#cal waitress
quantum-stranger · 8 months
waitress but pomatter, cal, and ogie are also played by women
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meandmypagancrew · 1 year
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Literal years ago (the first one I made, the DEH one, was made in August of 2021) I had an idea to make a full ten edit set of letters in musicals. But then... well, a lot of things happened and the project never got finished and in fact, I stopped making musical theatre gifs at all. Without any note or explanation, I just kind of disappeared, and then only recently resurfaced to start posting about Death Note. But while looking through my hard drive, I found these.
They were hard to make and I'm proud of them, but I also know the final four will never be made. I don't even know if I remember now what they were supposed to be. So here.
My final general musical theatre gifset and the farewell I owed you all years ago. This blog will remain, continuing to post about Death Note with a heavy preference to my personal favorite version (the musical) until the hyperfixation passes and then it will probably go dormant again, but I will always be around, even if I'm not posting. If you send an ask or a DM, I will almost always get back to you within 24 hours, usually even less, but if you want daily posts, then you'd have to go find me at @probablygayattorneys which is my most active sideblog, dedicated to the DS puzzle games of the aughts, primarily Professor Layton, Phoenix Wright, Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and Trace Memory/Another Code Recollection.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the last of the musical theatre gifsets, and so long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye.
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 months
Letting Someone Go - Part 2
Benny Cross X Female Reader A/n: part 1 is here! Word Count: 2014 Warnings: cursing, alcohol use Taglist: @real-lana-del-rey @putherup
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Fifteen months. That was all it took for you to find Benny, love him, and lose him. The easy version of your story went like this: it was Kathy Bauer’s fault. Simple as pie, like your mama used to say. 
The truth was a lot different. The truth was messy and it hurt a hell of a lot more. Because the truth was that you hadn’t lost Benny at all. To lose something, you have to have it in the first place. And when you were being really honest with yourself, you knew that you never had Benny Cross. You had as much of a claim to him as a kite does to the wind. That was to say, none at all. 
You didn’t like the truth. But, you weren’t the kind of girl who could live a lie either. So, you did the only thing you could think of: you ran away. Kathy Bauer’s first night in the Vandals bar was early November, Benny broke it off with you in early December. You spent Christmas drunk and stoned. And by New Years, you were gone. 
You thought putting Chicago - and Benny - in the rearview mirror would help. You’d banked on it helping. Running was your only plan. There wasn’t any other choice, really. Sure, some of the Vandals had pitched you on sticking around, club president Johnny among them. Your waitressing pal Sheila had asked you to move in with her, given that you were now two months’ behind on rent without Benny’s side-hustle cash around to help pay the bills. Hell, Cal had even offered you a soft place to land on the left side of his queen sized mattress. 
None of those offers had tempted you for even an instant. So, while the rest of America was counting down the final seconds of 1965 from their couches, you were sitting on the back of your fully customized Sportster, driving like a bat out of hell on the back roads leading west out of Chicago. Your only destination was the fuck out of here. 
It took you fifteen months to figure out what love was and to lose it again. You weren’t sure how long it was going to take you to do something approximating move on, but you figured it would be a lot longer than fifteen months. And you were right.
Your phone rang at 3:13am in the morning on September 19th, 1969. The first thing you thought was that your daddy must have finally died. Sonofabitch had been fighting a chainsmoker’s strain of lung cancer for almost six months now, and damn had it been a hard fight. Your mama had actually begged you not to come home and see him. Nothin’ you can do here, baby she said in her soft, sad voice each time you called and asked if you should come home. Your daddy, for his part, couldn’t talk anymore, on account of the laryngectomy the doctors gave him a few weeks prior. He’d declined one of those robotic voice boxes. Figured he’d said all he needed to at this point. Nobody wanted to hear the ramblings of an old biker on death’s door at this point. Especially himself.
But it wasn’t your mama’s voice on the other end. It was Johnny Davis.
“Hey, kid.” Not a question, not a hey, how are ya. It had been almost four years since the last time you’d talked to Johnny. Four years since you’d last seen a Vandals cutte. You wished you could say it had been that long since you’d thought about the club, but that would be a damn lie. Your mind drifted back to a certain handsome blonde-haired blue-eyed biker almost every day. 
It took you a minute to place the voice on the other end. It was familiar in the way a dream is familiar, but between the fog of leftover whiskey, a deep sleep, and buried memories, it didn’t come to you quickly.
“Who’s this?” you asked, wiping the tired out of your eyes.
“Oh, uh, well. It’s Johnny.” 
There it was.
“Johnny? Johnny Davis?”
“Yeah, yeah it’s me, kid. Listen. How you been?”
You couldn’t help but let out a short, sad chuckle. The easy answer to that question was oh, I been alright Johnny, you? But the truth was something more like, well Johnny, let’s see, since I last saw you in Chicago I’ve been on the road pretty much constantly for four years, running for so long I can’t tell if I’m running to or away from something, much less what that thing is. I’ve picked up about a dozen bad habits, like drinking too much and riding too fast and going home with the first guy who’ll buy me a brew at a bar. Oh, and by the way, my daddy’s dying. 
But Johnny didn’t deserve your bitterness. Especially not at 3:14 in the morning. 
“You know me, Johnny, I’ve been doin’ just fine. Why’re you callin’ so early?”
There was a heavy silence on the other end of the line. An image of Johnny, taking a deep drag on one of those Pall Malls he loved to smoke, came to you in the darkness. In the quiet of his reply, you heard a dense grief. You braced yourself for what you were sure was bad news and flicked on the bedside lamp on your nightstand. Next to you, the latest biker boy of the week stirred grumpily and waved at you to turn the light off. You ignored him, throwing off the covers and dangling your feet over the side of your mattress.
“Well, kid. It’s Brucie.”
Brucie. It took the air out of your lungs. You could have named a half-dozen Vandals you’d expect to kick the bucket before Brucie. Zipco, Wahoo, Corky. Hell, even Johnny himself. And Benny, of course. You couldn’t help but feel the knot in your chest relax an inch to know that Johnny wasn’t calling to tell you that it was Benny. But damnitall, Brucie? Careful, pragmatic, thoughtful Brucie? What the fuck was Gail gonna do?
“Brucie? What the fuck happened?”
Another jagged inhale on the other end. Johnny was crying, you realized. It gutted you.
“Oh, you know. 1967 Pontiac came outta nowhere, you know, just caught him in a bad way. It’s always the ones you don’t see comin’, y’know? Fuckin’ Pontiac.”
“Jesus, Johnny. Brucie? Shit.”
You lit a cigarette of your own as you let your mind wander back to your time in Chicago. Brucie was solid, Johnny’s right-hand man and a kind, gentle sorta guy. You’d liked him instantly, and Gail too. Real good folk. 
“Yeah, yeah, it’s been hard, y’know, I mean, club is real beat up over it.”
“Fuck, Johnny, I don’t even know whatta say. I’m so sorry.”
You and Johnny took matching drags and tried to swipe away your tears. The guy in your bed next to you rolled over and fixed you with a bleary-eyed glare. You couldn’t remember his name - Steve, maybe. You covered the receiver with your hand, told  him to get the fuck out, and drank down the last swallow of whiskey in the only upright glass on your nightstand.
“Yeah, well, I ‘preciate that, kid, I really do. Listen, we’re havin’ a get together for Brucie. Next weekend. Entire club, all charters gonna be there. Invited a few others, too. Ones that knew Brucie. I know he’d want you there.”
Of all the things Johnny had said to you tonight, this was the one that stole the air from your lungs. Go back to Chicago, to the Vandals? You weren’t sure how you’d do that. Or if you physically could. 
“Aw, shit Johnny. I dunno…”
“I know you got history here,” Johnny interrupted quickly. “I know you got… I know you got a lot you’re tryin’ not to come back to. I get it.” 
Lots of people might have tried to tell you they understood how you felt. You’d opened up about Benny to a few people since you’d left Chicago. Most people you met on the road were a little bit broken, like you. They were running, just like you, and they weren’t strangers to heartbreak and dead-endings and being fucked over. But, no matter how many times you tried to tell your story, you just never felt like you got it right. So nobody really understood it, because you weren’t sure you did. But Johnny? Johnny didn’t need to hear you tell it. He’d watched it happen. Maybe he really did get it.
Still, was that enough for you to go back? Unsure of what to say, you just stayed silent. Behind you, maybe-Steve was dragging himself out of bed, untangling his clothes from yours, and doing a shitty job of trying to stay quiet. 
“You think about it, aight? But I know you’ll come. For Brucie.”
You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. Johnny was right. ‘Course you’d go back for Brucie. 
“Aight well, I’ll let ya go then. Sorry for wakin’ you up.”
“Johnny, wait.” 
He hesitated. “Yeah, kid?”
“How’d you get my number?” 
There were about a million questions you wanted to ask Johnny, although you knew yourself enough at this point to know that you wouldn’t want the answers. So you asked the safest one you could think of.
He chuckled softly. “I keep an eye on my friends,” he replied cryptically before he said goodnight again, and the line went dead. You wished you knew what that meant, although just knowing that there was someone out there in the darkness who cared for you enough to go to the trouble of checking in with whatever backwater charters you shacked up with (because realistically that was the only way Johnny would ever be able to keep up with you) made your heart warm. 
“Who the fuck was that?” demanded maybe-Steve. He was halfway out the door of the dingy room you’d rented in this roadside motel, hoping you might still ask him to stay. 
“Old friend,” you said brusquely as you stood up and threw an old tshirt over your bare chest, heading for the door behind him. “Time for you to hit the road,” you told him by way of invitation, pointing towards his bike in the parking lot. 
“It’s fuckin’ 3:30 in the mornin’, you sure I can’t just sleep it off here?” 
“Nah, fuck that. Get lost.” 
He grimaced and spat thickly on the ground. For an instant you wondered if he was going to give you trouble, but he just shook his head in disgust and left you there to curl up on the rickety plastic chair outside your motel room with plans to chain-smoke until sunrise. You watched him go, his tail light streaking across the long, dark, flat expanse of Iowa farmland until it melted with blackness around it. Your mind was fluttering with all kinds of memories and thoughts that Johnny’s voice had stirred up. Rather than try and fight it, you let yourself sink beneath the surface and zone out, wading through a chapter of your life that you’d deluded yourself into believing was over. The sun had climbed up over the horizon by the time you came back to yourself with a bleak glance around the ramshackle motel. Your Sportster was gleaming like a lighthouse over in the corner of the lot under the only tree around for miles, a huge black walnut that seemed to be holding up its branches and asking the sky to sweep it up and take it away from here. Exactly how you felt. 
Unable to fight against yourself anymore, you splashed cold water on your face, tied your hair up, shoved your belongings into the leather saddlebags you’d been living out of for the last four years, and got on the back of your Sportster. As soon as you kickstarted your bike, you knew where you were going. Straight back to Chicago, back to the Vandals, to Benny. Straight back home.
read part 3 here **let me know if you want to be tagged in future parts!
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jinkiesmariz · 5 months
So I did like three more headshots cuz I got sidetracked during a comm Anywaysssss
Presenting Malachi first :33 my beautiful lovely baby boy who is most definitely the prettiest boy in the village. Definitely would be more of a heartbreaker if like. He didn’t accidentally speak like Phoenix Drop’s equivalent of a medieval poet trying to converse with like modern day folks.
Also I gave him a bandana because everyone and their mother has a green scarf and it gets far too confusing and aggravating after awhile
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Erm next is Molly :33 I do have a Molly design page I never shared and I won’t ever share cuz I never finished it ♡ anyways to me she definitely is like a waitress/head lady at a tavern with an inn on the second floor in Phoenix Drop, at least I believe she met Dale there and sparks flew between the two or something. Idk I like drawing her holding two big glasses of beer and having some level of charisma even if she’s like overbearing and shit outside of work.
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And lastly Yip :3 tbh I looked at my whole doodle sheet and realized I accidentally like drew blondes vs brunettes so I ended it off with yip even tho he technically has black hair and not brown hair I like to think he has a pretty ample amount of body hair and thick wavy hair from the werewolf genes and also just cuz he’s gorgeous or whatever. The town’s big brother and I don’t really remember much sorryyyyy lol
I also think he has sharpened and slightly elongated ears but not in the way elves/half elves do but more of a weird shape idk I’ll draw it better later just guess for now
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Oh and like one final thing I accidentally mistook Alexis for having a crush on Malachi and not Yip so I drew this to show how he just effortlessly sparkles before Cal told me I was wrong <\3
My beautiful boy with gorgeous lashes and droopy sparkly eyes or whatever. I would’ve drawn him with his hair tied but he would’ve looked too much like vylad to me and I would’ve gotten mad so unpractical hair it is!!!
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Ehe thats all for today and probably the next couple of weeks so toodles ☆
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valentiyne · 1 year
𝗍𝖺𝖻𝗅𝖾 𝗌𝖾𝗍 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝗈 ☆ 𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗎𝗆 𝗁𝗈𝗈𝖽
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Calum Hood x Fem!Reader Warnings: Slight Cursing & Soft!Cal. Summary: Requested! Blind date with Calum, a match made in heaven, or a bundle of awkwardness and spilled drinks? Word Count: 2.1k Copyright © 2023 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻
You weren't even sure how you managed to end up in this position.
Your skin-colored leggings suffocate your thighs, your heels marking your ankles with raw blisters, and the mini skirt your roommate begged you to wear riding up every damn step you take. She wanted to play matchmaker for the night, claiming this guy she knew from work was "my other half." Now here I was, walking down Hollywood Boulevard in an outfit that a paper towel could probably cover more skin.
The restaurant she told you to meet him at was 20 minutes away from our shared apartment, and you had to be shoved to finally walk out the door. I had no idea who I was meeting or his name.
"You have fun, be safe and I packed a few condoms in your bag!", she pushed me out the door, waving ecstatically with a high-pitched squeal.
A few?
I look up the see the tiny diner come into view, her excuse being "he can't technically be seen in any major restaurants." whatever that means.
Pushing the doors open, I look around the empty room. It wasn't too late at night, only being 7PM- but it was a Monday. The back walls were all mirrors, making me avert my attention to myself and what I was wearing once again. I had stopped and looked at my reflection every chance I got on my way here, and now that I'm placing it in this diner- I am way overdressed. A few coffee pots were on warmers, probably hours old and bitter. The jukebox in the corner was playing some Elvis song that Chloe could name if you played it backward, and I smiled at the thought nevertheless.
"Have a seat anywhere", the waitress calls from the back and I give a faint smile to her. I spot someone sitting in the back left corner, opposite to the Jukebox, a menu propped up to cover their entire face.
Is that him?
I slowly walked towards the booth, looking around once more before standing in front of the occupied table. I cleared my throat quietly, hopefully to grasp their attention.
"Excuse me? Um are you here for a date", I ask after no response, mentally praying I wasn't completely embarrassing myself with a total stranger.
The menu flew down with a gust of wind following, my hair twirling back as I made eye contact with brown eyes and freshly dyed blue hair.
"Hey, Yeah that's me", He smiles nervously, his hand leaning up awkwardly to shake. I quirk an eyebrow at him and slowly slide into the booth across from him, shaking his hand slowly.
"I'm Y/n, a friend of Chloe's", I smile nevertheless, ignoring his very visible awkwardness.
I glance down at the table now, noticing the single menu sprawled out infront of him.
He clears his throat before speaking, extending his hand out once more before retracting it quickly, "I'm Calum."
"Any reason there's only one menu, Calum?", I lightly joke, pointing down at the menu he still had grasped in one hand. His eyes go wide and he slides it over to my side of the table, muttering curse words under his breath.
"Shit sorry, I completely spaced it and told the waitress it was a table for one- maybe two", a hand flies up to the back of his neck and I take note that they are painted silver, clasped with multiple various rings.
I put a hand up to reassure him, a light smile paints my pink lips and he throws his head back and laughs- mainly at himself.
"Tell me about yourself?", He dares to ask, his eyes looking up to meet mine as I focus my attention on the condensation dripping down and pooling from my water glass.
"There's not much to say really, I'm a full-time employee who barely has time to sleep", I laugh softly, toying with the straw settled in my water. That was the stupidest response I could've given.
"I understand the no sleep, I'm always on tour with my mates so sleep is usually the least of my worries", He leans his back against the seat, folding his hands on the table neatly.
"You're in a band? What do you play?"
Calum proceeds to tell me everything there is to know about him- life on tour, the crazed obsessed fans, and the 'sexy' bass he picked up the other night. I sat and listened to every word of it, not bothering to interrupt how passionate he sounded about his hobbies. It gave me a sense of relief knowing he didn't find me boring compared to his hectic lifestyle, maybe even reassured that there's more to life than status.
"Were you two ready to order?", the waitress from before calls from a few tables away, her hands full with ketchup bottles. I look down at my phone to notice that Calum had been talking for 30 consecutive minutes- not letting the overworked waitress take our order sooner.
"Oh yes! I'm so sorry, can we just get one banana split to share?", I smile at the girl and she returns the favor with a slight thumbs up.
Calum turns to me with a laugh, "Really?".
"What?" I laugh now too, it was almost contagious at this point.
"A banana split? I invite you to dinner and you get desert?"
My mouth drops open, and I lean across the table to playfully smack his hand. He retracts his hand quickly, reaching up to push two fingers against my forehead to stop me from reaching across any further.
"There's nothing wrong with dessert for dinner, Calum"
"Never said there was, Y/n"
He shrugs in agreement before pushing his water to the side to make room for the incoming plate. The waitress places the monstrous desert before us, two spoons on the plate and she drops a few napkins at his side.
"You two enjoy!"
We both thank her kindly before I look back towards Calum, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head as he tries to process how we are both going to manage to finish this. Instead, he leans down with his mouth open wide at the desert to playfully take a chomp at the whipped cream that was piled on.
"Calummmm", I whine, swatting him away as he gives me a cream filled smile. I watch as his eyes make contact with the mountain of whip cream before him and devilish smirk appears. He then leans up quickly, snatching a scoop of the whip cream with his fingers to fling at me. I burrow closer to me seat, protecting my face with my hands as I squeal loudly. In one swift moment, his hand reached across towards me and knocked both of our waters onto the table- destroying our desert.
"Oh shit", he says quickly, his hands flying to tug the napkin from under the plate between us and attempting to clean the mess with one lone napkin.
"You're an idiot", I say in between laughs, my hands wrapped around my stomach to contain the pain now emerging with every breath.
He grumbles something under his breath before he begins laughing himself, his cheeks squishing against his eyes and face bright red.
"Can I say I officially ruined this date? Yeah?" Calum inquires, his eyes traveling down to the drenched shirt I now wore.
"Nah, I think it's probably the best date I've ever been on", I scoop up a piece of our watery banana split, eyeing it for a moment before dropping the spoon back down in the puddle. Calum works on cleaning the rest of the water off the table, attempting to ease the workload on our waitress.
"Let me get you a new shirt at least?", He opens his wallet, tossing more than enough to cover the bill before sliding out of the booth. I nod in agreement and push all the dishes to the front of the table for the waitress, giving him a laugh before sliding out with him.
"Already trying to take my clothes off?", I tease, earning a new formed look of horror on his face. "I'm just teasing, sure I would love a new shirt." He extends a hand down for me to take and I gladly accept it, walking out of the diner with an apologetic wave to the waitress. Calum kept his hand clasped in mine tightly, his head bowed down up until the point we reached the car. I paid no mind to it, knowing the underlying meaning behind the secrecy of our encounter.
"Is it okay if we go back to mine? If you want I can take you home and-", He begins rambling, his hand opening the passenger door for me. I nod my head, plopping down into the seat and clasping the seatbelt across my chest. He gives a faint smile and closes the door behind me with a "Watch your tail."
As he walked around the car to his side, I could've sworn I heard a "Yes!" from under his breath.
Calum's house was more than I expected, it was clasped with vintage decor and numerous shelves honoring his awards and medals. Sure, I knew he was in a band, but this wasn't what I exactly had in mind. I think I expected the house to be littered with clothes from numerous hookups or even just sheets of music paper everywhere. He tossed his keys into a bowl in the hallway, slipping his shoes off and neatly tucking them away. I take note of it and slide my heels off as well, pushing them aside as I step onto the cold hardwood.
"Let me grab you something to wear", Calum says as he makes his way down the hall and toward what I'm assuming is his bedroom. I hear little footsteps bolting my way and I turn around to see a salt and pepper puppy at my feet, circling me as it sniffed.
"Hey little guy", I crouch down to offer a hand before scrunching at its neck.
"I wasn't sure if you wanted a hoodie or a shirt since your top is kinda small- not that that's a bad thing but you must be cold from the wa-", his voice echoes in the hallway, getting louder before he suddenly stops infront of me.
"Who's this?", I ask as the dog licks away at my hand, tail wagging so quickly I was sure he would start floating.
"Oh! I forgot to mention I had a dog", Calum crouches down, picking up the dog and placing him on the couch next to him. "That's Duke, hope you're not allergic or anything." I shake my head, my heart growing at the mere thoughtfulness that he has shown me throughout the night.
He holds up two options to wear. The first being a white and red t-shirt with some type of writing sprawled on it and the second being a oversized green hoodie with embroidery on the front.
"Now these are my prized possessions, If I let you borrow one I'll expect a second date in return. Deal?" He says hopefully, holding both out towards me and I hesitate for a moment between the two.
"They are that important to you huh?", I smile and grab the hoodie to feel the texture of it before deciding on it, grabbing it from his hand. He points at a door down the hallway he just exited from with a nod,
"You have no idea.."
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Mystery Spot
Heat of the Moment 
Heat of the Moment
I open my eyes to see that I was laying on my stomach and the blanket was covering my nude body. I raised my head a bit from the pillow and see Dean sitting on the other bed, tying his shoes. "Rise and shine, sweetheart!" He said and I groan and bury my face in my pillow. "Ugh, five more minutes." I groaned.
"Oh c'mon, (y/n). Don't make me pull you out of bed like a child." Dean said to me. "It's your fault wanting to do a few rounds of the bedroom rodeo last night." I said and Dean smirks.
"What? We hadn't any alone time in awhile. Plus...I couldn't help that you felt so good and right last night." Dean said then he starts to lip sync to the song.
Heat of the moment
Heat of the moment
Showed in your eyes
He bobs his head to the music and points at me and I shake my head at this and then chuckled as he walks to the bathroom. Thank God, Sam is with Bobby doing a job with him and not with us. It would've been so embarrassing to face him after the night Dean and I had.
Later, I was up and dressed as Dean gargles his mouth wash loudly and long. I tried to ignore him long enough to brush my teeth. Dean looks over at me and grins, which made me roll my eyes at him.
"Can you be any louder?" I asked him once I was done brushing my teeth. Dean bends over the sink and spits out the mouthwash and said. "Funny, I asked you the same thing last night!" I threw a towel at him, which hits him in the face, and he chuckles. 
"Whenever you're ready, Dean." I called out to him, minutes later, then Dean pulls out a black bra. "This yours?" He asked and I do a fake gasp. "That was supposed to be a surprise for you later!" I said, a hint of sarcasm in my voice, then I walked up to him and take the bra out of his hand. I wink at him then walk away from, adding a sway to my hips.
I put the bra away and I look over at him and see him roaming his eyes over my body. "Down, boy." I said to him and I rummage in a bag some more, and pull out a gun. "Bingo." I said then I turn to Dean. "Now who's ready for some breakfast?" I asked and he smiles. "You read my mind." He said.
We entered the cafe, the door chimes, as the cashier gives money to an older man. "Drive safely now, Mr. Pickett." the cashier said. "Yeah, yeah." The old man said as the cook shouts. "Order up." Dean and I find a booth as a waitress shouts. "Can't stay unless you order something, Cal. You know the rules."
Dean notices something on the wall. "Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke." He said, smiling, and I look at the menu hanging on the wall. "You even know what that is?" I asked him. He shrugs as the waitress, whose nametag says Doris, walks up to us.
"You two ready?" she asked us. "Yes. I'll have the special, side of bacon and a coffee." Dean orders. "Make it two coffees and a short stack." I said and Doris nods. "You got it." She said and she walks away. 
"Dean, are you sure we should be doing this job? I mean, we really need to find Bela." I said. "That's what Sam and Bobby are doing." He said and I sighed. "Look, believe me, I want to find her as bad as you do. In the meantime, we have this." he said as he pulls out some papers. "All right, so this professor." I said as I pick up a newspaper.
"Dexter Hasselback was passing through town last week when he vanished." Dean said. "Last known location?" I asked him. "His daughter says he was on his way to visit the Broward County Mystery Spot." He replied as I look over the paper. "Where the laws of physics have no meaning." I remarked as Doris arrives with a tray with two coffees and a bottle of hot sauce.
"Two coffees, black, and some hot sauce for the-" she started to say but gasps as the hot sauce falls off the tray and smashes on the floor. "Whoops. Crap! Sorry." she said to me then turns to the side. "Cleanup!" she yells.
After breakfast, Dean and I walked down the street where a dog barks at us as we passed. Then I grab the Mystery Spot flyer from Dean's hands. "Dean, I don't know...joints like this are only tourist traps, right? I mean, you know, balls rolling uphill, furniture nailed to the ceiling, they're only dangerous to your wallet." I said. "Agreed. But Sam told me there are spots in the world where holes open up and swallow people. The Bermuda Triangle, uh, the Oregon Vortex-" he said then I interrupt. "Broward County Mystery Spot?" And he nods at this.
"Well Sam said that sometimes these places are legit." Dean said. "All right, so if it is legit, and that's a big-ass if, what's the lore?" I asked. "Sam told me that the lore's pretty frigging nuts, actually." Dean said when a blonde woman bumps into me. "Excuse me." She said then walked off. I shake my head as Dean continues. "They say these places, the magnetic fields are so strong that they can bend spacetime, sending victims no one knows where." He said.
"Sounds a little X-Files to me." I said as we pass two movers trying to get a desk in a door. "Told you it wouldn't fit." One guy said. "What do you want, a Pulitzer?" His partner yelled.
"All right, look, I'm not saying this is really happening, but if it is, we gotta check it out, see if we can do something." Dean said and I sighed. "All right, all right, so what do you wanna do, big boy?" I asked him. "We'll go tonight, after they close, get ourselves a nice long look." He said and I nod. "Sounds good to me." I said.
That night, we snuck into the Mystery Spot and make our way into a hallway that is neon green with a black double spiral painted on the walls and door. I pull out the EMF reader while Dean shines the flashlight around and up onto a table, lamp, and ashtray attached upside-down to the ceiling.
"Wow. Uncanny." he remarks as I examine another table with a wine glass and a poultry dinner, this one at an angle to the floor. Both of us move on. "Find anything?" Dean asked me, holding the unresponsive EMF meter. "No. You have any idea what you're looking for?" I asked him. "Uh, yeah." Dean responded and I raise an eyebrow. "No." He said after he swallows and I shake my head. We shine flashlights around other parts of the room when we heard something behind us.
"What the hell are you doing here?" a voice asked and I turn to look As Dean points his flashlight and handgun at the voice. The owner of the shop had a gun aimed at Dean and Dean points his gun elsewhere. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, we can explain." He said and the man points the gun at me.
"You robbing me?" the man asked us. "Look, nobody's robbing you, calm down." I said, calmly, and the guy points the gun back at Dean as he raised his hands. "Don't move!" He yells as Dean lowers his hand, which held his gun. "Just putting the gun down." Dean said when the man fires and Dean falls.
"Dean!" I screamed and I rush to Dean, who struggles to breathe. "Hey!" I shout as I look at the man. "Call 911." I ordered him as he looks at Dean in shock. "I-I didn't mean to-" he stammers. "Now!" I yelled and the man leaves and I turn back to Dean. "Hey, hey, oh, no, no, no, not like this..." I pleaded, tears forming in my eyes. "Stay with me, please." I cried. Dean stares at me for a moment before he goes still and closed his eyes.
"Dean?" I said, softly, then I shake him but he doesn't respond. "Dean?! DEAN!" I screamed, devastated.
Heat of the moment 
Telling you what your heart is
My eyes snap open and I quickly raise my head then looked around and realized I was sleeping on my front, the blanket covering my nude body. "Rise and shine, sweetheart!" Dean said as he sits on the other bed, tying his shoes.
What the hell? Was that a dream? It sure didn't feel like a dream. I was in a daze as I stare at him, then at the clock radio.
The heat of the moment
Showed in your eyes
"Oh, come on, (y/n). Don't make me pull you out of the bed like a kid." Dean said as I kept staring at him, breathing hard. "Dean." I said, disbelief, and he looks me over. "Must've wore you out last night. But you just felt so good and so right last night." Dean said then he turns the volume up and starts bopping along to the song, exactly like in my dreams....I think.
Moments later, Dean gargles his mouthwash, loudly and annoying, while I drink some water, swish it around, and spit it not. "What?" Dean asked after his spits out his mouthful. "I don't know." I said, furrowing my brow. "You all right?" He asked me, worried. "I think I-" I pause for a moment. "Dean, I had a weird dream." I said. "Yeah? Clowns or midgets?" Dean asked me. I scoffed then threw a towel at his head.
Later, the door chimes as Dean and I enter the diner and the cashier gives the old man some change. "Drive safely now, Mr. Pickett." She said. "Yeah, yeah." The old man grumbled as I stared around, bewildered, until we found a booth. Sam is staring around, bewildered.
"Can't stay unless you order something, Cal." a waitress said to a homeless looking man. "You know the rules." he said and Cal hands her some change. "Coffee." He said and I just look at this.
"Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke." Dean said and I glance between Dean and the poster. "It's Tuesday?" I asked, confused. "Yeah." Dean replied as the waitress, Doris, comes up to us. "Are you two ready?" She asked us. "Yes, I'll have the special, side of bacon and a coffee." Dean said while I stare for a minute. "Uh, nothing for me, thanks." I said to her. "Let me know if you change your mind." Doris said and she leaves.
I stare after Doris, just still getting this weird sense of...something. "Hey." Dean said as he snaps his fingers at me and I turn to him. "You with me?" he asked. "What?" I said, dazed. "You sure you feeling okay?" Dean asked me, concerned, and I sigh.
"You don't--you don't remember? Any of this?" I asked and her looks at me with confusion. "Remember what?" he asked. "This. Today. Like it's--like it's happened before?" I said. "You mean like déjà vu?" he asked. "No, I mean like, like it's really happened before." I said. "Yeah. Like déjà vu." Dean said and I shake my head.
"No, forget about déjà vu. I'm asking you if it feels like, like we're living yesterday all over again." I said, slightly frustrated. "Okay, how is that not dé-" he started to say but I talk over him. "Don't, don't say it! Just don't even..." I yelled just as Doris arrives with a tray with one coffee and the hot sauce.
"Coffee, black, and some hot sauce for the-oops! Crap!" she said. I notice the hot sauce wobble on the tray and catch it as it falls, making Doris gasps. I stare at the bottle in my hand, shocked, before giving it back. "Thanks." she said, appreciatevly, as she puts down the bottle and leaves.
"Nice reflexes." Dean compliments but I don't say anything.
The dog barks at us as we walked down the street. I stare back over my shoulder. "(Y/n), I'm sorry, but I don't know what the hell you're talking about." Dean said. "Okay, look, yesterday was Tuesday, right? But today is Tuesday too." I said. "Yeah. No. Good. You're totally balanced." DeN jokes and I stare at him.
"So you don't believe me?" I asked him. Dean laughs and I collide with the Blonde Girl. "Excuse me." she said. "Look, I'm just saying that it's crazy, you know, I mean, even for us crazy. Dingo ate my baby crazy. Hey, maybe it was another of your psychic premonitions." said Dean but I shake my head. "No, no way, way too vivid. Okay, look, we were at the Mystery Spot, and then-" I stop and bite my lips.
"And then what?" he asked. "Then I woke up." I replied as we pass the Movers.
"Told you it wouldn't fit."
"What do you want, a Pulitzer?"
"Wait a minute! The Mystery Spot. You think maybe it-" I exclaimed and Dean looks at me. "Maybe what?" he asked. "We gotta check that place out. Look, just, go with me on this, okay?" I said. "All right, all right, we'll go tonight, after it closes, get ourselves a nice long look." Dean said and I realized what Dean said and whip him around.
"Wait, what? No." I said. "Why not?" Dean asked. "Uh. Let's just go now. Right now. Business hours, nice and crowded." I said and Dean just give me a weird look. "My God, you're a freak." he said. "Dean." I said, exasperated, and he sighs. "Okay. Whatever. We'll go now." Dean said and he walks a few feet ahead of me and looks to his right as he enters the street.
But then a car slams into him from his left, making me jump. "Dean!" I shout and I rush to Dean. "Dean, no, no, no." I cried as I see that Dean has blood on his face and is barely moving. I turn him over and pick him up. "Come on, Dean." I cried and I look over and see that old man, Mr Pickett, leaning out of the now-stopped car.
Then I turn back to Dean. "Hey. Dean." I said but Dean isn't moving. "Dean. Dean." I pleaded.
Heat of the moment
Telling you what your heart is
I jump and my eyes open as I raise my head to see Dean tying his shoe. "Rise and shine, sweetheart!" Dean said and I stare at him. 
The heat of the moment
Showed in your eyes 
"Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke." Dean said after we arrived at the diner. "Would you listen to me, Dean? Because I am flipping out." I growled. "Are you two ready?" Doris asked us and I quickly speak before Dean does. "He'll take the special, side of bacon, coffee, black, nothing for me, thanks." I said while Dean gives me a look of surprise. "You got it." Doris said and she leaves while Dean smiles at me.
"(y/n), I get all tingly when you take control like that." Dean said as his smile grows. "Quit screwing around, Dean." I said, annoyed, and Dean raises his hands. "Okay, okay, I'm listening. So, so you think that you're in some kind of a what again?" he said. "Time loop." I replied.
"Like Groundhog Day." Dean said and I nod. "Yes, exactly, like Groundhog Day." I said and Dean nods too. "Uh-huh." he said, disbelief. "So you don't believe me." I grumbled. "It's just a little crazy, I mean even for us crazy, you know, like, uh-" Dean said then I finish his sentence. "Dingo ate my baby crazy?"
"How'd you know I was going to say that?" Dean asked. "Because you said it before, Dean, that's my whole point." I said and Doris comes back. "Coffee, black, and some hot sauce for the-whoops! Crap." she said as the hot sauce bottle falls but I catch it and hand it back to Doris without looking. "Thanks." She said and she puts down the hot sauce and leaves.
"Nice reflexes." Dean compliments. "No. I knew it was going to happen." I said. "Okay, look, I'm sure there's some sort of an explanation-" he started to say but I shake my head, slightly. "You're just going to have to go with me on this, Dean, you just have to, you owe me that much." I said, my voice rising with every word.
"Calm down." Dean said to me. "Don't tell me to calm down. I can't calm down. I can't. Because-" I said, frustrated, then I stopped. "Because what?" Dean asked me and I sighed. "Because you die today, Dean." I replied my hand started to shake. Dean reaches out and places his hand over mine. "I'm not gonna die. Not today." Dean said, trying to assure me.
"Twice now I've watched you die, and I can't. I won't do it again, okay? You're just going to have to believe me. Please." I said, shakily, and Dean and I stare into each other's eyes. "All right. I still think you're nuts, but okay, whatever this is, we'll figure it out." He said and I nod.
Walking down the street and that damn dog barks at us as we pass. I avoided the blonde woman to prevent hitting her then we pass the Movers. "And you think this cheesy-ass tourist trap has something to do with it?" Dean asked me. "Maybe it's the real deal, you know? The, the magnetic fields bending spacetime or whatever." I try to explain.
"I don't know, it all seems a little too X-Files for me." He said. "Well I don't know how else to explain it, Dean!" I exclaimed. "All right, all right, we'll go tonight after they close, get ourselves a nice long look." He said but I place a hand on his shoulder. "No no no no no, we can't." I said. "Why not?" He asked me.
"Because you-" I pause again.
"I what?" he asked but I don't say anything. "I die there?" he asked and I nod, slightly. "Blown away, actually." I informed. "Huh. Okay, we go now." Dean said then he starts forward. I rush after him and grab him before he runs into the street. Mr Pickett's car zooms past. "Stay out of the way!" the man shouts while Dean and I stare after the car.
"Wait, did he?" Dean asked me and I nod. "Yesterday, yeah." I replied. "And?" He said and i glance at him. "And what?" I asked. "Did it look cool, like in the movies?" He asked me with a smirk. "You peed yourself, Dean." I stated, making his smile disappear. "Of course I peed myself. Man gets hit by a car, you think he has full control over his bladder? Come on!" He exclaims and I roll my eyes. Dean is careful to look both ways before we cross the street.
"I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. We could use all the good ink we can get." the owner of the Mystery Spot said to us after we arrived. "How long have you owned the place, Mr. Kopiak?" I asked. "My family's been guarding the secrets here since you don't want to know when." Kopiak said.
"So you'd know if anything strange happened." I said. "Strange? Strange happens here all the time. It's a Mystery Spot." Kopiak said, like he was still in a performance. "What exactly does that mean?" I asked him and i noticed Dean just staring at me. "Well, uh, it's where the laws of physics have no meaning." He replies.
"Okay, like how?" I asked, angrily, and Kopiak grins. "Take the tour." He said, spreading his arms out. "The guy who went missing, Dexter Hasselback, he take the tour?" Dean asked. "Uh, uh, hold on a minute, what kind of article is this?" Kopiak asked. "Just answer the question." I said, firmly.
"The police scoured every inch of this place. They couldn't find that man. I never seen him before. We're a family establishment-" he said but then I get into his face. "Listen to me. There is something weird going on here. Now do you know anything about it or not?" I asked and he looked a bit taken aback. "Okay. Look. Um. Give me a break. I bought the joint at a foreclosure auction last March, all right? Hell, I used to sell bail bonds." He admits while I stare at him, stone-faced.
"Okay, Kojak, let's get some air." Dean said and he steers me outside.
"I hate to say it, but that place is exactly what I thought. Full of crap." Dean said and I sigh. "Then what is it, Dean, what the hell is happening to us?" I asked. "I don't know. All right, lemme just, so, every day I die." said Dean. "Yeah." I said. "And that's when you wake up again, right?" He asked me and I nod.
"So let's just make sure I don't die. If I make it to tomorrow, then maybe the loop stops and we can figure all this out." Dean said and I look up at him. "You think?" I asked. "Worth a shot. I say we grab some takeout and head back to the motel, lay low until midnight." Dean said and I nod. Then he smiles and he places his arms around my waist. "Maybe go a few more rounds tonight." He said and I let out a small chuckle.
Then he leans in and we kiss for a few moments before he pulls back and smiles at me. "Okay..." I muttered and Dean's smile grew. "All right, good." he said then he leans in and kissed me again before he walks away. "Who wants Chinese?" Dean asked as he starts walking again.
But he only gets two steps before getting flattened by a falling desk. I jumped and see the movers, one holding the other end of the snapped rope and the other up in the window, and I stare at this then groan.
Heat of the moment
Telling you what your heart is
The heat of the moment
Showed in your eyes 
"I still think you're nuts, but whatever this is, we'll figure it out." Dean said. "Thanks." I sighed, exasperated. "So. Uh. You're stuck in Groundhog Day. Why? What's behind it?" Dean asked. "Well, first I thought it was the Mystery Spot. Now I'm not so sure." I said. 
"What do we do?" asked Dean. "Try to keep you breathing, try to make it to tomorrow. That's the only thing I can think of." I said. "Shouldn't be too hard." Dean said and I scoff. "Yeah, right, Dean, I've watched you die a few times now and I can't ever seem to stop it." I said. 
"Well, nothing's set in stone. You said I order the same thing every day, right?" he asked. "Yeah. Pig in a poke, side of bacon." I said and Dean turns to Doris, who is standing by the window to the kitchen, talking with the cook. "'Scuse me, sweetheart." He calls and Doris turns. "Can I get sausage instead of bacon?" He asked. "Sure thing, hon." She said and Dean smiles.
"See? Different day already. See, if you and I decide I'm not gonna die, I'm not gonna die." Dean said then Doris brings over Dean's food. "Thank you." Dean said to her then stabs a sausage with his fork and bites in. I grin as Doris walks away but then Dean starts to choke. "Dean. Dean?" I said, panicked.
Heat of the moment
Telling you what your heart is
The heat of the moment
Showed in your eyes 
"You mean we can't even go out for breakfast?" Dean calls out from the shower while I was packing everything. "You'll thank me when it's Wednesday!" I called out to him. "Whatever that means." I hear him grumbled and I shake my head.
After everything was packed, I look out the window but then I hear Dean yelp, followed by a thud. I growl under my breath and place my hand over my face.
Heat of the moment
Telling you what your heart is
The heat of the moment
Showed in your eyes 
Day in and day out, Tuesday after Tuesday after Tuesday, death after death after death....I don't know how much more I can take of this.
We walked in the diner for about the hundredth time, or at least for me, and the door chimes as the cashier gives Mr. Pickett some change.
"Drive safely now, Mr. Pickett."
"Yeah, yeah." Mr Pickett grumbles and we bump into each other as we pass. "Can't stay unless you order something, Cal. You know the rules." A waitress said and Cal passes her some change. Dean and I sit down in a booth.
"Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke." Dean said and I put a set of keys on the table. Dean looks at them, then at me. "What are those?" he asked me. "The old man's. Trust me, you don't want him behind the wheel." I said and Doris comes up to us.
"You two ready?" she asked. "Uh, yes, we are. I'll have the special, side of bacon and a coffee." Dean said and I turn to her. "Hey, Doris? What I'd like is for you to log in some more hours at the archery range. You're a terrible shot." I said and she gives me a confused look. "How'd you know that?" She asked. "Lucky guess." I said, smirking, and she walks away.
"Okay, so you think you're caught in some kind of what, again?" Dean asked me. "Time loop." I replied. "Like Groundhog Day." He said. "Doesn't matter. There's no way to stop it." I said, annoyed. "Jeez, aren't you grumpy." Dean retorts. "Yeah, I am. You wanna know why?" I asked and he raises an eyebrow at me. "Because this is the hundredth Tuesday in a row I've been through, and it never stops. Ever. So yeah, I'm a little grumpy." I growled. "Hot sauce."
"What?" Dean asked as Doris arrives with the coffee and hot sauce. "Coffee, black, and some hot sauce for the-whoops! Crap!" She shouts but I catch the hot sauce and slide it across the table. "Thanks." Doris said and she walks away again.
"Nice reflexes." Dean compliments. "I knew it was going to happen, Dean. I know everything that's gonna happen." I said. "You don't know everything." Dean said and I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah, I do." I said.
"Yeah, right." We said, in unison, and Dean furrows his brow.
"Nice guess." We said, in unison again. "It wasn't a guess." I said to him.
"Right, you're a mind reader." we said and I could tell Dean was getting a bit annoyed.
"Cut it out, (y/n)."
Then we lean towards each other, simultaneously. "You think you're being funny but you're being really really childish!" We said. "(y/n) (l/n) is a scaredy cat. (Y/n) (l/n) is a crybaby. When she watches Titanic, she cries at the end when Jack dies..." we said until Dean throws up his hands In frustration and said. "Okay, enough!"
"That's not all. Randy the cashier? He's skimming from the register. Judge Myers? At night he puts on a furry bunny outfit. Over there, that's Cal. He's gonna rob Tony the mechanic on the way home." I informed. "What's your point?" Dean asked me. "My point is I've lived through every possible Tuesday. I've watched you die every possible way. I have ripped apart the Mystery Spot, burnt it down, tried everything I know to save your life and I can't. No matter what I do, you die. And then I wake up. And then it's Tuesday again." I explained, exhausted.
"Dog." I muttered as we walked down the street and the dog barks. "There's gotta be some way out of this." Dean said as I muttered. "Where's my dang keys?"
We pass Mr. Pickett as he yells. "Where's my dang keys?"
I stepped aside as the blonde woman starts to walk by. Then Dean puts out a hand to stop me. "Hey. All the times we've walked down this street, I ever do this?" Dean asked as he goes back to Blonde Girl. "'scuse me, Miss!" He called out and I stare after him, shocked. "No." I said as Blonde Girl gives Dean one of her papers.
"Hundred Tuesdays and you never bothered to check what she was holding in her hands?" Dean asked me as he comes back over to me. I shrug as Dean holds up the flyer. "It's the guy who went missing." He said and I stare at the name DEXTER HASSELBACK under the picture from the newspaper clipping. "Yeah?" I said. "That's his daughter back there." Dean said and I grab the flyer and run after Blonde Girl. "Ma'am?" I called out then I hear the dog growling and barking at Dean.
"Hey buddy! Somebody need a friend? Good boy-aaah!" Dean said before he yells in pain and I closed my eyes in exasperation.
The next day, Dean and I were back at the diner and I was on the laptop while he was eating. "So the police report says Dexter Hasselback is a professor, but that's not all he is." I said. "What is he?" Dean asked. "I talked to his daughter. Guy's quite the journalist. Columns in magazines, a blog. He writes about tourist attractions. Mystery spots, UFO crash sites-he gets his kicks debunking them. I mean, he's already put four of these places out of business. Here." I said and I turn the laptop to face Dean.
"Dexter Hasselback, truth warrior? More like a pompous schmuck, you ask me." Dean grumbles. "Yeah, tell me about it. I mean, I've read everything the guy's ever written, and he must have weighed a ton, he was so full of himself." I remarked and Dean chuckles a bit. "When'd you have time to do all this research?" He asked me and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Come on." I grumbled and then I pack up the laptop. We get up and Dean laughs.
"What?" I asked Dean. "I just, it's just funny, you know, I mean, this guy spends his whole life crapping on Mystery Spots and then he vanishes into one. It's kinda poetic, you know, just desserts." Dean said. "You're right, that is just desserts." I said but then I notice the abandoned plate; it has a partial pancake and pink syrup. Which is odd as I've seen this man only get maple syrup and now he has used a different syrup.
"What's wrong?" Dean asked as I watch the man walk by the diner windows. "Guy has maple syrup for the last hundred Tuesdays, all of a sudden he's having strawberry?" I said, suspicious. "It's a free country. Man can't choose his own syrup, huh? What have we become?" Dean asked. "Not in this diner. Not today. Nothing in this place ever changes. Ever. Except me." I said in a low voice.
The next Tuesday, I watch the man eat his pancakes while Dean eats his breakfast. "So you think you're caught in some kind of what, again?" Dean asked me. "Eat your breakfast." I tell him then the Man leaves and I go to follow him. "What's in the bag?" Dean calls out after me as he follows me. 
The Man walks down the street until I grab him, slam him into the fence, and put the tip of a wooden stake at his throat. "Hey!" the man exclaimed but I glare at him. "I know who you are. Or should I say, what." I growled while the man looks at me, terrified. "Oh my God, please don't kill me." He pleads. "Uh, (y/n)?" Dean said but I stand my ground.
"It took me a hell of a long time but I got it." I said. "What?" the man asked. "It's your MO that gave you away. Going after pompous jerks, giving them their just desserts-your kind loves that, don't they?" I asked with a growl. "Yeah, sure, okay." The Man said as he glances nervously at the stake. "Just put the stake down!"
"(y/n), maybe you should--" Dean started to say but I yell over him. "No! There's only one creature powerful enough to do what you're doing. Making reality out of nothing, sticking people in time loops-in fact you'd pretty much have to be a god. You'd have to be a Trickster." I said. "Miss, my name is Ed Coleman, my wife's name is Amelia, I got two kids, for crying out loud I sell ad space-" he exclaims but I shake my head.
"Don't lie to me! I know what you are! We've killed one of your kind before!" I yelled then the look on the man's face went from terrified to smug. "Actually, sweetheart, you didn't." The man said then he turns into that Trickster we dealt with months ago.
My eyes widen at this before I glared at him. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him, angrily. "You're joking, right? You Chuckleheads tried to kill me last time. Why wouldn't I do this? Even if you are one short." He said with a chuckle. "And Hasselback, what about him?" Dean asked and the Trickster smirks. "That putz? He said he didn't believe in wormholes, so I dropped him in one." He said before he laughs.
"Then you two showed up. I made you the second you hit town." he explains. "So this is fun for you? Killing Dean over and over again?" I asked. "One, yes. It is fun. And two? This is so not about killing Dean. This joke is on you, (y/n). Watching your boyfriend die, every day? Forever?" he asked and I start to shake in anger.
"You son of a bitch." I growled. "How long will it take you to realize? You can't save your boyfriend. Neither can Sam. No matter what." Trickster said. "Oh yeah? I kill you, this all ends now." I said as I push the stake closer to him. "Oh-oh, hey, whoa! Okay. Look. I was just playing around. You can't take a joke, fine. You're out of it. Tomorrow, you'll wake up and it'll be Wednesday. I swear." He said.
"You're lying." I growled. "If I am, you know where to find me. Having pancakes at the diner." He said. I look at Dean, then back at the Trickster. "No. Easier to just kill you." I said. "Sorry, kiddo. Can't have that." He said then he snaps his fingers.
Better promise me I'll be back in time
Gotta get back in time
My eyes snap open and see that I'm in the hotel again. I sit up and see Dean standing by the sink. "What, you gonna sleep all day?" he asked me and I look at the radio, confused. "No Asia." I said. "Yeah, I know. This station sucks." Dean grumbles and I stare at the clock radio. It says WED.
"It's Wednesday!" I gasp. "Yeah, usually comes after Tuesday. Turn that thing off, will you?" Dean asked me as I grin. "What, are you kidding me? This isn't the most beautiful song you've ever heard?" I asked, happily. "No. How many Tuesdays did you have?" Dean asked me as I throw a long-sleeved shirt over my tank top. "I don't know. I lost count." I replied then look over at him.
"Hey, wait. What do you remember?" I asked him. "I remember you were pretty whacked out of it yesterday and then I remember running into the Trickster. But no, that's about it." He replied. "All right. Pack your stuff, let's get the hell out of town. Now." I said. "No breakfast?" He asked me. "No breakfast." I said then I lean up to him and kiss him on the lips.
Minutes later, Dean went out to load up the Impala while I packed up my stuff. All I could think of was how glad I was gonna be when I get out of this hellhole until I heard a gunshot.
My heart stopped and I whip my head towards the door. "Dean!" I screamed as I hurried out of the room and down the motel exterior stairs. I run to Dean and see that he is on his side on the asphalt, blood on his shirt. "No, no, no no no, hey, hey, come on, not today, not today, this isn't supposed to happen today, come on-" I cry as I kneel down and hold him. Then I realize that Dean isn't moving.
I close my eyes and wait then open my eyes, but Dean is still dead. "I'm supposed to wake up." I whispered, tearfully, then tears pour down my face and I bury my head into his chest and cry.
Six Months Later
It's (y/n). Leave me a message. 
(Y/n)? It's Bobby. Heard about that demon thing you took care of in Death Valley. Nice job. Been about three months we talked, though. Be nice to hear your voice. Give a call. I'm here.
(Y/n)? It's Sam. Look, I'm worried about you. Just tell me you're not sitting alone somewhere obsessing over this damn Trickster. Call me, (y/n). We can find it together. You, me and Bobby. No one person should take something like this on alone. You hear me? By the way, Bobby wanted me to tell you that you did a hell of a job with that vampire nest in Austin.
(Y/n)? It's Bobby. We found him.
I walked into the Mystery Spot building to see Bobby kneeling on the floor turning the pages of a book, which is dead center of a chalked diagram with three candles and three bowls of unidentified substances. Sam was standing by him. They hear me come in and they turn to me, a look of relief on their faces.
"It's good to see you." Bobby said as he stands up. Sam goes to hug me but I don't respond to his hug. He pulls out of the hug and Bobby hugs me too.
"What are we doing here, guys?" I asked them. "Well, it's the last place we're sure the Trickster worked his magic." Sam explained and I shrug. "So?" I muttered. "So you want this thing? I found a summoning ritual to bring the Trickster here." Bobby exclaims and I sighed.
"What do we need?" I asked them. "Blood." Sam replied. "How much blood?" I asked him. "Ritual says near a gallon. And it's gotta be fresh, too." Bobby explains. "Meaning we have to bleed a person dry." Sam added. "And it's gotta be tonight. Or not for another fifty years." Bobby finished and I nod at them. 
"Then let's go get some." I said and turn to leave. But I noticed that neither of them had moved so I turned back to them. "You break my heart, kid." Bobby mutters. "What?" I asked. "We're not gonna let you murder an innocent man." Sam said. "Then why'd you bring me here?" I asked, angrily. "Why? Because it was the only way you'd see us! Because we're trying to knock some sense into you! Because we thought you'd back down from killing a man!" Bobby yelled.
"Well, you thought wrong. Leave the stuff, I'll do it myself." I said as I start to turn but then Sam grabs my arm. "I told you, we're not gonna let you kill a man." Sam said then I turn back to him and shouted. "It's none of your damn business what I do!"
Bobby and Sam look taken aback by this as Sam let's my arm go. "You want Dean back so bad?" Bobby asked as he leans down and pulls a knife out of his bag and holds it up to me. "Fine." He growls and I eyed the knife. "What are you talking about?" I asked him. "Better me than a civilian." Bobby said as holds the knife out to me. 
"You're crazy, Bobby." Sam said and I shake my head a bit. "He's right.  I'm not killing you." I said. "Oh, now I'm the crazy one. Look, (y/n), I'm old, I'm coming near the end of my trail. But you and Sam can keep fighting. Saving folk. But you two need Dean. Let me get him back to you." Bobby said.
"Bobby-" I said, roughly, but he shakes his head. "You, Sam and Dean, you three are the closest thing I have to family. I wanna do this." He said. I stare at the knife then over at Sam, who looks a bit uncomfortable. He shrugs and shakes his head before I look back at Bobby and take the knife. "Okay." I muttered. "Good." Bobby said and he turns around and goes to his knees.
"Just make it quick." he said but I wait. "Do it, (y/n)." he said. "Yeah, okay, Bobby." I muttered as I put the knife away. "But you wanna know why?" I asked him and I pull out a stake, grab Bobby around the throat and shove the stake through his back. The tip comes out Bobby's chest. "(Y/n)!" Sam yelled, shocked, but I ignore him. "Because you're not Bobby." I growled as I twist the stake, blood spurting out of the wound.
Bobby goes still and falls forward after I let go of him, then stare at Bobby's corpse. "(Y/n), what the hell?!" Sam asked me as I watch Bobby's corpse but nothing happens. "Bobby? Bobby! Bobby!" I called out, fearing that I had made a mistake.
But then Bobby's corpse vanishes and the stake falls over, then shoots over next to me. I turn to see that the Trickster was standing where Sam was just a moment ago. "You're right. I was just screwing with you. Pretty good, though, (y/n). Smart. Let me tell you, whoever said Dean was the dysfunctional one has never seen you with a sharp object in your hands. Holy Full Metal Jacket. Now I'm starting to think how Sam would've reacted!" He exclaimed as I glared at him.
"Bring him back." I said through my gritted teeth. "Who, Dean? Didn't my girl send you flowers? Dean's dead. He ain't coming back. His soul's downstairs doing the hellfire rumba as we speak." He said, smiling. "Just take us back to that...Wednesday-when it all started." I said and he raises an eyebrow. "Please. We won't come after you, I swear." I pleaded, my voice cracking. 
"You swear." He said and I nod then he acts like he's thinking. "I don't know. Even if I could--" He said. "You can." I said, interrupting him. "True. But that don't mean I should. (Y/n), there's a lesson here that I've been trying to drill into that thick skull of yours." He said. "Lesson? What lesson?" I asked him.
"This obsession to save Dean? The way you, Sam and Dean keep sacrificing yourselves for each other? Nothing good comes out of it. Just blood and pain. Dean's your weakness. And the bad guys know it, too. It's gonna be the death of you, (y/n). Sometimes you just gotta let people go." said the Trickster. 
"He's the man I love." I said. "Yup. And like it or not, this is what life's gonna be like without him." he said, shrugging. "Please. Just-please." I pleaded and he sighs in exasperation. "I swear, it's like talking to a brick wall. Okay, look. This all stopped being fun months ago. You're Travis Bickle in a skirt, pal. I'm over it." He said and I furrow my brow at him.
"Meaning what?" I asked him. "Meaning that's for me to know and you to find out." He said then he snaps his fingers.
Promise me I'll be back in time
Gotta get back in time
My eyes snap open and saw that I was back at the hotel. Then I sit up and see Dean standing by the bathroom sink. 'What, you gonna sleep all day?" He asked as I stare at him then around the room in shock. I know, no Asia. This station sucks."  He said and I check the clock radio. It says WED.
"It's Wednesday." I whispered. "Yeah, usually comes after Tuesday. Turn that thing off." Dean said and I throw off the covers and go to hug him before I kiss him, passionately. "Wow, how many Tuesdays did you have?" He asked me after we break the kiss and he places his hands on my waist. "Enough. What, uh, what do you remember?" I asked.
"I remember you were pretty whacked out of it yesterday. I remember getting up with the Trickster. That's about it." he replied and I nod. "Let's go." I said and he gives me a look. "No breakfast?" He asked. "No breakfast." I stated.
"All right, I'll pack the car." he said but I place a hand on his chest. "Wait, you're not going anywhere alone." I said. "It's the parking lot, (y/n)." He said. "Just-just trust me." I said and he gives a slight nod but I could tell that he still didn't understand.
After getting dressed, I zip up a bag closed just as Dean opens the door, then turns back. "Hey, you don't look so good. Something else happen?" He asked me, concerned. I say nothing for a moment before I swallow. "I just had a really weird dream." I replied, simply. "Clowns or midgets?" He asked and I look up to see him grinning. I try to smile back as Dean picks up his bag and leaves.
I follow before stopping at the door to look back at the unmade bed. I sigh then turn off the light and close the door.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @ellie-andthemachine
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toofunktastic · 6 months
Here’s a dump of things I’ve gifted elsewhere but haven’t gifted here yet
Six - Second US National Tour (Boleyn)
April 2, 2023 - madeapactwithsatan
Gerianne Pérez (Catherine of Aragon), Zan Berube (Anne Boleyn), Alina Faye (Jane Seymour), Cecilia Snow (s/b Anna of Cleves), Aline Mayagoitia (Katherine Howard), Sydney Parra (Catherine Parr)
Never to be posted on any form of social media including, but not limited to, YouTube/Instagram/TikTok
Six - Second US National Tour (Boleyn)
April 5, 2023 - madeapactwithsatan
Gerianne Pérez (Catherine of Aragon), Zan Berube (Anne Boleyn), Amina Faye (Jane Seymour), Terica Marie (Anna of Cleves), Aline Mayagoitia (Katherine Howard), Sydney Parra (Catherine Parr)
Includes BCEFA speech. Recorded from front row. Dropped my phone right after Heart of Stone, but I picked it up before anything major happened. Never to be posted on any social media including, but not limited to, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.
Ain't Too Proud - The Life and Times of the Temptations
US National Tour
January 17, 2024 mat
Madeapactwithsatan's master
**Jeremy Kelsey (u/s Otis Williams)**, E. Clayton Cornelious (Paul Williams), Harrell Holmes Jr. (Melvin Franklin), Jalen Harris (Eddie Kendricks), Elijah Ahmad Lewis (David Ruffin), **Treston J. Henderson (u/s Dennis Edwards)**, Felander (Lamont), **Brian C. Binion (u/s Berry Gordy)**, Ryan M. Hunt (Shelly Berger), Tiffany Francès (Josephine), Devin Holloway (Smokey Robinson/Slick Talk Fella/Damon Harris), Devin Price (Al Bryant/Norman Whitfield), **Nazarria Workman (u/s Diana Ross)**, Shayla Brielle G. (Mama Rose/Florence Ballard/Tammi Terrell), Brittny Smith (Johnnie Mae/Mary Wilson), Devin Holloway ("Gloria" Soloist/Interviewer/Delivery Man/Richard Street)
Notes: Amazing cast for this show. However it is a jukebox musical and thus has the normal issue of singing along, talking, phones ringing (and maybe even me sighing and saying to shut up). Gift upon request, but do not post any form of social media.
Mrs. Doubtfire - First US National Tour
February 10, 2024 matinée
madeapactwithsatan's master
Rob McClure (Daniel Hillard), Maggie Lakis (Miranda Hillard), Giselle Gutierrez (Lydia Hillard), Cody Braverman (Christopher Hillard), Emerson Mae Chan (Natalie Hillard), Aaron Kaburick (Frank Hillard), Marquez Linder (u/s Andre Mayem), Romelda Teron Benjamin (Wanda Sellner), Leo Roberts (Stuart Dunmire), David Hibbard (Mr. Jolly/Judge), Jodi Kimura (Janet Lundy)
This is a show I saw. Gift upon request. Do not post anywhere on any social media.
Waitress - Broadway Remount
September 16, 2021 - madeapactwithsatan
Sara Bareilles (Jenna), Charity Angel Dawson (Becky), Caitlin Houlahan (Dawn), Drew Gehling (Dr. Pomatter), Joe Tippett (Earl), Dakin Matthews (Joe), Eric Anderson (Cal), Christopher Fitzgerald (Ogie), Nora Lincoln Weiner (Lulu), Tyrone Davis Jr., Matt DeAngelis, Henry Gottfried, Molly Jobe, Max Kumangai, Anastacia McCleskey, Stephanie Torns, Nyla Watson
Very responsive crowd.
Waitress - First US National Tour
February 13, 2018 - madeapactwithsatan
Desi Oakley (Jenna), Charity Angél Dawson (Becky), Emily Koch (u/s Dawn), Bryan Fenkart (Dr. Pomatter), Jeremy Morse (Ogie), Ryan G Dunkin (Cal), Larry Marshall (Joe), Nick Bailey (Earl), Maiesha McQueen (Nurse Norma), Kimberly Tobin (Lulu), Kyra Kennedy (Francine Pomatter), Grace Stockdale (Mother), Jim Hogan (Father)
Emily's third show as Dawn.
Waitress - Second US National Tour
March 29, 2022 - madeapactwithsatan
Jisel Soleil Ayon (Jenna), Dominique Kent (Becky), Gabriella Marzetta (Dawn), David Socolar (Dr. Pomatter), Brian Lundy (Ogie), Andrew Burton Kelley (u/s Cal), Shawn W. Smith (Earl), Michael R. Douglass (Joe), Dayna Marie Quincy (Nurse Norma), Stephanie Feeback (Francine Pomatter), Olivia London (Mother), Woody White (Father), Elvie Ellis (Ensemble), Jake McCready (Ensemble), Zoë Brooke Reed (Ensemble)
March 29, 2024
First US National Tour
madeapactwithsatan’s master
Caroline Bowman (Elsa), Lauren Nicole Chapman (Anna), Jeremy Davis (Olaf), Dominic Dorset (Kristoff), Preston Perez (Hans), Dan Plehal (Sven), Evan Duff (Weselton), Savannah Lumar (Young Elsa), Emma Origenes (Young Anna), Katie Mariko Murray (Queen Iduna), Kyle Lamar Mitchell (King Agnarr), Tyler Jimenez (Pabbie), Renée Reid (Bulda), Jack Brewer (Oaken)
Notes: It’s frozen so obviously there are a couple of kids talking, but otherwise not too much disruption. Includes BC/EFA speech. Gift upon request, but do not put on any form of social media.
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toxicbrothel · 8 months
brothel sleepover 2 masterlist 💕
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POV Ficlets - a few are dark (check tags)
prev: brothel sleepover 1
POV: Uncle Tommy
POV: Free Use Joel
POV: Reader meeting Donald Pierce (Logan 2017)
POV: Waitress serving chubby!nwJoel
POV: Motorist helped by Corey Cunningham
POV: Sweet Pea
POV: Night Chalks Joel (2003)
POV: Cal (Bikeriders / Twin Peaks AU)
POV: Ghostface
POV: Pobrecita (the raid)
POV: NON-canon sweet pea
POV: Stepdaughter
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f1a1w1n · 7 months
Centre of it all (Cal Kestis x (f!) reader)
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Part one
Summary: You, a jedi hides on the most remote plant in the galaxy. No one can find you, or so you think. Enemies to lovers, Friends to lovers etc.
Word count: 1k
Warnings: none
Authors note: I'm writing a new fic. if you have any ideas pls tell me, comment or tel me in the google form at the bottom. love ya pls enjoy
A stupid amount of rain. Not that it bothered you particularly or anything, its just your speeder was rusted at this point and left at home, and you were so used to the dry weather and walking everywhere that it had become a habit to walk to the market whenever you needed anything. 
It was a small town that you lived on the outskirts of, on a small planet, in a small system on the outer rim of the galaxy. The town you live in was mainly made of wet grey bricks -now covered in blooming green moss. You stand on the steps of a small grocer, a small shel of wet rock your only cover. The grocer - if you can even call it that, it's just old Syue with her imports and exports of the week, sometimes it's fresh produce and sometimes it's best to stick to the non-perishables. 
As you wait foolishly for the rain to stop you think back to two weeks ago - a strange disturbance in the force, something bright, energetic… terrifying. The small planet was your only refuge, growing tired of moving around - this small gem was your lifeline in a never ending cesspool of politics. That presence in the force was alluring to you, your mind constantly flicking back to it. What was it? 
“Fuck it.” You say. You bolt down the street, groceries clutched in hand. You turn the corner ducking under cover whenever you can. Eventually you reached your small house, on the very edge of town. Surrounded by foliage and dense grass your house stood defiantly against the rain, brave little thing. 
You kick off your shoes and dump the groceries on the counter. You squeeze out as much water from your hair as you can. You glance at the clock. 
“Ugh.” It was time for work. I mean as bad as jobs go, this wasn’t the worst. You can’t really find jobs as a jedi can you? No - you can’t, and working as a waitress isn’t horrible?
Your blanket and pillows still remain on the floor from when you had fallen out of bed this morning, a vivid dream burned into your eyes. A bright red energy in a field of dull grey reaching out to you. “No” you say in your dream. The red energy creeps forward. “Who are you?” No reply. Suddenly the energy takes a vague form, it's a man. You can barely hear him say something. “Pardon?” you say. 
“...who are you…” you barely catch the man say - then all of a sudden you flung from your dream and you wake up on your floor. 
Dreams like this have been clouding your mind for months now. You're barely getting any quality sleep.
Jido Kara’s Tavern
For the most part, this evening was the busiest shift you had seen in a long time. Practically the whole town was there. You speculate its cause of the most recent import of alcohol, courtesy of Old Syue.
Wring the rag between your hands as you sit down your boss sits next to you.
“Why don’t you call off early? Rica is coming in to cover your shift.”
“Okay, sure. I’ll just get a drink first.”
He gives you a pat on the back and waddles off to the back. A game of sport is playing on the tiny tv at one side of the bar - close to the door where everyone is huddled. Cries of yay’s and boo’s chorus through the bar as the town's favourite team play. Obviously, you choose the opposite end of the bar to sit. The bartender, Deonor, pours you a drink and winks.
“On the house.” 
You smile gratefully, unable to make small talk. He doesn’t chide you for it. What seems like an hour goes by when you occasionally look at the game and sipping at your drink. Deonor refills it. Then suddenly you see a head of red hair poke through the crowd which surrounds the small tv. He boo’s and cheers with the rest of the group. You wave Deonor over. 
“Do you know that guy?” You carefully point to him. 
Deonor thinks for a second. “Hm yeah, he’s new. He’s been coming in for the last two weeks getting drinks if I remember correctly.”
“Oh right.” You say as nonchalantly as possible.
“Oh, no reason, just curious.” You say lost in thought. Why does he feel familiar? You can’t help but stare at the back of his head. Maybe if you stare long enough you’ll know. 
“I think he was looking for someone.” Deonor says. But you barely hear him, too intent on this man’s familiarity. 
“Uh huh.” you say, taking another sip of your drink. You can barely make out his face, only his hair is visible over the small ground of sports enthusiasts. 
“I think he was looking for you.” Deonor says. 
You almost spit out your drink. “I’m sorry what?” just as you say this you lock eyes with the man. You can almost feel your face flush as his bright eyes scan your face. But just as quickly as he looked at you, you turned around and high-tail for the back exit. 
“Wait” the man says over the crowd. 
You ignore him speed walking back home. Why did he feel so familiar? Just to be sure you reach out with the force scanning the crowd and sure enough, a bright red presence at the centre of it all.
If you want to be tagged, or recommend anything, fill this out. 
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littlebloglogon · 3 months
Journal Entry #1
Current weight: Approx 66-67 kg
Todays net Cals: 530
I don’t really know why I am going to do this. But I figure one way to admit this disorder is real in my life is maybe writing a journal.
I’m 22 years old, Australian.
I work as a waitress and i’m currently studying to be an early childhood educator of which I can’t wait to be qualified.
I have other blogs dedicated to other things, I’ve neglected them because of my ED.
I have always had an incomplete relationship with my self image. I struggle to see myself in photos as myself and not somebody else. I’ve never really connected to a sense of myself, but i feel as though going through puberty and some childhood situations that a sense of myself has almost completely disappeared. Especially when I gain weight. I don’t know why I have got so big, but I seemed to put on weight after my first relationship broke down.
But I only gained about 5 kg. It was after a S attempt and being inpatient that I started to gain weight. Somewhere along the line, I think I became an emotional eater.
I used to be down to 57 kg. a beautiful weight. I was athletic, slim and curvy. But last year I reached a high weight of 80 kg. from mindless, emotional eating. But also due to the fact I found myself in a new, loving, forever beautiful relationship. Someone who loved me no matter what I looked like… and after some time… I stopped caring what I looked like. Which was a great feeling at the time…
I’m forever grateful that I have someone who will love me no matter what I look like.
But i’m no longer going to let that be an excuse to continue to neglect the way I wish to be in my body. I’ve never been an assertive person, but it’s time for me to finally achieve something I want for myself.
I wish to be thin.
I wish to have a slim figure, slightly toned. A flat stomach, toned back and shoulders, a slim face, thinner legs and a firm bum. I wish to be this way because when I tasted that sense of being skinny when I was at a lower weight, not only did i feel beautiful, I objectively was beautiful.
I want to be beautiful because I want to be proud in myself, adore the person I am, adore the person I can become.
I wish not to be on this journey with self hatred, although that can be hard. I want it to be positive, as healthy as possible and for the right reasons.
I wish to also be the best i can look for my partner, despite what he says, I just think it’d be nice to take pride in being a beautiful girl for him.
I hope this doesn’t trigger anyone too bad, I wish for all of our safety and recovery in the future. 🩷
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thejournaluser · 5 months
Waitress the Musical rant (spoiler obvs)
(tldr available under the big wall of text)
I wanna rant about Becky in the musical cuz- ohhh god i love her character so much.
Imagine this as our base: She confronts her friends of their mistakes cuz they deserve being told of them. Jenna needed to see that Earl is not the best person to be with when you have a baby especially you're under a very abusive relationship. Dawn also needs to have an anchor and a partner in life since she lives a very odd lifestyle, stuck inside the confines of her personal bubble that both Becky and Jenna had to practically force her to make a dating profile just to give her that push to leave the bubble. Which they all did. Becky was the great friend who did all those things, not just by herself but with everyone else. This musical is such a very well-written show istg
But guess who also made a mistake that needed to be confronted? Becky, of course!
Even though she's seen as this sassy girl who has a lot of experience in life and "love", Becky is still a softie on the inside who cares a lot for the people in her life. But when she gets confronted with her affair with Cal, she starts being defensive. Becky starts telling Jenna that "Oh hey you're not so innocent too, ya know"
But she doesn't become a hateful character, nor become a hypocrite. You know why? Because that's not who she is. Instead, she absorbs her mistake. Accepts it almost immediately. She tells Jenna that even though her partner may not be so great in "satisfying needs", Cal was there. He wasn't there for her- No. He was only there to work. But she didn't plan it. No one saw it coming. Not even for them both.
And here's my second favorite part:
She admits her mistakes. She is human as well as everyone is. And that is the beauty in it. So even though she tells Jenna flat out that she made a mistake, there is no attempt to belittle anyone. No self-deprecation, no hypocrisy, no plans to change things. Nothing bad happens!
Here's my most favorite part:
In the song of Old Man Joe in the near end of the show, Becky echoes the line, "One hell of a ride."
LIKE- IT SPEAKS SO MUCH VOLUME TO HER CHARACTER IT APPEASES MY GOBLIN MIND- she is such a good character and speaks comfort character like-
tldr; the wisest friend in ur friend group makes a mistake. admits it and doesn't do anything rash about it. even makes a short echo for it in the near finale
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mirrorball-31 · 11 months
ate 700 cals instead of 400 on the verge of tears I'm so frustrated with myself. i did however spend most of the day walking around (I'm a waitress) and then ran a bunch of errands. going to go burn some cals off right now as well.
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*Leonardo x Fem! Reader* A Princess and a Frog Au pt 2
Story Prompt: Leonardo is the second eldest prince to the Kingdom of Shangrao. You're a woman who works to make a dream become a reality in New Orleans.
Who could guess that with new experiences, new dangers lurk around every corner?
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Italics + 🎶 means singing
Years Later
As the same door to the bedroom opened, in walked you, but as a grown 19 year old woman and you were exhausted from work.
You begrudgingly closed the door with your back and kicked off your shoes with a tired look on your face. You then took off your apron and walked over to your dresser.
As you opened the top drawer, canisters of coins and some dollars could be found inside it.
"Well, that was a rough night, but every little bit helps."
You emptied the money out of one of your aprons pocket and closed the drawer. You reached into the other pocket of your apron to find the same picture your dad gave you.
A smile was plastered on your face as you placed the picture on your mirror. Right next to the mirror was a framed photo of your father when he went to war, and a medal hanging on a corner of the frame of the photo.
"Don't worry, Dad."
You placed a kiss to your pointer and middle finger and pressed it against the framed photo.
"We'll be there soon."
Tired and fatigued, you trekked over to your bed. Not even bothering to take off the rest of your apparel, you body slammed onto your bed, almost immediately dozing off into slumber.
However, the sweet release of sleep never came, as the alarm clock rang not even a minute later.
You pressed your toes onto the alarm clock to shut it off. You reluctantly got up and opened your wardrobe closet. You hastily took off your night waitress job's little bonnet.
"Good night, Cal's."
You grabbed your other waitress uniform from the small wardrobe closet.
"Good morning, Duke's."
Time quickly passed as you left the house and caught up to the trolley as it headed into town.
~🎶In the south land, there's a city🎶
🎶Way down on the river🎶~
You were reading a magazine on cooking, not noticing a man looking at you.
~🎶Where the women are very pretty🎶~
Just as the man was about to you a flower, you got off at your stop. And much to the man's disappointment, another guy on the trolley wasn't to fond of the flower, seeing as how it looked like it was being gestured to him.
~🎶And all the men deliver🎶~
Just as you stepped off the trolley, a brass band accidentally cut you off from getting to your job.
~🎶They got music, it's always playing🎶
🎶Start in the daytime, go all through the night🎶~
Just as the brass band seemed to end, a man with a trombone caught you off guard.
~🎶When you hear that music playing🎶~
Another member of the band began to dance with you, but you excused yourself from him to get to your job.
~🎶Grab somebody, come on down🎶~
You flawlessly handed out each order to the people at the front counter.
~🎶Bring your paintbrush, we painting the town🎶~
You began adding honey drizzle to some freshly baked beignets.
~🎶There's some sweetness going 'round🎶~
Just as you finished adding the powdered sugar onto the beignets, you handed them to a serious looking military soldier.
~🎶Catch it down in New Orleans🎶~
As soon as the man took a bit out of a beignet, he smiled and saluted to you.
You smiled and saluted back, but not before you were tapped on the shoulder by the cook, Chef Rupert.
He tossed the ordered food and drinks to you and thankfully you were able to catch them all.
~🎶We got magic, good and bad🎶~
A man by the name of Baron Draxum, more commonly referred to as the Shadow man, was performing a Tarot card reading for a man.
~🎶Make you happy or make you real sad🎶~
The man turned out to hide his bald head under a hat, to which Baron Draxum gave him something that would give the man hair.
~🎶Get everything you want🎶~
The man soon afterwards tried to flirt with a women with his new look.
~🎶Lose what you had🎶~
The women screamed in fright and smacked the man with her purse, to which he could see his reflection in a window and he turned out to hair all over himself!
~🎶Down here in New Orleans🎶~
Baron Draxum chuckled at the man's reaction and flicked the coin he received as payment into his inner coat pocket.
~🎶Hey, partner! Don't be shy🎶~
The honking of a car horn caught Draxum's attention, and it turned out to be Mr. La Bouff.
~🎶Come on down, yeah and give us a try🎶~
A kid was giving out newspapers and Mr. La Bouff paid him with a big stack of cash and he drove off as the kid thanked him.
~🎶If you wanna do some livin' before you die🎶~
Draxum's shadow opened his jacket, took out the coin, and gave it back to his physical self, both feeling angry.
~🎶Do it down in New Orleans🎶~
As Mr. La Bouff was reading the newspaper, it read; Prince Leonardo comes to Crescent City - The second eldest, and eldest twin prince of Shangrao arrived this morning in Crescent City, as it is his final stop on his whirlwind tour of the US. Rumor has it that the eligible prince is looking for a bride.
The scene changed to Prince Leonardo making his debut at the docks. As quick as a flash, he ripped his formal attire off to reveal casual ones underneath.
The prince quickly grabbed his ukulele from his royal valet, Warren. He then slid down the railings to some ladies at the bottom. As the brass band was walking by the pier, Leo decided to join them, with the women following along.
As Warren was trying to get down the stairs with all the prince's luggage in his hands, he slipped on the prince's crown. He came tumbling down, as the crown landed right side up on his bum.
~🎶Stately homes and mansions🎶~
The La Bouff mansion came into view as Mr. La Bouff's car pull up to gate and Lottie got into the car.
~🎶Of the sugar barons and cotton kings🎶~
Mr. La Bouff gives his daughter the newspaper and she squeals reading that a prince was visiting Crescent City.
~🎶Rich people, poor people all got dreams🎶~
You were currently outside, giving a man his coffee and cleaning up another outside table. Leo happened to be passing by and tried to flirt with you, but you just rolled your eyes with an amused smile on your face.
~🎶Dreams do come true in New Orleans🎶~
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buffythevampirelover · 7 months
Last Line Tag
It took me forever to get to this, but thank you for the tags @kaylinalexanderbooks and @laplumedemaureen and @blind-the-winds !!!
Been working a lot on Liminal Bird-Dogs! Here is a snippet from that scene (which is closer to the ending, I had an idea so I jumped ahead…)
Mary-Ella looks around the ballroom.
Marry-Ella: Cal, is that our waitress?
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calypsobaker · 1 month
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[ … ] ❀ you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed { CALYPSO BAKER } walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who { SHE/HER } is/are ? they kind of look like { SYDNEY SWEENEY } and i could be wrong but i think that they might be { TWENTY-SEVEN } years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last { TWENTY YEARS }. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of { CHLOE MCGRUFF } from { DONT TRUST THE B IN APARTMENT 23 }. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at { SUNRISE CAFE } as a { WAITRESS }. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the { INSOUCIANT } of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty { CARELESS } at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty { ENERGETIC } to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that { TWO BEDROOM } apartment beside me over in { SUNNY SHORES }. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you! 
FULL NAME: Calypso Blossom Baker
NICKNAME(S): Cal, Caly
AGE: Twenty-Seven
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female, She/Her
FACE CLAIM: Sydney Sweeney
HEIGHT: 5′3″
HOMESTATE: Louisiana
DATE OF BIRTH: March 3rd
OCCUPATION: Waitress at Sunrise Cafe
APARTMENT: Sunset Villa, 4B
ROOMMATE: Mercy Brown
Born to teenage parents in a small town in Louisiana, Calypso was the only child her parents ever had and could ever afford. Barely.
Her parents loved her dearly and meant well, as well as 16 year olds with a baby could mean. But with no money and still being in school, the three of them were squished together in a trailer with her maternal grandmother.
As a young child, Caly was a free spirit. Her grandmother always claimed that she was the copy of her mother, destined to be just as wild and troublemaking as she was. She wasn't wrong.
When she was 7, Caly and her parents moved out of Louisiana and to Florida. Saying goodbye to her grandmother was one of the hardest things she ever had to do, even though she would get to see her every single summer, it still broke her little heart as she was the best friend she ever had.
In high school, the blonde really soared. Well, socially. Just getting by enough grade wise to keep her as a cheerleader, soccer player, and track star. Caly could have really gone places with her athletic talent but by the time graduation came around, she had wasted her entire high school career worried about what she was doing Friday night instead of what was on the midterm.
She got her job as a waitress as Sunrise Cafe when she was 19 and has worked there ever since. Only booking a few shifts here and there so that she could pay her half of the rent.
When she was 21, the fun really started for her. She flung herself into the social scene and even found herself hanging and dating some rich and famous people. Although nothing ever really lasts for her as she always get bored or too messy to stick with.
She and Mercy started a tiktok account as a joke, but they kept going viral and the money kept coming in and now they both love doing it. Despite the money never staying around long because the two girls can't stop spending it on their party lifestyle and expensive taste.
Calypso can be described in one word. Messy, in personality and the state of her room. She is someone who tries to have peoples best interest at heart, but her own greed and vanity often get in the way of that.
Often shows up hungover for work.
Is an emotional drunk.
Was rumored to have been Dallas Stars player Tyler Seguins girlfriend for 3 months.
Made a brief appearance on Love Island but left after one episode because she thought the beds weren't comfy.
Has a dog named Hades.
Was photographed getting drunk with Zach Bryan.
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cainightfics · 10 months
can we get an update? are u doing ok? u had such crazy output last year and now u so suddenly stopped
hey! ya sorry i went so mia its been a busy year. im still working on fic but its slow. from when i last updated trotw to april i was working 3 jobs, taking a full uni courseload, and writing my thesis. the thesis in particular honestly burned me out on writing really badly but i did manage to write that one oneshot
then summer was just shit honestly lol. i spent the entire summer working at a restaurant to save up money bc i had to move away in september, and the shift i had started at 6am, so i was almost never awake during my peak writing hours (11pm to 3am). i lost 30lbs in 2 months partially because i was broke and partially because my eating disorder relapsed (probably from stress lol). during that time i was only eating one meal a day in the form of my free staff lunch at work, but the restaurant where i worked was INFESTED WITH MICE :))))) so half the time i was too disgusted to eat thinking there might be rodent shit mixed into my food lol. and then on my days off i just ate like eggs and rice and zucchini bc thats what i got from the food bank. in august i started really genuinely and consciously restricting my calories down to like 500-800 cals per day, plus working on my feet as a waitress doing like 20k steps a day as a result of the malnutrition and rapid weight loss my hair started falling out in massive clumps :))) and i started sleeping for like 12 hrs a day. im eating properly now ofc tho
i moved in september for grad school and am now living in one of the most expensive cities in the world lol so i spend a lot of time just financially struggling. i have a job that will last until the end of december but its under contract so i only make like $600 a month and have to rely on my $14k school stipend and meagre savings for the rest. ive been looking for another job but i either get no interview, have the interviewer ghost me, or most recently, get told i have the job and then just never get scheduled. i have 7 cents in my checking account rn lol. my rent is paid until next month and then after that who knows whats gonna happen to me
last years output was definitely a fluke and only happened bc i was VERYYYY financially stable and could fuck around a lot at my part time job, where i wrote most of trotw. those sunny days are gone 🚬🚬 lol but i dont intend to abandon my works and i promise they will come someday. if anyone here feels like paying my rent itll come EVEN faster!!!
thx for checking up tho, its nice to know i havent been totally forgotten by u guys <3
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