#but they are based off of a devon rex cat
meowz-on-you · 2 years
Selkies new design debut! + A new pfp! This was based off of a photo of my favorite singer Poppy! I'll add the image without effects and the original image below the cut along with some wips
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Without blur and static effects
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The Original Image
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kxizoku-ou · 5 months
CP9 Cat Headcanons
This is... a very silly post. XD After seeing a similar concept on Pixiv (images 10–12 in this log) and critiquing the breed choices it used, I wound up writing my own take on it.
These are written with actual cats in mind (not my usual Hybrid Au), and the breed choices are just for fun— as in, largely chosen based on looks/vibes, not anything too serious. I was definitely channeling that early 2000s "characters are cats for some reason now" mini-genre, so these are pure fluff/comedy, for once... >3>
. . .
Serial toy murderer. Violently destroys any and every toy you give him within a matter of hours, days at MOST. 
Some of the things he’s done to his toys probably qualify as war crimes tbh. Likes to drown the catnip mice in his water dish. Also enjoys tearing things into ragged chunks/”gutting” the stuffing. 
Sometimes you wake up to him on your chest with a present. 
(A chunk of mutilated cat toy. He drops it onto your face.)
The most athletic cat you’ll ever know. There is no surface in your house he can’t reach SOMEHOW. Also can and will learn how to open doors, drawers, etc, and will use this unfortunate skill to get into everything if he’s bored. 
Affectionate, but only on his terms. You don’t decide when you’re allowed to pet him; when the mood strikes, he’ll interrupt whatever you’re doing and forcefully put his body in your lap. 
You’re not allowed to move until he decides you’re done. :) 
Has a surprisingly cute kneading habit. He’ll go Baby Mode and make biscuits for hours. Sucks on certain blankets too.
(Devon Rex)
Seemingly never sits still. Will run from one end of your house to the other at all hours of the day. At night, you’re regularly woken up by the distinct rapid thumping of galloping kitty paws.
Likes high places and unexpected perching spots. This includes your shoulder— and he can make the jump on his own! 
Playful, but not prone to destroying his toys. Prefers batting hard objects down a flight of stairs to tearing the plush ones open.
Too brave (and curious) for his own good. Lacks any sense of danger when it comes to investigating something that’s caught his interest. 
This includes slipping through the front door.
Not super cuddly, but likes being near you/keeping an eye on what you’re doing. 
Has a squeaky “old man” meow. WEH!
(Egyptian Mau)
Wild, playful, curious, and so very destructive. If he’s not kept entertained, your property will suffer for it. 
Requires FREQUENT play and attention, but fortunately, he’s not too hard to please. Throwing a squishy ball for “fetch” can keep him occupied for hours. 
The asshole cat who will make direct eye contact with you before (very deliberately) knocking something off a shelf, then sit there smugly while you try to scold him. 
Very talkative! When he wants your attention, he YELLS, and seeing wildlife outside always brings out that excited, bloodthirsty chitter. 
Taking him to the vet is an ordeal, for everyone involved...
Doesn’t mind being pet and handled. Pesters you for affection regularly, but gets bitey when he’s had enough. :/ 
Highly territorial. Will not tolerate other cats/animals near him.
(Turkish Angora)
Truly the embodiment of the “disdainful gorgeous fancy cat” trope. 
Her fur is incredible, due largely in part to near-constant grooming. Do NOT interrupt her washing. 
She’ll wash your fingers too if she’s feeling affectionate. Mlem mlem mlemmmm...
Likes to be involved in what you’re doing. The kind of cat to walk across your keyboard or loaf-sit on top of stray paperwork, seemingly oblivious to how badly she’s getting in the way. 
At least your “adorable secretary” makes for good moral support!
Not overly playful, but she can be a DEADLY hunter when the mood strikes— fast, agile, and with amazing reflexes no matter what kind of toy you put in front of her. 
Weirdly fickle about when you’re allowed to touch her. Will glare, hiss, and swat at fingers if you test those boundaries.
(Norwegian Forest Cat)
The most quiet, low-maintenance, independent cat imaginable. You nearly forget he exists, sometimes.
Not much of a meower, but has a deep, calming, rumbly purr. 
Content to curl up on a chair or in a corner and let you go about your day! He’ll alternate between napping and silently staring in your general direction; the eye contact is a sign of affection. <3
Won’t seek out attention on his own, but also won’t fight it if you pick him up and carry him around like a plushie. 
...he stays limp and docile no matter what you do to him, actually.
Needs regular brushing, or his fur starts to matt. It’s pretty much the only “extra attention” he’ll require, though, and he’s (fortunately) cooperative about it. 
Learned how to open doors at some point. You don’t know how he managed that.
R O U N D (and it’s not just fluff)
Despite being shaped like a furry bowling ball, he’s quite playful, and way more agile/fast-moving than you’d expect. 
...that energy is much less cute when his full weight lands on your abdomen in the middle of the night, however.
VERY affectionate. Will take any opportunity to lay his chin on your palm, headbutt your shoulder/wrists, put his paws on your chest so he can try to lovingly lick your face, etc— purring all the while! 
Chatty cat!! Chirps and squeaks at you non-stop; if you “respond” to him, it turns into a back-and-forth conversation with his mrrep-ing. 
Fond of high places, like bookshelves and tall dressers. 
It’s unclear how such a heavy cat manages to get up onto them, but he usually ends up yowling for help when he can’t get back down.
(British Longhair)
A huge, massively fluffy mini-lion of a cat, with that “polite little gentleman” face common in his breed. 
Sheds. Sheds SO MUCH. All of your clothes are covered in his fur, no matter how hard you try to keep him thoroughly brushed. 
You cannot escape the fluff. 
YOWLS. The loudest, most determined drama queen when he wants something. Acts like he’s dying if his food bowl is empty for more than half an hour, non-stop howling included. 
Extremely cuddly; wants as much attention from you as you’ll give, and will flop his entire body into your lap to get it. 
Fond of jingly toys! The louder and more annoying the bell, the better. 
If you ever have to give him medicine (be it a pill or liquid), he’s utterly betrayed. Gives you the huge, sad, miserable scared-kitty eyes for the rest of the evening, and won’t let you touch him. 
(He’s over it by morning, and back to purring in your arms. Baby.)
The ugliest purebred imaginable, and his personality isn’t better. <3
Health issues. Skin/coat problems, numerous food sensitivities, arthritis, frequent UTIs, and a crooked tail from a past injury.
King of separation anxiety. If he can’t find you, he’s HOWLING, then finding a corner to cower in until his protector is back.
Truly the embodiment of the phrase “scardey cat”. Terrified of everything from the vacuum to rustling plastic bags. Huddles under the couch, trembling pathetically, after every little scare. 
...it is kind of cute when he runs to you to “save” him, however. 
This clumsy dumbass WILL get himself hurt (in incredibly stupid ways) if you don’t keep an eye on him. Utterly oblivious to real danger.
His distressed yowling is awful, and the attention-demanding yells aren’t much better. The classic So So Whiney Baby Siamese! 
NEEDS to be the only cat in the household— he’s violently territorial, but guaranteed to end up the other cat’s punching bag once he’s pissed them off enough. 
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blackcat419 · 11 months
How different cultures in ASOIAF view cats pt. 1
In our world, culture and religion shape how we view animals, and for this post, specifically cats. An example of how cats a view differently in cultures can be seen in Islamic cultures and Romani Cultures. Because cats clean themselves often, they are viewed as clean by Muslims and can be kept with the family. But for Romani, because of the Marime which states that the genital region is a source of impurity, a cat licking its own lower regions this becomes unclean. Roma still keep pets but they generally don’t let them sleep in their bed or lick them. This is all contrasted by American culture where a pet is viewed as a member of the family and will be referred to as the baby or child of their owners and is allowed to sleep in bed with them.
It’s so interesting and I want to expand this to how Westerosi people see cats and what types of cats they keep.
Dorne takes a lot of inspiration from the Arabic would and I think it only makes sense for them to have a similar view of cats.
Cats keeping themselves clean makes them the perfect pets for humans. Cats are also known to pray to the seven if given a seat in a sept (cats love prayer rugs and it’s really cute). Both religious and hygienic, cats are viewed as more sophisticated than other animals and thus are kept closer by their families.
The salty Dornish are best known for their love of cats with many ancient breeds residing in their homes. The green orphans will sail with a cat or two and give them a fish from the days haul. Cats are also seen as omens of good fortune and many shops have a resident cat. Septa also keep cats control pests and because they will sleep at the feet of the seven when their statue is warm. The Turkish Van and Turkish Angora are both old and rare breeds of cats that would flourish in Dorne.
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The Sandy Dornish also enjoy cats. Because cats naturally retain more water than dogs, they are fitted to live in the desert. These cats are some of the more wild ones as it’s common for the domestic cat to mix is wild cats. During harsh sandstorms, the Dornish will wrap the cats up in a blanket to protect them from the elements. Cats are known to love this and scene request it when their is no sand storm. The Savannah cat is a cross between wild Serval and a domestic short hair cat.
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The stony Dornish are less attached to cats than the Sandy or salty Dornish. Every house hold does have a cat and it’s common for cats to sleep in the room of their favorite person, but the stony Dornish believe that cats have some impurity to them because they lick their own genitals. Families will often perform a cleaning ritual on their cats by wiping them down with a wet cloth to cleanse them of impurity. Cats in stony Dorne are slender and very angular, making them great at slipping through stony hills and along steep walls. The Cornish Rex and Devon Rex are popular cat breeds.
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The Iron Islands
Cats were a big part of Scandinavian culture. The goddess Freya had her chariot pulled by Norwegian Forest cats (also called fairy cats) and it was custom for a groom to give his bride a kitten as a wedding gift. For Vikings specifically, cats were kept to control the pests on ship.
Because the Iron Islands is more based on mythical Viking culture than historical Scandinavian culture, we can have some fun with the cats.
Ships are a big part of the iron islands culture, so each ship should have a cat or two. Perhaps to “bless” a ship before it sets off, a kitten is brought into the ship and makes it their own. I also see the Ironman have a very communal ownership of the cats. Fisherman will give the cats some of their catch as part of a good luck ceremony and people will set up small cat houses for them. They could also view a cat staying with you as a sign of good luck. But because of Thai communal ownership, it would probably be taboo to try and keep a cat to yourself. The iron islanders see a cat as not belonging to a person but to a ship or island.
Types of cats I think the iron islanders would have. Because they’re kind of weird, I think some weird breeds would fit. The Selkirk Rex is known for playing in water, being loyal to their human, and also have some curly fur!
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The Andal Kingdoms
The Andals had a similar relationship to cats that Europeans had before the Black Death. For the Andals, cats were viewed as mainly pest control for their farms and cities. People rarely tries to socialize kittens when born which led to people believing cats were naturally aggressive.
It wasn’t until Maesters discovered that cats help prevent the spread of disease by killing rats that cats became a more popular household animal.
The reach was the first kingdom to become very found of the cat. They were perfect help for their farms and perfect pest control for old town. Old Town holds a celebration of cats each year to thank them for preventing extreme disease outbreaks from happening in the city. The Redwyne family is famous for breeding Persians cats that resemble the pugs they breed with short faces. Rich families have a few Persian cats that they dress up as little lords and ladies as an extra show of wealth.
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In the storm lands and riverlands, cats are seen as antithetical to the land. The kingdom’s natural wetness drives cats away. Fisherman are often at odds with local cat populations as they fight over fish. Despite the general population’s disinterest in cats, they are a common staple at inns and bars as they keep rats away from the straw and wheat. Patrons consider seeing a cat with folded ears as a lucky charm that their stay at the inn will be a pleasant one.
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I reached the max amount of photos for this post so we will continue with westerlands, the vale, north, beyond the wall, and valyrians!
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felinefractious · 1 year
Index Page
Click to Help Palestine
Palestinian Fundraising Resources
You can also find me @catsindoors where I discuss feline behavior, health, welfare and other related topics and at @declaweddisabledpurebred where I promote adoptable cats.
Mittens McFluffy of Tumblr = Cat’s Name
🐱 = Breed
📸 = Photographer or Source
🎨 = Color/Pattern
If the breed featured has a debilitating health issues as their defining feature I will include a [link] to information of the condition beside the breed name.
This is not comprehensive, the abscence of a [link] doesn’t mean the breed is without issue. It may just mean there isn’t one, concise artle to link. Always do your research.
Here is some recommended reading.
AAFP Position Statement Hybrid Cats
Histologic Description of Lykoi Cat
Concerns over Maine Coons on the GCCF
Lykoi Sebaceous Cysts
Manx Syndrome
Munchkin Limb Deformity
Over-typification in Maine Coon Cats
Persian Brachycephaly
Scottish Fold Osteochondrodysplasia [Examples]
If the color/pattern is relatively new, particularly rare, or affiliated with some sort of health condition I will include a [link] to information on the subject beside the color/pattern description.
The letter/number combination in the tags is determined using the Fédération Internationale Féline EMS system. I may also reference the EMS codes from GCCF, LCWW, WCF or WOF.
Here is a glossary of colloquial and breed-specific terms for colors and patterns. You can browse the different breeds, colors and patterns featured here through the tags page.
You can send in pictures of your cat if you like and I will tell you what they appear to be. It is helpful to include some history on the acquisition of your cat. It is helpful to include multiple angles, varied lighting, close-up of parted fur and especially nose and paw pads. Remember that this is an educated guess only.
I will answer genetics oriented questions to the best of my ability, I have a working understanding of cat genetics but for more complicated or in-depth questions regarding genotype I recommend asking @amber-tortoiseshell. I’m most confident with my expertise on phenotype (appearance) and cat breeds.
Disclaimer: This blog is to show cat colors and patterns, I share rare or unique colors and good examples wherever I find them. Inclusion on this blog is not endorsement of the breed or breeder.
List of Cat Registries
List of Breed Clubs (TBA)
Here are some good resources to start you off:
Beware Don’t Get Scammed
Ethical Breeding: How to Find a Good Cat Breed?
Finding the Purrfect Pedigreed Kitten
Identifying a Scammer: Red Flags
How to Spot a Scam
Thinking of Buying a Pedigree Kitten? Advice for Purchasers
There are also Facebook groups which can be a useful, additional resource such as Bad Catteries Around the World, BLACKLIST Breeders Cats/Cattery Cats, Exposing Bad Catteries & Educating for Change and GOOD Catteries Around the World Reference and Reviews!
If you’re in the UK you can check Felis Brittanica’s Suspension List.
Breed Specific Groups
Abyssinian Kitten Scams and Breeder Search Guidelines
Bad Sphynx Catteries/Breeders!!!
Black List Bengal Breeder!
The Maine Coon Blacklist
Posts to Read
r/cats Bruce the Minuet
American Shorthair vs. Domestic Shorthair
Brachycephaly in Cats
The Different Bobtail Genes
Gen. Ticked British Shorthair
Highlander/Highland Lynx Health
Is It A Nebelung?
Maine Coon Phenotype
New Style vs. Old Style Maine Coons
Peterbald vs. Sphynx
Siamese vs. Oriental
Sphynx Health & Hygiene
What Is Rufousing?
TICA’s Generative AI Bullshit
Tortoiseshell or High Rufousing?
Yeast in Devon and Cornish Rex breeds
Now introducing Fractious, the official mascot of the blog as illustrated by @jambiird based on the results of the Create A Cat poll series. Icon by @smallear.
They’re a blue silver classic tabby mitted mink longhair.
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Don’t fucking put Harry Potter references on my posts or in the tags. You will be blocked.
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pvffinsdaisies · 3 months
Nekotalia UK & Ireland casting
Idk much about cat breeds this is based purely off of vibes! 😌
IRELAND: ginger Siberian
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SCOTLAND: black Domestic Shorthair
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WALES: brown Devon Rex
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ENGLAND: brown British Shorthair
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N. IRELAND: ginger Ragdoll
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Ty for your time
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cerulean-crow · 1 year
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Personally annoys me that sprigatito and litten share basically the same body shape of cat so I took ten minutes to change that
based sprigatito off of just long hair cats in general but the face markings make me think Siamese cats too- tho they also just end up looking a bit like a raccoon to me-
and with litten I was thinking either a hairless cat or a devon rex. If I go anymore forward with these concepts I think it would be fun for litten’s line to reflect those hairless cats that grow little patches of fur- just with fire or something
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vind3miat0r · 6 months
redacted listener hcs — favorite animals
i was bored and decided to give the listeners favorite animals based purely on vibes :) (also some pet hcs heheh)
long warning
Angel — most people would assume that they like something basic, like cats. while they do like cats, they like llamas and alpacas more; they think theyre silly and cool and always whines about David not letting them ride any when they go to some sort of fair or carnival
Babe — classic cat lover! they grew up with cats, so it was to be expected. they also likes dogs a lot; their favorite breeds of both being devon rexes (cats) and borzois (dogs)
Sweetheart — they like lizards. while they never had any pets growing up, they became acquainted with the multiple lizards that lived in their school friends’ gardens. they specifically like green basilisk lizards and draco volans
Darlin’ — surprisingly, they like insects. they found a preying mantis egg sac in their backyard when they were ten, and they managed to convince their parents to let them keep one of the mantises once it hatched. they like carpenter ants and preying mantises
Lovely — they like both snakes and cats. after turning, they joked to Vincent about how they were “like an albino snake now.” they begged Vincent for them to get a cat, even though cats tend to disagree with Vincent. they like corn snakes a lot and had one as a pet before they met Vincent (Rory lived a good 13 years and passed away peacefully a few weeks before the E&E 2021 games began)
Treasure — they like deer. they loved reading about the “majestic creatures” in the library, and always beelined to the deer enclosure when they visited the zoo with their family. they particularly love sambar deer and sika deer, liking the way their antlers are shaped
Freelancer — they never gave much thought to things like favorite animals, and theyd often ask growing up, “I’m supposed to have a favorite?” but, they do have an inclination towards zebras and mantis shrimp
Coworker — they love love love ferrets! when they were little, one of their friends got a ferret, and they begged their parents to let them get one (they got a hamster instead. and yes, it died because one of their siblings put it in the microwave). they did all sorts of research on ferrets (what they eat, what amount of love is good for them), and then scolded their friend because they only had one ferret and ferrets need socialization with another of their kind, or they’ll be sad and lonely. they currently have two ferrets of their own, Muffy and Minx
Starlight — theyve always liked birds, even when they were little. a local event that was hosted at a reserve near their house called the Hummingbird Festival took place every spring and fall, and their parents always made the long drive so that they could see the hummingbirds as they migrated. theyve flipped through a few favorites over the years, but the current ones are: barn owls, rosefinches, and ravens. they also like planaria worms, mainly because theyre easy to care for if kept as a pet
Sunshine — they reeeally like horses. like,, reeeeally likes them. bro was that girl /gn growing up: always begging their parents for a horse a pony, even when they knew realistically that it would cost waaay too much. they like black forest horses, colorado rangers, and gypsy vanners the most
Cutie — they went out of their way to like “different” and “unique” animals while growing up, and that habit followed them into adulthood; unlike in school, however, they genuinely like meerkats and lemurs, instead of just saying they do in order to gain clout. they also like beta fish and axolotls
Doc — same as Freelancer, they never gave much thought to their favorite animal. usually, they just said they liked dogs in order to get whoever was asking off their back. after many years of saying that as their answer, its kinda become true. while theyre more of a cat-person, they do like dogs, and has owned them in the past. currently, they have a siberian cat named Vale, and they want to get a bearded collie
Warden — while having favorite animals is considered a “human thing,” Warden likes jellyfish and sea bunnies. one of their charges really likes sea creatures, and they asked her to tell them about them, resulting in about an hour long lesson on whales and sharks. Warden (of their own accord) started researching other sea animals, and found that they really like jellyfish and sea slugs. they specifically like moon jellyfish, mushroom jellyfish, sea bunnies, and sea angels
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
🪶 anon here!
just saw the cursed doffenshmirtz image (i love it) and wanted to ask for more pics of your cat! the lil baby looked so cute 🥹 are they a devon rex? or perhaps orange tabby, i’m guessing based off of their coat and face
also physics anon you are on a ROLL and i admire your skill and dedication since i was heavily mediocre at physics in school 😭😭 i think it’s so cool to be able to analyze scenes and conclude a new understanding of how one piece works, realizing how OP some of these characters are in the context of irl physics is crazy to think about.. and ofc calculating doffy’s finger length🤭
(and while it has been a minute i hope fae!mihawk is still on your mind!! i think i sent more thoughts to your inbox but i’m unsure if they arrived there)
@physics-of-one-piece is amazing, and I think learning about all of the science behind the calculations is incredibly spectacular. The amount of work that goes into each post is wonderful, and they have an amazing sense of humour too!
It has been a little while since I have written for Mihawk as a whole - he definitely deserves some of my attention, and I have been thinking about more miscommunication between them. I have been having a bit of an issue with my asks recently, but they seem to be working now for the most part!! When I visit with @since-im-already-here in a week's time, I know she'll pressure me into some more Mihawk (which is what happened the last time I saw her: Mihawk's Sapsorrow was a fic for her 🖤)
Cat tax below the cut:
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Griswold is an almost 3yo Selkirk Rex, and he makes up in affection what he lacks in beauty. He is named after a fictional knight from my favourite fictional failing forward movie: The Court Jester.
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He is ugly, but we adore him.
Captions: "See if I can get him to do it." "Griswold," lip smacking sound x3, "Good boy. Hey! Sit?" "Goooooood boy, good boy." "Oh he loves to get smacked on the butt."
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strawberry-cowgomooo · 6 months
Just Like Their Cat Legacy
The Just Like Their Cats, 10 Gen Legacy is based on 10 different cat breeds. Each gen has to have that type of cat in their household at all times. Complete the challenges, take care of your cat, and max out friendship with them. And most importantly, have fun!
Use Hashtags: #JustLikeTheirCatChallenge
Gen 1 Russian Blue Complete Nerd Brain Aspiration Complete Elemental Collection Complete Crystal Collection Complete Metal Collection Max Scientist Career Max Logic Max Handiness Max Rocket Ship Max Video Gaming Be Abducted By Aliens Adopt An Alien Child Marry A Coworker Traits: Genius, Gloomy, Geek
Gen 2 Persian Complete Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration Max Politician Career, President branch Max Charisma Max Debate Have Gone To College And Joined The Secret Society Have Max Friendship With All The Secret Society Members Date A Coworker Leave Them At The Altar, Then Realize You Are Pregnant and Elope With Your Partner Never Have Full Friendship With Spouse or Child Must Host Dinner Parties Once A Week Traits: Self-Assured, Unflirty, Snob
Gen 3 Scottish Folds Complete Master Chief Aspiration Complete Appliance Whiz Aspiration Reach Level 8 In The Chief Career Before Buying A Restaurant Max Cooking Max Gourmet Cooking Max Baking Max Mixology Must Host A House Party Once A Week, You Cook Everything Traits: Foodie, Loner, Vegetarian
Gen 4 Abyssian Complete Body Builder Aspiration Max Athlete Career Max Fitness Max Comedy Have An Enemy Go To The Nightclub Every Weekend Night Traits: Active, Hot-Head, Glutton
Gen 5 Siamese Live With Your Twin Your Entire Life You and Your Twin Must Give Birth to Twins Be BFF With Your Twin Max Criminal Career, Each Twin In A Different Branch Max Mischief Max Programming Twin 1: Complete Chief of Mischief Aspiration Traits: Mean, Goofball, Geek Twin 2: Complete Public Enemy Aspiration Mean, Goofball, Evil
Gen 6 Maincoon Complete Country Caretaker Aspiration Complete Fish Collection Max Gardening Max Fishing Enter Ever Henford-on-Bagley Fair Fall In Love With The Creature Keeper Lot Traits: Simple Living, Off-the-Grid Traits: Loves Outdoors, Animal Enthusiasts, Loner
Gen 7 Ragdoll Complete Beach Life Aspiration Complete Seashell Collection Max Conservationist Career Max Parenting Max Wellness Have 3 Kids Restore Sulani Host a Kava Party Every Week Traits: Lazy, Family-Oriented, Loves Outdoors
Gen 8 Oriental Complete Best Selling Author Aspiration Max Writing Max Painting Max an Instrument Max Skiing Live in 3 Different Worlds Before Settling in Mt. Komorebi  Write A Children's Book To Each Child And Give It As A Gift To Them When They Become YA Traits: Bookworm, Creative, Slob
Gen 9 Sphinx Complete World Famous Actor Aspiration Max Drama Club As A Child Max Acting Career Max Acting Max Singing Max Dancing Have Two BFF From High School, Have A Falling Apart Once YA Become Friends With Another Aspiring Actor, Become BFF’s Date Someone That Has The Same Fame Level As You, If You Are More Famous Breakup Marry Once You Are A 5-Star Celebrity With Another 5-Star Celebrity Have A Nanny Take Care Of Your Child Traits: Self-Absorbed, Creative, Materialistic
Gen 10 Devon Rex Complete Friend of the Animals Aspiration Complete Feather Collection Max Fitness Max Comedy Max Veterinarian Max Pet Training Own A Vet Clinic  Traits: Active, Goofball, Cat Lover
I hope you enjoy the challenge! If you want to play them in a different order, feel free to do it! I just set them up this way to make it flow easier in a story telling way, but have fun!
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roseate-felidae · 5 months
Learning new cat colour genetics. Mocha, Amber, Copper, and Russet.
Basically, I learnt most of the genetics of cats and some rodents from a book called the Colour Inheritance in Small Livestock by Roy Robinson. Printed 2013.
But new genes have since been discovered. This us part 2
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Mocha- Bangkok cats
What is it- more pink than mocha. A brown colour
Genetics- new c gene, (cm), recessive/codominant with other sepia
Notes- codominant with burmese and Siamese Bur-mocha is cbcm, Sia-mocha is cscm
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Amber- Norwegian forest cats
What is it- normal cats matures into orange like cat if agouti. Non agouti is silver tabby looking but has black nose and paw pads instead of pink/red nose
Genetics- extension gene (e), recessive
first time e gene in cats
Only effects black and blue based cats and their patterns. They are genetically this.
Effects fur only and not skin.
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Copper/flaxen/akita- British shorthairs
What is it- chinchilla (ticked) or shell (shaded) colour pushed so far on hair looks gold and white. Has black paw pads and tail tip.
Genetics- dominant Inhibitor gene (silver) + Wide Band + Ticked Tabby (on self makes shaded) and recessive copper gene (cop).
British wide band gene,
corin based
New golden gene
Males can become temporarily silver while breeding stud.
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Russet- burmese
What is it- starts off tabby and turns to red with little dark. Born with pink paws and pale tail tip unlike real tabby.
Genetics- extension gene (er), recessive
Similar to Amber gene
Kittens are larger than normal
Bonus of dominance of hair, ear, tail, limb and eye types.
Cat longhair (l) gene recessive
Sphynx gene (hr) recessive
Donskoy (Hrbd) dominant
Lykoi is recessive
Devon rex (re) is recessive
Cornish rex (r) is recessive
Selkirk rex (Se) is dominant
Laperm (Lp) is dominant
Wirehaired (Wh) is dominant
Fold ear (Fd) is dominant. usually single.double gene is more severe pain.
Curled ear (Cu) is dominant.
Manx is dominant. (All are Mm). As MM is fatal. Lethal gene.
Bobtail (japanese) (jb) Is recessive.
Curled tail- two genes in one. Over Back gene is co-dominant. Curl is recessive.
Munchkin (Mk) is dominant
Polydactyl (Pd) is dominant
Ojos azules (Oj) is dominant.
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double--cross-d · 1 year
I'm gonna share some Flipline LGBT/Family Headcannons I have lol
Chuck, Utah, and Nevada are all siblings. Chuck is the middle child, and moved to Tastyville when he turned 18
Taylor and Indigo are siblings, and Hank is their Dad. Taylor's kind of cut contact with both (mental health issues) but he and Indigo are making an effort to reconnect
Peggy and Austin are cousins! Peggy's still dreading the day he gets to be taller than her.
I read this in a fanfic (My Dearest Matilde by @yakkolicious) but Big Pauly being Penny's dad is something I totally sign off on
@magicmindless first headcannoned this but, Mary and James are siblings. James got the short end of the stick when it came to cat allergies :/
Gabitha is Treble's half sister and they either want to throw her out of a window or get her to just. Do better things with her life
Speaking of which NuMarcus is Taylor's Uncle and Taylor never wants to speak to him ever again (once was enough >:|)
Radlynn and Sarge Fan are twins and eagerly talk about their evil twisted hyperfixations
Timm is Lisa's adopted brother (based on that one Christmas image with the X twins)
Xandra is scared of big crowds and typically clings onto Xolo or Edna if they're stuck in one together. No one else, even her friends, gets this treatment.
Yippy is Wally's granddaughter! He's her number one customer.
Wylan's mom died when he was in 6th grade and was part of the reason for the move
Sue and Prudence are sisters. Prudence was the first person Sue came out to and the first thing she said was, "Called it"
Sexuality Headcannons (most are trans)
Rudy's a nonbinary he/him lesbian. Marty is the sole boy of the group
Mary and Sue are married! Their pugs were the flower girls. Love wins!
Transmasc Utah! They/Them Pronouns but they will accept he/him on occasion
Gremmie's also a transman and helped Utah realize they were also cisn't! The two are best friends.
Scooter's actually transfem, but still uses He/him Pronouns because they're fun
Penny and Alberto are T4T and started HRT when they were 15 (Alberto started a year before Penny though)
Cooper's trans and Prudence didn't realize this until he mentioned he wouldn't be at work for two weeks due to his top surgery. His binding game was off the fucking charts.
Cookie is a Devon Rex. Cooper decided on this breed because he knew how bad James' allergies were and had a big crush on him but still wanted a cat.
Quinn and Timm got a divorce because Quinn realized she was a lesbian. Timm leaving the company without warning afterwards was what ticked her off.
Wylan is transmasc, and his dad fully supports him. He even helped Wylan attain his first binder.
Mousse bullied Allan throughout highschool for "being gay" (he was bisexual) and then when he grew up he realized that A. Whippa's a lesbian (that's when his support began) and B. HE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE WOMEN.
Roy and Moe are constantly on the verge of asking the other out but are both too socially awkward to do so. Ninjoy actually beat Dynamoe once because flirting with the pizza boy is more important than murding his archenemy.
Chuck and Taylor are dating, they just don't remember when the hell they even started. The B in their Bromance faded out so subtly and they never brought it up to each other until after someone asked them when they started dating.
Nonbinary Taylor! He genuinely does not give a fuck about Pronouns but if you ask you'll probably get he/they.
Transfem Mindy! She helped Liezel figure out that she was also trans.
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
you gave us the doggos, but how's about addison cats?? what flavour of feline would each of them be?? :3c
Off this is even harder cause I know very few cat breeds and temperments but ill try based on a 10-minute Google search of the phrase cat breeds:
Surv: Maine Coon. This is very obvious. Surv is big, this cat is big and again I just love the idea of a big animal that's superimposing but is otherwise sort of complacent. It could be a force to reckon with but it would rather sleep just like Surv.
Banner: Ragdoll. Generic but popular, nothing special about them but also so many people imagine them as a standard cats. Sorta like Banner's outlook about things and themself along with it kinda looking a bit snooty to me despite how common it is.
Audi: Persian. This is simply because Audi to me embodies a lot of smooshed-face sorts of animals and animals with nice coats. Also apparently they are pretty affectionate towards their families and that's in line with Audi so go figure.
Vidie: Norwegian Forest Cat. Bro these things look cool and high and mighty and I think Vidie would own one named Dutchess or Strawberry Acai or some shit. It's got that face and build that tell me this thing is gonna knock over a vase and you'll apologize
Spamton: Devon or Cornish Rex. It would be obvious to make Spam a munchkin but I like the idea he is overall tiny, not just short legs. These cats are notorious for being small and I think their odd looks give them the same charm as Spamton.
Sorry if this doesn't feel as matching as the dog breeds but I realized I really don't know much about cats.
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killer-wizard · 2 years
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my autism is at max power!
design funfacts:
bev and wes are based off of greystripe, and riker is based off of brakenstar (even though hes way cooler than brackenstar)
data and lore are based from sandstorm's design, mostly because light yellow suited them the best
geordi is a tortie because his name rhymes with tortie kind of
picard is a devon rex because he isnt completely bald. he has SOME hair but not a lot. like a devon rex.
worf is a lykoi because. idk i jsut like lykois. but also i kinda butchered him a little. sorry worf. his name is "adderworf" because characters with the name "adder" in warriors kinda tend to be mean/good fighters. not like names have meaning in warriors anyway lol
lore is foxlore, because "foxhearted" is an insult in warriors that means "deceiving" or some cat who acts like a trickster. which lore is. also a reference to the cranewives album
bonus spot but human, even if shes kinda. low effort. lmao. :D
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xoteajays · 2 years
file: flora dean.
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FULL NAME: florence dean. NICKNAMES: flora, flor.  DATE OF BIRTH: --, 1967. AGE: 15 (s1) - 19 (s4). GENDER: cis female, she/her. ORIENTATION: bisexual (closeted).
FACECLAIM: havana rose liu. HAIR: chestnut brown, long, wavy, usually worn down or in a braid. EYES: green. HEIGHT: 5’4”.
PARENTS: alice dean [prev. alice hou] (mother), wayne dean (father). OTHER FAMILY: cynthia wen (maternal aunt, née hou), samuel wen (uncle), sandy wen (cousin).  PETS: gizmo (devon rex cat). 
BACKGROUND  [ basic. likely to be updated when i rewatch st. mostly season-based for shortness. ]
[ pre-series ] Flora didn’t grow up in Hawkins. She was raised mostly by her mother, Alice, who was forced into being a SAHM by her husband. Over her childhood, she was verbally abused by her father; her mother was verbally, and eventually physically, abused. The first time Wayne physically hurt Flora, after she’d tried to defend her mother, Alice snapped into action. 
Alice sent Flora to live with her sister, Flora’s aunt Cynthia, in Hawkins while she went through divorcing Wayne. Flora was 13 at the time. Three months in, to distract herself from what was going on with her parents and to get out of her aunt and uncle’s house, she took up babysitting and met the core 4. She sometimes joins them in playing dnd. 
[ season 1 ] Flora has been in Hawkins for a few years and is now 16. She’s not exactly popular in school, often regarded as the ‘weird quiet girl’. Her and her cousin rarely interact at school. Flora doesn’t talk about her past or why she moved to Hawkins or why she and her mother are living with family instead of in their own house. Her mother has been working Hawkins High as the counsellor for a year now. Flora got kept back a year due to bad attendance and low grades, often described as ‘quiet and distracted in class’ by teachers. 
As the boys’ babysitter, she’s protective of them and is quick to volunteer to look for Will when he disappears. Flora is friendly with Jonathan, but not-so-much with Nancy. When Flora isn’t out looking for Will, she and her mother are trying to comfort and help Joyce. She quickly grows protective of Eleven.
[ season 2 ] Alice sets up Joyce and Bob Newby. Flora gets a job at Palace Arcade for extra money; plus she’d been spending a lot of time there since they got a Ms Pac-man machine in. She holds the high score and the boys delight in trying to beat it. Flora’s quiet persona at school comes around to bite her when she’s paired up with Billy in class. Later, after finding out she’s friends with the boys, he threatens her that she should ‘keep Lucas away from Max or else’. Flora warns Lucas that getting in with Max will put him in danger, but also Max since she can draw similarities between Billy and her own father albeit simply telling Lucas that she believes Billy is abusive and his father likely is too. While attending Tina’s party with her cousin, she spends most of the night locked up in a bathroom and generally having a bad time. She witnesses Steve and Nancy’s fight. 
Dustin initially just asks Steve to help get rid of Dart, but Flora finds out and joins them since she has the archery skills to deal with it from afar. She hauls up onto the top of the bus in the junkyard to shoot the demodogs. Flora has a panic attack when Billy shows up to get Max and fights Steve; hence Max ends up driving while Flora treats Steve’s injuries and tries to calm down. 
[ season 3 ] Flora gets a new job at Starcourt Mall’s Time-Out Arcade. She quickly makes friends with Robin and hangs out at Scoops on her breaks. She and Robin are classmates at Hawkins High due to Flora’s grade retention in freshman year. Flora takes a day off work to join the younger teens in welcoming Dustin back from camp. She ends up joining up with the mall group trying to figure out the weird Russian codes. 
She’s against Erica going up in the air vents, but nobody can tell Erica what to do. She ends up stuck in the elevator with them down to the Russian HQ. Short in stature, she’s able to escape with Erica and Dustin while Robin and Steve are caught. After escaping the HQ, she helps defeat the Mindflayer. She’s not particularly upset by Billy’s death, though still steps in to comfort Max and make sure everyone is okay. She’s more devastated by Hopper’s (apparent) death. She and Alice help the Byer’s pack up to move to California. 
[ season 4 ] Flora returns to her Palace Arcade job in her senior year. She’s seen giggling during Eddie Munson’s dramatics at lunch. Earlier that year, she’d been pleaded by Dustin, Lucas and Mike to drive them to hellfire club during a rainy night. When Dustin and Mike recruit Erica into being Lucas’ replacement, they drag Flora into driving them again since she was supposed to be babysitting Erica. She ends up staying at the club, forced into playing with her old dnd character, Astar. Eddie attempts slight flirting with Flora during his dming, but she doesn’t notice after getting caught up in the game. 
Flora doesn’t believe for a second that Eddie killed Chrissy. She attempts to find him by herself before finding out Max, Dustin, Steve and Robin are also looking for him. She helps in calming Eddie down when they find him and is able to take the broken bottle from him. She ends up with the teen group in the water gate, being the second-to-last to dive in, telling Eddie he doesn’t have to come but ‘this is just what (they) do now’. She heads up at the back of the group by herself with her bow. While momentarily distracted, she’s hit in the face by a lone demobat and ends up with a bloody nose. 
They eventually make it out of the upside-down and head off to the War Zone. She sticks to Erica’s side in the store and keeps her away from the basketball boys. She puts together a bunch of ‘fire arrows’ and is teamed-up with Eddie and Dustin. Steve tells Eddie and Dustin to not be heroes while Flora finishes getting ready; Eddie says that Flora is more likely the hero type. 
Flora allows herself to enjoy their little ‘metal show’ in the upside-down. As the demobats appear, Flora shoots her fire arrows at the swarm, though only manages to take out a few. In escaping, she’s convinced by Eddie to go through the gate first, only noticing when she’s on the other side that he isn’t following her. She tells Dustin to stay there while she goes back through, managing to get through without any injury. She races out to follow after Eddie, taking out a few outskirting demobats as she does but before she can reach him, she’s attacked by a stray demobat that latches onto her leg. In her panic to get it off her and to get to Eddie, she ends up cutting up her calf with her knife while stabbing at the demobat. By the time she reaches Eddie, it’s too late. She does to best to try and stem the bleeding, but nothing works and he eventually ‘dies’ in her arms, holding Dustin’s hand. As they leave, Flora sneakily takes Eddie’s necklace, later seen wearing it, albeit the guitar pick is hidden under her shirt.
Flora spirals back in the real world. She doesn’t help the others with donations and aiding those affected by the ‘earthquake’. She briefly visits Max in hospital, also making sure that Lucas and Erica are okay. 
Secretly she plans to re-enter the upside-down to retrieve Eddie’s body but when she does, she’s shocked to find that it’s not where it was left. 
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xenosandneos · 2 years
hi can you make a flag for a gender related to devon rex cats? thx
Here is DevonRexCatgender
One with and without the cat
I based the colors off that cat
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Hope you enjoy
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colasupernova · 3 years
I’m writing a Lost Boys fic on AO3 and I’ve jazzed hands into the lore and character backgrounds to bring myself joy.
It’s based off of the established vampire lore, but I’ve added some fantasy witchcraft (along with elements of my own practice).
I thought I’d talk about each character and what they’re like in the fic, starting with everyone’s favorite himbo and main character, Michael.
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- witch, specializing in fire, healing, and glamour magic
- 23 in 1987
- tattoo artist, specializing in American Traditional
- lived in a van since he was 17, only recently moved to Santa Carla
- has burn scars on his right arm going up his neck, and some on his right leg
- burn scars have since been tattooed over, as has the majority of the rest of his body
- has a cat named Morticia
- she’s a Devon Rex
- uses lace code
- almost beat the shit out of David when they first met
- can be affected by vampire hypnosis, but it’s super difficult on the vampire’s end
- has a vinyl record collection
- has been bitten by a vampire in the past, and still has the scar on his shoulder
- introvert
- disaster gay
- acts like he can’t be bothered, but has a lot of feelings
- lots of repressed rage
- convinced to hang with the boys for the first time by Paul, who was thirsting over him after he saw Michael in the crowd at a concert on the beach
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