#calling them ‘plants’ and ‘double agents’
canichangemyblogname · 5 months
Here’s a fun one:
“No one actually opposes nationalism and colonialism, the anti-Zionists on campuses and online are actually all Soviet plants conducting a sophisticated psyop.”
Never mind the fact this is a conspiracy theory to avoid reordering your worldview to consider the fact that large swaths of the public don’t support the bombing of Gaza. And never mind that this is a thought-stopping attempt to avoid confronting the fact that an ideology you support is reproduced through genocide and ethnic cleansing. Also never mind the fact the USSR hasn’t existed in decades.
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theladyofbloodshed · 8 months
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SJM Romance Week - Day 1 - First Date
With a fear of flying gripping her tight, Nesta just wants to be left alone to spiral in her panic - that is until a swaggering man holds her hand during take off.
The sweating had begun the second she reached the security line which was never a good sign. Nesta tried to act calm, tried not to keep glancing over her shoulders at the security agents as they scanned bags and bodies. Every damn time she made the machine bleep despite ensuring she had no metal on her, as if the machine knew she was panicking and wanted to enhance her worry. True to history, the machine went off and she stepped onto the painted feet for a guard to wave their wand over her. She didn’t know why she was so worried about the security part; Nesta wasn’t smuggling drugs.
Two hours of agony followed.
The duty-free shops didn’t hold her appeal although she’d toyed with buying alcohol to take the edge off things. She’d taken a Xanax already and mixing wouldn’t go well. A book. A new book to keep her occupied, that would do. She checked her gate, double checked it then triple checked it. Lurked near it way before it was boarding time with her new book clutched in her clammy hands. Nesta mentally catalogued her day. She’d watered the plants, Gwyn already had the spare key to water them when needed, she’d turned everything off, locked the door because she’d checked multiple times, had her travel documents on her phone and printed, had only taken hand luggage so it wouldn’t be lost. Everything would be fine. Of course it would be. She was a planner. But she couldn’t plan who was piloting the plane. Couldn’t plan the weather. Couldn’t plan if a freak bolt of lightning struck the plane and zapped them off the face of the earth. Nesta swigged down mouthfuls of sparkling water. She hated it but it made her burp and that alleviated her churning stomach.
When the agents called for boarding, Nesta was first in the queue. Priority boarding had been purchased so she could panic in her seat. Her legs trembled up the metal stairs to board the plane. Planes flew every day. Hundreds of them. All crisscrossing across the sky. And she’d be on the unlucky anomaly. Because of course she would. Nothing ever ran smoothly in her life.
With an eye mask on and a mindfulness podcast blaring in her ears, Nesta tried to block out the rest of the boarding. She was vaguely aware of bodies moving down the aisle or slipping into seats behind or in front of hers, the judder of chairs or slam of the overhead storage. When an elbow knocked into her to take the seat, she didn’t react, just kept listening to the soothing voice telling her to focus on her breathing.
Fingers tapped on her arm repeatedly until she peeled off her mask.
A man with dark-hair tugged into a loose bun at the nape of his neck was gesturing to her headphones. An air steward was watching, life jacket held aloft for the display. ‘Switch to airplane mode or turn off your devices for take off please.’
Nesta fumbled with her phone, hands trembling to change it. She listened to the safety warnings, terror soaking in.
‘Can we swap seats? I don’t want to look out of the window.’
‘Sorry, sweetheart, but I need to leg room in the aisle.’ The man gestured to his broad thighs and long, muscled legs.
Nesta knew well enough that if she even dreamed of closing the hatch on the window, a flight attendant would snap it back up so she could see just how high they were. Once the safety demo had finished, Nesta plugged back into her bubble. Her belt was on but what use was that against a plane crash?
As soon as she felt motion, Nesta was gripping her seat belt as if clinging onto it might save her. Her hands trembled, tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth in her fear as the plane approached the runway.
Then a hand reached for hers. Calloused fingers slid against her own.
Nesta ripped her mask and headphones away in one fell swoop.
‘What the hell are you doing?’
‘You seemed nervous. Thought you’d want a hand to hold.’
The man’s hazel eyes fell to their hands, still entwined then Nesta yanked that away too.
And then the plane was barrelling along the runway, the force pinning her to her seat so she grasped for that hand again. He gave a low chuckle and cradled hers with both of his. Nesta screwed her eyes shut, not wanting to glimpse the moment they took flight or the way the land below would become more and more distant. At Emerie’s encouragement, she’d watched take offs on YouTube, had even tried to play a flight simulator but both of them had freaked her out just as much.
‘Is it just take off or landing too?’
Her words wouldn’t come out. The whole thing was traumatic. The only reason she was flying was because her sister was due to a drop a baby boy any day and Nesta had agreed to be there for the delivery and first couple of weeks of his life. Without a maternal figure, Feyre had decided that Nesta was the closest thing – ignoring the fact neither of them had a clue about babies.
‘What does that beeping mean?’ she hissed.
The man just brushed his thumb in a circle against the back of her hand. ‘It means we can take our seat belts off, sweetheart.’
Reluctantly, she forced open her eyes. People were already releasing their belts and heading to the bathroom. She had held her own urination on every flight. Only poor planners didn’t go before take-off. It would be just her luck that a plane would meet a fiery end whilst she was sat on the toilet.
He leaned over to slide the hatch down, hiding the outside world from view then his fingers headed towards her lap. Nesta was too stunned to react even as he undid her belt.
‘And what happens if this plane starts to plummet from the sky?’
‘I’m sure you can figure out how to put your belt back on,’ he replied, an easy grin on his face. At her terse look, he added, ‘Relax. This plane has never crashed before.’
Nesta busied herself with her book despite the undercurrent of fear threatening to drown her every time she thought too deeply about how the plane remained airborne. The man next to her read the in-flight magazine then began drumming on the fold-out table.
‘Do you mind?’
‘Have you got a request?’
Nesta’s brows drew together. ‘Stop drumming. It’s irritating.’
When the trolley of beverages was a few rows away, he turned to her. ‘What are you having?’
‘Nothing. If I drink, I will need the bathroom. I am not getting up or going there and tempting fate.’
He gave a bellow of a laugh. ‘You’ve thought of everything. You know if the plane crashes, it will make no difference if you’re sat by me or on the toilet.’
Her face must have paled because he added, ‘But it will fly safely to our destination.’
A handsome, swaggering smile was offered to the air stewardess when she approached. ‘Two coffees, chips, M&Ms and whatever drink has the most sugar.’
There was a veritable feast laid out in front of him, but a coffee was placed on the little table that he unfolded at her seat. The M&M pouch was torn open and shook in front of her face.
‘Go on, treat yourself.’
‘Do you just fly around the country and trap women in airline seats so they can’t get away?’
He ran a hand against his black hair. ‘Should I have gotten the peanut ones?’
Nesta took a few and tipped them into her mouth.
‘Careful, sweetheart, you don’t want to choke while the plane is crashing.’
‘You are not funny,’ she complained.
‘When they need to identify your body, what name will go with it?’
This time, she nearly did choke on her handful of M&Ms. ‘Are you serious? Is that how you’re asking my name?’
He spread out his hands, evidently pleased with that terrible line, awaiting her answer.
They chatted as the plane continued on its journey, drinking their coffee and eating his snacks. They shared the can of coke, her inhabitations well and truly lowered by the Xanax if she was willing to swap saliva and drink from the same can as a stranger. At the first signs of turbulence, Cassian was there to hold her hands and murmur embarrassing stories about his friends to stop fear paralysing her.
Once the cabin crew had swept through to collect the final few items of rubbish on the short flight, Nesta was clamming up again. She knew what was to follow.
‘Cabin crew, prepare for landing.’
Clouds streamed past the window, adding to the turbulence. Nesta was too scared to even reach for her mask which had fallen on the floor.
Cassian wound his fingers into hers. ‘I’ve got you, sweetheart. It will be okay.’
Every bump had her gritting her teeth so hard, it was a wonder that one of her molars didn’t crack. Cassian just kept talking in a low voice about inane topics to try and shave the edges off of her fear. His arm wound around her shoulders, forehead touching her temple, whilst his other hand still held hers.
‘This is the nicest first date I’ve ever had.’
That snapped something in her. ‘This is not a date.’
The nose of the plane dipped and her stomach lurched from the motion.
‘We’ve had coffee and snacks. We’re holding hands. You’ve shared your deepest fears of dying in a blazing crash. To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die.’
Nesta ground out, ‘I hate the Smiths.’
‘Everybody does,’ he said.
With a bump that made her squeeze Cassian tighter, the plane landed. It sped down the runway and Nesta kept her eyes firmly shut for the entire duration until Cassian murmured that they had stopped.
‘You see, a safe flight after all.’
‘Fortune was cruel enough to put me next to you. A crash would have really tipped it over the edge.’
Cassian lifted her bag down for her, his black t-shirt rising to expose a strip of his taut muscled stomach. His own was a well-used duffle which he slung over his shoulder.
They walked together towards the airport building.
‘Do I get your number then?’
Nesta cocked a brow at his boldness. ‘Absolutely not. I’d rather be the one that got away.’
‘Every flight I’ll think of you, wondering if you’re stealing another man’s snacks.’
Nesta pressed her fingers to her lips and blew him a kiss as they parted into two different lines at security.
The man had to be mad, she decided as she passed through passport control. No sane man would just start holding a stranger’s hand – and she was an idiot for reciprocating that touch. But it did sting a bit that he’d accepted her refusal so easily. After how tactile and caring he’d been, she thought maybe Cassian would have pestered her again for her number or her socials. Whatever. His loss.
Her fear of flying meant that she’d sweated through her deodorant so she hurried into the bathroom to change her top, clean her arm pits with a baby wipe then slather on more deodorant to appear a little less dishevelled. Nesta spotted Cassian waiting at the baggage carousal for more belongings to come rolling around so she scurried past, avoiding his attention. Fantasy was more fun than reality. Maybe he’d be her one that got away.
After passing through anything to declare, Feyre was waiting for her. The huge belly wasn’t a surprise but it was still a shock to see her little sister so heavily pregnant.
‘Wow, look at you!’
‘I am peeing every ten minutes,’ she replied, holding up her belly.
‘Hi, Rhys.’
‘Nesta,’ he said, swooping to press a kiss on her cheek.
They’d met once. And it had been awkward as hell when Nesta realised he was eight years older than her. He wasn’t the sort of man she’d ever choose, but Feyre seemed happy. They were on “Christmas Card closeness” usually so Feyre’s call asking her to come and be close for the birth had meant a lot. Meant enough that she was willing to fly two days later.
‘Where’s the rest of your luggage?’
‘I had it sent ahead.’
Feyre patted Rhys on the arm. ‘Nesta hates flying. Everything is planned to an inch of its life. No detours, no unnecessary waiting. On the plane, off the plane.’
Even being in an airport, with its constant business, had Nesta itchy. ‘Shall we go?’
‘Do you want to head to the car, ladies? I’m worried about you standing for so long, darling.’
Feyre shook her head, golden hair cascading from the motion. ‘I’m fine. Cassian won’t take that long.’
Nesta could practically hear the alarm bells ringing in her head.
‘My brother,’ said Rhys.
‘He works on an oil rig but he’s home for a couple of months now so you two can argue over who is the best uncle or auntie,’ teased Feyre.
There he was, striding through the doors, duffle bag slung over one shoulder while pushing a cart loaded with three more bags. His eyes snapped straight to her, a slow grin spreading over his face.
They said their greetings, Nesta and Cassian pretending that she hadn’t just been clinging to him in terror on the flight here then they fell into step together, walking slightly behind Rhysand and Feyre.
‘Fortune favours you,’ he murmured.
‘Did you know who I am?’
Cassian gave a hearty laugh that had Rhys glancing his shoulder at them. ‘Not at first. You looked familiar then you said your name and I realised you were Feyre’s sister.’
‘Lucky me,’ she grumbled.
With one hand pushing the trolley, he slung the other arm around her shoulders. ‘So, about that second date.’
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jpmarvel90 · 1 year
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We're not your family anymore
Masterlist Nat Masterlist
Relationship: Natasha x Reader
Summary: Y/n is accused of killing Shield agents as is being held in power dampening cuffs despite her pleas that she is innocent.
Word Count: 4421
I had been a part of the Avengers for a little over a year now. Tony had taken me in after they saved me from a Hydra base. For 7 years I had been held captive, tortured and experimented on. Their “special” serum causing me to develop powers which Tony believed would be a benefit to the team.  
At the beginning the team were sceptical of me and it took me a few months to be able to fully gain their trust and prove that I wasn’t a Hydra double agent. But eventually one by one I built great relationships with them all. Especially Natasha who, for the last 4 months, I’ve been dating.
It’s been amazing and I never thought I would feel happiness again like I do. With Nat I feel safe and loved and, although it’s still early, I’m sure that she is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.
Between Nat and Wanda, my best friend, they helped me be able to control my powers of telekinesis and control of the elements. Within no time I was able to use my powers effectively on missions that I was sent on.
Today I was being sent on a mission with the support of two SHEILD agents. Agents Patterson and Holbrook. I was packing my bag when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and smelt the familiar scent of gorgeous girlfriend.
“When do you leave?” Nat asked whilst planting soft kisses between my shoulder blades. “As soon as I’m packed, the Quinjet is waiting for me.” I turned in her arms so I was facing her and kissed her forehead. She hummed gently as she pulled me in to a tight hug whilst resting her head on my chest.
I loved this, although Nat has this tough exterior, she was never anything but loving and caring to me. Don’t get me wrong I know that she would kick my ass if she needed to, but it meant so much to me that she felt safe to be vulnerable around me.
As much as it pained me, I pulled away and looked into her piercing green eyes. “Be careful and come back to me.” She said, moving her hands to me waist. I gently placed my hands of her face and pulled her in to a soft yet passionate kiss. “I love you” I said into the kiss. “I love you too” she smiled, then grabbed my bag in one hand and pulled me towards the door with the other.
I boarded the Quinjet with one last loving kiss from girlfriend and was greeted by the two agents I’d be working with. I hadn’t met either of them before but Fury had sent them with me so I trusted his judgement.
The journey was quiet, we went over the mission brief to confirm our roles and settled in for the 4-hour journey to our location. Our mission was simple, download all of the information we could get from the Hydra base and get out. Steve was on comms back at the compound and was on standby if anything went wrong.
The mission started off smoothly, the three of us were able to get into the base with little resistant from the Hydra agents. Something felt wrong, I knew this mission was meant to be simple, but this was too easy. I pushed this uneasy feeling down and carried on until we reached the data room. Whilst Patterson and Holbrook provided cover, I plugged in the USB and began downloading all the information.
“Y/N I need an update, we’ve just lost the cameras!” Steve stated over comms. Shit I thought. This wasn’t going to be good. “We’re in the Data lab, just transferring the data now. Steve, something doesn’t feel right, we got in here too easily, we need…….” I suddenly felt a burning pain in my side, I turned to see Agent Patterson smirking as he pulled his knife out of my side.
“You didn’t think Hydra would let you get away with deserting us for the Avengers did you?” Now Agent Holbrook was stood over me as I fell to the floor. I tried to stand up and fight, but I was met by a swift fist to my jaw from Patterson. “Steve…” I called trying to active my comms. “It’s no use Y/L/N, he can’t hear you anymore.” My eyes became heavy and before I could even start to work out a plan I feel into unconsciousness.
Time skip
I started to wake, squinting my eyes as I adjusted to the bright lights. I sat up and lifted my hand to my face, only to notice I was in cuffs. The panic quickly pulled me out of hazy state. I sat up and hissed at the pain in my side. But that was the least of my concerns right now, I recognised this place. I was in the cells back at the Avengers compound.
What’s going on, I manage to pull myself to my feet to stand and make my way to the edge of the cell. I feel weak, these cuffs are blocking my powers and I know the longer I’m in them the worse this is going to get.
Whilst I’m in my confused state Steve approaches my cell. “Why did you do it Y/N? Why did you kill them? We trusted you!” Kill who, what is he on about? He looks angry, I’ve not seen Steve look like this since I first join. “Steve, what are you talking about? I didn’t kill anybody!” I tried to stay calm as I could not wanting to aggravate him more. “Don’t play dumb Y/N, Patterson and Holbrook, they’re dead you killed them. For a year you’ve been working with us, became friends with us for what, just to betray us!”
Oh god, did I kill them? “Steve, please you have to believe me, they were part of Hydra, Patterson stabbed me in punishment for joining you. I passed out and they were still alive, I swear!” I was getting more desperate now. But things just got worse as I saw Nat stood in the corner of the room observing me. I no longer saw the love in her eyes. She looked betrayed.
She stepped forward into the light. I could feel the warm tears start to fall down my face. “Y/N, there is no point in lying anymore. For a year you’ve hidden who you really were, you got close to each of us. Did I mean nothing to you?! You’ve betrayed us!” She shouted the last statements. “Nat, please I love you, I didn’t do this, please you have to believe me! You saved me, I was lost and broken but you gave me a chance to do good and have a family.” I was nearly sobbing by now. How could she not believe me? “We’re not your family anymore.” She almost whispered and with that her and Steve turned their back on me and left.
How could this happen, how could they not believe me or even give me a chance to explain everything? I slid to the floor and brough my knees to my chest as I sobbed. Everything was falling apart and the people I cared about most had given up on me.
I had no idea how long I had been in this cell now, it must have been at least a week. I was weaker than ever. The cuffs had shut off my powers and it was slowly killing me. With no way to use my powers, the serum Hydra had injected me with was poisoning my blood.
No one had come to see me and I had no chance to try and put my case across again. An unknown agent would come down with my food twice a day, but I had no appetite anymore. I had no desire to carry on when the people I love had given up on me. I just sat in the corner of my cell waiting for the inevitable to happen.
A few days passed and I could barely keep myself conscious anymore. I was finding it harder to tell what was real and what I was hallucinating. I knew it was only a matter of hours until I succumbed to my permanent slumber. I was ready now. I just wanted to shut my eyes and for all of this to end. The pain I felt at losing the only family I ever had was too much, I had nothing to hold on for anymore.
I spent this time trying to remember the happy moments in my life. My first date with Nat, the first time I could control my powers with Wanda, and the team movies nights where everything just felt normal. With that I felt a pain in my heart, knowing that they no longer saw me as family. Nat’s love had disappeared, and I was the enemy to them now, an inconvenience for all them all. I was ending my life how I had started it, alone. Silent tears fell down my cheeks and I fell into unconsciousness.
Nat’s POV:
“Just let me go and see her! She’s my best friend. Let me read her mind and we can find out the truth!” Wanda was pacing around the common room whilst begging me to go and see Y/N for the 3rd time today. “Wanda, you know you’re not allowed down there. Fury is right, we don’t know what she’s capable of, we can’t be sure what you would see would even be the truth.” I was getting frustrated now. I was tired of having the same argument over again. “That’s bullshit and you know it Nat. Y/N never even worked for Hydra, she was held captive, hell I did more damage against you guys than she ever has! Please just let her explain.”
“No Wanda, she lied to us for a whole year!” I yelled. I couldn’t understand how she was still trying to defend Y/N. “If she was a double agent don’t you think she would have been trying to do more damage than just kill two random agents? How many opportunities did she have to kill one of us?! I thought you of all people would have given her a chance to talk, to let her explain!” This angered me, Y/N had lied to me, made me fall in love with her for it all to be fake. But that last comment hit me harder than I thought. I did just walk away, for a moment when I stood in her cell I thought I saw fear in Y/N’s eyes. But she was with Hydra for 7 years, she easily would have been able to manipulate us.
I was hurt, I really love Y/N. I had felt so comfortable when I was with her. She had never judged my past and supported me through my nightmares and when missions went wrong. She never hesitated to drop everything if I needed her. She was my everything even though we had only been together for 4 months. This betrayal hurt more than I could have imagined.
Before I got lost in my thoughts Steve walked in and broke my trance. “We’ve managed to get the camera footage from the Hydra base.” I took a shaky breath as I followed Steve and Wanda to the meeting room. I don’t think I’m prepared to watch the love of my life take those agents’ lives.
Third person POV:
The whole team sat around the table as Tony started to play the footage. Tension filled the room as the truth started to unfold.
Y/N, Agent Patterson and Holbrook entered the Data room and Y/N runs straight to the main computer to start downloading the data. After a few minutes Y/N responded to Steve’s comms update “We’re in the Data lab, just transferring the data now. Steve, something doesn’t feel right, we got in here too easily, we need…….” And in that moment Agent Patterson sunk a blade into Y/N’s stomach.
“You didn’t think Hydra would let you get away with deserting us for the Avengers did you?” Patterson snarled to Y/N as she fell to the floor. Y/N tried to stand up and fight, but she was met by a swift fist to her jaw knocking her back on the floor. Y/N called out “Steve…” before Agent Holbrook snarked. “It’s no use Y/L/N, he can’t hear you anymore.”
A gasp filled the meeting room. Nat looked over and locked eyes with Steve, guilt evident across both of their faces. But there was still one question unanswered, what happened to the two agents?
As Y/N collapsed to the floor, another man walked into the room and addressed Patterson and Holbrook. “You’ve done well, but your mission is not over.” As he spoke he raised his weapon and shot both of the agents. Holbrook dropped to the floor dead whilst Patterson tried to steady himself. “B-but why?!” Patterson asked as he gripped the wound in his stomach. “Killing Y/N is an easy way out for her. She deserves to suffer for all she has done against Hydra. I want the Avengers to hate her, for her to watch the love of her life disown her. She’ll be heartbroken whilst she dies slowly, in pain, losing everything she’s every loved.” The mysterious man let out an evil cackle as he placed the gun in Y/N hand and walked away.
Nat’s POV:
The room was silent. I felt physically sick. How could I be so stupid. I didn’t even give her a chance to explain, I just instantly thought the worse and left her to her fate. How would she ever forgive me?
The team were shell shocked, no one spoke or moved until Wanda stood up and looked round at all of us. “I hope you’re happy. Y/N worked so hard to prove herself to us, to gain our trust after she had spent 7 years in hell. She did everything we ever asked of her. Yet with one incident you all turn your back, not letting her have her say, you just assumed her guilt and locked her away. I don’t think she’ll ever forgive us.”
No one could make eye contact, the guilt filled the room. What was I doing? Why was I still sat here? “We’ve got to go and let her out, we have to start to make this right.” I said as I rose and started towards the door. The others nodded and followed my lead.
My hands were shaking as we arrived in the cell block. I knew she was going to be angry, I don’t blame her, but I just hope that she’ll give me a chance to make this up to her. I take a deep breath and make my way to her cell.
What I saw made it feel like my heart stopped. Y/N’s body was slumped in the corner of her cell. “No no no no! STEVE OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!” I yell frantically. As the door opens, I run to her side, “Y/N, can you hear me, come on Y/N wake up! Baby please don’t leave me!” I shout shaking her shoulders. I can’t tell if she’s even breathing. Her face is gaunt and grey with dark circles under her eyes. I put 2 fingers to her neck feeling a very weak pulse. “She’s alive, just. We need to get her to Banner now!”. I turn around and see Steve and Tony stood there in shock. We did this to her. “Now Steve!” I yell pulling him out of his trance. He bends down and picks her up bridal style rushing her to Bruce’s lab.
We’re all stood outside the lab watching Bruce and his team working on Y/N. “This is all our fault. She could die and not know that we don’t hate her! She could die thinking I don’t love her” I trailed off at that last thought. Fuck, please be ok.
Time skip
Bruce left his lab with a solemn look on his face. He slowly approached us fiddling with the glasses in his hand. “How is she Bruce?” I asked, scared of the answer. He looked up and made eye contact, took a deep breath before starting. “Y/N’s powers were gained from the serum that she was injected with whilst she was held by Hydra. As long as she was using her powers regularly her body was able to prevent the serum from causing damage to her. When we put Y/N into the power restricting cuffs, her body was no longer able to fight the serum. It was slowly poisoning her from the minute we put them on.”
We stood there in silence. We were killing her! “What does that mean? Can you fix her?” Steve asked, stepping forward and putting his hand on my shoulder. “I’ve tried to counter act the serum and I’ve done all I can. Y/N was almost dead when you brought her here her body barely functioning. All we can do now is wait and hope her body reacts to the counter agent.” Silence filled the air again before I dared speak, “so uh, she can still die?” “She’s stable for now, but yes, if her body can’t fight then there won’t be anything else we can do. I’m so sorry Nat.”
I stood there in complete shock. Bruce walked by and gave me a pitying look as he left. I looked towards Steve and I couldn’t hold it in anymore. Tears streamed down my face and I let out quiet sobs as he pulled me in to a tight embrace. “Y/N is a fighter. She’s strong and she’ll get through this.” He tried to comfort me. “A couple of hours ago Steve we thought she was a murder, but it turns out that’s us.” I pushed him away and left.
I walked into the lab and pulled up the chair next to Y/N’s bed taking her hand in mine whilst placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. Her body seemed so small and it broke my heart to see all the wires and machines fighting to keep her alive. “I’m so sorry moya lyubov (my love). Please fight, please come back to me. I know I don’t deserve it but I promise I will spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you”. Tears were uncontrollably falling down my face as I gazed down at the love of my life.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard soft cries. I turned to see Wanda, I reached up and grabbed her hand that was resting on my shoulder. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled at you all.” Wanda said. “No Wanda, you were right, we handled this all wrong. She’s going to need you when she wakes up. You’re the only one who believed her.” The last comment hurt as I said it.
“She’ll forgive you. Her thoughts were very loud when she was with you. She was so happy to be with you, she said you made her feel complete. We are her family and we can fix this” Wanda smiles and gently gives me a kiss on the head before she leaves.
Y/N’s POV:
As I open my eyes I’m blinded by the bright lights. Am I dead? My eyes start to adjust and I look around and see a familiar red head resting on the edge of my bed. I must be dead I think to myself. I pull my hand away from Nat’s tight grasp trying to sit up. This wakes her up. When she sees I’m awake she shoots up. “No, baby you need to lie down.” She says gently pushing at my shoulders. I really want to get up and get out of here, but the pain is horrible. Wait did she just call me baby?
“You’re ok Y/N, we didn’t realise the handcuffs would cause the serum to poison you. You’re going to be ok.” She reaches out to take my hand but I pull it away. I can see that hurt her. I can see tear stains down her cheeks. Why did she care if I was dead or alive? To her I was a cold-hearted Hydra murderer.
“Are you going to send me back to my cell now I’m awake?” I croak barely able to speak. She shakes her head “No Y/N, we saw the camera footage, we’re so sorry we know you didn’t do it. Hydra were setting you up.” I run my hands through my knotted hair and let out a deep breath which causes me to wince. Why does my whole body hurt? Nat seems to notice the wince and pushes a button near the bed calling for Bruce.
A few minutes later Bruce walks through the door with Wanda and Steve in tow. Wanda runs over to me her eyes filling with tears. “Y/N thank God you’re ok. I missed you so much.” She pulls me into a tight hug causing me to let out a small cry of pain. “Shit, I’m so sorry Y/N.” Wanda pulls away quickly and I give her a small smile to let her know it’s ok.
Bruce walks over to take her place and starts asking me questions. Most I can respond to by just nodding or shaking my head. “Why is my whole body in pain? It feels like it’s on fire” I say in a raspy voice. “The serum was attacking every part of your body. We were able to kick start your body into counter acting the damage but it will take some time for you to fully heal. I’ll give you some pain relief now which will hopefully help you be more comfortable.” I nodded as Bruce injected painkillers into my IV.
“When can I leave?” I ask. “I would like to monitor you for a couple of days but I reckon you can move to your room to recover from then.” Bruce responds. “No Bruce, when can I leave the compound? I don’t belong here anymore” He just looked at me as Nat reached out to take my hand again. “Y/N it might take weeks before you’re well enough to walk out of here.” I can feel all of the team’s eyes on me. Nat and Wanda both have glossy eyes. “I’ll take my chances thanks Bruce” I huff as I try and sit up to leave.
They all step forward talking at once.
Bruce: “Y/N lie back down, you’re still at risk. If you leave you could still die!”
Wanda: “Sweetie, please stay. Let us help you. This is your home.”
Steve: “We’re not letting you leave until Bruce says it’s safe”
Nat: “Please baby just stay, I can’t lose you!”
“JUST STOP!” I yell. Ouch that hurt. They all back off and look at me shocked. “Stop pretending that you care about me. This is no longer my home, I do not want to stay somewhere I’m considered a murder and I’m not trusted.” I can feel tears fall down my face now. I’m hurt, I love them so much but they don’t trust me anymore, it’s not realistic for me to stay here.
I can bare to look any of them in the eye but I feel all of theirs burning into me. There is an awkward silence until Nat squeezes my hand before she speaks. “Y/N, please look at me.” She slowly lifts my chin until my teary eyes meet her beautiful green ones. “I know what we have done is unforgivable. I don’t think we will ever be able to tell you how sorry we are. But please believe me when we say that we do not think you are a murder. We made a mistake, an awful mistake, but we will do anything and everything to prove to you that we are sorry and gain your trust back. This is your home and we’re you’re family. I love you and I’m not willing to let you go without a fight this time. I won’t make that mistake again!”.
I search her eyes, trying to find any sign if she’s lying. I turn and look to Wanda who is smiling gingerly at me. “We love you Y/N. I know it may not feel like that right now, but we do.” I reach out and grab her hand and give it a squeeze and her shoulders relax. “I never had a family until I came here. Then you gave me a home and helped me fix myself. I would have given my life for any of you. I found the person I love more than anything in this world.” I pause looking to Nat whose tears have started to fall again. “I don’t know if I can forgive you…. But I know that I want to try. I’m not ready to give up on my family. Not just yet.” The tension in the air seems to lift and they all smile at me whilst Wanda kissed my forehead.
I feel my eyes start to get heavy and Bruce orders everyone to leave so I can rest. Nat stands up to leave but I pull her back towards me. “Please stay with me.” I ask at barely a whisper worried she’ll say no. A wide smile grows across her face as she meets her lips to mine in a soft and loving kiss. Our lips fitting together perfectly as butterflies fill my stomach.
I move over in the bed to make room for her to join me. She looks at me hesitantly. “I don’t want to hurt your babe.” She looks down fiddling with the hem of her shirt. “You won’t hurt me Nat. Right now, I just want my beautiful girlfriend to hold me to make me feel like everything will be ok.” She looks up with a slight smile as she gentle gets into the bed carefully pulling me into her chest. She rests her hand on my stomach asking, “Does this hurt moya lyubov (my love)?” I shake my head and plant soft kisses on her neck. I feel safe again. I know it’s a long way to go before we can fix everything that is broken, but in this moment, I’m happy in the arms of the woman that I love.
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fan-fantasies · 2 years
Double Agent
A/N: I feel like this is so bad and rushed up until the smut so I’m sorry!! I hope you still enjoy it!
Pairing: Sihtric x reader
Warnings: smut, choking, being tied up, degrading names (whore), mentions of violence
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“Lord, Sihtric has returned!” Finan called through the great hall. Uhtred set whatever he was working on down to go greet his friend.
“Sihtric, you bring news from the north?”
“I do, Lord,” the Dane smiled. “Haesten is planning to travel south, expecting to meet us on the road because he is under the impression that we are marching soon.”
“Well he is not wrong,” Finan chuckled.
“He isn’t?” Sihtric looked at his friends confused.
“We will march in two days,” Uhtred said before returning to the great hall. Finan and Sihtric went to the ale house to catch up and enjoy the peace before leaving for battle.
The two days went by quickly, enjoying time with those who were to stay behind and preparing for battle. The journey north was not going to be a long one and Sihtric still was unsure why Uhtred wanted to meet Haesten on the road.
“Finan, how long have you known about this plan of Uhtred’s?” He asked.
“Since before you left,” Finan admitted.
“I’m sure Uhtred had his reasons for not telling me but how did Haesten find out?”
Finan just shrugged and went to find Osferth, telling Sihtric to be ready to move.
About two days into the journey, they were setting up camp for the night. Sihtric sat around the fire with his friends and while it was peaceful, everyone was on edge. The men were on guard and extra vigilant.
Sihtric noticed movement along the tree line. He didn’t say anything at first, wanting to make sure he was correct before making a big deal out of it. He excused himself from his friends and made his way behind the tents. He saw a figure walking ahead of him, cloaked in a dark robe, moving fluidly among the shadows.
He followed silently, watching out for anyone else that may be with this stranger. They headed toward Uhtred’s tent and Sihtric sped up his pace. He wasn’t going to let anyone sneak up on his dear friend and lord. His walk turned into a sprint as he ran at the stranger, grabbing their cloak and spinning them around. The two of the struggled in the dark for a moment but Sihtric gained the upper hand. He pinned his opponent on the ground but froze when he finally saw their face.
“Sihtric, what is going on?” Uhtred said, rushing from his tent when he heard the commotion.
“Lord, this woman was lurking in the shadows. I mistook her for a threat,” he said. Before he could say anymore, you flipped the two of you over and held your dagger to his throat.
“It was no mistake,” you snapped. Uhtred’s chuckle confused Sihtric.
“(y/n), come join me in my tent,” he requested. You smirked down at Sihtric before sheathing your blade and joining his lord in his tent. Sihtric had never been more confused in his life.
Something about you was familiar, but you surely had never been around Uhtred and his warriors. Then it clicked in his head where he had seen you before.
“Lord! She is one of Haesten’s women!” Sihtric yelled, bursting into the tent.
“Say that again and I will slit your throat!”
“Both of you, quiet!” Uhtred snapped. “She is a spy for both me and Haesten.”
“She is a double agent?”
“She is,” you said. “Can you leave us now?”
“Why didn’t you tell me, Lord?”
“He can stay,” Uhtred sighed. “And because I didn’t want to risk anyone finding her out.” He had hoped that his two spies would get along but that didn’t seem to be the case.
“She is how Haesten learned that we were marching,” Sihtric said matter-of-fact.
“Yes, she’s been planted in his camp for months.”
Uhtred filled in the both of you on the plans moving forward. Haesten still believed them to be on course but Uhtred was planning on looping around to catch them from behind. You agreed to stay with them until the battle, much to Sihtric’s displeasure. He didn’t trust you, not for one second.
This led to his constant vigilant watch over you. He did not let you stray far from him which annoyed you to no end. The two of you bickered the entire journey to the battle spot. Everyone was fed up with the two of you, even Finan who usually enjoyed watching others argue.
“I can make sure the two of you bunk together tonight,” Finan offered Sihtric with a knowing smirk. “Maybe if you bed her, you’ll both be more pleasant to be around.”
You overheard their conversation but feigned ignorance.
“Why would I want to hump that? She was Haesten’s whore at his camp; I saw it with my own eyes. I wouldn’t touch her even with another’s cock.”
Sihtric’s words stung, but you didn’t know why. Normally you wouldn’t care what someone said about you, but hearing his opinion of you made you shrink inside your cloak even further.
Osferth noticed your actions and sullen look. He walked closer to you and offered a small smile when you looked up at him. He was a sweet boy and his genuine kindness was enough to warm even the coldest of hearts.
“You should not stand too close, baby monk. It is said that I’m a whore and a crooked spy; what would that do to your reputation?” You asked with a dry laugh.
“It would do me no favors, lady, if only that were true- yet I know it is not,” he said softly. You couldn’t help but smile at him, silently thanking him for lifting your spirits. Your smile soon turned sour when your eyes landed on Sihtric glowering at the two of you.
The rest of your journey for that day was uneventful, keeping Osferth close to your side. Setting up camp was swift- everyone wanting to rest before the battle. Everyone was good ride early the next morning, setting off into the woods to find Haesten and his warriors.
“Lady, I have secured some extra furs for you. I fear the weather is taking a turn for the worse,” the young monk said.
“Then why not keep them for yourself?” You asked, amused when his cheeks tinged pink.
“Perhaps he hopes you would share with him, lady,” Finan teased. The red crept to Osferth’s ears as he excused himself. You chided the Irishman for his jokes.
“I’m sure it would be an easy enough task to accomplish. I’m sure you’re used to sharing your furs,” Sihtric sighed. Your stomach twisted in anger.
“And yet…I still would not share them with you if you begged,” you snapped. You grabbed the pile of blankets and retreated into your tent.
“I wouldn’t beg,” he grumbled to himself.
“Keep telling yourself that.” Finan winked at his friends before turning into his own tent for some sleep.
Sihtric found no luck in sleep as he tossed in his makeshift bed. He tried to convince himself that it was nerves about the looming battle, but that was not it. He couldn’t shake the thought of you from his head. He didn’t like you. He didn’t trust you. He didn’t know why you had captivated him from the moment he saw your face.
Against his better judgement, he slipped from his tent and over to yours. Your body lay still beneath the furs, silent breaths falling from your lips. You looked peaceful, agreeable even as you were not awake to argue with him.
He took a step forward to get a better look at your face, your aggravatingly beautiful face. Without a second to react, he was thrown to the ground with your furs now covering him. His body was pinned beneath yours as your blade teased his jugular.
“It is me! Sihtric!” He gasped.
“And? Why were you sneaking up on me while I slept?” You asked, not moving an inch.
“I…” Sihtric searched for an answer but found none. Why had he come to your tent? To talk? Merely to gaze upon you without fear of being rebuked? He surely did not know.
“I believe you wanted to dispose of me in my sleep,” you accused.
“I did not! I swear it. I wanted to talk to you and maybe build some trust before we are to fight beside one another in battle.”
“I never distrusted you. Disliked you, absolutely. But Uhtred would never keep the company of anyone who was less than loyal or an incredible warrior,” you said. Sihtric knew your words were true. If Uhtred trusted you, so should he.
“Then I wish to apologize. I let the fact that you were Haesten’s woman cloud my judgement of you.” Your blade pressed down harder at his words.
“What did I tell you about saying that?”
“It is not untrue! I saw you with him at his camp and coming from his hall every morning,” he told you.
“Men are fools- all of you! I would never let such a foul beast touch me. I misled him, teased him, surely, but never did I let him dishonor me.”
Sihtric felt a weird wave of relief wash over him. And soon after the relief came guilt- guilt over how he had treated you.
“For that I am glad, lady. For you deserve far better than him,” he admitted honestly.
“Yes, I know. I know my worth,” you sneered. You held yourself with such confidence it could be mistaken for arrogance.
“Will you let me up now?”
“Hmm…I don’t think I will. I quite like having you at my mercy,” you laughed unamused.
“Let me up.”
“You’re insufferable!”
“You would know.”
Before another word could be uttered, Sihtric struck the blade from your hand and flipped you onto your back with your hands pinned on either side of your head.
“Who’s at whose mercy now?” He asked with a smirk. You couldn’t ignore the heat rising in your belly with the Dane on top of you.
“You win. Let me up.”
“Oh, I don’t think I will,” he mocked. You thrusted your hips upward to try and knock him off to no avail. “Try that again and I’ll tie you down.”
“Promise?” You rolled your hips again experimentally and the man above you growled. Growled.
“You are starting something you will not wish to finish, lady,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Oh, I wish to finish; I simply do not think you could accomplish that task,” you teased.
Instead of admitting defeat and getting off of you, Sihtric surprised you with a forceful kiss. His grip on your wrists tightened and you whimpered, allowing his tongue access.
He finally let go and he expected you to push him off, but instead, you reached a hand between the two of you and palmed his cock through his pants. His hips involuntarily bucked and you chuckled.
“I thought you wouldn’t touch me even with another’s cock?” You challenged. Your grip tightened on his bulge and he whined.
“I believe you to be the one that’s touching me at this very moment,” he groaned. You rolled your eyes and released him.
“So one of Haesten’s whores is good enough for you now?”
“I do not like you, lady, but I will admit I was speaking from my ass earlier. You did not deserve my crude comments,” he said.
“Especially since they are untrue. I never let that sorry excuse for a man defile me. I would tease him, yes, but I have more dignity than that.” Sihtric’s gaze on your softened before a look of hunger arose in his eyes.
“So he has not touched you, lady?” He asked, allowing a hand to rest on your neck and slide down your chest.
“He has not.”
He groped your breast and you gasped.
“He has not touched you here?” He asked.
“N-no, Sihtric.”
His hand travelled lower, caressing your hip and moved to your inner thigh.”
“Here, lady?”
Your mind was going haywire but you managed to utter a ‘no’. He finally touched you over your clothed pussy, fingers teasing delicately at your folds.
“And here? Has he touched you here?”
“No, Sihtric. He has not!”
“Good, and no man will touch you beside me. Do you understand?”
“I understand. Please touch me!”
Sihtric tore your night dress in half and made quick work of your undergarments. You sighed in complaint as the cold air grazed your hardening nipples.
“Do not worry, you have extra furs to keep you warm tonight,” he chuckled.
“Yes, I must remember to properly thank Osferth for his generosity,” you said with a smirk. His expression darkened.
“You think of another man while lying beneath me? It seems I must make you forget that any other man exists other than me.”
He ducked down and captured your lips in a kiss. He licked and nipped, surely swelling your lips from the assault. He trailed love bites down your neck and across your chest as his fingers dove between your folds.
You were wet enough to take two of his fingers, but it was when he added a third that you felt that delicious stretch.
“Sihtric, please. No more teasing,” you begged as he curled his fingers inside of you.
“What? Are my fingers not enough for you?” He asked, pumping them in and out.
“They are more than enough, but I want your cock. I want to feel you, Sihtric. Do you not wish to feel me wrapped around you?”
“I wish that more than anything right now, but first things first,” he said before rolling off of you. You wanted to cry at the disappointment that washed over you but that feeling was soon replaced with excitement when he brought your hands together above your head. He used a spare length of rope you had from tying your tent and bound your hands together.
“You will keep them there or I will tie you to a post and leave you til morning,” he threatened.
“What a gentleman,” you joked.
“Do you want a gentleman that will make slow love to you or do you want a warrior who will fuck you until you beg for Valhalla?” He asked, pulling his cock from his pants. “Hmm? Would you like to be treated like a lady or used like a whore?”
“Use me, Sihtric.”
Before you could utter another word, he slid his cock into you in one fluid motion. You felt as though the air had been knocked from your lungs as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. He pulled out slowly before sinking back in, taking a moment to savor the feeling of you clenching his cock.
He began to fuck you relentlessly and it was hard for you to focus on keeping your hands above your head. His mouth trailed everywhere but your mouth and you desired nothing more than to pull him into a kiss.
“Sihtric, I need more!”
“You will take what I give you,” he growled in your ear. His hand clasped your neck, not tight enough to cut off oxygen but tight enough that it made you see stars.
His hips ground into yours with each thrust and you could tell you were approaching your end.
Your steady hands began to falter as you tried to bring them down around Sihtric. He noticed what you were doing and stopped his actions immediately.
“What did I tell you? You are not to move.”
“Sihtric, please let me touch you,” you whined.
“You are touching me though,” he chuckled as he began his rhythm once again. The hand that was on your throat disappeared betwixt the two of you and began circling your clit. The pleasure was too much as it pushed you over the edge.
Just as you were about to shout Sihtric’s name, he swallowed your moans with a kiss. His tongue invaded your mouth as his hips stuttered and he was spilling inside you.
He allowed you time to catch your breath before pulling out and untying your hands. You rubbed your tender wrists while he tucked himself back in his pants.
“You listened better than I expected,” he chuckled.
“Perhaps now you can trust me,” you joked half heartedly.
“I think I may need some more convincing on that,” he said before pressing a softer kiss to your lips.
You didn’t mind gaining his trust if this was how you’d do it.
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creature-wizard · 3 months
Something that the folks into New Age beliefs (ascension, starseeds, etc) need to understand is that conspiratorial worldviews (like the idea that there's an ancient global conspiracy manipulating everything behind the scenes) are inherently divisive. It doesn't matter how much you like the idea of peace, harmony, and unity consciousness, and it doesn't matter how much you personally try to keep your vibrations up; if you believe that everyone who disagrees with you is secretly controlled by the shadow government or whatever, you're never going to be able to maintain any kind of long-term relationship with most people, including the ones who generally share in your beliefs and values, because at some point you're going to disagree with each other on something, and when that happens, you're going to suspect each other of being government plants, controlled opposition, disinfo agents, or whatever. Conspiracy theorists are constantly accusing each other of being agents of the conspiracy.
Now like, there's a bunch of scammers in New Age communities, sure. And said scammers just make up whatever to make money. And that's bad, but that's not the same thing as being a government plant, ya know? Also, conspiratorial narratives actually benefit the scammers, because whenever anyone tries to call them out on their shit, they'll just say the government is out to get them and people will believe them.
But most of you? Most of you are just incredibly passionate people with firm convictions. You're not disagreeing because one of you is a double agent; you're disagreeing because you're people and people always have different points of view because no two people live the exact same life experience. Now sure, some of you are real dicks sometimes, and some of you get carried away by your own egos, but none of you are part of an ancient global conspiracy.
You need to understand, this conspiracy narrative does not come from good people. It comes from some of the worst, in fact. It's made from the same tropes used to justify the witch hunts and the Holocaust. Now, I know conspiracy theorists often believe that these people were actually part of the conspiracy and put this information out there in this form to throw people off the scent, but you gotta understand, there's no evidence of this, because there's no actual evidence of the conspiracy in the first place. Literally it's always been a bunch of assholes thinking of the most heinous actions they can imagine to slander those they hate and want to oppress, it's just that simple. When you adopt a conspiratorial worldview, you are internalizing this hatred and making it part of your inner matrix. Even if you're experiencing a high vibrational state 99% of the time, these beliefs - this programming - is going to affect how you perceive and respond to those who don't believe the same way as you in a very, very negative way.
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floopdewhoop · 2 months
Things my soggy useless brain had forgotten but then suddenly remembered upon rereading Good Omens yesterday:
-the south side of St. James Park was a popular cruising ground as far back as the 18th century. (Post-show brain, having seen Aziraphale’s French aristocrat getup, appreciates this fact very much.)
-the “gayer than a treefull of monkeys on nitrous oxide” line.
-in vague relation to the above, the number of times Aziraphale is called actual slurs??? Wild. The late 80s sure were a thing.
-Crowley would take poorly growing plants out of the house and come back with an empty pot, which he left out to serve as a warning, but no plant murder actually took place. (A tenner says he rehomed them because he’s fucking SOFT.)
-fashion at the time was 1940’s inspired “power suits”, which means Crowley was rocking up in some baggy, washed out, double-breasted pinstripe monstrosity and Hush Puppies.
-Aziraphale called a Secret Service agent a “jack-sauce”.
Things my brain DIDN’T forget but bear repeating:
-I fucking love this book.
-these Ineffable Idiots make me happy.
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zeezelweazel · 1 year
Valorant| Going against your omega double|
I'm so obsessed with the women in this game even though I won't ever touch it :)
Characters included : Jett, Neon, Killjoy, Raze
• Jett •
This was brought up in conversation many times before and Jett had always boasted about how she's going to be totally unaffected.
"Pfft what? Why would it matter if it has my girlfriend's face? It's still an enemy from omega earth. And not my girlfriend at all. There's no way I'd fall for something like that."
Now the time has come for Jett to regret her words.
It's her responsibility to push forward and clear a path for Killjoy so she can defuse the spike while Sage is covering their back. And thank god Sage is there because everything went south really quickly.
It went horrible so fast not even Jett herself could react. One moment she had shot enemy Neon with one of her kunai and the next she was tackled into the ground.
Your double had her pinned using their hips as they pulled out a knife to stab her. Jett's hands were completely free and yet she didn't do anything with them. She was truly frozen, lamely laying there, waiting to get stabbed.
Thankfully for her Killjoy had sent one of her bots to help out. Your double wasn't expecting it so they got defeated with one shot.
Jett is pretty embarrassed by the hole thing, she never wants to bring it up, not even to you.
Also she might be a little shaken up. Just a little.
• Neon •
Much like Jett, Neon didn't think this occasion would affect her at all. She's very confident in her abilities in battle and she trusts herself to get the job done no matter who she has to fight to achieve that.
She forgot that you even had an omega double by the time it happened. It had been so long since you started dating, even longer since she joined the protocol, and yet she's never seen your omega double on a mission.
But today you were on a mission, all right.
You had practically obliterated their entire squad, reaping through their defenses and heading for the site to plant the spike. Before she even knew it, all of her teammates were out of the equation.
It was you against her.
Now, you and Neon had had your fair share of training sessions together so she knew how your powers worked. She also had a basic idea of your advantages and disadvantages but this wasn't you she was fighting.
It may look like you but Neon knows this isn't her girlfriend she's facing.
And yet...
When it all came down to it she hesitated. She had a clear shot, you hadn't even seen her coming but when she looked at your face Neon couldn't bring herself to shoot. Thankfully a half dead and limping Reyna was there to finish the mission. Neon winced when she locked eyes with her mentor.
She was in for one hell of a lecture.
• Killjoy •
The german genius has thought of every possibility and outcome imaginable when it comes to the protocol's missions. She knows very well the possibility she might have to face you in battle is very real.
Even though Killjoy is aware of the chances she still has no real way of preparing and that's what scares her the most.
Will she do it without a problem? Will she hesitate? Will she freeze? Will she kill you and then die of guilt?
She truly can't predict the outcome of such a meeting.
The next mission was the fateful one and the worst part was that both your double and hers were there.
At first everything was fine. Her bots were able to do their job and the situation appeared to be controlled by the other agents. It was only after you injured Yoru that things started to shift and before she knew it they were loosing the fight. That's when she understood what position that left her in. It became necessary for her kill you.
Killjoy was moving towards you as mechanically as her bots and managed to shoot you in the lungs. All was fine until she heard her own voice panicked and shaking, calling out for you. She peaked over the crate she was hiding behind to see her double cradling your injured form in her chest. Tears were clouding her eyes as she desperately called for Sage.
Killjoy couldn't bare to see this, fully knowing that she could be in her double's position. When she returned from this mission you noticed Killjoy was more clingy that usual but you didn't dare ask anything.
• Raze •
Raze was the one who voiced her concern over a predicament like this. You were quick to reassure her but it did little to ease her worries.
Every time she stepped into battle she let out a breath of relief at your absence.
It's not like Raze feels any sort of sympathy for the enemy. It's just different when it comes to you. No matter which earth, you still look the same. Same beautiful eyes and undoubtedly soft hair. How can she be expected to kill you?
In the midst of the battle, Raze would not hesitate.
Turns out that even though she had worries they never stopped her from doing what needed to be done.
She was going to defuse the spike even if you're the one she has to kill to get to it. The fight wasn't particularly easy. It fascinated Raze a little. How even though you look the same and you sound the same and you have the same powers you're a totally different person. Raze has never seen you use your abilities like this in battle. Your omega double had a completely different fighting style.
Of course this didn't faze her at all. She still came out on top. Spyke defused, mission complete. Easy.
Until the adrenaline rush came to an end and she actually thought back to the battle. Her brain had decided to torture her by constantly replaying the memory of her shooting you in the head.
Raze would need your support after this encounter. She knows she's being childish but it can't be helped. She just killed someone who looks exactly like her lover so give her a break.
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princess-ibri · 3 months
Can I just say, as a Disney Villain Recruiters fan: I’m absolutely OBSESSED with your take on Veil! It’s so creative and cool, and I’d kill to see more of her and your take on the other Recruiters as well! Your version of Veil actually kind of reminds me of Double from Skullgirls a bit, and I could definitely see her true form being similarly eldritch and horrific. I could also definitely see her saying “What IS a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!” to boot as well.
Thanks!!! I don't have any art of them at the moment but I did have a list of ideas of how I'd incorporate them into my DisneyVerse project!
Disney Villain Recruiters/Apprentices
Mr V-- Valentin Duvalier ( either Faciler apprentice or possibly his Shadow given human form, haven't quite decided yet)
These three would all be Loa (Friends on the Other Side) given human forms to walk around in on the mortal plane
Ms Scatter
Ms Villa
Mr Polite
Apple Poison --Griswold Vergiften, Son of Grimauld, so Queen Grimhilde's nephew
Jack Heart--Jester of the Court of Hearts
Mr Dalmetia-- Is apparently a puppy called Prince who was changed by dark magic to enact Cruella's will/act as her personal agent. And actually, I'll just keep this xD . The second book had flying dogs. Magic has canon precedence. Plus Cruella in my DisneyVerse is descended from Princess Ivy so, magic precedence there too. Let her ascend to true devil mode xD
Malfi-- Look its the exact thing as Diaval, so that's who he is, Diablo the Raven given human form by Maleficent
Eight Foot Joe--Octopus who made deal with Ursula to become a cecaelia, simple and to the point, I'll keep him as is.
Lady Pirate Hock-- Harriet Hook from my Canon Descendants rewrite
Veil-- Female demon linked to an Enchanted bell sent into the world as a reliquary/agent of Frollo, trying to get out of Hell by doing something to the Bells of Notre Dame, to stop their protective ringing over the city -(gets involved in redone HOND 2, with Claudine and Madeline and whatnot)
Pretty Scar--Nzuri, a hyena (could also just be Shenzi?)
Farja-- Official apprentice of Jafar. Rename to Faja? Could also be his neice Jade by his sister Nasira if I want to go in a Canon Descendants rewrite way. She uses plant based magic, hebce her color changing flower
Ms Hades-- Orphne, a nymph of Hades, his personal secretary
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dustxechoes · 3 months
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"I'll give you something to talk about at the water cooler with all your Arquebus pals, Buddy."
One of Ziyi's most interesting relationships I feel doesn't get enough attention is her connection with Rusty.
Like, it's obvious she'd know who he is. The only canon depiction of Ziyi we have is a group sketch that he's also in. And they were both brought up by Flatwell making him, even though she probably wouldn't call him such, basically her older brother. If nothing else, she at least would have looked up to him as an ace pilot.
But it's also clear she doesn't know he's a double agent. As far as she's aware, one day he just sold out to the Vespers without explanation. Working his way up the ranks at speed all while proudly wearing a badge of a muzzled hound on his shoulder.
A shameless, literal, corporate dog.
How heavy must that weigh on her? To see the Liberation Front's best pilot fall so far? To kill their comrades and become just another threat to Rubicon? How many conversations must the two of them had had about the injustice of it all, of the PCA keeping them penned like animals, of the corporations who will kill and loot and plunder all that they can, only for her to see him turn around and join them when Rubicon needs him most?
And another thing. If Ziyi is aware of what Arquebus does to Rubiconian prisoners...does she think he's been brainwashed? Does she alternate between bitterly cursing the name V.IV as a traitor, and convincing herself that he actually fought like hell to the end and was made this way against his will?
I kind of like to think she """knows""" he's betrayed them but the brainwashed theory is her form of cope.
And then...how does she react when he comes back? When his work as a spy is complete, as is the Elcano machine? When she's entrusted with STEEL HAZE for the RLF's ground assault on the Vascular Plant? What do they even say to each other at that point?
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Eggsy Unwin x Male Reader
The search for Excalibur
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No warning, maybe fluff and angst
Kinda wanted make this into multiple parts hmmmm. Enjoy 🫰
As Eggsy was fighting Gazelle, Y/n was sneaking around the place looking for a gun for some reason.
"What the fuck are you doing there? Help me you useless shit stain."
Eggsy yelled at Y/n as he was dodging Gazelle's attacks and trying to counter attack.
"Looking for a gun."
Eggsy yelled now getting frustrated.
"Ow, right."
Y/n said as he looked pensively and walked outside of the room.
"That fucking dick."
"Okay this, it's just uhmm I mean what is happening?"
Gazelle stopped as she tried to stop her laughs.
"My partner with dicks for brains is thinking."
Eggsy stated as he was panting heavily with his hands on his knees.
"What the hell is happening down there, Gazelle?"
Valentine asked as he tried to look behind him.
"I completely forgot about him, my partner was supposed to be dealing with him."
Eggsy said as he ran his hand through his hair. A moment later a gunshot was heard and Valentine's body fell through the glass and down behind Gazelle. Gazelle looked behind her but was already shot in the head, falling down lifeless.
"Took you long enough, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you sure you are an agent?"
Eggsy sat down on a chair as he relaxed completely.
"Don't you dare question my abilities."
They could hear a something move on the upstairs booth area.
"I will just shoot every body I stumble upon upstairs, I am too anxious for this shit."
Y/n head as he checked the ammo of his gun and cocked it as he inserted the magazine again.
"Tell Merlin we are going out in a bit, just need to double check."
"You're way too paranoid, come on, I am tired as shit."
Eggsy beckoned for Y/n to come to him.
"One guy there doesn't have his brain all over the place, and he looks to be breathing, never hurts to check, Eggy."
Y/n mocked him as he went down and then up to the booth area, straight to the body missing an arm and pointed at gun at his face.
"Speak now or forever hold your peace."
Y/n planted the nozzle of the gun on his temple.
Y/n stood directly on top of him and looked down.
Y/n trigger finger was itching.
The guy suddenly used his arm his remove the gun from his temple and slid out of the way.
"Wasn't so hard now, was it?"
Y/n smiled at the man.
"Eggs, do you know this bloke?"
Y/n lifted the guy's head by his hair as he brought his face on the railing.
"Charlie? You still alive? How?"
Eggsy asked confused as he looked up at them.
"Guess when you used the ring it messed with the sim card."
Y/n rolled his eyes as he mercilessly shot Charlie at the back of his head.
"Th-that was uncalled for and you know it."
"My finger slipped, whoops."
Y/n looked at Eggsy expresionlessly.
"Can you still stand?"
Y/n ran towards Eggsy.
"Barely, adrenaline is going off."
"You look hot like this."
Y/n ran a hand through Eggsy's hair, the other on his cheek, the thumb grazing the cut on his lip. Eggsy hissed in pain but didn't recoil back, they stared at each other, Eggsy's hands rested on Y/n's hips.
Eggsy chuckled as one of his hands went to Y/n's hand on his cheek, caressing the back of his hand softly.
"Come on, Merlin is calling us."
Y/n said as he pulled Eggsy up on his feet.
"We're coming, Merl, Eggs is just tired his adrenaline is off now."
"Hurry you two, Lancelot is waiting for us and she is very cold."
"Yea yea."
——— 2 months passed———
"You good, Eggsy?"
Merlin asked as Eggsy sat down on the chair along with Arthur and Lancelot, Y/n is missing.
"Just, Y/n hasn't been responding to me for a while now and I haven't seen him as well."
"That's the thing, Galahad, we're afraid Excalibur is missing."
Arthur said as he looked at Eggsy.
"Y/n... Is... Missing?"
Eggsy asked, his voice evident of concern and worry.
"Not to worry, we have located him, something in his last mission went wrong and he had been stranded in a jungle in Cambodia, he seems to be doing okay."
"How can you be sure he's okay?"
Eggsy frantically asked.
"He sent us a voice mail, he lost his glasses during the mission. But he found it again we don't even know how, with where he was deployed and how big the place is, it's a miracle."
Merling played the voice clip of Y/n.
"Eyyup, I don't know who is listening to this, hopefully it's you Merlin or whoever, I am stranded here, something went wrong with the extraction. They found my plane and planted a bomb in it attached to a tripwire. The explosion was quite close to me, luckily I am still alive b-but very weak, hurry up, please."
The message abruptly ended.
"He's in trouble, Merlin."
Eggsy stood up and began to walk out of the room.
"Calm down, Galahad, we cannot be rash, that's why we called you and Lancelot here, you two are going on a rescue mission to save a fellow Kingsman. You two will depart in no more than 3 hours from now, get your affairs in order and yourselves prepared, the search for Excalibur is now.
Arthur dismissed them along with Merlin to give them a brief overview of the mission.
"I will be waiting in the plane in an hour, if you are ready just head in."
Merlin said his farewell as he left them to get ready.
"You seem eager to save your boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend, Rox."
"Let's just save him and get this over with, he might be in danger."
"He's THE Excalibur, Eggsy, no need to worry, he's the only one named Excalibur since the founding of Kingsman apparently."
"And why?"
Eggsy asked Roxie with curiousity.
"Guess you'll just have to ask him."
Roxie chuckled and went ahead.
Eggsy smiled as he followed Roxie.
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braveasnouns · 10 days
the lore behind valorant is actually way more vast than people give credit for tbh.
basically, there's a mirror earth that spawned somehow, and the "og earth" as it were is called alpha while the other is called omega earth. the exact same people exist on the other side, but the main difference between earths is that alpha has a shitton of radianite while omega is dying due to lack of it. radianite being this brand new substance that was brought to the greater public after the "first light", which also spawned radiants - people who had powers due to radianite, but it turns out radianite has existed for a long time and people never knew. while some explicitly gain their radiance (neon and astra), others are implied to be a radiant through heritage (yoru)!
the whole double earth thing is how they explain the whole "characters-killing-themselves" that comes with FPS games, it's pretty cool! one team plants the spike—the spike being a bomb that siphons radianite out of the enviroment—while the other has to stop them from planting and defusing it. it's cool :)
most of the agents have... frosty connections with their doubles. chamber, a rich frenchman, actually has a deal with his double, while jett is on the polar opposite spectrum - she was accused of being a war criminal due to omega jett detonating a spike in venice on alpha earth, and because of course they look the same, alpha jett is an international criminal after this
hehehe sorry for infodumping i just love this dumb little game's lore sm (ive never played tho!)
woah okay this is a lot more deep than i thought but i really like it :D this whole thing sounds so cool!! and you don’t have to apologize for infodumping i love it really!! so ty!
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crunchyraccoon · 1 year
Ango walked so Tachihara could run
Hello people, this is baby's first analysis post. It is in honor of @hina-has-no-life and it won't be as long or elaborate as most usual posts on here, whoops lol Anyways
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So... spies. Ango used to be a (three-way!)spy and Tachihara was a spy turned double-agent.
The difference between them is that in the end, Ango built emotional connections in the mafia (namely Dazai and Oda) but he still returned to his job in the Special Division. Meanwhile Tachihara, through his prolonged mission in the mafia, found them to be closer to him than the Hunting Dogs ever were. Couple that with their respective moral compasses, it's not surprising that Ango stayed on the "Good Side"¹ while Tachihara ultimately turned his back and walked back to the "Bad Guys".
My friend @pumpkinsinaugust has made some excellent posts on Tachihara and his shift from Mafioso Tachihara to Hunting Dog Tachihara and back to Port Mafia's very own Tachihara Michizou!
And while Ango staying as a double agent in the Port Mafia or fully switching over would've been interesting to see, it's good that he remained with the Government. It makes him a quite powerful third party, controlled by neither the Agency nor the Mafia. He will cooperate with either side if the situation calls for it (though there definitely is one of them he prefers for good reasons lol) but can also be a strong foe... as long as you don't make him do actual combat lol
I'm also wondering since when Mori knew about Tachihara being a Hunting Dog. He knew about Ango for pretty much the longest time and certainly isn't above turning a blind eye or creating double agents if it benefits him. The Port Mafia sure is a popular place to plant spies in. Where's the Agency's spy? (hmm... unless?)
And this is where my thoughts are running dry. Keep your eyes open for Hina's take on this topic!
¹ I'm saying it like that from a moral standpoint of a normal civilian. Since BSD has us all sympathizing with the mafia <3
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moshywoosh · 8 months
Open Season's Problem
Make no mistake about it, the movie “Open Season” is really open season on hunters.
The animated feature currently playing takes aim at hunters who take aim at animals and sums up the rest of the gun-toting population as buffoons.
This is a propaganda film designed to plant the idea in the minds of America’s children that animals are more or less cuddly good guys and hunters are bad guys.
Before a non-hunting co-worker took his kindergarten-aged daughter to see the movie, I asked him to watch how the hunters were portrayed. He reported that the hunters were shown in a stereotypical manner — as yahoos who slobbered, drove pickups and spoke with Southern accents.
Shaw (voiced by Gary Sinise), the ultimate dingbat, is indeed a bloodthirsty, law-breaking, fanatical poacher. In short, someone any respectable hunter would disavow and turn over to the conservation police faster than turning over a flapjack in a frying pan. I expected the animals to be cute, gooey caricatures that would make me cringe. But Boog, the grizzly bear with an identity crisis (Martin Lawrence), was quite tolerable. His unwanted deer sidekick Elliot (Ashton Kutcher), is a mass of insecurities that make him annoying, but who occasionally displays a standup comic’s wit.
“Open Season” is for kids who have no powers of discernment, but the script is for adults who have to chaperone them. So there definitely are chuckles. Even Shaw gets to mouth off cleverly once. During a yelling match with a female park ranger whom he calls “Girl Scout,” he says, “Put me down for a box of thin mints.”
Boog was a cub rescued in the wild and raised by Ranger Beth. He lives in her garage, has his own Teddy Bear and knows he has a good deal getting three squares a day and watching TV. Elliot leads Boog into mischief, and reluctantly, Ranger Beth relocates Boog to the mountains to begin a normal life as a wild bear, minus the room service. (The shifts back and forth between unrealistic fantasy and occasional common-sense environmental policy can leave you dizzy, and it’s not the way animals would actually be rehabilitated.)
Boog is a bear who has no affinity for the woods and no idea how to use his growling, intimidating size and super strength to protect himself or his friends. All he wants to do is go home to his Marriott-like garage space.
Wild man Shaw, determined to plug Elliot and Boog, is in the way and wreaks catastrophe wherever he goes. He was nuts from the get-go and is completely looney-tunes by the end of the flick. He has spent a lifetime operating on the assumption that man is at the top of the food chain and now he envisions an animal conspiracy, with pets “as double agents,” seeking to take over the world.
Legal hunting season opens and hunters from the Yellowstone-area-like town of Timberline head to the woods, where they raise tents, light campfires and begin hunting. They are met by an animal rebellion that features Boog, Elliot, skunks, deer, squirrels, rabbits, beavers and anything else that is around.
The hunters are routed and the animals live happily ever after in the forest, which Boog realizes is his true home. The unexplained, strangest part of “Open Season” is its apparent disdain for rabbits. It is indeed curious that rabbits are treated as disposable trash. What’s up with that?
Of course, not for one second does an honest, nature-loving outdoorsman appear on the screen. Not one sentence is uttered explaining how hunters love the woods, use the meat from their kills to feed their families or are conservationists whose hunting prevents species overpopulation.
And it never mentions that grizzly bears often eat other animals.
Oh, well, it won’t be long until new movies are released and it will be closed season on “Open Season.”
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chaoticstrata · 6 months
Aketheron Chapter 5 WiP
Got tagged by @serenxanthe for the WiP thing.
Don't have much, sadly. Writing seems to take me forever sometimes. >.<
The double-agent gave him a small, sad smile before rubbing his nose against Theron’s. “We’re reaching the end game, aren’t we?”
“Yeah…We are,” the Republic agent replied, a soft sigh escaping him. Theron hated the fact that this was going to end. 
He didn’t want it to end. 
But it would, regardless. He wasn’t in a profession where he could always get what he wanted. Theron knew that going into the spy business, but back then he never thought he’d find someone who’d pull on his heartstrings like Aketho did…he closed his eyes at that last thought. Try as he might, he couldn’t deny his feelings toward Aketho. The joy that bubbled up in his heart just by standing in the same room as the Chiss. The fluttery feeling he got in his stomach every time those crimson eyes looked in his direction. The absolute elation he felt seeing the other spy in the Reveniate encampment. Theron still couldn’t believe Aketho came to rescue him. From what Deefour had told him on the way back to the safe house, the other spy needed to be calmed prior to infiltrating the Reveniate’s camp because Aketho wanted to tear the place apart and leave a bloody trail behind him…just to find Theron.
Stars…why did that make him feel giddy?
“Theron,” Aketho said softly, pulling Theron back to the present as the other spy reached up to lightly trace his face, “Can I admit something?”
“Of course,” Theron replied, eyes fluttering shut at the soft touches.
“I…” there was hesitation in Aketho’s eyes as they fell to Theron’s chest, “I don’t want to say goodbye…I know we’ll have to, but…I don’t know if I’ll be able to when the time comes.”
Theron couldn’t help the soft smile as his heart thundered in his chest. Leaning in, he planted a kiss to Aketho’s forehead. 
“Same,” he murmured against cool skin, leaving his lips there until the Chiss pulled away. “I swear, I’d give anything to have some more time with you…”
Aketho simpered and leaned in to kiss him again when he froze. His brow furrowed, looking toward the doorway with a peculiar face, as if straining to hear something. Theron was about to ask what was wrong when his implants alerted him that something, or someone, triggered one of the motion sensors. The former Cipher pulled away from him and quickly moved over to the computer terminal to start clearing the data. Theron was about to look busy when a familiar voice called out.
“Anyone one still around?”
Theron swore his eyebrows hit his hairline as soon as he heard the voice. He glanced over at Aketho and was happy to see he looked equally as surprised.
“Sarsa?” the SIS agent replied in confusion just as the woman in question entered the hideout with two large bags.
“Oh good! I didn’t miss you,” she tittered, moving toward the table to set down the bags. “I have some goodies for your journey. Your next mission is following those Revanites, right?”
Once again, Theron was hit by a wave of surprise. “How--”
Sarsa gave him and Aketho an amused look. “Wasn’t too difficult to figure out. You two are good, don’t get me wrong, but I know an undercover operation when I see one. I’ve been in the underworld too long to not pick up on someone lying through their teeth about who they are and everything they’re doing,” she glanced between them again with a knowing smirk. “Well, maybe not everything.”
Theron felt his cheeks heat up, but even as they did, he couldn’t help back chuckle, because of course she’d notice something like that.
“Just don’t tell that to our superiors or we’ll never hear the end of it,” Aketho said, sounding more than a little amused as he walked back over. As he stood next to Theron and glanced at the bags, a small mischievous smirk formed on his lips. “Hmm…that will probably last Theron a day…”
And there was that fluttery feeling again. Theron didn’t know why, but the playful teasing made him all sorts of happy. And he couldn’t resist playing into it…“Hey now! I’m not that bad,” Theron exclaimed, maybe a little too over dramatic. But he got the response he wanted from the former Cipher, a wide smug smirk. He countered it with a pout before a small grin broke out and he nudged Aketho playfully. When Aketho nudged him back, he was about to do so again when Sarsa’s giggles reminded him they were not alone. Stars, did he really have to blush so bright? His face felt like it was on fire.
Tagging @eorzeashan, @kemendin, & @zhakyria. Is it only supposed to be three? I have no idea. o.o
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melishade · 1 year
…Sonic X was pretty fucked up now that I really think about.
As I mentioned before. I got into anime through Sonic X when I was in sixth grade. But when I watched it I watched the 4kids version. Not the Japanese version. And 4kids had a habit of censoring anime a lot, which was fairly understandable but ultimately a bad business practice as multiple episodes no doubt had to be skipped due to the nature of it. Like they were showing One Piece on that thing. I digress.
Still the Japanese and English version was so fucked up!!!! It included:
-That water creature flooding the city (although that was also in the English version and the game.)
-Also, who remembers that girl Molly in the later episodes that was a freedom fighter against the plant terrorist group (yes they are real they’re called the Terrorex or some shit and they are plant humanoids. We’ll get to them.) In the show, she get betrayed by her comrades for the plant terrorists. Now in the English version, Molly ‘decides to flee’ to fight another day. In the Japanese version, girl goes on a fucking suicide mission and gets blown up by the plant terrorists!
-Sonic goes batshit after Chris (the 12 year old who’s not technically 12 in this point of the story) gets his shit wrecked by the plant terrorists. And it’s Eggman that snaps him out of it!
-The plant terrorist organization using an 11 year old as a double agent without her knowledge (AKA Cosmo)
-The plant terrorist organization doing mass genocide on a universal scale.
-Tails having to kill Cosmo in a self sacrificing play to save the universe!!!! An 8 year old killing an 11 year old!!!!
-The fact that the original Shadow in the Shadow the Hedgehog Arc is canonically dead and the one that shows up in the later seasons is actually a clone with no memory of before because he just turned on. (AND THIS ONE ALOS PULLED THE SELF-SACRIFICING PLAY TOO!)
-The fact that Chris jumped into an alternate dimension and de-aged from 18 to 12, and a few months passed in Sonic’s dimension so when Chris returned to Earth he no doubt lost a few years on Earth.
And that’s all the stuff I can remember!
Look, Sonic X is still a fun show, and I remember it fondly, but there was still some shit that was pretty messed up.
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shockersalvage · 1 year
Salvage Showcase - Santa Shikiba
And now from a character to a controversial entry to one from one of the various short, yet sweetish, forgotten entries that make up the League of Obscure (in a MHA mood while writing this): Santa Shikiba!
Santa might just be the Danganronpa poster boy for obscure, underappreciated characters in the entire series so its only fitting that he goes first for the League in terms of these Showcases!
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Santa Shikiba is actually one of the oldest obscure characters in Danganronpa history, dating back to his mention in DR1 as the Ultimate Botanist, a member of the 77th batch of Hope’s Peak students. On the fifth floor of the old school building, when Makoto is looking at a giant flower in the school garden, Monokuma explains that the flower is what he calls the Monokuma Flower - a plant capable of digesting anything...even people. He also claims that the Botanist responsible for it died in the Tragedy.
Santa would go on to be a central character in Kirigiriso, which was written by Danganronpa Kirigiri’s author: Takekuni Kitayama. Kirigiriso has three routes: the canon Plant Girl route and the non-canon routes: Earth Defense Force and Extra Scenario routes.
In the Plant Girl Route, while he actually doesn’t make an appearance, he is responsible for making the plant/human hybrids that attack Kyoko and Kohei (the main protag) during their time at the ‘man-eating’ mansion. One of these creations is Kyoka - the plant/human clone of Kyoko. He made her off of DNA of Kyoko that he got on the black market, since DNA of the talented increases the survivability of the experiments (just going to brush past that one) and combined that with DNA from an newly found organism with both plant and animal properties. In addition, he owns the mansion itself. The hybrids attack our heroes because in order for them to be complete like Kyoka they need proper ‘nutrition’ aka other people to eat. 
He does appear in the EDF and ES routes. For the former, he serves as leader of a task force meant to combat space aliens, the Rhinogradentia, from invading the Earth. He fights them by using his own talent to make bioengineered plant weapons to use to repel them. Ultimately, it's his love for nature, bond with Kyoka, an alien double agent for the Rhinogradentia, and showing proof of his love by tanking an entire goddamn laser beam that gets the aliens to stop the invasion. In the ES route, he appears in the ending, having given CPR to Kohei following an accident that has the guy dreaming the events of that route. It’s that route that also reinforces that, yes, Santa does own the mansion.
Santa has his personality mostly fleshed out in the non-canon routes. In these routes, Santa has show to be quite the nature lover and a fierce desire to protect it. Well, protect it and his friends, since throughout the EDF route, he’s shown that he’s willing to sacrifice himself to keep them/the Earth/nature safe - fully prepared to die (even though the universe of that route seems keen on the opposite, but the intent is there). Yet, its also this heroic attitude that has been implied from him being an action movie geek. On top of just being a regular botanical geek.
That’s not to say the PG route is devoid of depth to him - it actually gives the darkest aspect of his character. By his research notes to his own hybrids, it shows Santa as, while intelligent, someone who holds little in the way of ethics when it comes to his own experimentation, from buying evidence off the black market, to the sheer fact that he ended up creating a new form of life without any regards to consent from those whose DNA he stole. Given that Kyoka had been killing people for at least a year now, and Santa is nowhere to be found during the canon route, it also implies that he is, at the very least, hands off enough to what goes on with his creations that allow them to murder people for their own ends.
The Rundown
Santa’s theme in Kirigiriso, which I find to be apart of the theme of ‘Choice’ (not just because its a choose your adventure), is what I believe to be the ‘Choice’ of selflessness or selfishness.
It seems strange, especially given his role in the EDF route, but when comparing both I find it to be fitting. The non-canon routes are us seeing a Santa at his best: when there’s something or someone else in danger that needs to be protected. He pulls out all the stops, from making plants to go against alien rodents or even burning down his own mansion with homemade pinecone bombs. Why? Because he loves nature, he loves his friends, he loves them that much that he doesn’t mind dying or being hurt just so they can be safe. What we see from him is the ideal version when there are people for him to put it all on the line for.
So...what happens when we have a Santa that doesn’t have those people in danger or isn’t in a situation where he needs to protect something? In that case, you have the canon route Santa, who I believe is what happens when you have a genius botanist who only has just his work to give his all for. Someone to take that extreme lengths into just his research – by any means necessary and no matter the cost. His intense devotion outweighs the law or ethics in this case That isn’t to say he’s devoid of emotions or evil or  unfeeling to others or his creations, heck the diary for Kyoka shows he did care for her (rational) needs, but the route makes it clear that his standards aren’t really on the up and up.
If anything, Santa can be described as a different type of awful scientist: irresponsible. He makes sentient life without being able to fully handle his hybrids needs (be it physical or emotional). If his absent status is to be considered, he’s negligent in their care that they’ve settled into a routine of killing people for food to complete themselves for a year without anything to hinder them or morals to consider otherwise. Who knows how many people from the Detective Library were killed in order to be nutrition, and Kyoko and Kohei might have been next if things hadn’t gone their way. If the non-canon routes are him at his best, the canon route is him at his worst: a guy who, at his very least, own ambition for his research unintentionally created one of Danganronpa’s own, if seldom talked about, tragedies...
And he doesn’t get punished for it. Sure, he dies canonically with most of the Main Course not affiliated with Ultimate Despair or a member of the 78th class, but this incident is one he escapes from scot-free. In general, with knowledge of Santa’s role in the Plant Girl, there’s an eeriness to his absence. We see his research notes, Kyoka’s entry concerning him (and his pal), and certainly the consequences of his actions in the form of the hostile hybrids or Kyoka’s sad end. But never himself. Utterly away to the problem, he gave to others and still away when outsiders barely managed to get to a point where the problem is resolved permanently. He’s not in the thick of things as a hero helping others, he’s in the background, quietly and likely unintentionally spawning hidden villains that need to be stopped.
Personal Thoughts
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Prior to Kirigiriso, given Santa’s lack of character beyond his design, I was rather neutral on the guy. He just...kind of existed? I found it neat that the DR team made a design for a mentioned character, alongside Kenshiro too, but unlike Kenshiro’s connection with Sakura, Santa had nothing else to him.
Post Kirigiriso? I fairly enjoyed his comedic, yet noble nature in the non-canon routes. He really feels like a character you could see in an average DR game, not quite a survivor. At best, I can see him last up until the midway point. His main route actions I also really like, as it gives a surprisingly dark factor to someone with a rather cartoonish design, and serves as a great contrast to his on-screen appearances.
There’s something apt about how one of the most forgotten/underutilized characters in Danganronpa gets to start in a game about his work, but he himself is never around to witness the final fallout from it. Goes back to his DR1 roots!~
Well, with him down we’re going back to Danganronpa Zero for the next Showcase! Hope you enjoyed this one!
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