#but yeah at least his paw looks cool
layraket · 1 year
The creature of the Wild!
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Aka Wild, cub and champion
Creature: Red fox
Type: Predator
Position: Carries the food with him, helps with orientation
Diet: Mostly meat, honestly he can eat anything
-His paw was too much damaged that he needed something to keep it working, so now with it can collect things and use his functions (basically the sheikah slate but is his extremity)
-At first he seems to be very... Wild. He is, but also is very smart like every fox, even knows how to cook the meat on fire to make it so much better
-He can see with his left eye, but its very blurry
-Likes to hang out with Twilight and Time, mostly to play with Twi
-The first time he meet Four almost get a needle dunk on his paw, but now theyre in good terms
-Sometimes plays chase with Hyrule and Legend, the last one just getting into to make sure the little fairy dont get hurt
-The first time that he put the Light Charm on she almost killed him, sucking his energy from his body almost draining him completely.
-Still doesnt know abt Twi shifting into Hylian.
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mochiwrites · 5 months
Jellie tends to be a very curious cat, sometimes. She likes poking her nose into places it doesn’t belong, or snatching things from Scar and Grian when they catch her interest.
Maybe Scar should’ve known better, then.
He sits in his and Grian’s bedroom (it’s been theirs pretty much after the second month Scar moved in), a ring in his hands. The metal is cool against his palm, a soft rose gold. The band isn’t anything special, a simple engraving in it. Scar knew Grian would throw a fit if he found out Scar spent so many diamonds on the ring. So he tried to get something reasonable.
He can spoil Grian with the actual ring.
If he says yes, that is. Just the thought makes a shiver run of Scar’s spine. Is he really doing this? He and Grian have only been together for a year and a half, but Scar just knows that he’s the one. There isn’t any doubt in his mind about it. But does Grian feel the same?
Jellie jumps up on the bed next to Scar, meowing at him. She brushes her head against his arm as she settles beside him, and Scar smiles. “Well hello there beautiful lady. Are we requesting pets?” he teases as he brushes a hand through her fur. She curls up close to him, leaning into his touch. Scar sighs softly, scratching behind her ear. “I don’t know Jellie… do you think he’ll say yes?” he asks quietly. She stares blankly up at him. “Yeah okay, fair enough.”
Past their bedroom, the front door opens and shuts. “Scar, I’m home!”
Scar jumps up, disturbing a content Jellie. He shoots her an apologetic look, giving her one last pet. But the most crucial piece?
He makes the mistake of leaving the engagement ring on the bed.
As Scar walks out the room to greet his boyfriend, Jellie takes to making their bed her own. Yet as she moves, the shiny ring catches her attention. She tilts her head, curious about the shiny object. Sticking a paw out, she swats it. Again. And again. And again. Until the ring tips over the side of the bed, dropping to the floor with a ‘plop.’
Her pupils widen in that playful way they tend to do, wiggling before she pounces.
Oblivious to what his cat is doing, Scar is sweeping his boyfriend into a hug. “How was work?” he questions, looking down at Grian with a curious yet soft gaze.
“Tiring,” Grian huffs, content to melt into Scar’s grasp. He lifts his arms, returning the embrace as he does so. “I had to remake the blueprint at least five times until the guy was happy with it.”
Scar winces, “Eesh. Now I’m kind of glad he only wanted you to meet with him.”
Grian glowers at him in return, though the look is entirely playful. “Yeah, yeah.” He leans up, brushing their lips together in a soft kiss. “Consider yourself lucky.”
“I think I will, thank you.” Scar grins, stealing a kiss. “How does a movie and dinner sound?” He bumps their noses together as he smiles.
“Let me think about it,” Grian hums, booping his nose against Scar’s as he does so. “As long as there’s ice cream after.”
Scar lets out an affronted gasp, pulling away. “I’m offended you think there wouldn’t be ice cream after all!” he says as he walks toward the kitchen. “Go sit! I’ll grab the takeout leftovers.”
Laughing, Grian takes his shoes off and heads over into their living room. He finds Jellie there, playing with something caught between her paws. He fondly shakes his head at her, “What do you have now, miss?”
Jellie looks up at him with a meow as she swats at whatever it is she’s deemed her new toy, chasing at it. However, said mystery object knocks into Grian’s foot, and he gets it first.
Leaning down, Grian picks up what appears to be a rose gold ring. He inspects it in his hand, eyebrows knit together as he does. “Where did this come from?” He blinks at it, looking down at Jellie. “Did you rob someone?”
Jellie sits in front of him, slowly blinking. The perfect picture of innocence.
Shaking his head with a faint laugh, Grian looks at the ring again. His heart skips a beat as he really takes in the detail of it. He certainly didn’t buy it. Did Scar? And if he did then….
Heart a little louder, he turns to his boyfriend. “Hey, Scar?”
“Yes, love of my life?”
“Any clue what this is?”
Scar walks into the living room, the soft crackles of a furnace behind him. He pauses when he notices what Grian is holding in his hand. His eyes go wide, looking a little pale. To the side of Grian, he spots the movement of Jellie’s tail, and looks directly at her. “Traitor,” he mutters.
“Scar?” Grian questions, confused and… maybe a bit nervous.
“Haha uh… any chance we can forget this all happened and revisit it like. Next month?” Scar weakly chuckles, the epitome of nerves as he looks at Grian.
“What’s going on?” Grian’s brows furrow in confusion, a bit of concern leaking into his expression.
Scar knows trying to lie about it is practically pointless. Grian is too curious and too stubborn to let it go. And now that he’s seen the ring… Scar takes in a shaky breath. “Void, alright. Guess we’re doing this.”
He walks over to Grian, “May I?” He gestures for the ring, and Grian slowly nods. He hands the ring over to Scar, who accepts it with shaking hands. “Okay.” Scar sucks in a breath, unbelieving that he’s really doing this right now.
Slowly, Scar drops down on one knee in front of Grian, watching the way the other’s eyes go wide. But something about the position doesn’t feel quite right. Brows furrowing, Scar sets his other knee on the carpet below. “G? Mind kneeling with me here?” he asks, to which Grian nods. He joins Scar on the carpet, kneeling with him as well. “Much better,” he hums, pleased.
“Scar what?” Grian questions, lost and confused, and goodness his heart is beating so fast.
“I uh, I had a whole thing planned out, but Jellie seems to have thrown a wrench into all that,” Scar chuckles. “But it’s fine! I can improvise, who needs a plan?” He does. He needs a plan. Shaking his head, Scar reaches for one of Grian’s hands, grasping it in his own. He takes a measured breath, and begins to speak.
“I love you. More than words will ever be able to describe, G. You’ve done so much for me, more than I think I’ll ever be able to thank you for. You found me on the street, and despite being scammed by me, you still offered me a roof to live under, and a home to heal in.” Grian’s eyes are focused on him, listening with rapt attention. His gaze only worsens Scar’s nerves, heart beating a mile a minute. “You’re stubborn and witty, and sometimes you steal the blanket from me.”
Grian laughs.
Scar loves the sound.
“You don’t let me wallow in self pity, or memories of the harder times. You’re endlessly kind to both myself and Jellie, and everyone around you, even if your patience runs a little thin and you get snippy. We may get into a minor disagreement here and there, but you always come back around to me.” Scar smiles softly at him, so painfully fond and loving. “Back on that world… I never thought I would get to live life again. Or even enjoy the night sky without being afraid. It felt like a part of me was always missing, but I found that part with you.”
“Scar…” Grian trails off, face going red.
“G, you’re my home, my light. I want to spend every day waking up next to you and messing up pancake batter with you,” Scar laughs, the sound wet and shaky. Grian laughs with him, sounding just as affected. “I want to hold you on your bad days, and on your good ones. I want to be there through everything, for the rest of our lives. You’ve reminded me what it’s like to live and love, what it’s like to be me. There’s no one else for me, my heart and souls are yours.”
Scar swallows, holding the ring out to him. “So… will you entangle your life with mine forever? And marry me?” His expression turns bashful as he asks, and Grian is red in the face.
“You…” he trails off, amazed and in disbelief all at once. He looks between Scar and the ring, and he shakes his head. “I’ve been trying for days to find the perfect way of proposing to you, and you go and pull the rug right out from under me,” he laughs. “Curse how perfect you are sometimes.”
“C’mon G, you’re really leaving me hanging here!” Scar whines at him, making Grian laugh all over again.
Grian wraps his arms around Scar’s shoulders, pressing their lips together. “Yes, you spoon. I don’t want anyone else. Just you.”
If their neighbors hear how loudly Scar yells, well… it’s a warm congratulations to the newly engaged couple.
Jellie watches her humans cry in each others arms, tail flicking lazily at her side. She better get extra treats for this.
(It’s only later, when they’re sitting on the couch, curled into each other, that Scar realizes what Grian said. He turns to him, “Wait, you were planning to propose too?”
Grian snorts with laughter, “Hadn’t even picked out a ring, but yes Scar, I was.”)
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d0youc0py · 9 months
So, I have a request for angst, but with Young Reader, and they actually do call them an ask for help or a place to stay for a bit because of a nasty fight they got into with their parents and just need to leave the situation, perhaps they could have hid an injury(Welt, slap mark, bruising) from the boys only for boys to see it when they take off their coat/jacket. Its cool if you dont feel comfortable with this ask, you dont have to do it.
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“Hey, John.” You started into the phone.
“You alright, Honey?” He questioned. You nearly rolled your eyes. The man had known you since you were as tall as his knee and could always tell when something was wrong.
“Not really.” You lied. You scrunched your face and took a deep breath. “Actually yeah- my mom came home in one of her moods again, but”-
“Where are you? I’ll come and get you.”
You could hear his car keys jingle on the other line and the familiar sound of his truck door slamming shut.
“I’m at the park down the street.”
“Hold tight, honey. I’ll be right there.”
It was about a fifteen minute wait. John lived all the way out in the country, another thing you loved about him. His truck pulled up and he quickly hopped out to open the door for you.
“Thanks John.” You sighed, giving him a quick hug.
“Course, honey. Now how about we go get some dinner, hmm?” He patted your back. It was gentle but enough to make you wince.
He took you to your favorite restaurant, the same one your father use to take you to. He sat across from you, not needing to look over the menu. His soft blue eyes trained on you.
“You ready to talk about it?” John asked. Your eyes peered up from behind the menu. You don’t know why you were even looking at it in the first place. You always ordered the same thing.
“Same old thing.” You responded, sifting in your seat.
“Don’t give me that, honey.” He pressed. “You’ve never called me before. I always hear about a fight after I’ve shaken you down.” He offered you a small smile. It’s wasn’t one of pity, but understanding. He’s always been there for you, so why won’t you just tell him the truth?
“Don’t get mad.” You whispered. John instantly faltered. It was a common cycle. When he was on leave he’d take you out at least two times a week. You’d tell him about some shitty thing your mom said to you and he’d race over to your house and threaten her to knock it off. She’d be on her best behavior for about a week, then the cycle would repeat itself. “Look you’re already upset.” You gave a fake chuckle.
“Honey.” He huffed. His eyes bore into yours with such intensity it made your tiny hairs stand up.
“It started off just like our fights always do. She started yelling and I just made my way to my room to bunker down for the night.” You stopped to take a small sip of your water.
“You locked the door?” John hummed. He had built you a special lock to go on your door.
“I didn’t make it that far.” You murmured, tears forming in your eyes. John’s hand reached across the table attaching to yours, giving you an encouraging squeeze. “She threw something at me.” You whispered.
“Threw something at you.” He repeated.
“I know it so stupid.” Your hands left his to paw at your eyes. You hated crying. His hands remained on the table giving you the option to return to him.
“She hurt you honey? That’s the furthest thing from stupid.”
“It was one of those ceramic cats she collects. It hit me in the back.” You gasped. You wouldn’t doubt if there was a large bruise forming as you spoke. “Do you mind if I stay with you for a little bit? Just till things cool down?”
“Honey, you could come live with me.” He assured. This wasn’t the first time he offered, but giving the increasing hostility your mother was showing this was the first time you really considered it.
“I don’t think I can just live with you, John. Isn’t that illegal- like kidnapping or something.” You sputtered.
“That’s not for you to worry about, honey. I’ll handle everything, just take some time and think about it.”
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He woke up to the sound of glass shattering so loud it sounded like it was in his room. His body made quick work of throwing the covers off and heading towards his front door. He didn’t bother to shut his door behind him or throw on a pair of shoes. His body was already hot and shaking with anger. His fist pounded against your front door giving some warning of his presence before he used his shoulder to nearly split the door open.
He quickly found you on the floor your mother grabbing at your hair.
“Shit!” Your father yelled from the kitchen. Your father had been enjoying the whole spectacle of your mother tormenting you with a smile and a beer in his hand. Your mother look up at Simon, her own eyes growing wide with fear. He grabbed her by the arm throwing her backwards off of you.
“Who the fuck do you thi”- Your father started.
“Shut up and sit down.” Simon growled. Your father quickly obeyed siting down at the counter, your mother scurrying backwards to join him.
“Come on kid, on your feet.” He was soft with you, refusing to add anymore trauma to the situation. He wrapped an arm around your middle to steady you and you hid your face in shame.
“You can’t just take them. I’ll have the police dow”- Your father spoke up again.
“I told you to shut it. And what? You gonna call the police on me tough guy? Do it.” Simon spat. Your father piped down again the realization of his threat setting in. Simon led you out of your apartment and into his own. “Sit down, tell me where you’re hurt. Might need to take you to the hospital after that one, kid.”
The only way you could respond was through sobs. You practically threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his middle. He sighed softly, not in contempt but in mercy. He wrapped a bulky arm around you, using your head as a chin rest. He related to you in all the worst ways.
“I don’t wanna go back.” You sobbed against him.
“I know you’re scared.” He said softly. “You’re gonna stay with me for a while, yeah? You have a key anyways might as well.”
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He groaned as his phone went off from somewhere in his bed. He patted around, his eyes burning as the made contact with the blinding light.
Your face lighting up his phone ripped the drowsiness from his body.
“What’s wrong, kiddo?” His voice was gruff and he cleared his throat.
“Mac.” You cried from the other end.
“Fuckin hell.” He growled. “Where are you, sweetheart?”
“I’m sorry. They just started yelling at me and I got scared and now I don’t know what to do.” You sobbed.
“You did exactly what you were suppose to do. You called me. Now take a few breaths and tell me where you are. It’s late you shouldn’t be out by yourself.” He slipped his feet into his shoes and grabbed his keys from the entry table. He opened the door only to come face to face with you. His face scrunched as he took in your appearance. Your hair a mess, your face tear stained and you were shaking uncontrollably.
His heart dropped when he caught sight of a ruby colored mark on your cheek.
“That better not be what I think it is.” He gritted. You just cried harder. “Inside, now.” He snipped, making room for you brush past him.
“No, Mac please.” You sobbed. Your hands fled towards his arm and you leaned against him. You needed comfort. You needed assurance that everything was going to be okay.
“I’ll be back in twenty minutes. I can’t just let them get away with it Y/N.” He snarled. He gave you a kiss on the head. He began to pull his arm away but you just gripped him harder.
“Mac, please. I need you.” Your voice was soft. So weak and so vulnerable it made him stop dead in his tracks. “Please.” You whispered again. An apology flowed from his mouth and he quickly wrapped two strong arms around you, pulling you tight against him. You instantly relaxed.
“You’re right.” He murmured. “You’re safe now.”
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“Ky, Can I stay with you please?”
You had asked him that a little over a week ago. He agreed immediately- perks of being one of his most favorite people on the planet. You didn’t really tell him why, just that you had gotten into a small ‘altercation’ with your parents.
That brings you to where you are today.
“If you don’t want me I can just leave Kyle.” You huffed, already collecting your things from the guest bedroom.
“Lovie, don’t do that!” He shouted after you. “My door is always open for you and you know that. I would just like to know exactly what happened. Considering you’re practically living with me now I think I have a right to know.” He explained. He grabbed the things out of your bag, hanging them up again.
“Kyle, stop! I’ve obviously overstayed my welcome. I’ll be out for your hair in no time.” You rubbed at your face harshly, trying to rid yourself of any tears.
“Y/N. Enough. Please stop.” His words were firm. It made you cry harder. “I didn’t mean to upset you so bad.” He assured. His hands came up and grabbed your wrists so he could get a better look at your face. He pulled you close to him. “I also need to know how upset I should be with your parents. If it’s really bad we need to get you out of there.” He explained. You sniffled, wiping at your face again.
It was then he saw it.
A deep purple bruise on your wrist. How didn’t you flinch when he grabbed it?
“That answers my question.” He sighed. You gasped and pulled your sleeves down. “Is that the only one?” He pressed. His fingers rested under your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. He repeated his question.
You softly shook your head.
“I have one on my side too.” You sniffed.
“Y/N look at me please.”
You did as he requested.
“I’m going to do everything I can to make sure you don’t have to go back, okay? But I need you to be completely honest about everything, yeah?”
A small sob left you and you quickly wrapped your arms around him.
“I love you, Ky.”
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princessbrunette · 7 months
this is so specific but we all know that grey coors light muscle tank that jj wears in season 1 i’m pretty sure, but imagine him waking up to reader wearing that shirt NO BRA dude would go fully teenage boy mode and just stare at your chest cause like HELLO THEY ARE ALMOST SPILLING OUT
he wakes up quite literally a minute before you, sitting up on his side of the bed as he wakes up fully, rubbing his hands over his eyes. he didn’t remember falling asleep that night, just that he’d passed out after giving it to you for a solid hour, sweaty and spent. he hasn’t even noticed you yet, more so what you’re wearing — because when you stir and he turns half around to check on you, he quite literally forgets how to breathe.
you’re on your back, blankets jostled around your legs as you stretch— eyes still blissfully shut. you must’ve pulled his shirt on before you’d fallen asleep, and he had to say you wore it better than he ever could. it hung loose on you, the large armhole gaping, pulled a little across your chest to the point where the fat of your tit spilled out the side, had it been peeled any further to the right and your nipple would be on display.
“good lord, good morning to me.” he rasps, yawning and your eyes flutter open, a soft smile on your face as you reach a hand toward him, stroking the skin you could reach.
“hi, jayjie.” you hum, and he’s convinced you could have called him any name — because he’s not listening to a word, eyes on your tits.
“you know i thought i looked pretty good in that shirt, but holy mother of mary you’re wearin’ the shit out of it. like, seriously. you kinda just woke my dick up too.”
you giggle, looking down at yourself with one eye as you rub the sleep out of the other. you pull the material so you’re more decent, much to his dismay.
“i forgot i put it on.” you sit up slowly, stretching once more and arching your back, hard nipples from the cool morning air sticking through the light grey fabric. he stares for another moment before he just can’t stop himself.
“i hate to ask this of you so early in the mornin’ but uh— please let me touch them.” he rushes out, eyes wide and saucepan-like and you roll your eyes tiredly, taking his hands and pressing them to your tits.
“dont have to ask, jj. they’re yours to grab whenever you want.” you pur, knowing the effect it’ll have on him. he keels over a little from his now knelt position.
“oh wow— okay, yeah saying that kinda thing is totally unfair. you know that’s gonna brick me up babe. c’mon.” he lightly scolds as he massages your chest, getting his moneys worth.
“such a shame jj… can i help you with it? the least i could do?” you flutter your lashes and gently paw at his chest so he lays back down, quickly sliding down his body and dropping kisses to his pelvis making his jaw drop.
“its like i made you in a freaking lab… jesus.”
“i just like breakfast in bed, jayj.” you giggle, starting to mouth at his tip as he reaches full stiffness. he tucks his tongue between his lips with a smile as he watches you, before commenting quietly.
“yeah. sausage n’eggs right? ow— okay, that’s my bad.” he’s met with your teeth sinking into his thigh.
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twst-drabbles · 5 months
Malleus 16
Summary: Class has ended and you’re ready to eat for lunch, but everyone has stopped at the door. Turns out Malleus was there, and he craves affection.
(Wanted to write about kisses. And then Malleus popped into my head. So here you go!)
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“Um, hey, Prefect?” Oh, well would you look at that, it’s Deuce speaking up this time, “Can I… copy your notes again? Please?”
“Yeah, I really couldn’t pay attention,” Grim tapped his paws on your desk, like that’ll somehow endear you to him, “besides, the board is so far away.”
You and your group are two seats away from said board.
“Yeah, come on,” Ace laid an arm across the back of your seat, “do us a solid, yeah? You know you want to. Can’t resist the call of enlightening our tiny little brains.”
“What are you gonna give me?” You closed your notebook just so Ace and Deuce don’t have a chance to look at your notes. “I’ve been saving your asses for the past two weeks. You gotta give me something.”
“Hehe, that’s my minion! If you want a fast pass, you need to give us reparations in tuna!” He cheered, once more using ‘we’ as soon as he thinks he’s getting something.
“You have to pay too, Cat.”
There will be no ‘we’ this time.
“What?! Why?!”
You tried tutoring them in the past but having Ace, Deuce and Grim all in the same room for more than ten minutes always leads to either an argument breaking out, a bunch of whining, or just general chaos because one or more people tried to slip out of trouble.
Yeah, yeah it’s partially your fault for losing patience and just giving up on them, but you’d think they’d at least pay attention long enough to take notes.
They’re right there! On the board!
They have no excuse and they have to at least pay you back for this emotional trouble.
Was this petty? Yes, very. You don’t care right now. You want a treat. Or money. Or both!
“Huh, ah, well,” Deuce got sheepish and reached into his pockets, “I have gum.”
“No.” He has disappointed you. An unworthy treat for your notes.
“How about I only eat three-fourths of your food this time?” Suggested Grim.
“My treat is me giving you more of my food?” And you don’t even give it, he just steals it!
Grim hissed. He was probably hoping you didn’t know fractions. But, good on him for finally learning. Shame his first thought was to try and trick you with it.
“Okay guys, you all know that’s not what the Prefect really wants,” Ace leans in, acting chummy, “how about this?”
You were given one thaumark.
“Alright listen, I need the rest to buy other things, okay?”
You got up after calmly putting your notes away. “I’m going to get lunch.”
“No wait come back!”
But, as much as you wanted to walk out and sit at the regular table while your friends slowly fill in the seats, the exit to the classroom was blocked by a cluster of murmuring and rather nervous students.
“What’s he doing here?” You heard one whisper.
“Uh, did we do something? Were we too loud?”
“I’m really hungry but…”
You are not in the mood. You tried to excuse yourself as you bumped into shoulders but you had to settle for grumbled apologies instead as you shoved yourself through.
Finally, you popped out of the other side, a little more heated and more irritable.
“There you are, Child of Man,” so goes the voice of Malleus, who stood to the side of the door, waiting. The cause of this blockage, students frozen with only his green-eyed stare. “I was kept waiting quite a while. How bold of you to do this, after the slight you made this morning.”
“Wha?” Your annoyance was momentarily replaced by bafflement, but that quickly went away when your brain caught up to his words. You grumbled, “Oh, come on…”
Yeah, you’re probably not even gonna eat at the cafeteria. You’re just gonna get your food and go hide away somewhere until you cooled down.
Malleus walked forward, the surge of students all taking a collective step back as though his very air could potentially kill them.
“Well? Don’t you remember?” He crossed his arms and you were ready for that high-brow glare that comes with all people of royalty, but instead, you found an exaggerated and childish pout. “You forgot to give me my morning greeting. I felt off the entire morning, unable to focus, because I didn’t have the memory of you kissing my brow fresh in my mind.”
A hush fell over the classroom.
And then a, “Huh?!” shot out of Ace’s mouth.
You snorted, then gave out a hearty chuckle. Once you calmed down, you waved Malleus over.
“Alright, alright, get over here. Let me correct that.”
A laugh rumbled low in his throat as he tilted his head into your hand. Playfully, you lightly pinched his ear, just because his pointy ears always caught your attention. He twitched, breath hitching just the slightest bit, and you couldn’t resist the urge anymore and kissed above his brow.
Malleus’s lashes fluttered open and the sigh that escaped him reminded you of a pure-hearted maiden with a fast-beating heart. And yet, there’s nothing delicate about the way he stood. If anything, the affection flowing through him made his pride more apparent. He practically glowed with that royal grace he was taught to have.
You couldn’t help yourself. You gave him an extra kiss on the corner of his lips. Malleus nearly hissed in a breath as he clamped his hand over your own, his body leaning in closer towards yours, as though he wanted to meld with you.
But, with a chuckle, you pulled away and he had no choice but to let go. Malleus was back to pouting, though this time, cheeks flushed and hair slightly messier than usual. The air around you was slightly charged with wayward magic, causing the hair on your body to stand on end. And his eyes…
Well, whoops.
“Good morning. I’ll see you later, okay?”
Better get out of here before Malleus jumps you right in this hallway.
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jsmifty · 2 months
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Above is the SpringBonnie suit from my FNAF AU/rewrite called "ONE MORE NIGHT".
More info under the cut!
This is the first of many posts showing off some of the characters designs. I will talk more about the AU itself in other posts, however since this is the first I might as well give a basic rundown, it will be at the bottom of this post. William Afton himself will get his own post but this is just about his suit.
Anyway. This is the SpringBonnie suit from my FNAF rewrite!
I never really liked the completely butt naked suits, it always looked really weird to me. Generally when i draw the other animatronics I stick to the basic canon design (without the clothes), but with Springbonnie I realllyyyy prefer the design with some clothing over the top. idk why, it just makes him look siller.
Also if those things are being worn, I can imagine they're stinking hot during the summer, and I know the three piece suit is probably no better for keeping cool but at least he looks cool while dying of heatstroke. :)
There is also an animatronic version version of the suit of course!
Axe > Knife
The suit (SpringBonnie) was made as a suprise gift for William for the opening (By Henry Emily).
The suit has two varients. The summer varient, and the other one. Specifically in the hotter seasons, the suit is only worn with the head, paws and feet + usually a purple suit.
The other version, is the full suit, which covers the full body (is featured in the small doodle to the left). The full suit sometimes features a bowtie, or an undercoat (just to decorate it a little). And you'd be suprised by how quickly it can be put on. William got springlocked in this version specifically.
When specifically William wears the suit, his hair being too long, pokes out from underneath the head of the suit. It sometimes gets tangled in the springlocks! This makes it difficult to take off, ESPECIALLY if the springlocks are released.
Some more art of him (all a bit old):
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The rewrite, which will be uploaded to Ao3, is split into 4 to 5 parts (it will be put into an folder on Ao3 to make it more organized). The timeline follows off canon for the most part, however most of the events have been organized into a specific timeline. The order of the games specifically that I am following is below.
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(if the text is unreadable: FNAF 4 → FNAF 2 + Sister Location → FNAF 1 → FNAF 3 → FNAF 6)
PART ONE is centred before the main six games, and overlaps FNAF 4. It is centred around Henry Emily and William Afton (and their families) during the early stages of their animatronic making endeavours.
The other 3-4 parts have been planned out but I won't talk about them that much right now.
The AU leans a lot more on the characters, their motivations, and their relationships with other characters. It focuses more on telling the story in full than in hints, like the games do.
It is likely not going to be completely accurate to canon, so if the timeline changes with new FNAF releases then big whomp I've already made a timeline and I'm not touching that thing again.
If anyone wants like, a clearer rundown of what the fic is about if you are interested please feel free to comment or go on my asks i really appreciate any interest shown in this project, its annoyingly important to me LMAO
IF YOU READ THIS FAR, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! like I yap so much, and this is me holding back and ive already written wayyyy to much for a singular tumblr post :( but yeah
If you'd like to see a specific character from FNAF in my AU/Rewrite, feel free to ask!!!!!!!
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Clanblr dashboard simulator is back babye (part 1)
#yes i just finished part 1 #yes im already doing another one #this is really fun to me #hey btw when the follow button is "missing" it isnt missing. #that's your mutuals
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🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
I miss leaf-bareeeeee... my long-haired ass CANNOT with this weather
#shorthairs please dont reblog with "actually i think the warm weather is nice" #then this post isn't for you #robbbinposts
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🔁 🐍xviper-the-fagx reblogged
🐍 xviper-the-fagx
I'm trnasgender
🐍 xviper-the-fagx
Happy 6 moon anniversary to the time I butchered what was supposed to be my cool, unexpected coming-out with a spelling error
🔥 b-b-b-blaaazr Follow
At least the typo wasnt in your url dude
Also. The coming out wasnt unexpected. At all. We all knew.
#fuck you blaze #"we all knew" yeah maybe because i posted about how i wished i was a tom 10 times a day #whacking uou on the head with my manly paws
204 notes
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🔁 🦁 lionsight-x3 Follow reblogged
🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
Happy bday to @lionsight-x3, my beloved mutual! Cant imagine life without you
🦁 lionsight-x3 Follow
#Was honestly having a TERRIBLE birthday until I saw this. #Love you so much Lilystem.
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🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
Am I the only one who didnt know that @ex-thunderclan-kipper is a kittypet??
�� carnation-stem-02 Follow
His whole blog, including his url, is based around the fact that he's ex-clan... how are you just now finding this out...
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
I just followed for the wood-scratching art..
#didnt realize he was a kittypet #:/
17 notes
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🦢 gentlesong-momof17 Follow
Kits are having their apprentice ceremony tomorrow... can't believe they're all grown up. At least my next litter is due in a moon!!
#momlife #queen #leaving the nursery #mom life #nursery queen #perm queen #perm queen life #permanent queen #permanent queen life
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🔁 🪺 robbbinpaw Follow reblogged
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
Im actually gonna die
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
Sorry guys forgot to specify. My assessment is tomorrow. So like. My mentor is gonna decide if I get to become a warrior or not. Im freaking out
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
Wait. Youre an apprentice still??
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
Ya? My bio says 11 moons- how old did you think I was?
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
I thought you were 21 moons old! Last time I read your bio was 2 days ago and I swear I thought it said 21!??
#moose ive been thinking you were 21 this whole time #cant believe youre only a moon older than me #this is surreal #robbblogs
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🌠 nightshade-tast3s-yummy Follow
Im on transblr and I keep mixing @l1llyst3m up with @carnation-stem-02... they look nothing alike and post about completely different things I think it's just the (flower)stem names
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
This is extra funny to me considering Lily and I actually became mutuals due to a similar mix-up (someone tagged her where they meant to tag me) but I for the life of me cannot understand how nobody takes one look at our blogs and never makes that mistake again.
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
To the cats in the notes saying "but you're both trans, it's confusing" guys. We arent even the same flavor of gender...
#shes transfemme #im agender #why is this even a source of confusion #we dont even go by the same pronouns..
2,702 notes
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🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
Uh... hello?? I think Im on the wrong site... what in the name of StarClan is... Tumblr...
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clangenrising · 5 months
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Month 14 - Newleaf
Lake’s paws ached. Her stomach growled and her head pounded dully behind her eyes. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt full. Still, she walked. 
Ever since her mother had disappeared, she’d been wandering. A few cats had shared a bite with her but they didn’t have much to share in the first place. Most of them were too busy training to fight and they didn’t want her around, especially not the special cats - Exalted, she remembered hazily. She’d tried following other kits home but every time she was politely sent away.
Two days ago, she’d seen a couple cats bringing back a pair of juicy looking birds and while they hadn’t shared with her, they had told her that there was plenty of prey over the far road if she could catch it, laughing between themselves. She figured that was as good an idea as any, so she’d headed out for the wild frontier! 
It was farther away than she’d thought it would be, or maybe it was just easier to get lost without roads to follow. She walked and walked and then stopped to sleep then walked some more. She was starting to wonder if there even was anything out here at all. Was she just missing it? 
The sound of running water grabbed her attention and she licked her chapped lips eagerly at the thought. The kit picked up her heavy paws and bounded towards the noise. Coming out of the grass, she suddenly found herself on the edge of a stream of cool, fresh water - fresher than she’d ever seen before at least. 
“Wowzers!” she declared because that seemed fitting. She waded into the stream and crouched down, gulping greedily until her stomach hurt. She thought about falling over and sleeping in the stream but worried she might drown. Instead, she decided to follow the water like it was a road and see where that took her. At the very least it would be fun to splash around. 
The sky was getting dark again but Lake didn’t mind. She tromped noisily against the current of the stream, humming a song as each note came to her mind. The chill of the water kept her awake, which was nice. She wondered if she would see a fish. They lived in water, right? She hoped so. She was starving and the water she drank wasn’t helping. It honestly made her feel grosser. 
Eventually the stream came upon a small hill but, instead of curving or trickling down the slope, it cut through the earth in a big metal tube. “That’s interesting,” Lake thought out loud. It was like a gutter drain but huge, big enough for a cat to walk through! She bounded up to the edge of it and sucked in a huge breath.
“Hellooooo!” she bellowed, giggling at the way it echoed off the tunnel walls. She splashed her paws in the water and listened to the magnified sound with excitement. “Blaaaaaaah! Bluh, bluh, bluh!” She snorted with laughter. This was the best fun she’d had in weeks!
“Hello?” A voice that wasn’t her own echoed back to her. She gasped. Was that possible?
“Hello?” she called back. It was hard to tell in the dark but at the end of the tunnel, she swore she saw something moving. Then a glint of eyes blinked at her, barely reflecting the moonlight in her direction.
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“Wowzers!” she cried, “I didn’t think I’d see anybody! Are you hunting too?”
“Yeah,” the voice said hesitantly. “How old are you?” It sounded like a boy but there were other quieter voices outside the tunnel and they were talking very serious-like. 
“I’m three whole months!” Lake said. The eyes pulled away from the tunnel as the cat whispered with his friends. Lake decided she wanted to say hi up close and personal. She started towards the cat, sloshing through the stream up to her belly. Once the tunnel was all around her, the sound of her paw steps started to hurt her ears and she hurried towards the other end to get away from it. 
She burst out of the other end and thumped into a pair of bony legs, falling back onto her rump with an “oof!” The cat she had run into reached out a paw to steady her. He smelled like grass and dust and his breath smelled like prey blood. It made Lake’s mouth water. 
“Easy, there, kid,” the cat said. It was now that Lake looked up and got her first sight of him. 
“You’re funny looking, mister!” she said. He was a skinny white and blue tabby with big ears, like a little dog, and a very pointy face. 
“I could say the same about you,” he said. 
She laughed. “Am I funny looking?”
“The poor thing looks half starved,” whispered one of the other cats, an equally funny looking girl with brown points on her face and feet. 
“Are you out here all alone?” asked the third cat, a fluffy brown tabby boy who was much more normal looking. 
“Yessir!” said Lake. “I heard there was food here. Do you guys know where the far road is?” The cats all looked at each other for a beat. 
Then the first one spoke up, “Uh, no, but we do know where some food is.”
“Really?!” Lake grinned. “Can I have some?!” Her mouth was starting to fill with saliva. She slurped some of it down to avoid drooling.
“Yeah,” nodded the normal boy. “I’ll even carry you if you want.” 
“Nuh, uh,” Lake shook her head. “I’m a big girl now.” 
“You sure are,” said the funny looking boy. “Barleypaw, will you go grab one of the mice or something?”
“Yeah,” nodded the funny looking girl. She bounded off into the grass and Lake started after her but the funny looking boy put out a paw to stop her. 
“She’s gonna be right back with the food,” he said. “You just sit.” 
“Oh, okay,” shrugged Lake. “My name’s Lake. What’s your names?”
“I’m Floodpaw,” said the funny looking boy. 
“Sparrowpaw,” said the normal looking boy.
“And our sister is Barleypaw,” said Floodpaw. 
“Hey!” Lake gasped. “Did you know all your names rhyme?” Sparrowpaw laughed a little. Floodpaw raised one brow. 
“Yeah…” he said. “Where’s your mom, kid?”
Lake frowned. “Oh, um… I don't know.” 
“Oh,” said Floodpaw.
“That’s alright,” said Sparrowpaw. “Maybe you can come home with us, then.” 
“Yeah?” she brightened. Was she finally gonna be able to find a new place to sleep and a new person to help her get food? 
“Yeah,” said Floodpaw. “Once you’ve eaten we can go there.” 
“I can’t wait!” cried Lake. “You guys are the best!” The brothers exchanged glances again. Lake wasn’t sure what it meant but she saw the sister coming back over the hill and smelled the delicious smell of meat and all other thoughts fled her brain. She scarfed the whole thing down as quickly as she could. She ate it so fast she forgot to check what kind of animal it was. By the time she finished, she realized she felt very sick to her stomach.
“Oh…” she said. “I think I ate too fast…”
“That’s alright,” said Sparrowpaw, “Are you sure you don’t want me to carry you?”
She nodded, cheeks full of breath as she tried to stifle her nausea. 
“Alright, come on then,” Floodpaw said, stretching. “Why don’t we go back to camp? I bet a nice walk will help you feel better.” 
“Okay,” mumbled Lake. She didn’t feel like walking. She felt like falling over and never moving again. She didn’t like saying no to people, though, so she forced herself to take a few steps. 
Floodpaw tilted his funny looking head and said, “I dunno, maybe we should just sit for a while.” Lake sighed a little in relief. “Yeah, why don’t you guys go gather the prey and tell somebody about Lake and I’ll chill here with the kid until she feels like walking.”
“Are you sure?” asked Barleypaw. “We’re awfully close to the border.”
“It’ll be fine,” he said, flopping down in the grass. “Worst comes to worse, I'll grab the kid and go.” 
“Alright…” said Sparrowpaw, looking unconvinced. He and Barleypaw started off into the grass, looking back over their shoulders and whispering to each other. Lake let out a big sigh and eased herself into the grass next to Floodpaw.
“Thanks,” she said, closing her eyes. “I don’t feel very good.” She swallowed, her sides heaving under the distress of her sick tummy. 
“No problem,” smiled Floodpaw. “Barleypaw and Sparrowpaw are always like ‘go, go, go, let’s follow the rules’ or whatever but I get just wanting to lie down.” 
“Yeah,” Lake smiled wide and wiggled into a more comfortable position. “I like laying down!” 
“Me too,” laughed Floodpaw, dropping his head onto the ground too. “So, what are you doing out here, Lake?” 
“Looking for food!” Lake purred. Her stomach gurgled loudly and she giggled a bit. “Thanks for sharing it with me.” 
“Yeah, no problem,” said Floodpaw, one ear flicking away the gnats buzzing by. “But why are you looking for food all the way out here? You’re from the city aren’t you?” 
“Oh, yeah, I am,” Lake nodded, peeking her eyes open at him. “Some cats told me there was food out here. I was really hungry. Plus it sounded fun to try.”
“Don’t other cats bring you food?” he asked, brows furrowed. 
“Nah,” she sighed. “Not since Mother went missing.”
The crease in his funny, pointy face deepened. “Still, there wasn’t anybody else who helped you out?” 
“Um…” Lake frowned too. “No. I’m sorry.” Was she answering wrong? Why was he upset?
“Oh, no, hey,” he said quickly, “It’s okay, I’m not mad, I’m just-” His skinny little tail twitched. “I just think it’s not cool that no one looked out for you.” 
“They’re busy I guess,” Lake shrugged. They were learning to fight or taking care of their own kits. She didn’t blame any of them for not having time for her. 
“Well, here we take care of kittens,” Floodpaw said firmly, “no matter who they are.” Lake smiled and hid her nose in her paws shyly. Floodpaw laughed and stretched his big, long legs out in opposite directions. “Take a little nap, kid. I’ll keep watch.” 
“Okay,” she said and yawned. She hadn’t realized how tired she was until he said something but now, with her belly full, she was eager to get some shut eye. Feeling very round and sluggish, she closed her eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep. 
When Lake woke up it was very, very dark. She yawned and stretched and looked around, realizing that she was in a totally new place. She stiffened in fright. Where was she? The not knowing was scarier than any answer she could come up with. 
She was in a large den made of dirt, it seemed, in a nest of soft green moss and feathers. It smelled faintly of other cats, cats she didn’t know. 
Carefully, she got to her paws and crept towards the scent of night air, poking her head out to see a small grassy dip with a few other burrows tucked under big, grey stones. Three cats were sitting on top of a big, flat stone and talking softly. They didn’t seem dangerous so Lake ventured a bit further out to look around in wonder. 
“Wowzers,” she breathed. Everything here smelled so fresh and green. She’d never experienced anything like it. 
One of the cats, a dark blue bengal girl, perked up at the sound and looked her way. “Oh, hey! She’s awake!” 
“Shh,” hushed a brown spotted tabby girl nervously. 
“Right, sorry,” said the first girl, lowering her volume a bit. “Hey, girlie, how you feelin’?” 
Lake realized she was supposed to answer and said, “I’m good. How did I get here?” 
“They carried you in while you were sleeping,” said the third cat, a paler spotted tabby boy. Lake frowned. She had wanted to walk.
“I bet you’re pretty confused,” said the first girl. “Why don’t you come up here and sit with us? We can answer any questions you have.”
“Um, I’m okay,” said Lake. “Where’s the guy with the funny ears?”
“Huh?” asked the first girl.
The boy brightened in realization. “Oh, you mean Floodpaw.” 
“Yeah!” Lake bounced. That was his name!
“He’s sleeping over there,” he said, pointing to one of the holes in the ground. 
“Okay, thanks!” said Lake. She started towards the hole to go see him. The second girl breathed in sharply through her teeth and the first girl laughed. 
The boy started to say, “Oh, uh, I don’t know if-” but the first girl interrupted him. 
“Shh, let her be. It’ll be funny.” 
Lake didn’t know what they were talking about but she didn’t let it bother her. She made her way into the den. Five cats were sleeping in their nests; two smaller ones were curled up together and Floodpaw and the other cats she had met were sleeping near each other but not so close that they were touching. Lake padded right up to Floodpaw and settled down against his side. He opened his eyes and lifted his head groggily, blinking at her a few times before he managed to speak.
“Hey, kid, what are you doing in here?” he mumbled hoarsely.
“Looking for you,” she whispered. “Why did you carry me? I wanted to walk.” 
“Oh,” he said with a small groan. He swiped his tongue over his whiskers and rubbed an eye with his paw. “It was getting really late and I didn’t want to wake you. Sorry, kid.” 
“Mmm, it’s okay,” she decided, purring. She wiggled down into his nest and closed her eyes again. 
“Oh, uh…” he hesitated for a moment before eventually wrapping his tail around her and laying his head back down to sleep. Lake purred even harder. She’d missed sleeping next to somebody like this. 
She hoped that wherever her mother was, she had found someone new to sleep beside too.
UPDATES: - While on patrol with Barleypaw and Sparrowpaw, Floodpaw finds an abandoned kit named Lake and takes her back to camp.
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space-helen · 11 months
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Words: 541
Pairing: Nick Stokes x Reader
A/N: I'll admit this isn't the bed thing I've ever written.
Request: May I please request some fluff and a hint of angst for Nick Stokes x reader (maybe wife or girlfriend)? Just pure softness after a case? - @perasperaadastrawriting
Walking into the house you plonked down your bag before slipping your shoes off and heading straight for the kitchen. 
You’d done overtime. The case had been intense and tedious but it was finished. Nick had left work before you, getting Greg to bring him home, leaving you the car.
Grabbing some water you let the cool liquid run down your throat before going to the bathroom. You moved through the bare minimums of your nighttime routine and walked to the bedroom.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Nick was sat upright in bed, he knew something was wrong when you didn’t go straight to find him or call for him once you got in. Usually he would also make the effort to come and greet you but Sam was fast asleep over his legs.
You just shook your head as you found your pyjamas. “It was just one of those cases.”
He nodded and pulled back the covers next to him for you to get in. Sam raised his head to greet you and you ruffled your fingers on the top of his head. Moving from Nick's lap to yours he raised his paw to your shoulder and leant in, as if hugging you. 
Petting the dog you sighed. “We bagged and tagged one hundred and fifty individual bullets from such a tiny scene, all from about eight different guns.”
The man turned to you, a slightly shocked expression on his face “and it was only you and Sara on the case?”
You nodded “Yeah. It was manageable but not that late into a shift.” you rolled your eyes and relaxed into the pillows more “I’ll get over it.”
“They could have at least shoved Greg and I on it to help after we closed ours.”
You shrugged “It is what it is. It’s done now.” sighing Sam pulled away from you and looked you in the eyes before turning to Nick.
“Bed.” he said gently and the dog obliged. Jumping from his space, down to his bed in the corner of the room.
The man silently stretched his arm towards you and brought you into an embrace, curling into him you allowed him to hold you close as he placed a kiss to the top of your head. 
You felt all of the muscles in your body relax, there was no comfort like being with your husband. You weren't sure when it'd started but you could feel a dampness on your cheeks, tears running down them for no real reason. 
"What's wrong?" Nick spoke softly as he peered at your face.
"Nothing, I guess I'm just a bit overwhelmed." You went to move your hand to wipe away your tears but Nick's hand got there first. Gently wiping them away.
"We all get those moments." He reassured you "you've seen me have plenty of them" He joked as he gave you an extra squeeze. 
Burying your head into his chest you let out a sigh “I’m glad I found you Nick.”
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” 
The two of you relaxed into bed further, you could feel the worries and tension from the day melting away, it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep in his arms.
Tag List: (open)
CSI: @perasperaadastrawriting @penny4yourthoughtsxtmblr @kitbydesign
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puddleorganism · 1 year
@chrisrin’s gem au is consuming the life series fandom and I am not exempt. Enjoy a corrupted Tango
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[image ID: a drawing of the aforementioned corrupted Tango. He is a wingless dragon-like creature that stands on all fours with claws on his forelegs and paws on his hind legs. He has a body shape somewhat similar to that of a wolf or a tiger, with broad shoulders and a big chest that tapers sharply just before the hind legs. He has bull-like horns on top of his head. His mouth has jagged edges comprised of sharp triangles meant to mimic big spooky fangs. He has overlapping diamond scales along his back, sides, hind legs, and tail. His tail is modeled after a pangolin, and is long and thick in width, but almost flat. Flying out/off of his mouth and neck are bright flames. He’s mostly red and orange with dark grey shoulders, scales, and horns. He’s got stylized stripes and spots all over him, but especially on his sides/ribs and arms. The scales along his spine and on his tail have single stripes on their inner edges, fading from dark red near his shoulders, down to orange, yellow, and then white at the top of his tail. /End ID]
Bonus rambling about my design Thoughts because I want to:
Honestly most of it is just looking at an animal and thinking “yeah that has Tango energy”; notably:
Pangolin (tail + scales)
Tiger (general body shape + stripes (and lil paws!!)
Bull (horns)
I also thought about adding some armadillo lizard in there? Because again,, the vibes - but honestly that’s pretty well covered with the pangolin lol
Most of his markings are also meant to mimic chrisrin’s design! I pretty much just slapped some extra stuff on top for the corruption, since carnelian can have little veins and spots in it sometimes. I honestly didn’t look at references for super long so they’re not super accurate to what those look like in the actual gemstone but whatever. They look cool. Also I gave him freckles because I can and they’re cute.
I changed the colors because, tbh, they clashed with the fire I drew LMAO. But! Also carnelian can be very orange and corruption changes the colors of gems sometimes anyway (if I remember right, at least).
I tried to mimic the au art style to an extent but I have never been good an mimicking styles lol so it didn’t exactly turn out. I don’t think it’s too far off though! Especially in the design itself. The big ol’ chompers is definitely su energy
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3rd anni FINALE: brothers / paws n claws
ao3 link
note: based loosely on the pop quiz of the same name, though with the requested change of levi being a snake rather than a giraffe - and since that was different, i decided to do something new with ik as well (this is what that random animal poll was for). this one's a proper long one, so i'm deeply sorry if the keep reading bar ever breaks
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You'd normally think that an event that makes Luke flee the House of Lamentation, tearfully shouting, “I’ll go get help!” must be some kind of catastrophe. Well, it still might shape up to be - but I'm hopeful that it won't. Right now, it's a situation at most.
Said situation can be summarised with one sentence: there was something wrong with the cake. This is vague enough to be misleading, though, so I’ll elaborate: there was a potion in the cake, and it made Beel grow fluffy ears and a tail, then shortly thereafter started doing the same thing to everyone else.
‘Fluffy ears and a tail’ might not sound too bad, but Luke wouldn’t have run like that if that was all. Beel has rapidly developed a mouthful of sharp teeth, a bone-shakingly powerful roar, and a sudden, even more pronounced taste for meat. Raw meat, specifically, because that is what lions eat. It'd be cool if it wasn’t for the fact that we had been the nearest sources of raw meat when the hunger first hit.
The only thing to do, really, was run and hide. And that probably wouldn’t even have worked (Beel is also now even faster and stronger than usual) if Mammon hadn’t suddenly sprouted new striped features of his own and pounced on him in return. Things just sort of went crazy after that.
I haven’t been able to keep track of them all, but knowing their track record, everyone else has probably been hit with the curse, too. Asmo definitely has, at least - I know that because it happened while he was rushing me to the safety of his room's two locks.
“It’s weird that the potion changed your clothes as well,” I say, trying to figure out whether that’s a dress or a really long blouse as he pushes me in. “Isn’t it?”
Asmo doesn’t answer for a moment - he turns the key, then peers fretfully through the peephole. After a moment, he hisses, “That doesn’t matter, does it? You know Mammon’s a tiger? There—”
There’s a knock on the door, and Asmo skitters backwards. After a moment, there’s another, mellower knock, then a plaintive, “Hello?”
Though it sounds closer to a ‘he-wo?’. Asmo frowns. “Levi? Why do you sound like that?”
There’s a shuffle. “I goh— got fangth. It’th… wha’ever, can I come in?”
Asmo doesn’t move for a moment, but relents quickly. Levi sidles in, head turning from side to side, tail dragging in behind him. It’s longer and thinner than in demon form, and iridescent green instead of deep grey - his pupils look narrower, too, and there are dark markings along his cheeks.
“Whoa!” I hadn’t gotten a good look at him when he first started transforming. “You’re a snake!”
“I notithed,” He says unhappily. He has fangs now - long, curved ones that keep catching on his bottom lip. “It’th a nigh’mare. Theeth teeth…”
“Are they retractable?”
“I’unno…” He scrunches his face in concentration. The fangs suddenly swing up into the back of his mouth. “...oh! Yes! Finally!”
“When did you switch?” I ask as he opens and closes his mouth several times with relish. “Asmo went a few minutes ago, I think he’s a panda… it looked like it hurt.”
He makes a popping sound, then releases a long sigh. “Eh - not really? It’s more like everything gets really hot and itchy for a bit. Isn’t anything happening to you?”
I look down at myself. “Doesn’t look like it.”
“Guess the potion only works on demons. Lucky…” Levi rubs his arms, then abruptly dives into Asmo’s bed. “Brr! Why’s it so cold in here?”
“Snakes are cold-blooded, right? So you need to get heat from somewhere else.” I lean over and plant my hands on his cheeks. “Is that nice?”
“Ooh… yeah…” He blinks at me. “Hrm. Everything looks so weird. It’s, like… fuzzy.”
I squint at his face. Wait - those aren’t markings after all. “Oh! You’ve got heat pits! You’re, like, seeing temperature. That’s so cool.”
Asmo looks as well, then recoils, hands flying to his mouth. “Eww! There’s holes in your face!”
“As if you don’t have a nose,” Levi snaps, but reaches self-consciously to cover his cheeks anyway. “...ugh. I’m still cold.”
I’m not large enough to be an effective heater - what we really need is either a heat lamp, or the sun, neither of which Asmo has in his room. He resorts to dragging Levi to his bathtub instead, and lighting candles in a circle around him. It looks like we’re using him for a nefarious ritual, but it seems to provide Levi with a little relief.
“It’s like I can see them way clearer than everything else,” Levi says, squinting, then covers his nose. “And they smell super strong. You know I’ve got venom now, too? I got some on the carpet and it started, like, dissolving.”
So the potion definitely isn’t just a cosmetic thing. I glance at Asmo. “Do you feel any different?”
“Hmm. Maybe?” He stretches, and for the first time his sleeves fall down enough for me to see his hands. The pads of his fingers look thicker, and his nails look more like claws. “Like, I kinda wanna go to sleep, I guess.”
He leans forward on the edge of the bathtub, then fumbles and slips down into a heap. “Ooh. Gosh, this whole thing is weird. How do you think everyone’s doing?”
“It might not have even worked on Lucifer.” Those candles really do smell strong. It’s making my nose tickle. “What animal do you th— achoo!”
I can tell something’s changed as soon as I open my eyes again, but Levi’s yelp and jerk backwards (dangerously close to the candles) confirms it. I look down. Those definitely aren’t the clothes I was wearing a minute ago.
“Oh,” I say, defeated. “So the potion did work on me.”
“You’ve got a tail!” Asmo squeals, trying several times to scramble to his feet before succeeding, and immediately reaching for me. “And your ears!”
“Whoa whoa whoa—” I think I can empathise with Hyde when Aunt Lisa rushes him now. “Wait, wait, wait— put me down for a sec—”
Asmo (somewhat unwillingly) releases me, and I hurry to the mirror. White ears, a bushy red tail, distinct markings across my cheeks… am I wearing gloves? No - that’s straight-up a paw. It’s alien trying to move my fingers and watching the claws flex instead.
…my right hand is still normal, though. That one is just wearing a sort of glove. It’s like the potion got mad about not being able to do anything to the prosthetic and doubled its effects on the intact one.
I lift my paw as if to swipe at the mirror, then bare my teeth at it. “Rarrgh!”
Behind me, Levi’s reflection soundlessly pretends to get shot in the heart and collapses backwards into the tub. Asmo isn’t nearly so quiet - he squeals again, twice as loud this time.
I give him a moment to compose himself, then turn and announce, “I think I’m a red panda.”
“Ooh! So we’re matching?!” He slides over and sets his head on the crown of my head, then brandishes his own claws at the mirror as well. “Oh, we need to get pictures. Or film some videos! We can’t let this go to waste!”
“Hey, hey, slow down.” Levi emerges from the tub again. “What about everyone else? If the potion even works on humans, then Lucifer’s probably…”
“Oh, yeah! We totally need pictures of him, too.”
“That’s not the point—”
Levi pauses to yawn, but it’s nothing like anything I’ve ever seen before. He just keeps going, wider than should really be possible. His fangs click out, and the entire roof of his mouth seems to turn inside out for a moment - then everything realigns, and his jaw swings shut again.
“What?” He asks after a moment. Asmo is staring at him in horror - and I with fascination.
“What happened to your bones?” Asmo asks in a hush.
“That was so cool,” I say with the same intonation. “And gross.”
“...you don’t sound like that’s a bad thing.”
“It’s not.”
“That potion really is crazy,” Asmo whispers. He looks haunted. “Should that stuff really be allowed? What’s Solomon doing in that lab? Am I gonna start doing that?”
“You’re fine, Asmo,” I reassure, patting him on the arm - he latches onto me like a stress blanket. “Pandas don’t do that.”
“You promise?” He asks tearfully.
“Promise.” I think of all the videos I’ve seen over the years. “And everyone loves pandas, anyway. They’re super cute.”
Levi crosses his arms over the edge of the bathtub and rests his chin atop them, then heaves a melancholic sigh. “And everyone’s scared of snakes ‘cause they think they’re gross.”
“Oh, don’t be a spoilsport,” Asmo scolds - though, to be fair, that’s easy for him to say. “We don’t think snakes are gross.”
“Uh, yes you do. You went ew about my heat pits.”
“That’s not the same thing!”
“I love snakes,” I declare. “Anyway, every animal’s kind of gross sometimes. You should watch Planet Earth.”
All while we’re saying this, I’m beginning to worry a little about the others. Levi’s the only reptile so far - if we’re lucky, that’s the furthest up the evolutionary tree anyone else has gone, but if we’re unlucky, one of them could be a fish. If the potion’s capable of giving Levi heat pits and the bone structure to actually unhinge his jaw, there’s no reason it couldn’t give someone gills.
I wonder how the potion decides what it’s going to turn us into. Levi being a snake makes sense… but Beel being a lion and Asmo a giant panda feel more arbitrary. (Though I couldn’t imagine what it’d look like if they turned into a fly and a scorpion.) And I don’t know why I’m a red panda, either.
“I think I’m gonna go look for Beel,” I decide after a while. He’s probably sated himself at least a little by now - he knows where the fridge is. “You guys stay here.”
“You think we’re gonna send you to the lions?” Levi asks in disbelief, and starts attempting to get out of the tub. “No dice! You’re staying here, where it’s safe. I’ll go check on Beel.”
“You have to stay here, though - you’re cold-blooded now, remember?” I push him back down, which takes surprisingly little effort. “So you have to keep warm.”
“Come on, d’you really think these candles are doing anything for me? They’re tiny.”
Now that he mentions it… “Hmm. Maybe we should run you a hot bath.”
“You want me to take a bath while you go talk to a lion?”
“He’s right, hon.” Asmo interjects. “We’re not the ones who need protecting.”
“Come on, we do this every time something—” I sigh loudly and try to compose myself. “—okay, look, you know you never win this fight. Nothing’s happened to me before. And it's just Beel, anyway.”
They exchange a look. After a moment, Levi huffs. “Fine - but you’d better not do anything stupid, alright?! I’ve seen this go wrong in way too many shows!”
“And if it looks like trouble, you’re coming straight back here,” Asmo adds. “Or I’ll cry. I mean it.”
I sigh, but smile at him anyway. “Sure, Asmo. Take a nap or something.”
It’s finally business as usual. We have an impromptu team handshake - which is nice, that’s never happened before - and then I let myself out into the hall, and into the figurative jungle.
It’s eerily quiet out here. Or it is for a moment, at least, because then something crashes in the kitchen.
I can take a guess at who it is. I hurry downstairs - I feel more agile, somehow. I don’t think my feet are paws as well, but these boots definitely look like them. I’d thought having a tail would feel stranger, but the sensation seems to have settled in seamlessly. It feels as if it’s been there the whole time.
Beel, just as I’d thought, has his head in the fridge when I get there. I can hear glass clinking and plastic crinkling. Several containers are already lying empty on the table. The only real difference between this and his usual fridge raids is that he’s gone exclusively for the raw meat.
I’ve never seen him get food poisoning, but that doesn’t mean he can’t. Well, maybe the potion gave him a lion’s stomach too... “Uh - Beel?”
He makes a sound of surprise that isn’t that different from a cat’s ‘mrrp’ - just a lot deeper - and pulls back from the fridge with startling swiftness. There’s a scrap of something pink hanging out of his mouth.
“...are you having fun?” I ask after a moment. Ignoring all new features, his demeanour looks about the same. Maybe his eyes are more dilated than usual.
He makes a rumbling sound at the base of his throat and swallows the rest of the scrap in his mouth, slamming the fridge shut with his elbow and moving to the sink. He cups his hands under the faucet and drinks deeply - every move is poised and purposeful. Then he closes his eyes and shakes himself all over, like a wet dog.
When he opens his eyes, they look normal again. I can’t say the same for the rest of him - his hair is longer and poofier, as if in imitation of a mane, and there’s fur around his neck that makes him look almost twice as large as usual.
“You switched, too?” He asks after a moment. I catch a glimpse of sharp, bloodstained canines, and recoil before I can stop myself. “...hm? Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah, peachy.” Do red pandas’ tails fall between their legs when they’re nervous, too? I feel like mine’s trying to do that. “What about you? Do you like being a lion?”
“I don’t like… liking all this,” He says after a moment, gesturing at all the empty boxes. I try not to think too hard about the image they conjure. “I mean, it’s way better when it’s cooked. You can put all sorts of different stuff on it to make it tasty. But it’s the only thing I feel like eating right now.”
“Well, that’s how a lion eats.”
Beel looks at me for a moment. Then, unprompted, he reaches up and scratches my fluffy new ears. I feel my shoulders fall. “Hey. It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.”
I hadn’t even noticed myself tensing up. It’s not like I thought he ever would, but… actually, I can’t tell if those were the red panda’s survival instincts, or my own. I’m fairly sure the latter hasn’t been working for a while.
“Yeah, I know,” I sigh after a moment, sitting down with him. Using my tail as a cushion, I can’t feel the chill of the kitchen tiles at all. “I just… I dunno. Do you know what happened to everyone else?
He thinks for a moment, then looks a little alarmed. “Uh— I think I was chasing Satan for a while. He was moving all fast and funny, and I just— I don’t know. It felt like I had to grab him. I don’t think I caught him, but…”
“We’d better see, just in case,” I conclude, getting up. “I need to check on everyone, anyway. Asmo’s with Levi already…”
“Belphie went to the observatory,” Beel says thoughtfully, following me out of the kitchen. “And I haven’t seen Lucifer since we split up. He looked like he was gonna follow you and Asmo, but then…”
“Did it look like he transformed?”
“Uhh…” He looks mildly guilty. “I don’t know. I stopped thinking straight. Mammon bit me, and then I was chasing him instead…”
“He bit you?” I saw Mammon jumping at him, but I didn’t think he’d gone that far.
“Yeah. Pretty hard, actually. It only hurt for a bit, though.” Beel points to his shoulder. “I think he thought I’d go after you first, so he was trying to chase me off. I don’t know where he went after that…”
I sigh. “Well, he’s got to be somewhere in the house. Let’s go find Belphie first.”
“Mmm? Sure.” He pauses to yawn. It isn’t quite as spectacular as Levi’s, but it’s impressive all the same. The teeth are still a little unsettling. “Be careful. I don’t know what he turned into.”
He rubs my ears again, then moves away with long, languid steps, tail trailing lazily behind him. My own tail swishes anxiously for a moment before I steel myself and follow him.
It turns out Belphie didn’t even make it into the observatory - he got into the music room, then apparently couldn’t be bothered to walk any further past the divider and just curled up under the piano. Beel very nearly stands on an extended arm before he seems to smell his presence.
“Belphie?” He crouches down and reaches for the thick brown tail he’s using as a blanket. “Wake u—”
As soon as his hand closes around the fur, Belphie’s entire body goes rigid - the underside of the piano presses his ears flat against his head as he rolls out from under it and flips upright in an instant, poised as if to pounce. It’s all so quick, all so alarmingly sudden, that my entire body tenses, jerks backwards, and I find myself with both hands raised high in the air.
I don’t know what I expected to do, only that I had to make myself look as large as possible. Belphie - eyes wide open in a way that they almost never are immediately after waking - looks at me for a moment, then laughs so loudly that Beel jumps back this time.
“Where’ve you been?” He asks, grinning. His teeth aren’t nearly as pointy as Beel’s, but his smile is a lot more devious. “Hey, I’m just messing with you.”
“Uh huh,” I say, trying not to look too scared. For some reason, I can’t bring myself to bring my hands down. I just look like I’ve long since surrendered. “I knew that.”
Belphie snickers. His tail curves up behind him, ears swivelling to the side of his head. “C’mon, relax. Let’s play a game.”
On the last word, he hops just a bit forward, and I take a great big step back. Beel glances between us, then commands, looking mildly concerned, “Be nice, Belphie.”
“I am being nice,” Belphie says with a sniff, baring his teeth at me again. The longer I look at his grin, though, the more it begins to look playful. “Hey. Hey!”
He darts forward again, but this time I’m ready for him - I pounce straight at his chest, knocking him within an inch of smacking his head on the piano, then quickly get up and scurry to the other side of the room. Belphie springs straight back to his feet and rushes so swiftly at me that there’s little I can do before he scoops me up with deceivingly gentle hands and tosses me a fair distance across the room.
A ‘fair distance’, however, is not long enough to prevent me from running straight back at him (for some reason, my hands end up in the air again) and bowling into his knees to knock him over. He lets out a sound between a yelp, a yip and a laugh, tumbling back onto his stomach and forgoing even getting back to his feet before he charges again.
“Wait—” Beel’s head swings back and forth until he’s blinking from the whiplash. “You two, come on—”
Belphie swipes at my feet at the same time that I seize his hood, sending us both back to the ground in a tangled heap. I recover first and unpin myself from beneath his unexpectedly heavy limbs, and register Beel standing over us - without stopping to wonder if it’s a good idea, I reach up, hook my claws into the fur around his shoulders, and scramble up him like a tree.
He only wobbles for a moment before balancing himself again. I adjust myself onto his back, then peer triumphantly down at Belphie through his mane.
“That’s cheating,” He complains, sitting up. “C’mon, are you really doing this?”
“You started it.” I muffle through Beel’s mane.
“What? You literally jumped at me first.”
“You’re bigger than me, so it doesn’t count.”
Beel makes a deep, rumbling sound that I’ll take as one of amusement. Hmm. I’m a lot closer to his ears from here.
Belphie yawns and flicks his tail about, then wraps his arms around it like it’s a toy. “Whatever. Bet you’re only getting away with it ‘cause you’re cute. Right, Beel?”
Beel lifts his hands innocently. Meanwhile, keeping my right hand latched to his mane, I reach up with my left to touch his ears. “I’m just standing. I can’t control what IK does.”
“Uh, yes you can. You can literally just pick her up. Any time.”
Beel’s fur is softer than I was expecting, but still coarser than any dog I’ve ever pet. I turn around to look at his tail. It’s sort of similar to Belphie’s usual demon tail - sleek along most of its length, but with a big fluffy bit at the end. He’s holding it too far down for me to reach from here, but if I twist a little more…
“Whoops—” Turns out I twisted too far. My claws detach, and I rapidly start slipping down his back.
Belphie’s eyes flash up. As smoothly as if he’d anticipated it, he ducks forward and cushions the landing with his tail - then draws in a breath through his teeth and scrunches his face up. “Oww. That hurt.”
“No one told you to do that,” I counter, but hurriedly shuffle off anyway.
“And let you break your tail? I don’t think so.” He reaches over before I can get far enough away and squishes my cheeks inward, then puts on a voice that he reserves for his most infuriating bits. “You gotta be careful, you’re just a little baby. Look at your cute little ears. What are you meant to be?”
“Not telling you!” I try to wrestle my face out of his hands, but he’s a lot better at this game than either Beel or I am. “Hey! I’m gonna bite you if you don’t stop!”
“Fine,” He sighs with unnecessarily gloom, and acquiesces. “You’re so mean to me. Well, do you know what I’m meant to be?”
I fold my arms and regard him for a moment. It’s not as obvious as the others have been so far. “I dunno. A weasel?”
He gives me a look. “Be nice.”
“I am being nice. What’s your problem with weasels?” I lean forward and pick up his tail at the tip. It’s heavier than it looks. “...well, your ears are the wrong shape, anyway. Um… you could be a hyena. Do a laugh?”
“Ha ha ha.”
“A proper one.”
“That is my proper one.”
“What do you think, Beel?”
He starts. He doesn't seem to have been paying attention - just watching us with a warm look on his face. “Uh— a cow?”
“A cow?” Belphie repeats incredulously. “Have you ever seen a cow? You just want steak, don’t you?”
Beel’s face says ‘guilty as charged’. I prop myself up on my knees and start ruffling Belphie’s ears without permission. They feel like they could be extra-big cat ears.
“I think you’re some kind of desert fox,” I announce. “Try barking.”
He looks offended. “No way.”
“I command you to—”
“I think it’s time for Beel to have a snack,” He says loudly, and gets to his feet. “We’re going now.”
“It’d be easier if you just do it on your own,” I say persuasively, following behind as Beel gets unceremoniously pushed out of the room. “It’s less embarrassing. It’s on your terms.”
“I’m not barking!” He insists, moving a little faster, as if that will stop me from speaking. “Make Lucifer do it. Wolves are way closer to dogs.”
“I d— oh, so the potion did work on him?” My attention is successfully shifted. “Where did he go?”
“I dunno, I wasn’t looking— where are you going?”
I’m already in the other room when I realise I was meant to answer that question, but it doesn’t matter that much. There are only so many places to be in the House of Lamentation, and Lucifer’s pretty predictable. He might well have gone back to his office to do his work for the day.
I look into the common room just in case, which is empty - but, rather suspiciously, there’s a lot of grey fur stuck to the cushions in Lucifer’s usual spot. The common room has a pretty distinct mix of scents to it, and Lucifer’s is strong enough that he can’t have left too long ago.
I’m not sure I enjoy having such strong senses. It’s easier not to pay attention to it all when I’m in the middle of something else, but it’s overwhelming as soon as I stop and try to dissect everything.
I sit down for a moment, close my eyes, and listen carefully to the silence. There’s some distant clanking and conversation from the kitchen, but other than that it’s just quiet…
…the weird thing is that we all still have our normal ears, on top of the new animal ones. I can’t tell which ones are doing the work.
Garden, a voice in the back of my head suddenly supplies, and I open my eyes again. I don’t think I even heard anything - not consciously, anyway - but it feels like the right thing to do.
And apparently it is. Lucifer is sitting out on the grass and doing absolutely nothing.
Which is quite suspicious, really. But all I can think about is how he doesn’t seem to have heard the door open, and that it would be really funny if I snuck up on him.
I take a slow, careful step onto the lawn. He doesn’t give any indication that he’s noticed anything. Maybe he can’t hear me over the rustling of his own tail swiping idly through the grass. I think this is about as close as I can get away with. Can I jump that far? Only one way to find out.
I crouch back and adjust myself. Then, using the soft grass as a springboard, I launch myself ever-so-gently at his shoulders and grab him by the head.
Lucifer doesn’t scream - I wouldn’t have expected him to, and if he had, I’d have been very alarmed. But he does let out a loud, gruff ‘heurgh!’ and nearly topple straight over, which is about as good as you get with him.
“Hey,” I announce, into his regular ear, then lean up and do the same into the wolf ones, just in case. “Hey!”
“Yes, I can hear you,” He sighs, catching himself on a hand and trying to act stern. (His tail is wagging.) “And what do you think you’re doing?”
“Dunno.” I lean forward until I’m just about hanging over his shoulder. Lucifer has to switch from hunching forward to tilting back to keep balance. “What’re you doing?”
He’s quiet for a moment. I get the feeling that he doesn’t know, either. “Keeping watch.”
“Watch on what?” The only thing in front of us is a big hedge and some flowers. “There’s nothing here.”
“Hmm,” He says, which isn’t an answer. “Shouldn’t you be inside?”
“Well, I was looking for you—” I tip further forward still, and at this point Lucifer seems to decide that it’d be more prudent to just lie back, so that I’m lying on my front instead of attempting to fall head-first into the grass. “—oof— ‘cause I didn’t think the potion would work on you. And I wanted to see what you were like.”
“You wanted to see me do something embarrassing,” He concludes, and waves off my defensive ‘nooo’. “I didn’t think it would work on you, either. What are you, exactly?”
“Red panda.” I reach across his chest and poke at one of the straps running down his shirt. “Wow. Your suspenders are kind of ugly.”
There’s a short, sharp exhale, and then he remembers to be offended. “I didn’t choose them.”
“Well, I was saying - it’s weird that the potion knows how to make clothes, isn’t it? I mean, it’s adding bones and everything…”
“Which is exactly why I’d like to question Solomon about what he put in it,” He says, and now he does sound genuinely severe. “He’s lucky it hasn’t done any damage. I don’t know how Luke managed to bake it into a cake.”
The tip of his tail - the rest of it is trapped under his back - has started lashing angrily at the grass. I wonder if scratching his ears would help calm him down, or just make him madder.
“It’s not his fault,” I say in what I hope is a persuasive voice. Maybe it’d help if I sounded more pitiful. “And I helped him bake it, too.”
He gives me a look. “You’re the one I’m most worried about. A human body shouldn’t be able to handle the same kind of magical stress as a demon, and it wasn’t exactly comfortable when I transformed. Is there something you aren’t telling me?”
“Funny story, actually. I just sneezed and then it happened.”
“You just sneezed,” He repeats.
“Didn’t feel a thing,” I confirm. “Anyway, it’s cool, isn’t it? Like - Levi has heat pits now.”
“We still don’t know how long this is going to last,” He says, but he does look less tense. “...well, you might as well have fun with it.”
“Do you feel like howling at all?” I ask, looking up at the moon. I mean, I know it’s not actually a thing, but even so… “Actually, do you feel any different? Like… is the wolf within talking?”
“You make it sound more dramatic than it is,” Lucifer says with another little exhale. “But yes.”
“What’s it saying?”
“To hunt, mostly. Feed the family, or something along those lines. But we’ve been grocery-shopping this week already - and I’m not sure what I’d hunt even if I listened. What about your… ‘panda within’, then?”
It’s nice that he’s playing along. “Mmm… I think I really wanna climb up something.”
“Something up high?” He gently pushes my head off his shoulder and gestures to the end of the garden. “Will that do?”
It’s not the tallest tree in the Devildom, but to someone of my stature it’s an intimidating enough height that I’d probably feel a little dizzy at the top - which is perfect. I hadn’t realised how much I wanted to do this until Lucifer pointed it out, but I’m moving before I can even stop to think about it.
There’s something liberating about this new agility. Scaling the trunk comes about as second nature as taking stairs - so smoothly that it feels like the air is parting around rather than rushing against me. It’s only once I’m crouched contentedly on the highest sturdy branch I can find that I notice Lucifer standing at the base of the tree, ears pricked and eagle-eyed in apparent trepidation.
The bark is rough, but for some reason it doesn’t bother me at all. I lie forward with a leisurely sweep of my tail and give him a winning smile.
He huffs. “Proud of yourself, are you?”
“Yup.” It’d be better if this was an apple tree - then I could pick one and toss it down to him, and it’d be extra cool.
Alas, the tree just has regular leaves. Which… look kind of tasty, actually. It’s not like I have access to bamboo down here, so this might be the next best thing.
“Don’t,” Lucifer warns. I can only assume that I was wearing a Beel expression. “You’ll make yourself sick.”
“I’m not doing anything,” I insist, then pause. Something’s just sped past one of the windows upstairs. “...huh? Was that Mammon?”
I can hear Lucifer’s tail swishing agitatedly as I edge closer to the end of the branch to get a closer look. A moment later, another blur goes by.
“He’s just running. Okay—” I quickly unlatch from the branch and drop down, landing neatly in Lucifer’s arms. “—I’m gonna go check on him.”
“Was a warning too much to ask for?” He asks, as if he hadn’t reached up as soon as I let go. “Alright, but be careful. He’s… energetic.”
“You aren’t coming?”
“In a moment,” He says, and an odd look comes over his face. “I might have a walk. I need to…”
I feel like ‘patrol’ might be the word he’s looking for, but Lucifer seems pretty adamant that he’s the boss of the wolf and not the other way around, so I won’t tease him. He sends me back to the house with a nod, then sets off - turning his head first, then the rest of his body, tail pointing out behind him.
I’m expecting to hear the thunder of feet as soon as I get inside, but apparently tigers are lighter-footed than I’d thought. I barely even sense Mammon approaching until he suddenly springs out from around the corner, coming within less than an inch of slamming tie-first into my face before yelping and jerking away.
At the same time, as if struck by invisible lightning, I half-twist and half-leap backwards, hands flying above my head again, and it’s only a moment after the weird, chattering sound that I realise I was the one making it. Mammon skitters several feet away, eyes wide with alarm, then catches himself on the wall and realises what’s going on.
“Whoa whoa whoa!” He holds out his hands in supplication. “Chill, it’s just me!”
I blink at him, mildly out of breath, then say, “I knew that.”
“...are ya gonna put your hands down, then?”
He waits. It takes a little effort, but I manage to regain control of my limbs and bring my arms back down to my side.
Mammon cocks his head to the side. His tail goes from pointing down to up, and begins to move idly from side-to-side as he sets his hands on his hips.
“Didn’t scare ya that bad, did I?” He steps closer, then motions for me to look up. “C’mere, lemme get a look at ya.”
“Why were you doing upstairs?” I ask as he pokes at the new markings on my cheeks, then leans back and tilts his head from side to side, squinting at me. “I saw you in the window.”
“Runnin’,” He says after a moment’s thought, squashing both my ears flat against my head. “I kinda… bit Beel. I was sorta worried I’d start bitin’ everyone else, so I was tryin’ to blow off steam. Actually, I was takin’ laps around the garden first, but Lucifer said it was makin’ his head hurt.”
“So you came back in?”
“Well, I did wanna start runnin’ faster,” He admits. “Like, I was there first. But then he growled at me. Figured it wasn’t worth pissing him off after that.”
He swipes a hand across his face, then sighs. “Man. I’m beat. Let’s just find somewhere to chill.”
“Aren’t you hungry at all?” I ask, following him back to the common room. “You were running for ages. Tigers eat a lot even when they’re just sleeping all day.”
“Eh, I’ll manage,” He yawns, slumping onto the sofa cushions and turning onto his side, like a leisurely cat. “‘Sides, I’m pretty sure Beel cleaned out the fridge. And it ain’t like there’s anything to hunt around here.”
“Ooh— actually, do you want a fun fact? Tigers kill their prey by biting onto their throats until they suffocate.”
Mammon lifts his head and gives me a look. “That’s a fun fact?”
“A lot of people think they maul them to death. Well, they can, but the throat thing’s easier. ‘Cause it saves energy.” He looks uneasy, so I try to comfort him by adding, “It’s just what they do. Tiger’s gotta eat.”
“Tiger’s gotta eat,” He repeats, but his face stays creased. “Okay, now tell me something nice.”
“Alright.” I sit down on the carpet in front of him. “Every tiger has a unique pattern. So these are your special Mammon stripes! They’re the same under the fur, too, so you’d still have them even if you were completely bald.”
“Ha! Reckon I could pull it off?”
“Uh... I dunno, your head’s pretty big.”
He smacks me on the arm. “I told ya to tell me somethin’ nice.”
“I’m not going to lie - that’s the nice part. If you did go bald, Levi wouldn’t stop calling you an egghead for a week.”
“Ain’t that mean someone’s smart, too? Hey, I could live with that.”
“But your head would be so shiny. And an eagle might think it was a rock and drop a tortoise on it.”
He snorts incredulously. “Yeah, ‘cause that happens all the time to bald people.”
“It’s happened at least once,” I assert. “Historically. According to one guy two thousand years ago. The bald guy died, by the way.”
“Be a hell of a way to go.” He twists up, so that his chest faces the ceiling, and folds his arms with a deep sigh. “Fine. Guess I’ll hold back, just for you.”
His tail lolls over the edge of the sofa as he closes his eyes. I watch it for a while, glancing periodically up at his ostensibly absent expression, then reach out to catch it.
Like a spider on a string, it flicks backwards, and goes to lying barely an inch away. I try again, then again, then again, and yet it keeps bouncing away, as if it can sense the movement. No matter how fast I move, it’s always just a little faster.
I refuse to give up. I keep batting at it with mounting frustration, switching from quick jabs to slow, careful ambushes before finally turning a glare to Mammon’s face - and belatedly notice that his eyes are fully open again.
We look at each other for a moment. Then I realise that he’s not paying attention, and instinct takes over. Before he can react, I seize his tail and - for some reason I can’t fathom - bite it.
But I suppose I can’t have bitten it very hard, because Mammon usually makes it very loudly known if someone so much as pinches him. This time, he just stares at me. Then he starts laughing.
“Hahaha, oh man—” He reaches forward and gives both my ears an aggressive, adoring rumple, declaring, “Aren’t ya sweet? You havin’ fun with that? Hahahaha!”
“Quit it,” I mumble, pushing his tail away from me with perhaps an unnecessary amount of force, then decide on a whim to climb up onto the sofa with him. “Move up.”
“Oof!” He ends up squished against the back, but I’m too embarrassed to care. “Sheesh, give a guy some breathing room.”
“No,” I muffle into a cushion. “Die.”
“Fine, then. Have it your way.” He burrows one arm under me, then uses that as leverage to make himself some more room. I bury my face in my hands and pretend not to hear his pleased chuffing. “Wanna tell us a bedtime story?”
I peek up at him through a gap in my fingers. “...all the stories Dad told me about tigers end in the tiger dying.”
“Oh, don’t tell me, lemme guess—” He snickers. “—some little red thing tries to eat its tail and—”
Before he can finish, my hands shoot up and tug both of his tiger ears down. This time he does yelp. “Oi! Okay, okay, you win—”
“I don’t even know why I did that,” I grumble, letting go and shielding my face once more.
He chuffs again, pinching my nose with just enough force to be annoying. “Yeah, well, it was funny. Don’t even worry about it. Y’know Levi used to bite my arm whenever he got excited? Man, that was ages ago…”
“You shouldn’t let him bite you now - he’s got snake venom. You’ll get necrosis and your arm’ll fall off.”
“That bad? Yikes.” He yawns, then abruptly tucks me under his chin like a glorified teddy bear. “Good thing you’re gonna guard me, right?”
“I can’t do anything when I’m stuck here,” I complain - knocking my head affectionately into his at the same time, like a hypocrite. “I can’t die valiantly in battle if you don’t let me go.”
“Against a snake? Nah, leave it. That’s not even a cool thing to fight.”
“How dare you say that about Saint Patrick…”
The conversation continues in that vein for a little longer - until Mammon finally runs out of energy to keep coming up with responses, and instead starts responding with a series of low, growling hums. He dozes off soon after that. Considering how long he was sprinting around for, I’m impressed he managed to stay awake for that long.
I’d like to stay with him for a while, but I don’t feel sleepy at all, and it’s also getting kind of warm. I carefully wriggle my way out, then stand up and survey the scene. I reckon I’ll build a few cushions around him, like a fort, and that way he’ll be extra safe…
Once I’m done with that, I decide to go wandering again. Satan’s the only one I haven’t seen so far, and I can’t tell if the ongoing silence from him forebodes well or poorly.
The first place to check is, as usual, the library, which is empty at first glance. Then I catch a pair of vivid green eyes staring at me - a large demon-shaped cat tucked neatly into a high-up gap in the bookshelf.
“...why are you in there?” I ask, even though I know the answer from Hyde, and it’s just that he can, and wants to be.
Satan stays there for a moment, then slips out, landing softly on all fours, and sits gracefully back on his haunches. I’d be worried about the lack of response if it wasn’t for his tail pointed straight up behind him, waving slowly like a happy flag.
“Hello,” He says, perfectly serene.
“Hey.” I give him a knowing look, which he ignores. He’s not fooling anyone who knows him even a little - let alone me. “Are you having fun being a cat?”
“You would not believe,” He replies, and at this point the giddiness starts to seep into his voice. He leans forward a little. “Come here. Scratch my ears.”
There’s a weirdly intense look on his face. I wrinkle my nose at him. “What?”
“Scratch my ears,” He says again, as if it was the instruction that was the problem.
“Just do it.”
“Not if you’re gonna be weird about it—”
“I can purr now,” He says impatiently. “Come on, come on, I’ll show you.”
“Okay, okay—” I bend down a little and give the base of his ears a rub. They’re sleeker than Hyde’s - more intact, too. “Is that good?”
He shuts his eyes, ducking his head so that I get the angle correctly. A familiar sound starts up, even louder and deeper than I’m used to, like a little motor in his chest.
It’s hypnotic. I kneel down beside him, and in turn he starts dipping his head even lower, until it looks like he’s contorted in a funny yoga pose. Eventually he just gives up on supporting himself and flops over onto his side with a content little smile.
A voice in the back of my head comments that this must all look incredibly strange. The voice in the front of my head replies that it’s really cute, so it doesn’t matter.
I mess around with one of his ears and turn it inside out. He doesn’t seem to notice, but the ear itself starts twitching restlessly, as if trying to reverse itself. “What’ve you been up to? What else can you do?”
(It’s kind of hard not to start baby-talking him, but I’m not sure he’d forgive me if I did.)
“Well, Lucifer left his office unlocked, so I went in and got some fur on his chair,” He says triumphantly, opening his eyes for long enough to offer a slow, happy blink. “Then I just took a nap. Sleeping as a cat is much nicer than sleeping as a demon. No wonder they always look so happy.”
There’s no way Satan didn’t spend at least a little time just basking in the bliss of his feline transformation, but I won't force him to admit that. I pick up one of his hands and turn it over. Like Asmo, they look mostly the same, but with little pads on the ends of his long fingers.
Satan yawns, then slowly sits up again. “What are you looking at?”
“Trying to see if your hands do the…” I press down between his knuckles, and his nails do indeed seem to protract. “Whoa! I wonder how that works?”
He looks down, then lets out a shallow gasp and wrenches his hand out of mine, reversing the positions so that he’s holding my left hand instead. His ears are pointed straight up - I imagine a pair of whiskers fanning out from his cheeks.
“You’ve got paws,” He whispers in awe.
“Paw,” I correct, showing him the right one. “This is just a glove. I don’t think the potion works on prosthetic stuff.”
“Interesting..." He frowns. “I wonder if we have any textbooks about this kind of thing.”
I know he prefers spellwork over brewing, which I’ve heard Professor Baal vocally complaining about in the staff room before, so this is a good sign for them. After a moment, though, the scholarly look on Satan’s face vanishes again, and now he’s wearing the same expression he watches kitten videos with.
He tweaks my nose, then starts combing his fingers methodically through the hair I messed up on the sofa earlier, beginning to purr again. I’m suddenly put in mind of those videos of cats grooming each other.
He shifts to better reach the back of my head, and I hear a quiet chime. I look down. There’s a bell tied around his tail.
Weird choice of accessory. It’s not attached very securely - just loosely looped around with a strong string. Satan pauses as I detach the bell, then lift it up and give it a jingle.
I open my mouth to say something, then realise that, based on his expression, he won’t hear a word of it. Satan’s completely frozen in place, eyes fixed on the bell. His now-unadorned tail swishes restlessly behind him.
Holding my breath, I jingle the bell again. The pupils of his eyes expand until there’s barely any green left in them, and he crouches back unconsciously. I think he’s actually trembling a little in anticipation.
I give it one last shake, then toss it away. Satan follows it with a sharp turn of his head - then, wiggling as if to calibrate, pounces at it like— well, like a cat at a mouse.
As soon as he lands beside it, his hand strikes the edge at just the right angle to send it spinning away, and this time he doesn’t even try to adjust before leaping at it again, then again - head held close to the ground, digging his claws into the carpet to keep himself from skidding and then getting them stuck when he tries to keep going. Each time, the bell seems to evade his grasp, right up until he lunges for it a little too rapidly and runs head-first into the wall.
“Oh no—” I’d been covering my mouth to stop myself from laughing, but now it’s more out of shock - I hurry to prop him back up as Satan stares at the ceiling, dazed. “—are you okay?”
He blinks deliriously for a moment, then gives himself a shake and flushes. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine—”
He hurriedly gets back to his feet and, for want of something to do, starts flattening the fur on his ears. The bell lies, discarded, a few feet away. His eyes keep darting back to it again.
After a moment, deciding that he doesn’t seem like he has a concussion, I get up to retrieve it. Satan watches me in close anticipation as I toss it in my hand for a moment, then roll it over to him.
His hand shoots out and slams it to the ground. Then he smacks it my way again, and without thinking I dive to the side to catch it.
With each pass, he gets a little more boisterous, and the bell starts moving in wilder, faster directions, criss-crossing all over the library, passed back and forth with barely enough respite to actually jingle. I bounce this way, Satan bounds that way - knocking into furniture so frequently and loudly that it’s not really a surprise when someone comes to see what’s going on.
The door opens, and Satan stops himself short. He sits up straight, replacing his playful expression with a completely serious one, and Levi eyes us both suspiciously.
“What were you doing?” He asks after a moment.
“Nothing,” lies Satan, getting up. His eyes dart down to the bell again, and he discreetly kicks it away. “What’re you doing here?”
He scratches his head. “Well, Asmo got hungry. And I didn’t wanna just sit around in his room.”
“Are you still cold?” I ask. He shrugs.
“I think I’m getting used to it,” He says, coming further into the room. “I mean, it’s still chilly, but it’s like… outside chilly.”
“That’s good. Oh, have you tried eating anything yet? Do you reckon you could swallow stuff whole like Gerald does?”
He grimaces. “Do I have to? That sounds gross. Do we even have anything big enough?”
“Uhh… a big loaf of bread, maybe…?”
Satan, listening to this with interest, glances to the side and spots Levi’s long snake tail, and abruptly shoots into the air - so high that it looks as if a helicopter took off with a rope tied around him. Levi yelps and dives to hide; a moment later, Satan lands on his feet, a good ten feet away from where he started.
Levi peeks warily out from behind the armchair. “What was that?”
Satan clears his throat and refuses to make contact. “Ahem - do you hear people in the common room? Let’s go to the common room.”
The common room is a lot busier than it was since I left it. The twins have arrived, and the scene looks like Mammon’s swapped personalities with Belphie - while the latter is playing a chase game with Beel around the sofa, he has his head propped up on a cushion, blinking reproachfully at them for disturbing him.
Asmo shows up soon after we do, throwing himself into the seat next to me with a metric armful of some leafy vegetable that I can only assume is the Devildom equivalent of celery. He offers me a stick and keeps crunching loudly throughout Levi and Satan’s bickering, cheeks perpetually full like a hamster.
With everyone else gathered here, it’s not long before Lucifer slips in as well, and immediately gets dragged into Belphie’s game with Beel. Lucifer waits until he’s tuckered himself out (which doesn’t take long, because it’s Belphie), to finally call a family meeting of some kind so that everyone can get their bearings.
Though there isn’t much to say - we're all more or less settled into ourselves now, so it’s just a matter of getting used to everyone else. That doesn’t take long, either, and soon enough, certain demons start getting bored. Within the hour, they’re all running around the house again like excited puppies.
…I say ‘they’, but that includes me. Levi’s the one who opts to stay sitting calmly by the fireplace. Belphie keeps collapsing in the middle of the hallway for a five minute nap before he gets up to join in again, and Lucifer has to try to keep up with us to make sure we don’t start breaking everything.
Such is the commotion that no one hears the knock on the door, which Luke left unlocked when he fled. That also means that no one thinks to stop Mammon when he makes to use it as a launchpad - Solomon steps inside and immediately gets bowled over, sending the carefully corked bottle in his hand flying. Behind him, Luke lets out a short squeak and covers his eyes, but it lands safely on the carpet, its momentum carrying it down the hall.
And then it comes to a stop by Satan’s feet.
He stares at the bottle, eyes dilated. His tail flicks restlessly.
“Satan,” Lucifer starts, ears pricked in caution - none of us are close enough to grab the bottle to safety. “Don’t—”
Satan reaches down and bats the bottle cleanly into the wall. It smashes it into about a million smithereens. The rest of us watch the violet potion inside drain into the carpet.
“You know,” Solomon says, cross, “Sometimes you bring this on yourselves.”
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
What a Naughty Girl…
Scarlett Johansson x Elizabeth Olsen
ScarLizzie x Fem!Reader
“WandaNat” x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Possessiveness, Invasion of Privacy, Kidnapping, Blood, SoftDark!!!(Roleplay). Legal, yet unspecified age gap (IE-Little One)
Smut: Little One/Naughty-Good Girl(R), Daddy(Scar), Mommy(Liz), Strap(L—S), Fingering(R—L), Face-Riding(S—R), Knife Play/Marking(R—L), Baton/Penetration(R—S) Nipple Stim., Slapping, Choking, Bulge Kink Squirting, Passing Out—Somnophilia(R—S)
18+ | Minors DNI!!!
Request: "now this with natasha and wanda would be <3" - @mushroomgayval on my Flo fic.
Fluffy until it's not 😳 ; I'm not partaking in Kinktober per se, but do enjoy this filth 💋
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Scarlett and Lizzie had been rather worried when come time for dinner you'd been absent. The long filming days like today, when they'd have dinner catered to set were always your absolute favorite., "Maybe she left already.," Robert countered their perplexed expressions, and they skipped right over his silly reasoning., "She never leaves without saying goodbye to at least one of us, it's how we know she's safe."
Downey simply rolled his eyes at them, as if you weren't a grown adult capable of getting home. Then he gasped when his hand was slapped away from taking the last remaining Hawaiian roll., "That's for Y/N, paws off.," Lizzie warned, then she began to move around the craft tables to collect you a sizable plate. Scarlett collected drinks for the three of you, then she followed Lizzie to your trailer with their plates of food in hand.
Scarlett had offered to be the one to wake you, because as cute as you were, when your sleep was disturbed you were a monster and she was more equipped to handle your little outbursts. First thing she did was admire your body, the shirt you'd been wearing was raised so far that she could actually see the lace of your red bra. Your shorts were hilariously disheveled, your matching panties somewhat visible, then this sudden idea ran through her mind, and she found herself annoyed that you might be wearing them for someone in particular.
Before she could get too irrationally angry she finally noticed the way that your hand was partially dipped into your shorts, then she saw the lit up phone settled beside you on the mattress, the picture was slowly becoming more clear to her, and with her interest piqued she picked up the phone, eyes widening when she saw what was pulled up on your screen. Lizzie was impatiently staring at her girlfriend, the food having long run cold, so she stumbled right on over to see what was taking so long.
"Shh, look...," Scarlett hushed her girlfriend before she could accidentally disturb you, nimble fingers accepted your unlocked phone, and Liz had to cover her mouth to contain her gasp., "Holy shit...," Scarlett nodded., "Yeah." Lizzie's shock wore off, and she looked to her lover with a mischievous grin., "This is going to be fun, who knew she was so damn naughty."
Scarlett hummed as she pulled Lizzie in for a rough kiss, desperate for the contact as her mind now ran wild with filthy thoughts of you inspired by the dark contents on your phone. They both knew of your crushes on them, it wasn't something you could hide from them; you were just so sweet, and they had thought you were pure—but knowing that you got off to stories of their respective Marvel characters taking you in such twisted ways, well now they know just how wrong they were.
Thrilling didn't begin to explain just how great this information was for them, their need to fulfill your deepest, darkest fantasies now sat at the forefront of their mind, but for now they've got to play it cool. After they readjusted their appearances, as to not give themselves away, they returned to the original plan. Scarlett set your phone screen down beside you, then she sat down beside you, gently coaxing you from your deep slumber, and then she was giggling when you expectedly groaned., "Little one, you need to wake up and eat, none of that now."
Scarlett was extra attentive to your body now, so she watched the way you tensed the more your consciousness began to seep in, your eyes shot open, so she smiled warmly down at you, hopeful that you'd calm, to her luck you'd done just that when you saw your phone face down., "Good morning sunshine, we were worried.," Your brows furrowed adorably, followed up by your lip jutting out, and she just wanted to take you right then and there., "'M sorry.," and your raspy, fresh from your sleep voice didn't help.
"No need to apologize honey, just come eat.," Lizzie spoke up, announcing her presence, and her heart skipped when your head lifted, and your sleepy smile was now filling her vision., "Lizzieeeee.," she chuckled at the way you sang her name, beckoning you over, and she pulled you into her lap as soon as she could reach you. Scarlett huffed, she wakes you, and Lizzie gets the cute greeting., "Scar said you were a little monster, but look at you, such a good girl."
The women shared a knowing glance when you looked down and not so subtly shifted about in her lap., "Scar's the monster.," you grumbled., "Don't I know it.," Lizzie teased along with you, and that seemed to be enough to have you settling into her hold., "You two are always ganging up on me, I just can't catch a break.," You stuck your tongue out at the blonde, she smirked at your childish behavior, and then before you could stop it she stole your roll., "Might as well live up to the title of being a monster.," she shrugged, then she laughed when you menacingly—adorably—glared.
After the couple finally left your trailer you had released a super shaky breath, being so close to them, and putting up with their merciless teasing is your norm, but after the earlier hours where you spent your time with your fingers buried deep within your cunt to their images, fingers bringing yourself over the edge as you read about their characters manhandling you, well it was beyond unbearable to say the least.
Scarlett and Lizzie were thriving upon their new discovery, so much so that they'd snuck back onto set to steal their suits, amongst a few other things: rope, handcuffs, a conveniently laid out burlap sack, and a few other props. They anxiously sat together in their Tesla, waiting for the lights in your trailer to go out, and for you to send them a 'Leaving ❤️,' text.
"Do you think she's going to handle this well?," Lizzie asked, the fear that this might be a bit too much settling deep within her, but she soon settled when Scarlett reached out for her hand., "Honey—Y/N, our sweet little one, wants this. You read the same stories I did, and saw just how much she was a flustered mess at dinner. Plus, if we get her to our hotel, and she seems unwilling we'll shut it all down.," Scarlett lifted her hand up to her lips., "Calm down honey.," then just as she kissed her knuckles your light was being shut off., "Looks like it's showtime."
Scarlett slipped out of the passenger seat with a wink to her getaway driver, then hiding in the dead of night she followed you to your vehicle. You were humming, completely oblivious to your surroundings, and though that was to her current benefit, she was still pretty annoyed at your total aloofness. Danger lurks around all corners, you need to be more prepared; I mean, look at you now as she throws a bag over your head and presses a prop gun into your back.
Your screams doing nothing to save you as you are drug across the empty lot, and tossed into a car that clearly wasn't yours., "Please, I-I, you don't want to do this... There will be people looking for me.," Lizzie looks back to see Scarlett smirk, knowing exactly what she's thinking—they're the people who'd be looking for you—Scarlett winks at her before swooping your keys up off the ground, then she's quick to drive your car off the lot, leading Lizzie to the sketchy motel on the outskirts of town that she booked under falsehoods earlier for this event.
Lizzie was gripping the steering wheel rather tightly, your sobs were slowly getting to her, because as much as she hated to admit she enjoyed them, she also worried you might bolt. That their long term goals of having you all to themselves will be out the door all because they got caught up in a moment and played upon your secret fantasies, and the prospect of that absolutely terrified her., "I don't want to die, please, I'll do anything...,"
Scarlett pulled into the dingy parking lot, and you could feel as the car you were in came to a stop, your entire life was replaying in your mind while you waited for the kidnapper to make their next move. Whomever drove you here had left the car, the clicking door telling you as much, and so you sobbed even louder. Dying wasn't really a fear for you, it was your lack of living that had terrified you, so focused on moving up in your career you had neglected the very life you'd always wanted to live.
Traveling the world was traded in for shooting a film in Venice, pretty as it was, your ability to explore was limited by the strenuous set hours. Creating that family you always wanted was replaced by the Marvel crew, and though you loved them with all your heart, it wasn't the same as your dreamed up life with a wife and kids, whether they'd be human or fur babies. Falling in love had also been ruined for you too, your infatuation with the kind women you've been fortunate enough to know ruined you for anyone else that ever came along.
Being forced into this backseat left you alone in the mind you were always so hesitant to be in. You're proud of where you've managed to get, but it doesn't make where you wanted to be any less a nagging thought, you just wanted to shut down at this point, your current misery was interrupted though when the door had opened. Fight or flight inevitably kicked in, and before the person could snatch you up you kicked them hard in the chest, a deep, yet feminine huff was heard as you took off running.
A sense of hope swirled deep in your gut, but in your haste to get away you'd failed to consider the handcuffs on your hands, the sack over your head—oh, and the potential accomplice. Your body was quickly snatched up from behind, legs kicking as you were mid run, an arm wrapped around your waist so tightly that you could barely breath. Then a lithe hand was placed firmly over your covered mouth to catch your breathless screams, fresh hot tears now getting caught on your upper lip as you cried over your inevitable demise.
You don't usually survive a kidnapping after attacking the perpetrators...
Scarlett was still recovering from the blow when Lizzie entered with your squirming form. In a moment of genuine rage Scarlett yanked you from her lovers hold, and began to tie you to the bed with such force that you gave in. Lizzie was in a state of total shock at the way it had all played out thus far, never did she think it would've resorted to such extremities, it was really only meant to be a 'playful' kidnapping.
She felt a twinge of guilt, but she also couldn't fight the way all of this made her feel, seeing Scarlett manhandle you after she'd just done the same had her panties beyond wrecked. Scarlett was nearly done with your bindings when you began to violently choke on your spit, and a sense of urgency to help filled her body. So without much thought she ripped the sack from your head, your shocked gasp only made the choking that much worse, and both women were truly too enamored with your mussed up face to help you anymore.
The way your eyes were bloodshot, and now swimming with a flurry of easily readable emotions: fear, betrayal, but mostly—arousal. Your cheeks were streaked with mascara, and your once plump lips were smeared red and beyond split open as you'd chewed them up. Scarlett couldn't stop herself when another tear fell from your eyes, she swiped the salty liquid over your lips with her thumb, smearing the dried blood around, and effectively making you wince as the liquid burned at the cracks.
"Wh-What...," Scarlett pressed her thumb down forcefully, gliding over your teeth on the way to stop the movement of your tongue, she smirked when your lips closed around her digit, you were sucking upon it to self soothe., "You've been a very naughty girl today Y/N.," your eyes somehow filled with even more tears when you saw the genuine disappointment that resided within both of their stares.
"First you nearly slept through dinner.," Lizzie tuts., "Then when we graciously brought your plate you'd left your door unlocked, any sort of danger could've walked right on in.," your eyes widen, because for all intents and purposes, it clearly had, and the returned look they give tells you they know it had., "Trained in basic combat, and Scarlett was able to snatch you up with ease. How many times do we have to say take care of yourself for you to listen, hmm?"
"We saw your phone too, the way your hand was in your pants, fuck Y/N, we think you did this all on purpose, it was a perfect set up...," you attempted to shake your head, they needed to know you didn't want them to find out, of course you didn't—this is embarrassing.
Scarlett removed her thumb from your mouth, and as you went to deny it the back of her hand made contact with your face., "No use in lying now slut.," your cheek stung with the tiniest of scratches forming as her rings grazed the skin., "Now...," Lizzie had started to get to the far less painful part, but the vibrating of your boob caught her off guard, her eyes looking to see it was nearly 9PM., "Who the fuck is calling you this late Y/N?!," both of them watched as your eyes widened fearfully, and they wasted no time grabbing the phone., "Who's Luna??"
"Oh, apparently it's cold, and getting late...," Scarlett read off., "Your reservations were given up, but she's still down to 'link up,' she wants the addy.," Scarlett scoffs, tossing your phone across the room with no care at all., "That's why your makeup was done up then? You got all dressed up for this whore, hm?," another slap to etch even more nicks into your skin is thrown down, and your lip trembled., "It was just a hookup... Dinner was her idea."
Lizzie gripped your cheeks, squishing them until your lips were pouting., "That is worse, you were going to whore yourself out to this random bimbo after getting off to us?," your eyes shut while an uncomfortable wave of  embarrassment welled up within your chest., "No, open your fucking eyes and face us.," you reluctantly did, and when you truly looked you could see genuine hurt beneath all the anger.
"I'm sorry... I-I...," the women watch as you breakdown, a deep sorrow evident in your sobs, and they didn't know what had truly gotten into them, you weren't ever theirs, but fuck, the idea of you and that girl, or let alone any other person with you really had them seeing red., "If you're sorry, then prove it.," Scarlett growled, her face not even two inches from yours now, and before you could spout more apologies her lips were pressed to yours.
It was all too much, your mind was riddled with turmoil, on the one end this is all you'd ever wanted, to have these gorgeous creatures in your vicinity, with their hands all over you as they showed your body absolutely no mercy. On the other end of things this was just insane; your sweet little Elizabeth, and your charming as ever Scarlett have betrayed your trust, they took your private experiences where you let your fantasies run wild and recreated them. Without so much as a heads up it felt wrong, but the way her plump lips felt against yours, and the blinding pressure steadily building up from deep within you told you that your body and mind did not agree in the slightest here.
Her lips were soft, but she wasn't by any means as she shoved her tongue over your cracked lips, diving into your mouth to savor the taste that was so uniquely you, a bit of mint to complement the metallic taste of your blood, and she appreciates the way you give in to her. Those expert hands of hers wasted no time traveling down your body, groping you over the clothing before finding the barrier angering. Cold fingers slipping beneath your shirt had your back arching, the sensation against your heated skin offering the opposite of relief.
Lizzie was captivated, watching the way that her lover was slipping further into a headspace she'd never seen before; Scar had always been so incredibly soft with her, and she wonders if this had always been what she wanted to do, but maybe she was just worried it wouldn't have gotten her anywhere so she said nothing. Lizzie shifted, if that was the case, well boy she couldn't have been more wrong, the leather pants of her suit were sticky with her arousal, and every sound Scarlett was able to pull from you was making the actress that much dizzier. Then she'd unintentionally whined, her innate need for relief finally reaching its precipice.
Scarlett removed her tongue from residing down your throat, her hands groped your breasts harshly, pulling a languid moan from you as she pulled back, your lower lip caught between her teeth, and her eyes were on yours. Once she felt your stare matched hers in terms of cognition she'd bit down on the delicate muscle, dribbles of blood mixed with spit flickered over your chin as she relinquished her hold, and you slumped against the pillow with a new wave of tears in your eyes.
"So fucking beautiful.," Lizzie groans, her thumb collecting the bloody spit from your chin, eyes of emerald green, that upon closer observation now resemble that of the forest in the night stare through your glazed over pair. "Mm...," her thumb pressed passed her lips, grazing over her tongue she relished the taste, you watched, chest heaving as the arousal was swirling painfully in the pit of your stomach.
Scarlett pulled Lizzie in for a bruising kiss, the lovers making out over you was indeed a sight to marvel at, tongues decorated in crimson fighting for a dominance neither was willing to give up, you whimpered pitifully beneath them, and they broke away, chuckling tauntingly., "Oh, does our naughty girl have needs too?," you nod frantically, eyes glimmering with hope dull upon seeing the hardened glares in return.
"Too fucking bad.," Scarlett snarls, then her body lifts from the bed, leaving you alone with Lizzie who's look, though softer, is frightening., "What? Thought you could be a whore and just get your way.," she mocks, hands reaching into the pocket on her lower leg, your eyes widen when you see the handle of a dagger, the blade being the next to flood your eye line, and in a shocking turn of events you could feel the way you soaked right on through your panties, the evidence likely dripping onto the mattress as you were in a short skirt.
"Tell me detka...," she purrs the Russian pet name out like it was her mother tongue, the accent usually reserved for her character now being transferred into a new realm of her life., "Do you think Luna's still waiting for your answer?," the harsh glare tells you to remain silent., "I'm sure she is, a pretty one like you's hard to not think about...," her eyes never leave yours while her blade glides over the thin shirt, a firm pressure being felt as she leans closer to you, followed shortly by the ripping of fabric.
"Scar baby, check our naughty girls phone for me please.," she sweetly calls out to her lover, her dagger still laying against your sternum, and as she spoke her hands naturally moved; the little bow of your bra was torn to shreds, the skin beneath painfully nicked, and your pained groan has Lizzie looking to you again. Excited an understatement when she sees the disheveled cups of your bra, the small puddle of blood pooling beneath the tip of her dagger makes her feel accomplished; she drags it even lower, watching as your chest rises and falls in stutters, and your breaths grow shallow, the nerves clear as day on your furrowed face., "Looks like the bitch just won't give up!"
Lizzie's dagger digs into you at the shouted words, the feeling of your blood trailing down your side an afterthought to the way she looks. It's truly uncanny, the suit was clinging to her every curve, the auburn wig was still in pristine condition, and the way she tilted her head had you convinced Wanda Maximoff wasn't even a character at all but instead Lizzie's alter ego., "Bring the phone, it's important we set the girl straight.," Lizzie's words had you in a frenzy to have access to your limbs again, your squirms were put to an end though with a pointed glare, oh, and the feeling of the cold metal pressing over your bottoms, your skirt and lacy panties falling in tandem.
Scarlett smirked down at you, following instructions she photographed yours arms., "Seems she's a bit tied up, don't you think?," both women laughed manically after sending off the message, three bubbles formed, but soon faded, the bottom of the message spread now reading "Luna has unmatched you.," Scarlett smiled as she settled your phone on the nightstand, and Lizzie beamed just the same., "Now you're all ours kotenok, and we're going to fucking ruin you for anyone else..."
As if that wasn't already the case...
Lizzie hummed a happy tune while you sobbed, the perfectionist in her had her going over the pristine markings she'd been etching into you, "E.O." now residing between a set of your ribs. The only relief you got came when her tongue softly trailed over the open wound, collecting the bright red droplets of blood, her lips soft as they sealed the branding with a kiss. An "S.J." was soon to follow, mirrored on the right side., "Absolutely perfect, our precious little one.,"
Scarlett placed a kiss to the nape of her lovers neck, alerting to her that she was ready for her, lithe hands trace over her leather covered waist on their journey to hook onto her tight pants. Fingers hook around the waistband, and once she feels your eyes on them she slowly pulls them down her legs, Lizzie's muscular thighs are revealed to you, and you squirm in place when you see them glimmering with her slick. Just knowing that having you at their mercy did that to her fills you with a tainted pride; the new hope of having your face buried between them leaves you uncomfortably dripping.
Scarlett settles onto the chair that you now notice is at the end of the bed, her black widow suit is still perfectly clinging to her body, but she's slipped into a harness, on the outside of the black suit you see the shiny red faux cock, your desperate walls flutter, clinging onto nothing, and judging by their incredulous laughter you know they can see it happening., "Aww... Look at her detka, so desperate for our touch now...," she mocks you, even winking your way as you're forced to watch the strap slip into Lizzie's puffy cunt with relative ease, moaning as it fills her up so well, your body feels so incredibly uncomfortable, absolutely buzzing as you remain deprived of their touch.
It's truly a sight to see, all those fanfics you'd read thus far of the redheaded beauties now coming to life before you; you felt unworthy. "Wanda's" moans were even prettier, and far more sinful than you'd imagined, "Natasha's" grip on her hips just as rough as you'd expected it to be when she guided her over the strap, and her deep grunts left no room to question just how affected she was by all of this as well.
Leather shone with the drippings of the woman far too eager to climax, and Lizzie grew closer when she saw you ogling them, the sheer amount of want on top of the innate need in your eyes had her squeezing around the strap, and screaming., "Fuck! Y/N...," the shouting of your name as she came hard leaving you a whimpering mess in need of a good fuck on the bed before them. Scarlett kissed over the marks she'd left behind on the side of her lovers neck, helping her to come down from her high, all while watching you attempt to squirm about.
Lizzie, with the help of Scarlett, made her way onto the bed, her glistening cunt now pressing against your bare abdomen, you moaned as the warm slick gushed out and over your abdomen. Lizzie stares down at you, her smile wide as can be as your eyes plead with her for much more., "Daddy's going to ride your pretty little face, and mommy.," she pauses, wiggling her hands above your face much like her character does., "Well mommy's going to fill you up with these magic fingers of hers...," she laughed tauntingly when you huffed in obvious embarrassment, your eyes closing to hide, but a slap to your face undid your attempts to cower away.
"Mommy and daddy won't touch you anymore until we get a verbal okay.," you could see that under the facade that she truly wanted your express consent before anything progressed., "Mhm...," her displeased stare urged you on., "Yes mommy... I-I want your magic fingers.," Lizzie beamed, then in a briefly soft moment she pecked your nose., "Good fucking girl."
Scarlett approached the bed as Lizzie slowly moved down your body, your nostrils the first to catch her presence; the smell of her arousal causing your mouth to salivate, and then as you shifted to gaze at her you had felt lightheaded. Her shaven pussy was a marvel for sure, but it only got more heavenly as you trailed your eyes up, her taut skin looked so damn soft, and her rounded breasts looked incredibly delectable., "My eyes are up here kotenok.," Scarlett taunts as your eyes lingered on her pert nipples; soft, deceivingly so, fingers gripped you by the chin, yanking your gaze up to catch her smug smirk.
"Tell me printsessa, do you think you deserve mommy's fingers...," your eyes downcast as soon as she hints to leaving you unresolved., "What about daddy's pussy hmm?," the threat of not being able to taste her actually hits you harder than the other, you're desperate and you don't care how pathetic you look begging., "No... But please, fuck! Daddy I'll be so good for you guys, I promise to be your good girl.," Scarlett's eyes only darken further, any trace of green that had once remained was subjected to the clutch of the void now, your pleads and promises enough for the redhead, evident as she carefully slots herself over your face.
"Daddy, please, I want to touch you...," you whined, hands tugging at their restraints, and the woman looks down to you in amusement., "You have only one job here detka, so open your mouth, and use it to make me cum.," she lowers herself onto you without allowing another word to leave your mouth, she sighs happily when she feels your tongue glide through her folds, a loud moan then leaving her when you swirl it over her throbbing clit., "Just like that detka, don't fucking stop.," she groans, a hand flying to your head to wrap up in your hair, holding you properly against her.
Lizzie places a firm kiss to your clit, giggling when your body jolts, and Scarlett screams., "So reactive...," she taunts the both of you, then without much more than a swirling around your entrance does she thrust two fingers in., "Shit, you're so fucking tight dorogoy.," Lizzie grunts as she is met with your resistant walls right away, but they are no match for her will. Slowly but surely she sets a steady rhythm, her fingers separating inside of you, the cold metal of her rings tenderly brush against your velvety walls—shocking you, your consequent mewls making a fire of blinding pleasure spread throughout the beauty atop of you's body.
Scarlett was close, she almost felt embarrassed at how quickly she was going to fly over the edge of bliss, but with just how talented she deemed your mouth to be the shame settled. Her hips never faltered in their efforts to meet your tongues thrusts, and when Lizzie kept the same energy with her fingers in your tight cunt it wasn't long until you fell over together. Your strangled moans reverberated throughout her cunt, and you were rewarded with the glorious feeling that was her arousal sliding over your tongue, and slowly trickling down your throat.
Lizzie slowly pulled out of you, careful to ensure your greedy pussy didn't swallow her jewelry up, and with her free arm she helped Scar off of your face, laying her against the bed she hovers her fingers over her mouth, and while you work to catch your breath you find it very difficult at the sight of their soft moment. Lizzie's patient with her, fingers gently tapping your arousal onto her lips until she parts them, hungrily sucking them into her warm mouth.  Lizzie groans when her tongue expertly works to clean your remnants from her digits, and to prolong the moment she keeps the eye contact with her steady as she fucks her throat.
Scar's gags reignite the fire in the pit of your stomach, and you whimper like the bitch in heat that you are; Lizzie rolls her eyes at your expressive neediness, but as a woman who aims to please she gives in to your calls. Fingers glimmer with the spit of the dazed woman as she pulls them out, then she leans down to gently peck her lips, dipping into her mouth just to gather a taste of you, then she pulls back and refocuses her attention on you. Fingers dance over your tense thighs, beyond sore muscles twitch beneath her touch, and she almost feels bad when you groan as she kneads into the flesh, offering only the barest of relief.
Her fingers trailed back down to your wet cunt, the heat radiating off you was rather palpable, and she slips back into you with a pleased hum. "So warm, mommy could used to this detka.," she smiles when you look at her with hopeful eyes., "Don't worry, you're all ours now.," she muses with a wink, then she picks the pace up while her lips find purchase upon your body, licking and nibbling at your skin to hold true to her promises—you're theirs, and you'll surely wake up with the marks to prove it.
Lizzie had long since removed her top, but as she fucked into you she realized the gloves had remained on, the rough fabric rubbing against your clit every single time she slams her fingers back into you, the pain proving welcome as you did everything you could to meet her thrusts while being tied up, and painfully wide open., "Fuck, you're taking my fingers so well detka, you're going to do so well with daddy's toy.," your walls flutter at the mysterious promise for more, and as you're nearing another orgasm Lizzie wraps her hand around your throat and slams her lips to yours for a sloppy kiss.
The all too familiar taste of her lover lingers, and she moans as it transfers over to her, slim fingers reflexively tighten around your neck; the corners of your eyes fill with tears as the supply to oxygen runs short, and Lizzie pulls back to watch you come undone up close as your walls now have her fingers in a deadlock. Her hold on your neck releases, then all at once you gasp for air, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you thrash about, your orgasm harshly floods right on out—drenching her completely; finger's absolutely glistening as she pulls them out of you, her glove beyond fucking ruined, and she is genuinely shocked.
While Scarlett pulls her end together Lizzie decides to be a moment of calm for you, you pay no mind to her at first while you try to return to your body. She reaches for the blade, and your eyes fly open as the metal scrapes against the table, her eyes remain impassive, because though she only intends to cut the rope from around your hands, she isn't that opposed to making you at least squirm a bit., "Sweetest little one, what do you say to your mommy?," you blink up at her in confusion, "Try out those manners for me detka.," she muses, the blade slowly cutting right through the bindings on your hands.
"Thank you mommy..." you groan as a dull ache travels throughout your arms when they collide with the mattress, but that familiar, soft smile she flashes you makes your heart melt, and suddenly the ache is but a memory. She lays a delicate kiss to your wrists., “You're most welcome.," you flinched as her lips pressed to the rope burns., "Shhh, you're okay.," she coos while swiftly slipping behind you leaving you rather confused. Scarlett quickly approaches with a devious smirk, hands hidden behind her back, you shudder at the endless possibilities for what's likely to come., "We read one of your little fics Y/N/N, while we waited for you to get ready, and oh boy was it full of great ideas.," Scarlett chuckles, her hands slowly reveal themselves to be holding one of the Black Widow batons, and you dryly gulp.
"Don't worry detka, I'll be gentle.," she teases with a smirk that promises the exact opposite. Leaving your legs tied up was a strategic move, because the way your torso was moving about she just knew your legs would be thrashing. The cool metal presses against your entrance, once you release a shaky breath she pushes in, the first notch of the tool now inside of you, you whimper at the painful feeling, and Lizzie allows you to link your fingers with her own.
Scarlett slips another two notches into you, your back instantly arches off the bed when the rough ridges glide across your innermost sensitive parts, but Lizzie is quick to use your combined hands to push you back down, then she’s throwing a leg over you to hold you firmly against the mattress., “Stay still detka, it’ll hurt less if you don’t resist.,” she gently whispers the cringey reassurance to you while her lips begin to travel over the side of your neck.
As cringey as it was it was also the case here, the pain subsided the calmer you became, deep breaths were your best friend, and when Lizzie began to grope at your breasts you were putty in their hands. Scarlett pulled all the way out of you, then she began to piston the baton into your cunt without relent, and you were a mess. Moans came out in between your short gasps, something about the unorthodox, makeshift dildo being used on you by the smirking actress imitating her best character had you turned on.
“Shit, detka you’re soaking the fucking bed.,” you clenched tightly around the metal when her raspy voice called you out, the waves of pleasure rolled right through you, Lizzie’s lips on your pulse point the final straw as she bit into your skin your back arched against the pressure of her leg; you screamed a set of curses as you came hard on the baton, body absolutely trembling, but Scarlett didn’t stop her ministrations, even if her arm was burning, and you were actively trying to wriggle away.
The sight of your pussy devouring the weapon just had her transfixed, then she was a goner when she noticed the way that your stomach lifted up whenever she slammed into you. An almost childlike amusement flashed across her face when it would lift up, then drop back down based on her movements alone., “Too much.,” you slurred, but she shushed you with a harsh thrust, a pained moan clawing from the depths of your throat came out, and you softly cried.
Like a cat drawn to a glass on the edge of a table the wigged up blonde was slamming her hand over the bulge, and that was it for you. The women were speechless, your body was convulsing at a nearly inhumane rate, your arousal literally drenching the bed, your raised thighs, it even sprayed out over the redheads abdomen., “Holy shit, that was fucking hot.,” she groaned, and Lizzie just continued to stare at the delicious mess you made, her eyes only finally realizing you’d passed out., “Shit, Scar you put her to sleep.,” the woman smirked smugly, then she shrugged her shoulders and dropped to her knees., “Can’t let all this go to waste.,” she muses as she discarded the baton then dove right on into your drenched folds.
Lizzie giggles at your state, your body blanketed by a deep slumber still convulses atop of hers while her girlfriend eats you out like a woman starved, your sleeping face the furthest from peaceful as your brows twitch at the overstimulating pleasure your body is being subjected to., "Such a perfect, good girl... All fucked out in her mommy's arms...," she sets a contradictory sweet kiss to your temple, her hands returning to your breasts, chuckling even further as you sleepily gasp when she grazes over your nipples...
Scarlett pulls away from your abused cunt with a dopey smile when she meets her lovers gaze. The sight of you sleeping against her shoulder warms her heart, the previous devilish phase fading from her mind., "Share the wealth.," Lizzie teases, a finger curling brings Scarlett to hover over your body, her plump lips dripping with your sweet arousal press to Lizzie's, the latter moans upon tasting you upon the other., "She did so good... Such a sweet little thing...," Scarlett coos as she pulls back to look down at you, her lips then peck your roughed up set.
Lizzie ran a warm washcloth over your skin, fabrics that were once white now stained red, she admires the marks they'd left behind, lips gently press into her initials over your ribcage. When your unconscious body shivers she smiles, eyes continue their perusing of your body, taking in every new line etched into you. Thin, angry lines mark the skin over the column of your throat where her hand once was, previously squeezing the life out of you, the memory of you briefly flashes behind her eyelids, but she shakes the dizzying image from her mind before she gets all worked up again., "Our perfect little one, you look so pretty all marked up like this.," she whispers, but very reluctantly she layers ointment over the many marks littering your entire body so that they can properly begin to heal.
It's not like they can't just do it all again, if anything she's just repurposing their canvas...
"So, apparently the Russo's want all of us back on set tomorrow for a reshoot.," Scarlett chuckles in disbelief over the nimble fingers in her mouth that were working a string of floss through her teeth., "That's not happening.," Lizzie easily concludes, no amount of makeup will help to cover the damage they've done to you, and if either women were being honest they weren't exactly interested in sharing you just yet., "Yeah, I'll just tell them she fell ill, and she needed us.," Lizzie hums a silent agreement, then after sharing a minty fresh kiss with her girlfriend her eyes are back to your sleep fallen features.
Lizzie taps her fingers against your forehead, then your cheeks, repeating the soothing action until your eyes began to trace beneath the lids., "Sweetheart, open those beautiful eyes please.," and by the grace of some deity you managed to. "There you are, Scar and I need you to eat, and drink some water, then we can all sleep love.," She pulls your weakened body up and into her chest, you groan as your achey muscles are made to move, eyes struggling to remain open but when a granola bars laid to your lips you tiredly accepted the treat into your mouth.
"Good girl...," she coos, then she replaces the bar with a water bottle that you graciously accept., "Are you doing okay Y/N?" Lizzie anxiously awaits your answer, a residual fear settled in her gut telling her that soon enough you'll come to your senses and be screaming., "I'm always perfect with you two Lizzie." You reply, and it was the last thing she expected, she expected you to be repulsed, maybe hurt, but not content, even if Scar told her you'd be.
"Really?," the disbelief in her tone worried you, so with soft hands you cupped her cheeks, "Lizzie, I'm fine, I promise this was all okay.," you pressed a kiss to her cheek to aide your message along, then you whined once her lips touched to your sore pair, a soft dance taking place as you lazily made out with one another., "I love you Lizzie.," she smiled against your lips., "Oh sweet girl, I love you most.," and before you could rebut her asinine claim a throat clearing pulled the both of you apart.
Scarlett found the sight of you two perfect—domestic even, their once seemingly forbidden dreams were becoming their very reality, and she certainly was all for it., "It's my turn now!," she proclaims, Lizzie rolls her eyes, then she places a collection of kisses over the entirety of your face, your strained giggles making her reluctant to hand you over, but with a final peck to your lips she slips off to the bathroom.
Sitting on the edge of the bed you look to the blonde for instruction, an excitement fills the woman at your clear, obedient devotions., "Open up sweet one.," she instructs, then in a gentle manner she brushes your teeth for you, offering you a cup to spit into, then she settles behind you with a brush, slightly wetting the bristles before running it through the mess that became of your soft locks, you hum gratefully at the immense care being shown to you.
Scarlett moves around the room while you wait patiently for her next instruction., "Arms up.," An oversized T-shirt is thrown over your body, the layers of perfume settled deep within the fabric bring you a sense of comfort, you fall against the mattress with an exaggerated sigh, and the blonde looks down at you chuckling., "Make some room for me honey.," you scoot to the center of the mattress and reach up for her, and her heart absolutely soars at the clinginess.
"Goodnight little one.," Scarlett coos with a kiss to your cheek, your sleepy smile as you nuzzled even further into her nearly making her heart explode., "Night Scar... I love you...," she smiles "I love you too.," she watches the way the muscles in your face relax, and how your lips adorably pout as you fall into a deep slumber; she wishes for this to be a nightly occurrence., "We're keeping her.," Scarlett murmurs to her lover as she climbs into the space behind you., "Well yeah, that was never even a question.," Lizzie tiredly concurs, her arm protectively flying over you, and settling on Scar's hip.
"She's always been our little one, and now she'll never be able to forget again..."
7,440 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 😈
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… 😳😂💋
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Shadows Entwined: Part 3
BatmanVsTmnt!Leonardo x sidekick!reader
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Part 1 Part 2 / Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Bonus (18+)
In which Leonardo and (H/N) meet again.
A/N: Just a friendly reminder, that the Robin in Batman Vs TMNT is Damian Wayne. The son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. Aka, Ra’s al Ghul’s grandson. That little dude is trained to kill.
Warnings: Spelling, talk of breaking bones, only slight research on Damian Wayne, long af today.
The reader and the turtles are 19.
When Donnie said he had an idea, Leonardo didn’t expect to involve an underwater cave network that Gotham City somehow had been hiding. Michelangelo was right, this city was bonkers, in more was than Leo ever had imagined.
Leo, Mikey and Raph followed Donnie through the never ending cave system, before finally breaking the water surface, in a lit tunnel. Leo’s first thought was wondering if Batman and his sidekick ever made use of these tunnels. How often did she wonder about these waters, if ever? It was a strange thought and Leo knew it, but somehow, everything he had seen along the way, had reminded him of her.
“Look”, Raph spoke up, breaking the silence and thoughts running through Leo’s head. “I love being an amphibian as much as the next guy-”.
“Amphibious”, Donnie corrected. “We’re still reptiles”.
“Yeah, thanks for that, but you sure this cave leads anywhere?”
“Glad you asked! I am sure actually”, Donnie started explaining. “I made a database of every reported Batman sighting, and ran them through an algorithm that-”.
“Donnie”. Leo placed a hand on his younger brother’s shoulder. "Nobody cares. Where are you taking us?” Leo tried to sound, well, at least a little happy, even though a little bundle of something was building up inside of him. Nervousness? Anxiety? Couldn’t be. Why would he be nervous or anxious?
“The answer should be right through…” Donnie turned and continued in the direction they had been walking in, only to be met by a big opening in the caves. To say that what they discovered was shocking, would be an understatement. A big open cave with what looked like a taxidermy dinosaur, several glass display cases with Batman costumes, and a giant coin among other things.
“Ta-da!”, Donnie stated with his arms out. “The… Bat… Man… Cave… Huh?”
“This is pretty cool”, Leo admitted. Why did he feel so small all of sudden?
“Pretty cool?!” Mikey already looked like a child that had had too much sugar. “This is amazing! I don’t know what to put my grabby paws on first!”
As Mikey started running around, screaming like a child, Leo casted a glance around the cave. All he was Batman but no… her. Not her in person, nor anything that indicated you spend time here. Was it wrong that Leo had kind of hoped you’d be there? That when he and his brothers emerged from the water, you would be there, ready for another round? It was because he wanted to beat you. Or that was at least what he told himself. It wasn’t in line with how he saw himself, but he would much rather admit to wanting revenge, so he didn’t have to admit to anything else. Like how he hoped you would comment his eyes again. Not that he would admit it, but the thought of you being that close to him again, made tingles erupt in his stomach.
For a second Leo was scared that he was the one that began to chur at the thought of you, only to realize it was Donatello, who had gotten his eyes on a big computer.
“I don’t see any sign that the Shredder, nor the Foot Clan have been here”, Leo said, desperately trying to distract himself from the thought of you.
“Yeah. And I just see the signs of a dude with too much time and way too much money on his hands”, Raph said, looking skeptically at the Batman costumes.
“Most of these files are encrypted too heavily”, sounded Donnie’s voice from in front of the big computer. “But it looks to me like Batman has been tracking the laboratory break ins, like he’s been looking for the Foot’s next move! Same as us!”
“Hey guys! Check it out!” All three brothers turned, in fear of what Mikey had gotten himself into now. They found Mikey, sitting on top of the taxidermy t-rex, dressed in a Batman cape. “I’m Batman! And I’m riding a t-rex! I’ve never been so happy in my entire life!”
Leo’s first thought was to look around, slightly in fear of what you would think, if you found his little brother like that. “Mikey! Get down!”
“Nah man, I live up here now!”
“You should listen to him”.
Mikey turned to look at the source of this new voice, only to be met by a figure in the shadows right behind him. It was a boy. Not a very old one. Dressed in red, black, yellow and green, his eyes had a look that could kill. Yet Mikey didn’t find the child threatening in any way. Instead he turned his head to the side and let out an audible, “aww!”
The young boy sprung at Mikey, causing the two of them to fall off the t-rex and land on the ground, with Mikey’s back against the stone. Mikey held the boy above him, trying his best to hold his small hands away from his face.
“Take that mask off! Now!”, the boy yelled through gritted teeth, while Mikey was struggling to keep the mask on.
“Help!”, Mikey yelled out. “A tiny dude is like, totally trying to kill me!”
All brothers rushed to help Mikey, as the young boy pulled the mask and cap off of Mikey before jumping back, greeting distance between the two. Leo cursed himself, as his first thoughts were; did you know this kid? Did he know you?
“What are you, like five?”, Donnie asked, taken aback by the young boy in front of him.
“How did you get in here?!”, the boy asked, before jumping over Donatello, taking his bow staff and hitting him in the back of his head with it.
Leo stepped forwards with his hands held up. “Hey little guy. We didn’t come here to fight”. But Leo should have known better. Just like you, this little guy knew when to take advantage of an opening. Using Donatello’s bow staff, he hit the side of both of Leo’s knees, making them crack in a horrible way. “Jes!”, Leo yelled out, falling to the ground. At least you didn’t try to break his legs. Leo would much rather have fought against you, and not this little demon of a child.
All four of the turtle brothers were taken aback by the boy's fighting skills. Leo’s knees were aching, Donnie’s head was hurting, and Raph’s arms would soon form black marks. And the fight hadn't even been five minutes. It ended when Mikey yelled “sneak attack”, before tackling the boy, causing them to tumble around, ending with Mikey on top of the boy, retracted into his shell. The boy screamed all sorts of things out of anger, including how he would have their heads. Leo found the scene strange, just like all the other things he had seen in Gotham. Yet, there was something strangely wholesome about it. Almost domestic. A young boy being sat upon, by what felt like a teasing older brother.
Leo almost had to shake those thoughts out of his head. This wasn’t wholesome nor domestic. They were in Batman’s home (Leo wouldn’t point fingers. He and his family called the sewers home), and this little gremlin might have known something they didn’t.
“Let’s just try and reason with him, before-”. The sound of a car engine cut Leo off mid sentence. “...that”. He already had a suspicion of who it might be.
The Batmobil drove into the cave at full speed, before Batman jumped out of it, landing in front of them with this strong stare, followed by you and Batgirl. Leo had not expected his stomach to jump at the sight of you. Neither had you expected the sight of the blue turtle to make your stomach drop. Maybe it was the conversation with Batman and Batgirl, that now caused the fast heartbeat in your chest, at the sight of the turtle. Or maybe it was the sight of one of them sitting on your little brother, that caused you to clench your fists.
“Get off Robin”. He narrowed his eyes. “Now!”
The orange turtle got off of your brother, and turned to try and help him. Robin, as proud as he was sometimes, refused the turtle’s help, pulling his arm away.
“How did you get into this cave?” You unclenched your fist at the sound of Batman’s voice. Most people would find his tone scary, fearing the angry outburst that would never come. But to you and your bat family, it was a comfort. Batman cared about you, Robin, Batgirl and all of those that came before, and that meant he was willing to protect all of you from any danger. Especially strange turtles that have made it into the Batcave.
Leo took notice of your unclenching fists, and your position just behind. Covered enough to be protected, yet open enough to jump in if needed. Robin, found his place beside Batman, close enough for you to put a protective hand on his shoulder. That weird domestic picture formed in Leo’s head once more.
“Oh, well”, Donnie started. “There weren’t many security measures in the northern tunnel. We had to swim for a bit, but…” Donnie stopped as Batman frowned his brows. “I’m realizing you actually don’t want constructive criticism right now”, Donnie said, slowly pulling his head back into his shell.
“What I want are answers”, Batman said, eyes unmoving as he stared the turtles down.
“Look”. Leo stepped forward, causing you to tighten your grip on Robin’s shoulder, just a bit. But it was enough for Robin to notice, making him shoot you a questioning glare. “We’re not here to fight. My name is Leonardo”. Your grip softened on Robin’s shoulder, causing him to look at you in even more confusion. He knew you were a more expressive type than he and his father, and the sight of four mutant turtles in the Batcave might have shocked you, but so many reactions at once were not common. Not even for you.
Leonardo continued. “These are my brothers. Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo”. The orange turtle started waving at the mention of his name.
“Seriously?”, Batgirl asked, showing more amusement than the rest of the bat family.
“Our father was really into renaissance painters”, Donatello clarified.
“And he’s a rat!”, Michelangelo added.
Robin turned his head towards you. “Did… Did he just say a rat?”, he asked in a hushed tone.
“He did”, you nodded.
Leonardo had to breathe for a moment, after hearing your voice, before continuing. “We’re not your enemy. We came to stop Shredder and the Footclan. Honestly, we thought you might be Shredder’s new partner”.
Robin turned to you once more. “Foot?” You shrugged.
“Shredder”, Batman repeated. “So that’s his name... I’ve heard of a Footclan, but I thought they went extinct ages ago”.
“They’re ninja”, Raphael said. “You know, sneaky”. He moved his hands up in front of his face, as if he was hiding behind them.
“Sooooo…”. Robin moved from your protective hand and straight to the side of Batman. “Are we not going to beat up these green losers?”
Batman looked down towards his son. “It’s not looking like it, no”.
Robin sighed out loud, and you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. Leo saw as you crossed your arms, and moved all your weight to your left leg, coming ever so slightly out from Batman’s protection.
“Then I may as well tell you that I know exactly who the Shredder and the Foot are working with”, your brother said, letting the small anger building inside of him overshadow his slight disappointment. And when you heard him say the name of his grandfather, you very well understood that anger.
“They are strange”, Robin told you, watching as Batman and Batgirl was talking to the turtles.
“They are indeed strange”, you agreed, fidgeting with whatever gadget you had in your hand, fighting the urge to look up. Because if you looked up, you would look at him. And if you looked at him, he would notice. And if he would notice, then so would Batman, and so would Robin, and Batgirl, and all of Leonardo’s brothers… Better just to focus on… what it was you had in your hand…
“I tried to break the blue one’s legs with the purple’s bow staff”, Robin said, his eyes shining proud. You finally dared to look in the direction of Leonardo, focusing on his legs. You couldn’t see any signs of injury.
“You should have aimed for the knee caps”, you told him, eyes still on the knees of the turtles.
“I did!”, Robin exclaimed, laying flat against the table. “And he did fall! But they didn’t break!”
You took a chance and looked at Leonardo’s face, studying for any signs of discomfort. None. None at all.
That should have been it. You should have looked away, so you could concentrate on that thing you had in your hand. But you didn’t. Your eyes stayed on Leonardo’s face. He was listening to something Batman told him. Most likely information about Ra's al Ghul. He looked very concentrated, with his brows frowning and his arms crossed. You noted that he was almost as stoic as Batman. You haven’t seen him smile a single time. No smiles when he fought the Penguin, no smiles in the alley, and no smiles in the Batcave. The only time you had seen him other than frowning, was when you told him he had pretty eyes.
Robin noticed your sudden silence, and looked at you in confusion. His sister never left him unanswered. She would never let an opportunity to tease him fly. But then he noticed how you had stopped fumbling with your glove, and now sat staring. Confused he looked from you, to what your eyes had been caught by.
Robin looked back and forth a few times, before it finally clicked for him. He slammed his hand flat against the table, causing you to yelp and stare at your shocked little brother.
“Are you crushing on a turtle?!”
You slapped your hand against his mouth so fast, that the young Robin could only scream and fight. Confused by the sudden commotion, all of them turned to look at you.
“What did he say?”, Mikey asked, obviously intreacted
“Uh”, you said in a slight panic, trying to hold Robin still as he was lashing out against you. “He asked where Alfred was! He’s so hungry he could eat a turtle!” Batman started rubbing the bridge of his nose.
You were going to beat Damian so hard the moment Bruce looked away!
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A Day in the Life (Buggy the Clown x F!Reader)
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Summary: The days are never dull with a baby on board. Pairing: LA!Buggy the Clown x F!Reader Rating: 🌶 Explicit 🌶 Word Count: ~3.2k Warnings: Infants in very mild peril, cunnilingus, PiV sex A/N: daddy buggy my beloved
Keeda’s fussing before the sun’s even up. And then you start fussing as soon as Keeda starts fussing.
“Your kid’s awake,” you grumble into his back.
Buggy has no choice but to fuss back. “Before dawn, he’s your kid.” You nudge him with your foot. He huffs. “I’m comfy, bitch. Get 'im yourself.”
You do not appreciate how comfortable he is. You knee his ass with each word -- not hard enough to hurt, but enough to make your point. “You. Are. A. Chop Chop man.”
...Yeah, alright, that's fair. Detaching his head and arms, he floats himself over to the crib.
Any other child would be concerned if their father’s disembodied head hovered above them, but Keeda’s never known any different. His grumbles turn to happy babbles, his chubby little face lighting up like the moon.
“Mornin’, ya li’l rugrat,” he says with a smile. “Starting on your bullshit early today, huh?”
He slips his hands under the boy’s arms and lifts him up and over to the bed. He's getting heavier, maybe about as much as a decent-sized cannonball. Makes sense, given his parents’ heights. 
His parts rejoin the rest of him and he lays back down, placing the baby on his chest. He's still not too big for that, at least.
You roll over — more of an aggressive flop, really — and tuck yourself up under his arm. “Hey, bug.”
"Hi, dear," Buggy replies.
You rest your head on his shoulder as you lay your hand on your son's back, rubbing in small circles. Keeda lets out a happy coo, his little fingers curling as he reaches out to you.
You take his hand and stroke it with your thumb. "Back to sleep, sweet baby," you mumble, already halfway there. "Back to sleep..."
Buggy waits for your breathing to even out and for Keeda to go still before he lays his head against yours.
"Son of a bitch!"
Buggy watches as you pitch the jar of baby food and spoon over the deck railing. "First you wake me up, then you pee on me, and now you won't eat!” You jam your finger into Keeda's face. “Why are you being such a little fucker today?!"
The boy giggles, kicking his legs and smearing his breakfast around. He's got your laugh, but that little hater attitude couldn't have come from anybody but his father.
Buggy's just glad it's not his turn to feed him. "Food's supposed to go in his mouth, ya know."
You flip him off without even looking at him. Keeda waggles his fingers like he's trying to mimic you, but he doesn't quite have the motor control down yet.
“I'm gonna go get a new jar,” you grumble. “Make sure he doesn't spontaneously combust or some shit.”
You slink off without waiting for confirmation. Buggy's not worried. You'll cool off in no time. And he gets to watch your ass as you walk away.
He turns his full attention to Keeda. He picks the boy up into his arms. “You really wanna piss your mom off?” he asks. The boy babbles in what he decides is a yes. “Give her hair a yank. She spent all morning on it and it'll drive her nuts.”
He knows Keeda shouldn't be able to understand him, but there's a sparkle of recognition in those big dark eyes as he reaches a little hand out to touch the hair peeking out from under Buggy’s bandana.
He knows grabby fingers when he sees them. He angles his head away. This does not deter Keeda, but merely changes his target.
And now for the most confusing emotion he's ever had. There's the usual agitation that comes from someone noticing... it... but it's Keeda. He's never mocked it or thought it odd or asked questions. He just thinks his daddy's neat.
He can't help the slight smile as he lets Keeda touch his face.
Richie’s liked Keeda from day one. He’s always smelling him and headbutting him and gently pawing him. Mohji thinks it's because he's trying to scent-mark the kid.
“Should I do something?” Buggy asks quietly.
Mohji shrugs. “He's laughing, isn't he? Richie wouldn't hurt a fly.”
Keeda giggles as Richie presses his nose against his head, gently sniffing. Richie lets out a pleased chuffle as he rubs his whiskers along Keeda’s face.
Mohji crosses his arms. “He doesn't do that to me,” he mutters.
“I’ll dunk you in tuna oil, if you want,” Buggy says. “He'll be all over you.”
“I think I'll pass--” Disgust turns to horror as Mohji blanches. “Oh shit!” 
Buggy whirls around. Richie has Keeda in his mouth. Completely in his mouth. Richie is a big lion and Keeda is a small baby.
Panic grips him. He's never actually had to fight a lion before, but it looks like that's what he's gonna have to do. You're gonna kill him anyways, so might as well go out in style--
Richie deposits Keeda at Buggy’s feet. The boy looks no worse for wear, if not a little confused and covered in kitty drool. The overgrown house cat looks very pleased with himself for taking a few years off of Buggy’s life.
Buggy glowers at Mohji. Mohji avoids eye contact and tries to shrink into his hoodie.
Well, after that, baby needs a bath. Fortunately, the giant soup pot in the galley is the perfect size for a little guy like Keeda.
Buggy hums an aimless tune as he rubs the shampoo into Keeda's hair. It's dark and thick like yours -- not to mention long. Kid’s hair grows faster than the rest of him.
He scoops up a fingerful of bubbles, then gently boops Keeda's little nose. The boy’s face scrunches up, and he goes cross-eyed as he grumbles.
An intrusive thought takes root. He chuckles to himself as he smooths Keeda's hair upwards. “Look, babe. Mohawk.”
“Keep the suds out of his eyes,” you warn from the doorway. 
He rolls his eyes. “I'm not gonna let him drown, ya know. You don't have to hover.”
You smile that narrow little smile of yours. “I like watching my boys.”
Buggy's chest tightens. How can one expression, one quirk of your lips, one flash of teeth make his stomach backflip? His breath catch? His cheeks burn?
A splash of sudsy water rushes up to hit him in the face. Seems the kid’s discovered volume displacement. He regrets going with a full beat this morning. Between the splashed water and the heat in his cheeks, this makeup is gonna melt right off.
Dropping an ear in Keeda's crib while he napped was a brilliant idea. Amazing, even. Buggy can be off doing Hot Dad Shit but still come running at the first sign of trouble.
And then the baby found it and it became less of a good idea.
"C'mon, give it back." He reaches for the ear, but Keeda shifts just out of reach, clutching it to his chest. Given the boy's grip strength, he can't just yank it out of his hands without ripping cartilage.
Buggy hears Keeda's heartbeat thumping as he slumps against the edge of the crib. "What the hell could you possibly want with an ear?"
Keeda looks him dead in the eyes. Slowly, slowly, slowly, he brings the ear to his mouth.
Buggy has never moved faster in his life. He shoots his hand off and claps it over Keeda's mouth. You were right, he is being a little fucker today.
Keeda's muffled whines catch your attention, and you stick your head into the cabin. "Having trouble, Captain?" you ask with a smirk.
"Your son's being a dick."
The smirk grows into a smile. "He gets it from his father."
As Captain, sometimes one must spring into action and help secure a loose cannon threatening to smash the hull. For that reason, Buggy appreciates his crew’s tolerance of having a baby shoved into their arms at barely a moment’s notice. Alvida, especially. He’s never known her to like kids, let alone infants, but she seems to make an exception for little Keeda. Sometimes he thinks she makes up reasons just to hold him for a bit.
She's smiling a big, cheesy smile at him as he returns from his heroics. The kid gazes up at her with his enormous eyes, returning the grin. Alvida then sticks out her tongue. Keeda does the same. She blows a raspberry, and Keeda giggles.
“Having fun with Auntie ‘Vida?” he asks.
“Time of his life.” She makes an angry face. Keeda's mouth screws up into a grumpy frown. “It's crazy how much he looks like you. Especially considering he doesn't have your--”
Her mouth shuts so hard and so suddenly that her teeth click.
Buggy keeps his voice low and even. “Doesn't have my what?”
Alvida blinks. “Hair. I was gonna say hair.”
...you know what? Acceptable.
“Eh, I'm just glad he's got ten fingers and ten toes.” He ignores the relief on her face as he takes his boy back. “His mom’s prettier anyways.”
You don't need a detached ear to know when your son is crying. Somehow, you know. You can be down in the bilge and you'll hear his whining from the top deck.
"What's going on?" you ask as you come up on deck.
Buggy watches as Keeda flops over onto his belly, thrashing his limbs and wailing. "He's mad because I won't load him into the cannon."
Keeda pauses in his fit as sees you, then lets out a bwuuuuuuuh and continues. He looks very much like a fresh fish as he flails around.
You watch him for a moment, then look at Buggy. A silly little glint sparkles in your eyes, the one that you have when you get a bad idea. The same one he saw during that first kiss you shared together.
“He would fit in a Buggy Ball shell,” he says.
You stare at him a moment longer, then shake your head. “We shouldn't.” Keeda lets out a wail that makes you flinch. “But we could.”
After a few moments, the boy runs out of steam, lying there like a dead bird on a beach and whimpering pathetically.
Buggy scoops him into his arms and brushes the tears away. "Can't load ya up, li'l man, but wanna see it go..." He pops his hands off and splays his fingers in front of Keeda's face, popping them apart at the knuckles. "...ka-boom?"
Keeda's agitation melts away like an ice cube in Hell, replaced with wide-eyed wonder. You take him and sit on a crate, covering his ears. You give Buggy a nod.
He grins. He points at a pair of idling crewmen -- the artillery boys, fortunately. "Ready piece!" he barks. “And make it snappy! My kid’s in the audience!”
Buggy appreciates how they trip over themselves rushing to the cannon. He really is lucky that his crew likes his kid half as much as he does.  Even if they “kidnap” him sometimes and hide him in the crew quarters to dote on him and to stress his parents out.
In moments, the Buggy Ball is loaded, the powder set, and the artillerymen stand at attention, waiting to light the fuse.
He holds his fist up. "Aim!"
The cannon is already in place, but he pauses for dramatic effect. A quick glance at Keeda's wide eyes and your little smile confirms it's working. 
He gives you both a little wink  "Fire!"
With a bang and a whistle, the shell flies up into the air. A safe distance away, it explodes into a shower of smoky crimson streaks.
They reflect nicely in your smiling eyes as Keeda squeals in delight.
Buggy sticks his tongue out. "Blah."
Keeda sticks his tongue out. "Blelck."
He puffs his cheeks out. Keeda puffs his cheeks out. He puckers his lips. Keeda puckers his lips.
He opens his mouth. "Ah."
Keeda opens his mouth as wide as he can, showing off his little pink gums. "Ah!"
Buggy jams the spoon in there before Keeda can even react. Blinking in surprise, he swallows, even licking some stray banana mush from his lips.
You watch, slumped across the table with your chin in your hand. "How are you so good at that?"
"Clown to clown communication. Sounds like this." He puts the spoon down and, squishing Keeda's cheeks, affects a croaky voice. "’Feed me. Feed meeee.’"
Your laugh your lovely seagull laugh and his heart flutters like a hummingbird.
“Don’t wake him up,” you warn as you open the door to the main cabin.
"I know, I know." He separates himself at the waist. “Floating, see? Shock absorber.”
Keeda snuffles and twitches. You both freeze, praying that he doesn’t wake up. He does not, and you relax.
You side eye him as he crosses the room, not letting up until he lays the boy down into the crib. You slip Mr Toucan in next to Keeda and pull the blanket up around him.
"Sweet dreams, li’l bug," you say.
"I'm not going to bed yet." You glower at him and he grins. That's never going to get old.
You tiptoe out with him close behind. He leaves his ear on the table, just in case.
The door clicks shut, and you both let out your held breaths. You hold your fist out and he knocks his knuckles against yours.
“Good job this time, Dad,” you say.
“I can be subtle when I want to be.” He drapes his arm around your shoulders. "Y’know, I was thinking..."
The breeze tousles your glossy hair so artfully. "Was wondering where the smoke was coming from."
He pulls you in closer, his hand wandering to the top of your thigh. You've been bitching about baby weight, but to him? You've never looked better. "Was thinking... Wanna make another?"
You give him a smirk that makes his cock twitch. You cross your muscular arms and it turns into a pulse. "Weird way to ask to go bareback."
"No, I mean it,” he says. "He looks like you and I want one that looks like me. Balance it out."
You breathe in sharply. The mischief in your eyes fades, replaced with thoughtfulness. You duck out from under his arm to saunter away. “Sell me on it.”
He follows. “What's cuter than one Keeda? Two Keedas,” he says. “Especially if it's a girl. Built-in double act. And I've got the perfect name for a girl.”
He gives you a big stupid grin. “Buggetta.”
You stare at him a moment, then crack a smile and make that glorious, glorious snnnrk noise. “Absolutely not.”
“To the name or to another kid? Because I'm fine with Buggy Junior if it's a boy--”
“Over my dead body we name a kid that.”
"Alright. Fine." He grabs your hips and pushes you against the deck railing. "Guess I'll just fuck you 'til you're knocked up again anyways and we can improvise."
You suck in a breath. Your tongue darts out to lick your lips. He goes in for a kiss, but you duck beneath his arms.
“Catch me and you can do whatever you want with me,” you say before taking off.
He sprints after you.
He wanted to be romantic. He wanted to be cool and suave and sweet for you. You, light of his life and his hard-won prize. You, his partner in crime and mother of his child. You deserve nothing less than the sultriest, slowest, languidest of lovemaking, full of sweet nothings whispered breathlessly into your thighs.
Unfortunately, just looking at you makes his cock leak and if he doesn't strip you down and fill you up as soon as possible, he's gonna make a mess of his last clean pair of underwear.
So that's how you ended up pinned between him and a crate in the cargo hold, moaning like a bitch in heat as he ruts into you. He's lucky you like it like that.
“Harder!” you spit.
He grunts into your shoulder as he snaps his hips. His tongue is busy taste-testing that sweet sweet clit of yours.
You let out a long, guttural groan. “Less talking, more -- ah, ff--!”
He must have hit something nice, because your back arches and your pussy flutters around his cock, squeezing it tight and making him damn near black out.
He hates this stupid condom. Hates it, hates it, hates it. Hates how he can't feel your warmth, your slick, your soft, satin walls as they clench. Hates how he can't fill you up with his cum, painting those lovely walls a pearly, sticky white. Hates how he can't fuck another baby into you.
...unless. Unless he's lucky and it breaks. Or if it's just a piece of cheap shit not worth the paper box it came out of.
Oh yes. Oh, then he'd be lucky. Then he'd get what he wants. He'd get you pregnant. Again. You’d be all soft around the edges and glowing like a full, terracotta moon with hair as glossy as a fresh tube of lipstick.
His hips stutter. Yes yes yes yes yes--!
He grips your hips tight as he thrusts into you, not stopping until his balls are drained and his cock is limp. He flops against you, burying his face in your minty, citrusy, cinnamon-y hair.
“I love you,” he mumbles.
He can hear the smile in your voice. “Love you too, Bugs.”
Sad little whimpers in his ear distract him from his carousing with the crew. You're significantly more fucked up than he is and on round eight of a three-round game of cards, so he slips away without disturbing you.
Keeda is sleeping when he enters his cabin, but the little twitches and whimpers suggest it’s not a restful one.
He tickles the bottom of his foot -- his teeny tiny little foot -- and the boy wakes with a start. He starts to cry, only to falter as he sees his father, his lip quivering and his eyes watering. 
Buggy scoops the boy into his arms. “Shh,” he says. “Daddy's here. Don't worry.”
He strokes his fingers through the boy’s hair. Keeda coos like a dove, trying to burrow his face into his chest. Failing in that endeavor, he peers up at Buggy with those enormous eyes.
Somewhere, deep in his heart, Buggy knows that all the treasure in the world couldn't match the feeling of holding his son in his arms. And that all the praise and all the applause would be nothing compared to the way you smile at him like you have a secret to keep.
But why settle for just two people when he could have the adoration of them all?
He sits down on the bed, propped up against the headboard, cradling the boy close. “You're gonna be a prince someday,” he whispers. “A little pirate prince. Daddy’s gonna be king and they’re gonna love you as much as him.”
Keeda exhales heavily, letting out a soft peep as he goes limp. His eyes drift closed.
Buggy is suddenly very aware of how tired he is. He lays back into the pillows. “Go to sleep,” he murmurs. “Go to sleep...”
To the "Curious Courtship" Masterpost | To the Mastahpost | Tip Jar
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treasure-goblin · 7 months
Lu Elementary School Au
Grippy socks (ft. Hyrule)
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"Ok, Rulie, this has to stop."
Reniah sighed as he once again found Huryle playing under the table with his shoes nowhere to be found. The kid clearly hadn't heard him, so he crouched down and tapped the first grader's head.
"Hey bud, where are your shoes?" He asked gently, an amused and slightly exasperated smile on his face. The boy looked up from his cars and smiled brightly.
"Renna!" He chirped excitedly, wiggling put from under the table and latching onto his book buddy. The teen laughed and hugged him back, poking his nose gently.
"Don't avoid my questions," he teased. "Where did your shoes go?"
"Gone. Disappeared. No one can find them." Rulie shrugged, looking at his feet for a moment, then gasping. "Uncle got me something! Come look!"
With that, the little boy dragged Reniah along after him to the cubbies, pulling his backpack out and dumping the contens on the floor.
"Oh wow, Rulie, slow down." The older boy giggled, putting Hyrule's folder and lunch back in his backpack.
"Sorry!" The kid replied with a grin, grabbing something that fell and unrolling what appeared to be socks. When he had put them on, he kicked up one of his legs to show Reniah. "See? Grippy socks! Uncle got them for me! They're so cool, and better than my shoes!"
Reniah covered his mouth to keep from squealing excitedly. The black socks had little orange rubber grips on the bottom of them in the shape of a cat's paw-pad. The socks themselves had little cat faces and ears at the top.
Rulie may be a little old for them, he really should start keeping his shoes on, but the kid was so excited, and they were so cute. Reniah couldn't help but nod in agreement.
"Yeah, way better than your shoes." He laughed, shaking his head. "I'm assuming this means your uncle is ok with you not wearing shoes in class?"
"He said, 'If you can't beat them, join them'." Rulie shrugged. "What does that mean?"
Reniah shrugged. "Probably more socks in your future. Come on, let's go pick out a book, ok?
The shoes, of course, didn't make a reappearance until it was time to go home, as usual. Hyrule's hiding places were impossible to find. But that was ok, for now, at least. He seemed to be fine with leaving the grippy socks on, and they were so cute and he was so happy that no one would correct him.
Just as Rulie had planned, Reniah was certain. But he was also guilty of indulging the kid, so who was he to judge?
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pikapeppa · 10 months
Karlach/Dammon: Burning Blue
A wish fulfillment fic to answer the question: what if Dammon was the lucky guy to break Karlach's ten-year celibacy streak?
NSFW smut, ~7500 words, from Karlach's precious POV. This takes place the same night that Dammon makes Karlach very touchable again. 🥰 Read here on AO3 instead.
I’m nervous. Gods, I’m fucking nervous. No, no, don’t be nervous, Big K, you’ve got this. It’s nothing you haven’t done before! It’s just a good old-fashioned come-on, that’s all. Just a good old-fashioned invitation for Dammon to do the beast with two backs with you. No sweat, nothing to worry about, no reason to feel like your engine’s gonna thrum its way right out of your chest.
Ugh, fine, I’m nervous. I’ll admit it, all right? I’m nervous. But how can you blame me? It’s been a decade since I laid a finger on another living soul. One who wasn’t a hellspawn or trying to kill me, I should say. Yeah, the Avernus kind of laying-a-finger-on-someone is really not what I have in mind right now.
All right, there he is. I mean, of course he’s there, it’s his smithy setup in the barn, where the fuck else would be be? Shit, I’m so nervous. What if he says no? What if he doesn’t want to hit the bedroll with me? I might just crumble up into a pile of ash on the spot if he turns me down…
Ohhh, no you don’t. No more doubt. Not another negative word, you hear me? We’re doing this. Come on, soldier, shape up, be confident, all right? Just be your usual big beautiful bold badass self, just like Brynn said. Back straight, head high, tail-barb up: come on, girl, you can do this.
“Dammon! Hi! How’s the hammering going?” Nice, good start. Solid greeting, nothing weird about that.
“Karlach!” he says. “You’re back. I thought you were off to camp for the night.”
He’s smiling at me. Gods, does he ever have a nice smile. It’s like his whole face gets lit up with sunshine. And those eyes? Phwoar. I wonder if anyone’s ever told him how pretty his eyes are. Like two big blue jewels. Or like lightning turned into jewels. Wait, what’s all this nonsense I’m saying? I think I’ve been spending too much time with Gale. Ha, saying something would be a good idea right about now, wouldn’t it?
“Yeah, I’m back. I was wondering, do you — are you done for the day?” It looks like he’s done for the day. His forge is still hot, but it’s just coals now rather than a big old fire. Gods, I hope he’s done for the day.
“Yes, I’m just finishing up,” he says (yay!). “Did you need something repaired? I can rekindle the fire, it’s no problem—”
“No, no, all good. Everything’s tip-top, thanks to you. Listen, I was wondering: d’you want to have a drink with me?”
His whole face lights up, and my gods, I swear: if I had a heart, it would’ve done a fluttery thing like something from a romance book. “That sounds great. Let’s go on inside.” He hangs up his apron, and then we’re heading to the inn.
Yes! First step done, we’re off to a cracking good start! Here we go, inside the inn for a drink, just me and Dammon. How great is this? I mean, not that it’s not wonderful being with Brynn and Wyll and all the rest of those adorable little dumplings, but there’s something special to be said about being alone with just you and the person you’ve got mad horns for.
Here we are, at the door to the inn — and Dammon touches my shoulder. “Go ahead.”
He’s touching my shoulder. His hand, that strong callused hand on my shoulder. He’s touching me, he can touch me, and it’s all thanks to him. Gods, I want to ride him until the sun comes up.
Keep it together, Karlach. Stay cool until you find out if he wants this too. Ha, stay cool! I can sort of almost do that now! Enough for touching, at least, which is all I want in the world right now, and Dammon is touching my shoulder, and… and I should probably get inside the inn now.
I step inside — quick little rub of Darkmaw’s paw for luck. Ooh, Jaheira is still awake, I love her, she’s so damned cool!
Dammon leads me to one of the tables near the bar. “What can I get you? Wine? Beer? The beer is even cold, thanks to Jaheira—”
“Cold beer? Sign me the fuck up!”
He smiles — ugh, swoon! — and off he goes to the bar to find some beer. And here I am, sitting at this table, happier than the happiest clam that ever lived in the sandy banks of the Chionthar. Ha, that was a funny line! I mean, I think it was funny. I bet Wyll will, too. I’ll have to tell him about it — maybe he can add it to one of his stories!
Gods, this inn is nice: all candle-lit and quiet since it’s nighttime, real cozy-like. Perfect for telling a certain smith that he’s one of the kindest, warmest, most wonderful people you’ve ever met and that you fancy his pants off — literally, if he wants it that way. Ohh, I’m getting nervous again. It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s going to be fine.
Dammon comes back and sets down two steins. “Are you all right?”
“I’m better than all right. I’m fantastic.” I lift my stein. “Cheers to you, Dammon. For everything. I really mean that.”
Another killer smile. “Cheers back to you, Karlach.” He taps his stein to mine, then brings it to his mouth, and I do the same — ohhh, beer. Cold beer, my gods, I’d forgotten exactly how good this was! I take another swallow and another — okay, honestly, I am so thirsty. And now I’m out of beer, and Dammon is smiling at me, and no, no, I can’t throw myself at him across the table, I can’t.
He chuckles and puts down his stein. “Can I get you another?”
“Naw, I’m good,” I laugh. “This was great, thanks.”
He nods and rests his elbows on the table (hellooo, rolled-up sleeves and forearms). “So what did you want to talk about? Do you have questions about your engine?��
“No, it’s not that.” No fucking way am I thinking about that right now. “I wanted to ask if, um…” Don’t be nervous, girl. You’ve got this. “You said before that I was — that I’m… touchable. Very touchable.”
Oh no, his smile’s fading. “Yeah, I did. I’m…” He rubs the back of his neck. “I’m sorry about that. Maybe I crossed a line…? This is a big — a huge deal for you, I know it must be overwhelming, the last thing you need—”
Wait wait wait! “Hang on, slow down. You think you crossed a line?”
“I… didn’t I? That’s not what you wanted to say?”
“Hells, no!” Woah, voice down, there are people sleeping in the room next door. “Are you kidding?” I say (quietly). “If that’s what you call crossing the line, I want you to cross all the lines.”
He looks gobsmacked now, which is really fucking cute. “You do?”
“Yeah, I do. I really, really do. If you want to, I mean. I don’t — I mean, I know I’m a lot of heat to handle, but I…” Fuck, my engine feels like it’s roaring. Please, gods, let him want this too. “I want to be with you, Dammon. I… It’s been so long since I was with anyone, and — and now that I can be with someone, I… I want it to be you.”
He doesn’t say anything. He’s staring at me like a fish, actually. Oh fuck, am I totally off base here? Noooo. “No pressure, though! No — I mean, if you’re not into… If I’m jumping the hatchet here, that’s totally fine, it’s not a problem—”
“No!” he blurts. “It’s not that. Believe me, Karlach, it’s not that I don’t want to. I mean — what I mean is that I…” He’s smiling again, thank all the fucking gods. “I would love to be with you, actually. I just… I can’t believe it’s me you want.”
I would love to be with you. I would love to be with you. He said that, right? Those were the words he said? Dammon the amazing smith with the amazing sinew-y hands said that to me, right? Oh shit, he’s still talking.
He gestures at me. “I mean, look at you. You’re Karlach. The Karlach, the destroyer of demons and devilspawn. You’re a hero.”
Oh my gods. Is that really what he thinks? “Wha—? Oh come on! It’s not like that.”
“It is like that,” he insists. “Haven’t you spoken to the kids? Mattis and Ide and them? I mean, I know you have, but you know they worship you, right? You’re like a goddess to them.” He looks around like he’s checking for spies, then lowers his voice. “Honestly? I think you’re better for them than a goddess, because you’re real to them. You mean something to them, Karlach. You’ve given them someone to look up to. That’s no small thing for a group of tiefling kids with no parents to look up to anymore.”
Fuck, I’m gonna cry. He doesn’t even know about Mum and Dad, and he hit the nail right on the fucking head.
He touches my hand — oh fuck, he’s not just touching my hand, but holding my hand. Turning my hand over on the table, his fingers sliding over my palm, his fingers curling into mine like he did right after he fixed me… Gods, my entire throat is full of fucking tears.
“I would love to be with you, Karlach,” he says in the softest voice. “If you’re sure this is what you want.”
Oh, hells. He’s going to make me weep. Swallow it down, soldier, gulp those tears down! “Let’s get outta here. Will you come back to my camp?”
“Actually…” Ooh, what’s this cheeky look on his face? Cute! “Would you be interested in a bed?”
What? No way! “A bed? You’ve got a claim on one of the beds here?”
“Sort of. Me and the other grown-ups have a rotation with one of the rooms upstairs. Taking turns having a little peace and privacy for a night.”
“You and the grown-ups?”
“Yeah — well, we offered to the kids, too, but they want to stay together on the main floor, where the Harpers are. Can’t really blame them, either. But anyway, um, what I was trying to say is, um.” He clears his throat. “If you’d rather use a bed than a bedroll, there’s—”
I’m already on my feet. “Bed. You and me. Now.”
He smiles — gods, that brilliant smile. And he’s on his feet too now, we’re heading for the stairs — oh my gods, he’s holding my hand again. Dammon is holding my hand, his fingers are between my fingers, how fucking nice is this? How long have I been thinking about this — no, dreaming about this? Easy, Karlach, keep those tears in your eyes.
He gives me a little smile as we walk up the stairs. “Fair warning that it was Rolan’s turn in the bed last night, so it might smell a little magical.”
What! Is that a thing? Gale and Brynn never said that was a thing! “Really? What does magic smell like?”
“Oh, no, I — I’m just joking.” Dammon smiles and rubs the back of his neck. “It was a bad joke. Sorry. Pretend you didn’t—”
I kiss him. How could I not kiss him? He’s so — oh, gods, he’s kissing me. His lips, my lips, his hands in mine, we’re — we’re kissing, we’re kissing! Dammon the smith is kissing me, and he’s… Would it be naff as all the hells if I said he was dreamy? Fuck it, who cares if it’s naff? He is gods-damned dreamy. As much as his hands are callused, his lips are so fucking soft, and I’m… I am melting. I swear, I’m melting, he’s making my lips melt apart like a hot knife in butter, he’s touching his tongue to mine… Gods, his hands though? How he uses them? This is fucking magic. His thumbs are sliding over my wrists, his palms skimming up my arms, over my shoulders, oh gods, oh gods oh gods…!
His hands cradle my neck, and his tongue slides into my mouth, and I’m — I’m… I can’t think. I can’t think, I can’t — I can just feel. I feel him: his lips his tongue his hands — how close he is, the nearness of his body to mine, I feel… fuck, I feel everything, every touch of his fingers and every stroke of his tongue, and I — he — shit, was that me? That little kitten-y sound: was that actually me? I’ve never made a sound like that in my life.
He breaks the kiss, presses his horns to mine. “Are you all right?”
I’m a puddle. I can’t talk. I just nod.
He smiles (arghhh, as if I’m not melted enough already!). “You’re burning blue,” he whispers.
Huh? “Huh?”
“You’re burning blue.” He rests his palm on my chest — oh shit, I really am burning blue. I… I’m burning blue but — but I’m not burning him!
“You’re…” My hand’s fucking shaking as I press it over his. “You don’t feel that? Not even a little singe?”
“Not even a little singe.” His eyebrows do that little mischief-quirky thing. “I told you, I’m good.”
I laugh. I can’t help it: I’m as giddy as a kid on her birthday. “Oh ho-ho, boy, you don’t know what you’re doing by saying things like that in a voice like that.” I step closer to him.
His gorgeous smile gets even bigger. “Or maybe I know exactly what I’m doing,” he says, still in that voice — oh, gods yes, his hands are on my neck again, so callused and so fucking gentle—
Fuck, Jaheira’s right behind us! “J-Jaheira! I mean, uh, ma’am!” Shit, should I bow to her? What should I do? She’s looking at me!
She smiles — the Jaheira is smiling at me! — then tilts her head. “Karlach, is it?”
She remembers my name! Snap to attention, soldier! “Yes ma’am, that’s me.”
She nods to Dammon too. “Dammon. Good evening. Let it be known that no one begrudges you your fun, but perhaps you should have it elsewhere that isn’t right at the top of the stairs. The only stairs that leads to the upper floor…?”
All right, now I’m going to melt from embarrassment. “Of course! Right! Uh, right! Uh—”
Dammon cuts me off, thank fuck. “Sorry, Jaheira,” he says. “We’ll get out of your way. Out of the way, I mean.” He takes my hand again, and I’m following him down the hall to one of the rooms: a simple little room with a nice cushy-looking double bed.
He leads me inside and closes the door. We look at each other. And we just crack up, we just totally — we’re both laughing like loons, just laughing so hard I can hardly fucking breathe. Augh, my ribs are starting to hurt, I’m laughing so hard!
“Here, sit down,” Dammon chuckles. He leads me over to the bed, and I let him guide me there.
Then I push him down and straddle him.
His gorgeous eyes get big. “Oh! Are you—”
I kiss him again — gods, he’s so delicious. Soft lips, hot tongue, strong hands: oh, I could just die for the touch of his hands. They’re circling my waist, they’re gripping my hips, they’re curling around my thighs… Fuuuck, gods, I’m sparking. Feels like everything’s sparking, like everywhere he touches is shooting with sparks, and I can’t… I can’t wait. I can’t wait anymore. I need more, I need his fucking hands, I need his hands on my skin.
I rip off my top and chuck it on the floor, and his baby-blues drop to my tits. “W-wow. I—”
I grab his collar and I shove my tongue into his mouth — fuck, his tongue tangling with mine: mm, just imagine feeling that sweet tongue in other places… Hellfire take me, I need this man more than I need air.
I climb off of him and start unbuttoning the ol’ trousers, and he grabs my hands. “Hey, hey. Easy, Karlach. Slow down. You don’t need to rush.”
Easy? Slow down? He’s kidding, right? It’s like I’ve never known the meaning of the word. “I…” Fuck, I’m breathing hard, I’m breathing so hard, and every breath feels like it’s making me hotter. Easy, Karlach, slow it down for him.
I gulp down a breath. “I hear you, soldier. But I have to tell you, I… Sometimes it feels like I’ve only got two modes: off, and on-on-on. I don’t…” Damn it, Karlach, breathe. “You might need to show me how to do this slowing-down thing.”
He smiles, and I swear, something inside of me absolutely melts. He’s got this way about him when he smiles, like his smile makes his face softer even when he’s showing his teeth, and it just… It’s such a special smile, you know? Like the way it feels when your mum watches you eating your favourite meal that she made? That’s how Dammon’s smile feels, and I swear on my life, if I still had a heart, it would be swelling up to five times its normal size.
He shifts off of the bed. “I’m happy to show you,” he says, and gods save me, he’s using that voice again. “Maybe I can start with…?” He gestures at my trousers and gives me a can-I? kind of look.
“Yes,” I say loudly. “Fuck yes.”
A big brilliant smile, and then he’s — ah, fuck yes, he’s undoing the buttons on my pants. He’s popping the buttons one by one, not even touching me as he does it, but I swear to all the gods, watching him do this is making me hotter than I’ve ever been in my life. And that includes when Zariel first put this fucking engine in my chest. No, don’t think about Zariel, forget about her.
Dammon pops the last button, then looks at me. “Can I take them off?”
“Please. Rip them off for all I care!”
He grins — gods, he’s a stupidly beautiful man. He’s pulling down my shabby trousers now, finally, pulling the damn things down over my hips and my ass and — oh. Oh my gods, oh my gods he’s kneeling in front of me this is not a drill!.
He sighs. “Karlach, you’re… really beautiful, you know that?”
He’s kneeling in front of me. Dammon is kneeling in front of me. He’s looking at me, his hand is curled around my ankle, and — oh, fuck me, his tail-barb is tracing my calf, his tail is coiling around my calf. His tail, his hand, his — even just his beautiful blue eyes on my skin: he’s seeing me, all of me, my bare fucking skin that nobody’s seen for ten fucking years.
“Are you all right?” His tail-barb strokes my knee, his hand squeezes my calf — fuck, I can’t cope with this.
I grab his shirt and pull. “Please, I — please, Dammon!”
He stands up. “What’s wrong? What can I do?”
I kiss him again. I know, I know, I keep fucking doing it, I keep sticking my tongue down his throat, but he’s so… I… Fuck, his hands are on my hips, on my back, he’s — shit, he’s stroking my shoulder blades. His fingers are tracing over my vents like it’s the most normal thing in the world to touch a woman with fucking vents in her skin, and I’m… I feel so… It’s like I’m full, my chest, my tummy, it’s like I’m so, so full — but it just reminds me of how empty I’ve been for so long. And I need him to… I need more. I have to have more. I need him to remind me of how good it is to feel this fucking full.
I grip his collar. “I need you naked. Right now.”
He laughs: argh, that laugh, how soft it is, how sweet! “I thought you wanted me to show you ‘slow’.”
“You can show me slow with your kit off.” I know what I sound like, I sound desperate as all the hells, but I do not fucking care. A river of blue heat is running through my veins, and my skin is fucking vibrating for more: more of him, more of his skin touching mine — gods, I want to slide against him like we’ve both been fucking greased.
“All right,” he chuckles. “You talked me into it.” He takes off his scarf, then starts taking off his vest, and I start working on his belt. I’m just helping, right? Just being a good old helper, that’s me. Ha, his belt is off, his vest is off, just a pesky shirt and trousers now — oh-ho, he’s a fast one with the shirt, we love a man who can strip like a fast-changer at the circus! It’s just the trousers left now. I grab for his laces —
Oh yes, he’s kissing me. His hands on my neck, his tongue so fucking sweet and slow in my mouth — gods alive, kissing is fantastic, so fucking fantastic it’s unreal. He’s pulling me close, his hands on my hips and his chest — fuuuck me Dammon, his sternal ridges are rubbing my nipples.
I can’t fucking cope. I can’t fucking cope, I can’t think, it feels so fucking good, I’m making that noise again like a hungry kitten begging for milk…
He peels his lips from mine. “See? I knew you could do it.”
“Do what?” I whimper. Yes, I whimpered like a kitten, all right? Whatever, shut up about it.
“You’re going slow,” he says in that voice. “You’re doing it right now.”
I’ve not a clue what he’s talking about. I’ve never felt less slow in my whole fucking life. “What do you mean?”
“My trousers,” he says. “You stopped trying to take them off.”
I burst out laughing. (It’s mostly hysteria, I’m fucking telling you.) “It’s not ‘cause I want to stop! I just can’t, uh…” Oh gods oh gods: his tail. His tail-barb is caressing my butt and giving me shivers — gods, what a life! When was the last time I got a shiver about anything? — oh my fucking gods, his tail is twining around my thigh.
I can’t breathe. I can’t think. I’m alive with desire, I’m so fucking alive, and all he’s doing is curling his tail around my upper thigh. But his tail is so close — he’s so close, the smooth heat of his tail curling so fucking close to where I’m burning so hot…
That kitten noise squeaks out of me again. “Dammon, please…” I stroke his chest — my palms on his chest, my fingers on the ridges of his ribs, I’m touching him. I’m pressed against him from thigh to chest, I’m pulling him closer with my tail, I’m petting the ridges of his back and his shoulder blades — ooh, he’s got wingtips!
“You have wingtips!” I gasp. “Aw, how lucky are you? My mum always said these were good luck!”
He laughs that precious little laugh. “My grandmother said the same. Said it means I’ll be able to fly in my next life.”
“Aww, I love that. Makes me extra-wish I had a pair myself.” I trace the sharp little hooks with my fingers, then keep running my hands over the ridges of his back. Damn, skin is amazing. It’s really an amazing, amazing thing, and nobody even bothers to think about how amazing it is. Skin and muscles, too, like these nice wiry ropes of muscles in his upper back and his arms… Phwoar, his arms are bloody fit. I mean, of course they are, he’s a fucking smith, but still: I didn’t realize just how damn fit he was under his clothes. And these veins in his forearms? The way they pop, and the burn scars on his forearms and his hands? He might even have more scars on his arms and hands than I do, which is saying a hell of a lot.
Hellfire fucking take me, he is gods-damned beautiful. The scars, the ridges of his spine and his sternum, the wiry muscle of his smithy’s bod — not just his body, either, but his jaw, his nose, that heart-melting jewel-eyed smile…
Oops. Embarrassing. I went totally silent while I was touching him. “Sorry. Went into my own little world for a minute there.”
Another soft laugh. “Don’t even think about being sorry,” he says, and he lifts his hand… Ohhh, he’s touching my cheek. He’s holding my cheek in his palm, just cradling my cheek like it’s a baby bird… How long has it been since I’ve had a hand on my cheek? A nice hand, mind you, not a blood-covered clawed hand trying to gouge my eyes out. Too fucking long, that’s how: too fucking long with no caring hands to touch me or hold me or hug me when things got fucking rough. But that’s all over now, thanks to Dammon. I can touch and be touched, I can kiss and be kissed, I can climb this rip-roaringly gorgeous man in front of me, and I swear to every god that’s listening that that’s what I’m going to do all night long.
I kiss him and pull him close with my hands and tail. I stroke his spine with my tail-barb, I lick his tongue like it’s the sweetest thing in all the realms, I rub myself against him like I’m some pent-up kid who doesn’t know what they’re doing yet, and it all feels fucking fantastic. And he’s touching me too, his claws scratching my neck so super-gently while we kiss, his hands on my back, my hips — wowee, his hands on my ass! I want that, yes more—!
He palms my backside and pulls me tight to his body — fuck, he’s hard. He’s hard he’s hard he’s hard, I can feel him rubbing against my ladybits through his trousers — augh he’s still wearing trousers, fuck my life upside down!
I break from his kiss. “Take your trousers off,” I beg. “Just take them off already, all right? I need them off, I can’t — I really really want them off!”
“I’ll take them off. It’s all right,” he says in this dreamy calm-soothing voice, and his tail starts uncurling from around my thigh—
Fuck fuck fuck oh my gods yes his tail is sliding between my legs. It’s — fuck, his tail, he’s petting my cunt with his tail, it’s sliding between my legs and stroking me as it unwinds from my thigh and oh my gods it feels so good, how am I supposed to survive—? “Mm ah fuck!”
His tail is gone. His arms are around me. “Was that okay?”
I am fucking gasping. “You tease,” I choke out.
He laughs, his lips close to mine. “Not a tease. I’m going to carry through, I promise.” Mmm, he’s kissing me again, he’s so fucking yummy, and he’s untying his trousers and I’m vibrating and I can hardly keep fucking still—
He pushes his trousers down and his cock is out. His cock, it’s hard, he’s hard — oh my god his cock. It’s gorgeous. I mean, it’s a cock, cocks are always a little funny-looking, I don’t know how folks who’ve got ‘em can cope with them, but Dammon’s is out and it’s gorgeous — fuck me yes he’s stroking it I want to do that.
I push his hand away, replace it with mine, and he gasps. “Ah—”
I kiss him. I’m stroking him, I’m walking him back toward the bed, he falls onto the bed and I’m climbing onto him and gasping into his mouth and stroking this thick pretty cock of his—
His hands are in my hair. “Karlach, slow down,” he gasps. “Slow down for a minute, all right?”
Fuuuck, fuck fuck, I can’t. No, I have to, I have to slow down for him. “Help me,” I beg. “I don’t know how.”
“It’s all right,” he pants, and he presses his horns to mine. “Just breathe with me for a second, okay?”
I nod. Breathe, I can do that, that’s totally something I can do. Just breathe. I close my eyes, I feel the sweet ridges of his horns against mine, I feel his breath tickling my lips because he’s breathing too, I feel — woah yes, that’s his tail. His tail-barb is tracing my lower spine, tracing lower still — eep he poked my bum!
I burst out a laugh. “You rotter!”
He laughs, too: fuck me, I adore his laugh. He’s laughing against my lips, his tail-barb is gliding down over my bum… oh fuck, it’s moving down to my thigh, around my thigh, drifting between my legs, is he going to—? Oh gods Dammon please yes!
“Yes!” I gasp — fuck, his tail, he’s petting my cunt with his tail oh my gods I’m going to explode.
“Easy, Karlach,” he whispers. His hands cradle my neck, perfect callused hands, fuck his tail is petting me, caressing me, touching parts of me that I’ve been dreaming of being touched for years — ah yes that’s the fucking spot right there, right there fuck right there yes!
“Dammon,” I mewl — yes, I fucking mewled like a cat, I’m mewling and my back is arching like I’m a bitch in heat, but really? That’s exactly what I am. I’m in fucking heat for this man. I’m burning for him, burning for more of this, burning alive with his tail petting that red-hot little button of love. Dammon’s breathing hard, too, his fingers gripping my hair and his hips moving under me while his tail-barb does its work between my legs. It’s like he’s getting desperate too, so desperate that he can’t keep still while his tail is petting me, and I love that he’s getting desperate. I want him to unravel just like I’m doing now. I want to hear him moaning, I want to see him bucking his hips for more, I want — I want him so badly, I want this so much, it’s happening right now and I still want it like it’s out of my reach. How does that make any sense? Why am I longing for something while it’s happening right now, right here, with this insanely beautiful man I’ve been fantasizing about since I first clapped eyes on him?
Oh fuck, why am I getting emotional?
He strokes my hair. “Hey, are you okay?”
Oh gods, there’s a moan to his voice already. He’s breathing hard like he’s the one being touched, like he’s the one who’s getting tail-fucked more perfectly than even my best fantasies — ah, fuck me, his touch, the way his tail is rubbing my clit just right, it’s so — he’s so, so fucking perfect, he feels so right, this feels so right: Dammon’s hands in my hair, his body under mine, his tail petting my cunt and his lips breathing into mine… My gods, I’m so… he’s so, this is, I’m… fuck, I’m so close, I’m getting closer, I’m going to fucking blow I’m going to—
Yes. Yes yes yesyesyesfuckmeican’tbreatheohmygods kiss me Dammon fucking kiss me—
His tongue in my mouth. Moaning, is that me or him? No idea, who cares, I’m a fucking inferno. Everything sparking, like lightning under my skin and scorching my throat in the best fucking way, all because of him.
His lips leave mine. His voice, husky and soft. “You all right?”
I whimper. Still vibrating. No words, can’t talk. Need him to fuck me.
He strokes my broken horn, strokes my cheek. “You’re burning blue, Karlach.”
I sure fucking am. Burning blue, burning alive in ways that I didn’t think I ever would again, and it’s all because of him. It’s all him, it’s Dammon — his sunshine smile, his jewel-pretty eyes the colour of a summer sky: I’m burning blue, all because of him.
I nuzzle his ear. “I’m going to ride you until you see stars, soldier.”
He laugh-moans. “Yes please. I’m all for that.”
He’d better be, because I can’t hold back now. I can’t do slow now. I am on, on-on-on like I’ve never been before, and I’m sitting upright on his lap and I’m stroking his cock while he grips my thighs — gods I want to taste him, I want his come in my mouth, no no I’ll save that for later, I need him inside of me right fucking now—
Fuck yes he’s inside me fuck yes. Dammon is inside of me, and he feels like fucking heaven.
He groans, and it’s the prettiest sound I’ve ever heard. “Gods, Karlach!”
I take it back: hearing my name like that is the prettiest sound I’ve ever heard. I stroke his chest — beautiful chest, beautiful ridges of his ribs — then I brace myself on his abs and start fucking him hard.
He groans, arches his neck in a way that makes me want to bite him (ha, don’t tell Astarion!): oh, my sweet fucking gods, he feels amazing. His cock is driving into me so hard, so sweet and hard that I’m making noise with every stroke, and he’s making noise too and gripping my thighs — ah, his tail, it’s coiling around my forearm in a way that makes my tummy flutter, and his eyelids are fluttering too like he’s really letting loose, which I love to see. I love seeing him like this, I love seeing him looking as good as he makes me feel, and fuck does he ever make me feel good. His thick fucking cock, the hot driving punch of it reaching so deep… Holy fucking hells, I missed this, I missed it so fucking much, and it’s so much better than I remembered. Dammon’s solid body under mine, his strong smithy’s hands on my hips and thighs, his tail squeezing my arm like the way he holds my hand, and those eyes: his beautiful eyes, the way he’s watching me under his half-lidded eyes while I ride him like my life hinges on his cock… Fuck me, did it ever really feel like this? Was it ever really this good?
Wait, wait a second: was sex ever this fucking good before?
I’m staring at Dammon now. Just staring at this kind and gorgeous man who’s filling me up within an inch of my life, and I… I don’t know that it’s ever been like this. I don’t know that it ever has been this good before. Sex is always great, don’t get me wrong, but it’s never… My gods, it’s never been like this. It’s never felt so… so close. So right. Fuck, it’s never felt as right as it does right now with him — how fucking weird is that? We’re in an abandoned inn in a place that’s been cursed to the shadows for a hundred years, and it’s somehow the most right that I’ve ever felt while being naked with another soul.
Wait, though: it gets even weirder. I’m with Dammon, an infernal smith who I might never have even spoken to if it wasn’t for the engine in my chest — the engine that’s slowly burning me alive. If I didn’t have this damned thing in my chest, I wouldn’t be here with him. We wouldn’t be here together doing this.
I’m having the time of my fucking life right now with the most wonderful man I’ve ever met because of something that’s going to kill me.
No, no no no, stop it brain, don’t think about it—
“Hey.” He’s sitting up on one elbow — no, he’s pushing himself upright and reaching for my cheek. “Hey, hey now, are you okay—”
I kiss him. I shove my tongue into his mouth and grip his neck, and I fuck him like there’s no tomorrow. I fuck him like this is it, like this is the only chance we’ll have and I have to show him how much this means, how good this is and how good it is because of him, because it’s him, Dammon: it’s Dammon’s body under mine, and his hand and his tail holding me, it’s all him, and I need him to know that there’s nothing I wanted more in this world than to be with him.
He breaks from my lips with the most incredible groan. “Ah, Karlach—”
I nuzzle his ear. “I want you so bad, Dammon. I want you more than anything.”
He groans again — gods, if only you could bottle a noise and keep it for later. “I’m all yours. I promise.”
My gods, what a promise. What a thing to say, what a thing to hear from someone who’s so fucking good. And now I don’t know what to say, my tongue’s a knot, my throat’s getting thick — gods, just fuck him already, just wring the pleasure out of him like he did for you.
I fuck him. I’m riding him hard. I’m bouncing on his beautiful cock and staring at his beautiful face while it crinkles up with pleasure — come for me, Dammon, I want you to. I really want him to, I want his come more than anything in the world, I want him to let it all go inside of me — oh yes, good boy, he’s getting even harder, he’s getting harder inside of me oh my gods fuck I know he’s going to come—
“A-ah, please, y-yes—!” He kisses me, Dammon is kissing me, his tongue thrusting into my mouth and his hand firm at the back of my neck, he’s shuddering and pulsing deep inside — yes, I can feel him giving me his come, and I want it all. I’m fucking hungry for it, for every last drop of him, every little bit of proof that this was me and him together: Dammon and Karlach, Karlach and Dammon, two hells-touched tieflings finding our little place of light among the shadows.
He breaks our kiss and presses his horns to mine again. “Gods,” he pants. “Gods alive. You are… incredible.” He laughs, this husky I’m-out-of-breath-because-I’ve-been-fucking kind of laugh, and I swear I’d give my unbroken horn to be able to hear that laugh every day for the rest of my life, no matter how long or short it is.
He leans away a little and strokes my hair. “How are you feeling?”
Gods, look at him: he’s perfect. He said I was burning blue, but I swear on my life, his eyes are incandescent. They’re the brightest, most electric blue I’ve ever seen in my life, and it’s like they’re scorching my soul, branding this amazing moment deep into me so that it’ll never be forgotten, no matter what comes next.
Fuck, I feel so full. I’m so… my chest, my throat, my entire fucking soul feels full. Oh no, my eyes feel full too, oh no — don’t do this, Karlach, don’t you dare.
“I—” Oh fuck, I’m sobbing. I’m sobbing? Why now, why?
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Come here, it’s okay.” He’s tucking my head against his neck — oh my gods, I’m falling apart. He’s hugging me, his tail is stroking my back like he’s comforting a child, which is funny ‘cause I’m weeping like a baby. No, not weeping: I’m fucking bawling. That’s fantastic, Karlach, that’s just great, let’s just bawl all over the gorgeous smith while his cock is still in me.
Okay, that’s kind of funny, but… Fuck, I can’t stop crying. It’s all just coming out now, everything, all the stuff that’s been going on: the tadpole, my engine, the shadow curse and how fucking awful it is here, Lae’zel almost dying at the crèche and Mizora being a fucking bitch to Wyll and Astarion making his snarky little jokes like he’s not dead-scared of Cazador. I’m just fucking sobbing, I’m howling for me and them and everything, and more stuff keeps coming out: Gortash, Zariel, Avernus, Mum and Dad — everything, it’s just fucking everything, it’s all the things, so much shit I haven’t cried about for years, and it’s all coming out on poor Dammon because he’s hugging me.
Dammon is hugging me. He’s just hugging me while I cry all over him, hugging me tight like I haven’t been hugged in fucking years, and I don’t know if I can stop.
I do stop, eventually, when it feels like every tear in my body is on his neck instead of in my eyes. When I finally stop crying, he speaks. “Are you all right?”
Gods be damned, his soft voice, his hand petting my back… He’s going to make me cry again. “I’m okay,” I say. “Stuffy, but okay.” I lift my head — eurgh, yep, lots of tears and snot on his neck. Real attractive, Karlach, really sexy stuff.
“Sorry.” I wipe my face real quick and start wiping his neck. “Sorry. That’s gross. I’m so sorry—”
“Don’t be sorry,” he says. “You needed that. There’s nothing to be sorry for.” Oh hells, now he’s wiping my cheeks… Did someone make this man on purpose to turn me into the world’s meltiest puddle? He’s wiping my cheeks and looking at me in that so-soft way with his beautiful soft eyes… Oh boy, I’m a goner. If I wasn’t already all fluttery for him, I’m a total loss now.
He strokes my shoulder. “Do you have to head back to your camp?”
No way. I don’t want to go back. I want to stay here with him and make this night last forever. Don’t say that, though, you’ll sound like a limpet. “I can stay for a while,” I say, all casual-like. “If you want, I mean. I — unless you have to sleep? You probably have to get up early for the forge—”
“No, no,” he says quickly. “I can get up whenever, that doesn’t matter. Either way, if you — if you don’t have to get back, maybe…” He clears his throat — aw, he’s looking shy! Why is he looking shy? “Maybe you’d like to stay the night? With me, I mean?”
He wants me to stay? He wants me to stay! “Yes! I mean—” Oh gods, I’m laughing now. “Yes. I’d love to stay with you.”
He smiles — oh gods, that killer smile. He’s going to destroy me with that smile before the night is through, I swear. “Great! That’s — that’s really great. Okay.” He laughs a little and strokes my arm. “Maybe I can take my trousers off, if that’s okay with you?”
“Your—?” I twist around on his lap to look — ha, oh shit, his trousers are down around his calves, and he’s still wearing his boots!
I laugh and climb off of him. “You didn’t take them off? Bit eager, are we?”
“Me? You didn’t give me a chance! So much for slowing down.” He’s grinning now as he pulls off his boots, and he’s so damned pretty that all I can do is smile back at him. Gods, I really am a goner.
He drops his boots on the floor. He’s totally naked now, naked and warm and perfect, and I don’t want to waste another second not touching all of that perfect naked skin.
I straddle him and wrap my arms around his neck, and he smiles and strokes my hip. “Back for a second round already? I’m game, but I’ll need a little more time.”
I press my horns to his. “Dammon, I…” No, Karlach, don’t say it. Don’t tell him what you’re feeling, it’s way too soon. It is too soon, right? It’s too soon to know if this is just lust or if it’s something more, right? Something so much more, so much bigger that it feels like it’s filling my entire damn body… I can’t know yet for sure that this is what I think it is, can I? Fuck, I’m breathing all shaky. Stop it, K, don’t cry again, just don’t.
He strokes my neck — gods, his magical hands on my skin, I can’t get enough. “It’s okay,” he whispers. “Take your time. Talk when you’re ready.”
I nod, and I kiss him. For the dozenth time tonight, I’m kissing Dammon, melting under his soft lips and tasting his tongue and feeling every inch of my skin coming to life under his hands, and I can’t be fucking bothered with talking. Who cares about words or talking or even thinking when there’s this, when there’s him? Not me, that’s for sure. All that matters is being here with Dammon, skin-to-skin with him like all my hottest dreams, and I don’t give a shit about anything else.
Tonight, I’m burning blue for him. And that’s all that fucking matters.
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