#but when he’s blatantly biased and unfair
soulless-bex · 1 year
i very much enjoy severus snape as a character. in fanfictions. when he gets the fuck over himself and his unrequited feelings
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jamietwat · 7 months
Jamie would be so annoying when Roy’s reading. Like no, he has no interest in reading the same book himself. No, he has no interest in Roy reading to him and wasting that much time on it and trying to pay attention
Instead, he’s out here asking Roy annoying questions every single time he sees him reading. Which wouldn’t be as annoying if Roy wasn’t trying to read while Jamie just sat there and went “What’s that book about?” “That sounds boring” “Okay, that part sounds okay I guess” “Well what’s happening now?” “Why the fuck would anyone do that?” “Wait, what the fuck is that guy’s problem?” “What’s happening now?”
Roy tries to give him short answers in an annoyed tone but Jamie takes no hints and ignores the outright “well if you’d shut the fuck up and let me read, maybe I’d know the answer” kind of responses
But the more Jamie does it and the more often that they’re training and he’s asking about if Roy read more and about what happened, the more this genre of Jamie’s annoyingness starts to grow on him just like every other way Jamie used to annoy him
Roy likes talking about it when he’s not actively trying to read and being interrupted and then fuck him, he’ll never admit it but he starts to like being interrupted and getting to rant about characters’ stupid decisions and being validated in his disbelief by Jamie just soaking up his biased summaries and doubling down on most of his opinions and starting the stupidest fucking debates about the rest (which sometimes ends in Jamie having no fucking idea what he’s talking about and it being amusing for that reason and sometimes Jamie somehow understands a character’s motivations better than he does and Roy has an oh moment and he may or may not admit that to Jamie depending on his mood and how fed up with Jamie he is at that exact moment)
And then every once in a while, Jamie makes some fleeting reference to some book in an interview and it’s always something he hasn’t read himself but that he’s just heard about from Roy and at first it mostly flies under the radar, but eventually the public catches on to the pattern
Jamie makes some reference and later a fan makes some tweet about how he’s read their favourite book and Jamie responds with nah roy did and told me abt it
Later on, Jamie publicly calls a book his favourite despite not having actually read it because it was the most fun to talk about with Roy and he was annoyed when Roy didn’t have time to read more when he wanted to know what happened but he doesn’t give that context so for all the public knows he actually read it
But then later, he makes another comment in another interview about the same book and no one there knows enough about the book to realize he is blatantly missing some information that he would have known if he’d actually read it but later tons of people are commenting about it online and Jamie responds like roy didnt tell me abt that part
He tries to make some reference to the team trying to make some inspiring locker room speech and everyone thinks it’s great until Roy corrects Jamie’s blatant lack of awareness of how that worked out for the characters just for that to be notably less inspiring and more of a downer and now the team is distracted by how sad and unfair the book none of them has read is so Roy just sighs and lies and makes up some new events set after what he’s corrected to try to get the team back to happy and inspired from what Jamie said instead of deflated from what actually happens and they all just believe him until Sam reads the book later on and is devastated to find out that Roy made the whole happy ending up
Jamie publicly talks about another book later on that an interviewer has read and gets asked a question about it and just goes “I don’t think Roy’s gotten to that part yet” and seems completely oblivious to the confused looks he gets
And when people finally notice the pattern from the times he’s referenced something on social media or in interviews they’re like does Jamie Tartt even know how to read??? Why is every single book he ever talks about just something Roy Kent told him about??? And when people ask him about it, Jamie’s just shrugs and is like “I’m far too sexy to waste my time on reading. Roy telling me about whatever he’s reading is much faster. Roy isn’t even surprised by that because that’s one of Jamie’s go to answers he’s given every time Roy has said something like “You do realize you could just read this book yourself instead of pestering me with questions every five seconds, right?”
(Another one of Jamie’s go to answers is “Yeah, I could. But annoying you’s more fun.”)
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Hello. I'm wondering what do you think about Indra and his deprivation of heir status situation?
Hi there, nice person. Well, I think that Hagoromo was obviously a biased father with no parenting abilities and a clear, shameless favouritism for one if his children. He ruined their children's lives by seeding discord between them and acting in a blatantly unfair way. He had two sons who were perfectly complementary to each other and, instead of stetting them to cooperate, he left all the power to one hoping the other would just submit to him and serve him in exchange for nothing. This was his idea of "love and cooperation", favouring one part while the other just gives in and accepts whichever humiliation and dishonour. He claims to seek peace, but peace can't never be cemented on injustice and discrimination, something many heroes of the story never seem to grasp.
Indra was left with nothing but a rock, where his father even engraved warnings against power for his successors, a testimonial of how much he distrusted Indra and how he extended that distrust to all his bloodline, even those who were not even born yet. The stone tablet is a testimonial of Hagoromo's everlasting prejudice. It is extremely upsetting and, when Indra is portrayed as evil, jealous or unreasonable, I seriously can't believe people can't consider how betrayed and failed he must have felt.
As I was telling once to a mutual, imagine you own a farm and you have two children. One knows how to handle animals, grow crops, and manage all the work in the farm, but he is null with people. The other knows nothing about the work, but he excels at finding clients, suppliers, organises exchanges with the community... Would you leave the farm to the "people person" child and expect the other to just be ok with it and work for free under the lead of the child who knows nothing about how the business works? And when the excluded child gets angry as expected, you blame him for the farm not working properly? "Oh, my child does not want to be used and treated unfairly, so now the farm does not work and people go hungry, he is so mean!"
That is what Hagomoro did here. He gave the power solely to the dumb child, hoping that "power of friendship" would compensate for his lack of talent and knowledge. But the dumb child and his descendants could never make peace. And this was not only due to the fact that Indra and his descendants were angry at their unfair treatment and challenged their greedy relatives. When the "Asuras" are in charge of power, all they have is nice words and empty promises, but in reality they only create chaos and their only worry is to keep hoarding power and influence. They can't achieve anything because they don't know how to do it. They are simply not capable and they only care for themselves, despite their friendly façade. They are of course expert people pleasers, which makes them good manipulators and demagogues, but never good leaders.
In summary, Indra was treated unfairly and he is the victim in this story. (And, as his last living descendant, if I ever see Hagoromo again I will stuck that stone table up his ass)
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pigeonwit · 6 months
HI. for ur ride. digging into my newsies fan recesses of my brain.
ur modern interpretations of the newsies meet your canon timeline interpretations of them. what do they say to each other. assuming that whatever they say will not break the space time continuum
okay, so full disclosure my modern era newsies interpretation is just @jasperscringepit 's punksies au. that is canon to me. that is who the newsies would be if they were alive in the modern era. now the lore for this (at least my lore for the punksies fic i have stashed away for a rainy day) is that davey spent his entirety of high school stressing over assignments and exams, losing sleep, losing weight, all in order to get the best possible future he could. he sacrificed friendships, hobbies, his morals, his WANTS, because the rules said that if he did, he'd have a better future. and then he gets an F on one of his assignments for 'vulgar and inappropriate subject matter' (he brought up queer theorists to bolster his points, the focus of his assignment wasn't queer in any way, he just brought up queer theory in passing) and he spirals. he has a full crisis of faith at the tender age of 17 and loses all faith in the system. he worked so hard and for what? what now? what if he cant get into a good college? why is that so important to him? why should he spend his life trying to fit a mold if he'll just be thrown out for the slightest misstep? why is he stressing and losing sleep for the hope that MAYBE he can do the things he wants to do when those things are going to get him labelled as 'vulgar' and 'inappropriate' no matter what? whats the point of sacrificing his morals in order to MAYBE change the world one day when the world needs changing now?
he doesnt have hobbies. he doesnt have FRIENDS. he doesnt even know what he likes.
so he jumps off the deep end and gives up on everything he used to depend on. he gives up on wearing sweatervests and trying to keep his curls neat for the sake of Looking Professional (why does he need to look professional he is SEVENTEEN-). he dyes his hair. he gets piercings. he wears band tees and he feels comfortable wearing them. he doesnt cringe when people look at him because hes not performing anymore. hes HIMSELF for the first time and it rules.
and people... notice.
jack notices. his whole group notices. and daveys pretty sure theyre making fun of him but whatever, he feels GOOD. he gets bolder. he calls out all the assholes he was too scared to call out before. he talks back when teachers are being blatantly false or biased or just unfair.
and he gets detention, obviously, but who cares. who cares?
thats where the musical events take place, i think. davey gets put in detention with the newsies and hes obviously out of place. hes nervous and a little snippy but jack seems curious. he takes davey under his wing, no matter how much davey kind of wishes he didnt. he doesnt leave him alone. he ropes davey into skipping detention and running through town and suddenly theres some cop that jacks running from like the plague and davey has no idea how he even got roped into all this but he is and its terrifying and exhilarating and holy fuck he cant even remember the last time he spent time with someone who wasnt sarah or les.
thats all i have i think. im not entirely sure WHAT pulitzer does in this au so im just gonna say 'vagus 90s college comedy plotline'. mean dean needs taking down a peg and a bunch of queers from the theatre department are going to do that. i dont want to get too focused on that though - i think if modern aus follow the canon events to a tee theres not much point in making modern aus. but i think thats how davey joining the newsies would catalyze. thanks jupes love you jupes thank you for indulging my nonsense mwahmwah
(this bus smells and people keep fully open mouth coughing everywhere. kill me)
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archivalofsins · 2 months
So, let's talk about the last few questions.
In this post we'll be discussing Kotoko's second trial interrogation questions.
Here's every post I've made regarding all of her interrogation questions.
Question 1, Question 2, Question 3, Questions 4-7 Part 1, Question 7-9 Part 2, Question 10.
So, today we'll be attempting to cover every question that has come out since then.
That means questions eleven through sixteen.
They aren't really that interesting but at least the written interrogation is almost over. This trial has been rather repetitive if I'm being honest.
But first let's address the elephant in the room-
I want to spend the beginning of this post discussing the behavior exhibited by a few bad apples over the course of Kotoko's second trial. What follows are just my personal experiences and my opinions on the matter.
Gunsli; why haven't you been discussing the questions the day they release? You were doing it that way at the start. Why are you waiting for a batch of them to drop then writing something up on it now? To take it further why are you being so thorough when it comes to Kotoko specifically? I mean you weren't like this with any of the other prisoners.
Okay, example questions that I've written up to answer. For anyone new here I was like this with other characters. Like literally this whole side blog is like this.
I spent the second trial of one of my favorite characters blatantly stating he was lying in every way possible. Highlighting it was definitely him that did that shit and how unfair it was that he was coasting to an innocent verdict in comparison to the trials of others before him. Regardless of if others wanted to speculate differently.
So, please believe me when I say one thing, I am consistent in my behavior.
I talk and write about the things that interest me.
Literally all of the prisoner's written interrogations have been interesting to me to varying degrees. Kotoko isn't the first prisoner I've written a lot about, and she won't be the last.
This is Milgram.
This is how it works. We've gone nine other trials doing the same thing for everyone else. Kotoko is not special. This is just another trial on the record for me. Sorry not sorry; don't go losing your heads over it now. She's no different from the nine other characters to come before her.
Plus, to be crass for a moment Kotoko doesn't want to step on anyone here anyway. She especially isn't going to want to step on the people that fully believe she's right. I've got a better chance of being stepped on by her than any of the yes man thirsting after her. Well, that is if Anti Beat is anything to go by.
With that low shot out of the way. I have been as critical of every prisoner as I've been with Kotoko. Even going as far to highlight when my own biases may be impacting my view on a character or their situation. The only character in Milgram who even remotely got any leniency from me if we're being real was Kazui.
The only reason that was is because people were espousing what came off to me as homophobic rhetoric in regards to his case, and I didn't want anything I said to be involved with that. Even still when I said what I thought he did after his trial ended, I still got flack for it. He wasn't even on fucking trial anymore it literally couldn't impact anything to speak about the concept in good faith.
So, I'm not coming at this brand new. I try to remain as consistent as possible. I have my lines and stick to them.
Even though I can get heated just like anyone else I still try my best to not compromise myself and discuss the topics at hand with consideration towards others. The reason I've moved to discussing Kotoko's written interrogation in batches like this is because-
One, it's more entertaining for me to do it that way and keeps my own attention better. Since I'm busy with life stuff currently. Also, it gives breathing room for the tag to die down in activity. So, more avid fans of her character don't end up coming across my post. Whether anyone wants to believe it or not some of Kotoko's fans have simply been the most obnoxious out of any trial to happen so far.
One going as far as to direct message me with what they believed to be pertinent corrective information that needed to be brought to my attention about a post I made. Condescendingly telling me I think you don't know what that word means causing this post to be necessary.
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These are all the screenshots of it I still have from sharing this experience on discord. Honestly, I don't have a damn thing to hide. Even though I believe my behavior in this instance could have been better.
The behavior exhibited by this party regardless of how they personally feel about Kotoko or not was incredibly inappropriate. They contacted me under the belief that they could educate me on my improper use of this term. For what I can only believe was in the hopes of me rewording the post I had written to use a softer and less serious phrase in their opinion.
The way this person went about this was to me indicative of an entitled and woefully misinformed individual. They begin this conversation by demeaning my intelligence. Then when informed they were in fact incorrect about their assertion state,
"I apologize with that, I wasn't trying to say grooming can only be sexual. That wasn't exactly my point though with messaging you about this."
Then continued to denote that grooming can only occur when physical touch is present through stating,
"Grooming is still a very serious term to throw around, so I do not see how Kotoko deliberately pushing a child away from her and manipulating her to retract a testimony can somehow equate to grooming her."
A sentiment that still implies this individual believes on some level that all grooming is overtly physical or sexual.
I can admit I came on strong in these direct messages with this individual. Who again decided they just had to contact me about what they believed to be an egregious error on my part. I was defensive due to being rightfully upset by the situation occurring. However, this instance is not indicative of the sort of person I want to be when instances like this arise.
Even if from my perspective this individual had messaged me in a very accusatory, combative, disrespectful fashion that ultimately ended in insulting my intelligence. I can recognize how me sticking to facts and definitions may come off as callous, inconsiderate, or obstinate.
Still, I've stated before and I will state again I do not argue with people over their subjective opinions.
That is why when it came to my attention this was a subjective and personal interpretation which had nothing to do with my wording or the meaning of the term being used, I told this person as much. Then the discussion ended shortly after. Did I have to explain my point of view further when I stated that to them? No, I did not. At the time I was very annoyed that someone had messaged me with a lecture about something they didn't fully understand and were only treating seriously to use as a justification for why Kotoko or her actions should not be referred to in the way I did.
An individual going from, "I think you were using this term wrong" to "Well even if you were using it correctly I still think it's a very serious term to just fling around like you are". Is incredibly wishy washy to say the least and at the most disingenuous. In my opinion the behavior exhibited was not treating the topic of grooming with the seriousness it deserved.
I used the term I did in that post because this topic matters to me. It is something I am very serious about for personal reasons. For someone to message me something of this nature without knowing one thing about me or my life solely based on my post about Kotoko is disrespectful. They don't know what I know, what I've been through, or what experiences shaped me concluding what I did.
They just saw me saying something they didn't like/agree with about a character they enjoy and messaged me this without taking my own personhood into consideration. I could have blocked them. I didn't have to engage. I could have spent that hour doing something better with my time than being pestered by someone who had already chosen what their opinion of me was before even messaging under the guise of just wanting to share their concerns.
Because heaven forbid people know the technical definition of grooming or how to spot it. I mean if they did that may actually help people recognize when it's happening outside of a sexual context and move away from individuals that may be predating on them. What kind of sicko would want that? Me I want that. I want people to know how to spot these things because it's important and it allows people to be safer in real life. I don't think it's a controversial opinion to have or to state. I don't think that's an odd thing to want.
I'm not worried about fictional people. I'm worried about the safety and well-being of real people. How the beliefs people apply in Milgram can impact how they act in their real lives, the way they treat others, and how they analyze difficult and controversial topics. Maybe if we just fling around terms when they're applicable people just might learn something. Even if some people don't see how this applies or even agree with the assertion on a subjective level.
Some people in this fandom could really benefit from becoming comfortable with saying that lesson wasn't meant for me and moving the fuck on. Instead of doing things like this.
Outside of this instance other people have been harassing me before this trial even fucking started. So, what the fuck am I meant to do in this situation, huh? Some people may feel like I should stop talking about it. Yet, the fact that some people have no clue what the definition of grooming is should be a topic of concern and discussion actually. That's a legitimate problem.
Which is why I made that post discussing it.
So, from this I know personally that more avid fans have been behaving in this manner since checks notes (the timestamp of the discord messages)-
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The day after her song was released.
So, if anyone doesn't see a back and forth happening here, please assume it's happening in private just like many did with other trials. Instead of believing both parties are ignoring the other and equally dismissive.
In previous trials people wanted to talk about taking things too seriously, Milgram being in good fun, and the characters not being real people when it came to literal depictions of child abuse and neglect.
There were a fair few people reducing Amane's situation to not treating her like a child because she asked us not to do that. Stating that treating her like a victim of abuse was comparable to treating her like a child. That doing so would be infantilizing and something she expressed not wanting in her first voice drama.
Ignore the fact that in her second voice drama Es specifically speculates that she on some level did want to be treated like a child and for her mistakes to be forgiven.
Along with these line that blatantly allude to this being the case from her first song Magic,
"Dear wise one, is this ok? Is it ok to be weak sometimes? I promise! A good girl that keeps a promise is like, mwah! I won’t say “I’ve had enough” Will you laugh with me and forgive me?"
"I hope, I hope everyone can be happy and smile. Forever, forever together would be a dream. Dear wise one, Am I worthy? Is it ok to spoil myself?"
"Even I can say "I'm sorry". Even I have hope I swear! I'm going to be a good girl now! That's it!"
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This isn't about the abuse or her age this about taking a firm stance against cult mentalities. Amane needs to know that this sort of behavior is wrong and is never excusable even when you're being actively abused. Despite that not being the case at all during Mu's first trial.
It's like trauma and abuse are only a reasonable justification that should be taken into consideration to further contextualize the situation at hand only when it's certain characters. Not something that is getting applied equally across trials. Statements such as these prompted me to state this at the time.
Some fans of the series even going as far to state the individuals who wanted Amane Innocent during that trial were mean, aggressive, rabid, and unreasonable. Based on things happening from other platforms that certain individuals choose to bring here.
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For some reason during Amane's trial people were barely discussing the blatant trauma displayed let alone speculating about other trauma she may have.
Then when discussing this situation with a friend during the day of the eclipse they brought up how everyone was really different about Haruka's trauma too. Voting him guilty for safety reasons or to show him how he was behaving was wrong and undesirable. Despite a 50/50 being possible in his situation. The same reasons people tried to use again with Amane.
So, I really don't see why some people believe speculating about Kotoko having trauma, something that everyone in Milgram and every person on earth has, is going to better contextualize her behavior, bring nuance to, or even help her case. The fandom has consistently shown that they do not care about people with trauma over the course of trial two unless it's a certain type. Some want to state that others are pushing forth the idea that Kotoko doesn't have trauma when I've personally seen no one say that and I have not said that myself.
Because it would be asine to say that. Everyone in the world has trauma to varying extents. I could not walk up to one person and ask hey do you have trauma that would go, "Actually no.... I don't think I have any. Nothing in my life has ever upset me to the extent of it being traumatic. I've actually never had any troubles ever. The world is just perfect for me. I look outside the airs crisp the sun shines all time. Sure I've faced hardships but nothing as severe as what it takes to have genuine trauma and no I've never needed therapy. I'll also never go."
It would sound off if someone told me that. It would sound a lot like, "Well some have it worse so I can't complain. Even the worst thing that has happened to me couldn't compare to what people who truly struggle go through." When honestly people can be doing worse than you and that would not diminish the experiences in your life that have hurt you or even excuse those people who have had it worse hurting you if they do. The reverse is true too. Someone could be doing better than you and that in no way can be used to dismiss the struggles they've gone through or the pain your actions may cause them.
That's just simply not how anything works. Trauma is not a competition. Sure there are varying degrees of trauma and not everyone's is going to be the same. Think of it like a burn there are different degrees but at the end of the day everyone still gets burned every once and a while. We can discuss the severity but at the end of the day all burns need treatment and time to heal. Getting burned is no excuse to be an arsonist. That has always been my point with this. Not that Kotoko doesn't have trauma but that having trauma is a normal part of life. That does not make anyone less or more than the other people around them.
I've only pointed out that I believe it's a bit ableist to state she has to have trauma because "No normal person ends up like her" or "Because no one without trauma would end up the way she is". Because newsflash everyone has some sort of trauma. Something I don't personally have an issue admitting. Furthermore, anyone could end up like Kotoko no one has to be a special sort of messed up in their past to end up the way she is. Yet not being a special sort of messed up from your past doesn't it make it more likely for someone to turn out like Kotoko.
Any person could turn out like this. Anybody could choose to behave the same way she does. Regardless someone's past does not justify or excuse them being cruel or lashing out at others. Plus, like I covered in both Amane and Haruka's cases their trauma was either blatantly ignored or weaponized against them. So, I don't see how speculating about this will make the situation better.
If that's just what people enjoy doing with their time go for it. I'm not one to knock what others find enjoyable as long as they aren't hurting others.
Plus, on a personal note I love a bit of angst every now and then myself. As well as project on the characters that I relate to. So, I understand why a good deal of people would be attached to the concept of her having trauma, maybe even trauma like their own.
However, other people not enjoying that is no reason to consistently harass or mistreat them. People can have their fun but it shouldn't be at the expense of the people around them and their feelings. I'm personally not going to speculate about shit we haven't seen at all and I have no interest in.
Kotoko having the sort of traumatic past for the reasons some individuals want her to have one just does not intrigue me. I'm not speculating on this at this time because the way it is being speculated is demeaning to me.
Want to know the most fucked up part?
People will say that others are saying she doesn't have trauma. Including myself in this when I literally fucking speculated, she had a dissociative disorder.
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Something that forms through traumatic events.
So, it's not even like I'm avidly against this, don't see the merit in thinking about it, or haven't speculated on this before. I just don't think having trauma should be used as a justification or excuse for how she has behaved in the past or has stated she is committed to continuing to behave now.
I also don't believe it is something readily apparent based on how she behaves. Because again that's fucking ableist regardless of how I slice it that's how it comes off. Yet even if I didn't fucking speculate that and I saw no merit in examining Kotoko's possible trauma. That would be a personal decision of mine deserving of respect, not a thing to be antagonized over.
To be honest I find it interesting and somewhat disingenuous that things are suddenly that serious now.
Oh, but no it's only that serious if that speculative information is being used to explain and give additional context to her behavior specifically. Only if the one doing so is presenting that in a sympathetic way of course. If they're doing this in a way that comes off as demonizing Kotoko to the other party or displaying that she's wrong, then they get messages like those.
Explaining politely that they are in fact a moron, whose statements have really hurt the other person's feelings, that just doesn't know the harm their words are causing or the definition of the terms they use. To people viewing these issues in this way suddenly the other party is the sort of person who couldn't analyze their way out of a paper bag let alone through Milgram.
You just don't get it- You're a,
Moron who just didn’t understand.
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Q.10 What were you called online?
Kotoko: A lot of things. Cause there were people who supported me, and then there were also morons who just didn’t understand.
No need to fret though these good people are here to help teach you the right way to interpret this now. You can learn the right way to analyze this, okay? A way that isn't so offensive to them. If you can do that maybe there's still some hope for you. Ya little dumb-dumb. With your little dumb-dumb theories and statements that lack nuance. Oh, you little thing you- If you can just listen now there's still a chance.
If you can't then you're just one of those people, it seems.
Wait, wait hold on- Let's wind it back a bit.
What about the logic used before? What if all the people voting Kotoko guilty were just having fun and the innocent voters were so aggressive and unreasonable? So, what if some people wanted to vote Kotoko guilty for the fuck of it. They're just trying to have some fun guys, it's not that serious. She's not a real person.
How would people behaving in that manner now be any different from any of the other trials then? Other than the fact that some of the people involved are on the receiving end of it this time.
At least I wouldn't be making an entire fucking shrine over it! Bribing people to vote a certain way and creating a new superstition. Yet to some of the people behaving in these ways towards other people the other party just talking about it online is bad enough.
The only reason that things have been quiet in this case is due to a lot of people who are too nice not wanting to rock the boat and staying quiet. Not because nothing is going on at all. Just like with the anon sent to the confession blog. There have been individuals who act like this for a well-documented amount of time. Harassing people behind the guise of anonymity and in private. The tactics have not changed, and individuals who choose to behave in this way will do anything to who they view as against them in the moment without much thought.
This is not an us versus them situation. This is not a cold war. This is a few bad actors harassing people for enjoying and viewing things in a different way than them.
I believe that's the definition of taking things too seriously when it comes to Milgram. So yeah, I'm saying my piece and hauling ass as quickly as possible and doing something else.
Because this is what people who even remotely discuss any of the characters analytically get for it. Not even just Kotoko. This same shit has happened to me multiple times throughout the second trial of Milgram with different characters. Which is why I treat all of this like any other day.
Yet, through saying this I recognize there are still going to be some who could frame me as behaving like this. Some people may seriously view myself and others who discuss Kotoko in ways they dislike as literal villains. People that are just conniving in the shadows to ruin her good name and strip her miraculous character of all nuance.
Evil laughing guffawing like fucking Alvin and Chipmunks villains. As they rub their hands together and laugh with their high pitch voices of sin.
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"Look at her bloody evil covered in sin we've done it- We've ruined and flattened this character! We've achieved! Yaha!" They possibly imagine people who discuss her in disagreeable ways cheering as they hit that post button with a menacing grin. Just like Kotoko doing her fucking journalism and all that research.
It's so funny how much both parties in this situation have in common with Kotoko when one takes a step back to really think about it.
Hell, some fans of Milgram look at the work the staff on the series does and how certain characters have been portrayed in canon over the course of trial two the same way as people are being viewed in this situation for how they discuss Kotoko. Something that has been happening for a while. The people who create the thing aren't even exempt from this sort of behavior.
There are a good deal of people who act like this toward others then go crying about how there isn't enough nuance being applied in these situations. How people just aren't thinking about these things hard enough or in the right way. When really there is nuance just not the sort they want.
I talk about Milgram for my own enjoyment.
I'm not getting anything from this outside of displaying that enjoyment for the most part. I don't have a vendetta against Kotoko as a character. None of the Milgram characters are the people who consider themselves to be their fans.
How the people that claim to like these characters treat other real people is completely on them, reflective of their character, and ability for empathy. Simply put they chose to treat other people the ways they did and they are responsible for that regardless of how in the right they believe they are.
Yet, even if some bad actors who call themselves fans of hers consistently caused me strife that doesn't impact how much I like Kotoko's character. Just like me discussing her in a not completely positive light isn't indicative of my feelings on her either.
I can separate a character from their fans. I had a lot of practice with other prisoners before this. I can criticize a characters actions while still grasping and understanding their motivations. This is just another Monday where I talk about the things I like the way I enjoy discussing them. This trial is like every other trial to me.
In my opinion the fandom hasn't changed one bit and if anyone were to pop the hood they'd see all the gunked up gears inside. Yet, heed this warning once you go under you don't go back up top without getting dirty.
That's Milgram and it always has been.
This is what this fandom is like. A lot of good people are trying to make the best of it. Even those mistakenly hurting others in their upset are just trying to look out for their own enjoyment. Possibly in what may be the only way they know how to in this moment. That's really the only grace I can extend at this time.
So, as always when I discuss things like this within the fandom- Remember to treat people how you would personally like to be treated. How you would want your opinions and beliefs to be treated. Remember that this fandom is a space for more people than yourself. So, not everyone is going to view things the same way as you.
Take a step back and realize how amazing and enriching that fact can be. Take a moment to appreciate the diversity that each person within this fandom contributes to it. Whether that's for better or worse.
If someone's views aren't doing any harm to real people then the best thing to be is respectful. No one would want another person to walk up to them then tell them they're enjoying something they like improperly. Yes someone's individual beliefs can upset another person and be in direct opposition to what they believe but that's not causing anyone harm. Not everyone I meet in my life is going to agree with my personal beliefs or how I present them.
That does not diminish the value of those beliefs.
Diversity of thought isn't an issue. It's only becomes an issue when those thoughts turn into actions that hurt people. In fact, diversity of thought is how nuance is formed. The thing some are saying Kotoko's case does not have enough of. Which is why that statement rings so disingenuous to me across fandoms not just here.
If for some reason it's impossible for another person to be considerate and respectful of the other individuals they share a space with then they should remove themselves from that space. There is no reason for anyone to actively antagonize others on their posts in a bad faith, disrespectful, and reductive ways. There's especially no reason to direct message someone in an attempt to make them feel insecure or uncertain about something they've posted just because one may personally disagree with it.
I'm not sorry about the way I discuss Kotoko.
I am sorry that so many people are more concerned over the perception of a fictional character that they've begun stepping on the feelings and boundaries of the real people they share a space with. I'm ashamed that individuals in the fandom have and are continuing to act the ways I've experienced, seen, and heard of them acting towards people.
All of whom do quite frankly thankless work at times. I can only hope that the people who have behaved in this manner over the course of the series mature one day and recognize how detrimental their actions have been not only for themselves but to those around them.
This is the only time I will be discussing this situation in depth.
Now onto the questions.
I'm going to be brief with some of these because I didn't really feel like they gave much of anything new.
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Q.11 Is there really no chance to start anew for wrongdoers?
Kotoko: No way. Once a beast gets a taste for human flesh, it will always come back for seconds.
From the beginning Kotoko hasn't been focused on if people can change. She has been focused on making them understand the suffering and pain they've caused. She's stated that people can't realize the severity of what they've done without first losing something themselves in her second voice drama,
"Es, look. Someone who committed a crime can only realise its severity through losing something. I've seen many criminals, but none of them would give way without pain."
Yet, this goes as far back as her first trial song.
"I’ll teach you the pain you caused. It’s a tie after saying sorry? What are you hoping for?"
Where she blatantly states that this isn't about apologizing and making amends it's about the other person experiencing the same pain as they caused. Throughout Harrow we also see that one of the people that Kotoko jumps has been held accountable by a court of law. However as we know from Kotoko's seventh second trial written interrogation question she has her doubts about the legal systems ability to properly punish sin.
So, she may not believe that a punishment handed down by judiciary is good enough in this circumstance. Especially for an individual implied to be a repeat offender. Him possibly getting a slap on the wrist for something he has a pattern of doing would probably only frustrate her more.
Especially if Kotoko was connected to the person he swindled in any way. Then that would make this situation more of a personal one.
So, let's take a look back at the articles from Harrow. For the record this is more speculative so feel free to ignore it.
I just felt there was something strange about the newspaper articles in her case. On of them is about a serial killer going around murdering young girls. Yet the others are mostly petty financially exploitative crimes that expressly take advantage of an elderly woman, moms, and bike owners.
That a pretty huge leap in severity. I wouldn't really think that much of it if it weren't for what we know about Kotoko.
Q.08  Tell us your family structure.
Kotoko: Grandmother, father, mother, older brother.
Q.08 What are your parent’s occupations?
Kotoko: They’re just the normal office worker and housewife. Did you want me to be born in with some unique circumstances?
In the translation there are two articles that stick out the most to me in reference to this information.
The one about the Bank Employee Impersonation scam where an elderly eighty year old woman was stalked and tricked into giving up a bank note for five hundred thousand yen or three thousand two hundred ninety four dollars and eight three cents in USD. The perpetrator of this crime was later identified as Mikio Oshii the person we see Kotoko jumping in Harrow and alluded to going to jump in Deep Cover.
I think it's possible and reasonable to speculate the first elderly woman that Mikio Oshii scammed was Kotoko's grandmother. Something that may have caused her to be interested in the case to begin with. I say first instead of second because it seems she was looking into it before the second case even occurred.
The second article referring to the fortieth victim of a "It's Me" Phone scam where a woman received a phone call from a man claiming to be their eldest son stating they'd been in an accident and needed money. Ultimately the man ended up scamming the woman out of a million yen. Stating that he'd been hospitalized due to the accident and needed the money he told her to deliver it to a train station which she did. That's another six thousand five hundred and eighty nine dollars and sixty-six cents gone.
Oh yeah Kotoko has an older brother and her mom is a housewife right? Huh... She implies that her family circumstances aren't unique through asking if we wanted her to be born under some unique circumstances. Yet, her life is a lot more interesting when you really look at everything laid out.
Her father is the sole earner of the household. Yet she goes to a top law university and managed to study martial arts from a young age. They're not rich like Mu's family but they're comfortably middle class at least. Yet this means a few scams like this and Kotoko's family would suddenly find it incredibly financially difficult to cover her university costs.
I asked Bunny about what her tuition costs would look like, and they stated,
Ok the amount I found for the University of Tokyo's law department was 804,000円 per year or $5298 per year
Then because I asked what the average office worker salary was.
kotoko uses the term 'kaishain' which is very generic 'office worker'/'company employee so as you said, lots of variation but this is apprently the average
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If we go by ungendered average (4,610,000 yen) then its roughly $30,000 per year
Meaning the amount of money that her family members could have possibly lost for these scams is over the amount of how much one year of tuition would cost her.
"How heavy “HARROW” “HARROW” Is the damage to get in the way of someone’s dream- I’ll gouge you out with my fangs."/ "How heavy “HARROW” “HARROW” If it damaged someone’s dream to the points of stopping it- I’ll gouge you out with my fangs."
Not having the money to cover your next year is a good enough reason for anyone to take a break. Whoa Gunsli you just spent the whole first segment of this explaining that people were harping on Kotoko having trauma too much but now you're speculating-
Well, I also said I talk about the things that interest me. The fact that Kotoko's family members could have suffered from financially exploitative scams by the people she jumped. Well, that's pretty damn interesting.
Especially when we take this interaction between her and Mikoto into consideration,
Mikoto: Hey, hey, Koto-chan. I’ve been thinking this ever since I first heard your name, but don’t you think the names “Mikoto” and “Kotoko” kinda sound like siblings?
Kotoko: No.
Mikoto: Don’t say that! Let’s get along well from here on as the Koto-Koto combo!
Kotoko: I’m not doing that.
It's incredibly funny to me personally to imagine Kotoko possibly just disliking Mikoto because he reminds her of her actual older brother with his careless and flippant behavior. Hell one of the bikes stolen could have actually been her older brothers. Yet, this also showcases that she may hold a great importance in her family. Be it found or through blood.
Something she's consistently shown to be committed to. She's the sort to want to protect her pack is the best way to put it. I don't even know if this can be considered trauma or being incredibly unlucky. This would also explain why she's so hypervigilant around others and standoffish when it comes to the other prisoners at first.
If she's used to being in a close proximity to scammers and conman of course she'd be suspicious from jump.
Mahiru: Hey, Kotoko-chan. There’s something that’s really been bugging me, so do you mind if I ask? ……how do you style yourself so well? Have you always dressed like that? But it also looks like something you’d wear for training. Do you play sport? Ah, or maybe some kind of martial arts?
Kotoko: ……you really are carefree. Everyone in here is a “murderer” right? Is this really the time to be asking questions like that?
Mahiru: Hmm, I guess so. That’s what they said. But nobody here seems particularly scary or anything, right? If I had to pick someone, then maybe you’re the scariest! Ah, wait, do you do like yoga or something?
Kotoko: ……I can’t tell if you’re making fun of me or are just an airhead.
It would also fall in line with her going by Es' word because even though she doesn't really have much faith in Es just the merit of Milgram as a system. Then she may recognize she's simply a bit oblivious when it comes to the behavior of other people, knows she isn't the best judge of these things, and doesn't want the responsibility in case she's wrong. Sure she's confident that she'll know evil when she sees it but living with the what if's is a bit more difficult when it's all on you. Ultimately this is purely speculative and the people she jumped could be completely uninvolved with her.
However, the reason I doubt that is because of this line in Harrow-
"Whose fault is it, This is getting ridiculous."
We're never really told whose she's looking for and why. It's fair to assume that it was the child murderer but she continues going even after taking care of him as we see in Deep Cover. So what the fuck is this line referring to?
Plus it would make sense if she was suddenly no longer financially able to go to college anymore. Kotoko doesn't show a disinterest in law. In fact though she scrutinizes the justice system her interest in it seems genuine. She probably had an interest in cleaning it up from the inside and since being in Milgram she's shown an interest in continuing her studies repeatedly. So, if that was the dream that was stopped then it'd make sense if due to Milgram she began to believe it was possible again.
Especially since she went from blatantly stating she dropped out in her first voice drama to stating she's just on leave because there's something else she wants to do right now in her first written interrogation.
Q.07 What did you study at university?
Kotoko: Technically, I’m studying law. I’m on a break right now because there’s something else I want to do, though.
This would also fall in line with her belief that once an offender always an offender. As she would have been there to witness how some people behave even if it wasn't her who was actively victimized by them and just people close to her. Something that would tie into her very defensive response to this question,
Q.18  Have you ever personally been persecuted in the past?
Kotoko: I haven’t. But are you trying to say that if you haven’t had those experiences you can’t hate evildoers?
Plus I feel it would explain why literally outside of the child murders everything else on her board is a petty crime. This could just be a tidbit meant to mirror how Haruka works his way up from animals to people. Yet I don't think so because Kotoko goes from taking out a serial killer to jumping a conman. It's also possible that Kotoko and the serial killer are related in some way. Maybe through the hit and run.
From the beginning of Harrow Kotoko is flashing to the memorial and call for information on the hit and run. That we later find out the person she kills is speculated of being responsible for as well. If Kotoko was a witness to the hit and run in some way she would have more reason to assume the worse of this guy. She would also know the lengths that people involved with this person had gone to in order to cover up his heinous behavior and enable him.
Making it more likely for her to believe that if he wasn't taken care of then and there he'd just end up getting another slap on the wrist again. Or basically that this was the only way of handling the situation.
However outside of all that what Kotoko says here could also be a simple case of projection. Where she believes that others can't change because she thinks she can't either. Note that in her answer she moves away from her usual wording of discussing things in terms of good and evil.
Instead stating,
"No way. Once a beast gets a taste for human flesh, it will always come back for seconds."
Despite the question only asking about wrongdoers not murderers she immediately jumps there by saying once a beast gets a taste of human flesh. Kotoko also very similarly to Mikoto fears that she is the beast or monster that she's trying to fight.
Plus, her very first glitched voice line is-
"This feels so good."
Making it likely that a bit of her own self-hatred is coming through with this answer. Making me interpret it as her going I can't stop so how would they be able to.
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Q.12 But aren’t 'your' actions an overstep of boundaries?
Kotoko: You were the one who chose to walk this path with me, aren’t you? I simply serve as a means to fulfill your wishes as a warden.
Remember when I said I was going to make some of these brief. I agree with Kotoko here. Like the audience supported her mindset. She put on full display she jumps criminals and she was in a place where others had already been judged as criminals. Before she was even on trial the others started showing signs of being viewed that way. I mean what can I say other than yeah the audience choose that. I didn't. I didn't vote on her first trial.
Like in the first half she's right. The second half she's lying. Like she hasn't even asked Es what they want her to do. Es is the warden. However, technically Kotoko does not consider Es to be the warden. She considers the audience to be the warden and Es to be just another prisoner being used as a proxy for the audience the real wardens. As shown through Deep Cover,
"“UNDER” Inept “011 Guard”"
And like some of the audience did want those people jumped. Hell, some celebrated them being jumped. So, like maybe we've wrapped back around to her just being right. Still I don't have much to say about this.
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Q.13 Was the person you killed evil?
Kotoko: Of course. I’ve investigated to the very end and confirmed every detail. It’s easier here since you’re the one who’s deciding who gets punished.
I believe in journalist Kotoko to be unbiased and fair. She is fair and just. No one would ever wrongfully report on an event in the music videos where it's put on fully display that news outlets cannot be trusted as one's sole source of information several different ways. In a series where the voice drama of the very second prisoner discusses the pitfalls of tabloids and news shows.
I don't believe her by the way.
I believe that she believes she researched it thoroughly. However, she did just attempt to jump four people solely based on the opinion of what appears to be a middle schooler. So, who's to say. Then ended this by saying it's easier now that she has said middle schooler here to decide who gets punished.
In fairness she could be referring to the audience but we all know how much we know. So, that's hardly any better. I'd feel safer if she was making the decisions herself actually and I know she's going to jump Mikoto if she does. Maybe they would just be in constant combat like Wile E Coyote and the Road Runner. Then at least everyone else would be good.
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Q.14 Don’t you feel a sense of isolation in your current situation?
Kotoko: It feels like nothing's changed. If the world gets even a little better just by me undertaking this isolation, then that is the role the strong play.
Hey, she's committed to being alone just like Mikoto is committed to that job. If the world can't change that's the world's problem you just keep doing you. Never introspect. If nothing has changed that really means the world hasn't gotten better or worse. Yet, you know maybe if you keep doing the same things over and over the outcome will change.
Also sidenote she wasn't really talking to anyone like that. Why would she mind the isolation like who does she miss. The one girl that's nice to her she put in a cast. She could go see her. Hell, she doesn't have any hard feelings about the jumping thing. She said so in her second voice drama. Kotoko does not have to be alone.
Mikoto even tried talking to her on her birthday. Shidou and Kazui tried to negotiate a ceasefire and have been since the first trial of trial two. People talk to her! Plus, they aren't really rude when she comes up and talks to them.
Literally everyone is over here like,
Kazui: Come join us in sin Kotoko.
Mikoto: Yeah come in the sin is fine~ Koto-koto duo!
Yuno: Come on a little sin never hurts- Do it just smile.
Mahiru: We're not so different- We could all get along if we try. Let's have fun!
Kotoko: ... (They’re still here, still here, it grates me.)
In Kotoko vision meanwhile they're all here in actuality like,
Yuno: Does she like want something?
Mahiru: Maybe she feels bad about what she did.
Shidou: ... Possibly. (Shiina is so hopeful. Though why is Yuzuriha-kun making growling noises...)
Kotoko: Sinful...all of them.
Amane: ???
Kazui and Mikoto aren't even here she's just still mad about them interfering.
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Q.15 Tell us the details of your promise with Haruka.
Kotoko: Looks like you’ve done your research. Well, it’s something I won’t go forward with myself. I do feel a bit disappointed about it though.
Look I've been writing this for two days and if I don't finish before her next question drops, I'm going to feel obligated to add that too. So, no lead up with this one.
The way this question is phrased heavily implies exactly what Haruka will be doing over the course of the intermission. Which will be killing our favorite good girl,
Yuno Kashiki.
Or at least attempting to. Kotoko expressly states that what Haruka is doing is something she wouldn't go forward with herself. The thing that Kotoko has taken a hard stance against is attacking the innocent or forgiven.
Something that Kotoko has repeatedly stated herself that she would not do,
Specifically in these instances.
22/08/05 (Kazui’s Birthday)
Kotoko: ……Mukuhara Kazui. Thanks to you, I wasn’t able to properly serve justice to those who did something unforgivable. I’m currently acting as an agent for our prison guard Es. Don’t get in my way next time.
Kazui: Oi oi, don’t be silly, Yuzuriha-chan. There’s no way I could just look away from your outrageous display of violence. Anyway, even disregarding the fact violence against those voted guilty isn’t a part of Milgram’s system, what you’re doing is just acting recklessly based on a broad interpretation. As long as I’m free myself, I’ll stop you.
Kotoko: ……what a pointless argument. Hmph. Since Es forgives you, I have no choice but to forgive you myself too. If you're to keep to your word, then you’d best do what you can to keep being forgiven. If you’re not, then next time you’ll be one of my targets.
Kazui: Oh, how scary. That girl truly is frightening. ……well then, I wonder what the guard will decide to do with me. That’s the one thing I really can’t make out. Honestly……
"Hurting the innocent through violence, taking from others, killing people... I can't stand it at all! There are too many cases of The Law being unable to deliver a verdict to sinning. Just by exploiting loopholes in the law, the sinners who have bullied and tortured the weak can still live out their lives unpunished! I want to change this world but I alone only have so much power!"
Q.20 What do you consider “evil”?
Kotoko: The persecution of the weak and innocent.
That's Kotoko's hard line she's not going to attack people who have been deemed innocent. Because she genuinely believes the persecution of the weak and innocent is wrong. We don't have to worry about Haruka attacking Amane because Kotoko said he's going to do something she wouldn't which she admitted she would have done that,
"Ah, about that... My apologies. I couldn't give enough pain to Kayano Mikoto and Momose Amane."
..! You..!
"I attacked everyone in order, but because of the interference caused by Kayano Mikoto and Mukuhara Kazui, who was protecting Kajiyama Fuuta, I couldn't finish it properly. But I was still able to do some damage. After attacking Shiina Mahiru, I had no time left for Momose Amane."
You've planned... on attacking Amane too?
"That's right. You haven't forgiven her, so wouldn't it be justified?"
But she's just a child...
"So what? This "child" is kept here because she murdered a person, isn't she?"
"You thought I won't attack her because of the young age? Sorry for disappointing you. It's all because of my lack of strength."
Whether Kotoko behaves this way because she genuinely believes hurting the innocent and weak is wrong or because she wants her actions to be justifiable in the eyes of the law is completely secondary. The point is this in fact tells us what Haruka is going to do through the process of elimination. We know all the things Kotoko would do and one thing that she wouldn't.
She basically just tells us without telling us. Now one could debate that Kotoko wouldn't harm herself either. So, that could still be all Haruka is going to do. Yeah, that'd be reasonable but there's also foreshadowing of him being jealous of Yuno and under the belief that she is the audiences favorite out of their pair.
Or the one who wound up getting the most attention. Including parallels between their trial two songs.
I just want to be your good boy-I will keep on killing to be a good boy/Caressing me with your “Good girl”- Who needs your self-righteous pardon?
Like she has what he wants and he bluntly states in his second trial interrogation-
Q.20 Did you hate the person you killed?
Haruka: I wonder if I did. I was jealous of them.
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Man I doubt Haruka would be jealous of the person who is right after him who has been innocent twice. It's not like he was already upset about the idea that the audience and Es would change his verdict this trial.
Meanwhile Yuno is over here like,
Yuno: They keep telling me what a good girl I am. How I've never done anything wrong and never could. Who needs that type of half-assed shit.
Haruka: *collapsed on the ground trying to reach a blunt object struggling for air* (It could have been me! I wanted to be the good one- I've been the good one! I've been practicing better communication and everything- She doesn't even want it!)
Yuno: Like really who do these people think they are? Who needs words like those filled to the brim with self-righteousness and demeaning assumptions. They're all so gross can't they just disappear. Innocent- Ugh, like shut up already nobody even asked for your opinion.
Haruka: *sustaining psychic damage on the ground sobbing* (SHE DOESN'T EVEN WANT IT SHE DOESN'T KNOW HOW GOOD SHE HAS IT!)
Though he could end up attacking any of the innocent prisoners. It doesn't have to be Yuno. So thanks for telling us it's at least something you wouldn't do yourself that really narrows it down. It's either that or he's attacking Shidou or Kazui. Though Haruka does specify he can kill anything smaller than him in his second voice drama and Yuno fits the description best out of those who have been consistently innocent.
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Q.16 Do you think there are the ‘weak’ among the other prisoners?
Kotoko: I’m sure there’s a lot. Those with weak wills will easily turn to evil. The only thing we can do is firmly instill the risk of turning to it.
So, the way this question was translated confused me and I ended up asking @doctorbunny what exactly was going on with it. This is what he said.
囚人の中に弱者いると思うか? shuujin no naka ni (Amongst the prisoners) jakusha iru (there are weak people/'the weak') to omou ka? (do you think) aka Do you think any of the prisoners are weaklings?
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A few questions ago Kotoko considered herself to be 強者/kyousha/a strong person
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Q.14 Don’t you feel a sense of isolation in your current situation?
Kotoko: It feels like nothings changed. If the world gets even a little better just by me undertaking this isolation, then that is the role the strong play.
This was the conclusion from this exchange based on the answer provided.
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Given that Kotoko stated she was sure there are a lot of weaklings amongst the prisoners. Then choose to elaborate stating that those with weak wills easily turn to evil. Causing the only thing we (in this case being Es and her the strong as she stated herself to be earlier in this interrogation) can only firmly instill the risk of turning to it.
This can only imply one thing that she punishes weaklings as well if they are at risk of turning to evil. Because she blatantly states that there are weaklings here within the prison and in her second trial song tells blatantly states that them still being here grates her and implies she'd like them to guilty. So, she recognizes they're weak and states that as why they turn to evil as well. So she's just saying the weak can be evil and deserve to be punished like anyone else to be dissuaded from doing evil.
People needing to be dissuaded from doing evil is a belief she was open about in her second voice drama Yonah.
"Es, look. Someone who committed a crime can only realise its severity through losing something. I've seen many criminals, but none of them would give way without pain." - "When a person who killed someone is met with violence, it's called "karmic retribution". Don't you have such a feeling?"
"If you sin, You need to do more than be atoned. It’s karma dude!"
This answer serves to further contextualize her second trial glitched voice line as well,
"From the beginning I've never asked for your understanding! My actions, one by one, are bringing Earth closer to peace. Useless Weaklings should just shut up and let me protect them!"
Kotoko basically came out and said the quiet part out loud. That she attacks weaklings too. At least if they're at risk of turning to evil or to dissuade them from it. Still given the phrasing of the question was difficult for me to grasp and I genuinely couldn't believe she would just say that I asked him to look into the answer too.
Again sorry Bunny for the inconvenience. At first, he came back with this,
たくさんいるでしょうね。takusan iru deshou ne. = There's a lot, [of prisoners who are weaklings] aren't there. 弱いではあぐ悪に転ぶ 。Yowai dewa agu(?) aku ni korobu. = 悪に転ぶリスクを不直え(??)付けるしかない。aku ni korobu risuku wo fu naoe tsukeru shikanai.
But ended up having to ask another party for help. Then came back with this later on.
OK so 囚人の中に弱者いると思うか?- shuujin no naka ni jakusha iru to omou ka? - Do you think any of the prisoners are weaklings? たくさんいるでしょうね。- takusan iru deshou ne - A lot of them are, aren't they. 弱い心はすぐ悪に転ぶ 。yowai kokoro wa sugu aku ni korobu - [people with] Weak minds/spirits readily turn to evil. 悪に転ぶリスクを植え付けるしかない - aku ni korobu risuku wo uetsukeru shikanai. - I have no choice but to instil the risks of turning to evil Weak one of these www
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So, that's the full breakdown of that.
Personally, I'd interpret the question and answer this way given all this-
Q.16 Do you think there are weak people amongst the prisoners?
Kotoko: A lot of them are, aren't they? Weak minds easily turn to doing evil. I have no choice but to instill the risks of resorting to such things.
So, she is bluntly stating that she reprimands the weak too in order to make sure that they resort to evil as well. Which, um I've been bringing up this line a lot but- Here it goes again.
"From the beginning I've never asked for your understanding! My actions, one by one, are bringing Earth closer to peace. Useless Weaklings should just shut up and let me protect them!"
So, it's not this is even new either. She'll punish the weak too. Why else would she be yelling this at someone she considers a weakling? This isn't really a friendly thing to yell and she didn't sound friendly when she yelled it either. I'm glad she established that with very little prompting... The second statement didn't even pertain to the fucking question. She just added that second part on. Kotoko I said this for Mikoto before his trial but girl shut the fuck up. Learn to lie by omission better and on paper. You did not have to fucking write that girl you didn't specify what the fuck Haruka was planning you were pretty vague then.
Why didn't you keep that fucking energy? Nobody fucking asked for an elaboration. You could have kept it to a simple yeah some people here are weak. Listen not everything has to be more than one sentence start leaving shit blank, start scribbling on the page.
(Star here- I think she's trying to be personable in a similar way to how she's tried with Es in both her voice dramas. However, not only is it detrimental to her case as a whole, it also gives off a way different vibe when written down instead of spoken.)
What Star typed is incredibly fair. I Just find it a bit funny because Kotoko that wasn't the question. You didn't have to add that. All I can say is at least Kotoko tends to be honest. Sometimes too honest if she really doesn't think the topic of discussion or her beliefs on it are a problem. I'm just a bit flabbergasted. Like why I don't understand. Why say that?
I just... Do I really have to say anything else about this it kind of speaks for itself. Well that's really all I have to say on that situation and these questions. So, yeah if you made it this far thanks for reading this to the end. These are just my thoughts on this and I hope that even if you don't like them some of what's here can at least help you understand where I'm coming from.
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
Hypothetically if EJ stays in SaltLake, do you think there is a chance of the love triangle being dragged till season 4? More knowing it's creating a lot of buzz...I'm worried, more knowing the director loves to cut scenes
Honestly, no I don’t. First of all, I think this last episode was really the shows way of saying this ship is done, “it’s sunk”, “there are no fireworks”, etc. I actually appreciate that they made Gina blatantly say “is that a metaphor?” when EJ said they needed to wait for fireworks because I think the show runners knew there would be some audience members who would be very stuck on the fact that P*W had a redeeming chance. Saying things like EJ was under a lot of stress so it’s not fair that Gina breaks up with him or that he still has room to learn, etc. I think the show is trying to portray that regardless of what had happened there were no fireworks. Either from EJ or Gina or both. That the chemistry had lacked from the beginning.
There is a reason that the show made EJ Hans in Love is an Open Door or “there for the wrong reasons” in episode 5. He was not there to be Gina’s final love. He was there to give Gina her series of firsts. She clearly stated she never does things right the first time… EJ is that first time. First kiss, first boyfriend, etc. She’s been clear that he’s her firsts. Not only this, but like Ricky needed to see that was he believed was the very best option for him at the time (Nini) was never going to pan out that way, Gina needed to see that too. She was hurt by Ricky (I think a lot of this had to do with some misunderstanding on Ricky’s end in that flashback and barely getting back into a relationship with Nini, thinking he would never seen Gina again…. So if he HAD turned around and went back to Gina that would not be a good look on him… but I digress) so she felt like EJ was the better, safer option. He showed up originally when Ricky didn’t to the airport so this felt right. The safe option (the back of the plane like Jack said). But now she is seeing what she believed was the best, safest option was just quick, temporary love. It was to try to fill this missing piece of her and EJ seemed like the right candidate. But he never was. Now Ricky and Gina have gone through their own sets of seeing that what they believed was the right option for them, never was. That there was someone better that would be the fulfilling piece of their heart, their character arc.
I think they’re done in the next two episodes because of this. Because the show blatantly told us there was no overlapping excuse for their relationship not working out… simply put: the “fireworks” or the chemistry wasn’t THERE. It was rose-colored glasses and a bandaid to patch up love that she so desperately wanted after feeling burned by Ricky. When the chemistry isn’t there, it doesn’t matter what happens to the characters at any point. They know that “thing” that makes you fall in love is gone and it’s not something that can be produced or created later. Chemistry just happens and if it’s there it’s there and if not… then they aren’t the person for you. It’s got to be there from the beginning. And even if by some miraculous chance they make it to S4, they won’t last. Again, because the show told us there was nothing that could be redeemed for them. I think EJ having those scenes with Miss Jenn was not only to foreshadow him taking a job from her, but also to show the next stage of life, of people, that his arc is going to be centered around. It would be wrong and biased for him to be Gina’s teacher. (Not only because of age and power dynamic, but because Gina literally told him in episode 3 that she was HAPPY he didn’t cast her because it would feel unfair… she told the audience she doesn’t want this!) EJ is an adult now and the show is pushing him to be with the adults, which means no more P*W.
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starryse · 3 years
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The Star Pitcher
Juyeon x Reader
The Boyz high school au!, 60’s au!, baseball team TBZ au!
6.8k Words
Summary: The perks of baseball season consisted of seeing your cute guy friends in their uniforms, soft pretzels, and the excuse to get out of your house and sit in the warm summer sun. The downside? One of your cute guy friends was also the team’s pitcher who you were madly in love with.
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The neon lights cascaded across the line of skateboards and bikes outside of the diner, the shining glare reflecting onto the window next to your booth. The sky was darkening to a deep shade of purple, the street lights and passing by cars offering comfort in the oncoming night. Dusk was a beautiful time in the city, though the shadows that came from the groves of trees when you walked through the trails were disheartening to say the least. You weren’t as lucky as the rest of your bunch, not owning a motorcycle or your dads hand me down car- you weren’t even allowed a skateboard because it was “unfair” to your younger siblings. This made the long journey home after your daily hangouts quite dreadful; and as summer time grew closer, the nights became shorter, meaning the comforting blue sky disappeared twice as fast.
Your face scrunched in distaste as you focused on the increasingly dark outside, not registering the conversations going on around you. The boy next to you noticed your dazed state, his eyes glancing down to your hands as they twirled around the straw in your half empty milkshake.
“You okay?”
Blinking a few times, the dryness of your eyes slowly faded as you snapped your attention to your disformed straw in front of you. You hummed, “yeah why?” your finger gliding across the rim of the glass, strawberry cream coating your skin in result. Juyeon watched you wipe the residue on the bottom of the Jean jacket he let you borrow, his sharp eyes enlarging as he winced- his mom would surely kill him later. The slicked hair boy was brought back to his senses when you finally looked over at him, his mouth quickly stammering a response, “oh, I uh just thought you seemed a little out of it,” Juyeon awaited your reaction, continuing when you simply shrugged, “you know I can drive you home, y/n”
You groaned, pushing your back into the booths cushion while pushing your drink closer to the window sill, “Juyeon-“
“I know I know, you don’t have to tell me twice” the huffing man leaned against the table, resting his chin against his propped up arm. You rolled your eyes, poking your pouting friend in his side, causing him to jump and swat away your hand, “Don’t be a baby, baby. I can handle myself okay?”
“Yeah Yeon, don’t be a baby. Y/n has made it very clear she doesn’t want any of us to take her home because she’s embarrassed by our presence” Hyunjae’s mocking tone ceases your hands from Juyeon’s sides.
“Wha- not true asshat” you didn’t bother in defending yourself anymore when it came to Hyunjae’s smart remarks, it was a hidden show of affection between the two of you. Though it didn’t stop you from tossing the ball of straw paper into his open cup of coke. That particular action gave you a disgusted look from the brunette, his lips moving as you could only imagine the mimicking words that spilled out.
Daily hangouts with your group of angsty, sarcastic boys was your favorite thing to do when you needed a much needed break. At the end of a long day, seeing the familiar 11 faces waiting for you at the school entrance was just what you needed to relieve stress. Even if they were possibly the most annoying people you have ever had the pleasure of knowing, they were your favorite humans. Maybe except the current boy beside you who’s shoulders were shaking against yours as he laughed at Eric’s sly comment. He wasn’t as annoying as the others. Then again, the hearts that soared around your eyes as you snuck glances towards him were a dead give away you were a bit biased- the heart wants what it wants. And in this case, yours most definitely wanted the handsome baseball player, Lee Juyeon.
“Earth to Y/n. Hellooo? We’re leaving, dummy.”
“Huh?” Your head snapped up to meet the annoyed expression of Sunwoo, eyes following the boys that had been piling out of the booth as you sat confused.
Sunwoo looked to Eric for assistance, knowing fair well why you had been blatantly zoned out the last 15 minutes. Eric nodded at Sunwoo, ushering for him to head out the door with the others as he mouthed an I got this.
“Cmon’ pretty girl, I think me and you need a Juyeon free night. What do you say?” Eric grabbed the jacket you had shrugged off over the back of the booth, tossing it over his shoulder while he stood waiting for you at the exit. God you were really whipped, Eric was pretty damn sure of that as he watched the puppy dog look you sent his way in response to his question. Knowing the answer, Eric wrapped his arm around your shoulder, tugging you closer as the two of you made way back to the rowdy group.
Most of the boys had took off towards their houses, only Juyeon, Kevin, Sunwoo, and Hyunjae remaining. The boys were sat along the curb of the parking lot, shared glasses of coke being passed around while they waited for their two youngest to return.
Sunwoo broke the silence, his infamous evil smirk pointed at Juyeon and Hyunjae, “I wonder what Y/n and Eric are doing” Three heads turned to the sighing boy, eyes scrunched in curiosity as they awaited Sunwoo’s next words.
“I mean, it has been awhile right? And those two are quiteee close”
Antagonizing. That’s all he’s doing.
Did the two gullible idiots whom were currently gawking at one another realize this? No. No they didn’t. The muttering boys scrambled up from their spots on the ledge, untied shoes tripping against the pebbles that had loosened from the cement as they rose quickly to find the “quite close” pair. Sunwoo’s hand clasped tightly against his mouth, the urge to fight the oncoming cackles growing harder as he watched the gangly men run into the bike racks, their ego’s too high to even care while they bolted for the diner’s door. Kevin, not remotely amused, watched in disapproval, knowing fair well that the hyena sounding laugh near him was that of pure provoktion at the gullible dancers who, at their own expense, were a tad finicky over their youngest friend.
“You know why they’re like that, right?”
Sunwoo nodded his head, sucking in a breath as his laughter died down. Of course he knew why, whether or not he liked it, he knew everything about the diverse set of feelings in the group. He sighed, tucking a leg close to his chest while the other kicked against the pavement, “yeah of course I know. I think everyone does except Y/n herself.”
The coke was bitter in Kevin’s mouth, the acidic taste tingling against the cuts on his lips. Having enough, he set the coke by Sunwoo, using the drink as a sort of share of thoughts between the two. Uttering a thank you, Sunwoo was quick to down the rest of the fizzy soda, a grotesque burp following. Loud laughter once again surrounded the curb, though this time sounds of disgust and displeasure joined as Kevin shoved the guilty party farther away from him, his left hand fanning the air away from his nose.
“God Sunwoo-“
“What, it was a great drink!”
You and Eric finally rounded the corner of the parking lot, a fighting cat and dog duo following close behind as they beat themselves up for listening to Sunwoo, yet again. Hearing the noises behind them, Kevin and Sunwoo turned to the 4 of you, looks of relief washing over them. Sunwoo stood up, dusting the dirt off of his track pants in the process, “God finally you idiots show up, did you not notice the darkness surrounding us?? It is,” he checked the thick silver watch decorated on his wrist, a scoff leaving his lips, “8 pm”
Eric snorted, rolling his eyes in response, “okay grandpa, let’s go then”
You stood against the small tree near the end of the street, your arms crossed against your chest to shield yourself from the growing winds. The cars passing by offered some light against the darkening sky, the diner’s lights beginning to dim as closing time got closer. Summer time was supposed to be warm and bright, and yet here you stood waiting for your friends, shivers running down your body while you glanced around the city's streets. Interrupting your small bruising session, the feeling of a shoulder knocking against yours had you turning to look at the culprit, your nerves calming at the familiar face.
“Hey” you grinned back, eyes scanning the pretty man. The moonlight brought a look of innocence to his face, the blue fluorescents casting shadows across his skin leaving only the bundle of stars in his dark eyes to light up his appearance. Juyeon was a human of the finest features, and a stellar personality to match. The duality his eyes could perceive was always interesting to watch, you never knew to expect his sharp gaze or soft looks of adoration. Tonight, you found yourself hoping for the second option.
Juyeon reached for your hand, tugging it into his as he placed both of them into his jacket pocket. His thumb ran circles over your knuckles, the slightly rough padding of his fingers locking between yours. Your eyes peered down to his jacket, stomach knotting at the sight of your hand with his. This was okay, right?
“I figured you were cold”
You lifted your head, free hand pushing away the strands of hair that blocked your vision. Juyeons sight was casted on the other boys, watching as they fought over who got to ride with him instead of skating home in the dark, “I saw Eric with the jacket I gave you, so I kinda assumed you would be freezing your ass off by now”
Juyeon’s taunt was meant to joke around with you, and normally you’d scowl then proceed to pick at him right back. But maybe it was the way he looked under the stars, or the way your hand felt great in his as the feeling brought you warmth. Or it could be the proximity between you two, shoulders pressed against one another in comfort against the wind. Either way, the options had the same anxious thoughts of feeling the need to get over the stupid crush on your friend. Your heart tugged at the thought, it was hard to move on from someone who hid you snacks in your room every time he came over. But having a crush on your best friend who you just knew was too out of your league? That was even worse.
“Y/n, let’s bounce. I wanna start that new film series before my mom gets home from the pub!”
Oh thank God for Eric Sohn.
Mentally letting out a breath of relief, you loosened your grip from Juyeons hand, slipping away from his hold in the process. Bidding the boy goodbye, you waved over your shoulder before jogging to Eric as he began to skate back to his house. Juyeon, on the other hand, stood stone cold, watching the two of you exchange laughs and smacks on each other’s arms. He knew it was ridiculous to be pissed over two friends getting along, so why was he squeezing his jacket sleeves just a tad too hard? His jaw was slack, teeth nipping at cheeks as he yelled for the three idiots, who were still fussing over who got to ride with him home, to give him his keys.
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Thankful that the trip to Eric’s was much shorter than what would have been your lonely walk home, you were pleased to already be walking up the steps of his farm porch. Knowing there was no formality needed to invite you in, Eric simply unlocked the door and waited for you to step inside before he relocked it.
Eric’s house, much like him, was always comforting. His house smelt of pine and vanilla, not surprising since he too smelt similar to that. Eric’s bedroom was on the 2nd floor, whereas his parents slept downstairs (which made for great sleepovers so you didn’t have to worry about waking his mom up who works 2nd shift).
Your shoes were tossed to the side of the wall next to Eric’s, knowing how strict his mom was when it came to keeping the house tidy, you had a designated spot for your shoes whenever you visited. Eric, who was now passing you one of the waters he grabbed from the fridge, motioned his head to the stairs, silently telling you to make way to his room.
For a teenage boy, Eric’s room wasn’t nearly as messy as one would think. His clothes were tucked away in his dresser drawers or hanging behind his closest doors, leaving the messiest thing to be his un-made bed. You plopped yourself onto the nearest side of the bed, making room for Eric on the other side. The radio that usually sat on his side table was tossed in between you two, Eric’s fingers nimbly flicking between the stations to find the baseball film he had been non-stop talking about. The TV downstairs was off limits until his parents were home, they were quite finicky as the cost for the larger box tv was a little too much to be accidentally broken by their energetic son.
Settling yourself into his pillows, you tugged the closest blanket over your torso, legs curled up to press against your chest. Eric’s sudden exclaim had you giggling at his victorious outburst, his arms fist pumping the air before turning the volume on the gadget up. Jumping beside you, the blonde shimmied to your side, wrapping one arm behind your back and the other behind his head.
“I cannot wait to watch this, Younghoon told me it was the best movie he’s ever seen!” Eric was going on and on, his eyes lighting up as if he were the same moon that glared down at Juyeon earlier. Juyeon. Right. Why did your brain have to bring him up? As if you couldn’t escape the mere presence of him, he was filling your thoughts just as often.
Noticing your lack of response, Eric craned his head down to see you pressed against his shoulder blade, eyes stuck on the bed sheets beneath you. He should have known it would be nearly impossible to have a night without the pitcher of their own baseball team being brought up.
“I can feel you staring at me”
Eric scoffed, flicking the side of your temple while looking back at the radio, “yeah well I bet my sheets could say the same thing.”
Left hanging, Eric took notice real quick at the feeling of something wet drip onto his jeans. His inner baseball player came out as he swiftly moved you up to eye height, hands pushing your shoulders back to rest against his bed frame.
“Hey, look at me”
Before you even had the time to react, Eric was already gently lifting your face up to meet his. Your eyes raised to meet Eric’s concerned brown ones, though your vision was much blurrier compared to his you could imagine. His thumb was soft against your cheeks, blue sleeves wiping the few tears that escaped past your waterline. You felt terrible. Not just because of the unreciprocated feelings you had on Juyeon. But seeing the way your usual happy-go-lucky friend was looking at you as if you were the most fragile thing on the planet- man, that stung.
“What can I do to help, Y/n?” Eric’s voice was gentle, barely audible even. His palms never left their spot against your cheeks, his fingers lightly tracing across your skin to bring you ease.
The truth was, you didn’t know how he could help. Deep down you knew there wasn’t anything anyone could do to relieve the ache you felt every time you saw Juyeon; everytime you remember that he wasn’t interested in you like that, how his heart wasn’t set on you like yours was for him. Not only did you feel utterly helpless, but you felt the gnawing feeling that you were only being annoying, making a big deal out of a stupid crush.
With a shaky breath, you placed your hands on Eric’s before pulling them down to your lap, “I want you to help me move on.”
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“Are you sure you’re fine? Because I have no problem keeping you here until you are”
“Yes Eric, I promise I’m okay” you slipped your shoe over your heel, “besides, I’ll see you at school tomorrow so you’ll know if I’m not, right?”
The pout on his face raised enough that he could mumble a Pinky Promise, as he tightened his pinky around yours. You laughed at his childish antics, pulling him over for a hug, “pinky promise,” you patted the top of his head, his chest huffing after, “don’t forget to be at my house before 6! Juyeon gets there around 6:15 so I want you there before he is”
Eric nodded, pushing you towards the door, “okay leave now because I have no self control and will definitely not let you leave if you don’t go now”
Mumbling strands of okay with giggles spewn between, you finally made it out the door and began the ever boring walk home.
**As soon as you stepped inside your house house, the weight that you thought was lifted off your shoulders came hurling itself right back, and this time it brought shame along with it. Normally when you felt like shit, you’d make yourself a bowl of cereal, turn on your radio, and listen to whatever Elvis Presley interview was on. This time, thanks to Miss Shame, that wouldn’t be enough to cure your self-pity moment; no, it was time to call in the big gun.
** “I’m sorry, you did what?” Sangyeon sat across from you, his legs tucked under his butt as he shifted his position so he could properly look at you.
“I had sex with Eric” your voice trailed off at the end, eyes glued to your hands that currently were tugging off loose string on your jeans.
The sound of silence only made you more tense, terrified of what your eldest friend was thinking, or even feeling, at the moment. Growing frustrated with the lack of response, you begin to try and explain yourself- though the assertive tone that Sangyeon had when he called your name out had you quickly pursing your lips.
Sangyeon went on a tangent for what felt like forever, his hands doing the dramatics besides the substantial amount of sighs he produced, “I- I just don’t think I understand why, emphasis on the why by the way,” his hands finally went down from their long phase of being tossed around in the air, “you would go and do something so stupid like that?”
“I told you-“
“Stop, I understand what you told me,” the frustrated man interrupted you, “I’m just failing to see why you both thought it was the correct solution”
Quite frankly you were puzzled about it yourself. Fucking your other best friend, and the one you didn’t have feelings for, definitely wasn’t in the itenery when you joined the odd bunch of athletes. You were frustrated. Depressed. And just tired of being the last choice. And in the moment, sitting there being comforted by Eric, you finally felt like you were the most important person in the world and not just the star pitcher of your school’s baseball teams groupie.
“Eric only did it because he knew I was hurting, he just thought he was being a good friend- which he was. As for me, well I. God Sangyeon I just-“ A tissue suddenly sat in your open palm, sangyeon softly smiling as pointed at your eyes. What the hell? We’re you seriously crying right now? Wiping the stray tears that had fallen, you took a long chug of your water before continuing, “I just wanted to be something important for once. I didn’t want to be the pathetic little girl that had a crush on her best friend, Juyeon, the popular pitcher who could have the hearts of any girl on those stupid bleachers. I’m sorry, Sangyeon. I fucked up, huh?”
“Pft hell yeah you did”
At times, you forget just how blunt your friend was, this being one of those times as you sat with your eyebrows raised in slight shock at his confession. Sangyeon noticed your look, raising his hand at you to signal you to just listen.
“But we all make mistakes, right? Sure your mistake was Eric’s dick, but I guess that’s just what you needed to figure things out. Which, you need to definitely do as soon as possible because I have a hunch things are going to work out just fine” Sangyeon opened his arms, waiting for you to thank him with his favorite hug (news flash, he loved your hugs a lot.)
You squeezed your arms around him, slightly shaking you both back and forth. The sound of your thank you was muffled by the white and blue shirt he wore, causing you both to laugh at the disformed words. You leaned back, Sangyeons eyes still partially crinkled from laughing, “thank you for being the best dad a girl could have”
Sangyeon scoffed, his grin widening even more as he shoved you back, “whatever, weirdo”
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Mondays. Also known as Satan’s asshole.
Eric kept his promise, showing up before Juyeon could arrive to take you to school like normal. That, you were eternally grateful for. You weren’t ignoring your best friend persay, just simply giving him space until you could realize what the hell you were going to do about your feelings. And that was starting today, as you and Eric skateboarded (or in your case walked) past Juyeon as he made his way down your street. You’d be lying if the look on his face didn’t make you want to run back to his car and apologize endlessly, but you were raised to be strong, and that’s what you were. Kind of.
The perks of baseball season consisted of seeing your cute guy friends in their uniforms, soft pretzels, and the excuse to get out of your house and sit in the warm summer sun. The downside? One of your cute guy friends was also the team’s pitcher who you were madly in love with.
Since you were the boyz’s (ha) best friend, you had attended every game since they formed the team 2 years ago. And even today, as you sit front row on the cold, metal bleachers, you were still cheering them on despite the fact you had sworn you were going to distance yourself from Juyeon. Maybe you would have succeeded in that promise, but the way Juyeon looked at you right now as he struck yet another player out, well, it had you wondering why you even thought of such a blasphemous idea in the first place.
With only one out remaining, the opposing team was bound to have to forfeit as the gap between the teams was only increasing. You could only imagine the pride running through your friends’ veins as they got even more amped up knowing they were soon to claim victory. The amount of talent they had could match their love for the game, the two qualities mixing to create one hell of a baseball team; you were sure even the opposing team could see that as their energy levels drained with each strike or out they received. And while you wanted to feel bad, you knew there was no use- because even the team who knew they were bound to lose, had smiles written on their faces while they half-fived their teammates when running past one another.
The sound of bats clinking against dugout cement floors, helmets being tossed to the side of the field and the overlapping good games being said to one another signified the end of the short-live scrimmage. Watching the boys finish their lineup and run to do their large group hug was heartwarming, the other fans in the audience snapping pictures with their disposable cameras could agree. Your moment of proudness was cut short as Haknyeon and Younghoon yelled for you to join them on the field, their hands waving frantically at you to get your attention. Not wanting to cause anymore attention to flood your way, you quickly gathered your bag and rushed to your boys, an embarrassed laugh bubbling in your throat as you were welcomed into the hug. Loud smacks were heard, the cheering players aiming to slap each other in utter happiness over their win- of course you ducked between their arms in an attempt to hide yourself from said slaps (unfortunately for you your ass was not covered and they gladly gave you a few victory whacks.)
“God pretty soon you guys are going to win the championships, then imma be the biggest groupie ever” your comment had the group in fits, heads shaking in amusement.
“Yeah well you’re the best groupie ever” sunwoo pushed your shoulder, a cheesy grin lighting up his face. Hollers and whoops were made in agreement, the two closest to you (Sunwoo and Jacob) tugging you closer into their sides so they could ruffle your hair (leaving you very displeased as you spent quite a while that morning carefully taking the hair rollers out to have stable curls). Trying to tame your now frizzy hair, you weren’t able to control the smile that grew to match the boys’ around you.
Seeing you smile wide in happiness and hearing the laughs that you fabricated, Juyeon couldn’t help himself from staring at you. Watching your nose crinkle from the side pokes the boys littered on you, or seeing the way your eyes were filled with light as you joked right along with the others, it only made the man wish you were standing next to only him and not his attractive friends. Normally, he wasn’t one to be possessive or even jealous. Though when it came to you, someone who’s supported him at every game, waken him up at the crack of dawn to adventure to the sea side of town, and have feverishly grown on him over the few years you've known him? He’s positive he’d go to the end of the world for you.
With the amount of time he spent with you, attached to one another's hips, it was utterly impossible for him to not have developed feelings for you. You were beyond sensational. In his eyes, you were a stellar person- someone with a heart of gold who would probably sell their soul to protect the ones they loved. You had always been the first person he’d call when he needed someone the most, there was never a second of doubt that you couldn’t help him through anything he went through. When he tore the ligament in his elbow and couldn’t participate in 2 weeks worth of games, he was devastated. He had spent forever just trying to wrap his head around the fact he couldn’t be there for his team when they needed him the most, beating himself up over an injury he couldn’t have prepared for. You were the only reason he kept going after that, why he continued to get out of bed everyday to watch his brothers practice even if he couldn’t do so himself. Truly, Juyeon knew you were his foundation. His beautiful, intoxicating, better-half best friend who he had finally realized, as he stood across from you now watching you look as perfect as ever in his extra jersey he gave you to wear at games, just how in love with you he was. And he has absolutely no idea what the hell he was going to do about it.
You weren’t dense, you could feel Juyeon’s non-trailing eyes on you. You didn’t think you made it obvious you were trying (and clearly failing so far) to distance yourself from him, unless he was that intelligent he knew something was off already, so why was he very blatantly staring at you? You couldn’t stop the questions from piling up, your thoughts keeping you distracted from the winners high the boys clearly still had. To meet his eyes and stand your ground was what you should have done, but alas, you squeezed your arms together and slipped away from the sweaty, compact group. With a mix of genuinely overheating due to being stuck to the sweating boys and the gaze Juyeon had locked on you, you were quite aware of how hot you felt at the moment. You tried to escape as quietly as possible, wanting nothing more than to get back to your house and sob until you the tears stopped flowing. Unfortunately for you, your group of friends all had overprotective spidey senses over you, practically able to sense your every move before you could even make it. The moment you turned your back from the group, you were instantly met with whines from the boys, a hand tugging you back to the middle of the circle.
“Eh eh eh, where do you think you’re going missy?” Chanhee poked your stomach, earning a light tap to his forehead from you in return.
You groaned in response, “I was trying to leaveee.” Noises of complaints erupted from the group, sounds of why’s and no’s sounding from each boy.
“Uh sorry but you can’t”
You turned around in Chanhee’s hold, head cocking in confusion. “Uh why not?” you mocked his tone. Chanhee opened his mouth to respond, his eyes rolling at your taunt. Though he was cut off before he could he even begin,
“Because. We can’t celebrate without you, you’re my- I mean- our good luck charm” Juyeon stuttered, just merely missing total embarrassment.
You, who was very much not expecting Juyeon to comment something like that, were quick to shut up. The internal struggle of what to say was hounding you, your eyes looking anywhere but Juyeon. So you hid closer to Chanhee instead, stealthily sneaking your hand behind him to pinch his elbow in an attempt to get him to help you out. Chanhee, getting the hint, smoothly answered for you, “Y/n would love to come, but unfortunately she has our psych project to working, right Y/n?” The white haired male looked at you, his eyes narrowing while he nudged your side.
“O-oh yeah. The projects worth a lot and I can’t take another bad grade in that class” you voiced, gaze finally meeting Juyeon’s. It didn’t take a genius to see the soft glaze of disappointment that lingered in his eyes, even after he masked it with a smile.
Taking that as your cue to exit, you waved at the group, their previous wide eyes and grins much more tamed as they stood glancing between you and their friend. They watched you walk away, waiting until they couldn’t see you or thought you couldn't overhear them to start murmuring amongst each other.
“So that was obviously a lie” Changmin stated as if it were a fact, his sight still locked to where you walked off at.
Jacob, who could either be considered too nice for his own good or just gullible, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what the brunette meant. Changmin, who was more than pleased to explain himself, responded to Jacob’s puzzled expression, “I’m in her psych class, and there’s no project due. At least that I’m aware of, anyhow”
Chanhee felt his heart jump out of his stomach, his stomach buzzing as he was caught in the lie. He had to cover for you, and yet he had absolutely no idea how. They already knew he was lying once, they would surely realize it a second time. He could feel the pairs of eyes make way to him, his fingers drumming against his thighs to ease his nerves.
“Well what I meant was-“
“He meant to say Y/n had thrown up earlier and wasn’t feeling up to the whole party scene” Sangyeon covered for his friend, locking eyes with Chanhee’s grateful ones as he mouthed a thank you in which Sangyeon nodded his head in approval.
The boys seemed to believe their captains' claim, most of them backing up and leaving it as is wanting to just celebrate their victory. Of course, Sunwoo hadn’t believed a word of what Sangyeon said. The round eyed boy snorted to himself, knowing very well as to why you left in such a rush. And then there was Juyeon, and even Hyunjae, who couldn’t help but feel there was a hidden truth to the line. Both boys chose to not speak up, deeming it as just a weird feeling instead.
“Anywho, can we go get food now? The other teams already leaving and we’re still standing here like weirdos” the youngests outburst had the group in fits, loud laughs filling their ears once again. Whining, Eric let out strings of protest as his friends shook his head and left him taps of affection on his butt. Leave it to Eric to lift the sour moods of his teammates, even if he himself was a bit tense.
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The team was sure to have made an appearance at your group's famous hangout, meaning snagging a burger and fries on your way home had been out of the question. You opted to just scavenge your cupboards, hoping to find at least something dinner worthy; unfortunately, you were sure you’d end up eating ramen again, as per usual.
You were correct, ramen was indeed the main dish of the night, you had been remotely blessed with packs of spam to fry up along with some eggs and rice. Though you had been content with what you were able to eat, the rising feeling of guilt couldn’t stop itself from making an appearance as you sat alone at your small kitchen table. You couldn’t help but to imagine your friends right now, knowing fair well they were probably messing around and eating the familiar greasy food you all had grown to love. And yet here you were, eating dinner by yourself, just because you couldn’t grow a pair and accept that you had feelings for Juyeon. Instead, you went to the measures of ignoring not only him, but the 10 other people who had been nothing but great friends to you.
It wasn’t like you could just call them up, the diner only had one wall phone and it was for emergency use only, and your wall phone was currently broken as your dog had chewed the cord. And God forbid you walked all the way to the diner at this time of night, your anxiety would have you running right on back to the confines of your rural home as soon as you made it down your road. Regret was a thing you tried not to experience, you tended to just live doing what you liked and that was that. But this time, it was eating you up.
The food in front of you had gone cold, not that you cared considering your mind was obviously worrying about other things- or people. Your thoughts had drifted off to Juyeon, specifically to him earlier. Logic wanted you to believe that he was merely looking at you because of where you were standing, though your heart had other things in mind. No matter how many times you told yourself there was no way Juyeon could have reciprocated your feelings, something always told you to believe otherwise. Sure you knew he could have practically any girl he wanted, he was absolutely gorgeous and his personality was even better. But was it so hard to believe he could maybe, just maybe, like someone like you? His teams #1 fan who went to all of their matches. Someone who not only had his back, but your shared friends as well? You wanted to believe that, you really did. But why else would you be sitting here, alone, not with Juyeon?
Continuous knocking on your door startled you, your previously sulking shoulder now standing straight as you made way to the abrupt sound. You hadn’t expected your family home until rather late that night, considering they were an hour away at your aunts house. The boys were all at the diner, so you had presumed, and you didn’t exactly have other friends besides them. Maybe it was the tofu cart?
The halt your feet made as you opened the door was sudden, your eyes enlarging at the man in front of you. The wavy tuffs of black hair certainly did not belong to the tofu delivery man, unless he had a strikingly good looking son who looked way too similar to Juyeon you didn’t know about.
“Can I come in?” Juyeon looked down at you, hands twisting the ring on his fair in a habit of anxiety. He didn’t expect you to say no, which is why he sucked in a deep breath of anticipation as he entered your home.
You were fairly shocked yourself, following Juyeon’s figure as he went to his favorite spot in your house- the bar stool Island in your kitchen. It wasn’t surprising he went there, though it only spiked your nerves more knowing he chose to sit there instead of your bedroom; the two of you considered the counter in your kitchen your “deep discussion” area, it was a place you had always found yourselves in the early hours of the morning, talking about the little things that been bugging you lately. Which is why you couldn’t help the way your heartbeat sped up as you sat across from Juyeon, moving the scraps of your dinner to the side in order to have no distractions.
You weren’t sure what to say, deeming it as Juyeon must have had plenty in the way he tapped furiously st the countertop before jumping straight to the point. Oh how you wish you didn’t open the door.
“Are you in love with me?”
You understood what they felt in the movies now. When the camera pans in on the character during the aftermath of the climax, the environment around them seeming to slow down with a blur. “I-I’m sorry, what?” You choked back the saliva that had gotten stuck, not feeling like haphazardly dying in front of your crush.
Juyeon sighed, drawing his fingers back to his lap as he glanced up to you, “Eric told me what happened”
Now normally you weren’t one for violence, in fact, you were rather just passive aggressive in all that you did. But at the moment, you wanted nothing more than to strangle the blonde haired snitch. Placing your hands over your face, you let out a long drawn groan, “that little bitch, of course he did”
Juyeon couldn’t stop the short chuckle that escaped his lips, “you didn’t answer my question”
Apparently the opportunity to confess then be brutally rejected was a lot closer than you had hoped. It was now or never. You’d much rather choose never, but it seems that your friend couldn’t keep his mouth shut to save his life.
“Yes what?” Juyeon spoke, unable to focus on anything but the way your mouth moved in response to the question.
“I’m in love with you. Did you really have to ask? I thought it was pretty damn obvious, myself” sarcasm rolled easily off your tongue as if it were a form of defense getting ready to face rejection.
Juyeon huffed, leaning forward to flick your forehead at your retort, “I had to make sure it wasn’t a one-sided thing, dummy”
The remark you had saved next was useless now, your tongue ostensibly getting caught in your throat. If now wasn’t a better time to choke on spit, what was? Juyeon jumped up from his seat, grabbing a water from the fridge to pass to your choking frame. You, unable to speak clearly, stuck a thumbs up in appreciation, to which he found incredibly cute.
After recovering from the fit, you finally made eye contact with the softly smiling boy in front of you for the first time since you (unwillingly) confessed, “does that mean I didn’t just get rejected?” Your lips were in a mix of a pout and smirk, your face resemble that of a duck.
“I love you too” Juyeon was grinning wide at this point, his heart pounding in his chest at the affectionate exchange.
You were beyond giddy, body quickly leaning close to Juyeon’s to press a soft, quick kiss to his lips. As you pulled back, neither of you could say anything, the fond gazes you had on one another and the heating of your cheeks conveying the right words for you. Juyeon, for one, was ready to do nothing but return the kisses- and that’s exactly what he did.
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Note: Hi y’all, I’m back (kind of). This is my first full fledge AU, and I’m so happy it was for Juyeon! I’m a sucker for baseball tbz au’s, so I just had to make one myself! Stay tuned for a special announcement regarding Star Pitcher ;)
Extra Note: pls don’t be afraid to leave feedback (reply, message, reblog), it would help me tremendously and I’d really appreciate it! I love seeing what y’all think! :)
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paragonrobits · 3 years
How do you feel about Jennifer’s relationships to Bruce & the Hulk? She tends to against fight him alongside the other Avengers more often than not.
If I'm going to be honest, it bothers me; it bothers me a lot.
The main thing of it is that Jen isn't just Bruce's cousin, she's arguably the person closer to him than any other. Recently I started thinking that she's a case of they're physically cousins but emotionally they regard each other as brother and sister, and that's something that really sums up how they're described as close.
So it's really weird to me when Jen is positioned as fighting him with the Avengers; Immortal Hulk, in the most recent arc, at least handles this well with Jennifer being internally conflicted about fighting with her friends against her family, especially when the Avengers have a long history of being incredibly unfair and biased against Bruce, to the point of being needlessly hostile towards him. I'm reminded of when during the Doc Green thing, when Bruce came to talk to She-Hulk about how he wasn't planning on curing her, all the superhero community was there to defend her and fight him. It's good because it shows that everyone LOVES Jen, but it's mean because it feels like no one was ever interested in letting him talk things out, or explain what he was doing, they just go straight to threatening him.
And there's this unspoken implication now, that it feels especially bad because Bruce is blatantly mentally ill. He's constantly going into self-destructive spirals, he violently has mood swings, and the Hulk is the most obvious show of him going into rages to drive others away because he can't cope with the possibiliy of any potential threat or danger. And it FEELS like the Avengers honestly don't care about him or his problems unless it affects them. They leave him to suffer alone unless it looks like he's a threat, then they come down hard on him, or mistrust him for no reason, and then wonder why he holds a bitter grudge against them all.
(For instance, Susan Storm's inexplicable antagonism towards him feels almost Karen-ish, in a way that's counter to her normal personality. They barely interact, but she's so hostile towards him that it FEELS like someone who's rich and successful turning up her nose at a mentally ill person daring to exist in the same proximity and, i dunno, it's weird. Good fodder for ideas I think about, but it doesn't feel consistent with the rest of her character, though you COULD make the argument that she's a very aggressive, attack-first personality, and the Hulk being unstoppable badly scares her, so she tries to take the first offense, which turns out badly since when you threaten the Hulk, he'll just smash you to save time.)
And then there's Jennifer, who DOES have her share of problems, but hides them fairly well. One thing that doesn't seem apparent to her friends is that she's as much a monster as Bruce is. She's a Hulk. All Hulks, however pretty they are, are monsters; raging, destructive embodiments of metaphorical aspects of a person. Sometimes these are positive. Sometimes, they're not. People didn't care for the big and ugly She-Hulk phase but I liked it, because it illustrated a point:
She is a Hulk. Her friends don't seem to get what that means.
(Also while I was upset that she felt more angry about Bruce's death, when he came back, because of how it affected her, it makes her come off as really selfish and less concerned about him... well, being so bad off that he set up his own death and instead going 'think about how it made ME feel!', but this IS a pretty realistic reaction, especially when family is concerned. It's ugly and selfish, but that's family for you.)
In brief, I think they SHOULD be depicted as closer and more like brother and sister, rather than Jennifer siding against him more often than not.
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crossdressingdeath · 3 years
I saw people talking about the Lan sect rules and how only LWJ was noticed to break them, did you all not notice that LQR, the elders, even LXC and QHJ broke the rules? The thing about the rules is that nobody can follow them 24/7, all the damn time. Who knows what rules you break and didn’t break? That’s not on anyone really. LQR broke the rules in front of everyone regarding the resentful energy debate and everyone excused him! As an educator, he doesn’t practice what he preach. The rule LQR broke? Morality is propriety. Also he talks shittily about wwx’s parents like bruh. Nobody in the Lan think about Madam Lan situation precisely like why she killed QHJ’s teacher, etc. QHJ himself also didn’t investigate and just marry and imprison her. The rule broken? Don’t make assumption. LXC also listens to gossip all around him, so he shouldn’t have the gall to act like the holier than art thou because he sees LWJ broke rules for WWX. LWJ did that, LQR did that, LXC and his father also did that, the whole elders I am sure broke rules too. Not all the rules broken are within their right and sometimes it is important to know that with rules like these acting as governing body discipline (like rise at 5 and sleep at 9 pm is a basic healthy life style for working people commuting) but others such as no killing, don’t lie, it’s supposed like common decency and what humans need to uphold as principles, not rules in the wall where it prevents everyone from lying in situation needed (like absent of gc or gc transfer). Though canonically, everyone even Lan disciples like LJY broke rules too. Even LSZ. Moreso, non Lans like NHS, JC, and other visiting disciples (JZXun, JZXUan etc). didn’t they insult wwx’s parentage and jfm’s rumors thing? And no Lans stopped them and just listen to the gossip or fight going on? Well I could go on but only WWX is punished for every thing in the end. LQR surely isn’t blind that he doesn’t know NHS doesn’t cheat or smuggle porn alcohol etc but he only singles out WWX. It just means they are somehow using the rules to cover up hypocrisy we are supposedly seeing.
though I agree the rules are not harsh, some are unnecessary such as no killing and no lying, but if the authority upholding and witholding the rules are not just, then it’s gonna be corrupt or biased assertion of sort.
I mean, to be fair we don't actually know that QHJ didn't investigate what happened with his teacher because we only know the most basic of basics regarding that situation. And I don't remember LQR talking about CSSR at all beyond maybe a sort of "Just like your mother, she was a troublemaker too" type thing, which is... y'know, accurate, not talking shit. And I don't think LXC really does listen to gossip (accepting the word of trusted associates as fact is not the same as gossiping). And he does not have a holier-than-thou attitude towards LWJ breaking the rules for WWX! His issue is that LWJ is committing treason and could end up heartbroken or dead! Concern for your sibling is not the same as being holier-than-thou! LXC's issue is with the fact that as far as he can tell WWX is toying with LWJ's feelings, not the fact that LWJ's breaking rules!
As for "others such as no killing, don’t lie, it’s supposed like common decency and what humans need to uphold as principles, not rules in the wall where it prevents everyone from lying in situation needed"... anon, allow me to introduce you to a little thing called laws. There are laws that are only on the books so that people know where to assign fault if something goes wrong, and there are laws that are in place so that people know what the punishment should be. Name one society that doesn't have rules in place regarding things like killing. And the rule against lying is a principle thing? It's more like... "you are expected to hold to these principles as a Lan cultivator". It's setting out expectations. Like a dress code; you go into a job knowing that you are expected to wear a certain sort of outfit, and by taking the job you are saying that you understand that and will wear that sort of outfit. Same deal here; Lans are honest, this is a known thing, if you want to join the Lan sect you have to be honest and if you're not prepared to do that you shouldn't join the Lan sect. Also uh... there is no evidence that the Lans can't lie in situations where they absolutely have to, what? We know Lans can break the rules in circumstances where that becomes necessary! Unless you're arguing that every Lan who participated in the Sunshot Campaign then had to be punished for all that killing. Which I hope you're not, because that would be... stupid. And we know they do lie; LSZ would be in deep shit if Lans couldn't lie, because it would be impossible to keep the fact that he's a Wen quiet if LWJ had to tell everyone who asked where he came from! It's not a fucking magical compulsion, it's a rule they choose to follow to the best of their abilities! Like how murder is illegal but self-defence is okay, there are times when breaking a rule is the best option and there are additional rules in place to allow for that.
And you say only WWX was punished for the cheating and the smuggling of alcohol and smuggling porn, but a) WWX is incredibly open about it, b) WWX is the only one mentioned as smuggling alcohol, c) WWX isn't actually punished for smuggling porn because only NHS is mentioned as doing that and he's VERY VERY GOOD AT HIDING THE FACT THAT HE'S DOING IT SO HE'S NEVER ACTUALLY CAUGHT (you say that LQR "surely isn't blind" like that means he must have noticed, but you're forgetting that 1. LQR isn't actually omnipotent and 2. NHS's whole thing is being insanely good at hiding what he's doing; don't assume he was obvious enough to get caught, especially when he's been through these classes multiple times and presumably knows all of LQR's usual tricks for catching troublemakers), and d) there's... nothing to say the other disciples weren't punished for cheating. LWJ caught all of them. WWX is specifically mentioned as being punished because a) he's the protagonist so of course he is, b) he's a repeat offender and repeat offences generally do lead to a heavier punishment, and c) LQR (correctly and definitely understandably) pegs him as the ringleader; WWX is being punished for heading the thing while the others are just punished for participating. That's... not unreasonable. (And yes it was NHS's idea but LQR doesn't know that, now does he?)
The guest disciples probably get away with more because they didn't sign up for how strict the rules are, not because the Lans are being hypocrites. Hey, remember how WWX blatantly breaks a bunch of rules right in front of LWJ on his first night only to get off scot-free because he claimed (likely falsely!) that he didn't know the rules yet and the only real consequence was that LQR then read out all the rules the first day of class so that he could ensure everyone knew the rules? WWX benefits from the laxer standards on guest disciples too, it's just that he's far more determined to cause trouble than everyone else! Also the other disciples don't insult WWX's parentage or talk shit about JFM's supposed favour? Because WWX is in fact incredibly popular? Like, I think you're underestimating just how much people liked WWX before the Sunshot Campaign! This man was insanely well-liked by his peers! It is only the Jiangs and assholes like JZXun who have an issue with him based on his parentage or position in the Jiang sect! Hell, the novel expressly states that him being head disciple and the son of the sect leader's childhood friend in addition to how young people aren't as bothered about status and ancestry meant that he was pretty much accepted as an equal right away! The closest thing to someone talking shit is JZX's "Doesn't [JFM] treat you better than his own son or something?", which he clearly doesn't even fully believe himself (the "or something" suggests he's parroting someone else's words in an effort to hurt, not stating something he believes wholeheartedly himself), and the Lans aren't so much standing around listening to the gossip as they are trying to pull JZX and WWX off each other. Also I don't think JZXun is even mentioned as being there but whatever, he might have been one of the nameless disciples in that scene.
Basically... are the Lans all perfect paragons of justice and honour? Of course they aren't! They're people! People are going to be petty and harsh and unfair, that's just what people do! But people seem so determined to treat them as this awful, hypocritical, cruel mess of a sect who use their reputation to bully people and I just do not get it! "Strict but fair" is the most accurate summary of how the Lan sect works, and yes, sometimes individual members are petty about it and everyone in the sect sometimes breaks the rules because again, they're human, no one can uphold all those rules all the time, but everyone in the sect signed up for that and if they find they can't handle it they leave the sect. Like... guys. Strict does not inherently mean they're hypocritical and awful. Come on.
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ladyartemesia · 3 years
Hi Viola! I j wanted to ask you smth as a teacher cause I feel as though my professor is rlly biased against me and is giving me lower marks than I deserve, and idk what to do about it. It seems as though he has a clear fav in the class and he always gives her the best marks and says that her work is ‘outstanding’ even when it isn’t much better than my work. I checked with a family friend who works as a tutor getting posh parents’ children into Ivy League unis and she says that (part 1)
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First of all anon, as a teacher I am horrified that this is your experience. It is traumatic and goes against everything I believe a teacher has the responsibility to be.
I am so profoundly sorry.
There are two distinct points that I need to address here. The first is your academic advancement in this man’s class and the second is his blatantly biased behavior.
I will tell you first to save yourself time trying to figure out what bothers him about you. It doesn’t matter. If he cannot remain professional and treat his fellow humans with respect then his motivations are the problem of his future court-mandated therapist. Not you.
You need to go immediately to the administration of your school with the following information...
I am assuming that the assignments you have turned in have a rubric of some sort. You need to go through the rubric and indicate how you have met the criteria, but he has not graded you accordingly. If he has no rubric then gather any evidence you can about how he has arbitrarily graded your assignments. If any of your classmates are willing to lend you their work to use as a comparison then that would be helpful to illustrate a disparity. The teacher SHOULD have a rubric and if he doesn’t that alone might be enough to put him in hot water. Bring your work to the administration. Fight for your marks and demonstrate his pattern of unfair grading.
The other thing you must speak to your administration about is the pattern of demeaning biased behavior this man has subjected you to. The fool was callous enough to belittle you in front of witnesses (your classmates). Take one with you when you report it. This behavior is not just morally reprehensible—it is also professionally unacceptable.
If you could get any of his biased behavior on film or recorded that would be ideal.
Look into the local chapters of immigrant advocate groups in your area. Many places have them and they are a resource that can aid you if your administration fails to take action.
This is not your fault, and you cannot take it lying down.
Bullies get away with their disgusting power-trip behavior because no one stands up to them.
He thought you were an easy target.
Don’t be.
He thought you would cower because he has a modicum of authority.
Go over his head.
Make disrespecting you unprofitable to his peace.
Important Note: I don’t know what part of the world you are in, but I do want to caution you not to take any action that might endanger you physically without carefully considering the consequences and taking proper precautions. I am fully aware that there are some places in the world where certain genders and immigrants (among other groups) face more than a bad grade when they defy authority. However, in saying that, you have a right to be judged fairly and to be treated as a human being. That right is always worth fighting for.
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I would appreciate—if you’re comfortable—any updates on the situation. I’m rooting for you.
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Storyline Study: Order Mentor
When you joined your Order at level thirty and met your mentor at level forty, each of the three was instantly revealed to be a different person altogether from the other two.
Tybalt Leftpaw, Lightbringer of the Order of Whispers, was on his first-ever field mission. He was very blatantly calling for you in a sort of undercover way, and simultaneously panicking when you tried to mention the full name of the Order. Your supposed mentor was as new to this as you, had a (sometimes very human-teenager) sense of humor, and had a rather sad backstory balanced by his good nature. You knew he liked apples.
Sieran, Magister of the Durmand Priory, was full of reckless abandon, disregard for authority, boundless curiosity and a heart for the little things. She was confident in her role and her ability, and unhesitatingly took you into dangerous places for the sake of exploration and adventure while brushing off rebuke like a tree sheds sap - even when it was heartily deserved. You learned to be rather frightened for her.
Forgal Kernsson, Warmaster of the Vigil, was an archetypal gruff, stern old mentor whose every drop of praise spoke volumes. But he also carried a sort of wildness to him, that rough edge from growing up a hunter in the Shiverpeaks, coupled with every willingness to say it like it was if it was true. He could be surprised, he could observe calmly when something was new, he could snark like the rest of them and even say things he didn't mean from time to time.
They all fought the dragons - they each more or less took it seriously. But Tybalt was a partner and friend, you were keeping Sieran in check, not the other way around, and Forgal trained you mercilessly.
You all grew together - they had each changed for the better by the time they died. Tybalt had learned that he was worth something, Sieran had learned friendship was worth everything, and Forgal had learned... well. He'd found a student to be proud of, a partner to fight with, a friend to trust... a child to carry on his legacy. But I'm not sure, exactly, what Forgal learned - what the point of his story was.
Sieran was more-or-less well suited to her role in the story; she symbolized innocence and cheer and optimism and the beauty of the world - so you could recognize what was being lost by the dragon's onslaught. Tybalt's story was one extremely well-suited to his character; he taught you that working together was vital to survival, even when neither of you knew exactly what you were doing - a valuable lesson as the story progressed. Both of their stories fit well enough into the three-mission story sequence concluding in their death.
But Forgal was different. He was the mentor who dies partway through. He was the one who trained you and taught you all he could, who died imparting one last gem of wisdom. Or, he should have.
I am not attacking Forgal. I am attacking ArenaNet. We had too little time with Forgal for the story Anet was trying to tell with him. He was like Obi-Wan but without showing up again as a ghost, without the prequels, without being able to send Luke to Yoda - without, most significantly, being able to explain why he'd said Luke's father was dead.
We don't know Forgal. We don't understand him. We only know his family died to Icebrood... but why is he with the Vigil, specifically? Why is he a good friend of Almorra's - allowed to butt in and insult a diplomatic ambassador with barely a reprimand? Forgal is the character that tells me the Vigil has been around decades, not a mere five years. Was he in another military? Forgal was over a hundred years old. You don't join a military at that age and, five years later, are a highly self-disciplined warrior such as he was. Maybe he was Lionguard? Hear this: Forgal is actually older than Lion's Arch. If he'd survived, he would have been old enough to bear witness to all three incarnations of that city. But, apart from being able to recognize the Orrian Scout on sight, this is only a trivial piece of lore.
After he judged us worthy, we should have had long training sessions with him - sparring matches wherein he would easily fend off our blows while simultaneously teaching us about the world, all the wisdom he'd gathered, expounding just a bit on the history of the Elder Dragons (perhaps customized for player's race!) - and then we go off and have a real Vigil mission. Perhaps remove the racial sympathy 'choice' and have all five! A sparring match before each one, with a different lesson (the racial sympathy missions were awfully short anyway). And if you want to keep the idea implied by the term 'racial sympathy,' you could change the tone of some of them, make the player more reluctant and Forgal more impatient, have a middle-of-mission lecture on why it's important to work with everyone - this way you joining an Order feels less 'oh you've always been sympathetic to other races' and more 'wait who are these people.' But you know the real kicker? These training sessions would have made us actually feel like we were a treasured part of his life, the kid he never had, that he takes the effort to train us and takes the time to correct us when we're wrong, that he shares his history with us.
And then, at Claw Island, he would place a hand on our shoulder and tell us - hey - don't worry. You did good. You tell my tale and you take my lessons and put them to good use, you hear me? Listen to Trahearne over there - I've told you a bit about him - he's a good kid, he's smart and he knows what he's doing. And - partner? Partner, I need you to put me down if that blasted dragon raises me.
And we're in tears and Trahearne standing there also puts up a fight and tells him not to go, but Forgal goes anyway, roaring his defiance at the dragon - and his famous line, "you may win the battle, dragon, but you will never defeat our spirit!" And maybe he adds - "you may defeat me, but I will be avenged!" like some cartoon villain only you know - you know that means you.
That is the storyline Forgal deserved. (I selfishly also fixed it just a bit with regards to Trahearne, but...) I don't care if we add an extra ten or twenty levels to the game to account for the four extra racial sympathy story chapters.
And see, now you'll argue that that's biased in favor of Forgal, to do all that with him but not the other two - and that's part of the idea.
Forgal isn't like the other two. He shouldn't be compared to the other two. The storyline we have is good for the other two. Extending their stories would feel... false. Yes, there are supposed to be parallels between the three Orders, but... in that case, ArenaNet should have done something entirely different with Forgal.
How about this: Almorra assigns us to someone else for a mentor, but we show such epic promise she switches us to Laranthir. His storyline? It's right in his idle dialogue at the Vigil Keep - he's always sought love. This puts his storyline on par with Sieran and Tybalt. What about Forgal? He's a Lionguard that all three Order mentors know well. We do racial sympathy with Forgal plus our Order mentor (doing those with only one ally is kind of absurd anyway). This can help set-up and foreshadow the tactical significance of Claw Island, too - and hey, maybe Forgal can even survive that! Or maybe he doesn't survive it but our Order mentor does! (Yeah, that fits better, since Laranthir is important in HoT.) And then, once the Pact is formed, their stories end more naturally without regard for the Order parallels, which would keep the story unique - where your choice of Order still matters even when it doesn't anymore. Tybalt didn't have to die - in fact, it's kind of absurd that he did since his story was about finding his own heroism, and then he dies. He can die later, perhaps, after he's thoroughly proved himself. (And hey, throw in an encounter with his old warband! Bonus lore points!) And Sieran 0 maybe Sieran could go through a heartbreaking transformation in Orr, the land of the dead - you see something far more heartbreaking than her death as she loses her spirit, and you and Trahearne both resolve that even if you're super-busy with the Pact, you can still cleanse Orr together to save Sieran. (This makes cleansing Orr a personal thing for you as well as Trahearne!) And Laranthir - well, I don't know what he was doing originally. Maybe he stayed back at the Vigil Keep to manage things, but you still see him now and then and he gives good advice and (since his storyline was about falling in love or something) you get to tease him about whatever's going on in his life, and then later he shows up again in HoT.
I'm going to stop - I already just presented a rough outline of a whole rewrite of core PS, I'm not going to step into HoT territory. (But since his storyline was about falling in love - ? Anything could happen really. Maybe his love died in the crash (we don't actually know of any characters who died in the actual crash. Awful shame) and that's why he takes the lead against Mordremoth. That would give him a cool motive.)
Anet I want this now.
I only wanted to say how unfair Forgal's story was to him, and then I came up with this whole thing - ? Some of it included a few helpful fixes for the Trahearne hate - this isn't something I can write out into a whole fic since I have a main fic and while this is a significant AU it's not quite enough for a whole fic but also far too much for just a headcanon - maybe I'll invent a new Commander.
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dourpeep · 3 years
WAIT. I must participate in this. Please pardon me, I have no self control and cannot choose one story so I'm going to choose four.
Sweet Pea: I LOVE the domesticity behind the idea of Albedo is figuring out his feelings based on the reader's interactions with Klee. I love how Albedo and Klee view each other as siblings, especially when you think about how Albedo canonically believed that his master would leave him should he fail + Klee being left with the KoF. Thus, I think it's important to hime that the person he holds dear is also close to Klee.
Tenderly Yours: This may be the sweetest smut ever. I remember when I first read the lines, "Albedo pecks your lips. He misses" and I almost lost my mind. It's such a sweet image in its clumsiness that it just stuck with me.
Page Turner: So soft :'). I also love how domestic this was! It was so cute that Albedo's immediate reaction to the reader's empty lap is to snuggle into them. I also love the ending!!
Until You Believe: hello, this made me hnngggg. He's such a sweet character. It's so unfair that he was enslaved for so long only to be plagued by the misama that he shys away from others in fear of hurting them. So I love the idea of giving Xiao love so unabashedly and blatantly!
Tryst for Two: JUST THE THOUGHT of making out with Albedo between bookshelves or hidden away in a library alcove is too much for my heart. Neck kisses, the way he was touchy, and how he shushes the reader for more kisses- OTL. I think about this one way too much.
Thank you for writing all of your works btw!! There's just something so distinct about your diction that I love so much! I appreciate all the work and effort you put into writing so I wanted to take this opportunity to say what I love hehe
- honey (who is so sorry about the long asks)
I'm wiggling in my seat reading this my heart (': Thank you for taking so much time to write this all out! but also y e s s s Albedo OTL
I'll forever be biased towards my Bedo works muah muah he deserves all the love and kisses-
AND UNTIL YOU BELIEVE I still think about that all the time--Xiao also deserves all the love and kisses, he's such a gentle character and I want to do him justice as well as give him the softness that he deserves but does not get in canon (yet?? who knows-)
BUT THAT BEING SAID ofc I'm gonna make it my business to reply to each of these gimme a sec
Sweet Pea: Yesyesyesyesyes yes this was the start of me trying to really get into his head--what better than through a connection that we know is dear to him?? I feel he'd have an easier time differentiating between a familial love versus romantic as well nodnod so there's that too--that being said I want to write more Albedo and Klee sibling shenanigains because they're just so cute and I adore them so much!
Tenderly Yours: ((NSFW 18+)) Hehe this is another one of my favorites! There's just something so sweet about that first time with the one you love, being able to explore and feel everything--it's a different kind of intimacy. And the clumsiness??? Ahhh yessss this was basically the idea of that exploration of a new part of a relationships with a hint of the unavoidable silliness. Like, first times are bound to be awkward, why not laugh about it?
Page Turner: I won't lie, this was entirely self-indulgent (and one of my favorites--you did a great job of picking my favorites hahaha). I just finished reading one of the books in a series (but I won't say what because major spoilers) and the antagonist pulled such a cheap move!! Ahhhh it was so unsatisfying but I get why the author wrote it so I can't be mad OTL That and also, again, silly and a little dorky Albedo is too good to resist-
Also also ofc gotta have more cuddles w/ Bedo. At this point the relationship would've been further along, lots of comfort and familiarity both w/ the banter + with the little things like how he immediately lays in their lap
Until You Believe: Ahh yes, the soft praise fic nodnod continuing from my earlier gush about it, I think that Xiao would be incredibly responsive to stuff like this. Just that slow, sweet, gentle touch of your hand to his cheek, the feel of chase kisses peppered over his cheeks and forehead--it's all very grounding. Something that'd help him slow down and take a breath when things aren't going so great.
The ending with his confession (though not really a confession because it's meant to be an established relationship) was also done because that's kinda supposed to be like him seeing himself through your eyes, then realizing how much he does love you because of that deep understanding sidhfoieh I might've been a bit cryptic with that ehe
Tryst for Two: Ehehe I actually wanted to make this one more than just a mini musing, but I ended up getting distracted by a bunch of stuff- but yes! I agreeeeee idk, Bedo feels like he'd be pretty tactile once he experiences stuff like this (same w/ Kazuha, he seems like he'd like those fleeting touches and stuff) and then I also just thought about how people end up flirting and stuff in the KoF Library-- yeahhhhhh
Hehe as for my diction--I just like writing in a way that sounds both poetic but also gets the point across! Something that allows you to feel the emotions that I'm trying to convey but also makes sure to reel you back before it gets too distracting--
Also that and lots of long sentences. I really like writing about details!
But again, thank you so much for taking the time to write that all out aaaa I'm soft (':
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princekunge · 4 years
Betting on Boredom Chapter 1: Born Hater
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Taeyong x OC | Masterlist | Chapter 2
Gang Na Ri was a hater. A certified hater and everyone knew it. She spoke out about things if she thought they were unfair or bad. If she disagreed with something everyone would know about it and she hated those who were unnecessarily mean. She was a passionate person with a short fuse. So with Na Ri there were many times when she jumped the gun and misunderstand a situation. This was the case with a certain person named Lee Taeyong. He had been a new student the semester before and it had been quickly discovered that he was on Na Ri's hate list. But no one knew why. Everyone who met him left with a wonderful impression and genuine liking for the boy. So just as quickly as it was discovered that she hated him was it discovered that she was the only one, which of course made her hate him all the more. But it seemed fate was against her, as she couldn't seem to escape him and his generally large amount of popularity amongst the school.
"Ms. Gang I want you to write a piece on Lee Taeyong and that upcoming competition he's going to be in." You could have heard a pin drop in the journalism room as seven pairs of eyes turned to Na Ri waiting to see her reaction.
"Professor...don't you think Howon would be better than me at writing that kind of piece?" Na Ri asked, not about to blatantly tell the professor she wasn't going to do it. "And....may I ask why the university newspaper is going to write an entire article about a single student? One who is only a Junior."
The seven pairs of eyes swivled back to the professor to hear her response. "Ms. Gang, you are one of our best writers, and I would have thought you would jump on the chance to get one of the top stories." The professor simply replied, knowing all to well about the friction between Na Ri and Taeyong. There likely wasn't a single person in the school who hadn't heard. "I'm giving the story to you, and I expect it to be amongst you best work. As to why we're writing this story that will be for you to tell us in your article."
Na Ri sat back in her chair, unable to think a way out of her horrible situation. She didn't even bother to listen to the rest of the assignments given to the remaining students and when the professor signaled the meeting was over she was the first one out the door making a bee line for the other side of campus.
She was given a few strange looks from people who didn't know her as she stomped through the campus pathways muttering threats under her breath, but for the most part the school's inhabitants had gotten used to Na Ri's strange antics whenever something had upset her.
She arrived at a small building that would have seemed pretty normal if not for the giant antenna that was sitting on top of it. The campus radio station was pretty awesome in Na Ri's opinion, they played all kinds of music from retro to recent and even a lot of foreign stuff. They even housed some of the best DJ's in Seoul who had more to talk about than whether or not a celebrity had gotten a boob job. Of course Na Ri also knew she was insanely biased since most of her friends worked at the radio station. Waltzing in through the front doors Na Ri walked over to the front desk and sighed loudly as she placed her elbows on the counter and her head in her hands. The receptionist sitting behind the desk didn't even look up from his papers, his feet crossed and propped up on the table.
Na Ri sighed louder to get his attention, but he still didn't look up, just flipping the page he was reading in a packet over to go on to the next one. "Teeeeen....you're supposed to ask me what's wrong!" Na Ri frowned at the boy.
"I would, but there's a 9/10 chance it has to do with Taeyong and honestly I don't want to get involved again." Ten replied still not looking up. "Besides, I have important homework I need to be focusing on."
Na Ri quickly snatched the paper from his hand. Giving it a quick look over she snorted. "This is Harry Potter fanfiction. Who prints out Harry Potter fanfiction?"
Ten frowned and grabbed the paper back from her. "HEY! How would you know that not's part of my homework. I AM a theater major."
"Because not even fanfiction would persuaded you to actually put effort into your homework" Na Ri pointed out. "Now, is Seulgi still on air?"
Ten checked the computer in front of him. "She should be wrapping up the show now, you can go on back into the booth and wait for her." He answered nodding her on to the back. Na Ri gave him an over dramatic bow that he rolled his eyes at before going back to his 'homework'.
The booth was a trip. A trip, as in every time she visited it Na Ri felt like she had been transported back to the 70's. The carpet was shag, maybe a light brown bordering on orange color, but she had a suspicion that wasn't the color originally. The air was forever tainted with the smell of cigarettes and marijuana, and there were at least 7 open beer bottles every time she visited. The wood paneled walls were riddled with dart marks and old movie and album posters. The reason for the strange atmosphere was sitting at the sound board waiting for the DJ to finish, Park Jinyoung, or JYP as he insisted to be called, was a college professor in charge of the radio station. To Na Ri he was like that one strange Uncle who you never really knew what he did and he always wanted hugs. She wasn't even sure what he taught or if he even left the radio station. The only time she could recall thinking she saw him outside was when she saw a man with a grocery cart full of junk dumpster diving at a Taco Bell. She had sworn up and down to Ten that it was JYP but they could never prove it.
"Ah! If it isn't my favorite hater! Na Ri! What bitter wind brings you in today?" JYP crooned placing his arms behind his head.
"The same one that brought me into this life." Na Ri joked with the man. He laughed before turning his attention back to the board to switch it to a song. The DJ had finished and was now coming out of the booth looking tired. Na Ri jumped on her almost immediately. "Seulgi! You'll never believe what happened" Na Ri cried.
"Hey Na Ri. Give me a minute and maybe a beer and I'd probably guess this has to do with Taeyong." Seulgi replied letting Na Ri latch onto her like a koala and guide her over to the couch. Na Ri frowned at her friend's words. Was she really so predictable that everyone could guess who her problem's were about?
"Well yeah...but I have to write an article about him and that competition he's in for the newspaper! Which means....I'll have to talk and interact with him." Na Ri sighed feeling dejected.
"Oh no. How will you survive." Seulgi said, not even a hint of sympathy in her voice, as she checked her phone. She had gotten used to Na Ri's complaints about Taeyong, they tended to come at least once a week but usually more. As Na Ri would say the universe hated her and used Taeyong to get back at her.
"I won't survive." Na Ri moaned.
"Stop being over dramatic, that's Ten's job." Seulgi stated flicking her best friend on the forehead.
"I HEARD THAT!" Ten shouted from the other room making both girls smile.
JYP took that moment to bring in his 'sage' advice. "Na Ri, my man....uh wo-man, I think this is life presenting you with a great opportunity to...overcome, this hate that you have for the boy. The world is made unbalanced with hate and now the spirits want to balance it, balance you...with love." If she hadn't grown accustomed to JYP's strange way of talking she probably would have laughed out loud at what he said, but she was able to withhold herself.
"Thanks...man." Na Ri replied. "I'll give that some thought." JYP nodded like he was satisfied and turned back to the sound board as if he said all he needed to say.
"Come on. I know what will make you feel better." Seulgi said standing up.
"Burritos as big as my head?" Na Ri asked her face brightening considerably.
"Burritos as bis as your head." Seulgi confirmed.
"Yes!" Na Ri cried jumping up and raising her fists in the air.
Ten's head poked through the door. "Can I come?" He asked looking hopeful.
"I don't know, did you finish your homework?" Na Ri joked smiling.
"Oh shove it." Ten scoffed rolling his eyes.
"I guess you can come, unless uncle JYP needs you for something." Na Ri replied looking over at the man.
"Be free! Life is calling you!" JYP answered waving them out.
"Alrighty then. Let's go eat our heads in burritos!" Na Ri cried ushering herself and her friends out of the building.
NaReally: At what point am I allowed to give up on life?
Tenoutof10: anytime
DJPringle: Never
Tenoutof10: I mean it probably is, but it's TRUE.
Tenoutof10: Na Ri is allowed to give up anytime, but SHOULD SHE is the real question.
NaReally: I wasn't aware you where a philosopher
NaReally: *were
Tenoutof10: I do it on the side. Just call me Doctor 10
Tenoutof10: Oooooooo I'd make a sexy doctor.
DJPringle: I need to go wash my mind out with bleach
Tenoutof10: You pictured it didn't you. Tell me how hot was it? Did I rival McDreamy?
DJPringle: I want to die. Ri can I join you?
NaReally: Yes I welcome anyone who wants to join.
Tenoutof10: Even Taeyong?
NaReally: ...
DJPringle: You HAD to go there
NaReally: Well time for me to go die, enjoy life suckers
Tenoutof10: Nooooooo Na Ri come back
NaReally: Fine but you owe me alcohol
Tenoutof10: ...
Tenoutof10: Deal
DJPringle: Why am i friends with you guys...
Masterlist | Chapter 2
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patroclusonly · 4 years
I appreciated your meta! I agree, the problem with Bobby is that he's unable to be professional with Buck. He's always letting his emotions cloud his judgement and as a result, like you said, he projects onto Buck. He can't separate his past from reality. Bobby really should not be biased either way (favoring Buck and/or being blatantly against him), and I hope he balances his treatment of him (and the rest of the 118) more in season 4.
Thank you! 
Yes, he definitely needs to learn how to stop thinking Buck is doing the same mistakes he did, because Buck hasn’t actually done anything like him? I hope in season 4 we see him finally understanding that Buck is a grown adult that can take care of himself without being held back or watched over. 
And I really need him to apologise to him. He’s never apologised. Not once. And that makes me so angry because Buck has apologised many times, even when something wasn’t his fault. 
And yeah, he really should just either held the rest of the team accountable for things they’ve done that were even worse than things Buck has done, or cut Buck some slack because so far it’s unbelievable unfair for him
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thyandrawrites · 5 years
When it comes to Endeavor and facing any public consequences for his actions my view is a very simple sobering one: if he did get exposed publically the villains would have much more ammo and society would get wrecked further. With Endeavor’s current status it would probably do more harm then good overall. I think that is the main reason none of his kids have even tried to publically expose him. I think they feel their personal suffering matters less then all that.
this is a complex topic that requires an even longer explanation and I don’t feel much like rephrasing all the implications of this stuff because I’ve discussed about it all before here and there, and I never manage to make my point come across fully so that people can understand where I’m coming from, so
short version is that their society needs to undergo all of that
the reason why heroes are behind most villains backstories is not coincidental. Their society is unfair, elitist and founded on a very biased and corrupt ideal of strength and individualism above all else (including healthier mindsets) that ends up doing more harm than the good it is intended for. To young people in particular. 
The hero society puts on a pedestal a notion of strength that is impossible to uphold even for All Might himself, the guy who remained the unrivaled number one for more than 20 years.
By “strength” I mean a big melting pot of toxic things. 
1) First, being “strong” in the bnha universe means having a flashy and powerful quirk that can be used to punch up bad guys. And I say it’s elitist because everything else that doesn’t fit the bill 100% gets either overlooked or blatantly discriminated against. 
So on the one hand, you have guys like Bakugou and Hawks and Todoroki who have both the “flashy” and the “physically prowess” factors down. 
On the other hand, you have guys like Shinsou and Monoma, with quirks that are arguably some of the strongest and sneakiest powers and that could be immensely useful in the battlefield, be shunned and told over and over that they’d make good villain material. Because they don’t have either of those two aforementioned things. 
Then, in a gray area amongst those two polar opposites, stand all the people who only have one of those factors. Like Kirishima, who has the physical prowess, but not the flashiness (and is actually kinda boring-looking by his own admission). 
The quirkless people don’t even exist on this scale. How’s that for social justice and equity, uh
How is this toxic, you might ask. Well, imho it’s already pretty bad, but for arguments’ sake. Allow me to make another point. 
2) their society promotes and idea of strength based on the aforementioned things that… is very naive at best, and really fucking harmful at worst.
it also goes hand in hand with a definition of “weakness” that is even more disturbing and just… plain wrong. 
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Think for a second about how Bakugou underwent several traumatic experiences (kidnappings, hostage situations, his ego being beaten down over and over), and how no adult ever thought to check up with him if he was fine. You know, emotionally. Because physically is not the only way a person can get hurt. 
The point of the scene above is show their society bias towards what is universally perceived as a strong individual, vs what is generically thought of as the incarnation of weakness. 
“hey this kid can make explosions from his palms, so he has a strong quirk. That totally means he’s emotionally mature enough to deal with the aftermaths of trauma on his own without us moving a single finger, right?
meanwhile, let’s give shit to the other kid who instead does not have a fancy superpower and thus must totally be a weakling who needs to be reminded of how much of a burden he is”
It’s not coincidental that the guy who was praised to all heavens for how strong he was was defenseless against the Sludge villain, and could only wait for someone to save him, and that the guy who helped the most while everyone else sat back and watched him suffocate to death was the quirkless guy who was supposed to be useless. 
it’s supposed to make you think “wow this society has their values all mixed up.”
3) Thirdly (and lastly) the existence of the rankings indirectly promotes a really toxic ideal of individuality. 
To quote from an old meta of mine,
It’s a world where it’s perfectly normal to leave a single guy as the pillar of justice for the entirety of Japan. It’s a weight that would’ve crushed anyone, and it’s not up for question that it’s also the reason why All Might fell. He fought against Afo on his own, sustained a terrible injury, then kept fighting alone until even what was left of his power was squeezed out of him. And yet, it’s never addressed as a bad thing, because their society normalizes inviduality. The existence of the hero rankings is also very telling of this. What’s their purpose if not making everything about hero-work into a competition? Heroics should be about helping people. Instead, in the world of bnha they became all about who manages to sell their brand better.
All Might worked alone. That resulted in the injury and the asportation of a part of his internal organs that severely crippled him. Learning absolutely nothing from his mistakes, he went up against AFO a second time on his own. That resulted in him losing the last remaining embers of his power, and the faith the general populace kept in him as this undefeatable, all mighty super-human that had no weaknesses. 
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this guy sums it up pretty well. 
Sure, relying on a symbol of peace will give people hope and make them feel safe. But it will also paint a target on the symbol’s back and make it easier for the terrorists to single him out and bring him down.
That’s exactly what happened btw.
Afo groomed Shigaraki and created the League and the noumus with the explicit purpose of killing all might. Of destroying that symbol. 
He might’ve not succeeded in killing him, but he did deal a huge blow to the faith in heroes. Now the question remains. Should they really have put that much faith (and abysmal pressure) on the shoulders of a single man?
Was it really fair?
Was it even WISE?
Personally, I don’t think so. I’ve never liked this narrative of the one-man-show, me-against-all-evil guy who singlehandedly defeats the entire universe. That goku bullshit only ever works in a flat, one dimensional universe like dragonball. and it always involves the MC martyrizing himself to save everyone else. 
And it’s, once again, the ranking’s fault. 
Oh, btw. The existence of the rankings is also the reason why Hawks and Shouto were never allowed to have a childhood. Just saying. For that alone, you shouldn’t defend them. They’re bad. Objectively so. 
It’s because of the competition associated with the ranking system that Endeavor became obsessed with besting All Might. If the Commission hadn’t built up a system to gain power to quantify something that should not have been quantifiable, such as good deeds, then Endeavor would’ve never had a scale upon which compare his worth and achievements to All Might. 
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This is not to say that I’m not holding him accountable for his abuse. I’m just stating that the very origin of his feelings of inferiority is rooted in the ranking system. 
The rankings are bad. The symbol of peace is bad. 
they should get rid of all of it. 
(oh and by the way, all of this ramble doesn’t even take into account how quirk elitism affects the raise of villainy. but that’s too complicated and layered a topic for me to dissect now, and I know that people before me already have)
To be honest, the reason why I’m okay with the League destroying the current status quo is because I believe that their society is already in shambles. The existence of villains and of young, misguided and shunned children who have fallen through the cracks is a pretty glaring signal that their society is already fucked up. 
This peace only defends the establishment, and the questionable people (like Endeavor & the commission) who profit from it
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versctles · 4 years
based on this plot
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           “ --- excuses, excuses . . . if you wanted to get home so badly, you should’ve done a better job at rehearsals. luckily, you’re all stuck here under my supervision until we perfect this entire performance, “ she announced, causing a batch of ballerinas to grumble and whine to their peers. this caused bethany to menacingly glare wherever she heard the unnecessary chattering, personally approaching the incompetent dancers to give her a piece of her mind. she’s got her hands on her hips, her luscious brown hair swinging around in a high pony tail as she was looking them over, the mere look enough to clear out the cacophony of gossipy mumblings. this high strung demeanour was expected from what her seniors have claimed to be the next prima ballerina, and bethany couldn’t rest just now when the preparation for the upcoming shows have been hectic. 
          of course, she hadn’t thought that any of them were up to par regarding her excellence in her craft, which alienated her from a majority of these dancers, in spite of how they were all coming from the same age range. this left a mark on bethany being somebody you either loved or loved to hate, and if she was truly planning to secure her rightful throne, then she had no plans of stopping any sooner. “ you can all have a ten minute break, but after that, i expect everybody to be here on time . . . or else, “ she threatened, watching some of them scurrying out the door while others were trying to catch their breaths. she might have been unfair, but she wasn’t just bossing them around and might as well be carrying the whole weight of her batch mates on her shoulders. 
          the sour look on her face was shifting like a flicker of a light switch, her features instantly softening when she turned to the direction of their newest photographer. she had disclosed to him how their previous one ended up in an accident, just not any further on the details and her involvement around this issue as he was now resting on a hospital bed. but bethany didn’t think that it would happen again, as she believed in the capabilities of this new guy, or perhaps she thought of how biased she was being --- given that she was developing a wee bit of crush on the other. she’s adjusting the tendrils of her hair out of habit before walking over to him, an apologetic smile enough to deliver that message without blatantly saying it out loud. “ i don’t mean to keep you locked in here, “ and she did mean that, but she couldn’t go around picking favorites with the risk of her kindness being taken for granted. “ it’s just that our show is in less than a week, and my dancers lack this sense of urgency to do any better, “ bethany ranted, not caring how some of the girls have overheard her. “ do you have some place else to be ? cause i can treat you out for some coffee when we’re all done. “ and now her voice had gone softer, to which only the two of them could hear, having no plans to cause any rumors with the company’s new photographer. ~ ♡  @rusforic​
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