#but they also gave it to me to buy necessary things whenever i need them šŸ˜­
indiangp Ā· 7 months
why do I feel so guilty buying even the smallest things for myself šŸ˜­
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veritasangel Ā· 17 days
Give me stalker!Simon please! Where he never goes far but treats you like a sugar baby and you're left clueless! He knows everything about you! From the way you like your toast to your favourite bra or even your period time. Please please please! Sabrina Carpenter please!!
a/n: whenever people request stuff, i always overthink what they want so i hope this is okay !
warnings! fem pov, contains nsfw content {mdni}, stalker simon, spying/cameras, obsessive, mentions of vibrator/masturbation ā†£ wc: 1k
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Your neighbour, Simon Riley, quiet, keeps to himself, and always has a dark brooding expression on his face. You never pay him much mind except for the occasional polite wave whenever you pass by. Little do you know, Simon is more than just your neighbour; he is your shadow, a silent protector, and he knows more about you than you could ever imagine.
It started with small, subtle things you wouldn't even notice: how every time you were out of bread, he had claimed he ordered too much and dropped a loaf by for you. Or how when your period was due, you opened the door to him holding a care package of sorts with everything in it that you could want. He said something about winning a lucky raffle and not needing it, so he gave it to you.
It was as if Simon just appeared whenever you needed him, but never intrusively so. He was just always in the right place at the right time, and you'd brush off the odd coincidence with a grateful smile.
ā€œOh ah, yes, I was just on my way home, grabbed these biscuits from that local bakery, still hot out of the oven. Thought you might enjoy themā€ Simon said politely, and handed the box to you.
You smiled a little taken aback by the gesture. "Oh, thank you, Simon. You really didn't have to do that."
He shrugged, his eyes on you for a fraction longer than was necessary. "It's nothing, really. I know you've been busy with work, thought you could use a treat.ā€
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But you couldn't explain the expensive gifts that began showing up. A bag here, a delicate piece of jewellery there. No notes, no explanations-just beautifully wrapped boxes left at your door. You assumed it was a mistake at first, maybe some mix-up with a neighbour's delivery, but when the gifts continued, you couldn't help but be puzzled.
They were all things you had admired in passing, or things you needed and just hadn't gotten around to buying. In fact, most of what showed up was already on your wish list that you had definitely written down on a piece of paper lying around somewhere in your house.
Simon was always there, but you never realised just how often your paths crossed. He popped up everywhere you were, the shop, at the park, even at the gym. In your mind, he was just that quiet neighbour who happened to have a similar routine as you.
"Fancy seeing you here," said Simon as he approached the treadmill.
You looked up startled to see him in the same gym at the same time. "Oh, hey, Simon! Didn't expect to run into you here."
He gave you a casual nod, his face as unreadable as always. "Yeah, trying to keep up the regular workouts since I've been off work. Anytime you wannaā€™ train, just let me know, Iā€™ll help out." he offered, his voice casual though his eyes watched you closely.
ā€œI might just take you up on that," you said, smiling, pleased with the offer. It was nice, you thought, having a neighbour who was kind, yet also seemed genuinely interested in getting to know you.
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What you didn't realise was just how involved Simon was in your life. You'd brush off the strange feeling of being watched as paranoia. You didn't know that Simon had eyes everywhere, cameras hidden in places you'd never think to look.Ā 
He wasn't just your neighbour; he was your stalker, though he preferred to think of himself as your guardian. Simon would never say he was obsessed, he merely wanted to care for you in ways you didnā€™t know you needed.
He noticed the little things, like how you furrowed your brow when you were stressed or when you curled up to a specific pillow after waking from a bad dream. Though it was so much more than that.Ā 
He knew everything from your favourite brand of tea to the exact shade of lipstick you wore, your favourite vibrator, and the cute little sounds you made every time you used it. He loved watching you grow frustrated whenever your fingers failed to get you over that point of release you so desperately craved. Oh, how he could fix that, and one day, he will.
"How was your date last night?" Simon asked nonchalantly, but there was an undercurrent of something darker beneath the words.
"It wasā€¦okay," you said with a shrug, minimising the disappointment that was still in your mind. You had expected more, but actually, the evening just let you down.
Simon nodded, his face unreadable as he listened. "Just alright? Well that's a shame. You deserve better than just 'alright.'ā€
Of course, Simon had already known just how your date had gone; he'd listened to the lousy conversation from a man who was so in love with himself that he couldn't see how great you were. He let it slide and he even ignored the stupid flirting as the evening progressed.Ā 
But what he couldn't handle was the fake moans you were letting out by the end of the night. There he was, ready to imagine it was him making you feel good, and then he heard the first noise you let out, fake and pathetic, almost. After that, he already knew the night was going to end with you so unbelievably unsatisfied that he almost stormed right over to help you out.
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Simon made sure your life was comfortable, but he did it so smoothly that you never even questioned it. You were clueless, you knew nothing, and you lived blissfully unaware that it was Simon who was behind all of it. He treated you like a treasure, showered you with luxury and attention, yet kept his true intentions hidden behind a mask of neighbourly politeness.
He was always there, a constant presence, growing more obsessed with each passing day. He loved the sense of power he had, knowing all the intimate details in your life, feeling as though you were already his. Because to Simon, you were. Youā€™re his to take care of, his to protect and his to watch over, whether you wanted him to or not.Ā 
And so you continued with your life, oblivious that Simon was never too far away, watching and making sure you were always comfortable and happy, just the way he liked it.
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ą¼„ cod m.list
Ā© veritasangel ā†£ š˜„š˜° š˜Æš˜°š˜µ š˜¤š˜°š˜±š˜ŗ š˜¢š˜Æš˜ŗ š˜°š˜§ š˜®š˜ŗ š˜øš˜°š˜³š˜¬š˜“
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helena-and-helena-meta Ā· 8 months
The world of yesterday
Hng, I wanna dieeee this took me way too long also, this is from a prompt by a friend :3
Also, this isn't proof read because it's late when I posted this
In the world of yesterday, James and Glynda were far closer than ā€œjust friendsā€ or colleagues. They were lovers, dreamers who were deeply in love. They had fallen for each other after their respective graduations when James had visited Vale for the first time. Glyndaā€™s striking green eyes lured James in, those beautiful green eyes meeting his deep blue ones. Before he knew James had already fallen head over heels for the blonde huntress. Glynda and James would visit each other as much as possible, sometimes dancing in the soft moonlight together, humming old tunes from their respective kingdoms, or exchanging kisses.
Butā€¦ That all changed when those Grimm attacked James. His body was torn in half from his chest to his legs. Thanks to the technology, the kingdom of Atlas had access to James survived, but he was never the same. Those silver prosthetics replaced the left side of his body. When he had only recently gained them, he couldnā€™t even hold a glass properly without dropping it or accidentally shattering it, something James despised. The events of the Grimm attack haunted him, as did the pain that came after. Whenever fluids seeped from his still-healing wounds, he had to buy new sheets only to ruin those. The pain and frustration caused him to push away those whom he held so dear to his heart.
Glynda took care of him like any dear friend would until he pushed her away, too. She knew they couldnā€™t continue their romantic relationship. First, James needed to heal anything else would add stress to that. So, following his wishes, Glynda left and gave him the space he needed. Despite their separation, she still loved James. He would forever be so dear to her. His beautiful blue eyes would never leave her memories.
When James became a general and the headmaster of Atlas Academy, Glynda was the first one he told. He told her many things. Even after their separation, they both wanted to remain close. Glynda missed the nights she and James would dance together, and James regrets ever pushing her away.
When the Vytal festival came around, James came to Beacon, bringing his fleet with him. The general felt it was necessary, especially with Qrowā€™s message. When he saw Glynda again after so long, he felt like his heart was going to burst. He loved her so much, but expressing those feelings wasnā€™t something he felt like he could do, not after he pushed her away. In the generalā€™s eyes, James believed Glynda hated him after how he had pushed her away. Not like the current setting was an ideal time. He had to speak to Ozpin.
When Glynda left Ozpinā€™s office to allow the two headmasters to speak, she leaned against the elevator wall, feeling it moving as it descended. She sighed and covered her face with her hands. Glynda wanted nothing more than to hold James in her arms and never let him go, but she didnā€™t think heā€™d like that, the last time she had seen the general in person, he was so avoidant of touch and she believed he was still the same. Glynda quickly calmed herself and wiped away the tears she had just now noticed were gathering at the corners of her green eyes. She knew that some of her students would wonder why their combat teacher was crying after leaving Ozpinā€™s office.
After their brief talk, James left Ozpinā€™s office. He felt some frustration building at his old friendā€™s plans. Glynda met the moment the elevator doors opened at the bottom floor. James quickly smiled, but he knew they didnā€™t have the time to talk currently. He had to get his students situated since they just arrived.
ā€œGlynda I-ā€ James attempts to speak to her, but he catches himself before his thoughts are voiced. James clears his throat. ā€œI wanted to know if we could talk later, just you and I?ā€
Glynda smiled as James spoke. She also wanted to speak to him. ā€œIā€™d like that.ā€ She looked away, wondering where they could speak alone, but before she could suggest anything, James spoke, ā€œIf youā€™d like, I could visit your classroom tonight after classes are over.ā€
Glynda nodded, agreeing with the idea. She watched as he left to attend to his students. James was always so worried about them.
Neither of the two could think straight as time crept closer to when theyā€™d met. The students from Atlas watched as their headmaster paced in the ship, occasionally readjusting his tie between steps, something they learned heā€™d do when the general was nervous. Meanwhile, the students of Beacon noticed how Glynda kept glancing. She seemed much more impatient, and it was obvious she was worried about something.
When the time for them arrived, James couldnā€™t help but hurry through the halls. It wasnā€™t like anyone wouldā€™ve stopped him, being that he was a headmaster and general, not a student late for class. James sighed as he arrived at Glyndaā€™s classroom. Before he opened the door, the general readjusted his tie one last time. Glyndaā€™s eyes immediately shot to the door as she heard it creak open. She watched as James entered.
ā€œSoā€¦ I,ā€ James sighed, he felt as if he couldnā€™t find his words as they caught in his throat, but Glyndaā€™s voice quickly piped up as she asked a simple question, ā€œHow have you been, James?ā€ James cleared his throat as he answered ā€œIā€™ve been well, stressed but well.ā€
That was normal, mostly for a headmaster and a general. Combining the two jobs must be so difficult for James, Glynda thinks about that often. She sighed as an awkward silence overcame the two. ā€œIā€¦ I never stopped thinking about you,ā€ James blurts out, he canā€™t stop himself as he continues speaking, ā€œIā€™ve never stopped thinking about the times we were together, I canā€™t stop thinking about your laughter or smile I-ā€ Before James can finish Glynda embraces him, a small tear streaking down her face, ā€œI-Iā€™ve been thinking about you too. I was so worried when you got hurt and I havenā€™t stopped worrying I..ā€ Glynda cups the generalā€™s cheek as she looks him directly in his deep blue eyes, ā€œI never stopped loving you, James.ā€
His breath catches in his throat as James hears Glynda speak, ā€œI love you too, I-ā€ James shuddered as he allowed himself to cry, ā€œI regret ever pushing you away, Glynda. All I wanted to do was hold you close, but I was sure you hated me,ā€ James admits as he softly presses his forehead to Glyndaā€™s. ā€œJames, Iā€¦ I donā€™t think I could ever hate you.ā€
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machifuwa Ā· 2 years
Autumn Cafeteria | Episode 2
A few days later, on a holiday
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Koga: ćƒ¼Damn it. Why did I have to babysit you, and on a day-off, too?
Yuuta: It's not babysitting~. We're shopping, sho~pping!
We were playing rock-paper-scissors to decide on who'll buy the groceries for Bank BB, and you lost! So to sum it up, you're a loserā€¦ā˜†
Koga: Don't call me a loser. Come to think of it, don't act up on me now. You also lost, didn'tcha?
Yuuta: I guess so~. If only I gave it my all earlier, I would've pushed everything on Oogami-senpai.
But still, thank god I'm not alone. When I saw the shopping list, I was so shocked by the amount we had to buy.
Koga: Agreed. I get that cleaners and oils are necessary to take care of the instruments, so we need 'em butćƒ¼
Isn't it weird that there are party crackers and tinsel garlands on the list!? Just what are they up to?
Yuuta: Usually, people buy this to set up a party but, we're not that kind of circle.
ā€¦Or maybe we're going to use them as instruments? I mean, party crackers do know how to make a sound.
As for the tinsel garlands, I'm sure you can shake them up like thisā€¦see, it makes a sound.
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Koga: Shit~, I can barely hear a thingā€¦that ain't an instrument at all.
Yuuta: Woah, that's harsh ā™Ŗ
Speaking of musical instruments. At the music store we were at earlier, I've been thinking about something.
Koga: Aan?
Yuuta: I like musical instruments enough to join the light music club and Band BB. The reason I started playing an instrumentćƒ¼was to make a living as a street performer.
I never really had a pure and dedicated approach like my seniors though. I just wanted to use whatever instruments and tools I could.
So, I just thought it was cool to see you choosing consumables without compromise.
ā€¦I have to admit that after talking about this, it was such a pain in the ass ā™Ŗ
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Koga: Hey now.
Yuuta: Ahaha. Now that the shopping spree is over, why don't we take a rest before going back to Seisoukan?
Koga: Right. I'm a bit hungry too, let's go somewhereā€¦
Shit, it's so crowded everywhere. I got no time for long lines.
Yuuta: As expected of a holiday. There are so many restaurants open, but we can't even get in.
I'm not in the mood for a takeout. How troublesomeā€¦
ā€¦Ah, right! We have to walk for a bit, but please just follow me.
Koga: Hm, where're we goin'?
Yuuta: Fufufu. It's my hiding placeā€¦ā˜†
Ten minutes later
Yuuta: (...As I thought, it's empty. Thank god.)
We're here, Oogami-senpai.
Koga: Hell with "a bit". You made me walk a tonā€¦
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ā€¦Aan? This is the place you're callin' your hideout?
Yuuta: Such a beautiful cafƩ, isn't it~? I found it when I was looking around for a secret place where I didn't know anyone.
You can come here from time to time, too. But please don't tell anyone about it.
Koga: Shut it. I'm hungry and frustrated. Let's just get the hell in.
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Tsumugi: Welcome~ ā™Ŗ
Oh, if it isn't Yuuta-kun and Koga-kun. Good afternoon~.
Yuuta: H-Helloā€¦
Tsumugi: Welcome, welcome. Please follow me~ ā™Ŗ
Koga: (Whispering) What's goin' on, Yuuta? Itsuki-senpai and that red-haired brat's here too.
Yuuta: (Whispering) Who knows...
Koga: "Who knows", you littlećƒ¼Isn't this your hideout!?
Yuuta: Yes, but I've never seen or even predicted this situation before. Whenever I come here, there's only the owner or a part-timer presentā€¦
Perhapsā€¦do they work here?
Koga: Haa? There's no way inćƒ¼hell. I mean, Aoba-senpai's a deputy director and that red-haired brat came from a rich family.
As for Itsuki-senpai, wellā€¦I don't know much about him but I heard he likes to travel back and forth, right?
These dudes are a bunch of successful idols, there ain't no way they'd be needing a second job.
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Yuuta: Right~. They're probably just trying to gain work experience at a cafƩ, maybe a TV project or something?
Woah, he's coming this way.
Shu: ćƒ¼Ehem. Have you finally decided on what to order?
Koga: Were those honorifics I heardā€¦I'll get the Lunch Set A. How 'bout you, Yuuta?
Yuuta: I'll get the B one please~.
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Shu: Umu. Got it.
Koga: He ain't repeatin' the orderā€¦? Seriously, what the hell is going on here? [1]
Yuuta: Hmm~. It's the same as usual, except the fact that those three people are working here.
Maybe we should ask Tsukasa-kun, who's obviously distracted, to tell us about the current situation.
O~i. Tsukasa-kun~.
Corgi is confused as to why Shu didn't repeat their order, despite trying to "earn the experience" of working there. Since most waiters or clerks would repeat a customer's order to avoid future misunderstandings.
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Translated by machi
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jkl-fff Ā· 5 months
In a suprising twist of fate, you have been given 30 billion dollars! The catch? You only have it for 7 days. Anything you purchase you can keep, and anybody you give it to will keep what you give to them, (eg, donations and gifts wont disappear) but after 7 days you no longer have access to the liquid assets and if you gave somebody money, they cant just give it back.
For the sake of this hypothetical, lets not worry about things like taxes.
How are you spending your fortune? ^_^
Would it be cheating if I buy a bunch of gold, silver, and other precious materials I can sell off to basically have liquid assets again? Is that too much rules-lawyering to try to swing a loophole?
Assuming it is ... I'm going to buy a bunch of properties and endow them with trusts to keep financing them after these seven days are over. The properties will be turned into low-income housing to basically provide homeless people with a safe, stable, permanent, and free residence while they reestablish themselves. A lot more will be donated to foodbanks, animal shelters, and charities that help queer people in particular. Probably going to hire some people to spend the week looking up others across the globe that are legit and effective so I can throw money at them, too. And I'll buy a bunch of medical and student debt so I can just forgive it, thereby erasing it.
Once I've finished being a do-gooder, I've got several friends as well as artists I'm going to drop one million on each. The deal for all of them will basically be, "This is a standing commission payment. You get this now, and I get art whenever the fancy stikes me later (your schedule and health permitting)."
Will give 10 million to my parents to guarantee they never have to worry about house or car payments, and basically to cover family vacations for the rest of their lives. And I guess ten million to each of my siblings for the same reason, with the understanding that they take care of my subsequent necessary expenses for the rest of my life. Not give me money, you understand, just make sure I and my animals always have space with them and the things we absolutely must spend money on will not be a concern for me.
Oh! Going to purchase and endow a martial arts school where I can workout and teach Taekwon-Do with all the useful equipment I can think of to make sure property management costs are handled forever. And also hire a guy to be my eternal personal trainer and manager--a guy whose side job (they can have another one, of course, I won't need that much managing) is to come in at regular times and help me stay motivated and on track with all my separate duties and chores and goals and such.
What else? What else? Guess I should get a new, sensible car. Some new, comfortable and nice-looking clothes, too. What else do I even want for myself? What else do people normally need for themselveals?
I'm generally not a very materialist nor consumerist sort of guy. There's not a lot I want that could be bought, especially in as short a timeframe as a week. Some experieces need funding (like travel), but a week wouldn't suffice to manage those. So I'm honestly going to be doing my damndest to give all 30 billion away (with ironclad contracts to guarantee ethical use of it through auditing and such), most of it to worthy causes. The people in my personal life don't need a huge sum, so it would be a matter of giving them perpetual security without exorbitant affluence. Then on to organizations who are better qualified than I to disperse those funds in a helpful way.
Thanks for the thought-provoking question!
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v-anrouge Ā· 2 years
exposing myself on the internet for a character assignment go brrrrr
also: *sweats in aroace*
Okay so I possess a distinct lack of hobbies because āœØ mental illness āœØ and also I am a total hikkineet. I do however, have less active hobbies like drawing, painting, reading/writing. I do enjoy rewatching Musicals from my childhood whenever Iā€™m feeling down or generally empty. Some faves would be ā€œThe Sound Of Musicā€, ā€œMary Poppinsā€ and ā€œAnastasiaā€. Ya boi likes singing along with em even though I am terrible at it hehe ā¤ļø
God okay. My personality. Uhh. I have a lot of feelings (and cry a lot) and I am extremely affection starved so show me positive attention and compliment me and I am fucking worshipping the ground you walk on so.. affectionate? I guess. Also Kind of quiet. Iā€™m in my head a lot, and I have anxiety about voicing my opinion and thoughts to people. Especially irl. Iā€™ll usually just remain silent or provide a few comments but otherwise mainly a listener. But if itā€™s a special interest and I can see that you are actively listening to me instead of waiting for me to stop talking Iā€™ll turn into a walking Encyclopedia about Said thing. I do love physical affection but only when I am in the mood for it lol.
Giving love language is acts of service and gift giving (flashbacks to the time I offered to buy you something even though we barely knew each other). Receiving love language is words of affirmation probably idk i have 3 irl Friends outside of Family so my experience on the matter is limited.
Also people who are audibly/visibly angry will set off my fight/flight/freeze response and I will physically distance myself from them due to discomfort/fear. Iā€™d also definitely go non-verbal as a result. This would be a time where touching me could result in a panic attack/me just crying lmao
Okay bare with me here because I have never actively considered my type so Iā€™m only really thinking about it now
Type wise, perhaps someone kind but firm, Iā€™d say? I lack a lot of motivation, self-discipline and self-respect, so a partner who is gentle, accomodating and understanding of my situation but isnā€™t afraid to call bullshit when they see it would definitely be preferable. Also direct communication because I CANNOT read between the lines. And.. someone who would go places with me. Not even for like the cute coupley things like Dates and Shopping or whatever (though that would be great too) but literally as a Support Person for stressful situations like dentists, doctors and other such appointments. Lord knows I need it because I stutter so badly when talking to strangers irl and stare straight at the ground and go silent when I inevitably become embarrassed at my lack of social skillsšŸ’€ I donā€™t really have a strong preference for any hobbies a partner might have, but it would be cool to watch musicals together. And dress up and stuff. Maybe even cosplay. Idk just Indulging in each others hobbies would be fun. Also I struggle with like, mobile(?) communication and find it difficult to take the initiative to start text convos or call people, so theyā€™d need to take the lead on that otherwise I may accidentally end up ghosting them. Not maliciously, but as I said, ya boy is stuck in his own little world a lot.
Also my favourite colour is green! HEX Code : #9AEEC8 (this probably wasnā€™t necessary but teehee)
And if a partner canā€™t handle spice I will constantly give them shit for it but in an affectionate way ā¤ļø
I match you with...
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ROOK HUNT let me start this off by saying that this can be taken in both a platonic or romantic way and that in either way u and rook are like made for eachother im serious like u two are fucking inseparable, rook absolutely adores everything about you, you two have A LOT in common and he LIVES for it, rook and you can constantly be found almost sobbing over eachother and how much you mean to eachother, you two are so close people consider u both goals (couple or friendship it's up to u). rook is absolutely sure you two are soulmates he has never felt so connected to someone like he feels connected to you
rook loves spending time with you he adores talking to you even if to other ppl it might seem like he's being ignored rook knows he isn't he knows that you are listening intently to him and he loves it, most people hate it when he starts talking to them since he talks A LOT but you? you don't mind it! you stay there and listen to him ramble and sometimes even join him! rook always feel so warm when he manages to make you feel safe enough to ramble and infodump him and he'll be very happy if you allow him to do the same in exchange you two have a lot of interests in common and love talking about them to ppl that actually care so this normally ends w u both talking for hours non-stop and not even noticing as time goes by (not u two talking about vil for 5 hours straight)
rook absolutely adores your works, wether it's a drawing, a painting or a piece u wrote he'll love to see it, he could spend hours talking about your works seriously it became one of his special interests his ur number 1 fan now he'll always hype you up and even do some of them with you (like painting and reading together etc)
rook swears he can feel his heart exploding in his heart when u give him a gift this man won't stop smiling as he goes on and on about how much he absolutely adores you and how much he loves the gift and how he's so honored and happy to receive something like that and there's literal tears on his eyes as he does so, rook feels so happy when you offer to help him too, it means he gets more time to spend with you! and rook loves spending time with you<3
if you like words of affirmation than rook is the man for you, this man constantly writes poems about you and the special connection you two share and even though he has written multiple of them somehow they never ever look the same it's always so fresh as if it was his first time writing something like that, it also never fails to make you smile rook is very observant so he'll def know what makes you smile and he WILL be making a LOT of use of his privileged knowledge
rook knows how you get when someone is mad and being loud about it so whenever rook feels an situation escalating he'll immediately take you away from it and make sure you're okay, if rook ever happens to arrive to late he'll do his best to help you calm down, rook is super patient and even if you go non-verbal rook somehow still always know what to say and what to do, if you like company in times like these rook will not leave your side, he'll constantly be making sure you're feeling alright and comfortable and paying attention to your body language if you can't speak
rook will always encourage you to try new things at the same time he'll immediately take you out of any situations that make you extremely uncomfortable, for rook it isn't easy to trust people, however he trusts you, and he wants you to trust him back so he wants to be there for you, to show you he will always be by your side to support you and he wishes that you feel the same towards him
if you want to talk to someone or ask for anything but you're too nervous because they're a stranger rook will offer himself to do it for you, he has no problems doing that for you, rook would never shame anyone for not having good social skills because rook himself used to be very shy as a kid and he understands how hard it can be to talk to strangers
rook LOVES to watch and re-watch musicals with you! it's one of his favorite things to do, rook feels so happy when he's watching a musical you two like by your side he truly wishes that moments like these lasted forever, because there is no place rook would rather be than by your side
other possibilities: vil ( u two are like made for eachother seriously as i read ur info i was like omfg it makes sense why you love vil so much) lilia, cater & malleus
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Hey folks,
I need your help and good ideas.
We have this idiom "You always meet twice in life" (it is meant in a positive, not in a threatening way) and this is... engraved a little too deep in me. Way too deep. I always expect to meet people from my past. They are mostly former friends or adults (I mean, who were adults when I was a child). Teachers or doctors. I always had some kind of hopes that one of them, that was just a slightly bit nice to me would save me from my abusive home. So I... exaggerated the relationship they had to me in my mind. If someone was nice and maybe friendly smalltalking, for me this was a big thing that still makes me think of it. 9 years ago a teacher asked me out of the blue if everything was fine at home. You think I've recovered from that yet? Absolutely not!
I still regularly think about all the people who have been slightly nice of me. And I still think about them.... saving me? In a way. I mean, I am fine, I moved out but still, I dream of them becoming some kind of role model for me. Helping me grow as an adult. Listening, supporting, giving me the kind of advice on issues, that normally a parent would do. But mainly, being proud of me.
Whenever I leave the house I expect to meet one of them. I expect them to meet me and be disappointed in me. Or worse, wanting to talk to me. I avoided whole cities when I knew a former friend lives there. I still only leave the house if absolutely necessary, even when I lived hundred of miles away. Distance doesn't matter. They could be on vacation, right? (I once met a classmate while we both where on vacation far from home so...).
I am afraid they might ask me, what I am doing with my life etc. and the honest answer would be, nothing that an adult in this capitalistic world would be proud of. And I didn't fix my mental health so everyone who knows about that and probably wished me the best will be disappointed that I didn't fix it yet.
I don't want to disappoint people, I don't want them to think bad of me. Or, that someone who liked me will change their mind. When I was younger I avoided finding friends because in my mind it was inevitable that I would disappoint them and they would start to hate me at some point. I gave up on that but I am still very careful around friends and people who like me so that this doesn't happen.
Now I am planning on moving back, close to my hometown. Where all people from my past live. Help! I am already panicking when I think about buying groceries.
Of course I am also hoping to meet them and impress them, making them consider adopting me ahem, but be honest, I would just stutter and run away.
Housing situation is a horror, I can't be too picky, and yesterday I viewed an potential appartment which was right on the other side of the street from my old school. Straight the other side. So, it is not necessarily an hypothetical problem. I might move somewhere where I will run into people from my past.
What can I do? I have no idea.
Ah and I am not that long out of school so, I would be hurt if they wouldn't remember me.
Hi anon,
It's understandable to not want to disappoint people, but people's disappointment isn't always warranted or helpful. You heal at your own pace. If someone were disappointed in you that you haven't "fixed" your mental health, it's their problem that they don't understand how mental health works. There is no rush in healing. You take all the time you need.
I'd like to rip from this: Itā€™s impossible to be liked or loved by everybody. No matter how popular you are, there will always be someone who doesnā€™t like you. Even if you could get everybody to like or love you, you would never know if they liked you enough, or if they still liked you. Different people have different tastes. Some people might like (for example) your new hairstyle; other people might hate it. Therefore, no matter what you do, some people will admire you, and some people wonā€™t.
If anyone else has any comments or suggestions, you're more than welcome to do so.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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doriandistortion Ā· 1 year
My favorite post on Letterboxd
I canā€™t explain how much this means to me
By reibureibu
Reviewing The Man Who Sleeps
After graduating college I thought I had things figured out. I had a paid internship that provided housing and other interns as roommates, at a maritime museum that was next to the ocean. Every day I woke up to my seaside surroundings and interacted with all kinds of people both indoors and outdoors, and every week we visited another museum to learn more about the field and just hang out as a group. In retrospect, that was one of the best periods of my life; certainly it was one of the most vibrant, and meaningful.
Though I wouldn't know it at the time, what I did next was the complete antithesis. I essentially worked a miscellaneous office job, doing whatever leftover tasks were necessary that no one else wanted to do. I had coworkers I never connected with no matter what I did, and I became even lonelier with how a few came so close (I still wish them well, they were really good people. And so I came home with the daylight all spent to a shabby floor I shared with two other people. They were terrible at cleaning. They also claimed the living room. So I spent all my time locked in my small room just staring at a screen that bathed the space sickly white, until it was too late to get any restful sleep.
This job was temporary so after a while it ended, but I still had a few months left on my housing contract. So instead of spending that time being productive like I promised my parents, my friends, and most importantly myself, I spent that time delving even deeper into exile.
I never left the house (I barely left my room) and the only thing I ever did was find momentary escapes from my increasing anxiety. Video-games I took no pleasure in, books I never read, music I listened to once... honestly I couldn't even really tell you specifics because I barely remember anything at all.
The few times I went outside was a haze, like stepping outside into a bright, blinding fog that took every ounce of will just to put one foot forward over the other.
Nothing felt real; nothing seemed real. The time spent outdoors warped like the paint on my walls. So I went back inside. At least there time stood still.
And when I ran out of all the food I had in the fridge, I just started ordering delivery online. And I ordered a lot, so I could eat a lot, because eating was the only thing that still gave me pleasure. And by ordering so much I had food for days; you'd be surprised how long pizza (and pasta, and burgers, and anything fried, and-) can last at room temperature.
Yeah, it's disgusting. I was disgusting. I just had containers of food lying around on the floor so I could eat it whenever I needed to feel something, anything; I probably smelled like stale grease all the time, plus I had no motivation to shower at all; I was unemployed and unproductive, wasting all my money on stuff I didn't need to buy that only gave me fleeting moments of joy; I stayed up all night feeling like a soulless husk so I could wake up with the next day already almost gone; and I stopped talking to all my friends and family, because suddenly that phone became too heavy to lift when I needed to text one of them back.
I guess that sounds like mavbe I had depression. I don't know. I think you rarely know when you do. At the time, it all just seemed so... normal. How different normal was then, compared to when I was at sea.
"It is on a day like this one, a little later, a little earlier, that you discover, without surprise, that something is wrong, that you don't know how to live and that you never will. Something has broken."
That's the story of The Man Who Sleeps, or at least, my story of when I was most asleep. The film ends, right there, at the absolute nadir of despair. The period when things are at their utter worst, yet, paradoxically, when one is at their most accepting of it. Perhaps it's because that's when we succumb to it entirely, at an uneasy peace now that we've renounced all else.
But I won't end it here, no, because that's not where my story ends.
If you told me at the time that I would get better, I wouldn't have believed you. If you told me at the time that I would start enjoying hobbies again, I wouldn't have believed you. If you told me at the time that I would reconnect with my loved ones, I wouldn't have believed you. And if you told me at the time that I would find any sense of worth in myself and my life, I especially, vehemently, would never have believed you.
But I did. I woke up. I am no longer asleep.
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cinderella-gurei Ā· 1 year
Askbox-Call from @kihel-sorcas :
It was rare that Kihel was this close to the gardens of the palace. Usually the people here did not want to interact with those clothed in such simple dresses like hers. And they certainly did not want to buy potions or ointments. But Kihel wasn't here to sell anything, anyway. No. She wante dto get back the bag that one of the soldiers had taken away from her. Apparently as some punishment because she had 'annoyed' him with her pitch to buy some of the salves.
Having climbed atop a small wall and now holding onto the steel bars, pressing her face against them, she was... amazed. The gardens looked so... clean. So green and well-kept. The flowers were countless. All colours there could be found - a lot of white ones, too. And the grass was so green... completely different from the dried out deserts she knew.
But then - there was something else among all these flowers. A boy. In teh finest clothes she had ever seen, with two blond braids framing his face. Kihel's eyes widened as she noticed the other child. He had seen her before she had noticed him. No way she now could just hide away and pretend this never happened.
And she still needed her bag back.
So instead of running, the girl pressed her lips to a thin line, then calling out.
"Hey! You! Little Lord, would you help me, please? One of the soldiers from here has taken something away from me... and I need it back. It's my bag full of my potions and tonics. I sell them - and without them I have nothing to sell, you see?"
He thought it to be a quiet day. It wasn't unusual for both his Mother and Father to be busy working politics and other complex things he didn't really want to think about. He had taken it upon himself to just play the day away with his little toy soldier, but after a few hours, he grew bored of it.
Recalling that his Father was fond of a certain type of flower, he thought to go get some for himself, try and play with them for a while. He was told it could be dangerous to get in contact with them, but if his Father always had one and gave one to his Brother Dearest, why couldn't he try to grab lots of them and do something cool with them? Maybe a flower crown, maybe decorate his clothes, or something else entirely...
With those thoughts in mind did he set off to the garden. There, he took a while to glance at the other flowers around -- they were just as pretty, but the white ones were the most regal... Or so he thought, because his father loved them. Despite that, he really liked to look at them all, to feel the soft petals, to watch them sway gently against the wind. So, he traveled quietly throughout the giant garden before stopping around the white flowers, softly placing the tip of his fingers around them, eyes concentrated upon them, until something in the corner of his eye called to his attention.
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His eyes widen with wonder and shock the moment he turns. There she was, a girl, peeking through the bars dividing the gardens from the outside. She wore ragged clothing, her hair was uneven, and it seemed like she had been out in the sun for quite a long time. What an odd one! And she spoke, which made the boy gasp.
"One of the soldiers?" Now why would any knight want to take the bag of a girl? She mentioned potions and tonics, something his brother also spoke about whenever he returned from the battlefields. Mayhap they were growing scarce on the stuff... But this only posed more questions than answers. The boy is quick to cross his arms, doubting the girl, despite the glimmer in his eyes, the innate excitement to meet one close to his age but so foreign.
"Why would they steal from the poor? We provide them with all the necessary equipment... Surely, they had no need for your items. Are you sure they took your bag?" With a pause, he gasps. "Could it be one of the Branded that took it, then?" @kihel-sorcas
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missmentelle Ā· 4 years
What abusers believe.
If you've ever had to deal with an abusive person in your life - like an abusive parent or partner - you've probably wondered what made them treat you that way. If you understand why abuse is happening, the thinking goes, you might be able to figure out how to make it stop.Ā 
So why do abusers do what they do? Do they have anger issues? Drinking problems? Past trauma? Personality disorders? Do they just need to get in touch with their feelings and learn how to communicate better?
Abusive behaviours come from abusive beliefs. Abusers - whether consciously or unconsciously - hold specific beliefs about relationships that drive their behaviour and allow them to justify the horrible things they do. Even if your abuser has never put their beliefs into words, you'll probably recognize a lot of these abusive beliefs:
You are responsible for my emotions. It is never my responsibility to reflect on my emotional reactions or learn better coping skills - it's your responsibility to stop doing things that make me angry or upset.
I must act on my emotions. If I am angry, I am going to lash out. You have no right to criticize me for that, and it's not my responsibility to learn to manage my Ā emotions - you have to stop making me lash out at you. Asking me not to act on my emotions is controlling and wrong.
You will always be responsible for my emotions. Even if the relationship ends, you will continue to be responsible for my emotions, and I will expect you to continue to prioritize my feelings.
If I have feelings about something, it's my business. If something you do or think causes an emotional reaction in me, then I have a right to get involved or tell you what to do. My feelings must be the priority. You donā€™t have the right to tell me that itā€™s none of my business.Ā 
You must judge me on my intentions, not my actions. If I didn't mean to hurt you or scare you, then you don't have the right to be hurt or scared. No one has the right to try to hold me accountable unless I meant to hurt someone.
I get to decide what your intentions were. If you hurt me, you meant to hurt me. If you make me jealous, you meant to make me jealous. Nothing you do is ever accidental or unintended - everything you do is intentional and malicious, even if it was a response to something I did.
My feelings are genuine; your feelings are manipulation. If I'm upset, my feelings are real and important. If you are upset, you have an ulterior motive - you're just trying to be manipulative and get attention or sympathy for yourself.
You have freedoms because I allow you to. Every freedom you have in your life - like wearing what you want - it's because I generously allow it. I expect you to be grateful to me for that. I have the right to take those freedoms away whenever I want, and I expect you to obey.
If you set boundaries with me, you are mistreating me. If you really loved me, you wouldn't set boundaries with me. You are doing this to intentionally hurt me, which means I don't have to respect those boundaries.
You holding me accountable for hurting you is worse than me hurting you. My pain at being called out is worse than your pain at being mistreated. If I feel bad about something I did, I have already been punished enough. You trying to discuss the issue or hold me accountable is just your way of abusing me.
If I apologized for something, you have to forgive me. If the relationship has ended, you have to reconcile with me. You don't get to ask for more time apart or more discussion of the issue - once I've apologized, the matter is closed for good.
The relationship is not over until I say it is over. So long as I want a relationship with you, you must have a relationship with me. Your feelings are irrelevant. Even if we have broken up, you must remain available to me so we can get back together in the future. Not wanting a relationship with me means you are mistreating me or being immature.Ā 
I am the authority in this relationship. I am smarter and more perceptive than you. I know what is best for both of us. My version of events is always the correct one. I have superior judgement, taste and opinions. If you question me or disagree with me after I've given you the correct answer, you are disrespecting and mistreating me, or you are simply immature and incapable of knowing whatā€™s good for you.
I have the right to control you. It is my absolute right to decide what you do and who you associate with. You have no right to disobey me. I am owed obedience and control; if you donā€™t give me those things, you are wronging me and cheating me out of the relationship I deserve.Ā 
If you resist my control, I am allowed to do whatever I think is necessary to get it back. Once youā€™ve resisted me, I am justified in whatever I do to regain control of you. I am not responsible for my actions when you resist my control; you forced me to do it, and itā€™s your own fault.Ā 
I should be your main focus. Everything else in your life comes secondary to me. When you make decisions, my feelings should be your first consideration. You are expected to make sacrifices for me and put me at the center of your life; I am not obligated to do the same for you.Ā 
If I spend money on you or do something for you, you are in debt to me. You spending money on me or doing things for me does not erase your debt to me, and I am never in debt to you. You are indebted to me for as long as I decide. I may decide that your belongings and earnings also belong to me, since I allow you to have them. I may also decide at any time that you owe me for gifts I gave you, even if they were meant to be gifts.
I am not abusive, and you are not allowed to tell me otherwise. I know what abuse is, and real abusers are significantly worse than me. If our relationship has ever had any good times or positive moments, it canā€™t possibly be abusive. If you accuse me of being abusive, you are the one abusing me, or you have been led astray by bad influences.Ā 
Relationships should be effortless (for me). I am owed a relationship that is peaceful and requires no real effort from me. It is your job to make sure we have that kind of relationship. If there is any tension or conflict in the relationship, it is your fault, and you are depriving me of the relationship I deserve to have.Ā 
Abusers and victims alike often buy into the narrative that abuse is rooted in anger issues - after all, abusers are frequently angry, and anger is an issue that can be treated. But this narrative just isnā€™t true. Abusers arenā€™t abusive because they are angry. Abusers are angry because they are abusive.Ā 
A non-abusive partner is not someone who has learned how to control their rage whenever you spend time with your friends or get home 15 minutes late from work. A non-abusive partner just doesnā€™t feel any rage in those situations. An abuserā€™s rage is firmly rooted in their beliefs about relationships - they feel entitled to a relationship that meets their impossible expectations, and when they inevitably donā€™t get it, they bubble over with fury. Whether they know it or not, they have firmly entrenched beliefs about how relationships should be, and those beliefs are at the heart of their abuse.Ā 
Can abusers stop believing these things? Maybe. If they can acknowledge that they have these beliefs, accept that these beliefs are dangerous and unreasonable and let go of these beliefs, maybe itā€™s possible for them to no longer be abusive in the future. Maybe. But itā€™s not your job to hang around and find out. If youā€™re in an abusive relationship of any kind, you deserve better. There are many people in this world who donā€™t hold abusive views of relationships, and you deserve to find happiness with them.Ā 
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buckysouvenir Ā· 3 years
the gala
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summary: after helping sam and bucky with their house decoration, you have the time to meet the super soldier who seems to me enchanted by you.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader.
warnings: mentions of alchool, but nothing more.
word count: 2k+
authorā€™s note: i was so excited for this chapter! and even more for the next one. hope you're all on the journey with me.
reblogs, likes and comments are always encouraged and highly appreciated! thank you ā™”
series masterlist.
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ā€œok, so now that we talked for two hours instead of actually doing anything,, what do you need help with?ā€ you say, getting up from the chair and looking around..
ā€œi donā€™t knowā€ sam says, getting up and looking at whatever you were looking.
you sigh, ā€œok, go get your boy so we can figure this out. after all, itā€™s his home tooā€
ā€œyeah iā€™m gonna get your boyā€ sam says walking to buckyā€™s room.
ā€œshhhhh! what if he hears that?! shut upā€ you scream whisper.
sam laughs, already knowing he heard everything, he might as well have fun with it.
a few seconds later, the both of them walk into the living room, ā€œok, weā€™re hereā€sam says.
ā€œokā€¦ sam is no help, so, bucky what do you want for decoration?ā€
ā€œi donā€™t knowā€ he shrugs.
ā€œok so neither of you are any helpā€ you laugh, ā€œwe can start with basic stuff you knowā€¦ like a rug for the center table in the living room. maybe a few paintings for the walls too so it doesnā€™t look empty from the floor up. plants could bring colors tooā€ you feel them opening their mouths to speak so you say it first, ā€œfake ones gentlemen, i know you wonā€™t keep actual plants aliveā€
ā€œgood. also we actually need curtains because the lighting getting into my room is pissing me off.ā€ bucky says.
ā€œyeah, curtains. for the rooms is probably good the blackout ones so you donā€™t need to wake up with the sun but i would recommend a kinda see through fabric for the living room and kitchen so the whole house is not dark all the timeā€
ā€œsounds great.ā€
ā€œit does sam. now that you guys are on board, go measure stuff while i sit here and look prettyā€ you say, jumping in the sofa. ā€œyou guys picked a really good sofa, wowā€
ā€œthanks, it was already mineā€ bucky says, ā€œbut measure what?ā€
ā€œoh my godā€¦ men. measure the windows and the floorā€ you laugh.
they both go do their job, as youā€™re on your phone trying to get everything done for the event you and them are going to have to attend in a few days. your father being in the military gave you a few good things, yes having money because of that was one of the best of them, but also meeting some people too. sam became one of your closest friend, even though he was busy most of the time working, and letā€™s not even get started when the blip happened. at that time, you and sarah became closer, you helped her whenever you could, living far away. but it was also that time where you met samā€™s friend too, joaquin, when he was also trying his best to give his support to sarah when it all happened. you two grew a friendship too, so when sam came back, the three of you would be even closer.
the event three (actually four, counting joaquin) of you have to attend, is a military support event. not only will there be big speeches, but will be a charity to help soldiers and their families, so you were more than excited to be invited.
after they were done measuring everything, the three of you went to stores you already knew to buy the necessary stuff. they decided to go eat something out but you settled on going home, to rest and get ready to choose your dress for the event.
three days later, you spent the whole day getting ready for the event by yourself. from skincare, to hair, to makeup. you decided to put your dress when it was time to leave the house, ā€˜iā€™m too clumsy, iā€™m sure i will break the strap, or spill somethingā€™ you thought.
you were sitting on your sofa, watching tv when your phone rang.
Dad calling
you read on your screen, you muted the tv and put your juice down on the coffee table.
ā€œhi dadā€
ā€œhi daughterā€ you laughed at the dad joke that he never seem to think to stop. ā€œyou ready for the event tonight?ā€
ā€œyeah, i just decided to put my dress when i call my uber so iā€™m just chillingā€
ā€œok, donā€™t call an uber, me and your mother are gonna get you there. weā€™re on our wayā€
and with that, you finished the conversation and ran to put your dress on.
you had a beautiful emerald green floor-length dress, with a grecian neckline cut. and a nice, but comfortable enough to not be in pain the whole night.
a few minutes later, you were in your father's car on your way.
getting there, you noticed right away how nervous your father looked. he has always been a man to be the extrovert, never have a problem with communicating. but he always gets nervous before these events, and no one could judge him. even though everyone is dressed for a gala, it's a serious event who needs all the respect and careful words to the people who are involved.
the chosen ballroom for this event was as beautiful as always. you greeted ever person known to you. everyone looked great, the men were wearing their class uniform (new ones, separated just for these events, you guess from how clean they look), and their dates have dresses that matches the color, as it usually is. since you were by yourself, you just chose a color that you liked. your mother loved matching with you father, he, on the other hand, always hated that. you always laughed at their play fights before every event.
after a while, you saw the three men walking around, and coming in your direction.
"oh wow, you gentlemen look great, if i knew how to whistle i would" you said, and they laughed.
sam was the first one to hug you, "you look so good"
you thanked him.
"i, on the other hand, know how to whistle but i won't, in respect" joaquin said, you laughed hugging him.
bucky was the only one left. he took your right hand, and kissed the back of it again. "you look absolutely beautiful y/n" he said, smiling.
you felt your cheeks burn, "thank you sargent" you smiled back at him, "you look great too. it's a nice greenā€¦ and, vintage?"
he laughed, as you widening your eyes noticing what you just said.
"that's not what i meant! i'm so sorry" you put your hands on your face, embarrassed.
"it's ok, don't worry" he smiles at you, "and it is older, they were nice enough to make a new one that looks like my old one. it feelsā€¦ right, you know?"
you nod, trying to hold in a smile. "glad you got it then" you say, with your hands on his chest, feeling the material.
a while later, youā€™re all sitting at the same table (letā€™s say, arrangements were made). some people gave their speeches, including your father and sam. bucky decided not to, which isā€¦ understandable.
everyone is chatting on their respective tables.
you had your champagne on your hand, sipping it. to be honest, you never really liked champagne, but it just felt right to drink at these events.
bucky seemed to notice that.
ā€œis there something wrong with you champagne?ā€
ā€œi donā€™t like itā€
ā€œyeah, it must be warm, you have been drinking the same one for a long timeā€ he chuckles.
you chuckle back, ā€œthat too. i just donā€™t really like champagne. i prefer a beer, or a really pink drink with stuff that makes it taste like a childrens juice. or even wine would be better.ā€
ā€œthen why donā€™t you drink the beer?ā€ he says, tipping his bottle at you.
ā€œi donā€™t think it would beā€¦ ā€œacceptableā€ letā€™s sayā€ you say, making quotation marks with your finger. he hums.
ā€œi think i will go outside, take a breath of fresh air or somethingā€ you smile at him and walk away.
bucky was standing up at the bar by himself, till sam came. ā€œhey man, you handling ok?ā€
ā€œyeahā€¦ yeah. just needed to be alone for a secā€ he said sipping on his beer.
but sam noticed he was looking at you, standing outside by yourself, propped on the balcony.
ā€œhmā€¦ so now your favorite company isnā€™t around so you just bail on us? common manā€ sam says, teasing him.
ā€œshut upā€ bucky rolls his eyes but heā€™s holding a smirk.
sam nudges buckys arm, ā€œgo talk to herā€
bucky nods, grabs his beer and head outside.
you turn your head around at the little ā€œhiā€ you hear, not even needing to actually look to know who the voice belongs to. ā€œhiā€¦ in need of fresh air too?ā€
ā€œreally am. everyone is talking at the same timeā€¦ my head feels heavyā€ he says sipping on his beer.
ā€œi get itā€ you smile at him. when a strong cool wind hits you, and you shiver lightly.
bucky seem to notice that, and starts taking of the suit part of his uniform, and putting on you.
ā€œthank youā€ you smile at him. he smiles back.
you try to take a sip of you champagne again when bucky asks, ā€œyou still drinking that?????ā€ you nod, holding in a laugh. he takes the glass out of your hand and hands you his bottle. you thank him again, before the two of you get in a full conversation.
on the other side of the glass, thereā€™s sam and joaquin, looking at the both of you, trying their best to stay hidden behind the bar.
ā€œyou think heā€™s gonna ask her out?ā€
ā€œi donā€™t know. i really donā€™t know if heā€™s ready for this kind of stuff, iā€™ve never seen he talk to a woman. but on the other hand, iā€™ve NEVER seen he talking to a woman so it must mean somethingā€ sam says.
ā€œwant me to fasten things up a little bit?ā€
ā€œnoā€ sam says immediately.
ā€œiā€™ll do it anywayā€
ā€œjoaquin! come backā€ sam scream whispers but torres decide to ignore him and head outside.
joaquin whistles coming in your direction, ā€œdid you decide to join the army? looks greatā€ he puts hind left hand on your waist.
you laugh, ā€œyeah, iā€™m starting as a sargent, iā€™m too goodā€
bucky watched the conversation with his hands in his pocket, and a frown on his face.
ā€œok, iā€™m going home now, but let's see each other again. been missing youā€
ā€œof course! text me when youā€™re free. youā€™re busy every time i try to talk to youā€ you laugh.
bucky is clenching his jaw at this point.
ā€œi will, donā€™t worry. iā€™ll always find time for youā€ you hug each other and he leaves a kiss on you cheek. ā€œbye man!ā€ he waves at bucky, who nods at him still with his furrowed brows as the other walk away.
bucky coughs, ā€œuhmā€¦ wanna get inside? i think i can see your parents looking for you insideā€
you agree and the both of you walk inside, and say goodbye to you parents.
ā€œyouā€™re sure you donā€™t need a ride?ā€ you father asks.
ā€œyes! donā€™t worry, iā€™ll call an uber in a minute, just gonna finish my drinkā€
a while later, after you finished your drink and stand up from your chair, ā€œok gentlemen, thank you for the company tonight, but i need to go home and put my pajamas on, itā€™s not a want anymore, itā€™s a NEEDā€ the three of you laugh.
ā€œi can take you home if you wantā€¦ sam came with his carā€ bucky says.
ā€œno! no. thereā€™s no need, you should rest. no need to botherā€
ā€œnot bothering at all, iā€™m offering. and you said you live close, common, iā€™ll give you a rideā€
you realize he wonā€™t give up so you just agree and walk to his car.
the ride to your apartment is easy from the conversation with bucky. subjects seem to come easy for the both of you.
ā€œand i liveā€¦ right hereā€ you say as he slow down the car and turn off the car.
he starts to unbuckle his seat belt, ā€œwhat are you doing?ā€ you ask.
ā€œgonna take you homeā€
ā€œ...youā€™re actually gonna get out of the car and walk me to the front door, 3 steps away?ā€ you smile softly.
the both of you leave the car and walk to the front door of your building. ā€œproperly deliveredā€ he says.
you chuckle, ā€œthank you. not only for the ride but for the talk tooā€
ā€œthank you to you tooā€¦ i donā€™t know how i would have survived this nightā€ you smile at each other.
ā€œoop! i almost forgot. yourā€¦ jacketā€¦ thingyā€ you take off his suit and give to him. ā€œit probably smells like me iā€™m so sorry i shouldā€™ve warned you before but that will stuck to it for a whileā€ you say with your hands on your face, embarrassed.
he laughs and put his suit back, ā€œitā€™s fine. youā€¦ smell really goodā€
ā€œthank you! thatā€™s my favorite complimentā€ you laugh.
he finishes fixing his suit, and looks back at you. at this point you realize how close you are, you can feel his breathing.
you look at his chest, noticing how his chest and arms look full under all of his clothes, ā€œyou look hotā€ your eyes widen immediately and you turn your face to the side.
he laughs, ā€œthanksā€
you put your hand on your face, ā€œitā€™s the alcohol talkingā€ and smile softly at him.
ā€œitā€™s okā€ his face drops, he coughs, ā€œuhm, are you busy tomorrow?ā€
ā€œyeah, i have a meeting at 1pm i think, and they usually take hoursā€
ā€œokā€¦ so, what do you think we get breakfast together tomorrow?ā€
ā€œi think itā€™s a great ideaā€ you smile at him.
ā€œis there any place near here you like?ā€
ā€œyeah, at the end of the street thereā€™s a really good cafeā€
ā€œok, itā€™s a date then. 9amā€
ā€œwait, youā€™re gonna drive from brooklyn to manhattan to have breakfast at 9am with me?ā€
ā€œyesā€ he kisses your cheek and smile. ā€œbyeā€ he goes down the three steps and you turn around, opening the door and climbs the stairs to your apartment with a smile on your face. from the type of man bucky showed up to be, you had a feeling he was waiting for you to show up on your window. and you werenā€™t wrong.
you opened the curtains, and there he was, smiling up at you. you waved at him, and saw he get into his car and drive away.
you turned around and took a deep breath, smiling.
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taglist: @johnricharddeacy @beabutterfly987 @matchat3a @sunflowerfive @masteroflightningz
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hereforhalstead Ā· 3 years
Love Languages
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*Gif not mine, credits to the owner*
ā€¢ Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
ā€¢ Requested: No.
ā€¢ Warnings: Pure fluff besties
ā€¢ Summary: A look into your relationship with Jay and the love languages you portray.
ā€¢ Words: 1400.
ā€¢ A/N : Iā€™ll be honest, I just wanted to write some straight fluff because I was craving soft Jay and came up with this ramble/long drabble. No plot or real thought went into this I just started typing and let myself run away with it... One to try and put a smile on my besties face @halsteadlover ily sisšŸ˜Œ
Hope you enjoy!
When it came to love languages, you and Jay were quick to work out what the other liked. Your love language being gift giving and his being touch and affirmation, the pair went hand in hand with the both of you being more than happy with the way affection was shown in the relationship.Ā 
You were constantly picking things up for Jay if youā€™d see something that reminded you of him or simply something you know heā€™d like. A shirt of his favourite american football team, a new pair of sunglasses as heā€™d broken his others a few weeks before or a cheeky guesture of a new pair of grey joggers as he moans you constantly steal his. At this point, he was always on your mind so you could see a bottle of water and be taken back to the time where youā€™d seen him pick up the same one at a gas station on route to work. Maybe youā€™d pass someone in the street and get a whiff of their cologne and be reminded of the many mornings it would be the first thing you smelt as youā€™re awoken to soft kisses being pressed into your skin as he engulfs you with his arms within the imprinted sheets.
It didnā€™t matter how big or small it was, you wanted to show your affection by proving to him how often you thought of him, luckily this perfectly matched his affirmation desires so you were more than happy to ablige. Something so small as a cute keyring you picked up on vacation as it had a certain phrase on it that caused him to flash through your mind. He would instantly attach to his keys so whenever he looked at it he thought about how youā€™d gone out of your way to buy it for him, and how he mustā€™ve been in your thoughts, it meant alot to him. Youā€™d even bought him an ice scraper for his truck as he was constantly moaning he didnā€™t have one and felt bad about always borrowing yours and to this day he still uses it, even though itā€™s in a pretty worse for wear state he still canā€™t bring himself to get a new one as it wouldnā€™t give him that little boost of serotonin to picture you strolling through the store and the smile on your face as you took it to the checkout.Ā 
At first, you felt you were being over the top with the words of affirmation towards Jay. Did he really need to hear you tell him how much you love him, multiple times a day? Surely he knows by now and didnā€™t need you to tell him this much but he basked in your expressions and was constantly looking forward to the next time the words he craved fell from your lips.Ā 
'Iā€™m so glad you made it home safeā€™
ā€˜Did I tell you how much I love when you cook for me, baby?ā€™
ā€˜Iā€™m so proud of you, Jayā€™
ā€˜Thank you for everything you do for meā€™Ā 
The glowing feeling you get to see the heat creep to his cheeks, the doting looks he would give you and the way his grip on you would tighten at the smallest of affirmations confirmed how much he loved to hear it. He wouldnā€™t even have to verbally respond, a simple kiss to your temple or a content hum would be enough to acknoweldge that you knew exactly what he wanted and needed to hear.
His love language of touch was something you had to get used to. Jay was your first proper boyfriend, youā€™d dated on and off in the past but he was the only one whoā€™s stuck around. He on the other hand, had more expeirence in the dating world so seemed to know more about it than you and with that came more things that just felt natural to him, but was a shock to your system.Ā 
He without a doubt Jay had to have his hands on you in some way, these desires varied depending on the situation you were in and what he felt was necessary. In public his hand would be pressed into your lower back as he guides you through a crowded place, his grip falling to your waist as you stood next to him in a que at the mall or his hand finding yours as you strolled along the street just to name a few.
His lips would press into your temple as you rested your head on his shoulder, the way he runs his fingertips up and down your back whilst you lean into him. Planting a soft kiss to the back of your neck as he creeps up on you pouring yourself a glass of water in the morning, him pulling you into him to place a chaste kiss to your lips just to show you his love took you by surprise.Ā 
Youā€™d never had someone be so consumed by you that they needed to almost be a part of you but you loved it. Behind closed doors he was equally as attentive, fingernails grazing your arm as you lounge around watching a film, his hands finding their way on you as you cuddle into him. He would abscentmindidly fiddle with the ends of your hair as he concentrated on the TV, his mind fully on the screen but you were so much his main prioroty that he didnā€™t have to even think about it.
Even in his sleep, he needed you close to him, youā€™d fall asleep on the edge of the bed and wake up lying of his chest with the soft grazing of his fingernails down your spine, zero complaints but also no memory of how you got there. If he opened his eyes and he wasnā€™t holding you in some way, heā€™d automatically shift to intertwine your bodies under the sheets to sooth himself back to sleep.Ā 
If he was jealous, youā€™d know about it in a matter of seconds. The intenstity of his grip on you would tell you someone else was eyeing you up, before you got to see for yourself. The way he would pull you onto his lap and wrap his arm tightly round you to keep you in place. How heā€™d pull you inbetween his legs as he sits at the bar in Mollyā€™s, grabbing at your waist as he settles you in front of him. Even so much as a heated kiss being placed upon you to firmly deter the eyes of another man wasnā€™t unheard of and again you had zero complaints.Ā 
Jay would find it adorable in the beginning of your relationship, noticing the way youā€™d glance down as he reached for your hand while you walked, trying to hide the smile that was spreading on your face. The chills you would get as he tangled his hands in your hair, the little quips youā€™d make at his sudden forms of intimacy were what spurred him on more. He loved the effect he had on you and moreover, he loved that youā€™d grown accustom to his love languages without a shadow of a doubt and were always there to accept them.
The little giggles you gave out as he pinned you onto the sofa to cover your face in light kisses, him digging his fingers into your sides as you were concentrating on something to make you jump. Reaching to tuck a piece of stray hair behind your ear had him always craving more as you leant into his touch.Ā 
People around you loved to comment on it too. Will would always dig at Jay whenever you were together with the familiar comment of ā€˜Will you just leave her alone for two seconds manā€™ as Jay responded with a scowl. He hated people telling him what to do and especially when it came to you, if anything it would give him more motivation to hold you closer. Adam would often joke about how if you needed to find Jay, just to look for you as you he wouldĀ ā€˜follow you round like a lost puppyā€™, to others they thought it was cringey and annoying but you wouldnā€™t have it any other way. You were his weakness, he wore it like a badge of honor and he wanted everyone to know.
@halsteadlover ā€¢ @musicismyescape27 Ā ā€¢ @i-like-sparkly-things ā€¢ @stephanie708 ā€¢ @upsteadlovingheart ā€¢ @nevaehstreater18 ā€¢ @firemedncopshows Ā ā€¢ @secondaryjobā€‹Ā  ā€¢
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madeleine-w Ā· 2 years
Stranger Things Characters Summed Up
Warnings: bit of swearing and mentions of sex. (This has made me want to write smut about Eddie, Billy and Steveā€¦ and 001) Overall just me being a whore for fictional characters.
Joyce: She got less unhinged after season 1 which made me sad, but my favourite mum on TV at the moment. Canā€™t tell if Iā€™m in love with her or want her to adopt me, but either way if she gave me a cuddle Iā€™d start crying. Iā€™m not sure how she created such boring sons tho.
Hopper: No one will ever love me the way this man loves Joyce. Heā€™s my comfort character, and him arguing with the kids is fucking hilarious. ā€œMaybe I will allow you to date my daughterā€ I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. Best Dadā„¢ļø.
Billy: A tragic villain done perfectly, and I half fall in love whenever heā€™s on screen until I remember that heā€™s a racist. Iā€™m a simp but I have morals. (But also, like, the potential this man had to be the loveliest in the world)
Bob: Was the scene of him dead and being eaten really necessary? No. It made for good TV though.
Max: Deserves way better than those boys, and is the ginger icon the 80s needed. I would get in a car with her.
Eleven: My wholesome little murderer. Sheā€™s somehow part of an amazing duo (Hopper/El) and a terrible one (Mike/El) so I must blame Mike for this.
Mike: If Stranger Things was a Christmas dinner, he would be the brussel sprouts.
Will: Surprisingly resilient for a guy who looks like a slightly strong wind would take him out. Just let this boy be gay and play D&D in peace.
Dustin: Somehow two steps ahead of everyone and four steps behind them at the same time? I love it, and the show would be shit without him.
Robin: An barely-functioning lesbian with autism? I love to see it and I love her. Iā€™m very gay and she is the perfect example of why. I want to play with her hair while she talks about her hyperfixations.
Lucas: Heā€™s cool when everything is fine, and really annoying during a crisis. Iā€™m pleased that a show set in the 80s hasnā€™t killed off the black guy four seasons in. Less interesting than his sister, but him and Max are pretty funny.
Nancy: A solid character when you remove her from the Jonathan and Steve situation. Sheā€™s very clearly in love with two men, girl take a break from dating and buy a vibrator. Sheā€™s very hot with a gun and uses it well, which automatically earns my respect.
Steve: I am so in love with this man, and the fact he uses a baseball bat instead of a gun is beyond sexy to me. Please fuck me. ā€œYeah itā€™s me, donā€™t cream your pantsā€ Sir I am literally on my knees.
Less horny Steve version: Him protecting those kids is definitely my favourite thing about this show. The character growth is impeccable, and I melt whenever he makes the kids go ahead of him when thereā€™s a danger.
Jonathan: Oh yeah, heā€™sā€¦ there? A good brother but thatā€™s kind of it, a very bleh character. Iā€™m still not really over him taking those pics of Nancy and Steveā€¦
001: Very hot while he was murdering the kids. Less hot while he was murdering Max.
Eddie: I want him to rail me while I praise him. And HE DIDNā€™T RUN AWAY THIS TIME :(
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ashdreams2023 Ā· 3 years
Hellooo :D Anon from the Loki aka Lollipops request, I think I'll appear here a few more times but not so much, because I don't want to waste so much of your time with all my requests Haha- Btw i love who you wrote my previous request! It's really funny and cute c: Getting to point-- Can I request Loki (You can also add someone) taking care of his newborn child it can be Y/N, reader. If you could do this thank so much in advance ( ā—œā€æā— ) You can do this as a headcanons with some dialogue (:
You have no idea how much I love babies, Iā€™ll add dr strange in this one too
Taking care of their newborn:
He wasnā€™t hit with the actual reality that heā€™s a father until he held his tiny baby for the first time
It was so emotional, especially if the baby had features from him like his eyes or dark hair
"How could I be a part of creating such precious and fragile being"
He didnā€™t know much about babies but he was ready to learn
Books, videos and even asking advice from other parents he knowns like tony or Clint
He doesnā€™t care for gender but if it was a girl he really wants to name her after his mom or let her name the baby
Does a lot of skin to skin, so itā€™s common to find him shirtless gently caressing his baby
He doesnā€™t need much sleep but still get paranoid if he leaves it alone to get something
There was a point where he would cry if the baby cried because he didnā€™t understand what they needed
Loves the baby voices they make and records whenever he could
Frigga would absolutely never say no to babysitting her grandchild
I like to think that Lokiā€™s baby is one of those quiet babies that doesnā€™t cry a lot and just want to be held
He will spend so much money on cute baby outfits because he just canā€™t resist
Pepper gave his baby a knitted hat with horns like the ones on his helmet and he almost died of cuteness
Only a couple few are allowed to hold his baby
If his partner can produce milk heā€™ll help them bottle it
The baby sleeps a lot during the day so he spend his time cleaning around and making sure the area is pleasant for him and his baby
The will leave in the middle of the night if he has to, to buy diapers or some type of medication
Low key was concerned the baby would come out blue
Hums Asgardian songs to help the baby sleep
His mother gave him a toy she kept from his childhood for his baby to play with
Literally would snap at anyone who remotely looks weird at his baby ļæ¼ļæ¼ļæ¼
Uses magic tricks to make the baby smile
Dr. Strange:
Strange used to be a doctor, well a surgeon to be exact but seeing new born babies wasnā€™t an odd sight for him
Though itā€™s different when that baby is his own
I feel like he would like a son
But if it was a girl she would be daddyā€™s little spoiled girl
Makes a check list he follows everyday to make sure he doesnā€™t forget something
Struggles with changing diapers for a while
Makes sure the baby takes all necessary vitamins if needed
Would prefer if his baby was feed natural breast milk but wouldnā€™t argue if his partner want to use formula ļæ¼ļæ¼ļæ¼
Heā€™s so soft when the baby start babbling at him
Reads to the baby dr seuss books
Is great at knowing if the baby is sick or having a fever
Doesnā€™t like to take his baby to really big gathering areas
His babyā€™s picture is the wallpaper of his phone Lock Screen
The cape carries the baby sometimes when heā€™s busy doing keeper things
Wong is the number one babysitter
Tony and pepper send him a gift basket with new born necessities
Will ask for baby pictures if heā€™s outside doing hero work just to make his mood better
"Youā€™re seriously ditching saving the world for this"
"If you needed me I wouldā€™ve known, now leave me and my family alone"
Matching brown gloves with his baby
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basilly Ā· 3 years
how they react to you being sick || irl!mcyt x reader
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. request: how the different feral boys would help reader (romantic relationship) after they feel sick and throw up?
. i donā€™t write for all the feral boys so ill throw in wilbur as well!
. includes: irl!quackity, irl!karl, irl!wilbur
. pronouns: they/them
. tw throwing up
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. when you woke up not feeling great, quackity had sensed something was off
. theory confirmed once he heard you throw up and gag
ā€œy/n? are you okay?ā€
he rushed over, seeing you hunched over the toliet.
ā€œi feel awful-ā€ ā€œok, here let me help you, you should brush and then get back into bedā€
. donā€™t get me wrong, he loves you but he really does not want to get sick as well
ā€œquackityyyā€ ā€œyes love?ā€ ā€œkisses pleaseā€ ā€œno way! youā€™re sick iā€™m not getting your germsā€
. he will cuddle you though- he canā€™t resist you
. lots of forehead kisses to make up for it as well
. honestly, he doesnā€™t know too much how to care for sick people
. so youā€™ll prob see him searching up what medicine to give you and things you should eat
ā€œwhat are you looking for?ā€ ā€œwhat type of food i should get you- the internet says soup and gatoride, we need to get you liquids mi amorā€
. he will make sure you are as comfortable as you could be- he hates seeing you suffer :(
. we know he canā€™t cook-
ā€œy/nnn I brought you some soupā€ ā€œdid you make this?ā€ ā€œof course! i put the canned soup in the pot and cooked it.ā€
. you felt too sick to argue
. probably also has some family medicine in a closet
ā€œoh you know what- mi abuela gave me this, im going to rub it on your temples okā€ ā€œwhatā€™s in it?ā€ ā€œuhh-ā€
there was no label to be found
ā€œi donā€™t know- it should be okay, i used to use this when i was kidā€ ā€œquackity you better not poison meā€
. you were wary, but you just hoped for the best
. if we had to stream, he would continue to keep an eye on you and keep his voice down
ā€œhey chat- this will be more of a chill stream, y/nā€™s currently not feeling well and I donā€™t want to wake them upā€
. if he has to get up mid-stream to help you, he will
. he doesnā€™t really know what heā€™s doing, but heā€™s willing to help you anyway
. heā€™s super worried for you- he was mid stream when you threw up
ā€œhold up chat- *mutes* y/n are you okay?ā€
when he gets up and sees you obviously not feeling well he quickly begins to rub circles on your back.
ā€œoh iā€™m sorry baby, let me end stream real quick and iā€™ll help youā€
ā€œsorry chat! iā€™m going to have to end the stream here- y/n isnā€™t feeling too good but iā€™ll stream again another day to make up for it!ā€
. immediately calls his mom- heā€™s just a mommaā€™s boy
ā€œhey mom- y/n threw up, what should i do?ā€
. listens step by step ad gets you the medicine you need as well as some water
ā€œok- so my mom said to take this pill for now, if it gets worse, then this one as well
. heā€™s also going to cuddle you thereā€™s no way heā€™s saying no
. runs his finger through your hair, your head tucked into his neck cuddles, trying to sooth youĀ Ā 
. hes wary of your kisses- but he will give you one or two
ā€œy/nn what if I get sick too?ā€ ā€œthen we will be sick together :Dā€ ā€œno- just one kissā€
. also will go out and buy ingredients to make you soup
ā€œok- chop up these carrots, let it simmerā€
ā€œy/n i brought you soup- the recipe is from my momā€
. it was really good soup though
. if your head is hurting, he will massage your head and temples to try and alleviate the pain
. when youā€™re suffering, he feels like heā€™s suffering
. big softie as always
. he will lowkey make fun of you
ā€œawh youā€™re sick- i guess iā€™ll have to let you sufferā€
ā€œwilbur i donā€™t feel goodā€ ā€œyou donā€™t look good either-ā€
. he loves you though, he will help you whenever you need it
ā€œwillllā€ ā€œyea?ā€ ā€œcan you hand me that blanket?ā€ ā€œmhm- do you want me to cuddle you?ā€
. loves to rub soft circles on your back
. if youā€™re feeling warm he gets a cool towel for your forehead, changing it out when necessary
.Ā  also would not let you have kisses- but he will give you lots of nose kisses
. heā€™s been sick a couple times, he actually knows what heā€™s doing
ā€œy/n, iā€™ve been sick before, you need to take this oneā€
ā€œI made you food- i used to eat this when i got sickā€
. bit of a helicopter boyfriend
ā€œy/n are you on your phone? you need to restā€ ā€œfive more minutes-ā€ ā€œnopeā€
. will cancel his stream so he can watch over you
hey guys! todayā€™s stream is cancelled- y/n is not feeling well
. the fandom is so incredibly kind though, they send lots of encouraging messages
. makes you decent-tasting herbal tea when you wake up (herbal tea is never delicious)
. he would tease you to not get him sick or you would have to take care of him
ā€œOk- if you get me sick youā€™re going to have to take care of me afterā€ ā€œyea yea- just give me cuddlesā€
. 8/10- just because of the teasing LOL
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an: wilburā€™s was a tad shorter cuz i got stuck
taglist:Ā  @acidtabletz @mayasimagines @big-gay-nerd-420 @salinesoot @bozowrites @kai-was-here @xoxothornbudoxox @nite-land @truthfulsyncerity @forutheworld @losingvienna @luluwinchester @cr0wbonezz-wr1ting-inc @dreamiewrites @a-simp-for-block-people @dysfunctionalcrab @ella-ivanov @akasuki @bioluminescentfrog @brainsanalysis @momo-has-a-gun @korylyzed @etherealexsistence @sleepysoupi @1ghoste1 @ialexabsuniverse @disastrousdream @inniterhqā€‹
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soyouthinkucanwrite Ā· 3 years
The money thing (part 2/2) - Daniel Ricciardo
Warnings: SMUT! angst, confrontation... and more SMUT!
This is it, guys! Buuut... I think I'm gonna keep this story going, what do you say? Shall we find out about how shopping with Charlotte goes, and the party, and just how (y/n) handles this new dynamic overall? As always, let me know what you think! Read part 1 here!
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When you got back at home, you were barely inside the apartment and Daniel was already pushing you against the door, kissing you passionately. You go down the corridor half kissing, half walking, Daniel chasing you all the way. You run to his room and then inside the shower, taking off your sweaty clothes on the process. You guys get under the shower and the feeling of the chill water along with Danielā€™s kisses on your skin is just too good.
ā€œYouā€™re unbelievableā€ he says, letting your feet touch the ground again. You wash each other clean after that, running your hands through each otherā€™s body and memorizing every curve, every detail.
ā€œYouā€™re unbelievableā€ he says, letting your feet touch the ground again. You wash each other clean after that, running your hands through each otherā€™s body and memorizing every curve, every detail.
After a while, you get out of the shower, dry your hair quickly then wrap yourself in a towel. You go to your toiletry bag on the sink and take your toothbrush out, brushing your teeth while Daniel finished showering. Then you take your hair cream and put some on, your hair is really starting to feel the damage with all this boyā€™s shampoo, you think. Then you take some skin serum and apply some drops on your face, spreading lightly. Man, you missed skincare and it missed you. Last step: body lotion. Daniel gets out of the shower and you know he's watching you.
ā€œWhy youā€™re pampering yourself all up?ā€ He asked coming behind you and kissing your neck.
ā€œIā€™m doing what I was supposed to do the last two nightsā€¦but got distractedā€ you smirk at him. He lifts his hands in mock defense. Then you open the towel and start spreading the cream on your stomach, then your legs, then your butt. Heā€™s watching you still, so you smile. ā€œYou say you like my skin, well it takes a lot of creaming to maintain itā€
ā€œI thought that was my job, loveā€ He says in a low voice from behind me, putting his hands on my hips.
ā€œNot like-ā€ you start but decide itā€™s not even worthy, he knows what you meant. You just swat him on the shoulder and he laughs, going back to the room.
ā€œBy the wayā€ he says putting his head back through the door. ā€œYou smell amazing, so finish up and get your ass back in the bed so I can properly cream you upā€
ā€œDaniel!ā€ Little shit. He laughs even louder.
When you go back inside the room Daniel is sitting on the bed, looking through his phone. You pass him towards the closet and decide to take a look at the clothes you brought with you, to see if there's anything you could wear to this party tomorrow. What do you even wear to a yacht?
You take a few outfits and place them in front of your body, testing them on the mirror, but nothing seemed appropriate.
"You want a shirt baby?" Daniel asks you out of nowhere.
"Hum? Yeah, sure" you answer him, hanging the clothes back in the closet.
"Are you looking for something for tomorrow? Just buy something with Charlotte" he said simply while putting sweat pants on.
"Yeah... I..." you took a deep breath, "It's just..." you tried to say, but nothing seemed to come out. You were scared he was gonna think you're being ridiculous.
"What?" he looked at you.
"Nothing, never mind" you gave up, putting on his shirt with your underwear and going back to his room. He followed you, wearing nothing but his sweat pants.
"I'm just guessing here, but I have a feeling it's a good one" he started, "It's the money thing, isn't it? You don't want to spend money buying an outfit for this party?"
"It's not that I don't want to, Dan. I just can't afford it!" you said raising your voice tone a bit. He just stared at you for a while. "I don't know if you've noticed, I'm not on a million dollars contract but I'm still living like I was!" you sat down on the bed, eyes filling with water. "I just can't do this anymore, sorry. It's killing me and it's so stupid, so petty, but again, it's not! Cause what would the solution be? You paying for everything? Me just becoming a leech? A gold-digger?" he was watching you quietly, but let out a laugh at that last part.
"Don't laugh! I'm serious!" you continued.
"Baby, listen to yourself. What do you want me to do besides laughing?" he smiled sympathetically at you.
"Well, I'm glad you're finding it amusing because I feel sick everytime the subject comes up. The clothes, restaurants, plane tickets... I can't be living like that, and it's not just that. It's also because I know there's only one way this is going"
"You finally understanding this is ridiculous and accepting the credit card I made on your name months ago?" he said sitting by your side.
"Us not being together anymore. We're just from too different worlds, it's not gonna work. You need someone that can keep up with this lifestyle" you said getting up and walking towards the bathroom.
"No, you're not!" he said pulling you back down to his lap by your waist. "Enough with this bullshit" he said kissing your face and wipping your tears away. "Tell me what the real problem is. This is not about money, money is only a tool, a means to something, we can't let it have this much power over us. There's always more where that came from" you just looked at him. He had a much more healthy relationship with money than you, maybe because he had so much to spare. "This is not about money. You're not greedy, I know you. You're just the polar opposite of it. The most generous person I know. Is that it? You're feeling guilty?"
"I think... kind of. It's not fair, how can I have so much, knowing that most people have never even seen that much money. Weā€™ve spent the average person's paycheck on a meal, Dan!" you said.
"(y/n), baby... it's not your responsibility. You can't carry this weight on you. You already do so much for people, you volunteer and donate all the time... you can't deprive yourself because other people don't have the same opportunity, that wouldn't be fair either" he tried to reason with you.
"But what about you?" you asked.
"What about me?"
"I just... listen, I know, rationally I mean... that I don't handle the idea of money very well. If you must know, I couldn't even take money from my parents as a kid. I just can't help but think it wasn't fair to them and it's not fair to you, to spend it with me. It's yours! You worked hard for it! Iā€™m literally leeching on you!"
"So, you agree? The money is mine, so I can do with it what I please?" he said.
"Yes, but-"
"Why can't I spend it with the person I love most in the world? Huh? What is so wrong with it? Even if I was choosing to spend it on you instead of on myself, which I'm not, why couldn't I?"
"I feel like I'm taking advantage of you"
"Baby, we're taking advantage of this life. I was given this unholy amount of money for doing my dream job. Can you see how rare and fucking blessed this is? I mean, I thought so, until I met you. I thought I knew what a good life was until you were in it. This is a good life, with you enjoying this fucking lottery ticket with me" he said pecking your lips and rubbing your back, while you leaned on him. "Is this why you wouldn't come to London with me?" you looked at him and nodded.
"Sorry about that..."
"No, I'm sorry I didn't push more on the subject earlier. This has been going on for long enough now. It's just money, (y/n). Just it. Just a tool for the wonderful life we lead together. You understand?"
"Look at me" he said turning your chin to look at him. "Do you really? Will you let me pay for stuff now? Tell me whenever you have an expense or even better, will you accept the credit card I made for you?"
"I don't think that's necessary"
"Please baby. Let's try it my way? Will you use it from now on?" he asked again pecking your lips. "Say yes. Say yes, or I'll give you a minimal monthly spending goal as well" he smiled and you looked at him like he was crazy.
"I'm not comfortable with it"
"Just try, please? You can start by buying something tomorrow for the party" the look on his face changed and you knew he was about to tease you. "If you'd prefer, we can say you're buying something for me... you wanna be my sugar baby?" he laughed.
"Too soon to joke about it" you said but laughed anyway. "Okay" you said after a while, "I'll use it. But you have to promise me you'll tell me if you change your mind"
"You're scared I'll go in debt?"
"I know you would"
"Good. Because I would. For you. But I know you don't need me to, so if we run out of money we'll just be poor together. Good thing you have experience, huh?" he laughed.
"Asshole!" you swatted him on the chest.
"You know I'm joking. But you get it now, don't you? We're lucky enough we don't have to worry about it, so let's not worry about it. It shouldn't even take a second of our day, it doesn't matter. Us, being together and our happiness is what matters. Okay?"
"Okay. Thank you, for being so understanding. Sorry for being... you know"
"I love you. And I don't expect you to simply go on a shopping spree, although I do expect you to buy those plane tickets soon. But the thing is, I'm here for it, I'm here to solve every little obstacle that gets in our way, no matter what, no matter how silly you're being"
"You're being so mature about this" you smirked at him.
"Well, what can I say? Being the perfect human I am, I understand that other humans are not, I'm just humbled that I can guide you on your path of enlightenment" he laughed and you rolled your eyes. "In all seriousness now, you know why is that, don't you?"
"Why? Because you're just better than everyone else?"
"Well, yes. But also because I have it really clear in my mind what really matters. And that's you. Us. It's all that matters to me. Being good for you" he said looking into your eyes.
"I love you, so much. I don't deser-" he cut you out by kissing you deeply and pulling you closer to him.
You moved so you were straddling him now, your arms around his neck and your hands on his hair. His hands that were on your waist, keeping you closer, started to slip down your body, so he was holding your bum.
"I want you" he said against your lips. You smiled and started to grind down against him. You were only wearing his shirt, which was bunched up around your waist, and your underwear, which wasn't the sexiest piece you owned but you didn't think Dan would care. In fact, he didn't seem to care at all for your underwear, cause he was already slipping his hand under you, pushing the thin layer to the side, and sliding his fingers through your lips.
You moaned at the sensation, still sensitive from your adventures early in the shower. "I... Dan..." you begin to say, but couldn't form a full sentence.
"What is it, baby girl? You want to say something?" he whispered against your ear, sucking your earlobe lightly. Then he pressed his pointer and middle finger against your clit, circling them firmly against you and making you moan louder for him.
"I'm still sensitive from early" you said against his lips, laughing a bit.
"You want me to stop?" he asked looking at you deeply.
"No!" you answered almost too fast, making him chuckle. "Don't stop, please"
"Hum... since you asked so nicely" he said sucking on your jaw, then your neck. You took that opportunity to slip your hand down his torso, feeling his chest and abs, and then reaching for him through his sweat pants. He was rock hard already. This man is insatiable. You smiled at the sound he made when you grabbed him lightly.
"I just want to feel you inside me" you said pulling his pants down and out of the way. He lifted you both from the bed slightly to help you take them off, then you grabbed and lined him with your center, sitting down slowly, letting only the head in first.
ā€œBabe,Ā please,ā€ itā€™s Danielā€™s turn to beg now ā€œI need you" and then you sink down on him, feeling all of his length while he bottoms out inside you. He sucks on your sweet spot, muffling the groan that comes out of his mouth.
"Oh my god Dan" you moan, dropping your head back and giving him even more access to your neck. You pull his hair a bit more, fingers clamped down so tightly you're scared you might pull his hair out. You stay like this, feeling him deep inside you, for a while. He pulls away to look you in the eyes and kiss your lips, massaging your tongue with his. It's so intimate, so truthful, like he said, the only thing that matters in the world.
"I love you" he says looking you deep in the eyes. You nod before replying because you want to make sure he knows you know. That you believe and trust him.
"I love you, so much" you say back.
Then you roll your hips, testing out the angle, and it's almost too much to handle. It feels like hours and seconds at the same time, but you find a rhythm together, a pace you can keep sitting on him, while he only worries about kissing you and keeping you both from falling from the bed.
You're sure you'll be feeling sore tomorrow. Actually, you already are. Your legs, tired from the running and all the sex you've been having lately, start to give out and you lose your strength. Luckily, Daniel seems to catch that before you have to say anything, so he brings his hands to your hips and starts to help you move up and down on him.
You sit up slightly, moaning at the different angle he hitting now and he groans, feeling you clench around him. "(y/n)" he moans your name, "baby, I'm go-" he moans, feeling you clench again.
"Me too" you reply.
"Where do want me to? Huh? I'm gonna cum for you baby" you kiss him, feeling your pussy spasm around him, making it even harder for him to keep a steady rhythm.
"Inside me. I need you to come inside me, please, please baby" and there's no time to think, to ask if you're sure. You feel his whole body tensing and his thrusts get sloppier. Then, when you feel the hot liquid spur inside you, he grabs a handful of your ass with one hand and slips his other in between the two of you, flicking your clit rapidly and precisely.
That's all it takes for you to lose it completely, your walls fluttering around him as your body trembles at the intensity of the pleasure.
You both ride your orgasms together, you rolling your hips slower and slower, and him holding you tighter and closer until you stop completely. The only sound being your heavy breathings.
After a while, you pull away to find him already staring at you.
"You are the most beautiful thing I ever laid eyes on" he says to you and you feel the warmth of his words.
"I'm yours. Forever" you say simply and kiss him lightly on the lips.
"I feel like I have so much to lose. It honestly scares the living shit out of me"
"I know what you mean. I feel the exact same, I promise. I don't know how I got so lucky to find you" you say.
"And I, you. But we're just being dumb, right? I guess it's good we know that, but also... that we're not going anywhere, right?" he asks and you can sense there's some insecurity behind his line.
"Right. We're only getting stronger" you say and kiss him again. "I love you, Daniel"
"I love you, so much" he says touching your foreheads. "Let me get something to clean you up, then we can cuddle the rest of the night"
"You're the only guy I know that likes cuddling this much" you smile getting up from him. He hisses a bit at the sensation but gets up right after you.
"You don't have to worry about other guys' preferences" he says rolling his eyes. Yep. If your thing is low self-esteem and money-related issues, his is definitely jealousy and overall insecurity.
"I don't, silly" you peck him in the lips. He seems to relax a bit and when he comes back from the bathroom his phone lights up, he goes to check on it after passing you the towel.
"Charles just texted Charlottes contact. I'll forward it to you, okay?"
"Yep" you answered and it was your phone's turn to light up. "Can I confess something?" you asked him, adjusting your clothes.
"I'm really excited to hang out with her tomorrow. I kind of miss girl company during the GPs and even when I'm here in Monaco and you're busy" he smiled and put a shirt on.
"Look at you, making friends! How cute"
"Shut up" you playfully pushed him, while you guys climbed into bed. You texted her 'hello' and Daniel's address before locking your phone and adjusting in his arms. There's still a lot to figure out and you weren't sure you'd be able to handle the money thing any better. You hoped so, after all, you didn't know how much more Daniel can be understanding. But you could think about all that another time. Right now life was good in the arms of the man you loved and loved you back. You felt safe.
Tag list (this is so fancy! I've never done a tag list before haha): @scotlynaurora @your-favourite-blonde @unicornfairytail @c-d-9
@isntmadrid @lharrietg @sassybatflowerpaper
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