#buuuut familiars can wait....I GUESS
dahkis · 1 year
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aww yeah baby
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
I HAS 25 ASK :}}}}}🍤
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@nihilityart Thank you! And,
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I am now! Some kind of ice and fire guys? They look neat :}}
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For me clothed VS unclothed is the same as Civilized VS uncivilized. Or perhaps Intelligent VS unintelligent..? Captain Barnacles VS a salmon. The very humanoid Captain polar bear is gonna wear clothes and the lil fish guy just gonna swim around and be a fish XD
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I'm thinking that the Cupcake Factory and Mazercise were never built following Chica's decommission.. the only thing that remains of her is the small party stage her and Freddy used to preform on. :(
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Proud :}
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Well, my Jevil gains the power create mirrors and walk through them into other AUs and timelines. So maybe his power matches up?? I'm not familiar with that Kefka character <XD
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Glamrock Foxy still suffers from baby disease XD He may be bigger then Chica and Freddy, but they can still push him around fairly easily.
I also imagine becuase he's so light he can easily be picked up by the other Glamrocks. Poor Foxy can never catch a break XDD
Also Swap Foxy would never pick up OG Foxy. He couldn't do that to him man he knows the pain all too well <XD
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Freddy would be really sad seeing Bonnie like that. He doesn't even have to ask anyone what's up with him. He knows that Bonnie cant handle constant activity, noise and lights. He's just not programmed with that kind of processing power. After every performance back in the day, Freddy was the first one check on Bonnie and get him to his room if he was wiped out.
And he was always the last to speak with him after he emerged from his room. Waiting for Bonnie to talk to him first when he was ready.
Seeing him like this now.. so.. hollow. It just breaks his heart. He can tell just by looking at him that no one has treated Bonnie right or attended to his needs in any way. For years. He wouldn't take any of Bonnies rudeness or sarcasm personally. It would bounce right off him because he knows why Bonnie is saying those things and he means none of it.
If Glamrock Freddy was in the swap AU, he would completely leave Bonnie alone. He wouldn't talk to him or address him in anyway. Buuuut maybe he would hover nearby. To be there to give Bonnie an escape from any given situation or if he happens to need someone or something, Freddy would be there to help.
But still. Never talk to him or look at him. Bonnie doesn't need any more things to process.. :(
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Thanks for ask! Don't be shy to send more, I love getting them! :DD
As for the perfect sandwich? Oooo that's a good question. Uhhmmmm.... hmm.. Well, tbh I'm kind'a craving a cursed PB&J with cheetos in the middle ngl..
Oh! Or maybe a sandwich with toasted bread and some mayo, turkey, Ham and cheese?? Its kind'a basic but man does that sound good right about now XD
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I imagine it works much like the show/real boy scouts. There's not really any major changes I can think of..
I mean, I guess in my AU Professor Natquik was probably the main polar scout leader- or maybe even the founder of the polar scouts?? Or at the very least he could have been a beloved polar scout leader for like.. 20-30 years or something before he dipped and went to the Antarctic. That's all I can think of <XD
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Thank you! I'm having a ton of fun drawing this Deltarune stuff so far! I'm doing a ton of world building on it and I have another set of drawings to post right after this ask post goes up! :}}
As for Jevil's lore, I made this post that talks about his lore thus far. But the post I'm going to make after this kind'a overwrites that so be on the look out XD
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They grew up on the Octopod yes. And I don't think its a thing of child labor XD I imagine that all the Octonauts can cook for themselves. The Vegimals are just very eager to help out and they love to cook! Its become their way of helping out around the ship because they want to help. But they can stop when ever- no one is forcing them to be their cooks or even live there. They can leave when ever they want! But they choose not to because they love the crew and they love to cook!
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Actually, google says that Barnacles is from Northern Canada. Something about a decorative banner he has labeled "MV Manitoba", which is a reference to the province of Manitoba..?
Which I guess if he is from Northern Canada, that banner and wheel is the only Canadian thing he brought to the Octopod.? XD
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Thank you so much!! :DDD
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And King Resh you say? Ooooo, I like that name :00 And yeah, boy his design sure is spooky <XDD
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@ariisonfire (Post in question)
SKKJDKJSFKJ SORRY! That probably didn't feel great-- <XD But don't worry I had no idea your character existed when I made blue Grillby so I'm not copying! XD
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I've seen that floating around. I don't have much of an opinion on it myself. I just hope the fans are satisfied with it :0
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I have actually! I watched Elvis the Alien review it on YouTube XDD
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1: In the partial swap with Gregory.. I imagine there was a moment like in the classic AU where Monty and Foxy sat down with Chica and told her that Freddy was gone. She probably got some old posters and pointed Freddy out to Gregory. Eventually communicating that she wanted to look for him. In which, they would find him all beat up..
In the true swap, with little Vanessa, I imagine its the same thing. Despite Bonnie taking the place of Freddy, its still Monty and Foxy that sit down and explain Freddy's disappearance. In which again, Chica points out Freddy in the posters to Vanessa and they go find him.
2: I believe in both the Partial and true swap, Freddy and Chica's decommissions happened the same way/for the same reasons as Foxy and Bonnie in the Classic AU.
3: Fazer blast doesn't actually exist in the partial or true swap. In the classic AU Freddy and Chica's attraction was just the main stage and party area. And Bonnie had the Bowling ally and Foxy had Pirates cove.
When the Glamrock era began, Bonnie bowl and Pirates cove were left untouched. Meanwhile Freddy and Chica's roles expanded and they were given Fazer Blast and Mazercise.
In the true and partial swap, that stage and party area are just kind'a.. left there. Maybe sometimes big party's happen and one of the bots come and preform on that old stage.? But mostly the giant stage is used and that old party stage is left to collect dust. Which is a blessing in disguise. I cant imagine the pain the bots would feel preforming on that stage where their friends once stood..
As for Bonnie bowl, yeah it was expanded big time. And is way more decked out than it was before. As for the Pizzaplex its name is still the same. But I imagine the logo looks a bit different :0
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Thank you so much!! :DDD
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I mean, personally? I don't really like it but that's just because I don't ship Fronnie. But hey its not my artwork so its not really any of my business-
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Huh? What about him? Looks like he's from tiktok.?
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Thank you! And that would be something that would shock the classic Glamrocks. Swap Freddy is in significantly worse shape than Classic Bonnie.. (which was intentional ;}})
Freddy would be rather disturbed seeing his old model so messed up. Considering how much he misses the past and his old body.. seeing an eye hanging out, his arm broken- his leg twisted in the wrong direction.. ehg, it would really freak him out. He'd have a hard time looking at himself..
Chica seeing her old self would disturb her, but also make her jealous somewhat.?? My Chica doesn't like being a Glamrock and misses her old body and role on stage. So seeing herself back in her pink dress and soft yellow feathers.. despite the removal of her beak and hands she'd be weirdly envious.
Monty and Roxy wouldn't have any unique or interesting reactions. They'd just be like "wow you guys look janked up I'm so sorry" XD
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This post I made a while back talks about that! :00
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(post in question)
XD Yeah. Eventually his fur grew out and he trimmed all the green back. But it sure was funny while it was there!
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distant-velleity · 7 months
In Return
Summary: How quickly a month flies by -- it's already White Day. Word count: 800+ A/N: Sequel to this, this one makes more sense with the context of that one. I didn't write the AzuDavi one bc I'm. Admittedly tired and this one's already the length of that with just two buuuut. I had these two pre-written so here you go!! I love writing silly cute stuff it's wonderful. Enjoy <33
When Ace finally makes it to the secluded part of the hedge maze as instructed, he finds Yu waiting there already—sitting with arms and legs crossed, a bouquet of origami flowers in one hand. With the chocolate pastries waiting on the table beside him, if someone had said the TA had been a noblewoman fond of teatime in a past life, Ace would have believed them in a heartbeat.
“You never cut me any slack, do ya?” Ace asks, dry but light-hearted. He doesn’t even need to ask what’s going on—he’d be an idiot to not recognize the date and connect the dots.
Yu just shrugs. “I wasn’t gonna do this in front of all our friends.”
“So putting me on a wild goose chase through the Heartslabyul maze was better?”
“Would you believe me if I said this was all done out of spite for waking me up at the asscrack of dawn on Val— Promise Day?”
“You’re short and all your rage is compressed into just 160 centimeters,” says Ace with a shit-eating grin, “so I could believe that.”
He almost doesn’t catch the paper bouquet before it can smack him in the chest.
“You suck,” Yu declares, but Ace can tell he’s trying and failing to hide his own smile. “I spent a whole month overthinking this, and you act like that? Dude. That’s no way to treat your valentine.”
It’s a term Ace has only become familiar with through Yu’s explanations of his home world, but hearing it—your valentine, isn’t that something—fills him with a weird, jittery sort of pride. Not that he’d ever admit to it, because he’d never live down the excited butterflies in his stomach.
He doesn’t stop grinning. “Sorry, not sorry. Anything I can do to make up for it?”
Yu makes a show of pretending to think about it, then sits down in his chair with a self-satisfied smirk (for once, Ace is willing to concede this to Octavinelle—their scheming habits look good on the TA). “Well. It’d really suck if I had to eat all these pastries by myself…”
“You know me, I’m never gonna turn down food or my favorite TA.” Before Yu can say your only TA, and before he can think it through, Ace boldly concludes with, “Guess it’s a date now.”
He’s not sure which of them turns more red after that comment, or which of them digs into a handmade pastry faster to pretend that wasn’t just said aloud.
Let it be known that Chrysos has rarely experienced being jumped from behind. Even as a “human,” very few people at Night Raven College have the audacity to mess with him, which means that he can enjoy moments on its campus in peace—like right now, reading on a bench in the courtyard. 
So, it is a relatively new experience for him to suddenly feel warmth against his back, and arms loosely draped over his shoulder in a hug. 
He almost gasps. “Wha—”
“Surprise,” says a very familiar voice—Chrysos would know, he knows every little inflection and lilt of it by heart—that reverberates from the owner’s chest and through him. “You didn’t think I’d forget about answering your Promise Day gift, did you?”
Santiago rests his chin on the top of Chrysos’ head as he dangles a little box in front of him. It’s the most physically affectionate he’s been in, well, ever—but Chrysos finds that he doesn’t mind at all.
Chrysos sighs in resignation, although in reality, he’s starting to feel elated. “It’d better be something practical, at least. I don’t want to be like Housewarden Ashengrotto, staring dreamily at a vase of enchanted roses on his desk all day…”
When Santiago snickers, he remembers that it was supposed to be a secret, but—whatever. It’s not as if he spilled the identity of Azul’s admirer (or rather, Azul’s admired). 
“Trust me, it’s very practical.” Santiago lets Chrysos take the box—it’s pure white, with a green company logo on the corner of the lid. Fitting for White Day. 
“I don’t trust that for a second,” Chrysos retorts playfully, and then opens the box to be instantly greeted with the aroma of both coffee and something more soothing.
“Cool, yeah? I arranged to have ‘em sent to school—they’re specialty sweets from my hometown,” boasts Santiago. There’s a smile evident in his voice, which takes on the rise in pitch it usually does when he’s genuinely eager. “There’s the famous coffee ones, ‘cause you haven’t lived until you’ve had those, and then I also got you some drops that should be easy on your throat. Since, y’know.”
Chrysos decides the gift might be very practical after all, if only for his insides. “…T—Thanks, Santiago.”
“Well, I’m just repaying what you gave me on Promise Day~ Aren’t you all about paying back debts?” And then Santiago has the temerity to laugh, music to Chrysos’ ears as it reverberates through him again.
…He’s starting to get why Azul has been acting so visibly lovey-dovey.
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acatalystrising · 2 years
A lovely anon suggested that I should write a Rebel reader x ROTJ-era Boba oneshot, and, well…I wrote it in one sitting 🤣 it was SUCH A GOOD IDEA I just had to! C’mon, forbidden love, romance, smut, angst…what more could I want??? I left this one a bit more open ended, buuuut we’ll see if I leave it like this lol.
Anyway, enjoy, this one does have smut: (piv, alight bondage elements, dom/sub dynamic) so minors beware!
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Oneshot: Someday
You hated the lengths you had to go just to get some privacy.
Rebel bases, you found, were always overcrowded. It didn’t matter how many you’d been to, they all were the same. Granted, there was a sense of security and camaraderie in the closeness that helped boost morale, but you had a distinct feeling that upper leadership wouldn’t take kindly to your…partner.
If that was what you could call the person who had relentlessly hunted you down, and after a series of long, complicated events, became your lover.
You drove your speeder to the checkpoint, already ignoring your friend’s pointed look that rivaled the death star’s intensity.
“Let me guess, another ‘supply run’?” She crossed her arms, eyes flicking from you, to your speeder, then back at you. “It’s the second time this month.”
“I know, I won’t be long,” you shrugged, hoping she’d let you off the hook easy this time. “I’ll be safe. I promise.”
“You’re playing with fire, kid,” your friend pressed the button for the gate with a sigh, allowing you to pass. “It’ll only be so long until you get burned. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.”
You knew a thing or two about fire.
You adjusted the cloth wraps that hid the burn scars on your arms as you drove your speeder down the forested path that led away from the camp.
You knew she wasn’t fully wrong. You were all too aware that you were literally flirting with death, and yet, you’d found that death could be soft. Gentle, even. As well as incredibly passionate with hidden depths. Stars, you were sunk, and there wasn’t much you could do about it at this point. You had no idea how long the war would last, or if you’d even be alive tomorrow…so the thrill of excitement and danger was tempting. Too tempting.
It didn’t help that today was also an anniversary of sorts…one you didn’t look forward to.
You finally came upon the old abandoned farmhouse that you’d discovered on one of your first recon missions, wasting no time steering your speeder behind it and into the old shed that leaned just a tad too far to the left for your comfort. But at least no one else thought to look for you here.
No sooner then the moment you cut your speeder off, you felt the barrel of a blaster press to your temple.
Well, no one else…except for him.
“You shouldn’t lower your guard, little one,” a deep, familiar voice rumbled in your chest and sent chills down your spine. “You still flinch like a mouse.”
You turned in the direction of the voice, meeting the intimidating, helmeted gaze of none other than Boba Fett.
No matter how many times you’d seen him, your heart always skipped a beat, a wise mixture of fear and awe your initial reaction. How could you not? His armored figure stuck fear in hearts across the galaxy - and to make things even more lucrative, it was widely known that he did jobs for the Empire. That would not go well with your superiors…
And yet…
“How long did you wait here to jump me?” You crossed your arms and raised a brow, fearlessly staring into the black T-visor despite the tremor in your fingers. “That’s a lot of dedication.”
“I’m a patient hunter,” he finally moved the blaster, slipping it back to its holster with a practiced twirl. “Relax. I’m not turning you in today.”
“Pretty sure you’ve said that every time we meet,” you tilted your head to the side, giving him a small smirk. “Make sure to give me a warning if you change your mind so I can get a head’s start outta here.”
“Nice try,” his hands moved to your sides, lifting you from the speeder as if you weighed nothing. “But we both know how that would go.”
You didn’t fight him, allowing him to pin you against one of the wooden beams, able to see your flushed reflection in his visor. You wrapped your legs around his waist, daring to shoot him a smirk.
“It’s a shame you won’t give me any intel on the Empire,” you ground yourself against his codpiece, earning a stifled grunt. “I think I could make a rebel out of you, yet.”
“I don’t pick sides,” one of his hands curled into your hair, fingertips brushing against your throat. “They just pay more.”
“Some things are more important than money,” you reached for his helmet and he chuckled darkly, moving his fingers from your hair to intercept your hands, pinning them over your head.
You heard the snap of binders and flinched, despite knowing it was too late. If your time had come, there would be no escape. You’d come to terms with that months ago. You were entirely at his mercy, and while that terrified you, it was also exhilarating. He hooked your cuffed arms to one of the exposed nails overhead, freeing his hand long enough to rip off his helmet.
“On that, we agree,” Boba’s voice took a rough, ragged edge as his gloved hand dropped lower, stroking you through your clothing even as he closed in for a punishing kiss. “Thanks to your stunt, the Empire thinks you’re dead. So…you’re worth more to me alive. For now.”
There was a certain deadliness to his dark eyes, and yet it softened when he looked at you. You doubted many people knew how devastatingly handsome the best of the best was - and that was yet another secret you could pride yourself in.
“Hmm, sounds like such a bad deal,” your breath came in huffs as he rubbed tantalizingly gentle circles over your clothed clit, the anticipated pleasure already threatening to curl your toes. “You…you sure it’s worth it?”
He brought his fingers to your chin, lifting your gaze to meet his, a proud brow arched as if in appraisal.
“It means I have you all to myself,” he pressed a kiss to your exposed throat with a near growl. “Worth it to me.”
A thrill coursed through you at this words. Boba wasn’t one for verbal affection, instead opting for shorter, more literal phrases. Sometimes, your secret moments together were short and rushed, other times, you had several blissful hours spent together. However, every once and a while, he surprised you.
It was even more surprising when he opted to keep you pinned to the wall, your pants thrown carelessly to the ground, breath snagging in your throat as the head of his cock pressed against your entrance. And unlike some times in the past, he made sure you met his gaze - his dark, dangerous gaze, when he sank into you.
“Kriff, you’re tight,” he adjusted his angle to keep you supported as he split you apart, dirty little nothings slipping from his lips, some in Mando’a, which you still didn’t understand.
You couldn’t stop the moan from ripping from your throat when he sank further, striking that sweet spot that only he’d been able to reach. You felt something tickle your nose, and you opened your eyes long enough to realize that one of your arm wraps was slowly unraveling. Horror flooded through you, and you nearly choked, panic flooding your chest.
“What’s wrong? Are you in pain?” Surprisingly, his movements slowed nearly to a stop. “Talk to me.”
“N-no, it’s not you,” you felt your cheeks flush with embarrassment. You’d spent quite a few intimate times with Boba, but he’d never seen your arms bare. “My arms, they’re…”
His gaze flicked up, and understanding flashed in his eyes. He pulled away, leaving you whimpering at the loss of him within you, and you watched him gently free you from the binders, lowering you to the ground.
“Here,” he steadied you before handing you the edge of the cloth, pointedly turning his gaze away as you fastened it back in place.
For such a cold hearted bounty hunter, it always made your heart melt when he showed you more respect then anyone ever had. He didn’t ask questions, didn’t need an explanation - but kept coming back to you anyway.
“Sorry, I just…” you glanced down at your toes, sorrow hitting your chest like a punch. “I don’t mean to be off. Today’s…well, linked to a memory I’d rather forget.”
Boba, per usual, didn’t comment - he merely gathered your discarded clothing and handed it to you, helmet tucked under his arm.
“Why don’t we take this inside?” He gestured toward the old house, then at your pants with a smirk that made your knees go weak despite your steadily growing emotional distress. “Don’t bother with those, mesh’la, I’m not through with you.”
It wasn’t until Boba was buried back inside you, your back arched against his chest as he unraveled you bit by bit, that he asked you a question.
“What happened?” He curled an arm around around your chest, pebbling a nipple between his thick fingers. “It’s okay if you don’t wanna talk about it.”
You blinked, feeling a shudder ripple through you as his cock drug through your walls, breaking you further down.
“Oh stars, I…” you gasped, holding onto him tightly, squeezing your eyes shut, partially due to the building pleasure, but also the pain of memory. “I don’t talk about it. Ah - I just miss her.”
Boba didn’t ask who you were talking about. He didn’t even respond save for a deep hum, slowing his thrusts enough for you to be able to form concise thoughts.
“My best friend…she died when the Imperials set her house on fire.” Your gaze dropped to the ground, that ache once again battling the pleasure for dominance. “I tried to get her out…but…I failed. We were just kids, you know?”
He was silent for a moment, and you merely leaned against him, too world weary to move.
“Scars aren’t marks of failure,” he brushed your cheek with his fingertips, thumb trailing over your bottom lip before slowly trailing down your body, tracing patterns over your skin. “You did what you could. I doubt she’d want you to give up.”
You couldn’t say you’d had a million deep talks with the man currently railing you for all he was worth, but you sometimes wondered exactly what you meant to him. Perhaps you’d never know - but in this moment, you felt heard. And Maker, it was nice.
“Yeah…I know.” You swallowed hard, hand gripping his arm tighter. “It’s just a lot…the war, the pain, all of it.”
“Then right now, I need you to let go.” His tone turned commanding, deep and grounding. And damn, he hadn’t even asked to see your scars - didn’t try to impose on your safety. His fingers cupped your core, caressing your clit, and you whined, held securely in his arms. “Can you do that for me?”
“Mhm,” you nodded, and you felt his lips curve into a grin behind you, increasing the speed and intensity of his thrusts until you were putty in his hands.
You let go, alright. And stars, did Boba take care of you. He didn’t slow until your third orgasm ripped through you, and only then did he allow himself to follow, spilling inside you with a groan so sinful it nearly made you come again.
You both collapsed facing each other, sweating and out of breath, and you noticed that he hadn’t made a move to get up or say he had to leave. Something about it stuck you as odd, and you regarded him with a small frown.
“Boba?” You waited for him to open his eyes, noticing, once again, that he seemed almost hesitant. “What’s wrong?”
Once again, he fell silent. There was a storm brewing in his eyes, his mind…you could tell.
“You’re almost as perceptive as I am.” He chuckled, but there was less mirth this time. “It’s…going to be a while before my next visit, ad’ika.”
Ahh, there it was. The inevitable day you had always known would come. You would have been a fool, to think this would last forever. In fact, it had gone longer then you’d anticipated. But that didn’t make his words any easier to swallow.
“I’ll be here.” You kept your tone even, collected…at least, you tried. “Where to next, huh?”
“Tatooine,” he slid closer, his scarred tan skin catching the light of the setting sun through the broken window. “Jabba calls.”
Oh, you hated this. Facing the separation from the one person in the galaxy who made you feel safe. Even if no one else would understand. If you could only do something…
“Join us. The Rebellion, I mean,” your gaze dropped to your fingers, lightly laced with burn scars too, and his hand enveloped yours, caressing the marks with surprising gentleness. “I know we don’t pay as much. But you could be with me. I’d convince them to trust you, I know it. That way…”
You bit the inside of your lip with a curse. You knew that wouldn’t work. Even if he chose to stay, the others wouldn’t trust him. He wouldn’t be given a chance, not after the many rebels he’d personally sent to their deaths at the hands of the enemy.
“You have your fight. But I’ll be back for you.” Boba’s tone was soft when he finally spoke. “In a perfect world, I wouldn’t work for scuggholes. Maybe someday, I won’t have to.”
“Then here’s to someday,” you pressed a kiss to his cheek, and he chuckled, gathering you in his arms, pressing his lips to yours with aching desperation.
“Here’s to someday.”
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lune-hime · 3 years
I just love your writing and have been reading a lot of your stuff these past few days. I really enjoyed how you wrote Logan Howletts character, you did an amazing job. I think of those two stories you wrote as connected, and seeing that your requests are open, could you write possibly how they meet or moments in their relationship? Whatever comes to mind.
Hope your well and enjoy writing this if you decide to take it. ❤️
It makes me so incredibly happy that you have been loving my stories and my portrayal of Logan :’). Logan and reader’s first meeting had been previously requested so I went with a few moments in their relationship. Thank you for being patient with me in posting this, I hope you enjoy and that you are doing well <3. 
A Second-First Meeting
“You’re Logan.” Storm let out a melodic chuckle, her realization breaking the silence within the jet.
“Uh...yeah.” He said with a quirked brow. The ivory haired woman’s jaw went slack and another giddy laugh erupted from her. Logan's eyes darted from the oddly acting woman to Rogue who only shrugged, looking just as confused as he was.
“Logan from Canada.” She stated in semi-awe, looking him up and down as if comparing him to information she already had. It made Logan feel like he was missing something.
“He looks dirtier than she described.” Scott let out a snarky huff from the pilot’s seat.
“Okay, what is this?” Logan rose his voice to just below a growl, irritation evident in his tone. Storm put her hands up in harmless defense.
“You met Y/N in the summer. Saved her from becoming a prune all alone in the woods, remember?” Storm said and beamed brightly. Logan’s eyes widened as the memory came flooding back. The bears, the beautiful girl, the thunderous storm and her lightening energy.
“You know Y/N?” He said in disbelief.
“Know her? She’s my best friend.” Storm giggled. “She told us all about you; how she fended off that bear but didn’t have to fend you off when you guys huddled up in your car.”
Storm winked at him as he narrowed his eyes at her teasing. Rogue let out a little giggle of her own at Logan’s speechlessness.
“We’re landing.” Scott announced as everyone began feeling their smooth decrease in altitude.
“All jokes aside, thanks for looking out for her.” Storm added with a kind smile before she swiveled in her copilot’s seat to help Scott with their descent.
“Hey, kid, is Y/N here?” Logan asked the child in front of him. He found himself on the precipice of a new life it seems, but more literally on the precipice of the lounge area in Xavier's Mansion. He was exhausted after an abrupt and confusing flight from his little slice of Alberta to New York. His head was spinning from all of the information about Mutant Brotherhoods and Striker that was just laid upon him. And now the remembrance of the girl caught in the rain who had once told him she lived at this very school.  
“Ms. Y/N? Yeah she lives here.” The child said nonchalantly. Each time he blinked, a new channel would appear on the almost theatre sized TV. “She sometimes teaches my kinetics training.”
Logan let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. Relief washed over him that he would have at least one familiar face here.
“Where can I find her?” He asked the boy who still hadn’t taken his gaze away from the television. He briefly paused on the Disney channel before continuing his search.
“Why would I know? I’ve been watching TV all morning.” The kid huffed as if it was the most obvious fact in the world. Logan grumbled and sauntered out of the room and back into the many mahogany halls of the massive building.
As he neared the large eastern courtyard, he caught a glimpse of just the woman he was looking for. Through the immaculately planted dormant shrubs he observed you standing next to an ornate fountain chatting with a girl who looked to be around middle school age. He felt that same energizing hum in his chest as he did a few months ago when he took in your appearance. The way you smiled so sweetly at the student, the way your hair was gently pulled from your face by the brisk winter wind, in how your legs bobbed back and forth in place as they fended off the early afternoon chill. He waited for you to finish your conversation with the child before he made his presence known.
“Y/N?” He called tentatively as he eased his way between the garden boughs. You looked up towards the direction of your summon. When you saw who it was, your eyes sparkled with excitement.
“Logan!” You chirped and jogged over to him. “How was the flight?”
“You knew I was coming?” He asked, surprised at the lack of surprise in your reaction.
“I did.” You answered with a guilty smile. “I’m a part of the team now too so I was there when Charles made the call to find you.”
Logan’s mind tried to connect the dots between the sweet yet snappy, soaked girl he met before to the cleaned up, self assured one standing before him. He pictured you using your abilities to fight opponents rather than bears and guessed you would be goddamned good at it with sparks like yours.
“I’m really glad he did…” You trailed off with the beginnings of a goofy grin. “That he found you and brought you here of course, not that you’re being targeted by the Brotherhood-”
“It’s good to see you again.” He confessed, his honeyed voice coating your rambling and effectively adding to the chilly redness of your cheeks.
“You too.” You replied softly, trying not to ogle at his casual attire of heather gray sweatshirt and joggers.
“I think you owe me, though. I gave you a free ride back then.” He declared with a smirk.
“Fine, do you need a ride to the nearest tractor supply for a new wardrobe?” You quipped back. Logan let his half smile bloom into a full crescent moon.
“Sure, if I can take you out for a drink after.” He proposed with a look that made you feel like the New England snow had suddenly melted around you and you were now in a humid jungle.
“Well, I did have another date tonight…” You began, looking up at the taller man through your lashes. If you hadn’t already been looking at him, you wouldn’t have noticed the minute clench of his jaw.
“Buuuut, I don’t think he would be able to handle being accidentally zapped as well as you would.” You continued playfully. Your suitor paled in any comparison to the old acquaintance that had just arrived at your doorstep. The amusement in your eyes was contagious, spreading to Logan’s forested green orbs and down to his boyish grin.
“I’ll take that as a yes, then.”
You hummed in utter bliss. The warmth of the campfire kissed your bare legs as your tired eyes gazed upon the moon basked lake in front of you. You nuzzled deeper into the crook of Logan’s neck as the crickets and the treefrogs serenaded you with a private summer evening concert.
Logan’s hand lazily ran the expanse of your hip and thigh from your position curled across him in the camping chair. He was about to close his eyes in complete relaxation when a boisterous banging erupted from one of the cabins in your section of the campground. The clanging was followed by a teenage chorus of muffled curses and cackles. The two of you had volunteered to be counselors of sorts on this weeklong camping trip Charles held for his beloved students each summer.  Logan groaned at the disturbance, slightly annoyed with your rowdy group of students.
“They’re just having fun. As long as no one comes out on fire or with a leg missing it's fine.” You spoke up, tone laced with amusement. “Admit you love them-and spending quality time with them out here.” 
You felt Logan huff against you at your wholesome accusation. 
“I love being out here in the woods, with you.” 
Logan’s answer wasn’t to your satisfaction. You zapped him gently with a single crackle of your energy just beneath the rib cage.  When he jolted from the surprise attack, you folded yourself to him so that you were now straddling his lap. 
“Sure. Not like I saw you earlier spending an hour teaching Rogue how to fish properly after she got her line all strung up in the nearest tree. Or how you, willingly I might add, played hide and seek with the younger ones when you were supposed to be taking a break. Or when-” 
You rambled off his sweet acts in adoration until he leaned up to press his lips to yours. You sunk into his embrace and sighed at the euphoric feeling. 
“Alright, alright. You’ve proved your point.” He grumbled half heartedly. In the fading natural light, you could see the lazy smile that adorned his face had become dusted with your lip gloss. You returned his response with a triumphant grin as he gingerly grasped the back of your head and pulled you to him once more. His heated palms sailed over your curves like a forest fire as your kisses deepened. You let out a small moan when he discretely bucked his hips into yours. 
Or, what the two of you had thought was discrete. 
“Gross. I’m just trying to get to the bathroom.” Bobby complained with a grimace as he walked by the two of you towards the community restrooms. You let out a chuckle as Logan brought his fist up to Bobby’s line of vision, a single adamantium claw extending to flip the younger man off against the firelight. 
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 301: All My Todorokis
Previously on BnHA: We learned that when a bunch of superpowered villains are suddenly set loose with nobody around to stop them, things get fucked pretty quickly. Old Man Samurai and a bunch of other useless people decided to make “I pretend I do not see it” their new mantra, and resigned. Endeavor had a moment of despair on account of being crushed by the guilt of having ruined the lives of himself, his family, and basically everyone else in the entire world. For various reasons the heretical notion of “person who has done bad things feels sorry for doing them” sent fandom spiraling into a meltdown, so that was fun. The chapter ended with the entire Todoroki clan descending upon Enji’s hospital room to have a dramatic chat about Touya and All That General Fuckery.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “here’s the story of how Baby Touya slowly went insane trying to win his father’s love.” It’s a tale full of subverted expectations and heartbreaking inevitability, and also like twenty panels of the cutest fucking kids who ever existed on planet earth, who are so fucking cute that I can’t stop thinking about their cuteness even with all of the horrifying family tragedy unfolding around them. It is absolutely ridiculous how cute they are. Touya is out here pushing his tiny body past its limits because he inherited the same obsession as his dad and neither of them can put it aside even though it’s destroying them, and yet all I can think about is Baby Shouto’s (。・o・。) face. Anyways what a chapter.
so I have to confess that even though I managed to avoid being caught off-guard by the early leaks, the number of people reblogging my Endeavor posts from earlier this week and using the tag “bnha 301” kind of gave me an inkling that this chapter will include more Tododrama lol. that said, I don’t know anything else about it, so we’re still good spoiler-wise
AHHHHH FLAHSBAKC AHHHH. omg I know I typoed the shit out of that, but I’m just going to leave it lol I think it’s fitting
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holy shit holy fuck. so this is Rei and Enji’s first meeting, then??
yepppp, oh shit
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so wait, I know this is not even the slightest bit important, but are they meeting at Enji’s home or Rei’s? because I always figured that Enji was the one with the super-Japanese aesthetic, but maybe that was Rei’s side of the family all along
(ETA: from what I found during my very brief google search, omiai meetings are often held at fancy hotels or restaurants, so maybe that’s what this is.)
there’s such a period drama feel to this setting. like it’s so outrageously formal fff how can anyone stand this kind of atmosphere though seriously
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I mean they’re still stiff af but at least they’re not rigidly sitting in seiza and staring at each other unblinkingly anymore lol. Enji’s actually got his hands in his pockets now. why is this somehow almost cute
oh damn it’s the flowers
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Rei seems so subdued and it’s so hard to get any idea of what she’s actually thinking. I want to see her side of this dammit
but anyway, so at least from Enji’s perspective it seems like even though the marriage was arranged and he picked her because of her quirk, he still loved his wife and wanted to do right by her. the fact that he was watching her and noticed that she liked the flowers, and remembered that detail for all these years -- there’s a reason why Horikoshi’s showing us this. we know what’s going to happen later on; we know how much fear and violence and breaking of trust is coming up ahead, and while it may seem like this scene is serving to soften Enji’s character further -- which to be fair it is -- it also helps drive home the full impact of his abuse. that it’s so terrible not only because of the trauma of the abuse itself, but also because of the way it retroactively destroys all of the good things as well. this could have potentially been such a sweet scene, but it’s inescapably tainted by the knowledge of what’s to come, at least for me. and that’s just brutal
anyways, shit. is the whole chapter going to be like this?? feel free to toss in something I can actually make a joke about sometime, Horikoshi
oop, back to the present
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omfg lol
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“are you all right” “NO I’M NOT ALL RIGHT WHAT THE FUCK.” “oh, right, because of all the stuff that’s happened with me abusing you and you having a mental breakdown and being hospitalized for ten years and then our son coming back to life and killing thirty people, right, right. I almost forgot.” whoops
omfg you guys I’m loving this new and improved steely-eyed Rei. I’m loving her a lot
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and what do you mean “part one” fkjds how long is this going to be. TOO MUCH DRAMA FOR ONE CHAPTER TO HANDLE
oh, hello
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yeah I’ll say you did. didn’t seem to bother you much at the time, though
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Dabi Is A Noumu intensifies even further. anyways though would you fucking look at this boy lounging on this moth-eaten couch doing his best DRAW ME LIKE YOUR FRENCH GIRLS impression wtf
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Dabi what if you actually had killed him??? what would you feel?? satisfaction?? regret?? anything at all?? tell me your secrets goddammit
who are you talking to buddy
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Fuyumi-chan, Natsu-kun (is it common for brothers to address each other as -kun?? can’t recall seeing that in many other anime, but hey), and “dot dot dot,,,,,, SHOUTO” lol thank you so much for this bountiful heaping of Tododrama Horikoshi we are blessed
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(ETA: and on a more serious note, it’s interesting to see that “look at me”/”watch me” theme being used again though, because we see that same sentiment uttered repeatedly by the younger Touya in the flashback. well kid, you definitely got your wish at last. don’t know what else to say.)
oh my sweet precious lord
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just as cute as we left him. giving us a child this cute when we all know full well what’s going to happen to him is just unspeakably cruel though
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I’m fucking speechless. you broke me, congratulations. what am I even supposed to do with this
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I can’t get over this. moving forward my life will be split into two distinct parts, B.P. (Before the Pout) and A.P. (After the Pout)
and meanwhile there’s ALL THIS BACKGROUND ANGST BUILDING UP, AND I CAN’T EVEN FOCUS ON IT. Touya’s arm and cheek are covered in bandages (I’m guessing this is shortly after that “ouch!” panel we got some chapters back), and Enji is deliberately avoiding training with him because he doesn’t want him to hurt himself further. I can’t fucking get over the irony that all this time everyone thought Touya had died because Enji pushed him too far in his training, and it turns out that it’s the opposite -- the tragedy ultimately happened because he didn’t want to push him. but I’m jumping ahead of myself though I guess
by the way,
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remember this?? just wanted to remind you that it exists just in case you forgot
so now someone is talking and basically saying that Touya is the exact opposite of what Enji was hoping for when he decided to start playing with quirk genetics
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-- okay hold up
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...lol no, never mind. for a second I thought “holy shit he looks kind of familiar WHAT IF IT’S UJIKO OMG” before I remembered that Enji would have recognized him during the hospital capture mission if that was the case. so NEVER MIND, PROCEED
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(ETA: how the fuck did this man go around saving 62 towns in a single day what even is All Might.)
[clicks tongue several times] trouble a’brewin’
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oh my god. oh my god. what is this chapter. WHAT IS IT
so now Touya is all “YOU JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND MY MANLY DESIRE TO BURN MYSELF ALIVE” well you got her there champ
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also are they just home alone lol or what. “hey Touya, you’re what, like six now?? do us a favor and look after your baby sister for a couple hours for us would you? make sure not to set yourself on fire or anything.” WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG!!
now it’s nighttime and Enji and Rei are arguing, presumably about his decision not to train Touya anymore
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whew. okay. so, a couple of things here
1. first of all I think this conclusively shows that Enji really was trying to do the best he could for Touya. he stopped training him as soon as he realized it was hurting him, but Touya was still determined so he tried to make it work anyway, and even visited doctors to try and figure out if there was anything they could do. then, once they were absolutely sure that it wasn’t going to work, he tried multiple times to explain to Touya why they had to stop. he didn’t just abandon him out of the blue, which is really important to note. “no matter how much I tried telling him...”
so yeah, that debunks another common fandom accusation. so by the time he finally makes this decision, which we all know is going to turn out horribly, it’s basically because he’s already tried everything else he could think of. which, by the way, still doesn’t mean he handled this right. but at the very least he was taking Touya’s feelings into account and he was trying, and he didn’t just abruptly toss his son aside (at least not yet)
2. buuuut, then there’s this panel right below all that
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which is the other side of it. if he’d just quit like the doctor person advised him to, that would have been the end of it. Touya would still have been upset, but he would have eventually gotten over it and the family would have moved on and possibly even been happy. but what happens next happens because Enji can’t let go. he still has this maddening urge to surpass All Might, and so he and Rei keep having more children, and then Shouto is born, and Enji finally has a kid he can start projecting all of his hysterical ambitions onto once again, and everything starts spiraling out of control soon after
though p.s. none of that is Shouto’s fault though!! he’s one of the few good things to come out of this whole mess and I’m very happy that he exists. the tragedy is that his dad fucking lost his mind over his quirk and fucked everything up. but that’s on him, not Touya or Shouto
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because children aren’t stupid, after all. he understands that his dad is still looking to surpass All Might. and so he feels like a failure, and feels like his dad is trying to replace him because he wasn’t good enough. and even now, isn’t that what the adult Touya is trying to prove?? that he was good enough after all?? “I’ll show you what happens when you give up on me, dad”?? “I’ll show you what I can do”?? fuck my life fuck everything
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really nice touch here with the panel outlines becoming all shimmery from the heat of Endeavor’s flames (and/or becoming more unstable as the family gets closer and closer to their breaking point). but man, Horikoshi I can’t handle this, please show us more cute kids or something I can’t
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WITTLE BABE. BEEB. BUBS. SMOL. lkj; oh ouch a piece of my heart just detached and latched onto him huh look at that
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crazy how they all just seem to know right off the bat lol. kid doesn’t even have object permanence yet, let alone a quirk. but do they care?? IT’S THE HAIR, RIGHT. WE’RE ALL THINKING IT, I’M JUST GONNA COME OUT AND SAY IT. they knew the minute they looked at him lol
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are those blue flames yet?? they seem pretty close
(ETA: this is one of the few cases where the manga being in black and white is infuriating lol.)
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so it’s not like he was so disinterested that he didn’t notice what was happening, and he was still trying to stop it and get through to him. trying to reassure him that it wasn’t the end of the world and there were other things he could do with his life, but this one particular thing just wasn’t going to happen
fucking hell. it’s agonizing seeing how close they actually were to fixing it. if he’d only said the right words, or if he’d realized at this point how destructive his obsession could be to his kids, and backed off from putting that same pressure on Shouto. we came so close to possibly having a happy ending
AND ALSO THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING BUT PLEASE LOOK AT HOW TOUYA IS LIKE THREE AND A HALF FEET TALL AND HIS DAD IS LIKE NINE AND A HALF FEET. Touya barely comes past his knees flkjlkg. the Todoroki household must have been so filled with like plastic stepstools to reach the bathroom sink and all the little baby toothbrushes, and baby gates to keep the kiddos out of the important grown-up rooms and stuff. and also days-old half-empty cups of water and stale crackers and hot wheels and my little ponies strewn everywhere
“BUT EVERYONE AT SCHOOL SAYS THEY’RE GONNA BE HEROES” a wild Deku parallel appears?? how bout that
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I know this is like a pivotal moment in the Todo Tragedy and all, but fucking look at this lil dumpling
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“sup bro, it’s me, the manifestation of your fears of inadequacy and lack of fatherly affections. a GAAA. ba-baAA-baa [gurgling baby sounds]”
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HE WANTS TO BE LIKE YOU ENJI. good lord somebody please just get this family some therapy
“DAD YOU IGNITED IT IN ME” flkjslkj nope, nope. not ready for this pain here
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baby Shouto, would you like to weigh in on this affair? “DA!! ba-ga-daaa, [pacifier chewing noises]” oh my, you don’t say. so insightful for one so young
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“yo, the fuck kind of family was I fucking born into” oh, son. if you only knew. IF YOU ONLY KNEW!!
(ETA: lmao I got so distracted by the ridiculous cuteness that I glossed over the fact that Baby Touya seems to possibly be aiming at him?? it’s hard to tell because he’s also super out of it from heatstroke and may just be losing control in his attempt to show off his upgrade.)
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komorebirei · 3 years
xingyun one-shot: adeptus chongyun :D
By the way, I forgot / didn't think to post this here because I don't know if anyone who follows me cares for Genshin, buuuut I guess I'll post it. It's the fic that cured me of my writing disease. :'D (And I have much more adeptus Chongyun brainrot just waiting to be unleashed... haha... let's see if anything comes of it. x_x;)
for whom the clouds part
In which Chongyun's congenital positivity allows him to ascend to the ranks of the adepti.
Words: 10,925 Rating: Gen
“…trials of heaven and earth…” “What?” Xingqiu looks for the voice, but all he can see is the sky above him, clouds hurrying past like foam on a rocky river, backdrop changing from peach to piercing blue. He gains awareness of his body—lying on his back in the grass. He sits up, dizzy when he realizes he’s at the top of a mountain he doesn’t recognize. Chongyun is sitting in front of him, legs crossed, hands on his knees. “I passed the trials of heaven and earth,” he murmurs again. The phrasing is familiar to Xingqiu, but he can’t place where it’s from. His mind feels sluggish. The sky continues to morph, descending to black. Moonlight illuminates Chongyun’s white hair and clothes—and then the cycle begins again, sky lightening to dawn. “I wanted to let you know I’m fine, and not to worry,” Chongyun continues.
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This is an intervention, old man.
A soft chiming sound was heard through the rather large room.
Ozpin recognized the chiming, but it didn’t occur to him what was different about the chiming. He had clocks that chimed all throughout the house.
Groggily, he opened his hazelnut eyes turned his head to the clock.
Wait. He wasn’t in his office anymore.
He shot up out of the bed and looked around frantically. “Just our room. Dear lord I shouldn’t scare myself like that.” Ozpin sighed in relief, but, how did he even get up here?
Ozpin slowly got up out of bed, he was still in the same clothes as he was before he blacked out, but it had a more significant meaning than just that. “Oh. That’s why.”
Qrow must’ve found him passed out in his office and carried him up here. Makes sense as to why he wouldn’t change Oz’s clothes, poor man can’t handle him even shirtless.
He searched around the room, looking for new clothes and a few other things. He had work to do, hopefully he didn’t sleep for too long. As he was getting everything he needed for the day, he happened to catch a glimpse at the clock.
The tiny box had shown the time and the date. Not only was it noon, but it was 3 days after he passed out. “Bloody hell, I didn’t think I’d have slept that long!” He smacked his forehead in response. Now the council was really going to be on his ass for not working for 3 days! Although, it was strange, no nightmares once throughout that entire time. Quite unlike him.
Shaking away the growing confusion of the lack of nightmares, he rushed down the stairs, completely oblivious to the 11 people sitting in his living room, and to his office.
To which he found locked. Stunned, Ozpin mumbled “Who?—“
“Me.” A familiar gravely, and displeased, voice spoke from behind him. “I knew you were gonna try that and so I had Oscar lock the door from the inside.” He could hear the causal shrug in his voice.
Ozpin sighed, not out of anger, not of irritation, not even out of annoyance. But rather a knowing sound, knowing he was about to face a battle he was going to lose. For a moment he thought back to the situation in his office days prior, he was lucky to win that one.
As he turned around and walked down the hall, his initial thought of loss was solidified. Ozpin cleared his throat slightly “I see you’ve brought everyone.” He avoided eye contact. He almost felt as if he were his younger self all over again, being scolded by his dad for overworking himself. It honestly wasn’t all that different.
“I suppose you all are here to scold me for my actions of working myself too hard?” Ozpin dipped his head slightly and looked further to the right, taking more interest in the floorboards than the people in front of him. “Wow ok, apparently the part we thought was going to be the hardest was the easiest.” Another familiar, feminine, voice sounded in surprise. Glynda.
He arched an eyebrow and looked up slightly at her, she gave a smirk in response “You, dear Mr. I-overwork-myself-daily-and-never-admit-it-and-went-to-far-this-time, just admitted you have been overworking yourself.” She finished with a smile
Oh. He hadn’t even realized he said that. Although he supposed that even a small part of himself agreed he shouldn’t.
“Are any of you gonna tell him that’s not the only thing we’re here to talk about or do I have to?” Ruby questioned, crossing her arms and pouting a little in the process.
Ozpin smiled gently at her reaction, “My dear, I think you just did.��� He said gently
Her eyes widened slightly “Oh. Well fine, I guess I did. But no, that’s not even what we were originally here for.” Every word was laced with a matter of fact attitude, one that only came from Ruby when she needed it to. But she never did it often.
“So, what’s the original reason you all are here?” He spoke quietly as his eyebrows furrowed.
“Therapy.” Now it was Clover’s turn to speak as he shrugged. “You uh, gotta go to it.” he nodded.
His face morphed into confusion “What? What do you mean?”
The group looked at each other with annoyed expressions. They all looked back at Oz before speaking at once.
“Go to therapy Oz.” They all said, deadpanned and thoroughly annoyed.
Ozpin attempted to speak a “W-what? I—“ before he was interrupted.
“Go to therapy.” The group repeated.
He tried once more to speak “I don’t—“ once again he was promptly interrupted.
“Oh my god literally go to therapy old man. You need it. You aren’t gonna win this argument.” Yang complained.
He was stunned into silence. He started considering his options, he had promised Qrow Glynda and even Oscar that he would go, but he was also fearful of the medical implications and environments that came with going to one.
Before he could think further, a familiar specter, one he had forgotten that he had neglected to even speak to for 3- almost 4 -week, had floated up to him and held his face with a worried expression.
Oscar spoke while patting his dad’s cheeks “Papa need help. Help not bad, r’member?” He hugged Ozpin after he finished.
That’s right, he did remember. He always taught Oscar that it was never a bad thing to ask for help. What kind of a man would he be if he didn’t follow his own words of advice.
Yang was right, his original thought, was right. He wasn’t going to win this battle, he was too tired, and at this point, he himself was starting to question if he needed it. And so he bit back his excuses for once.
“Okay. I’ll go.” He said softly as he patted Oscars head.
The group cheered and thanked Oz, but did threaten him slightly if he didn’t follow through on his promise.
Qrow laughed as he put a hand on Oz’s shoulder “Don’t worry about it, I’ll make sure he goes. I fought him tooth and nail to get him to not overwork himself I think I can handle this too.” He smiled as he looked up at the taller man “Now then, I made food using your recipe book, so you all go eat.” He shooed the kids away as they laughed.
Ozpin was happy they were happy, but still unsure of his decision, still unsure of how mad Qrow was at him. “So, what’s it like?” He said quietly, barely above a whisper.
“Hm? Therapy?” Qrow asked, looking back at him.
Qrow shrugged “Well, it sucks at first, a lot of old feelings get unburied and can leave you feeling like hell. But it gets better with time. Plus, you’ve got everyone here looking out for you.”
Ozpin simply nodded in response.
“For the record,” Qrow started as he looked at Oz sternly “You can tell the council that your boyfriend and son said that they don’t give a damn how much work you have. You need to be with your family, and You need to be physically AND mentally healthy.”
Ozpin chuckled “I will, you always had an interesting way with words.” He complimented. “Although,” Ozpin started.
Qrow raised an eyebrow “Although?” He asked.
“I do still think I deserve to make it up to everyone, starting with you.” He finished as he looked at Qrow.
Qrow scoffed gently and shook his head “Y’know Ozzy, you’re already making it up to me and the others by simply going.”
“Ah.” Ozpin said, ever so slightly disappointed.
“Buuuut” Qrow tapped a finger to his chin, faking pensiveness as he leaned against Oz. “If you really wanna make it up to me. Then tomorrow, 5:30 pm, the Beacon diner, call it a date~” he smirked slyly up at Oz.
Ozpin’s face flushed to a bright pink as he stumbled over his words at the request “a-ah.” He managed to stumble out.
Qrow snicked at his reaction “Awe, poor Ozzy still can’t handle his own boyfriend asking him on a date, how cute~” Qrow teased
“Of course not, not when it’s you asking.” Ozpin mumbled in protest as he rubbed the back of his neck. He cleared his throat and stood up straight “But yes, I can do that. Formal or casual clothes?” He asked, cheeks still dusted a subtle pink
Qrow shivered before answering “Eugh, Casual, I’ve seen you in your work clothes for too many weeks now. Take a shower.”
“Ah….of course love.” Ozpin rubbed the back of his neck again.
“…I missed that.” Qrow said quietly.
Ozpin raised an eyebrow “missed what?”
“This.” He gestured up and down at Oz. “The causal clothes, the nicknames, seeing you happy and smiling, actually seeing you.”
He looked sorrowfully at Qrow “I’m sorry love.” He decided to add one more part to that “I won’t ever do that again. To you, to Glynda, Oscar, the kids, Clover, everyone. I promise.”
Qrow perked up slightly at the last part, “…Really?”
He smiled as he tilted his head “I’m not a man who breaks or makes promises very often, am I?”
Qrow smiled, “Nah. Not ever really, on the breaking part.”
He turned around and looked at the table “Now, let’s go eat you tall ass man.”
Ozpin elbowed him gently as he walked past “You love my height and you know it!”
Qrow scoffed and gave a mischievous look before saying loudly for everyone to hear “SO ABOUT THAT DATE—“.
“SHUT UP.” Ozpin said through gritted teeth and a red face as the group laughed.
Ozpin crossed his arms “You are terrible!”
“What was that you said earlier “you love it and you know it”? Qrow smiled slyly.
Ozpin rolled his eyes.
“Ugh, you are such a brat.”
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ibuki-says · 3 years
How would Kaede react to Shuichi surviving his execution, which Monokuma did internally to prolong his death and she can’t get his agonizing expressions and wails out of her head?
This was such an interesting scenario to think about, I hope I did your idea justice, Anon!!
Pairing: Kaede Akamatsu x Shuichi Saihara 
Rating: PG-13 - Cursing and mentions of death
Word Count: 1,247
Spoilers: Not really? This is an AU for the first chapter of DRV3
Kaede couldn’t believe it. The one person she felt like she could trust in this insane situation had been the one to betray them all. Letting out a small cry, she buried her face in her hands in an attempt to shake the bad thought away. No. Shuichi hadn’t betrayed them. Hell, he had tried to save them all! Save them all by killing the mastermind! She only wished he had felt comfortable enough to discuss it with her first. She could’ve talked him out of it, or figured out a better way to go about it...something!! Anything would’ve been better than ending the trial staring at the detective’s lifeless body. Her eyes filled up with tears again at the memory, his terrified screams and expression seemed burned permanently in the back of her mind. 
“Why….why did it have to be him?” She muttered into her hands, not speaking directly to anyone. She felt so broken, so defeated, so utterly hopeless. She wasn’t able to encourage everyone enough to keep trying to get out the escape tunnel, and now this? There had to be a way out, she was sure of it!! If only she hadn’t allowed everyone to give up, Rantaro and Shuichi would still be alive and they wouldn’t be in this awful mess anymore!! If only she had noticed how strangely Shuichi had been acting leading up to the end of the time limit. It was all her fault...it was all her fault...it was all her fault…
Kaede wasn’t sure when she drifted off to sleep, her thoughts had kept her up for most of the night. Even when she did sleep, the only images flashing through her mind were the lifeless bodies of what were once her friends so she didn’t even want to sleep. She’d been woken abruptly, hearing a static sound penetrate her sleeping state. She sat up with a start, letting out a confused groan while trying to adjust her eyes to the brightness of the screen in her otherwise dark room. 
“Gooooooood morning everyone! After all the excitement from last night, I just couldn’t wait wait wait to show all of you the next surprise I have in store! Please everyone gather in the gym immediately! You’re gonna wanna see thiiiiiis~” Kaede wanted nothing more than to ignore the bear on the screen and crawl back under her covers for the rest of her life. However, she now knew what he was capable of and didn’t want another one of her friends to be punished because she didn’t comply. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she willed herself to get out of bed and stagger towards the gym. 
By the time Kaede arrived at the gym, it seemed as though she had been the last one to arrive. Everyone else was simply standing around, the same confused and exhausted looks in their eyes. Conversation wasn’t necessary, besides, what would they even say? Luckily, the silence didn’t linger for too long as six figures popped up at the front of the room. “Rise and shine ursine!” The catchphrase Kaede had somewhat gotten used to rang throughout the gym. 
“We have a big announcement!” Monotaro excitedly started things off before Monosuke immediately shoved him. 
“Hey, Pops is supposed to announce it, not us! Remember! He said we just need to stand around and look cute!” He scolded Monotaro before the red bear shoved him back. 
“Actually, I don’t remember, so there!” The two glared at each other while Monophanie looked on in horror. 
“Please stop fighting!” She cried as many of the students looked on in even more confusion. 
“Hey shut up! Monokuma, what the hell’s this about?!” Kaito was the first to speak up, addressing Monokuma directly. Monokuma stopped cooing over the cubs to turn his attention to the students for the first time. 
“Oh right um, this is kinda awkward buuuut… it looks like the blackened you all chose for the last trial was….incorrect!” It took a moment to process. Kaede’s head was spinning. Incorrect? But based on all of the evidence...she thought...she determined that he had been the only logical choice to be the killer...and he wasn’t? She sent him to his death and he was innocent? Her hands couldn’t stop shaking and her eyes had begun filling with tears. Clearly, the others were just as confused, some of them in silent bewilderment like her while others had taken to anger, shouting expletives towards the bears. But...if they had gotten it wrong...shouldn’t they all have been executed? Almost as if he was reading her mind, Monokuma spoke up yet again. “I know what you’re all thinking and- no. Since this is a very rare occurrence where I made a mistake, in the issue of fairness you all will not be executed! I know, I know. I am your most generous headmaster. Besides, we can’t have the fun end right at the first trial!” 
“Can we tell them the second surprise!? Please, daddy!! Please!?!” Monophonie seemed to barely be able to contain her excitement, which made Kaede all the more afraid. What could she possibly be so excited about? Clearly nothing good for Kaede and the rest of the students she guessed. 
“Awww...if my cute little cub is so excited, how could I possibly say no?” He cooed and moved to the side to allow the cubs to take center stage. 
“Alright everyone! In addition to everyone’s non-immediate death, we have one more surprise! Since the blackened wasn’t actually the blackened, daddy managed to fix everything! You can come in now!!” Monophanie shouted out the last sentence louder, almost as if she was calling out to someone. Kaede’s blood froze as she heard the door to the gym open and footsteps ringing against her ears. She could hear the other students turning and reacting, but she couldn’t bring herself to turn around. Her heart pounded in her chest as she squeezed her eyes tight shut. No, no...she just lost him...she just mourned him...there was no way Monokuma could bring him back after the brutal execution they had witnessed. 
“The true blackened is still out there and, to make the deal even sweeter, I have an offer. Clearly, the First Blood Perk wasn’t enough to motivate you all. If the true blackened of the first case is the next murder victim, I’ll let you all go, no strings attached!” Kaede could hear the malice dripping from his voice, daring them all to make a wild guess as to who was the true blackened of the previous case, and put enough confidence into that guess by murdering them. But...if they’re right then they can all be free… Was anyone willing to take that gamble? 
“Kaede…” A voice that was oh-so-familiar, one that Kaede stubbornly refused to believe was actually back was now right in front of her. 
“No...you’re dead.” She whimpered weakly, still refusing to open her eyes, lest this end up being some kind of sick nightmare. She felt a hand gently grasp her own, reminding her of the way she had tried to encourage him before the time limit ran out. 
“Kaede. Please look at me.” The voice begged again, a desperation that mirrored her own evident in the tone. Finally, she took in a deep breath, raised her head, and looked into the golden eyes that she had missed so much.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
MerMay 2021 Day Nine Swim Along the Pier
The water beneath piers—any piers or boardwalks or anything like them, anywhere in the world—was not exactly crystal clear. It was often muddied by sand clouds, kicked up by the currents caused by boats, and there was rarely any fish. But things became a little more still the later the night went, as people went home and the boats became lifeless. It never became perfectly clear, but it got a little more peaceful.
Jackie stuck his head out of the water, right in between a pair of boats. “Kind of empty without all the humans, huh? Usually there are still a few out.”
Chase peeked out as well. “Yeah, it’s winter. Not a lot of humans visit the shore when it gets colder, unless they already live close by.”
“Winter,” Jackie repeated, trying out the word. “That’s a season?”
“Yeah. They have four of them.”
“What? Why do you need four? You have warm and cool, and that’s really it.”
“It’s different on land. I think their seasons are more divided by how the plants look than the actual temperature. Even though there are some places where it’s pretty much the same everywhere.” Chase shrugged. “Well, it’s easier for everyone to have the same time system, I guess.”
“You think we should coordinate with them?” Jackie asked. “Line up our years and seasons?”
“Nah, that’s overkill.”
The two merms swam along the boardwalk, eyes scanning the wooden surface. Most of the nearby buildings were dark, shut down for the night, leaving lamps and the moon above as the only source of illumination. Occasionally there was a human, either alone or in a pair, and the merms would slow down, making sure not to be seen. Once they reached a stretch that was entirely empty, Chase grabbed the edge of the pier and lifted himself out of the water, sitting on the edge of the wooden planks.
“Dude, you’re going to dry out, it’s windy,” Jackie said.
“Oh yeah, I’ll dry out by staying in the air for a few minutes.” Chase splashed Jackie with his tail, the water going directly into Jackie’s face.
“Ah!” Jackie backed up a bit. “Alright, take that!” He splashed Chase back, who just laughed as the water hit his tail. “Agh, you’re too high sitting up there,” Jackie grumbled. “And, well, I know it’s empty, but be careful anyway.”
“Don’t worry, I’m keeping a lookout,” Chase assured him. “Well. What’s new with you?”
“Not much. I checked on Sam earlier today, she’s doing fine. A bit sad, I think, being alone for the past few months. But she’s. You know. Alive. More than you can say for some other fish.”
“She’s tough. I think she has some sort of bond with Jack, y’know, since she’s been around for so long. Ages slower than other discuses.”
Jackie nodded. “Yeah, probably. How are the kids and your partner?”
Chase’s expression lit up. “They’re great! They keep showing me new human movies they like, and they keep insisting on exploring the ocean area. Stacy’s good, too. She wants to rent some scuba gear so she can come swimming with us. Oh, and remember, the human word for partner is ‘girlfriend.’”
“Oh yeah. That. ‘Girlfriend’ and uh...‘man-friend.’”
“Boyfriend. Unless you’re married, then it’s wife and husband.”
Jackie rolled his eyes. “That’s stupid. So many different words. And yet, they don’t have one for ‘life friend.’”
“Well, at least, that human language doesn’t. There might be others that—”
“Oh wait!” Jackie perked up. “I just remembered, you don’t know!” He grabbed the edge of the pier and half-lifted himself out, getting close to Chase’s face. “Guess what? Marvin and Jameson are going to be life friends!”
“Whoa, wait, really?! That’s so cool!” Chase said excitedly. “Y’know they always were really close. We should have seen that coming.”
“We should have! Schneep told me that—”
There was a sudden bright flash of light. Both merms immediately froze. Chase paled. “Oh no.”
“Was that—was that one of those camera things?” Jackie asked. “Shit! I knew we should’ve been careful!”
“I think it came from that boat!” Chase pointed to a white boat some ways away, a few empty spaces between it and the merms. He dove back into the water. Meanwhile, Jackie was already on the move, swimming much faster than Chase could, heading straight for the boat.
The boat was a bit too high for them to reach the deck from the water, but it didn’t stop Jackie from trying. He lunged forward, claws scrabbling on the metal side, and hissed slightly. Chase soon caught up, staying some ways away to try and catch a glimpse of the deck. “There’s one human up there,” he said.
“Good, there’s more of us,” Jackie added. “Hey! Stupid human! I’m gonna find that camera thing!”
“You don’t know what it looks like, Jackie.”
“Chase is gonna find that camera thing! And we’re gonna get rid of it!”
After a few seconds, a human peered over the side of the boat, leaning over the railing, holding some sort of long pole in raised hands as if preparing to knock something away. “Oh, holy shit, it is you,” he said.
Jackie stopped. “Wait, why’d he say it like that? Do we know him?”
Chase squinted. “He does look a bit familiar. You don’t recognize him?”
“I’m not good with human faces.”
“Oh, wow, dude.”
“Well, I’m not good with faces in general!” Jackie snapped. “And humans don’t have tail patterns or anything else that could help!”
Chase stared at the human, who’d put down the pole. “Actually, you remember that human who spotted us a few months ago? With the ice cream?”
“Oh yeah. Is it him? Uh...Ah-lee, or something like that?”
“Oh hey, did you just say my name?” The human looked excited about that. “Do you remember me? I’m Ollie.”
“Yeah, it is him!” Chase said. “Okay, he’s cool.”
“But he just took our photo!” Jackie reminded him. “Who knows what he’ll do with that?”
“I guess you guys are upset ‘cause of the picture, huh? Hang on.” Ollie reached into his pocket and pulled out a small device, tapping on it for a bit before showing the other side to the merms. “This?”
“Whoa! That’s us!” Jackie gasped.
Chase swam closer to get a better look. “Yeah, see? I told you photos were really accurate.” He looked up at Ollie and nodded.
“Well, uh. Sorry.” Ollie looked strangely embarrassed. “I just wanted to confirm you were there. After I saw you, back at the start of summer, I kind of wondered if it was real. But you guys are here again. I guess you just like to hang out here.”
“Wow, do we really come here that often?” Jackie mumbled. “Enough to see the same human twice?”
“I think he lives nearby,” Chase said. He swam even closer to the boat and raised himself partially out of the water. “Can you get rid of the pictures? Oh wait, he can’t understand merm, uh...” He cleared his throat. “‘No picture?’”
“Wait, you know English?” Ollie gasped. “Well, I guess you can understand me.” After a moment, he nodded. “Alright, no pictures, I get it. Here, I’ll delete it.” He tapped the screen of the device a couple times, and the photo disappeared. “There. It’s gone.”
“‘Dee-leet,’” Jackie copied. “I like that one. It’s easy. ‘Dee-leet. Deee-leeeeeet.’”
Chase laughed. “You still need to work on it, dude.”
“Well, you can teach me whenever. Hey, why don’t you speak human to Ah-lee here? You’re fluent!”
“Uh...” Chase swished his tail, looking embarrassed. “No. It’d be weird if I started now. Being all...perfect human language.”
“You just said that thing about the photo! ‘Nnoh ichurr.’”
“‘Picture. Picture. Puh. Puh.’ You have to spit out the air.”
Jackie paused. “‘Bichurr.’”
“Wow,” Ollie muttered. The two merms looked back up at him. “Oh, uh, don’t mind me. I just think it’s interesting. I guess only one of you is good at English?” He laughed nervously. “A-anyway, are we chill? I-I don’t want to upset you guys.”
Chase and Jackie looked at each other, and then back at Oliver. They nodded in unison. “‘Yes,’” Chase added.
“‘Chill,’” Jackie said. “‘Chill. Chiiiihlluh.’”
Ollie laughed again, less nervously this time. “Right. Anyway, you’re alright with me. I won’t tell anyone.”
Chase gave Ollie a thumbs-up. Then he and Jackie disappeared underwater. “See? He’s a good one,” Chase said.
“Yeah, pretty friendly,” Jackie agreed. “Buuuut we should leave now. Just in case other humans are around, and not as friendly.”
“Great idea.”
They swam back out into the open ocean, still a bit on edge.
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dweetwise · 4 years
Felix and Ace having met before. Ace won a grand prize at the table and got an executive suite. Though his next door neighbor was Felix who was here on a business meeting to design a similar casino. (I am sorry I love imagining people meeting people before the fog)
this isn’t exactly what you asked for buuuut i needed to write something for waiter ace and you blessed me with this ask uwu also if you didn’t want a ship i’m sorry but that’s what i assumed! warning for closeted felix and mentions of the s3x but nothing nsfw actually happens
word count: 1860
Felix X Ace: Strictly Business
Felix wasn’t exactly prepared for the fog to transport him into another dimension. He'd read some theories, sure, and he'd seen his father disappear into thin air all those years ago, but to experience it first-hand was another thing entirely.
He also didn't expect the world in question to be controlled by an eldritch being that forced its captured victims into a gruesome game of hide and seek, killing and resurrecting him and others at will.
But he sure as hell didn't expect to come face to face with the biggest mistake of his life.
It takes Felix a minute to recognize the man, the small camp having so many new faces and names to memorize and they’re all speaking over each other—it's a lot to take in. But then he spots a familiar face, and everything the ginger woman is trying to explain to him becomes white noise as the man he focuses on laughs at something a boy in a beanie says.
Felix’s thoughts drift back to what feels like a lifetime ago, when he was on a business trip in Austria, staying at a luxurious casino. 
Him and a couple of other junior architects were invited to design an expansion to the building, and the best idea would be hired. Felix hated competition, he hated having to work on the field, and he hated the lavish, over-the-top style of the casino. But he was only starting to get his name out there, and couldn't afford to turn down any opportunities—if he played his cards right, this could be his stepping stone into more high-profile projects. Maybe he'd get to design an entire casino next time, without the twenty fake fountains and fuck-awful gold trims.
They were waited on like VIP:s while attending meetings in lavish conference rooms and bullshit marketing presentations about the brand. It was basically an all-inclusive stay, but Felix still despised it. He would have given anything to skip the unnecessary pleasantries and stay at home to draw the designs in peace.
He hated it right up until one of the waiters serving their mid-presentation coffees caught him suppressing a yawn and gave him a cheeky wink and a smirk. Felix had blinked, thinking he imagined it, but the more he kept staring, the more the waiter's smile seemed to widen.
Felix wasn't gay, but being an architect, he could appreciate aesthetically pleasing things in life. Like the waiter's symmetrical face, high cheekbones and good hairline. And eyes that sparkled with mischief even while he was outwardly completely professional.
And the way his work pants clung to his perky ass.
The waiter was suddenly a hundred times more interesting to him than the entire project. The project was predictable, and Felix once again found himself drawn to the unknown.
It wasn't a challenge to get the man's attention. He only had to linger behind after a dinner, and soon enough, there was a gloved hand brushing fleetingly against his neck as the man collected his plate. With the rest of the group having moved on, and Felix having had more than a few drinks, he'd asked if there was any possibility for room service. He was rewarded a lopsided grin and warm eyes shimmering with promise.
He always was much smoother when drunk off his ass.
He doesn't even remember what he'd designed by the end of his five-day-stay in the casino. He only remembers fucking the cute waiter against the tacky gold-trimmed headboard of the king-sized bed in his suite. And in the hot tub. And in a supply closet. It was a long week, okay?
His companion was named Luca. He'd only been working in the casino for a few months and was thinking of moving back to Italy, not being a fan of gambling or the over-the-top establishment. He had a charming accent and only spoke a couple of words of German, forcing Felix to use his own shaky English.
It was a shallow thing. Felix tried to keep his personal life private, and he definitely left out the part where he had a girlfriend back home. He'd ended up exaggerating his professional success, but wasn’t that what people did? He was just trying to make a good impression, 
After the week, Felix never talked to the other man again. He got home, unpacked his bags, and freaked out. He didn't even want to think about how unprofessional he'd been and how risky it was.
And definitely not about how much he'd enjoyed it.
The more he tried suppressing the thoughts, the more insistent they got. His brain was periodically invaded by images of warm brown eyes, expressive lips twisting into a hundred different smiles, and a laugh resonating in his ear, rich like his favorite double-roast coffee. The memories had haunted him for close to a decade, and he thought he'd finally gotten past them, ready to be a good father that had his shit together.
But here he is, seeing the same brown eyes light up with the same carefree smile and the sound of the same damn laugh echoing through the air and all the memories come flooding back.
The woman next to him hollers something to the group, and the familiar face looks his way. Even with the now grey hair and added wrinkles, Felix still finds himself just as transfixed as he'd been ten years ago.
He's introduced to the group, but he only really remembers one name and the overwhelming sense of wrongness that follows it; Ace. The revelation isn’t made any easier when he notices there isn't even a flicker of recognition in the eyes he remembers so fondly.
In the following couple of trials, Felix is only disappointed further. “Ace” doesn’t have an Italian accent anymore, in fact Felix catches him instead saying something in Spanish to the woman in a blazer. He’s also very keen on gambling, and the shiny satin smoker jacket he wears in one trial could have been straight from the tacky casino they met in. Was anything he told Felix about himself true?
It takes him a while to confront the man, debating back and forth inside his head. All of his focus should be on finding his father, and he needs to keep these people at arm’s length. Ace not remembering him is the best possible outcome of their brief past together, he tries to rationalize.
But in the end, curiosity wins over rationality, and when the opportunity presents itself, Felix is unable to resist.
“You really don't remember me, do you?” Felix asks, alone in the camp until Ace returns from a trial. The man pauses, eyebrows pinching together in confusion “I didn't leave you to die on hook, did I?” Ace asks. “That happens sometimes.” “No, I mean back in the other world,” Felix explains. “We've… met?” Ace asks.
Well. If that's what you want to call it.
“Yes,” Felix simply says and immediately, Ace cringes. “I'm sorry?” he offers. “Excuse me?” “I can count on one hand the people I've encountered who remember me fondly. There's a 99% chance you hate my guts, so I figured I'd get it over with quickly," Ace explains, seeming a little wary. “I don't hate you, I just can't believe you'd forget and… lie.” “Oh, I… I do that. Did—whatever. Nothing personal,” Ace shrugs. “I really don’t remember you, sorry.” “Casino in Vienna. 2011. I stayed at the hotel for a week. You were a waiter. You said your name was Luca. We—” Felix hesitates. “…'met'.” 
Multiple times on multiple surfaces.
“Vienna, huh? Hmm... Oh!” Ace's face suddenly lights up. “You were one of the suits, right? Some kind of… lawyer?” "Architect,” Felix corrects, a little miffed. “Same deal,” Ace dismisses with a wave of his hand. “So, are you still neck-deep in the closet?” “What?” Felix recoils. “That's—I'm not gay. It was a one-time-thing.” “That would be a yes,” Ace muses, almost as to himself. “So you do remember? All of it?” Felix prods. “Guess so. What, you want a repeat performance?” Ace asks, raising an eyebrow. “No! I just…” Felix falters. 
‘Wanted to make sure you didn't forget me because I’ve been thinking about you for the past ten years’? No way he’s admitting to any of that, so he puts on his business face.
“Wanted to come clean. So we're on the same page. To avoid any awkwardness,” Felix says instead, and it’s definitely not as smooth as he would have liked. “Right…” Ace says, regarding him skeptically.
There's a few seconds of extremely awkward silence while Ace just stares at him and Felix looks into the fire, trying to keep his face neutral and not sweat bullets. Eventually Ace sighs.
“Look, can I give you some friendly advice?” he asks. “I… I guess so," Felix says, a little confused. “Drop the act,” Ace says, looking him dead in the eye. “The manly man, excited father, respectable lawyer—” “Architect,” Felix, again, corrects in annoyance. “—suit guy thing, whatever. It's not going to serve you any purpose in here. These people see right through any bullshit, trust me on that one,” Ace adds with a knowing smile that Felix has never seen before.
He doesn't have any time to think of a reply before they're interrupted, the girl with a beanie cussing up a storm while a young guy in a sailor uniform sits down in front of Ace expectantly and the man cracks a joke and immediately starts tending to the bloody gash in the kid's shoulder.
The wound is bleeding heavily but the duo keeps chatting without a care in the world. Felix remembers he got a gauze roll from the… blood web?—and he rifles through his meager belongings before approaching the two.
“You… um,” Felix stammers, holding out the item to Ace. “Would this help?” “Cool!" the teen chirps while Ace takes the offered item silently, regarding Felix with an unreadable expression. "Thanks—uhh, what was your name again?" the kid grins sheepishly. “Felix,” he says. “And… yours?” he asks, swallowing his pride and now hesitantly curious to learn more about his companions. “I'm Steve! This is Ace, and the moping bitch over there is Nea!” Steve exclaims with a bright smile that shows his bloodied teeth. “Dude, fuck off!" the girl, Nea, calls. “Hey Felix, anyone teach you how to use a flashlight yet?" “No, not really," Felix confesses, cautiously approaching the girl. “I understand the need for tools and medical supplies, but… what would you use a torch for?” ------------------ “So how's the new guy holding up?” Steve asks. Ace looks over to where Felix is sitting with Nea. “Allvarligt—förstår du mig inte?” Nea has apparently moved on from flashlight training to Swedish lessons. “For the last time, your Swedish sounds like gibberish to me," Felix explains. "Just because the languages are related—" “Sheiße,” Nea interrupts with a grin, moving to swear in German. “A multilingual genius, I see,” Felix deadpans. “He's learning,” Ace says, hiding his own hopeful smile behind the fluffy hair of the boy he's patching up.
(nea’s line: “seriously, you don’t understand me?”) i’m not 100% happy w this fic, esp since it’s about a new character but it’s a start at least! i also really wanted to throw in a “sure you’re hot but you were so boring i forgot all about you” line but it didn’t fit and now you just have to imagine that’s what ace was thinking
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nukapind · 4 years
20 with Todoroki please? 🥺
Mazes (Todoroki x Reader)
Fun fact! I have my own blåhaj that I bought about a year and a half ago! Lmao, this ended up being a lot less ice cream date and a lot more lost, buuuut I hope you don’t mind all too much. Feel free to leave in a request if you have one, prompts can be found here! Like usual, this was crossposted to my AO3.
20: “We both got lost in Ikea and somehow we ended up together on an ice cream date even tho we just met”
All you’d wanted was the Blåhaj, that little stuffed shark that tempted you every time you walked into this maze of a store, and maybe a slice of pizza with some lingonberry juice— not to be separated from your friends in the chair section while you’d been checking out their mini-home models. It’d only been a quick minute you’d strayed from them, looking at a shower caddy and yet you’d turned around to find that they were already long gone. You were stranded in Ikea with only confusingly contradicting arrows to point you through the store— how were they always rearranging this fucking maze? When did it ever end?
The shower curtain you’d been standing behind pulled to the side suddenly, and you nearly screamed out of instinct— forgetting you weren’t actually in your own bathroom when in reality you were fully clothed and definitely not showering. Heterochromatic eyes blinked at you, the man’s shoulders slumping ever so slightly as his eyes landed on you. “You’re not Midoriya.” He sighed softly, making you blink a bit. “Are… you lost too?” He gave a firm nod— at least this meant you weren’t just dumb, it was just Ikea’s fault.
Okay maybe it was a bit of a reach to blame Ikea for your current situation, but nevertheless, at least you weren’t alone in this. “You wanna try to get to the front of the store with me then? Two minds are better than one.” He only blinked at you, those eyes staring into your own— was he fucking staring into your sould or something? It was unnerving, until he shoved his hands in his pockets with another nod. “That sounds fine.” Smiling nervously, you gestured to the bustling showroom floor. “Let’s get out this deathtrap then.” He waited for you to lead, before silently trailing behind you.
“You look a little familiar ya know? Are you from the area or something?” You squinted as you looked at him, trying to pinpoint exactly where you’d seen him before. Definitely wasn’t school, you’d remember a guy that looked like this if he were in your classes— nevermind his hair and eyes, his face was gorgeous. Those eyes were right back to staring at you. “I was in the UA sports festival, I placed second.” For something so exciting, his voice didn’t quite change from that same somewhat dry tone. Biting your inner cheek, you nodded— you didn’t watch the sports festival, save for a few little glimpses. “Ah, that’s pretty cool I guess. It’s a good goal to save people… Sorry I’m totally blanking on your name.” You laughed it off, hoping he wouldn’t notice that you still had absolutely no clue who he was.
“Todoroki Shoto.”
That did still sound familiar… But you couldn’t quite remember too well. Oh well, not like it’d probably matter too much. “Well nice to meet you Todoroki. I’m L/n Y/n. I guess we’ll be partners in crime for today.” You joked, grabbing one of the pamphlets from the little stations— which didn’t seem accurate with all the remodeling going on. “I just said I’m a hero in training, I don’t commit crimes.” A smile crept on your face at his joke, snorting a bit before you realized his expression hadn’t changed— still just as serious as before. “It’s just a saying Todoroki, I’m not trying to get you involved with the law.” You awkwardly added, your explanation making the realization hit him.
“I see.”
With that, you walked with him in a comfortable silence— albeit in confusion, the pamphlet didn’t even match the arrows on the floor. “Are you reading that right?” He peered over your shoulder, staring down at the paper in your hands. The sudden breath tickling your ear made you jump, which earned a confused look from him. “Here, you can read it.” Taking the pamphlet you’d shoved into his hands, he stared intently— eyes running over the picture intently as the two of you paused in your tracks. “This is wrong.” He concluded, your shoulders slumped slightly. It really looked like he’d figured it out.
Tugging your bottom lip between your teeth, the swinging of a door caught your eye— the shortcuts, of course! Those could at least get you to the end of this fucking maze. “C’mon, I think I know!” Linking your arm around his own, you pulled him through the door— not seeing his widened eyes.
His mind raced as he held back his quirks— willing the power of his left side away as you caught him off guard. Did you have no self preservation? He could have burned you, and yet he was more focused on your hold on him. He’d never had much physical contact in his life, save for his younger years with his mother and the sparring he went through all throughout his hero training. One thing stood out to him about this.
Being held like this… was actually really nice…
He didn’t tug away, didn’t quite want to— he’d let this happen for now while he could.
He trailed right behind you, following through every door you’d shoved through. Your muttering and small huffs only piquing his interest even more. You were so… normal. Just an average civilian, someone without the stress of saving the lives of innocents.
It was somewhat refreshing.
But it wasn’t refreshing when you let go of his arm, only for him to see the registers in front of the two of you. The corner of his lip quirked down slightly. “We did it! I thought we’d never get out of here.” Your relieved laugh made something inside him shift slightly, it was definitely a pleasant shift— he found that he liked the sound of your laugh.
“You did well getting us out of here—” “—The shark!” You cut him off as you caught sight of the real prize, the nice stuffed shark you’d come here for in the first place.
The blåhaj.
Scooping up the plush in your arms, you didn’t see the twinge of jealousy in Todoroki’s gaze. “This is the only reason I even came here.” Your grin made him pause, finding that he liked your smile too. “You want it?” You hummed out a yes, admiring the shark in your hold. “I’ll wait in line for you, go see if your friends are at the front.” Your grin only got brighter, the shark shoved into his hands before you disappeared into the crowd of people.
What the hell was he even doing?
The shark you’d given at him only stared at him with those brown eyes.  This was all illogical… but that smile you’d given him was so nice and warm— illogical wasn’t always bad, right?
Regardless, you’d said you had come for this blue plush monstrosity in his hands. You’d been so excited when you saw it after all,  that settled it. Stepping up to the register, he paid— his lip quirking up at the thought of the smile you’d give him.
It was completely illogical of him, but that thought was shoved to the back of his head as he caught sight of you with two ice cream cones in your hand, quickly shoving one into his own hand. “I didn’t see my friends, but I did see the bistro!”
He blinked at the treat in his hand, looking up to see you bite into your own— his mind only going back to think just how nice this felt. A moment away from the hero world really was nice. “Thank you, I appreciate it.” You nodded happily, still focusing intently on your ice cream. With a light smile, he got to work on his own ice cream.
“Oh wait! I didn’t give you the money for the shark! Shit, let me pay you ba—“ “It’s a gift, there’s no need.”
His expression didn’t falter, and truth be told it caught you a little off guard. Glancing up at him, you bit the inside of your cheek. Sure Todoroki had been civil this entire time you’d known him, but this was actually kinda… sweet. “You’re sure?” “Positive.” He responded immediately, handing the shark over to you. You could barely hold your excitement in, lips already twitching into a smile. “Thank you.” He merely nodded in acknowledgment, pausing for a second before he spoke up again.
“Would you like me to escort you home? Seeing as your friends still aren’t here?”
“You know what, I’d like that.”
Hopefully Midoriya and Iida would’ve mind his disappearance too much.
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chronicbatfictioner · 4 years
Exchanges and Compromises - Chapter 12
It was decided then that the Talon - Dick Grayson - should accompany Jason to the Wayne Manor. The Oracle has decided that being the only one without 'attachment', i.e. normal people's identity that could be used against them.
The pretty little kitten's name, Jason eventually found out, was Tim Drake. And he would be providing one of the exit strategies. His home, apparently, was right next to the Wayne Manor. His words about knowing of losing parents through violence only made sense after Jason googled the name, and discovered the news article on the kidnapping and murder of Jack and Janet Drake, Tim's parents. It was apparently quite a news back then, only Jason never heard of it since he was already residing in Eth
He was right when he guessed - mostly through his manner and speech - that Tim Drake was rich. The Drake House - although smaller than the Wayne Manor - was still bigger than most homes in the suburbs that Jason knew of. Plus there was a massive yard, sky-high fence, several garages, a greenhouse, and a garden.
And then there were the tunnels.
Tim said that according to the Waynes' side of the architecture, the tunnels tend to lead to nowhere, and were not sturdy enough to be explored. Tim, however, had explored the tunnels when he was really little - as in ten-year-old 'little' and discovered that most were natural tunnels and have exits.
"I hope you've explored with someone who's like, my size." Jason reminded him just as they laid down the plans to him.
Tim glared at him top-to-bottom and then glared at Dick.
"Yeeeah... he's definitely not my size." Jason pointed out. Dick might have been muscular, but more on the lean side. Jason was built like a brick house and a few inches taller and wider than Dick.
"If it's any consolation, I didn't need to squeeze through anything when I went," Dick told him.
"I'll map the dimensions of the exits, anyway, just in case. We went with cameras back then." Tim said. "And now that we've covered the exits, how about the entrance? Would you rather walk right up there and say something along the line of, 'hey, I'm here to deliver the next Wayne heir. And by the way, you owed Talia Al Ghul some child support, but on the bright side, you won't need to pay 'em anymore,'?"
"Yeah, that sounded like a really quick way to get into an altercation." Jason retorted.
"I advise you, Tim, to take them there. Sort of like safety in numbers scenario - whatever happened, the Waynes won't be able to... make Jason and Damian 'disappear' because someone else already knew of their presence in Gotham." Barbara advised. "I've put the articles on stand-by, and shall have Vicky Vale start sniffing around by one week."
"We've got Grayson here as an extra pair of watchful eyes, so to speak. I don't think they'll do anything dramatic." Jason reminded. "Also, if they think they could kill me and take Damian just like that, they might be in for a surprise. Damian isn't... easily persuaded through blood and gore." He stopped short of accidentally revealing that the 'training' he and Damian returned from when they discovered the death of Ra's and Talia at the Algol Island had been Damian's 'training' in death and destruction. Colloquially referred to as the 'Year of the Blood', Damian was sent to retrieve a number of relics from around the world; most held in private collections by colonists who had acquired said relics from native people by force. Combine 'acquisition' and 'force', it was safe to reason that said 'colonists' would have had armies protecting the relic. And Damian had gone through them fairly easily.
And bloodily.
But that was not something Jason would reveal. It would be up to Damian's discretion - later or never - to tell his father. Surely he would not wish to have such thing revealed to a group of people calling themselves 'heroes'.
"I'm in favor of the more the merrier, really. In spite of me being the so-called 'extra' pair of eyes, Tim Drake has higher visibility when it comes to... well... the common people..." Dick remarked. "There might not need to be blood and gore in the immediate future. Plus, I'm not there as a Talon."
"You're there as Damian's guard, the White Ghost. Anyone familiar with the lores surrounding the Al Ghuls would not suspect a thing..." Jason started.
"Can I be the blue ghost, instead?" Dick wanted to know, grinning impishly.
Tim, too, was grinning impishly.
"What," Jason growled, suddenly realized that he was being played.
"I kinda liked blue better than white, y'know?" Dick replied.
"You're not taking this seriously, are you?"
"Oh, I am. I mean, there's a kid's life on the line; a lot more money than I'd ever seen if they were in the form of unpopped corn kernels; heritage; people of Gotham, etc, etc... why wouldn't I take this seriously?" Dick replied as he walked away from the table. "But I still think I look better in blue, right?" he added, pulling out a set of costumes from the cabinets. It was modeled after Jason's costume - "to have a more cohesive look between us," Dick had said. And it was in blue, whilst Jason's was in green.
He groaned exasperatedly. "There is no blue ghost in our ranks..."
"Well, they don't need to know that, do they?" Dick reasoned.
Jason glared at Tim for help. But the boy shrugged, "he's had that made since the day you came. He actually has several sets of those... He said your outfit made for pure awesome day clothes. I, too, worry about his fashion sense."
"Why." Jason partly wanted to know, partly wanted to know what the hell he'd done in the past that landed him with the Marx brothers right there. His costume would work well for the desert - where the Al Ghul's strongholds were mostly at; the jungle surrounding the Al Ghul Island where Damian and Talia would reside during the summer months; or in combat. For daily use, however, Jason would have worn normal suits. "For the love of all things mighty, you folks didn't look through my suitcase, did you?"
"Oh, we know of the suits. The normal people suits, don't worry. I have those made for Dick, too - in blue as per his insistence." Oracle intoned. "And no, Richard, you are not wearing costumes when you walk to the Waynes' front door."
Thank god for the voice of reason.
"Aww... buuuut, it will be more impressive!" Dick wailed, dead-set looked crestfallen, and gave puppy-dog eyes toward Oracle. Jason sighed again. For what seemed like the umpteenth time of the day.
"No means no, Dick. Now, if you'd come up straight from the desert and whatnot, that wouldn't be so strange. But you - and by 'you' I meant Jason and Damian - arrived in Gotham more than a week ago and stayed at the Ritz, 'fer cryin' out loud!" Oracle snapped back.
"Ritz this ain't, but I agree, if we've stayed at the Ritz, there would be questions as to why hasn't anyone seen us. My costume isn't exactly made for urban living." Jason pointed out. Dick was still sulking, but it looked like he - thankfully - finally conceded.
"Fine, I'll wear the monkey suits..." he grumbled. Jason mouthed a 'thank you' toward the projection.
"Okay! Next, backstory excluding the fact that... Talia and Ra's' being murdered and stuff - that what you're planning to say right, Jason?" Oracle continued, ignoring Dick's whines.
"Yes, there's no point in hiding it since Wayne would want to know who the mother was, and we have set out news stating Ra's and Talia Al Ghul being killed in an airplane crash," Jason told her.
"I've seen that news and marked all the news portals that mentioned them. I would like you two to keep an eye on Bane's reaction, as minute as they might be. Dick?"
"Got it. If he as much as breathe wrong in Damian's direction, we kill him." Dick replied. To Tim's and Jason's withering glare, he demanded, "what?"
"Why can't we just have Tim accompanying me, anyway?" Jason finally blurted. "He could jeopardize the whole thing."
"No, he's not. He's just pulling that one out of his ass. He's not gonna kill anybody, right Dick?" Oracle prompted. "Plus, it would be fairly odd if Tim Drake accompanies you, as he himself is quite a well-known individual within the city."
"Hhh... alright..." Jason still grumbled but decided to let it go for now. There were far more important objectives to be had.
"I much prefer Grayson to be with us as well, Jason." Damian suddenly piped up. He has been sitting there, at the head of the table, watching the processions. "With most adult's predisposition to undermine non-adults, Grayson's presence there could deter anyone from trying mischief right away." he reasoned. "Timothy, while I daresay have sufficient combat skills when required, has the benefit of being a public persona while being a child and thus would not come across as strange that I - as a child as well - should come to him first and foremost for assistance."
"Why, thanks, Damian. I think..." Tim replied.
"That is... quite an interesting psychological insight, and validated our plan, I think," Oracle remarked after a few seconds of silence. "Okay, gentlemen? Shall we get the plan rolling, then?"
"We shall," Damian replied. "I cannot wait to see how my father will react."
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youstydiaa · 4 years
The Great Queen //
Oikawa Tooru x Reader
part 1
summary: you were always a quiet one, keeping your interactions to your group of friends. another thing about you, you did whatever made you comfortable. including wearing the schools bou's pants instead of the skirt, and wearing incredibly baggy and oversized clothes. that didn't mean that you can't rock skirts, dresses, and volleyball shorts. which oikawa tooru would soon find out after a quarrel. with you.
dancer/ volleyball player! reader :)
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You were always fascinated by dancing, always moving and trying out new moves -even if you had no idea what the fuck you were doing- since you were a kid. Fortunately, your parents noticed your undying interest in dancing and got you a private professional dance teacher. Unfortunately, as you entered middle school, you realized there was no dance club. Feeling bummed, you never thought about joining another 'lame' club. Until one of your senpai's (a second year) approached you, with the proposition of joining that one club.
Exactly, you guessed it. Kitagawa Daiichi's own Girl's Volleyball Club.
You were never a fan of sports yourself, you just didn't bother with knowing anything about them except their name. What you didn't know was, that you had the perfect build and physique for a middle blocker. Even if you never played volleyball, that position would fit you as it didn't require that much skill. And because of all that, you refused.
She made you a deal. She asked you to watch one of the practice games at school. If you liked it, then you would join and she would teach you. If you didn't, well you wouldn't lose anything. Turns out, you did like it. It was actually and exhilarating experience, you wanted to feel the ball slam into the other side of the court, feel the after burn of spiking it. Scoring a point, felt like the feeling of perfecting a new dance move. Exciting.
As you entered Aoba Johsai, as expected of a regular wing spiker on the girl's volleyball and a Kitagawa Daiichi graduate, you were put in a slightly difficult situation. Joining the dance club, or joining the volleyball club?
Volleyball to you was just to pass time in middle school since there was no dance club, but dancing was your passion. The obvious answer was the dance club. Which lead to you scoring multiple leads in multiple competitions and performances, and three years later being the president of the dance club. Captain of the girl's dance team which consisted of 10 girl members, 3 of which including you were your group of friends.
You being a quiet girl, tomboy and a volleyball enthusiast in your second year in middle school, you were quite familiar with the adorable black-haired blue-eyed first year boy who admired your volleyball skills and wanted you to teach him how to spike as strong as you even though he wanted to be a setter (you suspected he had a tiny crush on you and wanted to spend time with you but we won't get into that). Kageyama Tobio was obsessed with volleyball, you recognized his obsession because you were kinda familiar with it, and you considered him as a little brother. So of fucking course, you knew about the rude third year volleyball 'star setter', who almost hit him with a ball in the face for asking him a simple question. Fun fact, you were on your way to teach him a lesson if it was not for the fact that Iwaizumi-senpai reassured you himself that Oikawa Tooru has learned his lesson. You were quite familiar with you senpai's temper so, you were convinced.
Fast forward to you walking in the cafeteria on the first day of your second year, ignoring the weird looks the first years were giving you for wearing the boy's uniform pants, bummed about knowing that Kageyama wasn't attending here and furious about the fact that the gym in which you practice in was closed because of some renovations.
"I heard that all the other gyms were renovated and finished by mid summer, ESPECIALLY the volleyball gym which was finished first." Aiko, your best friend, and the vice president of the dance club complained loudly while moving her hands. "Ugh! Sometimes I wish I could choke each boy on the volleyball team to death."
You smiled dreamily. "Well, one time i dreamt that I was shoving a volleyball in each of their-"
"(Y/N)." Your other friend, Yui, warned.
"All of them except Iwaizumi-senpai. He's a good guy, and above that he's hot." You continued.
"Have you even seen any of them or even talked to them?" Yui sighed. "Both of you."
"We don't need to talk to them to that they're assholes and arrogant." Aiko replied. "Except Iwaizumi-san."
"And teacher's pets, sucking up to the principle with all that bullshit of being a 'powerhouse school' and 'qualifying to nationls' each year." You air quoted with your fingers. "Aaaand they lose to Shiratorizawa at the end. Every fucking year. Losers."
"Yeah, Assholes." Aiko snickered.
"First of all, what is up with you and assholes today?" Yui pointed at Aiko as you all sat at a table. "And you, didn't you go to school with these guys?"
"Yeah, weren't you on the girl's team?" Aiko rested her hand under her chin, sticking her tongue out to Yui after.asking you.
"We were never really friends you know? I only know Iwaizumi, and a bunch of other first years I am so completely sure I'll find on the team after a week or two." You took a sip from your soda can and continued. "And, yeah I was but I wans't that much of a talker and I despised their captain. That Oikawa guy? A total douche."
"Again with the insults, you've never even met them! Honestly, I think it was the school's fault for favouring them over us and other clubs." Yui pointed out. "And, you should probably change your view on them, because as our beloved dance team captain, you are going to go plan out a schedule with the boy's volleyball team captain. Because, we're going to train at their gym till our gym opens again."
"Whoever he is, I'm sure I can handle him." You put a hand in your pants pocket, slouching in your chair and taking a sip of your soda
"Buuuut, since the universe hates you.." Aiko dragged out nervously. "The Captain is Oikawa Tooru."
Yui ducked as fast as possible, as you spit your soda in the place where her face would've been. "He's WHAT?!"
Two Weeks after,
You dragged your feet across the corridor dreading what was waiting for you behind the gym doors.
"Do I have to? Can't one of you do it?" You groaned, trying to dig your feet into the pavement, so when Aiko tries to push you, which she will. You would be stable.
"You are the Captain (Y/N), remember? Besides, I'm pretty sure even if they're assholes they're hot and I wouldn't miss a chance to see that." She smirks sneakily looking at Yui. "And I'm sure Yui wouldn't mind seeing Matsukawa sweating in another place besides her dreams."
"Whatever Aiko, I'm not going to deny it. Matsukawa is hot and you know it."
"Well, that's true I'm afraid."
"Let's just get this over with." You grabbed both of their hands. "The faster we finish the faster I can go home and relax from this stupid day."
As you entered, you spotted Iwaizumi sitting with his other teammates, drinking water all of them sweaty. They probably have been playing before you got there. "Iwaizumi-senpaiiii." You dragged out teasingly, knowing how he hated to be called senpai.
All heads turned to the three girls enter the gym, one of which was wearing pants and opening her arms wide open after, smiling cheekily after, they assumed, she called to their vice captain. They immediately knew who she was, after all she was the only girl who dressed like a boy coming to school but looked like the sexiest and most confident girl in the world while dancing.
"Oi idiot." He stood up and walked to her and her friends. "Oh you're still friends with her? Is she paying you or something?"
"Iwazumi-senpai so mean!" You pouted while your friends laughed. "and you two, you're my friends don't encourage him!" You turned to your friends.
"He does have a point (Y/N), we have been getting paid by your parents these past years to be your friends. Sorry to disappoint you." Yui said with the straightest face she and Aiko could muster before bursting out laughing.
"I hate it here.." You crossed your arms turning to Iwaizumi. "Anyways, where's your douche captain? I need to speak to him."
"Shittykawa? I thought you hated him, are you turning to one of his fangirls now or something?"
"First of all, ew I'm gonna barf. Second of all, since our gym is closed for now, I need to set up some things with him since we're going to train here for the time being." You huffed.
"And as you can see, she's not that happy about it either." Aiko butted it.
"Clearly." Iwaizumi chuckled. "Well, Shittykawa was in the bathroom and should be returning-"
"Now." Iwaizumi scowled.
Oikawa Tooru, was headed towards you. And honestly, now you get why all these fangirls liked him. He had a nice face and body but, god could you feel his obnoxious aura from a mile away.
"Iwa-chan who have we got here? Are you flirting with one of my fangirls? I go to the bathroom 5 minutes and you're already destroying my fan club." Oikawa pouted like a baby.
"The best 5 minutes of my life are over." Iwaizumi face palmed. "Anyways, this is (Y/N) and her friends Aiko and Yui." Iwaizumi pointed to each one of you respectively while your friends waved slighlty.
"We're here from the dance team, about the gym schedule." Yui said, knowing you weren't going to speak until you stopped staring intimidatingly at Oikawa.
"Ahhhh Right, I heard about that. Are you the captain or should I safely say that the one who's staring at me like I've murdered her whole family is?"
"That's me." You replied dryly. "Not nice to finally meet you." You smiled sweetly in mocking.
"Why do I feel like I've met you before?" He tilted his head slightly.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." You crossed your arms looking to the side like you're disinterested, which you were. "I heard that you played almost as good as me in middle school."
"You!" Oikawa narrowed his eyes at you. "I know you, Tobio-chan's bodygaurd in middle school."
"Yes, the same Tobio who you almost broke his nose. you're lucky Iwaizumi got to you first before me." You smirked.
"What do you want?" He huffed at you.
"I want this gym after school every day, except on the weekends." You stated. "I know you have plenty of time to train after us, we only practice for 2 hours on weekdays and on weekends we rent our own studio, so you can have the gym to yoursel-"
"No can do, sweetheart."
"What..did you call me?"
By now, some of the volleyball team had formed a circle around you two wondering why their captain took so long, your friends knew better than to get between the two of you unless things got rough. Your hatred to Oikawa wasn't unfamiliar to some of the other members, like Kunimi and Kindaichi. And the others, well they were enjoying the show.
"We need extra time to practice soo you'll have to practice after us." He crossed his arms.
"Let me get this straight. You want us, a group of ten girls, to train after you finish, in a sweaty dirty gym, and walk home at 10pm?" You clenched your fists. "Yeah, no, not happening."
"Well, it's our gym honey, take it or leave it. Although.." He held his chin as if he was in deep thought. "There is one thing you could do for me.."
"Ew, Perv."
"Not like that! I meant a bet." He scoffed.
"A..bet?" You and your friends raised your eyebrows.
"I'm saying that I.." He trailed off. "Challenge you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), to a volleyball game. And the winner, gets to use the gym whatever time they like."
"Shittykawa, what are you saying?"
"I'm saying that she said that she was better than me and still is. I bet she wouldn't be scared about losing to me would she?" He raised his hand waiting for you to shake it.
Everyone looked at you expectedly, and your friends could tell exactly by the look on yoir face what your answer would be. "(Y/N) no." They spoke in unision.
(Y/N) yes.
"Deal." You took his hand without hesitation. "But I choose my players first."
"Fine." You walked away to the locker room to change your clothes.
This is gonna be fun.
As you walked again in the gym, everyone's eyes was on your exposed legs in your short shorts, and tight shirt that were clearly not your size.
"(Y/N) you can't be seriously thinking about doing this! He has the advantage!" Yui tried to reason with you, Aiko nodding in agreement.
"Relax, guys. Kageyama's friend didn't call me a queen for nothing." You laughed slightly.
"Are you ready, body gaurd-chan?"
"I swaer if he calls me that one more time.." You whispered to yourself.
A three on three, his team contained Iwaizumi-chan, obviously and their libero, Watari.
While you chose his other friends out of spite (and their talents), Matsukawa Issei and Hanamaki Takahiro. As you stood on the court, you decided to warm up with each other first. You gave up the ball to Oikawa's team so they could set first, unsurprisingly, they chose Oikawa.
"Ready, (Y/N)-chan?"
"As I'll ever be.." You smirked.
Everyone knew about Oikawa's killer serve. When Oikawa served, out of instinct Matsukawa and Hanamaki stepped out of the way. They knew this was warming up, they also knew how petty Oikawa was and how he may serve like that now but he won't serve in the actual game. What they didn't expect was you, recieving the ball in perfect formation, sending it upwards without falling to the ground or sending it outside the court.
"Oh Oikawa Tooru, You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment."
You straightened up, catching the ball and leaning with one hand on your hip. Everyone's breaths hitched as they could almost see a bright crown on your head, with royal robes covering your body.
The Great Queen.
this is my first time writing on tumblr and my first time writing for haikyuu i hope you like it i can make part 2 if someone actually read it
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roc-thoughtblog · 4 years
Sense and Sensibility Readthrough Part 18
Chapter 21, Pages 103-111
Previously, Mr. Palmer was a bad. Yep. Just a bad. Mrs. Palmer knows Willoughby and has seen Brandon recently, but not much came out of it.
Also, Happy Valentines day, ya filthy animals, and a happy (lunar) new yea-actually I just rewatched that scene from Home Alone 2 and I kinda don’t like it anymore. I just don’t like the idea of guns. Also it feels a lot more contrived now than when I was 10. Also a tad homophobic? I guess I might retire wishing people a good holiday and new year vis a vis calling them filthy animals.
I hope all you romantics are having a better time of it than the poor Dashwoods thus far!
Readthrough below.
Chapter 21
The Palmers have gone home to Cleveland.
But this did not last long; Elinor had hardly got their last visitors out of her head, had hardly done wondering at [...]
This sentence stretches out for eight lines, so Elinor has an excessive amount to think about the Palmers of, before new guests arrive.
Mrs. Jennings "discovers" she has two more relatives in Exeter, two Miss Steeles, who obviously Sir M invites to the next social occasion. Being, immediately. Poor Lady M, has to worry about more surprise strangers for guests. She still likes the new girls though, apparently they're good with kids. That'll earn the Lady M points.
And also obviously Sir M has got to involve the Dashwoods in this too. I don't blame the Dashwoods for ditching, this must be really exhausting. Sir M is the ultimate extrovert. I also forgot that the Dashwoods were related to him.
It's just a random thought, but everyone is in agreement that the Dashwood sisters are very pretty/handsome/beautiful. Well, except for Mr. Palmer, but he is stubbornly contrarian in general and I wouldn't trust him to even like the pure concept of happiness. I wonder how that is? I've never thought of any of my friends as beautiful, despite that I feel like they are on principle, and for lack of any dissenting opinion. Does that mean the Dashwoods are exceptional, or is that sort of aesthetic thought common for the time, or am I personally missing something about people?
Oh dear lord the children are actually just bullying the guests. Of course.
She saw their sashes untied, their hair pulled about their ears, their workbags searched, and their knives and scissors stolen away, and felt no doubt of its being a reciprocal enjoyment.
P-Please Lady M, have mercy on the Miss Steeles. So it's not that the girls are good with kids, it's just they they're really good at pretending this is okay to their host. This reminds me of the time a bunch of gifted and talented tweens tied my shoelaces together and tried to take snips of my hair for "DNA samples." Fun day. Those kids are like 20 now, I wonder how they're doing?
With such a reward for her tears, the child was too wise to cease crying.
HAHA! This is also another of the neat little spins that get lost in adaptation huh. Unless pains were taken to preserve this, on screen it would just be a scene where the child kept crying as they were being pampered. But here the single lines changes the whole character of the scene.
Regardless, remedying her youngest does produce a reason for Lady M and her children to exit stage, leaving the Dashwoods room and quiet to speak with the new girls alone.
The girls are still talking up the Middletons, so seeing as Marianne can't withold her true feelings for the sake of politeness, Elinor carries the weight of the talking. Which isn't much, really short awkward impasse on the quality of rowdiness in children.
I-what? One of the Steele sister has started talking about beauxs. I'm relieved that Elinor is as confused as I am on what a beaux with an x is. Elinor even uses it without an x, so I personally feel vindicated, though this implies that the x in beaux isn't silent when Miss Steele says it. Be-owks?
"Lord! Anne," cried her sister, "you can talk of nothing but beaux - you will make Miss Dashwood believe you think of nothing else."
Too late, Elinor has already written them off in her mind. I'd comment something or other about writing people off but honestly I'd be exhausted of all these strangers too.
Alas for Elinor and Marianne this feeling is not mutual and they are very much on the awkward end of, alas, unrequited friendship. How was everybody's Valentines day, by the way? I spent some time playing around with a piano. Turns out you can close your eyes and hammer anything on the major blues scale and it'll come out sounding sassy. :D
Anyway, to aid the Steeles in their quest for friendship, it seems Sir Middleton has armed the girls with every piece of gossip he knows or assumes of the Dashwoods. Whoop. So now they too know every about every brief brush with romance the Dashwoods have had.
The letter F- had been likewise invariably brought forward, and found productive of such countless jokes, that its character as the wittiest letter of the alphabet had long been established with Elinor.
Heheh, well, that'll happen. Ah, but it's even spread to the Steeles. Poor Elinor. Sir Middleton spills the beans nigh-immediately, while telling the girls not to blab about this "great secret."
Hrk. That's giving me personal flashbacks which I suppose I won't expand on, on pain of irony.
Buuuut it does reveal that the Steele sisters are apparently quite familiar with Edward Ferrars! Perhaps they can tell us why- oh, nope, nup. They also say basically nothing of substance, and Elinor is too reserved to interrupt them or ask questions. Well, it would probably seem really awkwardly eager too, to suddenly ask after the person you're probably deliberately trying to keep a social veil of plausible deniability up around.
And that's it for this chapter! So between this and last chapter, nothing immediate seems to have occured, but we've been introduced to the Palmers who know Willoughby and Brandon, and the Steeles, who know Eddie. If I had to guess I would hazard that this getting the setup out of the way for some sort of convergence of information later? The sort where the house of cards collapses, probably something that'll rattle Elinor something real shook. I feel like there's a shoe waiting to drop pretty hard with Eddie.
Sir Middleton is probably has a time bomb of a party in the works, if it would take gathering all these families in one place.
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flightfoot · 4 years
Ladycat Ch. 4
Marinette bounded through the city, running over rooftops, falling to ground level to duck and weave through the city, then jumping up to roof level again when convenient. 
 The wind in her fur, the agility and grace in her feline form - she’d experienced it before while chasing after Chat, but couldn’t truly appreciate it with the cat brain she’d had.
 Running over rooftops and swinging through the city had always been some of the funnest parts of being Ladybug (not counting getting to spend time with her partner of course). Getting to do it in an even more naturally graceful and acrobatic form was a real treat.
 Not that she could do anything too crazy - not yet anyway. She was all too aware of the box clenched between her jaws - and the consequences if she lost it. Best not to repeat the Style Queen incident.
 She hadn’t been the only one to lose a Miraculous that day at least, Chat had also lost… his Miraculous…
 Chat was Adrien. Adrien had been statuefied pretty much immediately. 
 He hadn’t lost his Miraculous; he just hadn’t had the chance to use it.
 That little furball lied!
 Oh she was gonna have some word for Plagg later! ...Once she could speak.
 But that would have to wait another few days. Right now, she had more important things to attend to.
 Nudging open one of the windows of the Cesaire residence, she crept inside.
 Luckily the twins weren’t around, they would’ve been hard to avoid.
 She padded up to Alya’s room, headbutting the door a few times. She’d mew, but she didn’t particularly feel like letting go of the box with the Fox Miraculous, not until it was safely in Alya’s possession.
 “Would you two not-”
 Alya opened the door.
Looked down.
And blinked.
 “A cat?” she raised one eyebrow. “What’re you doing-”
 Marinette could tell the exact moment Alya noticed the box holding her Miraculous. Not that that showed any special understanding of her; her face practically breaking in half with her grin and squealing just within the human hearing range (she assumed at least. Being a cat made things like that harder to judge) were pretty good signs.
 Alya knelt down. “Is- is that-?”
 Marinette gently set the box down and nodded.
 Picking it up, Alya opened the lid.
 Immediately a light shot out, darting around.
 “HEY, woah, stop it!”
 She froze, shaking herself.
 “I guess her cat instincts are still pretty strong.”
 Marinette looked up at the voice. 
 Trixx looked back at her, bemused.
 “She’s not actually a cat I’m betting, is she?”
 Alya held out her arms. Marinette jumped into them, purring. 
 She looked more closely at Marinette’s neck. “That green pawprint… Chat Noir?!”
 Marinette let out a startled meow. She guessed that made sense, but no. Just no.
 Alya’s brow furrowed. “I’d’ve thought he’d be black though, not gray.”
 “That’s because that’s Ladybug, not Chat!”
 “WHAT?! Wait, that actually makes sense. So THAT’S why no one’s been restored!”
 Glancing down, she noticed something on the floor. “Uh… Trixx? Could you maybe retrieve that piece of paper?” she asked, chagrinned. “My arms are kinda full of Ladycat here.”
 Trixx chuckled but complied, holding it up so Alya could read it without needing to dislodge Marinette.
 “Ladybug got turned into a cat and isn’t gonna be turned back for three more days,” she read out loud. “Which is bad enough, but we’ve got other issues. I know who Hawkmoth is, but he’ll also find out who I am very soon. I can’t go home, and… well, we’re gonna need Rena Rouge’s expertise for what comes next. Follow Ladycat, she knows the way.”
 Alya blinked. “The way? The way to what?”
 Trixx grinned. “The way to the Guardian of the Miraculous.”
Marinette darted through the streets, occasionally pausing to allow Rena Rouge to catch up. Technically they both COULD have run across the rooftops to get to Master Fu’s place even faster, but that would’ve attracted a bit too much attention. She was pushing it before doing that as a cat, but with Rena in tow? Best not to risk it unless they had to.
 Rena would arguably have attracted even more attention than that on the ground… if she had actually LOOKED like Rena Rouge. Before leaving she’d cast an illusion on herself, making her look like just another resident of Paris and definitely NOT Alya or Rena Rouge.
 Unfortunately, that also meant sticking to plausibly human speed. She’d had to detransform twice already to feed Trixx, but hopefully this would be the last time.
 She jumped onto Alya’s shoulders while they waited for Trixx to finish eating. With how small she was, she had plenty of room to perch on.
 Alya laughed. “You know, you might call Chat a ‘silly kitty’ sometimes, but I don’t think you’re far behind him.” 
She chuffed at that. That may be true, but she didn’t need to call her out like that.
 She shifted slightly, brushing herself against Alya’s neck. 
 Alya let out an impulsive laugh.
 Marinette’s eyes sparkled. REVENGE.
 Quickly she brushed herself all over Alya’s neck, making sure her tail brushed just so, along with nuzzling into her neck.
 And then had to quickly move as Alya sank to the floor giggling. “You- you win,” she gasped as she got ahold of herself after Marinette’s impromptu tickling. “You’re not nearly as much of a silly kitty as Chat. You’re sillier.”
 Okay she should have expected that.
 Brushing herself off, Alya got to her feet. “Hey Trixx, you almost done?”
 The fox kwami looked down on them, bemused. “I finished eating half a minute ago, I was just waiting for you two to finish up.”
 “Well, what are we waiting for? Trixx, Let’s Pounce!”
Rena knocked on the door of the small shop. Didn’t exactly look like somewhere a ‘Guardian of the Miraculous’ might live, but that was the idea, wasn’t it? If Hawkmoth got his hands on this ‘Guardian’-
 She shuddered. She may not know what this ‘Guardian’ did, but Hawkmoth getting anything or anyone Miraculous-related would be very, VERY bad.
 A familiar face greeted her. She blinked.
 “Adrien? What’re you doing here?”
 “Uuuuuh, I’m not Adrien, no sirree, absolutely not!” he said hastily waving his arms. “I’m-”
 Glancing around the room, his gaze landed on a teapot.
 “I’m- I’m Earl. Just helping out my great-grandfather, you know how it is. Buuuut we’re busy, and closed, nice to see you please drop by some other time!”
Wow. He was not the best improv liar.
 Not to someone who actually knew him, at any rate.
 She caught the door before he could close it all the way - just long enough for Ladycat to slip through.
 “Ladyb- Lady!” He cried out, obviously catching himself before he could blurt out her full name. “What’re you doing with this person - wait is he Rena Rouge?!”
 She chuckled, releasing her illusion as she closed the door behind her. “The one and only. Also, that story’s not likely to work when you look exactly the same as usual. What’re the odds of you having a doppelganger?”
 “I’ll have to show you pictures of my cousin some time.”
 “Never mind.” His expression darkened. “He’s not the family member we need to worry about.”
 “Can I punch your father? I’d really like to punch your father.”
 Adrien - or Adrichat she guessed - grimaced. “You might need to, but I’d like to avoid a fight if we can.”
 He stared at his hands. “I know he’s done a lot of terrible things, but… he’s still my father. He’s almost certainly going to go to prison, I can’t see him getting off for what he’s done as Hawkmoth, but I don’t want to hurt him if we can avoid it.”
 “Plus there’s your mother to consider.” 
 She’d been pretty shocked when he sat down and explained everything - his secret identity (HA! She was totally right!), how he’d followed Ladycat into his father’s secret lair, and everything that’d happened there.
 Emilie being alive, his father being more of an asshole than she’d ever conceived - this had been quite a day for Adrien.
 Something that Ladycat sought to help with, purring in Adrien’s lap like a mini lawnmower, nuzzling him every time he started looking especially downcast.
 She wished she could help Adrien more, but… well, they hadn’t really talked that much, one-on-one. Most of the time she was helping Marinette to try to win Adrien over or just chatting with him along with Nino - they were part of the same friend group, but they didn’t actually interact that much. When they did, it was usually because they wanted to help Marinette somehow.
 No wonder Adrien’d never been able to decipher Marinette’s attempts at telling him how she felt! Knowing how up front Chat was with his affections, how over-the-top? Marinette’s mixed signals wouldn’t be the easiest thing to disentangle, if his normal perception of how-to-flirt was that blatant.
 Plus, well… he already had his eyes on someone.
 She smiled as Ladycat stood up and brushed herself all around Adrien. Didn’t need to be a cat to see what she was doing; letting him know she was there, she wouldn’t leave him, just giving him the physical affection he needed.
 The bond between those two was hard to deny. It might not be romantic on Ladybug’s part (at least that she would admit; she’d noticed Ladybug being a little softer, a little gentler, giving him certain looks) but on Chat’s side? He seemed ready to melt into a puddle.
 Though the looks he was giving Ladycat right now, those partly lidded eyes, that gentle smile - on Chat she may not have been able to draw the connection. But on Adrien?
 They were just like his expression when he looked at Marinette.
 And Marinette had been missing ever since Catwoman’s attack.
 If Marinette and Ladybug turned out to be the same person, she wasn’t sure whether to laugh, cry, or scream about the universe’s ironic sense of humor.
 The more she thought about it, the more certain she grew. 
 Strong sense of justice? Check. 
 Creative and good at thinking on her feet? Check. 
 Kind and willing to give second chances when need be? Check.
 Not to mention her selecting Alya as the first temporary miraculous holder, and securing Alya that first-ever interview with Ladybug.
 With herself.
No WONDER she’d been able to do that when no one else could!
 Ooookay, calm down Alya. Still don’t know that for sure. It could still all be a coincidence.
 ...Probably not, but she didn’t actually need to know Ladybug’s identity right now. Chat’s identity coming out couldn’t have been reasonably avoided, not with needing to confront Hawkmoth, to confront his father, and him almost certainly knowing Chat’s identity.
 She’d play along for now.
 She really, REALLY hoped she was right though. Knowing that on all those missions they’d had together, every time she’d hung out with Ladybug, she’d been hanging out with her best friend? That she’d teased Ladybug about boy troubles, had slumber parties with her, had kicked her butt at Dance Dance Revolution (and gotten her butt kicked in turn at Ultimate Mecha Strike III)? 
 Just… knowing who she was as Ladybug, who she was as Marinette, and putting it all together?
 It cemented Ladybug as human, as being a person and not some far away idol. She may not be perfect - far from it - but she tried her best. Sometimes she made a mistake, sometimes she got flustered and did something foolish, sometimes she made bad decisions, and sometimes she let her emotions get the better of her, like any other teenager.
 But ultimately, she was still a hero. Still a Hero of Paris. 
 She didn’t need to be some godlike figure. She just needed to try her best.
 There went any hope of convincing herself that Marinette and Ladybug might not be the same person.
 Hopefully Adrien figured it out soon too. She could keep a secret if she needed to, but if she had to watch those two moon around each other for much longer she’d be tempted to shove them in a panther cage until they figured out they liked each other already.
 Hey it’d worked for her and Nino!
 “Alya? Alya!”
 She startled at Adrien’s worried tone. Even Ladycat (or maybe she should say Marinette? ...she’d stick with Ladycat for now, no need to remind herself of her revelation more than she already had) padded over to her and meowed, pawing at her face to get her attention.
 “I’m fine, I’m fine! Just zoned out a bit. What were you saying?”
 He gave her another worried look, but continued. “We’re gonna sneak back into his lair. I’ll distract Father and Mayura if she shows up while you cloak yourself, Fu, and Ladycat in an illusion to make yourselves as inconspicuous as possible - invisible preferably, but you’ll need to be careful not to trip over each other.”
 She frowned. “You’ll take Hawkmoth and Mayura on by YOURSELF? You sure that’s a good idea?” 
 He grimaced. “No, but I’m used to handling myself while Ladybug figures out and implements a plan. I can manage for a little bit. And anyway, it’s only just long enough for Fu to examine my mother and figure out what he can do for her, if anything. Then we can retreat and regroup.”
 Glancing down at the kitty in his lap, he smiled. “Besides, I’ll still have my partner there. She may not be able to fight quite like normal, she’s still Ladybug, and she still has superpowers. We don’t need to be able to talk in order to fight together.”
 Considering the videos she’d seen of the Frightingale fight, with Chat and Ladybug dance-fighting in synchrony while RHYMING? No doubt about that.
 Oh hell, Adrien’d been forced to dress up as Chat and Marinette volunteered as Ladybug.
 She quickly got ahold of herself, but not before Adrien looked at her worryingly again. “Uh… you sure you’re alright, Alya?”
 She waved him off. “I just thought of something funny, that’s all.”
 Seriously, Marinette and Adrien could change their body language so heavily that even though they looked practically identical to how they did as Ladybug and Chat (minus the masks, which she suspected they ‘lost’ on purpose), no one else had a clue they were one and the same, even with seeing Ladybug and Chat Noir minutes later? She’d never make fun of Clark Kenting again. 
 She softened her voice. “You ready to face your father now?”
 He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “...Yeah. I think so. Let’s do this.”
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