#but yeah that's where i'm at for halloween weekend
bootyful-seventeen · 7 months
hope y'all are having a better halloween weekend then i am cuz all i did was watch the exorcist for the first time and make a clothes order
sooo yea what y'all up to?
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nolita-fairytale · 9 months
what it would be like meeting mikey berzatto as the most important person in carmy's life:
a/n: ok so it is in fact canon in my 'make my heart surrender' series that the main character never got to meet mikey. however, i've been thinking a lot about what it would be like if she had met him when she and carmy were working together in new york so i wrote a lil somethin' about it. it can absolutely be read as a standalone piece with a pastry!chef reader.
takes place october 2021; reader x carmy are best friends and colleagues but it has not gone further than that.
trigger warnings: drug usage, high mikey b, swearing, family drama, depression
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how you end up meeting mikey:
halloween weekend of 2021. mikey ends up in new york city for the weekend because he followed a weekend fling for a party. they got into a huge fight over who knows what, and he finds himself in new york city, figuring he might as well go see his brother.
it's a busy night at the new-york-city-fine-dining-establishment-that-shall-not-be-named, carmy is knee deep in expediting while the pastry side just happens to be overstaffed.
your general manager, kate, comes in, letting them know that there's a man outside who's asking for carmy. "he says he's your brother." "my brother?" while carmy doesn't think he can step away, in one shared look, you decide to go since you're his best friend -- the only one he trusts to handle it anyways.
you head out to the front of the restaurant to address the situation finding michael standing outside of the restaurant, pacing on the sidewalk. you recognize him from photos, but he looks different, and it's not hard to figure out that he's kind of strung out -- high on something, though you're uncertain of what.
"you're not carm." "no, i'm not. sorry, but carmy couldn't come out. so he sent me." "shit... the guy can't even make time to see his big brother?" "i don't think he was expecting you." you watch as michael's eyebrows rise in reaction to your comment. "he would if he could. it's just... we're doing 400 covers tonight and uh... well, he runs the kitchen so." disappointedly, as if he's accepted that he's not going to see carmy after all, he says, "yeah yeah okay... i didn't know i'd be here either. i just, i -- i gotta catch a flight anyways. will you let him know that mikey stopped by?" "of course."
by the time you get back in the kitchen, you want to protect carmy from the state michael was in so you don't mention the fact that he was high. "what did he want?" "just wanted to stop by. i think he uh... found himself in the city. surprise trip or something." but carmy doesn't completely buy it, instead, focuses, head down on finishing dinner service.
at the end of the night, carmy offers to walk you home, so the two of you head out of the restaurant, eager to unwind from a long night. as you're leaving, michael's still waiting outside of the restaurant and he doesn't look great -- looks like he's coming down from whatever you assume he took.
"michael, what're you doing here?" carmy asks, in shock that he's even here in the first place. "thought i'd come surprise you." "i mean, what're you doing here? in new york?" mikey sighs, a smirk on his face as he answers with: "never trust chicks on motorcycles, carm. they'll leave you high and dry in a brooklyn loft for a few good lines of coke. he chuckles. and while he doesn't exactly find it funny, carmy makes his best effort to try and laugh too, it coming out more like a dry exhale. mikey pivots, as if he's putting on a well-practiced happy face, though there's a sadness in your eyes that you think may haunt you for the rest of your life.
"i'm sorry. where the fuck are my manners? i'm mikey. mikey berzatto. i'm this jagoff's brother." you introduce yourself, and mikey's enthusiastically corralling you to grab a drink with him. carmy keeps looking over at you as if he's checking in, trying to get a read on you as he hesitates to answer. cautiously, you agree, wanting carmy to spend time with his brother. "one drink," he warns mikey.
the three of you make your way to a bar across the street that's open late, and as soon as michael has his first drink, it's like he's a completely different person. he's charming, larger than life, quite the storyteller and you see a side of carmy that you've never seen before. as you watch him listen to his brother, you can see just how much he admires his older brother. while you know carmy is hurt that michael barely calls or makes an effort to keep in touch, sitting here with him now, you can see the way that carmy looks at him -- like he put the stars, the moon, and the sun in the sky. there's a deep admiration and he's almost childlike in the way that he looks up to him.
after the first round, you head to bathroom, wanting to give him and mikey the time. carmy had promised one drink, but you're open to staying if he wants more time with his brother.
"this your girl, carm" "mikey, stop it." "then please tell me you're hittin' that." "michael!" carmy hushes his brother, a warning and protectiveness in his voice as he does. "are you fuckin' serious right now? what, you're teling me you're not?" "she's.... my friend." "shit. wish i had a friend like that. ya friends or are ya... you know... friends?" carmy just shakes his head, jaw clenched, glaring at michael, wishing he'd stop. "shit, i thought i taught you better than that, bear." "just friends. i'm serious, mike. cut it out." "oh come on! the chick's smokin' fuckin' hot. and i can tell that you like her. i'm not blind, bear. i see the way you-."
it's that sentence that pushes carmy in a way that he doesn't like at all. "don't talk to me like you know what's going on in my life." "carm-." "can't even pick up the damn phone and then you just... waltz into town acting like everything is okay?" "well, if you ever bothered to come home. you know mom's been askin' about you. never fuckin' call her-." "oh don't bring mom into this!"
when you return from the bathroom, there is a palpable tension between the two of them that you're not sure how to navigate the thick silence stewing with things left unsaid.
"everything okay?" you ask.
"i think we should go," carmy grits out, clearly upset over the conversation that just transpired between them. "uh... yeah, okay." "it was nice meetin' you sweetheart," mikey grunts, an empty shot glass that wasn't there previously on the bar top. carmy noticeably rolls his eyes at mikey's comment as you grab your things and close out your tab.
on the walk home, you ask: "you wanna talk about it?" "not really," carmy answers. he's quiet on the way home and you can tell whatever was said between the two of them really hurt him. as you finally get to your place, carmy sighs, as if he's ready to get something off his chest. "thank you. for doing that." "for what?" "for comin' along. even though it like... colossally blew up." "you ever gonna tell me what happened?" he shrugs, "i don't know." "okay... well, while i wait for you to burst like a pressure cooker, then inevitably spill the beans," you begin, and he smiles, because you know him too well. "wanna come up for a movie or something? get your mind off of it? it's halloween. maybe i'll even let you talk me into a scary movie this time." you finish asking him. and it's the moment that carmy realizes that you're such a breath of fresh air, especially in contrast with his earlier encounter with mikey. "uh.. yeah. think i'd like that."
the two of you go up to your place, put on a movie, and end up falling asleep on the couch together, only to pretend the next morning that it's not that big of a deal (it is, in fact, a HUGE deal).
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javierpena-inatacvest · 9 months
Chapter 12- I Love You. I Know.
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Summary: As the end of October approaches, you and Javi learn more about celebrating Halloween and Dia De Los Muertos together. After a sleepless night, and a Halloween party at the Murphy's, Javi begins to open up to you about his past.
Word Count: 15.6K (I'm sweating)
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected p in v sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy), oral (m receiving), vaginal fingering, creampie, praise kink, semi-public sex (Oh the poor Murphy's...), PTSD/Anxiety around grief, loss and Javi's past, some angst/tension, mentions of drinking/being drunk (Steve is getting PLASTERED), mentions of food/eating, SO MANY STAR WARS REFERENCES, literally this chapter made me sob while I was writing it, editing it, and re-reading it, I am SO sorry
A/N: You guys. Holy shit. This chapter really had me in my feels. This chapter was def a labor of love, but I'm really happy with how it turned out!! Thank you for as always for all you kind words, you truly, truly, TRULY have no idea how much your support means to me 😭💖 Also please don't kill me after you finish reading this chapter I PROMISE *things* are happening so soon I can literally taste it, but I needed for this chapter to happen first, and you would be silly to think that *things* didn't get its own whole ass chapter and I am just as excited as you AH
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The excitement of October’s conclusion was in the air, and the joys of getting to celebrate what you hoped would be the first of many holidays with Javi was at the forefront of your mind. While the end of summer meant school was here and your carefree days were gone until next June, October meant it was time for one of your favorite holidays- Halloween. It was one of your most cherished things to celebrate as a kid, and even still as an adult. The memories of jumping into leaf piles off your swingset with your brothers, dressing up in goofy, homemade costumes to trick-or-treat (because your mom was not about to buy 4 new sets of costumes every single year), carving pumpkins, and stealing as many of your brother’s Kit Kat bars as you could without getting caught, filled your heart with a warmth and joy that you couldn’t quite describe. While the 80 degree temperatures and lack of bright reds and yellows painted across the leaves falling from their trees was much different from the Chicago Octobers you were accustomed to, it hadn’t stopped you from heading full steam into Halloween. 
“So do you have any thoughts on what we should be for Steve and Connie’s? I have no problem going out to buy stuff for costumes, but I can already hear my mom yelling at me for wasting my money on cheaply made clothes I’m gonna wear for 5 hours when I have something perfectly good in my closet.” You rolled your eyes as you shuffled through the hangers, Javi sitting on the edge of your bed folding the laundry you were working on putting away. 
The two of you had gladly accepted the invitation from Steve and Connie to spend the weekend with them in San Antonio, as the Murphy’s planned to host a Halloween party at their house for their friends and co-workers, giving you and Javi a chance to have a fun weekend out of town together. 
“Hmmmm?” He asked, looking up at you as you grabbed a few shirts, examining them for costume potential. “We’re dressing up for this thing?” 
“Yeah, that’s like, the whole point of Halloween, dummy.” You giggled, throwing a few options on the floor before making your way over to your pants. “Didn’t you dress up as a kid for Halloween?” 
Unlike yourself, Javi had spent his whole life celebrating Día de los Muertos, Halloween having nowhere near as much relevance to him as it did to you, spending the end of October and first days of November gathering with his family to spend the day making Pan de Muerto (Day of the Dead sweet bread),  watching the parades on the streets of Downtown Laredo before visiting the cemetery where his grandparents were buried, decorating their graves in cempasúchil (marigold flowers), candles and photographs with his primos (cousins). Since his mom had passed, Javi hadn’t been home to celebrate with his family, and had almost forgone the tradition completely during his time in Colombia, the pain and loss of his mother and the solemn sadness of celebrating alone leading him to try his best to forget about the holiday all together. 
“Uh, no, not, not really. Didn’t really do Halloween, isn’t really as much of a thing down here. My family always celebrated Día de Los Muertos instead.” He replied, almost embarrassed by his answer, not wanting to damper your excitement as you dug through your closet for costumes. 
Your heart sank to your stomach, feeling awful that you hadn’t even taken into consideration that Javi's traditions around this time of year were completely different from what you were used to. The two of you had never really talked about how you wanted to celebrate future holidays, and always had wanted to make sure that the important parts of your lives were celebrated equally. Javi hadn’t said anything after you had spent the past few days putting up Halloween decorations around your apartment, and now you felt like an idiot assuming he had spent his whole life celebrating just like you. 
“Oh… Shit. Javi, I’m so sorry, if you don’t wanna do costumes, we don’t have to, you just hadn’t said anything about Día de Los Muertos so I just assumed that-” 
“Baby, it’s okay.” He pushed himself up off the bed, the width of his broad palms wrapping around your hips, trying to ease the guilt he could tell was rapidly consuming you. “You’re right, I never told you about it. It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything to celebrate it, and I haven’t been home for it since I’ve gotten back from Colombia. I just- I don’t really know how to feel about it, I guess. The last time I did anything for it was before my mom died. I was never able to bring myself to do anything about it while I was gone, and I guess now I just feel really shitty that was the way I decided to handle it.” It broke your heart to see the pain in his eyes, pulling yourself closer to him as you wrapped your arms around his stomach, leaning your head against his chest. It was then, the realization had hit you too- This would be your first year of holidays without Patrick. You didn’t know as much as you would have liked to about Día de Los Muertos, but you did know that it was to celebrate the lives of loved ones you’d lost, a feeling that you and Javi were both all too familiar with. 
“Listen…” You raised your head, looking up at him, arms still intertwined around his waist. “I don’t- I don’t wanna make you do anything that you’re uncomfortable with. I guess this is the first time we’ve ever really talked about this kind of stuff. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, Jav, and that means celebrating the things that are special to both of us. The things that are important to you are important to me too. I want our lives for us, for our future family, to be filled with all the things we care the most about, whether that means keeping old traditions or making our own new ones. It would mean a lot to me to get to celebrate Día de los Muertos with you, and if it’s okay, I would love to sprinkle in some Halloween too, because I’m fucking dying to carve a pumpkin.” 
You smiled up at him as his hand slid under your jaw, his thumb tracing across your cheek as he tried his best to hold back the tears welling in his eyes. It took everything in him to not ruin his plans, wanting to run into the bedroom, grab the ring out of his sock drawer and propose to you that very instant. Even after all this time, Javi still couldn't believe that he was the person you wanted to share the rest of your life with. That you wanted to intertwine your past, present, and future with his, to have a life, a family, together that the two of you could cherish forever. Never in a million years had he assumed he’d be anywhere close to where he was today, holding the world’s most beautiful, perfect woman in his arms, as she told him how she wanted nothing more than to build a family and spend the rest of her days with him. 
“Osita… I fucking love you so much, you know that?” He leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a soft and deep kiss, your heart racing as he pulled you in tighter. 
“Yeah, I mean, I guess, just a little bit…” You giggled, poking fun at him, considering not a day had passed since the first night he had said it that Javi hadn’t told you just how much he loved you. 
“Shut up, you dork.” He chuckled, making you squeal as he picked you up, playfully shaking you in his grasp before setting you back down. “I’d love nothing more, Hermosa. I don’t know how the fuck you’re supposed to carve a pumpkin or what the hell you have planned for these costumes, but I’m all in. I want it all with you, Osita. Thank you.” 
“Of course. For as much or as little as you want to do for Día de los Muertos, I’m all in too. I’m gonna be honest, I love Hallowen. Not as much as Christmas, but it’s a close second. It means you’re gonna have to trust me with a giant ass knife and cover yourself in pumpkin guts, though.”
“My trust is quickly starting to fade. Seriously though, what the hell are we supposed to dress up as?” He raised an eyebrow at you, nodding over to the pile of clothes you had pulled from your closet, now piled on the floor. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve got some ideas.” 
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  The weeks leading up to the holidays had made for fun at home date nights, the both of you genuinely looking forward to learning about the traditions you had both held so dear to your hearts. Almost every night after work, you had done something to celebrate the events leading up to the day. You had shown Javi a few of your favorite Halloween movies, including It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, Beetlejuice, and Ghostbusters, very adamantly insisting to him that those movies were about as scary as you were going to get, blaming your brothers for scarring you after forcing you to watch The Exorcist at the ripe age of 7 years old. In addition to the movies, you had told him about other funny Trick-Or-Treating stories from your childhood, Javi’s favorite being how your brothers, (being the ruthless idiots they were) paid one of their friends in all of their halloween candy to jump out of a bush dressed as a terrifying old lady to scare the absolute shit out of you, and making you quite literally pee your pants. In return Javi shared his favorite memories of cooking in the kitchen with his mom as she made Pan de Muertos for his family, the two of you even attempting to make it one of the nights after work, milling about the kitchen together as Javi told you about his family you had yet to meet, or had passed away long before you. 
After a lengthy hunt, you were able to find pumpkins, bringing them to Chucho’s house to carve them since you had nowhere to put them inside your apartment. You offered him the rest of your Pan de Muertos in exchange for a place to work on your pumpkins, and while he gladly accepted the bread, the three of you knew Chucho was always happy to have you and Javi over, regardless. 
“So tell me, mija,” Chucho spoke in between mouthfuls of sweet bread, rocking back and forth in his chair, “is there a meaning behind carving the pumpkins, or is it just for fun?” 
“Just for fun! Okay, it looks like we’re ready, you want me to show you how to do it, or just let you go for it?” You smiled at Javi, the two of you sitting cross legged on Chucho’s porch, pumpkins open in front of you. 
“You just scoop them out, right?” Javi questioned, looking into the pumpkin with an unsure grimace. “It seems like there's a lot in here, Osita. I have to get all of it out?” 
“Yeah, or else you can’t see the design when you carve it. C’mon you big baby, just stick your hand in there and pull the guts out!” You laughed, digging your hand into your pumpkin, scooping out hearty globs of pumpkin guts, slopping them into the bucket Chucho had set out for you. Reluctantly, Javi joined, you and Chucho both absolutely dying at Javi’s face as his hand met the squishy fibers inside his pumpkin. 
“Jesus, that feels fucking gross!” He laughed, shaking his head as he threw some of the seeds and strings into the trash next to him. 
“You need me to do it for you?” You giggled, flicking a pumpkin seed at him as he winced with the second handful he pulled out. 
“No, cabrón (asshole), I can do it.” Javi grumbled as he rolled his eyes at you, the both of you scooping hearty handfuls of goop. 
“You hear that, Chucho? Calling me an asshole because he’s too scared to pull out pumpkin guts.” You looked back at his dad, giving him a playful grin, his smile already wide from the enjoyment of watching the two of you. With your back turned to Javi, you hadn’t noticed the small handful of seeds he had collected in his hand, lining up his arm to aim right at the back of your head. “I can’t believe that- HEY!” You whipped your neck around, running your hand over the back of your neck, picking seeds and strings out of your hair, seeing Javi snicker to himself as your jaw dropped open in shock. “Did you seriously just throw pumpkin guts at me?!” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, must have been a ghost.” He shrugged, smirking to himself before digging his hand back into his pumpkin. 
“You see this?!” You looked back at Chucho, pointing your finger at Javi, pretending to be stern, although your laughter quickly escaped. “Absolutely ridiculous, I swear.” 
“Javier, that is no way to treat your future esposa! (Wife) No quiero mis nietos ser cubierto en calabaza! Me encantáran en cualquier caso, pero todavía! (I don’t want my future grandchildren covered in pumpkin! I will love them either way, but still!)” Chucho scolded with a smirk, you and Javi silently smiling to each other at the thought of one day doing this with your own children. Javi had tried to stop fighting off his dad’s comments about grandkids a while ago- Chucho knew just as well as the two of you that he would have his grandchildren soon enough. 
“Ella lo pído… (She asked for it…)” Javi muttered under his breath, shooting his gaze up at you as he felt cold goop hit the side of his cheek, wiping the pumpkin you had just thrown at him off with the back of his hand, watching you smirk silently to yourself as you continued to scoop out your pumpkin.
“Ahora… Estamos a mano. (And now… We’re even.)” 
The 3 of you chatted on the porch, the sky now painted a dark black, filled with twinkling constellations above as you finished carving your pumpkins. Yours, a cute ghost with a little smiley face, and Javi’s, what he had tried to convince you and Chucho was also a ghost, even though it looked more like he had just carved a squiggly hole in the middle of his. It took a little prodding and convincing, but as you all talked about how the Peña family had spent many a Día de los Muertos, you and Chucho were able to get Javi to agree to go visit his mom’s gravesite on the Sunday after you got back from Steve and Connie’s party. Chucho had even promised to keep his tias, tios, and primos (aunts, uncles, and cousins) completely out of the picture this year, wanting to give Javi all the time and space he needed to go see his mom for the first time since her funeral. He was reluctant at first, riddled with the guilt of leaving her unvisited all these years, but as he felt the gentle squeeze of your hand, your silent reassurance was all he needed to know that you would be by his side, every step of the way. As you said your goodbyes, Chucho hugged you just a little extra tighter than normal, as if to thank you for everything you had done for his son, and just how thankful he was to have you in his life, too. 
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Even though the Murphy’s had very graciously offered to let you and Javi stay on Friday night as well as Saturday, both Steve and Connie very much understood when you had told them on the phone that the only thing that you wanted to do after coming home from the chaos of managing an elementary school Halloween party was take a very, very long nap. You and Javi had spent the night ordering pizza and watching Young Frankenstein, only lasting about 20 minutes into the movie before you were dead asleep, snoring against Javi’s chest, still dressed in If You Give A Mouse A Cookie costume from earlier today. Carrying you to bed and undressing you from your mouse ears and oversized overalls, Javi curled into bed next to you, pulling your body against his as he stared at the ceiling. Despite how hard he tried to fall asleep, he laid there, wide awake as ever, as his head raced with the tornado of thoughts brewing inside his brain. 
Javier Peña had never really considered himself to be an anxious person. For most of his life, he couldn’t be. For the sake of his job, the sake of his family after his Mom passed, Javi had survived the only way he had known how- Block it out, and ignore it. And so far, that strategy had seemed to bode for him pretty darn well. But that was before he had anyone who depended on him, cared about him, anyone who made his life worth living for. That was before he had met you. Now, Javi found himself at the crossroads of a moment he had been waiting for since the moment he had first laid eyes on you. Something that brought him absolute joy and sheer terror at the same time- Javier Peña was going to propose to you, and he was an anxious fucking mess. 
If that in itself wasn’t enough, things at the Laredo County Sheriff's Department had been an absolute shit show. Mexico was the only thing on anyone’s radar, making for long days and high tension at the office, trying to do anything to slow the spread of the cartel’s influence across the border. Day after day, report after report, it felt like the department was drowning in the endless shitty news of new death tolls, record breaking trafficking stats, and lack of control as cocaine moved across the Rio Grande at a groundbreaking pace. Even though he found himself even further removed from Mexico than he ever was in Colombia, he couldn’t help but feel that painful, searing wrench in his gut when he sat down to really think about it. 
Spending your lives together.
Having a family.
Protecting his wife and kids. 
The things he would do to keep you safe.
The terrible things he had done he had justified were keeping other people safe. 
The imagines of the things he wish he could unsee.
The pain and hurt he wished he could take back. 
The fear of what he was capable of doing. 
So with a knot in his chest from work, a ring hidden away in his sock drawer, and the beginnings of a plan to ask the woman he loved more than life itself to marry him, Javi coped with the weight of his stress the only way he knew how. He couldn’t fucking sleep. 
The thoughts played in his mind on repeat, torturing him with every loop around his brain. He tried his best to close his eyes, to empty his head for a moment of peace, but no matter how much he wished he could have willed himself to sleep, it was no use. By the time the alarm clock on his nightstand read 2:05 AM, Javi had completely given up on the idea of rest for the night, quietly making his way out of bed to go wander around the living room. It wasn’t long before you too were also awake, rolling over in your sleep to find Javi’s space in the bed cold and empty. Rubbing your eyes and propping yourself up against your pillow, you scanned around the darkness of your room as you came to, realizing that Javi was nowhere to be found.  Draping one of the blankets from your bed over you, you crept into the hallway, greeted by the soft light of one of the living room lamps painting shadows against the wall. 
“Javi, are you up?” Your voice still soft and sleepy, rubbing your hand along your face, squinting from the sudden brightness that lit up the room. 
“Osita, baby, did I wake you up? I'm so sorry. Go back to bed, okay?” Javi shot up from the couch, setting down whatever book he had been half focused on reading as he watched your bed headed figure meander into the living room. 
“No, it’s okay.” You grumbled, holding out your blanket covered arms for Javi to melt his body into yours, wrapping you in a tight hug. You pressed your head into the bare skin of his chest, snaking your hands around his waist as he planted his lips against the the top of your head, burying his nose in your tangled hair. “Baby, what’s going on? Why can’t you sleep? I’m worried about you, Jav.” 
“I’m… Yeah, I’m okay, Hermosa. Just a lot on my mind.” He sighed, his exhale still buried in your hair as he savored the smell of you, still lingering even in your sleepy state. 
His pause alone was enough to know okay wasn’t the word that you would use to describe Javi right now. His words were burdened and fatigued, making it clear that whatever was on his mind was weighing on him more heavily than he wanted to admit. 
“Are you sure? Javi, if you wanna talk about anything, you know I’m always here, right?” 
You wanted so desperately to pry. Everything in you had a feeling that whatever was keeping him up were entangled in the parts of his dark parts past, the last secrets holding up the final wall between the two of you. You knew from your brothers how hard it was to talk about the pain and suffering they had witnessed, and begging them to talk about it before they were ready only seemed to make it worse. Hell, after Patrick died, it felt like you didn’t sleep for weeks, and it had taken you months to open up about it. You knew Javi hurt, and as much as you wanted to, digging deeper into the things that plagued him in his restless nights wasn’t what he needed right now. Right now, he just needed someone to be there for him. 
“Is there anything I can do, Javi? I just wanna help.” The breath of your sympathetic whispers were hot against Javi’s skin, squeezing your arms to pull him as close to you as he could. He paused for a moment, letting out another deep breath as cradled the back of your head with his palm, running his hands through your hair. 
“Will- Will you stay up with me? Just a little bit longer?” His voice trembled as you turned your head to lock your eyes with his, the gentle nod of your head bringing him a moment of relief. 
“Of course, baby. Of course I’ll stay up with you. Do you wanna turn on the TV or put on a movie? Sometimes that helps me sleep.” You stretched your arms over your head, scrunching your face as you yawned before tugging your blanket tighter around your body. 
“Believe me, Hermosa, I know it does.” He let out a soft chuckle as he pressed a soft kiss against your forehead. 
“Oh shit, yeah that is true. I don’t even think I made it halfway through Young Frankenstein tonight, which is a crime. It’s such a good movie. I don’t even remember getting into bed.” You yawned again, this time taking one of your blanket covered fists to try and rub the sleep out of your eyes, forcing yourself to stay awake. 
“Well, if you give a mouse pizza and a movie after a long day at school, then she’ll probably need her boyfriend to carry her to bed because she’s so tired.” Now awake enough, Javi’s cute jab at your costume for school made you let out a little giggle, giving him a little shove with your blanket wrapped body. “Why don’t we turn the rest of it on, so you can finish watching?” 
“I don’t wanna fall asleep on you, Javi.” You grumbled, pouting up at him, considering he had just asked you to stay awake with him. 
“It’s okay. As long as I have you by me, I’ll be alright, I promise.” Reluctantly, you nodded in agreement, plopping yourself on the couch as Javi turned on the TV, rewinding the VHS tape to the point where you had fallen asleep earlier before joining you, draping his arm around your shoulder as you tucked in your knees and scooted closer to him. You sat for a few minutes in silence, letting the sounds of the movie fill the background. As you turned your head to look up at Javi, you could tell that even though his eyes were pointed at the screen, there was no way he was really watching the movie. Reaching up your hand, you ran your fingers across the length of his strong jaw, his stubble scratching against your palm, forcing him to look back at you. Your eyes met his, the sweet, chocolate brown looking back at you, with a confusing mix of exhaustion, guilt, want and helplessness. You brought your face closer to his, your lips now only inches apart as your whispers danced against his mouth, desperate to find something to ease his pain. 
“What do you need, Javi? Whatever you need, I’ll give it to you.” 
His tongue swept against his bottom lip, taking one last shaky breath before his words left his body with his exhale. 
“You. I need you.” 
His hands found their way to the bare skin of your thighs, his fingertips barely brushing against your flesh as he traced his way up to your torso, toying with the hem of one of his shirts that always looked so much better on you than him. Pressing his palm against the soft curves of your stomach, he tugged at the waistband of your sleep shorts, causing you to shift your body so he could slide them down your legs. Reaching over towards his lap, you grasped at his boxers, feeling him already half hard under the fabric as you rubbed your hand against him. Javi held your hips, slowly guiding you to straddle him as you kicked your shorts off your feet, leaving them in a pile on the ground. Slowly, you began to grind deeper into his lap, the feeling of him now fully hard beneath you. Gently prompting you to raise your arms over your head, Javi lifted your shirt, leaving you bare as he dropped it next to your shorts. 
“Is this okay?” Javi rasped, pressing languid kisses against your neck and collarbone as you ran your hands against the width of his broad shoulders. 
“Of course, baby.” Your reply low and horse as you began to drag the fabric of his boxers lower and lower, finally letting his cock spring free as his waistband pushed past. You brought your palm to your mouth, licking a long, wet strip across it before wrapping it around his length, thumbing over the precum already leaking from his tip. Javi tilted his head against the back of the couch as you twisted your wrist, stroking his cock, letting out a hushed moan before sitting back up to watch you. 
“You’re fucking perfect, Osita. I don’t deserve you.” He dug his fingertips into the soft flesh of your ass, his sweet, brown eyes locked on yours as you pressed against him, nibbling at his ear. 
“You deserve everything, Javi. I could give you everything in the world and it still wouldn’t be enough.” Javi grasped at your face, cupping your cheeks as he pressed his lips against yours in a deep, intense kiss, his voice shaky and lustful as his mouth parted with yours before he spoke. 
“I don’t need anything besides you, Osita. Eres mi todo. Estás todo lo que necesito. (You are my everything. You’re all I’ll ever need.) He shuttered, letting out a low groan as you continued to rub your hand along his length, Javi now reaching down to trace lazy circles around your clit before dipping his fingers inside your wet heat. His fullness made you whimper, wrapping tighter around his cock as you stroked him, now bucking your hips against his hand as his fingers curled, bumping against the spongy spot that made you lose control. “Does that feel good, sweet girl? Fuck, you’re so wet. 
“Mhmmmmm.” You gasped, rapidly nodding your head as his digits pulsed inside you, your cunt already drenched, desperate to feel the fullness of his dick, despite the thickness of his fingers. Carefully, you lifted your hips, moving yourself closer to him as you ran your fingers through the soft ends of his sleepy curls. Sitting up on your knees, Javi removed his hand as he watched you hover over him, his palms roaming to your hips as you guided his tip through your folds, collecting your arousal before lining him up with your entrance. His jaw went slack as you lowered down on to him, taking your time as you savored the stretch of every sweet inch until you had bottomed out at his base. 
“Fuckkk, baby.” He mewled, gently guiding his hands against your hips as you dragged yourself up along his length before headfully sinking back down, the tip of his cock bumping against your cervix with each movement. Javi nipped at your neck, trailing hot, wet kisses down your collarbone before stopping at your breasts, flicking this tongue along each of your pebbled nipples as you pushed deeper into his lap, whimpering at his touch. “My sweet girl, always taking me so well, like you were fucking made for me, baby. God, you’re so fucking gorgeous.” Javi pulled you in tighter, caging his chest against yours as his arms wrapped around the small of your back as he rested his face in the crook of your neck. “Fuck, I love you so much, Osita.” His words were desperate and needy against your bare skin, digging your fingers into his dark curls as you swirled your hips around his cock. 
“I love you too, Javi. More than anything.” You moaned as felt Javi shift his weight, thrusting upwards as he buried himself deep inside you. His fullness had you digging your nails into the nape of his neck, your body melting into his with each push and pull against each other. You could feel the all too familiar tingle creeping up your legs and through the base of your spine as Javi’s hand found its way to circle around your clit, already throbbing as the curled hair around his base brushed against your sensitive nerves. The lewd noises of your moans and tangled bodies drowned out the sounds of the TV behind you, practically hearing how wet you were as Javi cock slipped in and out of your heat, his pace pounding as he punched into you. You could feel your walls beginning to tighten around him, arousal pooling in your belly, Javi knowing you were close as you whimpered into the crook of his neck. “Fuck baby, don’t stop- ahhhh- please don’t stop, I’m so close.” 
“I know, baby, I know. Let go for me, Osita. Wanna feel you soak my lap before I fuck you full of me. Cum for me baby, it’s okay, I’ve got you.” Javi’s fingers rubbed faster along your clit as you rolled your hips, sinking yourself deeper onto his cock with each thrust, your vision going white as you could feel yourself come undone. 
“Javi, Javi- fuck- Javi, Jav-ahhhhhh.” You could feel yourself gush around him, crying out his name as you reached your high, your legs shaking and fingers digging into his skin, pleasure flowing through your veins. 
“That’s it, Hermosa. Fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum too, fuck myself so deep inside you. My perfect girl. Mierda- Quiero que seas mío para siempre, mi amor. Solo tú, por siempre y para siempre. (Shit- I want you to be mine forever, my love. Only you, forever and always). Fuck me, I- fuckkkk.” Javi hissed as he buried himself deep in your hilt, spilling every drop of his spend against your walls. You could feel the mixture of the both of you dripping down your thighs, soaking Javi’s lap as you slumped into his body, your heart racing as the damp curls of his hair pressed against your shoulder. You both sat there for a moment, letting your chests rise and fall together in sync as you came to. “Fuck me, Osita. I could stay like this forever, baby.”
“You and me both. Although, I feel like that would make things awfully inconvenient for the both of us.” Your soft, sleepy giggles making Javi smile as he ran his fingers though the twisted ends of your hair. Carefully, you lifted yourself up, hissing at the loss of Javi inside you. 
“Thank you, Osita.” Javi whispered, tenderly circling his thumb along your jaw as you curled up next to him. 
“For what?” 
“Just- fuck, you’re so good to me. I don’t know what I’d do without you. So, I just- thank you. Thank you for being everything I need.” Planting a gentle kiss on your forehead, Javi pulled you tighter, holding you in his arms as you leaned against him. 
“I’ll always be here for you, Javi. I promise.” 
You hoped he knew. That he knew your words were true. That when the time came for him to open up to you, letting you into the painful past that loomed above him, that you wouldn’t run. You would be right by his side, just as you were right now. 
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“Well good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” Javi chuckled as you twisted in the passenger seat, stretching your arms over your head, scrunching your face, letting out a lengthy yawn. 
“Fuck, how long was I asleep for? How much longer do we have left? Sorry, I wasn’t planning on sleeping that long, I just wanted to take a nap for a little while we drove.” You ran your hands over your face, looking out at the bright Texas sun shining over the neat suburban neighborhood you now found yourself driving through. Javi reached over across the center console, rubbing his hand along your thigh as he chuckled to himself. 
“Baby, I knew from the moment you fell asleep you were gonna be out for the rest of the drive, it’s okay. I was just worried I was gonna have to wake you up in the Murphy’s driveway.” You grumbled as you looked over at Javi, giving him a playful swat against his arm, shaking your head, now emerging from your post nap fog. 
“Well if we weren't up fucking at 2:30 in the morning, perhaps I wouldn’t be so tired, hmmmm?” 
Javi rolled his eyes as you poked fun at how the both of you had found yourselves last night, trying to ease Javi’s sleeplessness. While your solution had worked enough to ease him back to bed, it had now left you wide awake, wondering what had been going through Javi’s head, torturing him enough to keep him up. It had also meant that the two of you had slept in much longer than you intended, leaving later than planned for Steve and Connie’s. The two of you had quickly packed your things and hit the road, stopping to grab lunch on the way before you found yourself dead asleep next to Javi for the last hour and a half of your journey to San Antonio. With only a few minutes now left in your drive, you peered out the window, admiring the houses that lined the quiet streets of the Murphy’s neighborhood. 
“This is a cute subdivision.” You smiled over at Javi, admiring the houses, charming and inviting as they were freshly decorated from Halloween. 
“Yeah, it is pretty nice.” He grinned back, wrapping his palm around your thigh, giving your leg a little squeeze. He took a deep breath, his voice now shifting in tone, becoming more shaky and nervous. “Would you uh- would you, um, wanna live in a neighborhood like this?” 
“Maybe. I don’t know, the houses are all really close together. I spent so much of my life in the city, and even at my house growing up, everything always felt so cramped. After coming here, especially after seeing your ranch, I don’t know, I would love to be somewhere with more space. But that’s a big ask, so, maybe one day if it works out, I guess.” You reached over, rubbing your hand along Javi’s arm, your soft smile meeting his tender gaze as he smirked, nodding to himself. 
“Yeah, one day.” 
Taking a last turn down one of the neighborhood streets, the two of you pulled up to the quaint two story home belonging to the Murphy’s. Turning off the ignition, Javi paused for a moment, grinning to himself as he ran the hand resting on your leg up to your face, cupping your check as his eyes roamed the length of your body, taking every inch of you in as his sweet brown eyes consumed you. “I love you, Osita.”  
“I love you too, Jav.” Both of your heads tilted, your lips gently pressing against one anothers as you traced your hand through Javi’s dark curls, pulling him closer into you. You could feel his smile against your mouth as his tongue barely swiped against your bottom lip, the two of you so lost in the moment, you hadn’t even seen Steve make his way out of the house to greet you, let alone the fact that he was now standing at the driver’s side door, hands on his hips as he watched your impromptu makeout session in Javi’s truck. 
“You two lovebirds want help bringin’ your bags in, or do I need to give you a minute?” Steve chuckled to himself as you and Javi shot up, hearts racing and faces going white hearing his distinct drawl and rapid tapping at the driver’s side window. Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Javi placed one more soft kiss on your forehead before promptly turning around to flip off Steve and opening the driver’s side door. “You two are worse than a pair of horny teenagers, I swear.” You could hear Steve still snickering to himself as you exited out your side of the car, making your way over to find Javi and Steve in a tight hug, lovingly patting each other on the back. 
“Fuck off, Murph.” Javi shook his head against Steve’s embrace, pulling away to grab your two bags from the backseat. 
“Listen, I’m not the one makin’ out in my driveway.” Steve shrugged as you sheepishly emerged from your side of the truck, smiling at you as grimaced at him. 
“He started it…” You glanced over at Javi, you and Steve now both giggling as he pulled you in for a hug. 
“Of course he did, wouldn’t put anything past this old bastard. How ya doin’ sweetheart? Good to see the both of you, we’re really glad you guys could make it. 
“She’s doing great after the hour and a half nap she took on the way here.” Javi interjected, slamming the truck door behind him, slinging both of your bags over his shoulder. 
“Whatever, you meanie. In my defense, I was not planning to sleep that long, and I think Halloween exhaustion got the best of me.” You shot Javi a quick wink, trying to bite down on your lip before turning back to face Steve. 
“Listen, I don’t blame ya. I’m fuckin’ exhausted after trick-or-treating with 3 kids, let alone tryin’ to keep ‘em wrangled at school all day. I love those girls, but I don’t think I could've gotten them in my parents car fast enough when they came to pick ‘em up this morning. Here, come on in, I won’t make you stand out in the driveway all day, unless you need to make out more.” 
As you stepped into the Murphy home, you were greeted by an abundance of Halloween streamers and banners hanging in the living room and up the stairwell to the second floor, along with a few Barbie dolls and accessories scattered across the entryway, nearly stepping on one as you came through the door. You could smell the sweet scent of something baking in the kitchen as Connie came rushing through the hallway, arms outstretched to greet you and Javi. “Oh it’s so good to see you two, thank you so much for coming!” Connie squeezed you and Javi in a tight hug before she backed away, kicking one of the toys on the floor across the room. “Sorry about the Barbies, I told the girls to clean up before they left for their grandparents this morning but I think all 3 of them are still running on a sugar high from last night and that obviously didn’t happen.” 
“Thank you so much for having us! Don’t worry about it at all, I totally understand! Javi was just telling me on the way over how much he was hoping the girls had Barbies he could play with anyways!” The 3 of you laughed as Javi rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest as you gave him a smirk and a little nudge. 
“Fuck, I forgot how funny she was Jav.” Steve snickered to himself, picking up one of the Barbies and tossing it across the room into one of the toy baskets along the wall. “Seriously though, we are really glad you guys could make it. Your birthday party was fun as hell, old man. Glad to be close enough to actually see each other and do stuff like this again.” 
Before Javi would respond, you all jumped, startled by the sound of the kitchen timer beeping rapidly from the other room. “Oh crap, sorry, I gotta grab the cupcakes out of the oven!” Connie grimaced apologetically, making her way back to the kitchen. 
“Do you need any help?” You asked, excited to spend more time with Connie. 
“Oh my gosh actually if you could help with frosting the cupcakes that would be amazing. I made these yesterday for Olivia and Abby’s class parties, and I had no idea it was gonna take so long and was worried I wasn’t going to have enough time for all of them before the party! Thank you!” 
“Of course!” You replied, grinning at her before following her lead to the kitchen, giving a little wave as you disappeared around the hall, looking back at Steve and Javi. “Have fun, you two.” 
Steve paused for a moment until the both of you were out of sight, waiting to forcefully slap his hand against Javi’s chest, making him groan from the unexpected pain. 
“What the fuck was that for, you jackass?” Javi winced, glaring at Steve. 
“Where the fuck’s the ring, man?! Steve hissed through gritted teeth, looking back at Javi in disappointment. “I thought you were gonna fuckin’ do it after you got back from Chicago and met her family?! I thought everything was all good with- oh shit, did something happen with the ho-” 
“Shhhhhh! You fuckin’ idiot, please, talk louder, I don’t think the people at the end of the street could hear you.” Javi looked around the corner, clenching his jaw, praying that you hadn’t heard anything from the kitchen. 
“I’m not that fuckin’ loud… Shit, what the fuck happened then?” Steve grumbled, looking over at Javi with concern. 
“Can we maybe talk about proposal plans somewhere that’s not right by the woman I’m trying to propose to?” Running his thumb over his balled fists, Javi’s eyes darted back and forth, staying on the lookout for your return. 
“Fine, fine, fine. I’ll show you where the guest room is and then you can tell me.” Steve motioned up the stairs, Javi trailing behind with both your bags draped around his shoulders
“Was I really that fuckin’ loud?” 
“…Have you heard yourself talk?” 
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“So how’s everything been going at work? There definitely was a full moon sometime in the past week because things were crazy at the hospital, I’m sure they had to be equally as bad at an elementary school.” You and Connie giggled as you squeezed a dollop of orange frosting onto one of the cupcakes before taking one of the little bags to pipe on eyes and a mouth to make it look like a pumpkin. 
“Oh my god, I think it must have been on Wednesday, I had a boy cut another girl’s hair with scissors and then had to call another parent because her daughter bit another kid at recess pretending to play werewolves. I felt really bad we didn’t come last night, I was exhausted after our Halloween party, I fell asleep on poor Javi at like, 8 o’clock.” 
Although you found yourself laughing with Connie again, you couldn’t help but shake the uncomfortable feeling you had in your gut as you thought about after you had woken up in the middle of the night to find Javi wide awake and distressed. You carefully set down your spatula, taking a deep breath before glancing over at Connie, still frosting next to you. “Hey, uh, Connie? Can, um- Can I ask you something?” Connie immediately sensed the shift in your tone, putting down her cupcake. 
“Of course, honey. What’s going on?” 
“Did um, did- Did Steve ever- ever talk to you? About all the stuff that happened in Colombia? I mean like, I know you were there, but I don’t know. Sorry, I don’t know what I’m trying to ask, this is probably way too personal, I-” You could feel yourself shrinking, retracting in embarrassment at your overly intrusive question, unable to finish your thought before Connie cut you off, placing her hand on your shoulder. 
“Oh, honey…” Her eyes were filled with sympathy as they looked back at yours, letting out a sigh before she responded. “Did something happen?” You began to nod your head no, even though you could feel the words yes burning in your throat. You took another shaky breath, trying to hold back the tears now welling in your eyes as you spoke. 
“No I mean- well, yeah, I guess. Last night, I woke up and Javi wasn’t in bed. He was out in the living room and I could tell that something was bothering him. I don’t know- maybe it was nothing. I just- when my brothers came back from active duty, there were a lot of things that kind of just went unspoken. I knew it was hard for them to talk about. Charlie handled it okay, but my brother Patrick never wanted to talk to anyone about what happened, and it just- I don’t know Connie, I don’t think Javi would ever do anything stupid like he did, but- fuck- it scares me sometimes. I know Javi’s done things that he’s probably not proud of, and I get it’s part of the nature of what his job was. I don’t care. I really don’t. People do shitty things when they’re put in shitty situations. But he never talks about it. Ever. Does… Does he not trust me? I care about him so much, Con. More than anything. I get so worried about him.” 
Your tears were now streaming down your cheeks, leaving your face wet as you wiped the back of your hand across your skin to try and do some form of damage control before Connie embraced you, pulling you in for a hug, tightly wrapping her arms around you. “Oh sweetheart. Of course he trusts you. When Steve came back, he was a mess. I don’t think it really all hit him until he was finally home. I guess you’re right, it was different because I was there, but even then, there were things that happened that I didn’t know about. After begging and begging him, I finally got him to go to see someone and it really helped, but even now, there’s times where it still creeps up on him. Honey, Javi loves you so much. I didn’t think I’d ever live to see the day he was in love as he is with you. If he’s anything like Steve, he just doesn't wanna hurt you.” 
You sniffled, taking a step back to wipe your nose with your sleeve, your lip trembling as you tried to keep from crying harder than you already were. “But that’s what hurts, Connie. It hurts me to think he has to keep this from me, like I’m gonna think less of him for what he’s been through.” 
“I know. Have you talked to him about it?” Connie’s voice was gentle and sweet, rubbing her hand along your arm as she listened to what you needed to get off your chest. 
“No… I guess I should have. I never wanted to pry. I know it’s hard to talk about, I just- I wanna be there for him Connie. I don’t want him to have to do it all on his own.” You shifted your gaze to the ground, guilt washing over you. After Patrick, you couldn’t live with the idea of letting Javi try to suffer through his past alone. You loved him more than anything- and even the slightest thought of going through anything similar to what had happened to Patrick again with Javi was almost paralyzing. 
“I think the best thing you can do is to go talk to him.” Looking back up, you saw Connie smiling at you, trying to convince you that everything would be okay, even if it felt like it wasn’t. “Why don’t you go find him? Party’s starting soon anyways, you can go change into your costumes and come down wherever you’re ready. I’ll be just fine with the cupcakes, tell Steve can put himself to work frosting.” The both of you grinned as you tried to wipe your tears, nodding slowly in agreement. 
“Thanks, Connie.” You whispered into her shoulder as you pulled her in for a hug before heading up the stairs to find where Javi and Steve had gone. It didn’t take you long to find the pair, hearing their voices carry through the hallway from the slightly cracked door of the guest bedroom. You were about to knock and interrupt their conversation, stopping yourself with your fist barely touching the door as you tried to make out what they were talking about. 
“The offer was in fucking cash, too. I was trying to make it easier so I could speed up the process, but it’s been taking them so goddamn long to close on everything so I can finally go sign the fucking paperwork.” 
“That fuckin’ blows, Jav. I’m sorry. It’s not like she knows any better, though. It’ll still be a huge fuckin’ surprise, I’ll tell you that much.” 
“I know. It’s been killing me to wait this long. I just want it to be perfect, Steve. She deserves everything. Honestly, I’m kinda glad it bought me some more time. I need to find a way to get her to see it before everything’s official in case she fucking hates it.” 
“Javi. She’s not gonna hate it. Fuck it, tell her Connie and I are lookin’ for somethin’ and we wanted you two to go see it for us. I don’t know, maybe that’s too obvious. Speakin’ of which, I should probably go check to see if she needs anything before this party, I’m already in the fuckin’ dog house for forgettin’ to bring the girl’s trick-or-treatin’ bags to school, I don’t need to be in trouble for anything else.” 
What the hell were they talking about? What was Javi signing? Why was it taking so long? What the hell did it have to do with you? Wait… holy fuck. No way… Was he- 
Before you could finish your thought, you suddenly realized Steve was making his way towards the door. You quickly rapped your fist against the wood, trying to play off the fact you had been eavesdropping and make it look like you had just unassumingly made your way upstairs, not overhearing the conversation the two were just having. 
Knock, knock. 
“Hey, it’s me! Uh, Steve, Con wants to know if you can help her with the cupcakes really quick.” You pushed open the door, trying your best to smile at the suspicious pair as Steve shook his head, looking back at Javi. 
“It’s always fuckin’ somethin’. I don’t even know what I did wrong this time, I swear.” Steve held up his hands defensively, sliding his way past you in the doorway before heading downstairs, leaving you standing there awkwardly, unsure how to feel after your conversation with Connie and the one you had just overheard. 
“Hey, Osita. How’s everything goin’ down there? Sorry, we were just about to come down and- Hey, baby, you okay?” Javi stood up, concern spreading across his face from the strange scrunch in your brow as you stared at the floor. 
“Ummmm…” You froze for a moment, unsure of what to do. On the one hand, your conversation with Connie had you ready to confront Javi, to finally work up the courage to ask him about the past life he had tried his best to keep from you. But as you glanced over at him, seeing his sweet brown eyes and stupidly handsome face, remembering the discussion you had just overheard through the doorway, the other hand meant you weren’t at risk of ruining your night that the two of you had been so looking forward to, and right now, the other hand was going to have to be the one you needed to play. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good, I just- I was gonna ask you something but forgot what I was gonna say. I’m sure I’ll remember it eventually.” You smiled at Javi, neither of you completely convinced by your response. “But um, Connie said that people are gonna start getting here soon, so we can change into our costumes if you want.” A smirk slowly stretched across your cheeks as you nodded over to the black duffle bags laying on the bed. 
Javi’s grin matched yours quickly, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer against him as you giggled. “You sure we’re not gonna be the only ones dressed up?” 
“Well considering it’s a Halloween party and I literally just talked to Connie about what she and Steve are wearing downstairs, I’m gonna give it a pretty confident yes. Worst case, it just looks like you’re wearing a white shirt and vest, Mr. Solo. You stuck up, half-witted, scruffy looking nerf herder.” You raised your eyebrows, playfully poking at his chest. Javi paused, shaking his head at your quote, firing one right back at you as he bit down on his lip. 
“You just like me because I’m a scoundrel. There aren’t enough scoundrels in your life.” 
“I happen to like nice men.” 
“I am a nice man.”  
Javi cupped your face, pulling you in for a long, heavy kiss before backing away to unpack your bags, shooting you a quick wink as you rolled your eyes. Jesus, he even found a way to make Star Wars sexy. Just when you thought you couldn’t be anymore in love, Javier Peña never failed to find a way to make you realize you’d never stop falling for him. 
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After putting in what felt like the 74th bobby pin into your hair after getting the last braid wrapped over your head, you gave yourself a once over in the mirror, pleasantly surprised by how well your costume had turned out. While Javi was disappointed you were adamant you were not going as Princess Leia from Return of the Jedi and showing up in front of a group of strangers at Steve and Connie’s party in her slave costume, you and Javi both agreed that Hoth Princess Leia was definitely the next best look. Staring at you with his puppy dog eyes, Javi had been adamant about waiting with you as you finished getting ready, leaning his hip against the bathroom counter, arms crossed over his chest as he watched you finish the last of your hair and makeup. 
“Okay, I think that should stay. All those years of braiding my hair for under my hockey helmet are finally coming in handy for something.” You snickered, pushing the final clip into your hair to hold it into place, giving yourself a once over in the mirror. As you looked yourself down, Javi’s eyes wandered up and down your body just as fast, practically undressing you as fast as you had put your costume on. 
“Goddamn, Osita… Fuck, you’re so hot.” 
“Me? Jesus Christ, Javi. You put Harrison Ford to shame with how fucking good you look. I like Han Solo better with a mustache anyways.” You licked your tongue against your bottom lip, running your hands along the muscles of his arms, straining against the tight henley shirt he was wearing under his vest. You were no better than Javi, practically having to force yourself to not look in his general direction while you were getting ready to prevent yourself from pouncing on him. But given the lack of chatter downstairs, and the impressive speed at which the two of you had gotten ready, you really couldn’t help yourself. Slowly, you let your hands begin to slip down his arms and across his chest, palming at the denim of his black jeans as he let out a deep groan. 
“Hermosa…” He hissed against your neck as you grasped at the bulge now growing under his pants, your other hand now making its way down to undo his belt, the clinking of the metal drowned out by Javi’s heavy panting. You began lowering your body, sliding Javi’s pants and boxers down his thighs as his cock sprang free, his tip already red and leaking with precum. You rested on your knees, face to face with his length as you wrapped your hand around him, slowly stroking him a few times. 
“This okay, Captain Solo?” You batted your lashes at him, giving him a wink before letting your spit dribble onto his cock, taking his tip into your mouth and swirling your tongue around it. Curling your fingers around his base, you began to twist your wrist, hollowing out your cheeks as you took him deeper into your mouth. 
“Oh, fuck me. Holy shit, Osita.” He moaned, tilting his head back, letting his jaw go slack as your head bobbed back and forth. He gently rested his hand along the side of your face, helping to guide you along his length as you took him deeper and deeper down your throat. “Jesus Christ, baby. Fuck, that feels so good. You look so hot, god fuckin’ dammit.” Javi’s words were labored and shaky as you started to increase your pace, wrapping your free hand around the back of his bare thigh, digging your fingertips into his leg. Feeling the pressure beginning to build in his stomach, Javi began rocking his hips, his jaw completely slack as he looked down at the sight of how well you took him in your mouth, saliva dribbling down your chin as sucked along his cock, hard and heavy on your tongue. “Fuck, Osita. I’m not gonna last much longer. Can I cum like this, baby? Fill up that- fuck- fill up that pretty little mouth of yours?”” 
You glanced up at him, nodding, your lips still wrapped around his dick, the motions of your head and wrist now becoming faster and sloppier as you watched Javi’s brow scrunch and jaw clench, a sign you knew all too well that he was moments away from coming undone. 
“Such a good fucking girl, taking me so well. Fuck, baby- shit- se sientes tan bien, estoy tan cercaaahhhhhh-” (you feel so good, I’m so closeeeee-). The hot ropes of his spend coated the back of your throat, the salty, tangy mix filling your mouth as Javi whined, giving his hips one last push as kept your lips wrapped around him, making sure that you had milked him of every last drop before releasing. Letting your spit and his release fall from the corners of your lips, you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, smirking up at Javi’s blissed out expression. “Jesus Christ, Osita. You’re too fucking good at that. Holy shit. Lemme take care of-“ 
You held up your hand to stop him as you stood up, your gesture cutting off the rest of his sentence as you helped to pull up his jeans and boxers still resting along his thighs. “I’m allowed to give my hot ass boyfriend blowjobs without anything in return. C’mon, we better get downstairs before Steve walks in on us again.” You pressed up on your tiptoes, planting a quick kiss on Javi’s lips as he reached down to buckle his belt before the two of you tried your best to fix yourself up in the mirror to avoid the inevitable shit Steve was about to give the both of you. Giving Javi a quick nod in the mirror before turning off the light and heading out the door, he gave your ass a playful smack, making you squeal in surprise, making you turn on your heels. Resting his hand on his hip, he beamed at you, biting down on his lip. 
“Fuck, I love you.” 
“I know.” 
The Murphy’s living room had begun to pool with guests as you made your way down the stairs, looking for Steve and Connie amongst the crowd. You and Javi both grabbed a beer from the cooler at the bottom of the stairwell, quickly turning around as you heard Steve’s familiar twang approaching behind you. 
“Well I’ll be damned. You got this motherfucker in a costume? He must really love you.” Steve chuckled, shaking Javi by the shoulders. “And Star Wars too?! You asshole, how many times did I try to tell you they were good fuckin’ movies?! You shoulda dressed him up like Jabba the Hut.” You and Steve cackled as Javi rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, and what the fuck are you supposed to be? A sad pirate?” Javi jabbed, poking fun at Steve’s poorly put together costume. 
“Listen, Olivia and Abby both wanted to be the Little Mermaid, so we had two Ariel’s, Con was Ursula, Madison was the yellow fish and I didn’t wanna be that annoying ass crab, so pirate it was, asshole.” Steve retorted, punching at Javi’s arm, the two of them laughing at each other like little boys. “Alright, go enjoy yourselves lovebirds, I’ll see ya in a little bit. And Javi?”
“Yeah Murph?” 
“You really gotta start checkin’ your pants, buddy.” 
Javi’s cheeks turned red, his eyes darting down to his zipper, still all the way undone from your activities upstairs, the both of you grimacing at each other, sheepishly avoiding eye contact with Steve as he disappeared into the crowd. 
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It really wasn’t a surprise to Javi how many friends the Murphy’s had already managed to make in their time since moving to San Antonio. Their house was quickly crowded with all sorts of people- Steve and Connie’s co-workers, neighbors, parents of friends Olivia and Abby had made at school, regardless of where the party goers were from, everyone had collectively agreed to make adult Halloween just as fun as any kids. You and Javi were having a great time catching up with Steve and Connie, as well as meeting some of their other close friends, one of Connie’s neighbors being an elementary school teacher, giving you two plenty to commiserate about from the hellish week it had been. It didn’t take long for the party to move outside, Steve drunkenly deciding that he needed to make a bonfire, despite adamant argument that with the amount of alcohol Steve had in his system, he was going to spontaneously combust if he got close enough to a flame. Javi, sober enough to still help his friend make rational decisions, was glad that Steve was happy to let him build the bonfire. 
“The force is strong with you, Han Solo.” You giggled, Javi wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pressing a soft kiss into your forehead as the two of you stared into the flickering orange glow of the fire pit. 
“Not strong enough to extinguish Steve if he got close enough to it. Hey, I got shit all over my hands, I’m gonna go to the bathroom and wash ‘em off. You need anything while I’m inside, Princess?” You smiled as you nudged Javi at the nickname he had been adamant about using since you had put on your costume. 
“I’m good, thank you. I’m gonna go wait over on the swingset so I don’t completely reek of bonfire later.” Javi nodded as he slid his hand down your back, giving your ass a quick squeeze before making his way through the crowd, heading towards the house. Surprised no one else had capitalized on the chance to sit down, you wandered over to the wooden playset at the corner of the Murphy’s backyard, taking a seat on one of the plastic swings, kicking your feet against the grass below. 
“Hey, there she is! How goes it, Leia?” Taking a few long strides through the yard, Steve was now quickly making his way over to you, stumbling over his own feet as he somehow managed to sit himself down on the swing next to you. You tried your best not to laugh at Steve’s drunken state, but his current antics weren’t making it very easy on you. 
“I could ask the same to you. You doin’ okay there, pirate?” 
“Fuck sweetheart, I’m doin’ fuckin’ great. Where’s the asshole?” 
“Inside, I’m sure he’ll be back out soon.” You snickered at Steve watching the beer dribble down his chin from the overly confident swig he had taken. 
“Good, I don’t need ‘em right now. You were the one I was lookin’ for.” Steve pointed in your general direction, but clearly wasn’t aware enough to hit his target head on. 
“Me?” You laughed, pointing back to yourself. 
“Yes, you. You talk to him yet?”
“About?” You paused, wondering if Steve had any inkling of the conversation you were planning to have earlier, or if he was drunkenly deciding you and Javi needed to discuss something else. 
“You know about what. I talked to Connie earlier. I figured I owed it to you to come talk to you about it, too.” 
Your heart began to race, that uncomfortable feeling once again beginning to churn in your stomach as you thought about the things you and Connie had discussed earlier. “Steve, you don’t owe me anything, I-” 
“No, I do. Hold on a second.” Steve turned away, letting out a hearty burp, pouding on his chest before facing back towards you. “Sorry, I’ve been holdin’ that in for like 10 minutes, I needed to let it out. Anyways… What was I sayin’? Oh shit, yeah, the grumpy bastard. Listen, sweetheart. I know it’s gonna fuckin’ suck,  but you gotta be the one to bring it up and talk to him about it. If I know anything about that motherfucker, it’s that he will bottle things up for way too fuckin’ long until someone gets it out of him. He’s a good guy. He says he’s not, but he is. Saved my ass more times than I can count. That job made us do some fucked up shit neither of us are fuckin’ proud of. But that doesn’t mean he gets to keep it from you. I swear to God, that asshole is so fuckin’ in love with you, it makes me sick. You make him so happy. He just doesn’t wanna fuck up the best thing that’s ever happened to him.” 
You weren’t sure if it was the right thing to do, but in that moment, all you could manage was to reach over to the swing next to you, pulling Steve in for a hug as you tried to keep your tears from staining his shirt. “Thanks, Steve.” You whispered, leaning back into your seat, using your sleeve to wipe the wetness from your cheeks. 
“I know you love him too. You deserve to know. Don’t let him be a stubborn jackass to you, okay? I’m bein’ serious. I should be the one thankin’ you though, honey. In all the years I’ve known him, I never thought I’d see ‘em this happy. I promise I won’t get this drunk at your wedding.” Steve winked, straining to push himself up out of the swing, somehow managing to catch his balance as he stumbled into the grass. 
“You do make a very inspirational drunk, Steve.” You laughed to yourself, looking up at him with a genuine smile. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome. Alright, enough sap, I’m gonna go get another fuckin’ beer, I’ll see ya around okay?” 
“Okay, maybe a water would be good for you, too.” 
“Water’s for pussies.” 
“Water’s good for people who don’t want raging hangovers tomorrow.” 
“Pirates are always drunk, so I’ll be fuckin’ fine.” 
“Whatever you say, Steve.” 
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It didn’t take long for Javi to return, easily spotting his tall, broad body making his way through the crowd, beaming at you as he walked over to the swings. You tried your best to smile back at him with the uneasy pounding in your chest quickly building, feeling your heartbeat in your throat. “Hey, Hermosa. Sorry it took so long, I ended up stopping to get another drink on the-“ 
“Do- Javi, do you trust me?” 
Your words were quiet and blunt as they rolled off your tongue, your eyes peeled on your feet kicking through the grass beneath you. 
Javi’s brow immediately scrunched in confusion, completely off put by your question and demeanor. “Do I- Baby, what are you talking about? Of course I trust you? What’s going on?” Setting down his drink, he began making his way next to you in frantic, worried strides. 
“Then why won’t you talk to me about it?” Your eyes darted from the ground up to his, his sweet brown eyes swirling with confusion at the firm tone of your voice and desperation growing across your face. 
“Talk to you about what? Hermosa, what’s going on? Is everything ok-” 
“Why won’t you talk to me about Colombia?” 
 Javi took a step back. He wasn’t sure if it was out of defense, or absolute shock from the words that had just fallen out of your mouth. He stared at you for a moment, his jaw locking as you could see how hard he swallowed, trying to bide his time as he calculated his response. 
“Osita… It’s not that simple.” 
“That’s not an answer.” 
“I don’t understand why we’re talking about this. Baby, if this is because of last night, you don’t need to worry about me, can we please just drop it?” The two of you faced each other in an unspoken standoff, Javi’s hands now resting on his hips as you crossed your arms over your chest. You had tried so hard to be patient, but in the moment, it was like all of your frustration was beginning to boil over. 
“That’s exactly why we’re talking about this, Javi. Because I fucking worry about you. All the time. I’ve tried so hard to be patient. I’ve never, ever tried to get you to talk about it because I know it’s fucking hard. But last night, you’re up at 2 A.M, wandering around the apartment, and I’m begging you to tell me what’s wrong and you won’t fucking do it. I’m not an idiot, Javi. I can’t live in this weird in between space in your life where you pretend your past doesn’t exist when I know it still fucking haunts you. Why won’t you just talk to me about it?” 
Javi could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his palms sweating as they clenched in tight fists at his sides. He tried so desperately to find an answer, something, anything he could tell you to try and justify his choices. The choices he had kept from you. The choices he couldn’t forgive himself for. “Because, I- fuck- because, goddamnit, I just- I was a terrible fucking person, okay? The things I did, they were-” 
“What? Fucked up? Painful? Shitty? Of course they fucking were, Javi. You were literally in Colombia chasing down Pablo Fucking Escobar. What did you think I thought you were doing down there? Filing away paperwork? You don’t think I know that you did things you regret? That you’ve hurt people? Made choices that hurt innocent people who didn’t deserve it? I know Javi, I fucking know. I watched my brothers come back from the same goddamn thing. I tried so hard to give them space, to let them come to terms with the fucked up things they did on their own, and you know what fucking happened? One of them’s fucking dead because of it. I can’t let it happen again. I don’t care about what you did. It doesn’t make you a bad person. But you can’t try and hide it from me and pretend like it doesn’t exist. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. But I can’t if you don’t trust me. Please trust me. Please. I love you so much, Javi. I can’t lose you.” 
Javi stood in silence, as the both of you fought the tears streaming down your cheeks. He wasn’t sure if he had just been hit in the gut with a giant sucker punch, or if the weight of the world had just been lifted off his shoulders. He truly didn’t know how to feel. He wasn’t even sure if he had heard you correctly. Did you really just tell him that you knew about the fucked up, terrible things he had done and that you didn’t care? That you still fucking loved him? All you wanted was for him to trust that you wanted to be there for him? He could feel his hands trembling and lip quivering as he tried to find the words to speak.
 “Osita… I- fuck, baby. Osita, I’m so sorry. I trust you with my fucking life. You- You don’t deserve to have to deal with with all the fucked up things I’ve done. I don’t wanna scare you away, baby. You’re the best thing that’s ever fucking happened to me and I was so terrified if you found out about the terrible person I used to be, you’d leave. It’s not fair to you, I can’t expect you to carry the weight of all the fucking things I’ve done, too. I’m so sorry.” Quietly, Javi sat down next to you on the empty swing, burying his hands in his face. Gently, you reached over, pulling his hands away, forcing him to look at you. 
“Whatever you tell me isn’t gonna scare me away. I promise. The only thing that’s gonna scare me is when you try to pretend you’re okay when you’re not. Javi… Javi, I just- I just wanna be there for you. I don’t want you to have to do it alone. I’d do anything for you. I trust you more than anyone. You’re my best friend. I just- fuck- I just want you to trust that I’ll always be there for you to. I promise.” 
And just like that, the last brick holding up the wall between you and Javier Peña collapsed. There was nothing left to run from. Nothing left to hide. After he returned home, he was a changed man. He had hated the person he had become. Maybe there was a part of him that didn’t want to be loved, because he didn’t believe that he deserved to be. But then, there was you. 
You had taken everything he had known and changed his life for the better. You had become his better half, the person he loved more than anyone in the world. You had proved he was worthy of more than just existing- you had proved to Javi that he was worth the love and happiness you had promised him from the moment you had come into his life and made it worth living for. 
“You promise?” 
“I promise. Always.” 
The way Javi grabbed you and wrapped you in his arms, grasping at the back of your shirt as he pulled you in tighter, feeling the hot breath of his silent sobs against your shoulder told you everything you needed to know. You didn’t know much, but if there was one thing you did know, it was that you loved Javier Peña more than life itself. As quickly as it had felt like your life had fallen apart, he had come into it and picked up the broken pieces to put it back together. And on an October night in San Antonio, sitting on an old wooden swing set in the Murphy’s backyard, you hoped that Javi knew that you would always be there to pick up the shattered parts of his past, too. 
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You weren’t sure how many hours had passed as you sat hand in hand in the swings with Javi as you listened to anything and everything he had to say. Long after the backyard was empty, and the bonfire had faded to embers and ashes, and the only one left awake besides the two of you was Connie, trying to drag Steve back inside from the plastic lawn chair he had passed out on, you finally made your way up to bed for the best sleep the two of you had in a very, very long time. Your goodbyes to the Murphy’s had been short and sweet- Connie exhausted from the late night, and Steve barley coherent from how hungover he was, you were still both so thankful the two of you had made the journey out to see them, and the both of you, just as grateful for the sweet and supportive life long friends you knew the Murphy’s would become. Most of your drive back to Laredo was spent in a comfortable silence, the golden sunrise spilling through the windows of Javi’s truck as you cruised down the highway, Javi’s hand never leaving yours, your fingers intertwined together as his thumb gently rubbed against your soft skin and your head rested against his broad shoulder. 
“How are you feeling about seeing your mom today?” You asked, lightly squeezing his arm as you smiled up at him, now exiting off the freeway quickly approaching the cemetery where you planned to meet Chucho to celebrate Día De Los Muertos, trying your best to comfort Javi as he prepared to see his mom’s gravesite for the first time since her funeral almost a decade ago. Javi let out a quiet sigh, his grip tightening just a little tighter around your hand as he looked over at you, a surprisingly calm look flooding his face. 
“I’m actually doing okay. Better than I would have thought. I think I was always so worried that she wouldn’t be proud of me and the man I’d become after she was gone. I um- I finally think that she’d be proud of me now.” He glanced over at you, his smile soft and tender as he soaked in the reason for his pride sitting right beside him. 
You noticed Chucho’s truck as you pulled up to park along the edge of the small cemetery, Chucho excitedly waving you down as you both hopped out of the car. Walking around to Javi, you were quick to grab his hand, giving him a reassuring grip as the two of you made your way through the gravestones along the thin cobblestone path towards Chucho, already arranging the items he had collected for Lucia’s ofrenda. 
“Hola, niños.” Chucho grinned, wrapping his arms around the both of you. “I’m so glad you’re here.” 
“Thanks for letting me be a part of today, Chucho. I know… Well, I just- I’m really honored to- just, thank you.” Chucho wasted no time pulling you into your own hug, his rough and worn hands holding you by the shoulders as he looked at you with misty eyes. 
“Mija, I should be thanking you. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t know if we would all be here today. Lucia’s last wish to me was that I would promise to make sure Javier was happy. Now hija, I think my sweet Lucia can rest a little easier knowing someone else has already fulfilled my promise for me.” As the two of you spoke, you hadn’t noticed as Javi had quietly stepped over to his mother’s gravestone, crouching next to it, his fingers delicately tracing along the engraved letters of her name, his other hand holding one of the marigold flowers Chucho had brought with him. The two of you watched quietly as Javi sat next to his mom, gently placing the flower on the shiny stone as he spoke. 
“Hola, mamá. Te extrañé. Siento haber tarado tanto.” (Hi mom. I missed you. I’m sorry I took so long). Javi’s voice trembled as he took a deep breath in, slowly exhaling as his hand rested on the stone, warm from the sun, shining brightly in the blue November sky. “Que estaba asustada de de verte porque estaba orgullosala de la persona en la que me había convertido. Que no quería decepcionarte. Tenía miedo mucho, mamá. Me sentí como si todo se derrumbase. solo quería olvidar. Pero entonces…” (I was scared to see you because I wasn’t proud of the person I’d become. I didn’t want to disappoint you. I was so scared, mom. I felt like I let everyone down. I just wanted to forget. But then…).  Javi turned his head, seeing you and Chucho, arm in arm, a smile growing across his face as looked back at the two people in life he loved the most. He took an extra moment to stare at you and the soft grin spread between your cheeks, basking in the comfort and warmth of the woman who had forever changed his life for the better. “Pero entonces, mamá, La conocí. Que es perfecta. Nunca supe que podías amar tanto a alguien. Ella es lo mejor que me ha pasado. La habrías amado.ella es una maestra, tambien.  A veces me pregunto qué ve en mí. No sé qué hice para merecerse. voy a pedirle que se case conmigo.Cuidaré bien de ella. Ella se merece todo lo que le pueda dar y más. Espero que estés orgulloso de mí, mamá. te echo mucho, Pero le juro a usted, al fin soy feliz. Te amo, mamá.”  (But then, mom, I met her. She is perfect. I never knew you could love someone so much. She is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You would have loved her. She’s a teacher too. Sometimes, I wonder what she sees in me. I don’t know what I did to deserve her. I’m gonna ask her to marry me. I’m gonna take such good care of her. She deserves everything I can give her and more. I hope you’re proud of me, mamá. I miss you so much, but I promise you, I’m finally happy. I love you, mom.) 
With a gentle nudge from Chucho, you softly stepped behind Javi, gently placing your hands on his shoulders before he rose up and you wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head against his chest as he wiped away the tears welling behind his eyes. Staring down at Lucia’s gravestone, Javi ran his hand through your hair, carefully planting a kiss against your head and burying his nose in the soft waves of your hair. 
“I wish I would have had the chance to have met you, Mrs. Peña. I would have had someone else to commensurate with over all of the crazy teaching stories I’m sure the both of us have. Maria, Estelle and Linda all miss you a lot too, but I’m sure they haven’t changed a bit. Thanks for raising such a good son. I don’t know what I would do without him. I know he says that he doesn’t know what he did to deserve me, but I really think it should be the other way around. I promise I’ll look out for him.” You tried your best to smile through your soft sobs, looking up at Javi, tears streaming down his wet cheeks. It wasn’t long before Chucho had snuck up behind you, patting each of you on the back before smiling down at Lucia, too. 
“Estos dos están tan enamorados, Lucia. Tal vez más que tú y yo. Ella es una buena chica. Estoy muy contenta de que ella sea parte de nuestra familia. Finalmente tendremos a nuestros nietos, también.”  (These two are so in love, Lucia. Maybe even more than you and I. She is a great girl. I am so happy she is a part of our family. We are finally going to get our grandchildren, too). Chucho winked, nudging Javi in the side, forcing him to laugh through his tears, shaking his head at his dad’s comment. “Now, no more tears, you two. This is a happy day. Your mamá is smiling down on you, and I can almost hear here scolding me to keep you from crying anymore. C’mon, let’s decorate and eat, I even brought pozole.” 
The three of you spent the next hour decorating Lucia’s grave with bright orange and gold cempazuchitl (marigold flowers) and little Calaveras (sugar skulls) painted in bold colors and refined details, sharing and laughing about Javi’s favorite memories of his mother while snacking on the Pozole Chucho had brought to share. For the first time in a long time, Javi no longer felt guilt and grief when he thought about his mom- her memory filled him with love and joy. He wasn’t the same bitter, broken man he was when he had said his final goodbyes to his mother all those years ago. While he wished he could change the past, the reality of the present, and his future finally brought him peace, knowing he could be proud of the man he had become, thanks to you. 
As Javi helped Chucho to clean up the extra flowers and decorations he had brought, you couldn’t help yourself from reaching at the wrinkled photo you had shoved in your pocket as you had packed up to leave from the Murphy’s this morning. You carefully took it out, holding it gently in your hands as you tried to uncrinkle the edges. “You ready, Hermosa?” Javi called out, now a few steps ahead of you, making his way back towards the truck. “Hermosa?” He asked again, thinking perhaps you hadn’t heard him the first time. When he was greeted by silence again, he looked back to see you staring at the crumpled photo in your hands. 
“I um- I know that he isn’t buried here, and uh, if you don’t want me to, it’s okay- but um- is it, is it alright if I leave a couple flowers for Patrick?” You sniffed, a tear dropping down on the photo of the two of you, Patrick holding you in a headlock as you laughed with a wide, toothy grin, drowning in one of his old Blackhawks jerseys that you were so excited to wear because it belonged to him. 
“Of course, Osita. Of course it is.” Javi smiled at you softly, turning back around with the tub of leftover decorations, making his way towards you. Quietly, you walked back over to Lucia’s gravestone, carefully setting down the picture of you and Patrick next to it, putting a few marigolds over top of it so it stayed pinned in place from the warm breeze. 
“I miss you, asshole. You deserved so much better. I hope you don’t still think that I hate you. I mean, I do, but you know what I mean. Honestly, you were lucky you didn’t have to live through the Blackhawks losing in the playoffs this year, that fucking sucked. Mom and Dad and Charlie and David all miss you too. I finally went back home to see them. It still wasn’t the same without you there, but I know you don’t hurt anymore. I hope that you don’t hurt anymore. I love you, Patrick. Crack open a cold one up there for me, okay?” Trying your best to not to uncontrollably sob, you sniffled, wiping the tears running down your face as you leaned your head against Javi’s chest. He ran his hand along your back as he held you tighter, letting you take a moment to get everything out before you took a deep breath, nodding your head as if to signify to Javi and yourself that you were okay. 
“You okay, Osita? We can take all the time you need, baby.” Javi whispered, pressing a gentle kiss into your shoulder. 
“No, I’m okay. I just- I wanted to do something for him, too. Thanks, Javi. I love you.” 
“I know.” 
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After several more long hugs goodbye with Chucho, you and Javi began your journey back home, marveling at the beautiful sunset, painting the sky with bright pinks and oranges and the warmth and comfort of Lucia and Patrick’s presence. You were so lost in thought staring out at the fading sky, you hadn’t even noticed that Javi had detoured from your usual route home until he had said something to you. “You okay if we make a quick pit stop on the way home, Osita?” You nodded, smiling at the golden glow covering his face. It wasn’t long until you were veering off the main road, Javi turning to make his way down a tree lined gravel pathway with a “For Sale” sign posted in front of it. 
“For sale?” You questioned, looking over at Javi before peering out your window to watch the trees lining the path pass by you as the gravel crunched under the truck’s tires.
“Yeah, uh- I was talking with Steve at the party yesterday and he- uh, one of his buddies said he was looking to get out of the city- wanted a plot of land to build on. Said he had heard good things about Laredo but didn’t have time to go check things out for himself, so I told him I would go take a look around and let Steve know what I thought.” Javi replied, trying his best to sound nonchalant as you shrugged before looking back out the window. As you reached the end of the path, the trees opened to reveal a beautiful, lush green field, the sun setting perfectly along the rolling hills of the horizon in front of you. Turning off the ignition, Javi gestured for the both of you to get out of the truck so you could go take a look around. 
“Jav… This is beautiful.” You marveld, grinning as you took in the beauty of the open space drenched in golden sunset. 
“You like it?” Javi grinned, laughing as you spun around, the gentle breeze blowing your hair in and out of your face. 
“Oh my God, yeah. Tell Steve’s friend to get on this place ASAP before I scrounge up every penny I have and sell one of my kidneys on the black market to buy it from him. There doesn’t even need to be a house, I’ll just lay in the empty field, perfectly content.” You giggled, letting out a happy sigh as you grabbed Javi’s hand, leaning your head against his arm as you admired the sun slipping away below the horizon. 
“I’ll take that as a yes then. He said he’s wanting to build a house here, do you think- do you think that he would think it’s got enough space? It’s not too far from everything? I know it’s a little farther from downtown and a longer drive to work- if uh, if he works by where we do, you don’t think that’d be a problem? For him?” Javi squeezed back, trying his best not to stumble over his words. 
“Are you kidding me? It’s literally perfect out here, Javi. Could you imagine getting to see this every night? He better put some big windows on this house so he can get all of the sunlight, oh my god, it would be so pretty. It’s not even that far from everything, and the view makes the extra drive time worth every minute. I know it’s probably a far way off, and we haven’t really talked about it, but I would love to live at a place like this someday.” 
Javi smiled to himself, looking down at you as you rested against him, soaking in every ounce of you as he shifted his arm to wrap around your waist, gently rubbing his thumb along the soft hem of your shirt before letting out a content sigh. 
“Yeah. Me too.”
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Taglist: @cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo @endlessthxxghts @blackfemalenerd
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spookypete-94 · 7 months
Take a Picture
Reader is a professional photographer hired out at a haunted theme park where she catches the eye of one of our favorite masked men.
Inspired by a TikTok I saw that I can not find for the life of me! Will do a part 2 tomorrow if time allows it. Feeling festive :)
Happy Halloween!!
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"For the weekend??" Y/N asked eagerly. After starting her own business, money was tight. Wedding season had slowed down from the change of seasons, and senior pictures would be her next pick-up in the spring.
"For the weekend," the manager of the theme park said before continuing, "if things stay busy and the weather is good, we will ask you back for the next weekend. Does that work?"
"Absolutely!" Y/N said, without any hesitation. Fuck yeah! Was what she wanted to say.
"Great, shift brief starts at 4 PM before the park gets dark. If you want to attend to see how we operate, you are more than welcome."
"I'll be there." Pleasantries were exchanged before the phone was hung up. She felt like she was riding on cloud 9. Gathering her camera equipment, flashes, and extra batteries and a few lenses, nearly skipping out the door to her car. The money would be nice, but how many people get to take pictures at a Halloween event at a theme park for their portfolio as well?
The autumn air was crisp on her skin, the sky bright blue with Toy Story clouds in them. This felt promising for her, and she loved the feeling. She gave up her hated job and moved on to her dream career as her own boss, making her hobby into her life choice.
Pulling into the theme park, she immediately noticed the dark aesthetic, further feeding her anticipation for the next two nights. The black metal gates at the entrance decorated with twinkling purple lights. Seeing what appeared to be a group of workers, she gathered her things and followed them I'm.
"Y/N?" Someone asked as she walked through, assuming it was the person she talked to on the phone.
"Yes," she said, sticking out her hand to shake the other person's
"Thought so with that camera around your neck, come with me, have some information and papers for you to sign before you get started." The woman turned on her heel waiting for y/n to follow.
"My name's Kate. Basically, we want jump scare shots if you can get them and some candids of the actors. We will take your pictures at the end of the night and place a watermark on them. If the customers want to buy them, then they can. Sound good?"
Kate kept walking at a fast pace, heading to what looked like an office.
"Yeah, totally," she nodded.
Once inside, she sat down and signed the proper paperwork.
"Stay out of the actors' way if you can help it. They can get pretty into it and don't want you hurt. Wear this mask," she said, sliding a black and red formal mask to her. "I've already shown them this mask so they understand you're here to photograph, not to be scared. Alright?"
"Got it." She said taking the mask and looking at it. It was flat black with red sparkles outlining it. Black ribbon used to tie it back.
"They should all be in the meeting room, I'll lead you there and then you should be good to go."
Standing up once more, she followed Kate. Heart pounding in her chest, ready to get started.
It was almost like a locker room, men and women scattered through it. Most were in actual costumes that would frighten anyone, fake blood spattered across fabric or skin. Full masks of different creatures on their shoulders.
One of them caught her eye, however. He was shirtless but wearing black pants. Red over his tattooed arms and hands, making it look like he had freshly killed someone. His eyes were brown, like the leaves in the trees right now, the only feature she could see of his face from the skull mask he had on.
Instantly, her breathing hitched. It was like her heart stopped, making her stand still. Awkwardly moving in, realizing that people were watching her move now.
She tried to make herself small, standing in a corner. Listening to who was designated in what area and when everyone would rotate around, trying to pay attention to the map. Her eyes kept wandering over to the large man that was built like a Greek God, finding she wasn't able to control herself. The brown eyes glanced over to her, making her hair stand on end. He caught her staring at him.
"Take a picture. It'll last longer." The voice in his chest rumbled.
She couldn't quite place if he was making a joke about her, or if he was upset with her for staring.
"S-sorry," she stuttered out quietly, turning to face the speaker once more. Shortly after her apology, the meeting was over. He walked past her, shadow looming over, making a chill across her skin.
Kate must have seen their interaction. "Don't mind him. He comes across gruff sometimes but mostly just sticks to himself."
Y/N nodded, readying herself, doing one last check through things ready to get the night started. Tying her mask around her face, she walked out into the main courtyard.
It started off amazing. People come through the gates in waves. Laughing to herself when people were scared by the actors, but then stopping her with them when they wanted their picture taken. It was beautiful to her, even as it was creepy. People were having a good time spiking their adrenaline, and she got to capture it. It made her earlier embarrassing moment go away. She had completely forgotten about it... until it was shift change, and there he stood. Making her stomach feel like it had just rolled.
Underneath his mask, he was smiling. Seeing the fear strike her face. It was what he lived for... but she was untouchable... for now.
She told herself to move past it. Getting paid was important. It didn't stop her. She took her photos of him in awe of his ability to just intimidate his victims, bolting after them, making them run away. His chuckle in his chest made her body heat up in such a way. Heart throbbing at the sight of him.
The night is coming to its end. The clock striking midnight at the park, the bells rolling off in the distance. It was like it signified something to him. She watched his head turn around to her, his eyes wicked. Taking large steps, he approaches, rolling his shoulders in the same manner that he did when he picked his next target. Her eyes were wide, and she turned and tried to run, unable to process what he was doing. He grabbed her arm and pulled him to her, where he then backed her up into the corner of a garden and a doorway. Hands now on either side of her head, all she could do was look up at him and breathe. Even that was hard to do.
"You get your picture, finally sweet girl?" His voice rasped. "Get my good side, did ya? I get to take pictures of you next, right?" He said, taking the camera of her shoulders and lifting it over her head. He snapped a few photos of her before leaning in further, lips now brushing her ear through his mask.
"Would like to take different photos of you...if you're interested." With that, he turned on his heel, walking away now. Just leaving her alone with her thoughts... all she could think was-
And I get to do this again tomorrow.
part 2
Simon Ghost Riley Masterlist
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pixiesfz · 5 months
Once again on my knees requesting a follow up where frat Jessie goes to see the reader working their shift at the bar to flirt and distract them while they’re working
I did think of this and I was like hmmm I'm not sure but you have convinced me. so here is frat boy Jessie part 2
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plot: it's been a week since the college party and three days since your dinner date with jessie and now you have a shift at your club for bartending
warnings: suggestive, ass grabbing, homophobia (idk if I'll do smut cause not sure if I'm comfortable writing it yet but we'll see) I'm back, yeah a little bit of smut. kinda public, reader went commando today
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You looked at yourself in the changing room of your work, your shorts were so short you felt your ass peeking out and your bum bag was almost longer than them. It was saint Patrick's day so your work had decided to change up the uniform for the day, instead of the usual black attire you sported green sparkly shorts with matching dark green fishnets and a whit singlet that was cut in the middle with a four-leaf clover on your left boob.
Let's also mention the leprechaun hat you sported with your hair in two plaits.
You saw another co-worker walk in to start their shift when they stopped and looked at you "that's what we're wearing tonight?" she asked with a smirk "at least it's better than Halloween" you shrugged before making sure you had a pen and paper in your bum bag.
You don't usually work weekends but you had a week off volleyball and your best friend Morgan asked if you could somehow be out of the dorm so she could spend time with her boyfriend, you agreed and now you were hear reading the recipe for a 'lucky charm' cocktail that was only on for the night.
It was a busier night than usual, boys from your school coming in to hang out, some of them noticed you but didn't comment, others were too drunk to notice.
It wasn't until 10 that someone started some trouble.
"Hey little lady" a mans voice popped up from behind you as you rolled your eyes but turned around with a fake smile, he looked about 50 "what can I get you sir" you said "Can I get you" he smirked and you had to stop yourself from laughing "unfortunately us workers aren't up for sale, can I offer you something else," you said, pointing at the menu
You had been through this many times before.
"what about some money would that change your mind?"
"She said no you fucking pervert!" a voice called out to him, a voice that you had become familiar with.
"Is that so, cause she was smiling at me-"
"It's called service with a smile, not an invitation to get into my pants" you cut him off "now fuck off before I call security" you said before you looked at Jessie who was to busy looking at you already.
"You fucking lesbians always think you have control over us men" the man grumbled and you laughed "Josh!" you yelled out to your security man who walked over.
"Is there a problem?" he asked and you watched the man cowardly walk away as you pointed at Jessie to join you at the other side of the bar.
"Wow," she stated "What?" you asked "I'm not sure what's hotter right now that outfit or how you shut that fucker up" She smiled.
"How'd you know I was working?" you asked as you dried beer bottles, "Morgan told me" "Of course she did" you laughed "You glad I'm here?" Jessie asked you as you blushed "I think the way I'm seeing you stare at my ass whenever I turn around gives me the impression that you're very happy to be here"
"I will say I am enjoying the view" she said with a smirk.
A customer came in and you excused yourself to take his order as Jessie watched you from her seat, her grip on her glass tightning when she saw his stare on you.
When you returned you looked at Jessie "Hey your knuckles are white, I don't want to clean a broken glass tonight" you joked as her grip loosened "do all the customers look at you like that?" Jessie asked with a stern face.
"Jealousy is not a good look on you Fleming" you teased "Ha Ha" she fake laughed "What time do you finish?" she asked "An hour but I have a designated 'toilet break' in about 15 minutes," you said and her eyes brightened.
"So I can get you alone in a bathroom whilst you are in that outfit?" Jessie smiled like the cherished cat as you took away her drink "Not with your breath smelling like beer"
"that wasn't a no"
"You are distracting me at my work" you told her and she looked proud "Do I distract you y/n" she whispered going closer to you which made your cheeks redden.
"Y/n!" your boss's voice called out "Yeah" you replied "Toilet break Kenz will take over," he said before disappearing into his office again.
You placed your bum bag down behind the counter before walking past the bar and looking back at Jessie "you coming?" you asked with a small smirk and the soccer player scrambled off her seat to follow you.
When you walked back into the changing room you showed Jessie your little wardrobe "This is hot" she admitted as she looked at some of the outfits "You should see valentines day" you snorted at yourself as you watched her scavenge for it.
"Jessie" you called out to her as she just nodded her head, looking through your work clothes "Jessie" you called again as you sat on the couch behind the curtain "what?" she asked looking down at you.
She couldn't help her eyes for going straight to your cleavage as you looked up at her "Are you going to kiss me or what?"
"Oh fuck yeah I'm going to kiss you" Jessie whispered out to herself before joining you on the couch and grabbing your waist to sit on top of her.
Your bare legs rubbing against her jeans as her hands found a comfortable place on your ass is what made her smile "I knew coming here would be a great idea" she smiled "I'm in heaven" she joked as you looked behind you "wait" you told her as you got up
"Nooooo, don't stop heaven"
"I'm just closing the curtain so nobody see's us"
"let them see" Jessie shrugged "so they can know what's going to be mine"
"I think a few more dates until that happens Fleming," you said as you closed the curtain "but I do like your forwardness "Yeah?" Jessie questioned with a smirk and you couldn't help but fold at her words "Oh yeah, I'm free real estate at the moment until proven otherwise" you teased.
This made something in Jessies stomach turn "come here" she ordered as you sat back down on her lap "free real estate huh?" she questioned and you nodded, You felt her grasp on your ass tighter, leaving marks before looking at you and kissing you.
It didn't start slowly like it did at the end of your first date, no this time it was harsher and you loved it, from seeing Jessie so jealous from one look of a guy you wanted to test the waters.
And test it you did as you felt one of Jessie's hands pull you closer to her and create friction which you moaned quitely at giving Jessie dominance at the kiss "Do it again" she ordered before sloppily kissing down your neck "What again?" you asked and she rocked your body up and down her again, creating more friction.
You did as she said and grinded against her without her help as her nails dug into your ass with her denim grinding against your thin layers you couldn't help your quiet moans from coming out your mouth.
"Just like that" Jessie said as she nibbled at your neck, you reached your head back at the action as yo found yourself riding on the girls jeans quicker as you grew hotter and hotter.
"Jessie" you breathed out into her ear "Yeah baby" she says "Touch me" you mutter "Touch you where?" she asked and you buried your neck into her shoulder "down there" you mumbled
"be more specific baby" she teased you as you groaned, she gripped your ass so tight that you couldn't move anymore, you couldn't stand it, you wanted her.
"fuck Jessie" you muttered "What was that?" she asked as she gave you another hint of friction "Touch my pussy Jessie" you told her which she smiled at
"Only cause you asked so nicely" she smirked and you wished you had the power to humble her a bit, but right now you liked it as she placed you down on the couch and spread your legs apart for you.
You held eye contact the entire time as she lowered onto her knee's "you sure?" she asked and you nodded. You didn't even care that you were at your workplace any more, you just wanted Jessie.
You still held eye contact as she rolled your shorts down only to reveal you wore no panties which she raised her brows at "I don't like having undie line" you defended yourself as you watched Jessie try and figure out what to do with your fishnets, with no thought she ripped them from the middle and out, giving her easy access.
You felt the cool air hit you as you rolled your head back "Patience" Jessie laughed before leaning up and kissing you again but she kissed from your lips to your stomach and now a soft kiss to your clit that made a moan escape your lips, she smiled at your reaction before licking your folds slowly
"I know you said patience Jessie but we don't have a lot of time" you reminded her as she smiled at you "Okay"
You gripped onto the edge of the couch in pleasure before she entered a finger inside of you whilst licking at your clit "Oh fuck me" you muttered out as you felt Jessie smile against your clit as she added a second finger.
You felt yourself growing closer and closer as Jessie sped up "Jessie" you moaned out as you reached out your hand to grab her pony tail. She felt you clench around her fingers as she lifted her head up "you gonna cum?" she asked as you nodded
"I'm gonna cum Jessie" you moaned as continued to somehow go faster "Then cum for me" she ordered as you rolled your head back and let go, Jessie slowed down as she let you ride out your high before taking her fingers out and sucking them herself and then pointing them to you "suck them," she said before you did.
"kiss me" you told the soccer girl who came up to you and pulled you in by your chin to kiss her, you could taste yourself on her lips which you loved.
"Y/n toilet break over!" Kenzie yelled out from the door "yep be there in a sec just getting changed!" you answered back as you and Jessie tried not to laugh "If that was ten seconds earlier she would've heard you moaning out my name, did I make you feel good?" she asked and you nodded, grabbing your shorts from the floor.
"You wait here till my shift ends and I'll make you feel good too" you promised her with a kiss on the lips "I'll be waiting" Jessie smiled as she watched you open the curtain and walk out the room, Jessie quickly slapping your ass as you walked by.
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devilfic · 8 months
❝nocturnal animal❞
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plot: okay, maybe the caped crusader is a vampire. and maybe you just want to know what it would feel like for him to sink his teeth into you. it's not weird. pairing: vampire!battinson!bruce wayne x detective!gn!reader. cw: vampires (duh), vampire-typical erotic descriptions of blood drinking, vampire hypnotism/compulsion, teasing martinez (lovingly). words: 2.6k.
a/n: I had a rough month last month and writer's block was the icing on the cake, but I picked up a vampire encyclopedia at the library and found out batman has been turned into a vampire... several times. more times than I thought, actually. this is what came of it. happy halloween month!!
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"How does it feel?"
Gordon cuts his eyes to you for a moment, still thumbing through rows of manila folders. You sort of do the same just to appear a little less eager. "How does what feel?"
"The... well, you know." You awkwardly gesture to his wrist where the sleeve had fallen back a hair.
Your lieutenant flicks back his coat sleeve as if he were checking the time, but the watch face is laid flush against the inside of his wrist. He tugs at it. Frowns. Shrugs. "Feels like nothin'."
"Oh, do not bullshit me."
Gordon looks at you again. Then he glances around the storage room, quieter and emptier than every other room in the precinct right now. It's just the two of you here. You'd made sure of that before you decided to ask.
He props his arm on the box of cold cases and gives you a hard, judging stare. "I'm not describing what it feels like to have a grown man sucking..." He glances around again just to be sure no one had slipped in all of a sudden, "...if you wanna know, go ask him to bite you."
You... hadn't considered that. "He'd be okay with that?"
"I don't know, probably. It's not like he has a preference."
"I thought he didn't like Martinez."
"Well, you've seen Martinez. He eats like a high schooler."
You press your thumb into your own wrist, clenching and unclenching your fist until the veins show. You're possessed with a shiver as the draft from the vent above cools the skin. "So I... what? I just go up and ask?"
"Yeah, sure. Worst he can say is no."
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About a third of your coffee goes flying, splattering milky brown onto concrete. You're lucky it had gone cold on your way up here or else it would've singed the skin off your ankles, but you're still not happy.
"Christ- get down from there. I'm not talking to you like that."
The Bat is perched comfortably above the doorway, looking down on you from above, but makes no move to get down. He keeps himself crouched, "Where's Lieutenant Gordon?"
“Night off with Barb. He’s been overworking lately, you know how he is. I told him I’d take care of you.” You stare up into the darkness and feel your heartbeat pick up a bit. You force yourself to still it, keep it tamped down under the years of poker face your career had honed for you. “I’m serious. Come down and talk to me or I’m making Martinez do this.”
You usually negotiated with people on the other side of a table, and none of them could ever hear your heart going ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump… so this was fairly new to you.
He drops down in front of you, cape fluttering gracefully. The first time you met him, Gordon had warned you to keep your cool. I mean, six foot something unknown, dressed in all black armor with innumerable resources and connections, endlessly prowling the night sky, whose intentions were murky and who was only on your side until he decided he wasn’t? Everyone thought Gordon was crazy. You were the first to give him a chance.
You noticed the little things. You rarely saw him during the day, never could get him to come out of the shadows when you did, always skulking about and never seeming to slow down. Weekdays, weekends, holidays. At one point, you’d wondered if he was even human. You’d wondered it out loud, in front of Gordon, expecting him to rip off the cowl to reveal a labyrinth of wires and then-
And then you’d realized you’d been paying an awful lot of attention to the Batman, and absolutely not enough to Jim Gordon.
He doesn’t sway or make faces like other people, doesn’t give away his thoughts like you’re used to. Instead, you’ve noticed very minute ticks: prolonged staring (even worse than his normal staring), not bothering to take a breath, the stillness of him and around him. The cityscape in the background might as well be a wide, empty plain when you’re standing next to him. Eventually, he lies, “Martinez is fine.”
"Worst he can say is no," your ass.
You try not to be offended by that. “You don’t like Martinez.” You sound pretty offended, against your best efforts.
“That’s not true.”
“I- you know what I meant. You said it yourself. Gordon told me.”
“It's fine."
You squint, “Am I not good enough for you?” A rare look of surprise flickers in his eyes. "You just said you’d prefer the guy whose blood you don’t even like.”
“I said he’s fine.” You hear a little edge to his voice that gives you pause. You’ve heard it before, coiling around the margins of his words. A tell-tale sign, Gordon had said, that you were trekking into dangerous territory.
You press your lips into a firm line but stand your ground, “I already made my choice. If you really want Martinez, say so. Clearly. Use your words and mean it.”
The Bat stares, unreadable.
You know how this goes with Gordon. It’s nothing intimate. The wrist most of the time, other times the neck when it’s closest. Or when Gordon’s busy on his computer. It’s always quick. You don’t even see Gordon flinch.
But with you? You don’t know how it’ll go with you. You don’t know where to start, only that you’d been thinking about it all day after you’d finally called Gordon and promised “I can take care of him.”
Batman takes your wrist, brings it to his nose, and flinches away. You panic at the thought that it might really be he prefers Martinez to you until he plucks the coffee out of your hand and sets it down on the ledge. His eyes follow yours as his mouth falls to the inner wrist and you feel wet, cool breath against it. It tingles all the way up to your ears. Those eyes flicker away a millisecond later, inspecting your arm in its entirety.
His leather-gloved thumb caressing your skin should make you something other than what you’re currently feeling, that’s for sure.
“Thank you,” Batman starts, sounding reluctant. His eyes quickly flicker to your throat and then away again, “Do you have a preference? Anywhere I should avoid?”
"Anywhere someone might look. A friend... or partner, perhaps."
Your lips part, sucking in a breath, “No, uh- no. No one like that. Wrist is fine. O-Or neck. Whichever is… easier.”
He doesn't say anything more. His lips curl up. Two pointed fangs reveal themselves behind the parting of his mouth, fangs that weren’t there before when he spoke. You ruminate on that, a reminder that the man under the mask could be anyone if he could hide so easily like that.
You watch—transfixed, barely registering the pain—when those fangs pierce skin. Blood beads where his teeth push in slow, and the icy sting you're expecting is no more than a needle prick at best. But the strangeness of a mouth pressed there, suckling at the wound as blood dribbled out of it… you stretch your fingers and stiffen. It was all you could do not to scare yourself and rip that hand back, tearing a vein in the process.
His tongue unmistakably presses to the flat of your inner wrist and before you can question it, he’s got his eyes on you. All of it goes quiet after that.
You no longer feel the sting, nor his lips pillowing around his teeth, nor the grip of his hands holding your wrist to his mouth. All you see is blue. Endless, reeling pools of blue. Not red like they were in the movies, or yellow, or black all over. Blue. Human blue. Wondrously beautiful blue. Had you ever liked blue eyes this much before? It felt like this was your first time truly seeing them. They were just so… radiant. And here he was, swathed in night, with pale skin peeking out like a waning crescent. Had you ever seen skin so pale? It felt like this was the first time truly seeing it. It was just so...
Your train of thought wanes. Sweeping over you is a dizzy spell so abrupt that you think you gasp. Or whimper.
Feeling returns to you as soon as he breaks your gaze. All at once, your skin is flush, your breathing concernedly slow, your knees weak. It’s so shocking that you buckle at the slightest gust of wind.
Just as quickly, the Bat clings to your wrist and pulls you flush to his chest, holding your bleeding arm in between the both of you while he holds you in a half-dip (like a pause in a waltz), suspended over you. Your eyes catch on the darkness staining his bottom lip where his fangs are still poking out, and you watch as a drop of blood gathers, swells, and falls… right onto your cheek. It’s still warm.
You feel a subconscious warning thrum through you. Perhaps it was because you were so close now, that the blue looked more hypnotic than radiant and his skin looked more undead than celestial. You understand in one sweeping, chilling second, what you’ve just let sink its teeth into you. “What the fuck was that?”
“You were starting to panic,” he explains, low, using no effort at all to hold you, “I calmed you down.”
“How? It’s like… it’s like you hypnotized me. Did you hypnotize me? Do you do that to Gordon?”
You don’t mean for it all to come out like an accusation, but the feeling had been akin to walking on a cloud, only to wake up the minute your foot falls through. In the time that you’d been lost in his eyes, waxing poetic about his otherworldliness, he could’ve… well, he could’ve… he could’ve done anything.
The feeling was untethered. Wild. Alien.
When he’s sure you won’t hurt yourself, the Bat lets your hand fall back to your side, straightens you up but never pulls away. Your eyes keep glancing between his and the points right above his brow, unsure that he wouldn’t draw you right back into that place if you looked directly at him again. “Gordon doesn’t panic.” He simply answers.
You go to defend yourself but you had felt it; the mounting pressure of it, the strange pain toggling on the instinct to get away, get away, get away. Your heartbeat was so slow when you came back to, like he'd damn near put a stop to it. “I panicked?”
The Bat doesn’t laugh at you, even when the answer is so obvious. “It's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's a common phobia.”
You're struck by his implication, “Are you seriously trying to say I’m scared of blood?”
“Maybe just your own.”
“I'm a detective. I see blood all the time. Maybe it's because you're a fucking vampire and my ooga booga brain is rightfully terrified.”
“You offered.”
Your ears burn, “As a favor to Gordon.”
“I can hear you lying.”
The sureness of his statement stops you quick. You feel yourself choke on nothing, sounding strangled as you respond, “Excuse me?”
“I could hear it,” your heartbeat thrums in your ears as the Bat continues to hold you, less waltz now and more hostage situation, “I heard it when you lied just now. I heard it earlier, on your way here. And I heard Gordon on the phone… not with Barbara.” He's blocking the wind sweeping over the ledge, making your flush feel hotter than before. “I don't prefer Martinez to you, but I know why you offered.”
You swallow, exposed. He'd make a damn good detective. "And?"
Your offended wrist is seized once more, and he studies the small holes there, as well as the teeny-tiny drops of blood still lightly flowing from the wound. It looks like it'll stop soon.
Achingly slow, Batman brings it to his mouth and licks away the last of you.
You have no choice but to watch, of sound mind and body, because he refuses to look you in the eye. You're forced to see him in his entirety. Forced to keep down that mounting pressure. A test, to see if you're just a little bit better than Martinez.
You steady your breathing and stare, trying to make this unnatural thing feel natural. Trying to not like it so much.
When he peels away, your skin is clean, and you can tell your blood is beginning to coagulate. "If you come back to me, I won't stop you. But if we're going to do this, I'd prefer somewhere with less concrete. In case you faint."
Your eyes narrow in on the slight pursing of his lips. Almost as if he were trying not to laugh. "I'm not scared of blood." You can’t tell if it’s because he’s so good at his poker face or if he really just doesn’t want to tease you further, but something about the clearness in his expression convinces you to speak up for yourself, “It’s probably because I missed dinner. That's all."
For one single moment, his face shifts. Then it smooths out again. You watch him climb onto the ledge, next to your long-forgotten excuse of a coffee, and turn back to you, "Will you be alright?"
You want to be annoyed about it, you really do, but the concern in his voice is true. As a compromise, you take a seat on the ledge, "Well, if you see the signal in the sky tonight, just assume I ate shit going downstairs."
As one final surprise, he smiles at you. Then he's disappearing into the darkness below.
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You can hear Gordon in your head as you slip a bag of chips out of Martinez' upper drawer. After the vending machine had eaten six of your dollars, you'd given up just short of kicking a hole in the glass. You didn't want to think about what kind of hell Chief Bock would put you through for that one.
After the Bat left, you'd stumbled your way down several flights of stairs with the hopes of ending your shift only a little past midnight. There were still cops around, most unusually idle for a night in Gotham, and you supposed they had Batman to thank for that. Not that they ever would.
The very thought of him flashes images of his tongue on your skin, lapping at your blood, and you immediately force yourself to think of anything else. That was going to be a long-lasting memory.
If you were lucky, you at least wouldn't see him until tomorrow night, and that might give you time to get some sense into you. And food, too. The chips in your hand are no Michelin star dinner, but they'd hold you over until you made it home.
Just as you turn the corner to your office, you notice that something isn't quite how you left it. The door, for starters, is cracked where it was once closed.
You take a beat, then two. You listen for movement in your office, careful not to cast a shadow under the door and give yourself away, but hear nothing.
You push the door open in a rush, staring into the dimly lit room searching for the barrel of a gun staring back at you. Or, considerably worse, a person.
Instead, on your desk where it definitely wasn't before, is a bag of something that smells suspiciously like good food. You approach cautiously. Sure enough, you recognize it from Gordon's favorite lunch spot... your go-to, as only Gordon would know it.
A note is stuck to the side of the bag, a message written in neat curves and lines. The penmanship of a steady hand, not at all like your lieutenant's fast-moving scrawl. You read the note and feel a phantom sting where your wrist is patched up in band-aids.
Thanks for dinner.
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taglist: @yikes-buddy @alexxavicry @theclassicvinyldragon @marina-and-the-memes @angxlictexrs @moonlightreader649 @geekyfer @thescarletfang @navs-bhat​ @yehet-moi-ohorat @bluestuesday
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7-wonders · 7 months
It's Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus!
Summary: It's Halloweekend, and you've got a couple of parties to attend! Morpheus, who missed out on the development of Halloween into the holiday it is today, is very curious about what your plans are.
Word count: 1.8k
And now, a note from the author: Ahhh Claire actually managed to write something! I loved coming up with and writing this; I was giggling the entire time. As always, if you enjoyed, likes, comments, and reblogs (but especially the last two!) make my world go round. If you didn't like it, also let me know! I'm always down to hear constructive feedback/criticism—it's how we become better writers.
Though reader is wearing a skirt, the gender of reader is not specified! If you're non-binary or a guy and you wouldn't mind dressing up in a skirt for a group costume, I hope you enjoy this fic too!
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It’s not often that Dream of the Endless visits you in your realm, instead of vice versa. While he had met you in the Waking, he had never been entirely comfortable there. That feeling, that wrongness, only increased tenfold after his imprisonment at the hands of Roderick Burgess. No, Morpheus is not overly fond of the Waking.
Tonight, however, he’s here, and you have a pretty good inkling as to why. 
Though Morpheus would never admit it, hearing you talk helps to calm him down when he’s feeling stressed (another thing he would never admit to: stress). After a frustrating day of holding court—one of his least favorite things to do, but one that was integral to the functioning of his realm—you decided that telling him about your plans for the week would be a bland enough topic where he would not have to actually listen to your words, but simply your voice. Your plan seemed to be working; you could feel his body relaxing in your arms, and you had never been more relieved to hear the absentminded hums of someone who was only half-listening to a conversation.
At some point, you mentioned that you were excited about the Halloween parties that you would be attending. That got his attention, drawing him out of the reverie that your voice and your fingers carding through his hair had lulled him into. He shifted in your hold, his black pools of stars looking up at you curiously.
“All Hallows’ Eve is not for another week though, yes?” he asked.
“Yeah, but it’s during the week this year, which means everybody celebrates the weekend before.”
“Why not celebrate on the day itself? Traditionally, Samhain is a very important holiday.”
Now the miscommunication made sense in your mind. It was only natural that he still thought of the holiday as what it was before 1916. “Oh! Halloween has evolved a lot, especially in the past hundred years. It doesn’t really resemble the Samhain of old.”
He still looks a little confused but nods. “How interesting. So you will also be participating in these…festivities early?”
“Festivities” was a good way to put it, and you decided to just leave it at that. How the hell else were you supposed to explain to your eons-old, all-powerful boyfriend that the Halloween of today is about wearing a fun/sexy costume, doing spooky activities like haunted houses or watching scary movies, and partying?
“Yep!” you said. “I have plans with friends; we’re going to wear our costumes and go celebrate with others.”
“What will your costume be?”
“I’m not quite sure yet. I have a couple of different ones, so I’ll probably decide the day of.”
That interest in modern Halloween, specifically how you celebrate Halloween, is why you’re not really all that surprised when you hear him call your name from the other side of the bathroom door while you’re taking a shower.
“In here, my love!” You just barely have to raise your voice, knowing that he’ll still hear you above the sound of water raining down. The bathroom door opens, and you stick your head out of the shower curtain. You very happily accept the kiss that he offers you. “Hi.”
“Hello.” His voice, deep and as smooth as dark chocolate, rumbles through your ears in a way that you’ll never tire of. It’s impossible to resist giving him one more kiss (can you be blamed?), so you give in to the temptation.
“Give me five minutes and then I’ll be done, okay?”
Though it’s very reluctant, he does part from you. It takes you a little less than that to finish with your shower, and you open the door again so that you can at least be in the same space as Morpheus while you hurriedly put some makeup on (thankfully your costume doesn’t require anything drastic beyond what you normally wear). He’s sitting patiently on your bed, eyes already trained on you as you move through your getting-ready routine.
“What are you doing here?” you ask, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye. “You almost never visit me in the Waking.” 
You’re teasing him, since, as previously mentioned, you know exactly why he’s here. Naturally, Morpheus doesn’t catch on. “I wished to see you off before your Hallowe’en celebration.”
“That’s sweet of you!” To the bedroom you go, where your costume sits waiting atop your dresser. “I’m just about ready to go, I only need to finish putting my costume on.” 
Morpheus’s face grows flushed at the easy compliment you give him (you don’t think he’s ever been called ‘sweet’) and you laugh quietly before disappearing back through the bathroom with costume in tow.
A couple of months ago, two of your friends decided that being the Powerpuff Girls was the move for this Halloween and roped you into the idea. One of your friends, a natural blonde, claimed Bubbles before the idea could even fully be discussed. Your other friend was very excited to be a bearded Blossom and wear a giant bow on his head. This left Buttercup for you to dress up as, not that you were complaining.
Now, you’re sliding into a green crop top and a matching green skirt, this piece being made out of a shiny material. All three of your skirts are the same fabric (and definitely shorter than what’s considered decent), with the shirts being dealer’s choice. You finish your outfit off with black tights and a black headband—Bubbles is also wearing black tights, while Blossom will be sporting black knee-highs. All in all, it’s a pretty simple costume, but sometimes, that’s what the best costumes are.
You emerge from the bathroom once more and do a little twirl for Morpheus, whose eyes immediately light up. “This is very much a pop culture reference, so I’m not expecting you to understand the costume. Still, I think it turned out pretty good!”
Morpheus is not a man—the anthropomorphic personification of the collective unconscious, the Lord of Dreams and Ruler of the Nightmare Realm, simply chooses this as his favored form. Still, he is a man-shaped being, and like all man-shaped beings, he goes a little wild for the object of his affection in a short skirt.
“You will be wearing this in public?” he asks, standing up and approaching you.
Morpheus has lived for as long as beings have been able to dream. He quite literally lived through the Beginning when Adam and Eve didn’t know what clothes were, as well as a number of empires for whom clothing was merely a suggestion. The affront he’s showing at the clothes you’re wearing must be some sort of code for “this is my partner wearing something I consider sexy and I’m feeling possessive about other people seeing them.” That he looks at you as though you’re wearing the barest scraps of clothing and not dressing up as a cartoon superhero has you feeling mighty powerful.
You’d be lying if you said that didn’t turn you on a little bit.
“This is tame compared to what a lot of other people wear,” you inform him.
Morpheus does not look as though he’s listening. No, he’s focused on your body rather than your words. One hand rests on your waist to pull you closer to him, and the other hand comes to rest on your upper thigh where the skirt ends. He rubs the skirt between his thumb and index finger as though he’s testing the fabric. 
“Am I correct in assuming that costumes are no longer worn to disguise the wearer from errant spirits?”
“Yes, you’re correct.” Right now though, explaining the traditions of Halloween is not important to you. You need some validation, and stat. “But do you like it?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Thank you,” you say smugly, smacking his hand as he tries to slip it higher under your skirt. “Not tonight. I have to meet up with the gang soon!”
“Might I make a suggestion?” 
You nod. No matter how outlandish the suggestion, you’d listen to him make it, and you’d probably take it into strong consideration.
Morpheus places a delicate kiss on your jaw before he trails his lips to your ear. “Forget about your friends and stay with me for the evening,” he whispers seductively.
Oh, but that is tempting. You can already imagine the way in which Morpheus would remove your costume, the feeling of his hands on your body as he makes you forget about anything outside of you and him and the pleasure you bring each other. From the darkened look he gives you, he’s already picked up on these daydreams, and he’s in total agreement of that order of events. 
Unfortunately, your brain, that traitorous organ, reminds you of why you shouldn’t be absconding to the Dreaming with your lover.
You sigh in frustration at the logic and lean your forehead against his. “I would, but I’ve had these plans for a couple of weeks now, and I really am looking forward to them.”
Though it very obviously pains Morpheus to say it, he does agree. “Yes, I suppose it would be…rude to abandon them.”
“I should probably go,” you say begrudgingly, pulling away from him and focusing intently on gathering what you’ll need so that you don’t give in to your desire.
Morpheus watches as you whirl around the room, muttering the name of each item as you grab them. Your phone is annoyingly elusive, and you think you’ll just have to go without it until it’s dangled in front of you by your Dreamlord. Gratefully, you take it from him.
“Thank you,” you say sheepishly. That’s the last of your belongings, but you feel like you can stall just a bit longer. He’s heard about your plans, but you haven’t heard of his. “What will you do while I’m gone?”
“Wait for you to return to my embrace once more,” he teases.
“Please try to do something instead of moping the whole time.”
“I do not mope!”
You give him a look, one that says you see right through this charade. “Yes. You do. I’m sure there’s a new book you’ll want to read. Maybe ask Lucienne what she’s been working on, or start creating a new nightmare?”
“Are you not going to be late?” Morpheus deflects. It makes you laugh, but he is right, so you do a once-over of your room to make sure you’re not missing anything and kiss him briefly.
“Bye. I love you.”
“I love you as well, my starlight. You remember how to call for me should you run into trouble?” Of course you do: write down his name and speak it. It’s cute of him to act like he won’t try to have Matthew follow you, though.
You can’t help but smile at the sweet gesture. “Yes, I remember. I’ll be fine, okay?”
He nods, satisfied. “I shall see you later, then.”
You’re able to sneak in one more kiss before he’s off and you’re heading to your front door, already counting down the hours until your night of partying is over. Who knew dressing up like a Powerpuff Girl could get someone so hot and heavy?
If Morpheus thinks that’s attractive, just wait until he sees the angel costume you’re wearing tomorrow.
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iovesia · 1 year
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❥⠀masterlist. ⠀:⠀ ( the karate kid masterlist. )
synopsis: headcanons of johnny dating a reader in miyagi-do.
warnings: johnny is jealous. lovers to rivals to lovers?. slight angst & fluff. one cobra kai reference. not proof read.
pairings: johnny lawrence   𝒙   fem!reader.
josie's note .⁺ ˖ ⌒ this was a request for anon, but i accidentally deleted the ask, i'm so sorry, but i hope you enjoy. — likes, & reblogs are highly appreciated ♡ !!
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Johnny thinks you’re a total badass for doing karate. He loves having that as a way to bond with you, since karate is practically his whole life. 
You definitely kept that fact that you’re training with Mr. Miyagi and Daniel on the down low. Whenever he asks what or where your dojo is, you quickly distract him with a kiss on the lips.
You love Johnny, but it boils your blood whenever you watch as he and the Cobras relentlessly torment Daniel. You constantly have to reprimand him for it.. which leads to a lot of arguing.
The secret’s finally out after the Halloween dance, when you, Daniel and, Mr. Miyagi marched into the Cobra Kai dojo. As Mr. Miyagi and Kreese argue, you couldn’t help but feel Johnny’s stare piercing into you.
“Why did you lie to me?” Johnny snaps. You recoil as he slams your locker door closed.
“I didn’t lie…” a sigh escapes your lips. “I just didn’t tell you.”
“Yeah, you didn’t tell me that you're spending all your free-time with that punk!” He sneers, his lip curling into an ugly scowl.
"Yeah, well that punk is my friend! You promised me that you guys would leave Daniel alone. Next thing I see, you guys are kicking the shit out of him—" You retort angrily, your nails digging into your palm.
"Oh, friend, yeah? You're getting pretty close to your friend." Johnny scoffs, the venom dripping from his voice.
Yeah… Johnny’s jealousy spikes through the roof once he connects the dots. All those times you spent at your karate practices, or were busy over the weekend was to train with Daniel Larusso —his enemy— against Cobra Kai, no less.
You probably (temporarily) break up after that, both of you firmly dedicated to your side of the karate “war”. 
You try to avoid him as much as humanly possible. When you see him in the halls, you grab Daniel’s arm and turn yourselves around. You sit at the furthest table away from him and his group at lunch. 
Although he’s unreasonably angry with you, he misses you so much. He misses your jokes, sparring together, going on dates with you to Golf ‘n Stuff, riding with you on his motorbike. But unfortunately his loyalty to Kreese and Cobra Kai triumphs over your relationship. 
When the All-Valley finally rolls around, you wait on the sidelines, anxiously watching Daniel get through the first few rounds. You try to keep your gaze away from a certain blond cobra, but a few stolen glances let you know that Johnny is well on his way to the final round.
There’s a short intermission before the final match. Your heart is beating out of your chest, and you decide to get some water. Walking out into the hall, you find the last person you expected standing in front of the water fountain.
“Ready to watch me kick your boyfriends’ ass?” Johnny smirks, taking a sip from his water bottle, his gaze firmly avoiding you.
“He’s not my boyfriend. You are.. or at least you were until you turned into this jealous prick,” you quipped, the words slipping out before you could stop yourself.
“You were supposed to be on my side!”
“I am on your side!”
“No, you’re not!” You failed to miss the way his eyes become glassy, and a pang of guilt bloomed in your chest. “You—”
The interrupting intercom blared throughout the gym, echoing into the hallway. Johnny takes a shallow breath, unfamiliar nerves wracking through his body. “Whatever… I guess I’ll see you out there rooting for me.” He finished in a sarcastic manner, his eyes finally meeting yours.
“I’m always rooting for you, Johnny.”
Much to your surprise, Daniel managed to beat Johnny, and was crowned as the new All-Valley champion. Although you were proud of your friend, part of you felt sorry for Johnny.
Even more so, once you went outside the gym and watched as he was berated and assaulted by his own Sensei. Mr. Miyagi thankfully came to his aid, successfully knocking down Kreese.
You slowly approached Johnny and the other Cobras, who were perched miserably on the sidewalk. You sat down next to the bloody-nosed blond, wrapping an arm around him and resting your head on his shoulder.
Miyagi-do or not, in the end, you’d still pick him— every time.
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msookyspooky · 10 months
Based on a really kinky dream I had that's been in my drafts forever 😗😳
Randy x Stu x CisFem!Reader • Smut!🔞 • Underage Drinking • Slight CNC/Reader and Randy being Persuaded by Stu • Vaginal Penetration • Cunningilus • Slight Degradation • Slight Humiliation • Praise• Threesome • Dirty Talk • Stu being an Ass • Scream and Set Up AU
Wordcount: 6,353
Camping Trip
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It was the following Summer after…That happened…The catalyst that screwed up the entire town and everyone part of it. The Woodsboro Murders. You were out of town that weekend because your parents made you go with them; absolutely forbidding you from attending Stu's party while a killer was on the loose…You were glad but also a small part of you felt guilty. Like maybe if you were there; you could have saved your friends.
Randy said he was shot in the chest by someone but he said his memory was a blur. He thought it was Billy, almost swore it was but all evidence said it wasn't and he ended up saying he wasn't sure after evidence said Billy was innocent…All Randy knows is that Billy and Stu claimed Neil was behind it all but he saw Billy with a knife coming towards him right when EMTs and police rushed in. Billy swore he was just heavily wounded, holding the knife for his own safety and just checking on Randy to see if he was alive. Dropping it and wobbling on his feet; begging police to save his girlfriend Sidney. Randy said he remembered Billy wailing when police told him Sidney was dead…Almost too dramatically. Whatever he meant by that? And Dewey didn't remember anything after Neil in a costume stabbed him in the back…Just that Gale Weathers was shot in the head on the porch next to him and they must have assumed Dewey was dead.
But Neil Prescott, Sidney Prescott, Tatum Riley, Gale Weathers and Kenny the Cameraman were tragically murdered that night. You weren't there and two of the survivors had foggy memories and the other two, Billy and Stu, swore it was Neil getting revenge over his wife's death. Killing his own daughter as a murder suicide before trying to kill her boyfriend for his Dad sleeping with Maureen Prescott and all of Sidney's friends in some insane rampage.
You have to admit, it was so odd and made no sense but who were you to argue with two friends that lost both their girlfriends and were nearly stabbed to death? You weren't there but the imprint it left on everyone in Woodsboro was beyond present.
It was early August. You all graduated a few months ago and now everyone was off to college. Randy was going to study film at Windsor College in Ohio. Billy and Stu were going to the East Coast…And you…Had no idea where you were going; if you were even going at all. All you knew was your already slashed friend group was falling apart and you couldn't stomach it.
You blinked, looking over to see Randy in the passenger seat while Stu sneaked some liquor from his parents house and you sat in the backseat.
"You still here? You look like you're a million miles away."
You gave a slight smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"...You sure?" He tentatively asked.
You forced a smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'm cool. Really…Just-" You stretched with a groan. "Ready to go have fun in the woods I guess."
Randy smirked slightly. "Yeah because we just survived Halloween last year; let's go try to survive Friday the 13th next."
You sighed and leaned your head back on the seat. "Yeah…I still can't believe it happened. It's a shame Billy couldn't come with us."
"Not really…" Randy muttered.
You sat up in your seat, looking over at him. "Uh…Why?"
Randy looked towards Stu's front door to make sure you both were alone before looking at you and whispering. "I just…I know what Stu and Billy said but I swear, YN…Billy shot me and was coming over with the knife to finish the job." You went to chuckle, unsure what to say but Randy hissed out. "I'm serious!" Your smile dropped as he continued. "I mean, yes things are blurry for me after being shot and Dewey remembers fuck all nothing but…Something just isn't right! I know Billy is guilty."
You leaned over, risking touching Randy's hand and his gaze softened. Tatum swore you both would end up together telling you 'You could do so much better than a film geek who's foreplay is listing off the top nude scenes in cinema history.'...You disagreed but you were too chicken to just come right out and ask him especially after you knew how much he liked Sidney and now she was gone. The second he told you he got accepted into Windsor this early Summer; you backed off the idea completely.
"Then why not come out-"
Randy hissed out. "Yeah, and have Billy murder me next? I just come up mysterious offing myself off a bridge with a stab wound in my chest police are gonna ignore and say was self inflicted? I don't think so!"
"Randy, I know how you felt about Sidney but…It's been a year. We have to just accept that Neil did it and move on."
Randy gave you an exasperated sigh. "I know it seems like I'm not coping but you don't find it odd that both Stu and Billy were stabbed multiple times in the side? I mean, what type of plot armor is that? And why would Neil kill himself and his daughter at a party with other innocent teens if his motive really was him going crazy with grief?"
You opened your mouth then closed it…Not really sure of the answer yourself.
"I suspected Stu because he was such a lapdog to Billy. Still is…But I can't shake the feeling Billy Loomis is lying and Stu is covering for him. I mean, the dramatic way he was sobbing and screaming-"
"He just lost his girlfriend, Randy."
"Yeah but this was excessive it just…What motive sounds better? Teen boy riddled with angst, angry at his girlfriend not sleeping with him but her Mom slept with his Dad and probably was why his Mom split a few years ago and he's damaged from it beyond repair… Or an old man still upset at his wife's murder that could have just killed him and his daughter anytime at home suddenly going missing and just so happens to reappear to kill a bunch of teens for no reason at a party?"
You frowned. "...Billy's a good guy under it all, Randy. Why would he kill his friends and girlfriend?"
Randy shrugged. "How do we know Stu wasn't in on it?"
You scrunched your face. "What?"
"YN, Casey was Stu's ex and Tatum was Stu's girlfriend and it was at Stu's house and any kills related to Billy would make sense since they're best friends-"
"Randy." You sighed out, patting his hand. "Neil had evidence on the phone records…I don't understand it either but we gotta just accept it and move on."
Randy huffed but glanced at you patting his hand, his glare softening. "Yeah well, if you ask me I think it's a criminal getting away with murder."
"What is?" Stu chimed in, opening the door quickly.
Randy faltered before muttering. "Uh…O.J. Simpson case 2 years ago."
Stu chuckled. "Yeah that was crazy, had me hooked! Came home and watched it every single day." He glanced at your hand on Randy's and smirked. "Whatchya kids doing?…Getting cozy?"
You and Randy jerked your hands away as Randy faintly blushed, turning in his seat and mumbled. "Stu, did you get everything?"
"Yep. Got some fireball and mad dog."
Randy raised a brow. " I expected some fancy chardonnay or scotch."
Stu grinned. "Nah, these are my sister Leslie's…She's knocked up, what she don't know won't hurt her." He started the car.
"Yeah till all her liquor is missing after the baby arrives." You mused.
Stu backed up and smiled. "Nah man, she loves me. I'm the best lil bro ever."
You scoff with a smirk. "I highly fucking doubt that."
"Tskk. Girl, you're lucky it's our going away bash." Stu tsked out with a mock glare before he snickered. You frowned a little as you all drove.
It was near dark when you all finally settled in.
A small set of woods next to a creek with a small bonfire Stu started. He just had to carry a large log and groan loudly while dropping it, flexing his biceps on purpose while grinning at you…It wasn't that you weren't attracted to Stu you just knew how he was. He was hard to say no to but you also knew how much he tried cheating on Tatum. He's a damn dog and you didn't take him too seriously with his flirting.
Randy gave him an annoyed look. "Hey Arnold, how about you get small pieces that actually burn?"
Stu rolled his eyes but took the mad dog bottle with him. "Whatever. I guess the man's gotta do all the work while you girls sit at the fire…Be right back…Don't do any fooling around without me-" Stu winked before walking in the dark.
You and Randy both rolled your eyes as you bashfully chuckled. "G-God he's dumb sometimes."
Randy took a swig of the fireball and chuckled nervously. "No totally is…Like, a moron…"
You both sat at the small fire in silence as you hugged your legs. Randy noticed you shiver. "You cold? Here…Don't say I'm not chivalrous." He put his jacket over you as you smiled softly at him and thanked him.
You both sat in silence a moment longer, listening to the fire crackle before you told him. "So…Windsor."
"Yeah, it's far but it's got the best curriculum and all that…It's really far....Away from Woodsboro bullshit...Gonna be weird being so far away."
You frowned and stared at the fire before mumbling. "I'll miss you, ya know…"
Randy looked taken aback, quietly asking you. "...You will?"
You chug the fireball with a grunt and cough a bit before handing it back to him. "Of course I will. No more movie nights, no more cruising late at night, no more spending time together goofing off…I'm gonna miss your annoying ass, Randy."
"Yeah, you're way more annoying than me." Randy blushed a bit and smiled down at his feet. "Well…God, YN. I'm gonna miss you too, ya know. I just was scared it'd be too embarrassing to say it first…I really…Ya know…I like-"
You looked at him and smiled. "Do you like me?"
"Of course I like you, YN."
"I mean…REALLY like me?"
Randy got flustered, looking down and stumbling over his words. "I mean y-yeah but y-you know…It's not…I do really like you you're pretty and…Not that t-that's the only thing but-"
You felt the fireball whiskey you've all been sharing taking effect. Honestly, your throat burned from it and you weren't as cold. And…You might never see Randy again. You liked him even if he wasn't as conventional attractive as Billy or as smooth as Stu; you liked him. Maybe you were just being a hopeless romantic horny teen or or maybe you were just panicking over him leaving or maybe it was genuine but all you knew was that…If you didn't act now, it would never happen. Even if Randy went to the opposite end of the country and met a bunch of college girls and forgot about you…It was still something your tipsy mind felt inclined to do.
I smiled at him while he rambled. "Randy?"
He hummed in his throat with that bashful look on his face you were starting to enjoy.
"...Stop talking and kiss me." You softly told him with a smile.
"O-Oh?....Oohh." He smiled a goofy grin with a red face, his fair skin no match for the way you were flustering him. Honestly, your cheeks felt warm too and you weren't sure if that's the alcohol or your nerves talking.
You both slowly leaned forward and kissed. It was feather light and chaste before you both smiled and did it again a bit longer this time and before you knew it…He scooted closer to you and ran his hands up and down your shoulder through his jacket while your lips moved together. You hummed into the kiss as you just…God, what were you doing? You gently pulled him down by his shirt collar as he moaned softly against your mouth. Before your lips moved together a few minutes and…You soon groaned lightly as you felt his tongue tentatively run across your lips before you met his tongue as well…Both of you making out in the woods next to a bonfire…It wasn't unheard of or anything. You both were 19 and you both clearly had feelings for each other or at least attraction …You felt like you should stop and think but you couldn't. Your body was warm and tingly, Randy was moaning and moving his lips so slow and tentative across your mouth, his tongue was shyly exploring you…You can tell he didn't kiss like this often but you didn't care either. If anything? It made you want to keep going. To let this be a fun first of many things before he left.
You experimentally rubbed your tongue in firm circles against his and he groaned softly. His tongue is getting more erratic. Not rough but less controlled as his hands started trailing up your leg. You bit his lip slightly and he sounded out your name. Just hearing that made you heat up…God, it's like you couldn't control yourself! You weren't drunk but the tiny bit of liquid courage and hormonal lust and the romanticism of being in the woods next to a crackling fire and knowing he was leaving for god knows how long. You gripped his hair and kissed him more passionately with a louder moan against his mouth. Both of you made out as he ran his hand up to your thigh and you just…Instinctively opened your thighs. God you just had to wear something that showed this much skin. His hand eagerly yet nervously up and down your thigh gripping and rubbing while trailing to your hips as you massaged your tongue with his.
Then he did something that made you whine in your throat. Roughly massaging your hips and biting your lip. He quickly stopped pulling away with concern. "Shit…Oh shit, did I hurt you? I'm sorry-" He breathlessly huffed out.
You furiously shook your head and dragged him back to your mouth. "No, do it again-" Both of your tongues meeting once more as your thigh hitches around his hip to pull him closer. This was getting out of control. This was so sudden and crazy and you were almost scared what this would do to your friendship but then you remembered all 3 of them Billy, Stu and Randy leave in a week or less and those cares go out the window. Hell, you might leave Woodsboro and they might never come back and you might never seen them again.
You trusted Randy, you felt safe with Randy, you felt…Damn turned on with how his thumb was subconsciously caressing your pelvic bone.
"Randy." You pant out as he just kept kissing you rougher than before. Like you turned him on as much as he turned you on. Like he was glued at the hip to you and couldn't possibly escape. You lightly pushed him up to talk. His eyes searched to make sure you were enjoying this as he sweetly stopped the second you asked…Oh…Oh you knew. He was it. If it was happening, it was happening right fucking now and you just had to act on it before you chickened out. "Randy…I want to."
Randy raised a brow blinking repeatedly as if he hadn't heard you right as he stammered. "W-What? Want??..."
" Randy…Sex." Your face warmed as you smiled at him. "You don't have to."
He hesitated. "I know I'm being a dork but why?"
You sheepishly smirked and stumbled out. "W-Well...Listen, we both like each other. We both feel good right now and Stu hasn't came back in minutes doing god knows what and hopefully he gives us privacy. And…I might not see you for a long while."
Randy couldn't get any redder but his eyes hooded a bit while he swallowed. "Are…Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Hurry before he does come back. There's no one I trust like you and this is perfect right now." You admitted with a shy smile.
You saw Randy look at you fondly. The look in itself made you feel butterflies as he went back to kissing you. Getting more adventurous as his one hand squeezed your thigh and the other played with your chest through your shirt. You grunted and quickly started getting rid of any fabric on your lower body as Randy's hands shook undoing his belt and zipper. Both of you excited and nervous and just eager to do something like this.
"Are you positive? Are you drunk or-"
You cupped his face. "I'm not any more tipsy than you are. Don't hesitate on my part...Do you want this?"
He eagerly nodded with a groan as he nervously positioned himself near your entrance. You were wet enough for him to slide in if he pushed. He kept his tip there and groaned out. "I'm asking...Because I never thought in a million years a girl like you would do this with me."
"Randy, put it in." You encouraged him with a bite of your lip. You hummed in your throat as you felt him push in. He wasn't long or too girthy. In fact, he felt slightly bigger than if a few fingers were in you…But for how nervous you both were and how quick this had to be? It was the perfect size. He hesitantly moved in you and groaned while you huffed a bit. You nodded your head when he looked at you and he did it again. And again. His hips slowly found a rhythm as he seemed to curve into your g spot every so often. You softly whined as you reached up to kiss him. Feeling heat all over and those feel good tingling sensation shoot from your g spot deep into your core with those certain strokes.
"Up a bit. Angle your hips upward." You instructed with a smile and bite of your lip.
"Like this?" Randy's eyes were hooded as his mouth parted. He angled his hips to roll up and you moaned a bit.
"Just like that…Just like that, Randy…Oh." You softly moaned as you felt yourself get more turned on with each stroke. "Faster…" You became painfully aware after a few moments that Stu could come back and you both could be interrupted. "Yes, Randy…Yes." You softly sighed out as he picked up the pace and you moaned a bit. Feeling your hips move with him. His dick rubbing against a very nice spot thanks to him listening to you.
"Oh YN…Oh shit, YN…You feel so good." Randy whimpered out a bit as you could tell he was getting close.
You kissed him and in between kisses. "Not yet…Please I'm close not yet-" You whined as you tried focusing on the pleasure of it all. Being with Randy like this, the memory of it going to seal into your brain forever at how close your feeling to him and how good he was making you feel even for a first time and even if you didn't cum.
Another few moments went by and you swore you were on the edge as Randy looked like he was really trying to hold out for you…All before you heard a whistle.
You both froze, stopped moving completely. Stu's annoying voice ringing out. "No fucking way! God damn, I leave for 10 minutes and you're both fucking in the woods?! YN…Damn girl, I didn't know you got down like that and with Ray?" Stu laughed out while sticking out his tongue.
Randy pulled out so quick it was almost painful as he covered himself and you tried shoving your legs together as Stu walked closer.
Randy was so red faced with a glare as he breathlessly snapped. "You were probably fucking watching us and just waiting to ruin it, perv!"
Stu chuckled but kept walking closer. "Maybe…It was kind of hot…Well, YN was…" You quickly tried to get your clothes over your wet and throbbing between your legs with how close you were to cumming before Stu squatted down and whispered to you. "Hey, babygirl. Shhh…Calm down…You enjoyed that, didn't you?" He smiled at you.
You felt mortified. You were started to wonder if Stu was a fucking sadist with how much joy he got in spoiling these sort of things. He couldn't wait 2 more minutes, if that?!
Stu touched your knee and Randy protectively shoved it away. "Hey man, what the fuck are you doing?!"
"Relax!" Stu drew out. "Relax baby…You look like you had fun…Do you feel good?" Stu gently pushed your chin up with his hand and you felt your head spinning.
Stu smiled down at you and your eyes couldn't help seeing the bulge in his jeans. A big ass fucking bulge. Your mouth dried and you screamed at yourself this was wrong to Randy and this was fucked up and this was all going too far but Stu gently pushed your chin up to look at him. "You're beautiful, baby…Had me so damn hard watching you.... Did Randy make your pussy feel good, honey?" He cooed softly.
You couldn't even answer that! The way Stu was looking at you and his voice dripping those words…His frame and his tent in his pants. This was nuts…Oh god this was nuts but fuck you were losing what little resolve you had.
Randy shoved him as Stu fell back on his ass with a grin. "Hey! Enough!" Randy snapped out.
Stu smirked at you as he leaned back. His bulge looked even bigger as you saw his muscles in his arms and that flirty grin on his face. He stuck out his long thick tongue jokingly like he did and your clit jolted on its own. You couldn't deny his appeal or charming words while he was looking at you.
"Is it enough, Ray?...I don't think it is." He crawled towards you and your chest heaved up and down with every eager breath. "I think…She is very, very unsatisfied. I think she needs a little more…Don't you baby?" He crawled over to you and before Randy could react. He kissed you.
Stu was so passionate and eager compared to Randy. His tongue demanded to go in your mouth as he gripped your head and ran firm but slow movements along your teeth and tongue all before sucking on your tongue a bit. He released you, teeth grazing your lower lip with a chuckle as you were in a daze looking at him.
Randy went to fight or flight, you weren't sure which before Stu held up a hand. "Now hold on here, man! Why don't we all have fun? It's just us three in the woods. We're all going to separate college's. You didn't shoot your load…She's hot and bothered...I'm horny myself…Why not?"
Stu gazed at you lustfully and you felt down right out submissive and shy in the best way with him. It was like night and day between him and Randy but you were so turned on and tipsy and Stu was making good points.
You knew it wasn't a good idea…But fuck it.
Randy's eyes widened at you. "Okay!?" He seemed hurt.
"Only if you're okay with it, Randy!" You quickly saved, looking up at him. "Stu's right, we're all going to college soon at least you both are. And so far away and we're all kind of turned on and it's…It's whatever you want."
Randy seemed completely torn and you couldn't blame him. You were too.
Stu sighed. "Come on, man! Look, it's a one time thing and even though most girls can't get enough of me once I lay down the pipe-" He rolled his eyes. "I'm sure she'll probably meet you on break every semester to tickle your gerkin, alright? I ain't stealing her or nothin and it'll be fun…Actually never had a threesome before."
Randy still seemed conflicted till Stu just put his hand in between your legs. You yelped in surprise before he started rubbing the softest circles right above your clit on the hood. It made it feel good but ache for more at the same time as you just couldn't contain the tiny moan that came out as he whispered in your ear. "That's a good girl…You like that, don't you?"
He looked at Randy while he still played with you. His thick long fingers sliding down both lips on either side; up and down. Getting the blood flow circulating as you just naturally opened your legs with a soft groan. Your pussy on full display to Randy as he gulped and stared.
"See? You really wanna leave her like this? She's so damn willing and ready, man. Don't you wanna take turns getting dirty in the woods with such a dirty little girl we got here?" He teased you as he kissed your neck and his fingers rubbed over your clit. You moaned louder with your head falling back as Stu's fingers rubbed rougher than you liked but with how turned on you were it just felt good.
Before you knew it, Stu put both hands on your thighs and slowly pushed them open. "Easy, baby, Easy, easy…Let me show you a good time, babe." He whispered to you as you saw Randy watch with a bite of his lip.
You nodded as you let Stu separate your thighs and being the sadist he was. He just stared at your pussy for as long as it made you self conscious…All before taking his fingers and barely touching your clit with the back of them. Tilting his head and smirking as you squirmed a bit.
"Someone's a little eager slut tonight."
"Stu just!-...Do something!" You groaned out in annoyance. This was already surreal and he was making you have second thoughts teasing like this.
"Alright, alright…She's a bossy slut too." He mocked while unzipping himself. Your eyes bulged at how big he was. He was 6'4 and lean so it shouldn't be a shock but compared to Randy? It made you a bit nervous. He smiled at you. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll make it fit…You'll be so sloppy wet for me. It'll slide right in that hot little pussy like butter, babygirl."
You felt heat in your core at how he looked at you and talked to you. Jesus Christ.
He laughed. "Damn, Randy! She's bone dry-" Stu spit right on your pussy. "You suck, man."
You went to roll your eyes and argue he was full of shit and Randy had you wet. Not dripping but wet…But everything died in your throat when you felt a hot wet tongue swipe that spit over your inner lips. You couldn't help gasping loudly. Stu just did what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted with such vulgar passion. He didn't hesitate anything as he just dove right into eating you out.
You cried out louder than you intended as his tongue started lapping slowly but firm over your aching clit. Rolling that long hot tongue over and over. The whimpers and moans just spilled out of you as Stu eagerly licked your pussy. His tongue was just as flexible as it was long as he made all kinds of wet noises with his mouth as he licked and sucked at your clit. Sucking while doing fast licking motions had your hips bucking a bit.
You were in your own world right now. You didn't know anything but how Stu was making you feel with how eager he was.
You spared a glance at Randy to see him roughly palming himself through his pants with a bite of his lip. Just that sight turned you on beyond repair. All of this did! In fact, you were shocked how quickly you came. It took half the amount of time it did for you normally as you cried out and grabbed Stu's head. Your hips bouncing against him involuntarily before just laying there spasming. You tried squirming away as Stu smirked against your folds, continuing his assault on your sensitive clit even after the orgasm.
"Stu! S-Shit, noooo-oooohh." You moaned out even if that 'no' didn't have as much force as it should have.
"Hey, she's done." Randy told Stu with a glare. Clearly both jealous and bitter yet turned on at the same time.
Stu rolled his eyes and pulled away, purposely wiping your wetness off his chin in front of you. "Finnnee…I got her soaked anyways. Think she's ready to take all this-" He sat up and held the base of his dick. It was at least 7 to 8 inches long and thicker than you thought. You couldn't tell if it was as thick as Randy or slightly more but it was a sight for sure.
Randy looked at you. "YN, you don't have to do this-"
"Man, shut up!" Stu barked out before scoffing. "If she didn't want it, she'd say it…Ain't that right, YN? Come on, Sweetcheeks. I kinda want you to beg for it anyways-" Stu leveled his cockhead at your wet entrance and you quivered a bit. "Go on. Beg."
You were tongue tied before he slid it up between your folds. The wet shlicking noises just as loud as the fire crackling as his tip met your clit and he just rubbed his length up and down between your wet lips.
"Beg for it." He demanded again.
"I-I want it." You forced out with a swallow.
"You can beg better than that, girl. Tell me what a filthy slut you are."
Randy glared at Stu but you were so horny and him talking to you like that was something you didn't know you needed but now you did!
"I'm a slut for it…I want it." You mumbled as Randy's eyes widened.
Stu stared down at you. His gaze dark and his eyes transfixed on you as he tapped his cock in his hand against your clit. "What are you a slut for?"
"For…Wanting you to fuck me in the woods in front of Randy." It sounded so wrong but it just came out.
Stu smirked. "Are you my slut?"
That you faltered on and he barely stuck it in. That tiny little burn no matter how wet you were both annoyed you and made you crazy. It was mildly uncomfortable but made you ache for it.
"Are you…My…Slut?" He demanded.
"God damn it, Stu! Fine! I'm your filthy slut, okay?!" You hissed out eagerly looking down.
Stu giggled a bit and stuck his tongue out. "Man, I just asked for slut but now you're a filthy one? Yeah, you are. You're a filthy girl. A dirty, filthy, slutty girl and you're all mine…And now Ray gets to watch how I fuck my girls pussy."
He slid in faster than he needed to and you openly him. "Stop!"
Stu rolled his eyes but didn't slam back in again. "Yeah, I know I got a lot of manhood to take…Don't worry, you'll get used to it." He barely moved his hips upward and between the stretch and the motion you didn't know whether to cry or moan.
Stu whistled at Randy. "Hey, you just gonna let her be in pain here? Come on, boy wonder. Rub her clit."
You didn't want it to stop but your body was having a hard time getting used to the stretch. You bit your lip and cringed and before you knew it, Randy was on his knees and his hand was between your legs. You sighed as he rubbed tiny firm circles on your clit.
Stu whispered huskily. "Atta girl…Easy easy…Her pussy just took another inch of me on its own. Keep rubbing her, Ray."
Randy retorted as he spread some of your wetness over your clit and moved it around the hardened bud. "I'm shocked you know what a clit is. Figured you hit it like a caveman and split before the girl can even put her panties back on."
Stu grabbed your ankles in his hands and started moving in you. "Man, screw you. You're the fucking virgin…Was…How do you know what a clit is?"
"Anatomy books and uh…Look, the video store gets boring and we got porno's to stock." Randy rubbed those circles on your clit with his long but soft fingers. "How you feeling YN?"
You moaned softly with each trust. "Good. Faster." You closed your eyes and tried to just focus on how thick Stu was, how he filled you up and seemed to touch every nerve, how Randy's fingers felt.
Stu smirked. "You heard her, man. Faster." And before you knew it, Stu let go of your ankles and shoved your knees back instead, putting his full weight on your thighs as he started pumping in and out of you. He wasn't hard but it was a steady, fast and steady rhythm that made your leg shake.
"FUCK!" You cried out, moaning louder as Randy picked up the pace and bit his lip while he watched you.
Stu jerked your shirt and ordered Randy. "Help out a little, man! Undo her bra and play with her tits. I wanna see them bounce a bit. God knows you never felt those before. Probably gonna tweak the nipple like a radio knob." Stu chuckled in between huffs as he thrusted in you.
Randy blushed and shoved your bra up to show your breast. "Bite me." Randy retorted while one hand circled your nipple and the other circled your clit at the same rhythm.
"Jesus Christ, man. Pinch it, pull it, rub it harder. She needs to cum. She's desperate for it."
Randy hesitated before gently pulling one of your nipples while rubbing your clit faster and you felt your head roll back with a moan.
"Yeah man, keep playing with those. She loves it." Stu talked like you weren't a person. Like you were a toy and somehow that turned you on more.
Then, he hit a spot that had you jolt and a wave of hot pleasure course through you. It was past your g spot and near your cervix you couldn't tell if it was behind or below or what but you just knew it was an area you couldn't reach with fingers but the way he positioned you had him hitting that A spot. It should hurt but instead it almost felt like a mini orgasm course through you but not quite. It was...Fucking amazing!
Stu and Randy saw your reaction and gave you a curious look. Stu slowly rolled his hips so he pressed against that spot again and your back arched. Stu got a wicked grin on his face as he started pumping into you there in those deep long strokes. "I think I found a sweet spot, huh Sweetcheeks?"
You moaned high pitched as you felt that heat pooling in you. Randy kept playing with your clit and nipples with a strained turned on expression.
Stu giggled. "I know Randy's probably a cuck on the low but damn girl you're selfish. You aren't gonna offer him a hand or anything?"
The idea of getting Randy off turned you on and honestly felt right with how he was pleasuring you. Everything was ecstasy right now as you tried to hastily undo his pants while Stu kept bouncing your body while thrusting in you. Randy quickly helped you, all of you breathing heavily and moaning or grunting. You grasped Randy and started pumping him quickly. You were so close and so fucking turned on you couldn't imagine going slow. He didn't seem to mind, moaning deeply as he kept massaging your clit and Stu held you down; pounding against that deep spot that felt addictive.
This lasted another few moments before Stu started grunting and going a bit faster. And that's all it took. Him pounding that wonderful spot and your g spot every other thrust while holding you down, Randy rubbing your clit and roughly palming your breast, you jerking Randy off and hearing him moan and whimper. You came undone almost screaming. Stu clamped his hand over your mouth and pounded. "That's right, baby. Cum on my cock! Take this shit, babygirl...Good girl. That's a good girl, cum for me."
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he made you ride it out. Your kegel muscles sucking and squeezing on him involuntarily as he dragged himself out of you and quickly started jerking his cock off. It was just seconds before Stu groaned and hot spurts of his cum splashed onto your stomach. He let go of your mouth as Randy stopped moving on your clit. Closing his eyes and whining as you pumped him still.
"Shit…Shit-" Stu laughed out breathlessly. "That was a close call, man…God damn, YN…" He groaned out before looking at Randy with a smile.
Randy hadn't came yet, huffing and trying as you jerked him off.
Stu being the talker he was told you. "Give the man some release. Let him cum on your tits, babe. It's gonna be the only pair he'll ever get."
You nodded, almost smiling at the idea as you saw how desperate Randy was. "It's okay, Randy. Go ahead. I want you to cum...Cum for me, Randy."
Stu chimed in. "See? She gave you the A okay, my guy-"
"Stu, I'd cum faster if you would shut up." Randy grumbled with furrowed eyebrows.
Stu snickered to himself.
You decided to help Randy a bit. Moving your hand up and down his thigh through his jeans while encouraging him. "That's it Randy...That's it, cum for me...You're doing good." It took just a few moments before Randy's body stiffened and a low groan escaped him and he came on you.
You didn't even care. You were exhausted and on cloud nine as you all just stayed there a moment before Stu bent down and licked his own cum off your belly. You just sighed and tried to calm down a bit. Praying he didn't lick between your legs again because a part of you was too sensitive and another part knew you wouldn't be able to say no.
Stu wiped his mouth. "I'll clean mine but I am not cleaning Ray's. That's gay."
You couldn't help chuckling as Randy rolled his eyes and offered you a napkin. He almost went to clean you off but saw your breast and faltered a bit. Sheepishly handing it to you to clean off yourself while he looked away a bit. The realization of post nut clarity hitting him and maybe you? But Stu seemed unashamed as hell.
Stu finally zipped himself up. "So, are we doing this again?"
You cringed. "Stu I don't know this was like a one time thing so...Maybe later? All I know is we are NEVER letting this get out."
"Aw, where's the fun in that?"
Randy coughed and looked away as he mumbled at Stu. "Seriously man, what happens in the woods stays in the woods."
Stu rolled his eyes with a smirk. "You prudes. It was fun! Not my fault Randy was a cuck and YN is a bit of a kinkier girl than what she wants to say-" He got up. "Okay, Imma take a leak. You guys better not do anything without me…AGAIN."
You and Randy both sat there awkwardly smiling and trying to form the words for what happened and what this meant going forward.
Meanwhile, Stu quickly rushed a ways away from the bonfire with a wicked grin on his face. Pulling out his flip phone he just got that had really become smaller than the cellular he and Billy used last year.
He giggled as he typed up Billy's number. Randy just was desperate for female attention especially after they murdered Sid, Stu liked you but he also just liked sex and anyone giving him attention if he was being honest but Billy? He genuinely had a crush on you for years but you never realized it. Stu knew Billy would probably kick his ass but it was worth it.
"Hey Billy boy…Guess what I juusstt diiid…And with who."
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queenmayor23 · 1 year
Happy anniversary Mr. Diaz
"Hey, Y/N. What's up?"
"Eddie. I need your help."
"Is everything okay? You're not hurt, are you?"
"Yeah, no. Just come over, please."
After waiting, there's a knock on the door. Y/N answers it in his robe and invites Eddie inside. "I was about to take a shower, and that's when I saw it."
"Saw what?"
Y/N's eyes avoid Eddie, making him more suspicious. "You won't believe me. You need to go in there and see for yourself. It's in my bathroom."
Eddie slowly walks into the apartment and into Y/N's room, opening the door to his bed covered in rose petals and lit candles all around the room.
"Y/N, I don't see anything."
Eddie turns around to Y/N in a sexy police officer costume.
"Dispatch, be advised we have a 10-70 in progress. Stand by with additional RA Units. Fire is already on scene."
Y/N slowly walked toward Eddie, who looked him up and down like a piece of raw meat dangled for a hungry lion. 
"¡Ay, caramba!"
"You like?" Y/N reaches out his hand, and Eddie takes it in his own, spinning Y/N around and pulling him in with his other hand on his waist. Their lips connect. Eddie bites Y/N's bottom lip, refusing to let go until he gets his hands on the costume handcuffs on Y/N's utility belt. Eddie's hands found themselves resting on Y/N's waist, and Y/N's were around Eddie's neck where they had been many nights before.
"Happy anniversary Mr. Diaz."
"Happy anniversary to you too, Mr. Diaz. Did you set all of this up?"
"This, yes. But I had help in other departments."
"So Hen and Karen deciding to have a slumber party and inviting Christopher for the weekend-"
"My idea, Karen enforced."
"This outfit?"
"One of Buck's Halloween party ideas. He had the firefighter, I had the cop, and we bought you a biker."
"Of course Buck had something to do with it. Why isn't he here too?"
"We decided that since he gets you all day at work, I get you tonight, and after our shifts, Bobby is going to cook us a wonderful dinner at your place where we will have a full night of alone time just the three of us."
Y/N kisses Eddie again, their hands tightening.
"My husband and boyfriend plotting against me? I like it."
"Now, all we have to do is get a couch for Buck's place."
"And tell Christopher we're married."
"If we do that, I'm gonna have to move in."
"I think I can handle that."
"Oh yeah? That means no more nights of debauchery that last until sunrise."
"But I get to sleep in the same bed as the man I love, he can sit on my lap whenever he wants rubbing my bulge on his ass, and I can kiss you over and over until I get sick. Then you can take care of me, and we can start again."
Eddie takes the handcuffs and confines Y/N's hands behind his back. Eddie guides Y/N to the bed, lifting him to have his face in the pillows and the skin-tight black shorts pointing to the roof. Ripping off his shirt and jumping out of his jeans, Eddie notices the number of candles lit around the room.
"You're lucky I am a firefighter because we are one wind gust away from a five-alarm fire."
"Maybe we could put them to good use while they're still hot."
Eddie smiles. "I love the way you think, Mr. Diaz."
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jungle-angel · 8 months
Daddy's Little Helper (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Ever since opening your own store, Amy's been yours and Rhett's biggest helper
Rhett stood waiting on the sidewalk outside the little farm store he had opened up with you several years before, the porch freshly swept, the rocking chairs rocking a little in the chilly October air as he waited for the bus from Amy's school to pull next to the sidewalk and let her off.
Sure enough, the little yellow bus from the Amelia County Steiner School pulled up and opened its doors to let Amy off, the five year old jumping off the last step and into Rhett's arms, happy and excited to be spending the rest of the afternoon with him at the store.
"Mommy have the babies yet?" she chirped.
"Nope, not till December, Doodlebug," he told her, holding her hand as they walked up the wooden porch steps.
He opened the front door, the little bell above the threshold ringing as they walked in, enveloped by all the smells of fall.
"What'd ya'll do at school today, Doodlebug?" he asked, prepping her after school snack.
"We made soup and bread for lunch," Amy answered. "And then we got to go outside and play in the woods."
"You gonna carve pumpkins soon?"
Rhett couldn't help but smile at her little giggles. Hearing them always seemed to brighten his day, even if they were already brighter than the sun itself.
The two of them spent hours in the store, prepping all the baked goods for the weekend and setting up the shelves full of cloth, beeswax, dyed wool, little hand tools and kits to put small craft items together. Unfortunately, Rhett had to keep Amy from sticking her fingers into the melted chocolate that was meant for some of the homemade Halloween candy.
"Alright Doodlebug, last one then we've gotta go home," Rhett told her as he lifted her up off her feet.
Amy carefully placed the little wicker basket of yarn on the top shelf, carefully sliding it into its spot before Rhett set her down. Once the lights were shut off and the doors locked for the night, Rhett loaded Amy into the truck and headed for home.
No sooner had he pulled into the turn-around in the driveway and gotten Amy out of her carseat, than Diesel came charging right for her, his big mug stretched into his dopey dog grin that rottweilers were known for.
Rhett gave him as many scritches as he possibly could before he shooed them both into the house. Hannah came waddling in from the living room as soon as he had kicked off his shoes, her little self scooped right up off the floor before Rhett littered her cheeks with kisses.
"Where's Nana honey?" he asked.
"Nana's in the kitchen!!!" Cecelia answered loudly.
All Rhett had to do was follow the scent of dinner cooking in the crockpot, some sort of beef dish that had been soaked in herbs, spices and red wine before being stuck right on a bed of veggies. Cecelia was busy cutting up the green beans for the sides, but was still happy to have the rest of the family in for dinner.
"How goes Grumpy?" she asked.
"Better than ever Ma," he answered. "It's Friday night, we can all relax and not worry about having to do anything tomorrow."
"Yeah well, your father and I are gonna have to open the store tomorrow since you're taking Amy and Hannah to the pumpkin patch," she told him.
"How's (y/n)?" he asked.
"Tired," Cecelia answered. "She's upstairs resting but I think the boys have a case of restless leg syndrome."
Rhett laughed a little before heading up the stairs to your shared bedroom. You were sat upright in bed, trying to plan your new main lesson block for the next four weeks with your fifth graders and to get the two little boys in your belly to stop kicking for two minutes.
"Ya'll doin ok Darlin?" Rhett asked, scooting in next to you.
"Well," you half chuckled. "I had to run home earlier than normal for a new pair of pants but I think I'm doing ok."
Rhett kissed your cheek and you kissed him right back on the lips. "Amy was a big helper this afternoon."
You hummed happily, melting right into your husband the same way the cats always did. "Maybe we can have her help once I'm on bedrest," you half laughed.
"I'm sure she won't mind," Rhett told you.
The two of you stayed like that for as long as you could, until Royal and Cecelia both called everyone in for dinner. Rhett helped you down the stairs, but despite the trouble, you were both only too happy to be surrounded by your family, the very people who loved you both the most.
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gingerjolover · 7 months
due to recent events a vampire themed halloween fic may be necessary .
vampy!jo coming up for the baby!
For the bit(e)! Jo Maskin x fem!reader
Jo insisted they couldn't spend another minute in the sailor's outfit. Despite your reassurance and saying "but you look so cute!" and even adding a tally under the "you rule" section on the whiteboard, Jo was determined to find another costume.
"The party is at 9 tonight," you say incredulously, looking at the digital clock above the stove, reading 1:30 p.m. "Babygirl, it's Halloween weekend in LA, I'm sure I can find something," Jo says cockily, grabbing their keys, smacking a wet kiss on your cheek and a pinch on your ass before walking out the door.
It's quite a few hours since Jo left, you hear the excited barks of your dog, their nails tapping on the tile floor as Jo calls into the house. "Where are you doll?"
"In the kitchen? Why?" you ask, putting the dish you were washing down in the sink.
"Whatever you're doing, close your eyes...safely," Jo calls out, sounding unsure.
You can't help but giggle at your partner's antics. "Okay, they're closed."
You hear shuffling, bags crinkling, and a few thuds as they hit the kitchen table. Without warning, Jo comes up behind you, warm hands sliding across your lower abdomen, settling on your hips before kissing your neck softly, pressing a slow peck to your jaw. "Keep them closed, okay?" Jo asks, kissing your ear quickly.
"Mhm," you nod, leaning back into Jo. Jo pulls away slightly, head leaving your shoulder before it returns a second later. Josette nuzzles their nose up the side of your neck, pecking your shoulder quickly before you feel a chomp, thick plastic pinching your skin.
"Ow! Josie, what the fuck was tha-" you exclaim, turning around to see your partner with fake vampire teeth in their mouth. Jo watches your face go from slightly hurt to shocked to confused, then to unimpressed.
"A vampire? Seriously?" you say, laughing slightly as you lean back against the sink and cross your arms.
Jo furrows their eyebrows, ripping the teeth from the mouth, spit going with it. "Ew," you laugh, wiping their mouth with your thumb.
"What's wrong with vampires?" they ask, eyes wide. You hold in a laugh, Jo looking legitimately offended.
"There's nothign wrong with...don't give me that look," you say squeezing the meat of Jo's cheek. "You were just talking some big game before you left, I thought you'd be something more...unique," you shrug, watching Jo's eyes widen more, pushing your hand away.
"How dare you? I'll have you know I have a unique spin on this," Jo says, stepping closer to you.
"Oh yeah? What is that?"
"I am the vampire, and you... are my vampire bride," Jo says excitedly, running to the bags and grabbing the veil, ripping it out of the packaging, and fixing it on your hair. They take a good look at you before stepping towards you, one arm snaking around your waist, pulling you into them. Your bodies are flush as they hold you, your lower back still against the sink.
"Vampire bride?" you ask, unimpressed. You watch Jo's eyes widen again, their smile growing before they kiss your cheek, face hiding in your neck.
"What's so special about a vampire bri-?" you start to speak, cut off by Jo's mouth, lightly sucking your neck. "What was that baby?" Jo asks. You can feel them smirking against your skin as they kiss and lick the expanse of your neck, one bicep around your waist, their other hand on your cheek, holding your head to give them access to your neck.
"I was um...just saying...there's nothing... special," you are cut off by your own moan, Jo sucking a hickey into your skin. Their teeth sink in, tongue lapping at the small bite mark, your skin already darkening.
"Babe you can't just do that, we are going out tonight," you whine, hand in Jo's hair, trying to pull them out of the crook between your neck and shoulder.
"This is part of the costume, babe, gotta mark you up," Jo moans against you, biting your shoulder before sucking another hickey into your skin.
"Oh come on, the vampire is marking their vampire bride, it makes perfect sense!" Jo murmurs, kissing your lips softly, eyes sultry and mischievous.
"You just wanted an excuse to give me hickeys; what are you, 15?"
"I'm sick of putting them where no one can see them," Jo winks, hands sliding down to your ass, one hand gripping a thigh and hiking it up onto their hip. "C'mon, please indulge me... do it for the bit! How funny would it be? I'm wearing these fake ass teeth, but your neck is all bruised..." Jo all but whines softly, kissing up and down your jaw. Jo looks at the clock on the stove, "It's 4:30 now...think of all the accessories I could put on your neck before we need to get dressed if we go to bed right now," they murmur, rubbing you through your jeans.
"I have work on Monday!" you remind Jo, pushing hair out of their eyes.
"I'll be careful," Jo promises with a murmur, eyes shining as they flicker back and forth between yours and your lips.
"Fine," you mutter, rolling your eyes and fighting back a smile.
"Okay take your shirt off," Jo says excitedly, eyes widening again as their fingers reach for the hem. "I was thinking you could wear your white bodysuit... your chest needs some accessories too..."
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ruggiethethuggie · 8 months
wc: 781 a/n: i'm telling you now, I may fall short on this but we will do our best lmao and idk what happened to my cute banner. forgive me.
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“♪♪ Spooky Scary Skeletons, Send shivers down your spine~”
You had been cleaning around the Ramshackle dorm all day because to be honest, it just needed more TLC than what you had been able to give it lately. It was the last day of September, but this was just the beginning of your real spooky season.
Every year you’d do a deep clean and then decorate your home in festive decorations. Bright green and purple witches’ hats and cauldrons, a bucket on every table with Halloween candies, and your favorite ghosts and pumpkins placed in just the right spots.
Decorating Ramshackle felt different than when you’d do your house back home, but you were trying to make the best of it since this was your favorite holiday. So you woke up this morning and immediately got to work and turned on your spooky music playlist after breakfast.
You stopped in your tracks, trying to figure out why on earth someone would be here this early- and on the weekend nonetheless. You tossed your cleaning rag onto the couch and opened the front door. 
“Hi, I have some pumpkin spice drinks for-,” they acted like they were reading a nonexistent label on the two drinks in their hands. “For a Y/N? Do you know them? They’re still supposed to tip me for these~”
The hyena beastman standing in your doorway gave a fangy grin as he handed you one of the drinks. “Rug, what are you doing here? Do you realize how early it is?” You stepped aside so he could come inside the dorm.
“Mmph,” he said with a nod as he drank his drink and plopped down on the couch, scooting the dirty cleaning rag away from him with his hand. He placed his drink on the coffee table, making sure he was using the coasters sitting out.
“I mean, yeah, I know what time it is. It’s spooky time.” You rolled your eyes at him and chuckled. “Okay, sure, but why not come over later? It’s like the crack ass of dawn right now,” you said as you leaned over the back of the couch next to him. “What? You don’t want my help? Aren’t you putting up your decorations today? Sure looks like you could use me. Y’know I used to work for a Spirit Halloween one time. It was a seasonal gig, but this guy was the one in charge of putting up all the displays.” 
He looked so proud of himself as he spoke; he was so happy to share his Halloween decoration accomplishments with you. “Oh, wow~” you said sarcastically. “You mean I’m here with a world renowned Halloween decorating connoisseur? And to think I go to the same school as them! Amazing…”
“Alright, butthead. I guess I’ll just leave then.” He got up from the couch and grabbed his drink. “Ahhh, guess all those… fun… fall ideas I had can go down the drain…,” he said in a sulking tone as he took a few steps towards the door before turning back to look at you.
“Don’t give me those eyes, you heathen.” You playfully glared at him, racking your brain to figure out his silly little schemes. “What kind of ‘fun fall ideas’ are you talking about?”
“Oh… it’s nothing. Nothing you wanna go do with me anyways. Guess I’ll have to find another to enjoy this Rugtober with.” He had his hand on the doorknob and a wide grin on his face as he looked at you. He knew what he was doing.
“Rugtober? What the hell is that?” you chuckled as you put your drink down and grabbed your cleaning rag once again.
“Uhh?! Only the best time of the year- and if you wanna join, you have to get a ticket from yours truly.”
You narrowed your eyes at him again and crossed your arms over your chest. “What’s the ticket gonna cost me?”
Ruggie opened the door and took another big sip of his drink. “Where’s the fun in me telling you? I’ll see you tomorrow, at the crack ass of dawn again, shyeheehee~”
“HEY?!” you shouted to him, his head popping back in before the door shut completely. “You’re just gonna leave? I thought you came to help decorate?!”
Ruggie looked around and snickered. “You look like you got it taken care of, Y/N. Seee youuu tomorrroowwwww~,” he sang as the door shut. You stood there and wondered what plans this “Rugtober” season would bring to you. At least this stupid pumpkin drink he brought you was going to fuel you through your cleaning, but you couldn’t help but wonder what he was scheming.
© Pumpkin Divider | please do not copy and or repost my work as your own, my brain is massive and these are my thoughts.
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catoslvt · 10 months
Ethan Landry x Reader
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If it was your Halloween party.
Deweys daughter, not with gale, though, with this girl called Candice.
Your brother is called Charlie.
Details of injury
Blaming yourself for your dad's death.
Everyone I knew was coming tonight, and I mean, I can't blame them, charlie and I always throw the best Halloween parties.
I stand waiting at the door for Tara and her friendgroup, Tara's my bestfriend, I'm a week older than her. She moved here six or seven months ago after what happened in Woodsboro, but my mom didn't let her and Sam move in with us after they found out who Sam's dad was, also my mom blames them for my dad's death.
She claims that even though they weren't together, she still loved him and the peace she got when it was my weekend at his house.
"Y/n hey!" Tara gasps as she quickly pulls me in for a hug. God, you couldn't tell we only saw each other only hours ago at school.
"Hi." I tell her laughing as Chad, Mindy, Anika, and Ethan walk in.
I've known ethan and anika almost my whole life, anika is one of my closest friends, and ethan is my boyfriend, i still get nervous saying that.
"So this is the infamous Riley Halloween party?" Mindy asks as she looks around my house with a small smirk on her face.
"Yep, ethan and I have spent every Halloween here since we knew y/n."anika gushes as she grabs onto mindys arm, which makes me smile.
Our friendgroup is full of couples.
You have Ethan and I, the first couple of the friendgroup, so we get called the originals.
You have Mindy and Anika, the two who got together in almost a week of knowing each other, so they get called the rushers.
And you've got Chad and Tara, the two who are so clearly in love, but neither of them will admit it, so they get called the deniers.
"So, where's the drink table?" Chad asks, and I point towards where about half the party stands, at our large dining table filled of plastic cups and drinks.
"Thanks." He says, nodding at me before him and Tara walk to the table, and mindy and anika walk towards my sofa, which leaves ethan and I standing at the door.
"Cute costume." I tell him with a smile, and he looks at me with a disappointed look on his face.
"Where's your costume?" He asks, motioning to my clothes I wore earlier at school.
"I couldn't pick one." I cry, and he stares at me confused.
"You have more than one costume?" He quizzes as he raises his eyebrows at me.
"Well, yeah, one for the party and then one for actual Halloween."I answer and he nods, I love Halloween.
"Do you want me to help you pick a costume?" He then asks, and I nod and grab his hand, quickly running up the stairs and leading him into my room, but when I open the door I see a couple making out on my bed.
"You two need to leave." I say as ethan laughs.
"No, you two can find a different room to bang in. This one's ours." The girl says trying to shoo us and I clear my throat.
"This is my room, so if we want to bang in it, then we don't need a reservation." I tell them and they both quickly look at me and gasp.
"Y/n hi! Great party." They say before they run out and run downstairs, clearly embarrassed.
As I lead ethan into my room, I close the door and lock it behind us so no other couple can't barge in here and try to have sex on my bed.
"So, my first costume is Cher from clueless." I say as I lay out the yellow costume on my bed.
"And the other one is a police woman costume.." I tell him, and he thinks for a moment as I turn to face him.
"Police woman tonight, Cher tomorrow." Ethan tells me as he nods, and I grab the pirate costume in one of my hands, and I motion for him to turn and face my door, which he quickly does before before I start changing.
Once I'm done, I stare at myself in my mirror and can't help but picture my dad.
"Can I turn now?" Ethan awkwardly asks and I laugh, completely forgetting he was turned around.
"Yeah sorry." I apologise and he turns to me and smiles.
"You look really gorgeous." Ethan tells me, and I blush but smile and take a step closer to him as I place my hands on his shoulders.
"So do you." I tell him before I try to kiss him, but his cardboard helmet makes it impossible to.
"Shit, sorry." He laughs as he takes off his helmet before he kisses me.
I kiss back and laugh before chad begins to bang on my door.
"Come on, we have a problem!" He screams and I unlock my door and stare at him confused.
"What?" I ask as I stare at him.
"Sam just tazed one of Charlie's friends." He exclaims before he runs back downstairs.
I turn to ethan and motion for him to grab my hat before I run downstairs and out the front door, ethan following close behind.
When we get out of my house, I turn to ethan as he places his hat on my head and my hat on his, which makes me laugh.
"Why did you come? Wouldn't it have made more sense if you stayed at your house?" Anika asks, laughing, and I nod but shrug.
"Just wanted to stretch my legs." I tell her and mindy let's out a small laugh.
"Ethan, do you wanna stay at my house tonight?" I ask, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the fact all of Charlie's friends will probably stay over.
"Will your mom and stepdad care?" He asks, and I shake my head.
"They're at their friends' house in florida for some Halloween thing." I tell him, and he nods and wraps an arm around me.
As an argument breaks out between Tara and Sam, I can't help but listen and side with Tara, I mean. Its upto Tara if she wants to move on from what happened to us, especially since she's only 19, she can't spend her full life mourning over what happened.
I mean, I watched my dad get gutted in front of me and literally watched his intestines fall from his body as he told me to cover my eyes, but I moved on easy.
And suddenly, a full glass of some drink is thrown over Sam, and I slap a hand over my mouth in shock as the girl then screams murderer, before she points at me.
"You better watch y/n. She got your dad murdered. She might get you killed, too." She yells, and I quickly lunge at the girl, trying to hit her, but Tara quickly grabs me and stops me.
"Don't say that about my dad!" I scream to the girl and her friend that's recording.
I stare at the news in shock as it tells us that Greg and Jason, two boys we go to school with, were brutally murdered and the only thing left at the crime scene was a ghostface mask.
"Tara go pack, we leave in ten minutes." Sam calls to her and Tara shakes her head.
"No, Sam, no. I'm not abandoning my education and fleeing the state just because two people were murdered." Tara argues, and Sam stares at her.
"You knew them, Tara." Sam reminds her and again Tara shakes her head.
"Barley!" She again argues.
"Chad, mindy, anika, ethan, y/n. Back me up here, " sam yells and we all shrug.
"They were close to home."
"We spoke before."
"I sat next to him in film studies."
Is some of what we all said, and Tara glares at us before Sam's phone begins to ring, and Chad, mindy, and I shoot each other a small look and anika and Tara stare at the phone.
"Why did everyone panic the minute her phone started to ring?" Ethan asks, clearly confused, and Chad's jaw drops as he stares between ethan and I, whilst I practically sit on top of him because there's two of us squeezed onto a single seater couch.
"Come on, man, you're literally dating the daughter of Dewey Riley himself, and you don't understand all of this?" Chad gasps.
The minute quinn hears the 'daughter of dewey riley' her head snaps up to stare at me with a Suspicious look on her face.
"Quinn, can you call your dad and tell him I've got nothing to do with this?" Sam calls, and she nods, her eyes lingering on me for a second more before she pulls out her phone and calls her dad.
"What does it mean when your phone rings during all of this?" Ethan asks me as he stares at me.
"If you were ghostfaces next victim, they'd call you and go 'what's your scary movie.' So now we're all gonna be mega paranoid about our phones." I tell him, and he just gasps and nods.
Shortly after, Tara and Sam leave to head to the police station ethan and I leave and walk back to my house, which is now suspiciously empty seeing as there was a party going on hours ago, although the place is completely trashed, but if I'm gonna be honest I don't have the energy to clean it up, so instead ethan and I head upstairs to my room where we put on the movie 'Hocus Pocus' which is the movie we've watched every Halloween together.
Around halfway into the movie, my phone starts ringing.
Normally, I wouldn't answer it as I find being on your phone during a movie is rude, but ethan has been asleep almost since the movie has started, so I pick up my phone and stare at the caller.
The caller ID of 'Dad🤴🏻💞' shows on my phone and I gasp, knowing exactly who it'll be once I answer, but it means they're in my house.
So if I don't answer, then they'll come into my room and try to kill both ethan and I, but if I answer it and go downstairs then it'll only be me they come after.
Pressing answer and holding the phone upto my ear, I wait for the person to start talking.
'Hello y/n.' The voice croaks down my phone.
I carefully sit up, raising my head slowly off of ethans chest, trying not to wake ethan before I quickly leave my room and stand in my hallway, looking left and right for any suspicious looking closed door.
"Dad? Your voice has changed." I say, playing with the caller who only laughs.
"You and I both know I'm not your dad." It says, and I suddenly hear footsteps coming from downstairs, so i quickly run down the stairs so it doesn't come upstairs.
"Where's your boyfriend?" The voice asks, so the person must be close to me to know ethan is my boyfriend.
"He went back to his dorm." I say as I turn the corner into one of the halls, and I'm met with the back of a ghostface.
Without thinking, i charge at it and jump onto its back, which doesn't move the ghostface, and instead causes it to stab a knife into my thigh, twisting it around slightly.
I let out a blood curdling scream, but I continue to hit the back of the ghostfaces head and shoulders, trying to do anything to faze it.
I then get a knife directly through the palm of my hand, just like Tara did last year which causes me to lose my grip on the ghostface and fall backwards onto the floor, now sliding my back along the carpet trying to get as far away from it as I can.
As I lift my hand to my face to look at the damage, I realise I can see the person with the costume on through my palm and I begin screaming, yelling, banging the floor with my feet hoping ethan will hear me.
And he does, and he comes flying downstairs, and the minute the ghostface sees him, it sprints away, almost as if it's scared of ethan.
"Y/n! Shit are you okay!?" Ethan screams as he drops to his knees at my side and clutches my wrist of the hand that has been stabbed, ignoring the fact his fingers are getting covered in blood.
"I'm fine." I say as I sit up properly and nod at him.
"Why didn't you wake me up!?" He then yells, clearly angry at the fact he could've stopped me from getting hurt, and suddenly Charlie and his friends walk in and Charlie stops in his tracks.
"What the fuck did you do to my sister!?" Charlie yells as he quickly walks over to ethan and I.
"Charlie! It wasn't him. It was ghostface." I quickly say before Charlie's eyes widen and he drops to my side and stares at my hand.
"Did it stab you anywhere else?" He quizzes, and I tilt my head down to my thigh where there's a clear stab wound, and he slaps a hand over his mouth before he removes it.
"Leon! Phone an ambulance." Charlie yells to his friend, and almost instantly, he's dialling 911 and talking to the operator.
"They're sending an ambulance and a few police cars. They said we should all stay together here in case it comes back." Leon says once he sits his phone down.
I nod and try to stand up to sit on the sofa, but the pain in my leg gets too sore, and i have to let ethan and Charlie help me up and help me walk over to the sofa.
Once the police are done taking my statement and the nurses are done bandaging my hand and leg and giving me a pair of crutches, they leave.
"The fucks the point of giving me crutches if I can't even close my hand?" I ask as I stare between the crutches and my now bandaged hand and everyone laughs.
"Y/n, I think you should stay at my dorm tonight, if that's okay with you." Ethan tells me before he looks up at Charlie, asking for his permission.
"Only if y/n wants to, and if anything goes wrong, you phone me." Charlie says, and I nod.
"Okay, let's go before it gets any darker." Ethan says as he helps me stand up and begin walking with the crutches.
When we get to his dorm, he opens the door and holds it for me as I walk in, my hand in pure agony from using these, but I'd rather a sore hand than a sore leg.
Chad looks at me confused.
"Ghostface attacked me." I tell him, and he goes to nod, but then his eyes widen, and his jaw drops.
"Are you okay? Was it bad?" Chad asks as I sit on their sofa and drop my crutches to the floor, happy that I don't need to grip onto them anymore.
"Me and Tara have matching wounds now." I tell him as I flash my bandaged hand
"Y/n, I'm being serious. Are you okay?" Chad asks again and I nod.
"Yeah, I'm just more upset. The prick phoned me, and it said it was from my dad's number." I tell him and ethan turns to me confused, he didn't even know that.
"I knew it wasn't my dad calling, but I answered it anyway because I wanted to hear his voice. I wanted him to tell me he was okay and that he got out of that hospital alive." I say, my voice now cracking as tears begin to pour.
Which is when I realise I've never cried in front of ethan or Chad before, so I try to stop, which only makes me cry more.
Ethan, my poor boy who doesn't know what to do, just quickly runs to my side on the sofa and pulls me into a tight hug, pushing my head into his chest.
"Please don't cry." He whispers, and I nod and hug back, being careful of my leg and my hand.
"Did the ghostface say anything that might yknow, give away who it is?" Chad goes onto ask, and I pull away from the hug and turn and stare at him.
"All it said is 'Where's your boyfriend', which could mean anyone, because everyone knows about me and ethan.
"We'll find out who it is." He tells me before he falls backwards onto his bed where he then falls asleep.
"What he said is true. We will find who it was." Ethan says as he presses a kiss to my forehead before he carries me to his bed which causes me to laugh.
I stare at mindy as she bounces off of her seat, she called an 'important meeting' with everyone, which means Quinn is there, and I don't really like quinn.
She gives me iffy vibes.
"Okay, nerds, listen up." She begins, and I stare at her with a small smile on my face.
"As terrifying as this all is, I'm actually glad I get the chance to redeem myself by not calling the killers last time. The way I see it, someone is out to make a sequel to the requel." She continues, but Anika quickly clears her throat.
"Uhm, what's a requel?" She asks but mindy shakes her head.
"You're beautiful, sweetie, but let's leave questions to the end. Stab One took place in Woodsboro Stab Two took place in college." Mindy tells us before motioning to where we are, outside our university.
"So we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?" Tara asks from beside me and mindy shrugs.
"That is one possibility. The hero is now in college and check." Mindy says, pointing at Tara.
"Suspicious new characters are brought in to round out the suspect list and / or body count. Check, check, check." She then says, pointing at Anika, Quinn and Ethan, she doesn't point at me though because I was there when this all blew off last year.
"I don't like this." Ethan quietly says as his grip around my waist tightens slightly.
"But it can't just be about stab two." I call to mindy, and she points at me and nods.
"Why not?" Tara quizzed and mindy sighs.
"It would make sense if this were just a sequel, but we're not in a sequel because nobody just makes sequels anymore. Were in a franchise. And there are certain rules to continuing franchise." Mandy exclaims, sounding really excited about the fact that we are now in a franchise.
Sam tilts her head down and groans, "I had a feeling."
"Rule one. Everything is bigger than last time. Bigger budget, biggest cast, bigger body count, longer chases, shootouts, beheadings you gotta top what came before to keep people coming back." Mindy begins to explain, and I look at her and smile, I can see why my dad liked her uncle Randy so much if she acts like him.
"Beheadings?" Chad asks, as he looks rather terrified.
Mindy raises her eyebrows as she begins to talk again. "Beheadings. Rule two, Whatever happened last time, expect the opposite. Franchise only survives by subturning expectations. If the killer last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with letterbox to count instead of personalities, you can bet the opposite to be true here. And rule three, no one is safe. Legacy characters? Cannot even bothers at this point, usually brought back only to be killed off in some cheap bid for nostalgia. It's not looking too good for Gale and kirby.. Oh, that's not even the worst part."
"Oh, this is the part where she tells us the worst part." Chad says as he points at mindy.
"The worst part is franchises are just continuing episodic instalments designed to boost an IP, which means maim characters are completely expendable now, too. That means it's not just the friendgroup. Any of us could go at any time, especially Sam and Tara, and clearly y/n." Mindy says, bringing up my attack without actually bringing it back.
"Wait, wait, any of us?" Ethan asks in a panic and we all nod.
"Yeah?" Mindy asks as she shoots him a 'what part of this are you not getting?' Look.
"Wait, am I in the friend group?" Ethan then asks and I turn to him in utter shock.
"Well, obviously." I gasp, and his eyes widen.
"So am I one of the targets?" He then goes onto ask.
I let out a small 'mhm' and ethan looks around the group in pure horror.
"Am I gonna die a virgin!?" He exclaims, and I slap my non bandaged hand over my mouth in pure embarrassment for both ethan and also slightly for me as the group falls into an awkward silence, before chad turns and stares at me dead in the eyes.
"You two have been together long before we all moved here, and he's still a virgin!?" Chad screams, which makes us all laugh.
"That was a weird overshare, but it brings us to our current suspects. Ethan is the shy dorky guy that no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky." Mindy begins as she looks at ethan and points an accusing finger which causes me to laugh.
"Okay, wait, why am I on the suspect list? Because I was randomly Chad's roommate? Or because I just so happen to be dating one of the other targets?" He gasps.
"Roommate lottery can be juked. You could've fixed it to get next to us." She scoffs before she turns to quinn.
"Quinn, the slutty room mate, the horror movie classic." She then accuses and quinn glares at her.
"Sex positive, but thank you?" Quinn says sarcastically, and I turn and face ethan, whose face is clearly panicked, so I quickly kiss his cheek, and he's smiling again.
"So how did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" Mindy asks quinn.
"I saw their ad online." Quinn answers and mindy laughs.
"Okay, say no more. You've already implicated yourself enough." Mindy says, shaking her head.
"It was an anonymous ad mindy, and you know her dad's a cop." Tara argues for mindy.
"Okay, and that doesn't mean anything because having a cop dad is a great cover-up. Do you not remember how these movies work, Tara?" Mindy asks as she shakes her head clearly disappointed.
"Is mindy always like this?" Quinn asks and we all nod.
"And finally, anika. Never trust the love interest." She says as she shoots me a small glance when she says,'Never trust the love interest.'
"Okay so we have our rules, and we have our suspects." Sam says nodding.
"Wait, wait. What about you guys? I shouldn't be on the suspect list. I was there when y/n got attacked." Ethan argues and I turn and stare at him.
"I mean, I think it's pretty safe to rule out the five of us who went through this last year in woodsboro." I snap at him.
"Agreed." Chad adds and I turn and smile at him.
"Uhm, not agreed. What if the trauma you all went through caused one or more of you to snap, like y/n watched her dad literally get sliced open infront of her, I wouldn't blame her if she snapped." Quinn says, and Tara and I both start glaring at her.
"Yeah, you caught me there. I turned into a phsyco murderer after my auntie and dad were both killed by the same cult of killers, so last night I actually attacked myself." I tell her sarcastically and mindy laughs.
"Or the feelings you got from the killings made you thirsty for more. I mean, to be honest, here some of the theories online about Sam are..." ethan adds to quinns bullshit theory and almost in sync everyone turns and glares at ethan.
"Don't you fucking dare." Tara warns and he quickly nods.
"Okay, she's right, though. Face facts, if we're all suspects." Anika then says, motioning to her, quinn and ethan. "Then we're all suspects." She finishes as she points at the rest of us, and we all nod. She has a point.
Once we've all finished discussing the whole thing about who's the killer and who isn't, we all decide it'd be safer if we all stayed together tonight, safety in numbers as Sam said.
"I can't. I have econ." Ethan announces to the group before he turns on his phone and checks the time.
"It starts in an hour." He then tells us, and we all nod before Chad's stomach rumbles.
"God, I'm starving." He sighs, and we all nod in agreement before him and Tara walk to the food van, saying they'll get us all some fries and stuff to share.
"I'm sorry for what I said earlier about you being a main suspect, it wasn't aimed at you, I don't know why I said it I just don't want to be on anyone's suspect list incase you then think im a ghostface and we break up." Ethan tells me in a panic, and I turn my whole body to face him and cup his face using my non stabbed hand and smile at him.
"Ethan, you had a point in what you said. And trust me, even if you were on everyone's suspect list, I wouldn't break up with you until there was raw in the flesh evidence on you being the killer." I tell him and he instantly begins to smile.
"I love you." He states, and I nod.
"I love you too." I tell him before I quickly kiss him, and he kisses back before I hear Sam clearing her throat.
"How's your leg and hand?" She asks me, and I turn to her and shrug.
"I mean, walking hurts my leg so i use the crutches, but then to use the crutches, I have to grip them with both of my hands so well, they're both agonising." I tell her laughing and she just frowns.
"You should've stayed at our apartment." She says shaking her head.
"Then there would've been two ghostfaces at once." I tell her, and she then just bites the inside of her cheek.
"Y/ns still the top of my list." Quinn states, and I look at her and shrug.
"I don't care. You're at the top of mine, I was at the party when the first two killings happened, then I was at my house when Sam and Tara got attacked last night, so Where's your alibi?" I quiz, and she quickly looks away and falls silent, which only heightens my suspicions.
Just as ethan is leaving for econ, we're all leaving to go to Sam and Tara's apartment, so he helps me get to my feet and hands me my crutches before he cups my face and kisses me.
I kiss back before he breaks the kiss and points his finger at me.
"I want you to call me if anything goes wrong, keep your phone off silent, and always answer my texts." He warns and I nod before I kiss him again.
"I'll see you once you're done." I tell him, and then he nods and walks off, smiling like an idiot.
As we sit in Sam's apartment, Chad, Mindy, Tara, Sam, and I all stand in a circle and just stare between ourselves.
"So were the core five." Chad tells us and we all fake gag and stare at him.
"You can not just give yourself a nickname." Mindy gags.
"Well, I can, because I just did. Core five!" He exclaims as he raises his hand to Tara for a Highfive, which she declines, as do the rest of us and Chad stares at the floor upset, before anika calls us through the living room, I glance at the TV for a second and it's the news with the heading 'prime suspect, Samantha carpenter.'
And then I get a snap from ethan, and it's a photo of him pulling a face in the Econ Hall, and I smile and save it in chat before I send him a snap of me standing with mindy, but thats when I hear the TV cut off and Sam storm away, so I send the snap before turning to ask Tara what happened but I see she's not there, so I walk to Chad.
"I know it sounds crazy, but I think quinn is one of the killers." I whisper to him, being really careful only he can hear me because quinn is in the room only next door.
He looks at me and nods before him, mindy, and I walk to the table where Sam and Tara now sit.
After a few minutes of giving her some pep talks, mindy sighs.
"We are the core fucking five." She tells us before gagging and Chad claps his hands and we all cheer before Sam clears her throat.
"I've been sleeping with cute boy across the hall." She tells us, and we all scream and Highfive before Danny, the cute boy begins to call her and mindy steals her phone and pretends to answer, and then Tara steals it and let's out a small laugh.
"Hello? What are your intentions with my sister." She quizzes to the thin air as the phone continues to ring, Sam offendedly steals her phone, as quinn begins to let out large screams and I raise my eyebrows.
"Looks like her and contestant number eight are having fun." I tell everyone, and they all let out a small laugh until our phones go off in sync, and it's quinn being attacked by a ghostface, in a panic I run through to quinns door and I see anika looking at her phone in shock as she begins to approach the door, and mindy goes to yell at her to get back but it's too late, quinns dead body gets flung at her before ghostface steps out of the door.
We all let out shocked screams as the ghostface goes towards anika and mindy tries to put herself between them, but the ghostface quickly slashes mindys arm and grabs anika, pinning her to a wall and stabbing her lower stomach and twisting the knife in it.
As Sam runs into the kitchen, I spot that there's no more knives in the holder, so she just grabs the whole holder and smashes it over ghostfaces head and it drops to the floor.
"In there!" Mindy screams as we run into Quinns room, or well, I try to run as fast as I can on crutches. and close the door behind us, Chad and Tara now being nowhere to be seen.
"Are you two alright?" I ask, and mindy nods, but anika sits on quinns bed and grabs her lower stomach. She's losing a lot of blood fast.
Sam quickly spots Danny at his window and opens quinns window, and as she turns her head to the side, she realises there's another wide open door.
"Y/n! The door!" She screams and I nod and quickly run towards the door, and as I walk in the bathroom, I see a cut up naked man.
"Shit, he's dead!" I scream before I remember the door, and as I begin to close it, someone begins pushing it open.
Someone much much stronger than me.
I turn my head around the door to make sure it isn't Chad or Tara but as I guessed it's a ghostface and when it sees me, it stops pushing as much which gives mindy and I enough time to slam it shut in its face and then we slam the door to the bathroom shut, locking it.
Which gave the ghostface enough time to run back to the original door and start banging on it, so mindy and I grab quinns dresser and push it infront of the door, allowing us enough time to think of an escape route, which Danny clearly has as he pushes a ladder over to our side and Sam turns to us.
"You guys need to go first. You're all injured. It'll take longer." Sam offers and we all shake our heads.
"Sam, go." Mindy says as she sits on the bed, her arm bleeding quite a lot, but not as much as anikas stomach.
As Sam begins climbing over the ladder, I pull out my phone and dial 911, just screaming help before ending it, and then I begin messaging ethan, explaining what's happening.
Once Sam's over, she tells me it's my turn and I just stare helplessly.
"My crutches!" I scream, I'm not too sure if I'll be able to walk without them as it hurts even walking with them.
"Y/n! Just come on!" Sam screams and I drop my crutches to the floor and slowly begin crawling over the ladder, which hurts my hand mainly as I have to grip on so I don't fall off.
Nerves fill my system as I look down at the dark alley that I'm climbing over and gulp.
"Y/n! Don't look down. Just look at me." I hear my dad say, and I look at the window confused, and I see my dad smiling at me, but Sam and Danny don't see him so I know I'm imagining it, but it helps me get to the end of the ladder where Danny helps me in and I stand and stare out of the window, putting all my weight on my good leg as mindy begins to crawl over, but I'm crying too much to see.
I just heard my dad talk .
But when it's anikas turn the tears stop and I'm more focused on if she'll get over.
She gets roughly halfway when ghostface breaks through the door and jams it's knife in the windowsill where it begins to shake the ladder.
"Anika, come on, you have to move!" We all scream, and Sam reaches out her hand, and anika grabs it, but then the ghostface begins violently shaking the ladder and anika goes flying towards the floor of the alley, but on her way down she hits her head off of a dumpster which kills her instantly, and I double over and vomit everywhere.
When I see ethan, I instantly begin sobbing again but Chad pins him to a van.
"Where the fuck were you man!?" He screams.
"He was at econ, I have snaps of him at it from last night." I quietly say as I toss Chad my unlocked phone.
"My sister gets stabbed, quinn gets killed, and you're a no-show!" Chad screams before ethan notices me in the ambulance and quickly rushes over, but stops in his tracks when he sees the body bag being pulled out of the alley.
"Who?" He quizzes.
"Anika." Mindy whispers and he stares at her.
"I am so sorry." Ethan apologises before he climbs over mindy to me where he pulls me in a tight hug and slowly strokes my hair, and I begin to sob my eyes out again.
"Oh, sweetheart, it's okay. I'm here now." Ethan whispers as I hold onto him tighter.
"I should've ditched econ and stayed with you." He sighs angrily, and I don't say anything, but I close my eyes and listen to his heartbeat when I hear gale clear her throat.
"Y/n, hi." She speaks, and I turn to her and glare at her.
"Hear to make my dad's death about you again?" I quiz, and she widens her eyes.
"I don't know what you mean." She defends as she shakes her head.
"Oh my god, I read your fucking book. You made it out as if nobody else cared that my dad died. Actually, you said, and I quote, 'dewey sacrificed himself for me, I know he did because I was the only person he cared about.' He was my dad gale, he sacrificed himself for me and Tara, you weren't even there when he done it!" I scream angrily at her and she shakes her head.
"He still loved me. Part of it was to do with me." Gale argues.
"Ghostface never came after you till you stuck your nose in everyone's fucking business! My dad didn't only care about me god your so selfish. Your righting isn't even that fucking good!" I yell at her.
"Here we are, a year down the line, and you're making it out as if you're the only person who loved your dad." Gale sighs, and I lunge at her, my fist aiming for her face, but ethan grabs my waist and pulls me back in the ambulance and onto his lap.
"Not while the police are about." He whispers into my ear, and Gale quickly walks off.
"Y/n, you should've just done it. I was rooting for you." Mindy sighs as she turns and looks at me.
As we walk into the ghostface collection or something, I stare around and gasp at everything that's there, before my eyes fall on the part about my dad.
Gripping my crutches as tight as I can, no matter how sore it is on my hand, I walk over to the glass case and let out a small gasp.
There's photos of my dad, Charlie and I.
There's photos of only my dad.
And there's photos and drawings of his dead body, along with the knife that killed him.
And behind it, it's the clothes he was wearing when he got stabbed, the rips still in the clothes.
"Oh my god." I cry as my grip on my crutches end totally as they drop to the floor and I stare at the glass case with tears streaming down my face.
"Y/n!" Ethan yells as he runs behind me and grabs my waist to steady me.
"Shit, is that your dad?" He then quizzes and I slowly nod as I stare at it.
"I haven't even seen half of these photos." I mutter as my hand traces over where the photos of me and my dad are.
"Holy shit." I hear gale gasp as she walks beside me and stares down at all the photos.
"Y/n, I'm sorry, what I said and what I wrote in my book was extremely selfish, I knew your dad loved you and Charlie so much, he only spoke about you two and all attention was on the both of you when you both came down, and I wasn't the one that watched him get killed. You were." Gale states from beside me and I turn to her with a small smile on my face.
"After what happened, I still called you my stepdaughter to everyone. I wanted to call you and ask you to come stay over, but I never could." Gale tells me and I just smile wider and hug her.
"I still call you my stepmom." I cry as my leg fires up in pain but I push it to the back of my mind as Gale hugs me back.
"I missed you." She cries as gently rubs my back.
"I missed you too." I tell her before she breaks the hug and nods before walking off.
"Y/n, what actually happened that night with your dad? You've just never told me, and I understand if you don't want to." Ethan quickly asks, and I stare at him and just nod.
"It was my weekend to spend at my dads house, and when I got there, he told Charlie and I what had happened with Tara, I've known Tara since she lived in woodsboro because we were the same age, and my dad told us about how if he needs to help them, he will because he knows how close I was with Tara and no matter how much I protested he wouldn't listen." I begin.
The hospital was dark, and the lights were flickering on and off as I tried to help Sam get Tara towards the elevator, but that's when I hear gun shots and I suddenly stop dead in my tracks, and turn around but I sigh a quick sigh of relief when I realise my dad shot down the ghost face.
I watch my dad, my hero as he clicks the elevator to go to floor one, but he quickly hugs me and kisses the top of my head before stepping out the elevator.
"Dewey, no, get back in the elevator! What are you doing!?" Sam screams.
"You have to shoot them in the head. Otherwise, they'll come back." My dad says as he shakes his head, pulling his gun out of his pocket.
"Who gives a fuck about that?" Sam asks in shock.
"I do." He says, turning away before the elevator begins to close, except it doesn't close fully. It stays open only centimetres from being shut fully and doesn't move downwards.
I watch as the tears stream down my face as my dad takes all the bullets out of his gun and puts a special type in, before he approaches the ghostface, but his phone begins to ring so he goes to look down at it when the ghostface springs to life and stabs the knife through his lower stomach.
"Dad!" I scream.
"Y/n! Close your eyes, I love you." My dad screams and I do everything I can to pry the doors open, to try get to him.
But I can't, I stand useless when the second knife is stabbed into his lower back, only moments before the ghostface begins to pull the knives upwards, causing gallons of blood to pour from his stomach and he collapses to his knees, dropping his gun and phone in the progress.
"Dad, get up!" I scream, my throat aching from the amount I've been screaming, and the tops of my fingers are now bleeding from the amount I've been prying at the metal doors.
"Whats he doing!?" I cry as I turn to look at Sam, Tara and Richie who just shrug because they can't see out the door.
When I turn back to look through the hole, my dad's dead on the floor, and the ghostface is walking towards the door, but just like magic the door shuts and we begin moving downwards as I drop to my knees.
"I still blame myself for it, I think that maybe if I begged him to stay that he would've just this once, that if I was a little stronger I could've opened the doors and saved him." I tell ethan through sobs, and he just holds onto me tightly.
"Y/n, your dad was a hero." Ethan corrects before he lets go of me and opens the glass case, taking all the photos of him and me, or me him and Charlie out and handing me them.
"Fuck this stupid shrine." He tells me and I nod.
As I sit in kirbys van, sharing a beanbag with ethan, mindy rolls her eyes.
"What're you going to do? Trace the calls? It never works its always 'keep them on a little longer, I've almost got it.' And then they hang up." Mindy says scoffing and kirby looks at her with a smirk.
"I'll have you know I can trace calls in fifteen seconds or less." Kirby says and mindy throws her hands up in defence leaving her alone.
"Cheeto?" Ethan asks, and I nod, taking one out of his bag and carefully eating it, but the thought of eating right now makes me feel physically sick, but I also can't help it because I'm starving.
When we find out ghostface is at gales house, I realise there's probably a slim chance she's getting out alive.
"We need to go to the hospital and wait for her." I gasp and everyone looks at me.
"Please." I beg, and kirby rolls her eyes slightly but climbs in the passenger seat where she drives to the hospital.
As I sit in the waiting room against a wall so I don't take up any seats for people to need it, I rest my head against ethans shoulder and instantly fall asleep, realising I've not slept in almost two days.
When I wake up, Tara is shaking me telling me we need to go back to her apartment for a while so Sam can pick up some money, and then we need to take public trains to the theatre with all the ghost face stuff and I nod and sit up, realising ethan fell a sleep with me.
"Ethan." I say shaking him gently and he yawns and opens his eyes.
"We need to go." I say and he nods and quickly stands up before offering down one of his hands to help me get to his feet.
As we get pushed around by people at the train station, I grip onto Tara's hand with my hand that isn't bandaged, so I don't lose her, and once we're in the train I realise ethan and mindy aren't here.
"Hey guys? Where's ethan and mindy?" I ask in a hurry as my head snaps around the train as the lights start flashing, and it brings me back all the memories of that night at the hospital.
"I had a hold of mindy and cute boy over here pulled me back." Chad says as he turns and glares at Danny.
"We got told not to split up." I cry, my breath quickening as I see all the ghostface costumes and the flashing lights.
"Are you alright?" Danny asks confused and I shake my head.
"I need to sit down." I tell him, my breath still quickening and we quickly look around to find an empty seat but we can't find one.
"Excuse me, I don't mean to cause any hassle, but could you please let my friend sit there? She's taking a panic attack and needs to sit down." Danny asks a random man, and he nods and stands up, and Tara quickly pushes me in the chair, taking my crutches from me.
I quickly bring my knees to my chest and hide my head inbetween my knees, covering my ears with my hands so all I can hear is my heartbeat.
"Y/n, it's okay. Just breathe, you know I'm always here with you." I hear my dad whisper.
"I can't just breathe dad, I miss you." I mumble under my breath so nobody can hear.
"I miss you too, but now is not your time, so I'll do everything I can so you don't die. You're not dying on my watch. I love you, y/n." He says before he's gone again, and so is that feeling of panic.
I open my eyes and quickly pull out my phone, staring at the screen and not looking up in case the lights bring me back to that dark place, and I quickly begin messaging ethan.
You got on the train behind us right?
Yep, I'm only five minutes behind you don't worry.
Mindy with you too?
Yeah, but she's convinced I'm ghostface, so she's not standing with me she's down at one of the doors, but I can see her so don't worry, I'll see you soon.
Keep me updated.
Obviously, I will, I love you sweetie stay safe❤️.
You stay safe too, I love you.
Finally we arrive at the shrine, and Sam tells Danny that he can't come in with us because she doesn't trust her and my heart shatters a little for him but I also get where she's coming from, so we walk in without him.
"So, what have we got for weapons?" Sam asks and kirby laughs.
"We've got one gun, which I'll be keeping. Only one with a badge, only one with a gun." She states, and I look at her kinda confused, but shake my head anyways.
Once we all spread out, I make sure nobody can see what I'm doing whilst I quickly run to the glass case where my dad's stuff sits and I take the knife, hiding it in my pocket so nobody can see it, but leaving the gun seeing as there's no bullets in it so its pretty much useless to anyone.
Suddenly, I am feeling extremely scared being alone, I run to the room Chad and Tara are in, dropping my crutches on the way there as i realise i could move a lot quicker without them.
Where I see ghostface trying to stab them and I shout them over and they both sprint to me, before we take off screaming to find out where Sam is.
We finally find her and kirby, but the ghostface stabs kirby, and she falls to the floor, I'm assuming she's dead, and we begin to run in the direction of the room Chad and Tara were just in.
When we make it there, the ghostfaces run past Tara, Sam and I as if we were invisible and begin to stab Chad over and over and over and over again, which makes me feel extremely sick but I close my eyes and drown out the noise of him gagging, as Sam grabs both Tara's hand and my wrist as she's not got enough time to check what hands my cut one, as she takes us back to the main theatre area, where were quickly surrounded by the two ghostfaces, but I pull out the knife from my pocket and they slowly back up.
"That's enough you two." Detective Bailey calls as he walks in and kirby quickly sprints over to us.
"I know who the ghostface is it's bail -" She begins, and he quickly shoots her, causing her to fall to the floor again.
"You're in on this!?" Sam screams and he laughs.
"Who else would've been?" He asks raising his eyebrows.
"You both deserve what's coming because of what you have done to my son." He exclaims and I stare at him confused, so why am I here then.
"And y/n, you don't technically deserve this, but you went and got yourself tangled up in it." Bailey then tells me and I nod.
"Yeah, fair." I agree, and Tara shoots me a look.
"Wait, wait, wait, before we get the grand reveal, let me guess who the two killers are, okay?" I ask and Bailey just shrugs but nods.
"The smaller one, has to be quinn, I don't know how you managed to pull it off but I was at the top of her suspect list whilst she done nothing, and it'd make sense. You're her dad, and you're a cop, so no matter what we done, her alibi would always check off, we were all together when Gale got attacked. Plus, it'd be the perfect plot twist for this requel." I begin and Bailey raises his eyebrows at me.
"Plus, when I got attacked by the ghostface that night, I knocked its mask slightly, and I saw quinns hair, so I just didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to be killed quicker." I then add whilst Bailey smiles at me before I turn to the taller ghostface.
"And this one, I thought it was Danny, but he saved us that night, so I'm gonna have to say ethan, his proof from econ could've been fake, he was the only one not there when quinn got killed, or faked being killed." I tell Bailey, my heart shattering into a million pieces when Bailey starts laughing, whilst the ghostfaces take their masks off.
I was right about quinn, I don't even know how so I'm slightly proud of myself, but the other one haunts me.
"We tried to get ethan to join us, but he wouldn't. He called us sick for wanting to get revenge, he said he loved you too much to do anything to you y/n." Bailey said but I drown out his voice as I stare at Charlie.
"Charlie why?" I gasp.
"It's those two fuckers faults dad's dead y/n! And you didn't even hate them. You welcomed them with open arms." Charlie sighs.
"Mom and Tony aren't on a trip to florida are they?" I quiz as I stare at him and thats when quinn speaks up.
"Nope, I took care of them. Just like I should've killed you that night in the house!" She screams.
"God, you hardly even touched me that night, a knife to the leg and a knife through the hand? Pathetic." I tell her and she screams.
"Your dad died like a pussy!" She yells and I let out a small laugh I tilt my head to her.
"Oh yeah? So did your brother." I coo as she lunges at me, but Tara whacks her over the face with a brick as she falls to the floor, her teeth everywhere.
"You killed my son, Sam." Bailey tells us and I raise my eyebrows at him.
"Richies, your son?" Tara gasps and he laughs and nods.
"And this was his shrine, which is why you both need to die in it." He tells Tara and Sam.
"How did you manage to ask ethan to be ghost face?" I ask Bailey as what he said finally registered in my mind.
"Him and quinn are my children." Bailey tells me and I stumble backwards.
Why wouldn't ethan ever tell me he was richies brother.
As Sam begins to look around, she quickly sees a set of ladders that'll lead us upstairs and she tells me to run first, so I do.
Once I climb to the top of the ladders, I see Charlie walking over to me, his knife raised.
"Yknow y/n, you were always dad's favourite." He tells me.
"Which is why you shouldn't have let him die! You could've saved him, but no.. instead, you watched, and you lived with the fact you killed our dad!" Charlie then screams as he runs at me, his knife now aiming for my lower stomach.
"And now, you can feel what dad felt when he was killed." He whispers as he pulls his knife out of me and stabs it in a different place inches away from where he just stabbed me, and instead of pulling out, he twists it around which causes me to scream in pain as I reach for the knife in my pocket and jam it all the way into his throat, and as he falls to the floor, his knife rips my lower stomach only slightly as I pass out beside him.
"It's not your time, y/n, please wake up. Please, I don't want you here with me yet." I hear my dad whisper as I sit up and let out a large gasp, my eyes widening as I realise I'm outside with a mask on my face, giving me oxygen.
"Miss Riley, please lay back down. We're taking you to the hospital." A nurse tells me, and my head snaps all around the place, trying to find ethan, and when I see him I rip the mask off and scream his name.
"Y/n!" He yells as he runs to me and kisses me, I smile and kiss back before he pulls away.
"Are you okay? Who was it?." He quizzes, and I take a deep breath, a pain in my stomach forming, and I remember everything that happened.
"Your dad, quinn, and Charlie." I tell him as my voice breaks when I tell him Charlie.
"They killed my mom and stepdad too." I cry as the nurse pushes me into an ambulance and ethan climbs in behind me and grabs my hand, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"I should've told you he was my brother y/n, I'm so sorry. I just didn't want to scare you away, I didn't want you to stop liking me just because who my brother was." Ethan apologises and I shake my head.
"Ethan, shut up." I whisper as I laugh.
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stevestark · 21 days
🎃+ Stranger Things
🎃 - “we accidentally matched costumes and now everyone thinks we’re dating” send me an emoji + a fandom and I'll write you a mini fic!
Steve stares at the clothing Robin has laid out on his bed, a frown on his face. "Seriously, Rob? Do I have to wear this?"
"A bet's a bet, dingus," Robin says. "You're the dumbass who bet me that I couldn't get Vickie to do a keg stand last weekend, and you agreed that if she did, I get to choose your costume."
"Yeah," Steve says, "but a dress?"
"Aww, don't worry, Stevie," Robin croons. "You've totally got the legs for it."
Steve sighs and picks up the dress. "Fine. But I draw the line at makeup. I will not be totally embarrassed in my own home."
Robin cackles with glee and shoves Steve toward his bathroom. "This is going to be amazing."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Eddie opens the door to the trailer right as Dustin lifts his hand to pound on it again; "Chill out, dude. I heard you the first time. Knock any louder, and you're gonna crack the windows."
"Sorry," Dustin says, not sounding at all apologetic. "But this hay is really heavy and I still have to go get my costume on for Steve's party."
Eddie grins, taking the armful from Dustin. "Thanks, man. How'd you get your hands on so much anyway?"
Dustin shrugs, and says, "My mom's like, super into crafting these days. She made all our Halloween decorations this year, and this was all her leftovers."
"Sick. Okay, scram, I got it from here. Tell your mom I said thanks."
"Tell her yourself. She's waiting in the car."
Eddie perks up immediately. "I thought you were having Nancy bring you? Why didn't you say Mama Henderson was here?" he asks, running outside to go give Mrs. Henderson a squeeze.
Dustin ambles along behind him muttering the whole time about how everyone always likes his mom more than him.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The party starts at 8pm sharp, which naturally means everyone shows up at 8:30; Steve has different music playing in every room, loud enough so you can hear it but not so loud that they drown each other out. He's got a few kegs, and a shitload of soda, and Hopper and Joyce are on their way, prepared to watch the kids to make sure none of them try to sneak any booze.
The doorbell rings, and Robin races him to the door, flinging it open excitedly. All of the kids, plus Joyce and Hopper are gathered on the front walk, chattering excitedly and fawning over each others' costumes.
"Okay, okay," Robin says, "Let's get this party going!" Joyce gives her a hug as she walks in and compliments her Bowie costume, and Hopper grunts as he passes; if Robin had to bet, she'd guess Joyce forced him into their couple's costume of The Dread Pirate Roberts and Princess Buttercup, but they look cute as hell so she doesn't know why he's so mad.
The kids are an eclectic bunch of costumes, with Max and El as the twins from The Shining, Dustin as Marty McFly, Mike, Will, and Lucas as the three male leads from The Breakfast Club; Jonathan and Nancy are dressed as Princess Leia and Han Solo, Argyle is Tommy Chong, and Eddie is...oh my God.
Robin throws back her head and cackles at the sight of Eddie dressed as The Scarecrow. "Oh my God. Oh my God, this is too good."
Eddie makes a dramatic show of stumbling through the door and gives a bow. "I figured I'm already stumbling around all the time, might as well make it work in my favor."
Robin just laughs some more, and drags Eddie into the kitchen, where Steve is explaining the drinks situation to Hopper and Joyce.
Eddie stops dead in his tracks at the sight of Steve in sparkly kitten heels and a knee-length checkered dress. "Holy shit."
Steve stops mid-sentence and looks up at Eddie; "Robin? Now might be a good time for you to run."
Robin darts behind Hopper, grabbing onto the back of his shirt and poking her head around his side. "I swear, Steve, I had no idea."
Joyce and Hopper are fighting back laughter, and Eddie is still staring open-mouthed at Steve.
"So you're telling me we accidentally wore a couple's costume?"
Eddie shakes his head and grins at Steve. "Ah, a true Wizard of Oz connoisseur, acknowledging the long-ignored sexual tension between Dorothy Gale and The Scarecrow."
Hopper actually chokes at that, and tries to mask it as a cough; he reaches behind himself and pulls Robin out from behind him. "So," he says, mirth coloring his tone. "You're the reason Harrington is stumbling around in heels?"
Robin nods, trying not to laugh. "He lost a bet."
Joyce shakes her head fondly and pats Steve on the shoulder. "You've got the legs for it, honey," she says kindly.
"That's what I said!" Robin yells, gesturing at Steve's admittedly toned calves.
"I hate everyone in this kitchen," Steve grumbles, heading to open the door as more guests arrive.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The party gets underway, and everyone is having a good time; Hopper and Joyce are vigilantly holding court in the kitchen, to the kids' dismay, but Robin just shushes them and passes a single cup of beer for them to pass around. Each of them takes a sip and scrunches their noses, shaking their heads; "That's vile," Max says, spitting her sip back into the cup. Robin grins and gives Steve a thumbs up from across the room; they knew if they gave the kids shitty beer they'd lose all interest in drinking.
Steve is standing with Argyle, who's waxing poetic to him about the impact Cheech and Chong have had on society, and trying to look interested; Eddie is on the other side of the room, debating Star Wars with Jonathan and Nancy; the members of Corroded Coffin are dancing with Robin's band friends, and everyone is having a really good time, which is a welcome relief in the wake of finally defeating the monsters in their town.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
At the end of the night, Hopper and Joyce round up all the kids and drive them home in shifts; Jonathan, Nancy, Argyle, and Eddie are all too tipsy to drive, and have announced they're sleeping over at Steve's to help him and Robin clean up.
As they're doing so, collecting red solo cups and candy wrappers in each room, Eddie sidles up to Steve.
"Surprised you're still wearing the shoes," he says, a sly grin on his face.
"They're not so uncomfortable after wearing them for a few hours," Steve says with a shrug.
"You know," Eddie says slowly. "Everyone was asking me tonight when I finally made a move on you. Nobody seemed to believe we didn't match our costumes on purpose."
Steve laughs softly. "Yeah, I got the same treatment all night."
Eddie inches closer to Steve, crowding him against the dining room table. "Well," he drawls. "Maybe we should take their advice?"
Steve looks sharply up at Eddie. "W...what?"
Eddie lifts his hand to gently fix Steve's Dorothy wig. "I mean, come on, Steve. We spend all our time together anyway. What's the difference in that and just...throwing in a little making out?"
Steve flushes and ducks his head. "Didn't think you were interested."
"Baby," Eddie says, tipping Steve's head back up with a finger under his chin. "I've been flirting with you relentlessly for weeks."
Steve blinks rapidly and then crushes his lips against Eddie's. "Thank god," he says breathlessly when they pull apart. "Kinda pissed I had to wear a dress for you to make a move though."
Eddie laughs, loud and bright. "Steve, you could've worn a burlap sack and I'd still have a hard time not kissing you in front of everyone. I've been dying to do this."
Robin walks in right then and throws her fists up in victory. "FINALLY!" she screeches. "GUYS! It happened!"
"I hate all of you," Eddie and Steve say in unison as everyone runs in, catcalling them.
"Is now a bad time to say I knew what Eddie was dressing as and that Vickie had been practicing her keg stands and that this whole thing was an elaborate plot?" Robin asks, smirking triumphantly.
Steve freezes and narrows his eyes at Robin. "Hopper's not here to protect you now, Buckley," he says, lunging towards her and chasing her through his house as she cackles.
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vialovesyou · 5 months
𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗝𝗝 𝗠𝗔𝗬𝗕𝗔𝗡𝗞
" oh-oh my god" kelsey exhaled, holding y/n's hair back as she threw up into the toilet for the third time that night. kelsey glanced up at caitlyn who shrugged her shoulders." she can't go home like this" kelsey stated, rubbing the girls back.
it was halloween night, and mckay, a stupid rich kook,was throwing a huge party. his parents were out of town for the weekend and left with without a spending limit on his daddy's amex so the marble island in the kitchen was covered with alchohol.
jj and y/n had argued a few hours before, it started as something stupid but it turned into them both saying something they regret. y/n had showed up at mckay's with a strapless black bodycon dress, black stockings that had pink bows at the cut-off at her thigh and a fake gun in the holster. " mrs smith" mckay grinned, opening his arms for the brunette. mckay was dressed as hugh hefner, and y/n noticed his girlfriend, sienna, dressed up as a playboy bunny in another room.
mckay was one of the only decent kooks on the island, he was a nice person. his parents raised him like that. he was respectful, did well in school and never picked fights.
" where's mr smith?" mckay asked, walking to the kitchen with his hand on y/n's lower back. "that doesn't matter " smiled y/n, grinning at the array of bottles. " shots?"
that was how y/n ended up in this situation. she was able to talk at first, being semi illiterate before she passed out in the downstairs bathroom. mckay helped kelsey take her upstairs to his bedroom, before giving the two some privacy after bringing y/n some water and bread.
she was unable to talk at this stage, going in and out of conciousness to throw up as she layed on the bathroom floor with mckay's quilt on top of her to cover her dress which was pulled up far too high, her underwear on show.
" should we call jj?" caitlyn asked, reaching for y/n's phone that was on the counter top and quickly unlocking it. " yeah, i can't take her to my place like this. my mom's home" kelsey spoke, as y/n's head fell onto her lap.
kelsey began stroking the girls hair as caitlyn dialed jj's number.
" i don't know how you watch this shit" jj exhaled, uncrossing his arms from his chest as he glanced at sarah. john b had fell asleep long ago, his head on her shoulder as him and sarah watched some sappy rom-com. " why are you so grouchy?" asked sarah, a pout on her features.
jj had been in a bad mood since he stormed into the chateau, slamming the front door so hard that the full house shook. he had been snappy ever since. sarah knew that it was something to do with y/n since the only response she got when she asked what y/n was up too ,was a grumble under his breath.
his ringtone cut threw the air, cutting sarah off as a picture of jj and y/n flashed on the screen, her name across the top. sarah watched as jj cleared his throat, diverting his eyes back to the tv.
" aren't you going to answer that?" sarah questioned as the phone rung out. they were engulfed in silence once again, before it started ringing again. " jj" sarah urged, rolling her eyes as the boy silenced the call again.
jj it's caity
can u come get y/n
she's really drunk
it's bad
we are at mckays
the adress is 57 whitehill lane
j 💌
i'm on my way
" i need to go" jj stated, standing up and picking up his shoes. " is everything okay?" sarah questioned, at the boys now frantic state but didn't get a reply as he slammed the door shut.
" yo, jj. my man, so glad you could make it " grinned mckay, dapping up jj as the blonde came into the kitchen.
" where's y/n " jj questioned, his face void of a smile. mckay nodded, understanding that jj was worried about his girlfriend.
" follow me" mckay spoke, beggining to walk up the spiral staircase with jj behind him. they walked down a ridiculously long hallway, before they stopped.
" she's in there" mckay spoke, gesturing to the door causing jj to nod. mckay began to walk away, but stopped when he heard jj speak. "mckay?" mckay nodded in response. " thanks"jj stated, smiling with his lips in a thin line at the boy.
" no problem, bro" mckay shouted, going back downstairs as jj opened the door. his eyes immediately went to the ensuite bathroom as he could see caity stood in the doorway.
" oh, jj " she sighed in relief, stepping to the side to allow jj to crouch down beside y/n.
" what happened?" jj questioned, lifting the girls head gently from kelsey's lap to his own allowing the girl to stand up.
" i don't know, she showed up and she was really upset. she started drinking, and crying. god, she was crying alot- what the fuck did you do to make her cry so much?" kelsey questioned, as jj stroked the girl's tear stained cheek as she was still asleep. " she came in here with blair, then i came in and blair was gone, and y/n was on the floor"
" shit" he muttured, guilt flooding his chest as the girl suddenly woke up. she turned her head to the toilet, coughing as she began to throw up. he wrapped his hand around her hair, pulling it into a make-shift ponytail.
kelsey kneeled down beside the couple, giving jj the plastic cup filled with water as y/n leaned back, falling into jj's chest. " hey, baby. drink this" jj spoke softly, using his thumb to lightly open the girls mouth. y/n blinked slowly, allowing jj to tilt the liquid into her mouth before she pulled away.
she blinked a couple of times, looking up to see it was jj. " hi, asshole" she slurred, accepting the bit of pizza caitlyn was handing her before taking a bite. jj laughed lightly. he was sat on the bathroom floor, his back against the wall beside the toilet with y/n between his legs. she leaned her head back onto his chest, taking another bite of the pizza having seemingly sobered up slightly.
she reached up and plucked the cap off his head, and put it on her own causing jj to reach down and push the front off the cap down blocking her eyesighr. " hey, want to fuck off?" y/n questioned, looking up at jj with her head still on his chest. he rolled his eyes, wrapping his arm loosely around the girls waist fiddling with the bows on her stockings.
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