#but yolo right now no regrets
starcrossedspirit · 14 days
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Karina Usyk drawing on inspiration from Crimson Peak’s Lady Lucille Sharpe, Karina is the town’s local healer who specializes in curses. Whether that's true or not, a certain group has taken interest in her to help reverse a curse--
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zialinart · 6 days
i'm considering doing the "tattoo myself everyday for a year" challenge and like film it and open a tik tok account for that but sooo much work and i'm too old for this shit
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dyinggirldied · 4 months
Valerie's strain of sanity was this, this close to SNAP it. She was at the end of her rope here and it showed. Well, it would show if she took off her mask, letting lose her limp hair and revealing her dark eyebags but she couldn't because she was fighting what-was-his-name, oh right, Skulker.
Skulker, who was demanding to know what had the ghost hunters done with Phantom.
After Phantom's sudden disappearance, it had felt like a blessing. One less ghost scum, the better right? Wrong. She would rather die than admit it but she had underestimated the amount of ghosts Phantom took care of on the daily basic.
The Fenton parents and GIW were no match to those of greater powers, such as Vortex and Undergrowth and she was certain by now they looked no different from her.
Wary. Exhausted. Defeated.
Amity Parkers or at least, the adult ones, hypocritic as they were, had gone from disparaging and objecting to pleading for Phantom's return. Even the ghosts were wondering where was their mysterious ghost boy.
Mayor Masters was also under dark clouds after receiving the citizen's complaints and having to deal with the damages that ranged up to millions of dollars.
At this point, everyone was begging for Phantom to come back from wherever he was.
"Guys!" a voice shouted and she turned, only to see Sidney Poindexter, floating besides them and waving a glowing paper, "It's from Phantom's!"
Just like that, seemingly every human and ghost came out of the bush to know what was the latest news. It didn't get better:
Dear ghosts and Amity Park I guess,
This is from Phantom. I regret, well, not really, to say that having been married into another ghost belongs to another city, I won't be returning to Amity Park anytime soon.
Thankfully never have to deal with you guys anymore,
What the fuck.
Or: when a ghost (or half-ghost) marries to a ghost in another city, they basically forfeit their rights to their old home and any businesses going on in their old home is none of their businesses.
In another news, Danny Fenton had been going on romantic rendezvous with a Jason Todd in Gotham City.
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duskyvenus · 4 months
444: Written in the Stars
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A PAC about the person who is the one for you 💖 Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Open your eyes and choose the photo that speaks to you. Six piles left to right. This is for entertainment purposes only, take what resonates.
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Pile 1
Your person likes/has cats or cats can be significant in your relationship. This person really likes nature and animals. They like listening to music and may have a record player at home. Could also be an artist. A highly sensitive person. They see beauty in everything. They like taking photos to capture memories. May have brown hair or brown eyes. March and April might be important. This person is a bit melancholic and absentminded at times (?) It can be hard to notice at first but they have a lot on their mind. Nevertheless they know that they are more sensitive than most people and try to stay hopeful. You could feel resilience and healing energy oozing from them when you talk to them. They could also be a therapist or counselor or someone who studies psychology. They have the vibes of a very calm and nice teacher who minds their own business. They know how powerful words can be and they insist on maintaining peace. A very helpful person. "I know you can do it but let me do it for you" kind of person. Numbers and signs: 33, 3, 19, 14, Pisces, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Cancer, Leo
Thank you for reading!!
Pile 2
Your person likes coffee or tea. They like celebrating their wins. I'm seeing cakes and lots of smiling faces. They are definitely very outgoing. They like forming meaningful relationships, not just mindless networking. They have creativity and a lot of ideas, so they could be a content creator or influencer. Sharp, spontaneous and open-minded. They're also financially secure; I'm seeing a job in finance. And they rely on people a lot more than they should? Maybe because they are looking for something that they can't find in a job. I'm seeing some co-dependency. They carry a lot of nostalgia and regret in their heart; someone who feels homesick for people. They may have studied anthropology and sociology. Couple outfits or couple activities is their thing. The type of person who gets hurt by people but still cannot imagine a whole life without a partner. June or October might be significant. They collect things like stamps or shells or dried flowers. Their house could look like a museum. YOLO could be their motto. Numbers and signs: 25, 1, 11, 13, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Taurus, Pisces
Thank you for reading!!
Pile 3
This pile has some young energy. Someone with a competitive spirit. They have this spoiled princess/prince persona for the people that don't know them very well. In reality, they are someone who works very hard to achieve success and they could be very smug about their accomplishments which might put some people off. I'm sensing that they believe in manifestation and law of attraction. They're also a bit defensive and guarded so it's hard to get to know them. I think they are someone who just wants to have control over their own life. They might have grown up in a situation where they didn't have much control over decisions concerning them so now, they are just trying to get their power back. They learned to stand up for themselves so now the people that could no longer control them are not happy about it. They made peace with it though. They're focusing on making their pinterest board dream life come true. One of their biggest dreams is to live in a beautiful house. January and August could be important. Numbers and signs: 16, 8, 5, 4, Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces, Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius
Thank you for reading!!
Pile 4
Your person is everywhere but also nowhere. They remind me of shows like my liberation notes, they feel like a warm cup of tea that comforts you at the end of a stressful day. They are the “always the artist but never the muse" trope. Similar to pile 1, they are soft spoken and kind. They fit in but they don't feel seen. They like journaling their thoughts because they feel so much. "I don't know where to put it down" Despite this, they have a small group of friends that feel like soulmates or soul family to them. Getting closer to them can be hard because they just enjoy their own solitude that they don't feel the need to be with someone all the time. Very independent. When you get to know them though, you will find that they are very accepting and funny even. A true friend and a loyal partner. They will love to share their interests and hobbies with you. They desire someone who gets them on a spiritual level and they will always be there for you. They really value loyalty and a no bs attitude. For some of you, they could be from a different culture/country. They can probably speak many languages. The type to learn your native language so that communication is never a barrier. Numbers and signs: 32, 13, 14, 5, Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, Leo, Libra, Capricorn, Scorpio, Aquarius
Thank you for reading!!
Pile 5
This person has an elusive persona. The cold and rich male lead character of a manhwa/drama. They prefer night over day; might be a night owl. They are secretly a hopeless romantic. They need someone who is like sunshine. Initially they give off this dark, serious and mature vibe but underneath they have a very soft core. They are a very caring and nurturing person but that energy has been stifled because of their environment. The reason why they act so serious is because they don’t want people to take advantage of them. To them, you are like a warm ray of sunshine that makes them feel alive again. They hate authority. They hate having all these responsibilities that tie them down and keep them busy. They are deserving of their position because of their hard work and leadership qualities, but sometimes they just want to run away from it. They feel that they have a different purpose. However, they could be hesitant to move on from their comfort zone. Out of all the piles, this pile is the most eager to meet you. They said, “you have so much light, the plants grow towards you”. Numbers and signs: 25, 8, 14, 3, Capricorn, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Taurus, Aries, Libra
Thank you for reading!!
Pile 6
This pile has a very endearing energy. Someone who goes through all of it and yet chooses to be kind. “Memories are all I have” A very poetic or sentimental kind of person who struggles in making decisions. Also, they like humor based on their own pain. They like visiting places that are off the grid and collecting random things. They often dress up to go nowhere. They tend to do a lot of silly things that wouldn’t make sense to the average person because they are silly, duh. Quite the hopeless romantic too. Apart from all the silliness, they are avoidant of the reality because they often dissociate and have tendency to spiral into inner turmoil. They may struggle to understand their own feelings. All this is hidden under the persona of being the happy go lucky friend. In the end, they just want to bond over the little things and enjoy the mundane tasks of everyday life with someone. They may work in a field related to children or history. May, September could be significant. Numbers and signs: 26, 6, 2, 18, Cancer, Scorpio, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, Libra, Aries
Thank you for reading!!
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aajjks · 6 months
please please PLEASE! (m)
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synopsis. He’s a determined man, and he knows a magical word, please.
warnings. ännöyïng köö, hë häs göt thë fättëst crüsh ön yöu, përsuätïön, bêggïng, tsündërë yn, evïl bräïnêd köö, cütê köö, mänïpülätïön, cöcky köö.
He is kinda cringe but yk yolo.
note. HEYYYY I already miss him so.. I wrote this in like 37 minutes.. kinda rough kind of cringe but you know… and based on the interactions and reactions, this will get this may become a little Drabble series. OK OK NOW ENJOY. AND PLEASE SEND ME SOME FEEDBACK OR ASKS THEY MAKE ME REALLY HAPPY.
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When are you ever going to agree?
Do you know that he cannot sleep because of you? Do you know that he’s not even able to eat without feeling sick to his stomach, ALL BECAUSE OF YOU.
You are very evil. Jungkook thinks that you are very mean, insensitive! You are evily beautiful, frustratingly sexy and awfully perfect.
He HATES you.
“You evil woman! I hate you!” He’s crying, he’s devastatingly frustrated right now. He has been persuading you for a month. But you still haven’t agreed.
He looks up at you, you look bored. He’s on his knees, his hands resting on your thighs, he’s got tears in his eyes, “JUST ONE DATE!” He chokes out.
He’s looking at you constantly, but it doesn’t have an effect on you, you’re looking at your nails while he’s begging you. “I said no.” You shrug, he scoffs. What is your problem? He’s hot. He earns well. AND HE LIKES YOU A LOT.
So why won’t you give him a chance?
“JUST ONE DATEEE PLEASE.” he sounds really cringe and desperate. He’s a grown man. But he’s on his knees, begging you. “Ynnnnnnn!” Are you enjoying this? he’s sure.
He doesn’t mind entertaining you, but… he really wants you.
“Yn!” He whines, he’s even tired of crying and screaming. His throat feels dry now. He stares at you dumbfounded. You are one stubborn woman.
But he’s also very stubborn, and he knows you very well, your reason to not go on a date with him our date is very ridiculous in his opinion..
He rolls his eyes. You are about to say it.
“No kook. You’re my best friend.”
Of course he’s your best friend, that is the problem.
“BUT I LIKE YOU.” He argues back, biting his lower lip, he doesn’t know how to get you to agree. Even though he knows you very well… he’s not sure.
But one thing is for sure, he won’t stop annoying you until you agree.
You don’t reply, still looking at your manicured nails. They take his attention as well, distracting him. They are a pretty color of brown, with a gray sparkly French tip.
He loves your hands so much.
“FINE.” Jungkook pouts. “because of you, I’m gonna die alone.” of course guilt tripping has to work. You’ll have to agree now.
He has been your best friend for the longest time ever, and he knows that you cannot see him sad. He’s liked you for as long as he can remember.
And you know that very well.
“Yn… you make me very sad.” He turns his eyes away from you. And he feels your gaze shifting to his face. He can feel the heat of your gaze suddenly.
He smirks.
He feels kind of evil, but he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do.
“Y-You know I’ve liked you for the longest time! A-AND IT CAN BE KIND OF WEIRD TO DATE YOUR BEST FRIEND, BUT… just one chance.” He speaks in a very low sad tone.
Crossing his hands across his chest. And then he hears you sigh. “You are a very evil man, kook.” His ears perk up, you are definitely about to agree.
His hard work is finally starting to pay off. Maybe begging you for the last couple of weeks… was worth it after all. He’s got a goofy smile on his face, you can’t see it because he’s turned his face away from you.
“Ugh… don’t give me the silent treatment… I can hear your pout.” he is sure you’re rolling your eyes right now. The thing is that you both know each other very very well.
That’s why you are perfect for each other.
Go on… go on go on!!!
“Okay fine. UGH DON’T MAKE ME REGRET IT.” You say, finally giving in.
And at the speed of light, he turns his head, almost breaking his neck. Jungkook is looking at you with wide eyes. His mouth is agape.
Did he hear you right?
“SAY THAT AGAIN!” Standing up, he giggles. Clapping his hands like a toddler. He knows he’s annoying the fuck out of you right now, but a man’s got to celebrate.
“OH MY GOD YN Thank you I promise you won’t regret it and you will want to date me every single lifetime of yours.” He smirks, his changing from desperate to cocky in 00.0 seconds.
He winks at you while you give him the middle finger.
“You are going to want me so bad after this. I WON.” He Throws his hand into the air, doing a dramatic pose.
“Now I’ve gotta go!!! GO TO PREPARE FOR THE DATE. It has to be perfect. Bye bye ynnnnnn!!!! I love you.” He blows you a flying kiss before yeeting out of your home.
You just hope you won’t regret this.
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gyuzpurizzn · 7 months
it was better to let you go than me hurting you more - c.yj
pairing: yeonjun x reader
warning: exes to ??
wc: 844
a/n: im not sure about this guys…. ERRR THIS IS KINDA BAD. its ok. YOLO! but anyways omg. THIS YEONJUN POST. you guys know i had to.
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note: listen to talk by beabadoobee!
part 1.
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four years later.
holy shit.
you see your ex, yeonjun.
he’s down the street, with his friends, beomgyu and taehyun if you remember clearly.
he looks different, his hair wasn’t green anymore, it’s now ginger.
you see him walking towards the cafe you were at, you prayed and prayed that him and his friends turn their feet around and go to another place.
the cafe’s bell ding, notifying that a customer walked in.
lord, you wanted to bury yourself ten feet underground.
you hoped that he doesn’t see you, unfortunately for you, his friend taehyun saw you.
“dude, isn’t that yn?” taehyun asked yeonjun.
“where?” yeonjun asked taehyun, shocked.
clearly not expecting to hear that name in so long.
he didn’t like how you two ended, sure he had a lot on his plate at that time, but he shouldn’t have been that harsh to you.
the biggest thing he regretted was not fighting harder enough for your relationship.
few months after the breakup, he was miserable and he missed you like crazy.
he lost the one thing that helped him get through life.
taehyun pointed to where you were sitting.
you tried to act like you hadn’t just heard taehyun and went on your phone and just started blasting music.
you looked up for a moment and see that yeonjun was walking towards you.
you started freaking out.
what were you supposed to say to him?
fuck. fuck. fuck.
yeonjun tapped your shoulders.
you then took out your airpods and looked up at him.
“yeonjun?” you asked, pretending that you didn’t see him come in.
“hi, yn i haven’t seen you in so long.”
you wonder why.
“yeonjun, hi how are you?”
“i’m good, how about you?”
“im fantastic” forcing out a fake smile.
“mind if i sit down?”
“no, not at all. go ahead.”
when in fact, you did mind.
it was silent for a minute or two, before yeonjun started speaking.
he takes a deep breathe and started.
“i wasn’t expecting to do this today, but i just wanted to apologize. for what happened between us two. i hated the way i handled things. my biggest regret was not fighting for you, but at that time i let the insecurities and thoughts get the best of me. i did not know what i was thinking, i was young and immature back then. and i also had a lot of stuff going on in my life at that moment, and i didn’t wanna burden you with my problems. i know that is not an excuse for the way i treated you, but i hope you can understand. i didn’t mean to hurt you the way i did yn, you didn’t deserve that.”
you didn’t know what to say.
you were left speechless.
you didn’t even know where to begin.
you felt a tear slid down your face.
yeonjun leaning over the table to wipe it.
“sorry, did i go over the boundaries?” he asked
“no, it’s okay. it’s just that this was very unexpected” you let out a laugh.
“i know and im sorry, you don’t have to say anything.”
“don’t be sorry, yeonjun. it’s okay, really. i appreciate the apology.”
“of course, yn. like i said you didn’t deserve the way i treated you four years ago.”
“i just have one comment, yeonjun.”
“what is it?” yeonjun asked curiously.
“you should have told me you were going through something, i know that you didn’t want me to feel burdened by your problems, but i wouldn’t have cared. we could have gone through it together, like we always did.” you said as your voice begins to break.
yeonjun sucks in a breath and responded, “ it was better to let you go than me hurting you more. i wasn’t in the right mind back then. i didn’t want you to keep hurting because i saw the way you looked whenever we fought. i couldn’t stand it.”
“that’s the thing yeonjun. you were hurting more than me, you needed someone to help you. and i wasn’t there to do that, if only, you talked to me about your problems. then maybe we didn’t have to end the way we ended. maybe just maybe we would have still been together.”
“i know yn, and i regretted everything. i swear, i wanted to run right back in your arms the second we broke up.”
you thought about it. long and hard.
“yeonjun. i’m willing to give us a second chance.”
“are you serious right now, yn?”
“so serious. but let’s take things slow.”
“oh my god, you just made me the happiest man on earth. i do not deserve you, yn. i promise to be better for you.” yeonjun said smiling like he won a lottery.
“another thing, yeonjun.”
“promise to talk to me when you’re having problems or any thoughts at all. i want to help you.”
“same goes for you, okay?”
yeonjun pulling out his pinky.
you laughed at his silliness.
you then bring out your pinky, interlocking them.
“i promise.”
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©️ gyuzpurizzn. all right reserved 2023. please do not copy, translate, nor repost my post unless asked and have given perms.
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Kuai Liang, trying to use a phone: Johnny, Johnny, where did you go?
Johnny, Very Drunk: i dunno, somewhere
Kuai Liang: Why did you leave? We were drinking at your house!
Johnny: There was a car outside, they told me to get in, and I did
Kuai Liang, regretting ever becoming friends with this man:......
Kuai Liang: WHY?!?!
Johnny: Yolo
Kuai Liang: Oh, for fuck's. sake- What is around you right now?
Johnny: I dunno, there's a bag on my head
Kuai Liang:.........Johnny have you been kidnapped?
Johnny: y'know, I think the answer to that might be yes
Kidnappers: We want 1 million in cash as ransom and then we'll give him back
Johnny, offended: Excuse you! I'm worth at least five!
Kuai Liang: Not helping!
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theshifterbride · 3 months
I don’t ever share a whole scenario and I’ll mostly likely regret posting this but yolo. This is for my tvd dr:
“Nik where are you?" I called him over the phone. “Why did you leave? What happened?" I kept asking. “I've gone to look for more werewolves." He answered. “Why did you not take me with you? What are you not telling me?" I asked him. " It's all going to be fine.” He reassure me. "I'll run again if you don't turn around.” I told him. It was a empty promise. I couldn't run from my sister now. Not when she needs me. Of course he saw through that. "No you're going to stay right there. With your sister. Everything going to be fine. I'll be back. Watch my sister.” There was silence after that. I was stuck wondering when he's coming back. I didn't understand why I was so dependent on him being with me. I didn't want to hang up the phone but I didn't want to talk. “Nia?" He asked. I released a breath “Yeah?". “I know you like me." He said. I laughed a little, “Yeah Yeah asshole. Give me a call. I don't know when but soon. For an update”. He answered, " I will.”
I’m shitty at writing scenarios.
DR shifting playlist
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tumbl3apply3 · 5 days
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#hair pulling #done right #free yourself #enjoy life #YOLO #so do it now #have no regrets
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widowbitessting · 2 years
When r is alone with one of the ladies is there anything they let her get away with that they know the other two wouldn't?
All posts for Sugar Mommies will be tagged as 18+ regardless of the content.
Wanda is the one Reader knows she can get away with pretty everything with. You wanna swear while playing a video game? That’s fine with her…just don’t get too carried away like last time…😂 junk food before a meal? Why not. YOLO right? What about when you’re both supposed to wait until Carol and Natty come back from a conference in England (hehe why not?) to touch one another? As long as you don’t tell, neither will she. It’ll be your secret. Unless you’re caught in the act. Then your asses will be sore for days and you will be edged for weeks. But it’s worth it, right?
Natasha has to be in the mood. If she’s not in a cheeky mood then no chance. Forget about it. No matter how big doe eyes you give her. If, however, she is in a cheeky mood then she may or may not let a few things slip…what? She’s only human. You wanna eat crap food for dinner? Just this once. Play a prank on Wanda or even better, MJ? Natasha is already getting the supplies for you. Drink on an empty stomach? Okay, Natasha really regrets letting you both do that and that’s one rule she will never let slide again: RIP toilet. Before doing any of that though, she makes you promise you won’t tell the others and you seal the deal with a firm but tender kiss.
Carol is pretty much like Natasha. Only, a little tougher to crack. She’s a hard ass after all. She stands firm by their rules and if you break them, you deserve to be punished. Right? The only time - so far - that she’s let a rule slip was when you were in the kitchen, refilling yours and her wine. Your glass ended up smashing on the floor, catching you as it broke apart; causing you to swear loudly when it snagged your skin. Carol was immediately over and was quick to pick you up and remove you from the danger; tending to your cat scratches as if you’d been part of a War. Ten minutes later, now with a fresh glass of wine - Carol very kindly cleaned the kitchen up for you - you’ve got a couple of Cookie Monster plasters on your legs and ankles and you’re back to watching whatever it was you had started on Netflix. Oh, and when you asked about the swearing, Carol just shrugged, saying: “My kitten got hurt. That’s the only time you’re allowed to be a sailor, got it?”
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jedimaesteryoda · 3 months
tw://violence, sexual violence
Knowing who I'm about to talk about, that trigger warning is earned. Among all the (many) villains in Berserk, the one that always freaked me out the most was Wyald, the second apostle Guts met in the Golden Age arc.
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Wyald's the kind of guy you can tell there's something not quite right with just by looking at him with a simian appearance and an unsettling smile. His apostle form is giant ape-like being with his upper torso on top, and an eye in the middle and one on each shoulder. And you know it's bad when his apostle form has a spiked phallus that makes me shudder to think of the women he may have used it on.
On a side not, it was so satisfying to see Guts emasculate him with his sword.
In terms of stats, he is superhumanly strong being able to punch a boulder to pieces, crush a guy's skull with two fingers and knock down a tree. Though in terms of weight class, he's not the most powerful apostle compared to the likes of Zodd and Grunbeld who could easily kick his ass (proven when Zodd dispatches him) with their more powerful apostle forms. And, let's be honest, even if Wyald was in his demon form and they in their human forms, they would still kick his ass given they're talented warriors in their own right having honed their skills whereas Wyald movements are noted to be sloppy with no technique. He is a classic brute who's all power and no skill. It's seen in the way his weapon of choice is a log, and his men easily being routed by the Band of the Hawk. Hence, why a pre-Dragonslayer Guts was able to defeat Wyald using his intelligence and outsmarting him.
He's also quite arrogant to the point that he recklessly charges straight ahead for the Hawk in spite of the clear risk. That may by due to the fact that he knows he is immortal and can heal from almost any wound as well as use his superhuman strength. His overconfidence proves to be his undoing.
He is the leader of the Black Dog knights, Midland's army made up of criminals who garnered the worst reputation. Under his leadership, they had a long list of war crimes, deliberately targeting civilians. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't uncommon in the Middle Ages as well as in Berserk's setting for armies to target the local populace, but Wyald takes it to another level of brutality as shown with the village where they raped and murdered the women, killed the men and threw kids into a fire and used their dismembered body parts as standards.
If you haven't already guessed by now, what really made him scary is that while not as strong as the aforementioned Nosferatu Zodd or Grunbeld, they at least have standards and you know the worst they'll give you is a quick death. Wyald on the other hand, might mutilate and/or rape you. Wyald is exactly what you'd fear most from an apostle: a sadistic, raping, brutish and heartless psychopath who is a monster in every sense of the term. He has zero restraint to the point he even kills his own men for routing or even advising caution. He even tries to rape Casca in his apostle form in the middle of a fight.
"That's the problem with grown-ups." *Crushes subordinate commander's skull with two fingers* "If you start talking about living or dying, you end up wasting your life away."
He approaches war with a libertine attitude with the motto "to enjoy and excite" or basically YOLO which sounds fun until you learn his idea of enjoyment and excitement is rape and slaughter. He even approaches it with a casual attitude, referring to people who exercise caution as "grown-ups" as if he is a kid complaining. He is over a century old, and he is at the same time both old and child-like. His words end up making more sense when you see his actual human form when he dies:
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By the time his behelit activated, he was already an old man who had lived an insignificant life and for much of it, played it safe. Likely plenty of people as they get older, he was filled with regrets and wished he could be young again, and do the things he wished he had done. He got his wish in the form of a behelit and became an apostle. Being forever young with superhuman strength and healing, he could finally ingratiate his id without fear of any consequences.
But eventually karma caught up with him. He died a gruesome death at the hands of another apostle as a result of his actions stemming from being hypocritically worried about dying. As he told Zodd, he was told "Do as thou wilt" to which Zodd replied "Then, I shall do as I will," and dispatched him. For the first and final time, he faced the consequences of his actions and paid for it.
Wyald died not even being a climactic villain but a fake climax of the Golden Age arc. He didn't even deserve the top tier. He served to satisfy readers only with his justly deserved death.
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star-spacer · 8 months
Parts of a Whole
Ok I regret starting a new writing blog during what's probably one of the busiest periods of my life but yolo
Adashino x reader x Ginko (Platonic/romantic friendly)
For as close as you are to someone, sometimes there are some minor hiccups.
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If someone were to ask you, you would say that Adashino was the day and Ginko was the night.
Someone less familiar with hem would look at their physical features and say otherwise, but you knew differently.
Adashino was the ever-reliable sun, a constant never wavering and never changing. His medicine may have felt too warm at times, but it burned off the sick. Ginko was the soothing balm of the moonlight’s hand caressing your cheek. Sometimes his medicine nipped at you with a biting cold, but it chased away the crawling maladies and kept them away.
Either way, you don’t think you would have been the same without them by your side. Conversely to the laws of nature, your world revolved around them, even though they might not know it. Kitsunes were known to be solitary Yokais, but to them, family was one of the most important things. That was a trait that you shared in both of your bloodlines, the trait that your parents imparted to you before their passing. And Adashino and Ginko were your family, even though you never told them so. And that put them on a pedestal far above anybody else.
(There wasn’t anybody else, but you were terrified to admit it, terrified of the implications of that.)
That’s why you let them get away with too much, sometimes.
Like smoking cigarettes that were mildly toxic to you. Mildly. Supposedly.
But based on the wracking coughs hitting you now, and the arrays of other symptoms, whatever the seller put into this new blend was a little more than mildly toxic.
“Ginko,” you managed through your growing headache, suppressing a dry heave. “Put that thing out right now or–hrk–you’re going to be cleaning up my sick from all over our sleeping spot.”
“Hm?” Ginko’s half-lidded gaze locked onto your sweaty face and his eyes widened, immediately leaning forward to stub out his smoke in the tray. “Oh.”
Adashino stepped into the room at that moment, arms full of bedding. He took a moment to sniff the air. “I know that smell anywhere. Why is it worse than usual??”
His voice sent a pulse of pain through your head and you wince, exhaling slowly as a wheeze rattled your chest.
Your white-haired friend silently draped a rag over the ashtray, stifling the smoldering embers despite the smoke already in the air. “I tried this new tobacco blend.”
“I-It’s bad.” You tried to get to your feet, only managing to get to your knees before the nausea stopped you.
Adashino gave a long-suffering sigh. “Oh for goodness’s sake, I thought I told you–Wait there.”
He stepped back out of sight for a few moments and then returned, arms empty of the bedding, presumably to keep the smoke from seeping into it. Raking a hand through his hair, he kneeled down to help you to your feet as you struggled to take a full breath. 
Ginko was as apologetic as you’ve ever seen him, hand reaching out to you before he caught himself and pulled back. Already, you could see him withdrawing from you, pulling away from everyone and preparing to flee.  “I didn’t realize how much more potent this new blend was. If I knew I wouldn’t have used it.”
“I told you to stop testing them out inside and before bed,” Adashino grumbled, sharper than intended as he focused on trying to get you to your feet without throwing up dinner.
Please don’t fight…
“Stop it,” you mumbled. 
Adashino realized that the other man was closing himself up and quickly acted to amend things before he could physically run away. “Ginko stay there, I’ll be right back.”
With his help, you managed to hobble your way outside to the cool night air without making a mess all over Adashino’s wooden floors. The man gingerly sat you down on the engawa and–after a moment of double-checking–moved back inside. There was a dull mutter in the background as you focused on taking deep breaths, closing your eyes to try to ease the headache. Now in the open, the clear air did wonders for your symptoms, lungs able to work fully without the smoke wrapping around them. The sliding door was left open but thankfully you were settled far enough to be unaffected as the room aired out. 
It was no sooner that your symptoms subsded when Adashino reappeared. He offered an arm that you eagerly latched onto, still a bit shaky. His presence brought back the warmth into your body that you didn’t realize had seeped out of you body.
“Futon’s ready,” he said airily. “I forced Ginko to beat the smoke out of the sheets, change his clothes, and get new sheets. The room’s been aired too.”
“Did you two make up?” You asked hoarsely.
The man paused, taking off his monocle to wipe it down. “Yeah. I didn’t mean to be so harsh with him. We talked it out though. Safe to say there will be no more smoking inside the house. And all the sheets were changed.”
True to Adashino’s earlier words, three new futons were rolled out in the middle of the floor, pushed closer to the doors than where they usually were. Thanks to the fact that the three of you were spreading out over the large front room of him adobe, there was plenty of space to go around instead of the bedrooms. You gratefully plopped into the nearest one and pulled the blanket up into your lap while Adashino went to move the lit lantern away.
(You don’t know when it started being a regular thing, the three of your piling together in Adashino’s large greeting room, waking up in the morning to find one person or another sprawled all over the place. But what you did know that you slept easier with them by your side when you were here.)
As Ginko stepped back into the room in a pair of Adashino’s sleep clothes instead of his, the fringes of his bangs weightened down by water and dripping onto the clothes. He paused upon seeing you and Adashino, remaining right by the doorway.
Adashino was the first to speak. “Ginko you’re back–why is your hair wet?”
“I washed myself.”
You frowned. “But I thought we used up all the heated water?”
“We did. I just used our regular water.”
You could hear Adashino’s patience getting ready to snap. “I-It’s cold! You might get sick!”
“If I have to end up taking care of the both of you for being ill, I will break out the most bitter blend I have to treat you,” the doctor grumbled, putting out the lantern and walking over to drag Ginko to the futons by the collar of the man’s borrowed shirt.
You yawned placidly and shuffled over as Ginko settled into the futon next to yours. “Are you feeling better now?” The man murmured.
“Yep,” you replied, easing back on your back as your friend was too. “Thankfully, my symptoms cleared up pretty quickly after the smoke got cleared out.”
Adashino pulled the sliding doors closed, shutting out the moonlight. In the darkness, your sharp eyes saw him gingerly picking his way over to the last futon on your other side. You closed your eyes, fox ears flicking as you heard him get into bed and lie down.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Ginko murmured.
“I know,” you replied. “You didn’t hurt me.”
“I won’t smoke inside again.”
“I know,” Adashino said. “There are no hard feelings. Go to sleep you two,”
You burrowed deeper into your sheets, banked on either side by the safety of the two you knew best. A final yawn left you as sleepiness finally seeped back in to your body.
“Good night you two,” you mumbled.
“Good night.”
A sleepy smile stretched over your lips and it remained there as rest finally claimed you. Yes, Adashino was your day and Ginko your night, and life wouldn’t be whole without them by your side.
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ravelqueen · 7 months
there is one singular explanation I can think of that has the airport death scene makes sense at all (considering that adult!gojo and teenage!gojo were so different and thinking about Gege wanting to communicate that lol actually he didn't grow at all heyaaa makes me want to hurl something at a wall):
It's canon that jujutsu sorcerers can turn into curses upon death and that that is something to be careful of, since they tend to be extremely powerful
And I can see a young Gojo especially being really terrified of that, because he probably assumed that if he was going to die in battle it was going to be with a lot of bad feelings/regrets and he doesn't really have a high opinion of his moral/ethical character.
So what if he like...placed a sort of compulsion/magic timed spell of himself that was going to activate once he started dying that would contain a sort of calm, nice image, filled with the people he likes/cares about, so that in his final moments he can focus on that positive idea instead of being mad that he had to die?
Since he placed it at his late-teenage stage he could only fill in the people he knew at that point/wanted to be there and that's why none of his students/current friends were there and also why people like Nanami are aged down.
BUT since it is magic it was sort of filled by idk last sorcerer magic vibe impressions which is why fake!nanami was talking about his last words as an adult, despite appearing as his younger self
In which case it's not a sort of 'guess Gojo didn't have any meaningful development and also he apparently doesn't give a fuck about any of the people around him right now yolo high school is the best time of life amiright' it's this sort of last activation of his own self-doubt instead
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mitsdriveswhere · 1 year
Unique Gas Station Food
It was a news story about "Unique Gas Station Food."
Let me es'plain.
March 31st, 2021. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I remember it was a really crappy day at work. Like, I got to my car and immediately started crying, kind of crappy day. I had gotten into the habit of driving around town after bad days, but I was just not in the mood to slowly cruise around town. My first thought? Go get black-out-drunk. That was immediately shot down, I had work tomorrow. Second thought? Get an impromptu tattoo. Swiftly shot down.
Third thought? Get on the road and drive. Don't stop until you aren't upset anymore.
That seemed reasonable to me, so I got in the interstate and started driving south away from town, 80 miles an hour and still upset. I kept driving for around 30 minutes, at which point I was feeling better and was no longer crying. At that point, I was only about 15 minutes away from the next town over. I had been there before, as a kid, but had not been back in probably near a decade.
I remembered the nicest part of town was called the Riverwalk, so I looked out for signs until I found my way to it (I had yet to get data on my phone at that point). I found a free parking lot, got out, and started walking.
I walked down the Riverwalk, looking at restaurants, not really in the mood for anything I went by and certainly not in their expected income bracket. So I kept walking, until I left the Riverwalk and started heading into a cheaper part of town. The walk continued until finally I found myself in front of a sushi place, at which point I decided that sounded good, and went in.
It was nearly deserted, only two other people in the whole restaurant. I was seated next to the front window, and my food soon delivered out to me.
I sat there and ate in silence, for about an hour, texting my mum a picture of the menu to show her how far I had driven "for dinner". I finished with a full belly, returned to my car, and drove home.
It was a very pleasant evening, ending my day way better than it started.
I don't remember the exact day, but it was early April, 2021. I was working as a BHT, sitting with clients as they watched TV before therapy started. It was playing the morning news, something nobody was really interested in watching, but then a little local story came on, about "Unique Gas Station Food".
The story was exactly as it sounds, just a local news station talking about weird food you can get at gas stations around the country.
I made an off-hand, flippant comment, about how it would be cool if your entire job was just "Find Weird Food. That's it."
One of the girls watching agreed, jokingly saying I should do just that. She had been in the facility for a month at this point, and it was her second 'stay' with us. We had gotten to know each other fairly well, and she was pretty close with me in terms of staff.
I brushed her off, but she doubled down. Like, no, Mits. You should do it. Again, I brushed her off, that I obviously couldn't do that. And again, she was like. No. Mits. You have to live sometime, YOLO type deal. And she asked me, what's something you've always wanted to do for a long time but never did.
Well, my obvious answer was "skydiving". But I can't do that, because my dad said he would take me when I turned 21.
But Mits. You are 24.
That was true.
So he didn't take you. You should just go yourself.
One more time, I brushed her off. Yeah, sure, I'll look into when I get home.
No. Mits. Do it now. Live in the moment.
And you know?
Something in my head just kind of.... clicked. I can go all the way to another town "for dinner". I can schedule to go skydiving.
So I did. I got my phone out right then and there, we looked up local skydiving schools (? academies? idk) and I scheduled myself to jump out of an airplane.
April 29th, 2021. I jumped out of an airplane. It was amazing, no regrets whatsoever. It was the exact kind of exhilarating I imagined it to be. 5/5 would do again.
That was the start. That click. It was about a news story about "Unique Gas Station Food." My brain finally clicked that if I wanted to, I could just... go do it.
Skydiving? I can just do that.
Driving across the country by myself? I can just do that.
Driving to a tiny town in Canada because it has the same name as my cat and I think it'd be funny? I can, indeed, just do that.
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besaea · 2 years
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hellloooooo party people! i’m late to the party but thank you for all the welcome messages so far 8) i’ll be replying to them slowly over the next couple days because i’m going to be a bit busy until early next week but hopefully we can get some plots going! as always, please LIKE THIS and i will come to you through ims to plot
info about saea under the cut! and her about page is here
she’s the youngest of two kids and has an older brother
born and raised in seoul 
but she travelled a lot when she was younger bc of her dad’s job (she lived in sydney and toronto too)
her english name is charlotte with the nickname charlie but not many people know that
she currently works at a dance studio to support her side hustle of being a fansite (i haven’t decided which senior group she’s a fansite of yet ... or if i’m gonna go with a real group not in wannabe-verse ... cough cough oneus) 
she’s part of a dance crew (named obsidian) that busks in hongdae/sinchon on evenings that she doesn’t have to work at the studio
she currently lives on her own but will probably need a roommate soon since she’s on Struggle Street right now since she has to have a backup plan of going to university once her gap year is over (her parents are willing to help but only to an extent)
basically she’s overextending herself right now but she’s a firm believer of YOLO so she’s trying to do everything that she wants to do so she won’t have any regrets in the future
wanted plots!!
dance crew members for sure! i was thinking maybe up to like 5 people (who are all npc right now) to be part of her dance crew who she busks with in hongdae/sinchon on some week nights and most weekends
since the dance crew probably all work at certain places during the week, they can only really practice in the wee hours of the night so maybe someone who works at a convenience store at those early hours and always catches saea dropping by for snacks
high school friends?
or friends from canada/sydney from the time that she was there. ESP PEN PALS
a potential roommate?
buddies who skateboard with her! she’s pretty seasoned at this point but everyone needs people who will laugh at them when they fuck up doing a trick and then help them up after
maybe you literally walk by her in the middle of the night but she seems to be asleep standing up in the middle of the park ... is she ok ... (she’s just zoned out and WILL shriek like she’s seen a ghost once u try to check on her tho ... fair warning ...)
you have become pseudo cat parents with her bc you guys have been adopted by the same stray cat in hongdae
there’s a deal at a bakery/cafe for couples only and none of her friends are answering their phones so she literally comes up to you on the street and asks if you want to pretend to be her boyfriend for free cake bc you’re wearing the same shoes
you guys were friends before she left seoul the first time and when you both were little, she asked u to marry her with a flower and now she doesn’t remember (or vice versa) LOLOL 
also i’m totally down to just brainstorm KHGSDJ
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sibyl-of-space · 2 years
grad school feels below readmore, last semester is coming up
I have an advising session tomorrow, and registration opens next week, for my last semester here. Holy fucking hell that went by fast. Almost 2 years already. Gonna graduate and have a Master’s in music technology and composition. That’s actually not something I think I saw myself doing when I graduated undergrad ~6 years ago... I was so done with school at the time, and had done such a shit job networking because I was treating it like high school and just trying to Get Good Grades, that my bachelor’s in music felt like a paperweight. A paperweight that I thoroughly enjoyed the studies it took to obtain, but a paperweight nevertheless.
And now a bitch (almost) has a master’s. I mean still, after all this, a paper that says you have a degree is just a paper - but I’ve worked my ass off and learned so much these past 2 years. I haven’t done the internships etc that you’re “supposed” to do, but I have made a lot of friends, some of whom I am sure to continue collaborating with when I graduate, and I think I’ve met at least a couple teachers who I might be able to keep in touch with too. My lesson teacher in particular. And I’ve gotten the #1 thing I wanted which was a better grasp on what tools are available to me to create music and sounds, and a better ear to figure out what sounds I like and how to make them. I’ve become a MEASURABLY better artist.
So now.... really the question is, how do I get the most out of one final semester here? I absolutely cannot do another 17-unit semester like I’m doing now, because I need to spend a LOT of time OUTSIDE of school preparing to transition into The Real World (TM). In order to do that I need time that I do NOT have right now drowning in this many units. But I don’t want to take the bare minimum units and coast, either -- I KNOW I’ll regret that. It’s about finding the classes that really matter to me and being completely certain that I am getting the skills I want from my education.
(I think I’ve done a really good job of that so far. It required more or less fistfighting my advisor on certain topics, but I know myself well enough that I was able to make what - in retrospect - were definitely the correct decisions for me. There is one last thing I want to fistfight my advisor about tomorrow, and I have a backup plan for if I lose that battle, but I will not go down without a fight.)
I still feel nervous about how I’ve continued to have such a Jack Of All Trades approach - I've bounced between being obsessed with recording and being obsessed with sound design and being obsessed with scripting/implementation and being obsessed with arrangement and being obsessed with composing. Even took a stint in being obsessed with early 20th century French newspaper articles. But finally thanks to my lesson teacher (and my Unity/C# teacher) I feel like I have met a few people who see my approach to things as a strength and not a weakness, and I really hope I can find a way forward through them.
Going to be very scary facing that job market with not one but two music degrees though. Oh well yolo
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