#can't wait ro see him again
ashleydidnothingwrong · 2 months
Having big bro who molests you and treats you like a toy is fun, but having a big bro who makes you breakfast, spoils you, makes sure you are always safe and comfortable and dotes on you is amazing and does wonders for me.
(Well, these are not exclusive, but you get it)
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idkirdkok · 11 days
I don't know why some people blame stolas for how things went...He literally just confessed that he has feelings for blitz and, from his pov, not only got rejected and got the impression that it's always been only a sex thing (he saw blitz write it off as a sexual roleplay and even jokingly said "i love you sooo much" man,,,that must've hurt), he also GOT YELLED AT and INSULTED, in the same fashion his toxic, abusive ex used to constantly do and it was the first time he actually heard how blitz thinks of him.
WE as the audience know it's blitz' defense mechanism because he went through a lot of shit, that he actually wanted to Talk about it (and he did talk (or tried to, at least). He asked for a minute ro think/process and actually said how he feels, that's a great improvement. He also immediately tried to apologize once he realized stolas didn't yell back at him and that his words actually hurt stolas. I'm not blaming him at all. He has his own shitload of reasons and trauma for why he reacted the way he did), but stolas didn't know all that. His pov is dry ass responses to his texts, and blitz not showing up to neither save him nor visit him in the hospital. He saw blitz treat his confession as a joke, and then yell at him for "dropping this feelings bullshit" on him (again, WE know it's because Blitz thinks so low of himself that he convinced himself it must be a joke, and that someone like stolas couldn't possibly genuinely like someone like him). Then basically got told he's a terrible person. It's all too much to deal with.
I think had Blitz been more gentle in saying all those instead of kicking the door and yelling, it probably wouldn't have gone as bad as it did. Stolas literally FLINCHED when blitz yelled and called him a bitch. So yeah, they needed to have a longer, two sided convo, he should've heard blitz out, should have given the poor guy some time to process everything before making a decision. BUT!! he can't be blamed for not doing that, it was a hard fucking moment for him.
I also think the reason he immediately teleported Blitz away instead of waiting to hear his apology was not solely because it was the first time he realized how Blitz views him, but also because Blitz unknowingly confirmed what Stolas was worried about. "If he's only here as a prisoner, then what kind of monster does that make me?" And then Blitz went and called him a rich, pompous asshole who thinks he's more important than others.
Man...I can't wait to see what happens in apology tour
Tl;dr: neither of them are fully right or fully wrong. They both reacted based on their own circumstances, trauma and assumptions
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Jealousy, Jealousy... | Part 2
A/N: don't even have a summary for this. oc is in love with gyu and gyu is in love with another girl but both are virgin losers and gyu is a horndog who would let oc do what she wants to him just as long as he gets to cum.
Word count: 6.3
Genre: Smut, angst
Warnings: fem!reader, dry humping, degradation, dom!reader, sub!beomgyu, fleshlights, beomgyu being a perv and using oc's panties
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You step into the apartment, hoping against hope that you won’t find Beomgyu in there. It’s been a few days since your fight, and you’ve been giving him the cold shoulder–ignoring his text messages, giving him one-word replies whenever he speaks to you, pretending you’re too busy to continue the marathon of whatever stupid show you were currently watching–and every time you do that, he’d look so heartbroken you have to fight for your life to not forgive him then and there. 
But fate hates you, or maybe it was by Beomgyu’s design, because as soon as you step into the living room, you see Beomgyu on the couch, fiddling with his guitar. He looks up when he hears you enter.  
You try to make a run for it, sight set on your bedroom door, but Beomgyu quickly springs up and calls your name. “Wait! I wanna talk to you.” 
“Well, I don't wanna talk to you.” You mutter, bee-lining towards your room, but Beomgyu is quicker. It only takes him a couple of large steps to put himself between you and your bedroom door. 
“Please!” He begs. “Just talk to me.” 
“I don’t want to talk right now.” You try to push past him but he won’t budge. 
“No, please, listen. I’m sorry for kissing you. I was just… I never got an A before. I didn’t think I could get an A. You know me. You know how everyone thinks that I’m so stupid. I know you think that I’m stupid. It just meant a lot to me. I was so excited to show you that I’m not always such a dumbass.” 
You sigh. "I know you're not a dumbass." 
“But I am. I’m such a dumbass and I’m so sorry for kissing you but please don’t leave me.” 
“Leave you?” You stare at him incredulously. “Beommie, I’m not going to leave you. What makes you think I would?”
“Well you haven’t been talking to me. I thought you were done with me.” He says glumly and you laugh. “No, silly. I was just giving you the silent treatment. Never heard of it?” 
"So we’re still friends?" He asks hopefully, tears in his eyes, looking like a kicked puppy. 
"Of course, we are. Don't be silly." You reach out to run a hand through his hair, and he happily leans into your touch. "Okay. Promise me we'll never stop being friends. I can't lose you."
You hesitate. This is why he can���t know you’re in love with him. It would ruin you. "I promise." . 
“Good.” He gives a big sigh of relief before he throws you a mischievous grin. “Are you going to come see me practice for the big gig today? I need my groupie.”
You smack his shoulder. “I’m not your groupie.” 
“You can be. Maybe we can sneak off and mess around backstage.” He pulls you by the hips and rests his forehead against yours but doesn't attempt to kiss you. 
"Beommie… I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why?” He whines like a brat, “I won’t try to kiss you again, I promise. I'll be your good boy." 
God, the things those simple words do to you. You could never have imagined the man you’ve thirsted after for years acting so needy for you, but you can’t let this go on any longer. It fucking killed you to have him kiss you, knowing it didn’t mean the same to him as it did to you. If you keep this up, you’ll only open yourself up for more hurt. You have to protect yourself. 
"I just don't want us to get mad at each other again."
"We won't." He tries to reassure you, but you put a hand to his chest and push him away. "No, gyu. It was fun but we can’t do this anymore.” 
He grabs your hand in his and brings it to his lips to press a kiss against your palm, making your heart flutter. "Then what's going to motivate me to do good?"
"Ice cream?" You suggest, taking your hand away, and he groans. “What’s rock and roll about that?” 
You snort. “Your band name is tomorrow by together. There is nothing rock and roll about you guys.”
“Okay, ouch. Groupie invitation revoked.” 
Watching Beomgyu play his guitar is like watching magic happen. Even when he messes up or is struggling–the way he’s just so immersed and serious about his craft is so inspiring and you feel so lucky to be able to witness it. 
It was a moment like this–seeing him so lost in the music–when you first realized you’re in love with him. And now, a few years later, that love has only grown stronger. 
“He really is an idiot.” You hear a familiar voice next to you and look to the side to see Yeonjun also looking at Beomgyu. 
“What do you mean?” 
“If I had a girl look at me the way you’re looking at him, I would never let her go.” He says so casually as if he hadn’t just exposed your entire guts out to the world. 
“What–-why would you–I–” You sputter, getting even more flustered at the amused look on his face. Damn him. You take a moment to recollect yourself. “Don’t be silly, Yeonjun. We’re just friends.” 
“Are you? Then how come you won’t go out with me?”
You roll your eyes. “Have you ever considered that you just might not be my type?” 
He raises an eyebrow at you, looking at you like he doesn’t believe it for a second. “Oh, please, I’m everyone’s type. What, you don’t like tall, handsome men? Lead singers? Really talented lovers?”
You suppress the blush his last comment intended to entice in you. “I already told you. I can’t go out with a guy who will flirt more with his fans than me.” 
“Aw, are you jealous, baby? You know I can clean my act up for you.” He moves to get closer to you, his hand reaching out to wrap around you, when suddenly Beomgyu steps in between you two. “Leave her alone, Yeonjun.”
“Why? She likes it.” Yeonjun grins, sending you a wink, and you stick your tongue out at him, making him laugh. Yeonjun tries to reach out to mess up your hair in revenge, but Beomgyu intercepts him. 
“No, she doesn’t. Now, leave.” 
“Alright. Alright. Chill. I’ll leave for now but if you’re not gonna snatch her up then don’t blame me for trying.” He sends you a wink, making you blush. “See you later, doll.” 
You bite your lip, staring at the ground to try to get your blush under control. You don’t like Yeonjun like that. Well, at least not near as much as you like Beomgyu, but you still can’t help the effect he has on you. He’s just so charming, and if you hadn’t been so absolutely in love with Beomgyu, you would’ve definitely been under him long ago. 
“You really shouldn’t encourage him.” Beomgyu says irritably, “You know he’s a manwhore.”
You shrug. “I know but it’s still nice to have a man’s attention.”
“Hey, you have my attention.” He protests, and you stay silent, giving him a cryptic look. 
“What?” He narrows his eyes at you, and you shake your head, dispelling any stupid thoughts of confessing your undying love for him. “Nothing. It’s just not the same. You’re my best friend. He could be something more.” 
“Oh.” Beomgyu steps back, frowning. “Um…okay. I understand that, but do you really need it from Yeonjun? I just… he’s my bandmate, you know?”
“I know.” You say, even though you really don’t. Why should that matter? “But he’s sweet and charming–”
Beomgyu groans, cutting you off. “Please. Anyone but Yeonjun.” 
You roll your eyes. “Fine.”
You don’t know why it matters so much to him but you honestly don’t care. It’s not like you have your eyes on Yeonjun or anyone else but Beomgyu. You’re hopeless anyway. 
You and Beomgyu have easily settled back into your old routine, pre-hooking up. Like right now,  you’re cuddled up on his bed watching a movie as if nothing had ever happened–as if you’ve never touched him–as if just the feeling of his body wrapped around yours isn’t scorching your skin. 
“I can’t believe we’re watching this stupid movie again.” You groan, shoveling popcorn into your mouth. 
“Hey! I’ll have you know that Top Gun is one of the greatest pieces of cinema ever made.” He defends his favorite movie fiercely. 
“The greatest bore ever made you mean.” You grumble and he kicks your leg. “Shut up. I don’t insult your stupid horror movies when you make me watch them.” 
“You just did!” You retort, and he scoffs. “Well they’re stupid.” 
“Whatever. We’re watching The Shining after this.” 
“No we’re not!” He protests heatedly, and you answer back just as passionately. “Why not? We agreed we would watch one movie horribly picked by you, and another very superiorly picked by me.” 
He looks down at his hands, mumbling quietly. “You know those twins freak me out. I won’t be able to sleep for a week if we watch that.” 
“Aw, Beommie.” You coo, propping a finger under his chin to make him look up at you. “Well tough luck, wuss. We’re watching it.” 
“I hate you.” He whines, burying his face into your neck. 
Yup, all back to normal. You don’t want to cry because just the light brush of his breath against your skin sends your nervous system into overdrive. Nope. You’re all good. Just two friends watching a terrible movie. 
For a guy who just said he’s so afraid of The Shining, he won’t be able to sleep, he sure is sleeping very soundly right now. 
You glare down at him. He made you sit all through that stupid movie and he’s knocked out half-way through yours. You’d wake him up and give him a severe talking to if you weren’t so incredibly, wonderfully comfortable right now. You feel so warm and toasty with his long body wrapped around you like this, and the view you have–his face resting against your chest so close you can count his eyelashes… it was heaven for you. You suppose you’ll let him sleep for a bit more. 
Maybe you should get some shut-eye too. You’ve been so tired staying up all night studying for the test you took earlier this morning that you can’t help dozing off yourself, his embrace more comfortable than a bed of clouds to you. 
You were feeling so fucking peaceful, the weight of sleep helping to push down all your negative feelings that you don’t even pay much attention to Beomgyu’s repeated movements at first, just chalking them up to him shifting around to try to get comfortable like you. 
Sure, it was taking longer than was reasonable and he was pressing himself closer and closer to you each time, but it’s not like you were going to complain. The closer to Beomgyu, the better, right? It’s only when you feel something hard pushing up against your thigh that you realize what exactly is happening. 
"Beommie, what are you doing?" You mutter sleepily. 
He goes rigid and it takes him a while to respond. "...nothing."
You would have let it go if you didn’t still feel his hard cock against you. “Oh, really?” You challenge, moving your thigh up against him, ripping a deep groan from his throat. “Then what is this?” 
“Okay, okay, I really missed you.” He groans, wrapping his entire body around you. “And you just felt too good against me.” 
You scoff. “Have you no self control?” You ask even as you move your thigh against his cock. 
“No.” He admits, full on humping you. “Just need you.” 
“Beomgyu…” You pretend to hesitate, not wanting to let him off the hook quite so easily, not wanting him to see how much you need him too.
“Please, baby.” He begs, voice even deeper with sleep and all husky. That was your undoing. 
“Fine. You can keep going, fuck me.” You ‘finally’ relent, but the spoiled brat isn’t content with that. He tries to pull your shorts down. “Can I actually fuck you?” 
“No! I meant you can fuck my thigh.” You clarify, silencing his emerging protests with your finger in his mouth. “It’s bad enough that I’m letting you hump me like a rabid dog. You don’t get more.” 
“But this is so humiliating.” He whines through your finger before burying his face against your shoulder as he continues to vigorously dry hump you, miming fucking you the best he can. 
"I've seen you hump your body pillow before– More times than I would have liked– This is an upgrade for you, you pervert."
"You're so mean." He whines again and you snort. "I'm helping get your virgin ass off. How am I mean?"
“You’re just so mean.” He cries, grinding fervently against you. 
“And you’ve gone brain-dead again.” You laugh, “Come on, baby. Just focus on getting off. You’re almost there aren’t you?” 
“Then come on. I want to feel you cumming against my thigh. It would be really fucking sexy.” You drawl, pulling his head back so he can look at you. 
“Yeah.” You trace a finger over his perfect lips, resisting the urge to kiss them. Fuck, now that you’ve had a taste, it’s like you’ve developed a craving to them. This is why you should have never let him kiss you. “You’re so pretty, wanna see you lose control.” 
“Okay–okay… if you want it.” He stares at you deeply, and you nod.  
“I really do.” You murmur, “Want you to cum all over yourself for me.” 
“You’re so fucking dirty.” He growls, pushing your legs open and pressing himself between your them so he’s humping your pussy instead of your thigh. 
“Hey! Bad boy!” You screech, stuttering when his cock brushes against your clit. Your hand goes out to grab him by the hair. “Bad b-boy.” 
“Please, please, don’t make me let go.” He pants, his hips driving into yours roughly. “I’m almost there. Gonna cum for you, pretty.” 
You hesitate at the nickname, loosening your grip. 
"No, pull my hair harder. I like it when you’re rough with me."
"Now who's the dirty one?" 
"I can't help it." He sucks in a sharp breath, "You drive me crazy." 
Well, that makes two of you.
"Fuck, Beommie." You gasp, pulling on his hair and making him lose it. The way his cock is grinding against your clit making you reach the edge yourself. If he keeps this up, you might actually…
"Oh god, yes, yes, fuck!' He shudders and can tell by the warmth soaking his pants and the way he presses his hips snug against yours that he had orgasmed. 
Oh well, so much for that. 
"Did… did you cum?" He asks once he had caught his breath a bit. 
"No." You admit awkwardly, a little breathless yourself, and he looks disappointed. "It's okay, I'll take care of it."
"But I wanna do it." He whines. “Let me.” 
"No, Beomgyu." You refuse to let him feel how wet you are right now. He can’t know how much you want him. You can’t let him touch you because if he did, you don’t know if you would ever get enough.
"Why not?” He huffs, annoyed. “Why don't you want me to touch you? Do you find me so repulsive?"
"Don't be ridiculous.” You grit out. How very Beomgyu to be this oblivious. “You’re very handsome.” 
"You clearly don't think so. Otherwise you wouldn't freak out every time I try to touch you." He snaps, “Listen, I know I’m no Yeonjun, but you don’t have to make me feel so hideous.” 
“This has nothing to do with Yeonjun or you, you ass.” You lie through your teeth. "I'm just not ready to let anyone touch me yet, okay? Unlike you I’m not just looking to get my rocks off. This actually means something to me.”
“So it’s okay to meaninglessly get someone off but it’s not okay to let them get you off too?” He calls you out on your flawed logic.
“Yes.” You double down anyway, and he opens his mouth to argue but you beat him to it, realizing you need to end this discussion before you say something stupid. “See? This is exactly why I didn’t want us to hook up again. Maybe we should–”
“No, no! Fine, I’ll back off.” He puts his hands up in the air, literally backing off. “I won’t try to touch you or kiss you or do anything to you anymore. Only you can do what you want.”
“Please! I really don’t want this to end. It feels good being with you.” He pleads. God, he has no idea what he’s doing to you. It’s unfair that he has this much effect on you and he doesn’t even know it. 
You really shouldn’t say yes. This is only going to end in disaster, if you say yes. 
“I can’t do this. I can’t. I’m just going to go home.” Beomgyu exclaims, freaking out in his small dressing room. He and his band have been invited to play at one of the most popular spots in town. It’s a huge opportunity for them, and so naturally it comes with a great deal of pressure, which Beomgyu is definitely feeling. 
“No! You can’t!” You intercept him, holding onto him tightly so he won’t escape. “You’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this for years! You can’t just go.” 
“But I am freaking out. I am going to make a fool of myself if I go on that stage. I know I will.” He cries, looking at you with pure panic in his eyes that is actually contagious. But you fight to keep in control of yourself. You have to be the rational one for him. 
“You are going to do great–”
“You don’t know that. They will hate me. They’re boo me. Oh, god, they’re going to throw things at me. I have to go. I have to–” 
You grab his face and kiss him, shutting him up, and even though this time you’re prepared for the kiss, the feel of his lips still takes you off guard. There is nothing in the world that could prepare you for the electricity you feel whenever your lips touch, and this time when you hold onto him, it’s to keep yourself from falling to the ground.
“You won’t.” You tell him once you bring yourself to pull away from the kiss. Or once you run out of oxygen that is. “You’re the most talented musician I know. I know you’re freaking out right now but once you’re out there, you’re going to put on the greatest show those people have ever seen. I know you will, because you’re that good!” 
“You kissed me.” He mumbles, confused. 
“Well, you wouldn’t shut up.” You mutter nervously. 
“Right.” He clears his throat, and it’s silent for a few seconds before he looks at you shyly. “You really think I’m the most talented musician, you know?” 
“I know you are.” You say truthfully. 
“Even more than Yeonjun?” He asks and you roll your eyes. “Even more than Yeonjun.”
He grins widely, triumphant. “Okay. I will go out there and show those fuckers how it’s done.” He says confidently, taking a step towards the stage before he quickly doubles back. “But before I go… another kiss for good luck?”
Oh god, you’re being put through hell and you have no one to blame but yourself. 
“Don’t get used to this.” You roll your eyes, pulling him into another kiss. 
Beomgyu does amazing. Maybe it’s the stage lights, maybe it’s the sway of the music, maybe it’s the energy of the crowd, maybe it’s how happy he looks up there–but you’ve never been so in love with him. And so proud, and so amazed, and so bewitched. 
And it seems everyone around you thinks the same. The crowd absolutely went wild for him and his band. They cheered loudly after every song. They hooted and clapped whenever one of the boys interacted with them. They enthusiastically answered their questions and followed their requests. It all went so well, you just know this gig has secured them many more in the future, and you like to think that you helped in your own way, by keeping the lead guitarist from running away before the concert. 
Said guitarist grabs you and hauls you off the ground in a suffocating hug as soon as he sees you backstage. “Did you see that? Did you hear how loudly they cheered for us?” 
“So loudly I think one of my eardrums has ruptured actually.” You laugh, making a show of pulling at your ear. “You guys did so amazing, Beommie! The band absolutely blew everyone away!”
“Who cares about the band? I rocked!” He shakes you excitedly. 
“Yes, you did.” You easily give in to him fishing for compliments. He deserves it. “You were the star of the show. I heard so many people around me–”
“Oh my god.” Beomgyu gasps, staring at something behind you. 
“It’s Haeun.”
You look back to see the devil herself. “Oh.” 
“Beommie!” She greets him enthusiastically, coming over. Beommie? That’s your nickname for him. You’re the only one who calls him that!
“You did really well.” She enthuses, making him puff his chest out like a goddamn rooster. “Y-you l-liked it?” 
“Of course, I did. I always knew you’re so talented.” 
You can’t help the snort that escapes you, and they both look at you, Beomgyu mortified and Haeun unimpressed. “Sorry, something was stuck in my throat.” You mutter, wishing the ground would swallow you up right about now.  
“Anyways,” She rolls her eyes at you then pins him with a flirty look so thick you think you could actually suffocate on it “What I was saying is that you looked really good up there.”
He gulps, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” She coos, stepping closer to him and running her hand down his arm through his sleeveless shirt until she reaches his hand and pulls it up, playing with his fingers. “You really know how to finger those strings, huh? I wonder if the guitar is the only thing you can play?”
Once again, you can’t keep in the noise of disgust that came from deep within you, but this time neither Beomgyu nor her pay any attention to you. 
“Uh—well—I–” He stutters dumbly. Typical.
“Why don’t you and the band come to the party I am hosting Friday? Maybe you can show me those moves up close?” She winks at him. 
“Hell y-yeah. I’ll be there.” He chokes out and she smiles widely. “Great. See you then.” She leans in to press a kiss to his cheek and you almost reach out to scratch her eyes out but you contain yourself. 
She gives you one last snobby look before throwing her hair back and walking off. Beomgyu stares after her, dazed. "Am I crazy or did she just flirt with me?" 
“Come on, Beomgyu, apes are more subtle than her.” You grumble, the fire of jealousy consuming your insides. “Anyways, you know she’s only doing this because you’re becoming successful, right? She always treated you as a loser before, never giving you the time of day, but now suddenly that you gain a shred of popularity, she starts liking you?" 
"Oh." He pauses for a second, and you reach out to pat his back, wishing to comfort him, when he breaks into a huge grin. “So what you’re saying is that I’m popular and she likes me? Awesome!” 
“Ugh.” You storm away, followed behind by a confused Beomgyu.
“Since I did really well today, don’t I deserve a reward?” Beomgyu grabs you as soon as you’re back at your apartment, pulling you flush against him and trying to kiss you.
Now, you would have loved to give in. That kiss you shared earlier still tingles at your lips, but not after what he did. The nerve of him after slobbering all over another woman in front of you!
“Wait until the party, maybe she’ll give you your reward.” You push him away, disgusted at the thought of it. But Beomgyu continues proving to you why he easily wins the title of least aware person in the entire universe. “But I want my reward now.” 
“God, Beomgyu, you really know how to turn a girl on.” You growl, shoving him out of your way. “Go to sleep.” 
"What's your problem?" You hear him ask before you slam the door shut. 
You rip your clothes off–band merch you wore to support the idiot–and put on a long shirt. Which as soon as you settle under the covers, you discover actually belongs to him, his scent all over it and drowning you in unwanted feelings. 
You don’t care that she came on to him. You don’t care that she invited him to her party. You don’t care that he’ll probably go and she’ll make a move on him and he’ll fall deeper in love with her and she’ll have him all wrapped around her finger and–
Okay, you care. You care too much. You can’t handle the thought of it any longer, but you can’t reveal your real feelings. It will be the end of you. No, you have to bottle it all down. 
‘You can’t let it show.’ You think to yourself as you curl into a ball, shutting out the outside world and even your own memories, trying to just be claimed by sleep. 
But the world isn’t that fair, and through your curled form you can hear the sound of Beomgyu moaning out. You can’t quite hear what he’s saying but you’ve heard him enough times to know exactly what he’s doing. 
You bet he’s thinking of her. You bet he’s imagining fingering her. You can’t allow that. Not while you’re lying here breaking over him.
You throw the covers off you and storm to his room, bursting the door open. 
“Hey!” He cries out, trying to cover his junk. 
You roll your eyes. “It’s just me. No need to freak out.” 
“What are you doing here?”
“I heard you from my room.” You say plainly. “You weren't exactly subtle. Now let me see.”
“But I thought you–”
“Do you want it or not?”
He only hesitates for a second, the whore, before he throws the blanket away.  You roll your eyes, getting onto the bed and grabbing his dick, pumping it in your hand. He immediately flops back, relaxing into your touch. “Oh god, I needed this.”
"Yeah? Got all horny from the way everyone was eyeing you up? You know you really gave Yeonjun a run for his money with how slutty you were acting." You mutter bitterly. Yes, you enjoyed the show, but it wasn’t only Haeun eyeing him up. 
Beomgyu glares at you. "Can we not talk about him while you're fisting my cock?" 
“Whatever.” You brush him off, focused on something else right now. "So, thinking of fucking any of your new fans?"
“Hmmm.” He mumbles, and you can see from the way his eyes have gone all glazed that he’s not paying attention. “You. I really wanna fuck you.” He thrusts into your hand, whining. 
"You wish." 
"I really do." He breathes out, and your own breath stutters. Man, this is dangerous but you can’t stop. You speed up your movement, making Beomgyu wince. 
“Wait, dry, dry, hurts.” Beomgyu whines at the chafing feeling, and you almost feel bad for him if it weren’t for his next words. “Why don’t you put it in your mouth to get it wet?” 
You snort, seeing right through him. “You’re not slick, gyu.”
“But it really is dry.” He pouts, making a show of expressing his pain as you continue to jerk him off, and you sigh, removing your hand. “Where is your lube?” 
“In your mouth.” He replies like a smartass and you pin him down with a glare. “I can always stop, you know?”
“Okay, okay, it’s in the drawer.” He gives up, pointing to his bedside cabinet, and you quickly look away from his adorable pout, knowing if you look at it too long you’d just give him everything he wants. 
“What the fuck is this?” You pause in your tracks once you open up the drawer.
“What?” He asks, a confused look on his face that quickly turns to horror once he sees what you’ve fished out of the drawer. 
You hold up a fleshlight and a pair of panties silently, waiting for him to explain. Panties that you know too well, your own fucking panties in fact. 
“I can explain.”
“Yes, please. Explain to me how you’re such a massive pervert who steals his best friend’s panties so he can jerk off with them.” 
“You’re not just my best friend.” He protests lamely and your stupid heart swells up against your best efforts, only for him to smash it to pieces again. “We mess around and you get me so horny, I can't help but imagine what you'd feel like. But I know you don't want that so I had to get creative."
Well, it’s still a compliment, right? He’s jerking off with your panties, not hers. Then again, you’re his roommate and he has easier access to your underwear. 
You throw the items at him. “Show me what you do with them.”
"But I don't wanna… I want you." He whimpers, leaning towards you and trying to kiss you. 
"Tough luck.” You hiss, pushing him away. “I want to see." 
He groans, grabbing the lube and squirting a generous amount onto the toy before pushing it in with his fingers… in and out, in and out. 
Okay, that bitch may have had a point about his fingers. 
"Get to it already." You snap, mouth dry. 
"I'm just getting it ready, sheesh." He mutters, finally lining the toy up with his cock before moving it down his length. 
"Oh…" He sighs, head falling back as the toy takes his cock. 
"Feels good?" You whisper, and he nods, pulling the toy off with a wet sound, taking a second to catch his breath before pushing it down again. 
"God, you're pathetic." You mutter, more to yourself than to him. You're so fucking turned on right now, you’re sure you’re more wet than that fucking toy. "Fucking a plastic pussy because you can't get laid?"
"You wanna volunteer to f-fuck me instead?" He grits out but it sounds more like a moan with how much he's struggling to not succumb to the pleasure. 
“Is that what you think about when you're fucking yourself?" You ask and he hesitates, the toy slipping off his cock. 
God, his cock looked so good–so hard and glistening and thick. You wanna throw that stupid toy away and take him instead… but you can't. So you grab the hand he has holding the toy and make him move it to his cock again. 
He gasps as you push it back down. “Ah…y-yeah. Think about fucking you all the time.” 
It takes everything in you not to put your hand between your legs and rub yourself off right now. “And what do you do with the panties?” 
He freezes, a deep blush dusting his cheeks. “I don’t wanna say.” 
Now that just makes you want to know all the more. “You know I can always leave?” You threaten and he groans, his hips bucking into the toy. “Stop saying that. It’s not fair.” 
“Show me.” You insist and he whimpers, not looking at you as he grabs the panties with his free hand and pulls them towards his face, taking a whiff off them. 
“Oh my god, you freak.” You gasp, your thighs pressing together at the obscene sight. 
“No, please–”
“I didn't say you could stop.” You snap when he drops his hand and stops fucking his fleshlight. 
He whimpers, bringing the cloth back to his face, his tongue peeking out to lick against the fabric. 
“Fuck, you’re disgusting.” 
He whines again, shaking his head. “Just wanna taste you.” 
You cock your head to the side curiously. “You wanna taste me?”
“Uh-huh.” He nods dumbly, his eyes almost rolling to the back of his head at the thought of it. Well, who are you to deny him something he wants this badly?
You put your hand down your shorts, nearly making him choke as he watches you rub your soaking pussy a little bit to coat your fingers before bringing them out and holding them for him to see. You spread your fingers apart, showing him the strings of arousal between them. “You want this?” 
He drops the panties and sticks his tongue out like a dog begging for a treat, his hips never ceasing their rutting into his toy, the sticky sound of his cock pushing in and out ringing against your ears.  “Please…please…” 
“Okay, quit drooling.” You mutter in disgust at the saliva falling onto the sheets below, and move your hand towards him. As soon as your fingers are within reach, he takes them fully into his touch, moaning out at the taste. 
He sucks them off, his tongue licking up any juices in between your fingers until there is none left. Then he pants, “More…sit on my face.” 
You pull your hand away, your pussy quivering at the thought but you don’t let it show. “No way. You don’t deserve it.” 
“Why not? I’ve been good. Haven’t I been good?” 
‘Not when you’re thirsting over her.’ You think to yourself bitterly. 
“I said no.” You shut him down, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun of your own.  Finally giving into the temptation, you slip a hand into your shorts as you watch him continue to fuck his toy.
Beomgyu groans out loud. “Oh, come on. Now you’re just teasing me.” 
“How am I teasing you?” You grin, rubbing your clit as you watch him lose it over you. Yeah, this is why you continue to do this. This will be your undoing. 
“You know how much I wanna touch you. Just come on up and sit on my face.”
“Please. I can make you feel better than your fingers can. Just give me a chance.” 
“Oh please, you’re a virgin, Beomgyu. I know you have no experience. I’m better off fucking myself.” You laugh at him. 
“Yes, I do. Look at this.” He leans forward, pressing his fleshlight against the bed and fucking into it. 
“Is that how you imagine fucking me?” 
“Yeah–you always take it so well.” 
Fuck, he really knows how to get you going. 
You shake your head. “Well I’m not a plastic toy for you to hammer your dick into. I need to feel pleasure too.”
“Then teach me.” He cries out desperately. “You can make me do whatever you want. I won’t say no.” 
“Are you whoring yourself out to me?” 
“Yes. I’m your whore.” He agrees, his dick thrusting wildly into his toy, and you in turn pushing your fingers into yourself and matching his pace, pretending he’s fucking you. “Just please do something. I’m going to burst.” 
“But I want you to burst, baby.” You lean closer to him, brushing your nose against his. “I like how pathetic you look cumming on yourself or in a pocket pussy. You’re such a fucking loser.” 
He’s nearly gasping at this point. “Come on, please. Wouldn’t having my cock inside you feel so much better than your fingers? Just pin me down and use me the way you like. I don’t mind.” 
He’s driving you fucking crazy. You’re one second away from breaking. And maybe you would have, if he hadn’t kept talking. 
“Just need to feel a real pussy.” 
How does he always do this? He always ruins it for himself, always reminds you that you’re just a pair of tits and a warm pussy for him. Not who he really wants, just what’s available. 
You sigh heavily, taking your fingers away from your pussy. “I’m getting bored. If you don’t blow your load now, then you can do it by yourself.” 
“No, no. I can do it. I’m a good boy.”
“Yeah? Are you a good, pretty slut who cums on command?” You mock him, but he doesn’t care. He wants it too bad. 
“Yeah. Just–just give me a kiss.” He pleads, and seeing your face, he quickly adds. “Just a kiss and I’ll empty my balls out for you.” 
Well, it’s not like this would be the most egregious mistake you’ve ever made. You’ve already kissed him. Might as well get this over with and go back to your bed so you can wallow in how you’re nothing but a warm body to him. 
“Fine.” You press your lips against his and he immediately opens his mouth, his tongue licking your lips, trying to push inside. You let him, wrapping your lips around his tongue and sucking on it before brushing against it with your own tongue. Meanwhile, you sneak your hand between you, taking control of the fleshlight and pumping it rapidly over his sensitive cock, not even giving him a chance.
“Do it then. Now.” You demand, your lips still connected together with a thick string of saliva. “Oh god, oh my god, cumming, cumming baby.” 
He kisses you again, muffling the noises of his climax against your mouth, and you take every bit of it like you can never get enough. 
But eventually he pulls back, his high over and not needing you anymore. 
“God, that was crazy.” He says at last. 
“Yeah. Learned a lot about you and what you like to do behind closed doors.” You mutter, and his eyes widen. 
“Listen, it’s not–”
“It’s not what I think, I know. You’re just a pervert who needed some help getting off. I get it. But next time you take one of my panties, I’m breaking your arms.” 
A/N: well I think there is one more chapter or at most two left of this series. kind of a short one. what are we thinking so far? always open to hear ideas. i just thought of an ending but i'd love to hear from you guys. maybe i'll be inspired
Taglist: @wonwooz1 @yaorzu-blog @allylikesdabee @rkivezzs @malieno @leviathanlee26 @yomomas-stuff @kurisaiyunobara @girlwholovekpop
this was just a provisional taglist as i don't usually do one. it's just a few people have specifically asked to be tagged so there you go
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sykostyles · 3 months
let you love me 1.2 (final)
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wc: 15.6 k (listen, i'm sorry okay)
summary: in which y/n is a 26 year old bakery owner and she can't quite get this whole "love" thing right; settling on finding solace in being alone. One day, Jackson Cole: an egotistical, but oh so charismatic professional quarterback comes along and swears he can change her mind.. and for a while he does. nearly two years of breaking down her walls.. but they seem to argue about one thing a lot. y/n's "negativity". she swears she's not trying ro be a pessimist.. it just works out better for her if she keeps her expectations low. But what happens when she meets a handsome stranger, who wants nothing more than to see her smile? Will she push everything away again or will she finally accept the love she deserves? or ; tldr sunshine! harry x grumpy! afab reader part one, two
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a/n: here we have it, the last part of my first story! thank you all so much for the love so far. I can't tell you what it means to me. I can't wait to see what's next. I know this is super long but there was so much I wanted to include with harry and y/n. I hope you all enjoy!
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cw: this story contains suggestive and explicit language, minor descriptions of violence, and verbal abuse. please do not continue if these topics upset you!
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Never once did you think that your handsome stranger that you met nearly five months ago would still be stopping in your bakery every day. His antics lately have been amped up, he’s very determined to treat you to a night out, but you’re constantly refusing; not quite ready to let yourself be vulnerable again.
“When will you let me take you out, love?”
“When pigs fly, Harry. Doing the same as yesterday?” You say gesturing to the case.
“You wound me, but I know I’ll change your mind. Yes, same as yesterday.”
“Ya know, Harry, the last guy said the same thing, and here we are.” You say, sliding his box over for the hundredth time at this point.
“Ah, but I am indeed not the last guy.” He glances down at his phone, “Give me one moment, I need to step out for just a second.” Harry says before excusing himself out front, Though he isn’t gone long, returning holding something behind his back.
You do often find yourself daydreaming about letting yourself be happy again. It’s a feeling you crave constantly, just the desire to feel heard, feel seen, feel loved.
But, you know that in the long run, it’s better this way. You can’t get hurt if you don’t let yourself get put in that situation. Even though you’re just hurting yourself, you'll just keep pretending you’re not.
“Hopefully this will make your day go a little better,” Harry says, revealing the secret behind his back.
You stare at his hand for a moment. “How did you know?”
“Pardon?” Harry asks, his hand still extended holding the cup of coffee out to you. From your favorite coffee shop down the street. The exact way you like your coffee.
“This. How did you know?” You inquired, taking the cup from his grasp.
“A true magician never reveals his secrets, love. But Ryan just picked it up for me.”
“Har-” you start,
“I know, you say you don’t like the nickname. I’ll make a liar out of you, though. Just give it time.”
“Thank you. For the coffee” You almost whisper.
“Course, love. I’ll bring it to you every day if you’d like.”
“Oh no, I couldn't ask you to do that.” You say, waving your hands back and forth.
“Well, it's a good thing you’re not asking. I’ll see you tomorrow, Love. Have a good rest of your day.”
“Bye, Harry.” You smile to yourself after he leaves.
“And you say you’re not interested in him.” Jesse says leaning against the doorframe leading to the back room.
“I’m not. He’s just being friendly.” You say. Your nose would be growing if your name was Pinocchio, that’s for sure.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, girl. Just give in, you never know what you might be missing out on. He seems to really like you.”
“He does.” You concur, “But so did Jackson.” You whisper, leaving him up front.
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Nearing the end of the summer, you finally decided to switch up your answer with Harry. After many conversations with Carly, Jesse, and even Mr. Henry had something to say much to your surprise, you decided maybe it wouldn’t hurt to just see where it went. You didn’t have to sign your life over to him or anything. You were just scared. Harry knew that. “Whenever you’re ready, love. Just know I'll be waiting.” Everyone knew that. They were all just waiting for you to come out of the hole you dug yourself into out of self preservation. They can’t really blame you for being weary, Harry is doing almost exactly what Jackson was doing when he was pursuing you. Although, you do have to admit it feels different this time around. Harry feels different. Harry feels.. Real.
Of course, you were still planning on making him work for it. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t. But like Carly said, if he was deterred by your sharp tongue and witty comebacks, he wouldn’t keep pressing on like he has been. Even though you attempted to throw out the “Jackson was the same way.” excuse but she deadpanned “Not everyone is a egotistical, meathead football player that’ll do anything to get his dick wet.” You weren’t entirely sure if you should have been offended by that statement. But after she showed you all of the headlines Jackson has been in over the last six months regarding his failing love life you both had a few good laughs.
“Good morning, Love. How are you today?” Harry says, sliding the daily cup of coffee across the counter.
“Mm, it would be better if i didn’t have to get out of bed to talk to people like you, but here we are.” You say, bringing the cup to take a sip.
“Such arrows come from that pretty mouth. What will I do with you?” He says with a smirk on his stupidly handsome face.
“You could pick your flavors for the day and move on? There’s an idea.”
“Ooh, and the sass. I’m already practically in love with you, you don’t have to try so hard, love.” He says, turning to the case. “Do you still have that one with the marshmallow in the middle? Ryan really liked those ones.”
You pause, taking a look inside the case to check, “I don’t anymore, those were limited. But tell Ryan I'll make a special batch just for him.”
“I’m sure he’ll appreciate that. We’ll do the chocolate peanut butter then. Those are a close second.” He says, mirroring your words from the first day he stepped foot in your bakery. You box up the order, and make your way to the counter. He hands you his normal black credit card, but when he goes to pick up the box, you stop him.
“No. Send Ryan in here to get them” You say, pulling the box back towards you.
“I beg your pardon, love?”
“Oh, don’t beg yet. There’s plenty of time for that later..” You smirk, “I just want to properly meet Ryan without your.. Influence.”
“Anything you want.” Harry states, making his way to the door. “See you tomorrow, Love.”
You can see Harry telling Ryan what’s going on. Ryan looks ever so confused, and maybe even a little anxious as he makes his way inside.
“Hello, Ryan. It’s a pleasure to officially meet you. I’m Y/N.” You say, holding your hand out.
“The pleasure’s all mine, Miss Y/N.” He says, taking your hand in his and giving you a delicate shake. “Your creations are delicious. Stopping here is the highlight of my day, as well as Mr. Styles out there, He quite enjoys your company.”
“So I’ve noticed.” You say, picking up a marker. You pull the box towards you once more, writing a note on top before sliding it back to Ryan on the other side. “Have a great day, Ryan. See you tomorrow.”
“You as well, Miss Y/N. Enjoy the rest of your day.” He says, making a swift exit.
Staring out the shop window after him, you see him hand Harry the box. Harry’s eyes immediately take in the note you left on top.
“Pick me up after we close at 6 tonight, Mr. Styles.” You signed with your phone number at the bottom. You can see his smile from here. It’s so contagious even Ryan starts to smile. Even YOU start to smile. 
Unknown: very cheeky, love. See you tonight.
You: you shouldn't have expected anything less. See you tonight, Mr. Styles. What should I wear?
Harry: I honestly expected a little more from you. But, I accept your defeat.
Harry: And I’ll take care of everything, Love.
You: Defeat? Hold on there just a minute, mister. I haven’t lost anything.
Harry: I remember a certain “When pigs fly” phrase coming from your mouth. I told you I always get what I want. See you tonight, Love
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"Shit. What did I agree to? Should I cancel? Should I close early and hide somewhere? Well then what excuse would I have when he comes in tomorrow? I could tell him I’ve got a case of food poisoning? Or a migraine?"
Just as your thoughts begin to spiral for the umpteenth time in your downtime, the bell on the door chimes. You look up to see Carly, holding a garment bag, and Jesse standing behind her.
“Uh, what are you two doing here?” You say, confusion very evident on your face. “Jesse aren’t you supposed to be like three hours away in some lecture hall?”
“Oh sure, just question why he’s not where he’s supposed to be.” Carly says, laced with a fake offended tone.
“Bitch, did you forget I went to college with you? I know you’re prone to play hooky every now and then.”
“Okay, fair.” She laughs, “But, I received a phone call so I’m doing my end of a deal I made.”
“Same here.” Jesse says from behind her. “I’m here to take over and close up for you.”
“And I’m here to help you get ready!” Carly erupts with excitement. “I’m so excited for you.”
“Wait a second, what deal?” Now you’re even more confused.
“Ah, can’t reveal anything else. Now, upstairs you two go. I got my own date with one of these cookies and cream cupcakes as my reward for helping you get laid.” Jesse says, guiding both of you to the staircase.
“Have the best time!” He says before closing the door behind you.
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Carly refused to explain anything to you, other than she was given directions to be at your place to start helping you get ready at 4:30 pm sharp. She was just doing what she was told.
“Stop it.” She says, starting to remove the curlers from your hair.. “I know that look. You’re going to have a great time. He’s already head over heels for you. I can tell.”
“That’s what I’m scared of, Carls. I’m so scared.” You whisper. “I don’t know how to accept love anymore.”
“You accept my love. Jesse’s love. Mr. Henry’s. I know it’s different when it’s a romantic situation, but you’ve gotta have a little faith, babe.”
“You say that like it’s easy.”
“It’s not easy, but that’s what makes it worth it.”
“What if he ends up being just like Jackson?”
“Don’t you see how different he is from him already? He’s made all of this effort just today. He made sure I was out of work. He made sure Jesse was here on time, when Jesse’s supposed to be at school. He literally had an outfit picked up for you, Y/N. Jackson would never include me in a date plan, let alone plan anything with this level of thought behind it. I don’t even think he’s capable of deep thought, but that’s just my opinion.”
“Jackson never planned anything beyond a dinner reservation.” You half laughed. “See what I mean! I know you’re scared, babe, I know. It’s scary being vulnerable. It’s so scary. But it can be so rewarding. But you have to at least try. You won’t get anywhere if you don’t try.”
“But what’s so wrong with being alone?”
“Don’t even start with me right now. I love you, but I will kick your ass.” She says, totally serious.
“Okaaaay, jeez. I get it.”
“Good. Now, bring me your face.” She says, setting your makeup on the counter.
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You never thought you’d be walking out your apartment door to meet a man you face planted into in a parking lot. For a date!
You see him leaning against the building opposite yours, dressed in a more casual outfit than you’re used to seeing him in. But you swear you might just prefer this look. His outfit compliments yours; the detailed color in the sun dress he picked out for you emulates the color of his sweater. He’s got his sunglasses pushed atop his head, one hand in the pocket of his jeans, the other hand holding his phone; and a bouquet of yellow tulips tucked under his arm. He looks divine. The casual sexiness just drips off of him.
“Well hello there, stranger. I almost didn’t recognize you.” You say, causing him to look up from his screen. 
“I’m sor- woah.” He clears his throat. “You look.. Wow.”
“Well, that’s one way to put it. I guess I still got it.”
“I don’t think you could ever lose it, Love.”  He says, sauntering over to you. Grabbing the flowers from under his arm, he extends them to you, “For you, milady.” 
“Okay, seriously, which one of them told you everything about me?” You say, taking the bouquet from his grasp. “Yellow tulips have always been my favorite.”
He smiles down at you. “I would never throw your friends under the bus like that. But they all do love to talk about your interests and seem to have your best ones at heart.”
“They do. I appreciate them so much.” You say quietly. “Thank you. Let me put these inside real fast and we can go.”
“I’ll be right here, Love.” He says, kissing your hand before you walk away. You immediately felt your cheeks get warm.
You step inside the bakery and see Jesse standing at the counter with a vase of water. 
“Oh, so you knew about these too? You’re the mole, huh? Do you know everything related to tonight?” You say, setting the flowers inside the vase.
Jesse looks at you with a smile and pretends to lock his mouth and throw away the key.
“I hate you.” You say walking back to the front door. “Thank you, Jesse. For everything.”
“You know I always got you, girl. Have a great time.”
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“So, where are we going?”
“Ah, that would spoil the surprise.” Harry says, checking his mirrors before switching lanes. “But I have a feeling you’re going to enjoy what I’ve got planned.”
“Cutting me up and spreading the parts out across a fifty mile radius?”
“You’re a little morbid, you know that?” he chuckles softly
“So I’ve been told. Does that bother you?” you’re grinning at him.
“What do you think?” He smirks at you, sliding his hand over to rest on your knee.
The car comes to a stop outside a brick building. “Pottery Painting Class Tonight 8-9pm” Reads on the small marquee board.
“Okay now I know you talked to Carly.” You say excitedly as he helps you out of the car, “I’ve always wanted to do one of these!” 
“I had a feeling.” He chuckles. “We are a little early, but there's a diner I love across the street. Come,” He says, holding his hand out to you. You gladly take it and begin to walk hand in hand to your destination.
Settling into a corner booth, your waitress comes and takes your drink order before leaving you to look over the menu. She returns and you let Harry order for you since you were stuck on two options.
“So, what made you finally cave?” He inquires, a heavy smirk upon his face.
“First of all, I didn’t cave. I figured if you’re going to kill me, I might as well get a date out of it.” You quip, leaning your chin onto your hand.
“Always so quick with the comebacks.” He teases. “I don’t think I’ll have time for that this time around, but there’s always next time.” 
“You think there’s going to be a next time?” Your eyebrow raises, a smirk tugging on your lips
“Oh, I know it.” He states without even thinking about it. 
“I do have a few questions for you, though.” You say, your tone somewhat serious.
“I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”
“Why me?”
“Why not you?”
“You don’t even know me.” You start, “Well, besides what you got out of my friends. You ran into me one day, and then just started showing up out of nowhere. Which doesn't make sense to me either. How did you find me?” Your tone started to seem kind of accusatory. You don’t even let him answer before you start again,  “Don’t get me wrong, I love the daily business, but it just seems too calculated to me. It’s been plaguing my brain since the first day you walked in my shop. So, Why me, Harry?”
“I know how weird this all seems, and I profusely apologize for making it seem like my intentions were anything other than good.” He starts, reaching his hand across the table, his way of asking for yours. You hesitantly oblige. “But I will explain everything to you from my point of view, if you’ll allow me.” He says, thumb gliding over the back of your hand. 
“Well yeah, I’m here aren’t I?” You smirk at him. “But, I’m also here because you got a stamp of approval from my entire peanut gallery. So be grateful to them.”
“I’ll be sure to send them a thank you card.” He says. “But let me start from the beginning, Love.”
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Harry had just arrived at the stadium. Head coach Johnson requested his presence to show Harry just how far their dead last draft pick Jackson Cole had been improving. Harry was less than thrilled when his decision was overruled when it came to drafting Cole, he wanted a different pick from the University of Miami, but they went with majority ruling and thus here we are.
So needless to say, Harry didn’t really want to be here right now, but he knew it wouldn’t take too much of his time. Watch the kid throw the ball a few times and gauge his performance from that. Or so he thought, 
“Are you kidding me? Star quarterback kid forgot his practice bag? His practice bag, for the championship game he should be grateful he’s even getting the chance to play in, since my first string is out with a torn ligament? Why am I here wasting my time?” Harry states, business mode turned all the way up to ten.
“I-I’m sorry, Mr. Styles. He says his girlfriend is on the way with the bag.”
“If the bag isn’t here in ten minutes, I’m leaving. And something will be done about this.” He says, pulling his phone from his pocket.
The ten minutes pass, and Harry’s irritation rises. He stands from his seat in Johnson’s office and turns to Ryan on his right, “Call for the car, we’re leaving.” Looking to Johnson sitting behind his desk, he points at him, “We’ll be looking to extinguish your contract. If you can’t get your players to remember their gear, why would I think you can get them to remember plays?”
“Mr. Styles, I plead with you to thin-” He’s cut off by the sounds of yelling in the hallway.
All three men make their way out the door to see what the commotion was all about.
“You have got to be the definition of ungrateful. For the greater part of two years I have given you everything and you still think you can talk to me like that?” Harry hears from down the hall. 
He turns and sees Cole’s back facing him, and just over his shoulder he sees a woman. A woman with tears in her eyes and shock and terror all over her face. 
“Is that your star quarterback over there, verbally abusing that woman?” Harry inquires, turning to Johnson. “I swear on your life, i will remove you from this office myself if that boy over there causes any kind of uproar in the media, Do i make myself clear?”
“Crystal, sir.” Johnson says, fear laced in his voice.
Harry turns back towards the scene unfolding before him, but the woman was gone.
“Mr. Styles, the car is up front.” Ryan pipes up from behind him.
“Right, let’s go then. Don’t make me repeat myself, Johnson.” He says before they take off.
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“Wait a second, you were there for that?” You question him. He nods, picking up a french fry.
“I was. I heard the whole thing. Right pissed me off. I wish I would have stepped in instead of threatening Johnson.” His jaw ticks.
“You don’t really seem like you could have that kind of scary demeanor.”
“I only show it to people that need to see it.” He says matter of factly. “But, you don’t get very far in business without being like that. At least sometimes. But outside of my business, I’m nothing like that. Unless you want me to be.” He smirks at you.
You blush, but a realization comes into your head, “Hold on, I completely just let this go over my head. Who are you, exactly, Harry?”
He smiles. “I was waiting for this. I’m the majority owner for the team, Love.” Your face goes pale.
Wait. Huh?? The Owner? This is the owner you embarrassed Jackson in front of?
“Jackson said I embarrassed him in front of you that day.” You say, looking down at the table.
Harry laughs, “If anybody embarrassed Jackson, it was Jackson. What grown ass man forgets his work gear? This is his job after all. And, who then verbally assaults the person who brings it to him? In front of everyone, nonetheless.”
He takes in the frown on your face, and decides to shift the direction of the conversation. “You really had no idea who I was this whole time.” He says, more of a statement than a question. 
“Was I supposed to?” You respond quietly, still not sure what to do with this information.
“No, I don’t mean it like that. I’m honestly more surprised than anything.” He says, holding his hands up like he's pre-defending himself, “And i don't mean this in any kind of derogatory way against you, but normally I have women lie, saying they don’t know me to get closer to me. But you really had no idea this whole time. It’s honestly refreshing.”
“You seem really full of yourself.” You say, taking a bite of your pancakes.
“There’s a fine line between confident and cocky, and I know how to keep myself on the right side. But, let me continue.” He says before continuing his story.
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Harry made his way out of the elevator with his band of associates behind him. Ryan was giving him the run down of his next meeting as they walked to the car.
“We have a 1:30 pm meeting with Lyons, but I can resche-” Ryan is cut off by the sound of Harry huffing.
“Woah there love, I gotcha.” It's her. It’s the woman Cole was belittling. She looks so.. sad. I should offer to do so-
“Sorry. You can let go now.” Nice one, Styles.
“My apologies, Love.”
“Don’t call me that.” She says, rolling her eyes at the man before her.
He continues to recount your first meeting exactly as you remember it. He throws in the detail of asking Ryan to look into you, wanting to be fully transparent with you.
“So you knew who I was before this? How is that fair?”
“I suppose it’s not, but I only requested your name and where you worked. I didn’t want to learn anything else before I heard it from you.”
“Say’s the guy who made a ‘deal’ with all of my friends in order to get me here today.” You chuckle.
“Okay, fair. But in my defense, how you take your coffee, what your favorite flower is, and something you’d be interested in doing for a date isn’t entirely sensitive information, Love.”
“On the contrary, Mr. Styles. I happen to take my interests and passions very seriously. These are very sensitive topics.” 
“I’ll gladly discuss any sensitive topic you’d like, Love. But perhaps we should save that for when we’re alone, no? Unless you’re into that.” He teases.
“You know, Harry, I just might have met my match with these comebacks of yours, and I don't appreciate being threatened.”
“Is that a challenge?” He says, leaning closer to you across the table.
“It’s whatever you want it to be,” you say, matching his movements.
Just as he’s about to seal the deal, his phone buzzes letting him know your class is about to start across the street.
“Ah, but I guess that will have to wait until later.” You say, standing from your seat.
Harry ran his hand along his face, covering his mouth and breathed out a laugh. “This girl.” He thinks. He takes your hand after throwing more than enough cash down on the table, and you make your way back to the brick building that will be housing your date for the evening.
Throughout the course of the rest of your date, you learn more about Harry. He’s 30. His favorite color is orange. “Wait no blue. No, orange. Orange.” He’s an Aquarius, though he swears he doesn’t understand why that’s relevant. He was born in England but moved here when he was 22 to run the US branch of his company. He has his hands and feet in all kinds of different baskets. He’s in the market of construction, publishing, restaurants, real estate; you name it. He’s worked every single day since the day he graduated and he’s turned his business into what it is today. His successful business is what made it possible to be the majority owner of the team Jackson plays for. His parents and sister are still back in England and he misses them terribly, but he travels back as often as he can to see them. Especially now that he’s an uncle! He loves all sports, but American football just really spoke to him. He says soccer is his second favorite. Or the true football according to him.
“But why did you decide to pursue me so intricately? I was so rude to you both of the first real times we spoke.” You question, sweeping your paintbrush across the teapot you chose.
He ponders for a split second, “I got fixated with how it made me feel inside to be the one to make you smile” He says without looking up from the bowl that he chose to paint. “Plus, I saw your disdain for me as a challenge. And I love a challenge.” He smirks, still not looking up at you.
You stare at him in awe, taking in how his brows furrowed together in concentration. He answered you with such an easiness in his tone. “I just don’t know how someone like you could be interested in someone like me.”
“How could I not?” He says, finally looking up at you. ”You’re so determined, and incredibly talented. You’re undoubtedly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. But you looked so broken and exhausted when I saw you for the first time at the stadium. It broke my heart. I wanted to do everything in my power from that moment on to put a real smile back on your face. I didn’t know you then, but I wanted to. I wanted to take all the pain you were feeling away. That’s all I know.” He says, setting his brush down.
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You thoroughly enjoyed yourself tonight and you probably told Harry how much fun you had about 13 times in the time it took him to drive you home. It made his heart swell to know he’d made you so happy tonight. Harry walked you to your apartment door, before turning you to face him, his hands finding purchase on your lower back.
“I had a wonderful time with you tonight, Love,” He says, reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear; his touch ghosting your skin, giving you goosebumps.
You roll your eyes. “You won’t ever let up with that nickname, will you?”
“Never. Not when I get this reaction out of you.” He smirks, looking down at your lips. “May i?”
You don’t even hesitate before you nod. He immediately leans down and covers your lips with his. The feeling of warmth, and desire seeps into every pore across your entire body. His kiss feels like everything you’ve ever longed for. You feel safe. You feel at home. A feeling you hadn’t felt since you were twenty years old and lost the only two people you had left you were willing to call biological family. He made you feel alive again.
“Mm, exactly how I imagined.” He says in between rushed kisses, lips moving perfectly in sync.
“You imagined this?” You say breathlessly.
“Only every second of every. fucking. day, Love.” He says after he reluctantly pulls away. “But, I need to stop myself before I get too excited. I want this to be right.”
You shake your head, “You’re just fine.” You say before cupping both of his cheeks and capturing his lips with yours once more. “This is just right.”
“As much as I want this with you right now, we shouldn’t.” He’s gripping your wrists and gently pulling them from his face. “You have no idea how bad I want this.”
“So let’s go upstairs.” You say, trying to free your arms from his grasp.
“Love, look at me.” He says, now grabbing the sides of your neck to angle your head up at him again. “I want nothing more than to take you upstairs and give you everything you deserve.” You’re nodding along with his words, a desperate smile on your face. “But I want to take my time with you. Will you let me take my time with you and do this right?” He asks, sliding his hands up and  caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.
“I guess so.” You say, voice echoing disappointment.
“Hey, none of that. I’ll take care of you soon, I promise. But for now, I want you to take your cute butt upstairs, and call your friends. I’m sure they’re all waiting to hear how much fun you had tonight. Can you do that for me?”
“Yes, Harry.” You say, rolling your eyes.
“Good girl,” He says, making your breath hitch and cheeks flush. “Now, Up you go. He says, not before pressing one last kiss to your pouty lips.
“See you tomorrow?” You say, turning towards him one last time.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Love.” He waits until he hears your door close behind you before making his way back to his car. He feels his phone vibrate in the cup holder.
You: Thank you for tonight, Mr. Styles. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Harry: The pleasure was all mine, Love. I would enjoy doing that again with you sometime soon.
You: Whenever you want, Harry.
Harry: Ah, I did mention getting what I want, didn't I? How about this weekend? Saturday after you close? I’ll pick you up.
You: It’s a date. Goodnight, Harry.
Harry: Goodnight, Love.
Throwing yourself down on your bed you call Carly. Of course she’s answering on the first ring because she’s as nosy as the rest of us. “GIRL YOU BETTER TELL ME EVERYTHING!” She says as soon as the lines connect.
“Why else would I be calling? I have so much to tell you!” You recount the night's events to her with as much detail as you can. Although that doesn’t stop her from trying to pry for more.
“What do you mean he rejected you? I am so confused.”
“I didn’t mean it like that. He just wants to ‘take things slow and do this properly’ as he said in his fancy accent.” You tell her.
“What a gentleman.” Carly muses. “I want one.” She huffs through the phone. “Is Ryan single?”
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Saturday’s business hours come and go before you can even process them. I mean, you did close two hours early to get ready but you still didn’t think you weren’t that close to your date with Harry. 
Although, you haven’t seen Harry yet today. Ryan is the one who stopped in at lunch time. Ryan claimed it was because Harry was taking care of some business he needed to attend to before your date tonight. Harry told Ryan to make sure you didn’t worry, that you were still on for tonight and that he was sorry he couldn’t be there today. You made your way upstairs and began your getting ready process. Which included a hot shower, exfoliating, shaving every inch.. You know, the everything shower. Carly asked if you wanted her to help you again, but you declined; wanting to take your time with your self care.
Checking your phone for the hundredth time this hour, you finally get the message you’ve been waiting for.
Harry: I’m on my way, love. Can’t wait to see you.
You felt immediate goosebumps all over and butterflies in your stomach. “Oh god.” You think. “I already like him. maybe too much.” You could hear Carly scolding you now, “Bitch, knock it off. You’ve been miserable for long enough.” You think maybe she's right.
Harry’s there to pick you up at 6 pm on the dot. His black Range Rover settled behind him as he watches you make your way across the street. He reaches his hand out for you to grab once you’re close enough and he pulls you to stand between his legs, hands settling on your hips.
“Hello, Love.” He smiles down at you, eyes peering over his expensive sunglasses.
“Ello, govna. Fancy a date wiff meh?” You choke out, in your worst accent possible. He chokes on his own spit at that.
“Oh my g-, what was that?” he says, unable to hold his laughter.
“I thought I'd give your accent a shot.” You say, shrugging your shoulders.
“It’s a good thing you’re talented in other areas, love, because impressions are not your strong suit.” He says, leaning down to kiss your cheek. “Shall we go, then?” He says, nodding towards his car.
“We shall.” You let him guide you around the car and open your door for you. (Jackson would never btw) He makes his way back around before sliding into his seat and taking off.
Your second date ensues without a hitch. He took you to a record store! He perused the entire store with you for hours. You both showed each other different albums and explained what they meant to you. He showed you his favorite Pink Floyd record and you showed him your favorite band's sophomore album that had gotten you through some really dark times. He kept eye contact with you and nodded along with your words, expressing his condolences for you having to experience so much already in your life. The fact that he even remembered you mentioning you enjoy vinyl hunting had you sure of one thing, you’re certain you like this man more than you should. And you’re terrified. But in the best way.
Harry gets you home around 10 pm, and walks to your door again.
“I would like to ask you a pretty important question.” Harry states, placing the palm of his hand against your cheek. You lean into his touch and nod, letting him know to continue. “I know this is rather sudden, but I would like to start seeing you. Officially, I mean.” Maneuvering his hands to tilt your face towards him, he presses a kiss to your cheek. “Call you mine.” The other cheek. “Make you happy.” Now your forehead. “Treat you with the utmost respect, like you deserve.” He kisses your nose. “Will you let me do that, sweet girl?” He pauses, gauging your reaction. 
You nod your head like a mad woman, a massive smile on your face, “Oh god, yes!.” You say. And it feels like an entire weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You never imagined all those months ago that you’d be standing here with your handsome stranger agreeing to start a relationship with him. Who are you? What have you done with Y/N? Is Y/N even in the room with us?
Harry smiles a smile that can only be described as.. painful looking. “My sweet girl, gonna treat you so well. The way you deserve. Been waiting months for this.” He says, pressing his lips to yours. You reach your hands up, tangling them in his soft curls, and pull yourself to your tippy toes, attempting to meet his height. “Please,” You whisper against his lips before kissing him again. He leans down over you, trying to pull you as close to him as possible. “Please what, sweet girl?” He teases, “Gotta use your words for me, pretty.” He says, tilting your head back and placing featherlight kisses along your jawline, heading towards your right ear and taking your lobe into his mouth.
“Oh my god, Harry–Fuck.” You groan out. “Please, don’t make me wait again.” You plead, pulling his lips back to yours.
“Is my girl sure this is what she wants? I thought we agreed to take this slow.” He teases again.
“I changed my mind! Please, Harry. Please.” You plead, making him chuckle.
“Who am i to deny you, Love.” He says.
You clumsily make your way upstairs, the both of you too damn stubborn to attempt to break your kiss. Layers of clothing are shed as you make your way into your bedroom. He pauses one more time at the end of your bed, both of you only left in your underwear, “Are you sure about this Love? We can stop right now and it wouldn’t change anything.” You shake your head and push him down, straddling his lap. “I seem to remember a promise you made about taking me upstairs and giving me everything I deserve. I’m waiting for that promise to be kept, Mr. Styles.”
“Well then, allow me to demonstrate.” He says, flipping you both over so you were under him, eliciting a shriek of laughter from you.
1.2.1 (please mind the tags before you read!)
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A couple months have passed and it’s cold out again. Harry’s been making good on his promise to treat you well, treat you how you deserve. He still makes his daily stops to get his cupcake and drop your coffee off, and he makes sure to give you the dozens of kisses you demand before he’s allowed to leave. You feel like a different person; you would never be caught dead showing this level of affection to a partner, let alone in a semi public setting. All of your friends are so immensely proud of you, but nobody says anything lest to make you feel embarrassed. Harry claims the title of your biggest fan and your number one supporter. Although he and Carly like to “argue” over that title. You were thrilled to finally have a relationship where your boyfriend and your best friend actually got along.
When Mr. Henry stopped in the day after your first date, you feigned ignorance.
“Good morning, dear. How was your evening?” He inquires, a smirk evident on the elderly man's face.
“Eh, it was pretty boring. I tried out this new recipe for a chocolate ganache to put on a cake. Turned out pretty well. I’m kind of excited.” You say, boxing up his normal order, plus some extras as a thank you for him to find later.
“What do you mean? I thought yo-, wait a minute. You’re being a smart ass aren’t you?” He asks, brows furrowing together.
“What was your end of the deal? I already got it out of the other two. What’s your excuse, huh?” You tease him.
“You little shit. Haha, alright. You got me there. I didn’t agree to get anything in return. There isn’t anything he could give me that I need, dear. I have all I could ever need right here.” He motions to you and Rocco. “I just wanted you to have a chance to be truly happy, like I got to be. I want you to find someone to eat peanut butter cookies for after they're gone. That’s all I asked for from him in return. He said he would do his best to make me proud. And I believe him, dear.”
The tears well in your eyes before you can even process what’s happening.
“Well, now I didn't tell you that to make you cry.” Mr. Henry picks up a napkin and hands it to you, “I’ve told you before, no time for that. You’ve got cookies to sell.”
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Jesse has returned from school again for winter break. He’s been keeping tabs on you while he’s been gone though. He was so excited for you when you informed him you and Harry were officially an item. 
“Yeah, and you tried telling me you weren’t interested in him.” He says, spinning a rose nail between his fingers like you taught him.
“Ooh, see! now, twist it back and start where you left off.” You said, encouraging his progress. “Ya know, Jesse, I never claimed to be perfect.” You joke.
“I know, girl. I’m just glad you’re letting yourself be happy again. It right hurt my heart to see you so sad. Mr. Henry and I were about to start scheming together.” He picks the rose up off the nail, and sets it down where you have it marked on top of the cake.
“I think all of you did plenty of scheming, don’t you?” You say, raising your eyebrow at him.
“Okay, you got me there. But can you blame us?”
“I suppose not.” You say checking the time on your phone. “Hey, Harry asked me to make his cupcake drop at the stadium. Are you okay if I run these to him real fast? I’ll be back in no time at all.”
“Go on, girl. I got this. Go get your man.” Jesse says, starting another rose on the nail. “Still can’t believe you bagged a team owner. Badass — seriously.”
You make the drive to the stadium and you’re surprised to see the team in the parking lot doing drills. You don’t think anything of it and pull into one of Harry’s parking spots near the gate like he told you to do. Gathering your various items, you step out of your car and turn to close the door.
“What are you doing here?” You hear behind you. Jackson.
“Mm, I don’t really think that’s any of your business.” You huff before continuing on your way.
“We haven’t been together for nearly a year, I have no desire to see you here.” Jackson says, rather angrily, following hot on your trail.
“Well, it's a good thing I’m not here to see you. So if you’ll excuse me.” You make a hasty exit from the conversation and let your feet carry you to Harry’s office.
“Hello, my love.” Harry says upon your entrance. “What do you have for me today?”
You half smile at him, “Um, there’s a cookies and cream for you, and the marshmallow filled for Ryan.” You say, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” He inquires from his seat.
You nod, even though it’s a lie. He shakes his head at you. “Come here, Love.” he says motioning for you to join him on his side of the desk. He pulls you to sit in front of him on the desk, he cages you in with his arms “Now, you know I don’t like dishonesty, Love.” He starts, “What’s bothering you?”
“I hate that you can read me like a book.” you mumble, your eyes beginning to well with tears.
“Mm, Have been able to since the beginning. Are you gonna tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“It’s just Jackson.” You mumble, fidgeting with your hands in your lap.
“Did he say something to you?” Harry says, his tone serious now.
“No! I mean — kind of. The guys were all in the parking lot doing drills and when he saw me, he asked why i was here, I told him it was none of his business, and then he told me he didn’t want me here.”
“I hope you gave that punk an earful.” He says, running his palms over the tops of your clothed thighs..
“I told him that it was a good thing I wasn't here to see him, and to excuse me.” You said, recounting what happened.
“Good girl. That works too. I’ll deal with him. Wanted him gone a long time ago”
“No, please, just leave it be. I don’t want to give him a reason to hate me even more. He still scares me. I didn’t recognize him that night. H-he grabbed my face and told me I n-needed to be m-more obedient to him. Please don’t make it any w-worse, Harry, please,” You plead tears beginning to stream down your face.
“Woah, pretty, let's calm down, yeah?.” He coos, pulling you off of the desk and onto his lap. He rubs soothing circles on your back and guides your breathing. “It’s okay, my sweet girl. Nobody can hurt you. I’ve got you, baby. Everything will be okay.”
Harry holds you for a while longer while he continues to do some of his work at his desk. He glances down at his watch, taking in the time. “I’m sorry, Love, I’ve got a meeting in 15, I would cancel again but that would be three times in a row.” You sit up slowly before you say, “Oh, it’s alright. I’ve gotta get back to Jesse.” He tucks your hair behind your ears and kisses you softly. “Will you be alright getting back? Should I send Ryan with you?
“No, I’ll be okay. Will I see you tonight?” You inquire, standing from his hold.
“Well, of course. I expect my nightly dose of attitude when I get there, too.” He says before giving a light pinch to your ass, making you squeal. “Let me know once you’ve made it back, my love.”
“Yes, sir.” You mumble out and you swear you almost hear Harry groan.
“Keep it up, sweetheart. You might like what happens.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you.
You make your way to the door and he opens it for you, letting you step into the hallway before him. You’re trying to be cute when you attempt to leave without a proper goodbye, but he isn’t having any of that. Harry reaches out and spins you to face him, arms immediately wrapping around your frame, making you giggle. 
“And just where do you think you’re going without my ‘see you later’ kiss, hm?” He inquires. 
”I’m sorry, who are you?” You say, looking up at him through your lashes. 
“Oh, baby, allow me to remind you.” And he's kissing you again, making you whimper, but not for long before he’s pulling away. 
“Nooo, one more.” you plead, chasing his lips with yours. 
“Who are you begging for a kiss from a stranger? Naughty girl.” He teases, making you giggle again. “Off you go, my love. I’ll see you tonight.” and he sends you on your way.
You begin to make your way to your car, unaware of the following eyes. You start to hear the echo of footsteps behind you, so you peer over your shoulder and see Jackson at the end of the hall trailing behind you. You panic and begin to speed walk the last bit to your car before locking your doors once inside.
“You know, I thought you were pathetic, but this is ridiculous.” You hear through your driver side window.
“Go away, Jackson.”
“How long have you been fucking him? Huh? How long have you been plotting this? Was this your plan all along? Sleep your way up the football hierarchy? I gotta say, you made one hell of a jump; quarterback to owner? Damn girl. Could’ve at least started with an offensive coordinator, or one of the coaches.” His words were coming at you so fast.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, you wanted me first, remember?” You say, starting your car.
“You’re a right bitch, you know that? He’ll realize it soon enough and leave you in the dust like I did.”
“Did you literally forget that I’m the one who left you, genius?” You said before backing out, and pulling away.
Jackson stood and watched your car leave the parking lot, a scheme brewing in his big ass head. “I’ve got just the way to make you crumble, princess, don’t worry.” He says, laughing to himself before making his way back into the stadium.
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Christmas is coming, really fast. Like in three days fast. You realize you have nothing for anybody besides Jesse. You’d gotten him a figurine of his favorite character from his favorite anime. With the promise to Jesse of as many cupcakes as he wanted, you asked him if he’d cover by himself for a few hours while you attempted to get something for Harry, Carly, Mr. Henry, Rocco, and Ryan of course. Jesse of course accepted, settling on the idea of continuing his cake decorating. You dress yourself for the cold and make your way to the mall you know has everything.
Carly, Mr. Henry, and Rocco are all very easy to shop for. Carly loves wine, makeup, and the show Sex & The City. Mr. Henry always enjoys extra cookies of course, but you also like to get him a new set of cold gear every year. He wears them until they’re worn out until the next Christmas. He says he always appreciates it because his wife used to do the same, and that it really makes him feel cared for. That man just loves to make you cry by being sweet, and then tell you to knock it off for crying. You can't ever win with him. Rocco of course loves a good treat bag and a new toy. But you always make sure to get him a doggy scarf to match with Mr. Henry’s. 
You’d even surprisingly found something for Ryan, well two things. One of them is just a tie in a very specific color he mentioned liking, and the other is a pen that makes a sound when he clicks the top. It says “Yes, Mr. Styles.” in Ryan’s voice. You swore you’ve heard Ryan say those words more than you’ve heard him say anything else. Makes sense since he is Harry’s right hand man. But now, here we  are. Nothing for arguably the most important person.
Taking out your phone on your journey back to your car, you tap on his contact. He answers the phone on the second ring. ”Hi, sweet girl. You okay?” 
You giggle, “Of course I’m okay, why wouldn’t I be?” Reaching your car, you set your bags in the trunk and slide into the driver's seat. 
“Well, you never have time to call me in the middle of the day, so I thought something might be wrong.” He says, his voice seeming calmer now. 
“Oh, yeah, I’m out shopping. I guess I actually do kind of need your help.” You make his heart rate pick up at him hearing you needing him for something. He knew how hard asking for help was for you, no matter how small the act in question was, so he was proud of you. 
“I’m all ears, baby. What can I do for you?” 
You hesitate for a moment, “What is something you think you’d like for christmas?” 
You can hear him sigh a laugh through the phone. “Baby, I don’t need anything from you. I have all I could ever need. You gave me everything the day you agreed to be mine.” 
His words make you tear up, but your bratty side still takes over 99% of the time. “Has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?” You say, tone feigning attitude. 
“Mm, sometimes my girlfriend does when she’s pretending to be pissed at me.” He quips back at you.
“She sounds like a handful.” 
“She’s many things, but never that.” He’s doing that thing again where he talks about how easy it is to love you. “She thinks her words are sharp enough to cut.” He starts again, “But I think she’s just deflecting.”  
“I hate you.” You whisper, but he can hear your smile through the phone.
“Are you sure about that, Love?
“Yes, you still didn’t answer my question. I asked what you wanted, not what you needed.” Attempting to steer the conversation from where it was going.. But that didn’t work out very well.
“Sweet girl, I don’t think you want me to tell you what I want over the phone when I know what I’d tell you would leave you an achy mess for the rest of the day.” there’s not a single ounce of hesitation in his voice.
“Like you’d pass up an opportunity to make me squirm.” You say, a real attitude prevalent in your tone. Since he wants to go there.
“Is that a challenge? I can start listing all the ways I plan on making you squirm once I get my hands on you. You want that?”
“Y-yes.” You breathe out. Until you realize you’re sitting in your car. Sitting in your car in a public parking lot. Y/N, get a grip. “I mean, n-no. No. Stop distracting me.” You clear your throat. “Tell me something you want for Christmas, I’m serious Harry.”
“You really want to know?” He says quietly, but you know that voice.
“Nope. Bye.” You say hanging up on him. You knew exactly where that was going. He immediately calls you back but you send him to voicemail. Putting your car in drive, you take off after the perfect idea popped into your head. You just hoped this place still had what you were looking for. Harry’s still trying to call you but you’ve turned on DND. You start to get excited wondering what his reaction will be to that.
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Making your way back to the bakery, you’d called Jesse ahead of time requesting his help with the big box while you got the bags. “Where do you want this box?” He asks walking in after you.
“Would you mind taking it upstairs? Pretty pleaaaase?” You say, setting your bags on the counter.
“You got it, girl. Be right ba-, wait, keys? Oh, I see them. Be right back.” 
You turn to see the cake he was working on, thoroughly impressed by his progress. His roses are damn near perfect at this point. Now if he could just get some not dude looking handwriting, he’ll be golden! You’re turning the cake to check out the other side when the doorbell chimes. Without taking your eyes off the cake you begin to speak, “Welcome in, give me just one second.” Lifting your hands up you begin to slide the cake off of the lazy susan before turning to place the cake in the cooler. But when you turn around, you’re met with Jackson; standing at your bakery counter with a blue folder in his hand, and a devious smile on his face. He has you cornered. And Jesse is still upstairs. The cake falls from your hands right onto the floor in front of your feet.
“I finally have a way to make you pay for what you did to my career, you football ladder climbing slut.” He sneers at you, waving the folder back and forth.
“I-I d-don’t, wh-what?”
“You. You ruined me when you left.”
“I didn’t do anything to you. I didn’t say anything about you. I don’t even think I unfollowed you for heaven's sake, Jackson.” You say getting louder, hoping Jesse will hear and come back down. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I’ve played like shit since you left. You fucked with my head and I haven’t played the same.”
“I fucked with your head? You’re joking right?”
“Dead serious, princess. As serious as this folder right here. Here, this is your copy anyways." He says, sliding your bags off the counter, sending the limited edition Pink Floyd album that you had just bought Harry for Christmas onto the floor. Completely shattering it. The album was a first edition pressing from 1975 when the album came out. Harry wouldn’t let you buy it for him the night of your first date. “Haven’t got a turntable, Love. I wouldn’t be able to appreciate it properly.” But that’s what Jesse was taking upstairs. You’d bought him a turntable and his first record. That was now shattered on the floor. “Oops.” Jackson says, feigning an apology.
“What do you want, Jackson?” You say, snatching the folder from his hand.
“I now own this entire building, and you have one week to get all of  your shit and get the fuck out.” He says, inching closer to you over the counter.
Your eyes widen. “W-what, what the fuck are you talking about? Jesse! Jesse, come back, please!” You scream, flipping through the pages of the folder.
“Jesse, come back, please!” Jackson mocks you. “Jesse can’t do shit.” but that's when Jesse comes barreling down the stairs.
“Ah ah ah, pretty boy. I will own everything you own in the matter of seconds once you lay a finger on me. Let me explain to the both of you — since you demanded an audience — how this works.” He says, sauntering over to the table by the window and plopping down in the chair. “You own this business, not the building.” That is true. Your business is a part of a strip of brick buildings and they all have apartments above them. You paid rent every month like everyone else did along the strip. “The building was owned by Jeff Walker, who just so happened to get a pretty nice cash offer from yours truly. And now I’m the owner. How does that make you feel, princess? You wanna sleep with me again now that I own something?”
His words make you want to vomit. You’re thankful Harry has never called you princess.
“Dude, get out of here. Don’t make me call the cops.” Jesse says, stepping in front of the counter.
“Oh, I’m not staying. Just gotta let my tenants know who their new landlord is. You got a week, princess. And you’re out.” He says, flinging the door open before leaving.
You’re frozen. You’re staring at the papers saying Jackson owns your building, and you’re frozen. You can’t move. You can’t think. You almost can't even breathe. You don’t even hear Jesse calling your name. Not until he grips your shoulders and shakes you.
“Y/N, come on, come back to me.” He pleads. But you’re sinking to the floor, pulling your knees to your chest. He panics. Looking in your bag, he grabs your phone and calls Harry.
“Oh, now you want to continue what you started earlier? I see how you are, Naughty girl.” Harry says when he answers the phone.
“Look man, I’ll pretend like i didn’t hear that if you please get to Y/N’s shop as soon as you possibly can.”
“Did something happen? What’s wrong?” Panic rising in Harry’s tone.
“Jackson was here, there’s some folder. I don–, just get here, please. She needs you.”
“Fuck, Okay. I am on my way right now. Thank you for calling me, Jesse. Tell her I’ll be there soon.”
Jesse gets down on the floor with you and wraps his arm around your shoulders. “Hey, you’re good. Harry’s on his way, alright?”
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Harry gets to your shop in record time. Pushing the door open and rushing inside like his life depended on it. “Baby? Where are you?” he asks, not seeing anybody.
“We’re down here!” Jesse claims from behind the counter. Harry walks around the counter taking in the sight before him. You’re cradled into Jesse, absolutely shaking.
“Oh no, my girl. Come here, baby.” He says.
“She says she can’t stand.”
“Oh, I know she can. She’s strong. C’mon baby, let's go upstairs.” He says, placing his hand on your shoulder. “C’mon, I know you can.”
You shake your head. “H-he b-bought the building, H-harry.” You cry out, “I’m going to lose ever—” Unable to speak, your sobs take over.
“What is she talking about?” He asks, looking at Jesse, not wanting you to try to talk anymore.
“It’s all in that folder.’ Jesse nods his head towards the counter next to Harry.
He picks it up, flipping through the contents. “Hah, that fucker.” He says, folding the folder in half and tucking it into his jacket pocket. “Alright, Love.” He says, leaning down to pull you up and into his arms. “Up we go.” He tosses you slightly to get his arms in the right spots under your knees and across your back.
“I’ll take care of everything down here. Thank you for coming, man.” Jesse gently grabs Harry’s shoulder. 
“Of course. Thank you for calling.” Harry responds before he disappears with you up the stairs. 
He walks you into the bathroom and sets you down on the counter before trying to step away from your hold, but your arms remained locked around his neck. “No. Stay. Please.”
“I am, baby, I want to run you a bath.” He chuckles, “Promise, I'm coming right back, yeah?” he presses his lips to your temple to soothe you. You nod and let him go. Harry walks over to the bathtub and turns the knob. Setting his arm out to test the water until it’s warm enough for your liking, and drops the stopper in the drain. Before returning to you, he drops some of your lavender bubble bath that’s placed on the side of your tub. He stands between your legs again and places his hands on your hips. “Alright, my girl, arms up.” He says while grabbing the hem of your sweatshirt.
“Will y-you get in w-with me?” You ask as he reaches behind you to gently undo your bra.
“Of course, If that’s what you want.” He’s reaching down to unbutton your jeans and you slide down off the counter so he can pull them down your legs along with your underwear. “My girl. I hate seeing you so sad. Let’s get you relaxed. Deal with what we can right now, yeah?” You nod, trying to even out your breathing. He pulls his clothes from his body before settling in the tub. Harry holds his hand out to help guide you, “Careful, don’t slip.” he says as you set your foot down into the warm water. You sink down and Harry pulls you to lay on his front, wrapping his arms around your waist before sinking so you're both covered by the water. “Alright, sweetheart, you’re safe now. I’m here with you,” He says, rubbing soothing circles where his thumbs rest on your hips.
“He’s ruined everything, Harry.” You cry.
“Baby, he hasn’t ruined anything yet. He’s got a piece of paper saying he’s giving Walker some money. We can’t solve anything about that right now. Let’s focus on what we can solve, okay? What can we solve right now, even if it’s small?” He asks you, reaching up to rub his hands all over your back.
You shake your head, “Can you just hold me, please?”
“Course i can. We can talk later if you want?” 
“Can you just talk? Distract me?”
“Absolutely, love. About anything in particular?”
“Talk to me about your tattoos.” You say, running your fingers over the ones you can see on his chest.
Harry goes into his story about when he started getting his tattoos. He tells you the stories behind the ones that mean the most to him. He explains his tattoos as a collection of memories of instances in his life that he never wants to forget. You think that sounds wonderful.
“Would you get one for me?” You ask, partially teasing.
“Of course I would. I’d do it tomorrow.”
“Wait, really? I wasn’t serious. That’s permanent, Harry.”
“Really? They are? I had no idea.” He teases you. “Better get my money back. I was wondering why they weren’t coming off in the shower.”
“You’re so annoying.” You huff at him, making him breathe a laugh through his nose. “What would you get for me?”
“Hm, hard to tell. Perhaps the outline of a cupcake?” He muses at you.
“I quite like that idea, Mr. Styles.”
“I enjoy any idea that keeps a piece of you with me forever.” He says placing a kiss on your forehead.
“You know, you give my cupcakes a run for their money with your sweetness.” You say earning a chuckle from him.
Harry continues to hold you until you begin to stir. “Are you ready to get out?” He’s looking down at you, continuing his ministrations with his hands on your hips.
You nod, “Yeah. Will you keep holding me though?” You ask.
“Anything you want, baby.” He assures you.
Harry gently dries you off before helping you brush your hair, and put a set of your pajamas on. You’ve seen every inch of this man but these actions here feel so much more intimate to you. You’ve never felt so cared for in your life. He slides into a pair of his clothes that you keep in a drawer for him in your dresser--He melted when you told him that it was his drawer– and he gets into your bed with you. He curls himself around you, face tucked into your neck, an arm sliding under your shoulders, and the other across your waist, and he pulls you as close as he possibly can.
You’re soothed by the soft thump of his heartbeat against your back, and the warmth of his even breaths against your neck. Your breathing finally begins to fully calm, and you slowly stop shaking. 
“M’ so tired, Harry.” You whisper. He places a soft kiss on the nape of your neck.
“You wanna take a nap, baby? I’ll stay with you.” He says, breath tickling your throat.
“That’s not what I meant. I’m tired of everything going wrong.”
“Everything hasn’t gone wrong, sweetheart. I will look into this first thing in the morning, okay?”
“He broke your christmas present.” You say, turning yourself in his hold so you were facing him. “I found you the perfect gift and it’s gone. Shattered, Harry.”
“Baby, I told you, you’re the best gift I could have asked for. Material things are great, but I’d rather have you.” He says, cradling the side of your face.
“You have me all the time, Harry. Why do you always have the right thing to say?” You roll your eyes at him, trying not to smile. He makes it so hard to be upset. He looks at things with such a positive outlook and it’s so contagious. 
“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” He quips, sliding his hand under your jaw and lightly squeezing, eliciting a whimper from you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You say, blinking your lashes at him.
“Sure you don’t, pretty.” He says, placing a chaste kiss to your lips. “I’m sorry you had such a rough day. We’ll start over tomorrow, okay? Is there anything else we can do tonight to make you feel a little better?” He says while peppering kisses all over your face, making you giggle. “Anything at all, baby?” You know exactly what he wants, how he wants to distract you.
“Nope, not a thing.” You say as he slides his other hand further down your body, teasing the hem of your sleep shorts. “Can’t think of anything else I n–eed toni–, ohh.” The tips of his fingers find that spot, and you’re at a loss for words; He stole them right from your mouth and replaced them with his tongue. You reach your hands up, winding them in his hair and pull him off of you, “Please, don’t stop.” You say before connecting your lips again.
“Oh, but I thought my girl didn’t need anything else from me?” He teases.
“Harry, I swear to god I'll kill you.”
“Ooh, she’s feisty now, everybody.” He says while gently turning you two over so he’s leaning over you. “Sure you can’t think of anything else you need?” You shake your head, trying to pull his face to yours, and hooking your leg around his hip to pull him closer, but he’s not budging. “Gotta use your words for me, baby.”
You pout at him, “I hate you.” 
“Sure you do, sweetheart. Gonna tell me what you need?”
“You. Need you. Please.”
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Harry wakes up a few hours later to the feeling of you wrapped around him. If you asked him, he’d take this version of waking up every day. But he'll have that conversation with you later, when he knows you’re ready to have it.
Slowly, he peels himself away from you, it warms his heart to see your sleeping frame frown at the loss of his warmth. “I’ll be right back, baby. Just need to make a call.” He whispers against your forehead before pressing a kiss. He knows you’re sleeping, but just in case a small part of you wasn't, he didn't want that small part to worry. Harry quietly pulls your bedroom door shut before making his way into your kitchen. He finds his jacket and retrieves his phone, immediately calling Ryan.
“Yes, Mr. Styles?” Ryan says as soon as he answers the phone.
“Ryan, I need you to do something.” Harry breathes into the phone. “I need you to get a meeting with Jeff Walker. As soon as possible.”
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Stretching your arm to the right, you feel the cold sheets of your bed. You sit up and notice your door is slightly ajar, and faintly you can hear the clattering of pans in the kitchen.
“Harry?” You call out, slipping out of the comfort of your bed. You wince at the ache in your legs once you pull yourself to stand. Harry’s sweatshirt is laying on the ottoman at the end of your bed, so you slip that over your head and make your way towards the sounds in the kitchen.
Taking in the sight before you, a shirtless Harry standing at the counter, whisking something together in a large bowl. His sweatpants are hanging dangerously low on his hips, and his hair is wildly unkempt looking. But you’d wake up to this sight every day if he asked you to. He’s still unaware of your presence, so to really get his attention you saunter over behind him and slowly snake your arms around his middle, laying your cheek against his bare back.
“Good morning, pretty.” He says placing one of his hands over yours on his chest. “Did you sleep well?”
“Mm, like a baby.” You hum against his back. “My legs are sore though, you menace.” He chuckles at that, turning himself in your hold, wrapping his arms around you.
“Are you complaining?” He asks, placing a kiss on your temple.
“No, not at all.” You roll your eyes at him.
“Rolling our eyes this early? You a masochist or something?” He teases you, pinching your ass and making you jolt.
You shake your head and press your face into his chest. “No. You’re just annoying.”
“Mm, mhm. So annoying, baby.” He says before kissing the crown of your head. Harry then reaches his hands down the backs of your thighs and lifts you onto the counter.. “Let me finish this, and then I’m all yours until we have to get ready for work. How’s that sound?”
“I don’t think I can do it today, Harry. I’m so mentally exhausted. I don’t want to open my shop if I won’t be able to open it a week from now.”
“Oh, my sweet girl. Everything will fall into place, I promise.” He says cupping your cheek; swiping over the surface with his thumb.
“How can you stand there and say that? How can you know that?” You say, not accusingly but with a pleading tone. You want nothing more than to believe him, but you’ve lost so much in your life, it's hard to believe in any kind of positive outcome.
“I don’t. But you have to look at it that way. You have to give yourself something to hope for. You’re just making yourself miserable by expecting the worst.”
“It’s easier if I expect the worst and then the worst happens. I prepared myself for it at least.”
“No, baby. That’s not healthy.” He says tilting your head back to look into your eyes. “I know you’ve been through so much, and it always feels like life is out to get you. But I promise it’s not all bad out there. There are so many exciting things for you to experience, but you have to try. You have to have hope. Can you try for me today?” He asks, pressing a kiss to your nose. “Please, my girl?” You slowly nod your head in his hold, but he shakes his. “Nuh uh, baby. I need to hear you say you’re going to try for me today.”
“I pr-promise I’ll try, Harry.” He smiles at you.
“Good girl.” He says, stepping back to the stove, but not before pecking your lips.
He continues to make breakfast and serves you at the island. As he places the plates down, his phone vibrates next to him. A message from Ryan displayed on the screen.
Right Hand Ryan: Good morning Mr. Styles. Walker agreed to a meeting this morning at 10:30. I’ll see you when you arrive at the office.
Harry: Thank you, Ryan.
Going about the rest of your morning routine with Harry feels so domestic and right to you. You still can’t believe that a stranger you met in a parking lot would mean this much to you now. You’re certain of how you feel, but you won’t let the words come out. But Harry knows. He can see it in how you look at him. He just hopes you can tell he feels the same in the way he looks at you. 
The two of you make your way downstairs, just in time for Jesse to make his way inside to help open.
“Good morning you two. I wasn’t sure what the plan was but I was gonna show up either way.” Jesse says from the doorway.
“We’re gonna milk this for all it’s worth and go from there.” You say, squeezing Harry’s hand beside you. He squeezes yours right back. “Everything will fall into place.” 
“Hell yeah. I like the sound of that.” Jesse says, pumping his fist in the air. “I’ll get my stuff set up then. See you later, Harry. Thanks again for yesterday.” He says, giving Harry a fist bump before he goes into the back room.
“What a lovely pep talk, baby. Sounds like you’ve got a great life coach.” Harry says leaning down to kiss you.
“Mm, not sure about a life coach. But I’ve got a pretty good boyfriend.”
“Can he fight? Because you’re mine, in case you forgot.”
“Not sure about that. I’m sure he can though. He’s good at everything he does. Especially this one thing with his ton-,”
“Okay, pretty, I really have to go, and if you finish tha-“ you cut him off with a kiss.
“Off you go, my sweet boy.” You say smiling up at him. He’s got hearts in his eyes at the moniker. You haven’t called him anything but Harry all these months.
“I’ll be back for you later,” he grumbles before kissing you once more, and then he’s gone.
Jesse does his best to distract you throughout the morning. He kept showing you how well he could form a rose now on the nail. It was so nice seeing him so proud of himself. You felt so happy knowing that the knowledge you taught him was making this kind of impact on him. 
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It’s Christmas Eve. Harry asked you to spend the holiday with him at his place, but you begged him to spend it with you at yours. You said you wanted to spend as much time in your place as you could before it was no longer yours. It tugged at his heartstrings and he folded. You had no idea of the trick up his sleeve anyhow. So the place he presented it to you was of no matter.
“Baby, can you help me with this real fast?” You say from the living room. Harry nearly slices his finger off at you calling him ‘baby’. He still hasn’t stopped thinking about you calling him your ‘sweet boy’ the other day. After hearing both of these names you’ve chosen for him he’s certain he never wants to hear you call him Harry again.
“Y-yeah, of course.” He says setting the knife down and walking over to you. You’re setting up the christmas tree you had tucked away in the closet, but you can't quite reach to set the star on top. “What’s up, pretty? Oh, you’re being vertically challenged, eh?” He teases, taking the star from your grasp and placing it atop the tree. He turns and looks at you and chuckles at the frown etched all over your face.
“Shut up. It’s not like I can help it.” You huff. “Not everyone is a big, tall, pain in the ass of a man.” You say as he inches closer to you, winding his arms around you and pulling you closer with every word that left your lips.
“I know, I’m sooo annoying and such a pain in the ass. I know, baby.” He coos at you, placing a kiss to your forehead. You spin in his hold and take in the state of your christmas tree. “Looks beautiful, my girl. He places another kiss to your temple.
“Does it? Is it good enough to be our first christmas tree?” You ask quietly. Placing your hands over his arms as they lay across your chest.
“You kiddin’? Course it is. You did it, so it's perfect.” He says, making you roll your eyes. “Don’t you roll your eyes at me. It’s true.” One of his hands travels south to pinch your ass, again.
“How would you know I rolled my eyes? You can’t even see my face.” 
“Mm, on the contrary, my love. I see your face every time I close my eyes. But I know you rolled your eyes because I know you.” Harry says, spinning you back around in his hold. “Now, come. We have much to do in the kitchen.”
“Harry, I’m not kissing you every 30 seconds because you bought yourself a ‘Kiss the Cook!’ apron.
“No, no. None of that in my kitchen right now. We’ve got a meal to prepare. Now, follow my lead.” He says placing your hands on his hips and guiding you to the kitchen.
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Harry had two different gifts to give you, but he had to wait until early Christmas morning to get one of them. He wooed you with a delicious home cooked meal, some wine and another bath that wasn’t so PG rated thanks to said wine, and a good cuddle session before bed.
Harry stirs awake just a little before the sunrise. He eases himself from your hold and sneaks his way into the living room. Looking for the item in question, he places it into the gift box and sets it under the tree with the other presents, and then tiptoes back to your bedroom to lay with you until you wake up. He sets himself back down on your bed and inches his way towards you, careful not to wake you before you’re ready. (He made that mistake before) You stir slightly in your sleep and turn towards him, placing your hand on his chest. He takes the opportunity to take that hand in his and position himself under you so you could rest your head on his chest. He studies your face and takes in how serene you look. How at peace, how happy you look. It makes tears burn at the seams of his eyes, but you begin to move and he wipes them away.
“Too early.” You mumble, pulling your comforter up over your head.
“Ah, but baby, Santa was here and I think he wants you to open your presents.” Harry coos at you, slowly pulling the blanket off of you.
“Santa can fuck off.” You huff.
“Such language. You kiss your man with that mouth?” He quips at you, placing a soft smack to your ass.
“Mm, all the time. Says he loves my filthy mouth.”
“Oh, I do, sweetheart.” He concurs. “But, I do really need you to get up. We’ve got a breakfast to make and presents to open, my sweet girl.” He says placing his arms under your legs, and your back before lifting you from your bed.
“Harry! Stop, I need pants.” You say as he leaves your bedroom.
“Oh, I beg to differ on that one, love.” He says setting you down on the couch.
“It’s cold in here, you horn dog.” You scold him.
“Ah, but I can think of so many things we could do to warm you up that don’t involve pants.”
“Oh my god, down boy. Take your bone and chill.” You say making your way back to your room.
Upon your return, Harry is waiting for you on the couch, quite literally looking like a kid on Christmas. “Come sit with me.” He says holding his hand out to you. Taking your seat next to him, he pulls your legs to rest in his lap before reaching over and grabbing the two gift boxes he has for you.
“Oh, yours is that big box right there.” You point next to the tree. He smiles and grabs the box and places it in front of him. He hands you the first of the two boxes he wants you to open. Pulling the ribbon from the top of the box, you pull the top of the box off and open it to find a singular key. “It’s a key.” You say. “I’m lost.” You laugh out.
“That, my love, is a key to my house.” He deadpans, searching your face for a reaction. “If you want it, of course.” You snap your head to look at him. Tears have formed in your waterline and your lip begins to quiver. “Oh, baby. This wasn’t meant to make you cry. I’m sorry.” He says pulling you into his embrace.
“No, No, it's fine. Really. I’m happy.” You assure him. “I’m so happy.” You say pressing your lips to his. “So, so, so happy.”.
“So you’ll move in with me?” He asks excitedly.
“Of course I will.” You say, grabbing his hand and leaving a kiss on his palm. “I’d love nothing more, baby.” 
“You keep calling me that.” He mumbles.
“I’m sorry, do you not like it?”
“No, I don't like it.” He deadpans, making you sweat a little. “I love it. Please keep going.”
“Oh, okay you narcissist. Your turn to open something.” You say lightly pushing him off of you.
“Alright, alright.” He slides the big box closer to him. “I thought I told you I didn't need anything from you.” He says.
“I thought I told you to shut up and open your present.” You scold him
“Okay, down girl.” He muses at you. Harry starts tearing the wrapping paper to get to the present beneath it. He’s met with the words ‘Audio Technica’ and a smile breaks onto his face. “A turntable? You got me a turntable?” He looks to you with adoration in his eyes.
“Yeah, thought you might like to start your own collection since you liked going through mine so much.” You say smiling at him. 
“My sweet, sweet girl.” He says, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. “Thank you, baby. I absolutely love it.”
“There was another part to it, but that’s the part that Jackson broke.” You whispered out. “I went back to that record store you took me to on our second date and got you that limited edition Pink Floyd record. I wanted to get you your first record too.”
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s not your fault. I love this without the record. We can always find another one someday.”
“I guess you’re right.” You huff. 
“Course I am. Now, I believe you have one more present to open.” He says handing you the other little gift box. He keeps his arm wrapped around your shoulders as you pull the top off of the box.
“It’s.. my keys?” You say pulling your keys from the box. “What is it with you and keys?” You ask him. He just stares at you with a shit eating grin. “Well?”
“Allow me to explain.” Harry says before his story begins.
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The morning of his meeting with Jeff Walker, he’d been determined to change the outcome of this purchase no matter what it took. He was certain things would go in his favor; they always did. It also helped that Walker was a past associate of Harry’s so there was already a mutual respect there.
Walker knocks on Harry’s office door and Ryan lets him in. The men shake hands and proceed to take their respective seats. “Harry, you old dog. I must say, I was surprised to get your meeting request, old friend. How long has it been?” “Too long, Jeff. How’s the wife?” Harry muses from his seat. 
“Ah, Janet is lovely. She’s actually in Japan right now, but she is not the reason you wanted this meeting. So, my good man, do enlighten me.
“Nothing gets by you, Jeff. I indeed do need your help.”
“Well, I am all ears. Always willing to help an old friend in need. What can I do for you, Styles?”
“First, let me ask you this, what exactly is your business with Jackson Cole?” Harry asks, fiddling with the pen between his fingers.
“Ah, that boy. He came to me a few weeks ago asking if he could buy a property of mine. Says he wants to delve into the realm of property owning.” Jeff begins, “But at first I wasn’t budging. That was until he offered to pay in cash. So I accepted his offer.”
“See, that’s where my problem is.”
“I’m not following, Harry.”
“Jeff, I met a girl this year and she’s turned out to mean more to me than anyone else on this planet.”
“That doesn’t seem like much of a problem to me.” Jeff laughs from his seat.
“No, that’s not the problem.” Harry chuckles, “The problem is that she used to be in a relationship with Cole. A toxic one; He was horrible to her. And now Cole is planning on using the building he’s purchasing from you to try and ruin her life. Her business is in that building, and he’s told her she’s got a week to get out.”
“Well, the sale isn’t even finalized until next week.” Jeff says from his chair. “And I don’t like the sound of this kid. I’m surprised he’s still here.”
“That’s being handled once we’re done here,” Harry muses, “So there’s time then? To cancel the deal?”
“Indeed, but i quite liked the idea of selling that building, Harry, i can’t even lie to you.”
“I’ll buy it then. I’ll give you what he was going to give you. I’ll even throw in covering the cancellation costs and a stipend for you.”
“You really like this girl, huh, Styles?”
“You have no idea, Jeff. Do we have a deal?” Harry asks, reaching his hand across his desk.
“Of course, old friend.” He grabs Harry’s hand in a firm shake, “Let’s try to not let as much time pass before our next meeting, Harry.”
“Agreed, Jeff. Have a great trip back to the city. I greatly appreciate your time today.”
“I hope you make that girl's day when you tell her.” Jeff says before making his way out. Harry lets out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding. He was certain he’d be able to get what he needed from this meeting, but it still shook him to his core to know that Y/N’s business was on the line. He was willing to do whatever it took, but he was thankful Jeff was so willing to help Harry out. Although it might be because Harry had been Jeff’s biggest donor when he was starting his company. But Jeff would never admit that.
“Are you going to tell Y/N?” Ryan asks from his desk in the corner.
“Soon, yes. First, I need you to get Cole in here. Tell him I’m not asking.”
“Yes, Mr. Styles.” Ryan says before leaving the office in search of Jackson.
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“Y-you bought this place?” You ask him, unable to contain your tears anymore. "I thought you said Walker backed out of the deal."
“He did, out of the deal with Jackson and into one with me. It's all yours, Love.”
“Wait. Harry, I don’t know how to be a landlord.”
“Ah, not to worry, love. I’ll take care of all of that. You just worry about making your sweets and running your business. But I still want you to come home to me every night.”
“Harry.” You say. “I don’t even know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything, baby. You don’t have to say anything at all.” He says cradling you to his chest.
“I just can’t believe someone would do something like this for me.” You say cupping his face with both hands. 
He reaches up and grips your wrists lightly and looks into your eyes, “I would do anything for you, my perfect girl.” He kisses you softly. “I love you.. So much.” He says, happy tears streaming down his face as he looks at you with such adoration.
Those words. Those words you’d been so desperate to hear for the longest time, and for someone to mean them? You’re a mess. Harry showed you that it’s okay to get your hopes up, because he’ll max out your expectations every time. You’re sure you’re bawling but can’t seem to care. You’re certain you feel the same. “And I love you so much, my sweet, perfect boy.” You say before kissing him with more fervor than you ever have before. He pulls away and he’s looking at you like you hung all the stars in the sky. “Merry Christmas, Baby.” You say to him.
“Merry Christmas, Love.”
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“You wanted to see me, Mr. Styles?” Jackson says as he enters Harry’s office.
“Indeed, son. Have a seat.” Harry motions to the chairs across from his desk. Jackson takes a seat and glances around the room warily.
“Now, I’m going to explain this to you very quickly and carefully, Cole. You are going to walk out of this office, go into the locker room and clear your shit out.” “Wait a sec-” Jackson begins to speak, but Harry’s quicker.
“Silence. I’m speaking.” Harry says, waving his hand. “As I was saying, after you’ve cleared out your locker, there's a plane waiting for you at the airport. Your apartment is in the process of being sold and all your items are being packed at this very moment. The plane will be taking you to Los Angeles where you will join their 53 man roster as a third string quarterback.”
“Third string? What is the meaning of this, sir?”
“I am so glad you asked.” Harry muses. “It seems you can’t leave alone what’s mine. So I'm removing you from the situation in a way that keeps you alive, me out of prison, and my girlfriend's mind at ease.”
“Mr. Styles, with all due respect I’m of more use to you here.”
“Really? A dead last draft pick that cant keep his feet on the ground is of use to me here? How does that make any sense? The same dead last draft pick that fumbled the ball more times than I could count in last year's championship game?”
“Sir, please, I’ll do anyth–”
“Enough. The decision has been made, Cole. You’re free to go. Say goodbye to your teammates and be on your way.” Harry says, making Jackson stand from his seat. “One more thing,” Harry starts before Jackson can leave, “If you ever try to speak to, bother, or even breathe the same air as Y/N again, I will have your career. You’re lucky you still have one. You can thank her for that. She wouldn’t be able to live with it if I’d gotten to do what I actually wanted to. So, count your blessings, boy.” He pauses briefly, taking in the look of anger and desperation all over Jackson’s face. “Have I made myself clear?”
“Y-yes, Mr. Styles.”
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a/n 2.0: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR COMING ALONG WITH ME ON THIS JOURNEY!! THANK YOU AGAIN TO MOTHER @freedomfireflies FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT AND LOVE. I really owe so much to you!! I absolutely adore you 🫶🏻🩵
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please like &/or reblog if you enjoyed <3
taglist: @stylesfever @olipoli21 @hermionelove @st-ev-ie @mrs-anna-styles211994 @hannah9921 @velvetballaspark
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meroif · 8 months
A Hundred Years of Sleep
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Far, far away from home, you awake to a world changed. Everyone had their time to grief,  with the exception of you. Then I ask, what would you give to fix what is broken?
A Hundred Years of Sleep is an interactive fiction novel taking place in a universe of magic and machinery. It aims to guide you through a journey through the stars, one that begins and ends with your very home.
The Story
You come from Vaeravel, a small and peaceful planet orbiting around an even smaller star in a corner of the universe. You live with your aunts in your quaint neighborhood until you're considered a young adult by the standards of your long-lived species.
Then without fanfare, everything ends.
The Collapse is a terrible accident that completely destroys your planet and most of its inhabitants. You manage to survive, taken to one of the few emergency vessels fleeing disaster, but slip away into a deep sleep.
You wake up again, in an unfamiliar room, in an unfamiliar galaxy, alone. Everywhere you look, life has gone on without you.
So when you hear rumors of a ship departing for what is now called The Collapsed you can't help but embark on the journey home, so that maybe by the end of it you'd be granted peace, or at least instructed on what to do with all your loss.
Character customization. Choose name, pronouns, appearance, personality and ambitions of your character.
Moral compass. Be bad, play nice, decide how you want to interact with the world at large and see for yourself where your actions take you.
Romance. Meet and fall in love with four different characters, all gender selectable, or don't, if you prefer to the take the romanceless path.
Flirt options with various NPCs, with future extra side-stories to give them the space they deserve.
Multiple endings, good and bad, once you reach the end of your journey.
Romantic Options
Riel Rosenquartz (he/him, or she/her, or they/them), the heir of the Rosen Crown, lost monarchy of Vaeravel. Elegant, kind and diplomatic, they're overjoyed to meet another survivor of the disaster. Although you're not sure why they'd wait for so long before making the journey back home.
Khael (he/him, or she/her), the Captain of the Chrysa, the ship travelling to reach The Collapsed. Highly perceptive and infuriatingly charming, Khael is undoubtedly the person in charge. But what could they possibly stand to gain in embarking on such a dangerous journey?
Nathaniel (he/him, or she/her), allegedly a researcher hailing from afar, they seem to be unfamiliar with how the entire galaxy works. Mysterious, reserved and stubborn to a fault, it's undeniable they're hiding something big. Yet as complete strangers, you have no idea why they'd be so opposed to your presence onboard.
Aelinor (he/him or she/her), your old neighbor and childhood friend, miraculously found again in the mists of the ship's crew. Although they're just as sweet as you remember them, you can't help but wonder...where were they as you slept?
Portraits (1, 2); Aesthetics (1, 2, 3, 4); Playlists ; ROs Introductions (1, 2)
A Hundred Years of Sleep is currently in development and will be released episodically, the current build includes the Prologue and the entirety of Chapter One.
If you've enjoyed the story so far, please consider supporting me on Patreon, it really does make a difference in the time I'm able to dedicate to the project.
Patrons receive access to the alpha demo, which currently adds the first part of Chapter Two to the public build, as well as side and themed stories, polls, and other exclusive benefits.
Thank you for your support, and for playing A Hundred Years of Sleep. 🌙
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cheesy09 · 4 months
[CN] Kiro's Unbiased Mirroring Mind's Quest (Part 2)
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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[Note: This date was translated with the help of Google Translate]
Note: In order to better engage with this date, please read the main story (Season 1 at least), Clinic Date, and Unconditional Surrender Mind's Quest :>
Read Part 1: HERE
[PART 4]
MC: I'm home!
MC: Apple Box, you forgot to wipe your feet again! Kiro, help me get the towel, please!
Before Apple Box could run into the house, I grab him and call out into the house.
Kiro: Wait a minute!
After a while, the sound of footsteps begin to grow louder. I lower my head and pick up the scattered fur off of Apple Box and stretch out my hand towards the owner of the footsteps.
MC: Please help me, I can't ever trust Apple Box to wipe his feet... Huh?
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I finally find something to be off in my peripheral vision. When I look up, I see Helios' face.
He is dressed in all black and fully armed, as if he is about to go out.
MC: Where are you going...?
Helios: I need to wrap up the BS stuff from the day before yesterday. This'll make it easier to move around.
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MC: Oh~ so you're going to be a "bad guy" again.
After that night, I couldn't stop myself from teasing him like this. Sure enough, Helios raises his eyes towards me.
Helios: What sort of "bad guy" would hold a dog and wipe its feet?
Apple Box: Woof!
Apple Box responds as well. Helios holds up its paws and makes an attacking gesture at me.
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Helios: If you use that term to tease me again, I will get angry.
MC: Hmph, you can't do anything to me when you're angry. The most outrageous thing that happened was the night before yesterday.
Helios arches his eyebrows a bit after hearing my provocation, as if my retaliation surprised him, and then raises the corners of his mouth.
Helios: Why do I feel... like Miss Chips has gotten a lot more arrogant towards me since that night?
I feel the same way.
After the night, there was indeed a small invisible stone that we both kicked away in tacit agreement.
While there's obviously no change in our dynamic, he seems to be a lot more relaxed than before.
I wipe off Apple Box's last paw and hand him the towel.
MC: Yep, I think a certain someone is satisfied with me as I am now.
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MC: Go on~~ Wash the towel before you head out.
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Helios: ......
Helios' throat freezes and he narrows his eyes - I have to admit that his current threatening look is indeed a bit more intimidating than Kiro's.
But only a little bit, I internally chastise myself.
We look at each other for about three seconds. Helios obediently takes the towel and goes into the bathroom to clean it.
He rinses out the water and turns around to glare at me.
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Helios: I will find a way to "pacify" you.
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MC: Yeah, okay~ But before you pacify me, don't forget to kiss me when you go out.
I naturally pucker my lips at him and Helios leans down. Just as our breaths are about to merge, he suddenly steps away.
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Helios: ....It's time for the bad guy to go.
A chuckle passes by my ears, and the person in front of me quickly slips out the door. I am left momentarily stunned.
MC: KI! RO!!!
Is it possible that that night turned on some strange switch between us?
After Helios leaves, I lay on the sofa and watch TV absentmindedly, replaying the experiences from the past few days in my mind.
It constantly feels like we've gone from accommodating each other to competing with each other.
But this change of dynamic isn't annoying, but more...
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MC: ...Tantalizing?
I can't help but cover my face after muttering that word and toss around a couple of times on the sofa.
The cell phone besides me suddenly vibrates twice, and Kiro's text message pops up.
I open the page and find a review link for a private club and a newly opened arcade.
Kiro: Which one do you want to go to?
MC: Are you done?
Kiro: Not yet, I'm currently beating someone up and texting you with one hand.
MC: ?? Kiro, why are you using force to solve things again?
Kiro: Under special circumstances, would you like me to give you a voice call for you to listen to?
Before I can reply, I get his incoming voice call.
MC: ....!
I subconsciously press the connect button and carefully hold the phone away.
??: Boss, what you're doing is completely contrary to our philosophy. Now...
What comes from the receiver isn't a horrifying scream, but an impassioned male voice speaking. I can't help but let out a sigh.
Helios: Did you hear that?
MC: Are you... in a meeting?
Helios' muffled laughter overwhelms the man's voice and reaches my ears.
Helios: Uh-uh. It's been going on for almost two hours.
MC: Then you lied to me about beating someone up!
Helios: I am beating them up.
Helios: Every time I hold a meeting, nothing comes from it except for intrigue, rhetoric and slogans. I beat them all up a hundred times in my mind.
MC: Pfft--
Helios doesn't even lower his voice when he says this. I can clearly hear the choking of a male voice, along with a low laugh coming from the side (A/n: Obviously Hephaestus, HAHA).
??: No one ever takes calls from outsiders at BS meetings. Helios, don't go too far!
Helios: Really? Then I'll be the first.
Helios: Also, the person on the phone is no outsider. Isn't that right, Queen?
Hearing his nervous and cold tone, all I can do is think about how funny and cute he was being, and I'm unable to keep myself from singing along with him.
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MC: That's right, how can I be considered an outsider!
Helios: So, how does the "wife" think I should retort to that gentleman just now?
MC: There's nothing to refute. You're the Boss, let him listen to you!
Helios: Okay. [To the others] Queen says she wants you all to listen to me, so shut up.
Helios: [back to MC] Is there something else you wish to convey?
MC: Get off work quickly. A two-hour meeting is already long enough!
Helios: No problem, it'll be over now.
Helios: Don't forget to choose a date location for me.
After hanging up the phone, I carefully look at the two links he sent and send him a reply.
MC: Let's go to the arcade.
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Even after I arrive at the arcade, my mind is still preoccupied with that phone call from earlier.
The fact is that Kiro rarely ever engages in such provocative high-profile things. He's always had the habit of shouldering responsibility alone first, and then asking me for my opinion.
As long as I show the slightest bit of hesitation or trepidation, he would retreat back to the safest boundary.
And now, when he gives orders to those people without warning, he keeps reminding me of the confession he made while holding my hand on the airship. (Reference to Unconditional Surrender Mind's Quest :>)
The same bravery, the same fearlessness.
I suddenly understand all the love scenes in those third-rate novels and tv shows that I often scorned.
--Turns out that this is really exciting!
I cough and try hard to control my expression so as to not let passers-by notice my mood being on a high.
I feel inexplicably good, and the wait is no longer as boring.
I put in coins and play for a while, but unfortunately I get nothing. So I send a message to Kiro.
MC: I clawed a bunch of air. Waiting for Master Kiro to come and help~
Three minutes later, I send a second message.
MC: This video arcade just opened. There are very few people...
After another five minutes, I sent a third message.
MC: I just took a look at the traffic conditions. Seems like there's a traffic jam. You don't need to worry~
Another ten minutes pass by... Kiro doesn't reply to single message.
Those high-strung emotions begin to ebb, and I become increasingly anxious about waiting. My thoughts involuntarily wander--
Besides the meeting today, did he have anything else to do?
But he was injured before, so he shouldn't be going overboard, he...
I lean against the claw machine. After ten minutes pass after the agreed upon time, unable to hold myself back any longer, I press the call button.
[Memory Silhouette]
In the massive conference hall, the stagnant atmosphere slowly fills the air.
Hephaestus: It's "just" a laboratory for marginal projects, so shut it down and sell it as soon as possible? How generous of you guys.
BS Member: It's not you who invested money and manpower into it. There are many people eyeing this piece of meat, all competing with us.
BS Member: Why not let them have this small profit and use the money to do more profitable business? Wouldn't it be better to support the long-term development of BS?
Hephaestus: What kind of business is so profitable? It wouldn't "happen" to be covered by your industry again, would it?
As soon he finishes speaking, the man throws the document down and turns to Helios like a cat whose tail has been stepped on.
Everyone's eyes are instantly focused on the person in charge.
Helios casually leans back in his chair, twirling his dagger in one hand. His cold eyes do not even focus on the man.
He has long grown tired of these boring conflicts of interest.
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Helios: I have nothing to say.
BS Member: That... why?
Helios: Too much nonsense and no focus.
Helios: I don't care what sort of blueprint you have. If you don't have anything practical to say, it's better to keep your mouth shut.
As he speaks, he hooks his dagger with his fingertips and slowly places it on the table. Then he raises his gaze and glances at the man coldly.
Helios: Otherwise, no matter how passionate your tone is, it'll just be an incompetent excuse.
The air becomes quiet, and he vaguely hears the members of BS taking a breath.
BS Member: Understood, I will report a more elaborate plan right now.
An impassioned report sounds again in the conference hall. Unfortunately, the part that implied interests is mixed with too much uncertainty. Helios almost hears through one ear and out the other.
He misses her voice a little.
He taps on his cell phone to send a message to MC, and after receiving a satisfactory response, he directly gives her a call.
BS Member: So you see, Boss--
Helios: Rejected.
BS Member: Boss, what you are doing is completely contrary to our philosophy. Now...
The call connects, and the girl's voice drowns out the man's noisy retort.
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Helios: Did you hear that?
Helios can't stop himself from curling his lips when he hears MC respond. Compared to the obscure noises of the meeting, her voice is as clean as a clear spring.
Helios: Every time I hold a meeting, nothing comes from it except for intrigue, rhetoric and slogans. I beat them all up a hundred times in my mind.
The report immediately stops. From the corner of his eyes, he can tell that everyone in the conference hall is obviously shaken. Even Hestia has stopped recording, and Hephaestus can't help but laugh.
The boring meeting reaches its climax, leaving him very staisfied.
So the two of them continue to tacitly sing along, cutting off the meeting in time before it turned into a farce of mutual criticism.
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Helios: Okay. Queen says she wants you all to listen to me, so shut up.
Of course, the consequences of making such shocking remarks are subject to a lot of discussion, bringing rise to new topics in the conference hall. Phrases such as "out of line" and "arrogant" are often heard from time to time.
Out of line? All he wants is to be out of line.
Helios nonchalantly holds his phone to his ear, seeming to appear particularly attentive.
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Helios: Don't forget to choose a date location for me.
Everyone: ......
This sentence successfully puts an end to the final discussion. Only Hephaestus is unaffected by the uncomfortable atmosphere and shows a mischievous smile.
After hanging up the phone, Helios stands up under everyone's astonished gazes, passes the person giving the report, walks through the extra large conference table and heads straight for the door.
When he passes by Hephaestus, he casually mentions.
Helios: Give me the minutes of the meeting later. If you don't see a breakthrough, break it yourself.
That one sentence makes his position clear. Hephaestus nods, but some members speak up anxiously from behind him.
BS Member: But it's best to have the Boss in charge of the meetings... Are you in a hurry?
Helios doesn't stop, he opens the door and walks out. Only a cold and arrogant voice sounds from afar.
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Helios: I'm going on a date.
[PART 5]
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Beep-- beep--
The long busy tone strikes my eardrums again and again. As soon as the call finally connects, I speak hurriedly.
MC: Kiro, where are you right now? Why haven't you replied to any of my texts?
As soon as blurt out those words, I realize how off they sounded. After all, it's not like I waited long, so I quickly add on.
MC: I don't mean to rush you, but I'm afraid something might have happened to you on the way...
Helios: Why did Kiro's and Miss Chips' calls become about us worrying about each other again?
Helios interrupts my confession, his voice rising with obvious laughter.
Helios: Well, Obviously the way you spoke to Helios before made you seem very domineering. If I didn't know better, I would've thought there were two Miss Chips switching back and forth.
MC: I...
I am left speechless for a moment. After being treated like this by him, I seem to find that I have some "deferential treatment".
While I feel a little guilty, I can't help but be harsh.
MC: I'm not that sophisticated... I was obviously talking to Kiro, okay?
MC: Do you prefer me when I speak rudely?
Helios: I like your frankness.
He gives me a very straightforward answer.
Helios: Remember what I told you before? That I was worried I didn't give you enough security? (Reference to Unconditional Surrender)
MC: Mm, of course I remember.
He and I have been groping for a solution to this problem, and now, I have a vague feeling that we are close to finding it.
Helios: When you make requests and frankly express your emotions to me, I feel like you're giving all of yourself to me.
Helios: The good, the bad...
Helios: And me taking over all of this is what Kiro really wants to do.
Helios: So tell me, what are your true first thoughts that you want to convey to me?
MC: I....
You can be willful, you can be less scrupulous, and give yourself entirely to him.
I take a deep breath and purse my lips.
MC: I think it's annoying that Kiro hasn't replied to my messages for a long time. I'm growing impatient waiting!
MC: You should explain yourself to me immediately and coax me!
Helios: Hahahahahaha!
Unbridled laughter resounds from the other side. A long time passes before he stops, but his voice is still lilting.
Helios: You're really bad-tempered. That's nice.
Helios: Well... I originally skipped the meeting and wanted to rush over to meet you, but as soon as I got in the car, I was stopped by someone careless.
Helios: However I did follow your instruction and avoided using force myself. Instead I used the power of being the Boss to send them away.
Helios: The atmosphere was so tense at the time that I didn't pay attention to my phone for a moment. So I missed the messages you sent.
Abrupt music mixes into the receiver, accompanying his explanation, as if he was quickly walking through a noisy hallway.
Helios: Fortunately, I didn't miss your call.
Helios: And that concludes my report. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with it, Miss MC?
MC: So-so.
I hum twice, already sweet and sour bubbles floating around in my heart.
MC: Now it's your turn. After all, you caught on to my feelings, and I need to take care of you.
MC: Kiro, what are your first thoughts?
Helios: Mine?
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The sound of the music is clear, and it gradually overlaps with the tune coming from the game console next to me.
I'm not left with much time to put down my phone by the time that familiar breath approaches me.
Helios: When I went out, I still owed you a kiss.
Helios: It's time I made up for it.
A hand covers my eyes.
The shallow pecks have Kiro's taste, but as his entanglement deepens, it gradually turns into a more sensational request.
He ensnares me, trapping me between the machine and his arms, leaving me unable to retreat. All I can do is make do within this square inch of space.
--This isn't the way to kiss when out in public.
My fingers are a little weak and I can hardly hold the phone, so I give up struggling and grab his collar.
Leather, unfamiliar, not a style he often wears.
My covered sight makes it impossible for me to distinguish whether the one kissing me was the golden one or the silver one.
But no matter which one it is, it is Kiro who I love.
At some point, the music above my head has changed, and it seems like a century passes before he lets go of my lips.
With my sight clear, I see Helios' face.
I lick my moist lips, and when I speak, my voice sounds so hoarse that it surprises me.
MC: That... was not your first thought.
Helios: What was?
MC: That you owed me.
No hesitation. I have nothing to worry about around him. I repeat this silently in my mind and grab his collar a little harder.
MC: ...You didn't change back to Kiro's appearance. Is it to make dating easier?
Helios: No.
Helios stares at me, his eyes full of calm.
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Helios: I feel that both Kiro and Helios belong to me, so I can show you whichever side I want.
I chuckle and raise my eyebrows at him.
MC: How are you going to show it? Or are you going to show me some Kiro style cuteness first?
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Helios: .....
Helios: You really seem to be getting more and more devious.
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MC: But you already admitted that you like me like this.
I answer confidently. My fingers loosen his collar and at the same time, slowly slide up his throat, along with his breathing.
MC: Are you really not going to show me my sun god?
MC: I'd love to see it.
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His Adam's apple, against which my fingertips are pressed, violently slides up and down. Helios' blue eyes turn into a deeper indigo under the refraction of the light.
Helios: It's a bit weird to act cute with this face, can I ask for a compromise?
MC: What do you want to change?
He restrains my rebellious hand, and before I have time to react, I find myself falling into his arms.
Some overbearing friction renders me unable to move, and his playful laughter kisses the shell of my ear.
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Helios: It's inconvenient to show it in an arcade, so I'll tell you another date location.
Masterlist: Here
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wings-of-ink · 27 days
Wanna eat your work that's how deliciously you write!!
Recently I saw super sad ask about MC breaking up with RO (gently). If you haven't done this before, could you give us ROs reaction?
In the end ROs also find out that MC done this on purpose to keep ROs out of something dangerous. MC still loves them ofc but they hurt them to protect them,,,,, kinda poetic
So glad you find it tasty, Anon! I will continue to cook this stuff up and feed you even more (but you're gonna have to have a few veggies before dessert).
That is a super sad ask! But I like the twist. As the MC has some difficult things ahead, something like this may come up in the routes, but it's too far out for me to see quite yet. And it may just be MC sneaking off to "handle" something (that they really shouldn't be doing alone).
He can't swallow for fear of choking and goes silent.
MC watches Oswin carefully, noticing that he's started to subtly shake.
"So…that's just it." His voice is breaking.
MC nods, trying their best to keep a straight face.
"You…you put up with me for all this time, I tell you everything, all…all that I've…" Oswin's voice cracks and tears start to roll down his eyes.
There's a ringing in their ears, MC can't stand this, but it's for the best. The world is better with Oswin in it, they have to do this to keep him safe.
"I can't…I can't bear this. It will kill me, MC…we planned a life together. I don't want to be apart." Oswin lands on MC's shoulder, releasing a painful sob.
MC feels their very soul begin to burn. They don't want this either, but it's the best way. They keep telling themselves that. It's for the best.
Zahn takes the news with a cruel amount of stoicism. MC expected some sort of resistance, maybe even tears or a plea. Were they hoping for that even?
MC waits for a response for a while, but Zahn gives nothing away before simply turning around and leaving. MC stands in shock for several minutes before they snap from their daze and go out to find them.
They find Zahn sitting by the brook, watching the water churn by, still quiet and still.
MC sits next to them. "Zahn you need to say something…please."
"Why should I?" Their voice is straining but harsh.
"You let me say my part…it's only fair."
Zahn nods, and then chuckles, but the sound is cruel. "You just threw me away like everyone else did. So, no, I don't know what to say."
"You forget how easily I can read you." Duri smirks, folding their arms and leaning against the wall.
MC stares at them. They knew it would be a challenge. Lying to a demigod is stupid at best - then again, so is romancing one. "My choice is still firm."
Duri shakes their head. "It's the choice that is the lie, MC."
"It's still mine to make."
They nod. "That's true."
MC expects more argument on the subject, spotting a peculiar shine to Duri's doleful eyes that's rare to see.
"I guess I will just have to convince you to pick me again then. I did it once before…somehow. Even if you don't want to love me now…you can still love me later."
MC's resolve nearly cracks, but they try to give nothing away.
A familiar smile splays on Duri's lips, but it lacks the mirth they usually have. "Besides, I have to find what you're hiding, and you know how good I am at that."
"No," Rune says.
MC shifts uncomfortably. It has to be now. They have to say goodbye now before it's too late. Losing themselves is one thing, but they can't lose Rune. "What do you mean no? It's the way it is, the way I want it."
Rune's eyes roll, the purple orbs practically glowing. "You're hiding something."
"I am not. I just…we are from very different worlds, this isn't the time - I can't…"
"You can't what?" They fold their arms and stare into MC.
"Be with you like this."
They begin to pace. "Did you learn how to lie from Oswin? Don't feed me lines like that when your voice holds no conviction. Make no mistake, Northbreaker, I know that I am no one's first choice in a lover."
MC barely stifles a rebuttal.
"No one puts up with my shit unless their feelings are genuine, MC. What hurts me the most is not your failure to convince me that you'd rather us go our separate ways - it's that you apparently do not trust me enough to help you shoulder your burdens."
The quiver of their lower lip betrays MC's feelings.
"Would you like to try that again with a straight face?" He smiles. That stupid smug smile that you hate to love. It doesn't reach his eyes and it's the most condescending look he has in his arsenal.
"We can't do this anymore. I was infatuated, it's not-"
"Real?" he finishes. "Not real love?"
He tuts. "No, no, my dear. See, I opened all I am to you - that is a door you cannot close easily. Don't mistake the phrasing as a threat - if you truly wish to part from me, then do so. But, don't lie to yourself or to me."
"I'm not-"
"You are spectacularly bad at it." He affirms, his voice hard. "You knew you would not be able to, but you still tried."
MC stands there feeling like a scolded child. He always flips everything on its head.
He sighs. "I am sorry. I am hurt. I know you are hiding something, but I do not wish to imagine my world without you. Please, just let me help."
There you are Anon! May the angst nourish your wicked and lovely soul. ^_^
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domesticcaboose · 2 years
“Hey, it’s Bradley”
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Gn Reader
TW: Cursing, like a lot of cursing
A/N: it’s my first time actually posting my writing on here so pls be nice! Also, feel free to mention anything we need to fix grammatically. Proofreader and coauthor is @lunamoon1744
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“Hey, uh, it's Ro-Bradley. It's Bradley. Fuck it’s probably late where you’re at. Sorry, I just, fuck, look, I’m sorry. So fucking sorry. I loved you, love you, still love you and I know this is a shitty way to go about it but there’s a mission and I don’t know whether I'm going to make it back, but I was back at Top Gun for a few weeks, and God, all I could think about was us, you, and how much I love you and how much I fucked you over and I’m sorry. God I'm so fucking sorry an’ I’m not asking you to forgive me but I can't die without apologizing, without letting you know that leaving you was the worst decision of my life and if I could go back I’d-, fuck I’m running out of time, I just, I love you so fucking much and I, I gotta go, fuck, I’m sorry, I love you.”
Bradley Bradshaw. Rooster. God, you loved him, and he had broken your heart. It’d been a few years since the breakup, and honestly you're surprised he still knows your number. Lord knows you had to look back into your contacts to figure out whether he called you through his phone, or someone else's. It was probably the ship's phone, seeing as you still had his cell number in your contacts.
It probably doesn't matter by now. If he went on the mission right after he called you, that would have been 15 hours, 48 minutes, and approximately 56 seconds ago. You begin pacing back and forth across the house. If he was going to die, he’d already be dead, and if he was going to live, he’d already be back on the carrier. Plus, there was no guarantee he was even going back to Top Gun, he could be going straight to his next assignment. You stop dead in your tracks. He could be dead.
Then again, that was the problem wasn't it? It didn't really matter, you would go to the ends of the Earth if he had asked you to, if he had so much as implied that he needed or wanted you to. Maybe that's why you had already finished packing, bag already by the door, heart already knowing what your head was trying to figure out.
Leaning over the kitchen island, you pull out your laptop and start looking for any possible flights to anywhere even remotely close to San Diego and Top Gun. A few hours that pass over your nerves like shitty tap dancers, about 50 tabs, and a coffee or three later you finally come across a flight. It's expensive, significantly more than you would ever pay normally, and through an airline you've never used before. It's also leaving in an hour from an airport 49 minutes away. Taking a deep breath, you say fuck it and start typing your credit card numbers in, because you are tired and desperate and you just need to be there in case he did come back.
God, you hope he's alive.
It was a seven and a half hour flight and a two hour drive, having booked the first flight you found to anywhere close by. You had a bit of a drive to get to Top Gun, but you honestly can’t remember much of your trip. How can you? For all you know, you're doing all of this for a funeral that you're not even sure you would be invited to.
You're not completely sure how you ended up in front of the Hard Deck. Well, that's a lie. You know damn well why you stopped here before trying to find a hotel. It's an aviator's bar. It's where the aviators go after work. You’d been here with him the first time around. When you were dating. When you thought you were going to marry him.
It's stupid, and emotional, and childish to stop. It’s been a little less than two days since he made the phone call, and if he is alive he'd still be on the ship, or in a hospital somewhere. That didn't stop you from walking in, from looking around, from ordering a drink, from sitting down and waiting on some distant hope that he'd pop through the door. You haven't actually figured out what you're going to do when you see him again. But fuck if that didn't mean you still wanted to see him.
It was another three days of watching and waiting, of sitting at the bar with Penny, of wondering whether or not the last actual conversation you will ever have with the love of your life was when you broke up, when he told you he never loved you.
It's your fifth day in San Diego, when you see his Bronco in the Hard Deck parking lot. You know that fucking car anywhere and you know for a fact that if it was here then Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw was alive. Which means he could have damn well called you and informed you of such!
Taking a deep breath, as to not preemptively jump to conclusions, and to not kill the first person that looks at you wrong, you hurry up and force your way through the Hard Deck’s doors, making a scan for tall, brunette, and mustached.
It's not hard to find him. He is standing by a handful of other pilots and Penny. She's under who you assume is the pilot named Pete’s arm, looking very amused by your entrance. Bradshaw, on the other hand, is laughing lazily with his friends, like you hadn't thought he might be dead for the better part of the week.
The sound of pool balls clinking stops almost immediately, and you hear whispers arising from some of the pilots scattered around the bar. The man of the week looks in your direction, and while his eyes light up, his face falls as you start marching across the floor towards him. “...y/n?”
You feel multiple eyes on you as you stomp across the bar, and out of the corner of your eye you can also see a few heads turn. “What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with you? The fuck was that phone call?” You come to a stop right in front of him, jabbing your finger into his chest. “Have you been landing too hard it’s starting to fuck with your head?” there's a snort on your right, coming from some Ken-doll-looking motherfucker. “Because that shit-”
“Is not okay! At all! You don't call someone, and tell them you love them, and that your sorry, and then just fucking disappear! Honestly! Give me one good fucking reason I shouldn't hit you upside your head, I swear to god-”
He interrupts you by pulling you into a tight hug and holding you against him, and you use every ounce of self control to not hug him back. He leans slightly back, looking into your eyes, and opening his mouth to speak.
“You came?” …you came? YOU CAME? What in the ever loving fuck did he think you were going to do after he called, go to brunch and have some fucking mimosas? Chill at the beach? Not lose your absolute goddamn mind?
“OF COURSE I FUCKING CAME!” You struggle in his arms before giving up and grabbing his shoulders in order to pull him down a bit so your eye level. “We may not have left on the best of terms, but I still fucking love you! Honestly, you could have called me at any point and I would have shown up because that's what you do when you love someone! And maybe that wouldn’t be my best discission but, fuck, I've never had a doubt that you would-”
“You still love me?” Maybe it was the way he said it, sounding like he was going to cry, or the way he looked like he was in complete shock over the fact that you still love him, even though he’s the one who walked away, but it makes your anger fade from the loud and explosive kind to the tired and worried one.
“Jesus fucking son of a fuck I swear to-” deep breaths, homicide is illegal and there’s witnesses, lots of witnesses, because almost everyone in the bar has turned to stare, nosey fucks. “-Yes. I love you, I loved you when we were dating, I loved you when we broke up, and I love you now, but, if you say one. More. Stupid. Fucking. Thing. I'm going to drown you in the ocean-” and it's true. You do love him. But it's also true that if he doesn't stop interrupting you, you are going to try and throw him in the ocean. It wouldn't work, you've tried it before, but it would make you feel better.
He smiles like a dumbass, eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree. He puts his hand on your cheek, leaning down and pressing your foreheads together. “I love you too.”
“Yeah, I’m aware, but I swear to god if you interupt me one more fucking time-” which, he of course decides to do by kissing you. Which, not to say that you are complaining, but it's hard to stay mad when he's kissing you like it's all he's ever thought about. Putting both of your hands on his chest, you lightly push him away. “-we’re not in a movie. Kissing me’s not gonna get me to shut up-”
“What if I kiss you multiple times?” And isn't that a tempting offer? But, as much as you love him, that phone call was the worst possible way of getting in contact with you again.
You narrow your eyes, the corners of your mouth twitching ever so slightly up. “You can kiss me everyday for the rest of our lives, but it’s still not gonna stop me from thinking you're an idiot and calling you on it.”
You can't help but to shake your head and smile. “Goddammit Bradley, I'm trying to be mad at you, you inconsiderate asshole. Yes, yes I promise, for as long as your dumbass wants to keep me-”
“Forever then.” And there it was, that stupid fucking smile that you loved. The one that made you stop yelling, at least for the moment, because he was alive, and he loved you, and he wasn't going to walk away this time. Sighing as you lean into him, the exhaustion of the week finally starts to catch up with you, but at least you know that he's safe.
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feelbokkie · 11 months
Don’t Let Me Love You | Chapter 20 (end)
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pairing: Felix x fem reader; Chan x fem reader
genre: smau, fake dating, crack, angst, fluff, non!idol au
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
warnings: swearing,
summary: With the upcoming wedding of her cousin and her ex, Y/n is in desperate need of a date for the wedding that will show the happy couple that she moved on.
word count: 875
screenshot count: 14
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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bonus content: memes part 2
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You dig around you bag for your keys as you climb the stairs to your apartment. You spent the entire day at the library taking notes from Sunny and Ro on key details that you wanted in both the anime and the live action that were set to be made within the next couple of years. You and Hyunjin agreed weeks ago that you would make your own lists and meet up when you were done before you went to the executives. The act of rereading your comics were a great distraction from everything else going on.
"Holy fucking shit!" You scream when you look up and see a dark figure standing outside your apartment.
"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Felix steps out of the shadows and sheepishly smiles.
"You can't just lurk in the shadows like a creep, Lix." You place your hand over your chest to settle your heart.
"I wasn't being a creep, I was waiting for you. Which, now that I said it out loud does sound creepy." He speaks quickly. You pull your key out of your bag and open the front door, letting Felix go in first.
Your heart is still beating fast, but you're unsure if it's because you were just startled to death or because Felix is standing in your apartment after a week of not seeing each other. It's the longest you two have gone without seeing each other since you got back from Jeju.
"What's in the bag?" You ask as you watch Felix set down a bag on your coffee table.
"Ah, well there's the cinnamon crumb cake that you like since you probably didn't have dinner yet and I know how much you like to have dessert first. A-and I was going to get flowers but I know you they make you sad because of how fast they die so I bought lego ones. Only, I didn't know if I should buy the individual ones or the bouquet so I bought all of them." He's speaking quickly again and refusing to make eye contact with you. You've never seen him nervous before, it's kind of cute how squirmy he is.
"You came over to build legos?" You quirk your head to the side. Your heart drops in disappointment.
"No--I mean we can if you want to but-- fuck," He pauses and squeezes his eyes shut, scrunching his nose in concentration.
"Felix, what's wrong?" You set your stuff down on the floor and walk closer to Felix. Your heart is pounding in your ears again.
"Ah, fuck it," He mutters before cupping your face and quickly pressing his lips into yours.
You two stand like that for what feels like eternity. Your eyes flutter shut and you melt into his touch. Almost too soon, Felix pulls away from you. Your eyes slowly open and you're met with Felix's worry filled eyes.
"What...?" You're certain that his simple kiss cut off all oxygen from going into your brain.
"I've been miserable all week. I miss that weird little squeak you do when you laugh that's both so subtle and so noticeable." Felix drops his hands and steps back.
"I squeak?" You laugh.
"You do! I also noticed how boring everything smells in comparison to you. You smell like paper, ink, chocolate, and apples--which is weird because I don't think I've seen you consume a single fruit the entire time we've known each other." He scratches his head and smiles widely at you.
"I eat fruit!" You laugh harder, tears forming in your eyes.
"It doesn't count if they're in a dessert." He laughs. He pauses for a second, looking at you in the eyes, straight into your soul. "The world seems so much darker now. And not in the sense of like dread and horror, but all of the colors look more muted somehow. A-and I miss the way you fit in my arms, which, by the way, feels like they were meant for holding you. Like--"
"Like the missing piece to a puzzle." You say softly. Your heart skips several beats and it takes you a second to remember to breathe.
"Exactly! And, and everything I eat just doesn't taste as good as it used to. And I realized, that everything is better with you. You're right, you did intrude on my life. You came into my life like a stray puppy and I want to keep you."
"I'm scared, Felix." You whisper, dropping your eyes to the floor.
"I'm absolutely terrified." Felix tucks his finger under your chin and tilts your head up, forcing you to look at him. "But you're worth that fear, Y/n. I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I just let you walk out of my life without even trying."
"What if I fuck you up?" Your voice cracks.
"You've already fucked me up. In the best way possible. You took over all of my senses--you made me fall in love with you."
"But--" Felix grabs your face again and presses a long kiss to your forehead. He pulls away and l looks you in the eyes, still holding your face.
"Please, just let me love you."
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Buy me a coffee?
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derww · 22 days
TW: Blood, violence, death
Disclamer: None of this is real, but the concept is very pretty, so I took it on a walk.
The next time Minute goes on spawn, Spepticle tries to kill him.
Of course, he behaves a little strangely from the very beginning; he generally asks for a meeting despite the fact that just a few days ago he gently refused Minute's offer, saying that he is not ready to fight for them in this war and that he just wants to live till the end to attend the last carnival. 
But Minute doesn't think it's strange; he's happy that someone has changed their mind about being an easy target for the Players and, perhaps, will hold out against them for at least a few minutes. There is enough gear in his enderchest to equip a small army, and this is the second thing he would like to see the most. The first is the corpses of all the Players, preferably dead together and instantly.
Minute knows that Mapicc and Ro stayed late yesterday, so he doesn't worry much about bumping into them; even they, after all, need sleep, weakened by curses, exhausted by a long war, outside the usual conditions and climate. Despite this, he is habitually circumspect: leaving Pb&J base, he checks several times that there is no one around, collects a battlekit in his inventory, and carefully seals the entrance before changing his chestplate to elytra and taking off.
Spawn has not changed in any way in its surreal state since his last visit—wastelands on the sight of destroyed buildings, multiple holes after an orbital strike, surreal towers stretching infinitely far upwards. Spepticle is waiting for him in the very center, on a diorite platform, right above one of the voidholes, and looks a little tired. The desert sun, burning everything dry, passes through him, disintegrating into pink highlights.
– Hey, Spep, – he says, landing nearby and raising his hand. He is glad that there are still people on the server, except for his team, with whom he can just peacefully see each other.
– Hey, Minute! – Spepticle replies and smiles. – You said you were ready to help and equip me. These guys scare me. I think I'm going to need better armor if I don't want to die today or tomorrow.
He speaks a little differently, as if softer and more careful, but Minute does not pay attention to it—not because they are not familiar with each other enough, although this undoubtedly has its effect, but because he simply does not think that anything in this situation can go wrong. He reaches for his enderchest to get the armor out of the shulkers and turns away only for a moment-
and freezes, stunned, because his sixth sense knows much better than himself. For a single moment, he is paralyzed by wild horror, realizing that he is about to die.
Everything inside of him goes crazy. He can't move a muscle. Why, why, why, drums are thundering in his head; how, how, how, his own incomprehension is hissing. He feels the phantom sword piercing him through and through in a single, seamless movement, and for the first time in weeks, he is afraid.
He manages to pull the sword out of its scabbard with constrained movements, dives down, turns around, and blocks the blow.
Spepticle looks down at him. His eyes are almost black—an abyss of rage and hatred. He doesn't say a word; he pushes through Minute's block with an unexpected force for the weakest player on the server and hits again and again. The only thing he wants is to kill him, aiming at weak points and not shying away from playing dirty.
It takes him less than a minute to recognize the fighting style. He opens his dry mouth.
– Mapicc?
Spepticle doesn't respond; just hits even harder.
He has a full battlekit with him, and his diamond armor without trims is definitely not Projectile Protection 3, and that's enough to make him a mortal threat. Minute blocks, and blocks, and blocks, but there is only so much he can do.
– Was Spoke's body not enough? Did you die in it? — he tries. – or did you just jump into another one for an unfair advantage?
Spepticle narrows his eyes.
– I'm done playing with any of you. – he says, a low voice and a threat in it, and Minute on reflexes alone manages to make half a turn to take both blows on the shield— Mapicc's sword and Ro's enchanted fence.
Minute blindly presses the alarm button on his communicator, and then the fight merges into a single chain of hits, turns, and blocks. Mapicc and Ro fight as extensions of each other, taking up all the space around him and forcing him to take risks and make mistakes. He needs another ten seconds to accept that Spepticle is going to die. Having agreed to a deal with the devil, thus becoming an accomplice, he should have deserved to die, and something in this just doesn't sit right in him, but the last few weeks have made him much more compliant in terms of principles. Then he starts trying to kill.
He is saved by the habit of taking an insane amount of experience with him, but he is still being squeezed. He eats god apple after god apple, chokes on his own blood, and runs.
On the way from the spawn, Jepexx catches him. He wears the green coat, smeared in blood. He smiles and swings his sword, almost ripping him in half.
Minute makes them drain their resources. He survives on the verge of possibilities. He runs and runs, but never far enough to pull any of his traps. It seems like all of their kits have been compiled for this exact situation, and they are suffocating him by having a counterplay against every one of them. At some point, he runs out of pots and survives only on his apples and exp, and his head is going round due to intoxication.
His hearts drops lower than five much more times than he is willing to admit. At some point, he feels sick. He tightens his grip on his sword, the godslayer, and continues to fight.
He is close to losing consciousness when Jumper and Pentar fall on top of them.
Jumper shoves an ammonia-soaked rag in his face, smashes her potions under both of them, and he returns to battle with her, because sometimes he only knows how to fight.
None of them speak much—a gaping hole of difference with the past. They fight, and fight to the death, and there is a lot of blood, and he almost loses one of his arms several separate times, and regeneration at some point stops completely tightening wounds—a bad sign that there is nothing left to draw energy from. But he is not one of the best for nothing; he forces himself to continue and pushes himself further and further to the edge, swinging his blade over and over again.
He barely realizes reality when he splits Spepticle's body in two and freezes.
He blankly stares at the corpse. He voted for me; he thinks distantly. He tried to help. He wanted to see the carnival. Why did he do that?
The corpse explodes with stars. He still stares.
Pentar and Jumper also freeze in place, but not so much because of death as because of his reaction. And, as if from another world, from behind a cotton wall, he hears something. He reluctantly raises his head. Zam in Jepexx's body is laughing.
– Bravo! – he applauds, still smiling, the alien's emotions on the alien's face. – Great job saving the world, Minute! We won't even have to try; you'll kill everyone yourself! Of course you will do it. After all, as long as someone is alive, it could be us. You can trust your team – but can you really trust anyone else?
He searches for words but never finds them, stuck in the same state in which he looked at the exploding Camelot in another life, and it's horrifying. The words Jumper and Pentar say don't reach him. 
Here's what Minute notices: Zam and Ro are leaving. He rushes forward to catch them and finish them off.
He fails.
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love-islike-abomb · 6 months
Roman reigns x y/n
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"so baby dry your eyes, save all the tears you've cried! Oh that's that dreams are made of!!"
I'm in my make Seth the bad guy era🤷
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, smut!! Errors I may have missed.
Word count: 1.7k
Tag list: @reignsangel444 @acknowledge-reigns @heerah34 @marchm-langdon @mindfulofmani @mandeelemons @niknakbucks92 @queengreenarrowmia89 @thesamoanqueen @vintage-pvssy @weirdgirl16355 @windhamsrotunda
"y/n we aren't done with this discussion! Sit your ass down!" Seth yelled "If you haven't noticed im the one whos kept the shield together!" He yelled.
Dean got in his face just then "the fuck you are! Its been me, y/n and roman holding it down while you go off and do whatever it is you do with those strippers we see leaving your hotel room everyday and you're so drunk we have to make excuses for you!"
"dean dont!" I said trying to seperate them but it was no use. All 3 of them were arguing now and hearing it was just to much for me. I grabbed my coat and purse and headed down to my car. They wouldnt even notice I was gone and if they did would they even care?
Romans POV
I turned around to walk away and noticed y/n wasnt on th couch. She must be in her room. I went and knocked on her door but got no answer. I walked back out to the living room "if you 2 would shut up!!" I yelled "y/n is missing and I think its because of us!"
"who cares! Let her go! It's not like she matters to us anyway!" Seth said with a smirk
"seth that's not funny! You know how sensitive she is to us fighting! Arguing terrifies her!" Dean said.
"oh well!" He said with little weasel laugh he does. I picked him up by his shirt and shoved him against the wall "if anything happens to her i swear i'll-"
"you'll what? Kick my ass? I'd love to see you try big dog!" He laughed "aww someone's in love!" He mocked and I drew my fist back but felt Dean grab my arm "he's not worth it!" He said.
I lowered my fist "you're right. He isn't. But she is!" I said grabbing my car keys and wallet.
I had let her go once. I wasn't about to again.
Y/n's POV
"another one?" The bar tender said "don't you think you've had enough?"
"i'll stop when I stop! Besides its not like i can't call an Uber" i said glaring at him.
He poured me another shot of tequila and i downed it without even blinking "y/n?" A voice from behind me said. I recognized it almost instantly "what do you want Roman?!" I spat.
"y/n are you drunk?" He asked.
"I'm fine!" I said trying to stand up only to lose my balance because of the alcohol.
"Clearly you're not fine" he said catching me before I fell to the floor. I was angry at Seth not him. I hated Seth for putting me through this shit. I should've chosen Roman but Seth said all the right things. I was young and naive. I had started drinking to drown my troubles away but I had hidden it so well that none of them knew. Roman hd held my heart for a long time but I was to afraid to tell him. what if he didn't feel the same anymore? What if he hated me now?
"Let's get you back to the hotel" he said "I'll even tuck you in" he smiled. His smile brought back so many good memories of when I was happy. When all was right in the world. My heart ached for it all to be what it once was but I had the feeling it wasn't going to be.
Romans pov
I put her in the car and buckled her in. She passed out half way back to the hotel. A number of things went through my head as I drove. Did she still feel the same way? Was she over me or was the spark still there? I would have to wait until she sobered up and ask when the time was right or let her bring it up. The thought of losing her again terrified me.
When I pulled into the hotel parking lot dean was in the walkway waiting. Seth was no where to be found. I got out of the car, went to y/n's side of the car and pulled her out and carried her into the hotel "what happened?" Dean asked. "She's drunk!" I said.
"Ro, Seth left and took all his stuff..i don't think he's coming back!" Dean said "I called Steph and told her what happened. She's gonna talk to hunter and Seth is gonna face disciplinary action possibly even termination"
"As much as I don't want the shield to split up I think it's for the best!" I said "I'm gonna get her into bed. She's gonna have. Massive headache tomorrow"
I had Dean grab my key card to my hotel roomoit of his wallet and open the door. He had an extra just for this very reason. "I'll see you in the morning Dean" I said walking in with y/n and shut the door with my foot. I carried her to the bed and laid her down and covered her up. Taking my shoes off I pulled the couch bed out and laid down.
I didn't know how tomorrow was gonna go but I hoped it would be ok. I was still madly in love with her and I could only hope He felt the same.
The next morning
Y/n's POV
I woke up and surprisingly didn't have a headache. Then I looked over and saw Roman on the couch bed "still the gentleman I remember" I smiled. He was the total opposite of Seth. A gentleman, loving, romantic, caring, and an animal in bed! I sighed thinking about the fact that there was always the possibility that he wasn't in love with me anymore but I would cross that bridge later.
I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Still no headache. I turned the water on to wet my toothbrush "still so noisy!" I heard and nearly jumped out of my skin before realizing it was Roman and laughed at myself "i wasn't expecting you to wake up" I smiled "I was just gonna brush my teeth and get a shower"
"Before you do there's something I wanna talk to you about" he said. My heart started to race "what's that?" I asked.
"I know you probably don't remember but you told me you still loved me last night" he said. My heart dropped. I'm never gonna see him again. "Was that just the alcohol talking or?"
I swallowed hard. I was scared I was about to get rejected by the one person I still cared about. Better to get it over with now so I can move on with my life "i- i still love you but if you don't feel the same anymore i under-" he cut me off pressing his lips to mine and without even thinking I kissed him back instantly. my heart pounded in my throat tasting his lips again before he broke away "I hated seeing you with Seth!" He said "I was afraid you didn't love me anymore!"
"Seth said all the right things to swoon me but I'm still in love with you!" I smiled.
He rested his hand on the side of my face giving a few soft small kisses before a needy passionate kiss took over. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance which i gave him. Our tongue danced for dominance before he lifted me up and carried me to the bed before gently laying me down on it.
"I love you so much baby girl! I never wanna lose you again!" He said.
I ran my hands through his long, jet black hair "I love you to and im not going anywhere!" I smiled "I need you!"
"I fucking need you to baby!" My pajamas were soon torn off and his boxers came off and landed in a pile on the floor. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he slowly slid inside me, both of us letting out groans of pleasure "uhn Fuck! Still such a wet, tight pussy!" He growled.
"You're so big ro!!" I groaned. His thrusts soon formed a rhythm as our skin slapped together "uhn fuck baby girl! You're already gripping me! Don't you cum yet! We've barely started! I'm gonna fuck you all night! The whole hotel is gonna know my name!" He growled. The husky voice I loved so much combined with his dirty talk nearly sent me over the edge. He got a smirk on his face and grabbed my throat "fuck!" I moaned out.
"You thought I'd forget you liked to be choked didnt you?" He smirked. His thrusts got faster and harder "what's my name baby?" He growled before lifting my legs over his shoulder allow him deeper access "what's my name baby girl?"
"Daddy!!" I groaned.
"That's my good girl! You're mine!" He growled his hips snapping against mine even harder "oooh fuck!!"
"Oh yeah I can feel that pussy gripping my cock! Cum for daddy baby girl! Milk my cock! Milk it dry!"
His dirty talk sent me over the edge and my orgasm rocked my body before he started snapping his hips faster "oh fuck baby I'm gonna fill that pussy! Oh fuck yes! Take it you whore!" He growled before spilling his hot cum deep inside me. A few more sloppy thrusts and he Stilled inside me, letting my legs down, leaning forward to give me a kiss. "I love you so much beautiful! I'm so glad I have you back!"
He slowly pulled out of me and collapsed to the bed. An idea popped into my head And I got on top of him, straddling him "nice view" he smiled before I ground my pussy against him "oh fuck baby!" He groaned and I felt his cock harden again "you aren't gonna be able to walk by the time we're done!" He smirked.
"Who says I'm going anywhere?" I smiled.
"That's daddy's good girl!!"
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luveline · 1 year
hi hi lovely girl, can I please request more for Eddie and his daughter Roan? I'd love to see more from before Eddie and reader are dating, where Roan acts like a leech on a date and Eddie's both embarrassed and amazed? thank u! 🧡
ty for ur request!!!! single dad Eddie FOREVER ♥︎ eddie and roan | fem!reader
Eddie's sick to his stomach. Like, threw up before he came, nearly called you to cancel type sick. He didn't cancel because he's not dumb, he knows that the first few dates are the most vital, and he also thinks it would've been worse than just showing up. So he's here, outside of Morgan's dessert emporium for your third date, and he has an excited Roan in his lap. 
She's in her second nicest outfit, having already worn the first for the first date, and then again for the second. Her hair is in primly done bunches that he knows from experience won't look so prim in about half an hour, the hair ties a cherry pink to match her pretty dress. 
"Roanie, Roanie, macaroni," he sings under his breath, one of his hands encapsulating hers, swaying her chubby arm from one side to the other. He's looking out the window as he does, waiting for you to arrive. "Roanie, Roanie, Ro. Roanie, Roanie, macaroni, where'd your macaroni go?" 
She cheers, "I ate it!" in her clumsy baby voice. 
He squeezes her tiny cheek in tender fingers. "You did. My big girl ate all her dinner after daycare, because you're the best." 
She climbs up to stand on his thigh, Mary Jane's he'd scrubbed clean earlier digging into his muscle. Or lack thereof. He doesn't exactly work out. 
"When can we have– have cake?" she asks, rubbing her cheek into his. 
He knows she's trying to be sweet. Too bad she almost knocks his front teeth out. He groans and drops his head into her shoulder, and she takes that for a hug. 
"Thanks," he mumbles, big hand covering nearly the entirety of her back. "Cake? We're gonna have cake right now, babe, two minutes." 
"You 'lready said two minutes," she says. 
"I already said two minutes?" he asks. She pulls away to frown at him. "I did. Those two minutes are going super slow today, babe, that's not my fault, that's gravity." 
She stares at him. He stares at her. You knock on the window and startle him out of his skin, though Roan isn't nearly so surprised. She sets her gaze on you through the dusty glass window and her lashes kiss the skin under her eyebrows, her eyes are that wide. 
Eddie doesn't know if Roan knows your name, but she knows your face, throwing herself at the window with a great, electrifying squeal. 
"Can I open the door?" you ask. You must be speaking loudly to be heard through glass and Roan's excitement. 
He meets your eyes by accident and can't look away. "Yeah!" he shouts, and then winces. He can open the door himself. Loser, he thinks. You fucking loser. 
The very first thing that had endeared him to you does the trick again: you're smiling like you aren't sure you should be smiling at all, more nervous energy than a bus of sixth graders on their first day of middle school, and he's a goner immediately. 
Roan holds her hands out insistently and you hesitate to pick her up, waiting for his cue. When he nods enthusiastically you pull her up into your chest, graceless but well meaning. She takes your shoulders into small hands and stares at you, speechless. 
It's not often Roan Munson finds herself with nothing to say. She's the chattiest girl alive now that words are in her palm, even if she's speaking straight gibberish. 
"Hey, princess" you say, in your best approximation of a kid friendly voice, which isn't half bad, "Your daddy's got you all dressed up again, oh my goodness!" 
Eddie gets out of the car and tries to retuck his shirt before you notice. 
"Why was she in your lap?" 
"What?" he asks, looking up, one eye squinted against the sun as it slinks behind the emporium.
"You don't drive around with her in your lap, right?" Your hands tighten in Roan's dress. "I mean– oh, I'm so sorry, not that you aren't safe–" You clear your throat. "I just mean, why was she in your lap? Obviously you don't drive around with her there. Unless you do." 
He leaps in to save you, grateful that it's his saving you and not you saving him. "No, no, God, I strap her into her car seat. We were just waiting for you, that's all." 
"Oh my gosh," you mumble, hiding your face in Roan's hair. "Well, that's good, isn't it? Can't embarrass myself anymore than that." 
His relief starts to course in. While Eddie finds you funny and charming and so, so pretty, he'd forgotten the best thing about you — you're a loser, too. A huge dork, and a bona fide softie. 
"Roan, you smell really nice." Your voice softens into some bubbly baby talk. "You smell yummy, almost as yummy as the emporium. I hope you and dad left room for cake." 
"Chocolate," Roan says happily. 
"Exactly." You smile up at him over her head. "Ready? I got a reservation by the ice cream, so Roan can watch them scoop it." You wiggle your eyebrows. 
Roan is as mystified by the scoops as you'd thought, pulling against Eddie's loose grip on her waist and whining to be let down. 
"Baby, we need to stay in our seats," he says, "so they know where to bring the cake." 
He's telling the truth, mostly. It's been a long day and he doesn't wanna chase her around the room for the next half an hour. 
"I can take her up to look?" you offer.
"No, you don't have to," he says. 
"I'd like to. If that's okay?"
Eddie waves you off before he can think any better of it. You've plenty of time to talk. You've called him at home just to call him twice now, so he isn't too worried. He thinks things are going well. 
You and Roan fast walk to the front of the parlour and watch the dessert makers scoop ice cream, blend milkshakes, and drizzle cake with melted chocolate. Roan says something, too far away for Eddie to hear, but you laugh and crouch down on your knees, your hand behind her back. Your other hand points at one of the dessert makers as they roll a waffle cone. 
"You want one of those, too?" he hears you ask. 
Yeah, Eddie would say things are going real well. 
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sykostyles · 4 months
let you love me 1.1
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wc: 4.5k
summary: in which y/n is a 26 year old bakery owner and she can't quite get this whole "love" thing right; settling on finding solace in being alone. One day, Jackson Cole: an egotistical, but oh so charismatic professional quarterback comes along and swears he can change her mind.. and for a while he does. nearly two years of breaking down her walls.. but they seem to argue about one thing a lot. y/n's "negativity". she swears she's not trying ro be a pessimist.. it just works out better for her if she keeps her expectations low. But what happens when she meets a handsome stranger, who wants nothing more than to see her smile? Will she push everything away again or will she finally accept the love she deserves? or ; tldr sunshine! harry x grumpy! afab reader part one, three
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a/n: welcome to part 2! I thought I would be done with this in two parts but the words just keep coming out of my brain. so there will be one more part to this! (and its already been started!)
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE ON PART ONE!! I can't believe this many people are interested in my brain child. I hope you all enjoy this part as well!
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cw: this story contains suggestive and explicit language, minor descriptions of violence, and verbal abuse. please do not continue if these topics upset you!
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Not much has changed in the apartment above the bakery, a good bit of your belongings remained here after you moved in with Jackson. You were thrilled when the gentleman who sold you the business told you it included the unit upstairs. “How perfect?” you thought. Slowly but surely you’d ended your lease on your previous place and made the arrangements to live above the bakery. You spent all of your time there anyways.
The last time you were here flashed through your brain and made you grimace. Images of wet lips, clashing teeth.. hands exploring curves.. All flashing in your mind. You’d been out with Jackson for your anniversary and neither of you could wait until you got back to your shared apartment, so a bit of a pit stop was made. But having those thoughts of Jackson at this moment only make you want to throw up the sweets you’d tested earlier.
Peeling your clothes from your body, you make your way into the shower and the spiraling thoughts ensue. Why am I like this? Why can’t I be loved the way I am? Is it actually me? Am I really the problem? Why? Why? WHY?? Sliding down the tile wall, your knees come to your chest and you just sob.
Twenty minutes turn into an hour, into an hour and a half and then nearly two hours. You’d been in there so long you didn't even realize the water had turned ice cold. You were numb to everything. 
A knock on your door startles you out of your stupor. Quickly, you shut the shower off and grabbed a towel. “Nobody even knows I'm here,” you think to yourself, making your way to the door. Glancing through the peephole you see your best friend, Carly, looking rather distressed.
“Y/N I know you’re in there.” No, you don’t.. “Your car is outside.” No, it’s not.. “I can see the shadows of your feet at the bottom of the door.” No, you can’t.. “Y/N, open the door. Jackson said you took off when I came looking for you.” No, I don't want anyone to see me like this. “I know you can hear me, don’t make me call in a wellness check. You know I will.” Memories of officers knocking down your door at 3 am when you wouldn’t answer Carly's “are you alive?” messages flashed in your brain.
Your hands shoot up and unlock the deadbolt, swiftly opening the door for your friend to step inside, closing the door with a click behind her.
She turns to look at you, taking in all of your features, Severely swollen eyes, tear stained cheeks, and the frown weighing on your lips.
“I’ll kill him.” She says, turning towards the door. “No!” you object, reaching out to grab her arm. “Please, d-don’t leave.” You say, demeanor crumbling. Your legs begin to shake as you start to cave. Carly reaches out with both hands, stabilizing your arms. “Woah, okay. It’s okay. You’re okay.” she says as she guides you both to the floor, pulling you to rest on her front. “Everything will be okay.” she says. Will it? You think to yourself.
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Carly was someone you met in your first year in college. Now she's a 27 year old journalist. Originally she was your freshman year dorm mate. It was instant friendship. I mean instant. You would have thought your first interaction was two friends meeting up again after not seeing each other for a while. Accompanying each other to frat parties, skipping classes together, what have you. Where one was, the other wasn’t too far behind. She helped you get over some of the darkest times of your life. 
Losing both of your parents at the age of 20 isn’t something anyone should ever have to deal with, but having Carly by your side made it a little easier. She also didn’t judge, or object when you decided to drop out of college your junior year after their passing. And when the opportunity came up for you to buy the bakery, she knew owning it was your all time dream so.. she handed you a check for 5k.. saying it was her way of investing in your passions. Granted, the bakery wasn’t located on the Amalfi coast in Italy, but your shop where you’re at would have to do for now. You were grateful for her to say the least.
Jackson? Hated her. She tried to make you see your worth. Carly? Also not a big fan of Jackson. “Ugh a J name? Have I taught you nothing?” She’d joked with you when you told her about him. Even after you’d told her about his constant attention and nice gestures, she still wasn’t convinced. “They all just have that type.” she’d started, making you roll your eyes. “AND he’s a professional football player? Y/N!”
“I finally want to give a guy a chance again, and this is your reaction?” 
“I’m not saying you shouldn’t go for it, I'm saying to be careful. These guys all have a reputation.”
“Carls, I swear it feels like he’s different. You don’t see the way he looks at me.”
“Babe, just promise me you’ll be careful, okay? I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” 
Famous last words.
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After half an hour of Carly consoling you on the floor against your apartment door, she peers down at you, noticing your sniffles had quieted. You’re staring off into space while your thoughts just race.
“Hey, I love you and all but my legs are seriously starting to cramp.” She says, breaking the silence. You chuckle softly, being broken out of your haze. “Sorry,” you mumble, pulling yourself to your feet slowly.
“You go get dressed, I’m going to make you a cup of coffee.”
“You don-” “Ah ah ah, go.” She says, turning your shoulders in the direction of your bedroom. “No objections.” You make your way down the short hallway. Silently thanking yourself for not taking every single article of clothing with you when you moved in with Jackson.
Settling on a pair of leggings and an oversized sweatshirt, you make your way back to Carly.
“Now, we don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to,” she says, holding a mug out to you across the island, “but you know I'm here to listen whenever you’re ready.”
You grab the mug from her grasp, and look down into it. “Am I too rough?” You asked timidly, not looking up.
“I'm sorry, what? Too rough? What makes you think that?” She questions, head tilted to the side, You give her a look that can only be summarized as “what do YOU think?”
“Did he seriously say that?”
“Mm, amongst other things.” You say, taking a sip of your coffee. “Apparently I need to be more obedient.”
“I swear I’ll kill him.” Her fist slammed down on the countertop, making you jump.
“He’s not worth it.” She reaches out, placing her hands over yours. “No, but you are.” You offer a smile at that. Though it doesn’t quite reach your eyes. “Well, do you want to talk about it?” 
You nod. “Yeah. I just.. need to mull over it in my head first.”
“How about I order us some of your favorite take out, pick up a bottle of our favorite wine, and we can have a night on the couch like we used to? Watch some terrible rom coms?”
“That sounds.. Wonderful, Carls. Thank you.”
“Course. What are best friends for? Now, you go get us a sweet treat from downstairs and pick us our first awful movie. I’ll be back in 20.” She says, placing a friendly kiss atop your head and ruffling your hair on the way out.
After Carly’s return, you both promptly made home on the couch you’d spent most of your college nights together. She listened to your recount of what happened.. More threats to Jackson’s life were made.. Of course you quickly reeled her back in with the wine bottle. Promises to be there for whatever you needed were made, not that it needed to be said. She made a wonderful distraction for you for the rest of the night.
But night turns into day and unfortunately, life moves on. Whether we’re ready to or not. 
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Carly makes sure you have your morning coffee before she has to make her way to her “big girl job” as she puts it. But I guess anyone with the privilege of working for the biggest sports magazine would make anyone feel a little intimidated by their job.
You begrudgingly make your way downstairs a little before your opening time and started setting all of your tools you’d need for the day. Going about your daily morning routine, trying not to let the gnawing feelings in the back of your head bother you as you help your few regular morning customers. Your favorite was probably Henry; a little old widow who always buys a peanut butter cookie to share with his very friendly pitbull, Rocco. He says peanut butter cookies used to be his wife's favorite, so he eats one every day to feel close to her. That story nearly ruined your day when he told you, but he immediately scolded you for crying. “Now, none of that. Life happens, dear. Pain is only temporary if you let it be.” His words didn’t seem to help you much right now, but you know he’d be scolding you for letting this affect you this way.
“Good morning, Mr. Henry. Rocco. How are we today?” You ask, reaching down to scratch behind Rocco’s ears.
“Oh, just peachy dear. Rocco had his yearly visit this morning and is in need of his reward.”
“Well, it’s not much of a reward when he gets one every day, Mr. Henry now is it?” Raising your eyebrow at the gentleman as you wash your hands.
“Ah, there she is. Good morning to you too.” He chuckles. How are you doing today, dear?”
“I gotta be honest with you, Mr. Henry.. It’s a rough day. Probably going to be a few rough days. But I know I’ll manage just fine. Especially if seeing you and Rocco is something I have to look forward to.” 
“But won’t you be closed tomorrow? For the championship game?” He questions, handing you the cash for his payment.
Your heart sinks at the thought.
"People will wonder why I'm not there and it’s going to start spreading. Everyone is going to know what happened. Or at least Jackson’s version of what happened. Maybe I should make a post letting people know. No. They won’t care. Who am I kidding of course they will. They all act like high schoolers. Am I going to be posted all over social media?  How is he going to spin this?  Or will it go quietly? Knowing Jackson, he’ll demand a press relea-"
“Y/N? You alright?” Henry’s worried voice snaps you out of your steady spiral.
“Yeah, sorry.” You sniffle. The back of your hand coming up to wipe the tears that had escaped. “Um, no. I’ll be open tomorrow. I won’t be at the game. Or any games for that matter. Jackson and I aren’t together anymore.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, honey.” He reaches out and tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“It’s okay, Mr. Henry. You don’t have to lie, I know you hated him too.” You push out a strained laugh.
“Well, yeah. He inhibited my ability to buy cookies on some sundays. And he was no good for you. But I'll spare you that lecture for now. I can see you’re upset.”
“I probably need to hear it, to be honest.” You say.
“One day, maybe. But you do your best to get through the day.” Picking his cookie box up from the counter he continues, “Fix your face though. No more tears. You have cookies to sell.”
You chuckle. “You got it, Mr. Henry. See you tomorrow?”
“Of course, dear. Have a great rest of your day. See you tomorrow, let’s go Rocco.” He says before he’s out the door, pitbull in tow.
You take the opportunity to duck into the bathroom to splash some cold water on your face and bring yourself back down. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you force yourself to smile and wipe the excess water off. “Pain is only temporary if you let it be.” You say to yourself, making your way out of the bathroom.
Spinning the cake on the lazy susan once it was done being decorated was always your favorite part. Seeing all of your work just perfectly pieced together, every flower laid perfectly, every swirl placed intentionally. Cake decorating was your main passion, but you picked up everything else along the way. Baking and decorating ran in the family after all. Your grandmother bought you your first cake kit, your first big kitchen aid mixer, got you your first cake decorating job at 15, etc. She really helped you form the love that you have for the craft now. Before she passed away when you were 18, she would bring you to this very bakery nearly every weekend to see the different cakes in the case. You owed your love for the craft to her, and you try to show your appreciation to her every day in your work. Always learning new techniques and trying new ideas. Your current obsession was learning this new palette knife technique where you quite literally paint the flowers on the cake with a palette knife. It’s turning out to be quite tricky, but Nana didn't raise no quitter!
You’re boxing up your last order of the day, back facing the door. The little bell sounds, “Hello! Welcome. I’ll be with you in just one moment!” You say, closing the last bit of the box down.
“Oh, don’t worry about me, Love.”
Wait. That voice. That nickname.
Placing the box in the order cooler, you finally turned to the counter, taking in the man before you. You being shocked is an understatement, The man you face planted into yesterday was standing in your bakery.. Waiting for you to speak. 
Speak, Y/N, Speak.
“H-hello. Can I help you? You manage to get out.
“Well, what’s good?” He asks. 
He’s not going to bring up yesterday?
You scoff. “I’m the owner. So it’s all good. But I might be a little biased.” You say, wiping your hands on your apron. “But my cupcakes are my best sellers.”
“I see that, your case looks well picked over.” He says, walking over to the display on his right. “Do you have a favorite?”
“Mm, probably the red velvet. They’re my number one. Chocolate peanut butter is my close second.”
“Everything is homemade?” He inquires with a raised brow, and a smirk of course.
“What do you think?” You challenge. Seriously, what is your problem, y/n?
“I’ll take one of each then.” He says with a smile, walking back to the counter.
“Coming right up.” Boxing them up carefully, you set them on the counter. You tap a few buttons on your register and give him his total. He hands you his sleek black credit card, making you internally scoff and roll your eyes.
“Thank you for stopping in. Have a great rest of your day,” You say, turning away from the counter.
“You don’t remember me?” You hear from behind you. You can almost hear the smirk on his face.
“Oh I do, but if I'm being honest, I just don’t really care that much. Have a great day, Harry.” You say, rounding the corner into the back room.
You hear the little bell sound again, signaling he left.
“Why are you like this?” you say to yourself. 
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The following few weeks were a blur. Nothing major came of you not making an appearance at the championship game. A few comments made on social media, but nothing you couldn’t handle. Just block and delete.
Henry and Rocco made sure they made their daily stop to see you of a morning. Henry even brought you a coffee from that shop down the street a few times. 
Carly stopped by every day during her lunch break to check on you.
“You know you don’t have to babysit me, right?
“I know, but how else will I get my daily cupcake?” She laughs, peeling the paper off the bottom of said cupcake.
Someone else was also making a daily stop, much to your dismay.
You and Carly were sitting at the little table with two chairs you have by the big shop window, just chatting about each other's day when the doorbell chimes, pulling your attention from the conversation.
Looking towards the door, you immediately roll your eyes. “Just, give me a minute.” You grumble to Carly before taking your spot behind the counter.
“Hi, how can I help you?” Emerald eyes bore into yours as you spoke.
“Good afternoon, Love.” He smiles warmly at you, “I’ll take the same as yesterday. Seems those were a hit for my friend Ryan out there.” Glancing over his shoulder you see Ryan standing outside the door.
“He can come in too, ya know.” you say, boxing up his order. “And I thought I told you to stop calling me that.” you huff, smirking as you set the box in front of him.
“Mm, well, until you tell me your actual name, i’ve got nothing else to call you.” He says, handing you that same sleek black card. “Plus, if he comes in I can't have all your attention on me.”
“I’m wearing a name-tag, Harry.” You roll your eyes. “Bring Ryan in next time. I could use a break from you.” You smirk, handing him his card back.
“Reading your name-tag is different than you telling me your name, love.” He chuckles at you rolling your eyes again. “Ryan stays outside until I hear it come from you.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Harry.” “Must be why I’m so successful. I always get what I want.” He states matter of factly.
“Mm, and is that all you want?” You muse, raising a brow at him.
“On the contrary. There’s a plethora of things I want, but we can start with your name.” He smiles warmly at you.
Your breath hitches at his words. “It's Y/N.” You breathe out, his grin grows ten times in size.
“It’s lovely to officially meet you. See you tomorrow, Y/N.” He states, picking up his box and making his way out to Ryan.
“What. The hell. Was that?” Carly muses from her spot at the table. You almost forgot she was here.
“That was Harry. He stops in every day. A right pain in my ass.” You say, plopping down in your chair.
“That didn’t seem like he’s a pain in your ass.” She starts, “Could cut that sexual tension with a knife!” she squeals. “Who is he?!”
“I have no idea. I quite literally ran into him a few weeks ago, and he’s been coming in here every day ever since. He’s a massive flirt as well. But I’m not interested.”
“It didn’t quite seem like you weren’t interested. You were hanging on every word he was saying.” “I was wishing he would leave.”
“Whatever you say, Y/N. He’s into you. I can tell.” “Maybe so, but I'm seriously not interested. I’m good with being by myself for now. It’s barely been three months, Carls.” “I know. You’ll make that jump when you’re ready.” I’ll never be ready. “Where did you say you met him? He looks so familiar.”
“Uh, I actually met him for the first time at the stadium. After all that happened with Jackson.”
“Does he work there?” 
“No idea, babe. I ran into him right near the parking lot. I don’t even know if he was coming or going.”
“And then he just showed up here the next day? Kinda weird.”
“I agree. It could just be a coincidence. My business does have a pretty good reputation.. If I do say so myself. but it makes my brain hurt trying to think about it.”
“Agreed. But be careful. I still don’t like that you’re here alone all day.”
“Ah, but Jesse is returning from school in a few days so I will have my help back.”
“Oh good! I liked him.” She stated, standing from her seat. “Well babe, I have got to get back to the office. I have a few articles to finish and send off before the end of the day. Same time tomorrow?”
“Of course. See you tomorrow. Love you long time!”
“Love you more!” She says, making her way to the exit.
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About another week had passed, and it’d been the same old same old. Jesse, your seasonal help, returned from school for summer break a few days ago so you haven’t been as lonely throughout the day. He was thrilled when he found out that you and Jackson were no longer a couple. 
“Good, there are so many other better players out there that you could shack up with.”
“Jesse! Stop it right now.” You exclaimed, unable to contain your laughter. “Don’t make me mess up this cake.”
“I’m serious, Y/N! There are so many quarterbacks out there that don’t get sacked 12 times in a game. Or we could branch out to other positions on the team. What about a tight end? Or a linebacker if you like them bigger.”
“Oh my god, Jesse!” You cackle. “I don’t need you to play football match maker for me. I’m done with all of that.” You chuckle, setting your bag of icing down on the counter.
The doorbell chimes, breaking both of you out of your fits of giggles, and Jesse made his way up front.
“Good morning, how can I help you?” You hear Jesse ask.
“Oh, good morning. Is Y/N here?” That voice only belongs to one person. He’s early.
“Yeah, she’s actually finishing up an order. I’ll let her know you’re here. What’s your name?”
“Got it man, be right back.” He says before disappearing around the corner where you stood. “Hey, there’s a guy named Harry out here for you?”
“Oh. Yeah, give me just a minute. Or you know what, can you finish this? Just needs a leaf here and here, and then it goes in its box in the cooler.”
“You trust me to finish a cake?” His eyes widened.
“It’s a few leaves, Jesse, not a rose. Just don’t fuck it up, and you won’t die. Simple as that, really.”
“Oh yeah, simple.”
“I have faith in you.” You say, rounding the corner. “And how can I help you today, Harry? You’re quite early.”
“Good morning to you too, Love.” “Harry, I’ve told you to stop calling me that. You know my name now,”
“I know, but I enjoy watching the lightning spark in your eyes when I call you Love.” He smirks at you.
Your cheeks flash a light pink. “What can I do for you today, Harry?” You mutter out.
“I’ll take one dozen of the red velvet.”
“Ooh, big spender. You’re gonna clear me out of my red velvet for the day. Do you and Ryan have a big sweet tooth today?” You joke, placing the cupcakes into their respective box.
“Not quite, I have a meeting and I promised a treat from this bakery I discovered a few weeks ago. Haven’t shut up about it. I never shut up about the owner either. She’s awfully pretty.”
“You’ve gotten quite bold, Harry.” You muse, sliding his order across the counter. 
The doorbell dings again, pulling your attention from the man in front of you.
“Good morning, Mr. Henry, Rocco. I’ll be with you in just a minute.” As the words were leaving your mouth, Jesse emerged from the back room.
“I can take you over here, Mr. Henry.” Jesse claims, leading him to the other side of the case. Before following him, Mr. Henry sets a coffee cup down on your counter,
“Here you are, dear. Thought you could use that today.” Mr. Henry smiles at you.
“Thank you, Mr. Henry. You don’t have to keep doing that.” You scold.
“I can do whatever I want, thank you.” He smiles, taking his stand down with Jesse
Turning your attention back to Harry, you give him his total.
“That doesn't sound right. Shouldn’t it be more?” He questions.
“Mm, nope. I give a discount when you buy twelve at a time.” You say, handing him his card back. “Is there anything else I can do for you today, Harry?”
“I can think of a few things, but we have an audience. Naughty girl.” His words make you go red in the face, nevermind the pink tinge from before.
“You are insufferable. Have a great meeting.” You say, stepping away from the counter.
“See you tomorrow, Love.” He says before promptly heading outside.
You don't even realize you're smiling.
“Well now I have got just about a million questions.” Jesse’s voice startles you on your left.
“I second that,” Mr. Henry says. “Now what is it you kids say these days? Oh right. Spill.”
“Yeah, what he said. Spill, Y/N.” Jesse said, backing up the elderly man.
“Both of you are terrible. There’s nothing to spill.” You say, turning to wipe off the counter.
“You’re a terrible liar.” Jesse says.
“I know you might not be able to tell, but I was not born yesterday, dear. I know something when I see it. Now just who was he?” Mr. Henry quips out.
You chuckle. “I promise, he’s nobody. He’s been coming in here every day. He’s got a little crush on me, I will admit that, but I’m not looking for anything right now. Jackson still has me all messed up in the head.”
“Okay, but they say the fastest way to get over a guy is to get under a new one!” Jesse exclaims, “You never know what you’re miss- OKAY OW.” He says when you snap him with a towel.
“Now, I wouldn't listen to Mr. Horn dog over here, but maybe someone new is what you need, dear.”
“I hear you, Mr. Henry, I’m just not ready for that just yet. I appreciate both of your concerns though. Have a great day, Mr. Henry. Rocco.” You say with a smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes. “Jesse, I’m going to step out for a minute. I’ll be right back.” You disappear up the staircase to your apartment.
“Maybe we overstepped.” Jesse says to Mr. Henry.
“Perhaps, but maybe she needs someone to push her to that step.”
“I think I’ll take a step back from that. I don’t want to lose my job. She’ll get back out there when she’s ready.”
“I suppose you’re right. Have a good day, Jesse. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Have a good one, Mr. Henry.”
Mr. Henry and Rocco make their way outside, settling on a bench right down the street from your shop.
“Mr. Henry, was it?”
“Who’s asking?” He responds, looking up at the person in question.
“Names Harry. Harry Styles. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.” Harry asks, extending his hand.
“Mm, is this about the owner of that bakery down there?” Mr. Henry inquires.
“Would it be a problem if it was?”
Mr. Henry laughs, and takes Harry’s hand in his, giving him a firm shake. “What can I do for you, son?
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thank you for reading! please like &/or reblog if you enjoyed <3
taglist: @stylesfever @olipoli21 @hermionelove @st-ev-ie
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tillthelandslide · 4 months
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Same For You (13) : Take Me Higher
A/n: hi!!! i'm so sorry it took me so long to post this, to those tha saw the unfinished version i accidentally posted, sorry haha. Once again I need to thank @procrastinatinglikeapro for listening to my ideas on this one and helping me always :). I miss you all and hopefully soon can get to a more regular posting schedule. For now, I hope you enjoy (p.s i love this series hehe)
Series Masterlist
(12) June
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI. Smut. p.s its a long one but trust me its worth it
She's stressed when she arrives at the studio, hands shaking with everything she does. The writing on the page is unsteady, fingers trembling against the strings of the guitar, making the music sound wobbly and flat. She doesn't have the band to fall back on, she can't ask Abbie to record her parts and she most definitely cannot escape the worried looks from the four men. Oh yeah, Jamie was sitting in on the session too. She wanted to impress him, but instead she feels like a mess. It's a nightmare.
George sits at the soundboard, thumb resting under his chin, fingers playing with his lip. He wants to ask if she's okay, but he also doesn't want to put more pressure on her. She sighs deeply, running a hand through her hair before throwing it up into a messy bun.
"Sorry one more time" she says, rolling back her shoulders and adjusting her grip on the guitar when it inevitably slips. Ross’ hand clamps around the arm of the chair, watching her, knowing how she was feeling, wanting to envelope her in his arms and take her worry away. 
It was hard seeing her like this, from the moment they met her there was an indescribable ease that radiated from her, like meeting someone who was already exactly who they were supposed to be. Music came naturally to her and seeing her like this was… unsettling. They all felt sympathy for her, knowing (without her having to mention) that something was seriously wrong. 
"We can take a break Y/n/n" George says, eyes finding hers through the glass as his fingertips press the button that allows her to hear him. Her eyes flick to Jamie's who smiles and nods, agreeing with George.
"No I'm good G, once more I swear" she says and he nods.
Matty’s hand hovers over George’s fingers, they don’t touch but when George sees his eyes flick to his, one look in his eyes and his finger stays put on the button for a moment, broadcasting Matty’s next words into the other room.
“This is it Y/n/n okay? You’ve got this” his words have her easing slightly, shoulders rolling back before she breathes in deeply, eyes shutting before they open again and she smiles, nodding at Matty.
She sees the red button light up, indicating that recording is in progress and her fingers move against the guitar again. She plays the guitar solo flawlessly, but all of the guys notice how her fingers buzz slightly. She finishes and sighs deeply, she still thinks she can do better.
"That was really good Y/n" Jamie says, smiling widely at her, putting his thumbs up, normally she’d tease him for it, call him an old man just to make him laugh, but she doesn’t… even he knows something is up then.
"Perfect" George says, and her eyes find him through the glass again, he knows she's going to ask to record it once more before she does and he speaks before she gets the chance.
"Don't ask to do it again Y/n/n, it was perfect... get outta that head of yours okay?" he asks and she nods with a sigh. George looks at the guys, leaving the microphone on so she can hear him.
"Going to go for a fag okay" he says and she nods mumbling a "be there in a minute, don't wait up" she says, nodding to both Ross and Matty. Jamie follows the man, phoning someone on his way.
Matty thinks about hanging back, but since his conversation with Ross he's apprehensive. It seems that ever since Ross told him to act the same, he’s been doing the opposite, he didn’t know why, but he felt a level of pressure now, although he knows that wasn’t the man's intention. But when Ross' hand finds his shoulder and he smiles, he knows it's okay.
"Hang back okay?" he says and Matty nods. When he enters the room, she's unplugging her guitar, placing it into its case. It's then that he realises she's using the light blue guitar, the first of two her brother had bought for her. 
"You alright love?" he asks, she doesn't speak but nods and he knows she's lying. He crosses his arms over his chest and looks at her, she stands from her spot, standing opposite him. She lasts three seconds before she sighs deeply, rolling her eyes and chuckling at him.
"That's not fair" she says, pointing at him. He shrugs and mumbles a "don't know what you're talking about darling" she sighs again. Her hands find her hair, letting it fall down her back from its place in a bun.
She finds it funny how quickly she breaks around him, walls falling down and colliding with his own, destroying them in the process.
"Liv called me this morning, apparently something happened at June's school, some bully pushed him over in the playground and he busted his lip... just shook me up a bit" she explains, hands resting against her forearms, almost to protect herself. She finds it a little ridiculous that she's shaking so much, but she wanted nothing more than to be there with June.
"Hey it's okay" Matty says, stepping forward, hands finding hers against her arms, running along them to calm her. She looks up at him with soft eyes, he smiles softly down at her and some of the tension eases from her.
"Is that what's gotten you so shaken up?" he asks and she nods, he pulls her in then, hugging her tightly.
"And why I'm messing up" she says, he pulls back slightly, shaking his head down at her.
"Don't do that... you're fine, we all get off days" he explains and she sighs.
"Mine had to be on a day when Jamie's here... wanted to impress him" she admits, despite thinking it sounded a little silly.
"He's impressed, trust me" he says, pulling her to his chest again.
"Do you know what's happening with him?" Matty asks and she nods again, mumbling her next words into his chest.
"He's in the emergency room at the moment, waiting to be seen" she explains and he nods.
"Want me to drive you there?" he asks and she shakes her head.
"No it's okay... He'd hate that" she says, laughing at the thought of an angry June. He hated fuss.
"Okay, but he'd forgive you... do you want to be with him?" Matty asks and she nods.
"I do... but it's fine... I'll wait until Liv calls me again" Matty nods and hugs her again. There’s a moment of silence before Matty speaks again. 
"Any reason you're using that guitar" he points to the open case and her eyes fall to it.
"Didn't feel right using the green one today... don't know why, just a feeling" she says and he nods, placing a haste kiss to her forehead before pulling away.
The pair leave the room after that, joining the other men downstairs, both who have finished their cigarettes now, Jamie still on the phone. She smiles at Ross who wraps an arm loosely around her shoulders. George begins talking to Matty but he doesn't really listen, too busy eavesdropping on what Ross says to her.
"Heard anything from Olivia yet?" he asks. Of course he already knew. Matty still appreciates the fact he encouraged him to talk to her. 
"Not yet..." she says. After Matty and her share a fag (mainly to save time) they return to the studio. She records some more for the track, less shaky this time. Half way through her recording some vocals, her phone rings by the sound desk. George pauses the track and speaks through the microphone again.
"Phone's ringing Y/n" he says, she rushes into the connecting room, taking the phone from the drummer's hand. "Girls" is the ringtone and they all smile.
"Sorry... Liv's favourite song" she says making them all chuckle before she's picking up.
"Hi" she answers, before her face is covered with panic. They can hear someone talking quickly on the other side of the phone.
"Okay, okay, okay" she says quickly "Liv! Breathe!" she says and they hear the phone go quiet. Her eyes flick between the guys and she speaks again "I've got an idea but just bare with me okay?". Liv mumbles a "okay" before Y/n removes the phone from her ear to speak to the guys.
"Okay... June's had stitches, but Liv's boss is being a dick and demanding she goes back to work but it's too short notice to get a babysitter and he can't go back to school" she explains and all the guys nod. George is slightly confused, but Jamie the most confused out of all of them for he didn't know who Liv or June was. Y/n and George had briefly spoken about the passing of her brother but hadn't spoken about his son or his girlfriend.
George shares a look with Ross, one in which reads "I'll catch you up later".
"I know it's a right pain in the arse and I understand you saying no... but could he come here for a few hours? Just until Liv can pick him up?" she asks.
"Of course love" Matty says and Ross smiles whilst Jamie nods, he doesn’t know who she’s talking about but he didn’t mind if it helped her out.
"Yeah... no problem at all" Ross says and then George nods too. She brings the phone to her ear again and continues talking to her sister in law.
"Bring him here okay? - Yeah the guys said it's fine... Yeah? I'll send you the address" they hear her say.
"Love, I can take you to pick him up," Matty says, drawing her attention to him. She shakes her head but smiles at him, mouthing a "thank you" as Olivia speaks.
"Okay... see you soon. Love you too" she says. She hangs up then sighs deeply.
"Sorry about that" she says, eyes finding George's then.
"You must be so confused" she says to George and Jamie, both who nod. She proceeds to tell him about June and Olivia whilst Matty and Ross clear up a little, having heard from her that her nephew was a bit of a menace and had already sustained an injury today and didn't need anymore.
20 minutes passes by and her phone buzzes with a text from Olivia, explaining that they were here. She leaves the guy's in the room, each working on something and not wanting to disturb them. She walks down the stairs, leading to outside. She finds them outside, June smiling widely at her and running and jumping into her eyes. He lands with an "omph" from her and it makes him giggle. 
"Careful Junebug, don't get any more injuries whilst I'm gone" Olivia says.
"Mum!" he complains "don't call me that" it makes Y/n laugh, pulling him gently back by his chin to look at his lip. He has a few stitches on his bottom lip and it's a little jutted out, making him look poutier than usual. He also has a small cut on his chin that’s clearly been cleaned but didn’t need stitches. 
"Ooo, look at you" she says and he laughs, pulling back and straightening up as if proud.
“Look cool huh?” he asks and it makes her laugh, eyes flicking to his mum who rolls his eyes.
“It was that Rory kid again” Olivia says, clearly angry at the fact. Rory was a child in June’s class who was a huge dick, he often made stupid jokes about how June didn’t have a dad and truly deserved to be shoved himself. She puts June down, placing a hand on the top of his head to keep his attention on her.
“Better have pushed him back June” she says and Olivia laughs when June’s eyes flash with mischief.
“Oh he did a bit more than that, didn’t you June?” Olivia says, the child's eyes flick up to Y/n and he nods proudly. 
“Punched him” June says matter-of-factly, the tone making her laugh.
“Good on you bud” she says, turning to her sister-in-law. She doesn't doubt that Olivia had to have the mandatory "we don't condone violence but well done for sticking up for yourself" talk which gave her plenty of space to be the proud auntie, congratulating him for giving a mean kid what he deserved. Problematic or not, she didn't care. 
"Thank you so much for this Y/n" Olivia says, pulling her into a brief hug and accepting the bag of his things.
"Happy to help... tell the boss to" she leans forward slightly so only Olivia can hear "fuck off" it makes her laugh. The door opens behind her and she turns, seeing Ross. She smiles at him and he smiles back. She's kind of happy that he'd be the first to meet her nephew.
"Sorry, was just checking you were okay" he says, stepping onto the street. It's very kind, a fact not going unnoticed by Olivia. 
"Ross this is Olivia... Oliva, this is Ross" she says and Ross smiles at her, offering her his hand to shake.
"Lovely to meet you" he says "Nice to meet you, heard a lot about you" Olivia says, making the man raise his eyebrows at Y/n who rolls her eyes at her sister in law. 
Ross' eyes then land on June and Y/n watches as he kneels down to greet the little man.
"You must be June" Ross says, each of the women chuckle when June grips onto Y/n's calf and hides from the man.
"The bassist" his words have the boy coming out from his hiding place, smiling widely at the bearded man.
"Nice to meet you, how about we go upstairs and you can have a go on my bass huh?" he asks and June nods happily, grabbing his hand in that completely uncaring way children did. Y/n stands mouth slightly agape at the sight, heart beating rapidly in her chest. Just when she thought she couldn't find him any more attractive.
"Thank you again" Olivia says, pulling her into a hug again, murmuring a "he's hot" before pulling away.
"I'll call you when I finish work" she says as she opens her car door.
"Junior" she says, drawing the child's attention from the man who he was talking excitedly too.
"Be good for auntie Y/n okay?" he nods before his mum shuts the door and carefully drives off.
"Ready for this bud?" she asks as June takes her hand again, one holding hers, the other holding Ross', he nods and the three of them walk him upstairs to the studio. Jamie meets them at the top of the stairs, introducing himself to the child. Maybe it's because Jamie is a father himself but June isn't shy around him, immediately talking his ear off and allowing him to take him into the studio.
The boy's eyes fill with childlike wonder when he enters the room, clinging to Y/n when he sees two tall men sitting in the room. One with curly hair like his, a guitar resting in his lap and the other tall man sitting behind a drum kit.
"Don't be shy June, they won't hurt you" she says with a laugh, one hand finding the back of his head and giving him a gentle nudge forward. Suddenly, the June she knows springs to life, straightening his shoulders and moving forward confidently.
"I’m Junior, but you can call me June" he announces and it makes her laugh loudly, her head thrown back. Ross smiles at the sight, his heart doing a harsh pitter-patter in his chest and skipping a beat. Matty puts his guitar down and walks up to the boy, leaning down and offering a hand to him.
"Hey mate, I'm Matthew, but you can call me Matty" he says and June accepts his hand, shaking it harshly.
"Matty" he repeats and the man smiles and nods. 
"Some grip you've got there mate" he says, eyes flicking up to her, the both of them smiling widely at each other.
"You've got hair like me" June says happily, flashing a toothy smile at the man, his dimples showing on his cheeks. Matty nods at the boy before he loses interest and walks over to George, staring up at him with his mouth open. Y/n watches with her finger in-between her lips, trying to hold in her laughter.
"I'm June!" he announces again.
"Hey mate, I'm George" he says, shaking his hand too.
"Just George?" June says, cocking his head to the side.
"George Daniel, but you can call me George or G" the man says and everyone begins to smile.
"George Daniel? Aren't they both first names? That's weird" they all laugh loudly at that, George cackling, eyebrows raised at her.
"He's got a point mate" Matty says and she laughs.
"He's cheeky" Ross says and Y/n nods "little Dylan" she says with a smile, June then runs up to them, clinging to her leg again.
"He sounds like Dad" the kid mumbles to her. The guys fall silent then, waiting to see what she says.
"Dylan had a really deep voice just like you G" Y/n says to the guys before she looks at June again. When she met June, Olivia asked for videos of Dylan so June could get to know his dad despite him not being able to meet him. She doesn't quite know what to say.
She's grateful when she feels a large hand rest against her back, before the man is speaking.
"Your dad used to play bass too, right?" Ross says and June nods.
"How about I show you some stuff?" Ross asks and June jumps excitedly, taking Ross' hand and dragging him towards his bass which rests in a stand. She finds Ross' eyes and mouths a "thank you" he just smiles at her. She watches as Ross takes the bass in his hands, playing the bassline to one of their songs, it makes June smile widely, raising his eyebrows at the man.
"Wanna try?" Ross says and the boy nods excitedly. He hadn't been learning for too long (a fact he tells Ross) as the bass was a big guitar and even now looked a little funny resting in the small boy's hands. Despite this Ross teaches him something simple, smiling impressively when he plays it easily.
"He's good, '' he says to Y/n who smiles and nods. Ross tries to teach him something a little more advanced, an original baseline he had written for the song they were recording today and she smiles when June gets frustrated because he can't quite reach the right strings.
It's like watching a splitting image of her brother, when he'd get frustrated at her for not getting things quite right. She walks over to the pair, sitting down opposite June, next to Ross.
"Try this" Ross says, adjusting the boy's hand slightly, this time when he tries his fingers reach the right strings and he cheers happily.
"Hey mate" George says as he joins the group, "that sounds good" June smiles up at him at that.
"Ross taught me it!" That makes her smile widely and she can't help but reach for her phone, snapping a quick picture of the child.
"Wanna record it? Be on your first record?" George suggests and June nods excitedly.
"Alright with you, auntie Y/n?" George says, his tongue peeking out at the corner of his mouth, making her laugh and roll her eyes at the man.
"Of course... going to be on your first record at the age of 6 bud" she says. Ross takes the bass from the child and he hugs Y/n tightly. Matty and Y/n set up everything ready for him, plugging in the bass.
"Okay mate, so this is how it works, see this" Matty says, pointing to a little red button to the left of where they stand, the boy nods.
"That will turn red when George clicks record" June nods again.
"And then you'll hear these little clicks in your ear phones" Matty says, nodding to George who clicks play briefly so June can hear what he's talking about. He then pauses the track to allow Matty to continue to explain.
"The metronome" everyone smiles at the boy's words, it also raises a few eyebrows, each of the guys impressed.
"That's right" Matty nods.
"Then you'll hear Y/n's beautiful voice okay?" June nods again and smiles at her. She rolls her eyes at the compliment but smiles at Matty.
"We can count you in and then you can play yeah?" June nods.
"What if I mess up?" June says.
"Don't worry about that mate, auntie Y/n messes up all the time" Matty says making her laugh loudly.
"Unfair" she says, eyes finding him, he sticks his tongue at her and it makes the child smile and laugh.
"Ready bud?" she asks and he nods. She shuffles back, allowing Matty to take over, the man counting the child in when needed. She watches proudly as he smashes it, getting the short baseline right on the first go. Ross steps in to take the bass from him and watches as the child pounces on Y/n excitedly, knocking her from her crouched position.
She cushions the child's fall with two hands on his back as he hugs her tightly. She laughs loudly and everyone smiles fondly at the sight.
"Smashed it kid!" she says, nuzzling her face into his neck and embarrassing him.
George does a quick edit of the new recording and then plays the track out loud. June sits up suddenly, clutching her hand tightly.
"You did that bud" George says through the microphone.
"Rockstar" Matty says, making him smile widely again.
By the end of the day, June is well and truly tired: having had a go on the drum kit (accompanied by George and making a load of racket), taught a simple guitar riff by Matty (after they spoke about their curly hair together, something y/n found ridiculously adorable) and having played Ross' bass again (crawling into the man's lap and working with him to reach the right strings, something yn snapped a few pictures of, immediately sending them to Olivia).
Now he's asleep in Y/n's arms on a sofa in the studio, with an inflated ego (having received a multitude of compliments by the bandmates), indented fingers and a happy smile resting on his busted lips.
"You're really good with him" Jamie says, sitting opposite her. The guys are working on this and that whilst laughing together.
"Thanks" she says, smiling down at the child as she smooths a hand through his curls.
"How old is he?"
"Ooo rough age that" Jamie says, making her laugh.
"Matty told me about your brother... Sorry to hear it" Jamie says.
"It's okay... been a while"
"6 years I'm guessing" Jamie says and she nods with a smile, eyes back on her nephew.
"You're really close with him huh?"
"Only known him for 4 years... but he's the most important person in my life" she says, eyes moving upwards and finding the boys. They were all sat at the sound desk, Matty's legs resting below the various buttons, arms hooked over his knees as he laughed with his head thrown back. George had a hand hooked behind his shoulders, laughing that bizarre cackling laugh he did that instantly made her smile. And Ross, sat next to Matty, eyes crinkled as he smiled widely, dimples showing and eyes sparkling, Ross’ chesty chuckle ringing around the room.
"One of the most important people" she corrects and Jamie looks behind them, where she's looking and smiles widely.
"They really care about you, you know" Jamie says and she nods.
"I know..."
"Think they would've been heartbroken if you guys hadn't signed the contract" he admits and she chuckles.
"Was always going to sign the contract Jamie" she admits and he nods.
"I know..." he pauses but she knows he has more to say, he hesitates but then speaks again "just want to make sure you're doing it for the right reasons" she knows what he's suggesting. That she was doing it because of them. She couldn't deny they nudged her in the right direction, made the decision an easier one, but it was always going to be the right thing to do. The offer was too good to refuse.
"I've wanted this since I was 6 Jamie... And we had plenty of opportunities but they were never... right? This feels right" she explains and he nods slowly.
"But does it feel right because of them?" he asks; it was a fair question. But she knew the answer. Her eyes find them again anyway and she smiles.
"It feels right because this is the first time we have worked with people who haven't shut down our ideas the first chance they get. It feels right because Abbie and Matty work well together, because Clara and Ross come up with dope basslines and because for the first time ever Jay doesn't fight against others' ideas, he rolls with them. It feels right because we've met people who are just like us, with a creative vision that they nourish instead of stomping out and a label who supports that. So yes it feels right because of them, but not just because of them" she explains and Jamie nods and smiles.
"Good" he says, reaching for her hand and squeezing gently before leaving her. Her phone begins to ring and the boy in her lap stirs gently, but not enough to wake up. She answers quietly.
"Hi" she says in a hushed voice.
"I'm downstairs"
"Okay... June's asleep..." she says.
"You got him?"
"yeah I've got him, be down in a second" she hangs up, hand drifting through the child's hair again.
"June my love... gotta wake up bud, Mum's here" she says and the child groans, stirring in her lap and nuzzling his head into her hand.
"Everything okay?" she hears, her eyes snap up and she sees Ross smiling down at her.
"Yeah just a stubborn child" she says, chuckling and attempting to wake the child again. When he doesn't wake she stands unsteadily, the child heavy in her arms. She begins walking with him but struggles.
"Can I?" Ross asks, gesturing to the child in her arms. She trusts him with her life and the offer is so sweet it has her stomach dipping and soaring. She nods with a smile and allows the man to carry the child, the two of them walking down the stairs. Matty watches him and smiles when their eyes meet.
"Hi!" Olivia says when she sees the pair, practically fawning over the man that's carrying her child.
"Thank you Ross, that's really sweet" she says, opening the back door of her car and allowing the man to slide him into the back seat carefully.
"No trouble" he says, smiling down at her.
"How was he?" Olivia directs her question to Y/n who smiles widely.
"He was an angel" Olivia raises her eyebrows at that.
"He played the bass with Ross and even recorded a bit for a track" she says, Olivia smiling at that.
"Oh that's amazing, thank you squish" Ross smirks at the name, reminding himself to ask about it later. "Forever going to be the best auntie, he's never going to shut up about his rock star aunt at school now. Thank you again... all of you" she says, directing the last of her words to Ross.
"Our pleasure truly... He's welcome anytime" it makes Y/n smile widely and Ross smile back at her. She knows Olivia is going to ask something a bit personal before she does but she doesn't have the chance to intercept it before it happens.
"Do you have kids Ross?" she knows he doesn't, Y/n had told her basically everything there was to know about the man. In fact, she was one of the only people that knew how confusing her thoughts about him and his friend were.
"No" he chuckles "my brother has a son... he means the world to me to be honest" he admits and it makes Y/n smile again.
"That's really sweet" Olivia says, eyes landing on Y/n and she smirks and raises her eyebrows again.
"Anyway... we should be going" Olivia says "thanks again", she steps forward, wrapping her sister-in-law in a tight hug.
"If you don't fuck that man I will kill you" she murmurs into her ear. Ross catches the gist of the words and it makes him smirk, turning his head so as to not look like he heard on purpose.
"You're so annoying" she murmurs back before pulling away, Y/n hands her June's bag and she then enters the car, stopping once she's nearly inside.
"Seriously do it, it will be good for you" Olivia says.
"Goodbye Olivia!" she says, rolling her eyes and shutting the woman's door. Y/n then turns to Ross, as Olivia begins driving off.
"Sorry about that" she says, awkwardly running a hand through her hair, hoping he didn't hear her words.
"Thank you for today... you were really good with him" she says, stepping forward slightly so they were closer.
"You're welcome... he's a good kid" Ross says, pulling her closer, hands closing around her waist. Someone drives past and beeps at them, Ross pulls away and takes her hand, taking them round the corner of the building for some more privacy. He pulls her towards him then, his back finding the wall of the building as he holds her flush to him.
"Care to explain what squish is?" he asks, one hand hooking under her chin, gently holding her face in his soft grasp.
"You caught that huh?" she chuckles and he nods. She laughs and rolls her eyes at the thought of having to explain this just because of Olivia.
"Promise not to take the piss out of me?" she asks, hands finding his chest, flattening against the covered flesh, smoothing against it and smiling at the sight.
"Me? Never" he says and it makes her laugh again.
"When I was younger... whenever people said things I didn't like, didn't agree with or things that made me uncomfortable, I would try to hide my opinion but without knowing it I would squish my face up... I showed videos of Dyl and I to June so he'd know his dad a little more y’know… Olivia has been calling me that ever since" she explains and Ross smiles.
"Well now I've just got to see that" he says, pushing forward slightly, nudging her body with his a little.
"Never" she says.
"Please" he begs, she shakes her head. He pulls her tighter towards him, nuzzling into her neck and mumbling another "please", drawing a "no" from her.
"I can be really persuasive" he mumbles into her ear before his lips find her neck, lightly moving against the skin. Her eyes flutter shut at the feeling and she sighs.
"Please" he mumbles against the skin, leaving a simple peck there before pulling back. She supposes it's because she knows he may reward her if she does it so her nose scrunches up, her eyes squint and her lips purse.
"That's simply adorable" he says, a jokey tone to his voice before he places a peck to her scrunched up nose. Her face falls back to normal and she shoves him lightly. He copies her previous face, scrunching his nose, lightly mocking her.
"You're mean" she says, hands pressing against his chest, sending him backwards against the wall again.
"And you're adorable" he says, leaning forward before he dips to the left, nuzzling back into her neck making her giggle, hands finding the back of his head, attempting to pull him away from her. Her hands grasp his bun, lightly tugging at it, he moves with it, pulling back from her neck, smiling down at her.
"Careful squish... might have to listen to Olivia if you do that again" he jokes but his words let her know that he did indeed hear her sister-in-law’s words earlier.
"Don't get cocky now MacDonald '' she raises with a huge smile. They fall silent for a second before her eyes flick to his mouth. It's a comfortable silence, undeniably sweet.
"You made his day today... thank you again" she says and he smiles down at her again, hands finding her chin again.
"It was nice... made me miss the little man though" he admits, referring to his own nephew.
"When do you get to see him again?" she asks.
"I'll arrange to visit them soon" she nods at that.
"Could come with me if you'd like... if you're not busy of course" he suggests and she nods.
"I'd love that" she doesn't think that it's perhaps too early for them, that it would be hard to explain to his brother what they were when they were asked, she didn't even think that she'd likely have to come up with an excuse as to why she wasn't available. She just agreed.
"Yeah?" he asks.
"Yeah" he smiles down at her, liking her answer.
"Besides" she says, tugging him forward slightly until their lips graze "you with kids? Hot." she admits making him smirk.
"Oh really?" he says with a raised eyebrow.
"Very" she says before pulling him the rest of the way, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. 
Meanwhile in the studio, Matty is tidying up the space, putting things back into their original places. But when he goes to walk across the room, his foot hits something, kicking it slightly further across the floor. His eyes flick down, spotting the black notebook in which he's seen her scribble in a fair amount now. He leans down, grabbing the book and raising it up, but something slips from between the pages, landing folded at the tip of his boots.
He should've picked it up carefully, and gently placed it back in-between the pages. But Matty was just a man, a curious one who often did things against his better judgement. Things he knew would likely cause him more trouble than they’re worth.
But not this, not when he unfolds the paper, and reads the first line and knows this is definitely worth it. It’s a song scribbled out onto the page, the ink spills across the paper, the words almost completely linked, as if it was pouring out from her and she couldn't stop it. The title is directly in the middle, written untidily at the top of the page.
“Take Me Higher” it reads. A complete contrast to all the other writing of hers he’d ever seen. 
Let our passions ignite, bodies tangled in the night
Don't lie, don't deny, I set your souls alight
"Souls" he murmurs to himself, hearing George mutter a "hmm?" To which he quickly rushes out a "nothing don't worry" before he continues reading.
You're the fire, dark desire, come on now, feed the fire
Heat rising, bodies colliding, dripping sweat, tastes like sex
Rhythm pounding, hearts racing, together we're finding what's next
Matty feels his heartrate pick up, his chest constricts just slightly, the air expelled from his lungs in a sharp exhale, one which comes out shaky and broken. He reads over the last two lines of the verse “heat rising, bodies colliding, dripping sweat tastes like sex”. Images flash through his brain, all of her in compromising positions, her beautiful body lathered in sweat, glistening under the dark light of his room. He feels his body heat, cheeks flushing as his eyes darken. “Rhythm pounding, hearts racing, together we’re finding what’s next” he reads the line again, mind plagued with thoughts he shouldn’t be having. Like her lips wrapped around him, or pressed against his own, or him, in between her thighs, driving into her until all he knew was her name and all she knew was his. 
Her back is the one pressed against the concrete now, thighs spread, one leg hitched up, resting against his hip as his lips move quickly against hers, tongues fighting, saliva mixing until they don't know where one begins and where the other ends. She feels slightly exposed, the skirt she’s wearing hitching upwards the longer she holds her thigh up over his hip. The cool air meets her clothed core, her panties visibly soaked. Resisting him this long had been a difficult feat, but this, right now, was harder than any of those days combined. This is reckless though, she had been trying her hardest to hide this, but all it would take is for one of the others to come out and they'd be caught. Maybe it added to the thrill of it? Maybe it would be easier if they were caught?
Her back arches as he pushes forward more, she feels him against her core, hard and desperate. He pulls away when he realises what he’s done, not wanting to push her too far. But with a sigh she grabs his shoulder, hand drifting down his chest, down across his stomach, beginning to dip down until he’s breathless, curving back up at the last minute, landing on his hip.
“Tease” he mumbles against her lips making her chuckle against his mouth. 
“I'll show you a tease” she murmurs, teeth closing around his bottom lip and taking it with her as she pulls away a little, the hand against his hip pulls slightly, until his clothed member collides with her clothed core. She releases his lip from the attack of her teeth, letting it snap back to place before he pushes them back to hers, tongue pressing eagerly against hers. He grunts into her mouth, one large hand finding her thigh, his palm squeezes the flesh and her skirt slips slightly, revealing more skin to him. He rolls his hips forward experimentally.
“Fuck” they say in unison. This was the furthest they had gone, it wasn't much, but my oh my it was euphoric. 
Matty reads the words “touches” what seems like a thousand times, plural. His mind spirals at that, what was this about? Who was this about? He looks around the room, George sat with a pair of headphones on and of course Jamie is nowhere to be seen. Surprise surprise he thinks. He slides from the room then, escaping to the bathroom. He perches on the lid of the toilet, hand placed on his thigh, nails digging in when he reads the next words.
Now we're touching the sky
We are ready to fly
Take me higher, we'll soar and defy
I got the feeling that we're gonna -
He feels his blood rush south, imagining the way she’d sing this, voice breathy and high pitched, hitched in her throat as if she was about to… he imagines her again, sweaty body sprawled out on his bed, thrashing about amongst his bed sheets, back arching off his bed. She’d moan, a breathless sound, something akin to his name. His cock twitches under his jeans and his hand finds his hair, tugging harshly, other hand gripping the piece of paper so harshly it crinkles. He tries his hardest to resist the urge to please himself… tries. 
“Fuck” he says, what would it feel like if she tugged his hair? That image of her arching her back flashes through his mind again. Only this time he’s hovering above her. His hand moves back down from his hair, he shouldn’t - he knows he shouldn’t but he can’t help himself. His palm finds his aching member, pressing flat against the hardness, eyes fluttering shut as he imagines driving into her. The way she’d sigh, the way she’d moan his name, begging for more. 
Hit that level, strum that bass, flick that switch
Let's get sinful, baby, let me be your demon's itch
Craving your touches until we unleash hot rock and roll
“Ross” she says, hands moving from his back to his bun, tugging at the hair until he growls into her mouth. Well he definitely liked that, she thinks. His hips move against hers, rolling forward, hitting her clit with every rotation. 
He pulls back for a breather, eyes snapping south, accompanied by hers. He watches as he rolls his hips forward again. He sees his member bulging and straining against his jeans. Her eyes snap to the same thing he’s looking at, although it affects her much more. She caused that. Her, the one who had been shaky all day, messing up things that were supposed to be second nature to her. She did that to him, the man she had idolised since a teenager, loving the way his quiet nature fascinated her, the way his passion for music shone without him having to thrust it into people’s faces.
The man who belonged to her favourite band, the man who she had grown close to, the man she had begun to picture a life with, before hers had really begun.
She also can't help but notice how well endowed he was. She’s not surprised, the sight only confirming her suspicions, but it has one too many dirty thoughts bedevilling her mind, like how he’d feel inside her, how he’d likely reach places inside her that no one had ventured to before. She knew then, that she'd let him, and only him, paint those places with his cum.
He hears her moan his name again and his eyes snap to find hers again. Mouth falling open as he grunts, seeing her like this - back arching, chest pushed against his and she moans, eyes dark like the night - made him crazy.
He leans forward, lips finding her neck, kissing up to her ear, sucking the flesh behind her lobe. 
“Let me please you” he demands into her ear.
“You are” she says, pulling him back from her neck, not wanting him to leave a mark. He shakes his head as he looks at her. 
“That's not what I mean,” he says, lips pressed against the skin that's exposed at her chest, wandering downwards, over her covered skin, drifting south. 
“Oh fuck” she says, realising what he means. He's on his knees then, lips pressing against her skin, moving to the left until they’re grazing her inner thigh. Her head falls back against the wall as her hands weave their way through his hair, goosebumps rising across her flesh. 
We'll ride on passion's wave and lose all control
In your eyes, I discover lust burning inside
Matty’s hand dips below the waistband of his jeans and underwear, rolling his palm against his cock. 
“Fuck” he grunts, he hunches slightly, slipping down the toilet a little. When his head snaps backwards it lands against the china, it digs into his head but he truly doesn't care. Nothing could get her off his mind, the lyrics she had written plaguing his mind with dirty, filthy, devilish thoughts. He imagines the way her small hand would wrap around his cock, he copies the movements, hand finding himself aching and hard, his fist encloses around himself. Her hand would be softer. He'd still be warm in her hand just like he is his own, but he knows it would be better, because it was her. He gives himself an experimental stroke as his eyes snap open, finding her words and reading them again.
“Fucking hell” he says as his eyes scan over the page, his hand moves slowly, up and down, up and down. His eyes mirror the movement of his hand, but quicker, trying to decide which line to reread, which line is his favourite, which line would make him…
He moans, thumb running over the head of his cock, spreading the precum that's seeping from him down his shaft. His eyes land on a particular line again, and he mumbles it out loud, wanting to hear how it would sound, not in his head. 
"In your eyes, I discover lust burning inside" he reads out loud, doing his best to keep quiet. But then a moan is tearing from his throat and his hips are snapping up, thrusting into his own hand.
Explode like dynamite, carnal desire can't be denied
In this darkness, we'll do what we want, our secrets we won't hide
"Ross wait" she says, fingers finding his chin, tugging lightly at him sending him backwards, feeling the way his hair scratched her fingertips, making her think of heavenly it would feel in-between her thighs.
"Do you want to stop?" He asks with a rogue kiss to her inner thigh, tongue peeking out just so before he pulls away with a smirk. Her dark orbs find his: reflections of each other. She shakes her head with her mouth agape, the way he smirks has her core fluttering and her pulling her lip between her teeth.
He stands, fingertips pulling back her lip "don't bite that lip" he warns.
"Why? Wanna do it for me?" He grunts, pushing his mouth to hers, nibbling her lips before his tongue finds hers, fighting with each other, his winning in the end. 
"Do you want this?" He asks against her mouth, his voice is soft, letting her know that it truly was okay to stop, if she wanted. His hand finds her core as he poses the question, stroking against the wet fabric of her underwear, making her sigh against his mouth.
"I want this… just not here"   she allows him to weave his hand through hers, dragging her body with his willingly, giggles and laughter falling from them easily as they practically run back up the stairs. Her palm finds his mouth when they are near the top, silencing the laughter coming from him. His hand finds her waist, tugging her towards him, spinning them at the last instant until he's pressing her against the wall, trapping her against it with his lips. She moans into his mouth, her body working on its own accord, arching her back until her chest is flush against his. It was reckless, all it took for them to get caught was Jamie to come back from wherever he had disappeared to or for Matty or George to round the corner and see them in their current position. Which was getting more compromising with every second, because now, Ross is pushing his leg forward, her thighs separating and making way for the limb. She holds back the moan that attempts to tear from her throat when she feels the muscular flesh press against her in a way so heavenly her eyes flutter and the moan slips from her mouth into his.
“As much as I love those pretty little noises, you've got to be quiet” he says against her mouth. She gently shoves his shoulder, intertwining their hands again and pulling him further along the studio corridor, opening the first door she finds. The room is small, cold and dark, various cables and different pieces of equipment are placed on shelves which line the walls. She tugs him in the dark room and he quietly closes the door behind them, spinning them again until her back is pressed against the dark wood. 
His lips bruise themselves against her neck as her hands weave into his hair again, and she doesn’t stop herself from tugging at his hair time, she wants to know his reaction. And she's so glad she does, because when she tugs the strands, it sends him a little further away from her neck, he growls as he pushes forward again. That singular noise accompanied by a subtle bite of her neck has her raising her leg again, hooking it over his hip and behind him, her heel landing on his behind and pushing against it, loving the way he grunts again, one hand sprawling out to catch himself against the door. It forces his clothed member to rub against hers again and she loves how he isn't hesitant when he rolls his hips forward once more. The seam of his jeans rubs against her clit over her panties and she can't help but moan into his mouth, a little bit louder than before. 
His hand finds her thigh, pushing against the fabric that sits bunched there, pushing it further up until it rests against her hips, revealing herself to him. And what a sight, it has him salivating, panting, needing her - desperately needing her. But this wasn't about him, no this was about her. And god when he sees that little wet patch seeping through the fabric of her panties he so desperately wants to taste her. 
His lips find her ear at the same time his hand moves down to her centre, pausing at her inner thigh until he speaks “let me please you love, will you let me do that?” he murmurs into her ear, taking it into his mouth after he utters the sentence. She nods vigorously, his hand begins moving and she wishes he’d stop staring at her like that for she knew if he continued she wouldn't last long.
Her eyes fall down to his hand as it moves again, he watches too, slowly inching closer to where she needs him. She didn't want to miss a single second of this. His hand drifts across her thighs, upwards grazing against her core before he jumps over it with a smirk. Purposefully missing it and landing on her lower stomach. His large hand lays flat against her abdomen, practically covering the whole of it, slipping under the hem of her top. Two fingers find the little piece of jewellery attached to her belly button, ghosting over the metal before it disappears again, inching south, back to where she needs him. 
"You're such a tease" she says, making him look at her once more. He watches the way she bites her lip again and the way her eyes have darkened with lust for him.
"You're so beautiful" he says as his hand moves down again, fingers hooking under the top of her underwear and her breath hitches again. Two fingers toy with her folds making her sigh, pulling him forward until their mouths graze again. They don't kiss though, she simply pants into his open mouth as his fingers tease her, playing with her, searching her face, watching the pleasure appear.
"So wet for me" she swallows his words with her lips as he easily finds her clit, beginning to rub slow torturous circles against the bundle of nerves. Her back arches, her tits smearing against his chest. 
"Fuck Ross" he pulls away after she says it, mouth hanging open as his fingers still.
"Why'd you stop?" She says but then he's slowly inching a finger inside her, making her sigh, the loud moans she's been trying to suppress getting harder and harder to do so.
"I've been waiting to hear you like this for so long" he groans as he kisses her again. His moans fall into her mouth and she moans back, knowing he'd swallow it. His finger slips from inside with a whiny protest from her, but she immediately shuts up when he begins tugging the lace down. She watches the way he pockets the fabric with a smirk, she mirrors his expression, her tongue peeking out of her mouth and swiping against his bottom lip. 
He looks down at her again, without the barrier and he moans her name, pulling back completely away from her, her thigh nearly falling from his hip. His hands weave into his hair as he stares at her, eyes raking down her form, not knowing what to land on. 
“I knew you’d be perfect but jesus christ Y/n…” his words trail off but they're everything, the best collection of words she thinks she’s ever heard. Suddenly the words, I and knew and you and be and perfect and especially Y/n are her favourite sounds. And the way they fall effortlessly from his lips: they’re perfection. He is perfection. 
“Don’t make me wait any longer” he’s back in between her legs in a split second then, holding her thigh against his hip harshly. 
He mumbles a “keep that there, pretty girl” before he lets go of the flesh. Pretty girl. They were her favourite words now, definitely. 
His finger moves back down, faster than ever before, he slides one in, just one, feeling the way she convulses around it. He swears at the feeling, eyes trained on the way she takes it, so perfectly. She sighs and it's his favourite sound. He thinks he should record the noise, hide it in tracks for the world to hear, without the slightest inclination of how lucky they are. He pulls back his finger before pushing back in and curving and oh my it's heavenly.
"Ross" she moans again, gripping his shoulder harshly "more" her eyes find his and his hips move forward on their own. His body fails with a singular sigh of his name, the man never hearing it sound so perfect. Another finger joins the other, working in tandem.
His eyes fall down to see his fingers working inside her, curving slightly and snapping up to see her reaction. Nothing could've prepared him for it, a clench of her hand on his shoulder, her eyes fluttering shut before immediately snapping open, eyes bearing into his, glassy and glistening. Her back arches again and a pretty sigh of his name falls from her lips again. 
But what really gets him, what causes him to twitch in his jeans, his eyes to darken impossibly more and him feeling the hardest he had ever been in his life, was the way she clenches around his fingers. 
"Look at you…" he murmurs, eyes unwavering from her cunt now. "So fucking pretty, clenching around my fingers like that" her eyes fall to see what he's talking about, and she can't deny… it's hot. The way his thick fingers move in and out of her, the way her cunt looks wrapped around them and the sounds… the sounds might just be his favourite, that and the way she moans his name.
“Is this good for you?” he asks with a smirk, knowing the answer anyway. It's cocky, but it's hot. Really fucking hot. All she can manage is a quick nod, her mouth falling open and a moan beginning to slip. He quickly catches it with his mouth, not wanting to be heard by anyone else. 
“Rhythm pounding, hearts racing, together we're finding what's next” Matty reads those words again, and he’s unsure whether it is his imagination or whether he actually hears her moans, but he swears he hears them. His hand halts on his cock, and he steadies his breathing, focusing his attention on listening. It rings out again, barely there and oh so quiet but it’s something. His hips fail him again, rising on their own accord until his thrusting into his hand, once and then once more before he wills himself to stop again. 
And to focus… to listen.
Ross’s fingers curve again as his thumb finds her clit, applying euphoric figures of eight against the bundle of nerves. His pace accelerates and she really tries to hide the moans, hide her pleasure, but she fails… Miserably. Her back arches again and he fails to cover her mouth with his this time. He thinks the noise she lets out is beautiful, his new-found favourite melody, but he knew if they got caught they’d be screwed. And so his unoccupied hand snaps to her mouth. She giggles against it, a moan tearing from her half way through, muffled by his mouth.
“Shhhh” he says, laughing because she laughs. “You’ve got to be quiet love… we don't want to get caught” despite his words his movements don't falter. His hand loosens from her mouth, allowing her to reply. But it comes out high pitched, a mumble through her teeth, trying her hardest to remain quiet. 
“Stop being so good at this and maybe I’ll be able to” she says, eyes fluttering as her voice hitches again. Her words inflate his ego and he smears his mouth to hers, meeting her tongue with such an unfathomable force that her head clatters against the wood. He mumbles a “sorry” into her mouth but she doesn’t seem to care, clenching around his fingers again as her tongue fights against him.
Matty sits in the bathroom next to them, hearing little noises here and there, not able to stop his imagination from running wild, allowing his hand to set an unforgiving pace against his cock. He muffles his own moans with his fist, biting into the knuckles to silence himself. He knew this was wrong, getting off to her noises well aware that it was his best friend drawing those pretty noises from her. He feels conflicted when he doesn't feel jealous… it just turns him on further. Making his hips stutter upwards, pistoning up into his hand.
“Fuck” he moans. He wonders what it would be like to be there with them, he swears he'd deal with just being able to watch, if they’d let him. He wonders if Ross would let him touch her too, if he’d allow him to join in. He thinks… he would. If it's what she wanted. 
His pace quickens, the sound of skin colliding against his hardness filling the room. The paper has been discarded to the side, still in his line of vision and when he manages to keep his eyes open, they never leave it. He lowers his fist away from his hand for a second, opening his mouth and letting his spit fall, coating his cock just like he'd imagine she would. The sounds are wetter now and it feels better, so much better. 
It feels like she'd feel, wet around him, clenching him, ready to milk him for all his worth. He tightens his grip, hoping she'd be just as tight.  
“I want to taste you” Ross murmurs into her mouth, catching the oncoming moans with his own again. He wants to taste her, she loves that. “I need to taste you” he repeats. She loves that even more. She pulls away, lip tucked in between her teeth as she stares at him.
“Want that?” she nods, vigorously.
“You’ve got to stay quiet darling” he says and she nods again.
“I will” she won't. 
Her head falls slack against the door with a thump as he drifts down to his knees, he looks up at her through his eyelashes and if that didn’t do it for her there would be something seriously wrong with her.
“Careful sweetheart” sweetheart, she sighs. She giggles a school girlish noise that slips from her lips before she has the chance to stop it when she sees him smirk again. She was never one for pet names, but when they came from his mouth, she loved them. She was obsessed with them, never wanting him to say her name again, only sweetheart and darling and pretty girl.
He fucks up into his hand, continuing to bite into the flesh, although it doesn't silence his grunts as much as he wants it too. He grunts when hears a thud against the wall next to him. What were they up to? He didn't know. But he could imagine. And by god did he imagine.
He settles himself in between her thighs, one hand gripping the back of her calf, drifting up and down once as his eyes land on hers again, wanting to check once more that this was what she wanted. With a singular nod his tongue meets her skin, separating her folds, causing her back to arch again. Her hand snaps to her mouth, covering it completely, the moans falling freely into her palm, dulled out as she bites into the flesh. 
Her other hand falls into his hair and she smiles against her palm as his hand finds hers, manoeuvring it until his hair band is out and she can tug against the free strands. His fingers cover hers and he tenses them together, silently letting her know she could do what she wants.
So she does, tugging harshly and likely hurting him when his tongue swipes through her folds again. He moans into her and she moans into her hand. His beard scratches against her skin, a new feeling to her, but she likes it. The dull pain mixed with intense pleasure is a blissfully heady mixture that she’d never experienced before, her previous partners being subpar in comparison to him. 
He pulls back briefly to mutter a “taste so good love” before he dives back in, swiping through her folds and collecting her juices just to quench his thirst before he focuses on really giving her the pleasure she deserves.
He finds her clit again, sucking the bud and making her clench around his head. He couldn’t wait to do this without her hand swallowing her moans, to really hear her, hear the noises he was easily pulling from her. 
“Oh fuck that’s good” she says, hand slipping from her mouth momentarily before its back there again. He can do better, he knows it and she does too when he smirks up at her, fingers finding her puckered hole again. Two easily thrust in and he loves the way she instantly flutters around them, the pace he sets is unforgiving and it's not long until she’s on the edge. 
She pulls away slightly when he sucks at her clit again, tongue swiping through her folds in the next moment. His fingers leave her to grip her hips, holding him to his mouth but she doesn't care, because it's not long until they’re pushing back in. He has her reaching a high she knows she's never reached before. Safe to say he’s ruined her for anyone else, not that was even an option now. She had him now and was never, ever letting him go. 
His fingers curve, finding her g-spot and the way he caresses it, it has her shaking beneath him. The way his tongue moves against her is possessive and when she feels his tongue moving, in a very particular way that sure feels like his name, her eyes fall to him.
He's already looking up at her, and her hand falls from her mouth but it still hangs open. She’s his, he’s marking her from within, she’d feel him for days, she was convinced of it and the thought was a welcomed one.
Her mouth falls open and no noise comes from her but she spasms and shakes as his fingers pull from her before pushing back in and curving and hitting her g spot again and again, over and over.
“Fuck ross” she says, although her words are barely formed and end up sounding much more like nonsense.  Her fingertips envelope his chin, thumb smoothing over his beard, coated in her wetness. It's a sinful sight, one which a cold shower or two would definitely not fix. Her mouth falls open further and her back arches again. His fingers hook one last time, mouth completely closing round her clit and she breaks. She shakes and he sees her through it, fingers held inside her, caressing the bundle of nerves within her, as he kitten licks at her clit, finally pushing fully against the whole of her as she cums. 
“Ross” she moans, a quiet murmur of his name that might be his favourite yet. Accompanied by a shake of her body and the closing of her thighs. 
Her hand is still holding his chin gently and when the sensation becomes too much she lightly tugs against it. He obeys, pulling from her and licking his lips clean. She watches as he brings his fingers to his mouth too, cleaning them off with a smirk. Her hand grips his chin. It's her new favourite site.
“You’re good at that” her head falls against the door and she sighs, smiling to herself “really fucking good” her hand slips from his chin. He chuckles at her, standing from her thighs, hand enclosing around her waist. He wanted to kiss her but wasn’t sure she’d like that. But then she's pulling him to her, lips finding his, tongue finding his. He tastes like her and she moans, it's erotic but he loves it.
Her fingertips find his chin again as she pulls back, looking at his beard which was still slightly glistening with her, she chuckles at the site. 
“Made a bit of a mess” she laughs and he smiles. 
“Good” he murmurs, pressing his lips to hers again, a brief kiss. 
“Never gotten head from a guy with a beard before” she admits and he raises his eyebrows.
“Don't want to hear about your ex-boyfriends after I just made you come” he says and it has her raising her eyebrows too.
“Guess I won't tell you how shockingly bad they were in comparison then” she says, turning her head slightly, his lips find her jaw, pressing against it as he mumbles a “oh no… that I want to hear… tell me more” 
His hips thrust into his hand once, twice more, before they're sputtering upwards. His cock twitches in his hand, ropes of cum hitting his stomach, he groans a loud, drawn out noise into his bawled up fist. 
"Oh fuck…." He can't help but think how she'd take it if she was here, would she let him coat her chest? Would she beg for him to cum down her throat? He shakes the thoughts away, guilty grabbing handfuls of tissue and wiping himself clean.
"For God sake' he says, hastily removing the obscene amount of come from his stomach. He tucks himself back into his trousers, zipping them up, lifting the lid if the toilet and flushing the tissues. He washes his hands and takes in his reflection.
He shakes his head at himself "fuck off" he murmurs, talking to himself.
He shakes a hand through his hair, and splashes his face with water before he leaves the room, taking the paper, folding it up and placing it in his pocket. He sends a text to George explaining that he wasn't feeling too well and heads home.
Her hand drifts down his chest, but he encloses it before she gets the chance to touch him. Her eyes find his and she furrows her eyebrows.
"Your turn" she says and he smiles but shakes his head, placing a simple peck to her lips.
"That's not why I did that love… I wanted to please you" he explains.
"And you did, you really did" she smirks "now I want to return the favour" he pecks her mouth again after that.
"Another time I promise… we should get back" he says and she frowns. Did he not want her?
"Trust me love… I want to, I want you so badly, but if we're gone another minute I fear our little secret won't be so secretive anymore" he says, silencing her mind as if he could read it.
"Okay" she says and smiles at him. His fingertips envelope her chin lightly, bringing her lips to his for a sweet kiss, one which disabled her momentarily.
"Trust me love… I promise we will have another chance… I'd quite like to get between those pretty little thighs of yours again" he says, his voice dropping an octave. It makes her blush deeply.
"Okay" she says coyly, smiling a dopey smile up at him. 
"Let's get back, yeah?" She nods at his words leaning up to press another kiss to his lips. He smiles into it and suddenly everything feels different between them but at the same time it's as if nothing has changed at all.
George is somehow none the wiser when they return to the studio, too buried in work to realise how much time had passed. She asks where Matty is and George shrugs explaining that he left a while ago but he wasn't sure where he went. George lifts his phone and sees the message his curly haired friend sent reading it aloud to the pair. 
"Hope he's okay" Ross says and George nods, placing his phone down again.
"It's getting late, you should probably head home soon too" George says and both Ross and y/n nod.
"And you?" Yn asks and George smiles.
"I just want to finish this up and then I'll head… you guys go" George says with a smile. Yn smiles back and leans down to hug him and Ross' hand clasps around his before they're leaving.
It's dark outside the dark and a chill runs through her body but it's not long before Ross is wrapping an arm around her frame, warming her instantly.
"I'll walk you home if you like" the air around them feels different now, it's somehow both more comfortable and more exciting. She wants nothing more than to let him walk her home, invite him up to her room and let the night unfold. But Matty is on the forefront of her mind now and she's worried.
"I'd love that…" she hesitates and Ross frowns slightly at her, reading her facial expressions and somehow decoding what she's thinking. She half expects him to sigh, for him to step away from her frame, but her heart swells when he pulls her in tighter. She’s surprised once more at how he seemed to be able to read her mind. 
"You want to check on Matty…" his voice trails off and she nods, unsure on what his reaction would be.
"Is that okay?" She asks, one hand gently holding his face. She feels the way his cheeks shift, a smile tugging at the edges of his lips until the crinkles that she loves form. He nods at her. He knows now that on some level, she was his, and he'd do anything to keep her.
"Yeah love, text me when you're home though yeah?" She nods. She watches as an idea seems to pop into his mind, his face lighting up and his smile spreading.
"We have a day off tomorrow…." we have the day off tomorrow, she liked the sound of that. In fact she loved it. They were a we now, or at least in some way. 
"We do…." She smiles and he smiles back, just as wide.
"Let me take you on a date" he says.
"Hmm… what's in it for me?" She jokes.
"Oh absolutely nothing… I'm not worth the trouble really" he jokes back, stepping away from her briefly, as if to walk away. She’s quick to grab his arb and pull him back.
"Hey hey hey, where do you think you're going?" She asks, making him chuckle a short laugh.
"Yes I'd love to go on a date with you" she says through a giggle.
"We'll go on a date then…" he says.
"Good" he confirms it with a brief kiss before pulling away, she watches as he scrunches his nose up, eyes crinkling at the edges as he does and his lips pursing.
"It's a date then squish" he says and she lightly shoves him, but before he goes too far both hands wrap around her small wrists and he tugs gently. She crashes into his hard chest with a little "oomph" and he looks down at her with a smirk and all thoughts and ideas of scolding him for it disappear.
"I'll make it worth your while" he says, his voice low, it makes her shiver. She blushes, her mouth opens and closes, at a loss for words. He chuckles, the kind of one that's just an exhale through his nostrils and his grip loosens around her wrists.
"Go check on Matthew, text me when you get home and I'll see you tomorrow, 10 work for you?" He asks and she nods. 
"Sounds perfect" she watches as he looks both ways down the street and then back over his shoulder and up to the studio, before he turns back to her. No one was around, the street dark and empty. So he leans down and captures her lips in his, in a kiss that completely blows her mind. His soft ones against hers, tongue folding over hers, blissful sighs falling from her and soft groans from him. In those few moments, all that exists is him and them, the world slowing around them like something out of a romance novel. 
He pulls back and all she can do is nod and she chases his lips with hers. It makes him laugh and she slowly opens her eyes to see him again.
"Wow… that was some kiss" 
"You should go… see if Healy is okay" Ross says and she nods, leaning up for one last kiss.
'Dream about me' he says against her mouth, their lips momentarily separated and she nods before his move against hers again.
"As long as you dream about me…" she says, pulling back until their lips just graze.
"I have every day since I met you" 
Taglist: @scooby-doodoo @thereisaplaceintheheart @promocodesorry75 @eaglestar31 @thefrontofmymind @fallingforel @partoftheairforce @procrastinatinglikeapro @poisonmedaddy13 @xthe1975 @all-things-fic @jstbeeingme @rossgirly @juliardk @you-muppet @moodyyyychickx @k4tie75 @insidemymind19 @zzzhealy @maybeiwouldlikeyou @at-her-very-foreign @not-alien-girl-v @sinarainbows @friedlandblog @momentum2023 @youlooklikeshitandyousmellabit @Inhalerbea (add yourself using the link in my bio 😊, those with a line through are the ones i couldn’t tag)
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fictional girls who should have been gay
Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck, from the 2004 "Micky, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers" animated movie.
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The situation: GAY
Princess and lady-in-waiting. Is there anything more intimate and potentially gay than a girl and the girl who she specifically keeps around just to officially hang out with? I don't care I love it.
they are the most romantic thing in this movie
Their introduction scene is Minnie sighing over her future love (hypothetical and male and not necessarily royal) while blowing flower petals in Daisy's face
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Daisy has reservations
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but when Minnie is explaining True Love to her (while they hold hands and twirl around the room)
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Minnie says she'll know her true love because she'll hear music (sentimental music is now playing) and they'll make her laugh- AND THEN DAISY LAUGHS
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she starts saying that sounds silly...
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but Minnie looks at her, and flutters her eyes at her...
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and Daisy just MELTS. She clasps her hands over her heart and switches to sighing that that sounds lovely...
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who drew and directed that and didn't notice how much it looks like Daisy just fell in love with Minnie. hey. I want to know
did they realize they could've had Daisy staring at something else?
a painting of young lovers. a couple passing by the window. even the sad bedraggled flower Minnie had been using for a game of he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not
(i cannot get over how the flower wilts the last time we see it, right after Minnie says "trust me Daisy, I'll know him, when I see him)
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(I understand it's meant to be like, oh look the flower looks like Micky now she'll know him when she sees him- but it could also look like HER, Minnie is talking to Daisy about true love and knowing it when it's there but oh the IRONY if Daisy was in love with HER while she says that!!! With Minnie having no idea!!!!)
how about just not have Minnie flutter her eyelashes at Daisy like that
have HER not be looking at Daisy when she's talking about true love
anything. anything else would have worked better
Well apparently none of those options occurred to the film makers because these girls are supposed to be STRAIGHT somehow
(Minnie, princess of prolonged held eye contact)
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(and Daisy, lady of keeps having to look away when Minnie is staring at her Like That)
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Moments later, after a montage of Minnie strolling around the gardens dreaming of love (to the tune of a song about young love), an attempt on her life is thwarted by DAISY asking her to come over for a moment, moving Minnie out of the path of a falling safe meant to crush her
(by the way, holy heck it feels honestly scary. it just. DROPS)
The song lyric leading up to Daisy calling out for Minnie is "Your first your only love~! Love so-" (can't hear properly)
Minnie being willing to leave her daydreams of love for Daisy no questions asked is what saves her actual literal life I'm sorry but again why did they think having Daisy being the reason she lives was so important. This is a Micky Mouse cartoon legit just have Minnie stand up on her own and wander out of harm's way or get distracted by a flower or something but NOOOOO it's DAISY who unknowingly gets her out of danger, it's Minnie listening to her that saves her. ARGH IT COULD HAVE MEANT SO MUCH BUT
Minnie has actual whole conversations with Daisy. Actual. Talking. Sharing of thoughts and opinions. Chances to see their personalities and how they play off each other.
Princess Minnie, the slightly head in the clouds princess, and Daisy, grounded and a bit dry
Minnie: He loves me. He loves me… a lot. He loves me. He loves me even moooore. He loves me...
Daisy: Pardon me, Your Highness… (blows some free-floating petals off her face) you‘re, kinda mangling that flower.
like there's this set up for Minnie being rebellious enough to reject tradition and rules, being annoyed at them for cramping her style
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Daisy: This, fantasy man- (the exasperation on those two words XD), d'you happen to know if he's royalty?
Minnie: Does it matter?
Daisy, breathlessly: Well, as you know, someone of your, royal stature, needs to be courted by a gentleman of royal blood.
Minnie: What a royal pain.
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It's supposed to be about getting with a commoner instead, but... HMM I WONDER WHAT OTHER SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS MINNIE COULD BREAK.
A gentleman of royal blood? Well what if it's not! A gentleman!!
Minnie: Daisy, I can't marry someone I'm not in love with.
Daisy: You want love? Buy a dog.
the delicious set up as Daisy as jaded and practical BUT moments later she can't help herself with Minnie, she can't ruin Minnie's little happy bubble, she can't keep pushing Minnie away from her dream
When Minnie gazes at her all warm and mushy, Daisy has to giggle and admit that the idea of a true love who makes you laugh is just Lovely, actually
she says, while staring back at Minnie
but anyway, they have a flow, a rapport, they play off each other and clearly care about each other and, meanwhile, M e a n w h i l e
meanwhile, nearly all the time Minnie spends "being in love" with Micky is done in silent daydream episodes where they float on clouds and stuff. They get a montage of vague cute stuff. It's a whole lot of Nothing. Very pretty! But nothing
They see each other and it's supposed to be love at first sight. Whee. I'd find it cute if Minnie didn't already have someone and Micky wasn't mostly focused on being a good Musketeer. What do they give each other? They hardly even TALK! At the end of the movie I still have no idea how they'd get through a simple conversation! As a crush sure it reads fine- but true love? Where? When????
MOMENTS after meeting and "falling for" Micky, Minnie is yelling at him and his friends, furious because they accidently attacked Daisy thinking she was a threat
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wow good job showing us Minnie's priorities here. Good job showing us she cares about Daisy
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good job not using that to let her and Micky like, talk, or anything
Daisy, meanwhile, spends the whole movie with 0% interest in Donald at all, nothing but burns and scorn, only getting with him in the last moments literally just because why not
As in that's honestly the reason the movie gives. Not that she likes him. Just. Why not.
my eye is twitching
Minnie: Our love is, forbidden?
Daisy: Bin-go~
Minnie: A forbidden love? How romantic...!
girl you've had 1 (ONE) interaction with "the little one" like props to you for liking a short king but hey, heeey, this is so not selling the love vibes ok
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Minnie: Look, Daisy. Mickey and I have the same last name!
Daisy: Well, it must be destiny. Good thing destiny doesn’t control my love life.
(daisy being practical jaded or daisy using code for 'yeeeah, im prim and proper in everything else, but im going against the flow when it comes to romance)
Minnie: What do you mean?
Daisy: Well, look at me! If it did, I’d get stuck with Mister… (squawking and babbling)
Minnie & Daisy: (laughing together)
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hey remember how Minnie laughed when Micky rolled a nat 0 trying to untie her and the narrator was like "Oh he made her laugh! It must be love!"
remember when Daisy makes Minnie laugh with a Donald Duck impersonation? While they were in bed together??
Do You Remember when Micky and co failed and Minnie was kidnapped by badguys and Micky had a moment of slump before getting his second wind? Was he motivated by thoughts of his True Love? Was he thinking of Minnie when he decided not to give up on saving her??
he was looking at his friends being sad.
He encourages himself thinking about how the captain of the guard chose him and his friends to be musketeers
No Mention Of Minnie At All, Aside From A Quest To Be Cleared
wow much love such devotion
The point of Micky's story is him wanting to be a Musketeer. The emotional climax is always between him and his two friends. THE ROMANCE IS SO WEIRD IT DOES NOTHING AND COMES FROM NOTHING AND GOES NOWHERE.
Minnie has no character growth no obstacles nothing to do. she was ready to throw tradition aside for the man of her dreams the moment we saw her-
IMAGINE the crunchiness if she had either a moment of "wait actually, i think he's cute but this isn't love" OR "hey wait all this time I've been dreaming of a guy maybe it's not a guy though? Tee hee let's destroy some more social norms!"
(don't for the love of all things bring up lines of succession this is alternate universe france in the 1600-1700's there is a Lot To Gloss Over Okay)
And Daisy is RIGHT THERE.
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Not interested in guys! Sighing over Minnie! Staying with her throughout the whole movie because apparently you can't kidnap the princess without her lady in waiting!
RAAAGH. I know, I know Disney and gay don't mix, especially in 2004- but why why why why did they think Minnie had to be with Micky in this one? Why did they make the emptiest crush ever instead of just letting Minnie and Daisy chill up on the throne dais together? IM IN PAIN EVERY TIME I REWATCH THIS.
tldr: Daisy was in love with princess Minnie, and if Minnie had known she's the exact sort of rebel princess to just marry her lady-in-waiting like a boss
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r0-boat · 7 months
hi, ro! can you write more of omegaverse kavetham x omega!reader? it's so good! i'm so sad that there's not too much omegaverse content of genshin
Omegaverse genshin my beloved!
Smut below
Cw: omegaverse, dubcon.
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You saw something you weren't supposed to see...
Needing to find your Alpha roommate for something (you don't even remember what it was you wanted him for). You called out his name opening the door to his room and-
There he was, with your other roommate fellow Omega Kaveh who was in a pile of blankets and clothing half naked. The room had a slight scent of slick, and pre-rut, which made Heat rush to your core.
"do you ever learn how to knock?" The Alhaitham growled, his annoyed tone bringing back your attention. Your face turns red with embarrassment as you only manage to squeak out a 'sorry' as you quickly close the door, failing to notice the omega underneath him lightly hit his chest, shooting him a glare.
In the safety of your room, you can't help but replay the scene in your head, Alhaitham painting and growling over a squirming, whimpering omega in a freshly made nest. Your own body felt warm as your heart drummed in your chest. Your own preheat was affecting you. Making your legs shake as a warmth begins to pool in your core.
Rubbing your legs together in an attempt to soothe this ache, your nose buried into your blankets, failing to notice your room door slowly creaking open and blind to the heavy scent of heat and pre rut shadows approached you.
The time they had their hands on you Kaveh, was beyond spent for, but the alpha in a rut and stress-riddled from a busy( busier than he would like) week from being the Academia Dcribe hardly had his fill. Luckily, the scent of his pre-heating roommate made Alhaitham finally pull away from Kaveh.
His big cock felt you to the brim as you gripped and squeezed the Alpha's eyes rolled back when your gummy walls slid against his pulsating stiff shaft, and he began to lose himself once again in his rut. A hand slipped between your legs to give you more pleasure as he immediately started to slam his hips against yours. Alhaitham was rough and relentless; each thrust was calculated, knowing exactly where to move, touch, and kiss to please you.
While Kaveh makes you cum over and over until your whole body is shaking from overstimulation and sensitivity. Alhaitham neglects you from cumming. Using you as his cum dump until he is satisfied before letting you finally have release. Put his arms squeezing your neck and his cock practically pistoning into you. He growls for you to cum on his cock, his teeth just barely grazing over your scent gland. His warm breath against the sensitive skin made you clench as your heat-riddled brain screamed for him to claim you. All the while, Kaveh watched hand palming his half-hard cock, waiting, whimpering, and whining because his hips moved in place against his palm, eager to have a taste of the both of you as soon as Alhaitham was done.
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