#but this isn’t a fucking joke
Okay I am a little bothered.
I play this multiplayer online game, Puzzle Pirates, which is like, basically a bunch of people combining their puzzling skills to do things like Make Ship Go Fast. I’ve been playing on and off since I was like, twelve, so it’s a familiar online Thing for me.
I want to be an artist and take commissions and blah blah blah but AvPD is a BITCH and I’m generally afraid to even leave a one-word comment on a single post on ANY social media site, so my therapist has suggested that I play more YPP in order to expose myself to people who AREN’T my dad (I live with him and talk to almost no one else) and gain confidence in my ability to communicate online.
This is all well and good but I told my mom and brother that my therapist said I should play more YPP and my brother was like “Wow, I wish I had your therapist! She’s telling you to play more video games!”
Like you don’t fucking get it. You literally do not fucking get it. A lot of this is not fun for me. I make one wrong social move and have to spend DAYS on my alternate character because I don’t want anyone to mention my fuckup to my face. I have an anxiety attack every time someone sends me a Tell. Today was Big because someone recognized me and it wasn’t because I suck and I didn’t have a panic attack about it. I posted a single thing in trade chat not that long ago and my therapist said she was proud of me for going outside my comfort zone, even more so because I responded and sold a thing for a reasonable price.
So this is not just “playing video games”. Sometimes it activates my stress induced nausea. Sometimes I have to take a gabapentin before I’m able to play. Sending a one-word message, not even a Tell, is agonizing. Underperforming even once sends me into a tizzy.
And you wish this on yourself??? You wanna have to take zofran and gabapentin before logging on? I bet you fucking don’t.
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fireladybuckley · 4 months
I can’t believe a boyfriend made a silly sex joke to lighten the mood after both partners had a moment of vulnerability. The audacity. The horror. The normalcy! Unbelievable. How dare a conversation about feelings turn to levity. How dare a couple have a light chat about trauma-related things over dinner that doesn’t turn into an incredibly deep heart to heart instead of a joke and moving on. Unbelievable. I’m never watching this show again! 👎🏻
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hanakihan · 5 months
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my favorite avengers in their natural habitat
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To all the Americans worrying that Kamala won’t be a good first female president, don’t worry it can’t be any worse than the UK’s three attempts
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midnightlamia · 1 month
just finished the umbrella academy. rant & spoilers incoming:
let me get this shit straight: the hargreeves siblings didn’t ask for their powers or to be born. said birth and powers were forced on them when reginald hargreeves couldn’t just shut up and die with the rest of his planet/wife. then he flies down to earth, adopts them all, and some 30 years later, we find them running around, constantly trying to save the world from an apocalypse, only to eventually find out that the apocalypses are happening not because this random fucking alien unleashed sparkle dust on the galaxy and abused children that weren’t his in the name of his wife….but because the hargreeves were just born.
that’s it. the reason the cleanse happened is a) their punishment for being born and b) abigail felt bad for an experiment gone wrong and decided to make it the entire timeline’s problem. and the only way to stop it isn’t to figure out a way to stop reginald from unleashing the marigold/coming down to earth & allow all of the og 43 children to be born naturally, when they’re supposed to be, but to….erase the children that never asked to be born from existence while leaving a million loose ends, unanswered questions, and shitty character choices that don’t get developed or explained in any way.
this season was just…….it was definitely a season of a show, i’ll give it that. the pacing was all over the place, so much so to the point where, if anything, we needed four MORE episodes, not four less. i have so SO SOOO many questions. where tf is sloane? what about the other 35 kids with marigold in them? why didn’t we see five create the commission? does durango give superpowers the same way marigold does? why couldn’t ben just drink the marigold himself if he wanted his powers back??? WHY THE FUCK WOULDNT YOU JUST GO AFTER THE MAN WHO UNLEASHED THE OG MARIGOLD INSTEAD OF THE INNOCENT HUMANS WHO GOT STUCK WITH IT WHO THE FUCK CAME UP WITH THAT?? YOU COULDVE DONE A WHOLE THING WHERE THE COMMISSION WAS ORIGINALLY DEDICATED TO FIXING REGINALD’S AFFECT ON THE TIMELINE OR LITERALLY ANYTHING—
literally just kill this last season with fire. burn it at the stake. i’m so pissed and so done. i’ve been watching this show since i was in fucking eighth grade, and i was so excited. i thought they were gonna do a whole thing where it could’ve been like “ben was always meant to die and now the universe is out of whack” or just SOMETHING other than what we got. steve blackman, i genuinely hope you have the worst fucking time for the rest of your life, you raggedy, smelly, conniving, ass-backwards bitch.
thank you and good night.
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hanzajesthanza · 3 months
geralt: it’s pride month, company. you know what that means
cahir: huh
cahir: what
cahir: do you want us to find like
cahir: gay ciri
cahir: what
cahir: . . .
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daily-polyshow · 2 months
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day 168!! the brides and the ugly ass groom
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robomusical · 2 months
Megatron doodles
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We call this one wanting to draw without wanting to draw, also I need the practice. Sorry if the quality’s ass I don’t know how to make it better 😭
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nekropsii · 2 months
Can’t stop thinking about the people who said they thought I was white in real life because I drew myself Homestuck #FFFFFF White once. Strongest argument against The Kids being Aracial yet.
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freshbeeth · 6 months
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case in fucking point
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fluffypotatey · 1 month
Can we please see Javy (Top Gun) and Javi (Twisters) in a fic or blurb?
hm well i haven’t written their official intro to each other yet (and i do plan to in Jake’s pov) but i got memes for how it would go down!
it’s literally just two different memes but one’s edited two more times lol
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#so like#imagine: Jake and Javy coming to Oklahoma to check and see if the Wranglers are ok and not caught up in the worst of the tornado outbreak#(spoiler alert! they’re right in the middle of it and almost died!!!)#so you have an emotionally constipated Jake worrying about his cousin (Tyler) and of course his cousin looks fine when they reunite#all smiles and shit and even on some dumb coffee date (cue the huffiness and pouting)#MEANWHILE!!! Javy is catching up with the Wrnaglers who tell him all the tea with Storm Par and Boone & Lily start laughing bc#‘Looks like we had a Javy with us this whole time!!!’ bc of Javi#and who does Javy end up meeting minutes later???? JAVI!!! and both of them find some humor in all this#(Javy more than Javi because he knows exactly how Jake will react)#and Javy is right because the moment Javi is introduced Jake begins to pout again and be all huffy bc#‘for fucks sake Ty! couldn’t stop at one Javy could you!’#color Javi and Kate confused while Javy is cackling and joking about how flattered he is on how taken Tyler is of him#Boone is 100% no help and immediately begins to tell Jake and Javy (while the rest are still here) about Tyler always feeling#the need to needle Javi for the pettiest of shit#Kate finds this all hilarious. Javi isn’t sure if he should tease Tyler or stay flustered. and poor Tyler.exe has stopped functioning#Jake is still huffy some days later#(Tyler sighs so loudly about it telling Jake that sometimes Tyler’s actions or friends are not correlated to Jake’s self centered ass)#(Jake calls bs on that)#asks#tgm x twisters#jake hangman seresin#javy coyote machado#javi twisters#twisters javi#twisters#twisters 2024#top gun maverick#tgm au#tyler owens
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alliumdykes · 1 year
The fact that when I came back from the cinema wanting to see some cool art and people talking about interesting stuff after something so flipin awesome and the first thing i see was the dream team being so fucking rude during a CHARITY EVENT for their DEAD FRIEND is honestly so disheartening.
My grandfather was so lucky to get cancer twice and survive both times, I knew someone who lost her dad to cancer. I know someone who survived childhood cancer. One of my great grandparents died of cancer, my family on both sides is extremely family oriented if he never died I would have met him. The fucking disrespect that they showed should not be laughed at, it shouldn’t be encouraged.
The fact they were playing airhorns during Technodad’s speech, one that should have been respected and really quiet durning and no one interrupting is the fucking worse. I don’t care if dteam fans say that it’s funny and Techno would have laughed because it’s not the fucking point!!!
The whole festival was a charity event in honour of their friend, and for Technodad his fucking son. No one should have gone though this. I don’t care if this comes across as rude or overreacting because the dteam need to grow the fuck up and learn that their actions have fucking consequences for once.
This isn’t supporting a brand that’s actually a scam, this isn’t saying something offensive by accident. This is being rude and disrespectful.
And it even hurts that none of their fans are going to care a single bit because I don’t fucking know maybe they’ll say “but it was a joke” or “dream has ADHD your being ableist” because none of that shit matters when you realise that neither of those things matter when it’s about respect.
These are the same fans who will defend these mother fuckers to the grave but when someone like Niki Niahchu accidentally uses avae because she doesn’t know about American history or what avae is because she lives in Germany(or any non American country because the world doesn’t revolve around you fuckers) and is called overreactive during mcc and having a lot of stress put onto her and BREAKS DOWN ON STREAM it’s ok because they think it is.
I want dteam fans to see this post and be uncomfortable, I don’t care if I’m being mean to your pretty white boys because they have been allowed to do anything with a platform that is way to big for them for too long. I’m allowed to be angry as well, I’m allowed to be mean, I’m not apologising to you if you feel sad that I’m being mean about them because they need to grow up.
Charlie had every right to tell dream to shut up during that stream.
Edit: I’m not going to be answering anymore asks about this post, I want my blog to be a personal space for me. This post wasn’t supposed to get as big as it has and just for me to rant. I’m only going to be accepting art requests and general asks and nothing about this. I’m 14 please leave me alone.
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tiredyke · 1 year
i cant stand feminist discourse on this site because its like 90% "feminism means equality which means you can't say anything bad about men and you have to criticize women just as much as men because misandry is just as bad as misogyny" and these posts always get thousands of notes from other people who call themselves feminists likeee
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buddiesmutslut · 4 months
I’m genuinely so fucking sick of the “you all would have loved it if it was Eddie who made that comment” take.
First of all, Eddie wouldn’t have made comment then, bc he knows how hard it is for Buck to talk about his emotions, & is REALLY good at giving him the space to talk about them, even if he does make jokes, they’re not out of pocket (the coming out scene, anyone? Breaking the tension with a joke & still being supportive without making a joke of his feelings.)
Secondly, even if Eddie DID make that comment, I’d probably still roll my eyes, but I’d be more willing to accept it. Do you wanna know why???
Who was the person that knew the details of what Buck was talking to his therapist about during their emergency session before the Buckley’s visit? Who is the first one they show at Buck’s side when he gets stuck in the warehouse trying to pull Saleh out after learning about Daniel?? Who is the one who was pacing downstairs in the station & making sure Buck was okay after the warehouse, and the one who warned him about his visitors??
Who was the one praying at Bobby’s bedside, right next to Buck in the hospital?
(I’ll give you a hint, it’s not the dude that’s had 10 minutes of fucking screen time that everyone forgot about post s1.)
It wouldn’t have been the same bc TOMMY AND EDDIE ARE NOT THE SAME. They are not on the same level of knowing Buck & understanding when to make jokes & what jokes to make. Your best friend, partner & co-parent of 6 years and the man that you haven’t even called your boyfriend yet are not on the same level of familiarity.
I get that you’re pissed that Tommy is being compared to Buck’s previous love interests (which would be the case, even if he wasn’t just as shitty & uninterested in Buck as a person as they all were) but if you genuinely think that he’s anywhere near Eddie’s level, EVEN PLATONICALLY, then I fear that you have been watching another show entirely, & I encourage you to watch more than just s7, bc that’s the only explanation I can come up with for why this fuck ass take exists.
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cptsd-skywalker · 1 year
Real talk rant:
I swear to god if I hear ONE more fucking post along any of the lines of “slavery for Anakin wasn’t really that bad” I’m going to lose my FUCKING mind. NEVER EVER under ANY circumstances is human trafficking “not that bad”. EVER. I WILL NOT MESS WITH YALL. One more fucking person has the balls to claim that to me and I will roast the ever loving shit out of them on public main. Fuck anyone who has the audacity to say stupid shit like that.
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diazheartsbuckley · 5 months
He came to her at his weakest moment. Doesn’t matter that he slept around. Doesn’t matter that he was self-diagnosed sex addict. All that matters is that he came to her for help.
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