#but then i decided to let my older sister and mother cut my hair
sukunas-wife · 3 months
I wonder how would Yuji react to the news that he is going to be an older brother. Also, I'm just picturing little Yuji being protective of momma the entire pregnancy. He wants to look after his mom like big daddy Sukuna.
It took a while- and I mean this as in this ask was from January 😭 and I hate when I actually become active, my life decides it wants to pick up also
But 🤍🤍🤍
Yuji is confused but excited when you sit him in your lap and tell him, “Yuji, I have good news.” He just smiled up at you with starry eyes hoping you’ve gotten him another pet. “Yes?” “You’re going to be an older brother.”
His smile drops and he pouts for a second, “No pet?” You have to tell him no and explain what you mean by he’s going to be an older brother. The moment he learns his brother or sister is in your stomach he’s quick to stand between your legs pressing his ear to your stomach trying to listen and see if he can hear them.
“I don’t hear anything… it’s empty.” He pats your belly lightly with hand before saying “hellooo.” You have to hold back your laugh as you run a hand over his head brushing back his hair. “You won’t hear anything for a while. Maybe when they get bigger you’ll get to feel them kick and you’ll know they’re there.”
He nodded his face with a serious look holding his little fists, “They gotta get bigger.” You couldn’t fight back squeezing him in a hug and he laughed hugging you back just a tight.
Of course he forgets your holding his sibling captive in your stomach. Until, you’re out on a walk to the village and a man runs right into you and your swollen stomach while holding a heavy crate of fruit.
All he remembers was his dad holding the man by his neck with one hand, threatening to cut the man alive with the nails on his other hand and telling him since he felt generous he’d let him live for now.
After taking the man’s crate of fruit that he abandoned, you were already scavenging through it for something. Stopping only when you felt your husband stare and you smiled sheepishly at him. “What? The baby’s hungry.” Sukuna sighed, “But is it well?”
Of Course when you stood up holding a mango and patting your stomach, “Just excited, it started kicking the moment you yelled at that man. I get the feeling it’ll come to be another replica.” You scoffed with a smile before holding the mango to him, “Will you please?”
That’s when it kicks into Yuji, “I GOTTA MAKE SURE NO ONE HURTS MOMMY!”
He’s the incarnation of this c:<
Now that he’s seen his dad do it, in the palace the servants beware of Young Yuji. He once saw a male servant walking towards you with a knife, and with all his might ran at the man and tackled him screaming.
The servant man cut his own hand while falling, profusely apologising to Yuji for getting blood on his suit and for dirtying your fruit knife. You were shocked, staring at the scene before you dismissed the servant telling him not to worry about it and to tend to his wound while you sat Yuji on your lap. You couldn’t help but smile and hug your boy while he rambled on about how he showed that man not to mess with his mom.
After a stern talking too and explaining he needed to watch people before just running at them full force he understood his assignment. Even more when his dad called on him to “speak” with him alone.
In all honesty your beloved husband dropped a heavy hand on his head in a prideful way, his massive hand shaking Yuji’s head around while showing his affection. Yuji, who was used to it, was happy and smiling big. Then came his dad’s serious face. He sat Yuji infront of him on the floor. It was his father but he was still an intimidating man when he became serious.
“Yuji, I need you to understand that I may not always be around. As my son, my only son, my first born child, I’m going to trust you to take care of your mother and your sibling. You’re young, but I know you are more than capable of putting a few petty fools in their place. I need you to understand that I’m trusting you, not only with your mother, but my wife. One of the few things I would risk everything to protect, even more when your sibling is in its way. I don’t want you to think that I’m putting all of this weight on you, but there are very few in this world I trust, and I’m trusting you. Please understand how important this is to me, and how important it should be to you. Your burdens are mine to carry, your mothers are mine to carry, I won’t push my own onto either of you, but now I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I knew you weren’t capable or trustworthy.” Yuji sat there staring up at his dad, who was staring down at him. Yuji smiled brightly out of nowhere before tilting his head to the side. “Taking care of our family isn’t a burden.”
It was interesting for Yuji the more your stomach swole. He watched his dad kneel in front of you pressing his ear to your stomach tapping on it like it were a melon listening to see if it were good. Yuji became curious and wanted to listen also. It led you to laugh when he felt it moving.
He was scared, saying it felt like a snake moving around. And just like his dad he was smiling like a fool when your child would give a strong kick to their hands for tapping and bothering them so frequently.
Yuji thought it was funny how sometimes his dad would stand behind you and lift your stomach with his lower set of arms. And you’d always perk up and be happier. So, one day when he noticed you complaining and whining while rubbing your stomach and back he did his best to stand in front of you and push your stomach up so he could lift up some of the weight.
Of course you cried and let him panic, almost dropping the entire weight of your stomach, until you placed a hand on his head smiling at him with teary eyes. His scared face fell into a soft smile, you couldn’t fight back squishing his cheeks. “My sweet boy, you’ve been helping me so much.” Caressing his face with a soft hand he can’t help but smile wider, shrugging his shoulders up as he let out a giggle. Of course not being as well built as his father he was caving in the first five minutes which made you laugh as you sat down only to have him tuck a pillow under your stomach to try and help you. He stood there looking at you hopefully.
He was smiling big when you smiled down at him, placing a hand on his head, ruffling hair in a far more gentle manner. He loved your little head pats and head rubs, they always made him feel loved when neither of you could find the words.
It was a humid spring day, and you were currently curing your husband for not getting you pregnant in the spring so you could at least have the comfort of the cool winter on your skin when you were laying on your bed more than anything else in your final days.
Laid out on your back you had felt your child shift a while ago. The movement had disappeared not long after that, but you were certain you were going to be prone to peeing yourself if it didn’t stop pressing against your bladder soon. Still, here you were, hands in your stomach feeling your intestines grumble as the little bit of fruit you ate started to move and settle.
Yawning and stretching while arching your back relieved you a bit before you slid down into your bed further. The blankets and sheets had been thrown over to the side where your husband was just laying before he got up to bring you cool water. The sun was setting but the rainstorms had left the day and night humid in an incredulous manner. You cursed your husband for being a man who could walk around without a shirt in this heat.
To think all those months ago at the summers peak when you complained that you couldn’t and he stripped you saying of course you could, was the same day he had actually gotten you pregnant upset you more. You refused to listen to his reasoning as you laid there in your thin white under robes.
You remember Yuji’s birthday, a woman was killed that day because she was too eager to see your husband and you were walking around like a badass with contractions for 8 hours. Now look at yourself, whining at the heat as you struggled to sit up, Yuji not only had softened you but also his father who was currently walking in yawning while holding a clay pitcher topped with a cup. “I brought it.”
He sat beside you placing the pitcher on your night stand as he helped lift you up to sit. You both sat in silence as he watched you drink your water and whine about wanting to stand and get out of that hot room.
He helped you up supporting your weight on his side as you waddled the cold floors of your shinden zukuri. You both came across Yuji’s room, you laughed quietly as you heard him snoring through the door. “He’s tired, he’s been with me everyday for the last month doing everything now.” Sukuna hummed, taking your hand and squeezing it, “That’s our son.”
You smiled up at him, you saw the shift in his face as he smiled at you which quickly changed when yours did. It felt like the wind was knocked out of you when you heard that heavy trickle of water. Both of you looking down, you knew well enough what was coming next.
—- —- —- —- —-
It didn’t take long for your daughter to come into the world.
It took longer for a frightened Yuji to walk in and see his sister. He slowly walked into your side as his dad nudged him forward.
You cooed at your boy squeezing him into your side and rubbing his shoulder and arm in a comforting way. He leaned against your shoulder and stared at the bundle in your arms, pink hair, pale skin, little angry fists and pout as she whined. “She looks just like dad….” You laughed, accidentally jostling the child in your arms. Yuji smiled at you before turning to smile at his dad who had the same angry pout only directed at his words, “I DON'T look like that.”
You smiled and kept rubbing Yuji’s arm, “Do you want to hold her while she’s sleeping?” You tried to shuffle your way up the bed to sit before Yuji held your arm down, “I’ll take care of her mom, so you can sleep.” His bright eyed smile warmed your heart, as you did your best to guide him on how to hold his sister.
Sukuna was right there with Yuji watching him as you leaned back into your bed feeling the exhaustion weigh over you. You wanted to rest a bit only to hear Yuji’s small voice, “‘m gonna take care of you, I’m your big brother, I'll always protect you.” Through squinted eyes you could see Sukuna place a heavy hand on Yuji’s shoulder smiling down at him, Yuji was cooing and smiling at his little sister Anya.
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Tag list: @sad-darksoul @satorisgirl @bontensbabygirl @lupita97lm @queen-luna-007 @venus-seeks @bofadeezs @shytastemakerthing @sakuxxi @mercymccann @certainduckanchor @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare @ynjimenez @dolliira @princessluvz @furiousblacktiger @anyaswlrd @shytastemakerthing @alialucille
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darkestspring · 7 months
So Aegon cuts his hair short so he doesnt look like a Targaryen, he hated being a Targaryen. So imagine Jaces twin sister, long dark curls and dark brown eyes.
Even as children Aegon thought she was pretty, he loved that she didn't look like a traditional Targaryen.
As they grew older Aegon became obsessed with her. If he has to marry he wants to marry her and hard dark haired babies, and that what he tells his mother, right before she slaps him.
Aegon managing to push hos wedding to Helaena off for years, but when Rheanyra and her kids comes back to Kings Landing and Aegon sees Jaces twin again.
Aegon won't let her slip through his fingers again.
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You'd always look so.... unlike a targaryen. Unlike how he and his siblings looked. with Brown hair and dark eyes, you were everything his mother hated, a targaryen that didn't look like one.
But... you were so pretty.
Aegon once again snuck away from his lessons to watch you with your dragon, you looked so happy. Dark eyes alive with mischief and happiness as you whispered something to your dragon and he roared in return, eliciting a laugh from you.
He'd never heard you laugh before then, it was like a forgotten song, a melody he could never escape from.
He's also never seen you as angry as you were that night, glaring with teary eyes as you held onto your younger brothers. His attraction to you hadn't ceased even in that moment. when you were brimming with happiness and when you were seething with anger, both expressions made him want to kiss you senseless.
But then you were gone. As soon as that. He wished he could have more time. More time to see you, to follow you, to find a common interest or even feign interest in what you liked if only to hear your voice say his name.
It wasn't until he saw you again, still unmarried despite his mother's ire and nagging. He'd never marry anyone but you. He hoped that the children he had with you would be dark haired babies.
You turned, feeling eyes on you and your lips curled into an almost snarl at seeing Aegon staring at you before you turned away. "He's staring at me." You hissed to your mother and step-father.
"I can collect another head." Daemon suggested, hand already on his sword.
Much to your disappointment, your mother shook her head. "Not yet."
He won't marry Helaena, Aegon decided. Anyone else can have her but you. You were his.
"Let me marry her." His words were spoken boldly to Rhaenyra and Daemon after basically forcing an audience with them. "I'll fight for your claim, I won't challenge it. I don't care about ruling. I just want her." Aegon stared at them with fierce eyes.
Daemon looked like he wanted to draw his sword until Rhaenyra stopped him, hand on his chest.
"I'll think about it." Rhaenyra answered coolly, dismissing him.
That wasn't good enough. Aegon couldn't stand it anymore. he has spent years yearning for you, craving to hear you say his name at the very least.
"You've always been the pretties girl I've ever seen." His words made you stomach clench and you didn't want to think about it. "Pretty brown hair and dark eyes, you look like a dream." He might be a bit drunk and babbling word vomit but it was all true.
You stared at him for a moment, almost stunned before reaching over and taking another drink of you wine. "And your mother? What does she think of this?"
"I don't care. I don't care what she thinks or what she wants. I just want you. I don't want glory or power. I just want to sleep on your thighs for the rest of my life." Aegon couldn't stop talking
A laugh slipped from your throat and an amused look filled your eyes at his words. "Is that so?" You mused softly. Taking pity on him, you leaned forward and kissed him. "Once you're sober, come find me and tell me again that you want to sleep on my thighs for all eternity. Maybe i'll let you."
With those last words, you were gone from his view and Aegon barely stopped himself from scrambling after you like a lost puppy.
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natailiatulls07 · 1 year
Still the little baby
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Arthur Leclerc Charles Leclerc Lorenzo Leclerc Pascale Leclerc & Leclerc!reader
Summary - The Leclerc little sister is going out, much to her brother’s dismay
Warning - violence, crying
A random Friday night during the summer night, the little Leclerc was getting ready for a date. She had bought a new dress especially for the occasion, a dress that she hoped her brother wouldn’t see her wearing. With curled hair and little natural makeup, Y/n picked up her small bag.
Checking herself in the body length mirror, before slipping into her heels. Arthur and Charles were watching a movie in the living room, Lorenzo out with his girlfriend and Pascale was over her friends house for drinks.
Stepping down the stairs, quietly as possible so her brothers wouldn’t notice her sneaking out. Taking advantage of the loud sound of violence, Y/n ran to the front door.
Slipping out, the teen made her way into town to meet up with her date.
“I had a great night Tom, I’d love to do it again” Y/n could be seen walking down the street after coming out of the restaurant.
Hand in hand the two continued walk down the street. “Me too. You’re a really sweet and hot girl, I’d love to get to know you more” His hand finding her cheek, as they both stared deep into each others eyes.
Leaning up, the two connected lips into a soft kiss.
However that only lasted until a pair of arms curled around Y/n’s waist, pulling her away and into a tight hug. Before she or her date, Tom, could process what happened, a fist collided with his cheek. Stumbling over due to the impact.
“Keep your hands of my baby sister!” Arthur’s angered voice had managed to bring Y/n back to reality, looking over her shoulder and seeing Charles looking just as angry.
Pushing his hand off of her, she made her way over to the slightly confused boy. “Wtf, I am on a date! And you two decide to ruin it for me!”
She pulled up Tom, quick to check his swelling nose which had blood pool down out of his nostrils. “Are you okay?” Y/n had visibly concerned interwoven in her voice.
The two older brothers watched on the couple, both protectiveness and regretful fresh on their minds. They didn’t want their baby sister to date, this was something that meant she was growing up.
“Yeah um…I think um. I think I’m gonna head home…bye” Tom was quick to run off before any of the Leclerc could say anything.
Y/n stood by watching her date run off, holding his nose. She felt tears brimming her waterline.
“Look ange, we were just protecting you” Charles’ sheepish voice piped up. “You never know what will happen. He might of-“ He cut himself off when Y/n raised her head, eyes showing her annoyance.
“Comment oses-tu penser que tu peux faire ça!” She drew in a long breath. “He was really sweet, paid for my meal. And walking me home! Right I’m going home, to my room. So fuck off”
Speechless. The brothers were speechless as the crying girl walked herself home.
Later that evening after the three youngest arrived home, Pascale came through the front door. She noticed her two youngest boys sat on the sofa in shame. “What’s got you to so shamefully mes garçons?”
Charles sighed before telling his mother the truth, she nodded along patently. “So now she is in her room. And I think she’s crying.”
Pascale was a bit annoyed that her sons ruined her only daughters date however equally proud that Arthur and Charles had that love for her daughter. “Ok well I’m not mad, truthful I’m proud. Proud that you two are looking out for your sister. However, she is growing up and you have to let her out of the bird nest sometimes”
The two listened to their mother intently. “Right I’m going to go and check on her. I’ll talk to her for you”
“Mon bébé please can I come in?” Pascale softly knocked on Y/n’s door. Without a response, she took her entrance. On the bed, lay Y/n still dressed in her outfit and makeup smeared down her face.
She had her childhood teddy bear in arms. The teddy bear Lorenzo got for her when Pascale had announced her pregnancy.
“Maman, all I was doing was going on an innocent date but then they showed up and ruined it” The once dried tears had started to flow once again.
“I know bébé, you nor your date did nothing wrong. It’s just that your brothers are very protective and loving of you, and you’re still the little baby to them. So please take it easy on them, they feel horrible” Y/n nodding her head understandingly.
“I’m going to go see them…” Y/n peeled herself away from her bed, teddy bear in hand. She made her way down the stairs, before reaching the living room.
Almost as if on cue, Arthur and Charles raised their heads to see Y/n walking. They had a sort of déjà vu, their little sister walking up to them clutching her teddy bear.
“I’m sorry…” Her timid voice, a contrast to earlier. Her big brother tackled her into a hug, wanting nothing more than comforting their little sister.
“It’s okay, we just wanted to protect you” Arthur shushed her continuous apologies.
That evening, Lorenzo had returned home from his girlfriend’s house to a surprising site. Y/n still holding her teddy bear, her head laid on Charles shoulder and legs across Arthur’s lap, deep into sleep. Unlike their sister, Arthur and Charles were both still awake.
“What happened? What did you guys do?” Lorenzo asked in a hushed manner. Noticing the dried smeared makeup down Y/n’s face.
“Long story…I’m sure she’ll tell you in the morning” Charles replied in the same hushed tone.
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pinkyqil · 5 months
Reveal | a.Putellas x j.Hermoso
Hidden secrets series
Hidden secrets Masterlist
Warning: mention of pregnancy, fluff
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Today was the day alexia and jenni would find out the baby's gender.
alexia had already gone for the test only waiting to find out the results. which her sister alba had taken upon herself to get and plan a little reveal party for the couple.
As she and her mom were the only one's who knows about them having a baby.
Alba had kicked both alexia and jenni out of their home to set up the mini gender reveal party. She had already ordered those cake that reveal the gender depending on the colors. along with a few sweet treats and gifts from her and their mom.
Alexia and jenni on the other hand, had decided to go too one of the beaches close to her house after getting some refreshment before heading there.
Finally finding themselves a spot once they've arrived they both sat down before getting another word for one another.
"So do you think we're having a girl or boy" jenni asked alexia .
"I'm not quite sure I know if am begin honest with you" she said while laughing a little.
"Doesn't carrying a baby come's with a little motherly prediction"
"The only motherly prediction I know is that My baby is the size of a bell pepper" this time while giggling
"Our baby is the size of a bell pepper". Jenni repeated properly for alexia.
While alexia had a huge grin on her face knowing what she did there.
"I know just messing with your head" she told the older woman before leaving a kiss on her lips.
before jenni could reply alexia had told her that alba was ready for them to get home now after getting a massage notification.
On there way back to the car hands interning they hadn't noticed someone taking a picture of both of them too lost in their own bubble.
Finally arriving back to there place alexia felt huge nerves. of course she would be happy no matter what the babies gender was.
but she just felt some type of way without explanation before she could go farther on her thinking lane jenni had snapped her out of it.
The door slowly opend revealing the decorated place with balloons around one side of the room and a cute sliver saying baby.
with a clear blue and pink balloons floating around, the cake that was also on the table. But the one that caught alexia alexia and jenni's attention would be the white balloon that had a gold font writing boy or girl where they'll find out the gender of their baby.
"You do know that you could pop the balloon or cut the cake to find out the gender". alba told the couple.
"Which one would you prefer?". Jenni asked
"The cake preferably".
"Now that we figured it out ale come with me and jenni please go to the other room where you'll find some clothes to change into".
Alba told the couple before separating them to different room's. She had gotten both of them a white top that says mom's to be and a pair of baggy jeans for both of them. Alexia couldn't be more grateful to her sister for trying to make everything so memorial for them.
quickly getting change and letting her hair down so she could fix it up a little. Once she was done she turned around giving her sister a hug.
"You should show the bump a little it would look good". Alba suggested to alexia.
alexia sighed before doing what she was told, one look in the mirror she realized what alba meant has it made her look and feel amazing.
Before both the sister got out alba grabbed alexia hands saying.
'You'd be the best mother to that child no matter what you're an amazing sister daughter and person ale one of the most strongest person I know you've made everyone proud so please never look down on yourself love you". she told alexia
"oh germana thank you so much your words and actions means a lot to me". She told alba before the both embraced each other into another hug until they heard eli calling for them.
"Coming mami". they said in synchronization Before going back to the main room.
Finally making their way out there joining Eli and jenni who seems to be having a convo of their own,after a while alba had made the couple take some pictures and videos that they could look back on.
The moment they all been waiting for alexia and jenni held the knife together and sliced into the cake revealing a soft pink color.
They were having a girl their own baby girl.the rush of excitement and happiness that filed the room couldn't be explained.
"We're having a girl". jenni said to alexia
"Yes we are". she could bearly reply has tears of joy were flowing down her face the only feeling she had now was to be the best mother to her unborn child.
Before she knew it jenni had mange too pull her off her feets that changed into a hug before pulling her again into a deep kiss not caring that her sister and mom were there with them.
Eli and alba gave the couple space before joining them for the celebration.
Everyone obviously enjoying the moment that happening. Alba had grabbed her phone to post a small tease about the gender reveal without linking it to alexia.
but instead got a lot of notifications that she clicked on upon seeing the photo of alexia an jenni on the beach that had been posted by someone who probably recognized both of them.
"Ale". alba said calling out her older sister showing her the photo on her phone.alexia had grabbed her phone after noticing it was a picture of her and jenni.
She was honestly over it and shut the phone off it wouldn't be the first time that fans couldn't respect there privacy but what could she do nothing really.
"It all right alba it doesn't really matter let the internet explode while we enjoy the moments as family". alexia told her sister with a smile.
She could careless it really doesn't matter to her she was going yo have her own family now something that way more important than whatever people think is going on and if something does happen jenni would always be there for her.
A/n: hope y'all enjoy this chapter it feels like longest one I wrote for this series the next one I plan to release is the baby shopping that the anon requested and feel free to send in request or your opinions on the fic which would be helpful thank you for reading
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lesbiandelgal · 3 months
Translated information regarding Flamela's squad, Part one
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Decided to go through the pages on Flamela's squad from the complete adventurer's bible and translate them myself, since the ones I've seen floating around looked dubious at best. I've included transcriptions of (most of) the original text for anyone who would like to analyze it themselves. It's incredibly long, so I'm putting it under the cut.
Part two here.
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Name: Flamela of the house of Sorn Birthday/Age: September 23, 170 years old. Race/Gender: Elf, Female Family: Father, Mother, Younger brother Physique: Height approximately 140cm, BMI 22 Favorite food: Dumplings Dislikes: Roe Cause of first death: Poisoned by a basilisk
The vice-captain of the Canaries with obsidian skin and silver hair that is considered to be "proof of true royalty". While she is a distant blood relative to the queen, she has a one-sided hatred for the queen, as she lost (through death) her older twin sister, who was adopted by the queen*. She succeeded the retired Milsiril as vice-captain, but is obliquely kept away from dangerous sites due to her relation to the queen. She has a short temper**, and especially doesn't hide her resentment for the fact that Mithrun, who is unable to even take care of his daily needs, was assigned the position of Captain.
*this part was somewhat difficult to translate, just due to sentence structure being awkward for english. not entirely confident that i got the exact nuance down. feel free to send any corrections in my ask box if i got anything wrong! **this is just my best guess. let me know if it's inaccurate!
Erique and Misyl
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Members of Flamela's squad. Erique, an ex-convict who finished* her prison term, serves as Flamela's partner. Because the canaries were short on wardens, she was scouted and made a warden. Misyl is the prisoner Erique is responsible for. She hasn't done anything particularly bad, but she was enlisted because the canaries were understaffed. Even she herself doesn't have much awareness of what she did wrong.
TL I've seen floating around says "she has no sense of guilt" in the last sentence, but there's a も in that sentence that wouldn't make much sense with a statement like that, as well as 罪 referring to "crime", rather than guilt. *The term translated as "finished" can also mean "to graduate" (in the non-academic sense), and considering Erique was pardoned, I think the intended meaning may be closer to the latter, but you also wouldn't say someone "graduated" a prison term, so I worded accordingly.
Organization structure
EDITOR'S NOTE 島の冒険者が畏怖を抱く存在、カナリア隊。その一端が垣間見える資料を公開。
EDITOR'S NOTE Feared* by the adventurers of the Island, the Canaries. This document that reveals a glimpse into its inner-workings is now revealed to the public.**
*could also be interpreted as "awe inspiring", but just based on context i'm guessing it's fear. **really an approximation of the general idea of this sentence, it doesn't translate very well.
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*this originally was 草, and the only logical translation i came across was that it's an archaic term for "ninja", but In this case i feel like "spy" was a more apt translation. I could be totally off the mark though.
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callhermyname · 3 months
you're not going | e.m. x reader - prologue
summary: you and Eddie meet for the first time (a few weeks before the start of s1);
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 2.6k
warnings: MDNI!! mostly fluff, just a tiny bit of angst, reader is Dustin's cousin, mentions of absent father, postpartum depression, parents death, self-esteem issues, bullying (let me know if I missed anything).
a/n: HEY so this is my first fic ever so even if it's absolute garbage pls be nice to me😭 also sorry for any grammar mistakes english is not my first language. this is supposed to be the start of a s4 rewrite series, so if you want more please like this post, reblog and let me know what you think. hope u enjoy it!
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You've been living at aunt Claudia's since you were 14. After your mom died, you had nowhere else to go — you can't even remember the last time your dad was in the picture, so when your aunt took you in, you kinda felt thankful that you got to start over, have a fresh start in another town, away from your old life (that you hated). You were still grieving, but aunt Claudia was always very sweet and caring, and soon after you moved in you started to see Dustin as the little brother you never had. It felt a little weird at first — even though your mother did her best, she never really liked the situation you were both in. She never planned to have kids, at least not before graduating from college, especially if it meant being a single mom at such a young age, so you couldn't really blame her for drowning in postpartum depression after you were born until she passed away. So, when her older sister took you in, you didn't expect for her to be so different from your mom, so caring, so gentle, so loving, such a good mom for Dustin and now to you too. 
When you first got to Hawkins, you didn't really have any friends besides your 11 year old cousin. One of his friends had a sister about your age — Mike's sister, Nancy — but, although she was always nice to you, you never really quite hit it off. She was sweet, but you didn't have a lot in common and her friends could be really mean. Will's brother, Jonathan, was always very shy and quiet, never really made conversation and you were definitely not the kind of person to force social interaction with someone that obviously didn't care for it, so you just kept it to yourself for most of the first year you spent at Hawkins.
A couple of weeks before Will went missing, Nancy was picking Mike up at your place and invited you to a party at her boyfriend's house. Your aunt overheard the conversation and was very excited to see you were making friends, so you decided to go just so she wouldn't worry about you being an absolute loser. You were always quite self-conscious of your appearance so it took some time to pick out an outfit, but you finally settled for something comfy and not that flashy, but flattering: your best Queen shirt under your favorite jeans overalls and a flannel and your only pair of shoes — basic black chuck taylors.
It was late October and the air was chilly, wind blowing through your hair and cutting your face like tiny little blades as you rode your bike to Steve Harrington's house, hoping to god Nancy was already there so you wouldn't be alone and awkward. You could already hear the music from two blocks away, and when you got to the front door, Nancy was waiting for you with her friend Barb. You knew Barb from school, you took English together, but didn't really talk about anything not school related, but she seemed nice. 
"You made it! I was already getting worried you wouldn't show up" Nancy greeted you. "You know Barb, right?"
"Yeah, hey Barb" you agreed and Barb nodded. "Sorry it took me so long to get here, my bike has seen better days…"
"It's fine, don't worry. Let's get in, I'll show you around. You can leave your bike at the back of the garage, outside of the backyard fence."
You left your bike where Nancy told you to and followed her into the house as she showed you where the bathroom was, stumbling over people coming in and out of the house, up and down the stairs. The house was so crowded, it felt like people were coming out of the walls. When she led you to the back of the house, she sat down by the pool and introduced you to her boyfriend and his friends, who were around the pool. 
From the start, you felt out of place. Steve and his friends didn't know you, but you already knew them. It was ridiculous to you how those people had made fun of you more than once at school but did not remember your face when Nancy introduced you as her friend. Maybe because you weren't wearing your big squared glasses, or because you tried something different with your hair? It didn't really matter anyways. At least they were not making fun of you. Poor Barb wasn't so lucky — they gave her a really hard time, and Nancy was just completely powerless over the situation, too afraid to say anything to try and defend her friend. After an hour, Barb got fed up and left, leaving you alone with Nancy and those assholes who were absolutely wasted and wouldn't shut up about playing spin the bottle or truth or dare.
"Come on, what are you, twelve?" Steve protested, "We're not kids man, that's just boring."
"You're absolutely right Harrington. But, we could spice it up, ya know?" Tommy offered, trying to convince Steve to play the game "For every truth or dare you refuse to tell or do, you have to take a shot of tequila. What do you say, Harrington? Wanna get absolutely wasted?"
Next thing you know, you were excusing yourself to go to the bathroom while at least 10 people were gathering around forming a circle on the floor of Steve's backyard. You didn't really need to use the bathroom, you just needed to cool off a little before getting hammered — you were NOT about to tell any truths or do any dares around these people you barely knew. Before you could go back outside, you got yourself a glass of water in the kitchen. As you threw away the red plastic cup, now empty, you heard a conversation through the kitchen window that headed to the backyard.
"So, can we start the game already?"
"Wait, where's Wheeler's  friend?"
"Barb left like, half an hour ago, Carol" you heard Nancy reply.
"No, not the chubby one, the other one, the weird one with the ugly hair."
"I think she needed to use the bathroom…?"
"Oh my god do you think she's like, brushing her teeth or something? Thinking someone's gonna want to kiss her?" Carol laughed.
"We better not wait for her then, I do NOT want to spin the bottle and end up having to kiss that weird ass bitch!" Tommy said, getting a good laugh out of everyone.
Your eyes teared up as you backed away from the window, thinking about what to do. You thought you could just sneak out and go home, cry yourself to sleep, but then you remembered you had left your bike chained up by the backyard fence. There was no way you could get your bike without anyone noticing you sneaking out. Fuck, you knew you should've stayed home reading something or watching TV.
Since you couldn't go home without your bike, you decided to wait until everyone was back inside. It couldn't take that long, you thought, it was freezing out there. But you couldn't stay inside either. Not by yourself. So, you walked over to the front door and opened it, feeling the cold air hit your cheeks. You walked out of the house and into the woods beside the house, where you could still see the backyard, but would be out of sight, a little further from the backyard fence and hidden in the dark shadow of the trees that surrounded the Harrington's property. Once you were settled, seated on the ground, you bursted into tears. Hot, salty tears running through your face as you sobbed, hating everything about yourself, hating the fact that, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't escape the fact that you were always different. Not in an obvious way — you didn't have that much of a fashion sense that was bold enough to earn dirty looks from old ladies —, but sometimes you felt like you didn't feel things the same way other people did. You felt fragile, small, vulnerable, like you were exposed all the time. It made you feel like shit.
You were so quiet, you couldn't help but to jump out when you heard footsteps behind you and then something snapping, like someone had stepped on a branch or something. You turned around wide eyed, heart pounding, just to see a silhouette standing behind you, holding a little metal lunchbox. It was a boy, shaggy curly hair down to right below his earlobes, Iron Maiden shirt, leather jacket and denim vest, dark loose jeans and heavy black boots.
"Dude, what the fuck" you panted, trying to not look as spooked and jumpy as you were "where did you came from?"
"Shit, sorry" he said, trying to hold back his laughter "didn't mean to scare ya, normally i don't run by anyone when i take this shortcut, though it has been a while since i actually used this shortcut — see, i usually drive mostly everywhere, but i ran out of gas money for the month and i thought 'hey, i could actually use a little walk through the woods to cool my head off a little' so i just decided to- whoa, wait, are you crying? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that!" he stopped his rambling when he noticed you were drying your tears with the sleeve of your jacket.
"No, it's not- really, i'm fine" you panicked, noticing he seemed a little hurt by your reaction "i was already crying before you- sorry, it wasn't you, i'm fine don't worry"
He walked over to you and sat down beside you, a concerned look on his face.
"I don't wanna be nosy or anything, I know you don't really know me" he started, you now realizing you did recognise him from school, how could you not? He's always drawing attention to himself "but you can talk to me if you want. I'm guessing you were at Harrington's party? Everyone down there sitting at that circle in the backyard is kinda known for being a pain in the ass"
"What gave it away?" you brushed off your tears, slightly smiling at his comment "Just didn't wanna play truth or dare with… you know, those guys. But it seems they were glad I didn't join them, so they wouldn't have to kiss me if someone decided to play spin the bottle" 
"Wait, what?" he seemed surprised "They told you that?"
"Not exactly" you explained "I was at the kitchen and overheard someone saying that outside, so i bailed"
"What are you still doing here then?- Oh, I'm Eddie, by the way." he introduced himself, shaking your hand as you introduced yourself.
You explained the whole situation to him and he offered to keep you company until you could get your bike back and go home. After an hour of nonsense conversation filled with Eddie's dramatic sense of humor, you actually got to know each other a little bit. He told you about his band and how he really liked Lord of the Rings and fantasy RPG.
"I'm not really a huge fan of fantasy books" you shared, causing him to gasp, as he was offended by your comment.
"How dare you? Are you not a huge fan of happiness too? Or maybe you hate puppies and ice cream?" he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "How can you not like the only way to escape this boring non-fictional world we are FORCED to live in?"
"Hey, don't get me wrong, I do like fiction. Just not... fantasy fiction."
"So what do you like then?"
"I really enjoy science fiction."
"What, like androids and shit?"
"No, not that kind of science fiction. I mean science fiction like... Clockwork Orange, or Flowers for Algernon."
"Oh so you're a nerd too!" he teased "I was almost buying all that 'not a nerd' act, but you're into Kubrick? That's so nerdy!"
"You do know Stanley Kubrick didn't write the book right?"
"Shut up, you know what I mean."
Once he started to talk about music, he just couldn't stop talking for a second. He told you about his band, and you felt as if he was the first person to ever understand your passion for music. After another 30 minutes or so of energetic conversation about how much you both liked 70s rock, he ended up telling you he only attended this kind of party to sell some weed and make a quick buck.
"Don't get me wrong, i fucking hate these people" he explained himself "but they ARE in fact my biggest costumers. Guess daddy's money might not be enough for them to feel loved, but it does buy whatever else they need to feel better about themselves. So, they always make sure I'm 'invited' to every party they want me to bring my little lunchbox to."
"Yeah, that makes sense i guess" you agreed, turning your head over to the backyard, people already heading inside due to the cold. You felt your heart sink, even though all you've been wanting was to take your bike and leave. You were actually really enjoying getting to talk to Eddie.
"Well, i guess this is it" he said, noticing as you watched everyone getting into the house "now you can go home and not listen to me and my rambling about whatever it is i was talking about. Hell, even i can't remember what the hell i was talking about most of the time" he laughed. 
"To be honest, it wasn't that bad" you laughed back "it was definitely better than spin the bottle!"
He chuckled, helping you get up and unchain your bike from the fence, giving you a dorky smile as you hopped up on your bike. 
"Well, I better get back to work huh? Got a lot of customers waiting on me" he gestured to the house as you secured your helmet under your chin.
"Yeah, I better get back home too. My aunt refuses to go to sleep until i get home safe, don't wanna keep her waiting"
"So, I guess I'll see you at school, huh?" he shifted at his feet and kicked the ground, stuffing his hands inside the pockets of his vest.
"Yeah, if there's any seats left for another nerd at your table for lunch" you chuckled awkwardly, looking at your feet.
"For a pretty one like you? Always."
You exchanged an awkward look and smiled at each other again, and with that you followed your way back home, feeling hopeful about how the next few weeks would play out. You thought you had finally found someone you could trust and spend time with, someone who got you — a friend.
For the next week or so, you and Eddie hung out a lot. Finally, you had someone you could call a friend, and things seemed to be going not so bad for the first time in months. He would always save you a seat at the table at lunch and walk you to your classes, he would even give you a ride every once in a while, when his van was not running out of gas. It was something you could get used to — at least until a couple of weeks later, when you, Nancy, Jonathan and Steve ended up trauma bonding over setting a demogorgon on fire. After that, your life had (literally) turned upside down and you didn't hang out with Eddie that much anymore. As the years went by, you would hang out more with Steve and Robin once Nancy and Jonathan started dating. You would still talk to Eddie though, just... not like you talked to your other friends. They were the only ones who actually understood what you were going through, and — even though you missed his company — it would be selfish to tell Eddie everything and drag him into that nightmare. Until of course, the nightmare caught up to him.
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Different - Draco Malfoy
Draco x Fem!reader Weasley
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,118
Summary: Y/n is a Weasley but she’s very different from her family. Her hair’s not red, she’s a Slytherin, and now? She’s dating Draco Malfoy. Will Ginny and Hermoine be able to help keep her brothers in the dark? Or will they find out no matter how hard they try?
Harry Potter Masterlist
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“I think Ron’s catching on.” Y/n rested her head on her arms, which more currently folded on the table in the liberty. Y/n was stressed hiding something when you have so many siblings around all the time was not easy.
“No trust me he’s not.” Hermione shook her head, trying to comfort her friend.
“Out of all our family Y/n/n, Ron would be the last to figure it out.” Ginny laughed. Ron was oblivious, Hermione knew that as much as anyone and started laughing as well. Although both noticed their friend still looked stressed about the situation.
“Don’t worry, Y/n.” Hermione gave Y/n a smile trying to ease her friend's mind.
“They're all gonna hate me when they find out.” Y/n referred to her family. Ginny was the only one who knew, her and Hermione. No one else on her part. Besides her parents.
“Mom and dad don’t hate you and they know. I know and I don’t hate you.” Ginny nudged her older sister arm to arm also trying to ease the tension.
“I don’t either and I don’t get along with Draco at all.” Hermione reached across the table to hold her hand. Y/n was originally nervous to tell Hermione, given her and Draco’s history. Their history also having played a part in why Y/n turned Draco down for so long. Till Hermione convinced her to say yes.
“It’s just… I’m already so different from my family- our family it’s-” Y/n started but got cut off. Often at times, Y/n didn’t do things because she didn't want to be even more different than her family. She didn’t have the Weasley's hair, she wasn’t a Griffindor, and now she’s dating a Malfoy?
“An that’s ok. We still love you.” Ginny smiled.
“Y/n/n, Draco has said unforgivable things to me but I support your relationship with him because you make eachother happy. And let’s face it, you make him a better person.” Hermione added, and it was true. Draco has been an ass to Hermione for years, but she cared about her friend's happiness.
“You do.” Ginny agreed with Hermione. Draco has been a different person since Y/n finally agreed to a relationship with him.
“That’s why we’re helping you.” Hermione squeed Y/n’s hand, giving her smile. “You're my friend, you're like a sister to me. So until your ready for your brothers to know, I’ll help you keep it a secret.”
Ginny placed her arm around her older sister's shoulder in a half hug. “And if they don’t like it you really think mom won’t rip them a new one?”
The three laughed at Ginny’s statement, the 3 girls knowing very well how true her words were. After the laughing calmed down they decided to have a girls night in the common room for Gryffindor.
^ ^ ^
“I don’t care about what your brothers will think, you know that right?” Draco asked, he knew she was scared of what they’d think, and he completely understood where she was coming from.
“I know. I’m grateful for that. I’m just worried for their reactions.” Y/n smiled up at him through her lashes, since she was resting her head on his shoulder. “Weren’t you nervous about your parent's reaction? They weren’t to thrilled if I recall correctly.”
Y/n shrugged his arm off looking down, sometimes it felt like everyone in their world didn’t want them together. Draco turned a bit in his seat adjusting himself so he could face her. Lifting her chin up to look him in the eyes. “On this matter. I only care about what I think. Besides my mother loves you, and between my two parents the opinion on you would only matter from her.”
“I don’t care what they think of you, of us. I just don’t want them to hate me. For not telling them, for keeping a secret, or just because- hell I could think of a bunch of things.” She told him letting out a shaky laugh out of nerves.
“They won’t.” Draco reassured, hoping to ease her nerves. “AN if they do. That’s their loss. But you’d still have your parents, Ginny, Hermione, my mom, and you have me.”
“That’s all I really need.” Y/n smiled reaching up to pull him into a kiss.
“Woah.” Fred and George said at the same time. Both twins were just as shocked as the couple sitting in front of them. Draco and Y/n didn’t even bother to move away from eachother, they were caught making out anyway so no use.
“Ummmm- hey?” Y/n said awkwardly looking at her older brothers.
The twins looked at eachother having a silent connection before looking at the couple. “We have one question.”
“What is it?” Draco asked.
“How long?” Fred asked curiously.
“8 months.” Y/n answered confidently.
The twins looked at eachother again before turning back to face the young couple. “One more question.”
Y/n laughed at her brother's antics. “Yes?”
“Not for you.” Fred said smiling at his little sister.
“Oh” Y/n gulped nervously
“You.” The twins spoke at the same time, pointing to Draco.
“Me?” Draco asked worried slightly.
“Yes.” They answered trying not to laugh.
“What is it?” Draco gulped but was ready to answer anything they ask.
“Do you love her?” George asked with an unreadable look. Which un-nerved Draco and Y/n a little bit.
“Yes. I do.” Draco answered after a short moment of thought before looking at Y/n.
“I love you too.” Y/n smiled looking at him, shocked since they were taking things really slow and they hadn’t said ‘I love you’s’ yet.
“Then we’re good.” The twins stated smiling widely.
“Really?” Y/n asked hopeful that she might have at least two of her brothers on her side and ok with her relationship.
“Yeah.” He smiled at her, nodding.
“Thank you, guys! Don’t tell Ron!” Y/n called after them as they left the abandoned tower.
“We won’t!” They called back.
“That was better than you thought it’d be.” Draco commented letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Yeah. I’m glad.” Y/n nodded letting out her own sigh of relief.
“I do think Ron will be a very different story though.” Draco admitted, truthfully he does not think Ron will accept it at all. Maybe not ever, if anything he might just become social with Draco but the young Malfoy doesn’t believe Ron will ever truly accept him. “We’ll deal with him when it comes to it.” Y/n said hoping that the day Ron finds out is very far in the future.
Tag: @gruffle1 @padawancat97
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
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Deal, you brat!
Ship: Aizawa x Reader / minor Shinsou x Kaminari
Warning! MHA season 6 spoilers!
Basic info & Summary:
Summary: You’re asked into the office for the hundredth time by Aizawa; your niece Megumi absolutely loves to get in trouble and to be honest, you don’t really mind seeing her grumpy teacher twice every month.
The problems start when Megumi decides to make an embarrassing deal with the teacher and turn your whole world upside down…
Genre: Romantic comedy with a deep backstory…? Does that count as a genre?! It’s also a mature story (but not for the sexual content - if that’s what you are looking for I’m sorry, there is none.)
Estimated chapters: 5 or 6 chapters!
About the reader: Reader is 29 years old who’s been taking care of her neglected niece since she was 6 years old. (She’s around 14 now, 1 year younger than Kaminari and the gang). She’s really childish in some ways and really serious in others so she’s quite a good match for the grumpy teacher.
Other info: Aizawa officially adopted Eri and Shinsou Hitoshi in this AU!
General warnings: Swear words, talking about child neglect and one mention of child abuse. A lot of parenting-talk. Might get a bit suggestive by the end.
16+, younger people might find the theme boring. :D
Enjoy my nonsense.
Also, English is not my first language so don’t be too mean, I’m a sensitive potato. 🥔
Chapter 1 - A deal with the sensei!
“What did she do this time?” You sigh, sitting in the comfortable chair in Aizawa-Sensei’s office.
“The usual. One of the kids tried to bully her. Again.” Aizawa sighs, clearly uncomfortable. “I really wanted to sack that guy, but apparently we need as many heroes as we can train, so I couldn’t.”
You are way too familiar with this whole situation already, so none of you really try to sugarcoat it anymore. It’s tiring, but at the same time… well… Aizawa-sensei is an interesting guy and also not bad to look at, even with one eye and half of his leg missing. Do you have a crush on your niece’s teacher? Probably. Certainly. Fuck, you are a terrible parent.
“Megumi-chan can defend herself. You worry too much.” You grin at the hero, clearly missing the point of this meeting.
“I would prefer her not to set fire to his bully’s hair though. This is why we are here. Again. I feel like I see you more than I see my friends.” Aizawa sighs again, the dark circles under his eyes even more prominent than the last time. “Where are her parents, Y/N?”
“They don’t care.” You retort curtly.
It’s true. Megumi might have both of her parents, but they certainly ain’t doing their job.
Megumi’s mother is your older sister. After seeing the young girl being neglected at home, you decided to take her in and cut your ties with your whole family afterwards; you’ve always been the black sheep of the family anyway, neglected then abandoned after your 18th birthday. You were an accident and they did treat you as one through your whole life. Your “perfect” older sister has asked you to babysit her child three times a week, giving you enough money to keep yourself alive but after seeing the damage in the young girl’s eyes and the lack of love an affection in the family you couldn’t do it anymore; one day, when your sister came home drunk, almost hitting the 6 year old child for crying you decided to take the girl with you and start a new life with her. You got a proper job and an apartment with a second bedroom for her. She’s now 14, almost 15, beautiful but dangerous; you did your best to teach her how to defend herself and to never let anyone talk shit about her because she’s amazing; she’s the most precious thing in your life. It was really hard at the beginning, especially as you could never get enough money or have the right circumstances to actually adopt her so technically you are not even her guardian and you could barely make it until the end of the month in the first few years, but things are looking better now; hopefully, as her 15th birthday present you can ask her to sigh the last piece of paperwork so she can finally be free from her stupid “mother” who probably doesn’t even know or care where her child is living but still manages to make her mad once a year on her birthday, calling her just to tell her what a disappointment she is.
Ahh, it’s a long story. Let’s not even think about it.
“Are you her closest family member, blood or not?” Aizawa asks, sensing the tension in the air.
“Then I won’t ask this question again.” He ends the topic without saying anything else and you are so fucking grateful you want to kiss his face.
… that was an inappropriate thought, wasn’t it?
“I’ll sit down with her today. I might find these stories hilarious but I do know this needs to stop. Thank you for your concern. Also, thank you for your time.” You are just about to leave when Aizawa-sensei cleans his throat to get your attention.
“I actually thought it will be a great idea to sit down with her together.” He mumbles and looks at the door. “Come in, you menace!”
There is giggle coming from the other side of the door then it opens; Megumi dances in and sits in your chair, her brand new nose piercing still red around the jewellery. Aizawa doesn’t comment on it; you already had a chat about that last week. You pull another chair next to her, ready to be told off for the 15th time since Megumi has enrolled in UA.
“Aizawa-sensei, you look as fresh as always, I can’t believe you are SINGLE.” Megumi grins at her homeroom teacher while she empathizes the last word. This fucking kid…
“Megumi, you can’t say shit like that to your teacher!” You yell, but your words are met with nothing but giggles. Fuck’s sake.
“Language, Auntie!” Megumi grins again, and you can hear an almost silent snort coming from the other side; Aizawa quickly schools his expression, looking as bored as always, but you did hear it; he fucking laughed at you! How embarrassing!
“Okay, let’s calm down.” Megumi and you go silent at the same time while you stare at the teacher like you are about to get sentenced to death; Megumi is chill as always, knowing she’ll get away with anything. You really have no idea how did she end up like this but you are a little bit jealous. “So us asking you to behave is clearly not working. Your poor Auntie had to come in 15 times already, and I’m quite sure she’s already bored of seeing me so much.”
“I’m really not.” You mumble out loud, slapping your palm on your mouth. Can the ground open up now? Please?
“She’s really not.” Megumi speaks at the same time, making the situation even worse. Okay, now you are ready to be swallowed by the ground for real.
“… okay. Thank you for enjoying my company.” Aizawa says with a straight face but there is a slight blush decorating his face… GODDAMNIT THIS ISN’T THE RIGHT TIME FOR THE BUTTERFLIES! This is your niece’s teacher! “So what can we do for you to stop acting like this? New class, maybe? You are one of the best students in the school, I might even be able to get you into 2A, if that’s something you want. I can ask Bakugou-kun to help you get ready for the exams.”
Wow, you knew Megumi is the top of her class, but hearing this from her sensei really makes you proud.
“Please, anything but Blasty!” For your surprise, Megumi actually looks terrified; you can’t help but giggle at that.
“Megumi, Bakugou is one of the greatest up-and-coming heroes the word has ever seen, please refrain from calling him ‘Blasty’.”
“Yes, I know, I should respect him as he is the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned.” Megumi rolls her eyes so you give her a friendly slap on the head.
“Stop quoting My Chemical Romance in my office.” Aizawa sighs, clearly done with this conversation already. “And yes, I know the band. So how can we help you?” Aizawa repeats, faking nonchalance but you can see the slight twitch in his one eye.
“Hm.” Megumi makes a thinking face, her black nails slowly tapping on her thighs. “I want you to take my Auntie out for a date and then I can stop doing random shit to get her in here.”
You almost choke on your saliva. She didn’t just say that, did she?!
“What the actual fuck, Megumi?!” You yell with your face red as a ripe tomato.
“Language.” Aizawa mumbles but you can’t even be bothered to say sorry right now.
“What, you are almost 30 years old and you haven’t had a single boyfriend since you took me from my shitty family! I’m just trying to help!”
“Megumi, I love you, but that’s none of your business and it’s also inappropriate!”
“Y/N is right, it is really inappropriate. But if I can stop having these awkward conversations two times a month, I’m more than happy to spend an afternoon with your Auntie in a friendly manner.” Aizawa mumbles, looking at Megumi with a serious face. “But if I do and you don’t stop being a menace, I will make sure no hero takes you under their wings and you’ll be the looser cleaning the classrooms while your classmates are out in the wild learning to fight actual criminals. And when they bully you for that, I won’t do shit about it. Deal?”
What about you?! No one wants to ask you if you are okay with this?! Is it that obvious that you are?!
Ahh, it’s probably obvious, isn’t it. Goddamnit.
“Deal.” Megumi grins in pure victory while you try your best to hide your flaming face with your arms. Megumi stands up and leaves, not even waiting to be dismissed while you stare at the hero with an incredulous look on your face.
“One coffee. I know what I’m doing.” Aizawa says, a little bit offended. “We will send her a selfie and we won’t need to see each other until next semester. I think it’s a bargain.” He finishes his sentence calmly, like this is a normal thing. What’s wrong with everyone around you? “Let’s meet tomorrow at 10 in front of UA. You are dismissed.”
This is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.
“Okay.” You say anyway and leave as quick as you can; you can’t wait to be at home and give Megumi the talk of her fucking life after this.
You are going on a fucking date with your niece’s absolutely gorgeous home teacher tomorrow. It’s probably not an actual date but that doesn’t mean you don’t feel like a high school girl going on her first date; and honestly, it has been more than 10 years that you’ve actually been on one so it’s not even that far from the truth.
You really want to throw up right now.
…Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Well, hello there and welcome in this super fluffy story about Aizawa falling in love. I’m not sure how often I’ll post but as I have the full thing written down except the last chapter, it will probably be frequent enough for it to not be annoying.
- In the next chapter, we go on a date with the grumpy teacher and we meet Eri and Hitoshi! It’s my personal favorite chapter, I can’t wait to post it! The next chapters will be longer than this!
- So technically the reader shouldn’t be allowed to act as a guardian without the right paperwork or to have Megumi live with her, but let’s ignore that bit. Every country has their own laws and in my head, the MHA world is quite open to circumstances like this. This is a fanfiction anyway, I don’t know why am I so stressed about small details like this but I am. 😂
- Want to be on the taglist? Just send me a comment, a message or an ask!
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weird-addiction · 3 days
'Targ is gonna Targ' you're so right for that 😭 obviously you don't have to write this if it's too much! <3
Daemon Targaryen x Nephew!reader where reader is Rhaenyra's brother/twin (you can choose if they're twins or not) and gets jealous of all the attention she is getting from Daemon and begins to become bitter about it. Reader wants to be the favorite and tries to win his affection so much that it starts to become noticeable. You can choose how it ends I don't mind whatever outcome, obviously doesn't have to be smut but I just need some Daemon x male reader there's just so little 🧎🏻
All the Attention
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Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Nephew!Reader
Genre: Neutral
Warnings: Targcest, Uncle x Nephew relationship, childbirth death, kind of rushed writing, suggestive themes
A/N: I got super busy lately this should have been a while ago
The day he was born was also the day his mother died, Queen Aemma could not survive the twin as it was unexpected and her body had failed. 
Viserys had fallen into grief while Daemon had his attention on his older sister Rhaenyra. He had no one. 
Growing up was just a pain for him as no one paid any attention to him. Even though he was his father’s heir, he still paid more attention to Rhaenyra than him. He only called for him for lessons on their history and stories. He was in small council while his sister was the cupbearer, he hardly listened as no one even paid him any thought.
It was not until his father remarried to the Lady Alicent Hightower that he started to pay attention. He may not listen during the council meetings, it did not mean he did not hear the whispers around the castle. He knew Otto was the snake, he knew Daemon knew, but yet, he did not know how to approach his own uncle about it.
He decided it one night when he could not sleep.
Knocking on his uncle's door, he entered when he heard the voice on the other side to allow permission. 
“Uncle. It’s me.”
Daemon turned to look at him over his shoulder from the couch he had. The Rogue Prince’s hair was short, it being cut when he was in the stepstones. 
“Nephew. What has you seeking me at this time of night?” He took a sip from his wine goblet. 
“I believe you know best of the Hightowers. Father would not have married Alicent out of duty, he only loved mother you have always told. So why did he-”
“Otto Hightower is a cunt.” Daemon cuts him off, his words harsh but he did not care. 
Y/n smiled at his words. “So you know as well as I do.” 
Daemon shot him a look. “Come. Sit by me.” Which Y/n did as his words had told. 
They were quiet for a few seconds before Daemon turned to his nephew who looked so alike to him, which he himself had told since Y/n’s birth that it was wrong. 
“The Hightowers want power. And now that bitch queen has your half-brother, no doubt she will push your father to put him on the throne instead of you.”
“Father won’t let that happen. I’m his first born son.” Y/n retorted, he was so sure of his words. 
“Power hungry men will do anything they can to get what they want.” Daemon states, there was truth in his words and Y/n knew it. 
But then he thought about it, there was something that tied into Daemon's own actions. 
“Aren’t you the same.” Y/n rolled his eyes. 
Daemon scoffed when he heard that, meaning he agreed. 
“You are around my sister all the time, you just want her for yourself. I can see it. The maids and servants whisper it. I may not listen to the council but I do hear the whispers that echo in the halls.” Y/n held his own authority and ground, he did not back down. 
Daemon threw the now empty goblet onto the table before gripping his nephew’s neck, pinning him to the backrest of the couch.
“Do not mistake me, nephew.” They locked eyes. “If you wanted my attention then all you had to do was ask.” 
Y/n smirked, it seemed like his uncle knew him better than himself. Within the next couple of seconds, their lips connected, their eyes closed as they felt each other. His hand went under Daemon’s shirt trying to pull it off. 
But they pulled away before it went too far. The night was still far too young for them to do this. Y/n’s mood turned bitter and Daemon saw it clear as the blood of the dragon that burned through his veins. The air around had changed, just waiting for one of them to make the move.
“Careful nephew, your father may take me for treason.” Daemon teased.
“It’s not treason if I am the crown.” Y/n countered. 
“Your bitterness is showing. Are you that jealous that I gave your sister the attention and not you?” 
Y/n sneered as he heard that. “My father doesn’t pay attention to me unless it’s for lessons. My mother is dead, my sister is always elsewhere, you only have eyes for Rhaenyra, my new stepmother is awkward to talk to, and my half-brother can’t even talk. Any more questions?” He smiled mockingly.
Daemon was amused by his nephew’s words, though he nodded nonetheless knowing that was the reality and truth. 
“Then I can give you the attention you crave, but only if you ask.”
“You better. Otherwise I am going to tell father to exile you again.”
“Don’t be bitter dear nephew, you have all my attention now.”
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eternal-love · 23 days
Austin and Me
“Wife to the ‘king’. Icon to the world. Destined for more.”
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Summary: At 18 years old, she fell in love with Austin, at 20 years old, she became his wife, by 22, she was his doll. In which Cynthia’s life changed drastically after falling head over heels with a man that promised her the moon and the stars. She takes us down the memory lane of what could’ve been— the perfect marriage.
Inspired by the book: Elvis and Me by Priscilla Presley.
I do not condemn any of the portrayals I decide to do about certain people, it’s just fanfiction. And it would be divided in parts.
English isn’t my first language so I’m trying my best!
I had to cut my affair short. At least for a while after Christmas and New Years. Austin, Lori and I went back to California after he finished filming Masters of the Air.
The first thing the wanted to do was visit Ashley, they hadn’t seen each other in two years. And she had just had a baby so WE HAD to visit.
I prepared a small basket filled with things for her and the babe. Austin called me ‘snob’. I knew that Ashley still preferred Vanessa over me any day but— I wanted to keep my good face. Plus, I know how hard it can be to be a new mother and to have everyone around you just tend for the baby.
“Do you think she’ll like them?” I asked Austin as he drove, Lori was in her car seat, playing with a rag doll Austin had bought her on the Farmer’s Market.
“You put chocolate in hers. Of course she’ll like it.” Austin said, keeping his eyes on the road.
“At least now we have something in common.” I scoffed. I WANTED her to like me. Was it so bad to want that?
I pulled down the sun visor, looking at myself, fixing my bangs and eyelashes.
As we arrived, Austin helped me with the baskets and I had Lori by my hip. Oh, she was excited to see this new ‘baby’ her daddy was raving about for the past few months.
The reunion went smoothly, it was nice. Ashley and her husband received us, Ashley and Austin almost cried. We got to hold baby Jupiter.
“Aww…” I cuddled Jupiter in my arms. She was a big, pretty baby. I had a big smile in my face, but Lori was jealous, quickly slapping my arm trying to get my attention. “Honey, let me—“ And that’s how Lori started weeping to the high skies.
“Let me just…” Austin took Jupiter from my arms before I picked up Lori and walked to the kitchen to calm her down. My three year old was definitely a mommy’s girl.
“Mommy.” Lori muttered as her head was hidden on the crook of my neck.
“You gotta behave, sweetheart. No one’s gonna take me away from you.” I kissed her blonde hair, shushing him. Yes, I had a little heart. Everything got to me. And I couldn’t handle trying to discipline Lori. How could I?
Because to me, Lori was a small saint. In my eyes she was the most untainted and untouchable person in the whole wide world. I looked at her and revered. That’s how deep my love for her went. She was my first baby. I would kill, I would die, just for her. Because, now that I was a mother— I understood why my mother always favored my older sister Jackie. One will never love anything else the way a mother loves their first child.
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As we had dinner, Ashley’s husband made some jokes. I laughed at almost all of them, but not all. I didn’t want her to feel like I was being flirty. I ate enough to not get weird looks. I was grateful they even allowed me to come and not just invite Austin from the beginning.
As Ashley and I got up to have ‘girl chat’ as we prepared dessert, I wanted to talk but— Jesus. I’m the worst person to start a conversation. I hate started conversations and not being able to keep them going.
“I just wanted to say thanks for the basket. No one had brought me something that was just for me.” Ashley said, turning to look at me with a smile.
“Oh. It’s of no problem. I just thought it would be thoughtful.” I smiled back before looking away awkwardly and clearing my throat. “Hey. I know we started on the wrong foot. And that I’m not was you would want in Austin’s life. And that you and I do not have nothing in common…” I chuckled.
“Hey. Look, it’s not that you’re not fit to be with Austin—”
I interrupted her, knowing she would probably say ‘you’re mixing things up’.
“But now. We’re both mothers. And we love our daughters. Perhaps we have much more in common that we let ourselves show.” I said, looking down at my feet.
Why did I feel like a child trying to be eloquent? Maybe it was my whole look. I heard Austin and Ashley’s husband snickering about my dress. My pretty, blue fifties dress.
“That we do. And you’re right. I’m too stuck on the past. Even Vanessa and Austin have moved on yet I haven’t.” Ashley said.
Was she actually taking me seriously?
“I’m guilty of seeing you as nothing but a girl who Austin used as a rebound. I often forget that you’re a grown woman. A married and mother at that.” Ashley chuckled.
Was that how everyone in Austin’s inner circle saw me as? A little girl, too naive to be a mother or a wife?
Ashley and I looked at the living room. Where Lori was trying to get Jupiter to crawl, the baby was like about to turn one. So they were just laughing and giggling together.
“You love her, don’t you?” I asked Ashley, she was giving Jupiter the biggest heart eyes I’ve ever seen.
“Of course. I had her inside of me for too long without being able to look at her. Now I don’t want to stop doing so— not even for a minute.”
I smiled. I remembered when u just had Lori. God, how badly I wanted to feel connected to her yet I couldn’t. I think the maternal instinct wasn’t something natural in me. I think it grew as I spent more time with Lori as she grew.
“Love no one but your daughter. On that front us mother have no choice.” I said, looking at my nails. “And enjoy her. Really. I’ve seen it with my mother. It’s true what they say.”
“What?” Ashley asked, looking back at me.
“That you never love anything in the world the way you love your very first baby.” I smiled at Ashley.
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Austin left that house with baby fever. As he drove back home, he couldn’t seem to keep his hands to himself. His hand steady on my thigh and trying to get in my pants.
“Thank God you’re wearing a dress.” He growled.
“Focus on driving.” I rolled my eyes, trying to slap his hand away.
He pulled his hand away and frowned. Huh, I thought he hated frowning because it wrinkled you earlier— oh, wait. That was just a stupid rule he made just for me.
“If I were Callum, you would already be spreading your legs. Wouldn’t you?” He spat out sourly, shake started to consume me immediately.
Look— confession. I was raised by Mexicans, and not to generalize. Because God, I would never. But I feel that like most girls, no matter where we come from. We’re taught that getting slut-shamed is the worst type of insult to get. Specially by someone who ‘loves’ you. So I gulped.
“That’s just not true. You’re using that against me.” I said rather quickly.
“Why shouldn’t I? I still can’t accept my own wife was such a slut for another man.” He scoffed. I felt myself choking back a few sobs. I NEVER treated him like this after he had TWO affairs. “I’m sorry I can’t call him so he comes and fucks you instead of me.”
I glared at him. I knew I wasn’t innocent. I was bad, but he was no angel either.
When we got home and after I tucked Lori into her little bed. He was all over me in our bed, once again whispering filthy words towards me. Calling me names. I was never a fan of him calling me whore or slut but if he likes it, then it was okay with me.
“We’re going to have another baby.” He moaned in my ear as he pounded into me. I could only moan back and nodded.
The last thing I wanted was another babe. Lori and I were good as we were now. Plus, he himself was never extra fond of children. He liked having them for some time and then leaving. Like with Ashley’s case, where he was the fun uncle and not the dad.
The next month I took a test.
I was pregnant again.
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I kinda wanted to make a chapter just about kinda giving some insight on motherhood. But I AM NOT a mother so I wouldn’t really know.
I DO NOT KNOW how to write smut. I can read it but I am horrible at writing it.
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legacygirlingreen · 11 months
June 1897 // Farmer Sebastian Sallow x Reader (part 14 ft NSFW)
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Last part, master list found here
Warnings: SMUT, 7k plus words of smut, proceed with caution. Praise kink, size kink, slight restraint, mild degradation, hint of breeding - basically its RAUNCHY folks
word count: 10,500
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I've never seen someone lit from within 
The end of her education had finally concluded. Sebastian had left his sister in the care of Ominis for a few days and accompanied her mother and siblings on the trip to France under the guise of helping her mother wrangle several small children, but truly he intended to see her commencement ceremony. He had cheered the loudest when she had received top marks for her year, finishing strong, before stepping back to allow her the proper diligence of saying goodbyes to her classmates of 7 years.
After the ceremony, they all had journeyed to her home magical hamlet in France, staying with old friends and showing Sebastian their old home. He in turn, brought her siblings and mother to the clearing he’d shown her months back, sharing the magical discovery with the family as her mother wept and thanked him once more. 
On the journey home they had continued to steal glances and share knowing smiles with one another amidst the crowded carriage ride over the English Channel. Her siblings had continued to pour over her, excited to see her back home, as the family had remained close over the years following her father’s passing. So as she held Lacey in her lap, the girl kept leaning over to help her tease Sebastian about the length of his hair, as he allowed both the young woman and her sister to muse his overgrown dark locks. 
“You lovely ladies have made your point on the unacceptable length of my hair” he said through a chuckle as Lacey triumphantly let out an exclamation with her older sister. Upon the completion of her teasing, she grew bored, leaving the young woman’s lap to go bother their mum instead, allowing for Sebastian to pull her into his side as his arm drifted over the back of the seat. 
“Between the two of us… how much of that was Lacey’s opinion and how much was that your gentle request I cut my hair?” Sebastian teased as he whispered into her ear, at a volume only loud enough for her to hear. 
Blushing brightly she smiled as she looked back at him, noticing her mum was distracted with Lacey and the boys. “I have no bearing on what opinions Lacey may hold…” she teased as he skeptically raised an eyebrow and she continued by saying “... however I don’t think getting a haircut is the worst idea I’ve heard.” As she said so, she couldn’t help but examine the way his dark hair had started to fall in waves, curling around his collar as it had been neglected since he’d come back to Feldcroft. While his hair still looked good, it was currently much longer than normal, and she preferred it shorter and neater around the collar. She had also noticed he’d started to leave his beard a bit more than previously. Keeping it at a nearly permanent stubble, she’d grown to like the way it looked on him, as she smiled remembering her request on her birthday months ago that he grow the beard when he decided to get rid of the mustache. 
“You look a tad flustered, care to share what's on your mind?” he once again teased and she violently shook her head, not wanting to further inflate the man’s overgrown ego. 
“Oh come now darling, humor me” he nearly begged and she rolled her eyes at him, looking back out the window as he chuckled. Leaning back he decided to table the discussion until they made it back home… 
After arriving back in the hamlet, Sebastian allowed her to get settled in and reacclimated to Scotland as he continued to work and take care of Anne. The only difference to his routine being evening meals with her and Anne in the Sallow home, along with long unchaperoned walks - and stolen kisses - after dark. Never more than some passionate kissing or petting, he remained as much a gentleman as the woman would allow. However, he learned early on that she was quite frisky… and as time went on his patience wore thin. 
He did take Lacey and her battering to cut his hair, getting help from one of the older women in Feldcroft in order to avoid looking ridiculous. Still leaving it tousled on top, he was happy to find the back and sides once again much more suitable to fieldwork. Even he could admit it was getting unmanageable and he intended to surprise her with the change that evening, since upon their arrival he had driven the admission out of her, discovering she preferred him with shorter hair. 
She had gone to Hogsmeade with her mother, at his request, leaving him ample time to set up all the surprises he intended. Her mother had told her it was with the intention of gathering supplies for her now official job at Hogwarts set to start in a few months, by finding new clothes and parchments.  Upon her return, which he confirmed by looking out the window and seeing her walking back home with her mother, he carefully adjusted the lapel of his coat as Anne smiled at him from her bed. 
“You worry too much,” she told him with a reassuring yet tired smile. Looking over to his very worn twin he took a seat next to her as she lifted a shaky hand to help him settle his stray forelock looking at him with the same brown eyes he’d always known. The same ones he often saw in the mirror. 
“How could I not?” he asked her, and for once he was void of all confidence. She simply shook her head, leaning back in the bed as he carefully kissed her forehead, stepping out into the brisk summer air coming off the ocean down the hill.  Walking across the same path he’d traveled so many times as a child took much less time than he remembered, as he very quickly found himself in front of her door. He could hear her and her mother inside bustling around speaking in cheerful voices. Raising a sweat soaked palm up, he made a small fist, barely finding the strength to knock on the worn wooden door. 
It wasn’t long before the door swung open, revealing her surprised face on the other side. 
“Sebastian, your hair is shorter,” she said with a smile as she took in the now slightly shorter waves, as compared to the more overgrown and choppy layers he’d been sporting that morning. Lifting a hand, he stroked the nape of his neck, now exposed by the haircut he’d gotten. 
“Surprisingly enough, that is what happens when you cut it, especially at the recommendation of a beautiful woman” he countered attempting to use humor to alleviate the graphorn in his stomach. 
“What are you doing here? I was going to head over soon enough to make dinner-” she started as he gently lifted his arm for her to take. 
“Change of plan… it’s just the two of us tonight” he said with a nervous smile.
“But what about Anne?” she asked and it warmed his heart knowing he cared about his ill twin. 
“I can watch Anne, you two don’t need to worry” her mum called out from the living room, giving him a knowing look. 
“Shall we?” he asked and she smiled, excited to see what he had in store for her. Her heart fluttered at the thought of having a few stolen kisses with him in private, and it wasn’t long after they made it down the hill before she pounced on him. Tossing her arms over his shoulder, she flung her body against his, connecting their lips with a ferocity he hadn’t expected. 
Sebastian struggled to keep them upright as he caught her, but quickly recovered, holding her waist as she kissed him. Breaking apart after a few moments he smiled sweetly at her. “Couldn’t wait to get me alone… whatever shall I do with you and your wandering hands?” he teased as she giggled. Setting her back on the ground he once again held out a hand for her to take, which she did so willingly allowing him to start walking them towards the direction of the willow. 
The pair had walked this path so many times before, she knew where they were headed without having to ask. Simply walking beside him she exchanged anecdotes about her day, as well as complimenting his haircut, confirming it to be an improvement, which made him happy to hear. Before they made it to the edge of the mountain where the willow sat he turned to her, stopping her. 
“Wha-” she said as he dropped her hand, to remove something from his pocket leaving her perplexed. Pulling out a necktie - one of his old Slytherin ties ironically - he held it up in front of her. 
“I have a small surprise, if that’s okay?” he asked, stepping forward and holding it up, motioning to her eyes and she nodded, turning around for him to use the silk to obstruct her view. 
“Promise you won’t let me fall?” she asked in a small voice as he laughed, gripping her shoulders gently as he helped her avoid the roots in the forest so that he could lead her to the base of the old Sallow tree. 
“I wouldn’t dream of it. Besides I am sure you truly could find your way through this forest while blindfolded” he countered and she laughed, knowing he made a good point. 
As he brought her under the tree’s purple flower coated branches, he made sure that all the floating candles he had conjured while she was gone were still in place, as were the glowing flowers he had brought back from France and duplicated using a simple charm were in place. Taking a shaky breath he made sure she was facing away from him still blindfolded as he lifted his wand, starting the enchanted violin he’d borrowed from Ominis as the soft music filled the space. 
Stepping towards her, he pressed against her back just in time to feel her shiver as he lifted his hands to gently undo the tie, hoping to avoid pulling any hairs that might’ve gotten caught in the knot. Pocketing the material he stepped back as she asked
“Can I open my eyes” in a quiet and unsure voice. 
“Please do” he said, his voice cracking slightly as he watched her turn around quickly, observing all the changes to their space.  
“Are those-” she asked pointing to the enchanted lilies and he nodded. 
“Yes they are, I replanted these today after growing them out at the edge of the cow pastures for the past few weeks. I thought they belonged out here” he admitted and she smiled at the thought of him bringing her father’s flowers to the special place. 
“Is this what you wanted to surprise me with?” she asked, stepping forward as she leaned down to rub the soft petals between her fingers. 
“Partly, but it’s more so a nice addition” he said, voice once again shaking as he watched the beautiful expression in the profile of her face as she continued taking in the sights and sounds around them. 
“Oh what else did you have planned?” she asked, still not fully paying him attention. Her distraction would provide him the best opportunity to take her off guard like the romantics demanded, but his fingers felt like they were leaded as he reached in his pocket. Luckily she was too distracted by the flower’s glow to notice him sink down to the forest floor as he waited for her to turn around. 
When she did, she was temporarily surprised, expecting his much taller frame to be leaning over her, but when she looked down she immediately let out a gasp. Seeing him down on one knee, eyes already glossed over as he held a small box in his pocket she felt the need to blink rapidly, making sure this wasn’t a dream from which she’d wake up at any moment. Once realizing that this was real she looked back to his face as he smiled at her. 
“Come here?” he asked softly, a single tear leaking out, and upon seeing him so overwhelmed with emotion already she couldn’t deny him. Stepping forward she came to right in front of him, looking down as his face remained level with her rib cage, yet he tipped it up to catch her gaze. 
Reaching out, he grabbed her hand with his free hand, holding it close to his lips as he pressed a single kiss to the back of it before he let out a small whimper and shook his head. 
“Merlin. I had this all planned out. I had this speech planned and I have practiced for months on sheep, the mirror, you name it, yet I can’t get a word of it out. I have already ruined this” Sebastian said with an annoyed sigh, hoping to once again ground himself, yet finding it difficult. 
Seeing Sebastian so moved to emotion, especially at just the thought of proposing to her she sank down next to him, lifting a hand to push the tears off his face as she returned his watery smile with her own. 
“You haven’t ruined a thing” she confirmed as she looked into his eyes, hopeful he would be able to continue his rehearsed speech. 
“I feel like I have” he said with a sigh, finally composing himself as he looked at her pleading expression before continuing. “Sorry, I hadn’t expected to get so emotional but I just-” he started but once he reached the admission of what brought him to strong emotions he once again turned into a blubbering mess. 
She reached out, pushing the tears off his face as she silently cried next to him. 
“Merlin, now you’re crying. I have to be the world’s worst at this” he said with an embarrassed laugh and she joined in as he calmed again. 
“Sorry Mon Chou, this isn’t the proposal I imagine that you’d always anticipated… just being here, in a place that is so special to the both of us… seeing you here… thinking of always being able to come home to you… it’s just overwhelming after all that we’ve been through” he admitted as he looked down almost ashamed of his emotions and she lifted his stubble covered chin, forcing his eyes back to hers. 
“This is perfect, don’t you dare apologize Sebastian Sallow” she said with fake sternness as she wiped her own face of tears and let out something akin to a snort and a deep breath. 
“A Sallow crying under a Sallow, how ironic” he said hoping to release some of the tension he was feeling as she giggled. 
“A Sallow and a future Sallow crying under the Sallow tree you mean?” she asked as he looked at her bewildered. Processing her words he realized that not only had he technically not asked her, but she had given him an answer regardless. 
“So that means, you’ll…  you’ll marry me?” he questioned as she smiled. 
“Did you honestly think I would ever say no?” she asked leaning forward to grab his cheeks in her hands as she leaned forward to kiss him. 
“Just confirming that it is a yes,” he asked only a breath away from her.
“Absolutely I will marry you Sebastian” she replied against his lips before he dived back in, his damp eyelashes fluttering against her skin as he kissed her. 
Breaking away he remembered the ring, opening the box and sliding it on her finger. Lifting her hand up to his lips he kissed it before giving her a moment to examine the silver band replicating the branches of the willow around them as it wrapped around the purple stone. She looked at the ring dreamily as she realized he had the ring crafted to replicate the tree that had brought them together time and time again. 
“Sebastian…” she let out a gasp, amazed at how romantic the farmer could be. 
“I take it that means you like it?” he didn’t have to await her answer long before she happily exclaimed, 
“I love it so much. This is all so overwhelming truly” she said, once again leaning in for a chaste kiss. 
She could hear the violin playing softly and the breeze rustling the branches of the willow as his warm lips softly passed over hers. It was so utterly romantic she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by all that had happened. What he had asked… how emotional he’d gotten… the fact he looked so bloody handsome under the firelight 
She was reminded of how painful sitting on the ground was as her knees started to ache. Pulling back for a moment she noticed a blanket and a basket next to the tree's base. Seeing where her eyes had darted, he explained “I thought we could eat out here to celebrate privately” and he gestured to it, lifting himself as he held out his hand for her.
When he sat down on top of the blanket, he looked at her once more. “You look so beautiful…” he said with a lovestricken smile. At his admission she crawled closer to him, interrupting his attempt at collecting food from the basket he had placed earlier. Situating herself onto his lap, she once again began to kiss him, this time with much more passion than before. 
Breaking away from her advances he pecked her nose, leaning back before he responded with, “And I thought you were touchy before…” he teased as she shook her head, diving back in as he groaned into her mouth, overwhelmed as he realized she was not only kissing him so intently, but at some point she had begun rocking her hips into his own.  
“Sebastián…” she whined as she continued to grind on his growing arousal. Looking around Sebastian thought for a moment, wondering if it was a good idea. They were far from people out here, so the likelihood of being caught was slim to none. She seemed to desperately want him, much more than she had previously, yet still he hesitated. 
“This isn’t the right place for that-” he started, as he felt it was only fair for her that they only experience pleasure on a bed, or at the very least, not on the ground like animals. 
“I want you Sebastian, please… is this not such an important place to the two of us? Why should we not share another important moment here?” she countered before she started to gently trace her lips over the skin of his neck as he pondered what she suggested. With every second he found less ability to think, and instead a more heedy arousal growing. 
“But still, you deserve a proper bed, not the forest floor…” he let out after a moment with a quiet sigh given she had shifted from his neck to his earlobe, softly grazing the sensitive skin with her teeth as she continued to try and break down his self restraint. 
The woman had enthusiasm, and she certainly knew what she was doing as he felt every ounce of gentleman within him slipping away as she continued to rock against him, tracing the skin of his neck and ears with her lips and teeth. 
Pulling away she looked directly into his eyes, as she gazed at him almost innocently through her eyelashes. “Please take me now… I don’t care about a bed, or that we are outside… I don’t even care if you’re rough… I just want you” she said as she accentuated the word you while her eyes pleaded her case. 
Sebastian was sure she didn’t truly know what she was asking for.
Something about hearing such an innocent tone paired with such a sultry request made something within him snap. She hardly had a second to process before he had pounced on her like a wild dog, rolling her onto her back as he slid atop her body and began kissing her neck greedily. She went to slow his moments when she felt his teeth sucking into her skin, but knew that by the time she removed him, the skin would already be bruised, so she neglected to worry about whatever marks he may leave. 
Sighing she ran her hands up to his shoulders, cupping them as she held him closer to her body all the while, he continued to press his clothed arousal down onto her core even harsher than before.  She could already feel him straining through both the material of his trousers but also through her skirt. Looking down at the vague outline she could see, she nearly lost her composure realizing that Sebastian likely was… well endowed… 
Gone was the soft, emotional and love stricken Sebastian from before, and in his place was this wolfish man. At seeing her apprehension given his size he chuckled almost menacingly as he ducked his head lower, kissing her collarbones while he attempted to start removing the buttons of her blouse. Eagerly and quickly he removed her shirt, tossing it aside without even pausing before he began to strip her of the small corset and camisole she wore. Expert fingers shucked the articles of clothing from her body, quickly leaving her bare from the waist up as his hungry eyes took in her body while his tongue lapped at the newly revealed skin. She moaned out slightly loudly as his plush lips wrapped around her nipple, his stubble scratching the skin of her breast as he sucked the skin and his large hands played with the neglected one. 
“Merlin, I felt like such a creep when you finally got breasts, but I couldn’t help but stare at them. You came back for Christmas and they were just suddenly here and so very noticeable” he said, not quite intending for a conversation, and more so just rambling thoughts off the top of his head as he tried to catch a breath, his calloused fingertips grazing her nipple as she jerked under his hands.
Regaining slight composure as he slowed his movements, she took to unbuttoning his shirt, as he had at some point tossed his jacket and waistcoat without her noticing, eager to feel his skin on hers. She recalled seeing him shirtless one day when he had been 16, herself 13, when she was assisting Anne and he came back from outside, removing the shirt from behind the curtain and a draft from the opening door of the cottage revealed him temporarily for her to see. He was strong and wide even then, and she’d be lying if she hadn’t wondered what he looked like now that he was a man. 
She luckily didn’t have to wait long, as the final button of his shirt came undone and she pushed it down his arms, showcasing his tanned, and freckled torso. His chest had filled out much more than when he was a teenager, and now in the valley of his pecks sat a small patch of dark hair. Following the line down she saw as more hair appeared below his navel, disappearing into his trousers… 
Like the cat that caught the canary, Sebastian watched as she unashamedly stared at his semi nude form. “See something you like darling?” The playful quip came out a few octaves lower than he had previously been talking, and the added depth to his voice made her feel a pulse within her womanhood. 
She didn’t reply, tracing the skin of his newly revealed chest and shoulders with her fingers as he gave her a second to adjust. He watched her through hooded lids as she caressed the delicate skin of his ribs, making him shiver, as he wasn’t accustomed to anyone truly touching him here. Yet as she continued to gaze upon his body with wonder and amazement, his patient wore thin as he remembered the throbbing he felt below his waist. 
“There will be more time to get acquainted with our bodies later. I need you right now” he demanded, pulling up her waist so that he could start sliding down her skirt without permission. Not only did the man strip her out of outerwear, but in the quest to remove her skirt he pulled down her petticoat and her undergarments in one go, exposing her most subtle flesh to the Scottish highland air. 
Upon her full undressing minus her stockings, she tried to ignore the press of the wool blanket along her back as Sebastian groped at her curves. The man seemed like he couldn’t decide where he wanted to focus on. As a schoolboy, he had always enjoyed the various feasts throughout the year, as the lavish meals with more food than one could imagine certainly stunned the poor farm boy who often skipped meals. But right now, staring down at his newly appointed fiancé he felt a resurgence of a similar feeling he had as a first year in the great hall: a need to consume all that was before him.
“Merlin…” he said while looking down at her, as she shyly looked up to his ravenous expression. Her eyes shone with anticipation as his eyes tracked the expanse of her nude body. An Angelic face with soft lips and strong blush gave way to curved slopes of her neck and shoulders. The delicate skin of her breasts moving down to her navel and the narrow circumference of her waist. Juxtaposed was her hourglass figure hips, soft but also lean from her time dancing. He could see the small patch of well groomed hair sitting atop her womanhood, the beautiful v shape being obstructed by her lovely thighs. Sebastian couldn’t have that.
Prying her open with his one hand, he slithered down her body quickly, moving his face level with his prize. He could smell her arousal before he could see the dripping that had started down her thighs. He gave no warning before he was licking her open, prodding her entrance with his tongue with the up to most vigor he could provide. Sebastian had indulged on the rare occasion to do this provocative act, moreso for the woman’s pleasure. But swallowing her in this way, tasting her sweet nectar on his tongue, he knew that she was easily the best meal he had ever consumed. If he were to die between her muscular thighs, he’d die a happy man.
His intensity had stunned her, as had the use of his mouth on her lower regions. In all her experiences, she’d never had a man use his mouth on her, only her using her mouth to please their genitals. Feeling full lips kissing, sucking, and nipping at her was a new sensation that left her squirming. Sebastian seemed to be annoyed with her excessive movements, as he slammed her hips down with his forearm. “Hold still” he nearly commanded as he was holding her down before he resumed to work his tongue in and out of her. The feeling of him breathing his command directly into her core caused her to flood immediately. 
Unable to move her hips, she took to his hair. Sebastian fought against her as she tried to pry him off, unused to the feeling of a stubble covered chin between her thighs. He pulled her closer, to the point his face was completely buried in the apex of her thighs, his nose stroking her Pearl while his mouth continued to fuck her open. Her fingers continued to grasp and pull his hair almost while he filled her body with his groans at the feeling of her grip on his dark locks.
“Sebastian….” He could somewhat hear her say as he continued to eat her glorious cunt, picking up his pace as he felt her thighs begin to shake around his head. The pulling on his dark hair got more intense as he slid his hand to her opening, filling her with his finger as he moved his mouth to her clitorus. The feeling of his thick, calloused finger prying her open surprised her, but caused a shaky moan to leave her parted lips and as he looked up slightly at her face filled with pleasure, he felt such pride in knowing he was the one bringing it to her.
Feeling her inner walls give way, he didn’t hesitate before shoving in his middle finger alongside his pointer as he picked up the pace by thrust his appendages in and out of her tight hole while sucking on her bundle of nerves. He was insistent on bringing her over the edge more than once, as well as making sure she would be properly prepared. Based on prior experiences he had been told on more than one occasion that he was not small by any means of the word, and despite his strong urge to fill her, he refused to intentionally hurt her by pressing in before her body would be able to accept him. 
He was a gentleman after all.
She had never felt anything this intense before. Sure, she had laid with boys in her school before, allowing them to guide her inexperience as she trusted them to lead. Laying underneath Sebastian’s manhandling hands, and his vigorous efforts with his mouth, she wondered why she had even allowed such boys to toy with her when all this time she could’ve been experiencing pure ecstasy at the hands of a real man. 
She was taken aback when her body suddenly flushed and she felt a release unlike anything she had experienced before. A small whimper leaving her lips at the new feeling of someone else bringing her body please sounded through the air and caused Sebastian to immediately abandon his post to search her face for signs that he’d hurt her. 
“Was I too rough?” he asked her, lips glistening with her arousal and she watched as it continued all the way down to his chin and up to his nose. His eyes begged for an answer and she attempted to situate herself before responding. 
“No, it just caught me off guard is all” she said, refusing to mention the word for what had just happened. At her shy nature Sebatian grinned, moving closer to her face again, as his hand with soaked digits wrapped around her waist. 
“I thought you said you had experience” he teased as she calmed her ragged breathing. 
“Yes, but… that doesn’t mean it’s ever felt like, well that…” she still refused to acknowledge the reaction to which he had drawn from her. At the admission his eyes somehow grew even darker than previously before, his pupil getting buried within his chocolate brown eyes. 
Licking his lips, Sebastian allowed the knowledge only he had ever brought her over the edge of ecstasy inflate his ego before he responded. “So you’ve never experienced an orgasm with anyone else until now…” he said rhetorically as he stared down at her. 
Blushing wildly at his open ease with the conversation topic she shook her head no. “I had always assumed that a man using his mouth on a woman was, well, vulgar” she told him, as no man had ever crawled between her legs and brought the heavens to her the way he had just moments before.
Darkly chuckling he leaned in closer, and she was worried he was going to kiss her with her slick still on his lips, he replied “Oh it may be vulgar darling… but I quite enjoy hearing what it does to you while I am eating this perfect cunt”. Sebastian admitted it, no regard for his less than gentleman choice of words, before he claimed her lips once more. He left his eyes open as he kissed her for a moment, just to watch her shock before he let his eyes flutter shut to focus on the way her lips felt against his own. He partially did it to see her reaction to her taste, and partly to calm himself from just pulling out his manhood and shoving in like an animal. 
She had become surprised at her own wetness on his lips and face, finding the taste to be odd, but not entirely off putting as she had imagined it would be. Kissing him back, she pressed her body up into him, as much as he would allow given he was pushing her into the ground with his own. Eventually he came up for air, looking down at her once more. Seeing her stockings were still on, he slid back to remove them. As he did so, he caught a glimpse at the faded scar along her ankle and foot from that dreaded night Solomon had startled her and knocked over the lantern. Sebastian had seen glimpses of it on the very rare occasion they put their feet in the creek or she had been pulling up socks to leave home, but he hadn’t truly studied it since he was a child and used magic to heal it. 
Carefully tracing along the now healed, but still slightly marred skin, he smiled remembering the day they had met, briefly allowing his mind to be filled with images of them over the years. The day she conjured the willow, when he found her after her gran died, when she found him after Solomon, when they’d danced together after the yule ball, the night in France, the night on the beach, all leading to right now. 
Looking back up he saw her face laced with a combination of anxiety, anticipation and arousal. She gave him a small nod, as if to make sure he had the go ahead to do as he please, and by merlin, he intended to have his way with her. 
“Last chance, you’re sure this is what you want. As rough as I want, you said?” he asked, confirming she didn’t seem to mind if his more brazen urges took over and he was more gruff handed with her. 
“I promise to stop you if it becomes too much but… I think we’ve waited long enough and I certainly don’t wish for you to hold back anything from me” she confirmed and his heart soared at those words. 
His whole life Sebastian had felt subdued. Forced to restrain showing emotion after his parents died by Solomon. Forced to stop searching for a cure by Anne and Ominis. Forced to hold back on his wishes to be with her. No more would he stop every ounce of love, care, respect and need for her ever again. From now on he was going to allow the fullest extent of his passion slip out, and the thought alone made him nearly lose his composure. 
Normally he would allow a woman to undress him, but given his untamed surge of emotion, he stripped himself of his trousers with record speed, leaving only his briefs and his socks. As he moved to remove the final barriers between them she stopped him, a genuine whine leaving his lips as she slowed his speed down. As she looked at him, she wriggled out from under him and delicately pushed him over onto his back. Giving her a questioning look as to why she was slowing them down she shook her head. 
“I have waited for so long, I don’t want to feel rushed. I want to see you, all of you, before you enter me…” she admitted and he nodded, somewhat understanding her request, but still finding it frustrating as he had been ready to enter her already, and this was slowing down his plans. Realizing that she was entitled to go at whatever pace she desired, especially given that she’d given him permission to do as he pleased later on, he tried to calm his racing heart and give her the moment she needed. 
Using her delicate fingers to undo the tie securing the material around his waist, before slowly hooking her fingertips along the inside of the cotton briefs and pulling them down at such a turtle like pace it made him want to scream. Eventually he felt the slightly chilled air on his cock as she finally freed it from the constricting material and he looked down to watch her shocked face as it smacked against his abdomen immediately at being freed. 
Oh Merlin. 
She couldn’t help but stare, the path of pulling down his undergarments abandoned as she simply just stared at him. The thoughts of having to fit such a thick appendage like that inside of her, knowing previously nothing that large had breached her, made her mouth run dry. Looking away before she lost her nerve, she pulled down the briefs the rest of the way before also stripping his socks to give herself a moment to calm her anxiety. 
Figuring she should likely stroke or maybe even lubricate before he dove in, she decided to place him in her mouth as she crawled back up his body.  It only felt fair given he had also used his mouth on her. 
The feeling of her wet mouth around him instantly made him jump, surprised she would do such a thing given the anxiety he’d seen moments ago. Relaxing back into the wool blanket, he let her slide her tongue along the head of his cock, enjoying the way it felt. Expert movements in her mouth told him that she had done so before, and while part of him wanted to throttle any lucky man who had her sweet lips wrapped around their sad excuse for a cock, he partially wanted to thank them for instructing her so well, as the way she moved felt like nothing he’d ever experienced before. 
Worrying about his longevity, he was instantly brought back to reality as moved his hands up to collect her hair in a makeshift ponytail allowing him to see her face. He smiled remembering the night he’d told her it looks better down, enjoying how ever since then, she would leave it hanging on his behalf regardless of propriety.  Using his hold on her hair to gently pry her mouth off him, she looked confused. 
“As truly wonderful, and I mean incredible as that feels, I must confess if you keep going I may not make it all the way” he told her, the admission bringing her a surge of confidence as she nodded and slid up his body, finding purchase with her hands steadying herself along his shoulders. Looking down she could both see and feel his manhood straining against the outside of her opening. 
“So this is it” she said, her voice indicating to him that she was unsure how to proceed. 
“It is if you’re still sure you want this” he told her, because as much as every nerve in his body was screaming to snap his hips upward, he would never do so if she was showing any hesitation. 
“I want this. What way uh-” she trailed off, unsure how to ask him what position may be best for him to enter her, as she imagined sinking down on him right now would feel similar to those paintings at her school of Vlad the Impalers victims… 
“Do you trust me?” he asked after a moment, eyes softening as he questioned her. 
“Of course I do” she said, as if she was offended he had to ask. 
“Then may I take the reins back darling? I promise I will make you feel good, and you can stop me if it hurts but to be honest… I am sort of dying here” he said with a chuckle, gesturing to the way he was throbbing so intensely his cock giving her an indication of how much he was struggling with the anticipation. 
“Please do. I am not sure why I crawled on top, I don’t think I have the… tenacity to command submission from someone as… well endowed as you.  I mean, I’m sure I could but I don’t know how much of it would feel authentic” she started rambling but made no effort to crawl back off his body. Normally he would find her struggle to find the words cute, but right now he had other priorities. 
Grabbing her waist aggressively with one hand, yet gently cradling the back of her head with the other, he flipped her onto her back as he pushed his hips down onto hers. The pressure doing wonders for him as he groaned out, “another time perhaps, right now I just want you begging underneath me while I stretch you out” he admitted as lined them up with the hand that had cradled her head during the movement. 
Adjusting his cock’s head inside her lower lips, and letting it touch the outside of her opening he looked to her for confirmation one last time. She didn’t speak, simply nodded as she looked up at him with the most angelic expression he’d seen before he plunged into her walls. 
Having felt the moistness still collected there from the way he’d brought her pleasure, he was able to get himself halfway inside without much trouble as he sunk deeper and deeper within her velvet walls. As much as he wished he could have savored the moment of breaching her walls for the first time, he couldn’t help his wolfish tendency to be buried as deep as he could be. Paired with the fact that soon her body opened up for him, sucking him in as their bodies seemed to work in tandem with one another, he soon found himself with his hips pressed against hers.  
She looked down, seeing the way he was buried to the hilt within her body, the sight alone causing him to twitch within her, before he moved back to make sure she was alright. She didn’t seem to be in pain, but the look of shock on her face as he caught her staring down at the way her body had been pierced by him made him nearly lose composure. Still, he refused to move before he was sure she would be alright. 
She had been surprised at the way her body had accepted him without much pain. Obviously she had felt that familiar sting of being entered, but she had experienced more pain with less… Regardless she was amazed when she looked down and saw that he had slid into her with grace. Perhaps having known him so long, her body was comfortable with him regardless of his size. As she looked up she noticed his eyebrow quirked and she almost questioned why but then she realized he was asking nonverbal permission to start moving so she nodded. 
As soon as she gave him the go ahead and let out a deep breath and immediately pulled his hips up so he was halfway out before snapping back inside her, the intensity catching her off guard for a moment. Feeling the way he intended to pound into her, she reached up to hold his shoulders in order to keep herself steady as he kept going. 
This seemed to frustrate him further as he pushed her arms off without warning, gripping them in one of his larger hands and pinning them above her head to hold her down as he continued rocking his hips against her with such speed he wondered how he had lasted this long. 
The feeling of Sebastian holding her down caused her to start shaking, having not anticipated him being so rough with her, but that didn’t mean she didn’t find herself flooding more and more as he continued. 
“Fuck, the way your body opens up for me… like it knows it’s mine” he said between clenched teeth. At his admission she looked back up at him, seeing how smug he looked having her in such a vulnerable position as he entered her body over and over again. When she didn’t respond he tightened his grip on her wrists, leaning down as continued to move his hips without stopping. 
“Say you’re mine” he demanded of her as he placed his lips next to ear. Afraid of the consequences of refusing she met his eyes as he leaned away. 
“I am yours,” she said with a breathless voice. He smirked once more as he noticed the way she began to crawl closer and closer to release. Not wanting her to finish quite yet, he pulled out of her, and she let an annoyed whine fall past her lips as he hovered over her flushed body. 
Letting go of her wrists he looked at her before speaking, “Not yet princesse, you’ll cum when I say you can” he demanded as he pulled her hips upward. For a moment she was confused as to what he was attempting to do, but when he easily lifted her up, spinning her around onto her hands and knees she got a semblance of what he was going to do. 
She’d never heard of people doing it this way, only animals, yet the thought alone made her excited. Pushing her upper back down, he used the hand on her waist to pull her bottom up as high as he could before leaning over her back to place his one hand next to her side and his mouth next to her ear. “Arch your back my little danseuse” he commanded while using a hand to help shift her into the position he wanted and she did her best to comply. 
“There you are… look so gorgeous like this, all spread out for me, just waiting for my cock” he said as he once again lined himself up at her entrance but when he didn’t push inside she looked back at him confused for a second, as she’d been anticipating him. 
“Beg” he told her as he leaned his body over hers, his hand moving up to gently cup her neck as he breathed in the perfume spot she always had behind her ear. 
“What..” she barely managed to get out as he pushed his hips into hers more forcefully but still not entering. 
“Beg for it, for me. Tell me what you want right now and I promise I’ll give it to you… you just need to ask nicely” he told her as he nudged the side of her cheek with his nose. She could feel him still throbbing against her entrance and his much larger body engulfed hers from behind. A part of her was still very nervous at the thought of being entered from behind, as it seemed more vulgar, but the part of her that was curious won over. 
“Please Sebastian” 
“Please what” he said, once again rocking into her, reminding her that she still had yet to be properly entered.  Sebastian looked down at her darkly as he saw her apprehension and uncertainty to elaborate upon what he was asking of her. 
“Tell me you want me to enter you darling… that you me to fuck like an animal on the ground out here in the woods” he lead her to the words he wanted to hear her confirm as he felt her hips shaking under his tight hold. 
“I want you to fill me…” she said cautiously, not used to having to beg for intimacy, certainly not from Sebastian, yet her body shook with the anticipation it brought being reduced to a blubbering mess as he commanded both her body and her actions from his position. She never would question his authority, but this intensity was new to her, as most of the boys she’d entertained were blushing virgins. 
“What else” he spit out against her neck, waiting for her to repeat back the other words he’d spoken. 
“I want you to enter me from behind like animals do…” she said innocently and he almost laughed at the way the foreign words came off her tongue, but he didn’t have time before he swiftly re entered her tight core with a grunt, feeling himself sliding in deeper than he had earlier, as the change in position allowed him to stretch her even further. 
She was shocked when she felt him pushing into the back of her channel, feeling him graze her internal opening as he began to pick up the pace.
“Fuck. You feel so warm darling, I just want to stay inside as long as I can” he admitted to her as he continued to pound into her with a strength she didn’t know he had, feeling her legs start to give out of her as her hips threatened to sink beneath his weight. Instead of fighting her to stay up, he pushed her until she was level with the ground, continuing to sink into her as he rested his knees on the ground beside her thighs. 
“So.. full…” she choked out against the blanket as he kept moving and she felt his unrestrained strength as he continued to fuck her. As a girl she’d dreamed of him gently taking his time with her, undressing slowly and romantically taking his time as he moved within her.  Now as an adult, she found that letting him express the extent of his manly whims was much more… enjoyable. 
“So full of me. Gods you are so fucking beautiful like this… I…” he struggled as he moved his head to her shoulder as he pushed in deep once again before he stopped without warning, pulling out to shift their positions. At this point she stopped questioning it, allowing herself to be manhandled into whatever placement his filthy mind had dreamt up. 
Sebastian slid onto his back, pulling her on top of him as her hips went to each side of his waist. As he got them into the basic position, he slowed down slightly, sliding her hands up to his shoulders gently. Reaching his lips up he gently kissed her, his mouth caressing hers, all the while he groaned into her mouth. 
“I want to see your face when you finish… as much fun as I was having I don’t want to finish off our first time with you being fucked into the ground like one of my farm animals” he said with a small chuckle, pushing a sweat soaked tendreal of hair off her face.  The jump he had made from dominant and aggressive to soft and gentle catching her off guard and she nearly protested, worried the shift in tone would force him to slow down his tempo in pleasing her. 
“Don’t worry, I promised you that you’ll finish… and we can always revisit the previous position at a later time if you’d like” he gave her a reassuring smile before lifting her hips, lining them up once more and holding her there so that she could sink down when she was ready. Already missing the friction he’d been providing she sank down quickly, not caring as his thick cock stretched her impossibly more than she had been earlier. 
Once she found herself fully seated atop of him, he wasted no time before he was lifting her up by her hips, and pulling her back down, doing the motions for her. Feeling like she was being thrown around like an old sack, she cried out, allowing him to continue using her body on top of his for pleasure, while she clenched her walls around him. 
“You feel so good. Merlin, you're so pretty. Gonna be my wife” he started saying with shortness of breath, looking up at her as his eyes told her that he was getting closer, as the confidence he wore earlier melted into wide eyed ecstasy. 
“Sebastian please… I need to…” she said, a breath away from finishing as she felt him twitch within her. 
“I’ve got you, finish for me -” he encouraged her as he pulled her closer to him, his nose rubbing against hers as he breathed her in, his eyes planted within her gaze as she felt him twitch once more. 
Needing no further encouragement, she came harder than she had earlier, her cunt giving such a death grip on his cock that he quickly muttered out “fuck” nearly falling over the edge with her immediately, but by some miracle he held off. 
“I - where?” he choked out, barely holding back and the urgency of his tone broke the waves of pleasure she was experiencing. 
He nearly fell apart hearing her asking him to spill inside of her warmth, but he felt the need to double check that she was okay with that, as doing so could have… unintended consequences. 
“You’re sure?” he asked, as she looked down at him and she nodded. 
“I want to feel all of you” she confirmed and he groaned out knowing he could spill his load exactly where he wanted it to be : as far deep within her as it could be.  He knew she was on a contraceptive potion, one her mother was insistent on the moment they’d started courting, but to still be granted permission to do something so intimate made him very happy. 
Sebastian knew once they were wed he could spill within her without the use of a potion, and the thought of putting a child into her caused his hips to stutter. 
“Fuck” he shouted out as he placed his sweat soaked brow along her collarbones. In the moments he’d been lost in the thought of filling her with a child he hadn’t noticed that she’d moved back and started rocking her hips without his help, trying to finish him off on her own. The kind gesture worked wonders as he reached his hand down to palm her ass roughly. 
“I love -” he started but wasn’t able to finish as a large tremor racked through his body, as his cock exploded within her walls. She felt him spill inside of her as she continued to rock her hips against his and she didn’t stop until he used his hands to slow her movements. As she came to a stop she could feel his large load sliding back out of where their bodies were still joined together and she all but collapsed on top of him, exhausted. 
I love you
He whispered against her hair, finally finishing the phrase he started while he came. She didn’t respond, smiling as she laid on his chest, hearing his heartbeat under her cheek. She was slowly starting to slip into sleep when he shook her awake, knowing they shouldn’t sleep out here like this, especially since he figured her mum would come looking for them eventually. 
“So a Scottish Summer wedding?” he asked her and she looked at him hopefully. 
“Do you mean next year..?” she questioned, knowing engagements usually lasted a long time and figured he would be in no rush with Anne as sick as she was. 
“This. If you’re up for that.  Anne mentioned wanting to relocate to Hogsmeade to take some tension off me since Ominis has a home there and I found out that Thomas Brown is considering selling Tomes and Scrolls. I figured that it would provide a nice bit of income if I took over, plus we both know there’s not many books I haven’t read. Wouldn’t be far from the school either” he explained with a sigh. 
“What about Feldcroft?” she asked cautiously. 
“What about it? We can still live here. Apparition and floo networks exist for a reason” he responded with a chuckle as his fingertips gently traced the skin of her back. 
“You don’t think it’s too soon” she asked him, remembering that for so long he seemed apprehensive to the idea of tying her down so soon. 
“Not soon enough. I’d marry you tomorrow if I could… but give me a few weeks and I’ll be ready. That is, if you are…?” he asked her as she finally looked up from his chest to see his eyes. 
“Can we do it on the beach?” she asked playfully, her question answering his own. 
“Anything you want darling.” 
They had been wed only a few weeks after Sebastian had proposed. A small crowd of their close friends, family, and neighbors joined. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp attended with their newborn daughter, Daphne Sharp, who won the hearts of nearly everyone in attendance. Per her request to have it on the beach, Sebastian researched a charm to make light, non chilled snow fall against the beautiful backdrop, replicating the night he’d finally let down the last of his walls and they’d kissed. 
She looked so beautiful as she stood there in a soft dress. Her mother and Anne helped weave flowers into her hair, several of them from the willow she’d collected and in his mind she looked like a nymph crawling from the forest to be with him forever. He’d worn his kilt, unable to shake his Scottish pride and when the priest had finished bounding their hands he couldn’t wait to start their lives together. 
A small part of her had always known that since that day when they were children, she was going to love him indefinitely. Sebastian had gotten her permission to have a metalworker melt down her grandmother's ring in order to make a simple wedding band to lay next to the ring he’d proposed with. For his own, Sebastian had decided to use his fathers to a band crafted similar to the branches holding her amethyst. 
Opening up the door to Tomes and Scrolls for the first time after purchasing it felt incredible. He’d always loved the shop as a boy, giving him access to books he couldn't borrow due Scribner’s close eyes.  Since she had some limited time before beginning at Hogwarts, he took up her kind offer to help him renovate the space as he had wanted, adding a basement below the shop for printing, so that he could not only sell tomes, but also print them. She brought a much needed feminine touch to decorating the shop, bringing forth his Slytherin pride given it was in the castle’s backyard but incorporating snakes and dark green into the furniture. By the time they finished, he was happy with the results, turning the back room into an office for himself to write when he had the time. 
Informing his boss at the ministry he was not returning hadn’t been difficult. Anne was back for the time being, staying with Ominis in Hogsmeade, and he was a married man back in his home where he always belonged. Being an Ambassador had always been fun, but not quite a proper fit. Being surrounded by books and having time to write them brought forth a sense of peace he hadn’t imagined. 
As he looked around at his shop he couldn’t help but smile, but when he felt arms wrapping around his own he moved to close the book he’d been reading when he heard her ask. 
“Is that a branch from our willow?” she asked and he watched as her ringed hand moved to take the book from him as she moved from behind him. 
“It is,” he confirmed, knowing she was referring to the branch he’d broken off all those years ago. Ever since that day it had sprouted, he’d used it as his place marker in books, smiling whenever he opened his schoolbooks to see a piece of her nestled there at hogwarts with him. 
“When did you start using that?” she asked with a small laugh as she stroked its delicate form before closing the book and handing it back to him. 
“Uh… 8 years ago?” he asked as he did the mental math. 
“That long ago?” she asked him, surprised she’d never noticed until now. 
“Same day it emerged I broke this off. Had it in a book ever since” he told her with a shrug. 
“So this is one of our Sallows first flowers?” she asked sweetly as he nodded. 
“How was training with the old bag?” 
“Oh yeah! Get this, Scribner nearly fainted when I was introduced as y/n Sallow. Black had to call Nurse Blainey to check on her. Poor woman still is traumatized by your time at Hogwarts” 
“She didn’t take it out on you though? Being my wife?” he asked, worried proximity to him would make her life easier. 
“She might question my choices but she remained professional… well past the initial shock” she once again laughed while taking out her wand and setting it on the counter. He looked down seeing the worn handle next to his recently replaced one. Sebastian had refused to change the style or look of his wands handle, but he frequently replaced the checkered green handle due to general wear and tear. 
“I need to get you a new handle for this” he stated simply as he lifted her wand as he examined the worn out wooden handle with its still glistening gem on the end. 
“I don’t need another one” she countered, reaching for her wand as he continued to look at it, seeing the places where her hands had warped the wood. 
“It's worn out. You should’ve replaced this years ago. How you cast properly with this thing I’ll never know” he admitted handing it back to her. 
“I would never replace what you gifted me” she replied bluntly. 
“Then let me gift my wife a new one” Sebastian said while pulling her closer to him against the counter. 
“Mhm I like the sound of that” she admitted, resting her head along his shoulders, breathing in his warm and cedar smell that always clung to him. 
“Well if you want, we can run by Ollivanders now if you’d like” he offered and she shook her head. 
“I mean, we can but that’s not what I meant” she countered with a small chuckle, lifting his worn workers hands, seeing the small silver band resting on his ring finger. Realizing what she had been referring to he removed his hand from her grasp and placed it under her chin. 
Suddenly she was back in feldcroft at 10 years old, looking into the dark brown eyes of the sweet boy next door. The one whom she’d fallen in love with. Except now they stood in Hogsmeade almost a decade later, man and wife. 
Sebastian gently brushed his lips against hers before pulling away. “You certainly like being called Mrs. Sallow… it’s quite endearing I might add” he said, gently rubbing his nose on hers before pulling away and adding “I am replacing that wand handle too. You can’t stop me” 
“Fine. But I’m cooking dinner tonight Mr. Sallow” she countered. 
“Only if you’re on the menu” he said playfully and she squeaked. 
“Sebastian! Anyone could walk by and hear-” she said, cringing if someone happened to have heard. 
“That didn’t stop you that day in my new office” he countered and she rolled her eyes, remembering the day she decided they needed to christen tomes and scrolls with their… marital bliss. 
“What am I going to do with you?” she asked him pretending to be annoyed. 
“Um… love me forever and tell our children how smart their father is?” 
“I suppose I could do that… I still can’t believe it sometimes” she admitted, a small smile on her face as he moved up beside her. 
I can. 
(unless of course i get inspired)
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noname-nonartist · 3 months
I’ve been a fan of Project Sekai for about 6 months and just recently watched Jujutsu Kaisen so you can imagine how your AU has taken over my brain. I want to hear as many ideas as you have of it, even if it’s an unorganized word vomit post. :)
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This might gonna be my longest post yet, since I have A LOT ideas with this AU! >:Dc
(More under the cut~)
Okay! To not make this too long (hehe it will be super long tho kek), I’ll just talk about some of the jjk characters past and some small neat facts within this AU instead! The characters Arc stuff that I have planned can be for a later post (if asked ;3c)~
Let’s start with our favorite pink-haired cinnamon roll… Yuuji!!!! >w<
Yuuji Itadori
DOB: 3/20 School: Kamiyama High School
Height: 173 cm School Year: Class 1-C
Hobbies: Karaoke, Watching TV, and Impersonations
Specialty: Cooking (and any Physical Sports/Actives but he doesn’t care too much about that)
Fav Food: Rice bowl with food on top and noodles
Least Fav Food: None
Dislikes: Science and Math subjects (the numbers be sort get mixed up in his head, relatable ngl lol)
As ya can see in this post I did a while back, that Yuuji lived a mostly normal life with his grandfather, Wasuke, at Sendai City. He never really knew much about his parents, he only have some small memories of his father before he one day left for some unknown reason.
Shortly after Wasuke passed away, Yuuji was suddenly contacted by a group of people he has never met before. The group of people told him that they all are his half-brothers due to all of them sharing the same parent. The Oldest, Choso, has been trying to contact and unite all of his half siblings and offer Yuuji to come live with them in Tokyo.
Yuuji, with the last wish from his grandfather of avoided dying alone, decided to move to Tokyo and try to connect with all of his half siblings.
While he attends to Kamiyama, he shortly became friends with Akito Shinonome after they bonded over their struggles with science and math class. Yuuji also quickly became friends with Nobara Kuguisaki when she transferred to the school.
Nobara Kugisaki
DOB: 8/7 School: Kamiyama High School
Height: 160 cm School Year: Class 1-C
Hobbies: Shopping and Playing video games
Speciality: Fashion Designing
Fav Food: Trendy Foods and Watermelons
Least Fav Food: Lightly pickled vegetables
Dislikes: Being Dehydrated
Nobara used to lived in a small village within Iwate with her grandmother. Growing up she was outcasted within her village due to her more outspoken and brash. Her only friends as a child were Fumi and Saori, she especially looked up to Saori as an older sister figure. Saori was a young teenager that moved into Nobara’s hometown for a while and befriended Nobara. However, Saori moved back to Tokyo due to the village discrimination towards her and her family, which deeply saddened Nobara and deepened her hatred for her village even more.
When Nobara’s mother moved to Tokyo due to her job, Nobara quickly moved in with her to escape her village life and in hopes to see Saori again.
Nobara became friends with Yuuji and Akito once she transferred into Kamiyama, she pretends that she doesn’t care for them but deep down she very much do and appreciate their friendship.
Megumi Fushiguro
DOB: 12/22 School: Kamiyama High School
Height: 175 cm School Year: Class 1-B
Hobbies: Reading Non-Fiction Books
Speciality: Tuning people out
Fav Food: Anything that goes well with Ginger
Least Fav Food: Paprika and any Sweet side dish
Dislikes: People
As a child, Megumi lived in poor condition with his step sister, Tsumiki, after Megumi’s father left one day and Tsumiki’s mother died shortly afterwards. As a way to vent his frustration and feelings he would make music and post them online, under the alias PLATO. One day, around the age of 7, one of his music had gone viral and Rising Pop-Star Gojo Satoru saw it and decided to contact Megumi. Once Gojo saw Megumi and Tsumiki’s living condition, he offered to financially support them in condition that Megumi compose the music for his songs.
Megumi agreed and since then Megumi composed for Gojo and his fame reached Worldwide due to his music. However the constant stress of making viral songs and unresolved emotions of his abandonment caused Megumi to be constantly be depressed and moody. The build up reach it peak in his last year of Junior High where he snap at Tsumiki one day, creating a sibling argument that cause Tsumiki to leave the house for the day. However the next day, Tsumiki nearly died and was put into a coma after a car accidentally hits her as she was walking across the streets.
This trauma caused immense guilt within Megumi, and caused him to focus even more on his music in order to continue financially support his sister medical care.
Megumi mostly keeps to himself during school, rarely interacting with others and always has his headphones on during breaks. He is however within a music video club he started so he can mostly work on his music after school since he feels uncomfortable working at home after the incident. One day hears Yuuji’s singing and was instantly impressed and awed, thus asked him to join the club.
Junpei Yoshino
DOB: 8/13 School: Kamiyama High School
Height: 165 cm School Year: Class 2-A
Hobbies: Watching Horror Movies and Recording them in VHS
Speciality: Knows a lot about Marine life, specifically Jellyfish
Fav Food: Crab omelet on rice
Least Fav Food: Herring Roe
Dislikes: Bullies and Musicals
Junpei lives with his mother, Nagi Yoshino, after both of his parents filed a divorce. However this happened when he was really young, so he has no recollection of his father, only hearing that he was a terrible person.
Growing up, Junpei was outcasted for being a child of a single mother and was considered weird for his interests in horror and the supernatural. However, his mother reassured him that he’s not weird for his interest and she even apologized to him for being a single mother. Junpei tears up and told her it’s not her fault, in which Nagi just smiles gently and says that he’s such a good son.
During his first year in High School, he was getting bullied by some of his classmates. One day, the bullies were about to take things too far, until Rui Kamishiro stopped them and scared them off by spouting out possible inventions he can test on the bullies.
Junpei saw Rui again in the rooftop when he was skipping class, and so they just both hangout in the rooftop as Junpei listen to Rui ramble about possible theatrical shows and musicals. Junpei not really talking much, but Rui didn’t mind for he understood.
In the middle of the year, Junpei’s mother passed out one day due to stress and was sent to the hospital. The next day, bullies took his favorite books and ripped it up. When he went to the rooftop after school, Rui was about to show Junpei the new outfit that his friend Mizuki made for him, until Rui noticed Junpei’s upset face and asked what’s wrong.
In which Junpei snapped and yells at Rui and complains how he always talk his “dumb” musical and “weird” gadgets, and accuses Rui for always talking about himself and knows nothing about him. And in a fit of his rage, he took Rui’s costume and start ripping it up as he yells at Rui to leave him alone.
Junpei quickly realized his mistake, but before he could say anything Rui just told him to leave in a cold voice.
His mother recovered and was able to return home safety (she even officially quit drinking and smoking so something like that won’t happen again), but Junpei still skipped school due yo the bullies but also due to the guilt of what he did towards Rui.
They then moved to Kamiyama due to his mother getting a better job there, and Nagi encouraged Junpei to attend to Kamiyama High School ensuring things will be better for him now.
Junpei became friends with Tsukasa after seeing his passion for shows reminds him of Rui (not realizing he also goes to the same school too kek~), and became friends with Yuuji one day when he saw Yuuji watching the same niche horror movie he was in the movie theaters.
Maki Zenin
DOB: 1/20 School: None/Drop Out
Height: 170 cm School Year: N/A
Hobbies: Working out
Speciality: Fast Reaction Time, making her really good at reaction-based video games
Fav Food: Fast Food/Junk Food
Least Fav Food: High Class Food Dishes
Dislikes: Her Family and Codependent People
Maki live within a finically privileged family with her younger twin sister, Mai, however the Zenin family itself is incredibly toxic and emotionally abusive with the occasional physical abuse (mostly from the father with the mother being a passive complicit). The family has high expectations from both Maki and Mai and often pin the twins against each other. The father especially ridiculed Maki for not being as academically gifted compared to Mai, and constantly tells Maki she’s lazy and not studying enough for school (she actually having good grades despite Maki struggling with dyslexia and dysgraphia, but it’s never enough for the Zenin Family).
One day, near the end of Maki’s last year within Junior High, Maki finally had enough and ran away from home without telling anyone.
Maki has been living on her own working full-time in order to finically support herself on her own. Due to this, she hasn’t contact with her sister, one of the only family members she actually love. She is currently living within Vivid Street with Kinji Hakari and Kirara Hoshi as roommates.
She works as a security guard (she has a fake ID with the help of Kirara because otherwise she would be too young to work as one), and she occasionally have shifts to guard backstages for idol shows, that’s how she met Shizuku during her time with Cheerful*Days.
Maki at first was standoff-ish towards Shizuku’s kindness whenever she would try to talk to her. But Maki slowly warms up to her after seeing Shizuku always working so hard during practice.
As a resident of Vivid Street, Maki tend to go to WEEKEND GARAGE for their affordable coffee and food. Ken Shiraishi (the owner of WEEKEND GARAGE) tend to give her free food and drinks whenever he notice Maki struggling with some money problems before her next paycheck arrives. An Shiraishi, Ken’s daughter, tend to greet her whenever Maki comes in and even remembers her order too.
Maki also have some shift where she would stand guard for some live stage shows within Vivid Street, so he knows of Akito and Toya, but never really actually interacted with them before.
Mai Zenin
DOB: 1/20 School: Miyamasuzaka School
Height: 170 cm School Year: Class 2-A
Hobbies: Reacting scenes from her favorite rom-coms movies
Fav Food: Fast Food/Junk Food
Least Fav Food: High Class Food Dishes
Dislikes: Her Family and Independent People
Just like Maki, Mai lives with her toxic and emotionally abusive family.
When Maki ran away from home without even telling her, it hurts her deeply and causes her to be resentful.
Mai’s friends with Momo Nishiyama due knowing each other since childhood thus knowing deeply about Mai’s terrible family environment. Mai also become friends with Kasumi Miwa, Nanako Hasaba, and Mimiko Hasaba during their first year in Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy.
Mai hates Shizuku Hinomori due to her seemingly having a good life compared to her and internally craving for a caring older sister again, but rather than being vulnerable she would rather speak negatively about Shizuku behind her back.
Mai decided to try a pull a prank and put Shizuku’s name in an idol application contest to try and humiliate her. However, she didn’t expect Shizuku to actually win and later be the center of the popular idol group Cheerful*Days. This cause Mai to hate her even more due to jealousy, thus Mai started to spread false harmful rumors on how Shizuku gave the managers “special treatment” in order to become an idol throughout the school.
Anddddd that’s all for now! ^w^/
Of course I have way Way WAYYYYYYY more ideas and thoughts about this AU! So if ya guys are ever curious, just shoot me an ask!
And if I’m not constantly mentally exhausted, I might draw something for this AU too! :Dc
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themotherofhorses · 1 year
pairing: alys rivers x fem!targaryen!reader, minor aemond targaryen x fem!targaryen!reader
summary: she is many things— this witch, and observant is one of them. alys rivers can see the way your older brother stares at you, that mix of heavy lust and longing darkening the violet in his eye.
it is quite cute, she thinks. such a shame she's decided to claim you for herself.
warnings: explicit language. aemond acting like book!aemond in the beginning (violence and death). seduction. mention of canon-typical targcest between siblings. oral (f receiving) and fingering. tiddy sucking. slight breeding kink. alys straight up stealing aemond's bitch.
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Without any further thought, you had followed your older brother on his sixteen days’ march to Harrenhal, riding alongside him at the head of his army, some four thousand strong. Your mother had protested it a great deal, demanding you stay back and remain with her and your broken older sister.
But you were Aemond’s in the way Helaena’s was Aegon’s, and where he went, you followed.
And it was you, his sweet little sister, who did her best to calm him down when, twenty days later, word of the fall of King’s Landing finally reached him. At dinner, Aemond felt thrice the fool, you knew, and cried out curses at his uncle and the “river scrum” and Rhaenyra, over and over again. His fury was fearsome but never directed at you. He loved you too much. That night, you held him close, cradling his head against your breasts as the two of you slept.
The following morning, he began his onslaught.
Under the dawning sun, Aemond soon killed Ser Simon Strong in a duel, cutting the old man to pieces before feeding the corpse to Vhagar. Ser Simon was the great uncle to Larys Clubfoot, you then remember, grimacing at the blood puddling across the castle’s courtyard. Larys Strong. Harwin Strong. Lyonel Strong. Bits of his limbs were scattered about too, a horrible mess of muscle and skin and greyed hair. The sight made you sick to your tummy.
Bring me his grandsons! Aemond demanded soon after, freckles of dried blood staining his cheekbones and brow. And every man or boy with Strong blood in his veins. The Stranger does not discriminate in his wielding, and neither will I!
You watched in tears as one by one, your brother’s men dragged out both man and boy, some no older than your niece and nephew. Their screams broke out across the courtyard as their bodies stacked in a pile almost three feet high. Clutching Aemond’s sleeve, you begged and pleaded mercy for the children, and for the womenfolk huddled within the wards.
“See reason!” you cried. “They are innocent in all this, the babes especially! Do not let your anger deceive you, my dear brother!” But Aemond was unmoved by your words, to your utter dismay.
No trueborn Strong was spared nor any bastard, both adult and child. All except Alys Rivers.
You pled mercy for her as well, and Aemond surprised you by granting it. He gestured for two soldiers to shove her back inside Harrenhal, safe and alive, before asking if you were finally happy. Your lips curled at the bite in his tone, and the madden glare in his eye.
“This is unlike you,” you told him. “I do not like it.”
Aemond rolled his eye. “And I do not give a shit, sweet sister. If you wish to cast blame onto someone, let it be our eldest whore sister and her damn husband. Ser Simon was a traitor to the crown, and died a fitting traitor’s death.”
“But this was unnecessary, Aemond! You’re many things, yes, but cruel is not one of them.”
“Do you honestly believe that?”
“I know it!” you insisted.
Aemond sighed. His sword was back belted to his hip, hidden by the cloak he wore. “We’ve entered a war, sister. Fairness and humanity do not survive long on the battlefield. Do not expect much compassion during these times.”
You frown. Was Aemond always like this?
Suddenly you wish to be at home, tucked within the Keep’s stone walls, in your mother’s arms. Perhaps if you closed your eyes, you’d be back in the gardens, smelling the warm earthy smell of early springtime and feeling the cool wind play with your hair.
I want to go home now, you wanted to say when you reopened your eyes to find yourself still at Harrenhal. I don’t wanna be here anymore. Anywhere but here.
You did not know this man in front of you. Not anymore. He was no longer your older brother and protector, the man you would soon wed when the moon turned again, and the one you loved with your whole heart. Your eyes drifted back to the corpses stacked atop each other, bloodied legs and arms and messy heads strewn all over the redden dirt.
With nothing else left to say, you turned and left.
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She is many— this witch, and observant is one of them. Alys Rivers could see the way your older brother stares at you, that mix of heavy lust and longing darkening the violet in his eye.
It is quite cute, she thought. Such a shame she’s decided to claim you for herself.
Alys felt no guilt at that. You had saved her life, although she hadn’t the slightest inkling as to why. Or, maybe she did, actually. She herself was older by many decades, raven-haired, and as tall as the Prince Aemond himself. Her breasts were still heavy with milk from all the highborn children she fed throughout the years. She was a wet nurse, a bastard woman.
There were so many pretty maids, all of your own years, at Harrenhal, and yet you never once entertained them as companions.
No, instead your pretty eyes remained on her.
As the evening sunlight streamed through the castle’s windows, Alys arrived at your bedchamber, guised as a servant. In her hands, she carried a tray of plated roasted deer, goat cheese, and nutty bread, still steaming from the furn. You’ve barred yourself shut in your room for the better part of the day, too upset with your brother’s carnage to venture beyond the walls. The hour had grown late, and you must be starving.
“My princess,” she greeted softly, bowing when you let her in. You stand by the window, gazing outside at the east gate, near the Tower of Ghosts- one of the five immense towers bent and lumped and cracked from the Balerion’s fire during the conquest. As dark and ruinous as it now stands, it was still hauntingly beautiful. “Might you be hungry?”
You sniffled. “My appetite has fled me, I’m afraid.”
“At least try, child.” Alys set the tray on the desk, before taking a step back to study her new prize.
Up close, you’re very much a Valyrian beauty, with hair as silvery as moonglow and deep purple eyes. There is a certain softness and sweetness to you that strikes her fancy, from the elegant way you hold your posture to how you trailed after your brother, the prince. Her eyes fall to your breasts, and she licks her lips.
“Thank you…um…” you paused shortly, unsure of her name.
“Alys Rivers.”
You nod, smiling. “Ah, yes, Alys. I remember now. Thank you for the food,” but then you shake your head, chuckling, “But I don’t think I can stomach any food after today….brutality. I feel sick just remembering such…”
Alys felt the same way as well, though she didn’t fault the little princess for such. It was all your damned brother anyways.
An awkward silence soon followed, and it left her wondering if both you and her had swallowed your tongues in that moment. She didn’t know what to say or do, so she cleared her throat and offered you the chalice of wine she brought too. “Here, sweet princess. A bit of wine to wash away these ill thoughts.”
“Thank you, Alys.” You took a sip, quickly relaxing your shoulders. Mmm, very nice. “I wish mercy on Ser Simon Strong, and his grandsons too, may the gods give them all rest.”
Ser Simon was her great uncle too, Alys thought with some sadness. “He was an old done man, my princess,” she said, lacing her thin fingers together. She wore two silver rings on each hand that sometimes she twisted when anxious. “I like to think he lived a good life before now. He died with bravery and a sword in his hand, the way many in House Strong dream of passing.” Or dreamt, I should say. I’m the only one left, next to Larys.
The two of you spoke for the rest of the hour, moving to sit comfortably on the settee at the foot of the bed. Alys Rivers was a complete joy to be around, and very beautiful. As she talked, you took some time to admire her. Her green eyes shone like bright emeralds, and her hair was long and dark as the midnight sky, falling thickly around her ample breasts. Maybe it was the wine tonight, or perhaps her voice, but you were struck with the sudden urge to kiss her plump, pink lips.
So you did.
You leaned forward, kissing her— softly at first, until she wrapped her arm around your waist to tug you closer. Nobody had ever kissed you before, not even Aemond, although during boyhood he made several attempts to steal a kiss. Her tongue found yours in a short dance before you broke away from her, a tad breathless now.
“Princess,” Alys whispered, hands falling down to your shoulders.
“Apologies!” You buried your face in your hands, embarrassed. “I cannot believe I just did that—my sincerest apologies, Alys. I don’t know what overcame me, I—” your voice was muffed as you hid away from her gaze.
She just laughed. “Was that your first kiss?... Have you been deflowered, sweet princess?”
You shook your head.
“Really?” Her dark eyebrow lifted in surprise. “With the way your brother looks at you, in truth I would’ve thought his babes were already in your belly.” Prince Aemond hasn’t bedded you yet? Alys was astonished at that. A silver flower still blossoming prettily in the rosebush, ripe for plucking? A slow smile spread across her lips.
“Aemond—he hasn’t…we’re to be married when we return to King’s Landing, I believe.”
“Do you like him?”
“I do. He is a good brother, and he will be a fine husband, and father too!” You said in a quivering voice, trying to calm your breathing. “He loves me, I think, and I love him too.”
But Prince Aemond had made you afraid of him today, she could smell it on you, even if you would never admit it aloud. This was very good. She could use it to her advantage. “Ah, I see. Well, in that case, I wish you two a fruitful and blessed marriage. You’ll make a fine wife when the day finally arrives, little princess.”
That made you pause. “I don’t know…” you mumble, picking at the skin around your nailbed.
“Why do you say that?”
“Well…our elder brother, King Aegon, he took Aemond to a brothel on his thirteenth nameday. He likes to joke that our brother is well-educated in pleasing a woman. I worry that I’m not…I’m not up to his standard. Or that he may not desire me afterward.”
Alys drew back, shocked. Up to his standard? Non-desirable? Does she take him for an utter fool? For what man wouldn’t wish to bed a Targaryen princess like yourself?
She scoffed, leaning her face so close to yours that you could feel her warm breath against your lips. It sent goosebumps prickling up each arm. “Men always love a blushing maiden in their sheets. They may return to the whores in due time, but they’ll always welcome a maid in their bed, however inexperienced she might be.”
Your breath hitched at her words. Could she…maybe….? Your eyes fell back down to her heavy breasts. She was a wet nurse, after all, and confessed to being pregnant with several children of her own. Would that mean she is well experienced in pleasure…? You debated the thought in your head, weighing the consequences of asking such.
Is it really whoring if it is with another woman? It is not like I’m laying with another man….she would be a teacher, not a mistress. You closed your eyes, thinking of Aemond. And Aemond would never know. I’d never tell him.
“Will you show me?” you blurted. “Teach me, so that I might be somewhat educated in pleasure?” Maybe it would take your mind off of this morning too.
Mischief twinkled in Alys’s pretty green eyes. “If it pleases you, my princess.”
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Alys is quick to lay you down on the bed before climbing over you, straddling your waist. “I can hear your heartbeat. Do not be scared, little love. Passion is a love song, and lovemaking is merely the dance that follows.” She then takes both your hands in hers, placing them on her breasts. "I am yours to do whatever you wish, my princess." Encouraged by the look she gives you, you rub her nipples with your thumbs, before leaning to take one in your hot mouth to suckle.
She moans, cradling your head closer to her chest. “Good girl,” she whispers, eyes shutting as you flick it back and forth with your tongue.
Your other hand squeezes her other breast, enjoying the way it feels between your fingers and the moans flooding from her lips. You want to ask her if you’re the first woman she’s ever been with and if this moment is as special to her as it is to you. But her tit is still in your mouth and steals all the words away.
After a few more minutes, she pulls your mouth away to kiss you, letting you taste a bit of her tongue. “Very good,” she murmurs against your lips, kissing you again and again. “Did you like my breasts, sweetling?”
“Mmmm,” and you tug at her bottom lip between your teeth. “I did a lot, Alys. They're so soft.”
She giggles before pushing you back down, your head sinking against the pillows. Her soft hand drifts across your belly, fingers skimming below the curve of your breasts down to your hipbones and waist. “You’re so beautiful,” she says aloud, her voice thick with awe. “I dreamt of Targaryens before, but you’re far lovelier than them all, little princess.”
Your brother has been blessed with your hand, she thinks, with a mix of both sincerity and bitterness. Men never deserve such tantalizing fruits. They are all the same in their words and actions. They never truly appreciate the gods’ given gifts.
Her green eyes remain on your naked belly, imagining a soft swell to it. You’d be such a lovely mother, she’s sure. She could never give you a baby, though, but maybe….her eyes look up to yours, noticing the faint glimmers of lust clouding the pretty violet hue. It is a mirror to your older brother, Prince Aemond.
Alys thinks and thinks, taking the time to fondle your smaller breasts.
Prince Aemond could plant the seed…and she could then tend to it.
Alys’s hand continues downward, finding the mound of fine silvery hair between your thighs, grinning when she feels how wet you are. “I wonder if your cunt is as sweet as your lips,” she wonders aloud, more to herself. You bite your lip, watching with large, doe-eyes. Alys moves herself between your thighs, her pretty face hovering over your soppy pussy.
“You are just so lovely, sweet princess.” She flashes you a quick smile while running a finger through your folds, gently easing you open. Above her, you tremble.
She then presses a soft kiss to your clit before sucking it into her mouth, tongue drawing small circles around it. “Ohhhhh,” you moan, face scrunching in blissful pleasure. Alys switches between sucking and lapping at your cunt, her eyes flickering up to watch the way you react to everything. There are tiny beads of sweat lining your browbone and temple, and your fingers are slowly turning white from the tight grip on the cream sheets.   
Scream. Allow me to hear those cries. Let the entirety of Harrenhal learn who’s claimed you tonight.
Your hips buckle up against her mouth as your head lolls to the side, breathless whimpers leaving your lips when she works two fingers inside your cunt, scissoring and pumping and stroking your sweet spot until all you can see are flashes of blinding white. “ALYS,” you shriek, bringing the sheet to your mouth to bite down as hard as you can to muffle the rest of your screams. “Oh, gods be good, Alys!”
You don’t wish for your beloved Aemond to hear you, nor anyone else.
Oh, but you taste so fucking good, Alys thinks, savoring your arousal on your tongue. She continues to eat you out, as well as fucking you with her fingers, partly dreaming of a wonderful new life where she wakes up every morning between your shaky thighs, breaking fast with every sweet orgasm she pulls from you.
My princess, mine own dragon.
Several seconds later, your legs twist around the older woman’s body, breasts heaving as your whole body shakes and shudders. Your pussy clenches tightly around Alys’s fingers, a sign that you’re close to cumming. “Cum for me, sweetling,” she coos, kissing the inside of your thigh- once, twice, thrice. She feels victorious in a way, a great pride simmering within her as she eyes the way your peak comes only closer and closer.
Prince Aemond One-Eye may have sacked her Harrenhal, but she sacked his baby sister, and made the little princess her own sweet whore.  
“Would you like for me to bring your dear brother next?” she asks.
You shake your head, panting through the moans and whimpers and gasps. “He—he won’t…take me—ah, until our wedding night—”
“I have a way of fixing that,” Alys says, leaning to lick a long strip up your pussy. She has many love potions and philtres to entice the prince, a collection that would surely inflame his deep passion and lust for his sister. Although, she thinks in amusement, it shouldn’t be that hard. He wants you as badly as she did, mayhap even more. “You’ll be heavy with his child soon, sweetling, his bastard’s fire blazing in your womb.”
“He won’t father a bastard. Aemond hates bastards.”
“He’d father anything if it comes from your loins, sweet one.”
You cry, flinging your head back as you come undone at her fingers and tongue. Alys drinks everything you give her, mouthing tiny spells against your cunt. One for fertility, the second for a blessed marriage, and the third for protection. Except it won’t be between you and the prince.
Alys Rivers always did prefer women to men.
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taglist for "bewitched": @chainsawsangel @sweethoneyblossom1 @dahlias-and-marigolds @ilikeitbetterangsty @inlovewithhisblueeyes @the-cult-classic-bitch @666-aiko
taglist for everything aemond: @randomdragonfires @aemvnd @moonteas @chompchompluke
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jaylienpotter · 1 year
"Coming!" Incessant knocking vibrated the whole Godric's Hollow. Fleamont was still at work and Euphemia was far more patient than that. "Coming!" James ran down the stairs, wand in hand. They were dangerous times. He opened the door and pointed the wand at whoever was outside, only to find a somewhat familiar face. "Black?"
"Can I please come in? I don't know where else to go..." Her face was dripping with tears. Her black hair chopped to her jawline. White dress dirty and ripped in some places.
"Yes, of course!" He took her in and closed the door. "Sirius! Your sister is here!" The older brother nearly flew downstairs, both worried and glad to see Hydra.
"Bloody hell, are you okay?!" Given no time to answer, baby Black was squeezed in a hug.
"I'm so sorry Sirius... I should have listened to you... I shouldn't have stayed... You were right, they're evil. I just really wanted to be a good daughter, I really did..."
"What happened??"
"They were marrying me off to Amycus Carrow... I can't do this, Sirius... He's so odd and mean and..."
"It's okay, you don't have to. You ran off from the wedding?" Hydra nodded. "What happened to your hair?"
"I..." She looked at James unsurely but nothing mattered anymore. "I cut it. I cut it because I don't want to be like this anymore. I- I don't want to be their daughter nor- nor your sister, I... I don't want to be a girl..."
Sirius hugged his baby brother through his sobs "Hey, it's okay... It's okay. You could have told me."
"I was scared... And- I didn't want mother and father to find out..."
"Fuck them. They don't matter anymore. You're safe. James, do you think she- he can stay here?" The boy in the dress smiled at the masculine pronoun, feeling slightly better now that he knew he had someone supportive.
"Yeah, of course! You can come to my room or you two share. We'll take care of the logistics later. Black, did you bring anything with you?" He shook his head.
"Just my wand." Potter nodded and started going upstairs.
"I'll see what I can get you. Make yourself at home." After he was out of sight, the newly addition to the house turned to his brother sadly.
"I'm sorry Sirius..."
"It's okay, you don't have to apologise. You were brainwashed. I'm sorry I didn't get you out of there..."
"I would've stayed. I wanted them to be proud of me but no matter what I did I was just a bloody prize to be handed over... Siri I... I have the mark..." He extended his arm painfully. He didn't want to upset his brother. But he wouldn't be able to hide it, either.
"What matters is that you're safe now. And you're not on their side anymore. Focus on what's important. Like getting a new haircut. You were not born to be a hairdresser." That had the wanted effect, a laugh. He probably hadn't smiled in a long time. Sirius always made everything better.
"I missed you."
"Missed you too. Dork. So, do you have a new name?"
"Oh. I... I don't know. I didn't think about it. With the denial and war and wedding and running away... But I don't like Hydra."
"When James gets you clothes, take a warm bath and you can think about that, yeah? No hurries."
"Thank you... I-" He bit his lip. Forbidden words, these were. "I love you."
"I love you too." The comfortable and intimate hug was interrupted by the sound of stair steps.
"Oh- sorry uh... I have clothes for you. They'll probably be too big on you, I did try to find things that don't really fit me anymore. I left them on your bed. We'll probably go shopping tomorrow."
"Thanks. Sorry for coming uninvited..."
"Well, we did invite you a few years ago. It's not like it had an expiration date so technically you're not uninvited."
"Thanks Potter."
"You can call me James. What should I call you?" Baby Black was still uncomfortable in this strange house so his brother jumped in.
"He's still deciding." James nodded.
"Alright, let me know when you do." Sensing they wanted privacy, Prongs went back upstairs, figuring Padfoot would show the house around.
After being shown his new bedroom and how the bathtub worked, he took a much needed long bath. He tried focusing on his breathing, going underwater sometimes. After getting dry and clothed (he looked somewhat... muggle), he stared at the mirror.
"I really do need a haircut..." An unknown voice was heard from downstairs. A woman. Probably Mrs. Potter. He carefully went to the living room, where the three of them sat.
"Oh, hello! I'm Euphemia. You can call me Effie." He smiled politely and nodded. "My husband Fleamont should be here in an hour. Don't be afraid to ask us for anything, alright? This is your home now."
"Thank you, Euphemia. I really appreciate you letting me stay."
"Of course. Sirius is family so by extension, you are too. Are you hungry, dear?"
"A little..." Effie got on her feet and walked to the kitchen.
"Any food allergies? Things you don't like to eat?" She shouted from the kitchen, sounds of cupboards being opened.
"He's allergic to peanuts!" The youngest looked at Sirius, wide eyed. It wouldn't take Effie long to realise he was a female.
"What? Oh, we told her. She's cool with these things. Said she knew already when I told her Remus and I started dating.
"Are you, still?"
"Yup! He likes books a lot too, you know? Reads everything. You got that in common. Do you still play chess?" He hummed in affirmation and his brother kept talking (like the mouthful he always was, idiot). "Pete is amazing at chess. Bloody brilliant. Moony is good too but no one beats Pettigrew."
"Oh! Yeah, that's Remus's nickname. We all have one. I'm Padfoot, James is Prongs, Remus is Moony and Peter is Wormtail."
"Why?" Those were quite strange, especially if the person didn't know the context.
"Oh uh..." Sirius and James exchanged glances.
"It's based on our patronuses." Potter spoke first. The pause was a bit suspicious but he couldn't afford to care. Miss Potter came back from the kitchen with a plate of cookies.
"Do you like cinnamon, dear?"
"I love it!"
"Here, have some cookies. I will prepare dinner in a few minutes so that it's ready by the time Monty gets home. Do you like spices? I use them a lot in my culinary. But I can make something softer for you."
"It's okay, I'll try. These cookies are really good!"
"Thank you! James and I made them."
A while later, Mr. Potter got home, introducing himself as Fleamont "but you can call me Monty". They were a lovely couple. Actually looked like they were in love, nothing like his and Sirius's parents.
At the table they had a completely different dynamic from the Blacks. They chatted cheerfully, laughed, joked, rested their elbows on the table... They would be seen as improper, indecent, and bad-mannered. But they were just happier. It was most noticible in Sirius, the only one Black had a reference to. He looked so much healthier there. All the resentment he had for his older brother for running away vanished. He had made the right choice.
"How do you find the food, sweetheart?" He was having a bit of a hard time, not used to this kind of flavours.
"Mhm, it's good."
"No need to lie, it's okay you don't like it. I made some plain rice and chicken without the sauce."
"Sorry, I don't want to be an inconvenience. I can eat it, I'm just not used to it." She got up and took his plate.
"Nonsense. I don't want you getting sick. I'll be right back with your food."
"Thank you..." She was absolutely lovely. A late mother, by her looks. Both of James's parents looked older than most. But they weren't by any means ugly. Neither was their son. The Potters had good genes, apparently.
When they were all nearly done with their dinner, the new house member made an announcement.
"Uhm... I think I've chosen what name I want to use." He had everyone's full attention. Felt pressured but pushed it down. "I'm thinking of Regulus."
"I like it." Monty agreed, tone casual.
"Me too." James smiled encouragingly. Regulus understood now why his brother liked him so much.
"Regulus, okay. What nicknames can I make out of it?" He rolled his eyes. Sirius couldn't be stopped. "Regul... no. Reg, yeah that's a good one. Reggie... Reggie!"
"Is it a star?" Effie's dark eyes were so warm. Opposite to Walburga's piercing cold gaze.
"Yes, from the Leo Constellation."
"Very well. Welcome home, Regulus."
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lyranova · 5 months
The Mummy AU for Yamichar, please, I think it would be so fitting 🤩💙🖤
Hiya anon! Ooo this does feel fitting for Yamichar! I had so much fun writing this, and I thank you for requesting them. I included Luck in this as Jonathan because…i love the theory that Luck is Charlotte’s brother, and because it makes it more fun! Also the money amount that i mention in this is all in Egyptian Pound currency and is all roughly between 200-1,000 USD! I hope you enjoy~!
Word Count: 2,260
Warnings: Mentions of hanging, noose, gallows.
“ Welcome to Clover Prison!” The prison warden announced proudly as he grandly gestured around the small, dusty prison as though it were some majestic palace.
Charlotte Roselei quickly cleared her throat but gave the warden a polite nod as she looked around at the prison. She locked arms with her younger brother, Luck, and pulled him close to her; she could see the excitement in his eye as he looked around the prison.
Knowing her luck, if she let go of him at any point during their visit, he would get himself into a fight with a prisoner or worse; he would end up in here as a prisoner.
“ I still can’t believe you stole this puzzle box and map to Hamunaptra-,” Charlotte whispered before Luck cut her off.
“ I didn’t steal it, I just picked his pocket like Zora taught me too!” Luck corrected as he continued to look around the prison with bright eyes.
“ And then you lied to me about it when you gave it to me at the museum!” She finished, her blue eyes narrowing sternly.
“ It isn’t the first time I’ve lied to you,” Luck pointed out innocently, which made Charlotte’s jaw drop.
“ But I’m your sister!”
“ So? How does that make you any more special than everyone else?” He asked, and in response his older sister grabbed his cheek and pulled it forcefully. “ Ow, that hurts!”
“ Remind me to never let you hang out with that Zora or Magna fellow again!” She growled before she let go of his cheek. He quickly pouted at her.
“ Aw lighten up Charlotte, we’re here to have fun!” He told her, and that only made her glare intensify.
“ We are not here to have fun, we are here to see the man you stole that puzzle box from!” She hissed. “ And I will only lighten up once we do and then once we get out of here!” Charlotte then turned towards the warden.
“ May I ask why this man is in prison?” She asked him curiously, as he hadn’t explained it at all this entire time.
“ I have no idea,” The warden admitted. “ When I heard you were coming, I decided to ask him myself, and he said ‘I was just looking for a good time.’” As soon as the words left the wardens lips the cell door burst open and out walked a man with two prison guards at his side.
He was a tall man with a very muscular build. His grey eyes were narrowed in irritation and defiance as one of the guards hit him behind the knees in order to make him kneel. His messy black hair was down around his shoulders and was slightly dusty from the sand.
Charlotte looked at her brother and raised her brow, asking if this guy was truly the one who had the puzzle box, and Luck nodded.
“ Who are you?” The man asked gruffly as his eyes shifted towards Luck, but then slowly moved their way towards Charlotte. “ And who’s the princess?”
“ P-Princess?!” She stammered, her voice a mixture of shock and annoyance. “ I’ll have you know sir, that I am not a princess-!”
“ Oh! This is my older sister Charlotte, and my name’s Luck!” Luck introduced them brightly to the man in the cell, who nodded slowly in response.
“ I figured you two were related,” The man muttered. “ But I wasn’t sure if she was your sister or your mom.”
“ H-His mother-?!”
“ Hey kid,” The man cut Charlotte off, causing her to only become more irritated by him. “ Do I know you from somewhere?”
Luck nodded eagerly.
“ Sure do! We met at a bar a few weeks ago,” Luck said, and the mans grey eyes widened in recognition.
“ You’re the kid that stole my box!” The man exclaimed as he pointed a finger at the younger man, who nodded happily.
“ I sure am!” He confirmed with a firm nod. “ Y’know, you really should keep a better eye on your belongings!”
The man in the cell reached out between the bars towards Luck, who happily jumped out of his reach, before taking off running in the opposite direction with a cheerful laugh.
“ I’m gonna kill you once I get my hands on you, ya brat!” The man growled, but Luck only laughed in response.
“ I’d like to see you try!”
Charlotte sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, this really wasn’t the time for Luck to be picking a fight!
“ Speaking of your puzzle box,” Charlotte quickly said as she walked up to the cell and crouched down in front of the man. “ That’s actually why we came here, to ask you about it,”
The man stared blankly at her for a moment.
“ No you didn’t,” He told her bluntly. “ You came here because you wanted to know about Hamunaptra.”
Charlotte’s eyes widened, her brows raised, and her mouth opened partially in surprise; he saw right through her!
“ You…know about Hamunaptra?” She questioned quietly as she leaned close to his cell.
The man nodded.
“ Yeah, I even saw it in person,” He replied, and that only made her eyes widened more.
“ You saw it? With your own eyes?”
“ Yep,”
“ You swear?” She asked with her eyes narrowed in suspicion, and the man grinned at her a bit.
“ Every damn day,” Charlotte sighed and once again pinched the bridge of her nose.
“ That’s not what I meant,” She muttered.
“ Yeah I know what you meant Princess, I was just tryn’ to lighten the mood,” He told her with a small shrug.
“ Don’t call me ‘princess’,” She growled a bit as her eyes narrowed again in annoyance. The man held up his hands and his grin turned into a smirk as he looked at her.
“ Sorry,” He apologized simply, but there was something about the look in his eye that told Charlotte he wasn’t sorry at all.
“ Anyway,” She cleared her throat before putting a hand discreetly against her face. “ Could…you tell me where it is?”
The man’s brows raised in an ‘are you serious?’ look as he stared at her. She once again cleared her throat.
“ You know, it’s exact location,” She whispered, and once again the man gave her a look.
“ You want to go to the city of the dead?” He questioned, his tone a mixture of confusion, disbelief, and curiosity.
“ Yes, I do!” She confirmed with a nod the man tilted his head a bit.
“ And you really wanna know where it is?” He asked, his brow raised slightly. Charlotte once again nodded.
“ Well, yes,” She confirmed as though it were completely obvious. If she was asking where it was, didn’t that clearly mean she wanted to go there?
Charlotte knew how weird and crazy it sounded, wanting to go to the city of the dead, but this was something she had been looking for for years! And now that it was within her grasp, she wasn’t going to let this opportunity slip by!
The man nodded; after sighing in resignation, he gestured for her to come closer with his index finger. She quickly did as he instructed and moved closer to the bars until their faces were mere inches apart.
Suddenly; the man reached out, pulled her face close to his, and pressed his lips against hers in a firm kiss that lasted a moment or two before he pulled away.
“ Then get me the hell outta here!”
Charlotte, who was startled by the sudden kiss, jumped up and backed away from the cell; her blue eyes wide and her heart racing as she tried to figure out why on earth he would kiss her suddenly like that!
“ Do it Prickly Princess, and I’ll take you where you want to go!” The man in the cell said as he began to fight the guards in the cell.
Despite him being handcuffed, he was still able to knock out quite a few guards, and when even more guards came to restrain him, they still had trouble dragging him away.
“ P-Prickly Princess?!” She shouted indignantly as the cell door slammed shut, an irritated huff escaping her as she pinched the bridge of her nose for the third time in the last thirty minutes.
That man was infuriating! But as much as hated to admit it; she needed him if she wanted to get to Hamunaptra, so for now she would do as he told her and try to get him out of prison.
“ Where are they taking him?” She asked the warden as she crossed her arms, and the warden looked from her to the cell.
“ They’re going to hang him,” He explained simply as though it were some normal, everyday thing.
“ Hang him?!” She exclaimed, her eyes widened and her heart racing as the man nodded.
“ Indeed, apparently, he had a very good time.” The warden responded as he began to walk away.
Charlotte shook her head; she couldn’t let them do that, not only because it was wrong, but also because she needed him! If he was hanged before she could get the location of Hamunaptra, then the city and knowledge inside it would be lost forever!
She couldn’t, no, wouldn’t let that happen!
She quickly grabbed the back of Luck’s shirt and began to drag him behind her as she followed the warden.
“ Look, can’t we make a deal for his release? I don’t know what he did, but surely he shouldn’t be hanged for it?” She asked as she followed the warden up a flight of stone steps towards an observation deck.
“ Listen lady; the only type of deals we make here are the kind that involve money,” The warden told her as he pinched his fingers together before rubbing them. He stepped out on the observation deck, and Charlotte and Luck followed suit.
She gasped softly as she looked out and saw a wooden structure in the middle of a small ‘arena’ with a noose hanging down, and after a moment she watched as the guards dragged the man out of the prison and towards the gallow.
This wasn’t good, she needed to hurry!
“ How much will it cost for me to buy his freedom? Name your price!” Charlotte quickly offered as she sat down beside the warden.
“ I say we should let him and the guards fight it out,” Luck interjected as he stared down into the arena. “ Like what the gladiators in Rome did, that way he can earn his freedom and we can still have all of our money!”
Charlotte glared at her little brother; this was not the time!
“ Okay then, the price is 59,000 Egyptian pounds,” The warden said, and her heart sank to her stomach.
That was around 1,000 British pounds…she didn’t have that kind of money on her!
“ H-How about 11,000?” She offered hesitantly, and the warden scoffed at her.
“ Absolutely not,” He refused with a shake of his head. Charlotte could feel the man’s serious gaze on her, so she looked out towards him in the arena nervously.
“ Mind hurrying it up, Prickly Princess? I can feel Anubis starting to breathe down my neck down here!” The man shouted, and her nervousness quickly dissipated and was replaced by annoyance.
She almost had half a mind to let them kill him just to teach him a lesson.
“ 17,000?” Charlotte offered, and the warden shook his head again.
“ Hang him!” The warden instructed and she immediately jumped up.
“ No!”
“ Shit.” The man muttered under his breath as the floor disappeared underneath his feet, and he dropped through the hole in the floor.
Charlotte watched anxiously as the man began to struggle. She needed to hurry! She turned back to the warden.
“ Fine; 35,000!” The warden tilted his head.
“ 53,000,” He countered, but she shook her head.
“ 48,000!”
“ Alright, 41,000!” The warden offered, and she blinked in surprise before quickly grabbing his hand and shaking it.
“ Deal!” She happily announced, and the warden stared at her in shock for a moment before he realized what had happened.
His offer was lower than hers! He groaned loudly before turning to the arena.
“ Cut him loose!”
The guards cut the man loose and he fell onto the ground with a thud, and he coughed and gasped for air before looking up at her with a big grin.
Wait, a grin? Why was he grinning at her?
“ Thanks for the save, Prickly Princess, I would’ve been a goner if you didn’t save me!” The man shouted as he gave her a thumbs up.
Charlotte felt her cheeks heat up; how could this man be so infuriating one minute, and heart fluttering the next? She quickly shook her head, now was not the time for those kinds of thoughts!
As she handed the warden the money she realized something.
“ What is his name?” She asked the warden curiously, and he frowned.
“ Who? The prisoner’s?” Charlotte nodded. “ Hmm, I think they said his name was ‘Yami’ something? I’m not too sure, all I know is that he’s a Japanese national.”
The warden took his money and walked away, leaving Charlotte and Luck standing there in the observation area.
“ This is going to be such a cool adventure!” Luck said excitedly as he watched the guards drag Yami away.
Charlotte sighed. ‘Cool’ wasn’t the word she would have chosen to describe their adventure; in fact, the word she would have chosen would have been ‘interesting’.
Especially if the mysterious man called Yami, who both infuriated her and made her heart flutter, joined them.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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sniigura-archive · 2 years
i know you and i like you anyway (1)
chapter 2
nathan prescott x reader ; warren graham x reader
summary: when the pressure and eyes are on you, it’s hard to stay afloat. especially when your not so forgotten best friend comes back into your life. and they are ready to mess up the plans others have for you.
having parents and peers constantly nag you about your grades, interests and lack of an significant other can bring you down. but meeting the new kid in the academy can change at least one of your mocking points.
yn is implied to be afab (lives in fem dorms) but is genderneutral otherwise!
tw/cw: mentions of poverty, mental health issues, canon typical violence, swearing, implied/ref drug use, modern au as in its not 2013, huge canon divergence and messed up time line, obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, tell me if i missed smth!
read on ao3 for better formatting and tagging
unlike popular belief nathan prescott did not grow up in arcadia bay. the heir to the prescott name grew up in fort lauderale, florida. his family, from his mother side, lived there. she was able to convince his father to let them live there, bless her soul.
(“it will be good for him! for us! the pressure will destroy him. just look at how kristine treats us.. i don’t want to lose another child.”)
he spend his time at prestigious elementary and middle schools. and at middle school is where he meet you. people started quickly talking about you, simply because you were the only scholarship student. unlike everyone else you didn’t come from money.
your uniform was constantly 3 sizes too big, your hand was constantly raised and when you got anything less than an A there was clear panic on your face. the biggest difference to everyone else were your empty eyes and constant deadpan. seemingly nothing truly got a reaction out of you. there was a boy who tried to, by pulling at your hair and messing up your homework.
you beat him up so bad that the whole class just decided to leave you alone. and fact is, everyone who was near you also got left alone, so nathan was naturally pulled towards you. he wanted nothing more than to be left alone.
middle school was hard, simply because nathan`s problems started to really show, he wasn`t a child anymore who threw temper tantrum’s. he was now a boy with violent emotional outbursts. and quite frankly, children are cruel. getting a rise out of the weird prescott kid was more entertaining than torturing their maids and nanny’s.
because you were the only one who could handle his temper, simply because you didn’t care about it as long as he didn’t touch you, you got paired up for different projects.
and that’s how you meet his family. his father didn’t like you, but he doesn’t even like his own children, so his opinion didn’t matter. his mother and sister loved you, simply because you were very polite. dinners were filled with you being questioned to hell and back while you were trying to eat as much as possible.
“uhhh.. i have an older brother, he’s 2 years older than me…i have a twin brother, too. and another 3 little brothers. my father works at a la…actually he’s unemployed right now. my mother works as a teacher and during the summer break she works..where ever they need someone. what i want to be when i grow up?…middle class.”
meeting you after school was hard, responsibilities which nathan couldn’t even imagine carrying were put on your shoulder.
(“sorry. i have to study and babysit. so sorry, i need to grocery shop and take care of dinner. i wish i could, i have to cut the hair of all my brothers and clean the house. if i don’t pass this test my father will murder me.. i have to study. thank you for being so understanding.”)
to be honest, at first nathan didn’t even want anything to do with you. his mother insisted for him to invite you over. he now knows she pitied you. he now knows, too that you even were able to pull on the heartstrings of his father, because he would ask when you would visit again.
when nathan asked you, why did you have to care for everything, what did your brothers do to help? “have fun, i guess.” he felt angry for you. “how can you just roll over and take it? what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“well, who else would do i? why are you angry? i’m not angry, and i’m the one with the responsibilities.”
nathan learned to love you and the emptiness you carried around.
just like everything good in his life, your friendship (or was it more? it felt like more. he misses you, he misses your mean comments, your eye bags and exhaustion.) ended slowly.
once middle school was over, and he was able to graduate with a dirty record of violent outbursts, which was magically clean once he looked over it. the prescott family moved to arcadia bay. he was enrolled in the blackwell academy.
he found this out at the end of the summer break. to be honest he was getting suspicious, because all his questions regarding the highschool he was supposed to attend were being ignored. his father send him away, his mother smiled at him with sadness, he insisted to go to the same school as you.
“please, don’t forget me at your new cool school.”
“i will NEVER forget you, idiot. you’re the only tolerable person i know.”
the way you smiled at him was still clear in his head. you were beautiful in a way he has never seen, and the older he gets the more he realises he never will see anyone quite as pretty as you.
when nathan is 13 he meets dr. jacoby and starts treatment for the anger he feels. he knows that he fells ptity for him. nathan misses you, when he told you about his father, about the bruises and pressure he is under you simply talk about an escape plan. a way you both will be free from the shackles your family put on you and live happily everafter.
maybe you pitied him, but that would never stop you from treating him normally. you didn’t try to avoid his outburst, his meltdowns, you were always direct to him and never lied. he respected you more than anyone. he sees it in his mother, and relatives, how they dance around him as if he is fragile.
when nathan moved away, the first year he visited every break he could. summer, fall, winter and spring spend together. when he wasn’t there with you, he texted you. sending letters, postcards and hour long phone calls. his father hated this, more than anything.
(“depending not only on someone, but on such a low class person? don’t you know that you’re being used? they only see you as a walking wallet! i will put an end to this.”)
the only time dr. jacoby has seen sean prescott in person is when he expressed his concern regarding a codependent friendship with someone from florida. looking back on it, the doctor realised he was lied to and he was able to convince nathan to stop the contact, the only stable and positive influence in his life.
nathan wishes he could say that he got back in contact with you, that you were best friends again, but life is cruel and he’s a coward. he misses you, more than anything. he thinks he’s obsessed with you, dreams were about you (both dreams and nightmares), his day was spend imagining what you were up to, what you look like now. the silly thing is, nathan has never told anyone about you. victoria knew that he had an ex best friend in florida, but she didn’t know any details, rachel knew he was hung up on someone, jefferson knew that there was someone inhabiting his heart and mind.
and well. the school knew somethings. see, the thing is, when you’re high some things slip out. sometimes you mumble a name once or thrice when you’re passed out, and when you (try) hooking up with someone, you moan the wrong name. more than once. with different people. yeah. when one person claims he said the wrong name it’s one thing, but three? he was in deep shit.
victorias nosiness didn’t help, she wanted all the gory details, but he couldn’t say anything. what was he supposed to say? i fucked it up with the best person, because i couldn’t stand up to my shitty father and useless psychiatrist? sure. part of him was sure that she saw the pictures of you he has in his drawers, in his albums, hidden away.
for a short time nathan thinks he moved on, when he met rachel. she was pretty, smart and nice. she was less than you and much more. and he thinks he’s ok, ok with the distance and unknown which surrendes you. why did all your social media accounts have to be private?
nathan is 18 and it has been nearly 4 years since he has seen you. blackwell turned into the senior focused art academy, just like it was planned. he entered his first year in the 2 year programme and finally he was able to make a name for himself. victoria turned the vortex club into a group for the elite just like how she planned, with nathan’s help. he wasn’t the victim anymore, he finally ruled over the school grounds. summer passed and before he could register it, it was fall break.
it was the last few days and students started to move back into their dorms. the talk right now where the new students attending, some students dropped out because they were catched with drugs on their person, some couldn’t afford the rising tuition prices and others simply moved away because of their parents. nathan couldn’t careless, those who left aren’t close to him, but who is truly close to the prescott heir? he can’t lie though, he lost one of his best customers, or more like frank did.
victoria was in nathan’s dorm room, she was checking out the new student’s. according to her, there were no new people in the girl dorm’s who fit in the vortex club. how tragic. outside on the hallway was some commotion,
“please, move and unlock your door before i decide against helping you with your furniture.” could be heard from the outside, spoken by an unknown voice. the room besides nathan was being occupied. sad. he will miss the privacy and silence. especially now, with furniture being build. fucking hell.
“oh my, hottie alert. two of them even.” victoria was peeking out of his door.
“oh yeah? found some new members?” she hummed, “let’s go over and introduce ourselves. first impressions are everything. before the freaks come and snatch `em away.”
nathan groaned, “give me a minute. i’m still fucking hangover from yesterday. fuck, frank needs to stop stretching his shit or one day i’m going to die, for real.” victoria only chuckled at her best friend.
stepping away from the door she got out here phone and looked herself over in the camera, fixing a few strands and wiping away lipstick which started to smear over her lips. in the meantime nathan got up from his bed, going through his har with his hands and putting on his iconic jacket. with that he left the room, victoria right behind him. looking his door before they make their way over to his new neighbours.
and honestly, he should have expected this, because you always meet someone twice. or that’s what you always said. the door was open, and some guy had his back turned towards them. damn, he’s tall. it’s kinda overkill. turning around, the stranger nearly ran into him and victoria,
“shit! my bad, i didn’t see you there…do we know each other?”
you weren’t who nathan saw when he found out you were back, or more like you were here. in his life. instead, he saw face to face with your twin. the guy was freakishly tall, nathan remembered how small he used to be, now he was over 6 feet tall with clear defined muscles.
nathan with his proud 5`7 feet felt his fragile ego being tested, simply by the fact that some guy he used to know when he was, like, 13 was now way taller than him. and part of him wants to lash out, yell at oliver for not watching where he’s fucking going. but nathan was aware that this would kill any chance of reconciling with you. starting a fight with your brother would immediately put him on your shitlist, even if you hate oliver. sometimes.
(“he’s still my brother. if you talk badly about him again, i’m going to throw you out of this window.”)
“jesus himself could stand before you and you wouldn’t recognise him. stop bothering people, this is the third time you have asked someone this. get your stuff already.” your clearly annoyed voice rang through the room. thankfully this took away n
oliver scratched his head, “man, not my fault i can’t recognise faces for shit. my name’s oliver. nice to meet you guys!”
victoria the angel (or devil) took over the conversation, noticing that nathan was a tiny bit overwhelmed, “hi! i’m victoria and this is my best friend nathan. we just wanted to welcome you to blackwell. if you need any help don’t be afraid to ask us.” she put on her best mask of friendliness. “we are the leaders of the vortex cub, a group for blackwells elite. i’m sure you will fit right in.” taking out a flyer she gave it to him.
reading it over oliver said, “me? for sure. i don’t know about grumpy bear back there.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“you’re my twin, and i love you but you’re mean. like, even teachers are afraid of you. well, i better get going before you throw something at me.” with that oliver left his spot at the door and nathan finally can look at you. you were sitting in the middle of the room, an unfinished shelf laying on the floor and a toolbox was at your side. in one hand you held a screwdriver and in the other hand, raised into the air you held a pillow, obviously ready to throw it.
you look just like he remembered and at the same time it feels like he’s looking at a stranger. you’re not quite as skinny anymore and your eye bags weren’t as dark anymore. wearing a oversized hoodie and jeans, just like when you were a kid. but now he knows it’s probably more a fashion choice instead of only owning hand me downs and extra big clothes to grow into. of course, you still have to be stupidly attractive. now you wear glasses, too.
you lowered the pillow back to the ground, now that your target left. looking down at the shelf you pouted and said in a small voice, “i’m not mean.” your piercing gaze drifted over to victoria and then nathan, “hi, i’m the mean y/n, apparently.” when you saw him, you did a small double take. victoria and her awareness immediately caught that. stupid artists and their eye for details, especially since she has heard that name mumbled many times.
“oh? where are you guys from?” she asked, smiling at you.
“uhh…florida,” when you saw her raise a brow, hinting at waiting more details you continued, “fort lauderdale, to be exact.”
“what a coincidence! nathan here also grew up there. do you perhaps know each other?” the way victoria smiled reminded you of a dog barring it’s teeth in a warning.
nathan knew you and you would play along with whatever lie he went with, but part of him doesn’t want to lie. here’s his chance to actually start a path, to be friends again (or to be more. but you probably hate him, on the other hand who doesn’t?).
“…long fuckin` time no see, y/n.” what a lame way to say hello after nearly 4 years, but it’s not like he can rewind time.
before he could register it he was hit square in the face with the discarded pillow, “what the fuck? what happened to forgive and forget? huh?”
“woah..” only now did nathan register that fucking warren was also in the room, sitting on the bed. the guy was impressed, he never thought he would see someone attack nathan fucking prescott. warren is putting you on a pedestal right now.
“what the fuck are you looking at, loser?” in true nathan fashion he had to lash out at someone and it couldn’t be you. warren quickly put his hands up in surrender, regretting ever speaking.
“no fighting in my room, guys.” oliver returned in his hands two boxes stacked on top of each other. looking at nathan, he said “so i do know you, what kind of unforgivable act did you commit for grumpy to punish you with the pillow of hatred?”
“stop calling me that!”
oliver walked further into the room, dropping his boxes near you and asking you something, in a hushed voice and a language unknown to the others in the room. when you answered his eyes widened in shock.
“the rich kid! of course i remember you, dude. in fact, y/n will forgive you for whatever you did and marry you. so we- you guys can be rich and shit, together.” oliver nodded wisely, while you looked so tired. shaking your head, you simply started to screw around with the screws in the shelf.
quickly dismantling the shelf, you dropped the screws messily on the floor and stood up, pointing to your brother you said, “you’re horrible,” pointing to nathan, “i’m incredibly angry with you,” pointing to both warren and victoria you spoke your last words, “it was nice to meet you both. warren, i will take you up on that offer to show me around.” and then you walked out with the tool box in hand.
“are you finally going to tell the story about y/n?”
“…fuck, i don’t know how to put up any furniture.”
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