#card manor
card-manor · 5 months
The girls arriving to the Devildom
|| assuming different timelines
Mad, frustrated and confused, but none of that really mattered in that moment-
“Send me back!”
“We can’t do that, you’ve agreed to join the exchange-“
“No no! I left a fire on!”
Alice is sent back to her study for just long enough to turn off the bunsen burner and shut off all the power from the main breaker, just in case. Before she can throw together a bag, she’s pulled back to the Devildom.
Now without having to worry about her house burning down, Alice can stand still long enough to listen to the welcome speech and simmer in her rage.
She mulls over the injustice of it all for a few days, anger coming to a boiling point when yet again she gets not-so-passive aggressively slammed into her locker between classes.
Fucking isekai ass program
But, despite her better judgement, she finds herself obsessing over her classes- now 4 chapters deep into her alchemy textbook before the first week is over. Entirely new fields of science were hers to explore, undiluted and unregulated chemicals readily available
If nothing else, she was going to have f-u-n this year
Resigned but can’t deny the excitement bubbling underneath. Or maybe it’s hysteria, it’s a little hard to tell.
She listens to the prepared speech, only growing a little reluctant when calling Mammon and hearing him swear up a storm over having to keep watch over her. He comes to lead her back to the dorms, but she hesitantly raises her hand, unsure of the protocol. Amused, Lord Diavolo beckons her to speak.
“If I may be so bold, could I be returned to the human realm for a bit? There are some things I need to handle if I’m going to be away for so long, but I only need 4 hours.”
Lord Diavolo initially denies her request, but Carmafe has experience in diplomacy. She argues her point for a few minutes and it impresses (or amuses) Lord Diavolo enough that he allows her to return for 2 hours. She catches sight of the men with gloves standing next to each other, one indifferent, one irate, and knew this was going to be a one time request so she better make it account.
Having recently completed her final job, and since she hadn’t accepted any new contracts yet, it only took 30 minutes for Carmafe to set up an automated message saying she would be unavailable for the foreseeable future and set up a mailing list for her return.
The next 30 minutes were a mass phone call to her 4 friends, telling them she would be MIA for a while and asking them to take care of her house while she was gone. Since she wasn’t allowed to tell them about the exchange program, 25 of those 30 minutes were spent reassuring them that she wasn’t actually going to just off herself and call it a one year vacation.
She uses the last hour to cram as much as she can into her suitcase. Bottles of body soap, toothbrushes, toothpase, first aid supplies, essentials. Near the end, 3 sets of clothes, hoodies, and her favorite novel for comfort. Right as she zips up the suitcase and straightens up, she’s back in the devildom with her audience of 8.
“Thank you for the honor, I’m excited to start the school year..”
Tries to jump out of the window
LISTEN, she came out of an unexpected sleep only to be surrounded by 7 super tall and buff men in a meeting hall she doesnt recognize? Absolutely not, this is how you lose your organs.
She doesn’t make it far, getting yanked back down to the ground by a dude with gloves and dark red eyes. “Lord Diavolo” gets Lucifer to drop her, and after giving Danny a minute to get oriented, goes through the whole “exchange program” spiel.
The knowledge that everyone and everything here would be capable and willing to kill her was not lost on Danny, but she has to admit, the concept of a demon school and magic was far too enticing to worry over the logistics for too long.
Annoys Mammon on the walk to the House Of Lamentation by openly staring at everything and trying to touch every plant on the walk over, accumulating 10 cuts and scrapes by the time they’re through the gate.
Excitement is quickly shot down when she walks into her room and realizes she only has 2 uniforms, a toothbrush, some toothpaste, and the clothes on her back to her name.
Gaslighting 101 and “Cook and clean for 7 messy guys? No paycheck? No thanks!”
“I never signed the agreement.”
“Yes, you did.”
“No I didn’t.”
“You quite literally did.”
“That’s not how I write my signature.”
Honestly unsure what to make of her situation, but ultimately decides to roll with it. Flirts with Asmo, and has to keep the smirk off her face when he’s surprised that his powers don’t work on her.
Super grateful to see that her bedroom door has double locks but already has plans to install a full security system and tinkers with the phone that was given to her.
Pure confusion, but not about to fight her way out of this.
Puts up the least amount of fight but has a sense of wonder and intrigue at the prospect of magic and returning to school.
Doesn’t let Mammon abandon her when levi starts demanding money, she sees his plan coming a mile away and sneaks off to her room before either man can realize she’s gone.
School! School…. School.
In the silence of her room, the reality of her situation threatens to overwhelm her and instead of lingering on her anxiety, Roxie starts to reorganize and take inventory of her borrowed room. Thankfully, they seem to forget she’s in the house and no one calls her down to dinner.
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niuttuc · 8 months
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Come play magic: the gathering! You can run psychological experiments and game theory concepts through your fellow players.
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r3dvlvet · 2 days
I love Gorgug being generally nonplused by what’s happening to him or at least attempting to be in front of all of these adults, having a fun barbarian buddy moment with Barry, etc - but then immediately being like “Principal Aguefort what the actual fuck was that?!?! Why am I the one doing the grunt work here?!?” Once everyone was gone
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furoraruart · 4 months
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Gracey Manor themed tarot Cards (part 05): III - The Empress 🕯
Upright: Motherhood | fertility | nature
REVERSED: Dependence | smothering | emptiness | nosiness
Character: Emily Cavenaugh
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bradfordbuzzard · 2 months
Disney Lorcana cards featuring our favorite rich uncle, Scrooge McDuck, plus McDuck Manor and various treasures of his
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elbiotipo · 4 months
Was watching some playthroughs of Manor Lords and it's so adictive to just WATCH playthroughs it's cutting on my productivity, I can't imagine how it will be to play it yet. Anyways.
Thinking about "cozy" farming sims and the like. Manor Lords isn't aimed at that kind of stuff at least not explictly, you ARE a feudal lord (you can even walk in first person as one) and those people ARE your serfs. I guess there will be some people who interpret it as that, and let's be honest, the game is so pretty and intuitive, it's just so relaxing to see the forests change seasons, the houses being built, the flowers swaying on the wind. Working like a serf all day, not so much. No doubt peasants in the Middle Ages and all over the world had their moments of rest and respite and joy, but it was (and still is) a hardworking, exploited existence like we are not usually used to.
I think Manor Lords really GETS what a subsistence farming economy was like, at least at the very beginning. and this is really important in my opinion because it was the lifestyle of no less than 90% of the world's population until very recently. And it wasn't like in Stardew Valley where one farmer had a variety of crops all growing in the same tiny farm. In Manor Lords you usually build a small hamlet or village, every home with its own little backyard plot with vegetables, chickens, but it is actual fields what truly feeds and clothes people. The distribution and managing of these fields, and how big they are, is something that changes from society to society, but it's not like there is a single household that is able to feed itself and is able to do everything that a human needs to eat, to get clothed, to be warm in winter and more. They need to have big open fields (or pastures) to do that, where the community puts most of its time and effort maintaining.
So when you think about subsistence farming, you shouldn't think about it as peasants (wherever in the world where they are, as they still exist, why do you think we Latin Americans talk so much about the campesino struggle) owning one small plot of land and feeding their household with it. You should think of them as communities where the main and sometimes only activity is farming, and they do not farm to sell it to a market (though campesino communities can and do produce excess they can sell) but to sustain themselves and their family. They do not especialize in a single crop or industry, nor they have the time or ability to. They plant whatever helps them feed and clothe their family, that is, subsist.
In Manor Lords, you can also "cheat" a bit and get goods by trade, or survive by gathering berries (EXCESSIVELY OP) or hunting. The first was impossible in very remote areas, and the second was impossible in high-density areas. Which means that you can't sustain a community by just gathering berries or having home gardens. Vegetables and fruit CAN and do supplement the diet of people and they make life infinitely more enjoyable (some places like tropical and subtropical America are very blessed in that respect and their crops are very diverse), and indeed most people have those, but it isn't enough to feed you every day. You have to farm to it. And it's a way of life tied to the land and the seasons. You gotta have enough food and firewood before winter (Manor Lords is tied to the European temperate seasons of course, but every region in the world has its own), you gotta prepare the fields, mill the grain and bake the bread, it's all work, work, work, neverending work. There is a reason why some have said agriculture is kind of a "trap" to humanity, it allows you to feed yourself and your family at the cost of being tied to your land forever, and this didn't change until very recently. And again, while of course it's also a life that has its moments of rest (harvest festivals! and all those church days in Europe, but again, every region has its own traditions), it's still work, work, and work more.
I think this is an interesting contrast with other "cozy farming sims" of which are there are a ton, with a single character being able to produce the whole spectrum of human food and a bit more. Manor Lords to me is very interesting because by having its resource and city building in such a small scale as individual families, it captures in a rather realistic (if not completely so) way how subsistence agriculture is, which is the way virtually most of our ancestors (no matter where you are from) lived. To me that's way more interesting than the combat system.
(yes, I've said I didn't play it yet, but I've watched and analyzed so much of it I might as well have 120 hours logged on it)
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haughtwaversblog · 2 months
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sunnieart7 · 4 months
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Charmed Tarot Cards
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incorrect-mtg · 8 months
The beast is eepy
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magicmalcolm · 5 months
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Massacre Girl
"'Did I do it?' You'll have to be more specific."
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card-manor · 5 months
OLD o.m.r.p photo dump
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Dress shopping for the first dance of the year!
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Danny and Maab recruiting for their new, totally legit, religion/club
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Danny helping Yuuna set up for the cat lover's meeting
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Danny & Toonie's first group assignment
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School merch/pride week
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Not OMRP, but my danny being a shit influence to Boozye's Dani (i lost the original post)
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overgrown-estate · 10 months
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So regarding the Murders at Karlov Manor, there seems to be a lot more Rakdos suspects than any other guild. From the card "Demand Answers", we know there was an attempt on Aurelia's life and she and Boros Legion believe it was the Rakdos cult who were responsible.
I don't think it could be anyone from the Rakdos Cult, though. Of course, we know there's going to be multiple murders. Probably some connected to each other, while others are not. This is going to be fun.
I'm interested in this Agency of Magicological Investigations and as long as Alquist Proft doesn't turn out to be Lazav, I'll be super excited. Although this Archon, Ezrim, that apparently leads the Agency is a bit odd.
Can't wait until January 16th when MKM previews begin.
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loreholdlesbian · 7 months
Murders at Karlov Manor Booster Challenge
With every* set since zendikar rising, I've done a booster of custom cards meant to be a part of the set. This is based on a challenge from GDS3, so my goals are to not just to make cards that feel like a part of the set but also ones that Innovate which is a rather difficult balance to strike. I try to cover a wide variety of themes, colors, and mechanics. This is the first set using the new play boosters which I thought would make things more different than it did; it's basically just one fewer card and one slot that's flexible in rarity- I decided to make it uncommon, and I grouped it in with the other uncommons because it really doesn't matter which takes the flex slot.
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Worldsoul's Justice 3WW Sorcery Choose one or more- * Destroy all colorless creatures. * Destroy all monocolored creatures. * Destroy all multicolored creatures. “You all profited while Ravnica screamed! You are all guilty!” -Oba
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This is a flexible board wipe that takes advantage of the variety of colors you might have on board in this set between the light multicolor theme and the disguise mechanic to let you sculpt it to your needs.
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Increased Surveillance 1U Instant Surveil 1, then surveil 2, then surveil 3. (To surveil, look at that many cards from the top of your library. Put any number into your graveyard and the rest back on top in any order.) Rumors of the Dimirs’ fall only aid their all-seeing eyes.
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We've seen something kinda like this before in Cryptic Annelid, but i think scry vs surveil makes a big difference here. This is a great card for filling up your yard to collect evidence, while sculpting your future draws.
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Midnight Investigator 1BB Creature- Vampire Detective When Midnight Investigator enters the battlefield, each player may collect evidence 5. If a player doesn’t, they lose life equal to the total mana value of cards in their graveyard. (To collect evidence 5, exile cards with total mana value 5 or greater from your graveyard.) 3/2
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One thing that's cool about collect evidence that only one card played with is that it's something anyone *can* do. I made this symmetrical rather than just opponents to reward building around the mechanic, but i like the way that the life loss effect essentially has a cap.
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Chaos Seal 3B Enchantment Sacrifice Chaos Seal: Exile the top three cards of your library. You may play those cards this turn. Disguise 1R (You may cast this card face down for 3 as a 2/2 creature with ward 2. Turn it face up any time for its disguise cost.) The Rakdos excel at finding novel uses for Azorius containment spells.
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In theory this card could be part of a cycle but I wasn't finding a lot of other effects that fit the bill. I needed something that wasn't problematic as an on board trick but also that you don't always want to use immediately after playing, and that benefited from being able to come out "cheaply" with a disguise cost. Impulse draw was a good fit because the amount of mana you have available really matters.
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In Hiding G Enchantment Ward costs of permanents you control cost an additional 1 to pay. When In Hiding enters the battlefield, you may cloak a card from your hand. (To cloak a card, put it onto the battlefield face down as a 2/2 creature with ward 2. Turn it face up any time for its mana cost if it’s a creature card.)
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I went back and forth between white and green for this card. White is a little better at this kind of weenie and I feel like the re-ward fits it a little more, but neither is a bad fit for green and green is more of the disguise color so in this particular set it might make sense there. In the end I went green to differentiate this card a little more from the white common that is a noncreature permanent that has a minor effect and makes a 2/2 on ETB.
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Compiled Case Notes 1W Artifact When Compiled Case Notes enters the battlefield, create a 2/2 white and blue Detective creature token. 1, T: Surveil 1. Activate only if a Detective entered the battlefield under your control this turn or was turned face up under your control this turn.
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I like the detective typal stuff and wanted to make a card for it; here's one that works fine in a vacuum as essentially a bear with kicker 1: Surveil 1, but gets a lot more interesting if you have other detectives which is a place I like my common typal rewards.
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Detain the Suspect 1U Sorcery Tap target creature then choose two. You may choose the same mode more than once. * Put a stun counter on that creature. (If a creature with a stun counter on it would become untapped, instead remove a stun counter from it.) * Investigate.
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One cool thing you can do with stun counters that you couldn't with old "doesn't untap" effects is make a variable amount of turns. Investigate is clearly the better option synergy wise in this set, but being sorcery means tapping doesn't stop an attacker, and stopping an attacker for a turn or two can be *very* valuable. I think this card's in a good spot of how often you choose each of the three modes (two stun counters, two clues, counter and clue)
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Kidnap 4U Instant This spell costs 1 less to cast for each card you drew this turn. Target creature’s owner puts it on top or bottom of their library. In a city as big as Ravnica, it’s all to easy to fall through thr cracks.
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The set already has some of this with the split cards and morphs, but I just wanted to add another spell that's expensive but can be cast cheaply to fill up your yard with expensive stuff for the sake of evidence collection. This was the cost reduction effect I found I liked best for this set.
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Golgari Scapegoat 3B Creature- Elf Assassin 3B: Suspect Golgari Scapegoat. (A suspected creature has menace and can’t block.) Whenever Golgari Scapegoat deals combat damage to a player, if it’s suspected, surveil 2. 3/4 After the Invasion, the other Guilds are quick to blame the Swarm.
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This is a kind of design I always love doing with a set mechanic- give it a way to turn itself on so it works fine on its own, but cost it such that you'd much rather find another way to turn that effect on if you can.
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Mysterious Bloodstain B Artifact- Clue When Mysterious Bloodstain enters or leaves the battlefield, suspect up to one target creature. (It has menace and can’t block.) 2, Sacrifice Mysterious Bloodstain: Draw a card.
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This is a cycle of clues that all do an effect when they enter or leave the battlefield. This is the one I like best because I think a card like this would do a lot of work in getting the BR suspect deck online; more than any of the others this one feels the most like a card you can only make here.
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Covert Operations Head 1R Creature- Goblin Soldier Face-down creatures you control have haste. 2/1 Though once goblins filled only the lowest Boros ranks, after the Invasion devastated Boros numbers those who survived quickly rose.
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Fairly straightforward disguise reward here. I wanted to cost it to be 2 mana, since coming down before turn 3 is hugely important for this particular card, so it basically built itself from the initial idea.
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Anzrag's Escape 2G Sorcery Choose one- * Return target card in your graveyard to your hand * Return target card you own in exile that you collected as evidence this turn to your hand.
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Simple enough idea here, it's a regrowth that doesn't compete with the set's graveyard mechanic. I don't think this breaks the spirit of the rule that cards shouldn't be able to get cards back from exile because of how specific it is; it doesn't at all prevent using exile as a safety.
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Elephant in the Room 4G Creature- Elephant Detective Disguise 4G. This cost is reduced by 2 if Elephant in the Room is attacking and isn’t blocked. (You may cast this card face down for 3 as a 2/2 creature with ward 2. Turn it face up any time for its disguise cost.) 5/5
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I wanted a card that lets you use disguise to sneak a big creature out early without breaking the rule of five, and I came up with a design I quite like to get around it.
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littjara-mirrorlake · 8 months
Thoughts on new Vannifar?
I definitely have them.
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Positives first: the art is AMAZING. All three treatments are unbelievably pretty, and I love how they framed her with the Simic logo in the second one. I adore the use of color. I'm definitely going to be collecting these. Also, I love the epithet "Evolved Enigma". Super cool. (Sorry for the low resolution on the previews, they were the ones I found)
Unfortunately I'm pretty meh about the mechanic itself, as I talked about in a previous post. It's a cool mechanic on its own, but nothing about it says Vannifar or even Simic (guild or color pair). I could maybe see it if the turning face down was flavored as incubation, but in this set it's not--it's disguises. So it really doesn't check out. Ironically, Vannifar goes best in artifact decks, which is really not that fitting for one of Ravnica's greatest biomancers. As someone who really likes Vannifar's mad scientist angle, this was a disappointment and didn't do her justice, imo. I would've really preferred something biomantic but unconventional and a little fucked up, like her original Birthing Pod incarnation.
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furoraruart · 4 months
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Gracey Manor themed tarot Cards (part 01): V - The Hierophant
Character: Master Edward W. Gracey
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Thought that can be both sad and happy.
I think if not a pediatrician, Bruce would've flourished as a teacher for kids or a kindergarten teacher. Which he can't really do because it'd be too risky for the children and other people since he's a Wayne and rich. They'd never know peace, at least as long as people could recognize him.
KINDERGARTEN TEACHER BRUCE! oh, man. The thoughts that just raced through me. I will say thought, -- It's really interesting how fame and social abundance (for the waynes) is portrayed in the Batman.
Salvatore Maroni seems to get more TV time than Bruce does, but, Bruce IS well known; Everyone knows of the idea of him.
Presumably, his isolation escalated to such a degree that Wayne Enterprises was declining, and quick. I wonder if the mayor's funeral was his first public appearance. A very own dance of death for the black swan.
But the detail I adore with a fire in me is that Bruce? He's absolutely terrified of Gotham.
He wants to protect it, and defend it, and Baptiste it in something good, but there's no denying that Bruce, if not as Batman, then as Bruce Wayne, lives every moment in fear.
He's terrified at the funeral when Real and Officer Martinez talk to him. The only reason he's co confident when facing Falcone is because he's facing crime. It's the only social layer he navigates smoothly.
But towards the end, -- as Batman, as Bruce, as both, he's with people. They're all scared and in the dark and they're scared in light, too. But they trust him. And Bruce isn't scared of them anymore.
A very important lesson from the Batman is that no one should live in fear, and as long as there's people around you, people you can care about and care for you in return, it'll never not be worth the risk of being hurt.
So yes, there's always a leap of faith you take blindfolded when you're Bruce Wayne. But he'd love those kids so so so much and I can already see him taking all their drawings home with him, to frame and put on the wall
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