#but they work for me on mobile and desktop and I don’t know how to fix it
decarbry · 1 year
If you’re here for BNHA/Yabureme content, here’s what you should know!
Yabureme is my Nomu!Aizawa AU in which Aizawa is kidnapped by the League of Villains during the raid on the USJ. It’s an Erasermic-centric AU and they’re married at the time of the kidnapping.
The story is being told in mixed media form and can be followed here: Yabureme on AO3
All Yabureme content, including side comics, concepts, sketches, answered asked, etc, can be found at the tag here: Everything Else Yabureme
Regarding Content Creation
I am totally fine with others creating content for Yabureme - however, since the AU has a set story and it’s just a case of me creating the pages in order to tell it, please mark any writing or storytelling art as non-canon! And then send me a link or tag me so that I can read and share it! SFW only, please do not send me NSFW content
I am also fine with others taking inspiration from Yabureme’s design for their own Nomu AUs but would appreciate a credit if you use the full design. I’m not the first person to give him multiple eyes and hands.
However, please do not use my actual artwork in any capacity, including resposting with credit. If you see my artwork under any username but decarbry, even with credit, it’s been posted without permission.
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starfinss · 1 year
Can you please do flirting HCs for Sukuna, Gojo, Nanami, Megumi? (I couldn’t find your rules so I’m not sure if you take more than one character per requests so just in case you do, I’ll restrict this to just Gojo).
Hi! Yes, I take more than one character, no worries. Also, my rules are pretty much only visible from the desktop view of my blog, so if you’re a mobile user, that’s probably why. No harm, no foul. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They’re a selectable link in the drop down below my blog info, in the same section as my masterlist. Also, I’m adding Yuuji because I love him, hope you don’t mind! I love JJK, I wanna write more for it. I have a Megumi fic in the works, so stay tuned for that, if I can kick this horrible writer’s block. But it’s two in the morning and I can’t sleep, so here we are. 
There probably won’t be any blurbs, since these prompts alone could generate entire oneshots, I’m sorry! If you like any of these headcanons, though, I’d be happy to write some of those one shots for you. 
This also turned more into “how to pursue a crush” with Nanami, but I digress. 
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— 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘠𝘶𝘶𝘫𝘪, 𝘔𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘮𝘪, 𝘕𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪, 𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘚𝘶𝘬𝘶𝘯𝘢 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘵.
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— 𝘐𝘵𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘪 𝘠𝘶𝘶𝘫𝘪
— Good lord.
— Yuuji is a very genuine person who often just says how he feels, so he has trouble being subtle, especially around someone he has strong feelings for. 
— If he’s into someone, he’d rather they know how much he cares instead of beating around the bush, but he does try. 
— Keyword try.
— Sometimes he says things that are just way too forward, royally embarrassing himself. 
— Or, he overthinks it and just stands there staring at you. 
— Or he just says something that doesn’t make any sense. 
— Most of the time, when he’s smooth, it’s completely on accident. 
— He’ll also give you small gifts. You offhandedly mention that you saw a toy you liked as a prize at the arcade? He’ll have it to you by the end of the day. You seem sad? He’ll bring you your favorite candy. 
— He’ll also just offhandedly mention that he thinks you look nice today. 
— He might compare you to Jennifer Lawrence. 
— Mostly, though, if you notice an uptick of compliments, Yuuji is probably flirting with you. He likes making you smile, and you’re gorgeous, so he has to make sure you know that and that he appreciates it. 
— It might take some time for him to work up the courage to actually ask you out, but it’ll probably involve flowers. 
“Yuuji, have you been flirting with me?”
“Oh, you finally noticed. Any guy would, with how pretty you are.”
— You know he states it like an absolute fact, sunshine smile firmly in place. 
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— 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘶 𝘔𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘮𝘪
— Megumi is not good at flirting. 
— He’s generally a pretty stoic person, and isn’t great at expressing outward emotion, so if he’s flirting, it’s going to be fumbling and awkward. 
— Or he just straight up doesn’t. Not in the traditional sense, that is. 
— Megumi’s version of flirting is compliments. Not even on your appearance, though that might happen. He might compliment you on your cursed technique, or the way you handle your weapon.
— It’s like how in Mulan, Li Shang says “ya fight good.”
— That’s Megumi. 
— You also might catch him staring, only to quickly look away when you see him, the tips of his ears bright red. 
— There also might be the occasional “your hair looks nice like that,” or “you should wear that color more often.”
— You’ll think you misheard him, and if you ask him to repeat himself, he will, genuinely thinking you didn’t hear him. He’s a bit dense when it comes to romantic feelings. 
— Will also occasionally say something smooth as fuck. 
— Give him time, but he’ll ask you out eventually. Knowing Megumi, it’ll be pretty casual, like, after you get back from a mission he just approaches you and straight up asks you to dinner. 
— If you flirt with him, he will turn scarlet red. It’s adorable. 
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— 𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘶
— If Gojo is flirting with you, you will know. 
— This man is anything but subtle. He’s the guy who says shit like “that’s a nice dress, it would look even better on my floor.”
— He’s that mf. 
— He knows just what words to say in order to make you putty in his hands. Or frustrate you to the point of tears. It depends on if you also have feelings for him. 
— He also cares deeply for you, the feelings he has are disarming, so he hides behind his usual playful demeanor, but far flirtier.
— If you’re in danger, though, he will show everyone why he’s called the Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer. 
— Will point blank ask you on dates, and will not be dissuaded. 
— Brings you flowers, candy, stuffed animals, jewelry. 
— He’s peacocking, showing you everything he’s got. It’s a little overwhelming. 
— Compliments you every chance he gets, telling you how much he loves that color on you, or how pretty you look when your hair is done up that way, or how amazing your eyes look with that new eyeshadow. 
— With the way he treats you, people think you’re already dating.
— Cooing and compliments and gifts and so many flirty comments. He’s unrelenting. 
— Literally all the compliments and pet names under the sun. 
— Baby, honey, sweetie, my love, all of it. 
— You know he treats you like a queen, though. Never forget it. 
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— 𝘙𝘺𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯 𝘚𝘶𝘬𝘶𝘯𝘢
— I’m gonna be real with you, I don’t think Sukuna knows how to flirt. 
— He’s not really the type of guy who would try and woo a girl, more someone who takes what he wants when he wants it.
— The King of Curses doesn’t flirt. He takes. 
— He isn’t really a flowers and chocolate kind of guy. 
— His way of “flirting” is just suddenly referring to you as his. He sees something, he wants it, he takes it. 
— That’s how he does things. If you don’t like it, that isn’t his problem. 
— But he’d also slaughter anyone who crosses you.
— And straight up rob a store if you mentioned you wanted something. 
— Sukuna, no.
— Sukuna, yes.
— He isn’t really the cutesy type, but he is the chaotic type. 
— Might start calling you “pet” or “doll” or something like that. 
— Incredibly possessive. Sukuna doesn’t like when people touch his things. If someone steps a toe out of line around you, it’s nearly impossible for you to convince him not to maim or otherwise kill whoever wronged you. 
— I just can’t really imagine him as being flirty. He takes what he wants. 
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— 𝘕𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪 𝘒𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘰
— Nanami is more of a to-the-point kind of guy. 
— If he has interest in you, he’s going to be pretty blunt. 
— I think that when he first started to grow fond of you, he tried to ignore it until his feelings were too strong to put off anymore. Work is his first priority, and anything that gets in the way of that is a bit of a nuisance. 
— Buuuut he can put up with a few nuisances. 
— He’d probably start his courtship with just bringing you coffee every day all of a sudden. Maybe even a rose or two. He isn’t being subtle because Nanami isn’t a subtle man. 
— It’ll be obvious what he’s doing, and that’s how he likes it. 
— He won’t even deny the fact that he’s flirting if you point blank ask him. 
— He might ask you out to coffee, and try his best to woo you. Nanami isn’t great at being charming, so he’s just going to try and be himself, because that’s what you’re supposed to do when you like someone, right?
— He flirts with compliments and gifts, and they’re the type that matter. They’re personal and meaningful, and he pays close attention to what he thinks you’ll like to hear and receive. 
— The last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable with his advances. Flirting is supposed to make the other person want to go out with you, not make them unhappy. That’s just common sense, right? So if you tell him to stop, he will without question. 
— He’s a little awkward if you flirt back in a normal person way instead of a Nanami way. He might play dumb or just clear his throat and change the subject. 
— Nobody says he doesn’t enjoy it, though. He’ll be thinking about that for the rest of the day. 
— When Nanami cares for someone in a romantic sense, he’ll do his best to let them know in his own sort of way. 
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kafus · 2 months
whenever neocities users justify their websites being completely unusable on mobile with “my vision for the site only works on desktop” my only thought is why does the vision for your site not include people who don't own computers or can only use smartphones for accessibility reasons or what-have-you. it’s completely fine to acknowledge you’re still learning and just don’t know how to code responsive layouts, and it’s fine to say well i don’t really care who looks at my site i’m just doing my own thing. but when you try to justify exclusion of a specific audience because your Vision Doesn’t Include Them it’s so pretentious and weird to me
i know there’s some things that genuinely just really don’t work without the controls or wide space of a desktop monitor, but i’m talking like. basic homepages that are perfectly capable of having their information adapted to mobile. things where the only barrier between the website and a smartphone using audience is the knowledge and effort to make it work. why is it so not worth it to adapt that for that audience. computer users are not morally better or more worth sharing things with than people who use smartphones and that’s some crazy elitism to think so
i miss the old internet as much as the next guy but we don’t have to bring back lack of accessibility practices and lack of responsiveness too…
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linda-darnell · 2 years
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hi y'all!! anon asked me how I made my mobile header and sidebar gifs on my desktop theme so I figured I would make a little tutorial. (this is my first one which is super exciting, but also please bear with as i try to do this lol. if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!) you will need a basic knowledge of gifmaking. I use photoshop 2022 on mac :)
step 1: making your gifs
you're going to make two gifs in two separate documents. both are going to be black and white, cropped however you want, but if you want it for your mobile header, the dimensions are 640 x 360 — that's what I'm using.
do your normal coloring settings (i'm keeping mine pretty basic since they'll be b&w)
make sure they're the same length. if you're using frames, make sure they're each the same frame length. i'm using video files so if you do too, just make sure they're both the same length when they're together on the video timeline.
to make the gifs look better together, use contrasting shots (for this gif, I have a far away shot of marina dancing and a close-up of her singing)
step 2: making the gradient
choose which gif you want the gradient to be on. i chose the close-up shot
go to layer > new fill layer > gradient. click ok and then this will pop up:
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click gradient, then choose three colors you want for your gradient. these are what I chose:
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click ok, then go to the angle adjuster (idk what it's called) and make your gradient diagonal (doesn't have to be exact)
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click ok, then go to your blending mode drop down in your layer panel and change the blending mode to multiply
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now your gif should look like this:
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step 3: converting gifs to smart objects & putting them on the same timeline
now here's where the magic happens. on the gif we just worked on, select all the layers and merge them into one smart object. do the same thing to your black and white gif.
i don't know how to explain this in writing, so just follow the gif for what to do next:
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now, align the black and white gif onto the gradient gif, then change the blend mode to lighten. now your gif should look like this:
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step 4: finishing your gif!
woo, we made it! now to finish, make both layers into one smart object, and add noise (these are my settings)
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then i go to my timeline panel, click the four lines on the top right, then go to convert frames > flatten frames into clips. wait for it to process, then go back to convert frames then click "convert to frame animation".
once you're in the animation timeline, click the four lines again, then click "make frames into layers". delete the first frame on the timeline (that's your smart object), then change the speed of your frames to .05.
all there's left to do is to make sure your gif is under 10mb and you're done! here is the final gif:
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hope this helps! again, if you have any questions, hit up my ask box!
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hi i just wanted to thank you firstly for writing. for sharing your art with the world. it fucking rocks. and secondly for writing ava as disabled and exploring her agency and emotion and affirming that disability has no bearing on one’s worth. and how it doesn’t affect her and bea’s love (and lust). thank you for Getting It
[i know this wasnt a prompt but i loved this ask so :) a lil smth]
when you wheel into bea’s office, you laugh at how she scrambles to try to hide the fact she’s definitely just watching tennis on her big desktop monitor.
‘working hard or hardly working?’ you ask.
she had told you, an hour or so ago, that she had some “important documents” to go over, which, half of the time, is her way of saying she just wants some alone time. you tell her all the time that she could just say that, but, apparently, you pout, and she can’t resist your pout.
today, she waits a beat, blushing at getting caught, and then laughs.
‘it’s… wait, don’t tell me… mmm. wimbledon? right now?’
‘the french open.’
‘ah, the one with the clay.’
she sounds a little impressed that you know that, which would be embarrassing other than that your interest in tennis lies in the way everyone’s arms look in their little outfits—including when beatrice plays at the country club—which is a way cooler reason to enjoy a sport than winning.
‘what’s up?’ she asks, after you don’t say anything else. honestly you got a little stuck thinking about beatrice’s shoulders, and then her freckles, and then the flat, muscular plane of her chest and her abs, and — ‘ava?’
tragically, she’s wearing a hoodie right now, a saving grace for the productivity of this conversation. you refocus. ‘i’m taking you on a date.’
‘are you now?’
‘i am. be ready to leave in an hour and a half.’
‘alright. dress code?’
‘nothing, ideally.’ she rolls her eyes. ‘whatever you want. we’re going somewhere new, but it’s casual.’
bea nods. ‘okay.’
‘do you need any more mission details, or —‘
she just sighs.
‘okay, good talk, team. see ya in an hour and a half.’
it had been a hard two months, recovering from your most extensive surgery so far, dr salvius and the team of spine specialists she’s recruited for the past few years trying to stabilize your degenerating nerves and discs and vertebrae. the part that’s the worst is preventing the halo from healing everything right away; it’s protective of you, passively, simmering with anger between your shoulder blades, feeling like it’s been given anesthesia too.
it’s been years since you’d gotten it, though: when beatrice, and your sisters and friends care for you after surgery — when they care for you anytime — you understand, now, that they love you. your spine, and the halo humming along it — your pain and mobility limitations and anything else that comes along with it — don’t make you less bright, or capable, or funny. to beatrice — even when she’s had to help you pee in a bedpan or help you wash yourself in the shower on your shower seat — they don’t make you less sexy. she always wants, when you feel up to it, to kiss and cuddle and, once you’re better, touch you, and to let you touch her. she wants you to hold her as she falls asleep, and she wants you to, even though she grumbles about it for show, steal her sweaters. she carefully pulls socks onto your cold feet in the mornings, when you can’t bend over enough to reach them without excruciating pain, and then kisses your knee, your hip, stands to kiss your temple, your forehead, your mouth.
your broken back, always trying and sometimes failing, to hold itself together, makes you who you are, a part sliding into all the pieces that make up a whole. the joy held in her care; the devout reverence; the happiness — there are miracles all the time, you’ve learned, and to you this might be the biggest one of all.
you make a big show of pretending to cover your eyes when you both happen to be in the closet at the same time, and it works because beatrice laughs. ‘give me two minutes to grab my outfit,’ she says, kisses the top of your head, runs a finger along the shell of your ear and then along your jaw. easy touches, that she doesn’t even think about, to show you she wants you. you lean into her hand, your eyes still closed.
you play along, listening to her methodically and efficiently gather her things, and then she squeezes your shoulder.
‘i’ll use my office restroom,’ she says, ‘and you can get ready here.’
‘what if i said i was ready now?’ you don’t have any makeup on, and you’re in a pair of her old joggers, one of the cuffs fraying, and a t-shirt you’d found that has a cat with laser beams shooting out of its eyes; you haven’t brushed your hair after the shower you took post-physical therapy in the morning.
‘i would say that you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen.’ you preen, even with your eyes closed; you hear the smile in her voice. ‘but that i would certainly be the better dressed one tonight.’
you huff a laugh and she tucks a wayward strand of hair behind your ear and then kisses your cheek.
things take a little longer, when you’re hurting, but they’re not impossible. you can reach everything in your closet that you might want, and the counter in the bathroom has space underneath it for your chair, and is low enough you can easily see the mirror. you love your physical and occupational therapists; at this point, you’ve worked with them for years consistently, and it’s second nature to know how to do everything you want when your mobility is limited. it’s not easy, but it’s also not really that hard. the world at large isn’t built for you, but beatrice had built you a home, and you had built her one too: greens she loves; paintings she lingers by still, even if you’ve had them for a while.
korra, always eager to help, gets you a water from the fridge when you give her the command, and she lazes by your feet later, panting happily. she’s worked hard the past two months, and you’re a little bit in awe of her.
you get ready, manage a perfect eyeliner and drape the velvet vintage dress, a deep, burnt orange, kind of glorious, that you’d found in ruth’s closet — that she has insisted you take, because it didn’t fit her anymore and because you looked beautiful and because you loved it — elegantly in the chair. you could struggle, in pain, to fasten the thin straps of the heels you’d picked, but you know bea won’t mind.
you’re just finishing up when you hear bea’s soft footsteps behind you; she can still pad silently if she wants, but this is another way she’s relaxed into your home, your life, your love. you turn and smile, helplessly, because she’s leaning against the doorframe, bathed in the waning light.
you wheel toward her, taking in the impeccably neat tuck of her tight t-shirt into a pair of navy linen slacks, her rich brown belt and loafers matching. she has on mascara and cologne, the rolex you’d gotten her on her wrist, her wedding band faithfully on her finger.
‘you look beautiful,’ she says, a little breathless.
‘so do you.’
‘i suppose i’ll have to settle for a draw.’
‘mmm. for what?’
‘best dressed,’ she tells you, and you laugh.
‘we can be the best dressed couple,’ you offer, and she beams.
she wheels you, because you’d asked her, because she never offers but she never pauses, not even for a moment, when you ask her. the highly-anticipated cambodian food pop up at the wine bar she loves is near enough you don’t need to drive, and there’s a nice patio in the back that korra loves to go to, so she walks happily beside you.
‘hey,’ you say, turning around so you can look at her. the air is still warm and the blue haze of twilight sits around her quietly, catching the grey streaks that have started to pop up in her short hair.
‘i love you. thank you for this life.’
she pauses, walks to the front of your chair, and bends down to kiss you, right there on the sidewalk, just like that. ‘i love you too, ava. a better life than i ever could’ve imagined.’
you clear your throat; you hadn’t planned to cry. ‘let’s go get so much food.’
she laughs, but you hear a sniffle too. ‘yeah?’
‘oh, yeah. i’m gonna order the whole menu.’
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 months
To be fair, while bulbapedia is just one source, it does tend to be a relatively solid one, and often does include notes about official design statements (there’s a note about the designer of the swords of justice intending for terrakion’s horns to resemble hatchets, for example!), so I don’t think it’s a bad source of info just because it tends to use the term “seems to be based on”. In fact, while many do make fun of the “polteageist seems to be based on a teacup” thing (and it is funny!), I think it’s better that they word things like that, because what Pokémon are based on can often be up to guesswork and interpretation!
Don’t get me wrong, it’s still entirely possible that Naganadel is inspired by xenomorphs! And that would be very cool! I just wanted to add that there are other things it can be based on as well, and that I personally haven’t seen the xenomorph thing mentioned anywhere before.
well of course bulbapedia isn't a bad source. it's my primary source of information on pokémon and shit. i've used it my whole life and it's the one i know how to navigate. the main problem i have with it is all the fucking ads. that site is designed to Look like wikipedia while being littered with so many ads that it becomes nigh unusable on mobile. it's encouraged me to learn a different pokédex site but none of them seem to have all the same information that i want in the same easy-to-access (somewhat, not considering the ads) place. sure, i have ublock origin on desktop, obviously. but when i'm out and about, it's not exactly Easy to find ad blockers that work on my particular mobile browsers of choice, which means i just end up going to serebii or something, and the only reason i still go to bulbapedia on desktop is because i have an ad blocker. now, i know they have a tumblr blog here and everything (i even follow them!), and obviously i doubt lisia themself is personally littering all the ads on the site, cackling "this is gonna make the site so unusable" or some shit. but it's spawned lots of criticisms from me of the site itself, where i wouldn't necessarily have had them before if it hadn't left a sour taste in my mouth. which is all to say: if you find another site that has all the same information as bulbapedia with less ads, i'd love to know about it. i've tried serebii, zukan, pokédb, even the official pokémon website. but bulbapedia continues to be the most comprehensive source of information, sprites, game data, trivia… et cetera
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devildomditzy · 1 year
Pacts 2; Levi - A Mammon x MC Fic
Part one of ?
Haven’t read Pacts No. 1? Click here for the three part story!
🚨🚨:) this is still missing the final line on mobile and it’s displaying twice on desktop. i don’t know what to do about that :)
Ah, nothing like a nice mist hitting your face on a hot day to keep you cool from the sweltering heat of hell.
Was it a light rain that suddenly moved in, uninvited? no.
Was it one of those flimsy tourist fans found at human realm theme parks that mixed a laughable amount of water into its foam propellers to bring your body temperature down?
of course not.
Was it your demonic boyfriend spitting out your shared bufo egg tea all over your face in shock at the words that had just left your mouth? bingo.
“First of all, gross,” you grimace, wiping the remnants of the drink off of your cheeks and out of your eyes. “Second of all, I said I want to form a pact with Levi.”
“W-Why do ya need to go a do a thing like that for! You’ve got me! Ain’t I enough?!”
You can’t help the small smile that begins to form on your lips. Of course he’d get jealous over this. And while Mammon was certainly more than enough on his own for you personally, you simply couldn’t help but want to get closer to your newly forced housemates.
“It’s not that! You’re perfect. It would just…be nice you know…to have more than one friend here. And to maybe get to know your brothers more?”
“T-There’s no need! I can tell ya anything about them ya wanna know!”
“You know that’s not what I mean. I want to be friends with them!”
“And out of all of em to be friends with, ya pick Levi?!”
You roll your eyes at your incredulous pact mate. “Well, he was the first one to talk to me besides you. And he didn’t have to be forced to, unlike some people”.
While you mutter the last part under your breath, it was still loud enough to hear, causing a swift flick to your forehead from the second born.
“Oi! Do I gotta remind ya he used ya to make me pay him back? He saw ya as a means to an end! At least I saw ya for what you were.”
“Oh, and what is that?”
“A spoiled brat”, he mocks, ruffling a hand atop your head causing you to lightly push him back.
“Cmon. I didn’t make you and Beel marathon TSL for nothing! Levi’s not gonna just befriend some normie who doesn’t know their stuff! I gotta get good!”
“Gross! You’re even startin’ to sound like him.”
“Ugh! Stop, I feel like I’m on a date with my brother!”
“Lmao. Rofl.”
Mammon takes another irritated sip of tea before continuing, “How’d ya expect to do that anyway huh? It’s Levi we’re talkin’ about. The only person he’s nice to ain’t even a person. It’s a damn fish for cryin’ out loud!”
Your eyes twinkle in determination. “Maybe he just hasn’t met anyone like me!”
Mammon breaks out into a cackle at that one. “Yeah, you’re certainly somethin’!” He can hardly contain his laughter. “Aw shut up”, you shine, playfully pushing his shoulder. “It’ll work! I’ve already got a plan!”
“Ah- does this little ‘plan’ involve me?”, he questions, whipping away a stray tear.
You shoot him a mischievous look as you steal the cup away from him. “Yes, to some degree.”
“Damn. You’re really hellbent on this, huh?”
You nod in agreement. Of course you were, though why you could not disclose to the demon in front of you. You’ve heard someone? or something? calling to you from the top of that spiral staircase ever since you got here, the one Lucifer was determined to keep you from climbing. Unlucky for him, you were just as determined to get up there. The others must be suspicious too, considering the fact they’ve been dropping hints on how to catch Levi off guard.
Appealing to his music aficionado side with a rare cursed record was sure to work to lure Lucifer from the place his been guarding steadfast, but first you had to obtain said record. Of course, that’s were Levithan came in, the owner of the TSL record. Also, adding one more demon friend to your repertoire wouldn’t hurt. The more the merrier.
A TSL quiz, you wagered to the third born, to prove who was the biggest fan. Talking about TSL was about the only way to get him to interact with you, and it seems he wasn’t gonna budge. If he wants you to prove you can be a bigger dweeb then him, fine. So be it. As long as it brought you closer together.
And one step closer to the top of that staircase.
You stand up abruptly, wiping the front of your uniform off. “C’mon, we’re going to go talk to Simeon.”
Your lover looks at you with an annoyed gaze. “Ugh, why do I have to come? I don’t need anythin’ from the angel or the pipsqueak.”
“No, but you’ll do it because you looooove me? Or, you know, I could just command you to come with me?”, you point out, a crucial detail that he seems to forget often.
“Hey! You can’t play those cards! That’s cheatin’”.
You lean forward to place a chaste kiss on his cheek. “I learned from the best!”.
The second born (begrudgingly) grabs your hand as you walk towards purgatory hall together in search of Simeon at the behest of Satan’s advice. You needed something big to stump Levi, something he can’t one up you on, something that will make him jealous. And for some reason, it seems the answer to your prayers lie with the angel.
“WHAT!? Woah woah woah slow down! Ya mean to tell me you know what happens in the ninth volume of The Seven Lords!?”, your boyfriend questions, openly gawking at the angel sitting across from you.
Simeon chuckles fondly, “Is that so hard to believe?”. As you converse, Luke sits at his side, pouring you a steaming cup of devilwood tea all the while throwing the man sitting next to you a look that could kill.
“How do ya know all this? What happens to Geldie? To the Lord of Fools? To Henry? Ya gotta tell me!”, Mammon all but begs the angel.
Once again Simeon let’s out a laugh at his astonishment. “Let’s just say the author and I are…close.”
“Isn’t this a series of books? How does Mammon know about it? Does he even know how to read?”, pips the smaller of the two, still holding his glare steady.
“Oi! How dare ya speak to yer elders like that! Course I can read!”
“How long did it take you to finish all eight books?”, questions Luke in an innocent voice you can tell is laced with venom.
“Uh- I uh- I didn’t read the books. I-Im not some nerd! I watched the movies. B-but I coulda read em if I wanted to!”
Luke’s laughter fills the room as Simeon has to hold back another giggle.
“Shaddup, tiny! Even yer laughs sound like yapping.”
Luke snaps to attention at his comment, Mammon’s teasing.
“Hey! I am not a chihuahua!”, he shouts, crossing his arms across his chest.
You give Simeon an apologetic glance on behalf of your second half. He simply responds back with a knowing one, placing a hand on Luke’s shoulder.
“Luke, would you please go brew some more tea for our guests?”, he asks as gently as he can.
"Hmph!", Luke indignantly huffs as he snatched the kettle off the table and heads towards the kitchen.
Simeon settles back on the couch after watching Luke leave the room. Facing the two of you once more, he says, “I suggest the two of you make yourselves comfortable. This… may take awhile.”
176 notes · View notes
princessbrunette · 3 months
hi princess! i’m trying to start writing recently ( i have a draft rn 🥰 ) and i’m rlly struggling bc i don’t know how to get an ask box?? ive watched sm diff tuts and none of them work :(( so i was wondering if you or anybody else could help me?
- 🌟
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ignore my … ‘arrows’ but these should be there on mobile? on desktop i’m not sure….. sorry im bad at this stuff ^_^
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mixsethaddams · 1 year
Eddie/Hotdude Official Megathread!
(This is based on this post I made a while ago, shoutout to @bunk12bear for suggesting the format!)
(I know the formatting is a bit weird because of how tumblr is posting it, but it’s much clearer/cleaner over here on ao3!  But generally I think it works better on desktop than mobile...)
Eddie/Hotdude Official Megathread!
TheNumberOneBanished 8hr ago
Ok everyone, this is the official megathread to discuss this post from Eddie. Mods have decided it’s been too crazy in here and it needs to be compressed. 
If you missed it, although I don’t see HOW at this point, Eddie and a man (who was named by fans in the 90s as Hotdude Inthebackground) have apparently been engaged since 1989 and were among the first same sex couples to get married in Indiana this morning. Hotdude has previously been assumed to be part of their security but *shrug* looks like we were wrong. We’ve been overwhelmed with posts on the subject so keep it in this ONE PLACE please from now on. 
Bots and mods will be on patrol to mute/ban where necessary. Don’t be fucking rude. 
r/CCCJ Bot 8hr ago
Beep Boop. Don’t downvote mean comments, but do upvote anything you agree with! 
I’m a bot and my actions will be performed automatically. Contact the moderators if you think I’ve made a mistake!
EddiesGirl 8hr ago
Are we sure it’s not a joke?
---mrboombastic 8hr ago
    Yes baby we’re sure
    ---EddiesGirl 8hr ago
        How though?
        ---mrboombastic 7hr ago
         They’ve never joked about anything like this, sex and sexuality
          is probably the one thing they’ve always been super serious
          about. Guess this is why.
---user37397564397569 8hr ago
    U mad?
     ---EddiesGirl 7hr ago
         Just not sure I believe it
throwawayfuckeddie 7hr ago
burning all my cc shit right now man. don’t need a fucking fag on my car stereo. fuck eddie. 
---Mycoffinisfineactually 7hr ago
     They still have your money, dude. But sure, go ahead and destroy
      all your shit.
     ---throwawayfuckeddie 7hr ago
         fuck you too. 
(comment deleted)
---frogger75 8hr ago
    You kiss your mother with that mouth?
---lokisbabe 8hr ago
    What the fuck?
---allthegoodnamesweretaken 7hr ago
    That’s…an interesting threat? I think?
---(comment deleted)
     ---freakmeup 6hr ago
          Digging your own grave here. Just stop. 
         ---(comment deleted)
 ---seven8nine 5hr ago
     No way you could fit your entire truck up there
---(comment deleted)
    ---(comment deleted)
pussyfromaboywithcatears 7hr ago
Do we even know Hotdude’s real name? I mean I doubt Eddie’s going to be Mr. Inthebackground from now on?
---bornindenial 7hr ago
    I don’t think so? Someone on twitter said Eddie used the name
    ‘Steve’ literally one time when they were at a signing and Hotdude was the
    one who came to the table. No proof though.
    ---pussyfromaboywithcatears 7hr ago
     Strange thing to wait until NOW to mention. Also, Steve?
      Generic af. My money’s on that being a lie and ‘Steve’ was the first name
       they thought of.
---babygotfront 7hr ago
    Eddie’s got the name ‘Dustin’ tatted on his leg? 
    ---pussyfromaboywithcatears 6hr ago
      Along with about eight or nine others, so unless we’re also
       thinking Hotdude’s name is also either Jane or Erica, I don’t think
       that makes sense.
---lokisbabe 6hr ago
    Twitter right now is saying Steve and this tracks for me. Eddie’s got
    that big S tattoo on his ring finger.
   ---frogger75 6hr ago
       Did he not saying that stood for ‘sucking dick’?
       ---EddiesGirl 6hr ago
           When did he say that? Like is he even really gay?
           ---Mycoffinisfineactually 6hr ago
               sweetie he’s been out a long time, its time to move on
       ---indianaguy 5hr ago
       I knew eddie in highschool and that is absolutely something
         he’d get a tattoo of.
          ---mrboombastic 5hr ago
           My guy. Check your fucking yearbook rn to see if Hotdude in
           ---sevendogsinatrenchcoat 5hr ago
              No way to verify, Eddie never graduated, ergo no yearbook.
              Got his GED in 98.
               ---mrboombastic 5hr ago
                  We get yearbooks every year but yeah you’re right, too
                  hard to verify
        ---freakmeup 5hr ago
           Ignore this guy, he’s always on all the conspiracy boards
           claiming wild shit about. Russian invasions and monsters.
           Says the earthquake that gave Eddie that scar on his face was
           an evil wizard. The band themselves have renounced him as a
            ---indianaguy 4hr ago
                Fuck you you fucking sheep
                ---freakmeup 3hr ago
CallMeByYourMothersName 5hr ago
holy fuck HOLY FUCK everyone needs to watch this video right now. Eddie blowing a kiss to the side of the stage at MSG and if you turn up the brightness HOTDUDE IS THERE AND HE CATCHES IT
---ninebrassmonkeys 5hr ago
   Oh shit that’s cute
   ---ninebrassmonkeys01 4hr ago
      I have a bone to pick with you 
---burningmanwasboring 5hr ago
    Oh shit that’s cute, indeed
Chesticles03 5hr ago
Does this mean Lollipop is about Hotdude’s dick?
---pissbaby75 5hr ago
   …yes I believe it does
---showmeyourfeet 5hr ago
    lol you’re right it probably does
---drumbitch98 5hr ago
    There’s a video of Hotdude wearing a Lollipop shirt at a meet and
    greet! Eddie told the person recording that it was a merch sample
    that never got made!
    ---pissbaby75 5hr ago
      I’ve seen this video omg wait let me find it I’m sure it’s on
pissbaby75 4hr ago
HERE is the video of Hotdude in the scrapped Lollipop merch and I swear at 1:23 he SAYS HIS NAME. Headphones on full volume. This was from 2002. Whoa.
    Here are the captions for this video! 
    “Hi guys thanks for coming”
    “I’m so excited to meet you, your music saved my life”
    “Awesome to hear that man, glad you’re still around. Is this the
     shirt you brought to get signed?”
    “Yes please. I think all the Lollipop merch get sold out already but
      this one is  awesome too”
     “I’ll pass it on to Will our designer, thank you. There was only
     samples made for 
     Lollipop stuff *laughing sounds* They said looked too much like a
     dick to sell. (Steve?) back there has the only actual one. Here you
      go, enjoy the show tonight!”
     “Did you call me?” 
     “Oh my god Hotdude! Hi!”
     “Uh, hey?”
---Chesticles03 4hr ago
   STEVE!!!!!!!!!! He definitely does say Steve!
---interestingreaction 4hr ago
   The tattoo of the S on his hand. It all makes sense now.
   ---jackskullboy 4hr ago
     As much fun as the story he tells about it being about his love for
     sucking dick is, I agree that this is a better fit
CorrodedCorpse 4hr ago
Hotdude has an E tattoo! Repeat! Hotdude has an E tattoo! This video of him in shorts lifting an amp into a van is grainy because hey, cellphones in the mid 00s, right? But the tat on his left leg has a very definite E shape. Props to tumblr for spotting this one.  
---punchanazi 4hr ago
    How is it that we’re literally only clocking this now?
    ---CorrodedCorpse 4hr ago
        He’s also topless. We were not focusing on anything but
        Hotdude without a shirt
        ---punchanazi 3hr ago
EddiesGirl 3hr ago
There’s been nothing posted online since. I still don’t think this is for real if he hasn’t posted a follow up.
---coffinfucker 3hr ago
    How does that logic work?
    ---EddiesGirl 3hr ago
      Well wouldn’t you be posting your wedding day for everyone to
        ---coffinfucker 3hr ago
           He kept it secret since the 80’s and you think now is when
           that’ll change? We were lucky to even get this. There was more
           info about Beyonce’s first trimester on Blue Ivy than there was about
           this relationship until literally 10 hours ago.
            ---EddiesGirl 2hr ago
               I just think he owes us more of an explanation. We’re the ones
               paying his bills.
---Mycoffinisfineactually 3hr ago
    I think you should log off
    ---EddiesGirl 3hr ago
        Why? Because I want to know why he’s lied to us for so long
         he’s not the person I thought he was if he’s been lying about
         being in a relationship for so long.
        ---Mycoffinisfineactually 3hr ago
             ---EddiesGirl 2hr ago
                If you’re ok with supporting someone who has the capacity
                for such a huge lie then fine. Some of us are on discord
                writing an open letter about it.
                ---Mycoffinisfinactually 1hr ago
                    oh my god of course you are
allaboutthatbass 3hr ago
Is this Hotdude in this video? In the yellow? Is someone calling him Harry?
Edit: sorry, new to this. LINK
---showmeyourfeet 3hr ago
   You forgot the link, champ
   ---allaboutthatbass 3hr ago
       Sorry, fixed it.
---ozzyozzy 3hr ago
   That’s Hotdude! It doesn’t sound like Harry though. More like ‘Here,
   Tony’. Is his name Tony?
   ---CallMeByYourMothersName 3hr ago
      No we’ve figured out it’s Steve, but you’re right that there’s two
      parts to whatever he’s being called. Surname maybe?
---thedoctordonna 3hr ago
    He looks great in yellow
    ---pissbaby75 3hr ago
        He looks fuckin great in yellow
        ---milestellme 3hr ago
            Definitely his colour
            ---daisiesonyournightstand 2hr ago
                More Hotdude in yellow content please
                ---27 more replies
---CoffinUpMyHeart 2hr ago
     If you slow the video down it sounds like they’re saying Harrington.
     Could that be it?
    ---coochieluver 2hr ago
        Steve Harrington is such a Midwest name jesus christ
    ---bodysnatcher 2hr ago
        I hear it too. Sounds like Harrington for sure
EddiesGirl 2hr ago
If anyone wants to add their name to the letter of why we as fans feel betrayed by not hearing about this before now, I’ll leave the link here.
---mrboombastic 2hr ago
    Are you still here?
---Mycoffinisfineactually 2hr ago
    This is so funny
---showmeyourfeet 2hr ago
    What the fuck is this?
---TheNumberOneBanished 2hr ago
    There are easier ways to ask me to ban you
---pussyfromaboywithcatears 2hr ago
    Careful throwing that ‘we’ word around
tusconarizona 1hr ago
It’s kind of hard to see for sure because it’s a screenshot of an old Top Of The Pops performance, but this looks like Eddie holding Hotdude’s hand when they leave the stage?
---BeamMeUpThotty 1hr ago
   Hard to tell! Could be just Hotdude putting his hand out to help
   him step down off the stage?
TimCurryingMyFavour 1hr ago
Was he ever just a security guard?
---ironmanCW 1hr ago
    Now there’s a question.
    ---TimCurryingMyFavour 1 hr ago
         Like how did they even meet?
mopthefloor 38 minutes ago
I wonder if Eddie knows how big a deal this is? 
---callousedanus 35 minutes ago
    That he’s married?
    ---mopthefloor 27 minutes ago
      Well yeah but like, that he’s officially gay now too. NME has been
       saying for years that he’s been joking about it. This is huge for their queer
        ---throwawayfuckeddie 20 minutes ago
            fuck their queer fanbase
            ---mopthefloor 17 minutes ago
                Don’t threaten me with a good time
        ---callousedanus 25 minutes ago
          They’ve been pretty clear about never joking about that kind of
           thing (I think it was discussed further up the thread?) so NME
           haven’t been paying close enough attention. I get what you
            mean though, very validating, especially in this scene.
SpaceDogsInMyBrain 26 minutes ago
Hasn’t Eddie said that he lurks this subreddit? I wonder if he’ll see this?
---eddiem 20 minutes ago
TheNumberOneBanished just now
Ok! So we’re locking this thread now because we’ve come very close to accidentally doxxing Hotdude! We’ve been given a super rare insight into Eddie’s personal life and we’re going to stay respectful of it.
Also, Eddie has posted another picture on Instagram, you can see it here.
tl;dr for anyone too lazy to click, it’s a picture of them holding hands backstage at a show, it’s pretty cute. Caption confirms that Hotdude’s name is in fact Steve, they met through friends in 1986, and that CC will be scheduling their long awaited farewell tour dates once they’re back from honeymoon. 
It’s been a pretty wild day for us in the fanbase, but if it’s one thing we can all take away from this, it’s that Hotdude looks great in yellow.
Thread Locked By Moderators.
People who said they might be interested:
(Also if anyone was planning on writing this for real then please do and please still tag me! I'd love to see it)
@shainsaw22 @duckyreads @maya-custodios-dionach @impeachy @daydreamerblues @0o-queendean-o0 @softgaygothboy @butterisgod @theoncelee @toasted-ghosty @genderisaliesowhyshouldihaveone @furbywithaknife420
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undercoverpena · 7 months
Hey Jo, I hope you don’t mind me asking you this but I wondered how you deal with fic popularity (both having and watching others)?? I’m struggling with feeling bad and just wanting to quit. If this feels uncomfortable to answer don’t worry xx
hi anon! i'm sorry you're struggling a bit and feeling bad, just wanna give you a hug! i don't know if i'm the best person to ask this, but i'm gonna give this a little go.
as a concept, i try to remind myself not to get bogged down with numbers, because they're a fickle thing. they change with the wind, sun and the rain. because your worth isn't equated to your notes/followers/popularity.
it's important to remember that there are times fics will do really well because of the tropes, the pairing, the timing - and not the quality of your work. you can sometimes just write one thing and it gains traction, and another time write something in the same style, and it doesn't. the other thing is, some fics grow. they take time to bloom and find their audience, and that's okay too.
fandoms are also different sizes. so you can never compare numbers on numbers, because in one fandom the people reading/engaging may be different to another.
i think i did a post on this a while ago - but my tags are all wonky so i can't find it (watch me find it when this posts) so i can't link it.
but, i know it's super easy for me to say "don't get bogged with numbers", and "try to focus on how you felt writing it" but somedays, even i look at things and wonder to myself what i've done wrong. it's normal, natural - i'm sharing something, and i'm critical and i want to deliver good things to lovely people like you. however, i think you'd tell me that my worth is also not attached to my followers, my notes or my popularity. but it's easy to tell someone else that, than yourself.
and, more importantly, me delivering good things doesn't equate to notes. sometimes, what someone else loves and thinks is a 10/10 is going to be different to another.
because what makes fandom so cool and good, is that it's varied.
people want different things. people write different things. and i preach this far too much, but you just need to find your people - or if you have, give them time. some people are snowed under with tbr's and others are trying to bury their issues in writing (talking about myself here), and others are just trying to juggle too much that their tumblr is less active.
the main thing i hope you takeaway, other than your worth not being a number, is that you have to find and remember why you love what you do. and if you don't know or can't remember, remind yourself.
go back through your work and read it - preferably in a different browser or something (so it looks different to you) and enjoy your own writing. pick out quotes, bask in what you've created. you are your first fan, the person you should write for first. so, be a fan. celebrate yourself. give yourself a pat on the back or a high five, because look, it's fucking hard creating, and it's even harder sharing it. and on top of that, fighting imposter syndrome is hard, fighting dark clouds and rainy days is hard. it is. i can't pretend it isn't.
i can't pretend it doesn't hurt when you stare at your published piece and your brain begins to wonder what you went wrong (for whatever reason that is, whether it's numbers or just something else). because it's normal to look for validation that you did a great thing and it hurts when you don't get it. but, you have to curate your experience - you have to do the things above:
remind yourself you're worth is more than a number
love what you do first. i recommended to someone/people recently to copy some of their fave lines into a document when they're editing so they can be like "fuck yeah, i did that"
also @trulybetty pointed this out to me (and it's been a god send) but on mobile (and on desktop but it's messier) you can filter out your activity. on the top left there's "all activity" but if you click it, you can filter out likes, mentions etc. and for me, i've filtered out likes, which means i can see more of the comments, reblogs (with the hashtags) and mentions - so not only do i not miss anything, but also i'm seeing more of the things that make me smile. it's not a slight on likes, but sometimes it hides all the good things that get buried.
i hope in some small way some of this is nice, and it helps. but if not, just remember you're not alone, we're all human, and you deserve to be here, and pls, pls continue writing and don't quit.
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lieutenantfloyd · 1 year
Lieutenantfloyd's Masterlist
So, it's finally time for me to an accessible on both mobile and desktop. I know many people (myself included) prefer to read on mobile devices, so this will allow that to be done a whole lot easier. This will replace my old mobile masterlists, but my regular (desktop) masterlists will remain up and be as i post.
Because Tumblr has an embedded link limit, This masterlist only includes my posts for Top Gun, Dune, Tom Cruise, Call of Duty, Elvis Presley, Outer Range, and Masters of the Air. My posts for other fandoms can be found here.
If a link is broken or I've missed something, please let me know!
Last Updated: May 17th, 2024 // Guidelines — Askbox
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As always, The work(s) on this blog (unless otherwise explicitly stated) are/were written by and belong to me. The stealing, copying, reposting, or unauthorized downloading of my work(s), as well as the works of others, is considered plagiarism. I do not permit anyone to repost, copy, or download my work(s). Banner credit to cafekitsune !
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Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
The Double Proposal
Family relations
SFW alphabet
Slow dancing with rooster would include
Sleep headcanons
Tickling headcanons
Robert 'Bob' Floyd
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Beer
Darling You Send Me, Honest You Do
Halloween imagine
SFW alphabet
domestic life as bobs pretty little housewife would include
Christmas with Bob
Springtime with Bob
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Dancing In The Dark, Alight by Fire
Halloween Imagine
misc Hangman headcanons
SFW alphabet
Soft! aesthetic
New Years Eve
Small town romance
Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson
Everything, Everything, and the Search for Reclamation
Hold Me, Flatter me
Halloween imagine
Wintering together + falling in love (original ask/prompt)
misc Cyclone headcanons
Dad! Cyclone (+ Wife! reader) headcanons
SFW alphabet
NSFW alphabet *18+ Only*
dating an autistic!Reader would include
Helping you avoid a meltdown
Dating headcanons
Childhood headcanons
Wintering together
Pumpkin patch
Pete “Maverick’ Mitchell
A Bad Day for Love (But a Good Day for Flower Shops)
Halloween imagine
SFW alphabet
NSFW alphabet *18+ Only*
Christmas with Mav
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
Phoenix as your girlfriend
Vacationing together
Springtime with Phoenix
Mickey 'fanboy' Garcia
Fanboy as your S/O
Javy 'Coyote' Machado
SFW alphabet
Domestic life
Ron 'Slider' Kerner
Rebel Yell *18+ Only*
sfw alphabet
Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
Dating headcanons
When Duty Calls - Cyclone x reader
The Little Things - Dagger Squad (+ Cyclone) x reader
*Shoulder Shimmy* - Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
Love Notes and Vinyl - Robert “Bob” Floyd
Red Hot Blooded American - Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Rebel Without a Cause - Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
Heatwave - Ron “Slider” Kerner
Strawberry Wine - Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe
Summer at Fightertown USA
General Headcanons:
Top Gun characters as (non alcoholic) drinks
Where I think Top Gun characters grew up
Music Top Gun characters would listen to
The Dagger squad plays laser tag
Rooster and Cyclone's kids' being best friends - AU
What i think Top Gun characters order at a coffee shop
Departure - icemav
Incorrect quotes
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Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen
Creature *18+ Only*
Crawl *sequel to Creature*
Competing for your affection (Feyd-Rautha & Rabban x reader)
Gurney Halleck
Narrow Honor
Nectar *18+ Only*
Glossu Rabban
Competing for your affection (Feyd-Rautha & Rabban x reader)
How they react to you suddenly kissing them
How they react to your arranged marriage
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Tom Cruise
In Demand - Tom Cruise x reader x Jon Hamm
Being an F1 driver and dating him
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Call of Duty
Last Minute - Alejandro Vargas x reader
Ensemble Cast - Task Force 141 + Los Vaqueros x reader (platonic)
General Headcanons: 
General headcanons  - Ghost, Soap, Alejandro, Price, Gaz, and Rodolfo
General Headcanons - Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
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Elvis Presley
Casting Spells
SFW relationship headcanons
NSFW alphabet *18+ Only*
Tumblr media
Outer Range
Royal Abbott
Something Domestic
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Masters of the Air
Robert "Rosie" Rosenthal
Love is a mystery
Tumblr media Tumblr media
139 notes · View notes
coconutcanary · 3 months
Tumblr media
Hey everyone, it’s the Leap Year, that means it Leaper’s birthday. So I did some art of them
That being said, I want to post a personal update on well… *gestures to all of tumblr*
By now I’m sure the news of Tumblr’s partnership with mid journey and other AI art making companies has already spread, it’s bad…really bad
I understand there’s the opt out toggle (which I have already opted out of) but that being said, it’s clear that it’s not even reliable and that the data of my art and posts may be taken anyway despite it. For all I know, all of my posts as far back as 2016 may have already been given to these companies and I wouldn’t know
I have tried so hard to avoid it, I have jumped ship from both twitter and instagram to avoid this issue, but now it just seems unavoidable.
I know there’s AI poisoning tools like glaze and nightshade, however the downloads only work on desktop computers and unfortunately for the time being I have only been able to use mobile devices to make and post my creations. And to use the mobile friendly version of these tools I have to be accepted into WebGlaze via DM’s by their social media staff themselves. And who knows if they will give me an invite, it’s been a few days since I contacted them and I have received no replies yet.
So with that being said, this may or may not be the last piece of art I post here on tumblr. I genuinely hope not, I hope I get access to these poisoning tools soonish. But my hope is practically non existent. The internet seems to be becoming harder and harder for small artists like me to exist in online spaces. And while I barely have an audience, I still don’t appreciate the idea that someone could be profit off mine or my other fellow artist’s stolen work while I can barely muster the courage to even open commissions (or for my friends who do have commissions open and they are barely getting any clients or the recognition they deserve)
I do plan on still being active here, even if it’s just reblogging or liking posts or answering asks, but when it comes to sharing art online I can say that I have to step away from a bit until I know I can post my art knowing it can be exploited without me knowing.
For now the only thing I can say is if you have a toy house account, you can find me and my art there if anyone l still wants to see what I make. And I still plan on participating in artfight this upcoming July as well. But until I get access to those poisoning tools or some miracle happens and AI art dies, I genuinely don’t see myself posting art here anymore.
I will pin a separate post with my toyhouse account on it if anyone wants to follow me over there. I will keep yall updated if circumstances change for any reason though.
But on one final note, if this is truly the end for me and I can’t get the resources, I do want to say thank you to everyone who supported this blog. Either it be my mutuals, my regular followers, or even people have simply liked some content from me. I would have never thought posting fanart of jacksepticeye and markiplier would lead me to meeting the people I have met through this site. Tumblr is what inspired me to make art in the first place, I just feel terrible that even watermarks can’t protect my creations anymore.
While this isn’t a permanent goodbye, all I can do is say good night to my art sharing for the time being. Thank you all again, and to my fellow creators I’m sorry you all are also burdened with fighting this fight against AI and I hope we eventually gain victory on it down the road. Nothing will replace those who genuinely pour their heart and soul into art. No matter how good of a computer can mimic it
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kageyuji · 3 months
Hii! This is my first time trying this, but do you have any advice for starting and building a writing blog?
I've been wanting to start one for a while but I'm not sure how to gain followers and stuff.
hi!! no worries :D and tbh.. i’m not exactly sure LMAO despite it seeming like i have my shit together i Do Not. but!! i can give you some general things/ideas:
write for yourself. write what makes you happy and what you genuinely want to write. despite how much of a people-pleaser i am, it’s also really important to remember that this is a hobby and if you write things you don’t really want to write, it’s going to show through your work but it’s also going to burn you out quickly.
(that said, if you are writing for x reader content make sure your reader is ambiguous. having a character be a 5’4 brunette with a knack for baking is cool sometimes, but it’s also a very slim audience and it’s going to throw some people off)
similarly, don’t compare yourself to other creators and don’t compare yourself to.. yourself. if you have something that does really good, and then you post the next week and it does shit, that’s okay! sometimes tumblr algorithm is just shit. sometimes certain characters are more of a fan favorite. but, also remember that people who have already built a large following are going to have more notes. just don’t get discouraged easily — every fic is something entirely new and it shouldn’t be weighed off of someone else or an entirely different work.
make a masterlist, and make it organized. if you write for a lot of characters and use different posting types this can get really confusing, but look around at other places or play around with it until you find something that you think feels right.
watch your blog activity (once you start posting, anyway). i believe mobile doesn’t have it, but on desktop (or just login to tumblr from your phones browser app lol) there is a little icon that will show interactions with your posts/blog and you can ask it to show the chart based on time of day, weekly basis, etc. post accordingly to that, and hopefully your posts will gain a little more traction :)
aesthetic is (unfortunately) pretty important in my opinion. of course, if you have the most well written thing i’ve seen i’m going to ignore the kinks but i’m also going to be a lot more likely to read things that are organized well. this is mostly about fics to catch someone’s eye, although this bleeds into your actual blog as well.
(pinterest has lots of cool stuff for aesthetics. twitter layout blogs also usually have a lot of good headers. if you want dividers, you can search the “dividers” tag on tumblr or there’s loads of mobile apps to get the thin color strip dividers like i use.)
similarly, try to make your pinned/navi organized and easy to follow. in my personal opinion, i like adding things like rules/dni, tag guides, and especially masterlists linked somewhere in the post. although, again, it’s up to personal opinion on what exactly you want to link there. as long as it’s organized and somewhat simple, you’re good.
as far as a masterlist and rules go, i would recommend laying out certain things beforehand, like what characters you’re going to write for and hard “no”s. as much as i love people on tumblr, sometimes they just cannot read — it helped me a lot whenever i was new to tell myself “hey, i don’t have to do that. it says that right here and it’s not my fault that they didn’t see that!”
(i also added a little rule that said “if you actually read this, add a ‘<3’ in your asks so i know” LOL it helped me filter requests between who actually cared to read my rules and who didn’t)
add tags to your fics. add so many tags. add many more tags than you think you probably need. add so many tags that you get sick of them — that’s how people are going to find you.
try to keep anonymous asks on, that’s where a lot of interaction comes from. ik people can be dicks sometimes but there’s also a lot of shy people on tumblr. probably 90% of my asks are from anons and i use anon 90% of the time whenever i send asks (especially to my moots bc they’re scary :[ lol)
just generally be nice to people. you don’t have to go out of your way to send love letters to everyone on your feed, but i’ve found that just leaving a little “i hope you enjoy reading this” or something similar as a little note helps my mental for some reason, but it also (hopefully) makes me seem a little less intimidating
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slippinmickeys · 3 months
Hello I was wondering if you can give me advice to publish a Fic .. I am new on this and and I have no idea how this works or if I need to tag somebody... I also heard about beta's .. what Is a beta? Any feedback you can provide It will be much appreciated .. thanks!!
Hi! How cool that you have a story you’re willing to share. I’m so happy for you and those of us who’ll get to read it.
Before you publish, let me first answer your question about betas. A beta reader is kind of like an editor; it’s a person who reads your work before you publish it. Most betas will catch typos and grammar issues, as well as plot inconsistencies, etc. A good beta will point out instances when your characters are acting out of character, or when you’re not following canon (if you’re trying to follow canon). But fear not! Betas also highlight stuff they love and make you feel very warm and gooey. (There are also plenty of betas who will give you a read and just give you encouragement. When I beta — something I sadly rarely have the bandwidth for anymore — I tend to ask what kind of read the writer is looking for; deep dive pick-it-apart beta? feel good beta? typos only beta?) Beta readers are, in my opinion, absolutely essential to putting out good fic. And most of them are absolutely dear people who are only pointing out your mistakes because they want you to put out the best work possible. Don’t take anything personally. (A thick skin isn’t necessary, but helps.) If you don’t have a beta or two, get one. And if you don’t know where to find one and would like help, feel free to send me another ask, and I’ll reblog to help put out the call.
Now, onto your other question. How does publishing a fic work? I can only speak to how I do it, but goes a bit like this:
Once my story is finished and beta-ed, the first thing I do is publish it to AO3. (If you don’t have an account, get one! This process may take a few days.) I assume you read fic, so you’re familiar with tags, ratings, etc. Next is formatting. Use Rich Text rather than HTML (there are buttons at the top right). If you’re publishing from a Google doc, you will annoyingly need to remove extra spaces. You’ll get a feel for it.
Once it’s on AO3, I copy and paste from there to Tumblr. My advice is to use the desktop version rather than mobile—you won’t have to reformat. I don’t usually tag anyone, but blogs like @today-in-fic are great to get more eyes on your work.
From there I also post a link to the story on AO3 to Twitter, but that’s only because I have a fic/fandom specific account.
Let’s see, what else. I hope that was helpful. If you feel like I skipped steps or you’re more confused than when you started, I’m happy to clarify. Good luck and happy writing!
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commonwealthcass · 2 years
Could I have the mobile story and archive link please?
Hey, pasting from an older post:
Normally, you can access the archive via this URL on desktop or via any other web browser (aka chrome etc):  https://commonwealthcass.tumblr.com/story-archive Otherwise, here are the current list of chapters under the Keep Reading. Unfortunately tumblr’s mobile app doesnt load the sub page so this is the current work so Im sorry for the inconvenience. You can use the Previous and Next links to navigate too.
Hope this helps and I hope you guys like it ^^
Commonwealth Cass
The Travels Begin
Walking Disasters
Baked Bloatfly
Super Mutant Suiciders or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Getting Down To Business
Blood and Thunder
Sins of the Father
Don’t They Know It’s The End of The World?
Where It All Went Wrong
Contract to Kill
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Don’t Be Afraid
Getting Closer
I Dont Want to Fall In Love
Reel Me In
Girl, Look At That Body
Don’t Go
A Shot in the Dark
Can’t Pretend
So Long, Brother
One More Tomorrow
Desire (Easter Egg NSFW)
He’s a Tramp, But I Love Him
I Don’t Want You To Get It On With Nobody Else But Me
I Believe in Yesterday
Political Suicide
I’m Only Human
I Just Want To Die Anywhere Else
A Hole In The Earth
We’ve Got A Score To Settle
One Step Closer
The Writing’s On The Wall
Reluctant Heroes
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skyhon · 1 year
Muddled Puddles AO3 Skin
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Hey! So I have had this skin submitted for review for awhile now, but I wanted to share it in the meantime anyway. I can’t link it because it is under review and not available to the public, but I wanted to give the settings to make your own version of it if you’d want.
I have been using this skin since I’ve made it (I also made a fire-themed one but haven’t used it) and it is really interesting how much it’s actually helped me. The tan background reduces eye strain while promoting focus, and the green highlights stand out without being intrusive. Before, when I was using the default skin, I would find it hard to focus even with my phone on the warm tone anti-blue light reading setting. I found the red accents to be a bit harsh at times. I also found it extremely jarring when moving from mobile to desktop, as my ADHD ass would fixate on the font change. I downloaded Roboto onto my computer for free (the default font on most Android phones) and then made this skin force the use of it. Now when I move from mobile to desktop it is seamless and unintrusive.
This is my solution to my grievances, and it has worked wonders for me. It took a few days to get used to, but now it’s weird to see screenshots of the default skin. It has helped me a lot and even if nobody uses it at least I put it out there. Just know that it helped someone with ADHD and mild dyslexia focus and read long swaths of text without any issues.
Even if you don’t use this exact set up, I recommend going and making your own skin! All you need is a color hex picker to figure out the colors you want. I tweaked mine several times before I got it to where I wanted it.
Copy-paste settings and screenshot reference of where to put what under the cut.
Tumblr media
Roboto, Din, Akkurat, Trebuchet MS, sans-serif
Background color:
Text color:
Header color:
Accent color:
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