#can't decide if i want us to be flirting or not. like obviously i don't want us to be or i wouldn't keep deleting the flirty texts
coquelicoq · 1 year
can't tell if my neighbor and i are flirting right now. if we are, we're doing a pretty bad job of it. part of that is probably that i keep reading over what i'm writing and going oh no, that sounds flirty! delete.
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fingertipsmp3 · 14 days
Things that happened in my sims game today that ✨just make sense✨
-My sim went on a date with his stalker
#so i have this one house in which a romance sim lives who can't get laid#god knows why he can't get laid. he's hot and bisexual and he's a line cook. like what more do you want#anyway i finally resorted to using the matchmaker just to try to get him laid and for whatever reason she sent me this woman#who could not be interacted with aside from talking; flirting and influence#which meant i couldn't end their date and it also couldn't really progress? so i was like 'well this sucks'#so i had him get another date#obviously she was PISSED that he rejected her for this hot policeman so she left him a fiery bag of poop on his doorstep and a stinky lette#(he didn't even get to first base with the policeman btw)#except that wasn't the end of it. she kept COMING BACK#she'd just stand for hours upon hours looking at his house. i mean literally she was there ALL DAY#it seemed like she only left when i directed him to go greet her. literally as soon as i put 'greet elle' in his queue she left#eventually i managed to have him actually greet her and there was still only talk; flirt or influence available#(once he greeted her btw she completely made herself at home in his house. she took like two bubble baths?? and i couldn't ask her to leave#she eventually left because she was hungry and i wasn't going to feed this crazy ass woman who had literally been lurking outside his house#for damn near two weeks straight. i was like you can die here if you want to. that's fine#anyway. i decided to have him invite her over for a date to see if that unstuck her because by this point i was weirded out by the limited#interactions. so she agreed to the date but didn't get unstuck#i had to use boolprop testing cheats to make her selectable and then unselectable. THAT finally worked#for some reason casual romance settings (acr) still don't work on her though? so she can't be woohooed because he's not in love with her#i suspect she's a young adult and something's messed up in her coding. or i have a mod conflict. despite my best efforts#i've never seen a sim behave like her before. she was literally just standing unmoving STARING at his house. no idles or anything#i thought she was stuck but she could blink. fucking eerie#tl;dr ts2 remains the game of all time#personal
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suzukiblu · 9 months
Excerpt from the one where Kon meets pink kryptonite and decides to fuck Tim and his boyfriend about it.
(The read-more is definitely necessary, length-wise. I . . . got very into this idea and frankly this is barely a third of it so far, lol.)
"So, uh . . ." Kon says, skeptically eyeing the softly glowing rock in his hand. Metallo, like, threw it at his head. He has no idea why. "Is this supposed to do something or . . . ?"
"It's pink," Kara says leerily, staying very firmly back. Like, unexpectedly far back, in fact.
"Yeah, I'm not actually blind, thanks," Kon says, turning the rock over and squinting at it. It continues not to do anything, aside from the glowing thing.
"No, it's pink kryptonite," she stresses.
". . . it literally doesn't hurt at all, though?" Kon says. Though he probably should've figured it was some kind of kryptonite, given that Metallo had it and had apparently thought he could hurt him with it.
Seriously, though, his gloves are fingerless and he's got it right in his hand. It should be hurting him, if it's actually kryptonite.
"Pink kryptonite doesn't work like that," Kara says, edging a little farther back. They're floating a few hundred feet in the air right now, but from the way she's acting Kon's vaguely concerned that he might be about to explode or something. "It just affects our sexual . . . urges."
"Oh," Kon says, frowning in confusion. Weird, but . . . "Is that all?"
"I don't mean like it makes you horny, Kon, I mean like it makes you homosexual," Kara hisses, looking mortified. "And don't ask how I know, alright?!"
Kon . . . blinks.
"What the literal fuck?" he asks incredulously, just staring at her. "How does that even–are you telling me Metallo went and chucked gay kryptonite at me in the middle of a fight?"
"Yes!" Kara says, still clearly mortified. "So just–just stay over there with it until somebody shows up with a lead box, okay?! The effects will stop after we get it contained."
"Alright, alright. So then do you think the dude was flirting with me or is he just a fucking idiot?" Kon jokes, balancing the kryptonite on his index finger with his TTK. "Although I really don't think he'd be my type either way. Like, nothing against cyborgs in general, obviously, just the whole thing with him being a murderous supervillain who literally runs on kryptonite seems like it'd make us totally star-crossed. I want somebody I can actually commit to, you know?"
"Sure," Kara says, still eyeing the kryptonite with serious trepidation. It's really not helping Kon feel less like a time bomb, to be honest. Is there like some other side effect that he should be worrying about right now or something? Like, is he missing something here?
"You seem kinda high-strung about this," he observes, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Look, you'd have avoided it too if you'd dealt with it before!" she says protestingly. "So stay over there and definitely keep it away from Kal, I don't know if Jimmy ever really recovered from the last time."
"Oh, well, congrats to Jimmy, I guess," Kon says, since he can't really see a downside to scoring a one-night stand with Superman. Like, a downside for somebody who isn't literally his clone, he means. The clone thing would definitely make it weird.
Just it's also Clark, though, so he'd probably be the generous type in bed. Like, the sort to really take care of somebody. Be as gentle as happened to be appropriate but also be down if his partner maybe wanted it a little rough for whatever reason. And he'd definitely be able to go all night. Again, Kon isn't gonna go there himself, it really would be too weird, but he can make a logical conclusion. Extrapolate one. Whatever.
Then again he'd be down with Power Girl absolutely destroying him whenever the fuck she wanted to and she's genetically his . . . some form of cousin or something, he guesses. His half-cousin from another reality. So really, Clark's not even that weird an option. And like, all appearances aside Kon's a binary clone anyway, not even a one-for-one match, sooooo . . .
Actually it's probably weirder that he thinks Power Girl is so unspeakably hot but comparatively Kara is just . . . fine? Like, that's a little odd, isn't it?
Maybe it's an attitude thing. Or the costume.
Might be safe to blame the costume, yeah.
It's just such a good costume. Like, Kon aspires to reach that level of costume.
But really, all that aside he still doesn't even know what the big deal about temporarily going gay is, although to be fair he's also currently talking to Supergirl and not, like . . . literally any dude whatsoever. So like, who knows how weird this stuff might actually make him under those circumstances. Maybe it like fucks with inhibitions and stuff too?
Yeah, hell if he knows. He's really only dealt with green kryptonite before. He was vaguely aware that other colors existed and apparently did different stuff, but . . . this just seems very different, put it that way.
Maybe best to avoid Jimmy Olsen for a little while, Kon decides privately. The guy probably doesn't need that.
Besides, Clark apparently got there first anyway and Kon just really doesn't want to be worrying about measuring up. Miss him with that, thanks.
. . . although maybe he'll go visit Tim later.
Eh, no, Kara made it sound like the pink K's gonna stop affecting him pretty quick once they box it up, so not much point in bothering. Though maybe he'll visit just to hang, come to think of it; they haven't seen each other in almost a whole week. Well, he hasn't seen Tim, at least–who knows how much Bat-surveillance Tim's seen him through.
Kon should maybe sweep his room for bugs again. Note to self.
Although would it be weird to just like . . . keep the pink kryptonite, maybe? Since it apparently doesn't actually hurt anyone or anything? Because that could be, well . . . just interesting, that's all. Like, Kon is open to exploring that experience. Just–as an experience.
"Actually, you're surprisingly not high-strung about this," Kara says.
"Am I?" Kon asks. "I mean, it's not that big a deal, is it?"
She stares at him.
"Kon," she says slowly. "Pink kryptonite affects your sexuality. It makes you attracted to people you're not normally attracted to. It confuses you and everyone around you and it is really freaking embarrassing to explain afterwards."
"I've been mind-controlled into shaving my head and breaking my best friend's arm," Kon says, continuing to not really see what the big deal is. "That was embarrassing. And fucking traumatic. This? This is just kinda weird."
"Only kinda?" Kara asks incredulously. "You're one of the straightest guys I know! How are you just fine with this?!"
"I mean to be fair, that's probably making some unfair generalizations about straight guys," Kon points out. Kara stares at him. "What?"
"I don't even know how to respond to that," she says.
"Sorry?" Kon says, then tucks the pink kryptonite into his jacket pocket with a shrug. He's not trying to hide it or anything; just getting kinda sick of holding it. And it's that or he either ditches it somewhere or starts tossing it around and that'd probably be . . . just, well, absolutely epically stupid of him.
Or it seems like it would be, anyway. Whatever color it is, it's still kryptonite.
"I mentioned keeping that away from Kal, right?" Kara says.
"Yeah, on that note, are they like . . . done down there yet?" Kon asks, glancing down towards the mess of the street that Clark's standing on a few hundred feet below with a whole bunch of randos from S.T.A.R. Labs, for some reason. Somebody mentioned something about neutralizing Metallo's kryptonite heart without actually killing him, but mostly it was science talk and clearly theoretical anyway so to be honest Kon'd kinda tuned it all out as "not currently relevant", and that's all he knows.
"Definitely not," Kara says.
"I'm gonna call Robin while we're killing time, then," Kon says, pulling out his phone.
"You're going to call your closest male friend," Kara says. "Right now. While you've got pink kryptonite in your pocket."
"Yup," Kon says, already pulling up Tim's contact.
"Can you not see how that might be a bad idea at the moment?" Kara asks. "Not in any way whatsoever?"
"Well I'm not calling Impulse," Kon replies reasonably. Kara stares at him again, for some reason.
Eh, whatever.
He calls Tim.
"Hey, Conner, what's up?" Tim answers distractedly, which Kon doesn't hold against him because when isn't Tim distracted, really. Dude's got too much going on in that head of his, for real. He's just glad the guy ever picks up the phone at all.
"So apparently I'm gay right now," Kon greets conversationally, figuring he should lead with that just in case he actually is about to do something embarrassing to explain. "Pink kryptonite is fucking weird, man."
". . . uh," Tim says as Kara covers her face with her hands. "What?"
"Pink kryptonite makes you gay, Kara says," Kon says. "And we're both just kind of chilling above downtown Metropolis waiting for Kal to finish up with the science-y people so we can get said pink K locked up, so I'm bored out of my mind right now and calling you to complain about it."
"You're calling me," Tim says slowly. "While you're . . . gay."
"What, is he asking to come over?" another voice asks from the phone, sounding amused. It takes Kon a second to recognize it, but–oh yeah, that's the mysterious Bernard, isn't it?
Right, Tim has a boyfriend now. Kon's never actually met him on account of being the worst at secret identities and the whole thing that is Bernard living very firmly in Gotham, land of "no metas allowed unless you're either a supervillain or Batman's too dead to stop you", but he's heard him over the phone a couple times now, although they've never actually personally talked. So maybe thinking about Tim while being high on pink kryptonite isn't actually, like, kosher? Or polite. Or whatever.
. . . then again, Bernard did ask.
"I don't know, maybe?" Kon says thoughtfully, considering the idea. "Are you open to me coming over?"
"Yes," Bernard says.
"Bernard," Tim says.
"Babe, I know we're pretending I don't know you're an ass-kicking vigilante and all but come on, don't make me turn down Superboy," Bernard says wryly.
"We're–wait, pretending?!" Tim sputters.
"Pretending so, so hard," Bernard confirms, sounding nothing but fond. Kon's actually a little jealous of that tone of voice, he's gotta admit. Like–it's been a bit since anybody's talked to him that way, is all. "But like, if you actually thought you were being subtle maybe you shouldn't talk about kryptonite on the phone right in front of me or put themed emojis next to all your superfriends' civilian names in your contacts list?"
"Oh my god, you do that?!" Kon asks with a gleeful cackle, immediately forgetting everything else in favor of that absolutely delightful piece of information. "You're the worst! Batman just rolled over in his grave and Oracle is absolutely losing her shit on the other end of her wiretap!"
"B's not even dead right now," Tim says in exasperation. "And if O cared she'd have already hacked my phone and changed them. And for the record plenty of people put random superhero emojis next to their friends' names, that's a totally normal thing to do!"
"Usually the random superhero emojis aren't associated with contact pics that are dead fucking ringers for said superheroes," Bernard says, sounding amused again. "Just as a thing and all."
". . . anyway so you're gay today, how's that going for you, Conner?" Tim says as Bernard laughs gleefully in the background. "Triggering any unfortunate mental health crisises or anything? Making you worry about the validity of your masculinity? Because I can safely assure you that's all bullshit and you're fine."
"Naw, I know all that, being gay is just a thing," Kon says with a shrug. "Kara's being a little weird about it but honestly it's going way better than, like, the times supervillains mind-controlled me into being into them. Like just as an overall experience, I mean."
"Wait, how many times has that come up?" Tim asks in bemusement.
"I dunno?" Kon shrugs again. "I mean you were there for the Poison Ivy incident, and then Gorgeous Gilly happened to me a while later, which was, uh, genuinely horrifying because she tried to literally marry me during all that, so . . . I think just the twice, probably? But don't quote me on that, I don't even remember what I had for breakfast."
"And how is Kara being weird, exactly?" Tim says in his very unsubtle "assessing my teammate's psychological condition" voice.
"Oh, she's mostly just avoiding me?" Kon says, as a guy who's personally not really all that concerned with his psychological condition at the moment. "Because I've got the rock in my pocket on account of not wanting to just leave it lying around somewhere and she doesn't want to get affected by it. I don't know why, I don't really get why it matters."
"I mean it matters, definitely," Bernard says. "Like it very strongly matters to a lot of people."
"Fair, but I think we're all too invulnerable to really have to worry about getting gay-bashed or anything," Kon reasons. "Like, at least not as a heat of the moment thing."
". . . god can you imagine the world we would live in if every piece of shit gay-basher had to deal with the consequences of punching fucking Superman?" Bernard says feelingly. "For real."
"Oh, pink K's temporary," Kon clarifies. "Kal's not gay anymore."
"Hold up, I'm sorry, are you saying that at some point he was?" Bernard demands in obvious delight. "Is that what you're telling me right now?"
"I guess he was into redheads?" Kon says, tilting his head. "Slightly twinky redheads, specifically. Which I don't blame him for, I'm gonna be honest."
"Well now I know that forever, thanks," Tim says dryly.
"Alternate option: he could've been into Batman," Kon points out.
"Redheads it is," Tim says. "You just . . . redhead away over there."
"I mean I thought about it, kinda," Kon admits.
"Ngh," Tim says, for some reason.
"No thinking about Batman, though?" Bernard asks with a snicker.
"Not so much," Kon says, making a face. "Did consider having some Superman thoughts but I'm apparently not that narcissistic, surprisingly enough."
"Kon!" Kara chokes.
"Tell me you've never considered having Superman thoughts and I'll tell you you're a fucking liar," Kon snorts, shooting her a dry look. "Weren't you like totally naked when you first showed up on Earth? And then he found you like that and wrapped you up in his cape all nice and gentlemanly and took you home with him?"
"He is my baby cousin and you're being affected by pink kryptonite poisoning!" Kara accuses, her face bright red.
"Wait, is it actually poisoning me?" Kon says with a frown. "I feel like you should've led with it actually poisoning me, if that's actually a thing."
"Well no, not actually, it's physically harmless," Kara says grudgingly, folding her arms. "But you're still being affected! You're having Superman thoughts, of all things!"
"He just seems like he'd be considerate," Kon says reasonably. "Like, you know. Biblically."
"Ngh," Tim says, again for no apparent reason. Bernard sounds like he might be laughing. Or choking? Or maybe both; it's unclear.
"Please don't hit on Kal," Kara says. "Especially don't hit on Kal with pink kryptonite in your pocket. I don't want to know how that situation would end up."
"Ideally with him being considerate," Kon says. Tim chokes. Kara covers her face again.
"Does pink kryptonite affect your inhibitions too or are you just always like this?" Bernard asks curiously.
"Eh, pretty sure I'm just always like this, going by the things I've definitely still not been forgiven for saying to Power Girl," Kon says, idly tapping a finger against the side of his phone case. "Like, pretty damn sure at this point."
"That is unfortunately accurate," Tim agrees resignedly.
"So you're saying it is ethically okay to have Superboy over while he's gay," Bernard says in a promisingly speculative tone. Kon grins. Just a little, but yeah–definitely he grins. Kara grimaces, because she is absolutely no fun whatsoever.
"I did not in any way say that," Tim retorts dubiously.
"I mean that's what I heard, man, and I'm the one with super-hearing in this conversation," Kon says with a wider grin. "My inhibitions are all inhibited and my personal opinions of people are all the same, I'm just currently batting for the other team."
"So your normal opinion of me is that if you were gay, you'd come over," Tim says dryly.
"Yeah?" Kon says, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, obviously."
"How is that obvious?" Tim says.
"Because I already come over every time you let me," Kon reminds him.
"Oh yeah?" Bernard says slyly. "And how often does he let you come, exactly?"
"Not often enough," Kon replies honestly, and doesn't even bite at the obvious dumb sex joke Bernard so thoughtfully set up for him even though it is frankly painful not to.
"Ngh," Tim says. Kon continues not to understand the reason for him repeatedly making that same weird little noise, but whatever, he guesses. It's Tim, maybe he's stitching his own bullet wounds again or something. Guy's a multi-tasker like that.
"You know this would probably make for a fascinating case study about sexuality, actually," Bernard says musingly. "I mean, all I intend to do is abuse the situation to get into your very tight tights, but seriously, maybe we should all be taking notes or something."
"Ugh, hell no, Rob'll go full Bat if we let him do that," Kon snorts, then smirks. "He can take pictures, though, I know he's into that."
"Ngh," Tim says yet again, accompanied by a weird random "thump". If Kon didn't know better, he'd think he'd just fallen off a chair or something.
"Aw dammit, dude, I think I actually like you as a person now," Bernard says, sniggering. "Are you keeping the kryptonite? Please keep the kryptonite. Like, just for Valentine's and Tim's birthday, that's all I ask."
"Honestly don't know if Superman's gonna let me but I do kinda wanna," Kon admits. It seems pretty convenient, really. And definitely fun.
". . . and you're sure his inhibitions and opinions aren't being influenced in any way, Kara?" Tim asks suspiciously.
"He's really just like this, yeah," Kara says resignedly. "Well admittedly Kal spontaneously developed opinions on window treatments and used the word 'smashing' in cold blood when it happened to him, but that might've just been him sucking at flirting. Because he really does suck at flirting."
"What about when it was you?" Kon asks curiously.
"No one ever said it happened to me," Kara says.
"You kinda implied–"
"No one ever said it happened to me," Kara repeats, narrowing her eyes at him and doing an impressively bad job of acting like she's not blushing.
So it definitely happened to her, yeah.
"Okaaaaay, we'll pretend about that too then," Bernard says. "Well, what are your opinions on window treatments, Conner?"
"That I don't know what they are," Kon says.
"Sounds like he's in his right mind to me," Bernard says.
"He is absolutely not," Kara retorts dubiously.
"I really don't feel weird or anything, I swear," Kon tells her, since he still doesn't get the problem but also doesn't actually want to worry her either. "I don't even feel any different."
"Kon, you are hitting on your best friend and his boyfriend," Kara says. "Together. At once. Simultaneously, one might even say."
"You've met Wonder Girl and Arrowette before, right?" Kon says. "And both the Batgirls? And–"
"Oh my god, Kon," she cuts him off.
"Just saying," he says, then pauses for a moment and frowns consideringly. "Actually, question, how gay is this stuff making me, because while we're on the topic of threeways I kinda always wondered about what Starfire and Nightwing get up to together and if–"
"KON!" Kara yells, covering her ears.
"I'm just asking," he huffs.
"I don't know if it's actually possible to be gay enough to not be into Starfire," Bernard says musingly. "Like I can't imagine how it ever could be."
"Right?" Kon says.
"It's possible to not be into Starfire," Tim says. "Like, theoretically. Asexuals and aromantics both exist, for one."
"Do they?" Kon says doubtfully. "Like in general, sure, but when around specifically Starfire?"
". . . I can't technically prove you wrong due to a lack of reliable evidence but still," Tim says. "The possibility is there. If nothing else the multiverse is a thing."
"Last time I saw her she was wearing half a gold lamé bikini and I am not going to tell you which half or define how loosely I am using the term 'wearing'," Kon says.
"I said it's possible, not probable," Tim says.
"What about you, man, are you the gold lamé type?" Bernard asks with a teasing snicker. "Just while you're gay and all, of course. That's like, practically a cultural thing. Gotta be authentic to the experience, yeah?"
"That is in no way whatsoever a cultural thing, babe," Tim says dubiously.
"Please, like I've never worn freaking lamé," Kon scoffs. "I've worn collars and loincloths and leather and crop tops and enough unnecessary belts to tie up a Bat, lamé is nothing."
"Collars and . . . loincloths?" Bernard repeats, sounding confused.
"Yeah, this one time I crash-landed on a lost isle of beast-men and they kidnapped and enslaved me for a few months," Kon explains, waving a hand distractedly. "Frankly I count myself lucky they even let me have the collar, much less the loincloth."
". . . um," Bernard says.
"You, uh, never mentioned the collar part of that story before, Kon," Tim says, clearing his throat. "You very definitely never mentioned the collar part of that story before."
"Oh yeah, the prince kinda kept me as his pet for a little bit?" Kon tells him with an easy shrug. "Like he and all his buddies ganged up on me and then took me home with them, but I was kinda . . . feral, I guess? Technically? So like, collar and chain setup. But he was cool, he took real good care of me."
"Ngh," Tim says just barely faintly.
"Yeah you should definitely come over," Bernard says. "Tim, get the check. Conner, exactly how super is your super-speed?"
"You can just call me Kon," Kon says. "And . . . mach 3, last I clocked it?"
"Isn't that like two thousand miles per hour?" Bernard asks.
"Two thousand two hundred and twenty-three point three," Kon replies with a pleased smirk. "Faster than a speeding bullet. Or so they tell me."
"We'll just meet you at Tim's, how's that," Bernard says. "That work for you, Kon?"
"That works for me, Bernard," Kon confirms, smirking wider.
"Oh my god, Kon, you cannot possibly be serious right now," Kara says in exasperation, rubbing at her temples. "Just because you're temporarily gay doesn't mean you should do anything about it!"
"I mean, I'm feeling pretty serious?" Kon says, shrugging again. He still doesn't get why she's being so sensitive about this. "It's not like this is the weirdest thing I've ever done in pursuit of a good time. Like, holy hell, lemme tell you about the Ravers sometime."
"You're going to have to look Robin in the eye after this!" Kara says. "And work with him! And be a normal person in his presence! Normally!"
"I'm aware?" Kon says, vaguely bemused by her concern. Like he's never been normal around somebody he's slept with before, geez. "Tell Kal I ran off with the pink K, if he wants to lock it up in the Fortress or wherever I can bring it back tomorrow."
"Maybe Monday," Bernard says.
"Or maybe Monday," Kon amends.
"It's Thursday!" Kara sputters.
"So it's a long weekend," Bernard says.
"I'm not explaining this to Kal," Kara says. "I'm not explaining this to Batman."
"I really don't see why you'd have to," Kon says. "Rob, you cool with the long weekend thing? Not too much of an imposition?"
". . . I got the check," Tim mutters in obvious and absolute mortification.
Kon's gonna take that as a "yes".
"Cool," he says, grinning broadly. "See you soon, Boy Wonder."
He ends the call. Kara drags her hands down her face and continues to stay very far away from him and the pink kryptonite in his pocket.
"When you go back to normal and freak out and make everything weird with Robin and your team and even Robin's literal boyfriend, I'm going to say so many 'I told you so's," she swears vehemently. "So don't say I didn't warn you."
"Your objection is on the record," Kon says, then tosses her a lazy salute with another grin and takes off, kryptonite and all.
Best to just scarper while Clark's distracted, yeah?
Definitely best.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 months
Twenty-Five Going on Forty-Seven
dbf!jake seresin x fem!reader 12k words (.....yes. 12k. i-)
summary: Flirting with the guy who fixed your car turns out to lead to much, much more when you find out he's actually not just some random guy, but your new neighbour and father's new best friend, Jake Seresin.
a/n: porn with plot. a lot of plot. and a lot of porn. 18+ obviously. reader is twenty-five in this, jake is forty-seven. this is entirely based on my new fixation on dbf!jake. i have so many thots. so many that they led to a 12k oneshot lmfao. anyway, as always, a list of things to watch out for:
pet names used in an unholy way, safe sex (i fucking managed to finally give them a condom whooooohoooo), oral sex for the both of them (yes i also wrote a blowjob. this is unbelievable i know), dom!jake, some praise kink, a smidge of strength kink at the end. a lot of begging. as always. mention of shower sex. mostly vanilla. jake fucks in missionary because he wants to be nice for his first time with her. if there's ever a sequel i swear to god he will be the most unholy fucker ever
top gun masterlist | dbf!jake seresin masterlist
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The first time Jake meets you isn't the first time he's supposed to meet you. He's supposed to come by for dinner that evening, to finally get to know the daughter your parents have told him so much about. And it's not his fault that he meets you seven hours earlier that day. Not really.
Because the pictures your parents had kept showing him were all old. Mostly childhood photographs, some from your graduation, but none recent enough to connect the dots.
So it's really not his fault that he doesn't recognise you when he sees you standing there on the side of the road, phone clamped between your ear and shoulder, the hood of your car all the way up. With how wildly you're gesturing, Jake guesses that you're not particularly close to fixing whatever problem you have.
You're wary when he pulls up behind you and opens his door. It's rarely a good sign when random men prey on very obviously helpless and distressed young women. But Jake doesn't even get closer at first, just stands there in the opened car door and asks if you need any help. For a little moment, you debate whether it's worth the risk. Then your father's voice rings out from your phone and you decide that there's not much this guy could do to you in broad daylight on a well used street with your father on the phone.
So you tell him the truth. Yes, you most definitely have a problem. The way he makes sure it's okay for him to come over and take a look calms you even more. He's considerate and careful and maybe you're actually lucky and he's just a guy who genuinely wants to help.
He steps out from the door and walks up to you and honestly, for a moment there you're startled. He has to be in his forties, but damn, he's attractive. Suddenly you're glad you picked your sundress over your sweatpants this morning.
You let him lean over your car and take a closer look.
"If he can't help, I'll just come pick you up and we'll call a tow truck", your father says after you've filled him in on what's happening. Honestly, you'd really rather not have to call a tow truck though, because that's just going to cost you a bunch of money again, which isn't particularly the way you want to spend it.
Also, this guy leaning over your car - and you're not even denying that you're very much eyeing him up - seems like he actually knows what he's doing there.
He takes a minute or two before he comes up again. He's smiling, which you take as a good sign. He opens his mouth and you hear what he's saying - but because you have no clue what it is that he's trying to tell you, you just nod along. You're not a mechanic, you don't know the goddamn terminology. Something something battery, something something fuel pump, whatever. You take the time to notice his accent instead.
The good news is he thinks he can fix whatever he's found, but you'll still have to get it checked out later on.
He walks back to his own car, rummages around and comes back with a toolbox and an unopened water bottle.
"It might take a while", he tells you as he offers you the bottle. "Feel free to turn on my radio."
You take the waterbottle and bite down on your lip to keep from grinning. He's sweet. Goddamn. Because you've deemed the whole thing safe, you tell your father goodbye and hang up - you honestly just want a bit of privacy to stare at this hunk of a man who's bending over the hood of your car again and offering you a very... good look at his backside.
It's summer. He's wearing a wife pleaser, which is reasonable in these temperatures, but the sight of his forearms working almost makes you feel like he knows what he's doing by wearing it. Does he have a wife to please, though? He's old enough to have kids - your age, maybe a few years younger. He's about as old as your dad. If he has a wife, maybe he's wearing it for her. Maybe she likes the way his biceps flexes just like you do.
You squint at his hands as you uncap the water bottle and take a sip. There's no ring as far as you can see. Would it be entirely unreasonable to assume he's... single?
It's been a minute, maybe, when you decide it's probably awkward for you to stand there and watch him, so you go with his suggestion and lean into his car, palms bracing against the seat to reach for the radio.
You turn it on, switch through a few channels until you find one you like and turn the volume up. Because it's probably just as awkward if you stay in his car - if not bordering on creepy - you step around the opened door and settle yourself against the hood. Your thighs stick to the warmed metal, but that's something you're willing to deal with.
Your eyes cling to him as he works. You don't know what the hell he's doing, you just hope he knows and you're not left with an even worse problem after. But he doesn't seem like that type of guy. And since he's seemingly unmarried... You don't stop yourself from staring.
Fuck, maybe he has a girlfriend, not everyone gets married at thirty. Not everyone wears their wedding ring either. But a girl can dream, right? And you're dreaming, for just a few minutes. You allow yourself to dream.
He looks so good. He looks so fucking good.
Sandy-blond hair, cut short, but not too short, broad, broad, broad shoulders... those arms, that back.
When he straightenes and looks at you, greasy fingers and a triumphant grin on his lips, you also have to admit that he's got chiseled fucking features. You swallow hard and do your best to pretend you haven't been ogling him.
"All done", he says. You raise your eyebrows.
"Really? That quickly?"
He grins and takes a step back, offering you to take a look yourself. You bite back a smile and push off the hood of his car - your hips are swaying as you walk, yeah, but as far as you're aware, he's single and just fixed your car for you, for free, in less than fifteen minutes.
Also, he's hot.
"Looks no different to me", you admit. He lets out a chuckle.
"Try it", he says, reaches for the hood and pulls it down as you slip into the driver's seat. You look up to him through the windshield before you turn the key in the ignition and-
The car starts.
The fucking car starts.
He's actually managed it.
You turn the key back and shake your head in disbelief. If he hadn't accidentally stumbled upon you, you'd probably have had to call the tow truck by now. Instead, you reach for the glove compartment and grab your purse.
"How-", you start as you climb out of the car seat again, shutting the door behind you. "How the hell?"
He chuckles.
"Actually, don't tell me", you interrupt yourself, throwing your hands up. "I don't even want to know. Here."
You reach into your purse and pull out disinfection wipes, offering them to him. He takes one with a smile and a drawled thanks and cleans off the grease on his hands before folding it up and letting it disappear into his pocket.
"So you're my knight in shining armour today", you say, biting down on your lip. Fuck it. You're gonna find out here and now whether or not he's single. "Otherwise I'm sure the tow truck would've cost me a hundred bucks - at least."
"Yeah, probably", he agrees, his eyes dropping to your mouth for just a second.
"Well, then", you smile, as coyly as you can manage. "How can I thank you?"
And just as you hoped, he stills, taking you in - maybe for the first time, you're not sure. His eyes rake down your body, your cleavage, your waist, your legs. His lips tug into a grin, but when he looks back up at you, he's serious.
"No worries", he tells you. "I'm not the tow truck."
He's not pushing you. Actually, he's doing the opposite, and you're not a fan. Maybe he isn't single after all. Maybe he does have a girlfriend. Or a wife. Or maybe he's not interested. Maybe... but you can give it a try, right? Just one try.
"I can't just drive off", you argue, blinking up at him a little more, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Fuck, are you really doing this? Your breath catches for a moment. But then again, if he isn't single, you're just gonna get into your car and never see him again. So who cares? "How about I give you my number?"
Your heartbeat quickens as he looks at you and straightens up. He's still grinning. You can't quite figure him out.
"I'm forty-seven, darling", he chuckles. You try your hardest to ignore how that pet name sounds, all sweet and intimate and god, you'd do a lot to have him say it again.
"So?", you ask and raise an eyebrow. "Does that mean you don't have a phone?"
Jake shakes his head with a chuckle, but you keep looking up at him so seductively, keep smiling so flirtatiously that he can't help himself. You're wearing such a pretty dress, such a dainty necklace around your throat. And you're serious about this.
He's had younger women flirt with him, yes, but usually five, ten years younger at most - and even that's been a while, because he isn't going to bars every night anymore.
You're really young. You're too young. You're, what, twenty-six? You can't be much older.
But you're stunning. Gorgeous eyes, kissable lips, glossy and plush and for just a moment, Jake loses himself in the images his mind seems to produce immediately when he looks at you - has been, from the second he'd spotted you through his windshield.
He's old enough to know better. But he still reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his phone.
The first time Jake officially meets you is seven hours later when he knocks on your parents' door and takes a step back to wait for it to open.
"That's gotta be Jake, someone get the door!", your mother's voice calls out, and it takes a few seconds until he hears soft footsteps coming down the hallway.
Then the door cracks open.
And there stands-
You're smiling widely for the entirety of two seconds. Then your face falls.
Jake feels like the rug is pulled out from under his feet. He tumbles deep down a dark, dark hole as he stares at your pretty eyes, all shocked and wide, mouth open.
"You", you let out, almost breathless.
"You", Jake echoes, in quite the same tone.
Within seconds, you're stepping out onto the porch, closing the door behind you and holding out your hand in front of you, as if to keep him a safe distance away.
You're quick, almost stumbling over your own words as you come to conclusions and try to grasp all their consequences. Jake has a hard time even listening to you. He's frozen in his spot, barely comprehending the entire situation.
The young woman that had so unashamedly flirted with him this morning - that he had most definitely flirted back with - is his neighbour's daughter. His friend's daughter.
So he's fucking frozen in spot, yes.
He's frozen even as you're ushering him into the house with a smile on your lips that's just a bit too wide. He's frozen as he sits down at the dinner table and frozen as your mother offers him a beer. He's frozen as he settles on the couch after and as your father turns on a football game. He's frozen as you scoff at the tv and disappear up the stairs.
Your father asks him what's wrong, but there's no way Jake can tell him.
Even without your lecture on the porch, there would've been no way he would have admitted that he's got your number saved in his phone, "Twenty-five" with a winky face emoji behind it.
So he says he hasn't been all that well - maybe getting the flu or something.
Which is bullshit. He doesn't get sick. He's been sick two, maybe three times in all his life.
But he does think he'll be sick when you take your last step down the stairs half an hour later, in pajamas that barely cover anything - satin or something, he's too focused not focusing on your bare skin to notice anything except your bare skin, really. You just traipse over to the kitchen on tiptoes, eyes glued to your phone, hushed voices reaching his ears when you talk to your mother before you reappear in the living room.
"I'm going to bed", you announce, phone clutched tightly in your hands. "It's been a long day."
Jake can't hear your father's answer. He can't hear the commentator or the cheers from the tv. He can't hear anything, not when you're standing there in the doorway, when he's concentrating so fucking hard on not looking at you.
He fails miserably.
His eyes rake down your body so scorchingly hot that they burn holes into your skin. You have to swallow hard at his expression.
You're not tired at all, actually. Yes, it's been a long day, but if anything, you're buzzing with adrenaline. Which is worse. Because the entire dinner long, you've just had to sit there and stare at him and not do anything about it.
So you're aching to finally hide away in your room, to crawl into bed and contemplate what the fuck is happening. And, just maybe, to dip your fingers into your pajama shorts and think about his shoulders, his arms, his jawline...
Jake manages to grunt some kind of 'goodnight' before you flee - but he doesn't manage to drag his eyes back up from your stomach, all exposed and on display for him. And he doesn't manage to hide it from you.
He sees you often over the following weeks. He's been over at your parents' house almost every day for the past six months anyway, and that doesn't change just because you've come back home. Your father still invites him for football games, your mother still talks him into coming over for lunch or for dinner or both and whenever they're outside tinkering on something, he's being called to help.
And - because of course, it's your house as well - you're there, too.
All around him, all the time.
At first, it's innocent. You walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water and smile and say hello. You sit on the couch on a call with a friend and wave at him through the window. You come back from a walk with the dog and ask how he's doing before you disappear inside.
But then there come moments... Moments in which you lie down on a sun lounger in a skimpy bikini while he's painting the fence with your father, sunglasses high on your nose, a book in your hands, rubbing sunscreen into your skin and biting your lip when he can't help but look at you. Moments in which you brush up against him in the kitchen with a giggled 'Sorry', your mother's back turned to you as she grabs milk from the fridge, his fists clenching at his sides, his coffee cup held decently in front of his crotch. Moments in which you sit next to him on the couch and have to lean over him with a lengthy apology, your father just disappearing into the bathroom, your palm high enough on his thigh to stagger into the inappropriate.
The only time he's safe is at work. And even then, you're on his mind constantly.
Those pretty dresses you wear all the time, low-cut in the front and so short they hardly reach past your mid-thighs, in all colours of the rainbow. Those skimpy tops with the flowers on them and jeans-shorts or skirts he's more than once noticed are actually skorts.
He shouldn't be attracted to you. It's so wrong on so many levels. You're too young, much too young, twenty-two years younger than him. And - worse - he's best friends with your father.
He can't be attracted to his best friend's daughter. He simply can't.
It's wrong. It's so, so wrong.
But he can't help himself. He can't help himself when you brush up against him, when you touch him, when you look like that right in front of him.
He doesn't know how he survives those first weeks. He doesn't feel like he's alive, really. Every waking thought is of you - of you and of how wrong it is that he can't stop thinking about you. That he keeps imagining what it would be like to hold you, to kiss you, to-
No, he can't.
Even though you're making it practically impossible for him.
And it's not like you really know what you're doing either. But ever since the car incident that very first day back home, you've been picturing those arms, those shoulders - and after the first time you caught sight of him working shirtless on some project in the backyard with your father, those fucking abs. All glistening, sweaty skin, that v-line, that happy trail...
It's not your fault he's starring in all of your late night fantasies now. It's his. It's his because he shouldn't be allowed to look that fucking good, to smell and sound and feel that good, when you can't have him. Because of course you can't.
He's twenty-two years older than you. He's your dad's new best friend.
You can't.
You can't flirt with him like you want to, you can't have him, because it would be wrong. But you also can't not.
You don't mean to taunt him, not at first. At first, it's just instincts. Talk to him, get his attention. But the more you're around him... the less you can control yourself.
You want to then. You want to graze your fingers across his thigh when your father isn't looking, you want to suck the straw of your drink into your mouth while you blink up at him, you want to accidentally drop your spoon and bend over in front of him. You want to because you know he wants you to.
Even though he doesn't say it, even though he forces himself to turn away when you walk by him, you see the way he looks at you. You catch him staring, you catch him eyeing you up and down. You notice the tick in his jaw and the way his fists clench at his sides. You watch his knuckles turn white as he grabs the neck of his beer bottle and takes a deep sip.
You know he's most definitely attracted to you.
Because even if you imagine half of those things - there's still the car incident. There's still your number saved in his phone. There's still 'darling' on your mind. Mostly the way he's repeated it since then, two or three times maybe, each one inspiring more sinful bedtime scenarios.
You can't.
He can't.
And yet neither of you doesn't.
Your parents are away when it happens. Your dad has to go on a trip for work and he takes your mother with him, surprises her with an extra weekend of romance just for the two of them. They're gone by Wednesday morning and won't be back until Sunday afternoon and even though you're twenty-five and have experience living on your own, they've asked Jake to check in on you, just to make sure you're okay.
The first time he 'checks in on you' is involuntary. He's just come back from work, it's Wednesday, 3pm, and he's sitting down on his back porch with a beer when he spots you.
He really doesn't mean to. He hadn't even known you were there.
But the fence between your house and his isn't high and so it's only natural that his eyes flick over to your garden once.
And then twice.
Because you're climbing out of the pool in the tiniest black bikini Jake has ever seen in his life, looking like some angelic, biblic, ancient goddess - your hair in a messy bun, droplets of water running down your bare skin, muscles working as you pull yourself up the little ladder and put both feet against solid, dry ground, leaving wet footprints with every step you take until you grab your towel, sling it around your shoulders and-
Look right at him.
Your lips tug into a flirty grin. You wave at him, your hand lingering in the air a second too long before you wrap the towel tightly around yourself and tread towards the fence. Jake can't do anything but watch you go and swallow hard.
The other option would probably be to drag you into his arms and ravage you until your throat is sore from screaming his name.
So he just sits there and stares at you instead.
"Hey there", you greet as soon as you're close enough to the fence that he can't look past your belly button anymore.
"Hey", Jake says and for whatever reason, his voice sounds raspy even to himself. Your grin only deepens.
"Do you have plans for dinner yet?", you ask. You bat your lashes at him innocently as you dry off your arms. "I was going to order take out."
So that's why three hours later, Jake rings your doorbell, in a black button up he spent twenty minutes picking out. The last time he'd spent that long in front of the closet, he'd been about fifteen years younger and about to go on an actual date. This isn't an actual date. This is anything but a date, because he's only supposed to check in on his best friend's daughter. He's supposed to look after you. Keep you safe.
But you open the door in an oversized, washed out band tee and smile so stunningly that he forgets what he's supposed to do in about half a second.
There's a moment of silence as Jake stares at you. He knows that damn band tee.
"Is that... mine?", he asks in disbelief as he waits for the sight to sink in, which it does not do. His mind blanks completely. It's not just that it's oversized and that you look like you're drowning in it, which already has him imagining the way he could flatten his palms against your stomach and feel for you in that heap of fabric. It's also that he knows this fucking shirt because he's been wearing it for the past ten years.
You look down like you're just realising what you have on, not like you'd almost had a heart attack when you'd seen it in the laundry basket, squealing so loudly that your mother had come in to check on you. Jake had worn that shirt the same day and apparently forgotten to put it back on when he'd gone home, so your mother had put it in the laundry.
She hadn't realised that you'd stolen it for yourself before she could wash it. She probably hadn't paid it that much attention.
You had though. And tonight had felt like the perfect occasion to wear it.
"I found it in the laundry", you say truthfully, looking up at him with big eyes. "Dad said it wasn't his so I just took it. Maybe a mix up. Do you want it back?"
Your fingers reach for the hem of the shirt down by your thighs, tugging mindlessly up just a tiny bit. Jake almost stumbles over his own words with how quick he is in denying you.
"No, no, keep it", he reassures. "Keep it."
You let go of the shirt as your grin widens.
"Okay then", you say softly, turn around and leave the door open so Jake can get in. You stroll into the kitchen, crack open the fridge and grab the freshly made iced tea while Jake closes the door behind him and puts away his shoes.
It could have easily been awkward. Honestly, Jake isn't sure that it's not. But it doesn't feel like that. It just feels... heavy. Drowsy. As though you're moving in slow motion, looking at him over your shoulder with a sultry grin. And in his shirt as well. His fucking shirt, it's unbelievable.
You're smiling at him over Chinese take out food with the radio playing softly in the background and the dim kitchen light on and it could have been almost normal, almost nothing, almost just a friendly dinner with his best friend's daughter.
But it isn't.
It isn't because you're leaning over the table and stealing a spring roll from him, grinning at him when he starts to protest. It isn't because you're pushing him back down onto his chair when he wants to get up and help you clear the table, leaning most definitely too close to him to grab his plate and bending most definitely too far down to put it into the dishwasher. It isn't because you're opening a bottle of whiskey, pouring him one and only then asking if he's going to stay and watch a movie with you.
You've already poured him the drink.
Not that he'd been planning to say no.
You're not close to him on the couch, not really. You're a respectful distance away as you put your own drink onto the table in front of you and grab the remote. You're still a respectful distance away as you scroll through a bunch of movies and ask him if he's got any preferences - besides football, of course.
But when you decide on a movie, on one of those rom-coms he'd never watch willingly, you're draping your legs over his and brushing your hair away from your face and he has to swallow hard.
His hands drop to your bare skin almost instinctively. He can't keep them off of you, not when you're this close to him, not when you're offering so prettily. It's like he has to touch you, has to brush his thumbs across your ankles.
This could all be normal. This could all be usual.
Jake doesn't bother paying attention to the movie. It's not like he could possibly pay attention to it, not when his fingers are running up and down your soft skin. So he doesn't really mind that he misses their first kiss, even as you look up from the drink you're refilling with a gasp and wide eyes to watch.
Jake just watches the way your hair frames your face, those droplets of iced tea on your lips before you wipe them off. He's sure he could taste them if he tried to.
You lean back into the couch then and stretch and your shirt - Jake's shirt - rides so far up that he catches sight of your underwear. Fuck.
He has to grab onto you hard so that he doesn't launch himself right on top of you. His mouth is dry all of a sudden, so dry that he has to swallow. You blink up at him as you feel his hands clench around your ankles, your teeth digging into your bottom lip to keep from grinning.
He needs a few seconds to even look up at you. It's like his eyes are glued to that expanse of bare skin at your hip, clinging to the thought of you in your underwear right before him. You're always wearing shorts. You're always wearing shorts. You're always fucking wearing shorts.
He shouldn't. He can't.
But his hands brush up your calves and he does look back at you then, which really isn't better, because your lip is still caught between your teeth and your expression is so sinful that he has to bite down on his own tongue.
"Jake", you breathe, all soft and quiet and that's it. That's his breaking point.
You can't just say his fucking name like that, not in his shirt, not while presenting him such a good look at your underwear, and expect him to be okay.
"Fuck", he mutters, then he's on you.
It's an uncomfortable position. You're half turned to him, half away, your legs are still thrown over his lap, which means he can't really push close to you, but his lips are against yours, so firmly, so passionately that you can't care, not right then.
Your eyes fall shut and you kiss him back with the same fervor, the same heat, the same fucking desperation to finally feel him. You part you lips almost too eagerly, too quickly, just so he can stroke his tongue along yours. His hands dig into your thighs, grabbing you tightly, and your arms cross behind his neck to drag him down to you - just that your legs are really in the way now and you have to try and pry one from his lap so that he doesn't crush it, which isn't all that comfortable and takes a while too long to still be sexy. You hardly mind. Jake doesn't either, only pulls his knees up to the couch to climb on top of you.
The whole thing is complicated and annoying and decidedly too time consuming, but his lips are on yours and he's pressing against you, catching himself with a palm against the couch cushions and lowering you to lie down, every single touch frenzied and hurried and hot. Heady and heavy and horny.
You're dragging your hands through his hair, tugging, pulling, scratching your nails across his scalp. He's grabbing your hips with his free hand, grasping your thighs, tangling his fingers in your shirt and digging them into your skin.
You're grinding against him. Not softly, not carefully, not secretly. You're wrapping your legs around him and grinding against him, almost without realising it - you need to be close, you need to be closer. You need to move. You need to feel him.
At the first moan you let out, Jake stills. When you breathily add his name, he pulls back entirely.
It's cold and empty without him, cold and empty and confusing as he settles back on his ankles, panting and wide-eyed. Your arms and legs drop to the couch as you try to catch your breath.
"No", Jake mutters. "We can't."
You push yourself up onto your palms, chest still heaving as you look up at him. Your cheeks feel so hot that you're sure they're embarrassingly red by now and your mind is still hazy with what just happened -
Jake had kissed you. He'd kissed you and you'd kissed him back.
And now he isn't kissing you anymore and you're absolutely not alright with that. You need him to kiss you again. You need to dig your hands into his hair and feel him knead your thighs again. You need to find out what it's like to rake your nails along his arms and scratch down his back.
"Jake", you breathe, staring at him all wide-eyed as he shakes his head and inches even further away from you. He seems like he's in a trance. You repeat his name more forcefully and reach out for him - but he only shakes his head again and runs a hand down his face.
You still for the entirety of two seconds. Then you sit up, inches closer to him than necessary, and toy with the hem of your shirt. You've got a hunch that giving and taking the sight of your underwear will only help your case here.
"Why not?", you ask as you watch his eyes drop down, just like you'd wanted. His breath catches.
"You're twenty-five", he begins, his voice a bit too rough to sound unaffected. "And I'm friends with your father."
You take a long look at him.
"Would you if you weren't friends with my father?"
You bite down on your lip and blink up at him as prettily as you can manage. You're quite sure you know the answer. Especially with that car incident... With your number saved in his phone. With that smug grin you still see in your fantasies.
He hadn't been too concerned with your age back then.
"I am friends with your father", Jake says, all the while struggling to drag his eyes back up your body.
"But if you weren't", you go on, not ready just yet to leave this be - because you know that if you back down now, you'll never get a chance again. Not like this. Not with him. "If you weren't friends with my father. Would you?"
A muscle ticks in his jaw. You hold your breath - one, two, three seconds. Then he's on you yet again and this time, this time with no end in sight. Not as he pushes you back down onto the couch and sets both his palms down next to your head. Not as you wrap your legs around his waist and work the buttons of his shirt, fingers moving so frantically that you slip up more than once - not that you care.
You're kissing Jake. After what has felt like an eternity of teasing and quietly flirting, you're finally kissing him, touching him, feeling him. On top of you, all around you.
Yes, he fucking would. You were right.
His shirt finally unbuttons and you can hardly push it out of the way quickly enough to run your hands down his chest - exploring his collarbones, his abs, that fucking happy trail that has been driving you insane ever since you saw it for the first time. Your fingers brush bare skin, warm, hot, bare skin, before they catch on his waistband. He grinds his hips onto yours as you draw your fingertips along his belt and swallows the moan you so pathetically let out.
You're just about to get to work on opening his belt buckle when he shifts his weight onto one hand and grasps your wrist with the other, pulling an inch away from you as he does so, lips parting in sticky intoxication.
"Jake", you mewl, but when you blink open your eyes he's already shaking his head softly and- grinning. Grinning that smug grin that you've been dreaming of. The one you haven't seen since the very first time you met him. Not with your dad around or directed at anyone else, no. The grin that takes your breath away right then, and you can't even tell why.
It's confident and cocky and cheeky and so, so very, very sexy. Fuck.
You stare at him with wide eyes and parted lips, too caught up in taking him in to notice how he's bringing both your hands up over your head.
"If we're doing this, I'm doing it right, darling", he mutters, all low and rough and the pet name has you clamping your thighs even harder around him. "And only if you want me to."
You can't nod quickly enough.
"I need you to tell me, baby", he grins, exposing those pearly whites that you'd very much like to feel biting into your neck or something. "I need you to say yes."
"Yes, Jake", you push past your lips, breathless and panting and desperate. Desperate for him. "Please."
His chuckle reverberates in your own chest. He runs his hand down your side and rubs a soft circle against the bare skin of your hip, catching on the flimsy fabric of your underwear.
"Already begging for me", he mutters with a grin, his fingers hooking into your waistband. Your hips buck up into his and a moan drops from your lips and Jake just keeps on grinning. Keeps on running his thumbs along your hip bones. "That easily."
You can't even deny it, deny him. You need him to touch you and you need him to do it now.
"You're lucky I want to taste you, because I'm sure it'd be fun to tease you", he chuckles, holds you down against the couch as he sits back on his ankles, keeping your legs spread and the dark spot on your underwear right on display for him. "I could keep you here all night."
You're not sure what excites you more - the promise of all night or the tasting you part. Either way, you bury your hands into your own hair and tug hard to keep yourself from sitting up, pushing him onto his back and riding him into oblivion. He wouldn't let you anyway, you're guessing.
Jake runs his free hand down the inside of your thigh and you really have to concentrate on not moving then. Every touch, every brush and every stroke sends shivers down your spine and pools in your core, heating up each inch of your skin.
When he reaches your underwear once more, he hooks his second thumb into it as well and tugs. Your jaw clenches. God, you've gotta keep still, you've just gotta wait-
He looks up then and raises his eyebrows.
"Please, Jake", you breathe, before he can even say anything. His eyes drop again and he pulls your underwear down, down, down, pushing your knees together to slide them off your legs and you're holding your breath, holding your breath in this intoxicating mess of a moment as he parts your thighs again and leans in. Leans closer.
Leans... not close enough.
Instead, he grabs the hem of your shirt.
"As much as I like that you're wearing my shirt", he mutters, already pushing it up and exposing your stomach to him, "I want to see you."
You let out a pathetic little moan, loosen your hands from your hair and pull his shirt over your head instead, dropping it down onto the floor without looking or bothering where it lands. You're not really bothered about anything besides getting Jake's mouth on you right now.
You're dripping already, dripping down your own thighs as he takes you in - all naked, all bare in front of him, soft skin and smooth curves, chest rising and falling with your heavy breath, eyes half-closed, lips parted and kiss-swollen.
It's wrong. He shouldn't. But he's already gone too far and now, now, with all of you for him to see, to touch, to feel, he can't go back. He can't ever go back.
He wants to burn this image into his memory forever.
"Jake", you whisper, voice just as soft and silky as the rest of you and he snaps out of his trance, runs his fingertips over your stomach, studies you as your breath catches. He leans down again, but his eyes are fixed on you still, focused even as he presses a kiss to your hipbone, then to the inside of your thigh. His teeth graze your skin and his fingers brush against the underside of your boobs.
You bite down on your lip.
Jake thinks he might be in heaven as he palms at your breasts, swiping his thumbs across your nipples and watching your expression change ever so slightly. He breathes against your wetness and his eyes flicker down to finally look at you, dripping for him. His fingers still for just a moment.
If he does this, there's no going back. He's crossing a line that he can never uncross.
But in all honesty - he's already long crossed that line.
So he flattens his tongue against you and tastes you. And you throw you head back and let out a moan that's so filthy that he can't even be bothered to care about what fucking lines he's crossing anymore. He just buries his face in your wetness and basks in the way your eyes roll back into your head.
Your hands dig into his hair all by themselves, tug and pull and push him closer, further into you. You taste heavenly. You are in heaven. You're in heaven with Jake between your legs, brushing his tongue through your folds, sucking your clit into his mouth and groaning into you. He's running his fingers over your breasts, palming and grasping at them, circling and tracing.
That's when the movie stops.
You hadn't even realised it was still on, to be honest, but now, in the silence, your moans echo three times as loud. Jake bathes in the sounds you're letting out. You're absolutely gorgeous like that, teeth tugging at your bottom lip, cheeks flushed, eyes fluttering closed before you blink them open again to look at him, to watch him as he lays between your thighs.
You're soaking in the way he swipes his tongue against you, the way he palms at your skin. With every touch and every brush, you can feel the knot tightening. Can feel the tension in your limbs growing. Can feel the way your legs are starting to clamp tighter, tighter and tighter around Jake's head.
He's so good at this. He's so fucking good at this.
Your grip on his hair tightens so much that you're sure you have to be hurting him, but he doesn't show the slightest hint of wanting to tell you off for it. No, quite the opposite: he pushes further into you and groans his approval.
Which is about the last thing you can take.
Your legs cramp, your hands drag at his hair, your back arches, your head hits the armrest of the couch and Jake guides you through your high, eyes set on you, focused and fixed on you, watching every single reaction you have to him, drinking in the sight of you, drinking in your moans. You're pushing back against him, panting and clawing at him, lips parted and eyes shut tightly as you take in a shaky breath and sink slowly back against the couch.
The air is heavy. Heavy with your emotions, heavy with your orgasm, heavy with your moans.
Jake pulls back slowly, softly, draws his hands down to your stomach to rub circles onto your skin - significantly warmer now than before. You're still breathing heavily, legs unhooking from around his head only reluctantly. Honestly, you wouldn't have minded if he'd just decided to stay down there for the next three to five business days. But you also don't mind as he pushes himself up and presses a kiss to your lips, because he tastes like you and you get to hook your arms around his neck and pull him even further down onto you.
With his half-bare chest pushed against yours, his tongue runs along your lips and you open willingly up to him. More than just willingly. Because with him on top of you, his lips sticky and syrupy on yours, not wanting or not able to part from yours, there's already anticipation running in your veins, wetness pooling in your core again, the urge to wrap your legs around him and grind against him growing and growing with every second that he's kissing you.
You draw your hands down his throat, push his shirt out of the way and brush your palms down his bare torso, all hard abs against your fingertips. He's in such good fucking shape you could truly be running your hands up and down a washboard right now. It feels unfair that he's more than twenty years older than you and somehow fitter.
Your fingers catch on his waistband then.
"Jake", you whine softly against him. "Please, I need you."
He groans, drops his head down to your neck and for a second, you just hear him breathe - all hot and heavy before his lips graze your skin.
"Fuck, you can't say that, darling", he mutters. "You don't know what you do to me."
His belt buckle feels cold against your fingertips, so cold against your sticky, sweaty skin.
"Show me", you whine, beg, plead. He's not teasing you, not taking his time, he's not waiting or edging or anything, and still- Still, you're so fucking desperate. He's finally got you here, finally, and as much as you're sure you'd enjoy his teasing... You just need him to fuck you. Now.
Jake chuckles breathily as he raises his head to look down at you. There's that grin again. That fucking grin.
Then he plants that grin onto your lips and you moan softly, hooking your fingers into his belt and pulling hard. You've just started loosening it successfully when he sits back onto his ankles, leaves you cold and lonely and fully naked on the couch. You mewl.
"Jake-", you let out, but he's already standing up, climbing off of the couch and you're sitting up as if in trance, just to follow him, whatever it is that he has in mind.
He slips off his shoes before he starts to work his belt and then lets that fall to the ground too. You reach for him instinctively, drawing your fingertips along his thighs as he pops the button of his jeans and pulls down his zipper, but when he hooks his thumbs beneath his waistband and tugs down, something snaps inside of you.
"Wait", you whisper. "Let me."
You reach out for him and graze your fingers along his waistband, taking a breath as your eyes flutter up at him. He swallows hard, lets his arms drop to his sides and nods heavily. God, he looks so fucking attractive. His hair all messy, his jaw clenched, his eyes fixed solely on you. You make sure to work quickly, almost frenzied, hurriedly pulling down his jeans and taking his briefs right with them. You won't spend unnecessary time on unimportant things.
Your breath catches, palms stilling against his thighs.
Jake's hand twitches, then clenches into a fist. But he stays right where he is, doesn't move an inch. Everything in him screams at him to run his fingers through your hair and guide you closer to him - but he doesn't. He won't. Not tonight, not right now. Right now, he wants to give you every out he can. Just in case you want to take it.
You don't. Of course not.
Not when you can see just how much he's holding himself back.
So instead you lean down and kitten-lick his tip. His hand flexes, again, and even though he lets out a deep groan that will surely echo in your head for the next two weeks, he stays still.
You just wrap your fingers around the base of his cock and take him into your mouth.
He has to close his eyes and tilt his head up to keep from bucking into you. Damn, it hasn't even been that long since he got blown. And he didn't react like a teenager then. But something about your warm, wet mouth, something about the way your dainty fingers reach around him, something about how you eagerly take him so far that he hits the back of your throat, something about that soft little gagging noise you make just before you pull off of him to breathe in deeply-
Fuck, you're making this really hard for him.
"Jake", you mutter, your hand still working him. He opens his eyes and looks down at you, looks down at you sitting there on the couch, completely naked, eyes all wide and cheeks flushed and so fucking stunning. His fingers brush along your forehead, tuck a strand of loose hair behind your ear.
"Jake", you repeat, a little more breathlessly this time. "Don't hold back for me. I won't break."
His jaw clenches again, but you just blink up at him, the weight of your words heavy between you. His eyes roam your face for any sign of uncertainty - then he nods. He'd like to disagree, though. He's more than afraid he'll break you.
You're so young, so sweet, so fragile.
Just not innocent. And you feel like you have to remind him of that - of your more than obvious flirting, of your sultry grins and half-naked hints, of your number sitting so unashamedly in his contacts.
So you lean in again, pull your free hand from his thigh and grab his wrist instead, dragging it away from your cheek and planting it on the back of your head as you wrap your lips around him. He takes a shallow breath and your hand drops back down to his thigh. There's one, two seconds in which your eyes just flutter closed and your nails dig into his skin-
Then, finally, fucking finally! Jake tangles his fingers into your hair and pushes you into him. You loosen your hand from around him and put it against his other thigh, allowing him to pull you closer and closer. You breathe deeply through your nose as Jake groans above you - and it takes everything in you not to grin. Instead, you just let him guide you, blink open your eyes to look at him and try to ignore the arousal dripping down the inside of your thighs. He looks so fucking good, it should truly be forbidden, because now you have to press your legs together and steady your palms against him.
Jake feels about the same. His breathing is heavy, his grip on your hair firm, and his eyes are set on you - on how he disappears inside your mouth, again and again, your spit coating him, your throat tight. He can't help but push you down, one time, two times, and pull you back, three times, four times, then push you down and pull you back again. And again. And again. He can hardly concentrate on how good you're making him feel when you're looking that fucking sinful.
Before he can come right then and there in your mouth, he tugs you off fully, his jaw clenching involuntarily at the soft whine you let slip. But you can barely be truly bothered when he leans down and presses his lips to yours instead. You're not bothered about anything, really - about anything but his tongue against yours as you cross your arms behind his neck and draw him in, your hands dragging into his hair, your mouth moving desperately against his, sloppily, silently begging him for more.
Jake steadies his palms against the back rest and pulls away heavily, breathing hard as you open your eyes again to look at him - half-lidded, all languid and slow. He swallows hard.
"Do you-", he starts, his voice low and rough and you nod, letting your arms drop from around him to point at the side table.
Have a condom, he'd wanted to ask. In any other situation, he'd have one himself, but something about bringing condoms for a check in on his best friends daughter would have felt incredibly wrong.
"In my makeup bag", you say, your voice thin and breathy as he stretches and reaches for the lavender coloured pouch, unzipping it and looking for the condoms between all the brushes and lipglosses. He can barely pull one out before your fingers close around it, before you've carefully torn it open. He drops your makeup bag back onto the side table right as you straighten up to press a kiss to his lips - almost innocent, almost, if it weren't for the taste of him on your tongue. Then you press a kiss onto his collarbone. Then one right onto his abs. Then one just above that happy trail that has been driving you fucking insane. And then, then, you run your tongue over his tip again before you roll the condom onto him.
Which means it's his turn.
And he doesn't hesitate.
He's not rough in the way he pushes you onto your back on the couch, no, he's smooth with it, hands running along your skin as he cages you in, as he rests his arms next to your head - but he's firm nonetheless. He takes control easily, moving you how and where he wants to, claiming your mouth, pressing his lips to yours. You let him. More even, you relish in giving in to him, in giving him control, in letting go, in trusting him. You bathe in his kisses, in his touches, in his soft grunts as he guides himself into you.
"Jake", you whine against his lips, your fingers tangling in his hair, eyes falling shut. The stretch is delicious, heavenly. He fills you slowly, dragging his lips down your throat as you tilt your head back and let out a filthy moan. Your legs wrap around him, pull him closer. His teeth graze your neck, drawing a moan from you as he settles. He gives you a moment to adjust.
A moment too long.
Way too long.
Even with his lips on your skin, with your nails dragging down his neck, digging into his shoulders, even with him inside of you, you need more. You need him to move. Right fucking now.
"Jake", you mewl, your eyes fluttering open. He raises his head to look at you and- Fuck, good lord. You've messed up his hair and his pupils are wide and his cheeks are red and he looks fucking heavenly. So heavenly that your breath catches. You forget what you wanted to say for a moment. Then his thumb brushes your cheek and you remember.
"Move", you breathe, digging your fingers into his skin and wrapping your legs around him tightly. You need him to move. But his lips tug up in that grin again and, as quickly as you can, you add- "Please, Jake."
His grin widens as he looks down at you, all pretty and desperate, clenching around him, lips parting in a silent moan. It would be so easy to tease you, so easy to make you beg and plead for him... And you'd look so gorgeous doing it. You're already so eager to please him.
But not tonight. Not right now. Right now, he just needs to make you feel good. So he leans down, presses a kiss to your lips and moves. Finally.
You open up to him eagerly, letting him run his tongue along yours, moaning into him as he thrusts into you. Deep and languid, hitting all the right spots like no one has before. Fuck, fuck, fuck-
You're really doing this. He's really doing this. You claw at his back, scratch down his skin, sure to leave bruises as he pulls his head up to look at you, to watch the way you arch up into him. Your skin glistens with sweat, your lips part to let out a breathy mewl and the coil in your stomach tightens, tightens, tightens.
Jake shifts his weight onto one arm, frees a hand to brush his fingers through your hair, tugging, tilting your head back, exposing your throat to him. You moan at the ceiling as he drops a filthy kiss onto your collarbone before he lets go of your hair again, trailing his hand down your side instead - and his hand is so fucking big, so big as he draws it down your body, brushing his fingertips over your boob, sweeping over your hip, grasping your thigh. You pull him down onto you, crash your lips back onto his hard. You need to feel him, you need to kiss him, you need to hold him right now. You need him. You need this.
He smoothes his fingers down your skin until they catch on your clit.
"Jake", you moan into his mouth, pathetic even to your own ears. He only grins into the kiss and circles your clit as he thrusts into you, again and again and again, your legs clenching harder and harder and harder around him before he pulls away, pulls even further away even though you chase after his lips, his eyes roaming your face as you squeeze yours shut tightly.
"Look at me, darling", he drawls, his voice low and raspy, his fingers rough against your clit. "Look at me when I'm fucking you."
You let out some kind of deranged moan at his crude wording, opening your eyes and blinking up at him because there's no fucking way you can deny him. Not when he calls you darling like that. Not when he thrusts inside you just right. Not when the view of him, messy hair and grinning and all, has you clenching around him this hard.
You're close. So close.
"Atta girl", he mutters, and that does it for you.
Your legs cramp and your lips part again to let out a gorgeous little moan that Jake swallows up immediately, slotting his mouth over yours and drinking up the way you clench around him. It takes everything in him not to come too. You're so fucking pretty and you're clenching so fucking perfectly around him, but he needs to make you feel good first, he needs to make you come first, he needs...
"Jake", you mewl, face scrunched up, back arched, as he guides you through your second high of the night. "Fuck, fuck."
He's grinning when you come down. You grab his hand and pull it away from your clit. It's too much right now, too much. It takes a second for you to even realise that he's stopped moving entirely, too focused on watching you, on drinking up the sight of you, tousled hair and red cheeks and parted lips and all. You look like an angel, so fucking heavenly that he can't believe his eyes, not really.
"Jake", you mutter, slurring his name so prettily and pulling him in for another kiss, your arms loose around his neck, your fingers lazily brushing through his hair. "Come for me?"
It's barely more than a breath, barely more than a whisper onto his lips, but he hears it, oh, he hears it. He lets out a groan as he draws away again, his eyes roaming your face. You're unbelievable. Fucking unbelievable.
You're asking him to come for you. Begging him to come for you.
And there's no grin in sight, no smug smile, no hint of trying to take control of him - it's not a command, not even close, you're actually, genuinely pleading, your eyes half-lidded and barely focusing, just needing him to feel good now, too.
You're really fucking unbelievable.
He can't remember ever having a woman ask him to come.
He kisses you so hard you become dizzy, pressing his lips onto yours and tangling a hand into your hair. He pushes impossibly closer, thrusts back into you and pulls another string of moans from you, bordering on incomprehensible, hardly more than breaths, mewls that he swallows before they can flee into the empty air of the living room.
His own breathing comes in pants, his muscles clenching and tensing and he's there quicker than he thought he'd be. He's close, really close, and that's when you decide to dig your teeth into his lip and tug and fuck, he's there, alright. He's done then. He spills inside you with a groan, pulling back right as you flash him a dazed grin, eyes fluttering open to take him in.
Your throat feels way too dry all of a sudden.
You don't think you'll get this image out of your head ever again, this image of him coming undone on top of you. It's burning itself into your memory while you watch, never to be forgotten.
Because hell no, you won't forget this.
"Fuck", Jake groans, his voice all rough and hoarse and he leans down to press a kiss to your lips again, slow this time, almost soft. He brushes a thumb down your cheek, lightly cups your jaw and pulls you even closer, your skin warm beneath his fingers.
You tighten your arms around his neck a bit, keeping him firmly there, firmly on top of you, firmly inside of you. But he makes no move to leave, anyway. Just runs his tongue tenderly along yours, unhurried and gentle, and holds you close. You don't know for how long. He could've kept you there for eternity and you wouldn't have minded. How could you mind, basking in the afterglow like this, with his skin sticking to yours, his fingers grazing your cheek, his lips brushing against yours? No, really, you could've stayed there for the rest of forever.
But he pulls back after a while, of course, and pulls out, too. You let out some kind of disappointed mewl, but that's about everything you can do before he gently grasps your wrists and pulls your arms from around him, smiling in a way you can't even begin to complain.
"Lets get you cleaned up, darling", he says softly, carefully helping you sit up, his hands everywhere but nowhere nearly long enough.
You sigh dramatically, blinking your eyes open to look at him, even as you let him pull you up. Your legs feel like pudding. You feel like pudding.
"If we have to", you give in, smiling as Jake grins and shakes his head at you.
"We have to", he chuckles, hauls you up into his arms and waits for you to hold onto him before he carries you into the bathroom - seemingly fucking without any problem whatsoever, as if you weigh nothing at all to him.
You bite down on your lip and rest your forehead against his chest, squeezing your eyes shut to not have to look at him while you contemplate his strength. He should not be this fucking strong. He should not be allowed to be this fucking strong.
"Careful", Jake says, his voice low, as he sets you gently down on the toilet seat. You flinch away from the ice-cold seat against your thighs, fingernails digging into his shoulders for one, two, three seconds before you relax and settle down.
Jake lets go of you just as softly, steadying you until he's sure you won't just fall right off the toilet. He turns and you look up, his back right there to stare at, a smile tugging at your lips again - goddamn, he looks way too good, holy shit. You barely hear the garbage can open and close as he throws away the used condom, then rummages through the drawers until he finds a washcloth that he can soak in luke warm water.
He turns with a smile, grabs your chin tenderly and presses a kiss to your lips, just one, all sweet and languid, so unlike the rest of his kisses. You hardly notice that he's cleaning you off as he kneels down in front of you, simply because you're so entranced by him. God, but he really looks like he's fucking glowing, you hate him for having this effect on you.
He wraps his arms around you again - did he put the washcloth away? fuck, did you miss that? - and you cuddle close, almost (but just almost) letting out a pleased sigh. Fuck, he's so broad and so strong and so comfortable...
He sets you down on the couch and smiles.
"Wait here for me, darling", he mutters, bending down to pick up your shirt (his shirt, really) and slide it carefully over your head once again. You hug yourself close and settle deep into the couch as Jake disappears. His steps echo through the house.
Then there's silence.
Absolute silence.
You rest your head against the headrest and close your eyes, your fingertips absentmindedly drawing circles against your heated skin.
And in this quiet emptiness... the reality of the situation finally sinks in.
For the first time.
Because you just slept with Jake Seresin.
Jake Seresin. Your neighbour Jake Seresin. Your dad's best friend Jake Seresin. Twenty-two years older than you Jake Seresin.
Holy fucking shit. Holy fucking shit.
This actually happened. This actually fucking happened. You slept with Jake Seresin. And somehow... somehow- Somehow you can't feel guilty. You can't feel bad or ashamed. Not like you should. And you definitely should. Because this is Jake Seresin, not some random frat guy. This is forty-seven year old, your dad's best friend Jake Seresin.
But you can't feel bad.
You really do try, for the entirety of a minute or two, while somewhere in the back of the house, a door is opened and closed again. But you still can't feel bad. So you don't.
Jake comes back with a water bottle and his briefs back on, which you can't help but feel disappointed at. He sits down on the couch next to you and hands you the bottle.
"Drink", he nods, so you uncap it carefully and take a sip. It's charming, really, how the first time you'd met him with your car broken down, he'd also handed you a water bottle. A grin tugs at your lips involuntarily. It's just coincidence, you know that, but there's something incredibly sweet about the way he's seemingly always made sure to keep you hydrated. There's something sweet about him, simple as that, with how softly he's cleaned you off and settled you down on the couch after.
You put the bottle down on the table and turn to him.
He looks almost normal again, almost like before. He's still nearly naked though (which you certainly aren't complaining about), and his hair still looks like he's just walked straight out of a hurricane. He raises his eyebrows at you as you take him in.
"We should probably talk about this", you say, your voice cracking halfway through. You're not sure you want to talk about it. And with the way Jake's face falls... yeah, he doesn't seem to, either. But he still straightens up and brings some more distance between the both of you.
Maybe that's smart, actually. Maybe. But then again, you've already done everything you could to try and feel bad, so instead of doing the reasonable (you're already way past the reasonable anyway) and pushing further away from Jake too, you stretch out a leg and drape it over his lap again.
A muscle in his jaw ticks and he grasps your ankle almost immediately, as if there's no other choice but to touch you even while he's trying to keep his distance.
"But", you grin, scooching a little closer as an idea forms in your mind, "You know, I still have to shower. Chlorine is so bad for the skin unless you wash it off. And I did spend quite a while in the pool today."
It's Monday afternoon and even hotter than the weeks before. You're sitting outside, sunbathing in the fifteenth layer of sunscreen of the day, with sunglasses on that hardly seem to do anything and wearing nothing but a bikini because god, you're fucking melting. It hasn't been this hot the entire year.
The only really good thing about the scorching heat is that Jake, for lack of swimming pools in his garden, is doing sets in yours. You're incredibly glad for your sunglasses, because even though your mother is sitting right next to you, burying her nose in another of the novels she'd checked out from the library two weeks earlier, you can ogle Jake without worrying that she'll catch you.
And goddamn, you're ogling, alright.
It's not like you haven't stared at him enough. Over the past five days, you've barely been doing anything else. Well, except for those times you'd had your eyes closed and his lips on yours, of course. But still, you don't really feel like you could ever possibly get enough of staring at him.
And right now, right now, with the way he climbs out of the pool, arms tensing and flexing, water dropping down his skin, his hands running through his soaking wet hair...
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You bite down on your lip and press your thighs together. God, if you aren't careful, you'll have to disappear into the house and shower early, because you're sure you could not pass the dark spot on your bikini bottoms off as sweat.
Jake turns away to grab his towel and starts to dry off and you're already mulling over how you'll phrase the message you'll send him (something along the lines of 'tell my parents you need to use the bathroom' with a shower selfie attached? You've already sent him way worse things while he'd been at work) when your mother suddenly gasps.
Three heads turn to her simultaneously.
"Jake!", she chokes, her book sinking down into her lap. Jake raises his eyebrows at her, just as clueless as you are. She parts her lips and then clamps her mouth shut again, apparently lost for words. "Your back."
It hits you like a tidal wave.
Oh, shit. Oh, holy fucking shit.
You should've noticed earlier. Much earlier. You should've- God, he'd known, too, hadn't he? But you'd been the one to stare at his back long enough that you should've noticed. Yesterday. You should've noticed the long, red lines running down his skin. Your long, red lines running down his skin. Fuck, fuck-
"Oh, that-"
Jake stumbles over his own words for the first time ever since you've met him. His eyes find yours, for just a moment or two, and you can see the panic in them. It's the second fucking day your parents are back. The second fucking day. And you're already messing up, you're already-
"I knew it", your mother grins, clapping her hands together and letting out a laugh that startles you so hard you flinch. "I knew you were a womanizer after all! I mean, looking like that, there's no other way-"
"Honey!", your father gasps, and she giggles and throws her hands up. But he's grinning too and you know him well enough to say he isn't really mad that she's complimenting Jake.
"Sorry, sorry, just saying." She chuckles to herself and grabs her book again, her voice dropping to a mumble. "I can't believe it though, we go away for five days and suddenly he's hooking up with someone! I think we need to stop inviting him over so often if we want him to find somebody."
Your father laughs and gets up to offer Jake a beer.
"You didn't happen to see who he brought home, did you?", your mother asks, her voice almost too casual to really be casual as she turns her head to look at you with raised eyebrows.
You choke on your breath.
"Um-", you start, but your father already rolls his eyes and saves you without meaning to.
"You're not nosy at all", he chides, resting his beer bottle against her foot. She tugs it away and shakes her head at him.
"Just curious", she grins. "Just curious."
Yeah. Just curious. You pray to god that just curious won't one day expose the little secret you've got going on with Jake. Next time, you'll really have to be more careful with your nails.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 9 months
Teaching You How to Swim
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SUMMARY: You end up revealing that you can't swim/not swim very well, and the OctaTrio offer to teach you how to swim. You choose Azul to teach you. On the day of the lesson he found a secluded small cave to teach you.
CHARACTERS: Azul Ashengrotto x Reader 🐙🦐
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Flirting; Kissing
WORD COUNT: 2.910 words
COMMENTS: This is for the @briarvalleyarchives “Summer Shoreline” event.
To be honest, the initial idea was to write about how each of the three (Azul, Jade and Floyd) would teach you to swim. But I ended up being so inspired and carried away just by Azul's part that I ended up deciding to stick just with him.
BTW: I was born and raised on the coast, so the beach, the ocean, and even rivers, are very close to me. I love swimming and especially diving. I'm just saying this to let you know that I wrote most of this from personal experience.
I hope you enjoy 😉
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One day, you were in the Mostro Lounge talking to the trio and the Tweels comment that they would love to swim with you one day. And you end up revealing that you can't swim/not swim very well. Of course, they saw a deal opportunity.
They offered to teach you how to swim. After all, who better than a merfolk to teach you such a thing? They let you choose which one you would like to be your teacher and then you'll make a deal with him.
“You want me to teach you?” Azul says “Of course! It will be a pleasure, an honor even.”
Despite all Azul’s confidence, you already know him, and something in his voice, a quick little tremor, made you realize that there was some kind of insecurity behind that answer.
The deal you two ended up making came as no surprise from Azul. You would work at Mostro Lounge for a month. And why a whole month?
“I pledge to teach you everything a landfolk would ever need to learn. After all, I will teach you things that could save your life. Don't you think a month is reasonable for such a thing?”
He had a point. But you wanted one more little thing from him. And you said you'd have a deal if he taught you to swim in his merman form. The Tweels started laughing derisively.
“Two months.” Azul trades back, slightly embarrassed.
“One month and one week.” you trade back
“A month and a half.”
“Deal.” You extend your hand for him to shake. He had that charismatic smile on his face. But when he's about to shake your hand, you take it away. “And what guarantees do I have that what you are going to teach me is really enough?”
The Tweels laugh derisively again. Azul himself cannot hide a small smile from the corner of his mouth. He puts his elbows on the table and laces his fingers in front of his lips. The way he's looking at you. Damn, he really knows what he's doing.
“Maybe we shouldn't spend so much time together. You are starting to learn too much from us.” Azul has an amused smile on his face. “We'll do it like this: If someday, something happens that proves that what I taught you wasn't enough, I'll provide you with underwater breath potions whenever you need them, for free.”
“With no limite? You really are confident in your teaching skills.” you comment.
“Of course I am. Are you, perhaps, the one not confident in my teaching skills? You hurt me.”
His little theatrics make you giggle, but you end up making the deal.
Azul found a perfect spot in the north of Sage's Island. Right underneath and behind Night Raven Collage. That beach to the west of the island was too close to the Royal Sword Academy. And a public place where you would risk being seen. Or rather, where he would risk being seen.
He chose a day when the sea was calm, obviously. And the place he found was a small cave.
You had brought your swimsuit under your uniform. You took off your uniform and when you looked back at Azul, he looked... indifferent. The truth is, he came from a place where everyone is practically naked and mermaids only wear a kind of bra. So, nothing much different from having only seen people in a swimsuit all his life.
“I must say that you choose a swimsuit that flatters you.” Azul comments.
“Thank you. How about you?”
“Our deal. You're going to teach me to swim in your merman form, as I recall.”
You see him getting embarrassed. He sighs. “Fine... Go into the water and turn around while I take off my clothes. If you please.”
You start to enter the water, which, surprisingly, is not very cold. The time it took for you to get into the water and get used to the temperature was enough for Azul to take off his clothes and get in the water. You are in an area where you can walk and you only hear someone entering the water. In a deep part to the point where you can't see him. You can see Azul’s clothes neatly folded on a rock.
You start looking around looking for him. You lean against the edge so he doesn't surprise you. You see a huge, dark spot in the water approaching you. And he slowly lifts his head out of the water to look at you.
“Satisfied?” He looks a little sulky.
“Quite.” You smile at him, which makes his embarrassment increase.
“Good... Now... the first thing to learn to swim is to trust the water.”
“What do you mean?”
“From what I've heard, the problem with most landfolks who can't swim is because they're afraid of drowning. They don't trust the water to make them float for example. You need to know how water works in your body to know how to use it.”
“And how do you train your confidence with water?”
“Floating.” He smiles, that smile to make you comfortable. He rises higher in the water, getting the water up to his stomach. “You will lie on the surface, like when you lie on your bed, and I will put my arms behind your back to support you. Merfolk kids love to do this when they go to play on the water surface. And we usually do it to rest.”
You seem not very trustful about it. “This is like how children on earth learn to ride a bicycle then?”
“Bicycles? That two-wheel vehicle? Really, I've always wondered how a person balances on that thing.”
“It also starts with a trust exercise.” you explain “There are bicycles for children to learn to ride that have two small wheels attached to the back wheel, so that the child can get used to the bicycle itself. When the parents think they are ready to remove these two little wheels, the parents hold the seat so that the child isn't afraid of falling. The trick then is to let go when the child is not looking. So when the child sees that they can ride without the help of their parents, they lose their fear and starts to ride alone.”
Azul laughs in amusement. “Interesting. And besides, I'm glad you have the notion that I'm going to let go of you at any moment.” he laughs “But don’t fret. I will only do it when I see that you already feel comfortable in the water. Shall we start?”
You first dive in to get completely wet and get used to the water temperature better. Then Azul places his hands on your back to support you as you lie down. The scary part is getting your feet off the ground. But you feel Azul's hands holding you. You see him above you, partially illuminated by the light from outside the cave.
After a while, you feel more comfortable with your feet on the surface. But you feel like you're still leaning too much on his hands.
“When you float, your ears always end up under the water.” he explains to you. “You must let your head relax. It may seem worrisome when water runs past your ears, but you need to trust that it won't get to your face. Oh, and another thing, try closing your eyes and relaxing. The more rested you are the more easily you will float.”
“It's a bit like quicksand then.”
“I've heard about those. But here you can always get on your feet. So don't be afraid. Water is not your enemy.” He's speaking so gently. So caring.
It's not that friendly tone he uses when talking to customers. Is different. Like he genuinely wants you to learn to swim. That you liked the water. That you liked his world. As if he wants you to, one day, be a part of his world.
You relax your neck, the water rushes past your ears and you no longer hear the outside, just muffled underwater sounds. It's worrying at first, but he was right, the water doesn't reach your face.
You closed your eyes mainly because, although the water doesn't cover your nose or mouth, it reaches a little bit from the tip of your eyes. So it's more comfortable to have them closed.
The sound of underwater is more calming than anyone could imagine. Which helps you to relax. You feel Azul’s hands stop pressing up your back slowly. But the reflex of you raising your head in fear of sinking in the water is inevitable.
“Trust that the water will not let you sink.” he reassures you “If you don't fight it, it won't fight back.”
Take some time until you feel completely confident in the water. But eventually it happens. And when that happens, you don't realize that Azul has let go of you for some time. You only realize when you feel him floating beside you.
You feel his hand holding yours. “Looks like the ocean is starting to fancy you too much.” You hear his voice underwater. You realize that the sea was pulling you a little bit and he’s just holding you for safety.
Or at least that was the case in the beginning. You begin to feel his hand caress yours with his thumb. And when you caress his back, he intertwines his fingers with yours.
You get tired of floating after a while and get back on your feet. The water only reaches your stomach and the same happens with Azul. But when you look down something is strange. You can't see his tentacles. And then you remember a little fun-fact about octopuses.
“Are you camouflaging yourself?”
He gets embarrassed again. “Uh? What? How do you-?... You haven't been researching octopuses, have you?”
Your face says it all. You may or may not have been looking for trivia and facts about octopuses because of him. And additionally about eels because of the twins.
“Wait a second! Does that mean you CAN do that instant camouflage thing?” Your eyes shine with curiosity and wonder, what makes him blush. “That's so cool!”
Despite the blush, he seems slightly upset about it. “Listen, it's just something we're born with. It's nothing special. You shouldn't praise someone for something like that.”
You apologize to him. Were you rude? Did you say something you shouldn't? And he realizes that you felt bad about it.
“I'm sorry. You didn't say anything offensive. It's understandable for a person who has never coexist with merfolks before. Well, to be honest, when I met Jade and Floyd they were a lot more callous about it. And they had no excuse, they are mermen too. But, I understand it can be something cool for those who have never seen it.” he smiles at you so you don't have to worry about it anymore.
“But... why are you doing it now? Are you uncomfortable?”
“*sighs* You know I don't like to show off my merman form. I'm only doing this because it's part of the deal.”
“Hmm? For what?”
“For making you do something you're uncomfortable with. It wasn’t my intention. You don't have to do it if you don't want to.”
“And have you working in Mostro Lounge for only one month?” he smiles amused
“Azul, you-”
“If I really was that uncomfortable, do you think I wouldn't have tried harder to modify the deal?” He speaks calmly and smiling. Then he takes a moment, sigh, close his eyes, relax his shoulders and you see something big and dark slowly appear under the water.
“I'm not uncomfortable around you. Don't think that. I just know that most landfolks don't think this is very...” you see a big black and purple tentacle come out of the water next to you. He looks a little sad at that part of him. “...pretty.” but then he looks at you puzzled. “But you already knew. So why ask me this? Why did you want to see me... like this?”
“This is your true form, isn't it? I love to know you. The real you. And to be honest I think you're quite handsome in any form, especially this one.” You make him blush again.
He looks to the side and seems to have seen something underwater. “Would you like to dive in a bit? Don't worry, I know you can't hold your breath for long. I will bring you to the surface as soon as you need to. I just think you'll enjoy to see something.”
He extends his hand to you, you take it. He pulls you in slightly and places his other arm around your waist. he pulls you into a part so deep you can't touch the ground anymore. But Azul is holding you.
“It's down here. Right below us. Don't worry, it's not too deep.” He speaks to you in a soft, affectionate voice. “Take a deep breath and relax, I got you.”
You take a deep breath and the two of you dive in. He holds your hand tightly and guides you just a little deeper. It's dark. Extremely dark. So much so that you would have started to get scared if he hadn't used his magic pen to completely light up that place. And a bunch of beautiful coloured corals appeared. With the surprise you ended up releasing a little more air and you were starting to need to get back to the surface. So you shake Azul's hand and point up. He immediately but gently pulls you to the surface.
“It's beautiful!” you say after catching your breath, hugged him since you were still in the deep water part of the cave. “I just wish I could hold out longer down there.”
“You wish~?” He grabs you around the waist and leads you back to the shallow end of the water. He is smiling charmingly at you. “Well, you know what the rumors say.” He gestures with the magic pen and a potion floats out of one of his coat pockets onto one of his tentacles. “I can grant any wish.”
You recognize the potion, it's the same vial he gave you to breathe underwater when you went to the Atlantica Memorial Museum. You reach up to take the potion, but he takes it out of your reach.
“Too bad this wasn't part of the deal.” he says with a theatrical sadness in his voice.
“Well, technically it was part of the deal.”
“You would not try to drown yourself on purpose. First because I know you're smarter than that, and second if it's done on purpose it's not valid.”
“I know.” you chuckle “Don't worry, I will never do that on purpose. Thought, you planned this didn't you?”
“You say that as if I were some kind of evil mastermind. *sniff* You hurt me.”
“Hu-hum. And you're going to tell me that you haven't already thought about a deal for that potion there?”
“Oh, don't be so mean. I promise it will be a fair deal.”
“If you want me to work one more week at Mostro Lounge, I'll turn down your offer right away.”
“*chuckle* I must admit that in a way it's more fun when your client sees right through you. Fortunately, I also thought you were going to say something along those lines.” He gets closer you, smiling... kinda... seductively. “You know, it may or may not have reached my ears that you have a crush on someone~ Would that be true?”
You don't even know what to answer. Does he know it's him?
“If it is... It may be mutual, you know...” then he gets slightly more serious “The truth. I think that's a more than a fair price for the potion.”
The truth. In fact, he's quite convincing. So you admit that you have a crush and that that crush is him. He gets closer and puts his arms around your waist, breaking the gap between you two. His nose almost touching yours and his eyes looking passionately into yours.
“So maybe you can fulfill a wish of mine. A wish of ours perhaps?”
He lets you kiss his lips and you feel the hug tightening. You feel his kiss needy, as if he can't get enough of you. But he knows when to part from the kiss.
“Maybe I need to start working on an exclusivity deal after this.” he comments, and brings the tentacle that holds the potion closer to you so you can take it.
He breaks the hug for you to drink the potion. And when you're ready, the two of you go back to diving, hand in hand. Now, you even have time to take a good look at Azul's merman form. You don't want to think he's... big. But compared to the two legs of his human form, those eight tentacles took up a lot of space.
You feel your lower body start to rise, and waving your legs to keep yourself upright is starting to wear you out. Azul is grabbing a rock with his tentacles. You pull yourself close to him and thank him to keep you upright.
Seeing you like this, hugging him, in the midst of those beautiful corals and the calming silence of the water, he can't resist kissing you again.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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stinkyme · 8 months
Hello! Finally it's Chuuya's turn! :D I hope you like it and enjoy it! :)
CW/TW: NSFW, fem!reader, jealousy (kinda), established relationship, reader is wearing a skirt for practicality reasons, semi-public sex (in the office), reader gives Chuuya blowjob & handjob beneath the table, ejaculation in the mouth, shoe riding (reader), Chuuya uses "sweetheart" because reader used it for someone else, prideful reader..kinda, reassurance & apologizing (reader), rougher sex, creampie, if I forgot anything please let me know! :)
* shoe will be cleaned before, don't worry
** I didn't want to make Chuuya as mean and serious as others given that I don't think he would ever be mean to his s/o + given his insecurities and stuff, I imagine him rather shutting down when seriously jealous and hurt than anything. So, I decided to make this lighthearted and Chuuya more so "sassy" and bitter, therefore it's more chill & silly I suppose :3
I apologize for any mistakes in advance! :)
Jealousy sex || Chuuya Nakahara x Reader
"Ahh, you are the cutest!" you say loudly in front of Chuuya's office door, talking to one of your coworkers. This conversation has been going on for a while now, filled with your loud laughs, giggles and praises.
"Look who is speaking. You are the cutest one here..honestly, it makes it easier to come to work in the morning..or night." your coworker replies, so obviously flirting.
Chuuya was already losing his patience, but at this moment all he could do was remain silent as he was waiting for you. There are few parts he can't hear, but this one he hears perfectly.
"Well, thank you so much sweetheart! I will let him know, no worries at all." you say in the sweetest voice you could, making sure Chuuya heard every word.
Frankly, you just thought it would be a little bit funny to see him jealous. You had no ill or malicious intent, you just wanted to get a small reaction out of him.
You open the door, entering Chuuya's office. He was sitting down, evidently piled up in paperwork.
"They finally finished this, luckily it only needs your signature." you say in a bright, happy tone as you walk to his desk, leaving the papers on the side. Chuuya doesn't even lift his head as he speaks.
"Yeah, thanks sweetheart." he says in a slightly bitter tone and it makes you feel excited. You decide to play dumb.
"Aww, you never call me that." you say in a softer tone, observing him.
"Yeah? It seems that's what we call our coworkers here." he says in a disinterested tone, trying to play it off.
"I am more than just your coworker, you know?" you raise your eyebrow, tone barely offended. He remains silent as the sound of the pen fills up the room.
Well, there you have it.
"Okay...can you just sign those papers so I can bring them back?" you ask, losing the playfulness.
"I don't think you will be going anywhere." he says in a mixture of certainess and slyness.
"They can wait." he puts the paper together, gently dropping them on the table for them all to line up. He finally looks at you, his expression revealing hints of frustration.
"You seem mad." you say, corners of your lips resisting a smile. You slowly walk up to him as he turns his chair a bit, making an opening for you.
"I am not mad, merely frustrated." he sighs out as you position yourself on his lap. He places his hand on your waist almost instantly.
"Yeah? Something I can help with?" you gently tilt your head as your voice drops a little bit lower. 
"Surely, maybe stop flirting with people right outside my office." he says in a lower tone as well, but not as lustful like yours.
"So everywhere else is fine?" you tease him as you wrap your arms around his neck, giving him a needy look.
"Watch your mouth." his voice is sharp and his eyes squint in momentary frustration. 
"Ahh, are you jealous?" you tease more, gently brushing your fingertips on the back of his head.
"Hah, don't make me laugh." he chuckles, but you can tell your little joke got to him. You shift a bit in his lap.
It kinda gets to you as well, knowing how good he treats you.
This was unnecessary.
You get slightly lost in thoughts. Chuuya notices and begins slowly kissing your neck which snaps you back into the moment. He gently bites on your skin before he leans his lips closer to your ear.
"If you feel bad, I am sure your mouth can do much more than just annoy me and make me laugh." he whispers, voice a bit raspy and you feel your lower tummy filling with excitement. You give him a little smile and begin gently kissing behind his ear, your fingers playing with his hair as you do. He lets out a little sigh and you can feel his cock getting harder beneath you. You lean away from his neck and get off his lap, placing a quick kiss on his lips. You position yourself beneath the table just in case someone walks in.
Chuuya turns his chair more towards you. You unzip and unbutton his pants as he lifts his hips, helping you to slide his pants and boxers down. His cock is half-hard and you wrap your hand around it, stroking it at a medium pace. Chuuya lets out a little whimper of pleasure and relaxation as his cock quickly gets fully hard inside the pressure of your palm. He keeps watching you, his gaze lingering over your face as his cock throbs inside your palm. You lean closer, your lips slowly wrapping around the tip of his cock. You place your hands on his inner thighs for balance and better access. Your tongue circles around the tip, barely touching it and Chuuya places his shaky hand on top of your head, letting out a soft moan.
You gently rub the tip of your tongue over the rubbery portion of the skin, right beneath his tip. His hips slightly jerk forward as this spot is quite sensitive for Chuuya. He begins slowly thrusting his hips and you meet his movement with your head. You gently suck in your cheeks, pressuring his length as your tongue trails over the underside of his cock. He lets out a bit louder moan as you begin moving faster, creating more vacuum-like sensation and stimulating all of his sweet spots.
Chuuya thrusts his hips deeper, the tip of his cock kissing the back of your throat and you slightly gag. You squeeze his thighs as you keep bobbing your head up and down, moving your tongue in zig-zag motion from time to time. He lets out a sharp groan as you keep applying more pressure and moving faster without giving him a break. You slide one of your hands over his inner thigh, gently cupping his balls and massaging them with your palm and fingertips. He lets a loud gasp, his cock twitching inside your mouth. You slightly arch your back, feeling the precum leaking and coating your panties.
You keep on twirling your tongue around his cock and make your way to the tip, again making a vacuum-like sensation as you suck on it. The tip of your tongue rolls over his meatus, gently pressing in from time to time. Chuuya lets out whimpers and quieter moans more frequently as you bring your other hand and stroke the rest of his cock. He begins quivering in his seat, hips jolting from time to time as he grips your hair slightly. You begin pressuring his balls a little bit more as your tongue slides over the sides of his tip - moving in endless circles. Your strokes become faster and you can feel him pulsing inside your palm.
"Fuck-!" he lets out a bit loudly, a gasp preventing him from speaking further. You smile as you continue your treatment, your panties soaking at this point.
Chuuya's body starts twitching more as he gets closer to his release, throwing his head back to lean against the chair back. He lets out guttural whimpers and moans as you keep up your pace, stimulating all of his sensitive parts and spots. You feel his precum melting on your tongue and it quickly turns into thicker portions. Chuuya is breathing heavily, his breath short and quick as moans keep filling up the room. You feel his tip twitch inside your mouth as he becomes silent for a moment, multiple thick portions of cum finally leaking out of his tip.
As soon as he begins orgasming, he continues letting out shaky moans, his thighs twitching. You keep stroking his cock throughout the whole length of his climax. You swiftly slide your tongue over his meatus, cleaning it as well as swallowing all the cum he released inside your mouth. You slowly let go of his balls as his body relaxes. Using an opportunity, you roughly suck on his sensitive tip a few more times, earning a few loud gasps and a sharp whimper from Chuuya. You let go of his cock as you unwrap your lips, observing his slightly red tip. He swallows, his breathing a bit more intense due to the last move you pulled.
"So, did I earn your forgiveness?" you ask teasingly as you clean the corners of your mouth with your finger. Chuuya gives you a look that was almost telling you "as if".
"You will have to work a bit harder for that." he says slightly breathless as he opens the drawer of the table. You begin slowly standing up and he swiftly puts you back down using his hand. He pushes the top of your head and you kneel in front of him again.
"Not so quick." he says in a serious tone as he takes out the wipe using it to clean his leather shoe.
"I still have paperwork to do, if you want to please yourself.." he pauses and taps his foot on the ground.
"You are mean." you say, slightly pouting.
"You are lucky I even cleaned it." he says with a bitter tone and you furrow your eyebrows at him.
"I am simply busy, sweetheart." he mimics the way you said it before. You sigh out as it seems he hasn't forgiven you yet. 
You slide your panties to the side as you spread your legs as much as possible for your clit to reach the shoe. Your arms wrap around his calf as you try to rub your clit, very unsuccessfully.
Of course he had to make it as impractical as possible. A dickhead.
"Could you at least lift it a little bit?" you ask in a slightly annoyed tone.
"Sure." he says as he doesn't look at you, his cheek resting on his hand as he uses his other hand to write. He lifts his foot abruptly which results in your pussy getting a light slap. You let out a little yelp and Chuuya doesn't even react. You begin slowly grinding on his shoe, your clit finally receiving awaited friction. Embarrassed? Of course you feel a bit embarrassed, but you are too needy to care. You cling onto his calf more as he continues doing the paperwork, not paying attention. A light moan escapes your throat as you rub against the very sensitive spot. 
However, your panties keep slipping back into place which annoys you. You let go of his calf, using one of your hands to keep your panties on the side as you use the other one to provide you support from behind, angling your hips a bit better. Unfortunately, with how cramped it is, it just irritates you even more as there is barely any proper friction. You are too prideful right now, so you keep barely riding his leather shoe, letting out a few moans here and there as you rub the right spot.
Thankfully, you are wet enough so this shouldn't take too long even if orgasm doesn't end up to be intense. You keep on riding his shoe, arching your back a bit more to find a better angle. You finally do as your clit only slides over the tip of his shoe. You let out softer moans, trying to be as quiet as possible. Your movement is quick as you are eager and desperate to cum. Chuuya suddenly lowers the shoe, as soon as your moans get louder, leaving your pussy deprived.
"I know you have evident issues with your loudness, but you will have to keep it down." he says in a serious tone as he looks down at you. 
"Funny coming from you." you say with a slightly accusatory tone.
"It's not my loudness that you have a problem with." you say irritated and he just gives you a small shrug, a little sly smile spreading on his face.
"And your pants are still down, so, you definitely don't bother thinking about somebody walking in or hearing anything." you say bitterly and he shrugs again. You know he just wants to delay your orgasm or make you beg for him.
"You saw right through me. Now what, sweetheart?" he asks in a lower tone.
"Oh will you let that go?! You are a vengeful man." you say slightly louder as you move up, almost hitting your head on the table. He just lifts his foot again, slapping your pussy once more and you gasp out. You almost immediately begin riding his shoe, in a messy and incoherent pace as you are getting annoyed.
You hear Chuuya chuckle as he watches you struggle and you slap his leg. A little "fuck you asshole" escapes your mouth before you can even think it through and your blood freezes as Chuuya's gaze becomes heavy.
"What was that?" he asks, tone low and almost threatening.
"Nothing." you reply quickly as you continue riding his shoe, now more shaky.
"Nothing?" he says as he gives you a prolonged gaze. You let out a small whimper as he lifts his foot a bit more, roughly pressing it into your cunt. You keep on rubbing your clit, quickly building up your orgasm. Your squeeze on his calf tightens as your pussy begins clenching around nothing, a warm heat spreading inside your lower tummy. Chuuya's gaze is heavy and he isn't looking away, completely focusing on you. You keep letting out softer whimpers as your thighs begin to weaken, first waves of orgasm tingling inside your lower tummy.
You are so desperate to cum; you can feel the precum sliding down your pussy and tickling your inner lips. You let out a bit of a sharper moan as you feel your orgasm fully on the edge. Your body is tense, besides your hips that keep rolling in and out, twitching more and more. Just as you are about to reach your release, Chuuya slides his foot away making your hips drop. You drop on the ground and the first thing that comes out of your mouth is desperation.
"Fine! I get it! I am sorry, please let me cum!" you say in a quick and defeated tone. Chuuya almost laughs.
"I have never gotten a worse apology...or begging." he says as he raises his eyebrow.
"...I wasn't begging." you say quietly. You feel a bit prideful, but you feel your pussy tingle with a need for release.
"...Fine..I am sorry for...flirting with that person and calling them a sweetheart, I will never do it again!" you close your eyes as you apologize, unable to look at him.
"I am sorry for calling you an asshole..and for telling you to fuck yourself." you say a bit quieter, looking to the side.
"And?" he asks, obviously amused by your state.
"...And...you are the only one for me, I truly had no intentions of hurting you or anything like that..it was just a stupid way for me to get a reaction out of you. I am really sorry." you say in a softer tone as you finally look at him. 
"Happy?" you cross your arms as you look to the side again.
"Not quite." he says as he moves the chair back, taking your forearm and pulling you towards him. You uncross your arms and finally stand up, your legs feeling sore. He gently lifts you up, holding you beneath your thighs and places you on the table. 
"There is still some frustration I have to deal with, partly because of the work and mostly because of you." he says in a lower tone as he spreads your legs with his hands. 
"But I apologized." you say slightly confused.
"You did, but that asshole, "makes it easier to come to work, blah blah", didn't." he imitates the coworker and it makes you chuckle a little bit.
"And I would rather take it out on you." his tone switches to a lickerish one that sends a quick knot inside your tummy. He gently kisses the side of your neck as he slowly pumps his cock couple of times. He lifts up your skirt and his fingers slide your panties to the side as he aligns his tip with your inner lips, quickly sliding his cock in with one fast thrust. Both of you gasp in as he picks up the pace, his hands resting on top of your thighs. He thrusts quickly, not giving a single break to your g-spot.
"Try to keep quiet, even though I doubt you will be able to." he teases, slightly breathless as his whimpers follow quickly. You narrow your eyebrows, wanting to protest but all that comes out of your mouth are soft moans. You wrap your arms around his neck, your legs too weak to move. His skin is slapping yours, producing loud and wet sounds as his pace remains relentless. Chuuya's whimpers turn into softer groans each time his cock reaches the deepest spot inside of you. You feel lightheaded and blissful as all of your sweet spots get stimulated, especially when your most sensitive one gets pressured. You let out louder moans, your breath cutting shorter and shorter as he keeps pounding into you. He presses his lips against yours, muffling the sounds. You part your lips and his tongue finds yours quickly, the two of you panting inside each other's mouth.
You move one of your hands and slide your fingers beneath his choker, pulling him closer as the pleasure gets too good. Chuuya swiftly extends his thumb, finding your clit and begins making slow circles on it, complimenting and toning down the vigorous pace of his hips. You gasp out as your tummy twirls with heat, finding strength to squeeze his hips with your thighs. You slowly pull away from the kiss, swallowing quickly as your moans get louder. Chuuya narrows his hips a little bit, reaching even deeper as he does so. You choke out a sharp whine as the sensations get overwhelming, your orgasm coming in prolonged, warm waves.
You slide your fingers out of the grip of Chuuya's choker and neck, gripping on his messed up shirt. His cock starts twitching inside of you as your pussy pulsates and warms up around him, your climax closer. Each time his cock twitches it sends a jolting sensation through your tummy and chest as it pressures your sensitive spot. Your tummy warms up even more, the heat reaching your neck and cheeks as Chuuya keeps circling his thumb on your clit as well as the merciless pace of his hips. Little gasps escape your throat, merging with Chuuya guttural groans.
Your release is on its brink, making your body shake and become weak. With a few more gentle circles and heavy, deep thrusts you finally reach your climax, eyes rolling in the back of your head. Your heavy panting, gasping and moaning drowns out Chuuya's grunts and whimpers. Your legs become weak, falling off of Chuuya's hips as your orgasm reaches its peak. His pace becomes messier as he moves his thumb away from your clit, closer to his own release. His groans and whimpers turn into heavy panting as he places his hands on your hips, squeezing them tightly. He puts his head close to your neck, leaning his cheek on yours and letting his warm, quick breath spread on your ear. It makes your pussy clench around him a couple of times and he lets out a loud gasp, twitching inside of you.
He bites into your neck as he finally reaches his orgasm, releasing a few thicker ropes of cum inside of you. The sensation sends tingles up your spine as your legs shiver, a soft moan slipping past your lips. He slows down his pace, making one last deep thrust and staying like that for a few moments. He slowly lets go of your neck, placing a soft kiss on your lips with his trembling ones. Your breathing calms down and he shakily pulls out, trying not to make a mess. You feel shaky yourself as you slowly get off of the table. As you adjust your skirt and panties, you finally speak up.
"For what it's worth, seeing you here makes coming to work easier." you say with a soft smile. Chuuya stops adjusting his pants as he looks at you with a confused and unimpressed gaze.
"We literally live together." he deadpans as he zips his pants.
"Oh." you say slightly surprised, nodding to yourself.
"And it takes five hours to drag your ass out of bed." he continues in a more playful tone.
"Hey! That's only because you-" he cuts you off with a quick kiss.
"I know you enjoy seeing me here, but get back to work before we get fired or worse." he says a bit teasingly as he hands you the papers.
"Goodbye sweetheart, I love you." he winks as he places a kiss on your cheek as he quickly leaves the office.
You will definitely get him back for this once you come home.
The End :) <3
I hope you liked it and enjoyed it! :D <3
Thank you so much for all the love and support, it means a lot to me! :) <3
Forehead kisses for everyone :3
tags: @r-e-m-i <3 @sukiischaotic <3
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Falling for you
Summary: When you decided to bring your daughter to Colombia to work for the CIA to take Pablo Escobar down, you never thought you would find someone to fall in love with....
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem. reader
Wordcount: 6.2k
Rating: E
Warnings: colleagues to friends to lovers, reader has a daughter, mentions of dead husband, death of best friend, angst, fluff, domestic Javi, kissing, smut (unprotected sex), feeeeeelings
A/N: This fic has been in the making for almost 2 years. I can't really explain why, but it took a long time and before I keep on editing it, I put it out in the world. I'm aware the last thing the CIA would do is send a single mother with her child to Columbia in the eighties but this is fiction and I don't want to hear complaints lol Also please let me know how you like the mood boards this year. I'm trying to change things up
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
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“He’s starring again.” You looked up from the file you were reading, looking at your partner Enrique before you let your eyes wander to the desk across the room. You had been here in Colombia for a good three months now. It might have been the worst idea you ever had to take your daughter with you to one of the most dangerous countries in the world, but it was not like something was holding you back in the states. 
You were used to the looks of all the men who thought they were more important than you. 
More intelligent than you.
The whispers behind your back. 
The catcalls. 
How they always tried to talk over you. But they didn’t know what you knew. They didn’t know the resources you had. Working as one of the few women at the CIA as an active agent took a lot from you. But you did it for the greater good. You did not talk to many of the men working in your department. Except for your partner Enrique and your supervisor. You and Enrique had been working together back in the states and him coming with you was one of the conditions you had before you agreed to go. You needed someone you could trust if you would work here to help to take down the biggest drug cartel in the world. You needed someone you could trust your daughter with, apart from the two nannies the CIA was providing all around the clock. 
Of course the safer and easier way would have been to stay back in the states. Where your daughter could play outside without being watched by at least one CIA Agent. But ever since your husband died almost four years ago on a mission, you had been searching for the change you needed in your life. And against all better judgement you found yourself agreeing to go and take your six year old daughter Eva with you to Colombia. Was it crazy? Obviously. Did it still feel like the right decision? Absolutely.
Javier Peña was looking at you, a cigarette between his lips. The first three buttons of his baby blue shirt were open and his finger kept rubbing over the side of his face. You nodded at him before you focused back on the files in front of you.
“Do you think he would still look at you like that if he knew about Eva?” Enrique whispered. You rolled your eyes. 
“He can look at me all he wants. I know how good I look today,” you chuckled and made him laugh. You were wearing a white silk blouse and dark red dress pants.
You did enjoy flirting with Javier Peña. 
He and his partner Steve were the only ones around here who actually talked to you. And in Javier’s case, try to get into your pants. And a part of you did enjoy the attention you got for him.
No one had looked at you like he did since your late husband. 
And even though you knew it was dangerous to entertain his flirtations, you found yourself doing it. You found yourself thinking about him more often, even though you knew that nothing would ever come out of it. He was, well, he was Javier Peña. Fucking everything that just looked his way and you were a widowed single mom. 
Of course you did enjoy it when he invited you for a drink after work at the bar around the corner. Who wouldn’t enjoy being invited for a drink by a handsome man? The problem you had was that he knew exactly how handsome he was and he knew how to use it. Because deep down, in the moments Javier Peña was just himself and not the guarded DEA Agent with commitment issues, you could see him as a man you could fall in love with.
“Why did we end up in this shithole again?” Enrique asked. You were about to answer when Carillo came back in, shouting in Spanish and everyone around got up and moved.
“What’s happening?” You asked, internally cursing yourself for not knowing more Spanish.
“Something about La Quico and a brothel?” 
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There was something about La Quico and a brothel and you knew from the moment you heard about the intel and the plan that it would go to shit. Now, as you were standing outside, bulletproof vest still on, watching how body after body was carried out of the building, you kept shaking your head. 
If any of these fuckers would have just listened to you. 
Woman after woman was carried out. Dead. But your knees almost gave out when you saw your partner's lifeless body being carried out. Hugging yourself, you looked away from him and up to the sky to stop yourself from crying, They did not need to see you crying. You would wait to break down until you were home and after your daughter was tucked it.
You felt someone stand next to you.
“I’m sorry,” Javier said and you breathed in deeply, not looking away from the sky.
“It���s not your fault,” you answered quietly. Because it wasn’t. Javier actually had been more than vocal about what a shit idea this was in the first place.
“I’m still sorry,” you smelled the smoke he breathed out and you finally looked at him. He looked as tired as you felt. You reached for the cigarette between his lips inhaling the smoke yourself, before you handed it back to him. Steve came to stand beside him, the same tired expression on his face.
“I think we could all use a drink,” he said and you sighed.
“He’s been my partner for more than 8 years. And my friend for almost 20,” you shook your head, looking at Steve before your eyes fell back on Javier.
“I really wanna go home.” 
“We’ll take you.” Steve said.
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You could still see the lights on in your daughters room and you sighed. You weren’t ready to tell her that her Uncle Ric wouldn’t be helping her with her Spanish skills anymore, that he wouldn’t help her paint her bedroom after he made the big plan for her to get her jungle book room.
“I’ll walk you in,” Javier said as the car stopped. You only nodded, saying your thanks to Steve as you stepped out and walked across the street. 
“Are you okay on your own tonight?” He asked, as you opened the door to the house, walking in. Javier kept following you.
“I’m not alone, and I am planning on getting drunk and then cry myself to sleep. It’s Saturday tomorrow right?” You asked and he nodded. 
“I guess I’ll see you on Monday,” Javier said quietly. You felt the tears in the corner of your eyes and you prayed he would just turn around and leave. You just nodded, your lips already trembling. The reality of how alone you felt hit you like a brick as you looked at the apartment door across from yours, where Enrique lived… used to live. 
“Please go Javier. I don’t need you to see me breaking down,” you pleaded and turned away from him, putting the key into the lock of your apartment.
He sighed before he said your name. You felt his hand on your shoulder and against your better judgement you turned around and let him pull you against him, as you sobbed into his shirt.
You blamed it on the loss of your best friend, the need to feel something, that you just leaned in, your ear on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as his hands rubbed soothingly over your back.
“You are going to get through this,” he whispered. You enjoyed this moment. Standing outside of your apartment in his arms. He wasn’t being a flirt. He was just there to comfort you. You breathed in deeply, his scent in your nose and you had never noticed just how good he smelled.
“Thank you Javier,” you whispered and brought some distance in between you. Looking up into his tired eyes, the hint of a smile on his lips as he looked at you, you were more than grateful when you heard footsteps behind your door. Untangling yourself from him you brushed your tears away and put a smile on your lips just in time before the door opened. Eva jumped into your arms as you turned around.
“I missed you Mommy!” She giggled and you felt yourself smile as you picked her up and carried her in your arms.
“I missed you too, princess,” you whispered into her hair, before you set her down.
Looking up you saw Maria standing there with a tired smile on her lips. 
“I tried everything Miss, but she wanted to wait until you’re home.” 
“It’s okay. Thank you,” you nodded at her. She looked behind you and you followed her gaze, finding Javier standing in your door as if he was out of place. Maria nodded at him as she said her goodbyes. He stepped out of her way as she left.
“Either in or out Pena,” you said. He looked at you, about to open his mouth when Eva came back with a painting she had made today.
“Who is that?” She asked looking at Javier.
“That is one of the Agents I’m working with,” you explained nodding at him. He still looked between you and Eva like a fish out of the water before he shook out of it.
“I’m Javi. And I should go before my partner drives off without me,” he said the last words looking at you. You nodded.
“Bye Javi. Thanks for bringing my mom home safe,” Eva smiled, and you sighed.
“Go brush your teeth, I’ll tuck you in in just a moment, okay?” You smiled down at her, your hands brushing over her cheek before you leaned down to kiss her forehead. She nodded, waving towards Javier and left the room to go to the bathroom.
“She’s a…” Javier began.
“Yeah,” you nodded, walking towards him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked.
“You never asked,” you shrugged. He nodded. You could see the many questions he had in his eyes. 
“Will the two of you be okay here tonight? Alone?”
“We will. Thank you. And now go, before Steve actually drives off without you,“ you smiled forced.
“Okay. I’ll see you on Monday?” He asked, sucking his bottom lip in. You nodded.
“Good night Javier,” He nodded too and turned around, slowly walking down the hallway.
“It’s Javi,” he called over his shoulder and you frowned.
“Friends get to call me Javi,” he looked at you. You had to smile at that before you finally closed the door behind you.
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Within two weeks after this day, everything had changed. You moved into the same building as Javi and Steve, after a brief visit to the states for Enrique’s funeral. You actually found a close friend in Steve’s wife Connie. But most of all the absence of your best friend had been hard on you. 
You never actually told him how grateful you were for his help. And for coming to this country with you, just because you felt the need to change your life. You spend the nights crying yourself to sleep, feeling responsible for his death. If he hadn’t agreed to come down to Colombia with you, he would still be alive. 
And you wouldn’t have to look into your daughters sad eyes when she remembered that Uncle Ric wouldn’t come around to cook her favourite meal. You never learned the secret on what exactly Enrique did with the mac & cheese that made her go absolutely nuts, and now you wouldn’t have a chance to. 
Work had been one big mess ever since the fail at the brothel. And it took all willpower you had to not go around and tell everyone “I told you so”. You also had a new partner. Well, two. Steve and Javier insisted on you joining them. Not that you had a chance when you came back on Monday morning and your desk was standing a joined to theirs. You had spend the whole weekend crying when you weren’t around Eva and this had almost made you tear up again.
Javier had almost entirely stopped flirting with you, which was the biggest change. He had actually been nothing but nice and respectful and you were wondering what it was that made him like this. Not that you minded. 
He made the effort to get to know you, asking little question here and there. Asking about Eva and what her hobbies were. 
You were fascinated by this side of Javi you got to know now. 
But somehow you missed the way he used to look at you. 
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“What are you doing this weekend?” Steve asked, as you were sitting over another file of leads going nowhere.
“We wanted to paint Eva’s room. She chose green. And I absolutely hate it,” you chuckled.
“How come you never told anyone you had a kid?” He asked, leaning back in his chair.
“No one ever asked,” You shrugged. 
“People don’t really talk to me because I'm CIA and I'm a woman. And I don’t speak more than 10 words of Spanish.”
“Yikes, we really are assholes,” Steve shook his head and you laughed.
“Well… You’re not that bad. And you have a wife that bakes cake, so you’re on my good side,” you joked and Steve chuckled. 
“But what is going on with Javier lately?”
“So you noticed it too? I kept asking him but he just shrugged it off.” 
“Maybe he needs to get laid,” you shrugged and Steve grinned.
“You offering?” You heard Javier’s voice behind you and you glared at Steve who tried not to laugh. Turning in your seat you looked up at the man in question. He grinned down at you.
“What if I told you I'm a lesbian?”
“That would only make it hotter,” he winked. You turned in your seat looking at Steve. “Okay I think he’s back.” You chuckled.
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“If you need any help, just say the word,” Steve said as you walked down the hallway. It was Friday and you had just come home. One of the perks of living together with Javi and Steve was that you could use one car to get to work. 
“Will do, thanks!” You smiled. 
“Help with what?” Javi asked, standing next to you. You were now occupying the apartment across from him.
“I want to paint Eva’s room tomorrow. And let’s just say it’s not my biggest talent. Enrique used to do things like that. He actually planned the whole thing,” you smiled sadly looking at the floor before you breathed in deeply and looked at Javi. He had a strange expression on his face.
“What about I’ll come help and you cook that thing you have been cooking last weekend?” he rubbed his moustache.
“You can come over for some food without working, Javi,” you said right away. 
“You tell me that now? What is it you cooked there last week?”
“I’m trying to figure out how Enrique made his mac & cheese cause Eva loved it so much.” You said quietly. You could hear her laughter behind the door.
“Sorry. I… Fuck. I keep reminding you of his death,” Javier shook his head.
“You’ve been a big help. I mean it. And if you want to spend your Saturday painting my daughter's room, you are welcome to do it,” you shrugged. He smiled a little.
“Okay. See you tomorrow then.” 
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One thing you noticed since moving was that Javier was a night owl. Of course you knew about his reputation but you didn’t judge him. He was an attractive man. If you were him you would use that to your advantage too. When Eva was in bed, and you were sitting in yours, a glass of wine in hand as you continued to work on files it was more than once that you heard just how much of a night owl Javier was. Either his women were very good actors or he really knew what he was doing.  
“Mommy?” You heard the sleepy voice of your daughter and looked up from your book. She was standing in your door, her hair a wild mess. You looked at the clock. Nearly 1 am.
“Bad dream?” You asked. You saw her nod.
“Come here,” you smiled.
She climbed under your covers, snuggling to your side as you closed your book, setting it down on the bedside table. 
“Wanna talk about it?” you asked softly, stroking away her hair so you could look at her. She shook her head. 
“Okay,” you kissed her head.
It was a couple minutes later, you thought she was already asleep when she mumbled. 
“You are not gonna leave me too mommy, right?” she whispered. 
You gulped, pulling her closer towards you. 
“I’m never gonna leave you baby,” you promised, your heart breaking. 
She nodded. 
“I miss Uncle Ric,” she said. You fought the tears. 
“I miss him too,” you whispered. 
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You didn’t know how long you laid in bed, watching your daughter fall asleep. You had questioned coming to Colombia from the beginning. 
You had been looking to change jobs for a while, and the job in Colombia was the only job the CIA had offered to various agents who had all declined it. Now that you were living here, you knew why. 
It was beyond dangerous to take your daughter to this country. The CIA took your safety serious, which could have to do with how your late husbands death, which happened on a mission the CIA fucked up. 
You could have asked the CIA for everything and they probably would have given it to you, just to keep you quiet. And maybe you should just have taken the money they offered you, buy a house on the beach, settle down with your daughter somewhere safe. 
But there was always a little part of you brain that wanted to…. Avenge the death of your husband who had died because he found himself in the middle of a cartel deal gone wrong in Mexico. 
You looked at your daughter, hoping that your selfish decision would not cost her more of her family in the future, before you let yourself finally drift of to sleep. 
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There was a knock on the door just as you finished washing the dishes from breakfast. Eva was wearing a bright blue kids overall you had bought while getting supplies to paint, running past you to the door before she stopped and turned around. 
„Can I open Mommy?“ She asked. 
„You gotta ask whose there first,“ you remind her and she nodded.
„WHO’S THERE?“ She yelled loudly through the door and you chuckled. 
„Uh…. Javi?“ The man behind the door said, sounding it like a question. Eva looked at you and you nodded at her and she unlocked the door and opened it. 
Javi looked at Eva then at you before he stepped into your apartment. 
„Next time we need the codeword from you Javi,“ Eva said and he nodded seriously. 
„What is the codeword?“
„Pancakes,“ she whispered loudly.
„Good morning,“ he said a little awkward. Eva threw the door closed behind him, before she ran back towards her room. 
You shook your head amused.
„Good Morning Javi. Ready to spend time with a six year old girl who is obsessed with the jungle book?“ You asked, drying your hands, before you turned around to him. 
He was wearing some older looking jeans and a white, very tight, T-Shirt. 
„I have you know I have a lot of younger cousins. I think I can handle one girl,“ he said over confident and you nodded. 
„We will see,“ you said, a smile playing around your lips before you nodded with your head towards your daughters bedroom.
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You stopped counting after the tenth time Eva insisted on replaying The Bare Necessities. It was a surprisingly fun day. 
You had to admit that you had underestimated Javier Peña.
You knew he was good at his job, but you didn’t know he was good with children. He explained every step he made to paint the walls to Eva and praised her when she began to paint herself. And he listened to every story your daughter told him. Never annoyed with her, always asking follow up questions. 
And once she brought out her little recorder and played the jungle book tape you even noticed him humming along to the song, making you smile as you watched them both together. 
They had both threw you out of her room so you could make dinner, leaving Javi and Eva to rearrange her room now that it was finished painting. 
You could hear them laugh and you found yourself smiling to yourself. You missed the sound of her laughter ever since Enrique died. 
You had put the Mac & cheese into the oven when Javier walked into your kitchen. 
He had paint all over his arms, his shirt too. There was a smile on his lips and you found yourself smiling back. 
„Enough Jungle book?“ You asked and he huffed a laugh. 
„For now. She’s rearranging her stuffed animals on her bed,“ he said, leaning with his hip at the kitchen counter, watching you. 
„Oh good. This will take her at least an hour. She’s a little perfectionist,“ you said. 
„That’s… That’s good…“ Javi hummed and you frowned, turning towards him. He had a hand on his hip, his other hand pulling at his lip as he looked at you. 
„Why?“ You asked. 
He seemed… nervous. His eyes focused on you, seemingly fighting with himself about something. 
„Javi…“ you started but he stepped towards you, one of his hands coming up to touch your cheek, his thumb brushing over your lips. Your breath hitched and you looked at him with wide eyes, your lips slightly parted. 
You were nervous, but not in a bad way. It was more… anticipation of what would happen next. 
„Can I kiss you?“ He asked. Instead of answering you nodded slowly, seeing him smile before he leaned in and kissed you softly. Your eyes slipped close and his lips found yours. You felt his other hand come to rest on the back of your head, and he slowly guided you so your back was against the counter as he slowly deepened the kiss. His tongue brushing over your lips until you parted them for him, sighing against his mouth. You rested one of your hands on his chest, your other hand in his hair as he moved his lips over yours. 
He rested his forehead against yours as he parted form your lips, both of you panting for air. 
„Wow,“ you whispered, opening your eyes. He was smiling at you. 
„Yeah,“ he whispered, kissing you again. 
You both jumped apart when you heard Eva call for you. You felt like a teenager who got caught doing something they shouldn’t be doing when you looked at Javi. You both chuckled at each other and you took a deep breath. 
„I should check on her,“ you said. He nodded. 
„Go. I’ll keep an eye on dinner,“ he said. You ran a hand through your hair, before you turned around, seeing Javi adjust himself out of the corner of your eyes. 
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Date Nights were not something you ever had before. Yes you went on dates when you were married, but there was never a big fuss about it. 
Javier on the other hand, had taken you out every Friday night since you kissed. And it didn’t matter that you couldn’t openly date, not just because of work, but because the cartels had eyes everywhere, you were just happy to bet able to spend time with him outside of work.
Steve and Connie were happy to watch Eva for the evening, happy to have someone to play with their recently adopted daughter Olivia. You had been there in the house when Olivia was found. The scene still haunting your dreams. 
Javier and you remained strictly professional at work. Of course there was talk about how Javier hadn’t been to a brothels in some time, but no one ever dared to ask, because he still got his intel from the girls. 
You weren’t officially dating, but the both of you spend almost all your free time together. Things had become so domestic that even Eva seemed to realise things were changing. Not that you were hiding it from her. Javier had started to hang out at your place some more. Dinner for the three of you becoming a almost daily fixture whenever Javi was around and not working. 
There were secret touches around Eva at the beginning until she caught Javier kissing you goodbye one night. She had a million questions for the both of you, and you had to give it to Javi, he answered every single one of them until Eva was satisfied, allowing him to date her mommy which you found beyond adorable. 
You could never even entertain the thought of dating someone your daughter didn’t like. 
That your daughter approved of this new man in your life made the change that was coming even harder. 
Things in Colombia were getting more and more dangerous, leaving you to make the difficult decision to go back to the states. You had put in a request to get relocated which had been approved the week before. 
You and Eva would be going back tomorrow leaving you to have to start over again. It had actually been Javier who had brought his concerns in the first place about you and your daughters safety up. You knew that coming to Colombia as a woman working for the CIA would put a target on your back. But the cruelty of the cartels and above all Pablo Escobar were at an all time high and to hard to ignore much longer. 
So this Friday night would be your last date night with Javier for a while. He had taken you out to your favourite restaurant and held your hand all night, proud to show you off now that the both of you did not have to hide anymore. 
It was the first time he kissed you in a crowded room, unafraid of who was watching. Because he knew you would be safe and out of the country in less than 15 hours. 
And while the two of you had kissed for the first time almost three months before, you did not have sex yet. 
Something you meant to change tonight. 
You unlocked the door to your apartment, inviting him in. He had helped you put your whole life in boxes, promising to oversee them being shipped off to your new home. 
„You gonna tell me where you going yet?“ He asked as you made the both of you a drink. You bit your bottom lip as you turned around, handing him the glass. 
He knew you were going to Texas, he just didn’t know where. 
Javier took a sip while you took one too before you set the glass down on the kitchen table. 
„Laredo,“ you said and his eyes widened. 
„I’m transferring to the DEA in Laredo, Texas,“ you added, waiting for his reaction. You never really talked about the future. But Javier was a man you could see yourself growing old with. You knew he had his own demons, thinking he did not deserve to be loved. 
He had told you that he wanted to work on himself once he was finished with Colombia. 
„Say that again,“ he asked you. He was looking at you with warm eyes, a smile forming on his lips. 
„Eva and me will be moving to Laredo, Texas,“ you said, smiling yourself. 
„Where?“ He asked.
„I found a house. But it needs some work. So I talked to your Dad the last time he called to ask for some help to find a contractor and he offered us his guest room,“ you said shyly. Javi laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.
He sat the glass down and walked to you, his hands crossing on your lower back, his chest against yours. 
„You did this all behind my back?“ He asked. You nodded. 
„Surprise?“ You asked and he kissed you. 
„You gonna be on our farm?“
„Eva is already looking forward to learn how to ride a horse,“ you nodded. 
„Fuck, she’s gonna have my Dad wrapped around her little finger in no time,“ he chuckled.
„Just like she has you?“ You asked and cried out in laughter as he dinged his fingers into your side, making you giggle. 
„Rude,“ he said. 
„But true,“ you shrugged and he kissed you again. 
„I’m not complaining,“ he mumbled against your lips. You sighed as his lips slowly kissed down your jaw and then your neck. 
„Javi,“ you gasped and he hummed against your skin. 
„Please take me to bed,“ you whispered and he looked up at you. 
„Are you asking me…“
„Yeah…“ you nodded, both of your hands resting against his chest. He took a deep breath. 
„I need words,“ he clarified and you got on your tiptoes. 
„I wanna have sex with you Javier,“ you whispered against his ear.
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He took his time undressing you, once you made it to your bedroom. His lips following a path of every inch of skin he revealed. When you were standing in just your underwear in front of him before he kissed you, mumbling against your lips how beautiful you were, before he helped you strip him off his clothes. 
You gulped when you saw his cock for the first time, not really surprised at the lack of underwear on his side. Biting your lip you looked up at him, seeing him wink at you before he kissed you again. 
He laid you down on your bed, his lips never leaving yours. 
You moaned when you felt his weight on top of you, his arms resting next to your head to keep him hovering above you. You felt him rub against you, his cock rubbing against your stomach, making you both groan. 
He slowly kissed down your body. 
Your neck.
Your collarbone. 
Right between your breasts. He looked up at you then a question in his eyes. You arched your back and he smiled as he reached around and unhooked your bra, slowly pulling it down your shoulders until he could pull it off. 
„Beautiful,“ he hummed, his lips kissing the top of each breast before he sucked one of your nipples into his mouth. You whimpered, your back arching again, your hands playing with his hair to keep him close. 
He moaned against your skin, his tongue playing with your now hard nipple inside his mouth. 
„Javi,“ you moaned softly and  he released your nipple. 
„Prettiest tits I’ve ever seen,“ he grinned and you felt yourself flush, giving him a shy smile. 
„I wanna taste you,“ he said, kissing your other breast. 
„Mhhh,“ you hummed.
His lips wandered down your body, his tongue dipping into your belly button with a grin before he kissed right above your panty line. 
You released a shaky breath and he smiled at you. 
„Can I take this off?“ He asked. You nodded, biting your lip. His fingers slipped under the fabric of your panties and he kneeled between your legs pulling them down. Both of his hand ran up your thigh as he leaned back down, his face resting just above your pussy. 
„You’re so wet,“ he said in wonder and you smiled. 
„Just for you.“
He hummed before his face lowered and his lips kissed just above your clit. He inhaled deeply, releasing a groan. 
„Gonna miss this when you’re gone,“ he whispered and you sighed. 
„Guess you have to come home to me quickly then,“ you said and he smiled as he looked up at you. 
„I like the sound of that,“ he said.
„What?“ You asked. 
„Coming home to you,“ he whispered before he licked into you. You grabbed the bedsheet beneath you as he began to eat you out, parting your legs even further. His big hands kept you in place while he devoured you. His tongue playing with your clit before it dipped down and into you. 
„Javi please…“ you moaned.
„Please what?“ He asked.
„Make me cum?“ You begged and he chuckled. 
„Already begging for me….“ He teased and you lightly kicked him in his side, making him chuckle before he leaned back in, eating you out until you were moaning his name, your legs shaking in his hold. He kissed your pussy after you calmed down and have you a proud grin and he leaned back above you, his lips finding yours to give you a deep kiss where you could taste yourself. 
You angled one leg behind him, pushing him down against you. 
„Fuck me, Javi. I want you inside of me,“ you mumbled against his lips.
„Fuck,“ he cursed. He grabbed his cock, lining himself up against your pussy. 
You both moaned when he slowly sank into you. Inch by inch filling you smoothly until his whole cock was inside of you, filling you perfectly. His forehead came to rest against yours and you wiggled your hips, making him groan. 
„Fuck…. Please give me a moment…“ he groaned and you smiled, pecking his lips. He kissed you slow but deep. Licking into your mouth. 
You made out for a while before he slowly bottomed out and pushed back into you, keeping a slow pace. 
„Feels fucking perfect, baby,“ he moaned against your lips, fucking you deeply. 
You wrapped both of your legs around him, your hands on his back and in his hair. 
„Shit I’m not gonna last, feels so good, he groaned and you felt one of his hands slip between your bodies, his fingers finding your clit. 
„I want you to cum with me,“ he said and began to circle your clit while he fucked faster into you. 
„Javi,“ you whimpered, arching your back. His head dipped down, sucking one of your nipples into his mouth. He pulled your nipple between his teeth, pulling it playfully and your whole body shuddered as your orgasm washed over you, whimpering beneath him just as he twitched and came deep inside of you. 
You sighed, your fingers brushing through his hair as he kissed you, both of you smiling against each others lips. 
You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each others embrace before he slowly pulled out of you, pecking your lips. He went to the bathroom to clean himself off, bringing a washcloth to clean you too. 
„I’m gonna get Eva from Steve and Connie’s,“ he mumbled against your lips and you nodded dreamily at him, watching him as he got dressed. 
You got into your bathrobe and walked out of your bedroom just as Javi walked back into your apartment, a sleeping Eva in his arms. 
Smiling at him you opened the door to her bedroom for him, watching him as he put her carefully into her bed. He had been doing this since the first date night, and it never ceased to amaze you just how perfect Javi fit into your life. 
He kissed her forehead before he walked towards you, taking your hand to lead you back into your bedroom. 
You knew you had to sleep but as you watched Javi strip out of his clothes and get into bed with you you were overcome with a sadness, knowing that his was the last time you would see him for a while. 
You laid in bed, facing each other. 
„I love you,“ you whispered, wanting him to hear the words before you leave. 
He gave you a soft smile before he slipped closer towards you, his nose brushing over yours. 
„I love you too,“ he whispered back and kissed you. 
Both of you finding close to no sleep until it was time to get ready to leave for the airport the next morning. 
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„Bye Javi,“ Eva sobbed as Javi held her in his arms the next morning. She was clinging to him like a koala, clutching his shirt in her tiny fists. He was still holding your hand.
Javi had gotten breakfast while you got Eva ready before he drove you both to the airport.
You saw him take a shaky breath, kissing her hair. 
„I’m gonna miss you,“ she mumbled and you felt tears stinging in the corner of your eyes. 
„I’m gonna miss you and your mom too. So much,“ Javi whispered, pulling you closer. He let go of your hand to put his arm around you, pulling you into the hug. 
„You have to fight the bad guys. And then you can come live with us all the time,“ Eva mumbled and Javi looked at you. You gave him a watery smile.
„I’ll do my best. Be good for your mommy,“ he said and you saw her nod, before he slowly let her down. She hugged your side and you wrapped your arm around her. 
„Be safe,“ you whispered looking up at him. 
„I will,“ he promised before he kissed you softly. 
„I love you,“ you said and he smiled, a tear now running down his cheek. 
„I love you, too,“ he kissed you again.
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from-izzy · 2 months
show you the stars | tbz kim sunwoo
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“Why's my girl misbehaving today, hm? Shouldn’t you be nice to the birthday boy?”
pairing » the boyz kim sunwoo x fem!reader
trope/au » friends to lovers, (or should i say...) 'friends' to lovers, situationship (?), non-idol au!
genre »​ very suggestive!! (as compared to my other one), it's kinda fluffy uwu (everyone act surprised), a dash of angst, dom!sunwoo at times, sub!sunwoo at other times, kim sunwoo being whipped and sweet for you, but he's also flustered, he's flirting with you, reader is a bit of a tease and is confident, you're also flustered at times, sunwoo loves you and you love him (again, act surprised), finding love and comfort in each other after past relationships, kim sunwoo who just wants to be close to you
word count, estimated reading time » 4987, 18 mins
warnings (lmk if i missed anything!) » very suggestive!!, dom! and sub!sunwoo, mentions of unhealthy past relationships, a ton of kissing, making out, marking (teeth and kiss marks; reader receiving), pet names (baby boy, baby girl), reader licks cream off sunwoo, sunwoo licking cream off reader's neck and collarbones, sunwoo is physically bigger and taller, reader has medium to long hair, HIGHLY suggestive at the end, rapid proofread once
navi/masterlist!! 🤍
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happy birthday to (one of) the loml 🥰
i'm just gonna go...
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The delightful aroma of your hard work fills the volume of Sunwoo’s apartment easily. You've been chopping, stirring and sizzling ingredients for the last two hours, excited for the first birthday that you'll spend together with him.
To elaborate on your relationship with Sunwoo, you're ‘friends’. The explanation would give most people deadpanned looks, accompanied by the raised eyebrows that would follow. Otherwise, others would only facepalm at the stupidity that you both seem to obviously share. Anyone could tell that with the way that you both would drop any conversation that you're in or literally drop the paper cup in your hand whenever the other comes into even slightly just their peripheral vision, that you're more than the label that you both have decided to nonverbally settle for now. 
Like your best friend from diapers would say, there's no way those kisses on the forehead, trailing down side to side across your eyelids, back medially down the slope of your nose, along the underside of your jawline, were things that ‘friends do’. Not with the way that Sunwoo would subtly slide his palm down from the comfort of your back to cup one of your bottom cheeks, smirking when he feels the heat radiating from your cheeks. 
And for you? You can't help but feel the disappointment in your chest whenever he passes the quiet but rapid breathing of your lips whenever he bypasses them to work on that sensitive spot on your neck, sometimes whispering compliments to the shell of your eyes with that husky, low voice of his—but well, it's not like that anymore.
Friends don’t look at each other’s orbs and are so immersed that they say “I miss you” in the most dewy, honey-dripping voice. In public where they're most disciplined, they don't hold each other’s hands while walking, a thumb smoothing over the other when they’re just walking along the empty night street or the aisle of the grocery store.
Friends don't give each other their spare apartment keys or sweep them off their feet as soon as the front door opens, distracting their worries and other thoughts by locking lips with each other. You would never let any of your other friends carry you in their arms and pull the same blanket that they will use in the night over your body. In the same way, you would never snuggle to the warmth of the person next to you, kissing them a sweet “good night” and “thank you”.
But knowing the manipulation and tears from your past relationship, none of you could bear to address the looming label that others already deem you as. Sunwoo is too scared to ask too, going through the same thing from his past relationship. Through the healing of the break-up that you both had in your respective lives, came the comfort that the other’s lips would give, and he would chase that feeling from you over and over again.
You're okay with how things are now. You respect him and you don’t want to push him or the title that you personally want to have with him. For now, you decided that actions will speak louder than words and when the right time comes, you both will address it without the influence of the outside world.
Today is just one of those days that you use your spare key to use Sunwoo’s kitchen to cook up a little feast. The dining table is decorated with a vase of roses in the middle as you hop between the stove and make sure everything looks presentable. The light dimming system of his house is perfect for the shooting star projector that you aim towards a blank wall. You're satisfied with all the preparation for the main meals, making sure that the moment he walks in through the door, you can cook and plate it up swiftly while it’s still freshly pipping hot.
“Oh gosh,” you're proud of your efforts with the vanilla whipped cream for his cake. “I'm a genius.” You sang variations of the phrase to yourself.
Curse your horrible time management skills because the clock in front of you only reminds you that you have little time until the main key is used on the front door. The sponge cake is assembled quickly, with a thin layer of crumb coating and cooling before you make the smooth layer of cream at the end topped with some chocolate and strawberries.
You stepped back to admire your work, making sure the fruit was on the perfect slope and that the chocolate bar next to it complemented the negative space around the centrepiece. Your hand under the cake was about to slip when you heard the keys rattling from outside and you swore the fridge door hated you by how you had a hard time opening it.
On the other hand, Sunwoo could smell your home-cooked meal a few doors down the hallway. His stomach only grumbled in anticipation but his heart was jumping at the thought of you greeting him behind the door. The smile on his face grew, his overgrown bangs tickling his eyelids with his rushed footsteps towards the door.
The sweet scent of your perfume is what he manages to pick up first, and he remembers how his time was well spent when he was shopping for the bottle for you. 
“I'm home.” Something that he has always loved to say, hating the lack of light in his house after a long day at work. His fingers were about to switch the light on but your shout stops him halfway.
Your body crashed against his before he could comprehend. Sunwoo groans a little at how his back hit the door behind him but his palms settled on your hips lovingly while your arms were wrapped around his middle, face hidden to his chest, nose inhaling your favourite cologne. 
Chuckling at your small apology, his fingers raised to tug at the hair tie around your ponytail. He tugs down on the elastic, now savouring the scent of your perfume and shampoo. It left you goosebumps with the way Sunwoo massaged your scalp, his other hand untucking his tight shirt that he gave you, from your skirt so that the pad of his thumb could feel your skin better.
“Happy birthday, baby boy,” exhaling at the gentle swipes of his thumb on your waist. 
“Thank you, baby girl,” trailing kisses from the top of your head to the side of your head. You tried to escape from the ticklish feeling but his arm wrapped around you, keeping your lower bodies flush against each other, “Where do you think you're going?”
You giggle at his lips down the side of your face, his breaths reaching the crook of your neck as he takes comfort there. It's only now that you realise the fabric of his material, is no longer the white collared polyester. Your heated cheeks brushed against the metal around his neck and Sunwoo could feel the start of your complaints from your deep inhale.
So he closes the gap and kisses you to quiet you down.
He ignores the little muted surprised sound from you, pulling away only slightly to smirk at you before diving in deeper. His palm grips on the curve of your waist, keeping you in control. He whispers for you to pull him closer by the neck and he knows the roll of your eyes isn't an indication of annoyance. Your lips danced between his, a hand over his nape to pull him down, your other palm cupping his cheek as you tried to control his hunger for you.
“Sunwoo,” Slightly out of breath, “What are you wearing?”
As if he didn't see the deadpanned look on your face when he decides to give your poor lungs a break, he leisurely answers, “This is the suit and tie of someone who decided to leave the desk early,” fingers hooking around the metal chain around his neck whilst simultaneously peering down at you with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, “so that he could look hot for his birthday and his girl.”
You couldn't deny that. Shamelessly, you let your eyes roam over the somewhat tight shirt that he has. His pectoral muscles are defined with the grey stretchy fabric and the silver accessory around him only made him all the more irresistible. Kim Sunwoo knows how to make you swoon, styling his hair lazily with his strands covering his field of view. 
Sunwoo makes it known that your stare is invited, loving the attention that his special day gets him. You're looking at him so delicately that his smug confidence falters into a softer look. His lips form a straight line but the moment your eyes meet his, there's a deep resonating chuckle from his chest, a happiness that spreads to you.
“Let's go eat?” With an affirmative hum and a quick peck, Sunwoo lets your body go and links with your palm, letting you guide him deeper into his house.
As soon as his eyes take a glance at your work, he's momentarily still. From the tablecloth draped over his table to the stars on his wall when he realises, you remember his wish to make a wish to the star. He's always found the idea to be a bit innocent, unlike his relationship with you but the fact that you kept it in mind, and how his grip on your hand only tightens, tells everyone that Kim Sunwoo is ready for more.
He daydreams of a day when he would kiss you awake, and how you're the last voice he would hear before falling asleep. How you'll greet him when he opens the door and kisses all over his face and more. How he’ll be able to spend his money spoiling you instead of only spending it on himself. How you’ll be his number one and how you’ll be his. These thoughts have roamed his head for a very long time and he used to keep it in, hide it for the sake of not ruining whatever you two have.
But with the way that you would kiss his nape as a greeting whenever he would be sitting down in front of you, or the way you would sit down on his lap and crane his neck up to meet his lips with yours. How the heated sessions would only flare up more when he sneaks his fingers around the band of your bra, and the whole intimacy that you show each other—Kim Sunwoo is undoubtedly in love with you. 
Besides the intimacy, it’s the things you do for him. Namely, it’s the view of his house right now and the welcoming scent of his favourite food that you prepared for him. It’s even more precious to Sunwoo as he knows that you do this even when it isn’t a special day. You have done this whenever he would hint how much he misses you and you would show up to mend his tired heart the next minute. It’s not just the kisses and skin on skin. If you stopped guiding him to his designated chair and looked back at him right now, you would see that lovesick look on his face.
Sunwoo offers to clean up the space whilst you’re cooking but you quickly refuse, saying that he should take a rest, even if it’s for a while. After a few tries, Sunwoo finally listens to you, sitting down where you want him to. He takes this time to admire your decorations, snapping electronic memories of his surroundings and taking extra shots of the wall that seem so much more inviting with the video of falling lights. 
His eyes are stuck there, entranced by the view. You see from across the room how he readjusts his position and closes his eyes. Your heart swells with that, keeping the view of his head down slightly as he mouths inaudible words to the stars you projected. When he opened his eyes, you diverted back to dinner, happiness evident in your face at he appreciated your work.
While you focused on the pan, Sunwoo found a couple of metres gap between you cooking and him sitting too far away, so he took a seat from the other side of the kitchen island, the significant piece that separated you two. Soon enough, you pout at the return of the multiple camera sounds, this time louder and clearer. You tried to lean over the island to snatch his phone away and Sunwoo mirrored the playful smile on your face.
“Behave,” he knew it worked like a charm when he saw you flustered. Your outreached wrist from your attempt only gets caught up with him and Sunwoo draws you in closer while he leans in to meet you in the middle. The dim lights overhead set the mood more as they angle the shadows and highlight all the kissable parts of your face and Sunwoo swears he could kiss you all night. You watch the gulp down his throat and his stern eyes drifting to the knobs of the stovetop to turn off the fire. Kim Sunwoo is no longer playful like a minute ago.
You’ll admit that he sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach but it didn’t stop the tugging of the corner of your lips and Sunwoo’s eyes widening when you decided to turn off the fire but never returned to him. Sunwoo lets out an amused scoff at the way you cross your arms over your chest, leaning your back on the free space next to the stove. 
His eyes narrow to you, a tongue poking his inner cheek at your sudden surge of confidence, “Now,” You watch him turning his body sideways, walking along the opposite side of the island towards you. He stays silent for a bit longer, letting you know that a question is coming; and that he wants answers to it. Copying your gesture, Sunwoo leans before you not even a metre and nothing separating you anymore. “Why's my girl misbehaving today, hm? Shouldn’t you be nice to the birthday boy?”
“You really want me to be ‘nice’?” You shake your head, finding the statement amusing, “You love it when I play with you like this. What's life without a bit of misbehaviour?”
The boy couldn’t even get a word out when you suddenly took a big step towards him. Your palms rest on the edge of the table, caging his figure. You purposely lean into his chest, eyelashes subtly fluttering underneath the still orange lamp from above. There was no longer a chance that Sunwoo could think straight anymore. Not with the way that just like before, you cradled the underside of his jawline. 
However, your hold on him this time is different. It didn’t feel like you were going to pull him and have your kiss marks all over his skin like the way he would never refuse to when you asked. The confused lines between his eyebrows only deepen more when you just keep staring at him with a dazed look in his confused orbs but it’s then that he sees a glimmer of hope for the relationship that you both could share.
It may have been the light or it may have been the reflection of his own eyes or—and this is what he hopes—it’s the glimmer and stars in your eyes that you hold as you look at him at the moment. Sunwoo tries his best to understand your unspoken feelings but his train of thought is cut short when he registers the dollop of coolness on the left side of his jawline.
His breath hitches in his throat when your right hand hooks around his necklace and you latch your lips around the cream on his face. Your tongue swipes the food off his skin, alternating between kitten licks and long swipes. Your left-hand swipes the wall of the metal bowl behind him, trailing down a path that you would soon wipe clean. Sunwoo shudders, his light moan hitting your ear and his little whiny begs encourage you to keep going.
Your breath hitting his skin would normally rile him to put you in your place but all he could do with his lower back digging against the edge of the table is to clench his hands onto your mid-outer thighs to stabilise himself. 
“God…” Sunwoo calls out when he opens his eyes to meet your daring ones. “You're so beautiful.”
“Enjoying this?” And he responds with a harsher grip, hands raising and starting to lift your skirt to your upper thighs. 
The coolness of the cream, followed by your light alternations of sucking and kissing on his skin, and the way the air cools the area after is perfect and Sunwoo’s head tilts back in satisfaction. 
Too bad you wouldn't let him because you finished trailing his jawline, stealing a kiss straight to his subtle, hungry lips. The taste of vanilla and the pressure of your lips makes his head light and the room seems like it's spinning. But now, it's his turn and you know it with the way he pushes you away with all the strength he has left in him. He bends down to wrap his arm around your mid-thigh that has crescents of his nail on your skin and he sits you on the countertop and slots himself between your knees. 
Sunwoo’s eyes are darker than the night outside but it doesn't fear you at all. You're now the one caged between him but unlike Sunwoo, you knew you didn't have any strength to push him away—nor did you want to. You bite your lower lips when he starts tugging your left sleeve down your shoulder to have more area to work with. 
“My turn, baby girl,” metal against marble is heard next to you and Sunwoo uses his pointer and middle fingers to scoop the sweet white. 
A smirk comes up his face when you grow visibly weaker for him, your posture faltering underneath his dominating presence. Sunwoo held your chin between his thumb and ring finger and applied a thin layer between your open mouth. 
“Take a deep breath for me.” And you did so almost immediately.
You soon found out that the deep breath is needed as Sunwoo not only takes your breath away by covering your mouth with his own but that he multitasks to smear the food all over your neck and collarbone area. Unlike you who preferred things to be more uniform and clean, Sunwoo loves how you squirm and whimper under him with multiple senses. His fingers traced the horizontal line of your collarbones first before he came up and around the side and front of your neck less uniformly; he’s getting impatient now. You soon found out that the skin he exposed earlier wasn’t so that he could have a reason to place his tongue there, he’s just hungry for more of you, wanting to feel every part of you, just like how his tongue pushes against yours.
You find his little huffs of annoyance endearing as he mumbles about how the lack of oxygen has him pulling away from him showing his love. In reality, it was just a few seconds, but every second without you felt like a lifetime to him. He cleans the last bit of cream on his pants and he finally detaches his lips from you. 
Sunwoo straightens his posture, looming dominance over your wrecked mind and half-lidded eyes. A hanging weak string of saliva still connects you both in the air for a minute and his right hand wraps around your left forearm in place. You didn’t mind his sticky fingers that started to brush the strands of your hair from the top of your nape. It’s a lovely feeling from the adrenaline he gave you but he raises your heartbeat once more when he plays with the wind to your ears, “Tasting lovely, baby girl.”
Nothing else is said as his lips dive into the sweet trail that he made for himself. Your body reacts to the sudden warmth by pulling away, but his hold on your shoulder reminds you of your place to stay where you are. The same hand reaches to drip on his elbow for mind stabilisation but your free one pushes against the broad of his back. Your legs hook around the back of his thighs to feel him indefinitely closer. It seems like the boy has learnt quickly, especially when it’s from you because just like the way you made him see the stars on the ceiling, he made you see it but with more intensity and brightness. 
Sunwoo loves unpredictability over anything, even though he appreciates how you value the opposite. One of the reasons he appreciates it is because he knows what to anticipate next whenever you both feel each other, and he loves the building climax. But you who is receiving his unpredictableness, can only curse him out whenever he tries something new on the body that he has come to be familiar of. The thrill of your groans and whines makes him feel in control and just like any other time, Sunwoo didn’t hesitate to plant something new on the curve of your neck. You sharply gasp at the way his teeth very lightly plunged into you but whimper louder at how he hallows his cheek on the area. From the corner of your eyes, you see the vein of his neck start to appear with his actions.
“You’re right.” He pulls away slightly to admire a part of him on you before diving again to properly clean your skin. “I do love you like this.”
Your lips are trembling in pleasure too much to string in proper words so you only whine to his acknowledgement. When one side of your neck is clean, he doesn’t bother keeping his touch to himself, briefly swiping anything that he can get on the way to the other side of your neck. Kim Sunwoo drives you crazy and your legs around his body tighten for another attempt to stabilise yourself.
Your jaw slacks when he bites again, this time just a tiny bit stronger as a response to your lower body. He lets you drop your head back, hand still on your nape so that he has control over the area he’s marking and maximises the pleasure that he can give. The tip of his tongue starts to alternate between the sucking and long stripes that you did to him. A satisfied chuckle hits a sensitive part around your collarbone area when Sunwoo feels his shirt further define his pectoral as you clench his fabric in your fist. 
Ragged breaths along with a mixture of wet kisses are all that’s bouncing between the four walls. Flushed bodies and heated skin press against the two who are afraid to love again. You’re aware of his heart pounding against his chest, knocking on yours to let him in. The closer he travels down to your chest, you’re afraid that he will feel the pounding, afraid that your hidden desires may show through and be overwhelming for him. The meaning behind your clench changes in time that your skin is now littered with a different colour because of his actions. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, exhaling and stepping back to admire his work.
You do the same, chest raising rapidly to account for the lost air, taking advantage of the space now that he’s pulled away. Sunwoo couldn’t help the small chuckle at your pout and he wipes them away by granting you another kiss, palms resting on the edge of the table, trapping you once more. Your noses comically bumped into each other, still lightheaded from before but you enjoy the atmosphere that would always come along after the intensity you poured out to each other. Your legs relax between his figure and both your hands delicately cradle his cheeks. 
The realisation strikes again: all you want is him. 
Him and everything of him.
The thought of him kissing someone else churns your stomach and makes you green, even though he’s not yours. You didn’t want anyone else cupping his cheek the way you do, and you didn’t want to see anyone else next to you when you opened your eyelids to the song of the morning birds. You want to be greeted by his chest or hairline when he needed comfort the night before. You want his “I love you”s and “I’ll miss you”s even if one of you is just going to another room in the building. You want to be the person that he can always lean on for whatever and whenever. You want him to be the person that you can cry ugly to. The wishes filled your body as you wished he would kiss you like this forever with or without the title that you would love to establish.
You feel the clenching of your heart when you open your eyes with the final pull of the remnants of vanilla, greeted with the shimmering orbs that you’ve fallen in love with. Your eyes are stuck onto the smile lines around his face and he’s entranced with every single part of you, staring at you with the honey dripping from his eyes. The smile you offer him is bashful and slightly tense. Of course, he caught up to that, humming at the sight of your pretty head filled with worries. His thumb glazes upon the apple of your cheeks and you wish he didn’t just so that you could save yourself from heartbreak. 
Kim Sunwoo makes you believe that love is worth it; that you’re worth it.
You wish you were more confident to tell him that.
Sunwoo leans his forehead onto yours, eyes planted on your downcasted gaze, “Hey, can I tell you what I wished for at the shooting stars?” but you only hum back, refusing to look at him, “Can you let me be the only person to touch, hold and kiss you like that?” There was a moment of silence as Sunwoo let you register his words. When it does click to you, your eyes shot up to his. A nervous chuckle is what he offers you but he doesn’t plan to take his words back, “It’s okay if you’re not ready. I’ll wait for you. But,” he swallows the anxiety down his throat, letting his face roam around your slightly confused face, “I can't stand the thought of someone else littering kisses all over you other than me.”
It’s genuine.
Kim Sunwoo’s eyes are different than any of the eyes that you once put your trust in.
It’s obvious.
“Jealous?” It was supposed to be more striking and playful but it turned out to be more tiring and insecure.
Again, he caught up to it and decided to carry on the narrative of your words with a careful tone, “You’d be fine with other girls running their tongues all over my face?”
The mention of your past actions started the multiple offences to his chest and the poor boy loves the flustered look on your face, complaints flying out of your mouth. In this moment when you both indulge in the comfortable relationship that you share, your posture relaxes and your hands rest on your laps. Shortly, Sunwoo joins his own there, fingers intertwining between yours and just like how he soothes the heaviness that you hold internally, his thumbs swipe across the back of your hand.
“If you do, I won’t let you off easily, Kim Sunwoo.”
You hope that he realises the real implication behind the words. Sunwoo’s brain buffered a little bit but soon enough, the straight line shape of his lips raised into something more. Along with it, his naturally mischievous personality also raised his eyebrows. “That’s my girl.”
You couldn’t help the giggle at how his face flush red after, bashful at the effect you had on him. Your fingers brush along the ends of his hair that seems to get in the way of his eyes.
“You should cut them or something.”
“I look hot like this though.”
“You always look hot.”
And there comes little shy Kim Sunwoo once more. 
“I-Instead of flirting with me, why don't you grant my other wish instead?”
“Oh yeah?” You lean back on the table, hands behind you for support, “I granted you your wish, shouldn’t you grant mine first before you ask for another one?”
“How about I grant them both at the same time?” 
“You don’t even know what I want.”
As much as Kim Sunwoo has been paying attention to you, you’ve always been the girl to never fully express what they want despite the encouragement from your loved ones that they will always stand beside you no matter what. An idea brews in his head when you lean back and he catches the glimpse of the white rays shooting out from the sky behind you. You know with the way that his tongue swipes along his bottom lip, mouth slightly agape that he’s up to no good.
His hand leaves the marble you’re on, drawing closer to the side of your thigh to your waist. Innocently, he displays his big, round eyes to you and his actions contradict them heavily. A few of his fingers slip past not only the waistband of your skirt but also the fabric underneath it. You thought he would stop his ministrations there but his other hand traces the same path on the other side of your body, this time however even though his hand did not go under the underband, the clip behind clicks open.
“You can’t wish for anything until I show you the stars.”
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍
tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here or removed!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿 @sanaxo-o
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ms-cartoon · 5 months
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I've been coming across a bunch of Hazbin spoilers and decided "screw it" and found the leaks to the full episodes. (I don't care how sensitive you leak haters are about it)
Of course, as expected, this show is already turning out to be trashy as I would expect it to be. Little retcons here and there, shitty writing, some crappy and pathetic characters who already lost whatever mojo they had back in the pilot, voice-acting is bitter as it will always be, etc.
There are a lot of issues with just these two eps, but I'm just gonna point out the ones that got my attention the most.
-- Charlie- "Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates, known as Heaven. It was ruled by beings of pure light. Angels that worshipped good and shielded all from evil."
I beg to differ since it's established already that angels from heaven are nothing but fakes and are evil as hell, probably proud of it. Exhibit A: Adam and Sera. Now if they were anything like Frollo (someone who believes they are doing good but are not) I might be okay with it. Like say, they only resort to extermination because they're from heaven, they feel it is their job, and they have to do it even though it's wrong. Instead, however, I assume they exterminate because they just like to do it and they're evil like that. They probably have a feeling that some sinners are still good people on the inside and just don't care.
-- Charlie: As the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power. Threatened by this,
Heaven made a truly heartless decision that every year, they would send down an army an extermination to ensure Hell and its sinners could never rise against them.
I hear with my little ear another retcon!!
In the pilot, the only reason why extermination was a thing was because of overpopulation in hell. Now they're saying heaven is exterminating sinners cuz they're threatened by the overgrowing power and they don't want to be rebelled by it?? I going to guess that they only made this change so they can force evil on heaven while making Lucifer the innocent one. This is exactly what they did with Stella in the HB series where it was brought up that things were okay between her and Stolas only for the second season to say Stella hated Stolas the whole time they were together and treated him badly just so the writers can tell us viewers that she's evil.
Is this gonna be a thing now?
-- Angel: I'll have the horniest sinners knockin these walls down to get in!
This body was made to be exploited!
Seriously, guys, this is the same pervert we're supposed to feel bad for BECAUSE he's being exploited!
And leave it to Angel to completely miss the point of this hotel. What they want is to convince sinners to REDEEM themselves. Banging them is not a way to go about it, bud!
-- My predictions about Angel being a sex joke are correct. I'm mean- they've always been correct, I'm just saying I had a feeling they were going to show it off more in the show.
-- Vaggie: "No, we can't force sinners to stay here. They need to choose to."
Angel Dust: "Well, I chose to stay here and I think it's all stupid."
No shit- The only reason why u agreed to stay is for the free rent. So don't go marking yourself as a good example.
-- I don't totally have a problem with this show being a musical as long as the timing is right. Charlie is so quick to tell Vaggie about a meeting she'll participate in and is excited about, but before Vaggie can even question it and talk to her, Charlie immediately starts singing without even hearing Vaggie out. They kinda rushed this musical number a little too quickly. Which only goes to show how fast-paced this episode is. It's always fast-pacing with these shows.
-- I have the sudden urge to jump inside this show and beat the ever-loving crap outta Angel if keeps on moaning and getting horny . . .
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-- Angel continuously flirts and touches an obviously uncomfortable Husk and fans are going to look at this as "cute" while I look in annoyance and disgust. And once again, this is the same guy we're supposed to feel bad for because he has a pimp who inflicts the same actions that he does and fans will choose to ignore it.
-- Adam is practically the most irritating character in this series so far. I was right with what I said about him before. For someone who's supposed to be an angel he sure as hell doesn't act like it. The whole time he's on screen, he's just making jokes, ridiculing the hell out of Charlie, and not listening to her at all. Continuously cussing and talking about dicks??? He has the most cringiest dialogue ever and I had the urge to skip it every time he's on screen. Something tells me he and Lute should switch positions since she seems more professional.
-- Charlie: Sinners make mistakes, but everyone makes mistakes.
Charlie, I know where you're trying to get at sweetheart, but I really hope you don't include all the rapists, murderers, abusers, and pedophiles down below. Do you really think they qualify as someone who can be redeemed? If so, I would have to side with the angels here despite their antagonistic behavior. I would understand trying to rehab drug addicts, alcoholics, robbers, etc. but definitely not the former.
Now that I think about it, Charlie is kind of acting like Viv in this scenario where she tries to excuse these criminalistic behaviors most of her characters committed when they really don't deserve anything good happening to them. That's like trying to redeem Valentino for pimping and abusing Angel Dust. Do we really think Val is capable of redemption??
Sorry to burst your bubble Ms. Morningstar, but the angels are in the right here. Hell exists for a reason and people who do bad things and like to do bad things deserve to be there. I wouldn't bother trying to rehab sinners who don't deserve it or are not going to try to fix their behavior.
-- Lute: Angels don't make mistakes . . .
Then what does that say about Lucifer? He was an angel who caused some actions that you guys would count as mistakes therefore expelling him from heaven. You guys never even attempted to exterminate him yet.
-- I'm sorry, I don't like Brandon Rogers as Killjoy. It's literally just a demon version of one of his characters. It's nothing original like the pilot.
So that is what I think about the first episode. If I forget to mention something, i'll just edit the post. Won't be too long before I make some comments about the second one, but for now, the gist of everything is . . . it's bleh.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!!
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megamindsecretlair · 2 months
*Heed warnings*
Pairing: Jatemme Manning x Bratty!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. PWP, Filth, cursing, PIV, size kink, mentions of violence, gun use, drug use, brat reader. Reader does get turned on by violence, if this disturbs you click away. All consensual. Established relationship. Heavy use of n-word.
Summary: You are tired of being Jatemme's arm candy. Forever guarded and without 100% of his attention. As the race for Alderman heats up, you're at a fundraising event when you grow bored and decide to test Jatemme's devotion.
Word Count: 3,494k
A/N: I was a little unhinged writing this, so it was written in a bit of a daze. Please let me know what ya'll think about this one. I can't find the ask where people expressed interest so don't be mad at me if I didn't tag you! I'm sorry! I'm also not married to the moodboard, so it might change. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @blowmymbackout @browngirldominion @sageispunk @harmshake @amethyst09 @ciaqui @we-outsiiiide @iv0rysoap @thecookiebratz @blackerthings
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You were bored. Just because you told your man to leave you alone, didn’t mean you actually wanted him to do it. Why couldn’t niggas ever listen? What’s so hard to understand? “Leave you alone” obviously meant to give you attention?
You were at a fancy event for Jatemme’s brother, Jamal, who was running for Alderman. Snooze fest. Jatemme promised that you weren’t going to be here long. That you’d only have to sit like a doll for an hour tops, before he took you shopping and out to eat.
One hour turned to three and you were still sitting at Jamal’s table, surrounded by Jatemme’s crew while Jamal and Jatemme did business. You scanned the room for your man but didn’t find him. 
You did see Jamal who was hard to miss. He was the type to walk into the room like he owned it and as if everyone owed him money for it. Jatemme was quieter, but deadlier. He instantly drew you in with his sleepy eyes, soft umber skin, and intense presence. His darkness called to something within you and never let go. 
The relationship wasn’t without its up and downs. You liked to keep him on his toes. Get him to have a little fun. He always followed in Jamal’s shadow when it was Jatemme that did most of the work. Most of the planning. Most of the ideas. 
You sighed, loudly once more, and turned briefly to your table to sip your nasty ass champagne. Fucking politicians. Pretending like they weren’t all into something dirty, getting over on the little guy. Namely Black folk. 
Jatemme’s crew gave you funny looks. They knew better than to touch you or stare too hard. But you often caught them looking at your body and your too short dresses. They also hated your attitude. Jatemme made you swear to stop messing with them. It was hard to find good help when you were constantly flirting with them and he was constantly killing them over it.
Maybe that was Jatemme’s problem. Now that Jamal was running for Alderman, there was a public scrutiny on the family business. Jatemme doesn’t have free rein to do as he pleased now. Go wherever he wanted. Do whatever he wanted. 
You sighed once more and checked your phone. You texted your best friends in your group chat, that you were bored and in desperate need of fun.  Misty immediately texted you back and told you to meet them at a club not too far from there. That was exactly what you needed. 
You looked over at the crew of four burly men and stood up. One of the them, Martin, stood up as well prepared to follow you. “No need, Marty, I’m just going to the little girl’s room,” you said and smiled sweetly. 
Martin gave you a blank stare. He adjusted the suit jacket over his thick arms and put his hands in his pockets. “You know the rules,” he said. 
You kept your sweet smile, knowing that your lips were glossed just so to catch the light overhead. That your champagne colored dress hugged your figure just right. The night was young and you were wasting it by being arm candy. 
“You gonna follow me into the bathroom and hold my purse too? I don’t think Jay would like that,” you sang. 
Martin looked towards the other men who looked everywhere but at him. They did not want that particular smoke. Decisions, decisions. Martin cleared his throat. “Come right back,” he said. 
You smiled. “Of course. You all act like I’m not an angel,” you said. The men wisely didn’t comment. You turned and sashayed out of the room, already done with the entire night. You didn’t see your man and you didn’t care at the moment. 
You waited until you left the hotel ballroom before pulling out your phone. You ordered an Uber on your way out to the front. People from the reception had spilled out into the hallway, discussing things that they didn’t want others overhearing, even by accident. 
You passed by stick figure women in dark red, blue, or black dresses, pointy shoes, and stiff upper lips. You passed by men in their penguin suits, pretending to give a shit. The total wealth combined in the room could help everyone in the Ward but they held onto it like gremlins. 
It made you sick.
You went outside, shivering slightly from the bite of cold. When your Uber arrived, you didn’t even look back towards the hotel. It was almost criminal how easy it was to slip your chains. Further proof that this shit was getting stale and you might be headed towards another break from Jatemme. Let him sit and stew over what he would miss before he came crawling back with gifts, kisses, and that big dick of his. 
You grinned as you texted Misty that you were on your way. She texted back with plenty of emojis, some of them skulls, because she already knew that Jatemme was going to blow his lid. Let him.
It didn’t take long to reach the rougher areas of Chicago. Almost literally down the street from the glitterati, the houses weren’t as nice. The grass not so green. Fences and bars on the windows. Corner boys selling dope in baggy jeans and oversized T-shirts. 
The club was set back from the street to allow for a little more parking. You got out and Misty met you outside. She hugged you with many squeals and jumping up and down. “Slipped the doom patrol?” She asked. 
Misty was gorgeous, with deep, dark skin and microbraids twisted into two buns atop her head. She was a thick, curvy girl who was always quick with a laugh. She immediately ushered you inside. You turned off your phone. Make Jay sweat a little bit. 
You spent the entire night dancing with your girls and getting drunk on your favorite drink. All of the songs were hitting, back to back. A mix of 2000s and 2010s music. The good shit that demanded you dance right this instant. 
Plenty of dusty ass niggas tried to pull you into a dance and you pushed them all away. It cost to put hands on you. It cost to be in your presence. Ain’t nobody getting shit for free. 
By the time the club called for last drinks, you were tapped out. You were not wearing the proper shoes for dancing in the club. You were shocked that you lasted as long as you did. And yeah, you missed your man. You were a little drink, a lot horny, and you just wanted to be fucked at this point and put to sleep. 
You walked out, hanging onto your friends. One of them, Kiki, was the lightweight. She was dragged between two friends while she muttered something. You giggled and walked with them to their car. 
Rounding the corner, there were a group of guys passing a joint between them. They wolf-whistled as you passed by. One of them sure was fine. Tall, bald, with a thick luscious beard that covered the lower half of his face. You wondered what he’d look like with your juices dripping from it. 
You didn’t condone cheating. But if you were on a break…
You smiled at him as you passed, tossing your hair over your shoulders. “Gahh damn, lil mama, where you headed?” He asked.
You giggled and kept walking with your girls. It was nice to be wanted. You turned your phone on while your friends tried to get Kiki into the car and not entertaining the men by the building. 
As it turned on, messages flew in with loud dings and flashes across your screen. You had…quite a lot of missed calls from Jatemme. Angry texts too. You appreciated that he never called you out of your name when he was angry, but he had plenty of other colorful ways to show his displeasure. Like calling you by your real name. Ew. 
He was good and pissed that you left. That your phone was off. He promised hell, fire, and damnation when he finally caught up to you. You pictured him driving around fuming. His sleepy eyes narrowed even further. The cute way his nostrils would flare and the vein that pulsed in his neck. 
You were getting wet just thinking about it. The sex would be immaculate tonight. You sighed dreamily as you went through his unhinged text messages. 
“Bitch! Help? Hello?” Misty called out. You giggled and moved towards the car, pushing at Kiki’s big ass head to get into the car. Misty slammed the door in her face and sighed as if she’d been wrestling a bear. 
She faced you with a small grin before her eyes darted behind you. The sexy bald headed man approached you, licking his lips and looking you up and down. He held out his hand when he was near enough. 
“I had to come introduce myself,” he said.
“I appreciate that. But I’m too high-maintenance for you, boo,” you said. You flirted with the idea of being responsible for another man’s death, but he was too cute to sacrifice for your own dastardly enjoyment. There were so few, gorgeous Black men these days. The 90s had all the fine men. They were long gone now. God just wasn’t building them like that no more. 
“I like a little high-maintenance,” he said. 
You laughed. Said no man ever. “I’m the type to empty accounts,” you said and smiled. 
“I got several. Pick one,” he said. He looked you in the eye as he said it and made you reevaluate him as a whole. He was dressed nice in dark plaid slacks, black polo, with a big watch on his wrist. Nothing too flashy, but enough that it convinced you he wasn’t another broke nigga. 
You were considering his offer, wondering how you could prove that he was for real and not just trying to get into your panties. Squealing tires tore your gaze away from the man as you saw Jatemme’s truck flip a bitch into oncoming traffic and speed into the parking lot. 
“Shit. You better run before my man catch you talking to me,” you said, though he probably already saw you. 
“I ain’t scared,” the man said. Bless his little heart. 
“Nigga, I’m trynna protect you. Leave, now,” you said, shooing him away from you and your girls. Maybe you could convince Jatemme that the man was trying to flirt with Misty. You turned behind you, but Misty held her hands up.
“I ain’t trynna die for your Black ass,” she said. 
“Bitch!” You screamed, but you couldn’t stay serious for long. You grinned and shook your head. Before the truck had a chance to come to a full stop, Jatemme and crew hopped out, grabbing guns from their waistbands. 
“They got guns!” Someone called out. The parking lot emptied with a speed only achieved in the hood. Too many people who knew the consequences of a stray bullet and weren’t trying to lose their lives over it. Some brave souls remained, peeking behind cars and around the building into the additional parking in the alleyway.
You couldn’t help it. Your thighs tingled. Your heart skipped a beat seeing Jatemme climb out of the driver’s seat with that slow, menacing gait of his. His eyes were glued on you as he walked towards you.
The cutie remained, like he would really stand in front of a bullet for you. You couldn’t give him any more warnings. You couldn’t save him from his own stupidity. Jatemme stopped a few feet in front of you.
His face was deceptively calm. He crossed his arms in front of him, Glock on display. His crew formed a formidable wall behind him. Martin sported a darkening bruise on his cheek and you only felt slightly bad for getting him into trouble. At least he was still alive. That was something. 
You bit your lip and giggled nervously. “Hi, baby,” you said. 
“Did he touch you?” Jatemme asked. His voice. God, you could listen to that voice recite the dictionary and you’d listen to every word. 
You shifted your footing. “Nope. Never seen this man before,” you said.
“Aye, if you’re in trouble…” The man said. Martin, being the closest, lifted his gun into the man’s face. The gun was pressed to his temple and the man audibly gulped. 
“Did he touch you?” Jatemme asked once more.
You looked him in the eye. “No.” 
“Get the fuck out of here,” Jatemme said to the man. The man looked at you, but you knew better than to acknowledge his presence. You heard his friends calling for him, telling him not to be a hero, not to lose his life over some bitch. 
The man backed away, keeping his eye on Martin and the shiny gun in his face. Jatemme jerked his head and you sighed, following behind him. If he was going to take you away, he was beyond angry. Maybe you actually worried him this time. That wasn’t your intention. You wanted to scare him a little, not worry him. 
You waved goodbye to your friends. They shot you alarmed glances, but you told them that Jatemme never raised a hand to you. Never. He liked getting his revenge in other ways.
He opened the door for you and you climbed into the front seat. He got into the driver’s seat, peeling away from the club so fast, he probably sprayed everyone with rocks and gravel. He didn’t speak. He drove through the quiet streets, heading back towards the hotel you escaped from.
Jatemme held up a hand like he didn’t want to hear it. You bit your lip. You really stepped in it now. Was it bad that you were turned on? Punishment shouldn’t be this exciting and yet, your mind raced through what he had planned. How he was going to show that he cared for you. 
He pulled to the front of the hotel and tossed the valet his keys. The gun was tucked away into his jeans. Fancy events didn’t mean he had to be the one who dressed up. He did have a clean, sky blue shirt buttoned to the very top. He opened the door and let you out. 
He didn’t speak while he pushed you inside, the event well and truly over by now. He didn’t speak as you rode the elevator in crushing silence and velvet flooring muffling your heels. He didn’t speak as he got out onto the twelfth floor, leading you to a suite you didn’t know he got for the night. 
Once inside, you gasped. There was a bottle of wine chilling in a bucket. Low lighting made the room glow like looking through a piece of glass at twilight. “You did all this for me?” You asked.
“If you would have behaved yourself,” he said.
The suite was big enough to have a full living room with couches and armchairs, shiny mahogany coffee table, and a wide screen TV. Behind a set of double doors, there was a bed already turned down, waiting for you to climb in. 
You pouted. Your man was so sweet sometimes, it made your heart ache. He didn’t always show this softer side. The side that liked snuggling up to trashy movies late at night, snacking in bed, and enjoying each other’s company. 
“Do you have any idea how worried I was?” He asked. His voice was barely above a whisper. Enough to get his point across. You truly had worried him. 
You turned to him with an apology on your lips but he was already invading your space. He grabbed your face and pulled you into a rough kiss, slanting his lips across yours as if he meant to stake a claim. Prove a point. You belonged to him. There was no way of getting out of it. No way of running. 
You gripped onto him tightly. “I hate when you worry me like that,” he said. 
“You promised,” you whined. 
His lips returned to kissing you, looking for the zipper on your side to unzip you from the dress. When he couldn’t find it, he began to rip it with his bare hands. “Hey!”
“I’ll buy you more,” he said. His lips returned to kissing you. More like possessing you. He kissed you like he wanted to meld your bodies together to keep you by his side. This was what you needed. What you had been craving all night. 
Your bra and panties went next, baring you completely to him. He wasn’t in it to admire your body right now though. You knew him. He had been worrying about you all night and needed to see you. Feel you. Make sure that you really were in front of him and not a figment of his imagination. 
He turned you around and slapped your ass. You screamed out, jumping away from the sharp sting. He pushed you towards the deep gray couch and bent you over the back of it. It dug into your tummy but you were too turned on to notice the pain. 
He unzipped his zipper and freed himself with a low groan, spreading your ass cheeks and rubbing his dick through your wet folds. Your hands feebly gripped onto the couch cushings, fingers digging into the linen. 
Once his tip was good and wet, he stuffed you and you cried out from the burn of his girthy dick pushing into you. Your eyes crossed. He felt too good to contain to a single moan. You yelled out without abandon, not caring who heard you. If the neighbors complained, Jatemme would handle that too. 
His strokes were bruising, punishing, near cruel as he slammed into you over and over. “You and this fucking attitude gon’ kill me,” he groaned. His fingers grabbed hold of your hips and slammed you back onto his dick. Like his strokes weren’t enough. Like you weren’t moving fast enough for him.
“Oh baby, oh fuck–I’m sorry!” You cried out.
“No, you not,” he said. No, you were not. You’d do everything all over again if he meant that his attention was back on you. That his hands were back on you. That his dick was inside you, spearing you, driving you to new pleasures each and every time. 
Your feet were scrambling for purchase. He didn’t care. He fucked you like you were no more than a toy to stick his dick in. One hand reached behind you to push against his chest. His shirt slipped between you so he lifted it and brought his flesh flush with yours. Then, he grabbed your outstretched hand and pulled it behind you, resting on your back while he used the new position as a new anchor. His strokes grew deeper, more desperate. 
“I catch you talking to another nigga and I’ma kill him,” Jatemme whispered harshly.
“Yes, baby,” you moaned. You’d seen him kill niggas for far less. For daring to turn their neck in your direction. He once told you that if he could blind the male population of Chicago, he would. 
“Oh fuck!” You screamed out, crying through your punishing orgasm. 
Jatemme grunted in satisfaction. “That’s your first one for the night. I hope you’re keeping count,” he said. 
“Baby, wait…” You grunted between his deep thrusts. 
“Like you made me wait tonight?” He asked. He yanked on your hair, forcing you to look back at him. You stared into his eyes while he filled you up with his cum. He came with a low, grumbling moan that shook your inner walls. 
Your mouth dropped open as his dick pulsed and twitched. Your legs were jelly, kept standing by pure force by him. His will to keep you spread open for him ensured that you were a vessel for his dick. His own personal fucktoy. 
He made you cum two more times while your neck was craned, looking back into his soulful eyes. You ran out of curse words to shout to the heavens. Your eyes ached from the way they rolled. Your essence mixed with his spend dripped down your legs in a slow river that tickled your legs.  
He finally slipped out, giving you a bit of a break. You huffed, legs shaking, arms weak. He picked you up and carried you to the bed, spreading your legs open once more. He fisted his dick, jerking the length of it while he looked at your destroyed pussy leaking with his cum.
“Hope you didn’t plan on sleeping tonight,” he said with a small grin. 
You panted with a nervous giggle. He proved throughout the rest of the night just how much he missed you and made you promise not to do it again. Well, at least not anytime soon.
The end.
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There will be more! The Secret Jatemme Files
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ofrolysdogs · 7 months
jax boyfriend headcanons
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me when i make a headcanon post every blue moon... anyways, i watched the amazing digital circus and its safe to say... i love me some jax lol, also, i usually do nsfw headcanons as well however i decided to keep this sfw until i get some inspo on what to do with him spicy wise ;)
now this won't be as detailed as my feitan one (if you like hxh and especially if you're a feitan enthusiast then you definitely might want to check this out!) also, if you're looking forward to comissioning me to write (or draw) anything, dm me for now (i'll link my prices here when i get the chance)
warnings: tadc spoilers obviously but overall none so far??? jax just being jax and a bit of angst at the end, abstracting and all, you knew it was coming.
how you first met
well for starters, jax will treat you just like he does everyone else, he's kind of an asshole and you may not like him at first, his cheeky and sometimes insulting remarks kind of either catch you off guard or rub you the wrong way, you get used to this behavior when the two of you confirm the relationship.
realizing he likes you
he is very conflicted with his feeling about this, he can't lie, the more he hangs around you, gets used to your personality, he doesn't know exactly what to do, he hasn't really felt any romantic attraction towards anyone since he came in from the real world, but something about you caught his attention, the others point out how weird he acts when they mention you, or better yet, when you're around, he's less... well, himself! after some time he kind of treats you a bit different from everyone else, he doesn't realize it but everyone spots it big time! he isn't as rude with you as he is towards everyone else, he might even give you a cheesy little nickname depending on what you are or what you look like (if you're shorter than him he might just call you shorty or tiny, if you're taller he'll probably call you skyscraper or giant.)
eventually, he confesses...
on a very special day, jax had eventually gotten tired of hiding his feelings, he had truly came to the realization that he liked you, like, a lot, one day he would go on to find you, and pull you to the side, and tell you... vaguely, that he liked you, you weren't exactly getting the hint, until he spat it out: "i think you're cute, and i want you to be my (partner), alright!?"
he was surprised that you said yes, knowing at first, you weren't exactly a fan of him, you said yes, you wanted to go out with him.. he didn't show how flabbergasted he was, always with his cool, composed expression, that smile and all. "a deals a deal."
you're his lover... now what?
so, pretty much everyone knows that the two of you are a thing, and he confident enough to make it clear that he loves you, enough time has passed for him to tell you that he loves and adores you, very much so.
miscellaneous things
when it comes to him being jealous, or more accurately; territorial, he'll get quiet, scarily quiet, his face is blank as he watches the person flirt with you, when you're not around, or on that day he feels particularly playful, he'll pick on them, and not in the usual way, straight up insults masked as a joke, don't forget, he also holds grudges, sometimes..
you abstracting
that day came, one of his biggest fears came true, you abstracted, he stared in disbelief as he watched, you looked at him with those eyes, you were not the same, and it was hard to come to terms with that, when cane puts you in the cellar, he can't help but shed tears, he doesn't wail (he saves that for later when he's alone) but it's something new for the others to experience.
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jistagrams · 11 months
nct 127 getting jealous of a member/friend
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warnings: cussing, jealous nct, hair pulling,suggestive asf,honestly i dont even remember so, also no proofread 🥲🥲
taeil: it all start out with you teasing jisung, why? Because he's so teasable, so shy and so cute so u decided to mess with him. That was the first mistake you made since it led to you being death stared by your one and only boyfriend taeil. At first u don't notice him staring at you and jisung but after a while u start to feel like someone was staring at u, so u look around to see ur boyfriend looking at you, real hard. Man spreading leaning overish (like in the pic above) raising one of his eyebrow clocking his head to the side , poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue. You knew he was jealous and he knows you find him so sexy like that , so he eggs it on. Deciding to play your stupid game, he gets up to sit right next ro you where you were also sitting with jisung and some random girl his friends had over. He sits down right by you leaving no space between but he turns to the girl. What? "hey im taeil" , "hey tae im emily" she gives him big toothy grin as he js smirks at her, you stare at them in disbelief, scoffing and putting ur hand on his thigh trying to show her that he's yours. But instead of ending it here he decided to move ur hand away and lean into Emily. your in shock, what the hell? Who even IS this girl? "So...are u single?" She asks him sliding her hand up his arm. he slightly laughs and shakes his head as in no, yeah better be a fucking no. "nah, i only fuck one girl around here" he smiles and pulls u in, emily just stares at you both in either shock or disgust u can't tell, but u could care less about her. She stands up and walks away leaving u too alone since jisung walked away long ago. "Why try and mess with me when it will just back fire on u" , "because i wanted u to get jealous" , "ur so weird pretty"
johnny: honestly it's no use trying to get Johnny jealous, he doesn't strike me as someone would really care. I think he would just laugh and talk to the person ur talking to the same way you are, but there's always something you can do to make him at least a little annoyed. That was sitting in between their legs or sitting on their lap. He didn't care who he just hates the thought or even view of it, so when that was the only spot u could be cos the car being so filled he yanks you off jungwoos lap and puts you in his, "what was that for?" , "you know what it was for stop acting dumb".
taeyong: def the type to ignore it and talk about it at home, more like ignore u at home as well, he'd jus be so bothered by you flirting with jaehyun he would just ignore you till he's ready to talk about it. So when u see him on his gaming chair playing animal crossing on his switch you go to sit on his lap, you thought he would look up but he just ignored u and continue playing, trying to get him to talk to you , u went to kiss his neck when he stopped you. "I don't kiss people who kiss my friends" what the hell is he talking about? "What are u on about" , "u were flirting with jaehyun. Obviously something is going on" , "no taeyong nothing is going on u idiot" , "yeah sure." , "I'm serious! He was asking me what he should get his girlfriend for their anniversary" u say trying to defend urself, he puts down his switch and wraps his arms around ur waist. "Is that so?" He says with a small smile , "yes baby" u say with a smile back, he gives a small kiss on ur lips then goes to kiss ur nose. "I'm glad you guys have nothing going on" , "u know I wouldn't cheat" , "i know i was just being overdramatic" he says between kisses he's giving ur chest now. "Wanna fuck?" , "taeyong what the hell u were jus mad" , "and?".
yuta: doesn't even let you get a single sentence out to johnny before he's dragging u to the other room slamming the door while pushing u to the wall, hovering over u. "U think ur fucking funny?" He says with a small laugh. U can't help but to think he looks so fine in this moment. So possessive over u, so mad, yet so sexy in this very moment. "yuta i was just talking with hi-"he cuts u off by kissing u, very very sloppy. He doesn't care about how he kissing you right now. Right now he just wants to teach u a lesson, hands everywhere on u as u try n pull his pants down that's where he stops u, he pulls away from the kissing to lean down to ur neck to leave a huge hickey for everyone to see. After leaving a few more he pulls away from u and pushes his hair back from his face, "try that shit again n see what happens" he says while leaving the room.
doyoung: just like johnny I don't think he would be a jealous type of guy, but you on the other hand? U were mad at every female who came his way. So when u left to get ice cream from the ice cream stand that was not too far away from where he was, u saw him talking to some girl, a very pretty girl at that. Sure you were pretty or whatever but she was on a next level. Walking up to them felt awkward since u had 2 ice creams in ur hands slowly melting from the heat, "oh uhm im doyoung" he says awkwardly like he has never talked to any girl in his life. U finally get to where they were n stood by his side, he looks at u and smiles taking one of the ice creams from u saying a thank u while licking it, "who's this" u say with the most disgusted face u can make. "I'm not sure.." he says back while the girl just looks at u two, "I'm Kaylee and you are?" She says with a obviously annoyed face acting like she wasn't the problem here. "I'm his girlfriend. Y/n." She snickers n walks away. "She was ugly anyways babe done worry about her"he says putting his arm around ur waist starting to walk away. "You know she wasn't so shut up." U say back at him with the same face u had from earlier, "baby ur so jealous its cute" , "she wanted you" , "I want you" , "ok doyoung."
jaehyun: he just smiles n laughs while watching u have a conversation with Mark, "this is fucking crazy." he mumbles but haechan was able to catch what he said, "ahhh u jealous of them talking" he teases jaehyun making him ignore haechan. "that's such a cute bracelet mark! where did u get it?" u point at his bracelet mark had on, he slightly blushes n looks at it himself. "oh thanks y/n, my ex gave it to me so I don't know where she got it..." he shyly smiles , remembering how he got the bracelet for his birthday last year. U smile at him n grab his arm taking a closer look at the bracelet, jae would look so pretty with this, u thought to urself. But what u don't realize is how jaehyun is hovering over u. He grabs ur arm and takes it away from mark's. " I feel like you have had enough time with y/n." He gives a tight lipped smile n looks towards u signaling to get up n walk with him, u bid mark goodbye and get up from the dark blue couch, waving goodbye to ur friends at the party. After u guys reach the car and got in it he let's out a frustrated sigh, gripping onto the steering wheel. "jae i wasn't trying to flirt with him or anything, his bracelet was just nice and I wanted to get you one similar" u start to explain urself to your boyfriend. He looks at you and moves one of his hands to your thigh and caresses it. "I know baby, I don't know why I got so jealous. I know he means no harm, and I know you weren't flirting with him" he says to you with a genuine smile. U give the same smile back relishing in the comforting moment holding his other hand that wasn't on ur thigh. U were enjoying it until his hand started to move too close to where you need him the most. He looks at you with a slight smirk removing his hand from yours and your thigh to jump into the back seat, "cmon pretty" he says tapping his thighs.
jungwoo: it all started with a message from this dude u went to school with back in high school, he decided to text u out of no where saying ,
hey y/n it's been so long , how have u been?
Once ur bf sees he grabs the phone a little disgusted since someone decided to text his girlfriend knowing that you post him 24/7. "jungwoo let's just block him" , "nah I wanna fuck with him" , "babe that's so stupid" , "yk what's stupid? This dude. Who even is this guy!" He says going to click on his profile. "Winwin huh? He looks more like a loselose why is he texting u" he says going to go reply to winwins message, but instead of staying by ur side he moves to the other side of the bed and cuddles up in a ball to text the dude back. U climb over to his side bear hugging him looking at the screen of ur phone.
Who the hell is this
Uh? It's winwin, yk ur old friend
"Old friend huh?" He says while typing up a storm. "jungwoo it's really not that serious just ignore his ass" u say kissing his neck to calm him down. Putting ur arms around his waist,
Old friend is crazy. I don't care if ur a old friend or whatever.
Y/n why are u texting like that??
It's her boyfriend texting
"Idiot" he mumbles under his breath. "I see no point in this all at this point ur js bullying the poor thing" u say feeling bad for ur old friend winwin. "poor thing??did yall fuck or smth to be saying that" he says turning his head back look at u. "No dumb ass, he's just a old friend that decided to move away" u say offended he would even think u would fuck winwin, sure he's cute and all but u wouldn't mess w him, he was like a little brother to u.
Oh.. I thought she was still single
Did u even look at her page? I'm everywhere on it
After saying that he blocks winwin, turning ur phone off n putting it on the bed stand. U let go of him n he turns to face u. "If he ever texts u again ima delete ur insta" he says with a pout , "aww my little baby is jealousss" u coo at him bringing him into ur arms placing soft kisses on his face and neck. "I'm not jealous i just like to keep what's mine."
mark: poor markie wouldn't even show he's jealous cos he's too embarrassed to say he is, so when he sees yuta holding ur waist while u were wasted n dancing ur ass off, he would js stare in complete shock from what he's seeing rn. "Dude ain't that ur gf" jaemin says when he sees u and yuta tg. "Yeah.." he softly says, it almost goes unheard but jaemin was able to pick it up.
You were drunk and couldn't even feel ur body. But what u did feel was a arm snake around ur waist, u thought it was ur beloved markie so u let it stay there as u continued to dance and drink, so when u finally turn to face the body holding u u jump back I'm utter shock, how did u not realize it was yuta? He was so much taller than mark how did u not realize that? U look around trying to find ur boyfriend, but in ur drunken state u couldn't even spin around without having the urge to throw up, everything was moving. U felt dizzy and felt like the walls were closing in. So u ran to what u think was a bathroom , (it was the kitchens sink) and threw up, not even focused on the state of ur mind rn u try to find ur bf to tell him that u had nothing going on with yuta, but where the hell was he?
Mark was in the car he drove the both of u to this stupid party, everything and everyone was so stupid to him rn. He gripped the steering wheel harder than he was before. But he didn't drive he js sat there hoping u would at least come out. And you did, and when he saw u he got out and ran up to u feeling bad since he saw u stumbling. Putting u in the passenger seat and putting the seat belt on he gets in the driver's seat. Doing the same and putting the seat belt on, "markie.." u start, he looks at u. U looked still so cute despite ur mascara running down and ur hair all messed up, he always loved this look on u since thats how u always looked after giving him head. So now he's wondering, did you give yuta head?
U start up again pulling him out of his thoughts, focusing back onto u. "I didn't do anything with yuta. I swear! I thought that arm was yours mark. I swear to God! I really did think it was yours, m sorry my love ill stop drinking so much. I drank so much I forgot how my boyfriends arm felt..." u rambled on and on, u felt like he wouldn't believe u but , he did. Why wouldn't he? He knew you wouldn't cheat or do anything like that. So he believed you, "I believe you baby, I love you so much" , "I love u too markie..but I would really love to fuck rig-" he stops u from talking with his hand over ur mouth, "not tonight babe ur drunk" he says with a sweet smile, starting the car n driving to ur guys shared apartment.
haechan: he didn't mean to talk to her like that, he didn't even try at all. She just thought he was flirting with her because of that whiny voice and attitude he has, so when he sees u storm into the study hall looking for him and the girl he thought he was done for. Quietly sulking in the chair , the girl thought he was just being silly so she rubs his arm and laughs at him. He moves his arm away from her n scoots over slightly. When he sees u standing there obviously annoyed by the fact she saw him and this girl in the back of a photo her friend posted just 4 minutes ago, u take a seat infront of them and slightly smile at them both. "Oh my, are u two a couple?" Once these words left ur mouth he knew he was in for a long one. The girl not knowing who u were just laughed and said , "I wishh, he would be the perfect boyfriend for me!" She says with a smile after. U give her a tight lipped smile and look at your very scared bf. He wasn't looking at u cos he knew if he made eye contact he would fade away from fear. "Well if you want, I could give u a few tips on how to make him youres!" U say laughing a bit, he finally looks at u and shakes his head as in no, "please God save me tonight" he whispers looking up to the roof. "Oh my really?" , " of course, tip 1. He loves his hair pulled he likes the pain it gives him, tip 2. When ur going down on him don't do it fast, go veryyyyyyyyy slow. He likes it like that. Tip 3. Don't call him haechan during sex , he likes his real name. Donghyuck, or if ur y/n u can call him whatever. He doesn't care js not haechan, he doesn't find it very moanable" u stop and smile at the both of them, they both looked at u in complete shock. "Uhm...who's y/n?" She says looking at u then haechan. "Oh me of course" u laugh at her mouth hanging open, u stand up n haechan is quick to follow u. "Stop talking to random girls u little shit" u say gripping onto his hair as u walk to your car. And of course he let's out a quiet but loud enough for u to hear moan.
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pastel-peach-writes · 4 months
Hey! I love your fanfics! (Especially your arcane and caitvi one's I think their adorable) and I thought I maybe could ask for a parttwo to your jinx x reader fanfic ("your a fun one aren't cha?" Is the one am talking about, it's probably my favorite fanfic so far)-? And have jinx slowly catch a bit of feelings-? And some flirting headcanons would be cute as well!
I have no clue when a part two is coming, but I already have an idea for that whenever I do get around to posting. That being saiddd, I am more than willing to do flirt Jinx headcanons for you! Enjoy!
Wrapped around a Pinky Finger | Jinx Headcanons
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Flirty Jinx Headcanons!
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Flirting, Suggestive Content(?), No Use of Y/n, Not Proofread, Lowkey Lowercase Intended
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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– Jinx LOVES to look at you with wide doe eyes, a pout, and her hands behind her back.
– It was a signature move Powder used to use with Vi or Vander when she got in trouble. She knew the two couldn't say no to her chubby cheeks and bright eyes, so as she got older (and lost contact with them) she decided to use Powder's "power" for Jinx's own personal gain.
– Jinx also loves to add an extra raspiness to her voice when she feels like being extra mischievous with her flirts.
– She'll get all close to your ear, put her chest to yours, and whisper pet names or pickup lines with that extra raspy voice of hers
– Now, her pickup lines are a bit... unusual, but you have such a big crush on her (simp), they work regardless
– The most ridiculous line she said was something about a doll, tomato, and mercury???
– Where in the hell did she get mercury and why is she talking sexily about a tomato?!
– In regards to more physical flirts, Jinx loves to push herself against you.
– I mentioned earlier that she loves to push her chest up against yours, but she will also walk you into a wall or a corner just to make sure "you can't get away".
– if you're the easily flustered type, she finds it kinda hot watching you squirm as she backs you into a wall
– if you're not as easily flustered, she'd find your smirks, cocky smiles, and rebuttals equally as hot. In fact, she would push the extra mile just to finally see you crack.
– Jinx likes to think she's also hard to make flustered, but she's easy to make giddy
– if you talk to her about her special interests, give her a space to be her authentic self, and sprinkle a little bit of praise here and there, she will literally look at you with a sparkle in her eyes
– OH Jinx also loves to tease. But I think that's a given
– she always catches you staring at her while she has her welding mask on. It's like she has a sixth sense for those sorts of things
– when she catches you, she'll be like: "you're staring. what? do i really look that attractive while working?"
– you'll try to claim that you aren't, but she would smirk underneath her mask as she continues to work.
– if nail grazes make you squirm, trust Jinx will always be grazing her nails along her skin.
– She loves long nails and trying different colors anyway, so the fact that using her nails as another way to get her partner flustered is just a plus
– she would drag them up and down your back and arm. She would draw circles and swirls on the palm of your hand just to see your fingers twitch and curl from the gesture.
– whenever you guys are laying in bed, she would drag her nails up the delicate sides of your stomach and trail them down to your navel. using a claw hand, she would graze her nails up and down your stomach.
– obviously you would try to shrug her off or tell her to go to bed, but she would just grin and be like, "what? I'm not doing anything."
– she would giggle mischievously into your ear immediately after and all you can do is ignore her. or really push that you don't want her nails to be messing with you and then she'll back off.
– that is literally all i got LMAOAOAO.
WC: 589
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randoimago · 5 months
I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for a bit, but what about a githyanki tav attempting to woo some of the companions with normal non-githyanki tactics they totally didn’t learn from a cheesy romance novel they found?
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Gale, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Wyll
Note(s): I love this idea so much (need more githyanki love tbh). Decided to add Lae'zel because I just find it very funny to imagine her reaction and how often she'd roll her eyes.
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Was reading his own books when you approach and begin your attempt with reciting some cheesy line. Gale can't help but cut in and help you by correcting your pronunciation. He asks you to keep going though, you're doing great.
As smart as he is, it takes him a little bit to realize that you were flirting with him. When Gale does piece it together, he recites his own line from some book he read. The metaphor probably doesn't completely translate to you and he has to explain it a little, but his words are sweet even if the reaction is delayed.
Gale will compile a list of romance books where you both can read from and pick out very romantic lines in. And he can explain some of it to you as well to help you learn more too. He views teaching you and sharing knowledge as the most romantic of dates.
She is unbelievably unamused when you approach her and start talking like one of the noms on this land (you try to correct her that it's "Gnome" but she doesn't listen).
You tried to explain that you found a book and thought it'd be helpful to learn the mating rituals of the people on of this land and she thought you hit your head. Will not stand for any of the name calling you do. It is insulting to be called "pretty like a rose" when she should be as strong as a dragon.
If you wish to really inspire her for a night of passion then she'll show you how to actually accomplish that. Her determination to take charge and show you how it's done isn't quite what you had in mind, but it worked.
She's very wary when you approach her. And then you start spewing some poetry? Shadowheart is confused and doesn't know if this is some kind of manipulation tactic you have or what. But then she sees your own confusion over some of the lines and now she's a bit amused.
Each time you approach, she's crossing her arms and listening to you very obviously recite lines you rehearsed. She'll wait until the end and comment that she never heard of a gith enjoying poetry. When you bluntly tell her you read from a book in hopes of wooing her, well that completely surprises her. And she feels a bit bad at being so on guard at first when you were trying to flirt.
Shadowheart will tell you that poetry isn't always the way to her heart, some compliments would be nice. But really, if you want to romance her than join her for some alcohol instead and your lips can be used in other ways than speaking.
Wyll is definitely a hopeless romantic and to see you come up to him and begin saying some rather cheesy lines, well he can't deny how flustered it starts to make him. A soft smile is on his face as he listens to you attempting to flirt.
Finds it so adorable that you do have a bit of confusion on your face as you recite some lines. Probably because you don't quite understand the meaning due to the cultural difference, but he stays quiet and lets you continue without correcting.
There's a good chance that Wyll has already read the cheesy romance that you stole the lines from. He can't help but bring it up and ask. When he hears your confirmation, it makes him happy and he recommends other cheesy romances that you could read together and he can explain the meanings to some of the flowery language (as well as use his own cheesy lines as well).
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Taglists: @reo-the-leo @unhelpfulnpc
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ficjoelispunk · 5 months
Has the cat got your tongue?
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem. Reader.
Wordcount: 5.8k
Warnings: flirting, kissing, smut, unprotected sex, guns, shooting
A/N: Well, I usually translate my fics, so this is a translation, English is not my first language, so I already apologize for mistakes, or confusions in the translation. This is my first Oneshot, I hope you like it. ❤️
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As soon as you sucked the last sip of your drink, you looked around the bar looking for your friend, a faithful squire, when your eyes parked on the image of Jessica being cornered by no one else, none other than Javier Peña.
Obviously, at that moment, you were no longer fully aware of reality, as soon as the department ended the work, everyone had the brilliant idea of drowning stress and fatigue in some drinks. You didn't use to drink, so you settled for a single drink. Now holding a delicious non-alcoholic orange drink with tonic.
Jessica was are you roommate, and like always you were together. You decided to go straight to the pub for happy hour, and now it was past 10 p.m., so no doubt Jessica would already have her neurons cushioned.
You watched from afar the most scoundrel man in the department - yes, it is Javier Peña -, flirting with your best friend, and she laughing like a fool falling into his conversation.
Immediately you get away from the group of people you were talking to, walking towards Jessica and Javier.
You reach her arm, entering the middle of her and Javier, noding hard at him, turning to face her.
"Hey, girl! Time to go...”
Javier stands next to Jessica, looking at you. You had to look up to make eye contact with him.
"I can take her home" Javier put his arm over Jessica's shoulders.
“Absolutely not”
"Okay, if you want to join us, the invitation extends to you too, you will be welcome"
You open your mouth, surprised by the audacity of this man. You smiled ironically, shaking your head, while looking down.
“Come on, Jessica, let's go”
You help your friend get off the bank in front of the bar counter. She had definitely managed to send the stress and fatigue far away - after God knows how many - shots of tequila.
"Wait" Javier holds one of your arms "we were having a good conversation here, weren't we beautiful?" He speaks seeking Jessica's approval.
She is soft in your arm, completely drunk, the weight of her whole body under your responsibility.
"She is not in a position to say what it is or is not, a good conversation, if you will excuse me"
"Your jealousy? Calm down, sweetheart, you’ll also have your opportunity."
You hear a choir behind you doing a "wooow" by the agents who were with Javier. Automatically this arouses a ferocity in you, your eyes narrow for Javier. You feel the blood boiling in your body, radiating adrenaline into you.
It was as if he challenged you and you accepted. Put Jessica's arm on your shoulders so that she balances herself on you.
"Oh, honey… Do you think every woman wants to fuck with you, Javier? For God's sake, look in the mirror. You think you're hot, but you're forgetting a small detail, you have a huge list of women for your collection, which you pay for them. They're just doing their job. Has it ever occurred to you that they don't like you, but your money?"
Javier is paralyzed. It was as if the sound of the bar was diminished, and only you spoke inside the environment.
"What is it?" Do you provoke him "Has the cat got your tongue? You are so self-centered that you can't take the blood from your cock, and use your brain to really conquer a woman, you prefer to buy them. But there are some women who are not for sale. Grow up, little boy. Start acting like a real man."
Now the choir was for you. The agents were fervent. Javier was paralyzed. You turned your back and walked with Jessica out of the pub.
The wind outside the bar refreshes the fervent temperature of your face, calming the blush that your little discussion with Agent Peña installed on your cheeks. Your eyes started looking for a taxi but there is no car available in front of the establishment.
"Maybe we need to walk" Jessica said, sounding totally drunk.
You sighed. Jessica leaned against the wall. And he took one last look checking if there was no car arriving, usually they were waiting for the passengers in front of the pub, but today. No.
"I can take you"
The voice behind you, made you jump into a fright.
"No, thanks" You talk while you were looking for a card from a taxi you had already taken, to call him.
"Look, you're not going to get a taxi now, and you live upstairs of my apartment. It’s dangerous to stay on the street at this time, and it won’t be a big deal... So..."
"Please, I need to go home... it's no big deal, let's just go home, please," Jessica murmured.
"God!" You close your eyes while throwing your head back.
"All right. But, it's just a ride. Understood?"
Javier arched his eyebrow. And he indicated the Jeep. You helped Jessica get in the car, and Javier opened the front door for you.
You two faced each other for a while. Without knowing, without understanding, if that was a favor, or if it was some provocation, you two were with the guards on alert and would not lower anytime soon.
Despite that, Javier was loving the idea of you being in his car. Breaking all the contempt you insist on showing whenever he is around.
Javier helped you take Jessica to the apartment, you took her to the room, and he stayed outside the apartment.
"Thank you"
He nodded. And turned around.
You were going to close the door but you hesitated.
When Javier heard your voice he looked at you over his shoulders.
"I'm sorry if I was very rude to you earlier today... you pissed me off"
He smiles crooked.
"I deserved that"
You nodded. And closed the door.
Had I made too much effort to climb the stairs and there was little oxygen in your brain? Or were I starting to think Javier is handsome?
You chose the first option.
A few weeks later.
Your shift had ended earlier, and as today was Jessica's day off and she was the only one who had a license to drive in Colombia, you decided to leave walking, so as not to disturb your friend's rest. The apartment was not far from the base, and you really needed some time alone.
You walked down the street, distracted. Colombia was a colorful country, there were many colors on the streets, in contrasting with the war scenario that the cartels and politics waged at the time. It was hot, it was a hot day in Medellin. But sometimes the breeze hit your face, refreshing your body. You were with your eyes closed feeling the wind messing up your hair.
You opened your eyes. Turning your head towards the sound.
"Hey! Get in the car"
Javier had the car leveled on the sidewalk, driving to follow your step, glass lowered, looking a little nervous, gesturing for you to get into the car.
"Why?" You frowned, confused.
"Get in the fucking car" Javier was screaming, looking away from you to look into the rearview mirror. "Now!"
You held the strap of your bag, stopped walking, looked back.
Javier saw three men walking faster towards you, through the rearview mirror.
"Get in the car! Get in the car right now!" He screamed louder.
You saw the men taking out weapons that were hidden under their shirts.
Your eyes snapped, Javier was already out of the car, slipping through the hood of the Jeep, opening the passenger door, and pushing you into the car.
There was a shot. Your whole body contracted, tripping into the car.
Javier shot in the direction of the men. Running to the driver's side.
You lowered your head in the car.
"What's going on?" You asked with a slightly shrill but trembling voice.
"Where are you coming from?" Javier spoke loudly. While driving.
There were more shots towards the car, one of them hitting the rear window of the car breaking with the impact of the shot.
You screamed putting your hands in your ears.
Javier got his hand on your head, forcing you down, to protect you from the shots.
"Stay down. Where were you?" He was screaming.
"Stop yelling at me, I'm right here, next to you"
"Where were you?" Javier ignored your request.
"I... I... I was at the base"
You felt him making a sharp turn, your body being thrown to the side, he removed his hand from your head, to hold the steering wheel. You raised your head little by little, your hands still around your ears.
"Where are we going?" You asked, feeling the tears that you didn't even notice formed in your eyes, running down your face.
"I'll take you to a safe place"
It took you a moment to process the information.
"Wait, do they know where I live?" You held the sides of the seat, while Javier drove aggressively.
"Probably" Javier was attentive, looking everywhere.
"Jessica is at home, we need to get her out of there," you said a little desperate.
"Your safety first"
"No!" You said louder, "We need to go get her now!" You were holding the dashboard of the car now.
"If you didn't get home they know you won't be there, they were after you, not her, I won't put you at risk! You need a safe place"
You didn't understand what was going on.
"Put on your seat belt" Javier looked at you.
It was difficult to move, your body was rigid, he seemed not to obey your commands. Your hands were shaking, your breathing was completely irregular, only now you were becoming aware of the reactions your body had. An icy tingling ran through your body.
Slowly you managed to lean against the seat, you pulled the seat belt, but couldn't connect to the lock, Javier pulled the beam of your hands and locked the seat belt for you.
"Why were they after you?" Javier asked.
You shook your head.
Javier looked at you, completely overwhelmed by the state of shock.
"Sorry, I yelled at you. Did I hurt you?"
Tears flowed persistently down your face. You tried to contain them with your hand, while shaking your head at him, unable to speak.
"I hurt you when I put you in the car?"
You shook your head for him.
"Look at me" Javier asked, the voice calmer now.
You took a deep breath a few times, but obeyed his request.
Javier was studying your face.
"It's okay. You're safe now. Nothing will happen to Jessica. All right?"
You nodded to him.
Javier takes the satellite phone from the car console, his fingers agile dialing a number.
"Steve, I need you to go to Jessica's house with a patrol, there were three armed men in the region, they fired shots, there may be people hurt, maybe they can invade the apartment"
He made a silence.
"Yeah…” he looked at you “I don't know, but take her to a safe place"
And it hung up.
"Thank you"
He nodded.
"Do you know why they were after you?"
You shook your head.
"I have no idea..." you looked out the window for a moment, then looked at Javier again, "my father, he has political involvement..."
Javier looked at you.
"Political involvement? And why are you working on it?" He arches his eyebrows, his eyes snaps.
You frowned.
“Because I need to work to live?! My father is a politician, not me"
Javier shrugged. He kept thinking about how you could live a luxurious life, without having to work, just enjoying the money. But you decided to work. Worthy or did you just want to prove something to someone?
Peña parked in a motel. You tilted your body over the dashboard of the car to observe the location. Is this the definition of a safe place for Javier Peña?
"Sorry, we don't have any five-star option” Javier said as he got out of the car.
What is the need to be so annoying?
Already out of the car, he gestures for you to get out of the car, while lighting a cigarette. You go down, looking to the sides.
"Why are we here?"
"You need a place to stay," he said under his shoulders.
"I'm not going to stay here alone"
Javier looks back.
"We have no other option, until I can do the legal procedures and can request protection for you, no one will look for you here"
"No, so take me back to the base, I'll stay there, no one will look for me inside"
Javier looks at his feet, and puts his hands on his waist.
"We don't have time for this, come in, before someone sees us"
You sigh. Scared. Looking around.
"I don't want to be alone, I'm scared," you murmur, crossing your arms in front of your body.
Javier runs his hand over his face, scratching his nose.
"Ok. I'll stay with you"
You looked at him. Not that it would comfort you. But with him?
You scratched the back of your neck. Thinking about the alternatives.
"Let's go, come on" Javier pulls your shoulder, directing you through the enter of the door, his hand gently pushing your back. Without giving you many choices.
You continue with your arms around your body. While Javier checks in and picks up the room keys.
Wait. Room. One room?
Javier walks towards the stairs, goes up the first floor, unlocks the door.
"Go inside, lock the door, only open it if you're sure it's me, I'll be right back"
He gives you the key.
"Where are you going?"
He snaps his eyes at you and shakes his head. Ok. He wouldn't tell you where he would go. Because he doesn't owe you satisfaction. Because he's an idiot, insensitive.
"Close the door."
You enter the room, Javier is waiting for you to lock the door. You hear his steps moving away after hearing the second turn you take on the key.
The bedroom has a sofa. And a bed. Only one, with a mirror on the ceiling. But that's okay, because apparently he was going to leave you alone. And fuck if you're shitting yourself with fear. Fuck that there were armed men willing to shoot you, behind you. Fuck you.
Javier was Javier, and he didn't care about anything, just himself.
Never, not even in your worst nightmares, did you think that one day, you would be at the mercy of Javier Peña. There was no way you could get out of there, without him saying it was safe. There was nothing you could do but wait. Wait. For Javier.
The world really turns around.
The TV didn't work. There were no magazines. There were no books. You wouldn't leave the room. That was it. There was no food. There were no clothes if you wanted to take a shower. There was nothing. Nothing, just you. Your concern. Affliction. Nervousness. Anxiety. And fear. Oh, and of course, red and blue neon lights in the room. You rolled your eyes.
Three knocks on the door.
"It's me" the voice was familiar.
But was it correct to believe that it was safe to open even if it was him, and if he was accompanied, being threatened? Would it be prudent to take a test?
"What did I say to you on the last night we met?"
"Well, there were a lot of things, sweetheart." He took a break "but my favorites are that: I think I'm the verraco. That I can't think because my blood is all on my dick. And that I should start acting like a real man"
Ok. If he were being threatened, he wouldn't have been able to think of all this.
You unlocked the door.
Javier was leaning against the door, a cigarette on his lips, with several bags in his free hand.
You made the way for him to come in.
He put the bags on the bed.
"Did you talk to Agent Murphy? Is Jessica okay?"
"Yeah, Jessica is fine"
Javier looked at you, his eyes going down to your feet.
You crossed your arms.
He indicated with his head the bags on the bed.
"I bought clothes if you want to take a shower. There are some snacks if you're hungry. Water, beer and cigarettes"
You walked reluctantly to the bags. You opened some. Really, he had bought you clothes. Pajamas, pants and t-shirt, and... what? It can only be a joke!
You took it out of the bag holding with your fingertips, a black lace panties.
"Seriously?" You asked him.
Javier seemed to have fun, a funny expression on his face.
"I thought it would look good on you" he smiled.
You threw the panties at him.
He held back laughing.
“You pervert!"
You took the bag of clothes, heading to the bathroom, which, ridiculously, there was no door.
You grunted, Javier heard, stretching on the couch. Having fun.
"You stay there, and don't you dare come here until I authorize it"
"Yes, ma'am"
You turned on the shower, and took a quick shower. Javier heard the sound of the water stop, the shower turned off. He stretched out to look at the bathroom. He saw your silhouette wrapped in the towel, your wet hair, your legs, your bare shoulders, it was as if something burned inside him. His cock contracted in your pants. Making him fix it in his underwear. Straighten up on the couch.
Javier remembers perfectly the day he saw you for the first time in the department.
"She is not for your tipe" Steve said, while Javier almost broke his neck looking at you.
"I like to vary" he said.
Steve laughed, pushing his partner's shoulder.
Javier knew he would hardly have a chance with you. First, you hated him without much explanation. Second, you had a negative image of him, with your reasons. Third, you were a beautiful woman. Soot face, with strong and sensual features. Hairy lips, perfect hair. Intelligent, sophisticated, polite. He knew you wouldn't give him a chance. But since you were here, he would not miss the opportunity to do the only thing he could do with you, and successfully provoke you.
You wore the pajamas that Javier brought you - without panties - which had not yet been decided if it was good or bad, the fact that Javier knew that you were not wearing underwear. Or if by chance it was, it was the one he had chosen.
Javier was concentrated reading some papers when you left the bathroom. Shorts and tank top, the thin fabric of the pajamas following the curves of your body. He had never seen so much of your exposed skin as you is now. Your skin looked soft, smooth. He wanted to be able to run his hands through your body. Smell it. Kiss your nervous mouth. Make you feel good. Relaxed. Put you in his arms, make you get to where no other man wanted to have dreamed of. He was capable of that. He knew it. This was one of the qualities he was most proud of.
"What are you looking at?" You made him blink.
"I know, but why?"
Javier hesitated and turned his attention to the papers, without answering you.
You sat on the bed.
"When will I be able to leave here?"
"As soon as we get adequate protection for you, or we can find out why they were behind you, or when we can catch the men who shot you"
"Ok. And the estimate is of?"
Javier looked at you.
"I don't know, cariño. I'm doing what I can. You should rest"
You nodded.
Dictating yourself in bed, ignoring the mirror above you, pulling the pillow for you to hug and rest your head.
You heard Javier moving some bags, opened a beer. You would certainly take a long time to sleep. He was focused spreading the papers on the coffee table. At one point, you heard the water from the shower. You heard the click of the bathroom light going out.
"If you want, you can lie down on the other side. Just, don't... you know..."
He laughed.
"I'm going to stay on the couch"
"There's enough room for two"
"Do you want me to go to bed with you?"
You sat down, looking at him, furious. Javier smiled, having fun.
"No, I just think it's fair for you to feel comfortable. But now, stay on the couch."
"Believe me sweetheart, I would be more comfortable on the couch than lying next to you"
You frowned.
"What do you mean?"
He laughed, shaking his head. He didn't answer you.
Only then did you realize that he was wearing shorts, and a T-shirt. Stuck to his body, marking the broad shoulders, the muscles of the back.
You closed your eyes, biting your lips, trying to keep any invasive thought out of your head.
You lay down, angry, sinking your head into the pillow wanting to scream. What had you done to deserve to end up in a motel room with Javier Peña?!
You can't tell when you fell asleep.
But at a certain point, you felt someone holding your face. You started screaming for help. Now your arms didn't move. You fought hard to untangle yourself, let go, and push what was holding you.
You heard your name, several times being called as a background.
You recognized that voice. You screamed for help, it was Javier.
"Wake up, cariño, you're dreaming..."
You kept struggling to let go. But the weight of the person's body prevented you from moving.
"Wake up... babe.. wake up"
You opened your eyes, panting.
Javier was on top of you, with his knees around your hip, holding your arms next to your head.
Your chest was looking for oxygen.
"You were dreaming, I think… Saying something, asking for help, when I tried to wake you up, you... are you okay?"
You were still trying to breathe. Javier was letting go of your arm.
"I... I... did I hurt you?" Since he held your arms... it was an acceptable assumption.
You started looking at his arms, ran your hand through his skin, felt the marks on your nails.
"I'm sorry, I... I..."
"It’s okay... are you okay?"
Javier was on top of you, his body big, strong and hot, heavy against yours. Looking at you deeply, worried.
You looked into his eyes, scouring his face, and for some reason, your eyes went down to his mouth. Your lips have separated.
Javier tilted his head to the side, a crooked smile.
"Are you going to answer me? Or has the cat got your tongue?"
Now, you no longer knew if your breathing was irregular because of the nightmare. Or for having Javier like that, so close. Touching you. Touching so much of you. Creating a discomfort in your body, a pain forming in the middle of your legs, in need of relief.
Javier smiled, and slowly approached you, still looking into your eyes. Your eyes fixed on his lips. As if begging for him.
"Yes" you murmured.
Javier went down until his lips touched your ear. You closed your eyes.
"Yes, what?" He murmured, with his lips rubbing against your lobe.
Javier felt you squeezing each other's legs under him, desperately looking for relief.
"Yes" you murmur "yes, I'm fine" you opened your eyes, the mirror reflecting the muscles of his back.
Javier comes back to look at you with a malicious smile. You are so close that you can touch your nose against Javier's nose.
"Good. You can use words, that's a good sign"
Your hand involuntarily touches his arms. Rigid, muscular, strong.
Javier closes his eyes with the feeling of your soft fingers tracing irregular paths through his skin. Going up the biceps. Gently. You feel his skin goosebumps.
Javier's head hangs, resting on your shoulder. His warm breath, panting, radiating on the skin of your chest.
You bite your lips, imagining what his mouth would be like on your breasts.
Your lips meet his ear.
"And you? Can you talk?" You murmur.
Feel his mustache pinch the skin of your shoulder, in a smile.
"Sorry cariño, I can't take the blood from my dick, and send it to my brain, so that I can say something coherent now..."
You laugh.
Turn your head a side, Javier's lips meet yours. The soft of his lip in contrast to the mustache that scratches your skin, your lip. You tilt your head so that your noses fit, your mouth opens up to him, and Javier finds your tongue to wander, moaning in you. Knowing your mouth, your taste.
While he kisses you, Javier leans on one arm, his legs release your hip, you can bring your legs out of him, slowly he presses himself against you, pressing your clitoris with his thick length, making you gasp.
His lip separates from yours.
"Is everything okay?" He asks pantingly.
"Yeah, don't stop" you pressed your lips on his again.
Your arms rise to curl around his shoulders, your hands merge with his hair.
Javier begins to move his hip, rubbing his cock, on top of where he knows you are writhing with desire, your body moves with his, at a perfect pace, Javier's free hand slides down your thigh, falling on your hip.
Slowly his fingers meet the hem of your shirt, and he dips his fingers inside it, in contact with the skin of your belly, he feels you tense yourself to his touch. Needy.
You don't stop rubbing yourself against his cock, looking for a friction that releases the growing pain of your pussy squeezing around nothing.
Javier raises his hand until he finds your breast. You moan, while for the kiss, to look at his fingers under your T-shirt massaging your breast.
"Take it off" Javier speaks in a low, serious tone, making you feel your pussy wet, ruining the fabric of your shorts.
You pull the T-shirt by your arms. Getting naked. Your exposed breasts. Your stiff nipples.
"You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" Javier speaks with both hands on your breasts, squeezing, while the lips pass through their skin, his tongue, until he sucks one of your nipples, his tongue dancing carefully, more exciting the pulsating nerve of your pussy.
Your fingers intertwine his hair. Your body arches for him. While he changes to the other breast. And repeats the same action in it.
You moan. Moving in him, looking for his cock.
"Javi, please, I need to..." you moan.
"What do you need, bebita?"
"Touch me, I need you to touch me"
Javier smiles.
His fingers circle the elastic of your shorts, you join your legs in front of him, he slides the fabric out of you. You open your legs to him.
Javier's hands slide through the skin of your thigh.
"Jesus Christ… You are so beautiful" he says as he looks at your shining pussy “fucking hell”
He takes off his shirt and his shorts. Releasing his dick. You lean on your elbows. You had already heard about Javier Peña's cock, but live, like this, it was something you had never seen before, it was beautiful too, big, the biggest you've ever seen, thick, it’s leaking precum already, the veins really occupying all the blood of his body. You smiled. You wanted to put it in his mouth. Feel how he would look inside your mouth.
You sat down, crawling towards him, as if you were hypnotized. The lips open, the tongue in the middle of the teeth.
"No, no," Javier held your chin.
You almost pouted.
"Another time, now I want to make you cum, so I can sink my cock into you..."
His words were like direct closes to your core. It was as if you were drunk by Javier Peña.
He bent down, fixing himself in the middle of your legs. He put your knees on his broad shoulders. You looked in the mirror, the image of Javier in the middle of your legs.
His fingers went through your greeting, you moaned. He circled your entrance, bringing your wet to your clit and sliding his finger in circles in your bundle of nerves, sending small spasms through your body.
Javier studied you, observing where he touched and how your face expressed itself with the pleasure that his touch provided, it didn't take long for him to understand where he should press, and how he should do it.
He slid two fingers into you, you closed your eyes, the feeling his fingers opening you, your hands went to your breasts, running your fingers through your nipples.
"Beautiful, you're so tight, goddammit..., relax, just relax for me..."
Javier bent his fingers inside you, pressing your inner wall, reaching a delusional point, when you felt his tongue in your clitoris, you moaned loudly. Your hand came down to hold his hair.
He was relentless, moving his tongue on his clitoris while his fingers built your orgasm.
You felt the pressure forming and the more Javier moved in you, his tongue moving in your clit, it was more difficult to hold, until you exploded in spasms of pleasure, came around him with a strangled cry.
Javier waited for you to come down from your orgasm to slide his fingers out of you.
"We don't need to do anything else, if you don't want to," he kissed the inside of your thighs.
You put a hand on his face, wiping with your thumb the stains you left on him. Your thumb slid down his lip.
"I want to" you murmured the voice still recovering from the pleasure of a few seconds ago “I want to tell you”
Javier smiled. How could he deny it?
He settled in the middle of your legs, you felt the weight of his cock on your pussy, and immediately opened your legs more.
Javier lay down on you, leaning an arm next to your head. The other went down in the middle of their bodies, to position his cock, at his entrance.
He kissed her lips. Take it. While rubbing his cock on you, still sensitive to your orgasm, moaning, and moving your hip to find him.
“So eager” Javier murmured.
He puts his cock at your entrance, and starts to sink into you. He is so big, you feel a pleasurable burning as his cock comes in and fills you.
Your lips open, you touch your forehead on his, holding his arms, watching his cock sink into you.
"Hermosa, you are so..." he moans a heavy sound "tight"
“Fuck!” You gasped while he was sinking into you. He could feel every detail of your muscles stretching around him “Fuck you feel... you feel...”
“I know cariño” holding himself inside you as he gave your channel a moment to adjust to the size of him. “Fuck, I know…” 
Javier begins to move, before he even reaches the end. You put your hands down to his hip and pull him against you. Getting more into you. You need to feel full of him. You need it all inside you. A sharp and pleasurable pain dominates you, when he is totally inside of you.
Your lips move around his neck, slightly biting his shoulder.
He was getting used to being inside you. But you were desperate for him.
"Javi, I need you to move, I need to feel you moving inside me..." you murmur panting to him.
He smiles with a sigh.
"I like it when you call me that" he whispers in your ear "ask me for anything like that, and I'll do everything for you"
Sliding his cock on you. Almost leaving completely, and coming back to the end. At first slowly. But when you intertwine your legs around his body, Javier begins to increase the pace. You feel it stronger, sinking into you, your hips meet. The obscene sounds that their bodies make.
Javier kneels, and raises your legs between his shoulders, somehow causing him to get deeper into you. Sliding in faster movements.
The way he left your leg, tightens your clitoris, making you move looking for more friction. He realizes it. Pressing his thumb on your clitoris with your free hand.
"I want to feel your pussy come for me, c’mon Hermosa, doing so good, taking me so well…” 
Javier starts to get more desperate with his movements inside you, more irregular. He presses his cock deep on you, making you moan loudly, without you being able to control, you melt again on him, the body shaking while he fucks you through your orgasm, chasing his own release.
He sinks more often, deeper, pressing against you, increasing your orgasm.
“Where? Tell me where...” he asks panting.
“Inside me” you murmur almost tearfully.
"Fuck!" He sighs “take it” with a tortured moan, holding his cock at the bottom of your pussy, you feel his cock pulsating on you, filling you, spilling onto his balls and legs before he was even finished coming. 
Javier lowers your legs, and lies on you, kissing your lips. Your hands around your face. The bodies calming down, the breaths organizing, you feeling it soften inside you.
"Do you usually have a lot of nightmares?" He asks, moving your hair away from your sweaty face.
You smile.
He comes out of you, pulling you to lie on his chest. You fall asleep like that, intertwined.
In the morning, Javier fucks you on the bathroom wall, pushing your body over the tile, squeezing your neck with one hand, while the other squeezes his fingers in the flesh of your ass so hard, that they will leave marks. His dick in this position hits places you didn't even know were possible. You moan loudly at the feeling of him inside you. Stretching your tight walls around him.
Javier receives a call informing you that an escort will come to pick you up. You would almost like it to take longer.
When they knock on the door, Javier holds the gun next to his body, slowly opening the door. He frowns.
"Agent Peña" Ambassador Crosby is at the door.
"Ambassador" he nods to the boss.
"Thank you for taking care of my daughter, you saved her life"
You watch all kinds of emotions go through the Agent's face. Fear, surprise, panic, doubt... he looks at you with his eyes half closed.
You smile gently, faking a false innocence.
"Yes, Daddy. This man is my hero" you say, standing on your toes to hug him, "you are running down my legs" you whisper in his ear, move away to give a small kiss on the cheek of Agent Peña who is now petrified. "What is it, Agent? Has the cat got your tongue?"
Ambassador Crosby, gives friendly slaps on the Agent's shoulder, going out the door as his arms pass through your shoulders, you look back and winks at Javier who is now with his mouth open, still paralyzed.
A/N: What would your best friend, Jessica, think about the fact that you stayed with her suitor? 🤭
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hrdenha · 6 months
...touch me, puppy | s.jy
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synopsis: The sounds of his groans made its way through your ears and echoed to the walls. Pride swells up on your chest at the fact, that the untouchable and elusive, Sim Jaeyun is now on your couch whimpering and pleading for your touches. He looks like a guy you want full control of thus, you can't blame the other girls for wanting him, after all, you also want the same thing.
pairings: shytype!sim jaeyun x softdom!reader
warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. jake's celibacy from sexual endeavors 🤭 reader and jake using her undies in some ways thus, panty kink (?) shy and soft jake. pen*tration, unpr*tective s*x, wrap it up guys!
— AUTHOR'S NOTE: this should be publish on the upcoming weekdays but it's currently our hell week and school is also kicking my ass for the last time before we go home for christmas. so, i decided to just drop this. hope y'all enjoy ❣️
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"Seriously, Y/N? Do you even realize what you're saying right now?"
You hum in agreement, eyes looking straight to that man who currently sitting on the sofa. He's not looking so comfortable with how stuck he looks while an unknown girl was trying to flirt with him.
Yeji groaned, still trying to give you some 'sense'. "I mean, Jake's not bad. He got the looks, and he got the brains. He also has sense of humor..." You hummed again, now, while nodding but still, watching on what the woman was doing with your target. "That's why a lot of girls want to take him to their bed but all of them failed. Rumor has it that he's still a virgin but it didn't even take a toll on his famed career. Girls doesn't care if he is. If all, knowing his a virgin just adds fuel to the fire. I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks that that woman was just trying to strike up a conversation with him instead of flirting with him. Jake is just... He's just, umm, how do I put this nicely? Nerdy... and innocent. Yeah."
You chuckled, "And, he's cute... I like him" then, you stopped to analyze what you just said but "... yeah, I like him." You mumbled again.
Your friend took a sharp gasp, all attention in you. "Wait... You mean LIKE like? Girl, may I remind you that a whole Lee Felix is waiting for you? Are you for real?"
"I don't like Felix, though. I don't like playboys." You said in a matter-fact tone, eyeing your friend to add thickness on your claim before looking back at Jake who's now talking with the woman. His head was now gently swaying from left to right obviously rejecting the unknown woman's advances.
Even if the place was loud and somehow dimmed because of the lights, you clearly see how the woman were annoyed before it left. You also saw how Jake sighed, his body finally relaxed after the encounter. He pushed up his specs, his eyes catching yours as he did so. You smiled, not breaking the eye contact, "... I always like the innocent looking ones"
It was almost a week after the party. In Yeji's surprise, you didn't make a move not even an attempt. After the eye contact, or in Yeji's perspective — after the unknown woman left, your friend convince you to strike a conversation but jake immediately avoided your eyes and you let him. You knew he was uncomfortable, and you don't want to push that so, you let him go do his thing. Not even glancing at his way again throughout that night.
"I'm still confused. I thought you like him?"
You hummed but didn't answer. You're busy trying to open a file on your laptop but it keeps crashing until a message box appear saying that you should wait for awhile. You clicked you tongue before pushing your swivel chair to the side where Yeji was, err, you don't know what position she has but she was comfortably laying on your sofa as she waited for your answer.
"I do. I like him. I told you, he's cute"
"So, why didn't you took the change to flirt with him?"
"Do I need to?"
Yeji unbelievably scoffed, as if she wants to give up, "What— but, I thought you like him?"
You shrugged, "Yeah, because I just thought he's cute"
"Oh, so you just like him? Not LIKE like?" She ask again.
Your forehead creased, slightly tilting your head to her. You seriously don't understand what Yeji was yapping about. You like Jake because you seriously think that he's cute. You're not sure if this is just a small crush, as of now, you're also trying to figure it out.
You were about to open your mouth to answer when your laptop and Yeji's phone produced a sound. Your eyes move to the screen where a text box flashed.
"Shit..." Your laptop got a virus. Talk about being unlucky.
"What happened?"
You sighed, shaking your head "Just my beloved laptop catching a virus"
"That sucks. What about your files? You backed it up, right?"
"Fortunately. What about you?"
"Nothing, just that Mr. Baek sends the partner composition for the final project this semester. Did you get it?"
"I didn't have my phone, charging. But, who'd I got?" You casually asked, still trying to get your laptop working.
There's a moment of silence, you reasoning with your device while Yeji trying to find your name from the lists. You were about to ask again when she suddenly shrek.
"What in the world happened to you?"
"You got Jake as your partner!" Yeji exclaimed all smiles.
"I did?"
"You fucking did!" She screamed again, standing up, walking, and then putting her phone under to your face. Letting your eyes be the one to confirm the information. Talk about being lucky.
Yeah, you're really lucky now that the elusive Sim Jaeyun is now on your apartment. After confirming the partnership about the project, you two decided to start the project today at your house. He slowly walks to your couch, putting down his things and trying not to meet your eyes.
"You can relax there, I'll just get us some foods" Jake nervously coughed trying to blur the silence before nodding. A smile crept in your lips but you tried to tone it down. He's just so cute, you can't help it!
After spending a few minutes, you finally step out of the kitchen with tray of food in hands. Putting it down, oblivious at the set of heavy eyes throwing a lingering look on your body as you did so.
"Is it okay if we use your laptop? Mine's got a virus."
"I dont... mind. You can use it." He whispered, eyes focused directly at you. Nodding, your hands took his laptop and put it in your lap. You clicked the button and the monitor automatically lights up, displaying the password bar in the screen. You silently face the laptop to Jake who's currently sitting beside you, his slender fingers typed the password with ease before pushing down the enter.
The laptop opened but instead of the home screen, the laptop automatically displays a tab from the browser. The four walls of the room were now filled with moans from the speaker of the said device.
Jake mumbled a cursed, hands immediately taking the laptop from your lap and exiting the tab that cause a thick silence and awkwardness in between the two of you.
You look at his side, his whole face, some part of his neck and ears are now in shade of red. If he can't look straight in your eyes earlier, at this moment, you doubt Jake still know how to breath.
In an attempt to not further embarrassed him, your fingers travel on top of your lips trying to hide the curve smile that was playing on your lips, "I'll just get more water for us" You excused yourself taking the pitcher even if it was still half way full. It's the least you can do, giving him the solitude to calm himself.
When you come out for the second time, you decided to finally settle beside Jake to continue your business but to your surprise, the man immediately scoot away as if he just got burned by your presence.
You eyed him in shock which jake also did albeit, he's more on a nervous side.
What did I do? Is he that disturbed by my presence?
The silence that made its position between the four walls of living room from the very start became more palpable though you decided it was enough, "I think—" You started carefully, trying not to spook him. Heck, you're not even looking at him, just keeping your eyes in front scared that you might scare him even more. Although, you saw how jake focus his eyes on you from your peripheral. You realized that this is the second time— since he walked inside your abode, that he looked at you straight. You felt slightly pleased at the manner in which he looks at you, yet the way he averted his body played on your mind again causing you to shun the positive emotions away.
"I think, It would be better if... we just divide the tasks and work in it separately. I'm sorry for wasting your time" You repeated, loud and clear. No one said anything after that, room filled with silence once again. You were about to stand up and walk away when a hand gripped your wrist, pulling you back.
The unexpected impact made you loss your balance. And the next thing you knew, you were on top of Jake. On his lap, to be exact while both of you positioned like sitting and laying on the couch at the same time.
"I-I'm sorry..." He uttered trying to scoot away from you, again.
And before you can even think, words started pouring out of your mouth, "Do you hate me?"
Jake was stunned, his body freezing under you before meeting your eyes, "What? No!"
"Do I make you uneasy?"
He, again, shook his head before answering, "Of course not!" in a defensive voice.
"Then, why—"
"You make me nervous!" He said in large voice. "not in a bad way, though. It's always in a good way. You're just so different. You're beautiful and smart and I... I like you. I like you so so much. I like you ever since I saw you last year in freshmen orientation. I like you so much that when you look at me last week at the party, I started think about... things with you. I can't help it, its just—"
"Is that the reason why you're watching porn in the middle of the day?" You asked, cutting him off. A sly smile, that you didn't try to hide this time — is now displayed on your lips.
"I-I'm so—" You hushed him, putting your index on his lips. His pinkish, plump, and kissable lips. You sighed when his bulge starting to let its presence known under you. He's turned on.
"You sure I don't make you uncomfy?" You asked again which he immediately answered with a shake of head. "No..." He whispered, his hot breath making contact with your neck.
You stand up taking a step back and putting a distance between the two of you, just enough for your eyes to hug his presence. The action made Jake confused, in fact, his hands didn't leave your wrist even though there's a reasonable distance in between the both of you. In his eyes, a lot of emotions are playing. Disappointment... Doubt... Awe... Lust?
You silently put your hands inside your shirt, unclipping your bra before sliding the straps on your arms and finally disregarding it somewhere. Jake silently watching you, mouth slightly ajar, eyes observing your actions as your hand touched his clothed dick. After a few touches, your hands travel on his waist. He lets you unbuttoned it, taking off his underwear and pants completely causing his hardened to sprang forward.
You look at his dick in surprise. Oh! look. at. that. His face and ears weren't the only red on his body, that's for sure. It was twitching, his tip in the painful color of red, plus the precum oozing on its tip. You're not a masochist, you know how painful it is to be exposed and not touched. You knew how Jake wanted to be touched just by how his dick twitch, hips slightly buckling up when your breaths made in contact with it. He's, maybe, a 6 inch with a good thickness. You want to lick it, to touch it. You really do. His dick is so pretty. The way his pubes were cut clean tells you more about him and you don't mind spending your time with it in your mouth but not before you drop the million dollar question.
Jake watches with a heavy eyes as you climb on top of him in straddling position.
"Tell me what you want..." You can feel his dick on top of your pussy even though you're still wearing your cotton shorts. You wanted to move your hips but controlled yourself. "What do you want right now, Jake?" You ask again looking down at him, his mouth slightly open ajar as he met your eyes. "You. I want you, Y/N... please"
You smiled giving him a peck. Jake must've been expecting a different kiss from the way his lips tried to chase yours. You smiled, not yet. He groaned in response but you paid him no mind. You kneel in front of him, in front of his dick and you didn't waste your time. Your hands immediately grip it, tongue making contact on his tip which you tease wholeheartedly. Jake's moans poured out of his lips together with a curse moreover, when you finally took him inside your mouth.
With the way your tongue play with his shaft, his tip hitting your throat, and how your mouth suck the life out of him, Jake's groans and moans intensifies as well. You look up to him, eyes fluttering behind your long lashes. The man was vocal, his groans are making you wet. You can feel the heat between your legs increases in every suck you did and moans that came out of jake's mouth. Your eyes met, and you can't help but to chuckle on how fucked up he looks which by the way, send vibration to his cock. He was trying to look at you, to imprint how you suck him on the deepest part of his mind yet he can't help but to close his eyes and lose himself in the pleasure... in you.
"Shit, Y/N... yes, that— that feels good" He moaned again, "I'm gonna..." You felt his hips meeting your mouth causing you to pick up you pace. And with his last groan, he cummed. His thick and white cum flooded your senses, you swallowed it before sucking him again.
"You're so... beautiful" He mumbled breathlessly, eyes boring from the way you lick him clean. His dick was still hard and hot, even after cumming, his dick refused to soften up.
You smiled, before you crawl up to him. Jake was focused on you, on your lips to be exact. He wanted to kiss you, and you let him. You gently clash your lips with his, letting his tongue explore your caverns as you tease his cock with your hands. Jake groaned in between your make out session, tasting his own cum on your mouth did unspeakable things inside him.
"Please, I need to be inside you... please. please." He whispered as he kissed your lips, saying it like a prayer over and over again, hoping his goddess would make his wish come true. And, what can a goddess do but to answer his prayer?
With that, you straddle him again, "You mind if I'll do everything myself?" You asked which came out as a whimper when you directly felt his dick on your tight pussy after taking off your shorts and panties, before straddling him. Jake looks up as you allowed him to take in your body. To let his brain register that a woman is willingly giving her body to him. His head shook before answering a breathless 'no'.
"Tell me, jake... are you a virgin?" You asked again, kissing his checks then his lips. "No... but ever since I saw you, I stopped. It's been a year since." He sighed, eyes closed as he feels the way your sinful lips travel dow his neck, adorning it with bites.
"So, I'm the first in awhile?" He nodded again. "And, hopefully the last." You chuckled at his words. You pulled back looking down at him, your eyes took his visuals in.
Jake looks good. He always is. He looks cute with his specs on, a small amount of sweat on his forehead after the stunt you two pulled earlier. He's wearing a casual long sleeve that has a black collar. The longsleeve has a patterns of horizontal lines with an alternate color of black, white, and red. his neck was adorned with a simple yet elegant silver necklace. His hair was soft, not to mention his lips. That sinful swollen lips of his. He looks hot and irresistible. You can't blame the other girls who wanted him by themselves. You also want the same thing.
At that thought, pride swelled up on your chest. Letting yourself fall in temptation of kissing him deeply again while hips slowly thrusting to create a friction. Your hands pull up your top that perfectly hugs your curves to completely expose yourself to jake as you rub onto him.
Pulling back from the kiss, you finally lift yourself, hands gripping his shaft as his tip scratch on your folds. Letting him know how wet you are because of him.
Jake moaned, still looking at you. He won't close his eyes, he wouldn't miss this for the world. He just want to slam your body down his cock but he control himself. The fact that you're the one in charge is making him crazy.
You gently aligned his tip on your whole, allowing your wetness to naturally push him inside you. His breath hardened, groans getting fuller and louder when you finally let yourself down his cock.
You moaned, head tilting back when you felt his thickness. "You felt thicker now than earlier on my mouth. Fuck, Jake... you felt good"
His dick twitched inside you and in response, you felt your legs shaking. Jake's breath pick up it's pace, his hard breathes filling the room. "You're not going to cum, Aren't you?" He shook his head, answering a 'no' with bated breath. You hummed, smiling down to him as your hands slowly took his glasses off before putting it down on the side table.
He looks handsome, as always. And the way he looks up to you with such innocence in his eyes is turning you on even more. You pushed yourself for a kiss which he accepted gladly, allowing the both of you to be engrossed by each others tastes.
Clenching him painfully inside, jake groaned again. "Fuck... so tight" You start going up and down on his cock. Pleasure starting to build up as you did so. But then, you noticed something. He's not touching you. His hands softly and were carefully pleased on your sides as if he's scared to fully lay his hands on your body.
You took jake's palm, slowly sliding it upwards to your body and onto your breast, persuading him to hold you.
"You can touch me, it's okay..."
"I'm just shy—"
"Don't be, don't be shy. You can touch me, puppy. It's okay" You said in assurance hips continuously fucking yourself in his dick. And, he did. Jake deliciously gripped your bossom, teasing your nipples after. And to your surprise, Jake took your left breast in his mouth while the right was still on his hand. His tongue plays with your erect nipple, biting it hard enough that adds on your pleasure causing you to moan.
"I don't mind if you leave a mark. I would even gladly accept it" You whispered, chuckling on how hard he sucked your breast.
"Does it feel good?" You ask, keeping up your pace. The man under you whimper in response, and you can't help but to kiss him messy again. After a while, an idea sparks your mind.
"Let's try a new position, puppy" You immediately laid on your back, a pillow supporting your upper body as it leans on the arm rest of the couch. "Come here, and fuck me" You said again, as your legs invite him in between.
Jake got on top, kissing you again while letting you strip him his remaining clothes. You pulled his shirt up before pulling him closer to you together with his dick sliding inside as he started rutting you.
Your hand made contact with your lacey panties. Jake's still observing you and swear that he saw the mischief writing on your eyes as you push the garment up to his nose.
"Smell it if you're a good puppy, Jake." You render, trying to stabilize your voice from the bliss of his thrusts. "Are you my good puppy?" You ask again, teasingly. He obliged, sniffing it. Taking a good whiff off of it. You smell good, the fabric is soaked with your pussy's natural smell and he knew that he's addicted. Jake was turned on even more, even taking a mental note of wanting to eat you later.
You relased a breathy chuckle, and silently inserted it into Jake's neck which made his dick twitch inside. "So, you like this? I can't believe how perverted my puppy is." You teased, chuckling again as Jake's cheeks get redder. You pulled the red dainty garment down making him kiss you.
"Red really suits you, jake." After those words, you felt how his thrust becomes sharper and harder. "Ugh! Tight..." He moaned, "Fuck me, jake. Yes, please harder!"
He picked up his pace, who would've taught the elusive sim jaeyun fucking you hard with his thick, veiny, and long cock? Fuck, the pleasure was intense. You can't help but scream, basking yourself in pleasure itself. The room was filled with groans and skin slapping now more than ever.
Your walls clench him tightly at the same time you feel something building up on your lower abdomen, "Jake! Ugh, I'm gonna—! Come inside!" And, then you screamed, the same time you cum. You don't care if your neighbors can hear you. You don't fucking care. Jake continues to thrust, as you are slowly being overstimulated while he rides your orgasm.
"Shit! Y/N!" You felt another wave building up on your abdomen together with how your legs uncontrollably shake. "J-jake!" You cried, eyes keeping close at the intense pleasure. With the last curse and thrust, you came for the second time as you felt him filling you up to the brim with both his cock and cum, giving you a creampie. His thick load painted your walls as he collapsed on top of you.
"That's a good puppy..." You whispered in his ears, brushing his hair as you felt his cum slowly oozing out and down of your hole. "You're a good puppy." Mumbling the last words and a pair of lips kissing your neck was the only thing you felt before darkness got you.
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purely fiction.
© hrdenha - 2023
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