#but these questions have been on my mind for forever
ao3commentoftheday · 2 days
(Sorry if this has been asked before) I was curious if you knew the etiquette for posting a collection of oneshots in one fic? (Every chapter is a oneshot rather than all of them being posted seperately.) Is it better to mark it completed even if I'm still adding to it? Or is it better to mark it unfinished since I don't know if it will ever be finished?
You don't know it anon, but you've got two separate potential pitfalls here in the exact same question.
I'll start with the one you're aware of: do you mark a fic as complete when you might or might not continue it.
If you're actively planning to add more chapters, I'd recommend against marking the work complete. People who filter for complete works only will be annoyed with you. People who filter for works in progress won't find your stuff.
If you're unsure whether or not you're going to continue a fic, but you think that you probably won't, then you can mark it as complete, BUT because as I mentioned above, there are people who want to read complete works only, I recommend adding a word/phrase like ABANDONED or even ON HIATUS to the summary so that those folks know not to dive into your fic and get annoyed.
Now, as for the potential pitfall you don't know you might be running into: a lot of people have strong negative feelings about posting a series of one shots as if they're a single fic. Reasons for that differ, but a few of the highlights are:
I love oneshots and I filter for works with 1 chapter so that I can find them. If you put all of them into a multi-chaptered fic, I'll never find them.
I love multichaps and your work looks like a multichap, but when I start reading it, it's just a bunch of oneshots.
I filter for X word count because that's my preferred length of story. By posting those works together, the word counts are all combined, so I either can't find your short stories or think that they're long stories and either way, it's not what I want.
You have so many tags to cover the characters, ships, and scenarios of each story and I don't know which chapter is related to which tags.
You have so many tags and it takes forever for me to scroll past your work in my search results.
You wrote five stories, but I can only kudos once!
I want to reread [this particular story] but I don't know which chapter of your work it is and now it's impossible for me to find it again.
While there are people who either don't mind or prefer seeing a group of oneshots all gathered together in a single fic, it's more common (anecdotally, based on years of reading replies on this blog) to prefer for those oneshots to be gathered together in a series.
Readers can subscribe to a series, just like they can to a fic, but each oneshot will have its own particular set of tags and each oneshot can get its own kudos.
It's definitely more work for the author, and I know some creators feel weird about having that many works on their profile, but the internet is a vast expanse with no physical borders to it, so you can take up all the room you want.
I know this ask was supposed to be about whether to mark your work as complete or not, but I figured I should give you a heads up about that as well. I don't know that I'd use the term "etiquette" for either situation, though. It's not rude to do one thing or the other, it's just potentially annoying to some of your fellow fans. You're still the author, and you should do what makes you comfortable.
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malues · 13 hours
i saw a pb x cb post so i got curious, is it ok to ship them? i tried to find out by myself with searching but all the thing of pb being an adult but young adult/late teenager mentally and cb being a 10 year old but a mid teenager/late teenager mentally gets me a bit confused
im gonna use this post to talk about the characters ages again! (no shade to this person in particular, ive just been getting a lot of questions abt it recently.)
when discussing ages, a lot of fans refer to this post i made a while back:
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i'd have no problems with this but a lot of people who use this image seem to disregard/forget the bottom paragraph? its mainly my fault for not being good enough while explaining, which i apologize for. but i want to use this to better explain what i meant here:
charger block and crown are NOT actual 10 year old children; when i say that they are 10 and 9, i'm saying that they have EXISTED for 10 and 9 years. even when they were 0 years old, their mannerisms and such were the same as they are today, and may even remain the same when they reach the age 500+.
for example, a character that was created yesterday is only a day old but they may still have the resemblance and maturity of an adult. this is how it worked for michael and sean: since their creations, they have always resembled adults. the characters in LOTS do not age the same as actual people do.
with this in mind, ever since their creations, cb and crown have always resembled teenagers! so while not real children, they're still a bit on the younger side.
so, use this for a better reference:
charger blocks maturity resembles that of a 16-17 year old.
crowns maturity resembles that of a 18-20 year old.
michael, sean, and pipe bomb are fully adults!
this does not mean that a characters mental age WILL stay the same forever, however! it's possible that we will see maturity in cb and crown as the show goes on; don't forget, theyre stuck with a job for 500 years!!! but for now, this is who they are.
so what about the actual question above? well, i anticipated seeing a ship of pb and cb rise after 1C. it's not one i exactly look forward to seeing like many others, so i'd prefer people take a different direction when it comes to that relationship.
and please please, if you see someone who enjoys the ship but is possibly unaware of the ages, DONT get upset!!! it's not their fault that they haven't seen a random post clarifying the ages that only 5% of LOTS fans see!!! if you want to, politely inform them. if they don't care, leave them alone and move on!! they wont change their mind as you won't change yours!!
so theres that! i hope this doesn't leave more questions than answers like last time, but dont be afraid to ask for further clarification!
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koji-haru · 2 days
Time Travel Au Part: 2
[Sorry this took too long and how short it is. I've just been going from one holiday onto another, and writing on my phone is just 🫠. Anyway, hope you enjoy it anyway.]
Under a large oak tree were two figures in a comforting embrace. Lilith had her head on Lucifer’s lap as his deft fingers braided her soft hair, adding some flowers in between. The thick foliage provided both shade from the afternoon sun, though some managed to pass through, speckling both with golden light. Lilith stared at the canopy, her mind preoccupied. While they told her that Eden was paradise, every day it felt more and more like a lie. From the forests to the beaches, everything was perfect. All following the same repetitive rhythm, and she was to dance along with it over and over again. For Lilith, it felt like torture. Everything felt stagnant, like there was no room for change since everything was already perfect. And the thought of living this life forever… well, the thought terrified Lilith.
Then, there was also Adam. From the very beginning, he never seemed to have liked her, and while the feeling was mutual, recently, Lilith felt that he has grown more forceful. They couldn't even stand being near each other anymore. There was one time when she confided in him her feelings of wanting more out of Eden. She had expected the usual response of disagreeing with her, scolding her of disobeying God. Instead, he pointed towards the walls that surrounded Eden.
“Those walls exist for a reason. Ever wonder what's beyond them?”
And when he pointed it out like that, then yeah, now she wondered, and she has been wondering ever since. What was beyond the walls? What were they separating them from? Was there life outside the garden? So many questions in her mind, and yet she couldn't have the answer. Not if she continued to play by God’s rules.
Adam laid under the gentle warmth of the sun, soft grass cushioning him. His hand lazily brushing the jaguar on top of him. The last few days had been such nice days for him. He saw Lilith less as he drove her further and further away, and he was pretty sure that anytime now her and Lucifer would get caught, or she'd eat the apple. Either way, he couldn't wait.
He had fully intended to spend the day just lazing about, spending time with his new best friend, Amora the jaguar, enjoying the sun as he hummed a satisfied tune. A little reward for himself for doing so well despite Lucifer and Lilith's presence. Suddenly, a small shadow loomed above him. He peeked one eye open to check who was disturbing his sunbathing time. Leaning over him was a familiar face, one that he hasn't seen much.
Michael called for Adam's attention. Cold blue eyes boring into Adam's, wavy golden locks that hung just above his shoulders framed his handsome, yet delicate face.
For a short moment, Adam remained laying on the grass as he stared back at Michael. What was he doing here? Did he do something suspicious for Michael to come down? Has he been caught already?
Adam blinked slowly, calming his nerves. He gently patted Amora to get off him. He sat up, twisting his body to face Michael. Well, here goes.
“Hello, what can I do for you, um…”
“Michael. I'm one of Lucifer’s brothers.”
Adam pretended to beam up at the mention of Lucifer.
“I thought I might find him with you considering his latest passion…” Michael looked around. “Lilith isn't with you?”
Adam deflated at Michael's question. He looked down as he mindlessly picked on the grass.
“...No. I haven't seen much of Lucifer or Lilith lately,” Adam replied, his voice with dejection, a little frown on lips. “But that's alright! I've got Amora here with me!” Adam stretched hid arms wide, shaking his hands as he proudly presented the jaguar that was lazily lying down beside him. He loved all the animals in the garden, but he and Amora, they were kindred spirits. As friendly as she was like the other animals, the jaguar also had a mischievous side. Sometimes, he'd catch her randomly pushing others animals off a spot for no particular reason at all. Maybe she just didn't like them, and honestly, Adam can relate. He also liked to bother some people for no particular reason, or well, he used to have those people.
Michael cocked an eyebrow at that. That wasn't right. “You're saying you haven't seen both of them in a while?”
Adam shook his head.
“Adam, Lilith is your partner and Lucifer is the main caretaker of this garden. That includes you and Lilith. It is not right for either of them to exclude you.” Michael declared, his voice ever serious. “Stay here. I'll correct this.”
And with that, Michael unfurled all of his six wings, pure white at the top fading into blue at the tips, and took off to the skies.
Adam had met Michael before in his previous life, although they didn't interact much. The angel was always busy with work that he took maybe a little too seriously. Actually, everything about the angel was too serious. Always straight and to the point, it was either business or nothing at all. He swore the guy never took a break. But honestly, that was what he liked more about Michael than with Lucifer. Michael was someone you could trust, he was someone that kept his promises. The few times they did interact was when Adam was still new to Heaven and being angel. While Adam picked up some skills over the thousands of years he spent as leader of the exterminators, Michael taught him most of his fighting skill. Michael was just cool like that, definitely the better brother.
Adam watched Michael take off to the skies searching for both Lilith and Lucifer. He really hoped that Michael would catch them on the act, that would make his day even better. Adam wrapped his arms around Amora as he buried his face on her silky fur while humming a happy tune. The jaguar purred in response, nuzzling against Adam in return.
I just found a way to get rid of them. Nice.
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starboyee · 3 days
Picnic Date
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rafe cameron x male reader
warnings: smut, heart throbbing fluff, praise kink, some angst, not proofread
you had been feeling down on yourself so rafe decided to take you on a picnic to help you gain some confidence "I'm so excited to show you this spot baby" rafe says smiling wide "rafe you know you didn't have to do this for me" you say fondling with you fingers "I know but I wanted to do this for you y/n you deserve it" rafe says kissing you.
rafe slides his hand down to your thigh and and rubs it lightly while smiling "you look so pretty today babe" rafe says "thanks rafe, do you really think so" you say blushing "I don't think so I know so" rafe sweetly says and kisses your cheek, you notice a growing tent in your pants and try to cover it.
"well here we are" rafe putting the car in park and looking over at you, "I'm gonna need a minute" you say trying to hide your face "what what's wrong, is everything okay" rafe says inspecting your body for any injuries "yeah everything is fine I just have a problem" you say "what kind of problem" rafe asks raising an eyebrow.
"this kind of problem" you say embarrassedly moving your hands to uncover a throbbing hard on struggling in your shorts, "you got hard from me rubbing your thigh huh" rafe smirks "shut up" you say turning your body the other way "no no I find it hot" rafe says turning your face back to his.
"you want me to help you with it" he asks "please do" you plead "don't worry I'll make you feel all better" rafe says as he pulls you into a kiss, sliding his hand into your pants and stroking your cock lightly, "what can I do to make you feel better baby" rafe says in-between kisses "please fuck me" you whimper.
"your wish is my command" rafe coos before taking off his shirt and sliding his pants and underwear off in one swoop "want me to help you take this off" rafe asks "yes" you agree, rafe helps take off your shirt and slips off you shorts and your underwear.
"backseat" rafe orders before you climb back and him following behind, you sit on the seat and watch as rafe hovers over you "you want this baby boy" rafe asks while slapping his cock on your cock "very bad" you say "I guess you deserve it with how handsome you look today" rafe says kissing you deeply.
"you know you're so pretty, you look like a prince from the victorian era" rafe says muffled by kissing your neck "do you really think that about me rafe" you shyly ask "I always and forever will y/n" rafe says looking you lovingly in the eyes, "now i really want you to fuck me" you chuckle.
"that's all you had to say" rafe says lubing his cock with his saliva "how do you want me to do it" "just slip it in", rafe slides his cock in with a quick motion "oh fuck I forgot how big you were" you groan "well then I guess I might have to shape your hole to remember it" rafe smirks thrusting into you.
"then that would leave me limping" you retort "and" rafe questions "would you really want your picnic ruined because you wanted to fuck me limp" you ask "I mean I wouldn't mind it, with how beautiful you are it would be worth it" rafe smiles.
"god you feel so warm inside" rafe groans "and you feel so big" you moan wrapping your arms around rafes neck "we can stop anytime if you want" rafe says worriedly "no no it's okay you can keep going" you say, rafe begins speeding up his thrusts into you, hitting your good spot with every thrust.
rafe holding onto you like you're a fragile piece of art because in his eyes you're his fragile piece of art, youre his mona lisa and you may not see it but he sees you as his whole world "i love you y/n" rafe lovingly groans "i know rafe i love you too" you chcukle "no but i really really love you like more than you could ever understand" rafe says dropping a tear that you fail to notice due to your pleasure.
"rafe im gonna cum" "me too baby" rafe says locking eyes with you while his thrust get stronger and stronger "you there" rafe asks "mhmm" you moan "then cum for me baby let it all out" is all you need to hear before your cum is shooting all over you chest, soon after rafe is filling you up to the brim with his cum.
"youre so pretty when you cum" rafe smiles looking back up at you, a tear dropping from your eye before a waterfall of tears falling after "oh no baby its okay, let it all out" rafe coos as he pulls you into a hug tightly, you balling your eyes out between in his chest as rafe caresses the back of your head lightly.
"its okay y/n im here im right here for you dont worry" rafe reassures you as you start to calm down "you okay" rafe asks and you shake your head "wanna talk about it" rafe asks and you shake your head no again "its okay we dont have to talk about it" rafe says pulling you back into a hug.
"i just sometimes fell like im not good enough for you" you say sniffling your nose "hey look at me" rafe orders picking your head up to look at him "you were the one who brought me out of a really dark place in my life so if anyone should be thanking someone for being there for them it should be me to you, you are the best person to ever graze my life and im glad to know i can call you my boyfriend" rafe rants before pulling you into a deep kiss.
"thanks rafe" you say dazed by the change of events "i love you y/n, never doubt that" rafe sternly says "i love you too rafe" you say pulling him into one more hug "now who says we get out of this car and have this picnic" rafe smiles "me" you cheer "woah woah now babe you need to be cleaned up first" rafe says mistakenly grabbing your shirt to wipe all the cum and sweat off.
"rafe thats my favorite shirt" you yell "oh my god im sorry babe i didnt notice" rafe apologizes "you could use my shirt" rafe say slipping his shirt onto you "so then what will you use" you ask "ill just go shirtless its a win win, i get to go out shirtless and you get to admire my bod the whole time we eat" rafe laughs "fine i guess ill take that action" you chuckle.
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frythatrice · 3 days
Guys I'm fucking losing my mind. Is Toriko blonde? More specifically, does Sorawo actually know Toriko's natural hair color?
In volume 1, when they meet for the first time, Sorawo describes Toriko's hair as "pretty for a dye job". This is the only instance in the whole series that implies her hair is dyed, it's never mentioned again. In volume 8, we see a video of primary/middle school Toriko, and her hair is blonde.
This implies one of the following statements is true:
Miyazawa intended for Toriko's hair to be dyed blonde originally, but changed his mind at some point.
Miyazawa intended for Toriko's hair to be dyed blonde originally, but straight up just forgot about it.
Toriko does dye her hair, as well as her eyelashes (which are described as blonde), and has been doing so since primary school, and all is right in the world.
Toriko, aside from her blonde hair and blue eyes, looks ethnically Japanese enough for Sorawo to falsely assume that she dyes her hair blonde.
Option 1 is possible but is both boring and feels unlikely given how insanely easy it would be to confirm Toriko's hair color if her natural hair color was intended to be unambiguous.
Option 2 would be really fucking unfortunate for my current and future mental state.
Option 3 feels unlikely for multiple reasons. If she's actually dyeing her hair, she's also doing it at such a frequency that Sorawo has never seen a hint of her natural hair color at the roots as her hair grows. Her dying her hair in primary school isn't totally out of the question, but it's still incredibly suspicious.
Option 4 would kill me, I think, and I'm seriously worried this is the correct answer. Given how astronomically dense Sorawo is, it's absolutely not out of the question that she saw someone who looked Japanese and just naturally assumed that she dyed her hair blond, and then never bothered to question this idea.
Option 4.5, aka she thought Toriko dyed her hair, forgot about that assumption, and just carried on thinking she's a natural blonde, honestly wouldn't be too out of character either, but it's also boring.
The idea that Sorawo might not know Toriko's natural hair color, as minuscule as that possibility really is, makes my fucking head hurt. The fact that it wouldn't be out of character, either, is too much for me. There's as many instances of Sorawo being dense in Otherside Picnic as there are grains of sand in the universe. If you picked up an omnibus and flipped to a random page, I'd be shocked if it didn't contain at least one. Some of them are genuinely groundbreaking.
If option 4 is true, and Sorawo brings it up in a future volume, there's a non-zero percent chance Toriko Nishina will materialize in the real world and beat Iori Miyazawa into a fine paste with her bare hands for making Sorawo the way she is. Just writing about the possibility is giving me psychic damage, if it comes true I don't think I'll be able to hold on to my corporeal form. At this point, I think the printers would fucking explode if they tried to put that possibility to paper.
It would mean that for 8 volumes or more, Sorawo has been comfortably sitting with the assumption that Toriko, the single most important person that has or ever will exist in her entire life, dyes her fucking hair, when she doesn't. Does it actually matter whether she does or not? Not at all, which is why to not spare even a single, fleeting thought to such a small detail and just carry on with a false assumption for 8 volumes straight might make Sorawo the single scariest entity in the universe, fictional or otherwise. At the very least I think Toriko would be teleported to the nearest hospital on hearing such information.
If option 2 is true, I'm going to be in fucking limbo forever.
If you have any information regarding Toriko's natural hair color, I'm fucking begging you, please share. My life is at stake here, and I don't know how exaggerated that statement is. Please drop me the relevant passage that completely dismantles this unhinged theory, or point out the obvious leap of logic I must have made at some point in this post, otherwise I might not be sleeping any time soon. Otherwise, help me find a way to get in touch with Miyazawa so I can smack him with wads of cash until he coughs up the answer.
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nightcolorz · 21 hours
Another Armandtism q: how do you think he would relate to the modern conceptualization of his neurodivergence? Would he see himself in the concept of autism and find some measure of comfort in it, or reject it out of hand as something that doesn’t apply to him? How would someone who was born before the field of psychiatry react to being told that part of who they are is considered reflective of a “condition” or a “disorder”?
ahhhh omggg I love this question!!! ❤️❤️ I think Armand would have trouble applying it to himself partly bcus he is much more spiritually +philosophy minded then conscious of like modern medicine and science. So I think it would be easier for him to understand his autism as a hypothetical characteristic then a diagnosis, bcus that’s what he’s used to. I doubt this dude has ever even been to a doctor so I imagine trying to understand himself through that modern perspective would be uncomfortable and feel foreign for him.
But! Armand is a fast and eager learner, while characters like lestat and Louis have that old person bitterness that keeps them from wanting to understand the modern perspective (bcus of pride that tells them that what they’re used to is better) Armand rlly wants to evolve with the times and to understand all the new technology and scientific advancements that come with it. So I don’t think he’d be so hesitant to explore the world of modern psychiatry. I think his natural curiosity and desire to understand things outside of his comprehension would overpower his fear of vulnerability + fear of exploring his own mind + lack of natural understanding of what he’s being exposed to. I don’t think it would be out of character for Armand to seek out an autism diagnosis just out of interest in learning about modern day phycology and neurology practices 😭.
Also, on my earlier note about how understanding these things from a modern perspective would be hard for Armand bcus of how spiritual he is, Armand has already tried adopting the spiritual explanation for his autism into his self perception (the whole “not made by human hands”, u r in some way other and inhuman bcus of ur connections to god, thing of his childhood), and that mindset has caused him nothing but pain and confusion. I can say from experience that being unaware of and undiagnosed autistic, for me and for someone as overthinking as Armand, feels often like always looking for an ambiguous answer that u can not even identify u r looking for. And I see that in Armand, I feel like for a lot of his existence he has been searching for an explanation for “why he is the way that he is” and the older he gets the more distressing and hopeless this search feels, bcus it seems that there is no answer, and he is just weird and unknowable and forever isolated for reasons he can not understand. So!! I think if he was able to get past his barriers, like his fear and difficulty when it comes to talking about himself, and the vulnerability it would take to open himself up to that, Armand would find the explanation that he is autistic rlly comforting + validating! Despite his spirituality, Armand finds science more comforting them God, bcus of all that religious trauma he considers modern secularism and technology almost soothing and reassuring (which is probably part of his fixation on it). So I think being given a diagnosis, a reassurance that this ambiguous wrongness about him is in fact a scientific, concrete neurological disorder that isn’t indicative of some spiritual destiny or devil influence or whatever, would rlly be pretty comforting for Armand to hear. “You have a fairly common disorder” I feel like is less scary and difficult to cope with then “you have an ambiguous, inherent wrongness that separates u from other ppl and is probably connected to ur divine fate” (which is what Armand has been internalizing for his entire life 😭)
thank u sm for the ask AHHH!!! I love Armand autism asks SM!!
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starsreminisce · 2 days
Tell me when you knew,” (Lucien) demanded, his knee pressing into mine. “That Rhysand was your mate. Tell me when you stopped loving Tamlin and started loving him instead.”
I chose not to answer.
“Was it going on before you even left?”
I whipped my head to him, even if I could barely make out his features in the dark. “I never touched Rhysand like that until months later.”
“You kissed Under the Mountain.”
“I had as little choice in that as I did in the dancing.”
“And yet this is the male you now love.” HE IS SO REAL FOR ALL OF THIS
Lucien is literally going through the same thing as Feyre did, and it's easy to forget that Feyre had only just accepted the mating bond a few days before she went back to the Spring Court.
Lucien just received confirmation that his mate wasn't the one his father murdered—the one he was so convinced was his mate that he left his court over it. She never was. Feyre spent a significant portion of ACOMAF waiting for her mating bond to snap with Tamlin and didn't believe that her mate was Rhys because she didn't see herself as his equal.
But the hurt and guilt I expected weren’t there. Lucien slowly released his grip. “I need to find her.” “You don’t even know Elain. The mating bond is just a physical reaction overriding your good sense.” “Is that what it did to you and Rhys?”
This exchange too stood out because of what made Feyre finally figured out that she was mated to Rhys:
Because he’d been injured, and I’d gone out of my mind—absolutely insane—when he’d been taken from me, shot out of the sky like a bird. I’d acted on instinct, on a drive to protect him that had come from so deep in me … So deep in me—
Feyre used both skills she developed when she was human (forever iconic using her scent on Rhys's fingers to track him) and shapeshifting from Tamlin despite her reservations to track him down. This mirrors Lucien using his hidden powers to get to Elain.
Sometimes I do wonder if Lucien started getting doubts that Jesminda was his mate and that's why he became ridden with guilt. Perhaps he started having visions or dreams of Elain after UTM, similar to how Rhys did with Feyre before she came over the wall. He also started to pull away from his usual dallying to put a hard stop on Ianthe. The combination of seeing Feyre die and come back to life because of the mating bond might have forced him to face the truth that Jesminda wasn't his mate. Feyre was resurrected due to the bond, while Jesminda was not.
Lucien was well within his rights to question this. Why was he able to react in such a way for someone he never met before but not for the female he loved? The only person who could have helped him process it would have been Feyre, but I don't think Feyre could explain it in a way that Lucien would understand, especially when it's still new to her. We see this when she asked Rhys why Azriel wasn't Elain's mate, seeing Elain and Azriel sitting quietly together, and knowing Lucien isn't someone like that. It's telling that the more she started to understand being someone's mate and being mated to someone, she never brought up Azriel and Elain again, even in her own POV.
As for Lucien, he finally understood when Elain turned to him and he took in her face. Lucien and Elain will always have this pull towards each other, will always have a tug, will always know the other better than anyone else can compare because they have a literal soul-bridge to each other. But it still takes two people to make it work.
The revelation of the mating was always the confirmation of being endgame. It doesnt matter when it was revealed.
Love this quote, thank you for reminding me!
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animebw · 2 days
Over-Analyzing the Kumirei Make-Up Hug Because I've Lost All Control
Well, it's official. These two have broken my brain a little. I've had this hug rattling around inside my head this whole week. I've been re-watching it, obsessing over it, spending way too much time thinking about it, and I need to get those thoughts out before I go insane from overexposure. So, okay. This is my extensive breakdown of that one scene from Hibike Euphonium Season 3 Episode 11 where Kumiko and Reina hug and why it's so wonderful.
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First things first, we need some context. The scene right before this one is Reina revealing she's going to study music in America. As she and Kumiko ride home on the train, Reina pushes Kumiko to see if she's made up her own mind re:going to music school or not. And while Kumiko doesn't say one way or the other, her non-committal response suggests she already knows deep down it's not in the cards for her, and she just needs that push from Mizore later in the episode to come to terms with it.
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Keep in mind, they still haven't made up yet. This is the first conversation we've seen them have since the break-up that isn't a huge argument. As far as Reina knows, Kumiko's still angry about the way she treated her while they were fighting. And as we'll find out later on, she's planning to cut off their relationship forever if they're not both going to music school. So seeing Kumiko pretty clearly indicate that she's not going to follow her footsteps, she realizes there's a very real chance that this argument will be the last thing between them before she says goodbye.
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Which is why this is the moment she finally apologizes. Because suddenly, the stakes of not speaking up while she still can are very, very real. Imagine what must be going through her head right now. What if this ends with Kumiko still hating me for being so horrible to her? What if it's too late to make things right? What if this precious, irreplacable thing we have is already broken and it's all my fault? If she's going to apologize, it has to be now while she still has time, while there's still a chance of making things right before the bonds between them snap forever.
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But of course, Kumiko being Kumiko, she doesn't hesitate to defuse every last scrap of tension between them with her sarcastic complaining here. Because while her tendency to play peacekeeper has gotten her in trouble this season, her ability to believe in the best of people has always been her greatest strength. And as colossal a pain as Reina has been, well, if Reina wasn't such an extreme personality, she wouldn't be standing here in the first place. She loves Reina. She trusts Reina. And right now, she believes in what they have way too much to let this push them apart.
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Which brings us at last to the hug itself, which is pretty much a microcosm of the whole separation anxiety conflict playing out between them this season. Reina's scared of losing her and wants to make it right while she still can. But for Kumiko, that was never even in question. In a strange way, she takes this whole conflict both more seriously and less seriously than Reina. Less seriously because she's able to brush it off so easily, more seriously because that's just how much she believes in their love.
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I also want to highlight Chika Anzai's delivery of this little "What?" She sounds so genuinely shocked and flustered, like she's realizing how strong and secure Kumiko's feelings for her are and doesn't know how to deal with it and it's so cute god dammit.
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But she's still scared. She still can't shake the fear of losing her beloved. So Kumiko has to take the lead, ushering her into her embrace and squeezing her as tight as she possibly can until Reina finds the courage to lift her own arms up.
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And once again, Kumiko handles it by being very silly in a way that only makes her sincerity bleed through all the stronger, making funny noises as if to vocalize how tight she's hugging Reina. Leaning into her natural goofball tendencies to defuse the tension, because Reina's a girl who takes everything way too damn seriously, and every once in a while she needs a reminder that it's okay to breathe, you know?
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But it's this little moment that really puts it over the top for me. Reina's expression, the way she nuzzles into Kumiko, the shaky, trembling breath we hear her inhale... she was fucking terrified of losing her. In her mind, there was a very real chance they'd never make up and Kumiko would spend the rest of her life hating her. But instead, Kumiko essentially told her, through her attitude and actions, that there was never any chance of that. And she clings to her girl with all her strength as if to convince herself that this is real, that Kumiko's really in her arms right now, that she didn't mess everything up, that they're actually going to be okay... god, this moment's so fucking good.
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And at last, she opens her eyes, her fears banished, overwhelmed with happiness and relief...
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...which, of course, is perfectly reflected in Kumiko's eyes.
Long story short, this hug is essentially Kumiko telling Reina through actions what she'll finally be able to put into words after Mizore's concert: we won't change. Even apart, we'll stay forever special. So have a little faith in me, just like I have faith in you. It even parallels the overall structure of that later scene: Reina comes in with heavy emotional stakes, afraid that they're going to lose each other, but Kumiko defuses the tension by being a goofball, and through that silliness shows Reina how much faith she has in their relationship that she's able to joke around even at such a difficult moment. When they first met, it was Reina's passion and drive that swept Kumiko away; now, it's Kumiko's turn to pull Reina along, setting the pace of their relationship for the first time as she proves her devotion to the girl she loves.
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(Which is also paralleled by the crosswalk scenes because in season 1 the crosswalk was where Reina first really swept Kumiko away whereas now it's a place where Kumiko's the one pushing Reina along into the future and god I'm so fucking PROUD OF HER LOOK AT HOW FAR SHE'S COME)
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nalyra-dreaming · 9 hours
Are we ever told in the books if Armand actually regrets what he did to Claudia? Does he have genuine remorse?
.... I think it is implied.
It... does read as if he does? At least a bit. But... it's "only" implied:
Let me say here, she was herself again, hideously wounded, a botched reassemblage of the angelic child she'd been before my attempts, when she was locked out in the brutal morning to meet her death with a clear mind. The fire of Heaven destroyed the awful unhealed evidence of my Satanic surgery as it turned her to a monument in ash. No evidence remained of her last hours within the torture chamber of my makeshift laboratory. No one need ever have known what I say now. For many a year, she haunted me. I could not strike from my mind the faltering image of her girlish head and tumbling curls fixed awkwardly with gross black stitching to the flailing, faltering and falling body of a female vampire whose discarded head I'd thrown into the fire. Ah, what a grand disaster was that, the child-headed monster woman unable to speak, dancing in a frenetic circle, the blood gurgling from her shuddering mouth, her eyes rolling, arms flapping like the broken bones of invisible wings. It was a truth I vowed to conceal forever from Louis de Pointe du Lac and all whoever questioned me. Better let them think that I had condemned her without trying to effect her escape, both from the vampires of the theatre and from the wretched dilemma of her small, enticing, flat-chested and silken-skinned angelic form. She was not fit for deliverance after the failure of my butchery; she was as a prisoner subjected to the cruelty of the rack who can only smile bitterly and dreamily as she is led, torn and miserable, to the final horror of the stake. She was as a hopeless patient, in the reeking antiseptic death cubicle of a modern hospital, freed at last from the hands of youthful and overzealous doctors, to give up the ghost on a white pillow alone. Enough. I won't relive it. I will not. I never loved her. I didn't know how. I carried out my schemes in chilling detachment and with fiendish pragmatism. Being condemned and therefore being nothing and no one, she was a perfect specimen for my whim. That was the horror of it, the secret horror which eclipsed any faith I might have pleaded later in the high-blown courage of my experiments. And so the secret remained with me, with Armand, who had witnessed centuries of unspeakable and refined cruelties, a story unfit for the tender ears of a desperate Louis, who could never have borne such descriptions of her degradation or suffering, and who did not truly, in his soul, survive her death, cruel as it was.
... I think, in his own way, he does. He says she haunted him, as that "failed experiment".
But he says it there, in the end, he has "witnessed centuries of unspeakable and refined cruelties"... and I think it desensitized him.
And so I think he knows he regrets it, and probably feels it, deep within, but cannot quite articulate it, if that makes sense.
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urfavhecate · 20 hours
I’ll always be your shield | Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
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Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: You cared about Wanda and you decided to protect her forever.
Warnings: fight scene, oneshot, really short one, fluff, kinda comfort.
Note: English is not my first language so i’m sorry for all mistakes. I hope you’ll like it tho.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
You and Wanda have been friends since she joined the Avengers. From the beginning, you defended the shy girl from Tony or Steve's rude comments. Wanda began to open up and talk about herself only when she was with you. It wasn’t a secret that you cared about her, but you never said how you really felt. You didn't tell her that you saw her as more than just a friend.
When the Avengers were sent on another mission which sounded like easy in and out, it turned out to be a trap. In the abandoned part of the city, you all were attacked by HYDRA agents. Snipers hidden in nearby buildings were trying to shoot you down, while agents around were throwing grenades and using lighter weapons as regular guns. The rest of the team moved forward and hid in one of buildings to avoid getting hurt while you and Wanda stayed behind. You ran as fast as you could, but the agents had a significant advantage in members and weapons.
“Y/N!” Wanda screamed as she stumbled after one of the snipers almost shoot her.
You stopped abruptly to help her, you grabbed her hand and pulled her forward. You kept running, but after the grenade exploded, fragments of the building's walls started falling on you. You pulled Wanda close to you so that she fell on her knees next to you. You covered her with your body so that none of the fragments of the wall would hit her.
You held her hand as she squeezed her eyes shut. Her body was shaking with fear. She moved closer to you hiding in your chest.
“Shhh- it’s okey Wanda, we’ll be okey.” you whispered in pain, your back was already bleeding and covered with purple marks.
When you realized that the pieces of the walls were no longer falling on your back, you grabbed Wanda's wrist and started running further. Tony then appeared, shielding you as you ran to the quinjet. Everyone managed to escape and went to the Avengers tower. As soon as you sat down and leaned your back against the backrest, you felt terrible pain. Holding back tears, you waited until you got there to tend to your wounds.
When you were clumsily trying to look at your wounds in the bathroom, Wanda entered your room. As soon as she saw you standing there without a shirt, she blushed.
“Sorry, I knocked but didn't open the door” she said shyly “I wanted to thank you for covering me with your body and I wanted to see your back.”
“I’ll be okey” you said still trying to take care of your wounds.
“Can I?” She asked, coming over, hoping that she would be able to repay you by helping you bandage the bleeding places.
You just nodded, leaning on the sink. Her nimble fingers applied the gauze and taped it quickly and almost painlessly. She was very focused on not hurting you anymore and instinctively, after finishing, she gently stroked your back and shoulders. Staring at you without a shirt on, her hands on your skin, she quietly muttered something under her breath, quiet question "why?".
“Why did you do that?” she asked louder.
“Because i care about you” you answered as you put on your shirt. “and i’ll always protect you.”
Wanda was looking in your eyes, she was clearly thinking about something, she wanted to say something important.
“What’s on your mind?”
“I like you” she whispered “i like you but more then just like a friend”
You were standing there in complete shock. In that moment you wanted to kiss her and never let go.
“I like you too” you smiled and softly kiss her lips “so much”
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cloudyzely · 2 days
everything Zelda has ever said in botw
Open your eyes
You’ve been alseep for one hundred years.
That is the sheikah slate. Take it. It will help guide you after your long slumber
Hold the Sheikah Slate up to the pedestal. That will show you the way
Link… You are the light-our light-that must shine upon Hyrule once again. Now go…
Link… Head for the point marked on the map in your Sheikah Slate.
Remember… Try… Try to remember… You have been asleep for the past 100 years.
The beast. When the beast regains its true power, this world will face its end.
Now then… You must hurry, Link
Free the four divine beasts
I’ve been keeping watch over you all this time… I’ve witnessed your struggles ti return to us as well as your trials in battle. I always thought-no, I always believed- that you would find a way to defeat ganon. I never lost faith in you over these many years… Thank you, Link… …the hero of Hyrule. May I ask… Do you really remember me? 
We’ll make our way to Zora’s domain. Divine Beast Vah Ruta…looks like it stopped working. Let’s investigate the situation. Mipha’s father… I believe he would like to hear more about her. The least we can do is visit him and offer him some closure. Although Ganon is gone for now, there is still so much more for us to do. And so many painful memories that we must bear. I believe in my heart, that if all of us work together…  we can restore Hyrule to its former glory. Perhaps…even beyond. But it all must start with us. Let’s be off. I can no longer hear the voice inside the sword. I suppose it would make sense if my power had dwindled over the past 100 years… I’m surprised to admit it… but I can accept that.
Subdueded Cermony
Hero of Hyrule, chosen by the sword that seals the darkness. You have shown unflinching bravery and the skill in the face of darkness and adversity. And have proven yourself worthy of the blessing of the Goddess Hylia. Whether skyward bound, adrift in time, or steeped in the glowing embers of twilight… The sacred blade is forever bound to the soul of the Hero. We pray for your protection…and we hope that- that the two of you will grow stronger together, as one. Forged in the long distance past, the sword this is the part the champions start talking i tried to hear everything as best i could ancient story by through the series of time and distance our hope is on you
Resolve and grief
From here, we’ll make our way to Goron City Then we’ll need some adjustments in that divine beast so Daruk can manage it as easily as possible. He’s figured out how to get it to move… However, it’s apparent that we still have much more to learn. But to think that divine beast was actually built by people… That means we should be able to understand how it works and how to use it to our advantage. These divine beasts…so much we don’t know… But if we want to turn back on the Calamity Ganon, they’re our best hope. Tell me the truth… Jow proficient are you building that sword on your back? Legend says that there’s an ancient voice resonantes inside it. Can you hear it yet…Hero?
Zelda’s resentment
Nothing. Just as I thought. Hmm. It appears that the structure was designed to be exclusively accessed by the sword’s chosen one. But designs can always be worked around, at least I hope. How do I get inside…? I need to activate it somehow. I thought I made it clear that I am not in need of an escort. It seems I’m the only one with the mind of my own. I, the person in question, am fine, regardless of the king’s orders. Return to the castle. And tell that to my father, please. And stop following me!
Urbosa’s hand
Urbosa! What was that?! Did you feel that? Wait, what-how did you- what are you doing here?! wh-whats so funny?
A premonition
That cut doesn’t look too bad, actually. You’re fine for now. But you know, there’s a fine line between courage and recklessness. As brave as you are, that does not make you immortal. it seems that not only are the frequency of these types of attacks on the rise… but the scale of the beasts we are facing is intensifying as well. I fear that- I fear that this is an omen that portends the return of Calamity Ganon. And if that’s the case, I’m ready to expect the worst. We’ll need to make preparations as soon as possible. 
Silent Princess
Theres one! And look another! The flowers we have in Hyrule aren’t just beautiful… They’re also quite useful as ingredients for variety of things. this one is called the silent princess. It’s a rare, endangered species. despite our efforts, we can’t go them domestically yet. The princess can only thrive out here in the wild. All we can hope is that the species will be strong enough to prosper on its own. Is that why I think it is?! Look at this! I don’t believe it, but I actually caught one! This delicacy is known to have very, very potent effects under the proper circumstances. Tada! Research from the castle shows injecting one of these can actually augment certain abilities. We wouldn’t be in a controlled environment out here, but with your level physical fitness… you’d be a perfect candidate for the study! Go on! Taste it!
Sheltering from the storm
I doubt this will let up anytime soon… Your path seems to mirror your father’s. You’ve dedicated yourself to becoming a knight, as well. Your commitment to the training necessary to fulfill your goal is really quite admirable. I see now why you would be the chosen one. What if… One day… You realized that you just weren’t meant to be a fighter. Yet the only thing people ever said… was that you were born to a family of royal guards and so no matter what you thought, you had to become a knight. If that was the only thing you were ever told… I wonder, then… would you have chosen a different path?
Father and Daughter
Incredible… We’re at a point now where we can actually control them. At the current rate, we’ll soon know all we need to know about the guardians and the divine beasts! And should Ganon ever show itself again, we’ll be positioned to defend ourselves.
I… I was assessing the results of the experiment with the guardians. These pieces of ancient technology could be quite useful against the-
I’m doing everything I can. I’ll have you know I just recently returned from the Spring of Courage where I offered every ounce of my prayers to the Goddess-
I already am. Don’t you see-there’s nothing more I can do! My hope is… My hope is that you-  That you’ll allow me to contribute here in whatever way I can. 
Yes. Yes I understand.
Slumbering power
I come seeking help…regarding this power that has been handed down over time…
Prayer will awaken my power to se Ganon away… Or so I’ve been told all my life… and yet Grandmother heard them-the voices from the spirt realm. And Mother said her power would develop within me. But I don’t hear… or feel anything! Father has told me time and time again… He always says, “Quit wasting your time playing at being a scholar!” Curse you. I’ve spent every day of my life dedicated to praying! I’ve pleaded to the spirits tied to ancient gods… And still the holy powers have proven deaf my devotion. Please just tell me… What is it…? What’s wrong with me?!
To mount layruru
“Be sure to take the time to soothe your mount…That’s the only way it will know how you truly feel.” Your advice was quite helpful-thank you.  This little one and I are getting along quite well now. At first, I wasn’t sure if I should outfit him with all of the royal gear. I thought maybe he should have to earn it first. But it works! Hd wears it like a true natural. I’m trying to be more empathetic. Benefit of the doubt, you know?  See that mountain? That’s Mt. Lanayru. It takes its name from the Goddess of wisdom. Lanayru’s decree is very specific. It says: “No one is allowed, under the age of seventeen… For only the wise are permitted a place upon the mountain.” I’ve prayed at the Spring of Courage and at the Spring of Power,  yet neither awoke anything inside me. But maybe up there… Perhaps the Spring of Wisdom, the final of the three, will be the one. To be honest, I have no real reason to think that will be the case. But there’s always the chance that the next moment will change everything. Tomorrow…is my seventeenth birthday. So then I shall go… and make my way up the mountain.
Return of calamity ganon
I’m sorry, no. 
That’s kind of you, thank you.
It’s awake. Ganon!
No! I am not a child anymore! I may not be much use on the battlefield… But there must…There must be something I can do to help!
How… How did it come to this?  The Divine Beasts…The guardians… They’ve all turned against us… It was… Calamity Ganon. It turned them all against us! And everyone- Mipha, Urbosa, Revali and Daruk… They’re all trapped inside those things… It’s all my fault! Our only hope for defeating Ganon is lost all because I couldn’t harmess this cursed power! Everything-everything I’ve done up until now… It was all for nothing… So I really am jealous a failure! All my friends… the entire kingdom… my father most of all… I tried, and I failed them all…I’ve left them…all to die
Zelda’s awakening
Link, save yourself! Go! I’ll be fine! Don’t worry about me! Run! 
Was… was that…? The power… No, no… Link! Get up! You’re going to be just fine. The sword… So he can… He can still be saved. Take Link to the shrine of resurrection. If you don’t get him there immediately, we are going to lose him forever! Is that clear? So make haste and go! His life is now in your hands! 
The master sword
Your master will come for you. Until then, you shall rest safely here. Although the Slumber of Restoration will most certainly deprive him of his memories, please trust me when I say that I know he will arrive before you yet again. 
The master sword… I heard it speak to me. It seems that my role is unfinished. There is still something I must do. Great Deku tree, I ask of you, when he returns, can you please relay this message… Tell him I-
Champion Revali’s song
My apologies. I went to the village, and I was told I could find you here. Thank you Revali. If we work together. I’m certain we’ll be able to defeat- 
Champion Daruk’s song
Thank you Daruk!
You sound like father. He’s assigning a knight to watch over me wherever I go. I hear the top contender is the most accomplished swordsman in all of Hyrule.
Oh! You’re safe. It seems our friend here was the one being attacked. Precious boy. You saved his life!
I never imagined the Great Daruk would have weakness. 
Champion Mipha’s song
Goron vigilance, Daruk, Rito confidence, Revali. Gerudo spirit, Urbosa. And also… the Hylian with the sword that seals the darkness. Link. 
Mipha… Perhaps he is still too young to swim up this big waterfall. 
Champion Urbosa’s song
Gerudo cheif Urbosa… On behalf of Hyrule and its king, I thank you.
I’ve never seen you so serious, Urbosa!
Urbosa! Huh? You mean mother?
It is. Apparently there are more uses for it than we originally thought. Sadly, we’ve yet to decipher all of its secrets.
Zelda’s diary
page 1
After meeting with the Champions, I left to research the ancient technology, but nothing of note came of my research.
The return of Ganon looms—a dark force taunting us from afar. I must learn all I can about the relics so we can stop him.
If the fortune-teller's prophecy is to be believed, there isn't much time left...
Ah, but turning over these thoughts in my head puts me ill at ease. I suppose I should turn in for the night.
P.S. Tomorrow my father is assigning HIM as my appointed knight...
Page 2
I set out for Goron City today to make some adjustments to Divine Beast Vah Rudania.
I still recall feeling his eyes on me as I walked ahead. The feeling stayed with me so long, I grew anxious and weary.
It is the same feeling I've felt before in his company... And still, not a word passes his lips.
I never know what he's thinking! It makes my imagination run wild, guessing at what he is thinking but will not say.
What does the boy chosen by the sword that seals the darkness think of me? Will I ever truly know?
Then, I suppose it's simple. A daughter of Hyrule's royal family yet unable to use sealing magic... He must despise me.
page 3
I said something awful to him today...
My research was going nowhere. I was feeling depressed, and I had told him repeatedly not to accompany me.
But he did anyway, as he always does, and so I yelled at him without restraint.
He seemed confused by my anger. I feel terribly guilty...and that guilt only makes me more agitated than I was before.
page 4
I am unsure how to put today's events into words. Words so often evade me lately, and now more than ever.
He saved me. Without a thought for his own life, he protected me from the ruthless blades of the Yiga Clan.
Though I've been cold to him all this time...taking my selfish and childish anger out on him at every turn...
Still, he was there for me. I won't ever forget that. Tomorrow, I shall apologize for all that has transpired between us.
And then...I will try talking to him. To Link. It’s worth a shot!
page 5
Bit by bit, I've gotten Link to open up to me. It turns out he's quite a glutton. He can't resist a delicious meal!
When I finally got around to asking why he's so quiet all the time, I could tell it was difficult for him to say. But he did.
With so much at stake, and so many eyes upon him, he feels it necessary to stay strong and to silently bear any burden.
A feeling I know all too well... For him, it has caused him to stop outwardly expressing his thoughts and feelings.
I always believed him to be simply a gifted person who had never faced a day of hardship. How wrong I was...
Everyone has struggles that go unseen by the world... I was so absorbed with my own problems, I failed to see his.
I wish to talk with him more and to see what lies beneath those calm waters, to hear him speak freely and openly...
And perhaps I, too, will be able to bare my soul to him and share the demons that have plagued me all these years
page 6
Father scolded me again today. He told me I am to have nothing more to do with researching ancient technology.
He insisted that I focus instead on training that will help me awaken my sealing magic.
I was so frustrated and ashamed I could not even speak. I've been training since I was a child, and yet...
Mother passed the year before my training was to begin. In losing her, I lost not just a mother, but a teacher.
Mother used to smile and tell me, "Zelda, my love, all will be well in the end. You can do anything."
But she was wrong. No matter how I try or how much time passes...the sealing power that is my birthright evades me.
Tomorrow I journey with Link to the Spring of Power to train. But this, too, will end in failure. Such is my curse.
page 7
I had a dream last night... In a place consumed by darkness, a lone woman gazed at me, haloed by blinding light.
I sensed she was...not of this world. I don't know if she was a fairy or a goddess, but she was beautiful.
Her lips spoke urgently, but her voice did not reach me. Would I have heard her if my power was awoken?
Or was my dream simply a manifestation of my fears? I am sure I will know the answer soon, whether I wish to or not...
page 8
I turned 17 today. That means this is the day I will finally be allowed to train at the Spring of Wisdom.
When Link arrives, we will set out for Mount Lanayru. The other Champions will accompany us there.
I have not seen my father since he last scolded me. Things are too strained now... I will meet with him when I return.
Actually...I've had a horrible feeling ever since that weird dream. No one would believe a failure of a princess, but...
Right now, for no particular reason, I am filled with a strange and terrible certainty that something awful is about to happen.
Research journal
 page 1
Today I met with Impa of the Sheikah tribe and began my research into the ancient technology in earnest.
Impa introduced me to Purah and Robbie, other respected members of her tribe.
Tomorrow I embark on an excavation with them.
We hope to find ancient tech with which to operate the Guidance Stones 
page 2
Today we uncovered some ancient technology that we believe may have the power to control the Guidance Stone.
It is a rectangular object, small enough to be held in my two hands. Sheikah text is featured prominently on it.
It is made of an unknown material, but we believe it is the same as the shrines scattered across each region.
Impa proposed that I hold on to it for now. I hope that it leads to some new developments in our research.
page 3
The stone relic we discovered has been named. We are calling it the Sheikah Slate.
We have not found any mention of a name for this object in the records we have unearthed so far...
Nevertheless, Purah insisted we call it the Sheikah Slate, as the relic is a slate made by the Sheikah tribe.
Feels a bit on the nose to me, but it was not a fight I thought I could win
page 4
We did it. We were finally able to restore some functionality to the Sheikah Slate.
We have discovered that this stone slate is capable of producing...images. Perfect likenesses of the things you point it at.
Unlike normal pictures drawn by hand, this requires no artist to capture anything in perfect detail.
I deeply admire the accomplishments of Sheikah technology. Still...I know there is more to learn. There must be.
We believe the Sheikah Slate may have a function that will allow it to control the Guidance Stone.
We must continue our research, and quickly.
page 5
We have started training the Champions who will pilot the Divine Beasts.
It may sound rude that I found this unexpected, but Mipha mastered the controls with surprising ease.
Daruk struggled at first but eventually got the hang of it. Urbosa and Revali both managed just fine as well.
I can finally see the light of hope in our fight against the rising Calamity.
page 6
Robbie has restored mobility to many of the Guardians we've excavated.
...But we have still yet to find all of the Guardians. Records mention a greater number of them—and even other types.
They are said to be stored in five giant columns that rest beneath Hyrule Castle. The thing is...
No matter how I search beneath the castle, I can't seem to locate these columns. They must be buried deep.
Were they perhaps designed to sense the appearance of Calamity Ganon and to only activate upon his return?
page 7
Countless ancient structures are being discovered across Hyrule...but all attempts to enter them have failed.
Records indicate that these are facilities designed to train the hero who is fated to combat the Calamity.
But the crucial activation mechanism remains a mystery. Is the Sheikah Slate the key to activating them?
That is Purah's theory, and I concur. And yet, my experiments so far have been fruitless.
Still, we must exhaustively investigate all means of opposing the Calamity. We must not give up, no matter what!
page 8
I spoke with Purah about the Shrine of Resurrection we discovered earlier.
As we speculated, this particular shrine is, in fact, a medical facility with the power to heal.
It also has a long-term stasis function that can be activated and maintained until healing is complete.
In the war against the Calamity 10,000 years ago...were the injuries so great as to necessitate such a facility?
If so, I will remain uneasy until we have made all adjustments necessary to restore it to full working order.
I can only pray that even if Calamity Ganon returns, our battle will not require the Shrine of Resurrection's power...
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maximoffcarter · 1 day
Pairings: Casey Novak x reader, Casey Novak x Alex Cabot.
Summary: Alternative ending...after finding out that Alex was still alive and after having the chance to talk to her, something changed in her once again, unsure of why life had taken Alex from her and when she found happiness again, decided to bring her back. Once again, things don't always go as we want them to...
A/n: ✨SURPRISE✨ So, I did not expect a lot of you to actually be upset that Calex wasn’t endgame, I thought people would like that Casey ended up with reader🥴 So, sweet and genius anon sent me another request and here you have. So please let's all say "thank you sweet and genius anon", thanks to them, we have an alternative ending😌 I hope I don't disappoint with this one haha. More to come guys, I'm working on everyone's requests. Hope you guys enjoy this, leave comments, hearts, whatever you like and reblog so this gets some love🫶🏻
Part 1.
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*not my gif*
It had been a few months since Casey and Alex had seen each other again. Casey couldn’t deny that after being upset and hurt that Alex had lied and had just left Casey to think that she was really gone, part of her was happy to know that she was still alive. She had tried to go back to her life and act as normally as possible, but her mind couldn’t help but wonder what would’ve happened if she hadn’t moved on. If she had closed herself to the possibility of being alone for the rest of her life, then Alex walking back into her life. But then her mind was clouded with guilt. There was no denial that she was happy, everyone noticed it, everyone commented on it, she had seen the change in her life, and she couldn’t deny the strong feelings she had for y/n. She was thankful that even in the darkest time of her life, y/n had been able to light it up at some point. And her mind and mind being split in two made her feel guilty and upset at herself.
As for y/n, she noticed the way Casey had turned quiet. She could sense the change in her attitude and the way she acted around the squad and y/n. Yes, she was still pretty much clinging to her, she was still pretty much being her silly self around y/n, but she could also tell that there was something bothering Casey, and she couldn’t help but think about Alex. After Olivia told her who Alex had been for Casey, she couldn’t help but feel guilty for persuading Casey, and also hurt to think that what they had was something special, something that no one could replace. Their time together had been everything, y/n hadn’t been this happy in forever, and Casey had confessed the same thing, but y/n still couldn’t take off her mind that maybe, just maybe, there was still a part of Casey that deeply loved Alex, after all, y/n could tell that Alex had been her first true love…
“Earth to y/n.”
Y/n snapped out of her trance and looked up at Olivia, offering a small smile as she saw the coffee in her hand. “Thanks.” She said softly as she grabbed the coffee and took a sip of it.
Olivia sat on the desk and looked directly at y/n, sensing that there was something wrong. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Nothing.” Y/n simply said as she focused back on her computer, taking another sip of her coffee.
Olivia sighed softly. “You know better than to lie to me, y/l/n. So, are you gonna tell me or will I have to get it out of you?”
Y/n sighed as she looked back at Olivia, putting her coffee down. “Why do you think Casey actually accepted to go out with me?”
Olivia was taken aback by the question, but soon enough understood what this was about. “Well…she was really into you. It had been a while since I had seen Casey acting like that for someone. So, I’m sure she accepted because she wanted you.”
“Or she was just trying to get over Alex.” Y/n snapped all of a sudden, feeling a pang of sadness.
“Is this about Alex coming back?” Olivia asked softly.
“I know she was your friend. That she was loved by everyone here but…” y/n shook her head as she looked at her coffee. “…why did she have to come back?” She whispered softly.
Olivia looked away for a moment before she looked back at y/n, placing her hand on her shoulder and squeezing it. “We needed her. It was a surprise to all of us that she was still alive.”
“Casey was so upset, and then she just…accepted it, I guess. And now she’s…” y/n’s voice broke slightly. “…she changed.”
“I know it’s hard to think that Alex was someone important in Casey’s life. And like I said, it was really hard for Casey, she had some awful days. But you made it all better, y/n.”
“And what guarantees me that she won’t regret being with me and she’ll try to find Alex?” Y/n snapped again, her eyes getting teary as she looked up at Olivia. “I feel…bad. I feel guilty to think that I persuaded Casey when Alex was still alive. And the thing is…that I can’t even hate Alex because she’s so nice.”
Olivia huffed a little, nodding her head. “She mentioned how nice it had been to talk to you when you took her to the hotel.”
Y/n nodded. “I knew about her already, and even if I wanted to be upset, I couldn’t. She was so nice and so sweet.” She sighed.
Olivia placed her hand on y/n’s cheek, making her keep staring at her. “Casey loves you, y/n. I can tell. Casey wouldn’t just pretend. It’s not her.”
Y/n nodded softly. “I want to believe you, Liv. But it’s…hard when I see that she’s not acting like herself.”
Olivia nodded, but before she could say anything else, Elliot walked to them letting them know that they had a case. Y/n wiped away the tears that had left her eyes, taking another sip of her coffee before she followed Elliot. Olivia noted that she’d have to keep an eye on y/n, hoping that things wouldn’t get hard from here.
Y/n closed the door behind her and leaned her head against it for a moment. She took a deep breath before she dropped her bag on the floor and walked to the kitchen. She slowly walked to the kitchen as she rubbed her temple but stopped in her tracks as she found Casey sitting on the kitchen island on one of the stools. Casey turned to look at her and offered a smile, y/n returned a small smile and walked directly to the cabinets to grab a glass. Casey frowned as she saw each move y/n made. She took a deep breath and tilted her head slightly.
“Y/n?” Casey whispered softly.
“Yeah?” Y/n whispered back as she got the glass full of water, drinking all of it in one sip.
Casey sighed softly as she stood up and walked around the kitchen island to get to y/n. She wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her close to her and kissing her shoulder. “Are we okay?” She whispered softly, there was a slight hint of sadness in her voice.
Y/n sighed softly and closed her eyes as she felt Casey kissing her shoulder. She placed her free hand on Casey’s arm and leaned back against her. “We are, Case.”
Casey sighed softly as she buried her face on y/n hair, closing her eyes as she breathed in her scent. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry about what?” Y/n whispered softly.
“About Alex.” Casey said softly, the name feeling weird as it left her lips but so familiar at the same time. “I really didn’t think this would affect me.”
Y/n sighed softly, leaving the glass on the counter, and turning in Casey’s arms. She rested her forehead against hers and placed her hands on Casey’s cheeks. “I get it, Casey. Alex was someone important to you. Maybe…everything to you.” She whispered the last words with a hint of sadness and jealousy. “I can’t blame you.”
“But it’s not fair to you.” Casey whispered back, pulling away enough to stare into her eyes.
Y/n nodded as she offered a small smile. “It’s not like you’re running back to her. You’re still here.”
Casey offered a small smile. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
Y/n smiled. “You better not. Or I’ll sue your ass.”
Casey couldn’t help but chuckle softly. “Oh, really? And who would represent you, huh?” She grinned softly as she pulled y/n closer.
Y/n shrugged as she grinned back. “I’ll probably get Donna or Sophie to represent me.”
“Now that’s rude.” Casey couldn’t help but chuckle softly before she leaned in and pressed a sweet and tender kiss on her lips. “You know I love you, right?” She whispered against her lips.
Y/n nodded softly as she pecked her lips repeatedly. “I love you too.”
Casey smiled and kissed her nose softly. “How about we go out for dinner? My treat.”
“Sounds good to me.” Y/n smiled softly as she kissed her lips one more time before she grabbed Casey’s hand in hers. “Let’s go because I’m starving.” She chuckled softly.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Casey snapped as she crossed her arms, staring at Elizabeth. “Is this some sick joke or something?”
Elizabeth sighed as she sat back in her chair, shrugging. “It’s Moredock we’re talking about, Casey.”
“Not like I haven’t gone against him before. Why is it so important now?”
“We’re against a goddamn white suprematist. We know how Moredock pushes and tries to get what he wants. He might be able to actually win this if we don’t get ahead of him.” Elizabeth tried to keep her voice as low as possible, already sensing that Casey was about to start yelling any time soon.
Casey scoffed. “And what? I’m not capable of doing this in my own?”
Elizabeth sighed as she looked at Casey. “Casey…I know this is ideal for you. That this…” she shrugged. “…this is still a hard topic for us. But we need Alex.”
“No. You need Alex. I don’t. I’m capable of continuing this trial without her.”
“I’m not doing this to get on your ass, Casey. Both of you can actually win this case. She’ll be your second chair. That’s all.” Elizabeth leaned back in her chair as she sighed. “Have you had some…trouble with y/n?”
Casey sighed as she sat on one of the chairs, nibbling on her lip for a moment. “We are okay…but I did have my moments.”
“You cannot help it.”
“That’s what she said too.” Casey sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. “I…I love her, Liz. There is no denial in that.”
“Oh, I know that. But you also loved Alex. And it’s not like you guys ended things. She died.”
“She left.” Casey snapped. “I know it was for her own safety. But she didn’t die. She left.”
“I thought you had forgiven her.”
“I did. Which is why this is hard, and I cannot just…work with Alex as if nothing happened.”
“You and y/n are professionals, Casey. Act like one.” Elizabeth put her glasses on and returned her focus to her paperwork. She then sighed and looked back at Casey. “I’m sorry. I truly am. But this is to get justice.”
Casey nodded. “I know.”
Casey didn’t say anything else, she simply got up and left her office. Her mind was spinning as she tried to think what she was going to tell y/n. She felt bad enough about this whole situation, she had spent the last weeks trying to show y/n that it was her she loved, that it was her she wanted, and the things she did, and her feelings were genuine. But she knew y/n was still insecure, and honestly Casey couldn’t blame her. As she walked to her office, her heart dropped at the sight of a blonde-haired woman standing by her desk.
“Alex.” Casey simply said.
Alex turned to look at Casey and smiled softly. “Guess Liz broke the news to you.”
Casey exhaled as she nodded, walking to her desk, and trying to avoid eye contact with Alex. “She did. I was just going to pick up my stuff and head to the squad room.”
Alex nodded. “Can I come with you?”
Casey wetted her lips anxiously, turning to look at Alex for a moment, feeling like her heart was going to burst out of her chest. “Maybe you should stay this one out. I need to…” she looked down at her briefcase trying to come up with an excuse.
“Talk to y/n?”
Casey looked back at Alex, the mention of her girlfriend making her feel guilty all over again. “Yes.”
“I’m sorry that I’m making you go through this.”
“It’s not…” Casey sighed as she shook her head. “Alex, it’s complicated. It’s not like I hate you or don’t want to ever see you again. I told you that you’d always have a special place in my heart. And I meant it. But…it’s hard.”
Alex nodded as she shrugged. “I don’t want to come between you and y/n.”
“I know.” Casey said softly. “I don’t want that either.”
Alex sighed. “I’ll check the files with Liz. And you can find me there once you’re back.”
Casey nodded. “Sounds good.” She said before she left her office, sighing loudly as she walked to the elevator.
Casey felt like she was between two walls, she felt even more confused and upset about this whole thing, more so with herself, how she was debating about this whole thing when she was sure that she loved y/n. But seeing Alex again…fuck. As she arrived at the squad room, her eyes landed on y/n rapidly, and she felt her heart dropping at the serious look on her face. Y/n walked to her and tried to offer a small smile before she grabbed her hand and pulled her into an empty office.
“You heard, didn’t you?” Casey asked softly.
Y/n sighed as she closed the door, turning to look at Casey. “Cragen cracked the news just now.”
Casey sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. “Yeah, I just had a meeting with Liz.”
Y/n tilted her head as she pulled Casey close to her. “Are you okay?”
Casey nodded softly as she smiled. “I am, I just…” she sighed. “I don’t want things to be weird between us.”
Y/n sighed softly as she placed her hand on Casey’s cheek. “My love…we talked about this. I trust you and I know what Alex was for you.”
Casey nodded again. “I know but still.”
Y/n nibbled on her lip for a slight moment as she stared at Casey. “Do you think maybe…we should take a small break?”
Casey’s heart dropped as she stared at y/n. “What?”
“I don’t mean this in a bad way. I just mean this…for you to clear your mind, and don’t feel pressured because of me.” Y/n said softly.
“No, I…” Casey shook her head. “Y/n…”
“We are okay, Casey.” Y/n smiled softly as she stroked her cheek. “I still love you, and I always will. But I know you’re debating with yourself in that pretty head of yours.”
Casey sighed as she looked down at the floor. “I’m sorry, this is just…hard.”
“I know.” Y/n smiled softly. “I gotta stay today going through the case. I’ll text you anyway, okay? And if you need anything, you know where to find me.”
Casey felt her eyes getting teary but nodded softly. She placed her hands on y/n’s waist and pulled her close to her, kissing her lips softly. “I love you…I really do.” She whispered softly against her lips.
“I know.” Y/n smiled as she kissed her lips again.
“Hi, have you seen Liv?”
Y/n looked up and her heart stopped for a moment as she stared at Alex. “Oh, uh…she went for lunch, it was her turn to go.”
“Oh, got it.” Alex cleared her throat. “I’ll uh…come back later then.”
Y/n nodded softly. “Alright.” She said almost in a whisper.
Alex sighed softly as she turned to look at y/n. “I’m sorry.”
Y/n looked back up at Alex as she furrowed her brows. “Sorry for what?”
“Because I know that I messed things up with you and Casey. And I didn’t mean to. I really didn’t. I didn’t expect this to happen. I don’t really know what I expected but I am really sorry.” Alex said rapidly, almost running out of breath as she spoke.
Y/n sighed softly as she shook her head. “Alex…I…know. And I know you didn’t do this on purpose. None of this was planned or anything, and I don’t hate you or anything.” She licked her lips anxiously, sighing again. “I’m just…I do wish things could’ve stayed the way they were. And I’m also…sorry.”
Alex shook her head. “She had a right to move on.”
“I know. But still.” Y/n offered a small smile. “Everything is okay, Alex. I promise.”
Alex nodded as she offered a small. “Good. I don’t want us to be in bad terms or anything.”
“We’re good. And…happy to have you back. I know you and Casey will do amazing.”
Alex smiled. “Thank you.”
Y/n watched Alex go and she took a deep breath before she exhaled, feeling her body relax not even noticing that she had been holding her breath and that she was tense. She shook her head softly as she went back to her computer and tried to focus back on what she was doing, but she still couldn’t get out of her head everything that was happening. What if the universe really didn’t want them together and Alex kept coming back because they were supposed to be together? The way Olivia had talked about Casey and Alex the first time…it sounded like they were meant to be and there had been an inconvenience that had stopped them for a moment, and then there she entered…was she an inconvenience too?
Casey nibbled on her lip as she stood outside the courtroom, she had already talked to Elliot, Alex and even Moredock had joined the conversation. But there was no sign of y/n, and for a moment she feared that she wouldn’t show up anymore, or maybe she had been distracted with Olivia with something about the case, or…maybe she just didn’t want to see her. Casey sighed softly as she leaned back against the wall, looking at her watch over and over again. And then just as she turned to look at the elevator, her heart started beating hard as she noticed y/n walking to her. Casey smiled softly as she walked to y/n, meeting her halfway.
“You came.” Casey said softly.
Y/n nodded as she smiled. “I told you I’d come.” She placed her hand on Casey’s shoulder. “Are you okay?”
Casey nodded. “Yes. I mean…it’s stupid if we lose to be honest.”
“I really believe you could’ve won this on your own.” Y/n grinned softly.
Casey chuckled softly as she nodded. “Thank you.” She wetted her lips anxiously as she stared into y/n’s eyes. “Y/n…can I…” she sighed. “Can I please-“
“Case, we’re starting.” Elliot called out for Casey as he walked inside with Alex.
Casey turned to look at them before she groaned softly and turned back to y/n. “Well, I guess-“
Y/n placed her hand on Casey’s cheek and leaned in to kiss her lips softly. She took a moment, not caring that they had to go inside already. She then smiled softly against her lips, pulling away enough to look into green eyes. “You got this, Case.”
Casey smiled softly, leaning into y/n’s hand for a moment. “Thank you.” She whispered softly before they walked inside the courtroom.
The squad could feel the tension in the whole courtroom, it wasn’t unusual for this to happen, but this case specially had taken a toll on everyone. Y/n’s eyes were fixated on Casey the whole time, something in her mind telling her that something was wrong. She suddenly started feeling anxious, her leg bouncing and her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her blazer. She kept staring at the defendant’s side and back to Casey and Alex, something didn’t sit right but she couldn’t quiet tell what. Elliot noticed this as he sat beside her, furrowing his brows as he looked over to where y/n kept looking at and then looking back at her. At first, he didn’t say anything, focusing on the trial and what they were saying, but he couldn’t help but worry about the way y/n’s demeanor had suddenly changed. He carefully and slowly placed his hand on her bouncing leg, getting her attention and helping her snap out of her trance.
Elliot leaned in so he could whisper in her ear. “Everything alright?”
Y/n sighed softly as she leaned in too. “I don’t know. I feel like something is not right.”
Elliot furrowed his brows. “About what?”
Y/n looked back at the defendant’s side, and then back at Elliot. “Maybe it’s just me but…I don’t know.”
Elliot nodded. “We’ll keep an eye, okay? Don’t worry.” He grabbed her hand in his and squeezed it, offering a small smile.
Y/n returned the small smile and looked back at Casey, sighing softly. She tried to focus back on what they were saying, happy that the judge had taken Casey and Alex’s side but also trying to keep her eye on everyone around. The time seemed to slow down at some point, feeling the whole tension around, making her anxiety increase even if she was trying to hide it. She kept looking around with Elliot, making sure to also let Munch and Fin know that they were keeping an eye on everyone. But then, what had felt like time had slowed down, suddenly changed when she caught Kyle standing up, and before she knew, he pulled a gun out of his pocket.
“Race traitor!” Kyle screamed, and suddenly the whole courtroom was filled with screams and shots.
Y/n stood up rapidly, getting her gun out and trying to get to Casey as soon as possible, but Kyle had gotten there first, holding the gun against Casey’s head. Y/n felt like once again, time had stopped, and everything was in slow motion as she screamed for Casey. She pointed the gun at Kyle and heard Munch telling him to drop it but then another shot went off, making y/n turn to see they had hit Munch. Next thing she knew, Kyle pushed Casey to the floor and fired another shot directed at Elliot, and then he saw the way he turned directly to Alex who was about to walk to Casey. Without even thinking, y/n moved Alex out of the way and dropped to the floor as she got hit, groaned at the burning pain coursing through her body.
“Y/n!” Casey yelled as she crawled to y/n. “No, no, no. Y/n. Baby.” She cradled her head in her lap, and tried to find where she had been shot, gasping as she noticed it had been near her heart. “No, no. Baby, you need to stay with me.” Her hand went to y/n’s cheek, trying to get her to look up at Casey. “Alex, I need help!” She screamed desperately as she felt tears rolling down her cheeks.
Alex got on y/n’s side rapidly and pressed on the wound, earning a guttural scream from y/n. “I know, I’m sorry! I need to stop the bleeding.” She looked at Casey and tried to look back to find anyone who could help, when she figured out, they were down, she started yelling. “Someone call 911!”
Casey looked back down at y/n, feeling a knot in her throat and her chest heaving. “Y/n, please stay with me. Please. I need you to stay with me. Help is coming.”
Y/n coughed, blinking rapidly as she tried to keep her eyes on Casey. “C-Case…”
“I’m here, baby. I’m right here.” Casey’s voice broke as she stared down at y/n, stroking her cheek softly. “Keep your eyes open for me.”
“I can’t…” y/n whispered softly. “Hurts.”
“I know it hurts. But you need to stay with me.”
Y/n did everything in her power to smile, her eyes locked on green ones. “I-I love you, Casey…s-so much.”
Casey’s eyes widened as she shook her head. “No. Don’t do that. Don’t you fucking dare do that.”
“M’sorry.” Y/n felt tears rolling down her eyes, trying her best to not close her eyes. “You…you are the l-love of my life.” She smiled softly. “And don’t…don’t say I am too.” She huffed a weak chuckle. “I’m okay with…knowing that I…that you l-loved me.”
Casey nodded. “I love you…so much.” Her voice broke as she spoke, sobbing quietly as she kept stroking her cheek.
Y/n nodded, turning her head to look at Alex. “S-Stop.” She placed her hand on top of Alex’s.
Alex shook her head, trying to keep y/n’s hand away. “What? No! Help is coming! Y/n don’t give up! Stay awake for Casey!”
Y/n smiled weakly, trying not to choke as she started coughing blood. “Alex…t-take care of Casey. P-Please.” She said softly.
Alex looked at Casey for a moment, blue eyes meeting green ones, before she returned her stare to y/n. “Y/n, don’t say that. Don’t-“
“Promise me.” Y/n pleaded as tears rolled down her cheeks.
Alex took a shaky breath before she nodded. “I promise.” She whispered softly, offering a small smile.
“Good…” Y/n smiled weakly before she turned to look at Casey again, finally letting her eyes closed.
Casey shook her head, sobbing loudly. “No! Y/n wake up! Please! Someone help!”
Alex felt tears rolling down her eyes as she stared at y/n. At Casey’s screams, she moved beside Casey and wrapped her arms around her. “Casey…she’s gone.”
Casey sobbed uncontrollably as she held onto y/n but leaned over Alex. She was living in a nightmare…again.
Alex knocked on Casey’s door softly, offering a small smile as she leaned over the doorframe. “Hey.”
Casey looked up at Alex and smiled sadly. “Hi.” She whispered softly, looking back down at her hands. “How did you know I was here?”
“Olivia and Elliot went over your place and didn’t find you there.” Alex shrugged. “You always stayed longer in your office if you needed to. Or I’d find you at the cages.” She grinned a little.
Casey huffed a weak chuckle. “Not really in the mood to go to the cages, but eventually.” She said softly, nibbling on her lip as she tried to hold back her tears. “Y/n always said how she wanted to die as a hero.” She shook her head. “I always told her she was an idiot for saying that. And…she did die as a hero.”
Alex nodded as she sighed, walking inside Casey’s office, and leaning over her desk, looking down at her. “I should’ve paid more attention.”
Casey shook her head. “She would’ve done it for anyone. Don’t blame yourself for that.” She looked up at Alex, offering a small smile. “You tried to help.”
Alex nodded. “You know that…I will…keep my promise, right?”
Casey only stared at Alex, not sure what to say or do. She then looked down at her hands again, fidgeting with her fingers. “I know.”
“I’m gonna be a pain in the ass.” Alex said a little playfully, trying to lighten up the mood even if she knew Casey was heartbroken.
Casey couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on her face. “You were always a pain in the ass.” She looked back at Alex and stared at her for a moment again. “You won’t…leave?”
Alex shook her head. “Liz offered me a spot here. My…old spot.” She smiled. “Well…you’re the main ADA, but…I’m gonna be helping you.”
Casey felt her heart stopping for a moment but couldn’t help the smile on her face. “Good.”
Alex nodded and then stood up, offering her hand. “C’mon.”
Casey furrowed her brows. “What?”
“I’m 100% sure that you haven’t eaten anything.” Alex raised her brow. “So, c’mon.”
Casey sighed softly as she grabbed Alex’s hand. “Your treat?”
“Of course. Anything you want.” Alex smiled softly, squeezing her hand before she dropped it.
“It’s gonna be a big bill then.” Casey grabbed her stuff and followed Alex. She turned to look at her office for a moment and sighed softly before she closed the door.
“C’mon, we’re gonna be late!” Alex yelled as she grabbed her stuff, cursing under her breath as she noticed she now had her hands full of bags and she still needed to put on her coat.
“Alex, it’s 7:15 am. We have time to get there.” Casey chuckled softly as she looked at Alex and grabbed some of the bags she had in hand. “Go get your coat on, nerd.”
Alex furrowed her brows. “How am I a nerd for wanting to leave early?” She scoffed.
Casey shrugged. “Still a nerd.” She grinned as she leaned in and kissed her lips softly. “What is she doing anyway?”
Alex shook her head as she sighed, walking to the stairs as she grabbed her coat. “Harper Grace Cabot! You better get down here or no ice cream after school!”
Casey chuckled as she stood beside Alex, leaning in and kissing her cheek softly. “You know that’s not true, you’ll take her anyway.”
“She’s my little princess, how can I not?” Alex grinned softly, turning her head to the stairs as she heard footsteps.
“Comin’! Comin’!” Harper suddenly jumped and skipped the last two steps, standing right in front of Alex and Casey, smiling softly at them. “Mama, d’you like what mommy did to my hair? I look like a real princess!” She said as she turned to show Alex, showing her soft redhead curls falling perfectly on her shoulders.
Alex chuckled softly as she leaned down to kiss her forehead. “You always look like a princess, babygirl. But specially today! You look beautiful. Mommy did a good job.”
Harper giggled as she nodded, grabbing her coat and then her backpack. “Mommy, I know you say not to go to the closet, but I was lookin’ for my blue dress and I…found this.” She got a picture out of her pocket and handed it to Casey.
Casey took it and her heart dropped as she noticed it was a picture of y/n with Casey, one of the first times they went to the bar with the squad, Olivia had taken the picture. She turned to look at Alex, unsure if it was right or not to talk about y/n. After y/n’s death, Casey felt once again that she had lost herself, but this time, she let everyone around her help her, not letting her sadness take over her like last time. Unsure at first, she let Alex back in her life, the started having a routine again of going out for lunch, spending time in each others' offices just going through their files, and every now and then going for a drink. It wasn’t Alex’s intention to try again with Casey -at least she didn’t want Casey to think that was her purpose- but she wanted to keep her promise to y/n.
After a year or so, they both had finally agreed that they wanted to see where things could go, Casey hesitated a lot, but eventually, she let her heart open one more time, and thankfully…this time, was the right time. Now, seven years later, they had bought a beautiful house, had tried to get pregnant, which at the end, it was decided that Casey would go through the procedure, and had their beautiful baby girl with beautiful red hair and blue eyes. Casey had felt bad and guilty when she had started dating Alex again, but she knew in her heart that it was the right decision. In Casey’s heart, she admitted that she loved y/n endlessly, she had been her lover, her sunshine through the darkness, but she figured out that at the end of the day…Alex had been the love of her life. It took her a while to accept it, but eventually, she came to terms with it.
Alex smiled softly as she looked back at Harper. “She was someone special for mommy. A very special person.” She turned to look at Casey.
Casey smiled softly as she looked at Alex, her whole body warming. She then turned to look at Harper and nodded. “She was part of my life for a few years, and she was someone very special. I keep her close to my heart.”
Harper smiled softly. “I wish I could met her.”
Alex chuckled softly as she knelt down and fixed her coat. “I could have met her. But yes…she was a nice and kind person.”
Casey stared at both of them for a moment, as if she wanted to take a mental picture of this very moment. Y/n would’ve loved her name…she always mentioned that Grace was her favorite name, and Alex was happy to give it to their daughter. Y/n would’ve loved to meet her too. Casey took a deep breath before she put the picture in her briefcase, kneeling down too and wrapping her arms around both Alex and Harper.
“Well, princess. We gotta get to school now. If you want to walk in the park for a bit, we gotta go now.” Casey grinned softly.
“The park! Yes! Lessgo!” Harper ran to the door and opened it, waiting outside and yelling for her moms.
Casey stood up along with Alex, smiling softly at her. “Thank you.”
Alex smiled, wrapping her arm around Casey. “She was someone special. And that’s how she should be remembered.”
Casey nodded softly, leaning in, and kissing her lips softly. “Let’s go.” She said softly as she grabbed Alex’s hand and pulled her to the door, laughing as she saw how excited her daughter was.
Casey thought she could never open her heart to anyone else after what she had gone through in the past, but she was lucky enough to say that she had been loved by a sweet and kind person, and now, she was still being loved by the love of her life. Even if sometimes things don't go the way we want them to, there’s always a chance that things will be for the better.
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bite me (part 2)- matt sturniolo
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part one, part two
summary- matt has always hated your guts, but everything changes when he wakes up and finds out your his mate.
contains- vampire!matt x reader, enemies to lovers, smut (not in this part), themes of death, dark themes, high school au! (18 yrs old)
your pov:
i woke up with a massive headache, my chest heaving. the first thing i think of is matt.
what the fuck, why is he on my mind on a saturday morning.
i shudder at my own actions and throw my covers over my head as a phantom chill runs down my spine.“cant stay in bed forever” i sigh to myself, while throwing the covers off my body almost immediately after putting them back on. I march to my closet and change into my favorite running shorts. as soon as i step foot out of my house, i start to jog, the melodic tempo lulling me out of my morning funk. my peace is disrupted tho because out the corner of my eye, i see my neighbor walk out his house into his driveway. his eyes bore into mine before they rake up and down my body. my heart beat picks up slightly, and it’s not from the exercise.
my neighbor, kit, has been weirdly obsessed with me ever since he and his girlfriend broke up. about a week ago, i caught him snooping around our house at night, trying to get a peek into my room. after that i’ve been trying to avoid crossing paths, and i wasn’t planning on crossing them today. its fine, hes probably taking out the trash, i think, desperately trying to reassure myself. i speed up from a light jog to a full on sprint because i know that once hes out my sight, i will feel more comfortable. i sigh in relief when i round the corner to the next street in my subdivision, happy that i got away from him.
slap slap slap
his feet pound against the ground as he sprints to catch up with me. i whirl around once i hear the footsteps, and lock eyes with him. the accidental eye contact was enough to spur him to go even faster than his long legs were taking him before. my heart to drops and i turn back around, running on pure adrenaline and fear.
“Y/n, stop running and come talk to me!” kit yells angrily but i’m running far too hard to form a proper sentence. even if i wanted to respond to him i wouldn’t have the breath to do so.
“STOP PLAYING HARD TO GET. YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME Y/N. COME HERE AND ADMIT IT” he screams even louder. my head starts to pound and my mind reels trying to come up with a plan. i can’t run forever. i gather the little breath i have in me to muster up a scream in hopes someone will come help me, only for the air to be knocked out of me. i ran straight into something, no,
“get. the fuck. away from her.” the mystery man growls.
kit takes one look at him and slowly backs away in fear. “who the hell are you?” out of curiosity, i look up to see who i’ve run into and freeze.
no it can’t be. it looks just like him but his eyes are dark red, and dark black veins swirl under his pale skin like they have a mind of their own. “who are you?” i cringe as i repeat the same question kit did moments before, both our tones lacking a single ounce of courage. fear was all consuming as we stared at the monster in front us.
“you know who i am, y/n. get behind me. now. im gonna deal with him” he says gruffly while looking behind me at kit. kit whimpers at the sight of matts deadly stare.
i ignore what matt says, opting to look him up and down instead in a manner that screams “what the fuck is wrong with you”. but then, i try to think rationally for a moment, this is still matt after all. he may not like me but hes not gonna hurt me. right?
“what happened to you, matt?”i question breathlessly.
“you.” matt deadpans in a voice much deeper than his normal one, taking a step closer to me. he reaches his hand out to grab me. to take me.
“y/n get away from him!!” kit interjects and pulls me too him in hopes of trying to help me get away from matt. and for once, i’m actually glad kits here.
wrong move.
matt is in front of me in a flash. he snarles as he pushes kit with bone crushing force. his body goes flying, hitting a pole a couple of yards away with a loud thud, knocked out on impact. i shriek, terror filling my veins. as if sensing my strong distress, matt turns to me slowly. his arms out in front of him, in what is supposed to be a peaceful gesture.
hard to be comforting when your veins are as dark as your tattoos.
“y/n, we need to talk” the stranger, deeper version of matts voice says.
why can’t i move. im frozen in time as he takes slow steps towards me.
“you need to come with me, y/n.” he breathes out, his dark red eyes wide and crazed. he takes another step closer. my legs feel like jelly but i finally manage to take one step back. whatever matt is, it can’t be human. humans can’t throw each other several yards. their veins aren’t as black as midnight, and their eyes sure as hell don’t change to a deep red on command. so what does he, no, it, want from me.
“w- why do i need to come with you? ”
“because you’re mine” he growls, finally deciding to close the gap between us, faster than my eyes can process. he bends down and run his nose along the hot spot on my neck. he inhales deeply and moans in relief his black veins disappearing. i scream and try to push him off but its useless. he grabs my arm in a vice grip and pure horror spreads through my body for what feels like the 100th time today. i try to let out another scream but no sound comes out. my vision clouds and my head is spinning. then everything is black.
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anordinarymuse · 2 days
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Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader
Summary: big fight leading to breakup :(
Warnings: angst, established relationship
Word Count: a little less than 1k perhaps
a/n : dialogue mildly based off of real life + if anyone wants to submit angst requests (possibly including dialogue or song inspo🥹🥹) pls do!! trying to get back into it
request here.
Arms were crossed as you faced the freshly discharged from the hospital wing Draco, your cheeks hot from anger and frustration. It was the day after Katie Bell returned from St. Mungos, and the rumors were that Draco had cursed her—and you knew it was the truth.
Once you witnessed Draco’s reaction in the Great Hall and found him after his fight with Harry, you clicked two and two together. All the times he was “up late night studying” or “asking professors last minute homework questions,” he was actually working on the cursed necklace.
“This is how you are Y/N. It doesn’t matter what I say. I tell the truth, you’d be upset. I tell a white lie, you’re still upset!” Draco shouts, his voice echoing off the walls of the abandoned classroom the two of you had been fighting in for what felt like forever now.
“Fine. You’re right I’m still upset, but-” You take a small step backward, noticing he’s grabbed a ruler to fidget with. “The truth counts for something.”
Draco bites the inner of his cheek before responding coldly, “I can’t say anything because if your other friends finds out, then it’ll be my neck at the end of the Dark Lord’s wand, not theirs. Everything I’m working on it’s- it’s too important to be fucked up.”
This selfish asshole, you thought to yourself. Draco convinced himself that he wasn’t like the others, convinced you even, but he truly was no different.
“You almost killed Katie Bell. Can’t you get that in your head? You almost killed her,” the images of Katie’s still and ghostly state, from when you visited her at St. Mungos, flicker like a reel in your mind. “Is it a crime to try and save her life?!”
“See, right there. That’s why you can’t know the truth. I can’t trust you. I can’t trust you with my life because you’re busy trying to save theirs!” And there it goes, your breath hitches as Draco violently chucks the rules across the room. It flies right past your cheek, cracks against the wall, and clatters against the floor.
“You’re my girlfriend, Y/N. You’re supposed to be on my side,” Draco asserts darkly, slowly brooding toward you. With each step he takes forward, you take one back, until your back hits the wall behind you.
“Your side? And what side are you on Draco?” You challenge him angrily.
You search his gaze for the Draco you’d called your own, and he’s not there—only a stranger. Instead, Draco’s glare sends chills down your spine, and the hope that he’d come around begins to crackle and snap just like the ruler he had flung.
“Maybe…maybe it’s time we call this,” you attempt to say calmly, though your lip visibly quivers and the words leave your tongue a bitter aftertaste.
Draco furrows his brow, taken aback, “What? Don’t throw away everything we have because you’re pissed off.”
You avoid eye contact, but Draco, as a last saving grace, reaches to gently cup your cheek he says softly, “Y/N, I love you, you know this-“
“You don’t trust me, and you can’t tell me the truth,” you interrupt quietly, turning your cheek just slightly away from Draco’s palm, “This love you’re talking about, that- that can’t be enough.”
Draco takes a step back, and his facade dissipates. “Do you want to be next victim? If I tell you sensitive information Y/N, it makes you the target. Better Katie Bell than you.”
“Do you hear yourself right now? It’s mental.“
“You can’t leave me. You’re all I have-“
“No, I’m not. If I were, you wouldn’t concern yourself with the offensive actions of He Who Must Not Be Named.”
Draco goes silent, and you take it as an opportunity strike again.
“You tell me this-” you grab his forearm to reveal the Dark Mark, at your touch his body cringes, but you force yourself to ignore his discomfort, “-means nothing to you, but it does.”
Draco tears his wrist from your grasp before replying weakly, “I have no choice, Y/N.”
You study him long and hard, words collecting at your lips, but you don’t know how to express them. He doesn’t get it, he won’t ever understand.
With that in mind, you pivot toward the door. Immediately, Draco launches forward, grabbing your wrist and tugging you backward. His other hand rises to your chin, turning your face to look him directly in the eye, “Don’t. Walk away from me, and it’s really over,”
It sounded dramatic and cruel. But you knew what he meant—no more protection to keep the dark side from reaching you. One step and all the safeguards would vanish.
“It’s for the best. I know you know it too,” you say in a low whisper as a single tear slides down your cheek.
With that his grip on your wrist loosens, and your hand falls to your side. His warmth dissipating leaves chills down your spine, the clock above the chalkboard reverberates with each tick, and any last words have slipped from your mind. You tear your eyes away from Draco’s, whose expression has turned from cold to unforgiving, rather unrecognizable.
taglist: @marimorena06 @missryerye
@agirlwholovescoffee @nicole198205 @siriuspvdfoot @hufflepuffflowers-blog @peachykeen3502 @youngblood199456 @oranee @bobbyjohnsonbeat @will-to-live-who @bellatrixscurls @thegirlwhocriedlupin @wwweasleystan @modernvellichor @lolaperezb @zaraskyla @sirisuorionblack @rinbyo @xdancinggurlx @lupinsravenclaw @hogwarts-boys @inglourious-imagines @siriuslyslyslytherin @the-abyss-gazed-back @eunoia-kth @kaqua @story-scribbler @youreso-golden @natural-ikagai
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beezpajamas · 1 year
since jude is going to go to war for oak and come at suren, does this mean we get to learn more about how becoming high queen affected her mortality and her magic? No doubt Suren isn’t going to feel as scared as she might have because of her magic, but what if Jude has more magic than she did in tqon she doesnt typically show people? And I know mortals age very slowly as long as they remain in faerie but I imagine becoming the actual queen of the land might have different effects
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permanently-stressed · 2 months
as someone who speaks a second language (English) i want to know just... how Sophie thinks. Has she been thinking in the enlightened language the whole time while in the Forbidden Cities? Is she thinking in English the whole time she's in the Lost Cities? Did she ever start talking in the enlightened language around humans? SO MANY QUESTIONS SOMEONE COME UP WITH HEADCANONS FOR ME
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