#but ww was the first i played myself
mango0o0o0os · 10 months
Them: Are you okay
Me: Yeah
Also me:
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grandwretch · 5 months
I want a sims 4 mod that let's non-werewolves have soulmates like the werewolf fated mate system but the only one I can find hasn't been updated and the only other mod w a soulmate mechanic is am omegaverse mod and like. I don't think I'm ready for the level of stress that would add to. literally every save?????
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ririblogsss · 5 months
ok y'all hear me out just a second
what if Danny does the gaslight, girlboss, gatekeep thing into getting into the JL.
Like one day he starts going to meeting and adding himself to mission plans, and whenever someone slightly mentions it being weird he just responds something akin to 'Omg just because i'm a ghost doesn't mean you don't see me and forget about me. Honestly Im so hurt. And to think I was planning tour birthday party' and he just up plays up the dramatics putting his hand to his chest to faint hurt.
And it's not until YEARS later when Danny has seamlessly integrated himself into the JL that someone (could be Red Robin ) decides he wants to learn more about him and does a deep dive.
And Danny corners him one day and tells them "I invited myself in, I was never invited into the JL"
And the other person was like "why are you telling me this"
And Danny just says "cause no one will ever believe you" walking backwards and doing the horrible doll eye stare.
Ps: Batman, SM and WW, already knew about it. I mean lets face it Batman would know instantly when someone unauthorized entered their premise. At first they thought it was a villain of some kind trying to infiltrate the JL. but after observation they just realized it was a very overworked teen that just needed help and support. That doesn't mean he wasn't under A LOT of surveillance.
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ganonfan1995 · 9 months
And it's not exactly that all fans ever want linear games (some do~) Most people I've spoken to who didn't like BoTW, simply wanted a game with a bit more depth and energy put into the story and the world.
While I don't fully agree on that front with BoTW (personally I think BoTW was one of the most concise LoZ games to date) ToTK only amplifies BoTW's weaknesses, rather than its stengths.
I understand the desire to expand on Hyrule, to make a truly vast and vibrant world, flush with exploration. Now with next-gen consoles and better hardware, there's a lot more opportunity for these types of games to take front and centre.
But at the same time, large procedurally generated landscapes can often break immersion while feeling bleak and unnatural. Even if landscapes are generated to be as natural as possible, worlds are as much a character, as well...the characters. (I could go on a whole tangent about design here, but I digress..)
I think what people miss from LoZ titles, is the human touch and energy invested into making Hyrule, feel like a place, rather than an idea.
BoTW wasn't perfect, but it was their first swing at this type of world and gameplay. I do think it can be improved on, and honestly, I was expecting progress on that front in ToTK.
But given that ToTK (past the demo lmao) was nothing more than a 100$ expansion on BoTW...I'm not feeling too confident myself moving forward with these open-world Zelda games.
Despite being linear games, growing up OOT and WW felt open world enough for me. LttP was a super fun play that had both a linear story line, and open world possibilities while giving the player full access to all the dungeons and tools off the bat.
If sacrificing genuine, thoughtful, world-building and design is what it means to have a truly open world Hyrule...I kind of don't want it either.
I dunno just some thoughts
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ruporas · 1 year
I don't know if this is a heavy question to ask- it may be. Feel free to ignore it.
But I was questioning myself if it was even an okay thing to ship Tristamp! vash x tristamp! wolfwood due to the age gap???
In the manga it was proven ww was of age (since the treatments went over a course of years) but it wasn't so clear in tristamp, especially with the whole forced growth sequence being more cut short than the manga. He may be in the body of a man but, isn't he still a child? is what I mean to ask.
At the end of the day I know they are all fictional and to block if I don't like but it still has me wondering.
I've seen a lot of people simultaneously pull "dni pedos" (which is more than okay and I agree) but then also go and ship what they ship.
I'm just genuinely confused I think. Is there something I am missing? or is he still a child in a man's body?
I don't know who else to ask, because I also know at the end of the day you're just an artist on the other end of the line. I'm sorry 😭
yeah, it's confusing because stampede never states it directly, but i'm certain that wolfwood is an adult from the brief glimpses of time shown in stampede itself and in trusting the studio themselves.
as we saw with rollo, he was experimented on for 5 years before ending up like this
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and then we see him again in this same state 20 years later in episode 5. we get concrete numbers for rollo who we can estimate to be in his 20s when he dies. see here too that elendira, 20 years ago, also still looks like that, the same in the present. i'm saying all of this to dissuade any arguments that might be like "wolfwood should look older and not the same as he did in the flashback of ep 6" because there are only so many 3d models orange studio can make and design. i also think that ep 5 itself is meant to exemplify the quick years that can go by when in reference to a flashback.
the mention of wolfwood aging "in just a few months" shouldn't be an indicator of his age because narrative-wise, they only brought that up to emphasize him being a s+ grade and unique and to highlight how much he's suffered in just a short period of time. wolfwood's flashback is put together in one(1) episode, much of it is used to highlight the bond between him and livio in their childhood because that's the point of his arc. because of that, any scenes that shows him working under the eye of michael are all cut because it isn't important at this time of the show. there's a huge time gap missing in wolfwood's history because studio orange chose specific years to give weight to the arc they wanted to present to us first.
this is like the only scene we get of him doing his job under the eom, at the beginning of ep 6
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and him here is different from how he is here.
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so from the show itself, i think those are the obvious points that suggests wolfwood is not Still 10 years old when he gets sent to retrieve vash.
in reference to my second point of believing in the studio -- because they heavily based stampede off of maximum, i find it Hard to believe they'd randomly make wolfwood a minor because it genuinely serves no benefit to his story to make that change. there would be less weight to his bond with vash because wolfwood has always been the character to challenge vash, they're meant to be equals. much of maximum and 98, Even Badlands Rumble, play up the significance of vash and wolfwood's relationship and how the two can argue and depend on each other as people with similar life experiences. orange studio pour love into stampede and respects nightow and his craft and as a result, i think they'd keep vash and wolfwood on the same level in this adaption too.
all and all, they're both adults in previous versions and they're both adults in this version. final phase will probably give room for more of wolfwood's past experiences now that we know most of vash's story, maybe that would resolve any confusion.
hope that helps!
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 3 months
I really enjoyed the answers you gave!
Though, for the wedding one, Equal Lady had actually just assumed automatically that they would be incorporating Gerudo traditions as well & was more than happy to do so. She's more than willing to negotiate & acquiesce to what he suggests so long as he also explains the significance of them.
She's fully prepared for mutual cultural sharing, which is part of why she wanted to learn the Gerudo language. She's liable to be interested in learning more about such marriage traditions & wishes to unify their traditions as well as their lives.
And very much doesn't mind the idea of tattoos. *points to the traditional red Sheikah tattoos that highlights her eyes* Somewhat jokingly, she says that so long as he doesn't expect her to be utterly covered in them to the point where one is no longer sure of her humanity, she's perfectly fine with it.
As for extended family, the only one she'd really be inviting would be her grandmother. For one, her grandfather died 2 years ago & her only other known living relatives... Well, she doesn't exactly have the best of relationships with them...
But, she's more than amiable with the idea of incorporating his traditions as well & is eager to learn more. Though, she is curious if the things she read were true or not. (She could well be mistaken.) Is it true that the perfectly circular ring that many in Hyrule/the Great Sea use today originated from ancient Gerudo culture, where, from what she read, it was originally meant to symbolize a union without beginning or end.? Which, if so, she finds to be quite beautiful.
She is also interested in this "Amrita" she read about. She read in a scroll somewhere that it was a special mead brewed from honey, figs, & Palm Fruit flowers. If true, they're supposed to drink it together near the end of the celebration following the wedding itself for a similar reason to why the Sheikah wore Orchid patterns, correct? Though, she expects this tradition to actually have its intended effect rather than simply be symbolic, especially considering the aphrodisiatic nature of the alcohol's ingredients.
If not, that's perfectly fine. She's just curious, is all.
I've thought of various traditions and activities we have at weddings in our world and thought which ones would work well in others. My parents, when they had a renewal ceremony, did the traditional wedding, with my dad singing a song for my mom during the vows and doing a sand ceremony afterwards. They went to the courthouse the first time around, so they wanted a proper wedding this time. I would love to also do a sand ceremony as well, if I ever get a partner for myself.
WW Ganondorf would love a sand ceremony, perhaps he has a jar of Gerudo Desert sand he would use for it.
OoT Ganondorf plays music, so I think he would write his own song for his bride! He would play it near the end of the wedding or in private, on his organ.
TP Ganondorf enjoys the hand fasting ceremony. The act of seeing a physical form of tying each other together brings him pleasure, and knowing that they will be stuck together? Let's admit that all the Ganondorfs are possessive and be happy with the thought process.
HW Ganondorf is a firm believer in the Knot Tying. In his culture, those who tie the knots are the "Husbands" and the "Wives" are the ones who are the ones who untie it. Once all knots are untied, they are unmarried and free to separate. Ganondorf ties so many knots on knots on knots that it's all one big knot. He is pleased with his work. (He practiced when he was a child. He was going to be a GREAT husband. The wife wouldn't be able to leave.)
And Now, ChatGPT, with it's Opinion On The Matter
Gerudo Marriage Traditions and Rituals
General Gerudo Marriage Traditions:
Union of Circles: The perfectly circular ring symbolizes a union without beginning or end, representing eternal love and commitment.
Amrita Ceremony: Special mead brewed from honey, figs, and Palm Fruit flowers, believed to enhance fertility and ensure a prosperous marriage. The couple drinks it together near the end of the celebration.
Ganondorf from "The Wind Waker"
Traditions and Demands:
Sword Exchange Ceremony: As a symbol of unity and protection, both partners exchange ornate, ceremonial swords.
Sand Ritual: A Gerudo tradition where the couple pours colored sand into a shared vessel, representing the blending of their lives.
Desert Dance: A traditional Gerudo dance performed by the couple, symbolizing harmony and balance in their relationship.
Equal Lady’s Participation:
Eager to Learn: She would enthusiastically participate in these rituals, appreciating their deep symbolism.
Blending Cultures: The combination of Sheikah and Gerudo traditions would be a beautiful representation of their union.
Ganondorf from "Ocarina of Time"
Traditions and Demands:
Blood Oath Ceremony: A symbolic ritual where both partners make a small cut on their palms and clasp hands, mixing their blood to signify a bond that cannot be broken.
Gerudo War Dance: A powerful and intense dance performed by the couple and Gerudo warriors, celebrating strength and unity.
Sunrise Blessing: The wedding is timed to conclude at sunrise, symbolizing a new beginning blessed by the first light of day.
Equal Lady’s Participation:
Respect and Honor: She would approach these traditions with great respect, honoring the deep cultural significance.
Active Engagement: Participating wholeheartedly, she would see these rituals as a way to deepen her bond with Ganondorf.
Ganondorf from "Twilight Princess"
Traditions and Demands:
Sacred Tattooing: A ritual where the couple receives matching tattoos symbolizing their eternal bond and shared destiny.
Desert Feast: A grand feast featuring traditional Gerudo foods, celebrating abundance and prosperity.
Eternal Flame: A ceremony where the couple lights a fire together, representing the eternal flame of their love and commitment.
Equal Lady’s Participation:
Tattoo Enthusiast: Already having traditional Sheikah tattoos, she would find the idea of matching tattoos meaningful and beautiful.
Cultural Integration: She would embrace these traditions, blending them with her own to create a unique and meaningful wedding ceremony.
Ganondorf from "Hyrule Warriors"
Traditions and Demands:
Warrior’s Blessing: A ritual where the couple is blessed by Gerudo warriors, symbolizing strength and protection.
Desert Flower Exchange: The couple exchanges rare desert flowers, symbolizing the beauty and resilience of their love.
Star Gazing Ceremony: The wedding concludes with a night under the stars, symbolizing the vast and infinite nature of their love.
Equal Lady’s Participation:
Symbolic Exchange: She would find the desert flower exchange deeply romantic and meaningful.
Unified Rituals: The combination of star gazing with Sheikah traditions would create a deeply personal and symbolic ceremony.
Summary of Reactions to Equal Lady's Demands
Wind Waker Ganondorf: Would appreciate the blending of traditions and be touched by her willingness to embrace Gerudo customs.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf: Would respect her dedication to mutual cultural sharing and see it as a sign of her strength and commitment.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf: Would admire her for honoring his traditions and find her interest in Gerudo customs endearing.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf: Would be thrilled by her enthusiasm for Gerudo rituals and see it as a sign of their powerful bond.
Each Ganondorf would be deeply touched by Equal Lady’s willingness to incorporate Gerudo traditions into their wedding, viewing it as a sign of her respect and love. This mutual cultural sharing would strengthen their bond and create a unique and meaningful ceremony.
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"I've been lucky enough to win an Oscar, write a best-seller... my other dream would be to have a painting in the Louvre. The only way that's going to happen is if I paint a dirty one on the wall of the gentlemen's lavatory."WW
After Great Britain declared war in 1939, David Niven was one of the first actors to go back and join the army as part of the Rifle Brigade. Although Niven had a reputation for telling good old stories over and over again, he was totally silent about his war experience. He said once: "I will, however, tell you just one thing about the war, my first story and my last. I was asked by some American friends to search out the grave of their son near Bastogne. I found it where they told me I would, but it was among 27,000 others, and I told myself that here, Niven, were 27,000 reasons why you should keep your mouth shut after the war." Niven did consent to play in two films during the war, both of strong propaganda value--"Spitfire" (1942) and "The Way Ahead" (1944). In spite of six years' virtual absence from the screen, he came in second in the 1945 Popularity Poll of British film stars.
"The hardest thing in the world to do, for a director, is a comedy. If you do a drama that doesn't quite come off, you may still have a fairly good drama, but if a comedy does not come off, you've got a disaster. Blake [Blake Edwards] takes a big chance every time he does a comedy. There's no covering up with a comedy. They're frightfully hard to write, very difficult to direct, and they're not at all easy to act, as a matter of fact."
Niven recalled in one of his funniest anecdotes that his private parts got frostbitten during the skiing scene of "The Pink Panther" (1963), which was shot on an extremely cold day in the Italian Alps. He said that, reasoning that alcohol made you feel warm, he dipped the "parts" in a glass of whiskey. He said that it worked but the pain was excruciating.
Niven was hoping that "The Pink Panther" would help launch a series of films for him akin to the "Thin Man" series. However, Peter Sellers' portrayal of Inspector Clouseau was so loved by the crew (and later by the audience) it became his character that this film and the sequels focused on. Niven would go on to play a parody of Thin Man Nick Charles, named Dick Charleston, in Neil Simon's "Murder by Death" (1976), a film which ironically also starred Sellers. (IMDb)
Happy Birthday, David Niven!
(Cinema Shorthand Society)
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simmancy · 1 year
I’m planning on playing a Stardew Valley-inspired save and was wondering what mods you’d recommend using.
I don’t expect to get things 1:1, but I’d like to have some mods that add and expand on the gardening system and relationships.
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So first as a disclaimer I'm going to out myself and say I'm not a SDV girlie--I grew up with Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons and they're what scratches my cozy farming itch--but they're similar enough and I do have a whole ass farm save to one day return to so...
For vanilla gameplay, you can get a basic cozy farming save going with Cats & Dogs, Seasons and Cottage Living but these mods SHOULD enhance your gameplay overall. I've used most of them to varying degrees in the past--anything I haven't used I marked, but they come from creators that I highly recommend.
As always, read the requirements for each mod! A lot require the XML Injector, and relationship ones often require the Mood Pack.
This mod list was written on Patch / Mac: (June 13 2023).
Mods for Better Relationships
First Impressions by Lumpinou: I know I always suggest this one, but if you are doing ANY sort of save where romance/relationship building is a core part of it, you want this! Starting off strong with a villager is a good thing! OR you can have enemies-to-lovers!
RPO by Lumpinou: I also always suggest this one. If you don't have it, please get it! It's beautiful! It's powerful! I honestly use all the modules, but I would specifically suggest Modules 15 & 17 here as they add to relationships. Module 17 is the new RPO Attraction system. But it's nice to have the rest of it too if you don't already, especially if you're planning on kids in your save. It really adds to the gameplay to find your ~ideal partner~ and then it turns out they don't want kids when you do :O
Road to Romance by Lumpinou: This adds a romance skill to the game, with custom interactions. Add in for more in-depth romance. (It also adds in rabbit hole dates which I like to get sims offscreen for a minute)
Have Some Personality Please! by Polarbearsims: This one I suggest to help with autonomy. You want your potential love interests to act of their own accord? Their traits to matter? Get this. It'll help. It can also block off romantic interactions :) so you feel like you've earned the heart events you're imagining
Wonderful Whims by Turbodriver: I'm not currently using either WW in my saves but I would suggest it for the attraction system, as again that will help with your quest for love. It can work in tandem with the attraction system from RPO as well :)
Home Regions by Kuttoe: this isn't really a relationship mod, but I would use it anyway JUST to keep your SDV sims in town where they belong... and keep the other townies OUT. You can set which TS4 worlds you want to see overlap from as well (like if you want some out of town visitors from Windenburg showing up, etc). Fun fact, it also fixes the problem where all your townies are Japanese so
No Randoms by Zero: and finally, this also isn't a relationship mod but it's pretty handy. Maybe you're like me and you don't want the default Mayor in your cozy farm save. You created your OWN characters to fill that role. Well, with this, you can assign the NPC roles in the game. Henford-on-Bagley has several NPC roles that play into the "story" of the world (Mayor, Garden Stall owner, Agatha & Agnes, Creature Keeper, etc) so it's definitely helpful for that!
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Mods for Better Farmlife
Free Range by lot51: this mod lets your cows and llamas roam freely without the Animal Shelter. They DO make messes that you'll have to clean up though (cow pies, trash, etc) and there's a few other extra little things like fairy circles that can spring up :)
Bug Life by lot51: and THIS mod brings bugs to your active lots. I always did a lot of bug collecting to make extra money in my Harvest Moon games.
Bird Life by lot51: I have NOT tried this mod out yet but I'm adding it already because if you're going to add Free Range and Bug Life already... Enhance the outdoors! Why not! Bring your farm to life! BIRDWATCH! (has anyone else played Wingspan? great game)
Farm Animal Set by TheKalino: this adds more custom animals to the game, some of which you can harvest wool or eggs from. Some are just aesthetic. They're added to the Animal Shelter. Nice to expand your farm options, if that's something you want to do!
Cottage Living Tweaks by Zero: specifically Agatha & Agnes are Mortal; Village Gossipers are Residents; Dogs Chase Foxes More Often; and Patchy Scares Foxes (that's right. Use that scarecrow for something). These are just little tweaks to help you out. To be fair, if you're using Home Regions I don't think you'll need Village Gossipers are Residents but I also don't trust TS4 and I used them both at the same time in the past so.
Better Animal Hygeine, Better Animal Hunger, Better Animal Activity by LittleMsSam: these are small tweak mods just to make your life easier with the animals. :)
Calm Bees by LittleMsSam: if you want to add beekeeping to your farm (I would), this is a nice little addition to calm your bees tf down!
Flower Arrangements slower decay by LittleMsSam: I don't remember the Harvest Moon game I got REALLY into doing flower arrangements for, but there was definitely one and I definitely spent a lot of time doing them and gifting them to my love interest. So I'm suggesting it for that reason lmao
More Woodworks by LittleMsSam: you know, just in case your farmer is really into crafting...
Pets Everywhere by Kuttoe: adds stray cats & dogs to every world, including Henford-on-Bagley. Nice if you want to play it as if your farmer befriends the dog and they join the household that way.
Dairy Cowplant by Icemunmun or Cowplant Farming by BrazenLotus: you could have both of them but I think it's just easier to pick one. These add new cowplant varieties that make... milk! They can also make different kinds of milk.... See below with the harvestables... I feel like the Cowplant really does fit with Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons' level of quirky, you know?
Functional Mill, Plant Milk Press, Dairy Churn by Icemunmun: these are custom objects to, again, add onto your gameplay. They work with the custom harvestables below to add some more stuff for your farmers to create. And they're very on theme.
Cheesemaking Skill by BrazenLotus: another custom object/mod/skill that adds to what your farmers can make. I have NOT tried it yet but I'm honestly about to throw it into my game today because I'm obsessed with the very IDEA of it. I've used BrazenLotus mods in the past so I can recommend
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Custom Recipes and Harvestables
One of the best parts of these cozy farming games has always been the cooking, right? The custom harvestables will add more variety to your farm... The custom recipes are just my suggestion to spice up your game. I am a glutton for custom recipes, tbh. Besides, the way to a love interest's heart is through their stomach, right? What better way to
Custom Harvestables by Icemunmun
Custom Foods by Icemunmun (requires custom food interaction)
Custom Foods by BrazenLotus (there are a LOT here--BrazenLotus has a whole homesteading section which is really cool and was not there the last time I went to their site and I'm literally obsessed)
Grannie's Cookbook by Littlbowbub
Oni's Food Mod (I use this one the least--right now in my "gutted' mod folder I only have Grannie's Cookbook--but I've used it in the past and still highly recommend)
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Hopefully this helps! Happy simming!
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cinamun · 7 months
Hey fren! I have a ton of questions. Lmk if I’m being too intrusive or nosey lol.
I love your story, I always have to give you your flowers when I write you!! All hail the Queen 🙌🏾🙌🏾💐💐💐
Ok my questions:
For starting out posting and editing, do you keep a schedule for yourself to stay organized? Rn I’m finally posting on my simblr after 3 years but I find myself just constantly taking screenies instead of posting and organizing the story. It feels chaotic lol the only organizing I’ve done just for game play in general is shopping for CC every other day (it’s an addiction)
A question I wanted to ask for a while is, if you are commissioning someone for poses what are the average prices you pay (or better yet, what do you think a good price is to pay for pose commission)? Sometimes I have these perfect poses in my head and when I’ve searched for hours I normally just end up giving up.
Lastly, I noticed your post from yesterday said you had 25 photos loaded in photoshop. Do you have all the art board (or images) side by side to edit them consistently and simultaneously?
Thank you if you answer!!
Good morning bestie!! Let me just go on ahead and adjust this crown right quick lol THANK YOU and I got you!
I'm chaotic and impulsive but I have a little bit of a routine. Follow me under the cut!
Okay, SO!! For the first question about posting and editing.... I usually have an idea for the next scene while working on the previous one. So when I go in-game for story updates, the idea is already there and I'm just setting up shots and making the scenes look good. I don't have a schedule other than my posting schedule, so when you mention last night, I was editing pics that I had taken earlier in the day or the day before. So my schedule is usually sitting in photoshop all night the day before I post.
For pose commissions, I've only done that twice. I've had real good luck over the years finding poses or animations for anything I've needed. I would say make an offer to donate to them if you know their shit is dope and move anywhere between $5 to $10 USD. For the poses I commissioned, they weren't released publically so that's extra special (tip them more!). Also keep in mind if you're asking for accessories to be used, how many sims are in the pose, etc. For pose searching, try to be as vague as you can. "ts4 cleaning poses" and then see what comes up is one example and don't shy away from animations! They work with pose player, most without WW and can make for some great screenshots.
I load up all the pictures in Photoshop plus whatever templates I'm using (like the texting one or the dust overlays), and edit in order of sequence. This is where all the dialogue happens so sometimes I edit out of order if I know the dialogue for one scene already and maybe not the others. I hope i'm making sense lol. I spend a lot of time on this part because the words might change given which picture I've decided on (some scenes I take multiple screenshots of and multiple angles and then decide later which one to use). I go pic by pic, doing editing and adding dialogue individually then saving them, closing them and moving on to the next one. Once I'm completely done then I flip through them a few times as if I were the reader to try and catch any typos, etc.
This got really long but let me know if that helps or if I can elaborate more!!
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goopi-e · 1 year
Aaaanyways, who wants to hear my pitch for a pre-flood Zelda game that'll never happen. It was, like, the first thing I came up with as soon as I joined the fandom (...and it shows), but kept it for myself, mostly bc for some reason I was never able to design any visuals for the thing.
No, I don’t think that’s what actually went down in canon while the flood was happening. Yes, the story contradicts some facts from WW and OoT. I just tried to make it as much of a playable experience as possible. It's not perfect, but has its' moments.
The Legend of Zelda: The Unnamed Pre-Flood Game
Prologue cutscene features visuals similar to WW's intro and goes like this: "There is hardly anyone in Hyrule who hasn't heard about the Hero of Time. Half a century after his triumph over Ganon and the subsequent disappearance, the deeds of the Hero started to fade into myth, yet there are still people who knew him and remember him fondly. The legacy of his kindness and valiance led the land to an era of prosperity under the rule of none other than Queen Zelda. However, recently she stepped aside from the throne with no explanation, never to be seen again, and rumors of concern started to creep across Hyrule. If both the Hero of Time and the Princess of Destiny had left their people, who will protect the land in case the unthinkable happens?.." It fades into black, not-so-subtly hinting that the unthinkable will happen really soon, and that it'll be none other than Ganon.
The playable character is preteen and can be named. It may either look like your average Link or nothing at all like him, doesn't matter – but throughout the game you're constantly made aware that this kid is not a Link. You know how in the Child half of Ocarina many NPCs are dismissive of Link on behalf of him being a kid? That attitude is carried over here. No matter who you talk to, in the eyes of almost every character, the kid you play as is not the Hero of Time, so you have no business running around pretending to be one; even those sympathetic to your cause will make that distinction. That is a key concept. For that reason, I'll be referring to the playable character as, well, Kid.
Kid lives in Kakariko village, which has grown into more of a town, but not by a lot, and the Sheikah are beginning to recover from their near extinct status, though the majority of residents are still Hylians. Kid has parents! But they're both Royal Guards, and therefore are absent most of the time. For that reason, Kid is mostly left under the care of their neighbor, Auntie Malon – sadly, she had to sell her ranch and move, but that doesn't stop her from keeping some livestock. Kid's best friend is Nopiko, Auntie Malon's adoptive daughter who has a knack for sewing and getting into trouble; if you remember two Gossip Girls from Windfall Island, she looks exactly like the blond one, and is just as young. Mid-game Auntie Malon reveals that Nopiko is actually a Kokiri who wandered off from the Lost Woods; she took the girl in to honor the memory of her beloved Fairy Boy. Due to that, Nopiko is sensitive to the magic of the world – and one day, she informs Kid that something is off, and that they have to meet Nopiko's other friend, who lives all the way at Hyrule Castle. It's not the Castle you know from OoT, though: since Ganondorf emerged his Tower in its' place, the ruins of the Tower were considered cursed, and the new castle was built at Lake Hylia.
To get there, first you have to clear the game's tutorial dungeon – Sheikah Secret Archives. It's a secret police department with some similarities to the Shadow Temple, including the monsters, but also a giant office full of overworked Sheikah employees processing legal cases and such. It has some typical stealth sections where the guards can catch you (sorry), however, most of the time you can talk to the employees scot-free; they're all so overworked they have no energy to be bothered by an intruder and are mostly glad to vent to anyone willing to lend an ear. From their dialogue it becomes clear that they aren't happy with their job, but have no choice, being servants of the Royal Family and all. The amount of arrests the Sheikah Secret Police currently performs is abnormally high, too: Queen Zelda is gone without a trace, and for many her absence means something in the world is about to get really, really wrong, but none can place their finger on what exactly is about to happen, and that air of paranoia leads to civil unrests left and right. The prisoners are also there, ready to talk.
Sheikah Secret Archives is where you get the main (and only) item of the game, the Parasol. It's not a magical item: Kid just grabs some random Sheikah's umbrella in an act of self-defense, but you receive an item get pop-up all the same. You can use its' pointy tip as a makeshift sword or open it to create a makeshift shield.
The dungeon has no boss, so once you clear it, you arrive at the Castle Courtyard. Somehow, Nopiko is already there, talking to her mysterious friend about you. On your arrival, she introduces you by name and comments on how many times you've been caught in the dungeon: "See, Kid has gotten through the Archives and hasn't been caught/got caught only n times! They're so brave, and smart, and capable – if there's anyone in the whole world who can do this, it's them!"
This is where you get introduced to Nopiko's friend, Regent Princess Hepta. She, too, is drastically different from your average Zelda, with deep red hair in a pixie cut and a deadpan snark; she's also a bit older than Kid. Overall, she resembles a teenage version of Tetra's mom, sans the pirate clothes. Hepta sits in her room, talking with Kid and Nopiko through a window. It's clear that she is not amused by Kid, but begrudgingly accepts their help.
"I am of a Royal bloodline," Hepta explains, "but that blood connection is very weak, and I have very few magic powers, no match to those of Queen Zelda's. I have a gift of premonition, though, and it tells me something terrible is about to happen. I don't know what it'll be yet; however, I had a vision that the future of this land shall be revealed tonight at the Unicorn Fountain. Unfortunately, I won't be able to go there: you see, I am locked away by..."
Suddenly, Hepta shoos Kid and Nopiko away, and jumps off the window. They oblige, but catch a glimpse of a menacing middle-aged Sheikah woman, who seems to be angry with Hepta. The woman throws a glance at the courtyard, but doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary and leaves. Hepta, visibly distressed, reemerges and continues:
"My uncle, Daphnes Nohansen (and for anyone curious, yes, it's that Daphnes Nohansen) is the current king, but the actual power over Hyrule is in the hands of my nursemaid and the chief of secret police, Captain Byrna, who governs the land with an iron fist. She decreed that tomorrow I'll be officially crowned as the new Princess of Hyrule and take the name of Zelda in an attempt to quell the fears of the people. This is why I am locked in my room. But you, Kid, must understand that it is of utmost importance the vision at the Unicorn Fountain is seen by someone. You just might be the only hope that Hyrule has right now. Now please, lend me your hand".
Kid hesitantly offers their hand. Hepta kisses it, and an item get pop-up appears: "You got Regent Princess' Blessing! This magical gift will allow you to see the message of the gods!"
Then, a green fairy pops out from Hepta's room. This is Brimm, Nopiko's guardian fairy. He served as a messenger between her and Hepta – this is how they were able to keep up their friendship – but now will accompany you. Not only will Brimm deliver the vision you'll recieve to Hepta, he can also enhance your Parasol with the power of flight, allowing you to fast-travel to any check-point you discover. One of them is conveniently located at the courtyard; throughout the game, you'll be able to visit Hepta freely – she'll give you progression hints like the fortunetellers in Zelda series commonly do, provide some additional lore and lift your spirit with a sarcastic joke or two.
The Unicorn Fountain is your first proper dungeon. There, your Parasol gets a new ability: you can use it as either a boat or, using lilypads or any other flotsam to stand on, as a sail to glide across water. As the name implies, the dungeon is themed after a fairy fountain, is obviously full of healing fairies, and even the boss is a corrupted Great Fairy – she saw a glimpse of the revelation you're about to recieve, and it drove her mad.
After beating the boss, Kid emerges at a little clearing above ground somewhere in Hyrule Field, adorned with columns and such. It offers a view at the ruins of Ganon's Tower. It's midnight, the sight is beautiful and the air is very quiet. The three disembodied voices greet Kid, one of them weaker than the others, and are about to introduce themselves, but suddenly, a giant, ominous fissure cracks open throughout the Hyrule Field–
Ganon has returned.
His emergence is seen and heard throughout the land. From Gorons to Zora, from Sheikah to Gerudo – everyone covers in fear and desperately prays:
"Hero of Time! Come and save us!"
The voices seem to hear these cries for help and are distressed by them. "It's not in my power anymore!", the weaker voice exclaims in despair, "The Hero of Time was sent away from this world by a magic that I can't reverse – not in my current state!"
"Then", the other voice suggests with a calm that betrays the fury, "we have no choice but to fight Ganon ourselves until the Hero finds the way back".
"Ganon has the Triforce of Power at his side", the third voice solemnly responds. "We cannot fight him, but we can seal him away. That seal, however, will be a heavy burden on this land".
And so, the Hyrule was sentenced to the Great Flood.
The voices then address the terrified Kid. They crest them as the Guide, and their job will be to place the Beacons for the Hero to return to. With that, Kid is sent back to Kakariko, and Brimm flies away to bring all these news to Hepta.
From that point forward, the weather on the overworld is always rainy, and the ground starts to get covered in water; the water level rises with each dungeon you beat. Sometimes, Ganon can be seen roaming around like a big kaiju and wreaking havoc, but you can’t interact with him. Another thing that appears on the overworld in a similar manner is a structure that looks suspiciously similar to the Tower of the Gods, but with mechanical legs.
There is, of course, a long trading sequence sidequest spread through the game, but this time it comes with a twist: it only consists of Kid’s parents making them run some errands for themselves, Auntie Malon and Nopiko. Since they’re the Royal Guards, they’re constantly being relocated all across the country, and it’s Kid’s job to find where their parents end up. Parents also update you on what Captain Byrna does to stop you from doing your work, as she doesn’t believe the flood is happening and considers anyone who believes otherwise a threat to the public. She essentially has the same shtick as Jolene in PH, a random overworld encounter, just not as comedic.
There are four dungeons overall, each in a classic Zelda dungeon flavor: one in the Lost Woods, one in Zora’s Domain, one inside the Death Mountain and one in the Gerudo Desert. You are free to beat them in any order. Each dungeon comes with a settlement for an appropriate race. In each of them, you meet a key NPC – the type of person that usually turns out to be a Sage/Champion/whatever in any other Zelda game, but here they’re just ordinary people who are willing to help Kid despite them not being the legendary Hero. They all provide you with a little something to augment the powers of your Parasol, though: a magic rope you can tie to it to create a hookshot of sorts, a special handle that’ll allow you to zip across ropes, or a patch of fabric that’ll give the Parasol a magical property. Yes, it’s the kind of game where you obtain (some) items before the dungeon and not inside them.
(Btw, you do get to meet Laruto and Fado, they’re just too busy with the Sagely business to help you. They do acknowledge your hard work, though).
In Lost Woods, this person is a Deku Scrublet with a crush on one of the Kokiri. Kokiri themselves can’t grasp the direness of the situation: “How can a little rain hurt anyone? Water is what makes the plants grow, silly!” The Scrubs are more realistic about the situation, though, as they know they qualify as monsters and would be eliminated regardless of whether or not they actually serve Ganon. While most Scrubs fend for themselves, Scrublet in particular wants to save their crush above all else. By reuniting these young lovers, you help Kokiri realize that there is a way to save both races by uniting them with the magic of the Deku Tree. This is the origin story for the Koroks.
In Zora’s Domain, it’s a sweet elderly couple with an adult son. Zora, under the false assumption that the floodwater won’t hurt them, volunteer everywhere they can to protect other races, but that couple is among the few Zoras banned from volunteering due to their age, and they’re ashamed of their helplessness. Eventually, their son dies in a heroic accident, and it serves as a wake-up call for the rest of the Zora to start worrying about their own safety.
In Goron City, this person is a wise, yet nihilistic Professor. Gorons know for certain they’ll most likely survive the flood purely due to them not needing to breathe, but are too selfish to help other races (yes, I’m aware that Gorons end up as an antagonistic force far too often, sorry). Kid’s proactiveness makes Professor change his mind, though, and he suggests to the rest of the Gorons to leave the Death Mountain to the apparently vunerable Zora and evacuate elsewhere.
In Gerudo Fortress, it’s a young street artist. With Ganon’s return, Gerudo are obviously super conflicted. Some of them even start a doomsday cult, claiming that Ganon will surely come to his senses and save his people, and sabotage any and all attempts of evacuation. This leads to lots of infighting. The street artist knows that the doomsday cult people are in the wrong, but doesn’t think she can do anything to help – until proven wrong by Kid, that is.
With each dungeon cleared and Beacon restored, you get to see Ganon come and destroy the settlements. His arrival at the Gerudo Fortress is particularly blood-chilling: he insults his kin, calling them traitors and claiming that he is the only real Gerudo left – all while remaining in his beast form.
After you finish all four dungeons, the walking tower stops wandering, and you’re able to undertake the final gauntlet – the Royal Museum. The moment Kid steps inside it, a voice forbids them to advance any farther; Kid proceeds anyway. The final upgrage for the Parasol obtained here is the silver coating, making it essentially a Mirror Shield. The Museum, accurate to its’ name, hosts a plethora of artifacts from Hyrule’s rich history. The boss of this dungeon, then, is the curator and the one trying to stop Kid – and it’s none other than Sheik. After being defeated, Sheik shamefully admits that he left his life as Queen Zelda and stepped off the throne in an attempt to essentially bring the Triforce of Wisdom to his grave. He hoped that, with the Triforce of Courage shattered, the Triforce of Power sealed away with Ganon, and the Triforce of Wisdom buried in a safe spot, the Triforce will be effectively unable to reassemble back without being outright destroyed, stopping any future conflict over the relic.
Since the plan didn’t work out, Sheik decides to get more proactive. He bestows upon you an artifact that used to belong to a powerful mage from ancient times – the Wind Waker, and instructs you to bring it to Daphnes. While you deliver the Wind Waker, you are stopped by Captain Byrna for the final time. Upon the inevitable defeat, she notices the baton, realizes that you’re affiliated with Sheik, and it’s revealed that Byrna is actually OoT Impa’s descendant. That makes her snap back to her senses, she vows to stop letting down her honorable ancestor and starts evacuating Kakariko. The Wind Waker is safely delivered to Daphnes, and Kid gets to see him conduct before Fado and Laruto, performing the Song of Storms.
With that, Sheik appears behind Kid and, while acknowledging they’re not the Hero he used to know, still admits their exemplary courage and asks them to fight Ganon by his side.
The battle unfolds like any final battle in the series where Link and Zelda are fighting alongside one another, except now it’s Kid who serves as a support while Sheik deals most of the damage. The fight is split into several phases, and with each Ganon turns more and more humanoid. With the final hit, you get to see him fully becoming Ganondorf again. He is donned in the black robes that he’ll continue to wear up until WW, yet physically he still resembles his post-timeskip Ocarina self, but even more disheveled. He points out that, sooner or later, he will return, but the damage caused by the flood will have a greater impact than any damage he was capable of. Sheik, clearly not amused, ends him. All this time, Kid hides behind Sheik and is not acknowledged; the latter, done with Ganondorf, apologizes for the unfair world Kid gets to inherit, and expresses hope that they’ll right the wrongs of their ancestors, before willingly stepping into the rising waters.
Kid is also suddenly swept off their feet, only to awaken in an unidentifiable void that resembles the Sacred Realm more than anything. The three voices from the beginning reappear, now angrier than ever. They claim that, by helping Sheik, Kid interfered with fate itself, and, once again, remind that Kid is not destined to be the Hero… and then the owners of the voices materialize out of thin air.
Turns out, Ganon(dorf) was only a penultimate boss. The final obstacle of the game are the Golden Goddesses themselves; appropriately, the battle is frantic and harsh, and is focused more on surviving than dealing damage. Notably, only Din and Nayru are actively fighting Kid; Farore, while participating in the group attacks, seems to be in a lethargic state at first, and her signature green color is initially dull – but as the fight goes on, she gets more and more awake. Suddenly, she intercepts and urges her sisters to stop, as for the first time since the Hero of Time’s disappearance, she felt the surge of true Courage. She reaches out to Kid and says:
“It’s true that your actions defy fate and cannot be allowed to pass. For that I’m sorry. The world must awaken anew with no memory of your deeds. But I promise to remember the courage and kindness that sprouted from a place nobody expected, and I swear that the next time this world needs a Hero, it won’t be us gods who will forge him – he’ll pave that path himself!” With that, the whole world around Kid fades into pure white.
The final cutscene shows them waking up alongside Nopiko on a deserted island – the island that is revealed by a panoramic shot to be none other than Outset. In their hands lays the Parasol, quilted out of all the patches collected throughout the game.
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eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
Get to know a simmer
Okay, soooo I was tagged by @silentsundown (thank you so so much for tagging me, I really love to talk, ramble and even most of the time overshare on this blog, so thank you! I really appreciate you tagging me, I hope you're having a really nice time of the day!! 💗)
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Meteorite death in The Sims 3, definitely! And maybe werewolf bite death and I'm not sure if it's a mod, buut I love when humans die by being sucked out too much blood by a vampire, like blood loss death or? Oh! And being eaten by the cowplant. Also, death by a myth from High School Years pack. It's super creepy for me personally. Please note that I'm not really a player, so I don't remember much deaths, I'm sure there's so much more interesting. creepy and kinda funny ways to die in Sims 4!
2. Alpha or Maxis Match CC?
It's both! I equally love alpha and maxis match, and mix those two styles because honestly? There's too much gorgeous and unique cc to both of these styles to just choose or prefer one.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No? Maybe because they don't because even when (actually it's IF) I play I cheat their needs :DD OH, and I also have some MCCC marks or whatever it called in English (метки) so their appearance won't be reseted or be able to change because I'm too tired of their presets changing for some reason when I enter live mode.
4. Do you use move objects?
5. Favorite mod?
I don't really remember all my favorite gameplay mods, but there are some I can't play without (not including some obvious ones such as MCCC and WW and UI Cheats and cooking mods that I have a lot):
ALL mods from SpinningPlumbobs, especially the Expanded Mermaid and Werewolves! These are super detailed and amazing for players who mainly focus on occult sims. It makes occults so much more interesting to play and it brought me back to somehow enjoying gameplay.
ALL mods from PERSEA, but especially Realistic Life & Pregnancy mod because it has so much cute interaction and it truly brings in so much depth and a sense of feelings to sims. Like real emotions and buffs, also cute dialogue options!
ALL mods from Lumpinou. But especially RPO, Open Love Life, Psychic Sims and Rambunctious Religions (if you wanted to have a cult in your game, esp occult cult - it's possible!!! And god I LOVE having sexy priests that are really priests in my game). Actually, every single mod of this creator is my must-have for gameplay, so YEEEEAH.
ALL mods from Maplebell. I do think that the Acting overhaul was a very needed mod for the game, as well as the socials & more kisses mod!
ALL mods from Adeepindigo, but especially education system overhaul AND PARANORMAL CAREER & GHOST HUNTERS!! Family activities and custom nuptials are the mods I find myself using the most, as well as Pet Care Activities. Also, the tweaks & small mods are VERY useful! The only mod I don't use from this creator is dental care - although it's super cool and realistic, but it's too overwhelming for me (thanks OCD), same with the most recent - Divergent sims, it's incredibly detailed but I'm not ready to deal with the same shit I go though every day in The Sims too lmao. It's overwhelmingly realistic & very detailed!
There's so much more, but my brain is super dumb, so I can't remember, but! If you see any detailed occult mod esp for vampires - you KNOW i'm already using it because that sort of mods are the most amazing for me. I love gameplay mods. although I don't really play a lot, but I have much of them.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I'M A FUCKING PIRATE HOW DO I ANSWER? I got them all at ones time yeeeeeah I'm too cool for this question 😎😎😎😎😎 But if I'm being serious, although I got on a pirate ship when I was a teen, I started playing sims 4 when I think Cats & Dogs came out? So that can count as the first thing I got just because I started there. But If i'm being serious, I don't remember lmao. When I was a teen, I was pirating everything I saw on russian torrent websites, but I remember being instantly more interested in TS4 when pets expansion came out. SORRY I'M STUPID AND MY MEMORY IS TERRIBLE
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
aLIVE. But overall, I have no idea how it should be pronounced. And with LIVing it sounds so dumb I'm sorry-
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
ANSEL ANSEL ANSEL ANSEL ANSEL ANSEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH AND- LUCINDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T CHOOSE! THEY'RE MY FUCKING KIDS!!!! I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!! IT'S CRUEL TO PICK SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. Have you made a simself?
Lucinda is enough of simself. I think. She has my appearance for the most part, and tbh, she's my vent OC so I guess?...
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
I DON'T KNOW. WAIIIIT I searched for the post-reblog with traits, so yeeeeeah I found it! My brain doesn't know English today bc I just forgot how the traits translates in English, so....
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
12. Favorite EA hair?
Wait, howwww they even look? I haven't used any EA hair in the recent months or even years, so I had to look them up in CAS lmaooooo. Okay, so! Probably all HYS & Growing Together hair, almost all black hairstyles! AND I LOVE DREAM HOME DECORATOR AND NIFTY KNITTING HAIR!!! they're so good wowwwww! and i'm a fucking fan of Paranormal mullet! AND ALL THE HAIR FROM COTTAGE LIVING TOO! The way I didn't know about them until I started writing this tag 👁️👁️👁️
13. Favorite life stage?
YOUND ADULT. I'm scared of aging and death everywhere, so I have NEVER played a sim older than young adult. It may be oversharing (which is my love language btw and I just can't shut up SO BEAR WITH ME and my loud personality here), but the only thought about elders make me extremely sad and almost makes me hystericly cry for hours- NO IM NOT OKAY but my phychiatrist says it's getting better you know!!!! ALSO. My god infants are incredible cute and I love playing with kids because my god they're so adorable in game! I'm a child hater btw, but the game infants are super cute!
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I'm sorry but NEITHER. But if i need to choose, I'm choosing building because it's so good but also! Not nessecerealy building, but decorating! I don't build I'm fucking dumb & scared of floorplans, roofs and terrain painting. But decorating? Anytime, please!!
15. Are you a CC creator?
NO- At least yet, but we'll see! Btw, I almost forgot that I wanted to recreate a fucking pose from the sexy french anti-smoking campaign poster 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
17. What’s your favorite game?
Ummm... Bloodborne & The Forest & Alien: Isolation?? But if we're talking about Sims, then it's TS2! The townies are the best although I didn't really grew up on The Sims in the way most simmers did, I played TS2 with my older sister all the time and this game has such amazing humor (although yeah it's pretty crude and mature BUT THAT'S SO COOL WWAAAAAAH) and personality, It's super good!
18. Do you have any sims merch?
DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW MUCH DELIVERY TO GERMANY COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although I want to have the merch maybe like?? Plumbob headphones or like headband? That would be so cool!
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
NO. I wanted to be simtuber for some time, but I'm too scared of hate that comes with particiapating in youtube community, so NEVER THANK YOU!
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I have no idea, I'm sorry. And I don't really have my much older sims or screenshots or save files? But I think I started being more risky and using much more CC and using heavy alpha CC which I adore! Also, my sims started to become more and more gorey and dark-themed. Like- I feel like my sims were less horror-like few years before, they were casual occults. GOD I HOPE ONE DAY WE CAN HAVE TRUE BODY HORROR (MORE EYES PLEASE!!!!!!!! I WANT MY SIMS TO HAVE EYEBALLS EVERYWHERE ON THEIR BODY AND I WANT THEM INSECTS GROWING UNDER THEIR SKIN PLLLLSSS!), like imagine having open lungs. more than two hangs or other body parts?? OR BLOODY DEER ANTLERS OR- sorry im fucking unhinged and maybe one day I'd get my lazy ass and create it all myself BECAUSE I CLEARLY NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21. What’s your Origin ID?
It's a secret. There's nothing and I was banned for piracy while sharing sims (no CC ones btw, and they were fucking normal like USUAL sims) TWICE. So nope!
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
I have 300+ GB mods folder how do i answer this.... Okay, let's do it! And BTW, I'm scared of tagging creators and tagging in general, so I won't do it this time so I won't spam or annoy anyone and won't be this anxious myself.
@pralinesims EVAN I'M SORRY BUT I'M TOTALLY TAGGING YOU!!! You- First of all, as I remember, you were the first creator with whom my journey with CC began and even then, you had a superior quality CC, and it was and still is the best CC content ever! I know I've said it a million times before, but! Your CC is a true must-have for me, I literally can't imagine CAS without it, it changes so much and adds necessary little details that give my sims a lot more personality :') AND SPECIAL THANK YOU FOR THE GORE!!!! gore forever!! I love gore!! AND FOR THE EYES!!
@lady-moriel (I know I tagged you twice in this post, but it's for a different purpose 😭😭 pls forgive me) has the most amazing fantasy/ occult cc which is really high quality AND MY GOD THE ARMOR!! AND DRUID STUFF!! It's so unique and done just so amazingly, all the details- it looks beautiful in game and I fucking swear, I can't live without your CC! And I still can't get over your Leshey set, because my god... I can talk about it for hours, it's just- It's a perfection, and you need to know that it's only thanks to you I can have literally Zone Blanche in my game-
Now, creators I'm afraid to tag in this ramble thingy. IT'S GOING TO BE SUPER LONG SO BE PREPARED LMAOOO
23. How long have you had a simblr?
Favorite skin details/skins creators — @/obscurus-sims, @/northernsiberiawinds, @/poyopoyosim, @/ddarkstonee, @/sims3melancholic, @/lamatisse, @/nesurii, @/angissi, @/twisted-cat, @/squea, @/thisisthem, @/simbience, @/sammi-xox
Favorite presets creators — @kashisun (!!!!), @/hi-land, @/viagosims, @/cinnasims, @/meeshi, @/ssspringroll, @/sammi-xox, @/arenetta
Favorite clothes creators — @/backtrack-cc, @/eunosims, @/nucrests, @/gorillax3-cc, @/plbsims, @/lumysims, @/trillyke, @/amelylinaa, @/arethabee, @/liliili-sims4, @/cinnamon-sims I don't remember more I'm sorry- I use much cc but do I remember creator names? mainly not 😭😭 my brain is not braining i-
Favorite hair creators - @/sheabuttyr, @/simandy @/ebonixsims, @/icchixxxxxx1, @/clumsyalienn, @falsogod, @/0o0ghost0o0, anto, @/leahlillith, @/aladdin-the-simmer, @/simstrouble, @/zaozzaa, darknighTt on tsr, @/1-800-cuupid THERE'S SO MUCH I'M JUST DUMB AND I HAVE MEMORY LIKE A FISH-
I came here in March, I believe! So like... 3 months? And my god I never felt this accepted in any community before, although begging was very scary and still is a bit, but the more I shared my OCs, edits and screenshots with you, the more accepted and loved I felt and my god, this is such an amazing feeling when you see how everyone share their amazing creativity and love for franchise and just- It's truly amazing to see everyone's amazing creativity and I still can't believe how different everyone's sims and game is! IT'S JUST SO COOL! I love seeing such different and unique visions being connected by the one game.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
OOOH It's a lot! First of all, I have pretty heavy and detailed reshade (but my PC is very much okay with this, so don't worry), I have a couple of favorite presets that make the game look SO MUCH DIFFERENT AHH! But keep in mind that I change a lot of settings and have my MXAO's set differently. The ultimate favorite of mine is Softee preset by Lustrousims! Its truly amazing and I use it every time. What I love about it is colour scheme and the way it DOES work with POC sims which is AMAZING! So for gameplay or build (which i have like... three, maybe?) or cas posts I don't really edit anything, maybe use a couple of color ajustments + dust + light leaks + resolution enchance + blur background a bit or make some details pop, but that's all!
But when It comes to my edits.... I do use blender, so you can see a few of my renders here. I edit them and in-game pictures either in GIMP or Photoshop (I pirate it too btw) for psd actions or if i'm editing while at work or while going somewhere - i use mobile editing apps such as Photoshop Express & Lightroom, Glitch Lab, Polarr, Vaporgram! Sometimes mobile apps are more useful for specific things than GIMP or Photoshop on PC lmaooo, so yeah.
Thirdly, I enchance resolution on PC by Topaz AI and on mobile with Remini, which is super useful because it does add details and really unblur pics.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
OKAY SO. Please keep in mind that my opinion may be weird, but that's because I never paid a single euro for The Sims 4, I KNOW most of TS4 packs and content in general is super overpriced and bad if you keep in mind how much you paid for it, but I haven't, I have it all for free, so I just mostly enjoy everything when I truly explore or play it. I do still shame EA tho lmaoo.
Expansions: Get to Work (mainly because of aliens and active careers), Cottage Living (HAVE YOU SEEN THE CUTEST COWS??HAVE YOU SEEN THEM??), Cats & Dogs, Growing Together, Island Living.
Game packs: Vampires (OBVIOUSLY!), Strangerville, Realm of Magic, Werewolves
Stuff packs: PARANORMAL, Vintage Glamour, Movie Hangout Nifty Knitting, Tiny Living, Laundry Day!
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Okay, sooooooo......
Expansion: music groups & choirs & opera pack that will bring more ACTIVE careers for musicians, more music instruments, PLEASE GIVE ME OPERA AND BALLET THEATERS (... my russian side truly wants to have it, like pls), tours and trip-hop as in-game genre! Also, It would be amazing if they'll add something like church choirs or something like that.
Game pack: FAIRIES. And bigfoot. Please. I want to have those in my game so bad! Also, I think it would be amazing if we'd another pack where we'll get the whole funeral system, like funerals and graveyards! I WANT TO HAVE THOSE SO BAD. And I want this pack to have maybe mortician career. maybe even an active one? As well as active funerals, more coffins with cross-pack compability so that vampires can sleep in them too. Also! You know this message your sim sometimes get about their very far relative passing away and giving them money? I want it expanded & it's a great ability to add an option for a sim to own a multiple homes and apartments, like having their own and the house that was passed for them by a grand-someone.
Stuff packs: something for toddlers and infants, maybe including functional strollers & new interactive toys (like a mini piano or a book that can sing them songs) and more clothes and bb objests. I think we need more gameplay for toddlers and infants! And also, maybe a separate stuff pack for kids? ALSO WE FUCKING NEED THE SPOOKY STUFF REFRESH!
Lastly, I'm tagging @alinelie, @lady-moriel, @lunarspellsims, @noeyinthemist, @the-daydream-archives, @2013trait, @isthisdesire98. I know it's not a lot of you, but I don't remember who I've seen doing this tag, so yeah! Please feel free to ignore this and I also apologize in case I annoyed you. I hope you're having a good day! I love you all just so much!
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igglemouse · 1 year
Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
I was tagged by @autonomousllama and @cactusblossom, thank you both for tagging me and I guess I am getting at this late but here it is!
What’s your favourite Sims death?
The old age death because it means a sim has lived like and are gently passing on! I also love that they give a little salute like “It was fun while it lasted but PEACE!” if I have a chance to give a salute and famous last words before I die I know I would!
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis Match not because it looks better but because it blends in with the game.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
Do you use move objects?
I imagine it is hard not to when you are a competitive sims player lol.
Favourite Mod?
Hmmm, this is hard. I will say Wicked Whims though. I know, I know, you all think i’m super horny over here but really sex is a big part of life it is, one can argue, one of the most important aspects of life itself as one must have sex to create life (kind of at least) so WW really expands on that. Just get rid of the sex animations it adds, ignore that completely, it still adds an indepth menstrual system, attraction system, fertility system, etc! 
WW actually determines how many kids my sims will have for example since some are naturally more fertile than others so yeah!
2nd place is MC Command which is great for just having more control. I mostly use that to make over townies when I see them lol.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
The first one they released? It was either Luxury party or the camping one right? Whichever was the first one lol.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Oooh, I actually don’t make many sims since I play legacy and just rely on genetics but I will say Araceli! I made her when I relaunched a legacy and I spent so much time on her! I loved her! I thought of bringing her back in some form so we might not have seen the last of her actually!
Have you made a simself?
I have for the fun of it but i’ve never played it. I hardly make myself in games. I just always think of a character I guess.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Dark brown.
Favorite EA hair?
If you go back I had a vampire in my story named Edda, she wears it. It’s the real short one but ummm, the short one. Most people know by now I do love short hair lol
(EDIT: Not sure why I referenced Edda...Laverne wears this hairstyle lol. There, that is a more recent sim) 
Favorite life stage?
Young Adult! EA just put all the fun in that phase though. 
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I am not that good at building...
Are you a CC creator?
I’ve made poses years ago!
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
I have simblr friends but part of no squad. I feel like a mostly outsider or lone wolf in the simblr community but im nice to everyone!
Do you have any sims merch?
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I don’t think it has honestly lol.
What’s your origin id?
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Hmmm, I don’t know! 
How long have you had simblr?
Since 2014 since the game launched in 2014 and I literally had a post the first day it launched.
You can even see this post here!
I’ve been a Sims 4 OG as the kids would like to say and my simblr has really flunctuated in all that time. I’ve had posts getting 100s of likes to now just around 10 lol, I’ve come full circle!
It’s kind of sad because @floofymilk-blog was a real good online friend I had known for years and she was someone you saw constantly liking my posts and commenting at first and she has completely disappeared from like...everything. So yeah T_T, from discord, from steam, from switch, and I always wonder what happened to her and seeing that post and seeing her in the notes there just makes me sad but...she was the biggest AC fan I’ve ever known T_T and a big Sims fan too!
She was Japanese and disappeared before the release of Snowy Escape and I wonder if she would have loved that pack :/
How do you edit your pictures?
I used to do A LOT more but honestly, I just gave up lol. Now I just use a reshade, add a border, and move on. Lazy, I guess? But I’m posting legacy content. What is called a Plotacy. If I hung up on editing every single picture it would slow me down a ton. You can see the story content I tried it was a lot more edited!
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
Hmmmmmm seasons, yeah, Seasons!
I will tag @joannebernice - @mysimsloveaffair - @wolfavens - @wannabecatwriter - @lollipopsimblr - @thereesespiece
If you have done it already or dont want to no worries!
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cloudsandcrescents · 9 months
What’s your publishing schedule looking like?
That’s a great question. I have no clue (kidding but also not?)
Kidding…not kidding lol…send help pls. But seriously.
Rough Schedule (As it Stands)
I’m currently working on a follow up to Relinquish that sort of fell by the wayside. That is nearly done (75-80%) and it will be up before the end of week (ideally today or tomorrow). This will just be added as a second chapter to the original.
Leather Black I’m actually planning to post more frequently on because that’s meant to be a short series similar to how I did Empty Rooms. I’m planning to resume updates for that this week/weekend with weekly updates but will ideally be more like every 2-3 days depending on my schedule. I really like this one so I’m eager to update for it but I think I just started tackling it at a time where there was a lot going on in my personal life that messed up my schedule quite a bit.
After Hours is reaching its end with maybe another 2-3 chapters (the last likely being an epilogue) so I’m trying to wrap it up by getting back to (at minimum) a biweekly update schedule. Max I’m giving myself to finish is through end of January since that’s around when I first started it. Should have an update to this by the end of next week.
Similar to After Hours, I intend to wrap up Promise Me very soon as well with, likely, another 2-3 chapters. The alternating updates really worked well for me as I would just toggle between which one was the previously updated fic. (Unrelated) Promise Me I’ve actually been debating on because I already set the layout for a sequel in my head. I was thinking about whether I wanted to just keep it going or create a separate fic for it and right now I feel like the latter so we’re surprisingly wrapping that up soon. Should have an update on this in about two weeks if not sooner.
I want to lighten the load before I tackle anything further so I think this is the point where I kind of stop the addition of any new fics until I get a better handle on my current WIP. That said, I most likely won’t be updating Hour of Need or When We Serve until I finish After Hours and Promise Me. Encore is there as well though I’m feeling a little iffy on whether or not I want to come back to that but we’ll see. HoN and WWS will likely follow the pattern of alternating biweekly or even weekly updates between the two once After Hours and Promise Me are done. We’re going to give these a hopeful return in early February but may come sooner.
I’ve gotten several Tumblr requests in my asks that I do see and will definitely get too. I have a tendency to overload myself and I’m very susceptible to burnout so those are just a little behind but I’m hoping to add a few into my update schedule resuming in Mid-Jan/Early-Feb if not sooner once I wrap up Leather Black and my other two bigger fics.
As always, thank you everyone for being so patient with me. I hope that I’m fortunate enough where I can eventually just write for a living and just play with words all day. Until then, I most resume my normal day to day life which isn’t nearly as exciting but keeps me equally busy. I write most of my fics on my phone but also try to sit at my computer to write which tends to motivate me more. Unfortunately, my computer has been inoperable for a few months now as I’ll likely need to replace the CPU I’m pretty sure I broke lol. It’s had to take a backseat to a few other things but I’m planning to get a replacement in mid January and hopefully that’ll help with a lot with my productivity.
I hope this provides anyone looking for their particular favorite of my works, a bit of relief knowing that updates are coming soon. Thank you all for being the best part of getting to do this, truly. 🩵
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vacantgodling · 2 years
15 character questions!!
thankuuuu @kudzucataclysm ily. ig i'll do this for chidorky cuz why not :D
tagging @henrike-does-writing-sometimes @magic-is-something-we-create @sarahlizziewrites & anyone else who'd like to do this :D
1 - Are you named after anyone?
No, I don't think so. I think my parents just liked the way it sounded? I never asked either of them about it, to be honest. I was always just Chidori haha!
2 - When was the last time you cried?
HmMMmm. When the mechanic shop charged me like 200 sturges(1) for their last repair part for my boots. I cried so much holy shit, that was my entire paycheck for the past three weeks. If the Bianchi's(2) weren't so good to me I would probably be homeless again, but gooood those mechanics are mean.
sturges are the currency of the world, named after the now extinct sturgeon fish :)
the Bianchi's are amehana's family, they run the medium restaurant chain BIG TOPZ CHIKIN N' SHRIMP. as they've known and cared for chidori since he was young, they look after him like family since he has none of his own :)
3 - Do you have kids?
Nah, but I don't think I'd want kids. That's more Ame's kind of thing, honestly. I can't imagine changing my life to work around someone else’s. To be there and then... potentially be gone. And then make them have to suffer alone. I mean--I've already been through something like that, so I wouldn't want to do something like that to someone who would depend on me. I like kids though! I consider myself a kid sometimes to be honest www
4 - Do you use sarcasm?
Sometimes yeah! I’d like to think I’m pretty good at it :’D
5 - What’s the first thing you notice about people?
A lot of their physical um… form? Usually I don’t pay attention to people unless i’m TMing and that’s usually so like, if something happens I know if I can get them out of harms way or not, y’know?
6 - What’s your eye color?
Ahhhhh *checks mirror* Yellow… Brown? If that’s a color? Like it’s a really light brown but there’s no green so it can’t be hazel… I dunno honestly ww
7 - Scary movies or happy endings?
BOTH! I hate movies that end with everyone being dead and sad cuz that sucks and if I want to live in a fantasy world like at least let the death mean something. I’d say the same thing about real life but sometimes death is so… meaningless. Y’know? It’s really bleak to think about. So, I don’t wanna deal with that in a movie BUT it has to be cool and action packed and a lil scary to be interesting!
8 - Any special talents?
I can break dance pretty well! I have a photographic memory of the city and all of its routes :3c
9 - Where were you born?
I dunno, to be honest. It’s something I never asked my parents about before and I don’t know if I care that much to be honest. I’m here! That’s what matters.
10 - What are your hobbies?
Break dancing, spending time with friends, ummm… Hoverboarding? I guess. I like to do stuff! So I’m willing to try anything :3
11 - Have you any pets?
Nah. I’m not home enough to take care of one, and the permit process to even Get a pet is too tedious y’know? There aren’t really many pets left around, so you have to be registered to have one and like, they can come and take your pet away from you if you’re an unfit owner and shit so like, I’d rather not deal with that.
12 - What sports do you/have you played?
I used to play air hockey(1)! It was a lot of fun but I was never like super good at it. I got cut from the team a lot, but they’d always bring me back on when they needed an extra player! I mostly enjoyed just doing it, I never really got people who cried if we won or lost? I just wanted to enjoy doing it so I did!
air hockey referring to actually using hover boots to play something akin to hockey as we know it in the air. there’s a puck that has its own magnetic field and the sticks are basically just giant magnets that keep the puck aloft.
13 - How tall are you?
5’8”? I think? I haven’t measured recently! :3
14 - Favorite subject in school?
Mm, school wasn’t really for me—like high school. But, the train academy (authors note: that i will properly name eventually…) was everything to me! I got to learn more about the history of our city, trains, combat, how to be a train master and stuff so. That I enjoyed.
15 - Dream job?
Already living it! Train master supreme baby!! :DD
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sparrowminder · 2 years
Clangen time!
I'm playing the latest developmental branch, since it's been a while and I need to refamiliarize myself with the game. I have the contributor role on the discord but I never fully finished coding the last feature, so I need to get up to speed on the new stuff and then recode it!
I am doing a "genetically accurate" challenge, (which I am far from the first to do), where I make sure my founders are genetically plausible, list out their colors and known genes, and edit any kits to make them accurate. I'm gonna keep the posts here pretty intermittent, but I'm also gonna be making a thread in the clangen server for more active liveblogging.
Founder cats under the cut!
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Bleakstar - Black smoke point with blue eyes. L- / XoY, B-, D- / aa, --, --, -- / I-, cscs, ww
Raggedclaw - Red classic tabby with pale green eyes. L- / XOY, --, D- / --, mcmc, --, tata / ii, C-, ww
Turtleblink - Blue spotted tabby with high white and yellow eyes. L- / XoXo, B-, dd / A-, Mc-, Sp-, tata / ii, C-, WsWs
Forestrapid - Blue classic tabby with dark blue eyes. L- / XoY, B-, dd / A-, mcmc, --, tata / ii, C-, ww
Bitternpaw - Chocolate rosetted tuxedo with yellow eyes. L- / XoXo, b-, D- / A-, Mc-, Sp-, tata / ii, C-, Wsw
Murkpaw - Dominant white with hazel eyes. L- / X-X-, --, -- / --, --, --, -- / --, --, Wd-
Basilkit - Blue and white with pale green eyes. L- / XoY, B-, dd / aa, --, --, -- / ii, C-, Wsw
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initiala · 1 year
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason. <3
Tagged by @spartanguard thanks lovey
Oh good grief, there's a lot of stuff to go through here hang on...
First fic published there: Anthony and Virginia, back when I was headlong into Pepperony/the MCU. Published on May 24, 2012. I have fics that are dated older, because I backdated them when I cross-posted some old stuff over for archival purposes, but A&V is the first fic I published on AO3. It was also the first time I was getting back into fic writing after a couple of years of break!
Last fic published there: SPEAKING OF... Growing Up Hanyou was posted sometime probably in 2021 or 2022, it doesn't say when I uploaded it because I backdated it to the original publishing time of 2008. It was a slice of life sequel-ish to A Matter of Trust, a fic that I won an award for Best Melodrama for, which honestly tells you everything you need to know about 19-year old Amanda's fic writing habits.
Any fic that I wrote for a fandom/ship once: The Old House, for Breath of the Wild. While I've written for the Legend of Zelda franchise before, they're literally lost to the annals of time because it was like 2002 and I have wiped that from the internet as best as I know how. (also it was like seventeen usernames ago) They're best forgotten, though I do kinda wish I kept the one around that tried to bridge what happened between OoT/MM and WW. It was also very dramatic. I was a very dramatic child.
Your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works: Red-eye to Incheon. Biased because this is heavily pulled from my (positive) experiences in Korea without any of the negative stuff (of which there were many), but I really liked writing this and getting to live a little vicariously through the characters (I'm a very boring person. Expat culture is fucking WILD when you're a boring person like me so I mostly observed and filed away for later use, aka here.)
The fic you wish more people read: Very Cool. If I'm going based on hits, I can see why some of these aren't like. Hit up more. There's the very old ones that I archived here, there's one-offs that are just genfic that most people in fandom Do Not Care About. But I'm actually proud of Very Cool because I wrote it after seeing a copy of the Doctor Who magazine on the stands while I was in England and I wrote Eleven exactly how he speaks in his cadence and honestly it should have more than 239 hits even as a little crackfic, especially back in the big Series 5/6 heyday thank you.
The fic you agonized most over: Day of the Dead. I think I agonize a bit over every fic I wrote, but I think most of the WTNV fics were agonized over a bit more. It was 2013, I was really pushing myself with what I was comfortable writing and Tumblr was REALLY Tumblring at that time so there was a lot of cause to not get cancelled over a fic (seriously. There were a LOT of wolves with pitchforks then. If you think it's bad now, it was worse then) I wrote my first genderswap fic in that fandom, I played a lot with the laws of physics and reality, and I wrote this, my first fic that was multi-lingual. I had a lot of help to make sure the Spanish was correct and even after it's been nitpicked over a bit, but for the most part everyone received it well. But I did SO MUCH research because I really didn't know much about Dia de Muertos at the time, it hadn't become a thing to integrate it into the US yet, Coco was years off, and I wanted to make sure I was portraying this cultural holiday accurately and respectfully, while also showing that these are still just people celebrating and it's not going to be this Irreverent Thing you follow exactly to a T.
The fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort: The Corner of First and Amistad. I literally wrote all 8 chapters in one day and then posted as I finished editing. I do wish I'd had more experience/training in how I write now for this, because I think this fic deserves it, but for something that was brain-dumped so completely in such a short amount of time it's not bad. I'd also need like. Fresh eyes to go in and help with the edits because while I KNOW it needs polishing and expanded on, I'm always too fucking precious about my own work to do anything without someone forcing me to.
A work you are proud of—for whatever reason: Hook-Echo. This is the fic no one wanted, no one asked for (though let's be real, all of my multi-chapter AUs are this, every single one is a "huh? how is THAT an AU?") and absolutely a "I wrote this because it's been living in my brain for years and I just needed something to force me to sit down and write it all out", so I can absolutely thank the 2018 Big Bang for giving me that excuse. It was published after the show ended, so the fandom was... gone by then, so it definitely is a passion project like no other and didn't get anywhere near as much love as it might have had it been done on the heels of finishing Dark Horse like I'd originally planned.
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