#can you imagine i almost forgot to draw his scarf
makkir0ll · 2 days
Congratulations on the milestone!!! 🎉🎊
Can I request number 22 for Mattsun, please? I can just imagine having him as my best friend in high school that I have a huge ass (not so) secret crush on and he’d be such a little shit about itttt ((and the feeling’s always been mutual but i was too dense to notiiiiccceeedjfjdjsk))
i loved this request!! also sorry for taking so long school is kicking my ass but once summer is here i'll be able to focus on the requests so they're coming guys i promise!
200 milestone event!
matsukawa + 22 ("does it make you nervous when i stare?" / "yes! so stop staring!" / "oh absolutely not")
matsukawa's big crush on you had been obvious to everyone.
well everyone but you.
it was obvious in the way he would always walk you to your class which led to him almost being late every morning. waiting for you outside of your club room no matter how long it took so he could walk you home. he would give you his lunch if you forgot it at home one day. tying his scarf around you during the winter to keep you warm while he pretended not to shiver.
and it was very obvious that the feelings were reciprocated, in the way your cheeks would turn a bright shade of red whenever his hand would brush against your knee and when you could feel his minty breath fan across your face when he would whipser a dumb joke to you in class. everyone knew, even him. and he took that to his advantage.
right now the two of you lay sprawled out on his bedroom floor. even though the door is closed you can hear the ruckus on his little siblings coming from the living room. the two of you had been taking a break from studying for your next test for about five minutes, scrolling on your phones in silence. it was comforting.
"okay," you start, moving yourself off the floor to look back at the papers that are all over the floor "we need to finish studying mattsun." you poke at his leg, to which he groans.
"i've accepted my fate, i'm going to fail this test." he sits back up, running a hand through his disheveled hair and you try really hard to not stare at him, but it was difficult when he looked that good. his school tie hanging loose around his neck, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up with exposed the veins from his hands that led up to his forearms.
shaking your head and going back to focus on the array of math problems in front of you, you feel him lean towards you, a little too close to be considered friendly and you can smell that familiar scent of mint as he asks in a soft voice, “do you understand this problem?” his pen points to the problem he was having trouble with. with cheeks flushed a hue of pink, you nod your head, trying to contain yourself.
you begin to explain the problem and how to solve it, trying hard to stay focused even tho his hand was drawing patterns on your knee and you could feel his brown eyes staring at you instead of the problem that you’re working hard to teach it to him. even though he’s accepted his fate, you weren’t going to let him.
“…so the inverse of the sin is one over sin and…”you begin to trail off, losing concentration due to the close proximity between the two of you.
“and?” he teases, moving closer. you look up to him and look into his brown eyes and your cheeks go from pink to red. you try and maintain eye contact with him and he notices how your pupils dilate the longer you keep looking into his eyes. you notice that slowly, as the seconds pass he’s moving closer to you. the nerves in your system taking over you look away, a hand coming to cover your embarrassed face.
“can you not do that?” you ask, face still hidden in your hands.
“do what?” he pretends to act confused. he knows what he’s doing.
“stare at me.” you admit shyly.
“oh?” he leans in closer, you can feel his minty breath in your ear when he whispers, “does it make you nervous when i stare?” he hand comes to cup your face, forcing you to look at him. you immediately notice the beauty mark that’s above his cupids bow.
“yes. yes it does, so stop staring” you whisper
“oh absolutely not” he teases. he takes this opportunity and leans in to press a soft kiss to your lips. he pulls away and is met with your stunned expression. he’s trying hard to not smile but it’s hard when you look so cute to him. he feels you tug at his loosened tie, pulling him into you and you lock your lips with him again. holding him there with his school tie as everything around the two of you fades away.
since he had already accepted his fate of failing this test, maybe he could spend some time studying you.
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elumarin · 2 years
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I want what they have
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jungwonie-bae · 9 months
*ੈ✩.a love story between us . ♪。·
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Sunghoon x fem!reader , reader is working in high school, reader is referred as she
genre- fluff, love at first sight trope, strangers to lovers
word count- 4.1k 【4,113 words】
warnings- (this is not really a warning, but the season is winter) I’m so sorry, but more grammatical errors 😭 mentions of le sserafim’s yunjin , kissing, bold sunghoon, jealousy? , a little blood, cuddling? And not proofread‼️ And this is just a random ass fic sorry… and it doesn’t relate a lot to the first part, it’s just how they fall in love. Lots of grammar errors, I didn’t care to check over sorry。this was so rushed 😣
a/n- this is finally done!!! I’ve been so busy since school has started 😢 and sorry for the short chapters.. you can imagine the rest yourselves 😘
oh- and the title used to be “my coffee boy” but it’s not related to coffee in any way so I changed it.
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
7:02 am.
Today was the weekend, and the cafe was quiet. You’ve already cleaned and wiped all the tables, and started the coffee machines. Today was going to be another busy day. The cafe always opens at 7:30 sharp, so you had enough time to grab the new stack of cups, and get the register ready.
your only coworker, beomgyu, always came a bit late, but got to work right away. The bell rings as he walks in, and the two of you greet one another.
As you put on your apron, you scroll on your phone to play a calming playlist on Spotify. Beomgyu puts his apron on, and opens the window for the early morning breeze to flow through.
As the bell chimes, your boss walks in. He greets the both of you, and walks into his office. You run to the door, and turn the sign, the red ink “closed” written, was now turned into “open.”
You then go back into your place as the cashier. A few minutes later, your regular customers come in.
they are quick to go, ordering and paying quickly as well.
A bit later, a group of 3 guys walk in, chatting with one another happily. While they are ordering drinks, you feel someone’s gaze as you get their orders down. You look up, and- you feel like you’ve just seen the prettiest person in your life. Time seems to slow down.
you stare at him for a few seconds, before snapping out of it to tell beomgyu their orders. Turning back to them, (the person who is ordering for the group,) you almost forgot their name.
“and what’s your name?” You ask politely.
“sunghoon, s-u-n-g-h-o-o-n,” he says, the last part of the sentence a bit mumbled. You nod, and type his name down to print onto the sticker on the cup.
you smile at him, “your order is going to be ready in a few minutes. Is this a to go, or are you staying in?”
he looks over at his friends, and they all say their staying. You nod, and they go sit down. You smile to yourself, and hurriedly make their drinks. You put a little extra love into sunghoon’s, and cap it.
beomgyu finishes the other half of the drinks. “Order for sunghoon!” You shout. He comes up to you, and grabs the drinks quickly. While he brings it over to his table, his friends tease him about something. He smiles at their antics.
Heeseung whispers, “someone has a little crush. Let’s come back here tomorrow~” Jake nods at him, and grins. Sunghoon doesn’t notice the two.
meanwhile, you were busy hoping he will come back.
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
The next day, you see the familiar face once again. But today, he was alone. The name you learned from him yesterday, sunghoon, was pretty awkward trying to order his drink.
you can see he is shy, because he’s hiding his face into his scarf. Cute, you think. His order is a to-go, much to your disappointment. You make his drink as you and beomgyu switch places, now beomgyu being the cashier.
you call out sunghoons name, but this time, you write your number onto his cup. You draw a little smiley face next to your digits, and smile to yourself. I hope he texts me, you smile.
as sunghoon grabs his cup, he smiles at you, but stops in his tracks on his way out. She wrote her number. Wait.. she wrote her number!?! He stops himself from squealing since he was already grinning like an idiot. He was definitely going to text you later.
He hurried home to his dorm, and immediately told his friends. “See, I knew she was into you!” Jake playfully punched sunghoons arm, while wrapping his other around his shoulders.
sunghoon grins, but his smile drops soon after. “But.. how do I start the conversation..? I don’t have any experience in this..”
Jake slowly turns his head and looks at the sulking male beside him. “Are you for real..?” Sunghoon nods. “Dude! You’re an absolute loser for this! How have you not had any girlfriends with that face of yours?!?”
Sunghoon doesn’t know what to do. Will jake help him?
Sunghoon paces as jakes eyes follow him around. “I want to talk to her so bad, but I don’t know how to start a conversation. This might even be my first relationship!”
Jake rolls his eyes at sunghoon’s statement. He takes sunghoon’s cellphone and typed out your number. Sunghoon looks over at the bright screen.
Jake was texting you for him. “Are you sure about this..?” Sunghoon questions. Jake nods, eyes still glued to the little screen. “I’ve done this multiple times anyway. It works on every chick I’ve gotten.” Jake smirks.
Sunghoon decides to trust his best friend on this one, and hoping for the best. He thought you were really cute, and wanted to have something more with you. He wondered if you would ever feel the same.
Later, Jake shows sunghoon the texts. Jake started the conversation lightly, and you responded maybe 3-5 minutes later. He had asked when your shift was over, so you and sunghoon could meet up.
sunghoon was more than excited when you made a plan on his free day and a suitable time. He stressed on what to wear. It was a dinner date- not just a dinner- but a dinner in a fancy restaurant.
What if he underdressed? What if he made a wrong impression on you? What if he would scare you away? He’s only seen you about 8-10 times, yet he’s so worried.
you on the other hand, is just as worried as him. You had been to the restaurant and you had made the reservation, but you still didn’t know what to wear.
The hang out- date- was in 2 days. You video call your best friend, yunjin.
“I’m going on a date in 2 days with this really pretty boy and I don’t know what to wea-”
“okay, okay, slow down. I just picked up!” Yunjin exclaims. You sigh.
“In 2 days, im going on a date with a guy I really like. I have no idea what to wear.”
Yunjin nods. “I’ll be coming over in just a minute. Hold on.” She then hangs up on you. You were so nervous.
a few minutes later, knocking is heard from your front door. You run towards the sound and open the door. Yunjin lets herself in, and goes straight to your room. She rummages through your closet a little before huffing, and turning to you. You didn’t notice the big bag she had brung with her.
“We’ll have to try on a few different things.” Yunjin sighs. She unzips her bag, and pulls out a few pieces of clothing. She then lays them out on your bed for you to see, but one had already caught your eye.
It was a black long- sleeved square neck dress, and it was perfect for the occasion. “Can I try this one on?” You asked yunjin, while pointing your index finger to your desired article of clothing. She nods, “of course! Take your time. No rush girl.” She smiles supportingly. “Call me in if you need help.” She says.
you nod, and walk to the bathroom in your room. After you put the dress on, you look at yourself in the bathroom mirror. The dress hugs your body perfectly, at the right parts. You feel amazing, and pretty.
as you walk out of the bathroom, Yunjin cheers you on. “Oh my gosh. You look absolutely stunning. You’re definitely wearing this.” You blush at her compliments, and thank her.
“this is my first date… I don’t know how to make a good impression…” you sulk at your sudden realization, with your head down, almost like when a puppy is wronged.
“ don’t worry girl, I’ve got your back. Let’s practice being confident, okay?” She reassures you. You look up at her and nod. Yunjin was always trusted in these type of things. That’s why she had so many friends.
you and sunghoon have been texting non stop since you had given him your number. Sunghoon told you that his friend Jake had started the conversation because he was scared, and you laughed at that.
Every day, day through night, you both texted each other. You were both around the same ages, and had very common interests with each other. Almost like soulmates.
tomorrow was the date, and you both had planned everything out. You hoped it went exactly like planned, or else you would be doomed. It would’ve been really awkward if you had nothing to talk about.
you hung the dress up by your closet, and went to sleep- not before texting sunghoon goodnight, and a see you tomorrow! 🤍
you close your eyes and drifts off the dreamland. The exciting day awaits before you.
—date day—
You woke up to your loud alarm ringing. You quickly turn it off and slowly open you eyes, your surroundings filling you. You get out of bed and stretch, and then go get ready. You smile giddily, remembering the events that would happen today.
As you put moisturizer on, you receive a notification. You grab your phone quickly, opening the app the notification came from. It was a text from sunghoon.
sunghoon: I’m excited for today ;)
sunghoon: I can’t wait to see you
you: 😊😊😊
you: me tooo
you blush at his texts and squeal. You get butterflies in your stomach.
The date is toward nighttime, so you have a lot of time to get ready. You put on your outfit, and do your makeup.
He was the one who had insisted on meeting up, so you grab your things and head out the door.
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
once you make it to the restaurant, he hasn’t arrived yet. So you wait at the front.
soon, a sleek black car pulls into the parking lot, and out comes the infamous sunghoon. You inaudibly gasp. He was dress in all black and his hair was done. Heat crawls up your face.
you pretend to be busy on your phone, so it wouldn’t seem as if you’ve been staring at him this whole time. His eyes search for you, and once they find you, he smiles. His eyes crinkle up and his dimple shows. He barely knows you, yet he’s smiling so big every time he sees you.
He walks over to you slowly. You look up from your phone, and smile at him. He stares at you intently. You rip your gaze away from him first.
you are so pretty today that he really couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“hi,” he starts awkwardly. You nod your head and reciprocate his words.
“should we head inside now?” You ask. He snaps out of his daze, and goes in after you.
at the table, you start the conversation. It’s a bit awkward at first, but the two of you warm up to one another quickly. He talks about his hobbies, you talk about yours. But what you found most interesting, was that he was a ice skater. People had called him “the ice prince.”
it matched him so well, based on his personality and face. You listen to every word he said, because his voice was so addicting. You could listen to it forever.
time went by so fast, that’s it was already nighttime. You both had finished eating, and sunghoon paid for the bill. You insisted on paying or maybe splitting the bill, but he denied all of your requests.
The two you you decide to go on a late night walk together to spend more quality time. He held your hand, and even gave you his jacket to wear. He didn’t know where this boldness came from, but he just went along with it. You were so flustered with his actions.
he talked about literally everything to keep the conversation going. You talked about how life is stressful, to exciting, to all sorts of emotions.
when you arrived at a park, he sat you down. He crouched down in front you and took off your heels, then took off his shoes. “It must hurt, right?” He said softly. He looked up at you so enchantingly, that you almost got lost in his eyes.
You nod. Your lips fail to hide the smile that was trying to burst through. Sunghoon smiles too. “thanks hoon.” He blushes at the nickname, and picks up your shoes. He hold your hand again. A comfortable silence fills the air.
“I’ll walk you home.” The male next to you says. You smile at him and nod your head. The night passes so fast, you were pretty much disappointed.
he stands in front of you at your porch and holds both your hands in his. “Today was fun for me.” He confesses.
“ me too.” You agree. “Can we do this again?” He asks. He swings your arms side by side. Another date?
“of course! Just tell me when.” You smile politely at him. Silence fills the air once again. You make eye contact with him. Very slowly, you see him leaning in.
once he’s at a nose to nose length, he mumbles a small, may I? You nod almost immediately, and his lips crash onto yours. your lips mold so perfectly with his that he feels like he’s dreaming. You wrap your arms around his neck, and his automatically go around your waist. The two of you make out for a few seconds before pulling away for a breath of air.
“you’re my first kiss.” He shyly says. You’re shocked. “what? No way that possible. Me too!” You exclaim.
he smiles at you and kisses you once more. You kiss back quickly. When you pull away again, he pulls you into his embrace. “Thank you for this night.” He mumbles into your neck.
he kisses you one more time before you go into your home; not before returning your shoes. Then he shouts, “ Call me! And I’ll see you tomorrow!”
you blow a kiss at him, and walk inside your home. Tomorrow? What’s happening tomorrow? You’ll just wait and see.
Sunghoon is a blushing mess. He walks himself back to his car giddily. He’s still smiling on the way home too. He can’t wait to tell his friends.
when he enters his apartment, he shouts for his friends to come over. “So, how did it goo..?” Jake asks. Sunghoon looks over at him slowly. “It was amazing.”
Jake and heeseung high five Sunghoon. “Nice man!” The night is soon filled with laughter and loud talking.
“and then we kissed.” Sunghoon squeals. Heeseung gasps and hit sunghoon. “Dude when did you get the confidence?!?” sunghoon rubs his arm where heeseung had hit him.
“maybe it just comes up when I’m with her.” Sunghoon shrugs. The trio squeals together. “I’m gonna sleep so good tonight.” Sunghoon sighs.
You on the other hand, is calling and telling Yunjin about everything that happened.
“he kissed me! Can you believe that?!?” You exclaim happily. Yunjin gasps. “Girl, you are so lucky.” You nod.
“he said he was gonna see me tomorrow though.”
“he probably has something planned then!” Yunjin exclaims. “That’s so exciting. I’ll help you pick out your outfit. I’ll see you tomorrow too then?”
“yes of course!” You nod. The both of you, you and sunghoon, both ramble about everything that had happened today to your friends.
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
The next day, you wake up from an incoming call. You pick up tiredly.
“hello..?” You groggily say. “Oh I’m sorry did I wake you?” A familiar voice speaks.
you sit up immediately and look at the caller id. It was sunghoon. You clear your throat, “oh of course not! I was just doing something.” You lie. You cringe at yourself for waking up so late.
“oh, then can I pick you up later?” He asks out of the blue. You freeze. Is this what he meant by “see you tomorrow?” Oh gosh. You do want to see him again though. “Oh- oh yeah of course. I’ll go get ready then.” You try to sound as neutral as possible, but inside you were screaming.
sunghoon hums, then ends the call first. You hurriedly pick an outfit, brush your teeth, and fix your hair. You pick a pair of baggy jeans, and a cute brown puffer. You run to the kitchen the make toast.
A few minutes later, a knock is heard from your front door. You wipe the excess crumbs off of your mouth and walk slowly to the door. You look through the peep hole- and it’s sunghoon. You smile as you swing the door open.
he pulls you into his embrace and you immediately hug him back. “Hey pretty.” He smirks. You blush and look down. A hand comes to your chin and lifts your head back up.
“aren’t you gonna greet your handsome boyfriend?” He teases. Boyfriend!? Your flustered at the nickname he gave himself. “h-hi sunghoon.” You stutter. Your face is red and you are so so so embarrassed. “Come on, let’s go.” Sunghoon says. He knows that you were flustered by him, and he smiles to himself.
“Where are we going today?” You ask. Sunghoon smiles. “You’ll see when we get there. It’s a surprise.”
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
“an ice rink?!?” You exclaim. You look at sunghoon excitedly. “Yeah, you seemed most interested in the topic of ice skating when we were talking yesterday.” You nod.
“you sure are an observant person.” You mumble. Sunghoon leads you the the skates after paying to go in. You choose your sizes, and sit down on the benches.
“here, let me help you.” Sunghoon crouches down in front of you, and ties your laces. Heat crawls up your face once again. Sunghoon looks up at you and steals a quick peck.
“hey! I wasn’t ready for that!” You whine, slapping his arm playfully. He smirks down at you.
you both walk into the rink and then you suddenly confess, “I’m not good at ice skating.” Sunghoon smiles at you, “good. Then I’ll teach you.”
he hold your hands and starts off slowly, while you wobble about trying to keep your balance. You apologize for gripping his arms so tight.
later on, you had gotten the hang of gliding around. But when you were trying to catch up to sunghoon, someone had bumped into you. You fall of your butt, and you hiss in pain. You look up at the person who had bumped into you.
“oh my gosh, are you okay? I’m so sorry, I wasnt controlling my speed.” A rather handsome man says. “Im fine, don’t worry about it.” You smile.
sunghoon grit his teeth and skates over to you. He helps you up and asks worriedly, “ are you hurt anywhere?!?” And you just respond with “I’m okay”s and “I’m fine”s. Sunghoon glares at the male that had bumped into you. He was still standing there, feeling guilty of his mistake. Once he saw sunghoons glare, he quickly skated away.
Sunghoon turns back to you and looks you up and down for any cuts or bruises. until he looks at your hand. There’s a cut there with a drop of blood streaming down. His eye widen, and he quickly pulls you out of the rink.
he grabs his bag and grabs his first aid kit. You find him so cute that he was worried over a small cut that you didn’t even notice at all. You giggle to yourself at his actions. He looks up from your now bandaged finger with furrowed eyebrows, confused.
“why are you laughing?” He mumbles. “Your just so cute.” You giggle once again. Sunghoon smiles at that, and kisses your injured finger. “Now it’s all better.” He smiles.
“thank you hoon.” He blushed at the nickname you gave him once again. You peck his cheek in thanks. Now the both of you are blushing messes.
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
you invite sunghoon over to your house for dinner. He gives you little kisses every now and then while you cook, and back hugs you. You’re very grateful to finally have a boyfriend.
Once the food is ready, sunghoon helps set up the table. He pulls out your chair for you, and you sit down. He smiles at you from across the table.
after your dinner, he insists on washing the dishes. The two of you decide to watch a movie after, to spend more time together.
The night is filled with small talks and giggles from one another.
the next morning, you wake up with sunghoon next to you. His arms are tightly wrapped around your waist, his legs tangled with yours, and you are face to face with him. You inaudibly gasp, remembering the events prior.
he had taken a shower at your place, and slept over. He had borrowed a few of your oversized things that you didn’t wear at all. You think, nothing sexual had happened. You turn your head back to sunghoons, and take this chance to admire his sleeping features.
His eyes suddenly flutter open, and once he takes notes of his surroundings, he smiles. He stares back at you. “What are you looking at?” He groggily says. You giggle and hide your face into his neck.
“I gotta head to the grocery shop soon.” You mumble into his ear. He hums. “Then I’ll come with you.” you nod at his answer and then try to pry his arms off of your waist. He only hugs you tighter. “Just 5 more minutes?” He asks. You can’t say no to his cute doe eyes and his little pout.
5 minutes turns into 10, then turns into 25. You groan, and finally push his warm body off of you. Cool air hits your body, and you shiver. You run to the bathroom to get ready. While putting on an outfit, you process everything that has happened. You giggle to yourself.
you walk back into your room, and kiss sunghoons forehead. “I’ll make breakfast.” You whisper.
Sunghoon smiles to himself, and snuggles into your pillow, whiffing in your soft scent.
A bit later, sunghoon rises out of your bed. He walks to the kitchen to find you, but you weren’t there. Worried thoughts filled his head, until he heard your voice behind him. “Why are you just standing there? Go brush your teeth.” You slightly scold. He turns around at your voice, and runs up to you.
“I thought something happened to you.” He mumbles, while giving you a big bear hug. You smile to yourself. “Go get changed too, we’re gonna go shopping later.” You pat his back. He lifts his head from your shoulder, gives you a peck. and goes to the bathroom. you grimace at the morning breath, and head into your room to pick some clothes out for him.
Once you both finish eating, you grab your car keys. “Let’s go.” You say. Sunghoon takes hyoid keys from you. “I’m the one driving. You’re my passenger princess.” He winks.
You smile at him, and go out the door.
.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
At the grocery store, sunghoon follows you around like a lost puppy. The cart screeches to a stop. You turn to face him. “You should go buy something.” You say. He stops in his tracks in front of you. He grumbles, and then falls into your embrace.
you wrap your arms around him to catch him. Was he tired? You pat his back a few times. “Let’s go home soon hmm?” you whisper. You feel him nod in your shoulder. You smile and pull away from him.
“I’ll just need a few things more and we’ll go home.” You hurry to get your items, and check out. Sunghoon chooses a few of his favorite snacks, and you both drive back to your place.
once you come home, you sit onto the couch. Sunghoon folllows your actions, and lies onto your lap. You play with his hair, and he sighs in contentment at your touch.
He soon falls asleep on your lap. You smile, and grab your phone to take a picture. After a few snaps, you go to sleep right after him, laying on the couch arm. He slightly wakes up at your movements, and crawls on top of you to lie on your chest. Your hand goes back up to his hair unconciously.
the two of you float into dreamland. You could not want anything more than this.
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velvets-stuff · 5 months
Eeeey, someone sent me an ask asking me about fun facts about the brothers in fish in a birdcage AU, but things happened and the ask was deleted, that's why I'm answering it here!
little facts are always fun to do. (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)
The first thing that comes to mind about this Martin is the way he chooses his nicknames for others, since Martin uses names of birds or fish, I will borrow the brothers from the epilogue AU to use them as an example (small apology Kazzy , it is for a greater good 🙏)... F.B!Martin possibly calls Epilogue!M “owl” because of the relationship with witchcraft that these animals have, although mainly because of the wise appearance that they have and that would remind him of that M, on the other hand, he would call Epilogue!C something like “Koi” for the Koi fish since the white and orange-reddish colors of the fish would be somewhat similar to the mark/tattoo on this C's face... with those examples I think you already understand how it works, F.B!Martin will take some element/characteristic of someone (almost always superficial) and compare it to a bird or fish 👀.
F.B!Martin is awful at babysitting, If he is put to take care of a child, it is almost guaranteed that the child will end up crying, and who will be the guilty? Definitely not the weird guy who enjoys making cruel jokes and is terrifying by nature 😀
Speaking of cruel jokes, Martin has a somewhat dark sense of humor, not in the sense that it is funny black humor, but rather that it is already unpleasant and cruel, in addition to the fact that he is generally bad at jokes, so it is practically It is impossible for anyone to laugh at his jokes 💀
In general Martin, although charismatic, does come across as rude, especially this is shown since Martin KNOWS that his jokes are not funny and tells them anyway, a little in the hope that someone will laugh, but mostly because he doesn't care. “Didn't you think it was funny? I don't care!!”
I forgot to put this in the official reference image of F.B!Martin (I'll change it when I can), but Martin canonically has a missing tooth, there is no super epic or tragic story that accompanies that, it is simply a characteristic of his design.
Sometimes, on rare occasions, Martin makes normal/non-cruel jokes, and on much rarer occasions these jokes are actually funny.
He doesn't have a bad memory, but over time he has come to forget some things, mainly the universes where he has been but also some things about his original universe, like the voices of his friends and loved ones...
This poor man has never seen the stars in his life 💀, in his original universe there was a lot of light pollution and therefore when it was night the starry sky did not exist, perhaps he could partially see the moon but nothing really impressive, therefore one of the Things he would like to do (after getting revenge on F.B! Martin obviously xd) is to see the starry sky for the first time, and if he's lucky even see a shooting star 👀
Chris bites, no, that's not a way of saying, it's not an exaggeration, he LITERALLY BITES, although he normally defends himself like any other person (with fists and weapons(?), if you're close enough, the first thing he probably does is make it bite you.
Martin calls him “Magpie”, he still doesn't know why.
Chris likes to collect precious stones, although it is enough for him that they look pretty (and if they shine better), therefore he has a small jar with stones in his bag.
The scarf he wears used to belong to his older brother (the Martin of his original universe), it was the only thing left of him, therefore he has a lot of appreciation for that scarf, to the point that he can become somewhat possessive or aggressive.
He doesn't like to read, not for the reasons you may think, but because, for some reason, Chris can't imagine the scenes that the books tell, he only sees the letters, so he ends up getting bored.
On the contrary, Chris likes drawing more, watching movies or even audiobooks, anything where he doesn't have to read something will be more interesting to him.
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crappyyuki · 2 months
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Not Zenonia 3 this time. Thank Argos.
It's the squad! Regretism if you will. Regret mitosed! Kidding. He didn't. Sorta.
Pretty sure I already explained why there's four Regrets in another post. But to summarize, Regret kinda fractured his essence so that Shaturu wouldn't be able to get all of his power.
Does that mean that Shaturu has some of his power? Absolutely. But without the Ladon power part. Ladon's power is passed on to the next Regret trying to save the world because he would be dead without it. So in this case, Slayer Regret has it.
I also nicknamed them. Druid is Drew, Ranger is Ray, Blader is Blade—so creative I know—and finally Slayer as Adas because of reasons.
Did I mention that Drew is from loop 1? And that loop 0 Regret is also a thing? And that he's half of all Regret's existence? And how that means that the Regret squad is only using half of their power and splitting it apart because they don't want Shaturu to absorb all of them? And that means that Slayer is just a quarter of Regret? If not, here ya go!
Wonder how the dark power is balanced when Regret isn't whole? Hmm...
Oh yeah. Drew has a bone mask while Ray has a fedora. Didn't draw them because I was lazy. I also apparently forgot Adas' scarf. Woops. That's why Blade was looking more detailed than the others. My bad.
I imagine Drew being the mischievous lazy one. He likes pranking people and trolling Shaturu when he gets a bit close to finding him. He's not active that much in his run because he doesn't really know what he's doing yet. He's trying to find the opportunity to strike and thinks that he can take Shaturu on his own but uh, that didn't work out too well. He got caught. So he cut up his leg to get away from Shaturu.
While Drew is devious and arrogant, Ray is not. He's a bit more calculating and solemn. He's the quiet type to contemplate on what to do next. Too much in fact that Anya almost got killed. So, finally being decisive, Ray decides to sacrifice himself so Anya can escape because she's their only hope now. He gets tortured. Very badly. Hence why he's asleep, again.
Blade is serious. Very serious and very reckless despite being the monotone constant poker face one. With Ray being indecisive, Blade is the impulsive one. Rushing through things and destroying the Mark of Ladons quicker than the others. He's getting sick and tired of the loop and so is Shaturu. Everyone is killed. Shaturu gets the taste of Blade's fury. The whole shebang.
Now Adas. Uh. He's a mess. Being a quarter of yourself plus with every other Regret's memories (read: trauma) showing up in fragments does a lot to your mental state. While every Regret did things solo, he accidentally gets adopted by the Royal Knights and is held captive (affectionate). He gets to make connections and friendships so when he fails to defeat Shaturu, he gets help not only from Chael but also from Ruira and Haz because they aren't commanders for nothing. Much like Drew and also Ray, he doesn't know what he's doing. More than that, he doesn't know what's going on most of the time. He just knows that he has to kill something, save people, and live. He's just vibing most of the time. In constant panic. Like a chihuahua. That's probably why he got adopted.
So to recap, devious overconfidence, calculating indecisiveness, impatient frustration, then panic confusion.
What a lovely friend group.
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Betrayal story - part 4
Look, the story has a name (hopefully I’ll come up with a better one later)! And the characters do too!
Anyways, if someone hasn’t seen the picrews (it’s here if you want to), Whumpee is now Liam Beaumont, Caretaker is Chase Raymond and Whumper is Jonah Sharpe. If you have trouble remembering: Caretaker still starts with a C no I totally didn’t give him a name that starts with a C on purpose what are you talking about and I think you’ll get very different vibes from Liam and Jonah haha
CW: electric torture, forced to watch, whumpee held hostage, hurt no comfort (for now), restraints
tagging  @thelazywitchphotographer @swift-perseides @whump-it-like-its-hot  @sunflower1000  @msrandonstuff @fromtheo-withlove  @boxofsilence  @lionhxartx @sometouchofmadness @paleassprince
Part one here, continued from here
Twelve messages wait for Chase when he picks up his phone. All from Jonah, all demanding him to work quicker, to give in new information faster. He purses his lips and takes a deep breath, clutching the new drive he was given to fill. 
After so many betrayals, he should be used to the sting that comes along with lying and deceiving. He’s done it before, felt that guilt, drowned in it – and yet he can’t help but hesitate. Liam’s pale lips, creased brows, shallow breaths, sparkle to life in his mind, a painful reminder of what is at stake if he annoys Jonah too much. Right beside Liam’s face, though, are the ones of Chase’s team, his friends, his family, all trusting smiles and loving gazes he cannot ignore. It’s enough for him to type a message and turn off the phone.
Working on it, Chase sends and hopes it is enough to keep the man quiet for at least another day as he turns his computer on and starts erasing from the drive the most meaningful information he’s stolen.
When Jonah bursts into his room, Liam is almost happy to see him. Five days have passed since he’s woken up in a room instead of the cell, and all he’s had since then is loneliness and echoing silence. With the only human interaction he was given being the occasional visit from a nurse who gave him a clinical once-over and refused to so much as look him in the eye, it was no real surprise when his thoughts spiraled out of control, swirling around and sinking down between Chase’s inevitable and yet somehow unexpected betrayal, and his new status as a hostage. 
“Doing better?” Jonah asks, leaning against the doorframe. Liam’s heart pounds both in relief and terror at the sound of a voice that isn’t his own.
“Do you care?”
“Getting some rest got your tongue loose, I see.”
“Why are you keeping me here?” That’s the question that’s been eating him alive, disrupting his sleep, watering his fear into a blossoming flower of dread that grows and suffocates any hope that tries to bloom beside it. Each answer Liam’s imagined sounds worst than the last, but if there is truth in any of them, he has to know. To prepare. 
“We talked about this already, didn’t we?”
Jonah’s eyes are as cold as he remembers from their few encounters, but this time something lurking there whispers stories of anger and pain to come, and that alone is enough to raise goosebumps along his entire body. 
“What do you want to let me go?” What could he have to give a man who is already filthy rich, when Liam has nothing to offer but a cramped apartment and a lot of resentment?
“Nothing you can offer, lovely,” Jonah chuckles. “Fair try, though.”
But nothing about this is fair, in any possible way. “So you are just going to keep me here because you don’t like Chase? I have nothing to do with him, please just let me the fuck go and I won’t even tell anyone, you–“
“Liam, honey, let us clear something up. There is nothing you can do to convince me to let you go. All you can do is comply, and maybe I’ll be merciful if you do, but you are mine for the time being, and there is no one here to help you but me.”
Liam’s reply dies on his tongue, killed by the unrestricted horror the words wash him over with. It doesn’t sound real. Sounds like something he’d watch in a movie, read in a book, hear about on the news. To hear them directed at him and feel the pulsating response from the healing stab wound in his gut, makes him hold his breath and pray to just wake up from this nightmare. When did his life turn into this? Was it when he met Chase? Was it before? 
“Now that that’s out of the way, come on, we have somewhere to go today.”
Liam’s stomach drops to the ground, farther, falling and falling to the center of the Earth as he clenches the sheets in his fists and hisses, “Last time you said that, you locked me up until I got an infection.”
“Ha, that was fun, wasn’t it?” Jonah says, raising a brow. Liam doesn’t even blink at the grin playing on his lips. “Don’t worry, love, I don’t make the same mistake twice. We’re having a different kind of fun today. Up now, or I’ll call my men to do it for you.”
Gritting his teeth, Liam pushes the sheets away and slowly stands up, holding his side and fighting a groan, but on his feet without help.
They walk in silence, and neither Jonah nor the guards say anything about how slow he is, or how terribly pitiful he looks stumbling through the hallways. A thousand words speed through his brain, pleading to be heard, but he doesn’t voice any of his questions. Doesn’t think he’d get an answer if he did, anyway.
He is led into a nearly barren room, with only a camera over a tripod standing in front of a wooden chair. A wooden chair surrounded by restraints.
He takes a step back before his brain catches up with the movement, straight against a guards’ chest. Jonah giggles and tuts softly. 
Two men grab his arms and drag him to the chair, and the panic suddenly becomes so deep, so all-encompassing, it swallows down his fight. He is pushed down on the chair, the restraints are buckled around him until all Liam can move is his head, and all the while he just sits there, hyperventilating and near to tears, as still as a statue. Watching but never moving, terrified but frozen in place, petrified, and he hates himself for it, even if he knows the feeling should be directed at Jonah and Jonah alone.
“Well, I didn’t know you’d be so pliable, sweetheart,” Jonah mocks, setting the camera up. “I would’ve played with you sooner had I known.”
He parts his lips, but the words refuse to form. Fear envelops each of them before Liam can push them through gritted teeth, and all he does is stare at the guards surrounding him, at the cold stickers being placed on his arms, his shoulders, his hands. Liam shivers, but there’s no air current here.
“Why, why, why are you doing this?” he chokes out. He knows what’s about to happen, has seen it on television enough times to recognize the electrodes, the box placed next to the chair. 
“Because Chase pissed me off today,” he shrugs, and a red light blinks to life in front of the camera. Jonah walks toward him, stops in front of the chair, and smiles. Liam’s eyes are blown wide as he stares up at the man. “Has Chase ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?”
The weight on his stomach is so huge that Liam can’t even find energy enough to feel outraged.
Jonah pulls out a linen scarf from his pocket as the guards plug wires to each sticker and wiggles it in front of Liam’s face. “Here, I’d bite down on this if I were you.” When he fails to open his mouth, the man rolls his eyes and grabs his cheeks, squeezing so suddenly and cruelly his mouth opens without command and the scarf is shoved inside, making him gag. “Not that well behaved, huh. No problem, we have time to get you obeying.”
When the guards take a step away, Liam finds himself wishing they didn’t. 
“Smile at the camera, love,” Jonah says, stepping to the side so Liam is the only one being recorded. He stares straight at the lens and tries to draw in a deep breath.
He knows it is coming. He prepares for it. And then Jonah flips a switch, and there’s no preparing for pain so big, for agony so deep.
The world shatters around him as electricity lights up his body, turns him inside out, upside down, and no breath could’ve ever made this any better. There’s no air to breathe, no room to writhe, no place to escape. There is only pain, boundless and searing, here and now, splitting him into thousands of shards he can never hope to piece back together.
And then it stops, and his throat is raw but he doesn’t remember screaming and his chest heaves as he fights for air and tears fall from his eyes to his chin to his chest but he doesn’t remember crying either.
“Beautiful,” Jonah sighs somewhere close. Liam coughs and chokes on his own tears, trying to beg or maybe cry out, but whatever his mouth forms gets caught on the gag before it reaches anyone’s ears.
Please please please stop, it hurts, hurts so much, so, so much, please, please–
“Let’s go again.”
Liam doesn’t have time to even be scared before his world dissolves into burning agony once more. All he can do is scream and silently plead for help he knows isn’t coming.
When Chase turns on the phone, his heart nearly stops at the video awaiting him.
Two hours have passed. After five days of trying to convince that despicable man to let him see Liam and failing miserably, barely sleeping, worry and guilt eating at his insides, he fell asleep. He forgot. For one hundred and twenty minutes he allowed himself to rest, and now he is paid with Liam’s frozen image staring at him, waiting on Jonah’s chat, along with one single line of text that chills him to the bone.
This is for turning off the phone.
He clicks and feels a chasm opening in his gut when Liam fills the screen, strapped to a chair, scared eyes darting around a room Chase can’t see through the video, searching for an escape that is nowhere to be found, stopping on each electrode that is stuck to his body. The fear is clear as crystal on his face. It makes Chase’s heart squeeze until his chest is so tight he places a hand there, afraid to find it as hollow as he feels. Liam doesn’t talk, doesn’t scream, doesn’t beg. He simply blinks at the men towering over him and doesn’t ask for help, and that might be what truly undoes Chase.
And then Jonah turns on the switch, and Liam’s head snaps back, body contorting against restraints so tight there’s no room for him the thrash. Even through the gag, he screams, and Chase would scream as well if he wasn’t too busy gripping the phone as if his life depended on it, trying to steady his trembling hands.
When the shock stops, Liam’s face is tear-stained and exhausted, sobs wracking his body and ripping apart Chase’s soul. 
His fault.
It is his fault. After everything, after betraying Liam into not trusting anyone, after losing the boy who might’ve been the love of his life, after being responsible for his stabbing, his kidnapping, after everything–
The switch is turned on again, and this time when Liam screams, Chase’s eyes well up with tears he has no right to cry. A kind of rotten helplessness takes over his body, its clawed fingers wrapping around his arms, his legs, his heart and squeezing, whispering and shouting his failure, his guilt, his powerlessness. His eyes plead to close, but he needs to see this. It is his fault, his burden, and if Liam was forced through it, he has to at least watch it to the end. If anything, to know he’s still alive.
It lasts longer the second time. A life. His useless life. Liam convulses and cries and howls, and if Chase could only take the pain to himself, he would. He would switch places with Liam in the blink of an eye. He is the one who deserves that pain. He is the one who betrays and hurts and destroys anything he touches, and it should be him, not the boy who smiles at the sunrise and cries over books and dreams about changing the world. 
He stares unblinking at the screen and watches in silence as electricity courses again and again through that body he had once held and thought about spending a life beside, fogging those eyes that used to engulf him in love, twisting that face he once kissed and touched and loved into one of raw despair. Each time it stops, neither of them has time to catch their breath before it starts again. After the third time, Liam doesn’t cry out anymore. His voice breaks in a ragged wail until it dies down and all that’s left are silent sobs.
When the video ends, Chase is nearly numb. The last image shows Liam’s head hanging forward as he struggles to breathe, Jonah’s fingers casually carding through his sweaty hair.
Chase is out of his house before his brain even processes what he’s doing, inside his car, driving to Jonah’s building in a blur of hatred and desperation. When he parks in front of the tower, the phone buzzes and he doesn’t hesitate to read it. Not anymore. Never again.
You lost visit privileges. Leave the drive with the guard at the door and keep in touch. 
With Liam’s screams still ringing inside his mind, forever trapped there, he doesn’t dare do anything other than what he is told. He gives the guard the flash drive, and for the first time in years, he prays. Because if anyone notices the most important files missing… he can’t bear the thought of what could be done to Liam in retribution. 
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startanewdream · 3 years
Into her sleep
This is me writing Hinny smut (or any kind of smut) for the first time, so, you know, be gentle?  Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated!
And because I can’t write pure happiness, it’s more of an wankst (wangst?) than anything else.
Summary: “...after a while Harry found himself taking it out simply to stare at Ginny's name in the girl's dormitory, wondering whether the intensity with which he gazed at it might break into her sleep, that she would somehow know he was thinking about her, hoping that she was all right.”
In which, unlike Harry thought, Ginny was not sleeping.
Rated M, so below the cut:
It’s well past midnight when Ginny finally finishes her shower and leaves the bathroom. For a few seconds, she just stands on the door, hearing the soft breaths of her sleeping friends, but her eyes are on the two empty beds. Anne and Janet didn’t return to Hogwarts this year. They are both Muggleborns; she hopes, as she does every time she sees their beds, that they just fled with their families.
The alternative is too painful to think about.
And if there is something Ginny’s been understanding lately is pain.
Not that she should be complaining today. By Alecto Carrow’s standards, her detention was easy, but then Alecto is much more smooth than her brothers. Alecto likes her venomous words and, unfortunately, she had finally heard more about Ginny’s relationship with Harry.
Ginny supposes she was lucky if there is such a thing in her life now. But she had three free months in Hogwarts without the Carrows knowing more of her connection with Harry than the fact that her family was close with him; why Snape didn’t mention it to them - or why he didn’t question her himself - she is too tired to guess.
She should’ve known there was something weird when she entered that room on the fifth floor and Alecto was waiting for her with a sweet smile. Ginny had faced other detentions with Alecto - she’d endured a few rounds of the Cruciatus Curse, had felt the pain of a quill cutting her skin, had blacked out once after being thrown in the room - but she had never feared Alecto as then, with that smile that did not fit the room with chains and spots of blood.
‘You’ll clean up today. Muggle style, since you love them so much’, Alecto had said, pointing to a bucket and a mop.
After so many detentions, Ginny just nodded. She knew that her silence annoyed the Carrows more than when she’d scream to them, so she just concentrated on her task, trying to stop her thoughts of who had been bloodied in that room. Not a pure-blood, sure, they were so protective of them. Maybe a First Year, someone who was as innocent as she'd been before the darkness had tried to wrap her…
‘I heard you used to date Harry Potter’, Alecto said then, and when Ginny didn’t answer, she snorted. ‘Maybe you forgot to mention early when I asked you about him’.
Ginny tried to control her breathing. She’d know a moment like that would come up sometime.
‘It was nothing’, she said without looking up. ‘We were just messing around. He dated other girls’.
The truth is far from it, but Ginny expects her apathy is enough to convince Alecto.
‘I see’, said Alecto and for a second Ginny thought she had believed. ‘So he just used you then he dumped you’.
That was low and they both knew it; there was no good answer for Ginny, so she just kept her head down, trying to clean the floor as fast as she could.
‘Boys are after one thing only, you should have known better’, Alecto continued, and Ginny could hear the mocking tone in her voice, could now understand her sweet smile. This was her real punishment. ‘You’ll be lucky if any Pureblood accepts you after you are… profaned’.
Ginny bit her lips to keep from screaming with so much strength she felt the iron taste of blood on her mouth. Alecto was talking as if Ginny was dirty and no matter the fact that she and Harry never had time to really be together, she knew that nothing she’d ever do with Harry would be stained.
But Alecto didn’t deserve to know anything about her relationship with Harry. That was one thing that nothing - not Tom, not that Dark Regime, not the Carrows - would take away from her. The memory of the way his  green eyes spark when he laughs. That dimple in his face when he’s smiling shyly. The way his hair is even messier after he lands from a flight. The determined expression on his face the first time they kissed. The way his eyes had darkened that night when she’d opened her shirt, had taken out her bra -
Perhaps it was the fact that it happened also in an empty classroom, a lifetime ago, but somehow this specific memory stayed with Ginny, protecting her almost as a Patronus against Alecto’s increasingly obscene comments. It was almost easy to turn off Alecto’s voice and after that, Alecto’s fun seemed to be dispersed. She discharged Ginny with a disdainful look, but Ginny didn’t notice for once; when she met Neville in the Common Room and he looked at her with concern (that’s the only kind of look they share these days), she’d been almost truthful when she told him she was okay.
‘I just need a bath’, said Ginny, and Neville nodded, understanding.
Ginny stayed under the hot water for a long time, as if the heat could clean away the filthiness that the Carrow’s presence always brought to her - it was worse than the blood that made her scrub her hands almost to raw skin, it was their evil dark magic. It reminded her of Tom’s diary and that’s the worst part for Ginny.
So she concentrated on her memories of Harry, letting the pure raw emotions she’d felt with him draw the heaviness of the day away.
It had worked for her shower, but as Ginny lays down on her bed, closing the curtains around her except for an opening where the moonlight enters, the stress returns as always.
She is tired and she feels tired. She can’t complain, though, because people look up to her to not give up. Neville and Luna are counting on her as much as she’s counting on them. Neither can fall.
But somehow Alecto Carrow’s voice still echoes in her mind and Ginny closes her fists, feeling her fingernails in her flesh, using the pain to draw away Alecto’s laugh that Harry used and dumped her.
‘No’, she whispers, hearing her voice. Her voice is real. Her relationship with Harry was - is - real. ‘He cares for me’.
She repeats it to herself as many times as she can, until Alecto’s voice is far away in her mind, no more than an annoying fly. Quietly, Ginny takes the Gryffindor scarf she always keeps by her bedside and hugs it close to her body, feeling  its scent.
Even after five months, the scarf still has Harry’s scent.
She sniffs it, letting that musky smell fill her nostril, until she shamelessly wraps the scarf around one of her pillows, hugging it, pretending it’s Harry she’s with. It’s only imagination, of course - she doesn’t have a memory of sleeping like this with Harry, but she wonders if he would cuddle her, if she would caress his hair until he falls asleep first, if he would wake her with soft kisses - she likes to think she would giggle them, marvelling at the fact they were together...
That’s what hurts her the most. All the questions that she doesn’t have an answer to only because there wasn’t enough time.
When these thoughts come, Ginny admonishes herself. Be grateful for what you had together, she says firmly, and waits for what will come in the future. She can do both.
She bits her lips carefully to not reopen her wound, and she hesitates just one second before grabbing her wand from below her pillow.
‘Muffliato!’, she whispers, pointing from one occupied bed then to the other one, her mind already remembering Harry casting the same spell after pushing her to that deserted classroom seven months ago. Her heart beats faster, just as it had then, thrilled by the fact that Harry was the one being bold then.
He’d been so innocent at first, so careful with her and with her boundaries that in the first weeks it was Ginny that had been the one to pull him into empty broom cupboards, who had coached him to wait for her in the Common Room so they could have a moment together alone on that couch in front of the fireplace.
But that night Harry was the one who had searched for her in the library and had called her for a night stroll. Ginny had accepted eagerly and it had been so worthy.
She touches her lips, feeling the ghost of Harry’s mouth over hers - the moment the door had closed, Harry had spent two seconds casting a protective spell on the door and then he’d kissed her as if he’d stayed away from her for years rather than since breakfast. His mouth had been hungry, demanding, and for once it was Ginny that was matching his excitement instead of the other way around.
‘I’ve missed you so much’, he’d whispered, his mouth inches from hers only enough so those words could slip away, and even then it had sounded more as groan than anything.
Their time together had been scarcely on these last few days, with her exams starting and Harry not wanting to disturb her in this final stage. They had barely a time together - other than a good morning kiss and a brush of lips before she went to bed, exhausted, and Harry had not once complained; he was too noble for that.
The fact that he was asking - almost demanding - a few minutes for them - of her - brought Ginny an elation she’d missed amongst all stress from her exams.
Ginny remembers how she had pressed herself even closer to Harry, and how he had lifted her until she was sitting in one of the tables, with him standing in front of her, their heads for once in the same level. It had been exhilarating, but she had wanted more back then and she wants more now.
Just like that day, her hand trembles slightly when she opens the button of  her shirt. With her eyes closed, she can visualize how Harry’s eyes had widened when she took off her shirt, then had darkened when she had removed her bra; he had seemed so torn between his evident desire and his nobility. He had already felt her up during their fumblings on broom cupboards, both above and below her blouse, but this was the first time he was really seeing her naked skin and Ginny would have hexed him mercilessly if he’d dared ruin the moment. Harry didn’t.
She takes off her shirt and the light breeze makes her nipples harden, just how it happened then - or maybe then it was the pure adoration in Harry’s eyes, how he seemed entranced beyond words seeing her naked chest. With an almighty effort, he’d looked in her eyes, asking silently, desperately, if he could touch her, and she had nodded in silence.
Her hand cups her breast, just like Harry did; her hand is less warm than Harry’s had been, but it doesn’t matter. She can reproduce how he’d touched her, carefully as if he thought he could break her - as if he couldn't see the shivers his touch was causing -, before his thumb caressed her nipple; just as before, she lets out a soft moan and the sound excites her now as much as it seemed to excite Harry. Now both of her hands are cupping her breasts, playing with the nipples, letting small waves of excitement flow through her.
She can’t reproduce what Harry did then - how he’d lowered his head until he was kissing her neck, then her collarbone, then the top of her breasts as he’d already done before, enjoying the cleavage of her summer top. But Harry had lowered his head even more, not stopping his kisses, until he’d taken her nipple in his mouth and pleasure had left her out of breath for a few moments, as if there wasn’t anything else in the world but the feeling of his tongue teasing her nipple, his mouth sucking it lightly then harder. She had moaned, not caring of how she had sounded, and Harry seemed to correctly take that as approval; his other hand had gone back to cup her breast, squeezing with the same amount of gentleness and roughness and -
And then they had stopped because there were sounds outside the door and they had thirty seconds - during which Harry thrown his Invisibility Cloak above them - before Filch had opened the door and looked around with mistrust.
But just as Ginny cannot reproduce Harry’s mouth on her nipples, she also doesn’t need to stop now. She wishes there were memories - she certainly tried on his birthday -, but if there aren’t, then she can let her imagination take over of what it would have happened if no one had interrupted.
She lowers her hand, below her waist that Harry had enjoyed holding while they kissed, until her hand slips under her panties. She is not as wet as she can be, but she imagines how Harry would be patient, how he’d be so gentlemanly touching her carefully until he was sure he wasn’t crossing any limits she wasn’t comfortable with.
She touches her more sensible spot, feeling another wave of pleasure, and she wishes it was Harry - with his calloused hands, long Seeker fingers - touching her now, making those gentle circles that make her want more. He wouldn’t know exactly what spot she liked most, but Ginny could show him - and Harry would be an eager student, a fast learner.
If they weren’t interrupted, she thinks she would let him touch her even more; perhaps she would touch him as well, would let him ease the tension and hardness she’d felt during their most passionate make-out sessions. Harry had wanted her, that she knew. She imagines she was still on that table, with Harry standing between her open legs; if she would move her body just a bit forward, she could rub herself on him - Harry would be the one moaning then - and Ginny pretends it’s this she is doing instead of using her fingers.
She slips her finger forward, inside, and now she’s wet, she’s ready for him. She doesn’t think they would go all the way then - Harry would want something far more special than a quickie in an empty classroom -, but she can pretend they are meeting there again, that this is just the umpteenth time that they are doing it, that they can lose themselves in each other. It can be rough, it can be desperate.
She can imagine Harry inside her, how he’d groan and how she’d be moaning with the feeling of him, alive and heart beating and thrusting into her, filling her. She can’t reproduce a feeling she’s only imagining how it would feel, but it doesn’t really matter. She slips out her finger, letting her attention focus on her clit, on that spot where she knows how to touch, how to make her come; for everything else, she and Harry will have time later, and anyway she thinks he wouldn’t mind seeing her giving herself some pleasure. He’d enjoyed it, because that’s who Harry is.
Her fingers move faster in that circle, her breath now coming in short intakes, unstable, and she presses her eyes even more, imagining Harry kissing desperately her lips while he too moves faster, how he’d warn her that he was so close and how she’d kiss him, looking at the desire in his face that matched hers, and say it was okay. She too was close.
For a second Ginny is so fixed on the image of Harry, his brows furrowed while he tries to last a bit longer waiting for her - he’d always wait for her -, that her coming almost surprises her. That final fatal wave of pleasure washes over her and she moans loudly his name - Harry, Harry, Harry - until she feels adrift in the space, as if the only thing connecting her to the world is her finger still touching her clit, pulsing - and Harry, who’d thrust once more and then he’d come, crying her name like a prayer, pleasure and bliss written all over his face.
He’d pressed his lips fervently to hers, unable to properly kiss her; they would hug, hearing each other’s heavy breathes, feeling their racing hearts slowly calming down, and she’d hear Harry whispering to her: Open your eyes, Ginny.
She obeys him without thinking, but all she can see is the canopy of her bed. Harry is not there with her and suddenly everything comes back to her.
She is alone and Harry is just in her imagination. They are even dating anymore. Harry is out there, lost or hurt - never dead, because that is a thought she never lets herself even conjure -, not knowing that Ginny is in Hogwarts dreaming about him, wishing he returns safe, missing him as if he took with him a part of her.
The last bit of that wondrous bliss leaves her and Ginny dries her moist eyes, hating the tears that doesn’t fall. She hugs the pillow with Harry's scarf, closing her eyes and letting herself pretend they are just cuddling, protected in each other's arms.
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justash02 · 4 years
TXT reaction;
Type of soulmates you two are~
Plot; In a world where everyone has soulmates most of the people have different kinds of soulmates qualities.
Find all my k-pop work here -> masterlist
Requests are; open! Please dm me if you have any❤️
A/N: I’m sorry, I know this is shit. But I’m on vacation now and I wanted to write for a bit.
Choi Yeonjun;
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Having each other’s first name on the others wrist;
He has such a beautiful name, when you turned sixteen his name appeared onto your wrist and you wondered if he thought about your name like you do about his.
You started thinking about what he could possibly be like... was he kind? Active? Maybe introverted? Or maybe very out going?
Does he like drawing? Or is he maybe more into music? What would his eye color be?
You sighed and leaned back against the seat, you looked around the bus and saw it was packed up, the only spot free was next to you. Lucky me, I guess.
You felt the bus coming to a stop as boy who looked around your age walked in, your eyes met his as he smiled. Quickly you grabbed your bag off of the seat next to you and pointed to it for the boy to sit on.
The boy quickly walked over to you as the bus started moving. luckily he came to the spot without tripping and sat down next to you.
A wave of sweet cologne filled your nose making you immediately feel addicted to this boy, you smiled softly at him before turning back to the window.
Even though he seemed nice you always feel like you’re a burden to people, you felt your mark itch, you looked at it before scratching it a bit.
You pouted and just decided to ignore it as the boy next to you probably thought you were a weird person. You could feel his eyes on your mark but didn’t dare to say anything about it.
“I don’t mean to sound rude, but can I ask your name?” His soft voice asked, you looked over at him, his brown eyes looked deep into your soul. You could now tell how pretty he was, he was breath taking.
“Y/n.” As soon as your name rolled of your tongue the boy smiled brightly, “Y/n...” you watched him pull his sleeve up a little bit revealing your own name.
“You’re even more beautiful than I imagined.”
Choi Soobin;
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Black stain on you body where your touch skin to skin with your soulmate for the first time;
Even though you knew that some people also had them you still felt insecure about you black mark, the makers were right on your hands which made it seem like your hands were always filthy.
You let out a softly sigh as you grabbed your bag ready to leave the class room, you watched as some people stared at your hands. But come on, it’s normale for your soulmate to touch your hands right?
You decided to just try and cover you hands up, “Heya!” Suddenly you felt two arms wrap themselfs around your shoulder pulling you onto the person, “Taehyun, I seriously cannot breathe.” You puffed out as the boy pouted.
He let’s you go before he linking his arm with yours, “We’re still on for studying later, right? My mom will have my ass if I don’t.” Taehyun said as you walked down the hall to the cafeteria.
“Yes we are, Tae Tae.” He smiled as he softly ruffled up your hair, when you got to the cafeteria it was very crowded.
Because if two reasons, the first one being that the school next to us had a water leak somewhere meaning that the students of that school had to come here.
And second, it was taco tuesday.
You watched as Taehyun tighted his grab onto your hand as walked into the crowd, as childish as it seemes it made you feel safe.
But all of this was a bad idea.
You quickly lost your grip onto Taehyun’s arm as people were knocking into you, you tried to reach out but he was already out of sight.
You inaudible cursed under you breath before scanning the crowd, you soon found Taehyun standing with few boys you’ve never seen, maybe he had make new friends?
You smiled and tried getting through the crowd to your best fiends, when you reached him you quickly grabbed his hand, “I lost you there, Tae Tae.” I said smiling, tae turned around- Wait-! That’s not Tae!
You quickly let go of the boy when you felt a burning pain onto your hands, you let out a yelp as tears started to flow down your face, the pain was too intense. He clapped his other hand around the hand that you touched, hissing in pain.
Soon the dark marks on your hands lit up befor disappearing, can it be..? Slowly you looked up to the handsome stranger who locked eyes with you.
He mindlessly reached over to you and softly whipped away the tears that fell down your face, “I’m not Tae, but don’t think I’ll let him have you that fast.”
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You get hotter when your near your soulmate, and colder when you’re away. Only touching well cool you down;
You puffed out as you wrapped the scarf around you neck, a warm turtle neck under that and warm pants. You were used to it by now, even while summer you would almost be freezing to death.
While you friends could wear cute clothes you were stuck with the winter stuff, you looked at yourself in the mirror and scrunched up your nose.
“Y/n!” Your friends yelled out, she came running at you with her cute flower dress and hugged you close, “you look cute.” She said as she took the scarf into her hands.
“Don’t lie. I look like a Oempa Loempa.” You said pouting, she rolled her eyes and wrapped her arm around your shoulder. “Well, you remember Soobin?” You nodded.
“Well, he asked if he could bring a friend. So I just said yes.” You nodded, once again. Not knowing what to say to that. Great, another person to warm up to..
Suddenly you felt yourself getting warmer and warmer, you pushed Y/F/N’s arm away and ripped off your scarf.
The heat got even more intense as you watched your friend run to soobin, who you didn’t even notice at first, the boy next to him, seemed to struggle under his winter clothes- Wait... why is he wearing winter clothes in the summer?
“Soobinie! What’s happening to your friend?” Soobin looked over at me before looking back at His friend, “Seems like somebody found their soulmate.” Those words got your attention.
Even though you were dying of the heat that was filling your body you looked up at the boy, his forehead was covered in sweat as he ripped off his own jacket and his scarf followed.
He quickly reached over at you before touching your hand, coldness filled your body, cooling it down. Sighing in relief, you leaned into his touch and hugged him close.
Through his panting from the pain from earlier, he wrapped his arms around your body softly leaning against your head.
“What a great way to meet each other, dont you think?”
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A timer that counts down till you meet your soulmate;
You’ve learned yourself not to look at your timer everyday, why would you if it never changes? Last time you looked it said that you would be having to wait for 5 years.
That was 5 years ago.
You kind of forgot about it? It sound weird but you weren’t all that obsessed with finding your soulmate, yeah, the timer was there but does it mean that just because your soulmates that you truly love that person?
You’ve seen soulmates fall apart, some just don’t fit together like god wants them to. But you’ve also seen people who force themselfs to be with that person while it just doesn’t feel right. And you were not in for that.
“Y/n.” Hyuka whispered, seriously in the middle of a exam? You shot him a glance before returning to your paper. “Y/n, you’ve got to listen, your timer-“
“What did I say about talking?” The teacher spoke, she stood up and walked over to you, “Ma’am, you don’t understand, Y/n, her timer is-“
You frowned, my timer is what? Before you could look the door slammed open, and a red haired boy fell inside. The boy quickly catched himself as he awkwardly smiled at th class.
“Y/n’s timer has reached 00:00...” Hyuka said as he watched the boy, you quickly looked over at your timer and saw indeed that it has reached its end.
You looked up and saw the boy looking at you, you slowly stood up before walking over to the boy. On your way there you felt the most anxious that you have ever felt.
You reached for his hand and saw a 00:00 on his wrist too, a quick shot filled your body, making the both of you jump, you looked at your wrist once again and saw the mark disappeared.
“I made a pretty good impression there, didn’t I?”
Heining Kai;
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You can communicate throughout your soulmates mind;
‘I’m so screwed, I didn’t even learn for this test.’You thought as you slapped yourself across the head the teacher gave you a weird look but you didn’t care. ‘I’m so going to fail.’
‘What is your subject about?’ You heard your soulmates sweet voice ran through your mind, you smiled softly; ‘Biology, if you can help me with this I’ll love you even more when I see you.’
‘Hey! I thought you already loved me! I’m pouting, you’re being mean!’
You couldn’t help but giggle softly, ‘I said even more, of course I love you.’
‘Fine, I’ll help.’ You felt yourself smile at his cuteness, he sounded so sweet and always wanted to help you with your struggles.
Soon you got the test and you didn’t know most of the things that were asked, You asked Hyuka the questions and he seemed to know all of them.
You happily turned in the paper and walked out, ‘What school do you go to?’ He asked.
‘You know I can’t tell you, it would be to easy, Hyuka.’
‘Well, I think you’re going to my school, because I just broke into the principal’s office and looked you up.’ That can’t be true.
Suddenly you felt a tap onto your shoulder, quickly you turned around and came face to face but a cute boy.
“You promised to love me more, right?”
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pocket-luv101 · 3 years
Summary: Kuro fights Sloth. (KuroMahi)
“This way, Mahiru!” Youtarou shouted and dragged him away from the rampaging beast behind them. They had created several traps to keep the beast from escaping and attacking Mahiru. The magic circle would contain him and Gear would keep him from escaping. If he did break free, Sloth would follow the Abel doll that was enchanted with his hair.
The dirt shook beneath them each time he slammed his paw on the ground. Kuro’s roar caused Mahiru to turn around to look back at the beast. Beneath the rage and aggression of its attacks, he could see that it was in pain. He wished there was something he could do to help Kuro fight Sloth. The most he could do was trust his growth and the strength of their bond.
He tried his best to dodge the rubble that flew towards him. He didn’t want Kuro to blame himself if he was hurt during the night. Youtarou pulled him towards the bushes where he would be safe. Mahiru wanted to call Kuro’s name but that would draw Sloth’s attention to them rather than the doll. He bit his lip and silently called to Kuro in his heart. “Please, Kuro, you can beat him.”
Mahiru sensed a presence in front of them and his eyes widened when he saw the cat doll. Sloth would often take the form to speak with him but he should be fighting Kuro currently. Youtarou wasn’t able to see the doll and continued to pull Mahiru forward. He dug his feet into the ground and yelled: “Wait, Youtarou! Sloth is there.”
“So, you’re the real Mahiru.” The doll chuckled and its words caused him to stiffen. Too late, he realized that the doll’s presence was a simple trap. The only difference between Mahiru and the enchanted doll would be his voice and how he could see Sloth.
He sensed the beast charging towards him even before he turned around. With Kuro’s speed, it would be impossible for him to escape. Mahiru instinctively shoved Youtarou away from him so he wouldn’t be hurt. He turned towards the beast to see Gear being knocked into the air. The only thing Mahiru could do was shout, “Kuro!”
Mahiru braced himself for the pain and he squeezed his eyes shut. He only felt a powerful gust of wind and the ground trembled beneath him. He opened his eyes to see the beast slam its head against the ground repeatedly. While Mahiru knew he should take the opportunity to flee, his legs wouldn’t move. He was held in place when he looked into its desperate red eyes. Kuro took a new form as the lion but his eyes were the same. “Gear, is there a way for me to talk to Kuro in this form?”
“Ash has control of the beast right now but we don’t know how long he’ll be able to hold Sloth back.” Gear thought it was best to be cautious. He knew the pain of losing a loved one and he didn’t want Kuro to experience it. “Get back, Mahiru.”
“You should hide somewhere safe while we keep Kuro from attacking you. Gear, use this scarf to tie Kuro down while his head is on the ground.” Youtarou unfurled a long scarf and tied one end to a tree. He threw the other end over the lion’s large head and Gear caught it. Gear pulled the scarf taunt and kept the lion restrained. “I knitted the scarf with werewolf fur so it won’t break easily. I’m glad that it’s long enough for this to work. Let’s hide, Mahiru.”
“Kuro, can you hear me in there?” Mahiru didn’t respond to Youtarou because his focus was on Kuro. He whispered his name again as he walked closer to him. The beast was larger than a building and it could easily eat him whole. Yet, Mahiru wasn’t scared. He touched the lion’s muzzle and looked into his eyes. He could faintly see Kuro and Sloth fighting in the reflection of his red eyes.
Suddenly, the ground beneath him disappeared and he sank into darkness. Mahiru stumbled to catch himself as he saw the ground rush towards him. He groaned softly as he crashed but the fall didn’t hurt. He pushed himself up and he saw Kuro and Sloth wrestling a few feet from him. “Kuro!”
“Don’t come any closer, Mahiru!” He shouted but Mahiru was already running to help him. He didn’t know how he was pulled into Kuro’s soul but this was their chance to take Sloth’s power. They had a better possibility of overcoming Sloth together. He summoned his spear to force the two apart.
“Blood.” Sloth kicked Kuro off him and then rushed towards Mahiru. He lifted his spear to defend himself but something caused him to hesitate. The demon resembled Kuro, as if they could be brothers, and it was difficult to raise his weapon at him. Mahiru could only hold his spear up to block his claws. At the same time, Kuro grabbed Sloth from behind and tried to restrain him.
Then, the sun came. A powerful storm of Jinn swirled around the three and the rising dirt forced Mahiru to shut his eyes.
Light filtered through his eyelids and the wind died down. Mahiru slowly opened his eyes and he found himself in the forest again. The lion was gone and he immediately searched for Kuro. He saw him lying on the ground with the scarf loosely draped over him. He ran to his side and knelt beside him to see if he was hurt. Kuro’s clothes were ripped and torn but he didn’t appear injured.
“Kuro, are you okay?” Mahiru needed to hear his voice to be certain that he was safe. “Please, Kuro.”
“Mahiru?” Kuro groaned softly and opened his eyes. Their gaze met and Mahiru smiled weakly back at him. The night was chaotic but his soothing presence calmed him. He couldn’t stop himself from throwing himself over Kuro in a hug and he clung to him. Beneath him, Kuro winced in pain. “My body is sore. I haven’t held that power in a long time and I forgot how overwhelming it was.”
“Can you walk back to the cabin on your own or do you need help? You can lean on me.” He offered but Kuro didn’t move. Mahiru could only imagine how tired he was after the fight and he tenderly brushed his bangs from his red eyes. Kuro was disappointed when he moved off him and he missed his warmth. Then, Mahiru lifted Kuro’s head and shifted so he was laying on his lap. “You can rest, Kuro.”
Mahiru called to Youtarou and Gear in the distance. “Are you two okay too? Kuro can’t move so I’m going to stay here with him. Can you bring back something for him to eat?”
“Okay,” Youtarou replied. “I’ll get him bandages as well.”
“Ash won’t be hurt physically in his fight so you don’t need to get bandages for him. I’m the one who was actually injured.” Gear pouted and his wolf ears flattened. Youtarou could easily guess the reason he was sulking and chuckled. He took his hand and began to wrap a bandage around his wrist. He gasped when Gear adjusted their hands so their fingers locked together and he pulled him towards the cottage.
Kuro watched the two disappear into the house and said, “Gear’s wolf nature is troublesome. I just want something to eat after the night I had. I doubt they’ll be back soon.”
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Mahiru didn’t know how long he sat with Kuro sleeping on his lap. He knew he was tired and he didn’t want to wake him, even as his legs were tingling slightly. He watched him sleep and tenderly ran his fingers through his light hair. The countryside was quiet and the only sound between them was Kuro’s breathing and birds chirping in the distance. He hummed along with the birds and he wished they could stay in the peaceful moment.
“Your hands feel nice.” Kuro whispered and Mahiru looked down at him. He reached up to touch the small scrape on his cheek. The mark had been created when he entered his soul and fell on the ground. The ground near them had been torn by the lion’s claws and the remains of the fight reminded him that they still needed to worry about Tsubaki. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t defeat him and that thing almost… Can’t deal. We’re lucky that the sun came up and reversed the transformation.”
“Thinking simply, you made a lot of progress. We’ll try again tonight.” Mahiru smiled down at him and his eyes held a mixture of confidence and affection for Kuro. A few days ago, he was terrified about his future because he didn’t know if his uncle had survived the attack. He was grateful that Kuro was there to support him and reassured him that he wasn’t alone. He wanted to support him as well.
Mahiru took Kuro’s hand and rubbed his thumb over his palm. There were small scars on his fingers and he wanted to kiss the faint lines. He held himself back because he didn’t know if such an affectionate gesture would make Kuro feel awkward. He only squeezed his hands gently and said, “You stopped Sloth before he could reach me. Thank you.”
There were a lot of things Kuro had given him that Mahiru felt thankful for. He filled his life with laughter and his home with warmth. Mahiru thought of their time together and the future he wanted to share with him. He was pulled out of his thoughts after he felt lips skim over his knuckles. His eyes widened when he realized that Kuro had kissed his hand.
“I won’t let anything happen to you, Mahiru.”
“I trust you, Kuro.”
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evanaaml · 3 years
The Road in Winter - Pokeshipping Week
The road they traveled on cut across a snowy hill, encompassed by woods beyond it, Most of the trees were bare, save for the snow that clutched to the branches. The evergreens that fought against the cold weighed heavy from the frost attached to their limbs, but still held strong. As they walked, the crunch of the snow beneath their feet echoed; the rest of the world fell silent. 
Misty looked around, the scenery drawing her in. She thought herself in a snow globe; the flakes falling in large clusters that clung to whatever it touched. There was no wind, and the air was cold but bearable with the garments she was wearing. She looked up, letting the snow fall on her bare skin. She smiled as she opened her mouth, catching some flakes on her tongue. Cold, refreshing, and wanting for more. 
“Enjoying ourselves, are we?”
Misty looked over to Ash on her right, then smiled and looked back up. 
“I am”, she replied. 
“Well, at least you’re honest”, Ash responded. 
“We don’t get to see snow a lot traveling, I wanna soak it all in while I can”, Misty explained. Ash couldn’t fault her for that.
Kanto didn’t get much snow, and Johto was no different. That they got this much snow while home, before Christmas, was, well, a miracle. 
Perhaps it was this reason, and this reason alone, Ash thought, that Misty didn't mind the cold weather.
Misty stopped walking, prompting Ash to do the same. He looked at her, expecting a response. Instead, he was met with silence. Thinking something was wrong, he looked around, wondering if they might have gone the wrong way. Misty raised a finger in the air, knowing Ash would say something, and stopping him before he did. 
“Listen...”, Misty said quietly.
And so he did.
The crunching ceased when they stopped walking, and a new noise replaced it; it was that of the falling snow. The landscape before them was untouched, clean, fresh. Ash breathed in, and even the air felt different. There was a purity in the world around them, Ash couldn’t put it into words, but knew what it felt like. As if his body and soul were cleansed of impurities just by being there.
What a feeling it was, he thought, to just feel the surroundings. Through his travels, he was very often focused on the destination, and not the journey. He rarely stopped to appreciate the world around him. Not that he didn't love it when he did; and he loved the outdoors to be sure. But with his mind always on his next badge, his next battle, his next shot at realizing his dream, it wasn't rare for the scenery to be a backdrop and nothing more.
This was when having her with him, to remind him to stop and listen, was a blessing.
He looked at Misty, who kept her eyes on the woods around them. Her coat, hat, and boots were speckled with flakes of white. She held her mitted hands out, allowing the snow to cling to them. Misty inspected each flake, seeing the intricate designs in each before they could melt away. 
He thought to himself that he should take her down this way another time, perhaps with friends, or their Pokemon. But as way led on to way, he doubted that they would return here again. He closed his eyes and looked up, just feeling the snow cling to his face. The cold didn’t sting, but was instead rather welcoming.
“It’s like a painting. There are no trails in the snow, no imperfections, nothing is disturbed. It’s almost too perfect”, Misty said, keeping her eyes on the scenery before her. 
“It is”, Ash replied, not looking down from the sky. Misty turned to him and saw what he was doing.  
Like herself, the snow was scattered about on Ash’s garments. His hands were in his pockets, and he just seemed to soak everything in. Misty couldn’t help but smile. He seemed so serene, a rare sight for someone who was always active and busy. 
Misty loved to see it.
She felt a heat on her face, which caused it to sting slightly from the snow that melted immediately on contact. She shook her head. 
“S-So, should we be going?”, Misty asked. Ash took one deep breath in, looked over to her, and nodded. 
“Yeah”, he replied. The snow stuck to his eyebrows and lashes, prompting a giggle from Misty. 
Now that burn was felt on Ash’s face. 
The two continued on their way, the crunching commencing once again. Ash kept mind to look for ice on the path, knowing that the weather could make it likely. But as they walked, he found that the road beneath the snow was solid and devoid of anything slick.
Before long, the hill made way to a fork. The two stopped as they looked down both paths. 
“I forgot about this part. The map said that the woods here are protected for the Pokemon, so they made the path go around it. Both ways lead back to town, it doesn’t matter which way we go”, Misty explained. 
“Well, I wouldn’t say that”, Ash said. Misty looked to the raven-haired boy. 
“What do you mean?”, Misty asked. She wondered if he knew something she didn’t, which would be a welcome surprise, she’d admit. 
“I think this way is the scenic route”, Ash explained, pointing to their left. Misty looked down the path. A sheet of snow covered the road entirely. The trees on either side of them remained undisturbed; no Pokemon resting in them from protection from the cold or snow. The path went up a small hill before bending from sight. 
Misty then looked to their right. The path appeared the same, except that there was no hill to cross. The trees were equally blanketed as the ground around it in the fallen snow. She knew that both paths were about the same distance, and the other way looked just as wanted for wear. 
“What makes you say that? Have you been here before?”, Misty asked. 
“Nope, never”, Ash answered. He took a few steps towards the path to the left. He looked down it, as if imagining what was to come. “...just a gut feeling I have”. 
“And your gut has never led us astray before, has it?”, Misty asked with a smirk. 
“Hehe”, Ash chuckled, putting his hand behind his head in embarrassment. Misty stared at the boy before her, and felt that burning sensation on her face once more. However, this time she recognized the feeling, and made no attempts to hide it. The woods around them were lovely, dark, and deep; she doubted Ash would see the shades of red across her cheeks. 
“So, you think this way will be more fun?”, Misty asked, motioning her head towards the path. Ash shrugged. 
“Depends on what you think fun is, I just feel like it’s the road less taken, and I like the idea of being different”, Ash explained. Misty shook her head with a knowing smile.
Ash liked to do things his own way. He felt that following exactly what many other trainers did wouldn't allow him to learn anything on his own. While this made for some...difficult times, Misty knew that it was also for the best. Not just in the care and compassion he put into his training, his Pokemon, and his family. But it also let him find a new way to do things, and more times than not, those new things led to amazing adventures.
“That’s an...interesting logic to have. And we all know you’re nothing if not different”, Misty said with an innocent giggle. Regardless, she stepped ahead of Ash. “But, I’m fine with that. I trust you. Either way, we should get going; we don’t want to miss our gift exchange with everyone”.
She began walking down the path, only hearing the crunching of the snow. But noticing that the crunch seemed lonely, she stopped and turned around, seeing that Ash was not following her. Instead, he was rummaging through his traveler’s sack. She stood there quizically, until Ash pulled something out, swung his bag back to where it was, and ran towards her. 
“Well, I guess now is the best time for this, all things considered”, Ash said upon reaching her. He held in his hands a long cloth. He looked Misty in the eyes, then slowly wrapped the cloth gently over her shoulders and around her neck. 
Misty held up one end of the cloth when he was finished. It was a scarf, and felt warm to the touch. Hidden from the elements in Ash’s bag, it was dry, soft, and smelled of something like pine and earth that made her heart flutter. Although dark, she could still make out faint patterns in the stitch work. They seemed familiar to her, but her mind was elsewhere, and she couldn’t place it. 
“I know this isn’t the most practical gift for you, but once I saw the design, I couldn’t turn it down”, Ash explained. The darkness that Misty was thankful for but moments before, was now helping Ash for the same reasons.
Now knowing that the patterns were important, Misty took herself away from the scents and focused on the sight of the gift. The scarf was pink, with streaks of yellow and red dots in symmetry. She knew she had seen the design before, it was there in her mind's eye, but she couldn’t quite place-
“...Ash...is this?”, Misty asked. Ash smiled. 
“It’s made from the same person that made your handkerchief. I didn't know that it was unique craftsmanship. I saw that they had a shop online, and I ordered it for you. Now...well, we both have something to match”, Ash said sheepishly. 
The added warmth of the scarf made her face feel like it was being beaten by the sun’s rays. The Butterfrees in her stomach wanted to take flight, and she could hardly contain them, nor did she really want to.
“I know it's cheesy, I honestly thought of a million other things to give you, and a lot of them were lavish. But...I don't know, something about this just sorta felt right. Not sure how to explain it really...Anyway, I hope that, i-it’s a good Christmas gift for y-”
“It’s perfect”. 
Misty found herself cutting him off before he could finish, or even before she knew what she was saying. How unlike her to let her mouth move before her brain could think.
Ash took a moment to register her quick response, before smiling. There was silence between them for a bit. Snow speckled the landscape further, and themselves as well. The two of them, in the middle of the woods, did not feel the cold that engulfed them. Rather, they felt warm; the type of warmth one would feel in an embrace with another.
Ash stepped just passed Misty, further down the road, before turning back and grabbing her hand. Perhaps it was the peace and quiet of the world around them that made him feel this confidence, or perhaps it was her and nothing else, but he was glad to have spent this time with her and just her. The road before them begged to be taken, and there was no one else he’d rather take this journey with than her. 
“Let’s go soak all of this in...together”, Ash said, softer than even he expected. Misty found it hard to breath, if but for a moment, before finding inside of her a feeling of desire. A desire to step forward.
With him.
She smiled, taking his hand in hers and nodded. 
“Yes”, she replied. The two moved forward, walking almost in unison as they looked at the path before them. The road was untouched for now, but soon would be marked with two pairs of footprints, bound for a single destination. 
Whether by chance or by choice, they stayed hand-in-hand.
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@smhalltheurlsaretaken has motivated me to draw some Grandpa Yoda stuff and god, I just came up with some new things that are definitely canon now because I decided so, don’t @ me. 
Also I don’t give a shit about canon in general, Yoda is a grumpy gremlin now, whose ears are like Stitch’s from Lilo & Stitch, and the clones are his sons. End of discussion. 
Grumpy Grandpa Yoda™ living with his children who take care of him later, they age like normal people and it’s just a happy funny family AU:
Yoda lives with 10 clones he was able to save on Dagobah
There’s a lot of mud and swampy stuff and creatures and the clones HATE IT
At least at the beginning, later the begin to love it and I can guarantee you there are sooooo many mud fights - Yoda disapproves
Yoda takes Commander Gree, Draa and Buzz (Doesn’t make any sense I know but who cares bitch) and other soldiers from the 41st Stormtrooper Legion with him
Hades, Ace, Eli, Beetle, Fox, Rook and Essi 
together with the other three and the gremlin they build a big family
they build some rather crude houses but there not exactly architects, right?
Later, they get better and all of the clones have an individual hut
The distance between the clones and the former grandmaster of the Jedi order seems like a giant canyon at the beginning and they call Yoda “Sir” for a few years
until the clones play a game of truth or dare and one of them is dared to make the Jedi change his sad demeanor for once
Yes, they play games
A lot actually
It’s like they’re finally having their childhood and puberty although the look like adults
imagine 10 grown ass men racing through the swamps of Dagobah
The Jedi has been mourning for the Jedi, the knights, the padawans, the younglings for a long time and the clones know
They see the absent-minded gremlin stare outside the window and they feel sad too
after all they do know how it feels to loose trusted friends and companions although not in that big capacity like the Jedi purge
But well back to the dare 
one of the clones, Ace, is seriously thinking about how to make the little dude smile or at least shock him and he’s wracking his brain because never before has he seen the Jedi master surprised
so how is he gonna do it?
one evening, after everyone went to bed and the Jedi draped the bed sheets over him with the help of the force, he has an image before his eyes
and the next morning when there’s a heated discussion over who becomes the last jelly pudding, Ace blurts out “Grandpa should decide!”
and everyone just stops
Grell who gave Buzz a head nut is just turning and looking at him
Draa paused his spoon mid air, mouth wide open
Hades and Fox just blink, the latter still in a headlock
Eli almost dies because he choked on his milk
The other three who dozed at the table are suddenly wide awake
and then a voice says: “The pudding, Rook should get” and all heads turn
Master Yoda is smiling softly and the bois suddenly have the feeling of “must protect this gremlin” and from that they on they just call him “Grandpa”
Not without teasing Ace to death first, obviously
A lot of jokes get thrown around
“Now that I think about it, I see the resemblance.” “We have the same face, you idiot.” 
Only Grell is a hesitating and just calls him “Yoda” but secretly he likes to say it too
They wear their armor for a long time before they finally take it off, mainly because they’re scared of the Empire finding them 
They want to be ready for battle any time
But then Yoda takes off his Jedi robes and the boys gradually relax and take of their helmets and armor too
Now the get stung a lot by mosquitos
And the bois discover that the gremlin likes to eat a lot of disgusting things
But the mosquito problem gets solved so no one is complaining
Yoda changes a lot
He shows his emotions more and sometimes even loses his patience
His walking stick becomes a weapon for head nuts
Grell gets a lot of them because he always tries to help him but
“Not that old, I am, boy!” 
“Alone, I could’ve done that, Grell.”
He plays with the bois
The often play a ball game where Yoda lets the ball float and the guys try to catch it without being hit in the face
The current count is 142 to 19 with Grandpa clearly winning
Rook is a fucking sewing machine and they soon get to wear custom clothes
He knits a super long and super heavy scarf for Yoda because he “worries that Grandpa will be cold in the winter”
The scarf is literally 3 meters long and I guarantee you that the clones have to unwrap him like toilet paper every evening
Rook is right, Yoda is cold in winter and his bones hurt a lot more
One time Yoda forgot his walking stick and Buzz just straight up holds his hand and walks with him like a toddler
Few years later, when he’s even older and a little wobbly on his feet, Fox and Eli like to carry him around on their backs
Beetle, the absolute crackhead, carries him like a baby
Grandpa always complains but he secretly likes it because the child isn’t a stone hard washboard like the others
They send holograms to Obi-Wan, the responsible uncle and Hades’ beard role model, and the Jedi has questioned the gremlin’s choices so many times already because of the weird ass pictures
Obi-Wan sends them holograms of little Luke in return and the bois are LIVID, because “OUR COUSIN, LOOK AT HIM WADDLE, GUYS”
The clones and Yoda go on holiday trips - which are basically just visiting another swamp on Dagobah
So many puns and inside jokes
“WHAT are you doing in my swamp?”
so much laughing
And dirty jokes
Only out of Yoda’s earshot though
The boys grow up, ok?
Eli is good at drawing
He’s the one who painted most of their armor and their battle ships
But for Sith’s sakes he can’t draw Yoda at all
His pictures still hang on the fridge tho
And all kinds of other stuff hangs there too
Yoda’s hut has all sorts of trinkets everywhere
All of them were gifted to him by the boys and some of them are just some sort of weird metal that “looked shiny or nice”
But the Grandpa loves them SO MUCH
When Yoda gets older, his hearing gets a lot worse and his ear muscles deteriorate which is why he’s constantly walking around with flabby ears
The boys have to repeat their sentences 
When the gremlin doesn’t like what he’s hearing he’s just pretending he can’t understand them but Grell KNOWS
When he meditates too long or sits too long without eating, the boys force him to eat something
mostly frogs - he likes them a lot
They make sure he brushes his teeth because that frog smell nasty
and they brush his hair, but it’s mostly Grell because he can ignore the gremlin’s attitude when it comes to taking care of himself
Yoda makes Obi-Wan send pictures of some locals on Tatooine, trying to subtly set the boys up
They aren’t Jedi after all
A little happiness, they deserve, hoho
The boys find it funny but never try to contact the person because it’s too dangerous
This makes Yoda sure that half of them are gay
Not that he minded
They just have an embarrassing talk about the bees, and Adam and Steve
And he’s telling them the story of “Jal and Argo” some members of his species he met on a little moon and yada yada yada
MAKER, he loves to tell stories
The ears of the clones almost start to bleed, he talks so long and loud - he can’t hear his voice properly sometimes and starts to randomly YELL
But they like to listen, although half of them are always asleep at the end
and receive head buts when grumpy Grandpa notices
But he never hits them hard, especially not Beetle
He seriously worries about that guy
“make sure he doesn't lose any more brain cells, I have to”
But the clone’s head is really hard so might as well be fine
BONUS: ugly ass 10 minute sketches
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shy-badger · 3 years
A Strange Moment in Time  Ch5
Ok so I'm human and suck at descriptions, so I didn't include any mention of Runaan's arms. I will touch more on it when he is in another chapter, but Runaan has only one arm. The assassin band removed his left arm as promised. now, enjoy the rest I guess.
Viren’s head throbbed as though the weight of the world sat on his temples. Reaching up to hold his head only brought an uncomfortably loud racket causing him to wince. Finally he opened his eyes to investigate the source of this metallic clanging coming from his wrists. Chains. Viren was chained to the floor.
The dungeon? Why am I here? Viren thought, already recounting the events that led up to this.
The elves were attacking, one of them ran off, I had the other one on the ropes, then I was trapped in ice by…  the mage. He was a human mage! Why would a human help those bloodthirsty elves? And how did that land me here?
Viren scanned his surroundings. He was in the castle’s public dungeon, not his own hidden cells. The bed he lay on, hardwood with no covers, typical for a prisoner. The light coming from above was a soft purple, indicating that dawn was only an hour or two away. This however made seeing farther than five feet away difficult. His robes seemed to be all that was left on him. No pouches on his belt or ingredients in his pockets making him feel almost naked. 
“My my, what a sticky situation we have here.” a deep voice almost sang from the darkness.
Viren bolted up, trying to look as battle ready as possible with his hands bound.
“Who is there? Show yourself!” Viren commanded.
“But, of course. I am always here to help you Viren.” came a smooth, almost amused reply. From the shadows just beyond the bars of his cell, a figure appeared, a translucent being that felt almost ancient, and ethereal. The robes it wore were covered in a starry pattern extending to its drawn hood, which seemed to be covering some large headdress. “Past, present, and future.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Viren asked, gaining an ever increasing feeling of dejavu. 
“I assume by now you have figured out that something is off, that you are not where you’re supposed to be. Well my dear Viren, that is because I have brought you to a new and interesting time, specifically somewhere around thirty two years in the future. This may sound crazy I know, but I assure you, it’s possible.” The stranger explained, matter-of-factly. 
Viren stared at him for a minute, before deciding that this was all in his imagination, probably from being hit in the head, and layed back down on the bed.
“Come now, I assure you this is real. I am bound to you Viren, through space and time. And through this bond, I have called you to me, through all these years, so that I can finally ensure that your will is done.” The stranger almost pleaded with him.
“And what is that exactly? And why should I believe you? I don’t know who or what you are.” Viren huffed.
“I am your humble servant. You wish to secure a bright future for all of humanity. I seek only to aid you in that endeavor. I have earned your trust before, and I will do so again. You need your freedom first. Then I believe some pesky elves should be removed.” The stranger grinned.
Callum fidgeted with his scarf as he climbed the stairs. He said he wanted to talk to his mom, and he did, but now he had no idea what he wanted to ask. The urge to talk to her for hours had welled in his chest, however he hadn’t even started and was drawing a blank on what to say. He was running out of stairwell to climb and still no closer to a conversation starter, when he was interrupted by Queen Sarai herself. 
“Callum! It is still no stranger to see you fully grown today than it was yesterday. But look at you! An early riser, with a healthy lifestyle. I’m so proud.” Saria practically beamed.
“Oh… um.. Thanks. I mean most days I still try to sleep in. But I’m a dad you know. I’ve got to set a good example. I mean, you know. You’re a mom. I mean of course you know you’re  a mom. How wouldn’t you know? Heh heh.” Callum couldn’t stop the word vomit spilling from his mouth. “You were a really good one too. I mean ARE a good one. I’m sorry. I don’t know if that’s rude. I’ve never talked with someone from the past before… Sorry.” Callum sighed, trying to reign in the thoughts racing through his head. 
“Honey, it’s ok, take a breath. Are you ok?” Sarai grabbed his shoulder, concern flooding her face.
“Sorry, yeah I’m ok. It’s just weird having you back.” Callum said.
“How long have I been gone?” Sarai’s tone softened, looking directly at her son.
“Um… About thirty… one, thirty two years. It’s been a while.” he said.
“It’s ok that you’re nervous. If my dad suddenly showed up I would be too. Come on, Harrow is checking on the kids, why don’t we get something to snack on before breakfast?” Sarai offered.
“Well Barius usually has some jelly tarts ready for Ezran early in the morning.” Callum suggested.
“I knew I liked that man.” Sarai smiled.
Ezran shuffled towards the castle kitchen, desperate for a sugary boost to his morning after the near all-nighter he just pulled. As he rounded the last corner, voices caught him off-guard enough to bring him to attention. It was Callum and Queen Sarai talking softly to one another, their voices packed with emotion. Ezran ducked behind the door frame and listened as well as he could.
“It wasn’t easy growing up without you after that, no. I tried so hard to grow into the man I thought you wanted me to be.... But at some point, I was so busy just trying to survive, or do what was right, that I forgot to be what you wanted of me. I guess that just made me think I failed you.” Callum sounded like he was about to cry.
“Sweetie, I promise you, that you haven’t failed me. All I wanted for you is to grow up happy and healthy. The last thing I want is for you to try to be something you’re not just to please someone else. And look at you! You’re High Mage, have a happy family, you stay active and just. You’re everything I ever hoped you would be. I love you Callum. I always will.” A ruffle of clothing made Ezran think they were hugging.
“Thanks mom. It’s really good having you back.” Callum sniffled a little as he said that. “Come on, we should get out of here before Ezran finds out we ate all his jelly tarts.”
“YOU WHAT?!” Ezran shouted as he jumped out of the doorway.
“EZ!” Callum jumped to his feet, clearly shocked to see Ezran catching them in the act of stealing his precious morning tarts.
“Aw I needed those after staying up all night….” Ezran’s anguished cry petered out almost immediately as a familiar sensation exploded from within. The smile that spread across his face instantly inspired confusion in Callum and Sarai.
“Zym’s almost here!” Ezran shouted as he bolted for the courtyard to greet his winged friend for the first time in a year.
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missorgana · 4 years
some kind of love story
pairing: finn/poe dameron
fandom: star wars (sequel trilogy)
rating: general
word count: 2282
summary: Finn might have met a real life Disney prince. And he forgot his jacket. (coffee shop AU)
(it’s midnight so,, technically day 5 BUT this is my fic for day 4 of my finnpoe week uwu. this is not beta read and kind of stupid but i was having cinderella thoughts for some reason?? hope yall enjoy this!)
read on ao3
Out of all things that could happen on Finn’s part time job, meeting a cute guy wasn’t one he anticipated.
Of course, he meets people here all the time. There’s a steady stream of new students coming and going, working for a few months and quitting because of stress, or because they quit their studies altogether.
Finn’s been here for almost half a year now, though, and found it a comforting place, as sleep deprived as he may be on his shifts.
He mostly works alongside Rey, who became his best friend in less than a week of the two meeting, and Rose, who was more quiet but utterly charming once they opened up to each other.
So work can’t be that bad with them around, is his point.
But when it comes to the customers, it’s unusual that he’ll talk this much to any of them, even fellow students, really.
Obvious pleasantries are always exchanged when his classmates happen to stop by, but again, when Finn’s working, his mind usually stays behind the counter.
He can’t possibly pinpoint the reason why this guy is special.
Well, okay, that’s a lie, because the curly haired stranger who walks in that morning looks like a Disney prince, thick brows and calloused knuckles once he grabs the cappuccino Finn made him.
That’s probably why. Truth be told, this person also seemed interested in much more conversation than the usual lot, and his subjects of conversation are probably also a factor in what drew him towards him.
It’s when Finn writes his order down on the cup, as one does, and the handsome man on the other side of the counter says, “Woah, buddy! You drew that?”
Typical of him to leave his notepad laying around for everyone to see.
Finn blushed, because it’s such a rare, personal thing for him to show his art, pretty much the only ones outside his teacher and fellow art students who’s seen it is Rey. And even that took a lot of begging on her part.
But he nods, the other man having to move aside for customers, but soon enough, this stranger approaches him when he’s finally free, at least for five minutes, and they may accidently longer than allowed when Finn is, you know, working.
“You study art?” is what he asks next, and suddenly, he’s complimenting him on the way he drew the features on the face of Taylor Swift, and telling Finn about music, the one he’s studying himself.
Of course, he looks taken out of an indie band, Finn ponders.
Also, yes, he likes Taylor Swift. The stranger laughs warmly, which might’ve been a bad sign, only he’s asking for his favorite album.
This conversation takes him out of everything he was thinking about.
Finn comes back to that thought when Rey calls him a nerd and urges him to help her out with the machine, so sadly, he’ll excuse himself.
Something inside his head makes him watch whoever this man is. Small peeks.
He’s typing away, headphones in, wearing bracelets on the right hand, tapping his chin, presumably when he’s thinking.
Alright, maybe that’s quite enough observation.
He’s wearing a red scarf, though, and a jacket that has definitely seen better days, and Finn might feel funny about all the times this guy fixes his hair, blowing strands out of his face.
He finds himself hoping he never gets a haircut, because God, there’s something about it.
The man almost looks golden in the morning light.
And he even catches Finn glancing over one time, which, embarrassing, if he didn’t wink back at him.
Okay, that definitely sparked something under his skin. In his brain, or his heart, or something.
Finn is far from a poet, clearly.
This chance encounter can’t possibly stir up something like a crush in him, he tells himself, someone he’s met for approximately half an hour, and yet, his attention keeps going back to him.
He’s captivating, and not just because Finn thinks he could definitely be a heartthrob folksinger if he wanted to. Maybe he’s already working on that, who knows.
So imagine the halt when he turns his gaze towards this mystery, who he definitely felt the eyes of when his back was turn, not that he can confirm it or anything, and finds an ever so empty chair staring back.
Oh well, business as usual.
Rey’s rants of her history professor, and discussions of their visit to Han and Leia’s next week easily take his mind off it.
Maybe he just imagined this too beautiful to be true stranger, Finn reasons, although Rey definitely told him to “Quit staring at the customers!”
He’s got a suspicion she definitely knows there was only one customer, in this scenario, she laughs at him like it, anyway.
It’s by 4pm, end of Finn’s shift and time for him to press some sketching in before a late dinner, his usual Sunday night, that he finds it.
A remnant of whatever happened this morning, and proof that no, he definitely didn’t imagine a dreamy customer admiring a simple doodle he left unsupervised.
Red patches on lapels and sleeves practically points the jacket out for him, still placed neatly over the back of the dark leather armchair.
The mystery man forgot his jacket.
Well, Finn can’t just leave it here, can he? 
So maybe he reluctantly places it in their shit yall forgot box, title proudly credited to Rey, strangely hoping he’ll be there when it gets picked up.
Rose’s obsession with romantic novels might be rubbing off on him, he assumes.
Only explanation.
Finn solely drinks iced latte, but for some reason, he surprises Rose and himself by trying out that cappuccino they sell so many of.
It’s alright. He’s been accustomed to cold coffee for forever, now.
The stranger who was here last week is not a cause of this random change, of course. It’s not wrong to expand your horizons, after all, like his professor’s told them.
But speaking of that stranger, his jacket’s still in the box.
He would find it strange, someone not urging to get their stuff back, but at the same time, Finn doesn’t know if he’s studying at the same university, or area.
Probably not.
He’s got to admit to himself that he would have noticed. Or he thinks so, at least.
Thinking of this guy somehow makes him fidget with his notes, and furrow his brow, just slightly, when thinking about their meeting.
Not something repeated to Rose, albeit she’ll love a story like this.
It’s like this, Finn thinks, some love stories start. He’s being kind of cheesy right now. But they have that intimacy of the other seeing his art already, not on purpose, but he can’t find the annoyance he’d usually feel.
Instead, the compliments rack up everything else inside his brain.
Rey will definitely bug him about this if he tells her. Demand an extended version of the tale, or possibly sigh at the tragedy of her girlfriend and best friend both being hopeless romantics.
Might as well call it what it is.
The Disney prince, that’s what he names him in his head, he doesn’t return this weekend.
It’s a stupid thing to focus on, Finn knows.
But the jacket’s still lying there, which is honestly too bad. He’s got a feeling about those patches, the thread, the rainbow pin on the chest pocket.
Some kind of secret history.
Maybe he’s hyperfixating, but he’d like to know more.
Or maybe Finn just wants the damn jacket to be picked up.
Another week passes by until Finn lets his thoughts slip to Rey.
She’s amused and thrilled, which is just about what he expected. Told him to “Check the damn jacket for a label of ownership, a phone number, something.” but he’s almost scared to break his fantasy if he touches it.
Very similar observation he’s doing to when they met.
Rose asks him about it, of course, it was only a matter of time.
“Weird he hasn’t come back for it?”
Echoing his thoughts. This prince Charming figure he has in head keeps expanding, Finn making up theories of what he could be doing.
Is this fantasizing normal?
Rey just laughs when he asks, Rose wholeheartedly approves, exactly like it’s done in Hollywood films, Han mumbles about something about the youth.
Leia tells him Han was exactly the same, so that’s some relief.
Finn’s thinks he’s got whatever this streak of thought is under control, figuring it’ll pass, figuring he’ll find the jacket gone one morning, that this obsession doesn’t mean anything. Couldn’t mean anything.
Only he decides to sketch a new face, one he recognizes as a man he’s only met once, and Finn just has to finish it once he started.
Okay, now it might be getting embarrassing.
Also, hot coffee might not be too bad, he confirms. Rey’s shocked, to say the least, even the boss bats an eye.
It’s significantly less sweet than his usual, which is huge minus in his mind, but somehow, there’s still a charm about it.
Finn is scared he might be consumed with the idea of this guy. He’s really not a damsel in distress, as much as he feels like one.
He wonders what the man’s voice sounds like, when he sings that is.
And why he doesn’t get his jacket back, already.
Is Finn getting impatient? 
Rey even asks him, after three weeks with no sign, “Your eye candy’s still not back?”
He can’t quite glare at her, but a pout she should see, it’s what she deserves, because he can’t really help it.
Finn doesn’t dare to touch the jacket, no, because it’s personal property, and he’ll feel gross about it.
Is this anticipation the same as in those fairytales? Like, did Cinderella feel this after meeting a prince? Prickling hands, a knot in the stomach, biting the bottom lip?
What a silly thing. But he can’t pretend he doesn’t enjoy it, a little bit. This isn’t like the first date he was on, in any way, weirdly.
A tad more magical.
The drawing is almost finished, though.
It doesn’t have a name. That’s another thing Finn’s missing, a name.
And suddenly, Finn’s fantasy gets thrown out the window, for something more real.
That is, after those three weeks without a clue, his thoughts straying towards things he’s never thought of before, mind buzzing for almost anything, the proclaimed Disney prince finally shows up.
Thoroughly unexpected, by now, he was starting to make peace with the scenario of the jacket being forgotten.
Yet, here the perfect stranger with the perfect hair is.
Okay, perfect might be a strong word, he’s only seen him twice, after all. But Finn’s running out of words.
The guy’s standing there in all his glory, seemingly recognizing him, with eyebrows shooting up and a smile spreading on his features.
That made him feel something too, because of course it did.
This is why Rose nudges his shoulder, telling him she’ll handle the next couple of orders. That’s just a lot.
Finn doesn’t get time to think it over, because cute guy’s here, and before he can even ask for it, the jacket’s handed to him.
He laughs. Almost a glorious sound, Finn scolds himself since it’s just a laugh, but somehow, he’s feeling deprived of this sound.
Whatever this total stranger did to him, it’s clearly not going away anytime soon.
Good thing cute guy seems just as hesitant to leave as Finn feels about turning his back to this.
He thanks him, sincerely, and he replies with no problem, because it really wasn’t a problem, except this new thing in his mind that won’t go away is kind of a problem.
Now, he gets a name. Poe.
Finn doesn’t really know how he imagined the name to sound, but this is, also, perfect. He didn’t make up any names prior, because not many seemed to fit.
To be honest, the words glide off the tongue of real life Disney prince in front of him, telling Finn he was out of state and would have picked it up sooner.
That explains it.
Doesn’t explain Finn’s, uh, pining, as Rose called it. Seems irrational to himself.
This new acquaintance, Poe, does ask about that drawing he saw, if he’s finished it.
Well that’s embarrassing, because he’s worked on that portrait of a certain someone, instead.
Finn hates his brain.
That is, until, “I’ve kind of been thinking about you, so.”
He swears to his heart, to his whole body not to blush. He probably does, anyway.
They don’t really know what to do with each other, at this point, least of all since Rose calls for his help, but her voice sounds like she probably wants him to hurry and make a move, like they do in the movies.
Finn’s not a Disney princess, he’s never tried this before.
Not in this way, where he feels like this is once in a lifetime, a crush, he knows now, that might grow inside him to something more.
Poe does get the last word, telling him he has a concert coming up this Friday. Just as surprising as their previous encounter.
“I can play some Taylor Swift, if you wanna come?”
Okay, how can he turn that down, though?
That’s maybe going to settle this warm feeling in gut. The words in his throat. Who knows.
Rose makes him promise to tell him everything, and she wants to come to the concert for support, and Rey too, and the giddiness is all over her face.
You know what? Finn’s pretty excited, too.
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unmanageable-day · 4 years
11. Between a friend and another friend
When you are friends for so long, and it has never come across your mind to date one of them. Until one particular guy friend of yours came to offer you a relationship, a new chapter of life like no other before.
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After a few days, your mind was getting a lot clearer not thinking too much about Taeyong. You just hoped Doyoung and the other guys can somewhat help him to get a grip of himself. The effect of Hyemi being not around more than one week apparently was unexpectedly serious. No one could ever imagine he would try to find a way to you.
You were waiting for good news from Doyoung about that particular friend. Yet it seemed the information you had been waiting for wouldn't be heard in the near future. Doyoung kept saying it was difficult to see him as he perhaps were avoiding meeting either you or your dear fiancee. Frankly speaking, you were on the edge of giving up trying to make Taeyong understand. So was Doyoung actually.
There was one thing that had been disturbing Doyoung, which he had been denying it himself. That one moment when Taeyong got him triggered. These past several months since you said yes, he found it pretty lovely. It was just your usual friendship but obviously with different feeling. He enjoyed being with you more than he thought, yet he was being lowkey being so obvious about it. It just felt right choosing you to share moments in Doyoung's entire life. Did he unexpectedly catch feelings and fall for you? If he really did, and if he ever told you, he wondered if you would react the same like you did to Taeyong.
Doyoung was reminded of his own words to Taeyong back then. He remembered how Taeyong got hysterical pointing at him, saying how he didn't love you like Taeyong did. Doyoung didn't even argue and defend himself. Instead he acknowledged Taeyong's words. He really admitted he didn't love you, just like Taeyong said. Screw it, he thought. If he has to be a hypocrite, then let's be it.
"May I have a word?" he asked as he pulled over the car right in front of your gate.
You nodded as you unbuckled the seat belt, so you can turn to face him in a more relaxed position.
"About us... I know we started all of this without romantic feelings to each other. You also heard me when I chose you to be the first and the last. But I would like to learn to love you deeper, not as friends anymore, but you, Choi Jooyeon as a woman. The only woman in my life, after my mom, of course."
Your hands went towards your mouth as you gasped dramatically on purpose. Your eyes were sparkly but it didn't necessarily mean you were excited to hear it from Doyoung. You were more on the teasing mood and he realized that right away.
"Hey, I mean it." He playfully hit your forehead. "I hope you don't mind. And I kinda hope that you could do the same?"
You smiled as you gently grabbed his hands. "I'll try. As long as you don't rush anything."
He beamed back at you. "Well, they say love comes when you're used to the person you're spending time with. It's like picking up a new habit, don't you think?" He was right, you had to admit it. You didn't spend that much time with him. Even this relationship you were going to engage with for the rest of your life was odd, and somehow it reminded you to a fake dating scenarios, perhaps growing genuine love out of it wouldn't be a bad idea at all. Love does need time to grow afterall.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you pretended to disagree. "What? But you do realize that learning to draw as a new hobby is not the same like living with a new person for the rest of one's entire life, right?" you teased.
"I will pretend that you get my point." He chuckled. "Anyway, I have something for you."
"Ooh, present? I love present." You blinked to show your excitement.
Doyoung maintained his grin as he took a small box from his pocket. "Open it," he said, offering the box before your face.
Still smiling as well, you pursed your lips as you eyed him. "Even if it's only a keyring, I promise I will treasure it," you joked before you opened the lid.
A crisp of small laughter escaped Doyoung's mouth. He was anticipating your reaction when you see inside of the box. Although it was nothing fancy, he hoped you could see his genuine intention.
"Here goes." You added your own drumroll BGM when you took off the box lid. And that was when a gold necklace with little ornaments of moon, sun, and stars was exposed, instantly catching your attention as your eyes were sparkly looking at the jewelry. "Uwah, Kim Doyoung..."
"Pretty, right?" He looked proud of himself. "I got your taste right, didn't I?"
"Acknowledged," you admitted as you gave him a glimpse and approval smile before looking back at the necklace. "I've been looking for this stuff because I have matching rings and earrings, you know?"
"Of course I do. You've been babbling about that ever since," he responded proudly. "Come closer. Let me put it on."
You nodded, grinning as you took off your scarf. Then Doyoung proceed to loop the necklace on your exposed neck as you made a low ponytail with your hand. The smell of your perfume and your shampoo penetrated his nose, making him slightly nervous as if it was the first time being this close that it felt somewhat intimate.
You flipped your hair gently. "Thanks, Doyoung."
"Thanks to you too, Jooyeon," he muttered gently. He flashed you his softest smile as he took his time to lock his gaze at you. For the first time, he ran his fingers on your hair, brushing and tucking it behind your ears. A rapid heat instantly crept up on your cheeks along with your racing heart.
Doyoung kept on leaning in his body towards you, placing one of his hands on your head while the other one was on the car seat supporting his body, to a some point that you felt uneasy and nervous as well. He made you unconsciously leaning backwards, until you were already at the end of the car door and your back stuck against the door. "Do-Doyoung?"
"Hm?" he responded, with his smiley expression fading out. He looked contemplating of what he was doing, yet he kept getting closer.
When your noses brushed against each other, somehow it was a cue for you to close your eyes, grit your teeth, and hold your breath at the same time in panic. That was also when he slowly kept going forward and eventually connecting your lips that lasted for only 3 seconds. He broke the kiss quite abruptly yet he didn't pull himself right away. Instead his face was still there, less than 5 cm from yours. You both blinked shyly and was unable to make proper eye contact. Even you almost forgot how to breathe.
"I-it's okay, right? I.. I'm doing okay, r-right?" he stuttered as he blushed.
"Why are you asking that? You just make it weirder and even more awkward." You faked whining as you tried hard not to stutter as much. You didn't want to look embarrassed although you could feel your cheeks getting a natural reddish blush.
"Was it terrible? But, you see, you know it's not my first time. I can do better. I know it's not your first time either. I just..." he started talking fast as if he was rapping. You didn't know what to respond so you just froze there, pursing your lips. When you thought he was going to pull himself away, instead he leaned in again. You were taken aback and you wished you could jump out of there.
"Can I try one more time?" he boldly asked, half whispering. He must be supressing his embarrassment and throwing away his awkward self.
You widened your eyes as a sign of internal screaming. You got flustered so much and it was even more embarrassing that he tried to explain himself. Moreover, asking for another try. He was definitely out of his mind.
"Let's give it a try in another time," you suggested as you shoved him away with a very gentle movement.
"Oh, yeah, right. No rushing. Sorry." Doyoung immediately retreat and sat straight. Several loud inhales and exhales were slipped off of his mouth, seemingly a way to cool himself down.
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all-might-blog · 4 years
Teacher's gonna PARTAY
Hizashi (Present Mic) invites Toshinori (All Might, or, as I like to call him, Smol Might) and Aizawa (Eraserhead) over to his apartment for a "small" New Year's celebration.
This fanfic is inspired by a fanart I can across the other day. It is a drawing of All Might, Eraserhead and Present Mic having what looks like a small drinking party. There were originally two fanarts, but I couldn't find the one that inspired most of the story TMT. It is a picture of All Might, who is sitting on a couch reading a manual (teaching 4 dumbies-- literally). Present Mic can be seen in the background preparing snacks. And Eraserhead is on the floor, sleeping in his yellow worm thing XD. The original one (the one that gave me the idea) was the three of them drinking soda and alcohol. All Might had a shoping bag in one hand filled with actual food and a big bottle of something clutched in the other. Eraserhead had a cat lying on his lap and was holding a glass of something. Present mic was using a can of soda as a microphone. Just a warning: there is alcohol involved in this.
This is the fanart: 
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Mic: Heeeeeeeey! I was wondering if you guys are free today for New Year's!
Smol Might: Young Mirodiya is spending New Year's with his mother, so I don't really have any plans for tonight. Why?
Mic: Wanna come over to my apartment for a small party?
Eraser: Will there be drinks?
Mic: Yas.
Eraser: then count me in.
Smol Might: I will come too.
Mic: Perfect! See you soon!
9:03 pm
Toshinori closed the door of his apartment behind him, stuffing his hands into his pockets after adjusting the scarf he was wearing. He descended the staircase of his building and exited out into the cold night. People crowded the streets, there was music and light and the air was filled with hope, promise and happiness. No one really paid attention to All Might, but he wasn't really bothered about it. People were used to seeing him in his muscle form, after all. He stoped at a small supermarket, knowing that Mic wouldn't be serving any actual food. He got a cooked chicken, rice, salad and bought himself a cup of coffee. He paid for his stuff (the cashier asked for his autograph, which he accepted to do) and left for Mic's apartment, which was about ten minutes away.
9:15 pm
Toshinori knocked on Mic's door, which opened almost instantly.
"Smol Might!" Hizashi said loudly. "Glad you could make it, my man!"
"Thanks. I got us some stuff as well," Toshinori said, holding up his shopping bag.
"Awe, you shouldn't have!"
"Actually, I did. Were you planning to serve any food?"
"Do... chips count as food?"
Toshinori chuckled and Hizashi let him inside his apartment, shutting the door after him.
Mic's apartment was interesting. The sofas, which were placed facing a big television, were vibrant purple with green details. There was a dining table behind them which was laid with cans of soda and what seemed to be a bottle of wine. The walls were decorated with posters of musicians from older and newer times, such as Michael Jackson or Imagine Dragons, as well as music disks and such things. The TV was big and it had been turned on as Hizashi had been looking in Netflix for a movie.
“What should we watch?” Hizashi asked, walking to the dining table and throwing a can of soda to Toshinori, who caught it with both hands and nearly let go of the bag.
“I don't mind.” he answered. “Where do I put all of this stuff?”
“The chicken in the oven. The rest in the fridge, I suppose. I was also preparing milkshakes. Do you know what flavour Aizawa likes?” Mic asked as he went into the kitchen. Toshinori followed him with the shopping bag.
“I honestly don’t know. You can ask him when he comes.”
“Eh. Will do. What about you?” Hizashi asked. “I have vanilla and chocolate at my disposal…”
“Either will do.” Toshinori replied, getting the food out of the shopping bag. At that moment, someone knocked on the door. They exchanged a quick glance before Hizashi exited the kitchen at top speed, throwing the door open.
“Aizawa! finally!” he said.
“Since I know that you wouldn’t be serving any actual food…” Aizawa held up a shopping bag.
“Toshinori did the same,” Hizashi laughed, moving aside. Aizawa slipped inside.
“Hi,” Toshinori said with a wave, which Aizawa returned.
“So. What’s the plan for tonight?” he asked, entering the kitchen.
“Mic was going to put on a movie.” Toshinori replied. “Want me to put something in the fridge?”
“If you could…” Aizawa passed him the shopping bag. Toshinori went through the contents, putting the soba noodles in the fridge along with a packet of sushi.
“Oh ho ho!” he said. “You got ice cream as well?”
“Wait! Aizawa likes Ice cream?!” Mic butted in.
“Only if it’s dark chocolate.” Aizawa said, fishing the container out of Toshinori’s hands and placing it in the freezer bit of the fridge.
“So you will be okay with a chocolate milkshake?”
“I will take that as a yeah.”
9:27 pm
“So… what movie?” Mic asked, handing them all their milkshakes and taking his spot on one of the sofas.
“So long as it’s not my little pony…” Aizawa said.
“I don’t think they even have that here. It’s outdated.” Mic said. He landed on one of the movies. “How about Jumanji?”
11:30 pm
“What did you guys think?” Mic asked, switching the TV off as the credits rolled in.
“Eh. It was okay, I suppose.” Aizawa replied, popping open a can of soda.
“Should we eat something? I am kinda hungry…” Toshinori said. At that moment, someone knocked on the door.
“Yeah… did I mention I got us pizza?”
As Mic dealt with the pizza delivery guy, the other two got the stuff out of the fridge and onto the dining table. Soon they were all seated at the table, Toshinori just having finished heating up the chicken.
“I saved up a big bottle of champagne for today!” Mic said, returning from the entrance with two boxes of pizza in his hands.
“I feel like we shouldn’t have brought so much stuff along…”  Toshinori said with a laugh, seeing how much stuff they had.
“Whatever we don’t eat today can be saved for tomorrow!” Mic said, placing the pizza boxes on the table and giving them a fond pat. “Quoting my father.”
11:48 pm
“New year is in an hour, boys!” Hizashi said, glancing at his watch.
“How many cans of beer have you gotten through already?” Aizawa asked, noticing the strange look on Hizashi’s face.
“Like… I think… two? Three? I don’t know?” he giggled.
“Aaaand he’s gotten himself drunk.” Aizawa said with a sigh.
“You sound surprised.” Toshinori said.
“Nah. It’s happened many times already.” Aizawa said.
“Why am I not surprised?”
“HEY! I know! Let’s do KARAOKE!” Hizashi shouted, getting to his feet.
“Crap. I forgot the earplugs!” Aizawa hissed as he ran to his bedroom.
11:54 pm
Toshinori and Aizawa had taken refuge in the toilet. They could hear Hizashi singing at the top of his lungs in the living room. Toshinori pitied his neighbors.
“Does this happen every time he drinks alcohol?” he hissed.
“More than it should, but not excessively.” Aizawa said. “I swear that I feel as if my ears are about to begin bleeding.”
“You know what? On that I can agree.” Toshinori said. Hizashi finished the song he was singing with an insanely high pitch.
“It’s nearly twelve.” Toshinori said, looking at his watch.
“Yup. Hopefully we will be able to see the firework displays… And Hizashi has finally fallen quiet.”
“Couldn’t you erase his quirk? Then at least he would be quieter.”
“That’s a great idea.” Aizawa said, pushing past him and throwing the door open. “Hey! Hizashi! We wanna sing too!”
“Really?!” Hizashi staggered, only to be wrapped in Aizawa’s scarf. Toshinori stepped out of the bathroom.
“That was easier than I thought it would be,” he said. “ Let’s go see the fireworks.”
They went out onto the terrace, Aizawa keeping Hizashi tied up but taking him with them anyways. Just then, the fireworks started, marking the start of the year.
A new start for all of us, Toshinori thought, leaning on the railing, things are going to change...  
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heckinhacker · 5 years
Blood Moon!Aatrox x Demon!S/O - Insane between crazy.
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word count: 1,608 requested: Yes!  - By Anonymous: “ Can I ask for Blood moon Aatrox fanfic plz? When he met the demon s/o but they're different from the other demons because instead of killing mortals, they tried to save them plz. “ warnings: Curses, violence, Aatrox being Aatrox. 
 You were standing on the podium, your arms raised to red as blood heaven, shouting at your own kind.
“And WHY do we have to sacrifice human lives for our own sake? Why is it everything about bloodshed?! Humans aren’t bad, they’re innocent, they can do no harm to us, so why do we kill them like animals?! They’re just like us - NO. They’re even better. THEY have emotions, they can be reasoned with, they connect with each other and we only have ability to think, but what do we get from thinking when we don’t use it! Everything we do is just kill, stab, get those guts out and make a new scarf, this is stupid!” 
You preached, you shouted to heavens and other demons looking at you like you’d lost your mind. There was solid moment of silence, before you heard this hoarse laugh. Pyke. It’s almost always Pyke. After his laugh which usually makes you go insane, every other demon burst in mad laughs too. Even The Kalista, this smart Kalista. You felt disappointment rise in your chest. You really wanted to hide right now. Somewhere, anywhere. You jumped off of podium and tried to fast-walk out of there. With no luck, of course, demons are really, really...jackasses. 
Thresh stood in your way, his mask and “hair” floating above you. You furrowed your eyebrows behind your mask. - What was that, [y/n]? I couldn’t quite understand because of your whines, you weren’t clear enough! - Right. You’re sure it’s because of me? You forgot your head from home, maybe that’s why.
Thresh’s red flame erupted around, eye-holes of floating mask filled with red light. Well, someone can’t handle being roasted. Thresh aimed his hook pretty quickly to your direction, but you gracefully jumped away, huffing. You wouldn’t like to fight with this sadist not now nor anytime, it’s better to flee and wait until  he calms down. You heard behind you screams of Thresh and louder talks of other demons. They’re stupid. Too stupid to understand. They never get through they thin skulls that thanks to people they exist. Kinda. God knows about “The First One”. Does he even exist? The progenitor every human and demon fear, The first demon ever who landed his feet on human’s ground. Funny. He sounds like some kind of “Adam and Eve” from human’s religion, like, you know? “The first one” ! But he’s alone, and he was made by blood moon itself. If he’d only show up...anywhere. Not like It’d be a good thing for you. We all can imagine he’d be an ass too, like everyone else was. 
The plan for the rest of the day was to lay down on some tree and take a nap, maybe find some animals to play around with, then wait ‘till the night when the monsters go apeshit. You just climbed up, took mask off so it covers only your eyes and managed to close them to rest, but then, loud explosion, maniacal laughs, terrorizing screams of your beloved mortals. No, not that again. You groaned, fixing your mask and jumping down to run to the village. Why are they on the streak again? Do they ever fucking rest?? You were there almost immediately, trying to protect the defenseless. Good thing your fighting weapon was shield. You did as much as you could, but little did you know - Aatrox was there.
You pushed Talon away from this poor man who had pass out from fear, shouting at him to ‘fucking stop’. When Talon wanted to jump up with a dangerous growl, Aatrox shouted with this demonic, echoed like by some other dimension voice who scared everyone around.”ENOUGH.” You, demons, people who tried to run away but fell down because they knees got weak because of terrifying shout that pierced their souls and minds. Your shield was dropped to the ground as you looked at this tall form of majestic horror in human representation. He was The Progenitor, The First One, That demon from which everything started. You gulped loudly, and he stared directly at you, his eyebrows furrowed. He’s a born leader, general of darkspawn army, leading for mortal’s extinction. - I… - What does you attitude mean? You’re not even that old demon. What were you thinking? - I just… - Enough of this nonsense. I’ll teach you a lesson, novice, while others can- - N-no, they cannot. - Can you repeat yourself? - They just can’t! CAN’T! - you shouted, looking amazingly dangerous while bending down to get your shield and furiously tap it with your little sword you promised never to use. - I won’t let this madness continue, no more! Aatrox threw his sword aside, which created thud way louder it should be. You could promise ground had shaken at this exact moment this enormous peace of ancient iron and brutally murdered souls had fallen down. He makes few steps towards you, you don’t move even inch, only take deep breaths. He brutally rips your mask off to look at your countenance. He squeezed your cheeks with one hand without problem, your faces way too close, your foreheads touching. - Do you still have courage to open your filthy, pathetic mouth? - I. Am. NOT. Afraid. Of. You. You didn’t even stutter, twitch, anything. This demon was not afraid, the youngest demon known was not shaken by mighty Aatrox. He was, indeed, surprised. How could you. How could you DARE to talk back to him. He was now holding you up by your throat. Even though you were already dead, you could feel suffocation. Your little coughs and struggling looked entertaining for other demons, but Aatrox told them off with one single glare. They vanished as soon as they appeared. - Apologise. - Not...in this...afterlife…- you coughed furiously. - and not...in the next...weakling…
Aatrox threw you like a ragdoll across empty field, your flight was over when you hit the wall, making deep hole in it. You-shaped hole. He approached you, took up his sword and looked down at you, like you were some bug. He put his surely oversized foot on your shoulder, pushing you deeper into building’s wall. - You’re brave. I like that. I expect more submissiveness next time, but consider yourself lucky. Now perish. - he threw you your mask back.
No matter how much you wanted to snark back some backfire, but only bit your bottom lip, stood up slowly and went away, limping. 
Aatrox would lie if he’d say he didn’t picked up any interest in you. Furthermore, he was thinking about you. He had no clue what has gotten into him, but it annoys the fuck out of him. Your pathetic face when he was choking you, desperate gasp after you were released, hateful look you shot at him when he stepped on your shoulder. The thought of this image sent shiver down his spine, he purely hated that. With passion. He decides to see your unmasked face again, to fight his own thoughts. To fight himself. He can prove he’s more than some human attachment. 
He got up, fixed his clothes, tightened up his man-bun and went off to the hardest war he had ahead of himself.
You can sense his presence right away, so his big figure heading to you was really no surprising, his aura was strong and steps pretty loud. He draws his sword in front of your face and you raise your eyebrow in amusement, as he demands the fight. - Draw your weapon. - Why…? - It’s a war, [y/n]. There’s no turning back. - Why would I start the fight I’ll for sure lose? But he forces you to take up your shield to protect yourself from his strong swing with the sword which is probably heavier than you with your shield in hand. You block the attack, pushing him back slightly, groaning. You feel the vibration off that hit in your bone, unpleasant feeling. You are angry at this moment, grabbing your little sword into your second hand. Not like it’ll help much against gigantic sword, but well, you didn’t thought straight. It’s like...you are against demon’s nature, but you’re one anyway, you have something from them, and anger had blinded your common sense. Aatrox was the first one even in this case. He was the first to trigger your demon nature. 
You charged at gigantic monster with such force he lost his balance for a moment, but helped himself with his sword. You use that moment to try and stab him under his ribs, but he kicks you so hard you fall back with loud thud. He takes a deep breath, rushes to you and kicks off your shield. After that, he steps on  your wrist, forcing you to drop this imitation of a sword. He throws his weapon away, kneels down, grabs your collar and kisses you forcefully. There was no hint of gentleness or pureness. It was pure - pure wildness and domination. You gasp in surprise, trying to kick him off or push him away, but there’s no use of that.
No matter how much you try to fight it, he kisses pretty damn well. You finally give up, closing your eyes and reciprocate the passion he somehow shared with you. When you were over - not because of breath loss - he looked at you, his eyes not full of aggression or fighting spirit. They were...as normal as they could be, not fully but had that hint of something else.
“I lost the war between us. I lost with the insane between crazy.”
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