#but there's GOT to be some fucking middle ground to be found here. meet me in the fucking middle.
queerlyglittering · 1 year
some of y'all never had parents who aggressively shamed you for making even a little mess or even just mere evidence of your existence and it shows
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt.4
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3][Pt.5][Pt.6][Pt.7]
Danny was sitting in the back, his backpack obnoxiously taking up the seat next to him, when the door to the lecture hall creaked open near silently.
“What are you in here for?” Danny asked the guy who crept into class. He sympathetically took his backpack off the Seat of Shame and allowed the guy to sit down. Funnily enough, they had the same hair and eye color.
“Gen Ed. Undecided. You?” The guy grunted quietly back.
“Environmental studies. I’m Danny.”
With the implicit understanding of two people in a required class they could not give less than two fucks about, Tim and Danny tuned back into the lecture. When the class was assigned group work, Danny looked over to see Tim softly snoring, head slammed down on the table.
“Tim. Wake up, dude.” Danny poked his shoulder.
“Huh? Class over?”
“Nah, we got group work. Discussion board.”
“Oh shit, thanks for waking me up. Wanna team up?”
Danny shrugged. “Sure. We should aim to post it in the middle so the professor doesn’t read our answers to the class.”
“Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Any idea what we’re talking about?”
“Kind of?”
“Good enough for me.”
Tim Drake kept seeing Danny Fenton around on campus.
“Danny! Dude, what are you doing?”
Danny turned, gloved hands full of crumpled trash. “Picking up after the student population, apparently.”
“Didn’t think environmental studies was that serious.”
“Global warming is very serious, you jerk,” Danny smirked at him, crossing the grass to put the trash into the trash can. “Reduce, reuse, oil shouldn’t be spilled in water and all that.”
“Basic stuff,” Tim grinned. Nice, he basically had a friend past Bernard now!
They were friends, right?
“And yet humanity fails to comprehend it. Incredible. Incredibly stupid that is.”
“They get it. Major corporations just don’t care.”
Danny sighed. “True that. You on your way to your next class?” He took off his biodegradable gloves off (nitrile and nylon, baby!) and chucked them into the trash.
“I’ve got free time, actually. Prof cancelled for his daughter’s surgery.”
“Oh, shit, that’s rough! You wanna go downtown and join the strike?”
“A strike? What for?” Even as he asked, Tim hiked his bag higher onto his shoulder, ready to go. They fell into step as the two left campus.
“Apparently, Quillan Pharma was doing some shady shit at their manufacturing plants. I think it’s like killing kids, and pouring toxins into the ground.”
“Oh, shit.”
“Yeah. Oh! Poison Ivy’s gonna be there!”
Tim blinked. He casted a sideways look at Danny. Sure he’s been here long enough to know… but it couldn’t hurt to check. “You know she’s an eco-terrorist, right?”
“Okay, but like… people suck sometimes. And all she’s asking for is like don’t kill the planet. And she doesn’t do that whole mind control thing too much anymore! The Sirens are so cool. Plus, one of my best friends at home might actually kill me if I don’t try to get her autograph. Poison Ivy is like, Sam’s personal hero.”
Tim snickered. “Yeah, okay. Mind if one of my friends join? His name’s Bernard.”
“The more the merrier,” Danny nodded. “Ooo! Hot chocolate. Want some?”
Danny bought three drinks as Tim trailed behind, texting Bernard.
“He said yes.”
“Cool! We should meet up somewhere before the drinks get cold.”
Well, Danny got the autograph. Tim got a new friend, and Bernard got a drink from his crush.
“Oh, you’re the glowing dude that Batman always talks about!”
Danny blinked, eyes scanning the wing-like cape and the yellow emblem on the hero’s suit. Danny was indeed glowing, stars and nebulas freckling across neon green skin, and glowing hair the color of a white dwarf star, tinged with the blue from his ice core.
“I… have absolutely no idea who you are,” Danny lied, like a liar. He’s found a surprising niche of entertainment in messing with the local vigilantes and he’ll be damned if he missed this opportunity.
He heard a snicker from the comm lines as Red Robin visibly brushes it off.
“I’m Red Robin. Why are you picking up trash?”
“Picking up after you humans, apparently.”
The both of them blink, feeling a weird sense of déjà vu. A moment of awkward silence passed before they both shook it off.
“Are you here to help? No offense, but the track record for you people is terrible.” Danny strode over and grabbed a bag. He opened it, and shook it at Red Robin’s face. “See? Batarangs, these odd bird looking ones, the R’s. Seriously, pick up after yourselves!”
“Oh, woah, can we have these back?”
Danny yanked the bag back before Red Robin could get close. “Pay me. These were incredibly tedious to pick up. Especially the batarangs. I mean, I even found a whole bunch of old rusted ones in the middle of the bay. What did you do, dump an entire bag in there from the air?”
Red Robin sighed and took out a wad of cash, with tracking fluid all over it. Danny grimaced, smelling the odd scent on the money. “That’s not real cash. It smells off. Are you trying to give me counterfeits because you’re broke?”
Red Robin gaped, oddly offended. “No! They’re real!”
“Doesn’t smell like it. It’s stinkier than the trash. Go get the one with the money, the litterer. Tell him I’ll be back the next full moon. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” Danny grumbled, disappearing on the spot to watch Red Robin flounder with the stack of cash and the piles of dead bodies on the shore.
“What the fuck even is my life these days?” Red Robin wondered out loud, stuffing the cash back into his pocket. He looked over the plastic wrapped bodies and slumped, sighing.
Oddly enough, Danny felt a sense of sympathy. Well, he’s not getting paid for sympathy. He’s not getting paid at all tonight, actually. Danny flew off, plunging once more into the depths of the significantly cleaner waters, and used his ice to scoop out oil stains.
Danny glanced around and sighed. He had a lot of work to do.
“So you’re saying he’s like a werewolf mermaid fae child immortal god thing, right?”
Bruce grunted.
“B, what the hell are you smoking these days? You know drugs are bad, right? Do we need Superman to give you that PSA?” Jason snickered.
Tim, massaging his arms from having to haul an ungodly amount of dead bodies, grunted. He’s so similar to Bruce that it gave the people currently in the cave hives.
“He said full moon. I don’t think we can track him with regular stuff. The bugs kept shorting out.”
“Oh boy,” Dick sighed. “Don’t fall off the spiral cliff, Tim. You’ve got midterms to think about so no stalking the guy.”
“Yet,” Tim shot back, changing out of his suit.
Bruce grunted, setting aside a huge stack of cash.
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deandoesthingstome · 1 year
Hall Pass - Chapter 1
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Paring: Henry Cavill x Reader (RPF)
Series Summary: You run into Henry Cavill at the start of a two-week house-sitting vacation. You had some previous plans. Some were ruined by your now ex-boyfriend. Some were made better. Guess by whom?
Series Warnings: I’ll be honest, this whole thing is just self-indulgent smutty fluff. Here’s what I offer: meeting, making out, and having sex with Henry Cavill (rpf). I’m probably NOT going to be adding chapter warnings unless I get a bug to re-write and something worms it’s way into the story that I wasn’t expecting.
A/N: I started this story shortly after the fiasco of The Witcher and Superman announcements. I thought about how great it would be to try and cheer him up a little. For the purposes of this story, he is single. No hate to anyone in his life right now, in whatever way you imagine that to be. I also understand if you do not read rpf. Feel free to scroll on by. I don’t need to hear about it.
This was going to be a looooong one-shot, but solicited feedback prompted me to break it up for you. 
Playlist: I will add to Spotify for each chapter.
Word Count: 3.1K 
"You've got to be fu..."
You barely had time to register the deep intonation of the same words you yourself were spouting when you glanced up from your phone screen just before walking smack dab into a 6'1" brick wall.
"...cking kidding me."
Your phone hit the ground with a clatter, though you knew it could sustain the impact. The best thing your as-of-this-minute ex had ever done was insist on the military grade phone case for your clumsy ass.
"I'm so sorry. Are you quite alright?"
"Oh, I absolutely should be the one apologizing," you responded, not even glancing up to check out the person from whom the sensual accent slipped as you knelt to retrieve your device. Had you done so, you would have noticed the shape blocking your way moving in the same general direction and probably wouldn't have bumped your head into his. Possibly.
"Oof! Oh dear..."
"My god, I am so clumsy! Please forgi..." you lost the rest of that apology as you raised your head and found yourself staring directly into the clearest blue eyes you'd know anywhere, the spot of brown, a dead giveaway.
"Cat got your tongue now?" A dazzling smile peeked out from behind a short, salt and pepper beard as firm hands gripped your shoulders to steady you. "May I help you up?"
It was all you could do to nod and soon you were standing once again, phone in hand, staring up at a face you would never in a million years dream might be found outside a Warhammer store in the middle of bum-fuck-nowhere. You blinked a couple times, then clasped a free hand against your burning cheek.
"Thank you. And I'm sorry. I wasn't looking at all where I was going. Let me just get out of your way and let you get on with your day."
If the slight furrow in his brow didn't cause your mouth to salivate, the tiny lip pucker sure did.
"Well that's just it, isn't it? The reason I was in your way in the first place..."
"Oh, this isn't your fault..." you tried to interrupt.
"...is because this door appears to be locked and there's a hastily hand-written sign stating 'Emergency. Back tomorrow at 10.'"
You glanced to the side to confirm the statement as well as peel your eyes off the man in front of you, for fear he was seeing all the thoughts inside your head. Who were you kidding? He'd clearly already seen them, the way he returned a shy grin as he finished his explanation.
"Oh that sucks. Wonder what happened to Josh?"
"Who's Josh?” he asked, with a deadly raised eyebrow.
"The store owner. He's usually here everyday, late sometimes even. If he's not here, something is definitely out of sorts. Hope he's okay," you worried.
"Do you frequent the store often?"
"Me? Oh, no. I buy honey from Josh's wife and sometimes he keeps a few jars around the store for regulars. I was going to see if I could pick some up."
"So you're not a gamer then?" Was that a tinge of disappointment underneath the curiosity? No, why would there be?
"Um, noooo..." Dammit. You took a quick look around to see who might be with him, possibly about to wrangle him away, but there didn't seem to be anyone worried about an errant fan. "Look, I'm sorry, but aren't you...?"
"Aren't I...?" A cheekier version of his shy grin appeared and you were absolutely done for.
"Oh my god. Please, forgive me. I should get out of your hair."
"It's Henry," he offered a large hand in your direction.
"Henry Cavill," you whispered back, accepting the shake.
"That's so odd," he grinned, hand still clasped in yours as you continued to let him slowly raise and lower your arm, completely amazed it was even happening..
"Hmm? What's odd?"
"We appear to have the same name."
You laughed and offered your real name before ending the shake.
"Lovely to make your acquaintance," he smiled. "Were you that upset about missing out on the honey?"
"I'm sorry?"
"You appeared quite upset just now. It must be really good honey."
"Oh my god, it's the best," you gushed, excited to talk up your friend's business. "She makes a clover variety as well as orange blossom and both are phenomenal. Oh, but no, that's not, no, I hadn't seen the sign at all."
"Well something seemed rather upsetting."
"Oh, my, um boyf.., um," you stuttered, unclear why you were about to unload your personal shit on a Hollywood A-List celebrity.
"It's alright. I didn't mean to pry."
"Well, what are you doing all the way out here anyway? Surely, there's another location closer to the city. I mean, you were here for the convention, right?"
"Yes, well. You're not the only clumsy one. I blame these fat fingers," he waved a hand in front of your face and it was all you could do not to drool. "I ordered a special model online, thinking I could work on it during a brief hiatus, and thought I'd arranged to have it shipped to a store near my rental, but apparently I don't know the geography around here very well, and well, I guess I didn't realize there was more than one location in this area. By the time I noticed I tapped the wrong store on my phone, it was too late to change the order and I figured a drive might be nice."
"Well that's, um, that's really unfortunate. Are you staying in the city?" You checked your watch. "Oof, you're about to hit rush hour traffic. What a nightmare to have to go back in and then do the trip again tomorrow morning."
"Rush hour into the city this time of day?"
"It's rush hour in every direction back that way this time of day. Plus two lane roads most of the way. Dreadful. And you didn’t even get what you came for. Sorry!"
"Well, where are you headed this time of day?" Why was he chatting with you like an old friend? Surely, he had better things to get to.
"Oh, well, we're," nope, not 'we' anymore. "Um, I'm house sitting at another friend's farm for a few weeks. A nice little staycation while I celebrate my birthday and anniver...um, birthday."
"Oh, it's your birthday?"
"Week after next."
"Well happy early birthday."
"Thanks!" You couldn't possibly smile any wider and your cheeks were about to start hurting. Definitely not the feelings you thought you would be experiencing as you read the text messages from your boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend, you reminded yourself.
"Alright, well, I guess I should probably hit the road and get the rush hour over with."
You stared a little too long, wheels turning in your head. No. This is dumb. Don't open your mouth.
"Do you have some place you have to be tonight?" Way to go.
"Just, um. Okay, this is so awkward and I swear it's not a prank or publicity stunt or anything and I'm not a stalker..."
"Though you are beginning to worry me," he chuckled, with a conspiratorial nod of his head.
"If no one's waiting on you, you could stay the night at the farm with me. There's plenty of room. And that way you don't have to make the trip twice." The words were out of your mouth before you could even consider you might want to clear it with your friend. But who wouldn't want Henry Cavill staying under their roof?
"Oh. That's, um, that's certainly unexpected and not necessary at all."
"It's no trouble, really. I could just make a quick call..."
"Well, if you're sure..."
"One sec." You turned away to phone your friend and, leaving out the part about a text-message breakup, you secured permission to allow Henry Cavill into the house for the night. No arm twisting needed, just promises of a few photos. You were sure he'd oblige, after everything you'd seen and heard about his gentle and considerate way with paparazzi and fans.
"Okay, we're on. Only if you want, of course." Please say yes, please say yes.
"If you're sure?" That eyebrow would definitely be the death of you.
"Positive. Follow me?"
You headed back to your vehicle, loaded with packages of food and alcohol for the next two weeks. When you pulled out of your spot, you saw Henry in what must be a luxury SUV rental fall in behind you and you led him 30 minutes down the winding back country roads to Grouse Ridge Farm.
"I hope the gravel didn't do any damage," you called to him as you exited your very not luxury SUV "I tried to keep the speed low so I didn't kick back any rocks or dust your way."
"I'm sure it'll be fine. Can I give you a hand with your belongings?" he nodded toward the cargo hold.
"That's so kind of you, yes. Thank you."
You each grabbed several items from the back and you noticed Henry look off toward the barn as you headed up the wide front stairs of the wraparound porch.
"Are there horses on this farm?"
"Why, yes there are. Do you...oh, of course you ride! Would you like to see them?" You set your bags down to fish the house key out of your pocket and opened the door.
"I'd love to. Shall we put these groceries away first? And are you feeding an army?" Henry's laugh was so pleasing, not derisive or mean at all. Just genuinely cheery. You led him to the kitchen where he began to hand you items from coolers to place in the fridge while you chatted.
"Not that it's a terrible trek to the store, that's actually the other reason I stopped in town on my way out, and there are a few variety stores nearby as well, but when I'm out here, I love to just ... be out here. So I try to plan for most meals with an occasional night out at a local restaurant or two."
"Surely you can't eat all this by yourself though?"
Here we go.
"No, you're right. I wasn't actually meant to be alone here for two weeks. Along with my birthday, tomorrow was supposed to be my one year anniversary with my boyfriend but he bailed." You could feel tears welling. "Like, it's been a little stressful lately, because he's been away for business for a few months and he's promised to get back to visit on weekends when he can but that hasn't worked out so well and this was going to be like a reset for us and then he texted..."
"He did not break up with you in a text message?"
You nodded slowly, embarrassed at how ridiculous the whole thing sounded, but also at the well of tears still building and threatening to break free.
"What a complete and utter twat. Pardon my French."
That particular curse never failed to make you giggle, and so with relief you let out a cautious laugh and wiped the tears away.
"He really is," you replied. You took a beat. The method of ending the relationship notwithstanding, even the few months before he was sent off to a new city to help build a brand for his company hadn't been the greatest. Petty squabbles, missed dinner dates, shifting priorities. You were so grateful you had held your ground and insisted on not moving in together right away. "You know what? Just nevermind it. I mean, if I'm not important enough to plan a few trips home over several months to continue nurturing our new-ish relationship let alone show up for an anniversary vacation, clearly he's not worth crying over."
"There you go! Absolutely right."
"Should we go meet the horses?"
"Love to." 
The bright smile on his face had you weak in the knees again but you somehow managed to lead Henry back outside to the barn, stepping inside the large doors carefully, so you didn't spook the animals.
"They don't spend all their time in here, do they?"
"Oh, no! It's just getting late and dark soon. My friends have a farm hand who comes by in the mornings and evenings to feed and water them, let them out on the property, muck the stalls, wrangle them back in. All the things I'm positively no good at. I can feed the goats," you laughed and nodded to the three animals in an enclosure with a small door leading out to a fenced in paddock.
"Well that's a relief. Do you know their names?"
"Yes! This is Telly," you walked toward a massive brown stallion with a gorgeous black mane. "And next to him is Butterscotch. Her coloring is my favorite. Over here we have Mikka and Sadie, the two Appaloosas. Sadie's pregnant. "
You watched the way Henry cooed and whispered to each horse in turn, taking the time to figure out the exact right spot to pat or rub or scratch at. Was he that meticulous in all his interactions?
“And what kind of dogs do the owners keep?” 
“How did you ...?” you trailed off as you realized he must have noticed the dog beds by the fireplace in the great-room off the kitchen, as well as the water bowls scattered throughout the house and barn. “They have two Great Pyrenees.”
“Oh, big floofers then. Excellent!” Did he just say floofers? Could this man get any more adorable? 
“Yes,” you laughed. “Um, Leo and Gabs.”
“And where are those two?”
“Oh, well my friends take them along on trips. I wish they’d leave them. I love their couch cuddles. Don’t care how many lint rollers I have to go through.”
“Ha, yes,” Henry laughed. “Lint rollers, a dog owner’s best friend.”
Oh shit.
“Henry? Is Kal with you on this trip? I mean, he’s not suffering alone in a strange hotel room right now is he?” You were close to mortified. Had you forced Henry to abandon Kal? 
“In the hotel room, yes. Alone? Decidedly not,” he chuckled. “I rang my assistant on the way out here to let her know she’d need to extend her baby-sitting for the night. Kal’s in good hands. Probably scamming for extra dinner as we speak.”
“Oh, good! Speaking of dinner, are you hungry?”
“I could eat, yes.”
“Good. I have something for that.” Henry cocked his head to the side with an eyebrow raise and you paused for a moment, shocked at how easily the double-entendre slipped out. “I just mean, well, you know, the army stores and ...”
Henry laughed and saved you from further embarrassment. “Yes, what’s on the menu tonight?”
“Okay, well I have sandwich fixings, a few soups, stuff for stew, plenty of pasta options, and oooh, I make a killer bolognese if I do say so myself,” you listed off as you headed back into the house.
“Oh, I don’t want you to go to any trouble. Sandwiches would be fine.”
“It’s literally no trouble. I prepped the sauce this week. Just need to reheat it and toast up some gnocchi. The hardest part for me would probably be opening the wine. I don’t know if you know this, but I’m terribly clumsy and all the bottles I brought are corked instead of screw tops. Jeremy bought them all before he left for work. Would you mind?”
You nodded to the stash of bottles on the counter and Henry set about picking out a pairing for the dinner. “Did he imagine you’d never want a glass without him?”
“Like you said, total twat. Oh, and I don’t mean to keep putting you to work, but it’s going to start getting cold in here now that the sun’s down. I can turn up the thermostat a bit, but how are you at building fires?”
“I’m excellent at it.” He was already turning toward the great room after pouring two glasses of red. You wondered about the title of this Hallmark Holiday movie you suddenly found yourself in.
By the time the fire was roaring, you had plates served up at the long farmhouse table. Henry sat and the two of you chatted throughout the meal, beginning with his amazement at how you were not lying about the sauce.
“Right??? I simply won’t be modest about it. It’s like the one good thing I can do.”
“Oh I highly doubt that. The skill it takes to coax this flavor? You must be able to translate that into other dishes?”
“Well, I try.” There, a return to modesty.
After dinner, Henry suggested drinks by the fire and you were happy to join him, settling into the overstuffed easy chair, lest he feel you were crowding him on the couch. But this way you could stare naturally into his mesmerizing eyes while he spoke a language you didn’t understand about a topic you could tell meant the world to him. You’d asked about the model he was to pick up tomorrow and that opened a floodgate, as if he’d been dying to chat about his hobby for ages.
“I’m sorry, I must be boring you.”
“Not at all! I mean, I don’t know anything about the game, but I love hearing people talk about their passions. It’s enlightening, getting to know what makes people tick, what makes them happy.” You tried to stifle a yawn. “That’s not a commentary!” you laughed.
“Yeah it’s definitely getting late,” Henry glanced at his watch for the first time the entire evening. Other than a quick glance at his phone at dinner to answer a text from his assistant, his attention had been entirely on you and the evening.
“Okay, well let me get you settled in a guest room.”
There were three rooms in the house with private baths, while the rest shared various full and half baths up and downstairs. You felt weird putting him in your friend’s room or the room with two twins, so the king guest room that you normally stayed in would be his for the night. Don’t think about wrapping yourself in the sheets later.
“This is you. Bathroom is through the far door and there are usually extra toiletries stocked under the sink so help yourself. Oh, gosh! Do you want me to grab a pair of pj bottoms or something for you?”
Henry pursed his lips and with a mischievous look stated, “Hmmm, not necessary.”
It took you a moment to catch his drift and your eyes widened as you turned with a squeak of surprise. “Oh! Right, okay.. Well, I’m just down the hall if you need anything. Goodnight, Henry.”
“Goodnight Henry,” he winked when you turned back confused, then waited as you entered your room laughing. 
You closed the door and took a deep breath then exhaled as you began imagining him naked in your bed. You grabbed your toiletry bag and prepared for bed trying not to think anymore about it. Sleep was going to come hard tonight.
Chapter 2
Tags: Please let me know if you want on or off or moved.
Anything: @mayloma @fvckinghenrycavill @geralts-yenn @sillyrabbit81 @kittenofdoomage @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @aireraume @kebabgirl67 @marantha @sweetdreamsofgelato @beck07990 @itsrubberbisquit @dedicated-to-mr-cavill @alexakeyloveloki @feelmyroarrrr @raccoon-eyed-rebel (I put you here based on all our fun times together, but please let me know if this was too presumptuous) @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings @kingliam2019
Hall Pass: (askers and likers, though if you liked the teaser post and you aren’t here, Tumblr won’t let me tag you)  @anastasia00moon (can’t tag you sorry!) @crymeariversworld @tess-lecter-blog @codykosuckmytoe @casadutti @fefa-la-printcessa @kaylamontaniz @kemillyfreitas​ @urmom3sposts​ @alicasalime​ @florxdexcerezo​ @lothbrokcore​ @straightforwardly @fuzzyugly-blog @livesinfantasyland @thereisa8ella @coldmooninthedark @12dilucswife @ms-angiealsina
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xayneimagines · 9 months
Buggy Baby: Improper use of ChopChop
Fandom:One piece
Pairing: Buggy(Sub) x Reader(Dom. She/They. MC)
Genre: Filthy smut and fluffy aftercare
Content tags: Smut, pegging, dom/sub, use of ‘baby boy’ ‘pretty boy’. Praise kink. God did not make the Devil fruit for such sins. After care like a proper dom should. He’s a crier. Reader got a cunt but uh…it’s not really used much here. Just kind of mentioned for description purposes.
I use “~” too much. No, I won't change.
TW: None? I think? If I’m wrong, tell me.
Apology:Sorry it took longer than I wanted it to. There has been some shit going on lol. There might be some mistakes cause I couldn’t get someone to look it over and I’m dyslexic and a them-bo
All that MC could hear was the sounds of flesh against flesh and Buggy’s whimpers as they fucked into him. The grip she had on his hips was damn near turning her knuckles white as she continued to bring his ass back to meet each thrust, plunging his own cock further into him.
“Fuck~ You’re so pretty, Buggy~.”
“Mmm…mmm…fuck, fuck, fuck, please MC~” He was barely able to pant out each word, voice trembling along with each push of her hips into his. They always thought he looked so beautiful like this, drenched in sweat and begging her. She just wished he could see his cute flushed face, but they hadn’t had the foresight to ask him to pop his head off. Maybe they should invest in a mirror…
“Please what, Buggy baby. How do you want me to fuck my sweet captain tonight?” She panted out, a sheen of sweat on her forhead just from the actions of fucking him alone. The only real stimulation being given to her was the feeling of Buggy’s balls sometimes slapping against her, but fuck, watching him like this was more than enough to satisfy her.
While he could move his dick however he wished typically, being fucked out of his mind already made him falter too much. Thankfully, the harness MC purchased kept his dick sitting nice and pretty right where they needed it, pressed against her cunt.
“F…fast, flashy, fast.” They loved when he got like this. All he could do was whimper and repeat a few key words that his mind latched onto. They let out a playful giggle, one hand moving to push on the middle of his back while she propped up one of her legs all to make sure she could reach him nice and deep.
With one hand still on his hip, they started thrusting faster, using the leverage of her legs to help drive her further and deeper than before.
“F-f-f-FUCk~” Buggy’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as one of his hands detached, flying to grip the back of MC’s head in hopes that clinging to the strands there could keep him grounded. He always seemed to lose himself to her, mind only able to focus on how good they fucked him. Even before they switch to using his cock instead of a toy he found it too easy to just melt into her. Now there was no chance with the amount of stimulation he was getting. Feeling how he stretched around himself, cock pulling in and out fast enough so that he never felt empty. It was just so good.
And then he heard MC moan as his fingers buried into her hair and pride shot through him like a damn cannon. He loved being good for them. Being her good boy.
As if MC sensed his thoughts…
“Fuck, you’re such a pretty boy for me, Buggy~ Look at you taking your dick so god damn well~ How can you not love this perfect body of yours.” Praises fell from her mouth just as his tongue lolled out of his, knowing how much he needed the praise. Sometimes he thought he could cum from her pretty words alone, but it was hard to articulate that to them right now.
“P..perfect?” He barely managed to whimper out the words, breath leaving him each time his cock would bottom out.
“Mmm, yeah baby. Could watch you bounce all day like this~ Fuck, you know how you make me feel~ I gotta show you how much I appreacite you, yeah? Show you how much of a good slut you can be for me?” She asked, panting between each word as she continued to fuck into him. She might not have been able to feel him clench at her words, but god did she love to see it.
“Good slut. Good slut for you~ Fuck, there!” He shouted as his cock brushed against his prostate, keeping to their agreement to always tell her when she finds the perfect angle. MC drilled into his head to call it out every time they did this, saying she wanted to make sure his sweet spot never got neglected just cause she couldn’t feel it through his cock.
When “there” left his lips she made sure to angle her hips to hit it everytime, the bed under them rocking violently and headboard hitting the wall. There wasn’t any point to being quiet. The crew knew well enough. She could tell he was getting closer as the ramblings turned into just sounds and shouts, his dick sputtering against its harness but unable to move or flail.
“Gonna cum for me? My good boy wants me to make sure his ass is nice and filled up?”
“Y..yes! Yes, fuck! Fuck I’m gonna cum!”
“Where you want your cum baby?~ Better be a good boy and tell me what you want before you’re done~” She quickened the pace, almost hoping he’d forget to tell her just so that she could find a fun way to punish him for it.
“In!! Want it in! Fuck, please!”
She grinned at his words, leaning over his body and biting down onto his neck playfully as her brutal pace continued, not even bothering to try and pull all the way out before plunging back in. No, if he wanted it in, she’d make sure it would stay deep inside and not one drop would risk getting spilled out.
He cried out, cum shooting from his dick and coating his own insides, the grip on her hair tightening briefly just before his hand seemed to fall off of her head. As he came she slowed her pace, wanting to make sure to ease him down from his high, his flaccid dick slowly rubbing against his insides before he fully collapsed onto the bed.
MC started to pepper sweet kisses over his shoulder and back, waiting for him to tell her he was ready for her to pull himself out. Each soft kiss came with a gentle praise about how well he did and how good he always made her feel.
“You did so good, buggy. The best performance I’ve ever seen. So flashy and beautiful.” Of course she was still horny, but this hasn’t been about her anyway. She wanted to make sure he felt as good as he deserved to feel, and she didn’t mind going without cumming if it’s for him.
“You…you can…” He didn’t finish his sentence, but she knew what he meant. Slowly she pulled out, separating their body just enough once she did so that her hand could undo the clasp keeping his cock in place. She giggled when it seemed to just fall, moving to grab it slowly and put it back on its owner. Buggy hissed a little at the touch, but didn’t protest it. She always made sure to put him back together again after tearing him apart like this.
“You’re so good for me, Buggy.” They whispered, wanting to make sure as he came to the first thing he’d register was the praises. “You cry so pretty every time. I swear, there’s nothing better than you coming undone, my love.” She whispered it into his ear before her teeth slightly pulled at the lobe, checking to see if he was even awake.
A chuckle answered her before he slowly moved to lay onto his back, hand finally reattaching. MC let him get comfortable before she laid her head on his chest and arms around his midsection. He never cared about being a big or a little spoon. He always just needed to touch her afterwards.
“Course I do! I’m the best!” His words were enthusiastic despite the fact they were laced with exhaustion. He always felt like king of the world after she fucked his mind blank. All he could do was say yes mam and agree with whatever she said. That and, of course, whisper love repeatedly.
“Don’t sleep yet. I gotta clean you up now.” MC said with a grin as they looked up at their sleepy clown who frowned a little.
“I’m the captain and captains orders is for you to stay right here and sleep with me.” He declared, barely able to keep his eyes open. She giggled and moved up to kiss his cheek.
“Fine, captain. You can nap. But I do need to clean up all this mess before it fully dries. So be a good boy, and let me.” Their words turned sultry as she kissed his lips. He hummed in annoyance, but let go of her waist to allow it.
She moved quickly to grab the bucket of water and rag she had placed in their room ahead of time. Of course soap would be better, but there was no way she was gonna be able to convince him to bathe fully right now. She dipped the rag into the water, rung it out, and sat on the bed. She started with his stomach, gently running the rag over his body with love and careful affection. She tried to be even more gentle with his sensitive cock, a small whimper coming from him every time she lightly wiped at the tip. When she got to where she would need his ass, she gently tapped his thighs.
“Come on, pretty. You gotta roll over or lift your hips for this part. Unless you got the energy to detach.”
“If I detach I’m not getting back together again.” He barely managed to whimper, eyes fully closed now as he let her clean him. He groaned a little when she taped his thigh again, but slowly lifted a leg so that it would rest on her shoulder. She quickly grabbed a nearby pillow and placed it under his hips so that he didn’t have to strain to stay hoisted, and she gently ran the rag along his ass.
“There we go. We’ll take a full shower in the morning. Thirsty?” She asked, tossing the rag into the bucket while she placed a kiss to the inside of his calf. She was a little shocked to see his eyes opened again, staring at her. A moment of silence passed between them before he held his arms open a little.
“Just love me.”
“Don’t be silly, Buggy. I already do.”
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melanieph321 · 5 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Fake Love Part 4/8
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
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Reader is a kindergarten teacher. Nothing more nothing less. But following an accident whistle vacation in Dubai she somehow makes her boyfriend believe that she does somthing else for a living, something that earns her way more money than she has. Her boyfriend, Ruben, is just happy to have found someone who understands him so well, someone who doesn't want him for his money since money isn't an issue for neither reader or himself. Or so thinks. Would finding out the truth ruin their newfound relationship? Readers thinks so, and does everything to keep up the lie, although it has some bad people from the middle east looking for her.
You called for one outside of the airport in London. You were tired from the journey and longed for a hot shower back at your apartment.
"Taxi!" You shouted, quite desperate for one to pull up.
"Y/N, chill." Alicia said. "Our ride will be here in a minute."
"Our ride?" You frowned.
Alicia nodded, phone still pressed to her ear. "I'm consulting the Siddiq family right now, see if they can send us a...."
Alicia's eyes widened with terror as you lunged for her phone, forcing her to hang up.
"Whatta fuck Y/N!"
"Are you crazy?" You hissed
"Am I crazy, are you crazy Y/N? Give me back my phone for fuck sakes."
You held her phone behind your back, refusing to return it. "Alicia we are not doing this. We can not continue spending somone elses money. It has to end. Right now."
"Why? They owe us don't they?"
"No Alicia, they owe us nothing, especially not you." It was not her leg that grilled in the fire. "The Siddiq family has shown us enough kindness then we deserve, this will not go on any longer, agreed?"
She didn't agree. However, she could tell how serious you were about this. "Fine." She said, stretching out a hand, demanding her phone back.
"Who are you gonna call?"
"Well, it's not Ghostbusters, is it? I'm calling a taxi."
You handed her back the phone, a sly smile on your face.
The days passed quickly there on, like your time in Portugal never happened. The burn on your leg healed but roughly, the skin not as smooth on that part of your leg. The only times it bothered you was when you got out of the shower, standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror. However, no one was gonna see you naked, at least not for some time. Yes, you felt guilty for giving Ruben a fake number, but you held your ground when it came to not live off of some rich business man in Dubai. It was the only reason Ruben was interested in you in the first place, because he thought you were rich like him. But no more lies. Meeting Ruben was a lie and even though falling for him felt real it was built on a lie and no relationship could ever flourish from somthing like that, right?"
"Yes, Simon?"
You snapped out of your daydreams, peering over your desk to see one of your kindergarten students with a pen up their nose."
"It's stuck." He said.
You sighed, rising from behind your desk. "Let's go to the nurses office shall we?"
You had one of your colleagues come in and cover for you whilst you escorted Simon to the school nurse. Yes, your life was really back to it's glamorous self.
"Hey, Y/N? Need a lift?"
It was Byron, seen crossing the school parking lot to get to you. You were really not in the mood, still adjusting being back to work. All you wanted to do was go home and lay in your bath.
"Sure Byron, why not."
He was considered a friend, although you know he never really got over your brief hook up in university.
"The kids are glad to have you back."
"Oh, thanks Byron. That's nice of you to say."
He drove you home the long way, avoiding the highway that would only take you ten minutes to arrive.
"Not only the kids." He added. "I missed you too."
Your smile was stiff, but at least it was something.
"When Nina told me what happened to you in Dubai I got so worried that I had to take a day off just to calm myself down, not to worry the kids that their teacher wasn't coming back to work."
"That sweet of you Byron. But it wasn't a serious thrid degree burn, my skin heald pretty quickly." Your boss Nina made it seemed like you lost a limb or something. Mainly because Alicia's dramatic Tik Tok's had people assuming the worst. Even your parents called you in concern after your brothers came across one of Alicia's vlogs from the hospital in Dubai.
"Well, I'm just glad you're back."
"Thanks Byron."
He was a sweet guy, not relationship sweet, but a descent human being sweet. You appreciate how much he cared for you as a friend.
"I have no problems giving you a ride to and from work, I mean we're basically on the same schedule."
"Thanks Byron, but I don't think that will be necessary."
Alot of people had offered to help you out,  even your boss suggested you'd cut back on your hours a work, however, it wasn't necessary. You needed something to take your mind off things. With things you meat, your agonizing thoughts of what could have been between you and Ruben.
Arriving home, you grabbed yourself a light snack from the fridge whilst waiting for your hot tub to fill with water. Once it did you, stripped yourself of your clothes, slipping I to the scolding water, allowing the heat to relax your muscles. You did not stay relaxed for long though, seeing as there was an incoming facetime call from your phone. "What?" You grunted, since now was not the time to hear about the latest gossip at Alicia's workplace.
"Hey, gorgeous,"
You stiffened at the sound of his voice.
You were looking into the screen of your phone, in disbelief of who was staring back at you. It was Ruben, with his hair sprouting in every direction as he looked to lay back in a bed, one arm draped behind his neck. "Um...hi." You stuttered, not really sure how any of this was possible.
Ruben smiled "I just wanted to see how you're doing and see if you're missing me as much as I'm missing you."
"Um, how...?"
"Did I get your real number?" He chuckled.
Heat rose to your face.
"Well, after calling "your number" over a hundred times, Fabio let me get in touch with your friend who told me what was going on."
"Alicia gave you this number?"
"Mhm." He nodded, tossing what looked to be a grape, into his mouth. "She told me that you thought that I wasn't that into you, that perhaps I was only out to screw you over or something."
"She did what?"
"It's ridiculous, I agree. How do you even come up with something like that? I mean you're the one who screwed me over by letting me call a fake number like an idiot."
There was a jab in your stomach as his tone was serious, laced with sincere hurt. "Ruben I'm so sorry. I didn't..."
"Let's not play the blame game." He waved. "Your friend made it clear that you haven't been dating for a while and that your game might be a bit stiff."
Ruben laughed.
"I am not stiff."
"I believe you." He said, although he had trouble talking between laughs. "I mean you look pretty relaxed in that bathtub back there."
You gasped when you realized. "Oh my god. Ruben I'm...." Embarrassed. You were terrible embaresssed, sinking deeper into the water to cover yourself. You and Ruben hadn't talked for days and the first thing he sees is you slipping him a nipple.
"It's okay, Y/N, really. The view is great from here."
"Oh shut up."
You put the phone away, letting Ruben have a good view of your bathroom ceiling. The tub needed more water, and bubbles, lots of of bubbles.
"There you are." He exclaimed, once you returned to the screen, now neck deep in in the water. "Thought I lost you for a sec."
"Ruben, maybe now is not the time." You said, tormentented by how stupid you must come across to him.
"Y/N." He said, his voice now restrained.
"What?" You muttered, trying to stare at anything but the screen.
"Look at me."
Your eyes looked up, meeting Ruben's kind gaze.
"You're good, okay. Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable by calling unexpectedly. I just...." He sighed, a hand running through his already messy hair. "I can't seem to get you out of my mind."
You sunk deeper into the water,  biting down on your lip. "Me too. I can't stop thinking about you either."
"Well, when can we meet?" He seemed excited that your feelings were mutual.
"Ruben, I'm not sure I'll be going back to Portugal anytime soon. I mean I have a job to do and..."
"Y/N." He said. No. Chuckled.
"What's so funny?" You frowned
"You really don't watch football do you?"
"What do you mean?"
Ruben sat up in bed, showing off the tracksuit he was wearing. "You said you've heard of Manchester United, no?"
"Yes, the English team that you told me played in the Premier League."
"Right. Well I play for their arche rivals Manchester City, meaning I live in Manchester, England."
"Wait what?"
"So, you're not from Portugal?"
He chuckled. "I'm from Portugal Y/N, I was born and raise there. But just like you I was just on vacation. I got back to Manchester yesterday."
"So what you're saying is that we're both in England as we speak?"
"Yes. And my team has fixtures in London all the time, meaning I'll be able to come see you between games."
The problem was that you had once again lied to Ruben when he asked you were in England you lived. You figured London sounded more suitable abode for a business woman, not Chells Way, Stevenage.
"Y/N, you alright?"
The downside about facetime was that your emotions were all on display. Ruben clearly caught your reaction to his offer and it was not what he had expected.
"Of course, there is no pressure for us to meet." He said, clearing his throat. "I just thought, that it was something that we both wanted."
"I want to meet." You nodded, although your voice betrayed you. "I just...my job, you know?" It was another lie. You were piling lie upon lie on this fake love of yours. Nevertheless, Ruben ate it all up, nodding understandingly. "I get it."
He was so kind. He didn't deserve this from you, from anyone.
"Ruben?" You whispered, following a moment spent in silence.
"I really missed you."
A muscle jerked in the corner of his lips. "I missed you too."
"Tell me." You sighed, leaning back against the tub, splashing water around yourself. "Tell me how much you've missed me."
Ruben froze for a brief moment, seeing you redirect the camera angle in a way that revealed more of your body.
"Alot." He gulped, watching you dip a hand between your legs.
"Yeah? Tell me more."
He couldn't see all of you through the murky water. But as the layers of bubbles disappeared with your slow shifts, the swell of your breast resurfacing.
"Oh, baby don't do this to me." Ruben's head fell back against his pillows as he too adjusted his camera angles. You watched him slip a hand down his sweatpants and stroke whatever he was hiding in there. "I missed you so much, wishing you were here, with me." He moaned, chest heaving up and down with his heavy breathing.
"Ruben, please. Tell me what you want to do to me." You up the pace of the movement between you legs. You we drawing small circles against your clit, the sensation sending chocks of lightning to your body's nerve endings.
"I want to fuck you, hard." He groaned.
"Yeah, and?"
"Fuck you hard and watch your tittes bounce when you ride me."
"Yes, and?" You were squinting your eyes, primitive moans leaving your mouth, echoing throughout your bathroom.
"And..." He grunted on the edge of something. His movements down his pants were faster than yours, unable to contain himself.
"And, Ruben? Please tell me."
"Baby, I can't. I'm close." Ruben's camera shook with the bouncing of his bed. You watch him please himself, please himself to the image of you.
"Me too baby, me too." You arched your back in the tub, one of your legs going over the edge, opening yourself up wider. "Look at me baby, watch me come for you."
He seemed unable to multitask, having to slow down as not to make himself come before you. He watched you please yourself to the point of screaming his name, you're fingers buried deep inside of you.
"Fuck." He groaned, staining his bedsheets with the erruption of his cock.
"That felt good." You smiled, regaining your breath, coming down from the high. "I can't believe I just did that."
"Me neither." Ruben said, no longer in his bed. He looked to be in a small bathroom, washing his hands. "Sametime tomorrow?"
You shook your head, unable to hide your smile. "Goodbye Ruben."
He smiled, a cheeky smile. "Goodbye Y/N."
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starheirxero · 13 days
He's becoming more and more violent. Don't get me wrong, he has already grabbed people by the throat and threatened them, but now? I think, it's becoming worse.
He fucking broke Eclipse's fingers as a "warning"! He also comes off as a lot more controlling! Both through his need to control Earth, not wanting her to have any type of relationship with Eclipse, and actively putting drones around to spy on his family!
He threatened Jack of all people, and is lashing out at anyone and anything now!
And that doesn't even touch on the hallucinations…. By God, this Solar sounds so broken. He sounds like he is mourning a brother long gone, because Moon can't turn around now.
He can't take back what he said. He won't stop what he's doing.
More so, Solar sounds guilty, like he is blaming himself for the path Moon has chosen!
His family is also very much done. Their heart-to-heart was wonderful! It was heartful, and truly shows how far they've come! But by god, it also shows what Moon is willing to lose.
Speaking of which? Considering the things we've got from MGAF, and Lunar's confession of wanting to talk to Moon, I think something really bad is about to happen-
I think, Moon will go too far, and hurt Lunar. Except it won't make him stop, but push him further.
Things will probably get worse from here-
Speaking of worse-
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Moon has been making me more and more shocked and baffled with every passing day!! I expected some manhandling and threats but ACTUALLY HURTING ECLIPSE??? THAT WAS WILD 2 ME. HE GAVE NO FUCKS.!!! AND WITH JACK TOO, I CAN'T HELP BUT WONDER IF HE REALLY WOULD HAVE HURT JACK ALL THE SAME... AND WHAT THAT MEANS FOR LUNAR </3
AND SOLARRRRR YEA YEA he always sounds so betrayed or heartbroken now and it fucks me UPPP 😭 Guilty is definitely a good way to describe it... and the sweet family moments aoauagah softness amidst it all. bursts into tears
I was literally overjoyed to see them interact again and yesyesyes exactly like u said, there's so much tension!! They've both come to,,, not a middle ground, but they've found a lot more neutrality than before and it's so wildly fascinating watching them navigate each other now!!
Your point about them cutting short any reasons to talk longer is especially yeah. Like, they tolerate each other just enough to be having the conversation At All, but any care for the more personal aspects are completely discarded. I don't know how else to put it, it just intrigues me so muchh!!! <3<3<3
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underoossss · 9 months
Hey not sure if you are still asking for short blurb ideas but what about reader surprising Joe or Steve at one of his shows (like at one of his concerts)?
I made some changes, I hope that’s okay. I just don’t write for joe, just for steve so this is surprising steve at work after being away. Enjoy mutual pining idiots in love.
no warnings, 1.2k
There’s a skip to your step as you round the corner towards Family Video. Steve’s got no idea you’re back in town, you told him you’ll be back tomorrow, but it was a little white lie to surprise him today. Four days away from your best friend in the world was torture, especially if you had to go away to the middle of nowhere for a family reunion. It’s not high school, why do we have a reunion? You asked you parents as your car pulled away from your driveway last Friday. Aunt Fran wants to. Well Aunt Fran is crazy and you really need a hug from Steve right now.
Your heart pitter patters inside your chest, and anticipation makes your hands tingle with nerves. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It really fucking does; your feelings are all over the place and if you don’t keep them in check, he’ll know you’re crazy in love with him. With a deep breath of fresh autumn air, you push the doors to FV open and step inside.
“Stop crying, I’m back.” You say loudly, as Steve is nowhere to be found at the checkout counter.
There’s a loud crash and the sound of boxes falling coming from the back room before hurried steps announce Steve. “Oh my god!” Steve’s smile is star bright, lighting up his whole face and wrinkling the corners of his eyes. His arms are wide open as he all but runs towards you with you meeting him halfway.
A pleased laugh leaves you as Steve squeezes you to him and spins you around. You let yourself close your eyes and soak in the warmth and affection coming from him, you’ve missed him so much. He puts you back down on the ground but doesn’t let go. “You’re never leaving for so long again!” Steve laughs next to your ear, and so do you.
“I’m guessing my surprise worked.” You grin, stepping back and meeting his eyes. Your eyes take in every detail even though you’ve already memorized his face. He’s wearing the pair of jeans that drive you crazy and a cozy soft green sweatshirt that brings out his brown eyes. You need to stop staring.
“You lied to me.” Steve rolls his eyes but pulls you into another quick hug. “How was the trip?
“So bad, Stevie.” You groan, walking towards the counter and leaning against it. “Aunt Fran thinks TV makes you crazy and doesn’t allow radios in her house!”
Steve laughs loudly at this and though you try to frown and be serious you can’t; the sound fills your chest like a helium balloon, full of so much love for the boy in front of you. “You can’t be serious.”
“Stevie, I’m not joking around!” You cross your arms, groaning miserably at the ceiling. “I couldn’t listen to music for four days!”
“Babe, what happened to you Walkman?” Steve’s eyebrows meet in the middle as he leans sideways against the counter, facing you.
You bite the inside of your cheek and look away from him. “I might have accidentally stepped on it, accidentally, and now it’s a bit broken.”
Steve’s hand pushing some hair away from your face is what brings your gaze back to him. He’s smiling, “You really shouldn’t listen to music lying on the floor, you always leave your Walkman there.”
Body burning and heart hammering you shrug as nonchalantly as you can. “I’m sure I can bribe Dustin to fix it.” When Steve chuckles you change the topic. “How were things while I was gone?”
“Boring.” Steve blows some air through pursed lips, shoulders hunching as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Oh, but moustache dude was here on Saturday.”
“No!” A loud belly laugh leaves you at the news. Moustache dude as you call him is this random old man that comes by to rent old westerns, a big moustache under his nose that he combs constantly. Every few minutes to be exact. It’s a weird moustache and kind of greasy, which overall is gross. Ever since you were here one day and had to hide behind the counter to laugh, Steve gets the giggles when he pulls out the tiny comb from his pocket.
“He was out the door fairly quickly, I guess he wanted to see you.” Steve jokes, smiling softly as you finish laughing. “Maybe I should grow a moustache like that.”
“Stevie, no.” Your giggles are cut short and replaced with horror. “Don’t even joke about it.”
Steve scoffs, pretending to be offended. “You don’t think I can grow a moustache like that?”
“’Course you can.” You shake your head. “It wouldn’t suit you is all, your face is pretty as it is.”
To your horror, you bring a hand up to his face and you thumb traces the tiny bit of stubble along his jaw. “It’s nice like this.” You blame your poor schooling of your feelings during the four Steve-less days; your heart has taken the reins for a second as your eyes linger on the pretty moles and freckles on his cheek. Then as if electrocuted you put your hand back to your side. “But, it’s your call. Maybe moustache dude needs a friend.”
“Maybe.” Steve’s tone is far away and indecipherable but gives you no time to panic that you made things weird because he grins softly at the floor. His hand comes up to scratch his chin as his eyes meet yours. “You know, there’s going to be a rom-com double feature at the drive in tonight. I was kinda bummed because you were gonna miss it. But now that you’re here…”
“Yeah?” You prompt, heart climbing up to your throat; this sounds like a date, you think.
“Would you like to go? They’re playing your favourites.” Steve smiles before looking away and rubbing the back of his neck.
“I have so many favourite rom-coms, Stevie.” You smile at him, taking a step closer.
“Definitely from your top five.” He looks down at you, happy just from the sight of you. It makes you feel electricity underneath your skin. “So, what do you say?”
“What time are you picking me up?” You ask in confirmation, loving the way his face lights up.
“7:30.” He says after he clears his throat.
“Sounds perfect.” You nod, suddenly feeling shy under his gaze. “I umm– should leave you to fix that mess in the back room.”
“Yeah, um… yeah.” Steve nods stepping closer to you and pulling you in for a goodbye hug. “See you later, then.”
“Bye, Stevie.” You smile, pulling away from the hug and walking backwards towards the door. It’s only when you round the corner out of view from FV, that you let yourself celebrate; you don’t know that Steve is doing the same.
Reblogs are super appreciated 🥺✨
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the-jarvy-party · 2 years
chapter one (masterlist found HERE)
simon “ghost” riley x (fem) reader
lower case intended // warnings : cursing, gore, normal cod stuff
wc : 1.4k
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“we have a new recruit.” captain price walks into a dim room with five men sitting at a table in the middle of it. he ushers me into the room, closing the door behind him once i walk in.
“hey! you’re just in time for our meeting. things are getting juicy around here.” a man said, he had a british accent and only had hair in the middle of his head.
“soap is correct, now take your seat.”
I sit in between soap and a guy with a skeleton face on, he looks at me. almost like i was his next target on a mission, and once he locks eyes with me he turns back to look at captain price.
“he’s a little fucked up in the head, don’t worry about him.” soap leans over to me and i smile.
“i’m normal.” he had a thick british accent, he was kinda a bitch not gonna lie.
“i bet you are.” i look over at him, and he goes back to face captain price.
the plan was set, and now that the meeting was over everyone was trying to find a nickname for me.
“how about-“ soap tries to think of a nickname, but gaz interrupts him.
“no! your nickname will be ass i’m not here for it.” he crosses his arms over his chest and captain price rolls his eyes.
“i can’t believe these are the best soldiers in the world.” he mumbles and goes over to get coffee.
“well, she’s the intelligence part of the task force.” ghost spoke up, and the room went quiet. “so, make a name from that.”
“ghost, maybe you should come up with it.” soap looks over at him. “since you’re sooooo smart.”
“mhm, thank you.”
i’m not even sure how i got on this task force, i was fresh out of boot camp. probably a week or two.
“how about artemis? i mean she’ll be on the ground soon.” alejandro puts his cup down on the table.
“i doubt she’s good at accuracy.” ghost looks straight at me.
“you’re literally wearing a mask.” i speak up and soap starts laughing. “it wasn’t that funny..” i turn my head to look at him, he was practically wheezing.
“you should… take the mask off…” soap tries to catch his breath.
“no. don’t ask that again.”
“okay, we have a clear target. in the next week we’re moving to the middle east to eliminate it.” captain price turns on the tv, the target’s information being on the right hand corner of the screen.
laswell walks into the room, handing captain price a folder and then sitting down diagonal from where i was. he opens it up, and looks around at his crew mates.
“alejandro is gonna be stationed in mexico for standby… ghost, soap, gaz, and new girl will be coming to eliminate the target.” price closes the folder and sets it on a file cabinet in the corner of the room.
“question.” soap raises his hand. “how exactly are we going to be eliminating the… target?”
“great question, we will have all of your questions answered on the way to the middle east.” price shuts the tv off and walks out of the room, laswell following.
“okay. artemis, ghost, gaz.” we all look over at soap. “no matter how this goes, we’ll cover each others asses.”
“of course!” i smile at soap and look over at gaz.
“totally.” gaz sits back in his chair.
one week later
we were sitting in a helicopter, and hair kept getting in my mouth. ghost was observing the interior of the helicopter, i didn’t know he could see through that mask.
soap was silently singing some songs from hairspray. “i can hear the bells.. well, don’t you hear em’ chime…” he was tapping his legs as he was singing.
“you’re gonna hear the bells soon if you don’t shut the fuck up.” gaz mumbles.
“hm? what did you say? couldn’t hear you.” soap gets closer.
“if we’re gonna be stuck here, together for like 4 more hours… can you both maybe shut up?” i look over at the two of them and ghost chuckles.
the three of us look over at him, ghost clears his throat.
“you just laughed! i knew you could do it, buddy!” soap starts cheering in his seat.
“okay, everyone. we’re landing about 30 miles away from where our target is. ghost, you’ll be the closest to the blast site. locate the target.” captain price comes out of the cockpit, “don’t forget to turn on your radios.” he throws me one and i catch it.
“artemis, gaz. you two will be in the control van, be on call at all times. soap, you’ll be with me.” captain price continues to talk about the procedures.
graves and shepard were talking in their headsets as they were landing the helicopter.
“we’re burning daylight here…” graves clicks the radio on, he was leaning against the inside of the van.
“copy, graves. stand by.” shepard was a few miles away from where the van was. “laswell, do we have confirmation?”
“watcher-1 to bravo 0-7, are you in position?” laswell was watching what was going on through a computer back in the states.
“nearly there.” ghost sounded like he was out of breath. “got a heli incoming.” i hear faint rumble coming out of my ear piece.
“that’s general ghorbrani.” laswell sounded so calm, and relaxed.
the palms of my hands were sweating, i couldn’t mess this up or i’d be off the team for good.
“you good?” gaz looks over at me and i nod. “ah, first time jitters. got the same thing.”
“…i’ll give him that.” i heard the last few words of shepards sentence. i spin in my chair, facing a monitor to the right of me.
“i’m eyes on.” ghost was extremely close to the target - i could see it on his body cam.
“what do you see?” i hear laswell start typing on her computer.
“armed personnel, amor and hardware… all russian.” ghost slightly whispers.
“what the hell are the russians doin’ with ghorbrani?” shepards southern accent was in full swing, but he was right. what were they doing with ghorbrani?
gaz taps me on the shoulder. “you got this, okay?” he gives me a thumbs up and i smile.
“thank you.”
“supplying iran, it’s an arms deal.” laswells tone of voice changed.
“you copying this, shadow-1?” shepard was practically breathing on top of his mic.
“we need positive id on ghorbrani before we kick this off.”
“ghost, can you identify the general?” shepard sounded so calm for such a high tense situation.
“armed escorts around one vip… russians are very happy to see him.”
“it’ll be the last time they do..” i chuckled at shepards response.
“visual on general ghorbrani.” gaz looks up at his computer, the coordinates popping up as ghost finished his sentence.
“copy.” laswell sighs. “all stations - target confirmed.”
“shadow-1, you’re cleared hot for launch.”
i heard graves celebrating outside of the van before getting serious again.
“roger that, actual.” he hits the side of the van. “ghost, you are danger close to the zone. this arrow is gonna pack a punch.”
“copy. approved.” i can hear ghost slightly step back on my ear piece. “send it.”
i enter the code on my computer, the monitor turning green.
“we got green.” i turn on my radio.
“all stations, shadow-1. missile ready for immediate delivery, stand by for launch.” graves droned on the radio. he was in the main van (where the missile is) while gaz and i were in the makeshift control center.
“coordinates in, gaz. target designated.” they were all so relaxed about literally killing a whole bunch of people.
“two.. one.. shot out.” graves turns off his radio. gaz and i could hear the missile soar from above us.
“you gotta control it. monitors riiiight up there. you got this.” gaz points to the monitor that was practically on the ceiling of the van.
“got it.”
“missile is loose.” graves comes back on the mic, video footage from the missiles camera turns on.
“link is good, target acquired. artemis, this’ll take manual guidance.” graves starts to read off the coordinates of where the missile is heading.
“you’re right in the pocket, artemis. stay with it.”
“check coming in hot, brace for impact.” graves was watching everything happen on his computer.
gaz was moving around, turning on a few switches.
“time to target… 5 seconds.” graves sounded super focused. well, of course he would. “termination in 3… 2… 1.”
i aim right for their base, and the video camera on the missile goes out of order.
“bloody fuckin’ hell.” ghost mumbles.
“bullseye, artemis.” soap exclaims.
“direct, target destroyed.” when ghost said that, we all cheered. i felt a little guilt though, but i soon realized i shouldn’t have.
11.3.2022 // peace and war, chapter one
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eris-snow · 1 year
𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲
Tags: Valentine's Day, fluff, bakugou x fem!reader
To comfort all those who are single on this cursed day
Bakugou isn't much of a romantic. After all, he's busy, you're busy, so the chances of him doing something grand or huge is completely off the table.
And yet here he is.
No, it's not because he overhears you gushing with the other girls over something that damn nerd did for Uraraka. It wasn't because of that damn nerd one-upping him or Uraraka being too obliviously happy.
It was because of your eyes that made him do a doubletake.
"So that's why you were out for so long!" Mina squeals, as the rest of the girls huddle around Uraraka like she was getting fucking married.
"He took you to that owl cafe? the one that you've always wanted to go to?" Hagakure inquired excitedly.
"And he got you roses and a big batch of chocolates from that brand you like?" Jiro confirmed.
"You're such a lucky girl, Ochako!" You gushed as the girls partook in another round of squeals and giggles.
Bakugou stares at you unwaveringly, suddenly forgetting why he was in the damn kitchen in the first place the minute he hears your hoarse laugh.
"It's not my fault my schedule doesn't line up so nicely with these damn festivals," Bakugou mutters to himself, staring down at his cup of hot cocoa. he realised it was about to overflow and hastily slammed the kettle down in its home spot.
Deku got lucky, he justifies, cursing himself internally for getting distracted. Tomorrow's a weekend. He'll do something then.
Karma repays him with another round of guilt-tripping laughter, and it makes him look back at where you're sat on the couch, eyes pooling with unsaid envy. Bakugou almost breaks the glass in his hand.
Fuck it.
He transfers the hot cocoa into a thermal and grabs a spare picnic blanket from the cabinet, tossing it over his shoulder as he stomps his way out of the kitchen and over to you.
"C'mere you," he throws you over his shoulder and hauls you away, ignoring your surprised stutters and useless failings.
"Where are we even going Katsuki?!" You yell at him as the girls watch you get dragged out of the dorm rooms and into the dead of the night. "Isn't it past Bakugou's usual bedtime-?"
"I didn't even get to change, Asshole," You complain, rubbing your wrist the minute Bakugou let you go. "Why did you bring me into the middle of nowhere past curfew-"
"Look around, Dumbass."
This was a spot he found after going for a walk through these trees. After one of his worse nightmares, he got up and tracked through the greenery to calm down.
Stumbling across this place was one of the best coincidences in his life. Bakugou spreads out the picnic blanket he brought along, flicking his wrists once, then twice as he hears you gasp beside him.
"I come here often when I need some quiet time to myself." He mumbles, plopping down on the ground. "Those extras always invade my room when I want privacy."
There's an opening at the place you're sitting, an opening in the canopy of the lush green trees to make way for the shining stars.
It just so happens that the sky was clear tonight.
"Hot cocoa," He announces, passing the flask to you without meeting your eyes. He couldn't, not with this heat crawling up his cheeks. You take the flask from him, gaze softening. He doesn't even need to look at you to know that you've got him all figured out. You're too smart.
"Is that what this is about? What the girls and I were discussing about earlier?"
"Fuck, no!" Bakugou replied. Crap. That was too fast. That was too obvious.
You quirk an eyebrow, raising the flask to your lips.
There's silence between the both of you because Bakugou knows you've identified his lie. There are no words as to not damage his pride. You just sit there and drink his hot chocolate understandingly, waiting for him to make the next move.
Bakugou runs his hand through his hair, ruby red eyes finally meeting yours. "I've been wanting to show this place to you," He admits. There's a shift in his aura that you notice. It's as if he's letting his guard fall as his once raspy shouting turns to soft, hoarse confessions of how he really feels.
"Just never found the time to."
Your heart clenches at that sentence. The both of you were so caught up with internships and homework and revision that it felt as if your relationship didn't exist. Maybe that's why your heart felt a little empty today.
It had completely slipped your mind, but the minute Uraraka started talking it'd reminded you...
Today's Valentine's Day.
And you didn't even do...anything.
No gifts, no flowers, no chocolates...not even a kiss.
All your presents for your boyfriend had been quarantined in your room because you never had the chance to give them to him.
Judging by his face, this was a last-minute plan as well.
"Happy Valentine's Day," You whisper, face breaking into a soft smile at Bakugou's flushed cheeks. "Thank you, Katsuki. For making my day."
Bakugou couldn't help but shake his head. Even with this makeshift plan, you were still so grateful for what little time you have left today.
"I don't deserve you," Bakugou rasped, intertwining his fingers with yours. "I'm so sorry, Y/n."
"It's fine, Katsuki-."
"No it's fucking not." He cuts you off. His eyes cut through yours, "Next year's gonna be different, got me? I'll buy the whole ass chocolate factory if you ask me to."
You burst into a fit of giggles at that, lying down on the blanket and staring up at the stars. "Thank you, Katsuki," You repeat, tightening your fingers around his.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Y/n." He mutters, staring up at the sky with you.
The very next day, you find a beautiful bouquet of orange roses and a box of handmade chocolate waiting right outside your door. The note on it says it all:
I love you, Dumbass.
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wannaseewhatshangin · 10 months
The greasers reaction to there s/o who is a singer when they are on stage singing a song they wrote about them that they didn't know about.
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Im SO sorry this took forever. I'm doing it right now because I just now have the motivation to do it, um I just recently went through my old requests and found this and I'm so excited. (Also I'm going to use a Taylor swift song "Enchanted" for this fic <3)
[All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you.]
You stood tall as you watched the crowd's eyes stare back at you, only looking for the eyes you know.
You were scared to death. Your closest buddies were going to watch you perform and you wrote a song for them.
You first met eyes with Darry, sending an excited wave at him.
The music started and you grabbed your mic.
"There I was again tonight. Forcing laughter, faking smiles. Same old tired, lonely place."
You sang quietly as you met eyes with Dallas, two-bit and Johnny.
Dal's cold eyes made you nervous and made you feel like you wanted to jump off the stage and fall to the ground.
"Walls of insincerity. Shifting eyes and vacancy, vanished when I saw your face. All I can say is it was enchanted to meet you."
The gang stood dumbfounded as you sang unfamiliar lyrics.
"Why haven't we heard this before?" Steve asked the gang.
"Maybe it's for some ol boyfriend." Two-bit joked before soda stepped in.
"Man, she ain't got no boyfriend."
"Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?". Across the room, your silhouette starts to make its way to me. The playful conversation starts. Counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy And it was enchanting to meet you. All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you"
You started to get more comfortable for the chorus, pointing to the gang discreetly, smiling brightly.
"She pointin' at us?" Ponyboy asked Johnny.
He just shrugged, also wondering who it was you were pointing at.
You continued to sing your song that you spent nights on, wanting to make sure it was perfect for the boys.
"This is me praying that, this was the very first page. Not where the story line ends. My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again. These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon I was enchanted to meet you."
You sang the rest of the song, ending it off by introducing the gang to the crowd.
"This song was made for my best friends. Darry is the dad of the group. Always keepin' us together and makin' sure we ain't breakin' our necks." You said, Darry smiling at you from a distance.
"Steve. I may not like you that much but you entertain me by doin' dumb shit. Good job for not killing yourself. And uh. Sodapop, Your movie star looks aren't gonna save you from this ass whooping you about to get if you don't stop leaving your work shoes in the middle of the floor. Love ya though." You said jokingly as Steve flipped you off, smiling at you as well as the crown "oo"ed as you said your part to soda.
"Ponyboy and Johnny. I love you two so much. And Ponyboy you need to stop stealing my cigarettes. Please and thank you. Johnny, I know you don't have a nice family at home but you have a nice family with us and we are here to stay." You saw Ponyboy holding Johnny as he teared up, wiping his nose.
"Two- Bit. One of my favorites. If you don't stop waking me up at three in the morning I'm gonna kill you. Yeah. I see you smiling over there. Don't think I won't hop off this stage and kick your ass. Love you." Two-Bit laughed loudly, along with the gang.
You looked at Dallas, your hands getting sweaty slightly.
"Dallas. Uhm, you may look like an asshole but you- no you still are. Stop taking my snacks. The next time I catch you I'm gonna pop you in the mouth. But I learned to look past your bitchy attitude and I learned that you just need to be cared for. We care for you and you need to know that you aren't fucked up. You just have a bitchy attitude. Love you asshole."
The crowd clapped and hollered.
"I love ya'll so much and I would risk it all for you guys." Half talking to the crowd. But you were really talking to your buddies.
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Daryl x reader - no angels here
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Part 11:
You and Balthazar made your way to the seal that you had placed in the middle of the community, he stood on one end while you stood on the other.
Pulling two knives from your belt, you handed him one and he held it to his hand and you did the same thing.
“Is this going to destroy the earth? Cause I mean I’m not down for that.” He said.
“No idiot, it’s going to strengthen the barrier, create another seal which will be half my power and half yours, if I die, you come here and break that seal, break them both, my power will become yours.”
Balthazar looked at you in worry.
“You’re not going to die though, right?”
You gave a sad smile, shrugging a little bit.
“I can’t be sure, but just in case. I want a back up plan you know? Because if they kill me they will come here, they will try to destroy this community.”
“I know…”
Balthazar gripped the blade in his hand and you did the same thing.
Blood from both of you followed the seal you had already made, and it created another larger circle around it, creating a second part to the seal which was half beige and half gold with a hint of black.
You both began chanting in different languages, letting the seal spread out in all different directions, creating larger and larger seals.
When you were done, the seals faded into the ground, your wounds healed and you both put your knives back into your belts.
You walked over to him, turning back to the sky to see more so called stars falling to the earth, every time one of them hunt the ground there was a small vibration.
“How long do you think we have?”
You knelt down, placing your hand on the ground.
“Going by the amount of them landing, probably a day, two at most I would guess.”
“The whole of heaven?”
“No, a good amount of them though. I imagine it’s for show, they know they can’t deal with me. Only two angels could.”
“Lucifer and Micheal.”
You nodded your head, and stood up.
“Lucifer really doesn’t care what happens up here, and I’m his favourite so he wouldn’t do it, Micheal on the other hand he’s a bastard, he could have a good chance at fighting me.”
“So you reckon it’ll be the all righteous Micheal?”
You nodded again.
“Yup, he’s always hated me anyhow, if it weren’t for the fact my fate was a mass vote in heaven he would have killed me. Instead he got to come up with my punishment.”
“Are you sure you want to do this alone?”
“I haven’t too, you need to stay here to keep these people safe Balth.”
You spent the night getting everything ready, building your power, checking your make sure you had all your weapons.
You were doing this well into day, sitting on the tallest spot in Alexandria, staring at your knife and your halo.
You wanted to bring it with you but you knew better, this is what Micheal would use in order to get the upper hand in the fight.
Putting your knife away, you grabbed your halo and jumped down on the street, making your way to the church where the council was meeting.
You walked inside, straight over to Daryl and you set it down in front of him.
“I want to say thank you but what the fuck is this?” He asked.
“It’s my halo. I need you to keep it safe.”
He carefully took it, and he set it next to where he was sat on the bench.
“Alright, why?”
“Just.. I need you to look after it for now.”
Daryl furrowed his brows a little bit and you smiled gently at him.
“Thank you.”
You turned around and left, making your way to the gate.
You stopped to look at Daryl and the others as they came over.
“Where are going?” Gabriel asked.
“There’s some things I need to do, I’ll be right back.”
“Nah, you’re gonna go fight them.” Daryl said.
A heavy mist rolled into the community and you began backing away.
“I’m sorry everybody.”
You spun around, jogging towards the gates in order to try get out of them before anybody found you.
Your plan didn’t go as you thought because apparently as soon as everybody’s vision was clouded Daryl ran straight for you.
He knew these streets like the back of his hand, and he cut you off, standing in front of you.
“I ain’t lettin’ you go alone.”
“Daryl this isn’t a debate, these are celestial beings, and dear my father be a badass when it comes to walkers and people, but angels? They would kill you in a heartbeat.”
“They’ll kill you if you go alone!”
You walked over, placing your hands on his shoulders, moving one of them up his neck to his cheek, running your thumb along his skin.
You smiled softly at him, brushing some hair from his face, tucking it behind his ear.
“Daryl… I’m an Angel… I have demonic powers… I’ve fought my brother before.. I can do it again..”
“Yeah, you had wings then. The fuck are you gonna do if he takes off huh? You clearly ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
You sighed softly.
“Daryl I know you want to come with me, but I can’t let that happen.. I’m sorry..”
“I’m comin’ with you.”
You brought your other hand up, placing it on the back of his head, pulling it down to press your forehead against his.
“Listen to me darling…”
You took his hand, leading up to the curb and you sat him down, crouching down in front of him, taking his hands in yours.
“Daryl I love you so much… I never thought I could love anybody.. let alone love someone the way I love you…”
He let out a sound which sounded like a scoff, but you knew it wasn’t actually a scoff.
“I cannot bring you into this fight knowing that you’ll die within seconds.. Micheal he… he can destroy living creatures with the snap of his fingers… I’ve seen him do it before… he’ll do that with you…”
You sighed a little bit, resting your head on his knuckles.
“I’m not going to stand there and watch my own brother kill you… it’s bad enough I probably have to kill him.. but I’m not going to watch him take away the man I love…”
You closed your eyes.
“I need you to stay here and keep my halo safe, because if he gets his hands on that, if he breaks it he’ll kill me…”
“What if I accidentally break it or some shit?”
You laughed a little bit, lifting your head to look at him.
“You can’t break it darling don’t worry, only celestials can, so you’re fine.”
He nodded his head.
“Still comin’.”
“You can’t, okay? You just can’t. I’m doing this to protect you, I’m sorry.”
You stood up, backing away to head to the gates.
“I’m trying to protect you!”
This made you stop.
Daryl stood up, running a hand through his hair, and he marched over, standing in front of you.
“All this fuckin’ time I’ve protected you, kept you safe. Now you just think amma let you walk into that shitfest alone? Nah. Ain’t happening.”
“I have to do this alone Daryl, for everybody here, for you.”
“I have to come with you for you!”
“Daryl you can’t! I’m not going to let you come!”
You clenched your jaw a little bit, wings stretching out a little out of reflex to try and intimidate him.
He scoffed this time.
“Put that shit away you ain’t scaring me.”
“I’m doing this alone and that’s final!” You snapped.
“No you ain’t!”
“You have this hero complex where you think you have to save everybody Daryl but you can’t save me! Don’t you get that?! You can’t save me! I’m too far gone! You’re doing this because you think you have to!”
Daryl stormed over, grabbing your face in his hands he slammed his lips on to yours, moving one of his hands to the back of your head.
You grabbed his jacket, pulling him in closer closing your eyes as you leant into the kiss.
Daryl pulled away, brushing his nose against yours.
“You ain’t too far gone dumbass…” he whispered.
Daryl pulled away, and you smiled gently at him.
“I ain’t doing this because I have too… I’m doing this because I… I guess I love you too…”
You laughed a little bit at that, leaning up to quickly kiss him again before stepping away.
“I’m so sorry… but this is for your own good…”
You placed your hand the side of his face, and caught his body as he fell limp, lowering him to the ground.
Taking your jacket off you folded it and placed it under his head.
Reaching into your pocket, you placed a blue flower into the pocket of his jacket, leant down and kissed his forehead pushing yourself up.
You finally made your way to the gates and jumped over them, following the road down to where you knew the army against you was gathering.
The sun was high in the sky, and clasped your hands behind your back as you looked at the angels lined up on each side of the road as you approached.
“What a welcoming party, I could never imagine you would do this if I returned to heaven.” You mused.
You stopped short of a crossroad, hours away from Alexandria, in the middle of nowhere.
You watched as a black haired man with pristine white wings folded against his back.
“Ah Micheal. You still look like a dick.”
He chuckled a little.
“As pleasant as ever I see (Y/N), have you come to finally kneel, accept your fate and the fate of this cursed world?”
You scoffed a little bit.
“You would like that huh? Get rid of the Angel that kicked your ass halfway across heaven, and burnt your own little slice of happiness to the ground.”
“That library held some of the only books created spamming thousands of years back!”
“Oh relax dear brother of mine, they’re just books.”
Micheal sneered and you smirked a little bit.
“You killed your own siblings.”
“Oh please so have you, so what? You’re creating pitiful angels just to try and scare me.”
Micheal clenched his jaw.
“If you give yourself up now, I’ll leave those humans you care for alone.”
“Yeah, I know that you won’t do that. I’m not stupid Micheal.”
He pulled out a sword, and you pulled out your knife which made him scoff.
“Serious? A knife to a sword fight?”
“Oh how cute you brought a toy knife to a fight to the death.”
You laughed bitterly.
“Oh? You think this is what I’m going to use to kill you? No, this was just the starer.”
You tossed the knife into the air, the sun glinting of it, and you caught the hilt of a sword, twirling it between your fingers.
“No Micheal, but I’m sure you remember my sword that father gave me right? Traps any souls I harvest inside of it, and I’m going to trap yours, then I’m going to throw you into the deepest pit of hell.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
Micheal lunged for you, and you easily dodged his attack, hiding your wings from him.
He went to slam his elbow into your back and you dodged him again, swinging your sword only for him to block it with his own.
You stood side to side with him, your red eyes locked on to his golden ones, and you grinned a little bit.
“I’m going to enjoy killing you…”
You kicked your leg under his, and he rolled backwards to jump back up, swinging his sword, white flames coming straight for you and you countered it with your own, sending both in all directions.
“I’m going to kill all of you if I have too! If you get in my way you’re dead!” You yelled.
You lunged for Micheal again, flames burning away at your body as you attack him head on with your whole strength
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pooplyface1423 · 3 months
~The most radiant angel in all of heaven~
Pt 4
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*No one's pov*
After the little chat Faye had with Emily, she headed straight home, grabbed some belongings, and stuffed it all in a small bag. Why? Well, her and Emily were planning on going with the exterminators, well just Faye since it would be too obvious if Emily went as well.
Faith quickly went all the way back to not be spotted by Adam or Lute quickly getting in a uniform she found in a box and then hearing how they were actually going to kill Charlie and her friends in hell.
When Adam finally gave the green light to fly down to hell, faith looked back at heaven
"Welp, there's no backing out now"
She said as she flew down with the exterminators
*your pov*
After that extremely mind bending meeting with hell you decided that you three had to take the rest of the day off and so while Faye talked with Emily you and hope went back home and took an hour long nap.
When you finally woke up you saw hope was shaking you awake why?
“WELL SHE ISN'T IN HER ROOM, and idk we're she could be at”
After that both you and hope looked everywhere for her and with nothing of her appearing you went to Emily and asked her were faye was
“Well I don't know miss”
“Oh well are you sure”
And after some pressuring she reluctantly said they went to fight with Charlie
“But please don't tell será about this she doesn't know I told her to go”
“Oh okay …… WAIT WHAT?”
“We agreed it would be better if she went but I didn't know she went this secretly”
Afterwards you both left emilys room and went to your house and you Reluctantly said
“hope I want you to stay here and make sure sera doesn't find out im gone”
“But why? Where are you going”
“I'm going down to hell”
*a small pause filed the room*
“mom let me go with you”
“listen dear I don't want anything or anyone to hurt you please stay here”
“NO mom what if something happens i want to be there not only to save faye but to be there for you”
From there you agreed and you both got ready to secretly go down to hell. You made a simple yet good plan.get down to hell find faye convince her to go back into heaven! Simple right?
Well, not really, even tho it was concerning how easy it was to go down into hell by finding where Adam and the exterminators portal down to hell was and just flying down I guess.
*Around 1 hour earlier *
Faith's pov
Okay, quick plan
Flying down there and hiding, take the mask of and help charlie quick and simple plan.
*Nobody's pov*
Faith quickly flew down and hid in a corner of the hotel out of sight and took off the mask, taking deep breaths and then out of nowhere a big green and black orb thingy wrapped around the hotel.
When Faith came out of her hiding spot, she ran up to whom she thought was charlie (somehow) and hugged her
"CHARLIE IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU," said Faye in a squeal
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" Says Angel quickly grabbing Faiths arm and twisting it
"OUW THAT HURTS LET GO -" "YOUR AN EXTERMINATOR RIGHT," says angel, quickly pining her to the ground
"FINE BUT IF I FIND OUT YOUR LYING UR FOR SURE HOING TO PAY FOR IT," says angel menacingly before letting her go and going back to fight other exterminators.
Faith quickly gets up and runs toward who she double checks is, charlie, and not someone other demon
Charlie looks up at the person running towards her
FAYE it's you! How did you- " " ask questions later i'm here to help!" Says faye as quick as she can while still hugging charlie
They both quickly get back to fight after charlie as quick as she can explain how to kill the angels.
They both quickly help the others fight until Adam somehow jumpscares Charlie and starts to fight her
In the middle of the fight between Charlie and Adam, just before Charlie got hurt ✨️Lucifer✨️ comes and helps with the fight.
"Oh my -" says Faye as she sees Adam being killed by a little kid?
After wards Lucifer says
"Who wants pancakes? "
After everybody helps rebipuild the hotel they get inside and charlie introduces Faye
"Well, everybody, this is Faith she came to help all the way from ✨️heaven✨️"says Charlie
"Oh, that's her name. I just kept calling her kid since no one said anything, "says Husk, sipping some booze.
"This Angel and my girlfriend Vaggie!"
"And I'm Niffty"
"Oh haha, well, hello everyone"
After the small introduction, charlie told everyone to talk about themselves to know each other better.
While Angel was talking bout something other than his job, charlie interrupted him
"Dad, you finished organising your room early!"Yea, I did. Why?" "I want you to meet Faye"
"Oh um, Hi, I'm Lucifer"
"Oh hi, I'm Faye it's a pleasure meeting you, sir,"
"You look only familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"
"Probably not, sir. I'm from heaven, so the possibility of that is zero"
"Oh well, um, I was actually from heaven like a long time ago, so um, when were you born?"
*Says when she was born *
"Oh, haha, that was less than a year after I left haha oh what a cool coincidence"
*Akward silence filled the space around the three*
"Mhm Yea definitely something cool. Um, dad, come here. We're doing some get to know each other."
"Sure, sweety"
Just about when Faye, Lucifer, and charlie were about to sit down Angel said
"Um, Charlie, you might want to come see this"
Then everybody quickly followed charlie outside
The big heavenly portal was opening way closer to the hotel.
"Do you think they're back for another battle?" Says vaggie holding Charlie's hand
"I don't know, but I guess we'll see," says charlie, squeezing vaggies hand
Then, from afar, they could see two angelic figures about the same height one female? And one male? Or are they both female?
"Ms.Valentin?" Says Charlie slightly, covering her mouth in shock
"*y/n?*"thought lucifer, trying to take a closer look at you
I'm finished, so sorry for the delay hope y'all liked it
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@yourmommylol04 @lxkeee @adaizel @juskonutoh @vann13 @selvyyr
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thedirtygridd · 1 year
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WARNINGS - 18+, Strong sexual content, Dominant theme
Summary - Lando invites you on a hike, where he then reveals a secret location he likes to take girls. One thing leads to another and you end up getting very dirty with him. (Not my photos)
The hike was tough. You were both walking up the hills around Monaco, you had been going for a few hours now. Sweat starting to drip off both of your bodies.
You had been invited on the walk by Lando Norris. Someone you had not fully met before, only spoken to on Instagram. He slid into your dms a few weeks ago and insisted you came to meet him today.
The young hot shot. The flirtatious, horny, sex-driven male ( so you had heard ). You had heard stories about him and how wild he can get.
After his split with his girlfriend, he had gone all out - sleeping with as many different girls as possible. Trying out as many things as he wanted, because he could. He always had a supply of girls willing to get fucked by him, because look at him!
And he knew it���he was becoming a very sexually confident man. A dominant one.
It was midday, the sun at its highest, the temperature starting to soar. Lando had taken off his tshirt for the remainder of the climb. You found it difficult not to stare. Your eyes automatically flicked over to observe his muscly body.
You noticed his muscles tensing up and twitching as he walked, the sweat dripping down his hard back. You were definitely attracted to him. He had the body every guy strives for.
“Let’s stop up here…this will be a good spot” spoke lando as he pointed to a quiet spot near the bushes.
As you approached the bushes, you were surprised that lando continued to walk, his arms pulling aside the branches and brambles. He created a path for you to follow.
“In here?” You asked, confused.
“Yeah come on, it’ll be fun…nobody will see us in here, can’t be bothered with the paps seeing me”
You walked in front of him, past where he was holding apart the bushes, and as you did, you felt a shoot of pain hit you as he slapped your right ass cheek. The slap was hard, but also felt good
“What was that for huh?” You asked
“I couldn’t help it, you’ve got such a great ass. It needed it”
You weren’t fully listening at this point, as lando faced you, because all you could remember seeing was a trickle of sweat slowly dripping down from his wide neck, down the middle of his thick chest, and then zig zagging across his what looked like rock-hard abs.
He was panting slightly after the climb. Every time he panted, his abs would grind against one another.
You sat down on the floor , hidden by the bushes in his secret little spot.
“Fuck I need to piss” cried out lando.
He didn’t even hesitate, he immediately slid his shorts down, exposing his jack and Jones boxer shorts. He tight hand entered the front of his boxers, and whipped out his cock. He started pudding in front of you, onto the bushes. He ass half exposed to you as he did. You had never noticed how good of an ass lando had for a guy.
Before you could say anything, lando spoke “get undressed”
He continued to piss, you could hear his flow hitting the ground. He cock sounded powerful…you wondered if it would be in other ways.
You pulled your shorts down and exposed yourself in just your bra and panties. By the point, he has finished and had turned towards you. His hand still gripping his cock, but now he was stroking it at the sight of you.
You noticed how quickly his cock had become erect, his fingers rubbing his hardening tip, you noticed him mix some left over piss with the pre-cum that was now starting to ooze out.
He stood in front of you and looked down at you. You felt so innocent and over-powered. His abs looked even better from down below.
“Suck me” he demanded
You didn’t even have to hesitate, his cock looked so appetising. It stood in front of your face, rock hard, and you couldn’t help but think that it was the best looking cock you had ever seen.
You took him into your mouth, you could feel every throbbing vein on his shaft as you slid your tongue over him.
He tasted very salty, the taste was good. He began thrusting harder, you could hear him begin to moan over the sound of his cock sloshing around your mouth. He took both his hands and grabbed the back of your head as he pushed even further. You started to gag on him, but he continued to thrust.
Spit started dripping out your mouth and onto your chest
At this point, lando pulled out. You noticed ribbons of your spit dangling off his hard length as he stood over you. He masculine hands pulled off your bra and he began smothering your spit around your face, and your tits.
He then grabbed your throat…you felt so dominated. He added “ open your mouth for me baby “ and do you did.
He stepped over you and spat into your mouth. His spit tasted good too. As you sucked on his saliva, your hands smothered his sweaty abs. The feeling of them so hard, and so slippery. You didn’t get long to admire them, before he ordered you to get ready for your next task in pleasuring him
He knelt down in front of you, you placed a hand on his thick and sweaty shoulder, while lando placed his on your chin. He kissed you and then said quietly “you might never have done this to a guy before…but you’re gonna do anything I say aren’t you baby?”
You nodded
“Lick me out..” lando said bluntly.
He faced away from you, showing off his delicious back muscles, and then bent forward, almost as though he was on all fours. His ass was exposed right in front of you
You went closer and began to lick him. You swirled your tongue around his rim, and used your other hand to jerk his hard cock at the same time
“Faster! Fuck yeah” lando groaned. You knew you were pleasing him, his whole body started twitching. Your tongue briefly going even further into him and you rimmed him out
Before you knew it, lando had got too sexually frustrated, and had flipped you onto your back. He immediately slid his tongue inside your pussy. He went further than any guy had ever. His tongue licked up every inch of you down there, the feeling so immense.
And then you finally got to feel every inch of him inside you. He got you positioned into doggy, and entered you. From this position he felt huge. He felt like he was stretching you from all angles. You heard him moaning, as he slapped your ass.
You must’ve orgasmed at least three times as he fucked you like this.
He pulled out, you heard a “slop” noise as he did, all your juices flowing out in pleasure.
Lando flipped you over and spat on your tits. He placed his length in between both of your tits and started thrusting. You used your hands to push them both together, squeezing on his hard cock. The mixture of his spit, and your sweat, creating the perfect lubrication.
And then you felt him tense up…his eyes rolled back into his head, his teeth biting his lip, as he released his load.
You felt his cock pulsate as the warm, gooey, white milk hit you. It splashed up your neck with force, and smothered your tits.
You knew his cock would be powerful after watching him piss. Now he had proven that with him cum shot.
As he finished, you both took a moment to pause. You looked down at yourself and noticed how covered in his juices you were
“Well … that was fun…you’ll have to come hiking with me more often…” Lando flirted.
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justanoasisimagines · 28 days
Better off without them
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Summary; When Michael is ditched by Oliver, you decided to make friends... Pairing; Michael Gavey x Female Reader WordCount; 627 Warnings; Strong Language A/N; Requests are open! Credit goes to @cafekitsune for the divider an banner!
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It was shocking how fickle some people could be. You rolled your eyes when you observed Oliver Quick ditch Michael Gavey for Felix Catton. Oliver was no more than a magpie, easily distracted by something shiny.
You'd seen it happen countless times. People flocked towards Felix the second they realized his wealth and power. You'd often wondered if any of them truly cared about Felix at all.If times got tough, would any of them be there with there for Felix? Probably not, they'd drop him the second he was irrelevant.
Yet it was Michael you felt sorry for. No one deserved to be dropped like that. Calling over the bartender, you proceeded to order Michael a pint and you another drink.
"What's that for?" He asked, pushing glasses up as you placed the ground in front of him.
"For you to drink of course, obviously. I saw Oliver ditch you for Felix, so here"
"So you brought me a pint out of fucking pity. I don't want your pity." You scoffed as you picked up the pint. If Michael didn't want your company or your pint, he could suit himself.
"Wait, I never said I didn't want it" Placing the pint back down, you moved to walk away. Hopefully, Michael knew all people weren't materialistic arseholes.
"You don't have to go if you don't want to. Unless you're meeting someone else." Michael was honestly one of the most confusing people you'd ever encountered. If you sat down, was he going to tell you to fuck off?
Slowly, you sat in the chair adjacent to him. Giving Michael ample time to change his mind. His lack of contempt reassured you. He'd decided to keep your company, for now.
"Sure thanks" Michael opened up his bag, pulling out two crunchies as you were taking a sip of your drink. Suddenly Felix's table erupted with obnoxiously exaggerated laughter.
"Vapid cunts" Michael mumbled under his breath. You attempted to hide your laughter with a fake cough, failing miserably. Michael's lips twitched subtly.
"Once they've finished their studies, not one of them will keep in contact. It's all for show, like a muster of peacocks all flaunting their tails. A way to show they've got high social status or some other nonsense."
"I thought Oliver was like me. On outcast. Didn't take him long to fall for Felix's charm, did it?" Michael suddenly found his pint interesting. Truly you wondered if Oliver thought he was better than Michael. No supposed friend should just drop someone like that. Gritting your teeth you struggled to restrain yourself from marching over there, giving Oliver a piece of your mind.
It would be no more than he deserved.
"You don't need him. He'll realize one day his friendship with Felix has no depth or integrity." Michael mumbled something intelligible as he took a bite out of the middle of the crunchie.
"Sounds like you have experience?" Another sip of your drink, before you began to unwrap your crunchie and revel in the sweetness.
"I had a group of friends when I first started Oxford. They decided to ditch me for Felix. Some of them are over there as we speak" Michael peered over your shoulder.
"Fuck it, do you want to get out of here?" Michael was already rising from his chair.
"Sure, where do you want to go?" You replied as you gathered your belongings. Michael shrugged.
"I know this restaurant not too far from here. Do you fancy getting something to eat?"
"Sounds good" Neither of you turned to take a final glance at Felix and his mates as you two departed the King's Arms. Never bothering to look back on the past, but instead looking to the future with something new.
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dark-andtwisted-raven · 10 months
* Attention *
For those of you that like Smut, Psycho Killers and Story time, read below!
This is my first time writing any Smut like stories, so feel free to leave comments on how to do better, or give me new ideas.
Doom-Head x Reader (Y/N)
This story is written from the perspective of the reader, who has been taken to MurderWorld (31).
* This includes sexual scenes, sadistic killing in horror movie style and blood and gore. Reader discretion *
Today is October 31st 2023. The last thing I could remember was waking up to a phone call from my best friend talking about dressing up for Halloween and going to some slutty party, getting drunk and finally doing something for the holiday. Me and Hayley got dressed in skimpy nurse outfits covered in blood with fake knives, getting tipsy from the few shots of tequila we had whilst heading to a random party we found online.
I started thinking to myself 'how did I end up here, how did it turn out like this' as I was hanging from chains in the middle of a church style building with blood dripping from my body. I felt so numb and disorientated, not being able to work out whether the blood was mine.
As I felt myself coming around, I heard chains to my right shaking and I looked around to see Hayley struggling. I could see the cuts on her face and chest. She started screaming as she looked up to see a strange figure on a balcony above looking down on all of us. I couldn't recognise anyone else who was captured, but I counted five of us.
The figure above lit up as a spotlight shone over him, where he began to explain where we were and why we were here. 'The game is called 31. Each of you will go through a maze throughout 12 hours, but this is a survival game afterall, so you'll be meeting The Heads along the way. There won't be any mercy if either of them finds you'.
That's when we met Sick-Head, who tortured us mentally before undoing the chains and letting us run. 'What sort of fucking game is this?!' I thought to myself as I ran to find somewhere to barricade myself. I could hear Hayley screaming in the distance as she ran a different way, and all I could think was how the fuck was I going to get out of here alive. More to the fact, where the fuck is 'here'?
I ran down a long dark corridor with flickering lights before realisation came upon me about what was going on, and that I was going to die. I leant up against a door and my eyes became blurry as I started crying, wondering how long I had, and when I was going to be killed.
'Snap out of it (Y/N), you will find a way out of here. Or you'll die trying'. I thought to myself, before the door behind me collapsed and I fell to the ground. Slowly I sat up to find a large piece of wood with nails in, probably from the doorframe, leant slightly up against the wall nearby. I looked around to realise I had fallen into some toilets, and saw one cubicle with a door that looked stable enough, so I grabbed the plank of wood and hid inside.
'Ahahahah' I could hear down the hallway. That little bastard Sick-Head was on his way, and I knew deep down I wasn't prepared. I could hear one of the males I saw chained up shouting at him, telling him to open up a gate, as I heard a knife or an axe scrape against the wall past the toilets. It wasn't long before Sick-Head had crept into the toilets and was tormenting me with his laugh and stupidity, calling my number out in spanish. I could hear his footsteps walk around outside the cubicle door, before he pushed it open with force and tried to attack me.
Adrenaline came over me and I fought for my life, and before long Sick-Head was down on the ground. His head was caved in from the wooden plank, as it stuck out of his forehead and nails dug deep into his skin. Was it wrong of me to suddenly feel turned on by the horrors around me? Was it wrong to feel excitement from killing him?
Those questions didn't last long after an announcement came through the speakers giving out the odds for each 'player'. One down, god knows how many more left, I thought to myself. After a few more hours of 'playing', we had only just over 4 hours left, and I had no idea who was still alive, or what came next.
Walking further down what seemed an empty corridor, I came to a large metal door with a small window in, but as I stepped closer I could see a figure of a man with his hair slicked back and white paint covering his face. He had blood dripping from his lips as he smiled eerily towards me before he turned away. 'Doom-Head'. The words slipped from my lips as a whisper, remembering some drawings I had seen on the walls of all the different 'Heads'. I didn't know anything that was going on, or what was going to happen, but I knew he was the one to be the most scared of.
There it was again. 'Is it wrong to be turned on by this? Is it wrong to feel something when I saw him look me deep in the eyes from the window'? What the fuck is wrong with me, I kept thinking to myself.
I found myself in a large room with metal bars as barriers, and multiple giant containers scattered around. I started wondering if I just needed to survive the timer, and what would happen to me if I did.
Two more hours went by in complete silence, sat inside of a locked container. That feeling came back, and the darkness in me settled down. I could feel myself wondering that if I was to die, why sit here in fear waiting for it to end. My hands wandered down my body and underneath my dress, as I tried to think about being somewhere else. Thoughts of the party and being drunk raced through my mind, as I was dancing with some guys and feeling a rush of ecstacy. But then floods of thoughts of having Doom-Head stood infront of me with his knife to my throat made me whisper his name. Ofcourse, I didn't know his real name, but 'Doom' was enough to make me feel the pleasure I was looking for.
And at that moment, I heard a knife scrape up against the wall of the container, as I covered my mouth to silence my heavy breathing. This was it, the end. The container door slid open and he stood there in a dull light, but I could see his smile through the makeup and blood, as he gazed upon me, my skirt lifted up showing me in all vulnerability. I waited as I stared at him, wondering when he was going to attack. But he didn't. Not the way I expected.
'Tut tut tut' he muttered as he slowly walked towards me, lowering his knives and sliding them into the back of his waistband. 'It's a shame (Y/N), I enjoyed the way you fought for your life. I wanted to watch you scream beneath me before plunging myself inside you'. And there it was again, that damn feeling rushing to my head. 'Plunging himself inside me.' My thoughts were definitely different to his.
And after I blinked, there he was. Stood right infront of me, grinning showing all of his teeth and the blood dripping from his lips. 'What's the matter, little girl?' He asked. I could feel my legs shake and my lips tremble as I couldn't bring myself to speak any words to him. 'A little shy are we?' He asked as he took his gaze down my body to see my dress lifted up to my chest, showing my skin underneath. I didn't know where to look. His eyes? No. His hands incase he grabbed his knife. No. I looked up to find him biting his lip as he mentally undressed me completely. 'Do you want me to beg?' I whispered in fear. 'Do you get pleasure watching the vulnerable kneel before you?' I knew how I meant it, but did he?
His eyes looked back into mine as he smiled and took out his knives from behind him and placed them against my throat. 'Oh, you'll beg for me.' He slowly lowered my body down to the ground guided by the sharp blades and lifted them up to force my chin, making me look up at him. 'Is this how you want me?' I shamefully asked, not knowing if he was about to slit my throat for his own pleasure.
Before long, Doom-Head knelt down to grab the bottom of my dress and ripped it off. 'Another shame' he said. 'I quite like a woman in roleplay', hinting at my nurse outfit. I found myself smiling as he did, hoping deep down he wasn't going to kill me just yet. He ran his blades up my legs before getting to my thighs and shouting at me. 'Stand up!' I shot up before he dropped a knife from his right hand so he could place his hand around my neck, continuing to slide the other blade between my legs. 'Is this what turns you on?' He asked. 'Your wet self is cleaning my knives for me'. I could feel the blood from them wiping up against me as he slide the knife against my body, as he continued to smile his evil smile.
Thoughts raced through my mind. How far was this going to go? When would he stop playing and tormenting me?
Another announcement came through the speakers. '31 minutes left, let's have a good time.'
'That's enough time for a whole lotta fun, don't you think?' Doom-Head whispered as he looked into my eyes and smiled once more. 'I guess so' I muttered with fear. He gripped around my neck tighter and tighter before he shouted 'fuck!' and pushed me up against the wall of the container. He looked at me with anger and rage in his eyes, but he still didn't seem to want to end it just yet. He was enjoying this game as much as I was.
Doom-Head grabbed my hair and dragged me to turn me around, facing the container wall. His knife softly scraped down my spine before I heard it drop to the floor joining the other one. I turned my head to see him taking off his suit jacket and tie before he shouted again. 'Turn your fucking head back around'. I heard the buttons on his suit trousers and felt his hand grab my waist as he lowered them to his ankles, before digging his fingers into my skin on my lower back as he grabbed me and pushed himself inside me. He didn't start slow and soft. He just rammed himself inside me hard and fast, gripping tighter and tighter.
I lost track of time as the pleasure overcame me, feeling him deep inside me and hearing him breathe in a heavy pace, feeling every part of him ruin me.
The buzzer sounded and the announcer stated 'Weapons down, weapons down. This is the end of 31'. 'FUCK!' Doom-Head shouted again as he was about to finish. 'You fucking whore' he said as he pushed me away from him when he was done. I fell to the ground, hitting my head on the floor.
I finally came back around finding him kneeling down infront of me, leaning over with his hand on my cheek. 'You cost me money, little one'. I looked into his eyes as he smiled and the sound of his knife flicked. He could see the fear in my eyes as I looked him deep into his, begging for my life. I looked down to see the other knife still on the ground next to him. 'The game is over, but I have to get out alive' I thought to myself. I thrusted my body forward to grab the knife but Doom-Head knew my next moves and grabbed it before I did. 'That's not how you play fair' he said to me with a softer sounding voice. 'And I demanded double pay this year.'
'You'll have to make it up to me then, won't you' he stated, as he grabbed me by the hair and lifted me up to my feet. 'And you'll do as you are told for being spared.' He smiled at me again before he ran his knife over my lips and told me I had to join 31 with him, so he could watch me kill others and do this all over again with him.
Ofcourse, I agreed.
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randoauthor · 2 years
Love Letter To No One (B.B)
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Part Nine: Talk to Me
Pairings: Rooster x Fem!Reader, Dad!Maverick x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, some swearing
Word Count: 1.5K
Author's Note: Second to last part, you guys! we've come so far with this story I can't wait for you guys to see how it ends.
Summary: As Bradley and Pete get themselves into deep shit Lemon finds herself doing everything she can to bring her boys back home.
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*Bradley’s POV*
It’s cold. It’s so cold.
I move to stand unaware of the chaos that was happening back on the ship.
“You have to find him!” I scream, being held back by Hondo, his arms wrapping around my waist, picking me up, and moving out of the command center.
My dad went down twenty minutes ago, and Bradley went down ten minutes after.
"Admiral Simpson," I say sternly, freeing myself from Hondo's grasp. The Admiral turned around, and I knew I would be in deep shit.
"You bring my father and best friend home or so help me god you will never forget my name for my face. I will make sure you never forget what you've done." The command center goes silent at my sudden outburst, a small smile coming to Simpson's face.
"Get her out of here."
With a simple command, Hondo had me once again as he carried me out of the room.
"Lemon," he says softly trying to calm me down, "hey, they will find him."
I didn't even realize I was crying until Hondo wiped a tear off my cheek. "It's okay."
I gave a soft nod as we headed to the deck to meet Payback, Fanboy, Phoenix, and Bob. Their planes had just touched down.
It was Bob who got to me first, his arms wrapping around me in a tight hug, this marked breakdown number two for the day. He rubbed small circles on my back as I cried, Phoenix, Payback, and Fanboy standing off to the side, all four of them feeling guilty.
The five of you found yourselves cooped up in Bob's room with the radio turned up as loud as it would go. The command center desperately tried to figure out a plan. One way or another they were coming home.
"That's it," I say standing up, my throat raw from screaming and my eyes puffy, "if they won't go get them I will."
The group looked at me as I made my way out of the room and to my own, desperately trying to find my flight suit.
"Uh, Lem?" Nat's concerned voice comes softly to my ears. "Whatcha doing?"
I turn to look at her before I change, throwing my hair up into a ponytail I shove past her.
"I'm going to get my boys."
*Meanwhile* Badley's Pov
"Hey, Hey!" Mav's voice calls out from somewhere in the field, the trees surrounding me cloud my sense of direction until I see his figure appear.
"Mav!" I shout back, standing up and beginning to brush the snow off me, which proved to be pointless because I was back on my ass in the snow.
"What the hell?" I shouted, standing up again.
"What were you thinking?" Maverick shouted at me.
"What was I thinking? You told me not to think!" I shot back.
Maverick contemplated for a moment before sitting down in the snow beside me. Head in his hands he lets out an exasperated sigh.
"I can't believe I did this to her." He said sadly.
I sat confused for just a moment before realizing who he was talking about. Somewhere in the middle of the Indian ocean was the girl I was madly in love with heartbroken because she thinks she lost her dad and best friend.
"Fuck!" I yell out in frustration before joining him on the ground.
"Bradley," Maverick said softly, "I have a plan."
*Your POV*
The rush on the deck was disorienting, crews rushing about as I walked to my plane.
The four pilots and Hondo watch in fear as I climb the ladder, no one was helping me so I had to do it on my own.
"Lemon, maybe you should stop for a second," Hondo said softly appearing out of thin air. His hand resting gently on the edge of my plane.
"Hondo, with all due respect. If they aren't gonna go get them I will, I've flown the course I know what I am doing." I smile softly.
"I am a Mitchell after all."
Hondo gave me a small smile, understanding that he wasn't going to win this fight so he might as well make sure I don't kill myself with pure stupidity.
I placed my helmet on over my head, making sure everything fit and I was comfortable.
"Yo Lemon," Hangman's voice came through my headset. "What are you doing in a plane?"
I glanced over at Hangman, giving him a small nod as I scan the rest of the ship my eyes falling on my friends, they stood in a group their eyes filled with worry.
I wasn't really paying much attention to the radio until a certain name made my world stop.
"Rooster is airborne, I repeat Rooster is airborne."
I shot Hondo a look that he gave me in return, a mixture of did we hear that correctly? And what the fuck?
"Permission to assist sir." Hangman's voice comes through the comms desperation dancing along with fear.
"Permission denied Hangman." The coordinator responded.
Hangman beats his fists in frustration against his controls. Hondo grabs my hand, gaining all of my attention in the process.
"Lemon, please get out of the cockpit." He half begs.
I give him a half-pleading look before obliging and removing my helmet taking his hand I climb out of my plane, sitting on the bottom step of my ladder with my head in my hands.
"If he is airborne then so is your dad," Hondo said with a hand on my shoulder. "You know your dad has some crazy scheme planned."
Yeah, that's probably true, my dad is Pete Mitchell after all.
The rushing sound of the slingshot flooded my senses as Hangman's plane took off, rushing down the deck of the ship.
I rush back over to Nat and Bob, trying to search their faces for anything.
"They are in an F-14 Lem," Bob started slowly, "being tailed by two fifth-gen planes and pilots who have been trained way better than we have. But your dad is one of the best the Navy has ever seen, ad Bradley is right up there with him. Hangman is just gonna give them a little bit of a helping hand and before you know it they will be back on the ship safe and sound." I nod along with him trying my hardest to find my breath.
Hondo had managed to find his headset along with one for me, the boys being too far out for us to see so comms came to the rescue.
"Ladies and Gentlemen this is your savior speaking." Hangman's voice came over the comms as cocky and as confident as ever.
But it wasn't until Bradley spoke that my soul was finally put back into my body.
"You're looking, good Hangman." He said, this voice making my heart skip a beat.
Twenty minutes later they were all back on the ship, not very gracefully by far but still, they were back.
The museum piece of a plane was covered in netting and I was running to my dad as fast as I could.
"Dad!" I shouted before throwing myself into him, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Hi baby," he cooed back, holding me tight. "I'm here it's okay."
I nodded into him before pulling back to get another look, my attention immediately began to search Bradley, and he was clearly doing the same.
I found him scanning for me as well about twenty people away and in our best effort we tried to make our way to each other.
"Hey," he said softly.
"Hi," I say back.
And suddenly he was the only thing that mattered.
"(Y/N) I-" he began to say, but I cut him off.
His lips were so soft and sweet and the moment our lips touched his whole body relaxed more than he ever has before.
"Save it," I say pulling back with a smile. My hand comes up and gently touches his cheek, wiping away some dirt from his face.
He let out a small chuckle before snaking his arms around my waist pulling me in even closer than I already was.
"I'm never leaving you again." He said kissing me again.
A rather stern clearing of a throat pulled us apart rather quickly as my dad and Admiral Simpson stood next to us. My dad's face held a large grin.
"Admiral Simpson tells me that you threatened him." My dad raises a questioning eyebrow. I toy with my lip between my teeth before nodding. My father laughed before turning to the Admiral.
"She is a Mitchell after all." He joked, clearly Simpson wasn't buying it.
He grew closer to me holding a finger out, Bradley grabbed my hand squeezing it slightly.
"Lieutenant Mitchell, if you ever, and I mean ever threaten me like that in front of my crew I will ground you fast then I wanted to ground your father." He said with a sharp nod before turning on his heel leaving us in a group.
"So," my dad said, eyes darting back and forth between the two of us.
I laughed as Bradley pulled me into a side hug before kissing me again, earning cheers from our friends.
"Home again?" he asked with a smile.
"Home again," I say, pulling him into another kiss.
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