#but then i watched the musical and i'm just?? my feelings surpass 'good' and 'bad' it's just something else completely and i'm vibing
kaelang12 · 1 month
WitW Comparison pt 4: TOAD
here he is, folks- the Ambitious Amphibian, the Ayatollah of Rock n Rollah, Toad of Toad Hall!
it takes a great effort to portray him right, and which version will come out on top? let's find out!
tj!Toad is, in my honest opinion, a little too much like me to be comfortable with.
i WAS Toad, when i was a kid. unaware of how the world works, bad with money, socially awkward, and switches hyperfixations at the drop of a hat. truly an ADHD icon /s.
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look at him, so happy to have visitors. he wants to be around people so bad, but he just has zero sense and cannot read a room.
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he's the one who sells Mole's home to the weasels, just so he can have quick access to more money.
it's not that he's greedy about money- quite the opposite, in fact. he will throw money at whatever he wants as long as he gets the gratification from it.
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Rat: "Don't worry, he'll soon get bored with it."
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geez, not even a day and he's already tired of the caravan.
at least he's a better driver than me
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about the only thing he learns from Badger after a stern talking-to is to call people he doesn't like "nincompoop".
which gets him 15 years added to his prison sentence for back-talking a Bobby.
i'm gonna skip the whole "disguise in drag" thing, for both my and your sake.
does he ever feel bad about what he's done? i would say at least once.
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that shell-shocked look right there. he's thinking to himself "I screwed up, and it's all my fault."
but considering he's Toad, he recovers rather quickly after he learns that Toad Hall wasn't blown up.
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i wonder how he paid for the plane
Toad, in pretty much every adaptation i've seen, suffers from a heavy case of Aesop Amnesia. he rarely, if ever, learns his lesson, and gets away with it in the end.
tj!Toad is very much what i call a "manchild." even Bertie Wooster would tell him to wisen up.
will the musical make him better? let's find out!
i LOVE musical!Toad. he has influenced me enough to add some of his behaviors to my own oc, and i do not regret it one bit.
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seriously, i have to wonder how he can talk when he's too busy chewing the scenery. absolute Mad Lad. my goal as a masc NB is to look like this in the future.
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it's too late. the hyperfixation has already taken ahold of him.
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Ork logic tells me that red things go fasta, so i gotta believe them. and it feels like Toad has also taken that to heart. if he had a GoPro, he'd absolutely slap that bad boy on and cruise around doing dangerous stunts. actually, scratch that- he'd still do it, GoPro or not. it's all about the adrenaline, babey!!!
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"The thing is...that I'm not sorry!"
Toad, not being sorry:
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once more, i will skip the drag scene for everyone's sake.
so, he retakes Toad Hall, gets forgiven (but just barely), and has a party. is he gonna be able to surpass tj!Toad?
of course he does.
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dunno where he got the jetpack, or how much it cost, but he is now free to menace the skies at his leisure.
musical!Toad is not a good person. he's selfish, fickle, and gets away with multiple crimes in the end.
but is he fun to watch? absolutely! he hams it up loudly and proudly. he's Toad of Toad Hall, and you will bear witness to his greatness.
just take the jetpack away from him before he hurts somebody. or himself. preferably not both.
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justmeinatree · 5 months
i love talking about my writing so i do not mind all the questions 😂 i've been part of too many fandoms to name here but some of the ones i was the most involved in include Supernatural (still love the show, just don't engage with the fandom much anymore), the MCU (stopped watching the movies after Endgame, went to see Eternals because Harry was in the post credits scene and then fell asleep halfway through and missed him), Star Wars (was more into this when i was younger, these days the only Star Wars media i really care for is Rogue One and nobody else seemed to like that movie lol), Star Trek (mostly TOS), Doctor Who (same thing as Supernatural, still love it just not in the fandom anymore, and the 12th Doctor is my favorite <3), Community (still love the show, probably going to be getting back into the fandom when the movie drops), Les Miserables (i've read the book, seen the Hugh Jackman movie too many times to count, and saw a performance of it a few years back! still love the musical but the fandom feels like it's mostly dead now), Harry Potter (for obvious reasons, I have distanced myself from this one as much as possible but I was a Ravenclaw if anyone was wondering), the Throne of Glass books by Sarah J Maas (actually planning to reread this over the summer! may get back into the fandom, we'll see) and I've been active in the fandom for just about every mainstream horror franchise (and plenty of the more obscure ones too lol). I could probably spend hours creating a comprehensive list of fandoms but i think this is enough for now, unless you're just dying to know more 😂 i started writing in first grade, so around 6 years old. i've known i want to be a writer almost my entire life. i think the first bit of fanfic i ever wrote was for Harry Potter actually, but i don't remember anything about it. and i don't actually know what got me into reading fanfic...i just kind of always remember it being my go-to form of entertainment when i was bored. i am SO sorry for putting a whole novel in your askbox...apparently we're both in very chatty moods today lol
dialogue is the hardest thing for me to write because i always have to rewrite the conversation ten times before i feel like it sounds the way two people would actually speak. i'm much better at giving overly flowery descriptions of the space, and of character's appearances, emotions, etc. i tend to try and limit dialogue as much as i can when possible. my other writing crutch is semi-colons...i simply cannot go a paragraph without including one.
now the pressure is on to keep the fic good for the two of you 😂 i think this is the first time i've been told that two of my readers were talking about my fic beyond the comments section.
i think she's 3 years old? but i always forget. i'll have to ask my mom next time i call her, she's the one that keeps track 😂
wow, i cannot comment on any of the fandoms 🫣 don’t rip me apart or anything but i’ve literally never watched a single movie or episode related to any of them 😅 to be fair though, i rewatch the same like 10 tv shows on repeat and i’m not much one for movies 😬 but still that’s so impressive ! HOW did you find so many things that you enjoyed enough to join a fandom ? honestly love all of that for you, and apparently i need to broaden my horizons 😅
that’s crazy how it’s so opposite for us ! conversation is so easy for me to imagine. i wouldn’t even know how to avoid it 😅 semi colons !! never use those bad boys but i’m told i use too many commas. love me a good comma 😂
SHE’S SO CUTE !! i’ve seen the photos you sent and omggg she’s seriously adorable. i don’t know what i was picturing but honestly she’s surpassed the image ! such a fkn cutie 😍😍
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red-riding-wood · 2 years
for the ask game:
Top 5 works Adrien Brody has been in (movies and/or tv shows)?
Is that an upcoming Jack Driscoll story I spy on your masterlist btw?👀
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Recently surpassed Fight Club as my favourite film of all time, and is also one of my go-to comforts! I absolutely adore Wes Anderson's films and his characters and this one is simply his best in my mind. Also my introduction to Adrien! I could go on about this and Darjeeling way too much so that's all I'll say about it lol.
2. The Darjeeling Limited
Another favourite film? Check. Wes Andy? Check. Comfort film? Check. Maybe there's a bit of bias here because Adrien is constantly on screen, but I'm so enamored by this film, its visuals, and its soundtrack. The character development in this is fantastic and there are subtle things that I pick up on every time I watch it.
3. The Pianist
It almost feels wrong to not have this as #1. This movie is a work of art and it hit me so hard but in a good way. It's also what inspired me to pick up piano again; I am still in awe of how Adrien managed to learn to play Chopin so beautifully in the time he had. The scenes that especially struck me were the times when he pretended to play or wanted to play but he couldn't because he had to hide from the German soldiers. I really connected with those scenes since music is so important to me.
4. Detachment
This could honestly be interchangeable with Peaky in its placement on this list. This film also struck me in such a sad but beautiful way. It touches on a lot of real world problems but not in an obnoxious way -- rather, I found, in a kind of soothing way. The story with the girl he helps is so touching and also as a lover of Edgar Allan Poe that final scene was perfect and it haunts me. I could listen to Adrien read his work all day.
5. Peaky Blinders
I was actually a bit thrown including TV shows because if it were films I'd easily be able to let King Kong take this spot (I have thought about this list before, lol.). But I have to include Peaky. The writing of the characters and the cinematography and just the whole atmosphere of the show is top tier. My main incentive to watch it was being down bad for Adrien and I guess it payed off. I've met some really awesome people in the fandom so that also contributes.
And yes, I have a rough idea and OC for a Jack Driscoll story! I'm just not sure when I'll start it as I have other WIPs I will likely be writing first.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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lazanskywrites · 5 months
some films I'll be watching this summer...
I'm not completely sure why my brain won't allow me to start a new movie or show when I'm busy with work and school. I think it's because I feel guilty for relaxing and watching something for enjoyment when I have assignments I could be doing. I've missed out on watching the premiers of many great movies these past few years because of this mentality, and I typically use summer as an opportunity to catch up.
For my film class this semester, I've been able to watch films and not feel bad about watching them...because it's for a grade of course. I was able to recently rewatch The Virgin Suicides which is such a great movie, but by the end, I realized why it's not a film I can rewatch over and over. For this class, I watched Priscilla for the first time! I love Sofia Coppola, and Priscilla was nothing short of an amazing film. I'm also wholeheartedly convinced that if social media was around when Elvis was famous (and alive), I'd probably have a fan account devoted to him.
Here's a list of films I hope to sit down and watch this summer before the insanity of next semester ensues...
Elvis: I've yet to watch this film simply because I think I'll need a day or two to process what I've watched. I have heard nothing but great things about Baz Lurhmann's film and I'm sure it'll surpass my expectations. The only thing about Elvis, is that Austin Butler's Elvis was severely outshined by Jacob Elordi's Elvis, and Elordi doesn't still have the "Elvis Accent" after filming. Either way, I'm sure I'll enjoy the cinematography, the music, and the glimpse into Elvis' life behind the glitz 'n glamour of his fame.
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2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: I will not be answering questions as to why I've never seen this indie "classic". The soundtrack of this film is remarkable, but I've never sat down the watch it. Many film reviews regard it as a rom-com, while others say it is simply a romance film. I really do not know what to expect.
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3. The Notebook: I also will not be answering questions as to why I've never seen this movie. Honestly, I do not feel like profusely sobbing. I don't particularly choose sad films but I feel like this is one that everyone must see at least one time.
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4. The Outsiders: I truly am ashamed to admit I've never seen some of these films, yet I quote them often(Stay Gold, Ponyboy). This classic 80s film is a must-watch, which of course, I have not. I also know the ending of this film is sad, which I am not particularly fond of.
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5. Grease: I AM COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY HUMILIATED I'M ADMITTING TO NEVER SEEING THIS FILM. I've only seen the Glee version of Grease, and it's obvious that adaption is not as good as the original. I know almost every song on the soundtrack because they are fun to karaoke and my friends always listen to them. I will be watching Grease this summer so I can actually say I've seen it, not just say "Oh I love the soundtrack!"
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andessence · 3 years
not me clowning over mr julien sorel le-rouge-et-le-noir and his sensitive and angry bitch behavior.... not me losing it over ms. mathilde de la mole le-rouge-et-le-noir and her rich girl goth stylings
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saltygilmores · 2 years
What happens in this episode: Lorelai convinces Rory to go to the Chilton dance even though she didn't really want to. Dean goes with her. Dean and Tristan meet and predictably form a whirling vortex of douchebaggery. A tornado of shitfuckery. Rory and Dean fall asleep at Miss Patty's and Lorelai has a shit-fit. Some boring scenes occur with Lorelai, Emily and bananas on toast. Paris and Tristan do not get eaten by bears. Memorable Quotes: "It'll be all sparkly and exciting, you'll be standing on the dance floor while some great looking guy stares at you so hard that you won't even realize that Paris and Tristan have just been eaten by bears." "Dean does not hang out in trees." "It'll be stuffy, and boring, the music will suck, since none of the kids like me, I'll be standing at the back listening to 98 Degrees watching Tristan and Paris argue over which one of them can make me miserable first." Oh come on Rory. 98 Degrees were great. And on the middle rung of the 90s boyband hierarchy too- she could have said Nsync or Backstreet Boys instead- so I'm awarding two nostalgia points. Future Nostalgia points will be awarded for the 98 Degrees poster Emily eventually puts up in her room. I was just thinking, "Okay Dean's behavior isn't all that bad yet", but then I remembered this is the episode where Dean and Tristan punch each other. Look what you made me do. I almost gave you benefit of the doubt, you three ring butt circus. Here we go, Tristin is harrassing Rory again, but she's holding her ground.
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I gotta admit, this Paris having a crush on Tristan thing feels weird and unnatural to me. He was "nice" to Rory? Paris is not that stupid. Why would she have a crush on such a huge prick? She hated Logan and as we all know, Tristin is just Low-Calorie Diet Logan. And also she really belongs with Rory instead. Is it Tristan or Tristin? I'm probably going to go back and forth between both spellings. Memorable Quote: "You're slimy and weasly, yes, but stupid, no. But you'd have to be stupid, given our history, to think I would EVER, barring a piano or safe falling on my head, want to go anywhere with you...EVER."
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A very correct assesment of Dean.
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Dean Forrester everyone! "The Good Kid/Perfect Boyfriend"
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It's no Big Silver Dick Rocket (the one Logan gifted Rory) but it's got its charm.
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I adore these two babes. Highly unrrated friend pair. Rory is surprised when she finds out that Paris took her cousin to the dance but Rory dated a boy who would eventually become her step-cousin, lol. Both the teenage girls AND adult women on the show are jealous of Rory for dating Dean, Tristan is jealous of Dean for dating Rory and now Paris' cousin is hitting on Rory. Dean and Rory are both very ordinary people so this is mind boggling to me. To quote the great Dorothy Zbornak, he has the personality of a dial tone. Huh. Dean is being suspiciously sweet, polite, well behaved and charmingly awkward so far. It's all about to go to hell. Dean and Tristan run into each other and get into a pointless confrontation over nothing. A vortex of douchebaggery opens up at the Chilton dance when two clowns meet. Dozens of students witness the confrontation. There are no teachers or chaperones anywhere in sight. The fight continues to escalate with very little interference.
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Well, I guess not every insult can surpass the burn of Dean calling Jess "The Glad Man" for taking out the garbage.
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Red flag. Red Flag. Red Flag. Red Flag. There' s still time Rory.
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I always wondered if Rory is flattered that boys are constantly beating the shit out of each other over her, or does she find it embarrassing?
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What does this even MEAN?
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Poor Rory. She looks like a defeated little mouse. Memorable Quote: "I'm not fighting you, it would be like fighting an accountant! I'll call you when I need my taxes done!" -Dean to Tristan WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! How does Tristan look like an accountant? AT ALL? Wouldn't an accountant stereotype be wearing glasses or something? My god, Dean Forrester has the WORST burns, but they're so bad they make me laugh. Dean shoved Tristan earlier. Tristan now lunges at Dean and they get into a fight. Dean calls Tristan an idiot and threatens to kill him. Within the span of two years, Dean gets into two violent fights with another boy over Rory. To Dean's credit: Tristan was really being an asshole here and getting right up in Dean's face, not letting him move, repeatedly, and lunges at Dean; and Dean did say "I'm not going to fight you", so I will give him something of a pass (not pulling the fulll Dean Card though) for trying to defend himself, but his temper was still scary and Rory should have been very concerned. Instead they merrily stroll away from the whole thing and go out for coffees. Then there was the time he started fighting Jess totally unprovoked (and somehow Jess got the blame for that one?) but that episode is a doozy for a much later time.
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Menacing shit. Tristan then tries to confront Dean AGAIN.
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CMM looks 12 here. What are we fighting for, dudes? No offense to Rory. But she's just not worth this. And, you're both walking red flags. She deserves better. Rory and Dean leave the dance, walking home calmly discussing the dance, like two people didn't just escape being arrested for assault or at a minimum, Tristan could have gotten expelled or suspended (but he will be eventually). They just left the dance like nothing ever happened. No one followed them out or asked them any questions. Rory: "I don't know how I feel about this. Having my boyfriend defend my honor." Welp it feels like it would be exhauting since this "honor defending" will continue to keep happening to her. Oh okay. Dean is now officially Rory's boyfriend. That seems like a reasonable conclusion to what just transpired.
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And Jess brings books to strip clubs, what's your point?
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Dean: What are all these little symbols on the paper? Rory: Those are called words Dean is now going to read aloud from the book and yet no one fucking asked.
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It's the Karen Brigade! Lorelai understandably loses her shit after Rory doesn't come home after the dance, but I'd really hate to see what would have happened if that was Jess instead.
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Rory really should have saved herself for Jess. Sigh.
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...yet. BIG yet. The Bad: Red Flags galore. Rory and Dean are now an official couple. Barf. The Meh: There was too much juicy drama to make the scenes of Emily and Lorelai at home eating toast on the couch seem interesting. I eventually just started to skip past them. Lauren Graham's shit-fits are so dramatic and over the top! The Confusing: Dean and Tristan nearly kill each other, so Rory and Dean make their relationship official. Dean's insults make no sense. Paris once again witnesses Tristan harrassing Rory and has a confusing reaction.
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rafesgfs · 4 years
side to side
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 4.6k
Summary: In which you're performing your hit single in front of your fellow Avengers cast-mates and Chris can't seem to take his eyes off of you, catching the attention of a few cameras.
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"I'm here with the biggest pop-star of this generation, and she plays the very talented daughter of Tony Stark," the interviewer announced your name, smiling brightly at you as the camera panned your way. The hundreds of thousands of fans at home screaming when your face appeared. "How do you feel with all your nominations tonight?"
You smiled at the camera, giving a small wave at the people watching at home. "Honestly, I'm just glad I was even considered for these nominations. I mean, my girls Taylor, and Billie...they're amazing and I'm so happy to be put in the same category as them."
The lady grinned at you, her eyes twinkling. Or maybe it was her sparkly dress, the fabric nearly blinding you with how it shined under the lights. "If you ask me, you've got a pretty good chance at winning. I mean, your hit single—Side to Side—surpassed, like, a billion views in just a month? That's impressive."
"Well, I couldn't have done it without my fans." you replied, winking at the camera.
It was that time of the year again, where every artist, actor, and YouTuber hit the stage for the People's Choice Awards. With your crazy schedule, and the lack of sleep, you had planned to skip the award show until your friend, and co-star, Chris Evans—Captain America himself—convinced you otherwise. Even with the categories you've been nominated for had been more than a handful, but it was the begging and constant complaining from Chris that made you get off your tired ass and put it into a tight dress.
Your hit single, Side to Side, had everyone anticipated for your performance, unsure if you would be performing until the producers had put your name into the advertisement, making fans blow up Twitter. You were sure they had advertised your own song, along with your movie nominations, more than you ever had.
With nominations of Movie of the Year (Avengers: Infinity War), Action Movie of the Year (Avengers: Infinity War), Female Movie Star of the Year (Amara Stark), Female Artist of the Year, Song of the Year (Side to Side), Music Video of the Year (Into You), Beauty Influencer of the Year, and Social Celebrity of the Year, you had your hands full, which had only made your manager glow with happiness.
"Of course!" the interviewer agreed, glancing at the teleprompter filled with tiny words. "It was rumored that you wouldn't be coming, and a lot of us were upset, including me. Was that just a rumor or..."
"Actually, it's not that far off. I'm fucking—oh, shit—oh no!" you gasped, covering your mouth before anymore foul words could come out on live television. Instead of correcting you, the lady laughed, patting your arm softly. "Can't say that on tv. My bad. I, uh, with everything going on, I've been really tired, and I haven't slept in a week. I just wanted to chill, and accept my nominations at home but someone convinced me to come. So, if I say or do anything ridiculous tonight, I'm blaming him and my lack of sleep."
She nodded, clapping slowly. "I think that's fair. Is that someone, your onscreen father, RDJ?"
"He was one of the many people who unsuccessfully changed my mind, but no, it was Chris Evans. He promised me a day with his adorable dog, Dodger, and I couldn't refuse." you said, grinning at how his face had changed from hopeless to cocky as soon as he brought up Dodger.
"If I'm remembering this correctly, Chris Evans is that very handsome man you had kissed in your music video earlier this year. Into You, right? How do you feel kissing one of your co-stars outside of the movies your working on?"
"Technically, it was still acting, and I have kissed him before, so it wasn't awkward at all." you answered, glad Chris had accepted the role. Not only had it sky-rocketed the views and streams, but it made you feel better that it was his lips you were kissing and not a random model's. Yet, it didn't feel as professional as it had before when you pulled away after a take.
In scenes where you had to kiss the Boston actor, it was as professional as kicking Anthony Mackie's ass in Civil War but the kisses you shared on the set of the music video was definitely more personal. At the time, you had brushed it off as Chris being recently single, but now that you had broken up with Henry, you started questioning it again.
The interviewer nodded, squinting once more to read the words off the teleprompter before asking you another question that would certainly make the headlines. "I've been reading up on all those juicy tabloids and I've got one question that would satisfy my curiosity. Was Into You written about Henry Cavill or Tom Ellis?"
Usually, that type of question made you change the subject or altogether avoid the matter but this time, you wanted to joke about your failed engagement. "Henry, but Side to Side was written about Tom since I wanted more Grammy's considering the last album I put out won me a few. But this time, I'm gonna do it without an engagement."
The woman faked a laugh, surprised by the blunt honesty of your answer. "Um, you certainly do have a thing for British men, eh? I don't want to keep you up, but one more thing, for the fans. They've been dying to know if there's anything going on between you and Chris Evans. Any tea you wanna spill?"
"There's none to spill. We're just friends but it's always amusing scrolling through Twitter to find these edits of us." you replied, fidgeting slightly with the hem of your dress. Like usual, you had wondered if you should've worn something less extra but you had let your stylist play dress up with you for the past few months.
"Of course. Well, good luck to you, and I can't wait to see your performance." she said, giving you a little pat on the shoulders before announcing your name once again.
You got off the little platform, immediately taking Chris' awaiting hand, holding onto it as you climbed down the steps in your dangerous stilettos. Sighing, you leaned on him, trying to avoid the blinding camera flashes. "That was more exhausting than I thought it would be. You need to get me some caffeine after this is over because there's no way I'm making it to the after show without at least a few cans of Red Bull."
"So dramatic." Chris grinned, childishly sticking his tongue out as he guided you down the red carpet, stopping when told to take a picture. He let go of your hand, only to wrap it around your waist as you posed for the pictures. "Are you going to the after party?"
Posing seriously for a few seconds, you let your smile back on your face, facing the man beside you. "I was thinking about it, take a few photos, and head back home. Aren't you?"
"Actually, I was thinking we could ditch it and just hang out. You know, I did promise you some time with Dodger and you could waste a couple hours sleeping." he replied, his hand tightening ever so slightly on your waist. Flashing you a shit-eating smirk, he nudged you a little, pulling you away from the blinding flashes. "What do you say?"
You opened your mouth to answer only to be cut off by your manager, Alexandre coming out of nowhere to rip you away from Chris' arms. The latin man sighed in annoyance, glancing at his watch while giving you the look you've seen too many times before. "You're supposed to be in wardrobe right now. Get your ass backstage, and change before you miss your own performance. As for you, Mr. Evans, Megan wants your ass in a chair."
"I'll see you after." you say, getting dragged by your manager, winking at the actor before walking towards the changing area, the cameras following you until they couldn't enter the area.
Getting ready before a huge performance always calmed you down, maybe it was the smell of makeup or the feel of designer clothing made especially for you, but something about it made you feel comfortable and cozy. It was like a routine, especially with all the music videos and movies you had to film, the makeup, the hair.
They made you sit back, giving you your phone like a child while they made you even more sparkly than before, making sure you'd stand out against the flashing lights during the performance. A performance you made sure no one would ever forget. Smiling, you let your thoughts drift back to a certain super soldier as you were pampered.
"Welcome to the People's Choice Awards!"
The room darkened, the blue and pinks lights focusing on the stage as cameras all turned towards your shadow. Making sure your mic was set properly, tried to see past the darkness, to see a familiar face or two but with the headache coming on from the tight half-ponytail didn't help your case. The music started, the beat vibrating, you flipped your hair, and started.
"I've been there all night
I've been there all day (Nicki Minaj)
And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Let then hoes know)"
You rode the bike, belting out in your microphone, the attached headset limiting your movements a little. Gripping the handles, you made eye contact at the camera to your left, winking at it as you pedaled.
"I'm talkin' to ya
See you standing over there with your body
Feeling like I wanna rock with your body
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin'
I'm comin' at ya
'Cause I know you got a bad reputation
Doesn't matter, 'cause you give me temptation
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin'"
As you had sung, your eyes had adjusted to the bright spotlight focused on you, seeing a shadow of the one person you wanted to make you walk side to side. While you had answered the reporter's question, you hadn't been completely honest. Some of the lyrics had been written for the Bostonian; or to be more exact, your sex fantasies. With the chorus coming up, you let go of the handles, trying not to fall on your ass as you clapped your hands above your head, the claps matching the beat.
"These friends keep talkin' way too much
Say I should give you up
Can't hear them, no, 'cause I..."
Trying to be bold, you stared at him, his face in particular. The spotlight had blinded you so much that you couldn't see what his reaction was—or anyone's for that matter—but maybe it was a good thing. After all, his gaze always made you blush no matter how hard you tried not to. Pedaling faster, you threw your head back, hoping the motion would draw everyone's—Chris'—eyes on your chest.
"I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side
I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side"
With the help of a shirtless dancer, you got off your bike, taking the sheer jacket from him, and putting it on as you walked towards the front of the stage, moving your hips in to the beat of the song. Resting a hand on a shirtless dancer, you positioned yourself so you were grinding your ass against his crotch, throwing back an arm around his neck.
"Been tryna hide it
Baby, what's it gonna hurt if they don't know?
Makin' everybody think that we solo
Just as long as you know you got me
And boy, I got ya
'Cause tonight I'm making deal with the devil
And I know it's gonna get me in trouble
Just as long as you know you got me"
Sashaying to the little balance beam at the front of the stage, you made sure your hips swayed more than usual.
"These friends keep talkin' way too much
Say I should give you up
Can't hear them, no, 'cause I...
"I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side
I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side"
A few seconds after your note ended, you strike a pose on the balance beam, posing for a few more seconds while the cameras turned their attention away from you and onto the queen of rap herself: Nicki Minaj. The leather, pink bodysuit was identical to yours except for the color, her attitude fitting the badass outfit. She began to walk towards the stage, never breaking eye contact with the camera in front of her while the men pretending to work out to the choreo.
"Uh, yeah
This the new style with the fresh type of flow
Wrist icicle, ride dick bicycle
Come through yo, get you this type of blow
If you want a ménage, I got a tricycle
All these bitches' flows is my mini-me
Body smoking, so they call me Young Nicki Chimney
Rappers in they feelings 'cause they feelin' me
Uh, I-I give zero fucks and I got zero chill in me
Kissing me, copped the blue box that say Tiffany
Curry with the shot, just tell 'em to call me Stephanie
Gun pop, then I make my gum pop
I'm the queen of rap"
By the time she had finished her verse, you had caught up with the multitasking of both working out and singing, able to use your full singing capabilities for your high note. Nicki joined you on stage, hyping up the crowd while you built up for the high note, almost every camera pointed at you except for the one focused on capturing the headline-worthy expression slapped on Chris' face.
"These friends keep talkin' way too much
Say I should give em up
Can't hear them, no, 'cause I...
"I've been here all night (Been here all night, baby)
I've been here all day (Been here all night, baby)
And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)
I've been here all night (Been here all night, baby)
I've been here all day (Been here all day, baby) (Ooh, baby)
And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)"
Both you and Nicki motioned for the dancers to come towards you, curling your index finger at the sexy men. Singing the refrain, you both made them drop to their knees in front of you, as if they were kneeling at your command.
Just as the last note was sung, everyone clapped, the majority standing up, and more cheered. You noticed Chris hadn't done either, still sitting in his motionless while two camera men pointed their cameras at him. Your eyebrows furrowed, thankfully after the spotlight had shifted over to the miniature stage where the two hosts were babbling about nominations.
You were ushered off the stage along with the queen of rap herself, taking a few backstage photos before quickly returning back to your dressing room to change into your tailored dress. Your mind had wandered to why Chris hadn't applauded—not that he was obliged too, but a little something would've nice, especially with all the days put into the performance.
Taking a deep breath, you entered the big room, filled with your co-stars and other A-list celebrities. Little did you know you'd find out the reason to your question in the morning.
The loud ringtone woke you up, the sound obnoxious and borderline abuse to your ears. Beside you, Chris groaned, rolling onto his stomach, trying to muffle the sound of the call with his arm draped over his head. Putting him out his misery, you lazily reached for your phone, pressing the green button with dread, seeing the name across the screen.
"You're trending on Twitter." Alexandre announced, happy with the results of the previous awards show. While it wasn't something as big as a Grammy or Oscar, judging by the amount of awards you had taken home, you became the people's favorite. "Hold on, lemme rephrase that. You and Chris are trending. Number one, world wide."
Glancing at the man sleeping beside you, you sat up, confused by the information given to you. You blamed Chris for making you stay up so late for your confusion. "Um, why? Did I accidentally have another nip slip?"
"What the hell?" Chris mumbled, rolling onto his back, his arm grazing your bare stomach. He immediately took it back, sitting up to look over your puzzled face. "What's going on?"
You shrugged, putting your phone on speaker so Alexandre could explain. Your manager chuckled, knowing you had stayed the night with Chris. He was just waiting for the day you'd finally have the guts to speak about the growing sexual tension. "Okay, Alex, explain."
"As much as I would love to go into full detail, I have other stuff to do so, I'm going to give you the basics. Chris' reaction to your performance went viral, people are shipping the both of you, and there's been thousands of memes made." Alexandre replied, a smile evident in his voice. "Anyways, I have to go. Got some interviews to schedule. Have fun getting your way out of this, Chris."
Your phone screen went back to the home screen, a picture of your family dog, Buster, smiling widely. Looking at Chris, you saw his eyes widened, his hands coming to rest of his face in embarrassment as he fell back onto the bed with a bounce, his head nearly hitting the headboard. "Oh, fuck."
"Are you going to show me what your face looked like or do I have to scroll through Twitter until I find it? Oh! Maybe they edited it in my performance." you thought out load, tapping on the YouTube app. You hadn't trusted yourself enough to log into your official account, knowing you'd probably make a mistake so you opted for having a secondary account where you could watch cat videos without the anxiety of posting something stupid.
Chris' hand snatched your phone away, tucking it in his pocket, the sweats he had slept in was somehow wrinkled, and his shirt damp from the warmth. "You wanna get some food? I'll cook some bacon but you'll have to make the pancakes 'cause the last time—"
"I wanna see your reaction." you whined, reaching across his stomach for your phone. Chris turned his body away from you, shielding the phone from your reach. "Chris!"
He waved your attempt away, rolling off the bed, his feet hitting the floor before you could fall back on the mattress.You poured, getting on all fours, crawling towards the edge. Chris took a step back, brows furrowing. "It's not important. Let's get you some food."
"Fine." you mumbled, an idea making you light up. Rolling off the bed, you glanced at his phone on the nightstand, exposed and easy to take. With quick reflexes, you grabbed his phone, rolling back on the bed until you reached the other side, making it impossible for him to reach for his phone back.
"Hey!" the Bostonian shouted, launching himself on the bed in attempt to get his phone back. He made a noise as you rushed out of your room, locking yourself in the nearby bathroom, laughing evilly when he threw himself at the door. He yelled out your name, his fist banging on the door. "I'm serious! Don't!"
Ignoring his begging, you opened his phone with your thumbprint. How ironic how much he didn't want you to look at his phone when he was the one who insisted you have the password to it. His arguments became louder as you opened up his Twitter, immediately heading to the trending section, seeing both your names at the number one spot.
"Damn, I look hot." you joked out loud, making Chris silent for a second before pleading for you not to continue. You smirked, scrolling through the tweets, trying to find his reaction. "Jesus Christ, what the hell happened to you? Did you fall on your face or something?"
Chris groaned, banging his head on the door in defeat as he heard your almost inaudible gasp, that quickly turned into little giggles. If he wasn't so embarrassed, he would've broken the door down to hold you in his arms. "Oh, no."
Bursting out into hard laughter, you fell into the large bathtub, hitting your head on the wall but you couldn't care less. The expression on his face during your performance had been borderline comical, the wide eyes, the jaw hanging open, the open hand resting on his chin while his eyes stayed strained on you the whole time, never wavering from your body, the sexy choreography making his jeans tight.
Cackling like the Wicked Witch of the West, tears ran down your cheeks, your stomach cramping from the maniacal laughter. Lifting yourself up from the tub, you stumbled to the door, your loud laugh ringing out towards the whole house. You let Chris in the bathroom, his phone quickly taken from your hand but it was too late. The blush on his cheeks wasn't going away anytime soon. You leaned against him, your head resting on his chest, while you panted out a question. "Why did you look like you were trying to attract flies in your mouth?"
Chris groaned again, covering his eyes with a hand while the other rested on your back. "You're not going to let me live this down, are you?"
"Oh, God, no." you giggled, wiping the tears away, beginning to calm down. Glancing up at him, you noticed everything above the shoulders was gleaming red, the embarrassment too unbearable for him. "Chris, you looked exactly like the first time we were forced to share a bed together."
"Yeah, you have that affect on me."
"You gonna tell me why you looked so ... shocked? Or do I have to search through Twitter and go with whatever fan theory makes the most sense?" you asked, unable to keep the smug grin off your face. Chris closed his eyes, wishing he hadn't made you come to the awards show in the first place. You raised an eyebrow, fingers itching towards his phone. "You know I'll do it, Evans."
The man raised his hands, taking them off of you as he paced around the bathroom, deciding if this embarrassing moment was the right time to finally confess. "It's just, you know, the dance was so ... sexual and hot that I probably wasn't the only one looking at you like that. You can't exactly blame me for being shocked, watching the girl I'm in love with—"
Chris stopped as you be watched the colors drain out of your face, immediately freezing when he realized what he had said. Both of you stared at each other, eyes wide, not moving a muscle, barely blinking; the atmosphere so tense neither of you were breathing, waiting for the other to talk. But neither of you wanted to go first, terrified.
It wasn't until you started to feel dizzy that you realized you hadn't been breathing, letting out a huge breath, trying to relax while Chris did the same, his hands shaking, a nervous tick he got whenever he was anxious. You got the courage to speak first.
It was better than nothing.
Chris was so nervous he nearly ran out of the room. There wasn't some kind of handbook or script he could read, helping him tell one of his best friends how head over heels he was for her. So, he said what his brain was stewing. "What?"
"What—what?" you replied, unsure if he even said the L word, so lightheaded by the sudden confession.
The actor stilled, eyes widening even further, while his eyebrows shot up his forehead. "What?"
"Say what one more time, Evans, and I will make nothing but mac and cheese for the rest of your stay." you threatened softly, getting tired of not having an answer to your one-worded question.
Chris took a deep breath, hands trembling as he clasped them together, hoping to find the right words, hoping his inner thoughts would come out clear, giving you the answer you asked for. "I'm sorry. What do you want me to say?"
"What you were saying before. You know, before you looked like you saw a ghost and almost stopped breathing. I think that would be a good start." you replied, backing up to take a seat on the plush chair. Chris mirrored your actions, putting down the lid to the toilet before sitting down.
"This isn't the way I wanted you to find out." Chris whispered, his blue eyes trained on the emotions that flashed on your face. Your uncertainty of the situation didn't help his anxiety.
"Okay, um, were you going to tell me in the first place?" you asked, playing with the hem of your shirt—it had been a borrowed Patriots shirt from him. Looking back, you realized all the little things he'd done hadn't been because his platonic love for you. "Or were you just going to keep letting it be this way?"
Fidgeting with his hands, Chris peered through his eyelashes, seeing the hurt flash across your face before you quickly composed it. "Scott was hyping me up, trying to convince me to tell you before you got into another relationship. Do you know the real reason I broke up with Jenny? It hurt like hell when you announced you were engaged. Fuck, I couldn't even pretend to be happy because you were going to have the life I wanted with you, with someone who wasn't me. It was selfish and I got really mad at myself for being a dick."
"And then the horrible, horrible relief I felt when you called off the engagement." Chris continued, his heart clenching. "Truth to be told, that was the day I found out I was in love with you, breaking things off with Jenny. Of course, I wanted to wait until you moved on, hoping to be the friend you went to but with my schedule, that was impossible. So, you seemed out comfort in Henry fucking Cavill."
"You're in love with me?" you whispered, hoping this wasn't some kind of cruel dream. If it was, you wouldn't mind staying.
The actor nodded, waiting for you to call him names and rush out. "Yes. You can leave or slap me or whatever you want to do but I love you."
You got up, running a hand through your hair. "Okay."
Chris' heart sank, wishing for any other kind of reaction, wishing you'd do something. Taking a deep breath, he got up. "Is this a goodbye?"
Frowning, you walked up to him, taking his face between with your hands, pressing your lips softly to his. You could feel his heart beat, the little organ beating so hard. You pulled away before he could recover from his shock, before he could kiss you back.
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ringmyheart · 4 years
Dating Johan headcanons? Your Vinjin one was literal ✨gold✨ and yk so now i'm super curious about how you'd think dating Johan would be like.
Thank you!! 😭 I hope I did this well <33 also a warning, skip to where I wrote [HERE] if you’re uncomfortable w reading anything ab religion. Also I didn’t mean to offend any religion I am religious myself and didn’t specify any to avoid saying something incorrectly !
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If you’re religious, he’s very VERY wary and cautious. Not of you but of the people you’re with, and it worries him a LOT
If u tell him ur hanging out with church friends he’s either insisting he comes too or asking a suspicious amount of questions of ur whereabouts and watching u from afar. He’ll probably step in on accident cuz he saw them like reach for ur shoulder or smmn and intervene cuz he thought like u were ab to get kidnapped but they were just gonna bring ur awareness to the food store around u, he’d be so on edge
He doesn’t like entering churches but if u go and u won’t negotiate on wether u can or can’t go, he’ll risk it all and come too
He’ll rough up the preacher after the service tho like “what’s your thing ???? Like what do you do.” And ask them questions completely unrelated and honestly kind of confusing to intimidate them
Like, “oh so this is all u do? U just preach?”
“Uh, yeah I love my job and am devoted. :) 👍”
“u have no other job? Nothing?”
“R u married?”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
And he meant like yeah good keep ur eyes off of u his s/o or SMM but it came out off putting and frankly indiscernible 😭
While in the service he might even start to shake cuz he’s so worried if he sees AC or hears it running he’ll grab ur hand and book it cuz he thinks ur being poisoned 😭
Likes to share things with you, like clothes and all. U know that black jacket he always wears it’s also ALWAYS on u too
Half of it is cuz he’s stingy w money naturally so it’s like less money spent if u guys r sharing ur food and clothes and all
So ur always wearing his stuff but in return he’s always wearing urs and like even shoes. If ur taller than him and have clothes that were his size he has ur old wardrobe in his closet now as hand me downs
HE PROBABLY wraps ur shirt around his wrist as a good luck charm before fights. Before he gets into a showdown he’ll wrap it around like his arm and kiss it and say ur name or whatever and he swears if he does this tradition he cannot lose he won’t let himself
Because u don’t spend much money, u have wired earphones (nothing wrong w that ofc) HOWEVER if ur listening to music together and he runs into someone he has beef with he’ll start swinging and ur just there like 🧍🏽‍♀️ cuz the earphones r still connected and he’s fighting to the death w like sweet but psycho playing in the background
He loves physical activities to do together. If ur not active u probably will be now forcefully bc he’ll be like please and u can’t say no so now ur hiking every day
Forgets to wait up for u bc he gets rlly ahead of himself the amount of times u get lost on the trail is unbelievable and he eventually establishes the “if u lose me, HUG A TREE AND I WILL FIND YOU” rule w u and now three times a week ur hugging a tree and waiting for him to come pick u up in the middle of the woods
He’ll apologize and tries to teach u the layout but u don’t memorize it ever
Also loves biking and gets u matching bikes, likes walking the dogs w u, going on runs etc. if u cannot run he grabs ur hand and is all its okay u got this :)) like thanks for the sentiment but it doesn't help💀
DO NOT DO HOBBIES W THIS MF!!!!!!!!! If u like to dance and tell him he’ll do it with you and within two days he leagues better than you it would suck
He is so good at picking things up if u play just dance for fun he will kick ur ass and ur like bro I thought we were just playing having fun wtf 😕 and he genuinely wasn’t even trying
So if ur competitive don’t put him on the hobbies ur into cuz he will start it a beginner and be better than u within three days
He’ll feel so bad tho if he finds out u don’t like it. Like when u drew stuff he’d sit by u and draw too and when u saw he was advancing to surpass u u stopped. He thought u just grew out of it but finds u in like a closet drawing to hide from him
But he loves doing stuff ur interested in w u even if it’s something he was never into. If u like it he likes it by association
The type of boyfriend to buy you ten fruits if you say you like one.
In passing you mention liking watermelon the next day you come home there are ten on your counter and he’s like hey :DD!
Gets you a matching dog god jacket like him so u two and ur dogs r matching always
He doesn’t care if you’re wrong, he will die defending you!!! U r always in the right what do u mean the total cost is 10.00$?? What do u mean it says 10$ on the register?? They said it was 8$ u heard them
He’s pretty reserved when it comes to personal stuff and just everything in general. U will be three years into the relationship and realize u don’t know what his last name is??!!!
He’s a “I didn’t see why it was so important” mf... if u ask ab his past or occupation he’ll tell you but in a way that underplays it extremely. Because he isn’t that ready to be vulnerable and open up as well as thinking u might not care or you’ll leave him
He’s a pretty jump-y person because he had to be alert and on his toes most of the time. If you surprise him by accident by being too quiet then appearing right by him he’ll jump three feet up like a cat or sock you in the face then apologize profusely and tear up feeling horrible
He’s pretty perceptive but when caught off gaurd he gets very nervous, can’t help it
While watching tv shows or bingeing a series he will narrate everytning to u. Because he really enjoys the show and wants to make sure u understand in the fullest too and enjoy it. If he didn’t understand sometning in the beginning but then understands you HAVE to know too
“Oh my god he just shot him....”
“The dog RUNS AWAY!?”
“She said she loves him oh my gosh...”
“They’re kissing?”
Like yes Johan.... we know.... if you tell him he’ll stop but it’s like programmed in his DNA to not shut up while watching tv he can’t help it
He’ll also pause the show to turn to u and go “I KNOW HIM!!”
And ur like “rlly?? OMGG”
And he’ll go “YEAH he’s also in that other show remember :O” and u realize he does not know him recognizes him
😑😔 .
He’s not that updated on internet and how humor has progressed over the past few years so if u send him any meme over 2015 he will be so confused
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Send this and he’ll text back “😅 why did you send me this?”
“Is that sonic?”
“Are these your texts with someone?”
Otherwise he’s a pretty normal texted. He uses punctuation sometimes which will throw u off gaurd cuz it will be like “I love you.” And it’s like sweet but why did he add the period?? But he doesn’t always so it’s regular
If playing sports or doing something competitive he threatens everyone in the beginning to let you win and always lets u get the score/goal/net, whatever. He pulls everyone into him prengame by their collar and is like “listen ur letting them win got that. If I see u take that ball from them....”
He’s a helicopter boyfriend he is always seeing what ur doing what ur up to how u are, etc. protective to a fault basically
Holds u back when crossing the street as if ur seven years old
I have more I could say, but I’ll inevitable write another johan relationship hcs some day again so I’ll save it for then 😅 I hope this was what I wanted! Thank you for requesting ❤️❤️
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fanbles · 2 years
Episode 2 commentary
I guess Pig Dad owns a noodle shop
Blue Guy isn't dead and he has a kitten, that's good
This is going to be one of those episodes where the main character takes on too many responsibilities and learns how to say no, isn't it?
"Wow, MK...you look like hot garbage." Yeah, Glasses Dude—of course MK is going to look like hot garbage when Pig Dad turned him into his delivery boy, Blue Guy can't decide on a damn paint color, and his best friend/sister (May or Mei? I think it's Mei) takes him out partying every night
This is going to end up with MK being too sleep deprived to fight his totally not a boyfriend, isn't it?
Yes, I still don't remember everyone's names asdfghjkl
I call Pigsy "Pig Dad" because I have no clue whether that's his actual name or if MK just calls him that. Considering his business is named Pigsy's Noodles, I have a feeling it's the former
Or is it Pigsie? Please don't make fun of me for spelling it wrong, the Google Drive episode doesn't have subtitles from what I can tell
Part of me hopes Monkey King shows up in every episode because he seems cool
I would watch the pilot now but it's still a huge commitment and I should probably sleep at some point if I want to get assignments done in the daytime
Glasses Dude is honestly being a good dad. Good job, Glasses Dude!
I guess Blue Guy is named Sandy.
MK just turned into an air horn oh dear
Glasses Dude why are you just telling this to MK now
MK is going to clone himself a bunch and cause chaos now, isn't he?
Mr. Tang, you can't just allow your child to clone himself a bunch and cause chaos like this, I revoke your responsible dad card
Tang has the best expressions though and he's become my Discord icon for the moment
And of course all of the MK clones have gone rogue
Mr. Tang, your son's clone is eating your husband's business into bankruptcy and you're just going to keep eating? Damn, that's cold.
Poor MK has a bald spot now
Pigsy has some pretty good expressions too ngl
He went from anger to fear in half a second
"Are you going to clean this mess up?"
I love the contemplative look before Mr. Tang goes "I don't know."
He has surpassed Pigsy as my favorite character, I'm sorry Pigsy.
"One wavy Kung Fu coming up!"
Mr. Tang just coughed up a hairball oh dear
Why must they play the theme song in the middle of each episode
"Mystic Monkey Business?" Everyone is just used to this, huh?
"You're really bad at making clones by the way."
"Hand her over, you...me? We???"
MK why did you make so many clones when you only needed three? You could have had more hair on your head and less clones to defeat.
I like how they keep the continuity with his bald spot.
"Never forget...da music."
I love how Mei just tries putting the hair back on his head.
And MK didn't learn his lesson. Of course.
Mei making a beard out of MK's hair
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comfortfrogblog · 3 years
hey! i have anxiety + adhd as well. i've seen you mention meds before, unfortunately i can't have a med change atm, it feels like my current med isn't working that well but 1 - it might be because i'm going through an intense spike of anxiety that i wasn't prepared for and 2 - my dr is out of town so i can't see him abt it. i haven't been able to sleep well and i feel nervous 24/7. is there anything that you find helpful you could mention to me? also, could you please pray for me? God bless you
oh darling honey!! yes of course i will be praying for you!♥︎i know the medication struggle all too well :( always remember you’re not alone!
i’m so sorry to hear you’re going through this anon. medicine can be really difficult when it feels like it’s not working the way it should. when i first started taking meds i always always had doubts in the back of my mind like “what if it doesn’t work?” “what if it doesn’t fix me?” “what if i’m broken?” but the thing to also remember is that you are not something to be fixed! you’re not broken at all, you just don’t feel good. you only need a bit of help getting back on your feet. when i need a med/dose change i try to remind myself of that.
i don’t know everything about your situation and i’m not a professional so i can’t provide like super mega amazing advice, but one thing i do recommend is that you just be as kind to yourself as you can right now. that sounds stupid but honestly, when i was struggling a lot this semester on bad meds, i deliberately did tiny things that made me feel comforted or at least not sad. when i woke up before school i would watch my favorite videos and eat my favorite food; i drank soda pretty often cause caffeine go brrr; i wore my favorite fun socks even though our dress code doesn’t allow it. all these things seem silly and simple, but they seriously lifted a bit of my burden day-to-day. when you are struggling, everything feels so frickin hard. and you are working so frickin hard to fight it. that makes you strong. you deserve to do small things that make you just a bit more happy, no matter how small. make time for yourself to help relieve the burden of what you are going through.
when i feel very anxious, one of my favorite things to do is turn on my favorite background noise—rain, thunderstorms, music (nintendo soundtracks :D)—and just do nothing. just exist. stare blankly into the 4th dimension. perhaps lay on the floor. eat a cracker or 2. idk why but that just uhhhh yeah :-) sometimes it feels like i can just float away and my anxieties dissipate for a few moments. doesn’t always work (because anxiety is very mean) but sometimes i just try it to see!
when i can’t sleep, my best bet is usually to do something to distract myself. preferably something like reading or drawing or playing music, but if i can’t bring myself to do any of those it’s just as okay to do something like watch a show, youtube, play video games, etc. something that helps get your mind off the anxious thoughts. you could also put your mind on God, spend some time just talking to him—whatever comes to mind, even if it’s silly. i believe he has a sense of humor :D you can be like “yo God i feel like crap right now, how you doin homie” IDK LOLSNDJ SOEMTIMES I DO THAT IDK IF THAT’S BAD
philippians 4:6-7 !!!
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
another of my favorite passages is Matthew 6:25-34. it says in a nutshell not to be anxious about your life, what to eat and drink, or about your body, what you will put on, because life is more than food or clothing. and God loves every little bird on this planet—and they don’t do very much, so just imagine how much he loves you. i happened to mark these verses when i was in like…6th grade, when i didn’t even know that i had issues with anxiety. and now that i’ve looked back on all i’ve gone through, these verses never fail to shock and comfort me.
i apologize that this ended up being so long anon!! i hope that some of it can be helpful? i will be praying for you. this road is long, but it’s worth it in the end. jesus is calling your name, he really really loves you, so much more than you could ever know. trust that he is worth it! he will guide you through the storm!!
much love anon, and God bless you!♥︎
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alchemist-shizun · 5 years
Roman and Remus as stuff my cousins, sister and I said + a bonus
Had a day at my cousin's pool and let me tell ya, when they keep us together for more than ten minutes it's absolute chaos. Here's a bit of it for you:
Roman: *is lying on the floor*
Remus: *sits on Roman's back*
Roman: Get off.
Remus: Say the magic word.
Roman: Go fuck yourself?
Remus: You smell like our dog Bonnie.
Roman: I smell like Bonnie?
Remus: Yes.
Roman: *Looks around everywhere in Roman's room commenting everything and doesn't stop until he randomly storms out of the room*
Roman: *stops self from cussing at him*
Remus: Your jokes suck because you wear a necklace on your neck.
Roman: Where do you wear your necklace, on your butt?
Remus: NO, ON MY EARS.
Roman: Why is this bunny- No this is a mouse, buh I don't understand anything.
Remus: *sarcastic* Can you believe that?
Remus: *reads a poem written by Logan*
Remus: What, did ya write this?
Roman: No.
Remus: I'll go ask Logan *walks away*
Roman: *quietly* Yeah go fuck yoursel-
Roman: Hey look what my bro has done. *shows three long scratches on arm*
Patton: Oh my goodness he's a walking hazard.
Remus: Hey you made me bleed out too!
Roman: At least he's cut his nails now.
Roman: Did you get your floaties?
Remus: No, I won't wear them.
Roman: Drown then.
Remus: *trips over himself while trying to surpass Roman* Ouch.
Roman: "Ouch"? You're always in the way.
Roman: I'm so sick of this broken nail.
Remus: And I'm sick of you, so we're even.
Also a bonus:
Our little chaotic group just so happens to be made up of six cousins, so have the sides as stuff that happened between us (mostly when in the pool).
*while playing Uno*
Remus: *puts a +2 card*
Virgil: *puts down a +2 too*
Remus: *puts another +2 with a smirk*
Virgil: *doesn't even flinch and puts yet ANOTHER +2*
Remus: Are you fucking kidding me you're a monster. *picks up eight cards*
(Virgil wins every time they play too, one round they all had one card in hand, they lost their shit. Also he kept using +2/+4 cards.)
When Remus and Roman play, they put their cards like this:
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Pool time:
Remus and Logan are playing with a little ball and at some point they agree on throwing the ball at Roman's head for fun.
You can find Deceit and Remus every now and then sharing the pool float just floating and talking.
At some point Deceit lets Roman and Patton on the pool float with him and Remus freaking THROWS THEM ALL OFF OF IT STRAIGHT IN THE WATER. Everybody's scared for their safety afterwards.
Virgil helps Roman getting on the little surfboard they have by stabilizing it because Roman just can't do it alone. (Fun fact, after floating with half his body on the surfboard, Virgil randomly fell back in the water. Three times. He started thinking there was some kind of dark force against him.)
Patton absolutely loves diving and before he launches himself in the water he dances to the music. He's always being watched by either Logan or Deceit.
Remus, Logan and Roman take turns in constantly bickering with each other.
Patton and Deceit are sitting on the pool float and Virgil started pulling them around for fun.
When Deceit and Virgil are both on the pool float they just,,, chill. It's nice.
Logan and Remus have a race (Logan wins) and afterwards also Roman and Virgil do (Virgil wins).
Roman can't stop tiring everyone out by saying his broken nail hurts.
Deceit and Remus are really chill together today what's going on.
Remus throws things at Patton when he dives in. Also Patton calls the others and asks them to watch him dive.
Virgil at some point is found zoning out, sitting on the stairs of the pool, with his arms linked to the stairs. Deceit asks what he was doing like that, he responds he honestly had no clue.
Roman splashes around so hard that he plugges up Virgil's ear with water.
Remus and Virgil silently agree on throwing Deceit off of the pool float where he was kinda sleeping, but Remus fails since Deceit notices him and keeps on staring at him. Virgil also fails his attempts.
Patton saying he'd like to get out of the water early but doesn't want to admit it was just because he was hungry.
After a bit Logan, Deceit and Remus follow, but Roman doesn't want to leave yet so he persuades Virgil to keep him company and push him around on the pool float while he relaxes. He succeeds because Virgil would feel bad for leaving him alone.
Virgil's hand skin gets so wrinkled it starts hurting and wonders what kind of malevolent deity was watching him and laughing.
After they were all out and dry, Virgil, Deceit and Remus play Kalooki 40/Fourty Flush (I have no idea how to translate this game in English pardon me), while Roman just watches since he doesn't know how to play.
Virgil wins again with three fucking jollies what the f uck.
Patton trips and falls on Remus's plastic cup and crushes it. Remus is like "NOOO IT'S DEAD oh no actually it's alive."
Remus, Roman and Deceit decide to play Uno while Virgil is chilling on Tumblr.
Where is Logan in all of this? Chilling in the background, scrolling on his phone, sitting on a little sun chair next to the music speakers.
Patton is making the most of his life feeding the goats not too far off from the pool and being excited because THERE'S GONNA BE DUCKS SOON!!
In the end they're all sitting on blankets on the grass, in the shade, waiting for dinner to make itself. Life is good.
(To help choose characters for this bonus part I assigned a side to every one of us so yeah it might not be super accurate but it's stupid and fun. HOPE YOU HAD FUN.)
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groundramon · 7 years
for the ask the blogger thing... ☂ - favorite season? ✐ - fave types of movies? ♪ - music you like?✌ - favorite bands/ singers? ♒ - fave animes? ❦-.fave characters? ღ - mottos? I'm spamming u with those sorry
Also thank you for including the questions with the emojis that makes this 10x easier for me lmao
☂ - favorite season?Winter!!  Nice and cool AND you dont have school for two weeks lmao
✐ - fave types of movies?Generally animated; I enjoy animation and movie animation tends to be consistently pretty high-quality (even the fucking emoji movie looks pretty decent) not to mention live action movies always seem to have really bad sound mixing??  Meaning important things you NEED to hear like whispering are too quiet and explosions are too loud even when you dont change the tv volume.  But even then, saying I prefer animated movies isn’t exactly accurate because….I haven’t gone to the theater for a single animated movie this year.  The only ones so far that I would’ve considered were Lego Batman (which I have on dvd now but i havent watched) and Cars 3.  I’m hoping to see Coco in theaters but other than that….i can wait for it on dvd or just not watch it at all because I’d prefer to rewatch a movie I like.
I also dont like calling animated movies a genre, so if we’re going by genre, I’d say fantasy-adventure stories tend to be my favorites, but sci-fi can be fun as well.  I just want a good, heartfelt story that doesn’t take itself so seriously that you can’t have fun but also takes itself seriously enough that you really feel for the characters.
♪ - music you like?GOD I WISH I KNEW??  I’ll literally listen to everything from vocaloid to mainstream pop to techno music to video game OSTs and everything in-between and outside of that.  I’m generally more picky with rap music, techno/electronic music, and just anything that gets screechy or is too intense with its instrumentals, but….I can listen to hard metal music when im trying to fall asleep at night, so i mean.
✌ - favorite bands/ singers?Again, god I wish I knew.  I have a tendency to think “oh, this is alright, I’ll listen to a few of this artist’s songs” and then moving on and never thinking about them again.  One artist that I’ve come back to repeatedly is Sabrina Carpenter though, her music is nice and a few of her songs are some of my all-time faves, its probably not for people who cant stand mainstream pop tho.  Also shout out to Mystery Skulls for officially licensing Mystery Skulls animated instead of taking them down for copyright infringement lmao also their music is some of the techno music that i actually like
♒ - fave animes?I havent watched enough animes aaAAAA but I will always and forever love Digimon.  Like I dont think any anime will surpass the personal attachment I have to the Digimon series.  It’s just so silly and charming and for a long time it was the best thing I had ever seen and it’s honestly still just….really enjoyable.  (Honestly it gives me fossil fighters vibes, I think I like them both for the same reason tbh)  Digimon Adventure is definitely my favorite, Tamers is really good but I actually have a bit of a personal bias against Tamers because it scared me as a kid :’D its still a good season tho and i appreciate it a lot more now that im older.  And FRONTIER IS ACTUALLY GOOD, PEOPLE CAN FIGHT ME it’s got the same vibe as the first four seasons, even if the concept seems vastly different, and is really enjoyable if you arent blinded by your love for the digimon partners in the old series.  After that though its kinda….ehhh.  Data Squad and Fusion didnt have the same feel, although Fusion did it much better, but…its just not the same.  I really dislike Marcus so it makes Data Squad less enjoyable, plus i just…idk, it doesnt seem to have as much life as the first four seasons and is written and animated in a different way to me.  Fusion is kinda interesting in the second arc (ive only seen the first three arcs; the third arc/seventh season [idk which it is] hasnt been dubbed yet so…) but it takes itself too seriously because it removes its primary comic reliefs - and also the best characters - after the end of the first arc.  So we’re left with the Digimon as the only comic reliefs and….ehhh….theyre not as good.  Also I havent seen the Appmon anime and idk how good it is but im still salty that they stole the name of the project that ive had floating around in the back of my head for years so i havent done anything related to Appmon.  AND Digimon Tri is good but i still need to catch up on it ahaha cries (planning to get a trial at crunchyroll to watch the last two parts when the last part comes out)
But enough about Digimon.  Besides Digimon, I really did enjoy Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood; I do have some gripes with the series (namely the earlier episode and how much happens in the earlier episodes vs how much happens in the later episodes, so pacing problems basically) but it’s still really good and I LOVE AL.  There was an anime I watched with my dad several years back called Blue Dragon that I remembered enjoying a lot, but then disowning because it turns out in the original my favorite character was a perfect example of the anime pervert trope.  Dubs are fun lmao.  But I feel like I’d pick up more on the changes they made between the two versions now (the sub version being riddled with swears and innuendos, and the dub version being dubbed for kids) and probably wouldnt enjoy it as much anymore.  I also barely remember shit about it except a plot twist at the end that i spoiled for myself but still had no idea it was coming.  I was like 11 when i watched it, its been a long time.
❦-.fave characters?Well I already mentioned loving Al, but I also love Pidge from VLD, Amanda from Dream Daddy, Baymax and Hiro from BH6, and Napstablook from Undertale.  Also like all of the main characters in Fossil Fighters Champions but shhh.
I really want to add Hunk to this list but honestly as the seasons in VLD go on it becomes more and more apparent to me that he’s just a running fat joke; Lance looks like he could be building up to something, but I haven’t got a clue where Hunk could go besides more of the same.  So :’) my boy deserves better, he can join the group again when Dreamworks gets its shit together.  Sorry Hunk, I still love you and I’d treat you better if you were mine (//looks at my characters all burning in hell and sweats// well maybe not better but…)
ღ - mottos?Uhhh idk?  Does this mean like, mottos I follow, catchphrases I use a lot, or inspirational quotes?  Idk I’ll give all three
I try to live my life by the policy of “do to others as you would have them do to you.”  That’s like my number 1 rule about doing anything.  I dont understand how people can be intentionally dicks to other people or so something that they would hate happening to them; what, dont you realize that other people have the same feelings as you?  I know I’ve hurt other people but still, it’s always been in instances where the pros outweighed the cons if I put themselves in their shoes.
As for catchphrases I use a lot, probably “mood” or “god same” because this site has completely broken my sense of anything
As for inspirational quotes, well here are some copy-pasted directly from my dA page:
“No man deserves to be trapped in jelly.” - Rupert from Fossil Fighters Champions“what motivates Scart? That’s right: the nut” - Tumblr user claratyler“I am slowly going crazy” - Dr. Jean, songwriter of children’s music and my lord and savior“I’m still mad at Seth McFarlane btw but im more concerned with my tree cookies” - me“I was out of the third bean” - Yolei’s mom from Digimon Adventure 02
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