#but unfortunately the other stuff I've been writing is all missing SOMETHING that I can't quite figure out
laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(Untitled Steve POV: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)
Steve pays extra close attention, but Eddie acts completely normal around him, afterwards. Steve had been a little worried that maybe things would be too weird, but now he’s worried that things aren’t weird enough. Something should be different, right? He’s not totally sure what or how, but it feels like something should be different.
With Nancy, Steve had felt the silver tug of a life ahead. He could see everything so clearly: dating, a proposal, a wedding with a suit and a white dress, a house with a TV room, kids, grandkids. His whole life laid out in one shining road so flat he could see all the way to the end in the distance. 
With Eddie, Steve doesn’t even really know what a real date would look like, not if either of them wants any kind of future with the rest of the world. It feels like he’s been taking a multiple-choice test and turns the page and suddenly he has to write a whole essay from scratch. 
The sex stuff is simple. He’s a pretty simple guy. He likes sex, and Eddie’s hot. It actually hadn’t been that big of a revelation.
It’s the other stuff that he’s tied up in knots about. He’s opened this door, practically took a crowbar to the lock, and now he doesn’t know where it leads. 
But it’s fine, because all he thinks about now is Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. He thinks Eddie is the kind of guy who it’s easy to get obsessed with. Eddie cares about so many things, and he cares with his whole body. Every single thing he does is turned all the way up, like it’s too big to fit in his skin. Steve doesn’t think he’s cared about anything he’s ever done in his life the way Eddie cares about the stuff he does.
Steve would give a hell of a lot to be something that Eddie cares about. 
“Of course he cares about you, dingus,” says Robin. “He only has like six friends who aren’t literal children, and you’re definitely in the top five. Maybe top four.”
“Wait, who do you think is his best friend?” asks Steve, because apparently he’s at a middle school sleepover, emotionally speaking; Robin pelts him with Jolly Ranchers until he stops asking.
Dustin’s been bugging Eddie more lately about dating and stuff. Honestly, Steve thinks things might not be going great with Suzie, but Dustin won’t talk about it no matter how many hints Steve drops. Instead, Dustin has been splitting his attention between convincing Steve to date Robin and convincing Eddie to date literally any girl who breathes in his direction. 
“I think that waitress really liked you,” he’s saying, though he doesn’t sound totally convinced himself. “When she gave you the fries, there was a moment. Back me up, Steve.”
“Absolutely not, Henderson,” Steve says, stealing a fry. Eddie bats him away half-heartedly. “Stop bothering people at work. They just want to get through their day, they’re not thinking about getting a date.”
“Oh my god, you hypocrite,” yells Robin, loud enough that Eddie kind of jumps in his seat, clutching at Steve’s arm. “You constantly hit on girls at work!” 
Steve gives her a look like stop fucking me over, Buckley, and she makes panicked, apologetic eyes back. “I mean, you used to. Past tense. You have hit on, uh, people, at work. In the distant, distant past. Not anymore!”
Robin is the worst wingwoman in the entire world. Steve kind of wants to slap duct-tape over her mouth until she can be normal around Eddie, who’s sporting a sly grin. 
“Yeah, Harrington. I seem to recall something about you striking out a lot, lately?”
Steve’s hit on exactly one person in the last few months, and in his opinion it went pretty well. He can’t say that, though, so he just elbows Eddie, glaring. “Shut up, I’m—I’m doing fine.”
“Su-u-ure you are, big boy,” laughs Eddie. 
It all works out, though, because on the way out of the diner, Eddie leans over and murmurs, “Just in case you’re not actually doing fine…I happen to have a free afternoon.” 
It takes Steve a second to remember how to walk again, and he has to jog to catch up. 
He obviously isn’t planning on dropping Eddie off first, but Mike says, “Hey, that’s the turn-off to Eddie’s,” loud enough that Steve can’t pretend to miss it, and he can’t think of a good excuse not to turn. Eddie doesn’t seem to be bothered at all, just hops out of the car with a jaunty little wave. 
It takes way too fucking long to drop Robin and the kids off, and Steve is practically vibrating out of his skin by the time Dustin’s front door swings shut. He doesn’t go tearing back to Eddie’s immediately, though. Even if he wants to. He needs to get his shit under control first, make sure he doesn’t come off as too desperate. 
Steve heads home and splashes some water on his face. He looks normal, in the mirror. Not like someone who’s planning to go over to Eddie Munson’s place for homosexual reasons. He’s not sure what that kind of person would look like, but he looks normal. 
He thinks about changing his clothes, but that seems too obvious. In the end, he just fixes up his hair a little and heads back out without changing anything at all. 
(Snippet directory)
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
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My Official Hazbin Hotel Stargazers AU Masterpost!
Or the #HHStargazersAU Checklist + MORE!!!
But before all that, here's the general synopsis:
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Charline is introducing her first ever girlfriend, Vaggie, to her circus running dad, Lucius Magne. But unbeknownst to them, Vaggie is hiding a big secret: She's Charlie's guardian angel! Tasked with setting her on the right path towards good, but to make things more complicated, the family's live-in hire, Alastor, is actually a demon that's been trying to tempt Charlie's dad to the opposite side! So how can this unlikely pair keep their respective truths hidden while mysteries start to unfold, how do they play house while playing tug-of-war for Heaven & Hell, and just HOW did they get in this situation in the first place? Well, one thing's for certain, family dinners will never be boring as feelings unravel and everything grand is yet to be revealed. So tune in~!
Or something like that...
So if this summary seems like your cup of tea and you happen to enjoy both Chaggie & Radioapple content, then hop on aboard! Because, let me tell you, the ride I've prepared is so convoluted, I wish I charge people for it, but it's FREE! Unfortunately, all updates usually depend on my schedule and plans for plot may always change. But this semi-serious story of mine follows a loose "artfic" format anyway. A term I use to mean: I write just as much as I draw. So this is both a fanart and a fanfic AU now basically. But everything for it can be found on Twitter, Insta, or Tumblr. I post just about almost the same things in each, so there's no need to look further for more! Though I won't protest if you ASK for more as in the end, this gigantic AU is just a personal project of mine and any support. Be it a little acknowledgement or a major gift of a comment goes a long way to fuel my motivation! Now that the sappy stuff is out of the way though, here's the links to my story and list of future posts that would be regularly updated anytime I remove or add something new!
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Relevant Lore List:
Click title to be redirected to the post and some titles are [Redacted] for the sake of avoiding any spoilers...
-A New Day Will Dawn. ✅
-BONUS Interaction (& Ask). ✅
-Color Palette Reference. ✅
-Say My Name. ✅
-Divorce Aftermath (Ask). ✅
-Meet The Magnes. ✅
-The Stargazers. ✅
-Shadow Of His Light.
-His Pride.
-Her Joy.
-Close Calls.
-The Dreamers.
-Phantom Pains.
-[Redacted] The [Redacted].
-[Redacted] That Day.
-A Cold Day In Hell.
-The Dancing Devil's Circus.
-Blossoming Feelings.
-False Start.
-The [Redacted, Redacted, Redacted].
-When A [Redacted, Redacted].
-The Last [Redacted] Lament.
-Moth To Her Flame.
-A Taste of Temptation.
-Better Than Never.
-Free Fall.
-Wake Up Call.
-Seeds Of Doubt.
-Mother Knows Best.
-Fuck You, [Redacted].
-Juliet Is The Sun.
-With Tax Benefits.
-Dawn Of A New Day.
-The First Stage.
-Reprise Reveal.
-A Third [Redacted].
-The Show Must Go On.
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Related Posts:
((Asks are answered in between updates, but due to the amount of them, I unfortunately may still miss some. But rest assured I do read them! I just can't get to everyone. TvT Very much appreciate them though!))
-AU Idea Announcement.
-Magnes Are Humans (Asks).
-AU Name Explanation (Asks).
-Author Is Delulu.
-Excited To Spoil (Asks).
-Human Carmilla Carmine.
-Radioapple Dynamic (Asks).
-Alastor's Eyes (Asks).
-Questions About Lilith (Asks).
-Outdated Sneak Peek (Asks).
-Stimming Radioapple (Asks).
-Cryprid Alastor (Asks).
-Flavor Of The AU (Asks).
-Magne Discussion (Asks).
-Artist With Chaggie (Asks).
-Hug Alastor Request (Asks).
-Vaggie UwU (Asks).
-Yep. Still doing the AU (Asks).
-Alastor's Voodoo (Asks).
-Radio Signals (Asks).
-Masterpost Suggestion (Asks).
-Future Animatic Announcement!
-Dynamics & SPOILERS!!! (Asks).
-BONUS Vaggie's "dad" (Asks).
-Radioapple + Art Advice (Asks).
-ALAKAZAM!!! (Asks).
-Update about updates (Asks).
Other Account Links:
((Just in case you want to experience my story somewhere else you're more comfortable with!))
For Twitter Account, click this sentence!
For Instagram Account, click this sentence!
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((Note: I advice y'all to keep on checking the original masterpost on my page and see if it's updated as it may not show the new changes in reblogs. Thanks for reading!))
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cat-loves-music · 7 months
Hi Cat! I was wondering if I could request Mattheo Riddle x fem reader who gets migraines? And it would be her skipping class over getting a really bad one which is unusual and so he goes to check on her and he cuddles her, gives her head massages (and she has curly hair or it’s just not described as like easy to comb through so more of a scalp massage ig lol) and whatever else you want to add. Also they call each other like mi amor and cute stuff like that. If you don’t want to write this it’s totally fine! I love your work and hope you have a great day or night <3
Omg hi! So sorry this took so long. Finding motivation is a pain in the ass. 😅
I also am not really familiar with migraines, so I hope I do this justice. Anyways I hope you like it!
Warnings: migraines, fluff, House not specified, fem!reader, not proofread!, somewhat shitty writing, and if there are more plz let me know!
The sound of a switch and the sudden blinding light of my dorm room awakes me from my peaceful slumber.
"Come on, Y/n! You need to get up, you'll be late," my dormmate says before leaving.
I groan as I sit up in bed, my head throbbing with pain and the contents of my stomach swish around uncomfortably inside the organ. The lights reflecting off of the vibrant colors of the dorm room make my head spin so I begrudgingly stand up to turn the light back off.
"Not today," I whisper to myself as I chase my relief in the comfort of my own bed.
Mattheo's POV
"Hey Malfoy, have you seen Y/n today?" I asked him as we sat down in the Great Hall for lunch.
"Nah, mate. I would have thought you would have since you're the one dating her," he answers, shrugging.
I sigh as more of my friends come to the table.
"Have any of you guys seen Y/n by any chance?" I asked them.
"I didn't see her in class," Enzo replied, "she's almost never even late much less not show up."
"Yeah she wasn't in Defense or Charms," Pansy said, worry lacing her voice.
I get up from the table, my heart feeling like it's being squeezed. Something is wrong, I know it.
"I'll see you all later, I'm gonna go find her," I stated.
We bid our goodbyes before I head to her dorm. I arrive there and I knock on the door.
"Go away!" I hear her groan.
Twisting open the door knob, the lights are completely off and the curtains are drawn closed. Darkness envelopes the room, but I can still see Y/n's form buried underneath the covers.
"Mi amor," I whisper, "what's wrong?"
"I have a migraine," she speaks, her words slightly slurred.
I frown, "It must be a bad one because you never miss class, my love."
"Please stop yelling," she whines, "it hurts."
I walk over to beside her bed, take my shoes off and climb in next to her. Snaking my arms around her, I hold her close and she snuggles into my chest.
"Can I get a head massage please?" She requests, looking up at me with her tear stained cheeks.
"Of course, princess," I said, my heart squeezing once more.
I hate that she's in pain, sometimes I wish I could take it away from her so she'll never have to feel it again. I'd bear the burden so she doesn't have to, but unfortunately I can't so the next best thing would be helping her with a massage. My hands find their way to her head as I work my fingers into her temples and scalp. Y/n sighs in contentment as I do so.
"Thank you, love," she says, "that feels so much better."
I provide a kiss to the top of her head, "I'm glad."
For the rest of the day, we stay in bed with our bodies entwined in each other's arms.
Hi! I hope you liked it, but it’s been a hot minute since I've written an imagine so I'm sorry if it sucks. I tried my best to make it decent since I don't personally get migraines, but if you want me to add something, let me know!
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in the defence of Ruki Mukami - why Ruki's trauma has just as much influence on his actions as everyone else
i am sitting in the chemistry library at uni right now and am going to spend my time on the most useless task ever to avoid doing anything impactful. please don't take this too serious because i can't write meaningful character analyses.
so i've seen a ton of stuff around, because i know Ruki's not one of the best loved characters in the western fandom. well, of all the characters, i see nearly the most Ruki hate. and obviously everyone is entitled to their opinions, whatever. but what DOES bother me is the reason.
a lot of people say that Ruki's trauma doesn't correlate to his actions, or explain abusive behaviour in the same way that the other characters' do. and i would die for Ruki and we know this, but i've thought about it a lot and i have a Theory as for why some people seem to view his character this way. (i have also studied neuroscience at degree level and learnt about trauma and synaptic plasticity)
to summarise for those who perhaps haven't read all the games (my sources for all this is basically Ruki's MB, DF, and LE), Ruki was born as an only-child in Romania to a rich family, and his father was revealed to be a politician during the Ceaușescu period in Romania. they had a lot of servants, all of whom Ruki learnt from a young age to abuse. he admired his father very much and looked up to him, and his mother was good to him and was close to his father. it would seem like a very good, perfect family - although i'll briefly discuss later why this wasn't necessarily the case.
unfortunately, in the DL universe lore, Karlheinz and Ceaușescu were buddy-buddy politicians, and Ruki's father was eventually chased out of his position. during his downfall, Ruki's father became an alcoholic and began abusing Ruki's mother, verbally and physically. Ruki saw a lot of this as well: somebody he looked up to, admired and trusted, becoming an abusive monster in a very short period of time. i think that's part of why Ruki overlooks Karlheinz's crimes and sees him as a good father anyway.
not only that, Ruki's mother - once again somebody who nurtured and cared for him - turned out to be having an affair. and shortly after that, his father committed suicide: something Ruki actually walked out on.
that in itself is a lot more traumatic than i think people consider. a lot of the DL characters have long-term trauma, but intense sudden trauma, such as your "perfect" life falling apart due to an alcoholic, abusive father killing himself and his mother having an affair, has similar psychological impact. remember, these are people who were supposed to care and nurture him, he trusted them a lot, and they both abandoned him abruptly in very extreme ways. that's the number 1 root of Ruki's trust issues. he's been seen to cut Yui off entirely because he's scared of becoming his abusive father.
similarly, living in a "perfect" household as a spoiled only child can be inherently traumatic. i don't know about you guys, but i've met some (only some, not the majority) of very, very emotionally constipated spoiled only-children. a lot of children showered with materialistic affection are missing key emotional maturity developments. their outlook on life is very narrow and they lack the emotional components of attachment; this is part of why Ruki is quite emotionally immature.
not only that, but growing up as an abusive sociopath to "lower" members of society such as servants is a form of abusive on his parents' behalf. they did not teach him proper world awareness. some children are born as psychopaths etc, true, but the majority of "sociopaths" (diagnosed as ASPD) are that way because they were not taught remorse as a child. Ruki would've learnt to treat his servants that way because that was how his parents did (and we see his father being a dick to the servants in LE too i think), and that in itself is inherently traumatic too.
imagine then, with very little capacity for remorse or a concept of societal hierarchy, being thrown into an orphanage. Ruki is a dick to everyone, yes, but the shock of having everything you know challenged suddenly and without explanation or support is going to cause further trauma. i think people just don't like to consider the fact that a lot of "sociopaths" (again, ASPD is the correct label there) were victims too. he went from being the "master" to being "livestock" and that's going to very rapidly alter your young brain chemistry, entering a "master" mindset as a defensive mechanism. that's why he gets angry/upset/confused when it's challenged.
Ruki has a fuck ton of PTSD as well - he's the only character who i've seen literally throw up MULTIPLE TIMES when experiencing flashbacks.
but i think people generally know that, perhaps not thinking about it as deeply. my Theory as to why people don't seem to see this as being as "extreme" as the other boys' trauma goes further than that.
diabolik lovers follows this dynamic between the Sakamaki's vs Mukami's, whereby Yuma, Kou and Azusa (Yuma and Kou more strongly) have this mindset of "the Sakamaki's can't have trauma because they were rich" and obviously as readers, we're supposed to be like "um, no, the Sakamaki's can have trauma too" because they do.
with that said, Kou and Yuma do successfully get to Subaru/Laito and Shu's heads respectively with this narrative. especially Subaru and Shu who get really fixated with this "i was a spoiled, privileged kid" and because of that, naturally we, as readers, lean towards feeling sorry for the Mukami's especially.
obviously, Ruki is the odd one out when it comes to the Mukami's. he had a sheltered upbringing whereas the other brothers were fighting for their lives in poverty/on the streets, victims and witnesses of the civil war and orphan crisis. Yuma particularly pushes this "Ruki had it easy" notion too, and i've definitely noticed that a lot of people who don't particularly like Ruki tend to fall towards that.
this idea of "not enough" trauma has enough to unpack as it is and we won't do that to, but personally i think that all of Ruki's abusive actions are justified. no, they are not an excuse. none of the diaboys' behaviour is excusable, but i think Rejet did quite a good job of giving them enough fucked up backstory to make us as readers at least understand why that might be how they act.
and from what i see, it seems to be Ruki who people think is the exception to this the most, because his trauma isn't in the same vein as the rest of the Mukami's. the "rich people can't have trauma" narrative gets pushed so hard that i think people forget 1) it isn't true and 2) Ruki went through a ton of fucked shit as a kid, and i don't think any of his actions made me feel any differently than the other diaboys' awful behaviour towards Yui.
you can find Ruki boring, not interesting, or just not your type. but he very, very much has "sufficient" trauma to explain his toxic and dominating actions. thank u for coming to my TedTalk.
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yelenasdiary · 11 months
Read this or don't, that's completely fine. I was going to explain everything in a reply to an ask that I was sent but an anon that has nothing to do with this, they are lovely! I just think a post on its own is more appropriate.
Below the cut I warn you that topics like, Sexual Assault, Physical & Mental abuse are spoken about. Please do not bother to read this if you're not comfortable. I literally do not expect anybody to read this, I am simply posting this because of how I am feeling towards the asks I received before I went to bed last night.
I just want to say that I've been open about certain things in my life on here and that is simply because I want my blog to welcome everybody (within reason). I want those who unfortunately have been through similar stuff to feel seen, heard and know you are loved! I want those who feel alone to know that you're never alone, I am here for you, my blog is here for you.
This isn't the first time I have received asks about my sexual experiences. A month or two ago I received a spam of asks that I never answered because of how disturbing and outright disgusting they were. Now, after last night, I feel that I need post this. I am not asking for anything in return, I just want to make that clear. All I want is for people to understand the hurt I am currently feeling.
I've always been open on here about the fact that I am a virgin. It's nothing that I feel ashamed about, I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I know there are plenty of people like myself who are also virgins. I wish there were more people who are open about being a virgin, if people can be so open about the fact they aren't a virgin, why can't we be open about the fact we are?
So when this anon asked if I was a virgin, I was honest and said yes. My mind was already racing with "oh god, what's next?" and I was just hoping whoever they are was jus being curious. But instead, I feel like they've made me ashamed of the fact I am a virgin, 25 and write smut.
TW; SA, Physical & Mental Abuse Mentioned -
A few of you would already know that unfortunately yes, I am a victim of sexual assault. I was a child and it was something that happened daily for a couple of years. Due to this, I have trauma, PTSD, depression and anxiety. I grew up with little knowledge on the basics of sex because of how triggering it was for me. I couldn't sit in on sexual education classes, I couldn't joke around about penis's with my friends let along look at one. For so long, I genuinely believed what happened to me was normal. I was 12 when I realised it wasn't.
It took me years to even be okay with the topic of sex, to see it in movies or even think of it. My sexuality wasn't something I always questioned, I had a big crush on Bieber during my teen years and there were a few other male celebrities that I found rather attractive, it wasn't until I was 17 that I saw women in a different way and tbh, the feeling I got from thinking about myself in a relationship with a woman was a lot more comforting then it was to thinking of myself with a male.
Did my abuse make me bisexual? Maybe. I don't know. I don't really care. I like women a lot more than I like men, I feel more comfortable talking to women than I do men.
Did my abuse stop me from having 'normal' teenage experiences? Yes. I have never physically been with anybody, I have never kissed anybody nor have I ever been on a date. Is that sad? maybe to some, to me? No.
I have little to no trust in males. Given that my abuser also physically abused me for such little things and mentally, I don't know what it feels like to not have the thoughts I do about myself. This person has ruined so much of my life and has had control over what I do because of the trauma they caused me.
But all that aside for a moment, I am still a human. I am a woman who still feels things. I am learning every day of new things. I have done plenty of research for the things I felt I missed out on in school. I have a best friend who is so fucking patient and understanding with me that he will explain things to me if needed.
Writing & reading smut over the last year has been really good for me. I don't mean that in a weird way, I mean that in a way it has helped me explore things I didn't know were a thing, it has helped me grow more comfortable with sex and that sex is a normal thing. Don't worry, I know what is written in smut is purely fiction, I know what happens in porn isn't real. I am not stupid.
But I can't sit here and say that smut has been really helpful. Some of you might not understand that and that's okay. But I have come a long way with being comfortable and finally feeling like I can be open about things I enjoy.
Back to this anon.
Yes, I am 25 and never had sex. I have never voluntarily sucked a guy off. i have never voluntarily slept with a male, touched a male or seen a males body. Why any of that is important to you makes no sense to me. You have brought back things that I wish to not think about. You have made me feel triggered and as though I shouldn't be writing such topics because of my lack of experience. You had no consideration whats so ever and I believe found it rather funny.
I am feeling so many feelings and having thoughts that I wish to express but I know you'll most likely see it has a sob story and make matters worse. What I do hope though is that if you have read this that you understand that your words and actions hurt. I am not weak for telling you this, I am not weak for not having any sexual experience, I am not weak for asking you to understand that your thoughtless actions were not called for.
I do not need to have sex to know what I am doing. I do not need to have sex with a cis male to know how to write about dicks. I do not need you to make me feel ashamed of this either.
This is already such a long post and I don't even expect anybody to still be reading this but if you are, please, please remember to always be kind! spread love, support and happiness. You honest have no idea what your words and actions can do to somebody. Be aware and be considerate, you would never want your closest friends to feel that way I am currently feeling.
I am sending love to everybody, if you ever need a friend to talk too my DMS//asks are always open. I will listen and be whoever it is you need 💜
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ask-the-bone-boys · 9 months
ATBB's Future
Hiiii y'all, its uh. been a minute huh
Now that it's been a bit over a year since I put this blog on hiatus, a loootta stuff has happened and changed and i've been doing a loootttta thinking!
Looking back on it, like really really looking, my biggest reason for the hiatus was that at some point the blog just kinda became more of a chore than something I wanted to work on for fun. Ask blogs are a lot of work, even when you're just using talking portraits rather than drawing out every individual answer, and with how much ask culture on tumblr has died out over the years there just wasn't really enough payoff to make it feel worthwhile to keep burning myself out.
I think it's a really good thing I stopped it when I did, because having to deal with all that in my senior year of high school would have been a nightmare. I've actually just finished up my first semester of college now, and there's no way in hell I would've been able to keep up at any rate! With all of this in mind, I've gained a newer perspective about how to approach things going forward.
I'm still really attached to this story. With how much time I've spent thinking about it and developing it in my head, I can't let it go, even if the blog isn't really working out anymore. I keep thinking of different ways I could fix the decisions I made early on, as well as the super cool directions I could take it in in the future, and I just. I GOTTA.
So, I've decided to reboot it entirely as a fic series!
This means that, unfortunately, there won't be nearly as much artwork to accompany it, but it's far more likely for the story to actually progress! Writing is way less draining for me and once I get going I can do it much quicker than art anyway, even though I do still sorta wish I had the spoons to just turn it into a full-blown webcomic instead haha
This DOES mean that updates won't be nearly as linear as they were here, seeing as right now I've mostly been working on backstory fics that took place before the blog's main story, but that can at least give you guys more context for how the characters interact with each other! I'll also state that while I do write faster than I draw, I still do it a hell of a lot less, so updates will still probably be pretty infrequent. But at least they'll happen at all, right?
As for the state of this blog itself, obviously I'm going to leave it up! I still love looking back on the old interactions you guys had with my characters and your reactions to certain plot points (your reactions to Fluff tagging along with the rest of the group were my favorite by far) and I think it would actually kill me to erase them. I'll be posting the fic updates here too, just like I did for Self Hatred!
And even if it's not going to be an ask blog anymore, because of how much I still miss that kind of interaction with you guys, I think I want to do a sort of "last hurrah" event, to finally send off the asking format with some good vibes.
You see, there's a character I made up around this time of year two years ago. He's a pretty cool guy, but he doesn't actually show up until a specific turning point later in the story. I've been excited for you guys to talk to him since the day I made him, but a little bummed lately that you may not ever get the chance. I still need to get a lot of stuff prepared, so I'm not quite ready to announce or start anything just yet, but there's a reason I waited until my winter break to start thinking about this seriously.
I think you guys would really like to meet him.
But anyway, that's about all I wanted to say for now! This is a very long post already so it's time I start wrapping it up. As always, thank you all so much for sticking with me, even though I really haven't been consistent through the years. I hope this change doesn't come as too much of a disappointment, and that you'll keep sticking around for the reboot!
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babiebom · 8 months
apologies for my absence- holiday periods are tiring lmao how were they for you? unfortunately we have yet to watch the fnaf movie, as our group is one that is exceedingly difficult to make plans around because we're all busy 💀 but then there's the one guy who doesn't want to leave his house lmao luckily, iv'e been pretty good at staying away from spoilers, so i've got that going for me. on the other hand, i'm planning to go see Trolls 3, and my mother and sister recently went to see the new Wonka movie. Though from what i've heard from a friend, Wonka's no good :// Yeahhh, if i actually commit to the mod, i'd have to learn pixel art and reteach myself code and programming 😭... i used to be somewhat decent at it. oooo yes i love a good choose your own adventure! they're so much fun and i've actually coded 1 of my own :,) it was through Visual Basics though, so the formatting was a bit weird for me lmao if you're going for a visual novel type of look and playability, I'd probably recommend Unity or itch.io? in my experience, Unity is probably easier to use.. theres another website/app i used but i can't recall the name sadly :( if i do i'll get back to you though! i don't have that much of a detailed request this time, but perhaps some fluff and love languages between rasmodius and the reader? or like hcs of rasmodius's evolving interest/thoughts arund the reader before finally getting together? i'd perhaps request nsfw/smut stuff too but tbh i just don't have any ideas 💛 tysmm :D -🔮
A/N: I’m glad you’re okay!! Honestly I’ve been sick these past couple of weeks (I caught pneumonia and had it for a month before going to the hospital. I thought it was a cold oopsies) I haven’t watched anything new recently but I am watching the third season of singles inferno with some friends. And I guess until I can figure out how to make a visual novel I have to write the fic out lmao sucks for me because I think a game would be better but oh well. What can I do? And like always I’ll try to do both!! Check back for the second one!!
Tw: cursing, slight nsfw but no full on smut. Let me know if there’s something I missed!!
Wc: I have no idea! But these are headcanons so 10+ is the goal!!
Sdv Masterlist
Okay so there are five main types of love languages.
Physical touch, Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Quality Time.
I would also like anyone reading this to remember that these love languages are how you want to be loved/receive love not how you show love to others.
I do think that Rasmodius is very connected to himself
And by that I mean I think he knows himself very well, or at least he thinks he knows himself very well.
And for a long time I think he probably thought that Quality Time and Physical Touch were his main two love languages.
I mean idk if it’s canon but in my opinion I do think he cheated on the witch with Caroline
And I’m not gonna go into it here because this isn’t about them, but I think it might’ve had to do with that and his own struggles with temptations.
And I also think gift giving is canon for literally every single character in stardew because that’s the main way to befriend someone.
But I think that after marrying you/beginning to date you he realizes that his actual love language is words of affirmation.
While Physical touch and quality time are still very important to him, being with you makes him see that he really does like being praised.
Like whenever you say that he has done something well, or that you like something he has done his heart flutters as if he were a teenager again.
Especially when it comes to his magic
Like I feel like the townspeople aren’t really fond of him
And they never thank him for the things that he does whenever they actually need him for stuff
Like the haunted maze
Like they’re just talking about how weird he is and how he got it done
But they never stop and say anything that’s positive like WTF
So I think he would appreciate whenever you thank him or praise him and it would go straight to his head (which one idk 👀)
With quality time I feel like you get a lot of it after he moves to the farm
Like unless he’s working in his tower, or you’re off somewhere like in the mines
That you’re like together even if it’s spent in silence
And he loves that
Like he was super lonely before even if he doesn’t want to admit it
So just being in the same room as you counts as quality time for him.
And if you’re doing an activity that’s particularly domestic
He’s in heaven like he doesn’t wanna make it a big deal
But baking and helping you around the farm makes his heart soar.
I think in terms of how he shows love i think he would show it in acts of service and gift giving
Like oh you don’t feel well?
Don’t bother going to the clinic he’s just going to create a potion that stops you from getting sick
You’re afab and you’re having bad cramps during your period?
Consider them gone
Look at this thing he got for you
And while yeah this might seem like either a lot of insincere
In his mind and heart this is how he shows that he appreciates you and wants you to live a good and easy life.
If he can make things easier and less stressful for you
That’s exactly what he’s going to do
He loves you and while he loves receiving attention and love he’s kinda crap at giving it in the same way because he just doesn’t really know how
So this is how he does
He’s VERY romantic sometimes and shows it through gifts and services.
Very cute and a good significant other when you get past his rough exterior.
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ravencincaide · 2 months
Important info!
Hello my lovely followers! I am sorry that this isn't a fic update. But I do have some exciting news for you: First of all, I am slowly coming back into writing fanfics. It's NOT BSD yet but I am hoping to come back to my ongoing fics and promised requests next month. (I haven't forgotten about you! I promise!) For now, to all of my JJK fans, by popular demand I've set up a new account where you can read my JJK (and eventually other fandom) stuff: Raven-Cincaide (@raven-cincaide) For those of you looking for writing advice, prompts, beta reading and such. I have been locked out of my words account so set up a new one: See here, Raven-Cincaide-Words (@raven-cincaide-words)I will also be sharing my general thoughts on writing, struggles and sneak peaks there. Finally for my more observant followers, you'll notice that a lot of (hopefully all but I'm still working on it!) my NSFW stuff is set to private now. Unfortunately some minors have been lurking about there and just being downright shitheads and braggy brats that they're in places I don't want them to be and then rubbing it in my face. Once blocked they crying and spam me from additional accounts for blocking them, clouding my inbox. So since people can't behave and I am not in the emotional state to handle this type of kindergarten stress I am going to move ALL my NSFW stuff to a separate account: Miss-Cincaide (Still being set up!- @miss-cincaide). It will be easier for me to block people but also posts shorter thirsts and also start up with headcannons for those into it. BUT!! It is not only going to be reposts. Rather Every.Single.Fic is going to be re-written, and have either a follow up, a surprise or something extra posted at the same time as the re-written stuff. So you'll not only be reading updated versions of old fics- but seeing some brand new dirt as well ;) The goal is to be done with everything by Oktober (So there'll be two posts of naughty dirty per day during kinktober month, yaay!) Hope you're with me on these changes, thank you everyone who's been checking up on me. And slowly, Raven is flying back!
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 4 months
Personality through quotes
Thanks to @elsie-writes here and @mk-writes-stuff here!
Rules: provide a quote from an OC given a prompt
A quote about magic
Lexi: "I've always been a bit skeptical of the existence of magic. Personally, I think it's more beautiful and wonderful if things we consider magic are just nature or humanity. Alium is just an alternate reality where magic exists, but even then it's not really magic. Just different science."
Maddie: "Magic doesn't exist. Even in Alium, it's just science."
Ash: "It's classic to say magic is just science we don't understand, and I agree. Science is so fascinating. Studying telepathy as a science is interesting."
Gwen: "Just because you understand something as a science doesn't mean it's not magic. Magic is about wonder. Even in Ceteri, there are many wonderful, magical things to appreciate."
Robbie: "I kinda agree with Gwen here. I'm in the robotics elective at my school, and watching the little guys move... Boom, magic. Ash and Maddie are in their school's robotics club, and they tell me I shouldn't anthropomorphize the robots, but I can't help it!"
Akash: "Not sure about magic, but once in a lifetime friendships that rely on chance meeting is pretty close to it. In fact, anything amazing that happens by chance feels like magic, to an extent."
Jedi: "Alium does not have magic, per se, but there are many fascinating things about our world we do not understand. The revolution around our birthdays--two random ones at that. The existence of dragons. The workings of the portal. I wouldn't say magic is just science we don't understand, but science is in of itself magic because there's no reason for it to work the way it does other than the universe itself."
Carmen: "Pfft, we're debating magic again? Magic doesn't exist. Grow up."
A quote about the weather
Lexi: "I guess I'm glad I'm used to hoodies and don't get warm easily. Houston weather can get pretty warm and humid, especially in the summer."
Maddie: "I wish it didn't get so hot in the summer. I'd go outside a lot more than I do. I do enjoy watching the downpour through my bedroom window. Though when lightning strikes and takes out our power...that sucks. But it's kinda fun, in a way."
Ash: "I really like going outside when it's overcast. Sunburn and heatstroke is lower, and it's just generally nice to be outside without the sun ruining your vision. Thunderstorms are also super cool."
Gwen: "I feel like if I was born in a different family, I'd hate the outside. Staying in my room with a book sounds nice. But my family has a perfect place for a natural hike we go to near our house. So sometimes I read on the back porch swing. I like it when there's a nice breeze but not strong enough to where it blows the pages shut."
Robbie: "Life hack - avoid bad weather by never going outside! Unfortunately my parents are doctors and make Sammy and me go outside for Vitamin... Uh, C? It's C, right? Not confident about that. Whichever one it is, Sammy and I have prescribed Outside Time."
Akash: "If mobility isn't an issue, I like being outside. Warm, bright, sunny days with soft breezes are epic. Could be out there for hours. No need for prescribed Outside Time."
Jedi: "Hm? Oh, weather is nice, yes." (Goes back to his work)
Carmen: "... Weather sucks. I would much rather spend my days inside. I definitely don't miss walking through the forest and seeing all the plants and animals. Recognizing certain individual creatures. Enjoying the breeze. The warmth... It's stupid, is what it is."
Your prompt: A quote about teaching or learning
Softly tagging @rickie-the-storyteller @mk-writes-stuff @i-can-even-burn-salad @willtheweaver @jezifster
@aziz-reads @ohnomybreadsticks @buffythevampirelover @dyrewrites @theeccentricraven
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
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regulusrules · 2 years
New to your blog, I was wondering if you have a Merlin fic rec list that's just your favorites. I unfortunately missed the Merlin fandom back when the show was airing so I always feel like I'm just missing the greatest stuff from other people
Hello friend! Welcome to my humble abode of a blog (which resembles more of a Merlin waste disposal). Like you, I missed the show when it was airing, but honestly when you stay as long in this fandom as I have, you will constantly be exposed to wonderful creative energies that give their all. It's a timeless fandom, one of the very few, and no matter when you enter it you will always feel fulfilled. :)
So, favourite fics! Gosh, how can I fit 2K+ bookmarks in one ask. When it comes to this fandom, I admit: I have no life. I've read a real huge number of fics throughout the years, but sometimes it's inevitable for fics to get lost in a sea of bookmarks. So to make things easier, I'll write you some canon fics that immediately come to my mind for how unforgettable they were.
No order; each one has its own chamber in my heart.
Short fic recs (1K-50K)
1. Our broken pieces by @aramblingjay. 10K, T, Canon Era, Hurt/Comfort.
Am I purposefully putting this one on top this time so that everyone who stumbles across this ask could check it out? Yes. Yes I am. Is it my personal mission for the fandom to give this fic the love and kudos it deserves? You bet it's a big overbearing yes. And yes I want you to cry and feel your heart twist with agony because of how beautiful it is. My eyes never shed tears for a fic before this one, and never will after it. There is something in the way the author broke Arthur that just resonated in my innards. And the way Merlin was there for him, not a placebo "I'm here" but there, in all actuality, doing so with every fiber of his love, made it something else. I like to believe that this fic was crafted so perfectly in a parallel universe, and sent to us as a blessing we never knew we needed.
2. Beauty in the Ashes of Our Lives by Fulgance. 21K, T, Canon AU, Magic Reveal.
This is probably the umpteenth time for me to recommend this fic, but I won't stop. I can't stop. This fic ruined me so slowly, and healed me even slower. All my Merlin friends do not believe why this would be one of my favourite fics of all time with what Arthur did, but honestly, it's the fact that the writer wrote it so convincingly that makes me crumble internally. It isn't easy to write angry Arthur, and it's even harder to write him grief-stricken, but here, the author blended both elements so perfectly. It's impossible to forget this fic. It's worth your every second.
3. Linger On Your Pale Blue Eyes by supercalvin. 18K, T, Canon Era, Touch-Starved.
Will this fic linger in your heart? It sure as hell never leaves mine. Every once in a while, I have to go back to this fic and read it like a morning paper. Some fics sustain you.. this is definitely one of them. Most of @supercalvin's fics are of sustaining material. They are made with such depth and broad understanding to the characters that you should take notes. There's this one line that everytime I cross this fic I instantly remember and I go to the nearest pillow to just AAA a little bit. When you reach it, I'm sure you'll recognise it, and I'll be waiting for you to come AAA with me.
4. Dower the Stars by RurouniHime. 40K, E, Golden Age, Pining Arthur, BAMF Merlin.
I don't think anything levels the levels of intimacy in this fic. It is one of the best Arthur characterizations I've ever read. His boundless love and pining for Merlin— oh my heart. Also, the world building and amount of research that must have been done for this fic is astounding. I was this close from following the author's footsteps and, idk, writing an entire research paper about Arthurian lore or something. The moment I read it I immediately wanted to contact the author and just tell them WHY ARE YOU BLESSING US WITH ALL THIS INSTEAD OF PUBLISHING IT?? It was amazing. I reread it a month ago for the third (fourth?) time and found myself gasping and aweing as if I never read it before. It keeps being an experience every time, one so worthwhile.
5. from hearth and ashes, we’re reborn by @remuscariad. 5K, G, Canon AU, Magic Reveal, Hurt/Comfort.
Earthshatteringly-poetic isn't a made-up word powerful enough to describe the beauty of prose here. There are fics that you open and immediately know that you're sold: this was one of them. Its summary alone dropped my jaw down to my neighbour's floor. The dialogue is so meticulously crafted it feels like reading a piece from a past era. Genuinely beautiful.
6. Half of my soul by marvelxpendragon. 2K, G, Post-Canon AU, King Arthur/Court Sorcerer Merlin.
This fic is half of my soul, as the poets say. So what if I reject the canonic ending and resort to pain myself with fics like this instead? I sometimes feel we, as a fandom, try to up the angst of the finale so that we forget how painful it was by bringing even MORE pain. But it's pain that I delight in, because it's pain that MAKES SENSE. Yes give me MCD but with a freaking beautiful life like the one this author gave us. Make me believe it was all worth something. Make me believe they lived.
7. whisper to the flame by @missfaber. 16K, E, Canon AU, Wounded Arthur, Hurt/Comfort.
*clears throat* *prepares for a mental scream*TELL ME HOW YOU LIGHT YOUR FIRESSSSS *clears throat once more and pretends I'm okay*
So, as the author wrote, this is indeed a love letter to the two characters we love more than anything. More than anything, I loved the fact that the author gave Arthur agency to think and act and be a king, even when he was still a prince. Even in most fics where Arthur already knows, this isn't common. So whenever I find a fic that has Smart!Arthur and a lovesick one at that, I would vouch my life and soul for it. Also Protective!Knights is the best thing in the world, ok? I would die for this discourse for real.
8. As a Sea Shell by bathilda bagshot (wellthengameover). 12K, T, Canon AU, Slow Burn.
Okay, so this fic is only bookmarked "Agony until 7 AM", and with that, a rush of drowning memories always come crushing my soul. I lost sleep and SANITY over this fic. I was thrown from a cliff and kept hanging in the air without a respite until the very END. I read it a couple weeks after the finale and it broke me even FURTHER. I was promised growing old together, and it was a big LIE. And yet I love it so, so dearly.
Honourary biased mention:
9. My heart is readily yours by yours truly. 11K, T, Canon AU, Protective Arthur, Hurt/Comfort.
Sometimes I don't believe I had it in me to write this. Like.. what, dearest self, the hell were you thinking. With tyismso, I somehow balanced fluff and angst— a solid magic reveal fic. But this one? I only knew ✨pain✨
.. and I don't regret a thing.
[Long fic recs]
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ninja-muse · 3 months
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I need to start walking past used bookstores instead of into them…
Anyway, June was an all right reading month. I read some really good books, and some kind of poor ones, which is fairly normal, but I also didn't read as much as usual. This is a combination of having a few slow reads (Steampunk, Navola) and writing up a storm, neither of which is a bad thing. I am so glad to have written as much as I have this month. The end of the latest WIP is in sight!
Navola, by the way, is really good and if I'd been organized enough to take a photo of the ARC before I unhauled it, it would have gotten a dedicated review here. Think Renaissance Italy, low magic, ruthless politics, a boy coming of age, an unwanted destiny he has no choice but to accept, the trapped soul of a dragon… It's complex and twisted and detailed and layered, the sort of book you have to pay attention to and which will surprise you anyway. Highly recommended if you like George R.R. Martin or Robin Hobb or grimdark that's less about blood and battles and more about everyone being flawed and kind of awful.
This was also a month of ebooks for me, accidentally. I had a few library holds come in (and delayed one until next month because time), and I received not one but two e-ARCs, the second of which I'm working on right now. I also had one of those moments mid-month where I had no idea what to read so went for something radically different—a thriller about a forensic artist, mostly because it had been on my TBR for a bit and was available on Libby the day I needed a book.
And I reread Drums Along the Congo! Which I last read over 25 years ago so it was basically a new book to me. There's a lot of stuff I either missed or forgot the first time, but I was a kid who was reading it for the living dinosaurs rather than an adult reading for the journey and historical moment. I can't imagine the details about Congo in the 1980s would've made much of an impression. If you're into travel writing, it's one I'd recommend.
The third book off my TBR, A Bouquet From France, is that pretty marbled cover. (I nabbed it off my dad's unhaul pile mostly for that.) More interesting than the poems are some of the 1920s-era translation choices and the fact that the book has actual handcut deckle edges, like you can see where the knife went in off-center to cut the signatures open. Also Victor Hugo is introduced as one of France's best poets, with no mention that he might have also written some major novels.
In terms of my book haul for the month: one out-of-print comic book my work got on sale; one memoir a coworker was unhauling; two travel books that the "I've adulted so now I get a treat" used bookstore had in stock. One is the sequel/follow-up to one I hauled last month, so it's nice to have both. The other is excerpted letters by an English diplomat's wife from Constantinople in the early 1700s.* I successfully delayed a trip to the other tempting used bookstore until next month, so stayed tuned for that.
*Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Awesome woman. Look her up.
And that's about it for this time around. I didn't do exciting cultural events or anything, just read and wrote a lot. How was your June?
Click through to see everything I read this month, in the rough order of how glad I was to have read them.
How to Become the Dark Lord and Die Trying - Django Wexler
Dani’s stuck in a time loop in a fantasy world. She’s supposed to be the Chosen One but that clearly not working. Time to switch sides for funsies…
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (bi woman), protagonist of colour
borrowed from work
Navola - Paolo Bacigalupi
Davico has always been aware of Navola’s politics and his banking family’s role in them, but also knows he’s unsuited to inherit that power. Unfortunately, in a city that breathes intrigue bowing out isn’t exactly an option. Out in July.
warning: violence, graphic injury, pseudo-incest
reading copy
A Bouquet From France - Wilfred Thorley, translator
A collection of French poetry from the 1100s to the 1920s.
off my TBR shelves
Steampunk - Ann and Jeff Vandermeer, editors
A collection of steampunk stories, old and new.
warning: misogyny, racism, eugenicists
off my TBR shelves
Running Close to the Wind - Alexandra Rowland
Avra, rubbish spy, finds himself on his ex’s pirate ship in possession of a deadly trade secret. Unfortunately, selling it to the highest bidder means working with a very sexy monk, and all manner of shenanigans.
🏳️‍🌈 main character (multisexual), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (ungendered, achillean), major character with prosthetic eye, largely brown-skinned cast, 🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: frequent discussions of sex, cursing, animal death
library ebook
Every Time We Say Goodbye - Natalie Jenner
Vivien moves to Rome in the 1950s to work as a script doctor and possibly learn the true fate of her soldier fiancé.
Black American secondary characters, 🇨🇦
library ebook
The Face of Deception - Iris Johansen
Eve Duncan, world-class forensic artist, is drawn into a dangerous web when she takes a commission from a tech billionaire.
warning: animal death, murder
library ebook
The Black Bird of Chernobyl - Ann McMan
Lilah’s happily misanthropic life preparing bodies at her funeral home is upset when her father hires perky Sparkle for community outreach. Then Lilah goes viral… Out in July.
🏳️‍🌈 main character (lesbian), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (lesbian, sapphic), Black secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: death, grief
digital reading copy/won
Drums Along the Congo - Rory Nugent
A naturalist travels deep into the African jungle in search of a legendary living dinosaur—or tries to. A lovely portrait of a time and place.
predominantly (Black) African cast
warning: animal death, brief mentions of Congo’s colonial brutalities
off my TBR shelves
Currently reading
The Dishonest Miss Take - Faye Murphy
Desperate to clear her name after a murder she didn't commit, a superpowered former villain stumbles onto a mystery—and a curious assassin. Out in September.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (sapphic), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (sapphic)
digital reading copy/won
Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century - Richard Taruskin
A history of early written European music, in its social and political contexts. The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
Victorian detective stories.
disabled POV character (limb injury), occasional Indian secondary characters
warning: racism, colonialism
Monthly total: 8 + 1 Yearly total: 59 Queer books: 3 Authors of colour: 0 Books by women: 3 Authors outside the binary: 1 Canadian authors: 1 Classics: 1 Off the TBR shelves: 3 Books hauled: 4 ARCs acquired: 3 ARCs unhauled: 2 DNFs: 0
January February March April May
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gallavichthings · 1 year
Hoping you can put this out for all of the artists and writers that participate in your events. Just wondering how everyone deals with the feeling of posting something and having it completely flop? Those of you that have had it happen, how do you come back from that?
Hello, dear anon! I'm posting this so that anyone who wants to reply may do so, as you requested, but I also wanted to include my own two cents.
First of all, let me tell you I absolutely understand your frustration. It can be very off-putting to post something you put effort into to just have no one apparently notice it. There are a lot of posts saying how we should write/make art for ourselves, and not for others, and while I agree with those to a certain extent, once you actually post something, the goal is clearly to have it noticed by your peers.
That being said, I do encourage you to try to redefine what a flop means. Is it no notes at all? Because I hardly think you're getting no notes at all, especially in this fandom (but if you are, maybe there's something off with the way you're "marketing" it, so let me know and maybe we can help).
I assume by flop you mean getting less notes than you'd expected, so I think it's a matter of expectations. Are you comparing yourself to others? Because let me tell you right away, that won't do. Some people are more popular, period, and who knows why that is. Sure, most of the time these people are really talented, but usually it's that they make something that resonates with people, but I couldn't tell you why some do and some don't. It's absolutely impossible to predict what the fandom will or won't like. Even if you compare your works with your other own works, that will happen. I can't tell you the amount of times I've written something thinking people would love it only to get just a handful of kudos, while some other fics I've written on a whim, thinking no one would care, got way more attention.
Number three: give it time. Sometimes things aren't appreciated right away, but eventually they get further. I still get daily kudos on fics I wrote 8, 9, 10 years ago.
Finally, and this is a message to everyone, not just the anon who sent the ask: this is why fandom is important, and this is why you have to share the things you enjoy. Leaving likes/kudos is a great thing, but once you reblog it or add it to a recs list, that's when other people get to know stuff. That's literally my main job here, that's the reason I created this blog, so it would be an archive for the fandom. Yes, I organize events as well, and I answer asks and all, but the main point of this blog has always been and will continue to be reblogging. (I unfortunately don't have as much time to go through the tags as I used to, which is why I have my dear @sickness-health-all-that-shit helping me out, but it's still possible we miss things, so you're always welcome to tag me or send me your posts if you notice it's been a week or two and we haven't reblogged them yet - please do wait a bit though, as we do have a queue to go through.) Also, please do leave replies/comments/tags, those are so important and encouraging to the artists/authors!
I hope this eases your heart a bit, anon. And I look forward to seeing what everyone else will say.
GT mod.
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naranjapetrificada · 6 months
Happy [Fanfic] Friday!
Unfortunately I missed WIP Wednesday, mostly because this has not been the best writing week I've ever had. We've had unconscionably few days of sunlight in my area for the past several days, which always makes being productive in any capacity a real chore. It also makes negative thinking easier for me, and I didn't want to bring that kind of energy to my drafts because writing is something I have profound baggage around. I made very small amounts of progress on Chapter 3 (which is better than no progress), and my working draft has about 1900/<8000 words I'm trying to aim for. Now that the sun is back I'm hoping for work to pick up again though ☀️😎🤞
Anyway let's talk about recs!
Last week I got sucked right into Fast Car by smallestchurch, who you can always trust to put out bangers. But since there are only two chapters I decided to check out some other things to scratch that itch while we wait (patiently!) for the next update.
- All I Want for Christmas is... and A Little Bit of Love Goes a Long Long Way by @tresdem
Naturally I went looking for fics where Ed and Stede meet when they are much, much younger. And wouldn't you know it, one of my absolute favorite writers in the fandom has a newish series about them meeting around their college years, during a serendipitous snowing-in at a hotel. Stede needs music for a party where he plans to propose to Mary, Julliard student Ed gets tricked by Jack into showing up, and oh the delicious drama and tension that ensue!
The first fic has a bittersweet ending and the second fic, where they accidentally reunite a couple years later, still has one chapter to go. Much like Fast Car, it looks like this series will be following them through their adult lives as they try, with extremely mixed success, to find ways to be together and survive being apart. I can't wait to see what's next for them.
- Not Pickles by smallestchurch
Not surprisingly another great source for fics to scratch a smallestchurch itch is right there in her backlog. So I decided to catch up on some of her longer stuff that I hadn't read yet, and omg this has been a delight. I still have one chapter left but I'm kind of putting it off because like so many of the best stories, I know I'm gonna miss everyone (except Jack and Izzy lol) when I'm done.
That's all for now! Happy Friday and happy weekend! ☺️
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pinksmonkey · 1 year
Update on my anti-Byler bestie
Here's the post if you missed it.
First of all, thank you to everyone who shared their favourite Byler evidence, it made me very happy and it was funny sharing it with my friend.
Now, unfortunately my friend cannot be convinced. I'm autistic and have trouble understanding people's intentions and feelings, so I can't tell if he's being fully serious, half serious, or completely unserious, but to me it seems most like half serious. He's strongly in denial and won't really give me a reason as to why, he just says, "No, not happening."
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So there's no getting to him, he believes without a doubt that Byler isn't happening (and said he'll start a riot if it does happen, but Idk if he was serious). And he says he's going to find evidence, but his only proof so far has been, "Nooooo." XD
So I've been dealing with that. It's kind of frustrating because I feel like he's not really listening to anything I'm saying, he just denies everything. And I understand sort of because he actually bet me $50 Byler won't happen in season 5 (I didn't bet anything, he just gets to keep the money if he's right). So he doesn't want to admit defeat to that, which is fair, but it was a stupid bet to make in the first place since he didn't have all the information (the proof for Byler).
Additionally, at lunch today we were talking to a girl who's also in our anxiety support class, and I was talking about Byler stuff (Mike's official playlist songs, the way he looks at Will, their flirty scenes in season 4, Mike using the "we're friends" trope, etc.). She agreed with my friend that Byler isn't a thing and said Mike is so straight.
I can argue with them as much as I want but it gets really frustrating and even kind of annoying that they just don't understand all the evidence. I'm just venting here, so absolutely no hate towards people who don't believe Byler is canon, but as someone who cares so deeply about it, it can make me kind of emotional trying to argue that I'm not delusional.
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In the end we agreed to disagree, which is fine and valid and I respect that. But with my friend, it's kind of a big deal, because to me Byler is a big deal. I admit I'm obsessed, Byler has been my biggest special interest since I watched season 4 and found out it was a thing. I can't really help it, I'm just so passionate about it and it gets stuck in my mind. You could say I'm hopelessly devoted to Byler, one of my friends online has even said they think it's unhealthy, but how can something that brings me so much joy be wrong?
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Ok this has devolved significantly, but what I'm trying to say in this whole rant/vent thing is that yes, I'm very invested in the relationship between fictional characters, because it's important to me. Representation matters, and even though I'm not a gay man, I still love seeing other groups be represented, especially in a show this popular, with a story this deep. The beauty of Byler's story transcends everything.
So it's frustrating trying to argue for something I care so much about. Byler makes me happy, it motivates me, it inspires me. I'm not going to apologize for loving the things I love and being passionate about my interests. Of course I try to be open minded, respect different opinions, and listen to other points of view. If my friend actually had evidence against Byler, I would listen and respond as constructively and respectfully as I can.
Basically, shipping Byler is valid, and not shipping or even being anti-Byler is valid (unless it's just for homophobic reasons, homophobia is not valid). But I love Byler and it does kind of hurt to have something I care about be adamantly denied and torn apart. And you know, as I'm writing this I'm actually empathizing with Milevens. This doesn't just go for Byler, it goes for all ships (as long as they're not messed up obviously), people should be able to enjoy what they enjoy without others trying to tell them why they're wrong.
There's nothing wrong with analyzing Mileven, talking about why it's unhealthy or not going to be endgame, etc. But that should stay in the proper places, we don't need to constantly remind Milevens that they're ship isn't going to end up together. Just let them be happy, and I'd expect them to do the same for us.
Idk how this turned into talking about Milevens and respecting different ships, but it did somehow. Anyway, back to the point, my friend may be wrong about what will happen in season 5, but his beliefs on it are still valid. I just wish we could talk about it in a way that doesn't make me feel bad about shipping Byler and believing it's endgame. Does that make sense?
This isn't that serious or anything, and take everything I said here as just a random vent/rant, I'm just getting out all my thoughts and feelings, because I need to after all the arguing with people today.
If Byler doesn't happen, I'll be sad, but I know I won't be alone because I have my fellow Bylers, my Byler family and community here. We can all be sad together, and support each other. When I feel bad about something, I like to remember this quote:
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That's how I feel about Byler not being endgame.
But on a lighter note, I'm pretty sure Byler will end up together, it just makes sense. So yeah, feel free to share any of your thoughts and feelings about this, I'd love to hear them. :)
I just needed to share some Byler positivity at the end because I'm tired of being surrounded by Byler negativity in my class.
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Byler rights forever. 🏳️‍🌈
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moldybonessmell · 1 year
Okay, but can we talk about this one Christmas scene in BBC Sherlock S2E2?
Let's take a look at this one dialog that occured when John needs to stay with Sherlock to comfort him after Irene's death and his girlfriend is upset:
"You're a great boyfriend!" "Okay, that's good. I mean, I always thought I was great-" "And Sherlock Holmes is a very lucky man." "Oh, Jeanette please"
John has his priorities and it's very obvious to everyone involved (even tho I do think that staying with your best friend after the death of a person who was important to him is a valid reason to miss a celebration) I suppose it just was the last straw for her
"No, I mean it. It's heartwarming. You'll do anything for him. And he can't even tell your girlfriends apart!"
The fact that John's love is so unconditional he doesn't even care if Sherlock returns it reminds me so much of this one episode of Doctor Who where River Song compared loving Doctor to loving sun: "You don't expect the sun to love you back!" or something like this, I don't remember the quote and it breaks my heart so much.
(Yes I did a wholock reference, what are you gonna do about it?)
And I also see here how much he tries to move on knowing that sun will not love him back but he just can't.
"No, I'll do anything for you, just tell me what it is, I'm not doing, tell me!" "Don't make me compete with Sherlock Holmes!"
This quote is so important because even Jeanette knows and understands the entirety of the situation John's in.
Compete with Sherlock Holmes is something nobody can do (all his enemies get defeated as we know) but not only villians are a threat, even loved ones will always be on a second place for John. The first place is forever taken by this one nerd not knowing the Earth is moving around the Sun (even tho he's the sun himself).
"I'll walk your dog for you. There, I've said it now, I'll even walk your dog." "I don't have a dog!" "No, because that was the last one- Okay."
Even John himself admits his defeat and realises what he got himself into.
(He did marry Mary eventually, and even tho I love her character, I can't help but see her being another one of "escapes" for John.)
Please don't witchhunt me for "hating on straight ships" or whatever, complain at the directors and writers who made John so unbearably closeted any other of his ships just doesn't sail (pun fully intended).
All I see here is a man desperately stuck in his one-sided feelings and fear of being out, he goes through the struggle a lot of queer people experienced in their life.
Yes, it's been done many times before, but I can't help but say that the production crew are cowards for not making John canonically queer when his writing is so authentic it makes me experience almost physical pain.
Coming back to the topic of Mary btw, I think it was fucking lame in the way her destiny turned out to be. She deserved to have a good life with loving husband and a child, but writers put her in the story just to make John not so openly queer coded (bi and pan people exist btw but it's a topic for another conversation unfortunately) and they just killed her off to "sail" the johnlock ship in the end because they are cowards to actually follow through with queerbaiting (that's what the quotes for, because they haven't actually sailed it). I hate, and I mean HATE when a woman is added to a story just for a man's character development and gets killed off and BBC's Sherlock situation is exactly like this. Why even add her to the story if you don't plan on making her stay with John? The last season makes no sense and makes me so angry I often pretend it doesn't exist "BOO TOMATOES TOMATOES-" (it's the reason I don't want any new Sherlock seasons tbh)
Okay, this post is all over the place, at this point I'm more just ranting instead of doing a proper topic analysis but I hope you liked it anyway. Share your opinion if you have any, ig the Sherlock tag is too full at this point I don't really see people taking about stuff while checking the tag (saying this as if the first season didn't come out like 13 years ago)
Have a good day :)
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i'm considering subscribing to nextup, but i wanted to know how long stuff stays up for and what's available, and i thought you might be a good person to ask, if you dont mind. if i signed up now, would i only be able to see shows from this year's edinburgh? and for how long? what gets left up as on-demand and what is live streaming only? thanks!
Hello, what a good question. So, NextUp is a streaming platform that airs UK stand-up comedy, they do livestreams and have an on-demand catalogue. If you can't watch their livestreams as they air, they'll sometimes (but sometimes not) put them in a "catch-up" section where they'll be on demand for a week or so, to be watched any time during that week. And sometimes they'll eventually get added to the long-term on demand catalogue. But sometimes, annoyingly, they don't so you have to catch the stream live or miss it.
You can actually see everything in their on-demand catalogue without buying a membership, by browsing here: https://nextupcomedy.com/catalog. That lets you look at everything that's available, you just have to buy a membership to be allowed to watch the stuff. On-demand works the same as Netflix or any similar site - one membership lets you watch all of them, any time.
To be honest I've not been with them long enough to a lot about how often stuff gets taken down (from their on-demand catalogue, that is). I haven't seen it happening a lot - there are lots of titles that have been there for a few years. Titles do occasionally disappear, but I don't think it's a huge issue the way it is with some sites. I haven't heard comedians talk about how putting a special on NextUp means it'll only be there for a little while.
It's the only streaming service subscription of any kind that I have, and I think it's worth it. It's obviously a much, much smaller company than something like Netflix, so I'm fairly confident that my money is actually going to support live comedy, rather than paying corporate overlords. It's a pretty good price, letting you pay annually for a year's worth of access to all their streams and on-demand stuff. They did recently raise their prices by a fair bit, but even the new price is pretty fair for what you're getting, compared to a lot of streaming sites.
Unfortunately the shows from this year's Edinburgh are not on on-demand at the moment, though there's a good chance they'll all get put on catch-up soon, so if you signed up now you'd be able to see them when that happens. We'll see what, if anything, gets added to the long-term catalogue.
My advice, if you're interested but unsure, is to click the link I posted above and browse the platform, see if you think the stuff they have is worth the money. You can also click on their livestream schedule to get an idea of how often they stream stuff. They've had a lot on this month because they did a bunch from Edinburgh. It's not usually as often as that, but they do regular streams of mixed-bill nights from comedy clubs in various bits of England and Scotland, and on a somewhat regular basis will livestream full hours from comedians. They also have other times in the year when they do a bunch of streams at once, ie. in January when they do Access Festival with Mark Watson.
Overall, I think a membership is worth it, if you're into UK stand-up comedy, especially since most of what you find on there won't be stuff you can find elsewhere. I would know much, much less about stand-up comedy if NextUp didn't exist.
Feel free to let me know what you decide, as I've realized while writing this post that I'm quite interested in what other people think of it.
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