#can’t draw volleyballs to save my life
obsoleteozymandias · 4 months
Heyy!! I saw your matchups were open and wondered if you could do a TWST match up?
My name is Georgia I am a female using she/her. I am straight, 5’2 and have struggled with a werid combination of ADHD and drowsiness. I’m the youngest of three girls. Am a mom’s girl with some mad daddy issues.
I am very intense I jump to lead projects and help my friends with whatever they need. I am very self assured and don’t take crap from other people this causes me to come off as rude on occasion but once you get to know me I’m very sweet.
My MBTI is infj-a and my star sign is Taurs. I have a handful of hobbies like cheerleading, volleyball, drawing, painting, and playing the trumpet.
I am studying to be a physical education teacher but have been told I should go into politics before but frankly it all a bit to back handed for me.
I absolutely love animals I raise chickens and they are my babies. I also have three black cats and two dogs. I’ve saved a handful of birds from open bodies of water before.
I am terrified of deep water and cannot swim despite taking lessons for several years. If I can’t touch the bottom of the body of water I will not get in. Along the same lines I also have some terriable storm anxiety even if it is just a little thunder I will hide under my covers from it.
Anyways I think that’s about it!! I hope you have the best day ever<3
Brother i am having the time ever
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Deuce Spade
You’re very much the person Deuce aspires to be - confident and kind, but not arrogant. When he first meets you, he sees you almost as a role model, and tries his best to emulate your behaviors. 
And that hero worship eventually turns into him stuttering and blushing when you approach him, and thinking how lovely your eyes are at night. 
When he realizes how he’s fallen for you, he almost loses his mind. 
To him, you’re so perfect and aspirational. Surely you’d never like a former delinquent like him. 
When you reciprocate, he loses his mind a second time. 
While he’s concerned about your drowsiness on occasion, he wholly accepts both that and your ADHD as part fo you, and is quick to adjust however he may have to to support you best, 
You two are best friends AND a couple at the same time. You don’t hesitate to tell Deuce the truth when he needs it just as much as you don’t hesitate to kiss his forehead when he needs it. 
The two of you work towards your goals together, as a team. He may try to coax you out of your fears, but at the end of the day, he’ll never berate you for them, nor push you harder than you’d like. He’s a positive and driving force in your life. 
I imagine he’d be chuffed when he finds out about your animals. He’s not the gentlest soul, but when he starts to take care of them, and when they start to show him some affection, he feels even more worthy of you love. 
You attend his track meets and shout his name louder than anyone else, and his face flushes when you do. SImilarly, he’ll be cheering for you like a madman during any volleyball matches or cheer competitions. 
Other competition-goers seem put off by this, but you two are so sincere and passionate about your love and respect for one another that it doesn’t really seem to matter. 
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Sitting in Their Lap at Random
Pairing(s): Suna Rintarō x Gender Neutral! Reader, Akaashi Keiji x Gender Neutral! Reader, Ushijima Wakatoshi x Gender Neutral! Reader, Yamaguchi Tadashi x Gender Neutral! Reader, Tendō Satori x Gender Neutral! Reader
Warnings: Strong language, a little jealousy in Yamaguchi’s, fluff across the board
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Suna Rintaro:
It wasn’t anything new, for you to want to sit in your boyfriend’s lap.
When he was playing with his friends, online? Straddling his lap, both of you comfortably seated as he continues his game.
When you two were watching a movie? If you weren’t already lying down, you would be seated on his lap, his his well-manicured nails gently scratching your scalp.
When you two are on the train? Sitting on his lap to ‘save space’ for the people around you.
You two are insanely affectionate with one another.
Behind closed doors, at least.
PDA can happen, on occasion, but you guys didn’t partake in it all that much.
Usually, near immediately after he or you had gotten home, he’d be dragging you to the couch to pull you into his lap.
Or he would be be dragging you to the bedroom to a ‘mandatory afternoon nap’
However, today was different.
The twins were over, along with a few other members of the volleyball club.
They’d been here all day and even though you loved every one of the Inarizaki team members, you wanted your boyfriend’s affection.
When you come to the conclusion that they have yet to leave and probably won’t be leaving anytime soon, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
Walking over to where your boyfriend sat on the couch with his friends, you halt in front of them, letting him finish what he was saying to Osamu. Once he’s finished, he just grins up at you, already knowing exactly what you want. So, he brings a hand to yours and helps you straddle his lap, your knees sitting on the couch on either side of his hips.
   With a soft hand combing to gently and soothingly drag his nails over your scalp, he ignores the looks he’s getting.
   “Ya’ gettin’ soft on us, ‘ere, Suna?” Atsumu casts a smirk at you two, while you tuck your face into Rintarō’s neck.
    Rintarō just casts him a smug look, “You’re just jealous that you can’t keep anyone.” 
   With an off-handed ‘fuck you’ coming from the blonde twin cast in his direction, Rintarō turns his attention solely back to you, gently kissing your head and rubbing circles against the small of your back, pressing your body against his.
   No one that didn’t see you both near everyday, knew about his affection towards you, about the way that he absolutely adored holding you, being held by you, laying under you, laying on top of you... Just anything that would insure that he was touching you.
   With his gentle, soothing touches taking away the toils of the long day, you find yourself relaxing and falling asleep against your boyfriend. Rintarō, uncaring to the fact his former teammates were watching, gently pulls you closer to him, a soft smile on his face and a sense of pride in his heart.
   You were all his and he loved getting to show you off like this. His partner, who found comfort in his embrace, in just being in his presence.
   Aran grins, “This happen often?”
   “You have no idea.” Rintarō delivers a kiss to your forehead, “Not that I’m complaining. Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Akaashi Keiji:
Keiji was a hard worker.
Anyone who said otherwise didn’t know him.
You swore, all he did was work sometimes, it worries you.
Tonight was one of the many nights that he’d ended up not coming to bed, because he’d been so caught up in his writing.
You’d become accustomed to it.
Not that you were complaining. Keiji always made time for you and always apologized on nights like tonight when he’d had a particular inspiration that caused him to get enveloped in his writing.
You were just glad he’d gotten a large dinner, in case this was one of those days he got so caught up, he’d write through the night, then be too tired to eat breakfast.
It happened more often that you wished it did, but you knew he always took care of himself, afterwards, so you didn’t nag too much.
Tonight, like most nights, you were craving your fiancé’s warm embrace.
So, pulling one of your smaller blankets onto your shoulders, and letting the rest fall around your frame,
You walk into Keiji’s office.
He doesn’t look up but for a spit second.
But his soft, sweet smile (the same one that made you mELT on the spot) and nearly unnoticed nod confirmed that you could stay.
You were almost always allowed to stay.
Unless he was frustrated with his work.
He didn’t want to accidentally take it out on you (though you know he never truly would, you respected his wishes)
Standing in the doorway, you lean against the doorframe to his office, your favorite blanket held against you by your hands, balling up the corners, just under your chin.
   Keiji knew exactly what you were here for, eyes soft as they meet yours. His nod is only slight, but it’s enough for you to notice, padding over to him and silently waiting next to his chair so he could finish his sentence.
   Though once a period marked his spot on the page, he pushed his chair back a bit, turning it towards you. It was a large, comfy chair, bought for exactly this reason. Keiji silently holds a hand out for you to grasp while you straddle his lap in the chair, knees tucked on either side of him, the blanket slipping loosely over your bodies as you lean into him.
   Tucking the blanket around your shoulders so it wouldn’t fall, you wrap your arms around your fiancé’s waist, your head finding purchase in the crook of his neck. With the side of your head leaning against his shoulder and your face tucked in his neck, your soft breaths tickling his skin, he can’t help but smile.
   It wasn’t long before the soft tapping of the keys on his typewriter lulled you to sleep. The only problem Keiji had, when this happened, was that it was hard to get up from the chair with you, without waking you, if he finished. And after finishing the chapter he was working on, he looks down at your sleeping form with a sleepy smile.
   You were so precious to him and you didn’t even realize it, did you? He wouldn’t be the man he was, without your unconditional love and support for him. And he would spend everyday of the rest of his life, thanking you for it.
   However, right now, he was moving his hand to the side of the rolling chair, hand connecting with the lever to recline the chair (- which he most definitely hadn’t gotten for this exact reason...) After reclining you both, he pulls you up a bit more against him, slipping his glasses off and placing them on the table.
   Keiji’s arms come to wrap around you, securing you against his chest, the sound of your soft breaths and the classical movie he had playing through his study to calm himself, lulling him to sleep as well.
Ushijima Wakatoshi:
It wasn’t often that Wakatoshi even got to sit down, long enough for you to get to cuddle with him in his lap
He was up before you were, every morning.
Though he would always wake you up just enough so he could tell you he loved you before he left.
But that’s another story, back to this one
He did get to share a lunch break with you, but having more than twenty minutes for lunch was usually rare.
He’s always there for dinner, but he’s always so exhausted that he’s likely to just take a shower and pass out, after.
When he was chosen for Japan’s Olympic team? His schedule only got busier.
So who was there to remind him that it was okay to take a break, sometimes?
His lovely partner.
So, on Sundays, his one day off from constant training... Who was there to sit in his lap and prevent him from trying to busy himself with other things, like grocery shopping and overall things that could wait?
That was you, as well.
And who would he be to push his cute partner away when they huffily sat on his lap?
Wakatoshi had only just sat down from his work on attempting to clean your whole house, this morning. He really never took a break, always wanting to busy himself with something.
   So, when I say you jumped on the opportunity, I mean you jumped on him.
   Olive colored eyes move to peer at you, a deep, baritone chuckle escaping your boyfriend. “Trying to make a point?” He muses as you get comfortable in his lap, already holding two water bottles, and your lunch for the day.
   Two Bentos that you spent time making, the previous night, something you tried to do everyday with one another, to make sure that you both got at least a little time together. Moving your legs to rest on the couch beside him, you lean on the arm of the couch so that you can somewhat turn towards him, still seated in his lap.
   “You deserve a break, you know,” You scold lightly, while you open one of the Bentos, allowing your boyfriend to take one from your hands so he can begin eating on his own, a look of amusement on his features as he listens to you. “I could do absolutely nothing and you’d still think I’m deserving of a break. You should keep the same energy when you’re thinking about yourself. As great as it is that you want to keep busy, it’s not healthy. You need you time, where you can tak-”
   Gently cradling the back of your head with a large hand, Wakatoshi presses his lips to yours, effectively silencing you. He draws away after a moment, though he doesn’t move, just pressing his forehead against yours. “Stop worrying,” his chest reverberated with his deep voice, making you smile a bit, feeling it against your arm.
   “Fine, but only if you promise to stop working yourself into the ground.” You state, narrowing your eyes at him, only for the athlete to chuckle and press his lips to yours, briefly, once again. 
   “Anything for you, my dear.”
Yamaguchi Tadashi:
Tadashi loves it when you sit on his lap.
Most favorite thing in the world is when you walk up to him and curl up in his lap.
Usually, he finds you do it when you notice he’s been studying too hard or when he seems to need a break from a project.
But he has known you to do it, whenever you get jealous.
So, when you two were out at a bar, having drinks with his former teammates and the bartender began flirting with him...
You weren’t too happy.
He continued to let them know that he was happily spoken for.
But they were persistent.
Even when you made it a point to place multiple kisses on his lips with a pointed glare towards the bartender, they couldn’t take a hint.
After finding yourself in a conversation with Hinata and Kageyama, you were pulled away from your boyfriend.
You were not happy to look over and find him sitting with Tsukishima, Daichi, and Sugawara at one of the tables in the bar, looking very uncomfortable as the bartender continued to flirt with him.
You trusted Tadashi but you knew by the way he continued to swat their hands away that he was uncomfortable.
And something you hated even more than someone flirting with your boyfriend was someone making him uncomfortable.
That was the final straw for you.
Excusing yourself from the two boys, you began to stomp over.
Your eyes had long-since strayed away from Kageyama and Hinata, now on the little booth that held your boyfriend, his best friend, and two of his former upperclassmen, and by extension, the flirty barkeep.
   You managed to keep yourself calm...
   Until they tried to card a hand through your boyfriend’s long hair. He smacked their hand away, but he couldn’t hide his uncomfortable expression. He hated people touching his hair, unless it was you, of course. With that, you slipped away from the two competing men to walk towards the booth.
   “Excuse me?” With a smile so sweet it would give someone cavities and a glare that could send a chill down anyone’s spine, you brush past the bartender to greet your boyfriend where he sat.
   All you have to do is tap lightly on his shoulder and he’s grinning, sliding back in his seat so you can slide yourself in his lap. His arms come to wrap themselves around you, his chin resting on your shoulder and his long hair tickling your cheek, making you smile and kiss his cheek.
   Then, you turn your gaze back to the bartender, tilting your head a bit, “I’m sorry, did you need something?” You hum, though they only respond with a look of envy, before going to ‘check on’ other customers. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Your utterance is caught by the four men at the table, who just shake their heads and grin in amusement.
   Tadashi pinches your sides playfully, nuzzling his nose against your cheek. “Jealous, honey?”
   Ignoring his question, you lean forward and rest your elbows on the table. “So, everyone... What were we talking about again?”
   Tadashi just grins, his hands rubbing your sides as he holds you securely in his lap. He didn’t mind that you were jealous at all, especially is you ended up in his lap like this, every time.
Tendō Satori:
Satori is...
Well, Satori is Satori (I’m in love PLEASE)
Boy is touch starved as HELL
He fucking craves your touch, all of the time.
You two will be working in his chocolaterie and mans will pull you into a hug ANY TIME you’re not helping a customer.
Your regulars know that you two are happy and very much in love.
Because even after you both got married, you’ve both stayed in the honeymoon phase.
It never stopped.
Every time you hug him, he just... Melts.
So when you come to sit on his lap and feed him chocolate while you both have the shop closed for a lunch break.
His heart melts.
His expression melts.
His everything just melts.
Motherfucker licks your cheek to be goofy, but that’s only after you start poking fun at the way that even now he still melts at your touch.
Flipping the sign around, the red-haired male slumps into a seat. Despite his actions seeming exhausted, you could tell by the grin adorning his lips that he was happy. And how could he not be?
   So many people loved him and his chocolaterie... And he had you. How could he not be happy with his life? Even if life had taken him through the ringer to get here, he was finally here and he was happy, with you. Speaking of you, his eyes flickered over to you as he noticed you bringing some of both yours and his personal favorite treats.
   He tilts his head at you as you approach him. “Watcha doin’?” He cooes as you come to stand in front of him.
   You silently nudge the outside of his feet with one of your own, signaling for him to sit up a bit and close his legs. He doesn’t say a word as he adjusts himself to sit up, already reaching for your waist so you can settle down comfortably in his lap. He tugs on you, causing you to fall into him, laughter escaping you both. 
   Feeding yourself a chocolate, you smile, before then popping on into his mouth. “Spending time with my husband. Something wrong with that?”
   “Not in the least, my dear,” he cooes into your ear, trying to ignore the heat rising in his cheeks, his eyes unable to trail from you. He still couldn’t believe you were all his. That you loved him. 
   “You’re so cute, Tori,” you coo, poking his cheek. “You still act the same way that you did when we first started dating, you know.” 
   He just grins and shrugs, “And somebody loves me for it,” he practically sings the words to you, taking a chocolate from your hands to pop into his mouth, before proceeding to lick your cheek and purposefully smear chocolate on your face.
   “Tori, that’s gross!”
General Masterlist:
@thathoneybee3 @bratkugo
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a-lost-crow · 3 years
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I made a ROTBTD Modern Au based off one of my other doodles I did of them. And there’s a twist to the AU. They have powers just because
There’s infodump about it below if y’all want to see. At the end it’s just a whole section of Jack in the au because I latch onto that mf so much
Just like from the original movies, Jack and Rapunzel have their powers
BUT Rapunzel can cut her hair and still use her healing powers. As she uses her powers her hair regrows.
Jack’s hair turns white whenever he uses his ice powers. And in this AU there’s a different power system on how people can see him.
Some doodles will have hair gradients on them either because they’re using their powers or I just want to draw it like that lol
The group all met each other at a Drama class. 
They didn’t get all together until they had a heated debate about improvisation
Merida made a brain cell plush for the group to take turns on who gets the brain cell
They lost that plush
No one has brain cells now
Hiccup, Jack, and Rapunzel attend Merida’s volleyball competitions
Rapunzel fought with someone in one of them
Merida convinced the other three to try doing volleyball. And they found it a great activity to pass time with
Sometimes they mess around and cheat by using powers or just playing rough with the ball
Merida is so shocked that Rapunzel willingly wants to go to the nursing field. 
She always thought Rapunzel is more of an artsy type, but it turns out that Rapunzel would rather take care of people rather than to please them
Merida and Rapunzel constantly bond over mommy issues. They would cry over mother characters who show care to their children.
Hiccup and Rapunzel would draw their friends in incorrect quotes
Merida and Jack would call them the horse girl duo
The other two can’t even argue about that because it’s all true. No matter how much they deny it
Merida and Jack always have the caring sibling vibes because of their younger siblings
Though if either of the friend group gets in trouble for doing mischief, Merida will be blamed for it
Merida has a big influence especially on Hiccup and it shows
Like the doodle I drew, Hiccup found a way to ratio Jack in the meanest way possible
People believe that Hiccup grew a thicker skin because of Merida. That’s true and a fact.
Jack and Rapunzel can live longer due to their powers but Rapunzel is the only one showing signs of aging
Jack retorts by making Prince Phillip jokes to her
I oddly like writing this duo a lot huh
Both of them fight scary creatures and spirits because their powers destined them to do so
This is the section where I talk about Jack Frost because my brainrot of him is indeed real.
Just like Jack’s old story, he unfortunately died at a young age (14) by saving his sister from the breaking ice
He then got powers but the only difference is that people still see him because they knew him before
Jack is still invisible by people who don’t know him. But you can easily see him if you mention him or hear about him.
The Guardians still have their powers but altered for the AU (just assume I know what I’m doing at this)
So they just found this little shit the day he tried messing up Easter
They kept him around and eventually adopted him for some reason, 
Mostly because at the same day he messed up Easter, the Man in the Moon chose him to be the next guardian.
Like the original movie, he denied the request but eventually he succumb to being both a guardian and a family member
And yes it is the generic North is the dad, Tooth is the mom, and Bunny is the older brother
Both parents are teachers in a school Jack is in
The thing is that he just died around last year so he’s trying to get the hang of being immortal and watching life pass by him. 
And knowing that there are times that he can’t always save people.
Anyways he tries to find the ups of it like making a family of snowmen or snowball fights with kids
He’s often fond to see how kids are and the way they act. It sort of reflects his life being taken away so soon. And seeing kids being happy reminds him that they still have a long way to go.
That part is what made him accept himself being a guardian
108 notes on this and I’ll make a fanfic based off this au. Also if you have a question you can ask in the ask box (AND THAT I AM HYPERFIXATED IN THIS FOR SOME REASON)
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glassheartjukebox · 4 years
coffee shop chaos
soulmate au! feat. sugawara
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a/n: this is part of the 300 follower event, reblogs are always appreciated!
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anyone that would create a soulmate system so asinine is one of two things: cruel or incompetent. if there is a god, and if that god designed the soulmate system, your first mission in the afterlife is to fight him. to grab him by his big ass neck and throttle him. after all, it is his fault the phrase, “i want her titties in my face” was tattooed on your arm.
your soulmates first thought when they see you is tattooed on your arm for eternity. what a joke. perhaps god had a sense of humor. not only did this system produce less than savory results like your own, it also was ineffective. unless you see your thought tattooed on another individual’s arm, you might not realize you’ve even met your soulmate. hell, maybe you’d already met the bastard that gifted you with this mark.
the tattoo had quickly become a problem when it appeared on your fifteenth birthday. at that time in your life, you were one of the youngest in your friend group. you watched as your friend’s marks were etched into their skin. some of their tattoos, like kaori’s “i think that’s the love of my life,” and akaashi’s “i could stare into those eyes for an eternity,” were wonderfully romantic. others were underwhelming, like bokuto’s “that must be the finest man alive”. but none had been as vulgar as yours. whenever the topic of soulmate marks arose, you were subject to teasing and pity. this naturally didn’t stop when you left high school.
the short sleeved shirts at the coffee shop you worked at had become the bane of your existence. passing customers their drinks across the counter left your tattoo in full view. looks varying from amusement (not so funny when it’s tattooed on your body), to pity (wow thanks! very helpful), to disgust (once again, very helpful! definitely chose to have this mark!) were often cast your way.
your friends tried to reason with you, tell you that if you met your soulmate at work he’d know it was you because he’d see your arm. at this point, meeting your soulmate might turn into a wwe match because of the tattoo they so graciously left on you.
even though it made you feel like an immature 15 year old again, you couldn’t help but envy some of your friends and coworkers tattoos. yachi, one year your junior, with the words “her smile is the cutest thing i’ve ever seen” tattooed in a dainty cursive font. kiyoko, one year your senior, with a simple “goddamn.” tattooed in bold. both of them blanched when they saw your tattoo before assuring you they’d seen tattoos just as bad (if not worse) on the boys from the volleyball club they managed in high school.
but it’s whatever. that’s life. day in and day out, you ignore the soulmate system and pay your bills while pushing through your senior year in college.
today is a rare day that the two baristas opening with you are kiyoko and yachi. previously, your interest in meeting your soulmate had been relatively dormant. after becoming closer with the two girls, you yearned for the companionship they spoke of. kiyoko had tanaka, her soulmate she’d met while managing the volleyball team at her school. he was the antithesis of her; loud, kind of a mess, and disheveled. but he was kindhearted and he never failed to make her smile. he knew just how to get her talking and how to fluster her. he loves her unconditionally. yachi only recently met her soulmate. she ran into kanoka, a division one female volleyball player, on the train one day. though their relationship was new, you’d met her numerous times when she’d pick up or drop off yachi at the coffee shop. their newly minted love was adorable. kanoka looked at yachi like she held the world in her hands.
you couldn’t picture yourself in a relationship like theirs. the image of your soulmate that your mind conjured up was some greasy old pervert. or maybe some 20 something frat boy with no respect for women. you could probably fry bacon with the amount of grease in his hair. maybe you could suffocate yourself with the copious amount of axe he owned to save yourself the misery of being with him.
it’s 6:45, and fast approaching the busiest time of the morning when you see a flash of gray hair in your peripheral vision. you barely register it, until you hear yachi and kiyoko happily greeting the man and doting on him. you slide the caramel macchiato you’d been preparing to the customer (she eyes your arm with a look of confusion. thanks lady) and turn to see the most beautiful man you’ve ever laid eyes on. goddamn, for him? you’d do the cooking, the cleaning, and the dick sucking. anything for that gorgeous man.
the man in front of you was all kind smiles, he held a satchel with a laptop and children’s drawings peeking out of the top. damnit, probably married with kids. doesn’t mean you can’t admire the view though. kiyoko begins to prepare his drink and yachi calls you over.
“y/n! come over here, i want you to meet a friend of ours,” she squeals. hesitantly, you approach the registers. “sugawara, this is my friend y/n. y/n, this is sugawara, he’s an elementary school teacher,” good, so possibly not married with children? yachi continued, “he’s also one of the guys from our high school volleyball club! his soulmate mark is the reason i didn’t find yours too shocking!” sugawara let out a chuckle while smiling at you, eyes full of mirth.
“it’s nice to meet you y/n,” god the way your name rolled off his tongue was heavenly, “wanna compare marks? i’ve never met someone with one nearly as explicit as mine.”
you smirked in response, “i’d like to see you beat me. mine is pretty bad.” leaning forwards you both displayed your arms simultaneously. you froze. all the blood drained from your face and your fingertips as you read “god i would do the cooking, cleaning, and dick sucking for that man” tattooed in a dreamy cursive font on his arm.
you looked up at sugawara’s face and he didn’t seem to be fairing much better. he looked like he’d seen a ghost rather than the tattoo on your arm.
“are you two okay?” yachi asked from behind you, more than a little worried.
paying her no mind sugawara finally made eye contact with you.
“oh my god i’m so sorry” sugawara's apology was garbled with your own declaration of, “please don’t hate me.” you stated at each other for a moment, akin to deer caught in the headlights before you laughed. what began as giggles turned into stomach clutching violent laughter.
“well, it seems that we’re equally dirty minded y/n” sugawara looked up at you, struggling to contain his glee.
you looked back at him, “i have a few minutes before it gets too busy, would you like to sit down? coffee’s on me,” you smiled.
maybe this whole soulmate thing isn’t too bad.
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©glassheartjukebox all written content belongs to this user. do not repost, modify, or copy content
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tsumucore · 4 years
Headcanons for the type of tiktokers some of the boys would be? Bahejwjsjsbdbd sorry I couldn’t think of anything else.
YOU ALREADY KNOW… The most obvious one to try his hand at tiktok, eventually snagging a spot on the for you page, and blowing up overnight.
He’s cute, charming, and fun which is an instant recipe for success on this app. He especially uses this to his advantage when making povs. His povs are captivating to watch and vary in range (I imagine them to be like the user lilyisalilsleepy’s povs)
Doja Cat is currently his favorite artist and he knows every word to “Rules” (this is a FACT he told me so himself)
HAS to learn every dance and try almost every challenge or trend. Iwaizumi is ready to throttle him if he has to hear the words “did a full 180″ or “put a finger down … edition” one more time.
Often ropes Iwaizumi into joining him during dances, much to the latter’s dismay. Iwa will just stand awkwardly, blushing furiously and cursing Oikawa’s name into the void. He garners quite a bit of attention in the comments section with users constantly asking what his name was and if he was single or not.
Gains quite a following for his aesthetically pleasing tiktoks. He likes creating grwms, morning/nightly routines, paint/draw with mes, current playlists, mini aesthetic montages set to lofi or soft indie music, etc. Just very therapeutic and pretty content.
He abuses the bling and G6 filters, especially during golden hour.
Sometimes he’ll post tiktoks of him attempting some of the dances, then messing up as he laughs cutely and hides his face behind his hands which makes his audience go wild. Don’t be fooled; he knows exactly what he’s doing.
His pretty, soft boy vibe is what draws so many people into hitting the follow button and constantly refreshing his page to see if he’s posted since the last time they checked (me too tf)
His most popular tiktok was when he hopped on the “I just flipped the switch” trend and transformed himself from soft boy to eboy… It was reported that screams were heard all across the globe that day.
He caught wind of the tiktok hype from other social media platforms. After constantly watching youtube compilations of tiktoks, he finally decided to download the app itself.
His tiktoks are kind of like mini vlogs where he just showcases the daily shenanigans that occur in Nekoma and people eat it uP.
PRANKS!!! He and Yamamoto will team up together to try popular pranks which often results in Kuroo being the victim of said pranks. They tried playing one on Kenma once, which did not end well for them. To this day, they shiver in fear at the thought of trying to pull a fast one on Kenma ever again.
Absolutely 100% convinces the rest of the team to do the Jojo Pose trend. Their favorite anime scenes to recreate are from Naruto and Demon Slayer.
AYO WASIAN CHECK… You know he’s done it.
One word: chaos. His page is a mixture of random clips of his teammates clowning around to EBOY (yes, you heard me) outfit checks to cursed memes.
I know in my heart that this man was destined to be an eboy. I can feel it in my bones. He’s done all the typical eboy tiktoks, such as close ups of his chains and dangly cross earrings.
Once he decided to pull a fast one on the team. They were mulling around, waiting to start practice in the gym, when he connected his bluetooth to the gym’s speakers. “The giant horse cock weighs over 11 pounds,” blared through the speakers.
Ushijima blinked at him, Goshiki nearly fainted, Semi almost knocked the phone that was recording their reactions out of his hand, Shirabu called him an idiot, Reon ignored him, and Kawanishi and Yamagata aimed their spikes at him.
So you know that trend where people photoshop themselves throwing it back on anime characters? He does that.
Atsumu + Osamu
Originally, they had refused to have a joint page. But when Atsumu found out how much attention twins garnered, he went right ahead and created a page under both of their names.
Even though they have a joint page, their content couldn’t be anymore different. Atsumu created the most chaotic content that consisted of pranks, challenges, and clips of him doing cool moves during volleyball practice. Osamu opted for creating cooking tiktoks and clips of him playing games such as Animal Crossing (I know he plays animal crossing I KNOW he does)
They do come together to do that trend where they close their eyes and their parents have to point out which one is the sneakier one, more responsible one, the one with the better grades, etc.
I think it’d be the funniest thing ever if Atsumu couldn’t dance. Imagine Osamu desperately trying not to lose his sanity as he attempts to teach him how to do Renegade. “IT’S NOT THAT FUCKING HARD SWING SNAP ROCK *deep breath* Ok from the top.”
Atsumu may not know how to dance, but he CAN throw it back. He gets down to “Juicy” by Doja Cat every now and then (every time I listen to that song I always think of Atsumu and idk wHY)
Who can’t work tiktok to save their life/doesn’t understand the hype: Kageyama, Ushijima, Matsukawa, Futakuchi, Kita, Sakusa, Kunimi
Who downloaded it as a joke at first but is now regretting it because oh my god it’s 5am and they’ve been scrolling through an endless loop for a week straight now: Tsukishima, Kindaichi, Asahi, Kuroo, Semi, Suna
.°•  rules  ₊˚•.  masterlist  ₊˚•. 
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6sakusa · 4 years
‘broken’ miya atsumu.
a/n : lol i almost cried writing this so enjoy.
warnings : angst, physical violence (slap), mentions of cheating, mild swearing, me not proof reading.
“y/n, i love you and i want to spend the rest of my life by your side, so will you marry me?” you watched your boyfriend of four years get on one knee. he had told you earlier on to dress up nicely as it was a ‘special’ occasion. you assumed the only reason was the fact that the two of you were going to one of the best resturants in the city which would no doubt produce a bank breaking bill. but you were wrong, the occasion was special and you could easily name it as one of the best moments of your life.
it was hard to imagine that anything would be able to overshadow this, the feeling of bliss in your heart as he said those words to you, the sparkle in your eyes as you watched him pull at the ring which he clearly spent a fortune on, the round of applause ringing in the background from the on-lookers who were also dining. perhaps the only thing that would be better than this would be the birth of your first child, or all your children in fact.
you’d always imagined a life with miya atsumu the moment he asked you to be his girlfriend, you knew that he was more of the apartment type, specifically penthouses since his professional volleyball career allowed him a generous pay. you on the other hand had always been a house type, you longed for something big enough to nurture a family in, the two of you had been bickering about this for years since high school since the both of you were so sure that you would end up being his wife.
“yes, yes, yes oh my god of course i’ll marry you.” you squealed in excitement leaping into his arms with the biggest smile you had ever flaunted in your entire life. and those were the words he wanted to hear more than anything because he too had imagined a perfect life with you.. if only he could abide by it.
you rested in his arms, only pulling away to run your fingers over the pricey ring he had bought you. and of course he knew you’d love it when you had it saved to one of your pinterest boards for years.
“congratulations.” an array of customers proclaimed giving in to the celebratory atmosphere. truly, this was everything you could have asked for in life, you had a wonderful fiance, a beautiful place to live, you were thriving in your career and your social life was buzzing, curtesy of many of atsumu’s friends.
“do you like it?” he asked taking your hand to admire how beautiful you looked under the lighting positioned directly under your table. in addition, the stunning dress you had picked for the night was making you anything but resistible. how badly he wanted to tear the fabric off you and pound into you until sunrise was something he was struggling to hide.
“it’s beautiful.” you were mesmerised by the sight of it and your fiancé’s thoughtfulness, there was a love erupting in you that you weren’t even aware it was possible to feel for another person.
“let’s go home and.. celebrate.” he smirked with a smug expression on his face leading you towards the car. you knew exactly what he was thinking and how needy he was getting but tonight especially you would allow him to indulge in his lewd thoughts.
he held the car door open for you, he noted how much you loved this model, in fact it was your favourite one. it was one of the many things he noted about you as he planned to buy all the things you liked. maybe then you would forgive him, right? he hoped so.
he tapped against the steering wheel as the two of you drove down the night streets of tokyo, you assumed it was out of impatience because you were too distracted by your own thoughts to be as observant as usual with your boyfriends emotional state.
“y/n.. i need to tell you something.” he looked out of the window avoiding making eye contact with you as his drumming got louder. you turned to face him, readying yourself for him to make one of his usual silly jokes, or maybe one of his lewd speeches that would often come out when he got particularly riled up by you.
“what is it?” you asked with a light chuckle, the atmosphere of just a few minutes ago still buzzing within you.
“i- there’s no right way to say this but .. a couple months ago i slept with another woman and — i can’t bear the thought of you marrying me without knowing.” his words spilled out, there was barely a space between them and to any one else it would have been completely incoherent.
“what are you talking about ‘tsumu? that’s not funny.” you rolled your eyes with a smile leaning back into the passenger seat feeling the way the car moved on the smooth roads beneath you. there was a brief pause before atsumu decided to speak again, and between those seconds you thought absolutely nothing of his words. how you wish he would have just laughed along and stayed quiet, why? why did he have to tell you?
“i’m being serious.” he clenched his jaw causing you to whip your head in his direction, his eyes were still ahead on the road but he could feel your glare boaring into his skull. he couldn’t bare to face you, no — he didn’t deserve to face you.
“what?” your expression faltered, a new atmosphere dawned between the both of you. one that was a lot thicker — almost suffocating and heavily juxtaposed the one from the resturant. there was a million thoughts going through your mind right now, how was this possible? how did you not notice? how long had this been going on? why was he just telling you now? it was almost impossible to process it all at once with the feeling of your heart pounding out of your chest and your stomach getting ready to reject the food that you had eaten just minutes ago.
“i’m sorry i just, i got carried away that day you know? it was only a one time thing but i—“ his voice was cut off by a harsh slap to his cheek. you watched as the surface of his face turned red, he didn’t bother reprimanding you for getting physical, if he was being honest he expected it from you, actually he expected more. it was almost scary the way you weren’t shouting and screaming at him, the way you weren’t kicking and clawing away at him, it made him feel all the much worse.
you sighed to yourself, your breath was shaky as your heart was shattering in your chest and you hadn’t even noticed that you were crying. maybe it was because you were too occupied realising the way your life had all come crashing down in a matter of moments. your fiancé had cheated on you.. what does that mean for your relationship? would you even call him your fiancé anymore? and what about your home with him? not to mention the friendships you had with an array of his friends. what did this all mean?
“why?” your voice was below a whisper, you could barely muster up the voice to speak, there was a sickening feeling in your chest that you were way too focused on instead of your words.
“it wasn’t you.. it’s never been you, you’re perfect you’re everything i’ve ever wanted, i don’t know why, i’m just an idiot i was so stupid and i’ve regretted it everyday since... but i’m gonna fix it i promise i’ll fix it.” his voice was shaky and uneven, you could tell without looking at him that he was on the verge of tears. but that was nothing compared to what you were feeling. the fact that you had laid next to him for months without knowing that he had bedded another woman. did he touch her the way he did you? did he prefer her to you? was she prettier than you?
“how? how are you going to fix it?” you turned to him, tears staining your mascara and eyeliner, there was no doubt know that you looked like a mess. what you didn’t know is that atsumu still thought you were the prettiest girl in the world but you were too occupied being hit by the crushing realisation that the best moment of your life had just turned into the worst. love had so easily turned to hate and all your time together meant absolutely nothing to you anymore.
“well we’re going to get married right? and you’ve always liked this car right babe? i’ll buy you one. and there’s that house you always wanted, i can put a down payment on it today—“
“no.” you buried your head into your hands at the thought of your next words. four years? what did four years of your life mean now? what did you have left? “we’re not getting married.”
“wha— but you already said yes, come on don’t be like that, don’t you remember it was just a few minutes ago, you were so happy.” he spewed out words frantically, desperate to say something, anything, that would make you stay. he was prepared to sell his soul if it meant keeping you by his side, the only woman he had ever loved, the only one he had ever imagined a future with, the only one he wanted to start a family with, you were his everything.
“that was before you told me that you cheated on me and here you are throwing all these material things at me, a car? really miya? four years together and you’re here treating me like some gold-digging whore after breaking my heart? that’s why you proposed to me isn’t it? you think this ring will make me stay.” you were crying uncontrollably now and nothing atsumu could say to you or offer you would ever make you feel better.
“miya? y/n please i don’t know what else to do i’m trying to be honest with you—“
“pull over.” you interrupted him once again and he had no choice but to oblige. he knew that right now he was in no position to deny your wishes. but this was all temporary.. because you would come around right?
“i don’t understand why you would do this to me.” you bit down on your lip hard enough to draw blood, your head was spinning and it felt like your throat was closing up. you needed to leave, because miya atsumu was now too suffocating for you to be around.
“i know, i know i’m sorry, please y/n i’m so sorry — look i’m getting the house now i still want a future with you.” he tugged on your arm begging you to look at his phone where he was already entering his account details for the place you had been fawning over.
“don’t fucking touch me.” you swatted his hand away. you didn’t want him to be anywhere near you knowing how close he had been with another.
“i’ll give you space if you need it, i’ll give you whatever you want just please — don’t leave me, please don’t.” his hands were shaking now as he tried entering various different numbers into his phone, he didn’t care if he had to buy the entire house now, he’d pay for the whole thing this second if it meant he could walk you down the aisle in a couple months time.
“i don’t need anything from you.. i don’t want this anymore, forget about that house, forget about a family together, forget about marrying me.”
“no no no y/n you’re just angry right now but please don’t say things like that you don’t know how it makes me feel.” he turned to face you and his heart clenched at the tears running down your face. your makeup was smudged and you had pushed yourself to the very edge of the car just to make sure you were as far away from him as possible.
“and what about how i feel huh? did you think about that when you were fucking some other girl wherever the two of you were? you have no idea how i feel, you have no idea..” you brought your hands to your face, concealing your weak figure from his eyes.
“i don’t want this.” you removed the ring from your finger, the same one you had saved to your pinterest board for years, the same one you had imagined atsumu using to propose to you countless times, the same one that had featured in both the best and worst moment of your life.
“y/n please..” his words were stuck in his throat now, he was finally realising that there was nothing he could say — nothing he could do to make you stay. you wouldn’t come around, you respected yourself too highly for that, he would never be able to call you his again. what did his life mean?
“i hate you miya atsumu.” you pushed the door open walking out of his car despite how much he begged you to stay. you didn’t care how he chased you down the road, you didn’t care what he said to you, you didn’t think you would ever care again.. you didn’t have it in you.
and the curse placed upon atsumu? he would never be able to find love again, because he betrayed the only person to stay by his side with unconditional love for years .. there was no one on the planet who loved him the way you did.
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bamfdaddio · 3 years
X-Men Abridged: 1981 - the Body-Swap
The X-Men, those body-swapping mutants that have sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, are a cultural juggernaut with a long, tangled history. We’ve been untangling that history for a while, but sometimes, you really want a more in-depth look. Interested? Then read the (un)Abridged X-Men!
(Uncanny X-Men 151 - 152) - by Chris Claremont and Josef Rubinstein
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Emma Frost and her frenemy Ororo Munroe have not been getting along! One fateful evening, as the two quibble away, they mysteriously switch bodies and minds. Talk about your Freaky Friday! What lessons will they learn, walking a mile in one another’s shoes? And will they be able to switch back, or will they stay in each other’s bodies forever? Mutant Monday, coming soon to a cinema near you. Starring: Elizabeth Banks, Angela Bassett and Elliot Page. (PG-13)
For a moment, we’re in a proper period drama: a letter delivers ill tidings!
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I love that Kitty’s parents are so self-involved that it took them A WHOLE YEAR to realize that it’s weird that Kitty is the only non-adult attending the Xavier Institute.
I can only assume the mailman interrupted a pool party of some kind? Or a communal shower? I get why Kurt would not swim a lot - all that fur - but did Scott wear that while they were splashing around? Was it a beach volleyball competition where one half got to wear swimsuits and the other half superhero costumes? Most importantly, was Scott’s costume always this tight?
Not that I’m complaining, mind you.
The awful thing is that Kitty’s parents are transferring her to the Massachusetts Academy, not realizing that headmistress Emma Frost is, in fact, a terrible human being. Charles, uncharacteristically, says that changing their minds telepathically is a line he does not cross (any more) and half the viewing audience bursts out in laughter. More importantly, last they saw Emma, she was kind of dead-by-Phoenix, so it might be better there this time? Kitty does a Classic Teenage Stomp-Off and Storm comes to comfort her. Kitty cries that life is unfair (“My parents are only doing this because they’re splitting up”) and Ororo tells her that yes, life is unfair. You just gotta roll with the punches as best you can.
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To be fair, bald men are technically all cheek, so it doesn’t matter where you kiss them.
While I enjoy the relationship Kitty has with the other X-Men (Scott gave her a compliment! Logan told her his name!), especially the mother-daughter-bond she shares with Ororo, the whole Piotr-thing always gives me pause. Even if we’re being very generous with age, Kitty is, what? 14 going on 15? And Piotr is… 19? At best? I get why Kitty would have a crush on him: he’s a gentle hunky giant: at fifteen, my teenage ass would have felt the exact same viz-a-viz Colossus’ upper arms. The fact that Piotr reciprocates feels skeevy, though, especially because they’re always treated like star-crossed idiots these days.
Ororo drives Kitty to Massachusetts, where her young ward is greeted by someone named Muffy and whisked away for orientation. All seems well. Ororo stands in a parlour, surveying the grounds and considering that they should have fought harder for Kitty. Still, nothing seems too wrong just yet: this Academy just seems very preppy.
Not-at-all-dead Emma takes her cue and jumps out, saying (essentially): “Surprise motherfucker.”
There’s a flash of light, and then...
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I’m willing to bet that Emma’s EVIL journal has the following to-do-list: - Steal Storm’s body. - Experiment with her powers. - See how good Storm looks in white. (Leather? Fur?! Both!??) - REWARD: Smoke break.
I wonder if Emma’s plan hinged on being able to body-swap with Storm, or whether any X-Man would have sufficed. Was her original target Xavier? Cyclops? What if one of Kitty’s parents had brought her to Massachusetts, would she have taken Kitty instead?
In a locked cell, Storm wakes up in Emma’s body and is horrified. I wonder why Emma didn’t take any more precautions. Couldn’t the guy who made the freaky friday-gizmo also make a power dampener to nullify not!Emma’s telepathic abilities? Or did Emma count on her victim being so utterly incapacitated by her mind-powers that they’d be driven mad? (This would actually tie in with some of Emma’s later-revealed history: when her powers first emerged, she also got locked away in a padded room because of her madness.)
Emma is not wrong, by the way: Storm can’t get a handle on Emma’s powers. What follows is possibly the sweetest moment in an arc filled with sweet moments:
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This arc isn’t drawn by any of the regulars - not Byrne, not Cockrum - but Josef Rubinstein brings his own kind of panache to the pages. I love the way he draws women’s faces: in a story that’s all about women, their faces are actually distinguishable. Kudoz.
Emma, meanwhile, coordinates with Sebastian Shaw to execute the second part of their two-pronged attack on the X-Men. They both laugh evilly in their phones while the mansion is attacked by Sentinels! These androids take out Cyclops and Xavier with some sleeping gas and knock out Nightcrawler, but the rest of the X-Men manage to trounce these robots. Then ‘Storm’ appears! She zaps the rest of the X-Men (and Amanda Sefton), successfully finishing their master-plan.
It’s not entirely clear what the Hellfire Club wants with the X-Men this time, but I’m assuming it’s more experimentation to improve the sentinels? Eh, doesn’t matter! Nefarious Hellfire Club is nefarious.
The real Storm, meanwhile, comes to claim Kitty, forgetting that she looks like the one and only Emma Frost. Kitty spooks and Storm accidentally reaches out, knocking her out telepathically. Whoops! Storm takes Kitty and flees in a car, while Emma gives chase. (How dare Ororo run off with her body, which is absolutely the kind of hypocritical hilariousness we all love Emma for.)
Kitty awakens and jumps from the car, causing Storm to swerve and...
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JETSTREAM!? Speaking of which, where are the Hellions in all of this?
Kitty sees that an unconscious ‘Emma’ is about to burn to a tender and moist little crisp and she is faced with the hero’s dilemma: would you save a villain that would never save you?
Emma, meanwhile, has realized the downside to body-swapping: somebody else gets to run around with your body too. Shaw, of all people, talks her down from her anger.
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You can’t just introduce a persona exchange gun to the plot WITHOUT EXPLAINING WHERE THE FUCK YOU GOT IT FROM.
My favorite detail is that Emma keeps calling Kitty brat, like she’s some sort of Pokémon-villain.
Kitty, meanwhile, has saved ‘Emma’ and tied her up with a special knot. Storm tries to convince Kitty, going for the “ask me something only Storm would know”, but Kitty’s all: “Duh, you’re a telepath.” Ororo insists, but the thing that clinches it is when she breaks free of her ties without breaking a sweat. That knot was taught to Kitty by Ororo and she’d be the only one who knew how to break out of it.
Storm and Kitty recruit Stevie Hunter to come pick them up and during the ride, Storm-being-angry-mother!Storm convinces Kitty more than anything else:
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After all, Storm was voted most likely to say: “If you don’t stop this nonsense immediately, I will turn this Blackbird around, so help me God!”
Ororo and Kitty sneak inside. Ororo even uses Emma’s telepathy to help her pick a lock after phasing through a door. (Kind of funny: Kitty’s still such a neophyte that she can’t even phase with anyone else yet.) Emma, meanwhile, taunts the captured X-Men, presenting herself as the new white queen:
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Anybody feel the inclination to point out that the Hellfire Club did this exact same thing last year, except then they tried it with a redhead?
I secretly suspect that the Hellfire Club’s plots always revolve around seducing X-Men to their side and dressing them up in sexy lingerie. (Which: fair.) There’s also a subplot where the guys Wolverine cut apart last year want to exact revenge on him for being made bionic, but eh. We’ll start paying attention to them when they become actual Reavers.
Kitty phases through the locks of the X-Men, freeing them, and a kerfuffle ensues. Emma starts using Storm’s powers, but they grow out of control. Colossus tosses Shaw out of the window - which should just be company policy, really: all Shaws should be defenestrated - where he’s promptly hit by a rogue thunderbolt.
When he doesn’t get up, Emma starts to lose it. The weather goes wild. Storm intervenes, using her telepathic power to help calm down Emma (and the raging storm), but she also manages to get a hold of the swap-gun. There’s a zap, and with a satisfied sigh, the status-quo is restored again.
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My favorite implication is that, apparently, Emma decides which school Kitty attends and not her parents.
While this little arc is neither the most iconic nor the most profound of 1981 -- those would be Days of Future Past and I, Magneto, respectively -- I still love this for a couple of reasons.
As a lover of Freaky Friday, 17 Again and the new Jumanji-film, I just have a soft spot for body swap plots. (Hi Psylocke!)
It focuses on the Xavier Institute as a school, planting seeds for the upcoming New Mutants.
It is very female-driven without beating you over the head with it. (Looking at you, Birds of Prey.)
It has three definitive main characters, who all get fleshed out in fun and interesting ways. It starts the trend of robbing Ororo of some of her powers and tossing her into against-the-odds circumstances, only for her to come out on top.
It solidifies the Storm/Kitty mother/daughter (or older/younger sibling) dynamic. Kitty is a believable teenager when it comes to Storm - clever and kind, but also looking for answers and prone to rash decisions - and I love how much they care for each other.
Jean/Storm-friendship-callback, yay!
Emma gets fleshed out as a villain. Resourceful and petty, powerful and vain. It’s no wonder she’s one of the break-out antagonists of the X-Men, because, like Magneto, Claremont is not afraid of giving her depth. Arguably, she is the most three-dimensional of the Hellfire Club at this point.
Yay! And fuck completely sensible plots, if you don’t know what to do with your plot, just introduce a random persona exchange gun. Let’s use it on Xavier and Legion in Way of X next!
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yandere-sins · 4 years
Could I ask you for some general yandere headcanons for your three top favorite Haikyuu characters? Please and thank you!
*Cracks knuckles*
Alright, sit down and listen kids, Ivy’s going to tell you something wild now. (Thanks for asking, I love talking about it atm ;-;)
»»———————— ♡ ————————««       
The Miya Twins
♡  First of all, yes, both of them, at the same time. I love them equally, and they are my reason to read HQ!! in the first place. Honestly, their yandere idea is entirely inspired by the idea of the lovely @shorkbrian from the yandere discord server, but I am writing this idea right now, and I love it so much, I will forever hold on to it, don’t fight me
♡  They are together at all times, except if one of them goes to fetch groceries. They just like sitting around and watching you quietly. You are so amazing, so perfect, the way you read, or draw, or watch TV. They just don’t want to disturb you, but you are unnerved, of course, of their eyes always on you. They are predators, but god, can they wait for you. Stalking is half of the fun, right? If you come to them, they’ll hug and coo all over you, and four hands are praising and giving you affection, also four arms, four eyes, and two mouths, you are so damn lucky. Tough luck, however, with trying to play them against each other as they will never let that happen. No matter what they are doing, it’s a communal thing. Everyone sleeps, eats, brushes their teeth together. Punishments and love are spread equally over all participants, and there is no such thing as favoritism, the twin who gets too much attention eventually pushing you into the other’s lap for his turn
♡  Atsumu naturally is the bolder twin, and he likes going in to touch you, hug you, and tell you he loves you, and the longer he has to sit and restrain himself, the more he gets antsy. Full on, tapping his fingers, swaying back and forth nervously, as if you were a drug, he just has to consume. Only Osamu can hold his brother back, or he’d be all over you forever, keeping you in his lap as he lets you read to him, play with you, wrestle you and make out with you all the time. However, he’s also the one who gets pouty quickly, throws temper tantrums, and has violent outbursts if ignored for too long. Not consoling Atsumu also means you get on the bad side with his brother, and it’s up to you if you want the two brothers to fight or not, worsening your situation by the second since you are the one who will have to endure all that comes from arguments
♡  Osamu is much more comfortable to have around and a good watchdog for his brother. He cooks for you, buys the things you ask him for, and even if he gets a hug, he cuts it short, so you don’t get uncomfortable. But oh boy, do you not want to be on his wrong side. You simply don’t want to be ignored by him, or all hell will break loose. You can’t count on Atsumu taking care of you, who’d rather cuddle all day than feed you, and Osamu has more than once broken down the bathroom door after you refused to come out. He grew out of violence, but being ignored by him is like a death sentence. That time where he’s upset is also very cold since he pays the bills and lays in front of you at night. You don’t want to be pushed on his lap after Atsumu is done with you when he’s in a bad mood, or you will be treated worse than a doormat
♡  When you first meet Akaashi, he’s so pleasant and affable; it’s like a dream come true. He’s always helping, knows how to handle Bokuto’s mood swings, he seems just generally like a good guy, and there’s no reason not to hang out with him. That is until you suddenly realize that he’s been manipulating you all this time, making you lose contact with other people and isolate you, up to the point where you wonder if you actually ever knew him at all. While he seems to make significant upgrades in his life, you feel stuck the moment you moved in with him, and no one is believing you when you tell them that Akaashi must have completely brainwashed you. Sounds a little weird, don’t you agree? Maybe you agree, perhaps everyone is right, and you need help. Good that you have such a reliable boyfriend- oh ups, husband at your side. When did you marry again?
♡  Life is really, truly good. He supports you. He takes you out on dates still. You two consider expanding your household. Your family just shook their heads about your concern, but even now, you just don’t feel right, as if you went somewhere entirely wrong with your choices. And yet, when he grabs your hand over the dining table, telling you you look as beautiful as the day he met you, your heart melts. Surely, it’s not Akaashi’s fault. He loves you so much, after all. Enough to make sure that the unfortunate person that was in love with you and conveyed their feelings to your - back then - best friend Akaashi, never got the chance to take you away from him
♡  Having Aone lock onto you wasn’t planned, but you sure felt like he was a hero when he saved you from some dark figures on your way home. He didn’t say much, but he escorted you home, and you felt terrible, making him walk all the way back to his own home, so the next day, you made it all worse by buying him lunch. Poor, sweet Aone, he confused your politeness for interest in him, pondering all day about what to do to make sure you’d understand the feelings he had for you in return. It wasn’t an accident that he walked by when you were approached by someone shady. It also isn’t when he accompanies you home the next day. Or the day after, despite you not knowing he’s there. He’s so damn tall, and yet you still manage to miss him, and it frustrates him, as your attention should be on him, right? But he’s too awkward to come out with it straight
♡  He doesn’t like your friends, and he doesn’t like you being so distant all the time. You may laugh as he approaches you about these concerns he has, but you regret that laugh the next time you wake up in an unfamiliar room, only Aone being by your side. He’s wringing his hands nervously, and you think you see pearls of sweat on his forehead. Though the moment you wake up, he jumps to a stand and dashes off, leaving you behind, chained by your foot. If you don’t appreciate his worries and how much he cares about you, then you shouldn’t be out and running wild. Aone doesn’t want his heart to be broken, even if that means he has to break your will first. And that he can do, volleyball taught him as much
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neo-nomatrix · 3 years
Love like you - Oikawa Tooru x reader
Warnings: They’re all hypocrites 🙄
Since a grand total of one person wanted a part two to I am Not a Poet, here it is
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Only two times in your life had you never wanted to be loved. It wasn’t something you were fond of given your pessimism. The only thing men are good for is hurting people and being stupid. You foolishly fell for someone you shouldn’t have and in return you only felt hurt. You tried to stop the feeling but nothing worked, you tried to cut the attachments you had for him but you were using dull scissors.
It was naive to think that he could ever love you the way he loved your sister. He still tells you every day that the love he shares for you is nothing like the one he shares with Jo. Regardless, the image of Tooru pleading with your sister to marry him has never left the back of your mind.
The first time you had not wanted to be loved was the day in the garden. You and Tooru had spent the afternoon there, you with your charcoal and Tooru with his volleyball he used to pass the time.
“Tooru, when are you going back to your grandfather?” You question him for the second time this afternoon.
“Very soon,” he says, tossing the volleyball in an impressively straight throw.
“You’ve said that more than a dozen times,” you add.
“It’s to save trouble,” he reasons, not exactly getting his point across.
“He is expecting you, so why don’t you do it?” Your words cause him to stop throwing the ball and sit up.
“Natural depravity, I suppose,” he lifts his eyebrows and faces you.
“Ha, like that’s ever stopped you,” you laugh.
“I’d only plague him if I go, so I might as well stay and plague you,” he smiles at you. But you don’t dare look up, not wanting to cause that warm feeling that swells whenever he looks at you.
“In fact, I think you like it,” he says a little quieter, bringing his hand to your face to squish your cheeks.
“Stop,” you mumble, your words flat, “what are you doing,” your teeth a little more pressed together than usual.
“I’m looking at you,” he smiles, his eyes gleaming in the sun.
“I mean what do you intend to do,” you correct.
“With what? Everything?”
You nod as he says “well, I plan to write an opera.” Maybe he was kidding, but you still say “that’s a waste of time.”
“Oh? What would you have me do?” He wonders standing himself up.
For a moment you’re both silent, simply staring into each other’s eyes, studying every feature like it would be on your final exams.
“Work for your grandfather, make something of yourself.”
He starts to walk a few feet away from your blanket, hands in his pockets, staring at the sky.
You say a simple “here” and hand him the drawing you were working on.
He says a small “that's lovely,” as he pulls out another drawing from underneath.
“When did you do this one?” He asks, not recognizing the drawing.
“When he went to the beach, the first time I met Oliver, you know?” Your question clearly rhetorical.
He hands you back the drawings and asks “what’s he up to?”
“He has business in London, though he’ll be back in a few days.”
Tooru walks a little further from you, his hand brushing his chin.
“Don’t marry him,” he states.
You look back at him, the confusion evident on your face.
“Why?” You add, your words coming out more in shock than expected.
“Why? You know why.”
“No, no,” you ramble on, soon trailing off.
“Yes,” he says shortly. His hand coming up to your cheek.
You push his hand off saying “stop it Tooru, you-you’re being mean,” you backup a few steps before saying, “I have been second to Jo my entire life. I will not be the person you settle for just because you cannot have her,” you scoff.
“I can’t, I won’t do it. Not when I have spent my entire life loving you.” You drop your drawing and walk out of the garden, hands on your head.
The second time you had regretted ever being loved is when you talked to your aunt. Coincidently it had been a week after your interaction with Tooru.
“Hello,” you say as you walk into the room and occupy the seat across from her.
“That Oikawa boy was here just a few moments ago,” she says ever so nonchalantly.
“He was?” You ask, only to be met with no response from your aunt.
“Such a disappointment he became,” he says, taking a sip of her tea.
“When will he be back,” you slightly stumble over your words.
“He’s gone, to London then Argentina. Why? Do you have business with him?”
Your breath hitches as you remember the scene that went on only a few hours ago.
Oliver took you out to a lovely courtyard filled with vibrant flowers and a fountain. He led you out to the middle and took your hands in his, he went down on one knee and led with a “I have always loved you.”
He continues by saying, “I know we’ve had our ups and downs but please, will you marry me?”
At this point tears are threatening to slip down your face.
“Oliver, I can’t. I’m sorry but it just wouldn’t be fair, I can’t love you the way you love me.”
He looks up with you, yet his expression hasn’t changed.
“I will wait, if he ever hurts you I’ll be here waiting,” he says, his own tears slowly dripping down his face.
“No, please don’t. Find someone who will love you how you deserve,” you plead with him.
“There isn’t anyone like that, trust me. I’ll continue loving you, I swear.”
“Is there something you wanted to say?” Your aunt asks, snapping you back to reality.
“I just told Oliver I wouldn’t marry him.”
This was by no means a third time you felt this way, but it was a moment you wished you hadn’t remembered so clearly. You were supposed to go back home to Tokyo today, but with your aunt being ill you had no choice but to travel alone. This was the case until you heard grass crunch behind you, you knew who it was. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him.
“I couldn’t let you travel alone, I know how much you hate it,” he says, clearly hiding the real reason, “even with you despising me.”
“I don’t despise you.” You hug him, burying your face into his shoulder.
Pulling out of the hug you turn your head. “I’m not marrying Oliver.”
“I heard about that.”
“You, Tooru, are under no obligation to say anything about it, or even worse, do anything about it. I didn’t love him as I should have.”
Any other words you were about to say became lost as Tooru laced his hands around your face, kissing you in a way that made most everything melt into the wind.
“I just want to love you, how you deserve this time.”
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acey-wacey · 4 years
Crushing on another team’s manager
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He probably noticed you during training camp
You were the manager for Nekoma and Kuroo’s best friend, besides Kenma, so you hung out in the 3rd gym a lot. 
Yamaguchi waits for Tsukki sometimes and plays with Kuroo, Bokuto and Akaashi. 
He first notices you when you pop in to tell them that dinner is almost over. 
“Kenma saved you a bowl but if you’re not at the dining hall in exactly 4 and a half minutes, I will be eating it, Kuroo.”
The 3rd-year laughs and starts cleaning up the gym along with the rest of the 3rd gym boys but Yamaguchi’s mind is still on you.
The first thing he noticed about you was the way a wide grin spread slowly across your face when you were teasing Kuroo. 
He had never seen a smile so goofy yet so beautiful in his entire life. You intrigued him already
He thought about that smile as he went to sleep that night.
Your next encounter was during one of the practice games they had with Nekoma during the camp. 
In between the sets, you were passing out water and towels to the Nekoma players. 
Yamaguchi found his eyes wandering towards you. He couldn’t help it, all he could think of was that smile and how he’d love to see it again. 
Before he could snap himself back to reality, you looked over to catch him staring. He immediately flushed and avoided eye contact. 
When he glanced back up at you for just a second, you were waving at him and smiling. That same smile that he couldn’t stop thinking about. That same smile that radiated warmth and sunshine in the pull of your lips upward. 
He almost stared for too long again but he was conscious enough to realize that he looked like a fool and he waved back before you looked away. 
When you turned back to talking with Kuroo, he remained with the shock and euphoria of seeing your smile again. 
Tsukishima had to knock him back from his thoughts when the next set was about to begin.
The third encounter was at the barbeque at the end of the training camp. 
Everything was completely chaotic and you were keeping the Nekoma boys in check. 
You passed around watermelon and chatted with Kaori and Yukie about how hard it is being the mom to a bunch of crazy teenage boys with way too much energy. 
As you made your way to Karasuno, you hesitated and groaned. 
“I can’t go over there, there’s a cute boy over there and I can’t hold my ground against cute people!” you whisper to your fellow managers. 
They share a smile as you explain why they should go give Karasuno watermelon instead of you. 
In unison, they grabbed your plate of watermelon and pushed you towards where Yamaguchi was sitting. 
He turned around just in time to have the Nekoma manager flung into his arms unceremoniously. 
As you try to grasp the situation, Yukie and Kaori out here just whistling and handing out watermelon, winking and wiggling their eyebrows at you. 
You tried to untangle yourself from Yamaguchi and apologize for your friends but he was too shocked to get any of what you were saying. He was still processing that you, the beautiful angel with the beautiful smile, just fell into his arms, literally. 
It all caught up with him eventually and he was beet red. 
When he realized you were talking, he pulled himself together enough to listen to you. 
“I am so sorry about that, and about my friends,” you growled at Kaori and Yukie, who shrugged and continued passing out watermelon. “I hope I didn’t hurt you,” 
You rub the back of your neck, hoping he won’t notice the blush rising on your ears. 
You two are just standing there awkwardly chuckling and blushing profusely while Nishinoya and Tanaka are sitting across the table watching you and munching on watermelon. 
“So are you guys gonna go out or what?” asks Tanaka as he takes another bites of watermelon. 
This draws your attention. 
Its a whole mess of stuttering as you both frantically try to explain. You aren’t sure what you’re explaining but you don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. Well, no completely the wrong idea. 
Yamaguchi looks towards you, biting the inside of his lip awkwardly. 
“That-uh- actually doesn’t sound like-uh- such a bad idea”
He cringes and braces himself for the imminent rejection but instead is met by a hand taking his. 
“I’d like that,” you tell him. 
He can’t help but smile when he sees your face, the one that is displaying that smile, that radiant smile that fills him with warmth.
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You were Oikawa’s sibling so he expected you to be just as annoying as your brother. 
You go to Shiratorizawa for the science program and have become the manager for the team so you can participate in the school’s volleyball program even if your brother isn’t there. 
The first time he meets you is when you come to bring Tooru a bento during practice. 
You find a stray volleyball by the entrance and throw it straight at Tooru’s head
“Hey! Iwa-ch- y/n! Hi!” 
You smile widely and pat your brother on the arm
“Hey stupid, I brought you a bento so you won’t starve”
While he rifles through the food you brought him, your eyes wander to around the court. You watch some of the other players practice . 
What catches your attention is Kyoutani’s spike. You knew it was powerful from what Tooru has told you but you never expected to see him in person.
Of course you have to walk over and introduce yourself because hey, why not?
He just kind of stares at you. He thought you would be intimidated by his appearance since most people are but you just walked up to him and told him his spike was amazing. 
That made an impression on him more than it probably should. You had such a confident air about you and he was very confused as to why he found himself thinking about you during his classes. 
He would perk up whenever he heard someone coming into the gym, hoping it was you. 
When Aoba Johsai played Shiratorizawa, you, of course, walked over to talk to Tooru. 
“You are going to lose,” you spat. “Also I love you and do your best! Good luck!” Tooru rolled his eyes and punched your arm, so you punched his back harder and earned an “ow” from the drama queen. 
When you were done messing around with Tooru, you looked over at Kyoutani and waved at him with a little smile.
“Good luck out there, Kyoutani! I hope I get to see one of those amazing spikes!”
You made your way back to the Shiratorizawa team as he scowled out of spite for his own heart, how dare it beat that fast when you talk to him
During the whole match, you cheered for both teams out of loyalty to your school and your brother. 
When Kyoutani scored a point, you cheered the loudest. He wouldn’t show it but he loved the attention from you. If you cheered that loud at all of Aoba Johsai’s games, he would score all 25 points just to hear your praise again. 
He asks Oikawa about his feelings and that was a mistake. 
Oikawa is all “ohoho you like my sibling ohoho” he’s such a child
Kyoutani very is very close to just losing it when Oikawa’s all like “ listen here, young one (you’re only one year older shut up) you have a crush, and you gotta tell them. Here, I’ll help you. 
He writes a little note on some Sanrio stationery because it was the only paper Oikawa had in his backpack and Oikawa is supposed to give it to you. 
He’s a little bch about it tho
Just holding it above your head because stupid volleyball players
He eventually does let you read it and you are over the moon
Partially because of the cute stationary but mostly because your crush just confessed to you, I mean, how much better does it get
Now every time you come into the gym, Tooru does the wiggly eyebrows and you shut him up with a volleyball to the back of the head (Iwa: I’ve taught you well)
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
a/n: here we have another short drabble dump! i wrote this up very quickly -- i’m still working on that long fic i’ve been talking about! i apologize for taking so long to put it together. pls take this short fic as an apology for now. stay hydrated, wear your masks, and be safe! love you all so dearly <3 
plot: when kuroo tetsuro drops the hard-hitting truth that he’s fallen out of love with you, your first thought is to escape. but you find comfort in the least likely person: akaashi keiji, a boy you had grown up with out of forced family interactions, who always seemed so distant from you. yet you probably knew more about him than anyone else. 
characters: fem!reader, ex-bf!kuroo, & family friend!akaashi 
wc: ~3.7k, will probably have other parts in the future.
genre/warnings: angst with dashes of fluff; mentions of alcohol
pt. 2 | pt. 3
edit: now crossposted to AO3!
When you’re in love, you spend weeks and months wondering why time won’t stop. You sit and ponder over why you’ll have to die someday and leave behind the person you’ve dedicated your entire soul to, or what might happen if your death came early and you didn’t get to say goodbye. You wonder why the seasons seem to pass you by so quickly, that in the blink of an eye, you go from enjoying a cup of iced tea on the porch to holding a mug of hot chocolate inside watching snowflakes swirl in their journeys to the ground.
But when love ceases to exist, time seems to stop. The days drag for longer, the seasons crawl at a turtle’s pace, and the inevitable end feels less terrifying. You no longer fear the eventual sagging of your skin or the spider legs that grow at the corners of your eyes. You no longer cling onto a hope that there will be a lover’s hand holding yours at your bed of eternal sleep. You simply become, just you. Solitary, single, independent you.
It’s no longer you and someone else. The realization stings so badly that it physically hurts you, a whimper leaving your throat. You shakily reach over for the next blouse and fight back the tears, teeth gnawing at your bottom lip. The skin is chapped and broken to the point that you would need layers and layers of chapstick to save any semblance of it, a terrible habit that you wish you hadn’t possessed. It’s muscle memory, the way you fold the blouse in half, fold the sleeves in, bending it over your arm before it lands in a neat stack of other tops in your suitcase. Your eyes take a glance at the clock, and you gather you have about another hour before you needed to leave for the airport and make it on time for your flight.
You ignore the male figure hunched over on the edge of your bed, tuning out his pleas and broken promises. He begs you to give him time, to implore that it’s all his fault and he’ll make it work for the two of you. Tetsuro promises that he didn’t mean to and that it wasn’t anything you did, but you feel so empty inside that you can’t even find the energy to argue, to turn on him and say that he was pretending to take all the blame so it’d be a better explanation to all your friends. A relationship involves both parties, and while there were special exceptions, this wasn’t one of them. Something was clearly wrong with you, and you were okay with that. You were just tired of Testuro attempting to take everything onto himself.
“I thought it’d be best to come clean with you,” he says, throat hoarse from lack of hydration. “I know you would question it and I haven’t done anything, I swear, I know you’re amazing and don’t deserve to live a lie and—”
“Do you want me to say ‘thank you’?” You interjected quietly, morosely. Your hands slide open the underwear drawer and take out a week’s worth of underwear, bras, and bralettes. “Do you want me to express my gratitude in your honesty for telling me that you don’t love me anymore? You can easily buy a trophy online and make the inscription yourself. ‘Most honest man alive’? Is that what you want?” You ask, tone flat and not possessing the least bit of amusement and humor.
“Can’t you give me some time? I’ll try, I’ll try to figure out what went wrong, and I can love you again. We can still get married and everything, but please don’t leave.”
“I’m not leaving forever, Tetsu. I’m just gone for a week, maybe more.”
“Where are you even going?”
“That’s none of your business,” you quickly reply, defenses back up as you make a beeline for the bathroom. You pick up all the toiletries you can, the ones that would be allowed in your carry-on. Strangers won’t care about your missing skincare routine and your complexion not looking its best.
“What if you get lost? Or kidnapped? What if people ask—”
“Easy. Just tell them I had a last minute business trip, family emergency, whatever floats your boat.”
“Can’t you see that I’m trying? I—”
“This isn’t just about you!” You snap, whirling around to look at him for the first time in the last hour or so. Testuro notices with a pang in his heart that your cheeks have sunken in slightly since he broke his revelation to you just last week, the eye circles darker than ever. But your eyes are soulless, dead, no shine or spark that he’d wake up to every morning even muddled with sleep.
“You can’t just expect me to be okay and continue to bend over backwards for you without question. The least you could do is give me my time, give me some space to think about all of it. That’s the bare minimum.”
And with that, you zip your suitcase shut, grab your passport (even though you probably don’t need it), keys, wallet, and phone, and walk as quickly as you can to the front door. The scheduled Uber will arrive in just a few minutes, and as you slip into a pair of flats, you can hear the creak of the bed and Testuro’s padded steps nearing you.
“Just be careful, okay? Call me if you need anything, anything. You’re still one of the most important people to me, so just – text me at some point. Let me know you’re alive at least.”
“You need to rest. You’re on call tomorrow,” you digress while opening the door.
“I’ll text you. Promise.”
And the door shuts behind you.
Your relationship with Akaashi Keiji is…hard to explain. In fact, you’re not even sure what to refer him as in your life. Anytime you spoke of him or attempted to explain, you’d fumble over words and draw blanks. While it was irritating and aggravating at times, you learned to just accept it.
Akaashi Keiji was the neighbor down the street, two years older, and someone who had known you since you were 8. Your moms were attached at the hip not longer after you moved to Tokyo, and that meant holidays were spent together, impromptu get-togethers and dinners were a common occurrence, and you saw him frequently at school. He was a quiet soul, gentle, but reserved. In fact, most of the things you knew about him were secondhand conversations from your mother talking about the family, because honestly his mom was basically your second mom now, and your mother trusted you with everything. His past, his troubles, his personality all relayed through your mom from his own, and when you saw him in the hallways, he wasn’t much of an enigma to you. Many other girls had found the mysterious air around him to be attractive, that the pretty setter who only ever smiled around his volleyball team and kept a tight circle of friends had something significant beneath the layers.
Keiji grew up with you, playing Smash on the Wii to pass time as your parents gossiped away. Sometimes, you’d play an intense game of Monopoly with him, a game that typically tipped in his favor. He never said much about himself, always relayed more about others that overlapped in your lives. The most he ever spoke to you about was when it came to teachers at school, even giving you some of his old notes and pointers. But even you could tell that he kept his guards up, and you wondered if he even classified you as a friend.
Your go-to explanation of Keiji’s standing in your life was a family friend. But that insinuated you were close with him, which you weren’t at all. No matter how many times he walked home with you (mainly at the pushing from his mother), no matter how many times he was forced to entertain you at dinners and holidays, no matter how many times he gave you a small smile in school, there was such a large gap between the two of you. He always seemed so different around his team, like they had the privilege of knowing the real him, and at times, you felt…jealous.
And the weird thing is that you can rely on him somehow – whether it be because he’d get an earful from his parents if he didn’t help you when you asked it or out of the goodness of his heart, he was simply always there. Sometimes, you were bold enough to text him about a show he talked about in the past, and he would reply quickly as if your unexpected, rare text about something benign didn’t faze him at all.  
Yet despite the distance, despite the lack of any semblance of an actual friendship with him, he was the first one you thought of when all this happened. He was the one you wanted to see – maybe it’s because he was the closest thing to home, and you didn’t want to go back to your parents explaining everything. It’s been a while since you’ve been back in Tokyo, ever since you moved to Sapporo for your job and Testuro got matched for a residency at a hospital there.
At 7PM on a Friday afternoon, past the baggage claim with the sunset beaming in through the sliding glass doors, you stare at Keiji’s contact on your phone, thumb hovering hesitantly over the call button. You could count the number of times you’ve called him on one hand, but this was an emergency, right? Is this why your heart is pounding against your chest, so anxious that you feel like you’ll break into a cold sweat any time soon?
You jump into the deep end.
Your hand nervously brings the phone to your ear, waiting with bated breath as the dial tone echoes in the chamber of your brain. Part of you wants him to miss the call so you can avoid this awkward conversation, but another part of you desperately wants him to pick up as if he’ll be able to save you.
Oh god oh god oh god, you panic as the tone stops, there’s a pause, a rustle, and then a hesitant, “—Hello?”
You didn’t plan this out. You’re not ready for this. Shit, what are you supposed to say?
“—hello? (Y/n)?”
“Have you had dinner yet?”
Wow, you’re a terrible conversationalist.
“…um, I haven’t actually. I was about to warm up some leftovers?”
Your eyes focus on the taxis driving by, picking up passengers as they get waved down. Maybe you should just find a cheap hotel nearby, continue this conversation tomorrow.
“Well…I’m in town, actually. I just landed about 30 minutes ago and realized I didn’t have anywhere to go and I don’t really want to call anyone else and I don’t exactly know who else to call so I just, um, thought about calling you and asking if you’ve had dinner? Which if you’re busy and stuff, that’s totally fine, I should’ve texted you beforehand instead of springing this on you and—”
“(Y/n), it’s okay, alright? It’s okay. I’m not busy, so you can stop by. Did my mom ever give you my address?”
Keiji’s brief attempt to calm you down works, surprisingly. You allow yourself to take a deep breath despite the stale airport air, but it was some much-needed oxygen. This is going to be okay, Keiji doesn’t hate you quite yet.
“N-no, she never did.”
“That’s fine, I’ll text it to you. My place is about 30 minutes from the airport, I’d recommend getting a taxi instead of an Uber. I’ll order some delivery—”
“Oh, you don’t have to—”
“You still like the miso ramen from that shop not far from your house, right? They opened up a second store not far from where I live.”
How did he remember that? You’re pretty sure your own mother had forgotten that fact by now.
“Y-yeah, I do,” you smile to yourself. “I still think about it sometimes.”
“Sounds good then. Get here safely then.”
“Okay. Thank you loads again. I’m sorry for all this—”
“Don’t worry about it. Keep me updated, see you later.”
“Yeah, bye.”
Not 30 seconds later, a text arrives to your phone with an address, a keycode for getting past the main door, and other relevant instructions.
Keiji’s apartment is exactly as you expect it to be – prim, proper, neat almost to a fault, with minimalist decorations. The apartment complex he lives in is rather high-end, if the security guards standing outside the main entrance indicated anything. You almost feel completely out of place or like a bug on the wall as you step in after him, a rather comfortable silence between the two of you. His kitchen is spotless and almost sparkles back at you, and the only thing that seems out of place are the containers of your ramen he so kindly ordered for you.
“Your place is really nice, it’s really…you,” you comment, setting your stuff down at the door. Keiji indulges you with a quiet laugh, making sure that there wasn’t anything that would be in your way. His glasses are perched on his head, an old monochrome t-shirt on his shoulders and sweatpants hung low on his hips, yet in this apartment that almost seems like it should be in an interior design magazine, he looks at home. His ethereal beauty, the softness in his eyes, the gentle up-turned strands of his hair – he belonged here.
“The ramen came not too long ago, so it’s still hot. I’ll go ahead and put it together, you can put your jacket on the couch.”
“Oh, thank you.”
Instead, you fold your jacket over your suitcase and quietly make your way into the apartment. Straight across from you are doors to a balcony – darkness had long taken over the city, so you see nothing but your reflection at first. But as you near the plexiglass, the reflection disappears into the view and you almost gasp from the beauty of it.
Blinking lights, flashing billboards, and the brightly lit Tokyo Skytree peer back at you. It only hits you now how much you’ve missed home, and that even though Sapporo was one of the largest cities in Japan, it still wasn’t Tokyo.
“I never get tired of it,” Keiji chimes in while carrying your bowl of ramen to the dining table.
“It’s an amazing view, I can see why you’d live here,” you reply while moving away from it. The table also has two empty wine glasses, and just as you’re about to ask him why they were there, he returns with a newly opened bottle of chardonnay.
“I haven’t had a lot of time to restock the wine fridge, but I knew I was going to kick myself for not having a bottle of that dessert wine we had before you went off to college,” he said with mirth and amusement. “You remember that one?”
“Yeah,” you nearly splutter, almost flushing that once again, Keiji was remembering details about you that you didn’t even know. “Your mom wanted to throw me a graduation dinner and you made it back in time after finals. And she had a bottle of it and between the two of us, we probably drank most of it. Our parents said it was too sweet.”
He nods and sits across from you, elbows on the table as you mutter, “Itadakimasu,” and start eating. You finish your meal silently for the most part, making small talk here and there. Keiji refills both of your glasses and the two of you sip the wine demurely, and while he seems okay with the lack of an explanation, you’re struggling to find the right words.
“So what’s with the impromptu trip to Tokyo? Are you going to see your parents?”
“Should I try to lie to you?”
“It’s up to you.”
Oh, okay then.
But he looks expectant, as if he knows you wouldn’t lie to him – in fact, you’ve never lied to him before. There was never any need to, but did that just mean neither of you ever cared enough?
“Something happened with me and Testuro. I don’t want to bore you with the details, but at the end of the day…I just needed to get away, as cliché as it sounds,” you laugh brokenly. Keiji continues to carefully observe you with a stare that you can’t escape. “I don’t want to tell my parents – you know them, they’ll ask a million questions. Without thinking, I booked a ticket to Tokyo and…now I’m here.”
That was a lie. How are you supposed to tell Keiji that he was the first person you thought of in an effort to run away? You and Keiji have never gotten personal before, he made sure of that. The last thing you want to do is weird him and scare him off.
“…did he cheat on you?” Keiji asked. His voice is darker in his inquiry, deeper than you’ve ever heard before. He has his hands folded in front of his lips and his eyes harden. Testuro may be an old friend to him, but you were in his life longer.
“Nonononono,” you quickly wave off. This isn’t the time to slander your…boyfriend? Could Tetsuro still even be your boyfriend if he no longer has any feelings for you? “Nothing like that.”
“That’s good to hear. If you want, you can tell me another time then. You’re welcome to stay here until you go back to Sapporo.”
You look up at him, eyes incredulous. Could Keiji really be this comfortable with you?
“I wouldn’t mind staying tonight, but I can stay in a hotel for the rest of the week that I’m here.”
“Nonsense,” Keiji refutes, standing from the table and taking your wine glasses to the sink. You follow with your bowl and he starts washing them before you can even offer. “Mom would kill me if she knew I let you pay for a hotel when I have a perfectly functioning bed you can stay in.”
“I mean, if it’s not a bother…”
“It’s not. The futon’s pretty comfortable, I’ve definitely fallen asleep on it plenty of times.”
“We can switch, I would never let you sleep on the futon for a whole week.”
“If you say so then. But for tonight, you can take my bed. Let me grab you an extra towel so you can shower. I’m sure you’ve had a long day,” he says while drying everything off, folding the kitchen towel neatly before heading off to his room. He returns with a large, soft grey towel and you shyly take it from him with a word of thanks, but he stays there in front of you, waiting for something.
“I’m really glad you picked up the phone,” you whisper softly, feeling the effects of the alcohol. You’re entering uncharted territory for the two of you, and this could either kill or strengthen this odd distant friendship. “I meant it when I said I didn’t know who else to call. You were the first person that came to mind and just…I don’t want to make this weird, like you can kick me out,” you begin to ramble. “Don’t feel like you’re obligated to take me in because your mom would be disappointed if you wouldn’t, you’ve already put up with me for over 15 years and it’s fine, I can be on my own and—”
Smooth, calloused hands delicately hold your face, large palms and nimble fingers cupping your cheeks. Your words die on your tongue as Keiji stares straight into your eyes, holding your gaze until your breathing calms down to a steady, languid pace. “You’re my friend, (y/n). So it’s good that you called me.”
“I’m your…friend?” You ask unsteadily, feeling a sense of disbelief.
“Yeah,” he confirms with the corners of his lips turning up slightly. “We’re friends.”
“Okay. Now go shower.”
You’re fast asleep before Keiji finishes his own shower, his bedroom door left ajar as the hallway light beams through. He pauses in the midst of drying his hair with a towel, letting it bunch and hang off his neck as he cautiously pushes the door open. Keiji notices your even breathing and how much more relaxed you look in sleep. You’re curled up on your side with the blanket pulled up to your face and he can’t lie: it’s adorable and cute, and he shouldn’t really be thinking these things.
He sits on the edge of the bed in the little space that’s provided, lithe fingers reaching out to brush back a few stray wisps of your hair. Watching you sleep pulls him back into a fond memory he’s kept of the two of you, one that might’ve held very little significance to you but meant something so much more to him. He knows you know him well, he knows how much his mother babbles on about him, and adults were more prone to gossip than the rowdiest of teenagers – he’d be painfully oblivious if he didn’t think you knew that much about him, or more than the average friend.
But it’s comforting to him, sometimes. Knowing you, how kindly you think of others, he might not have to explain what he’s feeling in the moment. You would be able to know, and that soothes him to some degree.
Maybe he had a little bit too much wine as well, but ever so subtly, motions steady and unhurried, he deftly leans closer and closer until his lips brush the apple of your cheek. He lingers for no more than a few seconds and sits back up, gazing at you before standing. His hands adjust the blankets and make sure you’re properly tucked in. He pads away, shutting the door behind him as quietly as possible as to not wake you.
And when he’s found a comfortable position on the futon with his most comfortable throw blanket, he realizes, begrudgingly, that this week will fly by too fast for his liking.  
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yaku-soba · 3 years
all roads lead home
༶•┈┈ general m.list 
༶•┈┈ tsukishima kei x gn!reader | angst with a hopeful ending :”)
tags/warnings: language, childhood friends, they’re exes but it gets better i promise, almost all the karasuno boys stay on in miyagi
word count: 3.7k
a/n: the edited version of an old fic i wrote for a followers event on my old blog :”) the prompt was i’ll name this city after you :D i hope yall enjoy this!! 
synopsis: You want (an apology, an explanation) to forget, and to get on the next train back to Tokyo, never mind that this is your first time visiting Miyagi in two years. Tsukishima wants to quit his shitty job as an overworked barista (at your favourite cafe, as if the night shifts weren’t tormenting enough). Tadashi just wants the three of you to have lunch together again. 
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------«« 
The sun is setting when you step off the train and onto a platform that you haven’t laid your eyes on in nearly two years. 
(It’s been a lifetime.)
The vending machine that you used to rap your knuckles against in the hopes of knocking free an extra drink is still in the corner, as dirty and forlorn as you remember. It’s oddly reassuring - in a liminal, jarring sort of way - like you’ve stepped off the train and into the past, like you’re eighteen again.  
“Y/n!” Tadashi looks much the same as he had when you’d graduated high school - smile maybe a little brighter, hands a little larger. Heart still as huge as it had been when you’d left. 
He holds his arms out and you jump, throwing yours around his neck. Tadashi wheezes at the sudden weight, and you laugh as his hands wrap around your waist to crush you to him by the small of your back, barely managing to keep the both of you upright.
“It’s nice to see you again, Y/n.” He smiles earnestly, and you let go of his shoulders to pull at his cheeks, cooing. “Hey, stop that,” he whines, and when you refuse, he eyes you warningly, “I’ll drop you!”
You stick your tongue out at him childishly, but relent. He sets you back on the ground gently, and you turn back to pick up the bag you’d dropped. 
“Come on,” he says, “let’s go home.”
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------«« 
The peace doesn’t last. 
You really should have known, with the way Tadashi has been sneaking glances at you on the way out of the station. You’ve known him long enough to know what that expression means - he looks at you like he has something to say, but isn’t sure if he should, and that’s perfectly fine with you. 
You’re starting to think you just might make it all the way home when a corner of the night sky chips and falls away, cracking right down the middle as your best friend says softly, “You should go home.” 
You freeze. You know, instantly, what - who - he’s talking about. 
The betrayal stings the back of your throat like bile. 
You look away, fixing your eyes angrily - you can’t help it, Tadashi knows that you hate talking about this, about him, but he’d asked anyway - on the dried leaf skittering across the abandoned playground, at the mercy of the wind. 
“I am home,” you point out uncooperatively, feeling childish, “that’s why I’m back in this shithole.”
“That’s not what I meant,” your best friend says into the night air, still in that annoyingly gentle way of his that makes you want to scream into the empty streets of this empty town. You wait, an open heart raw in the world, but he says nothing more. 
(Two years later, and Tadashi still reads you as easily as he had when the two of you were six and tracing the lines on your palms. Dancing on the edge of a cliff but stopping just short of falling over.)
“Y/n?” Shit, of course you’d wander into him on your first night back, the universe has a personal vendetta against you, how could you have forgotten. 
Next to you, Tadashi has gone very, very silent. And still. A little like a mouse stuck between a cat and a snake; relieved to have been momentarily saved from the clutches of one, newly worried about both, and too afraid of drawing attention to run away. 
You’d laugh, if it weren’t for the rage rising in the back of your throat like bile, jagged like a broken promise. 
“Y/n,” the bastard behind you repeats, and the sound of your name leaving his tongue is nothing short of heartbreak, “I didn’t know you were back.”
Slowly, you turn. Tsukishima looks just as you remember - stupid glasses on a stupid face, his hair longer but no less beautiful. As aggravating as he is breathtaking. 
(Something in your chest - no, not your heart - aches. You reach down and crush it between your fingers the way you used to crumple the torn pages of your notebook into little balls, to throw them at Tadashi, or-)
“Tsukishima,” your voice is even, good, “I don’t see why it’s any of your business.” 
He flinches, a minute action you would have missed if you didn’t already know him better than the old callouses on your palm. Good, you think again more vindictively - except his eyes are widening just slightly in shock, two gold pools like shadowed streetlamps, and suddenly you’re eighteen again.
You’re eighteen, and in love, and you’re blind enough to say, I would do anything for you, I would scrape my knees on metaphorical sidewalks everyday for the rest of my life if I had to, just to make you smile. 
You’re eighteen, and you’re foolish enough to think, I would give you the world if you asked, surely you’d let me have your heart; your tiny hometown, your little safehouse. 
You're eighteen, and you’re in love - and then you realize he’s not, not the way you are, and you fall on your empty sidewalks because it hurts and it tears you apart, but most of all you hate that you still care. 
You hated being eighteen.
“If that’s all you wanted to say,” you continue coldly, “I’m leaving.”
You turn on your heel, avoiding Tadashi’s eyes. You won’t make him choose - you can’t do that to him.
Tsukishima says nothing as you stalk away down the empty streets and towards the house you grew up in. 
(Somehow, you’re disappointed.
You tell yourself it’s because it’s been a long day.)
“Y/n, wait!” Tadashi calls, and you lengthen your strides angrily even as you hear him puffing up the slight incline behind you. “Y/n!”
“What,” you hiss, stopping short. You don’t turn - you don’t want to check if Tsukishima’s still there. 
(You’ve seen enough of his back to last you a lifetime.)
“Are you okay?” Your best friend asks, and you look at him in disbelief.
“I thought you were on his side,” you say dumbly, before realizing that that’s a road that leads to ugly places. 
“I’m not on anyone’s side,” Tadashi says diplomatically before you can try to apologize, “I just want us - the three of us - to have lunch together again.”
You scoff, and start walking, adjusting your bag. “Sure, I’ll text Hinata, I’m sure he won’t mind as long as we agree to volleyball practice with him first.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Tadashi says for the second time tonight, this time with a hint of frustration, “and you know it.”
“I do,” you acknowledge, “the same way you know that I want nothing to do with the four-eyed bastard.”
“You liked his glasses,” he tells you indignantly, catching up with you easily, “you used to steal them-”
“Liked, used to,” you snarl as the taut string of your patience finally snaps, “as in past tense. Leave if you’re just going to torment me. We both know I’ll get enough of it once I’m back home.”
Tadashi falls silent at that. A small part of you feels guilty, till you remember that it’s not your fault that he’d chosen to drag up old, unpleasant memories from beyond the grave, where you’d buried them. 
“Do you want me to stay for dinner?” He asks finally. An olive branch. 
You throw him a tense smile. “If you’d like.”
“Okay,” he breathes, and it’s like you’re looking at six year-old Tadashi again - young, painfully innocent, apologetic. “Okay, I’d like to. It’s been two years, after all.”
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------«« 
(You still think of him.
You could be baking in your kitchen in your apartment in Tokyo and all you can see is the curling steam of buns he bought at Sakanoshita store after practice. You could be walking past an electronics store and you’d find yourself looking at the TV screens, half-wondering if they replay the matches from a no-name high school in a far-away part of Japan.
They never do. 
It doesn’t stop you from seeing in your mind’s eye the surge of a block, the curve of taped fingers.)
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------«« 
Because the universe hates you, you run into Tsukishima again, just a day into your brief return to Miyagi.
Walking through the glass doors of what had once been your favourite cafe and not paying attention to anything beyond one feet of you as you text Hinata that you’re there early, you don’t immediately notice that the barista has frozen in place. 
You look up.
Tsukishima is staring at you, a carton of milk in one hand, the other resting on the blender. Even against the battered machine, his fingers are painfully elegant. 
(Bandaged fingers against red and green and white. Pale fingers entwined with your own. A flash of memory, too painful to be anything but a curse.)
“Y/n?” He says, and it’s too much, it sounds so much like the way he’d said your name when you were seventeen, when you were eighteen, that your heart stutters and does a few flips on its way up your throat. A bad habit you never quite managed to get rid of. 
You turn around, and walk back the way you’d came. 
The bell tinkles mockingly as the door swings shut behind you. 
“Y/n?” You flinch, but it’s just Hinata. “I knew it! It really is you, Y/n!” Hinata, bless him, beams. Then, as his eyes fall to your white-knuckled grip on your phone, he asks, “Is something wrong?”
Nothing, you want to say, let’s go for brunch, shall we? Instead, what comes out is, “You didn’t tell me he worked here.” It ends up sounding a tad accusatory. You only regret it a little. 
“Oh, Tsukishima?” He asks casually, and you barely resist the urge to flinch at the name, “Sorry, I forgot.” He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly, and - it looks genuine. Hinata’s a terrible liar; you’d know if he was pulling a fast one on you. 
You sigh. It’s not even eleven in the morning, and you want to go home. “It’s fine,” you reassure him, even though it’s very much not, “let’s just find somewhere else to eat.”
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------««
“Do you have to leave?” He’s leaning against the door to your room, but there’s no relaxation in his posture. With his arms crossed and his brows furrowed, his face shut like a window screen, all Tsukishima looks is aggressive.
Something about the way he says have to, like it’s something unreasonable and selfish that you can’t let go of, grates on your nerves.
(Sometimes, when Tsukishima gets like this, he makes you feel small. More childish than child-like.)
“It’s a good opportunity for me,” you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve said those six words, in that order, “and it’s a scholarship, too.” You can’t quite keep the irritation out of your voice. 
This is good for you, why can’t he just see that?
“Oh, so you’re one of those,” your boyfriend says, and there’s something ugly in his sneer that has you recoiling, “just going to-to up and leave, aren’t you? Build a new life for yourself in the fancy city now that you’re too good for this nowhere town in a no-name prefecture?”
You frown, properly frustrated now. “I’m not severing ties,” you say, “I know being in different prefectures will be tough, but it’s something that we can work around.” 
You hate that it almost sounds like you’re pleading. You shouldn’t have to. 
“We’re still in the same country - it’ll be easier to visit and call each other, with no time-zone differences in the way.”
Tsukishima laughs. It’s as sharp as the broken glass of a shattered photo frame. “Yeah, like I don’t know how these stories go.”
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------«« 
Tsukishima sighs as eight p.m finally hits and he can turn the open sign on the door to closed. 
He goes through the routine that comes with working the last shift mindlessly - wiping down the tables and counters, pushing the chairs back into their neat places. 
(He wonders how long you’ll be in Miyagi.)
The trash bag crinkles as he ties it up, dragging it behind him to the back door. 
He’s only just hefted it into the dumpster specifically for un-recyclables when someone punches him in the face. Hard.
His glasses go flying, his annoyance skyrockets, and he barks, “What the hell?”
“I should be saying that!” His assaulter yells right back at him, “What the heck, Tsukishima?”
At the familiar voice, he stops, a retort on his tongue. 
Tsukishima squints, and the person who’d punched him shifts, hair glowing orange in the flickering light of a half-dead streetlamp. 
Ah, it’s the annoying, tiny boy. 
“What do you want,” Tsukishima says as flatly as he can muster, even as his stomach sinks and he knows, he knows what Hinata is here to talk about. “Hinata.” 
Hinata only grows more upset. Then he squares his shoulders and says, cold and unforgiving, “You didn’t tell Y/n.”
Tsukishima’s blood freezes in his veins. Suddenly, it’s the last set and the last point against Shiratorizawa, and the air is so thick and the eyes so cutting that he can’t move. 
“You didn’t apologize.” Hinata steps forward till they’re chest-to-chest, and Tsukishima doesn’t need his glasses to know that Hinata’s eyes are accusatory and angry. “Y/n came back and you still didn’t apologize.” 
I know, he thinks, I know I fucked up. Tsukishima isn’t dumb; even if Hinata hadn’t said it, he knows he should have gone after you last night. 
(He should have gone after you two years ago.)
He thinks Hinata already knows what he’s feeling. It’s not a pleasant thought. 
Tsukishima deals with this the only way he knows how, even as a voice that sounds like yours, small and heartbroken, says, don’t do it, not again. 
“It’s not your business,” he snaps, tone disdainful enough to cover his regret, and it reminds him of your words; it sinks into his flesh like a knife cutting into pliant bread, it tugs him apart like a million tiny hooks, “don’t stick your nose into things you don’t understand.”
“I understand enough,” Hinata hisses right back, “to know that you hurt Y/n and that you never bothered to apologize.” 
He pauses before going in for the kill. “And I know that you know that Y/n knows that it was complete bullshit. All you’ve managed to do is hurt the both of you.” Cocking his head slightly, he adds, the edge to his voice mostly gone, “And Tadashi-kun. All of us, really.”
Tsukishima opens his mouth to argue, but - he doesn’t know what to say. Doesn’t know what he can say, because nothing Hinata has said is wrong. 
It’s not surprising - Tsukishima has known all of this for a very long time. He’d been deliberately ignoring it in the hopes that it would gather dust and fade into some distant corner of his mind. 
I’m just as much of a coward as I was two years ago, he thinks, and he still remembers the way your tears had caught the sun that terrible day in your bedroom, he remembers turning away so he didn’t have to look at the promise he’d broken. 
Hinata sighs, and trudges in the direction Tsukishima’s glasses had flown in, bending to rummage about on the ground. 
Tsukishima takes this brief moment of quiet to get his feelings under control before his body decides to do something uncooperative and ridiculous. Like leaking tears.
“Don’t break things you don’t intend to fix,” Hinata says into the silence as he hands Tsukishima his glasses. The barbed words he’d been trying to find die on his tongue. He slips his glasses on just to have something to do with his hands, and immediately wishes he’d just stayed half-blind instead.
Hinata’s eyes aren’t angry, or even disgusted. They’re disappointed, and that makes everything so much worse. 
Tsukishima loses control of his body. He opens his mouth, closes it. 
What could he even say? It’s not Hinata that he owes an apology to. 
“Thanks,” he says instead. Hinata nods and smiles. 
(“Y/n misses you,” Hinata says later, as they’re walking down the street. He offers no elaboration, but it’s enough.)
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------««
“I’m sorry,” Tadashi says as the last whistle for your train blows and Tsukishima still isn’t here, “you know how Tsukki is on the weekends, he might have slept in-”
“Till four in the afternoon?” You raise a brow. Tadashi’s mouth snaps shut, his face stuttering, and you sigh. He shouldn’t be apologizing. 
“It’s fine,” you say, as you step onto the train. You take your heart into your hands and rip it apart like a party favour. 
Tadashi, and the rest of the Karasuno team, waves at you long after the doors have shut and the train departed. 
You watch them through the window till they fade into shadows into specks into sky, and you know that you won’t be coming back for a long time. 
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------«« 
You’re only in Miyagi for the weekend. 
It’s been nice, seeing everyone again. You’d even had dinner with the rest of the team. 
(Tsukishima hadn’t been there.)
But the weekend has come to a close, and now it’s just you and Tadashi on the platform again. You experience a dizzying sense of deja vu. 
“Will you visit again?” Your best friend asks, and you tear your gaze from the tracks to meet his eyes. 
(You know what Tadashi is really asking.)
“Maybe,” you answer after a pause, “you’re my friend, after all. And I won’t put it past Hinata to get lost in Tokyo.”
Tadashi smiles in understanding. 
You feel terrible. All you’ve been giving him is compromises. 
“I’m sorry,” you say finally, glancing to the old vending machine on the opposite platform out of habit, “but I just-”
“He misses you,” Tadashi cuts in, “and I think he wants to apologize.”
His words take you aback. Then, “He wants to apologize,” you repeat, and it’s like you’re eighteen again, “but Tsukishima’s too proud for it, isn’t he?” 
“Tsukki’s changed,” Tadashi mumbles, “maybe next time-”
“Y/n!” The both of you turn at the voice.
The breath rushes out of your lungs. A boy with hair like sunlight and eyes like gold coins catches his, bent over with his hands on his knees, a glowing figure in the middle of a dreary platform.
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------«« 
For you, Tsukishima has always been synonymous with Miyagi. 
Miyagi with the pork buns, with the school full of crows. The prefecture with the hills and the mountains, the small stores and marts run by ex-volleyball players. 
Miyagi, your hometown, where the sky above and the grass below and the people beside you had witnessed you asking a boy for the second button of his gakuran at graduation. Your little safehouse of dreams dreamt of flight. 
Tsukishima was the boy with the gakuran whose second button you had wanted. He’d been the boy with the glasses you’d hated on anyone else but him, the boy who had dreamt of the endless blue with his feet still on the ground. 
He’s the boy you see in every empty, half-lit street at midnight, and behind every fading sign. The lamps in every lit house become his eyes, golden like the light of a possibly-dead star, and every window reflects the shine of his glasses. Like a haunting - a boy becomes a town becomes a memory. 
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------«« 
“What do you want?” You ask when it becomes clear that Tsukishima isn’t going to break the silence. “My train’s coming soon.”
(Tsukishima has always been Miyagi to you.
You don’t really want the train to come. Not when you’re finally about to get a goodbye two years overdue.)
“I’m sorry,” the boy with the glasses that you had liked, the boy with the gakuran whose second button you had held in your palm like he’d held your heart, says finally. “I was afraid.”
He doesn’t say what of. You already know, and for now, it’s enough that he’s here at all. 
“You were too proud,” you tell him softly, “I was willing to be afraid together.” 
This isn’t anything new either. Tsukishima isn’t dumb. He must have known.
“Did you regret it?” You ask as the train pulls into the station. 
The boy who is Miyagi to you smiles. “I’m glad you got the scholarship.” His eyes are bright. His hair is a little longer, now. 
You step forward as the last whistle blows in warning, pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
You turn, getting onto the train with a backwards wave.
The doors close. 
The boy who is pork buns and dimly lit streets holds up a hand even as he fades into the distance, joined by a shorter silhouette. 
They get smaller and smaller until they’re shadows, then specks, then nothing but sky. 
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------«« 
For you, Miyagi has always been a boy.
Maybe it shouldn’t have been - there’s Tadashi, after all, and your senpais.
You tear your safehouse down brick by brick. You hand one to everyone you’ve ever talked to in Miyagi, to everyone you’ve ever loved. 
Tsukishima is joined by Tadashi, and the homeroom teacher who’d confiscated most of the balled-up notes passed between the three of you in class. You add Hinata, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Sugawara; you build a volleyball court and see crows in the sky. 
Miyagi is Tsukishima is Karasuno is volleyballs is the sting of skinned knees on dimly-lit streets. 
(Tsukishima’s contact is still saved in your phone. You had never been able to bring yourself to delete it.
You think about your next holiday break. You think about the extra shifts at your part-time job you’ll have to take in order to afford the train tickets.)
You miss Miyagi. You’re relieved that you’re allowed to admit to yourself that you miss Miyagi, now. 
»»------------- ------------- ------------- ¤ ------------- ------------- -------------««
as always, likes and reblogs are appreciated!! :D
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rocorambles · 4 years
Pairing: Sakusa x Reader
Genre/Warnings: NSFW, Yandere, Rape/Non-con, Manipulation, Degradation
Summary: Your body might be the most spotless and pristine it’s ever been, but you’ve never felt more disgusting, more filthy in your entire life. 
Requested by Anon
Sakusa quietly walks besides Komori and you while the two of you giddily chatter about one thing or another. He honestly could care less about his cousin and his new friend. He has more important things to worry about. Volleyball, nationals, school, staying healthy and clean. Who cares about a random girl his cousin started talking to? But then you slowly become a permanent fixture in their group. The three of you walk to and from high school together every day. You all study together, exchanging notes and information. You simultaneously bite into store bought onigiris after school.  
At first he talks to you out of sheer politeness, accepting the fact that he might as well make a bit of small talk considering how he’s going to see you every day at this rate. But as time goes on he finds himself actively joining in the conversations, seeking you out at lunch time, and hanging out with you on the weekends. He finds himself looking for your face in between class breaks, nagging you to wear your face mask, and thinking of you even when you aren’t with him. But he doesn’t dwell on it. Volleyball is still the top priority in his life and the three of you graduate from high school as close friends, but nothing more than that. 
It’s hard to keep in close contact during college since the three of you are in different universities. Texts are exchanged once in a while. Sometimes he’ll open his phone and see Komori and you littering the group chat with stupid memes and mindless nonsense. On his birthday he’ll get a phone call from both of you, but that’s the extent of it. Well, that’s the extent of it for him. A sickening feeling coils in his stomach when he opens social media and sees a photo of Komori and you at brunch on a random weekend and he wonders if he might be coming down with something. But the dark feeling lurks and festers in him as he sees more photos of just the two of you out and about shopping together, eating together, partying together. 
Sakusa knows that Komori and you have always been closer than him and you. It’s Komori who’s always been your first choice when you need help with something. It’s Komori who’s the first person you run to when you want to share a funny post you saw. So he shouldn’t be surprised to know that the two of you hang out frequently without him, but that doesn’t stop the green eyed monster from growing bigger and bigger inside of him. It keeps on expanding within him as college continues until all he can think about is you. 
As soon as he wakes up, he turns on his phone and scrolls through your social media feeds. Whenever he has a second of spare time, he finds himself flipping through photos of you. Right before he goes to sleep, he goes through old text messages you’ve sent. He has to stop himself from throwing his phone against the wall in anger whenever Komori’s face beams up at him, far too close to your own smiling face and with an arm slung far too familiarly over your shoulders. The three of you see each other in person a few times a year during college breaks, but it’s not enough and having Komori there only fuels the urgency within him. 
He hasn’t seen you in a while. Now that you’re all working, it’s hard to find the time to get together. You’re only free on weekends, but that’s usually when Komori and he are traveling for volleyball games. But that doesn’t mean you’re not on his mind. Quite the opposite in fact. Absence makes the heart grow fonder after all. Sakusa hates jacking himself off. There’s something so primitive and disgusting about the whole thing and he grimaces at the sticky feeling of his pre-cum, but he can’t even keep count of the amount of times he’s waited for Bokuto’s, Atsumu’s, and Hinata’s breaths to even out in their shared hotel rooms before opening up his phone and looking at his favorite saved photos of you while stroking himself off. He recoils in disgust when warm liquid spills across his hand, but when he imagines how pretty you’d look licking it clean for him, it’s suddenly not all that bad. 
It’s one of his very few free weekends and he makes his way to his seat in the audience before settling down and watching Komori and his team warm up before their match. He internally groans when he feels the presence of someone sitting next to him and immediately starts trying to shrink in on himself in order to minimize any contact with the other person. “Sakusa?” His head turns so fast his mask almost flies off when he hears the familiar voice. He can feel his chest tighten when he sees you so close to him and his body instinctively leans closer to you, drawn to the woman he’s been fantasizing about for years. The two of you catch up, but he’s hardly paying attention to the actual words as he watches your lips move, as he watches your hands wave in the air, as he watches your eyes sparkle. He can feel his fingers twitch, desperate to see how soft and warm you’d be in his hold, desperate to touch someone in a way he’s never felt before. He usually abhors the idea of physically touching anyone or anything, but when it’s you, there’s nothing he wants more.
He snaps back to attention when you loudly cheer for Komori and anxiety springs up within him when he realizes they’re almost done with the second set. No, no, no. This wasn’t enough time. He needs more of you. His thoughts spiral as he thinks about how to keep you with him a little longer, but then it clicks when he sees the adoration in your eyes as you attentively watch Komori racing across the court. His eyes darken when he sees the way you look at his cousin and he knows exactly how to get his way. 
“Hey, Komori is going to come over to my place tonight. You’re more than welcome to just hang out with me after the game ends until then. It’ll be nice for all three of us to hang out again. It’s been a while.” 
His jaw clenches at the way a blush of red tints your cheeks when he mentions Komori’s name, but he digs his nails into his thighs as he waits for your response. He knows he has you. Hook. Line. Sinker. And sure enough, you beam at him and excitedly agree. It’s nice to have you alone to himself and if he dreams enough, it almost feels like the two of you are on a date as he walks with you to his place, pleasantly conversing all the way. He can’t help but think you fit perfectly in his apartment. It just looks so right to have you in his home and he hides his smile with the cup of tea in his hands. But time passes far too quickly and he can see the way your leg begins to twitch when you ask him exactly when Komori will be arriving. His grip tightens and he forcefully takes a deep breath before he accidentally breaks his mug and gives you a tight smile, assuring you he’d be here soon. It’s time to finally set his final plan in motion. 
He gets up to refill your cup, but just as his hands draw near you, he drops the entire pot on you, covering your entire shirt and lap with the liquid. He makes a show of panicking as he attempts to wipe you down (relishing in the feeling of your body beneath his hands as he rubs much harder, much longer than he needs to) and he almost smirks at how naive you are as you assure him it’s completely fine. Mistakes happen. He practically shoves you into the bathroom with a fresh towel and some of his clothes as he urges you to get clean and dry before leaving and closing the door behind him. But he doesn’t move an inch after that. He waits right outside the door and he can feel himself getting aroused as he hears the rustling of clothes and you shuffling around. He imagines how you look, completely stripped down and vulnerable. Thank God it’s not going to be just an imagination anymore. 
He waits until he hears the shower begin to run, until he hears you clambering inside, until he hears you sweetly humming to yourself and then he moves faster than he’s ever moved before as he rips the door open and barges in, slamming the door behind him and locking it with a resounding click. You shriek when you see him and you yell at him to get out, but it’s no use and he has you on your knees, your head submerged under the water still cascading down from the showerhead. Your eyes clench shut in an effort to keep the water out as you take panicked gasps of breath through your mouth. It’s so hard to breathe when water is pouring on your face. It’s so hard to think when you’re caught off guard in a situation you’ve never even had nightmares about. You frantically claw at Sakusa’s arm that has a tight hold of your hair, but you instantly stop, instead aiming for the hard object that’s being shoved into your mouth. It’s disgusting and yet vaguely familiar. Kind of similar to when you accidentally get shampoo water in your mouth...Realization dawns on you and you try to spit out the bar of soap lodged in your mouth, but Sakusa’s grip is relentless as he shoves it in and out of your mouth, making sure to scrub it against every inch of your orifice that he can reach. You almost sob in relief when he finally removes it from your mouth, but that turns into pain when he jerks your head back until the shower water is pouring into your mouth and when it’s full, he slaps a hand over your lips and orders you to gurgle before finally shoving your head back down where you gag and heave as you spit the soapy suds out. 
Mouth finally empty, you plead for him to stop, to explain why he’s doing this, but you cringe when he coldly looks down at you and says he’s not done cleaning you yet. You try to shove past him to get out of the enclosed space, get out of his home, but really, what chance do you think you have against a professional athlete, against one of the best volleyball players in the country? It’s embarrassing how easy it is for Sakusa to force you on all fours and you brokenly cry as he lathers his hands with the bar that had just assaulted your mouth before pumping his fingers in and out of your tight pussy, using the flexibility of his wrists to twist and turn, touching places you’ve never been able to reach yourself. Sakusa’s not even trying to provide you with any pleasure, intent on just making sure you’re completely clean before he uses you, but he’s so thorough and persistent with his movements that you can’t help the way your juices begin to leak as his fingers rub against every crevice. 
He pulls his digits out in disgust as he sees the sticky coat you’ve left on them. “You’re such a fucking whore. Do you get turned on just from being cleaned? Do you like being filled that much? Don’t worry. I’m more than happy to give you what you want.” You shake your head in denial as your tears mingle with the water still streaming down on you, but you moan as Sakusa shoves his cock into your dripping cunt. He grips your hips so tightly his hands turn white and you rapidly pant as both of you adjust to being connected so intimately. But there’s only so much patience Sakusa has after lusting after you for years and he starts a punishing pace, pulling all the way out before fully slamming back into you with every thrust. Internally you beg him to stop, beg him for mercy, but the only things that spill from your lips is moan after moan as he fills you so well and you’re almost grateful for the fact that water is still coming down, the sound of drops hitting the shower floor blocking out some of the lewd humiliating sounds echoing in the small room. You feel something hot, something alive crawling from deep within you. It doesn’t feel like a normal orgasm. It seems bigger, more daunting and you clench your teeth and fists, trying to not let it out, but it’s no use and you scream as you erupt. Sakusa scowls when he sees the flood of liquids that pour out of you. What a fucking mess. And yet, you somehow feel even better like this. Sopping wet, quivering walls milking his cock. And that’s all it takes for him to release deep inside of you, letting your pretty hole hold his mess. He glowers down at the disgusting mix of transparent and white liquid that trickles out from you and that sticks to his length when he finally pulls out. 
“Open your mouth.” You obediently follow his order. What use is it to fight now? Now that he’s already used you? He has you suck and lick his softening shaft until every remnant of fluid is gone and you gratefully pull off of him and collapse on the floor, glad that it’s all over. You glare at him, angry tears in your eyes as you spit out scathing insult after insult at him. “How the fuck could you do this to a friend? One of your closest friends? Someone you’ve known for years?” He rolls his eyes as you continue with your pointless rants, but he perks up at your next line. 
“Wait until Komori gets here and I tell him exactly what you did.” 
You falter when Sakusa begins laughing and you stumble back as he suddenly lurches towards you, but there’s nowhere for you to run and you squeal when he grabs the detachable shower head and holds it right above your pussy, still oversensitive and raw. 
“Oh, Komori’s not coming. He doesn’t have time for dirty sluts like you. But maybe after I clean you up again, he’ll think about sparing you a minute.”
You howl as Sakusa once again reaches for the bar of soap and begins harshly rubbing it all over and inside your reddening flesh and you don’t know if it’s fueled by pain, pleasure, anger, or betrayal, but you keep on howling as your rose-tinted dreams of a friendly libero are ripped to shreds by the black haired monster above you. You howl until your voice can’t make any more sounds and then you just lie there under the now cooling water still spraying down on both of you as Sakusa continues. Your body might be the most spotless and pristine it’s ever been (it certainly feels like it is with how rigorously Sakusa scrubs you), but you’ve never felt more disgusting, more filthy in your entire life as he releases load after load inside of you, letting you feel, letting you know how foolish you are for ever thinking you had a chance with his cousin, for ever thinking he’d let you be with anyone other than him. And as the night drags on and on, you can’t help but begin to agree with him. What a fool you are.                 
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Off-Kilter (Haikyuu!!)
Primary Universe
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@veryblushyswitch Thank you! I'm having a lot of fun writing them! (It's kind of weird seeing your old picture there now, lol.) Anyway, thank you for the fun prompt! I went with Kageyama as the lee because that boy deserves all the tickles. Enjoy! ^^
The gym door slid open, and all Noya could think was, finally. Only it wasn’t Asahi, like he’d been expecting. It was Kageyama. What made his arrival even more out of place was that Hinata wasn’t bounding in ahead of or after him.
Still, practice was practice.
“Hey, Kageyama,” he called, drawing the first-year’s attention. “Grab a ball and help me practice my receives.”
Kageyama blinked. “Sure.”
Where is Asahi? Noya wondered. The only reason he was here at this ungodly hour of the morning was because the ace had asked him to help him practice serves. For that matter, if Kageyama was here, where was Hinata? It was unusual for the two of them not to arrive together.
Just as the setter was grabbing a ball out of the basket after shedding his club jacket, Tanaka entered, yawning. Noya stared at him. He never arrived early. What was going on today?
Well, the more the merrier.
“Tanaka! You, too. Get a ball and start serving. Let’s go!”
“It is way too early for you to be this hyper, my dude,” Tanaka mumbled good-naturedly, following the libero’s orders.
“Blame Asahi. He said he’d be here and he’s not. I’ve got a bone to pick with him and it’s making me antsy.”
“Noya,” Kageyama called from the opposite side of the net. “Ready?”
Noya nodded, getting into position. “Bring it on.”
For the next several minutes, Noya practiced his receiving while Kageyama and Tanaka practiced their serves. The latter was getting much better; he’d even begun to form a pre-serve routine, which Noya found hilarious. But it was effective, so he wasn’t complaining. Their setter, though, was off his game today. His serves were consistent in getting over the net, but not in landing where they were meant to, which made Noya have to work even harder to receive them. Again, he wasn’t complaining; it was good practice. But the libero did have to wonder what exactly was going on in this gym this morning. Everything felt…off, somehow.
And Asahi still wasn’t showing up. Noya would give him a good scolding for that later, for sure.
Finally, after about fifteen minutes, Tanaka tossed a serve over the right side of the net that Noya received perfectly. But directly after his serve, Kageyama served as well, evidently having not realized the libero wasn’t ready for him yet. Still, Noya made a valiant effort by lunging to the left side of the court and thrusting out his arm.
“Rolling thunder!” he yelled dramatically, barely catching the ball’s landing with the top of his hand. It bounced once, then landed outside the court a few feet away.
“Sorry,” Kageyama called. “That was my bad.”
“Dude, you’re all sorts of off-kilter this morning,” Noya observed, getting to his feet with a grin. He put his hands on his hips. “Did you not get enough sleep or something?”
“Our royal highness needs his beauty rest,” Tanaka teased.
Kageyama bristled. “Shut up! I got enough sleep. I’m just not energized yet.”
“It’s because you and Hinata didn’t race your butts off trying to get here before the sun this morning, huh?”
The setter didn’t deny it.
Noya shrugged, ducking under the net to join them on their side of the court. “That’s okay. We’ll help you wake up. We can run laps around the gym.”
Tanaka groaned. “Noyaaaa, why do you have to be like that?”
“What? Running laps is important exercise. Besides, it’s probably about time we switched things up anyway. The others will be here eventually. It would be good to have a head start; show them what sleeping in gets them.” When neither of his teammates moved, Noya reached forward to grab each of their wrists and start pulling. “Come on, you lazy bums. Let’s go. Just a few laps, come on.”
Tanaka groaned but eventually gave in. Kageyama started jogging, but not very quickly.
Noya laughed. “You’re both so slow! How about this – if I get my laps in before you I’ll make you do finger push-ups at the end.”
With that, the libero took off, Tanaka right behind him. “You can’t tell me what to do, you little spiky-haired brat! I’m a second-year, same as you!”
“Doesn’t matter! Everyone knows I’m the team’s star. You gotta listen to me if you want to get better!”
“I’ll show you!”
The second-years raced around the gym, blazing past Kageyama once, twice, and then a third time before finally completing their five laps. Despite Noya’s threat, the setter didn’t seem to be in any hurry.
Pumped up from the race, both Noya and Tanaka barreled towards the first-year, yelling at the top of their lungs. Kageyama turned but had no time to react before they were on him, tackling him to the floor of the gym. The libero then recalled a play from Hinata’s book and smirked, starting to poke up and down his side.
Kageyama giggled immediately, unable to hold back despite how much he wished he could. “Ah! No!”
“Wake up, Kageyama,” Noya teased.
“No, dohohon’t!”
Tanaka grinned like the Tasmanian Devil and joined in, skipping over poking and going straight to digging into his ribs. “Come on, bro! You can’t be that sluggish without Hinata! Wake up!”
“Stop!” Kageyama pleaded, smiling uncontrollably. He tried to sit up and push them away, but they each grabbed a shoulder and pushed him back down, keeping him in place while they tickled him gently. “Guys!”
Noya smirked. “You know, watching you get stuck in the door of that bus was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.”
“Ugh, lehehehet it go alreadyehehehehe!”
“No kidding! He couldn’t even move,” Tanaka agreed. “It was hilarious!”
“S-Stahahap! D-Don’t tihihickle me!”
The second-years exchanged glances, grinning wickedly at each other and then at Kageyama. Without a word, they each went all in, grabbing at whatever ticklish spots they could reach on his torso as he jerked and started thrashing beneath them, giggles turning to laughter.
“Nohohohohoho! Stahahahap it! Dohohohohon’t – nohohohohohohoho!” The setter squealed, shoving desperately at the hands digging into his stomach. He kicked his legs frantically. “Nohohoya, Tanaka, stahahahahahahahap!”
“Are you awake yet?” Noya asked, smiling wide at his younger teammate.
“Yehehehehes, I’m awahahahahake!”
Tanaka hummed. “Are you suuuure?”
Kageyama couldn’t stop giggling to save his life, and it was embarrassing him. How pathetic was he, being this ridiculously sensitive to the lightest touch? He tried to roll onto his side but only succeeded in giving Tanaka better access to his lower back and spine, making him flop right back down. “Ahahahahahaha, stahahahahahap! Plehehehehehease!”
“All right, I guess that’s enough,” Noya said, removing his fingers and sitting back, proud of the work they’d done. “Feeling a little more energized now?”
“Ugh…y-yeah, whatever,” Kageyama said with a groan, sitting up. A flash of orange caught his eye, and when he turned to look over Tanaka’s shoulder he saw Hinata standing there, eyes bright and smile wide, looking like he wanted to run a million laps. The setter’s eyes widened. “Hinata!”
“Are you tickling him? Can I join?” Hinata asked, not wasting any time.
Kageyama scrambled to his feet. “No, no! They’re not – you can’t – no!” He turned on his heel and sprinted away as the tiny redhead leaped at him, fingers wiggling and already laughing for the both of them. “Stay away! Hinata, no! No! Back off!”
Noya and Tanaka got to their feet as well, grinning at the two of them sprinting around the court, Kageyama deftly escaping Hinata’s speed only by making sudden, sharp u-turns as he ran, throwing the little decoy off.
“Well,” Tanaka said, “I see he has no problem running laps now.”
Noya chuckled. “Hinata certainly is a good motivator for him, that’s for sure.”
“Hey guys,” a new voice entered the mix, and they turned to see one of the third-years enter the gym. “Sorry I’m late.”
“Asahi!” Noya snapped, marching up to the much taller ace, suddenly remembering why he wanted to release his pent-up energy in the first place. “You told me to be here at five! Five! In the morning! What time is it now?”
Asahi held up his hands defensively. “I’m sorry, I overslept—”
“Do you know what I’ve had to put up with while I’ve been waiting for your butt to get here? These underclassmen are impossible!”
Tanaka held up a finger. “Uh, hello, I’m a second-year just like you.”
Across the gym, Hinata shrieked as Kageyama suddenly turned around and caught him around the waist, shoving him to the floor and hooking his fingers into his ribs. “Ah! Nohohohohohoho fahahahahair, Kahahahageyama!”
Noya kept shouting at Asahi. “It took me nearly thirty minutes to get Kageyama fired up enough to practice properly, and now Hinata comes bursting in here and making me look like a fool!”
Asahi blinked. “Noya, I said I’m sorry—”
“And another thing…!”
Tanaka sighed, turning to leave everyone at it while he cleaned up the volleyballs spread out around the court from their earlier practice. Might as well, he thought. This could take a while.
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noritoshiikamo · 4 years
driver’s license 
cause you said forever, now I drive alone passed your street [au where suna is a doctor specialized in memory removal and his last patient of the day is his ex]
pairing: suna rintarou + fem!reader genre: pain, angst, doctor!suna + patient!reader tags//warning: medical procedure of mind erasing, slight suicide ideation, alcohol abuse note: the obligatory trio of mine: not well edited, lowercase intended, english isnt my first language im sorry if i murder it. the songs made me brawled i had to write something about it and i just so happened to finish haikyuu
“it’s odd,” he looked up from the computer screen, osamu approached him pointing to the screen, the last name listed in the appointment schedule under dr suna rintarou. please don’t say it please don’t say anything, he begged silently in his head. “she kinda has her name. haven’t heard her name in ages,” osamu shrugged, grabbing his next patient’s files, “want to get lunch later?” the doctor popped in another stick of gum, leaving before suna could even said a word.
funny that osamu said that. that is his girlfriend. he moved the cursor and clicked at the name. the birthplace, the date, her eye colour, the address and her number; it matches everything he ever memorized of her. except they are no longer together. it has been a month since their breakup.
 she’s an architect. not by choice but she likes art. she’s talented and had once held an art show during school’s open day where they met. she didn’t draw him until they started dating, but she had known some of his close friends who was the subject of her drawings. her parents disproved of her ambitious and to compromise, she agreed to take architectural instead. she stopped drawing completely and suna was the only person in japan that has the largest collection of her paintings stuffed in boxes and behind shelves.
 suna rintarou has been a doctor in inarizaki institute for 5 years now. inarizaki institute was different from others. it was the only medical institution that had successfully developed a procedure to remove unwanted memories. he’s one of the qualified doctors for said procedure. he had done the procedure multiple times now, even on his former high school friends and families but never his own girlfriend.
 is it him she’s removing from her memories?
 he didn’t remember how they broke up. maybe it’s because he was too busy. maybe it’s because she had fallen out of love with him. maybe they just couldn’t stand being in each other’s spaces, but it happened so quickly. she moved out from their apartment, returned when he left to clear out her stuff and he just threw himself back to work.
 he did remember how they met. she was the miya brothers’ neighbor. one night when he came to visit them during semester break years ago, they were in their parents’ car with a girl. suna felt like he had recognized but couldn’t think of where or when. “oi, suna,” the window rolled down and asamu called him over, “come in!” despite being weirded out, he entered the back door of the car. “we are teaching our friend how to drive; can you believe it? she’s in our university and can’t drive to save a life.”
 “shut the fuck up, atsumu or i’ll run you over,” she muttered angrily as she moved the driving gear.
 suna saw the stick going down to reverse instead down further and he immediately reached for her hand. the girl startled at the stranger’s sudden touch. “what the fuck are you d-doing?” she choked up.
 “you’re going to reverse into the wall,” he muttered bluntly, pouting his mouth to the gear. grabbing the stick through her hand, he pulled the gear into drive before letting her hand go. the light from the post shined in and he could see red flush on her face as she nodded, “oh okay, yeah d,” she muttered to herself. she started driving. she wasn’t exactly bad; she just needed a lot of practice.
 so he came over every day of his semester break and accompanied them as she practiced her driving.
 “i can drive you home?” she offered on the last night of his break before he returned to school.
 “you don’t have too.”
 “i insisted,” to which suna agreed and she glanced back at the miya brothers, “get the fuck out.” despite their disgruntlement and the it’s my mum’s car argument, she managed to kick them out. it was just two of them together. “so, i know we went to same high school and university. how come we have never crossed path before?” she questioned as she took her first turn. she memorized the roads to his home. suna shrugged as he fidgeted with the corner of the jacket’s zipper, “i played volleyball in high school.”
 she chuckled, “i’ve never watched any sport matches in high school, sorry. anyway, i’m a last year architectural student by the way. are you taking the same course as osamu?” she glanced at him with a smile. his heart skipped a beat. “y-yeah. i’m in my 5th year of medical.”
 “why not volleyball player?”
 “i got bored.”
 she let a soft exhale and shrugged, “fair enough. i took architectural to please my mother so i’m in no position to give any advice.” she slowed down in front of his house before pulling into a full stop. she pulled into parking and pulled the hand brake. she smiled and fist pumped herself, “did you see that? perfect stop!” suna didn’t expect what was going to happen next. he watched out of control as his arm reached out for her face and pulling her close. what he remembered being in control was asking her boldly whether he could kiss her.
her eyes sparkled and she smiled so widely, “yes.”
so, he did.
she moved into his apartment at the end of his graduation. she didn’t get any job for the first few months while he entered inarizaki institute as medical officer. she took commissions online and waited tables while going to a couple of interviews. he saw a decline in her motivation. when suna returned one night, he found her behind the sofa, drunk out of her mind. what spooked him wasn’t the bottles of whiskey on the floor but the stainless-steel paint scrapper she stabbed the canvas with. she could’ve hurt herself. but, putting her into therapy and pulling strings with some of her friends, she recovered, and he got her an interview. suna watched as she dreadfully shoved her portfolios and files into her bag. 
“you’ll be alright,” he reassured, bringing her a cup of coffee. she sighed and pushed her bangs back, “i don’t know, rin. i just don’t feel like getting another rejection after another and then i’ll just spiral into a-” he stopped her rambling with a kiss. he tasted like coffee; she tasted like their toothpaste. every time she tried to pull away, he pulled her back into the kiss and she could feel him laughing against her lips. “this is going to turn into something else,” she whispered between the kiss and he nodded. he was half aroused. she drank the coffee and kissed him one last time. he felt her fingers slipped from his grip. she stood by the door and waved back.
 “see you?” she beamed.
 suna snapped out of his own memory when an alarm blared out. he looked up past the nurses’ counter and saw a patient being pushed out of room B by a couple of nurses. he knew what goes on in that room; he helped in perfecting the procedure. osamu followed soon. he tugged the blue gloves off and shoved them into the yellow bin. “you would not believe who I met in the waiting room?” by the look of his face, osamu already got the feeling that suna already knew. osamu flipped his file and pulled out a pen. he signed the bottom of the pages and dumping it in the completed pile. “did she tell you?” suna asked.
 “about?” the other doctor asked.
 “the memories she’s erasing. did she tell you?”
 osamu shook his head and pocketed his hand in the white coat. “she asked about you. whether you’re around. i said yeah, he’s on call and she just smiled.” suna stood up and grabbed the file. he felt conflicted. osamu stopped the man before he could enter the room. “look man, I’m sorry about whatever happen between you guys and I’m in no position to judge at all.”
 suna shrugged and smiled, “it’s fine. we were just ruining each other.” the other man nodded understandingly before excusing himself. suna wanted to move but his feet felt heavy. he was glued down. room B was just a few feet away, but he couldn’t move. this is it. the end of them.
 he forced himself into the room. standing in front of the panels and monitor, separating him and her was a one-way mirror. she sat on the seat, talking to the nurses in charge. his heart hurts. she had bangs now framing her face. she’s slight thinner and no longer wore the charm bracelet he gave during their first anniversary. the nurse placed a heart-beat monitor on her thumb and attached a couple more of sensors to her brain, forehead, and neck. his monitor lightened up and spitted out the information. this is it. “doctor, she’s requesting of removal of memory from 2009 up to last month,” the nurse’s words went in his ears and out. it’s of him.
 all his own memories flashed through his mind.
 the memories of every kisses, hugs, the late nights and the earliest of days, the coffees, the spilled paints. memories of every tear he ever wiped and for ever meals she had ever cooked. memories of all the paints of him that she had gifted to him and every night she drove down his streets. for every missed calls and unread texts. the way she touched him and the way she made him felt. he felt suffocated.
 how could he ever love someone else?
 “everything is accordingly. you may press the start, doctor.”
 he looked at the flashing button and back to her. she was looking right at him. she might not see him, but she is looking straight at him and she looked so beautiful. a small smile appeared on her lips as her fingers fidgeted nervously. he felt tears prickling his eyes. his fingers brushed against the button and he slowly pressed it. 
 it took them 7 years to build this much of memories together and it took him 3 minutes to erase it clean from her mind.
 she was drowsy and she had tears running down her face. the nurses rushed in after the red light disappeared and green light beamed. the alarm rang. another memory successfully. “I’m okay, I’m okay.” he heard her from the opened door. shutting off the machine, he immediately rushed out for the door, feared that he might bumped into her and lost it. he hid his shaking hands in his pocket and gritted his teeth.
 he stopped. the world stopped spinning and he felt lightheaded. the way she called for him didn’t change, the tone and the pronunciation were the same. it was always melodious yet painful. he turned around to see her being wheelchaired out of the room by the nurse. her eyes were slightly red, and her nose were puffy. the nurse passed her a cup of water. she smiled politely, thanking her and took the cup in her hand. she took a sip, coughing at the coldness of the water down her dried throat. it’s the side effect of the procedure.
 “have we met before?” she asked, innocently.
 suna shook his head and smiled weakly, “no, we haven’t.” he turned to the nurse and nodded. before the nurse could ushered her away, she called him out again. 
 with a smile on her face, she waved goodbye, “see you, doctor?”
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urijihoons-blog · 4 years
Bokuto: Clarity
/ Kōtarō Bokuto x reader /
genre: fluff babyyyy
wc: 3126
summary: Finally, the truth has been revealed. You can finally look at him with clarity. After a little domestic bliss, you devise a plan to take down the one who wronged you, and it’s time to set it in motion. 
warnings: dOmEsTiC bLiSs
a/n: Hey guys!!! I am SO sorry this took so long!!!!!!! As answered previously, I got wrapped up in all the holidays and then just recently started back up at college so I’ve been putting this off, and then I noticed 2 days ago that my draft had completely deleted somehow so i started it again haha karma I guess!! ✌🏻🥺
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You were stunned. Bokuto was explaining everything to you in extreme detail, slowly going over the past few weeks. Of course, he’d get a little off topic at times, getting too in depth about practices or games, which made you smile on the inside, but as soon as he’d realize he would continue his story. He told you how Tamra had acted as if she just was interested in talking volleyball, how she manipulated him into being her friend, and then how she won the trust of the whole team. Bokuto never saw it coming. You wondered if he felt as stupid as you did right in this moment.
“When I saw you after I opened that door,” Bokuto eyes lit up slightly at the thought, a small smirk forming through his low laugh. “I felt as if I had finally come up for air. You looked so excited, your face was more beautiful than I remembered and your eyes,” he looked down at your intertwined hands, you turning his ring on his finger. “were so bright.” A darkness came over his features and his voice started to shake, your body tensed in response. You knew the next part all too well. “I should’ve never said she could come over, I should have never even been friends with her, Y/N.” Tears started to trail down the sides of his cheeks, making you tear up as well. “I’m so sorry,” his voice broke as he laid his head facedown on the bed next to your side, clutching onto your hand as if it had been his life line. “I’m so so sorry.”
“You can’t be sorry for being yourself.” You squeezed his left hand with one of your own, and put the other in his hair, softly trying to comfort him. “You thought she had no one, so you tried to be a good friend. You can not be at fault for trying to be kind.”
“That doesn’t matter, Y/N. I was not kind to who matters,” his shoulders shook slightly as he continued to cry into the duvet. “You. When you started to cry in the room, and I tried to hold you, you flinched under my touch. When you got in that elevator, there was no light in your eyes. Your beautiful face had shattered. I did that to you, Y/N.” He sobbed now. “I should’ve done right by you.” You squeezed his hand tighter, letting him know you’re still there. “I want to do right- I need to do right by you.”
“Bo,” you cooed. His head lifted up when he heard his pet name. Your hand grazed his cheek, your thumb swiping at the tears. One of his hands reached to cover yours as he leaned into this intimate touch. His reddened eyes fluttered shut taking it all in, and then opened to look at you. “You have done right by me. You have always done right by me. Even tonight, you tried your hardest to do right by me, and you succeeded in the end. I-“ your voice was caught in your throat, you choked down a small sob, “I’m the one who failed you.”
You started to cry now, really cry. Bokuto’s hands flew to your cheeks, trying to stop the stream of tears as he shook his head. He was about to say something when you stopped him, “I should have stayed earlier. I should have at least tried to hear you out, but instead I ran. I should have known better, I should have trusted you.” You laughed sadly, “I mean we’re getting married, right? I should’ve-“
“You still want to get married?” Bokuto’s small voice broke out. He was still holding your face, and his lips were inches from yours. His eyes were now wide with shock. Your cheeks flushed, and for some reason you suddenly felt shy.
“Well, I assumed since we have fixed this-“ was all you could get out before Bokuto brought your lips down to his, hard. This kiss was one that was filled with longing, passion, and love. After your initial surprise, you leaned into it. You haven’t kissed him in so long, not only because of the whole train wreck of a night, but because he hasn’t been home in weeks. His lips felt so soft as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into the bed to be beside you, closer to you. You had missed him so much. He pulled away, both of you panting at the air.
“I can’t believe this.” He started, putting his hands to his head. “All of this pain I’ve put you through and you still want to marry me? Are you serious?” He asked, searching for something in your eyes. Rejection, maybe? He still looked so surprised.
You smiled softly at him, “Of course.” You stated plainly. “You’re the only one for me, Bo.” You leaned up to meet your lips to his once more, a quick, chaste kiss. He was still leaning into your space with his eyes closed when you had already pulled back. They snapped open when he realized you weren’t still kissing him, his golden eyes electric, waiting for your touch.
“Let’s go back to our room, sweetheart,” he smirked getting out of the bed, and held a hand out for you to take. “It feels weird that I want to make out with you in Atsumu’s bed.”
That night, you cuddled in his hotel room. After Hurricane Tamra, you both deserved to end your 4th year anniversary with a little bit of light. He had asked you about the shop and your plans for this trip. With your head on his chest, and those beautiful golden eyes constantly watching your every move, you spoke adamantly about your thought process with this whole trip. He was so excited that you were finally going to be able to watch him play, it had been awhile since you could attend a game in person.
Throughout your time there that night, Bokuto kept holding you tighter and tighter. Occasionally, he would bring his hand up to your face, while you both laid in silence, and would trace your features with his fingers lightly. He would also randomly pepper you with kisses from your forehead, to your neck, to your shoulders to show you that you have his full attention and affection. You knew it was because even if you had completely forgave him, these past few hours had been and will continue to haunt him for a while. After staying up for the sole reason to be in each others arms, you both finally got to sleep around 3:30 in the morning, which was not ideal, but was still perfect considering you got to spend time with him.
Game day. It’s game day.
Bokuto’s eyes snapped open at the thought. While his sleepy eyes cleared, he realized something was tickling his nose, it was your hair. This made him smile.
He hasn’t been able to wake up to your sleeping face in so long. The sun shone softly through the curtains, and it hit your skin enough to make you look as if you glowed. You were tangled together under the sheets, legs wrapped around one another while both of your arms are hugging each other. The sight made him excited for the future, becuase everyday would be like this. Bokuto was careful enough not to move too much, in fear of waking you up. He checked his watch. It was only 10, and he didn’t have to be anywhere until 12, so he was safe on time.
He started to play with your hair, slowly moving his hands down to stroke your arms, and then began drawing shapes on your shoulders. He didn’t want to wake you up, but he did want to spend some time with you before he left for practice and warm ups. You made a small groan, and took your time to open your eyes. Before Bokuto knew it, you had snuggled in closer for warmth, grabbing his arms and pulling them around your body. You started drawing shapes on his arms now, and Bokuto couldn’t believe that you were still his.
Last night, he felt as if he were in a nightmare and now, it’s like he woke into a dream. “Hey angel,” Bokuto rasped out in his low morning voice. “What do you want to do for the next few hours? We can grab breakfast, or-“
“I think I would rather just lay here with you, if that’s okay,” You cut him off, speaking quietly, moving to where you could fully see his face. “I haven’t seen you in a while, and I’ve really missed you, and I don’t want to poke our bubble just yet.”
Your words squeezed his heart, you missed him. Enough to not want to go get breakfast. Bokuto smiled sheepishly, pulling you in closer. “That is more than okay,” he leans his head down to plant a long, sweet kiss to the top of your head, “it’s perfect.”
When 11:30 rolls around, Bokuto is disappointed that he has to leave your warm bed. He quickly runs around the room, grabbing clothes and shoes and different essentials for the rest of the day. Every once in a while, he’ll pass you and give you a quick peck on the lips. He does this when he’s nervous about something. And that something today was Tamra. Of course her team was the one they were playing in the finals.
“The stadium is only a block away, and we can get dinner together tonight, and-“
“Bo,” You cooed. He picks up his face, red with both anxiety and frustration. “I understand it’s your job to see her. I’m not worried about this,” you step out of bed towards him. You only have on one of his big t shirts, he takes notice. “Or us.” Now his face is red for different reasons. You wrap your arms around his neck while you stand on your tippy toes. His arms automatically hang loosely at your hips. “I have complete faith that you are going to go out on that court and win the finals. I also have complete faith that you are going to do the right thing, like you always do. You don’t have to talk to her, in fact don’t even look at her. Don’t give her the satisfaction of your attention. You deserve the satisfaction of a solid win.”
That look you gave him, with those beautiful eyes, it could kill and save. Bokuto leaned down to give you a quick peck that turned into a long, passionate kiss that left you both breathless. This was the encouragement he needed, you by his side. With him going into battle like this, no one could stop him. You untangled yourselves from the loving embrace, and he picked up his bags. “Y/N,” he looked you directly in the eyes. “I love you with everything that I am.”
“Then play with everything you’ve got. Win this for me.”
The words still sent sparks down his spine as he dropped off his belongings in the locker room. He was thinking of the intensity that your beautiful face held when he walked out on the court to meet his teammates. The only thing that could take him out of his thoughts were the voices of his teammates.
“Kuto!” “Did you make up with Y/N last night?” “Is she okay?”
The smile on Bokuto’s face answered every nagging question of the team. A collective sigh filled the stadium. Of course they were relieved to hear the news, this wedding was the only thing going on in some of these guys’ personal lives. “I’m so glad to hear that, Kuto!” Hinata’s voice rang out as he entered the court.
Noises came from the opposite side, and everyone knew who followed them. “Okay guys, you know the drill.” Atsumu’s voice was tight. Everyone’s faces immediately dropped into a scowl. The team looked more focused then ever. Bokuto knew this was a big game, but didn’t think everyone needed to be so on edge.
“Why are you guys looking so hostile?” Bokuto questioned lightly. Everyone looked to him as if he should know.
“Y/N called with a game plan. She’s pretty smart, y’know?” Atsumu smirked, which made Bokuto burn a little at the thought of him having any private thoughts about you. “Anyways, this is how she believes it will go down.”
Atsumu went into fine detail about the days events, how everyone was to act, and where to lead the storm. Bokuto’s mind was racing, thinking and imaging everything that was to come. “When did she have time to plot this?”
“Oh, you would be surprised how quickly women can plot revenge.”
The game was about to start.
Every once in a while, during the warm ups, Tamra would stare at Bokuto, trying to pry his attention from the sport, or would beckon him over to try to talk to her. Of course he never looked in her direction because 1) he didn’t really care to even be in the same room as her, and 2) this was part of the plan. He could tell she was getting annoyed by the lack of attention though, he could feel her angry gaze on him almost at all times. It also didn’t help that whenever he would make a good spike, she would say, “Nice kill!” just to get a reaction from him, but this was to be suspected.
After a while of this, the teams headed into their respected locker rooms to get into their headspace for the game. Bo texted you, ‘Hey, so far so good, she’s pissed. I miss you tho 🥺 xx’ to which you immediately replied, ‘You’re going to do great tonight babe, on and off the court! I’ll be right on the center line in the front cheering you on!! I love you💗 xx’.
Bo smiled with anticipation. This is your first game you’ve gotten to see in person in probably a year or so. Because of your business and your work ethic, it was hard to align your schedules. Not to say that he didn’t wish to see you at every single one of his games, but it never really bothered Bokuto too much that you couldn’t come because he understood what it was like to be passionate about something. It was one of his favorite things about you. He sat there in thought for a very long time so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice the time flying by.
“Alright guys, it’s time. Let’s go!” The coach’s voice rang out. All of the boys were pumped, full of adrenaline and focus.
It’s time.
You’re heart could not stop pounding. You stood in your spot wearing one of Bo’s old jerseys, black ripped jeans, and some white tennis shoes. You knew you looked good. Your hair and make up was done, and your ring was shining like a star under the stadium lights. You heard the screams of fangirls and knew what was to come next.
The teams started jogging out to their respected benches, and you were sitting on the same side of the court as your lover. As soon as you saw that silver and black hair, you knew. Bokuto’s smile as he was jogging alongside his team made your heart flutter, but what was even better was how his eyes lit up as soon as he saw you. His smile broadened and his cheeks tinged a slight blush, he was practically glowing.
After he sat his belongings down at the bench he ran up to you and gave you a quick peck on the lips. “Hey doll,” he smirked as you wrapped your arms around his neck and hung them on his broad shoulders, “is she watching?”
You looked past his head discreetly and there she was, arms crossed, hip popped out, and a bright red face. You completely forgot she was there, that’s how forgettable she was. You let out a low laugh that made his eyes shine with desire, “of course.” You gave him another chaste kiss, “Time to go, Bo. You got this!” His smile was so bright, you were left seeing stars as he jogged back over to the team. At the sudden realization that you were in the crowd, Hinata and Atsumu both smiled and waved at you, and you returned the nice gestures.
Throughout the entirety of the game, it went like this. Tamra focused on you while doing her manager duties, you focused solely on Bo, and he focused solely on the game. Every once in a while, when he made a kill or a nice block, he would look over at you to make sure you were watching him, which of course you were, it was hard not to, and he would tap his thumb to his ring finger. This is something he started doing right before he proposed, something that meant it was for you. This made your heart burst.
After the game ended, with Bo’s team victorious, his team huddled up and let out a few howls in excitement. In the midst of the chaos, so wrapped up in the emotion of it, Bokuto searched for you in the crowd. You caught his eyes and he started running for you, his strong arms picking up and spinning you around in a big hug. You couldn’t help but laugh at his excitement. He gave you a breathtaking kiss right on the court, as if there weren’t hundreds of people cheering around the two of you for the win. “Did you see me? Did you see everything?” He pressed his forehead to yours, looking into your eyes.
“Of course I did, Bo. You played your heart out, that was the best game I think I’ve seen you play to this date.” You said, still breathing a little heavy from the kiss.
“I did it for you.” Those words squeezed your heart. The intensity in his eyes let him know he wasn’t joking. “It was all for you.”
You held him tighter, nuzzling your face in his neck to hide the brim of tears. “I love you.”
He drew circles in the small of your back, pulling you closer to him. “I love you too.”
His team called for him, and he knew he had to go, but he just wanted to live in this moment forever. “Bo, it’s okay. You have me all to yourself for the next week.” You reminded him, letting go of him reluctantly.
He nodded, “Okay, see you soon.”, now the real game began.
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Okay so I’ve decided... there has to be a part 5. I needed domestic Bokuto so bad because we haven’t truly had any happiness in this fic until just now!!!!! So I’m doing part 5!! And then that will be the end of it🤗🥰💗✨ I hope you all enjoyed!!
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