#cancer the giant crab
Tell me about the celestial spirits in your rewrite, are you going to rework the magic?
rewrite stuff ⬇️
The Silver Spirit keys are the beings born of the Celestial Spirit world. There are hundreds of Spirits for each constellation, each with their own key. They only have one life, and if a Silver Key spirit dies, they will become part of their constellation and their key will turn to dust
The Zodiac were all once like the Silver Keys, but were granted 12 lives. Once a Zodiac Key passes for the 12th time, they are reincarnated. It used to be that the most powerful Silver Key would take their place, but as wizards started to become more powerful, soon, wizards started to outclass Silver Keys. You can read more on it here! If you read this and leave a comment saying you came from this post, I’ll write a drabble of your choosing!
Onto specific spirits!
Aries ♈️
Aries is the second youngest of the Zodiac at this point. She practices wool magic, and part of that is that she can change the physical properties of the wool she handles. For example, she can make the wool solid, liquid, or a gas. She’s at the most powerful during the Aries season in the Human World. Given she is a Fire Sign, she can also use fire magic, though it’s not as powerful as most human fire wizards. She uses a shepard’s staff as a weapon if she requires one, and she can use it to aide her magic.
For the longest time, Aries was a very submissive and shy spirit, and she let her key holders do whatever they wanted to her. This changed after Leo stood up to Karen and subsequently got her killed by Angel, Aries took it upon herself to make sure none of her other friends would suffer because of her weakness. By the time we meet her in canon, Aries is much more outgoing and outspoken to her Key Holder, and very protective of her Silver Keys.
While Leo was gone, she became the “Queen of the Zodiac” and that stuck even after he came back, making her the head of the Zodiac.
Her human name was Mary, and she became the Aries Spirit in the year X272
Taurus ♉️
Taurus uses his Labrys, but he can also use Earth magic. Think Thor with his hammer, that’s kind of what Taurus’s earth magic is like, he needs his Labrys. His Earth magic is very rudimentary, and he can create earthquakes.
He’s not a creepy towards Lucy, he’s very respectful and gentle with her. He wears blue overalls and has a very subtle southern accent.
His human name was Garrett, and he doesn’t remember the year he became the Bull Spirit.
Gemini ♊️
I really like the Eclipse designs for them, so that’s how they look in my rewrite
Being very young human twins, under the age of 10, they are considered lucky to not remember their human lives
The other Zodiac are very protective of them because they’re very easily influenced
They still use Copy/Transformation magic, but they can also use flight magic
Gemi’s human name was Castor, and Mimi’s human name was Aura
One of three spirits that does not have animal traits or attributes
Cancer ♋️
Cancer takes on more of a swordsman appearance than a hairdresser, using one of his blades as a sword, but he can combine them to make big scissors. He picked up hair dressing while serving under Layla and Lucy, though.
His water magic is basically non-existent, but he is considered the most skilled swordsman in the Celestial world
He’s got six arms that he can fold away and can also turn into crab legs.
His human name was Abyl.
Leo ♌️
Leo has feline ears and a tail because i said so.
Leo is the youngest of the zodiac. He became the Lion spirit in the year X344. His human name was Loke.
Leo used Ring magic as a human, which he then translated into Regulus when he became the Leo spirit. He can use Regulus without his rings, and he can use it throughout his whole body, but it’s stronger when channeled through an item.
His rings can take many forms, and he even likes to use brass knuckles sometimes.
His fire magic isn’t really fire magic, but more of a fire hazard. He can light his tail on fire, as well as his hair if he’s in a tight spot, which will likely make an attacker let up.
Virgo ♍️
Virgo isn’t a maid in my rewrite
Her magic is the same as in the original
She’s a shapeshifter and is also, the only spirit with a gender bias. A man could never reincarnate into the Virgo spirit, but if Virgo wanted too, she could appear as a man.
One of three spirits that does not have animal traits or attributes
Her human name was Rosemary.
Libra ♎️
Gravity Magic is a sub category of Air magic, so she can use Air magic just as well, making her very hard to escape from.
One of three spirits that does not have animal traits or attributes
Her human name was Vidya.
Scorpio ♏️
Scorpio’s tail is actually a scorpio’s tail, but it has armor around it that gives the appearance of a cannon.
He uses sand magic like in canon, but he can also use water magic.
Scorpio is not dating Aquarius.
His human name was Ezio.
Sagittarius ♐️
Also like his Eclipse design better than the canon one, so he’s a centaur
His fire magic translates into fire arrows that he can summon and fire without his bow, but it’s easier to aim with the bow.
His human name was Phillip
Capricorn ♑️
Capricorn is the second eldest of the Zodiac.
Capricorn still practices his Human Subordination Magic, but he can also use Earth magic. It’s quite a deadly combination if your magic suddenly stops working and he then smacks you with a big ass rock.
For the longest time, he’s looked down on his Key Holders, but that changed when he met Layla Heartfilia, and again when he met Lucy
His human name has been forgotten
Aquarius ♒️
She’s the oldest of the Zodiac and is rumored to be the original Aquarius
She’s actually the original Ophiuchus, but was punished by the Zodiac King for meddling in human affairs and going to earth without permission
Her constellation was destroyed and she was passed over to the Aquarius constellation despite knowing Air magic instead of water magic
She quickly learned Water magic and uses Air magic for her urn, which she uses to store and transfer all the water stored in it
Pisces ♓️
The mother of the Pisces set has been around a long time, but her son was born and became the Pisces spirit not long before Aries took the mantle
The mother (Eta) was originally partnered with her brother, but he lost all his lives shortly before her son (Omicron) was born
He became the second Pisces, but he was originally half human because Eta had a relationship with one of her old Key Holders
Both practices water magic
Omicron was named after his late uncle and has always had that name
Eta’s human name was Calypso
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briefbestiary · 1 year
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A valiant creature, though ultimately ineffective in its endeavor to follow Hera's orders. Still, regardless of its impact, Hera did not let its brave attempt go unnoticed or unrewarded.
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starsworldd · 8 months
🩷 𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝔂 𝓸𝓫𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 🩷
long post and giant paragraphs!
readings are open! ‼️‼️
BIG credits to 0degreestaurus and ellie witchy astrologer both on tiktok for the information on this post. PLEASE go check out their info if you have enjoyed today's post.
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mars in 11th - you don’t fit in anywhere because you are born to lead
5th house - this house is more than just fun and one-night stands…sure it can represent simple pleasures and such but we forget that venus rejoices here which is the planet of love. therefore, this is a house of love and how we want to love, how we want to express our lust for life … it’s more of a passionate/meaningful house than people think. how do we become the best version of ourselves? the 5th house can address this too since venus also represents potential! (venus exalts in pisces, a zodiac that deals a lot with potential/possibility)
✤ i think that there’s often a very one dimensional look when it comes to placements in their exaltation/fall/detriment/domicile… let’s take taurus mars as an example. although taurus mars may fail to do what mars wants to do naturally—conquer, speed, efficient, etc..— this placement is known for their laid back and sensual/indulgent nature which is something that maybe aries mars—a domicile zodiac for mars—may lack. taurus mars CAN be active like aries mars. but taurus being ruled by venus wants/needs to feel pleasured and creative in the process. activities such as dance or even house-cleaning are things that could be in a taurus mars' wheelhouse. the only part where taurus fails to execute mars' true qualities is that taurus does not deal with challenge, pain, upheaval, etc... as well as aries/scorpio/capricorn does because venus is about enjoying life and gratitude and mars represents rebellion and change. but taurus mars' still have the same ambition as say a cap mars does. taurus mars is in a sign of its triplicity after all. which transitions to our next topic pretty nicely...
✤ TRIPLICITY IS IMPORTANT YALL!! for those of you who don’t know, triplicity is when a planet isn’t in their sign of exaltation/domicile (including a sign of its detriment/fall) but in the same element as their exalted/domicile ruler is in. triplicity especially helps out lessen the effects of detriment/fallen planets. lets take a look at a few examples:
- moon in scorpio: the moon is in domicile in cancer. the reason why the moon doesn't like scorpio is because scorpio is ruled by mars and mars wants to fight, conquer, and break cycles. it seeks to go down below and bring our issues into the light. scorpio wants to end darkness. but the moon does not function in this manner. the moon represents manifestation and fulfillment through the journeys we have been through in life (jupiter exalted in cancer) and connecting it back to our own soul, memories, and life mindset. the moon, just like how it passes through new and full moons (light and dark) phases in real life, always circles back to previous phases, it doesn't mind fluctuating between light and dark unlike scorpio. another way to think about this is that cancer/moon goes out into the world to gather its info/experiences (positive or negative) and then processes it internally. scorpio works in the exact opposite. scorpio gathers its info/experiences in an internal manner, and processes these things externally (bringing problems into the light and therefore ending the darkness that came with burying these qualities/problems). BUT scorpio and cancer, are both protective and healers. we can think about this is in their symbolism and element. scorpio and cancer are both represented by animals who have exoskeletons (cancer - crab, scorpio - scorpion) which demonstrates their instinct to protect. the astrology community has long knew cancer's ability to protect, but scorpio? scorpio being protective? scorpio is protective in the sense that it breaks cycles and protects justice (mars is all about finding justice). it's also important to note that scorpio also protects through its fixed quality. fixed signs maintain things and keep it consistent hence why they're fixed signs, they bring things back to tradition and order. though it may hurt and scorpio's protective qualities may manifest in an unusual manner to others (think about the scorpion's stinger), scorpio's motto would be that "the best defense is a good offense". the moon can still heal, process, in scorpio which is why it has tripilicity. BUT scorpio makes the moon do this function in a reversal order. placements that have tripilicity often represent much creative and reflective power—hence why so many artists have scorpio moons (lady gaga, miley cyrus, ice spice, etc…).
- venus in virgo: venus in virgo has tripilicity because venus is in domicile in taurus, which is another earth sign like virgo. but venus is in fall in virgo. why? and why does it have triplicity beyond just being in an earth sign like its taurus counterpart? lets start off by defining venus' qualities. venus is about pleasure, enjoyment, and ease. arguably, without venus there really is no purpose to live. why do we work? because we want money. why do we want money? because money gives us nice things. why do we want nice things? because through having nice things, we can discover our identity, our likes and dislikes, and experience all that life has to offer us. and this is really our end goal is it not? to express and do what we love so that we can enjoy life and bring VALUE and MEANINGFULNESS into our life. value + meaningfulness is a very venusian quality. venus goes beyond money, marriage, or sex at its most basic forms. venus wants the ultimate satisfaction and meaning that can be possible in our lives (even more evidence as to why venus likes pisces, venus is the POTENTIAL of our what lives could be). but virgo is ruled by mercury. where mercury is about chaos and the processing mind, venus works in the realm of feeling and pleasure. mercury is planet that helps us process the world around us, to categorize, and to put things in their place. mercury is able to tell the difference between what is real and what is illusion (which is why mercury is often noted for being the comic trickster, especially if you connect to roman/greek mythology where mercury/hermes was the messenger of the gods and notoriously known for tricking other gods too). but venus doesn’t care what is real or what is fake because either way, venus considers both the non-physical aspects and the physical aspects of life to be valid (think about how libra, ruled by venus, is symbolized by the scales in this manner). but mercury/virgo wants to change and transform the impossible into something possible. in this manner, virgo disrupts venus' peace and ability to ground us to our lives, and it may be that people with this placement often find themselves getting stuck in an everlasting cycle for having to adopt/adjust and having to separate their non-physical and physical worlds (even though venus wants them to be together). HOWEVER. we still have to talk about how, regardless of virgo's pitfalls in virgo, it does have some dignity here. but how? as previously mentioned, virgo is an earth sign just like taurus, a sign ruled by venus. i like to correlate the earth signs to the energy of the pentacles suit in tarot (not to be confused, pentacles and earth signs both have their differences still!). a lot of the cards in the pentacles suit deal with being comfortable in one's own energy, resources, sense of satisfaction/achievement, and rhythm of life. doesn't this sound very similar to the venusian energy described above? and because virgo is also an earth sign it does share some of this same energy. it shares similar energy by wanting to establish new patterns, rhythms, systems, etc… virgo has a better idea of how life could look like. (venus is about potential! venus is also about improvement, ease, efficiency...all things that virgo works towards) it just gets stuck in the chaos that comes with making new systems...after all it is much harder to make magic happen on the physical plane! (virgo is an earth sign, earth signs work in the physical plan). because it's harder to make magic happen on the physical plane this is why venus has an easier time in pisces because pisces works in the mind/feelings/imagination.
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✤ speaking about water signs, i would argue that pisces is also just as transformational as scorpio but isn’t denoted for its transformational qualities because it isn’t considered to be as intense as scorpio (even though it is intense, just in a different way). pisces is a sign of redemeption, it’s where we tie loose ends and where we want to forgive others and ourselves for the wrong doings we have done. it’s about potential within ourselves, potential to be something amazing (hence why the two most benefic planets in astrology, jupiter and venus, LOVE pisces). once we have set ourselves free and found our potential we can achieve great things (which makes sense because what comes after pisces? ARIES. aries is ruled by mars and he’s going to achieve EVERYTHING).
✤ but i want to make this distinction between pisces -> aries vs. scorpio -> sagittarius. both of these water signs lead to jupiter ruled signs so it often implicates some sort of healing is done once we have transitioned from one sign to the next. pisces to aries speaks of redemption as we talked about previously. but transitioning from scorpio to sagittarius represents freedom. although this may seem like a similar concept to redemption we need to clarify that pisces and aries are much more internal and self-related signs than scorpio and sagittarius. pisces deals with our own sources of creativity, inspiration, and how we find healing within ourselves (jupiter represents healing). everyone finds redemption in their own unique way right? and although pisces is a personal sign it is also the sign that teaches us how to open our hearts to the world again. through opening our hearts, we offer our own wisdom/ideals to others through the JOURNEYS (jupiter = journeys) we have been through in our PERSONAL way because think about it, pisces is the last zodiac right? each zodiac represents a story or facet of life. it is unrealistic that we as a society have experienced the exact same facets of aries-aquarius. it is in pisces where we sum up all of the previous energies/facets of the previous zodiacs (both positive and negative energies) and through experiencing different facets of each zodiac, it is in pisces where we find a different life/way/mindset from having experienced these facets in order to create a new start for ourselves (and for the rest of society too, jupiter likes to collectivize). pisces makes us reflect (water sign y'all) where we need to begin anew again. then aries is where we actually plant this seed and begin to grow into these new ideals, traits, mindsets, etc... going from scorpio to sagittarius represents freedom because scorpio unburies what was "dead" then sagittarius explores this new "world" that scorpio has opened up and begins to gain more knowledge, experience, and greater connection to other places beyond the home.
✤ venus in the 7th house, no matter what sign it's in, i think is a karmic placement. @hot-astrology made a post about how venus represents mirrors (go check out the post very insightful) and i couldn’t agree more. the 7th house represents ALL encounters + relationships (positive or negative) in our lives. when venus is in this house as previously mentioned, it can act like a mirror in our relationships. the relationships we have (or don't have) with others can guide the native into the best version of themselves by noticing and observing what qualities are mirrored back to the native, making the native think "do i want to maintain these qualities? do i want to change or stay the same?". because of this, i've noticed people with this placement are also very reflective and observant of their surroundings. people always mention how charming or persuasive these natives can be but sometimes they fail to mention how certain natives with this placement (very dependent on house, sign, aspects, ruler of venus/7th house, etc...) are acting in this manner because they seek to find different facets of themselves through their encounters with others. this can lean into poor self-esteem, lack of boundaries, or an extreme need for external validation if not monitored carefully, but if these negatives are kept in place, this can be quite an adventurous and even fairytale-like placement.
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hope you enjoyed!
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astrolovecosmos · 1 year
Aries vs. Libra
Red Dragon vs. Harpy
Man-Caused Fires vs. Polluted Air
Lava Flow, Fireworks, Sparklers, Burns, Red Paint, Red Stones vs. Feathers, Chimes, Cottonwood Seeds, Bubbles, Fresh Air or Naturally Fragrant Air
Taurus vs. Scorpio
Earth Giant vs. Sea Monster or Titan
Earthquake vs. Tsunami
Diamonds, Emeralds, Silks, Satin, Wine vs. Caviar, Hypnotizing Colors and Lights, Deep Sea Secrets, Graveyards, or Treasures
Gemini vs. Sagittarius
Fairy vs. Salamander
Raining of Animals or Substances, Surprises from the Wind vs. Wildfire or Fire Cyclone
Fairy Lights, Fireflies, Butterflies, Talking Birds, Swamp Lights vs. Dancing Flames, Embers, Sparks, Wax, Lanterns or Torches, All the Colors of Fire, Glow
Cancer vs. Capricorn
The Kraken vs. Gold-Hoarding Dragon
Cave-In vs. Riptide
Lost Treasure, Coral, Pearls, Seaweed, Crabs, Lobsters, Seafoam, Moonlight vs. Precious Metals, Crystals, Expensive Woods, Coins
Leo vs. Aquarius
Chimera or Manticore vs. Thunderbird
Heatwave vs. Freeze
Sunshine, Sunbursts, Glittering Sand, Mirages, Heat Refraction, Cozy Fireplace, Heated Blankets vs. Stars, Rainbows, Prisms, Glitter, Wide and Open Skies
Virgo vs. Pisces
Gnome vs. Mermaid or Siren
Famine, Infestation, or Sickness vs. Floods
Safron, Truffles, Expensive Fruits, Medicinal Plants vs. Seashells, River Stones, Gold, River Treasures, Flashy Scales, Salmon, Smell and Sound of Rain, Watery Reflections
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Time to celebrate Freddie by yapping about him. Fuck this going to take a long time.
Alright, first off, amazing fucking singer, I have not heard a person who has a more amazing voice then Freddie fucking Mercury. He was the best at singing, he could play piano, he could play a bit of guitar. He wrote amazing songs a lot of which became massive hits like Bohemian Rhapsody, Save Me, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy, Somebody to Love, Killer Queen, Crazy Little Thing Called Love and many other ones that I will cry if I hear them start playing in public. And speaking of Crazy Little Thing Called Love, he wrote that in ten minutes in the fucking bathtub, AND I'M PISSED OFF THAT THAT SCENE DIDN'T GET INTO THE MOVIE.
And performing live he was the best. I normally can't sit down and focus on watching one thing for a long time, I usually have to be on my phone at the same time, but when I'm watching Queen concerts I can watch the full thing without needing to look at my phone and without getting distracted because it's just so fucking beautiful. The only times I would want to go on my phone while watching them is to yap about how amazing it is on Tumblr. He was a fucking god when he performed live, and I could enjoy any song if he was singing it, because his voice was purely majestic and amazing. It has been said by multiple people that Queen stole the show, and that is definetely true. Freddie had such a big presence on stage when performed and he could get anyone to sing along with him which is proven by the ay-oh segments and how people sing and dance along to the songs.
And he has other talents outside of singing and piano and all that. He also earned a degree in graphic art and design and can draw really good. He designed the Queen logo himself and it is one of the prettiest logos I have seen, and it has meanings behind it. The fairies is to represent Freddie being a virgo, the lions are Roger and John being Leos and Brian is the crab for Cancer. There's the Q and the crown in the middle for Queen, the pheonix in the back pulling everything together, making it look cool and making them seem as strong as they are, and the crab is on fire to represent Brian being hot as hell (jk. although that should be true). The logo is so fucking pretty and detailed and I am proud to say I have a giant one of it hanging from my wall.
Freddie was really outgoing and exotic on stage and it was amazing, and even though he was still kind of like that offstage, it's known that he was also pretty shy and sweet and I fucking love that. He was unique and strong and headstrong and everything but he was also sweet and kind and shy and insercure about things and I love that because it shows that hes human which he is and sometimes people don't remember that because of how incredible on stage he was. It's something people forget about a lot of celebrities. I don't like that he was insecure about things that I honestly love about him, like his teeth because his smile is so pretty, but I love how it shows that he's just some normal guy with so much talent.
He was so sweet. I heard somewhere that apparently that sometimes he would see on the tv that people were struggling financially he would anounmosulflglyy send them $10'000 or something to help them out. I'm saying apparently because I haven't fact checked it or anything but I choose to believe that because it's really cute and sweet. There was also a story where he got introduced to someone who was with their mum and he was kind of shy and stuff and later he went to a vending machine thing where you can get trinkets and he got one that matches with another one. Then he went back to the mum and gave her one and asked her to give it to her daughter and that IS SO FUCKING CUTEEEE. The girl was so lucky to have a lucky trinket from Freddie Mercury and then had one that matches?! AAAAAA.
He could stand up for himself really well as well despite the fact that he was kind of shy. There was a time when Queen was recording in a recording studio and the Sex Pistols were recording near them. Sid Vicious randomly came into their recording studio and started being a dick and annoying them and all that shit and Freddie went up to him called him Simon Ferocious which Sid didn't like and then pushed him out the door which was amazing. There was another time with a fan when he was eating dinner and a fan came up to him with a piece of paper to sign and a pen and pretty much shoved in his face. Freddie told him to leave him alone because he was eating. When he finished he went up to the fans table and lectured him on not being rude and having manners and then signed the paper for him. Good on him. In my opinion that was the right thing to do. I know other celebrities have done this before but one time there was a fight happening at one of the concerts and he stopped the entire concert to break it up and told them they were ruining the show for everyone.
He is also one of the most determined, strong and headstrong people I have ever heard of as well. Towards the end when he was really sick he told the band to write songs for him to record because he just wanted to keep singing until he died. One of my favourite stories of him is when he was recording The Show Must Go On he was so sick he could barely stand and Brian didn't think he could do it. Freddie told Brian "I'll fucking do it darling," then he had some vodka and finished the song in one go. In my opinion that is one of the best performances he has done just fucking listen to it and you'll see. There's a reason that's one of my fav songs.
He also apparently never complained about being sick and eventually went off of his aids meds because he already knew he was going to die and just accepted it.
He loved cats as well and that's super sweet to me. He had ten cats, Tiffany, Delilah, Miko, Romeo, Tom, Jerry, Dorothy, Goliath, Lily and Oscar. Delilah was Freddie's favourite and he made a song for her. Tiffany's my favourite. He also dedicated his solo album "Mr Bad Guy" to all the cats and cat lovers of the world.
HE LOVES HIS HUSBAND AND IT FUCKING SHOWS. Freddie and Jim got each other rings and called each other husband even though they weren't legally married, and Jim said that one day they got into a fight because Freddie wasn't wearing his ring, and after that day Freddie always wore it and never took it off. One time Freddie was having a party and Jim had work the next day so he went to bed and he was almost asleep when he heard Freddie come in with a group of people he was showing around he heard Freddie say to them, "everyone be quiet, my husband's asleep." Jim also did some woodwork stuff and Freddie would ask Jim to make lots of things, and one time he asked him to make some wooden box thing and he gave it to Jim and in the box was some of the original lyrics from some songs.
He was a really good friend as well. He had some friends that would all call each other drag names and one of those friends was Elton John. Elton's drag name was Sharon and Freddie's was Melina. One time Elton saw a piece of artwork that he liked and after Freddie died he got a package that was the artwork and it was from Freddie. On it is said, "To Sharon from Melina" There might have been more on it but I can't remember. Elton cried.
I was reading and watching some things on Freddie yesterday and there were a lot of people who knew him or met him personally talking about him, and when asked what he was really like, they would all say he was a wonderful, kind, sweet guy.
I love him so fucking much you don't even understand he was one of the most gorgeous human beings to have ever existed. I know I have some irl friends on here but they prob won't read this so I'm just gonna say I love him more than some of my irl friends. Not saying more than the ones on here, but some of them.
Love ya Freddie ❤️
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moonlight1237 · 5 months
Hel Norse Divine
@ghosting-medium helped write and edit this!
ᚺᛖᛚ (elder futhark)
Hel (old norse) Hell(e) (old english)
Her name comes from a root meaning, covered or hidden kinda like Hades and Frau Holle, and like a helmet or a helm, which is also the name of the realm which she resides in Helheim (old norse=Hel) also meaning “the grave” or to be put in your grave this land is not a place of punishment like the Christian Hell, it was more of a waiting place where Lady Hel takes in the “unchosen souls of the dead”. Helhiem was believed to be guarded by a giant wolf it’s disputed whether it’s her brother Fenrir or another wolf named Garm, Helheim is in one of the nine realms which is Niflheim, her plate and knife are named “hunger” and “famine”
She is the daughter of Loki and the giantess (or a jötunn) Angrboða; her brothers are Fenrir (Vánagandr or Fenris) and Jörmungandr (Midgard serpent). Some don’t realize the gods and giants aren’t different races but different families and titles as Hel was born of a god/goddess parent she has the title of goddess but she can also be referred to as a giantess.
She appears as half-blue or sometimes some say it translate to black both mean she’s half corpse/rotting and the other half is a flesh colored beautiful woman, she’s known to appear to her followers as either or both if she feels the need to scare you or shock you she may come as her rotting side or if she wants to come off more motherly she may show up as her flesh side, some say she has white or black hair it varies to person.
She also had a 3 legged horse also known as “Hel-horse” a scrawny boney white/yellow horse which in the “prose edda” she brought plague and death
She’s said to lead an army of undead souls into battle during Ragnarok to fight in a valley against the undead warriors of valhalla (Old Norse: Valhǫll) aka the hall of the slain or hall of the corpse.
She appears in Baldrs draumar and the Voluspa in the poetic edda also known as the “Elder edda”.
In Baldrs draumar you see her when she refuses to give Baldrs soul back to the other gods and keeps him in Helheim unless everything in the universe weeps for his “death” (gods in norse mythology don’t “die” they’re reborn in a way) when one giantess refuses to weep Hel keeps Baldr in Helheim till Ragnarok. It was known she treated him fairly and even gave him a seat beside her as a guest of honor in her hall.
Ullr was another god who visited Niflheim often so he often visited Hel in Helheim.
Why she was thrown from Asgard is disputed; some believe it was due to her looks that she made the other gods uncomfy, or that like her brothers the Æsir gods condemned her before she really did wrong leading to a self fulfilling prophecy, or that Odin gifted the hall to her.
Hel is the queen of afterlife and the caretaker of the dead in some sources she was also the main god who made decisions on judgements for who received punishments in Helheim as not all who went to Helheim go as punishment and it was said that Helheim had 2 sides.
General association
The afterlife
Ancestor work
Shadow work
Hidden places
Gold / Sliver
Spirits and death work
Animals associated
Horses (black or white sometimes bay)
Wolves (due to her brother and the guardian of her hall)
Any black animals
Elderly animals
Earthy scents
Homey scents
Spice scents
Musky strong scents
Hagalaz (hail)
Eihwaz (yew)
Queen of wands
Queen of swords
9-Upg this number comes up with her a lot due to her being a ruler of one of the nine realms
Earth - because of her ruling of the underworld, and being under the earth
Zodiac Sign
Scorpio - upg, but Scorpio deals with a lot of secrecy, privacy, shadows, and death
Cancer - upg, she’s “the one who hides or is covered”, since Cancer’s animal is the crab, and that is an animal that is covered by its hard shell. Many individuals that work with Lady Hel associate her with being motherly, but also strict. Cancer is the sign of nurturing, and emotions so it makes sense.
As for other zodiac signs, I would consider any zodiac signs near the end of the cycle. The zodiac cycle is associated with the cycle of life and death; so near the end of the cycle is going to be death. This could be signs like Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. There is no historical basis for this, as Norse Paganism didn’t really document or use zodiac signs.
Day of the Week
Any type of obsidian
Black onyx
Smokey quartz
Black tourmaline
Yew (do not consume yourself EVER)
Any poisonous plant really (deadly nightshade, foxglove, etc) (do not handle unless you are a pro and know how to handle poisonous plants)
roses/dried roses
fungi/mushrooms and other decomposers
Juniper berries/bush (do not consume yourself EVER)
apples/apple trees/apple blossoms
Black roses
Drinks and food
Mead/alcohol (especially spiced flavors) - classic Norse offerings that are appreciated by all Norse deities
Tea - Black tea is a type of tea that might be best for Lady Hel due to her strong association to the color Black. If you don’t have this tea don’t worry, I bet she’ll be grateful for any tea you have.
Dark chocolate
Yew/Juniper berries (do not handle unless you are a pro and know how to handle poisonous plants)
Marshmallows/or marshmallow fluff
Molten/lava cakes
Anything bittersweet or spiced
Things to offer/do in devotion to her
Learn runes, and casting runes
Learn bone throwing/casting
Raven bones/skulls
Mirrors (especially black or silver mirrors)
Any art you make for her
Black or white cloth
Black/white/silver candles
Food/drink, Raw meat
Learning your shadow self
Learning your family history or connecting to your an ancestors
Visiting a cemetery or graveyard and pay your respects to the dead
Cleaning up cemeteries or volunteering at one - make sure you know how to properly clean graves and have the spirits permission before cleaning the grave
Respecting the dead and spirits wherever you are
Saying a prayer to her when you see or find dead animals
Skeleton imagery
Wolf imagery or wolf teeth
Learning a scandinavian language (old norse, dansk, norwegian, icelandic, swedish)
Learn runic writing
Flowers/dried flowers/flowers that are near dead if not already dead
Fur/animal hides - make sure you get these ethically, do not just injure an animal for its hide, and not pay respect to the animal or Lady Hel during it.
Things that respect that dead like something from your ancestors
Any kind of animal imagery related to her
Signs she could be reaching out
Sudden interest in her
Hearing her name brought up a lot, either in conversation or subconsciously
Sudden interest in death work or spirit work
Seeing black animals
Seeing animal death and bones
Her being in your dreams a lot or her name mentioned a lot
Suddenly wanting to learn to scry or do runes
Drawn towards obsidian, or smokey quartz suddenly
Getting her rune or tarot card a lot
Being drawn towards norse mythology or her myths
seeing dead bugs in unusual places
Hel music/meditation
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https://www.angelfire.com/journal/ofapoet/hel.html-A really good article of info on Lady Hel but of course take everything with a grain of salt
http://ydalir.ca/norsegods/hel/- A decent run down on Lady Hel with some good info
The “Prose Edda” also known as the “younger edda”
The “Poetic Edda”-translation by Jackson Crawford also known as the “elder edda”
“The Viking Spirit”-Daniel McCoy
“Tales Of Norse Mythology”-Helen A. Guerber
https://angelorum.co/heathenry/connecting-with-the-goddess-hel/ - A decent article with some UPG and well known facts
https://youtu.be/yg5QyIPXdAI- Info on Lady Hel from a witches view with some UPG.
https://youtu.be/6r_iPQA2vZw- The historical research on Hel including her names roots, what she does, and her realm
https://youtu.be/Ac2veVpMPWA- A complete basic intro to Norse mythology from a historical view
https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-europe/going-hel-and-back-travel-helheim-where-goddess-darkness-reigned-006174- A little bit of info on Lady Hel
https://www.worldhistory.org/Hel/ - quick blurb on Lady Hel’s history
https://youtu.be/WeW1-oXEubk-Jackson Crawfords run through on the main norse gods and goddesses
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLATNGYBQ-TjqOIFzdVApjXXpWXOzZHKFp- Jackson Crawford norse mythology playlist and run through from a professor and historical standpoint
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLATNGYBQ-TjrPCf9YGy0qzqca1ypcGs50- Jackson Crawfords run through of all the Nordic runes and how they work from a historical standing
https://youtu.be/mhMHTZ2jfXM- Grimfrost academies documentary on Viking age culture and how the norse people lived and used things
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karkatting · 2 years
alphaswitch au - introduction
hi! here is some info about the alphaswitch au by @clockworkdrop​ and i, since some people expressed interest in it!
all of this is directly copied from the huge doc we have, and this post is mostly focused on the characters. not everything is set in stone/planned out yet, so some characters have more info than others. my plan is to update this post with new stuff as we figure it out lol.
general stuff
alpha kids and dancestor trolls are the ‘beta session(s)’
dirk and roxy live in the same year as jane and jake
alpha kids and dancestors are the same age (16 at the beginning, 19 by the end)
not a direct parallel of the canon beta session, some things are different
session lasts several months
the rest is under a readmore cus this shits long
alpha humans
server player: roxy
sprite: gcat + poppop
patron troll: aranea
receives guidance from meenah
guardian, dad (dad), john is deceased
meenah insisted on being her guide instead of aranea because of their connection
meenah tries to give relationship advice but since she’s jumping all over it’s not helpful
server player: supposed to be jane, ends up being dirk
sprite: dirkbot + ??
patron troll: kankri
receives guidance from aranea
guardian, jade, is deceased and was grown into a giant tree on the island
aranea became his guide after kankri fucked off and meenah stole jane from her
aranea tries to give him romantic advice but it kinda doesn’t work
server player: dirk
sprite: wizard doll + frigglish
patron troll & guidance: porrim
guardian, rose, is a prolific author whom roxy really looks up to, but she feels a sort of distance from her that she doesn’t know how to fix
often talks to meulin about cats and other things. roxy learns about the quadrant system from her
when her mom dies, has an aspect berserk moment similar to rose’s grimdark that causes her viewport to go dark
has some internalized homophobia, doesn’t know she’s not straight (yet)
server player: jake
sprite: a puppet i guess + dirk’s head
patron troll: latula
receives guidance from kankri & latula
guardian, dave, is a famous movie director and is rarely home. he leaves various items and notes around the house for him
secretly wants to be closer with him, probably kind of fucked up when he dies
still has lil hal who is just as much of a nuisance. maybe even more so
while his patron troll is latula, kankri quickly took her place as his guide both because dirk is the only one that can even somewhat handle talking to him and kankri finds him infuriating in an intrigued way. he also thought latula wasn’t “doing it right”
he still talks to latula, they get along well. she maybe helps him out with jake stuff cus kankri sure as hell isn’t going to. she is also more helpful with game stuff than kankri is
after dirkjake kiss, dirks head ends up in dirks puppet sprite so he has dirksprite (another splinter, he mad)
still glasses
just being so annoying to dirk
also to kankri
he figures out whats up with dirkkri before dirk does
eventually dirk is convinced to make the body for him, its a horse robot but it can also transform into a human body too. hal loves it unironically but dirk is using like 12 layers of irony to rationalize this being a good decision
session lasts 3 years (13-16)
won but just barely
still gave the frog cancer
tons of teen drama still
basically everything that was described in the comic to happen before the dreambubbles still happens, except the scratch
trollhandle: genesiologicalCancriform (GC)
genesiology - obsolete term for study of genetics/reproduction
cancriform - latin adjective describing crabs/cancers
in a neverending cycle of debate with his past and future selves
probably likes troll documentaries
panquadromantic like karkat, but just suppresses any sort of romantic feelings he has towards anyone. a lot of internalized… panquadrophobia???
pretends he’s not suppressing anything because all microlabels are valid but also shames porrim but he’s never been a hypocrite in his life 
his celibacy is more of a result of the hemocaste system on beforus rather than a genuine disinterest in romance - he wants to feel independent and not be “coddled” by anyone
picks fights/debates with dirk over stupid shit just for the hell of it
still has a crush on latula (at first)
pacifist, so probably relied on porrim to help him during the game (was mad about it though) (his plan was to lecture to imps and ogres to go away)
she teaches him how to use guns but he still rarely utilizes it
Still wearing the leggings until right when the humans arrive, when porrim gives him the sweater
arc: learning to listen to his friends instead of speaking over them, not be misogynistic and ableist, quadrant stuff, recognize some of the group don’t care about hemospectrum, learn to accept help from others (and hopefully get the rest of them there) (dirk helps with most of it)
trollhandle: catalysislAficionado (CA)
catalysis - a catalyst is something that provokes significant change or action, referring to her matchmaking
aficionado - she loves doing it
very invested in the love lives of the kids and tries to help them out with their crushes even if it has no chance of happening
idk i think she’s just taking them like barbies and smooshing their heads together
has a tendency to view others as characters rather than real people
causes problems through incompetence/obliviousness to others’ feelings
besties/eventual moirails with roxy
this catgirl can fit so many repressed emotions in her
arc: get away from kurloz (roxy), learn boundaries (also roxy?)
trollhandle: (CC)
feels connected to jane after going through her timeline, for reasons she doesn’t understand (yet)
tries to get jane to do dangerous stuff because she thinks it’ll make her a stronger player
constantly jumps around the timeline because she’s looking for exciting things to do
arc: meenah really cares about her friends but they all have strained relationships because she spent so long bullying them to make them stronger at the game, so a good place for her arc would be her becoming a good leader but not through like dictatorship and telling them what to do or whatever, but just by learning to better utilize how she cares and lead by supporting them. not feeling the need to steal things and gain power or something
trollhandle: ????Avicularia (GA)
avicularia - genus of spiders, specifically tarantulas. idk i thought it sounded cool
mastermind behind the dirkjake kiss
talks to the kids about classpects but like in a calliope way where it’s a little too literal
pushing jake hard to level up since pages are a “weaker class” (in the same vein of vriska with tavros and also john)
while vriska tries to learn a lot about the game so she can cheat to the end, aranea learns a lot about the game so she can know everything and make the best plan to win.
trollhandle: calibratingGriptape (CG)
calibrating - parallels terezi’s handle
griptape - grip tape is the material on top of a skateboard
prompted to give dirk relationship advice after seeing the dirkjake kiss. she thought it was very cool
even though kankri “took her place” as dirk’s guide, she still ends up helping dirk more because kankri kind of sucks at it
has a lot of thoughts about being pushed out by kankri but is trying not to show it (rad girl facade, etc)
arc: stop putting on the rad girl persona and be herself
Trollhandle: antevortianGirl (AG)
antevorta - roman goddess of childbirth and prophecy
girl - #girl
serves as roxy’s guide/patron troll during the game. helps her with actual game stuff as opposed to meulin who helps her with interpersonal stuff
arc: stop infantalizing everyone below her on hemospectrum, something something matriorb
trollhandle: (AA)
maybe talks to jane about how jake keeps telling her about their relationship and asking for advice, is just like “yeah, it sucks huh”
maybe drops the LE stuff during the alpha session? still causing problems on purpose though
not very invested in the kids, mostly causing problems on the meteor
she gets knocked out before she can doom the timeline, porrim (shes her main friend and also mom stuff) carries her to the door with the group. damara wakes up already locked in the meteor. maybe scratch messages her and tells her she failed and is also like really creepy like always. and then she watches jane stuff and is just like. yeah no this is the worst
jane and damara parallels. they are there
arc: recognize that others have gone through same stuff as her (jane), reject le, tell rufioh to knock it off (probably remain friends after that)(roxy helps), doesn’t have to forgive everyone else for their treatment of her if she doesn’t want to
trollhandle: (TA)
something something dirkjake parallels
dude’s a mess
trollhandle: (AT)
actually stands up to cronus
still dubiously godtier
trollhandle: (CT)
the stuff kurloz is involved in relates to see no evil (mituna) hear no evil (meulin) speak no evil (kurloz) but according to fridgestuck theres a fourth that's sometimes smell no evil (latula).
also caused cronus’s rejection of magic and belief in the prophecy
meulin and mituna friendship arc
something something kurloz is in charge of black ships and the conflict resolution quadrant is a black ship and kurloz is actively sabotaging them and maybe this is why they can't fix any of their problems at some point we gotta figure out what to do with him
roxy probably suspects somethings up with him (close to meulin and would recognize that she seems forgetful after seeing him, batterwitch), would probably be frustrated that meulin doesn’t believe her but would find ways to keep her away from him
crisis of faith when interacting with humans, leads to him ditching clown religion. no idea where that goes from there
someone figures out the mind control and other stuff, meulin, mituna, and cronus can decide if they forgive him or not
trollhandle: (AC)
roxy has a conversation with cronus, its bad
he literally JUST dropped the wizard act within the last year or so, so seeing her wizard stuff he probably makes fun of her or something
hates jake because he’s the hero of hope that might take over his place in the prophecies he felt entitled to
jake messes with him about human culture like the “telling caliborn what gay means” thing
leads to him losing ALL hope, leading to mituna fight
cronus hits on all of them and brings up the fact he is humankin a lot
gets the idea to be humankin from watching the timelines, was probably still doing the wizard thing until that moment, or had picked up a different persona in the session and switched to human then
arc: downward spiral from hopelessness (jake), become somewhat less of an asshole
beta humans
stuck in a void session for 6 years
in communication with the cherubs
 pre-retcon: ?? + ??
post-retcon: meulin + dirksprite (after reunion)
acting like there are no problems while actively looking at many problems
june realization at some point
pre-retcon: ?? + ??
post-retcon: roxy + frigglishsprite (after reunion)
having a crisis about relevance
is painfully aware that this session is basically set up to make them lose their minds
drinking arc (mom’s alcohol in house)
sprite: crow + doomed dave
plays with time loops a little but realizes he’s making eternity even longer so stops unless necessary
still does a lot of reflection about bro since he'd still be around people who care about him
coming out: rose knows pre-game but they probably never officially told each other. maybe he tells her in like year 1 or 2. but he doesn't come out to the others until he's like 17 at least probably. davesprite too
at some point he grows out his hair really long, but it’s totally not to look like nic cage so a certain someone who loves nic cage might be interested who would do that
(crushing big time on egbert)
sprite: bec + dream jade
happy to be around her friends and not trapped on an island, but she is also super frustrated that it isn't like what she saw in her dreams
first one to snap after keeping her frustration bottled up. after that, rose sets a rule that they have to be honest to avoid more of that. (obviously they don’t stick to that very well)
i guess she godtiers at some point to be dog
friendly to all of them
probably just similar to how she was to the alphas
(she probably still has to die 🙁)
they will save her
jeers dave the most
is upset that he is not like alpha male
kickstarts dave’s de-masculinity stuff
asks dave for art of his friends
dave just changes the colors of the making this happen picture
platonically hates all of them. if he does the "you're attractive and ugly" thing like with jane, that's at jade
egbert really hates his art
similar to the alphas, mostly focuses on the boys and avoids/is creepy to the girls. probably pissed about june stuff cus he sucks
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meraki-sunset · 2 years
if we gave hotdog friend a name, what'd it be? a pun? name with obscure meaning? both?
because all troll names have something to do *with* them
ex: karkat = karkata, sanskrit name for cancer. or karkinos, giant crab that fought heracles, also cancer origin
i named gim Glizzy Jugglr here, you know basically "hotdog juggler" i think it suits him, but you're free to leave suggestions on the coments
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merrymockthejester · 6 months
location: blood, sweat and beers
with: @bellamychevalier
The interior of the tavern was bustling and warmed from the many bodies fitted inside of it, boisterous and loud with raucous laughter and animated speech. With the beer served being so affordable -- and cheap in general, it tasted like swill -- it was easy to forget oneself and drink until they spewed and this meant that people often didn't realize in which volume they spoke and so many casual conversations seemed like shouting matches. It was high energy and Merrymock was thriving in it.
This would not be his first performance since his arrival in Destarin but it was no less important to him. The tavern owner really was doing him a favor letting him perform on the small stage despite the fact that no one actually came here to see him perform. Tonight, Merry had prepared what he hoped would be a great performance and was intent on captivating his audience, already hearing their applause in his ears as he stepped out, but he was not met with applause. He was met with absolutely nothing, no one even seemed to pay him any mind when he stepped out, Merrymock appeared undeterred entirely as he smiled, bright and broad, full rows of flat teeth, unusual for a tiefling like him who generally had pointed teeth.
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He began his performance by bringing out two large iron circles and twirling them about in various ways, hypnotizing to the eyes, spinning them along both of his arm while he started telling a tale about how he once was friends with someone whose star sign was cancer and the finish of the story went, "Tis only so sad for the cancer signed lad to be eaten in the end by a giant crab!"
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‘Stellae’ Charm’ card descriptions 21 to 41 [Constellation Clash]
Orion: This card depicts the mighty hunter Orion, known for his strength and bravery. He is often shown holding a club and a shield, ready to defend himself against any threat. In the sky, Orion is represented by a group of stars forming a distinctive figure with a belt and a sword hanging from it.
Taurus: In this card, we see the constellation of Taurus, represented by a bull. This constellation is associated with the ancient Greek myth of the god Zeus, who transformed himself into a bull to carry Europa across the sea. Taurus is also known for its bright star, Aldebaran, which marks the eye of the bull.
Gemini: The constellation of Gemini is represented by two figures, the twins Castor and Pollux. In Greek mythology, they were the sons of Zeus and were known for their bravery and loyalty. The two bright stars that make up the heads of the twins, Castor and Pollux, are easily visible in the night sky.
Cancer: This card depicts the crab-shaped constellation of Cancer, which is associated with the Greek myth of the crab that was sent by the goddess Hera to distract the hero Hercules during his battle with the Hydra. The constellation is also known for its bright star cluster, the Beehive Cluster, which can be seen with the naked eye.
Leo: In this card, we see the majestic lion represented by the constellation of Leo. This constellation is associated with the Nemean lion, a ferocious creature that was eventually killed by the hero Hercules as one of his twelve labors. The brightest star in Leo, Regulus, is often referred to as the "heart of the lion."
Virgo: The constellation of Virgo is represented by a figure of a maiden holding a bundle of wheat, symbolizing fertility and harvest. In Greek mythology, Virgo is associated with the goddess Demeter, who was the goddess of agriculture. The brightest star in Virgo, Spica, is also known as the "ear of corn."
Libra: This card depicts the scales of justice, representing the constellation of Libra. In ancient times, the stars of Libra were seen as the claws of the scorpion in the neighboring constellation of Scorpius. Libra is associated with the goddess Themis, who was known for her wisdom and fairness.
Scorpio: In this card, we see the constellation of Scorpio, represented by a scorpion. In Greek mythology, Scorpio is associated with the giant scorpion that was sent by the goddess Hera to kill the hunter Orion. The bright red star, Antares, is the heart of the scorpion and can be seen in the night sky.
Sagittarius: The constellation of Sagittarius is represented by a centaur, a creature with the body of a horse and the upper body of a human. In Greek mythology, Sagittarius is associated with the centaur Chiron, known for his wisdom and healing abilities. The bright star, Nunki, marks the bow of the centaur.
Capricorn: This card shows the sea-goat constellation of Capricorn, which is associated with the Greek god Pan. In mythology, Pan was known for his wild and mischievous nature, and the constellation is said to depict him fleeing from the monster Typhon. The bright star, Deneb Algedi, marks the eye of the goat.
Aquarius: In this card, we see the constellation of Aquarius, represented by a figure pouring water from a vessel. In Greek mythology, Aquarius is associated with the god Ganymede, who was abducted by Zeus and made the cupbearer of the gods. The bright star, Sadalsuud, marks the shoulder of the water bearer.
Pisces: The constellation of Pisces is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, connected by a cord. In Greek mythology, Pisces is associated with the goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros, who transformed into fish to escape the monster Typhon. The bright star, Alrescha, marks the knot where the fish are tied together.
Aries: This card depicts the constellation of Aries, represented by a ram. In Greek mythology, Aries is associated with the Golden Fleece that was sought after by Jason and the Argonauts. The bright star, Hamal, marks the head of the ram.
Cetus: The constellation of Cetus is represented by a sea monster, often depicted as a whale or a sea serpent. In Greek mythology, Cetus is associated with the sea monster sent by Poseidon to wreak havoc on the city of Aethiopia. The bright star, Menkar, marks the mouth of the monster.
Perseus: This card depicts the constellation of Perseus, represented by a hero holding the head of the Gorgon Medusa. In Greek mythology, Perseus is known for his bravery and his slaying of the monstrous Medusa. The bright star, Algol, marks the eye of Medusa.
Andromeda: In this card, we see the constellation of Andromeda, represented by a princess chained to a rock. In Greek mythology, Andromeda was saved from a sea monster by the hero Perseus. The bright star, Alpheratz, marks the head of Andromeda.
Pegasus: The constellation of Pegasus is represented by a winged horse, known for its speed and grace. In Greek mythology, Pegasus was born from the blood of the slain Gorgon Medusa. The bright star, Markab, marks the shoulder of Pegasus.
Cassiopeia: This card depicts the constellation of Cassiopeia, represented by a queen sitting on a throne. In Greek mythology, Cassiopeia was known for her arrogance and was punished by the gods by being forced to sit on a throne in the sky. The bright star, Schedar, marks the queen's throne.
Ursa Major: In this card, we see the constellation of Ursa Major, represented by the Great Bear. In Greek mythology, Ursa Major is associated with the story of Callisto, a nymph who was transformed into a bear by the goddess Hera. The bright stars, Dubhe and Merak, mark the front and back of the bear.
Ursa Minor: The constellation of Ursa Minor is represented by the Little Bear, also known as the Little Dipper. In Greek mythology, Ursa Minor is associated with the story of Arcas, the son of Callisto who was also transformed into a bear. The bright star, Polaris, marks the end of the handle of the Little Dipper.
Ursa Major - The Great Bear: This card depicts the constellation of Ursa Major, also known as the Great Bear. It is one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky, and it is said to represent a mother bear and her cubs. The card shows the bear with its distinctive shape of seven bright stars, also known as the Big Dipper, against a dark blue background. It symbolizes strength, protection, and maternal instincts.
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chainsawdigestion · 3 months
Cancer Season
Inspired by Urania's Mirror; or, a view of the Heavens. C.1824
Stop motion animated card stock puppets on glass multiplane stand.
Music by Danielle Heal @musicah0lic
The Cancer constellation’s most luminous star is Al Tarf, or Beta Cancri, an orange K-type giant. It marks the crab’s southern hind foot, named in Arabic for “the end”. The Beehive Cluster can be seen with a telescope and contains over 1000 stars.
In Greek mythology, Cancer is associated with Hercules and his step-mother Hera. Also known as “Gate of Men”, it was believed to be the portal through which souls descended from Heaven to populate the bodies of newborns.
Cancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac
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Trans women Lucy headcanons?
Send me a character/ship and I’ll tell you some headcanons
Please let me know if you want nsfw in your ask or I’ll assume sfw
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Socially transitioned as a kid, Layla was very supportive
Jude not so much
With the help of Cancer, Lucy turned a lot of the suits and stuff her father bought her into skirts and dresses
She wasn’t going to keep her identity a secret once she joined Fairy Tail, but she was very relieved that everyone was so supportive of trans people
There were other trans members as well, something Lucy hadn’t been expecting
Gray was a transman, in fact, and they bonded over their shared experiences
Lucy uses she/her pronouns
Lucy’s long hair is definitely something she fought to grow out and very much loves how it makes her look
When Wendy’s hair was cut during Tartaros, she quickly offered Cancer’s services to the young transgirl, worried it might make her dysphoric
Luckily, it didn’t and Wendy kept it short
Lucy is Wendy’s big sister
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Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser Levy McGarden/Gajeel Redfox /Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic s Follows Fairy tail but with my own twists set in modern day / Fluff and Angst / Romance / Friendship /developing feelings / Lucy has new spirits I checked constellations and gave her ones I thought were cool
Lucy is thrown into a world she didn’t know existed. Join her as she unravels this new world full of magic that brings adventure, romance and destruction along with it.
Just a modern re-telling of Fairy tail following its arcs with a few twists and turns along the way
You can also read it here
Chapter 7
If there's one thing Lucy is certain of, it's that Fairy Tail loves to party.
After they triumphed over Eisenwald and Lullaby and saved the guild masters, Mirajane decided to have the party sooner, so they could celebrate both Lucy's first month as a Fairy Tail mage and the formation of what she'd dubbed 'Team Natsu', much to the chagrin of Gray.
The party went on for three days, and Lucy could vaguely recall pieces of the celebration. She made the mistake of sitting next to Cana on the first night and didn't sober up until the last day.
All in all, it was a rumbustious few days and Lucy couldn't recall ever having so much fun surrounded by people she could call friends.
Levy had also surprised her one day with a golden key, after returning from a week-long job. She said it was her welcoming present from the girl, and Lucy spent the whole day in tears over the gesture.
The key turned out to be Cancer the Giant Crab, a quirky spirit (weren't they all?) that used scissors as a weapon along with the six crab-like legs protruding from his back.
She had also started training more intensely after their encounter with Lullaby.
Seeing the dangers of the magical world and how far behind she was made her determined to never feel so weak and powerless again.
Erza was there every step of her training journey, helping her hone her skills with the whip that was gifted to her by Virgo, and hand-to-hand combat.
It was a grueling regimen Erza put her on, and more times than not she ended up bruised and sore in places she didn't know a person could be sore.
She even passed out several times when she tried keeping Virgo and Cancer's gates open at the same time.
On those days, Natsu would buy her ice cream, and he and Happy would join her in watching all the movies/tv shows she wasn't allowed to watch growing up.
Lucy felt stuck with her training. She still couldn't summon two ?fighting/stronger?spirits at once, and apart from being able to hold a single spirit out for several hours without feeling drained and dizzy, she couldn't see much progress.
Erza and Levy kept reassuring her that she has improved greatly since joining the guild, but she just couldn't see it.
To no fault of Erza's, the older girl was relentless in her efforts to train her.
"It's just frustrating you know? I feel like I'm taking one step forward and then two steps back." Lucy vented to the sisters behind the bar.
Lisanna smiled at her reassuringly, patting her hand lightly. "Don't be so hard on yourself Lucy, it's barely been two months since you discovered your magic. Your progress is wondrous, I assure you. You'll get there, some things take time." Lucy wanted to groan at the last statement, it was something Erza told her often while they were sparring.
"I know, but being on a team with those three just makes me feel so inadequate. I'm just slowing them down." She slumped further on the bar counter, hiding her head in her arms.
"You're an idiot if that's what you're worried about. Honestly Lucy I thought you were smarter than that." A loud thud followed by Mira's melodic voice made her look up and see the glass of raspberry lemonade placed in front of her.
"What do you mean?"
She gave the girl a confused look as she straightened and brought the glass closer to her, taking a sip of her beverage.
Mira raised a brow at her, shooting a look at Lisanna who just giggled at her sister.
"Maybe all the training is impairing your critical thinking. You have the potential to be a very powerful mage, like Lis said, your progress is remarkable. Going from not knowing about the magic world to having three powerful keys and knowing how to wield them in less than two months is unprecedented." Mirajane told her, patting her head as she did, Lisanna nodding her head in agreement.
"Don't compare yourself to anyone, you learn and progress at your own pace and that is not a bad thing!" Lisanna added, a kind smile on her face.
Their words made Lucy feel a little better.
She knew she needed to be patient, and usually, Lucy had no problem with waiting for results, she's always been meticulous in everything she's done, and that requires patience.
But there was a feeling that was looming inside of her, something told her she didn't have much time to prepare.
Prepare for what, she didn't know. It was a gut feeling that told her something was coming.
"Lushiiii, help me!" She felt a weight land on her head and raised her arms to steady the cat.
"Happy, are you okay?" The blue exceed jumped from her head into her hands and burrowed into her chest.
"Natsu's being a meanie, he says I can't go on a job with you guys!" Happy cried out, snuggling her as he explained.
"Oh, why would he say that? I didn't even know we were going on a job?" She turned around to try and spot Natsu. "Where is he anyway?" She asked the cat after not seeing his pink hair in the guild hall.
"He said he had a surprise for you and ran off on me. I told you he was a meanie!" Happy pouted, making her laugh.
"You are just as mean as him, you called me fat the other day, and last week you both managed to ruin my kitchen." Lucy retaliated back, shuddering as she remembered walking into her apartment after an afternoon of shopping with the girls, to find her kitchen on fire, Happy and Natsu trying to extinguish it.
They were his flames, so he couldn't eat them. How does that even make sense?
It took them all night to clean everything up, and then Natsu had to repaint one of the walls. Thank the gods none of the appliances were damaged.
"We were trying to make you dinner! Well, Natsu was trying, I told him raw fish is the best way to go, but he insisted to make your favorite. I think he liikes you." Happy defended himself, making Mira and Lisanna giggle at his words.
"I have to agree with that, Happy. I've never seen Natsu bond with anyone as he has with you besides Happy. And I think you like him too." Mira teased her, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she looked at Lucy.
"It's not like that Mira, we're just friends. And Natsu loves everyone in Fairy Tail! Besides, I don't think he even knows the difference between romantic and platonic feelings." Lucy answered, in hopes of getting the older girl's thoughts away from her and Natsu in a romantic way.
"I don't know. He is an idiot, but I think he does like you Lushii. He gets all weird, like you." Happy chippers out as he flies into the air circling the bar.
"I'm not weird! And I am not going to sit here and listen to your nonsense, Levy, and I have research to do." With a small huff, Lucy left them at the bar going to find Levy.
"500 jewels they get together by the end of the year." Mira says.
"No way, Christmas is less than a month away, I say they hook up around summertime." Cana said lowering her barrel as she looked at them, smirking from her end of the bar.
"I think it will take them longer than that.
Lucy seems stubborn, and we all know how dense Natsu can be. So maybe by next Christmas?" Lisanna chimed in.
"You're all wrong. I say after the new year, but before spring." Happy told them as he fell gracefully on the counter.
"I'll take those odds!" Mira said, slapping a few bills on the bar. "Whose in?" She asked with a sinister smirk.
* ********* ********** ********** ********* *
Lucy and Levy have had solid progress with their research regarding her magic, and its history.
With the help of Grampa Crux, Virgo,  Cancer, and even Aquarius at times they have managed to piece together some things.
Her Mother was a descend of the last known line of spirit summoners, who were eradicated by the dark mage Zeref. How and why her mother survived was unknown as the clan she hailed from was killed over 250 years ago. 
They still had no idea why Zeref wanted them all dead.
Lucy did have a suspicion that her spirits were not telling her everything they knew. But every time she confronted them, they would say it wasn't allowed for them to reveal the past to her.
Allowed by whom is the question on Lucy's mind.
After Lullaby commented on her existence as a spirit summoner, she felt like there would be others out there, followers of Zeref, who would want her dead as well.
She didn't voice her fears to anyone, not wanting to sound paranoid. Instead, she kept up with her training and looked for anything she could find concerning the dark mage. 
The texts they read through were old, and most of them were written in runes Lucy had never seen before. Thankfully Levy was well-versed in a multitude of ancient languages.
They found that there was speculation on how her magic worked, some claimed they were descendants of the stars themselves and that was why they come to their aid from the spirit world. 
Others theorized that the very first summoner managed to pull a star from the heavens, and made the very first contract with a spirit.
Lucy also read up on the different types of keys besides gold and silver. There seemed to be an array of different stones, metals, and other materials from which the keys were made, all representing a specific constellation.
Lucy was sad to learn that most of them have been unseen for decades, and she knew the chances of finding one of them were improbable.
Her hand went to her hip, touching the keys that were in a pouch looped around her belt.
"I still can't believe you managed to track down Cancers key, considering there is so little word of anything relating to my magic." Lucy mused as the two girls took a break from their reading.
They were currently sitting in the guild's library. Yes, they had a library. The first time Levy brought her down to where it was located Lucy was in awe, it was beautifully furnished and filled wall to wall with books.
"The man who owned it is a long-time client, I remembered seeing a golden key in his collection at one point. I didn't think anything of it, people collect weird things all the time." Levy shrugged before continuing.
"It was only after we met that I realized it was probably a magical key, I called him and asked if there was anything I could do or find for him to trade with me for the key. He was hesitant, but relented in the end, as I had a book he was looking for and could translate it for him."
"Oh you didn't have to do all of that Lev, you could've told me and I would have bartered for the key myself." Lucy was thrown off by the other girl's kindness, eyes watering and heart clenching at her words.
"I know how much your book collection means to you."
"Don't be silly Lu, I wanted to get you a welcoming gift, besides I had two copies of the book in my possession, and I gave him the more tattered one." She admitted with a sly grin, making Lucy laugh, and move to hug the smaller girl.
"Thank you." She told her, a few tears making their way down her cheeks.
"That's what friends do." Levy told her, as they pulled back and smiled at each other.
"I think we've had enough reading for today. Let's see what Mira's cooking today." Levy said shutting her book and shuffling around picking up the scattered books around the table and putting them back in their place.
"Yeah, let's go." Lucy agreed as she stood to help the bluenette clean up.
* ********* ********** ********** ********* *
The surprise Happy told her about turned out to be a cellphone.
Lucy walked home alone after spending the evening at the guild sitting with Levy at the bar, chatting with her, Mira, and Cana.
It was a little weird to be walking home alone, as Natsu had been by her side since her first day at Fairy Tail and made it a point to walk her home, he's also been sleeping on her couch six out of seven times a week since their job in Clover Town.
She hadn't seen him since they had breakfast that morning, and Happy was nowhere to be found when she emerged from the Library with Levy.
She knew Erza was out on a job, and saw Gray brawling with some of the guys as she left for the night.
Come to think of it, didn't Happy say something about her and Natsu going on a job? Honestly, who knows with those two?
She didn't have to wait long to find them it would seem.
When Lucy made it home, she found the two of them passed out on her couch, thankfully it seems they'd managed not to burn anything this time.
But she could see a wrapped present on her coffee table.
Holding back a smile, Lucy locked her door and moved quietly through the apartment not wanting to wake them up.
As she tiptoed her way to her bedroom, she heard her couch springs groan at a shift in weight.
"Luce?" His voice was husky and deeper than usual from sleep.
Cursing his sensitive ears, Lucy braced herself for the sight of a sleepy and disheveled Natsu. A sight she just couldn't get used to, he looks so soft whenever he wakes up, and Lucy has to fight the urge to cuddle him.
Taking a deep breath she turned to face him.
"Hey. I didn't want to wake you." She said quietly, not wanting to disturb a still sleeping Happy.
"But now that you're awake, um, why exactly, were you asleep on my couch?" She asked him, and he looked around confused as if he forgot they were in her apartment, looked at the couch and the way Happy was snuggled on top of her blanket.
Natsu turned his head to her, scratching the back of his head awkwardly as he sent her a small smile.
"Yeah, Happy was supposed to bring ya back here, but he got distracted by fish and couldn't find you, so we decided to wait for ya to come back home. Didn't think you'd be at the guild this long." He told her, smile widening as he turned to pick up the wrapped box on her coffee table and held it out toward her.
"This is for you." Lucy was taken aback by the fact that he got her a gift.
When Happy mentioned a surprise, she just assumed it was another one of their silly pranks, like the time they stole her mattress to try and get her to go camping with them. Or that they'd try to get her to go fishing with them again.
Taking the present from him, Lucy inspected the box.
The wrapping paper was dark blue, intricately decorated with a variety of constellations, and Lucy wondered where he found it as she traced the start pattern for Hydra, the Sea Serpent. She was also the tiniest bit hesitant as to what he would think a good gift would be.
Knowing Natsu, it could quite literally be anything.
"Christmas is weeks away, I didn't get you anything yet." She pouted slightly, shaking off her hesitation and shock as she moved to sit in one of the armchairs across the couch.
"This isn't your Christmas present ya weirdo, just open it." He sat on the table in front of her, seemingly giddy to see her reaction.
"Okay, okay." Lucy muttered, a small smile on her face as she neatly opened the wrapped package. She could tell Natsu was impatient with her meticulous unwrapping, but the paper was really cute and she didn't want to ruin it.
Inside the box was a phone.
She looked back at Natsu, who was smiling at her. "I already had everyone's number put in. I'm your first speed dial." He told her nonchalantly, but she could see a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Obviously." Lucy nodded, feigning seriousness as she tried to hold back her smile.
She took the phone out of the box and went to turn it on.
"I also got Reedus to add a little surprise, since we don't have any pictures together." He started blustering, his hand moving to scratch the back of his head as he explained.
Her heart clenched as the device came to life and she saw the lock screen.
It was a painting of her, Natsu, and Happy.
The scene was set in a park, they were having a picnic surrounded by a field of Sakura trees, but instead of pink the petals were rainbow and ever-changing.
Lucy's vision started getting blurry as she studied the picture on her screen, Natsu was lying on top of a blanket arms crossed behind his head as he looked up at her.
Lucy sat back on his knees reading a book.
Happy, flying above them, laughing.
She looked up at Natsu, seeing him watching her reaction. "If you don't like it, I kept the receipt so we can go and change it." 
Laughing, Lucy launched herself from the armchair and tackled him into a hug, taking Natsu off guard, sending both of them tumbling to the ground, arms wrapped around each other.
"I love it, thank you Natsu. Not just the phone, thank you for everything." She mumbled into his shirt as they embraced.
His arms tightened around her and she felt him let out a relieved laugh. His nose nuzzled the crown of her head as they lay wrapped around each other on the ground.
He was always so warm, it occurred to Lucy that she never knew how cold she was until his heat embraced her.
They stayed entwined for several heartbeats and just as Lucy started to pull away, a shrill voice broke through the tranquility that enveloped her apartment.
"You liikee each other." Happy shouted as he sprung into the air, white wings carrying him in circles around them.
"Natsu and Lushi sitting in a tree," he started singing and Lucy's whole body turned beet red, with a shriek she lunged for the flying feline.
"Shut it you stupid cat."
Happy only flew higher so she couldn't reach him and continued singing, laughing as Lucy started to chase him around her apartment. "Get back here, and stop with that song or I swear I'll have Cancer cut your fur off!"
"Bwhaaa, Natsu! Save me!" Happy cried as Lucy chased him. "Sorry buddy, you got yourself into this mess." Natsu shrugged, holding back his laughter as he watched them run around the apartment.
Natsu found that he enjoyed seeing Lucy flustered, so he sat back, eager to see who'll win.
* ********* ********** ********** ********* *
Waking up, tumbling out of your hammock is never a good way to start your day.
Natsu couldn't tell you, for the life of him, why he didn't have a proper bed.
When he built this cottage of his, it was to provide the necessary shelter for him and Happy. After all, he spent most of his days scouring Fiore in search of Igneel, so he didn't see a need for a bed.
Rubbing the back of his head, he thinks it might be time to buy one.
Although this is the first night in weeks that he's slept in his house, even though he stayed in Magnolia.
Most nights he ended up on Lucy's couch.
He looked at his clock on his way to the bathroom and saw it was half past twelve.
He could hear his ringtone echoing throughout the house as he showered and washed his teeth, ignoring it for the time being.
"Happy! Wake up buddy, let's go see if Mira has food for us." Natsu called for the cat from the bathroom, his phone still ringing.
"Natsu, Erza is calling you!" He heard the exceed yell back at him.
"Shit." Natsu jerked, thinking back to what he could've done to piss off the redhead.
"Answer it so she doesn't chop my head off!"
"Aye! Natsu's phone." He could hear Erza's voice on the other end, and Natsu stilled as he listened to her words, rushing to get dressed he stumbled into the living room taking the device from Happy.
"What the hell happened?"  He almost growled. "They were left crucified in Magnolia Park. Laki found them on her way to the guild this morning and called the master. They've been transported back to Fairy Tail, Porlyusica is taking care of them."
There was a pause before she continued. "It was Phantom Lord. They left their mark carved into Levi's stomach." Erza gritted out.
"Those bastards are asking for it Erza. I know we've had issues with them but this is going too far."
Natsu spat out as he made his way out of the cottage and towards the guild, Happy following behind him.
There was no risk in anyone seeing him in this part of the woods.
"I know Natsu, we will take charge. I called you to see if you could get Lucy and come to the guild, I can't get a hold of her and Mira hasn't seen her since last night. We need to debrief everyone and strike up a battle plan."
Lucy. She was usually at the guild early in the morning. Though the girls did have some binding-type outing last night so maybe she just slept in.
But Natsu had a bad feeling about this.
"We'll be there soon."
He hung up the phone, not caring for the possible repercussions of hanging up on Erza. He needed to call Lucy, needed to know she was okay.
He was speeding his way through the woods in the direction of her apartment, as he waited for her to answer.
"Did you just wake up? Because if you want breakfast we can go to the guild, you raided my refrigerator on Tuesday and I still haven't been grocery shopping." Her voice mused through the phone, and Natsu felt himself relax at the sound of her voice.
She was safe.
"Why aren't you answering your phone? Erza tried callin'. There's been an attack, a rival guild went after Jet, Droy, and Levy. Everyone is gathering in the Fairy Tail."He heard a gasp and then shuffling from the other end of the phone. "I can be there in 20 minutes." He heard her say.
"No!" Natsu shouted. "No, stay where you are, I'm on my way."
"I can make it to the guild on my own, don't worry, I'll see you there." Lucy brushed him off.
"Lucy, please. We don't know what they want, or why they attacked us. Just stay put and I'll be there in 10." It wasn't like him to be reasonable, but he found himself feeling and acting all sorts of ways since meeting the blonde.
It's an odd thing, to be mindful and think things through.
It was the use of her name as opposed to the nickname name he insisted on calling her, and the grave, almost pleading tone in his voice that got her to agree.
"Just hurry up, I want to see Levy. I can't believe someone would do something like this." Natsu finally got to the edge of the woods and made his way to Lucy's apartment. "Don't worry Luce, we'll get them! Now stay where you are, I'm on my way."
He heard her small 'Okay' as they disconnected the call.
Turning around, Natsu grabbed Happy, hiding him under his jacket, and continued to race towards Lucy.
He realized something was wrong the second he was outside of her apartment. The smell of magic was in the air and Natsu knew, somehow, that he wouldn't find Lucy inside.
He went in anyway and found the whole place a mess. Happy flew out of his coat and looked around the apartment with him, searching for answers.
The rooms were flooded, drawers opened and the contents were scattered everywhere. There were obvious signs of a struggle in the bedroom.
He could smell Lucy and her residual magic, along with a scent he wasn't familiar with. It was odd, almost like when you approach a lake, mixed with the smell of rain.
Cursing Natsu tried to rein his anger before he set fire to Lucy's apartment.
He gave himself one minute to control his emotions before he jumped out Lucy's window and ran to the guild, leaving Happy behind in his haste.
He made his way there in record time, almost positive he knocked over a couple of civilians, but he couldn't bother with that now.
Bursting through the guild doors, the wood hit the wall with a bang, making everyone present look at him, panting and eyes wild.
"They took Lucy."
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sad-scribble · 2 years
the true genders:
Male Female RAT Danish Venezuela K-Mart™️ Dick's Sporting Goods™️ Goggobite Hamburg Cheeseburg Borb Gorb Pay Less Shoes™️ Vampire Warewolf Thing™️ Clinically Insane but a Blorbo Clinically insane but Just Insane Kidney Donor 5 Gay Rats 7 and a Half Men Trans (Either) None Other Prefer Not to Say (Coward)
Other Genders Include: Home Owners Association of Vicksburg, Virginia Gaylord, Michigan Hell, Michigan Hell, Norway Wal-Mart Super Centers Ararcho-Anarchist 1800-588-2300 Empire Today™️ Bob Ross Chia Pet Red Beans and Rice Ikea Cafeteria Worker Indiana Resident Bermuda Triangle 5th Grader 6th grader High School Freshman High School Senior Mesothelioma Domino's App, Featuring, Hatsune Miku™️ Play-Doh Monstrosity Made of Origami Yucatan Peninsula Cuba Ancient Roman Norse Mythological Being It™️ Other Other.
Other Other Genders Include: Battle Cat 277 English Men named Gary 1 Child named Gerry 16 South African Children Home Owners Associations of Ottawa Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Louisiana Gumbo Mississippi North Texan Oklahoma Panhandle Native American God Cancer (Star Sign of Crab) Cancer (Disease) Lobster Shrimp Fried Rice Waddle Dee Amalgamation of the Fears of the Next Person you Meet Lusty Argonian Maid Köttbullar Chicken Noodle Soup Served Hot and Fresh on December 17th, 1942 Sheep Goat Goat Simulator Goat Simulation Skeleton Skeleton but Cooler David Shy Guy Secure Contain Protect Red Man™️ Omori Player Hard Boiled Egg Other Other Other
Other Other Other Genders Include: Me! :-) Green Man™️ Bangkok, Thailand Shay's Rebellion Alexander Hamilton's Husband Alexander Hamilton's Wife Scottish Dr. Pepper Dr. Bright Tumblr User Fly Swatter Pepsi Cola™️ Nestle™️ Swiss National Banks Federal Reserve Fallout 76 SCP-035 John Garfield (President of the United States) Garfield (Cat) Narrator from Stanley Parable™️ Every Kiss Begins with Kay™️ Everybody Wants to Rule the World Madagascar (Movie Series) Madagascar (Island) Elephant 2 Trucks Isle of Man Dos Islas Del Caribe French SCP-049 New South Wales Rochester, New York Swedish Meatballs Effects of Male Pattern Baldness on Italians 9Gag User Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Floridian South Texan Black Beans and Rice Other Other Other Other
Other Other Other Other Genders Include: Pepperoni Shakespeare's Play, Macbeth Beowulf Homer (Simpson) Homer (Author) Political Candidate German Polish Femboy 67 Children with Knives A Hamster Spinning a Wheel in Someone's Head FemMAN Dos Amigos Restaurant Chains North Sentinel Island Odin Ice Giant Skylander Disney Infinity™️ Guitar Hero Nintendo Wii Spaghetti Tacos Jerusalem Crème Brule Humunculous Spanish At Least 31 Years Old MIT Graduate BenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenrey Hey! Listen!
Celeste Flying Spaghetti Monster The Computer from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Target™️ SCP-079 Oyster Pirate Ninja Robot from the Future Robot The Thing™️ Blob 1990's Rendered 3D Sphere Youtube Poop Mist Flying Chinchilla Gingi Robot Chicken
what you want more?
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unfunnyaceartist · 6 months
"Something a little bit morbidly ironic, my grandmother Uh, she was a Cancer and She was actually killed by a giant crab"
Bo Burnham
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krinsbez · 10 months
An Original Concept: Dr. Nero Nefariex
Dr. Nero Nefariex is the CEO and founder of Nefariex Organized Experiments, Incorporated, commonly referred to as NOX Inc. He's quite popular with the media, who love talking about his unique sense of humor.
Which pisses him off royally. When he says he's a mad scientist, he's not joking. When he says he wants to take over the world, he isn't speaking metaphorically. When he mentions that he likes to shoot people just to watch them die, he isn't making a Johnny Cash reference. He is 100% serious, and he's getting really tired of people refusing to acknowledge.
The happiest moment of his life is seeing the looks on the cursed reporters' faces when he reveals his master piece: Project CANCER, which is not, as the idiots in the media speculated, a revolutionary cancer treatment. No, it is instead an army of genetically-engineered, cybernetically-enhanced, GIANT TELEPORTING LASER-CRABS under his complete control, which he has unleashed against the world's major cities.
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