#i still have no idea what selkie is lol
meowz-on-you · 2 years
Selkies new design debut! + A new pfp! This was based off of a photo of my favorite singer Poppy! I'll add the image without effects and the original image below the cut along with some wips
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Without blur and static effects
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The Original Image
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i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
(´▽`ʃƪ) c ould you please summarize the main plot points of some of your recent aus? (for example, im really digging selkie and loc, but i missed what exactly ended up happening with cho and dark in the former (both when they came to be and recently), & the entire inciting idea/event of the latter (and probably other deets i have no idea i missed))
how many are covered and at what length is up to u
i love perusing the asks but i get easily lost <3 tysm
augh alright!! okay so!
Loss of Control AU
Basically, this is post-showdown, but Dark did survive! It takes place right around the same time that the episode The Box does in canon!!!
Chosen and SC are captured, but so is Dark! Victim drains Dark's powers to take them for themself but it goes very very wrong and Victim loses all control, basically going into a feral state where they are constantly in fight/flight, which is very bad when you have brand new powers you can't control :(
Victim immediately is in a lot of pain, and basically wrecks a ton of Rocket Corp. The mercs are kind of at a loss as to what to do since Victim destroyed a lot of their weapons in the initial panic, and end up going to Chosen, because how the fuck else are you supposed to stop a superpowered stick on a rampage? c!alan didn't have any better ideas and without their tools the mercs aren't really in a much better situation
Chosen ends up getting released alongside SC, and finds out what happened to Dark, so they end up kind of freaking out. They can't exactly leave Dark here, because they ABSOLUTELY don't trust the Mercs to not just turn around and hold Dark hostage to get the upper hand again, and if Dark found out they would absolutely try to pursue Victim and Chosen. so they very reluctantly go with their best idea-- keep Dark safe by trapping them on the desktop!
admittedly i like to imagine either stick!alan or normal cursor alan depending on whatever's more fun for the situation, so that's not really set in stone at all lol
but that's basically the whole deal what's going on with dark and chosen!
Selkie Sticks AU
basically i have no idea how Alan becomes a selkie but the summary of the most important stuff is here!!!!
Dark does survive in this AU and gets redeemed as I've recently decided. :]
selkie!SC basically starts out as a toddler just because i think it's fun! Alan adopts the rest of the CG when they're around 4! (not as in how long they've existed but their age lol)
selkie!chosen is very much protective of their younger siblings, and kind of ends up bonding with alan a lot because they help take care of SC and the tiny CG a lot!
the CG have 'coats' as well, but they aren't selkies! alan actually made the little 'coats' for them as a gift. they're not real coats, but Alan figured that they'd want something to match! he was very much correct and the CG love their false coats a lot
also i sometimes talk about an AU where selkie!alan is still stuck as a cursor while taking care of SC! that's not a part of the main AU i just think it's so so funny to imagine
i think that's about all the tidbits i have that aren't covered tho!!
i'm just including this one bc it's a favorite of mine hehe.
basically, during AVA 1, Alan somehow gets stuck in the computer! i'll be referring to him as Noogai from here on bc that's his name in the au :]
anyway, when he gets stuck, Victim terrorizes him for a while, before Noogai makes Chosen! in this AU Chosen is actually the one with mission code, but it just sums up to 'please protect me i am SO SCARED'! this goes very badly while it's still in strong effect but Chosen does their best to deal with it bc Noogai isn't sure how to change it without potentially hurting them :(
Victim kind of ends up not wanting to torment him in the end because he's kind of. too pathetic?? he's sick from the shift from human to stick, he's terrified, and he doesn't know how to protect himself at all, and it's really no fun at all to scare him because he just has a panic attack. honestly Vic is kind of worried about him after a certain point because he responds so poorly to becoming a stick, both physically and mentally.
eventually the two end up in a sort of begrudging understanding, and Vic ends up (reluctantly) helping Chosen take care of him.
I'm kind of not sure where Dark shows up, but let's just say they show up here for simplicity! Noogai draws them as a friend for both him and Chosen! unfortunately Chosen's first reaction to seeing an unfamiliar stick on the PC is to punch them. after that initial road-bump though things are pretty much fine!
they eventually find their way into the outernet and end up moving there, partially because Noogai is so sick of the PC and also because it's very hard to take care of someone who's used to being a human on a computer. Noogai ofc brings the pencil and pen.
he ends up kind of having a semblance of normality after moving to the outernet, and things are pretty much fine up until the fair where Gold dies in canon!
Noogai actually ends up going in before Gold and getting caught in the crash, but Chosen saves him, leaving him with scarring and a crippling fear of minecraft, but him and Gold do end up becoming friends! They're both not exactly the most social people among most sticks, and they're both kind of nerds, so they end up getting along really well and doing a lot of stupid kid stuff together!
SC ends up being created after Noogai tries to show the pencil to Gold, for no reason other than he was dumb and the first thing he drew was....... a stick. because of course it was.
Noogai is basically the little sibling of most of the hollowheads though, and it's mostly just a silly au!! Victim does end up having a soft spot for him deep down eventually, but they'd never tell him that because he'd absolutely exploit it. and also the mortifying ordeal of being perceived. mostly the second one. they view him as their little brother though, even if they sometimes think he's a little brat :]
also i draw the noogai!sticks with faces because noogai drew faces onto them!! he thought it'd make Vic a little less scary and they were nice enough to tolerate it
anyway!! hope that helps :]
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inbetweenhours · 2 years
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How It Started VS How Its Going
Back on that @pinchhitsfromthevoid hype! This pinch prompt was for @dayables​ who I know got spoiled in the brainstorming chat (rip) but I still hope you enjoy how it turned out! You gave me the option of flower husbands which was absolutely not going to be passed up, as well as the prompt of Arranged Marriage AU. Since I just so happen to already have an arranged marriage au for them, I figured I may as well put some effort into actually showing it off since, despite my very long google doc of plot chicanery, I haven't actually drawn much for it or otherwise got much of anything to show for it.
The real trick here was balancing the angst and fluff. There was no way I wasn't getting out of this without, any angst. The problem was actually finding a suitable amount of fluff to balance this out lol. I knew I wanted to draw their wedding, since that's the whole base of the au and it directly emphasizes your request. The problem is that within the au, these two don’t really get to anywhere that's especially fluffy till weeks if not months after their wedding lol. That’s how I eventually settled on a kind of “before and after” of their relationship. 
Mirroring their less than favourable wedding day and first meeting with the renewal of vows they do near the end of their journey within my plot. Where they choose, despite already being stuck together, to have meaning behind their marriage.
Below the cut I’m gonna ramble about the lore  important to this piece from the au. Enjoy :]
Okay so first off- their “vows”! Instead of exchanging rings my idea is that the Ocean Empire and Rivendell each have a different giving for their wedding ceremonies.
Merlings have a selkie inspired pelt. Its technically their old skin. Young merlings are much more creature esq, and as they grow they grow out of that skin into a more humanoid form. However they tend to keep their pelts since they are pretty durable and are good for young merlings to protect themselves with and camouflage in the depths. As merlings continue to grow out of even that stage, their pelts become sentimental. kept close to their hearts. The lose of the plt is like a severing of oneself from their soul or heart. Its important for their mental health that they know where their pelt is and that is is safe. They’re not typically handled by people you don’t trust.
Which is why it is traditional that merling will trade pelts with their lover at their wedding. Its imbuing this trust that their partner will give the pelt back. As well it is a symbol of love and  soul, metaphorically giving that devotion and adoration to their partner.
Elves meanwhile are a type of fae. The rules I use for elves names are adjacent but not directly the same as other fae, such as the faeries of the overgrown. Elven names hold power over the individual still, but its far less than what a faerie might hold. It more a social power than anything else. Elves keep public and personal names. These “true” personal names can only be chosen by the elf themself. They are only given to people who you trust absolutely. May that be family, longtime friends, or lovers. Its not uncommon in Rivendell for lovers to not share their true names until their wedding day, though even if they have the vows are much the same. Giving their spouse the gift of their name, to use as they please. This is done both out of trust (much like the merlings pelts), trusting their lovers not to hurt them with their name. And more importantly it offers devotion to your spouse, which would be returned of course.
Now when it comes to Flower Husbands... this all falls apart. These two have not had a real conversation till their vows. They have no trust or love for one another, and are in fact quite afraid of each other. Neither want to give over something so terrifyingly precious to the other. 
Jimmy feels pressured to do so, despite Lizzie insisting he doesn’t have to, because he knows how a wedding should go. He knows the citizens of the Ocean Empire do not trust that his mother, The Empress, has made the right choice in allowing this marriage to go through. He knows if he doesn’t do his best to make this look and feel legit for them, then they’ll only have more problems in the future. And he really is trying to be responsible, trying to prove himself to his family and his kingdoms that he can do the right thing. He isn’t just the prince, the second born. He is loved by his country, deeply so, but nothing is expected of him. He wants to do one good thing for them in turn. Hell, he volunteered himself so that his sister wouldn’t throw away her preexisting courtship. He loves his family and his country, and he has never been asked to do a thing for them. He just wants to prove he can.
So he drapes his pelt over Scotts shoulders, careful and with the sudden understanding of how badly it hurts to see. How easily being separated from it would destroy him. And he can only hope Scott will return it soon.
Scott meanwhile doesn’t believe in another choice. He is the Chosen Champion of Aeor, god of Winter and Stasis. He is a representative of tradition for Rivendell. As much as he is fuming about the marriage, he has rarely acted out in his life. The golden child for so much of his adolescence that even when that love has left he knows little more than to hold his tongue and obey... for now. Still, he knows what is expected of him for the wedding. And despite there being no way for his family or the citizens to verify he abided by tradition in this instance, he is loyal enough to his god (and in fact fairly knows his god perceives him and he would know he wronged him) to not try and get around it. 
So he gives his name, as coldly and objectively as he can. It is not a gift, but Jimmy, traditionally, has a right to it through their union. He can only pray Jimmy be kind with it.
Ultimately both spouses are careless with their exchange. Scott misunderstands the importance of the pelt, and keeps it far to long. Jimmy misunderstand the weight of Scotts name, and speaks it carelessly. Its rough, and terrifying. But it leads them to understanding, to finding common ground and for the first time finding hope in their situation as they understand the other not as an enemy but as the only ally in the same situation as them.
Finally I’m gonna do a quick run through of details I was happy with, kinda lore relevant but with less flowery language on the plot.
At their wedding both are dressed in traditional wedding garb for their empires, as well I’ve referenced my board loosely to dress the crowd properly. Rivendell brides/grooms tend to wear white. It represents purity, white is typically only worn in formal settings o it wont be dirties anyways, and it doesn't represent either individual god. Allowing neutrality. Jimmy is wearing a loose cut deep blue outfit with small decorative. Dark colours but especially deep blues are traditional as they connect with both the deep waters and the sky, tying an individual throughout to the world and their life.
In their renewal of vows they wear nearly the same outfits, however Jimmy sports some golden Rivendell jewelry and Scott in turn sports some pearls in his hair much like how Jimmy had at their wedding. Its about the sharing <33
Wedding day was very formal, very controlled. Both of their hair pulled back and styled in very proper traditional ways. At their vow renewal everything was up to them, so Jimmy looks a bit more like himself (as messy as that may be) and Scott has both his kingship and his hair cut (lore) so he’s a feeling a lot more stable
Scotts wears gloves at his wedding, vs without gloves at renewal! Tied in, at his wedding Scotts hair and skin is patterned with growing frost as he gets cold feet (hah) and is very upset about the situation versus his renewals where he has much more control of his powers and very explicitly happy with the situation
That is all for now! Day I hope you liked the pinch! Everyone else i hope you liked the lore! I would love to do more with the au going forward, I have a growing plot document and love talking about it. If anyone wants me to expand on any thoughts, has questions about the plot or characters or otherwise, my inbox is always open and I am attentive to both tags and comments ;) <3
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ohbo-ohno · 4 months
asking for any pricegaz thoughts if u have any 🙏
okay hold on give me a sec. i have thoughts to throw at the wall and hope they stick and make some amount of sense (scroll to the bottom for the fic ideas i have for them but will probably never write 👍)
((tw if you don't know my blog: discussion of toxic and abusive relationships below. i write dark fic))
so the power dynamic between price and gaz has the potential to be sssoooo hot to me, but it doesn't quite Click in the way i was expecting tbh? it took me a while to think of why but i think it's because gaz like... has too much of a spine
like okay: no matter how ooc it might be, in my head soap is disgustingly easy for ghost. would do anything he says, no matter how much he doesn't want to. but gaz feels like he's more likely to say no, to stand his ground and put up a fight
which totally makes the potential toxic dynamic between he and price way more interesting. price would have to use manipulation and more subtle methods to get gaz firmly in the palm of his hand, where ghost just has to shove soap hard enough in the direction he wants, yk?
and like. i love that. older man in power seeing this younger man and molding him slowly but surely into the exact shape he wants, doing it slowly and carefully enough to make sure he doesn't even realize what's happening (because the younger man would hate it). that bit where gaz questions what they're doing and price basically says "be okay with it or get out of my sight" despite gaz clearly being uncomfortable? ohhhhh there's something delicious there
here's the problem: if you've read anything i've ever written ever, you know it's mostly porn. i'm not very good at writing plot, and it's something i'm trying to work on in the depths of my google docs, but i know what my strengths are - sex scenes. in my ghoap fics, that's easy. ghost noncons soap, usually forcefully. but with the dynamic price and gaz need? a fic for them (in my mind) needs way more focus on plot and the way price is manipulating gaz
that being said, if i had the patience? and the confidence in my writing? these are the fics i'd write for pricegaz:
cult leader price x undercover cop gaz. price knows gaz is a cop as soon as he comes to their little town, but gaz thinks he's still undercover. i think i'd have price slowly coax gaz into his viewpoint, drawing him closer and closer to him (with the added bonus that he doesn't even have to be the one to cut gaz off from the outside world). i think eventually gaz would come to a Sharp Realization, and price would be forced to.... extremes to keep him. i think it would be very hannibal/will, with gaz trying to deny that he's fallen to price's level but eventually being forced to confront the fact that he doesn't really want to turn price in anymore
maybe something similar to ruyfylb - maybe truck driver price and his favorite lot lizard, gaz? a consensual exchange but gaz would definitely not be prostituting himself if he didn't have to, and he's not great at pretending to enjoy his time with price (which is what price really enjoys)
fisherman price x selkie gaz. idk the intricacies of this one, and you could totally make it nikgazprice, but i'd like to see jailer price who is resolute in his unwillingness to let gaz go while still trying to keep him happy. he's stern and strict but he does try to make gaz comfortable, yk? i think that dynamic would be interesting, but very slow since gaz isn't the fieriest of characters. i do not excel at slow lol
historical au - gaz has a distant relative who's just died and he inherits a title with no warning. when he travels to the country estate that's his new home, he meets the head servant john price. you could have price teaching gaz how to be duke (or whatever the title is) and keep that power dynamic, while also getting to lowkey have rich boy x mean older man smut. so like. win-win. ((just think of price bending gaz over and spanking him or railing him while having him recite his paperwork out loud to make sure he's reading....))
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not a request but i have a question or two on your siren character that you wrote with a dark/obsessive alucard, in the piece it is made clear that the siren character has a strong hate for humans due to being stolen from her family and home to be inslaved and sold by them and tries to leave alucard when finding out he is half human. so my question is about how the series ends with village belmont being built around the castle, how do you think the siren would react to alucard bring humans to live in and around their home knowing her history with them? my first thought would be her trying to leave and lashing out at alucard as she would rather be alone in the world then surounded by humans but as she is your character i wanted to get your take on that situation and to ask where or what media you got the sirens physical characteristics from as i have never seen sirens depicted with large dark eyes and am intrested in learning more siren lore
Oooh, that's a good question.
I wonder if, by that time, she'd sort of warmed up to the idea of humans being with Alucard and getting to "trust" him (that or the Stockholm syndrome starts to set it). OR... If like you say, she'd be very angry and distrustful.
I also see this third option of sorting using it to each other's advantage. She sees that even though the humans adore Alucard now for saving them, it won't be that way forever. Eventually, they will learn something they don't like, see a part of him that's more vampire than human, and they will judge him negatively for it. She could use this looming threat to ensure Alucard sees her as his one true partner and confidant, even after Sypha and Trevor return.
At the same time, I see Alucard potentially doing a version of the same thing. He knows our Siren friend is not versed well in human social expectations, so every time he pushes her to socialize, it doesn't end well. Either it's awkward, or she ends up yelling and scaring people, which is at the point where he gets to swoop in and apologize for her behavior. Alucard in doing this, is basically telling her, hey, "I am the only reason these people tolerate you" "I am the only one you can trust still".
It's toxic af but that's the yandere asepct for you lol.
Maybe I should write a Part 2 about it? What do you think?
And for the siren descriptions, I read a bit about Celtic lore surrounding fae and selkies, and then thinking of selkies made me think of seals, and they have dark big eyes, right? They have big rounded pupils to see deep underwater where it's dark, but then those pupils close up when on land.
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For our Siren, I think she'd have a protective lens layer for her more 'human' form, that protects the extra large pupil from the harsh sun/UV rays. I also recalled reading a Reddit post about what a realistic mermaid would like, and how she'd need blubber or layers of insulation OR she'd be very skeletal and have translucent skin if she were much further down in the deepest parts of the ocean. So I went with the deeper down theory a bit, which is also why she couldn't get away in a river, even if it was deep enough to swim, she couldn't sustain a long life in that environment.
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ragnarokhound · 1 month
just saying Icarus au would be too easy for this rn
JayTim fire water personalities, clashing, hurting each other, fitting together as opposites
still not really an au hmmm
just gonna keep throwing ideas here
ohh wanna see a mermaid au in your style
or one of those free willy mermaid aus
deaging 🤔 of one character and the other gotta take care of them
bound by magic (in what way? who knows)
take ur pick
For the ask game!
But omg mermaids is so fun... It is one of my all time favorite self-indulgent urban fantasy aus haha, I still want to finish my teen wolf mermaid fic... Someday...
Mermaid aus are so good for the yearning. The secret keeping of it all, the 'we're from different worlds and idk how it will work unless one of us makes a sacrifice' of it all. And I kind of sort of already played this trope straight with the selkie fic I wrote for jaytim week this year, haha (selkies aren't technically the same as mermaids, but there's a big overlap there lol)
But I also like that the existence of Aquaman in DC lets you flip that trope on its head while still complying with canon! There totally could be real life mermaids in DC because low-key there already are lmao
This isn't quite what you asked for, but in that vein:
please entertain with me Atlantean!Tim who admires the Bats from afar. Most of my exposure to Atlantis/Aqualad is via the Young Justice cartoon (the glow up between the first seasons and the later seasons is still insane to me lol) so please imagine Tim found out about Robin when YJ made an appearance in Atlantis, or Tim got himself on the same track as, say, Lagoon Boy and hopes to join one day. He has the biggest crush on Jason Todd and Jason doesn't even know he exists
There are two vastly different directions I am torn between from here, but the funnier one is: Tim basically follows Jason home to Gotham. Cue Gotham getting a new harbor cryptid that's just an Atlantean with a crush and a very robust immune system lmao
Tim gets horribly sick for the first week or two (he's not keeping track) while his system reacts to the bullshit that is Gotham Bay - but he is determined to stick it out. Naturally, he gets found by a bat while he's shivering near the docks one day, following up on rumors about the kid from the black lagoon who keeps dodging harbor security. Bonus points if it's Babs, and she agrees not to tell Batman and Robin, at least until Tim is healthy. Bonus bonus points if it's not a bat who finds him, but Catwoman :^) (Fishy-fishy, I wouldn't let a goldfish swim around in this water, where are your parents, you're coming home with me--)
Meet-cute between Jaybin and Harbor Cryptid Tim involves a smuggling operation that Jason's been tracking. During the sting, he gets in over his head, ends up in the harbor, and Tim saves him from drowning
Jason knows Bruce hates it when Supers and other capes come to Gotham. He knows who Aquaman is. Ergo, he has to keep Tim a secret from Bruce. Cue sneaking around and hiding from Batman and all kinds of teenage dating tropes and shenanigans. Tim blushes 24/7 because, omg he's hanging out with his crush and he isn't freaked out by the whole Atlantean thing and he's helping Robin wow; meanwhile Jason is fascinated by Tim, exhilarated to have a secret from Bruce, and wondering more and more what it would be like to hold Tim's hand.
(Bonus: When Bruce finds out about Tim, the first thing he does is tattle on him to Aquaman. Follow those dominoes down to Tim being an Aqualad equivalent on the Young Justice team a few years down the road. OwO When they find Red Hood with the League of Assassins, Tim is right there with Dick trying to get him back.)
When I started writing this out, I did not intend for this to become cute baby jaytim with an atlantean twist, but that's where it ended up going haha
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captain-mj · 2 years
Ooh ooh so Price tried to find the address on Selkie!Soap's file... What about Ghost? Maybe he wants to spend time on leave and lacking all social skills he just creeps on his file to find an address?
This is so funny because Ghost is a changeling in that au. He still has a home, but this is just... I like it.
Realized after writing part of this you meant Ghost creeps on Soap’s file. Thought you meant Price showing up to Ghost’s apartment to hangout. Disagreed with the idea of him having no social skills, but I was going to roll with it lol.  My apologies, hope you like the result despite it not quite fitting the ask.
Price rechecked Soap's file. Yep. That was the address. He hated that kid sometimes. Sure enough, he was 
Oh well, time to go to Ghost's apartment.
Price knocked on Ghost’s door and waited. He didn’t hear him inside but that didn’t mean anything. 
“Ghost, its your captain.”
The door almost instantaneously opened. “Captain, new mission?” Ghost had his ski mask on.
“Thought you took it off on leave?”
“Put it back on when you knocked. What’s happening? New mission? Need something?”
“No. Just wanted to check on you.” Price smiled at him. “You doing okay?”
“Terrible. Bored.”
“Okay, do you want to do something with me?”
Ghost hesitated, eyes narrowing. “What?”
“Soap’s address on file doesn’t exist. Need help finding where he lives.”
Ghost was already pulling on a jacket. “Hell yeah. Let’s go.” He started pulling on his shoes. 
Price looked inside, noticing the tons of plants and things everywhere. “How do you keep them alive?”
“I don’t. They’re fake.” Ghost stepped out. “So what do we know?”
“On file, he’s from Glasgow, but his plane dropped him off in Edinburgh. The address on file leads to an abandoned home that hasn’t been safe to live in since before Johnny was even born. It’s a roughly 5 hour drive.”
“You have your car?”
“Course. We’ll have a road trip.” 
Ghost, after two hours of them driving while listening to songs from the 80′s, the only music both of them listened to, got the idea to call Soap. Straight to voicemail the first time. The second time, a lady answered. Ghost put it on speakerphone.
“Hello?” The lady asked. “Who is this?”
They looked at each other. “Uh... Yeah. This is his Captain. From work.”
“Oh! Yes, he mentioned if you called to tell him. Is something wrong?”
“We’re coming to see him. Urgently.” Ghost spoke instead of Price.
“Ah.” She sounded the tiniest bit panicked. “What city are you two in?”
“We’re two hours from Edinburgh.” Price thought that would cut some time.
“Yes. Well, I’m his Máthair and he’s staying with me for the time being. I haven’t been feeling too well. I’ll send you our address.” 
“Thank you.” Price heard the dial tone before he finished. “Weird.”
“Something is definitely wrong.” Ghost said immediately. “How fast can you drive?”
Price turned off his cruise control and slammed on the gas.
Soap’s hair was wet when they got there. “Sorry, just got out the water guys.” He smiled, looking completely normal. 
Price stared at him. “You... alright?”
“Yeah, was just at the beach and didn’t want to deal with my phone. You guys good?”
Ghost stared at his chest and Price realized Soap was shirtless. He hit Ghost to make him stop staring and nodded. 
“yeah, we’re fine. Your address is wrong.”
“Oh? That it? Yeah, I’m going to be staying here on my leaves for a while. Just to help my Mam out.” Soap smiled. “Could’ve just texted me.”
Price shrugged. “Oh... You know...” Look, maybe he was just bored out of his mind like Ghost. “Thought I’d drop by?”
Soap looked at him oddly before turning to Ghost, seeing he wasn’t there. He had wandered over to where Soap’s mom was and she already had baby pictures out.
“I hate both of you so much.”
“Sorry, kid.”
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Hello!! Can I request a captive x captor prompt list? I don't know if that's something up your alley, but your prompt lists have a wide variety and have helped me get out of some sticky spots (that I wrote myself into lol). If not, that's totally fine too. I appreciate your work ❤
Sure thing! Imma do my best to make them non-toxic/non-Stockholm syndrome-y because that’s more comfy for me. But thank yooou! I’m so glad that my prompts have been able to help you at all! Sometimes I wonder, so that’s really nice to know!
A pirate crew captures a selkie and intends to sell it at a dark enchanted market of different creatures and rarities. However, the more one of the pirates spends time guarding their captive, the more they dread pawning them off to the highest bidder. But how can they commit mutiny against their crew and captain, the only family they know? Especially for a creature that most definitely hates them. 2. When a human steps into a faerie circle, the fae in question is ecstatic. Their fellow fae friend has a birthday coming up and a taste for unique items and eccentricities. Actual conscious animals are hard to come by, but a human transformed into an animal? Much easier. And how is Other Fae to know the difference?
3. After trying their food by chance, a royal forces a local cook into their employ as their personal chef. Though the royal spoils them with nice quarters, unlimited ingredients, and a ridiculously high wage, the chef cannot forgive them for taking away their freedom. Meanwhile, the royal, whose love language is food, falls deeper in love with each meal.
4. Pirates are to be hanged. That is the law. However, when a recently arrested pirate is up for execution, the city's lord visits them with a bargain: their life for their service as a guard. The lord's child has recently bought a ship and is insistent on sailing around the world, oblivious of their own inexperience and naivety. And everyone knows there's no one more sea-smart than a pirate. However, their child, having no idea of the deal, begins catching feelings for their gruff crew member who always seems to be there for them.
5. Dragons have taken humans captive since the days of knights and princesses. It is no different for the modern-day city dragons, though the reason has become foggier over the centuries. Is it for hoarding? For food? Love? All the dragon knows is their instincts screamed at them to take this person, so they did. Except now they're riddled with guilt. On the other hand, they picked on of the only humans who would be ok with this development. A dragon scientist/expert who is over the moon to study a member of the rare species up close.
6. Human pests are always breaking into the giant's home, stealing their supplies, wealth, and anything else they can get their tiny grubby hands on. They decide to put up traps, but when they actually succeed in catching one of the thieves, they're not sure what to do with them. They don't want to kill them, but they certainly can't let them go either.
7. A monster hunter is taken captive by one of the very monsters they once caught and sold. The monster escaped a couple years ago, but not without serious scars, both emotional and physical. They intend to make the monster hunter share their pain, but the hunter is so much more ragged and tired then they remember. It seems they’ve become broken and scarred all on their own.
8. Knowing that planet earth is about to be destroyed, a group of aliens breaks protocol and abducts a few hundred humans in order to preserve the race. However, the humans, whether uninformed or wracked with grief are none too happy about this development. The ship’s captain tries to keep them isolated to one area of the ship, believing it will be easier to them adjust to one factor at a time, but one of the humans is always escaping, and searching the captain out. The captain is still only semi-fluent in human, but their addresses usually involve a lot of shrieking and spitting.
9. Vampires are merciless, bloodthirsty monsters; the vampire Hunter knows this from much experience. So why are they having such a hard time finishing this one? Pretty hair and a sunshiny attitude are not reason enough!
10. The detective is the only thing standing in the way of the criminal’s success and freedom. They should take this chance, catching the detective helpless and off guard, to get rid of them permanently. But…the detective has also been the only constant in their life for years. They’ve dedicated so much time to impressing and thwarting them and the detective so much time to chasing them. Maybe they shouldn’t rush it and keep hold of them a little longer.
11. A royal is almost assassinated and the hitman is put in the dungeons. The royal insists on talking to their would-be-killer themselves and what starts as an interrogation transforms into a daily storytelling session, with the royal hounding the assassin for information about the outside world. As the assassin’s execution date looming, the trapped royal’s desire to leave grows. If anyone could take them away from this place, it would be assassin, but can that trust them not to finish the job they were hired for?
12. After kidnapping Sidekick multiple times as leverage, it is Villain’s turn to be a hostage. In all their captures, Sidekick discovered a familial connection between Villain and Supervillain, and with Supervillain on the verge of mass destruction, Sidekick is going to exploit it. Surrender or Villain will be killed. Except Sidekick has no experience with hostages and is relying on all of Villain’s advice on how to keep them secure. At first it’s manipulation, but after a while…Villain doesn’t really want to leave anymore.
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fandom-blackhole · 11 months
🕷🕸Happy Halloween 🎃 🕯
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-Asks can be submitted from Oct 26 - Nov 5 (Edit: Halloween week just went from 0 to I'm skrewed so I am leaving these open longer and will answer them if I have time this week but will probably get to them next week...sorry :/)
-The asks have to revolve around Halloween in some way, whether its in cannon celebration/activity or it's like a monster AU
-If you use a prompt/idea from below, you are allowed to use multiple prompts for one request
-There is no limit to how many requests you can send, but if you send alot all at once I may skip to someone else's and come back to yours so everyone gets theirs answered and its not just a block of one person
-All genres welcome fluff, smut, angst, ect. (just know I am in a mosterfucking mood so those are very welcome atm)
-No minors please and thank you
-Lastly, I am a busy person so my answers may be a little slow and I do hold the right to turn down a request (not that I think this will happen but I just wanna put it out there just in case <3)
Below the cut are a few prompt lists incase you wanna send an ask but don't know what to send <3
Halloween/Fall Activities-
Pumpkin carving
Scary movie marathon
Going to a haunted house
Halloween party
Drinking hot coco/apple cider by a fire
Going apple picking
Going to a pumpkin patch
Doing Corn Maze
Making couple's costumes
Making caramel apples
Baking together
Decorating for Halloween
Want an activity that's not listed? send it in! I probably just forgot to add it lol
Monster/Hybrid ideas-
Monster under the bed/in the closet
Hell hound
Shape Shifter
Doll/Mannequin/ Statue
Headless horseman
again, I definitely missed some, if you don't see it listed here you are more than welcome to still request it!
Little Red Riding Hood
Trick-or-Treating with your kids/siblings
One of you got cursed
One of you is a ghost trapped in a house and falls for the living person
Sacrifice to a higher being/monster
Human x Hybrid/Monster
Stumbling upon monster's secret hidden home
Corrupting a priest/nun
Priestess/Priest x God/Goddess
One person dies and turns into a ghost that haunts the other person
Finding a cat/dog and taking it home but oops its not a dog/cat
Researcher x Monster being researched
Prince/Princess saved from tower by monster/hybrid!knight
Angel x Demon
Or any other scenario/AU you've got!!
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robodove · 1 year
OKAY I FINALLY HAVE A LITTLE TIME ARRGAGRG I hope this aimless infodump is readable
so! Their designs and junk are a mess rn but I do have some stuff of them!!
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Ignore the little dragon in the last I'm still working on Lloyd's whole... business. And! Don't mind the text in the pink one, I was just tryna think up silly nicknames!
Anyways! They aren't really... Traditional pirates? Y'know.. cause their crew size is like 5 + a child and ancient beast.
Under division is a small ramble
Cole's the "captain" and is a selkie (although I know they're usually seals I accidentally chose a sea lion)! He's the sea lion in the pictures and I'm desperately trying to work his skin into the design. I thought it'd be silly since he was raised in dance and entertainment.. and hey! Sea lions are known for that too!
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(he wasn't meant to look so forsaken here, sorry Cole)
Jay is a mermaid (thing?) When in the water, he has the lower half reminiscent of an electric eel (I saw reminiscent as there are some major differences)! No one really has powers in this but he can still shock like that,, Ed and Edna are still human in this and I'm trying to remember if they still lived at a scrapyard or a shipyard.
Both Kai and Nya are only half mermaid! Nya ended up inheriting way more mermaid traits than her brother, who doesn't even have a tail in water, but still has a lot of human drawbacks. She can only breathe underwater for so long and ironically Kai can last down there longer. He just chooses not to since I thought it'd be funny to still let him be scared of water in this 😭 sorry Kai. He still has the recognizable sharper teeth and has bits and flashes of shimmery scales but is overall the most human of the bunch once you count out Cole's unskinned form.
I couldn't resist myself on Zane and ended up making him a siren. Mainly because.. bird! And also if he was going to be organic, I wanted to isolate him from the other sea related creatures. He has the wings and feathers of a gyrfalcon and can't swim as well in the ocean! He ends up bonding with Kai over this Kai originally hadn't liked him too much! Reasonably so since.. y'know.. sirens eat people. And mermaids in this.. although Zane eats human things as he was raised on it by a still very human Dr. Julien (who I guess is more of a bird-oriented wildlife scientist in this? ornithologist?). insert joke about him being a hand raised bird.
I don't have my sketchbook with me right now so I'm scrambling for pictures but ! Like all their designs, he's still a work in progress. Will most likely make his legs longer or something but this is just my ideas LOL
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And anyways! Onto Lloyd! (And the others?)
I was struggling to decide what Lloyd should be,, like? A dragon could still very much work and his normal version is already so cool?? However, I ended up on leviathan.. a baby one. The serpentine aren't decided but Lloyd's still pretty much not taken seriously by the town. Still winds up being taken in by the "ninja!"
Garmadon is still locked up, although now at the bottom of the ocean! The Skulkin are drowned/dead pirates?
Wu is who I've been struggling to decide on as well! For whatever reason I've been contemplating making him like just some statue in the Destiny's Bounty that speaks to them.
There's plenty of other things going on,, Kai and Nya come to them on accident and Jay is over the moon to see other moons and wants to show them their "ways" despite having never even met others before. Cole is desperately trying to keep everyone in one place as they've accidentally made the perfect collection of the world's most valuable pelts.
Kai still raises Nya at the forge (which in this, is beachside), but years later there's a rise in pricing for the scales of mers and the boy decides that they need to leave in effort to protect her. Nya is devastated because this is their home! Where else would they even go?? They barely have any cash! Kai's decision is further inland AND with the money they get from selling the forge. Yadda, yadda, the buyer turns on them and they wind up in the ocean near their home! Kai's knocked cold, which is for the better as Nya swims them further and further into open ocean.
For the first time, Nya meets another mer as she tries to save her brother, and he helps them aboard a ship! The Destiny's Bounty! (Or perhaps a ship before it? It's all still up in air)
I'd expand more but I'm out of time </3 please give any suggestions if you'd like to! I'd always appreciate criticism
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jungle-angel · 2 years
A Selkie in the Sunshine State: Part 1 (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: When you were young, you had heard tales of the seal people. Many thought you were completely crazy, until you met one for yourself. You just didn’t know how much it would change your life for the better. 
Tagging: @lt-bradshaw​ I know I’ve gotta do a taglist but I’m completely inept with technology and with this hellsite in general (lol). 
Key West, Florida
You stepped out into the bright Florida sunshine, feeling so much more at ease now that you had all the time in the world to yourself. Sunshine, sunscreen and sandals....you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. 
Moving to Key West had been the best decision you had ever made, getting away from the cold winters in your hometown and far, far away from the things that bothered you day in and day out. Your health drastically improved with the tropical sunshine, your eating habits had gotten better and you could walk to and from work with no problem. Hell, you were finally able to wear all those pretty clothes you loved that would have normally had to be packed away during the winter.....but here, you could finally be yourself. Your wonderful, free, self. 
Down to the white, powdery sand beach you went from your little cottage, the turquoise and peach pink shuttered little structure facing part of the street with its little white picket fence and porch while the back faced the ocean. The turquoise and teal water gently pulled in and out off the beach, the smell of salt and sunshine tied together in the breeze. Today was sure to be perfect. You had a feeling that you just knew that everything about today would be perfect. 
All along the shores you went, gathering shells and sand dollars, the water washing over your feet as you stepped over a small pile of seaweed. Your eyes suddenly fell to a yellow-green piece of something in the washed up weeds, something plastic with thin threads that formed a diamond lattice.....part of a ripped up drag-net. 
It wasn’t uncommon that you found something like that. Every now and again, you clipped up those pieces along with empty soda can rings to make sure no sea critters became their unfortunate victims. Yet something else caught your attention from further down the beach, something that sounded like crying. 
You rushed to the commotion, following the noise until it grew louder and louder when you suddenly laid eyes on what was making the noise. 
“Oh buddy, I’m so sorry, c’mere, you’re ok.” 
It was a little grey monk seal with thready little rings of white around its eyes. The poor little thing bawled and cried, tangled in the drag-net that had washed it up on shore, the seaweed hanging from it like clumps of dark green hair. You clipped away at the tough, plasticky threads with the Swiss army knife you kept in your pocket, trying painfully hard not to hurt the little guy who squirmed and wriggled. 
“Ok, ok, you’re almost out,” you cooed to the seal.  
No sooner did you cut the last plastic thread that something frightening and strange unfolded right before your very eyes. The seal’s skin seemed to drop away like wet cloth as flashes of a pale, human form were revealed. The seal skin hung from one shoulder, a wet, bedraggled mess as the figure kept his hands planted in the dirt, coughing and spitting up water. Your breath stilled as you reached out your hand to touch his well-muscled back, your movement slow and tentative, fearing that when he turned around, he’d instead be some hoary, razor-toothed horror of the deep. 
Your hand had barely touched him when he let out a loud gasp, both of you startled by it all. You instinctively clamped a hand over your mouth, in complete disbelief at the man who faced you. He wasn’t some terrifying humanoid from the darkest depths of the ocean. His eyes were of the deepest cerulean blue, the features in his face soft and shy looking. His chin and pencil thin lips wobbled a little, from what, you had no idea. His hair was a soft, dark blonde that grew lighter in the midday sunshine while perched on his nose was a pair of wire-rimmed aviator glasses......birth control goggles as the airmen from Pensacola would call them. 
“I.....you.....what are you?” you stammered. 
“Miss please I.....I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I just.....” 
You were still tentative to even speak as the grey seal skin fell from his shoulder. The only noise you could remotely hear was the gentle slapping of water. “No, I should be the one who’s sorry,” you told him. “I didn’t....I didn’t know.” 
The young man cleared his throat, the sunlight making his unusually pale skin a near blinding white. “I um....I would stand up but.....” 
“You have a cut somewhere?” you asked. 
“No it’s.....it’s a little more complicated than that Miss uh.....” 
“(Y/n),” you answered. “My name is (Y/n). You?” 
“Bob,” he answered. 
“Bob?” you said, chuckling a little. “I’ve never heard of a selkie named Bob before.” 
Bob’s eyes went wide, his mouth opening like a guppy gasping for air. “How do you....?” 
“I read alot,” you admitted. “C’mere, I’ll help you up.” 
“Oh (y/n), please, I don’t think you want to do that,” he said, turning bright red.
“And why not?”
“I’m.....I’m naked.” 
You blushed a little too, a snicker escaping your nostrils. It wouldn’t have been the first time you saw a man naked nor would it be the last time. You took his hands in yours, instantly aware of a strange, warm sensation rippling through you. Not a bad one, but something warm and comforting.....just like home. 
“How about this,” you said, biting your lip and trying not to cast your eyes downward. “I have plenty of clothes back at the house. You can borrow them until we can get you some new ones.” 
“Thank you,” Bob chuckled. 
He picked up his seal skin, shaking the sand off its damp surface before he wrapped part of it around his waist and followed you back up to the cottage. 
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ladytauria · 11 months
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
so in recent years i've mostly stopped posting wips bc, despite the best of intentions i have a hard time finishing them lol
buuut. looking through my drafts...
there are a couple i don't see myself working on again any time soon lmao.
two in particular stand out. one is a selkie!jason wip & the other is one that was, according to my notes, inspired by a fancomic. past me did not think to leave a link to this comic, bc she's helpful like that <3
the latter wip takes place at a winter gala. tim is by himself, keeping an eye on the others & making his rounds through the gala, checking off a mental list of people to talk to. he's kinda starting to flag, though; keeping up his timothy drake-wayne personality through so many conversations is kinda taking a toll on him.
and as he's mid conversation with one of the people on his list--
“Excuse me.” Tim catches a whiff of expensive cologne, chased by gunpowder, smoke, and leather. A warm hand finds the small of his back, and—almost without his own permission—he finds himself relaxing into it. “I hate to interrupt, but—” Jason steps into view, dressed to the nines in a perfectly fitted tux and deep red waistcoat. His hair is artfully messy; a roguish smile on his face. “Could I have this dance?” He cocks his brow. Tim knows him well enough to see the nerves—the sheepishness in his eyes, the way he braces himself for rejection. He doesn’t have anything to worry about. Tim is helplessly, hopelessly endeared. He barely manages to tamp down on his grin, keeping his answering smile something more polite.
their relationship at this point is still new and tentative--it started when one of their cases crossed, and each realized the other was working a lot of hard, dangerous cases with little to no back up. which was fine when they were doing it, but not so fine that the other is. u know. the usual :P
so they start working together. mostly. but then jason gets injured doing something dumb, without calling for tim like he should have. and tim reminds him that they'r partners. the whole point of them teaming up was that neither of them is supposed to be fighting alone anymore.
which---when tim asks why jason is at the gala, when he hates them & also has no reason to be there since he's not been legally resurrected... jason tells him more or less the same thing.
"we're partners, right? no more fighting alone."
and then tim kisses him in front of everyone, not caring even a little bit that it will probably be all over the society pages the next morning <3
but! i have two issues with this fic. issue a) writing the gala. and then issue b) it almost feels like it should be a scene in a longer work, so i can work that backstory in? but i don't... really have a plot. i could probably make it work anyway, but! i dunno. right now too many other wips have my attention so even if i don't abandon this one entirely, it will be a long time before i pick it back up.
and then the selkie!jason wip is p easy to explain. i had an idea for a single, solitary, poignant scene and utterly NO ideas for the plot that would lead UP TO that lovely scene.
here's the scene, which would, theoretically, be the closing lines:
Jason runs his thumb over his coat, the leather of its disguise buttery soft, and watches Tim. He’s utterly at ease on Jason’s couch, scrolling through his phone, one arm dangling off the armrest. Jason swallows, stomach twisting with nerves. He takes a breath—in through the nose, out through the mouth. Then, he strides forward, clenching his coat a bit tighter. He kneels in front of Tim, capturing his attention. His phone falls to the side as Tim’s brows furrow. Before he can ask what Jason is doing, Jason unfurls his coat, wrapping it around Tim’s shoulders. His eyes grow wide. “Ja— wh—“ Jason can feel the heat on his face. Knows he has to be pink, at the very least. But he doesn’t stop, tugging Tim forward and into the briefest, chastest kiss before resting their foreheads together. “Caught you,” he murmurs. The smile he receives is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
context? ur guess is as good as mine <3
[ fanfic writer ask game ]
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i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
Hi! I'm new here but im really interested in the selkie sticks au. Can you resume and explain it to me please?
oh absolutely!!! selkie sticks is one of my favorites but you could probably already tell judging by how incessantly i post about it lol
so the summary is that selkies are not humans who can become seals in this au, but instead they're sticks who can become cursors!
after the events of AVA 1, c!Alan becomes trapped in his computer as a cursor. what he doesn't know at this point is that he's actually a selkie!
usually the progression of selkie growth goes from stick -> fluffy stick (in the shape of some sort of clothing) -> stick sheds coat, and that coat can be used to become a cursor, but since c!Alan is kind of a freak of nature he goes from cursor -> fluffy cursor -> stick with coat!
anyway throughout AVA 2 and 3, he's stuck as a cursor and none the wiser to his status as a selkie! however, he does make The Chosen One and The Dark Lord! they end up inheriting the selkie status. Chosen's coat is obviously kept away from them by Alan, though, and both Chosen and Dark's coats are destroyed too much to be actually used in AVA 3.
After AVA 3, Alan at some point sheds his coat, turning into a mostly just very confused stick, and while he's on the desktop, he ends up accidentally drawing SC! SC is also a baby for no reason other than I wanted to. anyway he's forced to go into the outernet because he has no idea how to raise a stick, and ends up living there in hopes that SC can at least be somewhat normal! SC is also a selkie though so normal is relative--
he does end up meeting king very early on and it splits into two AUs where Gold either survives (because Alan turns into a cursor to break open the minecraft machine) or dies, but for clarity's sake i'm going over the one where gold dies! King and Alan end up losing contact with each other after that point :(
but anyway! Chosen eventually ends up finding out that Alan is in the outernet after finding him caught up in the crossfire with SC after a fight with Dark, and they end up kind of following him around just to make sure he's not hurting SC! Alan does eventually find out, but ends up being okay with this because. like. yeah he was kind of terrible to them, that's fair enough
he also ends up adopting the color gang (much to Chosen's disbelief) and just raising the group in general as the closest thing to normal kids as he can manage, and Chosen ends up babysitting a lot and growing very attached to their little siblings! they don't tell Dark about any of this though because. you know. Alan.
this ends up kind of blowing up in their face when Dark ends up finding out about them anyway and trying to kill Alan, which is equivalent to the showdown!! it happens when SC and the CG are a lot younger so even though Dark doesn't end up attacking the kids SC still exhausts themself pretty badly healing Alan and taking Dark out. I don't think Dark dies in this AU, partially because SC is weaker, but no one finds that out for a while--
(Also! Dark uses the virus to make a faux coat basically since their old one is damaged too badly, but this pretty badly hurts them as well :3c)
anyway! Alan basically takes Chosen in under his wing after that since they're still pretty badly devastated by the loss of Dark, and also Alan feels just generally horrible about everything. he ends up using what's left of Dark's original coat (as well as a few pieces of his own coat) to repair Chosen's coat as a gift for them, and generally things are pretty peaceful after that up until AVA 6!
i haven't completely figured out what happens yet (i mean. kind of obvious since the arc itself isn't over) but i do know Vic ends up most likely stealing Alan's coat!
Vic is a very weird middle point between selkie and not-- they have fur, but never ended up shedding, and can use Alan's coat to transform!
anyway a few notes about the au:
a selkie giving someone their coat is more of an expression of trust than anything romantic! it's just essentially saying 'hey i trust you', the equivalent of a cat showing their belly. giving someone their coat can also be something they do to comfort someone who's going through something as it's a comforting thing for them!
selkies aren't a well-known legend in the outernet and typically someone would default to going 'oh, that's a human' before going 'oh, that's a selkie' if they saw a cursor!
alan can regrow his coat if it's destroyed; the others cannot
purple is a selkie because it's fun, i said so, and also getting hit with the Minecraft Beam fucked them up a little bit
SC thinks of King as something similar to an uncle! purple has a similar view of Alan since he helped them cope with becoming a selkie
cursor!alan is ridiculously big even for a selkie. he's actually taller than king in this form. i need you to know how scary he is to literally any stick who isn't a selkie he's so so so big
No one except MAYBE Agent (and Vic themself obv) knows that Vic is partially selkie.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
Out of curiosity, what were your other longfics about? Also, do you have any other dc fics planned once you finish your Timkon one? You’re such a good writer and I would be happy if you wrote other stuff 😍
fantasy/royalty aus with magic and intrigue and worldbuilding! honestly, they were fun, but i think they'd work even better as original fiction (i'd just have to change all the stuff referential to the stories they were originally fanfic of + the plot elements that rely on the reader already knowing the characters and their dynamics, which would be a pain so i haven't bothered doing that LOL).
and yes!!! i already have a few wips on the back burner for until sotm is done. there's both selkie au AND another funky little space adventure thing that beckett and i are rotating together, and then also a couple of kon&jon-centric ideas i have, and some kon&clark ones, and also maybe Maybe one dick&jason idea that's been haunting me since i read nightwing '96, and also my qp konbart agenda that i need to push, and
so tl;dr YEAH i will still be here for a while, if my wip folder has anything to say about it <3 thank you so much, you're so sweet!!!
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tiny-feisty-gay · 5 months
I saw in one of your tags a mention of a novel? As someone who is enjoying your Chaggie fics (they're really good!) I'm curious as to what you write when fandom isn't on the brain :D
First of all thank you for enjoying my fics! I love engaging with fandom and the fact I can contribute creatively to the things I love brings me a lot of joy <3
Fair warning there is so much under the cut here oops, you gave me an opening to talk about my original shit and now I'm running with it lol
I have several projects at the moment, but the one with the most traction and an actual finished first draft is an urban romantasy following a chronically ill werewolf and the suffocated coven heir vampire with PTSD (and a service Hellhound) who she falls in love after an abandoned new vampire stumbles into her job, confused and bloodthirsty. The major throughline is a combination of found family, romance and going against what's expected/socially acceptable to find happiness and self-worth.
The one also has the most art!
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The MCs from that one are Marie and Alex <3
I have a few other stories set in the same universe as this one ^ Including a hunter/vampire story (Daisy and Vel, feat. Eidolon, Vel's mount, who is my interpretation of a kelpie)
This one was originally inspired by Reinary's song May I Have This Dance and then I just ran with it lol
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And a witch/werewolf story (Amaris, werewolf and Raelyn, witch); follows a werewolf collar tech (Raelyn) and the werewolf she met as a child, before she realized what was really happening (her family trains werewolves as guards -- I'm still working the plot of this one because I've had a hard time balancing it in a way that isn't harmful to actual people, and it might end up scrapped or reworked into something else, but I love the characters so they get a mention lol)
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I also have a multitude of others, including (another) exes-to-lovers between a muralist and tattoo artist who dated in high school; the muralist bailed after high school in an effort to run away from home/family troubles and left a lot of hurt feelings behind.
Then I have a siren/selkie story where the siren's voice has been stolen by a now-popular singer, and the (chaotic) selkie finds out and wreaks havoc trying to free her.
Irie (top, siren) and Anchor (bottom, selkie)
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And most recently, a platonic succubus and the grumpy/intimidating witch she falls in love with while trying to figure out how to navigate and hold onto meaningful friendships.
The first one is obviously my most fleshed out, but basically I write a lot of sapphic romance/romance-adjacent and primarily fantasy.
There's a few other ideas I've shelved temporarily while I figure out what I want to do with them too. One is a full rework of the novel I wrote when I was eleven, which was very much Mary-Sue princess goes on quest to save the kingdom lol. There were dragons and unicorns in that one xD
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble about my original works! I love talking about them but obviously my fandom content is more popular lol
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liliallowed · 9 months
Since seelkie!Y/N probably doesn't know what the sky is cause they probably cant read they probably think the night sky is lke another ocean and i find that so funny.
"Do you think if we of sat on Crimson's head and went towards the sky we would be able to touch the glowing jellyfish in the sky?"
I have no idea how much the other two can comprehend science but I feel like they would still think "yeah no that's wrong"
But Crimson would also egg them on and be like "No I'm pretty sure there glowing sea stars" (They know that's not true but this is so funny)
So yeah that's my silly little thought that came to me. It makes me wonder how much are the three educated on stuff out of the sea?
lol yeah they have no idea.
out of the two dust is the nerdiest when it comes to stars. the dolphin mers are one of the most curious and knowledge seeking bunch out of any siren! he knows there's a pattern to stars and he often uses them to find his way around the sea in nighttime! he's also been interested in studying them ever since he was a pup!
he doesn't know what stars ARE. but he knows they're useful for mapping out places and finding general direction.
though they disappeare when it's cloudy or it rains. dust thinks stars are pretty. he doesn't want to think much about WHAT they are tho. the stars seem to be either afraid of the sun or the sun might simply just be covering them up like the clouds... he isn't sure.
dust can't read human languages but he can read his own native siren text and other mer carvings... the jumped mess of ancient leviathan text crimson brings him thoooo he has no idea wtf that is. it's just some gibberish squiggly lines.
crimson head canons stars as other leviathans in a VEEEEERRRRY distant ocean upwards. they think stars are albgler fish traps out there.
that's gotta be a BIIIIIIIG angler fish for it's light to reach this far. and the sun is like this... weird glowy orb that comes and goes in-between the sky ocean and ground ocean.
no they don't believe the earth is flat because to them instead of north south west and east you can also go "up" and "down"
so to them earth isn't a surface it's a MASS! they don't think it's flat either. that's just dump. where would all the water go?
crimson is completely illiterate lol. they have no idea how to read anything. it wasn't really useful when it came to developing survival skills in the ocean.
as for y/n? they can read other ocean people's interpretations of their own language. so... like after a few words and telepathic tuning they CAN speak any mer language!
as for reading... that might take longer for them to learn. even with direct telepathy they still need to memorize the text pattern TO the meaning. (kinda like how Anya from spy x family would solve difficult questions if she had someone who knew the answer next to her)
this isn't the case for humans as selkies cannot read human minds. so y/n PROBABLY doesn't know how to read or write in human language.
there are selkies who have jobs and bring in fish for humans, trade stuff with them and speak their language... but even they aren't fluent in human tongue as they wear ugly masks and carry weapons for self defense.
humans are dangerous. so unless there's a need to be involved with them there's no point learning their language is there?
out of all three y/n can speak and translate the most sealife languages due to their innate ability. they also know a bit of siren glyphs but it's basically just them knowing their alphabet and the word hello.
they're a quick learner tho!
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