#but yeah none of us really know why this happened
an-au-blog · 3 days
more zosan reversed tropes bc uni wants me dead and this is my way of coping:
not fake dating, but where everyone is super convinced that they aren't ACTUALLY dating...
One day, Zoro and Sanji call everyone over and announce that they are getting engaged. It comes as a big shock to almost everyone because: 1. they say it too matter-of-factly, with disdain almost; 2. they never told anyone they were dating. Luffy, being Luffy is very happy for them and tells them they can't get married if he doesn't wed them as their captain. They respond that they never expected anything else. Robin and Franky congratulate them, Brook starts getting ready with the music, but Nami and Usopp? Nami and Usopp couldn't believe it. And they refused to let everyone else believe this lie. They decided that both Sanji and Zoro are lying, but why??
They make a makeshift investigation, but it turns out that Luffy and Robin genuinely believe them, Franky and Jinbei think it's none of their business and they can't bring themselves to break it to Chopper and Brook because they were too happy to attend a wedding. Soit was up to Nami and Usopp to prove to everyone else that there was no way they're dating.
At first they start looking at how they interact with each other. It was obvious they were faking it - they never started bickering and fighting and even when they just sat in silence Sanji would throw a ladle in Zoro's direction because he's snoring too loud. Or Zoro would make a biting comment about Sanji and it would start all over again.
But that was how they usually were, so it wouldn't prove much if some of their friends were so willing to accept their announcement at face value knowing they act like this. So Nami takes upon talking to Zoro in private, while Usopp talks to Sanji in private.
At first, Nami starts telling him how she would take money off his debt if he tells her the truth, but then he says the same thing that he said to the crew. That yes, the cook is a pain in the ass, but they love each other and want to get married. She threatens to tax him for lying, but he keeps insisting there's nothing else to say. She meets up with Usopp again, hoping that he did a better job than her, but he just said that Sanji caught onto him from the start saying it's for real and whatever he's scheming will not work.
They change tactics and switch partners, hoping that Nami will have more luck with Sanji, as he can't say no to her, and Usopp can try getting under Zoro's skin.
Usopp starts off by telling Zoro about how a great swordsman should have a nice and powerful partner, mentioning Hiyori, but then the unexpected happens and starts almost defending Sanji as his choice. "Sanji is stronger and nicer than her." "He's a worthy opponent and we already have the same priorities (Luffy)", "He's stubborn and driven, it's great." he says it all with a shrug and Usopp almost feels like he misheard him. "But you always fight?" Usopp says as a last resort. Zoro smiles widely "Yeah, it keeps me on my toes, my blood pumping. I love him so much, Usopp."
The sniper wasn't sure he wanted to prove they weren't a couple anymore. In fact he was starting to believe them. Nami came back with an equally defeated face. Nami tried using her charm, but Sanji kept going "Alas, my dearest Nami, Zoro and I are really getting married, unfortunately it is no joke. Unless you'd like me to take you out on a date!" And in desperation, Nami said "yes", but then Sanji flipped a switch. Saying there's no way, he was just joking and he'd never do that to Zoro. He's done self sabotaging and he really doesn't want to ruin things for them.
Robin overheats then and goes. "Oh, why didn't you ask me. I've seen them sneaking into toilets and private places like teenagers for months now."
And the theory had been debunked.
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mykoreanlove · 2 days
Minho 😥
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„Where is y/n?“, Minho asked impatiently.
„Oh, I just texted her. She was on a date but now is on her way.“
The bar was crowded with young, good looking people but none of them captured Minho‘s attention like you did. Ever since you showed up in Seoul he was a mess, an utterly self-sabotaging mess.
„Hey guys“, you cheered in happily, taking the empty seat next to Minho.
„Whoa, you look amazing. That was an important date, huh?“
You tilted your head to the side and smirked at your friend.
„Wouldn’t you like to know?“
You took a sip of his beer and spilled the tea, happily letting them know of your whereabouts these past hours.
„So yeah, I went on a date.“
You didn’t notice Minho‘s sharp inhale or the death stares he pointed at his blue drink.
„So? What is he like? Is he Korean?“
„Yeah, he is. He’s amazing really. Funny, smart, super sweet to me. He is very handsome and has such a sexy body..“, you teased.
„Where did you meet?“
„Oh, at the dance school. Remember how I started taking classes there? Yeah, we met there. And you know me, I’m a slut for men who can dance.“
„Why don’t you date Minho then? He’s an ace in dance.“, your friend suggested.
You felt the tight knot in your stomach again, the one you always felt after the one time you shared with Minho.
„Guys, come on. Minho doesn’t like me like that, ha!“, you tried to play it off coolly.
„As if! I’ve seen him pouting for the past hour ever since I mentioned that you went on a date.“
Minho‘s head jerked up suddenly, the death stares were now aimed at his friend.
You felt the confusion again, you never really knew where you stood with him. You arrived in Seoul weeks ago and met him on the first night and still, you had no idea if he liked you at all.
This had to stop.
You turned around to face him.
„Can we talk outside?“
Minho got off his chair, reluctantly, and followed you outside.
„Min, what are they talking about?“
Finally, he looked at you with a pained expression on his face.
„I don’t know, they’re probably just fucking around.“
„So, you don’t have a problem with me dating other guys?“
„Why would I have a problem with the foreigner dating others?“
His tone was cold, utterly indifferent.
„Yeah, okay.“, you turned around annoyed and walked back in.
It took him a couple of seconds to realize that he messed up again, but as soon as reality hit him, Minho raced after you.
„Y/N, wait.“, he huffed out.
„I don’t know why I said that. I’m sorry.“
„I just don’t get you!“, you said agitated. „For real, Minho, I don’t expect anything from you but honesty. Can you be real for a second?“
He looked down, not saying a word.
„I didn’t plan liking you and I didn’t plan hooking up with you the first night here but it kind of happened. I did plan the second time however because I wanted to get to know you. And somehow I thought you liked me, too. Remember how you wanted to take me out on a date to actually talk in daylight without ripping our clothes off? Remember how you brought that up twice but it never happened? I guess I was just another foreigner hook up to you.“
Getting that off your chest felt good. Even though it was painful, you felt proud of voicing yourself.
„You are anything but y/n.“
He suddenly looked up at you, tears in his eyes.
„I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I just.. I kind of planned the first time because I knew that I liked you the second I saw you. You are so amazing, really. And I meant every word I said about wanting to get to know you, it’s just.. I told you how I got cheated on three times and I told you how badly I suffered the last time. I can’t risk that again.“
You took a stop closer to him but he stopped you.
„No wait, let me talk first. Every time I see you I get all giddy and happy and want to be with you in every way possible. I picture us walking along the Han river, going on coffee dates and you wearing my stüssy shirts. I really fucking want that. But when I’m alone again I get so overwhelmed, so crippled with the fear that everything is going to end badly again.“
„Min, I’m not like your ex girlfriends.“
„I know but even if you don’t cheat on me this will have an expiration date. What about when you have to go back? What then?“
You took a deep breath, feeling so much compassion for this little idiot.
„Min, I left my real life, I put it on hold for six months to come to Korea, a country that I have visited once before and whose language I barely speak. Do you really think I wouldn’t take a risk for love?“
Minho‘s eyes were glistening with expectation.
„Have you ever wondered if I would come back? Or you’d get sick of Korea and would come to Europe? Or we’d leave everything behind and go to California?“
He shook his head silently.
Now you walked up to him and grabbed his hands.
„I can’t promise you that this will work out. Maybe you’ll get sick of me or I’ll get sick of you or something else comes up. And I understand you’re afraid, I am, too. But I promise I will do my best to keep your heart safe with me. You just have to open up to me, Min. Can you open up to us?“
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ihopeiexplode · 3 days
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📱 “heaven knows I'm miserable now”
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you were sitting on your couch with some snacks laid out in front of you as you were about to play a movie while it rained heavily outside, however before you could even hit play on your remote suddenly you heard some knocking on your front door
You get up from your couch to open your door. Who would knock on your door in the dead of night while it's raining? as you opened the door you saw none other than Sukuna, drenched in rain holding a bouquet of flowers along with a box that seemed like it was filled with all your favorite food
should you let him in or let him stay out in the rain?
while you were thinking of a decision suddenly he spoke up
"before you close the door I just wanted to say, uhm.. I'm..sorry for everything I said back then...."
judging by the tone of his voice you could tell someone forced him to say this, not to mention his facial expression as well...
"okay? is that all?"
"Who told you to do it?"
"figured, but how come you agreed?"
"I was forced to"
without another thought you just slammed the door in his face, your not accepting an apology from someone who didn't mean it and just apologized because someone told him to
then again you felt slightly bad leaving him out there drenched in rain, you'd sigh before opening your door once again
"come in..."
the moment he stepped in he immediately soaked up your floor, you'd go towards your room to grab him a towel, and when you came back you'd wrap it around him
''sit down ill dry you up"
"I can do it myself"
"Sure you could"
actually, he didn't even want to go against your idea, he really was hoping you'd be the one to dry him up the moment you wrapped him around with your towel,
as he took a seat on your chair while you stood behind him drying up his hair without saying a word, usually the silence between you two would feel comforting to him but this one felt different, he could tell you were still mad at him,
he should try apologizing like he means it this time..
"y/n listen, I'm sorry I'm not good with my words but I'm sorry like I really am i know it sounds like I don't mean it but I do, uhm I'm also sorry about the flowers and food, and there probably soggy"
this time you could tell he was actually sincere about his apology which is..odd for Sukuna, but you'll take what you can get out of him
"I guess I could forgive you"
"wait actually"
"Don't make me take it back"
he really didn't expect you to forgive him, if anything he thought you'd just ignore his apology, you'd continue drying him off by you'll eventually get startled by the sudden thunder strike outside, then you'd notice how it started raining heavier than it before
"you should stay"
"why? it's just some rain ill be fine"
"If you wanna get struck by thunder be my guest"
Will he tell you he used his car instead of his motorcycle to get here? no, of course not if he told you he just passed on a good opportunity to stay at your house why would he pass on the opportunity to stay over at your house
when you were finally done drying him off you'd put away the towel before sitting back on your couch
"wanna watch a movie with me?"
"yeah sure i dont mind"
"oh yeah thx for the flowers and food by the way, even if there soggy"
"You're welcome"
both you and Sukuna would be sitting right next to each other with a blanket around you two while you guys watched some romance movie, if anything sukuna felt bored out of his mind.
about half an hour into the movie he'd notice how you fell asleep as your head rested on his shoulder, do you always fall asleep during movies? this is the second time this happened..
he sighed before turning off your TV, carrying you bridal style as he made his way towards your room
as he placed you down on your bed as he placed a blanket over you, he was planning on sleeping on your couch, but before he could leave suddenly it thundered once again causing you to grab onto his arm as you were startled
he would just sigh once more before laying down next to you, as he did he noticed how you started to calm down, eventually he'll wrap his arms around you pulling you close with your face against his chest before he eventually drifted off to sleep
[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
A/N: Idk what my titles should be so I'm using song names🔥🔥💥🗣️🗣️‼️
Taglist: @catobsessedlady @hellomeow12 @0-candlecove-0 @shivzypuff @swirlingcurses @1-800-choke-that-ho @attackonnat @chilichopsticks @getoxmahito @memenojutsu @uhnanix @ichorstainedskin @needtoloveoutloud @love-me-satoru @s-j320 @allthestarsarecloserrrrrrr @goj0sunglasses @svtvrnal @haitanibros0007 @punkhazardlaw @mslydiaa @jayathelostdragon @caileysdead @rixyaaaa @minzxec @rzcnlb @cadibearrr
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crownmemes · 3 days
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Angry & Irritated Sentences, Vol. 20
(Angry and irritated sentences from various sources. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Why do I get a feeling that no isn't an option here?"
"I have limited tolerance for being ambushed."
"You may not realise this, but I've been pretty damn patient with you already."
"I don't know who you are or who you work for, but I don't care. I'm leaving."
"Now see here, if you're going to make personal remarks, then I won't stay a minute."
"You just slide through life, don't you? And everything just slides off you."
"What? Is there some rule against having fun?"
"Don't be an asshole. Do you want to hear this or not?"
"I don't have to tell you who I've slept with!"
"I suppose you think you're very clever."
"Yeah, whatever. I have enough belief for both of us, okay?"
"That was a really stupid thing to do!"
"These people trusted you and you betrayed them!"
"It is nobody's business how old I am!"
"I'm competing for your attention again, aren't I?"
"Ignoring the truth doesn't make it a lie."
"Now, I'm not calling you dumb. I'm just saying that some of the things you do are dumb!"
"You were doing so well. Now you're being simply foolish."
"I will not be spoken to this way!"
"You are good, but you're not that good."
"You know, your arrogance is one of the big reasons why you're not further ahead with your career."
"You're following me. I don't care to be followed."
"You shouldn't have interfered. You'll pay for this."
"You keep promising that, but I don't see anything happening!"
"I can take care of myself just fine, alright?"
"I wonder if you even know you're lying."
"I like to keep my private life private, okay?"
"I know what you're doing. I also know it's going to get you killed."
"Notice how I didn't need to lower myself to your level?"
"Shh, don't talk! I want to hear what happens!"
"One day, you will wake up and wonder 'why is my life such a completely chaotic mess?'."
"I appreciate this concern, but I'm not like you, alright?"
"Are you trying to embarrass me?"
"I'm not going to take lectures on professionalism from you!"
"You just had to keep digging. You couldn't let it go, could you?"
"Of all the lies people tell themselves, I bet that's the most common."
"This is none of my business. I don't want to hear it."
"The fact that you won't explain explains everything."
"You're working way too hard to piss me off. It makes me think you're hiding something."
"I'm old, not stupid."
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storiesbyjes2g · 1 day
3.130 Whoop that trick
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At dawn, Sophia got up to pee, so I pulled myself out of bed to make breakfast because I knew she'd be hungry and head for the kitchen next. I felt like trying my French toast recipe again, as I hadn't perfected it yet. Cooking for Sophia had proven to be even more frustrating than cooking for Dad, because nearly everything contained dairy in some form. Scouring the internet every day for something new to try had gotten really old, so I started buying plant-based milk for my sanity. I think she appreciated it too because sometimes the temptation to eat dairy was so strong she gave in, damning the discomfort of bubble guts. How anyone could live life without cheese, I didn't know.
"Mmmmm, that smells so good," Sophia cooed.
"Thanks. I think I got it right this time."
The plant-based milk worked well for most things, but I needed to make adjustments to my custard. In my initial trials, either the bread came out too soggy, or it developed an eggy crust while it cooked. Everything looked perfect this time, so I hoped to remember what I did for next time.
"Okay, so hear me out," she started.
I had no idea what she was about to suggest, but I knew it would involve her not resting at home.
"It's Night Out on the Town tonight! We should go."
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"Is that a good idea? You're due literally at any moment now."
"Okay, yeah, but this might be our last night as a child-free couple! We should spend some time together before we have to start scheduling it."
I wanted to come up with an irrefutable rebuttal, but I had none. Her logic was sound, as always. She'd been cooped up inside a lot lately, anyway. It wouldn't hurt to leave the house for a little while. It's not like we were going jogging around the lake or anything.
"Okay. But we're going to stay in town. There's a nice restaurant in Anchorpoint Wharf I've been wanting to take you to."
She clapped and did a little happy jig in her chair. I loved that woman.
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Kooper and Rosie were getting old. Their coats turned gray, they slept a lot, and they walked a little slower. None of that seemed to stop them from running around the house like a pair of puppies, though. Rosie still demanded that Kooper play with her and dashed around the house and yard like she was training for a marathon. I loved that their age didn't stop them from having a good time. I was playing with Kooper when I realized something that stopped me dead in my tracks.
"Oh my Watcher," I shouted.
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Sophia was behind me, asking what was the matter. I didn't mean to startle her, but it just occurred to me that Alessia might have her babies today!
"We need to get to Mama's house!"
She started to ask why, but I had already dialed Dad's number to see if he would come. Once she overheard my end of the conversation, she went upstairs immediately and got dressed. Dad said he was already on his way and would meet us there.
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When we arrived, Mama wasted no time checking up on Sophia and loving on her youngest grandchild. She hammered her with a bunch of questions, like if she was getting enough rest and if she had experienced early contractions. All moms were lay doctors, I guess. Just as I had begun to think it was nice to have the whole family together again, loud forbidden words and angry screams rang out from upstairs, followed by rapid stomps heading in our direction.
"I'M GOING TO MURDER HIM," Alessia yelled.
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"Whoa, Less," I said. "What in the world happened?"
Her face was as red as a strawberry, and her eyebrows scowled, just like an angry cartoon character. The lasers shooting from her eyes made me want to stay out of her way, but I needed to know what and who upset her so.
"JACE happened!! He's a PUNK!! Ol' llama-faced liar!!! I'M GONNA KILL HIM!"
"What did he do, Less?"
"He went back to his ex! IN MT. KOMOREBI!! And he married her!! He f#@$ing MARRIED her!!! HE SAID HE LOVED ME!! Ever since we found out it was triplets he's been weird!! HE IS DEAD TO ME!!!"
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Mama had previously gone to the kitchen, no doubt to be near Dad when she noticed him taking out the trash, leaving only me to diffuse the situation. Alessia's anger was palpable, like an electric current coursing through the room. I had never seen her like that before, and it both scared and fueled me. I tried balling my fists and breathing extra slow and deep to keep myself from going off, but thoughts of confronting that piece of shit and laying hands on him stirred a fire inside me. There was no kind, gentle way to deal with this, and if I ever saw that cowplant turd in the street, it would be on sight! Nobody betrayed my sister and got away with it. I should have known something was up when he bailed at the baby shower. I saw him when we arrived, but after that, he was nowhere to be found. How could he weasel his way into my sister's fortified heart, knock her up, and leave her with THREE babies??? Did he really think running away to the mountain would absolve him of fatherhood? Like, did he not know child support was a thing? And he had THREE to support?? What an idiot! COWARD!! I hoped his wife had a real job because I knew Alessia would try to milk him dry. He'll be sorry he even met her! The sheer audacity of it all made my blood boil.
I was concerned about my niece and nephews and finally got Less to sit down. She didn't exactly calm down, because how could she? But she and I had a great time plotting and scheming against ol' Jace, planning what we'd do to him the next time we saw him. True, that wasn't healthy either, but it sure was fun. Revenge wasn't really Sophia's style, and she remained quiet. She also didn't have a sibling she would take up for at any moment, so she didn't understand why I acted like that and occasionally tried to talk sense into us.
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But just like when she was a kid, Less found it hard to sit still and be calm, so she jumped up and paced the room, fuming like a teakettle. Even though he would eventually find out, I hoped Dad was still outside during Alessia's initial rant. Her situation was way too close to home, and I feared it might trigger him, especially being in Mama's house with all of us. But like I said, he would eventually find out. He and Mama came out from wherever they were, asking what all the yelling was about. I guess Mama had enough of Less' pregnant mood swings to come find out immediately. Less filled them in, and I saw a quiet rage growing within my dad. He looked just like how I felt. Maybe we could take another family trip to Mt. Komorebi and murder him together, heh.
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I saw Mama eyeing me, as if to silently ask what we should do as the expert on all things mind, body, and soul. But I had no answers for her. My mind was set on destroying Jace, and my body was ready for it. I felt that in my soul, ha!
"I think we all need a dip in the pool," she said. "That should relax these tense mommies, right buddy?"
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I sensed both sincerity and sarcasm in her tone, as she seemed disappointed that I provoked instead of diffusing the situation. Either way, she was right. Less definitely needed to calm down, but the rest of us did too, so we got changed and hopped into the pool.
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thethingything · 2 years
wait I just realised I've been in the system for exactly 5 months and tomorrow I will have been the host for 2 months and that's fucking weird to think about but yeah happy 5 month anniversary to my existence I guess - 🍬
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u5an5 · 3 months
Theory: The Clone X was not Cody like some people think or even Fives (I know he's been dead for a very long time but so was Boba Fett and look where we are. Plus, Echo was supposed to be certainly dead too; making him Winter Soldier-esque storyline wouldn't be that surprising) or not even Slick.
((Also, now that we've seen his face devoid of any tattoos or scars I think first two takes are definitely not applicable anymore; they wouldn't put that much effort to make him unrecognizable))
Back to the point: In my opinion, The Clone X was none other than...
Now let me explain.
Who else, other than X, was loyal to the law and justice dictated by it over any moral or ethic code?
Who else was portrayed with such single-minded focus on hunting down traitors of the government he served, regardless of what it was?
Who else could know not only Coruscant so well but also identify Rex like they knew each other?
He already was a remarkably successful tracker of traitors, why not make him more efficient by pointing them out for him?
Good soldiers follow orders, after all.
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dinitride-art · 1 year
I’ve got a required class that I don’t particularly feel happy doing, but at the end I’ll have the ability to make edits so. The promise of being able to cause myself psychic damage at the end of this will get me through the psychic damage I’ll sustain while doing it.
#I am not the best at technology because the way people have explained stuff to me in my life#usually makes me feel stupid#because it’s like why don’t you know how to click this thing! it’s literally this button right here!#and how would I know that#like yeah I know logically how this should happen but none of these symbols make any sense#and when I hover on some of them they don’t give me the helpful little description#and it’s terrible#there’s always the comments about how your generation was raised on this! why don’t you know how to make a file folder#sorry I was like 14 and had literally no need to before this ma’am#anyways this class isn’t like that but my prior experience with being taught this stuff is bad#not a great place to start learning how to use photoshop#I don’t care that it can do literally everything#that means nothing if it fails to convey how to do anything at all#if you want me to learn a language you have to give me people speaking it first#throwing grammar and verb conjugations just isn’t enough#I’m just going to cry about it for a while and then I’ll be okay again#actually what I really think could fix this is if they taught a theory of computer science course#without any math or stupid shit in it#so I personally could figure out how it goes from a circuit board to YouTube#I don’t need to know how to make a computer or a website#I just need to know how it works#like I can’t do scientific experiments but I know how the immune system operates well enough to be okay with it#better yet explain it to me using Minecraft red stone#and old pixelated video games#can’t promise that this will be the end of me comparing about this#because I’ve got stuff due tomorrow and I need to make myself do it#sorry in advance for the person I may or may not become tonight
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autoneurotic · 2 years
i know i’ve talked about my horrifyingly vivid nightmares on here before (and definitely in therapy!) but like. how on earth do you stop them. i’m not anxious in my waking life, the anti anxiety/sleep medication i take just gives me different kinds of vivid nightmares. what’s a guy to do
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orcelito · 2 years
listen as fun as writing is, im generally in complete control of the situation. i can set up a high-stakes scenario, but it's not tense for ME bc i know where things r gonna end up
which is why shit like dnd is so fun. it's 100% improv. me improv lying by omission thru a zone of truth to these people who can and have Already almost killed me, who would sic their legion of knights on me if they got even a Sniff of the fact that i took part in regicide. it wouldve been very very bad. it was TENSE. and it was so fun lfkjslkdfj
lying by omission and pointing at a dude i hate as the one at fault for it all. perfect scapegoat.
#speculation nation#d&d#it also really highlights that. yea you really can lie without actually lying#zone of truth is useful but not foolproof. i just managed to talk myself out of one.#i feel so ACCOMPLISHED and it makes me feel so good#and fang also talking up his very real discomfort to avoid them reading his mind#bc like. he's deeply uncomfortable with them for what they did b4. AND very pissed at the whole mind-stab thing#but ultimately if this was about anything else. he couldve sucked it up probably.#but he knew if they looked it'd be over. dear paladin managed to fake a memory during the brief bit of time we told her about what happened#i was THERE. i shot a fucking fireball at the prince. there's no way i could fabricate a believable memory to hide it#so i played it up. being pissed off about being mentally stabbed is perfectly reasonable for vehemently refusing to let them touch me#in order to avoid culpability though i couldnt just outright refuse an audience#so we had our convo. and i was very proactive with giving answers lol. but SPECIFICALLY for the narrative i was building#the ship blew up. idk why but we were teleported off (fang still doesnt know lmfao)#i know it was this big lion dude that did it tho. and i think he's the one that's responsible for the prince dying#i didnt see the prince die but i saw the lion man leaving. and lots of explosions.#he was stealing this thing that was making an awful loud noise that made my ears hurt.#'anyone else there?' oh yeah he had 3 people with him. 'anyone Else?' oh yea there was this random dude from the ship. he's dead tho#literally none of these are lies. but it builds the narrative that these dudes killed the prince & stole his body or some shit#(since they looked in the wreckage and couldnt find his body. lol.)#very carefully leaving out the fact that i had friends down there & they very much actively worked to kill the prince. me included.#i know who actually killed the prince. but THEY dont know that. and that's what matters.#man i feel so cool for this actually. it was so tense. but im so fuckin happy it worked#nat20 u are my life saver..................#ppl really do underestimate Fang a lot. and he lets them bc it's easier that way#but he really can be a crafty little shit if he wants to be. and i really love him for it#if you play up the dumb dog boy impression enough then ppl wont think too deeply on what you have to say for shit like this#that subtle spell message was also a really cool moment to avoid the wizard getting caught in questioning too#im literally the only person on the party that couldve done that. only one with message and only one with subtle spell.#but i did iiiiiit and we have somehow avoided the worst of it all. we'll see if our luck continues to hold out lol
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starlooove · 2 months
Stuff from before still concerns me actually
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risuola · 7 months
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I — NOT YET // When a guy in the club tries to assault you, you ask a random stranger to pretend to be your boyfriend. Little that you know that out of all people, you chose a mob boss.
contents: smut, mafia!au, briefly mentioned assault and tiny bit of violence, Sukuna (yeah, I consider him a warning), reader discretion is advised — 2,7k words
a/n: mada... mada mada~ the very second I heard this menace toying with Panda, Kusakabe and the rest in Shibuya, not allowing them to move unless he say so - my head went straight to the idea of him playing the same game in bed.
ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏ ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ | masterlist
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Sukuna never had to get used to being interrupted. Never. Anytime it happened in the past, all he had to do was to glance at the person and it usually got the message across. His gaze has enough power in it to quickly inform the intruder why invading his personal space or cutting him half-sentence is a damn bad idea. One look from him usually was enough to make anyone reconsider if they really want some problems. Sukuna had his eyes trained to be sharp and cold, his body strong and intimidating and his aura dangerous. He spent years building his reputation, earning a position in his world that now guaranteed him calm.
Now everyone and their mothers know that he’s not the one to cross paths with. He’s a VIP, he’s allowed everywhere and he has no qualms about killing someone. Ryomen Sukuna is a brand, he’s a threat, he’s untouchable, invincible. No one in the right mind would ever try to start anything with him at this point. That’s why, when he tried to relax in one of many clubs that he owns in Tokyo, he couldn’t believe someone had the guts to push onto him at the bar.
“Hey, sorry, can you please pretend to be my boyfriend for a second?”, he heard near his ear and following the sound and the soft tug on his elbow, he turned his head towards you. Lucky girl, he thought while quickly assessing the view. You were too god damn pretty to be killed, looking at him with those pleading eyes that glistened in the harsh artificial lights. You were visibly scared of something, or someone, and oddly enough it wasn’t him who brought you to the verge of tears.
“Your boyfriend, huh?”, he mused, allowing his eyes to trail down your figure. The dress you had on left little to imagination and yet he wished to tear it off to see more of you. It hugged the shapes of your body perfectly and the silky fabric betrayed the lack of bra underneath. You were attractive, but clearly not smart enough to think twice before approaching a stranger.
“Please, I beg you, this guy—“, you tried to explain, squeezing your perfectly manicured fingers around his veiny forearm, but your sentence was cut in half when a man grabbed you by the waist, pulling you away just a little and harshly pressing your back against the bar. Sukuna watched as you winced when your spine hit the edge of the wooden countertop, he watched for a moment how you tried to push the guy away. With no effect, you weren’t strong enough to stand against him, you were trapped between the unwanted body and the furniture behind you, fighting the hungry hands that were groping your figure.
“Naoya, get off of me—” you tried, pushing his face away from where he was trying to suck a spot onto your neck.
“Oh, shut up woman, I know you want it,” the blonde-ish idiot grinned, twisting your arm enough to make a space for himself. He wasn’t bothered in the least with the fact he was trying to get between your legs in the very center of a club. Sukuna’s club.
Ryomen zeroed the whisky in his glass and got up from the chair. Usually, he would ignore situations like this. Other people’s problems were none of his business and he had enough his own things to take care of, to bother himself with anything else, but you. You were a problem he was willing to explore.
“Zenin, huh?”, he asked, connecting the name he heard falling from your lips with the wannabe gangster he heard about many times before. There was a certain reputation tied to Naoya’s name, mostly regarding his treatment of women but as long as he wasn’t touching his women, Sukuna couldn’t care less about this trash of a man. You definitely were not his woman. Yet.
“The fuck you want, I’m busy,” Zenin groaned, pulling his nasty mouth away from your shoulder for just a moment, only to shot a glare to the club owner.
“I can tell that you’re busy,” Ryomen grabbed one of Naoya’s wrists. It wasn’t looking like a hard grip, but the face of the blonde betrayed the sharp, bone-breaking pain he felt.
You felt some kind of relief when the stranger you just met stepped between you and your unwanted date. The large body of him towered above you completely, he was bigger than you thought when you approached his sitting form, but you couldn’t think about it for too long when he dealt with Naoya so easily. Once the blonde was gone, he turned to you.
Your heart skipped few beats once you took the image in. The man was huge, way taller than you and built like a greek god. The sharp outlines of his muscled torso beautifully showed through the dark graphite dress shirt. Looking up, you could finally see his face clearly. His features were attractive, dangerous with the black tattooed lines around them. He could easily be a gangster or something.
“T-thank you,” you spoke finally, snapping out from the initial impression of him. He was a red flag, you knew that. If not for the circumstance, you’d probably be the first to run away from him. He was hot. An absolute smokeshow, but he was certainly bad news.
“Was he your date?”, he asked, pulling a chair that he was sitting on previously and twisting it to position, before his large hands landed on your hips. There was no effort whatsoever when he lifted you and sat you down on the seat. He opted to stand next to you.
“No… I came here with a friend, but she left earlier. I was just about to leave as well, but this guy stopped me,” you sighed. “He wouldn’t let me go, I was afraid that he’ll just walk after me to my home. I’m sorry I interrupted you.”
“Don’t apologize,” he said, pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. The gesture in itself was soft, but you shivered underneath his touch nonetheless. You couldn’t quite tell what made him so… scary. Was it his overwhelming frame? Or maybe the calm, distant demeanor? He had authority, he was expecting submission and when he was looking at you, you felt like a prey of him. Strangely, you were quite fine with that. You had no wish of doing anything with Naoya, but this man… he was different, he was interesting, he made you cross your legs just to feel any kind of pressure between your thighs. “Your name?”
“Y/n,” you replied.
“Y/n. Nice,” he gave it a soft nod and ordered two drinks. “Ryomen is my name. Sukuna Ryomen. Memorize it.”
At this moment, you had no guts to ask why was it important to imprint the name he told you into your brain, but it all became clear just barely two hours later. You couldn’t exactly recall the moment Sukuna led you out of the club and into his car. There was something so enticing about his entire aura that made you lose your ability to think. He made you break every rule you ever had for yourself – to not talk with strangers, not go with them anywhere. Before that night you were doing exceptionally good in avoiding danger, you somehow slipped through your life up until that point without any major problems, but once you faced the problem, it was a big one.
The talk was good, it flowed easily and the menacing aura that Ryomen had all around him kept you interested. You had no idea that you’re attracted to bad boys, and maybe you were not exactly into school hooligans. Turned out, you’re aroused by the much worse kind – the kind that keeps a gun behind his belt, drinks pure whisky and makes people run away just by shooting them a glance. Yeah, that seems to be the kind of men you are into, because if there was any common sense left in you, you’d be out the door and running towards the safety of your dormitory. If there was any self-preservation instinct in you, you’d be probably anywhere else, rather than in here.
In the most luxurious house you’ve ever seen, not to mention been inside of; somewhere in the outskirts of Tokyo where you were not even sure how you can get back to your home from there. If you were just a little smarter, you’d for sure be in your own bed right now and not on the dark leather couch, with your silky dress scrunched up around your waist and your underwear torn to pieces and laying on the floor. If you had more braincells, maybe you wouldn’t be bouncing on that stranger’s dick right now, gripping onto his muscular shoulders as one of his large hands kept your hip in a dead grip, leading your moves up and down his girthy length and the other one tightly squeezed around the back of your neck, from where he was keeping his head close so he could kiss you so hungrily it took your breath away. But that’s just where you were. And you wouldn’t change a thing.
He felt so goddamn good, filling your tight hole to the very brim, stretching you to the point of delirium and he wasn’t even fully in yet. His moves were aggressive and yet sensual; he made you feel small even if it was you who was on top of him. You had no control, he made it clear with the way he was holding you and every time you tried to dominate him in any way, he quickly showed you your place back. Maybe later, he’ll let you have your way with him, but now, he was in charge.
“Think you can take all of me?” He asked against the delicate skin of your neck, now painted in red and purple marks he nibbed onto it. You could feel him grinning at the way you squeezed your little hands on his clothed biceps. He got you all exposed and yet he only allowed you to free his dick; his shirt was still buttoned up, his pants were still on his legs. There was a certain dominance shown in the way he got you all naked on top of his suit.
“N-no,” you breathed out, “too big.”
“Oh, I’m sure you can.” Sukuna doesn’t exactly accept no as an answer and he for sure gave you enough time to accommodate to his size. “You’ll take it and thank me for it, yeah?”
“Yes,” was all you could mumble, before both of his large hands landed on your hips. The iron grip, you were sure, was going to bruise you but now, it felt grounding in a way.
“Good girl,” he praised, his purr vibrated against your skin as he sucked yet another mark along your collarbone. It distracted you for a moment before he pushed your pelvis even lower, fully bottoming into you. Your clit made a contact with his lower belly, the harsh brush of his skin against the swollen bud making you moan louder than you were meaning to. You felt like all of your organs were moved out of the way just to make more space for his dick and Sukuna couldn’t be more satisfied by the way you took him in. “See? As if you were made to take this cock.”
Something incoherent left your mouth, a tear stained your cheek and the man was happy to lick it away, tasting the saltiness before he bucked his hips up, keeping yours in place. He took full control, thrusting into you with all the power he had in his muscular body and you held onto his shoulders with your little hands. The filthy, wet sounds were filling the interiors, bouncing off the walls and mixing with all of the whines and whimpers that were leaving your lips. Some grunts added to the melody, but you barely heard any of it, too consumed by the exploding pleasure between your legs.
Sukuna’s name was leaving your mouth like a prayer, you felt so close, you felt like falling and you had no intention to stop. The man grinned, licking a long stroke along your throat, his tongue curling upwards as it reached the tip of your chin. The taste of your skin felt intoxicating to him, he wanted to devour you whole, to keep all for himself.
“You wanna cum, huh?” His voice was taunting. “You’re clenching around me so fucking hard, you’re gonna milk me as well.”
“Yes, yes, please,” you near damn begged, chasing the bliss that you could almost taste on your tongue right now. It filled all of your body cells, rushed through your veins in ecstatic waves of lust.
“Not yet,” he ordered and it felt almost painful to force yourself back from the state of climax. You could tell he was playing with you, toying with his dominance, reminding you that it’s him who pulls the strings in here. And yet, he was still rutting into you, his movements completely different to what he was saying, he was fucking you like he wanted you to cum in that very moment. “Still not yet,” he teased, feeling your little fingers digging onto his shoulders, your manicured nails nearly making holes in his shirt as your eyes fell shut.
“Oh god, Ryomen, please,” you whined. Your thighs were shaking, your spine arching and the incredible tension below your stomach threatened to burst any second now.
“Now,” he ordered and just like that, all inside of you snapped. You came all over his dick, and you came hard. It felt like nothing you’ve ever experienced, like you were suddenly shot into another dimension and if not for the way he sped up his movements, you’d probably just get lost in the lustful feeling. Ryomen came just few moments after you, wrapping his arms around your waist and painting your walls white. You felt him throbbing, spasming inside of you, the hot seed gushed out of you as he was pumping it in, staining your thighs and the bottom of his black shirt. Then he pushed you down, fully onto his cock, plugging the way out for his cum.
You found his lips, swallowing his quickened breath as you kissed him with desire and he gave in, quickly dominating the kiss. You were tired, the muscles in your legs were burning from the intense exercise, but you couldn’t shake off the feeling of still wanting more. He made you hungry, he made you unsatiated and you were sure, you won’t be able to recognize yourself after you’re done with him. You were never such a greedy lover but frankly, you never had a chance to feel that good with anyone. The boys you’ve been with had no skills and if not for the orgasms you gave yourself with your fingers, no one else ever brought you over the edge like Sukuna.
“Can you undress?” You asked him, your lips brushing against his as you mouthed the question and he chased your kiss with his head, grabbing your lower lip between his teeth. There was a certain expression painted all over his dangerously handsome features, the menacing aura amplified as he took his sweet time before replying.
“I can undress,” he began, yet there was a but hanging in the air. He had conditions and you were open to hear them. “I’ll give you two options, little kitten. Wanna hear ‘em?”
“I won’t undress. You can pull yourself together and I can drive you back to your home now. But I can also take the suit off, carry you to my bed. Then you’ll stay with me till morning, but don’t have any hopes for a calm sleep, no. The night will be as filthy as it can get. You’ll be sore tomorrow, most likely exhausted.”
You blinked hearing the options. It was clear as day, stop there or continue? You knew the answer already, your body decided for you even before he came up with an offer.
“Will you drive me home as well if I pick the second option?”
“Of course.”
“Then let’s get you naked.”
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thecherrygod · 8 months
#my posts#look yes i keep making at least one post like this a day and it will continue but its either letting it out or i have no idea#also in my defense y believe most of my mutuals arent up so it is peak time to post about feeling like shit#my plan isnt for someone to read these its for the bullshit to get out and try to not get to the point shit hits the fan#anyways man teen me would be so fucking disappointed by so many things the mere fact we are still alive would make them livid#and alive and living like this?#probably if they knew it was gonna be like this it would have happened lmao#they would just think we are a coward and a dumbass who can't do anything right tbh but they did know then too it's not knew#if it was new we wouldn't be here wouldn't we. why am i referring to is in plural it's just two dif timed mes#but yeah they are probably like 'hey of you are gonna keep living at least you could do it in a way no one regrets it' but alas we do#and we will keep regretting it bc our death won't be our choice. the deadline for it was extended until we were 20 and it's long closed#.... things are getting worse tho they put true but like. that isn't an option anymore lmao it sucks tbh#... i don't have anything else to say that isn't repeating it#i. do wish it was still an option idek why it isn't anymore it's some stupid arbitrary rule#i hate this. it's like. i really don't do a single thing that could make any version of me proud of myself#not teen me not child me not current me. none of us is okay with whatever the fuck i have going on and yet!#.man. I've spent all day tired and wanting to cry for nothing particular but also for literally everything so like#that would fix me. i don't know how to make it happen#... I'm gonna go to sleep#i need my phone to finish charging but that'll be over soon#so yeah I'll. go to sleep soon
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tetsvya · 7 days
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clueless, kuroo tetsuro
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  kuroo tetsuro has a thing for girls with long hair. so what if you're a girl with long hair? that doesn’t mean anything!
➼ pairing! kuroo tetsuro x fem!manager!reader
➼ warnings! none, just fluff and humor. maybe ooc because i haven't written in years??? unfortunately, because this is based on the scene of kuroo and yaku arguing about their preference, this is really for my long haired girlies 😣 i apologize to the short haired readers
➼ word count! about 1.4k
➼ author’s note! "haikyuu renassiance!" we all cheer in unison. anywho, this is my first time posting in two years. please be nice to me 🫡
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"So, you prefer girls with short hair then, Yaku?" Kai asks, shedding off the white button-up of his school uniform and revealing his black practice t-shirt. The three third-year Nekoma players had found themselves in an empty classroom, deciding to use it as a makeshift changing room. Luckily for them, they had all worn their clean practice clothes under their school uniforms. Doing so allowed them to save time and cut back the number of minutes they were already going to be late to practice, thanks to Yaku getting distracted by a group of girls, which Kai noted all had short hair. Hence, his question.
Yaku paused his work of ridding himself of his tie to send Kai a proud grin, pointing towards him with both hands, “Yesss!
"And you, Kuroo?" Kai turns to him, now curious to know his captain's answer as well.
"Long." Kuroo's answer is firm, leaving no room for debate. Still, he glances at Yaku, as if daring him to try.
Yaku only snorts, shaking his head in amusement as he too turns to look at his captain, "Like that wasn't obvious."
"Ehh," Kuroo's eyes narrow, head craning down to peer at the libero, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means," Yaku starts, taking a step closer as he peers right back up at Kuroo, "Everyone knows you have a crush on our manager, who just so happens to have the longest hair I've ever seen!"
"Ehh?" Kuroo repeats, louder this time as he cranes his head down even more, "Who says I have a crush—"
"Hey!" The door to the classroom slides open with a shocking force, startling the boys and drawing the attention of all three of them to it. Kuroo and Yaku both grow rigid as they find you standing in its opening. Quiet pants slip past your lips, and you take a moment to catch your breath as you stare at the three of them before you begin speaking, "There you guys are! I've been looking for the three of you everywhere."
"Hello," Kai greets kindly, the only one not left in a stupor at your sudden appearance, smiling as you make your way into the classroom. "We apologize, we're running a bit late."
"Yeah," You huff, coming to a stop a few steps away from them as you cross your arms, "It was your guys' turn to set up the nets. So when you guys didn't show up in time to do so and none of you answered your phones, Coach sent me to find you guys. Didn't know I'd be going on a wild goose chase."
Your words leave you in a huff before your eyes land on Kuroo, raising an eyebrow at the captain. His shoulders tense even more at the sudden eye contact and he's quick to snap his head in the other direction. Kuroo suddenly feels warm, realizing how you could have easily heard the conversation transpiring between the three of them. Stupid Yaku, Kuroo curses the libero in his head, doesn't even know what he's talking about.
"Sorry, Y/N." And of course it’s Yaku who disrupts his thoughts, pulling Kuroo's eyes to him just as he sends you an innocent smile, "We got carried away, talking."
There's a teasing tone to Yaku's voice, and Kuroo knows it's directed at him. Why is he friends with him again?
"I don't even want to know," You speak, and Kuroo can envision you shaking your head at the three of them, "Just get dressed and get to the gym as quick as possible, please."
All three boys give some noise of recognition in response to your words, and Kuroo takes the chance to glance at you then. He's quick to regret it. Your hand rises just as he locks eyes with you, reaching up to tuck some of the more unruly pieces of your hair (which most likely came undone due to your seemingly frantic search of the three third years) behind your ear and out of your face. Kuroo's eyes follow the movement of your hand, trailing downwards and taking in the long strands of hair that fall well past your shoulders. Once again all too aware of the conversation he was just having with his teammates, the tips of his ears burn as he pulls his gaze away from you once more. He shakes his head, trying to get Yaku's words out of his mind. Just because he liked girls with long hair, and just because you so happened to be a girl with long hair, did not mean he liked you.
A snort of laughter suddenly leaves Yaku, having caught the interaction, and Kuroo turns to him with a heated glare. You don't miss the exchange between them either.
"Are you two having one of your petty arguments again?" You accuse, eyes glancing between Kuroo and Yaku who are suddenly staring back at you like two deers caught in headlights. "Seriously, you've been fighting like this since first year. What topic could you guys possibly still be discussing?"
Yaku's smirk returns as he glances at his captain with an all too knowing look before he turns back to you, "Well, if you really want to kn—"
"Nope!" Kuroo is quick to interject, speaking for the first time since you entered and drawing your attention away from Yaku and back to the captain himself. Your eyes widen as he begins to take long strides in your direction. "No arguing here!"
Your lips part, confusion taking over your features at the odd behavior your captain is displaying. You don't get the chance to say anything, however, as Kuroo makes a show of glancing at the clock on the wall before turning back to you with a dramatic gasp, "Oh, would you look at the time! We should really be heading to practice."
"You still have your school shirt on, Kuroo.” You point out when he stops in front of you, pointedly glancing down at Kuroo's attire, which consisted of his practice shorts and white button-up, with his red school tie hung loosely around his neck.
"I'll just change it once we're in the gym," Kuroo responds, waving away your interjections before he drops his hands onto your shoulders and forces you to turn around and back toward the door. You attempt to dig your heels down when he begins to push you in the direction of the door, but you're truly no match for his strength. Stupid volleyball training.
"Kuroo," You voice your protests, attempting to swat at his hands in order to get him to release you. Once again, your attempts remain futile, "Let go of me!"
"No can do! As captain and manager, it's our job to be on time to every practice. What would our team do without us?" Kuroo shakes his head, clicking his tongue as if he's scolding you. He turns back to Kai and Yaku, flashing them a warning smile, daring them to say another word. Yaku merely watches on with an unamused look, while Kai holds a placid smile. There's extra sweetness in his voice as he practically chirps out, "Bring my stuff to the club room, will you?"
"I was on time!" You retort, not giving Kai nor Yaku a chance to respond to their exasperating captain as you send them a pointed look, all the while succumbing to your fate and allowing Kuroo to push you out of the classroom. After all, he did have a point. It probably wouldn't be long before Lev managed to push somebody's buttons (most likely Yamamoto’s) one too many times and ended up in hot water. "The only reason I'm not there right now is because I came looking for you guys!"
"Ah, now is not the time to deal blame, Y/N. Our juniors are waiting on us." Kuroo argues back, shaking his head as he removes one hand from your shoulder to slide the door shut behind the two of you. Still, Yaku and Kai face the door as the sound of your guys' bickering persists. It grows quieter and quieter with each passing moment, and it isn’t until they can no longer hear your guys' voices does Yaku glance away with a shake of his head.
"He's clueless." Yaku deadpans, glancing back down at his tie as he continues to work on untying it.
Kai nods, neatly folding his button-up before placing it in his bag. "Completely."
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thethingything · 2 years
apparently our brain decided it's Hyperfixation Time™ except instead of a new hyperfixation it's just the same one we've had for the last 5 months straight except way more intense and now we can't focus on doing anything else afkjhkfjk - 🍬
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wileycap · 4 months
So, uh, Netflix Avatar, huh? Yeah. I guess I'll make a really long post about it because ATLA brainrot has is a cornerstone of my personality at this point.
It's okay. B, maybe a C+.
That's it.
Now for the spoilers:
The biggest issue with the Netflix version is the pacing. Scenes come out of nowhere and many of the episodes are disjointed. Example: Aang escaping from Zuko's ship. We see him getting the key and going "aha!", and in the next scene he's in Zuko's room. And then he just runs out, no fun acrobatics or fights, and immediately they go to the Southern Air Temple where he sees Gyatso's corpse, goes into the Avatar state, and then sees Gyatso being really cheesy, comes out of it, and resolves that conflict. Nothing seems to lead into anything. The characters don't get to breathe.
The show's worst mistake (aside from Iroh fucking murdering Zhao) is its' first one: they start in the past. Instead of immediately introducing us to our main characters and dropping us into a world where we have a perfect dynamic where Aang doesn't know the current state of the world and Katara and Sokka don't know about the past, thus allowing for seamless and organic worldbuilding and exposition, they just... tell us. "Hey, this is what happened, ok, time for Aang!" There's no mystery, no intrigue, just a stream of information being shoved down the audience's throats and then onto the next set piece.
The visuals are for the most part great, but like with most Netflix productions, they just don't have great art direction. It feels like a video game cinematic, where everything is meant to be Maximum Cool - and none of the environments get to breathe. It's like they have tight indoor sets (with some great set design) and then they have a bunch of trailer shots. It's oozing with a kind of very superficial love.
Netflix still doesn't know how to do lighting, and with how disjointed the scenes are, the locations end up feeling like a parade of sets rather than actual cities or forests or temples. As for the costumes, Netflix still doesn't know how to do costumes that look like they're meant to be actually worn, so many of the characters seem weirdly uncomfortable, like they're afraid of creasing their pristine costumes.
The acting is decent to good, for the most part. I can't tell if the weaker moments come down to the actors or the direction and editing, but if I had to guess, I'd say the latter. Iroh and Katara are the weakest, Sokka is the most consistent, Zuko hits the mark most of the time, and Aang is okay. I liked Suki (though... she was weirdly horny? Like?) but Yue just fell kind of flat.
The tight fight choreography of the original is replaced with a bunch of spinny moves and Marvel fighting, though there are some moments of good choreography, like the Agni Kai between Ozai and Zuko (there's a million things I could say about how bad it was thematically, but this post is overly long already.) There's an actually hilarious moment in the first episode when Zuko is shooting down Aang, and he does jazz hands to charge up his attack.
Then there's the characters. Everybody feels very static - Zuko especially gets to have very little agency. A great example of that is the scene in which Iroh tells Lieutenant Jee the story of Zuko's scar.
In the original, it's a very intimate affair, and he doesn't lead the crew into any conclusions. Here, Iroh straight up tells the crew "you are the 41st, he saved your lives" and then the crew shows Zuko some love. A nice moment, but it feels unearned, when contrasted with the perfection of The Storm. In The Storm, Zuko's words and actions directly contradict each other, and Iroh's story gives the crew (and the audience) context as to why, which makes Zuko a compelling character. We get to piece it out along with them. Here - Iroh just flat out says it. He just says it, multiple times, to hammer in the point that hey, Zuko is Good Actually.
And then there's Iroh. You remember the kindly but powerful man who you can see gently nudging Zuko to his own conclusions? No, he's a pretty insecure dude who just tells Zuko that his daddy doesn't love him a lot and then he kills Zhao. Yeah. Iroh just plain kills Zhao dead. Why?
Iroh's characterization also makes Zuko come off as dumb - not just clueless and deluded, no, actually stupid. He constantly gets told that Iroh loves him and his dad doesn't, and he doesn't have any good answers for that, so he just... keeps on keeping on, I guess? This version of Zuko isn't conflicted and willfully ignorant like the OG, he's just... kind of stupid. He's not very compelling.
In the original, Zuko is well aware of Azula's status as the golden child. It motivates him - he twists it around to mean that he, through constant struggle, can become even stronger than her, than anyone. Here, Zhao tells him that "no, ur dad likes her better tee hee" and it's presented as some kind of a revelation. And then Iroh kills Zhao. I'm sorry I keep bringing that up, but it's just such an unforgiveable thematic fuckup that I have to. In the original, Zhao falls victim to his hubris, and Zuko gets to demonstrate his underlying compassion and nobility when he offers his hand to Zhao. Then we get some ambiguity in Zhao: does he refuse Zuko's hand because of his pride, or is it his final honorable action to not drag Zuko down with him? A mix of both? It's a great ending to his character. Here, he tries to backstab Zuko and then Iroh, who just sort of stood off to the side for five minutes, goes "oh well, it's murderin' time :)"
They mess with the worldbuilding in ways that didn't really need to be messed with. The Ice Moon "brings the spirit world and the mortal world closer together"? Give me a break. That's something you made up, as opposed to the millenia of cultural relevance that the Solstice has. That's bad, guys. You replaced something real with something you just hastily made up. There's a lot of that. We DID NOT need any backstory for Koh, for one. And Katara and Sokka certainly didn't need to be captured by Koh. I could go on and on, but again, this post is already way too long.
It's, um, very disappointing. A lot of telling and not very much showing, and I feel like all of the characters just... sort of end up in the same place they started out in. I feel like we don't see any of the characters grow: they're just told over and over again how they need to grow and what they need to do.
To sum it up: Netflix Avatar is a mile wide, but an inch deep.
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