#buzzfeed unsolved fan fic
Buzzfeed Unsolved x MCU: The Battle of New York
summary: Shane and Ryan do a Supernatural Unsolved episode on the Battle of New York
rating: PG-13 for language
warnings: none really? language
word count: ~1.6k
a/n: I wrote a fic like this years ago, but unfortunately I deleted that tumblr account back in 2019 and I literally cannot find any record of my post anymore. I couldn’t even find the original copy anywhere on my computer. hope y’all enjoy it! extra info found on the MCU fandom wiki.
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Ryan: This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we’re covering the Battle of New York, an event that destroyed half of Manhattan in a single afternoon and opened the world’s eyes to the existence of extraterrestrial life. Bet you feel pretty fuckin’ stupid now, huh Shane?
Shane: Now, look here, I am pretty fuckin’ stupid, but I have never said that I don’t believe in aliens.
Ryan: You say it literally every time we do an episode on aliens.
Shane: No, I’ve said that I don’t believe aliens have ever interacted with humans before.
Ryan: All I’m hearing are excuses.
Shane: Who’s pretty fuckin’ stupid now?
Ryan: Still you.
Shane: Damn, when you’re right you’re right.
Ryan: Can I get into the case now?
Shane: Go ahead, open your file with a single piece of paper in it and tell us all about it.
Ryan: Let’s get into it.
On May 1st, 2012, in a secret, underground facility in the middle of the Mojave, experiments were being performed on an object called “the Tesseract.” The scientists performing the experiment were employed by the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, otherwise known as “S.H.I.E.L.D.”
Shane: Wait a second, say that name again?
Ryan: S.H.I.E.L.D.?
Shane: No no no, the acronym.
Ryan: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Shane: (wheeze) That’s the stupidest name I’ve ever heard.
Ryan: Yeah, it does seem like they’re trying too hard.
Shane: Someone really wanted their organization to spell out “SHIELD.” What a bunch of nerds.
Ryan: The Tesseract had been used during World War II by Nazi scientists Johann Schmidt and Arnim Zola to create energy weapons that were capable of completely pulverizing its targets. It was briefly lost when Captain Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, hijacked a German bomber called the Valkyrie that was on course to destroy multiple major cities across the United States. He was unable to change course, so instead he attempted to fly the Valkyrie into the ocean and ended up landing in an ice field in Greenland. The Tesseract was found by Howard Stark not long after, although Captain Rogers and the Valkyrie were not found until about 70 years later.
The Tesseract changed owners several times, but by 2012 it was in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s possession during Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S., which was an acronym for “Potential Energy Group - Alternate Sources - United States.”
Shane: Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.
Ryan: (wheeze)
Shane: Fuckin’ tryhards. 
Ryan: On May 1, 2012, there was an incident involving the Tesseract. The facility was breached by Loki Laufeyson, an alien born on Uranus and raised on Saturn. Thanks to Natasha Romanoff leaking all of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s data in 2014, all security footage from that night is available to the public. While they were experimenting on the Tesseract, it opened a portal through which Loki was able to come to Earth. He attacked and killed several agents using a staff that looked to be powered by something similar to the Tesseract. He used the same staff to subdue several agents and scientists through mind control. He even used it on Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye: an actual Avenger!
Shane: Now hold up, mind control? On an Avenger? No way.
Ryan: I’m just telling you the facts.
Shane: There is no way an Avenger just let him waltz up and take control of his mind!
Ryan: Well actually, Loki is so powerful that he shows up in Norse mythology as a god, so really an Avenger got mind controlled by a god.
Shane: But we know he’s not a god now, he’s just an alien.
Ryan: The footage doesn’t lie!
Shane: This is bullshit.
Ryan: One of the side effects of this kind of mind control is that it turns the victim’s eyes bright blue, and according to footage we have from this event and images of Loki later on, his eyes are significantly bluer during the battle and the events leading up to it, so-
Shane: Ohhhhh, so he could have been mind-controlled, too!
Ryan: Yeah, exactly.
Shane: That tickles me very much!
Ryan: Ew, I… I didn’t like that.
Shane: That is very tickling indeed!
Ryan: This is a weird turn of phrase, even for you.
Shane: I will say, it makes the whole “mind controlling an Avenger” thing way more believable.
Ryan: Loki successfully stole the Tesseract, and the entire facility collapsed on itself, apparently due to the sheer power of the portal they had opened. Footage shows Loki using his staff to shoot oncoming S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and completely pulverizing them. He even shot down a helicopter!
S.H.I.E.L.D. used this as an opportunity to reactivate the Avengers Initiative, a project focused on bringing together people of special abilities to protect the Earth. The Avengers at the time were made up of Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, Captain America, Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk, Thor, another alien from Saturn who is seen in Norse mythology as the “god of thunder,” Agent Natasha Romanoff, also known as the Black Widow, and Hawkeye.
Shane: I thought Hawkeye got mind controlled?
Ryan: Well they got him back before the battle.
Shane: Do we know how?
Ryan: According to Agent Romanoff, she hit him really hard in the head and he was fine.
Shane: (wheeze) Is that really what she said?
Ryan: Yeah, they were fighting on one of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s helicarriers and she slammed his head against a railing and then knocked him out for good measure.
Shane: What a badass!
Ryan: Oh yeah, the Black Widow is definitely one of the most underrated heroes in history.
Loki spent a brief time in captivity on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s helicarrier, but was rescued by some of his mind-controlled goons who launched a fairly severe attack on the aircraft. Thor and the Hulk fell off the carrier, and several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were killed, including a high-ranking agent named Phil Coulson.
On May 4th, famous astrophysicist Erik Selvig (who was also under mind control) was caught building a portal using the Tesseract on top of Stark Tower in downtown Manhattan. After some failed negotiation between Tony Stark and Loki inside the tower, the portal was opened and an alien army known as the Chitauri was released on New York. The Chitauri are a sentient species of cybernetically enhanced beings that operate under a hive mind intelligence. They use another species called Leviathans for troop transport and combat, which are extremely augmented using armor, anti-gravity devices, and even laser cannons. 
The battle itself lasted two to three hours. Most of Manhattan was destroyed, and the World Security Council actually authorized the release of a nuclear missile to try and end the battle. As the missile headed for New York, Tony Stark intercepted it and redirected it into the portal. The missile hit the Chitauri Command Center, destroying the hive mind and deactivating every single soldier left fighting. Stark’s suit lost power as he let the nuke go, and he fell back to Earth through the portal just as Agent Romanoff closed the portal using Loki’s staff. As he was falling, reports say that he was caught in mid-air by the Hulk and brought safely back to ground level.
Shane: How the hell is New York still standing after that?
Ryan: Well, S.H.I.E.L.D. had a subsidiary team called “Damage Control,” and after the battle it was transferred to the federal government and is now the U.S. Department of Damage Control.
Shane: What, they couldn’t come up with a fun acronym for that?
Ryan: I guess not, whoever was coming up with cool names was off that day.
Shane: Damn, right when they needed him the most.
Ryan: Honestly, that’s the real tragedy of this whole story.
Shane: So is that the whole case?
Ryan: That’s pretty much it.
Shane: I remember where I was when I saw this on TV, actually.
Ryan: Oh yeah?
Shane: Yeah, I was watching TV at home and flippin’ through the channels and when I flipped on the news I thought I was watching a shitty alien movie.
Ryan: (wheeze) You didn’t realize this was a real thing that happened?
Shane: No, not until I saw it on Twitter like an hour after it happened.
Ryan: Oh my God, dude! You really are fuckin’ stupid.
Shane: I never said I wasn’t.
Ryan: Even though we now know the facts of the Battle of New York, a lot of questions remain unanswered. If Loki was being controlled, who was controlling him?  Where are he and Thor now? Does this open the door for future alien attacks, or alien alliances? What else is out there? As of this episode being filmed in April of 2015, we’re still waiting to see what the Avengers do next, but until then, all of these questions remain… UNSOLVED.
So who’s your favorite Avenger, Shane?
Shane: Hmm, that’s a toughie.
Ryan: Mine is Captain America, no contest.
Shane: Oh yeah?
Ryan: Hell yeah, dude. Killing Nazis and fighting aliens and surviving 70 years in ice? That’s badass.
Shane: So… no cap?
Ryan: *disappointed silence*
Shane: Get it, because- 
Ryan: No I got the joke.
Shane: Well, you’re not laughing, so I thought-
Ryan: Well it wasn’t funny.
Shane: Goodness, Ryan, you don’t have to hurt my feelings like that.
Ryan: I love hurting your feelings, actually.
Shane: Hm. This is awkward, then.
please lmk if I should write more of these, I had a lot of fun with this one and I haven’t written stuff like this in like 5 years so I feel a little rusty lol. hope you enjoyed and if anyone wants to give me suggestions on more stuff to write please do!
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 1 year
Buzzfeed unsolved au with Robin as Shane and Steve as Ryan (maybe steve has had interactions with the supernatural- like it’s this au’s version of the upside down) and the two came together when they were almost killed at Scoops by murderous poltergeist(the mall was built on a cemetery/burial ground type shit) who burned the mall down, and as a way of coping with the traumatic event (and making money bc they needed jobs) they started a youtube channel of them hunting ghosts/the supernatural (as one does).
the kids get featured a lot, having a surprising amount of knowledge when it comes to the supernatural (supernatural club instead of D&D??? maybe the kids r actually supernatural??? idk). Dustin is always trying to get a permanent spot on their channel (while steve could be swayed, robin vetoed the idea).
the thing is, is that Steve is actually a magnet for the supernatural. like, this shit is DRAWN to his himbo single mother ass like the party to D&D. they same amount of ghosts that try to kill them, also hit on his ass.
(instead of steve screaming when the ghosts interact, he brings his nail bat, and starts fucking swinging at the first flicker of the lights)
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electricdecades · 10 months
hello quarry fans I am very late to the party but I have just posted the first chapter of my radioheads/rylan fic
it's an AU fic about Ryan and Dylan as ghost hunter channel co-hosts getting into a fucked up situation together, in a semi-epistolary format that I found really fun to write . it's all planned so I'm just writing up my plans whenever I get around to it around my uni stuff
check it out if you like the ship or buzzfeed unsolved or ghost shit or anything.....
thank youuu
(chapters are probably going to get longer and weirder as they go on.. get ready....)
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coolotplblogloadng · 2 years
Top 10 Fanfic - Multi-Fandom
No Particular Order
between the click of the light and the start of a dream by thepshycicclam
sterek (m/m) - Teen Wolf - 105,192 words - Rated E
Stiles starts getting haunted by something in his dreams. Derek gets overprotective. Pack feels and angst. I love it. I read it once a year.
who ya gonna call? by igneousbitch
griddlehark (f/f) - The Locked Tomb Series - 24,563 - Rated E
Buzzfeed Unsolved AU. Need I say more? Harrow falls on her ass at least twice I recall. A masterpiece.
lucky jacket by chellethewriter 
catradora (f/f) - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - 16,301 - Rated M
Explores the lore of Adora’s jacket after Catra may have done something to it. Very funny concept but shit hits the fan. Very cute and fluffy.
My Name of Your Lips by feelslikefire
victuuri (m/m) - Yuri on Ice! - 108,070 words - Rated E
Literally the ONLY a/b/o fic I ever liked and finished. High fantasy, magic, dragons. Yuuri betrothed to Prince Victor and plans on secretly fighting a tourney to get out of it...but then he catches feelings! 👀
horsebow moon by athousandsatellites
edeleth (f/f) - Fire Emblem: Three Houses - 4,765 words - Rated G
Edelgard finds Jeralt’s journal but turns out Byleth has made use of it as well! Really sweet and fluffy (some angst). But touched on stuff I wish the game explored. So *chefs kiss*
Due West by europa_report 
klance (m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 27,284 words - Rated M
Suuuuuucccchh good writing from Krolia’s perspective how she feels about Keith and Lance’s relationship. Her and Lance are stranded on a planet. Feelings of motherhood. Angst. 👌👌
The Hurricane in His Veins by magisterpavus 
shklance (m/m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 265,040 words - Rated E
I had to put this one on. Main fic is only 187,481 words. But the world is just so great I gotta read all the fics in the series. Vampire Keith and Shiro and human(?) Lance. A classic, fabulous.
I Will Not Die For You by ghost_maiden_of_delphi
griddlehark (f/f) - The Locked Tomb Series - 151,369 words - Rated M
Mafia boss Harrow, bodyguard Gideon. Cross country road trip full of pining, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual romance!! Gideon and Naberius fight and it’s the best thing I’ve ever read.
The Ninth Wave by Anonymous 
klance (m/m) - Voltron Legendary Defender - 12,535 words - Rated M
So sweet, so lovely. Snippets of them falling for each other represented by different waves. Shorter but oh so sweeter. 
Homesick by Beelzebumons
sidlink (m/m) - Breath of the Wild - 175,190 words - Rated E
Link dressed in Zora armor 24/7 being Sidon’s bodyguard? That has to take him on a tour of all of Hyrule? Canon divergent with interesting backstories and plot? Yes sign me up pls!
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Important Stuff
Hi, this is Bugsy, I run @violetcottontail, and this is the official sideblog, which is funny because that blog is also a sideblog. You will never locate my main muahahaha!
It's @catarimint, I'm just being silly.
Anyway, this blog is where writing drabbles and other stuff will be posted. If it's canon, it will be tagged as such. All of the writing drabbles will be focused around the current and future cast of that blog.
Update: Additional mod!
Hi! This is @killamortis. You can follow my blog but I don’t run the blog the blog runs me (there is no blog).
Update 2: Third mod!
Hello! This is @princessragdoll, but you can call me Daggers (or Eldritch but only Bugsy calls me that lol) I also run the blog @bunnyclawsllc which is by some miracle canon to the Bugsyverse and features my characters Fembit and Evelyn. Please enjoy!
Posts written by Bugsy will be tagged #bugsy drabble or #bugsy speakin
Posts written by Killa will be tagged #killa drabble or #killa speakin
Posts written by Daggers will be tagged #daggers drabble or #daggers speakin
Good news: We take requests! If you want to hear about which Habit has the biggest god complex, or which one would chill with you on a rainy day, go ahead and ask about it! We'll write it :D
Rules for requests:
Don't be an ass. Being an ass is defined as: Harassing other people over requests, harassing us over our writing, doing that twitter shit where apparently if we write bad things it means we support them??? We don't support cannibalism but we'll write it, so chill.
Don't come at us for being ooc. Look man, Bugsy made like- 12 different Habits from DIFFERENT ITERATIONS. They're not gonna be perfect to canon because... THEY'RE NOT CANON LOL
YES. WE KNOW CANON HABIT IS NOT DOWN TO BONE. THESE ARE NOT THE CANON HABITS. We're just silly little tumblr users, don't like something? Block us bro, we will not be offended, and you will not have to see our stuff.
IF SOMETHING IS LABELED "DEAD DOVE, DON'T EAT", IT MEANS WHATEVER IS LISTED AT THE TOP IS INCLUDED IN THE DRABBLE. If you don't want to read a certain topic, PLEASE check what we've labelled the fic with at the top. We'll do our best to write any possible trigger warnings, if we miss any, let us know nicely please!
WE DO NOT CONDONE HARASSMENT OF THE REAL ACTORS FROM EVERYMANHYBRID. None of what we write is directed at the real people behind EverymanHYBRID. We are writing for THE CHARACTERS. NOT. THE. REAL. PEOPLE. Seriously, do not be weird about this, we're just writing for fun here.
Current cast list and Allowed Requests:
Loathesome and Evan - The main pair on the blog (All requests allowed)
The Forgotten - A fucked up man out for revenge (All requests allowed)
Centralia - A little arsonist (No 18+ requests)
Stephbit - Miss Big Dick Energy (All requests allowed)
Fairmount - Local stalker and artist (All requests allowed)
Northstar - The father figure (All requests allowed)
McHabit and McEvan - Local depressed cashier and clown bitch (All requests allowed)
Evbit - Buzzfeed Unsolved but with real murder (All requests allowed)
Deepbit - The only Habit who can swim (All requests allowed)
Jeffbit - Not a fan of barbeque (All requests allowed)
Boardbit - When he's bored, he plays board games (All requests allowed)
Showbit - Loves himself a little too much (All requests allowed)
Evan Corenthal - Therapy ain't cheap, but Habit's get it free (All requests allowed)
Evan Gallows - He's a rockstar, but a Gwar type star (All requests allowed)
Stygianbit - The depths of space have no mercy (All requests allowed)
Voyeurbit - Local bastard gets inHabited (All requests allowed)
Octantis - The Southern Star (All requests allowed)
Alternaria - It's not his fault you can't breathe... Or is it? (All requests allowed)
Marburg - It's not her time of the month, but she's all red (All requests allowed)
Vaquero - This cowboy will not save you a horse (All requests allowed)
The Doctor - The bringer of all daddy issues (All requests allowed)
Xerox - He’s just a poor boy nobody loves him (No 18+ requests)
Shellshock - PTSD, but make it sassy (All requests allowed)
Starlet - Vinnie better watch out, a star is in town (All requests allowed)
Bittybit - A hamster sized being of pure rage (All requests allowed, but keep in mind he's TINY)
Grimmwolf- Fairytale villain turned confused old man (All requests allowed)
Fembit- The queen of all girlbosses (All requests allowed)
Evelyn- Peak gen Z energy, full of caffeine and trauma (All requests allowed)
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gideonisms · 1 year
Hey I just read what you have of out of Hold You Like A Weapon and... NGL I am really intimidated by the fact that the first chapter was in Jan 2022 and now This (No judgement, it's just a bummer when chapters take forever), but even if you never published another chapter again I would be so breathlessly grateful for what you have. “I want to make you suffer too. I want you to think about this every day, Griddle. I want to watch you die.” this is Every single part of their dynamic I have ever wanted to read, in SUCH a hot piece of writing as to make me literally breathless because it is so good. In the meantime, do you have any Explicit Griddlehark fics that scratch a similar itch? (Your style is to DIE FOR and I am in withdrawal) It's a plus if they're longer, but I trust your judgment for anything.
This is such a nice ask to receive, thank you so much for reading and enjoying my fic, let alone sending me such a sweet message about it <3
I totally get being intimidated by longer unfinished fic. Look, I still kind of wish tamsyn muir would finish her homestuck fic from 10 years ago, although it goes without saying I'm a fan of what she's done with her time instead. Anyway, I've been dealing with some mental health stuff for the past few years and although I think I've figured out what was going on, it's taking some time to get back to anything resembling a functional life. It is kind of a bummer because I have so many creative ideas I'd love to pursue, but have had to focus on the bare minimum. THAT SAID I just graduated so a lot of my college stress is behind me at least! And I have a good outline of what happens in this AU. I'm hopeful about finishing it before alecto comes out.
Anyway, as to your question about explicit griddlehark fics, I DID do a couple of rec lists here and here (not all griddlehark, but many are). For writers whose style I especially enjoy, I rec bonesfortime, raxheim, igneousbitch, corpsesoldier, valancytrinit, and zoicite. If you're looking for something in the specific enemies with benefits to lovers genre, there is a figure skating fic here I enjoyed and then this fic I mentioned in the first rec list linked up there, and the buzzfeed unsolved au by igneousbitch has this premise too, but if anyone knows some other good ones too, feel free to comment! I can never get enough of that trope
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cherienymphe · 6 months
OMG I feel like I’m fucking 13yrs old again. I used to be a massive fan girl, fan fic writer and YouTube watcher when I was younger. When I got a bit older I got severely depressed for a couple of years and I literally stopped watching YouTube and TV shows and movies. All of my favourite things. So now I’m really lacking behind. I’ve just got back onto the YouTube scene and I need recs! Literally any YouTuber that you like watching, please recommend me some.
I’ve started watching the Sturnolio triplets, Watcher (I used to love Buzzfeed Unsolved), Jacksepticeye, and a few bits and bobs but I’m seriously lacking some women in my watchlists! So yeah, if you could give recs on any types of vids I would be so so grateful. I feel like I’ve been living under a rock because I’m only 21 yet I feel 60 with my knowledge of the internet nowadays. Crime, beauty, gaming, I’ll watch anything 😌
You gone hate me when I tell you I mostly watch reaction channels 😭 no joke I'm waiting for reel time to get to episode 18 of TVD so I can start watching their TVD reactions and be caught up when they get to both the Miss Mystic Falls episode and the season 1 finale when Katherine returns 😭
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zuzsenpai · 6 months
Making a pinned post finally
Since I'm spending more time on this account these days, instead of my fandom accounts, I figured I should probably do one of these?
My name's Zuzu or Zuz, she/her, 30+
I'm a fan of Digimon (Adventure universe and Cyber Sleuth), Pokemon (Team Rocket and mainline games), Ace Attorney (all games), Homestar Runner, Buzzfeed Unsolved, those YouTubers who talk about lost media or meme/fandom history, the Hobby Drama subreddit, cryptids (Mothman especially), bugs, memes about sea creatures, the color teal, that one day a year where we say "It's gonna be May", cosplay, and writing fanfiction. I write so much god damn fan fic.
I enjoy insect identification a lot. This gets its own paragraph because it's important. I'm very much NOT a fan of phones being able to do it for you. If you like a bug, tell me about it! My D&D character likes bugs too, so she's essentially just me but with the Scorpio tendencies I never possessed.
Fave band is Fall Out Boy and will always be Fall Out Boy.
I work in video production for healthcare marketing/healthcare education.
I've been on this website since 2010 so I've seen a lot. From like 2011-2015 I was a Supernatural fandom blog, believe it or not. But if you asked me anything about that show now I wouldn't know shit.
My current blog title is from when Shane Madej said “I’m strange and off-putting”, but he was high on cold medicine and it sounded like “pudding”.
I don't have any other social media worth sharing (or even using) tbh. I'll stick around until the heat death of tumblr I guess. I'm taking a medium-sized break from both of my fandom accounts, but if you'd like to follow them-- Digimon: @reliablejoukido and Ace Attorney: @detectivegumshoepals
And here's a picture of me:
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Link to post where I'm cataloguing my daily "little positive delights"
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cellard0ors · 1 year
Tagged by @be-side-my-self
Most Hits: (230, 959) Once More, With Feeling - fake dating with Sherlock and John. Ah, Johnlock. Not at all surprised. That and this story was actually featured in an article on Screenrant for 10 Amazing Work of Fan Fiction, which was a major shock.
Second Most Kudos: (3,594) Believer - This is my sacrifice to the BuzzFeed Unsolved fandom. Demon!Shane and Ryan friends-turned-lovers romance. I miss the old days with these boys. Not a fan of the Watcher content. Sorry, not sorry.
Third Most Comment Threads (575) Skeptic - The sequel to Believer. Demon!Shane out of control and Ryan trying to reign him in. This story still doesn't have the proper ending it deserves, but I lost my muses thread for it and some bullying from various nasty anons made me lose my appetite for it. Someday maybe I'll finish it up proper.
Fourth Most Bookmarks (358) This Divide Between You and I - Gravity Falls Stancest! I wrote this almost the moment Ford appeared. Then the show kept going and it became very non canon (not that their twincest isn't, but I digress) but it's still one of my most favorite works.
Fifth Most Words (94,124) The Cards We Are Dealt - I'm so happy at least one of my Quarry fics got a highlight! I will always remember the thrill of writing this! I was getting out almost a chapter a day! Sometimes I wish I took my time and added more to it (probably why I have so many add-ons) but overall it's one of my favorite fics.
Six Fic With The Least Words (758) Light of the Moon - This was also Gravity Falls Stancest but a coffee shop AU where it eventually became a throuple with Preston Northwest and this is from his POV. I had a lot of fun writing him. Still surprised this is my shortest fic. Honestly thought it would be my Pocahontas fic! 😆
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Happy Halloween, spookies! 
Because we are a book club, and our faves released a whole entire book, what better what to round out October with a discussion on Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural: 101 True Tales of Hauntings, Demons, and the Paranormal! 
We gathered round the proverbial campfire and shared our favorite tidbits from the book. It’s delightfully written, with excellent stories in between the sometimes-chaotic commentary Ryan and Shane offer throughout the stories, exactly like you’d imagine an episode of BFU to be written. We had so much fun laughing at the jokes, and being genuinely curious about the writing process.
Quite the send off for such a phenomenal series that brought so many people together. If you haven’t read it yet, we urge you to if you can, though listening to the audiobook was worth it for a few tiny little surprises that weren’t included in the text version! 
Title: Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural: 101 True Tales of Hauntings, Demons, and the Paranormal
Rating: N/A
Summary: Based off one of the most popular web series on the internet, Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej present BuzzFeed Unsolved Supernatural, 101 of the scariest, spookiest, and creepiest locations around the USA and a few abroad, with 50 percent brand-new content and locales exclusive to the book. 
Hey there, demons! BuzzFeed Unsolved Supernatural has entertained viewers over the course of seven spooky seasons, covering the supernatural and otherworldly spirits, to ghosts, ghouls, unexplained paranormal activity, and everything in between. In their thrilling debut book, cohosts Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara (lovingly known as the “ghoul boys” to fans) deep-dive into dozens of haunted locations around the USA and a few abroad, including subjects from some of their most favorite and talked about episodes, as well as brand-new locations not previously seen before on their show.  
As they explore the history behind haunted houses, creepy graveyards, former insane asylums, abandoned buildings, and horrifying hotels, Shane and Ryan use their trademark wit and humor to dissect each terrifying tale with their most hilarious highlights and biting commentary. So hold on to your hell-bound soul, boys and ghouls—it’s about to get demonic up in here. 
Book Club Thoughts: 
i loved getting one last bit of classic bfu goof 'em ups
yes! i thought the writing process was really interesting that they were just doing it in a google doc essentially
The intimacy of cowriting in a gdoc together is something I thought only fic writers share
i don't know if this was in any way on purpose but the one time the narrator talks back to them made me howl because they waited so far in the book to actually do that
i didn't actually read the book, so whatever differences pop up are lost on me, but i appreciate the way the book is crafted, with the pictures and differences in their "hand writing"
my favorite bits by far were the places they covered that they never covered in unsolved
i think the differences is because the writing feels a bit scripted-- which makes sense, a lot of writing does because it is, but they wanted the audiobook to have the authentic off-the-cuff banter feeling of the series. so lines were altered a bit to sound more natural and less like they're reading off a script, and sometimes that would lead to new riffs or bits
it's the way my brain protects me and erases everything ryan and shane say
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sattlersquarry · 2 years
⭐️ how about your buzzfeed unsolved AU series "Worse Than Ghosts"? <3
YEAHHH I was hoping someone would ask about this one! All 5 parts of that series can be found here.
This was my first foray into writing a full-on AU for Stranger Things and it was SO. MUCH. FUN. It's a modern AU and I made it so Steve, Robin, and Jonathan were all from California (same as the reader and Argyle). I really enjoyed writing them in the present and referencing my favorite BFU moments, like the "full-bodied apparition."
It was also really cool to twist the canon of the show—keeping Henry Creel as the villain but changing the exact nature of how he manifests, who he targets, and what specifically he's trying to do.
My favorite scene in this one is the first kiss/love confession bc I'm a sap. My second favorite scene is literally anything Argyle does. He needs to be in Season 5 or I'm suing somebody.
This story will always be one of my faves because someone made fan art for it 😭❤️ ARGYLE EVEN HAS HIS BOOM MIC, IT'S LITERALLY PERFECT. Thank you again @lilysnotesfanart for drawing this!
Send an ask/⭐️ for specific commentary on a fic, or just a ⭐️ for commentary on any fic!
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thescarletlounge · 1 year
Intro Post
Welcome to the Scarlet Lounge! DISCLAIMER: THIS BLOG IS 100% FICTIONAL. This is my little corner of fandom-based depravity on the Internet. I'm just your average overly enthusiastic fan and shipper who may or may not have a separate gen. blog. ;) This blog will feature character and shipping deep dive discourse, as well as fic as I learn more about creative writing, and vids as I attempt to learn DaVinci Resolve. Mainly Buzzfeed: Unsolved, Buzzfeed: Worth It, and Watcher Entertainment, but may also feature Rhett & Link, The Try Guys, Trey Parker/Matt Stone, and whatever and whomever else strikes my fancy. Formerly at madamecrimsonslair.tumblr.com. madamecrimson on AO3.
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sexybabystevie · 1 year
Hi! 5 and 14 for the writer asks? I hope you're having a great day 💚
hiii! thank you so much!! i also hope youre having a lovely day :D
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
honestly, i have TOO many, either that i probably wont get to or i just have stuck in wip purgatory. if i had to choose one that may not get written, its probably this platonic stobin au thats been in my head for SO long where they, along with the younger teens, basically are in a modern buzzfeed unsolved-esque au. it was kind of just a one-off idea that probably wont go anywhere unfortunately 😭
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
omg i LOVE this question. how fun! ugh, im so bad at decisions though, haha. most of what i write is x reader stuff, which i feel is kinda hard to convert into a medium since the reader is US - a whole group of people - but ignoring that, i think up to the gods would be my choice! it has more plot than most of my other steve fics and i also really do wish my fics had visual mediums sometimes, as both a visually focused person and as someone who cant picture things in my head lol.
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winterchimez · 1 year
omgeeee it's your birthday!! aaaahhh happiest birthday dear ally 🤩 i hope you'll be able to have an unforgettable celebration with your loved ones on your special day 🥰
also finally taking the opportunity to say i love your works immensely!! i love how creative your ideas are (i'm a crime fan myself too!) ps. will we be getting more of such themes in future fics bcs hands down i'll read them 🙈
i'll always be here supporting your works and can't wait for the next! 🩷
love, 🌱
hello dear 🌱 anon!! thank you so much for the wish 😭 in fact i did have a blast celebrating at a nearby good restaurant near where i live with my housemates and colleagues ☺️
and thank you so much 😭😭😭 tbh i was really afraid of posting bitb series in the beginning bcs of the nature of the theme (like yknow jack the ripper is a pretty dark topic to talk abt), but i’m so glad to see ppl actually enjoy reading them!!
AND GURLLLLL IM A HUGEEEEE CRIME FAN AS WELL!!! anything that’s csi related you bet i’ll be sitting down being fully invested. (sherlock holmes, buzzfeed unsolved, detective conan, kindaichi kousuke, criminal minds are just a handful of the fandoms that im into)!! 🤩
✨ hint hint ✨ i’ve already chosen the next classic for the upcoming series after bitb and you will definitely get your fill on MORE thrillers and crimes for sure 👀
and thank you for your immense support!! it means a lot to me 🥹🩵 feel free to drop in my inbox anytime i’d love to chat more with you 🫶🏻
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starryevermore · 3 years
the mysterious disappearance of peter quill ✧ buzzfeed unsolved & peter quill
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
inspired by: this post
summary: in a shocking turn of events, an episode of buzzfeed unsolved becomes solved. 
word count: 1,331
warnings?: okay i don’t know how accurately i was able to portray ryan and shane but let’s pretend i did well, 
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Twitter was always a mixed bag. Especially when you were a person in the public eye, it could be particularly difficult trying to navigate social media. When it’s your job, you have to. You have to interact with people who have opinions on you, no matter how good or how bad. And, sure, while you usually weren’t directly interacting by replying or retweeting or liking or whatever with people who are intensely negative towards you, you still have to see them in the search of the good. 
Ryan was usually the one to go through Twitter, especially since he was the one seeking out comments to include in videos that he was in charge of. It could be fun, sometimes, seeing people’s different theories about the cases they’ve covered, seeing the cool edits and amazing fan art, and the like. Today, though, was a lot more interesting than normal. 
In looking through the tags for himself and Shane, he found a thread that sparked his interest. In the last season of Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime years ago, they had covered the mysterious disappearance of eight year old Peter Quill from St. Charles, Missouri. Quill was the child of a single mother, raised by her and her father. Unfortunately, Quill’s mother was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. She didn’t live long after her diagnosis. In the immediate aftermath of his mother’s death, Quill was reported to have ran out of the hospital, crying, and was never seen again. Search efforts for the boy quickly ran cold. It was almost as if someone had dropped down from the sky, picked up the boy, and flew far, far away from his home. 
Shane, naturally, had mocked Ryan when he regaled the theory that Quill had been abducted by aliens. Admittedly, Ryan knew that it was a ridiculous claim. Even in a world where there were genetically enhanced super soldiers, scientists who transformed into giant green rage machines, and people from literal legend, it did seem a bit off the wall to divert to the classic “UFO picks up person in the middle of a field” scenario. But, the beauty of Buzzfeed Unsolved was throwing in the outlandish theories in the mix of the more realistic scenarios to lighten the mood. 
The episode had ended as it always does, with Ryan declaring that the mysterious disappearance of Peter Quill would forever remain unsolved. After going through the Post Mortem episode discussing the viewer’s comments on the episode, Ryan admittedly hadn’t given the case much thought. Sure, it was an interesting case and was one of much intrigue, but it wasn’t something that kept him awake at night, frothing at the mouth for any kind of answers. 
And yet, the answers came. 
He wasn’t sure yet. 
A Twitter user had complied a thread discussing the case of Peter Quill. The user had gone through much of the same background as Ryan had done when filming the episode, but they made an interesting divergence from the typical “this case will remain unsolved” conclusion. No, instead, they had found footage of a group of heroes battling against the formidable Thanos as they tried to reverse the Blip that had happened in the five years previous. 
They had compared a screenshot from the footage of one of the heroes to that of young Peter Quill. Included in those pictures was another picture from some sort of aging up software, showing that the hero from the battle could potentially be an adult Peter Quill. And, while that was compelling on its own, the user didn’t leave it there. They included a clip from the footage where someone called the man “Quill”, and the man responded. 
Holy shit. Was this the answer? Had Peter Quill been alive this whole time? Had there been some sort of validity to the “been abducted by aliens” theory? Does…does he call the Avengers for comment? Can you call the Avengers? Were the Avengers even still technically an organization when half of the members are dead and one’s off-world? What the hell was he supposed to do? 
With shaking hands, he pulled up his email and began to type:
To whom it may concern: 
Hello, my name is Ryan Bergara. I previously worked for Buzzfeed on the series Buzzfeed Unsolved with my co-host, Shane Madej. Two years ago, we had done an episode regarding the disappearance of Peter Quill. It has since come to my attention that one of the heroes that had fought against Thanos may be the very same man.
I was wondering if you had any comment on this? 
Ryan Bergara
Still trembling, he clicked “send”. And now…he waits. 
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Ryan had gotten a response faster than he was expecting and he couldn’t be more excited about what he was told. He had to work fast now to make sure they could get some content out of this. He called a meeting with Shane and the two of them sat in one of the filming rooms, Ryan waiting for just the right moment. He had wanted this to be a surprise since it was rare that he was ever truly able to catch Shane off guard. 
When the camera began rolling, Ryan cleared his throat before looking at Shane. “So, I suppose you’re wondering why you’re here today.”
Shane laughed into his cup of coffee. “More concerned that you’ve finally lost it.”
“What, was my email not normal?”
“I’m not entirely convinced you were speaking any language,” Shane said. “All I got out of it was that I needed to be here or you would track me down. Probably could’ve made it far, actually, but I wasn’t in the mood to run today.”
“Good, ‘cause I wasn’t in the mood to chase you.” He shuffled through the notecards he had. They were mostly for show, to make it seem like he was more prepared than he was. “Do you remember that episode of Unsolved we did about the disappearance of Peter Quill?”
Shane stared at him for a moment, before saying, “Wasn’t that the kid you said was abducted by aliens?”
“I didn’t say that, I said that’s what other people were saying,” Ryan defended. “Yes, that’s the case. Do you remember how the case ended?”
Shane threw his head back laughing. “That’s a terrible question! It was unsolved or else we wouldn’t have done an episode over it!”
“Well, what if I told you that we might have a solved case on our hands?”
“Oh, what, was he actually abducted by aliens?”
“Yeah, actually. This ship came down and picked me up, and now I’m called Star-Lord and—”
Shane whipped around, staring at the now-adult Peter Quill standing in the doorway. “What the fu—”
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“—Peter Quill is our new history master!” the Professor announced. “Come fetch your coveted cup you have so rightly earned!”
“Cool!” Quill said, getting up from his seat and taking the small trophy. “Oh, it has jelly beans!”
“Don’t ask where those come from,” Ryan advised, laughing to himself. 
After they had announced to their viewers that Peter Quill had, in fact, been abducted by aliens, Ryan and Shane invited him to be on an episode of Puppet History. They were recording one that same day, and needed a guest star after the previous one had to drop out last minute. Some of the Guardians were still having their injuries from the battle treated, so Quill agreed to film. 
“Ryan, how does it feel to lose to someone who hasn’t been on Earth in over two decades?”
“Doesn’t feel great, Professor,” Ryan said with a shake of his head. “I really thought I had an advantage, but there is no advantage when the game’s rigged, is there?”
“You just think it’s rigged ‘cause you lost!” Quill said.
“Yeah, no one likes a sore loser—HEY GIVE HIM BACK!”
Quill jumped up, dropping his trophy. “Rocket, give the man his puppet back!”
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rapha-reads · 3 years
Notes on the Buzzfeed Unsolved series finale [sobs]
Return to the Demonic Sallie House
"Who knows?" SHANE. Why are you playing with us like that? Him admitting that he doesn't know is a fair ending.
Holy shit the black dog. Gods it's going to be WILD. [in hindsight after the ep : definitely an omen]
Shane giving a pep talk to Ryan : wholesome. Press F for Shane and Ryan's wholesome friendship and may we all have someone who'd stay by our side like these two have.
The confidence boost! Wow. Growth, Ryan!
Sad and happy : same.
Oooh, Shane and the pentagram!!!!
Damn so many memories in that house.
Holy shit Ryan is already losing it. "You wanted me? I'm back, baby!"
Are they really discussing their friendship during an investigation? That phone call was wild baby.
The best ghost hunters in the game : GROWTH.
Oh, fuck, not the fcking spirit box.
Even Sallie doesn't want the show to end! I swear all the ghosts and demons they investigated like them!
"no one in particular" - i SCREAMED
"Ah, fuck off" - gold.
"that's a nice little night for a demon" - okay Demon Shane.
That giggle is chilling.
They're. Dancing in the living room. With the spirit box. Ryan is losing it even more.
2016 Ryan absolutely losing it is still priceless and gold and iconic.
Also : 2021 Ryan : GROWTH.
2016 Ryan's haircut is uuuh stupid, wow.
Oh shit she's knocking now. Flashlights are soooo 2016, knocking is where it's at.
The flashlight turns off and Ryan doesn't freak out.
Shit, intelligent answers!
They're pulling out all the stops!
"oh my old demon hole"??? DEMON SHANE??
Sallie approved!
He's. He's going insane for real.
Shane. Sleeping with the dolls. Best thing ever.
Shane slept through the night / Ryan did not sleep at all : iconic.
Oh, gods. It's really over. It's over. No. Fuck, I'm sobbing. Oh, no, I'm sobbing.
Well Ryan's goodbye speech had me tearing up. I'm going to cry in my pillow and try not to jump at every shadow and every noise.
End of an era, baby. End of an era.
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