#capricorn decanates
inlakinslabyrinth · 1 year
The Three Decans of Each Zodiac Sign
One concept that is often overlooked in astrological discussions is that of the decans. But what exactly are these decans, and how are they used in astrology? In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of the decans and explore their significance within each of the twelve zodiac signs and how the decans change the game. To understand how a decan plays a part in each of the zodiac…
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deificdahlia · 3 months
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🌿🌕 Capricorn Full Moon 🌕🌿
Today’s full moon reached its peak at 1° Capricorn in the Jupiter ✨ ♃ ✨ decan (triplicity) ~A Headless Body~ and in the Mercury bound of the sign.
The Omega symbol associated with this degree is “A painting which causes those who see it to become silent." ✨ This degree has a unique ability to inspire deep insights in others, often effortlessly. It's about cutting through the noise to reveal simple, profound truths that help us see things in a whole new light.
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This lunar phase has traditionally been referred to by the native Algonquian, Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota people as a signifier of the ripening strawberries. It is also known as the "Dyad Moon," as a nod to the Gemini season and its representation of pairs or twins. This Full Moon offers us an opportunity to set long-term goals, practice grounding, release old patterns, and perform cleansing and healing ceremonies, while also celebrating abundance and honoring the lunar energy.
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The Capricorn Full Moon brings a powerful mix of practical and transformative energies. Dwarf planets Ixion, Varda, and Quaoar are conjunct Luna, highlighting themes of personal transformation, newfound clarity, and creative breakthroughs. Centaur Pholus and asteroid Isis are also conjunct the Moon, bringing themes of deep healing and the release of old wounds, both personal and ancestral. Beloved dwarf planet Haumea appears in a sextile with the Moon, fostering creativity and fertility, while dwarf planet Chaos opposes Luna next to the Sun, introducing an element of unpredictability and the potential for new beginnings from disruption. Centaur Asbolus is at the same degree as the Sun, in opposition to the Moon, encouraging a process of introspection, purification, and deep understanding.
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Jasmine is closely associated with Capricorn's elegance, resilience, and depth. Known for its delicate, fragrant white blossoms, jasmine symbolizes purity and modesty, aligning with Capricorn's refined and driven nature. Despite its fragile appearance, jasmine thrives in various conditions, mirroring Capricorn's ability to endure challenges with quiet strength.
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astrologged · 2 years
Decans of Taurus
Each zodiac sign can be divided into three parts, called decans, with each decan being ruled by a different planet and possessing its own unique qualities.
1st Decan of Taurus (April 20 - April 30) Ruled by Venus, the first decan of Taurus is associated with patience, stability, and a love of beauty. Those born under this decan are likely to have strong aesthetic sensibilities and appreciate the finer things in life. They can be stubborn and resistant to change, but are also very dependable and reliable.
2nd Decan of Taurus (May 1 - May 10) This decan is ruled by Mercury and is associated with intellect, communication, and practicality. Those born under this decan are likely to be good problem-solvers and have a talent for finding creative solutions. They can also be quite practical and logical, but may struggle with indecision.
3rd Decan of Taurus (May 11 - May 20) This decan is ruled by Saturn and is associated with discipline, structure, and ambition. Those born under this decan are likely to be hardworking and focused on achieving their goals, but may struggle with a tendency towards pessimism or melancholy. They can also be very loyal and dependable friends.
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Part two, more using link in my bio ☁️
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Let’s talk about: Astrology, Energetic and Elemental Overview
Guys, phew. I know there is still one reading I’m completing (I haven’t forgotten person in my dms, I have half left still but I will get it to you), but also on yesterday’s full moon I was approached by a coworker and asked for an astrology chart reading. So I’m in astrology brain mode. I wasn’t planning to do a post tonight, but now my energy is all ramped and I always hate when I miss doing long posts for a few days.
**Please note, I kind of read what intuitively feels right to me. I don’t necessarily follow all conventions. Just like the rest of my blog, this is how I’ve interpreted astrology and you can choose to view it differently. **
What is Astrology?
Astrology is the study of cosmic placements at the time of birth. There are numerous ways to calculate the birth chart/natal chart and other charts, and various perspectives through which to view astrology. I personally look at astrology as a tool to understand energy dynamics at play within ourselves, how that energy plays with others, and the collective. I use western astrology, specifically tropical, and I don’t use the whole house system.
Planetary overview:
Sun, rules Leo and 5th house, planet of the personality
Moon, rules Cancer and the 4th house, planet of the emotions and the inner self
Mercury, rules Gemini (3rd house) and Virgo (6th house), planet of the mind, rituals and physical health
Venus, rules Libra and the 7th house, planet of love, relationships, art and beauty **I know Venus typically also rules Taurus but I’ve decided that Taurus is ruled by earth, as that feels right to me energetically**
Mars, rules Aries and 1st house, planet of assertion and aggression. **I know it traditionally rules Scorpio too, but I usually drop mars from scorpio**
Jupiter, rules Sagittarius and 9th house, planet of expansion **I know it traditionally rules Pisces as well, but I drop it from Pisces**
Saturn, rules Capricorn and the 10th house, planet of discipline and order **I know it traditionally rules Aquarius too, but I usually drop it from Aquarius**
Uranus, rules Aquarius and the 11th house, planet of innovation
Neptune, rules Pisces and the 12th house, planet of the unseen
Pluto, rules Scorpio and the 8th house, planet of transformation
Earth, rules Taurus and the 2nd house, planet of material resources **In esoteric astrology the earth is opposite the sun sign in your chart. In esoteric astrology earth doesn’t rule Taurus but I’ve always felt like Taurus is the most concentrated earth energy and doesn’t really align with Venus energy, so this is just how I like to read, an amalgamation of pieces that work for me**
Modalities explain how the energy is felt. For example, I’ll use the element of water. Mutable energy feels more expansive and is more dispersed so it feels like mist. Cardinal energy is action oriented and feels like a direct stream of water. Fixed energy is heavier and slower movement and feels like ice.
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces)
Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn)
Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius)
In astrology, there are four elements— Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Air and Fire are considered more dominant and assertive while Water and Earth are considered more passive and receptive. **Elements in astrology also align with the four suits in Tarot**
Air, rules the mind and the signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Fire, rules action and the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
Water, rules the emotions and the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Earth, rules resources and the signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
Opposite signs:
Each sign has an opposite sign. Opposite signs are said to have similar goals and needs but they pursue them in completely different ways. We can learn a lot from opposite signs but there can also be tension and a struggle to understand each other.
Aries opposite Libra
Taurus opposite Scorpio
Gemini opposite Sagittarius
Cancer opposite Capricorn
Leo opposite Aquarius
Virgo opposite Pisces
Notice that they share the same modality and element is in the same energy of either reception or assertion.
Okay so when TikTokers say you’re a May Taurus or April Taurus, it’s for fun but let’s explain what’s the energy behind the differences.
Each sign has thirty degrees. Based on planetary placement within a sign, that planet will also be within a decan of the element the sign is in. A decan gives that planet a little edge of the sign and planet ruling the decan. You start with the sign and follow it in order.
Astrological order is (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) **Note their order is also their house number.**
Aries: Decan 1 (0- 10 degrees) Aries, Decan 2 (11-20 degrees) Leo, Decan 3 (21-30 degrees) Sagittarius
Taurus: Decan 1 (0-10 degrees) Taurus, Decan 2 (11-20 degrees) Virgo, Decan 3 (21-30 degrees) Capricorn
Gemini: Decan 1 (0-10 degrees) Gemini, Decan 2 (11-20 degrees) Libra, Decan 3 (21-30 degrees) Aquarius
Cancer: Decan 1 (0-10 degrees) Cancer, Decan 2 (11-20 degrees) Scorpio, Decan 3 (21-30 degrees) Pisces
I think you get the gist! I know there’s a ton of stuff to cover in astrology but it’s gonna have to be broken up! I hope to go more into houses and chart layout next astrology post.
Cafe Astrology | Astro.com
Astrology inspired songs:
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abwatt · 2 years
Sun in Capricorn I - Asklepios
The Sun reaches the Solstice at 4:48 pm on 21 December 2022, in Capricorn I, the Headless Body — in the past as now, a season of feasting & celebration, for finding health & happiness even in a challenging season. How will you be merry despite darkness?
The Sun enters Capricorn I on 21 December 2022 at 4:48 pm EST with the Sun just below the horizon in the decan which Austin Coppock called The Headless Body. T. Susan Chang also notes that this decan is associated with the two of pentacles in the Tarot — a card which to my mind is often about balancing both income and expenses in a never-ending fool’s errand. This is the moment of the winter…
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irrevasazim · 23 days
🔮 Court Card Decans for Dummies ✨
While court cards can symbolize actual people in our lives they can also be interpreted as egregores whose personalities are derived from their associations within the zodiac. We'll look at what those associations and how to easily remember what the guiding energy these children of the stars represents in today's tidbit.
Tarot featured Rider Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite & Pamela Colman Smith
Music Provided by Ringing Pyramid
Come join your friendly neighborhood Satanist for a tarot reading LIVE on Twitch evenings 7PM-9PM EST
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harmoonix · 6 months
How to activate your VENUS sign!
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* Activating your Venus sign plays a major role in how you love yourself and how you see your own self, is also giving you a big glow up when it comes to confidence and self worth*
1. Start to read about things that are associated with your Venus placement, you can start by wearing colors (clothes) related with your Venus sign;
Aries Venus - Red
Taurus Venus - Pink
Gemini Venus - Yellow
Cancer Venus - White
Leo Venus - Blue
Virgo Venus - Brown/Beige
Libra Venus - Baby Pink
Scorpio Venus - Black
Sagittarius Venus - Purple
Capricorn Venus - Burgundy
Aquarius Venus - Turquoise
Pisces Venus - Dark Green
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2. Your Sign of Venus shows how does it manifest
Aries Venus - Through Confidence/Leadership
Taurus Venus - Through Generosity
Gemini Venus - Through Expressions
Cancer Venus - Through Feelings
Leo Venus - Through Passion
Virgo Venus - Through Service/Through Devotion
Libra Venus - Through Emotions
Scorpio Venus - Through Rebirth
Sagittarius Venus - Through Discovery
Capricorn Venus - Through Respect
Aquarius Venus - Through Community
Pisces Venus - Through Empathy
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3. How your Venus manifests and activates in houses:
Venus 1H > Focus on yourself/loving yourself/things that make you happy
Venus in the 2H > Focus on your worth/value/finances
Venus in the 3rd > Focus on your inner mind/intelligence and creativity
Venus in the 4H > Focus on those dear to you, on your home, on your comfort zone
Venus in the 5H > Focus on your passions/desires/talents and your own happiness
Venus in the 6H > Focus on your mental health, your daily work/service, focus on creating a balance between work and yourself
Venus in the 7H > Focus on your partner/lover (if you don't have focus on loving yourself first before sharing your love to others),
Venus in the 8H > Focus on your healing time, focus on things that make you learn more, focus on things that give you life
Venus in the 9H > Focus on your faith/religion/culture, focus on traveling and trying new things, focus in learning
Venus in the 10H > Focus on your career, on your job/community, focus on material succes and on your self image
Venus in the 11H > Focus on your friends/friendships, social communities, focus on humanitarian activities/focus on creating new boundings with people
Venus in the 12H > Focus on your sleep (schedule), subconscious, intuition, spirituality, focus on your karmic path
4. FOCUS on your VENUS DECAN! Your Venus Decan is very important and it shows how your Venus is combined and mixed with the others
For this post search the degrees and sign of your Venus and identify their ruler, in the end that planet is combined with your Venus!!
Note: If you have your Venus in Libra or Taurus between 0° - 10° your Venus is most dominant here the other planets don't interact much with these ones!
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- Hope this helped you as a start of how to activate your Venus guys🌄🌄🌄 Harmoonix
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joecrow · 2 years
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Hail unto thee, EPIKhNAUS, masked man of secrets, 3rd of Capricorn, 30th of the Decans of the Firmament!
Yet another of my decanic images; maybe less baroque than some of the other folks in this line. Just a dude in a mask and a girdle, holding an arrow and a vial.
…I really wish Austin Coppock would get off his ass and re-issue 36 FACES. It’s hard to find good magically inclined info on the Decans.
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zerdoux · 2 years
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venusiancharisma · 5 months
Ancient Astrology & The 2nd House
The 2nd house in astrology, also known as the House of Value, is associated with an individual's material possessions, financial resources, and personal values. This house represents how an individual earns, spends, and manages their money, as well as their attitudes towards wealth, security, and self-worth.
In ancient Babylonian astrology, the 2nd house was known as the "House of Possessions" and was associated with an individual's material wealth, movable assets, and the ability to accumulate resources. The ancient Babylonians believed that the planet ruling the sign on the cusp of the 2nd house would have a significant influence on an individual's financial prospects and material well-being.
In Hellenistic astrology, the 2nd house was known as the "Gate of Hades" and was associated with an individual's material resources, as well as their ability to sustain themselves and others. It was believed that the 2nd house represented the resources that an individual brought with them into this life, as well as the resources they would take with them into the afterlife.
In medieval astrology, the 2nd house was known as the "House of Substance" and was associated with an individual's movable possessions, such as money, jewelry, and livestock. It was believed that the 2nd house represented an individual's ability to acquire and maintain wealth, as well as their attitudes towards material possessions and financial security.
In modern Western astrology, the 2nd house is still associated with an individual's financial resources, material possessions, and personal values. It represents an individual's earning potential, spending habits, and attitudes towards money and material security. The 2nd house is also associated with an individual's self-worth and the value they place on themselves and their abilities.
The 2nd house is divided into three decans, each with its own unique symbolism and meaning. The first decan of the 2nd house (0-10 degrees) is associated with the Taurus archetype and represents an individual's ability to accumulate wealth and resources through hard work, perseverance, and practicality. This decan is associated with the tarot card The Hierophant, which symbolizes tradition, structure, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills.
The second decan of the 2nd house (10-20 degrees) is associated with the Virgo archetype and represents an individual's ability to manage their resources through careful planning, organization, and attention to detail. This decan is associated with the tarot card The Hermit, which symbolizes introspection, self-sufficiency, and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.
The third decan of the 2nd house (20-30 degrees) is associated with the Capricorn archetype and represents an individual's ability to achieve financial success and material security through ambition, discipline, and a strong work ethic. This decan is associated with the tarot card The Devil, which symbolizes materialism, temptation, and the need to overcome obstacles and limitations.
In addition to the decans, there are several other important aspects of the 2nd house to consider. The planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the 2nd house is known as the ruler of the 2nd house and is considered to have a significant influence on an individual's financial prospects and attitudes towards money and material possessions. For example, if Taurus is on the cusp of the 2nd house, Venus will be the ruler of the 2nd house, and the individual's financial attitudes and behaviors will be heavily influenced by Venusian qualities such as a love of luxury, a desire for stability and security, and an appreciation for beauty and aesthetics.
Any planets that are located in the 2nd house are also considered to have a strong influence on an individual's financial attitudes and behaviors. For example, if Jupiter is in the 2nd house, the individual may have a tendency towards excessive spending or a belief in the abundance of the universe. If Saturn is in the 2nd house, the individual may have a more cautious or frugal approach to money and may prioritize long-term financial security over short-term gains.
The aspects that planets in the 2nd house make to other planets in the chart can also provide important insights into an individual's financial attitudes and behaviors. For example, if Venus in the 2nd house makes a trine aspect to Jupiter in the 6th house, the individual may have a talent for combining their creative talents with practical skills to generate income and achieve financial success.
In Vedic astrology, the 2nd house is known as the "Dhana Bhava" or "House of Wealth" and is associated with an individual's financial resources, movable assets, and the ability to earn and accumulate wealth. The planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the 2nd house is known as the 2nd house lord and is considered to have a significant influence on an individual's financial prospects and attitudes towards money and material possessions.
In Chinese astrology, the 2nd house is associated with an individual's resources, talents, and abilities, as well as their capacity for generating wealth and achieving material success. The sign on the cusp of the 2nd house and any planets located within the house are believed to have a significant impact on an individual's financial prospects and attitudes towards money and material possessions.
In addition to the astrological associations, the 2nd house is also connected to several other areas of life, including an individual's values, self-esteem, and personal talents and abilities. The 2nd house represents the resources that an individual has at their disposal, both tangible and intangible, and how they choose to use those resources to create a sense of security, comfort, and fulfillment in their lives.
The 2nd house is also connected to an individual's early experiences with money and material possessions, as well as their family's attitudes towards wealth and financial security. These early experiences and influences can have a significant impact on an individual's own attitudes and behaviors around money and material possessions, and may be reflected in the placement of planets and signs in the 2nd house.
Overall, the 2nd house in astrology is a complex and multifaceted area of the chart that represents an individual's financial resources, material possessions, personal values, and attitudes towards wealth and security. By understanding the symbolism and meaning of the 2nd house, as well as its associated planets, signs, and aspects, astrologers can gain valuable insights into an individual's financial prospects, spending habits, and overall relationship with money and material possessions.
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plutonian-moon · 2 years
random astrology observations p1 ! 🎧 ☆°
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take what resonates leave what doesn't !!
8H moons can have toxic relationship with mother figure, here mother can be very intense, possesive and controlling (scorpio moons and moon-pluto (hard aspects) can relate too) ☆°
nemesis (128) is a asteroid that can tell u about ur enemies for example nemesis in 1st house can be their own enemie (i have this and its hard lol) ☆°
8H venus/scorpio venus/venus-pluto (hard aspects) are very obssesive lovers but they can also attract so many obssesive lovers and also people that can be jealousy of them ☆°
if u dont relate to a specific placement/s in ur natal chart then u can look at ur persona charts for example u dont rlly relate to ur moon sign even to the aspects, house, degrees etc then u have to look at ur moon sign in ur moon persona chart bc its like ur second moon sign ! and u can see if u relate (also looking at ur sun sign here can be important and yes ur sun sign and deegres will be not changing and if u have a pisces moon 20° for example in ur natal chart then in ur moon persona chart u will have pisces sun 20° BUT here house position and aspects changes so u can look at this ! ☆°
if u dont have any 1H placements in natal chart and ur beauty dont fit the rising sign (remember to look at ur deegres, aspects, decans and chart ruler!) then u can look at ur asc persona chart asc + sun position and if u have any 1H placements there bc they can tell abt ur type of beauty i give myself as a example bc in my asc persona chart i do have virgo rising 20° with 1H moon, 1H venus and 1H saturn (in whole sign tho bc in placidus its in 12th house but i use both whole sign and placidus so yeah lol) and people assume that i am a virgo or i have a virgo placements but i dont have in my natal chart any virgo placement/s lmao so i was thinking always from what this can comes from + also people tend to think that i am a cancer rising or even libra/taurus rising or capricorn and yeah here i can see why ☆°
alsooo pls look at ur chart ruler persona chart bc its can tell u so much abt ur personality traits etc ! i sometimes think of this as ur second birth chart looll i have in my chart ruler 12H stellium with 1H neptune and 1H chiron with mercury conjunction pluto + asc conjunction pluto hehe so powerful i lov this sm ☆°
anyways i notice that 12H placements love sleeping its can be their literally hobby lmao .. pisces/neptune dominants/stelliums can relate too ! ☆°
sun conjunction mercury are so talktive and if they dont have afficted sun or mercury then they tend to have great communicative skills ! but they can like gossip alot ☆°
5H uranus are so fucking creative and have the most unique interests ☆°
mutable mercurys or risings can have fluid personalitys its literally can depends of the people that they meet they tend to not even notice that they can have change in personalitys to different peoples ☆°
4H pluto/scorpio IC can come from home that they dont feel safe in and they can experience even abuse in childhood awh :( i wanna huggg yall!!! i have in my IC/4H persona chart my pluto in 4th house so i understand yall btw we need a support group !! 😩😩 ☆°
lilith 1H/lilith-asc (conjunctions/squares/oppositions) or 1st house pluto/scorpio risings/pluto-asc (conjunctions, squares/oppositions) are very magnetic and powerful peoples but in worse cases these peoples can attracted many unwanted attention and be sexualized .. or they can getting alot of comments abt their body .. :/ ☆°
4H venus, 4H jupiter, IC libra, IC taurus and IC sag can have pretty house or they can have a good relationship with their parents BUT !!! if afficted or if this person have also malefic in 4H then its not gonna be like that ! (i have 4H venus so u can think that i have unproblematic childhood etc) but its not true i have 4H chiron, 4H neptune, 4H uranus, afficted moon in 8H, moon opposition pluto, sun opposition saturn, 8H saturn, 12H ruler in 4H pisces venus... that is squaring my poor 1H pluto and i have in IC/4H house persona chart 4H pluto with 4H saturn and my childhood was very bad so yeah always look at everything in ur birth chart bc theres so many things to look at and if u will look at only one placement and ur not gonna look at the aspects, degrees, decans, rulers of houses then its not gonna work :p ! ☆°
virgo placements are so comfy to be with !!! and yall reminders me of a plant mom and nature lovers !!! also virgo placements can be a big cats lovers (scorpio placements too!) ☆°
pisces venus/7H neptune/venus-neptune (hard aspects)/5H neptune, venus in pisces decan and sometimes even pisces deegres in venus (12° + 24°) are people who tend to attract many fake ass cheaters peoples to their love life also peoples with addictions or with mental health problems but they can also attract peoples who are artists or are interested in art ! also musicans ! but plz be careful and try to not ignore red flags :( bc u can giving so much in love even if its bad for ur mental health plz take care of urself ily/p ☆
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ninelivesastrology · 3 months
Every zodiac sign has three faces (or decans). For each face, there is a card of the Minor Arcana that corresponds to it. Each card is ruled by a traditional planet.
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Aries I: Two of Wands (Mars)
Aries II: Three of Wands (Sun)
Aries III: Four of Wands (Venus)
Leo I: Five of Wands (Saturn)
Leo II: Six of Wands (Jupiter)
Leo III: Seven of Wands (Mars)
Sagittarius I: Eight of Wands (Mercury)
Sagittarius II: Nine of Wands (Moon)
Sagittarius III: Ten of Wands (Saturn)
Cancer I: Two of Cups (Venus)
Cancer II: Three of Cups (Mercury)
Cancer III: Four of Cups (Moon)
Scorpio I: Five of Cups (Mars)
Scorpio II: Six of Cups (Sun)
Scorpio III: Seven of Cups (Venus)
Pisces I: Eight of Cups (Saturn)
Pisces II: Nine of Cups (Jupiter)
Pisces III: Ten of Cups (Mars)
Libra I: Two of Swords (Moon)
Libra II: Three of Swords (Saturn)
Libra III: Four of Swords (Jupiter)
Aquarius I: Five of Swords (Venus)
Aquarius II: Six of Swords (Mercury)
Aquarius III: Seven of Swords (Moon)
Gemini I: Eight of Swords (Jupiter)
Gemini II: Nine of Swords (Mars)
Gemini III: Ten of Swords (Sun)
Capricorn I: Two of Pentacles (Jupiter)
Capricorn II: Three of Pentacles (Mars)
Capricorn III: Four of Pentacles (Sun)
Taurus I: Five of Pentacles (Mercury)
Taurus II: Six of Pentacles (Moon)
Taurus III: Seven of Pentacles (Saturn)
Virgo I: Eight of Pentacles (Sun)
Virgo II: Nine of Pentacles (Venus)
Virgo III: Ten of Pentacles (Mercury)
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teopatra · 8 months
Decans in astrology are
- 0° - 10° (first week of the season)
- 10° - 20° (second week of the season)
- 20° - 30° (third week of the season)
For example: January 15th, 2024 the sun is 24° of Capricorn making it the third decan of Capricorn
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santoschristos · 9 months
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Sirius Gateway
In some ancient cultures, it was believed that souls passed through Sirius in order to access heaven.
Many ancient cities were built in alignment with Sirius as it was believed that the vibrations of this huge star could reign down and deliver higher frequencies to help in the advancement of life on Earth.
Sirius is also believed to be home to highly advanced beings that have access to strong intuitive and psychic abilities as well as radically advanced technology.
Many people from planet Earth feel a strange connection with Sirius or that Sirius could have once been their home in a previous or parallel life. --Forever Conscious
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Three of Disks - Works Binah in the Tree of LifeTree of Life: Binah through Earth
Astrology: Mars in the 2. decan of Capricorn The Three of Disks enters Binah, the fields of understanding and perception, initiatiing the process where the project that began in the Two of Disks is viewed and understood against its surrounding i.e. in its completion.. Drive: Manifestation, understanding
Light: Progress, cristallisation, increase of substance,
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abwatt · 2 years
Sun in Capricorn III — Tolma
Tolma, the goddess of daring action, rules #January 10-20, 2023, as the $Sun passes through #Capricorn III "The Throne". What messages does the king have for his chamberlain? What will you do in your own name to bring order and purpose to your life?
The Sun enters Capricorn III, The Throne, on January 10, 2023, at 7:52 am EST — with the Sun just above the horizon, this is a day chart in which the Sun is dignified by decan, suggestive of the daring or courage which we must show un order to brave the winter. The ancient Alexandrians and Romans looked to Tolma, or Daring/Courage, at this time of year. Tolma was the goddess of daring or…
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