#can you tell i ran out of steam at the end. sorry. its late
wizfurb · 2 years
BBC Ghosts 04x04 - Robin’s “William”
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Note: Idk if the show has any plans on expanding on some of the past ghosts, but I thought it’d be fun to make up an OC based on one of Robin’s friends he mentions in 04x04. I’m going off the assumption he was just listing them randomly rather than in chronological order necessarily <3 This isn’t like a proper fic (though I may write one someday) but it does run a bit long, buckle in folks :3
Words: 1.5k not a proper fic my ass how did i end up writing this much
William was a Victorian hobbyist palaeontologist/archaeologist who died in 1860 when he was around 30. Darwin’s On The Origins of Species had just come out the year before. And a few years earlier, previously uncategorised fossils had just been formally declared as belonging to another species of human altogether-- Neanderthals. 
William was deeply fascinated by the past. However, because he was raised as a woman in his youth (and a common one at that) he had little formal education in the way of science. Once he set out on his own, under a new/correct identity, he learned everything he could from books, seminars he could sneak into, writing to others in the field and self-funded excavation (nevermind that he had never actually found anything, yet). 
How he died: 
Suffice to say, like much of the scientific world, he became obsessed with the concepts of evolution and ancient hominids. So when he heard a rumor that strange bones had been unearthed at some country estate not too far from him he had to investigate. He begged the owners of Button House for the chance to excavate some of the land. Despite the handsome payment offered, they firmly refused, objecting that they wanted no part in this heathen practise.
But William was determined. He set up camp at the edge of the woods so as to not be seen and began his excavation in secret. Soon he had dug a pit as deep as he was tall, but had little definitive findings to show for it. One day, as he was emerging from the pit after a long dig a loud CRACK filled the air, and his shoulder throbbed. Ironically, the bullet wound probably wouldn’t have killed him, but the fall back into the pit did—his head hitting the ground at just the wrong angle. The perpetrators—hunters who mistook him for an animal, residents finally taking care of the intruder, he did not know—  left him where he died, filling in the pit and absolving themselves. The irony of a fossil hunter being buried was not lost on him.
The in between:
During his afterlife, William had a hard time determining if he was in Heaven or Hell. After the initial freak out about death and the existence of ghosts, William was naturally ecstatic to meet Robin. But he despaired the fact that he couldn't record any of his findings, or prove himself share them with the scientific community 
Still, he takes to interviewing Robin constantly, asking about his life when he was alive, and the developments he saw in death (he had to hold back from overtly examining Robin’s features/body, that would hardly be polite). Robin is initially kind of wary of him. After all it isn't often people sought him out for deep discussions, and William asked so much, Robin “have other things to do you know” (he didn’t, but everyone needs me time, so they find a balance).
He talks a bit about himself too. How he feels about his field, not caring to hide just how much passion he has. He firmly believes in the cause, the value of learning about past peoples and in turn learning about ourselves. He thinks it’s ridiculous that so many people regard evolution and hominid study as a heathen craft, doesn’t understand why religion and science can’t co-exist. 
(Robin doesn’t understand it either but he doesn’t understand a lot of what William says anyway. He talks very quickly and uses big science words. But he comes to like the way he says them, and especially likes that he takes the time to explain).
William asks Robin if his people had any such beliefs, stories to make sense of how the world works. Robin tells him about the moon, of course. He tells him about all the legends he watched his friends immortalise on cave walls. He tells him of the camp fires in the sky, the animal spirits that live inside your chest and thump against your rib cage when you’re scared or excited. William concludes that he doesn’t mind being in purgatory, he’d gladly listen to Robin forever. And not just to study. For all he knows now, William must be the greatest scientist in his field. But more than that he just likes being with Robin. He’s very funny, very intelligent, he doesn’t have the words to communicate it, but he understands more about humanity than scientists ever will. William had lived a solitary life, no friends, just passing colleagues that didn’t even value his work or him half the time. In death he found a kindred spirit.
Nonetheless, William never stops being fascinated with the idea of finding Robin’s bones. When he asks Robin about it, Robin claims “Nothing to find. Animals come eat me. Bear, wolf, bird— I very popular. So popular even family scared to come get me. Till one day I come back and nothing left”.
William is fascinated to learn Robin’s people buried their dead. He will not give up on the hope that Robin’s bones—the very bones that brought William here in the first place—are out there somewhere. He asks Robin if his bones might have any identifying features, like a fracture that might have healed strangely or teeth marks from a bad animal attack. Robin puffs up proudly, says “Me good hunter! Never get hurt like that. Back then, you break bone you usually die, so”. William settles for examining Robin’s teeth, and only gets playfully bitten a few times.
How he got sucked off moved on:
They are friends for years and years and years. For the first time in his life—death— William feels valued as a person, and more fulfilled everyday as student of history. And, though he is confident in himself, Robin, too, appreciates that William values him as an equal, as a human, not some savage half-man. They explore the grounds together, talk about the animals they find, share stories, lay on the grass and stargaze. William teaches Robin about constellations, and Robin is enraptured. Something about seeing shapes, animals, in the sky, trying to make meaning of something so vast and unknowable, it’s familiar. It feels like a piece of home (and gives him an idea).
Like always, it’s sudden. The Button’s are having work done in the gardens again, to put in another fountain or some such, when they find him. The constabulary are called, his bones exhumed and taken away. William should probably be more horrified at seeing his own bones, but he’s mostly just annoyed he can’t interact with his now unearthed notebook. The workers suggest a more thorough search of the area, lest they come across any more surprises and have to halt their work again. And that’s how it happens. 
Meer metres from William’s digsite all those years ago is another, smaller concentration of bones. Some are animal, and some are most definitely not. A worker uses a gloved hand to pick up a very human jaw fragment, the molars a little too big and round and— “Robin!” William shouts. He circles the worker, taking in the teeth at all angles before turning back to his friend, positively shaking with excitement. 
William grips Robin’s jaw (and while Robin makes a surprised grunt, he and William clearly have no hang ups about touch/personal space anymore), quickly but gently prying it open to get a better look. There! The second molar with a large brown crack down the middle, and the chipped canine! Keeping a hand on that familiar jaw, William’s voice is somehow soft and filled with fervour when he says “Robin that’s you. They found you!” and realises “...I almost found you”. 
Robin furrows his heavy brows and looks at the jaw, “Me?”.
William is smiling so hard, his jaw would probably hurt, were he alive. “Yes, you! And look at these-” he points to the pit “-these stone bits! They’re not natural. Someone did bury you, you must have just missed it”. Robin laughs, laughs so hard it catches and brings them both to their knees looking into that godforsaken pit. To think, one of the biggest questions of his afterlife answered, thousands of years later, by some fancy man obsessed with bones. 
Robin pokes William in the chest, where the animal spirits live, and says with a rough fondness “You. You found me”. William’s eyes are as wide and bright as the full moon, and before Robin fully realises what is happening, that brightness encompasses William’s whole body, till all that remains of William is his tattered journal still covered in dirt at the bottom of the pit.
William’s death was the adventure of his life. But for Robin those—what? 30 odd years? were a blink of an eye. He stares at where the light disappears. He almost sighs, but huffs out another laugh instead, and heads inside to tell the others.
Later, when the moon is high and thousands of little campfires sparkle in the sky, Robin picks out a star. And later, much later, 132ish years later, he points at the star and remembers. 
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foreingersgod · 2 months
Can I request a Caitlin Clark x taller Fem Hockey Player Reader who dresses masculine (Reader is extremely clumsy/looks like she has fawn legs when Reader is on normal ground, but when the reader is on the ice she is a force to be reckoned with)
(And the reader has a short and curly ‘burly touching her shoulders’ artist bob hairstyle)
-Reader clumsily ran into Caitlin and managed to spill Caitlin’s coffee/hot tea drink on the reader
Reader is embarrassed and just sorta starts rambling out apologizes (I imagine Robin Buckley style rambling) completely ignoring the hot drink that was spilled on her (the readers used to getting injured by her own fawn legs at this point so it doesn’t even faze her)
Reader offers to buy Caitlin a new drink and Caitlin offers to get the taller girl a new shirt
(After that they began dating)
The reader is extremely vocal in her support of Caitlin and the Basketball team when it’s basketball season
So when it’s time for the readers hockey season to begin Caitlin and the team surprise the reader at game in support of reader — but the team is so used to the readers clumsiness that they are shock at how amazing the reader plays on the ice almost like reader is Jack Frost
Maybe at the end Caitlin tells the reader she loves the taller readers clumsiness and finds It endearing how reader is hard core hockey player on the ice and a clumsy goofball on regular ground but no matter either or the reader is always the softness person for her/caitlin
(Sorry This is long I’m kinda sleepy and I can’t find the energy to simplify this 🫤🫠😭😞🥱🥱😪)
— LadyBatSuperKing 🏳️‍🌈🦇🦸‍♂️👑
She’s a force to be reckoned with . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: *refer to request
the alarm clock on your bedside table wailed throughout your bedroom. waking up for practice at 5:30 in the morning should be a crime. you were in no mood to lace up your skates and throw on your gear at all today, especially this early. despite your body pleading to stay in bed for 5 more minutes, you forced yourself to get up and get ready for the day.
you fumbled around your bathroom, trying to quickly tame your hair and brush your teeth, knocking down numerous toiletries in the process. you whispered a few curses under your breathe as you knocked over your bottle of hair product, half of its contents emptying into the sink.
eventually, and certainly not without clumsily cluttering half of your apartment, you managed to make your way out of the door and on your way to practice.
you tried to enjoy the early hours of the morning as you meandered down the street, dipping into your favorite coffee shop to wash away the 6:00 am drowsiness. it wasn’t busy like it normally was. only a few business men with their eyes glued to their phones and a completely exhausted college student stood around the shop.
glancing at your phone, you realized that you were going to be late if you didn’t hurry up and order so you made haste to order your drink and leave. grabbing your cup from the barista, you swiftly turned around and headed for the door. before you could even wrap your fingers around the handle, a woman, surprisingly just as tall as you were, pushed the door open. the door pushed right into you, the girl running straight into your chest and spilling your coffee all over the front of your clothes.
“fuck” you cursed, feeling the steaming drink seep through your shirt and onto your skin.
“holy shit, i’m so sorry! i didn’t see you there at all i swear to god!” the girl said, cheeks burning up in embarrassment. she ran over to the counter and returned with several napkins, trying to dab up the coffee that was still dripping onto the floor.
“no no you’re…you’re fine it’s not a biggie” you tried to say, not wanting to make a big deal of it all. you could tell she felt horrible about it and you didn’t want to make her feel any worse, even if she did just destroy one of the only shirts that actually fit your tall figure. “this happens all the time! like don’t even-don’t even worry about it it’s totally cool! i should be sorry, i was totally in your way, completely my fault really!”
“what? no! of course it’s a big deal, i just destroyed your shirt dude” completely unfazed by your rambling. her gaze finally met yours and you could now get a clear look of her face. and damn was she smoking hot. not to mention she was tall enough that she didn’t have to strain her neck to see you like everyone else did. “is there…is there anything i can do? i feel like shit, i shouldn’t have rushed through the door like that without paying attention.”
“you’re really fine, don’t worry about it” you gave her a genuine smile.
“can i at least buy you a new shirt? a new drink?” it came out more like a beg than an offer.
“well,” you shrugged “since this was one of my only shirts that fit, i think a replacement would be very generous, thank you”
“definitely, yea no problem” she stuttered out “um, i’m caitlin, sorry we had to meet in such a shitty situation”
you both laughed “i’m YN, nice to meet you caitlin”
and the rest was history, she bought you a new shirt, you bought you both two cups of coffee, and she offered to walk with you the rest of the way to your practice. before parting ways, you exchanged contacts and made plans to hangout later that night. scorching hot coffee spilling on your shirt was probably the best thing that had happened to you in a long time.
˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
it had been several months since you met cait at the coffee shop, and now you both were happily dating. you originally thought she wanted to be just friends, aware that your clumsiness and tall figure wasn’t typically something that someone looked for in a woman. but she was very adamant that she loved you for you, finding the beauty and originality in your clumsy nature and being incredibly grateful to have a girlfriend that understands what it’s like to have to duck to fit through some doors. to her, you were funny and original and you both had so much in common, she couldn’t fathom a world in which you stayed friends.
your relationship so far has been absolute bliss. hockey season eventually ended as you started getting to know each other, so there was a lot of night spent watching her practice and even more evenings watching her play. you’ll admit, basketball was never your thing, the rink was the only place you were comfortable, but falling in love with caitlin really made you fall in love with the sport too. you were like her ‘personal cheerleader’ she told you, always shouting her name and repping a #22 jersey. the team became your family at this point and you loved nothing more than supporting them from the stadium seats.
the basketball season eventually came to an end and it was truly a privilege to watch your girlfriend blow everyone away. watching her and her team win, take home titles and awards made you explode with joy. but you were even more excited to share the coming hockey season for the first time with caitlin and the rest of the team.
they all knew you to be the klutz in your relationship, so you were anticipating the looks on their faces when they saw you on the ice.
˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
“alright, baby, we’ll be watching” caitlin said, rubbing your arm through your jersey and padding. she had met you in the hallway, outside the locker room, to wish you luck one more time before your game started.
“i love so much, thanks for being here” you pulled her in for a kiss.
“i wouldn’t miss it for the world”
she made her way back out to where the team was sitting, giving your hand a gentle squeeze before she left. you could see them laugh and smile with each other and it made you so happy that they were all here to support you.
your coach hollered for you from inside the locker room not long after and you quickly hustled back to lace up. after you were completely geared up, stretched, and given a sturdy team pep talk by coach, you were ready to head out onto the rink.
the announcers called out everyone’s names, including yours, and you could practically feel caitlin’s smile from down there. then before you knew it, the whistle was blown and the game started.
it was going incredibly well. you had your stick poised and ready to to move effortlessly across the ice. every one of your movements was deliberate and precise, you felt as though you were gliding on air. when the puck was hurtled toward you, you reacted with lightning reflexes, intercepting it with a graceful flick of your stick.
this was your moment, you thought, time for everyone to see that you weren’t as clumsy on the ice.
you skated down the rink, charging forward to drive the puck into the opponents goal. you were up against girls almost twice your size. and yet, when everyone was sure that you would slip up when the girls came at you, you slid around them with unwavering speed and focus. you were past them in mere seconds, shocking the crowd. finally, you reached the goal and you took your shot, sending it flying right into the net of the goal.
the crowd erupted with applause, hollering your number and screaming for your team. but you were only focused on finding caitlin and the girls. you spotted her almost immediately, locking eyes, and laughing under your breathe when you saw the looks on all of their faces. their eyes were wide and their mouths hanging open with shock, totally dumbfounded by your change in coordination.
after your astounding goal that put your team ahead of your opponents, the game felt like it was over in seconds. your team was incredibly happy that you had won your first game of the season. you all made your way off the rink and into the locker room again, signing posters and shirts as you walked down the tunnel. everyone was changing into their post-game clothes, congratulating one another, and hugging everyone goodbye until tomorrow’s practice.
you hurriedly pulled your gear off and put on your team hoodie and watching sweats, trying to make it out to see caitlin and girls as fast as you could. sure enough, the second you stepped out those doors, they all stood with posters and flowers, excited to shower you and praise and congratulate you on the game.
“you guys are so sweet, thanks for coming!” you beamed, hugging everyone one by one.
“oh of course!” kate smiled at you.
“wouldn’t miss it,” hannah followed “we wouldn’t want to miss those killer moves! who knew you could move like that you klutz” she nudged your shoulder, playfully.
you all laughed with her, making jokes about how your long legs made you almost invincible out on the rink and how they were all worried you’d slip and fall. but you loved that they all cared about you and were proud of what you accomplished tonight.
after the team was finished catching up with you, they retired for the night and headed their separate ways. of course caitlin stayed behind, ready to walk you to her car and head back to her place to further “celebrate”
“you know i love you, and i think you were fantastic tonight, right?” she said from the drivers side of her car.
“of course, why? is everything ok?”
“yea no, no, everything’s fine” she smiled, glancing between you and the road. “i know me and you and the team…we’ll all joke about your clumsiness sometimes, but…i don’t know i just wanted to make sure you knew that i genuinely love that about you”
“cait” you blushed
“seriously, i love everything about you, from your clumsiness and your rambling, to your precision in your games…i love that you’re just as tall as me, if not more, even if you feel insecure about it. i love that your goofy when it’s just me and you. i’m seriously so in love with everything about you, it’s crazy”
“you’re so sweet to me, caitlin, i love you so much” you reached over the console to hold her hand “more than you know” all she did was smile back at you, rubbing her thumb over yours as you sped down the road to her apartment.
A/N: again, i’m sorry if there are an inaccuracies with the hockey terminology, but i hope you love it nonetheless! i loved this request, thanks so much anon, enjoy! <3
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floofiestboy · 3 months
Official DC App's Voiced Stories: Akai Shuuichi
The official Detective Conan app offers a number of voiced stories - short conversations between characters - to its premium subscribers. I translated all twelve stories that include Akai.
Other characters that appear in these stories are Conan (12), Amuro (3), Okiya (3), Kaito Kid (1), Haibara (1), and Ran (1).
Table of Contents
Voiced Stories: Akai Shuuichi
Voiced Stories: Amuro Tooru
Makeup Time (メイク時間)
Okiya: "Hey there, boy."
Conan: "Good morning, Akai-san! Sorry for coming by so early."
Okiya: "I don't mind. You're here for the study's books, aren't you?"
Conan: "Yeah, there's something I wanna look into... ah, you were putting on your disguise!"
Okiya: "It's taking me less time to put on my disguise lately, but my makeup didn't quite go on smoothly this morning..."
Conan: "Huh? Your makeup didn't go on s-smoothly?"
Okiya: "I suspect my new lotion is to blame..."
Conan: "L-L-Lotion? That's that thing, right? You use it after washing your face..."
Okiya: "Yes... I ended up using up all of the lotion Yukiko-san provided for me... I bought a similar type, but it seems like this brand doesn't suit my skin well."
Conan: "Akai-san, thanks for all your hard work..."
Okiya: "I'm Okiya Subaru right now, Edogawa Conan-kun... And it's surprisingly fun once you get used to it. I make new discoveries every day. Why don't you give it a try as well?"
Conan: "I'll have to say no to that."
How to Make Ham Sandwiches (ハムサンドの作り方)
Amuro: "Now then, we'll be putting the fillings on."
Conan: "Right!"
Amuro: "First, we spread mayonnaise over the bread we just steamed..."
Conan: "The special mayonnaise with a dash of miso!"
Amuro: "Then we place the lettuce we washed in lukewarm water, and ham on top of that..."
Conan: "The ham you just applied olive oil to!"
Amuro: "Finally, place another slice of bread on top of that, cut it into triangles, and it's complete..."
Conan: "You were putting so much work into it... no wonder it's so good!"
Amuro: "Ah, thank you very much! You'd like the bill, yes? I'll accept this thousand yen bill..."
Conan: (Amuro-san is working his café job seriously too...)
Amuro: "Thank you very much!"
Conan: "Thanks, Amuro-san! I'll try making these at home right away too... huh? What's the matter?"
Amuro: "That man just now... I feel as though I've met him before... am I imagining things...?"
Akai: (Heh… the secret to Café Poirot's famous ham sandwiches… I've successfully obtained it!)
Who's the Culprit? (犯人は?)
Conan: "I'll go over the facts of the case one more time. The ham and chicken breast were the only things that disappeared, right?"
Amuro: "Yes... this morning, we had more than enough ham and chicken breast. There's no doubt about that..."
Conan: "But now there isn't, right? When was the last time you confirmed how much ham and chicken breast you had?"
Amuro: "When I made a ham sandwich an hour ago, we still had enough... and I haven't used it for anything else..."
Conan: "I've never heard of a thief who only steals ham and chicken breast..."
Akai: "I was listening in to your conversation. The culprit must then be someone who can easily both enter and exit this Café Poirot, or alternatively someone who wouldn't be noticed even if they entered or exited."
Amuro: (gasps) "Which means...!"
Conan: "Don't tell me, the culprit is...!"
Amuro: "So it was you, Taii."
Taii: "Meow!"
Let's Go to the Scene! (現場へ行ってみよう!)
Conan: "Amuro-san, how was it?!"
Amuro: "As we thought, there was a robbery at that bank... but mysteriously, after the culprit took hostages, they vanished out of the blue."
Conan: "Are the hostages all safe?"
Amuro: "Yes... it appears as though the police are taking statements from each one."
Conan: "So the culprit could be..."
Amuro: "...among their number..."
Conan: "Amuro-san, let's go to the scene!"
Amuro: "Yes! Let's hurry!"
Akai: "There seems to be some kind of case going on..."
The Two Great Detectives (2人の名探偵)
Kaito Kid: "I've finished casing out the joint, so I guess it's about time for me to head h- mm? Hey now, no way... the two walking over there- is that the detective and... the turtleneck guy?!
Conan: "Hey, Subaru-san! I wanna drop by a book store."
Okiya: "Yes, that sounds nice. I was just thinking I'd like to drop by one as well."
Kaito Kid: "That's right! He's Okiya Subaru, if I remember correctly... he's a grad student that's been going in and out of the Kudo Mansion. But he's kinda suspicious... there's something on his neck too. Just who is he?"
Conan: "Don't tell me- you want that magazine too, Subaru-san?"
Okiya: "Yes, it is a Holmes special edition, after all."
Kaito Kid: "I see, so to the detective, he's a fellow Sherlockian... but is that all? Alright, I'm following them!"
Kaito Kid: "Dammit, did I lose sight of them...? But this is strange... why would a book store be in an alley like this...?"
Conan: "As if there'd be a book store in a place like this. I just wanted to move you here."
Kaito Kid: (in a high, feminine voice) "Who might you be? I'm afraid poor little me is quite lost..."
Conan: "Idiot. I can sense who you are from your presence alone."
Kaito Kid: "Oh, is that so. What happened to the turtleneck guy?"
Conan: "I had him go on ahead. Said I had something I needed to do."
Conan: "Wait - cough, cough - a smoke bomb?!"
Kaito Kid: "See you, detective. Our next meeting will be under the moonlight."
Conan: "Hey! Geez, what did he come here to do?"
What Do You Do On Your Days Off? (休日何してるの?)
Conan: "Speaking of which, what do you do on your days off?"
Akai: "Me? Why do you ask?"
Conan: "I just thought it'd be kinda questionable for you to spend all day at home..."
Akai: "I have no dearth of books to read in the mansion, after all..."
Conan: "Mm, well, I can't deny that..."
Akai: "I tend to cook a lot as well..."
Conan: "Right, the professor did say that you bring your homecooking over a lot."
Akai: "Aside from that, I clean and repair the house, I suppose."
Conan: "Sorry about the house being old and cluttered..."
Akai: "Why do you feel the need to apologize?"
Conan: "Huh?! ...Um..."
Akai: "Well, I'm doing more than just that, but... you don't need to know about that, boy..."
Conan: "Hey, hey, what are you doing in someone else's house?"
The Colour Black- Do You Like it? Hate It? (黒は好き?嫌い?)
Conan: "Hey, Akai-san. Do you wanna play this?"
Akai: "Oh? Othello, I see... I don't mind. It's a valuable opportunity to face off against you."
Conan: "Let's start with rock-paper-scissors. Rock, paper, scissors!"
Akai: "Hm, it appears I've won. I'll choose black, which goes first."
Conan: "Huh? Akai-san, you're fine with black?"
Akai: "Didn't I previously tell you that my favourite colour is black?"
Conan: "Did you...? Oh, you mean when the Mokubasou Apartments burnt down. B-But didn't you say 'if I had to pick one'? And that you hated black too?
Akai: "The colour black does hide all the parts of yourself you don't want others to see, after all."
Conan: "But you answered as Okiya-san back then, right? As yourself, the colour black- do you like it? Hate it?
Akai: "Well, who knows. Perhaps I'll tell you if you win against me in Othello."
Conan: "Can't say no to that!"
Jeet Kune Do (ジークンドー)
Akai: "There you go. Boy, I've finished applying the warm compress."
Conan: "Thank you, Akai-san... you were a huge help..."
Akai: "To think you'd come flying down from above while we were chasing a purse snatcher... you always take such risks."
Conan: "I'm sorry. There were a lot of people around, so I couldn't use my wristwatch or my soccer ball."
Akai: "I see. So it was beyond the abilities of your small body. At least you didn't involve anyone else in the incident- small mercies."
Conan: "Yeah, I'll be more careful from now on... Man, if only I could use Jeet Kune Do like you."
Akai: "Oh? You using Jeet Kune Do? That sounds rather amusing."
Conan: "Like, Holmes could use that martial art called 'bartitsu' too, right? So it's always been something I looked up to."
Conan: "Oh yeah, speaking of Jeet Kune Do, did you really send training videos to Sera-no-neechan?"
Akai: "Right, I did do that."
Conan: "I see~ so you really love your sister, huh?"
Akai: "I presumed she would be interested, given how she is."
Conan: "I wanna see you and Sera-no-neechan battle it out in a master-apprentice match someday."
Memories With Your Family (家族との思い出)
Akai: "Boy... I've brewed some coffee, so let's take a break."
Conan: "Thank you, Akai-san! Wow, it's already this late... I was reading for so long, my neck's all cricked... ouch..."
Akai: "Haha, you did appear to be concentrating quite deeply."
Conan: "Eheheh... oh right. Akai-san, do you like onsen-manju? Ayumi-chan brought some over as a souvenir from her family vacation."
Akai: "Oh? I'll gladly partake."
Conan: "...Speaking of which, have you ever gone on a family vacation?"
Akai: "Mm? Right... I'm not sure if I'd call it a family vacation, but I do recall we went to a beach once around a decade back... I met Masumi for the first time there."
Conan: "A-Ah, really...?"
Akai: "Well, it wasn't any kind of happy-go-lucky family time. I ended up garishly fighting it out with my mother."
Conan: "I-Is that so..."
Wanna Go Out? (ちょっと出かけない?)
Conan: "Agh, it's almost noon... geez, who's Ran going to meet...? The only guy I can ask for help is Akai-san at this point... ah! Akai-san is here!"
Conan: "Hey hey, Akai-san, wanna go out?"
Akai: "With you, boy? Where?"
Conan: "I want to get to a mall in the neighbouring town by noon..."
Akai: "I see, so you need a car..."
Conan: "Yeah... Kogoro-no-ojisan is glued to horse racing on the TV, and the professor says he won't be back until night..."
Akai: "So you've turned to me for help? But what do you need to buy at the mall?"
Conan: "I-I wanna read a new Holmes translation that came out recently! None of the book stores near here have it, so I wanna go to a mall and buy it at a big book store!"
Akai: "Hmph, if that's the case, then I'll accompany you."
Conan: "Thank goodness, thank you!"
Akai: "Then let's make haste, so we'll make it by noon... it's so you can see who she's meeting with, correct?"
Conan: "Huh...?!"
Akai: "If all you wanted was to buy a book, it wouldn't matter when we arrived. Am I wrong?"
Conan: "Urk... I'm counting on you!"
What's Under His Turtleneck? (タートルネックの下は?)
Okiya: "Hello, I came to retrieve my pot from yesterday..."
Conan: "Subaru-san! Huh, your pot from yesterday...? Did you share your food with them again?"
Okiya: "Oh, Conan-kun. You were here? Yes, I actually cooked the best stew I've ever made yesterday, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to share it with Professor Agasa and Haibara-san."
Haibara: "Yes, the vegetables weren't half-cooked, and the broth had soaked into them- but he boiled it for too long, and the potatoes were dissolving."
Okiya: "My, my, you're as harsh as ever."
Haibara: "And you're as turtleneck-clad as ever."
Conan: "That's because- the professor explained it before, yeah? Subaru-san must get cold easily!"
Haibara: "Why are you panicking, Edogawa-kun? All I said was 'you're as turtleneck-clad as ever.' Unless you're saying there is something under there?"
Conan: "So it is bothering you after all..."
Okiya: "Why does it bother you so much?"
Haibara: "Isn't it obvious? It's because you're trying to hide it."
Okiya: "I see. But unfortunately, I have no real reason for this turtleneck. It's as I told you- adults are sensitive to the cold. We aren't outdoor creatures like children."
Okiya: "Now then. I'll be taking my leave."
Haibara: "Hmph. Being sensitive to the cold isn't enough to explain it."
Conan: "Ha ha, Subaru-san might just like turtlenecks."
Haibara: "Well, fine. Out of respect for the stew, I won't press further for today."
I'd Expect No Less From Akai-san (さすが赤井さん)
Akai: "I appreciate it... thanks to you, boy, I didn't have to reveal my identity to Public Safety..."
Conan: "No worries. It wasn't all because of me... and no normal person could shoot from inside a wobbling vehicle at the tires of a car chasing them."
Akai: "Heh heh, I'll need to thank the owner of this home once again."
Conan: "It was a big pain when he started talking even though I was handling things on my side though..."
Conan: "Huh, Akai-san...? Where did you go?"
Ran: "Oh, Conan-kun... What are you doing here?"
Conan: "Geh! R-Ran-neechan?!"
Ran: "What do you mean by 'geh'? And weren't you talking with someone just now?"
Conan: "Y-Yeah! Someone was lost and wanted directions to the station..."
Ran: "Hm..."
Conan: "L-Let's go home! Uncle said he won at the pachinko machines today, so I'm sure we'll get to eat a feast!"
Ran: "That's true! Then let's go home right away! Conan-kun!"
Conan: (exhales) "That could've been bad... but wow, he sensed Ran's presence and disappeared first. I'd expect no less from Akai-san."
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madisonstarss · 1 year
After Hours (SWITCH!Ryan Howard x SWITCH!Reader SMUT)
Tumblr media
warnings: smut, angry sex/make up, reader swears like a sailor, daddy kink, slight degraition, teasing, not proof read
p.s sorry for the kelly hate, i love kelly but it helped move along the story
The end of the day finally came after a long day of work and most people were heading out. You walk up to Pam's desk as she started getting her stuff together. "I cant believe Toby is making me work late." You let out a groan, "Escpically since Ryan's staying after too. He's been getting on my fucking nerves. Just because were not offical doesn't mean he can flirt with Kelly in front of my fucking face."
Pam offers you a symptheic smile, "Just don't talk to him and he'll come to his senses to apolizge. Im sorry I would love to stay and talk but Jim and I have dinner reservations tonight."
"Thanks Pam, have fun." You give a small smile and walk back to your desk.
You bang your head into your desk. "I can't fucking focus this shit is so boring." You say to no one in particular.
"Well no shit it's boring, its work." Ryan smart mouths as he head over to the printer. You give him a death stare.
"I don't remeber asking for your input."
"What is your deal with me today?" He snaps back, you could feel his glare burning into your back.
"I don't know, why don't you tell me what's your fucking deal with Kelly. I get that shes pretty but she never shuts up and is more annoying than Dwight. I don't get what you fucking see in her." You growl.
He goes silent for a moment.
"Where not dating y/n. I can do what I want." You hear his footsteps coming towards you.
"Fine if that's how you want it that I guess I can stop coming over to your place." You turn around in your chair so your facing him. You stand up and look up at him. You could pracitically see the steam coming from his ears.
"Whatever. Kelly is a lot better in the bedroom."
Oh no he didn't.
That was your final fucking straw. As much as you hated his guts right now, he always turns you the fuck on.
You smash your lips against his. He immetiadly kissed you back. The kiss filled with fire and heat. He quickly broke away though, "Jump." He quickly said. You did as told and he grabbed your thighs and placed you on your desk. He pressed his lips aganist yours again. He bit your lower lip so hard that you let out a gasp. He took this oppurtuinty to sneak his tounge into your mouth, checking out the framillar area. Your hands moved to his chest and quickly unbuttoned his shirt. Your ran your hands along his abs, outlining them.
This wasn't enough. You needed more of him. All of him. You let out a whine agaisnt his lips. "Your so needy." He teases.
"Can you just shut up and fuck me." You complain.
"Be patient." He orders. He pulls your skirt down. "No underwear? You're such a bad girl." He takes your legs and places them on his shoulders. He dove his head into your legs. Butterflies filled your stomacehe as you felt his could wet tounge on you. "
Oh Ryan." You throw you head back in pleasure. You accidently thrust your hips.
"I said patience pumpkin."
You couldn't take it any fucking longer. You pushed his head away from you making him look up at you in confusion. You push him into your chair, making him sit down.
You unbuckle his pants in a haste and pull down his pants along with his boxers. His dick springs up when released, you can already see the pre-cum. You licked it off and slowly take it in your mouth. Ryan seems to lose his patience as well. He shoves your head making you take it all in. You start to gag and start bobbing your head. Ryan lets out groans of pleasure. You gently grind your teeth againist it. You slow down and swirl your tounge at the tip.
You get up and sit on his dick. Slowly moving back and forth. Ryan unbuttons your blouse and throws it on the floor. He starts fondling your breast and gently pinching your nipples. You increase your speed and move faster. Ryan moves one of his hands down to your waist to help guide you and keep you from falling off. His eyes stayed glued to your breasts and they moved with the rest of your body. "Fuck..Daddy." You moan
"Your so hot baby." He takes the hand that was on your breast and moves your hair back. "Please don't stop."
You feel your high coming and grab onto his shoulders for support as you go as fast as your can. "Fuck..Fuck!" You scream as you both reach it and you feel his warm fulids fill inside you. It was your favorite feeling in the world. You come to a full stop and rest your head on is shoulder. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer.
"Don't think this will make me stop seeing Kelly." He whispers into your ear."
"Fuck you man whore."
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she-daemon · 1 year
DMC3 Dante/Lady fluff
by User_1
Context: right after the end of DMC3 (happens after the cut scene that plays BEFORE credits)
"So Dante, now that it's all over, what are you gonna do next?"
"You mean right here?" Lady motioned toward the rubble they stood on, surprised.
"That's not exactly what I had in mind, but I guess it would be fine if I had to."
Lady laughed. Dante grinned.
"How about you? Where are you headed?"
"Well, I inherited a house from my mom - sort of a summer house, I've been staying there lately. Its not far from here actually."
Lady turned to Dante. "Do you really have nowhere to go?"
"I have a place. Actually, I stand corrected - I *did*. Then demons attacked and the whole place got wrecked."
"Oh. That's pretty serious."
"See, it's right over there -" Dante pointed to the ruins of his parlor.
"So what are you gonna do?"
"Meh, I don't really care. I know a place or two I could crash until I get another job."
Lady peered at him through suspicious eyes and bent forward, hands on her hips.
"Do you though?"
"What's it matter to you? I'll figure it out one way or another."
"I never got to thank you properly for helping me. I can lend that summer house to you until you find a place for yourself. It's the least I could do, really."
"That's nice, but I really shouldn't. You don't even know me, do you really want to let me into your house?"
Lady ignored his comment.
"I also didn't get to say sorry for shooting you."
"That was ages ago. Anyway its fine, see?" Dante smiled and moved away his bangs, showing his forehead, clearly, so Lady could see. All that was left was a red bump.
She tapped it with her index finger.
"Ow! I thought you were apologizing!"
"Aww, you've got a boo boo on your forehead!"
"Hey!" Dante was getting the feeling Lady was (patronizingly) treating him like a baby.
"Anyway, I'm gonna head home. Seriously, consider it. I don't like being in debt! Its just to the left and down the main avenue!" Lady almost had to yell the last half of her sentence because she started walking away a bit early.
"See ya, Lady!" Dante cupped one of his hands around his mouth.
He watched her walk away a little further, readjusting the Kalina Ann every few steps. Dante wondered if it was difficult for her to carry it, since it's almost as tall as she was. Dante's speculation didn't last long because he saw Lady limp and stumble onto the ground. Without thinking, he ran to her.
"Lady! Lady? Are you okay?" When Dante got to her, he saw the bloodied bandage on her leg. She was acting so cheery earlier, it was almost impossible to tell that she'd been stabbed with the same bayonet she carried on her back. It was a miracle she was even walking in the first place.
"Huh? Oh, it's you. Sorry. I hate to admit it, but I don't have miracle regeneration like you. It sucks to ask, but can you help me back up?"
"Sure, but are you planning on walking like that?" Dante helped Lady up.
"You got a better idea?" As soon as Lady asked, she regretted her question.
"Yes. Yes I do." Dante picked up the Kalina Ann, which had been laying on the floor, and swung it onto his back. Then, he scooped Lady up, taking extra care of her leg.
"What!? What are you doing? I'm fine, you don't-"
Dante sighed. "Why do girls always say they're fine when they're not?" He looked intently at Lady.
"..." Lady had nothing to say.
"You said your place was close right? You'll get there, don't worry. Relax, its easier to carry you."
"Is it really okay though?"
"Yeah ... its okay."
~Cue Lady in a blanket on the couch~
Lady woke up to a warm lamp light, and she found herself on a couch. It was her home. She sat up and looked around.
"...Hello?" Then she heard a noise in the kitchen. It was Dante.
"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?" He walked toward her, carrying two steaming mugs.
"Sorry to raid your pantry. Want something to drink?"
"Huh? Oh. It's fine." She took one of the mugs from Dante's hand.
Lady looked Dante up and down. That 'bad boy' outfit Dante always wore was the subject of much speculation for Lady: no shirt, just a coat, pants, boots, and a weapons strap that looked like the victim of countless bra jokes. If she thought about it too long, her mind went down some dark paths.
"To be honest, you don't seem like much of a tea drinker."
"Neither do you, bayonet girl."
"Hey, it might not look like it now, but I used to be pretty bookish."
"I'd like to see that. No one but Vergil can read books and look cool at the same time."
"If I read books on opening the gates to hell, I could pull off that look too."
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arlertsbaby · 9 months
codependency, condescension, mentions of violence, mentions of gangs i think? idk. kidnapping, ran puts his hands on reader, no happy ending u all end up with a cliffhanger kek
this makes zero sense!!!! pls
The footprints your boots leave in the snow are crisp and orderly as you pick at your nails while nearing the steps of your boyfriend's apartment building. The code you know punches itself into the number board and when the speaker buzzes and the door clicks open, you step inside. 
His door was exactly 2 floors above where you're standing; it only took you two seconds to bolt up each floor to reach his and knock on his door twice, and then once again.
You hear a quiet rustling come from inside the apartment for a moment before the door clicks and opens slightly; blue eyes look through the crack of the door secured by only a thin chain, and he unchains the door and opens it fully. 
“I know ‘m not supposed to be here,” your gaze pointed down, your hands fidget, and you’re shifting your weight between your legs while standing on his foot mat, “I just wanted to say things havent been the same without you, I can't manage without you.” 
A moment of silence passes by as Inui looks you in your eyes. You cant scan his emotions, or tell what he’s feeling at the moment, but he does let out a short breath before stepping to the side to allow you to come in. 
You sit with your legs tucked under yourself at his couch, and you can hear the faint hum of his fish tank from across the living room. He’s around the corner of the room inside his kitchen, making hot water for the two of you while you sit in silence.
A few moments pass by when he comes into the warm lit space, two cups in hand, and hands one to you. 
“I don’t have mint at the moment,” Inui sits down next to you with both hands on his mug. He looks at you with a sad smile on his face. “I’m sorry for how things are currently going.” His face is indifferent, his eyes looking over to your low ones.
He earns nothing short of a quiet grunt from you, meant to be a soft laugh to soften the tense situation you two were in; his fingers shift around his cup.
You’ve noticed from the moment he opened his door that his eyes looked darker, sadder, and sunken in, like the way yours were just a few moments before. You stopped crying only a short time ago, a tired, numb look on your face made everything you’ve experienced evident. 
The white stuffed bunny that you’ve caught in your vision (Inui made it when he was seven, he says it's his last memory left of his late uncle, and that makes sense to you because of the messy stitches and missing plastic eye) on the couch is sitting about 2 and a half seats from you, and you’d have half a mind to reach for it if you weren’t currently fixing your lips to say a sentence. 
“Just shaken up, that's all.” You breathe out, nod, and bring the cup closer to your face, sniffing the strong cinnamon smell wafting from the steam. You take a sip.
“Ah,” Inui sighs wearily. He isn't looking at you now, his eyes directed to the wall in front of you two, where a TV would stand if a long hallway wasn’t made in the middle.
“Has Koko mentioned anything about management lately?” You ask after you put your cup back down on the glass coffee table. 
His face looks nothing short of a bad week, month even; yet he continues to speak.
“He hasn’t mentioned anything about the company's joint account since Ran pulled that stunt last meeting,” you shiver at the name, “real funny act to a guy who gets off on making a living hell out of people's lives.” Inui spits out the last word like it's a curse, and a sharp frown is shown on his face. 
Haitani Ran was nothing short of an evil person. He didn’t care for anyone, except his associate members and his brother. He thought your bond with Inui was a waste of time, and approached him frequently to convince Inui to drop you.
Its 6pm when the sun sets, and the light blocking curtains Inui has installed gives his bedroom a quiet look. No artificial light is present, instead three vanilla candles are scattered  around on tables; one near his closet, one on the dresser, and one on the nightstand beside the bed you were sitting on the edge of. 
Inuis bedsheets are soft and blue, and that’s easy on the eyes, you think. Inui is a benevonlent person, so it shouldnt be a surprise that his house matches his interior. 
A few moments have passed since you’ve sat on the bed, and by the time inui comes in you’re halfway under the covers running your index finger over his silk pillow cases. He chuckles under his breath. 
He’s wearing a pair of blue athletic shorts, with what appears to be a white t-shirt wrapped around his right hand. His back is facing you as he’s fiddling with some things on his dresser, (that you assume is cologne and deodorant). He turns around once he’s finished. 
He’s sliding the shirt on while making paces toward the bed on the other side of the room, and the candles illuminate his face and abdomen. 
“I streamed all new law and order episodes every time they came on this week, thought you’d wanna watch them next time you came over.” He speaks in a matter-of-fact tone while grabbing the remote and climbing beside you onto the king-sized mattress. When the ‘on’ button is pressed, the remote makes a short click and the episode starts. You're not even 30 minutes into the first episode before you fall asleep on one of the blue pillows beside you. Inui tucks your shoulders under the covers. 
“Ran, you can’t do this,” Inui sounds torn when you register his tone in your mind. He sounds far away, you can make out.
“Sure I can,” A familiar voice, supposedly Ran, answers back in a playful, but dangerous tone. 
Your eyes slowly open and you see Ran standing in front of you. He can’t see you’re awake yet but when he begins to walk away, you adjust under the covers, and he catches that. 
“Awh,” Ran stops in his tracks and turns his head toward you. Your eyes are fixed on his purple ones when he turns around. 
“Look who's awake, Inui.” Inui’s gaze drops to the floor. You’ve lifted your head high enough by now to see his face, and he’s standing in the farthest corner of the room.
Fingers snap close to your face, making your nose scrunch involuntarily. Ran smiles when he sees you flinch.
“Hi,” He’s unforgiving when he places a heavy hand on the right side of your neck, yanking you out of your place under the covers to stand up on the cold hardwood floor.
“Ran, that hurts,” You hiccup.
“I’m not sure why you thought you’d be safe after denying Manjiros orders,” His grip tightens on the side of your neck.
Inui grimaces. Ran’s face moves closer to yours, and you try to pull away. He lets go of you, and you hunch over onto the floor.
“Anyway, I’ll be taking the girl to Mikey. Don’t try to make moves. Kokonoi already knows and he won’t be on your side anytime soon.” Ran speaks casually when he starts rummaging through the nightstand, fishing out Inui’s gun from the mess of clothes inside the drawer. 
“We’ll be heading out, Inui.” Ran leans over, grabs your hand, and drags you to the door. You turn your head to face Inui, only shame and guilt plastered on his face. Ran notices this moment between you two (the face he makes at this realization is almost sickening) and laughs.
“You’d be the luckiest man in the world if you ever see your girl again,” Ran quips, and then turns to you, “and you, take that frown off your face,” He pinches at your cheek,
“It’s fucking unbecoming of you.” 
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luminousvision · 7 months
A Lifetime
A warm summer gave way to a cheerful fall. The bright yellow leaves waved to us through the window. Ashwin brought a pot of tea and set it down on a flowery placemat in the middle of his kitchen table. An empty teacup and saucer lay in front of each of us. A few more minutes, he said.
“I’m sorry they didn’t believe you,” I said.
He nodded.
“Two lifetimes. From all twelve of them. I can’t believe it.”
Ashwin drummed his long fingers on the table and looked outside. The afternoon sun peeked into the kitchen, casting a long shadow. “A nice day today. I bet tomorrow will be nice. And the day after that too.”
The ever-focused architect stared blankly into the neighborhood. He was in shock, no doubt.
“I wish you’d get many more.”
“Why do you say that? There are many nice days ahead.”
“How can I not? They aren’t going to be nice days.”
“Are you sure?”
“They’ll beat you. They’ll lock you in a room so dark it’ll be invisible. You’ll be alone for weeks on end. They’ll tell you where to go, what to eat, and what to think.”
Ashwin nodded. He looked at my hands on the table, clenched into fists. He gestured to the pot. 
“It’s ready,” he said.
The pot was heavy. I poured some tea into his cup and then into mine. Steam rose from the table. He took a sip. “Chamomile. My favorite. I forgot to ask if they have any.”
I looked into my tea.
“I had an hour with them,” he said. “It isn’t so bad. They’ll let me bring my violin.”
“You play the violin?”
“I will soon,” he said. He set his tea down and stood from the table. He disappeared into a closet around the corner and returned with a shiny black violin case. Ashwin opened it and pulled out a violin. It looked new. He held it out to show me.
“Do you listen to Debussy?” he asked.
I shook my head.
“He wrote a very nice violin sonata. One of the last things he wrote. He ran out of time.” 
Ashwin returned the violin back to its case and took another sip of tea before continuing.
“The lady at the violin shop said the same thing. I’m too old. No accomplished violinist starts in their late twenties. Human brains don’t work that way.”
I hadn’t touched my cup, which was no longer steaming. Ashwin lay back in his chair with his hands behind his head. He put his feet up on an adjacent chair.
“Debussy rushed it. You can hear him running out of time,” he said. “I wish I could have given him some of mine. I wonder what he would have done with it.” 
“Ashwin, what are you talking about?”
“I now have two lifetimes. That’s double what most people have.”
He looked at my cup.
“I’m sorry, you should have said something. Is it the chamomile?”
“I like tea just fine. I’m just not in the mood.”
He dumped my cup out in the sink and refilled it. Steam rose again.
“You should drink it. You’ll feel better.”
0 notes
shankothepervyclown · 10 months
Coach wants you on the team part 3 (CNC Gay fantasy)
The next day was Wednesday and you didn't have football practice after school but you hung around the gym at every opportunity and after school you sat outside the gym for a bit before heading home. There was no signs of coach. But tomorrow you had practice. And again the next day you hung around where you thought you might run into coach but never saw him.
All through practice he seemed completely indifferent. When practice ended he didnt even give you any extra laps, he just left. But you stayed and ran laps. All the while thinking what you did to make coach upset.
Then on friday at lunch you decide that you are going to coach's office. So you walk down the hall past the gym, past the change rooms to the end of the hall. On one side is the girls gym teacher's office and on the other is coach's. You knock on his door.
"Come in." You hear him say with a touch of annoyance in his voice.
You walk into his office and close the door. You look for a lock to the door but there is none. You quickly move a chair to block the door.
"What are you doing here?" He demands.looking at you sternly.
"I want to know what I did wrong...I'll do anything you want Coach." You say getting down on all fours and crawling towards him. He pushes his chair back from his desk to talk to you but you crawl closer and get under his desk directly in front of him.
"This is not the right time." He says but you start rubbing the crotch of his pants. You undo his belt and unzip his pants. Taking out his massive package. You start eagerly sucking his cock and massaging his balls. You feel him move his chair closer to him and put his hand of the back of your head.
"Mmmmmmm mmmmm mmmmm" you are trying to turn him on but you are also super horny. You have been dreaming of this man using your mouth again none stop. You are deepthroating him and looking up at him and he looks like he is loving it.
"Mmm baby." You hear him moan softly. "That's my good girl" finally those amazing words you couldnt stop repeating again and again in your head. You do not stop taking his big dick all the way down your throat until you can feel that hes getting close. You start to suck and lick the tip while stroking his cock with you hand. You could probably have used two hands but your other hand was still massaging his manly balls.
Coach is laying back in his chair. "Keep going. Ahhhhhhhhhhh......." and you can feel your mouth completely fill with his steaming hot cum. You hold it in your mouth for a moment savoring its salty sweet taste you, were now clearly addicted to it. Looking up at him you swallow and smile at him.
"Am I still your good girl Coach?" You ask still kneeling on the floor still half crammed under his desk.
"Yes your my good girl" he said kind of quietly. Moving his chair back to let you out, you crawl towards him.
"I think should be the coach's assistant from now on. So I can help you whenever you need." You say looking into his eyes.
"Yes. You're now my assistant." He agrees. Nodding his head as he finishes tightening his belt and straightening out his clothing.
"Coach I think I need you cell number. So you can reach me any time." You say as you finally stand up. Your coach writes his phone number on a post it note and hands it to you.
"For the record, I was not mad at you. Things are....stale with my wife lately." He says trying to not make direct eye contact and instead looking towards the trophy case.
"I'm glad I could be of service to you Sir. And for the record I'm sorry I'm not in uniform. " you tell him before going and moving the chair from the door.
"I guess I'll see you at practice after school Sir?" You asked eagerly.
"Thunderstorms all this afternoon and this evening. Its already raining outside. Practice will be canceled. " he says looking disappointed. "Lunch break is over in 3 minutes so you better hurry out." Coach says motioning his hand towards the door.
You leave and after school you go home disappointed. Your first practice as Coach's assistant, canceled do to rain. You would have to wait till Monday to get another chance with Coach.
But you text him Friday evening after dinner to make sure that he had your number and you tell him that he can contact you anytime.
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subspencer · 3 years
Okayyyy so I’m in a hotel rn and in the bathroom there’s a big tub and right next to it is a shower and a wall that separates it BUT half way up the wall is just a giant window so if you’re in the shower you can watch someone in the tub and I literally can’t get the thought of arriving at a hotel on a case and seeing that set up and waiting until Spencer is in the shower before “innocently” taking a bath at the same time and then teasing him by masterbating in the tub while he watches in the shower before yk,,, shower sex 💀 okay it’s late and I need to sleep apparently 😂
okay so i changed it a little bit but ! whew ! it’s finally here (sorry this is over a month late lol <3). reader can be gender neutral. 
cw: mutual masturbation, perv!spencer.    wc: 1.4k
Spencer had this small, annoying rule. Whenever the team was out on a case, sex was off the table. Something about maintaining focus, or whatever.
He was fine with sharing the same room, but no sex. And sometimes, that made it so much worse. He was always at a fingertip’s length away, curled in bed next to you while you slept in his arms. Pressed closely together, but only in the most innocent of ways. 
This self-imposed rule your boyfriend had was, in summation, fucking stupid. Because how did he possibly think that abstaining from sex would improve your focus on anything? If anything, you were wound even tighter after days of busting ass at work and nights without any stress relief. 
He could sense it had that effect on you. Before bed that night, Spencer crawled onto the mattress behind you, planning on doing something small to help with that. He would’ve let you spend hours mindlessly scrolling through your phone, resting your head on his chest while he played with your hair for as long as you needed to feel a little more relaxed. 
Instead, you swatted his hand away as soon as he got near you.
“Fuck off, Spence. I’m not in the mood,” you grumbled. He knew from prior experience that playing with your hair sometimes had the opposite effect of relaxing; it tended to lead to more physical places in no time. Things that Spencer ruled against doing while on cases.
“Fine,” he sighed, rolling off the bed. “I’m gonna shower first, if that’s alright with you.”
“That’s fine,” you rolled your eyes, barely containing your annoyance as you flipped over to your side, continuing to scroll through your phone in an effort to ignore him. The sound of his footsteps rescinded towards the hotel bathroom, and you tacked on, “I just think it’s rude that you don’t want me to join you!”
Spencer laughed at your stubborn display, walking into the bathroom as he shed his clothes. When you didn’t hear the door close right away, you snuck a small peek behind you. You could see his reflection in the bathroom mirror, slowly fogging up from the steam. Still, you got a good eye full of his bare torso, toned and speckled with the occasional, tiny freckle or mole. 
“We’re on a case,” he reprimanded, poking his head out of the doorframe to give you a stern look, right before shutting the door behind himself. “We can do that when we get home!” 
You groaned and flipped onto your back, irritated as ever. If Spencer was so adamant about his no sex on cases rule, then you figured you might as well get some rest. But several minutes of tossing and turning later, you remembered that the hotel room also came with a decently sized bathtub. And what better way to actually relax than with a bath?
You grabbed your towel from its discarded place on the armchair, stripping down and wrapping yourself in it before padding toward the bathroom. Spencer squeaked when he heard the door open, a little out of surprise as he saw your shadow through the foggy glass shower door as you walked inside.
“I told you, we can’t,” he said with the slightest bit of disappointment.
“Relax, Spencer. I’m here for the bath, not you.” You ignored the shower and moved around to the other end of the bathroom, running water into the tub that was situated behind a tiled wall that separated it from the shower.
He sighed, half relieved and mildly offended, and dropped his guard. He dipped his head back under the shower stream, letting hot water run over his face and through his hair, beading down his body. When he looked back up, he noticed something.
A small window on the tiled wall of the shower, looking directly at the bathtub.
You had your back to him, bending down to test the temperature of the running water on your hand as you waited for it to fill up. The tiny bath towel doing barely anything to cover you. 
Spencer tore his eyes away, an instinctual reaction telling him that he probably shouldn’t be looking. But just as quickly, he peeked again, in time to catch you dropping the towel and climbing in. He couldn’t see anything under the foaming bubbles, but he could see your face as you turned to rest your head against the other wall.
Your eyes were closed as you leaned back, sinking into the soothing warm water. He hadn’t seen you look so calm this entire week, and it made him smile to see you this way. But then he saw your chest rise and fall with a deep sigh. Followed by a tiny whine that he could tell you were trying to keep quiet. And suddenly he wasn’t looking at you with adoring eyes anymore. 
He pushed his wet curls back and stepped closer to the window, watching to see what you’d do next. Maybe he was dreaming about it. Maybe he was more affected by his own rule than he thought, and this was his brain getting back at him for not giving in sooner. But moments pass and he knows he’s not imagining it.
Your hands were under the water. The only thing he could see was your face and your knees bent upwards, leaving him to guess what was happening under the surface. Your bottom lip slipped into your mouth, held firmly between your teeth as you lolled your head to the side, and he knew. He’d seen that face enough times.
Hot water ran over his shoulders as he pressed as close to the window as he could; feeling only slightly guilty and inappropriate for observing you do such a private thing. But he’d done that to you several times before, so surely he could justify himself for peeking in. 
A whimper escaped your lips, and his hand moved down to find his cock, absentmindedly wrapping his fingers around it as you continued. One of your hands came up from the surface just briefly enough for him to see you wrap it over your chest, tugging one of your nipples, and he started to move his own against his length. 
He picked up pace, trying to keep his own moans at bay when he saw your legs twitch. A sure sign that you found a perfect rhythm for yourself. Your mouth fell open, and he’d trained his eyes on you hard enough to be convinced he saw your lips silently speak his name. His hips bucked into his palm. His other hand slammed down to the wall, bracing himself against it as he drew himself nearer to orgasm. 
Your eyes screwed even tighter as you felt a knot in your lower stomach wind up. He fucked up; moaned out your name too loudly, and you opened them, quickly finding him in front of you, behind the window. 
Even with the surprise, you were too close to stop. And when you realized what he was doing behind that wall, you couldn’t possibly have. You mewled his name loud enough for him to hear, rolling your hips to grind yourself against your fingers as the knot grew. 
Spencer’s perfect lips parted. Hearing you say his name like that brought him so fucking close. He wanted to forget his own stupid rule. He was half a second from telling you to come in here and join him, to take you against the shower wall. But he didn’t last. As soon as he heard that familiar, high-pitched whine coming from you as you hit your orgasm, he was painting his release all over himself, covering his hands and abdomen and some of the tile. 
His head dropped against his shaking arm that managed to support him through it all. When he collected himself and looked up again, you were gone. The water was still moving from when you must’ve gotten out. 
The glass door opened behind him as you stepped inside, already dripping from your bath. 
“You know, they recommend showering after baths…” you joked, moving under the stream of hot water. Spencer stepped closer, water now running over both of you as the gap between you came down to an inch. You ran a finger over his belly, wiping a small bit of his come before it washed away, and held it up to him before cleaning it off your fingers with your mouth. “Just to make sure you’re all clean.”
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Asahi accidentally tells you his feelings in front of the entire team (Part 2)
Continued from Part 1! I would suggest reading it first before proceeding!
Asahi accidently blurted out the L-word as Y/N was rushing out of the club room. He does not know if Y/N heard him. But the entire Karasuno VBC did. Is the gentle giant going to get through this without crying dying making a mess?
Asahi x gn! reader || Sfw Genre: Comedy and fluff at the end Word Count: 1.5k+
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The entire Karasuno team is looking at Asahi in stunned silence. They all heard him say he loves you. 
However (fortunately or unfortunately for him), you did not really hear what he said. The entire club’s eyes are glued to the club room’s open windows as they watch you sprint away, eager to make it in time for your movie.
Asahi’s eyes are open wide and he keeps opening and closing his mouth but no words are coming out, he is simply gaping like a fish and making incomprehensible noises. His face is so red and hot that one could make their entire breakfast on it. 
Asahi: I-I-I d-didn’t m-mean t-t-to s- NOYA?! TANAKA?! WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!?!
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Noya: *in between sobs* Asahi-san, you have grown up so fast!
Tanaka: *loud noises that seem to indicate agreement with Noya* *violent sobbing*
Suga intervened: Oi, you two, stop it! Your cries might catch Y/N’s attention.
Meanwhile, Hinata has run over and climbed on to the club room’s window and is now shouting live updates of your whereabouts. 
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“Uwaaaah Asahi-san, I do not think Y/N-san heard you. I can see them running towards the gates.”
Kageyama kicks Hinata, “BOKE, don’t shout their name from the open window, they might hear you, you BOKE!”
“BAKA, Kageyama, you don’t have to kick me, I am only trying to help!”
At this point, Tanaka and Noya are rolling on the floor and crying violently, Kageyama and Hinata are trying to kill each other while Suga and Daichi try to separate them. Asahi is staring at the floor, wishing for a hole to open up and swallow him. The rest of the team is just standing around in silence, trying to absorb the mess that has happened in the last 30 seconds. 
So, you know, a usual day at the Karasuno Volleyball Club.
This is what is going on in Asahi’s mind right now:
“It’s certainly a relief that Y/N did not hear me. Or did they?!?!? and they just pretended to ignore me so they wouldn’t have to answer?!?!?! After all, it has only been 4 months, I do not expect them to love me so soon. What if this scares them off?? If they really did not hear me, that would have been great if the entire team hadn’t heard me say it. And knowing these people, I am sure Y/N will know about this before tomorrow. WHAT IF THEY HEARD ME AND THEY FREAKED OUT AND RAN OFF AND WILL NEVER COME BACK? -” and on and on it went.
Suga’s words snap Asahi out of his overthinking trance (good timing, I should say, because at this point he is seriously considering shifting to India and becoming a monk). He looks up to see Suga looking out the window. He pales.
What have you been doing since you ran out?
“Shit, I’m going to be late if I walk there. I will have to run if I want to make it in time. The theatre is not that far, though, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”
These are the thoughts going through your head as you sprint away from the club room. As you are running, your mind wanders back to Asahi (as it usually does). You have a tendency to replay every moment with him in your mind and you are thinking back to the conversation that had just taken place. Asahi had looked so cute when you were handing him his hairband. You couldn’t wait to see him tonight and you had told him that as you had run out of the room. And it seems so had he-
And then it registers. 
A very loud -WHAT?! resounded through the room. It was your voice. And even though it came from the outside, it felt like the entire room shuddered. The sound sent chills through Asahi’s spine and he started quaking in his shoes.
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Suga: Uh Asahi, you have probably already realized this but Y/N seems to be running back in this directio-
The club room’s door slams open with such force that it makes everyone jump. You stand at the doorway, panting loudly, with the most incredulous expression on your face.
Asahi is dead now. I am sorry to say but his soul has left his body and it will not be returning. Let’s all come together to pray for his peaceful departure.
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You look at Asahi. His face has drained entirely of its colour and he looks ready to pass out. You can almost see steam coming out of his ears as he stares at you in absolute horror. 
“D-did you j-just say you love me?” you manage to gasp out your question as you try to steady your breathing.
Asahi is dead, Y/N, dead people do not speak. 
He is shaking as you walk towards him. The expressions on his and teammates’ faces have already answered your question.
Even though Asahi is terrified out of his mind, he is trying to read your expression. How he chooses to answer right now is probably going to make or break your relationship. 
In between all the confusion on your face, he sees a hint of something else in your eyes: Hope.
You stop in front of him. You ask him the same question again, but much more calmly this time now that your breathing has somewhat normalized.
As he continues to try to read your expression, he realizes you are not mad at him. Instead, there is a slight earnestness in you. He calms down a bit.
“Y-yes.” he says, barely meeting your eyes.
“Do you really mean it? Or was it just a slip of your tongue?” you ask, hopeful, but also bracing yourself for the worst. What’s worse is that this is all happening in front of PEOPLE and all of their eyes are on you both. This is bound to make Asahi want to nope out of here. But the damage is already done and all you can do right now is wait for him to answer.
“I- I mean it (your heart soars for a second) but- (aaaand there it comes crashing back down).”
Asahi’s eyes are back to looking at the floor now and his fists are clenched. 
“but this...this is not how I wanted to tell you. I wanted to make it special for you. But I fucked this up too.”
You did not know what you were expecting him to say but this was certainly not it. Your eyes widen in surprise.
“And I- I understand if you do not feel the same way. Or if you want to b-break up with m-me.”
His voice cracks at the last sentence and even though he’s looking down, it’s not hard to figure out that he is holding back tears. 
“Special for me?” you say as you close the distance between you and him. You use your hands to cup his face and tilt his head up so that he is looking at you. His eyes are full of tears that threaten to fall at any second. 
“The only thing I need for it to be special for me is YOU. I do not care about where you said it, or how you said it. I just care that you said it. That’s the most special thing you could have done for me. You are the only thing I want and need. Everything else is just secondary.”
You wipe away a tear that has fallen from his eyes. 
“However, to make things even: I, L/N Y/N, standing here at Karasuno High School, in the Volleyball Club Room, surrounded by the weirdest audience ever, (why are Tanaka and Noya hugging and crying?? Why does Hinata seem to be in the middle of pantsing Kageyama??), would like to tell you, Azumane Asahi, that I love you too.” You kiss Asahi on his forehead, rubbing comforting circles on his back and give him a big smile. “Was that special enough for you?”
“Yes!” he exclaims, as he throws his arms around you and pulls you in for a short but passionate kiss (something he has never done in public before). His tears are now freely falling but he smiles the biggest smile at you and everything he wants to say to you, all the love and gratitude he has for you, you can see in his eyes. “I love you” he whispers as he loosens his hold on you. 
“I love you too. Can’t wait to see you tonight.” 
You are horribly late for your movie but you don’t care anymore. However, you do know it is important for your boyfriend (WHO LOVES YOU BACK!!) to focus on volleyball. So, you use the movie to excuse yourself and you finally walk out of the room, with the biggest smile on your face. You cannot help but laugh as his teammates almost blow the roof off the place with all their yelling and cheering for him as soon as you leave. 
Suffice it to say that even though you did “see” the movie, you still have no idea what it was about.
Oh my god I finished it. 
This was so enjoyable to write for me I cannot. I don’t think it was too bad for a first attempt??? I’m???
Please do not repost without permission.
Likes, reblogs, follows, comments are much appreciated. 
Pls lmk if you would like more content like this. 
Buy me a Kofi! <3
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things-we-cant-say · 3 years
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pretty little liar
Pairing: Ten x Female!Reader
Summary: In order to get your annoying ex off your back, you tell a little white lie that takes an unexpected turn.
Genre: College!AU
Warnings: Smutty smut, dirty dancing
Word Count: 4,867
A/N: Unable to withstand Ten’s power any longer, I had to start writing about him…or a version of him anyway. Hope someone out there enjoys my first dip into the ~imagines~ pond. ☺️
The party was in full swing by the time you and your best friend Amy arrived, the music so loud it could be heard down the street. It was a wonder the cops hadn’t broken it up yet but hey, the night was still young. Ducking through the arched doorway with Amy hot on your heels, you let her guide you into the foyer where you both stopped to take in the scene. The place was packed with people dancing, drinking and laughing—everyone apparently having a great time. Which was perfect for you because all you wanted to do was blow off a little steam and pretend you hadn’t spent the day fantasizing about committing the perfect murder.
You enjoyed school for the most part and you enjoyed your classes, but really you couldn’t wait for it all to just be over. Two extra years and your master’s degree in linguistics was almost within your grasp. You still weren’t one hundred percent what you planned to do with it (teaching was definitely out) but either way you were ready to dive into the real world. To no longer be stressed out about exams and papers and boring ass professors that constantly seemed to have a stain on their tie.
And to get far, far away from your stupid ex, Adam.
“Uh oh you have murder face,” Amy said as she peeped around to look at you. “What’s wrong?”
You shrugged. “Just in my head I guess.”
Amy hummed. “I get it. That’s why we are here though! To get fucked up and do something we regret in the morning.”
You laughed. “Guess we’re Uber-ing home.”
She grinned and grabbed your wrist, pulling you over to a table loaded with different types of alcohol. The guy ‘tending bar’ as it were winked as you two approached. “What can I get you for?”
“Something with alcohol but where we can’t taste the alcohol!” Amy exclaimed happily. “Oh! And if you’ve got any little umbrellas I’d like one of those too.”
He did finger guns and proceeded to cook something up in two red cups, sticking in two pink umbrellas when he was done. You and Amy took your drinks and after a cursory sniff, took a sip. The tequila wasn’t as strong as with a single shot but you could still detect it just not enough to make you stop drinking. Unlike Amy you didn’t plan to get completely fucked up but you weren’t going to say no to a nice buzz.
Cups in hand you migrated onto the dance floor and fell in with everyone else, bopping to the beat and scream chatting over the loud music.
“I really needed this!” Amy yelled. “Statistics is kicking my cute little ass!”
“I know what you mean!” You shouted. “But hey! Soon we’ll be done and actual jobs will be kicking our cute little asses!”
Laughing, Amy bounced up and down, sending her blonde hair flying. “Is that why you’ve been so grumpy lately? Or is it…he who shall not be named?”
With a sigh you took a big sip of your strawberry margarita. “Yeah. He keeps fucking calling me and leaving me these stupid ass messages, apologizing and shit. I’ve blocked him but he just uses someone else’s phone.”
Amy’s eyes stretched wide. “That’s like stalker behavior! Or maybe he really is sorry for what he did.”
You snorted. “Sorry for having sex with his ex in the backseat of my car? As far as I am concerned he can take his ‘sorrys’ and shove them so far up his ass they come out his mouth as safaris!”
Amy choked a little on her drink, hitting you hard on the arm in admonishment after she stopped coughing. “I hate you! I could have died!”
Her words made you smirk. “But did you? No but for real, fuck Adam. Fuck Adam and anyone who even looks like Adam!”
“Woo!” Amy threw both hands up into the air, yelping as liquid sloshed down onto her head. “Oh shit! Drink emergency I’ll be right back!”
Before you could say anything, she turned and hurried back towards the drink table. Alone in the middle of a dancing crowd, you didn’t know whether you should slink over to a corner or just keep dancing. That last thing you wanted was some random dude trying to groove with you. Of course if you decided to hold up the wall nothing would stop some random dude from trying to hit on you either. At a bit of a loss you drained the rest of your drink and did a I don’t really know anyone two step, hoping Amy would return soon.
The tequila settled nice and warm in your stomach, making you feel more at ease. Most of the people at the party were from your school but not ones you associated with on like, a daily basis. Sure you recognized a few faces from the library or cafeteria but there was no one you’d had more than a surface conversation with.
And then your eyes landed on him. Ten.
Ten was a…different sort of person altogether. He was the kinda guy CW shows thought actually existed in college, except he was very real. And very much fucking gorgeous in that unattainable way CW shows also loved. However, that sort of did him a disservice because as far as you knew, he was just a decent guy who happened to be able to do some pretty awesome things.
For example, he was an amazing dancer. The kinda dancer that just freaking mesmerized you when he moved. Had you wondering how in the hell had he taught his body to do that shit? One minute he was in total sync with everyone else and the next he was performing his solo and blowing your mind. He’d done some show a few months ago with a friend and you’d nearly flipped out of your chair watching him work. The body rolls, the attitude, the way he’d just commanded the stage…whew. Was it possible to be a fan of someone who wasn’t famous?
Then there was his art; things he designed himself or drew from memory. Art class was essentially where you’d sorta came to be acquaintances with him. You weren’t exactly good at drawing but you liked it enough that you wanted to improve, plus it helped you de-stress after particularly hard days. Ten on the other hand excelled and just like with dancing, it was interesting to watch his process. He’d described himself as a sensory artist so he wasn’t always as concerned with the end product as the professor sometimes wanted him to be. From your eye though he’d yet to create anything that wasn’t remarkable. In fact, more than once you’d wanted to ask him to design a tattoo for you, but felt it would be kinda weird. He had no idea what you were into after all. So far your conversations with him had consisted of colors and that one time he’d asked to borrow one of your brushes.
You were pretty sure he’d sold something to an art gallery.
Anyway so Ten could dance and he could draw and he could sing and he was fluent in several languages; as far as you knew the only thing he was kind of shit at was cooking. But who hadn’t set a class kitchen on fire once or twice? Or three times…
If he were an asshole—well people would probably still crush on him—you’d count that as a major flaw and want to keep your distance. But the kicker was that he could do cool things and he was nice. Dorky even especially when it came to cute animals. Was always posting pictures of himself at the animal shelter playing with the kittens and the puppies, or just acting like an idiot with friends. Yet it was that confidence that made him seem untouchable, and also made him sexy as fuck. More than once you’d fantasized about biting his Adam’s apple.
Shaking your head, you fanned lightly at your face with both hands. Maybe stepping outside for some fresh air would be a good idea.
“Y/N!” Amy nearly tripped over her pretty sandals in her hurry to get back to you. “Weewoo weewoo weewoo!”
She grabbed your shoulder. “It’s a police siren! We have a code red situation here, I repeat a code red! Adam just walked in!”
“What?” You blinked and immediately looked towards the doorway, brows narrowing when you saw she was right.
Standing there in a white t-shirt in his formerly handsome glory was your ex-boyfriend, Adam. Once upon a time you’d thought the world of him; thought he was the kinda guy you could probably marry someday. The kinda guy you’d introduced your family to. Turns out he was the kind of guy that hooked up with his ex in your car repeatedly until finally being caught in the act. Sure it had been gratifying to make him and her walk home half naked but it had done nothing to quell the pain left behind. Thankfully though your pain quickly turned to anger and now you usually focused on not murdering him when he popped up. There was a lot you could forgive but cheating was firmly in the do not cross zone. Everything you’d felt for him evaporated the moment you saw him with her.
And he’d promised he was over her. Lying piece of shit, you thought to yourself.
“What the hell is he doing here?! Does he even know anyone here?” you asked with a frown.
“I dunno!” your friend said slowly. “It’s possible, big campus and all. Do you want me to help you climb out of the bathroom window?”
“Yeah my boobs aren’t fitting through one of those skinny ass windows,” you replied wryly. “Though to be honest I’m almost willing to risk it. C’mon let’s—”
It was too late. Adam spotted you like an arrow searching for its target, eyes registering shock and then elation. He reached you in three quick strides, opening his arms for a hug that he was damned crazy to expect. “Y/N. Wow you—you look amazing. I’m so glad we ran into each other.”
You huffed. “I’m not. I told you we’re over Adam. Or does me blocking your calls not get the message across?”
He exhaled deeply. “Look I know I messed up but I’m sorry. Classes were just really tough and—and Lucy and I would reminisce about old times…”
“Do I look like I give a shit? You cheated on me and we’re over.” The lie came so easily. “Besides, I’ve moved on.”
“Yeah!” Amy poked him in the chest. “She’s moved on so suck it!”
Adam arched a brow. “You’ve moved on?” He sounded skeptical and that made your blood boil. “Since when? And with who?”
You’d once heard that Hippocrates came up with the saying drastic times call for drastic measures though it wasn’t something you’d be willing to bet money on. However, standing there with your ex eying you like he just knew you were lying brought a whole new meaning to the idiom. You would one hundred percent be damned before giving him the satisfaction of gloating.
Tequila’s kicking in…
Without missing a beat, you put a hand on your hip and motioned to Ten. “Him. I’m seeing him.”
Amy made a sound like a cat having its tail stepped on while Adam gaped at you. “What? I—no. No way. You’re totally lying. I’ve seen the people he’s dated and you’re not his type at all.”
This bitch.
Twirling on your black heels, you strolled across the room to where Ten sat in an arm chair, chatting with a few of his friends. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you straddled his lap and leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I know this is awkward as fuck—I’m so sorry—but if you just play along I will owe you big time. I’ll give you anything. You need a kidney? You can have a kidney.”
Ten’s friends had gone mute and as you sat back to gauge his reaction—or to possibly be thrown off of him—you bit your full bottom lip. His dark eyes were watching you calculatingly, his own lips pursed together like you were a riddle he needed to solve. Up close he was utterly breathtaking, all smooth skin and silky black hair that fell artfully across his forehead. He smelled incredible.
And then he spoke.
“There you are baby,” he said wrapping an arm around your waist. “I’ve been looking for you.”
That was when you figured you owed him your first born but it was fine. “Well, you found me. Sorry to keep you waiting.”
He chuckled. “You’re worth waiting for.”
His friends still looked confused though they didn’t have time to voice their opinions. Adam stalked over seconds later like a man on a mission. “So it’s true? You and Y/N are together?”
Ten tilted his head to the side and you saw the moment the lightbulb went off for him. “Yeah we’re together.”
Adam huffed. “Since when? For how long? Where did you two meet?”
Ten smirked. “Are you taking a survey or something?” He brushed his lips across your jaw, making you shiver. “The only thing that matters is that she’s mine. Let’s dance, Y/N.”
“I would love to,” you replied with a smile. You were also grateful he’d remembered your name.
You climbed off of his lap and took his hand, sending Adam a you thought look before pulling Ten out into the thick of the crowd. Your heart was beating a mile a minute but you felt too giddy to pay much attention to it. Plus, you knew Adam was watching you like a hawk and you didn’t want to let on how nervous you actually were. If he found out you were lying he’d never leave you alone and consider you pathetic to boot. Besides the nice buzz that was finally creeping down your spine told you everything would be fine. How could it not be?
Ten’s hands settled low on your hips and he gave you a little tug, pulling your back to his chest. You fit rather perfectly with him, his chin brushing the top of your head. Picking a rhythm in the song that thumped with bass, you began to move together. You rolled your ass against him and leaned your head back to rest on his shoulder, focusing on his breath as it ghosted across your neck. A silver of light wouldn’t have been able to get between you.
Normally you wouldn’t have dared to do something like this with a near stranger but your desire to make your ex suffer was bigger than your nerves. Besides Ten appeared to be all in on the ruse; his body twisting and curving in sync with yours, fingers on his right hand sliding up between your breasts to wrap lightly on your throat. His teeth nipped at your earlobe and you gasped. Reached around to his side to clasp his shirt for an anchor. You heard him chuckle and suddenly you were spun away from him only to be reeled back in, this time face to face.
The room felt like it was two hundred degrees. You weren’t exactly wearing much—a slinky black dress with tiny ties at the hem—but even that seemed too much. Without missing a beat though you and Ten continued to grind with one another, his thigh just barely pushed between your own. Every time you swayed forward to meet him the denim of his jeans rubbed deliciously against you, sending sparks sprinting through your veins. Both of his hands were on your ass as if helping to guide you, and as you met his gaze you couldn’t help but bite your lip at what you saw there. Desire, lust, hunger—no one had ever looked at you like that before. Like they could just devour you and still not have enough of you.
It made you feel powerful.
You grinned and wrapped an arm around his neck, fingers giving his hair a little tug. He hissed and lowered his head so that he could mouth at your bare shoulder, hands squeezing your ass so hard it nearly hurt. You weren’t sure when you started to get wet—maybe it was the moment you sat on his lap or he decided to play along with your dumb stunt—but you could tell it now. Your panties were sticking to you, your skin was on fire and it was becoming difficult to think straight. Honestly however you didn’t want to think at all, especially not if it meant not being in Ten’s orbit.
“Ten,” you whispered into the skin under his jaw.
He hummed, the sound vibrating through your body. You plastered your hand to his chest and pulled it down, nails catching on the thin material of his shirt until they were brushing along the zipper on his jeans. You gave him a quick squeeze—he was hard and straining—and he cursed loudly. Between one second and the next he was dragging you down a dimly light hallway, past kissing couples and one guy passed out drunk in the doorway of someone’s room. He swung you both into the first vacant room he came to; a lavish bathroom at the very back of the house. The door was closed with a swift thump and the lock clicked shut.
You licked your lips as he crowded you back into the counter, looking down at you with a tiny smirk. That part of your brain that yammered on about bad decisions was surprisingly quiet, so you figured it was beyond okay to pull him down for a kiss. As with most of the stuff he did, Ten was a damn good kisser. His mouth was soft and warm, his tongue playful and coaxing. He kissed you like he’d been waiting to kiss you for a long time. Until it grew deep and sensual. Until you were both panting with the need for air but neither wanting to let go of the moment.
With a gasp you tilted backwards a bit, your knees suddenly weak. “Fuck me,” you said absently.
“Can I?” Ten asked, chest heaving. “Can I fuck you?”
“God yes,” you replied, already pulling your dress up until it hitched around your waist.
Ten hooked his thumbs onto the band of your pink panties and slid them down your legs, laying them next to the sink. He looked you over with that same eye he used for his art but you could tell he liked what he saw. You grabbed his hand and brought it between your legs, spreading them wider for him. Two of his fingers slipped inside of you without any resistance to find you damp and aching, already so hot for him. He started a lazy rhythm—in and out, in and out—like he was in no hurry at all. Like he wasn’t driving you crazy all the way down to the tips of your toes.
He kept his eyes locked onto yours as he touched you, lips slightly parted like he couldn’t believe this was happening. That rang true for both of you. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you’d ever really be friends with Ten, let alone about to hook up with him. It was like you’d stumbled into some alternate universe.
Bringing his free hand up to your cheek, he smoothed his thumb across your lips, pressing lightly until you let him in. You sucked his thumb into your mouth and gave it a little nip, smiling when he smirked. When he deemed it wet enough, he pressed it to your clit and you moaned, your hips stuttering upward with a will of their own. He began a firm massage, working your clit this way and that, fingers still thrusting in their maddening motion. Of course he’d be great with his hands. Of course he’d be able to play your body like a finely tuned instrument.
Pressure started to build low in your stomach. “I—I’m…”
“Turn around.” Ten took a step back and made a show of sucking his fingers into his mouth, tongue darting out to lick between them like he wanted to savor every drop.
You whimpered but did as he requested, your eyes finding his in the wide silver mirror. You watched as he unzipped his pants and pushed them along with his dark colored briefs down to the floor. You hadn’t seen him pull out a condom but he had one; ripping open the packaging with his perfectly straight teeth before rolling it onto his hard cock. It was a delicious looking thing you had to admit, long and thick with a slight curve. If you’d had the time you would have gladly went to your knees for him.
A low breath shuddered out of Ten’s lungs as he pushed inside of you, his hands gripping your waist so strongly you were bound to have a few bruises later. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
It had been a while since Adam and nobody after him until now.
When he assumed you’d adjusted to the size of him, he pulled nearly out before driving back inside of you. You moaned and pushed back to meet his thrusts, feeling the pleasure shattering through you. Your breasts bounced as he moved and he reached a hand forward, tugging down the top of your dress so that he could cup one. He rolled your nipple between his fingers and pinched, bending over you so that he could bite down onto the tender skin of your shoulder. The motion sent him even deeper and you both groaned at the feeling.
“Te—Ten,” you stammered, losing your train of thought when he rolled his hips liked he did on the dance floor. “Oh fuck! Fuck!”
The picture you made in the mirror was a very erotic one; you could see every single expression on Ten’s handsome face. The utter enjoyment he was obviously finding in fucking you was written all over it; there was nowhere for it to hide. His head was tipped back, eyes fluttering closed only to pop back open so that he could watch himself shove into you over and over again. He had you up on your tip toes, nose just an inch from the mirror itself. He was always sexy but tonight that word took on a whole new meaning.
All you could do was try to give as good as you got.
You slapped a hand onto the sink to steady yourself and clenched around him, reveling in the low whine that escaped his throat. It kinda sounded like your name.
And then he was pulling all the way out, dick bouncing as he stumbled backwards. You blinked in confusion. “Wh--what’s wrong?”
Ten ran his fingers through his hair. “C’mon. I want you to ride me.”
He sat down on the closed toilet seat lid and you straddled him without a second thought, sinking down onto his dick with a full body shudder. With your dress around your waist and your breasts jiggling in his face as you bounced up and down on his cock, he traced his tongue around your nipple before lightly biting down. You tangled your fingers in his hair and panted out his name, letting out a squeak when his palm connected with your ass for a hard slap. Planting his feet on the floor, he leaned you backwards a bit as he drove into you repeatedly, eyes watching how well your pussy took him.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured against your collarbone. “Gorgeous—you feel so good.” He bit you again, this time on the side of your neck. “So good.”
With one hand on his shoulder to brace yourself, you rose up and let yourself come down hard over and over again, feeling him pound so deep it was almost criminal. Had the music not been so loud you knew exactly what you would have heard; the sound of skin hitting skin as Ten fucked you like he owned you. Just for tonight, maybe he did.
You weren’t sure how long it went on but when you came it still managed to take you by surprise. Your body lit up like a Christmas tree from the inside out and you cried out Ten’s name, clenching around him, your nails digging into his shoulder blades. He muttered a drawn out fuuuuck and pinched your clit with this thumb and forefinger, making you jerk so hard you nearly tumbled off his lap.
“Ah! Ten!” You shouted as he kept it up. “I—no—oh god—”
Your pussy tightened around him again and he shivered, thrusts growing erratic as he came with a grunt. You trembled through a second orgasm almost in disbelief—usually the only thing that could get you off twice in a row was hidden under your bed in a shoe box.
Seconds later you flopped against him, attempting to catch your breath. He was still rolling his hips just a tiny bit, making all the too sensitive areas ping.
“Whoa,” he said breathlessly, wrapping both arms around your waist. “That was…”
You chuckled softly. “Yeah…” Chancing a look at him, you admired the way strands of his dark hair stuck to his sweaty forehead. He was glistening, shirt sticking to his chest. He smelled like hints of your perfume and you smelled like hints of his cologne. It was all so intimate.
Reluctantly you sat back and gazed at him, wondering if things were about to get awkward. But Ten just smiled and ducked his head a little, a barely there blush creeping up into his already flushed cheeks. It was so adorable you couldn’t have resisted kissing him if you tried. From the way he melted into you, he’d had the same idea.
After a few minutes of just enjoying the feel of his lips against yours, you forced yourself up off of him. Your legs shook; you had to grab the counter to keep from tripping in your heels. You could already tell you’d still feel him tomorrow and the thought made you kinda dizzy, but in a good way. Blinking at your reflection—your hair was a dark mess—you knew there was no way you’d be able to hide the love bites that adorned your skin. They stood out stark red and purple like a bruise.
Ten remained slouched on the toilet for a couple of moments before removing the condom and tossing it into the trash. He dabbed at his dick with a handful of toilet paper, and then pulled up his underwear and jeans. “So…can I ask you something?”
You fixed your dress. “Sure.”
“Who was that guy?” he inquired with a grin. “The one you obviously wanted to get away from.”
Oh shit you’d forgotten all about Adam! “Oh he—he’s my dumb ex. He jumped stupid at me and I—I wanted to show him that he’s an idiot. That I’m totally over him. I—I’m sorry for getting you involved.”
He laughed as he patted down his hair. “No complaints from my end. I think he got the message though.” Reaching behind you he handed you your panties. “Don’t wanna forget these.”
It was ridiculous to be embarrassed considering what you’d both just done, but you couldn’t help it. You took them from him and pulled them on, keeping your eyes on the ground. “Thanks… Look Ten—”
“I’m hungry,” he said interrupting you. “Have you ever had grilled dried pollack?”
“Um yeah once I think,” you replied uncertainly. “It was pretty tasty.”
Ten motioned behind him. “I know a place that makes it if you wanted to go. And…maybe afterwards we could just hang out. Talk.”
That sounded amazing. “I’d love to. But…”
He picked up on your meaning. “Y/N I sit next to you in all of our art classes. I make conversation with you for no reason. Do you really think I of all people forget my brushes? Honestly I’ve wanted to ask you out for a while but you’ve always seemed…disinterested.”
You were dumbstruck by his admission. “Me?! That’s just my face! You’re the unattainable ingénue or whatever!”
Ten chuckled, folding his arms across his chest. “Oh please the only thing standing between me and being a serious cat dad is having an apartment that allows animals. However, this conversation is pointless. You owe me and I’m collecting…if that’s okay?”
You huffed but couldn’t stop grinning. “It’s perfect.”
The walk from the bathroom to the living room had everyone staring with a few people letting out loud whistles. Adam had disappeared but Amy was there to give you a big thumbs up. You promised to call her later and then let Ten pull you outside into the warm night air, your fingers happily entwined with his.
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certifiedskywalker · 3 years
Dating Sam Wilson Would Include...
Here’s some love for our Captain Falcon? Just Falcon? Captain Bird? Sam. Here’s some love for our Sam. 
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You wanted revenge. 
When Steve invited you to jog with him, he said that he would keep pace with you.
He was a man of his word, but he didn’t even break a sweat while you were gasping for breath with your burning lungs.
You wanted revenge, and to see Steve sweat.
That was all!
Your return to the National Mall’s park of monuments for a practice jog was your training for that revenge.
It had nothing to do with the handsome, fellow jogger you and Steve had seen before.
When he happened to be there again, you thought you might as say hello to him.
Steve jogged at the crack of dawn each day and this mystery jogger seemed to have the same habit.
Odds were you would see the man again and if you were with Steve, you would want to be able to explain why you were so easily left behind in his dust.
He was easier to catch up with than Steve, though you were breathless by the time he glanced over his shoulder at you.
It took all you had not to stumble over your own feet when his dark eyes met your gaze.
All thoughts and want of revenge were forgotten: it was only you and….him….what was his name?
You needed to know but, talking to him? How could you!? You were already out of breath and he...he was looking at you like...
“You alright?” 
His voice, laden with concern, brought you out of your reverie.
Heat rushed up to your face and, for the first time, you were happy that you were flushed from running.
“Uh, yeah,” you said through little pants of exertion, “sorry...I…”
You were loosing steam, physically and mentally.
You were embarrassed he had caught you staring, a stranger! 
Talk about weird and creepy.
But the man gave you a half smile, a hint of hope that you didn’t royally mess up your chances.
He stopped jogging and, relieved to find an excuse to stop, you followed suit.
“You sure you’re alright?”
“Y-yeah,” you wheezed, “you’re just, you’re fast.”
“Tryin’ to race me then?”
You glanced up at him and nodded, “a race, sure.” 
Your heart beat like a jack hammer; though you weren’t sure if it was because of the running or if you were nervous.
All you did know was that you were light headed and there was a good looking guy standing before you, worried about you despite the weirdness.
When you finally were able to fill your lungs with a decent amount of oxygen, you straightened your posture and met the mystery jogger’s gaze.
“I...do you want to get coffee sometime, or something?”
Had you really just asked that? Right now?
You were about to throw your arm over your face to hide your shame.
Just as you tried to think of other places you and Steve could jog, the man laughed.
It was a heart sound that warmed your chest, and his smile?
You had never seen anything quite like it: wide and pure.
As you shyly met his gaze, you realized it reached his eyes.
“How about water, like right now?”
“Yeah, now.”
The rest was history, simple as that.
He met Steve and Sam became a fixture in your life; and you in his.
Dates became missions and, before long, you shared a room at the Avengers compound.
You and Sam meshed on some silent level, beyond your shared understanding.
He could tell when you were off and you could read him so easily.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Rough day.”
“How about a flight to clear your head,” you suggested, handing him his goggles.
“As long as you’re coming with.”
He holds on to you so tightly as he flies through the city. 
The trust you put in those metal wings to keep you both aloft was otherworldly
But never once did you doubt Sam.
He would never let you down.
Only lovingly embarrass you in front of friends and family. 
When Sam retells the story of how you met to his sister Sarah, years later, he jokes about how he had never seen anyone looked more shocked in his life.
“I’ve been through war and Avengers training, so when I tell you I’ve seen people look like they’re about to shi-”
“Hey! The boys!”
At that same table, you hid your face and shook your head.
“I was scared I was going to creep you out.”
“Oh, you did,” Sam said with that wide, unabashed smile on his face. “But you were charming about it.”
He tells the story of how you met when you meet his family.
He doesn’t tell them about Hydra, about Bucky, or even the danger your jobs put you both in.
Sarah seemed to know it, and Sam’s nephews were too young to understand.
You get to see a side of Sam that he didn’t show the rest of the team.
“It’s funny.”
“What is?” He asked, drying the dishes you had just finished washing.
“They call you ‘Uncle Sam’, like the propaganda cartoon.”
“Cause we work with Captain America?”
“Yeah,” you said, nudging his shoulder with yours. “It’s funny.”
“It’s not, but it’s fun to see you try to be.”
With a gasp, you tossed a handful of soap suds at him. 
White bubbles clung to his shirt and, after he collected himself, Sam looked at you with a playful fight in his eyes.
“Oh, it is so on.”
You both end up covered in suds and cleaning Sarah’s kitchen.
Whenever you and Sam aren’t in New York (for Avengers business) or in D.C. (for state business), you’re at his childhood home in Louisiana.
Sarah and her boys become your little family as you and Sam grow closer.
It’s strange, you’re not sure when you realized you were in love with him 
Though, one night sticks out in your mind.
It was just you and Sam, sitting on the dock, basking in the orange light of the sunset.
“Thanks for coming down here with me. I know our missing person search is important, but I had to-“
“No, I get it,” you rested a hand on his muscled upper arm. “Family first.”
It’s then, when the silence falls over you both, that you realize Sam's staring at you 
And you’re staring at him.
You’re desperate to break the sudden tension so you blurt out your first thought.
It seems that Sam did the same as you both say:
“You’re my family.”
Sam smiles, a soft smile, not the wide grin you loved; though, you loved this expression too.
Without a word, Sam leans in and presses his lips to yours.
He tastes like beer and the brownies Sarah made for dessert.
His hand cups your cheek and your fingers wrap around his wrist, holding his palm to your skin.
The kiss is gentle, though everything Sam did with you was gentle, as if he didn’t want to risk breaking the thing you had built together.
Not that he could break it.
Nothing could, not really. 
When Sam pulled his lips from yours, a smile spread along your face. 
“Plus, I get to see your baby pictures which gives me all the blackmail I could ever want.”
“You’re kidding me, right?”
“Only a little.”
He kissed you again, harder this time.
“I love you,” Sam mumbled against your lips.
“I love you too.”
Banter is a big part of your relationship.
Sam is always one for teasing and cracking jokes to keep people at arm's length.
But with you, while he still teases, he’s more careful
He’s not afraid to just stay quiet, savor the fleeting moments between missions with you.
During those ‘between times’, you and Sam stay in.
Work, missions, what have you, takes you both across the globe
So, when there’s peace, you both hunker down in the Avenger’s compound or visit his family.
Sam is an early riser due to his past in the military and is always awake before you.
He’s a sucker for breakfast food? 
He’s always making it as you climb out of bed.
“You hungry?”
“Is that-”
When you help him cook, Sam likes to put music on in the background.
You swear he does it on purpose because, when he inevitably starts to dance, he pulls you along with him.
Depending on the music, Sam will hold you close, sway with you in his arms, or shimmies around the kitchen until you become a giggling mess.
“Join me! You know you want to!”
“The food is going to burn!”
“Sure is! Now dance with me, baby!”
How could you not when he gave you that smile of his?
When things started to grow more heated, after Ultron, after Sokovia, your kitchen dance parties became rare.
You stayed with Sam, sided with Steve and you both paid the price for it.
It was only a few days before Steve came to save you all from the Raft but it was pure torture.
You were in the cell across from Sam, watching him pace the floor and tense up with anger.
The moment you were freed, you ran to him.
Being on the run with Sam added a new layer to your relationship.
It didn’t come without its challenges as being a wanted criminal was easy on no one.
There were nights where you and Sam would sleep with your backs to each other.
It was the stress of running that crippled you both on those nights, made everything, every worry and doubt, difficult to talk about. 
But it was also running that brought you together, that kept you together too.
You and Sam would run to the rescue of some poor souls
And promptly run back to each other. 
When Steve wasn’t around to keep you both in check, you and Sam would explore whatever country you found yourselves in.
Trying all sorts of different foods with him.
“What is that?”
“Delicious, so, does it really matter?”
Late night flights under the stars and holding each other close in the quinjet.
And, despite all his carefulness and his holding you close, Sam was gone
For five years, you had no one to run with or to
You stayed with Natasha in the Avenger’s compound and tried to help Sarah with the house and her boys.
Whenever you went to Louisiana, you came back in tears.
“You don’t have to go back, you know,” Sarah said one time. “You’re always welcome here, Y/N. You’re family.”
It took all you had left of your strength to not break down in her living room, to not cry clinging to an old photograph of Sam in a baseball uniform.
“That’s why I need to go back,” you whimpered, “so we can try to get him back to us. His family.”
It’s a misty-eyed flight home.
Flying is not the same without Sam; the sky is emptier.
It felt like the thing, the love you had built together was about to break when Scott rolled up to the door of the Avenger’s compound with his ‘time heist’ in hand.
It gave you hope and, eventually, it gave you Sam back too.
“It’s been five years right? You haven’t aged a day.”
His joke brings you to happy tears before you fall into his arms, caked with grime from the battle. 
“I got you, I got you.”
After Tony and Steve’s strange send off, you and Sam took a stay-cation. 
Most of the time, you two stayed in bed, unwilling to let the other go in case something tried to snap reality in half again.
“I don’t know what he wants me to do with it,” he says, eyeing the bagged up shield propped up against your bedroom wall. 
“You know,” you replied, lifting your head from his chest to look into his eyes. “He wants you to keep fighting. Be ‘Uncle Sam’.”
“It’s still not funny.” 
You shake your head at him before leaning down to kiss him.
You’re careful, just as he was all those years ago on the dock. 
When you pull away, you explain, “it’s not meant to be.”
Sam smiles at you, that same wide, pure smile that won you over the day you first met.
No matter what happens next, you know that, as long as you can see that smile, you’ll make it to fight another day.
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polymathicdragon · 3 years
Terms of Endearment
A Bagginshield Fanfic (also available HERE on ao3)
Summary: Khuzdul terms of endearment are pretty common and Bilbo has heard them all, though he's a little wary of using Hobbit terms of endearment as he's not sure how well they will translate. But after so many years of being together he decides he can't help himself anymore...and it turns out to be the best decision. 
Rating: General audiences
This story is all because I had a random headcanon based on this tiktok. I posted it into our Bagginshield discord and it ran away from there and I knew I needed to write it!
I wouldn't have been so excited to write this without so many amazing ideas and Hobbit endearments from my friends over on the discord. They include: @the-game-is-up @curiousartemis @lesbiankiliel @imsoconfused16 @mulasawala @mandolinearts
Story below the cut!
Bilbo had settled into his new role as husband and King’s consort well, he had tried hard to make sure that he understood and respected Dwarven culture and customs, while also sprinkling in a bit of Hobbit sensibility where he could. Thorin had always called him sweet terms of endearment in Khuzdul, which he now understood much better having learned the language and its meaning, and Bilbo would smile and reply in kind. It wasn’t that Hobbits didn’t have terms of endearment, but he didn’t think that they’d quite translate well, so he let them slip from his mind. Until one day, he couldn’t help himself.
It was one of those rare occurrences that Thorin and Bilbo actually had a day to themselves, which seemed to be less and less as the years went on and the mountain fared better than it ever had. Bilbo was laying in bed still, covers strewn around him, while Thorin had gone to grab them breakfast. As he returned and handed Bilbo a steaming cup of tea, Bilbo grinned.
“Good morning honeycake,” he said as he took the cup from Thorin’s hands.
At first Thorin just nodded, “You’re wel--” but then blinked, “what did you call me?”
Bilbo just laughed and Thorin cocked his head a bit but just let it go, instead climbing up into bed with his own tea and as they enjoyed a quiet morning together.
It was a few weeks later and Thorin had been working late at his desk, pouring over paperwork. A pile that no matter how long he sat there, never seemed to diminish. Bilbo walked in quietly, placing his hand on Thorin’s shoulder.
“Hello, my lovely potato.”
Thorin leaned back, smiling up at Bilbo, “Hello, ghivashel.”
“How are things going?” Bilbo asked.
“As well as usual,” Thorin sighed, then he looked up at Bilbo, a small smirk, “Am I a sweet potato?”
Bilbo broke into giggles and Thorin dragged him into his lap, placing lingering kisses all over his face and neck.
And so it began, Bilbo didn’t want to overdo it so he waited for the right moment, whenever Thorin was distracted doing something else he would break out a Hobbit endearment.
Thorin was sitting in his favorite chair, reading a pile of documents. Bilbo came in from a meeting and walked up to him, reaching out his hand which Thorin took instinctively.
“Hello, my handsome parsnip.”
“Hello,” Thorin said, distracted still as his eyes scanned the document. Until it seemed he had processed what Bilbo actually said. He blinked and shook his head, looking up at Bilbo, “What is a parsnip?”
Bilbo found Thorin one day in his forge, he had been working on a project for weeks and had come to bed late most nights, smelling of smoke and metal. It was a smell Bilbo had long gotten used to. He stepped carefully into the forge as Thorin pulled a piece of metal out of the fire. Thorin smiled at him, lifting his hammer in a slight wave.
“Hello my darling mushroom king,” Bilbo called, a smile plastered on his face.
Thorin paused, setting down his hammer, a slight frown, “Now that’s just offensive.”
Bilbo laughed as Thorin put down the red hot metal he was working with and pulled off his gloves to come over to Bilbo. Bilbo took his hands, “But you're my mushroom, a rare one at that. And I’m so lucky to have found you.”
Thorin leaned down and kissed Bilbo, pulling him into his arms, “As sweet as that is amrâlimê, I hate mushrooms.” Bilbo laughed into his chest.
Thorin had been in council meetings for the past two days, they were hosting Men, Elves, and Dwarves of the Iron Hills, hoping to expand trade agreements in the north and also strategize safety and security. Orcs had appeared more frequently recently, coming from the north out of Mount Gundabad. Thorin felt like the headache forming behind his eyeballs would blind him permanently. Bilbo had been in meetings as well, and so they had barely seen each other at all. Finally everyone was free to have an informal lunch together, giving everyone a much needed break. Bilbo swept into the main dining room alongside some Elves and Dwarves. He walked over to Thorin and couldn’t even help the fact that they were surrounded by others.
“How are you my sweet-tasting cantaloupe?” Bilbo said, taking Thorin’s hands.
A few heads nearby turned to look at them, clear confusion on their faces. Thorin’s jaw dropped, his eyes wide, “What?”
Bilbo just smiled. Thorin groaned, a bit mortified, “Why can’t you just call me normal names?” he whispered.
Bilbo frowned, feeling a bit offended, “If more of us valued food and cheer and song, it would be a merrier world.”
Thorin softened then, realizing his error, “Of course, ghivashel. You are right, I’m sorry.”
Thorin had been away for far longer than he ever wished. He had needed to visit the Dwarven kingdom in the east to rebuild trade agreements and secure allies as rumors had begun that an evil was building in the south. He finally arrived home late, much later than he would’ve liked. There was little fanfare as it was the middle of the night. Thorin departed from his companions, heading straight to his rooms. There was no way that Bilbo would still be awake. As Thorin opened the door to his rooms, he saw that the fire was still going. The door to their bedroom opened and Bilbo’s face lit up, and he quickly strode towards him.
“You’re finally home! My prize-winning tomato!” Bilbo said as he wrapped himself around Thorin. As strange as it was, Thorin’s heart soared at the endearment, pulling him in tight, never wanting to let go. Somehow, he found himself falling more in love with Bilbo every time it happened.
Bilbo was tucked comfortably under the covers, waiting for Thorin to climb into bed. Bilbo had let his eyes droop a bit, sad that they had just been so busy lately as to barely see each other before exhaustion overtook them both. It seemed they would be this busy forever, and he thought about what it would be like to convince Thorin to retire and they could travel and live in the Shire. It was a pleasant thought.
He heard the door to the bathroom open and he opened his eyes. Thorin’s hair was loose and wet on the ends from where it had dipped into the water of his bath. He was only dressed in loose pants and Bilbo couldn’t help but stare. He’d seen his husband naked hundreds if not thousands of times by now, but it always made his breath catch, and the familiar feeling tingle down his spine. Bilbo was hopeless and grinned like a lovesick fool, which Thorin caught on as he climbed into bed, giving his own winning smile.
“Well hello my sexy roast beef,” Bilbo stated, more sultry than he expected.
A slight blush came to Thorin’s cheeks as he looked at Bilbo for a long moment.
“Can I marry you for a second time?” he said, his own voice deep and husky.
Bilbo nodded but the words he meant to say were lost as Thorin pulled him in close, kissing him soundly.
Thorin had told Balin he was taking the afternoon off. It had been one of the first nice days after a hard winter and he had hoped to catch Bilbo by surprise and spend a restful and carefree day and evening with his beloved. The possibilities were endless and he knew that this kind of day would be a hobbit dream.
He went first to the kitchens and got a quick dessert that he had pre-planned with Bombur that morning and then went to their rooms. He found Bilbo writing at his desk. Thorin quietly set down the pastries and wrapped his arms around Bilbo from behind.
“Hello my gorgeous steamed cabbage” Thorin said, hoping he had gotten the endearment correct. As far as he could tell after many, many times it was a positive and loving adjective and then a vegetable or fruit of some kind. He wasn’t very well versed in growing anything, but it was the first one that came to mind.
Bilbo stilled in his arms, the pen where it had been moving even as Thorin wrapped his arms around Bilbo had stopped, the ink pooling a bit on the paper.
Then what sounded like a laugh, followed by a cough from the Hobbit in his arms. Bilbo put the pen down and turned slightly in his chair.
Thorin knew immediately by the mirth on Bilbo’s face that it was not correct, “steamed cabbage?” Bilbo said flatly, though amusement played in his eyes.
“Have I offended you, ghivashel?” Thorin pulled his arms away, frowning.
Bilbo started, and then stopped, a few times trying to find the words. “I’m not offended, but it just...your heart was in it…”
“But it doesn’t quite work…” Thorin supplied, disappointed.
Bilbo stood, smiling and took Thorin’s hands, “It was a good effort, but you should stick to Khuzdul, my perfect potato.”
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brunos-beloved · 4 years
I’d like to request a scenario where narancia gets jealous of someone flirting with his s/o but she reassures him 🥰 (would be a plus if she told the person flirting to fuck off too hehe)
persistent stranger : narancia ghirga x reader
summary: You run into a very persistent stranger, once he’s finally gone the two of you comfort each other through newly born insecurities.
word count: 2.2k 
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As any other day, Bucciarati’s gang was at their usual table at the usual restaurant. Though, rather than being as peaceful and comforting to you as it normally was, you’d ran into an issue. Said issue being this; the moment you’d left the table for a cappuccino rather than waiting for service, you were stopped by a stocky man that had eyes with definite ulterior motive. At first you’d taken a couple compliments with a friendly smile, hoping that’d be enough to entertain him, and he’d leave you be to wait for your coffee alone. Unfortunately, this just hadn’t been the case.
“So, you come here often?“ You nearly cringed outwardly at the statement, usually just something innocent and friendly, but in the context of this man’s intentions it didn’t sit right with you at all. The fact you’d caught him staring at your table hadn’t helped either, you’d been sitting with Narancia, glued to his side with your head drowsily draped on his shoulder nearly all night, that’s why you’d gotten up for some caffeine in the first place! 
“Yeah.” You answered quickly, hoping the short and sharp answer would put him off. The man only seemed to smirk at that, leaving an uneasy feeling in your stomach. You prayed this cappuccino would be ready soon. 
“You’re bellissima.”
“I’m taken.” You shot back with fervor, not even sparing him glances anymore, focusing on the steam rising from the espresso machine rather than the empty words coming from the dirty blonde’s mouth. You hadn’t seen it, but the matter-a-factly hum told you the rat was smirking again, as if this only added a challenge he’d been hoping for. You felt yourself shrink in your dress, not something you wore often, the most you’d usually go for were skirts. Narancia called you paranoid for your reasoning, a dress wasn’t the best thing for mobility, and you were always worried about what could happen next. But il tuo ragazzo lit up at the sight of it, expressing that you were allowed to feel pretty once in a while, though he followed that with an adorable panic, something about how he thought of you that way in anything you wore. He bore his own charming cream dress-shirt, you’d helped him roll the cuffs. Narancia was sweet, but a part of you told you this is what you got for relaxing and trying to enjoy yourself, despite the shower of compliments he’d given you earlier. You were a stressed and tormented soul, an overthinker. There were a lot of times the boisterous boy managed to brighten your day.
“Hey, testa di cazzo!“ Relief hit your legs at the sound of his voice, Narancia was ready to leave the gang’s table, despite his teammates advice. Your coffee had finally arrived, though before you got the chance to take it, an unwanted hand met your waist. You were nearly in awe at this persistence.
“Is that your man? Really, that little boy?” That little boy happened to be the same age as you, which had been another unfortunate difference between you and this stranger, most likely late-20’s. “Why don’t you come with someone like me instead?” You grimaced outwardly this time, fighting the urge to spit in his face, but instead backing away and finally getting your hands on your cup, ready to leave as soon as possible. As you turned on your heels, you were finally met with a familiar pair of eyes, grape purple and shining. Though at this moment Narancia’s eyes were filled with rage, which you’d assumed only grew as he got up from the table and came towards you two, dark brows furrowed and lips pulled into a snarl. 
The sudden grip on your arm nearly made the cup topple from your other hand, the shift of porcelain sounding against your saucer, and once again you were in awe at the audacity of this scum. Luckily it didn’t last long, the shock from the sight in front of him loosened his grip. You wrenched away and nearly smiled. The dark-haired boy had slammed his knife into the counter with a growl, catching the center of the man’s cashmere tie along the way. He paled like a dog on the end of a leash, though you could tell he was trying to keep up his cocky composure. He looked like the type to snap back, but he didn’t look armed at the moment, another evidence of his cockiness. Narancia held his glare, long-lashed and furious. Before he got too angry and too loud, you decided to step in- although, that didn’t necessarily mean you weren’t allowed to be angry. The two of you leaned over the man, still on his stool. You both had relatively brutal tempers, the only difference being yours was more cool-headed in comparison to Narancia’s fiery nature.
“That’s a very nice suit, was it expensive?” You forced a smile and raised your brows, you could tell he was surprised at the compliment, Narancia’s head spun to you with the same emotion. Leaning one elbow onto the counter to feign collection, you eyed his tie, raising your other arm, the one holding the beverage you’d waited for oh-so patiently. You drizzled it up his tie enjoyably slow, finishing it off with a jerk of your wrist towards the chest of his suit. You dropped the porcelain cup onto the counter, the man was nearly red, the only restraint from bursting being the knife to his drenched cashmere tie. You watched his eyes land onto your table like they had earlier tonight, though this time he was forced to focus on its other occupants. Mista spread his legs to send a peek of his pistol, and then he noticed the entire gang’s intimidating presence, retreating to the restroom rather than complaining.
You intertwined Narancia’s free fingers with your own, slowly at ease you could finally leave peacefully you guided him back to your table. Pressing a lazy kiss onto the boy’s cheek in hopes of cooling his remaining anger, the rosy tint that appeared after pleased you greatly. Though he was flustered by just how cool he thought you’d acted just now, he was relieved to see the comfortable smile that appeared back onto your face. But despite that relief, a tinge of jealousy remained within his chest.
“Nasty,” Mista commented as you finally made it back to the table, in wonder at the social brutally he’d just witnessed. You definitely weren’t the loudest of the group, but that didn’t always completely mask you hidden anger.
“Nasty? Y/N’s cool Mista! Did you see how cool she was?” You let out a breath of relief, content that Narancia was nearly back to his bubbly self, you hated worrying him. You did have one regret from that encounter though, and that was sacrificing your cappuccino, the fatigue finally setting in with the sigh. 
You tugged at the boys sleeve drowsily, “Nara, can we go home? I can’t wait to get this dress off...” Before your beloved could aid you with a reply, a certain gunslinger had to slip in another cheeky comment.
“Even nastier.” You nearly blushed at the suggestion, but chuckled quietly with him at the strangled noise that came from the boy beside you, followed by a very expected ‘Mista!’ You heard a snort from Abbacchio and caught the small smiles from Giorno and Bruno across the table, Narancia starting the regular squabble with Mista on the other corner. You grinned too, though the wholesome moment was interrupted by a stabbing pain above your brow. You held your forehead, it felt like you were having caffeine withdrawal, though you figured it was just a stressful situation paired with the original fatigue from before. Your stomach flipped too, that wasn’t a scenario you’d ever had to deal with. Sure, you knew you looked good tonight, Trish’s praises and Narancia’s reaction had to be proof of that, but that man... he’d still managed to make you feel like nothing, no one, like some whore on the side of the street. You weren’t just tired now, your legs felt limp at the thought, and you truly wanted to go home and change.
Eventually all eyes were on you, either concerned or confused. You held back a gasp at the hands that landed on the side of your shoulders, whipping your head to their direction snapping you out of your daze. It was Narancia, you’d worried him again, hadn’t you?
“Are you-”
“M-mi dispiace! I zoned out there for a second...” You cut him off with an apology before he could express his concerns, trying your best not to avoid his eyes, long-lashes and rich purple. However you couldn’t manage it, your own darting to the side as you backed away slightly. “I’m heading back, if you want to stay a little longer that’s alright.” 
The boy let out a confused noise and blinked at you. “No way! You said you were tired, no? I’ll come with you!”
The walk to the car was silent, surprisingly considering Narancia’s presence, but once the two of you’d gotten in you understood. You pushed a playful finger into your cheek, “You’ve been staring at me this whole time carino, do I have something on my face?” You attempted to lighten the mood you’d dampened. He shook his head, messy dark hair bouncing at the motion, his big round eyes seemed determined, Narancia of all people was forcing you to fill the silence. Whether he wasn’t sure he should ask again or it was for another reason you didn’t know. “Sorry, it’s just- I think I was right about not being cut out for wearing stuff like this, even though I was really hoping I hadn’t been...and...I don’t know.” You tried to explain the source of your current anxiety. Narancia blinked like he had at the restaurant, staring you dead in the eyes, and when you hadn’t continued, he let out a sound of disbelief that was closer to the volume of the lover you’d signed up for. 
“Not ‘cut out for it’? Who the hell’s ‘cut out for it’?”
“The guy at the bar? M-maybe it was too much...”
“You look stunning cara! Who wouldn’t want to be with you?” His answer nearly melted your heart into a puddle. Narancia’s honesty was another thing you loved about him. He was an absolutely brutal liar, but that made it even easier to tell just how genuine he was. Though, that’s an aspect of him that made him so readable, and right now you could tell there was something he wasn’t saying. Bright eyes the color of shiny red grapes retreated to the dash, the boy seemed troubled by something. “So,” You pressed a hand onto his arm, egging him on to tell you, “why would you want to be with someone like me?” 
Ah, that explained his behavior. It seems the event at restaurant had taken a mental toll on both of you tonight. A smile finally grazed its way back onto your lips, your confidence a little more elevated by his compliments. You leaned in for a kiss, closing the gap between you two. It was soft and short, you stared at him with fondness.
“Thank you, amore.” You carefully rose your palms to his cheeks, thumbs brushing across his tanned skin. “Ma tu sei l'unico per me.” Narancia was the only one for you, and you had to let him know that. You sat up to peck his forehead, lips brushing his soft bangs. The goofy smile across his face made you want to giggle, Narancia’s joy had always been contagious. He swooped down for another kiss, leaning into your side of the car. When he pulled back you grabbed a handful of his silk collar, bringing him in closer and pressing your lips firmly to his. Narancia ran his hands over your curves and eagerly ushered his way into your seat. Then suddenly your moment was cut short, the two of you jumping in shock at the sound of a blaring car horn, your heads flipping every direction for the reason for such a noise. 
Then you realized, coincidentally, it had been your car horn.
Sucking in a gasp of air you burst out laughing at that, how Narancia’s knee even made it near the steering wheel completely unbeknownst to you. Narancia straightened, the same insight hitting him. The grape-eyed boy slapped a hand over his lips, face flushing, yet you still caught the muffled laughter underneath his fingers. After you’d recovered, sighing and coming back down from the high, you grasped the hand on his rosy face. The eyes that had been squeezed shut fluttered open, watching your movements expectantly. You pulled it away to hold the hand delicately, Narancia was just someone that made you smile, you found him adorable. After leaving a long but soft kiss on the lips you’d revealed, you pulled back.
“It’s only getting later, let’s head home carino.”
this was a lot longer than probably expected but I wanted to have an actually fleshed out ending if that makes sense (also narancia’s like my fav oops)? Thanks for reading, I hope you guys enjoyed ;)
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shelf-care · 3 years
Lord of the village part 4
Heisenberg X Reader
It's been a little while since I added anything to this series. Work has sucked and now since it's ending soon, I'll have more time to add more to this slow burn. I hope y'all enjoy some barriers being broken in this next chapter.
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“Where have you been?” The first word out of his mouth wasn’t a “hello,” not a “how was your day?” It was accusatory. Frankly, frightening and a tad bit annoying. “Why would you need to know where I was all day?” The question was icy and filled with as much venom as could be mustered. Heisenberg was taken aback by this. “I’m only asking because you were gone when I got back. I remember telling you where I was going. I thought it was only fair for you to tell me where you were.” His tone was generally the same, though you could tell he was a little hurt by your response which was hard in its own way. Your heart sank into your feet. “Forgive me lord, Heisenberg.” You dipped your head not wanting to add anymore fuel to the kindling flames of anger from both of you. Nodding, he set his drink down standing to move into the bedroom. “No, it’s expected. Considering the situation.” He said taking a cigar in hand and placing it between his lips. You watched as his mannerisms would become familiar to you in time, but this was the first time you had any time to even notice your husband and admire him in an odd way. Reaching for his glasses, Heisenberg pulled them down the bridge of his nose, his hat coming off in his hand next. The grime coating his fingers left streaks that matched similar ones on the hat already.
Following his fingers up to his shoulders, and finally his face. Your eyes met. The color of castle stones with the slightest bit of gold flecks gracing his irises. The look of them was empty and tired. Like the storm on the sea had long past but clouds still lingered and it was hard for things to revert to the way they were supposed to be. “Can I help you?” Your jaw clenched at the question while you set your things from the village down on the table. “No, I’m sorry.” He nodded and turned to take another drag of smoke. His tongue ran across his chapped bottom lip. Stretching the bottom lip after, his skin cracked. “Dammit.” Putting his finger to the area it hurt the most, he drew his hand away seeing red. Rubbing the digits together he could feel the tackiness lingering. Pacing back over to the front room he saw a rather clean rag on the table. Taking it and placing it to his mouth he saw you putting an apron on and smoothing out the wrinkles. “Dinner is going to be served late.” You never turned, and instead pulled carrots and other savory veggies from a cloth bag you’d brought up the ridge from home. “Didn’t even expect it.” Taking the rag from his mouth and looking at the crimson stain and placing it back with a cleaner area. You nodded and continued about your work. “You’ve never been married?” Karl rose his head at the question. “I was. Once.” Leaning in the seat he watched you peeling the carrots and then coin them into circular shapes. “Did you love her?” His heart sank in his chest, but anger bubbled up with it. Deep despair lingering where a broken heart laid. He didn’t answer. Didn't even want to make an attempt.
Some time passed before you two talked, let alone looked at each other. Two piping hot bowls of soup lie in your hands. Steam rising from the clay vessels. You placed his food down first. Rag still in his grasp. You noticed the embroidery on the edge. It was your mothers that she had given to you just a few hours before. A part of you wanted to scream at him for using it, another was just sad that it was being used for something that it wasn’t intended for. Setting down your food across from Heisenberg, you sighed while your sight met with the bloodied handkerchief. He studied you as you sat down. “What’s wrong?” He asked taking the rag away from his mouth again to start eating. You thought for a moment if you should even say anything, before you could stop yourself you responded. “Thats my mothers.” Avoiding his eyes and taking up a spoon you stirred the hot stew. He looked at the fabric, and sure enough, there were white roses stitched into the linen. He made an uneasy straightened line on his lips. Mirroring your actions he took up a spoon as well and nodded. “I didn’t know.” For a moment there was more unbearable and stifling silence. Giving a heavier sigh than the last time you shook your head. “How could you know?” Shrugging you decided to let the matter go for the sake of what peace you had. “I’ll go into town and get you one of your own.” He mentioned though you said nothing. “It’s fine Lord Heisenberg. I’ll get the stains out somehow.” Your spoon clinked against the side of the bowl. “Call me Karl.” Your face changed to confusion so quickly it could be comical. “What?” He chewed his food before answering. “My name, it’s Karl. Enough with the Lord Heisenberg crap. We’re stuck together for a long time. I don’t want to keep hearing a title instead of my name.” You gave the slightest of smiles and met his eyes. “Okay. Karl.” You looked at him and for once he didn’t shy away. “How's dinner?” He spooned through the stew. “It’s good.”
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too rough ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1714
request?: yes!
@colsonbakerxxxxxx​ “Can you do a smuttty af one with the reader x MGK, like really smutty lol but Kells was extra rough and the reader was trying to hold on but at the end she couldn’t take it so she called out the safe word? Then Kells feels really bad and does the proper aftercare (bath, massage) and him just feeling like crap for hurting her x”
description: after a stressful day of trying to finish his album, colson decides to try and let off some steam, but is a little rougher than he means to be
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut, oral (fem receiving), choking, being a little too rough during sex
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He had had an off day at the studio. Things just weren’t working out to his liking and the album was taking longer than he wanted. The studio was breathing down his neck to get it done in time for the launch, just a month away. Lately, it was beginning to feel like each studio session only completed part of a song, and it was taking a week to try and finish even two songs.
When he got home, he was seething with frustration. He just wanted to go to bed and sleep for a whole day and hope that when he woke up next everything would be fine and finally would work in his favour. That was, until he say you laying on the couch in just a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top, minding your own business and watching TV. He had a better idea for getting his frustration out then.
You turned your head to look at him and smiled a little before noticing his look of frustration. “What’s up, honey?”
“Shitty day at the studio,” he responded as he eyed your body up and down. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
He was beginning to pull his shirt off, and you immediately knew where this was going. You sat up and began to pull your own shirt off, a smirk on your face. “Okay, then we won’t talk.”
It wasn’t unusual for one of you to come home frustrated and for the other to help relieve that stress and frustration. In fact, anger sex was probably some of the best sex you had ever had. Some days you were even excited when Colson got home and was stressed and frustrated, or when you were having a shitty day and Colson would send you teasing text messages to tell you how he’d help you relax.
You were about to get up so that you could both go up to the bedroom, but was pleasantly shocked when Colson pushed you back down onto the couch. The living room was one of few places in the house that you ever had sex, mainly because there was always a fear of Casie coming unexpectedly and catching the two of you. But Colson was so frustrated and ready to get rid of that feeling that he really didn’t care where you did it at the moment. He would’ve taken you on the floor if he had to.
He pulled off his pants and pulled your shorts down your legs, kissing over your stomach and thighs as he did so. You giggled as he kissed his way up your stomach, pausing to pay special attention to each of your boobs, before attacking your neck and definitely leaving marks, and finally placing a rough kiss on your lips. You gasped against his lips as he pushed himself fully into you, filling you up in no time.
The rough thrusts and manhandling that Colson did when he was frustrated was also nothing new to you. You had almost grown accustom to them, and some days would rather feel him fucking and handling you more rough than he usually did. But this time was something different. It was as though something else had taken over Colson all together. He was rougher than he usually was with his thrusts, the sound of skin slapping against skin ringing out through the otherwise quiet house.
At first, you thought it was really hot. Your brain could barley form a coherent thought as moans and cruse words fell freely from your mouth and your eyes rolled back in your head in ecstasy. You even couldn’t help the gasp and moan of pleasure when Colson wrapped his hand around your throat and squeezed just a little. However, his grip on your throat suddenly became tighter and the once pleasurable thrusts were beginning to hurt and make you feel sore.
You tapped on Colson’s arm, hoping he would get the hint to ease up on his grip. When he didn’t, you managed to wheeze out, “Pomegranate!”, the safe word you and Colson had made up back when you first began dating and having sex.
The word snapped Colson out of his funk. Quickly, he released your throat and pulled out of you. His face was filled with concern as you took a deep breath, finally able to breathe properly.
“I’m so sorry babe,” he said. “Did I hurt you bad?”
You shook your head. “Not bad, no. It was just getting hard to breathe, and you were fucking me a little rough there. I’m feeling a little sore now.”
“I’m so sorry,” he sighed again, sitting at the other end of the couch.
You sat up and ran your fingers through your hair. There was still a pulsing pain between your legs and you couldn’t help but wince when you moved your legs and accidentally put pressure on it.
Colson watched you with sad eyes. He lowered himself onto the floor in front of you, gently guiding you to the edge. He placed a gentle kiss on your sore clit before licking it slowly. Your head lulled back in pleasure as you let out another moan, encouraging Colson to continue pleasuring you. Your hand found its way to his hair, taking a handful of it and holding it tightly as he continued his work. Before you knew it, you were calling out his name as your climax hit you, covering his mouth and chin in your juices.
Colson stood, wiping his mouth with his thumb before sticking it in his mouth, which was an incredible turn on to you. He began to walk away, but you quickly stopped him by asking, “Wait, don’t you want me to finish you off, too, babe?”
He shook his head. “It’s alright, babe. Sit back and relax for a second, but don’t put your clothes back on.”
You giggled, figuring Colson had some other idea for sex. While you still felt a little sore and sensitive, especially after an orgasm, you still felt ready to continue going with the sex. Colson hadn't hurt you as bad as he thought he had, and you really hoped he wouldn’t worry about it that much.
You heard the water begin to run in the bathroom. You stood from the couch and hobbled down the hallway (literally hobble, you were feeling too sore to walk). When you finally got to the bathroom, you saw that Colson was running a bath, completed with your favourite bubble bath peaking over the edge as he continued to fill the tub. His beautiful blue eyes caught you in the doorway, watching him work.
“I told you to relax,” he said, although there was a slight smile on his face and a light tone in his voice.
“I was curious as to what you were doing,” you told him. “This for me?” He nodded. “And are you gonna join me in the bath?”
“Only if you want me to.”
“I think we both know the answer to that.”
When the bath was full, Colson helped you in first before getting in behind you. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed over whatever exposed skin he could reach as you rested your back against his chest.
“I’m so sorry I hurt you, baby,” he said once again.
You shook your head. “Don’t be sorry, babe. I used the safe word when it got too much, and you stopped immediately. I’m not upset or anything, and I’m already feeling a little better from it.”
He was tracing circles with his thumb around your collarbone, leaving goosebumps that were starting to spread to your neck and arm as he did so. “I was just really frustrated. The record label keeps hounding me to finish this album so they don’t have to push the release date. They keep threatening to cancel it all together if it’s not finished within the next week.”
“Why would they cancel it? So many people are excited for this album, if they cancelled it they’d be losing more money than they are if the album is a little late.”
Colson shrugged. “The label doesn’t have too much faith in me. I’ve been making rap and hip-hop for as long as I can remember, and I’ve been insanely successful doing that. When we went to pitch the album and play them the first few songs, they kept saying they weren’t sure because a change in genre doesn’t always work out for someone. Even when we provided Why Are You Here as an example of how I could make good punk rock music and it could be well received they weren’t sure. I think they just think this album is gonna crash and burn and they’ll have wasted time and money on agreeing to let me do it.”
You put your head back against Colson’s shoulder and turned to kiss his neck as much as you could reach. “Baby, you know that’s not true. Even if that’s what the record label thinks, you know your fans will love the album no matter when it comes out. They’re already begging for more songs that sound like Why Are You Here, imagine how excited they’re gonna be when you drop a whole album that sounds like it.”
Colson smiled and held you tightly. “I guess you’re right. I just can’t help but feed into that negative vibe sometimes.”
“I know, but you have to remember the positives when you start letting that stuff get to you. You have to target those negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.”
Colson kissed behind your ear. “You’re the best positive thought I have.”
You giggled and turned so you could plant an actual kiss on his lips. “I’m glad I can be a positive thought in your life.”
“I’m glad to have you as a positive thought in my life.”
You smiled and kissed him once more before settling against him again. The two of you sat in the hot bath for some time, not speaking but just enjoying each other’s company. In that moment, Colson decided that this would be one of his new de-stressing techniques in the future; a nice bath with the love of his life.
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