#but yeah! new fic tomorrow! then I really wanna get back to working on the fics i have on my progress section of my pinned post
dawn-moths · 1 year
there’s a lil noe one shot coming tomorrow for my blogs 2 year anniversary ☺️
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Crash and Burn 5
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My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Tony Stark
Summary: a powerful man comes crashing into your life. Literally.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You sit on the back porch, reading a book as you avoid the dingy tabacco laden walls inside. After claiming a couple slices of pizza, you quickly evacuated, your mom latched onto your guest like gum beneath a diner table. You're happy enough to be alone.
You just want it all done with. You want to be done with him.
Your mom just needs to do one thing. Get the trailer and be done with the man overdosing on his own ego. She's never been on to let things go, especially nothing like this.
The screen door opens and closes. You stay as you are.
“Your chariot awaits, princess,” Tony declares as he approaches. You look up as he stands behind you.
“What do you mean?” You close the book and stand, not liking how his pant leg touches your arm. You face him as his mouth slants, the silver in his goatee catching the dimming sunlight.
“Me. Gonna take you for another ride.” He rests his hand on the wooden railing as you stand on the step below.
“No,” you say bluntly. “I have work tomorrow so I need to go get ready for bed.”
“What’s the matter? If you don’t like pepperoni, you could’ve said something,” he tilts his head. "I thought you had extensive experience with meat... workong in a deli and all."
“Really? You know this isn’t about the pizza,” you sneer.
“I know what it’s about as well as you.” He steps closer and looks down at you. “It’s this.”
He swirls his finger between you.
You narrow your eyes and grimace. “This... what?”
“Sexual tension. It’s like a noose, isn’t it? I’m close to gagging.”
You glare back at him, “you really believe every woman on earth wants you?”
“I know it so let's stop fucking around just get to the fucking.” He winks.
You laugh. A snort then a scoff then a guffaw. “Wow, what a line. Look you can buy us pizza and replace what you owe us but I'm nor impressed. You city people think we're all just a bunch of trailer trash and maybe we are, doesn't mean we wanna be like you.”
“Oh, but you definitely want me,” he intones.
You sigh, “I want to go to my room and never see you again.”
“I like that. The hard-to-get thing always gets me going.” He gets closer and you lean away.
“The hard to stand thing doesn't do it for me,” you retort. “Thanks for doing the bare minimum but I'm over it. Either we get what you destroyed or you go back and laugh at your little mistake with your rich buddies.”
“You're sounding bitter, sweetheart. Why don't you let me give you some sugar?” He reaches for you and you dodge his hand.
“Please, quit that. I told you, I am not into it.”
“You aren't? Well your mom sure is. Yeah, we made quite the deal. She's going to get her trailer and an empty nest.” He puts his hands out in nonchalance, “what can I say? I'm a great negotiator.”
“Well, I mean you're not going anywhere here. Working at a deli and for what? I told her, you don't gotta be stuck here. Eating off her table, living under her roof. You're an adult.” He crosses his arms and smirks.
Yep, that sounds like your mom. She's reminded you a billion times how you've burdened her with your existence, just as your grandmother does to her. And he plucked on that string until he hit a harmony.
“What did you do?” You ask.
“You make it sound like I did something wrong. Sweetheart, I'm doing you a favour. I'm getting you out of this pit. A girl like you, you can't hope for better because I'll tell you something, there's nothing out there better than Tony Stark.”
He preens in victory. You squint and clap the book against your leg.
“Come on, everyone should see New York at least once,” he tries to tap your nose and you evade him, but not entirely. Instead, he hits your chest and you feel a sudden constriction across it.
Your ripped up by your chest as metal expands and twists around your torso. You shriek as you fly upwards, encased in a cocoon the blocks out the wind. The propulsion of the suit has you disoriented and rattling.
You hear a whir and look over to see the marquee red and gold of the iconic Iron Man. Tony grabs you, your gauntlet caught against his like a magnet, and he zooms off onto sky, dragging you with him. You cry out as you can do nothing but flail.
“Relax, sweetheart,” he voice comes through the speakers built into the helmet, “you don't wanna pass out in this thing. Trust me.”
“What the hellllllll!” You holler.
“Just wait till you see that New York skyline,” he chortles.
Your disbelief paralyses you. How can he do this? Well, you can't stop him. He's been enabled his whole life and you've just become another pawn to his games.
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wreckmetoji · 1 year
Close to Heaven 
A fic in which Vash finally gets what he’s been yearning for and then some.
↳ Vash the Stampede/Reader
↳ Nicholas D. Wolfwood/Reader
content warning. gender-neutral pronouns, afab reader, mild overstimulation, unprotected sex, profanity, alien anatomy, whatever the plant equivalent of a creampie is, shameless smut, fluff, slight angst, wolfwood tops vash and vash tops you, everyone is winning
I recommend reading Wanna Be Yours for context 7.2k words
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Life was unforgiving, there was no such thing as being dealt a good hand. At least, not unless it was at the expense of another person. Vash knew this better than anyone, but long ago had he accepted he wasn't here to have a good life. He was here to fix what was broken, help the people that needed it, and while that didn't always go as planned, he always tried his best.
You just pick yourself and dust yourself off, that's what I admire about you the most, Vash. Even eight months later, Vash could still hear your voice in the back of his head when he went on with his daily life. He'd hear you chide him while he poorly patched himself up in alleyways, he'd hear you tell him to eat more when he denied himself of decent meals, or yell at him to get up and keep going when he fell. It wasn't easy, of course it wasn't, making that decision to leave. He wanted you to have the best life he couldn't give you, and if you managed to find that happiness, then he was more than willing to cut his losses and hope that one day he would run into you, see you flourishing and happy and alive. So, he continued, hopping from one town to the other, helping when and where he could. Vash heaved a sigh, pushing his way through the doors of the tavern he was staying in. Today had been a bust, nearly managing to get roped into an encounter with July Military Police, he was completely unable to secure himself a vehicle or mode of transportation out of the city. He was running low on money, he would really only feasibly be able to stay at this inn a couple more days before he would need to start running small jobs around the city. That would surely be risky in itself, knowing that if he were to be exposed to the general public for longer than a couple of hours, someone was bound to try and turn him in. He'd leave tomorrow, even if it was by foot.  Shuffling over to the bar, he plopped down in one of the tall stools, waving at the barkeeper he had come to enjoy chatting with over the last few days. She was friendly, older, definitely making more of her money off of regulars and locals than tips and travelers. She had mentioned it was refreshing to see a new face that wasn't sour. "Hey Nadina," Vash greeted as she sauntered over, glass and cloth in hand, "Things been busy today?"  This earned him a playful scoff, to which he chuckled at, knowing the two occupied tables covered in cards and bottle caps were enough of a tell. "If it was busy, I wouldn't have to work here every day," She quipped, pouring a pint for Vash without him even asking, "Did have an interesting fella come in today, though." Smiling, Vash accepted the drink from her, already pulling out a couple of bills from his pocket to place on the counter in front of her. He lifted the glass to his lips, humming inquisitively to her previous statement. "Yeah," She continued, giving him an unimpressed up and down, "Said he was looking for you." Ah. Maybe he would have to leave a bit earlier than expected, if the Military Police were already this hot on his tail he was bound to be cornered in his rented room. That would get messy, and he wouldn't want poor Nadina to fork up a bunch of nonexistent money for property damages he was inadvertently the cause of. "Did... They say why they were looking for me?" He dared question, giving her a sheepish smile.  "No, just mentioned you by name, described you. Didn't even introduce himself, but I'm sure you could spot him in a crowd," She mused, shining up some spare glasses behind the counter, "Had this massive cross he was carrying around. Must've thought himself a priest or something. Wouldn't be able to tell by lookin' at him though, sketchy lookin' bastard." Suddenly, his smile was gone. Vash swallowed, eyes wide in disbelief as he stared at Nadina. She caught this, her hands pausing their ministrations as they exchanged stares.  Vash broke the silence first, his voice breathy and barely above a whisper. "Did he have anyone with him?" Nadina didn't answer, not at first, obviously too caught up in his immediate reaction. After he cleared his throat, taking another long sip of his beer, she pursed her lips and quirked a brow. "No, he didn't have anyone with him," She crossed her arms, leaning against the back counter, "You know him then?" With a nod, he threw back the rest of his beer, placing it back on the counter with a thunk. He decidedly left out all and every detail of who that stranger was or how he knew him, mind reeling as to what he was doing around here looking for Vash. His head spun, and it definitely wasn't from the less than seven percent beer Nadina had so graciously poured for him. "Thanks for the drink Nadina, think I'm gonna hit the sack early though." He didn't give her a chance to interject, taking out an extra bill from his pocket and slapping it down on the counter. A tip, but also hopefully buying her silence. She nodded, taking the pile of bills and pocketing them in her half apron as Vash gave another friendly wave, crossing the pub floor and heading up the old metal staircase.  Fuck. Wolfwood was here, and he was looking for him, but most importantly, he didn't have you. Did he leave you behind? Were you hurt? Did he lose you? It had been at least eight months, a lot can happen in that amount of time. Maybe the two of you split up, and he was worrying his head about nothing at all. Still, he couldn't shake the bad feeling he had. Part of him wanted to find Wolfwood, ask what happened, if you were safe, but the other part of him didn't know if he wanted that answer. Seeing him would only serve as a reminder of what he had to let go anyways.  Unlocking his room, bumping his metal arm into the heavy material to force it open– perks of renting one of the cheapest rooms in town– Vash entered the small space, leaving it opened a crack. He wasn't going to be staying long, and he didn't have much to gather up. Maybe, if he was lucky, he could avoid the police and secure a ticket for the last bus out of here. It wasn't too late, the sun now just peaking over the dunes in the distance.  Vash shoved his sleepwear in his bag, yanking the cords shut and swinging it over his shoulder. He'd cut his losses on paying for the room tonight, and besides, if things went sideways he could always sneak his way back in without the stress of trespassing.  He had managed to sneak past the bar without Nadina noticing him, or maybe she did and just decided not to say anything. She was a perceptive woman, nothing slipped past her, so maybe Vash was foolish for thinking he could. He pushed his way through the doors, setting a brisk pace that didn't look too suspicious as to garner unwanted attention, adjusting the straps of the bag on his shoulder as he stepped through the weighted double doors of the shoddy bus station. The clerk was in the middle of cashing out as Vash ran up to the till, putting down a little more money than necessary just to secure his ticket in case the gentleman was in a poor mood.  Being eyed up and down never got easier. It was always fifty fifty on whether he had to run if they recognized him, or if they just thought he was some weirdo. "A ticket– please! A ticket please. Are there any seats on the last bus?" He was sure the desperation was even more suspicious, but he couldn't care. Not right now, at least. "It doesn't matter where it's going." The man grunted in response, taking the money– all the money– that had been placed on the counter in front of him. He scribbled something down on his receipt paper, tearing it off and clipping it to the bus ticket he then handed over. Vash smiled gratefully, brows upturned, before turning on his heel and speed walking out the door. People were lined up in front of the doors, already boarding. At least he wasn't going to waste any time. He sucked in a deep breath, stepping forward when the line moved up, his eyes scanning the crowds in the streets to make sure he wasn't picked out. And then he saw an apparition. And apparition, or an angel. Off to the side, two or three buildings down, back facing him but he could recognize it anywhere. He could point it out with no doubts, the presence you radiated was something he still constantly saw in his dreams. He had spent so many nights laying next to you, how could he forget about all of that in a measly eight-or-so months? His breath was caught in his throat, lungs feeling tight and his eyes stung. Suddenly everything hurt, his heart, his eyes, his muscles, he couldn't move. You were talking to an older man, his brows furrowed as he looked up and around. He pointed his finger towards Vash, and everything moved so slow. You turned, eyes wide, and he could see the tears welling up from where he was standing. You were beautiful, so so beautiful, hair a bit longer than he had remembered, new clothes he hadn't ever seen before, but... You were the same. The same lips he had traced with his thumb, the same cheeks he had squished in his hands, the same eyes he could stare into for hours, just watching every sparkle and light flare every time you talked about nothing in particular. Then your mouth moved. He couldn't hear it, but he could see it plain as day. Vash? He watched you, watched as you took one slow step forward, then another, then another, steps slowly increasing in pace until you were running full sprint towards him. He was now stood in front of the open doors of the bus, ticket gripped so tightly in his still–flesh hand that it was barely legible. He didn't get a chance, didn't get a chance to step onto the bus, didn't get a chance to say anything to you, didn't get a chance to pull away or run like he thought he wanted to. Not before you were hurling yourself into him, arms wrapped so tightly around him he thought you were trying to crush every bone in his body. The impact made him huff through parted lips, cerulean eyes wide and glossy behind tinted glasses. You said something, something he couldn't hear with how hard you had shoved your face into the fabric of his jacket. The bus driver called out, catching his attention. He said something along the lines of are you getting on, and Vash didn't even register the fact he was shaking his head no. All he registered were the bus doors closing, and his shaky hands coming around and resting on your back. "You're so stupid!" You shouted, sobbing into his shirt. Your shoulders shook, your body trembled, and he could feel the wet of your tears seeping through the fabric. "You're so stupid and I'll never forgive you!" There were so many things he wanted to say in response.  I missed you so much. Every day without you felt too long. You're my everything. None of it came out, he tried. He tried to speak, but all that came out was a pathetic, choked out cry of your name. You looked up at him, and he watched as his own tears cascading down his face landed on your cheeks. His fingers fisted the back of your shirt, his arms starting to quiver, his glasses fogging up. Your hands reached up, pushing his glasses up into his hair, then sliding back down to rest on his cheeks. He leaned down, pressing his forehead up against yours as you whispered, "I never stopped looking for you." Vash kissed you, now for the second time, but instead of grief and distress and sorrow, there was relief. Comfort. Solace. He kissed you, and this time you kissed him back. You pushed your soft, beautiful lips up into his, finally letting go of all the heartache you had evidently been carrying with you for the eight months since he had left you. He pulled back, only for a second to look into your eyes, before he kissed you again, and again, and again. He kissed you breathless, his hands coming up to cup your face, mimicking how you were holding him, only pulling back far enough so he could see you. You still shared your breaths, shared the heat radiating off of each others' faces, shared wet tear stained cheeks. You were even more breathtaking than he remembered, the way your wet eyes shone in the setting sun, how your lashes clumped together, your sentimental smile enough to make him swoon.  "You two are making a scene," Vash heard from behind him, lips parting as he snapped away from you. Wolfwood stood with a stern look, cigarette hanging loosely from his lips as he stared at Vash over his glasses, "July police are in town right? Maybe not a good idea." To say he was confused would be an understatement, eyes flickering over to you when you muttered a meek apology, an embarrassed smile on your lips and red ears. Vash opened his mouth to speak, apologize, his heart threatening to break all over again until Wolfwood shrugged, adjusting the cross slung over his shoulder and rolling his eyes. "Just save it for later. Good to see you Spikey," He nodded, walking towards the tavern Vash was staying at, "You got a room, right? Let's go, I could use a drink. Walked through the entire town all damn day." Vash furrowed his brows, mouth opening to speak, before he felt you grabbing his hand and lacing your fingers between his. He looked down at you, expression somewhere between confusion and distress, but you smiled and shook your head, giving him a small tug as you pulled him along behind Wolfwood. "I'll explain. It's okay." He complied, following wordlessly until the three of you had entered through the tavern doors. Nadina looked in his direction, her eyes widening slightly before smiling. "Welcome back," She greeted, holding up three fingers inquisitively. The three of you nodded in unison. "Comin' up." The three of you sat, mostly in silence until Nadina came over with the drinks. Vash didn't miss the way she eyed up Wolfwood, and then yourself, especially with how tight you were holding Vash's still flesh hand. Once she had gone back to the bar, starting casual conversation with other patrons, did you begin talking.  "I don't want you to feel like I'm deceiving you," You began, eyes everywhere but on him, "I'm... We're still a thing." You gestured between yourself and Wolfwood with a finger, earning a curt nod from the priest as he slugged back his drink. He felt his heart ache again, something he hadn't felt in a while. He smiled, disingenuous and sad. He should have known better, Nadina had told him it was Wolfwood looking for him after all. The second he saw you, he should have known Wolfwood would have been in tow. He should have gotten on that bus, he shouldn't have froze the second he saw you. "But," You continued, "The night everything... The night you left, I told Nick about what happened. I told him you kissed me, I told him you left, and..." Your tiny voice tapered off, and he could see you fighting back tears. He wanted to reach up, wanted to cup your cheek and brush the cool metal of his lost-technology hand under your eye to catch the wet before it trailed down your cheek. He clenched his fist, forcing back the urge, glancing over at Wolfwood who really only seemed to be half interested in the conversation. You sighed, calling his attention back to you. "I told him that I care about you Vash. So much, and... He was okay with that." Vash furrowed his brows, lips parted in visible confusion. You took a deep breath, clearing your throat a bit. "I failed to realize that I had feelings for you too, but I felt bad already being committed to... this," Once again gesturing between Wolfwood and yourself, "We talked about it. Talked about having you join us, or at least try things out and see how they go." You held your palm out flat, pointing towards Wolfwood as he slowly nodded. "So– you– you aren't mad at me then?" Vash asked towards Wolfwood. The tanned man scoffed, leaning forwards on the table as he stared at Vash. "You aren't seeming to get it, so I'll spell it out for you Blondie," Wolfwood tapped his index finger on the table, "Us. All three of us. Relationship, or whatever the fuck you wanna consider it." It took a moment for Vash to register what you both were saying, brows furrowing again as he glanced back at you, then Wolfwood again, earning a nonchalant shrug as he grabbed at the glass sitting in front of you, tipping it back and drinking half the contents. You didn't seem to notice, or you did and simply didn't care, your thumb rubbing busy circles into the back of his partially gloved hand.  "So," Vash cleared his throat, scooting a bit closer to you in his seat, "You... Both of you... want...?" "You're both easy on the eyes, 'n I don't mind sharing," Wolfwood cut in unabashedly, both yours and Vash's cheeks heating in surprise at his boldness. "Both my type too, lucky me." He sparked up a cigarette, hanging his head over the back of his chair as he blew smoke up and away from the conversation being had. Vash was quiet, taking in all the information and emotion, the relief and the anxiety, as he looked back and forth between you and Wolfwood.  "It's okay if that's not something you want, Vash," You smiled, understanding and sweet, "I can reimburse you for the bus ticket, and you can leave first thing–" "No!" He took his hand from your grasp, holding them both up to stop you from speaking. "No, I– of course, of course I want this but, I mean... Are you two sure?" Wolfwood and you chuckled in unison, your hand coming down to settle on his bouncing knee. He remembered when you used to do that, when you would be in a pub or a diner and a bounty hunter would walk in, how you would place your hand over his restless knee or hold his arm, and suddenly any anxiety he had about the situation dissipated into thin air. He smiled, laughing a small bittersweet laugh, and finally picking up his drink. Vash would let himself be selfish, he would let himself have you, have Wolfwood, even if something could go horribly wrong tomorrow, or the next day, he would enjoy you now.  "Okay. Yeah, okay!" His agreeance called for a celebration, your hand going to reach for your now empty glass of beer, slapping Wolfwoods arm in faux outrage. You laughed, and Wolfwood waved your hand away, insisting that he would buy you another one. You argued, bickering with him in good fun about how you have no money, I'm the one paying, and Vash laughed. A hearty, genuine, full laugh that used his entire diaphragm. It turned heads, and the smile that reached his eyes made you melt. The argument in front of him dissipated, your quick hands grabbing the empty on the glasses and heading over to the bar. Vash watched you leave, the smile never leaving his eyes as his heart swelled inside his chest. It almost felt like too much, almost felt overwhelming, seeing you so easily chatter with Nadina as she prepared more drinks for the three of you. He turned his head, giving Wolfwood such a soft expression he swore he could see his sun–kissed neck and ears go red. The night carried on, more drinks and more laughs and more playful bickering, the occasional hand on your knee, or his thigh, or feeling Wolfwood bump his leg with his own. The three of you had managed to stay up until closing, getting ushered upstairs by Nadina to the room Vash had rented. All three of you had more than enough to drink, considering at some point every single person had tripped going up. Vash shoulder checked his door after inserting the key, chucking his bag down beside the door. The bed was small, probably much too small for three people comfortably since it could barely be considered a full. A heavy thunk gathered his attention long enough to see Wolfwood resting The Punisher up against the wall in front of the foot of the bed. You giggled, and he smiled, watching you lay back onto the bed. Vash closed the door, shucking his coat, glasses, and holster off and tossing them over the desk in the corner, before flopping down on his stomach next to you. His metal arm laid over your torso, mechanical thumb running gentle circles into your sides. It was sweet, it was how things should have gone before, maybe this is just setting things right– "Move over," Wolfwood complained, and when Vash looked up he could see the tanned man throwing his pants into a crumpled pile in the corner with the rest of his clothes. Really, Vash hadn't even noticed him strip, only to be left in his boxer briefs. His cheeks flushed red, quickly averting his eyes as he readjusted himself and you on the bed so you were now laying properly. Vash had wedged himself back against the wall, your back pressed to his front, as Wolfwood climbed in to join. "Tight fuckin' fit," Wolfwood grunted, and Vash would have been embarrassed at his phrasing if you hadn't laughed at him and playfully swatted his chest. Considering the limited space, the three of you had to shuffle around for a bit to get comfortable, one of you earning an elbow to somewhere sensitive, or a knee to the thigh, but finally everything settled into a comfortable position. Wolfwood laid on his back, arm outstretched for both you and Vash to rest your heads on, your back to his side, face to face with Vash. It didn't take long for Wolfwood to doze off, his light-sleep snoring filling the otherwise empty room. Vash tried to sleep, really he did, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. He couldn't stop staring at the curve of your jaw, the halo of hair on the arm and pillow below you, and your beautiful dazzling eyes. This time, he didn't have to shy away when you met his gaze. This time, he could stare and stare until he went blind. And, as enamored with you as he was, he could see that same infatuation as you stared back.  "Hey," You whispered, closing your eyes as his metallic hand brushed a strand of hair behind your ears. "Hey." Those were the only words you exchanged, afraid you might wake up your sleeping companion. That didn't stop you grinning from ear to ear, though, and it didn't stop him from shuffling impossibly closer, or his cold mechanical hand running up and down your side, slowly skating up. He traced a trail with his fingertips, going from your side, to your back, up your arm, brushing over your collarbone, and up your neck. It was feather light, scared that if he pressed any harder you would disappear into a cloud of smoke. His fingers stopped at your chin, index finger gently hooked underneath, while his thumb traced the outline of your lips. Vash sucked in a deep breath, half lidded cyan eyes staying locked on the slight part of your mouth as you kissed the pad of his metal thumb. He exhaled in a puff, watching the hairs to the side of your face shift in place. "This doesn't feel real," He admitted in a whisper, barely audible had you not been mere inches away from him, "I feel like I don't deserve this." Frowning, you pressed another kiss to his hand, and he vaguely registered the warmth of your palm on the side of his neck. It was as gentle as a mayfly's wing, and had he not seen your arm move, he would have missed it. The same hand reached out, grasping his wrist and pulling it away from your face. Vash swallowed, mouth suddenly dry, his still tipsy mind hazy as you leaned in and placed your petal soft lips on the corner of his mouth. It wasn't enough, he could never get enough, he thought as he turned his head, greedily taking you in and kissing you so gently. His eyes fell closed, fingers threading between yours. Shifting slightly, his other hand came up from beneath him, cupping the back of your neck. It was slow, languid, gentle, like you both had all the time in the world to simply exist with each other. Vash wanted to make up for lost time, apologize for leaving you in that motel room, tell you how much he missed you, but instead he spoke with his actions. He kissed you tenderly, lovingly, over and over again, his hands holding you so close you might think it was his last night alive. "I never stopped thinking about you," He whispered between kisses, turning you over on your back. He propped himself up, torso hovering over you as he kissed your cheek, nose, jaw, the shell of your ear. The sigh you breathed had him closing his eyes, scrunching his brow and committing it to memory.  Untangling his fingers from yours, his metal hand reached down, firmly grasping your hip as his lips moved down. He wanted to do this for so long, shower you in love and affection, to be showered in love and affection back. He wanted to give and take and exist in a world that was entirely you. When his lips came back up, there was more intensity behind his kisses, welcoming the part of your mouth with his own. Your mouth was warm, welcoming, and he could taste the lingering booze left behind when he pressed his tongue into your own. There was a whine, and it took him longer than it should have to realize it came from him, pulling back quickly when he felt a shift in the bed beside the two of you. A thick strand of saliva kept your mouths connected as he glanced over, seeing Wolfwood tugging his arm back and tucking it behind his head. Vash stilled, waited, and when he heard the telltale snores again, he was back on your lips in an instant. "Vash," You breathed into him, your hands grabbing the back of his shirt and fisting the material in your palms, "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere."  You sounded amused, and his fingers gripped you just a little bit tighter as he kissed you just a little bit harder. "I know." But he didn't know. He didn't know when would be the last moments he spent with you, and he didn't want you to slip between his fingers again. He didn't want to dance around his feelings to keep you safe when neither of your futures were guaranteed tomorrow. So, instead of pulling back when you patted and rubbed his back, he slipped between your legs, his hands grabbing at your thighs and pulling you into him, adjusting your position. He hunched over you, forearms resting beside your head as he took more and more, stealing the breath from your lungs, soaking in your tiny whines and insincere protests. There was a fire in the pit of his stomach, and everything about you, everything you did, stoked the flame, made it burn brighter, hotter. Vash didn't know where this boldness came from, brushing your bangs back from your face and kissing you once more, the heat of his hand searing your skin as he dipped his fingers just below the band of your shorts, hiking your leg up around his waist. Immediately met with eager compliance, Vash smiled against you and rubbed an affectionate stroke on your outer thigh. His hand moved up, further and further until his fingers were tangled in the strands of your hair. He lowered himself, just a bit, but it was enough to have his pelvis rub up into you. The moan you let out was less quiet, but he couldn't care less when you were pulling him so much closer, arching your hips to press up into him. He shuddered, a small hiss making it past his teeth as you rubbed up into him. He was already getting so worked up and he didn't even know if you would be okay with something so different, something that could send you running. "I want you," He sighed into your temple, cheeks flushing, "Just... Promise you'll try to keep an open mind?" He was suddenly bashful, watching your brow quirk at his request. "Wha– why?"  "It's– my, ahem... It's a little different than, uhm–" Vash paused, a shiver wracking up his spine when you reached down and palmed the front of his pants. You kissed him, obviously not swayed by his lack of human anatomy– he didn't know why he expected anything less from the person that would patch him up and nurse his hard to reach wounds. He relaxed into your touch, cock pulsing in its confines as you flattened your palm and stroked up and down the front of his pants, arms shaking as he pulled back from you with a sheepish smile. "Sensitive," He explained, fingers pushing up the hem of your shirt until you lifted your arms, allowing him to pull the fabric off and toss it behind him and onto the floor. His eyes widened, before softening, hands clutching at your sides and moving up and down soothingly. "Beautiful." Both hands, metal and flesh, gripped your ribcage, thumbing over the perk of your nipples. You reaction was immediate, back arching, one hand flying to cover your mouth. Vash exhaled, breathing ragged as he repeated the action, this time watching your face contort, trying your best to keep quiet and not wake Wolfwood next to you. He pinched your nipples between his thumb and forefinger, gently rolling them in his grasp. Your airy moans urged his own whine, his lips replacing one of his hands, working you just a little faster. Hands moved, clothing was discarded, and by the time Vash had gotten his senses about him, you were in nothing but your underwear, urging him to tug his shirt over his head and throw it into the dark with the rest of your clothes. Vash knows he was supposed to savor this, commit it to memory, but your wandering hand stroking his cheeks, pulling his hair, pawing at the front of his pants, had all of his senses kicked into overdrive. You were beautiful, more so than he had ever imagined, and he didn't want to wait another second to have you. The warm pad of his thumb came up, pressing into your bottom lip, urging you to open up for him. He kissed you, more tongue than lips, while his metal hand caressed the innermost part of your thighs, the tips of his fingers teasing up against your clothed clit. When you moaned into his mouth, he moaned with you, the sound less quiet than desired and entirely debauched. Handling you with utmost care, his hand peeled your underwear to the side. Vash was surprised when you didn't flinch at the cold– but then again he was probably warmed by your body heat– as he dipped his fingers into just slightly, coming back up to circle your clit. Sounds he didn't think he would ever get to hear cascaded from your lips, and he greedily lapped them up like his last meal. Occasionally returning your noises with a choked out moan or breathy whine, his fingers trailed back down, one finger slowly dipping into your heat. When you gasped into him, he curled his finger up slowly, pulling back before pushing in a second. You were soaked, and your combined groan echoed off the walls of your small shared room. "Having all the fun without me," Broke the silence, hands on Vash's hips from behind making him startle out a high pitched eep! "Got room for another?" In all honesty, Vash hadn't even noticed Wolfwood move, and he wondered if it's because he was so wrapped up in you, or if Wolfwood was really that quiet. His cheeks flushed a deeper red, if that was even possible, when he glanced down, watching Wolfwood press his tented boxers up and into his ass. Cerulean eyes shot back up, like a deer in the headlights as Wolfwood ran a hand up his bare spine slowly. Vash turned to glance at you, only to see you biting your lip to suppress a shy grin, then back at Wolfwood. He nodded, barely finished the action of agreeing before he was being grabbed by the back of the neck and tugged up. Back to his chest, Wolfwood moved his hand around his neck to cup his jaw, pulling him into a mind-numbing kiss. His lips were rougher, chapped, and he could taste the leftover nicotine lingering on his breath when his mouth was pried open by his tongue. Vash moaned, eyes rolling back into his skull when Wolfwood reached around with his other hand, cupping the front of his pants and giving a gentle squeeze. Back arching, Vash bucked into his hand, pulling back to fix Wolfwood with a half lidded, embarrassed expression.  "It's... it's different," Vash explained again, earning a snicker in response. "You got a hole?" His expression fell, eyes wide in shock, nodding slowly. "We're all good then." He should've been embarrassed, really. Should've been embarrassed that Wolfwood speaking to him so directly made his cock twitch, or embarrassed by the fact when he glanced over you were touching yourself below him, but he couldn't. He locked eyes with you, his breath catching in his throat as you pushed yourself up on your forearms. You sat up on your knees, hands holding his waist as you kissed him again. Being pulled back and forth made his head spin, and he didn't know who was unbuttoning his pants and pushing them down his hips, but every touch and sensation and movement had him absolutely delirious. A hand was on his face again, Wolfwood squishing his cheeks to open his mouth and pull him back for another debauched, sloppy kiss. He didn't have time to be bashful about his state of undress, but the way you gasped when his pants and boxers had been pulled to his knees had his body tensing. Wolfwood seemed intrigued, parting only far enough to glance down. Vash slapped his hands over his face, not daring to peek through the cracks of his fingers. "Vash," You breathed, a yelp leaving his lips when he felt your smaller hand grasp him, "You're so gorgeous." Finally, Vash had gathered the courage to look at you from behind his hands, seeing the intrigued, bewildered expression on your face. You were tracing the neon glyphs running up his length, which would look like a normal human appendage had it not emerged from opened, flourishing petals. He was twitching with every slight touch, panting behind his hands as your fingers moved down, hips jumping and cock bouncing with even the slightest graze. "C–Careful, sensitive." Slick ooze coated his entire length, your hand glistening after releasing him from your grasp. Vash tossed a glance over his shoulder, seeing Wolfwood's furrowed brows and focused expression. Oh God, he thought this was weird didn't he? His worries dissipated the second Wolfwood reached around, using two fingers to gather up the slick coating him. He smirked, using his thumb to smear it around on his fingers before pulling his hand back. Vash would have been confused if he didn't feel a slimy finger circling his asshole, making him gasp and jump. "Tell us if it's too much," You soothed, laying back on the bed and coaxing Vash to come with you. He complied, of course he did, forearms holding himself above you as you whispered sweet words, followed by a quick, "Touch me again." Skin–warmed metal prodded at your entrance again, moving up, then down, before two fingers slowly entered you. In unison, Wolfwood pressed a finger into Vash, pulling a surprised mewl from his throat. Still, he melted into the touch, fingers pausing only briefly as he caught his bearings, before curling his prosthetic digits and stroking inside of your dripping cunt. The sounds you made were heavenly, his legs shaking as Wolfwood slowly worked him open. A second finger was added, his back arching and pressing down into your chest as he choked out a cry. "You're so pretty," You murmered through the haze, a grunt coming from Wolfwood behind him, "Please, Vash... I want you." Three words he never thought he would hear, three words that almost had him cumming on the spot paired with the quick work Wolfwood was making of him. He nodded frantically, glancing over his shoulder at Wolfwood, seeing his boxers now gone, cock impossibly hard and heavy under its own weight. Vash audibly choked, eyes wide when he made eye contact. "B– aha, big," Vash stuttered intelligently, earning a smirk in return. "How–" "The man upstairs blessed me in that way. Dont worry your pretty little head about it." Wolfwood pulled back, shucking down Vash's pants the rest of the way and pulling them off, allowing him to look back at you and crowd you in his space. Metal fingers gripped himself by the base, swiping one, two, three stripes up the line of your pussy, making his body jolt every time. The head caught on your entrance, his arms shaking as he slowly, oh so slowly, pushed himself into your welcoming heat. The slide was easy between your combined slick, his slow inch-by-inch entrance more for him than you to adjust. Once he bottomed out, you breathed a sigh, and he whimpered into your neck. Vash wasn't given much, if any time to adjust, before Wolfwood was pressing his cockhead against his hole, only managing to get two or three weak thrusts into your clenching heat before he was being split open. He was loud, the moan ripped from his throat when Wolfwood pushed himself in, filling him so good and so much. His cock twitched, jumped, and throbbed inside your soaked cunt, earning a string of pleas and mewls from your lips. He couldn't think straight, couldn't see straight, and he didn't even register the fact he had started moving back and forth in your heat in time with Wolfwood's thrusts until a particularly spongy spot inside him had been prodded by the other man's cockhead. "Ah, s–so much!" Crying out in pure bliss, Vash quickened his speed, the slap of Wolfwoods hips against his ass barely audible over his moans and mewls and whines. It was almost too much, almost enough to push him over the cliff of overstimulation, just barely toeing the line. Tears pooled in his eyes, knocking his forehead against yours as he panted into your open mouth. "I love you, I love you I love you I–" Vash sputtered, only a fraction of his brain working well enough to know he was going to cum fast and hard if he didn't try to anchor himself. "'m gonna cum, please, please cum with me." He didn't know who exactly he was talking to, you, Wolfwood, or both, but he was desperate. Bringing down the pad of his thumb, he spun quick hard circles around your clit, revelling in your gasps and whines. His hips stuttered when Wolfwood slammed into him with a particularly hard thrust, knocking him forward into you deeper, harder. He couldn't stop himself even if he tried, his voice caught in his throat as he choked, wailed, tears falling from his eyes and drool slipping from the corner of his mouth. Moan after syrupy thick moan, he emptied himself into your welcoming heat. The shockwaves of Wolfwood pounding into him mercilessly pushing you over the edge with his restless fingers. He could never forget your please, please, please now that he was the cause of your pleasure, pumping you full of viscous fluids and bringing you to your own finish. In sync, Wolfwood growled behind him, grabbing a fistful of his hair from behind and tugging him so his back arched, feeling a warm wetness spill into him. In silence, the three of you quivered, bodies shaking from the intensity as you stilled. The hand in his hair loosened, his body falling slack on top of you, both of you grunting at the impact. His cheek was pressed against your chest, smearing the drool running down his chin against your smooth skin. "Fuck," Wolfwood broke the silence, pulling out and away from Vash, "That was..." "So good," Vash slurred, mind broken as he continued to quake on top of you. Both you and Wolfwood laughed, turning him on his side to the center of the bed. He groaned, eyes glancing down between your legs to see the sheer amount of liquids that had left a sizeable puddle on the sheets. He couldn't find it in himself to be shy about it, simply smiling at you and murmuring an insincere, "Sorry." Your hand came up, gently smacking his chest in jest as you curled up as close as you could, partially to avoid the quickly cooling liquid and partially to bask in the afterglow with him. Wolfwood sighed, content as he laid down on the other side of Vash, throwing his arm over both of your waists. "No cleanup?" You mumbled into Vash's chest, earning a scoff from Wolfwood in return. "You wanna get up?" "Nooo," You whined. "Then it can wait 'til mornin'." Vash exhaled a weak laugh, his heart feeling so full, so warm, turning his head back to look at Wolfwood and getting a surprisingly tender kiss in return. Turning his head back to you, his warm fingers tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as he placed a slow, gentle kiss on your swollen lips. Just as he began to doze off, Wolfwood steadily snoring once again, he heard your exhausted, crackled voice in the back of his mind. “I love both of you. So, so much.” And in that moment, Vash the Stampede knew he had so much more to look forward to in his following days.
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lovemewednesdays · 5 months
monster trucks and a monster crush.
(Based off of this post from the lovely @ebongawk. If I had the spoons, I'd probably flesh this out a bit more, but for right now, it's just a bullet fic.)
The movie comes out in July.
Eddie and Chrissy aren’t dating yet, but they might as well be, seeing how they spend most of their time together.
Chrissy has been trying to figure out Eddie on a real date all summer with no luck, and then she sees an ad for Maximum Overdrive in the paper.
It was perfect – Chrissy doesn’t like horror that much, but she can stomach it for an hour and a half, especially if she got to look at Emilio Estevez in the process, and Eddie loves Stephen King, she’s seen the beaten-up paperbacks on his floor.
They’re on the couch in the trailer. Something’s playing on the TV. Chrissy’s not paying attention.
“Do you wanna go to the movies tomorrow?” she blurts out. "There's a new Emilio Estevez movie.” Eddie makes a face and Chrissy shoves him lightly. “It’s directed by Stephen King.”
“Oh, yeah. Heard something about that. It’s based on one of his short stories. Yeah, that’s cool, let’s do it.”
Chrissy smiles and snuggles back into his side. She feels like she’s floating.
It isn’t until Edde’s driving her back home that it hits her like a brick wall – what if Eddie doesn’t know it’s a date? They go to the movies all the time. He probably thinks it’s no big deal! It’s not! It’s the biggest deal!
She works herself up, her nerves getting the best of her, and when they pull up to her house, she jumps out and twirls around.
“BythewayImeanttomorrowtobeadate." His eyes widen as comprehension dawns and Chrissy has to leave. “Okay, bye!”
She sprints inside her house, leaving a shell-shocked Eddie behind.
(Chrissy doesn’t sleep well that night.)
(Neither does Eddie.)
The next day, Chrissy is ready to renege on the whole thing. They can just be friends. It was a stupid idea anyway, why would Eddie Munson ever date her?
The van pulls up, and as she makes her way over, Eddie pops out of the driver’s side and rushes over to open the passenger side door.
Chrissy stops. He’s wearing a plain black t-shirt under his leather jacket and his jeans don’t have any holes in them. It looks like he even tried to comb his hair.
He’s holding flowers.
Eddie's smile is nervous. “Wayne says it’s always a good idea to bring your girl flowers on a date.”
Chrissy smiles and takes the flowers.
The ride to the theater was normal. They talk about Corroded Coffin’s next gig, about the kids at Chrissy's summer job, and if Wayne would actually go on that fishing trip he’s been talking about for months. 
Once he parks, Eddie jumps out of the car and opens the passenger door. “Milady.” Chrissy takes his hand, gets out of the car, and they head toward the theater.
They’re almost to the door when Chrissy stops. Eddie stops, too.
They’re still holding hands.
“If, um…I know that – I know I didn’t let you respond yesterday, so I totally get it if you, um, don’t want it to be a date.”
She tries to pull her hand away, but Eddie tightens his grip.
“I was gathering the courage to do it myself, you know,” he says with a wry smile. “You beat me to the punch.” He kisses the back of her hand. “C’mon. You gotta go drool over Estevez.” Chrissy laughs and lets him lead her towards the theater.
The movie is terrible. Schlocky. Corny. Chrissy’s almost embarrassed for suggesting it, but Eddie’s arm is around her and he’s laughing.
(He loses it after the baseball coach dies by demonic soda cans. The kid getting run over by a steamroller right after didn’t help. Chrissy elbows him and Eddie flashes her a grin. “Kid’s fine, Cunningham. The grass’s soft.”)
The credits roll and Eddie and Chrissy walk out into the lobby; Chrissy hides her face. “I’m sorry!”
Eddie’s face twists in confusion. “Why are you sorry?”
“The movie was so bad! I don’t want our first date to be at a bad movie.”
Eddie takes her hands in his. “I had the time of my life watching that movie with you.” 
“Oh, yeah! Watching a batshit-crazy movie about possessed eighteen-wheelers with my girl? Best day ever.”
Chrissy laughs and lifts up on her toes to kiss him. When she pulls back, Eddie grins widely and pulls her back in.
They get chased out of the theater by a miserable college kid in a neon orange vest grumbling about teenage hormones.
(When they make it out to the parking lot, Eddie stops her before she gets in. He lets go of her hand and splays himself against the hood of the van. “Now, Sheila. I know I just said that Chrissy was my girl, but I love you, too, and if you ever get possessed by an alien comet, please, please don’t kill us.”
Chrissy laughs and gets in the passenger seat as Eddie yells dramatically to be careful.
Eddie makes the movie his entire personality for weeks – whenever he sees an eighteen-wheeler, he screams and pulls Chrissy behind him. Sheila breaks down at the entrance to Loch Nora one night and he does his best Wanda June impression: “You can’t do this! WE MADE YOU!”
He takes the younger boys to see it and they join in on the theatrics. Steve and Nancy are ready to pull their hair out, but Chrissy loves it.
When the movie comes out on VHS, Eddie buys it immediately. They watch it every year on their anniversary.)
All in all, not a bad first date.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Crush - Sanji
notes - sanji fic for the poll I did! I'm gonna be honest... I don't really like this one. But that's okay! It's cute, but idk, not my best work. nonetheless though, i hope you all like it at least! thanks for being patient and I cannot wait to do another poll!!! <3
word count - 1,449
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You weren't around Sanji often. Your job on the boat was to help anyone who needed it - like helping Usopp make new weapons or helping Franky with fixing up bits of the boat - but Sanji seemed to always know what he was doing. You could cook, but you were no where near Sanji's level, who seemed to be doing more than fine in the kitchen. So because of that, you never saw Sanji often.
When you did though, you got the usual heart eyes and special treatment, but you always thought that he liked Nami more. He would swoon over her like there was no tomorrow, acting like she was royalty or something while you sat waiting for your food.
You could admit that Nami was pretty - really pretty actually. You honestly didn't blame Sanji for thinking she was the prettiest girl on the boat.
But even so, you still found yourself getting a little jealous whenever he would call Nami "his sweet" or "darling" and you never knew why.
Maybe it was because he was charming, talented, and stupidly gorgeous, or maybe it was because he gave you attention sometimes. Either way, you couldn't get him out of your head sometimes, even with the lack of him being around you.
"You seem a little distracted today," Franky said, taking off his welding mask and setting it down. "Everything alright, kiddo?"
You looked up at Franky and smiled. "I'm fine. Just a long day, that's all."
"Tell me about it," he chuckled. "The Sunny sure took a beating. Thanks for helping out by the way. You're always a great help."
"Of course, Franky, anytime."
You and Franky got back to working for a while, but it stopped abruptly as Franky set down all of his tools and crossed his arms at you.
"What?!" you giggled, setting down your tools as well.
"You're not telling me something." he said, a slight pout to his voice. "And I wanna know what it is."
"Look, it's nothing, Franky. And if it is something it's a stupid something that y/n feels stupid about."
"Tell me?" Franky said in a high pitched voice, giving you puppy dog eyes.
"Franky you're such a dumbass... but fine, since I trust you. I'm just jealous of something, that's all."
"Jealous?" Franky said, tilting his head and pulling up a stool for the both of you. "Jealous of what?"
"You know Sanji, right?" You could feel yourself blushing already just thinking about him.
"I think I know every member of our crew quite well, y/n, so yeah, I know Sanji."
"Well..." You twiddled your thumbs and sharply exhaled. "He's the 'loverboy', we all know this. I guess I kinda... I kinda fell for his ass and get jealous whenever I hear him swooning over Robin or Nami. Especially Nami."
"I see. Why don't you tell Sanji all this?"
You felt your face heat up even more somehow. "T-Tell Sanji?! No way, Franky, are you nuts?!"
"Well how are things supposed to figure themselves out if you don't put in the work?"
You hated that Franky was right. You hated it so much.
And thanks to him, you ended up in front of Sanji's door, your hands shaking.
You knocked lightly at first, but realized he wouldn't be able to hear that at all. You tried louder, and waited patiently, hearing a bit of shuffling. There was no going back now and god you hated that feeling.
The door opened slightly and Sanji stuck his head out. It looked like he had just gotten through taking a nap as his hair was a mess and he was wearing a t-shirt instead of his usual suit.
"y/n?" He tilted his head and yawned.
"Hey, Sanji... can I come in?"
His face turned a light shade of pink and he turned back to look at his room. "Uh... gimme a sec let me get some pants on." He quickly shut the door and in no time it flew back open. "Come on in, y/n! I don't have many super comfortable spots in here, but uhh..." He walked to his closet and pulled out what looked like a lawn chair, setting it up nicely in the middle of the room. "There!"
You took a seat and looked around Sanji's room. It smelt like cigarettes, but not too bad, mostly cologne, to your surprise.
"Do you want a drink or anything? I could go make us some coffee if that's something you want, y/n."
"That sounds great, actually. Thanks, Sanji." You smiled at him and his eyes turned into little hearts as he lovingly sighed, walking out of the room and to the kitchen.
This was going to be way harder than you thought.
You sat and played with each of your fingers, noticing that your hands were still shaking. What if you didn't have the courage to do this? What if you were a coward after all?
"y/n!" Sanji exclaimed in his signature lovey-dovey voice, kicking the door open with his foot. "Here's your drink, my dear! And I brought snacks as well!" The door closed behind him as he pulled his nightstand over to be a makeshift table for the time being.
"Thank you, Sanji." you said with a smile, taking a long sip of your coffee, which was better than usual.
"Anytime, y/n." He took a sip of his own coffee and quickly set it down, his eyes locking with yours. "Alright, so is there something you needed, or did you just wanna be in my presence because either way I don't mind."
You laughed at that, your cheeks turning pink. Sanji was already swooning so much that a little drop of blood came out of his nose when you laughed.
"Both actually," you admitted. "Thanks for letting me in. Sorry if I woke you."
"Oh, it's fine. I don't wanna be sleeping all day like that damn moss head."
You giggled again out of both nervousness and of Sanji.
"So what was the thing you needed?" he asked, his stupid voice gone and tone now serious. "Because I think we already got the 'in Sanji's presence thing' outta the way." he chuckled.
"Well," you moved around the cup in your hand, watching the coffee swirl. What were you supposed to say? That you hated the way he looked at Nami? That more than anything you wish that you and Sanji could be together without having to worry about any other girl getting in the way?
"Sanji, I like you... Like a lot."
You both froze.
Did you really just say that?
"You... what?" His voice was soft and you pulled your eyes away from him, looking down at the coffee in your hand.
"I," there was no turning back now. "I'm serious. I like you the way that you like every girl," you chuckled nervously. "I think you're a great guy You're talented and really damn pretty and.... I'm sick of you looking at Nami like that."
You looked up to see Sanji with tears pricking the corners of his eyes. "I-I'll stop. I'll stop looking at any girl like that, y/n. I like you too and-"
"I know, Sanji." you chuckled.
"No, listen to me. y/n, I would do anything for you."
"That's too much." You fake gagged and turned to Sanji with a smile.
"Sh-Shut up." he giggled.
"This coffee is really good, Sanji. Is there something different about it?"
"Oh, it's a new creamer, that's all. Nothing super special."
"Well, I like it."
"Me too. Makes it sweeter without so much sugar."
You hummed in response and took another sip. The two of you spent the rest of the time in his room just talking about random stuff that came to mind. You liked talking to Sanji like this and honestly, it was nice to hear him talk to you like you weren't just another girl he had a crush on.
"Well, thanks for the coffee, Sanji. And for listening to me." You stood up and set down your coffee on the table. "We should hang out like this more often."
"Of course. Feel free to come in anytime." He stood up as well, not knowing what to do. A hug would be appropriate, but he wasn't sure.
But you were sure, so you pulled him in for a hug, leaning against his chest. He hugged you back, but shortly after, you pulled away.
"I'll definitely be back, Sanji." You gave him a quick peck on the cheek and left him standing there with a bright red face.
"You better be." he giggled under his breath.
one piece masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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Online Matchup 4
Summery: Y/N makes a trip back home last minute, ruining Jason's plan for a breakfast date, but that won't stop him from coming up with a different plan.
Warning: swearing, talk of surgery, Jason's being a sweetheart, fluff
A/n: this is becoming one of my comfort fics to write, and I can't be mad about it. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. Feedbacks always welcome
Words: 3097
Series master list
October 8
Jason (6:40am) Good morning How are you this beautiful morning?
Y/N Why in the everloving fuck are you awake at six in the morning?
Jason Aren’t you a potty mouth in the early mornings Someone should teach you a lesson
Y/N It’s to early for anything right now
Jason’s May I remind you, that you’re awake this early too
Y/N My sister decided it was the perfect time to call me Apparently it couldn’t wait until I was awake enough to call her back And now I can’t sleep
Jason Everything okay?
Y/N Define okay?
Jason It’s your dad isn’t it?
Y/N Yeah I don’t know, I don’t want to talk about it
Jason Fair enough
Y/N Now answer my question
Jason Demanding Wanted to know how you were doing after last night
Y/N Better now that I’ve slept I wish I could sleep longer tho Though my eyes hurt and it feels like I have a hangover
Jason Consequences of crying before bed
Y/N Make it go away
Jason Wanna meet for breakfast? Y/N?
Y/N (8:35am) Oh, sorry I fell asleep
Jason Uh huh It has nothing to do with the fact that I asked if you wanted to go for breakfast
Y/n Mm don’t know what you’re talking about And isn’t there a rule where a guy has to wait a least three days Before you ask the girl out again
Jason Apparently My brother advised me the same thing But since I could care less what he thinks about my relationship I have decided to ignore him and take the plunge and ask you anyways Besides he barely listens to his own advice So to each their own I guess
Y/N Why do I get the feeling that you ignore your brother a lot
Jason Couldn’t tell you So, breakfast?
Y/N Uh, wish I could But I have a train to catch 
Jason Where’s it going?
Y/N Metropolis 
Jason You're going home? Why so sudden?
Y/n The call with my sister? Apparently my dad is having surgery and my mom wants everyone there until he’s done Don’t know why I have to go, by the time I’m there it’ll probably be over
Jason Yikes What’s the surgery for?
Y/N Dunno, something to do with something? I’m not sure, I was half asleep when she called And she used that to her advantage and got me to agree to go home today
Jason Don’t you have class tomorrow?
Y/N Not until the afternoon
Jason Work?
Y/n Not until Tuesday 
Jason Huh
Y/n Yup tbh I rather spend my Sunday with you then go home But it’s family and I can’t say no to my sister
Jason I get that family’s first But I would choose you over my family
Y/n … You can’t just say that!
Jason But flustering you is becoming my favourite past time
Y/n Get a new one!
Jason Nah, don’t think I will Okay, so no breakfast How about I drop you off at the station?
Y/N Tempting But if you do, then I’ll miss the train Because I wanna kiss your stupid face And besides, I’m almost there
Jason My face isn’t stupid … You wanna kiss me? Colour me flattered
Y/n I rescind my statement 
Jason Can’t do that, it’s in writing Hold on, when you said you were sleeping You were actually packing, weren’t you?
Y/N Guilty I’m sorry I’ve spent thirty minutes debating on whether or not to ditch my family for you
Jason But in the end you’re ditching me Feels like your running from something I see how it is
Y/N I’m sorry D: I’m not running away or anything 
Jason It’s okay, really I’m not mad or anything Okay, maybe a little disappointed But he’s your dad and you don’t know when’s the next time you see him So it’s okay, don’t feel bad I’ll wait around until your back And I know your not, I just took the joke too far and I’m sorry
Y/n I’m still sorry
Jason Can I call you?
Y/N Uhhhhhhh Give me a minute 
Jason Take as much time as you need I can wait
Y/n Sweet of you But I needed to find a seat first And then my headphones
Jason So You’re good now?
Y/n Yup
It didn’t take more than a second before your phone rang after you sent the message.
“I thought you wanted to call?” you answered, moving your phone so Jason could see your face. He shrugged, shooting you a smile.
“Wanted to see your pretty face is all,” he said, and you could feel your face heat up at the compliment. Averting your eyes, you sink in your seat, trying to hide your face in your sweater. “Awe, is this what you look like when you get flustered? There’s no way I can't stop flustering you now. If this is what your reaction is going to be every time I do.”
“I’m hanging up now,” you mumbled into your sweater, and wondered if he heard that. Judging by the smile he gave you, he did.
“Nah, I don’t think so. You called my face pretty and you wanted to kiss it,” he said. That made you come out of your sweater and glared at him.
“I think I said stupid face,” you corrected, “you have a stupid face.”
“That you want to kiss,” Jason pointed out with a smile. You stuck out your tongue at him, making him laugh. “How’s the train ride?”
You shrugged, shifting in your seat trying to get comfortable. “A train ride I guess. We just left the station and it’ll be two hours until we get to Metropolis? My butts gonna hurt once I get there.”
“Gotta walk around once in a while,” Jason reminded, “did you bring anything for the ride?”
“Yeah, homework I still need to finish, my sketchbook and some books I’ve been meaning to read.”
“Sounds like a party,” Jason joked. You huffed out a laugh.
“Oh yeah, real life of the party over here.” 
Before either of you could continue, you faintly heard a door slamming open and closing before hearing a faint call of Jason! You promised me breakfast! From what you could make out, it was a female voice and you pushed down the bout of jealousy that came from nowhere. You didn’t have the right to be jealous. Jason wasn’t yours, he was his own person and you two weren’t seeing each other officially. He was free to do what he pleased. Still, you couldn’t lie and say that it didn’t hurt.
You watched as Jason scowled, and turned towards the voice. “Yeah, give me a minute I’m on the phone.”
You schooled your features and raised an eyebrow as he turned back to his phone. “You already had breakfast plans, yet you still tried to make them with me? Wow Jason, didn’t know you had that in you.”
“Okay, first of all, I’m not a two timing bitch,” he clarified and you blanched at the statement. Damn, and you thought you hid it well. “And like I said before, I’d ditch my family for you any day of the week without question.”
“Aw Jason, you’d ditch your own sister! I see how it is,” the female voice said. Jason made a face as a blond haired girl came into frame, hanging off of Jason’s shoulders. Her nose pressed into his cheek and she smiled. “Tell me how you really feel, Jason.”
“Okay, I will,” he said, shoving her off, “you’re an annoying little shit.” She laughed and turned towards the phone. She was pretty, you had to admit.
“Oh, Tim’s right. You are cute,” she said, and you pulled your sweater over your mouth, trying to keep a laugh in as Jason looked offended.
“Steph!” he yelled, shoving her face out of frame. “Go away.”
“No, you promised me breakfast last night, and I demand pancakes,” she said, coming back in, shoving Jason out of frame as she did so. She turned to you and smiled. “Hello, I’m Jason’s sister Stephanie. You must be Y/N, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard virtually nothing about you.”
“And I’m trying to keep it that way,” he grunted, pushing her away. The two fought until finally they settled with Stephanie leaning on his shoulder. “How’d you even know their name?”
“Tim,” she answered. You raised your eyebrow in question. “He gets bored when he has nothing to do. And he decided to snoop around Jason’s life.”
“Well I’ll try not to be offended,” you said, though you furrowed your brows in concern. “Should I be worried?”
“I don’t think so,” Stephanie hummed, “not unless you have something to hide.”
“Do you have something to hide?” Jason pressed, a teasing smile dancing on his lips. You puffed out your cheeks and looked away.
“Oooh you do,” Stephanie sang, “tell us before we find out from Tim.”
“Tim needs to mind his own fucking business,” you muttered to yourself, causing Jason to laugh. “And no, I have nothing to hide. Lived a pretty boring life.”
“Don’t know, you tried killing your sister once,” Jason mused. 
“I didn’t try on purpose! I pushed her off the deck into the lake,” you corrected, “and my dad got to her before anything could happen. Man, he was pissed. I feared for my life that day. I’ve never known fear until I saw the look he gave me.” You shuddered at the memory.
“How old were you?” Stephanie asked, worry laced in her words. You shrugged, staring at the corner of your phone, avoiding their gaze.
“Ten I think? Could be younger, I don’t know. Thought it would be funny, and it was until it wasn’t.”
“Did he hurt you?” Jason asked, you shook your head and moved your gaze to him.
“No. But the way he looked, he wanted to. If we were alone he probably would have. I booked it into the car and hid there until we went home. Then I hid in my room for the rest of the day.”
“Yikes. Why was he so mad? Bruce wouldn’t have been if we did something like that.”
“That’s because we knew how to take care of ourselves and we knew how to swim,” Jason pointed out.
“And he probably doesn’t have favourites,” you chimed in. You hummed in thought, ignoring the worried looks the two siblings were giving you. “But he doesn’t strike me as picking a favourite among his kids, unless he’s really good at hiding it. But no parent is that good at hiding that.”
“Have experience, do you?” Jason asked, you only hummed not wanting to elaborate. You aren’t sure how, but what was supposed to be a lighthearted conversation turned sour. You scrunched up your nose as a thought occurred to you. If it was this easy to talk to both Jason and Stephanie, you were afraid how the rest of his family would be. “Whatcha thinking about?”
“What you guys are having for breakfast,” you said instead of you voicing your thoughts.
“Ooh yes. I did come here for breakfast,” Stephanie said, as if she had forgotten the reason for being here. She turned to him and poked his cheek. “Make me pancakes with bacon and ham and eggs and everything.”
“How can you eat so much and not gain anything,” Jason grumbled as he moved off the couch and towards the kitchen. Stephanie shifted slightly so she was more centered to the camera.
“I work out,” she simply said with a shrug. Jason grumbled something, and since he was too far away you couldn’t hear what he said. “So, how’d you meet Jason anyways? Tim won’t say and Jason doesn’t want to talk about you when asked.”
“That’s because you pester me so much that I don’t want to talk about them,” Jason called, “and you don’t have to answer anything you want too, Y/N. Don’t let Stephanie bully you into answering questions.”
“It’s okay, Jason, I don’t mind. I know what it’s like to have siblings,” you said with a smile. “We met online. Started talking a few weeks back and haven’t stopped since.”
“Ah, you guys are still new,” Stephanie mused, “that means you can still back out before you guys get too serious.” You laughed at the same time Jason yelled hey! “Kidding, I’m kidding. I haven’t seen Jason happy in awhile. Please stick around, he’s more bearable when he’s happy.”
You watched as Jason stalked towards her, and plucked the phone from her. “If all you came here for was to make fun of me, you can go home without your food.”
“Noooo, Jason I’m sorry,” you heard Stephanie whine. And you couldn't be sure, but you saw Stephanie grovel a little bit on the floor. Although Stephanie couldn’t see Jason’s expression, you could and smiled at the little smile he shot you.
“Then go take a shower, you stink,” he said, and she was quick to race to the bathroom. “Your clothes are still here from last time!” he called and set the phone down so watch him as he prepared breakfast. “Sorry about her. I completely forgot she was coming over today.”
“No worries,” you dismissed, watching in awe as Jason cut up some vegetables with ease. “She was fun to talk to.”
“Prefer her over me, huh?”
“Nope. I like you more,” you said. “Where’d you learn how to cook?”
“Alfred taught me when I was young, and I kept going afterwards. Found it helped me when things got too stressed,” he explained. “Stress cooking is a lot healthier than other ways to deal.”
“I get that,” you mused, “I stress clean.”
“Nothing wrong with that,” he grunted. He stopped for a moment and looked towards you; eyes narrowed. “Did you have breakfast this morning?” You bit the top of your lip and avoided looking at him. “Y/N,” Jason said in warning.
“It was too early to eat!” you cracked, “I had a coffee and that was it.” Jason shook his head, going back to his food.
“I hope you eat something soon.”
“I packed some snacks. But they’re nothing compared to what you’re making for breakfast.”
 “Well next time actually eat something or else I’ll just have to come over and cook for you.”
“That a threat?”
“No, more like a promise.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” you said with a smile. 
“Stop flirting and cook me my food!” Stephanie yelled after the quickest shower you have ever seen someone take. 
“So fucking demanding,” Jason grunted as you laughed.
“I should let you go so you can focus on the food instead of getting distracted,” you mused.
“But you’re the only kind of distraction I’d like,” he said, and you heard Stephanie gag. Laughing, you shook your head, trying to keep from blushing. “Okay maybe you’re right. Or otherwise, I’m going to throw Steph out the window.”
“Ha! I would like to see you try!”
Jason rolled his eyes and flicked them towards you. “Let me know when you’re there?”
“I can do that.”
Y/N (11:30 am) Ugh, I hate train rides
Jason Could have flown
Y/N Yeah but train tickets are cheaper
Jason True Made it in one piece?
Y/N Yup Now I’m making my way to the hospital
Jason Someone picking you up?
Y/n Nah, I’m taking the bus Need the extra time before I get there
Jason I get that 
Y/n How was breakfast?
Jason Good Though it would be better if it was you
Y/n Stoooooooopppppppp
Jason Never I’m sorry about Steph, we can be a handful sometimes
Y/n No worries, I like her Is the rest of your family that energetic?
Jason Some yeah, the rest are just tamed
Y/n Sounds fun
Jason Oh yeah, the best
Y/n I can hear the sincerity from here 
Jason Almost to the hospital?
Y/n Yeah I gotta go
Jason Tell me how it goes
Y/N (2:40 pm) I shouldn’t have come Why did I say yes?
Jason Because you were sleep deprived and you can’t say no to your sister Also because your dads in the hospital 
Y/n Right He’s fine by they way, now he’s just recovering Doctors say they did what they could and he’ll be out of here in a couple of days
Jason Figured out what the surgery was about?
Y/N Nope and at this point I’m too afraid to ask
Jason Wow Why do you have regrets?
Y/n I don’t know how or why But somehow my sister figured out I was seeing someone Or at least talking to someone and kept pestering me until I told them I’ve been bamboozled 
Jason Guess I’m not your dirty little secret anymore huh
Y/n Guess it wasn’t meant to be Oh well can’t be helped
Jason So now that your dads fine, you coming home?
Y/n No Somehow I have been convinced to stay the night and take the morning train in the morning Which sucks, I already bought my ticket for tonight 
Jason That’s rough buddy
Y/n Can’t be helped I guess Now I get to play 20 questions 
Jason But at least you get to spend time with your family
Y/n True
Jason you know, if you want I can drive up there and take the train with you
Y/N That is very sweet of you and very tempting But you have work and I don’t want to inconvenience you
Jason You’re not an inconvenience If anything, you’d be doing me a favour I have the day off tomorrow and I’ve been meaning to do something I’m not very good at doing nothing
Y/N What about your bike?
Jason When I said drive, I meant the loosely I’d take the train or fly Or I can drive us back I have a car too, you know
Y/N Where would you stay?
Jason I have a friend living there that I’ve been meaning to visit Plus we can go for breakfast tomorrow before making the trip back
Y/N Very tempting But ultimately I’m not going to tell you what to do It’d be your choice
Jason See you in the morning then
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 2 months
Hey, Amee!! I hope you’re doing well <3
If by any chance you’re up to it, could you please write a fic about Heist Mark being super jealous of Yancy because he and Y/N clearly seem to be into each other?? I LOVE your art and writings and I couldn’t get this idea out of my head <3 (Obviously no pressure, though!)
I'm so happy to hear you enjoy my work, thank you🥺💖 and thank you for your request! it got me out of a terrible writer's block. on that note, sorry this took quite some time, I've been in a bit of a funk of on and off general creative block, and unable to finish any writing at all for even longer. this was a pretty fun challenge! I myself view Yancy platonically so I wasn't quite sure where to go with this initially, and I had to fight every urge to just make this heist mark x y/n dfsjsjsv. that said, it did end up being more heist mark-centric than maybe you intended? in which case, I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself😔 yancy is there but very briefly haha
Don't you tell me that you never even thought, 'maybe we could run'
2,603 words | Read on AO3
‘We're all gonna be rehearsing tomorrow so youse best get some sleep.’
You nod as you close the gate to yours and Mark's shared cell, stifling a yawn.
‘Goodnight, Yancy.’
You hold each other's gaze for a moment, before he turns and heads off, a tattooed hand over the back of his neck and a sweet smile still on his face. You watch as he disappears into the outer hallway and a guard appears to lock up your cell for the evening.
Your long-time accomplice and friend stands at the edge of your vision, arms folded.
‘Having fun with your new boyfriend, buddy?’ he asks, sounding unimpressed and slightly strained.
‘Oh, shush, Mark,’ you chide, but your stomach flips at the notion.
‘Yeah… Well, while you were busy playing Broadway,’ he glances to either side of the cell outside and continues in a lowered voice, ‘I've been hard at work hatching our escape. And I'm telling you, it's foolproof.’
‘Uh huh. As foolproof as your other three failed plans? I really don't wanna get thrown in solitary again.’
‘Please, that was one time! — and I don't see you bothering to come up with any ideas. Even though you pretty much got us into this mess.’
That accusation ticks you off, but you're quick to retaliate.
‘Are you seriously still hung up on that? How is this my fault? You couldn't fly a helicopter, why would you assume I can? You shouldn't have even presented it as an option!’
Your exclamation earns you a couple looks from other inmates slowly filing into their cells for the night.
‘Nevermind that now,’ Mark says, infuriatingly placatingly, ‘do you wanna hear the plan or not?’
The thread of uncertainty that you've been avoiding coils tight in your chest and you pause, wondering how to bring up what's been nagging at you for days.
‘Um, so, I've been thinking. What if… what if we don't try to escape?’
‘Ha ha. Funny joke, pal.’
‘I'm serious, Mark. We could just… stay here and wait out our sentence, if we play it safe we might even get our time reduced on good behaviour. We could be gone in like a decade. Or a few years! Maybe. Probably. Maybe.’ Wishful thinking, perhaps.
He scoffs, as if the idea isn't even worth considering.
‘There is no way you're genuinely telling me to just wait it out. Maybe you haven't noticed since you've been in la-la land lately, but we're not on vacation, we're in prison,’ Mark spouts, voice growing thick with agitation. ‘What was supposed to be the heist of a lifetime, would've set us up for decades to come, is still on the line! And we're on a bit of a time crunch here — I don't trust that warden guy one bit with the Box, or in general,’ he sneers. ‘I mean what kind of name is Murder-Slaughter? Ugh, do we even know for sure if he still has it?’
‘Yancy mentioned seeing it in his office the last time he was there, which was earlier today, so yeah, probably.’
‘Ugh, there you go again about Yancy. It's always Yancy this, Yancy that, blah blah blah, Yancy!’
‘Wh– I was just answering your question!’
‘Y'know what? I'm sick and tired of being the only one taking this seriously while you act like it's all a big party.’
He places a hand on his hip, the other poking a finger towards you as he speaks. It would be comical, if he wasn't acting like a jerk.
‘What's up with you?’
‘What's up with me? What's up with you? You seriously wanna stay in this— this shithole, ‘cause of what? Some pretty face you've known for all of like, less than two weeks??’
‘Oh my God, Mark, it's not that terrible, and Yancy is actually my friend, he's been nothing but welcoming and kind since we got here, and—’
‘Oh, did you forget that he tried to beat you up when you first met? Real interesting, how you let that little detail slip.’
‘We just got off on the wrong foot, he's really—’
It's then that you see it — something in the slight hunch in his gait, the furrow of his brow, his pursed lips and tense jaw — and you wonder why you hadn't noticed before. It's not just anger and frustration, it's something bitter and personal.
‘Mark… are you jealous?’
Bingo. His eyes only widen a sliver, for a fraction of a second, but you're so used to reading him that even the most imperceptible of reactions on his usually very expressive face have become familiar to you.
‘Psh. I'm not jealous.’
‘You so are jealous! Oh my god, you're super duper jealous,’ you say with a grin, revelling in this new information.
‘Shut up, why would I be jealous?’ he protests, trying to sound nonchalant. But it's too late. You've already seen through it.
‘Is that what this is about?’ you say with a laugh. ‘You just want my attention back or something?’
He stares blankly for a moment.
‘Are you serious right now? You actually think the only reason I'm mad is because some random dude just waltzes in and starts acting all buddy buddy with you and you fall head-over-heels,’ he jeers with his hands either side of his face, fluttering his eyelashes mockingly. ‘Hook, line and sinker.’
‘I mean, never mind your partner, right? You know, your best friend who you've known and worked with for years? Who cares what he thinks?!’
‘Mark, I—’
‘In fact, he can get punched through a wall for all you care! You won't even bat an eye, as long as there's a random spontaneous musical number immediately afterwards, it's all in good fun!’
‘Ok, that's not fair,’ you push back. ‘Of course I was worried! But I was also surrounded by violent criminals at the time, we've been over this!’
‘Oh, so they're “violent criminals” now? But they're simply “hurt, misunderstood souls” when it suits you?!’ he shoots back, making air quotes to emphasise his point.
‘They're people, Mark! They're allowed to be… multi-faceted!’
‘Lights out, everybody,’ comes a guard's voice, ringing through the hallway as it suddenly becomes dark, save for the glow of dim lamplight emanating from one or two of the other cells.
‘Whatever, let's just get some sleep,’ Mark grumbles under his breath.
‘You always do this!’ you whisper harshly, but inadvertently let the volume slip back into your voice as you feel your blood boil. ‘You try to cut things off and act like the “bigger person” just to get out of an argument that, newsflash, YOU'RE LOSING.’
‘Oh, whatever, what-f*cking-ever!’
‘You're being so damn overdramatic, Mark! It's not like I'm trying to break up our team.’
‘Yeah, well– well maybe we should!’
You don't know why it jolts you like a gunshot when he says it, but it does. His words, the force and resentment behind them, pierce you to your core. It stops any quick-fire response you had at the ready in its tracks.
Regret immediately flashes across his face, but he quickly attempts to cover it with a steely, hardened gaze. ‘Clearly, we want different things. So maybe it's for the best.’
‘Hey!’ one of the guards calls out from across the hall. ‘Lights out means quiet, you two. Don't make us separate you into different cells.’
With a frustrated huff, you reluctantly traipse off to bed, yours being the lower half of the bunk while Mark settles above you.
It really is a rather decent bed. The mattress is nothing special, but comfortable, and the soft blanket is accompanied by an oddly luxurious, fluffy pillow. Definitely above what you'd expect is probably average prison standards. Frankly, you don't know what Mark's problem is with this place. It's honestly not half bad. As far as you expect jails go, it surely could be a lot worse.
You lay back and let your breathing even out, trying your best to allow some of the bubbling anger to die down. Eventually, you hear the guards leave.
Time passes, it could be minutes or hours; it's not like the passage of time has felt right at all to you since that last heist.
It's silent, save for the sound of your breaths and Mark's above you. You're still upset with him, but the sound of him breathing nearby has always been oddly comforting. The two of you have had plenty of close calls as a pair — even times when you had to patch each other up after jobs that went particularly badly. If you got injured on a heist, you couldn't simply call an ambulance or show up at a hospital in an emergency and risk having your whole operation blown. That was simply the nature of your line of work.
At the worst of times, as long as you could hear those steady, even breaths, you could tell yourself he would pull through, and things would be fine.
You idly watch the mattress above you, letting the rhythm of your friend's breathing become a gentle white noise, and think.
You think about that heist and the Box. Ancient, coveted, mysterious. Sitting atop its perch in the museum vault, in all its glory and allure, practically asking to be stolen. The gleam of the gem encrusted in its surface. You wonder if the prize held within would be worth all of this, if you managed to get it back.
You think about Yancy, a little rough and a little troubled and not seeing much point in trying to kick old habits; but fun and soft and sensitive and full of remorse. You think about the feeling of your hand in his when you practise a routine with him, how his whole face lights up when he's excited or falls when he's sad or pensive. You think about how he has made this penitentiary into a home, and these inmates into a family.
You think about Mark. Silly, stupid, steadfast Mark, snarky and thoughtful and loyal. Who isn't actually as dumb as he lets on. Who is resourceful and quick-thinking when a plan needs to be formed. Who makes bad puns and trusts you whole-heartedly, and who always lets you decide which course of action to take, no matter how much he disagrees, simply due to his unwavering faith in you. Mark, your co-worker, your friend, your partner in crime. Who is maybe a little enamoured with you, despite you trying to ignore it. Who you half-heartedly agreed to go on a date with, not having it in you to turn him down, nor prepared for the guilt that would be eating away at you now.
You think about one of the first things he told you when you landed yourselves at Happy Trails: About how he doesn't belong here, but maybe you do. What if he were to leave and you were to stay? The thought breaks your heart a little.
Then, a whisper from above into the quiet, gently interrupting your thoughts.
‘Hey, you still awake?’
You hear his voice, soft-spoken, but clear enough that you can hear the sincerity laced into it.
‘I… I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so worked up.’
‘Yeah, I'm sorry too,’ you reply, matching his volume.
‘And I didn't mean it,’ he says, and you think you hear the slightest tremble in the statement, almost as if he's fighting tears, and for a second you wish you could see his face, ‘what I said before, about uh, splitting up. I know I joke about that kind of thing all the time, and not coming back for you… But you know I don't really mean it, right?’
You've certainly had your doubts in the past, but those moments seem so far away now; footnotes in a slowly unfolding tale, stepping stones on the journey the pair of you have taken together as you worked your way from theft to theft to get to this point. As much as you'd butt heads over the years, you could always count on each other and you always stuck together.
‘Yeah, I know…’
‘...And, alright, your lack of interest in breaking out aside, maybe I am kinda jealous.’
‘Ha! I knew it.’
‘Yeah, yeah.’ He sighs. ‘It's just… it took us a while to be like we are now and yet, you're suddenly so close to him when it hasn't even been that long, it just doesn't feel fair. I dunno, it's stupid.’
‘Nah, I get it. I'm sorry if I made you feel left behind.
‘And I'm sorry if I ever made you feel pressured into something you're actually just not all that into.’
You feel a bit of tension leave your chest as a small smile appears on your face. ‘I appreciate that.’
In some ways you're grateful for the small bed separating you and preventing you from being face to face. You think it makes this easier for both of you.
‘I don't want to lose you, y'know? I mean, we're supposed to be partners. Ride or die, remember?’
‘Oh, Mark… You know I still trust you with my life…’ You pause, considering your words. ‘For the first time in ages, things feel a little more complicated than just being about us.’
A beat, then you hear him inhale, and he says your name, foregoing any of his usual nicknames.
‘...Are you… happy here? Does he make you happy?’
‘There's things I miss about freedom, sure, but it's not so bad here. And let's face it, our crimes were probably gonna catch up to us eventually, one way or another, right? And Yancy…’ You let out the smallest huff of laughter, smiling to yourself once again. ‘You're right, it hasn't been very long… There's just something about him, I guess. I know he might be a little much at times but I enjoy being around him, and he honestly seems like he wants to make up for things he's done in the past by being here. Maybe nothing will come of this but even so, in a weird way, he kind of makes me want to do better?’
Mark breathes a good-natured huff of laughter as well, and the two of you take a moment to muse on the irony of that sentiment.
‘I just– I can't handle being stuck here,’ he finally says. ‘But you're right, nothing I've tried so far has worked, anyway.’
‘Y'know… Yancy knows all the ins and outs of this place. He could probably help us if we wanted it.’
‘Do you want it?’
Do you want to leave or stay? The real question beneath it all.
You're quiet again, and it feels as if every possibility is laid out before you, only obscured.
‘I don't know,’ you say eventually. ‘I need more time to think. I just don't want you to think I'm making a choice between you or him, there's so many other things I need to consider. That we need to consider.’
‘That's fair… Just don't take too long, ok? Not like we can pause or rewind time, haha.’
‘Right… In the meantime, could you at least try to get along with Yancy and the others? You might like them if you give them a chance.’
‘... Fine, I'll try,’ he acquiesces.
You raise a hand to your mouth to cover a yawn. A far more comfortable silence falls over the room, and you start to feel sleep overtake you.
‘... Hey, Mark?’
‘We're still partners.’
If nothing else, you hope this will reassure him.
‘...Ok. Sweet dreams, partner.’
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half-oz-eddie · 9 months
You swore 💔
Part 1
Half socmed half fic where Steve gets more than he bargained for when he starts cheating on his girlfriend with the hot cashier from the boutique near his job. inspired by this post
Part 2 -> Part 3 -> Part 4 -> Part 5 -> Part 6 ->
Read On Ao3
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Everyone in town knew Billy Hargrove, the part time lifeguard at Hawkins Pool. Steve never expected to get up close and personal with this guy before learning he also worked at a small denim boutique near Family Video. 
Steve stopped in on payday to buy a new pair of jeans and spotted the hot lifeguard as he was folding some bootcut jeans. 
It was a small boutique, so only one employee was necessary, and it just so happened to be Billy. 
“Hey, welcome. Need some help?” He smiled, a strikingly charming smile. 
“Just looking.” Steve responded with a soft grin of his own, shopping around the boutique to find the perfect fit of jeans. 
He found a pair in his size, lifting them to examine them more closely. 
“Oh, you don’t want those.” Billy mentioned. 
“No? Why not?”
Billy set down the pair he was folding, approaching Steve. “Pretty boy like you should get a pair that hugs that ass just right, y’know? You don’t want anything loose and unflattering. The wrong fit could ruin your whole ensemble.”
Steve’s heart skipped a beat. Pretty boy? Did he just call him that and mention his ass? 
Now, Steve had yet to realize his admiration for attractive men was more than admiration. It took him being infatuated with Billy to learn this about himself. 
He let Billy select the perfect pair of jeans for him and he tried them on, looking at his ass in the mirror. 
“See? That’s what I’m talkin' about.” Billy gave a nod of approval. “If you’re happy with them, I’ll ring you up.”
“O-oh. Yeah. Sure.” Steve agreed to buy the pair and left that boutique shaking like a leaf. 
What really did him in was the way their hands briefly touched when Billy placed the receipt in his hand and asked him to come again. 
Steve took it as an invitation and did just that the following week. 
He walked in, deciding he suddenly needed a new shirt. What he really needed was another interaction with Billy. 
“Back again, Bambi?” Billy smiled as the new pet name rolled off his tongue.
Steve smirked and nodded, trying to avoid looking at Billy’s glistening, muscular arms in that lifeguard tank top and the sexy, messy bun his curls were tucked into. 
“I’m just here to buy a shirt.” Steve answered. “Any suggestions?”
“We have some cotton polos on the wall.” He pointed. “Those look good on you under your work vest.” 
There was that smile again. 
“You think so?”
“I know so. I’ve got an eye for that. Unless you wanna try something different?” He took a step towards Steve, closing the distance between them. 
Billy was the something different Steve wanted to try. 
He glanced down at Steve’s jeans, smirking at his hardly concealed bulge. “They look good on you. Show off all your assets.” They locked eyes as Billy bit his bottom lip. 
Steve could feel his body heating up, stupidly unaware of the face he made as his mouth hung open, drool nearly dribbling from the sides of his mouth.
“I uh…I’ve got something in the back you could try, but only if you’re interested.”
Steve pushed his bangs off his forehead, nodding without a second thought. He knew what Billy was implying. He wanted to try something new for sure. 
Billy locked the door and put a “Back in 30 minutes” sign in the window, then led Steve to the back room.
He pushed Steve against the wall, kissing his neck as he unbuttoned his jeans and slowly unzipped them. 
Steve’s entire body trembled as Billy made his way down to his cock, taking him into his mouth and sucking him like there was no tomorrow. 
Billy’s blue eyes stared into Steve’s soul as he slurped on his cock and Steve was in disbelief. 
He grabbed hold of Billy’s bun, bucking his hips and gently thrusting into his hot, wet mouth. 
“Oh…shit.” He whispered. 
This had to be a dream. It had to. He hardly knew this guy, but the amount of sexual tension between them was insane. There was no way he would have been able to go home and forget about him. 
If his cock wasn’t down Billy’s throat, he would be back home right now jerking it. He pushed the thoughts of Billy and his pretty smile away until he just couldn’t take it anymore. 
This was the most exciting, most exhilarating experience of Steve’s life. His cock hardened and swelled in Billy’s mouth and he moaned so desperately, like it’d been months since he had sex. 
He was only with Nancy 2 days ago, and yet, he couldn’t stop himself from craving Billy. 
“I’m gonna cum…ah, shit.” He spilled into Billy’s mouth, whining and shaking as he swallowed it all up, continuing to suck until there was nothing left. 
Billy slowly pulled away and looked at him. “Still need a shirt?” He asked, only to be answered with a small nod. 
Billy picked out a shirt for Steve and asked him to come again, but more demanding than last week. 
So Steve did return the following week, and the week after that. 
And each week they’d go into the back room and do something nasty that Steve could never do with Nancy. 
“You should come to my house.” Steve suggested in a whisper as his hand was wrapped around their cocks, jerking them together as they sucked each other’s tongues. 
“Oh yeah? What’ll happen if I come to your house?” Billy asked. 
“All kinds of stuff.” Steve smiled. “We’ll be all alone, just like we are now, except in my nice, comfy bed.”
“Can I spend the night with you, pretty boy?” Billy asked softly, moaning as his orgasm grew nearer. “Ride you til the sun rises?”
Steve knew it was risky, but one glance into those pretty blue eyes, and he was willing to risk it all. “Course you can, baby.”
“Mmm…gonna cum.” 
“Me too.”
They shared a kiss, one more gentle than lustful as they shared an orgasm. 
Steve knew keeping this up was a bad idea, but he didn’t have any idea how bad it would be until it went on for a little too long. 
Steve started inviting Billy over on days he knew Nancy would be too busy, which was a lot of days, but still risky as hell. Steve kind of liked how dangerous this was, but eventually he started to kind of like Billy, and his feelings were all mixed up in a mess. 
For 2 months, Steve and Billy were fucking and texting regularly, and when they cuddled after sex the last time, Steve knew he had to come clean with Billy before he got the wrong idea. 
The night before they planned to see each other again, Steve texted Billy, deciding to tell him the truth. 
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It’s a small town. Steve just assumed Billy already knew about Nancy.
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“Shit.” Steve said aloud, throwing himself onto his bed. “No. No. I gotta tell him.”
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He didn't want to fuck this up. In all his years with Nancy, he never felt anything quite like what he felt with Billy, and he just didn't want to let that go.
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That was Steve’s mistake. 
Steve had yet to learn how spiteful Billy was. And, oh, was he about to fucking learn. 
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 years
hi!! could you do a tangerine fic where you have known each other a long time and you are working together on a mission and you bicker and fight the whole time and then when you get back to the hotel or house you’re laying next to him in bed (one bed ofc ofc) and you end up cuddling :) maybe it’s a regular unspoken thing when you’re on missions together, maybe not! i’ll let you decide :))
I love this request thank you!!
Is this a thing friends do?
No warnings, very fluffy 🙈
This is before the bullet train
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You and the twins usually got partnered together, you guys fit perfectly. And you would admit, you had feelings for Tangerine. But you didn’t tell him, because you were scared he wouldn’t feel the same.
“Look, all I’m saying is that you don’t have to be an asshole about everything.” You shrugged your shoulder, as Tangerine rolled his eyes.
“Thank you! Someone had to say it.”
“Whatever. I just wanna leave this damn place.” Tangerine sighed, looking for a hotel.
“Well, we’re just gonna have to suck it up for one more night and we’re out of here. Everyone says that New York is fun, but all I’m seeing is rats and homeless people.” You stated, as you looked at your phone for directions to the hotel.
“What hotel did they give us this time?”
“They didn’t give us any. Budget cuts. But there’s one hotel we could stay at, I’ll pay, but it’s just Some small shitty one, all the others are taken up. Some convention opens tomorrow so everyone’s there.”
“Great. Just what I needed after a long hard week of work.” Tangerine groaned.
“Oh shut up. It’s only for one night, we’ll live.” Lemon said.
You snickered as you finally made it to the hotel. It was small, but it would work.
“Hello. May I h….” The older man started, but stopped as he saw the three bloodied and bruised individuals with snow on their heads.
“We need a room. Any room with at least two bedrooms is fine.” You stated quickly.
“Right.. Uh sorry, but we only have some one bedrooms. The convention is really popular.”
“Well, I suppose it’s fine… we don’t have anywhere else.”
“It’s fine with me.”
“Fine by me. I just wanna sleep.” Tangerine yawned.
“Here.” You said, sliding your card to the man, he still was confused but he didn’t wanna say anything. He opened a drawer and handed them a key.
“Thanks… you’re room 102. Anything else?” He asked nervously.
“Nope, that’s it. Thank you.” You said, as you all left.
“What the fuck was wrong with that guy?” Tangerine scoffed.
“What do you mean? I’d be scared if I randomly saw three people in suits walked in with blood and bruises and dragged in a bunch of snow.”
“I don’t like the way he was looking at you.” Tangerine narrowed his eyes.
“Im sensing a lovers quarrel.” Lemon sung, and laughing when tangerine hit him in the arm.
“Please, he looked like he was gonna shit his pants.” You said, unlocking and opening the door.
“Wow. You were not kidding when you said small.” Lemon snorted.
“Theres only one couch, and only one bed. Well what the fuck do we do now?!” You sighed.
“Well, the lady can take the bed, and I will sleep on the couch. I don’t know what tangerine wants to do.”
“Well, how big is the bed?” He asked. You felt excited at the idea of sharing a bed with him.
You went in the room to check. It was a queen.
“It’s a queen. So.. I mean I could share- if- if that’s fine with you.”
“Yeah, sure, I just wanna go to bed already.”
“Well, Goodnight guys. And if I hear any banging and I mean any-“
“Lemon!” You both groaned.
“Sorry.” He said and jumped onto the couch.
You and tangerine made your way to the room. It was awkward but you guys were friends, you’ve known each other since you were kids, so it shouldn’t be too awkward… right?
You got under the covers, and so did tangerine. You both just stared up at the ceiling. It was freezing, and it was snowing outside too.
“I’m freezing my bollocks off.”
You laughed quietly. It was uncomfortable to sleep in your work clothes, and the snow on your heads and clothes. had melted so it was just water now.
“I can’t go to sleep.” You muttered, turning to look at him.
“Me neither.”
You guys sat in silence for a little before making a decision to be brave.
“I have an idea.”
“Hm?” He looked at you again.
You moved closer to him, he looked confused but he wasn’t going to complain.
You looked at him.
“Is this.. okay?” You asked quietly.
He stared at you and blinked. ‘Fuck it.’ He thought, and went in to kiss you. You were shocked, but you kissed back. It was passionate and loving.
Your lips disconnected after a little bit, and you smiled.
“It’s more than okay.” He said, as he put and arm over you.
You wouldn’t be upset if this happened all the time, you thought.
“Hey, T?”
“For what?”
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motherofdogs1010 · 4 months
Laurel Sickness II (Dark!Sonny Carisi x Reader)
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Summary: It's been a few months since Sonny Carisi decided that she was his new objection of desire and it seems more apparent that she'll never be rid of him, no matter how hard she tries.
Warnings: dark!fic, 18+ only, NSFW, yandere behavior, vulgar language, yandere!Sonny, dark!Sonny, stalking, attempted blackmail, eventual kidnapping, eventual NONCON
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Dividers @firefly-graphics Banner @vase-of-lilies
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Y/N felt fear and anxiety each time she opened her dorm apartment door, each day she found new 'gifts' from Maddie's uncle that she always felt terrified over.
Flowers one day, a poem another, but now they were reaching into the level of lingerie and other items that she was horrified at. And for her credit, Maddie had been horrified to find it was her uncle sending such things, having even confronted the man on her behalf but to no avail, Y/N still received gifts.
She still found him following her, calling her, texting, etc. It had been months of this and Y/N was terrified to go to the police, who would believe her if she said that the assistant ADA was stalking her? She would be laughed at!
Nevertheless, Maddie had insisted on keeping the cards and screenshots as evidence.
And that brings her to today as Y/N rubbed her temples as she could feel the older man's gaze on her as she grocery shopped, her hands gripping the cart as she tried to not make it obvious.
She carried pepper spray, those loud ass alarms and even a taser now because of the obsessed older man. It terrified her just how far he was pushing to get near her and Y/N wondered just where Maddie had wandered off to.
Y/N could practically feel the man's breath down her neck as she quickened her pace, trying to remember everything that they taught in self-defense class when a hand grabbed the cart and her eyes widen.
"You're in such a rush, doll", Sonny said with a crazed look. "I just wanna talk."
"Get away from me", she spat, "I've told you 'no', you sick fuck."
"Now, now that not a nice thing to say", he said, "I just wanna talk to you, maybe take you out."
"I said 'no'", she hissed, using the cart to hit his shins.
He stumbled back just as Maddie rounded the corner and her friend rushed over to her.
"Uncle Sonny, get away from her", Maddie hissed, pushing the man away.
"Oh Maddie", Sonny said, "I haven't seen you in awhile,"
"Something going on here, ladies?" a large security guard walked up and Y/N felt relief at the man's bulky appearance. "This man bothering you?"
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"I really think we should report him", Maddie said with a sympathetic look in her eyes. "It's going too far."
They were back home now, a few days had now passed and Y/N felt conflicted as she sat in the living room on their couch. Her legs curled up under her as she tried to focus on the Netflix documentary playing in front of her, but it wasn't working as Y/N practically chewed on her bottom lip.
"He's your uncle", Y/N said, "I don't want to cause problems for you with your family."
Maddie shook her head, "even my parents are saying he's crazy! We're going down first thing tomorrow."
Olivia Benson had seen a lot in her line of work over the last nearly thirty or so years. She had seen just about everything and yet she still got shaken up by a case or two.
She wasn't exactly sure what she expected to happen that day when she clocked in for the day, but it certainly wasn't this.
"Hello Lt. Benson, my name is Maddie Carisi and this is my friend, F/N. We're here to report my uncle Sonny for stalking and harassment."
Yeah, she certainly wasn't expecting this.
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iwritesickfic · 7 months
An Unmissable Night
New fic! warnings for emeto
Seamus can already hear tomorrow’s blind items - “infamously awful popstar is noticeably absent from his all-too-forgiving boyfriend’s birthday soiree. is their relationship on the rocks? again?!”
He knows why Theo’s not here, and he knows it’s not because their relationship is on the rocks. Theo’s been sick as a dog for the past two days, and there was no way in hell Seamus was going to wake him up to get to his birthday party.
So Seamus is here alone. Not really, all his friends will be here soon, but he still feels like he’s here alone. If so many people hadn’t already been invited he would’ve just cancelled, but it’s way too late for that. He’d so much rather be at home with Theo, puking or otherwise. Pretty much anywhere he is, he'd almost always rather be with Theo.
They’re at a small but incredibly extravagant spot downtown, with maroon velvet curtains and low lights and a mahogany bar. The crowd has only just begun to arrive, and though he said no gifts, a pile of them are accumulating by the entryway.
As he’s grabbing another drink, he hears more than the average chatter from the door. He turns to see Theo, looking incredible in one of Seamus’s cream fisherman sweaters. It’s cuffed at the sleeves so it doesn’t fall over his hands. He’s talking with the bouncer (and a few of the other guests) as he’s taking off his coat, and Seamus almost thinks he’s made a miraculous recovery.
He knows better than to assume Theo showing up means that, though. Then Theo catches sight of him, beaming. Seamus smiles back, and then Theo’s making his way over to him.
“Happy birthday!” he says, and kisses Seamus’s cheek. He clasps his hands loosely behind Seamus’s back, so his arms are around his waist before kissing him again, this time on the lips. Seamus leans back against the bar top, letting himself enjoy this for a moment before making himself acknowledge how feverish Theo feels against him. He lays his palm on his cheek, and sure enough, he’s burning. Still, he’s so happy to see him he can’t quite wipe the smile off his face.
“Feeling better?” he asks, still half hopeful, and Theo snorts.
“No, absolutely not. But I’m fine. Tylenol, Pepto, whatever. You look so goddamn beautiful.” He’s smiling like he’s being completely sincere. Seamus sighs, cupping his hot cheeks.
“Thank you Teddy, but there’s a reason I didn’t wake you up. You should be in bed. Seriously.” He tries to keep his tone admonishing, but it's hard when Theo is between his legs and has him pinned to a bar. And is calling him ‘so goddamn beautiful.’
He tightens his arms around Seamus’s waist, grinning like a devil.
“And miss your birthday?” He asks, and it’s clear he’s putting every ounce of seduction he can into that one sentence.
“Yes. And miss my birthday. You’re…” He tucks some of Theo’s hair behind his ear. “You’re really burning up.”
Theo tucks his face against Seamus’s neck as Seamus wraps his arms around him. They stay that way for a while, and eventually Seamus finds they’re ever so slightly rocking from side to side.
“I don’t think the tylenol is working,” Seamus finally says as they pull apart. His voice is still low. Theo sighs, closing his eyes.
“That would make sense. I threw up like…almost immediately after.”
“Oh, baby…” Seamus is back to stroking his hair. Theo relaxes into his touch for a moment before straightening back up.
“Look, I’m fine. I’m not missing this.”
“Yeah, because it's gonna be such an unmissable night,” he says, even though he knows that's not what Theo means. “I don’t care what people are gonna say,” he finally whispers and Theo’s brow furrows.
“If you’re not here.”
Theo’s brows shoot up.
“Oh. I didn’t even think about that.” He pauses, he looks around the room.
“Then… Why do you wanna stay so bad?” This all makes even less sense knowing that the idea has just occurred to Theo. His face softens, almost hurt.
“Because it’s your birthday,” he says, voice quiet. Seamus's chest immediately aches. Part of him feels terrible for assuming it was Theo’s desire for good PR that drove him here, another is guilty for his stupid birthday being the reason Theo’s not in bed where he should be. Instead he's here, burning up a fever, swaying in Seamus's arms. “You don't want me here?” Theo asks, and Seamus cups his cheek.
“Oh my god, of course! Jesus Christ, of course I want you here, Theo. You're just-” he cuts himself off, tucking a bit of hair behind Theo’s ear. The fever heat pouring off him is astonishing. “You're so sick, baby.”
Theo lets out a shuddering sigh and, again, turns his face into Seamus’s touch.
“Don't make me leave, Shay. I wanna stay,” he murmurs, his big brown eyes pleading in the way Seamus can never resist. The hint of a smile has returned, like he knows how irresistible he's being. It doesn't help that Seamus’s thumbs have found their way under his sweater, to the hollows of his hips. Seamus sighs and looks up at the ceiling, as if the strength he needs to send him away is up there somewhere.
Before he can reply, a voice cuts in.
“Sorry to interrupt the love birds but I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!” It's Elise, one of the assistant engineers from the studio, and Seamus (very reluctantly) breaks away from Theo to return her hug. As they start to talk, Theo catches Seamus’s eye, raising his eyebrows. After a moment, Seamus nods back, and Theo smiles before going off to talk to another of their mutual friends.
Over the next half hour the crowd grows, and Seamus makes his rounds. It feels like an eternity before he finally spots Theo on one of the maroon velvet tufted couches, laughing with a group of a few other people. When he spots Seamus he beams.
“Hey!” he says, resting his hand on Seamus's thigh as he sits down beside him. Seamus's stomach tightens as he feels the fever heat from Theo’s palm. Seamus kisses his cheek.
“Hey, love.”
As the conversation picks back up, he's almost able to forget what's going on, just able to enjoy the company. God, his boyfriend is so funny. God, he's so charming.
Then Theo’s fingers stiffen where they rest on Seamus's leg, and all of that ease disappears. He turns to him, looking very pale, and all of Seamus’s attention snaps to his face.
“I'm gonna go get a drink,” he says, and Seamus can hear the breathless nausea in his voice. “Do you want anything?”
“No, no, I'm ok. Are you -” He takes Theo’s hand as he stands up, shaking his head.
“Be right back,” he says, and disappears back through the crowd before Seamus has a chance to ask him anything else.
Seamus tries to fall back into the flow of conversation, but he can't quite relax.
“Where's Theo? It's been like, 20 minutes or something,” one of his friends finally remarks, and someone else shrugs.
“Bar’s probably super backed up.”
“20 minutes backed up?”
“Know what? I'm gonna go grab something, I'll find him,” Seamus says, standing up and making a beeline for the bar. It's moderately busy, but Theo is nowhere to be seen. Seamus starts to make his way to the bathroom, and when he tries the handle, he finds it's locked. He knocks.
“Sorry, I'm - Someone's in here,” he hears Theo’s voice say, muffled through the door.
“It's me,” Seamus says, and it takes a few moments for the lock to click. He slips inside quickly, only to see Theo bent over the sink, his sweater rolled up to his elbows, flushed and trembling.
“Hey,” he murmurs waveringly.
“Hey, love,” Seamus says. He doesn't need to ask what happened, he already knows. And Theo knows he knows. So instead, he starts to comb his fingers through Theo’s hair, removing the hair tie that's already begun to fall out. He takes his time gathering his hair into as neat a bun as he can while Theo breathes slowly and deliberately. He rests his palm on Theo’s back when he's done. His fever is raging, his whole body shaking.
“So…” Theo swallows thickly, finally pushing himself upright. “So should I go out first, or you? Or at the same time?”
“Same time I think,” Seamus says, and Theo raises his eyebrows.
“Why not? Oh god forbid someone think you gave me head on my birthday.”
Theo laughs, sniffling.
“Yeah, I guess you're right.”
“You ready?”
Theo nods, even though his expression says that he's the opposite of ready. They leave together, back out into the party, and Seamus wraps his arm around Theo’s waist, pressing a kiss to his sweaty temple.
“You wanna go sit back down? Or you wanna come with me to the bar?”
“With you.”
They make their way through the crowd, and the bartender is immediately in front of them as soon as they approach, despite the bar being completely crowded.
“Hey, um, do you have anything with, like, ginger in it?” he asks, and the bartender blinks.
“A Moscow mule?” She asks, verging on condescension.
“No, no I mean… Ginger beer? Or grated ginger or something? No alcohol.”
“Well I can make you a virgin Moscow if you want?” She asks, and Seamus nods.
“Perfect. Two of those.”
She goes back down to the other end of the bar to make the drinks, and Seamus turns to Theo. He just stands beside him, breath shaky and intentionally slow.
“I can't wait to give you your present when we get home,” he says, his voice still wobbly. He's forcing himself to smile, and Seamus smiles back.
“I don't know if you're in any state to give me what I really want,” he whispers back and Theo laughs softly, a genuine smile growing now, and presses himself closer. He bites his lip and leans in.
“I thought you like when I gag on it,” he whispers, and it's so filthy and unexpected that Seamus bursts out laughing at full volume, turning a few heads. He quickly tries to compose himself.
“You are fucking disgusting,” he whispers back, his cheeks aching from how hard he's smiling.
“You can't set me up,” he says, and leans in closer, pressing a soft, open mouthed kiss to Seamus’s throat.
The bartender sets down the two copper mugs in front of them wordlessly before walking away and Seamus feels his face flush as he picks them up.
“Thanks,” he calls to her, and Theo laughs again against his skin. Before he can return to their rapidly escalating banter the lights dim, and he hears Happy Birthday begin in about 7 different keys.
Then Theo is singing too, and the crowd parts as someone wheels forth a gigantic birthday cake with about a thousand candles.
He doesn't have to fake his smile as the song finishes. As he blows out the candles the room cheers, and the lights come back up.
He's relieved the only real event of the night is over, because now he's free to leave whenever he wants. And judging by Theo’s fever that's going to be sooner than later.
A server is cutting and passing out cake, and Seamus rubs Theo's back gently. He's holding his mug with both hands, taking tiny sips, his chin quivering.
Seamus gives him a look, and Theo seems to understand because he nods back, his mouth in a tight line.
“I'm gonna go start saying bye, maybe you can go get some air?” He asks, and Theo nods again, eyes closing as he swallows thickly. He gives him a peck on the cheek before making his way back through the crowd.
It's about 15 minutes before he finally makes it back to the front door where Theo is. He's in his coat, leaning against the wall with his eyes screwed shut, cheeks flushed red. It only takes Seamus's thumb brushing his jaw for him to open his eyes.
“Ready?” Seamus asks, and Theo nods, eyes half lidded. Seamus takes his sweaty palm and they walk outside only to be met by the flash of about a dozen cameras and shouted questions.
He hears Theo take in a sharp breath, and he squeezes his hand.
Just before they make it to the car Theo stops short. Seamus is just turning back to see what's the matter when Theo doubles over and vomits into the gutter. The sound of the camera shutters doubles, and Seamus feels awful about it but he practically drags Theo into the car despite him clearly not being finished. The last thing Theo needs are tabloids writing about how he left a bar “hammered” when his sobriety is already a constant topic of speculation.
When they’re safely inside, the driver is prepared with a bag. Seamus just rests his hand between Theo’s shoulder blades not saying a word. The car pulls away, and the flashes of cameras and muffled questions slowly fade as Theo heaves.
When he's finally done they’re on the Manhattan Bridge, and he leans back, still shaking.
“I'm so sorry,” he breathes, and Seamus frowns.
“No, no, no. Stop it. Nothing to be sorry for,” he says as Theo wipes his mouth.
“You're too nice. I'm such a fucking idiot for coming out tonight, I feel like I'm gonna die,” he whimpers, and Seamus kisses his fiery temple.
Theo's arms are wrapped around his stomach, his shoulders tense.
“I'm not going to not be nice. But, yeah,” he teases gently. Theo's head leans down to rest on his shoulder.
“You're supposed to argue and say I'm not an idiot,” he murmurs back. The car goes over a bump and he moans.
“Well I'm not going to lie either,” he says, before pressing another kiss to Theo’s damp hairline.
“I'm gonna make it up to you. With your present,” he mumbles.
“That's alright, it can wait.”
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gooch-cancer · 2 months
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Steven Meeks x (GN!) Piano Player! Reader
In which: You are a church pianist for the Welton church whose gentle melodies caught the attention of Steven Meeks
A/N: I have no plan for this so we're rolling with it. If you've read this far, I love you so much. I hope the new style of paragraph breaks will make this easier to read. Also I really hope this story appeals to a large demographic especially my fellow y/n haters. Oh also I'm sorry if in this fic there are inaccuracies in christianity i'm jewish so the majority of the references, scenes, songs, etc. are strictly from google and christian sites. Prev chap here!:
Chapter 4:
Charlie widened his eyes in shock at what Meeks blurted out, the cave silent as you could see in real time the boys considering what he said. Neil nodded, "I mean...to me that sounds like a great idea Meeks,"
Steven brightened up slightly he smiled at Neil, "Really?"
He shrugged, "Yeah I think it's great idea,"
Charlie waved his hands while shaking his head, "No no no you don't wanna scare them off. There was a lot of passion in that poem and while it's good, you just don't know them like that,"
Knox leaned forward to look at Charlie while adding, "I did that with Chris and it worked!"
Charlie scoffed, "Chris has a boyfriend and you went to her school and embarrassed her, you're lucky she even let you crawl out alive,"
Knox's jaw dropped in offense, "What the hell is that supposed to-"
Pitts interrupted, "Guys! This is about Meeks not Knox's questionable way of flirting..."
Steven shot Pitts a small smile, Cameron just shook his head, "I think the whole thing is very risky...how're you even gonna be able to give it to them?"
Steven's smile grew as he responded, "I'll give it to them after chapel on Sunday!" he looked rather proud of himself at that.
Cameron scoffed, "I mean yeah but after Wednesday you don't think you're on thin ice with Mr.Nolan?"
Meeks laughed, "I think they're worth it," Cameron shook his head and rolled his eyes.
Charlie looked over at Meeks in surprise, "You're getting ballsy...I like it! Let's do it," Meeks turned back to Charlie, excitement etched on his face, "You really think so?"
Charlie nodded and Neil butted in, "Yeah I think it'll be good for you,"
Meeks looked at his friends in the cave, their eyes on him as interest and happiness for their friend was apparent in their faces. He felt their support, their love. If it weren't for them, he don't know where he'd been. He felt the nervousness in the pit of his stomach disappear as he began to fantasize about his interaction with you when giving you the poem.
Suddenly he had another idea, "Should I give them something with it?"
Knox shook his head, "You don't want to come off as desperate,"
Neil scoffed, "It's not desperate, it's romantic. Pianists are typically hopeless romantics," Knox chuckled, "How many pianists you know Neil?"
Neil frowned for a second in thought, "Uhhh one," Knox turned back to Meeks jutting a thumb toward him, "See don't take advice from this theater kid,"
Neil laughed, "I'll have you know, Puck is a very respected role," Knox snorted and rolled his eyes,
"Yeah, yeah," he smiled, "But anyway, you're meeting them in secret anyway, it'd be too obvious if you walked in with a bouquet in hand,"
Meeks nodded, "Yeah I can see where you're coming from,"
It was then the conversation for this topic died, Charlie distracting them with something absolutely idiotic that made them laugh. The meeting went just like that, the food gone, the poets all had their turns, and they were ready to turn in for the night. As they walked through the forest, his jacket being slightly itchy from the crumbs, he began to wonder about you. What were you doing right now? Probably sleeping, or maybe cozy on the grand piano in your house. Practicing a piece for tomorrow or school. He wondered what school you went to. Maybe it was the public school, maybe you knew Chris. He sighed deeply, a white puff of air coming out of his mouth as he breathed out.
The next morning, there it was. The day of the big show. The poem folded in his pants pocket as the boys sat around the table eating their eggs and toast. Knox leaned forward turning his head in Steven's direction, "How you feeling Meeks?" he questioned smiling with his mouth filled with toast. Steven sighed shakily, "I feel like I'm about to keel over,"
Charlie laughed at that, "It'll be fine! I think they're into you too anyway," Steven looked at Charlie, his eyes wide with hope, "You think so?"
Charlie nodded and took a bite of his food, "I know so," he said matter-of-factly. Steven smiled and looked at the clock. Only five more minutes. Five more minutes until he got to see your beautiful face again. He began to eat faster, eying Mr.Nolan to see when he'd stand up. Two more minutes now, and Mr.Nolan's not a man known to be late. As Steven was finishing out his toast Mr.Nolan stood and gestured for the cafeteria to be silent. They were almost immediately. Mr.Nolan cleared his throat, a habit that he was known to do before speaking, "Gentlemen, now is the time to make your way toward the chapel," The cafeteria was abuzz, boys throwing away their leftovers, making their way out of the building. Steven felt a lump in his throat, his anxiety making him nauseous.
This was going to work, he told himself, they might not fall for me but at least I'll finally get my feelings out there. He walked up the steps and into the building, sitting on the end of the pew in the front row with the rest of his friends. He had his hands in his pocket, gripping the poem with a life force that seemed impossible for a boy of his size and stature. Mr.Nolan finally walked in, with you beside him. Steven stared at you, his heart pounding in his chest. It was like every single time he saw you, you just got more and more ethereal. As always you sat behind the piano and looked at Mr.Nolan for your cue, the old man coughed for a second, "Gentlemen, turn your books to page 556 'Be Thou My Vision'," You began to play and Steven felt as if he'd been lifted off of the pew.
Without even trying you'd charmed him and he was absolutely smitten with you. His confidence grew and he started singing louder and louder, the song eventually fizzled out but he still had a confident smile on his face. He repeated the mantra in his mind that you'll like the poem, you seem like an artsy person, you'll love it. He studied you while Mr.Nolan spoke, only averting his eyes when you looked back at him. You looked at Steven for a second with a raised eyebrow before turning back to your piano. Steven waited anxiously for the sermon to be over. He did his best to control his breathing and calm down. Pitts, who was sitting beside him, noticed his friends anxious behavior and patted him on the shoulder.
Steven turned his head and gave a grateful smile to Pitts before turning back to you. You intertwined your fingers pushing them away from you until the joints cracked with a satisfying pop. Soon enough Mr.Nolan finished off the sermon with another song, your beautiful playing accompanied his tenor voice. As the boys piled out of the chapel, Steven stayed behind as he did every time.
You rushed toward him, "Steven I'm very sorry but I can't stay to chat,"
Steven looked at you in shock, his mind rushed for a quick response, "W-wait,"
You walked rather quickly down the aisle before turning back, "I'm sorry-"
Steven ran after you, "No! Please!" he dug his hands in his pockets, trying to search for the paper.
"No I can't-" You stopped when you saw the paper in his hand, "What is that?"
Steven looked at you, his eyes pleading, "You don't have to read it in front of me, just please, take it,"
You slowly reached your hand out to the paper, as if it would burn you. Your eyes never left his as you studied the desperation on his face. You pocketed it and said in a whisper, "I promise you that we can talk on Wednesday,"
Steven opened his mouth to respond but you ran out of the chapel, disappearing into the serene landscape.
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Dirty Work 12
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: I'm having too much fun with this.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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As you enter, you hear Leslie. It's an unusual homecoming as you're used to only the blare of the television and swaths of cigarette smoke. Both are missing as you peek into the living room.
“Now, Charles, you heard me,” the nurse chides.
“Yeah, I got it,” your dad says with less spite than usual, “this one.”
Dread curdles in your stomach. The call you got at lunchtime was short and Leslie assured you all was well but you couldn’t tell if she was only being polite. You could hear your father yelling in the background.
You look around the door frame and find your father sitting forward on the couch, one hand on the handle of his oxygen tank as his shoulders obscure his other. You tiptoe closer as Leslie sits in one of the wooden chairs from the dining room. You spot the half-finished jigsaw puzzle on the coffee table as you come forward. 
“Well, give it a try,” she encourages and he pushes the piece into another. He grunts, a noise with some pride. “Looking good, Charles.”
You've never heard anyone talk to your dad like that. Not without being told to cut the shit. And no one ever calls your dad anything but ‘Chuck’.
“Yeah, yeah,” he sounds almost bashful.
“Ah, hello,” Leslie sees you first, “come on in.”
You put your bag down and cautiously inch forward. Your dad doesn’t acknowledge you but that’s not too unusual. You stop behind the couch as he puts another piece in place.
“And how was your day?” The nurse asks in a sunny tone.
“Um… good,” you answer. You don’t usually get that question.
“You look tired. Must have been a long one,” she remarks.
“Mhmm,” you stare at the puzzle as your dad continues to piece it together. You’ve never seen him do anything but watch television or doze on the couch. And rarely without a cigarette between his lips.
“Been a good day for us, too. Me and Charles are just getting to know each other,” she grins.
Still, your dad is silent.
“Charles, come on, say hi, your daughter’s home,” she scolds.
“Hi,” he grunts. She sighs.
“You’re a funny man,” she tuts and stands up, “I got another hour,” she faces you, “why don’t we have a chat?”
“Sure,” you accept and she takes the lead, waving you into the kitchen. Your father mutters to himself as he holds a handful of pieces and picks through them. You give him one last look before you follow the nurse.
Leslie turns to you as she stops just by the counter, “no more cigarettes. We got in a row about the things but I tossed ‘em.”
“Huh?” You can’t help the shock bulging behind your eyes.
“Yep, and he ate all his vegetables,” she smirks proudly, “I know it’s hard to say no to our loved ones but I don’t wanna come back to a fresh pack tomorrow.”
“Uh, yeah, I…” you don’t try to excuse yourself. You don’t buy him smokes, he finds a way, but you still gave up arguing about them.
“I also have some information for you. Some stuff about diet and all that. The meals you made are lovely but there are some recommended staples for his condition that would be better,” she explains, “and an exercise plan. Light duty but he can’t be on that couch all day.”
“Thanks so much,” you say, “I really appreciate it. I… I’m so sorry it’s such a mess-”
“Are ya kidding me? I’ve walked into much worse. He’s a bit crotchety but no skin off my back,” she scoffs, “don’t worry, hon, I got it.”
You could cry. You feel the weight slowly lifting from your shoulders; still there but less. It’s not just having help, it’s having someone to guide you, someone you can speak your concerns to. Someone who can tell you you’re doing the right things.
It’s eerie entering the house knowing that you’re completely alone. The leash is no slacker without its holder near. You still feel the oppression of the empty house, curtains drawn and shadows pooling.
It won’t be for long. The carpenter will be there soon to inspect the gazebo and the landscapers are due for their scheduled work in the garden. There’s enough to keep you busy and unaware of your employer’s absence.
Still, it’s a strange feeling to walk those empty halls. You half-expected Mr. Laufeyson to appear and berate you, as if he is a wraith who does not abide time or space. He doesn’t and you press on, holing up in the library for the morning.
There’s another mystery in the folder. A riddle you can’t solve. A page taken from a notebook, with little flowers framed around the lines. It’s a list but it’s not for this place. It can’t be. As far as you know, there isn’t a fire pit around here or a lake… both are mentioned among the clustered bullet points.
You earmark it but don’t know if you’ll ever get to it. You want to ask Mr. Laufeyson but then, you’re not sure he would even know. It could be something only his wife would be privy to. You wouldn’t want to reopen old wounds.
You go down to the kitchen to eat your lunch. A plain peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat, the same thing you have every day. It isn’t much but it’s enough to keep you going. You wipe up stray crumbs and put the container back in your bag. 
The doorbell rings just as you come back to the staircase. You descend and for a moment, you let yourself pretend that this is your home. That you are the lady of the estate. That all these fine ornaments and the sprawling gardens belong to you. The fantasy dissolves as you reach the last step.
You go out to meet the new arrival at the gate. It must be the carpenter as the landscapers can let themselves in. You recall his name is Ronan from your brief phone call. You remember because it seemed so unique.
He’s a tall man, hunching slightly as he sees you approach between the slats of iron. You pull the gate open from within and muster a smile to welcome him. You’re at a loss as you can eke out only a mousish ‘hi’.
He says your name, tenuously, as if he isn’t sure.
“That’s me, sir,” you close the gate gently behind him. As he steps past you, his height becomes even more obvious. In his hand, he has a brown leather bag, squarish and bulky. “You’re the carpenter, Ronan?”
“Yes,” he answers as he looks around, “this is a nice place.”
“Erm, thanks,” you utter, “well, er, I suppose I should show you…”
You trail off and scurry around him. You hear him following as the contents of his bag shifts noisily with each step. You take him around the back and divert away from your usual route. You lead him into the thick brush that overgrows the path to the gazebo. You stop before the derelict structure as he comes up beside you.
“There’s a hole in the floor and one of the pillars is cracked,” you explain, pointing, “just wondering if it can be repaired.”
“Ah,” he takes a breath and lets out a thoughtful hum. 
You peek over as his pale blue eyes examine the steps and front columns. He steps forwards and sets his bag on the lowest step before climbing up. His footsteps sound hollow as he traverses the wood, walking the perimeter, stopping to check the broken post and then the boards across the floor. He squats to get a closer look as you remain where you are, rubbing your sweaty palms together.
“I’ve seen worse,” he declares as he stands, his voice booming as he rolls into the open air. He comes back to the archway and rests his hand on the top of the railing, “definitely not a lost cause. Did you have anything in mind for the restoration?”
You shake your head, “I’d have to ask my boss.”
“Your boss?” He wonders as he comes down the stairs and bends to unbuckle his bag.
“Uh, yes, I just… I’m… the house manager?” You say uncertainly. “He’s out of town so I’m seeing to the property.”
“Oh,” he takes out a measuring tape and a level. “I thought it was yours.”
You almost laugh. It's flattering that he would assume that. You just smile sheepishly.
“Well, I’ll have to do a proper inspection, check the integrity for sure, but I’ll leave you my notes. What needs to be tended to, my suggestions…” he says, “when it’s ready, where would I find you?”
“Oh, well… I’ll… I’ll be working on the patio,” you point back to the house as the idea flashes through your mind. Without Mr. Laufeyson, you can enjoy the sunlight. “I’ll be there.”
“Right, thank you miss,” he faces the gazebo and squares his shoulders. You feel as if you’re missing something.
“Um, sir,” you begin, “would you like some water?”
You think that’s right. You should be polite. It’s what Frigga would you think and she seems to know everything.
“That’s very kind of you but no thanks,” he says as he begins up the stairs again.
You twiddle your fingers as you stay there for a moment and watch him. That wasn’t as bad as you expected. It’s always difficult meeting new people. While he’s not overly friendly, he’s not rude or scary or anything like that. He’s just there to do his work, much like you.
You turn on your heel and leave him. Your excitement builds as you trace your way to the backdoor. You can’t wait to bring your things out and sit on the patio. It will be a nice breath of fresh air. Literally.
Your first day alone proves to be the calmest since you began working for Mr. Laufeyson. You can’t help but bask in the peace of his absence. Even so, you are mindful to stay within his lines. You haven’t forgotten the camera on the mantle.
You leave the house after double-checking that the security is enabled and the doors are all locked. The gate clunks loudly into place and you shake it just to be sure. You exhale and turn off down the street, eager to get home and relieve Leslie of her duties.
The bus comes on time and you find a seat, staring out at the city as it passes. You hug your bag in your lap as you recognize that moment. That rare occasion where you’re not bound up in knots. There is no Mr. Laufeyson to shadow and rebuke you. And your father is taken care of and seemingly content. 
As you get off at your stop, you take your time as the sky sets slowly above. You are met by a similar scene as the previous night. Your father is at the coffee table, bent over as he pushes pieces into each other. Leslie is singing in the kitchen as she tidies and looks up as you enter.
“Ah, hello hon,” she beams cheerily, “dinner’s in the oven for ya.”
“Um, oh, thanks, you didn’t have to…”
“More than enough,” she smiles, “long day?”
“Not too bad,” you glance back over your shoulder into the living room, “how was he?”
You turn back and she cackles, “I’m sure you know how he can be. He’s calming down a bit. We got in a right tiff over the cigarettes again but he ran out of air to bluster.”
“Oh…” you scratch your neck, “I’m sorry, I hope he’s not too much.”
“Like I said, nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” she shrugs.
You nod and return to the living room. You near your father as he rubs his chin. He’s almost done the puzzle.
“Wow, you got a lot done,” you comment. 
“Eh, cause I don’t got you to distract me,” he flicks his fingers at you derisively.
You wince and back away. A sigh escapes you. You’re too tired to try. As you retreat, you can’t help but stumble in realisation. There’s something happening to you. Some sort of indifference. Apathy, maybe?
You look back at your father. You love him and you desperately want to make him happy and healthy. You want him to be proud of you. You want him to tell you that you’re good enough and yet you just don’t have the energy to keep fighting him. 
When you see how he is with Leslie, it feels as if he’s taunting you. He can be nice to her, he will listen to her, he will talk to her, but you, you’ll never earn that. Thirty years and you just aren’t worthy.
Well, he is happier and healthier than he was. It doesn’t matter that it has nothing to do with you. It only matters that he’s okay. It’s all you ever wanted for him.
You take your bag up to your room and trade it for a paperback. You come back down and sit on the porch until she’s gone. You go inside and lock up, your father still sitting vigil at the puzzle. You notice his grey hair is tidy and clean. He wears a shirt that isn’t wrinkled and he looks more lively.
You ask him if he needs anything before you go to bed. He doesn’t answer. You leave him to the puzzle and pack away the dinner Leslie left for you. You’re not very hungry. 
You put both your phones on the night table beneath the lamp. You keep the light on as you finish the chapter, or try to. You doze off, awaking only as a buzzing rattles the wooden table against the side of your bed. 
You move the book off your chest and mark the page. You reach for the phone as you sit up. It unlocks with the tap of your thumb and the alert covers the screen. ‘Movement detected’. Oh!
Mr. Laufeyson enabled the app for the lock system while he’s away. The abrupt swipe of the phone from your hands was startling but it wasn't exactly yours to begin with. The memory plucks at you as if you should have seen this coming.
You rub your eyes as you press the alert and check the time in the corner. It’s nearly two in the morning! You jolt out of bed and stagger on your feet. Oh no!
Did you leave something unlocked? Maybe it’s just a squirrel or the wind? No, it says it was the front door. Shoot! Should you call him? Would he get the alert too?
You scramble to find some clothes. You pull on a pair of greyish blue sweatpants and a hoodie. You don’t have time to worry about how you look. You have to get to the house.
You snatch up your work bag, too frantic to fish out your change purse, and barrel down the stairs. Mindless of the noise or disturbing the silence, you race out the door, slamming it and locking it shakily behind you. You run up to the curb as you dial a taxi service.
Was the gate really locked when you left? Did you put the security code in right? A thousand doubts crowd your head and churn your stomach. It doesn’t matter, all you know is you messed up again.
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harlowsbby · 2 years
idk if your taking requests but jack fic idea
he forgets your birthday - i want angst & arguments vibes you know like he made a promise to take the day off and he doesn’t and you don’t wanna make a big deal about it but it hurts
In the city
( I switched it up a bit anon I hope you don’t mind, thank you @mortirolo and @heavyhitterheaux and @softtcurse for the help 💗 )
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“You promised me you’d be there Jack, you promised, you promised, you promised but you lied once again!! All you do is lie Jack.”
“I’m sorry I have a job Y/N! I’m sorry I do all of this shit to keep a roof over your head, this is my career I have people, important people and millions of fans that I can’t let down.”
“What about me Jack, all you do is worry about you and your career what me?! Tomorrow is my birthday and you can’t take the day off?!”
Jack sighed and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration he understood your anger towards him but at the same time he needed you to understand his life, you knew what you were signing up for before even dating Jack so he didn’t understand why you were acting like any of this was brand new.
He had to come up with some type of idea to get you to drop this silly argument he was exhausted and wanted to sleep.
“Look baby I’ll take the day off tomorrow I’ll call Neelam in the morning and let her know I can’t make it, I don’t want to argue with you baby not tonight please.”
“You’ll really do that for me?” You smiled softly when Jack smiled and nodded.
“Let’s go to bed baby yeah?” You crawled into bed while Jack turned off all the lights downstairs once he made his way upstairs he changed into a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt before getting into bed next to you.
The last thing you remembered before falling asleep was Jack rubbing small circles on your back and cooing in your ear.
You following morning you woke up shivering and groaned, patting the side next to you where Jack usually slept you frowned not feeling him next to you.
“Maybe he to get me something for my birthday.” You told yourself before unplugging your phone on the nightstand, you spent a good few minutes thanking everyone who told you happy birthday.
It didn’t feel the same not waking up to Jack on your birthday and having him not telling you happy birthday right away felt off.
Jack 💗
- good morning babe I just woke up, where are you at?
You sent the message and sighed there was no use of sitting around and sulking on your birthday, your friends Arianna and Drea were taking you out for lunch. Later on all three of you would be getting ready at your house before heading over to your birthday dinner that you hoped Jack would be at.
You quickly got dressed before heading outside where Arianna and Rykky were waiting for you.
“The birthday girl! How’s your day going so far?”
You wanted to tell them about Jack and yours argument last night and how he wasn’t there when you woke up this morning but there was no point in being negative especially on your birthday.
“It’s going good so far, I’m so hungry I can’t wait to eat.”
Halfway through the car ride you got a message from Jack, you quickly opened up the message.
Jack 💗
- Sorry baby I was in a meeting but I’m about to come I promise.
You frowned you didn’t even bother to reply you weren’t about to let him ruin your day.
Once the three of you arrived to the restaurant you took your seats and started talking about anything and everything you tried your best to stay focus but your mind kept wondering off to Jack.
“Are you sure you’re okay Y/N? You haven’t even touched your drink and you love some mimosas.” Drea frowned and tried scooting the drink closer to you to try and tempt you but it wasn’t working.
You weren’t going to tell them about Jack but you couldn’t hold in your emotions anymore.
“It’s just Jack last night we got into a fight about him working today and I wake up and he isn’t there I sent him a message asking where he was and he’s at some meeting, I just feel like he’s taking me and this relationship a joke.” You cried out Drew and Arianna coo’d at you.
“I’m sorry baby but I know he’ll definitely be at your birthday dinner right? He wouldn’t be dumb enough to miss that.” Arianna reassured you but you weren’t so sure.
“He hasn’t even told me happy birthday yet I’ll honestly be surprised if he shows up.”
“Well I hate to be the bear of bad news but he’s actually not in a meeting..” Drea told you both.
“Where is he?”
“You might wanna look for yourself.”
The minute you took Drea’s phone you wish you hadn’t, there was Jack on Neelam’s story at some other restaurant celebrating Jayda’s birthday, looking closely you noticed a gift that was next to her that said from Jack to Jayda , you clicked over to the next story and seen Jack had gifted her a cuban link.
“Jack you bought me a cuban link?! Oh my gosh thank you I love you so much!” Jayda’s voice came from the phone, you watched with envy as she jumped up and down while having her arms wrapped around Jack’s neck.
“So he can go and celebrate her birthday with her but not celebrate my birthday, his own girlfriend.” Your voice barley above a whisper you felt like breaking down and crying but what justice would that bring you.
“He’s an asshole and why would he go and celebrate her birthday last time I checked she had a man no? Jack’s with you not her and I can see all of the blogs now.” Drea hated Jayda she always felt that Jayda had this secret motive to take Jack from you.
“Well let’s not jump to conclusions or say and do things we might regret, I’m sure he’ll have an even better and bigger gift for you Y/N.” Arianna gave you hand a light squeeze before paying the bill.
Maybe Arianna was right you didn’t want to jump to conclusions and assume the worse but what were you supposed to do or feel when your boyfriend gifted some girl one of the most expensive gifts known to man.
You arrived back to your house and started getting ready for your birthday dinner, Arianna and Drea tried many times to cheer you up and take your mind off of Jack but it wasn’t working. You’ve been sending him several messages ever since you saw that he was with Jayda and everytime it would say he read the message but he never replied.
Just as you were about to text him again your phone was snatched out of your hands.
“Arianna give me my phone back please. I need to text Jack.”
“Again? You’ve been texting him all day don’t think I haven’t noticed you aren’t texting him. You’re not getting your phone back till your birthday is over.”
“What? You can’t do that.”
“Yes I can and I will. It’s your birthday and if Jack wants to be hangout with some botched barbie of hollywood then let him but today is your special day and you won’t be sitting around and crying about him anymore, now get up so I can do your hair.”
“And you’ll be taking shots you haven’t taken not one shot today and that isn’t the type of birthday behavior we want!” Drea’s voice came from downstairs you shook your head and laughed at the two of them, you were beyond grateful to have two amazing friends like them in your life.
After Arianna finished your hair you quickly put on your birthday outfit and took a few shots with Drea, just enough shots to make you a little tipsy.
“Are you ready to have the best night of your life?” Drea asked and linked both of your arms together as the two of you walked towards the club.
“I’m definitely ready, I want to get fucked up tonight.”
“Trust me you’ll regret ever telling me that.” Drea smirked and you gulped maybe you were going to regret that decision.
Once inside you were immediately pulled over to the bar by Drea, she had you taking shots and drinks back to back like it was nothing.
“How are you feeling!” She yelled and you giggled not really finding what was funny but all you knew was the alcohol was taking over, your legs began to tingle something that always happened when you drank alcohol.
“I’m feeling wonderful!! How are you feeling?” You giggled and fell forward a bit but luckily she caught you.
“I’m feeling wonderful too!”
“Why are we yelling?” Someone said from behind the two of you, looking behind you it was Druski and Urban.
“Druski! Urban! I missed you two so much, what are you guys doing here?” You pulled them both in for a hug which they happily accepted and returned back.
“Why wouldn’t we be here? It’s your birthday after all.” Urban added on.
“Well I just thought the two of you would’ve forgotten because clearly Jack did.” Urban and Druski frowned they were mad when they found out Jack was out celebrating Jayda’s birthday and not yours but according to Jack your birthday can wait.
“Well don’t worry about him I’m sure he’ll show up later maybe or at least we hope he does.” Druski said and Urban nodded his head in agreement.
“Well for now let’s just enjoy the night? I heard Arianna’s fine ass is here point me into the direction where shawty is.” You rolled your eyes but pointed towards the table where Arianna sat.
“Let’s make this night one of the books Y/L.” Urban took your hand and took you to the dance floor, Urban wasn’t the best at dancing but he tried his best to dance with you throughout the dance. Urban and Druski kept true to their words and made sure you had the best night of your life.
Jack didn’t flood your mind once, you laughed watching how Druski tried to flirt with Arianna who kept making gross and gagging noises whenever he did, Urban was flirting up a storm with a few of your friends you’ve known since diapers. The only thing that would’ve made tonight better if Jack was here thinking about Jack honestly made you sober up.
Once the party was over Urban and Druski offered to take you back home, after they dropped off Arianna and Drea it was now your turn.
Checking your phone you frowned seeing Jack still hasn’t answered back any of your texts from earlier but it was clear he read every single one.
“You still haven’t heard from Jack?” Urban asked you from the passenger seat.
“No I haven’t yet.” You replied back and looked out the window. Druski and Urban gave each other knowing looks.
When you arrived back to your shared apartment with Jack you thanked Urban and Druski.
“Do you want us to come up? You know make sure you’re all tucked in and what not.” Urban asked, smiling warmly at him you nodded.
“I’d love that Urban.”
Urban and Druski walked you upstairs towards your apartment you wen to unlock the door but furrowed your eyebrows noticing the door was already unlocked.
“Did you not lock it earlier?”
“I locked it earlier I’m not sure why it’s opened.” You opened the door and looked round the living room confused why was there clothes spread throughout the entire living room.
“Damn Drea and Arianna sure don’t know how to clean up after themselves or what. That shit is a turn off.” Druski said which made Urban smack his chest.
“This isn’t Drea’s or Arianna’s bra, this shit is way too cheap looking.” You told them and that’s when you started making your way up the stairs.
“Maybe we should go back downstairs Y/N and wait for Jack.” Urban tried to reassure you but you weren’t trying to hear any of it. If you felt in your heart what you were about to witness was true you weren’t sure what you were going to do.
Upon opening the door you so badly wished what you saw in front of you was just a terrible nightmare. You stared in amazement as Jack’s lips attached to Jayda’s body, you watched how his hand traveled upward and cupped her face as he depended the kiss.
“Hey Jack..Jayda.” He pulled away from her lips and looked at you with his eyes wide.
“It isn’t what it looks like baby.”
“It isn’t what it looks like? It looks crystal clear to me Jack you’re a cheater and to make matters worse you cheated on me on my own birthday, you never even told me happy birthday.” You told him your voice barley above a whisper.
“Please Y/N let’s talk this out baby, I’ve just been so stressed and overwhelmed.” You cut him off and shook your head at him.
“I just hope you’re happy with your decision, happy birthday to me huh?”
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thelikesofus · 2 years
Buddie Fic Recs
So I've never made one of these rec lists before so bear with me but I felt like the authors in this fandom deserved some loving so here's a few that I've read recently(ish) that I wanted to pass on. I’m going to try to do this semi-regularly maybe. 
Pleaseee please don’t get upset if your fic isn’t on the list, my intention is not to upset anyone that being said if you have a fic (yours or someone else's) that you wanna send me to read then please do! I am always looking for new recs for myself) ❤️
drink the river dry by Rianne (@rianneeyre)
It wasn’t until they were discussing his discharge paperwork and painkiller schedules that it really sunk in for Eddie that Buck would be staying with him and Christopher. That he would be around 24/7 except for his shifts at work. That he’ll sleep on the couch, where he’s been sleeping for days now to look after Christopher. The worst part is that it’s necessary—Eddie isn’t going to be able to do a damn thing for himself for the next couple of weeks. He’s lucky if he can put a shirt on by himself a month from now. Yeah, that’s going to be a problem.
Or: Eddie gets shot, breaks up with his girlfriend, and pines like there’s no tomorrow.
as the lights go down by BekkaChaos (@bekkachaos)
Buck is trying to adjust the neighbourhood power supply to stop the newly hung Christmas lights from tripping out, but he is not as handy as he thinks. Eddie watches from the bottom of the ladder, knowing things can only end badly.
Under Kitchen Light by WheelsUpIn_Five (@two-cut-lines)
It’s 3am and the left-hand side of the bed is cold. Buck’s tired fingers grasp at the sheets, his brain lagging behind.
“Eddie?” It’s mumbled, barely audible, and receives no answer. He prises his eyes open and fumbles for his bedside lamp to push back the shadows of the pitch-black room. He’s alone, and Eddie’s place is cold.
from the ashes by casfallsinlove (@oliverstarked)
It makes the breath catch in Buck’s lungs. He doesn’t know how it’s possible when he’s just spoken to him but suddenly he misses Eddie with such a fierce intensity that it leaves him aching. He presses the phone to his chest so hard it hurts, but he wants the words inside of him, wants them bruised onto his skin and scratched into his ribs. You’re the love of my fucking life, he wants to say back. What he actually types is just as honest.
Sent 10:53pm I miss you.
In which Buck's father dies and Buck takes the long way home.
Sometime Around Midnight by Bob_loblaws_lawblog (@buddierights)
Every moment Buck feels as if he loves Eddie as much as possible, and every moment he’s proven wrong by falling even more in love. He’s proven wrong again as Eddie shifts so he’s facing Buck, lifting his leg onto the couch so that his shin is flush against Buck’s thigh, bringing them closer.
“Buck.” Eddie speaks his name quietly, like its something precious. And Buck falls even more as Eddie captures his gaze in those warm, brown eyes.
OR a series of miscommunication leads to confusion and mistakes, until everything finally becomes clear.
blue enough to bruise by renecdote (@renecdote)
Two things happen at once:
Buck overbalances, arm slipping from around the bridge.
The rope snaps.
They lock eyes for a second, half a second, Buck’s wide and afraid, Eddie’s probably a match with the way his heart is pounding hard enough to hurt, nothing either of them can do, knowing that there is nothing either of them can do, and then—Buck is falling.
love finds a way by alkaysani (@alkaysanii)
It was a quiet day after a long shift, and Buck landed in Eddie’s home instead of his own loft afterwards, dead on his feet. After a much-needed shower and takeout, he found himself wrapped in a throw blanket that Abuela made for Eddie that he keeps on the couch, Eddie pressed against him, their legs intertwined after the man just dropped beside him, eyes already on the TV.
For twenty days and twenty nights, the emperor penguin will march to a place so extreme it supports no other life. In the harshest places on earth, love finds a way.
“Love finds a way,” Eddie mutters, so softly that Buck’s not even sure if he realizes that he’s doing it, but he’s turning to look at him anyway. What he finds is beautiful: Eddie’s brown eyes illuminated by the light coming from the television, reflecting the white and blue of the snow on the screen.
OR the one where Buck finds love again while watching March of the Penguins with Eddie
out of ashes by ashavahishta (@ashavahishta)
“They found Buck.”
Hen’s hand goes to her chest. Chim stumbles like he’s been hit, hand curling around the back of a chair for balance.
And Eddie -
Eddie’s knees give out. He’s lucky there’s a chair right under him because he just buckles, head in hands, trying to remember how to breathe.
“Is he - did they - what…what did they find?”
“He’s alive.”
“What?” Eddie’s head snaps up.
If you do read any of these, please show the authors some love. Leave kudos, comments, stalk their tumblrs etc. maybe make a rec list of your own? Share the love around peeps and have a wonderful rest of your week xxxx
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lampmanliveblogs · 4 months
(+ sneak peek of chapter 3 of the Vee fic)
I mentioned it in the tags of the incorrect quote meme thing I made yesterday, but in case anyone missed it: My liveblog of Watching and Dreaming, the finale of The Owl House will be published this upcoming Friday.
The plan is to publish it in three parts over the weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The time will be… whenever I get to it. Turn on notifications if you wanna be there in time. Or just read it afterwards, nothing wrong with that.
In other news… I’ve been staying up too late writing fanfiction again (especially considering I’ve got work tomorrow…). So below the cut is a little sneak peek of chapter three of the Vee fic, Yesterday’s Lie, Today’s Truth, Tomorrow’s Resolve.
(the chapter title is a placeholder, I'm probaably gonna change it... provided i think of something better)
Lamp Entertainment presents…
With the threat of Jacob still on their minds, Vee and Masha agreed that it was probably for the best if Vee didn’t spend the night alone in an empty house. It took some pleading, but Masha was eventually able to convince their parents to let ’Luz’ stay over for the night, even though next day was a school day.
It probably helped that ’Luz’ was such a well-mannered and well-kept girl; Vee showed up looking closer to her old disguise, with the addition of a scar across her eyebrow. It was strange to see her slip so effortlessly and fluidly back into that role. She really was every bit the same girl from camp. Masha’s parents certainly never suspected a thing. They bought her every lie like it was on discount.
Thus Vee ended up sleeping on an air mattress on the floor in Masha’s room. Exhausted after everything that had happened during the day and the night before, the two friends both drifted off to sleep quickly.
Some hours later, Masha woke up, sitting straight up in their bed, blinking in the darkness. Something was wrong, but being disoriented and groggy, it took them a few seconds to figure out what it was. Vee was crying.
In the dark, Masha couldn’t see what was going on, but they heard Vee tossing and turning, her whimpers and incoherent mumbles.
”Vee?” Masha said, trying to speak soft enough to not scare her, but loud enough to wake her up. They fumbled in the shadows, trying to reach her. ”Vee, wake up.” They found Vee, grabbing her shoulder. They felt her scales against their palm; she had transformed back in her sleep. ”Vee, you have to wake up,” Masha said, louder this time while gently shaking her.
Vee groaned and mumbled something. Masha could just barely make out her movements a she turned over and sat up, making the air mattress squeak.
”Wha-where?” Vee mumbled, clearly disoriented.
”You’re here with me, remember?” Masha said. ”I think you had a nightmare.” They fumbled around their bedside table, grabbing a box of matches and lighting a candle. Because of course they had a candle on their bedside table.
In the flickering light of the candle, Masha could just make out Vee, tangled in her borrowed blanket. Her eyes were wet and blank. She breathed heavily.
”Yeah…” she said finally. ”I had a nightmare. I-I dreamt I was back in the Demon Realm with Luz and mom and…” She paused for a few seconds, taking deep breaths. When she started talking again, the words all came at once. ”Something happened and they got hurt and I couldn’t stop it, I couldn’t help them.”
”It was just a nightmare,” Masha said, trying to come up with something to say that to comfort Vee. ”It’s only natural, you’re worried about Luz and Camila.” Keeping one hand on the bedside table, they leaned forward to keep the other hand on Vee’s shoulder. Even if their words weren’t good enough, at least they could be there physically for her. ”But you said it yourself, they’re both tough, I’m-I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Masha was nowhere near as good a liar as Vee. How could they say that when they had no idea?
”I know,” Vee said, her gaze lowering towards a dark shadow on the floor. ”But… I keep thinking I should have gone with them. What if they need my help? What if-?”
Vee was interrupted when Masha cursed violently. The candle fell over, right onto the deck of Hexas Hold’em cards, setting one of them on fire. Vee reacted quickly, snatching the card and smothering the flames with her bare hands. Masha blew on the candle, extinguishing it and plunging the room back to darkness.
”I’m so sorry, i must’ve knocked it over,” Masha said. Foregoing the aesthetics of the candle for the practicality of their phone, Masha turned on the flashlight. ”You didn’t burn yourself, did you?”
”No,” Vee said, showing her unharmed palms. ”Those were just small flames, it’s fine. The card looks a bit worse for wear though.” She handed Masha the burned card. It was The Light, almost entirely burnt. ”I’ll get you a knew one, I’ve got a few decks back at home.” She blinked and rubbed her eyes in the light. ”Could you turn that off?”
”Sure,” Masha said and turned the flashlight off. They heard Vee moving around, trying to untangle herself from the blanket and lying back down. Masha also laid back down.
A couple of minutes went by where Masha wondered if they should say something more. They didn’t need to.
”I couldn’t go back,” Vee said quietly, almost whispering. ”I just couldn’t go back yet. Not with him there.”
Him. Philip Wittebane. Emperor Belos. Once human, now something else. The shambling, rotting corpse of a tyrant and bigot, a genocidal maniac, a murderer.
”I don’t like to talk about it,” Vee said, her voice just barely audible. She took a deep, unsteady, shaking breath. ”But he hurt me. He hurt all of us. He and his guards with their knives and needles. They’d force us to eat and steal magic from defenseless creatures. It was all we knew. When I was little, Number One was still kind, but over the years… I watched them turn her into the monster they thought we were.”
Vee sniffled and Masha heard rustling as she dried tears from her eyes.
”The cages were always cold,” she continued. ”They kept us in cold cages so we’d be docile and not try to escape. I remember when I was little, the happiest day of my life before I came here, was when they moved us to a new place. It was the first time I saw the sun. And I remember it like it was yesterday because… that was the first time I felt alive.” Vee sighed and Masha heard more rustling. In the dark they could just barely make out her big, bright yellow eyes. ”I’m sorry you had to hear this,” Vee said.
”It’s okay,” Masha said, even though they were struggling to hold back their own tears. Every word Vee said was like a knife to their heart. These poor creatures, locked up and experimented on, not even given proper names, only numbers. How could anyone be so cruel? ”I just wish there was something I could say to make it better.”
Vee reached out, taking their hand in hers. She ran her thumb over the back of Masha’s hand. The scales on the palm of her hand were softer, almost indistinguishable from human skin. Just a little colder.
”It’s enough that you’re here,” Vee said.”I couldn’t ask for more.”
They held hands for some time, how long they didn’t know. In another room, a big grandfather clock chimed, but neither of them bothered to count the chimes.
”Masha?” Vee said after a long silence.
”Hm?” they hummed in response.
”Can I… sleep next to you?” Vee asked, hesitating. ”It’s cold on the floor…”
Without a word they let go of Vee’s hand and moved over to make room for her.
Vee slithered into the bed with Masha.
”Thank you,” she whispered.
Chapter 3: Clara’s Tide
Morning came too soon, its arrival announced by the blaring ringing of an alarm clock. Masha’s eyes snapped open and they tried to sit up to quiet horrible cacophony the little noisemaker was making. However, they found themselves unable to move much at all. There was a moment of panic, though it faded away quickly as they realized the predicament they were in.
In the morning grogginess, they had somehow managed to forget they were not alone in their bed. Now, that bed was not meant for two people, but Vee had maybe taken things a bit too far.
Facing each other, Vee’s arms were tightly locked around Masha’s body and her tail tangled in their legs. Their back was against the wall while Vee’s was out towards the room, almost like she was shielding them. Her face was nuzzled against Masha’s shoulder and she was beginning to slowly sir, groaning as the alarm’s incessant yowls invaded her dreams.
”Foul screaming demon,” she muttered.
”No, that’s just the alarm clock, ” Masha said.
This got Vee’s attention. She opened her eyes, sky blue and sunshine yellow meeting Masha’s earthy brown.
”Good morning,” Masha said, a smile playing on their lips as they watched Vee’s face turn a deeper color.
”Uh…” Vee quickly let go of Masha and did her best to untangle her tail from their legs. Finally able to move properly, Masha sat up and turned off the infernal alarm.
”S-sorry about that,” Vee mumbled, avoiding eye contact. ”I, um… constrictor instinct?”
Masha narrowed their eyes.
”I’m beginning to think you’re making that up.
”Maybe~” Vee said with a sly smile.
There was a moment of silence before they both burst out laughing, instantly dispelling the awkward tension between them.
The mood shifted from jovial to sheer panic when their laughing fit was interrupted by a knock on the door.
”Masha, Luz?” Mom’s voice sounded through the door. ”You two awake?” She asked, as if she hadn’t heard them laughing.
”Eep!” In what must have been a record, Vee managed to, in under two seconds, roll off the bed, transform mid-air, and land on the cold hard floor with a ”thud.”
Masha’s mom opened the door to find Masha sitting in their bed, looking confused, and Luz sitting on the floor, eyes wide and with a distinctively panicked expression.
”G-good morning mrs. Smith!” ’Luz’ said with a nervous smile.
”Morning Luz, you sleep well?” mom asked, though she was looking at Masha, looking suspicious. ”And you can call me Lena.”
”Yup, uh… nothing but sweet dreams for me,” ’Luz’ laughed. ”And, um… thanks for letting me stay here. I know it was on very short notice and all that…”
”Don’t mention it,” mom said. ”There’s breakfast downstairs. You go ahead, I need to talk a bit with Masha.”
”Okay…” ’Luz’ said and quietly hurried out of the room. Something about her invoked the feeling of a guilty puppy.
The silence she left behind was deafening.
”She is strange, that Luz,” Lena said after making sure that ’Luz’ was out of earshot. She leaned down (something that put visible strain on her, more than usual, Masha noticed) and placed a hand on the cold air mattress. ”Sleeps on the floor, does she?”
She walked over and sat down next to them.
Masha wanted to roll their eyes, but that involved a risk of meeting their mother’s eyes, and that was not happening right now. They were far too busy examining a seam on the duvet. Had that always been there? Fascinating stuff.
”Luz had a nightmare,” Masha said once they realized their mom was waiting for them to say something. ”She asked if she could sleep next to me. That’s it.”
It’s been said an proven by history that the best lies often have a bit of truth in them, and this was more than just a bit. It was almost the entirety of the truth. Really, there was only one word on untruth. One name a lie.
”Hmm…” Lena hummed. ”Do I believe that?”
”Luz has a girlfriend,” Masha said, starting to get a bit desperate for this conversation to end.
”Luz can have two… partners,” Lena said matter-of-factly. ”It’s called a polycule, don’t you know?” She could barely finish the sentence before cracking a big smile.
This time, Masha did roll their eyes.
”I know, mom,” they sighed. ”But it really isn’t like that.”
”I’m just messing with you,” Lena said with a mischievous smile, ruffling her kids hair, making it even more of a mess than it already was. ”I think I’ll believe you. You make people feel safe, I think. You get that from your dad.”
She glanced over at the clock and stood back up with a groan.
”You should get going too if you wanna catch the bus,” she said. ”And…” A brief moment of consideration. She placed one hand on her stomach, unaware she even did it. ”We do have something to tell you when you get home. It is, ah… something of a surprise.”
”Oh yeah, I can’t imagine what it is,” Masha muttered just low enough that their mom couldn’t make it out. Taking it as confirmation, she left.
Masha buried their face in their hands and groaned loudly. That was… that sure was something that just happened. The universe, it seemed, had decided that all the things were going to happen to Masha during the course of this week.
They grabbed the deck of Hexas Hold’em cards, shuffled them, and drew the first three cards.
The Raven. The Red String. The Two-Headed Snake.
…yeah, they were not gonna acknowledge that one.
”I feel like I keep getting the same cards over and over again,” Masha muttered and shuffled the deck again. ”What does today have in store for me?” This time they did get something different.
The Numbers, a card filled with equations. The Runner, a four legged creature galloping across the card. The Books, an uneven stack of thick tomes written in runes foreign to the human world.
At that point, Masha was starting to suspect a pattern.
”Number, running, and books…,” they said to themselves. ”In other words, math, PE, and English.” Accurate, but very helpful. Then again, maybe it was for the better. A normal, boring, uneventful day at school would do them good after the last few days.
A normal, boring, uneventful day at school, that was all Vee was asking for. It would have done her some good after the last few days, but no, that was not to be.
Vee and Masha had just barely managed to catch the bus, and if that was the most exciting thing that happened that day, then that would have been perfectly fine by Vee, she’d welcome it. The little mundane problems, the things human teenagers are supposed to worry about, like school, homework, and asking their crush out. One of those weighed heavy on Vee’s mind.
All of them being older than Luz, none of the Cabin 7 crew shared a class with Vee, which was a bit sad. They’d have to make due meeting up at lunch, where Masha was sure to be bursting with excitement to tell the boys what they and Vee had discovered. They were not the only one with news to tell though.
She was first to the classroom and first sat at her desk, watching as the rest of the students walked to their seats. As people filled the room, so did the various smells Vee was used to by now. Mostly sweat, hormones, and cheap deodorant. It was a room full of teenagers after all. It was all rather normal… until Clara passed by Vee.
Instinctively, Vee took a deep breath, her body realizing before her brain that something was off. Unaware, Clara, who looked rather glum, sat down at her usual place, the desk right in front of Vee.
Clara Lambretta, how would one describe her? Who’s she?
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