#can't believe I'm spending this amount of money in some guys
fightoh · 2 years
Buying the seasons greetings in local stores is slightly cheaper than buying it online from Korea. Still expensive, but oh well.
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"In His Eyes"
| markiplier x fem!reader
warnings: none
rating: fluff
word count: 711
notes: this is just a silly cliché scenario but its cute af so i wrote it anyways. i’m super happy with it and i hope it makes you smile :)
Mark ran his hands through his hair, exhaling as he leaned back in his desk chair. He closed down the game he had just finished playing and shut off his computer. He had finished his work early, which doesn't happen often. Striding down the hall, he huffed as he shook his hair out of his eyes unsuccessfully. He tried to remember what you’d told him you were doing today. Something about errands, but he wasn’t exactly sure. He was really hoping to spend some extra time with you.
His thoughts were quickly interrupted as he reached the top of the stairs, music floating into his ears. He stilled, as he listened carefully to the sounds coming from below; you were singing. Loudly. A smile crept onto his face, and he walked slowly down the stairs, being mindful to not make a single noise, in fear of disrupting the moment.
His smile turned into a grin as he took in the sight in front of him. There you were, in all your glory, dancing around the kitchen. You had headphones over your ears, and your eyes were shut. You were still singing along, and he was now sure it was a Taylor Swift song, or something of that sort. You knew every word. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop from laughing at the adorable the scene in front of him. You spun around, lost in the moment. He could've sworn you were an angel, or maybe a deity of some kind. You were perfect. He was truly mesmerized by you, glued in place, staring as your energy lit up the room. After years, you still somehow managed to set butterflies loose in his stomach and cause his heart to want to jump out of his chest and into your arms.
You were really getting into it now, jumping up and down and holding your invisible microphone. He nearly melted right there, just seeing your sweet, blissful smile. You whipped around, and in a big showy fashion, belted out the finale; opening your eyes to find yourself face-to-face with your boyfriend, who was leaning against the doorframe, laughing softly to himself. You all but threw your headphones off of your ears, gaping at Mark as he continues to smile at your antics. Your face grew hot, crimson creeping its way across your cheeks and down your neck.
"How long have you been, uh... here?" you asked sheepishly, cringing as you felt your already red face turn a deeper shade.
"Cruel Summer, right?" he teased, chuckling softly and shaking his head. "Your performance was pretty amazing. Maybe you should ask Taylor if you can join the tour."
"Oh, fuck off."
"You could probably start your own tour, actually. Give her a run for her money," he continued, a smug grin plastered on his face.
"I can't believe you saw that," you said, a nervous smile landing on your pink cheeks. You just as quickly covered it up, burying your head in your hands. "I can't believe that just happened."
"You're adorable," he mused.
"And you're impossible," you shot, trying (and failing) to cover up the extreme amount of embarrassment that had sank into your gut.
"I'm serious, you are! You never fail to make me smile, even when you don't know it. I'm the luckiest guy in the world," he said softly, moving to gently hold your shoulders.
"You're just saying that to make me feel better," you said, staring at the ground, a smile making its way onto your face all the same. Mark tilted your chin up with his index finger, gazing lovingly down at you.
"Is it working?" he crooned.
"Maybe," you mumbled, leaning into his touch.
"Good, you'll need your confidence back when you're on that world tour," he said, dodging as you went to playfully hit his shoulder.
"You are truly unbelievable, Mark," you laughed. Abruptly, he swooped down and kissed you, catching you off guard. But before you could react, he pulled away just as swiftly.
"I know," he said smugly, turning on his heel and disappearing up the stairs. You heard him snickering to himself, not bothering to be quiet about it.
You couldn't do anything but smile and shake your head. You were so in love with him, it was ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as him.
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Why do people still go to Mostro Lounge if Azul enslaved 225 students? Like how is he not out of bussines
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I DON’T KNOW 😭 I’ve never understood that part???? And how easily everything is resolved????
The end of book 3 tries to hand-wave it off as, “well, Azul implemented a point card system/promotion that was just so good that it compensated for all the negative rumors about the bad things he actually did” but like 💀 even then, I never bought it…
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Consider the prices plus how the point card system and its perks work:
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Assuming that you need 50 points to get that consultation with Azul + the items listed here are the only ones that qualify toward the point system, that means you'd be spending at LEAST 250 thaumarks (which I'm going to consider the equivalent to 250 USD for the sake of simplicity), if not 300 thaumarks. That's not including any potential tax or tip they may charge on top of the cost of the actual menu items. If you're going for the three-point card perks, you're easily spending 750 to 900 bucks on the Mostro Lounge. Maybe that seems like chump change to some of the rich, privileged kids that attend NRC but that's still a considerable amount of money to spend at one establishment... I'll concede that the argument can be made that this investment is "worth it" because of Azul's consultation being such a useful thing. It seems like you could ask him for anything, so long as its within his means. So yeah, it’s true, his services can be an extremely powerful boon to have on your side (assuming, of course, that he's capable of granting your wish and you agree to the terms set). The issue then becomes a matter of trust between client and Azul.
I don't know about you, but I cannot believe that after Azul tricked and enslaved 220+ students (over a QUARTER of the total student body) with his promises that everyone would so easily forgive what he did and suddenly trust that he wouldn't try pulling similar shit again. And since I doubt any mob would drop 250-300 thaumarks in one day just to get the consultation ASAP (but a bunch of food he can't eat), the points system would be a long term commitment... meaning mobs go into this establishment regularly, knowing that it's run by a guy that would double cross them if it benefitted him, weirdly trusting that he wouldn't???????? Trusting that he had a sudden change of heart and wouldn’t revert back to his old ways???????? Not holding grudges??????? Nah, I don't buy that one bit. AZUL'S REP WOULD BE IN THE TOILET, AND I DON'T THINK A GOOD DEAL ON EATERY LOYALTY WOULD REVERSE THAT... At that point, the mobs are practically begging to be scammed… Also???? The only thing that Crowley technically told Azul he can't do is to take anyone's powers 💀 so literally nothing is stopping Azul from trying to one-up or cheat his clients out of other things... Agreements like the one where he tried to claim Ramshackle Dorm for himself would still be totally valid under Crowley's new but poorly defined restrictions. Why doesn't the headmaster just forbid Azul from running his shady side business altogether 😭 or at least revoke the manager position from Azul?????? The school gets 10% of the lounge’s profits, so maybe Crowley doesn’t want to lose that income—but if that’s the case, why not just put new management in charge and still reap the monetary benefits??? Even just upping the percentage the school takes from their earnings would be more of a punishment…
I'm about to cancel this man on Magicam for his crimes/j I guess this is easily explained by the mob students all being dumb/arrogant, but that’s such a cop-out 😭 My only hope is that volume 3 of the light novel adaptation will go more in-depth about the post-OB backlash Azul experiences (similar to how it did for volume 1) 💦 because the way the game presents it, it feels like he and the Mostro Lounge made an almost immediate comeback 😭 which isn’t realistic at all…
I guess all I have left to say is…
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
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Haha no worries! It's downplayed a lot in the series because it's supposed to be a comedy, but when you start looking more closely at the stuff Kuniharu does, it paints a picture of a terrible father and a bad husband too.
It's been a topic on the blog several times, so I'm sure people can chime in with more evidence, but here's what's off the top of my head...
Raised Kusuke. Nuff said tbh lol.
Kuniharu calls Kusuo a monster multiple times and is almost certainly the reason why Kusuke and Kusuo himself believe that Kusuo is an inhuman freak. This attitude is certainly not coming from Kurumi, and nobody else knew about Kusuo's power. From the beginning of the series, Kusuo genuinely believes he's unable to connect with other human beings, and it's mostly because of this attitude inherited from his father.
Kuniharu is never seen attempting to prevent Kusuke from constantly picking fights with his brother, and only attempting to discipline Kusuo for behavior that Kuniharu considers disrespectful to him. This is mostly a fact by omission, but we do see him belittling Kusuke when the kid obviously already has an inferiority problem.
Kuniharu is one of the worst performers at his job and the first to be let go in the case of a crisis. When he loses his job, he's unable to find any others because his only real skill is shoe-licking. This was a parody chapter though so questionably canon. He's always running late for his job though and we see him trying to make a manga artist rip off Naruto, so honestly it makes sense that he's that bad at his job. The only time he's shown as slightly competent at his job was during a parody chapter too hsfjdlshfks.
However what's definitely canon is that he either doesn't make much money or mis-spends most of it. In an area where Nendo's mom, a single woman, and Satou's family, the exact average family, can afford to live, Kuniharu had to take out an 80 year mortgage to pay for a similarly sized home. For context, most mortgages are for 30 years, 15 if you git gud. Btw, the house was literally a gift from Kusuke, Kuniharu insisted on paying out of manly pride or something. Sir, Kusuke is a freaking billionaire and this is like the only single no-strings-attached genuinely kind thing he's ever done hsfjdlshfks
Completely irresponsible with money: has a huge Valentine's day budget for his wife's gift ($3,000 iirc?) and then spends it all at the bar paying for his coworkers' drinks (the same guys who abuse him at his job and think he's garbage). He also spends huge amounts of money on his model figure collection, and has a whole room of gym equipment he never uses. As a result, Kusuo has a very small allowance and for some reason, his one favorite food (coffee jelly) is not included in the grocery list. Even though Kusuo canonically gets insane rock bottom prices for literally everything that gets bought in the household. How do you fuck up so badly financially that you can't buy your clinically depressed son the one (inexpensive!) thing that brings him joy??
By the way, Kuniharu started dating Kurumi when he was a college student and she was in high school. Kusuke was born like a year after they met, so you can do the math about how little time he spent before knocking her up 😬 They basically had a shotgun wedding. No wonder Kurumi's dad is NOT a fan of Kuniharu...
Literally one of the first chapters is Kuniharu and Kurumi domestic violence but make it funny. They're throwing furniture, Kuniharu is breaking the windows, Kurumi is yeeting her husband, and all this shit is over a single coffee jelly, which again, should be a normal part of the groceries for their household. They constantly bring their son into this drama too, which I'm sure is fantastic for his mental and emotional development btw.
There's a manga exclusive chapter that's a parody, so questionably canon, but in it Kuniharu physically attacks Kusuo multiple times over differences in opinion.
However, it IS canon that Kuniharu takes any opportunity to try to physically harm Kusuo. Ex. Hitting him in the massage episode and trying to step on him when he turns tiny.
Canon tries to redeem him a bit by showing moments where Kusuo is a baby and Kuniharu is trying really hard to make him smile because he wants his baby boy to be happy. Unfortunately that just makes it seem like he tried to be a good father for a bit when Kusuo was a baby, and then as soon as Kusuo's powers developed enough to make him miserable (the time when he needs the MOST familial support!), Kuniharu just gives up, and starts using Kusuo as his personal genie in a bottle. While also trying to fix his own fragile ego by attempting to establish dominance over his son. ????? Get therapy bro.
Canon also shows that Kuniharu's love points for Kusuo are the same as for his wife, however, not even Kuniharu believes that, as he tries to run away to evade it hsfjdlshfks. And even if he does love his son that much, he certainly doesn't show it in any meaningful way, because his literal MIND-READING SON doesn't know that. There are plenty of parents who truly love their kids and still abuse them like hell because they think that's the right thing to do (see Kaido's mom being overly strict because she wants to see him succeed in life), so the love points don't mean much imo.
Kuniharu does dole out a couple of pieces of wisdom (at Kusuo's wrong date birthday party and in the volcano arc) but that really doesn't make up for anything and even his wife thinks he's childish so... 🇫
Kuniharu is definitely funny as a character, and like I said, most of this requires digging into canon a little more, but once you start looking, it becomes clear that Kuniharu is just not a good person, father, or husband.
Like, I totally get that having a genius and a god as your kids would not be easy for any parent, but Kuniharu really doesn't try to make life better for either of his sons, preferring to get into petty squabbles with his wife and play video games/build models the rest of the time. I'm not saying dads can't have hobbies, but the only times we see him spending time with Kusuo is usually when he's begging for a favor, and he also clearly does zero housework whatsoever, so...
Anyways, I think Kurumi deserves a better husband and Kusuo deserves a better parent (or at least a break from being used as a magical favor vending machine lol) so I often joke on here that Kurumi should get a divorce and run polls about who she should marry instead and such!
Hope this helps! 👍🏾 Thanks for the question!
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nananarc · 3 months
Gonna disclose my income as a freelance artist because I feel like it might give some perspective. And mostly bc I'm feeling a bit burnout and I want pity points ok? Lol.
Context 1: For sake of simplicity, all figures are net income (minused all fees, charges, insurance, benefits, etc)
Context 2: I live in a big city in Việt Nam and the cost of living is relatively low. A salary of 1000$/month is considered really good for someone living alone with one pet, no family or children, no debt or other liabilities. Entry level jobs usually start at around 200-300$/month.
Let's start in 2021 because that's when it can be considered when I started doing art professionally.
In 2021 and 2022, I was juggling between art school, a part-time online side gig, building social media for my art, and of course try to get commissions. But coms were few and far between, mainly because I didn't have an online present before and I only hang in relatively small fandoms. So all I earn through side gig and art were only some change, in total avarage to about 40$/ month. Some months made up for no income months.
In 2023, things starts to be a bit better as I get more confident in my skill, but coms are still few and far between and months with no income is still common. Side gig was few and far between too and pay less. Overall I'd say it goes up to about 80$/month.
This year 2024, art school is done, I can finally do art full time. But I was severely burnout because all the accumulated stress since waaaaay before catch up with me and i couldn't cope anymore. I have to spend a lot of time resting instead. Fortunately, I received a decent amount of coms each month, and the new patreon surprisingly got a few supporters (I fully realistically expected it to sit at 0 for at least a year). Overall, I have an 8 hours 4 days work week: 4 hours a day on com and managing social media and other stuff that actually makes money; 4 hours a day on my own projects and personal indulgence that doesn't directly make money. As of now, my income is about 180$/month.
You are probably wondering how the fuck do one live like this in this economy.
It's because my family is middle class and can afford a freeloader like me in their house, receive their pocket money and tuition fee. I'm privileged.
But of course my family isn't rich and if just one catastrophic event happens to us, we'd be in bad shit. I'm constantly in anxiety of money, work, and the future. It doesn't help that I'm late 20s and many people around keep reminding of how I'm not making money yet still leeching off parents. It doesn't help that, for years all i hear about art is it will just lead to failure and no money.
But still, I am thankful of my family for letting me stay here. And all my friends and supporters for giving me money oc lol, but more importantly, believing in me more than I ever do in myself. I read all of your little tags, your keysmash and compliments, and I keep them all dear to my heart, and I went back to them everytime I need motivation. I can't see where my future as an artist will be, but I cling to your support and love as the will to keep going. Thank you all so, so fucking much. I'd have been literally dead in a ditch somewhere without you guys.
Anyway, idk, I've always been adamant about wage transparency (especially in a corporate setting) but I rarely see this in freelance artists. except to flex, to promote the hustle culture, or to sell some courses they made. Most of us don't want/can't subscribe to the grind and have nothing to flex either. All we have is this shit economy. I'd wish we could have been more open about this and many of us wouldn't have to feel so lonely and despair all the time.
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columboscreens · 2 years
i was asked recently about my top three and top ten columbo murderers who i think most deserved their fate. after wrangling with the tumblr post editor undoing my text changes and fucking up my photo placement, i finally finished the post. everything looked good in the drafts, in the queue, and in the blog preview.
then for some ungodly reason tumblr published the rough draft version of the post i'd written weeks ago anyway. i got so frustrated i yelled expletives and nuked it. so i'm starting anew. without further ado,
here are the top ten piece of shit columbo murderers who absolutely deserved it:
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justin rowe & cooper redman, columbo goes to college: truly, i hate these two scum-sucking motherfuckers the most. they're brats, yes, but look at the absolute dogshit stakes at hand. all the other murderers in this show are killing for true love, power, multimillion dollar fortunes, careers of great prestige--usually for that upon which they've staked their entire lives. these two tar pits blow their professor's brains out because they Got Bad Grades, which was their fault to begin with! they bully columbo mercilessly. i can't even look at them without wanting to throttle them
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dr. barry mayfield, a stitch in crime: though his reasoning for murder starts out with at least some comprehensible amount of dignity, he quickly devolves into one of the most evil murderers of the series, not only by trying to off his research lead, but for causing so much collateral damage. he kills his nurse for knowing too much, sure, but killing her poor vietnam vet ex who's trying to shake his perc addiction while working at the petting zoo is…almost comically evil. it's no wonder columbo gets visibly fed up with his shit.
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commissioner mark halperin, a friend in deed: god this guy is such a huge piece of shit. he's a spectacularly corrupt cop, covering for his friend's manslaughter and then using it as an excuse to drown his own wife for her money--to make it worse, his wife is somehow an absolute sweetheart angel darling who spends all her time working with underpriviliged children and people of color. then he's dumb enough to let columbo, the star detective with a 200% solve rate, work on the case, while also openly disparaging and discouraging him. utterly contemptible.
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nelson hayward, candidate for crime: in typical politician style, so plastic and two-faced that he's not even a real human being. cheats on his adorable wife with a 20-year-old floozy and then gets mad at his clearly fantastic campaign advisor for wanting him to get a grip and fix his fucking marriage. then he shoots him about it. then he tries to make everyone think he's in danger--and he's such a rutting, lying pig that his own wife clearly believes columbo more than she believes him.
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sean brantley, columbo cries wolf: i'm not sure if there exists a more smug columbo villain than sean brantley. uniquely repugnant in that he uses and abuses columbo to generate a media frenzy, then mocks and embarrasses him on international television. uniquely moronic in that when he actually DOES do a murder he hides his partner's body in…his own wall? with her smart watch still attached to her wrist. actual dirt man
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dale kingston, suitable for framing: total piece of shit who always thinks he's the cleverest person in the room. says the absolute dumbest shit about art all the time; as in, literally everything that comes out of his mouth makes you want to curbstomp him. the girl who loves him gets kind of scared about being an accessory to murder, so instead of being reassuring in any capacity, he brains her with a big rock. this man deserved impalement
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paul galesko, negative reaction: starts off the episode SO sympathetic when we see how bitchy and abusive his wife is, then immediately vanquishes all sympathy by being the most annoying, insufferable fuckhead at all times. fucked around with yet another 20-year-old floozy, killed an ex-con who was trying to rebuild his life, and planned everything poorly. is terribly mean to columbo…
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milo janus, exercise in fatality: a complete fucking slimeball with vanishingly few redeeming qualities. kills a guy with his bare hands for even suggesting cooked books and then taunts his estranged widow about it by...asking her to fuck? (in all fairness--he has to maintain Quality. when he grows? you grow). it's no wonder that columbo loses his shit and yells at him
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emmett clayton, the most dangerous match: seldom talked about in these conversations but he is so smug and killed one of the least deserving columbo victims because…he's a massive fucking coward who is incapable of losing. pathetic! get over yourself! plus this guy was like Ooo i am so Extremeley Jeanius but when columbo diverted his attention for like five seconds he lost to a fucking fool's mate. literally the quickest way you can lose a game of chess. real bobby fischer swag you big goofy ass bitch. grow up moron
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harold van wick, playback: just the most abrasive fucking asshole the entire episode. insufferable proto-tech bro who is mean to beautiful radiant sweetheart gena rowlands and not even in the smug columbo murderer way, just an old school ableist/misogynist who openly says shit like why should i allow my dumb disabled wife to Make Decisions. doesn't even pretend to be nice to columbo at any point and not in the charming robert culp way. loathsome garbage heap of a man.
honorable mentchies go to jack cassidy nazi magician, evil french chef, pedophile johnny cash, weird italian polycule artist, and both william shatners. fuck you
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at1nys-blog · 4 months
Next Door
When you try to save your friends from bad press (your father's opinion on them) ending up having to find a way to survive it turns different than what you expected, but along the way there are your best friends, new friends and a very annoying gym bro that lives just Next Door
Previously on... Next Door//More about... Next Door//Next on... Next Door
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Vol.9 Ch.37-Usopp the trendsetter❤️‍🔥
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liked by _nami_, idc_sabo0, monkey_fluffy and 2,345 others
yn.ishere: taking over the D. Monkey’s household since Grandpa Garp isn’t around also @/acenotass where is Dadan? I wanted to meet her and you promised
tagged acenotass and monkey_dluffy
acenotass: she doen't want to meet you. I promised shit
idc_sabo0: you know she will fall in love with you, I don't need another bully thanks
^yn.ishere: I don't know what you are talking about
monkey_dluffy: she decided to go out so we could have some fun
^yn.ishere: best grandma ever
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liked by z0r0, law traffy and 133 others
candychopper: Very random pictures with the genius cook because dad (not Franky) was late
tagged san_ji3
san_ji3: I’m cooler than Zoro
^z0r0: you will never be cooler than me
koalala: you are so cute Choppy
^idc_sabo0: you are so right
^candychopper: is Chopper and I am not cute, you baka
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liked by yasusopp, idc_sabo0, art.kaya., pinkyrona. and 213,466 others
idc_sabo0: Ace was hungry and Luffy was unlucky enought to be around. Usopp let's be less excited is just food
tagged acenotass, monkey_dluffy and yasusopp
yasusopp: is JUST food???? Man is a token of heaven on Earth
^san_ji3: you are too nice
art.kaya.: you can't tell him to not be excited about food
koalala: look at my boyfriend not sharing a single pic of me
^idc_sabo0: there is still time for that
^koalala: you better
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liked by _nami_, yasusopp, the.uta4, z0r0 and 354,667 others
art.kaya.: that's my boyfriend y'all. he said, and I quote "I need to have my costume ready for Halloween", Halloween was last month...
tagged yasusopp
yasusopp: is never too early to work on a Halloween costume
^art.kaya.: is a lie and you know it, is too early
z0r0: what are you supposed to be?
^yasusopp: a brave soldier of the seas
^z0r0: you failed then
^yasusopp: EHY
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liked by law.traffy, mnkey_dluffy, yn.ishere, koalala and 544 others
_nami_: I have to deal with a bunch of idiots
tagged law.traffy, monkey_dluffy and san_ji3
monkey_dluffy: I'm still your idiot though
^_nami_: with the amount of time you spend with Law, I don't think so. He is basically your boyfriend at this point
^law.traffy: NO
candychopper: why is Sanji so shocked
^monkey_dluffy: you won't believe it too
^yn.ishere: I WANT TO KNOW
^monkey_dluffy: no you don't
^yn.ishere: meanie
^monkey_dluffy: I'm literally paying (Garp is but that's another story) for tonight?
^koalala: we spending Gov's money?
^idc_sabo0: we are always spending Gov's money what are you talking about??
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liked by acesnotass, _nami_, koalala and 5,687 others
yn.ishere: met those guys randomly and they were very nice
_nami_: guy in total black was loaded af
^koalala: of course
san_ji3: they were nice to you girls
^candychopper: and me
^z0r0: they didn't think of you as a threat, they basically offended you
^candychopper: now…
^yn.ishere: don't listen to mosshead, they just thought you were too cool to date any of us
^candychopper: now now...
pinkyrona.: yn stealing hearts left and right
shim0.kuina: the look on Zoro's face when they approached us, so funny
^z0r0: it wasn't I just wanted to make sure they did not meant bad business
^yn.ishere: that is you
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liked by acenotass, pinkyrona., _nami_ and 788 others
san_ji3: @/acenotass is a great photographer, thank you
acenotass: you are welcomed😉
^san_ji: you flatter me
^z0r0: since when are you💅🏻
^yn.ishere: who taught you that?
^san_ji3: since NEVER????
^z0r0: @/yn.ishere I have good teachers
^shim0.kuina: I am teacher
^pinkyrona.: I am the other teacher he is talking about
yasusopp: if you are going to waste such talent I am going to kill you
^san_ji3: what talent?
^yasusopp: I wasn't talking to you...
^acenotass: WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?????
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liked by law.traffy, art.kaya., shimo0.kuina and 3,657 others
acenotass: Usopp: YN do you like zoro? // YN: I'm sorry, WHAT?// Usopp: you heard me, so?//YN: Nope//Usopp: *shocked Pikachu face*
z0r0: why did you ask her?
^yasusopp: because she was staring at you with heart eyes
^yn.ishere: I was NOT????
^koalala: you were
^yn.ishere: WHY ARE YOU IN HIS SIDE?????
^z0r0: so... you like me?
^yn.ishere: I'm going to choke you
^z0r0: love we talked about this, only behind closed door
^candychopper: I'm sorry????
pinkyrona.: it might be crazy what 'am about to say
^yn.ishere: RONA....
^_nami_: she knows something and I don't???
^koalala: top 10 anime betrayals
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liked by z0r0, art.kaya., candychopper and 66,879 others
shim0.kuina: man has a change of clothes in his car? He is a genius because someone bumped into him and spilled his drink on him
tagged yasusopp
art.kaya.: this because the first time we went on a date someone spilled coffee on him and he was sorry for the other half of it
^yn.ishere: universe please listen to my prayers and give me a boyfriend like him
^z0r0: I'm literally here
^yn.ishere: Universe, someone with a functioning brain please
^z0r0: EHY
monkey_dluffy: why everywhere we go you make new friends?
^yasusopp: I learned from the best💪🏻
san_ji3: gonna do it too fron now on
^koalala: usopp the trendsetter❤️‍🔥
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julietasgf · 7 months
I'll answer more calmly all later but when I saw your reply I realized I forgot to add my new hc of how Marcus and Sejanus meet in the latam AU (although it could also serve to some extent in canon) 😔😔
So I started to ramble on about certain details of that great moment of gentleness between Sejanus and Marcus and I was like ok putting snow on someone's finger to get them uninjured is a bit unusual knowledge for a child and more so if they were so young. I'm sorry I've never seen snow but I'm sure if I lived in a place with snow at that age I and many other kids probably would have eaten it instead of using it that way so I came to the conclusion that Marcus' parents, well mother, I don't know I always visualized him as the son of a single mother IDK, but his mother probably had some knowledge in traditional medicine -huesera, like those ladies who know all about tea and herbs and ointments and move arms and weists😝
So Baby Marcus from a young age had some knowledge on how to take care of small injuries BUT WELL. What I thought for the latam au was; Imagine Baby Sejanus gets sick and they take him to the doctor and give him all kinds of treatments but nothing seems to work and Vesta is heartbroken but won't give up so even though she had to fight with Strabo (not much because he ended up giving in because that's his son and well it wouldn't hurt to try even if he feel untrust about these things but Vesta yelled at him and threatened him a little so he stopped arguing quickly, pls "Vesta DONT ask me the divorced 😭" "🙄") Vesta starts looking for alternatives and that's when someone from her neighbors tells her about Marcus' mother and she goes and asks for help
And they start treating baby Sejanus who actually gets better!!!! but here's the thing :)) because baby Marcus helped his mom maybe with little things like watching Sejanus while he was napping or changing his pañuelo to bring his temperature down (while Vesta and Marcus' mommy become friends <3 and support each other with Marcus' mommy comforting Vesta and giving her encouragement and I'm sure Vesta would bring her bread and candy and probably made a principle payment for Sejanus treatment).
But I kinda see Sejanus was with fever and very tired the first days and Marcus didn't get a chance to talk to him well and was very curious to meet him, wondering all the time who he was and then one day baby Sejanus wakes up and their eyes meet and 😳
And that's it hahaha, wait for my proper response to your reply later
I've read some works on ao3 that have marcus' mom as a doctor on D2, and I think that to be really sweet; I've also never seen snow in my life, but I agree lmao 😭 and I also agree, in my head it's is already canon he's the kid of a single mother. and LOVE the idea of marcus' mom knowing about traditional med (here we call these ladies benzedeiras, it's common in small towns for when children are sick for moms to take them for these ladies to pray and give them teas and herbs)
strabo is extremely skeptical, he's that kind of guy who just doesn't believe in anything, but he was willing to spend any amount of money to get bby sejanus healthy again. and still, nothing is working, and he's already running out of ideas; vesta was letting him have control of the situation, but she was getting more and more desperate (that's her baby, she can't lose him like that), and then it comes to the point she grows so impatient and stands by the fact that NOW she's going to decide which doctor they would get sejanus to, and she already settled her mind on asking marcus' mom over. and of course they fight, bc strabo thinks it's such a waste of time to invite this lady over because "these are just plants, it won't make him better", but in the end, he gives in (the divorce threat made me laugh 😭 that's what he deserves). and vesta grew up in a small village, she saw plenty of times her sisters being sick and getting better because of this kind of treatment, so she at least have to try.
BBY MARCUS GOING TO HELP HIS MOM IS JUST SO ADORABLE, and his mom is apologizing to vesta because she didn't want to bother but she promises marcus is a good kid, and vesta not only is absolutely okay with it, but she spoils marcus so much, giving him all kind of treats and sweets (at the end of the day marcus and his mama come back home with a bowl with vesta's homemade dulce de leche). and when his mom and vesta are chatting, and his mom is comforting her saying everything will be okay, he's watching sejanus. and when marcus is caring for sejanus, he sometimes talks to sejanus, muttering stuff like "just get good already, your ma is worried about you" and "and you get better, maybe we can play together, you have really fancy toys". and vesta promises marcus that once sejanus gets better, they can play together ("but mrs. plinth, what if he doesn't want to play with me?" "he WILL, it's not a matter of choice").
the moment sejanus finally wakes up and sees marcus in his room omg 🥹 and they stand there in silence for a while, until marcus finally opens his mouth to say that sejanus has the biggest brown eyes he have ever seen, and sejanus is like "...thanks? I guess?" but blushing so hard. and then there's the whole moment of vesta crying so hard and hugging sejanus and thanking on her knees to marcus' mama. she turns to marcus and promises him he'll ALWAYS be welcome on their house. but marcus doesn't come back until sejanus goes after him to knock on his door and ask him to go to his house to play and watch tv with him after school.
(I'm actually obsessed with this, tysm bc this will probably live in my mind rent free for the next weeks 😭)
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lovings4turn · 8 months
[ 🪩 ] who's your money on? - send me a little bit about yourself along with a gender preference and fandom(s) , and i'll ship you with someone n provide a few headcanons too !
for f1 please! here's a description of me (tbh idk how much info you want so):
lola, I'm pansexual, she/her, I'm korean-pakistani, born and raised in the uk, 5'5, brown skin, long-ish black hair and black eyes, I tend to dress in a mixture of clothes, very into fashion (I love pintrest) and fashion weeks are the highlight of my year, I love football (liverpool and real madrid fan), I love formula one (ferrari, mercedes, and redbull), and I do archery in my spare time, i'm fluent in 3 languages english urdu and punjabi, i'm also not really in touch with my korean side, which is why I want to try and learn korean some time in the future, also have alot's of family trauma!!, I'm currently in uni studying psychology and I want to become a therapist, I love animals and I have two dogs (salt and pepper) and a cat (bartolomeu the cannible), I love music and spend alot of my time creating playlists, very chaotic (adhd), my fav season is either spring or autumn, I love aesthetic things, and am kinda a perfectionist, very much a people pleaser, kinda nervous around new people, love writing stories, I have a older brother, can't cook to save my life (unless it's instant noddle), also I love spicy food!!
this was the perfect amount of info babes !!! again there were a few different drivers i had in mind but in the end , there can only be one ...
❤︎ . . . i'd ship you with max verstappen !
i just think you two would be a great pairing , honestly . i think your perfectionist tendencies really speak to max , who also loves things to go perfectly , and your chaotic nature is something he finds so so charming . don't worry about being nervous around new people , though , as max is more than used to having to socialise with strangers - he'll take the lead for you both
he also likes the height difference between you two ! thinks it makes for perfect hugs , as he can easily rest his chin on the top of your head , and he can engulf you into his arms with ease
max is absolutely blown away when he finds out you do archery . like . he's amazed . he immediately wants to try it with you (and gets a bit frustrated when he isn't instantly good at it) but can't believe how good you are at it
absolutely adores your animals . i mean , of course he loves jimmy and sassy , but salt , pepper , and bartolomeu the cannible (amazing names btw) also have a special place in his heart ! so many of your guys' text conversations is just various animal pics
the gf effect with max is so real , too . thanks to your interest in fashion , and ability at actually putting together cohesive outfits , max gets somewhat of a fashion glow-up when you two get together , something the fans are forever indebted to you for
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sapphyreopal5 · 10 days
As I'm pushing myself through this show Wildfire, I'm getting more and more annoyed with Kris Furillo. I know this show is trying to push The Davis family as the antagonists and Kris as the main protagonist. I'm currently on season 3 of 4. Here are some of my thoughts so far.
I will admit that Dani was just a straight up biotch at first. Calling someone a slut for reasons out of sheer jealousy come across as immature. Yes they were young adults in this show but still, there's enough young adults out there who refrain from using such phrases even if they are green with envy. Plus, she herself did behave the same way she accused Kris of being. However, I admire her strong sense of family loyalty even to the point where she is willing to take the fall for drugging a horse to win a race when it was in fact her dad. I also do respect her a lot more for trying to keep the Davis Farm afloat even if it meant being a bit more "cut throat". We have to be to stay afloat in the business world. I respect her growing up the way she has so far. She still has got some ways to go but overall, her character development has been nice.
On the other hand, Kris Furillo is driving me nuts. Yes, her loyalty to Wildfire is inspiring. Her efforts to redeem herself from a life of crime is also noteworthy. I however absolutely CANNOT stand how much she jumps from guy to guy. They tried portraying Kris as this tough girl with a criminal background yet she throws herself at men. Just about every time she saves the day it is on the back of a man saving the day. Cool so she punched Bobby after coming into her rival Dani too strong and twisted Juniors arm for an unsolicited kiss. She will give credit to others so long as it isn't Junior it seems.
The way she played Matt and Junior throughout the show is absurd. She also claims to be loyal to Raintree because "they made me who I am" but proves that she ultimately cares more about winning than anything else. I'm sorry, I will say Jean should've stuck to her opinion on this one. It IS 💯 Kris' fault for trusting Kerry so much making it so he robs Raintree. Way to call out Matt and Dani dating as business partners, but turning around and doing the same with your agent. The hypocrisy and flip flopping Kris exhibits throughout this show drives me up the wall. I will admit I wanted to see her lose to Picaro and Davis Farms because her arrogance needs to be shot down.
I agree with Pablo saying the Ritters keep trying to help her but she keeps pushing them away. I think Pablo might be one of my favorite characters in this show. He's one of the more reasonable characters who doesn't let any love interests steer him in the wrong direction. Yeah, he made a mistake and got involved with a man who intimidates people. However, his mistake did admittedly help Raintree with the bills some and made honest efforts to get rid of him after the fact. Pablo isn't in the least bit out for just his own personal gain. To me, his loyalty to Raintree is unquestionable, more present than Matt's overall.
As for Junior, I feel for him. The amount of times he's saved the day for Kris without asking for a thing in return yet can't even trust him boggles my mind. The fact she refused to believe Junior when Kerry was taking his plane to go fly to Mexico NOT to go back to her and trusting Kerry blindly as much as she did... seriously, the moment I saw him, I knew he was shady af. She just fell for his charm and it cost her employer their due "purse money" from the Breeders race. He spends a lot of this series trying to better himself and give him props for trying to be independent and not "being just a Davis". He can be annoying at times yes but the kid's got a lot of heart. Hell of a lot more than Kris honestly if you ask me.
I did find it cute how he was carrying a book with the word Flame circled and then a moment after Kris walked out with the foal she named Flame. Seems like such a "twin flame" nod to me. I love little synchronocities like this to hint at who someone is meant to be with and such, be it in fiction or reality.
Matt actually kind of drives me crazy. He "falls in love" with every girl that gives him attention. He goes in too deep too fast. It seems to be borderline creepy the way he's watched Kris quietly multiple times throughout the series. I know it's just a quiet admiration as this is what the writers likely tried to portray for him. Quiet, romantic nice guy but really he needs to spend a little bit of time not dating. I also perceive his relationship with Gillian an example of him going too fast. Saying I love you to Tina Sharp in no time at all, just no man. I wanted to see more from him but I hope he comes around better season 4.
My feelings about Jean have been overall positive. I'm not thrilled about her sleeping with Pete effectively cheating on Charlie then later calling him about Tristan. I think at times she makes some very emotional, poorly thought out decisions. However, I do see overall she's burned out and needs a real vacation. Her failure of a good time at the winery doesn't count to me ha ha. I suppose we all make poor decisions and I wish she'd stick to her guns more. I appreciate her putting her foot down with Kris more when Avatar is making better times than Wildfire is. I'm getting a bit tired of Kris taking advantage of Jean's kindness/manipulating her via either squandering it or threatening to leave Raintree.
Tina Sharp is pretty fun overall, I like her spunk and think she adds some vitality to the show. Also one of my favorites in this show. Not gonna lie, it's cool that the original Pink Power Ranger showed up in another role years after that show ended. She is cut throat yes but she knows what she wants and will go for it. I don't perceive her moves in previous seasons as vindictive or villainous. Yeah she encouraged Kris to take painkillers... for being in pain.
Not like she was trying to turn Kris into a druggie, like her mom. I'm not sure why Kris is adamant Tina is such a bad one. I also like how she stood up to Dani challenging her threat to turn in Kris and herself for "trespassing" when looking at the horses like Ishmael from afar. She was also blunt in saying she believes Matt takes everything seriously when Kris asked her about their past relationship. I respect her period. She's not afraid of being herself. Without a doubt, she's one of the best actresses on this show by a long shot.
These are just my current thoughts on the characters of this show thus far being halfway into season 3.
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brukismusicblog · 2 years
10,000 gecs Review
Hi hi hi! Very excited to start my blog back up hehe.
Anyways, for my first post I wanted to talk about my favorite release of the 2020's so far: 10,000 gecs
I don't believe in rating music with numbers because I feel like that's stupid and takes away the fun! If you're looking for that you might wanna find another blog <3. Here's what I think is important for the readers to know about this album, general thoughts, etc.
Well first I have to acknowledge: Laura and Dylan took their sweet time with this album. But, it payed off. Slated for release a calendar year before actually seeing the light of day, this album absolutely fucks. Anyone in any 100 gecs online forums (especially r/100gecs) recalls the absolute torture of waiting for this album before any clarification on what exactly happened to the promised release date (and now inside joke between fans) of early 2022. Rumors spread of issues with record production - ironic considering the CD's for both this album and its predecessor 1000 gecs, sold out within 12 hours of being available for sale while it's vinyl counterparts are still in stock. Not for long, though, if my friend group and I - who now have a combined total of six (6) copies of this album between five (5) of us - have anything to say about it.
In their third big release, the duo finds themselves shifting from their iconic sound of glitchy, computerized, autotuned hodgepodges of notes. They spend a lot more time with their guitars in this album. While I do miss the mania of songs like stupid horse or 800 db cloud, I still love how it sounds. 100 gecs is a band with a musical progression that's pretty satisfying to follow. Every one of their releases is easily followed from their last, and the Snake Eyes EP (their first release to break the form of the 10^n gecs nomenclature) serves as a great in-between to 1000 gecs and 10000 gecs. I have to say, I was a bit sad to see the synths take the back seat on this album, but: as badly as I wanted is is as happy I was I didn't get it. Like Robin and Steve.
The interesting thing about this album is that you swear you've heard it before. One Million Dollars comes to mind. 1000 gecs is unlike anything you've ever heard, but at least it doesn't sound so familiar. 10000 gecs is like the dude in your stats class who looks just like the guy you saw at the library yesterday, who you can't shake the uncanny similarity to, despite the fact that they're clearly not the same person.
The SFX soundboard, luckily, isn't eradicated entirely this time around. 757 and mememe defibrillate it especially.
But enough about what wasn't on it, I really ought to get to the good stuff (I'm already how many paragraphs in?)
Firstly, there's some great polkas on here. Frog On The Floor and I Got My Tooth Removed will bring out anyone's inner slav.
It's equally as difficult to make guitars sound so annoying as it is to make annoying sound so good; both things the duo succeeds at. My personal favorite track on the record is The Most Wanted Person In The United States. 100 gecs must have laced these basslines with something. Slap bass is a surprisingly important characteristic on this album, which I love. I mean, who doesn't love slap bass?
1000 gecs tended to show Laura and Dylan's more sensitive sides, dripping with details about Laura's love life. While it did take its time to delve into some out of character topics (like race horse bets, money, and ovens), ultimately a decent amount of the lyrics resonate with the tuning forks of love.
The new album focuses a bit more on the artists themselves. As an STL native, finding out the two members of one of my favorite bands of all time come from my hometown was fucking awesome, and it's interesting to hear about their journeys in growing up there as artists. Hollywood Baby provides a euphoric insight into the glorious escape of the negativity of the midwest. I love it here, don't get me wrong, but this place is less than friendly to those of us who are maybe more inclined to write and be sensitive.
All around though, a grunge rock album from 100 gecs is exactly what the world needed right now. After foreshadowing the pandemic, 1000 gecs becomes a little exhausting, even to those of us who have secretly (or if you're cool, not secretly) loved it from our first rendezvous with stupid horse. What we needed, after years of journaling and whipped coffee, surprisingly wasn't a renaissance (which is not a Beyoncé reference, although I should talk about Renaissance). What we need isn't a return to where we were. It's a moving forward. An acceptance of new spirits, which is exactly what this album is. A metal infused baring of the soul to anyone who's willing to listen.
Now I need to ask, what happened to what's that smell and fallen 4 Ü? 100 gecs made the decision to tour this album before releasing it, which ended with them touring songs that never ended up getting released. Very sad for those of us who spent hour scrolling through gecs on the internet, impatiently bumping our heads waiting for the day our favorite tunes would end up on streaming services.
I also deep down think that 757 might be an allusion to 745 sticky. Could just be me.
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billiethetween · 1 year
i guess i get that given the state of the internet, making lazy "react" videos that are just stealing shit other people make is a decent way for conventionally attractive people to make an obscene amount of money because you're basically just jangling keys in front of a bunch of toddlers and platforms like youtube and instagram will actively reward you for it so they can get sell shit to children. like ok, i don't like it, but i get why it happens.
but what i don't get is why every other react creator is a blackhole of malignant narcissist who spends more time harassing their critics than actually working on their own content? like we all know your audience of literal children isn't going to understand that you're just pretty, vapid, and want easy money but you can't possibly expect grown adults to not see what you're doing, and like... this genre has a reputation. people know what they're getting into when they're making it. people are going to hate you and they are going to say so. you know this is lazy because that's you started doing it.
so why is it impossible for any of these weirdos to just ignore criticism? if i was making lazy content meant to mine the data of kids so advertisers can take advantage of their mushy brains i'd just be at home getting treatment for the thousands of paper cuts i got having trying to have sex with my mistress on a pile of money. y'know, as opposed to posting through stalking a guy who made fun of me on the internet by showing up at his house in the middle of the night demanding to "talk like adults." again, your audience of neglected 2nd graders might think this is how adults deal with conflict but most actual adults are going to understand this at best deranged and at worst illegal. the 5th graders who think you're funny because they've yet to figure out they're just horny might believe that anyone, let alone a guy who has been a professional internet celebrity for nearly two decades, can and will just "post his address to google" but i'm pretty sure most judges and youtube's legal team are going to know that's horseshit. you've just turned yourself into a massive liability.
why risk losing your stupid easy gig over behavior more commonly associated with flyover country meth heads going through their 10th break up in two weeks? use your fully developed brain and just count your dirty money girl. go the club and drink champagne straight out of the bottle, rent a yatch and do cocaine off some dolphins, invite snoop dog and martha stewart to drop the newest psychedelic invented by the cia on your private jet, hunt the most dangerous game with some congressmen. that's what i'd be doing if i was making millions by working an hour a day anyway.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
12 - Teasing Beau
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Part 13
Other Hoyt's Off Limits
Tag list- just ask to be added @stoneyggirl2 @dragonixfrye
Unknown to either of us Jenny was sitting at the bar clutching a beer bottle in her hands watching the two of us before Cassie came and sat down beside her. "Jenny, I think you were wrong about Mallory." The blonde knew she wasn't leaving the bar anytime soon tonight.
Jenny raised her beer to her lips, scoffing. "I don't want to talk about this, Cass. She clearly doesn't care what I think, considering she was just doing karaoke with Beau a few minutes ago."
"Come on, Jenny. You can't really be mad at her over this. She is a grown person and should be able to make the choice on her own." Her friend explained ordering a beer for herself.
Jenny shook her head not wanting to admit that she might be right. Even if she was she could have told her that she changed her mind and had found someone she liked. But she didn't do anything like that, that was why she was frustrated with her little sister. "I get it, Cassie. But she lied to me. She lied to me even though she came home begging me to find her a guy that wasn't going to hurt her. I was doing my job to protect her and she just threw our trust away."
"So you're just going to be mad at her forever over this?" Cassie asked her. "I mean I get that she is your little sister. But she has to make her own choices in life. If she does get hurt again all you can do is be there for her."
Jenny sighed, pulling out some money paying the bartender sliding off the barstool. "I'll see you tomorrow, Cassie. And you're right I am doing it to look out for her. I just can't forgive her so easily."
"You did it for me with Cody. How is this any different?" Her friend asked, turning around on her barstool.
Jenny Hoyt paused in the doorway of the bar looking back at her. "I'm not gonna answer that. Goodnight Cassie."
Mallory's POV
Stretching my arms and legs out I turned over in a bed finding the other side was empty. Sitting upright I felt my head hurting from the amount of drinks we had last night at the bar. Looking around I was inside Beau's trailer where he was asleep on the couch that I could see in the living room. "Beau, Beau. Wake up." I called his name seeing he didn't move and just snored.
Grabbing one of the pillows I threw one on his stomach where he grumbled waking up rubbing his eyes looking ame confused. "Who the what - Mallory. Oh boy, we should not have drank tequila last night."
"For sure...do you happen to have any pain medicine anywhere?" I asked closing my eyes gently, laying back down, pulling the covers over my face seeing the sunlight trying to break through the curtains of the window.
Beau got up from the couch rummaging around in a cabinet or something before he gently pulled back the covers handing me a pill. Sitting back up I took it before he sat at the foot of the bed turning his phone on changing into a panicked state. "Crap I can't believe I forgot about Emily. She's gonna be so mad if I am late. And Carla has left three voicemails."
"Beau whoa slow down. What has you so freaked out. Just talk to me." I asked, swinging my legs over the side of the bed so we were sitting beside each other.
He turned his head in my direction running his freehand through his hair creating a messy look. We didn't get back to the trailer until almost midnight just talking at the bar till they closed for the evening. "I told her that we could spend the day together just the two of us. But I have this splitting headache and she is coming over in an hour."
"Hey Beau, it's okay. Look, I'll help you get through this hangover. And if you want, this could be the day I meet your daughter officially if you want." I suggested clasping my hands together in my lap feeling my headache starting to get better after taking the pain medicine.
The sheriff shot me a look of confusion at my offer. The two of you hadn't talked about meeting his daughter yet. Since we were still trying to take things slowly. "I mean if you want too we can Mallory. I don't want to pressure you into anything. Emily will probably be thrilled."
"Don't worry it won't be like the argument with my sister last night. She seems really nice, Beau." I replied, getting to my feet trying to make myself not look like I passed out here with her father before the girl would get here.
It was exactly an hour before a car pulled up in the driveway and I saw Emily get out waving bye to her mother when we stepped outside onto the porch. "Hey dad. Hey Mallory." She hugged him gently, smiling at the both of us.
"Hey 'Em, so there is something we should talk about." Beau broke the hug glancing my direction with a nervous smile on his face. He is normally a very confident person up until this moment in front of me and his daughter.
The teenage girl nodded, opening the door, putting her bag inside as we all sat down in chairs staring at one another in silence. I wasn't sure what to say or how to start the conversation between me and her. "So what did you guys want to talk about?"
"Well Em, do you remember when I was telling you about a new girl that I was dating. The truth is that she is Mallory. Jenny's sister even though the three of us work together." Beau explains slumping his shoulders still feeling nervous about what she would say next.
She grinned ear to ear, slapping her hands on her knees before getting up and hugging me suddenly. "That is so great. Mallory. Now there is some stuff I have to tell you about my dad. Like he wants to have you and your dog move in with him and he also snores sometimes at night. Oh and-"
"Alright alright kiddo. How about you get settled in for the night. I'm gonna talk with Mal." Beau held his hands up, cutting her off before she could say something else.
I chuckled watching her leave us outside alone before I intertwined his hands with mine. "Calm down Beau. I don't think she will embarrass you too much. I am just revealed that she actually likes me."
"See I told you she would. You're a special girl to me,Mallory." He leaned down kissing me where I kissed him until an idea popped into my head where I broke away from him going to find Emily.
Flinging the door opened I called down the hallway remembering something that he has done at work that me and Jenny found hilarious. "Emilf if you want to talk about your father he has a ten year old picture of himself on the sheriffs department website and he refuses to change it!"
"Mallory, I'm not changing the picture. And she doesn't need to know that." Beau sighed heavily standing in the doorway seeing us sitting on the couch laughing now.
Emily laughed falling back until she pointed her index finger at me. "He says people in Texas call him BT but I don't remember anyone ever calling him that."
Covering my mouth with my hands I started laughing even more at how easy we were getting along with Beau just standing uncomfortably in front of us. "Oh my gosh. I can't wait to hear more."
"Who wants breakfast? Oh, is that my phone? Maybe it's a call from Cassie." Beau pretended to search for his phone until I got to my feet, kissing him slowly with a smile.
Wrapping my arms around his neck he smiled into the kiss. "Awe don't worry, Beau. Isn't it important that we are bonding and like each other even if it's over you."
"I guess so, Mal." He mumbled looking back at his daughter where she takes a picture of us holding each other like this smiling back at her.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Compared to some other actors that people talk about, Tom gets less hate than most imo.// I’m sorry but I don’t agree. Maybe you say this cause you don’t check other platforms but tell me who else receive hate or negative comments from all of these combined: partner’s HUGE fandom, film twitter, OG Spider-Man/comic book fans, other male actors fandom, video game franchise, handful from the GP…etc. from my observation, he seems to get way more hate than others jmho.
Tom has a lot of avenues of potential hate (that's true), but you have to look at the RATIO of hate to the ratio of LOVE that Tom gets as well Anon. And that's not true that other actors don't get as much hate from various avenues either. I really don't think you spend time in other fandoms or forums/blogs.
There are some actors who get hated on because of the way they look, the fact that they've been cast in a role that people don't want them in, the way they talk, where they're from, what they wear, their RACE, their ex gfs stans hating on them, the current gf's stans hating on him and not thinking he measures up, then there are the gp people who think the guy is an "awful actor", or the ones who "don't think he should have won that award", other fandoms hating on the dude for not good reason, or the ones who believe awful rumors about the guy and decide to hate on him because of it, including the ones who hate on him because he was cast in a certain role but they really wanted x/y/z actor (fan casting) instead, etc. The list goes on and on... There are several others who get hate too Anon. I'm just trying to help you see that Tom is not an anomaly. And again, just do a search for his name and look at what MOST people say. It's overwhelmingly positive about Tom! 😊 Even those who were initially hating on him being cast as Nathan Drake in Uncharted ended up actually liking the movie in the end! That movie didn't make that amount of money just from fangirls alone. Let's get real. 😏
Idk too many people who are STILL hating on Tom for being in Marvel or playing spiderman. Do they exist?? Sure! (You can't please EVERYBODY). However, the overwhelming majority LOVES him in the role. NWH made over a BILLION Dollars. Let that sink in Anon.
If anything, imo Zendaya gets more hate than Tom for being in the Marvel films as "MJ". After all these years, some fanboys are STILL talking about when they're gonna get the "REAL MJ", even though Marvel has made it abundantly clear that Zendaya IS the "real" MJ. 😒If NWH mentioning that her name was Michelle Jones Watson wasn't enough of a hint, I don't know what else to tell you lol.
So again, you have to look at the ratio of hate to love anon. Tom is fortunate that he has an extremely LARGE fanbase that can check people if anyone ever tries to hate on him unnecessarily. Not all actors have that. IJS.... 🤷🏾‍♀️
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aprilertuileviresse · 2 years
What Zhang Zhehan said the 03 May 2022 about his situation
I'm Zhehan, I believe everyone should have already read my handwritten letter. During this period, I have received lots of encouragement and support from many relatives, friends and people. Thank you all! This reminds me of a one-pot story shared by a friend. He said that life is like a big pot. When you are at the bottom of the pot, no matter which direction you go, it is upward. When I heard this story, I had a whim and added some spice to it. I said, when you stay at the bottom of the pot and want to go up, someone can't stop pouring oil into the pot, making your feet slippery and miserable. Thinking about it now, everyone should have known who is this guy keep pushing me to the bottom of the pot and kept pouring oil? The guy used my childhood photos as his photos in the show just to guide & mislead fans with the fantasy of the 2 males are in love. This is ruining my moral standards. I have always believed that friends who help each other can go farther and be more practical. The label actor has followed me for more than ten years, and I have worked with many partners. I believe that these partners, Regardless of whether the relationship is close or distant, it is mutual respect, and some rivals or competitors are also benign. After all, self-improvement is the right attitude. Of course, I also got the support and help of many seniors. The only purpose is to make more better films and dramas to dedicate everyone. I once said in an interview that my popularity doesn't mean I'm better off. It doesn't mean I'm not having a good time if I am not that popular. Maybe popularly, profit (money)is the original sin. The world is full of hustle and bustle, all for the sake of profit. I never imagined that some people, some forces. With the dignity of a youth, a family and even a group, even with his life as a bargaining chip, spent a huge amount of money to spread rumors about the political stance of a patriotic youth. Modify Baidu entries, hired paid online media accounts (marketing accounts), and use a large number of black water troops to deceive the official media, Recruit fans operators, to guide minors, the love fantasy of the 2 males, so-called male male CP Encourage their fans to spend money on the idol commercials There is nothing wrong with the successful drama. What's wrong is these people who have no conscience and make unscrupulous money Now, I have recovered & back. I'm still me, nothing has changed I've tried my best at every stage of my life. I started learning to write to heal myself. Started to study psychology, to heal my friends who were depressed because of me. light up myself, also light up you. Start practicing guitar, to enrich my own artistic accomplishment, I learn songs & guitar by myself since I am not able to go to KTV Start learning ancient poetry so that you can write more meaningful lyrics. Now I have finished writing some lyrics and composing some music. I believe that I will show you in the near future. No matter what I wear, will be mislead by the evil force guy as the essence of male male CP… Then I design my own fashions. As long as you like me, support me, want to see me want to hear me.. Willing to resonate with me. Then I will come unswervingly to you. Those who are unwilling to wake up can only say that our fate is over. I still wish you a good life, all as you wish. I hope you can pass on more love to your own parents instead of indulging in the so-called star chasing happiness. t's your freedom if you don't want to wake up, but please don't hurt my family and friends. Reality is not a dream, those hurts will make us feel pain. And those who are mercenary and use crooked ways to seek benefits, I believe in karma, they will get fair punishment one day Life is ups & downs, no one be always in smooth paths, but be worthy of your conscience. Let us be strong, persevere, and believe together.
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getmemymicroscope · 1 month
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I'd seen this movie before - when it first released in theaters - and hated essentially every moment of it. In fact, all I remembered - beyond my utter dislike for it - was that, at some point, there was a song in which, inexplicably, a tank showed up. No reason to be there, but ... TANK! Hell, I'd even forgotten that this same song also randomly had it raining money, and also had Jacqueline Fernandez. Too bad they didn't spend the money on script instead of wasting it on that.
In fact, I remembered so little that I'd even forgotten that, in the post-'success of Baahubali' world, they'd become so enamored with the idea of a 'pan-language film' (not necessarily a bad idea) starring Prabhas (horrible idea), that they'd even doled out money to get a Bollywood-laden cast of 'heroes' (Shraddha Kapoor), villains (Chunky Pandey, Tinu Anand, Mandira Bedi), sidekicks (Murli Sharma, Neil Nitin Mukesh), and guest appearances (Jackie Shroff, aforementioned Jacqueline Fernandez). Unfortunately, there's so many villains that they're limited to small, pointless roles - not ideal for you lead baddies - and your female lead turns out to be so incompetent that she makes multiple literally life-altering decisions and eventually ends up betraying her job and uniform because she's fallen in love with the bad guy ('with a heart of gold,' of course, because he's got to still be portrayed as good even after everything he's done). It's all shit.
She gets drunk and someone gets away. She, and everyone else, just accept this random newcomer as "the man" without any proof, and when the proof comes forth, she is like "no, I'm in love" and fucks up everything. What a stupid character design; I can't believe she agreed to this at all.
Prabhas' voice is unsettling, his character is a jerk, and this movie really shows that Baahubali worked in spite of him, not because of him. That one ('those ones') were lifted by a solid story, this one is destroyed by a fucking joke of a story.
The song with the tank is still there, inexplicable as ever. And the movie is just as fucking bad as it was the first time around (though, it is fun to make fun of with friends). The 'twists' are dumb and frustrating, her characterization makes you want to punch a wall, and the amount of slow-mo - and that final fight sequence - now reminds one of Race 3 (which is NOT a good thing in any way). Avoid this like the plague.
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