#by protective big brother ezio
teecupangel · 7 months
Hi Teacup! Sorry for the long post in advance. This idea has been plaguing me for ages, so now everyone else gets to suffer too.
I would like to add to the Desmond menagerie with the biggest badass of the avails to ever live: The Hasst Eagle. The Hasst Eagle was around 15kgs with a 3m wingspan and hunted prey 13 times its own size. No one in any time period could think Desmond is an ordinary eagle.
Ratonhnhaké:ton's village would take one look at Desmond the toddler sized bird and go definitely a spirit.
I also have the wonderful image of Desmond saving Petruccio by just picking him up and flying off in my head (I might be overestimating Desmonds strength and underestimating Petruccio's size, but I found funny imagining the guards faces). And then I remembered the story of Zeus and Ganymede; which made me imagine Ezio chasing down Desmond and threatening to pluck him if he even thinks about taking Petruccio's purity.
It’s really huge, that’s for sure.
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Giovanni knew of the Desmond.
The large eagle of legends, the guardian of the Brotherhood.
He had grown up listening to his father tell stories of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and his great eagle. How the large bird’s shadow brought fear to the Templars who see it. How fast it was even when it was bigger than any other birds.
How intelligent it was, using gestures to communicate with his chosen one.
How it had served as the guardian and godfather of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad’s children.
It had seemed like a tall tale but Giovanni never doubted it.
How could he?
When the great eagle was painted over the ceiling of the Sanctuary below Monteriggioni.
He had no reasons to doubt its existence.
But he never talked about the eagle of legends to his children. The Templars would know about the Desmond.
It was too much of a risk, telling the stories to children who could just as easily talk about it to others.
Unintentionally catch the ears of the wrong people.
But now he deeply regretted it.
“Ezio, stop!” Giovanni shouted, unable to keep the panic out of his voice.
How could he?
His second son, a cheerful boy of the age of six, was trying to beat the eagle of legend with a stick, shouting at the eagle loudly, “Go away! Shoo! Shoo!”
“Ezio!” Giovanni shouted, grabbing Ezio’s wrist before he could smack the eagle once more.
Not that he was able to.
Any time the stick was even close to hitting the bird, the Desmond simply flicked one of its wing, parrying the strike and causing Ezio to stagger backwards.
Ezio was a stubborn child though and he would continue to try and hit the bird even as it simply parried all his strikes.
Once it was clear that Ezio couldn’t whack the bird, he turned to his father as he shouted, “Petruccio!”
Giovanni was about to ask what he meant by that but the Desmond lifted its wings, showing his youngest son softly giggling as he tried to crawl away from the bird. One of the bird’s talons was gripping Petruccio’s clothes, keeping the boy still.
Giovanni’s eyes widened as he realized that they were in the second floor balcony that Petruccio’s room had. It was always meant to be locked considering Petruccio was a curious child.
And the railings had enough distance between each pillar that Petruccio could slip through.
The Desmond stared at Giovanni expectantly as it slowly lifted its talon and Giovanni used his other hand to scoop his youngest son into his arms while the baby tried to crawl to the railings.
“Thank you.” Giovanni said as he bowed deeply at the bird, earning a confused frown from Ezio.
The bird simply shook its body, reminding Giovanni of a man stretchering before the bird turned to stare at Ezio. It lifted one of its wings and Giovanni’s blood ran cold, worried about how much Ezio had offended the bird.
The bird did not try to hurt Ezio though. Instead, it used its wing to pat Ezio’s head three times before hopping away. It flapped its wings and flew out of the balcony.
And Giovanni finally let out a relieved sigh.
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Day Twenty five
This is a big one, summarizing the first five games of the franchise.
Desmond awoke seeing things that didn't seem real or was it? Was any of it for real or not? Trapped in some grey space moving what he thought was his body until he realized no it was that of Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad. To be fair he never paid attention to Mentor Miles droning on about legacy and bloodlines. Haytham never looked into because he, knew that in the end it didn't matter. They were Kenway's that's what mattered. So meeting his reborn ancestors went much better because he wasn't held back by obligation to respect them due to being related to them. When the real world returned, he make the icy calculating gaze of Warren Vedic. He was not to be trusted. Desmond was just another victim. A whole week, Desmond had to sift through a year's worth of memories. Vedic never noticed that Desmond wore the Templar Cross on his clothes, nor that it was tattooed on his arm. Blind bastard. Then it happened Shay Cormac arrived and saved Desmond killing almost every Abestrgo agent in sight. They found Clay Kazmarek alive and muttering, and Shay refused to leave him. Being in Rome, and having previously established allies allowed a clean escape.
Ever since Desmond passed the Animus project files to his father, it seemed Leonardo with help from both the Tiber Island assassins and The Borgia had been hard at work building their own Animus. Clay insisting they have Desmond get into the Animus at Abestrgo on last time allowed him to copy the core which was the missing piece Leo needed. Desmond was back into the Animus, despite noticing the Charles Lee was present as well. By far Ezio's memories were the most complete and complex. They made Desmond charish his father, grandfather, mother, and brother all the more. They needed to move once Desmond heard Minerva's message for him.
Montriggorni was their next stop, Mario Auditore having been given a heads up, had his cottrie, meet and escort the five into the Sanctuary. Shay was in awe, Leonardo did his best to focus though was very honored to be allowed down here, Clay and Desmond had the same fond look, they were distant cousins actually. Lee simply kept quiet. Desmond was losing himself to the memories, and started screaming in his sleep scaring quite a few people. Clay and Shay often were able to calm him. Finally, they watched Ezio hide his apple in the collosuim in Rome. One thing leads to another and Lee winds up with a hidden blade in his gut as Desmond too falls to the ground mind shattered by being controlled.
Desmond finds himself on Animus Island and has help from a program Clay set up in his spare time recently just in case Desmond spiralled. With help from Haytham, Clay created an AI to mimic Haytham to a wise and comforting guide to help Desmond wake up. Desmond had to reach sync nexus with Altaïr and Ezio in order to wake up which meant more memories.
Desmond awoke seeing his parents, his brother, Shay, Clay and Leonardo. Mentor Miles was there with his red robed goons, he wore a strange red and black hidden blade. He tried to run things when Haytham finally snapped telling him that he was never Desmond's father that he was. With the cat out of the bag, they were left on their own. They had Haytham and Conner which allowed them to know what they needed to do. Connor spoke with his people saying it was time for the chosen savior to access the Grand Temple they protected for years. Haytham held the necklace which was one of the keys. Power sources were tracked, with a surprise twist, Daniel Cross and Lucy Stillman brought them two of them declaring a change in loyalties.
Now here Desmond stood, ready to die. Ready to lay it all down. But he wasn't alone. His family was there with him supporting him as he placed his hand on the device and activated the device. No one will say what happened that day, the earth was saved from the firy wrath of the sun, but Desmond survived.
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shiorimakibawrites · 11 months
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
Thanks for the tag @bellaxgiornata
1: Matt Murdock / Daredevil (current hyperfixation, have so many stories to write for this handsome devil)
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2: Frank Castle / The Punisher (tragic backstory, little grumpy but has serious protective dad energy)
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3: Michael Kinsella (just as much protective dad energy, want to get him away from his family so he can be happy)
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4: Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon (one of my first big fandoms, such a sweetheart ♥️)
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5: Luke Skywalker (another old favorite, loves other characters like Obi-Wan but Luke was first favorite from Star Wars)
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6: Peter Parker / Spider-Man (watched this cartoon every day as a kid, this Peter is in many ways my Spidey)
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7: Dean Winchester/ Sam Winchester (cheating because I love both brothers equally)
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8: Bruce Wayne / Batman (childhood favorite)
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9: Ezio Auditore (tragic backstory, charming 😈)
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10: Yuri Katsuki (identities hard with his anxiety, rekindled my interest in figure skating)
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Tagging anyone who wants to play
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re-writing-h · 5 years
last line tag game
I have been tagged by @ardawyn (and everyone who has tagged me before and I haven’t done this)
This is my WIP “A Mask of A Thief” 
“I have seen how my little brother has loved the women and the men. Ezio adored, protected and praised them. But only with you, he has this quiet and tender smile which never leave his face.”
I tag @h-brook-writes @cookiecutterwrites @jcckwrites @theswordofpens @kaatiba and everyone who search this opportunity (Do or ignore this, choice is your)
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loudmound · 3 years
thinking abt the burgeoning of ezio's c-ptsd bc ptsd/c-ptsd alike doesn't often manifest directly after the traumatic event experienced or still being experienced. ezio demonstrated behavior akin to adultification, ie. continually forward thinking abt what is the safest path for his family to take, leading his family out of florence and being the one to stand up for and in front of claudia and maria bc he's the "remaining man" of the family and it's the man's job to protect the women. he was constantly thinking about what was best for his family much like an adult would, all while being 17 years old.
quick side tangent: partly why i think ezio's playboy and funloving attitude is largely a facade is how he handled making sure claudia and maria were safe and sound while he himself took care of the matters dealing with his father and brothers. he was incredibly grounded and level-headed and very clearly had a goal set in stone when he told anette that it was not safe for his remaining family to stay in the villa auditore. i'm not saying he wasn't terrified, of course he was terrified! but he had enough self-actualization to realize that being consumed by the anxiety currently building up inside of him was not appropriate right now. he couldn’t think about how he felt right now, he had to save his family, and in his mind, he failed. his quietness and groundedness in serious situations leads me to believe that under the mask he wears to satisfy his friends and followers, that is how he actually is.
to continue, ezio was largely on autopilot while training at monteriggioni for the two years that he stayed, and was planning to take his family to spain, still continuing to put what he felt the needs and wants of his family first. he didn’t process the trauma of what had happened, he didn't process the violence of which this job he was training for entailed, and when he accompanied mario to san gimignano to kill vieri, everything kind of came crashing down (in my acverse vieri lives against literally everyone's wishes but he gets better dw) bc after ezio kills him, he just absolutely DERIDES his corpse, screaming at him how he only wished he had suffered more. the violence that took place @ san gimignano and vieri were big enough stressors to really trigger the c-ptsd ezio had now procured, and the splintering scaffolding that was holding ezio up as a person finally snapped and collapsed.
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chika-the-terrible · 2 years
Red-Ribbon Wrist
Leonardo hated getting lost. Even with all the lights, it was spooky, roaming around this place. There were too many dark corners and there had been plenty reports of fighting going on between Ryan and Fontaine. Leonardo didn’t want to be caught between their gangs if he could help it.
As he turned the corner, Leonardo paused. It was a Big Daddy and a Little Brother, from what he could tell. He didn’t know much about them, only that they were to be avoided at all costs, but he saw them around often. Big Daddies tended to either accompany Little Brothers or Sisters, or they went out on their own to fix Rapture.
And, in a weird way, they fascinated Leonardo. He wanted to know how they worked and why they protected Little Brothers and Sisters. It wasn’t like Big Daddies were related to their charges. You couldn’t really tell, though, what with the diving suit covering them and all, but Leonardo had a feeling. He just wished they could talk so he could ask them things, but alas.
“Hello?” He froze. Having been so lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t seen the Little Brother notice him, and now the boy was approaching. The Big Daddy growled slightly but the boy stuck his tongue out at the giant and kept coming forward. Eventually, the dark-haired boy came to a stop in front of Leonardo and beamed.
“Hi!” He held out his hand, “I’m Ezio!”
“Uh,” The elder glanced at the Big Daddy before he shook hands, “I’m Leonardo.”
“That’s a pretty name!”
“T-thanks...” Leonardo blushed. He took note of the Little Brother and realized that Ezio was young enough that he could have been considered Leonardo’s own younger brother. The two of them looked nothing alike, but Ezio couldn’t have been more than nine while Leonardo was sixteen. He was a very raggedy nine-year-old in torn trousers and a white shirt dirtied with a dark red substance, but a nine-year-old nonetheless. And yet the glowing yellow eyes and the syringe in his hand marked him as a Little Brother, someone to not be approached unless you had lost your mind or were mad with Adam Fever, probably both.
“So, what are you doing down here?” Ezio tucked his long hair over his shoulder.
“I kinda...got lost.” Leonardo admitted. He didn’t mind admitting his faults, but he had a feeling Ezio wouldn’t tease him for it. He just didn’t seem like that kind of kid.
“Ohhh.” Ezio nodded, “That’s okay! Mr. Bubbles knows the way out of here.” The Big Daddy moaned in response. Seeing as Leonardo was posing no threat to Ezio, it seemed like the giant of a man had calmed down. Then Ezio tugged on Leonardo’s hand and he was dragged along for the ride, following the Big Daddy down the sunken halls. He had no idea where they were going, but he was already lost, so it wasn’t like it really mattered.
Eventually, they did come across a place he recognized. It was Fort Frolic and Leonardo began to smile. He absolutely loved Fort Frolic. It was really the only place he got to be himself, with his paintings and inventions and everything else he loved to work on. If they were in Fort Frolic, his home couldn’t be too far.
“I think this is good.” he said, tugging his hand out of Ezio’s grip, “I know where I am now. I should be able to get home just fine. Thanks for your help, Ezio.”
“No trouble.” The boy pushed his hair out of his face again. He had done it a lot on the walk over. Clearly his hair was too long for him to deal with.
“Why don’t you cut your hair if it keeps getting in your way like that?” Leonardo asked.
“I don’t like it short.” was Ezio’s answer. Leonardo frowned. He glanced down at his wrist. Recently, for his birthday, one of his presents had been wrapped up in red silk ribbon, and he had kept a piece of it for himself. Maybe the ribbon could help Ezio with his hair troubles.
“If you’ll let me,” Leonardo knelt down and untied the ribbon from his wrist, “I think I know how to solve your problem.”
“Really?” Ezio asked. The childish wonder he was exhibiting never failed to make Leonardo smile.
“Yeah. I’m just going to use this ribbon to tie your hair back.” He glanced at Mr. Bubbles again, “I mean, if that’s okay.”
“Of course it is!” Ezio exclaimed. Leonardo still waited for the Big Daddy to give the go ahead, though. When Mr. Bubbles nodded, Leonardo set to work, pulling Ezio’s long hair back into a tiny ponytail. Once it was all back there, he secured it with the ribbon. Now he could actually see Ezio’s face in its entirety, and he had to admit, the Little Brother looked adorable.
“There.” Leonardo pulled his hands away, “Now your hair won’t be in your eyes.” Ezio blinked. He shook his head vigorously, as if trying to dislodge the ribbon, and Leonardo exclaimed, “What are you doing?!”
“Testing it!” Ezio explained, stopping his shaking to give the elder a smile, “It’s cool!”
“I guess? Just- Be careful with it, please. If you break it, it’s not like I can replace it.” Silk was expensive down here, whether or not it was in ribbon form. Stupid embargoes...
“Alright.” Ezio nodded. His hands went back to touch his tiny ponytail in curiosity. The armored man gave a moan, almost as if in agreement. Ezio’s smile went wider, “Mr. Bubbles likes it!”
“I’m glad he does.” Leonardo smiled back, “How can you understand him?”
“I don’t. But I can tell what he’s feeling.” The younger boy looked up at his protector, “If I like something, he usually likes it, too. Right Mr. Bubbles?” The armored man nodded.
“Leonardo!” He recognized that voice. He hadn’t realized they’d come looking for him, maybe he’d stayed out later than he thought. He turned. There were his parents, but they were keeping their distance. They looked scared, almost. He wondered why. Mr. Bubbles started to growl and gently tugged Ezio closer. It seems their brief meeting was coming to an end.
“Come here, bambino!” cried his mother. If she was using Italian, that meant Leonardo was in serious trouble.
“What does that mean?” Ezio asked, “That word, bambino.”
“It’s Italian. It means child or baby, but like for a boy.”
“Ohhh.” Ezio nodded.
“Leonardo!” stressed his mother. He winced.
“I’ve gotta go now, okay?” he said, “I promise to come back.”
“Pinky promise?” Ezio held out his hand. Leonardo linked his pinky with the other boy’s.
“Pinky promise.” he affirmed. Ezio smiled.
Leonardo opened his eyes, feeling Ezio’s hair curled in his fingers.
“What’s wrong, Leo? You’ve been quiet.” Ezio murmured. His arms were curled around Leonardo’s waist and his glowing yellow eyes were cutting through the darkness, shining light on the opposite wall.
“Just remembering.” responded the older man, “Of when we first met and I gave you your hair ribbon.”
“Ah.” Ezio nodded against his back, “That was a good day.”
“Yeah.” Leonardo agreed, “But you should’ve seen my parents afterward. They were like ghosts, ‘cause they thought I was gonna be taken away from them or something for spending time with you.”
“Can you blame them? You were a Little Brother, Ezio. That’s terrifying for any parent to think about.”
“Mmm.” A pause, “Maybe so, but you weren’t in danger with me and Mr. Bubbles. Everything was fine.”
“I know, but they didn’t. Think about this from their perspective. What if you lost me for good after I spent time with someone else?”
Ezio’s breath caught. Leonardo felt his grip tighten and he winced at the pressure. It wasn’t painful, but that didn’t mean he enjoyed it.
“I thought I lost you for good after I didn’t see you again.” he whispered.
“Then you get it.”
“Yeah. I guess I do.” Ezio buried his face in Leonardo’s hair, relaxing his grip. The blond man curled his fingers through Ezio’s hair, careful not to tug it out of its ponytail. A lot had changed between now and then, and Leonardo was still fascinated by Ezio. There was so much he still wanted to know, about Little Sisters and Little Brothers and Big Daddies and everything in between, like the Big Brothers and Big Sisters.
But that could wait. For now, basking in Ezio’s arms was all Leonardo wanted.
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unprofessional-bard · 4 years
A Small Surprise
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Request: Could you write a fluffy Ezio (Assassin's Creed) x Wife! Reader oneshot, where Reader finds out that she is pregnant and she surprised with Ezio by giving a knitted pair of baby booties?
Pairing: Ezio Auditore x Female!Reader
Warnings: Just fluff.
Summary: I think the request itself is pretty self explanatory 😅
Word Count: 1.365
Author's Note: Okay so I know many of you would've preferred if I wrote words like 'sweetheart' or 'my love' in Italian, but unfortunately I don't speak Italian. I mean, I speak French to some level and it could be about the same thing when it comes to masc./femininity of the words, but I don't want to confuse anyone! So I just put in an Animus text in there :")))
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{ File Translated From Italian }
Cool breeze, warm weather and a full moon rising over the green and yellowing fields of Florence; simple yet important things Ezio thought he'd never see again on many occasions throughout his journeys from Italia to Anatolia and back. Although the city bared bad memories for the assassin, he also had the most important and precious ones there: His whole childhood, for starters, the foundations of his family and friends...
And now, something much more.
No reply, you were probably asleep. He closed the door and grabbed the candle which was slowly melting down on the small table right next to the entrance, which you must've lit for him. He'd been in the city for the day, handling groceries and paying a visit to Claudia while you stayed home and did chores. Only away for hours, still in the same city, yet he had missed you like crazy. Plus, there was also the voice in the back of his head, worrying him and telling him something bad must've happened to you. After his life as an assassin and making a lot of enemies, even though they were no more, he instinctively worried.
He quietly made his way up to the second floor where your shared room was and saw lights coming from the small gap under the door. He quietly knocked on the door and entered, only to find you laying on the bed with a book in your hand.
"Ezio," You smiled and immediately put the book aside. He sighed in relief and a warm smile stretched across his lips. He walked over to you, after placing his candle on the table on his side, and placed a kiss on your forehead, before sitting down beside you and giving you a quick peck on the lips.
"I missed you," He took your hand in his and kissed the back of it, then your knuckles. His lips were soft on your skin: "I missed you a lot, my sweet."
"Me too," You smiled lazily at him. "Go, get undressed and come back to bed."
"As you wish, princess," Ezio gave you a cocky grin and got off the bed.
"Princess?" You chuckled. "I think I'm a little old for that now, love."
"What can I say?" He spoke, his voice deep. "Anything to please my queen."
You chuckled, then watched him disappear into another room connected to your bedroom and took it as the perfect opportunity to pull out the little surprise you'd been working on the whole day from under your bed. You pushed yourself down until you were laying on your back and placed the small boots on your belly. Right before he walked back in, you closed the blanket over your body until it reached your armpits and, without realising, held your breath.
"How was your day?" You heard him ask you once he walked in, he was now wearing his white shirt and pants only.
"Oh, it was good, you know," You replied nonchalantly, a big, nervous smiled on your face. "I was working on something and now it's finished."
"Hm?" He hummed curiously, then climbed into bed. "Can I see it?"
"Sure," Your voice wavered in excitement. "It's actually for you- partly. Think of it as a surprise... Lift the blanket."
A mischievous smirk stretched across Ezio's face: "Oh, well, is that why you're hiding behind the covers?"
You nodded and beamed at him. He could tell you were acting a little strange, but he assumed it was because of this surprise you had for him. Thinking of it as undergarments, Ezio leaned in to place a kiss on your lips; a soft one, which made your toes curl. Despite his age, Ezio still had the energy and enthusiasm to give you the pleasure of your life- small remnants from his youth.
"Open it," You gestured the blanket after reluctantly pulling back from his lips, biting your own as you grinned at him.
He gave you an intrigued look - he was partly on top of you, so despite his head looking right down at you, his body was pressed to your side. He then slowly removed the blankets, your eyes never leaving his face. Finally, as soon as he saw the items resting on your belly, his mischievous expression turned into an utterly shocked one. You heard a hushed gasp leave his lips and saw his brown eyes widen. Ezio let go of the breath he was holding, then gulped, sitting up as he picked up the boots: "(Y/N)..."
"Surprise..." You said, voice barely above a whisper.
He quietly studied the boots in his palms, he was shocked as if he was seeing the temple goddess -this vision or whatever it was- for the first time many years ago. He finally looked into your eyes, then gently -oh, so gently- placed a hand on your belly. He was holding his breath.
He noticed he had to make sure you knew he was absolutely thrilled and excited about the news, for your face grew worried. Before you could say anything, he leaned in for another kiss- a passionate, slow, lovely kiss that made you melt.
"How long- I mean-" Ezio tried to ask after pulling back, roses blossoming on his cheeks.
"I'm not quite sure," You confessed, relaxing at his positive reaction. "Haven't been to the midwife yet."
"We can go-? Tomorrow, how about tomorrow, hm?" He grinned unintentionally as he rubbed your belly.
"Sure, okay," You nodded and chuckled at his softened behaviour. "You're happy, right?"
"Happy?" Ezio gave you an incredulous look, his eyes glowing. Was he about to cry? "You're a true jester, my love."
You giggled and lightly slapped his shoulder as he lowered himself to lay his head on your abdomen: "You could be severely punished to degrade a queen, you know." He let out another brief laugh, then a content sigh as he hugged your frame, while you placed your fingers through his hair and started to caress it slowly: "Everything's going to be better. Better than they already were."
"Yes," He agreed. His body heat caused you to remove the blanket to the empty spot beside you. He then got up, extinguished the candles on both his and your side, then went back to lay on your belly: "Are you comfortable, like this?"
"Yes," You hummed and closed your eyes with a small smile on your lips. He laid still as you combed strands of his graying hair away from his face in a calming manner. "I love you, Ezio."
"I love you too, my sweet." He lifted your night gown until the soft skin below his face got revealed, then placed a kiss on the spot right next to your bellybutton.
Ezio was the best thing that had happened to you. You'd been friends ever since you were small children, you always had a silly little crush on him but ever since he saw Cristina, you had decided it was not worth the try- he seemed so in love... After his father and brothers were killed and he fled to Monteriggioni, you and your family were harassed for protecting and being friends with them, but you never gave him up and, when he came back, he helped all of you escape to his uncle's commune.
Interesting, how fate worked. He was gone for so long, oftentimes you thought about not being able to see him again - you didn't care if he was your lover or not at one point, you just wanted to see him alive and well. After everything that you both went through, everything he did; all the places he'd visited and the women he'd been with, even after his visit to Istanbul (that was what his friend Yusuf called the city and Ezio couldn't bring himself to use any other name, and you respected that), he still somehow ended up in your arms. You'd waited for so long, gave up hope on multiple occasions despite what Claudia always told you, but you still waited. You couldn't love anyone else like you loved Ezio Auditore.
Well, the wait proved not to be a waste of time after all.
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teatitty · 3 years
Title/Link: (Ezio Voice) No I don’t think I will Rating: Teen Warning: None Pairing: Pre-EzioLeo Additional Tags: Conflicted Emotions, AU: Ezio doesn’t immediately join the Brotherhood, Longing, Pining, Humor, it got domestic in the middle don’t ask why, Protective Leonardo Word Count: 6.8K (no wonder this thing killed me)
Summary/Preview: “You think me a Prophet?”
“I think there’s a reason you have come to us now of all times.”
And Ezio thinks of all the secrets they have kept from him - all the lies - and he thinks of how those same secrets lead to the hanging of his Father and brothers. And Ezio says, "No. I want no part in this."
A/N: It's always irritated me that when the whole "everything we've done for you has been part of some big recruitment plan also we're highkey convinced you're our Prophet" thing that Ezio isn't really allowed to show genuine anger or frustration and so this slight Universe Alteration was born! Welcome to my brainrot
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ezioauditore-s · 3 years
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@eivor-basim i dont know why y'all asked this when ive made it clear im not an ezio fan but FINE i'll do TEN 😌
1. bath scene....he's a water sign....he fucks....i mean i have my reasons.....🤡🤡
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2. beating up the pope (but not killing him). KILLING YOU WON'T BRING MY FAMILY BACK. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. being the prophet, every thung in his life was for a message that wasn't even for him i-
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3. reconnecting with claudia (as well as beating her ex up). while its nice hes a protective big brother, its shitty that he got so protective they lost touch. with the whole 'i know ive been distant' it really showd how much his Revenge Arc fecked up so much of his life & relationships. Brotherhood Hot Milf Summer includes reconnecting with family and we Love that 😊😊
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4. seducing lucrezia. shows a) just how far he'll go to save leo b) he's actually fairly smart sometimes c) he knows hes hot. ok like maybe i am a simp and like im not a slut but who knows
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5. i have plenty of outlets. mammas boy doing errands for his family, meeting leo for the first time, NO MORE VAGINAS (enter leo stage right).
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6. i think you just found your madman. more of ezio being smart, but also an idiot, but its in fact incredibly smart, but soooo dumb.
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7. first assassin kill. THE AUDITORE ARE NOT DEAD. iconic in a lot of ways, so heartbreaking when you realise he's 17, the day his old life was truly over.
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8. beating up vieri. a pivotal moment in his 'assassins career' and a pivotal moment in his character growth for the turn away from straight revenge towards the good of the people and the brotherhood
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9. arriving in masyaf. seeking answers, a journey he took for himself, the questions to his own answers and not spurred by anything but the need to know more before he-. also Dilf.
10. torn between meeting yusuf or Sofia but i just noticed the small little smile he has after sofia greets him (in italian) and i thought that was really sweet 😊😊
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A Marriage Arrangement with death pt 4
All I can say is well. Well my bad-
Read Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 3.5
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Y/n's eyes slowly opened, turning her head she was face to face with Savage.
Smiling softly her hand reaching out for his face, rubbing Savage's cheek with her thumb lightly.
He slowly woke up, his irises bright in color and lowly shining in the dark room. Y/n said nothing- thank the gods for black out curtains. She thought his eyes were so pretty with there soft glow
He kissed the palm of her hand softly as she smiled, leaning forwards they shared a soft kiss.
"Well good moring." She smiled.
He only sighed, pulling her into his chest as she chuckled.
"Go back to sleep."
"Come on we can't stay in bed forever." Y/n responded kissing his chin, he was rubbing her bare back with one hand she smiled at him, relaxing in his grip she sighed happily.
"We're getting married today."
Y/n chuckled, "You don't want to get married again?" She teased.
"Why unify again and tell the galaxy when my galaxy is infront of me."
Y/n flushed deep red, as she moved her gaze away, her chest tightening and butterflies filling her stomach.
"Oh...I..." she spoke trying to come with a counter. His hand carassed her cheek as he sat himself up.
Y/n kept her gaze away the headboard seemingly more interesting, but soon then she realized she was laid down on her back, Savage over her frame as she looked at him to catch his gaze- and hold it.
"Hello there..." y/n spoke trying to cover her akwardness.
He leaned down kissing her softly without another word, her arms wrapping around his large frame, hands rest at the top of his back.
Pulling away softly Y/n whined playfully, chuckling he held her, she pulled him back down into a kiss happily as a leg wrapped around his bare waist.
A soft groan of pleasure was drawn out into the kiss and the two pulled away softly with a pant.
"Moring sex sounds fun." Y/n joked as he chuckled, going to kiss her again there was a knock on the door.
Y/n groaned in displeasure, its always someone. Pulling herself from under him she covered herself with a robe. Walking towards the door it opened with a push of a button.
"Oh- Misses Gladlys-" y/n responded, "I uh...why are you here?"
"I was requested to get you on account of your mother Princess."
Y/n nodded, "uhuh for?"
"Well to get ready of course. It is your big day."
"The ceremony isnt till later in the day?" Y/n questioned.
"Well yes but-"
"Misses Gladys I love you. And you know that. But I have another matter- Very Very big matter."
"But Princess."
"Just this once. Give me..." She spoke looking back at Savage, his hips and below covered by the blankets as his top half was put on full display for her, "Give me 45 mintues-"
"Fourty-Five Mintues!? Princess you're mother-"
"Sorry Misses Gladlys! I promise just once! Bye!-"
"But Princess-"
Y/n shut the door, locking sealing it shut from the inside.
"Now." Y/n spoke turning back to him walking towards the bed as she dropped her robe.
"Where were we?"
She climbed into bed as she curled up to him, his arm drapped over her hip in protection.
"The sweet glory of sleeping in." Y/n smiled nuzzling into his chest as he chucked, both going back to sleep for another hour.
Yet she would be woken up by a loud knocking, causing her to groan. Savage was also woken up as Y/n pulled away from him recovering herself she opened the door.
"Do you have any idea what time it is!"
"Yeah Yeah Im going." Y/n spoke walking back into the room and going back to Savage.
"Wish me luck with her- and someone will be here with a set of chlothes. My brother's will want to talk to you before hand," Y/n spoke kissing him softly, "Love you."
"I love you too."
She smiled as she left, being yelled at as soon as she opened the door.
"Yeah yeah lets go."
Savage sat up rubbing the back of his neck, meanwhile getting dressed his chlothes from the other night, pulling the boots on and bottoms, leaving his armour off he pulled on the turtle neck. That's when he received a transmission.
Picking up the hologram fromed as Ventress stood there.
She crossed her armors, "has she trusted you?"
"Yes." Savage spoke, "I believe this may be a strong allyship between the two worlds-"
"You fool! This is an infiltration! Do not get attached!" Ventress argued.
"I thought this was ment to be Unification. Not a hoax." Savage tried to defend, but it was useless.
"Count Dooku will be present today both at the ceremony and to sign documents. Its when we will attack, killing Count Dooku and the royal family. And Dathomir will finally regain what was lost to them."
What was he suppose to say- No? He couldn't do that, he did belong to Ventress after all. The spell did what it was ment to.
"You will kill the royal family! And that Pathetic thing you call your wife." Ventress demanded.
"Yes. Mistress."
The transmission was cut as his head felt like it split open, holding it in pain he growled.
The doors opened.
"Hey! Savage! We wanted-" it was one of Y/n's brothers, "You okay?"
"I-I am fine." Savage lied.
"Oh. come on then."
He followed the group leading him into a lounge area, all her brothers sat there. They cheered for him as he ended.
"Big day huh! Must be exciting!"
"You idiot he was married at Dathomir as well."
"Your an idiot!"
"Sorry for them." Fresco spoke apologizing for the twins, handing Savage a cup, "for your headache."
Savage nodded almost immediately downing the water, leading him to come sit down
"You heard fathers coming back?"
"Good maybe mother will finally stop being so mean."
"Please you know she bullies him too."
"You havent met all of us have you?" Fresco spoke.
"No I don't believe I have."
Fresco smiled, "there is a lot of us. You know the twins and Attiucs."
The twins were busy arguing but Atticus waved looking up from his book.
"Ezio here is the oldest." The older teen raised a cup taking a drink.
"Im after him, and Jacob's next, after are the twins but you met both of us" Fresco added, "Juniper is next."
The teen with his hair half buzzed the other side long and braided lifted up a lazy hand, sitting upside down on the couch as he listened to his brother.
"After Juniper its Atticus, and then the triplets."
They were busy dualing around the room with sticks, "Cornelius, Hamilton, and Magnus."
Hamilton stopped to wave Politely but was ran into by his two siblings as they fell onto the floor.
"What about you? And your brothers? Sisters?" Juniper questioned but Atticus kicked him.
"You little shit!-"
"I don't have any brothers. Not no more." Savage responded his glass being refilled by butler standing by.
"Hey! We got you. We're all brothers now." Fresco spoke a fist to Savage's shoulder playfully, "we're an off bunch but mean well."
The group contuied to talk to Savage, it was odd how accepting they really were. Somewhere in the back of his mind made him regret all of this.
He'd have to kill all these people.
So what was the point of getting close?
Soon enough all of there suits came, Savage the only one in white.
"Who do you think Y/n will recieve?" Juniper asked the group.
"I believe a moder. Perhaps Sutur." Ezio explained fixing the flower pin in his hair.
"What is receiving?" Savage asked.
"Hmm?" Fresco asked, "Oh it-"
Mid word Juniper cut in, "It's part of the religion. The 12 gods are believed to comibned to become the earth beneath us. Sutur is just one of the gods, mostly know for being a core due to its controling of everything hot. When you marry one born on this planet goes through a 'receiving' its rare but only twelve can get a god, but you can also get an enity or a passed loved one though that's super rare. They give you there strength within battle."
"But Y/n's much more powerful than a core- which is why she should be getting Hela." Jacob cut in.
"Hela hasnt been someones beck and call since Father." Ezio argued, "and we all know how he ended up. You wish that upon your sister?"
The group went quiet.
"I was given the impression your father was alive." Savage responded.
Fresco sighed, "when he was assigned Hela he descended into madness with each kid born. They think he's in Helheim and will return- He'll be Y/n's receiver."
"I think he's dead dead." Jacob responded, "like he deserves and mother better follow him"
"You can't say that!" Atticus argued.
"Please Attiucs grow up." Juniper spoke.
Savage listened intently, as Fresco looked back at the Zabarack, "We may have a large family, but the heads of the family aren't...the best"
"It sounds like my family." Savage told him as they all started filing out of the room, leaving just him and Fresco in the room alone, "I. Unfortunately grew up without one of my brothers, he was taken away due to his special ablities."
Fresco listened as he poured them both a glass of whiskey, "And my younger brother. I don't remember what happened, or if he's even alive."
Handing Savage the glass they stood by the window.
"Makes you not want to have kids." Fresco questioned, "I know it scares me. Becoming the one thing I hate."
"On Dathomir men are only used for mating and then usually killed off." Savage spoke.
Fresco frowned looking out the window- how was he ment to respond to such information.
"I know my sister will treat you with Kindness." Fresco spoke, "it seems you're already growing on her. I seen you two at the dinner."
Savage felt his chest tighten, he was falling in love with her, and he liked it. He loved the idea of her.
"Guys hurry up or it will be the groom walking down the Isle." Ezio told as he had quickly come back.
The two left with each other side by side. Both enjoying the silence as they walked down the steps. Thats right, He had only been down and up these steps a few times, but those few times were some of the best times of his life.
Stopping outside the castle he looked back, seeing it all shiney as the sun hit it perfectly, looking like something out of a book. The whole walk was like that- there was no reason to take out a whole planet for the sake of Dathomir, Dathomir didn't need another planet- he would of liked them to fix theres first atleast.
He turned his head seeing Y/n standing there, when was she here? Looking around a bit shaken she stood in her wedding dress- it looked perfect on her, with a full bottom and a lacey top that had the same matching sleeves. When were they at the alter already?
"Are you okay?" She whispered softly, the priest reading off religious text.
"I-" he spoke looking at her what was he suppose to tell her?
Her white dress would be bloodstained within a matter of mintues due to what Mother Talzin was planning?
"I have a headache is all." He responded.
Y/n frowned, "maybe some food afterwords will make you feel better. Caf was even skipped this moring."
"Right." He responded, and left it at that.
"Do you take this man to be your husband? To take of him in sickness and health? To love him without doubt?"
Y/n smiled, "I do."
Her hand gripped onto his in excitement, that small squeeze made him happy, feeling her hand in his.
He had no idea what the woman infront of them said but only said the words as quick as he comprehend.
"I do." He cut the lady off.
Y/n flushed as she looked down flustered.
"Then I do pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride."
Y/n was pulled in quickly, shocking her, but it wasn't unwelcomed, kissing back the large church full of people cheered as they pulled away and as he did He seen Count Dooku sitting next to Mother Miranda. The group of people settling down, calming themselves once more as the woman cleared her throat Savage being gestured over by her brothers who were off to the side as he went over.
"With the coming of age you Y/n will be the caller of one of our twelve gods. You may be choosen for something greater, or passed by as a common folk." She spoke, "are you ready to give yourself to the twelve gods and let them judge you as one!"
"Yes head preist." Y/n spoke as her wrist was grabbed and palmed opened where it was sliced open Y/n gritting her teeth slightly as she was dragged to the floor, only following as her hand was put face down on the alters floor.
The woman moved to the side as the doors behind the alter creaked. Atticus holding onto Savages leg as Savage put a hand on his shoulder telling him he'd be okay.
"By the twelve gods..." Fresco spoke as the door opened a large hand crawling onto the carved in wood.
"I-its Hela..." Ezio asperated as the door swung open heavily crashing into the wall. Which it was hinged to.
The room silent and still as the other swung open.
The figure large, made up of what seemed to be Ash, body exposed and what looked like to be burnt half way just to show her dark innards, she was on all fours as Y/n looked up at her, slowly standing up as it went quiet for a moment.
Y/n reached out her cut hand, Hela reaching out her hand as well as Y/n looked forward keeping her eyes on Hela.
Somewhere some how Helas hand had shrunken along with part of her arm as they were bound by the cut on Y/n's hand.
'They're here-'
A warrior bursted into the doors as Y/n turned her head, "We're being attacked! The ships! They've all been destroyed!-"
The man stopped stabbed through the back, and fell to the floor.
"So sorry to ruin this happy momment."
Y/n growled as her hand was let go, and in place of Hela's hand held a sword, as Ventress walked down the isle.
"Damn are sister really is a bad ass-" Ezio spoke under his breath.
Dooku stood up as well, saber in hand.
"You were foolish to come alone." Y/n argued Hela still behind her looming in all her darkness.
"Who says I'm alone?"
Just as she spoke, a Battalion of night sisters filed into the room from both sides of her.
"Savage." Ventress spoke.
"Yes Mistress."
Almost immediately Fresco who stood besides Savage was lifted up into the air, force choking him as Fresco grabbed at his neck.
"Savage! Stop! Now!" Y/n demanded, "Stop now!"
"Kill him. Now." Ventress demanded.
There was a large crack as the filled church was still in shock, the young man thrown to the floor as his brother immediately surronded him.
"He's dead! He killed Fresco!"
Thats when the chaos started, when one had been pronounced dead.
Y/n could remember, it was all a blur. All the fighting- the blood shed. All she remember was ripping through people with her new found sword, swinging at heads and abdomens, she was luck that her skirt hadn't had a train.
Atticus had ran to her as she fought on the stairs stabbing a nightsister in the face and kicking her back, her white dress covered in dirt and blood, "Y/n!"
"Attiucs! Run away now!" Y/n argued, blocking another weapon, kicking the women in the female Kenobi's
"I'm not gonna leave you!" He shouted.
"Damn it Atticus!" Y/n shouted slicing the woman's flesh and grabbing his hand, "Come on! Lets go!"
Atticus ran hand in hand with her, somehow and some way some of her brothers caught up, they running and escaping to the castle.
"We have to be quiet take off your shoes." Y/n whispered the group hiding behind a wall as they all pulled there shoes off, "You have your run away bags all ready?"
"What?" Magnus asked, his other brother Cornelius, holding his hand, he had lost one of three to Ventress.
"Shit thats right, they never made there's. I'll go with them." Ezio spoke quietly,
Y/n nodded taking a quick head count, they had lost so many already, Fresco, Juniper, and Hamilton.
"I'll take Cornelius and Magnus." Jacob offered.
"I'll take Atticus. Ezio- weapons and maps?"
Ezio nodded, "becareful."
They all nodded, spliting up, Y/n had lucky gotten Attiucs up the stairs and to his room, as he was grabbing his things.
"Y/n." Atticus spoke as she was making sure he had everything for a final time as they carefully walked to her room, once inside she answered him.
"Yes Atticus." She responded going for her own bag.
"Savage...he isnt that mean. I know he isn't." Atticus spoke, "I know we didn't know him long but- he didn't wanna kill Fresco did he?"
Y/n tossed her dress the the floor dressed in trousers now fixing her top.
"Atticus." Y/n spoke kneeling down to him, "I know you liked him. I did too, but I don't even know anymore."
Attiucs frowned, as she held his shoulder's, "Are you going to kill him? Savage?"
Y/n frowned, "I don't know."
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teecupangel · 8 months
Which district would each assassin (including Haytham) be in the hunger games? What's their story? And which hunger games did they win? Was Altair the first winner in the 1st Hunger Games? Is Edward story similar to Haymitch's? Was Haytham born in the Capitol? I'm sorry! I'm genuinely interested in how this would go lol.
That really depends on what kind of idea what you want. For example, if this is meant to follow the beats of AC canon then Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton would be past winners that came from the same district as Desmond.
Unless you want a sorta screwed up ‘district tree’ where Ezio is from a different district who had an affair with someone from another district and that would lead to the Kenway bloodline while Altaïr is from the same district that would later ‘produce’ Desmond, his blood mixing with the Kenway blood later to ‘make’ Desmond.
Or if this is meant to be one big Hunger Games AU where the Assassins are alive (in a sense) and many of them are part of the Hunger Games then, on the top of my head…
Winner of a previous Hunger Games, from District 2, known as the district that supplies the Capitol of its army, he has disappeared after winning and the rumors are he died (perhaps by his own hands). Reality is he was able to get into contact with District 13 and has looking for ways to take down the Hunger Games even though there have been a lot of ‘problems’ inside District 13 about how he’s not rational enough when it concerns the Hunger Games.
Tribute from District 8 (Textile and Clothing). He wants to protect his fellow tribute, Cristina, and is one of the more popular tributes because of his face and charm. They tried to use it by making him and Cristina ill-fated lovers. (similar to Peeta and Katniss but, in this one, they really are in love with one another). He’s so Katniss-coded, the reason why he’s the tribute is because he volunteered in place of his younger sickly brother. Federico would have volunteered as well but he was already ‘too old’.
Tribute from District 10 (Meat). His name was pulled from the lottery and he only learned of his parentage after it became part of his appeal. His mother was a past winner and the gossip is that she seduced Haytham Kenway. He gets angry with the idea that her mother would seduce someone to win (she didn’t, she and Haytham actually fell in love but she returned to her District because she couldn’t stand the Capitol no matter how much she loves Haytham). Edward coaching him together with the tributes of District 3 actually becomes a bit of a shock and a great deal of drama that the Capitol loves.
Tribute from District 2. His father pushed him into volunteering even if he didn’t want to. His ‘theme’ is Altaïr’s second coming because he bares a striking resemblance to the past winner and there are rumors that he may be Altaïr’s biological son or something. He’s not. He’s pretty sure his mother and Altaïr were like… distant cousins or something but the coaches and supporters are pushing for his ‘mysterious connection’ to Desmond to make him more ‘popular’. He has been trained to be a soldier since he was young and his friendly facade hides the fact that he had actually already killed someone before and felt nothing. His father believed winning the Hunger Games is something he can do and is the best way to protect him from becoming another soldier in the army… not that Desmond knows that.
He’s part of the Hunger Games ‘committee’, overseeing the entire ‘event’. He knows his son is a tribute but he promised the audience that he won’t help or hinder at all. It remains to be seen if this is true. He has never been part of the Hunger Games before and his view of the world is skewered by how he was raised in the Capitol. This is pretty much the main thing blocking any attempts to connect with his father. He sees Birch (who can be the President Snow of this AU) as his mentor.
Past winner from District 4 (fishing). Won by killing his fellow tribute and best friend, Mary Read. He has nightmares of seeing Mary smile at him as he kills her and becomes an alcoholic to forget. He has a one night stand with a Capitol ‘influencer’ by the name of Tessa. He only heard that Haytham is his son decades later and their relationship is… more or less nonexistence. He becomes a coach when he heard one of the tribute is Haytham’s son.
Career tribute, said to have been trained by Haytham himself (or so the rumors go). He likes to annoy Ratonhnhaké:ton and the Capitol believes this is a case of “biological son versus ‘adopted’ son” kind of deal. There are rumors that Shay is there to keep Ratonhnhaké:ton alive and for him to win but that’s ridiculous. No one would willingly sacrifice themselves for someone they don’t know… right? (unless, of course, it’s a child who was raised to be obedient to his savior). If you don’t want Shay as a tribute, he can be a past winner who has sided with the Capitol and directly works for Haytham.
Tribute of District 6 (Transportation). Volunteered to protect Élise who was picked. Unlike the tragic love story of Ezio and Cristina, this one is more on the side of “does she love him or is he being a creepy stalker” with a side of “they’re stepsiblings oh the drama!” because Élise is cold to him. She’s trying to make him stop loving her so when it comes down to it, he will have the courage to kill her although… she’s also here to win to return to her father who only has her left so she’s also using this as a misguided attempt to stop loving him. In other words, tragic lovers route that the Capitol eats up.
Evie and Jacob
Tributes of District 3 (Electronics, Firearms and Mechanical products). Tribute of District 3. Evie ‘won’ the lottery and Jacob volunteered. Him volunteering has made their rocky relationship after their father’s death actually more strained. Evie is worried that Jacob volunteered to make sure she’ll live at the cost of his life and she would be right.
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lunarxdaydream · 3 years
🐶🎥📺💛⭕️🐋 uno reverse
( getting to know the mun! )
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🐶- Favorite animal?
Dogs! Small, large, everything in between but dogs! Fluffers! Little puppies (I mean they're always puppies even if they're older). Oh and wolves!
🎥- Favorite movie?
Answered here!
📺- Favorite TV show?
Answered here!
💛- How do other people describe you?
Hmmm ... that ... that's a good question! My brother would say that I'm a smartass who recently sent him some beefy pokemon statue picture thing (courtesy of our lovely Niko) but also loving and protective and scared of horror games so I piggy back on him to play while I watch. My husband would tell you that I'm a dog obsessed person who loves a good whiskey and terrible terrible puns (and can't stop ordering stuff on amazon) but also a pretty dang good cook and caring towards others (but then I duck out when he says that because i'm embarrassed). My best friend would say I'm someone you don't put in charge of setting a timer on a phone because if I dive in, I'll bring down the blanket fort in the process. Some people here say I'm really nice (which honestly makes me blush every single time because ... honestly, I don't know how to take compliments hahahaha). So ... all of that??? I mean, I guess it depends who you ask????? I literally looked over at Ezio but I'm sure if he could talk, he'd tell you that I haven't given him enough belly rubs this morning. And kept him waiting this morning for his walk even though it's like 35 F over here (shame on me).
⭕️- Favorite Pokemon?
I have two and I'm pretty sure everyone knows the first: Pikachu! I've always loved Pikachu since Pokemon first came to the states when I was a kid but Charmander does share that spotlight! Goodness, Charmander is just ... I love them so much too! I used to have this little red convertible honda and I called it Charmander! My brother even bought me this Charmander stuffed plushie to keep (but it was too big for the dash so I kept it at home). I decided that if I do get this particular car in the future after we move, and in red, it'll be Charizard (listen Charmander and their original evolutions are my jam).
🐋- share a Weird/funny story?
Okay, so I think I might've told this story to Kat before but it's just too weird and funny not to tell again! When we were stationed over in Texas for 6 months, some of my husband's friends told him about a little dive bar run by a local. Apparently the guy doesn't really have prices set, just depends on his mood and he makes all the beers himself. So really your tab could be like $10 or $80, no one ever really knows because this guy is just all over the place (and he drinks so that's probably another reason too). Sometimes he even lets dogs to come in with their owners!
My husband decides to go check it out because the beers are supposed to be like really good. We end up driving out of town for about 45 minutes and nearly pitch dark. This guy doesn't open his bar until the evening anyway. Ezio is on my lap and he's probably about 7 months at the time. I remember we turned left on these train tracks, all I see is tall fields and this one street light that's super old. An abandoned school bus is on our left and the right has an abandoned gas station. The deeper we go, we realize this is some abandoned town with just scattered street lights that still have that old orangey like color.
Eventually we make it to a building and guess what? It's an abandoned elementary school! Already it's super shady and we sat there like: should we??? is this the right place??? But based on the written directions his friends gave him and seeing one of their cars, we figured it was. We get out of the car, I'm carrying Ezio because I see broken glass, here and there because hello, abandoned school literally means abandoned. I could see through the windows that there are still old desks scattered on the floor, broken chalkboards and etc. It's pitch black in that particular area because there was no street light by that corner ... oh and did I mentioned there was NO CELL SERVICE EITHER!
So we start going in but my husband says to wait because we don't know what mood this guy is in. I ask for the car keys and wait, and I swear, IF LEATHERFACE WAS GOING TO SHOW UP, THIS WAS THE DANG PLACE! IT WAS TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE PERFECT! I probably stayed for a few seconds and went: NOPE, NOPE I'M NOT ABOUT TO DIE WITH MY DOG and went straight to the car and locked the doors. Good thing too because my husband took a little too long and when he did pop by, he said the guy wasn't going to let Ezio in but the beer was good!
So in the end, I never got to try this 'amazing' shady beer but to this date, his friends and him say it was still one of the best they had. They did make it up to me and Ezio (mainly Ezio because they felt so bad about it). BUT YES, THIS IS THE STORY OF THE SHADY BAR, IN A SHADY ABANDONED BUILDING WHERE YOU HAVE NO SERVICE IN A SHADY ABANDONED TOWN NEARLY AN HOUR FROM WHERE YOU LIVE.
|| @strawberryxdreams ||
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lyranova · 3 years
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At 16 At 21
Basic Information:
Name: Aloys Adlai
Age: 16-21
Birthday: July 19th
Blood Type: AB
Love Interest: The Purple Witch
Birthplace: Clover Kingdom
Current Location: Clover Kingdom
Affinity: Transformation Magic
Height: 5’11”or 180
Build: Tall and thin
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Brown with Blue flakes, short and messy. Doesn’t change much once he gets older, the blue becomes more pronounced though.
Clothing: He wears a long brown pants with a dark blue long sleeve shirt and a pair of brown boots that reach his ankles.
Even though Aloys acts like his father, he is quite honestly the most like his mother. When he’s around others he acts a lot like Gauche; rude, dismissive, and just refuses to interact. But when someone does get close they see how he actually really cares about people, how shy he is, how all he wants is to be the best son and big brother he can be. He is very stubborn and prideful, he refuses to admit he’s wrong when he clearly is, he’s also very protective of his little sister but not quite like what his father was with his Aunt Marie. But he’s also very smart, and actually enjoys reading and studying.
Varies in each AU
• Is the Oldest
• Isn’t really close with anyone except his sister Maelie, Ezio Roulacase, Alice Legolant, and Wendy Agrippa
• Likes to transform into different people to mess with them
• Hates looking at his reflection
• Likes visiting is Aunt Marie when he gets the chance
• Argues the most with everyone
• Likes being in Nean but prefers the Black Bulls hideout
Taglist: @eme-eleff @crazyclownthanos
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Classes/Jobs the Assassin’s would play in Final Fantasy XIV
Jumping on the hype train for the Endwalker expansion coming out! I’m in love with FFXIV however I’m very anxious and cheap when it comes to spending money on video games so I’m playing the trial to the absolute fullest until purchasing the full game. 
Wanted to apologize for the slight absence in posts, I’ve been consumed by the trenches of this MMO and most recently Genshin Impact. 
Without further ado, what classes would the Assassin’s be? 
Altair: Paladin
I headcannon this more so with Altair being a little bit older and becoming more wiser over the years whilst in the brotherhood. He’d want to protect his team just as he would his family and his fellow brothers and sisters and I thought the Paladin class would be a good blend. He protec but he also attac
Ezio: Dragoon
This one was tricky cause Ezio is skilled with numerous weapons and fighting styles. We’ve seen him with the assassin blade, swords, some hand to hand combat, but there is just something about him wielding the spear that seems so sexy and fun, so I thought Dragoon would be a fun choice. Also that one mechanic from the game may or may not have enforced this decision. 
Connor: Bard 
The closest thing I’ve seen to a tomahawk fighting wise was an axe so I originally fought of the warrior, however I was worried it might feel too bulky for Connor’s prefered fighting style. Yes he’s a big strong boy and can take on a whole army if he wants to, but let’s be honest, I think his most threatening weapon would be the bow. His cold and calculating strikes would strike fear into all the mobs. 
Desmond: Monk
This one was kind of a no brainer for me. Not much really to say about this choice other than it seemed to fit Desmond very well, and pretty much any of the assassin’s in general, especially the modern day assassin’s where if traditional or normal weapons weren’t available, why not use your fists to get the job done?
Edward: Machinist 
When it comes to pirates in FFXIV, there aren’t technically any pirate themed classes. We know that Edward is skilled with a cutlass so perhaps he could be a warrior, but he also knows his way around hand to hand combat through bar fights and knives/daggers, so he could be a monk or a ninja. However one of my personal favourite weapons to use as him in Black Flag were the pistols and so the most logical choice to me was the Machinist class. Edward can knock down all those who get in his way with a bang! 
Arno: Red Mage 
This one by far is the perfect fit because it is one of the more aesthetically elegant classes. A good combination of sword and magic skills, Arno can sweep the floor with his enemies and look damn good doing it. Plus I think Arno wearing those big hats with the feather on the side would look really cute. 
Evie: Scholar 
Brains or brawn? Why not take both! Scholars are brilliant healers and damage dealers, especially when they summon their magical companions to come to their aid. Evie would help heal and stat boost her party members and have her own fair share of action in the boss battles. 
Jacob: Gunbreaker 
A similar idea with Arno, this class combines two of Jacob’s strongest skillsets. Sword play and marksmanship, allowing him to fight up close or steer back and take aim when the situation calls for it. A quite flashy and in your face job class, it’s perfect for the brash yet brave gang leader. 
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shortpirateking · 4 years
Ja(*reeees in confusion and how to come up with good qualities*)
2. What’s 3 things your f/o likes about you?
I have....literally no idea- especially on specific F/o’s... I guess for the general it’d be creativity, adventurous, and silly???
11. Free pass to gush about your f/o
Okay so!!! I have many many many *MANY* f/o’s- all from different fandoms and even to a few of my friend’s oc’s!! so it’s hard to list every single one but I am ABSOLUTELY going to list many of them with a little ramble(and the fandom because sO MANY CHARACTERS. (not counting transformers characters, book characters, or Oc’s/ readers for the sake of space)
Dark Crystal(first ofc)
SkekTek: oh do I LOVE this boy!!! His intelligence, his backstory!! I just wish to hold him close, protect him from the world and go on a vacation with him and Sidetic!!!
SkekVar: Originally I wasn’t so fond of him- but his dumb himbo self has grown on me- i remember having a dream a long time ago of the skeksis turning human after saving thra(long plotline) and becoming like teasing partners who playfought a lot. I wantthis still.
SkekGra and Urgoh: They’re just!!!! So sweet!!! I want to snuggle with them, make puppet shows together with them and just enjoy being hermits!!!!
UrVa: Husband material?? yes?? His voice is amazing and i just want to be wrapped in his arms in the forest, learn archery and!!! AAAHSUAIHSA
SkekMal: Scary forest man who shits in the woods with a dark and sexy voice??? sign me tf UP *So many things i’d do with this feral lad*
UrSol: I just....love him so much- I want to snuggle, spoil, tease, and sing with him. 
UrTih: I would do ANYTHING to make him blush, embarrass him then snuggle him as he hides his face. UrTih is mY LAD
UrSan: She’s literally a mermaid and she’s so!!! PRETTY I’M SO GAY FOR HER
SkekLi: As a musical/history/folklore nerd. I’d kill to sit by a fire, sing folk songs and tell stories, make up our own plays, and just...enjoy being silly without the worry of being ridiculed.
SkekShod(Sorry shroom-): My??? My love?? I want to give this Skeksis my treasure chest of shiny rocks- I want to hold him close, love and kiss him- if he ever told me he loved me i’d *melt*
Assassin’s Creed
Ezio Auditore: he is *beyond* handsome- and good golly is he just!!! PERFECT. He has so much character development- i just want to learn Italian, follow his adventures and see all the things he has seen!!! (and befriend all of his friends)
Yusuf Tazim: Turkish lad??? Dorky, and just so silly??? yes??? I just....want to run through Istanbul with him---
Altair Ibn La-ahad: Oh boy have I had so mANY DAYDREAMS WITH THIS MAN. I’d kill to have the frenemies to lovers romance with him, aid him in his quests, become his right hand man and just....Share life with him and Maria- being the weird aunt of Darim and Sef
Malik Al-Sayf: SAME HERE WITH MALIK. I just...want to grow up with him and Kadar, learn to be an assassin with them and just- help him through his grief, change the course of time- or if not, be there for Tazim as he grows.
Charles Vane: I have literally no reason to like this man, but I do. 
Anne Bonney and Mary Reed: Amazing tough pirate gorls who kick ass and take names- what is there to NOT love?!?!?! (I just want to flirt and love on both of them- and many other NSFW things)
The Hobbit/Lotr
Aragorn: a king and warrior, strong and brave- and just!!! iosjdisada
Boromir: I really feel bad for this lad- he was merely a mortal, and sacrificed so much to regain his honor... I wish I could have saved him- or gave him comfort-
Bofur: He is the life of the party and I want nothing more than to dance on a table with him while singing at the top of our lungs. 10/10 best friends as lovers
Bifur: I want nothing more than to learn Khuzdul, speak with him and just...hold hands as I watch him make such intricate toys, see both that wild side and gentle side. 
Nori: I just like his stupid starfish hair and shenanigans okay??? he’s a little shithead thief
Kili: babbi boi....babi
Tauriel: Strong independent woman??? Red hair??? badass?? I don’t care that she wasn’t in the book, I WANT HER HAND IN MARRIAGE
Marble Hornets
Tim Wright: husband?? I would have loved to hold him- before all went to shit- i’d love to be in a poly/open relationship with him, Jay and Brian(brian we’d share, but Jay would be is(As he is CANON GAY AND I’VE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY BEFORE MY HC WAS RIGHT)
Alex Kralie: Honestly was probably an adorable dork before the sickness got to him- I still love the bad ending @probably-rabid and I roleplayed before-
Arata Kangatari(manga is the best)
Kannagi I just- love his character arc so much!!! even afterwards he’s such a dORK AND I LOVE HIM
Yorunami: Okay look- we both went through so much from our parents- so much trauma. I wish to hold him and help him to let go, to forgive but understand that doesn’t mean he has to excuse behavior.
Isora: He went through so much...so much... he didn’t deserve anything that he got, like at all... the fact he turned evil is not a surprise at all- i would have too...I just wish I could love on him, allow him to know there is love.
Eto: He’s such a good big brother....I just...want to love him... so much
Hannah Anafeloz: She was my first gay crush I can remember(then again I can’t remember too much of my childhood at all so-) and I love her so much-
Claude Faustus: I fucking hate him- and yet I love him sso sosososo much(Legit he is more of a yandere f/o and I rEEEE)
Herman Greenhill: Idc what happened in the manga- Often daydreamed about getting into Weston high and just... having him question his sexuality(As I’d be presenting as male the entire time) and just--- !!!!
Wolfram Gelzer: Big bad guy who learned to love?? Like!!! He is so sweet!!! big scary Germany teddy bear. 10/10 would snuggle. Also I love sullivan so we’d team up to tease the crap out of him
Gregory Violet: emo boi...likes black and cloaks. He is my goth boi and just...I want to draw with him- save him from Bravat along with the others- and other things that are plot related
Lawrence Bluer: Same for him-and I love how he is! I feel like he’d be a blushing nerd sometimes- but also be calm and collected. gOD I JUST WANT TO HOLD HIS HAND AS WE SHARE A BOOK
The Triplets(thompson, timber, and canterbury): I have no reason to love them- yet i do.
Agni: *incoherent screaming and sobbing as I recall what happened* HE DESERVED SO MUCH AND I LOVE HIMMMMMMMMMMMM
Snake: Babbi boi...babbi pt 2- I love him so much- he was my first ever cosplay, tricked my uncle into naming his snake after one of his(Keats). I just want to snuggle this boi.
Joker: sweet boi put into bad situation- I wish I could have saved him and the rest of the circus act-
Jumbo: okay but he is literally like 10ft tall. I want his height. I WANT TO BE CARRIED BY THIS MAN. LET ME BE CARRIED BY MY SUPER TALL HUSBAND OKAY?!?!?!
(I have so so so so SO MANY MORE- but that’s the main ones. Thank you for my TedTalk)
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witch-of-letters · 5 years
Our Work Is Never Done, Part 1/2 (Ezio Auditore x Reader)
Word Count: 4073
Summary: You are a Spanish Master Assassin who has accepted the contract to kill a low-ranked Templar in Rome. Ezio decides to lend you a hand, but even that doesn’t prevent the mission from going south.
Author’s Note #1: I’m really trying to break the ice mountain called ‘Writer’s Block’, so writing this fic and posting it is the first step to doing so. The plot is rather random, but it worked for me as it wasn’t that difficult to think through (my brain has difficulties with writing short stories though, lol, so that’s why I decided to divide the one-shot into two parts for easier reading).
Please note that there are rather negative references to the Christian religion, and the Reader is described as a fervent atheist. My work is purely fictional and is not meant to offend anyone. So without any further ado, relax, sit back, and enjoy reading this fic!
Author’s Note #2: Translations are at the end. Cursive - thoughts/emphasis/Italian. Bold cursive - places/Spanish
Feedback and comments are much appreciated ;3!
Chapter 2
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     “Come forth and browse my wares! Fabrics from all over the Mediterranean sea!”  
     “Jewels! Buy some jewels! Necklace for a lady, a ring for a man!”  
     “Freshly baked pastries! Straight from the oven!”  
   Perched on the roof of a building, you watched as the merchants tried to turn people’s attention to their wares. Some of them took notice and approached the stalls, others simply ignored all the shouting, preferring to only look and move on. If it weren’t for the fact that you were on a mission, you would definitely buy some kind of trinket (courtesy of being paid handsomely for completing the contracts).
 For once, your target was an actual Templar rather than a sleazy and greedy noble, or some other little villain. Normally you preferred to leave them to the assassins of lower ranks, finding that while ridding towns and cities from evil was all good, your skills were still wasted on rabble. You weren’t named a Master Assassin for nothing.
 Soon enough, your target, Antonio Vello dei Campo, walked around the market, seemingly disinterested in what the merchants were offering. He even turned down a gently spoken offer of a generous discount by a woman, whom you saw attracting people with her beauty and charm. Judging by the bulky men at his sides, he was being escorted by them, very likely for protection from attackers. They glared at anyone who stared too long at their master. A pathetic attempt at intimidation, but it was enough to make the folk turn their eyes away.
 You contemplated your options of attack. Usually, the contractors didn’t care enough to specify in which fashion the intended target had to be killed, leaving only the small description on a parchment. Antonio wasn’t that important of a Templar. Sure, he had a lot of connections in both Italy and France alike (most of them made through arranged marriages with his family members), but he didn’t care enough to further all of his Order’s goals, making him a rather untrusted member among his comrades. That is why your reward would only be some 1500 florins. A big disappointment for you.
 As he moved further into the market, you stood up to follow his party, using your Eagle Vision to keep track of him (something that only your closest friends and family knew - especially the Auditores). And while you were more silent and stealthier than La Volpe himself, you still prayed to whoever was above, that no guards would spot you on the roofs. They were annoying enough to be a huge nuisance to the assassins.
 Getting rid of his bodyguards would be an easy feat as you often come across such brutes in your travels. You knew all their weaknesses, and no matter what kind of armour they wore, they would always fall by your blade. But then again, you couldn’t just underestimate them. Such behaviour can often prove to be fatal when one isn’t careful.
 Continuing to keep an eye on him, you quickly and carefully moved across the roofs. From the sidelines, it looked like a graceful dance, with the way you moved your limbs. Your friends and comrades loved to point that out, much to your embarrassment. You knew that you were very skilled, of course, but you were not the one to brag about it, and that’s what Ezio loved about you.
 Unbeknownst to you, his heart always clenched at the mere mention of your name, finding out one night after fighting the traitors within the Spanish Brotherhood that he had fallen in love with you. At that moment, he couldn’t help but let his thoughts go back to Cristina, his first love. He had long ago let her go, as he couldn’t be with her while avenging the deaths of his father and brothers. He even beat up, or rather tried to talk sense into her fiancé to be a good and loving husband to her, for Dios’ sake! But when he thought about you, he knew he would do things for you so much more than that. Aside from you being very skilled and humble, he loved your divine beauty - the way sun shone down upon you, putting your auburn locks ‘on fire’; your freckles that dotted your cheeks and forehead; and your athletic figure, putting all the other girls to shame (with the exception of Claudia, of course). He loved how you were able to speak many languages besides your mother tongue with the greatest of ease. He loved how kind and caring you were to children. He loved how you aided him in searching for eagle feathers for his mother. And he loved how passionate you were about changing the world for the better. He loved everything about you, but even he had his own insecurities.
 For one, he knew that he had a reputation of a womanizer (something he was never actually proud of), and he didn’t want you to think that you would be just a ‘fling’ to him. For two, you had rarely reciprocated his attempts at flirting with you. While you had mentioned that you were very bad at flirting with men and women alike, he could never have imagined that you would be so oblivious when it was being directed at you instead. For three, he was afraid of being rejected. You were his best friend and he was yours, but even that couldn’t assure him that you wouldn’t tell him ‘no’ if he were to confess his feelings. He was a grown man, but with you, he felt like a shy little boy twiddling his fingers.
 Despite Maria being in a catatonic state for a long period of time, it didn’t stop her from being observant. She saw how much attention her second-born gave to you, always looking directly you with a gleam in his eyes that she could only describe as ‘being in love’. After you gave her the eagle feathers to complete Petruccio’s collection, she was immensely grateful for your support, already thinking of you as her second daughter. She could only pray that Ezio would man up and buy a ring for you.
 To Claudia, you were a complete stranger at first. You were a foreigner and an assassin on top of that. You were glad that Ezio had spoken to her about you, believing that face-to-face introduction would go easier that way. It did, of course, just not as warmly as you had envisioned. She wasn’t rude to you, but she still held herself with pride and a certain coldness you had a rather hard time shaking off. But after many attempts at befriending her, Claudia finally caved in, surprised that you were so relentless. From then on, she became your second confidant - someone, with whom you could speak about your growing feeling towards her brother. Boy, was she glad to start making future plans for your eventual wedding (as Ezio had confided in her about his feelings for you too). She wouldn’t, of course, dare to say such a thing out loud. Well, only to her mother, that is.
 Mario, oh Mario, was more than very welcoming. When he first saw you, he immediately went for a hug which you returned wholeheartedly. He was glad that Ezio was making friends while travelling (and he secretly hoped that you would keep him from falling over the edge with his vengeance). When he brought Ezio to his study for a talk, he told him that you were a keeper and that he shouldn’t let you slip through his fingers. He even mentioned he would be glad to attend your wedding, making Ezio choke on his water in surprise. You didn’t forget to tell him how much you loved his uncle’s joviality. After all, you did need someone to lift up your spirits after botched missions, or whenever one of your friends/allies was killed.
 Everyone around you saw that you were meant to be together. Where he was hot-headed, you were calm. Where you were shy, he was confident. You completed each other. You were soulmates.
 Antonio didn’t stop walking until they reached Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore. The square in front of it was large, and far too open for your liking. You did not want to kill him in public, even though it was easier to do. Thankfully though, he entered the church. You would have to wear a perfect disguise...as a pilgrim.
 “It is a good day, is it not?” Ezio’s voice brought you out of your thoughts, effectively stopping you from proceeding with the mission.
 “Ezio! What are you doing here?! I’m on a mission!” you spoke with clear irritation. You hated being interrupted like that. He got the clue though.
 “Mi dispiace, Y/N. I didn’t realize.”
 “No, you didn’t,” you glanced at him,” but my target is in that church. Have to go inside and finish him off.” You didn’t care if you sounded rude, crude, or bloodthirsty. It was just a part of the job, and you didn’t care how you worded your sentences.
 Ezio squinted his eyes at the building, ”You need any help? I’m available.”
 “Of course you are,” you huffed, but without any malice whatsoever. You couldn’t stay mad at him for long. “Come along.” Before Ezio could respond, however, you were already scaling down the wall. Once you reached the ground, the two of you split up, so that you wouldn’t garner the attention of the guards positioned in small groups around the square.
 Avoiding them on any other day is fairly easy, but today, they seemed to be on high alert, eyes trained on people like hawks’ are trained on their prey. As far as you knew, there were no important celebrations planned today nor was the church being closed off for the visit of some nameless ruler within Italy. So to remain unseen, you had to blend in within the bustling crowd of people. Thankfully, no one seemed to care about a suspicious-looking hooded person walking around them (much to your - and Ezio’s - initial confusion at the people not recognizing the assassins moving right next to them, as you were quite     sure that wearing a hood in public was the most recognizable of all assassins’ trademarks).
 Despite you hailing from Spain and training under the hand of the then-leader, Benedicto, La Volpe was the one to teach you how to remain unseen in the crowd. While he himself never gave out any of his secrets, you still pointed them out, much to his shock and surprise, having never expected to be so translucent in his actions (at least in front of you anyway). You even knew his real name, which he pleaded you not to reveal it to anyone. You understood him. Very few people did.  
 From the corner of your eye, you spotted Ezio, calmly moving forward like he was just a regular person enjoying his day. You admired that about him - how he never seemed to be nervous or indecisive when he was on a mission, and sometimes, you wished you could be the same (as many of your former friends and comrades have pointed out how tense and serious-looking you were when working for your Order - you simply did not take the duties of an assassin as a joking matter). And while neither of you were great thinkers like Leonardo, you still had that certain air of wisdom around you, having seen things that most people would never see in their lifetime. Knowledge was power, and both of you recognized it. Your shared experience within the Brotherhood was what made you two unique in a way - you understood what being a real assassin entailed, and how much one had to sacrifice for the sake of others.
 Only a few moments later, you arrived at the east entrance of the church, walking into shadows. To blend in with the pilgrims, you had to shed your assassin robes for a dress or remain in your own pair of breeches and a white shirt (which were quite form-fitting and would most certainly attract the attention of men inside the building).
 “What next, uccellino?” you heard from beside you.
 “Get me a new dress, for one. I want to get inside but not by sneaking.”
 Ezio placed his hand under his chin in thought and hummed, “I see. Perhaps we can ask a servant for a spare change of clothes for us both.”
 You had to suppress a laugh at the thought of Ezio looking like he wanted to pray to the God he didn’t believe in. He narrowed his eyes at you, “What is it?”
 “Nada. Nada. It’s just that I have a hard time with picturing you as a devoted pilgrim wanting to do all that stuff with drinking ‘Jesus’ blood’, ‘eating a piece of his flesh’, and making a cross in front of yourself.” To think, any other religious person would strike you down for that comment alone. You really don’t care about that though.
 “So you’re saying that I don’t have the looks of a pious man?” his eyes were glaring at you, but his voice was teasing.
“No, you don’t have the ‘looks’ of a pious man, you have the ‘looks’ of a handsome asesino,” you retorted.
 “You think I’m handsome?”
 He was, but you didn’t dare to admit that out loud, so instead, you just walked inside the church to find a servant, leaving your enamoured friend behind.
 Soon enough, you spotted a young girl (perhaps of the age of twelve) carrying a crate full of candles. Before she could walk out of the room, you jumped in front of her, making her shriek in surprise. You quickly put your hand on her mouth while making a ‘be quiet’ gesture.
 “Promise me you won’t scream,” you told her. The poor thing looked frightened, wanting to run away the moment you released her. Ezio was watching from the corner, unseen.
 The girl looked around frantically, trying to see if she had an escape route or if she could grab anything to help her push you off of her. Grabbing her chin with your free hand, you forced her to pay attention to you.
 Looking her right in the eyes, you repeated, “Can you promise me that you won’t scream? I am not going to harm you, little one.” The girl gave you a single nod, no glimpse of a lie in her hazel eyes. You released her.
 “Di cosa hai bisogno da me?” she spoke.
 “We want some regular clothes for us both,” you gestured at yourself and Ezio. At the sight of him, the girl's eyes widened. He wasn’t that tall of a man but he still looked intimidating with his dark robes and Altaïr’s armour on.
 The girl motioned with her hand to follow her downstairs to the lower level of the church. ‘Servants’ quarters. Of course!’ you remarked, mentally cursing yourself for not thinking of those before. Yes...you and logic were not as good friends as anyone else might think. That didn’t stop you from being very skilled in other areas though.
 Without breaking your quick strides across the long hall, you glanced around from beneath your hood, noticing that not one soul was inside. It was a bit strange but not overly so since it was almost noon and they were most likely just performing their daily duties. Ezio, on the other hand, did not feel at ease at all. While he has never seen anything like that before, he knew that children could be used for sinister purposes as well as any grown-up, mostly for leading men and women into ambushes by lying; playing on their innocence to charm their way into people’s hearts, or even getting paid for killing their hirers for killing their enemies (and even that was a rare case). Dread was twisting his gut.
 No sooner than his chain of thought had ended, did they arrive in a well-lit room with a lot of big cupboards.
 The girl approached one of them, pressing her hand on the wooden door, “I vestiti di cui hai bisogno sono qui, signora.”
 You took a look inside. There were plenty of simple shirts and breeches. Even a couple of brown-coloured dresses. Good enough for you both. With no further thought, you grabbed a pair of each, tossing one to Ezio. You did hope they would fit him, or else, they would tightly cling to his physique...distracting you. Walking into an adjacent room, you redressed quickly, and neatly folded you assassin robes before hiding them in an empty chest.
 “Are you ready?” you heard Ezio asking.
 “Si. Let’s get going.” You walked a few steps before suddenly pausing in the doorway, “Wait a moment. Where’s the girl?!”
 Ezio looked around. Indeed, the girl had vanished, probably the moment you started taking off your robes. His heart clenched at the thought of her running upstairs to rat them out, but he had to remain focused on your task. Come what may, you two would have to improvise if it came to Antonio being alerted of your presence.
 Sighing, you continued walking back to the stairs while subtly checking if your blades hadn’t fallen off of you. The Bells signalling the start of a mass were already being rung. When you reached the ground floor again, you saw a sea of standing men and women before you, neither your target nor his bodyguards in sight. Even by briefly activating your Eagle Vision you couldn’t spot them.
 “Fuck,” you quietly swore under your breath, already getting frustrated at how your mission was proceeding. Ezio noticed the brief furrow of your brows, not enjoying the sight of a frown on your beautiful face in the slightest. Even he tried using his special sight, but like you, he had no luck. Was this Antonio that slippery of a bastard?
 You pulled Ezio in the middle of the huge room and made the sign of a cross on your chests. It felt absolutely distasteful to you, for you did not believe in ‘God’. If he ever existed, why hasn’t he shown his face? Did he think of you ‘mortals’ as too inferior to actually see it? You never believed in all that bullshit the church was propagating and its priests were spewing, and yet, you couldn’t deny that people needed something to believe in, even if it was a ‘nobody’ above your heads.
 The head-priest started with a simple ‘Preghiamo’, before reciting the prayers. People around you murmured along, some of them with heads bowed, others were keeping their eyes on the man and their hands clasped together. You acted as the latter, not daring to miss Antonio. After a few minutes though, you started to fidget, just waiting to dash forward and out of the stuffy room. At the end of each passage, everyone murmured ‘Amen’.
 You jolted a bit when a rough hand was placed on your shoulder.
 “Calmati, amore,” Ezio whispered, attempting to calm you down with his smooth baritone voice. It helped, but you turned your head to the side to prevent him from seeing you blush at his use of the word. The man had too much power over you already.
 “We need to get going, Ezio,” you whispered back. “We’ve been here for some time already and we still haven’t spotted him. My guess is that he’s still within these halls, as I haven’t heard the guards opening the big door.” With that you swiftly moved away from him, gently weaving through the throng of people until you reached the entrance to the side passage leading further into the church. Ezio was right on your heels.
 “I can’t wait to get out of this dress! Ugh!” you pulled at your scratchy collar. “But unfortunately, we don’t have enough time to change our clothes.”
 “I rather like seeing you in one. You wear them too rarely.”
 “I am a woman, but in our line of work, they’re simply impractical. They’re good whenever I need a disguise but they simply won’t do for assassinating people...or escaping enemies.”
 “There,” you pointed at the stone rafters above, ”we climb them, get a better view of this place. Before you get that thought inside your mind though,” you waved your your finger at him, “do not look up.” You immediately started scaling the wall, not being that mindful of your dress, of course.
 Now, while Ezio once loved looking up the skirts of women, he dropped doing that the moment he realized he was in love with you, the thought of it suddenly becoming disgusting to him. He wouldn’t dare to allow such indignity to happen. Not from himself. Not from anyone. Instead of retorting back, he kept silent and followed you up to the rafters. He too wished he had his assassin robes on. No good would come out of it if you two got spotted by either the priests or Antonio’s entourage.
 “Shhh, be silent for a moment.” You listened closely to all the sounds around you.
     The water dropping onto the stone ground below.  
     The murmurs of the praying pilgrims behind you.  
     The sound of someone unsheathing their sword -  
 “Wait! Did you hear it?!” you inquired urgently, stopping Ezio from moving altogether.
 “The sound is coming from over there,” he pointed at a small but heavy-looking door at the far east corner.
 “Then let’s get to it.”
 Thankfully, that part of the church was empty of the priests and the servants, making it easy to sneak around. You doubted that Antonio’s room had more than one door, but even then, you could be wrong, as the door could lead into basement instead. Normally, you would do some reconnaissance in order to plan ahead and keep the chance of a failure to a minimum, but now, you’d have to improvise.
 “We have to go inside through that door. I see no other ways to enter the room.”
 Ezio cast a glance at his steel gauntlet, the hidden blade ready to be sprung out at any moment. You readied your own.
 With a quick inhale, you opened the heavy door with force...only to find Antonio lying in the pool of his own blood. Your eyes widened at the sight. You and Ezio arrived too late, but you had to keep your head cool and eyes focused.
 Turning him over, you saw the wound in the centre of his chest, dark red blood staining his overcoat.
 “Stabbed through the heart. What a painful way to go…,” you murmured quietly as you closed the man’s eyes with your hand. Ezio put a hand on your shoulder.
 “It’s not your fault, Y/N.”
 “No, it isn’t, but it doesn’t make me feel any better about it,” you paused, looking at Antonio’s corpse again. “Did his guards kill him?”
 “Possibly, since I don’t see them in here.”
 “Ah, then I guess that his ignorance of his superiors’ orders has finally caught up to him. He never was a ‘good’ Templar. Still, he could’ve told us at least something, but now, he’s dead and his lips are forever sealed. I’ll have to tell Mario about this.” Before you could leave though, Ezio pulled you into his embrace which you gladly returned. No words were spoken between you because they weren’t needed. They were unnecessary.
 Suddenly, the heavy door closed behind you with a loud screech. You ran towards it, trying to pull at the handle, but it didn’t budge in the slightest.
 “¡Maldición! ¡Estamos atrapados!” you shouted angrily. Ezio knew enough Spanish to understand what you meant, and he couldn’t help but be angry himself (something that hasn’t happened a lot in the past few years). You saw some kind of smoke coming from under the door.
 “Are they starting a fire behind it?!” You were not comfortable with the thought of being burned alive, even if it was beside the man you loved.
 “I don’t know, but...wait, do you smell it?”
 “Smell what?”
 “Something sweet and...calming.”
 Indeed, when you inhaled the air, it had a whiff of sweet vanilla and jasmine, almost instantly calming you down. Something wasn’t right though as your eyelids kept getting heavier and heavier, and all of your senses became dull. The last thing you heard before your mind shut down completely was a confused     ‘What-’.
Translations (Spanish):
Dios - God
Nada - Nothing
¡Maldición! ¡Estamos atrapados! - Damn it! We’re trapped!
Asesino - assassin (male)
Translations (Italian):
uccellino - little bird
Calmati, amore - Calm down, love
Mi dispiace - I’m sorry
Di cosa hai bisogno da me? - What do you want from me?
I vestiti di cui hai bisogno sono qui, signora. - The clothes you need are here, lady
Preghiamo - Let us pray
Tagging: @sassenach-on-the-rocks // @marshmallow--3 // @assassins-and-hidden-blades // @bangtansugababy // @imagines-of-the-creed // @kittitt // @kisstheassassins // @iceboundstar // @unreadpoppy // @ass-sass-sin-o // @one-who-hunts-eagles // @deejayers // @lefrenchfrye // @mavriarch // @theswordofeden // @mindadarksight // @undertastic-dork // @storminwomanform // @fanfic-reblog-central
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