#but work life balance is super important.
locamotivednp · 9 months
Me, screaming and crying and gnawing at the bars of my enclosure: I’m so happy dan and phil are taking time off social media and taking time for themselves for the holiday
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astraeusastro13 · 2 months
I honestly feel like the last three months for me have been completely fucking absurd in the best way possible.
I decided I was probably going to drop out of grad school at the end of the semester because I was almost completely miserable, so I threw my hat in the ring for any job in my preferred industry that I could find, proceeded to hear nothing for three weeks, got rejected from almost all of them and then got an interview with my top choice. That interview turned into a second interview so I decided, fuck it, and actually dropped out, moved back in with my parents, got a third interview, heard nothing for a week, then I found out I got the fucking job and they wanted me to start in two weeks. So I moved for a second time to a city I’d only been to once before (for one of the interviews for this job) and now I’ve been working there for a month and I am genuinely the happiest I’ve ever been in my entire life.
Like, what the fuck?
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theaologies · 1 year
I’m officially starting my four week full time trial period with this new job tomorrow and I am just DEEP BREATH I hope I’m good and they like me because thus far I love this job
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6ebe · 1 year
I always have to be purposefully ignorant abt cdrama age gaps bc what do you mean 15 and 21
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winterspellsfrozenkit · 8 months
Maomao's Dislike of Jinshi
So I've been watching Apothecary Diaries and I think people are missing out on the root cause of why Maomao doesn't like Jinshi's interactions with her. It's not because he's too pretty, of high standing, or because she thinks he's annoying/etc., as they're just parts that make up the actual root cause. It's because she knows he's being fake.
Jinshi, because of who he is, where he lives, and how he was raised, covers up his true intentions almost constantly. That was how he trapped Maomao and singled her out as the one who warned Concubine Gyokuyou, after all. The premise to get all the servants in the room, the note telling her to stay put, and making her come with him without telling her where they were going? He let her worry that she was in trouble, so to keep her off-balance when he introduced her to Gyokuyou and also had kept her note to keep her pinned in a corner so she would have to comply with what he and Gyokuyou wanted.
Maomao prefers working with honest people. It's why she never wanted to ascend into the ranks where court politics were a constant presence, because in court politics, you have to assume most people are lying to you on some level. That's why she likes Gyokuyou; Gyokuyou has a similar mentality about the importance of honesty in the people around her and she reciprocates that honesty with the select people she lets her walls down around. When Jinshi is flirting or being super sweet to someone, Maomao knows he's often not being sincere, so when he flirts or acts all sweet with her, she's not going to believe in the sincerity of it because it's dangerous for her if he's not being sincere.
In Maomao's world, a man who makes false promises will not have severe consequences for his actions, unlike the women who fall for them. Growing up where she did and doing the work she did, Maomao knows exactly what kind of damage someone else's lies can bring to someone else who got caught in them. Maomao is not blind to the ugly truths of the world around her, unlike many her age, so interacting with Jinshi, someone who is usually some level of false in almost every encounter with her, is frustrating to her and he won't leave her alone. Lies are a form of poison themselves as they deteriorate a person's life and relationships and if not caught, can lead someone to their death or a fate akin to death, but unlike physical toxins, Maomao can't fix any damage from that kind of societal poison. As someone who wants a lowkey and unremarkable life because it's more peaceful, Jinshi could damage her goals with his falsehoods if she falls for any of them.
And we see that when Jinshi is actually honest about himself and his feelings with her, she treats him better. When he gives her his hairpin, when he's hugging her and crying because of what happened with Ah-Duo, and when he's at the Verdigris House, drowning his sorrows over letting Maomao go from the Rear Palace, Maomao is kinder to him and doesn't look at him with the immediate disdain and suspicion she often throws his way. Maomao even states she prefers the Jinshi, who is more childlike and bratty, which is something we see Gaoshun constantly discourage when Jinshi has those moments where his mask breaks. But in those moments, he's being honest.
For the position of Maomao's love interest, Jinshi's already got one foot ahead of any other guy around Maomao, as he is willing to let Maomao have more freedom in her special interests and gives her things and access to areas that play into her interests, like her dad does, which is more than most men in her society would ever allow. The only reason he actively goes against her toying with poison is he knows exactly what she's going to do with the poisons. But his main hinderance to getting Maomao to like him back is the training of being two-faced that's been ingrained into him for his survival in court. If he was more honest with her, rather than hiding himself under the veneer of a pretty man who is sweet, gets along with everyone, and keeps his knowledge close to the chest, he'd do so much better in earning Maomao's respect and affection.
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thejournallo · 2 months
How to achieve our manifestation in less than three days.
This is a question that is always on everyone's mind because, let's be real, we are all impatient to get our desires as fast as possible. So what can we do to get what we want as fast as possible? Here is THE guide on how to do it.
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Is begin "Delulu" the only method to make your manifestation come faster?
People often say that starting with a delusional mindset speeds up manifestation, and you know what? They're absolutely right! Being "delulu" is like wielding a powerful instrument that we can play however and whenever we like. 
But why is it so powerful?  Because we reprogram ourselves by slowly changing our mindset by faking that everything is already ours, reprogramming ourselves means unlearning things that don’t serve our wellness and replacing them with things that do.
Personally, I find it super effective to envision myself in an interview when I try to manifest, telling the journalist how I became so powerful and how everything I've manifested took little to no time. It works amazingly! I get what I want from the universe in just three days by doing this.
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We can speed up our manifestations, not just by affirming and believing that we already have what we desire (which alone is often enough to make things happen faster), but also by applying some of the 12 laws of the universe:
The law of Devine ones:
This principle emphasizes that everything in the universe is intrinsically linked, forming a single, unified whole. It implies that we are all interconnected, not only with each other but also with the source, or universal consciousness. With this law, we simply apply the reality that we are already connected to our desire, even if it has to be created from 0. It is already connected to us, and vice versa.
The law of Detachment 1.0:  
The Law of Detachment is a core principle in deductive reasoning and formal logic. It asserts that if a conditional statement (an "if-then" statement) is true and the hypothesis (the "if" part) holds true, then the conclusion (the "then" part) must logically be true as well. I will give a quick example: if I am a witch, then I can do magic (an "if-then" statement), so if I am a witch, and it is true, then the fact that I can do magic is also true. Applying this to manifestations is now as simple as it can be. If I am manifesting this (which is true), then my manifestation is already here (also true).
The law of Detachment 2.0:
The Law of Detachment underscores the importance of trust and surrender. By relinquishing control and not clinging to specific outcomes, you create a state of allowing that can make it easier for your desires to manifest. This approach minimizes stress and resistance, which can otherwise hinder the manifestation process. In essence, the Law of Detachment in manifestation is about balancing desire with surrender. You hold your vision and take steps towards it, but remain flexible and open to how and when it manifests in your life.
The Law of Inspired Action:
Manifestation may require us to take inspired, and intentional action aligned with our desires. This law emphasizes the importance of actively pursuing our goals and dreams while remaining open to guidance and opportunities. For example, if I manifest to go on a great adventure and make a lot of friends along the way, I will have to take the intentional action to book it.
The Law of Rhythm:
Everything in the universe operates in cycles and rhythms. This law suggests that there are natural ebbs and flows, ups and downs, and that understanding these rhythms can help us navigate life more harmoniously. A way that I manifest things is to listen to music that makes me feel powerful and in control of the whole universe. Everyone has this kind of song in their heart because everyone vibrates at a certain frequency and volume. One of mine for example is vampire heart (slowed) - Isak Roen
These laws are not the only way but they for sure are a way. You can use all of them or use only one it is really up to you and i really suggest you learn about the 12 laws because they are a must for manifesting your dream life.
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if you are intrested in more intresting way to manifest don't forget to check my masterlist! I hope you have a blessed day or night!
-xoxo the journallo
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countingsheeps-zzz · 24 days
glow up diet 𖹭
(inspired by @honey-diet beautiful plans)
Be that girl. The one who wakes up and drinks a bottle of water, jumps into a workout, and does her skin care all before 6:00 am. She's thin and confident, of course! She worked towards her weight goals and is rewarded with a whole new life!
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Work out every day. Even if it's for 10 minutes. Strengthen and tone your body all while energizing it.
Clean eat. You don't need over processed and sugary foods in your system! Instead, focus on proteins, fruits, and veggies.
DRINK WATER! Staying hydrated is super important!!
Make your skin and hair glow. Skin care as simple as cleansing your face and hair care can go a long way in making you, a new you! Everyone's different, so try looking up routines for your specific skin/hair type.
Get adequate sleep to look and feel rejuvenated.
Inspo ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Diet ´-
Morning: You wake up early and make your bed, complete a fun workout, hop in the shower with your favorite song, and do your skin care before getting dressed. For breakfast- try a low cal protein, like eggs or turkey sausage, to stay fuller throughout the day. Pair with fruit or a side of whole wheat toast (up to 200 cal).
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Afternoon: Think light for lunch; don't want to feel too full when on hot girl walks or doing self care. Eat a sandwich or maybe a snack bowl. As long as it's a small portion and all healthy foods (up to 200 cal).
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Evening: You start off a relaxing evening by preparing yourself dinner. Proteins are great for feeling full while eating less, and vegetables are your friend; great for the body and so low cal too! Try cooking up some balanced meals with those key ingredients, like dinner bowls! (up to 200 cal). Afterward, wind down by watching a favorite show or scrolling through Tumblr. Do any habits you need to glow up! Then, tuck yourself into bed knowing that your discipline is going to pay off.
Remember: You can make it happen. Putting healthier food into your body- and less food into your body -can make you unrecognizable!
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Max daily intake: 600 cal
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cozycottagetarot · 5 months
How Can You Manifest Your Wishes?
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This is not one of my favourite readings, but I hope you find something useful in it!These types of readings are always slightly difficult to keep organise but I tried my best. I'd love to know if you prefer paragraphs or bullet points as well! Shout out to the anon who recommended this reading!
‼️ This reading is in no way shape or form meant to act as or substitute professional advice of any kind. Please use your discretion, think carefully before you act and only take what resonates be it a little, some or none at all. ‼️
This PAC Includes:
This Might Resonate If Your Wish Is...
The Energy You're In
The Energy You Need To Be In
Extended Reading Includes
How Can You Open Yourself Up
What's Working vs What's Not Working
Additional Messages
Dividers From X
Reading Masterlist | Patreon | Paid Readings -- Open 🥂
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This Might Resonate If Your Wish Is...
Wishes for a full-life makeover. If it’s a wish (or goal) you feel blocked or burnout pursuing. A wish you keep coming back to or feels like a ‘higher calling’. A wish of the heart. A wish around love (of any kind).
The Energy You're In
It feels like you’re in this bright, playful energy and you’re just absolutely ready to go! You see all the possible laid out before you and you’re getting excited about it. You could be coming out of a rough period and you’re trying to rebuild your sense of positivity. You’re trying to move on to the next version of you. You’re expecting the best (or you should be) and are in this very attractive and magnetic energy right now. You have a card here the Flamingo which is all about fun and the vibes of this section make me think of Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter. The vibe of the music video feels very playful and fun and the line “my give a f*cks are on vacation” reminds me of the energy you're in at the moment. It all feels very warm like I can almost feel the sun on my skin.
HOWEVER, you may be focusing on these possibilities through the eyes of others… living vicariously through others. What I mean by this is viewing people through social media, books, even in person and believing you can do what they do (which is fine) but through their experience or as them rather than you… I hope that makes sense. You may hold onto the super intense aspects of love or pleasure. This can be especially important regarding relationships! I will make a post on this a little later (it’s drafted), but the energy you’re in requires you to take a look at what ‘work’ you’re asking others to do for you. You need to focus on how you’re channeling the vibrant passionate energy you’re embodying at the moment.
The Energy You Need To Be In
As beautiful as your current energy is, you need to slow your roll a little bit here. Yes, hold onto the belief that things are going great for you— but you also need to ground yourself and savour the small moments too. Enjoy ALL the good things… right down to the perfectly crafted beverage. Take chances but double-check your trajectory first. Don’t just rush in, you’re in need of a balance right now. You’re in a phase of transition but divine timing is also at play. However, I feel like if you try to force things then you might end up bringing a 'tower moment' on yourself (if you’re about to panic, relax!) where you’re forced to take a look at what is truly important to you.
Thank you for making it this far! If you're interested in extended reading which includes how you can open yourself up, what's working vs what's not and more then you can check it out here!
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This Might Resonate If Your Wish Is...
 Of personal strength. Wishing your wish will come true. Balance. Employment (especially self employment). A wish to remove a known block or a wish for a solution of any kind. Relating to being in between phases. Something that will bring you a sense of safety or stability. Gaining your wings. Wishes involving social connections.
*Relationships are such a strong theme here, but it seems as though it maybe experience from childhood that come up a lot in this reading
The Energy You're In
I think you’re in an energy of waiting and surveying your surroundings... Like when someone’s wounded and retreats to regroup and tend to themselves. Main themes relate to boundaries, relationships and self care. You’re trying to find allies but I think it’s a little bit hard right now. Very analytical mind, trying to determine what stays and what goes. Things are definitely shifting and you’re just kind of keeping to yourself. Communication is such a big thing for you here. I feel like you’re really just on the sidelines taking things slow. You want to ally with others but you need to tend to yourself first or at least that’s your focus right now. You’re mainly in an energy of taking stock it seems… on alert in changing circumstances. You might be ruminating on how you communicate with others? There’s a suggest to look at how you experienced communication growing up? You might be stuck in your head… seeing “people” as not safe.
Idk guys, like are you good? Usually Pile 3 is the one that messes with me but the energies here feel sooo off. Kind of wondering if you're fatigued, hung up over someone even? Not necessarily romantically but someone who was/is supposed to have your back and you’re just hitting a wall or something at the moment. The energy literally disappearaed once I moved onto the energy you need to be in so take that as a positive sign!
If it ain’t me — Dua Lipa kept coming to me and disco balls stood out from the cards.
The Energy You Need To Be In
I feel like you need to be in an energy where, yes you’re surveying/assessing your surroundings, but you have to get up and do so instead of sitting around. You need to take action and expand your horizons. Be bold and go for it... I think you’ve got what you need. The consistent message is that doing nothing is not an option. Take a chance on what will fulfill your desires. Accepting endings is important and being able to move on. Allow yourself to transition to a fresh start.
Consider your image and how you show up as/interact with authority. Leadership. Especially emotional leadership. Parenting oneself and/or setting the example for how you want others to treat you. Create a safe home ‘base’ (internal or external) but don’t get stuck in it. Maybe ask yourself what creates home? Makes you feel safe/secure? You also could need to take a look at sibling relationships or any with a sibling like dynamic and factor in how you those affect how you show up is important to look at too. I think this could relate to blocks. But you need to place your roots first and then explore.
Trust yourself and make a move. Focus on your strengths and believe that you have gathered enough data to move forward. Structure and strategy are going to be your friends. Honor those ‘above’ you but hold onto your power. Set boundaries and hold other accountable (and yourself too).
Thank you for making it this far! If you're interested in extended reading which includes how you can open yourself up, what's working vs what's not and more then you can check it out here!
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This Might Resonate If Your Wish Is...
Travel, adventure, family, community, friendships/found family, creative projects, diving intervention, exploring new interest, work-life balance.
The Energy You're In
Closing out cycles and actively transforming. Seeking out messages from the divine. You're open to receiving messages and guidance. Very calm and zen feeling. Maybe feeling like you're going through or have recently gone through a rebirth. You're ready to make moves. Strong willed. "What do you want to do?" is a question that should be potentially on your mind if it's not. Taking inspired action. Bring play into your life/how can you do so? This can even apply to relationships. Healing. Compare and contrasting how past events influence you and if how you're showing up matches your intentions. Heavy on the "level up" energy but this is a kind you're actively seeking. Exploring relationships, mentorships, ideas. Leaning on love ones. Generally being in good vibes.
Feels like a combination of pile 1 and 2 so if you were drawn to one of those as well I recommend checking them out.
This also feels like a very spiritual pile? I'm not sure how describe it but I kept saying 'the Universe' alot while I was doing this reading so of course just adjust it to whatever suits you and your belief best! 
The Energy You Need To Be In
It's slightly hard to organise the messages here. There's a need to ground yourself. Don't stop working on healing, but also maintain your stability. Expansion & communication. Abundance is coming in. Remember you're worthy of abundance and your manifestation skills are heightened. Big things are coming for you. Expanding your perspective as well. Where do you need to speak up? You can and should try to lean on others. Open your heart... you don't have to have an armored heart. Cultivate your wishes, the things you want to grow. Nurture your wishes and your heart. Make sure you're clear on what you want to manifest. Keep your motivation up by focusing on short term steps. Look to mentors for guidance.
Thank you for making it this far! If you're interested in extended reading which includes how you can open yourself up, what's working vs what's not and more then you can check it out here!
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This Might Resonate If Your Wish Is...
Nostalgia. Happiness. Needing motivation. Heavily charged emotional wishes. Something relating to others… not necessarily currently though. Like a wish that was formed because of someone years ago. If you have a vision board. Looking for a break. Or for a break to end. A wish where you’ve heard divine timing is at play. Direction. A waiting period to be over. Trying to break something you know isn’t good for you.
Pay attention to words, phrases or songs that come up often.
The Energy You're In
You’re very guarded. You’re wanting to break away from whatever is just weighing on you and you’re working hard at it but at the same time I feel like you just won’t let go??? Despite you working to break the chains or get a move on, it feels like they’re never ending but they are ending!! Don’t be fooled by appearances.
I think you’re very future focused and all about recreating yourself (I heard in entirety). You’re trying to expand your pov and I feel also kind of just nurture yourself internally. Very introspective trying to figure out who you are and what you want to do or who you want to be.
The Energy You Need To Be In
I didn’t really get anything specifically about money regarding wishes but I think it at least revolves around some kind of stability heavily. You need to be walking away from what isn’t serving you. Realise that you can create just about anything right now... anything goes.
You need to be doing what’s best for you regardless of if you hate it. Your day to day life is super important. I don’t know if rainbows are important to you but also I’m feeling like you need to fill your life with colour too. You need to become clear on resources and what they mean to you such as money, you body, other material possessions etc. get your financial life together. Do some deep cleaning. Like normally these readings are a matter of mindset and mental work but this pile feels very physical. Beautify your life and make it aesthetically pleasing without breaking the bank. How can you use art as well to make a masterpiece out of your feelings? How can you make your day to day life more enjoyable?
Thank you for making it this far! If you're interested in extended reading which includes how you can open yourself up, what's working vs what's not and more then you can check it out here!
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seagiri · 4 months
Hello, just thought I'd pop in to say I'm absolutely obsessed with how you draw noses! You use a delightful balance of shape and volume I've seen no-where else, which really defines the faces you draw! Our species has the second-largest nose of any primate, and you do it immense justice by not treating it as an afterthought compared to the eyes and mouth.
I just had to know from whence you draw inspiration for your artstyle. What allowed you to craft such well-defined schnozes, and could you perhaps walk me through how you specifically draw a face?
Ahhh thanks so much! to be honest i took inspiration from a lot of Lord of the Rings fanart and mutuals that I noticed really highlighted nose bridges, I was never a big fan of them but I got insanely curious and ended up really liking how they look
I'm terribly sorry though because I don't really have a definite process for drawing faces. If I'm struggling, I'll do a simple box shaped skull with guides for the eyes to try and warm up. If I'm already warmed up, then its most likely going to be a circle with a line for perspective guide. I usually do eyes and nose first for the same reason (perspective. theyre very important). Then I just wing it (hence why ears are always very disproportionate on heads on my art). I'm super lazy so I just do whats easier for me lmao and also I work very inconsistently, its an unprofessional fight for my life
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prettyrealm · 7 months
a message from the universe 🌌
pick a card #2: sometimes we can all use a bit of direction! here’s what the universe wants you to shift your focus to and what you should work on to improve your overall quality of life 🌼
how to participate:
🌤️ ask yourself "what should I focus on?" “what should I put more energy into?”
🌷pick the spring sanrio plush that you feel most drawn to.
clear your mind & take as long as you need to choose. keep in mind that you may feel drawn to & choose more than one. you also may not feel drawn to any of them, so don't force it! please consider your headspace before participating as these readings will be honest. the piles are in order from left to right.
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🌸 pile 1
there’s something you’re in denial about and the universe wants you to know it’s best you summon the courage to come to terms with it. it’s time you try to acknowledge these issues now to overcome them and not carry this weight with you. be honest about yourself, your intentions and others. I feel this may have to do with someone trying to take something away from you that’s rightly yours, or the give-and-take dynamic of this situation is denying you of achieving your goals. there is no balance - you may be giving more to this person or project than you receive and your resentment is growing. you may even find yourself giving without true genuine compassion, now carrying a “you owe me.” mindset that only stresses you out. facing the reality of this situation, acknowledging it and making a change will bring very good things to you, and very soon at that. you may have gone through a time of hardship, but things are settling and the universe wants you to know that big and positive changes can and will come into your life be it you follow direction. release your fears. you are ready.
💐 pile 2
the universe wants you to know bright new prospects have opened up! you have and will be making immense progress towards your goals - big strides. you may have felt super optimistic lately and this isn’t for no reason, things will be looking up for you. you have nothing to fear. it is time for you to put trust in the universe and in yourself, something amazing is in store for you and you may even feel like a miracle is unfolding before your very eyes. the only downfall is a bit of conflict may appear before you get here - strife and conflict - prepare for battle, but no worries, you will come out on top. this competition will bring out your passion and show your commitment and may even cause others to admire you more for it. don’t be petty, fight fairly and stay honest. seek true understanding. this small hiccup aside, your desires are manifesting, and your new life is on its way.
(note: if you’re someone who has been trying for a child I can assure you it’s coming soon!)
☁️ pile 3
the universe wants you to look forward to new friends, a new environment and seeking knowledge. important things will be happening soon and you may need to prepare for a change in your relationships. you are being told you need to rid yourself of problems and memories you dwell on from the recent past and practice forgiveness. focus on the changes you and others are making to usher in and happily welcome this new change of scenery. moving past the trails you’ve faced will only strengthen your connection and appreciation for your family members. the universe also wants you to practice and strengthen your powers of reason, stop letting emotion cloud your judgement and make your decisions for you. come to solutions without blaming people, playing the victim or projecting. you’re being given the power to think more clearly and objectively at this time to make the changes to your life that you need, so use it. should you listen to the universe, a weight will be lifted from your shoulders and a sense of freedom will wash over you.
🐣 pile 4
the universe wants you to know your problems are or will be resolved! expect an end or at least an extended break from whatever adversaries you’ve been facing recently. the waters are nice and clear from here on out so feel safe jumping on any opportunity that arises - and they will. whatever your desires may be, the door to obtaining them will be opening up soon. it appears many doors have actually opened for you in the past, but you never took the chance. it’s likely you didn’t realize these opportunities were MEANT for you, but it’s time you stop taking them for granted and start receiving. all the universe asks is that you stop taking things for granted and appreciate what you have. count your blessings, maybe even start a gratitude journal. pay attention to the way you move and your influence on others, be kinder, more responsible and more sweet to those who aid you every day. do not bite the hand that feeds you, and opportunities and gifts will begin to shower you.
🦋 pile 5
the universe is asking you to look to an older male figure in your life. he’s looking out for you and he has the skills and connections that you need at this time. he will be very responsive if you ask for help and expect nothing in return, genuinely wanting the best for you. he is very well-educated and will help push you along on your path, but also provide you with valuable information that will greatest help you in the future. do not take his help for granted and make sure to show your appreciation along the way, this will strengthen the connection and only help you in the long term. you are being asked to relax and relinquish your burdens, accept this assistance and allow the weight to be lifted from your shoulders. you may be extremely stressed recently and these are all things that will help you relieve that stress, but also push you closer to your desires. spend this time day dreaming about, fantasizing about and visualizing what you want for your future.
🐝 pile 6
the universe wants to let you know that you’re on your way to perfecting your craft and rewards will so be yours as a result of your proficiency and hard work! I do see you need to work on getting more information before you make any big decisions. research throughly, consult with others, get a lot of data even if that means as far as going to seminars or watching online lectures. this aside, success and glory is on the horizon! life might feel pretty good right now, but there’s even more joy and happiness in store for you. the universe wants you to step out of your comfort zone, push the limits and stop playing it safe - you’ve been restricted for too long. do not fall victim to close minded thinking, moving off of assumptions and negative history. try to think from a new perspective and don’t get stuck in a loop of bad thought patterns. free yourself.
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starlithumanity · 11 months
I'm having a fascinating time rewatching Our Flag Means Death with the knowledge that Ed sees Izzy as a "safe" mentor/family figure ("safe" because Izzy is Ed's subordinate aboard the ship, which creates a more balanced power dynamic) upon whom Ed projects his many unresolved daddy issues. That stated interpretation from David Jenkins does work, even in season one!
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Most of the fandom conceptualized season one Izzy as a power-hungry subordinate to Ed and a "co-parent" to the crew (paralleled with the Stede/Mary marriage) who has an understated masochist lust for the Blackbeard legend. All of that is true too, because Ed and Izzy's relationship is incredibly complex and fucked-up. I know from personal experience that this kind of layered toxic relationship is completely possible, though it might seem contradictory on the surface.
In season one, Ed considering Izzy as a mentor/family explains more why Ed let his first mate be so insulting to and controlling of him and still kept wanting Izzy to stay beside him. It adds more meaning to how Ed veers super hard into the violent Blackbeard role after feeling cornered and threatened by Izzy at the end of the season. (This also has further weight for those of us with family members who have disapproved quite loudly of our queer relationships.)
There is a strong parallel that I noticed previously between young Ed's reaction to his father abusing his mother and season one Ed's reaction to Izzy dueling Stede. Stede is linked to Ed's mother through the red silk and through the fact that Stede and Ed's mother--and Lucius--are the only people we see treating Ed with compassion/softness in season one. It thus makes sense for Izzy to be mirroring Ed's father.
Then there's another parallel in how Ed responded to Izzy mentioning Stede in a mocking way ("pining for his boyfriend") by choking Izzy, like how Ed had once responded to his father threatening his mother by strangling his father. In this moment, Izzy touched Ed's face with an intimate kind of familiarity and said, "There he is." Ed clearly found this unnerving, which some people read as sexually harassment, but it makes just as much sense for it to be his daddy issues getting triggered.
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(GIF Sources: captain-flint and divineandmajesticinone)
I think part of why this dynamic was unclear in season one is because the writers wanted us to see that, even though Izzy is a mentor figure who taught Ed certain skills, Ed is a grown man who is fully competent on his own. He had likely started building the Blackbeard legend by the time Izzy met him, he has a clever mind that's constantly coming up with new plans, and when Izzy himself was left as captain, Izzy proved to not have the necessary charisma and compassion to lead the crew. Ed is the star power; Izzy is the manager, so to speak.
However, Izzy overestimates his importance and often talks about himself like he's a martyr to the Blackbeard legend, working so hard to keep both Ed and the crew in line. He claims that he's been "clean[ing] up [Ed's] messes... my whole life," which feels like a very parental complaint to me.
Ed fuels this martyr complex some in season two by physically harming Izzy, but notably, Ed doesn't threaten this kind of harm to the rest of the crew (though he isn't very careful with them either) until he's in the suicidal spiral of driving the ship into a storm. Before that, Ed threatens Izzy specifically, both because Izzy threatened him and Stede in season one and because Ed's trying, in his own fucked-up way, to prove to Izzy that he's following Izzy's guidance and "being Blackbeard." The toe-cutting also has some metaphorical weight: Izzy demanded that Ed "cut off" the gentler pieces of himself to be Blackbeard, so Ed starts cutting off literal pieces of Izzy in return. When it becomes clear that this isn't satisfying Izzy either, that's when Ed really goes off the deep end. ("I loved you the best I could," but I never could be enough to fit your expectations.)
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(GIF Source: livelovecaliforniadreams)
Meanwhile, we see Izzy starting to question things specifically in response to Ed saying that Izzy could be replaced as first mate. Izzy thought his place, as a mentor/family and self-professed "martyr", was more secure than that, and it challenges his whole identity.
Throughout season two, the mentor/family dynamic is further emphasized via the parallel between Izzy/Ed/Stede and Auntie/Zheng Yi Sao/Oluwande. Others have discussed this more, but there's so much meaning in the similar ways these characters carry themselves, in the tension of Auntie disapproving of Zheng Yi Sao's feelings for "soft" Oluwande, and in the way Oluwande finally teaches Auntie to soften herself some for Zheng Yi Sao.
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(GIF Source: bizarrelittlemew)
Additionally, in episode five of season two, we see Stede turning to Izzy for mentorship, proclaiming that Ed himself had recommended Izzy as someone who "made him into the captain he is today." People have questioned that as being a false manipulation from Stede, but I think there's a good chance that it was true! (Ed probably said this to Stede sometime during season one, when the two of them got to know each other so well.) "Taught him everything he knows" is definitely a flattering exaggeration, but hey.
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(GIF Source: ofmdaily)
Throughout this and other episodes, we see Izzy continuing to take on a mentor-like role with Stede and the crew (and eventually Ed) as he tries to recenter himself after the darkness of the first three episodes. It's clear that Izzy is most comfortable playing the gruff and politically incorrect old fighter who offers guidance, but now he's letting himself branch out more and connect to the crew in new gentler ways. He even metaphorically "gives his blessing" to Ed and Stede's first time having sex by providing the musical accompaniment, which is the perfect amount of weird for this show, haha.
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(GIF Source: izzyfag)
Izzy's transformative arc in season two also involves a steady pattern of reversals, corrected new versions of his treatment of Ed in season one, as Izzy start coming to terms with the harm he did to Ed. Other people have discussed this in more detail, but I think the pace of this change is realistic to what you would see in such a situation. Ed's responses to this, too, are consistent with him seeing Izzy as a mentor/family.
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(GIF Source: edwards-teach)
I should further note that Izzy and Benjamin Hornigold (another abusive father figure from Ed's past) are two characters mirrored by the fact that they call Ed "Eddie" in season two. I can imagine that being the nickname Ed used when he was younger, before growing out of it. Izzy seems to start feeling the echo of that memory of younger Ed when Ed comes to him scared, asking for Izzy to "fix [his] mess" by shooting Ed like Ed "dreamed" about.
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(GIF Source: blairpfaff)
Right before Izzy's death, there's a scene where Ed is triggered super hard in his daddy issues by the fisherman "Pop-Pop." I think the writers wanted to remind us of the parental trauma Ed has been through before giving us some catharsis through Izzy's deathbed confession and apology. In that moment, Izzy takes full accountability for what he did, while Ed cries and says, "You're my only family." Izzy redirects him in a final bit of mentorly guidance, telling Ed that the crew is there to be his family if Ed will let himself be loved, truly, in the way Ed has often rejected and distanced himself from being loved.
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(GIF Source: izzyfag)
Now, I do think Izzy's death was the right choice for this show. I like that DJenkins went with the classic mentor death trope, and he did a similar thing with Buttons, the other old-timer first mate! I agree likewise with those who have discussed Izzy's loss as being a necessary step for the narrative to move forward both from Ed's darker self/parental trauma and from the older age of piracy that Izzy represents. Izzy was always meant to be a dark reflection of and a narrative support/conflict for Ed, and this is the natural culmination of that. His complicated legacy will continue to be something Ed has to reckon with, however, although Ed is trying to compartmentalize that right now.
I very much hope to see, in season three (🤞🏻), how Ed continues to process his past, especially now that he's trying for a domestic life that will likely lead into marriage. Marriage, from what I've seen, often acts as a staging ground for whatever parental trauma you had growing up, because you look to your parental figures as an example of how to do "adult" things. This is going to be a huge conflict for both Ed and Stede, who has his own personal negative marriage experience. I suspect Izzy will continue to represent this problem in some form or another.
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(GIF Sources: kiwistede and yenvengerberg)
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littleststarfighter · 12 days
Feeling sorry for myself
I just want to apologise if I seem standoffish sometimes. Or if I'm super late to reply to anyone. I get too shy and I have anxiety. After my mum passed away it kinda got worse. But I'm trying to get better at not being so awkward and making friends. I don't have many friends offline and it gets very lonely. I often don't get to talk to anyone for days or weeks face to face or on the phone. So coming on here and chatting makes my day. I'm just very slow at it because I get nervous.
Things have been really hard. I'm unemployed again and finding it impossible to find work. The curse of not having a car and living rurally. I've got bills to pay that signing on for welfare doesn't cover. When it comes to my family, only my sister has anything to do with me. I hate where I live because I have neighbours from hell, but I'm stuck here. I'm feeling trapped so it's been hard to get myself out there in the world more. And that includes being online and drawing. I just want to curl up and stop some days. I keep trying though even if I feel like giving up. Because drawing makes me happy and I love the people I meet here. I've met some really kind and awesome people ❤️ So I guess I just wanted to moan because sometimes it helps getting things out instead of pretending things are great. Sometimes they're not.
I wish I was a faster artist. I think that's why I'm not successful or find work in art. No one wants my art and it gets depressing seeing people I shared fandom with become successful and develop careers. Like I'm struggling to get people interested in my prints or Patreon. Honestly I'm thinking of deleting my Pateron as I'm not doing great or offering things people want. I don't do much NSFW and my art isn't cute. I take so long to draw and paint it's ridiculous. And don't draw just the one fandom and like to branch out and that doesn't help. Especially as I've landed in a new one lately. I think there'll be a point I'm going to have to stop drawing as it'll be hard to balance that and stressing about not having full time work. It makes me sad to think that but bills are more important and I have to get out of this hell hole I'm living in. I only have myself to rely on in my life. My family or friends won't help me. I get people asking why I can't do something with my art. But you need to be super popular and know people, as well as being outgoing and great at networking to make that work. And I'm too slow, shy and have a weird style for anyone to hire me. 
Sorry, just feeling sorry for myself today and wanted somewhere to rant that's not my poor sister. It's just been really hard for me recently and I'm trying so much to be positive and get myself sorted out. But sometimes you just want to have a moan. Will go try to finish something as I've had a really bad social anxiety kick recently and I've not been online or drawn anything for over a month. I want to draw so badly too.
Sorry for moaning so much.
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selfhelpforstudents · 9 months
How I Manage to Study 15 Hours a Day
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Girls in Finance project server // other posts
As I love studying, I have found some tips that have helped me throughout the years to stay efficient during long study days. I adapted these tips to my personality: I am a very loving and compassionate person, thereby I give myself a lot of support through those.
So, let's infuse warmth, love, and a fighting spirit into study tips:
Cherish Your Goals:
Embrace tasks that align with your dreams. Who do you want to be in life? Vision yourself being that person! I always look at my goals in the form of a vision board and become super happy.
2. Study time is a privilege:
Treat each moment as a gift. Sometimes we might think that we are "forced" to study. However, it is a privilege that we are able to go to uni/school and thereby work on our future.
3. Focus, One Task at a Time:
Devote your heart to one task at a time. Sometimes we do feel tempted to switch, but I would suggest staying disciplined with one subject/one task at a time.
4. Breaks are Important:
Gift yourself short breaks filled with something that motivates you: Looking at your vision board, past achievement, etc. I always look back on what I have achieved so far and that instantly makes me more motivated and gives me a clear mind.
5. Nourish Your Body:
Really do your best to keep to a balanced diet, as it has been proven that enough water and a healthy diet can increase concentration and keeps you healthy.
6. Goals, Sweet Milestones:
Set goals as gentle companions on your journey! Celebrate each accomplishment with a loving heart! You are doing so well! Really fill your heart with the happiness of achieving small goals and milestones.
7. Reflect with Compassion:
Tenderly reflect on your journey and seek feedback. There is always room for improvement. And even if you fail to be efficient at times, there is always a tomorrow and you learn from your mistakes.
That's it, remember, efficiency is not solely about the number of hours spent studying but about making the most of the time invested. <3 I love you all!! Feel free to reach out!
Girls in Finance project server // other posts
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pinkpigtailsprincess · 5 months
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𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ Dollies 63 Days of Summer Glow up!! Day 1 > Prep 🎀☀️🐬
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Hii Dolls!! 🎀 Welcome 2 my newest series of my 2 month long summer glow up process its pretty self explanatory but im gonna be documenting my 2 month long summer glow up process 2 just be a better me!! enjoy!! ☀️
DISCLAIMER!! ; i will censoring and dancing around certain topics just bc ik they can be triggering to some folk that have issues so cw; vauge mentions of w3!ght!! 💗
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Stage 1 : Health! ☀️
It always important to keep up with ur health obvii 2 maintain good balance in life! ☀️
𐙚 𓈒 ݁ ₊ Diet!! 🍏
Now diet wise i already do have a pretty balanced and healthy diet to begin with so i won’t have to that much work on my diet but i definitely wanna make small improvements!!🎀
𐙚 𓈒 ݁ ₊ Diet Goals!! 🍋
incorporate different from my usual ones fruits!!
expand my palate (chronic picky eater)
making more meals that are still healthy & tasty but not repetitive!!
not skipping my meals!!
cutting out all meats except fish!!
push myself to like cucumbers
get back into drinking more fruit water!!
stop eating so much cheese!
knowing my limit when eating!
𐙚 𓈒 ݁ ₊ Exercise !! 🧘‍♀️
Doing more exercise is definitely a huge one for me because there was a point where i did it daily but then i stopped bc i feel into a rut but then i started again but only once a month so im trying to get back into daily exercise!!
𐙚 𓈒 ݁ ₊ Fitness Goals!! 🧘‍♀️
workout more than once a month!
do more yoga + cardio + home pilates
use exercise to make me healthier & happier
lose w*ight i won’t disclose how much i want to loose and how much i wanna be bc that’s personal 2 me !!
feeling comfortable in my body + build discipline
𐙚 𓈒 ݁ ₊ Oral Health !! 🪥
I Will say i did recently update my oral hygiene routine bc i got braces so now i have to do more work but i definitely wanna still add things to it!!
𐙚 𓈒 ݁ ₊ Oral Health Goals !! 🦷
consistently floss in the morning as well as night
buy a tongue scraper
get an electric toothbrush
start oil pulling
𐙚 𓈒 ݁ ₊ Mental Health !! ☀️
I Sooo wanna improve some thing in my mental health bc obviously its super important to not only take care of my physical health but my mental health!! 🎀
𐙚 𓈒 ݁ ₊ Mental Health Goals !! 🧁
get back into journaling
get back into meditation
step out of my comfort zone
build more confidence in social settings!
replace most phone time with reading time
spend more time outside
prioritizing rest more
not being to hard on myself
celebrating all my wins and accomplishments no matter how big or small!
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Stage2 ೀ⋆ : Hygiene!
I Already have a pretty solid skincare routine to begin with but honestly i just wanna improve to it and add more to it ! 🎀
Skincare ୭₊˚ ! 🎀
For my Skincare routine i already have my products and my basics but honestly i wanna stater using different products to better help my skin!!
❤︎ ໋𓈒 Skincare Goals ! ⭐️
ice rolling
jade rolling
bi weekly dermaplaing
weekly face mask
facial steaming
facial cleansing brush
use more Korean & Japanese products (Japanese products are literally the best)
Body-care ୭₊˚ ⭐️
Another section where i wanna make improvement i already exfoliate,hair removal sometimes and i use my antibacterial soap and my body washes but theres a bunch of things i wanna incorporate!! 💗
❤︎ ໋𓈒 Bodycare Goals ! 🐬
start dry brushing
exfoliate weekly
shave or epilating more often (my own choice bc honestly i don’t like the feeling of body hair
use my glycolic acid more routinely
buy more sweet smelling body products
find a signature scent
use body oil + body butter + body glitter
using an African exfoliating net instead of a rag
Haircare ୭₊˚ ! 💗
For my Hair care i definitely wanna make room for improvement i mainly detangle every day with just some water or style depending on if i need/want to or not and i oil my scalp!!
❤︎ ໋𓈒 Haircare Goals ! 🐬
Grow it out more with the Help of Indian Amla Oil (some said it stinks but if it helps)
Learn More Hair Styles
Use Rice Water
castor oil
Scalp Massage More Often
Hair Masque Bi-Weekly
Trim Split Ends
Deep Conditioning On a Wash Day
Nailcare ! ୭₊˚ ⭐️
use more cuticle oil
professional manipedis bi weekly!
soak my feet with foot salts more
develop my own at home nail care routine
buy new daily vitamins!!
keep my hair professionally done!!
use my primuce stone more
buy more lipgloss + vaseline lip care
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Stage 3 ೀ⋆ Makeup + Jewelry + Fashion + Perfumes 🛍️ !!
I wanna learn how to do my makeup again so badly! and this time i have more tips so i can actually learn how to do it properly!! 🫧
Makeup Goals ୭₊˚ !
find the perfect soft glam dolly makeup
perfect my eyebrows
learn to glue down lashes
make the perfect base
learn to bronze and contour correctly
perfect the highlighter placement
get the perfect sun kissed summer doll makeup
again buy more lipgloss
Jewelry Goals ୭₊˚ ! ⭐️
i desperately have been needing new jewelry and for the longest and ive stupidly been wearing silver knowing i like gold better
buy bangels
get gold hoops
get a new nameplate
get more necklaces
get more rings
get anklets !!
Fashion Goals ୭₊˚ ! 🛍️
actually dress in clothes i genuinely like
dress for my body type
not toning down my dressing for random people
build confidence in my outfits
start sewing some of my outfits bc i can
make crochet pieces for the beach
buy tons of cute clothes!!
make more inspo boards !!
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Stage 4 ; Posture,Eloquence + Mannerism + Photogenic 🎀🍰
Definitely a Big one for me i wanna fix my posture and definitely speak up more in public bc im a little shy 🙈🎀!
Posture Goals ୭₊˚ ! 🫧
fix my back posture
learn to again regulate my nervous sustem and relax my shoulders
be more fluid in my movements!!
walking with my head up
Eloquence Goals ୭₊˚ ! 🛁
speaking louder in public so people can actually hear me
speaking clearly with confidence
controlling my facial expressions more
smiling more!! 😁
Mannerism Goals + Body Language ୭₊˚ ! 🛍️
I tend to tone down my natrual mannerisms ALOT when im out in public and honestly im tried of not being my true self in public and i let the opinions of those around me influence me into toning it down
be more animated as i am at home in public
walk the way i want to!!
practice princess mannerisms with my own little spin🤭
walk around like a princess bc im literally a princess
Extra Goals ୭₊˚ ! 🛍️
be more photogenic
learn how to pose
be more videogenic
walk around like i won the place (4 the confidence esque of it
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Stage 5: Mindset!!🎀⭐️
The Final Stage!!🎀: where ill be implementing so mindsets of some my favs and learn how to express myself in my environment bc honestly it sucks not being able to be myself around my family ⭐️
Mindset Goals ୭₊˚ ! 🐬
knowing my worth
not letting outside opinions dictate my life
unapologetically being myself around my family
reminding my self that people opinions don’t matter
always have a one track mind with all my goals!!
again not being too hard on myself!
Thank you all so much 4 reading i can’t wait till start documenting my journey with you guys!!🎀⭐️ XO,Dolly!!
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somewhat-insane · 2 months
Can we get some general jealous headcanons for Sun Wukong, Macaque and the Nine headed demon? Pretty please?
OH MY GOSH ABSOLUTELY I LOVE THEM AND I LOVE WRITING THEM JEALOUS (even if I suck at it, we're not going to talk about that)
I try my best to balance fluff and stuff with more realistic traits like the more toxic aspects and stuff, and that might not be everyone's cup of tea. With a subject like jealousy it tends to skew more towards angsty traits because all three of these men have issues.
Per usual, I'm sorry if I go off request, I can not focus while writing for the life of me and I always get sidetracked. I'm working on it though. That's part of the reason this took so long- I had to keep deleting and rewriting everything because it didn't fit the theme-
~*Jealousy SWK, SEM, NHD*~
~Sun Wukong~
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Surprisingly the least jealous of the three... on the surface, at least
Separation anxiety; he's a monkey so physical affection is really important for him
Poor clingy insecure whiner boy :(
Loves having his arms around you; will carry you if you let him
doesn't like sleeping without you close and if he wakes up and you're not there he's 100% panicking. Safe to say it will take a lot of convincing to let you leave his sight that day
He doesn't really mind much if other people flirt with you, he trusts you and doubts a couple of pickup lines from a friend or coworker or whatever will be enough to take you from him, he traveled with Zhu Bajie during the journey after all, he's used to watching people flirt and nothing come out of it
He uses disassociation as a coping mechanism so he doesn't get super upset if your attention isn't on him 24/7 because he's usually thinking about something else anyway, but in the times when he is present, he'll shut down and be pretty sad if you don't give him attention
He's a bit more... intense when it comes to physical contact though
In the case that you're touching someone else, hugging them, or patting them on the back or whatever, he'll get all pouty and won't stop looking at you like a pathetic wet cat until you give him attention instead
If someone touches you though he'll death glare them
Not afraid to show he's jealous
He wants you to know that he wants you by his side exclusively
If anything he's afraid of not showing you enough
Constantly trying to walk the line between "not being too controlling" but also "not seeming like he doesn't care"
On one hand, everything he's learned from his master tells him to take a step back and let things happen as they will, but on the other hand, he's tired of losing the people he cares about, ESPECIALLY when there are times he could've prevented it
Really just wants to be good for you
Hates the idea that there's someone out there who's better for you than him, but knows letting you leave would be the right thing to do (even if he cries about it)
~Six-Eared Macaque~
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Kinda possessive and controlling but is doing his best to improve for you
Unlike Wukong who will sometimes be affectionate with the rest of the crew, Macaque only really trusts you, and sometimes Mk (Mk's a bit too loud and energetic for him most of the time though)
Abandonment issues incarnate (though he usually displays this by pushing people away before they can leave him... just expect a lot of silent treatments from him)
Wraps his tail around your wrist or ankle to assure himself you're close. He'll wrap his tail around your waist if he's feeling particularly possessive
Prefers to have you close by but doesn't rely on physical affection as much as Wukong
Likes being in the same room as you while you both do your own things
Wants to be the first person you tell any big news to (though knowing him he already knows from slinking through the shadows...)
People flirting with you ticks him off
How could anyone else think they deserve you? (This may or may not be him deflecting his own thoughts about how he doesn't deserve you onto other people)
He loves listening to you ramble or lore dump but he'll get all tense and cagey if you start talking about something you did with someone else
Doesn't mind if your attention is on something else, but does get kinda upset when your attention is on someone else
Feels the need to one-up anyone you say anything positive about
You liked the waiter's dress at that restaurant you went to? Macaque's showing up in an even better dress the next day
Will not hesitate to bad-mouth someone he's jealous of
Sees anyone touching you as a threat and he immediately feels like he needs to protect you
Sees you touching anyone else as him not being good enough and will either close himself off for a few days or obsess over being perfect for you
Afraid to show he's jealous
Has to keep his aloof demeanor or you'll think he cares too much and you'll leave :(
Still kinda believes power and manipulation are the best way to get what you want but is working on more healthy ideals like "communicating his thoughts" and "not sending people to the shadow realm whenever they get too close to you"
Doesn't want to hurt or scare you but he will fight to keep you by his side
He'll eventually relent if you really want to leave though, I don't think he would be able to handle trapping you with him if it's not what you want
~Nine-Headed Demon~
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Pretty possessive and controlling and doesn't really plan on changing
Superiority complex
Has decided you're his and if you think otherwise you're just confused
The most manipulative on the list
I'm not entirely sure where to begin with his issues but there's definitely some insecurity
Gives you the illusion of choice and freedom
"You can choose whatever you want as long as you always choose me and no one else :)"
He knows he's better than everyone else but he's afraid of you not seeing that
Even if he's not the most affectionate person, he'll definitely get upset if anyone gets too affectionate with you or vice versa
Needs to know where you are 24/7 or he goes on a rampage in his full dragon form
Kinda the Mother Gothel of partners
If you tell him he's being too overbearing he'll get offended and try and convince you he's just doing what's best for you
He does genuinely think he's doing what's best for you
The only way he would ever change is if he failed to reach the chaos, but that's a story for another time
He refuses to admit to being jealous and instead insists he's just keeping you safe
I don't even think he knows he's jealous
Despite how much I adore NHD's design, I am incapable of writing him as a healthy partner-
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Thoughts are appreciated. I'm sorry NHD's was so short writing for Wukong and Mac is just a lot easier since we have multiple seasons worth of content with them.
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wtftarot · 6 months
PAC: The Sun
The Sun stands as the counterpart to the Moon. Representing clarity, the Sun leaves nothing in shadow. It speaks of blessings and growth. What do you need to learn from the Sun today? Let's fuck around and find out.
As always this reading is meant for entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice in any way. Remember, use common sense, and don't be a dumbass.
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Pick the Sunflowers, the Kid or the Horse and head on to your reading.
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The Sunflowers page cups Rx, Justice, 7 swords, the Fool, three cups, the hierophant Rx, temperance rx
A lot of things are lookin hazy for y'all, huh group one? The energy here is super interesting. First, y'all are entering an era that will redefine what you think it means to have a balanced life. You'll figure out what it means for you specifically. Which is awesome but that's not the focal point of your reading. There's something here that feels very sneaky, not in a harmful sorta way, more like a heist. It's like you're heisting yourself back. I fuckin love that. I think y'all may have lost yourself or a part of yourself somewhere along the way. The cards aren't saying how or why, which I feel is significant. While whatever happened had its impact, it's so much less important than this, than you, finding yourself again. Now you're scheming and plotting ways to get yourself back and it's beautiful. There's so much excitement and joy here. You may still have to hide them because of circumstances outside of your control but you're not burying them. You should feel absofuckinlutly no shame about it, fyi. You had to adapt, that's all. Now though, you are plotting and planning yourself towards a life that you don't have to adapt yourself to. The clarity you're getting is clarity of self. Things in your life feel a little hazy and off because they kinda are. You only "fit" your life as it is now because you lost those parts of yourself. Things were always 'off'. You edited yourself to what the situation called for. So, as you find yourself, you won't 'fit' the roles in life you used to. You're stepping into a life that gets you. A life where those parts of you are celebrated. Moving forward you may not get many satisfactory answers from sources outside of yourself on what to do. That's cause this is a time where you are creating the answers. You may find yourself doing a lot of inner-child work in the next few months. Deconstructing outdated teachings, or just seeing through bullshit you once thought to be true. Your awareness of when you are or are not acting in favor of your true self is being heightened. Now, this all feels like the inner-shift that has to happen before the external changes. So, you may wanna seek out some alone time or journal your thoughts cause I'm willing to bet you'll be having some epiphanies or ah-ha moments. This is awesome, babe. It's gonna be beautiful to see.
random ass vibes: Cats, 8,888, the wizard of oz, My Chemical Romance, shout out to all y'all with adhd/autism. religious upbringing? Red, "you can't buy happiness- steal it", goldenrod, something about acrylic nails? first time getting them? owls.
The Kid
The Sun rx, Nine of Swords Rx, Four of Cups Rx, Page of Wands, Knight of Cups, Eight of Wands Rx, Nine of Wands Rx, King of Swords Rx
This reading was interesting as hell to do. The short version is: Y'all are intuitive, you're just not letting yourselves simply BE intuitive. You try to force things or second-guess others and it's fucking you over. 
There is a message that you may be spending too much on different divination tools when you don't need them. This reading is cool and frustrating. I had to walk away from your cards because every time I tried to read them, the message was muddled and contradicting itself? I'm writing this a day later because now that I'm not trying to force it, it's flowing like the goddamn Mississippi. I didn't even plan to get back to your reading yet. It's like 6,7 am? I was just drinking my coffee and the reading became clear. Which is the whole ass point of your reading. Everyone has different intuitive psychic skills and different skill levels but if y'all chose this group? Y'all are pretty fuckin psychic. Or you could be if you got over some self-doubt and shit. When I said you're not letting yourselves be intuitive, I mean you may be relying too much on divination tools and signs instead of your intuition. You can strengthen your intuitive gifts, and learn to interpret them more accurately but you can't force it. It seems like you've become so focused on trying to pick up on things psychically, that you're not even living in the moment anymore. Which leads us to the other side of this coin. When you're determined to know and see more when there's nothing there, you can start to take your anxieties for hits cause they're the only thing you got. It's sorta like how when you're looking into a dark space, and you start seeing things that ain't there. Which understandably makes you freaked out, then when the anxieties don't come true you doubt yourself cause your "intuition" was wrong. Truth is not everything is a sign or a hit. Sometimes a number's just a number and a bird's just a bird. A bad feeling in your gut is just your gut feeling bad. Truth also is sometimes true psychic hits are kinda dumb, most of the hits I get regularly are just my cat needing something. It's okay if your intuition is just when produce is on sale. You ARE psychic. You're also human. All of this is confusing and that's okay. We're always confused until we figure things out. This all came out with the Sun in reverse because y'all expect your intuition to be clear the way your other senses are clear. You're looking outside of yourself for something that dwells inside of you. The advice here is to learn to trust your inner instincts. I keep hearing "Play psychic games". Scry out what animals you're going to see the next day. Try to intuit what suit a card is before you turn it over. Being psychic isn't (always) foreshadowing doom, it can be super fun. Try to get readings on non-serious topics. Let your intuition flow and play.
y'all have no random ass vibes because you need to stop relying on external confirmation of your intuition.
The Horse
This reading may be triggering, I'm not sure if feelings of not deserving love are a trigger but just to be safe. If you struggle with depression, anxiety, or the like please seek professional help. I'm just a chick with a computer and a deck of cards. Remember, don't do anything to compromise your safety.
I took some time between readings, and leading up to your reading horses kept popping up everywhere. I knew this reading would be different. I did pull some cards, but they feel unnecessary because y'all's guides are just talking to me. Why are y'all so convinced you won't get a happy ending? Mind out of the gutter, please. Thank you. You seem to be utterly convinced that you will never have a solid, safe, joyful life? "None of that is for me" is what I keep hearing. It's like there is one way to be happy, one sort of life that leads to happiness, and if you do not conform to that you're just doomed to die alone in squalor? There's this energy of I cannot do things my way and be happy. I can't be myself and loved. I just heard " I don't get to.." As in I don't get to be myself. I don't get to be loved. I don't know who made you feel that way but they better fucking hope I never see them. Or better yet, hope that future you never meets them. Cause sweetie, this reading? It's about your comeback. And HOLY FUCK YALL THIS WILL BE A HELL OF A COMEBACK. There's this overwhelming feeling of happy, unbridled defiance rearing its head in you. If you haven't felt it yet, you will soon babe don't worry. This may just be a heads-up. Defiance in the face of every fucking thing that makes you feel like you'll never get what you want. SPITE. That's what yall are embracing. I FUCKING LOVE THIS ENERGY YALL. SPITE IS MY ENTIRE LIFE PHILOSOPHY. This may be sort of a "villain era" for you. You're gonna be spitting in the face of everything that made you feel like you'd never be enough. YOU ARE ENOUGH. I want to be clear, you're not going to wake up and suddenly be immune to all the bullshit you've been told. You are however going to wake up and decide to live in defiance of what people have told you. That's why it'll feel sort of villainous, you may not feel like you deserve happiness (yet, give it time). BUT is 'deserving" it going to stop you? HELL NO! This is giving happiness is the best revenge. Those fuckers saying you can't be you and loved? They're gonna have to sit and WATCH YOU. And you get the pleasure of shoving your success, your happiness DOWN THIER FUCKING THROATS. Sometimes, you have to move towards things before you feel deserving or ready, so you can learn to feel deserving and ready. It's gonna take some work and strategizing, (y'all may wanna chat with some of the people in group one) I am so fucking pumped for y'all. If y'all don't feel this energy yet, you will soon I promise. In the meantime, maybe make a happy-upbeat revenge/spite playlist. Cause above all, this is about being HAPPY.
Random ass vibes: Danger Days, snakes, cats, 666, y'all may wanna look up Hopepunk, zombies,
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