#can’t wait till I’m working over the summer and have to stop myself from being insane in the lab
excavatinglizard · 2 months
I need to write more homoerotic trigun bodyhorror. I need it I need it. Maybe next time it’ll be merylmilly instead. Idk. This is that needs triangle and it’s all homoerotic bodyhorror
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kehrer24thilo · 2 years
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second chance - pedri gonzalez
warnings - fluff
A/N - first imagine, wish me luck. y/n = your name. y/r/n = your roommates name
“i was over him” you said to your roommate as you paced back and fourth in the kitchen. “i was like fuck him! fuck him, fuck him! i had pushed him out of my mind and doing my own thing making my own name.” you placed your head in your hands and sighed before looking my best friend in the eyes. “ but then we both happened to be at the same place at the same time and the minute we made eye contact that was it, just like that i wasn’t over him any more.”
you arrived at the barca store early morning in order to pick up my order for my little brothers birthday in a couple days, it was busier than normal, queues were piling up as the minutes went by. heading towards the security man who i’ve known since i moved to barcelona when i was 10 years old. “Jim what’s going on.”
“hello love, it’s been a while but Barcelona fc are putting on a work shop. do you need something.”
“whose here from the work shop and yes i do i have a parcel to pick up.”
“it’s pedri turn today and ok i’ll send you through with matt.”
my body froze at his name, pedri? the same pedri. y/n of course it’s the same pedri who else do you know who plays for barca and called pedri. being shook out of my shocked state by matt.
“come on.”
“wait i need a favour, make sure pedri doesn’t see me.”
“why, i will but is there any reason.”
“not in particular so let’s go, i need to get home.”
being guided around the floods of fans waiting to get their belongings signed hoping that you wouldn’t get noticed but come on y/n don’t be an idiot, many fans know you because of him. you got to behind the till and was ready to make a run for it and get home to relax but life isn’t that easy.
fans did notice and as much as you love them and this point all i wanted to do was good home and eat ice cream. quickly making your way to the exit smiling at a few fans but one comment from a fan made you turn around and as you did his eyes caught onto yours, his eyes that held so many memories.m, the memories that a flooding backing in. frozen in your spot not even computing what the fan said, all your brain was telling you was to run and get out of here. if your gonna stay it won’t be for the best.
arriving at home in a panic, scaring your roommate. “y/n what is going on”
“i saw him, like probably saw him, i’m taking eye contact for 1 minute saw him.”
“ok what then”
“and then i ran, and i look so ugly from behind.”
“i know you’ve blesses everyone’s eyes.”
“girl now is not the time.”
“why did you run”
“i was over him” you said to your roommate as you paced back and fourth in the kitchen. “i was like fuck him! fuck him, fuck him! i had pushed him out of my mind and doing my own thing making my own name.” you placed your head in your hands and sighed before looking my best friend in the eyes. “ but then we both happened to be at the same place at the same time and the minute we made eye contact that was it, just like that i wasn’t over him any more.”
“last time i stalked him for you, he was on a lads holiday for summer break.” your roommate said.
“i know that why i’m so confused on why he was here.”
“is that the only reasons why you are confused.”
“yes” your roommate give you the look of ‘bitch i know you better than yourself don’t lie. “ok i was fine without him my career is going well but as soon as i locked eyes with him the world stopped exactly like the moment i saw him first but i’m telling myself i can’t do it again.”
your phone buzzed but you ignored it. “why can’t you do it, what is stopping you.”
“work, life, myself. he broke up with us because he wanted to focus on himself which i understand but what i didn’t understand was him completely ignoring me and pretending like we haven’t been together for more than two years.”
“have you tried speaking to him.”
“nope, well not since after a month after the breakup when i just gave up on him, us.”
your phone was now blowing up wondering what the hell was going on, opening the instagram notification swiping to the bottom when one notification stood out.
PEDRI followed you
PEDRI wants to DM you —> ACCEPT
strings of curse words replay out of your mouth as once again you start pacing, your roommate asking what’s wrong over again unable to tell her you show her your phone as her eyes dance over your screen as she realises her eyes dart to your both not knowing what to do. before she takes control and starts typing on your phone, not being able to process what is happening you don’t do anything about it knowing you should.
“you’re meeting him in 20 mins at the cafe down the road. and you are not saying no, it’s been two long and you need to talk so go clean up and go.”
“yes mother.” there was no point in arguing with her she was too stubborn for her own good and nothing would get past her.
the familiar ring of the bell that alarmed when the door opened, heading to the back booth the you both always sat in when neither of you could sleep, it was a good job it is 24 hour cafe. not many people were here apart from the usual, hoping that he wasn't sat in the corner of your booth so you could calm the nerves that were flying around in your stomach but of course your luck wasn't on your side as he was sat there not looking one bit different at all, his hair was styled the same way, the way he dressed was the same although he did need to change it up every now and then.
noticing you he stood up to greet you, looking at you before pulling you into a gentle hug before taking a seat again. “so you finally decided to meet me.” he said picking the skin on his finger a habit he knew you hated.
“wasn’t my choice y/r/n made, she’s the one who messaged you.”
“it doesn’t surprise me that it was her but kind of wish you agreed on your own accord and not hers.”
“well i am here ain’t i, if it wasn’t for her then i don’t know if i would have actually messaged you back.”
“mmh.” there was an awkward silence hanging the air before you both tried speaking at the same time causing even more awkwardness as you both agued on who spoke first eventually it was decided that it was you.
“i don’t want any interruptions ok.” you said firmly earning a nod off of him. “i wanted call you, just to see how you were doing but i couldn’t, i can’t talk to someone who held my heart then pretend it never happened.”
“i wanted to ask why it was so hard to get over you, i wanted to know if you felt the pain like knives in your side like i did. i wanted to know if you ever felt lonely when you heard a song or something reminding you of the memories we made.”
“i wanted to say that i couldn’t remember the sound of your voice when you called out my name or the fact that our last kiss wasn’t anything like in the movies that it was so brief that wind had swept it away before i’d have a chance to remember as a memory. i wanted to explain how now i’d forgotten everything apart from the way you made me feel like i could conquer everything and anything.”
taking a deep breath. “so yes i wanted to call you and miss you but instead i sat on the floor and drank shots like they were tea, to be honest in that moment i didn’t know if i still loved you but the again you have to love someone to miss them that fucking much.” by the time you had finished your side of the talk you were out of breath, tears tried to escape you eyes.
moving across the booth to sit next to you, he slid in next to you. “it’s you.” he said looking into your eyes. “you’re the one i want, you’re the one i want to come home to after a bad match, you’re the one i want to roll over to in the middle of the night and wake up next to everyday for the rest of my life. you’re the one i want to take on breakfast dates before we both go our separate way or take you out on a night because i haven’t seen you all day.”
“you’re the one i want to go out and have fun with, take a hike through the woods or by the lake, you’re the one i want to stay in with and build forts whilst watching Disney, you’re the one i want to love and hold when times get tough. All my good day, all my bad days you are the one i want to spend them with. you are it. and i swear to you i have never been so sure about someone in my entire life so please let me back in even if we take it slow.”
you were speechless, you knew he were telling the truth, you know him better than himself and he hates to admit his feeling so to see him do this for you probably makes everything worth while. “i don’t want to take it slow.” you shifted your body to be facing him. grabbing his hands to stop him from picking at his skin. “i want you know, i don’t want to wait.”
his hands found your cheeks as yours found his neck, your eyes flicker from his eyes to his lips the tension building up before both of you couldn’t take it anymore, your lips met by a gentle and passionate touch. fire spreading throughout your body. oh how much you missed his lips. coming back for breath a smile on both of your faces making this a memory you won’t forget
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thismaydestroyme · 3 years
Little Did I know Pt. 2
summary: in this short story, harry is famous, and he moved into a town during the summer to relax and potentially write some new songs for his upcoming album. i included some song lyrics from different amazing artists, and i pretended that harry and y/n wrote it.
author’s note: i wrote the beginning of this two months ago me being lazy i picked up where i left off because i’m too lazy to read through this. so if there’s any major fuck ups then…. i did warn you that i’m incompetent
word count: 3165
“I’m a SLAVE FOR YOU!” Y/N shouts out, and little did you know Harry was front and center watching your trainwreck of a performance. 
Harry did a whole french inhale without breaking eye contact with you. “I really wanna dance tonight with you.” Y/N hears Brittany playing in the background which you pause the music, to see what Harry would say about your little ‘performance.’ 
“Really? A slave? don’t you think it’s pretty dramatic don’t ya think?” Harry says, raising one of his eyebrows. You know he’s just playing around, but you coudn’t help feeling embarrassed how he fucking witnessed… that. You don't want Harry to know that you’re embarrassed, so you did the next best thing. 
“That fucking snake was huge. Did you know she was holding an Albino Burmese Python? I bet MTV wasn’t expecting that. Do you think MTV got filthy rich from that performance? Everyone tuned in for that performance and till this day it’s still the most talked about.” You ramble and spew out random information you bet Harry couldn’t care two shit about.” Harry has a smirk on his face, you bet he was enjoying you looking like a damn idiot. 
You start profusely apologizing until Harry interrupts you, “Do you want to come over?” He says all nonchalantly and walks away without you even agreeing. You’re all stunned and weren't able to even say one single word or even move your two feet. Harry doesn’t need to turn around to see you not moving, “C’mon weirdo, don’t act all shy with me now.” He threw back. 
“Fuck.” You whisper, but your feet finally start to move and your feet are heading straight to Harry. 
Harry turned his head and started to smirk, but he kept walking which had you feeling some nerves building up in your stomach. You’re not scared per se, just you’re going to Harry Styles house. This is normal. This is fine. This is just a once in a lifetime opportunity. 
When you finally get to his entrance Harry is already inside and he disappears somewhere because you don’t see him. You hesitantly walk inside and shut the door behind you. When you turn around you couldn’t help, but notice the disarray this house is covered in. Your mouth gape opened, but you immediately brought your hands to cover up how shocked you are. You couldn’t help but gawk at Harry’s place. There’s a big pink couch in the center of the room which is covered in boxes and clothes. There’s a TV on the floor which doesn’t seem to be plugged in because you don’t see it even plugged in. You try not to be too judgy because he did just move in, so what do you expect?  Harry having his life all sorted out in a span of a couple of weeks? 
You almost missed the nice white fluffy carpet that’s underneath the couch. Even though Harry’s place is a disaster, you can envision what Harry is planning on doing when he has his stuff all situated. In the back of your mind you hope he might even invite you back if he does a ‘welcoming party.’
Before you could even investigate more Harry walks back in with two bottles of water in his hand. He’s already drinking out of one of them, so he handed the one that hasn’t been opened to you. You reach your hands over to grab it. 
“This isn’t safe for the environment.” You states while unscrewing the cap. 
“Well.. you belting out to Britney is an endangerment to our society, so I guess we both got the short end of the sticks.” 
You immediately start drinking your water because you didn’t have your next rebuttal. You start scanning the room and hoping it’ll have your heartbeat settle down because you can feel it through your chest. Harry moves from his spot and starts taking boxes off the couch and to make some room for the both of you. He had to take down three boxes, so you could both sit comfortably. 
Harry walks over to you, but you freeze. Harry was pleased knowing he had you all flustered. It was one of Harry’s turn ons. Harry sits and brings his arms draping on the back of the couch which would have you being in his arm if you decide to sit right there. A couple of seconds of you contemplating you walk towards Harry and hesitantly sit down. 
“I’m not going to bite.” he whispers in your left ear. Feeling his breath in your ear made you slightly clench your thighs together, hoping Harry doesn’t notice. But knowing your track record he probably did notice.
You try to come up with a conversation starter that hopefully doesn't hold all the spotlight on you. You look down at her close water bottle and scrambling for something in her head. 
“Now you’re shy. The last time I checked up you were coming for my head after that  mishap with your dog earlier.” 
“You deserved it. You were attacking Cosmo, so yeah. I was in fact coming for your ass.” You glance your eyes to Harry. You’re overly protected over Cosmo. Cosmo is your life.
Harry gave you a smirk. He couldn’t help but to admire your bluntness. He barely comes across people who lit a fire inside of him. They always try to please him because he is a celebrity, and people just want to please him- which he doesn’t mind, but he does wish they sometime bites back. Having you in his presence he doesn’t want to let you go just yet, little did he know, he wants to get to know you more. 
“What do you do, Y/N besides piercing people’s eardrums and being a dog mom.” 
“Ummm.. that’s a loaded fucking question. But you being Harry fuckin’ Styles I guess I have to come up with something to make myself more interesting and less… chaotic. Well I’m a 21 years old who doesn’t have anything to offer to this world. I live my life accepting I’ll probably be working at Newbury Comics. And on top of that I love music, but I’ll be considered unqualified because I have no talents, and all I could do is muster up some mediocre lyrics that I have stored in my notes app.” 
Harry didn’t break any eye contact when you were summarizing your sad life. That created a pit in your stomach because you never experienced anything that could ever compare to Harry’s tense gaze. 
Harry never encountered anyone in the span of meeting them baring their skin to him. He couldn’t help, but feel some sort of pride knowing he created a space for Y/N to be able to let your hair down and express herself in full detail. He feels more drawn to you because he knows what you’re feeling. The unknown is a scary thing to feel, but you’re doing that with grace without you even realizing it. Just accepting reality is the biggest thing to acknowledge, and you’re doing just that. 
“What do you have on your notes? Could you even help me write my next album.” Harry shrug glances his eyes away from you. 
You feel a surge of worries entering her body. You don't know what’s going on, and you don't like it. “What?! You barely know me. My so-called ‘lyrics’ could be shitty and cliche. What are you getting out of this? My humiliation?” You don't like being taken as a joke, but that’s all  you could come up with this peculiar interaction. Harry sees a naive little girl. 
“You’re pretty,” Harry says. And that’s all he said. He got up and walked out the room. You're left on the couch alone, and not understanding what he just said. Just a few minutes ago he asked for your help, and now just a few seconds ago he said you’re pretty. What kind of fuckery is this?!
You immediately got up and walked to whatever room you could find Harry in. It wasn’t that hard because Harry is in the kitchen. 
“Harry! I need you to explain. Talk to me, please.” You say while running her hands down your face. You thanked yourself for not wearing any makeup.
“Uh, you beg. I like that Y/N,” Harry chuckles and closes his fridge door. 
“Well…. I do find you attractive and I see a potential in you. I might be wrong or I might be right. There’s nothing wrong with finding out and seeing what you have.” Harry says. Harry isn’t afraid to look people in the eyes, but you sure do. You’re debating if you should  take this risk. Harry did say there’s nothing wrong with finding it out. 
“Fine. I will take that jump with you.” You say unsurely, but you have some faith in him and a little bit in yourself. 
“Good. Now can you stop being tense and enjoy yourself. You’re in fact talking to the one and only Harry Styles.” 
“Shut up, doofus.” 
One month Later
After Harry made the deal with you a month ago,  you guys have been surprisingly working together quite nicely. You guys wrote one complete song, and that song is now called, “Dirty Little Secret.” You can’t wait to hear Harry sing that song with his band because you’re pretty sure it will fit the band theme for his upcoming album. Harry doesn’t want to limit himself, but he does have an idea to make his third album mostly rock. 
Harry didn’t expect you to be a fuckin’ genious. Watching you in the corner jotting down lines in your beat up notebook with a pen in your hand made you start feeling someway. You always appreciate the art seeing people enjoy what they do, but Y/N is truly gifted because she has no experience with producing music. One long night two weeks ago you guys were sleep deprived because there was a week where you guys would stay up all night to write and you would stop when you saw the sunrise. Y/N found her love in music because of her father. He was a huge factor that made her who she is today. There was substance in her when she would talk about the accent in a song, how she would bounce that off with the bar while you would play the instruments. Y/N is truly a force to be reckoned with and you couldn’t help but wonder how it would be like to have her on tour with you. 
Y/N never felt more alive after her father passed. It’s like Harry woken something inside of her. You never thought you would experiment with music with Harry Styles, the artist for this generation. You’re not going to lie that you would watched all of his interviews and he would talk about when he write songs he has no boundaries, and it’s crazy he upheld that ideology because Harry made sure you know that there’s no right or wrong way, the only way is to play around and see how it goes. 
“I’m going to get some water. Do you want some?” You ask Harry dropping your notebook on the coffee table that’s covered in rolled up papers and a lot of take out boxes.
“Yeah. Thanks.” He says. You nod at him, and you got up to grab two cups of ice water for you both. 
Your notebook page flipped to a new page and Harry couldn’t help but notice to see “Bubblegum Bitch” written in all caps. Harry got intrigued, so he happily kicked the table so the book could fall, so his excuse could be, “Y/N it fell.” 
Harry kicked the coffee table with his big ass feet and the notebook happily splat on the floor. Harry reached for it and started flipping pages to see that title again, and it took him a couple of tries to find it. 
“Got a figure like a pin-up, got a figure like a doll
Don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all
Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored
I'm the girl you'd die for”
Harry couldn’t help but not try to read all the lyrics. He wants to digest it all, but he knew Y/N could walk in any second. He couldn’t help but make a small gasp when he skimmed to the part of the song that had him falling on his knees 
“I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch.” 
“Harry, what are you doing?” Y/N says timidly. On the outside Y/N is calm and cool and collective, but on the inside you’re shaking and screaming. Your songs are attended only to you, not for other eyes to see. You’re still not confident with your writing abilities when it comes to songs for yourself, but knowing your idol probably read more than one line of your song is having you want the ground to swallow you up. 
“I’m not going to tiptoe around you and pretend Y/N. Bubblegum Bitch is amazing, fuck maybe fucking brillant Y/N. Shit.” Harry says he looks at you but goes back down to your notebook flipping pages after pages. 
You’re stuck where you’re standing. Feeling the condensation of two cups of water you’re currently holding is the only concept you’re able to maintain. 
Did Harry say that he likes your songs? Did he say brilliant? You’re not able to speak, all you’re able to do is walk up to the coffee table, drop the cups down and grab your notebook from Harry's grabby hands and collect your belongings. This is too much. You feel too much. You simply can’t right now. 
Harry sees you picking up your stuff and shoving your notebook and pens in your purse you bring every time you visit him. Harry couldn’t help, but feel bad that he could possibly make you feel uncomfortable. 
Harry stands up and starts walking up to where you are putting the last thing in your bag, “Y/N I’m sorry if me going through your stuff made you angry, but I couldn't help it Y/N. What I read was amazing, you’re amazing.” Harry hurrys out his words because he felt if he didn’t say it fast enough you would vanish. 
You’re trying to hold back your tears because it’s getting too much for you. The last time somebody read your stuff was your father, and right now you feel like you’re betraying the intimate moments you had with him. He was the one you would share your songs first with him. Now that he’s gone, you couldn’t put yourself out there to have someone else read it. You turn back around and you try to give a smile to Harry. 
“It’s okay, I- I just have to go. I’m sorry. We can talk later.” You push past Harry to make it to the front door, but you feel someone hand on your wrist so you immediately stop. 
“Y/N, I can’t have you leave, when I know that you’re not okay. Can you please talk to me? Please?” There’s a hint of sadness in Harry. You couldn’t bring yourself to leave him without having the answer he’s yearning for. 
You turn around and there’s Harry. His green eyes are pleading with yours, and you couldn’t help, but do what Harry is asking you to do. 
“Okay, I don’t want pity. Okay? Tell me you understand.” You ask Harry because the last thing you want from him is sympathy. 
“I promise Y/N. Would you mind if we sit down?” You nod your head and he walks you back with his hand in your hand. You both couldn’t help but feel some sort of palse running inside you both while holding each other's hands. It’s something both of you guys can’t simply forget. 
You got to the couch and you both sat down, no longer holding hands. You adjust yourself so you can face him. “Okay. My father died a couple of years ago and he was the only one I let read my stuff first. After he passed I never showed anyone my stuff because it would feel like I’m replacing him. I’m not mad that you read my stuff- I was just surprised, and I couldn’t help it but feel sadness creeping over me. Once again, I’m not angry at you, I’m just adjusting to a new milestone I just crossed without me not realizing it.” You say, and you’re hoping Harry doesn’t say, “Oh I’m sorry”  because you’re sorry to. 
“Well, I’m not sorry for your loss,” Harry says and you couldn’t help, but smile and laugh. “but I’m not sorry that I read it. You have something Y/N and I know you told me you haven’t had any experience in music industry, but fuck that. You have passion and I feel that every time we write something together in the past month, I don’t think I'll be able to forget about you when the summer is over.” Harry says. There was so much sincerity in what he just said.  
You thought it was all one sided because you felt so much being with Harry. You felt you were finally seeing a rainbow you hadn’t seen in a very long time. Harry brings so much out of you that you. Harry was always there when you were scared to take the first step. Him being there with you made it less scary because he was there every step of the way.
Harry didn’t expect he would’ve met someone this summer who would make such an impact on him. Harry thought he would do a lot of hooks up, go to parties and write for the entirety of the summer. But the universe had something planned for him. He met Y/N. He didn’t want to tell Y/N he that he found his first and only love, but he didn’t want to scare her. She could probably feel the same way or she only saw him as a friend but neither of them were ready for that big leap of faith. Even Y/N knew Harry is someone she couldn’t live without because he brings something out of you that you never felt in your entire life and that was courage and faith. 
Y/N met her faith. Only time could tell if faith would lead Harry and Y/N the soulmate they both were looking for.
“Harry, I don’t think I could possibly forget about you.” Y/N whisper because you felt if you used your normal voice the bubble you guys created would shatter within seconds.
Faith is a silly thing because faith could have you longing for something that’s impossible to grasp or faith could have you leaving you vulnerable, but that vulnerability could unlock something you never dreamt was even possible. 
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ahh im obsessed with the summer prompts. Can I request Lifeguard Tom with prompt 36 please? preferably fluffy ending but its all up to you thanks!
This became very long sorry bestie. I hope you still enjoy it tho! Love you so much, thank you for the request love!
Reminder to everyone else that the Summer of Love is still going on and I'll be accepting requests for it until September 22nd! You can find the prompt list here!
Let’s Give It a Shot
36 - It’s the last day of summer, and your last day together
Pairing: Lifeguard! Tom x Reader
Summary: Tom shows you exactly why you love him so much
Warnings: angst, crying, fighting
Summer of Love
Tom peaked at the bed as he pulled his shirt over his head, a smile came over his face at the sight.
“Good morning angel,” he cooed, “Like what you see?”
“I liked it better when you had your shirt off,” she teased, her voice still raspy and tired, “Remind me why we agreed to work today?”
“It’s only till noon,” he reminded as he bent to kiss her. He laughed as she attempted to pull him into bed, “I’ve got to get going, swim class starts at 7.”
She rolled onto her back and groaned, “Who the fuck takes their kids to swim class at 7?”
“Their toddlers angel, most of them have been up since 5,” he pecked her lips one final time before standing up, “I’ll see you at 8?”
She hummed, nodding once before she closed her eyes again, “Love you.”
“Love you too,” he watched her settle back into bed before leaving, closing the bedroom door as quietly as he could behind him.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
“Bye bye,” Tom waved to the kids as they padded through the lobby.
“We’ll see you all Thursday,” Harrison added.
“Well I really appreciate it,” Tom smiled in response, falling into the spinning chair that she usually sat in, “Seriously, I owe you.”
The kids filed out, being ushered away by their parents while the boys hung around the front desk.
“I can’t believe I agreed to take you shift,” Harrison yawned, stretching his arms above his head, “You’re such a dick.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m the best,” he glanced towards the door, just in time to spot (y/n), “Oh shit, fun’s over Tom, time to get back to work.”
“Ha ha,” she rolled her eyes, “What are you two doing at my desk huh?”
“You’re desk?” Tom smirked, “This is my desk today angel.”
“Oh and I suppose you want me to save the drowning children?”
“No,” he stood and grabbed her by the waist, “Haz is going to watch the pool today and I’m going to help you up front.”
She raised a brow and turned to Harrison, “Really?”
He nodded, “Course sweetheart, happy to give you a little extra time together.”
“Aw, thank you Haz,” she cooed, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“You’re welcome,” he gave her a squeeze before dropping her, “Alright, I’ve got to go clean up, you two just make sure everything is done. I don’t want to get in trouble because you two were making out instead of working.”
“We will, don’t worry,” she laughed, “Thank you guys, I couldn’t have dreamed up a better last day.”
“You’re welcome,” Tom hummed, pressing his lips to hers as she tried to reach for the computer behind him, “We could do this everyday if you stayed, I could switch to the front.”
“Tom you know I can’t,” she sighed, “I don’t think we should be having this discussion at work either, it’s just gonna make us both emotional.”
“You’re leaving tomorrow morning so I’m gonna be emotional no matter what,” he sighed, “You never want to talk about this.”
“Because I don’t like thinking about leaving. I don’t like the idea of being far away anymore than you do.”
“Then don’t leave,” he grabbed her hands, preventing her from getting to her job, “Just stay here. You can move in with us, Haz adores you, he won’t mind.”
“Tom I can’t. I have to go back to school, and right now I have to open, so can we please save this for later?”
He sighed and nodded, “Yeah, yeah, we can talk about it later.”
“Thank you,” she kissed his cheek before pushing across the floor.
He laughed as the chair spun away from her, “I don’t know how you expect me to help from all the way over here.”
“I expect you to go make sure the bathrooms are stocked,” she flashed him a cheeky smile while she popped open the register, “And I’m gonna count the cash.”
He sighed and dragged his feet towards the closet, “Fine, fine, I wouldn’t do it for anyone else though.”
The day continued as normal, despite Tom’s best attempts to distract (y/n) from work. Tom had surprised her by doing most of the work throughout the day, insisting she simply sit and handle the register. It was a nice change, normally when Tom hung out in the front it was just to steal drinks and tease. Tom busted through all of her tasks, seeming impossibly determined to get them home as soon as possible. He’d managed to do it too, Harry arrived at exactly noon and he’d rushed (y/n) right out the door.
“Hurry,” Tom shook her shoulders while she gathered her things.
“I am, I am, sheesh,” she shoved her phone into her purse and stood, “What’s the big rush?”
“I’ve just got a lot planned for today,” he beamed at her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, “Now come on, our first stop is this way.”
“Our first stop?” she knit her brow as he led her towards the pool, “Wait why are we going to the pool?”
“Because it’s our first stop,” he repeated, stopping just outside the doors, “See that?” he pointed to one of the lifeguard’s chairs.
She nodded, trying to imagine where he might be taking the conversation, “I do see the chair Tom.”
“It’s the most important chair in the world,” he kissed the top of her head with a smile, “Because I was sitting in that chair the first time I saw you.”
She flushed, biting her cheek to try and fight off her smile, “Stop.”
“I remember it exactly. You walked out of there and I just couldn’t take my eyes off you, you wouldn’t believe how disappointed I was when they said you were gonna be up front.”
“I thought you were pretty cute too.”
He laughed, “Thank God you did.”
“Did you bring me out here just for that?” she raised a brow, “You’re not trying to throw me into the pool?”
He shook his head, “No, just wanted to be a little sappy. Now I’m gonna take you on that date and be even sappier.”
“Lucky me,” she chuckled, “So, where are you taking me now?”
“Minx,” he smirked, “Alright darling, just get ready for the best date of your life.”
“Back home, I can’t parade around the town dressed like this,” he motioned to his swim trunks with a smile, “As much as you might like that.”
“I’d rather save that for tonight,” she teased back, “When I’ve got you all to myself.”
Tom took her home, refusing to reveal even the tiniest detail about their date as they both got ready. He claimed it would be long, that’d they’d be out until that night, but refused to give her any more details. He even went as far as to try and blindfold her when they got in the car, but he quickly dropped it when she refused. She expected he’d be taking her somewhere new or out of town because of this, she was completely in shock when he just drove her to a sandwich shop just up the street from the pool.
“Seriously? We eat here like everyday,” she rolled her eyes, “This cannot be it Tom.”
“It’s not,” he laughed, “Obviously I’ve got something more than this planned. I just thought we could stop here.”
“Because, if you remember,” he began to explain, a smile overtaking his features, “You stayed late to help me clean the pool and I took you to lunch as thanks. It was like our first half date.”
“Half date?” she laughed, “That is not a thing Tom.”
“Yes it is, it was the first time we hung out outside of work together, and it’s when I asked you out, it’s a half date.”
“Those are very specific circumstances that define a half date,” she pursed her lips, fighting her urge to smile.
“Whatever, the point is, this place is special because it reminds me of you,” he leaned over the middle console to press a kiss to her cheek, “And I just wanted to tell you that before we got to the real date.”
“Aw,” she cooed at him, “Don’t tell me it’s going to get even sappier than this.”
“Oh angel, just you wait, it’s only getting worse and worse from here.”
She watched out the windows as Tom drove her across town to another restaurant, though this time she knew exactly why he’d brought her there.
“Tom,” she bit her lip as she spoke, “This is incredibly cute.”
“Ah not here angel,” he grabbed her hands as she tried to open the door, “Just being sappy again. Remember what happened here?”
“Our first date, how could I ever forget that?” she smiled as she reminisced on the happy memories, “We got all dressed up and you brought me flowers. Then we talked until they closed, and we still couldn’t get enough of each other so you drove me up to that cliff side and talked all night.”
“No, no, it was nothing like that,” he rolled his eyes, “I picked you up and you looked so fucking gouregous I could barely speak. Then I took you to this restaurant and I tried so desperately and to seem interesting enough to keep your attention. For some reason you put up with me, and we talked and talked and talked. I thought you’d want to go home at the end of the night but you still weren’t sick of me so we drove up to that little lookout point and I fell madly and deeply in love with you while we talked the night away.”
“You did not fall in love with you on our first date,” she rolled her eyes, “You’re just trying to make me emotional.”
“I fell in love with you the first time I laid my eyes on you, it just took me a little while to realize it.”
She sighed, letting her head fall onto his shoulder, “I fell in love with you the first time we kissed. I’ve never felt like that with anyone else.”
“Mine was cuter,” Tom hummed as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“Oh whatever,” she rolled her eyes, “Alright, are we going to the real date now?”
“You’ll see, you’ll see,” he shushed her, driving just a few parking lots over to the local bowling alley, “Remember here?”
“Another one?” she sighed, “Alright, you took me here to introduce me to your brothers. I found out that I majorly suck at bowling that night.”
“Yeah you do,” he laughed, “But my brothers adore you, they treat you like a sister and it totally melts my heart.”
“Yeah, I think they’re cool too,” she chuckled, “So, is there an actual date or are you just taking me on a victory lap of the city?”
“There is a date, at the end of the victory lap,” he admitted, “There’s just a couple more things I want you to see first.”
“You’ll see, just give it a second,” he hummed.
Tom drove her all over the city, stopping anywhere with even the tiniest amount of significance. He took her to the club where they’d spent Harrison’s birthday, the fairgrounds where they spent way too much money on rigged games, even the local park, where her and Harry had gotten way too competitive with a game of frisbee golf. He took her to more sentimental spots too, like where they’d had their first kiss, the hill where they’d fallen asleep watching a meteor shower, the place where they’d first said I love you, where they’d had their first time. It was like a montage of their greatest hits, that had her falling in love with Tom, and the city, all over again. She was almost in tears when Tom finally declared that the tour was over, and it was really time for their date.
“Okay, where are we really going then?” she pressed, her eyes glued to the window for any clues, “I mean we’ve pretty much been everywhere already…”
“Looks like we’re heading to your place, or work,” she knit her brow.
“Does it?”
“Does it?” she mocked, “We have to get out of this car soon or I’m gonna pee myself.”
“Well,” he flicked his blinker on and turned into the pool parking lot, “Good thing we’re here.”
“Tom I swear to god I-”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he laughed, “But you can run inside real quick and use the restroom before we go.”
“They’re closed.”
“I have my keys,” he flicked off the car, grinning as he waved for her to follow, “Hurry up angel.”
She followed him inside, suspicious that he had some kind of ulterior motive, “We are not fooling around in there Tom.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” he hummed as he opened the front door, “Go on, take care of your business.”
“Thanks,” she scampered off to the bathroom, only to find Tom was missing when she returned, “Tom?” she peaked around the lobby but found nothing. She got no response when she knocked on the men's locker room door, and the employee lobby was empty. “Tom?” she called again, peeking at her phone for any hints, “Come on,” she sighed and headed for the pool.
Out jumped everyone she’d spent the summer with, Tom, Harrison, his brothers, everyone they’d worked with at the pool, all the friends she’s made across town. The pool was all lit up, lined with tables full of food and drinks. (y/n) was in shock, her jaw hung open as she took it all in.
“So,” Tom’s arms wrapped around her waist and he pressed a kiss to her cheek, “What do you think?”
“This is amazing,” she squeezed his hands, “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome,” he kissed her cheek again before stepping away, “We all wanted to make your last night really special.”
“It’s perfect,” she confirmed, “Seriously, I couldn’t imagine anything better than this.”
“Glad to hear it love,” Harrison wrapped his arm around her shoulders for a quick hug, “Come on though, you’ve got lots of people to say goodbye too.”
She was led around to say hi to everyone, progressively becoming more and more emotional as the night went on. Tom stuck right to her side, doing his best to comfort her as the night went on. It was nice, she appreciated the gesture and everyone being there, but the realization that this was her goodbye just kept creeping back up. Tom could tell she was drained by the end of the night, obviously ready to just curl up in bed.
“Angel, are you ready to go home?” he hummed.
“No, no, I’m okay,” she insisted, “We should stay and help clean up.”
“You can’t clean up your own party,” Harry rolled his eyes, “We’ll stay back and clean it up. If you’re ready to go you and Tom can head out.”
“Are you guys sure?” she wrung her hands nervously, “We can stay and help.”
Sam nodded, “Yeah, it’s not very much anyway, we’ve got this.”
“Thanks guys,” Tom squeezed her side, “Let’s get you home then yeah?”
She nodded, “Thanks guys.”
She moved to give each of them a hug, mumbling a quick goodbye, hoping to escape to the car as quickly as possible. Harry seemed to have other ideas in mind though.
“I love you,” he squeezed her tight.
“Aw, I love you too,” she chuckled.
“I’m gonna miss you so much sis,” he patted her back as she pulled away.
She forced a smile as she stepped away, waving to them while her and Tom slipped away.
“Are you alright?” Tom squeezed her waist.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” she insisted as she climbed into the passenger seat, “I just wanna go home.”
“Alright, we’ll go.”
“He called me sis.”
“Harry called me sis.”
Tom chuckled, “Well yeah, I told you earlier, they think of you like a sister.”
“But it’s different when he says it,” she sniffled, her facade finally crumbling, “I don’t wanna go Tom.”
He moved to her side as quick as he could and pulled her into him, “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to angel. If you want to stay you can, Haz and I would be more than happy to have you.”
“But I can’t! I can’t just ditch everything for a summer fling! I have to go back to school and my family and I have to go home! But I don’t want to go back there! I want this to be home, I don’t want to leave!”
Tom took a deep breath and kissed the top of her head before scooting back to his seat, “I know we went a lot of places today angel, but I’ve got one more thing to show you alright?”
“No I don’t wanna go fucking see anything else Tom! I just want to go home…”
“We will, I just want to show you one thing angel, it’ll make you feel better,” he promised, slipping a hand over hers, “It’ll be quick.”
She was quiet the rest of the short drive, he’d taken her to a small cafe, they’d only been there once before.
“Come on angel,” he waved for her to follow him.
“Why would you bring me here?” she scoffed.
“Just come on,” he insisted, smiling as she slammed the door behind her, “Come sit with me,” he patted his lap.
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms before falling into his lap, “Why are we here?”
“Do you remember what happened here?” he hummed.
She nodded, “Yeah, we had our first fight here, and it seems like you’re trying to have our second too.”
“No, I’m making a point,” he corrected with a smile, “We had our first fight here, and then we never came back here again. But that is not why I brought you here, I brought you here because that fight made me think about us, and the fact that you had to leave at the end of summer. I kept trying to think of ways around it or ways for us to minimize our time apart, but you know what thought never crossed my mind?”
“What?” she sank into her chair.
“That when summer came to an end we would break up, because we aren’t a summer fling. We never were, not even for a second, and the sacrifices we make are not for a summer fling, they’re for a real relationship that both of us treasure. If you really, really don’t want to go then you can stay, and I mean we’ve got a Uni nearby and you’ve always got somewhere to stay here. But if I’m the only reason you don’t want to go then you need to go, and we’ll suffer through the long distance until my lease with Haz is up and then I’ll move to you.”
She shook her head, “It’s not just you, I love this town, and the friends I’ve made here, it’s everything about this place. I just feel like I belong here, and I’ve never felt like that back home.”
“Obviously I’m biased here,” he chuckled, “But you could always just give it a semester out here, transfer back if you hate it, or vice versa. Just remember this long distance thing is going to be temporary no matter what, and even then we’re only a couple hours apart.”
She was silent as she tried to sort out her thoughts, “Yeah, school’s a little cheaper out here too, that’d be nice. A-And I haven't paid for anything yet this year so I’m not really obligated to go…”
“You don’t have to justify anything to me angel, obviously I want you to stay” he kissed her shoulder with a frown, “If you wanna give it a shot then I think you should, but if you don’t, we’re still gonna make this work, because I love you.”
“I love you too,” she sniffled while he wiped her eyes, “Thanks Tommy.”
@niallberry @namoreno @spideyssunshine @thevery-firstpage @outshineallthestars @roseke @zspideyy @tomsirishgirlx @emistrash @andreagf956 @peachyafshawn @spideyspeaches
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echo-three-one · 3 years
How ‘bout Jealous Soap x reader?
Hello Earthisdonut 🌍 🍩
I saw your ask while I was at work and I can't stop thinking about how the story goes... I had a lot of ideas but as I wrote, it kept on swinging on the other direction. Maybe it's my feelings being resonated into the words or an entire force telling me to go this way. Anyways here you go...
A jealous soap x reader fic.
Take me home
You take a deep breath and closed your eyes, clearing away the mixed sounds of random chatter, loud tv commentary and the all the yelling. 'Friday evening shifts are the worst' you thought to yourself as you make your way back to your station, wearing a smile on your face.
"Hey miss!" a customer whistled from the far end of the counter. You hastily walked to him and smiled. 
"What can I get you?" you asked with sincerity in your voice. You've worked long enough to master the art of faking a smile when in fact you are tired, but this job is all you have and the tips kept the bills afloat.
"Two beers and roasted nuts, please." He ordered, you were impressed at how kind he was, unlike the other new customers who reeked of rudeness and bad manners.
"Coming right up, Sir!" you winked as you tend to his order, mentally noting his tab for later. You hand him over the beer, placed on a circular chip that served as a coaster, followed by a heaping bowl of roasted nuts.
This kind of scene continued throughout the night, just with different kinds of people with different combinations of orders. You feel tired but you tend to forget it when you look at the tip jar, the thing that kept you moving forward. It's also the thing that's holding you back from life, you remembered when your best friend told you that you should unwind sometimes instead of rendering overtime during your day offs, to which you replied : "Soon enough", and that was well over a year ago.
As you wiped off the recently left spot by the counter, a well built man immediately took the spot and sat down, you tilted you head upward as the action surprised you. There he was, you couldn't miss his look, he stood out on the crowd because of his haircut, a perfectly cut mohawk and a scar on his left eye. He grinned at you, his blue eyes looked excited as soon as it met yours.
"John? I didn't know you'd be home!" You gasped as soon as you realized he's actually there, quickly putting a shot glass and pouring his favorite drink.
"Hey Y/N! I knew I'd find you here!" his hand gestured for a shake but he quickly dismissed it as soon as he realized he couldn't do it while you're at work.
"Yeah, working as always." you replied, trying to sound contented. He smiled at you as he raised his glass and downed the drink. You couldn't help but look at the way his Adam's apple moved as he consumed the drink.
His face turned into something incomprehensible as he let the taste of the strong alcohol set in, making you chuckle a little. His eyes turned to you as he heard you laugh.
"What's funny?" he asked. You simple shook you head and poured another pint on his shot glass. 
"I'll be back in a few. I have to serve drinks for these wild crowd." You informed him, but as soon as you were about to step out, you hear him stand up.
"What time will you be off?" He asked.
"Two more hours." You replied without looking back. You could feel your cheeks warm up and an uncontrollable smile plastered on your face. 
"Okay. I'll be here till then." he yelled as you entered the door to the employee's area. 
'Shit Shit shit shit.' you whispered to yourself as you regain composure. He felt way off. He didn't act like this toward you before. You could feel something odd between you two, and you're very distracted about it.
You made your way to your manager's office to request a five minute break. You knew he'd approve a breather from you because he was a accommodating to you since day one. You believed it's because you always give it your all in every shift.
You softly knock on his office door and pushed it slightly ajar, peeking your head through it as you saw him on his desk, doing some paperwork.
"Ah, Y/N. You need anything, love?" he greeted in his usual tone. His endearment didn't matter you as he calls every female "love".
"Can I take a five? Just needed to breathe." you huffed. He nodded in approval and stood up. 
"Let's puff it out, yeah?" he smiled as he offered a stick of cigarette.
The cold breeze of the Saturday evening wrapped around your work uniform. The noise from the bar was muffled but occasional screams would echo across the street. You exhaled a long stream of cigarette smoke through your mouth as the relaxing feel of nicotine coursed through your system. Smoking was your go-to activity whenever you feel extreme unexplained emotions, such as seeing John MacTavish after a long time.
"Tough crowd?" Your manager turned his head to you as you casually leaned on the cold metal railing.
"Not really. I just saw someone I least expected to see." You retorted, pressing your lips against the cigarette butt as you closed your eyes and inhaled the vice.
"Someone you hate?" He queried. 
"Not necessarily. But at one point of my life, maybe... It's just... it's complicated." You complained, sighing at the thought of him once again. You mentally fought against yourself whether to reminisce or not, reminding yourself that the reason you went out here was to clear your head, not to fill it with memories of summer 4 years ago.
You fixed your posture and flicked off the cigarette butt to the ashtray. Your boss followed, escorting you back to the office. 
"Thanks for the company. I needed it." You thanked him as you crossed the street. He hummed in acknowledgement as he opened the door for you. You couldn't help but scan the room quickly for a mohawk, but he wasn't around. Maybe he went to the bathroom, you thought to yourself as you get back to your station.
9:59 pm. Your eyes trailed to the huge digital clock by the door, rapidly moving across the crowd still no mohawk in sight. This actually made you sad, he wasn't the kind of guy who dissappoints, you always saw him as a man of his word. You did confirm that he already paid for his tab about an hour and a half ago, just after your short break.
Guess you're going home alone. So much for ' I'll be here till then' you mentally argued, frowning as you wiped off the last glass in the tray.
10:00 pm. You sighed and lazily grabbed your time card and let the huge metal clock record your departure. You felt your energy quickly deplete due to the dissappointment that is John MacTavish.
"See you on Monday!" you waved goodbye to your coworkers who seemed to notice your sudden loss of energy. You push the back door slowly and stepped outside. It was getting cold and you weren't prepared for it.
"Hey." A low scottish accent muttered just beside you, making you yelp in surprise.
"Holy crap, you scared the shit out of me!" you angrily punched his strong arm, hurting yourself in the process.
"I'm sorry." he spoke lazily, almost tired or drunk. You couldn't exactly tell, but it was far from his tone earlier. 
"Pretty chilly, eh?" you asked him, imitating his accent. Something that you always considered a major turn on when it comes to him.
"A little bit. And your impression is way off, I don't say it like that." he retorted nonchalantly making you worry if something happened while he was waiting.
"You seem a little off, what's the problem?" you asked, playfully bumping him while you walked the empty streets on your way home.
"It's just... uh.. Nevermind." he trailed off, his secrecy was making you impatient and you stopped on your tracks. He continued walking, looking down at the ground until he noticed you're no longer beside him.
He turned back. "You forgot something?" 
"I don't get you." you raised your voice. He slowly walked back to you until he's just inches away from your face.
"Yeah. I'm sorry. I should've just asked..."
"Asked what? You told me you'd stay here till my shift is over and then you're gone like that?" you complained, the tone of your voice was demanding and you could see him flinch when words hurt.
"I didn't want to raise suspicion." 
"Who would be suspicious of you?!"
"Shortly after you left, I took a smoke. But I didn't do it by the smoking area. I was way up here, enjoying the breeze." he said, turning to the smoking area which was very visible from up here. Was he sad because he saw you and your manager by the smoking area? What kind of eyes did he have? You didn't want to assume things so you started to supply him with questions to fill in the blanks.
"And? Was the area too sad for you to be all emo like that all of a sudden?" you complained, soing your best impression of an angry person, but you know deep inside that you couldn't get angry at this man.
"Yeah. You could say that." he chuckled. He couldn't even look at you anymore.
"Bullshit." you retorted. He slowly tilted his head and smiled as soon as your eyes met. The view was so gorgeous you almost felt like the world was in slow motion.
"You don't have to believe me if you want. Why are you walking with me home anyway. You could've said no. I bet he has some nice fancy car to drive you home." he blurted, fog started to huff out of his mouth as the snow started to fall from the sky.
"Where are you going with this, John?" you spat, letting the emotions get the best of you. If only he was clear enough then this wouldn't have happened.
"I saw the two of you smiling while talking, I thought to myself. Yeah, she's happy with that bloke huh, I wish I knew that before I invited her earlier." he breathed out. You almost felt guilty, but it wasn't your fault. He easily assumed things that weren't even true.
"What made you think we're together? Just because we're smoking together doesn't mean we're in a relationship. Is that what you thought?" you replied, fighting back helping him on his way to the truth.
He paused, it's as if his whole thought process was shattered when your words stung him. 
"I got jealous. To be fair, I was gone for 4 years... I always thought you already found someone else within that time." he frowned. It was not usual of him to feel this vulnerable.
"Look-" you tried to explain but you suddenly felt his warm embrace wrapped around you.
"I'm sorry..." he whispered. The same words he said before leaving 4 years ago. The same words that hurt you back then and the same words that's going to hurt you at this moment. He was the one that got away, he was the one whom you shared your most magical moments with, but not the one who's going to be there until the end. He'll have to leave anytime soon, as his job requires him to save the world. You told him he could settle for less risky world saving endeavors but he insisted that this was his purpose. And you were not willing to let him choose again.
"You know... you're not supposed to feel jealousy." you consoled, rubbing his well sculpted back. 
"I know... I couldn't help it." he whispered. 
"Let's get you home, John." you whisper to him as he pulls away from you, his face pouted like a baby whose candy got stolen.
"Why are you here anyway?" you added.
"I'm getting reassigned to a new task force. I figured I could say goodbye to someone I hold dear." he smirked, he felt normal, but then again you couldn't help but feel that this would be the last time you'll be seeing him. You we're thinking he won't be able to travel freely back here anymore or worse, he'll be the hero the world wanted him to be.
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enigma-im · 3 years
First Day of Christmas...
Trope: Childhood friends who remeet as adults Relationship: Orc x Human Word Count: 3,323
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I wander around by the creek during a hot summer day. My mother has warned me against traveling here alone, but the chance of catching a frog to terrorize the other kids is far too tempting. With a stick in hand, pants legs rolled up, I waddle through the shallow. Little fish swim by my toes, frogs scurrying out from under the mud. The task is far more challenging than I thought. I poke the stick at every leaping creature, falling short every time.
"What are you doing," a boy asks from the other side of the creek. Startled, I snap to attention, looking at a small orc. He looks to be older than me, definitely taller, but how can I know?
"catching frogs," I answer.
"really? Why," he asks.
"I don't know," I grumble," because frogs are neat." I look to my feet, spotting a frog lazily swimming by. I ready my stick, slowing guiding it towards it's back. As fast as I can manage I push down. Crouching down I look to the stick, huffing in frustration as I'm left empty-handed.
"Why a stick," he interrupts my pity party.
I shrug," it's how Tommy Howser caught his frog."
"Well Tommy Howser is an idiot," he chuffs, bending down to roll up his pants.
"Oh yea," I snap," why is that?"
He trod through the water," because you're just stabbing the frog, so unless you want to eat them I suggest not poking them super hard with a stick."
The orc stops before me, snatching the stick from my hand with a huff. He tosses it aside before looking around. I watch him, observing his small tusks and short shaggy hair. I've never seen an orc with short hair. He catches my attention, pointing to the shore. I spot a frog resting on the bank, the water barely lapping at its body. The orc sneaks over, hands raised as he angles himself. Quickly, he strikes out, cupping his hands around the frog. He pinches the little creature by the legs, making it stretch out as he walks over all smug.
"See, Tommy Howser is an idiot," he grins. I ignore the jab, waddling over to look at the frog.
"Whoa," I reach out and pet it," you were so fast!"
"Of course I am," he puffs his chest," I am orc, orcs are meant to be quick and strong."
I don't pay him any mind, stretching out my hands," can I hold it?"
"Yea," he arranges his grip," pinch him around the legs and he can't hop away." I nod eagerly. I do as he says, pinching the legs, holding it with utter fascination. The little guy wiggles in my hand, it's legs trying to kick, but he can't get away. I admire it's dark green skin, comparing it to the orc's similar tint.
"I'm Lum, by the way," he says.
I smile up at him," I'm Thea. You think you can teach me how to catch a frog?"
"Of course I can," he thumps his chest," I can teach you anything."
We spend the afternoon waddling around the creek, catching and releasing frogs together.
The summer is spent similarly to that day. We upgrade from frogs to fish, from fish to birds. I learn a great deal about hunting from him, enjoying myself more than I ever have. I even get to teach him a few things, though nothing as useful as what he teaches me. The day I find out he doesn't know what tag is, is the day I begin my mission to play every child's game I know.
In the middle of fall, I sit down next to Lug eating lunch. He has been silent most of the day, barely saying anything even when I bait him into a conversation.
"What's wrong, Lug," I finally ask, setting my apple down. He sighs, dropping his head.
"I'm leaving next week," he pouts.
"Leaving," I ask," where?"
"I don't know, just south," he answers," my ma told me we have to follow the herd for winter."
I scoff," I don't even know what that means. Why would you follow a herd?"
He smiles, turning to me," we follow the herd so we don't starve. The land becomes barren in the winter and we need to eat a lot as orcs. So if we follow the herd, we can follow the food."
I huff, arms crossed," well I don't like it." Lug chuckles, scooching closer to give me a side hug.
"It's ok, Thea, we come back here every spring. So I'll be back, it will just be a while," he squeezes my shoulder," besides, it's not like I can teach you anything in the winter anyway. Everything is migrating or hibernating that hunting here would be difficult."
I push off his arm, pouting as I turn my back on him," I don't care, I want my friend here."
I hear him sigh, the leaves crunching as he walks around. His feet stop in front of me, crouching to catch my eye. I give in, looking at his stupid cocky face. He drops a hand onto my shoulder.
"I'll be back by the time the last snowfall melts, I swear it," he places his hand on his heart," I make an oath to always come back."
I snort back some snot," you better."
"I will. Now enough with this mushy stuff," he stands," I bet I can catch more frogs than you."
I hop up to my feet," you wish!"
The winter was sad, like many after that. As he promised he comes back every spring, meeting me by the creek with a cocky smile and slightly longer hair. He always has something new to teach me, happy to do so. My father doesn't much care for it once he found out, but I could hardly care.
My parents find out about Lug the first spring he came back. They noticed my dower mood during the winter then my grand smile in the spring. To my surprise they were alright with Lug, asking to meet him. We share a meal, my father asking way too many questions till mother shoos us off to play.
Every spring is started with a meal with my parents then a long recap on our winter. It's a lovely tradition that lasts a few years.
Lug and I are strong friends well into the years. Things hardly change between us, being close as ever. We play and fight, arguing and making up quickly. Growing into our own as we become teenagers. My father hovers around then, setting curfews and weird rules. The attitude change with my father and Lug is one I had to confront Lug about. He waved it off as nothing, distracting me easily.
It isn't till 15 that I understand why father was so uptight with Lug's and I's friendship. Weeks of build-up brings me to startling discoveries about new wants. I've been looking at Lug in a new light, noticing him doing the same. He is my first kiss, sharing an awkward chaste one near the creek. It's weird and right at the same time. That summer we learn very different things besides hunting and gathering. Kisses become way more enjoyable after a while.
My sixteenth year is the worst year of my life.
Fall approaches too fast, I've never had a reason to hate fall until Lug came into my life. The trees changing colors now puts me in a sour mood. The walk to the creek knowing that it may be the last time this year that I get to is troublesome. Though Lug has ways of distracting me from those thoughts until he has to wave goodbye that evening.
I meet Lug by the creek like usual, plopping down beside him with a huff. He seems far worse than I do today, the worry rising more and more the longer he stays silent. I grab his hand, threading my fingers between his.
"What's wrong," I bump his shoulder. He sighs, squeezing my hand in his.
"I have something to tell you that I know you won't like," he starts, his voice low and angry. It's rare to hear him angry, only truly seeing him mad once when his father forbade him from joining the hunting pack when he was a fresh teen.
"You can tell me anything, I can take it," I try to be courageous. It's easier to act strong when he needs it.
"I'm leaving for a little longer than before," he glances at me out the corner of his eye.
"W-well, that's ok," I try to be optimistic," I've waited months for you, what's a few more?"
He winces," it's not going to be just a few months."
I stutter on my attempt of cheer," a-a year? That's ok, I'll be fine. It's just one year, right?" he looks up to me, his eyes a bit red. My heart squeezes at the sight.
"It's a lot longer than a year, Thea," he answers. My throat tightens, threatening to choke me.
"H-How long," I ask, trying to fight back the stinging in my eyes.
"I don't know, I just know it's going to be a long time," he says, reaching out to cup my face," but I promise I'll be back. I will come back for you." he tugs my head down, resting his forehead against mine.
I sniffle," you better," I mimic the words I said that first time. He chuckles, lifting my hand and twisting it palm up. His hand covers mine, something cold sitting between our palms.
"I vow to you that I'll be back, and you know an orc never breaks their vows," he thumps his chest. I clench whatever's in my hand as I laugh.
"Yea, I know," a tear rolls down my cheek. He pets the drop away, pulling me in for a kiss. It's bittersweet, but sweet nonetheless.
We sit like this, holding one another for longer than necessary. He reluctantly lets me go, getting up off the ground. We part with a final kiss, neither one of us ready to let go knowing that we won't see one another tomorrow.
"I love you, Thea," he pecks my forehead.
I shut my eyes," I love you too, Lug."
He leaves me standing near the creek. I cry to myself, nearly falling back to the ground in my pain. I finally look to my hand, uncurling my fingers to see a thread with a wooden totem attached to it. I smile despite it all, admiring the little carving with care. I'll see him again, even if I have to wait a lifetime.
Fall becomes winter, winter becomes spring. It's hard to see the snow melt knowing that Lug won't be waiting for me. I still end up waiting by the creek, looking at the frogs as I remember the many failed attempts of snatching one. Every year I come back to the creek, hoping that this year would be the year. I always leave feeling a little more empty.
Time goes on as I grow into my own, no longer a bumbling teen but a grown woman. I get my first job at a bakery, working for a family friend until their son can take up the business. It's humbling work, though suitors take the chance to flirt while I cook in the back. My father is rather angry that I shoo off the young men trying to get a nibble of something more than pastries. I can't bring myself to argue with him.
I gain my second job at a bar, working as a waitress in my 20s. The lively people bring on a new level of enjoyment that the bakery didn't have. Fellows still take the chance to flirt but it's easier to cast aside as they are mostly drunk. Travelers come in, sharing tales of the adventures that make the time go by quicker. I like my job, though going home makes the emptiness inside louder.
I wipe up the bar, picking up empty glasses and litter as I go. The night is rather dull, only having the normal regulars in. it's to be expected as the winter comes to an end. Business should pick up as spring begins and the critters come out of their holes for mating season. The bell at the front door rings, catching my attention.
I look up to see an orc walking in.He is rather large, clearly strong, and proud of it. His hair is braided down his back, beads adorning a few smaller strands. He is very handsome like most orcs are. I don't pay him any mind, use to orcs quickly finding their spots and calling out their orders.
Polishing a glass I catch sight of the orc sitting in front of me at the bar. His large hands rest clasped on the bar top, a ring resting around his thumb.
"Hello," I smile sweetly at them," what can I get ya?"
He smirks, dropping his eyes to his hands," Fire Brandy, please."
"Please? Already the most polite customer I've had this month," I tease as I grab a tumbler, pouring his brandy.
"Is please such an unused word nowadays? Damn the discipline of mothers, not teaching their children manners," he jokes back. I snort, passing him his drink.
"well said," I knock on the bar," a please and a thank you can get you far these days."
"That right? The only thing it's gotten me is brandy and a word of praise from a cute barmaid," he smirks.
I fluster at his words, turning away to grab a dry rag," don't know about that last bit but I hope you know basic manners doesn't pay for your drink."
"Damn," he huffs," what's the point now, ain't getting anything out of it."
"Gets my respect," I offer.
He pretends to ponder," I'll take it."
I smile to myself, focusing on polishing the glasses. The orc watches me, drinking his brandy slowly. I pass him a few glances, blushing each time he offers me a smile. He really is cute, but I can't say that I'm too interested.
"Lovely necklace you have there, can't say that I've seen that totem too often," he says. My hand immediately grasps the little wood craving, my heart fluttering with the action.
"Yea, a friend made it for me," I answer casually.
"A friend? I don't think that's what that totem means," he leans forward on the bar, inspecting the carving.
"Well, friends is just an easier term. We weren't lovers, being too young for something like that," I blush at the idea.
"Yea? Don't mind telling me about this 'friend' while I waste some time," he asks. I can't help but jump at the offer, wanting to finally break the seal that's bound these memories away. Mother and Father didn't want to hear about Lug so often. Which is understandable.
"No, you don't wanna hear a story of lost love," I shuffle away, putting the freshly polished glasses away.
"Of course I do, what better story than one with young love," he rests his chin on his head," please, I'd love to hear it."
I watch him, nearly smiling at his devoted attention. With a sigh, I lounge against the bar.
"We met when we were like eight, at least I was eight. I was catching frogs by the creek when he just appeared across the way," I start.
"Why were you catching frogs? I thought little girls hated that kind of stuff," he asks.
I shrug," I wanted to show off to the boys that I could catch a frog too. One of them said he caught one using a stick to trap it against the dirt. I wanted to try it."
He scoffs," why would anyone use a stick to catch a frog?"
"I don't know," I laugh," he probably didn't want to get his hands dirty."
"Damn Tommy Howser," he shakes his head with a smile," such a wimpy boy."
"Yea, he was," I laugh with him," makes sense he moved out to the city then."
"He moved out to the city? Gods, his parents should have taken him there when he was a child," he scoffs. I can't help but smile, the words taking a bit longer to register. When it does, I startle.
"How did you know about Tommy Howser," I ask. He stiffens.
"Uh, I heard about him," he lies," from other people."
I cross my arms," what other people? Tommy hasn't lived here in three years." he flounders for another lie, falling short with a sigh of defeat.
"Hello, Thea," he nibbles on his cheek," I see you kept the necklace."
I freeze. It can't be, surely this large hulking orc couldn't possibly be him.
"Lug," I ask with a choked cry. He smiles wide, nodding. I can't speak, my eye stinging as I finally see the resemblance. He truly has grown into the man he always said he would be. As handsome as he was seven years ago.
Without much thought I jump over the bar, him helping me down before pulling me close. I hug him, my arms barely touching around his hulking frame. A sob rips from my throat as I cry tears of pure joy. He pets my back, nuzzling his head against mine.
"I'm sorry I took so long," he mumbles as he kisses my cheeks," I didn't expect to be gone so long. I apparently had a lot more to learn from the elders than I anticipated."
"You’re here now," I look up at him," that's all the matters."
Lug smiles like a fool before roughly pushes his lips against mine, his tusks way more prominent now than when we were kids. I cup his rough cheek, feeling the hairs prick at my palm. He is so different now, but still exactly the same. God, I've missed him.
We part, smiling like idiots in love. He wipes the tears off my face, I pet at his cheek. My heart feels ready to explode at the happiness coursing through my veins. Lug looks the same with his great toothy grin and wondering hands.
"I waited for you, I'm so glad I did," I look him over," you got hot."
He barks out a boisterous laugh," glad you think so, I got big and strong for you. And you…gods, you look amazing."
"oh stop," I blush.
"No," he tugs my hips to his," now that I finally have you I'm going to shower you with sweet praises and worship your body like a holy temple." I gulp, my insides turning to mush as he leans down to kiss at my neck.
"Whoa, let's slow down," I grab at his braid," I'm still at work."
He growls in frustration, pulling back," alright. How much longer?"
"Till close, which should be soon," I answer," you don't mind waiting around, right?"
"I've waited seven years, what's a few more hours to that," he says.
Lug keeps me company till the last patron leaves. The second I finish the last bit of cleaning he has me in his arms, kissing me breathless. He has half a mind to pull back, smiling down at my dazed face with glee.
I break out of his arms, grabbing his hand to tug him out the bar and into the cold night. I pull him down into a kiss, not able to hold off for another second.
"I love you, lug," I mumble against his lips.
"I love you too, Thea," he answers in kind.
"Are you going to take me home now," I ask with a wicked grin.
He growls, lifting me up and over his shoulder. I laugh, blushing as he palms my rear. I've missed him so much and we have a lot of time to make up.
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masonscig · 3 years
pairing | mason x sofía
word count | 2.4k
warnings | mention of rook’s death and breaking her wrist when she was a kid, so you know. a little angst. some suggestive language towards the end!
author’s note | so this is my late entry for day one of warm in wayhaven, cooking – as usual when i’m writing these two i can’t shut up for the life of me
He wakes up from his first nap in a week to the smell of chicken.
There’s only one person in the entire warehouse that could be cooking at 2 in the morning without burning the place down.
He trods barefoot down the dark hallway, his sweatpants hung low off his hips.
Putting on pants was a formality, really. But he had roommates that’d have aneurysms over anything less, so he’s usually at least half clothed when he ventures outside of his room.
The smell gets a lot stronger, mixes with other scents the closer he gets.
Her heartbeat’s stronger in his ears, though, so he keeps going, despite the way his nose is crinkled and his fists are clenched.
When he makes his way to the kitchen, he stops at the doorway, perching his hip against the frame.
She’s pulled a chair up to the stove, chin balanced on her knees that are up against her chest.
Her eyes are glued to the big silver pot that sits there, steam leaking out from the ventilation tiny holes in the lid.
Her hair’s tossed up in a messy bun, and from the glimmer of light from the overhead light above the stove, he can see that a few strands are plastered to the back of her neck and forehead.
She reaches out to twist the knob all the way to the left, then struggles to pick the pot up.
Despite him not announcing himself, he’s next to her in a flash, moving the pot to the other burner in a flash.
“Oh, hey,” she murmurs distractedly. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
She nods, barely even giving him a second glance, grabbing the lid and placing it on the counter.
The steam threatens to curl higher and higher, but with a quick flip of a switch, the stove’s fan is pulling it into its vents.
There’s something definitely wrong with her – she’ll bake cupcakes for an elementary school bake sale at 2 a.m., but never soup. Who the fuck makes soup in the dead of night?
“I’m not an expert on human food by any means,” he starts, grimacing at the way the scent wafts towards him when she swirls the wooden spoon through the broth. “But why the hell are you making soup when it’s hot as fuck outside?”
She shrugs, dipping the spoon flat against the surface of the hot broth, filling it to the brim. “I was hungry.”
She brings it to her mouth, lips pursed, and blows on it, thin tendrils of steam floating towards him.
He’s still trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with her when she sips it, a small tired smile blooming across her features.
The soft breathy hum that buzzes from her throat is low enough for both of them to hear, nearly matching the pitch of the whirring fan.
He doesn’t wanna press his luck with her, considering they're being civil.
It’d been a week since they were ambushed and she came face to face with her attempted kidnapper.
Things between Mason and Sofía were already… complicated, to say the least.
Different attitudes, different wants, different needs. He’d managed to fail in all three of those categories, disappointing her over and over without really trying to.
There was a certain level of avoidance from the both of them for the days following the ambushing. It’s not that he wanted to get her alone nor he did he care if she was avoiding him, but this was the first time he’d been alone with her all week, so he wasn’t going to actively try to fuck this up.
“That’s it?” he asked, keeping it simple.
She ignores him, instead flitting around the kitchen to grab a bowl and a spoon.
Well, she’d be amicable if she kept quiet – she wasn’t wrong with that one.
He watches as she fishes out sliced vegetables, an ear of corn, and chicken, then fills the bowl to the brim with broth.
Setting it on the table, she grabs a stained tortilla warmer from the microwave and scoots up to her bowl, digging in with one hand, a tortilla rolled in the other.
She’s still sweating under the heat, her chest glistening, the seams of her tattered tank damp underneath her armpits.
He sinks into the chair across from her, arms crossed. 
“You gonna keep ignoring me?”
“Maybe,” she says from behind her hand (and around a mouthful of veggies).
“Tell me to leave, then, and I’ll go. Just say the word, sweetheart.”
He knows she won’t.
She lifts her eyes from the bowl to meet his own lazy gaze. Without saying another word, she dunks her rolled tortilla in the broth and takes a bite.
“That’s what I thought. You gonna tell me what’s wrong?”
“You’re not that invested in my life outside of work, are you?” She challenges, mashing the back of her spoon against a vegetable until it’s smooth, scooping it up with a little broth and popping it into her mouth.
He shrugs. “I just know you’re lying, that’s all.”
“You lie all the time,” she counters immediately, pointing the tip of the spoon at him.
“When?” He knows she’s right, but she hasn’t brought it up since she stormed away from him outside of the warehouse, drenched and shivering.
“You lied at the bakery.”
He leans forward till his elbows are on the table, resting his chin on the back of his interlaced fingers.
“So that’s what you’re upset about.”
He’s a foot away from her, the temptation of closing the gap between them nearly tugging his shoulders forward.
Her face contorts into a grimace, bordering on disgust. “That’s not at the forefront of my mind, no.”
She swirls her spoon around the bowl, eyes following the movements of her wrist.
“I hate the summer. I always have.”
He stifles a wince as he leans back until his bare back presses against the cool plastic.
“Bad things always happen to me in the summer, you know? Dad died during the summer. Mom forgot to pick me up at science camp for a full twenty-four hours when I was 9, and I had to spend a whole day alone with no friends after everyone had gone home. That’s also the same summer she took her first month-long assignment.
“The next summer, they extended it from a month to a full summer. I broke my wrist on my neighbor’s trampoline, and she didn’t even visit me until my cast was getting sawed off.
“Bobby dumped me for the first time during the summer before he studied abroad so he could sleep with whoever he wanted.”
She shakes her head, dropping the spoon and tortilla.
“Sorry, I, uh, I’m just happier in the fall and winter,” she smiles apologetically.
“And that’s why you’re makin’ soup at 2 a.m.?” He asks, eyeing her warily.
“Yeah, kinda. It sounds stupid when you put it like that, really,” she giggles, scooting the bowl forward so she can rest her elbows there too, her chin in her hands.
A sigh escapes her, low and grim. “This dish is really special to me.”
He waits for her to continue, but she just sinks her teeth into her bottom lip instead, chewing nervously at the skin there.
He kicks his toe against her slipper clad foot, a gentle nudge to get her to speak.
He’s gotten pretty good at reassuring her without words, he thinks. Better than when they first met, that’s for damn sure.
“My favorite picture of my dad and I is one where I’m sitting at my high chair and I barely have two teeth in my mouth and my dad is feeding me mashed zucchini and yucca root. He’s laughing and smiling like he wouldn’t rather be doing anything else in the entire world than eating soup with his daughter.”
Mason stiffens at the mention of her father, and even worse so, feels remorse start to trickle into his bones.
It’s stupid to think he could’ve done anything. He pushes those thoughts to the side, recognizing the remaining scrappy morsels of humanity in him clawing its way to the surface. Impulse has always been the most human part of him – maybe she’s changing that.
He doesn’t really know who he was before this, but what he does know is any inkling of humanity he has surfaces when he’s with her.
Yeah, he can’t feel what it’s like to lose a parent, but watching Sofía tear up over bittersweet memories was enough on its own.
“Your dad cooked?”
“Yeah, from what I can remember, yeah. All of our old cookbooks are in his and my abuela’s handwriting.”
She looks like she wanted to say something more, so he leans back, arms across his chest, waiting.
“When I was in high school, I tried making it on my own and it was so shitty. I wanted to surprise Rebecca, because I knew she was getting back from a stressful work trip, and I couldn’t do it like he did. She didn’t even notice that I’d tried,” she sighs, picking up her spoon again to sip the broth.
She hums again, chews, swallows.
“I don’t know why I was so naive back then, you know? I thought I could chop a couple veggies and toss them into seasoned water and it’d turn out just like Dad made it.
“In reality, I didn’t even know what it tasted like. My mom described the taste to me once before, but she never cooked, so I just went off of what she told me. I romanticized the whole thing right down to making up the flavor in my own head.”
“That’s probably why I made the soup tonight. I miss when I was happy, but even then, what the fuck did that even look like to me? I’m just telling myself I was happy because I saw photos of me being happy, but I can’t recall that feeling by memory at all.”
She darts a hand under her eyes to rub it away before he notices, but he can see her eyes glistening.
“How am I homesick for a life that was never really great to begin with, you know?”
He leans forward, brows furrowed. “It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember. Fuck those old memories. Make new ones.”
He’s speaking from the heart now, compelled to say something before his mind can stop him.
Chuckling with a quick sniffle, she gets up to grab a drink from the fridge. “I know you mean well, but it’s hard when you’ve got an active bounty on your head.”
“Things will get better.” He’s not a beacon of positivity in the slightest, but she’s too good to be feeling this bad, so he has to say something.
“Things can get better.”
“It’s not guaranteed. Not for me, at least. Probability’s never worked out in my favor,” she smiles weakly, unscrewing the cap to the water and sipping it politely.
“You’ve got a team making sure things will get better, sweetheart. No matter what.”
“You’re all here by force, though. After you leave, I’m still gonna be stuck here, and –”
She waves her free hand, the other one gripping the damp water bottle.
“I’m sorry. I’m just tired. I’ll be less of a mess in the morning.”
“Not all of us,” he says, delayed, but hoping she gets it.
“Not all of us what?”
“Are here by force.”
She grips the bottle harder, the plastic crackling. She knows what he means now.
“That’s… uh, good to know,” she murmurs, a smile tugging at her features. “Thanks.”
“Didn’t do anything to warrant a thanks.”
She rolls her eyes, sitting back down at the table. “You’re gonna have to get used to my manners, Mason.”
“Never,” he smirks, leaning over the table, over the soup, running his thumb over her bottom lip before standing.
“You don’t like it because you don’t have any.”
He snorts, a hearty laugh ripping out of his vocal cords and echoing off the tile flooring. “Damn right.”
She smiles, too, this time though with her whole body. It’s dim in the kitchen, but she’s shining nonetheless.
The smell’s grown on him a little bit. The shit honestly reeks, but he doesn’t mind it.
He follows her when she makes her way to the cabinets underneath the countertops, retrieving a big glass bowl.
When she bends down, he tentatively steps behind her, leaving a hair’s width space between them. He’s hesitating to touch her, even as she glances back at him reassuringly and closes the gap between his stomach and her back.
The hum that leaves her this time as he hooks a lazy arm around her waist sounds just like the one she let out when she tasted the soup.
She gently guides his hands to grip the edges of the bowl while she pulls the pot closer.
“So what’s this shit called?” He asks, crinkling his nose as she ladles it in, grimacing when some splashes his hand.
He knows he’s there for something, but he can’t quite remember what for when she licks the stray drops from his thumb.
“Caldo de pollo,” she smiles, snapping the plastic top until it’s airtight, guiding him to the fridge.
He knows “pollo” is Spanish from the times Felix watched kids shows to pick up on English. (He could never quite shake the looping sound byte of Felix’s southern drawl saying “poy-yo” when he discovered Dora the Explorer.)
“You gotta make it for Nate sometime,” he suggests, wrapping his other arm around her waist when she closes the fridge door.
She turns in his grasp, splaying her hands on his bare chest, dragging her thumbs over the tuft of hair in the middle of it.
“Thank you, really,” she whispers, eyes trained on her moving hands. “I mean it.”
He’s shit at accepting thanks with words, so instead he kisses her. He fights the urge to deepen it, to open his mouth to taste her.
She’s not ready to let him in like that just yet. He thinks it’s enough that she’s letting him touch her at least.
The lingering taste of chicken is disgusting, but he’s enduring it, because Sofía’s humming like he’s the best thing she’s tasted in years.
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sunflovverharry · 3 years
Friends with Benefits - Chapter 3
a/n: hiii, sorry it’s been a while since I posted chapter 2, but I’m finally back with chapter 3! It’s a bit shorter, but an important one. will hopefully be writing a lot more now that exams are almost over :)) anyways, enjoy this chapter and please feel free to tell me what you think and reblog <3 pairing: police officer!h + Alex word count: 5k warnings: it’s pretty clear from now there will be language, alcohol consumption, smut and trouble with body image in basically every chapter so from now i’ll only write M (mature)
Seemingly, both Harry and I had gotten what we wanted out of each other. Two breathtaking fucks and the intimate moments after where we cuddled and basked in the afterglow of the sex.
It really wasn’t enough for me though. He was like an addiction and I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of him. Not that I have a way of contacting him or meeting him except meeting him at the bar again - if we even go at the same time. As he has said; he isn’t one to party a lot nor go clubbing too often. We both spend most of our time at work and it seems like we don’t mind that.
Saying goodbye the Sunday morning two weeks ago I thought it would be the last time we’d meet. Now, standing in the same club as always, staring into Harry’s eyes I couldn’t let the smile grazing my lips go. It was as if all my hopes and dreams were heard when Harry gave back the same smile and made a ‘come here’ motion with his hand up in the air so I could see over the bodies between us. Grabbing my pint of beer, I left the bar and swiftly made my way over to where Harry was sitting. The group I was with had just entered the club and they were still at the bar waiting for their drinks as I didn’t say a word when I walked off.
Harry was seated at the end of a booth close to the corner, his back turned to his mates as I came to stand in between his thighs to be able to hear each other over the loud music blasting over the speakers. I took a drink of the beer before sitting it down next to what I assumed was Harry’s pint.
“Hi, pet. You alright?” Harry placed a soft kiss to my cheek in greeting as he basically screamed into my ear. I leaned away to look at him while giving him a small shake of my head, yeah, I was just fine. He looked smashing in his colourful button-up missing a couple buttons at the top, making me see the top of his butterfly tattoo when I let my eyes gaze down to take him in.
“You celebrating or something?” I took a quick sweep over the rest of the table he was with and there was an expensive bottle of champagne being passed between them. Not the most sanitary or anything, but who was I to judge when I’d definitely done the same when I was drunk. Who exchanged spit and drinks with who, weren’t on the top of our heads when we were drunk and only wanted to get more drunk I guess.
“Nah, the mate who broke it off with his girl some weeks ago dragged us out and he’s making them down everything he buys. I’m driving today though, so only a pint for me. What’re you doing here again?” His hands were dangerously close to the tops of my thighs as they held me close and his thumb pressed patterns in my skin. I was wearing a skirt and a quite revealing top tonight, though not expecting to meet anyone, especially Harry. Maybe in the back of my mind I thought there was a possibility as this is the place we’ve met both times - and now a third.
«Oh, good to see he’s doing alright then. Just here to have a couple pints, didn’t wanna get too drunk or stay out too long tonight. Have quite a lot of paperwork to get through this weekend.» Harry groaned when I mentioned work, not wanting to think about it for tonight I guess. I didn’t really want to think about it either.
«Don’t remind me. I have to go in at six for a couple hours to finish a report, but then I’m off for about a week thank god.» He finished off with a smile thinking about some - I’d say well earned - days off.
«Well then, to celebrate that, how about we go back to yours to have an even better time than we’ll have here?» It was bold of me and I knew it, but that’s how it had been since the first time we met. I took initiative and went in full force and there were absolutely no regrets.
Harry sucked his lips into his mouth as he dwelled over what I’d proposed. There was a slight shimmer to his eyes as he moved his head back to get a good look at me. I didn’t mind his eyes travelling over my body, only enjoying how he didn’t hold back from showing me he liked what he saw. It gave me the last bit of confidence I felt I needed being with a man like Harry.
Not giving a verbal answer, he took one last drink of his pint before getting off the leather seat. His hands turned my body around, settling on my hips as he walked us straight past the bar and made our way outside. The parking lot he’d left his car in was on the other side, quickly jogging over the road when no cars were coming.
It was a lovely night, warm and just humid enough to not break out in a sweat. Perfect start of summer weather. His car was nice and looked expensive at first glance. The inside was clean, no dirty napkins or bottles on the floor. He must take good care of it cause most other lads’ cars I’ve been in haven’t been nearly as clean as Harry’s. I gather that he doesn’t want to talk about it when he doesn’t even look at me to see what kind of reaction I had to it.
«You drove here when you could've walked the fifteen minutes? That’s lazy of you, mr. police officer.» I hadn’t used the nickname last time and I missed it. Harry didn’t exactly seem to mind it either as he took in a harsh breath after hearing it. Even more of a boost for me.
«I thought I would have to drive my mates home as they clearly are getting wasted out of their minds.» Of course he was the sensible one of the group, he’s a fucking police officer. Knowing how he cares for his friends and has his life set makes me feel a bit angry at myself. Why did I have to get an obsession over someone I’d never be enough for? «And to be honest, I’m glad it’ll get us home quicker cause I’m already bulging after you calling me that, pet.» I only giggled and looked out the window, not wanting to be caught staring at him.
The car ride went by in silence after that. The quick five minutes were agonizingly slow and I couldn’t stop thinking about getting to feel Harry again. It made my thighs clamp together to try and get some sort of friction to satisfy me.
Having parked the car, both of us jumped out and almost ran to the door wanting nothing more than to get inside and rip our clothes off. God I can’t wait to feel his achingly perfect cock inside me for a third time. I should probably try to forget about him after this time, knowing we’ll stop seeing each other at the club as often during the summer as I’m planning to be gone for most of it anyways.
«I’ve been dreaming of meeting you again. Honestly can’t get you out of my head, pet.» Harry seemed a little hazy as he quietly let the words tumble out of his pretty pink lips I still haven’t got to taste tonight. Good thing it’s only just passed ten and we have all night to enjoy each others taste.
«Shut up and kiss me already.» He closed the short distance between us as he pulled me to him, front against front. His rough grip on my waist made me grow more want for him. Maybe he finally realized after last time that I wanted it rough though I might come off as someone who wants to take control. I don’t mind but god do I like being thrown around at times and Harry did it really fucking well.
My bottom lip was between his in a second, sucked into his mouth and left his lips with a pop. I couldn’t help but already pant at the anticipation and need for him. My lips were slightly open, ready for Harry to slam his lips back on mine and tongue taste the inside of my mouth, licking into it. He didn’t waste a single moment on teasing me or waiting till I couldn’t anymore - dominating the kiss before we even touched lips nevermind tongues.
It made my stomach turn in excitement for the night and lust for the man in front of me. There weren’t any sparks, most likely because we didn't even know each other besides the basics. Well, not even the basics - not even knowing his age. Names and workplace are the only two things we’ve told the other. It felt fucking good having this platonic stranger with benefits. I guess that’s what I would put us as? There were no feelings ruining things or other people's opinions as we were still strangers.
«I want you to cum in my mouth this time.» I barely managed to get the words out of my mouth as Harry was too eager to get his mouth on mine. When he heard what I said though, it was like his eyes got darker and his grip tightened around me showing how much he also wanted that without saying it.
Feeling his tongue get familiar with my mouth again was intoxicating, making me want to make out with him for hours on end. I wouldn’t mind if we dropped sleeping and just moved our lips together until the sun rises.
«You wanna.. upstairs?» Harry was already breathless, either because he knows what he’s getting or because of the kiss. I hummed in response, guiding us to the stairs leading up to his room. If this is going to go how I want it to, I’ll want to be comfortable and though the couch was good, his bed is the best option.
I trusted Harry to be careful and considerate but also push limits which was exactly what was needed tonight. No ‘are you sure’ or ‘i don’t want to hurt you’ talk, just straight to it. No, I wouldn’t get to feel his length inside me - unless he thickens up again right after which I doubt - but maybe before he has to head out. Maybe his fingers will suffice for tonight.
«You’re going to fuck my mouth, officer, and I’m gonna take it like the good girl I am.» There was no point in not being direct from the start, teasing unnecessary and unwanted from both sides. He looked like I told his biggest dream was coming true as he bit his lip and rolled his eyes back as he tried to collect himself for a moment. My fingers danced over his neck and shoulders before tugging his shirt over his head.
«Lay down. Head this way, pet.» The pet name he had called me since we first met had grown increasingly on me and I couldn’t imagine being called anything else. Following his orders I got on the bed, facing him, head almost dangling off the bed. It was risky to let him take control over my airways, but it was a risk I was willing to take.
There was no doubt he was hard and ready to burst if he just got a little lick to his slit, but there is also no doubt he’ll hold out for as long as he can. Leaning down, he slotted our lips together in a more than messy kiss that was hard to navigate as we were upside down. His hands caressed my cheeks before moving to pull my top down, letting my tits spill out on top. I knew he liked them and since depriving himself for longer than needed last time, he was making up for it this time. Pinching my nipples he got a moan out of me telling him to keep going. I loved when my tits were played with, the sensitivity a great feature.
My fingers trailed down his sides languidly, feeling his abs flex at the sensation. Gripping the front of the trousers he was clad in, I somehow managed to open it up before pulling it down along with his briefs as far as I could. Harry moaned into my mouth as his cock freed from restraint and I got my hands on it only tugging lightly.
Biting my bottom lip he pulled away to make sure I was comfortable where I laid before shuffling the few centimeters closer so his tip rested on my lips. I was excited to taste him again and to feel his impressive length down my throat. It being something I don’t usually do unless I trust the person or really want to.
He left it to me to take him in and start licking and sucking him deeper into my mouth which I gladly did. Starting with a kitten lick to his slit he groaned and twisted my nipple between his fingers at the feeling of finally being touched where he needed it. I closed my lips around his tip focusing on sucking it and licking around it, but knowing he’s sensitive already I put my hands on his hips trying to get him to move closer. Feeling the welcome weight on my tongue as his cock drove deeper into my mouth, stopping at the start of my throat, I sucked and bobbed my head only slightly as it was hard to move in my position. Not yet knowing exactly what he likes in terms of blowjobs, I listened for sounds he’d let out or if he rutted his hips more at something I did.
«Fuck that’s it.» He murmured before letting out the loudest moan I’ve heard as I helped him go deeper, reaching down my throat. I liked the sensation, knowing I - or Harry - could control something so dangerous as my breathing.
Harry began thrusting his hips more, guiding his cock himself down my throat, keeping still for a second before letting me breath and doing it again. I removed my hands from his hips, wanting him to take full control and let them lay flat on the bed. It was intoxication listening to him pleasure himself with my mouth, only making me wetter by each groan.
«Shit- oh god!» It was as if he was losing his sense to keep himself at bay, the feeling of being down my throat too good. I didn’t mind, loving the fact that he felt comfortable enough to completely be himself for me.
Harry fucking my mouth was intense, the feeling of him pushing his cock as far down my throat as possible, cutting my airways for seconds at a time made me dizzy and want to succumb to every need of his right this moment. I loved laying there, taking everything he gave me without the ability to stop him except if I really needed to of course.
There was no need to stop though. He knew exactly when it was enough and pulled out and when I could take more.
«Agh.. Your mouth feels so fucking good Alex-» It was like he didn’t quite know how to express himself, too far gone in his own head. «I’m gonna cum.. Mmh, you want it down your throat, pet?» Even when he was gone he still called me pet and I reveled in it. It made me smile around him, but quickly going back to shutting my lips around him as he was back to only putting the tip in. I sucked and licked at his slit wanting him to get his release. It didn’t take much before he was shooting ropes after ropes down my throat, moaning as he filled up my mouth with his cum.
I’m sure I had tear streaks down from my eyes to my temples, but to be honest I hadn’t paid attention to anything except Harry’s cock in my mouth for the entire time. I enjoyed it just as much as he did.
«Fucking hell, pet.» Harry’s slowly softening length slipped out between my lips and I opened my mouth to show him his work before swallowing all of it. He groaned at the sight and bent over to catch my lips for a sweet kiss mustering up the little energy he had left before falling on the bed right beside me.
Laying next to each other trying to catch our breaths, Harry’s fingers delicately trailed up and down my thigh laying next to his torso. It felt nice to have the cuddly, cute aftercare I so badly craved for with every other lad who only wanted me gone after emptying inside me. Which is mostly the reason I began only letting them cum on my tits or arse. It was a fair deal I thought, seeing as a lot of them didn’t even get me off.
His chest was still somewhat heaving, begging for more air when I sat up dizzy from the blood coming to my head and not regaining my breath completely either. His eyes opened to see if I was going anywhere. I was still fully clothed, only my tits hanging out next to a naked Harry who seemed to have kicked his pants off all the way. His cock laid slack against his thigh, tired from the intense orgasm.
«Did you enjoy that?» I don’t know why I felt like asking this time. My confidence was always up when I was with him and it sounded and felt like he really liked what I was doing. My tits were red with his marks and I hadn’t felt a thing being too busy reveling in Harry. He could get it with me anytime he liked and I would comply and do exactly what he wanted.
«Did I enjoy that?» He chuckled and moved to hold his weight up on his elbows. «That was unreal. I was so fucking gone in my own head I didn’t even think about you. Are you okay, Alex?» Course he cared for how I was feeling, it was like second nature for Harry to care about the people around him. Probably the reason why he became an officer.
«Yeah, I really liked that.» I hadn’t even been close to reaching an orgasm from that alone, but damn it if I hadn’t enjoyed myself more than with any other lad - who I’ve never even let fuck my face like that.
«Do you wanna sit on my face? Honestly don’t know if I can move right now.» He was good to look at so I let my eyes wander, his tattoos shining along with the rest of his skin with a light layer of sweat. I shook my head no, telling him I was good for now.
«I might wake you up tonight if I can’t sleep though.» Winking at him as I got out of bed fixing my tits before going downstairs to get a bottle of water. My throat was rough and the aftertaste of his cum wasn’t that nice any longer.
Bringing a bottle of water up for Harry to drink, I jogged up the stairs only wanting to fall asleep as soon as possible. Not getting much sleep during the last month has gotten to me and the one weekend I have off I want to make up for some of it.
«Is it alright if I sleep here?» Again, don’t know why I felt the need to ask Harry if I could stay the night when I’d done it the last two times.
«I was kinda hoping you’d stay and I could return the favor when I get back from work in the morning? I’ll be done by nine at the latest.» Harry didn’t look like he was scared of getting rejected, almost talking as if it was the most normal question. Maybe he recognized there was something up with me and was trying to act as normal as possible for me to relax again.
«Mm, I think I can do that.» Harry smiled from where he was still laying, telling me to ‘come here’. I didn’t object and fell straight into his arms with a quiet sigh. His hands grasped my body tightly to his, fingers going up and down my spine. «Think I’m gonna fall asleep in a few seconds if you continue doing that.» It felt incredible having someone dote on you without any pressure or hidden feelings behind it.
«Let’s get up and get ready for bed then, yeah?» I nodded and reluctantly removed myself from his arms pulling him up with me.
Standing in the bathroom brushing our teeth together felt oddly relaxing. A thing normally viewed as intimate between a man and woman when they’re sleeping together at least. There had been intimacy between us since our first night together I feel, so we might’ve gotten used to it - not thinking about how this isn’t normal for people who only have sex.
Deciding to push the thought to the back of my mind, I got undressed to my underwear before jumping under the covers waiting for Harry to get in behind me and pull me close.
— Morning after
I wasn’t aware of my surroundings as I was still asleep and only barely waking up when I felt the unforgettable feeling of someone going down on me. Slowly opening my eyes as I let go of the moan I couldn’t even try to hold back, I saw the duvet was still covering my body, one leg sticking out while my right knee was sticking up under the duvet.
It was undeniably the best wake up call I’d had in years. Maybe even since the morning of my fifth birthday which was twenty years ago. Lifting my arms to lay above my head, my hips started moving along Harry’s tongue wanting to get as much pleasure as I could out of it. Since when were men this good at eating a woman out?
He smiled against my clit as I continued to sound my pleasure and circle my hips against his mouth, obviously liking how much I enjoy what he was doing. And I sure did enjoy it, a smile finding its way on my face as well before more sounds took over and I couldn’t find the energy to moan through a smile.
His tongue flicked my clit once, twice before sucking it between his lips, tongue still flicking. It was warm and wet when he released it going down my slit, pushing his tongue in me. I don’t understand where Harry learned how to eat someone out when literally no other man even knew where my clit was. His arm hooked around my thigh moved down so his thumb could circle my clit, pressing into it at times to get more heavy breaths from me.
I didn’t last long, Harry going at it like he was starving, reaching my first high this morning from oral with a soundless moan. My hips didn’t stop grinding into his lips and he didn’t let up until I moved my hand to push him away. I was sensitive and not quite awake yet as I came down from an orgasm I couldn’t compare to anything else.
Harry came up from under the blankets, fitting himself between my still open legs. Seeing the smile on his face, chin and lips glistening with my release on them, made me pucker my lips together wanting to taste myself on him.
«Mm..» Harry moaned into the kiss, his body fully leaning down on mine, barely holding his weight up as I took most of it. It felt nice - his warm body encompassing mine fully.
Keeping him close we spent the morning in bed, kissing and ultimately slipping him in when he spooned me. The position being intimate and sensual, but the morning stillness and tired bodies made it the best way to get off in this moment.
After rolling around in bed for an hour, enjoying another orgasm or two, our hungry stomachs made us get out and make our way to his kitchen. The sun was shining through the windows making the room light and the slightly warmer wind blowing through the open french door made it so the shirt I had put on was just enough to not get cold.
Sitting down on one of the dining chairs I watched him move around in his kitchen making us french toast for breakfast. The clock had just passed ten and I was planning on going straight back to bed when I got home then hopefully finishing up my paperwork. I needed the sleep or I don’t think I’ll function the week coming up.
«I wanted to talk to you about something.» We had been sitting in silence as we ate the toast until Harry’s words broke the comfortable silence. I nodded and moved my eyes to connect with his showing him I’m all ears.
«We’ve had sex a few times now and first of all I want to make sure we’re not giving each other anything. I know I’m not sleeping with anyone else.» I understood where he came from. We don’t know what the other does when we’re not together and because we’re not using a condom we could easily bring an STD into the picture.
«I told you I haven’t been with anyone but you the last year, so I’m clean. Even went to the clinic last week.» It was a necessary conversation, but telling him I’d been checked after we’d slept together was a little awkward.
«Good. I’m clean too, checked on tuesday.» Harry nodded, but didn’t seem done with the conversation. To prepare himself for the second part of the conversation, he took a bite of his toast before swallowing it down with some water.
«I wanted to ask you one more thing. It’s absolutely fine if you say no, but know I’m one hundred percent up for it.» He looked me in the eyes as I waited for him to ask what I had a feeling he would.
«Would you wanna make this a regular thing? Exchanging phone numbers and meeting up whenever we want a release instead of not knowing if we’ll ever see each other again? I think we’re pretty compatible in bed and I’ve had a better time with you than any old fling I’ve ever had.» He was laying our options on the table, suggesting we become friends with benefits. It had crossed my mind, knowing I wouldn’t object to having a benefit relationship with him. Honestly think it’ll be more beneficial for me and I never thought he’d bring it up.
«I’d be up for that, yeah. Not to make things awkward but you’re a pretty decent lad with a more than satisfying member to be fair. Would be stupid to turn you down - anyone would.» My cheek grew hotter as I spoke, a tint of red covering them I’m sure as I’m clearly not as bold and confident when we’re not in bed or drunk.
Harry only smiled at me as I basically confirmed our new relationship - friends with benefits. It’s been five weeks and too many wet dreams since I met him and knowing I can have him almost whenever I want - and when he wants - is just perfect. If I can give him half as much pleasure as he gives me I’ll be a happy lady, but I will aim to give him mind blowing orgasms every time.
«Didn’t think you’d be up for this sort of deal with the whole police thing.» Looking up from my plate as I ate the last bite of my delicious toast, Harry squinted his eyes at me.
«And why’d you think that?» He didn’t sound irritated or confused but intrigued to know what was going on in my head. Putting my trust in him and being honest is a huge part of us - I think at least - so I washed away all anxiety and worry. Not that he made me have a reason to be anxious around him.
«Just thought you’d be a bit proper and all. Guess that went out the window - along with my knickers - the first time we met, huh?» Snickering at the memory of him throwing my knickers out his window, Harry joined in also thinking back to five weeks ago. Being able to have banter with him is good, makes things less serious as it should be between friends with benefits - I think at least.
“What are you saying then? Wanna give me your number, pet?” Harry looked at me with the happiest smile on his face; there is no way I’m letting neither of us down by denying us having regular hookups. I’d be causing myself pain to not let him fuck me as much as he wants.
“Happily. One tiny condition though, we always meet here cause I have a roommate and I want to keep this between us. Not because I’m ashamed, but because she likes to meddle in my business and it’ll be easier if she doesn’t have proof of anything.” Harry agrees, not wanting anyone else talking about our - not quite so normal - relationship.
It was easy being myself with Harry, he made me feel safe and relaxed. There was no need to keep my guards up around him though we’ve not known each other for long. Not that it mattered much, there were people who got married after only a couple months of knowing each other - which we most definitely will not do.
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sweetsubharry · 4 years
hi! can you give me your hottest, dirtiest, filthiest bottom harry fics?
Hiya!! Yes I can! ^-^
Now there are 41 different fics under this list, so it’s quite long! Obviously what people find dirty/filthy can be a large range, so if you ever want to narrow it down just send another message like ‘no plot’ for example :) and then I can make it more suited to your taste if this one isn’t! I hope you enjoy this though love ❤
In case no one gets to the bottom of the page I’ll say it again here too! Please make sure to stay safe and read the tags!! ❤ ❤
you're my favorite ride by louislovesharry
no summary 
At Least As Deep As the Pacific Ocean (I wanna be yours) by babylouis
Louis can’t help but stop and watch him for a moment, how beautiful he looks, sprawled out on the bed, his cock red and hard against his tummy, collar snug against his neck and the bow still placed neatly in his curls to keep them back from Harry’s face.
His boy may be the most beautiful creature on the planet.
Especially tied up like this, body begging to be fucked. Begging to be destoryed.
Louis likes to push boundaries, and Harry takes what he gets. Lots of subspace Harry and fonding Louis ensues.
redder than the devil by mercutionotromeo
It's half past 9, and all Harry wants is for Louis to touch him. Preferably after a good spanking.
If you combine a lazy Saturday afternoon with a distracting, pouty Harry, you'll end up with Louis spanking his baby over his knee in the middle of a paused FIFA match.
Pretty please, take care of me ? by kurtcobain
Louis is stressed. Harry wants to help.
Step into the Light by Smolbeanandhisqween
Harry is on the set of his new music video "Lights Up". His husband, Louis, is watching him film the video. He gets jealous of all of the people touching Harry and teaches him a lesson.
Destroy Me, King by stylinsexualxo
After SNL, jealous Louis has a little surprise for Harry when he arrives home.
Can We Pretend (honestly reality bores me) by SadaVeniren
He felt Louis chuckle. “Dreaming of being my supportive, no-name boyfriend again?”
“Always,” Harry whispered. It was true. After all this time together there was no point in hiding any of his fantasies from Louis, no matter how innocent they were. So Louis was well aware of Harry’s desire to be anonymous sometimes - the “no-name” as Louis called him - loyal, a constant presence at Louis’ side.
aka Harry comes and supports Louis at his Scala concert
Let Me Be Good For You by onlyhuman for haroldtbh
His distress over the bun is nothing compared to the thrill Louis feels shoot up his spine at the outfit Harry’s donned. He’s changed into leather jeans that cling to his legs, hugging his thighs snugly. On top of it, a floaty, black sheer shirt is contouring his frame, doing absolutely nothing to hide his puffy nipples or the endless array of tattoos scattered across his torso. It’s Louis’ favourite outfit in the entire world.
Or, Niall's only birthday wish is to go clubbing with his boys in Vegas. Harry ruins it all by wearing that god forsaken black sheer shirt.
You Like Playing Games by orphan_account
Louis knows Harry likes to flirt and tease. Louis knows that he doesn’t particularly like when Harry flirts and teases. Louis knows that Harry knows that Louis doesn’t particularly like it.
But what Louis doesn’t quite know is why, despite that, Harry’s decided to grind against 5 Seconds of Summer’s Luke Hemmings during “Teenage Dirtbag” in the last show in Melbourne.
Basically pure smut.
Do Not Disturb (kiss me beneath the milky twilight) by SadaVeniren
“I was talking with Nick a couple months back and he was saying how our sex life seemed boring and we’d need to keep doing new and interesting things to keep it exciting or else we’d become boring and heterosexual and I defended us of course but then work picked up and we started living off of studio handjobs and missionary position sex in the dark and so I panicked. I googled BDSM and after looking into it I really want to try some of it because I think we’d enjoy it but we just don’t have the time.”
aka Harry doesn't want to become a boring old married couple a year into their relationship and tries to spice up their sex life.
Forgetting Frisco by iwillpaintasongforlou
Harry probably knew when he decided to wear that goddamn sheer shirt onstage in Toronto that it was going to drive Louis absolutely insane with want. He probably didn't know that Louis was going to proceed to fuck him so good he had flashbacks for years to come just like Frisco, but then again, you won't hear him complaining.
(Basically 6k of Louis worshipping Harry's body and doing it all in front of a mirror so Harry can worship, too.)
Mon Petit by coffinofachimera
Harry wears the 'Mon Petit' sweater while Louis records them on their private 
falling for you, i can't keep away by hegotthedagger plane
Harry wants Louis really bad and Louis might want him just as much.
Always In My Heart by sweaterpawstyles
The tweet itself was not startling at all. Harry saw people retweet it nearly every day for years now. It always made him smile to see how many people had retweeting Louis showing his love for Harry on that day.
What was startling was underneath where the fan had retweeted it, Harry saw the small number 1M written on it.
Harry froze, completely unable to move anything in his body. He knew Louis had the second most retweeted tweet of all time, but it reached a million retweets. One million people believed in Louis' love for Harry. Or AIMH hits 1 million & facetime sex ensues
You and Me by louisgrindsonharry
Harry and Louis have dabbled in the idea of BDSM but Harry finally wants to take it farther and Louis has to figure out how to take care of his boy.
they shake, you conquer (and I'm left to their devices) by butidontreallycare
smut. a little love for Harry's thighs, but mostly just smut. I am not ashamed
Daddy Came Home by RuinedBy5Guys
“You got yourself off.” He says quietly, his eyes locked on Harry’s. Harry’s face flushes and he tries to cover it, shoving himself towards Louis. He drops to his knees, leaning close between his husbands spread thighs. He puts his hands on his dress pants, carefully feeling the material at his knees.
“How did you know?” He asks quietly. Louis drops his face, grabbing over Harry’s hands with his own. Harry lowers his gaze, staring at the carpet underneath him.
“You were asleep. You always get tired after an orgasm. Not to mention how flushed you are.” He says quietly, raking his eyes over Harry’s body. Harry glances up at him, his actions becoming more clear to him now that Louis was home.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers, dropping his eyes again.
“What was that?” Louis snaps, reaching to bring Harry’s face up again. Harry gulps, shuffling closer on his knees, the joints aching already.
“I’m sorry, Daddy.” Harry says, his green eyes locked on Louis’ blue ones. Louis smiles slightly, stroking his fingers over his husbands cheeks softly.
“Just gonna have to spank you now, aren’t I?”
OR... Harry teases and Daddy punishes him in the best ways possible
take me into your loving arms by blankiehxrry
twas the night of the brit awards
I Wanna Do What Bunnies Do With You by MoreThanTonight
“Lou.. Not here?” Harry pulled off with a gasp. “There are people in the next room. What if they hear us?“
“Then I guess you’ll just have to be quiet, won’t you, love?” Louis winked.
It's Harry's birthday and Louis wants to make it a birthday he won't forget. Louis is an art student, Harry is his boyfriend and muse.
if they find out, will it all go wrong? by blankiehxrry
madison square garden shenanigans
Happy Birthday by sleepingalone
“You wanna use that right now?” he asked incredulously, wondering how horny Louis must be. They had just fucked a few hours ago, before falling asleep. Surely he didn’t want to use it already.
“You said we had to wait till my birthday, and it’s my birthday,” Louis said cheekily, throwing Harry a small grin. Harry groaned into the pillow, burying his head in it.
“But I’m tired, Lou. I need my beauty rest.”
“I already undid the packaging,” Louis whined. “Please, can we just do it real quick? It would really make my day. My birthday,” he added. “You can go to sleep afterwards, Sleeping Beauty.”
Louis just really wants to use his new vibrating butt plug on Harry and turn him into a broken mess.
I Knew Right From the Beginning That You Would End Up Winning by aalexandravictoriaa
"I remember the first day I met you," Louis says, using his thumbs to make Harry open up to him even more. "I remember wanting to take you right there on the fucking street. I wanted to bend you over and bury myself in you over and over again. I couldn't then, but I'm going to now, baby. First with my tongue, then with my cock."
Harry is Louis' favorite camboy and Louis becomes his Daddy.
In Motion by FictitiousFanatisch (orphan_account)
They'd only talked about it once a few weeks ago. Harry always liked it when Louis was in control and he said there was something about being denied constantly that made him even more turned on.
It's a lazy day and Harry wants Louis to edge him. (That's literally it.)
I'm Gonna Love You (Until You Hate me) by sweaterpawstyles
As if reading his mind, Louis glanced over his glasses at Harry, presumably because Harry didn't reply to his statement earlier.
"I decided to get my glasses out again," he chuckled, winking at Harry. "Do you like them?"
Harry felt his face heat up. No, he didn't just like them. He fucking loved them and wanted to ride Louis and call him daddy while he wore them. But he didn't want to just tell Louis this.
Louis wears glasses and Harry doesn't like to be teased
I have often prayed for an angel by orphan_account
“Daddy,” he whines, voice already growing high in pitch. “Can I? Please?” “Of course angel,” Louis whispers fondly, hand tangling in Harry’s hair as he brushes it back. He loves Harry’s long strands, maybe even more than Harry does himself. “You look so beautiful on your knees like that, so eager to suck my cock.” “Mhm,” Harry hums, already licking at Louis’ slit. He begins to suckle softly at the head, peering up at Louis with wide eyes. The angel wings stretch on either side of him, and it’s so obscene, how filthy the act they’re doing is in contrast to the white feathers adorning Harry’s back. “Love your cock Daddy.” Or, the one in which Louis fucks Harry in the VS wings after he wears them onstage.
down and dirty, you're loving me so loud by orphan_account
Harry's finally twenty and there's a few things he wants.
feels so good getting what i want. by stylescantstop
Harry is a slutty yoga teacher with his sights set on Louis and Louis wants to pull that long hair of his while he fucks him really hard from behind.
Empyrean, You Fool by becauseitrhymes
Louis only realized it was actually happening once the reality of getting to carry boxes to his new flat settled in. He’d moved out of his parent’s just two days prior, with a stomach full of butterflies and no knowledge of how to do anything remotely adult, like, at all.
He’s only twenty-three years old, too, and he thinks he’s done pretty well for such a young age, considering he’s bought a flat with his money and had driven his car to get there and hadn’t cried (much) when leaving his parents. All in all, Louis thinks it’s pretty cool.
And then he’s sitting on his couch watching football in his lounge in his flat and hell yeah, it’s pretty cool.
AU where Louis moves next door to Harry, Louis falls in love with Harry, sex ensues.
Love Me Like You Do by sweaterpawstyles
Of all of the things Louis had imagined, never did he expect to become a chief editor for a magazine and to date the world-famous model Harry Styles. But he certainly never imagined one day that he would be anxiously awaiting a phone call from the top floor of an office building to tell the Harry Styles to get himself dolled up and ready to wait for his Daddy to come home before he got fucked into the mattress.
Harry is a famous model and Louis is a quiet writer who may or may not be his Dom
A Hard Day's Work by louisruinedlife (orphan_account)
A bad day at work for Harry usually means turning in early. A bad day at work for Louis leads to something else entirely.
*Can be read as a stand alone.
the big idea by orphan_account
University students Harry and Zayn are filming a prank for YouTube that requires Harry to walk around campus asking random men if he could suck their dick. One of the guys, Louis, who agrees to such offer is too attractive for Harry to pass down.
He doesn't think its much of a prank anymore after that.
throw me in the deep end, watch me drown by orphan_account
“That's why you were late, eh?” he teases as Harry frantically tries to hide the dildos and the collar in the drawer. “Having too much fun to think about good ole Louis?”
“You were having fun too,” Harry replies weakly. Louis honestly has never seen a person be in such a shade of red.
“Yeah, but my fun didn't involve colourful dildos and nipple clamps.”
or the one where louis really needs to pass his a-levels and harry is his tutor who doesn’t really own a dog.
Give It To Me (I'm Worth It) by sweaterpawstyles
"Who the hell puts lube packets in their sock?"
"A boy who wanted to get fucked in the locker room by his daddy," Harry said innocently. "I have my good intentions, Lou."
Louis can't resist Harry in the red shorts that he wore during the James Corden skit. Featuring locker room sex.
don't let nobody touch it (unless that somebody's me) by stylescantstop
written for this prompt:
"louis knows Harry gets handsy when he's drunk, but that doesn't stop him from showing harry who he belongs to."
or the one where harry dances with other men and a jealous louis reminds him he's the only one who can make him come completely apart.
causing trouble up in hotel rooms (baby, I'm perfect) by felixandtae
A fan threw a Green Bay Packers crop top on stage and Harry kept it. We all know what happened after that.
sweet like cinnamon by brainwaves for SuburbanWarrior
It all started with bumping into Louis at Gemma’s mate’s wedding. Well, maybe it really started with Harry making heart eyes at the boy in jersey number 17 all those years ago. Now all he can think about is getting into Louis’ pants and maybe staying there for a really, really long time.
Or the one where Harry calls Louis daddy and it all spirals out of control from there.
Fulfilling Your Needs by unmeshed
“You want to be messy, baby? Filled with Daddy’s come? So much that you can barely hold it all in?"
Harry nods softly and Louis leans in to kiss him on the lips with a smile. “Want Daddy to plug you up after? Keep it inside of you all day?"
“Lou,” Harry whines, softly rubbing himself against his boyfriend, biting down on Louis’ bottom lip before he deepens the kiss, sneaking his tongue inside.
Louis’ll be damned if he can’t make Harry’s dreams come true.
Louis buys Harry an ejaculating dildo because Harry wants to feel full.
Like a Kitten by peaceloveandlarry
"Erm, I, uh, well, I think... I think you're really pretty, and I, um, I want to fuck you- I mean! Oh god. I- I want to go out? Yea! I want to go out."
Or Harry likes to wear kitten ears, and Louis happens to think Harry looks nice with them.
into another serotonin overflow by mercutionotromeo
Harry's the yearbook photographer who's been assigned to take pictures of Louis, the new captain of the football team. Harry's got a massive, obvious crush on Louis and somehow, Louis feels the same way.
Sweet first time sex wherein Harry's adorably awkward, Louis is achingly cool, and Harry rides Louis wearing his jersey.
need a little sweetness in my life by mercutionotromeo
Harry's always liked feeling desperate and small when Louis touches him, but when he sucks Harry off...it’s fucking otherworldly. Desperate’s not really the word at that point - it’s helpless. Like… like the fucking world could stop spinning and Harry wouldn’t be able to do anything about it until Louis finished him off with his lips and his tongue.
Or, Harry and Louis go to university together. Harry really likes it when Louis sucks him off, and Louis really likes it when Harry calls him Daddy.
(Sequel to "into another serotonin overflow")
Cheeky Princess by Noelle1224
Harry and panties. What more is there to explain?
I'm Tired Of Using Technology, I Need You Right In Front Of Me by Phillipa19
Louis goes away on yet another business trip, but when he stops calling Harry to check in, Harry decides to take matters into his own hands.
OR- Louis is Harry's sugardaddy who has gone away on business and Harry feels neglected. Louis is possessive and gets a camera installed in their bedroom so he can check up on Harry, so Harry decides to use the camera to his advantage.
Got A Lot You Wanna Show Off Baby by Phillipa19
Louis had been in meetings all day, he should have known that Harry wouldn't be ignored for much longer.
Louis is Harry's sugardaddy and his younger boyfriend is definitely not happy being ignored whilst Louis holds meetings in his home office. There may also be Harry in lacy knickers involved.
As always please make sure to stay safe and read the tags!! ❤ ❤
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fan-girling-101 · 4 years
Request by Anonymous: Hello can I please request a imagine where the ready has a twin sister and they decided to switch and see how long it takes everyone to notice. The reader is also dating JJ!! Thank you!!
JJ Maybank X Reader
Summary: Request^
Warnings: Swearing, underage drinking, slight rape just a little bit sorta
Word count: 2880
The twin Sadie, her nickname by Rafe is Die I hope someone gets the reference. Also thank you so so so much for my first request I was so happy. Please continue sending them in. And I’m very slow at updating so sorry in advance if I take a long time to respond. 
Part two
Not edited sorry for mistakes 
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When me and my twin sister Sadie where younger we’d switch places all the time. I was amusing being someone else for the short time we’d do it. As we got older it stopped happening as much until the last time we did it was grade 6. The two of us have lived on the rich side of the Outerbanks our whole life The rich people were never my scene though, so I made friends with the pogues. I was closest to JJ out of everyone in the group and slowly I found myself falling for the blond headed idiot. And somehow that’s how I ended up here, two months into dating JJ but scheming with my sister.
“Come on Sadie just for a little bit.” I pleaded with her, between the two of us Sadie was always the level headed and calm sister. It was my idea in the first place to switch places back in kindergarten.
“I am NOT kissing JJ.” Was the main argument to why she didn’t want to do it.
“I don’t want you to kiss him. He’s my boyfriend, it’s not like I’m going to kiss Rafe the lo-” I got cut off with a hand over my mouth. The love of your life was the ending to that sentence. Sadie doesn’t like talking about it but she’s in love with Rafe Cameron.
“If we do this you need ground rules.” She states looking around my room for the notebook we would write the rules in everytime. She finds the dark read notebook on the bottom of my bookshelf and grabs a random pen from my desk. “1. No kissing anyone. I won’t kiss JJ and you don’t kiss you know who.” she says gesturing with her hand.
“I’m never going to kiss Voldemort.” I joke as she starts in her effortlessly perfect handwriting.
“Your so funny I might die of laughter.” Her bitch face on as she glares at me. “2. Don’t make and life altering decisions.” I nod along thinking of what else to add.
“4.” “What about 3 stupid.” “3 is a stupid number I don’t like it. 4. I pick what you wear and vice versa.” She starts writing it down writing three instead of four. “I think that’s it. There’s a bonfire tonight at John B’s tonight wanna start then?”
“Yea that’s good I’m supposed to go over to Sarah’s. And take a picture of it because if you do anything wrong I’m going to kill you and throw you in the marsh.”
“And remember no kissing ya know.”
Day one
Y/N’s Pov
Sadie dressed me in a white summer dress and I took her car over to the Camerons. When I park outside of the huge house I text Sarah to let me in. I pull down the sun visor and open the mirror looking at my appearance with the light make up and my Y/H/C slightly curled. 
“Your name is Sadie Y/L/N, your 16 and in love with Rafe Cameron.” I take a breath getting in the mindset of my twin. “I can totally do this.” I hop out the car making it to the first step when Sarah opens the door. “Hey.”
“Hi you know you don’t have to tell me you’re here. You just walk in.” She opens the door wider so I can slip through. I awkwardly laugh nodding my head unsure what to do. “Go up to my room I’ll get snacks.” 
I walk up the stairs trying to remember where her room is. I’ve only been here a few times before Midsummers so we could all get ready together. I look both ways before deciding on going right. I get to the door I think is Sarah’s opening it praying to God I was right. But God decided on taking a vacation, instead of the light purple walls I was hoping for I got grey ones instead. 
“Fuck!” I hear, the person in the room faces me calming down once he sees who opened the door. “God Die what the hell. Next time knock, and what are you even doing here.” 
“Umm.... I’m lost. I think my brain stopped working I thought this was Sarah’s room.” I say looking around the room my eyes landing on a white substance on the desk he stood up from. “What’s that.” I ask hoping it’s not what I think it is and Sadie’s crush is a druggie.
“Nothing, two four doors down.” I slowly nob. closing the door trying to forget what I ‘didn’t’ just see. “And Die you didn’t see anything ok.” I nod again opening the right door this time sitting waiting for Sarah.
Sadie’s POV
“Hey princess.” JJ greats me as I get out of Putt Putt Y/N’s car. His hand finds its way to my denim clad hip from the shorts Y/N put me in. I really just want to push his hand off me, this is my sister boyfriend for God sake. He leans down to press him lips to mine but i turn my head his lips landing on my cheek instead. 
“Hi.” I wave to the rest of them pulling away from JJ. I try to ignore the stare coming from the blond as I sit in one of the lawn chairs. The sun was going down as I got here Y/N telling me what time to leave and what to wear before heading out way earlier to the Camerons. 
“Late as always Y/N/N.” John B shakes his head sipping the beer in his hand. Never once has my sister been early for anything and it stresses me out so much I don’t know how she does it. 
“It’s called being fashionably late Booker. But you wouldn’t get that would you?” I laugh knowing that was something she would say to her best friends. JJ sits beside me still staring so I turn to face him giving him a smile, he relaxes a little bit wrapping an arm around my shoulders. My or Y/N’s phone rings in her backpack I grab it out seeing the text from ‘My Person’, it was what we agreed on for our contact names after we repeatedly binged Grey’s.
                                                   My person
Bro what do you and S talk about????
                                                                       The latest drama at school
Sooo....                                                                                                        What is the latest drama
                                                  God do we even go to the same school                                                                           Immanuel P. kissed Madison B.
In a few hours it hits midnight and I was freezing. The cropped AC/DC shirt and shorts doing nothing against the cold autumn air. The night of Autumn in the Outerbanks were always so cold for a place that’s supposed to be hot. The fire was helping but I wanted something more. I got up to check Putt Putt for one of Y/N’s hoodies but I was pulled back landing on JJ’s lap a small shriek leaving my lips. 
“Were you going Princess.” His arms tightly around my waist while my arms go around his neck. His eyes staring into mine with nothing but adoration. I was happy that Y/N had someone in her life that loved her, but the way he looked at me thinking I was my sister makes me want to tell them a little . But I have to admit this is so fun.
“I’m cold and just going to find a hoodie.” He still doesn’t let go, instead one hand moves off my waist to grab something beside him. In his hand is know a black hoodie that would be way too big for me but as he hands it to me I slip it over my head. “Thanks.”
“You ok, you seem, I don’t know... off.” 
“I’m fine.” I give him a reassuring smile but I can she he doesn’t buy it.
“Are you sure you know you can tell anything right.” His thumb starts rubbing circles on the exposed skin under my shirt. I am so taking a long bath when I get home. I like JJ, it’s not like I hate Pogues or anything it just weird though.
“I 100 percent fine J, if something was wrong I’d tell you, you know that”
“Yea I do.”
Day 2
Sadie’s POV
Nothing was happening with the pogues today so I got an off day, but then I had to go and say something I wish I didn’t. 
                                              🥰My Surfer Boy🥺
You doing anything                                                                                      Can I come over 
                                                    Sadie is dragging me to a kook party
Well then I’ll just have to score an invite
Now JJ wasn’t going to stop till he could come which wouldn’t be hard as Sarah was inviting John B.
We pick out each others clothes before going to the party at Topper’s. I go to find Sarah lookinaroundud for the blonde. But instead of finding that blond I see Sade and JJ, his arm wrapped around my sister making me jealous. 
“Hey Die.” A voice says right behind me making me jump not at all expecting Rafe. He chuckles at me reaction before handing me a drink.
“What’s in it.” I ask, Sadie doesn't normally drink so I don’t know if I should take a sip of the dark liquor. “Trust me.” Is all he says back. I take whiff smelling how strong it is. Me personally would never trust Rafe, but this is Sadie not Y/N. I take a cautious sip. The second I take a sip I almost gag at how strong it is. I could handle alcohol but that is to much. Rafe starts laughing so I grab the front of his shirt and pour the rest down his chest.
“Hey Hey.” he pushes me back but it’s to late his shirt now had a dark stain on the front. “Okay maybe I deserved that.” He shakes his head at mumbling something about changing his shirt. There was a tug on my arm and I was faced with myself, well my sister. JJ behind her laughing putting his hand up for me to high five. Which I did.
“What are you doing. I would never do that.” She scolds me in a whisper so JJ won’t hear. When we switched Sadie was very serious about staying discreet. 
“Well I can’t kiss him as you what do you want me to do?” I laugh as she scoffs walking away JJ following behind her still laughing.
Day 4
Sadie’s POV
Four days nobody really suspected anything, well other than JJ he keeps asking if I ok. And I’ve had to dodge every kiss he tried to give me, and when I tell you JJ loves kiss Y/N it’s an understatement. It was the night of a boneyard kegger hosted by the pogues. 
I was chatting with Kie about turtles when a very drunk Kelce came over. He slung his arm around my shoulder, his drink spilling out of his cup and onto Y/N’s favorite shirt. I never really liked Kelce he just made me uncomfortable. Any time I saw Rafe, Topper and him out I’d always say hi, bothe Rafe and Topper would respond with a hi while Kelce would look me up and down before saying anything.
“Hey babygirl. God you don’t know how many times I’ve dreamed of fucking you are you sister, to have the two of you under me screaming my name. Why don’t we make it reality.” He drops his mostly full cup silling it on the converse I was wearing. His hand going to my waist and his lips attaching to my neck.
“Get off me! Stop!” Suddenly he was ripped off me. JJ’s fist colliding with his face. Kie grabs my hand asking if I was okay. I nod hopping into the van. Soon enough John B, Pope and JJ came to the van, JJ sitting right beside me wrapping me in his arms hugging me as no one said anything. 
“I don’t know how many times I’m going to have to punch him in the face for him to stop.” JJ said as we park at John B’s. I grab my phone leaving the van before it’s fully stopped I ran inside Dialing my number. 
“Yo Sade how’s life on the cut.”
“Were you ever going to tell me about Kelce.” I ask angrly pacing around the small bathroom.
“About that.” She nervously laughs not continuing. “Maybe should've warned you Kelce is in love with us before you went to the party.”
In Love with us! Y/N he tried to have sex with me!.”
“I know.”
“I hate you sometimes.”
Day 5
I was at a small party just some friends over and some games at Sarah’s. We were all sitting in the living room talking about all the drama at school which I knew nothing about. A hour in Rafe and some of his guys friends walked in. Just as Sarah was going to tell them to leave Carmella asked them to stay, while practically eye fucking the kook king himself. Instead of walking over to the girl begging for his attention he sat beside me on the couch. I put Sadie’s phone I was currently texting her on so she could keep up with everything down.
“Nice to see you here Die.” 
“Hi Rafey.” I replied back using the nickname I usually call him. He rolls his eye as Carmella sits basically on top of him and starts a conversation about some boring kook thing. I felt bad for Sadie if this is what she has to deal with. “Come on. We’re out of snacks.” I grab his hand pulling him with me to the kitchen.
“Why do I have to come.” He whines like a baby as we get into the hallway, but follows even when I let go of his hand.
“Because I need help getting snacks.” JJ please forgive me for what I’m about to do. I grab the front of his expensive polo shirt putting my lips to his. He starts to kiss back but I pull away grabbing Oreos and walking back to the living room. Soon Rafe walks in clearly shocked of what just happened in the kitchen. Rule one and two broken. Oops.
Sadie’s POV
After hours of sitting in the sun on the boat I’m practically dying. I mean sure living in Obx you get used to the heat but someone turn the heat down. JJ has been asking me nonstop questions about things which I find weird but I answer.
What star sign are you? Virgo
Who’s the president? Trump
How many states are there? 50
9x7? 63
Our favorite thing to do together? Surf
What does www mean? World wide web
What university are you going to? UNC
Dream job? Not sure
I was confused what was happening the Pogues all asked what JJ was doing but he just said nothing.
“HA I knew it.” JJ jumped up startling everyone. I sighed, everytime it was always me that messes up if people find out. 
“How did you find out. Was it that I knew was www meant?” I question texting Y/N to get to John B’s. As we pulled up to the dock Kie got out laughing that I should be an actress. 
“No it’s that you answered 9x7 so fast. Also next time dream job is opening a surf shop together.”
When I show up I knock on the door fiddling with my fingers. The door opens with the blond headed, blue eyed boy kissing me. He wraps his arms tightly around my back like he hasn’t kissed my in forever. I giggled kissing his nose wrapping my arms around his neck.
“Took you long enough. Five days surfer boy, gotta do better next time.” I push past him into the Chateau. “Hey guys miss me.” They shake the heads at me calling us crazy.
“I just thought it was that time of the month or something.” JJ said wrapping his arms around my torso resting his head on my head. I hit the back of his head causing him to playfully bite my ear. “Don’t ever do that again I was worried you were mad at me.” He looks between me and Sadie and I turn to face him giving his a salute.
I sit beside Sadie whispering in her ear that I kissed Rafe earlier tonight. “WHAT!” She jumps up. “You broke rule one and two!!! I have to go fix what you messes up now!”
“I didn’t break rule four though.”
“I hate you!” She runs out of the house starting up her car and driving off to the Camerons.
Later that night I’m curled into JJ on the bed in the room he claimed as our. The shirt he was wearing now over my shoulders enclosing me in the smell and heat that is JJ Maybank. My head on his chest listening to the rhythmic heartbeat. In the five days without JJ this is one of the things I missed most. His smell was just intoxicating and his arms tightly around me felt safe.
“Oh JJ I may have kissed Rafe.”
Part two
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engie-ivy · 3 years
Written for @goodboylupin 's amazing idea of the RS Candy Hearts!
Remus is convinced that the boy brave enough to choose his own path will one day shine as bright as the star he was named after.
Shine Brite
The boy is wearing brand new, well-fitted robes. His buttons are neatly done and his tie has a straight knot in it. For now, the tie is black and white, but soon it will change into the colours of whatever House the boy ends up in. His hair ending just above his ears is neatly combed. He has a mischievous sparkle in his silverish eyes. To Remus, the boy looks perfect.
The boy looks at Remus questioningly, and Remus remembers that the boy had spoken. He looks around, but the boy really seems to have spoken to him.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
The boy chuckles. “I said that I can’t wait till the feast! They say the food at Hogwarts is the best.”
“Oh,” is Remus’ only reply. Somehow, he never considered the possibility of anyone wanting to talk to him. He grew up learning that he needed to stay away from other kids, being as dangerous as he is. Even though none of the kids here knows what he is, and pray to Merlin never will, he had kind of assumed they would just naturally want nothing to do with him. Now, he’s suddenly faced with the problem that he has no idea how social interactions work.
“I’m serious, by the way,” the boy says.
“Yes, I believe you!” Remus hastens to say.
The boy chuckles. “No, silly. I mean my name is Sirius.”
“Oh,” Remus says, ever so eloquently. He wracks his brain trying to come up with something else to say, but his mind seems blank.
“What’s your name?” Sirius asks.
Right. Of course. His own name. He really should’ve been able to come up with that himself. “I’m Remus,” he says. “Remus Lupin.”
“Well, Remus Remus Lupin, it’s nice to meet you.”
Remus opens his mouth to say that he’s really only one Remus, but the grin on Sirius’ face tells him that he’s only joking, so he grins himself as well.
“The sorting ceremony is about to start any minute now,” Sirius says, looking towards the podium where headmaster Dumbledore is making way for a strict looking witch who’s carrying a list. “I’m probably one of the first. You know, Black, alphabet.”
Remus notices that his grin has disappeared and he looks kind of uneasy. “Are you not looking forward to finding out what House you’re going to be in?”
Sirius’ face falls and he looks back at Remus, who’s already convinced that he’s said something stupid and ruined his one and only chance of ever making a friend and now will be alone for the rest of his time at Hogwarts.
“My whole family has always been in Slytherin,” Sirius mutters.
“And you’re worried that you won’t make Slytherin?” Remus asks.
“No,” Sirius says hesitantly. “I’m worried that I will make Slytherin.”
Running his hands through his hair (Remus immediately decides he likes it much better like this than the neatly combed version), Sirius lets out a nervous laugh. “That’s the first time I ever admitted that to myself. I mean, I joked about breaking with tradition on the train, but I never saw it as a serious option...”
Suddenly, Sirius violently shakes his head. “No, no, what am I saying? I can’t do that! I have to be in Slytherin! How will my family react if I’m not? No, even if the Sorting Hat decides differently, I’ll just have to beg until it puts me in Slytherin.”
Sirius gives a firm nod, but Remus sees that the sparkle has left his eyes.
“Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, isn’t it?” Remus asks.
Sirius gives him a surprised look. “Yes. Yes, it is.”
“Well,” Remus says, looking at Sirius intently. “If you ever want to shine as bright as your namesake, you’re going to have to start doing what you want!”
Sirius blinks at him a couple of times, then a soft smile spreads across his face.
“Black, Sirius!” A voice shouts.
Sirius sets his shoulders and holds his head high, and as he walks up to the podium, he appears all confidence and determination.
As the Sorting Head shouts “Gryffindor!” and Sirius goes to the table underneath the red and golden banners without hesitation, Remus thinks that he’s probably the bravest person he has ever met. He smiles to himself.
Shine bright, my star.
The boy is wearing ripped muggle jeans. His shirt is untucked and slightly too many buttons are undone. Remus believes he hasn’t seen his tie in over two years. The boy’s hair is hanging loose over his shoulders, coming almost to his waist, and it looks slightly windswept due to the breeze coming through the open window. He has a mischievous sparkle in his eyes, looking even more like silver in the moonlight. To Remus, the boy still looks perfect.
The boy looks at him questioningly, and Remus remembers that the boy had asked him a question.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
Sirius chuckles. “Where’s your head at, Moony? I asked if you’re all packed for going home tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” Remus replies. “James’ tactic of just throwing everything in your trunk is starting to rub off on me.”
Sirius laughs, but it doesn’t reach his eyes as he turns back to the open window to stare at the night sky.
“You okay?” Remus asks.
“I’m going to tell them this summer,” Sirius says. “This summer, I’m going to tell them I will never follow this so-called Dark Lord of them, I’m going to tell them I don’t agree with their pureblood supremacy beliefs, and nothing they say or do will ever change my mind, and I’m going to ask them to stop trying to force their ideals on me. Hopefully, that’ll be the end of it.”
Sirius looks nervous, which is a rare sight. Remus wishes he was brave enough to take his hand.
“That’s good,” Remus whispers. “That’s... I’m proud of you.”
Sirius gives him a soft smile. “Well, a little boy once told me that if I ever want to shine as bright as my namesake, I’m going to have to start doing what I want.”
Remus laughs. “And that little boy still stands by that!”
Suddenly, Sirius leans forward and presses his lips against Remus’. It’s short, but soft and sweet and it sends shivers throughout Remus’ entire body.
“Goodnight, Moony,” Sirius whispers, while Remus is staring at him with wide eyes.
Sirius turns around and walks back to their dorm, leaving a completely dazed Remus behind.
Remus slowly lifts up his hand and touches his lips with the tip of his finger. Still feeling the ghost of Sirius’ lips on his, Remus thinks that he’s definitely the bravest person he has ever met. He smiles to himself.
Shine bright, my star.
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draco-kasai · 3 years
Hero Collaboration Program
Chapter 2 pt. 1: Welcome to The Program! --> 
Chapter 2 pt. 2                                            Find Chapter 1 here!
Story Summery: High School Hero Collaboration Program! Helping Sophomore hero students connect with others around the world! Come join us for a two-week-long trip to one of our schools for an amazing once in a lifetime experience with students of Yuuei! Only a lucky 40 students will be selected for this program. They will be split into two groups of 20 and sent to different schools to have completely unique experiences!
AKA; A very bitg crossover fanfic I started because I can’t help myself. I adore all of these characters and hope I had done them justice, though I did take many backstories and threw them into the meat grinder to remold them in a way that fits this universe. Also, I love 1-A but I also want to take them down a peg or two... I also just want to see them get their asses handed to them.  
A/N: Here it is! Chapter two! I hope anyone who decides to read it enjoys!
Alfred Freedom Jones practically bounced out of his bed in excitement. All the exchange student’s had arrived around 7PM last night in hopes for them to receive enough rest and get used to any sudden time change and jet lag. He and Valerie - a teacher of the school where they conduct part of the program - had wanted to be the ones to pick up and welcome all the kids. However, They were tasked with any last minute decorating to make the dorms presentable and welcoming and preparing dinner, that way the kids would have food in their bellies before they headed to their dorms and began unpacking and going to bed. 
The dorms of the school are located right behind the school itself. Although they were especially made 15 years ago since the program had begun, they are used for other purposes throughout the year to not go to waste. When students find themselves in situations where they need a place to stay, they are welcome to speak to a counselor to explain the situation, where they are given a room key and a ‘job’ as a tutor or teacher's assistant as well as have mandatory counseling to ‘pay off’ their stay. Sports clubs are also welcome to apply and stay in the program dorms during the summer for training camp, and many clubs even enjoy having sleep-overs for a few days as a bonding activity. 
This year has been one of the few where nobody has found the need to stay in the dorms throughout their school year. Alfred could almost cry for joy at that fact. Not only is there no student in the school facing such problems, but there won't be a random kid trying to sneak into all of their activities. It’s endearing when it happens the first few times, but the moment you have every one of those students trying to sneak into amusement parks and other field trips with the exchange students they’d become attached to, making you buy them a ticket on the spot to not just send them back, it becomes a little of a problem. Needless to say, he and Valerie have started carrying extra money with them on field trips.
Last year was a new one. Instead of them just buying a ticket on the spot, the two seniors that were with them had been snuck onto the bus and into six flags. They had somehow convinced the shy Brazilian boy to use their quirk to turn them into mice for an hour, so they could sneak in.
Everyone that enters a theme park nowadays are given quirk suppressant bracelets, that are custom-made for each theme park with designs, shapes and looks, that they must wear during their stay and return when they leave. The senior students were somehow able to get their hands on some when they transformed back, inside the theme park.
 Everyone was very smug when they explained to Alfred and Valerie how exactly two seniors not in the program and without tickets got into the theme park. Even the shy boy seemed proud that so much was accomplished with their quirk. As illegal as that is, he couldn’t help but feel a little proud of how they had just outsmarted the system. Although that didn’t stop, he or Valerie from lecturing them. His kids were very apologetic, and tried to make up for it by paying the teachers for the two students tickets by all pitching in.  He had avoided Aizawa’s questioning stare at the two students the whole day and allowed Valerie and the kids to keep him busy.
All things considered, Alfred and Valerie might not be the best choices as chaperones for the students, since they let them get away with shit when they know they’ve been outsmarted. Their superiors don’t have to know. Although the teachers praise them for being so innovative, the two teachers always make sure to drill it into their brain how important following the law is and how they shouldn't abuse their quirks in such ways. They also make sure to explain what kind of consequences such actions can cause, especially if they were pros. 
The reason they don’t kick them out of the program or anything, though, is because they are kids in training for a dangerous profession. They deserve the opportunity to have fun and act their age every now and again. Sure, they usually end up realizing how idiotic many of their ideas turn out to be, but it’s best they start learning now than mess up later and have their careers ruined for it. He and Valerie have kept in contact with kids who had graduated too! They have all become wonderful heroes, even if they had pulled quite a few pranks during their time in the program.
Adjusting the prescription glasses on his face, Alfred grabbed all the lanyards with cardholders attached to them and made sure each of the students program ID’s, room and key cards were there. He was going to hand them out last night after dinner, but all the kids seemed too exhausted, so he and Valerie had led them to their rooms to go unpack and rest. Once he was sure all of them were there, he grabbed his own lanyard. Wrapping it around his jeans' belt loop, he grabbed a folder and stepped out of his dorm. 
Looking at his watch, he realized it was 9:01 AM. They had told the kids to set their alarms, so they should be awake and getting ready by now. Going over the schedule he had memorized, he noted that they all had to be in the cafeteria at 9:45 for a late breakfast. After, they would head over to the large field separating the two dorm buildings for group activities. Since the students are all jet-lagged, they are free from classes till Friday, tomorrow. It may be a program for training, but they're students, can’t let them all fall behind.
 Making his way down the hallway, he began knocking on doors to the boys rooms on his floor. “Head down to the common area in ten minutes! Wear something comfortable for physical activity!” he called out as he made his way down all 12 doors. He could faintly hear Valerie doing the same downstairs to the females. 
As he walked towards the stairs, he spotted a few students already following behind him. He had even spotted a few of the girls walking behind Valerie, already attempting small talk. Once in the common area, he and Valerie smiled at the kids that followed them down.
“You kids are free to enjoy yourselves with anything you’d like while we wait for the others.” Valerie’s chipper voice practically sang as she spoke. “The remote to the TV is on the coffee table, the pool table racks are on the wall over there, the ball for the foosball table should be in one of the goals, and you are free to explore the field, just don’t go too far.” 
Both adults watched in amusement as the students stared around in awe. By the time the ten minutes had passed, all the students were scattered throughout the field, or common room. It hadn’t taken long for the two adults to gather them all up outside. One of the students had been quite sociable, going around speaking to everyone.
“Alright students ~!” Valerie sang as she closed and locked the sliding glass door behind her, “Since we still have time before we have to head over for breakfast, let’s all introduce ourselves properly to one another.” 
Alfred gave the kids a two finger salute as his partner took her place next to him, “Wassup guys! I’m Alfred Freedom Jones! Call me Mr. Jones! I’m a representative of the Hero collaboration program! I’ve been to both schools and have been doing this for 6 years! I was actually a student of this program when it was established! I hope you all enjoy yourselves while you are here!”
“Hello~! I’m Valerie Felicity Frizzle! Please, feel free to call me Miss. Frizzle or even Frizz, as many of my kids call me. I have been teaching in Marina high school for 19 years now. I was actually the teacher that had convinced my coworkers and the district to sign our school up for this lovely program! Truly, it has been a wonderful joy to meet and work with such wonderful children! I hope you all have a glorious experience and take home with you something new~!” The woman curtsied, showing off her dark purple dress that depicted outer space in beautiful patterns and colors.
“Now then! Your turn guys! Anyone want to go first, or shall we popcorn it? Maybe left to right? Choose someone and let them choose after? Whatcha guys up for?”
Both teachers watched in amusement as they watched the kids glance around at one another. They had seen some of them already starting to make some friends. Five of them seemed to get along well while playing foosball. Two had played 8-ball while conversing with two other students that watched with interest. Some of the others kept to themselves while watching TV or hanging around outside. Hopefully they are able to make some friends too. Just as Miss. Frizzle prepared to call on someone, a green arm raised up.
“Me! Me! I would love to go first!” The boy’s grin widened as everyone's gaze landed on him. Everything about him was a different shade of  green, from his skin to his hair and eyes. He wore a white tank top with an unbuttoned short-sleeved button up that has Disney dogs printed all over it, and loose, knee-length jean shorts. A boy at the other end of the crowd of students with green eyes and a serious face jolted in surprise and sank a little into his seat once he noticed him. 
“I like your enthusiasm, kid! Alright! Let’s hear it! Ah, don’t share any quirk information, though! We have a little activity planned later, and staying anonymous would be the best course of action.” Alfred grinned just as wide in response. 
“Okay!” He bounced over to stand between them. It was unnecessary, but it looks like it’s a thing now. Both teachers could see the discomfort that had settled on a small handful of students at the thought of standing in front of strangers to introduce themselves. “Hi! My name is Garfield Mark Logan! You guys can call me Gar! My name can be quite the mouthful. My hero name is Beast Boy and I came from San Francisco, aaand oh yeah! I’m Vegetarian! It’s nice to meet you all -! Oh my gosh, Damian! Hey dude!!” 
Said boy groaned as he facepalmed. A few people in the group held back their laughter as best they could as Garfield rushed over to him. Grabbing the sleeve of Damian’s jacket, he dragged him to the front of the crowd, “You practically ghosted us, dude. This is your punishment. Introduce yourself.” 
Damian almost stumbled when Garfield pushed him before retreating back to his spot next to a boy with green highlights in his hair. Letting out a heavy sigh, he fixed the sleeve to his hoodie and straightened his black V-neck shirt. Clearing his throat, he spoke, “Hello, I am Damian Wayne. It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I suppose if I am going off of Garfield’s introduction; my hero name is Red Bird, I came from Gotham in New Jersey, and I am also Vegetarian.” Green eyes scanned the crowd before pointing to a boy with light brown hair wearing a tie diy shirt. “You go next.”
“O - oh! Um, okay.” The boy stood to his feet from his place on the concrete, “Hi, uh, My name is Rudy Tabootie. I live pretty close actually, Burbank, to be exact. Uh, I’m not vegetarian… sorry? Uh, my Hero name is Snap. It’s really cool to meet you all.” and just like that, all the introductions went, and the group found themselves in the cafeteria for breakfast with their new lanyards. It wasn’t long till all the student’s exited the cafeteria and made their way to the field between the dorms. 
“Alright guys! We want to explain a few things with you before we start today’s first activity!” Mr. Jones clapped his hands together, excitedly. 
“I’m sure you have all noticed how the special guests, the main reason for this program, Yuuei isn’t here yet. Well, they will all be arriving tomorrow. However, you will not be introduced to them until Monday.” Miss. Frizzle smiled widely, the students before them began murmuring to one another in confusion.
“Um, Why?” A girl with pearl white skin asked. She wore light gray joggers, a sky blue tank top and had her cobalt blue hair tied up in pigtails. Jenny Walkman.
“The answer is simple! The students of Yuuei have had the whole school year to train and get to know one another, as well as their abilities. Needless to say, they all know how to work together.” Miss. Frizzle explained, “For this reason, our program is set up to allow all the exchange students to have time to get to know one another as well as each other's quirks and skills, so you may be able to work together when needed. This way, when we do battle training, everything would be on as equal footing as we can get.”
Mr. Jones nodded beside her, “Which is why all weekend, as they rest from their long flight, get accustomed to their surroundings and have fun sightseeing, we will be doing a bunch of group activities to get to know one another better. That way, when we begin battle training…” He trails off, hoping someone would finish for him. He wasn’t disappointed. 
“We’d at least be on equal footing against them.” A girl with long red hair that she had tied up in a ponytail responded. Wearing a green crop top, and dark blue cargo pants, she crossed her arms over her chest, a smile crossing her lips slightly at the plan. Kimberly Anne Possible
“Precisely!” Miss. Frizzle and Mr. Jones sang together.
“Today’s activity, drum roll please,” Miss. Frizzle happily made the sound effect for her coworker. Mr. Jones held up a dodgeball, where he got it, nobody knows, “Dodgeball!”
Chapter 2 pt. 2  
10 notes · View notes
redmaneroster · 3 years
Our Home Away From Home, Away From Home
[1] [2] [3] [4-5] [6] [x] [8-9] [10]
PART 7 – Crustacean
They've been awake for at least an hour now, staring at the ceiling. It's dark all over, breached by apertures on the steel portal door of their room but the slits of light only cut into a broken ceiling fan and Yang's fingernail next to Jaune's ear.
Penny's voice comes muffled through the thick ceiling. Ruby's high-pitched cheers like distant whispers next to the megaphone voice of their android friend. They're all on a boat house for the sea and it's clear the girls are having a blast trying to steer the thing.
"They're having fun," Jaune says. He means nothing by it. Just an observation. Pointless conversation through the sleepy haze of a rocking ship. Jaune would have gotten sick were he not on a stable bed. He has pills for the motion sickness but they won't last him the entire trip. Sleep is the only way he can ration them.
Yang shifts over his arm and raises her hand, letting the light catch her nail again. It glistens like a solitary star off a cosmic trail. She giggles because the haze has caught onto her too and she's half-awake as it is. "He he, we could have fun too, y'know?"
He seizes, sitting up. "Y-Yang…?"
Yang does the same, huddling into a ball, clutching the comforter like it might shield her. "I-I meant by joining them! I didn't… I mean, I don't think I meant it that way…" Most of her is certain she didn't mean it like that but halfway through speaking, she wanted to take it back. She thinks she's ready, prepared to not freak out at the idea of exposing herself and seeing all of him. Her every uncertainty is truth, as honest as her apprehension to let him touch her.
She can barely see his face but his features soften in the dark, clearer when he gets closer. And for a moment it scares her to think he's taking that initiative. Her chest thumps like earthly tremors, cracking against her skin as it splinters like desert ground. Lips just as dry.
But he doesn't get any closer. He crouches next to her, facing away, but one of his hands reaches out for hers to close the rest of the distance. Her hands twitch when the warmth of his rolls over the back of her palm and hovers over her knuckles.
His hand stops and, instead, takes her fingers between two of his and a thumb. It's a gentle and quiet contact. He doesn't want to scare her. "I know you're having second thoughts," he says slowly, deliberately. As if knowing. Just like Saphron. "But how about we agree to do this when we're both one-hundred percent on it? Like when we have no doubt that this is how we take things going forward."
"Yeah… I think I'd like that." She clutches his hand fully now. Even shuffling closer. A warm breath tickles the hairs on his extended arm. "Look, I want it clear that it isn't you I'm apprehensive about. It's everything that comes after."
She can feel the heat of his blush from his hands alone.
"Uh… Yang, I hope I haven't somehow gotten you thinking I was going to do anything wild."
"No, no," she laughs, "nothing like that." She squeezes his hand and shuffles till her arm is flush against his. "I… I want kids."
"Um!" He tenses but doesn't let go of her as a sign of resolve.
"I don't mean now! Or anytime soon, I swear!" She lets him take a breath and unwind his rigid bones. "Really jumpstarted his heart, didn't I?" she thinks. Another squeeze from her, asking for courage he pours out of his sweaty palm.
"I'm afraid," she says finally, "of what comes after. If I don't try to stopgap how quickly things are going, sooner or later I'll have a kid of my own and I'll stare them in the face and… I'm worried that I'll be afraid. That, somehow, Mom running away would make sense."
He stares at her, eyes wide. "You called her mom."
An uncomfortable shiver runs down her neck and scrapes against her ribs. She shudders as she buries her head between her curled-up knees. "It's not about her. At least, I don't think so. I've caught myself calling her mom in my head when I think about it. Like I'm hoping I can still call myself a mother."
"That's a lot of thinking ahead, Yang. Who knows how long it'll even be till then."
She shrugs with a laugh that doesn't reach her eyes. "I've always been wired that way. I got a full life to live but I had to spend a lot of time prepping Ruby's future. If I don't prepare for the inevitable, I'll waste time trying to figure it out when it actually arrives."
"It doesn't sound like you're waiting to know if you'll be ready. Only that you worry if you'll ever be ready at all."
She nods, a touch of shame welling in her chest. "Is that bad?"
"I think it's human."
"That just tells me I could screw up like everyone else…"
"I like to think it means we're afraid of the same things."
Yang pulls her head out of her knees and blinks at him. Their hands are sweating and her nerves are mirrored on him too. She can see it on his face but it almost doesn't make sense. "Why?" she asks. "You'll make a great dad, Jaune. Hell, you'd make a great mom too!" She almost doesn't notice the little smile on her cheeks.
"Could say the same to you," he says, smiling again but there's a quiver in his hands. It's uncomfortably weak. "But it doesn't really matter that we think the world of each other. We'll probably mess up anyway. I may not share your fear of becoming like your mom but I'm every bit as afraid of not turning up like mine. My parents are storied huntsmen who raised eight proper kids. My grandparents before them were hard won veterans who were their children's heroes. That's a lot of legacy to live up to. And…" He makes a series of faces. All of them uncertain.
Her hand slides up his arm and the other knits between his fingers. Their heads lean onto each other before he speaks.
"Sometimes it feels like everything I'll ever do will be dwarfed by them. Short of saving the world and raising a dozen huntsmen–" Yang resists visibly wincing at the thought of raising twelve kids "–I'll never live up to them. And even if I do? I'm still not sure how to stop my kids from sharing the same fears…" He laughs. Not bitterly. There's a genuine hearty sound puffing out of his chest. "I think I know why Dad wanted me to be a doctor."
"Hm… Sounds like he was afraid of the same thing we are," she muses.
"I think so, too."
The sliver of light through the door passes them and, for a moment, the light is gone. The warmth and sweat of their hands are the only tangible things in the dark. And they cling to each other, summoning courage as fears drip away like melting ice.
"Jaune?" she asks.
"We should talk to your parents. I think there's a lot of easy-to-reach wisdom we aren't taking advantage of here." He's silent for a long second and Yang nearly calls him out until she notices the sheen of his scroll. "What are you doing?"
His Cheshire grin is mortifying under the pale glow. "Calling my folks."
"No! Stop!" she screeches, scrambling on top of him like a wild monkey. "I'm not ready! My hair's a mess!"
He pulls his hand away. "C'mon! They'll love you!"
"Can it, Arc! Sweet talking won't stop me!"
They wrestle for a while and Yang is so focused on getting his scroll that she forgets what she taught Jaune. They've wrestled in the past for training and something he's very broadly taken from those lessons has been going on the offensive. Tucking away his scroll, he manages to slink around her and grapple her arms.
"What? Hey!"
Trapping the length of her arms above her with his arm, he reaches around her with the other to grab his scroll. He pulls it up. It goes to call and the preview camera puts them both in view (strangely, like two floating heads from the dark).
With enough struggling, Yang knows she can break out even at a disadvantageous position, but the call answers quickly and she freezes up. Her awkward smile is automatic. Her panicked heart is full-auto.
"Hey, Mom, Dad! This is Yang, my girlfrie–" His mouth hangs open when their eyes meet in what can only be described as abject terror.
They hadn't exactly agreed on a label.
There's click from the scroll. "…And saved!" Jaune's mom sings. "Aren't you two cute."
They don't get a lot of answers. Jaune's parents, Apolian and Helia (she insists on Aunt Hess), tell them that this is the kind of discussion you have over dinner. Yang is promptly invited to see them over the Summer.
They do end up sharing stories, and by the end of it Yang feels confident that she's left a good first impression. Yet, by the time they walk into the morning light and find an empty spot together at the front deck, their nerves worm their way back in but for different reasons this time.
"So… labels. Yay," Yang cheers weakly against the railing.
"Yeah," Jaune drawls. "Fifteen percent off. This side up. Expires yesterday. Labels!" he cheers sarcastically, awkwardly. "Totally love 'em."
It's very easily something they can agree to discuss another time but it doesn't feel right doing so. Like it's not so big a deal that they can't hold off but not small enough to ignore for too long. Besides, people are going to ask questions (not that they haven't already) and just agreeing on something would work for a few more miles.
"Y'know, it's funny," Yang says, "I was fully prepared to just be boyfriend and girlfriend when this all started. Now that I've got clarity, I'm starting to wonder if we're even pacing ourselves right as friends."
Jaune hums agreeably. "But maybe we've worried so much about the pace that we've forgotten if it even matters… I mean, so what if things are going too fast? What should matter is if we want it or not."
"Do you want it?" she asks.
He shrugs. "I guess I don't mind telling everyone we're dating. And exclusive. But what are we if not that by definition? What's the difference with that and being an item?"
She sighs, pivoting around to lean her back against the railing instead. "What if the label's pointless to begin with? It just sums up what we are for other people. Like you said, it should only really matter to us."
"Maybe that's just it. The label isn't important to us and so it's only for them. If all they're asking is to sum up what we are, then we should just pick a label that answers enough questions and any nuance we need we can keep to ourselves."
"Yeah, we don't have change to fit it, even. We'll just be the way we are."
But the uncomfortable question of what they even are lingers between them. Not a label, per se. Perhaps a name truly is pointless, but what does it mean to be what they are?
When their hands meet in the middle, there's an air of comfort, a touch of romance. A quiet laugh and a knowing smile. They balk at the smell of salty sea air, laugh at the antics of an excitable Penny, gossip at some friends huddled a little too close. It's all friendly, familiar. Uncomplicated.
They decide that quantifying it is either too hard or actually impossible. And a quiet ambivalence washes over them – stinging and uncertain – and figuring it out will take a lot of testing.
It was supposed to be a little solitary date but Sun knows a guy with a boat house and Pyrrha has a sponsorship with an outdoor grill you can take to the beach (the sponsor feels that a photoshoot on the deck of a ship is an inspired take). The fact that there's a small, unfamiliar crew onboard is a little concerning but they're largely invisible and stay out of the way. Though Sun and Pyrrha have made it a game to hide away from them.
Yang has started wearing a red wig to throw them off and, stood next to Jaune who is a muscular blonde, from behind he can pull off looking like Sun at a glance. Most of the crew is understanding and they have a few good laughs.
Yang muses that she might look good as a redhead and posits to Jaune that she might dye her hair down the line.
"And here I thought those locks were sacred."
"Yeah, I don't think they can stop being immaculate," she says as she twirls in front of a mirror, trying to get a good look of it down her back. "Red's sufficiently bright. Maybe…"
"Well, bright colors will match your eyes," Jaune says sat across from her in a half-zipped wetsuit, "but I don't see you having many options with hair that long. You gotta get a hairdresser to cover all that thickness. You're gonna mess up trying to do it yourself."
Yang chews the thought like she does her lip. "I guess I could just cut it."
Jaune blinks at her. "I'm not the most religious man but even that sounds blasphemous."
"Heh. I might've thought the same thing last year."
"What changed?"
She bundles her hair in her hands, draping it over her shoulder. "I inherited my hair from my mom, but it's something I took and made my own. I took pride in that, but nowadays that just feels… petty. I mean, I still take pride in taking care of it, but I've started to come around to the idea that I could just like however I look as long as that choice is my own. Even if I end up looking ridiculous for a semester."
He comes up behind her, eying himself in the mirror. "Okay, but only if you let me do the same."
"Dye your hair?"
"Yeah, to match yours. Maybe I'll even grow mine out. Always wanted to try a wolf-tail." He turns his head and bunches up a few of his locks. It's not enough for a full tail since much of the length is lost in his fist, but Yang can kind of see it working.
But red?
"I can't put you through that."
"But you won't be," he says matter-of-factly, "I'll be putting myself through that. So, if I choose to stand behind you by experimenting with my hair the same way, that'll be my choice."
She sighs and backs up into his chest. "Why do you keep cheating? You know I can't argue with that kind of logic. And you'll just end up looking ridiculous by the end."
"At least I'll look like the bigger fool."
"I'm used to it," he maintains evenly, sternly. "I'm glad people don't look down on me anymore but being with me means you have to live with the fact that I'm still every bit that little spaz who threw up on your boots. Which I'm glad you forgave me for, by the way. Real quick on that too."
"Heh, well, my temper's never been about my style. An unfortunate dork just gets pity, and even a mild jerk might just get a glare. It's mostly about my pride. I worked hard on my hair back in freshmen year and… I hated losing. I mean, god damn does Yatsu hit hard. I guarantee that I'll start seeing red again if I get a repeat of last year's Vytal."
"You're competing again this year?"
She gives him gigawatt grin. "JNPR didn't need to compete but you all did anyway. If Jaune Arc can stand on international television despite obvious odds and harbor an unnecessary need to feel like he's somehow a burden, what's Yang Xiao Long to do but follow his example and beat her own demons to death?"
His cheeks are a touch red and she gives him the small mercy of not pointing it out. "I guess I can't argue with that either," he says.
Yang pushes off him and raises one hand while pressing the other against her chest before she announces before him, "I swear mercy upon my hair, that you might see fit to show mercy on yours."
"Even if things go horribly wrong and I decide that the only way to one-up you is to grow a mullet?"
She snorts. "I will shave you bald in your sleep, and don't think for a second that I won't do that."
They're laughing and he rolls his eyes but he's certain she'll make good on if it comes to that. "C'mon, we've spent enough time not getting ready. They're probably already in the water."
She helps him with his zipper. "Blake's probably already caught one," she says. There's an excited tingle that runs through her spine. "Now I've got an itch. Wanna see if we can catch more than she can?"
"Both of us against her?"
"She used to dive for clams with her dad. No gear either. Two against one is only fair."
They still lose to her, and they're not even in second place. Sun has been diving for seafood since he was kid.
They manage over two dozen lobsters and a handful of crabs, and unanimously agree not to boil the poor things alive. Still, they mess up a few times cause no one actually knows how to cook lobster even with Penny's encyclopedic knowledge but they manage a lovely dinner eventually with a few failed attempts.
Neptune and Weiss disappear at some point only to be stumbled upon below deck. They'd been drinking. Everyone respects their privacy and don't ask why.
Nora interjects on a Tuesday team meeting that – now that it's public that Jaune and Yang are basically a couple – people both see it and don't see it.
Jaune is confused for long enough to just outright ask what she's talking about.
Sometimes people will catch them getting a little close in the halls (they're starting to notice the stares), but they're not always together and you wouldn't have noticed that something was up if you didn't already know. They sit next to each other all the time but are frequently talking to the rest of their teams (there was rumor that Jaune was secretly dating Ruby after they laughed out loud during class a few times). Witnesses spot them boarding bullheads to Vale around the weekends but are as frequently found shopping for groceries, ammo, inspecting ingots, and once even at a car dealership (and they're surprised how most of the things they do together could only be classified as dates if you squint hard enough and pretend they're doing anything else).
They're never caught holding hands. The one kiss was even on the cheek and some people still believe they were seeing things altogether. It almost feels like fiction or outlandish gossip. Not because it's them, but because no one saw it coming and people are still refusing to trust their eyes.
Yang thinks it's hilarious. Jaune thinks they need to clarify things before they get awkward. Yang was already propositioned after she lied about there being nothing between them. Lies are only going to complicate things.
So, in that moment they decide, "We're a couple."
Sure. Fine. Give them a label when they ask but they aren't changing anything else. They'd already agreed on it anyway. Still, the societal pressure to look the part just didn't vibe with them and they hope the label is the last thing they ever give into outside of themselves.
They find out two things on the last week before the semestral break, the one they'll mostly spend in Patch with Yang's parents.
One, that lobster needs to be preserved damp and freezing with salt water. Fresh water off the tap ruins their last reserve crustacean. Shame. Guess they'll have to plan another boat trip.
And two, that – at least according to the crusty boatman – lobsters don't stop growing. They get bigger and bigger until they've outgrown their own shells. So, they shed it and grow a new one. Then, eventually, they outgrow that shell, too, and start the process over and over again until we find them, crack them open, and feast on their delicious insides…
The boatman forgets his own metaphor in the reverie of polishing off the last of his meal, plucking his lips over the last delicate morsels.
He tells them all, then, that the price of growth is to constantly find that what was once familiar will inevitably feel alien. That everything about you and around you will change, and adaptation is not only what makes it survivable, but it also keeps you sane.
When they think he's done, he coughs, wheezes, then speaks again.
You should always look out for the in-between, he says with a serious look in his eye. Thing is, after shedding their shell, lobsters have to spend their meantime being vulnerable. Squishy, ugly little things, he emphasizes with gusto.
Transitions in your life will be like that, often terrifying and tumultuous, and the scary part is that your worries doesn't stop there. You have to be careful about who you become when you come out the other end. That it's not only hard to make the transition, that your choices in that change will determine who you are moving forward.
A lobster will come out wrong if something unexpected happens in the middle of molting. Might grow another claw or bulge out somewhere uncomfortably. But the boatman, rather optimistically, says a lobster has the option to cut off an offending part of them and regrow it. It'll take a while though. Years even, but correcting your character is never as easily solved with an apology or an act of will.
Because you'll never undo your mistakes. You can only make things right. And sometimes you can only do that little by little.
For a moment, Yang thinks of Raven.
It's when they're out by the pier to try an egg sandwich that Yang is thinking about lobsters and metaphors. "So, what happens after the apartment?" she asks. "After Beacon?"
"I don't know," he shrugs. "I haven't thought that far ahead." Except he has, but it's all substitutions. He used to think of a future with Terra, but now Yang has replaced all those naïve, boyish dreams with a series of blonde heads bouncing on a couch. Still, these are fragmentary thoughts, and he doesn't think Yang would like it if he tried for the civilian life. No, right now – and for the past week – he's been trying to see where that future is now with Yang instead. "We should pair off, by the way."
"Uh, haven't we already?"
"I mean when we go hunting. I know you're only supposed to pair off with your own team but I don't see JNPR and RWBY splitting up… ever. I think we should get a head start."
"Okay, future proofing. Sounds like your next report for Leadership." It is, and Yang helps him figure out his bullet points while they chew thoughtfully on their egg sandwiches (it's really eighty-percent meat and cheese but it's got an egg inside and on top so it gets the name).
They talk about the car they're looking for. Jaune's racetrack savvy sister, Sable, it still swearing up and down about the Highway Aries being an ideal match. Yang still insists on a bike.
When they're packing up and driving home, Yang talks about her "cousin" Vernal and her estranged bedmate Shay. Jaune adds that he has cousins he doesn't remember because seven sisters are enough, he doesn't need to add another eight. (Yang reels at the idea of so many blondes at a single family gathering and those are just the grandkids).
When they're home they talk about another trip out to sea and inevitably segway back into lobsters.
Sitting on the couch, she's thinking about her future. Jaune plops next to her and laughs about something Ruby sends him on his scroll.
Yang's ignoring her messages from Nora – she's staring at her scroll on the coffee table and it buzzes but she can't register what's happening – and suddenly she blurts, "Hey, I know this is a ways off and I probably shouldn't be something you talk about it at eighteen in the middle of academy training but… if we get a girl, can we name her Summer?" There's no embarrassment blooming off her cheeks. Her face is completely neutral, and her eyes are searching for a response in his wide, vacant stare.
His typing hasn't stopped, only slowed. "…"
He sighs, and it's long and beaten like he's preparing himself for self-destruction. "Only if we agree to name our son…" he swallows uncomfortably. "…uh, Qrow?"
She's aghast, mouth opening and closing. "Did… did you lose a bet or something?"
He kisses her – his way of saying yes – but it's not cute this time. It's sad and piteous and his eyes scream an apology his lungs are strangling him not to say for fear of combusting in what is already volcanic embarrassment.
"Win the bet," she says sternly.
"What? But I already lost!"
"Then double or nothing! Short of him kicking the ever living fuck out of the bucket, I am not naming my son after my uncle." After his furious nodding, she summons a tiny strength in her lungs to speak, but not enough to look him in the eye. "So, you, uh, didn't answer my question."
The clatter of his flask on the coffee table almost scares her, but she can see that he isn't drinking at the thought of Terra. This time it's just about Qrow. It makes her feel less afraid. When he answers, there is no burden in his tone caused he'd downed his nerves in quarter-parts whiskey. "I'll agree to Summer if you let me name our next daughter Agrippa."
"Oh? Why?"
"Was set on it when I was kid. This was before Pyrrha, before Terra, even. I just remember crying at home during a storm. My bedroom door was stuck cause of a leak – y'know, cause water inflates wood – and no one could hear me call out to them under all the rain drumming the roof. I was soaking wet cause the leak got onto my sheets. Stupid thing was, I wasn't even afraid of getting sick or if my small boy body would get hypothermia. I just had a sleepover at a friend's place the morning after and I didn't want to miss it. Then, out of nowhere and probably from a fevered haze, I see a guardian angel or – as my sisters called it – an imaginary friend."
He pauses to look at her, to check if she thinks he's crazy. She doesn't. Yang doesn't judge. She listens.
"It was a girl just a head taller than mine," he continues. "The dark made her hair look brown or a dull red, so I can't recall that for sure but I remember her eyes. They were blue, like mine, only brighter. She said her name was Gri, short for Agrippa. She saw that I was cold and she knelt to my level and hugged me. Her body felt warm, but too warm like the way your hands might after holding freshly brewed coffee. I didn't notice I was dry until I was laid in an equally dry bed and already falling asleep."
She doesn't ask if he thought it a dream. "You weren't afraid?" she asks instead.
He shakes his head. "I just assumed she was someone from the neighborhood I neglected to meet. My hometown, Clove, is a community of retired huntsmen surrounded by their farmlands, and everyone outside of it knew not to mess with huntsman families. If anything, we kept giving passersby the spooks. Cause of that, I was taught to be friendly, not wary of strangers."
"Hm," she sounds thoughtfully. "That explains a few things, actually."
"Really? Like what?"
"Well, just one thing. Ruby told me how you two met. You told her that strangers are just friends you haven't met yet. Thought you might've even been a little sketchy until I saw you myself. Seemed like the kind of guy who'd meet her in the middle. Vomit and all."
"Heh, I'm glad we hit it off. Ruby's a good friend."
"She makes a better sister," she says, winking.
"I suppose I'll find that out eventually, huh?" He gives her a suggestive grin.
His grin drops. "Y'know, cause she'll be my sister-in-law if we…" He rolls his hands.
"Uh… Oh. Oh! You were flirting! Damn it, I missed my chance!'
He laughs because she seems genuinely upset. She decides that pouting is for suckers and proceeds to bite his neck. This time he bites back.
They wake up with the hickeys still on their necks and they opt to leave it there for all to see. The reactions from their peers at Beacon are interesting, and they take it as sufficient proof enough for everyone that they're an item. No one bothers asking about them after that.
When the week comes to an end, Pyrrha promises that they can pay her back for covering for the car's down payment and that – by the time they get back from Patch – that it'll be in the apartment's designated parking spot. Only slightly used cause, of course, she's going to cruise in it with Sun when he flies back to the city tomorrow.
They're surprised when Jaune and not Yang is the one that makes them vow to clean the stains. Yang is very proud of him.
On the pier, they hug their friends goodbye and Ruby promises to catch up once she's done meeting someone important from Mistral as per the headmaster's instruction. She says she can't tell them why she's nervous. They don't pry and tell her they'll listen when she's ready.
Jaune, also, promises not to look at her baby pictures (until she's there, he doesn't say).
Once they're in transit on the ferry, he tries to straighten out a crease in Yang's leather jacket. The shard of fire dust in a cup of water is his attempt to steam it straight. He spends the time talking about his mom's home remedies and his dad's jury rigging. She answers with talk of Summer's garden that her dad and uncle tend to. He scoffs at the idea of Qrow gardening but admits that it makes sense.
With Jaune busying himself, Yang wonders if things will stay this way. If all they have to worry about is down payments, creases, spoiled lobsters, and baby names. That all the big problems, like her mother's abandonment and his actual, biological son, might rear themselves instead and come back to haunt them in devastating ways. But just before any doubt sinks in, he holds her hand from his perch on the floor. He kisses her knee and eyes her from over her lap.
"Whatever it is," he says, squinting. Thinking of what else to add but settles with, "It doesn't matter whatever it is…"
She is prepared to eat up anything he offers. That he'll be there for her, that they'll work it out somehow, that he'll banish any ill thought or doubt, but he says none of those things. Instead, he leans up and kisses her – tender and brief – on the lips.
She blinks. "What are you saying yes to this time?" She's so bewildered that she doesn't even know why she asks such a thing.
"You," he answers anyway. "All of you. I can't fix everything and I can't right every wrong, but I'll take you as you are, or whatever you'll become. Even if you're in pieces. Even if you stop loving me. I don't have be your boyfriend to be with you every step of the way."
It's clear, then, that Jaune's been dealing with doubts of his own. Yang swallows as things bubble to the surface before she blinks a few times and…
"I love you," she says, and she realizes that it's the first time she has said it.
Down the line, she remembers this moment most vividly of her trip to Patch that one Autumn afternoon. The uncomfortable smell of sea water and steam off a heated cup, the rock of the ferry that forces Jaune to swallow a pill and drops a dozen more just to stop from hurling, and the way her shorts nearly catch fire from the dust shard spilling onto her lap.
Cause then he's stable and she's got a change of clothes (the small fire charred the color in an uncomfortable spot), and they try for the overpriced food court a floor above to mask the smell of all the water in almost lousy, reheated pizza.
The boatman told them that change is tumultuous, and that screwing up in the middle of growing their new shell is almost inevitable. Maybe they won't fit quite so well in their new shell, and maybe they'll take a few cuts and scrapes before they settle comfortably in their own skin, and maybe an old wound might not quite go away and leave them vulnerable there forever…
…but even if so, they decide – after a toast with pizza that tastes like the box it came in – that they'll always have these beautiful little imperfections, and that they can be ugly, squishy lobsters together.
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barbika1508 · 4 years
Perks of an open Pool (Octopus/SeaWitch!Yoongi x Human!Reader/ Smut)
Word Count: 9,4k
Genre: Fluff, Romance, PWP
Pairing: Octopus/SeaWitch!Yoongi x Human!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Breeding Kink, Mating, Dom! Yoongi, Brief Dom!Y/N otherwise Sub!Y/N, Tentacle sex
Summary: It’s just your ordinary mated type of a couple, living together, loving each other and getting frisky as anyone does, with the exception of these two as a limb or two more might be involved.
Authors Note: It’s basically tentacle porn, simple as that! So, enjoy it and if you don’t there’s plenty other things to read! Anyways hope you’re having a good day :3
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 Why am I getting agitated? I was fine not even an hour ago, completely calm and collected. My fingers remain drumming mindlessly along the side of my laptop, as I keep staring at the beat and the waves it has created, listening to the same part of the song over, and over again. The repetition is irking me, the missing part just growing and adding to my nerves. And going down and through the 20 versions I’ve made of the beat, it’s not sitting right frustrating me by this point. This is supposed to be a simple pre-chorus to lead the song into the main part but why in Poseidon’s name nothing is working right?!?!?!?!
Beyond my own little world, I pick up on other sounds deducting movement. Noises of moving furniture and footsteps aren’t quiet anymore. The agitation from before in my stomach lessens as I glance at the clock, but the irritation remains as I continue glaring at the screen in front of me. Letting out a heated exhale I switch onto another track completely, knowing I have 2 things to tweak, but instead for some reason this feels like an entirely different song with a different meaning than it felt the hour before when I was satisfied with it. I just let my mood sour even more, today seemingly being against me creative wise.
My concentration is easy to break as something above me falters to the ground, my mate adding onto my frustrations as she’s taking her sweet time of doing whatever she’s doing instead of directly coming down to greet me, like it is the usual. Turning my head to the left, I’m still left amazed time to time at the concept of the house and her idea which she conceptualized.
This was after all her childhood home, but she bluntly went ahead and demolished half of it transforming the lower part of the entire house, which was built on rocks, into an open pool area of sorts. To humans, it’s a chill barbeque/ relaxing era with the pool being directly connected to the ocean, opening up to natural causes.
The pool stretches outwards from her relatively small house, but it has a shallow area where I am settled with a laptop and my gear all kept on dry land, meanwhile my lower body is submerged underneath the water, two of my limbs working lazily time to time, by bringing the water upwards to keep me wet. The tiled floor is smooth and comforting in a way beneath me. I know exactly where they stop and natural rocks begin to cover the sea ground.
Summers are of course always the best times to hang out in this area. But it has switched for me as well into loving it, which is an oddity. I am cold blooded through and through, I come from the debts of the ocean, where no human has even reached or even been to, where sunlight can’t reach anything. So, the contrast of everything was monumental, the biggest hurdle being the sun that hurt my eyes, the brightness almost blinding me at one point. But I’ve preserved becoming stronger than I once was, my whole mood and liking of summer changing into one of enjoyment. And it’s all because of her. In summers it’s easier for my beloved to spend more time with me in the water, and on land as it’s warm enough for her to sleep here, and stay and work and do whatever she wants to.
Even though I don’t look like it but I crave skin to skin contact with her, at all times if I can. Having her close, at and in arms reach means I can easily protect her from any harm, and bad. Nobody will ever harm her on my watch, that is a promise I’ve made to the gods, an oath to them and myself.
Upon my train of thoughts drifting I stumble upon an idea, fingers quick to act and move along, dotting down notes, which quickly develop the said idea long, from a mere image to creating a sort of a universe on its own. With only half my attention on what I’m doing I focus the other part of my brain on my surroundings.
I can hear my mates’ sweet tone, as she speaks to someone words pronounced sometimes clumsily but the giggles make it up for it. Frowning slightly, it takes me a moment or two to figure out that she is speaking over her phone. Good. I’m in no mood to have company or wait for her to be done being all polite and give them her attention which should be on me most of the time.
Besides she didn’t greet me this morning when she left for work, our everyday morning kiss being skipped. I need to get back at her for that. And yes, she will probably say she left me be because I love sleep, I mean who doesn’t but that isn’t a good enough excuse for me not to get a kiss.
I quickly examine how I’ve went on with the inputs into the music program, the newly created song filling my ears as I press play still working along. Some of my limbs come to life, playing around the water, hydrating my skin but also fooling around my mood obviously haven lightened up at the new discovery and creation thanks to my very own muse. I’m not entirely sure how much time passes on, as I get easily lost but I am aware when my mate does decide to finally descent down, greeting me. I manage a mere nod, still working ahead. I will admit that I am ignoring her on purpose, giving a bit of the silent treatment, upon her actions this morning. My kind and I as an individual can be very petty as humans can be too, but we can take it to extremes if we want to.
It isn’t until she is suddenly right next to me, her legs in the view of the corner of my eye. I slightly twitch as she bends down, knees buckling. Before I can jump in an attempt to grab her from falling, she’s right there her warm lips leaving a kiss on my cheeks, my skin tingling not only because of the warmth from them but also because of the innocent gesture. Turing to look at her in disbelief she has a bring smile on her face. There’s no irritation in sight on her, as I’ve predicted there would be.
‘’Hey there Mr. Grump.’’ She teases seemingly in a cheerful mood. She should be upset that I gave her back some of her own medicine, knowing very well how she dislikes silence between us.
‘’I’m not grumpy.’’ I immediately reply frowning as she starts to giggle instead. I take her in for the first time today. She has already changed, wearing a big white t-shirt that reaches till her mid-thighs while a black garment which is probably a bikini is visible through the thin material easily so. Hmm.
‘’Uh huh. I’ll play along with you. I’m the grumpy one, obviously.’’ She continues happily, still grinning her eyes seeming warm. She shifts on her bent position, sitting back properly while she swings her bent legs, and submerges them into the pool right next to me. Automatically my body consciously or subconsciously gravitates towards her.
‘’I take it, you had a good day at work?’’ I ask sparing a glance at my limbs as they are quick to raise up and eagerly wrap themselves around her ankles, and up her calves. She wiggles her toes, her muscles tensing and untensing briefly as she relaxes one hand finding one limb, as she starts to play with it gently the others eagerly following and raise up higher over her two legs.
‘’Very good day. We’ve got more funding, meaning the cleanup is continuing successfully and will go on steadily.’’ She’s quick to explain eyes on me, while I slide the headphones off completely to listen to her, my mood to create diming as she’s finally back.
‘’Hmm, I’ve noticed there has been more halibuts swimming around recently.’’ I note glancing at her seeing her eyes spark up instantly ‘’You should still consider cleaning the north west side first before moving onwards elsewhere, like I’ve suggested. Start by planting close at first, small things. you’re gonna see the fish are gonna grow it all on their own into a healthy ecosystem…if nobody touches anything around there of course.’’
She claps gently along nodding her head, in excitement and is quick to assure me that she has told her boss about my plan. She always gets this spark in her eyes whenever she talks about her job, being a Marine Biologist, these kinds of stuff just entrance her. Her words do start to falter, as I save up my progress along the way. The silence we fall into after she’s done explaining their plan too briefly, has me turning towards her noticing the content but small smile gracing her lips, as she stares down into the water absent mindedly.
‘’Are you okay baby?’’ I ask halting everything and turn towards her, letting my right arm rest over her knee as I move closer taking her hand into my own eagerly. Her smile widens, free hand reaching up to cup my cheek which she starts caressing with her thumb. She is way bubblier than this, whenever she’s talking about future plans on her days in general actually. This calm demander is worrisome.
‘’I’m perfect my love.’’ She replies leaning closer ‘’Just perfect.’’ Her words do make my heart flutter even more so when she leans in to kiss me on the lips. It’s still a bizarre thing, this human interaction that is considered to be so intimate. Something simple as kissing, lips pressing against one another. It works though, there is this spark that kissing ignites even in my own cold blood. I quickly return my own affections towards her with shameless eagerness, as I’ve been missing her for more than half of the day.
She ends up giggling into the kiss once I swipe my tongue over her lower lip, and teasingly start to tug at her legs, and hands. The kiss gets broken thanks to me smiling as well, her laughter being one of my favorite sounds in the world.
‘’Are you done for now?’’ she asks leaning on her elbows her body positioned in an awkward manner but she doesn’t move away or show discomfort.
‘’Yeah, the project I was working on wasn’t good either way.’’ I point out lessening my hold on her. I turn to my laptop quickly closing everything off whilst she sits up properly stretching out her fingers and arms. I push everything technology wise away, as it’s all propped on a self-built pillow and wooden plank which she made for me a long time ago. It’s all prevention from things getting wet, and despite her meticulous waterproofing and calculation of risks I still make sure not to ruin anything or take chances.
‘’Liar, I bet it’s amazing.’’ She mumbles. I glance over just in time as she tugs the white fabric over her head, which leaves her in the two thin pieces of clothing which are very offensive. I don’t understand why she isn’t bare all the time. I prefer her that way and it’s just easier. Life is easier without those restrains and barriers. My eyes roam quickly over the expanse of her skin, noting how her skin has been sun kissed today meaning she has spent her time out in the open. Before I can drink her up, she’s sliding into the pool, submerging until her chest a quiet hiss leaving her lips smile never leaving her lips. I push myself backwards silently sighing in relief as I let myself sink into the water, my skin feeling rejuvenated. I keep 3 limbs on her, raising them to hold her around her waist, while I sink further into the water and backwards encouraging her silently to follow keeping my head above at all times, eyes not leaving her for a second.
‘’It needs work.’’ I reply watching as she shivers for a while the contrast of temperatures too sudden. She looks unbothered stepping forward and follows along, moving her arms around warming herself up automatically. Turning towards her properly I catch onto her hands, her giggles filling the air as I tug her into me immediately wrapping myself around her protectively and teasingly as she can’t move a muscle in any way, she wants to my limbs making sure to hold her still. I automatically grin upon hearing giggles, as she lets me move her around trusting me whole heartedly even as I almost submerge her, but manage to hold her above the water level ‘’This is what you get for calling me a liar human.’’ I mock jokingly and push us away swimming towards the open ocean, bringing her along with me.
The colder and warmer currents, have her shuddering but she simply musses at me ‘’I’ll repeat myself; You are such a liar Yoongi-yah!!!’’ She exclaims grinning her hands finding their way to rest over my chest, as I move her to partially straddle me, the tiles below us being replaced by smoothened out rock. Stopping mid-way across the pool I stop us, taking in the cooler water currents that brush over my back and arm, whilst I hold her where the warmer current is floating around ‘’One of these days I’m going to make you admit that!’’ I only chuckle at her behavior simply admiring her and press a kiss to her nose quickly ‘’Yah!’’ the exclamation has me laughing, and half submerging underneath which leaves me unbothered ‘’Lets move on okay, pabo!!! Where are you even taking us?’’
And there it is her immediate curiosity, as she looks ahead at the vast ocean eyes falling back to glance along the rocks that same spark I mentioned before just burning up.
Briefly let’s mention the pool again…it might seem to the naked eye that it is in fact opened to the ocean and that it is welcoming anything in. Technically speaking it kind of is, but there’s a specially built underwater gate that prevents animals and other intruders to just float in into my home. Otherwise the benefits besides that ones are that it lets in fresh water and takes out the so to speak old one. Pushing us into motion in no time we reach the gates, which I prop myself onto holding her easily as her legs wrap themselves around my body, giggling as I brush the tip of a limp just bellow her exposed thigh to the edge of the undergarment ‘’I didn’t mean it like that.’’ her hand is quick to brush the tentacle away and to give me a stern look which she fails at because of her smile.
‘’Hmmm what a pity.’’ I reply faking disappointment, while she wraps her arms around me lovingly and despite her statement and action, she still leans in to kiss me. I sigh into the kiss contently, living the rocking motion of the waves that rock us up and down gently, while her touch is everything.
But were we are settled currently the sun is beating down on us, and it’s making itself annoyingly present by warming my skin up, even though I’m submerged more than she is. I do recall the north side which is just in front of me, being perfectly shaded the sun being blocked by the house perfectly so across the rocks on that side of the house.
Knowing when she’s getting low on oxygen, I break away brushing a strand of a lose few hairs from her face ‘’Are you in a mood to explore, my love?’’ I ask her curiously knowing her well enough to predict what her next answer is going to be. There’s a reason why I stopped here.
‘’Not really…’’ she starts hesitantly, glancing towards the ocean again. I’m reminded constantly everyday how much I love her and why exactly I do, and this is one of the moments as I take her profile in. Her eyes are focused straight ahead, expression portraying a longing for something greater, something she wants and has wanted her whole life. She doesn’t know it yet herself what it is, but the ocean is calling for her I know that for certain ‘’…I’ll need to refill the oxygen tanks first, we can explore another time.’’ She turns to me, with a smile. I can just feel how the tension melts from her muscles, and note in her body how she relaxes completely. But thanks to that I can see the tiredness resurfacing knowing she gives it her all at her work and for others.
My heart aches because I don’t want her to be tired, or worried and stressed at all. If it was up to me, I’d happily provide for us, find treasures frequently to afford only the best things in life, wanting to give her everything she wants and wishes for. But I’m being completely blocked off by her human stubbornness, her desire to work to a certain point infuriating but to another understanding.
‘’Whatever you want, my everything.’’ I reply leaning in to kiss once more. It starts out slow, lazy even as I brace her against the gate and let my hands submerge from her back lower to take a hold of her under her thighs. I love her legs, not only because they fascinate me, but because of how they feel under my arms and hands. Her thighs are an absolute delight to grab and hold onto. Don’t even get me started on her ass.
I smirk as I feel her tongue prod at my lip. She’s isn’t being forceful but she is playing a game plainly teasing me. I let her struggle on purpose, letting my hands roam over her thighs, fingers touching everywhere I can, while her own hands are rooming my back, then my neck, until she is cupping my jaws. I almost purr when she let her right-hand slide under my ear and into my hairline, nails scratching against my skull. My limbs practically vibrate, and on their own they wrap themselves more and more around her legs, for sure leaving imprint in their wake, but she told me countless times she doesn’t mind.
Sensing her growing frustration, I decide to let her have her fun letting her have some control, her tongue quick and eager to intertwine with my own. Her hand repeats the motion she did briefly ago, nails skillfully scratching me perfectly, causing me to gasp involuntarily as I tighten my hold onto her trying to tug her even closer which isn’t really possible anymore as I’m already crowding the very air she’s breathing. I want to touch every inch of her, my blood starting to feel as if it’s boiling. I want her. I want to eat her all up.
Just as I swipe my tongue across the roof of her mouth she is pulling away. Reopening my eyes, I notice how flustered she has gotten, breathing deepened as she half pants staring at me with darker eyes. I smile proudly seeing how I affect her ‘’Hmm I’ve missed you.’’ I find myself admitting running my fingers sideways and around to grab a hold of her glorious ass, the flesh smooth and oh so perfect in my hands.
She snorts leaning in to nuzzle her nose against mine, the ministration always endearing even though I’m still missing the point of it ‘’Me or my ass?’’
I muse glancing downwards, but end up looking straight up at her exclamation and how quickly she tugs her arms backwards to cross them, which only brings her breast to the front more ‘’Both.’’ I reply honestly which has her gasping. Now she is acting dramatic.
‘’Pfff sure. I see how it is!!!’’ She rolls her eyes looking away from me still holding her arms crossed, legs still wrapped around me, body slightly turned away. She’s adorable.
I squeeze her ass instead as an initial reply ‘’Babe, your ass is glorious how could I not miss it!!’’ she turns to stare at me in bewilderment, but the blush that’s getting more intense over her features is a dead giveaway that she doesn’t mind my crude words. My words aren’t even crude we’ve both said nastier things. Foreplays can be very fun.
‘’You just want me for my bodyyy.’’ Comes a reply which has her bursting into joyous laugher. It’s an inside joke between us from a TV show we’ve watched a long time ago. I only stare at her in adoration, as she throws her head back, hair cascading down touching the water even though she has it tied up into a mess ponytail. My entire focus is on her face, admiring in fascination at the way the side of her eyes circle slightly, the way she is showing her blunt teeth, nose slightly and adorably so scrunched. I’m fucking rejoicing as her laughter graces my ears, her voice shooting in general, but it’s her laughter and her giggles that melt my ice-cold slow beating heart any time.
‘’It’s a little more than that love.’’ I say smirking as she ends up chuckling at the end eyes finally landing on me once more ‘’I’m here also for the food, and music equipment.’’ I end up whispering. She bursts into another fit of laughter pushing me away playfully at first but ends up wrapping her arms around me, and to my surprise I’m getting an onslaught of kisses peppered all over my face.
‘’Help somebody I am being attacked by this puny human!!!’’ I fake shout simply raising my voice, which gets her to bite onto my ear the cheeky human indeed that she is. I gasp staring at her in bewilderment when she leans back to look at me, and shows me her tongue briefly.
‘’You are really asking for it.’’ I state as she scrunches up her nose and then puts on this innocent expression eyes darting upwards as if she has done nothing wrong ever in her life. I let my limbs crawl upwards over her lower half, as I’m holding her around her waist hands still on her ass to hold her steady.
‘’I am innocent, I have zero idea what you are on about.’’ She goes on further making me giggle, a few ideas popping in my mind with what I want to do to her.
‘’The only innocent thing here are the fish.’’ I reply to which she simply snorts glancing around as if fishes are swimming near us ‘’You on the other hand…’’ I end up sighing heavily, as I’m coming up with a lot of ideas, I know I won’t be able to fulfil all at once. Her stamina isn’t like my own, even though since we’ve been together the first time, she’s gotten to endure a lot more than what she was used to.
‘’Uh huh go on.’’ she says teasingly both hands ghosting over my shoulders, fingers finding the vertebrae of my spine. It has my shuddering for a moment, limbs relaxing slightly around her but wrapping themselves higher up one peeking over her shoulder only now I notice. I can feel the edge of her bikini bottoms, and I subtly try to move them to the side which so far is working as my hands are simply holding onto her flesh. The key to this method is going slow.
‘’Are you going to work tomorrow?’’ I ask keeping on a cool expression not wanting to give anything away, as my excitement is rising. If she says no or yes.
‘’Depends. I could not go.’’ She sings teasingly bringing her fingers to the nape of my hairline. I’m trying very hard not to just purr our loud, it feels that fucking good when she does it.
‘’That wasn’t a yes or no, my little human.’’ I go on giving her a more serious look, as I reach up to cares her cheek. She visibly gulps, eyes fixating onto my own.
‘’I’ll take the day off.’’ she replies with a more careful tone which has me smiling widely leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead.
‘’Good girl.’’ I praise her, feeling how her heartbeat is beating quicker. Her skin is still warm against my own ‘’Now be good for me, and climb up.’’ as I speak I move us further out, towards where a boulder is settled, having been rolled and cemented into an empty sloth perfectly and is the best resting place for her on sunny days, and on rainy it’s my napping rock. But in heated moments like these its perfect for something else.
‘’Yoongi-ah, should we move inside first…’’ she starts glancing upwards and back towards the beach and other houses nervously while I’m already maneuvering her upwards which has her yelping briefly voice getting cut off once her perky ass lands on dry land.
‘’I don’t understand where this shyness comes from on some days I really don’t.’’ I speak out loud more to myself, all the while I grab the two strings that are holding the bottom of her bikini together and easily undo them. The top follows expertly as two of my tentacles snatch the garment away.
‘’Yoongi!!!!!!!!!!!!’’ she half shouts hands grabbing onto my wrists, which does make me glance up at her in question, her hold lessening but remaining on me.
‘’Are you intentionally pushing my buttons today baby girl?’’ I ask letting two of my limbs let go of her calves to get a hold of her wrists.
‘’I’m not! It’s just, the beach is crowded and…’’ she starts to ramble. I take the chance of her brief distraction and worried glances backwards and around, to tug away her hands, easily pinning them next to her body.
‘’If you are so worried about others, then I suggest you keep quiet to not bring attention. I can help you out with that if you’d like too.’’ I grin in the end, and let one tentacle raise up over her still clothed core, and upwards her tummy, following every curve along the way. Regretfully I pass her breasts and let the tip start ghosting over her neck as she snaps to look at me her jaw locked tight. I keep heavy eye contact as she glares at me and tries to struggle, attempting to break free which is of course completely useless.
‘’This is not funny.’’ She goes on looking like she’s mad. You’d think she’s pissed off. But ohhh I know what’s going on in that pretty brilliant head of hers. This is turning her on. I can smell her besides the sea salt in the air, her pungent heavenly smell. Its why my limbs are already tugging the flimsy useless piece of fabric away and chugging it away which leaves her lower part bare to my eyes only.
‘’Oh baby, nobody is laughing.’’ I comment smirking ‘’Now, be a good girl and stay silent.’’
While two of my limbs hold onto her hands, I wrap two more around her thighs lifting and bending her legs, holding them wide open, meanwhile I eagerly lean down, poking my tongue out as I lick a long stripe from down upwards over her delicious core. Her breath hitches loudly, as I eagerly lick over my lips, then just dive in for more at first just blatantly licking her juices.
I can hear how she’s trying to keep quiet, but is failing miserably as small but noticeably loud mewls are leaving from her. Getting more serious and of course eager, I use my left hand to spread her lower lips revealing her folds properly. Perfect color of pink and a luring warmth and smells has me entranced. Happily, I dive down sucking directly onto the little numb that was so foreign the first time we’ve done this, but now I know exactly which flicker of my tongue can send her off. Hence why I start doing everything, to build her orgasm up quickly.
It has her reacting flawlessly and just as I’ve predicted in my mind. Her noises stat to raise up in volume, body bending backwards as she lies onto her back. Letting go of her clit, I teasingly lick over her lips giving her a second and then I’m dipping my tongue finally into her hole knowing it turns her on for some reason. A load moan tears itself out from her, which has me grinning smugly as I raise my head upon an urgent call of my name ‘’Yoongi!’’
‘’Yes, my love?’’ I ask ready to argue in return but what I’m met with is a desperate expression, cheeks completely flushed as she opens her mouth, sticking her tongue out as if to show me it.
‘’Please.’’ She suddenly begs. The way she’s rendered, the visuals are just stopping my brain from functioning normally for a moment. My blood has speed up, and my nerves are starting to tingle more and more, as I myself get turned on and at attention, body buzzing.
‘’Please what? Use your words, you are my good girl after all aren’t you?’’ I tease her happily smiling wider at her eager nodding.
‘’I’m your good girl. Please, I want…’’ she pauses but doesn’t remove her eyes from my own ‘’I want you in my mouth.’’ She almost whispers. I don’t push her on, and accept it as good enough.
‘’You are a very good girl today, my sweet, sweet human.’’ I coo, tilting my head ‘’There you go, gorgeous.’’ I watch as the tentacle that I left at her neck, raises slowly. She raises her head looking absolutely greedy to have it in her mouth. Teasingly slow I hover it near her mouth, while my fingers absently play with her folds tracing her lower lips. The initial touch has her flinching briefly in surprise eyes darting down to meet my own, as the pads of my fingers brush over her clit. So easily distracted. While her eyes and attention are focused on my ministration I watch giddily almost as the tentacle slips down, over her lower lip and into her mouth filling it. The warmth sends a brief shiver to run over me, but otherwise the feeling of her throat closing in and the choked sound that arouses, has my hunger raising.
‘’That’s it.’’ I coo, pulling the tentacle out letting her regain her breath just to push it back in, her throat this time accepting it properly. Her glossy eyes remain on me, obediently so as I fill her mouth, and stretch out her throat more and more, keeping in mind that she needs to breathe now and then, slowing my ministration just for her. Setting up a rhythm, I smile hungrily as I look down at the redness that’s starting to replace the pinkiness. Closing my eyes, my tongue finds her heat, tongue eagerly once more scooping the gathered wetness, as I taste the tanginess of her juices.
At a particularly well aimed and manoeuvred tongue swipe, she mewls and chokes on the tentacle in her mouth, the sensation of her throat closing in around tightly, has me shuddering harder than before. Reopening my eyes, I watch my limb retreat her chest rising and falling as she catches her breath, eyes ready to spill with tears at this point. A trail of saliva is still connected with the top and from her lips. She is absolutely fucking gorgeous.
‘’Yoo-n-gi…’’ she manages voice slightly rough. I haven’t pulled my mouth of off her, so instead I simply start sucking, and licking, building up a combo while with my right hand, I slowly prod at her entrance, my fingers which have dried now getting coated in her flowing juices. More sounds spill from her parted lips, breathless and whiny ones, as I let the tentacle slip inside her mouth once more muffling those glorious sounds. I don’t force it in this time, letting her suck onto it, her tongue quick to dart around it. It tells me that she isn’t distracted enough, even though her eyes are shut tight eyebrows furrowed, her fingers and toes curled up.
I start to push my middle finger into her tight and wet heat slowly loving the way she clenches up, the sensation on its own has a rather violent but invisible to the naked eye shudder run down my human spine, which then spreads and vibrates briefly all over my limbs that freeze for a second, but then just tighten their hold onto her. My precious human. Everything has me boiling on the inside, the visual, the sensations, her smell, her noises. It has me restless, has me wide awake and feeling so alive. Every piece of me wants her.
Knowing her body, instead of teasing her further or going slow by opening her up gradually, I let my pointing finger slide in next, a tiny bit forcefully as I do meet some resistance. Her body tenses, as she half sits up her yelp getting muffled.
‘’Shhhh…’’ I coo smiling letting two of my biggest tentacles reach around her to hold her up in the half sitting position she has put herself into ‘’Relax my love, just relax for me.’’ I encourage her, watching the sweet delicious tears run down her cheeks as our eyes meet. They aren’t there because she is hurt, but because she is overwhelmed with all these sensations.
I tug my fingers out and push them back in while maintaining eye contact, and slowly raising myself up to be closer to her ‘’That’s it, my good girl, doing what I tell her to do, hmmm.’’ I hum in the end, loving the obedient and almost innocent look she gives me. She is starting to get really desperate by the on flow of whines, and thighs which start to tremble now and then.
As I pull my limb back from her mouth, it falls open droll dripping from her slightly bruised lip. Gathering strength not to hurt her, I push my body upwards to reach her mouth, eagerly licking over her lips distracting her as she chases my tongue with her own. Now half propped up I readjust my position on the edge of the rock, and haver her legs spread but around me, using my left arm to hold her up, while with my right I can finally start to finger her properly and the way she wants me to, curling them up and scissoring them once I slow down my thrusts.
She cries into our kiss, tensing up once more, as I aim for her g-sport which has her crying out, incoherent words spilling. I grin wildly and lean my forehead against hers holding her still and tight against me, absolutely loving how she has clenched around my two digits.
‘’Use your words my little human.’’ With that I slow down, the action itself has her immediately nodding eyes meting my own in clear distress.
‘’P-please Y-Yoongi, please I wanna…I wanna cum, please Yoongi, my love, please, please, please don’t stop.’’ She cries with more tears spilling down her cheeks as she starts to tremble, her high near but fading.
‘’Then cum for me, gorgeous.’’ I whisper letting go of her wrists so she wraps her arms around me, body tensing and straightening up, as I resume to finger her towards and through her high, maintaining it and intensifying it. Instead of shouting out, I feel her blunt teeth sink where my shoulder meets my neck, while her nails dig and drag into my back leaving red marks over my skin. I groan at the burn, the tingling in my spine and vibration from my limbs an indictor how I’m boding.
Not wanting to be cruel this time, I start to slow down, coming to a stop slowly her body mimicking my touches as she eases down. Pulling my fingers out regretfully so to be honest, her body suddenly all but collapses onto me. I start to hum a song I’ve learned a century ago, and just hold her close to me, loving how she radiates heat and projects it onto me warming my cold self-up.
We are left in a comfortable silence, even when I lower us down into the water after licking her juices from my fingers. A quiet hiss leaves her lips, but she doesn’t protest or makes an attempt to move, as I push us away and lower us until only our shoulders and collarbones are sticking above the water. I let my limbs caress her body, and trace her skin gently as the ocean current would. No surprise is that even though I’m trying my best to let her gather herself I am getting very impatient, with my own needs.
So, I start by portraying it, by pressing open mouthed kisses over her collarbones, enjoying also as I submerge my face under water. I can hear her chuckle, as I leave marks in my wake, but upon her more awakened state I start to raise up, still marking her up happily and let my hands cup her ass again, pinkies tracing the juncture of her legs towards her folds again.
‘’Every time I think humanly so may I point out…’’ she starts tone unhurried and not so husky anymore. I let two of my limbs raise over her hips, up her ribs in the meantime ‘’…I think; “It can’t get better than this.” But yet you always leave me…’’
‘’Fucked right out of your mind?’’ I finish her sentence smirking as I still remain marking the side of her neck. Regretfully so I will have to heal the marks, as humans are ridiculously so timid creatures at certain things. She chuckles at my statement, gasping at first which turns into a moan, as the two tentacles have wrapped themselves around her breasts, the tips now playing with her perky nipples.
I glance downwards watching them raise up and down, noticing how her skin breaks into goose bumps.
‘’Basically.’’ She breathes out looking down at me. I smirk to myself rolling my shoulders, as she leans in this time hands reaching up to cup my face, but she doesn’t kiss me. She presses a kiss to my cheek and leans closer, lips touching over my ear ‘’Fuck me, Yoongi-ah.’’ she whispers.
Another spark goes through my system, which has me vibrating practically, and changes my soft look into a hard one as I stare at her as she has moved back, and is now biting onto her lower lip. It’s a rule that she isn’t allowed to do that. Only I can bite her lick. (And no this is nothing like 50 shades)
‘’You need to rest my love, you…’’ she leans in to kiss me, stopping my train of thoughts all together. It’s not only me that has a huge effect on her, she can also completely change me, my thoughts, my mood, my everything basically. A mere human. She truly is something else.
Her kiss becomes demanding quickly, body leaning forward shoulders squared up as she takes complete control over the kiss. I’m surprised once she starts to move her hips. Tries to as she is entirely leaning onto me having no proper support around us. So, I help her slightly, by pushing her back against the rock again, one of her hand momentarily leaving me, so she can brace herself back against it. I can feel her smiling into the kiss, breaking it but she isn’t letting go, her right hand which has been supporting the back of my head, has her fingers curling and tugging onto my hair making me groan quietly at the tug and pull, meanwhile her other hand is quick to find its place over my chest, lowering down over my right nipple. Her touch is brief as she continues to move her hands lower.
‘’I should return the favour.’’ She says sensually her hand still lowering, ignoring the small tentacle that eagerly wraps itself from her wrist to her elbow just caressing her skin and holding onto her.
‘’We don’t have time for that baby.’’ I reply trying to stay calm. Even though she is my mate, and we’ve been together for what feels like an entire lifetime it’s still not completely easy to reveal all f myself to her. I still get nervous, when we’re intimate. But I’ve gotten good at hiding my feelings and nerves away.
‘’Alright then.’’ she sighs sounding disappointed but licks her lips teasingly and as if quietly saying ‘Guess you’ll be missing out’. I shudder as her fingers trace the front tentacles, not really intending to play with them. She does have to lower herself down to reach what she wants, but stops mid-way, face slightly lower than mine is as she readjusts herself and her hold on me ‘’Yoongi.’’ She whispers staring straight at me hands tightening their hold ‘’I want you to fuck me.’’ she states completely calm hand suddenly raising up cupping my cheek the coolness and wetness from the water slightly calming me down ‘’Do you want to fuck me, my love???’’ I simply blink staring at her trying to calm myself down as I nod at her question ‘’I’ll keep my hands here alright?’’ she goes on wrapping both arms around my neck, and intertwines her own fingers, while she wraps her legs around my body her knees tucked where my human hips would be ‘’Please, fuck me.’’ she whispers not doing anything ‘’I’m so wet and ready for you, my mate.’’
Even though I tried to hide my nerves, she saw right through me. My mate. I press her against the wall gently letting my limbs do the work as to anchor us against it, so we aren’t moving too much thanks to the reappearance of the waves that is making the pool unsteady enough so that with a small mistake something bad might happen.
Not saying anything yet I reach with my human hand up and take her right into my own, kissing the top part of it, before lowering both hands down underwater. Her expression does change into a surprised one at the beginning, mouth opening as to say something but she simply closes it, her gorgeous eyes focused onto my own. Even though we aren’t physically connected right now, we are one.
I watch as colour returns to her cheek, turning it into a more intense pink-ish colour. I can feel her body warming up, blood rushing through her veins, same as her heart spiking in excitement. A few shudders one after another just shoot down my spine, and it is a human trait I’ve learned, but fuck the sensation thanks to it, has me experiencing something no one of her own kind would, on the male side. Readjusting my grip, I cup her hand instead over the top part. I lean into her but this time, I rest my forehead in the crock of her neck, staring down watching our hands through the water. Finally, I move our hands forward stopping before my body. A short gasp leaves her lips as I just hover our hands close, meanwhile the pit in my stomach start to boil in excitement. My cock isn’t necessarily like my limbs, I can’t really control it per say. It has humanoid traits but it doesn’t act like a tentacle it’s hard to explain it. Letting go of her hand, I reach in to grab a hold of it feeling how much it has filled up and grown. I tug it forward to the front, past the cosy and safe confine of my other limbs. Some sort of goose bumps raise over my skin as well, as I feel very exposed and vulnerable, even more so when the tip of her fingers touches the head.
A gasp involuntarily leaves my parted lips, but she’s quick to press a reassuring kiss to my cheek, her right hand that’s been resting on my shoulder, kind of gripping it in anticipation or excitement, loosens up and reaches up to my hairline again nails scraping against my skull which has me relaxing slightly.
‘’May I?’’ she asks calmly, her breath fanning warmly over the side of my neck. I barely manage a nod but she understands it perfectly. Instead of grabbing onto my dick as I thought she would, her fingers touch my wrist instead at first. They gently caress it, and lower themselves down. I automatically tense up once, the tips of her fingers are touching just over the base of my cock where I’m holding it. It’s such a contrast her touch against my own and it’s not only temperature wise.
I start biting onto my lower lip, eyes closed and just feel, how she gently traces my dick as if she’s doing it the first time (She isn’t just let me clarify, but it is rare and special whenever I let her touch me like this). Her hand finally wraps itself around me, in the middle but pulls up towards the head, which is very sensitive and has me hissing, my dick practically twitching and following her warmth on its own.
‘’Hmmm Yoongi-ah.’’ She moans softly, fingers brushing the tip again which has me letting out a faint sob ‘’Shhh it’s alright my love…’’ her hand circles around my cock again, but lowers down towards my hand again ‘’Will you fuck me my love? Will you fill me up so that I’m leaking for days?? I want you to fuck me, so I won’t be able to walk tomorrow, I want to feel you in my womb, want you to fill it all up…’’ I’m surprised at the change in her, the submissiveness from before replaced by this strong and dominant presence she has put on.
And her words do have a tremendous effect on me. They have me buzzing, wanting her more, want me to fulfil every wish she has. Again silent, I grab onto her wrist and pull our hands upwards, at the same time leaning backwards noticing that the sky is setting, with the sun sinking over the horizon. But that doesn’t matter. When I look at her, her hair has dried up, cheeks not so pink anymore.
‘’Yoon…’’ before she can finish or properly start her sentence, I grab her by her throat and squeeze while at the same time, I grab onto my cock again and easily manoeuvre her how I like, by spreading her legs wide open whilst at the same time, I let another tentacle to raise up and slide into her mouth, letting go of her neck not wanting to actually choke for real. The two tentacles from before that have just been caressing her breasts now tighten as well, and another two joins to wrap themselves around her nipples. Two more make sure her arms remain under my control.
‘’Fill you all up huh?’’ I start with a deep tone readjusting half of my limbs and drag her backwards towards the shallower part of the pool and away from any unwanted eyes. The only lights that are always turned on are the pool ones ‘’You don’t want to walk tomorrow huh little human? Want me to fill you up so that you’ll be leaking, your womb filled up for days?’’ she eagerly nods at my word’s eyes glassing over as she reverts back into her sub state.
‘’I don’t think you can take it.’’ I challenge her, eyebrows furrowing as she turns to glare at me. I simply let the tentacle shove itself further into her throat, feeling it start to close in. But she still glares at me defiantly, like she wants to say something. With my right hand, I simply let it run over her exposed pussy. I let my middle and pointing finger trace lower to her asshole which has her body tightening up ‘’Your little human body, can’t take me whole darling.’’ She starts to properly choke pretty tears glittering as they fall down from her eyes. Pulling the tentacle out she gasp for breath, heaving. Meanwhile I finally find the perfect position and sit on the smooth ground. Getting a hold of her hips I straighten her up, arms locked behind her back tightly.
I grin widely as she looks at me ‘’I’ll split you wide open, is that what you wish for??’’ I ask casually while she stares at me still in defiance before something in her brain clicks and the desperation slips back in.
‘’Please.’’ Her voice is gone, but I understand the word she mouths.
I don’t even give her a heads up, as I raise her above me, bend her knees and plant them on the floor. I let some of my limbs attach themselves on her, as I take a hold of my cock and start to force it into her. She gasps and mewls her body’s natural reaction at first is to run away from the intrusion. We’ve been over this so many times. It’s all natural, as is the size of my cock which is above average, and I’ve put that into human terms, her quote directly.
My mouth falls open, as the head of my dick enters her, and eagerly wants to chase after the warmth. And yet despite the onslaught of pleasure that’s overwhelming me in waves, I hold myself back just to stare at the way her eyes roll back, and feel how her thighs and forearms tense up meaning her fingers and toes are already curling up. Her head falls backwards revealing her half marked up neck. I mimic a human way of mating which is; a thrust. It has me entering more halfway to be precise but she suddenly shouts out body jerking and then going limp only her hips briefly shaking until they stop. I smirk staring as her head falls forward, to which I cup her cheek and take a look at her. The moisture on her skin is from sweat, the sight bringing a chuckle to rise from my throat, as she continues to breathe deep eyelids half closed not leaving my own eyes.
I readjust myself slightly, and grab a hold of the bottom of my cock, to help and guide it properly into her. The waves of pleasure are still going through me, my spine tingling more and more demandingly. But I ignore my own pleasure at the moment in favour of making sure she’s alright. I set her hands free and take her weight off her legs, settling her so that she’s simply straddling me arms resting between us limply.
‘’Fucked out 2 times, another point for me.’’ I state as I sit up and start marking her left side eagerly loving the still unusual taste of her skin.
‘’It’s not…’’ she starts tiredly ‘’It’s not a com…’’
‘’Not a competition yeah, yeah.’’ I chuckle in the end, licking the shell of her ear before I look at her, at her heavy eyelids that are slowly rising and falling as my cock continues to pulse inside her ‘’Do you still wish to continue my love??’’ cupping her face I look at her with such adoration, because she is my everything. Truly she is the reason I’m living and alive. And I’d give anything for her to be happy an get whatever her heart desires.
She lets out a groan of what sounds of discomfort, and closes her eyes briefly. Looking at me a smile stretches across her lips ‘’So full. M just…’’ She trails off looking intoxicated making me grin and nuzzle my nose against her a trait that she likes to do to me, as it is considered childish.
‘’Hmm yeah? Are you feeling good baby?’’ I prod on, waiting for her to get comfortable enough to continue.
‘’So-o goooddddd.’’she practically purrs her fingers that are resting on my lower abdomen, curl up as she attempts to rolls her hips. And that is a sign to continue. I simply hum in agreement, and move her body up slightly so there’s enough room to start fucking her ‘’Ahhhh..’’ she gasps head falling forward again, but this time her eyes remain open as she stares down. I know for a fact that she’s trying to see through the water as much as see can to see us connected. I find myself getting breathless the more times I tug out and re-enter her, the tightness the heath, the feel of her velvety walls all around me, are starting to feel overwhelming. Giving in, I let her be as I lie back getting submerged all besides my face while I let myself get overwhelmed by everything.
It’s easy to succumb to pleasure, especially given how much she is giving me; because she is giving me literally everything. Everything starts to feel too much, but not enough. It’s never enough. I can hear her moans, how they roll of her tongue the sounds matching to those of an angel if you ask me. And through hooded eyes I watch as she moves her hand, placing it over her own stomach. When she presses against it, I can feel her hand. She tears her eyes away and up to meet my own, a goofy smile adoring her lips suddenly.
‘’I-I-I love y-y-you…’’ she manages out, those simple 3 words warming my cold heart every time she says them.
I push myself upwards bringing my own hand over hers  ‘’I l-love y-you too, Y/N.’’
Her thighs start to tremble again, hands reaching for something to grip onto, which again end being two of my tentacles that eagerly wrap themselves over her forearms. Her strength isn’t enough to hurt me at all no matter how strongly she squeezes. Meanwhile my hand remains pressed plat over her stomach, and I just remain half in awe as I feel myself move in her, reaching and brushing up against her womb. By this point she has gone quiet, breathless, and speechless from how overwhelming it must be. Glancing up I watch as and can feel as her orgasm hits her and takes completely over, her mind and body. As I feel her tummy, images of children running, and swimming some that look like her other like me, running around fills me up with joy and excitement. But the sight of her so undone and vulnerable that alone…it’s all because of me. The only person the only being I’ll ever be so open with, the only one I care about, my heart, my body, my soul all belong to her. Everything.
With those train of thoughts and the actually imagine of her with a big belly, it has me spiralling over as I finally let myself get washed away with the tide.
I still am aware on what’s going on around us, I hold her close to me feel her hand wrap around my back, hold me in return. I can fee her lips press kisses to my neck, my cheek, I can feel them moving and faintly can hear her sweet tone. She’s singing. Huh. A siren. I always tease her that she has sirens blood in her, but she always denies it. So, if not a siren she is an angel like I’ve mentioned.
‘’Yoongi-ah.’’ She whispers her tone clear. I spread my fingers testing out how my limbs work, my other limbs which are submerged in the water as most of my body has sunk down work normally still tingling all over. I reopen my eyes seeing her smiling widely. I don’t even remember closing my eyes let alone lying back down again, my mind having shut down for a while. She’s leaning above me, comfortably lying over my front and is running the pads of her fingers over my face, with this far-away look again in her eyes. But once they met mine its like she has found herself again ‘’I love you.’’ She whispers again, eyes crinkling as she smiles looking genuinely happy.
I find myself smiling easily in return at how ridiculous my human is, but look at her and remove my hand from her belly to cup her cheeks that are still warm ‘’I love you more, my sweet human.’’
Copyright 2020© by barbika1508. All rights reserved.
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daretosnoop · 3 years
Chapter 8: The Cemetery Scavenger Hunt
Sorry for this being so late. extra long in exhange!
Chapter 8:
Nancy walked to the model table and peered around.
“Who do you think your uncle’s last denizen was? And where were they buried?”
“Don’t know about you, but I think we should check that big book of records over there,” Henry said pointing to a podium with a large book resting on it.
They went over to the book and opened it. The book was old with records dating back to the eighteen-hundreds. There were hundreds of buried people with their name and burial location recorded. Alongside each name was also the name of the Bolet in charge of the burial.
“If this is historical, go to the end and we’ll find the people your uncle buried,” Nancy said.
Henry flipped to the end and in the last entry, they saw the name of Tammy Tassleman and the location of Terra Siesta. Bruno’s signature was there and Henry brushed his thumb across the name. Nancy went back to the model and looked up the location.
“It’s the top right spot, towards the end of the burial grounds”.
She dashed out of the room with Henry right on her heels. When they got to the double doors, Henry hesitated.
“It’s raining,” he said.
“So? We’ll get wet”.
Nancy shrugged. “If it bothers you get an umbrella. My trench coat is good enough”.
“And if the paper gets wet?”
Henry had a point and Nancy waited till he came back wearing a coat and holding an umbrella.
“Sorry, there’s only one”.
“Either way, I wouldn’t be able to hold it with my paper and notebook”.
They headed out towards Terra Siesta and went to Tammy Tassleman’s grave. On the grave, the engraving read, “Plagued deep with problems to a T”.
“Great, that tells us nothing,” Henry muttered.
Nancy thought over it. This was a way to inform Henry about his family and since they were starting with the most recent member, the engraving must be referring to Bruno. But, Bruno must have known that Henry would know nothing about him or his problems. So what were they looking for?
“What does he mean by T?” Nancy muttered.
“Generally, when people get stressed, this area,” Henry said drawing a line down from his forehead to his nose. “And this area,” he drew a line across his eyebrows, “get oily from the stress”.
“I don’t think your uncle was into beauty routines”.
“No,” Henry said slowly, then leaned towards the grave and pointed to the name. “But the mark creates a T. So it’s a matter of which T. Tammy or Tassleman?”
“How do we determine that?”
“Guess, I guess”.
Saying so, Henry moved his finger across the first T. A loud clicking noise came and the name Tammy dropped down to reveal an eyeball and a letter labeled ‘Henry’.
“Did I just desecrate a grave?” Henry whispered, eyes wide.
“Um, it might be fake?”
Henry yanked the eyeball and letter and quickly attached the name back.
“Sorry Tassleman,” he muttered and both he and Nancy hurried away.
They went back to the double door and stood on the threshold, each leaning on opposite sides. Nancy watched the rain while Henry read the letter aloud.
This is your uncle Bruno. You must not remember me. You must hate me. I haven’t been a good uncle. You must have lots of questions too. Well, let’s start with the easiest one. You can recognize me from the portrait in the living room. I’m the one dressed in military uniform holding a hat. It’s a younger picture of me, but I still look the same, just with wrinkles and white hair. You must be wondering why I treated you the way I did. The truth is complicated, and hard. I didn’t know if you inherited the Bolet trait. Didn’t even know what to tell you if you did. And your parents. I’m so sorry Henry. Please forgive me. No, don’t forgive me. I deserve your anger. I’ve spent most of my life running away from you.
The truth is, only a Bolet who can hear the spirits can teach another. Everyone else had to find ways to support the family while the spiritual Bolets focused on their skills. I went into the military at a young age because, well, because I was jealous and angry at your father. I was ashamed of being older yet not having the trait. It was a long time ago, but I’m still paying for that shame. From the military I went to dental school and made a life for myself. Since I didn’t know what side you would fall into, I just provided you with the path I went into. I’m sorry if it wasn’t what you wanted. How could it be?
Henry wanted to crumple the note. It was just sobs and guilt! If his uncle was truly sorry, then he should have done something about it. He should have talked to Henry, told them the truth, anything. Not send him on some mindless treasure hunt! He wouldn’t even be doing this if it wasn’t for Nancy. He looked up and saw Nancy staring calmly at him.
“What’s the next clue?” he asked.
Nancy looked down at her paper. “It just says, your mother always complained of your father’s blank”.
They went back to the funeral book and looked under the names Claude Bolet had signed on. Scrolling through each name, Nancy stopped when she reached the name Constance Norring.
“Sounds like constant snoring, which fits I guess,” she said.
Henry peered over to the name and saw the burial ground.
“Crowing Crypts, I know where it is, let’s go”.
They rushed back out to the cemetery and took a sharp right once they entered. They found Constance Norring’s name and read the epitaph, “Love birds from beginning to end”. The grave had birds around the name. Nancy touched each bird until she felt one with a button. She pushed it and the name plate shifted to the right and another eye and letter were found. Nancy grabbed both and handed the letter to Henry. This time Henry didn’t even wait. He tore open the letter and began to read aloud.
Claude Bolet and Marianne Prett. These were your parents. Claude was my younger brother and I adored him. He was so shy and quiet. He loved to help others. Mother was worried that he was too sensitive, but I didn’t care. Claude was bullied a lot and grew more reserved. He was easily pushed into doing things he didn’t like. By then, I was in military school and my initial perspective had changed. Like mother, I also grew worried about Claude. Luckily, he met your mother. She was an arborist, loved to spend her time outdoors in the woods away from people. She was the complete opposite of Claude, but they made room for each other’s idiosyncrasies. As per tradition, Claude focused on the burial grounds and spirits while Marianne supported them. Marianne didn’t fully understand the existence of spirits, but she knew that it was important to Claude which was enough for her to support him. They were very happy, even more when you were born. Claude would spend all day with you, carrying you around the cemetery while he worked. People were worried about bringing a baby to funeral homes, but Claude and Marianne didn’t care. You were a Bolet and you were being cared for. Their accident. I’m so sorry Henry. I blame myself. If I hadn’t—Claude was so kind about it. I’m so sorry.
 Henry’s voice warbled by the end of the sentence. He was going to cry. He was going to cry in front of Nancy Drew, again. He never cried this much in front of anybody, not even Summer. There were no rooms for tears in boarding school, military school, and people didn’t care in university. And he never felt comfortable crying in front of Summer, though she never said he couldn’t. He noticed something white through his watery eyes and saw that Nancy was handing him a tissue. He took it and she turned and walked away. When he felt a little better, Henry started to walk only to realize that Nancy hadn’t gone far herself. She just moved out of his vicinity. He quickly covered her with the umbrella. She looked up and smile at him, then pulled out a chocolate bar.
“Helps every time,” she said as she snapped the bar in half and gave it to Henry. They stood there under the umbrella, watching the rain and eating half-melted warm chocolate.
“Look at us. We desecrated two graves and are now eating chocolate, in a cemetery, in the dark. We are inviting a haunting,” Henry grumbled.
“Are they coming?”
Henry nodded. He didn’t know when the whispers—though it would be more appropriate to call them spirits now—started to come again, but they were roaming around him once again.
“They’re not saying anything of importance though, just the same words over and over again”.
“What are they?”
“Skull, man, find, hidden, her,” Henry paused, concentrating on what he heard. “They’re also saying some new stuff. Help and food”.
“Skull could mean Dr. Buford. Man could be any man. Find could be the Whisperer. Hidden could be the Whisperer too. And her could mean Renee,” Nancy suggested then shrugged. It was a shot in the dark but if those spirits were aware of what was going on, then it could be that they were trying to tell Henry as best they could.
“And what would help and food mean?”
“Help could be them trying to ask for help or tell us their trying to help. Food,” Nancy laughed. “Maybe they’re just hungry or can detect your hunger!”.
“We didn’t have dinner did we?”
“We just had chocolate”.
“That’s not dinner!”
Nancy shrugged again. Henry looked hard at her then asked, “Nancy, how often do you skip meals?”
“Look, when you’re on a deadline, you don’t always have time to eat”.
Henry pulled Nancy‘s arm and started to walk back to the manor. “Nothing doing, we’re eating”.
“But the graves! At least let’s check the next clue,” Nancy cried as she stumbled after him.
“Nothing doing private. I know you. You’ll just take the clue and carry on, forgetting to eat.” He looked back at her. “We can’t have our prime detective fainting because she forgot to eat”.
They went back to the kitchen and discussed their clues over Renee’s rice and beans.
  “The next clue is,” Nancy started after dinner, “Your grandmother, Esme, took pride in your grandfather who was never too early or too late”. They were standing in front of the big records book again. Henry flipped through the pages, finding his grandmother’s name ‘Esme Bolet’.
“Never too early, never too late,” he muttered. He stopped and pointed to a name in the book.
“Justin Thyme! Sorrow Park,” Henry exclaimed and hurried out the door. Nancy kept up with him and they dashed past the gardens, past a gnarly crooked tree, past the Bolet mausoleum, and finally reached a plain gate labeled sorrow park. They entered the burial ground and searched for Justin Thyme. Nancy found it, called over to Henry, and began to read the epitaph.
“One too firm, the other too loose. Together they were just”.
There were thyme leaves all around the nameplate and Henry felt around till he found the button. A whirring sound came and, once again the name plate came away revealing another letter and eyeball.
Esme Bolet and Dariel Abero were your grandparents. Your grandfather, Dariel, was very old fashioned, came from an old family too. He was a business tycoon, always investing into metal and electricity. Very calculated. Very stern. For him, life was a series of calculations. So when he married your grandmother, everyone thought it was for the name. The Abero’s had more money, but no history or legacy like the Bolet family. Your grandmother was the complete opposite of your grandfather. She invested into people, stories, and assistance. She had to as the carrier of the Bolet legacy. She hesitated in accepting your grandfather’s proposal because any person who marries into the Bolet family needs to believe and support what we do—especially those who carry the Bolet duties. Esme wasn’t sure that Dariel supported her. But your grandfather fell hard and fast for your grandmother, and even though his family opposed the marriage, they had no say saying as he was the one who brought wealth to the family. When your grandmother finally told your grandfather of who she was and what she does, he just blinked, nodded, and asked to be included for the next time she went out to work. Though he could never help her, he always tried to with his inventions. They are everywhere in the manor. They cared for us, but did not always have a lot of time for us. You can see a picture of your grandmother in the living room. She’s dressed in red and is holding a puppy. That puppy became my best friend.
 Henry looked up and saw Nancy scrolling through her phone. She held up a picture to his face.
“I think this is a dog Bruno was talking about. Bess found it when she snooped through Zeke’s”.
The dog looked to be a Labrador retriever. It was sitting beside a young boy who smiled in front.
“It must have been taken before my dad was born,” Henry said, then sighed. He stood there in silence watching the rain with a hand placed behind his neck.
“What’s the next one?” he asked after a while.
“There’s only one more. It’s just a name, Alisson Bolet”.
“So that would put us with nine eyeballs. Not much. We still need sixteen more”.
Henry straightened his back then nodded at Nancy to lead the way back to the record book. Once inside, Henry started to flip the pages to Allison Bolet.
“She was all dressed up with no place to go”.
“Manny Kinn,” Henry said, immediately finding the answer and the burial ground. “Writhing Roots, let’s go”.
They retraced their steps and went left from the crooked tree. There they saw the entrance to Writhing Roots and a set of fancy mini mausoleums. Manny Kinn’s grave was right at the entrance.
“Man has many roles, but few purposes,” Nancy read aloud. “Kind of a dismal way to end this game”.
There were no designs around the nameplate, so Henry felt around. Eventually, he pushed the nameplate and heard a whirring sound as the nameplate fell down. He reached in and grabbed the eyeball and letter.
“I’m guessing the automation was done by your grandfather?”
“Probably,” Henry said as he opened the letter.
This is the last letter Henry,
I’ve told you what I know about the Bolets, namely me, your parents, and grandparents. There were others, but I’m afraid we Bolets don’t seem to keep records of our own existence as much as the city does. I’ve only gleaned a little about our history with spirits. Our legacy is shrouded in mystery by now, but the only detail that remains strong with each generation is that every whisperer needs a listener, and well, I guess the Bolet’s have always been very good at listening.
We don’t know how we got this ability, no doubt others have similar abilities. Some say it can be learned, others argue that to learn the skill is to have an impure form from which consequences are inevitable. I’ve seen people from both groups, as well as those who lost themselves in the spirits. That is the one thing I can teach you Henry—be careful. Too much time around the spirits can make you lose yourself. That’s what happened to your great grandmother, Allison. The spirits do their best to help you but they do not realize the toll it takes on our bodies and mind. I never saw my grandmother, and mother never talked much about it beyond cautioning us to always keep one step in the present.
This is all to say Henry, that nothing of what you’ve learned should impact your future. Don’t trap yourself down to expectations no one has of you. Don’t live thinking someone is going to applaud you. Don’t live in the past, and don’t live for the future. I’ve made both these mistakes and look at how pitifully I’m trying to resolve the issues its caused. If you hate me, don’t think I did this in an attempt to make you like me. I’ve made far too many mistakes, crossed far too many lines, for such a childish thought to occur.
You can sell this house, the cemetery, your inheritance. You can do whatever you want Henry, because it’s your life and after all the mistakes I made from living mine trying to appease others, I’m ending this letter by giving you the ability to choose whatever you want.
You can never disappoint ghosts,
Bruno Bolet
  Henry sighed. The scavenger hunt felt useless. All that work, just to be told to make his own decisions. He looked at Nancy and saw that she too looked miffed at what the letter had said. They stood in the cemetery as rain pelted down on the umbrella and the humidity caused their shirts to cling to their back. Suddenly, Henry felt tired. He wanted to just go to bed. Maybe his uncle was right. Forget the whole Bolet mess, deal with the assets, then high-tail it out of there. And go where exactly? Aside from the graduation ceremony, Henry had technically finished school. He had nothing keeping him at the college town. He looked around the cemetery. There was nothing awaiting him here either. There were the voices, but they said nothing new, and for once, Henry did not want them to be around him.
“Should we go and feed Iggy,” Nancy asked cutting through his thoughts.
Right. He forgot about Iggy. Despite his drowsed state, Henry nodded and they began to move towards the garden. Once there, Henry made a detour towards the left-hand side. A small dirt path existed and led towards a lone loquat tree.
“Iggy likes loquats. Almost forgot they were here,” he said to Nancy as they both crouched down.
Nancy plucked one loquat, put it in her pocket, and got up. Henry looked up at her confused.
“You’re taking just one?”
“It would be rude to take more”.
Henry looked her incredulously. “As opposed to inviting yourself over, snooping through my desk, asking personal questions, eavesdropping, and suspecting people of murder?”
“Hey, you offered to let me stay,” Nancy exclaimed.
“So you’re not denying that you were being rude”.
“Okay okay, I get carried away, sometimes”.
Henry just rolled his eyes and plucked a few more loquats. He got up and handed them over to Nancy.
“There, now you’re not being rude, and I just saved us a trip from going up and down the secret study”.
 They went back up to the secret study and placed a loquat by the open duct.
“Here Iggy, Iggy, Iggy,” Nancy sang. “We’ve got a nice treat for you”.
“Iguana’s understand English?” he teased then yawned. “What a discovery I’ve made today”.
Nancy elbowed him, but before she could say anything, they heard a soft slap-slap-slap and a head appeared. Iggy.
Nancy shot Henry an I-told-you-do face before fishing through her bag. She pulled out the envelope and was about to hand it over to Iggy, when Henry stopped her.
“Wait, Iggy steals paper. If we give this to him, he’ll just take it thinking it’s for him”.
Henry then nodded to a small brown wardrobe.
“Last time we were here, I noticed that wardrobe. Inside there are outfits. I think my uncle meant this when he said he’d been training Iggy to retrieve letters”.
Nancy looked up at him confused.
“Think about it,” Henry said. “Who retrieves mail?”
“The mailman”. Nancy then looked towards the wardrobe as realization dawned on her.
“Oh, don’t tell me we have to dress Iggy up as a mailman?” she asked, but Henry had already opened the wardrobe. Sure enough, there were different outfits hanging on little hangers. It looked like a doll’s house.
Henry took out the mailman ensemble and turned towards Nancy.
“Ready to dress an Iguana?”
Nancy just held out her hand and Henry gave her half the clothes. They were expecting Iggy to squirm, move about, even bite them. But the iguana just kept still as they put on the costume. It wasn’t much. Just a blue mailman hat, tie, and a little black bag to hold the mail. Nancy couldn’t help it, she snapped a picture of Iggy.
“This is ridiculous,” Henry said as they watched Iggy. But the iguana seemed to know what to do because he went back into the vents and came back with a letter. Nancy took it as Henry fed Iggy another loquat and scratched his head. Iggy closed his eyes in contentment as Nancy read aloud.
MILO Research and Technology.
Dear Mr. Bolet:
I have completed my review of the data gleaned from the tests I ran last Tuesday on the crystalline replica of the human skull which you and Ms. Amande brought in. What follows is the simple answer regarding its authenticity which the two of you requested.
My analysis showed that the skull, while made of remarkably pure crystal, was cared using modern instruments. In layman’s terms, the skull is a fake.
Again, thank you for allowing Milo Research and Technology to serve you.
Chas Milo
 Henry looked at Nancy. “So the skull’s a fake?”
Nancy didn’t reply. She just stared hard at the letter and Henry guessed she was deep in thought. So much for the book and scavenger hunt. His uncle must have really lost it to think Henry would have been able to piece together this kooky mess. It was ludicrous, stupid, a waste of time, and to be honest, Bruno’s words did nothing by confirm a deep seeded feeling in Henry. He tried to talk to Nancy again.
“I’m guessing my uncle wrote all this before he got the letter from Chas Milo. Must have died from reading the letter, seeing how he bet everything on this skull,” Henry said and crossed his hands.
Slowly, Nancy looked up at him. He expected anger, embarrassment, even shame, but all he saw was confusion and a hint of fear.
“Henry,” Nancy began slowly. “Don’t you think it’s odd that your uncle would include his housekeeper in such an affair?”
Henry shrugged. “Maybe she was just there as support?”
Nancy shook her head. “Chase Milo said that Bruno and Renee brought the skull in, that means Renee knows about the skull. If she was there as support, she would have known, at the very least, that the skull was for you. And if she knew that, then why didn’t she give it to you directly?”
“Chas Milo said the skull was a fake, maybe uncle Bruno tossed it out and told Renee to forget about it?”
Nancy shook her head again. “No, Dr. Buford mentioned that Bruno was reading a letter when he got the heart attack”. She shook the letter she was holding. “A letter Iggy stole. The date is also close to when your uncle died, which means, that Bruno didn’t know beforehand, which means that Renee wouldn’t have known at all seeing as Iggy stole the letter before anyone else could read it”.
Henry paused, Nancy had a point. Scratch that, she was right. He was astounded by her observation and ability to trace and connect the small details.
“Looks like we’ll have to talk to Renee tomorrow”
Nancy nodded then rubbed her eyes and yawned.
Nancy nodded.
“Go get some sleep”.
Nancy nodded again but didn’t move and Henry saw that she had fallen asleep while still standing. He quickly opened the exit and ushered Nancy out the door into his room. He then opened the door to the main hall and led Nancy to her room. Luckily, she woke up enough to nod in thanks and go into her room. Once Nancy was inside, Henry felt his body ready to collapse onto the floor. He managed to drag his feet back into his room and flop onto the bed. He quickly checked his phone and through blurry eyes, saw red notifications. He put his phone done, turned his back to it, and succumbed to sleep.
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Evil Russians
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader Genre: angst, fluff, smut Warnings: SPOILERS FOR SEASON THREE, evil Russians being evil, smutty fun time  Summary: After secretly liking each other for so long, it’s only fair that they confess after being held captive by evil Russians. 
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As a senior in high school, I’d say I’ve accomplished quite a bit. I mean, I can’t really tell anyone about these accomplishments but they happened and I feel, well, accomplished.
It is a little weird being friends with middle schoolers, but they’re very cool middle schoolers! 
Anyway, now everything is calm and peaceful. Plus, it’s summer! Summer is literally the best. Though, I had to get a job. And, of course, the king himself helped me to get a job. Scoops Ahoy is actually pretty chill, literally and figuratively. 
The best part is I get to hang out with Steve, my crush since freshman year. 
I��ve been best friends with Nancy since we were practically in diapers. We grew up together, seeing as how I live across the street. When she and Steve started to become a thing, my heart was practically ripped from my chest. 
I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I have feelings for it. Mainly because my heart is no longer in my chest because it’s been ripped out. 
Thanks to her though, Steve and I became friends. So, I guess I can thank her in that aspect. 
When they broke up though, I had never been happier. I couldn’t tell them that though, but I was. We were all still a team though, working to defeat evil. 
When Nancy got with Jonathon, I finally told her about my feelings for Steve. She felt like a jerk but I told her it wasn’t her fault, seeing as how I never told her till now how I felt about him. I’m just glad I have someone to go to when I want to rant about Steve. 
Anyway, Steve got me the job and we’ve only gotten closer. Plus, I gained Robin as a new best friend. Steve lowkey hates it but I don’t care. Robin is really cool and I don’t see why he can’t see that. 
As of right now, Scoops Ahoy is as chill as ever. Steve and I are on our break right now, hiding in the back and eating ice cream. Steve gets up and starts to head to the front when he hears a familiar voice, his face lighting up. He slams the door open and shouts, “Henderson!”
I quickly stand up as well, dashing upfront with a big grin. 
“You got the job!” 
“I got the job!”
“Toothless!” I screech as I appear upfront, running to him to hug him. He groans as he returns the hug, playfully scowling at me. 
“I told you not to call me that anymore,” he whines as he pulls away, smiling as Steve comes up to do their handshake. 
I giggle and shake my head, going around the counter to get him some ice cream for the munchkin. “How many children are you friends with?” Robin teases Steve. I snort and playfully elbow her as I start to scoop ice cream up for Dustin. 
We then all sit down in a booth, Dustin beaming as I hand him his ice cream. “You’re a goddess,” he whispers to me, licking his lips as he eyes the ice cream before digging in. 
He then starts telling us about his girlfriend, my heart soaring for the little dude. Things take a turn when he starts telling us about the Russians. I was intrigued instantly.
Steve was not though. He had trouble believing such a thing, despite what he’s seen and done. That is until Dustin started telling him that they’d be American heroes and get all the girls they want. I hide my frown by eating some of Dustin’s ice cream which he didn’t mind at all. 
That’s when the chaos issued. We spied around the mall looking for suspicious people, following one dude who ended up just being a pilates instructor or something. 
We then started to decipher the message that the Russians were using to talk in secret code. Man, without me, they’d be completely lost and would’ve gotten nowhere.
We then got the annoying girl to climb into a vent and let us into the storage unit the evil Russians are using. That ended up being an elevator. And that ended up trapping us underground. 
Then, one thing led to another and now, I’m tied up in a room by myself. 
I don’t bother shouting for help, knowing it’s pointless. A general came in and started to interrogate me, trying to ask who I work for and basic kidnapping the enemy questions. Not to brag or anything, but I’m a great liar. I told them, unknowingly, exactly what Steve told them. 
With each lie, they slap me across the face. I bite back my tears, laughing instead to appear strong. Or crazy. Either is fine in this situation. Eventually, they had enough of me and left, probably to interrogate Steve. 
After sitting in the uncomfortable chair for who knows how long, two men come back into the plain room and pick me up. They then continue to drag me to a different room, throwing me into it. Luckily for me, and not so lucky for Steve, I land on top of him. 
Not that he would’ve felt it, seeing as how he’s knocked out. My heart breaks at the sight of his swollen face and all the blood. I call his name as I lightly shake him, feeling myself on the verge of tears. 
As soon as the general comes in, I start to yell at him, asking him what he did to Steve. He slaps me across the face for the nth time, my already lightly bruised and red cheek feeling the sharp sting. 
A man then picks me up, practically throwing me into a chair and starting to tie us up. I struggle as I call out to Steve. 
“Steve! Steve, can you hear me? Steve, wake up! Hey, don’t touch him!”
The men leave after I spit in the general’s face, smiling cheekily at him. As soon as they’re gone, I start trying to wake up Steve again.
He wakes up eventually, my body relaxing a bit knowing he’s okay. “Steve! Oh, thank god! Okay, I have a plan!”
He smiles to himself, lightly shaking his head. You always have a plan. 
I explain the plan to him, hearing him agree that getting the scissors is smart. We start to hop over towards them before falling over, my eyes tearing up.
This is hopeless. We are legit going to die. Here of all places. After everything we’ve been up against. This is what kills us.
My body starts to shake as I cry, biting my lip hard to try and get me to stop. 
Steve starts to laugh, turning his head to try and look at me. “Are you laughing?” he asks while chuckling. 
I then sniffle, his laughter instantly dying. 
“Hey, woah. What’s with the tears, Shortcake?” he says lightly. I smile at the pet name, my crying calming a bit. He started calling me that for two reasons. 
1. I’m shorter than him 
2. Strawberry Shortcake is my favorite ice cream flavor to eat while working  
“It’s just...I can’t believe I’m going to die in an evil Russians’ basement with you. After everything we’ve been through. That’s just insane.”
He chuckles a bit, shaking his head. “We aren’t going to die here. As you said, we’ve been up against much, much worse.”
I calm down at the sound of his voice, biting my lip. “Can you...talk some more?” I whisper, sniffling again.
Steve goes quiet and I start to blush. That’s so stupid. I go to tell him sorry and that I’m stupid when he starts to talk. 
“Do you remember in gym class when the boys were playing basketball and that stupid Hargrove guy kept smacking the ball out of my hand and shoving me to the floor?”
I sniffle once more and nod my head, wishing I could wipe my face. “Yeah, why?” I ask softly. 
He laughs as he starts to shake his head, smiling as he recalls the day. 
“After the game was over, you marched right up to Hargrove and challenged him to a one on one game. Everyone thought you were way out of your league. You only played basketball in sixth grade and absolutely hated it. But you challenged him anyway.”
I close my eyes and picture it, remembering it like it was yesterday. 
“You said whoever gets a basket first wins. He was so cocky, smirking at you as he stared down at you with his stupid, flirty eyes.”
You laugh at the last part, feeling much better than before. 
“One of his ugly friends through the ball up for you both. Billy didn’t even bother jumping. He just let you get the ball, smirking that horrible smirk of his. As soon as you started running towards your goal, he followed after you.” 
You start to smile more, waiting for the climax of the story. 
“He ran in front of you when you reached the free-throw line, jumping to block your shot. Your sly self faked the jump and then jumped as he came down. You shot that ball right into the net and left everyone speechless. You then sashayed away from him with a proud smirk on your face, right over to me.” 
I let out a happy sigh, reminiscing on the face Billy had when I faked him out and made the shot. 
“It was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen you do.” 
I instantly go speechless at that, my jaw hanging open. “That, out of all things, is the hottest? What about when I took your spiked bat from you and hit the Demogorgon right in the face? That did nothing to you?”
He laughs loudly at your response, nodding his head even though you can’t see him. “No, no. That’s hot too. I can’t brag to people about that though.”
He once again renders me speechless. Does he brag about me to people? When I don’t give him a response, he keeps going. 
“(Y/n), there’s something I’ve been mea—”
Just then, the evil Russians return with their doctor. They give us some weird looking blue shot and then leave again. Steve and I sit there for a long moment, trying to figure out if we feel any different.
That’s when we start acting like crackheads on steroids. 
“You know earlier when I called you hot?” Steve asks while giggling like a fool.
I giggle and nod my head, laughing harder when I remember that he can’t see me. 
“Yeah,” I say after I calm down my laughter. 
“Yeah, well, you’re like really hot,” Steve says as if it’s the funniest thing he’s ever said in his life. 
I giggle at his words, finding him absolutely ridiculous. “Oh yeah? Well, I think you’re insanely hot,” I argue. 
He calms his laughter to chuckling to reply to me. “Yeah, well, I think you’re, like, crazy hot.” 
It then goes back and forth like that until we are interrupted again. The general and his men come back, trying to ask us questions again. We once again give them nothing, only angering the general more. 
Alarms then start to go off. I can already tell that Steve is smirking up at the general. Everyone except for the doctor runs out. I start to mock the siren, making Steve laugh and the doctor to get annoyed. 
It didn’t take long for Dustin to bust in and shock the doctor, sending him crippling to the ground. 
“Henderson!” Steve shouts happily at the same time I call out, “Toothless!” 
The young boy then goes about rescuing us, bringing us to a movie theater. I happily munch on the popcorn as we watch the movie, completely confused as to what is going on. I go to take a drink of the soda we got when I realize it’s empty. 
Steve drank it all. 
“Stevie!” I whine too loudly, making people shush us. Steve and I turn around and shush the people right back, making us giggle. I then get up to go get something else to drink, Steve following right after me. I drink from the water fountain for what felt like forever until Steve was complaining that he wants some too. 
I pull away and step to the side, allowing Steve to drink from the fountain. He pulls away after a moment and complains that he has to pee. I snort at him as we walk to the restrooms, saying dumb stuff on the way. 
I sit in one of the stalls as he pees, making fun of him for the way it sounds. Out of nowhere, we both feel sick. I lean over the toilet and empty my insides into it, hearing Steve doing the same thing. I groan as I hold my head, flushing the toilet. Steve didn’t sound any better than I did. 
Once we start to feel better, we start to talk again. We mainly talked about all the stupid stuff we said while drugged. We laugh afterward, eventually calming down and falling silent. 
“Hey, (Y/n),” Steve calls softly from his stall. 
I look up towards his stall as if I can see him. “Yeah?”
It’s silent for another minute until he speaks. “I don’t know if you remember or not...but back in the evil Russians’ basement, we kept going back and forth about how the other is hotter. Um...”
He trails off again, making me frown. I can feel a blush settling on my cheeks at the memory, mentally moving that memory to my longterm memory. I never want to forget that moment. 
“Before the evil dudes came back, I was going to tell you something,” he says softly. I remain quiet for a long time, my heart starting to race. Is this going where I think it’s going? 
“(Y/n), I like you,” he whispers so softly that I have to strain my ears to hear it. My jaw unhinges to the floor I’m sitting on, staring at the stall wall in shock. I almost yelp when he suddenly slides under the wall, looking at me with furrowed brows as he waits for my response. 
I guess I take too long because he quickly starts to back-peddle, a dark, embarrassed blush coming to his face. “Oh, uh, sorry! Please ignore that. Oh jeez, sorry. I-”
“Harrington, shut it. If we both didn’t just puke up our intestines, I’d kiss you right now.” That definitely makes him stop rambling, a wide grin coming to his face. 
“Can I kiss you anyways? I’ve been dying to kiss you for the longest time,” he begs. Your nose wrinkles as you stand, dusting yourself off before offering him a hand. He takes it and you help pull him up as you respond. 
“Not happening, pretty boy. As soon as we brush our teeth, I’m all yours. Until then, how about a hug?” I offer. 
He grins brighter than the sun as he quickly wraps his arms around my shoulders, my arms going around his waist. We start to crack up when someone comes into the restroom and sees us standing in the open stall hugging. 
Once we defeat the mind flayer, a heavy weight left my body. We defeated a new enemy, hopefully for good this time, and Steve and I confessed to each other. 
I don't think I've ever felt happier. Steve insists on taking me home after the ambulance checks us out, giving us permission to go home. I accept, wanting to fall asleep in his arms. 
Unlike Nancy's parents, my parents are pretty chill and don't care that I have a boy up in my room. They trust me, so they trust my decisions. They just want him to be gone by a certain time and to keep the door open, but other than that, they don't really care. 
I let Steve take a shower in my shower while I go to take a shower in my parent's room. Before I go to take mine though, I get some of my dad's clothes for Steve to borrow. I let him use his pajama pants, that have strings that he can tie tight seeing as how they are two completely different sizes, and a random, old shirt. 
I come back to my room and set the clothes on the bed for him, letting Steve know before going to take my shower. Halfway through my shower, I curse myself for being so dumb.
I got Steve a change of clothes but forgot my own. Gosh, it's like something out of a cheesy romance movie. 
I finish up with my shower and wrap the towel around my cold body, grunting as I quickly go to my room. My parents are downstairs watching a movie, so I didn't have to worry about them seeing me. 
I just had to worry about Steve.
I was hoping that I could beat him to my room and get dressed before he finished his shower but when I open the door, Steve is fully dressed and lounging on my bed playing on his phone. 
"Man, girls take such long showe- oh..."
My face goes vibrant red as we make eye contact, my heart lurching up to my throat. We stare at each other for a long moment before his eyes starting to wander, looking at the water droplets that are dripping down from my hair onto my bare skin. 
He clears his throat before quickly turning away, rolling over on the bed to give me some privacy. "Sorry," he says softly. I smile at his apology, giggling as I head over towards my dresser. 
"For what?' I tease, getting out pajama shorts. I toss those on the opposite side of the bed before closing that drawer and pulling out another one. I get out a pair of old underwear before pausing, biting my lip. I put them back and pull out a pair of my nice, lacy panties.
Just in case.
Steve starts to stutter at my question, not really sure what he's apologizing for either. I chuckle at his stuttering, walking to my closet and getting a hoodie out. I decided to skip on the bra seeing as how we are just going to be chilling in my bed. 
"I'm just teasing," I reply as I walk to my bed, making sure Steve's back is to me before dropping my towel. I see him tense when he hears the towel, hit the floor. I quickly slip on my panties before slipping on my hoodie, sliding my shorts on last. 
"You're good," I say as I pick up the towel to dry my hair. He slowly rolls over to look up over at me, smiling when he sees me. 
"What?" I ask with my own smile, a blush growing on my face. 
"Nothing, nothing. You just...you're so beautiful," he whispers, smiling like the dork he is. My blush only gets worse, playfully hitting him with my towel. 
"Shut up! You're just trying to get into my pants!" I jokingly shout, making sure to be quiet enough so that my parents don't hear me. He laughs in response, tugging me onto the bed. He pulls me flush against him, smirking down at me. 
"Maybe," he jokes, looking serious as he says it. I stare up at him wide-eyed, trying to think of a good response. With our bodies pressed so closely together, I began to wonder if he could feel my pounding heart against him. 
Before I can think of anything a moment more, his lips meet mine. All coherent thoughts leave my mind after that. I hum into the kiss, slowly deepening it. He hums back when he feels my tongue slide out, gratefully accepting it into his mouth. 
We make out like that for a while, simply holding each other as we let our mouths explore the other's. After a while, our hands start to wander. His hands slip under my hoodie, staying respectfully on my hips. I internally groan at how much of a gentleman he is, wanting him to take charge and ravish me. 
I pull my hands away from his abdomen to pull his hands to my breasts, moaning when he gets with the program. He flips over me, squeezing my breasts as he pulls away from my mouth to kiss down my neck. I pant as I stare up a the ceiling, trying to wrap my head around the fact that we are actually doing this. The amount of times I've daydreamed in class or have woken up wet from a wet dream of him is ridiculous. 
Finally, those dreams are coming true. 
I moan louder when one of his hands leave my breasts to go to my heat, rubbing me through my panties. He brings his head away from my neck to look down at me, shushing me gently. 
"You have to be quiet, baby. The door is open and I'd rather not be shot by your dad if he catches us in this position."
I nod my head, taking a deep breath as I bite onto my lip. "Have you ever done...this before?" he whispers to me as his fingers rub over my clothed clit. 
I shake my head as I let out a shaky breath, my hands tightly gripping my covers. "No...not with someone else, anyway..." I reply sheepishly. His eyes widen at my words, for many reasons. 
For one, he's glad that he'll be the first one to be with me. Second of all, not with someone else but with...
He smirks devilishly as he pieces it together. "Do you have toys?" he asks in a new tone I've never heard before. It's deeper, darker. 
"I, um, uh..." I stutter out, trying to find a good way to deny his accusations. 
He practically growls as he moves my panties to the side and slips a finger inside of me. "God, I knew you were hot but this is just insane," he says lowly as he pumps his finger. 
"I can imagine you lied out on your bed, pumping one of your toys in and out of y-"
I quickly tig him down to keep me from moaning. Dirty talk is one of my weaknesses. A sound leaves his throat as he slips another finger inside, making me moan against his lips. He takes the chance to slide his tongue into my mouth, his free hand pinching one of my nipples. My head gets dizzy at all the different sensations, my body starting to shake. 
Before I can stop myself or warn him, I'm cumming. I cover my mouth as I do so, knowing I'll end up being loud. 
His eyes widen as he watches me, his fingers slowing down as I clench around them. After a couple of seconds, he feels his fingers get wetter and hears the squelching noise increase as he moves his fingers. 
He pulls his fingers out slowly with wide eyes, watching his fingers retreat from my core. He opens and closes his fingers, watching the strings of my juices drip down his fingers and make his hand even dirtier. 
I watch him with half-lidded eyes, my breathing making my chest rise and fall rapidly. He slowly brings his fingers to his lips, making eye contact with you as he licks at his fingers. 
I can't help but moan, shaking my head as my hips jolt up towards him. I bring my hand to his pants, palming him through his bottoms. He stops licking his fingers at that, grunting as he looks down at my hands. 
He bites his lip as he wipes his hand on his pants before slipping them off. I gape when his member springs free, hitting his abdomen. I forgot he's not wearing any underwear. I mewl at the realization, bringing my hand to his hard member to start pumping it. 
He bites his lip as he watches my hand move, his body tensing. I then bring my hand to my mouth, licking from my palm to my fingers before bringing my hand back. My hand now easily glides up and down, his hips jutting forward occasionally. 
After a couple of minutes of giving him a handjob, he shakily pulls my hand away. He brings his hands to my shorts, looking up at me through his long hair. 
"Can I?" he whispers, voice thick with want. I quickly nod my head, wanting nothing more. He slowly slips my shorts and panties off, groaning at the sight of my dripping heat. 
"God, you can't be real," he groans, pumping his member as he stares at my opening for a moment before looking up into my eyes. 
"Condom?" he whispers, smiling when he sees my flushed cheeks. I always get flustered so easily. I gulp at his question and shake my head, licking my lips. 
"No. I didn't exactly think that I'd be having sex with Steve The-Hair Harrington," I joke, my voice shakey from excitement. His face falls at my words, quietly cursing. 
He starts to pull away from me, okay with doing oral, before I stop him. "Hey," I say softly, bringing his eyes to mine. "I trust you," I whisper.
His eyes widen, his body going rigid. "I...you...what?" I giggle at his stuttering, running my hand through his hair. 
"I trust you. Just, please, don't cum in me," I tease. His face breaks out with color, making me giggle more. He nods his head though and brings his hips down, rubbing his member through my slick to get himself wet enough to not hurt me when he pushes in. 
When he finally does though, both of us can't help but moan. He then starts to thrust nice and slow, wanting it to be slow and sensual for our first time. We smile softly at each other before we start to kiss, this kiss being as slow as his thrusts. 
Even with the slow pace, I cum quickly. I'm not used to this in any way and plus, I've already came once, so I'm sensitive. He moans quietly when he feels me clench around him, knowing I came again. 
He hisses as he gets close, quickly pulling out and jacking off until he cums on my stomach. 
We pant as we stare at each other with lidded eyes, Steve slowly falling to my side. 
"Great. Now, I'll have to shower again," I joke as I cuddle into him, making him chuckle and kiss my forehead. 
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