#bye i’ve rambled enough! but it’s on you if you made it this far!!
themoonweaversden · 1 month
Messeges that were found so far: STOD EHT TCENNOC (spoilers)
This is just to collect all the codes that you can type in in thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com and their effects only (please click images for better quality)
I am so sorry if the transcripts in these are't the best, it's A LOT and my mind doesn't understand what's writing anymore
Masterpost with all messeges / codes
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Have you ever heard of Orchard Lake, Kansas? Chances are you haven’t. It was erased from every map, book, and historical record, and the US Government’s official position on it is “stop calling us or we’ll send a drone to your house.” (I learned this the hard way.) But if you drive to the exact latitude and longitude of [REDACTED] you’ll see bullet casings, faded billboards, and bow ties strewn across the desert sands.
That’s because Orchard Lake had another name before it was wiped off the record: BillVille.
CHAPTER 3: BillVille The First Cult In History That Was Right
FIG A: A tumbillweed
As a historian of esoteric religions, I thought I’d discovered the strangest sects America had yet to offer (see “Chapter 3: Kevin’s Gate”) but that all changed when I found the following items tucked away in an old trunk in an estate sale on the outskirts of Bootstrap, Missouri."
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Mother, I have the most wonderful news! Remember when you said I should stop being “such a follower” and finally think for myself? Well—turns out you were right! I’ve decided to stop following Elvis’ tour bus from state to state and instead I’ve made the exciting life decision to sell all my possessions to buy a one-way ticket to [REDACTED] and marry 138 of my new best friends! We’ve discovered the eternal secrets of the Universe, and golly it feels keen! For the first time in my life, I am happy!
Remember reality is an illusion, the Universe is a hologram, buy gold, and bye forever!
Your daughter, Shelter Martha Jones Starshine Cipherwife
P.S. You’ve just gotta check out this neato pamphlet!"
FIG B: Letter and pamphlet advertising “Ciphertology.” Was found along with pins, buttons, ephemera. Smells like formaldehyde."
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After reading this pamphlet, I became obsessed. Who were the Ciphertologists?
It seems in 1952 a failed travelling snake oil salesman “Silas Birchtree” was hiding from creditors when he choked on a coin he was flipping and died. Then, remarkably, the next day, he was seen alive. His posture, his smile, the pallor of his skin had all changed. It was as if another man entirely was wearing Silas like a suit. Whatever caused this transformation, the new Silas hit Orchard Lake, Kansas like a comet.
“Say, folks, gather round, thank you ma’am, spit out that gum, junior. My names Silas Birchtree, and I was just passing through when I noticed a very pressing problem: This town only has three wells! Well, well, well, that won’t hold water! (townsfolk laugh) But seriously plasma bags, if you’re dim enough to laugh at that tripe then you’re going to love what I’m about to shove down your throats: The secrets of the universe! I may look like an meat automoton but I was recently granted otherworldly insight into the nature of reality by an all-seeing eye named Bill Cipher. You have primal needs for chaos that are being repressed! Destroying is a form of creating! Assert your will in defiance of entropy! Punch through the throats of your oppressors and baptize yourself in their blood! Doesn’t that sound swell? Yes I said swell, and that rhymes with L, and that stands for “Let me Marry All Your Wives!”
-Silas Birchtree, 1952
It didn’t seem to matter what Silas said, folks were mesmerized by his rambling stream of consciousness diatribes. It wasn’t long before he became local news."
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"THE ORCHARD LAKE CORNHUSK "A suitable distraction from your toils." June 18, 1952 | 5 CENTS
CULT COMES TO TOWN Fans of Cults Pleased, Cult Skeptics Skeptical
Two things are on the rise this week in Orchard Lake! The sweet, sweet corn-bread cooling in Mrs. Butternubbins windowsill, and the terrifying cult that threatens to tear our town asunder. And asunder is one of the worst things you can be torn! Springing forth seemingly overnight, these bow-tie wearing brainwashees call themselves the Ciphertologists, and they answer to one man, the charismatic and extremely jaundiced Silas BirchTree. Town sentiment is divided as to whether this new religion can be trusted, but all agree this seems to be the most significant event in our town since a bat fell in the deep fryer at the waffle house. We spoke to townsfolk to gauge the local sentiment.
Darla Laudanum, Housewife: "Well, I don’t see what the big fuss is! Everyone’s entitled to their opinions, and Silas is no different. Why, I remember when everyone was worried that “Hula Hoops” were going to turn our children into Communists. But we only had to report 3 children!"
Gus Gunderson, Painter: "I ‘spose he’s got a funny way of talkin’, shore ‘nuff, but he promised me I’d live forever on my own moon, which beats my current job at the paint store. He also said he’d teach me to explode people with my mind. My mother ‘n law had better watch out!"
Madeline Dixon, Teenager: "He’s fine, I guess. It’s not like I replaced the picture of James Dean in my locket with him or anything. What? No you can’t look inside the locket, this is a personal locket!"
Emmaline Butternubbins, Spoilsport: "I’m telling you! He’s a human corpse puppeteered by a space triangle and he’s come to build an unholy astral pyramid from mortal realm beyond mortal understanding! Gather up your swords and arrows, let us slay the beast in mans form before he slays us!"
Can You "Dig It?" Hey Daddio! Are you hoppin mad about the piles of youth that are buckling your Chevy’s pad to the winner? Dig this jive! A keen new shovel that all the hep cats are using to flip those big Ricks right out of the sock hop! Man, you know what it is called!
It’s me, “Hip Daddy” Renzaddy! 50 years ago my great grandpappy Renzaddy toppled a pile of stones to death to avenge his death! The eternal war on man’s sin rages on!
Teen Accused of "Rocking Around the Clock," Faces Trial ... (PG 3) Joseph McCarthy Arrests Suspicious Pez Dispenser (PG 5)"
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Our lead reporter Welton Danforth sat down with the enigmatic leader to gain some insight into his holy mission. When they sat down to speak, the controversial religious leader was staring at his hands laughing as he wiggled his fingers.
Silas: Fingers! Wow, there’s just so many of these things! How do you keep track? Hey could someone get me a swig of formaldehyde?
Welton: Good evening. I have never seen a man open his eyes as wide as yours before. What exactly is going on with your face?
Silas: My face is normal! Next question!
Welton: (laughing) Well there’s that charm I’ve heard so much about. Move over, Johnny Carson! Tell me, how do you respond to accusations that the Ciphertologists are a cult?
Silas: Yes!
Welton: So you don’t deny it?
Silas: Look slick, everyone believes in something they can’t prove. Football players believe in “points.” Cops believe in “laws.” Priests believe in “sin.” But show me a law, a point, a sin. You can’t, they’re just ideas. So if you’re going to follow something invisible, why not follow the invisible Triangle that will give you your own planet and crush your enemies into a small screaming cube.
Welton: You’re awfully quick with a turn of phrase, but many others with silver tongues have claimed to be the messiah. What makes you any different?
Silas: Fair point! You know, you’re very perceptive. Has your wife told you that lately?
Welton: (pause) No. No… Janet has not. We are… going through a rough patch.
Silas: Must be hard. All those long nights on the couch, wondering what went wrong.
Welton: Yes… but, how did you know all that?
Silas: I know lots of things, Jack! And I know that when you die at 72 from a goose crashing into your head on a roller coaster, your last thought is gonna be that you wasted your life interviewing hick farmers instead of becoming that great novelist you always dreamed of being! That unfinished novel in your desk drawer…
Welton: …The Reporter Who Went To Mars?
Silas: It could be the greatest book of all time. But you’ll need someone to help you reach your full potential. I think I know a guy! By the way, I’ll need 1,000 dollars immediately.
Welton: Can I give you my watch as a down payment?
Silas: Fine, but only because I like you. Anyway, where were we? Oh right! I was interviewing you. Tell me, how long have you been a Ciphertologist?
Welton: Well, I suppose as of 5 seconds ago, but it already feels like much longer, Mr. Birchtree.
Silas: Please, call me “My Lord And Master.”
Welton: Yes, My Lord and Master. Do you have anything else to add before you go?
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[2 images]
Within a month, The Ciphertologists had taken City Hall, renamed Orchard Lake "BillVille" and began stockpiling weapons, human teeth, and multi-colored ball-pit balls from burger restaurants. Townsfolk began shaving their heads and inhaling helium to match the pitch of their leader's shrill charismatic voice, and would participate in "Dream-Ins" inviting Silas's muse "Bill Cipher" to "possess" of up to 30 of them at once, at which point they would often laugh in unison for hours. Construction began of the "Very Normal Giant Metal Portal" in the desert. Travel was banned coming in and out, even for medical emergencies since, as Silas explained, "pain is hilarious!" They began to expand, knocking on doors to spread "The Bad News."
FIG C: It was pretty easy to spot a Ciphertologist. Can you see what makes them stand out? That's right - their enthusiastic smiles!
FIG D: The "Golden Bastard" apple, grown only by Ciphertologists, reportedly "screamed" when you ate it."
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Transcript: (this one is really weird to trascribe, so sorry if it's difficult to understand)
"THERE’S ONE “EYE” IN TEAM! Can you find it?
In Ciphertology, we encourage you to express your individuality, just like Silas does! That means strict conformity to his exact wardrobe, or else being sent to “The Hole.” You won’t like the hole!
TUCK YOUR SHIRT IN! Order is a Trojan horse for chaos!
(Image of two people in matching outfits doing Ciphertologist poses)
Pocket full of yummy glass!
Not pictured - The hot brand we will sear into your flesh. Which part of your body will we brand? It’s weirder than you think!
Did you know?: Therapy is a scam to keep you from the truth. Lean into your natural born mental illness to unlock your true potential!
Follow this script to convert the non-billievers!
Hi! Do you have one minute to talk about the triangle who lives in your brain and has seen you naked? . YES → GOOD! The old gods are dead, and BILL ATE THEM! Dig it? . NO → Stare at them until they start crying.
Are you ready to accept him into your mind? . YES → (Continue script) . NO → Eat one of your own fingers in front of them. Don’t break eye contact.
Raise your arms and shriek a perfect E note in the 8th octave at 5,243 Hz. Their skull will shatter. Like a wine glass!
Great! Your new name is: ________________(SEE GUIDE TO CHOOSING CIPHERTOLOGY NAME PG 6) What size robe are you? __________________SEE YOU AT THE WAFFLE HOUSE! (Do Cipher Handshake, devour pamphlet, crawl away upside down)
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ABOVE: The Ciphertology “Brain Seismograph” or “BS” Meter had dials for “gullibility,” “financial liquidity,” “celebrity influence,” “herbs,” and “spices.”
The cult surged in popularity and influence. Silas’s motto “embrace today as if your town is going to be hit by a tornado in exactly 3 & a half years!” was infectious, and he immediately ended all crime by declaring that “everything is legal now!”
Soon the only unconverted local was unmarried town nag Emmaline Butternubbins. She was convinced there was something “not right” about the mysterious megalomaniacal cult leader. Her protests escalated to her distributing these home-made warning pamphlets to very annoyed children.
“Most people rejected Emmaline’s message. They hated her because she told the truth” —Emmaline, to her cat Bonbon."
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Conflict became inevitable. When Silas hijacked a local TV station to read an “erotic tale of two trapezoids,” Elk Glen filed a complaint with the FCC. Cipherologists retaliated by pouring 600 gallons of bubble solution in their drinking water. Soon the law became involved.
“Blrbl bll Tbllbl Ciphertobblblblblb” - Hurk Durnsley, Oak Glen City Council
The Cipherologists were ordered to return City Hall, dismantle the “Portal” they were building out of scrap metal and car parts, or face the full force of the Kansas State Troopers. The standoff lasted 13 days, with Silas and his die hard followers holed up in a waffle house chanting “TEETH” over and over again for reasons unknown. Silas was becoming increasingly agitated and erratic, blocking all radio and TV signals into town and ordering his followers to hurry construction of his mysterious metallic project. His body was also looking increasingly pale and desiccated, which he ascribed to his “fantastic diet” of eating nothing but “solid chunks of chlorine and ants.”
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"Finally Emmaline Butternubbins, enraged that no one liked her pamphlets, hurled a torch into the CipherTologists HQ, igniting the helium tanks, blasting out the windows and destroying Silas’s machine. Troopers opened fire as Silas’s followers held hands and began singing “WE’LL MEET AGAIN” in defiance. Silas, riddled with bullet holes, grabbed a megaphone, leapt atop the inferno, grinning wildly as he was engulfed in flame.
At this point, Silas Birch Tree’s head fell off, flies swarmed from his mouth and he collapsed into a grey husk. A coroner declared Silas BirchTree dead for a second time. Black helicopters evacuated the site and the city was erased from all official records. Mrs Butternubbins was awarded the Medal of Honor, which she used as an ashtray.
On the Lighter Side “QUIRKY NEWS!” CULT DISBANDED, 9 DEAD Slow news day? Well we gotta fill these pages somehow! In an oddball story that’s definitely out there a remote Orchard Lake’s homespun cult committed a laundry list of heinous crimes. Trashed walls, buildings, and tank-wielding federal agents stormed the “Cipherologists” headquarters. The panic escalated as the “Cipherologists” leader offered everyone a bag of candy and destroyed the stockade on a rented lemon- but just gave everyone you love from the ability to express their emotions. We are out of terrible diarrhea. It is unclear if this was his intention or not. We are out of things to say in this piece, no one really cares what happens in Kansas."
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Although BillVille has faded into urban legend, hidden remnants remain for those who know where to look. It is even said that there are straggling members out there, still holding out hope for Silas’s return.
In cults, this is a common phenomenon. Human beings are so hungry for a confident voice to guide them in an uncertain world, that they’ll follow anyone, even a madman, wherever he goes. Usually off a cliff.
But there was something different about Silas Birchtree. The more I research, the more of his predictions I’ve seen coming true. Recently I was going through old records when I found Silas’s final words, tucked away in a lost letter he wrote before the standoff, a message unseen until now.
His message was:
“At least this will make a fun chapter of your book, Donna!”
My name is Donna Rutherford. Yesterday, I was a Lutheran. As of today, I am a Ciphertologist.
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sammibellarts · 7 months
Getting this out so if you don’t like the ramblings of a person who has self esteem issues, welp…bye. ❤️
Anyway, I have always struggled with appreciating the work I produce, I’m so hard on myself, mostly due to seeing my friends and mutuals who also share their artwork and, I see that mine doesn’t contain the same amount of detail, or looks as polished, or is just not to the same caliber, or in the same style, or shit, gets as much traction, I always, or well have always, felt lesser.
It’s created this cycle of self deprecation and hatred for my artwork and it’s made me blind to the progress I have actually made over the years as I’ve gotten back into drawing. I was never proud of my work and even though I’d post it, or follow a trend or anything like that, nothing made me happy, or prideful and, it sucked.
It only now hit me that I’ve come so far and learned so much and can actually visually see the progress I’ve made, in the craft that I love so much. I finished a picture that took me days and rather than feeling burnt out or tired, I looked at it and wept. Wept because it was something I drew for the fun of it, something I drew that didn’t have a time constraint or a gimmick, something that had to do with something I find joy in, and I wept because it was beautiful, and I could remember how I did it and am actually confident enough to say I could do it again. That…hasn’t happened in a long time for me and it felt like true breath, like I can actually do this, am I an artist, and I am capable of doing something that not only I like but others would find beautiful as well.
I no longer feel like I’m posing as an artist, the imposter is no longer present, it’s finally Me, and it feels magnificent..
I’m finally here.
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devoidwrites · 3 years
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Summary: Felix was your best friend’s twin brother, and the two of you would flirt back and forth. Which one of you will admit your feelings for each other first?
Words: 1.9K
Genre: non idol au, college au, fluff
Pairing: Lee Felix x Reader
Warnings: none.
“Girl, what would you do? Would you wanna stay if I were to say?”
“Mr. Moon has lost his mind if he thinks i’m going to kiss Yang Jeongin on stage in front of hundreds of people.”
You snickered at your best friend. “Oh come on Maya he’s not that bad.”
“That’s the problem!” She whined. “He’s so hot. How am I supposed to hold my composure when he’s the Romeo to my Juliet?”
She had been freaking out about this play for weeks. At first their director said he was cutting out the kiss scene, but he changed his mind. That lead to you having to listen to her ramble about Jeongin for days on end.
“You enjoy the couple of seconds you get to kiss him?” You suggested. You stepped into her kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water. “Literally every girl on campus would kill for your spot.”
“Better make sure your food isn’t poisoned.” A voice chimed in. Felix waltzed into the kitchen with a grin on his lips. “Who knows what those girls would do to get your spot.”
“I hate both of you.” Maya muttered before opening the fridge. You glanced at one another with a knowing smirk on your lips. As her best friend, and her twin brother that was obviously a lie.
“If you’re that against it Y/n and I can take over for you.” He suggested. He quickly got on his knees and turned to you with an over dramatic expression. “O- Juliet my dear. Will you run away with me and we’ll spend the rest of our lives together?”
You were quick to jump in. You grabbed his hand. “Oh Romeo. Of course I will. We’ll spend the rest of our days together.”
Your performance was clearly inaccurate since the two of you were not majors in theatrical arts. However, it made Maya laugh. So, a job well done.
“Good thing you two are majoring in different subjects.” She chastised.
It was a fair point. You were far better at remembering bone fractures and sicknesses than reciting a poem. It didn’t bother you a bit. You preferred becoming a doctor over an actress anyways.
“Maybe, but Felix will always be the Romeo to my Juliet.” You teased, giving a smile towards the brunet. He placed a hand over his heart longingly.
“This is why we always go to your place.” Maya groaned in annoyance. “I’m tired of seeing you guys flirt all the time.”
“Would you rather us date instead?” Of course, Felix’s remark was teasing, but you couldn’t help the way your stomach flipped at the idea of actually dating him.
He was charming, caring, and beyond attractive. He was a package deal, and anyone would be lucky to even get a chance with him. You stayed to the side and didn’t bother with it. He was your best friends brother. You didn’t want to cross any unspoken boundaries.
So, you played it off with a scoff. “In your dreams Chef Boyardee.”
“What? Is a chef not good enough for you?” He stepped closer as if he was daring you. He was always playful, and you hated yet loved it. You wanted nothing more than to kiss that stupid smile off his face, but you had to play it cool.
“I don’t know. Maybe you should show me what you’ve got.”
“Bye.” Maya grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the kitchen. You heard Felix laughing on your way up the stairs and into her room.
You flopped down onto her bed, spreading out while she took comfort in her desk chair. She placed the chips on her desk, opening her computer for only she knows what.
She let out a sigh. “I wish you and Felix would get together already.”
That got your attention. You sat up, giving her a wild look. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t try and play dumb with me. I can see past all of that harmless flirting.”
“Please, I’ve known Felix for years-“
“And i’ve known both of you for longer. He’s my twin. He can’t hide something like that from me even if he wanted to. And you? I can read you like an open book. My only question is; why haven’t you asked him out yet?”
“He’s your brother.” You reminded her. “Plus I never got the vibe that he likes me back.”
It was her turn to look at you as if you were insane. “Are you serious? All of that flirting and you have the audacity to think he doesn’t have feelings for you?”
“He flirts with everyone?” You told her, although it came out more of a question.
“The only other person he flirts with is Changbin, and that’s just because it embarrasses him. With you it’s different. I can tell he’s waiting for the chance to jump on you.”
“Is this you trying to set me up with your brother?”
“If it means that I don’t have to listen to your horrific flirting anymore then yes. That’s exactly what i’m doing.”
You let out a sigh as you peeled Maya’s arm from around you. You had no idea what time it was, but it had to of been near midnight since you started the moving a little after ten o’clock.
Like usual, Maya passed out an hour into the movie, leaving you awake on your own. Pulling the blanket off of you, you stood up to go downstairs and raid their kitchen.
You tried to be quiet going down the stairs, but seeing the kitchen light was already on, you figured Felix was awake too. Your suspicions were confirmed when you saw him standing over a mixing bowl.
It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve caught him down here at midnight, making whatever he could think to make. Judging by the flour and the chocolate chips on the counter, it looked like he was making cookies.
You stepped into the kitchen as he placed the sheet into the over. “Whatcha making?”
He jumped slightly, but then turned to you with a smile. “ My specialty.”
“Didn’t realize you had one of those.” You teased. It was clearly a lie. His specialty was cookie. They were perfect. With just enough chocolate chips and a soft gooey inside they tasted like heaven.
He gave you a playful glare. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me y/n l/n.”
“We’ve been friends for five years. I know enough.”
He set hit whisk to the side, turning to fully face you. “You think so?”
“I know your favorite color is yellow. You used to have a problem with your freckles, which is bullshit by the way- they’re beautiful.” You counted off your fingers. “You took a band course on high school-“
“We don’t talk about that.”
Snickering, you continued. “You’re terrified of anything slightly scary. Your favorite kind of movies are comedies. You love playing league. When you can’t sleep you stay up late at night baking-“
“Okay. okay.” He held a hand up, stopping you from rambling on. “Are you sure your aren’t just stalking me?”
“You wish.” You rolled your eyes in a playful manor. “Unfortunately for me, in the last six years of knowing Maya i’ve gotten to know you too.”
“Would you like to get to know me even more?” There it was again. The flirting that drove you absolutely mad. The sly grin on his lips made your heart race.
“Don’t say something you don’t mean Felix.”
He took a step closer to you, tilting his head slightly. “Who says I don’t mean it?”
You couldn’t help the scoff that slipped past your lips. “You’re always flirting with me.”
“Maybe i’m doing it in hopes you’ll actually catch on.” He gave you a pointed look. With furrowed eyebrows, you tried to understand what he was talking about.
“God, how could you be so smart, but so dense.” A smile made its way to his lips. “You can name every single bone in the body, but you can’t see that I have feelings for you?”
“That’s not funny.” You shook your head. You thought he was only playing, but the look on his face told you he was serious.
“I’m not laughing. Y/n, I’ve liked you ever since I first laid eyes on you.”
It hit you like a train wreck. He didn’t flirt with you right when you met. He didn’t start until after you broke up with Kim Seungmin. From that point it just kept on, even after you’ve dated Choi Jongho and Choi Soobin.
He had been honest with his feelings this whole time. You were the one that was too stupid to realize it. “Are you the ones that scared my exes off?”
“In my defense, they asked me to stop hanging out with you and i told them that was up to you and not me.” He shrugged.
You gave him an incredulous look. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want to make things awkward between us and Maya if it didn’t turn out how i thought.” He took another step closer. This time he placed a hand on your cheek. “She may or may not have told me you liked me back.”
You couldn’t be mad at her for that right? She was trying to help the both of you out. You’ve had a crush on Felix for almost eleven months, but he’s felt like this for four years.
“So what do you think Y/n? Will you let me be your last first kiss?”
The words itself shocked you. Last first kiss. That meant he wanted to spend forever with you. Can’t say you didn’t feel eased at the idea.
“Not feeling bold anymore?” He teased you. “What happened to the y/n that would tease me back?”
“She’s currently trying to figure everything out.”
“Let me help you then.”
He leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours. His lips were soft as you had expected, but it was so much better than the dreams you had about him. It was so much more caring. So much more real.
You kissed him back almost instantly. Bringing your arms up, you wrapped them around his neck to pull him closer. His slipped around your waist, gripping your hips as your lips continued to press together.
You pulled away from him, staring up at him with wide eyes. He chuckled. “Did that help any?”
You almost wanted to pinch yourself. To make sure you weren’t dreaming. A smile found its way to your lips. “I don’t know. Maybe you should try to convince me again.”
“hm, alright.”
Your lips pressed against his once more. This time the kiss was more passionate, and a lot more heated. He picked you up and placed you on the counter, letting you wrap your legs around him to pull him even closer.
His hands tickled your sides, making you squirm slightly. You couldn’t help the laugh that slipped past your lips, but you didn’t pull apart until-
The sound of the oven going off made the two of you spring apart. Felix pulled out of your grasp to go check on the cookies. Hopefully they weren’t burnt. You could really go for one about now.
“You almost made me burn my cookies!”
“You’re the one that started flirting with me first!”
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d0llpie · 4 years
Angry confessions
Summary: You’ve tried everything to make Kyotani realise you like him but he thinks you’re joking
Kyotani x reader
Warnings: cursing
angst to fluff, mutual pining
a/n: i might make a part 2 but i’m not sure, lmk if you want one!
wc: 2.5k
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Kyotani couldn’t stand you. Your annoying smile and indifferent attitude while he told you to get lost. Couldnt you take a hint? Apparently not as you continued to greet him the same warm way every time you saw him, slipping him notes during class and flirting with him. Couldnt you flirt with some other poor soul? he couldn’t handle it anymore, knowing you weren’t really flirting with him. Maybe you did flirt with others, that only made it worse, knowing it wasn’t just him who got to see your smile and teasing laugh everyday. Honestly he didn’t know which way was worse, all he knew was that he was sick of you.
It started at practise, he was used to Oikawa’s fan girls attending their practise just to ogle at the captain, that always annoyed him but he soon found you to be worse. Oikawa has tossed him a ball to spike down and you started cheering for him. He whipped his head around to see you smiling brightly down at him, waving. He was taken back, his scowl dropping for a minute as the tips of his ears turned red before he continued on with practise, trying to ignore your cheers everytime he spiked. You trailed behind him to the school date, chatting on about your day and how amazing Kyo’s spikes were while he just grunted and continued walking in front of you, trying to speed up. Every time he sped up, you did too, he wasn’t sure if you were just stupid or if you didn’t care that he was trying to get away from you but either way it confused him.
Since then you’d follow him around, having one sided conversations with the back of his head on the way to the gym, in between classes and sometimes even during lunch times when you weren’t with your friends. He wished you wouldn’t flirt so much, it was the worst part of your whole fan girl act. You’d compliment his hair, his spikes and his eyes often, it came out so naturally that it made him tense up and pause every time, trying to calm down the beating of his heart in his ears. Why couldn’t you just stick to fangirling over Oikawa? Kyotani could take you following him and talking about your day if it wasn’t for the flirting act. He even liked hearing about your day, it was cute to hear you ramble on until you decided to give him false hope with your remarks, sometimes even trying to hold his hand or rest your head on his shoulder.
It had been a few months now and you weren’t sure what to do. You were in a small cafe with your cousin Iwaizumi, opting to seek out the spiker for advice as a last resort.
“I don’t know Iwa, i’ve been flirting with him for months and coming to all your games to cheer him on and he doesn’t even look at me” you fiddling with your fork, huffing out dramatically.
“We’ll have you actually told him you like him or asked him to hang out?” you glared at his condescending tone
“I shouldn’t have to tell him! I don’t know how much more obvious i can get...plus i ask him to have lunch with me all the time” you sighed, feeling your heart sink. You’d thought that he didn’t like you, it was obvious at first that he found you irritating but overtime you thought he’d warm up. Maybe you were just being stupid, setting yourself up for heartbreak at your inevitable rejection. Still, you held on tight to the tiny bit of hope you still had.
“hey.” Iwa waved his hand in front of you, pulling you from your thoughts “I mean surely him ignoring you can’t get any worse if you actually confess right? Plus maybe i’m wrong and he does like you so you’ll actually make some progress” you hummed in agreement, though you were hesitant
“How am i supposed to confess though? He doesn’t even look at me when we talk, well, i talk..” you realised just how pathetic you sounded, how desperate. Was this how Oikawa’s fan girls felt? Ignorantly hopeful for someone who was out of reach? Well at least Oikawa spoke to his fan girls...
“Y/n...not to sound rude or anything, but why do you like this kid? He’s not exactly treating you very well..” you looked up at your cousin who was looking at you with eyes full of concern.
“Well he may not seem like the sweet type but i’ve seen him when he’s alone, he’s really cute when he doesn’t look like he’s on the warpath, plus i think he’s just shy around me and doesn’t know how to act around others, he’s sweet though, he doodles in his notebooks. Also, he’s really passionate about volleyball! i remember the first time i saw him spike, he actually smiled!” you giggled at the memory, blushing at the thought of Kyo. 
“Whatever y/n, you need to confess before i do it for you.” you gasped in feign shock “You wouldn’t dare iwa-chan~” you laughed at Iwaizumi’s enraged expression “Stop hanging out with Oikawa ugh” you laughed at him, sipping on your hot chocolate you’d forgotten about. 
Kyotani had woken up earlier than usual, deciding to go for a walk. While he was walking his mind drifted back to you, looking behind him half expecting you to be there talking his ear off about random things, making him blush with your flirting. It was cruel how you could flirt with him so shamelessly and not mean it. He so badly wanted you to mean it. He grunted in frustration, picking up his pace until he was running, he was running past a few shops and cafes when he saw you. You were sitting by the window as the sun hit you, his eyes widened, you truly were so pretty to him. He almost stopped running until he saw who you were looking at, Iwaizumi was there. Of course you’d be on a date with him, he was so strong and open. You deserved someone like Iwaizumi he supposed, someone who could actually talk to you, someone who was better than him. He continued running despite feeling his own heart in his throat, making it harder to breathe. 
“I’m not writing him a letter Iwa.” you rolled your eyes at his suggestion, looking out the window to see a familiar head of blonde flash past in a blur. “Iwa! He just ran past” you stood up from your seat excitedly, smile crossing your face. “Wow you’re worse than i thought. Y/n, you’re a simp.” You weren’t even offended at his words “i mean can you blame me?” you sat back down, “Yes y/n, yes i can. You probably want to go after him right now” although he was joking he looked up to see you staring back at him hopefully. “Oh my god y/n, fine! Go. I’ll see you at school tomorrow. “ You got up and hugged Iwa squeeling, “Thank you thank you, if i don’t come to school tomorrow i’m either crying about being rejected or on a date with my handsome boyfriend, bye!” “Do not skip school y/n!” Iwa yelled after you as you ran out of the cafe, heading down the same path Kyo took. 
As you passed by a park, you noticed Kyotani sitting under a tree, panting heavily. “Kyo!” You called out, smiling brightly as you made your way over to him, ignoring the frustrated frown on his face. “What” he gruffly replied, clearly annoyed but you were ecstatic to get a reply from him. “I actually wanted to tell you something!” It’s now or never you thought, this was a perfect time to do it, you were ready for either response, you waited for him to look up at you before continuing.
“Um, i haven’t really thought of what to say so i’m just going to say it, i like you. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me? You don’t have to of course but i really wanted you to know” you played with your hands while you waited for him to say something, silence was not what you expected but- “are you serious right now?” he was angry?, you tilted your head to the side “of course, i’m surprised you didn’t already kn-” “What is wrong with you? First you follow me around everywhere, flirting with me and annoying the fuck out of me, now this? haven’t you played around enough? Honestly i didn’t think you’d take it this far, that’s just low y/n.” the tone in his voice was enough to have you back away a little, confusion covered your face, you definitely hadn’t anticipated this kind of response. Despite your heart sinking at the rejection, you couldn’t help but feel a little angry as well. Who was he to talk to you like that. “What the fuck are you talking about Kyo. A simple ‘Sorry i don’t feel the same’ would’ve sufficed, honestly this is the most you’ve ever said to me and it’s this?” He was taken back by your reaction. You were serious? “Why would you try confess to me while you were just on a date then huh?” you furrowed your brows in confusion before it dawned on you, he thought you were dating Iwaizumi. Now you understood more of what he was saying, you opened your mouth to speak but he interrupted you. “Yeah, I saw. You can drop the act now it was very funny. Now you can fucking leave me alone and stop acting like Oikawa’s clingy fangirls. I’ll finally stop having to hear you yapping in my fucking ear all day.” he wasn’t expecting to look up and see tears rolling down your cheeks. “Iwaizumi is my cousin..” you whispered meekly before turning back in the direction of the cafe, running home. 
Kyotani sat there dumbfounded. You were serious. He just called the girl he liked annoying and clingy after she tried to confess all because he was too insecure and jumped to conclusions. “Fucking idiot.” he cursed himself out under his breath.  
He didn’t know what to do, he couldn’t sleep, every time he closed his eyes he just saw that heartbroken look on your face, eyes filled with tears. Because of him. He groaned before going to his desk, he begun to write a letter. The thought of you never coming to his games anymore, you never cheering for him again, telling him about your day and that new show you start, even the flirting, he knew he couldn’t get through the day without it. You weren’t annoying, you were the only person who managed to make him stop scowling, he was relaxed around you.
You walked into your first class, finding a letter on your desk. Your eyes flitted over to Kyo who was sitting a few seats away looking away nervously, you could see how red he was from here. You tucked the letter into your bag, he didn’t deserve your attention and you were determined to not talk to him or look at him anymore. Kyotani watched you put away his letter, he frowned, you’d probably just read it later. He didn’t want to get discouraged so he waited for you during lunch but you never came. He was getting antsy, it was so quiet. After his final classes he was excited to go to practise, getting there on time for once, only you weren’t there. Instead he was met with an angry Iwaizumi “what the fuck did you do to her!” he boomed, gaining the attention of everyone in the gym. Kyotani looked down, surprising everyone “where is she?” he asked quietly, Iwaizumi quirked his brow, crossing his arms over his chest. “She’s probably at home or the cafe.” Kyotani looked up, running out of the gym ignoring Oikawa’s calls to come back and train.
You were sitting in a booth at the cafe, scrolling on your phone when you remembered the letter. You opened it despite your hesitation and began reading.
I used to find you irritating, i couldn’t understand why someone as pretty as you would follow me around and talk to me when i was so cold to you. I took your flirting as you either making fun of me or just you having a flirtatious personality so i would get annoyed. About yesterday, i misunderstood completely and i’m so sorry for snapping at you. I never meant to lash out on you and i never wanted to. I was fed up with the person i liked toying with me and when i found out you liked me back i didn’t believe you.
I’m sorry for hurting you, if you let me be yours i swear i’ll never hurt you again. I never want you to cry because of me ever again, i like you too y/n and i’m sorry i was too much of a pussy to tell you sooner.
I hope you forgive me
You smiled at the letter, looking up at the sound of the cafe bell ringing to see Kyotani, out of breath staring at you. You smiled up at him like usual and he returned it, moving towards you quickly. “Kyo-“ he cut you off, smashing his lips against yours, his lips were gentle despite the desperate hold he had on you, cradling your head in one hand and gripping your collar in the other. You smiled against the kiss, cupping his cheek before pulling away. “Hi” you giggled as he sat down in front of you, holding your hand on the table “Hi” he smirked at you. “Y/n, can i take you to dinner?” you nodded happily “of course you can handsome~” he blushed furiously and this time you got to see, you cupped his cheek again, leaning over to kiss his cheek softly, only making it worse. “C’mon doll” he pulled you up, holding your hand as you exited the cafe, walking side by side as he intertwined your fingers, smiling down at you with a soft expression. How was he so blind?
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reidsnose · 3 years
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overview: reader enlists the help of her neighbor (who shes never met) to get rid of a gnarly bug in her apartment
genre: fluff
a/n: thought of this today after i moved the shower curtain, saw a centipede crawl out, and screamed for my dad to come help me. anywayyyss i thought its be cute so as always lmk what you guys think :)
you walked into your bedroom, fumbling frantically with the buttons on your shirt as you raced to leave your house on time. hair brush hair brush hair brush. where was your hair brush? you knocked over countless items trying to find it but with no luck. bathroom! you quickly made your way to the bathroom, opening the door so fast that wind blew through your hair.
and then you saw it.
a gnarly, long, nasty, creepy crawly centipede.
you let out a loud shriek and promptly shut the door. if you didn't get to the interview one time, it would surely be a bad first impression. but then again so would showing up with a bird's nest of hair on your head. you tried who knows how many times to go back in and kill it or catch it in a cup but each time you saw its countless, spindly legs you backed out. you checked your watch, 10 minutes until you had to leave.
you walked out into the hallway of the apartment building, and in a frenzy, you bumped into a tall, handsome man leaving the apartment across from yours.
he chuckled an apology before looking to meet your eye, breath hitching in his throat as he did. you were arguably the most beautiful woman he had ever seen (despite a very questionable hairdo). and when a surge of desperation ran through your body you rambled an explanation to the stranger, telling him about your job interview and time crunch then promptly begging him to come inside and get rid of the centipede for you.
and something inside him couldn't say no. he wanted to, i mean when an objectively crazy looking person lures you into their home to catch a bug, generally one says no and goes on with their day. however, maybe it was his complete an immediate infatuation with you or maybe his empathy for your situation, he decided to quickly help you and then try and get to work as fast as he can.
he couldn't help but subtly and subconsciously profile you based on your home as soon as he stepped inside. he liked it. your decorations, the small mess that makes it feel lived in, the general 'vibe' as morgan would say was incredible.
you gave him a sheet of paper and a cup, per his request, and led him to the dreaded bug bathroom. you couldn't help but watch in awe as he walked in with no fear, explaining to you in great detail how this was only a house centipede and it only had 15 pairs of legs which kind of counters the name. and how it isn't poisonous to humans and infact eats other bugs. you loved his facts so much and you followed him all the way to the window where he let the bug out, listening intently to what he had to say and swatting away the apology that came after the ramble, insisting that you genuinely enjoyed it.
"thank you so much,.." you trailed off, not knowing his name.
"Spencer." he filled in, offering a tight lipped smile.
"Spencer! wonderful. well again thank you so much and i owe you once I'm back from this job interview!" you smiled as you both walked to the door.
"oh you don't have to-" he began.
"no i insist! just knock on my door when you can and ill take you out." you stated, causing his eyes to widen, " not with a gun! i meant like ill buy you coffee or something!"
"i didn't think you meant with a gun?!" he laughed, handing you the hairbrush this whole ordeal was about. you laughed along as you closed and locked your apartment.
"I'm sorry i'm like completely fazzled right now! i have to go or else i'm never gonna get this job ill just brush my hair in the car! ok bye Spencer!" you called as you jogged down the stairs.
"wait i don't know your name?" he called after you.
"ill tell you when i buy you a coffee!" your giggle echoed through the building followed by the loud shut of the downstairs door.
he smiled to himself, wondering if he should tell the team about his funky morning encounter. he smiled the whole train ride to work, and then the walk from the stop to the building and then the elevator trip up. he just couldn't stop smiling. he thought about you brushing your hair while you drove and even giggled to himself on the train causing a few strangers to toss him some concerned looks.
how could he be living next to such a beautiful stranger?
when he walked into the bullpen, he saw the. whole team huddled around a desk, staring quite obviously at hotch's office. a new curiosity piqued his interest though his thoughts of you continued to be front and center in his mind.
"whats going on?" he asked, joining the group and craning his neck to try and see into the office.
"new agent interview." jj whispered.
"really? since whe-"
"shh!" Garcia shushed.
"you cant even hear them!" Reid defended.
"quiet helps us read their lips." prentiss whispered.
Spencer continued to crane his neck, moving around yet only being able to see hotch, who was throwing his head back in laughter. hotch laughing? wow this new agent must be pretty cool!
"oh my god! i've never seen him laugh like that before!" Garcia squeaked.
"she has to get the job now," morgan added.
"ah we have to wait for the handshake, thats when we see if he really approves," Rossi countered, "if he double hands the shake then its a done deal."
they all watched excitedly, waiting impatiently for the end of the interview. after a few minutes they saw hotch stand up and shake the possible new agent's hand with his right, firmly clasping his left over the handshake.
"was that the double handed handshake?" Garcia asked excitedly.
"yup." Rossi replied, popping the p.
as soon as the door began to open, the team tried ever so gracelessly to disperse, bumping into one another and murmuring fake excuses. a familiar outfit caught Spencer's eye as the new agent left hotch's office and he dared sneak a glance.
no way. his mind raced, thoughts of this morning flooding it a mile a minute. could it really be the girl from this morning? he watched as you excitedly left the building, beaming far to much to notice any other people as you left.
"bug?!" was all he could muster. not even loud enough for you to hear. unfortunately, loud enough for the people around him to.
"theres a bug? where?" morgan asked, looking around.
"no um...bug-she..is bug- um. nothing." he stammered.
"did you nickname the new agent bug?" jj laughed.
"what? no! do not say that in front of her!!" Spencer stammered.
after a couple teasing remarks, to Spencer's relief, they seemed to have let it go. the day was case-less and flew by quickly, the most exciting part was the morning interview and hotch's announcement that there would be a new agent starting tomorrow.
you sat at home, beyond excited about your successful interview, all thanks to handsome neighbor Spencer. you couldn't help but feel extra indebted to him. you feared you may have scared him off when you offered to take him out but it was the best way you could think to say thank you. but your nerves had transferred mainly to the upcoming first day of work.
as he got hone he debated knocking on your door but decided against it, knowing you were probably busy preparing for tomorrow.
when you arrived tomorrow a series of seemingly unfamiliar faces sat in the conference room, awaiting you and hotch.
when you stepped inside your eyes scanned over each of them, all looking very excited to meet you.
and then you saw him.
handsome neighbor Spencer was sitting RIGHT THERE. the stars have aligned and finally life is in your favor. after a brief introduction the meeting began and you took the only seat open which happened to be next to Spencer.
you gave each other polite smiles though both of your cheeks glowing red told a different story than two people who had just met.
"wheels up in 20." hotch concluded.
you all walked out together, the team making sure you felt included.
"so hows the first day feeling, y/n? or should i be like my friend Dr. Reid here and call you bug?" morgan asked slightly amused.
"oh my god you told?!" you laughed, looking wide eyed at Spencer.
after a high pitched denial from Reid and tears of laughter from the team as you told them of the events of that morning, you already felt like you were a part of the team.
as you boarded the jet, you decided to sit next to Spencer.
"you know, i still owe you a coffee," you mentioned nonchalantly as you pulled a book from your go bag, trying as hard as you possibly could to not blush.
he smiled slyly, picking up his own book to hide the rouge that fell upon his cheeks, "and ill hold you to that, bug."
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @hey-there-angels @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @s1utformgg @violetspoetic @b-a-utiful @aperrywilliams @eevee0722
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Stream Stresses-SBI Au
This is a Brother!Technoblade, Brother!Wilbur, Brother!Tommyinnit, and Father!Philza x gn!reader in the SBI inc Au. I hope that this is written how the anon that requested it wants it, but I’m not sure. So basically, the SBI is a real family dynamic, the thing is that all of Philza’s children, Y/N, Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur are all well known streamers and everybody’s fans know this and love the family dynamic that you four have, because you’re literally family. So yeah. Here you go, I hope you enjoy. 
Check out my masterlist here!
When Y/N makes fun of their brother, chat jumps to his defense by saying some not so nice things about Y/N. The mean things cause Y/N to shut down their stream with tears in their eyes, worrying their father, Philza.
“Hello chat!” I exclaimed, adjusting my headphones as people slowly began to flood the chat, “How are we today?” A variety of responses flew through my chat before my question was returned to me. “How am I today? I’m doing good! Thank you for asking!” My eyes scanned my notification and I couldn’t help but smile at the subs and donos rolling through. I quickly thank everyone by name before clapping, “Okay chat, today we are going to be playing Minecraft. But we’re not going to play on the SBI server, no we’re going to attempt speedrunning!” I explained. I eagerly watched my chat explode in support, a lot of ‘POGS’ flying by my eyes. “Well let’s get started, shall we?” 
I quickly opened my Minecraft and adjusted my stream so that my viewers could see what I was doing. “What should we name the first world? Yes we’re naming them, what monster does not name their speedrun worlds?” Random names flew through the chat, until one caught my eyes. “Tommy! We’ll name this one Tommy so when it let’s me down it won’t be anything new!” I cheered, typing the name into the world box, giggling to myself. For the most part the chat found it funny, but I did see some people say some mean stuff for making fun of my brother. 
I quickly cleared my throat and shook it off, “Here we go chat!” I exclaimed before loading in the world. I spawn in an acacia biome next to a desert, “So far Tommy’s treating us pretty good huh?” I joked, rushing over to a tree and punching it. I gained a bunch of wood and then began running through the desert in search of a village. I found one rather quickly and began my raid. I got everything from the chests and then found the iron golem and hit it to get it to chase me so I could build up and kill it… Only problem is I wasn’t quick enough.
I let out screech as the iron golem flung me up in the air, dealing a crazy amount of damage to the point where when I landed, I died. I gave a quick huff and pout as I exited out of the world. “Okay… What did I say, should have been expected to be let down by Tommy!” I exclaimed, my eyes scanning the chat. A few people laughed, but a lot of them were calling me horrible. They were saying that I shouldn’t blame my inability to play the game on my brother. It caused a pain to strike in my heart, because that’s not what I was doing at all. Really mean names began flying through my chat causing me to clear my throat and look away. “Um… Let’s try again,” I mumbled, creating a new world. 
“We’re just going to keep going down the list” I announced, trying to bring my energy back up as I typed the name “Wilbur” into the world box before hitting ‘create world’ and loading in. I let my eyes dance back to chat that seemed to go back to normal, but there were still some really mean people in chat. This time I spawned in a plains biome next to a village. I got pretty far this time. I made it all the way to the nether, even found a fortress, but my excitement about it died pretty quickly… because I did too. 
“NOOO!” I shouted at the ‘You Died’ screen. “I didn’t even see that blaze there! Damn it Wilbur!” I exclaimed, exciting out of the world once more. My eyes looked over to chat again, praying that the haters had gotten bored and left… My prayers were not answered. Instead, there were probably the most amount of haters I’d ever seen in my chat before. Every message was filled with hate. Telling me that I wasn’t good enough, that I should just quit, that my brothers were so much better than I was and there was no reason for me to even continue. I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t help the tears that formed in my eyes and began streaming down my cheeks. 
“Ummm… Thanks for coming. I’m going to end stream now,” I sniffed, closing Minecraft and going to my streaming settings. “Bye,” I whimpered out before ending the stream. I sat there frozen for a minute before breaking down into sob. Why do they hate me?
*POV Switch*
Philza’s POV
A grin crossed my face as my phone lit up with a twitch notification. I quickly shifted my attention to my phone screen to figure out which child it was that was going live. It was Y/N! I quickly set up my phone in such a way that I could ‘watch’ their stream while I made dinner for everyone. “Hello chat!” I heard them exclaim, “How are we today!” 
It really warmed my heart to watch my children stream. All four of them had worked extremely hard to get where they are today. I did everything I could to understand the Twitch community so I could support my children as they achieved their dreams. Sure it was hard at times, me trying to keep up with everything in all their streams but also when they’re all streaming at the same time and just screaming at each other, but we make it work. 
My focus turned to the food that I was making. Footsteps entered the kitchen pulling my attention away from the stream, “Hey Dadza,” Techno’s monotone voice greeted me from behind. “Hello Techno,” I greeted back, throwing him a smile over my shoulder. “Is Y/N streaming?” Techno asked, walking to the refrigerator, pulling it open and grabbing a water bottle. I nodded my head at the question. “Yeah, they’re speed running,” I responded, turning my head back to the veggies I was cutting for dinner. Techno let out a hum before turning his attention to my phone. 
As I cooked, I could hear Techno let out small laughs at what they’re sibling was saying on their stream. Twentyish minutes had gone by before Techno spoke actual words, “What the fuck,” He muttered, getting closer to my phone. “Language… What’s going on?” I asked, still focused on making dinner. “Y/N is crying,” He explained. My head snapped to my phone and sure enough, tears were streaming down their face. “Bye” they croaked out before the stream just ended. Not wasting any more time, I grabbed my phone and I ran out of the kitchen and toward Y/N’s room. 
As I grew closer, I could hear sobs coming from their room causing my heart to sink in my chest. I gave a quick knock on the door before barreling in. Y/N was still sitting in their gaming chair, hunched over into themselves, their hands muffiling the sobs falling from their lips. “Oh honey,” I whispered, closing the door behind me. Y/N’s head shot up and their red rimmed eyes met mine. Another loud sob broke from their mouth causing my heart to hurt even more. I took a few quick steps forward to get to them and offer them comfort. Y/N rose from their gaming chair and fell into my open arms. I quickly wrapped my arms around them in a tight hug. “I’ve got you honey,” I murmured, “I’ve got you.”
At some point, I slowly made my way to their bed and sat down, leaning against the headboard, pulling them to sit across my lap, burying their face in my chest like all those years ago when they were a lot younger. I couldn’t help but be reminded of the afternoons that they and their brothers would go outside to play and ride bikes and they would come back in with scraped and bloodied knees and palms. I would pull them into my lap, dry their tears, and help them calm down. It’s a bittersweet memory. It feels nice to think back, but under these circumstances? Not so much. 
Slowly but surely, Y/N’s sobs died down into simple sniffles before stopping all together. “You okay?” I questioned softly, leaning back ever so slightly so I could meet my child’s eyes. Their puffy ears peered up as they slowly nodded, “Yeah. I’ll be okay,” they muttered out resting their head back on my shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked carefully, not wanting to upset them again. A soft sigh left Y/N’s mouth, “I suppose I should. It’s best not to bottle it up,” they thought aloud causing me to smile just a little bit. A small bit of pride welled up inside me of how grown up they sounded. 
The smile quickly faded from my lips as my child explained what had happened on their stream. How chat had turned on them and the mean things that they said. I could feel my blood begin to boil. I was extremely pissed at not only chat, but at the mods for not stopping it. But I had to remain calm on the outside, for Y/N’s sake. 
“I’m so sorry that happened honey. You don’t deserve that. Nothing they said is true okay? You work so hard and it shows because you’re so good at what you do. Your brothers are good at what they do too. You guys are on equal playing feels and are all exceptional streamers. You deserve all good things honey. And I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to mod. You’re never streaming without me modding again. Do you understand me?” I rambled, staring at my child curled in my lap. A small giggle sounded in the air causing me to relax ever so slightly. “Yeah. I understand you dad… Thank you.” 
Before I could respond, there was a small knock on the door. “Come in,” Y/N called, staring curiously at the door. It swung open and there stood my three other children peering nervously into the room. After standing in the doorway in an awkward silence for a moment, Tommy lets out a loud scoff before pushing his way into the room and crawls up on the best next to us. Tommy then surprises me by wrapping his arms around his sibling and gives them a tight squeeze, “You’re a good streamer Y/N,” I heard him mumble in his sibling's ear. “Chat can be just a little stupid sometimes.” Another giggle passes through their lips as Y/N slides off of my lap and sits in between Tommy and I. “Thanks Tommy,” they whisper back, turning their body to properly hug their brother back. 
The closing of the door pulled my attention away from my youngest two. Wilbur and Techno were now also completely in the room and were heading toward the bed as well. I moved over so that one of them could sit in between Y/N and I and the other could go sit next to Tommy. Wilbur took the place beside me, sending Techno over by Tommy. Not saying anything, Wilbur turned his body and reached over and wrapped his long arms around Y/N and Tommy, trapping them in their own hug. For the first time ever, neither of them complained. Neither told him to get off, simply just accepted the affection from their brother. 
And to my surprise and delight, Techno leaned onto Tommy and wrapped his arms around the two as well, his arms only able to wrap around Y/N. The four didn’t say anything as they laid in the cuddle pile. I couldn’t stop the tears that formed in my eyes. They hadn’t done this in years. Before Wilbur and Techno hit their teen years, the four of them would cuddle in piles like this all the time. When I couldn’t find any of them, I would only have to find one to find all of them. But once the teen years began, the two eldest felt that they were too cool to cuddle with their siblings and the piles came to a stop. It warms my heart to see them do this, even if it’s under really shitty circumstances. 
One by one, their breathing evened out. One by one, they fell asleep. Once I was sure all were asleep, I slowly and carefully got off of the bed and managed to do so without waking any of them. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, made sure the ringer and flash were off, before snapping many photos. I didn’t plan on sharing them with everyone, they were just for me to have and to hold. Maybe I’ll print one and put it in my office. 
I carefully slipped out of the room, closing the door softly behind me before heading back to the kitchen. The kitchen was exactly how I left it when I fled to Y/N’s room after seeing them cry. As quietly as I could, I put everything away. I decided I was no longer in a mood to cook. Besides, on days like today, I think Y/N deserves to have their favorite carry out… Don’t you?
I don’t know if I liked how this one turned out, so let me know what you think! Leave a like if you did enjoy it and maybe even reply or reblog or even send me an ask telling me what you thought!!
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stxleslyds · 3 years
And the issues that followed that story (Batman and Robin vol.2 #34-37)
DC and the fandom really let Bruce get away with what he did to Jason in that issue. DC because they had Jason go back to Bruce a few issues later to finish their story and the fandom because this moment in comics isn’t talked about enough which has led people to believe that the the concept of “batfamily” as it is in fandom belongs in canon.
This type of moments in stories should make a bigger impact on comic relationships and fandom’s perception of said relationships. From where I am standing Bruce’s actions in that issue are right on the edge of unforgivable and they could have used them as a key moment for Jason to finally move on from all Bat related bullshit without thinking that he had to stay and finish the job (of getting Damian back).
Making Jason move on so easily from that situation really makes it look like if Batman is physically, emotionally, or mentally abusive to his children then it’s not that much of a big deal, it’s just a subplot to a bigger story.
And that is something that happens repeatedly in current comics and it’s disgusting.
Anyway, now that I am done with my rambling, I will start talking about the issues that I mentioned.
Batman and Robin (2011) #20 – Written by Peter Tomasi.
For a little context, this issue is set after Damian’s death and Bruce is looking for ways to resurrect him.
And in this particular issue of this run, Batman recruits Jason Todd between the events of RHatO vol. 1 #18 and #19, that’s why in the cover of the issue the name of the run is changed to ‘Batman and Red Hood’.
A bit more context is that in issue #18 Jason finally recovers from the injuries that he got when the trap that Joker had put on his helmet detonated, and Jason was also having an existential crisis after the Joker convinced him that he was always present in Jason’s life and that he shaped the man that Jason had become (If you want to read more about that and the times' Joker has played with Jason’s mind, I have this post in which I talk all about that).
Good, now I can finally talk about this hellish issue.
Bruce asks for Jason’s help because he wants to take down some marksmen and women that are based in Ethiopia that might or might not have been the same people who took on the job of looking for Damian when his mother had put a bounty on his head.
One would imagine that Bruce calling Jason for this job means that he would let Jason kill some people, bounty-hunters that are money-driven enough to kill children seem to be the kind of people Jason would have in his black list, but Jason is smart and he knows that Batman won’t let him kill so he asks why is Bruce asking him of all people to join him on this mission, Batman replies with “Because I am seeing red”.
If you, like me, don’t understand why Batman would ask the Red Hood to stop him from killing some very shady people then don’t worry, Batman was lying, he didn’t ask Jason to go with him to beat some bounty-hunters, he has ulterior motives.
I will give it to Tomasi, he wrote Jason as the smart cookie that he is because Jason doesn’t stop picking up on the weird technicalities of the mission, and I will go as far as to say that Jason never truly believed that Bruce was being honest about the true nature of their mission. Smart Chonky, I miss you and love you.
Once they get to Ethiopia Bruce starts setting the rules of engagement (don’t shoot to kill, only hands, knees, and elbows), and off they go. Bruce even makes a comment about how it “feels like old times” and Jason is all happy and warm that Bruce invited him to beat some baddies and he also brings up the fact that Bruce stayed by his side while he was recovering from his injuries, very lovely stuff that will soon mean nothing (and that should have meant nothing because Bruce and his lies had resulted in Joker knowing all of their secret identities and messing with all of them in horrible ways, but the Bat can get away with that too).
Here is part of Bruce’s speech about trust and his lies, “You don’t ever need to thank me, Red Hood, for a family always looks out for each other” to which Jason says, “Yeah but a family also needs to earn each other’s trust” and Bruce continues his speech with, “comes a time when having to keep earning someone’s trust stops and you hope the people you’ve put your faith in will always have your back no matter what”.
Batman, everyone, master detective and master manipulator.
As Batman is talking manipulating Jason he beats every bounty hunter almost effortlessly because he had brought some bat-gadgets that were going to make the fight really easy. And as the fight is over in what looks like a minute Batman and Red Hood get on the Batmobile ready to leave Ethiopia… or not.
Jason is very aware that Batman didn’t need him for that so-called mission so he starts to ask more and more firmly about the real reason as to why Batman brought him to this place.
Batman brought Jason back to Ethiopia, but most importantly back to the Magdala Valley because he wants to see if Jason going back to the place where he died will make him remember how he was resurrected.
Yep, talk about having messed-up parents. Bruce is positively the worst at this moment, but it gets worse.
Jason is rightfully pissed off, he says, “You lied to me, this wasn’t about taking down those mercenaries. You wanted to bring me here, to the worst place in the world and here I was starting to believe all your crap about trust and faith...”
To which Bruce says, “I thought bringing you here could jog your memory, maybe retrieve a detail buried deep in your subconscious that could help piece together how you came back to life so I…”
And my man Jason really continues his thought process only to later tell him how much of a piece of shit he truly is (I love this Chonky, go Jason show this man that he ain’t shit).
“…could apply it to getting Damian back. Yeah, I get it. Did it ever occur to you I might like keeping whatever the hell happened to me buried deep? If you cared about me, you wouldn’t want me to dredge up the one thing I’ve been trying to forget. I don’t want to remember the most horrific day of my life all right? You may like wallowing in your tragedies, Bruce, but I’m done looking back!”
Jason, bravo, tell him exactly how you feel! Any sort of good human being would surely accept that they crossed a massive line and that they should ask for forgiveness next, right?... Right?
No. And that’s because Bruce is a horrible human being, I am sorry but it had to be said, this man has zero empathy for Jason and he proves it when he says the following.
“If you cared about me and what I’ve lost, you’d want to dredge this up! Don’t you see, there is a chance you can help me erase one of the worst days of MY life, Jason! You can give me the greatest gift of all and help me figure out how to bring my son back”
Fuck Bruce Wayne. This man has no right whatsoever to talk this way to Jason, no matter how you see this situation, the whole thing is fucked up. Bruce puts his needs above Jason’s feelings and he diminishes Jason’s position as his son because Bruce only refers to Damian as his son. This whole thing is incredibly nasty.
Here we should have had the point of no return for Jason and Bruce’s relationship, although if you are like me, you might think that the point of no return happened way back in Batman (1940) #650 when Bruce decided that saving the Joker by throwing a batarang at Jason’s neck (how did he know that Jason would survive that, I have no idea, maybe Bruce can see the future) was a better option compared to Jason finally killing the clown. Because that’s the thing, Jason was going to kill the clown but Bruce didn’t let him because he didn’t want more blood in Jason’s hands, I laugh until this day about how stupid Bruce’s thinking was there.
Anyway, the point I was trying to make is that Jason should have said bye-bye to Batman and all related Batman crap from this moment on. It would have been perfect but DC can’t help themselves and Lobdell’s self-insert-Jason really wants to be part of this amazing family so, no luck for Jason or us.
If you have read my latest post about Joker getting under Jason’s skin or read issue #18 of RHatO you know the context of what Jason says next.
“Yeah, and how about me? How about the gift of not knowing that the Joker manipulated my entire life, huh? The clown tainted everything, the good, the bad, hell my life’s even been tainted by you!”
Yup, Jason was going through it, and he had talked about these feelings with Bruce previously in issue #17 of RHatO, he had asked Bruce if he thought that Joker had created him and Bruce said, “No Jason, He didn’t make you, I never did either. You made you” and Jason was extremely thankful for that. And now, here we are, these feelings are being brought up again but in a very different situation.
Them arguing becomes a physical fight and after Jason asks Bruce “why are you making me stand in the exact same spot he beat me to death?” He replies this “Because I want to watch Damian grow up damn it! Damian earned that right! And I want to give it to him!”
This conversation only gets worse and Bruce’s most horrible side comes to light, like, I understand that Bruce wants Damian to be alive and all that but he is saying all the wrong stuff to Jason. I feel like as the reader I am being told that Bruce values Damian more than he ever did Jason because he is willing to put Jason through his own personal hell for Damian but refuses to see the reasons as to why Jason doesn’t want to do it. Bruce is being incredibly selfish and he is not caring enough about Jason to notice that he is hurting him. He even doesn’t notice after Jason says, “I was ready to stand by your side and you’ve thrown it all away!”
It is incredibly sad but it's also a bit of a look into what Bruce will do to Dick in Nightwing vol. 3 #30. It has the exact same vibe in both issues, Bruce going completely berserk on his children and telling them that he “trained them to be better”.
This issue ends with Jason punching Bruce several times and Bruce taunting Jason by telling him that he might as well continue because he is “still standing”. The levels of manipulation that Bruce had going on here weren’t as high as the ones in Nightwing #30 but he sure was a little bitch every step of the way.
Jason, being smart, doesn’t take the bait and tells Bruce that he is leaving and he is taking the car.
Wouldn’t this have been an amazing moment for Jason to finally rid himself of all Batman-related events and bullshit? How did DC miss this amazing opportunity to make Jason Todd/Red Hood a character that can stand on his own and with his own rules?
The potential that was wasted when they made Jason go back to Bruce and help him get Damian back in issues 33 to 37 of this same run is immeasurable. And just like Joker being able to get under Jason’s skin, him going back to Bruce and the “family” for plot purposes harmed Jason’s characterization greatly.
Batman and Robin (2011) #34-37 – Written by Peter Tomasi.
Whatever kind of respect I held for Tomasi because of the way he wrote Jason in #20 is now gone. Issues 34 to 37 have Jason fighting alongside Batman and him being all buddy-buddy with him.
Now, let me make something clear, Bruce wanting to bring Damian back to life/from Apokolips is absolutely fine with me, a father fighting for his son’s life can always make a good story, the thing is that at this point in time not only the events of Batman and Robin #20 have happened but so have the events of Nightwing #30.
So, Bruce going through all of this for one of his kids (that keeps being brought up as if he were his only son) after he emotionally manipulated Jason and Dick makes this story very bitter.
But I understand what DC is doing, you know? Here is how they manage to make this story as bitter-sweet as possible. In issue 34 of this run, Dick shows up in his Spyral get-up and offers his help in getting Damian back, because the kid meant a lot to him but Bruce can’t have Dick helping him out along with Barbara and Tim because Bruce has everyone convinced that Dick is dead. So, DC was like “here is this big brain idea, let’s have Jason, Barbara, and Tim helping Bruce get Damian back”. And that’s exactly what they did.
They dragged Jason back to Batman-related crap after he was manipulated, insulted, and punched by the man that is supposed to be his father. And this issue is also happening after Jason had such an immense existential crisis that he decided to have his memory wiped so he could cleanse himself on any doubt that the Joker had manipulated his free will.
How on earth are we supposed to believe that Jason is dumb enough to go back to Batman after all that? Does DC and its writers read their own material? Do they check if the characters that they are planning on using have contradicting narratives?
It’s so messy, the opportunity that DC, Tynion, Tomasi, and Lobdell got to make Jason his own man and his own character was completely wasted, just for a Batman event!
And it isn’t like Jason’s participation in getting Damian back was crucial, it really wasn’t, if I am planning on taking a team of heroes to Apokolips for a rescue mission, Jason, Barbara and Tim wouldn’t be my first options. Jason was put in that book only so they could have someone making snarky comments and for Jason to be like “Bruce we are family, we will always have each other’s backs” I mean, who is Jason supposed to be, Dom Toretto?
Here are some of the moments that seemed the most out of touch for Jason in these issues.
Batman and Robin #34
In issue 34 Bruce gives a long speech about him not wanting to hide things anymore from them (like he did during the events of Death of the Family) and that he wants a new start because they “have been broken long enough” so from that moment forward “good or bad, the truth rules”.
The audacity of this man, my god, how dense can Bruce be? “we’ve been broken long enough”? YOU have broken your relationship with these people time and time again! As you are standing there talking about the truth you are hiding the fact that Dick is alive and well somewhere far away because YOU sent him on a very dangerous mission after he died and you manipulated him.
THE AUDACITY OF THIS PIECE OF SHIT! Am I becoming an anti-Batman blog? I think I am and quite honestly, I am having the time of my life. Fuck this guy.
But back to the issue, after Bruce says that the truth is all that goes now, Barbara basically says that she doesn’t believe him, that all it takes for Bruce to go back to lying is “another situation that justifies you going dark on us in more ways than one” HA! You go, girl! But he is already hiding something from all of you.
Jason being himself supplies a situation like the ones where Batman lies to them in order to get them to work for him, he says, “or bringing me to Magdala Valley on a sightseeing trip to reminisce about the good old days of crowbars and explosions”, ah yes, sure, Bruce did all that back in issue 20 and now it is brought up as an afterthought… how wonderful.
Bruce, of course, lies to their faces when he says “I promise that nothing gets held back. We speak our mind no matter what the cost” to which Jason says “Unconditional truth now and forever, Bruce, otherwise this is all a load of crap”.
Man, what a mess, poor Dick. He had to wait there and watch his father lie his ass off. And he really wanted to help Bruce get Damian back. Even after Bruce told Dick (as well as Barbara, Tim, and Jason) that he had to go to Apokolips alone Dick still helped Bruce in other ways, Dick really is the MVP, what a man, I love him so much!
(I really needed to show my love for Dick right then and there, sometimes you just have to do it. Dick Grayson is, after all, the greatest comic character to have ever been created).
Batman and Robin #36
First of all, seeing Jason and Barbara wearing the Robin symbol really makes me laugh. It’s just weird to see Barbara wear it, it almost feels like it’s something that shouldn’t have happened and in Jason’s case, well, the last time he wore it he died and it’s kinda funny to see beefy and tall Red Hood wearing a Robin symbol, it’s just funny not a critique.
What I am going to critique from this issue is that after they (Jason, Barbara, and Tim) go to Apokolips and find Bruce they say, “You’re here in this hellish place for your son, Bruce” and Jason continues that with, “And we’re here for you”.
Ah, the irony. Of all people, having Jason say that to Bruce is wild. This man has done nothing for Jason and here Jason is, in Apokolips, of all places, to help a man that does not deserve it. This is proof that Jason is a good man but its also proof that he is an idiot in the New 52, I am sorry but come on, writing Jason this way after what Bruce did to him in issue 20 seems like DC is confirming the fact that even though Batman does the most horrible stuff to his kids, he can still get away with it because his kids still love him all the same.
I understand, loving your parents when they are flawed but Bruce had been written at this time like an abusive father, and he was written like that towards Jason and Dick, so it is not a good look. Bruce saying that he promises that he won’t do it anymore isn’t enough DC, make the man pay for being that way, make his kids stay away from him for a while (or forever).
And here is the other thing, I say that Bruce is Jason and Dick’s father but DC doesn’t, they only acknowledge Damian as Bruce’s son and they do it because the New 52 timeline is non-existent. After all, they deleted a lot of history from these characters, I think it’s fair to assume that Bruce never adopted Dick or Jason and that both of them were Robin for a very short time. What I am trying to say with this is that not only is Bruce getting away with being abusive but he is also getting away with being an abusive father. Because Bruce is their father, at least I see it that way, he isn’t just his friend/mentor/tutor he is their father. He used to be before New 52 and that’s not something that we as the readers are ready or want to let go of.
All in all, Jason didn’t do much in these issues thus confirming (to me, at least) that the only reason he was invited to the party was because they couldn’t use Dick. And that’s an insult to Jason’s character, it would have been better if Jason didn’t appear in this story and he actually had the chance to do something else, like go back to being the proper Red Hood, an anti-hero that does what Batman won’t do for Gotham and its people.
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wearenot7withu · 3 years
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The water drabbles i
pairing : jungkook x f!reader
genre : established!relationship, mostly fluff, slightly angst if you close your eyes
warning : the word fuck like once + mention of blowjob
word count : 1.5k
summary : You're back with your boyfriend as a lifeguard in your little town for another summer. This time however your insecurities are coming up to the surface.
a/n : it's summer again, I was at the thermal again and these two came to my mind so I wrote a little drabble thingy for them. Can be read as a standalone, but I recommend to read the original au, what you can do here. Don't forget to give feedback, they're always welcomed. Reblog, like, comment, do whatever your heart desires. I hope you'll like this little instalment in the wghb universe. Wish you a good day/night, love you xx
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It was a hot summer day again, with the temperature being so high, one could’ve probably cooked an egg on the pavement. With your red one-piece swimsuit on and the white baseball cap – which wasn’t yours but your boyfriend’s who is refusing to wear it – you were currently looking at the kid’s pool, where all the chaos has erupted today.
Just a moment ago, you saw a little girl turn upside down in the water, but her mother reacted quickly and pulled her out from under the water. A little guy probably pooped in his water-resistant diaper because his mother was making that face and tried to bribe him out from the pool. Then, these twins were afraid of the water but continued to dive under it nevertheless. However, your favourites seemed to be the triplets. One was sleeping in his mother’s arms, the other was trying to push his dad underwater, and the third was diving with her goggles on.
Even though it was loud, so you couldn’t hear your thoughts, something about the kid’s pool made you feel relaxed, maybe because this pool was the only where the kids had their parents with them, whose eyes were looking at over their children like a hunter when studying its prey.
“Y/n, can you please go pick up our lunch?” Mei, your lifeguard partner for today, asked you, and even though she was next to you, she was shouting as if you were in a club. You nodded your head and made your way towards Ricki’s bar, where yours and all the lifeguards’ meals were made. But before you went there, you stopped at the Laguna pool, where Jungkook, your boyfriend, was on duty.
He had his red swimming trunk and white sleeveless top on, which made both his thighs and arm muscles visible for everyone. The waves were currently on, so all the youngsters acted like grown-ups, swimming closer and closer to the wave-making machine. Therefore your boyfriend stood with his hands on his hip and whistle in his mouth, blowing it every other second. This pool was the calmest when it wasn’t show-time because of its cold temperature, but the pool turned into a circus when it was the waves time to shine.
You walked up to Taehyung, who was guarding the life of those who wanted to swim. “How many minutes left?”
He looked at his watch on his wrist. “Like four” So you sat next to him and waited for the main attraction to pass.
You know your boyfriend takes his job genuinely because the first time he saw you was only after the waves stopped, even though you were practically sitting in front of him for minutes. “Hi, baby” He gave a quick peck on your lips, which you received happily. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m going to get our lunch with Mei. Do you want to come with me?” The reply came quickly, and after saying bye to Taehyung, you walked away hand in hand with the boy next to you.
On the way there, he successfully convinced you to eat your lunch with him at the bar. While he asked for the four serving – two in containers and two on plates – you searched for an available spot. “How are the little devils?” Asked Jungkook while putting your lunch down in front of you.
“I don’t know why you hate them,” You said with your mouth already full of French fries.
“Because they’re loud,” He said matter of factly.
“What will you do if you have your own child? Are you going to hate them just because they’re loud?” You stole some baked potatoes from his plate and dipped them in the hot sauce on the side of it.
“They won’t be loud. They’d have us as their parents.” The fact that he referred to you as the mother of his kids made your heart swell, and your eyes soften. No matter how long you were together, how good you are together, and how you plan on having him next to you for the rest of your life, you never dare to think too far away in fear of something not going as you planned for yourself and your relationship with him.
“Honey”, You called out to him, putting your palm on the back of his hand, stopping it to bring the food to his mouth “, You would be their father. They’d be the loudest kids in the whole country.”
He throws one baked potato at you, but his smile was undeniably on his face. “You’re lucky I love you.”
You put your hand dramatically on your heart, acting like he just said something which made you surprised. “You do? I had no idea.”
He rolled his eyes at your actions. “Put your mouth to a better use and eat your food.”
You gasped at his words and aggressively put a french fry in your mouth, but one corner of your lips was tugging upward, and you were so hard on suppressing the smile that was forming on your face.
“By the way, don’t look at me like that when I’m talking about our future and kids”, Jungkook casually told you, and you choked on your water. With your eyes wide open, you looked at him, not knowing how to react to that. “I’ve been dating you for years. What do you think, why am I still with you?”
He continued eating, not even looking at you, and after the years you’ve been with him, you know, this is him making a serious talk seem as it’s not bothering him. “I don’t know, the apartment we live in is cheaper like this,” You said, trying to light up the mood with a joke, but he just - finally - looked up at you with a piercing gaze. You sighed, knowing you won’t climb out of this hole easily. “It’s not that, and I know you love me just like I love you. And I also picture my life with you, I wouldn’t be here with you if I wasn’t. It’s just – “
You took a deep breath, looking everywhere but Jungkook because you didn’t know how to compose what you want to say or how to make your insecurities not get the better of you. Jungkook sensed your panicked state and took your hands in his, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumbs. “I’m not forcing you to talk. We can discuss this when you’re ready. Just know that I’m here.”
“I know. Fuck, I know. I’m just scared because I want the whole ordeal with you, you know. Marrying you, having kids with you, the entire process of growing old with you and sitting in the hammock in our backyard with our grandchildren playing around, but then I have these thoughts on how this could all end. Because who are we to control our feelings and what if one day you wake up and you’re– “ Your tears were threatening to fall at this point. You were surprised you could go this long actually talking about this issue. “I don’t know, feel like you had enough, or that you’re not in l –“
“Stop, stop, stop,” Jungkook said with a stern voice, making you halt in your rambling. “That’s not going to happen. Not now, not ever. I love you. I want you. We live together, and our friends are already saying we’re like a married couple. And to be honest, it’s true. You are my soulmate, the one for me — the only one for all of my remaining days on Earth. So don’t worry what the future brings, because I’ll be next to you every step of the road. Got it?” You nodded your head, tears streaming rapidly down your face. “Now come ‘ere” He pushed his chair further from the table and opened his arms wide. You didn’t waste a second, falling into his arms immediately. Hiding your face in his neck, inhaling his rosy scents mixed with the chlorine from the poolside made you calm down within minutes. His hand was drawing different shapes on your tighs, while the other going up and down on your back.
After you’ve calmed down and eaten your lunches, you two went back to your places, bringing your partners their long-awaited lunch.
Jungkook made sure you were alright, so that night, when he dropped you off at your parent’s house, he told you to be ready in an hour because he’s taking you on a date. He recreated his first official date with you at the park, where he rented a little boat, and you two paddled to the middle of the lake and watched the stars cuddled up to each other.
You didn’t want the night to end, so this time the date didn’t end with him dropping you off and awkwardly kissing you on your cheek, but him sleeping over at your house and waking him up with the best blowjob he got in his life from you so far.
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avatarmerida · 3 years
Walking Home
This is inspired by @buggachat’s Bakery AU. I hope this is okay because I love this idea so much and I loved the winery arc. I wrote this assuming Adrien also lives at the bakery, though I don’t know.
“Okay no, no first of all they did NOT kick us out because I spilled. But IF did they did then that’s your fault!” Marinette exclaimed as the four of them left the restaurant.
“I didn’t mean that time,” clarified a bubbly Adrien as he ran ahead. “I meant when you kept turning the glasses into microphones and trying to get everyone to sing when they were still pretty full.”
“No! No! No!” she insisted, running up to him and giving him a gently tap on shoulder. “It was because you kept making chicken noises and they were awful!”
“They were amazing.”
“I don’t think you’ve ever heard a chicken,” she said smugly as she attempted to suppress her laughter at the memory. “It was so high pitched.”
“Bawk bawk bawk,” said Adrien quietly. Seeing Marinette suppress more laughter, he kept going and got louder. She couldn’t stand still, the laughter causing her to bend in half unable to catch her breath. Making her laugh was somehow so addicting and so he kept doing the awful chicken noise, getting higher and louder and faster. Passerbys gave them strange looks and rolled their eyes. Alya couldn’t help but smile at the thought that everyone who saw them must assume they were lifelong friends. Maybe even more than that.
“Oh wow I didn’t realize how late it was,” announced Alya, pretending to check her phone. She was fairly certain the two forgot her and Nino were there. “Ugh, I’ve got an interview scheduled for the blog at 8am.”
“Yeah and I’ve got to wake her up otherwise she’ll never get there on time,” added Nino with a laugh, catching on quickly. Adrien and Marinette snapped out of their bubble, seeing suddenly how ridiculous they must seem.
“We should do this again soon though,” said Alya. “All of us,” she added, looking at Adrien.
“Yeah, this was fun,” said Marinette, sneaking a glance at Adrien (though he didn’t notice) before turning back to Alya. “Are you okay to get home?”
“Yeah, we’re gonna grab a taxi,” said Alya. “What about you two? Are you okay? You didn’t switch to water when Nino and I did.”
“That was water? I thought you guys just switched to white wine,” asked Adrien. Nino chuckled and handed Adrien his phone so the two could make plans to hang out later in the week.
While the boys talked, Alya pullled Marinette into a hug to supposedly say goodbye.
“No girl, for real are you okay to get home? We can drop you off,” she whispered.
“No it’s okay you guys live the opposite way and you need to get up early,” whispered Marinette back. “The bakery isn’t that far and It’s not like I’m walking alone.”
“Exactly,” said Alya, pulling away but making sure the boys were too distracted by their conversation to hear theirs. “I know tonight was fun but you didn’t start the day being Adrien’s biggest fan. You’re okay walking home with him?”
“Yes Alya I’m fine,” she hiccuped. “I’m not even that drunk.”
“Marinette!” Adrien called suddenly, very excited. “Can we make pizza at the bakery?!”
“Oh my god pizzaaaaaa!” She exclaimed far too loudly, throwing her hands in the air. “Yes, yes let’s go! Bye Alya!”
She ran ahead and Adrien excitedly and instinctively followed her, the two a collection of giggle and hiccups stumbling between the street lights.
“Text me when you get home!” Alya called after the pair. They were quite a sight. She couldn’t help but smile at the fact that this morning Marinette couldn’t say his name without grimacing and now they were rushing off into the night. She wondered how Marinette would feel about the blonde boy tomorrow.
“Pizza, pizza, pizza!” The two exclaimed as they trudged down the sidewalk.
“Okay I know we have dough and cheese I don’t know if we have any pizza sauce,” said Marinette raking her brain. “Do we want toppings? Because I think we just have sprinkles, maybe we-ahhh!” Suddenly the ground came rushing at her, but before she had time to process what was happening she was stopped inches from the pavement. She looked up and saw Adrien had caught her in the knick of time. His hands were on her waist as if he was dipping her in a some eleaborate dance. The streetlight above him reflected on his golden hair like a halo.
He really was a good model, she couldn’t help but think as she found herself drawn to his light like an innocent moth.
“Sorry,” he said realizing the position they were in. “Force of habit, I guess. I didn’t mean, I mean I-.”
“Don’t apologize,” she breathed, not attempting to remove herself from his grip. “You’ve just got like catlike reflexes.”
“Yeah, I maybe??” He laughed. He couldn’t even explain her own pun to her as he pulled her to her feet. “Hehe, uh sorry if I distracted you again.”
“No, no it’s my own fault, I’m extra clumsy when I’m drunk,” she explained, bashful suddenly for some reason. “I’m a regular public menace. But thanks for not letting me fall on my face.”
He smiled. “Anytime,” he stood up straight and offered her his arm. “To ensure you don’t fall again,” he explained.
The logic of his reasoning negated any objections her former view of him held at the ready. He didn’t have to be kind to her when it was just them, and this must be why she held onto his arm so firmly and allowed herself to be so close as they walked. She suddenly felt guilty for her ulterior motives in inviting him out. The skeptic in her wanted to point out that maybe he was faking being drunk, or was so well versed at deception that alcohol had no affect on his ability to lie. But a larger part of her just wanted to rest her head on his shoulder as he led her home, contently listening to him ramble.
“Okay but why isn’t pizza a pastry?” he continued. “Like a lot of baked goods have cheese, they all have dough. Is it the sauce? But donuts have filling and the tomato is a fruit, I think-?”
“Maybe pizza can be your menu speciality,” she murmured, following the voice that told her to rest her head. “But you can give it a fun name and make it look different so they won’t know it’s pizza until they taste it. You’d think of a good name, you’re funny.”
“I’m funny?” he asked, genuinely surprised and flattered.
“I’m drunk, who knows what I’m saying,” she joked. “I’ll deny it but yes you are funny. I like when you write puns on the specials board.”
“Really?” He chuckled. “I didn’t think you’d be a fan of bad puns.”
“I’ve heard worse,” she murmured, her mouth moving faster than her mind. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”
“Like what?” he tried, trying to careful in this new territory, but fighting his catlike curiosity . “Are you a secret comedian?”
“No, no but I was in love with a boy who made puns a lot,” she said quietly, almost just to herself. “It seems so silly but now whenever I hear a good one I write it down so I don’t forget. So I can tell it to him. But I’m never gonna see him again. That’s so stupid isn’t it?”
He saw tears forming in her eyes. “I think it’s sweet,” he said. “Is he someone you meet in New York? On your internship?”
She stopped, her mind had brought up another similarly between him and Chat Noir and that was extra confusing right now. But she hadn’t had anyone to talk to about Chat and it felt nice to share something about him aloud. She had to tread carefully though.
“I’m sorry if you don’t wanna talk about it,” said Adrien before she could find the words. “It’s none of my business.”
“No, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” he continued, gently removing his arm from her. “You’ve already done so much for me, helping me at the bakery, letting me into your home, inviting me out tonight . You’re a very kind person Marinette and I’ve invaded so much of your space already, I shouldn’t be invading your privacy.”
“No, Adrien please it is okay,” she insisted. “I brought it up. And I... I’ve never brought it up to anyone before, to be honest. And it must be because... I like talking to you. Because-.”
“-of the wine?” He offered.
“-because we’re friends,” she finished, looking up at him with soft, truthful eyes.
“I think it is the wine,” he joked, only half certain.
“Here, I’ll prove it,” she said, keeping her purse and rummaging through its contents. Finally she found what she was searching for. “Here,” she said, placing something in his hand.
“What is this?”
“My lucky charm,” she said proudly, as he opened his hand to reveal a simple keychain composed of colorful beads. “I made it during my internship, it helped me when I had deadlines or a creativity block. I take it everywhere.”
“And you’re giving this to me?”
“Well I still plan on needing it and having it close by, so I wouldn’t just entrust it to someone I don’t want in my space would I? It’s probably not as flashy as the friendship bracelets Chloe made you but-.”
She was cut off as Adrien pulled her into a tight embrace. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
She hesitated, but returned the gesture. “You’re welcome,” she said as the two stood in the middle of the sidewalk, embracing for probably a little too long. “Adrien, since we’re friends, I think I should be honest with you.”
He pulled back to face her, his face still holding a smile despite her dismal tone. “What is it?”
“Today, when I invited you...” she began, her pride almost too big a pill to swallow. “Well, I had ulterior motives for inviting you.”
“I thought, oh god I’m so embarrassed,” she pushed through. “I though you had ... a secret.”
“A secret?”
“Yes,” she buried her face in her hands, utterly embarrassed. “Ugh, and I thought it you got drunk enough you would blurt it out. And that’s so awful of me and I know it’s dishonest, but I promise you it’s not like that anymore. I was paranoid, I guess. I don’t know. But I’m so sorry. really do enjoy spending time with you-.”
“What kind of secret?”
“Huh?” She said, surprised he wasn’t mad. “Oh, i-it doesn’t matter. It was still wrong of me.”
“Well why couldn’t you ask me about it before?”
“I didn’t have any sort of proof,” she admitted. “Only a hunch.”
“Why?” He asked. He wasn’t mad but she couldn’t place his tone. People must have accused him of this before. She knew now he wasn’t his father, he was more than whatever his past held, and he didn’t deserve another faker. She knew he’d ask what she suspected and it would ruin everything but maybe she could make it less awful if she kept apologizing?
“Nothing major, just because of how you acted around me-.”
“I see.”
“-but I know now I was completely wrong,” she quickly went on. “Getting to know you tonight and spending more time with you at the bakery, I know I was wrong.”
“Oh,” was that all he could say? Oh?!
“Because you’re just so nice!” She went on, her drunk brain turning to rambling. “You’re actually a really great guy, and you’re just quiet at first, you’re ... a friend...”
“Just a friend?” He asked, the word holding his attention tight.
“Yes,” she said, hoping he was considering accepting her apology. “And I- oh darn it.” Suddenly, a raindrop fell onto Marinette’s cheek. Then another. Without warning the sky began to pour, and the pair sought shelter. Adrien took off his jacket and placed it over Marinette’s head to attempt and shield her from the rain, a fruitless attempt as the jacket immediately became soaked and heavy and helpful to no one.
As they made their way through the waterfall that claimed the sidewalk, an abandoned umbrella leaning against a building caught Adrien’s eye. He swooped in to grab and quickly opened it over Marinette’s head. “Ugh, I can’t see,” she cried, the rain causing her eye makeup to run and sting her eyes. She wiped it away, only to smudge it and give cover her face with a charcoal color. Adrien laughed.
“Mademoiselle Hamster, you look more like a raccoon now,” he wheezed. Before Marinette could offer a clever response, she saw the rain continued to fall on him as she was safely covered.
“You’re going to catch pneumonia,” she stated angrily.
“It’s not a very big umbrella,” he said, still laughing.
“Nonsense,” she said, yanking the umbrella handle to spin him in. “I’m not about to let you get sick and stick me with all the work at the bakery.”
But the umbrella was very small. And in order for them both to be covered, they had to stand very close together.
“Fine by me,” breathed Adrien, looking down at Marinette. She stood in front of him, her hands landing instinctively on his chest as if they were slow dancing. She was aware of this, but did not remove them. Her eyes went to the ground, not being about to handle the closeness with eye contact. In one hand Adrien held the umbrella, the other one slowly went to removed a strand of wet hair from her face. A bolt of lighting graced the sky.
“You were right you know,” he said quietly, the rain almost drowning him out.
“About what?”
“About my secret,” he said with a chuckle. “I thought I hid it well, but I guess I made it really obvious.”
“What?” Said Marinette, looking up at him is disbelief, her hands trembled. “No, no you’re still drunk, you don’t know what you’re saying. No, no I know now... after everything that happened it can’t be true.”
“Do you... not want it to be true?”
“I guess it doesn’t really matter what I want,” she admitted, bowing her head again. “Either it’s true or it’s not.”
“I promise you, it’s very true,” said Adrien, his voice softer than she had ever heard but somehow insanely familiar. He placed his free hand under her chin and lead her to meet his gaze.
“Wait, what did you think I-.”
“Marinette, I’m sorry that I couldn’t be more direct with you,” he began. “But I didn’t think I’d ever feel this way again since... you’re so amazing and I- I’m done keeping secrets; I do have feelings for you.”
“W-what kind of feelings?” she asked, a tiny portion of her intoxicated little mind convinced he was angry with her.
Adrien closed his eyes and leaned in close to her and his lips stopped mere inches from her own. Hesitating. Waiting. Silence. She looked at him, no streetlight caught his hair now but the shine remained. The glow was just him. He wasn’t a spy, he wasn’t a traitor, he wasn’t a villain. Her mind ran with things he was not until suddenly she realized what he was. Kind. Handsome. Funny. Charming. She had taken these things for granted before and thought they were lost and locked away forever. It was like they were reincarnated, her heart fluttered in an nearly forgotten familiar way as if to say she had been here before. As if to say this is exactly where she was meant to be.
Lighting crashed in the distance.
She chased the feeling and eliminated the space between them, drawn to him like he was magnetic. She could could blame it on the wine. She could blame it on the rain. She could blame it on the way his eyes were so gentle and vibrant at the same time like a lush green forest she wanted to explore until she was hopelessly lost. But she crashed into him like a she was a tidal wave, her arms wrapping around his neck as she pulled herself up to kiss him. He stepped back, surprised but pleased and tossed aside the umbrella in favor of having both his arms around her as he eagerly kissed her back. He lifted her off the ground, perhaps a little too overzealous, and the pair found themselves on the ground in the middle of a puddle. Only then did they break apart, like a dream they were rudely awakened from, and Marinette found herself laying on top of him.
Adrien looked at her, eyes wide and curious, awaiting a sign of how she felt. Even now, with her eyeliner smudged and her hair soaking wet, his heart skipped a beat in way it hadn’t done in years. What was she thinking? Should he say something? His mind raced with what to say next, he had imagined this confession thousands of times since he realized his feelings, but none of his scenarios went quite like this. He didn’t want to risk ruining anything, if there was even something to ruin. He played the last minute over and over in his head like a romantic film scene. He smiled a wide smile and if Marintee didn’t know any better, she could have sworn he was purring.
Marinette took that as her signal to lean forward, slower and more graceful than the first attempt and kissed him again. It was less rushed and more gentle, but also more certain. The umbrella was carried away by the wind, the two seemed to have forgotten about the rain or any storms between them.
The next day, Marinette awoke feeling sicker than she had ever felt in her life. Not only did she have a massive hangover, but being stuck in the rain had given her a terrible cold as well. Her body couldn’t decide which unpleasant feeling to focus on so she remained in bed, cursing the world.
“Hey girl,” came Alya’s voice from the doorway. “Heard you weren’t feeling too good.”
“Alya I’m dying,” moaned Marinette.
“Were you so busy dying that you couldn’t text me that you go home safely?” laughed Alya, removing the pillow from her face. “Omigosh you didn’t even wash your face last night. You really were trashed.”
“Ugh I don’t even remember it raining last night, but I woke up soaked,” complained Marinette.
“Wait, you don’t remember it raining?”
“No, after we said goodbye to you and Nino the night it a total blur.”
“Oh, does Adrien remember the rain?”
“I don’t know, we don’t talk,” Marinette reminded her, covering her head with a blanket. “I don’t know what I said to him on the walk home, but my throat is killing me so it feels like I was yelling.
“Wait, you don’t remember anything from the walk home?”
“No,” repeated Marinette. “Why? Did I drunk dial you or something?”
“Uh, no,” said Alya with a mischievous smile. “But when it started to rain I told the cab driver to drive by your place to see if you guys got caught in the rain and I’m so glad I did because I saw something very interesting.”
Alya simply handed Marinette her phone and braced herself for the reaction she knew was coming. Marinettte had to do a double take at first. But there was no mistaking this was a picture of her. And Adrien. Kissing.
“WHAT?!” She exclaimed, giving herself a worse headache. “Ouch. Ugh, Alya please tell me this is photoshopped, this is a joke right?”
“Not this time, I am an eyewitness,” assured her friend. “I saw everything.”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe he kissed me,”
“Well you shouldn’t because if you go back a little bit you see it’s clear as day who kissed whom,”
“What?” But it was true. She swiped back and forth and there was no arguing that she pulled him in, she reached up, she kissed him. Twice. “Oh no.”
“Oh, don’t be embarrassed,” said Alya taking back her phone. “If kissing a former model in the rain is the worst thing you’ve done after drinking, that’s nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t see why you don’t like him anyway, you two got along so well yesterday.”
“Oh no no no I just thought it was another dream!”panicked Marinette.
“Another?” Teased Alya. “So you often dream about kissing Adrien?”
Only when he’s working with his supervillain father “I’m never drinking again,” vowed Marinette, burying her head in her hands. “Please tell me no one else saw those photos.”
“Just me and Nino, but I’m keeping them for blackmail,” confirmed Alya as she headed for the door. “Or to show at your wedding.”
Marinette threw a pillow at the door, just missing her friend as she took her leave. What had gotten into her? Besides copious amounts of wine, that is. She prayed that Adrien’s memory of last night was even foggier than hers. She wished she had Tikki with her to talk her through this without any judgment but she just had her. And all she could do was panic.
“Hey, are you up?” Came a small voice accompanied by a knock on her door. “I just saw Alya leave and I wanted to check on you if that’s okay.”
It was Adrien. “Um yeah, I’m fine. Just tired, I guess,” she replied. He didn’t come in, she didn’t invite him. He was still wary of her. That must be as good sign, right?
“A headache?” He chuckled knowingly. “I had one too. I made a smoothie and that kind of helped. I can bring you one. Or leave it in the kitchen for you.”
“Thanks,” she said awkwardly. Silence stood between them for what felt like hours.
“Listen, about last night,” Adrien said at last. Marinette braced herself for the worst.
“I wanted to say thank you,” he said outside the door. “It meant a lot, you guys inviting me out. I had a lot of fun, well the parts I remember anyway.”
“Do you... remember walking home?”
“Hardly,” he admitted. “Apparently it rained?”
She laughed. “Go figure,” she said. She cousins sent he was right: she did enjoy the parts she remembered. “But um thank you too for helping me get home safely. You’re a good friend.”
The sound of the word made him blush, he was grateful she couldn’t see his face. “Anytime,” he said. “Feel better, I guess I’ll see you later?”
“See ya,” she said, as she heard him walk away from the door and flopped on her bed in relief. Crisis averted.
Adrien made his way down the stairs, Marinette’s keychain in hand. The moments of last night replayed in his head. It was blurry to him as well, but a few moments stood out to him. Mostly, the way she said ‘lucky charm’ and the way her smudged makeup resembled a mask.
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seungmoroll · 3 years
Set Up | Tag
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Word count: 1.7k
Genre: friends to lovers
Request: “Hi!! Can I ask you a scenario in which she is best friend with both Seungmin and Tag of Golden Child, but Tag actually likes her (and she secretly likes him back) but he is afraid to ruin their friendship and Seungmin helps him? Thank you! Stay safe!”
A/n: hope everyone likes this! and thanks to the anon for this request
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        “Dude, I can’t take it anymore,” Seungmin says as he plops down in the seat in front of Tag. Confused, Tag gives Seungmin a look telling him to continue. “I’m talking about you and Y/n. When are you finally going to tell them you like them?”
        Eyes widening from his question, Tag looks around, making sure that you weren’t anywhere near them. Smacking Seungmin in the arm, “Dude, shut up. What if Y/n was here?”
        “What about me?” You say as you occupy the seat next to Tag.
        “N-nothing.” The two boys both say at the same time.
        “No it’s not, but for the sake of the two of you, I’ll ignore it.” Stealing some of Tag’s food, you ask the two boys, “So, what’re you guys up to today?”
        Smacking away your sneaky fingers, Tag gets up from his seat and grabs his stuff, “I am on the way to meet up with Jangjun. I gotta help him out with something, and with that being said, I am going to make my exit now. Bye guys.”
        Occupying the seat once filled by Tag, you watch Seungmin closely as you ask him, “So what were the two of you tralking about before I interrupted?”
        Tutting, he responds “I’m not telling you Y/n.”
        Kicking Seungmin’s shin in response to his answer, you give him your best puppy dog eyes, “But I’m your best friend and best friends tell each other everything.”
        “I’m also Tag’s best friend, and best friends don’t tell others their secrets, so that cancels out your best friend privileges. Enough about that though, answer this question for me, when are you going to tell Tag you like him?”
        “Are you dumb? I’m never going to tell him.”
        “But why?”
        “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because of the fact that it’ll ruin our friendship or that he’ll reject me and break my heart.” Either way, you’d rather keep your feelings to yourself than to lose Tag.
        “How are you so sure that he’ll reject you?”
        “Because he only sees me as his best friend, and nothing else. And you know what? I’m perfectly fine with that.” You were starting to get tired of Seungmin pushing you to confess to Tag. The two of you have had this conversation plenty of times, and everytime you’ve given him the same response.
        “Mmhm, sure.”
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“Hey Tag? You doing anything tomorrow night?” Seungmin asks Tag as he barges into his bedroom.
        Not bothering to face him, Tag nonchalantly responds to Seungmin, “Nope, was just going to play video games with Donghyun, why?”
        “Let’s have a guys night out. Let me treat you to dinner.”
        Spinning around in his chair, Tag gives a weirded out look to Seungmin, “Are…are you asking me out on a date?” Grabbing the closest object to him, Seungmin throws a book at Tag. “No you idiot, I just want to treat my hyung with a nice dinner.”
        Taking a moment to think about his offer, Tag asks, “Are you paying?” Sighing he tells him yes. “Pick me up at 7.”
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         “Why are you calling?” you ask Seungmin when you answer his call.
        “Is that any way for you to speak to your best friend?”
        “I’m sorry, let me start over. Hey bestie, what can I do for you this fine evening?”         You could sense Seungmin’s eye roll through the call, and you can’t help but chuckle.
        “What’re your plans for tomorrow night?”
        “I have a date.”
        That was the last answer Seungmin expected from you, “Wait, what?”
        “A date…with Chris Hemsworth as Thor.” That was a more expected answer.
        “Well, change of plans, I’m taking you out to dinner tomorrow.”
        “Are you asking me out on a date? Because you know about my feelings for Tag.” Seungmin rolls his eyes again at you, not surprised that you and Tag responded in the same way. “No you doofus, I just want to treat my best friend to a nice dinner.”
        “Are you-“
        “Yes, I’m paying.” Seungmin could swear that you and Tag were made for each other.
        “Great, text me the details later.”Now that Seungmin’s plan was going well, he couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
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         The following night, Seungmin and Tag had arrived to the restaurant before 10 minutes before 7 pm, which was the time that Seungmin had told you to come to the restaurant; not a minute earlier or later. Five minutes before your arrival, Seungmin had told Tag that he needed to take a call outside. From there he waited outside the restaurant for you. When you finally arrived at the restaurant, Seungmin had led you inside and had told you that he needed to use the restroom first and let the hostess guide you to your table. Only for you to be surprised by the presence of Tag.
        “Um, Tag?” You call out to him, grabbing his attention, “What’re you doing here?”
        “I’m having dinner with Seungmin, what’re you doing here?”
        “I am also having dinner with Seungmin.”
        Pointing at the chair across from him, he motions for you to sit down. “Really now? Seungmin didn’t mention anything about inviting you. Speaking of which, where is he now?”
        “He said he needed to use the restroom.” Unbeknownst to the two of you, Seungmin was already seated at a different table, one that he was sure the two of you could not see him from, with Donghyun. Essentially the two of them were going to be spying on the two of you on your set up date. “Hyung, you do know that they’re going to kill you later on, right?”
        “Not if they end up confessing to one another, resulting in them dating. They can’t kill me for lending them a helping hand.”
        Back at yours and Tag’s table, the two of you have ordered your drinks as you guys wait for Seungmin’s return. After 10 minutes had passed, Tag had decided to call Seungmin, “Oh hey Tag.”
        “Dude, where are you at? You didn’t tell me that Y/n was going to be having dinner with us.”
        “Oh, about that, I actually won’t be having dinner with you tonight. No need to thank me.”
        “Wait what?”
        “You and Y/n are going to be having dinner without me, to simply put it, you guys are going to be having a dinner date. No need to thank me, and yes, dinner is still on me, so don’t be getting the most expensive entrees. Have fun!” The line cuts off as Seungmin hangs up the phone. Putting away his phone, Tag explains the situation to you,
        “So it looks like Seungmin won’t be joining us tonight, says that dinner’s still on him though.”
        “Then we have to order the most expensive thing here.” On the inside the two of you were cursing Seungmin because you guys both knew that he had set this whole thing up for the two of you. Before the awkwardness could settle in, your waiter comes up to the table, asking for your orders. Ignoring Seungmin’s request, the two of you order some expensive dishes. Once the waiter leaves, the table falls silent.
        “So…” Tag starts, “How was your day?” This question leads to you telling Tag about how you were so excited about your favorite author coming out with a new book. As you tell him about the book, you fail to notice the smile that settles onto Tag’s face. He loved seeing you like this, happy about such a simple thing. For him, seeing you this happy made him happy, and it just made him yearn for the two of you to be together.
        Once your food comes out, the two of you fall into a comfortable conversation about miscellaneous things. This why was you liked Tag, everything about him was comforting to you. You never had to try hard for him; you knew that you could always be yourself around him. Being with him made you happy. ‘Maybe Seungmin has a point,’ you thought to youself, ‘Maybe I should tell Tag about my feelings.’
        When the two of you finish your entrees, your table falls into a comfortable silence. “Y/n, there’s something I have to say to you.” You look into Tag’s eyes, waiting for him to continue, “I like you. I’ve liked you for a long time now. I’ve been so scared to tell you because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship or make it awkward and Seungmin knew this, yet he made this scheme to set us up on a date. You can totally ignore everything that I’ve said so far if you date reciprocate my feelings. I mean, I totally understand if you don’t. I won’t hate you or anything. I just- Ow, did you just kick me?” Tag asks rubs at his shin.
        Giving him an innocent smile, you say to him, “Yes I did, you were rambling and quite frankly I wanted you to shut up so I could talk,” taking a deep breath, you continue speaking to Tag, “I like you too Tag. I guess we were both too scared to do anything about it because we didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” Tag lets out a sign of relief as he hears that you like him back. “So…what now?”
        “Now we order dessert, and then we can talk about what we’re going to do on our second date,” you say, smiling at Tag.
        “Sounds like a plan.”
        From their table in the back, Seungmin and Donghyun don’t miss the way Tag’s hand reaches across the table to hold yours.
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        “I freaking hate this,” Seungmin whines as he falls back into his chair.
        You and Tag choose to ignore Seungmin’s whines as the two of you cuddle with each other.
        “Awe, does someone need attention?” Donghyun asks him as he enters the living room.
        Turning your attention towards Seungmin, leaving Tag to pout at you, you say to Seungmin, “Well, you’re not going to get any here, so might as well go somewhere else. Also, you need to stop complaining, you’re the one who set us up, it’s not our fault that you made yourself our official third wheel.”
        Grumbling to himself, Seungmin says, “Should’ve just let the two of you pine after one another.” Seungmin isn’t able to dodge the pillows the two of you throw his way.
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Baby Reid
Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary - Reader finds out she’s pregnant and has to tell Spencer. 
Warning - pregnancy
word count - 3.8k
I’ve been binge watching Criminal Minds and reading hella Spencer fics and I’ve been loving Dad Spencer so here ya go.
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"Pregnant?" Y/n looks at the doctor in slight horror. The doctor nods.
"Seems so Miss L/n," The doctor says smiling lightly, "congratulations."
Y/n's eyes drift over to her sister.
"Yeah congrats," Her sister says softly. A light smirk covering her expression.
"How far along?" Y/n asks the doctor.
"8 weeks," The doctor shares, "it's not uncommon to find out around the 4-12 week mark. We recommend doing an ultrasound today. Just to make sure that everything is alright. Is that okay?"
"Sure," Y/n says softly. The doctor nods moving the machine towards the girl. Prepping her for the ultrasound. Y/n's sister takes the girl's hand gently. Trying to offer some sort of support.
"There is the little guy," The doctor says, "and that's the heartbeat."
The faces remain tense. The doctor sighs lightly.
"I can get the ultrasound pictures for you- I'll be right back," They tell the pair of girls before heading out. The second they leave the room Y/n's sister starts.
"Holy crap you're pregnant!"
"Kate shut the hell up," Y/n says harshly, "God you're such a bitch sometimes."
"I mean I'm right," Kate says chuckling lightly, "well how do you feel?"
"Terrified," Y/n sighs.
"How are you gonna tell him?"
"No clue yet," Y/n says softly, "he's supposed to be flying back tonight too. They finished their case earlier than they thought they would..." She fidgets with the edge of her jacket. "What am I even going to tell him?"
"'Hey Spencer turns out you knocked me up,'" Kate says chuckling lightly, "pretty boy couldn't keep his hands to himself. You think with all those FBI cases he'd be too busy to rail you huh?" Y/n rolls her eyes harshly. "Did you at least enjoy your last time with him before you split from hole to hole?"
"Are you really going there?" Y/n asks harshly.
"Always," She says smirking lightly. Y/n scoffs. "Are you okay?"
"Nervous," Y/n says moving her hand over her stomach, "I don't know how I'm going to speak to him about this ya know? We never really had that are we gonna have kids talk? Figured it was after we finished talking about the marriage thing."
"Which you still aren't done with huh?"
"Clearly not Kate considering we haven't gotten anywhere with that," Y/n huffs, "I mean we want to get married- that's as far as we got with looking into our future. I mean he's so busy. He's doing so much with his job right now that planning a wedding in all that is kind of a nightmare ya know." Kate nods lightly. "I mean we've been talking about getting engaged for like almost 8 months now and we haven't even started looking into the whole wedding part of the thing." Y/n looks to her sister at once. "If he can't even stay home long enough to talk to me about the wedding I highly doubt he'll have enough time to worry about a baby-"
"What about that Hotch guy? His boss he has a kid right?"
"Yeah- a kid he never sees and an ex-wife," Y/n says harshly. Kate raises a brow.
"Okay put Spencer isn't Hotch," Kate points out, "he's Spencer. He's different - In a good way. Obviously right."  Y/n's eyes fall to the ground. "He's Spencer he's not going to leave you. You two are joined at the hip."
"How do you talk to people about this stuff?" Y/n asks, "I mean how do you tell someone you've given them 18 years minimum of responsibility-"
"No not you've given him- it takes two," Kate starts at once, "and I'm sure he was all about it."
"You're disgusting."
"Of course he's all about it," Y/n says smirking lightly. But it drops immediately. "That's not the point. Jesus, Kate -"
The door opening ends the conversation. The doctor hands over an envelope. "There are the ultrasound pictures and video. We recommend setting up a follow-up appointment at 12 weeks. There is a pamphlet in there that goes other recommended appointments and other tips like foods to avoid all the basics with pregnancy." Y/n nods. "You should be set to go."
The sisters use this to finally leave the hospital. When they reach Kate's car Y/n opens up the envelope to look over the ultrasound photos.
"That's inside of me?" Y/n asks.
"That's what she said-"
"Kate," She says harshly. The sister laughs loudly.
"Fine fine I'll stop," Kate says as she leans over to look at the pictures, "wow it's so small. Kind of blobby looking- I guess it takes time before they get cute huh?" Y/n gives her sister a harsh glance. "Maybe put the pictures in a card? Give him that."
"Yeah, I'm sure that'll go over great," Y/n says. She groans slightly. "What am I gonna do?"
"How's your fiancé?"
Spencer looks up from his book to meet the pressing eyes of JJ. She's not trying to push in any regard rather she's just curious. Wondering how the couple was doing with everything. The job is high stress and JJ knows how much that can weigh on the partners.
"Oh Y/n she's alright," Spencer tells his friend, "she hasn't been feeling great the last couple of days. She thinks flu- her symptoms match enough that it could make sense however there hasn't exactly been a fever. But she won't let me close enough to know. She says I get overbearing when she's sick- that I'm not exactly helpful."
"What? No way," Morgan says chuckling lightly looking up from his own book to join the conversation, "I don't believe that."
Spencer smiles lightly. JJ chuckles.
"I can understand what she means," JJ says brightly, "don't take what she said to heart. You know how girls get when they aren't feeling well-"
"Except I don't," Spencer says, "I only really have experience with Y/n I mean before her I never lived with a girl that wasn't related to me."
"Still you know enough from her and the girls here," Morgan says, "I think you've picked up on enough." Spencer disagrees but he doesn't argue. He's a little too busy in his own head to care about Morgan's remarks. He's worried about his girlfriend. He wants to be there for her- even if she wouldn't actually let him near her.
"You alright Spence?" JJ asks.
"I'm fine just worried about Y/n," Spencer admits, "If it's not the flu it could be something else- and she hates the hospital so she's not exactly trying to go to do anything about it. Despite how many facts I give her about how dangerous the flu could actually be." Spencer rambles on. Morgan and JJ exchange an amused look. "That's why she doesn't want me around when she's sick huh?"
"I'd imagine," JJ says.
"You stress her out," Morgan says, "in a time you don't need to stress her out."
"He's wording it harshly," JJ tells Spencer, "you just make it a little bit harder for her when she's already going through it. Don't worry plenty of people do that. It's just cause you are worried about her." JJ gives Spencer a soft smile. Trying to show some support.
"Her sister was supposed to take her to the hospital," Spencer tells them, "but knowing Kate I'm sure that they never actually went."
"Y/n doesn't like hospitals?"
"Not since her dad died," Spencer shares, "it's not the hospital itself but what it represents. It's common for people who lose parents in adolescence to have mild phobias of places like hospitals or police stations." They nod along. Spencer sighs.  "She made that face the first time I told her too. Her words were 'thank you for mansplaining my trauma Spence'." Morgan chuckles lightly.
"Yeah, I can imagine," Emily says, "I don't think anyone would exactly love that."
"Normally my rambling doesn't bother her it was just that time really," Spencer goes on, "her sister hates hospitals as well so I don't know why I let her talk me into letting Kate take her to the hospital."
"Because she's pretty and your whipped," Emily says with a big smirk.
"She's got you there," Morgan says. Spencer chuckles lightly.
He smiles lightly as he looks over to his phone.
"That her?" JJ asks. He moves flipping it open.
"Yeah, she wants to know if she should pick me up or if I'm taking the train," Spencer tells them.
"Anything about the hospital?"
"She didn't say anything about it," Spencer tells them, "how long until we land?"
"2 minutes," Hotch chimes in, "Reid you should make her go to the hospital if she hasn't yet. It could be more than just the flu. You know that."
"I know," Spencer says, "If she hasn't gone today I'll take her for sure." Hotch gives him a careful nod. They start gathering their things. Prepping for the landing.
The second Reid collects his things from the office he meets his fiancé at her car.
"You didn't have to pick me up," Spence says as he and his coworkers file out. His fiancé is leaning against the hood of her car smiling lightly at the man. "You should be in bed resting."
"I got my second wind," Y/n says simply.
"Go to the hospital like a normal person," Garcia says teasing the girl. Y/n chuckles.
"Kate took me to the hospital," Y/n informs the others, "it's just a minor bug. Don't let Spencer get you all worried." JJ exchanges a quick look with Garcia. It goes mostly unnoticed as the others watch as Spencer takes his partner's hand. He pecks her cheek. Making sure not to be too close or too touchy in front of the others. Y/n smiles at her partner. Moving to tuck a piece of his hair behind his ear. "I'm fine Spence."
"Look at how in love they are," Emily teases, "it's disgusting."
"Loverman," Morgan teases.
"Classy," Spencer says, "if you guys are done harassing me and my girlfriend I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"Bye Guys it was nice to see you again," Y/n says brightly. Hiding her nerves slightly. As they climb into the car she looks over to her partner. Her mood ever so slightly dropping. If Reid wasn't a profiler he wouldn't have picked up on it. However, in his line of work, he was able to read people like a book- even if he missed slight social cues.
"You alright?" He asks. Y/n keeps her eyes focused on the road. "Did I do something?"
"Spence you didn't do anything," She says softly, "I'm fine. Just a little stressed babe." His eyes don't move off of the girl. He's watching her so intently. Clearly using his work skills in an attempt to read the girl. "Stop profiling me, Spencer."
"I'm sorry," He says apologetically. She chuckles lightly. Moving to pull his hand into hers. Pecking it lightly.
"Spencer my love you didn't do anything," She says sweetly, "I'm simply working through some things. We all have our moments."
"We should work through things together," Spencer starts, "We're a couple."
"I'm aware we're a couple, Spencer," She says giving him a quick glance, "I know we should work through stuff together but you know sometimes we have things we aren't ready to talk about yet." He looks over nervously. "You didn't do anything... What do you think you did?"
"I don't know what I did," He says honestly, "I just didn't know if I said something wrong or did something wrong."
"No, you didn't do anything," Y/n assures him, "listen I've just been thinking today... Do you still want to get married?"
"Yes of course," He says, "I know we've had a problem planning everything but I still want to get married. Do you?"
"I want to get married," She says.
He nods.
"So what got you thinking about it?" He asks, "I mean you don't typically get worried about this stuff."
"I've been thinking a lot about the future-"
"Uh oh."
"It's nothing to be worried about Spencer," She says as she tries to focus her eyes on the road. "I'm just trying to think about things you know. You're in the FBI, you work a lot and I stay behind a lot. It works out fine now- but that kinda stress ruins relationships."
"What are you talking about?"
"50% of marriages end in divorce Spencer," She goes on, "do you ever think about that? I mean we both come from broken homes. Is there a point in all this?"
"What are you saying?" Spencer asks. Clear distress in his voice. "are you trying to break up with me?"
"NO no!" She exclaims, "I'm not trying to break up with you actually the complete opposite. I'm just being cynical because I'm scared."
"You aren't making any sense," Spencer says softly.
"I don't know how to say it, Spence," She says quietly. She sighs. Thankful to see their apartment. "Maybe we should have this conversation inside."
"Are we fighting?"
"We aren't fighting Spencer," She says as she climbs from the car, "come on."
"Seems like we are about to fight," Spencer says under his breath. She sighs taking his hand. Leading him through the hallway to get to their apartment. Once inside she moves into Spencer's arms. Helping him shove off his bag. "Woah that was a dramatic shift-"
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you," She says as she cups his cheek. He seems very clearly confused. "Don't twist my words. That's not me confessing to trying to run away or anything. Okay?" He nods lightly. "How was your day?"
"You're deflecting- how bad was the hospital?" Spencer starts. Worry filling his expression. "Are you okay?" She chuckles lightly.  "Why are you laughing?"
"Spencer, what are you thinking?"
"Somethings wrong- you're sick," He starts, "are you?"
"No," She says simply. She pulls her hands away from him. "I started thinking about our future today- because when I went to the hospital they realized my symptoms aren't flu. They ran a bunch of tests. Trying to figure it out." His face is coated in worry.
"Have you ever thought about having kids?" She asks. His eyes scan every inch of her face.
"No, not really," He admits, "why-" His eyes widen. "Are you?"
"Spencer I'm pregnant," She says softly. He seems scared. She moves to cup his cheeks. He looks like he's gonna pass out. He pulls back. Moving to sit on the couch. He's just staring past her. A whirlwind of emotions across his face.  "I'm pregnant... Spencer say something." He doesn't. He looks up at her. "Spencer how dare this be the time you are speechless."
"How-how far along?"
"8 weeks," She tells him.
"I'm gonna be a dad," He says softly. He meets her eyes. A slight smile across his face. "I'm gonna be a dad."
"Yeah," She chuckles. He moves to wrap his arms around her. Holding on carefully. As he pulls back he moves his hand down onto her stomach. As if he could already feel the baby. "We are gonna be parents." He chuckles. A big smile across their faces. "Is that okay?"
"Yes that's okay," He says brightly, "more than okay."
"Yeah," He says brightly.
She moves pulling the envelope from her purse. Handing the pictures over to Spencer. He looks over them brightly.
"Cool right?" She asks.
"Yeah- you know the ultrasound is actually sound waves the frequencies are higher than the upper audible limit of human hearing," Spencer starts, "Ultrasounds in this form is actually called acoustic microscopy-" He stops as he meets her eyes. "We're gonna have a baby."
"Kate says that we'll have really cute kids," She says as he looks back down to the pictures, "she wants them to have your eyes."
"She likes your eyes more than mine apparently," She shrugs, "I think the baby will be cute either way." He nods lightly. She moves beside him to look at the picture. "it's so little."
"Rough weights .04 ounces and measures about .63 inches," Spencer says, "about the size of a raspberry."
"A raspberry?" She says as she moves her hand down to her stomach. "That's so small. Kind of hard to believe." He chuckles. "Can I see your hand?" He nods. She moves to place his hand on her stomach. "When they did the ultrasound the baby was right here- I know we can't feel anything but-" He nods lightly. "Spencer?"
"Yeah baby?"
"Are you really happy about this?"
"Yes I'm actually happy about this- I mean I'm nervous sure terrified even but I'm happy," Spencer assures her, "am I not supposed to be?"
"No no that's not what I meant- I mean I was so scared to tell you I didn't want you to feel trapped or that I ruined your life-"
"Ruined my life?" Spencer asks, "you've made my life a hundred times better- and sure this wasn't planned but it doesn't mean I'm not excited... It brings up practical problems like we don't have the space here- so we'll have to look at new place. Child care when we both are working. Do we want to look at nannies or daycares? But I figured we could worry about the questions later. That now we should just be excited." She smiles lightly. "I don't feel trapped either- I mean kids is a natural progression of things and we've mentioned wanting them before."
"Yeah but out of nowhere like this it can make you feel a little trapped-"
"Around 9 out of 100 women would become pregnant in a year of taking the pill- it's only 91% effective," Spencer starts, "in general unplanned pregnancies' are fairly common in long term relationships where the women is on the pill. We knew it was possible."
"Possible and it happening are two separate things-"
"You were nervous so you created reasons on why I'd be upset," Spencer says, "you wanted me to be upset."
"No- Spencer stop profiling me," She says at once.
"It's not profiling," Spencer says, "I'm not mad- or upset. I'm happy. Stop trying to make that a bad thing."
"I'm not making it a bad things," She sighs, "I was just worried you'd be upset. I'm glad you aren't. Makes me feel a whole lot better." He nods. Moving to take his fiancés hands "This will be a fun change from looking at wedding things... Now we get to look at a new place... House or another apartment?"
"I enjoy apartment life but space wise it would make more sense to look at houses," Spencer says. Y/n nods clearly satisfied with that answer. She smiles as she drags her partner towards the couch. "You eat yet?"
"No not yet wanna order something?"
"Sure," Spencer says as he grabs his phone to dial one of the takeout places. "Got a preference?"
"No I'm sure you can pick for us," She says as she grabs her laptop, "3 bedroom?"
"Office space maybe," She starts, "library space? Huge walk in closet- you could have a nice tie wall." Spencer chuckles loudly. "Extra space in general pretty boy." He chuckles. "I think I found a place- look at this cute huh?"
"You're getting a little ahead of yourself-"
"Always Dr. Reid," She says brightly. He smiles. "I hope the baby has your smile."
"Yeah you have a cute smile."
"You have a cute smile too," Spencer says as he moves his arm around his wife, "Thai sound good?"
"Thai sound great," She says, "and thanks love." He moves reciting their order like he's done hundreds of times. She moves looking through the houses.
Despite all her original fears. It went right. Spencer was happy to hear about a baby. Excited even. It was working out for her.
"Thanks," Spencer says, "40 minutes."
"We should hold off on telling anyone until I tell my mom," She says, "and we should plan to go see yours." Spencer tenses lightly. "I think she should hear this in person."
"Alright I'll look at weekends I can take off," Spencer starts, "we can fly out then."
"In the meantime I need you to keep this on the down low," Y/n tells him, "don't go sharing this around. I don't need the entire FBI to know before I even get to tell my mom." He nods lightly. "But I know they are your family- so you can tell them after Friday. That good enough for you?"
"Perfect with me," Spencer says.
She smiles pulling him into a quick kiss. She knew they would be fine.
The next day Spencer could hardly keep the dopey smile off of his face. Everyone knew something was going on. They weren't trying to press too much. But ultimately Spencer let it out on his own.
"What is Reid over there reading?" JJ asks as she leans closer to Emily. The girls try looking over the desk to see the man holding his book. Clearly trying to be discreet. He placed the book on his desk hoping to cover the book's title.
"Here is the best way to find out," Emily says standing from her desk. She moves pulling the book from his hand.
"Hey give that back!" Spencer exclaims.
"'What to expect when you're expecting a guide for new parents' You're having a baby!"
"What?!" JJ exclaims rushing towards them, "you and Y/n are expecting! Oh, that's amazing!"
"We haven't told anyone yet so keep it quiet-"
"Why are you three screaming?" Morgan asks as he and Garcia gather, "it's way too early for that."
"Reid's gonna be a dad," Emily says with a smirk.
"You knocked her up!" Garcia exclaims, "awe genius babies!"
"My man I didn't think you had it in you," Morgan says with a cocky smirk, "nice one Pretty boy."
"We were supposed to be keeping it quiet," Spencer says clearly getting annoyed with the others. He reaches to grab the book from Emily. However, she yanks it back. "Well so much for waiting til friday- any chance we can at least keep this from Hotch and Rossi? Make it seem like I tried not to get it out."
"What are you hiding from us?" Hotch asks firmly. He and Rossi were walking down from their offices.
"Baby Reid is own it's way," Garcia announces.
"Or let's tell Hotch and Rossi," Spencer says, "why listen to me huh?"
"Sorry Reid," Garcia says, "it's just too exciting! A baby!"
"Congratulations Reid," Hotch says, "how far along is she?"
"8 months," Spencer tells them, "she just found out yesterday."
"Solved the mystery illness," Rossi says.
"Yeah," Spencer says, "like I was telling them Y/n and I were trying to keep it under wraps because she hasn't told her mom yet- Then Prentiss and JJ decided they needed to know what I was reading-"
"You were being suspicious Reid," Emily says in her own defense, "And I was curious." Reid rolls his eyes. "You know the gender yet?"
"I'm done talking about this," Reid says as he yanks the book away from Emily, "I've got reports to work on."
"He's right everyone should get back to work," Hotch says forcefully. Spencer sighs as he looks back to his book. He slips something from the page he left off on. The ultrasound picture. He smiles lightly.
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cowboy-like-mee · 4 years
darling (pt 2)
pt 1
summary: harry is upset when he wakes up to any empty bed, but then he runs into you again at a cafe
warnings: smut(choking, daddy kink, unprotected sex, m and f receiving oral)
word count: 4k
a/n: this is a part 2 to my last one shot. i wrote the first part of this like a week ago and lost motivation but i started writing tonight and whipped out 3k words in like an hour and a half. ANYWAY definitely don’t recommend listening to high for this by the weeknd when reading this
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Harry blinked his eyes open. He felt a dull throbbing in the back of his skull. The sunlight was pouring in through the blinds in his room. He puts his hand out next to him to feel for Y/N.
When he feels nothing, he sits up and looks around. The bed is still slightly warm like you had only gotten up a little bit before. Your clothes that were scattered around his room are gone. The only signs left of you are the love bites littering his neck and hips and the lingering smell of your perfume on his sheets.
He plops back down onto his bed and sighs. He feels disappointed. It's not like he was expecting anything from you, but he was planning on having sloppy morning sex, cooking you breakfast, and then having sex in the kitchen.
He rolls out of bed and pulls on a pair of sweats. He uses the bathroom and does his morning routine. He doesn't necessarily want to go to work today, and he doesn't have to. He has employees who open and close for him, but he feels like he needs a distraction from you.
He doesn't know why he's so hung up on you. He's had hookups in the past who left before he woke up, but for some reason, this was bothering him more than it should.
He walks into the kitchen and fixes himself coffee and toast for breakfast, not having an appetite this morning. He scrolls on his phone as he eats. He has the urge to look you up on Instagram, but he resists.
Once he's done he walks back into this room to change. He pulls on loose blue jeans and a t-shirt with some white Vans. He grabs everything he needs and heads out the door.
The shop doesn't open for a couple more hours, so he's hoping he has some alone time. He decides to walk to the store today, as it's not far from his flat. He puts in his AirPods and plays his music.
After a brief walk, he finally approaches his shop. He unlocks the door and walks in. He locks the door back behind him. He pulls out his phone to text the person who was supposed to come in this morning.
He walks behind the counter to hook his phone up to the speakers. He turns on his favorite playlist and begins prepping the store for opening.
Harry loves his little shop. He's always loved music and how it connects people in the most beautiful ways. He loves helping people that come into his shop discover new artists or helping them buy gifts for friends and family.
He spends the next hour singing around his shop and cleaning up the mess of whoever closed.
He turns the open sign on and settles behind the counter to prepare himself for the day. He's usually pretty busy on the weekends, from teenagers messing around with their friends to older people having a day out.
For the next few hours, Harry spends his day helping various people pick out records. He stays until he has a couple of his employees to take over for him. He decided he's had enough of today. He just wants to go home, watch movies for hours, then pass out on his couch.
He gets his things together and leaves. He decides to stop at a new cafe on the way home to grab a late lunch. He walks in and walks up to the counter to put in his order.
What he doesn't notice is Y/N sitting in the back with her same friends from last night. You're telling them about your escapades last night with the same man that happens to be standing just a few yards away.
"He really knew what he was doing. I feel like sex will never be the same."
"Girl, why did you leave this morning, then? He sounds like a good guy. He probably wouldn't have cared if you woke up with him. You could've had a little morning romp."
"I just didn't know if it would be awkward. I don't know him. I just felt more comfortable leaving, no matter how sad it made me."
You have your back to Harry, so you don't see him either.
Your friend looks up and notices the tall, green-eyed man. She notices the man from last night, specifically the man that you left with.
"Y/N, don't look now, but that's definitely your man up there at the counter."
Your eyes widen and your heart stops. You were hoping you would never run into him again.
"Oh my God. You're kidding." You try lowering yourself in your seat so he doesn't notice you.
"No, girl. And it looks like he's eating here, so we're gonna have to walk past him anyway." You send a death glare to your friend. "You should go apologize for leaving this morning. Maybe try seducing him again."
"You're awful." You roll your eyes and consider what she's saying. You could apologize, but unless he hints at another time you won't say anything.
You nod. "Okay, I'm gonna go up to him. But y'all have to walk out before me and wait outside." You point at them, making sure they understand you're serious.
They hold their hands up in defense and stand up from the table.
"Good luck, Y/N."
"Get that dick!" They say a little too loudly.
You hide your head in your palms and giggle at your friends' vulgar words. You stand up and take a deep breath. You turn around to finally face him. He looks different than yesterday. He's wearing casual clothes and he looks tired. He's staring down at his phone, mindlessly scrolling.
He feels like he's being watched so he looks up. He looks straight into your eyes and you feel yourself shut down. He clears his throat and raises his brows at you.
You finally get the courage to walk up to him. "Hey, Harry."
"Y/N." He nods.
"Listen, I'm sorry for running out this morning. I didn't know if you were on those guys that would kick me out first thing or if things would be awkward."
"Yeah, I feel bad. I should've left you a note or my number. It wasn't you...it was for my comfort. Sorry again..." You ramble on.
"You don't have to apologize. I understand. I feel better knowing it wasn't because I was a bad shag."
You laugh. "You can't seriously think that, Harry."
He chuckles, "Hey, you never know, you could be really good at faking it."
You roll your eyes. "Please. You were pretty confident in yourself last night. I think you know what you're doing."
"Oh, stop. You're inflating my ego."
You giggle at his words. "Anyway...sorry again. I guess I'll, uh, see you around." You wave and turn around to leave.
"Y/N, wait." He calls you back.
You almost sigh in relief. "Yeah?"
"Uh, I don't know if you're interested, but would you maybe...wanna do that again sometime?" He asks.
You feel your cheeks heat up and you look down at your feet. "Oh, uh...sure. I'll give you my number."
He smiles and hands you his phone. You send a text to yourself and put your name in his contacts.
"There you go."
He looks back up at you after slipping his phone into his pocket.
"Thanks. I guess I'll text you sometime." He says shyly.
"Use it whenever." You smirk. "Bye, Harry." You wiggle your fingers at him and walk away, trying to sway your hips as you leave.
He groans under his breath and lets his head fall back. That didn't go as badly as he thought it would. His day has instantly gotten better just from seeing you again. He's not looking for a relationship, but having a constant like you in his life would be great. Plus, he gets a new friend out of it too.
Harry stared at your contact for 30 minutes before finally getting the balls to text you. He didn't go into work today, so he's been cleaning his place all day.
He's been watching movies for the past couple of hours, trying to avoid his phone. He knew why he was. He was trying to put off texting you as long as possible. He almost wishes he had given you his number so he didn't have to deal with the pressure of texting first.
He clicked on your contact and tried to compose a text that didn't sound too needy. It was a Friday night, and he knew you most likely had plans already. He didn't want to face the possibility of being rejected.
Harry:  Hey Y/N, it's Harry. Just wanted to see if you have plans tn?  
He hit send and threw his phone next to him on the couch. He was trying to distract himself by watching the movie playing on the screen in front of him.
About 15 minutes passed before his phone buzzed.
You were downing your second glass of wine when you got Harry's text. Your friends were going out tonight, but you told them you needed a night off. You had a long, hard week and just wanted a little downtime.
You had been waiting for Harry to text you all week. You were beginning to think he had forgotten about you. Your wishes came true when you got the notification from an unknown number.
You couldn't stop the smile from spreading across your face at reading his text. You weren't planning on having anyone over or going anywhere until you had to go back to work on Monday, but you would gladly change your plans to accommodate Harry and his dick.
Y/N: Hey Harry. I've was beginning to think you forgot about me
You sent the text to him and smirked at your subtle form of flirting. 
Harry: Like I could ever forget you
Y/N: How sweet. Anyway, I have no plans tonight...or the rest of the weekend
Harry: I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over? It's okay if not. I don't wanna take up your free time
Y/N: It's no problem!! I didn't want to sit around on my ass for the next few days anyway. What did you have in mind?
I know something else you can sit on, Harry thought to himself. He was thinking of sending you that, but he didn't want to seem like he a dick.
Harry: Well, I was thinking I could order some takeout and you could come over
You smiled at his text. You really didn't feel like getting ready, but you still wanted to see him.
Y/N: That sounds great! Although I would prefer you to come to my place this time. 
Harry immediately got up and began getting ready while texting you back. He told you he would pick up some food and be over in no more than an hour. You sent him your location and ran to your bathroom to freshen up.
You weren't exactly looking the cutest, but you didn't want to seem like you had put too much effort into making yourself up.
You changed into a nicer, less stained t-shirt and a pair of leggings. You took your hair down and tried to make it look decent. You splashed your face with water and sprayed yourself with some perfume.
The hour waiting for him went by too slow for your liking. Your heart leaped out of your chest when you heard a knock at your door. You practically ran to your door. You took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.
There he was, standing beautifully at your front door with a bottle of wine in one hand and a bag of food in the other. Your eyes met his, and you almost fell over.
He looked so fucking good. He was wearing a pair of loose blue jeans with rips in the knees, a t-shirt, and stained white vans with colored laces. You stepped to the side to let him in. 
You could smell his cologne fill your senses. 
"Hey." You breathed and wrapped your arms around his neck.
He hugged you back. "Hey, darling."
Your heart fluttered at the pet name. You grabbed the bottle out of his hand and led him into your kitchen. 
"You didn't have to bring anything, Harry."
Oh, but he did. He would've felt bad for coming over, fucking you, and leaving without bringing something. You're both waiting for the inevitable moment. The tension in the air is thick.
"It's not a big deal. Hope you like Thai."
You smiled. "I love it." 
You both sat down to eat, making small talk, and getting to know each other. He was such an interesting man. You found yourself fascinated with him and his way of telling stories. The slow way he talks and the way his lips form certain words. 
You wanted nothing more than to kiss him at that moment. So you told him.
"I really wanna kiss you right now, Harry."
He was in the middle of a sentence when you cut him off. He felt the breath leave his lungs. 
"Do you?" He smirked, trying to play it cool, which was hard to do with the way you were looking at him. His cock had been fattening his pants since he walked into your apartment. 
"Fuck, yes." You stood up and walked into the living room, hoping he would get the hint and follow you.
He almost tripped trying to catch up to you. You were almost in your room when he caught up to you. He roughly grabbed you by the arm and turned you around. Before you could say anything, his lips were on yours.
You moaned at the feeling of his lips on yours after so long. He kissed you roughly and sloppily. He was biting, sucking, licking, anything to provoke a reaction out of you. He was so hard it hurt. He backed you up till your back hit the wall. 
He slipped his tongue into your mouth and moaned at the taste. "Fuck, Y/N. You're so fucking hot."
He brought his hand down to palm at your pussy. You gasped into his mouth, giving him even more access to lick into your mouth. He was rubbing your clit through your leggings, and you felt like you could come already.
"Fuck me, please, Harry." You whined.
He groaned and started licking down your neck. He nipped at different spots on your neck to see what had you squirming the most.
"You want me to fuck you against this wall, baby?" He pushed his hard cock right against your core. 
"Shit." You gasped. "Please, daddy? I want you to take me right here."
He moaned and grabbed your leggings to yank them down your legs. You kicked them the rest of the way off and reached for his shirt. He helped you yank it off as you reached for his belt. The sound of his belt being undone made your abdomen clench. You dropped to your knees and pulled his briefs down. You immediately took his cock in your hand and began pumping.
Looking at you down on your knees in front of him made him want to come almost instantly, but he held back. You licked the precum leaking from his tip and suckled. You licked his shaft from the base to the head and took him into your mouth. You bobbed your head up and down, pumping what you couldn't fit in your mouth. 
He moaned above you and pulled your hair into a makeshift ponytail to help you out. He held back from thrusting his hips forward to meet your mouth. You pulled off of him to take a breath. You were panting for air, and Harry swears he's never seen anyone look so beautiful in his life. 
Your cheeks were flushed, and your eyes watering. You had precum mixed with saliva dripping down your chin. You looked so filthy on your knees for him. 
You took him back into your mouth and forced yourself down until your nose met his the hairs above the base of his cock. He held you there for a minute and pushed his hips forward till he hit the back of your throat. He pulled you off of him before he busted down your throat.
He pulled you up till you were standing, and he smeared his lips against yours. He tasted himself on your tongue and groaned at the taste.
"Dirty girl." He whispered, wiping the tears from under your eyes. You smiled weakly and kissed him again. 
He brought his hand down to your panties to rub you through the cloth. You had soaked through them, and his jaw almost dropped at how wet you were.
"You got so wait from sucking daddy's cock, baby girl?" He was rubbing slow circles into your cloth-covered clit. You needed more.
"Yes, daddy." You nodded at him, and he smirks at the pitiful look on your face. He knew he was teasing you, and he loved it.
"Want daddy to fuck you, sweetheart?" 
"Mhm. Please, I need you so bad." You whimpered.
He kneeled in front of you. He kissed your soaking cunt through your panties. His nose was digging right into your clit. You moaned at the feeling and wrapped your hands into his hair to try to get him to do more. 
He ripped your panties down your legs and licked a fat stripe up your center. He sucked your clit into his mouth and pushed two fingers into you at the same time. You screamed out, satisfied at finally being touched how you needed.
When he knew you were right on the edge, he pulled back. You whined loudly. He stood up and picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he pushed you up against the wall. His cock was pressing right against your core. 
He got you into a comfortable position. Your legs were wrapped around his waist. He had your back against the wall with one of his hands right next to your head and the other wrapped around one of your thighs. 
He tugged at his cock for a minute. He lined himself with your entrance. Your head was laid back against the wall. He grabbed your jaw and forced you to look at him.
"Look at me when I fuck you." 
You nodded your head. He pushed into you to the hilt. Your walls clenched around him, and you both moaned at the feeling. He pulled back slowly and then snapped his hips forward roughly. You gasped at the feeling. The angle was intense. He was hitting spots deep inside of you, making you feel like he was in your tummy.  
He had his hand wrapped tightly around your jaw still. You sucked his thumb into your mouth. He groaned at the sigh of your cheek hollowed around his thumb. He was fucking into you at a hard pace, but not necessarily fast. Just enough to leave you satisfied but still wanting more. 
"Faster." You moaned out. You were so close already. All it would take is a few more snaps of his hips to send you crashing over. 
He quickened his pace, driving into you hard and deep. His hips were meeting yours roughly, probably going to bruise. He moved his hand to your throat and gave it a good squeeze. You clenched around him. 
"Such a filthy little slut. Like it when daddy choke's you? Not gonna be able to walk tomorrow because I'm fucking you so good."
"Fuck, daddy. I'm so close." You moaned out. You were clenching around him uncontrollably. You felt your release bubbling in your tummy, waiting to let go.
"You aren't gonna come till I tell you."
He was snapping his hips forward vigorously. He squeezed your throat again. The sound of wet skin slapping and both of your moans filled the room. Harry could feel his release at the bottom of his spine. 
"Wanna come, baby?"
"Yes. Please, daddy. I need to come so bad." You couldn't hold back your loud moans. No one had ever fucked you this good in all your years. You knew you wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow, but you didn't even care. You were completely consumed in Harry.
"Come for daddy. Soak me."
As soon as the words left his mouth, you came. Your vision washed white and you came hard. You let out a silent scream as he fucked you through your release. Your walls were spasming around him. 
As you rode out your release you slumped against the wall. Your body felt numb. He kept pounding into your sensitive cunt, chasing his release.
"Fuck, Y/N. I'm gonna come." 
"Come in my mouth, daddy." 
As soon as you said those words, he was pulling out and set you on your feet. You dropped to your knees and opened your mouth wide for him. 
You tugged at his cock quickly with your tongue out, waiting for him to release. With a few more strokes, he was coming on your tongue and moaning out your name. 
You swallowed every drop and slowed your strokes on his cock. You suckled his tip. He winced at the sensitivity. You kissed his tip and rested your cheek on his thigh.
"Shit." You said. 
He laughed and combed your messy hair out of your face. You looked up at him and sleepily smiled.
"You're so beautiful, Y/N." 
Your cheeks heated up, and you kissed his thigh in reply.
"You did such a good job, baby."
"I don't think my legs work."
He helped you stand up and kissed you gently on the lips. You smiled and gave him a small peck. "Thank you."
"I should be thanking you, love," He chuckled.
"Let's get you cleaned up."
He carried you into your room and set you on the bed. He walked into your ensuite bathroom and came back out with a washcloth. He wiped you down between your legs. You whimpered at how sensitive and sore you were. 
He gave you his t-shirt to put on and a pair of clean panties. He pulled his briefs back on and laid on the bed.
"Let's sleep. I'm fucking exhausted." He said. You giggled and lifted the covers so he could get under with you. 
You both got under the covers and cuddled up close to each other. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you back against him.
"Harry?" You whispered.
He hummed. 
"Will you be here in the morning?" You asked quietly.
"Of course, darling. Although, I should get you back for leaving me." He teased you.
You groaned, "I still feel bad about that. I'm sorry."
"It's fine, Y/N. Just don't let it happen again." 
You giggled and turned around so you could face him. He was the prettiest man you've ever seen.
"Thank you." He said.
Your eyes widen, "Oh, my God. Did I say that out loud?"
He laughed, "Yes, but it's okay. You're the prettiest woman I've ever seen."
You rolled your eyes, "Whatever."
"I'm serious, darling. You're stunning. You make me so nervous."
Your cheeks heat up at his confession. Without thinking, you lean forward and kiss the corner of his mouth. 
His brows raise. 
"I'm so sorry, I didn't- I shouldn't have done that. I wasn't thinking-"
He cuts you off by kissing you softly on the lips. Your lips move together gently. He pulls back after a few minutes of softly making out.
"It's okay." He whispers against your lips. 
You were scared. You weren't supposed to like him this much. He was supposed to be a one night stand.
Harry was scared also. He's never been in a relationship. He's been on many dates, but none of them piqued his interest. He's never felt this way about anyone, and he's only known you for a week or so.
You smile and rest your head against his chest. He kisses the top of your head and wraps his arms around your body.
"Goodnight, Harry."
"Goodnight, love."
You both were so fucked.                                                                                                                  
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heyitssmiller · 4 years
Frosted Windowpanes Part Two
I have no idea why this was so hard to write? Part one just came so easily and this... not so much. But here it is! All the holiday tropes! Christmas puns (thank you to all of y’all who gave me ideas for those)! Falling in love!
As always, @donttouchmycarrots is my hero for proofreading!! Love you <3
@lumosinlove Guess who’s back to borrow your characters ;) Thank you so much!!
Part One if you missed it!
Finn had a Plan.
Well, half a Plan.
Step one: meet up with Logan and Leo again. Step two: woo them. Step three: …
Well, it wasn’t much. And it was very vague. But Finn’s plans tended to never go the way he wanted them to anyway, so vague was usually for the best. And so far, it had been going well. They’d grabbed dinner several times, ran into each other at the store or buying Christmas presents downtown. And on Monday the diner was closed, so Finn and Leo spent hours at the farm helping where they could and pestering Logan. He was so fun to tease – he got all gruff and grumpy and adorable. Leo seemed to think so, too, if the number of times he teamed up with Finn to make Logan get all red was anything to go off of.
At the beginning of all this, Finn had thought he’d been overdramatic. He’d woken up the morning after first meeting Logan and Leo and assumed he’d been tired and jet-lagged and was imagining all those feelings he’d felt the night before.
And then he’d met up with them again.
Love at first sight wasn’t real. Finn knew this. But being here, meeting Logan and Leo, just might have been enough to change his mind. It made no sense, but – well, here he was. The past few days were happy, rose-tinted, and Finn couldn’t believe his luck. What were the odds that he’d find both of them in this sleepy little town?
So here he was, pulling into the parking lot of Leo’s for a cup of coffee and a healthy serving of sweet southern blond.
Leo was out front, shoveling snow and looking absolutely miserable while doing it. He was bundled in a thick coat and hat, scarf wrapped high around his neck. Finn laughed under his breath as he turned his car off and braved the cold. Poor southern boy. Leo glanced up at him briefly when he approached, then did a double take.
“Morning, sunshine.” Finn said with a cheeky grin. “Enjoying the snow day?”
Leo’s resulting grumpy look made Finn laugh. “I’ll take that as a no.”
“Nate called and said he can’t make it to work today because the roads are so bad.” Leo took a deep breath, and then the rest of his words came out in a jumbled, rushed mess. “Which isn’t his fault and I’m not blaming him at all. But I haven’t started cooking and we open in thirty minutes and there’s no coffee brewing and nowhere for people to park because of this goddamn snow and so I’m stuck shoveling snow instead of cooking and I’m so far behind-”
Finn gently pressed a finger to Leo’s lips, halting the nervous ramblings. Leo looked down at his finger, then back up to meet Finn’s eyes.
Oh, he was so gorgeous.
Finn had to force himself to focus on the matter at hand instead of cherry-red lips and soft baby blues. “Relax, ok? And hand me the shovel. I’ll do this, while you get on inside and start cooking.”
“But – Finn,” Leo said, and wow did he love the sound of his voice in that southern twang.
“Leo,” He echoed with an attempted accent, eliciting a smile from the blond.
“I can’t just ask you to work. You’re on vacation.”
“First of all, you didn’t ask – I offered. And the friends I’m visiting are both at work,” Finn explained, “so I’ve been left to my own devices for the day.”
Leo winced in sympathy. “Bless your heart.”
And see, Finn had done his research. He’d googled New Orleans, the state of Louisiana, and the south in general. And he’d learned that southerners were very confusing – more confusing than people gave them credit for. They were polite and kind to everyone, even if they definitely didn’t mean it. The phrase “bless your heart” could mean they either absolutely adored you or they thought you were the worst person on the planet.
Finn really hoped it wasn’t the latter. He didn’t think it was the latter, anyways.
“I’m literally dying of boredom. I’ll shovel the snow, and then I can come help you cook!” At Leo’s skeptical look, Finn brought out the big guns: his puppy dog eyes. They were known to melt even the hardest of hearts. He’d learned this lesson in college when asking his Grinch of an Ethics professor for some extra credit. “Please?”
Leo hesitated, but Finn could see the exact moment he caved. “Alright. But you’re getting paid.”
“Absolutely not. Consider it a Christmas gift.”
“I’ll pay you in food and coffee.”
“Deal.” Finn said, grabbing the shovel from Leo’s mittened hands. “Like I could ever say no to your food.”
Leo’ smile, warm and a little bashful, probably could’ve thawed the snow on the pavement if it was directed that way. “What would you like: sweet or savory?”
“Sweet,” Finn said instantly, even though he really preferred savory. His one-track mind was still stuck on dimples. “But I take my coffee black.”
“Comin’ right up.”
Finn watched him go, knowing that he had the dopiest smile on his face. Today was going to be a good day. And he knew a way to make it even better.
Finn dialed the number for Tremblay’s Trees, hoping more than anything that Logan would be the one to pick up. But of course he wasn’t that lucky. A bright, cheery voice answered the phone - definitely not Logan. “Tremblay’s Trees!0 This is Thomas, how can I help you?”
“Uh,” Finn said articulately, “Hi, I’d like to talk to Logan. Is he there?”
There was a slight pause, then: “Maybe. Who’s asking? And how do you know our dear Lolo?” The voice sounded curious, if not a little mischievous. Before Finn could answer, though, there was a scuffling over the line.
“Talker, give me the phone.”
“Oh, come on, I’ve got the five o’clock news slot tonight. Give the people what they want, Logan! Who’s your mystery caller?”
“I swear to god-”
The scuffling sound got louder, then there was a loud clatter when Finn assumed the phone hit the ground. He jerked his own phone away from his ear with a wince. “I am very confused.” He stated, not sure if anyone else heard him.
There was a small, softer rustle, then a breathless voice asked, “Hello?”
Finn couldn’t help but smile. “Hi, Lolo.”
That laugh was just as wonderful over the phone as it was in person. “Please don’t call me that.”
“Mmm… I might need to be convinced.” Finn said, letting some flirtiness slip through. “Anyways, I’ve got an idea. You busy today?”
“I’ve got the morning off. Why, what did you have in mind?”
So Finn, with the phone pressed between his shoulder and his ear, told the story of this morning as he shoveled – Nate not being able to make it to his shift, the ice and snow in Leo’s parking lot, Leo being behind on cooking and acting anxious. “So I was thinking we could do something? Like a surprise? And I know you guys need to actually sell things and make a living and stuff but I was thinking about decorating the diner? He just works so hard and he’s so stressed and I feel like he could use a little holiday cheer. What do you think?”
The other voice from earlier must have shouted, because he was loud enough to hear over the phone. “Phone guy! What the hell did you say to make him melt like that?”
Logan punched Talker in the shoulder. Hard. “I will lock you in the closet, Talker. Shut. Up.” His attention was brought back to the phone by Finn’s laugh and his demeanor softened again. He’d never met someone as chaotically considerate as Finn O’Hara. It was such a sweet, thoughtful idea. And it was something to help out Leo? How could Logan say no?
“Sounds like a plan.” Logan said, cradling the phone closer to his ear. “Most people already have their decorations so we don’t have a whole lot left, but I’ll see what I can find.”
“Perfect! Oh this is going to be so fun – fuck, I’ve gotta go. Customers just showed up. But I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Great. Ok see you soon bye!” The words reached Logan in a rush before the line went dead.
What a dork.
Logan was pretty sure he was half in love with him.
“So…” Talker said suddenly, making Logan spin around quickly. “Who are you pining over?”
Noelle, who had been passing by on her way to the kitchen, backpedaled in order to join the conversation. “Are we talking about Logan’s love life? Because I’m so here for that.”
Logan sighed and went to the coat rack by the door, grabbing his coat, toque, and scarf. “I’m not having this conversation with you.”
They both promptly ignored him. Talker grinned at his fiancée, sensing trouble he could get into. “He’s become such a sap.”
Noelle snuggled up to Talker, turning her teasing gaze to her brother. “But if it’s who I’m thinking of, they have such good chemis-tree.”
“Did you guys practice this or something?”
“Hey man, don’t be so defensive.” Talker said, voice turning serious. “You know we’re all rooting for you.”
“I hate you both so much.”
“Aww, don’t be like that, Lolo.” Noelle sighed, giving him an over-the-top hug and obnoxious kisses to his cheek. “We’re just having some fun. Do you want us to stop needling you?”
“I’m having fun fir sure!” Talker shouted, then burst into raucous laughter, which stopped as abruptly as it started. “Wait. That wasn’t Leo on the phone. You've got eyes for someone other than him, now? Branching out a little, are we?"
“No.” Logan said instantly, then winced. Because his feelings for Leo definitely hadn’t changed. But then there was Finn… “Maybe. It’s complicated, ok?”
“The redhead that was hanging out with you and Leo on Monday?”
Logan felt his cheeks heat up but didn’t say anything. Monday had been the best, though. Showing the two of them the farm and how he did his job and watching their noses and cheeks turn adorable shades of pink from the cold. Even though he’d been there for a year, Leo still seemed in awe of all the snow. He clearly hated it, but Logan could tell he still found wonder and beauty in a clean blanket of undisturbed, freshly-fallen snow. Finn, even though he was clearly freezing too, kept cracking jokes the entire time, his voice muffled by his scarf. They’d walked and talked and learned more about each other among the saplings that would be full-grown and ready to be cut down by next season.
Yeah, Monday had been a great day.
And Logan was so screwed.
“Birch, please.” Noelle teased, then softened. “But really, Logan. Both of them were just as interested in you as they were in each other. You’ve got nothing to worry about, you just need to talk to them.”
He looked up from the buttons of his coat. “You think so?”
“Only one way to find out. What are you doing with them today?”
“We’re decorating the diner.” Logan pulled his hat on and looked over at his sister. “Do you think dad’ll be ok with me taking some garland and a wreath?”
Noelle scoffed. “With all the coffee and pastries you boy’s given us, I think he’s more than paid for it. Do you want company?”
“Oh, come on,” Talker said, wiggling his eyebrows. “We’d make the perfect wingmen.”
“You did enough while I was on the phone, thanks.” Logan said, grabbing the keys from the counter. “Ok I’m headed out. See you later.”
Talker and Noelle sent a chorus of boos after him, only stopping when the door closed firmly behind him. He huffed out a laugh, shook his head, and headed towards the display counter to grab decorations. They were a little old since it was so close to Christmas day, but they’d have to do. Logan hesitated for a split second, then grabbed the Santa hat as well. They’d get a kick out of that. He threw the decorations in the back of the truck and took off down the road.
They actually worked really well together – Leo and Finn, that is. Finn dealt with customers while Leo made the food. They had a complex, intricate dance around the close quarters of the diner but they seemed to know the footwork already and could predict exactly what the other needed without blinking an eye. Leo peered out the kitchen window at Finn as he took orders at another table, laughing at something one of the women said. He was good at this. He was naturally outgoing and good with people, but he was also efficient and seemed to be able to keep track of twenty different things at once.
Leo frowned thoughtfully down at the grits on the stove. Logically, he shouldn’t like Finn. The redhead had appeared like a whirlwind and thrown everything off course. But then he went out of his way to be helpful and sweet and thoughtful even though it didn’t benefit him in any way. He had a big heart with a lot of love to give. And he gave it willingly to everyone, it seemed.
Don’t get him wrong, that was a good thing – it was a great thing. But it also made the past few days incredibly confusing. Was Finn treating Leo like everyone else, or did he want something more?
He definitely wanted something more with Logan, though. That much was obvious.
Leo just wasn’t sure how he fit into all of this.
Finn barging into the kitchen snapped Leo out of his thoughts. He looked up as Finn started looking around for something on the counters and shelves, tongue poking out in concentration. Leo couldn’t help but smile at the little detail.
“What are you looking for?” He asked, stepping away from the stove.
“The, um…” Finn said, trailing off as he continued to search, clearly distracted. “The spicy maple sauce for the chicken and waffles.”
“In the fridge.” Leo stated plainly, maneuvering around Finn to grab flour from the pantry, brushing against his back as he did so and trying to ignore how the simple touch heightened his awareness of the redhead. Finn threw open the fridge door, scanning the shelves.
“Second shelf from the bottom, on the right.”
A few seconds of silence, then: “Where?”
Leo laughed, dumping a cup of flour into a bowl and heading to the fridge. He peered over Finn’s shoulder, then reached around him with one long arm to grab the bowl of sauce. “Right in front of you, sweetheart.” He teased. Finn turned around so that he was facing Leo, a look that Leo had seen a lot in the past few days but still couldn’t identify on his face.
“Yeah,” was all he said, soft and a little strangled.
Leo looked away from those deep, brown eyes and down at the sauce. His heartrate picked up significantly. “Have you tried this yet?” At Finn’s shake of his head, Leo grabbed a spoon from a nearby drawer. “Figured I’d combine my roots with where I ended up, y’know? Tabasco, black pepper, maple syrup, and a few more secret ingredients.” He said with a wink, spooning some out and holding it out to Finn. “I’m pretty proud of it, if I do say so myself. Try it.”
Instead of grabbing the spoon from Leo, Finn just leaned forwards and tasted the sauce straight from the spoon in Leo’s hand. Leo’s breath hitched and his stomach swooped as Finn straightened again and met his eyes.
Oh, he could stare into those eyes forever. Eyes the same color of the coffee Finn had slid through the kitchen window about an hour ago with the words, “figured you could use some” before dashing off to clear another table. Leo had turned beet red, but grabbed the coffee and held it close before taking a sip.
Leo also hadn’t realized how close they were. The diner was small and the kitchen was cramped, but they definitely didn’t need to be standing this close. Not that Leo was complaining.
“Is it hot in here?” Finn murmured, gaze flitting from Leo’s eyes down to his lips and back again.
Leo seemed a little lost, too, leaning closer to the redhead without even realizing he was doing it. “Must be the sauce.”
It definitely wasn’t just the sauce.
The chime that alerted them to the front door opening startled both of them, forcing them to jerk away from each other and blush furiously.
“I, uh, I’m going to go check on that.” Finn said, still not looking away from Leo as he backed up.
“Ok.” Leo whispered, reaching back to grab the island behind him in an attempt to steady himself. Finn reluctantly tore his eyes away and disappeared from sight, leaving Leo reeling in the kitchen as he entered the dining area.
Finn’s mind was still back in the kitchen, wishing more than anything that he hadn’t been forced to step away. He’d never wanted to kiss someone senseless quite as much as he did right then. And how was he supposed to keep it together when all he wanted to do was flip the diner sign from open to closed and get Logan here and finally talk to them. They’d felt this pull - this magnetism - too. He knew they did. The only thing left to do was finally talk about it. 
Finn was forced to snap back to the present when the counter was suddenly covered in green needles, red berries, and festive ribbons. He looked up to see Logan grinning at him. Under his coat he was wearing red plaid, which matched the Santa hat perched on his head.
How was it possible to want two people so much at the same time? He couldn’t breathe with all the emotions overflowing in his chest.
“Ho ho ho,” Logan attempted to say, but cracked up before he could finish. Finn grinned and laughed as well, stepping forward to greet him.
“You should’ve used the chimney.” Finn joked, tugging on the end of his hat playfully. He got a smile and sparkling green eyes in return. Finn bit back a dreamy sigh. “But really, thank you. Leo’s gonna love this.”
Logan’s face grew a little worried. “How is he?”
That was a good question, since Finn left him standing there in the kitchen with the spoon still in his hand, looking a little lost.
He ended up shrugging, glancing back at the kitchen door longingly. “Better now. Still seems tired.”
“We’re going to have to force him to take breaks, aren’t we.” It wasn’t a question.
“Probably. If we tag team, I think we can manage to make it happen.” Finn looked down at the decorations. “So where are we putting these?”
Logan looked around the dining area, giving Finn a perfect view of his profile. He longed to kiss that strong jawline so badly, holy shit. “We could hang some over the kitchen window and some around the front window. And the wreath can go on the door.” Finn followed Logan as he maneuvered his way around tables to the front window, eyeing it critically. “The frame is wide enough that it should stay up on its own, so we won’t need nails or anything.” He grabbed the garland from the counter and then turned back around. Finn looked from him to the tall crown molding around the window.
“Need a ladder?”
Finn laughed, grabbing one end of the garland and stretching up to place it on the ledge. Once it was secure, he looked over his shoulder at Logan and stuck his hand out for the other end. Logan hesitated, clearly wanting to do it himself, but quickly admitted defeat and handed it over. He huffed at Finn’s smug smile.
“Shut up.”
Finn laughed as he hung the garland. Logan was so small and grumpy and cute. Finn wanted to bundle him up in his arms and never let go. His little pocket-sized lumberjack. How adorable. He was so different from Leo, in basically every way. And yet Finn still wanted them both. How the hell did that work? 
“I should probably check on the customers.” Finn said reluctantly, glancing around at the breakfast crowd. “Do you think you can manage the kitchen window?”
“I got it.” Logan grumbled, sizing up his next target. Finn just shook his head fondly and started making his rounds to the occupied tables. Logan grabbed the remaining garland and headed behind the counter. He couldn’t help but stick his head through the window and look around. It was several degrees warmer in the kitchen than it was in the dining area. Logan was surprised at how tidy it was, considering how hectic the morning had been. There were a few scattered dishes in the sink, but the counters were mostly clean and organized, each bowl seemed to have a designated location. Leo, focused with his head down, maneuvered between stations with an effortless grace as he breaded a chicken tender and threw it into a frier. Logan never thought he’d be so entranced by something as simple as cooking but here he was, watching Leo hum along to the Christmas music on the radio as he poured batter into a waffle iron. He grabbed a mug of coffee off to the side and looked up as he took a sip, jumping when he saw Logan.
“Logan! Hey, honey!” He smiled, like seeing Logan was the highlight of his day. Logan yearned at the sight of that smile. He seemed to be doing a whole lot of yearning lately. “When did you get here?”
“Just a few minutes ago. Brought you something.”
Leo arched an eyebrow. “That sounds a little ominous.”
“No,” Logan laughed. “No, it’s a good thing.” He held up the garland and wiggled it around a little, causing it to sway in the air.
Leo’s entire face lit up. “Christmas decorations?”
“It was Finn’s idea.” Logan said, looking back over his shoulder at the redhead. Leo visibly softened, smile gentle and eyes warm.
“He sure is sweet, isn’t he?”
You just need to talk to them, Noelle’s voice echoed in Logan’s head. Looking at Leo right then, he couldn’t help but think that maybe she was right.
“Sure is snowing hard out there, eh?” Logan asked several hours later as he looked out the window. It was a strange lull in the day – too late for lunch, but too early for dinner. They were all grateful for the break. Logan honestly wasn’t sure how Leo did this every day – it was exhausting.
Finn, who was sitting on the other side of the booth from Logan and Leo with his legs stretched out, pulled up the weather app on his phone. “It’s only supposed to get worse. They’re calling for a blizzard.”
Leo looked out at the snow worriedly. “I really don’t wanna drive home in all that.”
“Might need to close up early, then. No one’s going to be out in this weather, anyways.” Logan said, watching Leo bite his lip as he thought about it. “I could drive you, if you want.”
Leo looked over at him, relief clear in his eyes. “Would you?” He rushed to continue, “I don’t wanna inconvenience you or anything, and I know you need to get home too-”
“Leo,” Logan cut in with a smile. If Leo didn’t know Logan would do pretty much anything for him at this point, he was clearly oblivious. “I don’t mind, I promise.”
Leo seemed to accept it without further argument and looked over at Finn. “Do you wanna tag along? I was thinking about making cookies.”
“Well that depends.” Finn said with mock gravitas, leaning forward to rest his forearms against the table. “What kind of cookies are we talking?”
Leo matched his pose, mischief alight in his eyes. “I was thinking snickerdoodles, but I’d be willing to reconsider.”
“Sneak in some sugar cookies we can decorate and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
Leo and Finn shook on it, keeping it professional.
Logan was infatuated with the two of them.
“So you’re closing early?” He asked, excited at the prospect of spending the rest of the day with them. At Leo’s nod, he nearly sighed with relief. “Good. You need a break.”
Leo rolled his eyes, but smiled all the same. “Maybe I do.”
Finn grinned. “He finally admits it!”
“Ok, ok, I get it.” Leo sighed, shoving Logan’s shoulder repeatedly until he got out of the booth. Leo followed after him. “I’ve got to put stuff away in the kitchen and then I’ll be done.”
Logan and Finn shared a look before trailing after him. They worked together to clean up, put food away, and organize the receipts and cash register for the day. It went much faster with three people. Before they knew it, all three of them were piling into Logan’s pickup truck, bundled up against the cold and brushing freshly-fallen snowflakes off of their coats and out of their hair. Logan pulled out onto the road, driving while Leo gave directions from the passenger’s seat.
Leo’s house was nice – small, but it looked warm and well-loved. There was a snowman out front, complete with a scarf and carrot nose.
“Cute.” Finn said as they got out of the truck, walking up to the snowman. Leo smiled, fishing his keys out of his pocket.
“My friend’s little brother made that over the weekend.” He unlocked the front door and ushered everyone inside as he held the door for them. Leo’s house was all cool tones – soft blue and purples and greens. There was a tree in the corner of the living room by the window, all lit up and decorated. There were presents under the tree, wrapped in brown paper with ribbons and bows.
Leo hung his coat on the coat rack and took Logan’s and Finn’s from them. “So. Cookies?”
“Nope,” Logan said, grabbing Leo by the hand and tugging him towards the living room. “Rest first, then cookies.” Leo laughed, reaching behind him to find Finn’s arm and pulling him along with them.
“I won’t say no to a Christmas movie.” He agreed as they all collapsed onto the couch. Finn grabbed a blanket from the arm of the couch and threw it over the three of them while Leo grabbed the TV remote.
Logan moved closer under the pretense of getting under more of the blanket. He was now pressed up against Leo, butterflies in his stomach. “My vote is for Die Hard.”
Finn scoffed, throwing his legs over Leo’s and Logan’s thighs. “That doesn’t count as a Christmas movie.”
“I beg your pardon-”
“Is it about Christmas? No. Case closed.”
Logan leaned forward to look around Leo at the redhead. “It takes place during Christmas!”
Leo just listened amusedly to the bickering as he flicked through movie titles. They were still arguing when he started the cute, old Claymation Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. Both boys trailed off as the introduction music started.
“This works.” Finn said, settling in to get more comfortable, his calves flexing against Logan’s thighs as he stretched. Logan hummed in agreement, eyes already glued on the screen.
They hadn’t even met Hermey the elf before Leo was sound asleep, head pillowed on Finn’s shoulder and breathing slow and even. Finn looked over blond curls at Logan and smiled, making his heart thud painfully in his chest. He needed to talk to them, and soon. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could sit there and keep all these feelings internalized.
But it could wait until after a nap. He snuggled up close and turned back to the TV.
“No, you need to-” Leo stopped and laughed, pointing to the recipe. “Teaspoon of vanilla extract, darlin’, not tablespoon.”
Finn switched out one measuring spoon for another with a wince. “That would’ve been bad, huh?”
“Very bad.” Leo agreed, looking over at the oven to see Logan already staring back at them, a wide, almost-giddy smile on his face as he started loading cookie dough balls onto a baking tray. One tray of snickerdoodles were already in the oven and spreading out rapidly as they cooked.
“We might’ve put those too close to each other,” Logan said, crouching down to look into the oven. “They’re all starting to stick together. It’s just one big, square cookie.”
“That’s ok. It’ll still taste good.” Leo said with a shrug. They both turned when Finn started banging on the table in time to the music.
“I don’t want a lot for Christmas! There is just one thing I need!” He screamed, bopping along to the song. Logan laughed and let himself be tugged forwards to dance. Leo watched as they both jumped around and danced in the kitchen, hips swaying and acting like total dorks. But they were so happy, as well. Big smiles graced their faces as they laughed and sang and held each other close. Leo whisked wet ingredients together in a bowl and leaned back against the counter as he enjoyed the over-the-top show. They were cute together in the warm glow of the kitchen – a sharp contrast to the snow falling outside and collecting on the windowsill. Finn tilted his head back to shriek the last high note, causing Logan and Leo to both burst into fits of laughter.
“O’Hara, please don’t audition for Broadway.” Logan teased, still laughing a little. Finn scowled and grabbed a tea towel, spinning it up before whipping it at the brunet.
This started an all-out war. Many a cookie lost their life in the crossfire when Logan accidentally hit Leo’s arm as he was transferring cooled cookies into a tin. They had a warrior’s send-off as they were dumped into the trash can.
After the cookies were baked and decorated and the kitchen was cleaned thoroughly, it was pitch black outside. Leo had genuinely lost track of time, but he was selfishly grateful for it. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for y’all to be driving in this weather in the dark.” He said, snagging a cookie from one of the plates and taking a bite as he tried to be casual about the two boys potentially staying the night. “I’ve got a guest bedroom and a pull-out couch if you wanna stay here.”
Finn and Logan looked at each other, then Logan shrugged. “If that’s ok with you.”
Ok? It was wonderful.
“Of course it is. I’ll go make up the beds and get y’all something to sleep in, ok?” Leo said before hurrying to his room, where he hastily made his bed and rummaged through his dresser for clothes. He muttered to himself as he pulled out two pairs of sweatpants. “Don’t make a big deal of this, Nutty. They’re just spending the night. That’s it.”
His mind fast-forwarded to imagine sleep-mussed hair, soft smiles, and rough morning voices. Sitting at the table together, nursing cups of coffee as the sun rose over a clean, white blanket of snow. They’d talk and laugh and just maybe share some coffee-flavored kisses.
Leo sighed, pressing his forehead against the edge of his dresser. “I’m screwed, ain’t I?”
Logan woke up to a gentle hand prodding his shoulder. He breathed in sharply as he remembered where he was and blinked his eyes open to be met with worried blue ones. “Leo?” He asked as he sat up, voice raspy with lack of use. “What’s wrong?”
He was greeted with an absolute onslaught of words. “There’s so much snow outside. Like, so much snow. I’ve never seen this much snow before. And I didn’t think it would be this bad so I don’t have any milk or bread or eggs in the house and I doubt I can get to the store. How long do you think the roads will be out? And what about the diner? Is snow damage a thing? Do I need to go check-”
Logan laughed softly, falling back against the pillows and covering his eyes with his forearm. “What – milk, eggs, and bread?”
“It’s a southern thing.” Logan couldn’t see him, but he could hear the pout in his voice. His vision was suddenly filled with blond bed-head and wide baby blues as Leo pulled his arm away from his face. If he could wake up to this every day, Logan would die a happy man. “Come on, sweetheart, I’m really freaking out right now.”
One of these days, the terms of endearment were actually going to kill him.
“I’m sure the diner’s fine. Besides, there’s not much we can do until the roads clear, so we’ll just have to wait it out.” Logan shifted over on the bed, leaving a Leo-sized spot open. He tugged on Leo’s arm until he crawled into bed, laying on his side to face Logan, their feet tangled together. Leo was wearing fuzzy socks.
Logan smiled at the sight in front of him, then closed his eyes again. “Go back to sleep, Leo. We’ll deal with it when-”
The door banged open to reveal Finn, face bright with excitement. “Snow! Have you guys seen all the snow? We should-” He stopped when he saw the two boys in bed, nestled together and still sleepy. He cleared his throat. “Uh, sorry. Didn’t mean to-”
“Cuddle.” Leo said, reaching up for Finn as well. “We should cuddle.” Finn smiled warmly and didn’t hesitate to clamber into bed on Logan’s other side, scooting in close and only elbowing Logan once as he got comfy. Logan grumbled, but quickly got over it when he felt a tentative arm wrap around him as he drifted back off to sleep.
Leo woke up to two boys asleep in bed with him and couldn’t think of a time when he was happier. They were all tangled together in a mess of limbs and blankets and pillows. It was warm and soft and Leo never wanted to leave. But he also wanted to surprise them with coffee and breakfast. Breakfast in bed wouldn’t be too obvious would it? He thought back to the past twenty-four hours and decided that if this wasn’t flirting, he wasn’t sure what was. Now it was just a matter of taking that next step and actually talking about it. So who cared if it was too obvious or not?
Leo glanced at Logan and Finn one last time. There was just something about seeing the two of them in his clothes. Logan’s sweaterpaws were visible from where he was grabbing onto Finn’s arm in his sleep. Finn was close to the same size as Leo so the clothes actually fit him pretty well. His face was pressed into brown hair, arm tightening around Logan as he huffed out a breath. The sight did something to Leo’s heart. He smiled dopily before sneaking out of bed, his back popping as he stretched. Ok, game plan: coffee, breakfast, talk. He could do this.
He crept down the hall and into the kitchen, trying to be as quiet as he could when getting a frying pan out and setting it on the stove. Next came the kettle for water to use in the French press, bacon, and ingredients to make homemade biscuits. Normally he would’ve done eggs, but they’d used all of them on the cookies yesterday.
The biscuits went into the oven and the bacon into the frying pan, sizzling away. So much for breakfast in bed. Leo knew the smell of food cooking would bring the other two out of the bedroom and, sure enough, he soon heard two pairs of footsteps headed towards him, one slightly muffled by too-long sweatpants hems dragging along the floor. He grabbed three mugs from the cabinet and sent a smile over his shoulder at the two boys.
Three cups of coffee: one black, one with cream only, and one with cream and sugar.
Leo pulled the biscuits out of the oven and quickly transferred them onto a plate, doing the same with the bacon before bringing both to the table.
“Leo, you’re an angel.” Finn said as he grabbed plates and silverware for the three of them. Logan hummed in agreement from in front of the fridge, where he was collecting butter and jams for the biscuits. They all joined each other at the kitchen table, still a little sleepy-eyed and half awake.
Leo, halfway through his first sip of coffee, passed Finn his mug of steaming black coffee, then Logan his own cup full of cream and sugar, just how he liked it. Logan looked down at it and sighed happily, “Love you, Nutter Butter.”
Finn’s head shot up. Leo choked on his coffee, cheeks heating up. Logan looked at them confusedly before he realized what he said and his face paled. “Shit.”
“You... you love me?” Leo asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Logan’s heart ached a little at the look on Leo’s face. God, he should’ve told him a long time ago. In response he just slowly nodded, hesitantly meeting wide eyes and hoping for the best.
Leo smiled, letting out a soft laugh. “Honey, I’ve loved you for months.” He took a deep breath, as if gathering up his courage, then reached out to grab Finn’s hand. “And I think I’m falling for you, too. Judging from the way Logan stares at you when you’re not looking, he feels the same.” Leo looked from Finn to Logan hopefully. “Right?”
Finn squeezed Leo’s hand, finally daring to hope. Maybe he could actually have this. His heart thundered in his chest, so loud that Logan and Leo were bound to hear it. “And how does he stare at me when I’m not looking?”
Leo’s eyes flicked over to Logan with a smile. “Take a look for yourself.”
Finn’s breath hitched as he looked over into evergreen eyes, bright and gazing at him the same way Finn had caught him staring at Leo so many times before. He laughed a little in relief, tracing Logan’s cheekbone with gentle fingers.
“I was a little worried we were never going to have this conversation. And I know we’ve got a lot to figure out, but...” He trailed off, a little in awe. What were the odds of this? Everything seemed to fall perfectly into place, like puzzle pieces. It wasn’t some huge revelation, though. There were no grand romantic gestures, no race against time, no frantic outburst. It was calm and gentle like the sun rising outside, casting everything in light pastels and golds.
Logan just laughed softly, scooting his chair back with a loud scraping noise and standing up. “Stop just sitting there and come here, I’ve been wanting to kiss you two for forever.”
Finn scrambled up from his seat and all but threw himself at Logan, nearly bowling him over as he kissed him enthusiastically, arms wrapped tightly around Logan’s waist. Leo smiled as he watched them. He loved their dynamic – the bickering and teasing like they’d known each other for years, and yet the head-over-heels way they looked at each other and held each other and kissed each other. They were so comfortable together, not shying away from anything it seemed. Leo couldn’t wait to see how their relationship grew and evolved over time. He couldn’t wait to see how all three of them would grow together. He stood too and joined Logan and Finn, pressing kisses to their cheeks, their jaws, their necks – anywhere he could reach.
Finn broke the kiss to press his forehead against Logan’s, eyes closed and smile a mile wide. “I’ve been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you at that farm.” His eyes turned to Leo next. He reached up and cupped Leo’s face in his hands. “And I’ve wanted to kiss you since that first bite of pie.”
“What, was the muffuletta not good enough for – mmph.” Leo’s teasing words got cut off by Finn’s lips on his. He sighed into the kiss, draping his arms over Finn’s freckled shoulders and angling his head to deepen the kiss. He could taste black coffee on Finn’s lips and had never loved the flavor more. There was another hand at his back, stroking over his spine. Logan. Leo leaned back into his hand before breaking away from Finn to look at Logan – the guy he’d been pining after for just shy of a year.
“How did I get so lucky?” He murmured, prompting Logan to lean up and kiss him, softly and heartbreakingly gentle. Leo kissed him with purpose, running his tongue against Logan’s bottom lip and causing his breath to hitch.
He thought back to his musings of the night before during his panic in his bedroom and laughed against Logan’s lips. The brunet made a questioning humming noise, so Leo leaned back just far enough to whisper, “Maybe I’m clairvoyant.”
Finn laughed, bewildered. “What?”
Leo just glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, smiled, and combed a finger through red tresses. Sleep-mussed hair, soft smiles, and rough morning voices. Sitting at the table together, nursing cups of coffee as the sun rose over a clean, white blanket of snow. Talking and laughing and sharing some coffee-flavored kisses. Those had been his thoughts last night. And here he was, suddenly getting all of those things.
“Nothing, sweetheart.” Leo said, looking down at his two with overflowing fondness as he thought of the future and hoped that those musings would come true, too.
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ahwait-no-yes · 4 years
Let’s talk about if Saihara hated Ouma
So lately I’ve actually seen a bit more comments on how Saihara doesn’t actually like Ouma and people have gone as far as saying he hates him and idk why people genuinely believe it so here I am about to refute that (I’ve been waiting ages to make this post just so you know so this came out as a horribly unstructured ramble more than anything oops)
some notes beforehand:
I have an obvious bias as I do ship saiouma. although i’ll try to be neutral on what I say here, I can’t hide my bias. I have tried to include what people that hate this ship believe to counter them though, also if you ship other things that’s totally fine?? don’t think of any of this as an attack at your ship and I’m not saying Saihara loved Ouma, I’m just tired of people saying Saihara hated him.
You’re allowed to respectfully disagree as long as you don’t berate me or say I don’t know the game when the majority of the screenshots in this are from my own gameplay, lmao. 
and massive whole-game spoilers! Don’t read this if you’ve not finished DRV3!
Glad to know you made it under the cut! now I can begin with where I think people got this idea that Saihara hates him from- the infamous “You’re alone Kokichi and you always will be” line.
I admit this was very cold and still breaks my fragile saiou heart, but to base Saihara’s entire perspective of Ouma on this one line he said while he wasn’t thinking straight is just.. no.. It’s unrealistic. we’ve seen how Saihara is able to adapt his views and grow (I’ll come back to this later), he’s not stubborn in this regard like Momota or even Ouma is, so even if he did mean it 100% (which I doubt because when *anybody* is angry they will say or do things they may regret had they been calmer), it’s not like his view on Ouma from chapter 4 was his final view on him. And that’s what people fail to realise. 
So, how does Saihara view Ouma then?
well, I’d say he’s been interested in Ouma as a detective from the moment he met him with his curiosity piqued at Ouma’s claims of leading a secret organisation.
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and he remains curious about Ouma throughout, always questioning why Ouma says certain things, what Ouma is lying for, he just wants to figure him out- and this doesn’t just apply to free time events either
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I think you get my point there, now, I think if I didn’t ship saiou and read this, I’d argue these are all pre-chapter 5 and before the breaking line so he may have been curious before but not after- that then brings me to my next point
Saihara was confident- dare I say believed- in Ouma, especially after Chapter 5.
how bold of me to say ikr, but this ties in to Saihara’s ability to adapt his views. He’s sort of like a mixture of both Kaito and Ouma honestly, because naturally as a detective he has to be suspicious and think logically as Ouma does, while at the same time Kaito taught him to believe in his friends which has also helped him to advance in trials. I think he might have extended this belief to Ouma, because he trusts that Ouma is doing what he does for a reason.
In fact, I’d argue he’s the only one of the remaining group who wouldn’t readily accept pinning Ouma down as a villain. If anything, it’s the opposite- Saihara fought to clear Ouma’s name, and never stopped trying to understand whether or not his intentions were true or false
i’ll just drop this screenshot here (that i named THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY.png in case you were wondering)
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this is what I mean when I say he wouldn’t accept it as fast as the others and would second-guess it, bear in mind this is the moment Ouma “admitted” to being the mastermind. and it’s not like this doubt was sudden or anything, cause I can recall this moment (that I actually didn’t catch on to on my first playthrough)
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which gives me the idea that hadn’t Ouma purposefully messed with everyone and built up his bad reputation, it would’ve been so much easier for Saihara to disprove him being the mastermind at the point he said it. 
Anyway, going back to my point- excluding Kaito (cause Ouma directly told him), Saihara is the first to bring up Ouma’s innocence, and this is what I mean when I say Saihara believed in Ouma
note that I say believed in. believing Ouma and believing in Ouma are different, it’s like how loving someone and being in love with someone are two different things, so don’t argue that by saying “he didn’t trust him” because ik that and that’s not what I’m trying to say.
but he did believe that Ouma had his reasons, and he tried to discover and understand them. I mean, take this for example
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he’s already on board lool look at him go, but no really look at the confidence
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he’s both confident in himself and in Ouma not lying here, then goes back to being curious about his intentions
oh and let’s not forget who it was that searched Ouma’s lab to find clues to prove he is a remnant of despair. Why do you need to search for evidence for something you (and the others even more) think is irrefutably true? the answer is obvious- he was doubtful of it from the start, and needed evidence to convince himself it was true, but then as he found nothing to prove it (and even evidence against it), he had to convince the others of it too- and prove Ouma’s innocence
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(the last screenshot was from Hikkie’s playthrough on Youtube) 
But as you can see, he’s clearing Ouma’s name as the leader of the Remnants of Despair. 
Now, I bet someone would argue that this only proves Saihara was determined to find the truth in general, because he’s mister detective, so I’ll raise you the fact that Saihara didn’t need to try figuring why Ouma does the things he does- he could leave it at just knowing the truth and if he really didn’t like Ouma like people say then there’s not much merit to it. 
“So what if I know this now? I didn’t care about him, it’s pointless” he could’ve thought something like that, but no
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(I also think the “you’re lying again kokichi, there’s a method to your madness” moment fits here too)
Not only this, but there’s also how Saihara learnt from him.
honestly im still kinda mindblown from this ever since I first realised it, but when you think about it, Ouma hinted to Saihara in his FTEs how to win the game.
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(those 3 screenshots are from justonegamr’s kokichi’s FTE video; random fun fact this was the playthrough that i watched while first getting into drv3)
But if you think about it, Ouma tried this again in his own trial in his attempt at ending the killing game and then Saihara also used this to actually end it
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Not only that (which personally i think is pretty powerful in itself), but Saihara also tries to take Ouma seriously and picks up hints he leaves and uses them later
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as well as
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(and generally just)
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generally, Ouma will hint and then Saihara will pick it up. it’s been like that for the whole game- why should Saihara give any extra thought to what Ouma hints if he dislikes him?? really, he could’ve just ignored him the same way he did at the end of chapter 4- but again, he didn’t “”hate”” Ouma enough to keep ignoring him, he considered him a friend in the end anyway.
and the end is what I’ll talk about now, too.
first- can we just acknowledge this?
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he doesn’t ignore Ouma at all here. even though he didn’t trust him, he was sad to have lost him. 
Not to mention the way he thinks about lying at the end of Chapter 6. (like, please this is just-  *chefs kiss*)
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IMAGINE Ouma was alive to hear him say that omg but Saihara could (and probably would) extend what he says here to Ouma himself- y’know, the ‘embodiment of lies’
by thinking about lies in a different angle instead of at face value like this, he gets a more neutral view on them rather than just thinking “they’re bad!!”, why wouldn’t he be able to do the same for Ouma? especially now that he knows Ouma was innocent and actually hated the game as much as they all did. I mean hey, even after chapter 5′s trial he sort of already thinks about lies differently
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and throughout this post, I’ve tried to avoid talking about his free time events or his salmon mode ending because people always say “well they’re not canon” and to that I say not canon to the plot, yes, but still canon to the characters. so yeah, I don’t disregard any of them.
from this point onwards these all technically happen before chapter 5, so it’s not entirely relevant to my point that saihara still liked ouma even after the end of chapter 4, but it’s still something that shows he liked him beforehand at least. I mainly just wanna ramble though haha
one thing I’ve always thought was interesting was how Saihara easily lashed out at Kaito in his own free time event
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and Kaito is undeniably Saihara’s best friend who he holds in high regard. If Saihara having backbone means he doesn’t like someone then damn bye bye momota have a nice trip in space
in terms of ouma and saihara though 
how about the fact that Saihara willingly sat there and played rock paper scissors (janken pon!) with Ouma 100 times?? bruh I got bored playing that with my brother after 8 rounds yesterday how would Saihara manage 100?? would you really have the patience for that when you don’t even like the person you’re playing with?
how about his third free time event too?
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(from justonegamr’s kokichi fte video)
Saihara wanted to spend some time with Ouma, that’s- its literally written there I don’t know what you want from me the guy wanted a nice time with someone he supposedly doesnt like
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what I love about this is how “reaching out” could be taken both literally and figuratively. Wanting to understand someone and trying to find a way to but them being too unwilling to trust anyone.. damn 😔👊 also shuuichi either wanted to handshake or hold hands, what else do you do when you reach for someone’s hand come on
oh yes and how about that he’s content with the refusal because it allowed him to figure out a small thing about Ouma? understanding that Ouma has a different way of being reached out to? mhm please think about that for a bit
that parallel in the salmon ending too...
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he considered how it’ll be like with him after they get out and how he’ll learn about him, then ultimately decided when ouma reached out to him that he does want this, and even comments on the warmth of his hand... afhskfdlj
his blush when ouma mentions how his lies didn’t bore saihara was also a very cute moment
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ooh and what about the love hotel???
there’s that one line “I know i’m meant to be Kokichi’s ideal in this fantasy but when he tells me he loves me I feel like he means the opposite” or something like that- i’d argue it’s because he’s cautious of Ouma for one but also am I getting something wrong here or is he talking about how he, Shuuichi, thinks Ouma doesn’t like him?  because I see people argue this is proof saihara doesn’t like ouma but all he’s really doing is just doubting ouma loves him
well in any case
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WHY would he want him to stay in a love hotel of all places if he disliked him?! I know I’m just a broken record at this point but I can’t think of anything logical for it. they didnt even need to include that line in the scene at all but they did like they could’ve easily said something to do with realising where he was instead but nah. even after the event’s over, he says to himself
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doesn’t he sound disappointed by it? and the fact that he even questions if it was a dream- okay  
ooh, something i’ve realised while writing this as well: it kind of seems like Saihara might not want to like him but does anyway; he quickly ‘smothered the thought’ of staying with Kokichi, didn’t want to admit that Ouma’s lies never bored him, and I also thought about how in one of Kaito’s free time events he says to himself “I shouldn’t be talking about another boy like that”- well, maybe it’s similar for how he thinks of ouma? it’s not like Saihara didn’t care for the others’ opinion on him (probably the opposite ngl if you mess up in class trials he says something along the lines of“Ah I screwed up! They probably think I’m a fraud”) and considering nobody else liked ouma (except for maybe gonta) I wouldn’t be surprised if he felt shame for liking him, thus repressing that feeling (especially around the others, there’s that part in trial 4 where he’s trying to convince kaito he isn’t siding with ouma cause he knows by doing that could damage his friendship with his bro)
I mean this is something I only thought of just now, but it could be plausible (i hope?)
One last thing- I find it incredibly funny how in chapter 2 when ouma is literally on top of saihara he doesn’t freak out or scream and everyone else in the room is also completely chill with it and unquestioning. no really they’re just standing there.. and how long was ouma even in that position for??
Now, I think that’s all. So to finish off, I’ll just say
People get the idea that saiouma is bad because some don’t realise Saihara can still like a person without idolising or putting them on a pedestal. Idk if this is gonna sound controversial or not, but I honestly do think he did exactly that to Kaito and Kaede- which doesn’t make what they have with him toxic or bad at all, I just think his view on Ouma is a lot more realistic and less clouded. Heck, if Saihara canonically liked Ouma as much as he does with the other two I don’t know if I’d ship saiouma as hard as I do (it is fun to imagine though).
If you actually read through this then.. wow? I’m surprised you got through this unstructured mess? I hope you can agree with me for some of my points at least but I’m not here to convince you or anything, this has just been on my mind for weeks now I needed to get it out somehow.
I said it at the start and i’ll say it again now too- i didn’t intend on attacking or comparing saiou to any other ships so I do apologise if I seem like it, i’m just terrible with my wording (lmk if something genuinely offended you, i’ll probably change it) but you’re free to ship whatever you like cause at the end of the day it’s just a bit of fun. that being said, I don’t want to actually argue on this so please don’t haha, i’ve contemplated just deleting this but I’ve put a lot of effort into this post even though i cant analyse for 💩
I hope you can enjoy the rest of your day!
have the kokichi gaygun as a farewell present
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goldentournesol · 4 years
The Receptionist and the Profiler (Five)
Chapter Five: Royal Blue Napkins
(Spencer Reid x f!Reader)
Series Masterlist
General Masterlist
A/N: i have totally reinvented the timeline of the show, just go with me. also...this chapter will take you on a RIDE.
Going home that night and getting into bed with her fiance was difficult for Y/N. Of course she knew it was technically wrong to have kissed Spencer back, but the problem is that she enjoyed it so much. Too much, probably. And that was alarming. Was it just because she was bored of kissing the same person for the past...what..11 years and just needed a (really) good kiss before she spent the rest of her life kissing the same man? Or was it because she knew that every neuron in her brain was usually firing at top speed at the near mention of Spencer Reid let alone finally know how her brain acted (nearly exploded) while kissing him?
The wedding was less than a month away now and Hotch was gracious enough to allow Y/N extra time out of the office, when things were calm, to meet with her wedding planner to finalize some decisions about the cake, venue, napkins, all that good stuff. In the middle of it, she caught herself wondering whether or not Spencer would like the color of napkin she chose, instead of her actual fiance. That was enough, the thought of Spencer now invaded officially every aspect of her life. She didn’t know what to do so she cornered JJ one day in her office and hurriedly shut the door behind her.
“JJ, I am freaking out about all this wedding stuff. I-I don’t know if I picked the right color for the napkins, oh God, I don’t even like royal blue! I just picked it because Grant likes it but what if it sucks because I don’t actually like it and it doesn’t match with the centerpieces and I-” she rambled but JJ promptly cut her off.
“Hey! Y/N, relax, take a seat. Take a deep breath.” Y/N followed her suggestions that felt more like orders and JJ watched her carefully, she wasn’t a profiler but she spent enough time around them to have picked up on subtle clues. She knew the woman sitting in front of her was an anxious mess and it was not about the napkins, “Now, tell me what’s wrong.”
“I don’t know if I like the napkins, JJ.” Y/N’s brows came together and she suddenly felt like crying, she couldn’t explain it, but she felt it.
“Y/N, you and I both know that napkins don’t make or break weddings.” JJ sent her a pointed look and Y/N began to feel small. She picked at her nails.
“Yeah? Well what does?” Y/N asked vaguely.
“What breaks weddings is an absence of love, Y/N.” She said simply and Y/N couldn’t help the frown that crept up on her face, but the blonde said nothing more.
The walk back to her desk was spent trying with extreme difficulty to not split her lip open from biting it too hard. The energy in the entire office was off, although Spencer has a new specific energy to him. He seems lighter somehow, he feels lighter too. Morgan doesn’t know exactly what happened between them but he could sense the shift in Reid’s behavior.
They’ve interacted, though briefly. Spencer pretended there was nothing wrong between them, while Y/N mulled over every interaction. Spencer literally had nothing left to lose, she’d made her choice and he’d accepted that, made peace with it even. He’d even gone as far as putting himself out there on the market. It was time to move on. There was just one aspect of the upcoming month that would make it extremely difficult to do so, so he made a decision.
“Hey, Y/N. Could I talk to you for a second?” Spencer said, leaning with his elbows over her desk as it neared their lunchtime.
“Yeah, of course, just one second... just saving this document. What’s up?” She smiled as she stared up at him, she was sure her heart was about to light on fire in her chest with the mere eye contact.
“Um, so you know how I’ve been meaning to visit my mom back in Vegas for a while now but I haven’t got the chance?” He began, idly playing with one of the candies in the candy bowl that was placed for guests.
“Yeah, of course! Are you planning on going?” She smiled wider, knowing just how much love this man had in his heart for his wonderful mother. Y/N had met Diana when she came into the office a few years back, actually she was the only one who Diana allowed to spend time with while the rest were in the field. Apparently, Spencer had told her more than enough information about Y/N before in his daily letters. Diana liked her years before she even met her.
“Yeah, I’m taking a week off, actually. I’m gonna spend it with her, I’ve missed her a lot.” The corner of his mouth twitched upwards slightly as he thought of the week off.
“That’s so awesome Spencer! Will you tell her how much I’ve missed her, oh, I know! I’ll just write her a letter and you can take it with you. When are you going by the way? Do I have time to write it?” She worried slightly, grabbing a pen in preparation and making Spencer laugh lightly at her excitement.
“Yes, yes you’ll have time. I’m leaving on the 16th of August, already booked the ticket.” His voice faltered slightly as he said the date.
“Wait, the 16th? But that means…” He won’t attend the wedding.
“I know, I’m sorry I can’t make it.” He genuinely frowned, knowing just how upset this would make her. Despite their feelings for one another, they were the closest of friends.
“Th-that’s okay! Um, we’ll just send you all the, uh, pictures and stuff.” Her bright smile faltered and Spencer swore he heard a tremble in her voice, the one she made when she was trying to hide how upset she really was.
“Yeah, send me all the pictures, I’m really sorry again, Y/N.” He sent her a look of sympathy, but she understood, he didn’t want to be there.
“No, no it’s okay. I get it, there’s only so many other weeks in the year you could take off, I guess.” she laughed bitterly, very obviously hurt, “Um, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go now. I have something um, for Hotch--Hotch asked for something.” She picked up a random file from her desk and quickly made her way across the bullpen and Spencer’s eyes stopped following her when she entered Hotch’s office. He released a heavy sigh and turned on his heels to leave the building for a lunch that was anywhere but there.
“What can I do for you, Y/N?” Hotch asked, barely looking up from his file at first but then her silence intrigued him to look up, spotting her watching from the window as Spencer left, “Everything alright?” His voice startled her and he immediately took in her glassy eyes and the nervous trembling of her fingers.
“Huh? Oh, um, yes, everything’s fine. Did you...ask for these?” She took a look at what she’d actually picked up and realized they were a bunch of useless forms that the unit chief certainly did not need to waste his time on. It was hard to hide his smirk, having figured out what had happened.
“Do you need to take a seat, Y/N?” He saw right through her, of course he did. She drew in a deep, shaky breath and shook her head.
“Did you know?” She asked in a small voice.
“He ran it by me, yes. I have to approve his time off. If it’s any consolation, I tried to-” He begad, but she interrupted.
“No, please. I’ve heard enough. Thanks Hotch.” She frowned as she made her way out of his office, praying that her tears would--just for once--stay within her waterline.
After that, Y/N barely spoke with Spencer. She found it hard to find the line between being upset with him and understanding why he’s doing what he’s doing. On one hand, she selfishly wanted her best friend to be at her wedding, but on the other, she understood that that was a huge thing to ask from the other man who loved her. He loved her. He loves her. That’s mind boggling to Y/N. Spencer loves her? Even almost 3 weeks after his confession, it’s all she can think about. He’s in love with her.
It was almost time for him to leave for Vegas. Despite her anger with Spencer, she still wrote Diana a letter. Upon finishing and sealing it, she realized she hadn’t even mentioned the wedding once. The (supposedly) single most important event that she would ever attend in her lifetime hadn’t even crossed her mind. She didn’t even give him the letter, she just left it on his desk for him to take. Despite that, Spencer still smiled at the fact that she’d written his mother a letter. His curiosity was killing him, but he’d just ask his mom what she’d written. At the end of the day before he left, he paused at Y/N’s desk, but she refused to look up.
“Bye, Y/N. Um, congratulations in advance.” Spencer spoke, clutching his messenger bag tightly, hoping she’d just look at him once. Hoping he’d get to see her eyes one last time before her soul was tied to another man’s for the rest of eternity.
“Bye, Spencer...have a safe flight.” She replied quietly, busying herself with whatever she was working on on her computer. A beat passed between them as Spencer waited to meet her eyes, but the moment never came. Pre-love confession Spencer would have gone on and on about how he technically had no control over whether or not it would be a safe flight, but now...now he knew his voice was the last thing she’d want to hear. His shoulders involuntarily slumped as he began to walk away from the love of his life. He knew he couldn’t be at that wedding, he just knew it. Hasn’t he been through enough already? Was life that adamant about making him hurt so badly?
But alas, fate was never on their side. Moments before boarding the plane to Vegas and barely three days before her wedding, the team was called in for an emergency case. She had taken a few days off before the wedding to get everything sorted and thankfully, the case was local so she didn’t have to book any hotel rooms or coordinate with the pilots of the jet. 
She had invited Garcia out with her to get a bridal manicure and pedicure on her lunch break, since she was the only one available.
“Pen, are you sure they don’t need you right now? I don’t want to interrupt the case.” Y/N signed into the phone.
“Trust me, Y/N/N, they don’t need me right now, besides this is the least I could do. All your plans for the week-of have been kinda ruined by this case. I wanna help you out the best I can! So I’m picking you up in 10 and we’re getting our nails done.” Y/N knew better than to argue with Garcia so she relented.
Near the end of their appointment, Garcia got a call from Hotch, “He’s what?! Oh no! Is he okay?! He’ll be okay, right?” Garcia half-panicked, sending Y/N right into a panic with her. Garcia paused and Hotch spoke over the phone, “Okay, we’ll be there as soon as we can.” She hung up and took a deep breath.
“Garcia, what happened! Is everyone okay?” Y/N asked hurriedly.
“Uh, no...actually Reid got shot in the field. The unsub shot him in the knee while trying to aim for the victim.” Garcia spoke slowly so as to not alarm her, but it was too late, Y/N was already pulling her hands away from the nail tech, who was almost done.
“WHAT?! Garcia! We have to go now! Is he okay?! Is he in the hospital? What hospital is he at? I’ll drive.” Y/N panicked, her breathing getting more and more shallow by the second.
“Y/N/N, calm down! Calm down! He’s fine, okay? He’s in surgery and you should absolutely not be driving right now. Take a few deep breaths please.” Her emotions were already all over the place because of the damn wedding, and now she had to worry about Spencer getting shot? Oh Lord, it was too much for her to handle.
“Garcia, I think I’m gonna pass out.” Y/N fanned her face and the waterworks began. Garcia quickly asked the nail tech if she could get Y/N some water.
“Oh! Oh, Y/N, baby don’t cry, please. He’ll be okay, he’ll probably be on crutches for a while but he’ll be fine.” Garcia tried to console her but the tears just kept coming. Y/N should have felt embarrassed whilst sobbing in the middle of the nail salon, but she was too overwhelmed to care at the moment. 
“I’m so sorry Garcia, it’s just all too much. I don’t want royal blue napkins, Garcia! I don’t even think I want a damn wedding! And I-I can’t believe Spence just got shot! This all just feels so wrong! You know what, this is all just one big warning sign from the universe, isn’t it?! And--and I don’t even want to marry Grant!” She blurted randomly in her fit of tears and she stopped crying out of realization of what she’d just confessed. Garcia gasped and her friend met her eyes, they stared at each other for a moment before Y/N broke out into tears again at the confession.
It was true.
She didn’t want to marry him.
Garcia apologized profusely to the nail techs and paid quickly before leading an almost hysterical Y/N out of the salon. 
Y/N clung to Penelope and sobbed into her shoulder on the sidewalk, “I don’t want to marry him, Garcia.”
“Y/N, the wedding is tomorrow.” Garcia’s eyes welled up with tears at the sight of her friend being so broken. Y/N shook her head and sniffled loudly, “Are you sure you’re not just super upset about Spencer getting shot?” Garcia continued, wanting Y/N to be absolutely sure of what she’s deciding.
Y/N pulled away from the embrace and stared at her friend, “M-maybe? I don’t know, I-I don’t know, Pen. Oh God, the wedding is tomorrow.” Y/N covered her face with her hands and tried to rub away all the stress and tears.
“Okay, okay, calm down. Here’s what we’ll do. We’ll go see Spencer and make sure he’s alright, then you can take all the time you need to decide whether you want to call the wedding off or not, alright? How does that sound?” Garcia reasoned with her, slowly trying to remove her hands from her face.
Y/N nodded and took a few deep breaths, wiping away the last of her tears, “Let’s go see Spencer.”
When they’d arrived at the hospital, Spencer wasn’t out of surgery yet. The team was waiting around in the hospital chairs. The hospital felt cold, so unbelievably cold. Maybe it was Y/N literally getting cold feet. The team decided not to ask about the unmistakable redness around her eyes and nose. They just chalked it up to being scared for Spencer, but it was so much more than that. 
She hadn’t even looked at him before he left. She hadn’t seen his eyes or his face so full of its color in so long. When the Dr. announced he was out of surgery and that he should be waking up any minute, the team had decided to let Y/N in first. The sight of him sleeping in the hospital bed made her stomach lurch. She found it hard to contain her tears. It was almost as if her hand had a mind of its own as it reached out to smooth down his wild hair and caress his cheek. She pressed a soft kiss to the side of his head and watched as his eyelids fluttered slightly, but stayed closed. She swallowed heavily and wiped her eyes before walking back out to the team.
“He’s not awake yet, but I, uh...have to go. There’s something I need to take care of. Pen, update me when he wakes, please.” Y/N tried as hard as she could to even out her voice, but it trembled with every other word. Garcia nodded and before anyone could even say a word, she was out of the building. She checked the time and saw that Grant’s shift wasn’t over yet, and she had the house to herself for a bit.
As soon as she made it in, she picked the two biggest suitcases she owned and began to fill them with her things. She’d spent over 7 years in this apartment with Anderson, so many memories and so many laughs were spent here. 
But she couldn’t do it anymore. 
She didn’t want to have to go through a divorce, she couldn’t go through that. She’d rather not marry him at all. Within two hours, she had packed 7 years worth of her life into two huge suitcases. It was sad and she shed more than a few tears mulling over memories. But she saw her future and it wasn’t with Anderson. She placed the suitcases near the doorway and sat at the kitchen table, waiting for him to come home. Surely enough, Grant came through the door at exactly 5:53 pm, just like he did every day.
“Babe? You home? Hey, whose bags are these?” He said, slipping off his shoes and walking into the kitchen, “Is everything okay, Y/N?” He asked, spotting her in the kitchen with a glass of red wine and tears gathering in her eyes.
“What’s going on?” Anderson frowned.
“Um, so...I’ve been thinking. A lot, actually. And I kept asking myself why we waited so long to finally get married. We got engaged in college, Grant. That was ages ago. Most people get married like, right after graduation, but we didn’t do that. We moved here together, I shifted my entire life to fit with yours and yeah I have a great job, but I’m not happy.” She paused to sniffle, “And I think I’m not happy because this isn’t the life I want for me. I think we waited so long because we secretly didn’t really want it to happen, if I’m being honest. But now that it’s happening, I don’t think I can do it. I’m sorry. I just don’t see my future with you.” She frowned as tears clouded her vision. She temporarily let go of her wine glass to slip off her engagement ring and place it in front of him.
“I’m calling off the wedding.” She stated with finality. He looked devastated.
“Y/N, is this a joke?” He frowned, anger settling in.
“No, it’s not a joke, Grant. I’m so sorry. I’ll try to get back whatever I can from all the money we’ve spent on everything, but I’m leaving. Thank you for giving me so many irreplaceable memories. They mean more than you know.” She wiped her tears and got up from her seat.
“Wait, so does this mean you’re quitting the job?” He asked, still in awe of the situation.
“No, I’m staying at the BAU, I love it there, Hotch is a great boss.”
“So that’s it? You’re leaving me?” For the first time that night, his eyes welled up with tears.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I’m staying with Penelope until I can find a place to rent.” They hugged one last time and she took her things and left. 
Just like that. 
And she’d never felt lighter. She’d never felt more free.
Anderson had requested a transfer to a different unit and so they barely saw each other at work. Everything was going really well actually. Over the past two weeks, she allowed herself only one day of wallowing but her priorities were finding a new apartment to live in. They’d already spent so much money on the wedding, so it was difficult to be spending at the moment, but thankfully Garcia’s freezer was full of individually packed meals from the catering company. She lived off those so far and it’d probably stay that way for the next few months or at least until she found her own freezer to fill with individually packed meals.
She hadn’t seen Spencer since that day in the hospital because apartment hunting in DC turned out to be a nightmare. But it’s fine, she’s been getting all her information from Garcia since she’d been performing daily checkups on him since he’d started his medical leave. Apparently, the ever-so-stubborn Spencer decided to continue giving his guest lectures even on his crutches. Ever since Rossi joined the team, he’d been taking Spencer to different universities and they’d often give lectures together. Y/N should’ve been glad that he’d been leaving the house, but it was so hard not to worry about him. He should be coming in today, his two weeks of medical leave are technically over, but he can’t go out into the field yet.
Also, the team was about to get a new member. Y/N was super excited, she was the one who got to show new members around the office and introduce them to everyone. She was also super excited to finally see Spencer. The ding of the elevator sounded and Y/N leapt from her seat upon seeing Spencer waddle in on his crutches through the glass doors, which were being opened for him by a young-looking blonde woman.
“Spencer!” Y/N exclaimed, bounding over to him and making sure to hug him gently as to not topple him over or hurt him.
“Hey!” He smiled, attempting to return the hug without his arms.
“Oh, thank goodness you’re finally back! The place was starting to get a little depressing!” She smiled, a new happiness filling her. She only noticed the woman standing so close to Spencer when she pulled away.
“Thanks, it’s great to be back.” He smiled at her fondly, resting on his crutches. “Oh, Y/N, this is Agent Ashley Seaver. She’s the newest member of the BAU and actually my girlfriend.”
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k-comfyspace · 4 years
Idol: Miyawaki Sakura (Izone)
Request: No
Every parent would be glad to know that their child is dating a pretty and nice person. It just so happens that yours doesn’t like the idea
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You wiped your eyes and sniffed, searching your pocket for the ringing before smiling when you heard her voice, clearing your throat before responding, “Hey,”
“Oh, it worked! Hey! Hi!”
“What’s got you all giggly” you asked your energetic girlfriend as she giggled through the call, happily saying hi to you in the ways she knew how to.
“I finally got to talk to my girlfriend, isn’t that reason enough?”
You hummed and smiled, biting your lip to prevent any hint to what you were feeling, “H-how’s work?” You cursed yourself for stuttering but thankfully Sakura was too happy to notice.
As she talked about her work you were left wandering the streets as you tried to get as far away from your house as possible, replying short responses to your girlfriend while you half listened and tried your best to hide the sniffling and whimpers coming from you.
But halfway through, Sakura noticed how your responses grew quieter, noticing how you kept clearing your throat and the wind blowing against the mic.
“Hey, you alright, are you out right now? I can hear the wind blowing,”
You winced a little at her words and tried to force a clear answer, “I’m f-fine”
“You know better that I would actually believe you right now, I could hear you sniffling, and your voice cracked” She pointed out and you cursed internally, in the years where Sakura was still in Japan, she knew your behavior. Throughout each date and night she spent with you, she learned how to read you like a book.
She knew how you behaved and how you acted when you were closing yourself off, she was observant, even if she was thousands of miles across the sea she could still read you through your voice.
“What’s wrong?”
She asked again and this time you audibly sniffed and wiped your tears from your face. “I-it’s—nevermind, I have to go,”
You didn’t know what came over you. Sakura was the only person you could talk to, your other friends were with you because you had the money, your parents are the worst people in the world, and your relatives are just like your parents.
You only had Sakura to go to whenever you were struggling but now that she is in Korea it became harder for you. The first year it was easy since you had all the time in the world for you two to video chat while she trained, but now that they’re getting popular, time has been a little restricted.
Of course you supported her all the way, but your life was getting harder and you couldn’t help but think that she was starting to drift away.
“No, no, no, you know you can ta—“
You hung up effectively cutting her off before your knees buckled and you dropped on the sidewalk, a sob escaping your lips.
Meanwhile at the dorm Sakura looked at her phone and tried to call you back, but you didn’t answer. She couldn’t believe what was happening, it was the first time she pushed you out.
Because she thought she already broke that layer of yours, that you could tell her anything. But your phone becoming unavailable made her worries worse.
The whole night she was calling you, leaving texts and waiting for you to respond. She asked both Nako and Hitomi to text and call hoping you would answer but your phone was still turned off.
She even went far as to message her parents to ask if you had dropped by but they apologized and said that they would call if you ever stopped by.
You were pacing around the living room all night, if it wasn’t for Chaeyeon then she would have done it until you called, she didn’t care if you didn’t apologize or that you were mad at her. All she wanted to know was why you were crying.
It took a week.
A week with Sakura worrying while glaring holes in her phone to wait for you to call, she has been worrying so hard that the members and fans often noticed how much she has been sad lately. The girls did everything to make her mood brighten but they all knew that you were the only one to do that.
Then while they were at the dorm resting, the girls had a sleepover, she and Yena were playing when suddenly her special ringtone rang. She all but threw the controller to Yena and scrambled to answer her phone.
When she picked up the line was silent, except for the sounds of both your breathing.
Sakura closed her eyes and released a sigh, it was relaxing to hear your voice again.
“H-hi,” she said back after a while opening her eyes and pulling her phone closer, as if it would bring you next to her right now. “Y/n—“
“Can you meet me at the park?”
You cut her off and Sakura flinched at your bluntness, “What do you mean? What park? Y/n where are you I’ve been c—“
“The park you’ve been telling me about, the one you and the girls spend a lot of time in,”
She furrowed her eyebrows thinking that you wouldn’t actually fly to Korea just to talk to her in person when you could call her or video chat. That’s when the thousands of scenarios came in her head on why you would call and ask her to meet in person.
Would you finally break up with her? Did you get tired of the long distance relationship? Didn’t she call you enough? What if she wasn’t—
“Hey, I’m fine, just please meet me here as soon as you can,”
Your voice softened as you tried to relax her knowing that she would be overthinking, “Alright, I’ll be there in 10” she said and you hummed in reply before hanging up.
Sakura stood up and went to her closet and grabbed her coat rushing out her room, past the girls where she rambled about where she was going and left in a heartbeat. She could finally see you after a week of not hearing nor seeing each other and she wouldn’t trade this opportunity for anything.
Running to the park she entered and stopped near the fountain, hands on her knees, catching her breath before she looked around. She pulled out her phone to call you but she heard an all too familiar voice beside her.
She snapped her head to her side and stared at your side profile looking unto the fountain. “Y/n, I—“
“I’m sorry,” you said first and looked down, glancing to the side and meeting eyes with your girlfriend through the reflection as you spoke. Holding her gaze softly before closing your eyes.
“I’m so sorry for acting the way I did, I’m sorry for ignoring you, and I’m sorry because I took it out on you,” you sighed again before glancing at her looking at her apologetically before you explained.
“My parents and I got into a fight, I know you know that they don’t really support us like yours does, they want me to focus on the business and date someone in that line of work but you know how stubborn I am.”
“I-ah, defended you and at some point I don’t know what happened but d-dad...he...slapped me” you muttered, clearing your throat and closed your eyes as you felt the teardrop on your cheeks.
“He yelled at me, called you names, and told me that I wouldn’t get far with you being by my side. I kept defending you until I had enough and ran away, I-I don’t know what came over me that day, I-I’m so sorry that I—“
“Shh, it’s alright, you don’t have to apologize” she pulled you into a hug and as soon as you felt her arms around you again, you melted.
It’s been so long since you felt her hold you that you let it out, burying your face in the crook of your neck as she held you and nuzzled your head, soothing your hair as she let you cry it out.
You wrapped your arms around her and pulled her closer, hugging her as tight as you can and she didn’t care if she was struggling to breathe, you needed her and that was all she wanted to do.
Once you’ve calmed you down, she pulled away and cupped your face wiping your tears with the pads of her thumbs while she gazed at you lovingly. Even when you cried you still looked amazing.
“I-I’m sorry,” you apologized and she shook her head before pulling you in, kissing you for the first time in what seemed like forever as your breath got sucked out and you melted more in her arms.
As much as you protected Sakura from your parents, she was also willing to protect you from them, and everything that hurt you.
What happened the past week was something she put behind her. All she cares about is you, you are the center of her world and she would rather lose everything in her life than lose you.
“I love you,”
“I love you too,”
She would protect you all her life and gladly you would too.
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