after having a thought.
Emmet burst out laughing this time.
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Parallels are funny
I was never into anime when we were friends. I just wasn't a fan, until recently. I was watching a few different animes based on another friend's recommendations. Jujutsu Kaisen is the one I am referring to as I write this. I never thought about why Satoru Gojo's and Suguru Geto's relationship really affected me until I saw this piece of art.
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Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto fit us so well.
The love, the intensity, the ending. One who would do anything for the other if they asked. One who kept the other in check while allowing them to feel truly free. One who was shining too bright to notice the darkness consuming the other. The one who had endless possibilities, and the one who wanted the impossible.
From freshman year to the middle of our junior year of college, we were inseparable.
Constant rides and study sessions. Doing homework, and practicing our pass-off music together. Those first few classes in our major were hard, but don't worry, I was there to always lend a hand when you needed it. Classes just kept getting harder. We both started to get busy and overwhelmed. I know you started to feel depressed when I was advancing in classes, and you were struggling with the same ones. I was there to support you as much as I could, but I had to keep going. I just didn't realize that I was leaving you behind. I thought you just needed more time, but you were focused on other things.
We were a duo- connected at the hip. Always together, never too far apart.
The friendship was innocent. Sharing laughs and having late night conversations. Small, drunk kisses that didn't mean anything, right? Cuddling and sharing blankets. Matching outfits and saying I love you. We talked about getting matching tattoos. I swore you were my soulmate. We shared so many late night drives. Remember when we went to the beach at midnight and didn't get back home until 4am? Yeah, I replay the video sometimes just to hear your voice.
Everyone thought we were dating.
That was so funny, right? Of course as best friends we shared locations, had specific nights just for us to get dinner, had sleepovers every weekend, and joked about why we haven't slept together, yet. Of course, as best friends we would push the limits of what other friends do. Of course, I noticed you were struggling, I tried my best to help you. It wasn't always what you needed, but I tried. -Did you notice my struggle? No? That's okay. I hid it pretty well.- Of course, I got upset when you started to use guys to make other guys jealous. I didn't want to see you play with people's emotions like that, but I also didn't know how to stop you. You couldn't see how it affected you. You didn't see the changes it made.
Some words were said- words I wish I could take back, but it's too late for that.
We didn't speak for quite some time after that. I left my final 'I love you' on your doorstep- a scrapbook of us. The times we did speak were brief and out of pure necessity. Until, one day you volunteered a comment on my performance. I was frozen. You didn't need to compliment me- I didn't need it, rather. This was a critique, but you offered me love, instead.
That was your final 'I love you.'
I know that many other people have experienced a friendship like SatoSugu, but I think we truly encapsulated it, unfortunately. From the intense friendship with wild adventures, to blurring the lines between friend and lover, to losing each other, and to, finally, saying our final 'I love yous' to each other in our own ways.
Just like Satoru Gojo's happiness around Suguru Geto, my happiness was so loud when I was with you that I could not hear your silence. I’m sorry Satoru- Suguru didn’t stay in this universe either. Maybe the next one. In this universe, I spent 3 years loving you, and, now, I will spend the rest of forever missing you. There is no curse more twisted than love.
You're not dead, but I will never see you again. Even if I did, you wouldn’t be the same. You are my best friend, and I was yours.
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the results are in!
with 314 votes these were the top 10 stsg moments people can’t believe are canon (top 10 based off of the ones i listed lmao) this will be long but i did say i was gonna make a post of the results so -
10: in last place with only 1.9% - their names complimenting each other + Geto’s robes being called “gojo-gesa robes”
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i included these together cause they are similar imo. both being based around the other.
9: “the only one i have”
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the iconic quote with 3.2% that is so misquoted cause of that translation that i’m pretty sure people ignore that that’s actually what he says rather than “my one and only”💀 (myself included but for the sake of the poll i did the accurate translation)
8: the light novel in general
maybe i’m biased cause of my user but only getting 3.8% of votes surprised me lmao.
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i mean i just think about “Even if everything was different now, there was still one thing- from that very moment it all started- that had never changed” as well as “Geto Suguru It was a name that the Jujutsu tech organization feared…but to Gojo Satoru, he was—“ all the time
i posted more quotes from it here
7: with 7.3% (nanami surprise appearance) we have their official songs stated by Gege.
Shame On Me being Gojo’s
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and Come Back Home being Geto’s.
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6: 8.9% of votes for this insane moment from the newer chapters after Gojo’s resurrection lmao
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him and Kenny are fighting and Gojo offers to fight on Dec. 24th (Geto’s death anniversary) with Kenny replying “How romantic”
this legit made me scream when the chapter came out… anyways
5: i almost didn’t include this moment because i was sure it was gonna win because of how often it’s brought up but i’m glad to see i was wrong💀
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but still in the top 5 with 9.6% is Gojo recognizing Geto by smell in JJK0… i have nothing to add to that cause like. what.
4: with 10.5% we have Gojo’s last words to Geto being “3 words” as stated by Gojo’s english va! (which i also mentioned in the post linked above)
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(that being paired with the light quotes above and “such embarrassing words” and it being words they had “never said to each other before” … we all know what he said…🙄)
3: with 12.4%, the one that made me spiral and realize Gojo is probably done for, Gege himself saying “one cannot exist without the other” about Gojo and Geto…
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so either Geto is miraculously gonna come back or they are sharing a death anniversary lmao
2: at 18.8%!
the infamous vol 0 quotes that are 100% parallels because the entire movie is.
Gojo, to Yuta in reference to Rika: “Love is the most twisted curse of them all” (idk why i said 'worst curse' in the poll lmao)
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Geto as he dies: “At least curse me a little at the very end.”
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bangs my head into a wall… okay and number 1!!
1: at 23.6% is the stsg moment. “My six eyes tell me you’re Suguru Geto but my soul knows otherwise! Hurry up and answer, who the hell are you?!”
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not only was seeing Geto the reason for him getting sealed but he went against his own power, his own technique which makes him the strongest, to listen to his soul. and to quote Song of Achilles (which i made a joke the other day about stsg being modern day achilles and patroclus) “He is half of my soul, as the poets say.”
okay this was the first poll i’ve done like this besides some random funny ones on my other blog and i can’t believe it got 300+ votes. maybe i’ll do more in the future if i can think of some topics.
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genericpuff · 10 months
Tbh Sicily and Italy in general are actually mentioned quite a lot in Greek texts, including mythological ones, and that's because South Italy was FULL of Greek colonies. To the point the Romans even called it Magna Graecia, that is "Big Greece". There are literally modern productions of Greek plays still held in the ruins of Greek theatres there to this day in memory of that heritage.
And while Ancient World colonialism doesn't always correspond exactly to later examples, if RS had actually developed her idea of having P and H bond over being originally from Sicily and P being ashamed of it, she could have easily found a way to use that to her advantage. P was supposed to be the naive country bumpkin coming to the big city and coming into her own there, anyway. Why not combine the two things?
She could have used the existence of different dialects of Ancient Greek to add a panel of Minthe and Tethys laughing abt P's accent and calling her no better than a barbarian (a "barbarian" was originally someone who clearly showed they were foreign bc they didn't speak Greek fluently) behind her back, high school mean girls style. Or toxic suitor Apollo mansplaining Greek traditions to her which she keeps trying to tell him she's already familiar with. Or heck, H showing an interest in P's life in Sicily and P thinking he's gonna make some rude assumption or lame joke but instead he just geeks out like "you ever met Archimedes of Syracuse? I heard abt that thing with the lever and I love it"... timeline's fucked enough for it anyway, and it would have been better than the pity part we got. Also RS seems to want a lil nerdy charm for H sometimes when she draws him with glasses, and what's nerdier than geeking out over famous mathematicians.
But obv, RS being RS, we only got said pity party and people making "mamma mia" jokes in response. Oh, and this post I remember reading somewhere were people were whining that Sicily shouldn't be mentioned in media abt Ancient Greece bc the poor, poor Americans only know it bc of Mafia so it makes the tone too confusing. Bc that's totally an ok thing to say. Also Americans should never be forced to check Wikipedia ig
Oh absolutely, I don't doubt that Rachel made Persephone Sicilian in an attempt to reference this, it's just really, REALLY funny out of context. Her being Sicilian really has no bearing on her character writing, it seems more like it's just an oddly specific thing thrown in about her and Hades so that they can have something to bond over (because they barely have anything else). Like that one time she anxiously twisted a napkin and Hades remembered back to the one time in the comic we saw HIM twist a napkin and he was like "omg she's just like meeee!"
Her being Sicilian wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if there was actual effort put into writing her as a Sicilian woman. But there isn't so it comes across as really random (and ripe for meme'ing on, even from people who are Sicilian themselves).
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alitgblog · 3 months
s9 vol 6: oh fuck I was joking last time but am i.. is this gonna be a Hamish route for me??? 😳
i guess first of all, the kelly/kat drama. I know it's yet again Finn and Kat but I'm happy they're dealing with it in a different way (although if S5 is Suresh's island, I can't help but think S9 is Kat's island 🙄). The thing that annoyed me the most is MC not being able to say anything? Like Kelly brought up the note, I feel like MC and Finn should've said something.
however we do get this, which, as someone with a friend whose name starts with K going through relationship troubles with a Korean man, actually I'm offended they took my joke and made it less funny,
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but snog marry pie! Most of the girls (my MC included) choosing to kiss Hamish? It's like we all forget how bad a kisser he was in S6 like what happened. however, uhhh kinda worth it like I was initially intrigued about a Finn or Stefan route but Hamish is really coming in as a dark horse with chat like this (especially considering how sassy MC can be this season)
and the thing too is even though hes clearly changed bc they're making him a serious LI this season, there are several moments where I'm like yeah that's the same guy that had the audacity to ask S6 MC to run away with him at the end of S6
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Then I played by rules like Chen, and chose a different person to snog, a different person to marry, a different person to pie. And then Hamish gets his little moment kissing and marrying MC, which kind of undermines the big moment which is his speech where he pies himself? like the talk on the terrace later this volume is great and I love the flirty banter between him and MC but he's so wishy washy about Natasha and it just doesn't really get addressed?
Kat's partner (in my game, Jude) is a whole mess. Like it'd be one thing if he's gonna be like "hey I'm sorry I was just defending Chen because I misinterpreted some stuff I thought you did" but it's another to do all that meanwhile he was also being shady about flirting with Melissa???
Then they call the incident Melgate bc... fusebox struck gold with Cherrygate and has been trying to recreate it ever since and has always failed. I never clicked the gem scene that would prompt Kat to tell you this story, and so I was so confused until they explained it in the next episode and that was so annoying. Then they do the thing (again!) where they like shame you for not being a friend (Kat's like "I tried to tell you"). this is worse than when you had an ugly dress and the girls were like God you look awful.
Jude being vague during the game was annoying bc i know theyre just stretching it out but also absolutely I could see that happening on the show where he's like "you know what you did. we'lltalk about it later" and it cuts to MC in the beach hut being like "judes being a real bitch. of course I know what I did but which time are you referring to"
Chen being constantly voted the sweetest during the challenge and then awards night is great but also just reminds me that his character is gonna be so vague from now on bc he's sharing a personality with three other guys. like its gonna hurt to break him but also he's not getting the care from the writing team that they've been giving the other routes so unfortunately he's boring rn 😬. doesn't even have the audacity to be mad just has to go away and think. And Chen just keeps taking L's too with MC (at least in my game) flirting with everyone and Jude in his ear saying MC can't be trusted. like if he twists in casa I'm not even sure if the audience would blame him (they would bc they love MC but ya knowww)
God don't remind me I'm missing not only missing actual litg season 2 but also what I have instead is Kat and Finn season 2
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anyway MC being able to say never have I ever had a steamy shower with someone? she's so messy
also with Natasha explaining more of what she did in casa on her original season has me making things up in my head bc you gotta be a pretty memorable casa girl for the game to pretend you're an all star but she didn't even make it to the actual villa so that's even harder to imagine, but I'm going to pretend she flirted with one of the guys while also sneaking behind his back with Roxy and people ate that up. then he tells her he wants to bring her to the villa and she rides off into the sunset with Roxy instead (or Roxy breaks her heart goes in the villa with a guy idk)
I'm starting to think Kat's gonna end up either with Finn or if MC is with Finn, then single but then we get a reunion episode and she reveals she's dating Finn's brother bc she has a TYPE (also wouldn't be out of the ordinary for fusebox bc of the grace/ozzy/marshall thing but it's still icky to me lol)
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then lastly for brunch we got the first of TWO prompts this volume to lay to learn about your own backstory?? I mean no question I'm upset about paying for information but your OWN character??
I had no problem saying no though like I feel like there's enough context about Sarah Ann for me to guess (side note, if anyone from Casa comes back with Sarah Ann I'm throwing hands)
OK but awards now. I feel like awards night is usually an end of season thing when the producers of the show have not much drama left bc the couples are solid and they want to throw in drama for the last week, but seeing as this is a game and they can just write in the finale whenever, I guess here is alright. (I wonder if that means no movie night then though?)
the clip they showed of Natasha? honestly, I respect her more for it. like idk she just seems more real than this perfect character flirting with MC all the time if she's venting to Hamish about also being sick of Kat and Finn or small things like Kelly taking long to get ready.
Here's where I did wish there was more branching like I think if you didn't do anything with Finn you should get a nice award, like about being loyal, while the clip still showed Finn being sneaky. like I don't doubt that if this were real, the producers of the show WOULD show the note and then getting cut off before MC realizing it's Finn and not her partner, but it's irritating to get blamed for that and even worse, MC does not get a real chance to defend herself, we just listen to everyone else's reactions.
anyway in my game MC should've been shown pieing off Finn at the pool and then Jude apologizing realizing he didn't understand what he saw. and then subsequently after show the clip of MC trying to kiss Finn at the shower and him rejecting her bc I personally loved that moment and I actually gasped when I thought they were gonna show it instead of cutting it off (bc again, not enough branching)
I did spend the gems on the second MC lore thing bc I was like ehh why not it's the end of the volume and like wow I get why I like s9 mc now, she's so Bobby coded 🤣
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once again, I do appreciate the effort going into Hamish's route rn bc he has actual consequences and regrets for hooking up with Melissa and it getting exposed. OK maybe not actual consequences bc I think the game will just continue to pair up him and Natasha but the fact that there are some repercussions at all AND he gets to talk out his feelings and regrets about it with MC on the terrace after? And then he continues to show interest in MC and explain his reasons for not being with her and also the whole hi trying to look for validation from his dad? sorry Finn and Chen, the writers are playing favorites
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I did not think we were getting casa lmao. there's no casa in the actual love island all stars and love island games so I was surprised but I'm curious about who the other boys are, if they're all gonna be international or are we gonna see at least one more UK islander? if Cassius is coming in during casa it feels like he's gonna be overshadowed and his route is probably merged with some international guys, which I guess makes enough sense like we didn't know him during season 7 anyway but I'm just curious.
oh yeah and this guy
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late to the party like I know the game keeps reminding me of him, but the more they did the interested I was, but I could be brought back
OK fingers crossed they don't dump single islanders post casa
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7grandmel · 6 months
Todays rip: 06/04/2024
Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action
Season 2 Featured on: A HOT ONE
Ripped by Harmony Friends
It's funny: for a surprising number of posts now, I've been sort of writing "around" the works of the ripper Harmony Friends, without ever - excluding collaborative projects like Balcony Fusion Collab - actually covering one of those works for a post. Which is a damn shame!! Because in their four-year tenure on SiIvaGunner, Harmony Friends had a pretty notable impact on the channel's life, from making Donkey Kong a mainstay of the channel's identity through creating the Coconut Gun Rap as referenced in CG Man HD Remastered Edition, to directing the incredible King for Another Day Tournament and pushing the boundaries of the channel's scope as described in NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2), and many ways more. But, most importantly of all, they led the trend for a series of very silly YTP-esque sentence mixing rips on the channel, of which Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action remains a personal favorite.
So what am I referring to with these "very silly YTP-esque sentence mixing rips"? Well, if you'll recall just earlier this week, the April Fools rip Our Sweet Parsley was made specifically in tribute to Harmon Friends' work of this kind - the ones that edit and twist easily-identifiable song lyrics, primarily from Sonic the Hedgehog games, to pure comedic off-the-wall effect. Sentence-mixing is an age-old skill of the YouTube Poop trade, yet it feels as if Harmony Friends' work with rips like Thunder, Rain and Lightning, A Ghost's Bean Soup, and of course The Coconut Gun Rap were what turned said work into a mainstay on SiIvaGunner in particular, to show the potential sentence mixing had as a method of effective bait-and-switching, messing around with the track *just* enough to feel wrong in a fun way whilst still being easily missable up to a certain point in the song. Yet this bait-and-switch appeal was, as I've mentioned many times before, something that primarily worked within Season 1 itself, within 2016, when the channel's mere existence was still so novel, unknown to so many. Season 2's shift to having more takeovers and events was a brilliant way to keep the channel fresh, whilst also directing several rippers in the team to try their hand at once specific joke within their individual style. And THAT is where Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action comes in: on the day of Smoothness.
It feels as if I've talked enough about the Grammy-Award Winning 1999 Hit Smooth by Santana feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty for a lifetime already back in Haltmanna feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20, but its appeal should be pretty obvious to anyone who's ever heard the song. Put succinctly, is at once incredibly memorable and well-composed, and has lyrics that are as memeable as can be. Pair those traits with the iconic status Snake Eater from Metal Gear Solid 3 already has in gaming circles, and with Hinchy's aforementioned knack for the silliness, and the result was a rip that felt destined to occur at one point or another. The moment the rip starts, the moment you start anticipating the James Bond-esque opening fanfare to Snake Eater, only to be met with the all-too-familiar first riff of Smooth, you KNOW exactly what the rip is going to be, and you KNOW just then and there how perfect of an idea it is. I'm already a huge fan of rips that do completely original vocal covers with new lyrics such as Maskettaman - Dr. Pavel's Fly​-​So​-​Good, but something about how Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action keeps ping-ponging from Snake Eater to Smooth's vocals scratches a very particular part of my brain - as if I'm waiting with every line to see how it could be merged with Smooth's lyrics. And at every turn, I'm rewarded oh so blissfully.
From outright replacing the bridge's bellowing "But you're so supreme!!" with Smooth's "'cause you're so SMOOTH", to the way that the pause in "not for honor but for you" is removed to give way for extra syllables on the part of Smooth's vocals, together forming "not for honor but / to suit your mood", each change feels oh so deliberately done to maximize both sides of the rip. Althewhile, just like My Sweet Parsley and its contemporaries, the original instrumental still plays - Smooth never overtakes the running Snake Eater melody, merely complimenting it with flourishes from its own vocals or guitar riffs. Yet by the time they actually DO overtake the song as the chorus builds, it all feels so natural already, the Snake Eater instrumentals fit Smooth's emotional high so well at this point - its shocking how well the balance is maintained throughout the whole rip. And because of that, Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action is more than just very funny: it's a genuinely great take on Snake Eater, as the contributions from Smooth in a way help punctuate the song's existing high points, althewhile of course still being very funny.
It's really quite hard to go wrong with a Smooth rip in general, of course - but there is a real magic to listening to Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action after knowing already just how good Harmony Friends are at doing this particular flavor of rips from their work in the prior Season. It's the kind of rip that felt, perhaps not destined to happen, but like...with a Smooth rip underway and Harmony Friends on the team, it was such a natural extension of the joke to create, and one that was followed through on in spades of quality. And after having spent so many posts alluding to one particular ripper, I'm happy to have finally gotten to make one on the ripper behind it all.
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killjoynest · 3 months
For TOO LONG the DD fandom has been in shambles, ppl arguing spreading misinfo, straying from the original concept etc. Remember when we were supposed to make Nananana the most viewed video on Youtube, yea that didnt pan out did it.
Well I believe i have a solution....🤯🤯
July 26 is going to be a WORLD WIDE DANGER DAYS BLAST. We're going to post fics, hcs, art, cosplays, vids etc to show ppl that were back with a force. 💥🙌
Im setting some ground rules for this content and all DD content going forward. ive thought about them for a while and i think theyre fair. new rules for OPERATION HOT CHIMP are as follows,
🦍 No sayin you wanna fuck Tommy chow/lo mein, witch or that clown guy
🦍 Vayas not going to fuck you either so just let that one rest
🦍 OCs are fine but no more crossovers. i dont think sherlocks gonn show up in the zones to say "hmmmm i have a mystery for...............PARTY POISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
🦍 OC names can only have 2 words, noone cares how many dracks Toxic Orgy Bomb Shit Chromatic Biscuits Pie has killed
🦍 Tbh OC names should be more original in general, theyve all got named like Titty Detonator, for exmaple mines called Ricky Bobby (my fav will ferell movie), its laid back, funny movie reference etc also hes a racecar driver like the real Ricky bobby
🦍 Dr. Death Defyings real name is not "Steve." Its charles
🦍 Power Pup is made from DOG FOOD not "grinded up exterminators"
🦍 No more sayin Kobra kid is 🇬🇧british. Tbh the royals probably died in the wars, and thats a huge part of the "Being british package"
🦍 If you write/draw stuff about the four you HAVE to include the girl. "i dont like her shes boring" idc, the girl is the center of dd, she keeps fun ghoul from doin stupid stuff like sticking his dick in the mailbox and yellin "FORGIVE THIS BITCH"
Rn ppl outside the dd fandom make fun of us, sayin "haha its the wierd sewer of the mcrmy."
Thats bc they see the DD fandom as 💥💥💣🤮🙄🙄😑😐💣 But with OPERATION HOT CHIMP, i know we can turn it into 💿💃🍡🦍👈⛽🍆🤯🛴💰🗿
Call it CODENAME GORILLA when your around non-DD ppl (normies). We're going to blow their minds with the biggest blast the MCRmy has ever seen🤯🤯 July 26, write it down 📝
No this is not a joke....someone needs to straighten things up around here....might as well be me🤌
As Ricky Bobby said shake....and BAKE🤛
that post was NOT an invitation to send this to me 😭😭😭 proud witchfucker wednesday poster... you want me to abandon british kobra kid? my beloved mutuals british kobra kid? you want me to stop misinfo posting oh this is so sick and twisted
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cboffshore · 9 months
hi everyone. I come bearing IICT(OSC) insider knowledge, hints, and memes.
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bc spoilers: everything else is under the cut. Do not proceed before you read the fic. Unless you like having twists untwisted in advance. That's on you.
(one day I wanna try my hand at redrawing/tracing this Gayle meme to be Nya, but that's neither here nor there.)
If I ever do any super, super in-depth analysis of this work, it's not happening today, as I'm fighting a weather migraine and longform ideas are NOT my friends. However, I did want to make a few fun bonus notes. These aren't bulleted bc mobile browser formatting.
The weapon in the escape scene was only originally supposed to be a rusty pipe (loosely inspired by a piece of Fall Out Boy promo art used on "What a Time To Be Alive", and yes I KNOW Pete has a baseball bat. I said LOOSELY.) I waffled on the chain element for a LONG time. However, on Halloween, Han doodled this for Trick or Treat asks, and that was enough to make me commit to the idea. @spinjitsuburst: I have no idea if you've read this fic or not, but I never did properly tell you how helpful that was. (And none of that is a spoiler if you do go read it, just turn back now and you'll be safe.)
The Incense Gambit is a real chess strategy; however, we don't call it that. The actual move set is called the Bongcloud Attack, which I learned about when I was doing chess research for this fic. I started out by trying to learn chess online, and at some point, I decided it would be fun to have Nya win with a recognizably stupid move set. Knowing very little about chess at that point (having lost to most of the bots and people I played), I Googled a list of joke chess openers and picked the one that made me laugh the hardest. The Mighty Donut was in second place, but that requires both players to cooperate, so that wouldn't have worked. Not wanting to write "what, you've never heard of the Bongcloud Attack?" as a dialogue line, I switched the name to Incense Gambit both as a reference to smoke and for the fact that "incense" also means "to anger." I should also disclose that one of my few chess wins happened when I USED the Bongcloud, which... that's not normal.
In my first outline, the REAL Landon was originally supposed to set off the escape sequence. Stopping Nya was supposed to be pure luck/desperation on his part, followed by an encounter with Nadakhan where I would've been able to cram in a small analysis of how he treats his crew members. It didn't work out and I never wrote it, but there were secret passageways involved, and it could've been fun if I'd gotten it to work. I still think that bringing the shapeshifting back was the wiser choice, though.
I've already gotten two separate comments that, to different degrees, claim this would have worked as a plausible canon installment. Which is good! The whole point of this is to fill the gaps in her experience, so hearing that this seems believable is always lovely.
If you reread c5, take note of who resets the board each time. Without realizing it, I assigned that duty to whoever feels more strongly that they are controlling the situation at that point.
The wine vs tea thing I hinted at in a few past posts: both beverages are written as symbols of how much Nadakhan is present in a given scene. Wine only appears if he's directly visible - things like the chess sequence and in the dream, where I use wine to describe the air. Tea, however, only appears if Nya can't see him, but he's still influencing the events. These include his gloves smelling like black tea when Nya is blindfolded, the presence of tea on the meal tray, and - of course - the tea she uses as a weapon in the escape sequence.
Speaking of the escape sequence, I made this meme VERY early on and I still find it stupid funny:
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kurapikasjudgement · 2 years
C: Undecided
W: Smut (Obv), Dom-ish reader, Teasing, Rivals/Enemies to Lovers (ish), College AU, Young and Stupid, Both of you guys are cocky/ arrogant, Reader fucks around a bit, Reader is shorter than him, Projectile Confessions, Fem Bodied reader, Reader is called a slut, women, and refers to their genitals as a pussy, Reader wears a skirt
E: This was originally a very, very ooc Nanami fic and then I was like mehhhh its to ooc. (Stop liking this istg its sooo bad)
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“Yeah he literally came after I sat down, I swear guys can never fucking last,” You told your friend, them agreeing with you. You heard a snicker from behind you, quickly whipping your head around like the nosy person you are. You saw him sitting at the table behind you.
“What’s so funny?” You asked, your mood changing from annoyance to anger.
“Just that you are twisting the story. See I find it differently, the women always cum from just a thrust,” He smirked.
“Are you challenging me?” You asked.
“And if I am?” He leaned in.
“Meet at my dorm after our last class. Don’t make threats you can’t keep,” You glared, turning around to gather your stuff.
To your luck, there was a party, meaning your roommate was not in your dorm.
You sat down on your bed, waiting to hear the knock of your enemy. But after 5 minutes passed, 10 minutes, 15, and so on, you began second guessing yourself. Maybe he was at the party, maybe he was just joking, maybe your wasting your time. I mean, COME on. How weird does it sound that you’re about to fuck, like you’ve always wanted right? But now that it’s happening it’s just so-
Knock Knock
You practically leaped out of your spot, eagerly rushing to the door. Before you opened it you made sure that you weren’t smiling like an idiot.
You nonchalantly opened it, trying to seem cool.
You looked up to his eyes that peered down at you. He had a stern look while you were fighting to hide your utterly captured one. He was just so hot.
“Are you having second thoughts sweetie?” He teased, snapping you out of your head.
“I’d never back down, what about you, darling?” You smiled.
He stepped closer, closing the door behind him. Somehow you didn’t notice how he leaned closer, soon enough capturing your lips. He slid his hands down, grasping your ass as you leaped up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He slightly bit your lip, slipping his tongue in as your lips parted instinctively.
He sat on the edge of your bed. You almost couldn’t pull away from him, not wanting to lose this moment that you’ve waited so long to experience.
“Gotta do what you came for,” You mumbled, sliding your hands under his sweatshirt. You quickly found that he had no shirt under, feeling his abs under your finger tips. He was quick to take his top off, not wasting another second. Your hips grinded into his as your lips became focused once again. His hands glided up your shirt, undoing the clip of your bra. You took your shirt off completely, letting your bra fall as well.
Your lips were taken in his, hips grinding against each other.
“You gonna cum before my pussy even touches you?” You asked in the spaces between you.
“We’re just getting started, darling,” he smirked, reaching a hand under the skirt you wore for him.
“Wanted it to be nice n’ easy for me to slip in? R’ you just a slut?” He questioned, clearly referring to the fact that you chose not to wear underwear.
“Lotta talk for a guy whose cock is just ready to burst from a little grinding,” You counter.
You made quick work of his pants and boxers, eyes widening slightly when he sprung right up. You lined yourself up with him, slowly gliding down just to tease him.
“Don’t cum yet,” You smirked, watching as he bit the inside of his lip slightly. You could tell he couldn’t take it much longer as his grip tightened on your hips.
“Need a little push?” He asks, slamming you down on to him. You let out a moan and him a low groan.
“Bet I don’t even have to move to have you all tired out,” You challenged. He kissed you harshly, as if you were going somewhere.
“Feels like you’ve wanted to do this forever, got something you wanna tell me?” You teased.
“What do you want me to say?” He said, holding back everything in him to move.
“How much you want me. How you fantasize about having dates and fucking me afterward.” You said, projecting everything about yourself onto him.
He stayed silent, and you took that as an anwer. An answer that told you that everything you feel towards him, he feels it too.
“Makes me mad how much I like you,” You mumble.
“Let’s make that a reality yeah?” He tells you.
You clench slightly at his words, feeling him throbbing inside of you. That was enough to send him over the edge.
“I won,” You smiled.
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sodamnbored · 1 year
I’m a bit embarrassed posting this but I’m looking for opinions if anyones feeling charitable enough to spare a sec.
Is this totally corny and too flowery and just plain OOC?
Just for reference as this is post-TBM, Jason is dead and currently a ghost. Just try and run with it 😅
   The conversation had turned stilted and awkward. Jason inhaled deeply. He could guess how this next part was going to go. “I really think now is the time to stop. You and Leo should go back to camp.”
   Nico’s scowl was as instantaneous as it was predictable. “Are you serious?”
   Jason tipped his head solemnly. “I’m dead serious.”
   Nico grimaced. “Please stop making that joke. It’s really not funny.”
   “Sorry,” muttered Jason, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. He glanced over his shoulder to their campsite, where he could just make out the dark lump of Leo in his sleeping bag in the dying light of their campfire. Had the son of Hephaestus been awake, Jason was quite confident Leo would have found it funny.
   They were quiet for a time, sitting together in the dark. Eventually Nico broke the silence, his soft voice seeming twice as loud in the stillness of the woods.
   “Leo told us about it, you know. After he came back.” Nico turned hard eyes on him, and the accusation in his voice was clear. “He said you’d had a choice. That you didn’t need to die.”
   “It was me or Piper, Nico,” sighed Jason. “There was no choice at all.”
   “Why did you do it?” Nico asked, voice barely more than a tight whisper. He felt hot all over and found himself unable to maintain eye contact, lowering his gaze to Jason’s far less intimidating knees instead.
   But he already knew the answer. It was because Jason was kind. Too kind. Kinder than Nico, that was for sure. Nico tried, but he knew very well that when it came down to it, he would make the selfish choice to preserve what was important to him over everything else. Jason simply wasn’t like that. Nico didn’t really mean Piper any harm; he hardly knew her. But Jason was his friend, and he was selfish. He hated himself a little bit for it, but the simple fact was that he’d rather have Jason. “Why did it have to be you?”
   Jason’s brow creased and he lowered his eyes. He flexed his hands self-consciously, but the words came readily and simply.
   “I needed her to live.”
   Nico made a small wounded sound. His face snapped up to meet Jason’s once more. His eyes were wide and tight, the twist of his mouth unhappy. “And I needed you to live.”
   “I’m sorry,” breathed Jason after a long moment, not knowing what else he could say in the face of Nico’s distress.
   “I needed you.” The way Nico gasped it out almost sounded like a sob.
   Jason watched Nico curl in on himself, fingers digging into his knees just as tightly as his teeth dug into his lip. Jason had never seen the son of Hades look so miserable – not even in Split. It made his phantom insides clench in a way he hadn’t known they still could.
   “Nico,” murmured Jason pained, wishing more than ever he still had the ability to reach out and be felt. He felt useless, only able to watch his friend hurt and not be able to do anything.
   Nico brought his knees up closer to his chest, hugging them tighter and hunching his shoulders around his ears protectively. He wouldn’t look at Jason.
   “You promised you wouldn’t leave me.”
   Jason winced guiltily, even though that wasn’t strictly true. He’d had no idea Nico had taken his death this hard. While it might have been a somewhat flattering concept in another time and place, Jason wouldn’t wish this kind of upset on anyone, far less his friends. He pursed his lips unhappily, wondering if anyone else he’d left behind had been feeling this way. He hoped not.
   “I promised not to leave you alone,” he corrected gently. He ducked his head, trying to meet Nico’s eyes. “But, Nico, you’re not alone.”
   Nico blinked big brown eyes at him wetly. Jason offered a small, comforting smile. “You had Will, remember.”
   Nico’s eyelashes fluttered briefly as he looked down, a vague pink tint settling into his pale cheeks. He sniffed and pouted a little, muttering. “It’s not the same.”
   Jason felt his tentative smile stretch a little wider at the familiarity of Nico’s stubbornness. “You had Percy too.”
   Nico stuck his lower lip out a little further, turning his face away with a little frown. “Still not the same.”
   Jason was really smiling now. He nudged his foot against Nico’s, for once not even bothered at the way the tip of his shoe disappeared into Nico’s as he passed right through. He nodded back towards the campsite. “And you had Leo.”
   Nico huffed dramatically with enough strength to blow his bangs away from his face. He rolled his eyes with a groan. “That’s definitely not the same.”
   Jason laughed, pleased to see the answering curl of Nico’s lips.
It’s barely a first draft, improvements need to be made of course. But like, AWFUL or just needs a normal amount of work? Be brutally honest, if it sucks I need to know and need to know what I’m fixing. Super important project for me atm, so honesty is the best policy.
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theonethatyaks93 · 2 years
Animaniacs Season 3 Episodes 3-10 Opinions
Spoiler Warning: This review will give major spoilers for certain episodes of this show. Proceed at your own risk.
Hi guys. Listen, I think Season 3 was pretty strong and it improved after the first two episodes. However, the ending made me very pissed and I am kind of having an emotional moment right now. I just can’t believe that it’s over. And I can’t believe that it ended so poorly. I don’t think I’ll ever watch that last episode again, except for the cold opening. I just feel like the ending kind of lied to us. We got a Pinky and The Brain cold opening, not a full segment, and while it was good, for this to be the last appearance of the mice just makes me sad. The final segment also dragged on way too long and it just abruptly ended in a not funny way. This review will mainly focus on Pinky and The Brain, but I loved a few Warners segments such as “Warner Games”, “Santamaniacs”, “Island of Dr. Warneau”, and “Über Nachtmare”. Anyways, lets get on with the reviews.
“Talladega Mice” was one of the most surprisingly amazing segments of the entire reboot. I loved how it contained some references to older episodes and it was full of charming moments. I also loved how it focued on Pinky and his minor anxiety problems, with Brain having to calm him down to survive. This episode had the funniest moments in the entire third season, with me laughing for a solid 2+ minutes after watching this. I loved how it shows a softer side of Brain, with him using impressions to calm Pinky down. He also engages in an adorable tickle fight (Brain’s ticklish you guys!) and even allows Pinky to suck on his finger when he gets too stressed out. I feel really comfortable in saying that this segment felt very realistic in its portrayal of anxiety, stress, and the ways to cope with it. I relate to Pinky immensely here since I also have stress problems and need things to distract myself from them. I can safely say that this is a must-watch with hilarious moments, and some underlying messages.
“Mad Mouse: Furry Road” was a great, but not amazing segment. I was let down a bit, but I still found this fun and engaging. I loved Pinky’s sense of humor and Brain was also enjoyable. I think the animation was impressive and some of the moments between the mice were cute. While I think that it suffered from slow pacing at moments and not every joke was a slam dunk, (Also, that gross-out joke was not necessary, but shockingly, I’ve seen worse!) I still think that this is a decent watch.
“Groundmouse Day” was very funny and cute! I loved Brain and how he grew more and more insane after the day kept repeating. I loved Egwind and his cameo and Pinky was as adorable as he was funny. That moment when Pinky kissed Brain goodnight was one of the most pure and wholesome moments in the reboot (also Pinky is gay and so is Brain!). I loved the ending twist and I really felt every emotion seep from the screen. The expressions were wonderful and I loved all the Groundhog Day references. I felt really happy after watching this and I just feel like things were handled very well. Overall, I recommend this segment!
“All’s Fair in Love and Door” was hands-down the best episode from season 3. The drama, the comedy, the high-stakes, it was all amazing. Julia was as insane and hilarious as ever and Pinky deserves all the happiness. Also, Pinky and Brain love each other!!! The end blew my mind and I was very satisfied. I loved all the emotions and how realistic they all felt. I was surprised by a few things in this segment such as Brain covering Pinky to protect him from Julia (that jump was hilarious tho) and the real Julia showing up at the end! Please make a movie with Julia in it!!! The premise of this episode was extremely well-planned and all the VA’s did fantastic jobs with everything. This was the most surprising episode of the show in terms of twists and turns. Go watch this right now!!! I think this episode is worth your time!!
“How The Brain Thieved Christmas” was the episode that got me to cry. Yeah I know it’s cliche for me to like the Christmas episode but I did. The episode balanced perfect comedy, references, and genuine heart into one package. The first part was funny and engaging. The second part was tense and heartwarming. And when Pinky told Brain that he loved him, I screamed! I loved the Pinky dolls (especially the muscular one) and the moment when Pinky posed seductively was hilarious. The moment that got me was when Brain received the thing he needed to tack over the world from Pinky and he starts crying a little. The moment when all the characters sang “Silent Night” made me start getting a little steamy eyed. Pinky has the voice of an angel. I laughed when Brain finished the song at the end and I felt so warm and fuzzy after this episode; it was so good! Pinky and Brain truly care and love each other and I personally think that Brinky is canon now. This wasn’t as good as “A Pinky and The Brain Christmas” but I still felt emotions while watching this. I was also not happy that the show was ending, and I did a little ugly cry after watching, but still. A great Christmas episode with a fantastic ending, I couldn’t recommend this more.
“International Mouse of Mystery” was a huge letdown! I thought this was a full segment, but it was only a cold-opening?!! We were ripped off! Still it was a good opening with a pretty good song. Pinky is truly the second best singer on the show, without a doubt! I loved the animation and I think that this further hints at Brinky. Also, Pinky looks fabulous!! It’s a great idea, but it was just too short. If this is the last thing we see from the mice duo, I’ll be disappointed. Overall, not bad but just a huge disappointment and we were robbed of a proper conclusion.
All in all, I think this season was pretty solid. The ending was un-satisfying and there were a few moments of season 1’s weaker segments, but I still think this was better than the first season. Season 2 still is the best overall, but there were some great moments here. Just don’t watch the last episode except for the cold-opening if you want to keep you sanity and emotions in-check. I’ll still be talking about Pinky and The Brain constantly and I truly don’t think that this is the end of the franchise. Also, Brinky is canon!!!! Thank you guys so much for reading this!! I hope you enjoyed season 3!
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jadelotusflower · 9 months
Stargate rewatch: 1x20 Politics
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We pick up right where the last episode left off, Daniel getting his shoulder wound treated and trying to explain the alternate reality to his sceptical team.
It’s funny to see the team not really believing Daniel because it’s still early in the run, whereas later on any of them could say the weirdest shit happened and the rest of them would just roll with it no questions asked.
Jack: “And you were there, and you were there, and there’s no place like home.” Daniel: “As a matter of fact, you were there.” Heh. Is Daniel just frustrated or did he not get the Wizard of Oz reference? Works either way.
I’m curious how the team thinks Daniel got shot by a staff weapon if it was all a dream though.
“Yes but the defining event, the death of Ra, took place in both worlds.” A bit of a logic leap by Daniel but hey, it’s what he does.
This is a clip show. I give SG-1 a lot of credit for actually making an effort with their clip shows, always building them around an in-universe plot to give context and cause. They’re still annoying to watch in these days of binging, but they’re as successful as they can be.
Written by Brad Wright (not including excerpts) and directed by Martin Wood.
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“How’s our boy?” I find this very cute? Hammond really is the mama duck to SG-1’s ducklings, the epitome of restrained affection.
His absolute and obvious disdain for Samuels is also a real treat. He rolls his eyes!
Samuels is played by Robert Wisden, who was also briefly in Smallville as Chloe's father Gabe. Both shows were based in Vancouver, and both ran for ten seasons, so there's quite the guest star crossover.
In a private meeting with Jack, Hammond goes from “this is what I look like when I’m not laughing, Colonel” to almost laughing when Jack cracks another joke. I love Hammond so much.
I think Ronny Cox as Kinsey is actually the longest running villain in the entire show? Apophis finally bites it in season 5, but Kinsey makes it all the way to season 8.
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“And this must be the drain through which the money flows” is such a great line for a pontificating blowhard politician, as is his hypocritical speech. You immediately know who Kinsey is, and you hate him even though he’s actually right about a lot of stuff.
“Oh you’re right, we’ll just upload a computer virus into the mothership.” lol, the shade at Devlin/Emmerich here.
We get a date for the Chulak mission - 10 February (presumably) 1997. The computer in the previous episode indicated it was December 1997 so assuming time was the same in the alternate universe, it's been approximately 11 months since the pilot which seems about right.
The purpose of the mission is described as “to rescue both Dr Jackson’s wife and her brother, and determine the Goa’uld threat” which is the first mention we’ve had of Sha’re and Skaara in a while.
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lol, Jack looking to Sam to give the correct pronunciation of Goa’uld because he doesn’t want to.
Lt Colonel “secondary objective” Samuels being the one to read from Jack’s report about Skaara being chosen really twists the knife.
“Because what is right cannot be measured by strength.” Great Teal’c line.
Argos gets discussed and it’s mentioned that SG-2 made recent contact with them - a nice little background aspect of the show that they do check in on the worlds they’ve visited from time to time.
Much is made of the lack of benefit to the Stargate program - guess that wonder drug from Emancipation didn’t pan out? Or maybe everyone just wants to forget that episode happened.
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Sidebar - with all the clips it’s obvious that Daniel’s hair has been getting longer throughout the season - irl because Michael Shanks’ hair was shorter and was growing it out as filming progressed to get that Daniel look, but my headcanon in universe is that Sha’re used to trim it for him on Abydos, and since her abduction he can’t bring himself to get it cut
There’s an ongoing metaphor by Kinsey for the Stargate being a Pandora’s Box that’s kind of apt, the box (jar) being a gift from the gods intended to punish mankind after Prometheus gifted them fire, with humanity as Pandora, eternally curious and unable to resist peeking inside.
The show never had a Goa’uld character who took on the persona of Prometheus, Epimetheus, or even Pandora, which was kind of a missed opportunity.
Samuels the slimeball is “sorry it had to end like this” and Hammond rightly tells him to gtfo.
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Nice crossfade, Mr Wood.
The Stargate shut down, the threat of an imminent attack - all in all, a good setup going into the season finale!
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curseofbreadbear · 11 months
jumbled f.naf movie thoughts under the cut. proceed with caution because these are ALL spoilers!!
okay i am taking the idea that mike is not related to william and RUNNING. yes, that is mike Schmidt, but still?? there's the weird abby factor too, but i'm thinking so hard abt tossing aside the name because of her similarities to charlie. that LOOKS like kid charlie, not elizabeth, and considering how impeccable the casting was otherwise, i can't help thinking that was intentional? also god the misleads on the names were CRAZY. (remember when we thought "hank" was henry???)
i might take my lore-manipulation even Further and say, given everything, that mike IS mike, vanessa IS vanessa, and abby is a parallel for charlie. there's some book parallels sprinkled in the movie (there's actually a ton that, as a book appreciator (until tftp...), i love) BUT i am thinking especially about the reference to the kids believing spring bonnie is their Friend & how abby fixed their perspective / made them realize who their killer was via drawings. carlton did that in the books iirc, but the connection to charlie and Her Story is there? they also have a brother who went missing when mike was younger and like, that reminded me hardcore of sammy in the books. he was kidnapped, mike couldn't stop it, and he keeps replaying his own memories to try and fix it- just like how, once she remembers sammy exists, charlie references the closet he was taken from multiple times.
ALSO ALSO they have an aunt jane, and i KNOW, i'm stretching, but charlie has an aunt jen in the books. their personalities would be different to some extent (jen was absent & borderline neglectful because she Knew the truth about charlie, whereas jane straight-up wants custody of abby for Greed reasons), but that's still an aunt neither of them are fond of?
also yeah i think this movie is almost like the books in that it is not main canon, but a parallel that is supposed to help you find answers about game lore. that's why vanessa is there, despite that making the timeline Wack, but still has the same overall character. i'm also super supportive of the idea that mike schmidt is NOT michael from sister location because he would also just be a good standalone character.
i actually love the twist of william being vanessa's dad. iirc vanessa also referred to her dad as "bill" in the retro cds, which made me yell abt connected dots. i know that'd fuck up the timeline if it was real in canon, but like.....i adore william being a dad that she is trying to fight against. i think, on the whole, it's meant to represent william acting as a controlling father figure in game canon. it's also representative of vanessa's overall struggle against him, hence her being a "reluctant follower." i love movie vanessa. she got more screentime than game vanessa........
i ADORE the animatronics being portrayed as friends (to kids at least), which is how i always saw them. i also love the nod to william having influence over them bc again, they trusted spring bonnie in the books until they were shown the truth.
BALLOON BOY. straight-up he was the character who jumpscared the most and it was SO funny. i love that balloon boy figurine, i want him in my house Now
my husband (who only knows fnaf through osmosis) and i agree that susie's dog is possessing the cupcake. they made a joke about susie having a pet that somehow inhabits the cupcake now and it gave me a stupid epiphany - william almost definitely killed her dog (points at "toy chica: the high school years") so like...what if dog = cupcake?? that's why it's so damn FERAL (but also protective :'))
the credits.......whoever (on twitter before i left it) said they'd cringe if the movie had "five nights at freddy's" by the living tombstone in the credits was so fucking wrong. i was already mad abt that comment but like, with how much of a love letter this movie is to the series as a whole, it's even better that they got the song from the peak of fnaf's recognition. it's super nostalgic to me as somebody who has been with these games from the beginning. i remember first hyperfixating on fnaf and having a spotify playlist that was JUST the living tombstone's fnaf song. and now i have a playlist of 500+ fnaf fansongs y'know!!!!
ok those are the biggest things i got on my first watch. i know for a fact i am going to watch this multiple times so watch out for possible updates!!!! i'm also probably going to post this several days out because it literally JUST released and i don't want to overwhelm anyone (bc god , the reason i watched asap was because of how terrified of spoilers i was).
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