#carlisle cullen x you
jasperhaleobsessed · 2 months
Becoming friends with each of the Cullens/what you would bound over platonic hc
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Carlisle Cullen:
I think you would become friends through you both working at the hospital. And working together on some patients.
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Edward Cullen:
I think you and Edward would become friends since you were nice and genuine. And he might not be bothered by your thoughts compared to Jessica Stanley. But he might be a bit hesitant and moody. (like how he was with Bella)
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Emmett Cullen:
I think you and Emmett would become friends after making a hilarious joke about something Jessica and Mike said.
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Jasper Hale:
I think you and Jasper would become friends after bounding over history and reading. And becsuse of your more calming feelings.
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Rosalie Hale:
I think Rosalie would be hesitant like Edward but would warm up after a while after she realizes you aren't as judgmental as some othe humans and are trusting.
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Esme Cullen:
I think you two would meet through your love of architect, furniture, and designing. I also think you both could bound over gardening and the difference flower and plant types.
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Alice Cullen
I think you and Alice would become friends though your mutual love of fashion and kindness. She also most definitely saw you coming and wanted to be your friend the moment she saw you!
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Bella Swan:
I think you two would become freinds through your love of books and perhaps if your introvertness (I don't think it's a word but it's fine)
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
'Be my mistake' - Carlisle Cullen and "tell me"
If you're still doing it
word count: 0.7k
warnings: a smidge suggestive
summary: cuddling with carlisle in the middle of winter is not as romantic as you hoped
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Carlisle was cold, no matter the time of the year or the time of the day, he was freezing, a welcoming trait to aid your favourite guilty pleasure of cuddling him in the summer, but it was a nightmare in the winter and you thought he’d have put that together being so obsessively observant over your every move but alas, he was lovingly unaware.
You were in the kitchen, coated with so many layers it was almost impossible to move, you were paddling around in your fuzzy socks, cold hands fixing another cup of coco to aid your search for warmth. The Cullens were out hunting, it felt like they always were lately, you realized it was less in favor of staying fed and more in favor of allowing you some time with your partner, none of them all that fond of seeing their adoptive father acting so terribly whipped for someone their frozen age.
You were impatient as you waited for the milk to boil, not even aware of the pout that tipped into your lips as you looked out the open windows, the glass house of theirs not at all helping your case, you could hear the music streaming from Carlisle’s office, the open door a silent invitation for you to come to join him while he worked, you were never one to deny yourself some time balled up on his lap- but you were stalling and could only do it for so long.
“Sweetheart,” you weren’t expecting him to come to search for you so soon, biting the inside of your cheek to fight back an amused smile at how quickly he got used to you being around constantly, something feeling amiss when you weren't at his side.
"Over here," you breathed, not looking to find him just yet as you finally poured the steaming milk into a mug, it was more of a bowl according to Edward, but it was perfect for the winter, big enough to warm both of your hands while you held it. "I was coming up in a second, just needed to procure the goods," you explained and you weren't all that surprised when he planted himself behind you, touching you just as soon as his feet stilled, and you hoped he'd mistake the shiver that ran down your spine as a reaction to him and not the cold that ran through your body as it was pressed against his.
"Have you eaten something today?" a silent reprimand as he hummed his question, looking over your shoulder as you plopped a handful of tiny marshmallows into the chocolate goodness. You nodded in reply, bumping him with your bum for the silly question when he was really just trying to make sure you'd had something other than cups of sugar to sustain you. "Just making sure," he continued and when you turned around carefully with the mug in your hands and a raised brow he couldn't help a smile. "You've been spending more time in this kitchen than in my arms," he added, and had he any less restraint, you were sure he'd have paired the words with a pout, but he offered you a simple shrug instead.
"I have not," you argued, hoping he'd be distracted enough by the little sigh of approval as you savored your first sip that he'd not push you for the truth- a futile hope, really.
"Oh, you have, if I didn't know better I'd say that you were avoiding me," smart man, you realized, yet not smart enough to not let his thumb slip under the hem of your shirt while he brushed his hands up and down your waist. "Why are you hiding down here?" he wasn't one to dance around the point, eyes soft to encourage you to talk to him. You weren't all that keen to do so, you were freezing and it was definitely not something that could be helped by being held against him but being the old-fashioned fool that he is, you knew he'd be weary to cuddle you again if you told him what was wrong. "Tell me," he breathed and you couldn't stay strong under normal circumstances, let alone with him looking down at you like that.
"I'm cold," you admitted and it took him a second, eyes crinkling as he frowned. "I'm very cold and usually cuddles would be the very best solution for that but-"
"But you're freezing and your partner is frozen," he tried and you smiled, nodding guiltily, no reason to feel guilty at all with him being who he is but it still wasn't the best feeling telling the person you loved that you didn't want them to hold you. "The fire isn't helping?" he quizzed and you shook your head, knowing he had lit the fireplace and turned up the heat through the whole house as soon as the winds turned cold and still it didn't help. "Well, then there's only one other thing that I think might help," he was being vague, suggestive if you've ever seen it on him and your cheeks were burning at the simple thought.
"And what's that?" foolish question, he was already stealing the mug from your hands, throwing your blanket from your shoulders, and robbing you of a layer of warmth.
"A warm bath perhaps," it sounded like he was merely presenting an option, yet he was moving you into his arms, tucking an arm under your knees as he picked you up, already very pleased with himself as you giggled.
"Everyone will be home soon, Carlisle," you reprimanded but it was no use, the vampire set out to make it all better, and more selfishly, he knew you'd not deny him holding you when you were soaking in nearly boiling hot water.
"We'll close the door," he argued and you felt almost silly for not telling him sooner if this was his way of fixing it. "We have to get you all warmed up, sweetheart," he was placing you on the counter by the sink, warm water turned on and room-filling quickly with steam as he held a hand under the stream to make sure it was perfect.
"You're only doing this because I'm cold, huh?" you pressed, folding your arms around yourself as your body missed your blanket. "No other reason?"
"Well now, my love, who says we can't solve two problems at once?"
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specialagentlokitty · 5 months
Carlisle x reader - the peace of you
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Hello, could I request your 2024 prompt number 3 with Carlisle X fem Reader? Maybe the reader is immortal and has lost her family/friends/lover and had been suffering with loneliness and abuse until she met Carlisle and his family? Because he's a vamp and he knows what it's like to outlive people? And Edward can hear how happy she is around his adoptive dad - Anon 💜
3: “He/she/they carry more anger and pain then the whole universe combined, I can see it. Betrayal, hurt, deception, heartache, they’ve been through it all. He/she/they walked through hell a thousand times.” “Why are you telling me this?” “Because the only time I’ve ever seen true peace in his/her’s/their eyes is when he/she/they saw you.”
Sitting in your shop, you rested your feet on the chair opposite you, flicking through some of the books you had delivered while a few people wondered the shop.
The door went, and the bell sounded.
“Afternoon.” You called.
“Hey, have you seen Edward?”
You glanced up at the teenager unimpressed, a straight looking on your face.
“I’m not his keeper, I don’t keep track of all the vampires in the area Bella. If you can’t find your boyfriend that’s not my issue.”
She furrowed her brows a little.
“Seriously? You always know where people are.”
“I’m a bounty hunter, I know where people are when they’ve got a bounty, Edward doesn’t, so, if you’re not here to buy something go away.”
“Just tell me.”
You narrowed your eyes at her and she shuffled back a little, making her way towards the doors before she left.
You didn’t like humans, but you had to live among them, and you especially didn’t like her.
So ready to just throw away her human life, everything she had just for a boy she met.
It annoyed you.
A few seconds later and the bell went again, and you grumbled.
“I already told you I don’t know where he is.”
“Well, that would be good to know except I’ve already found the person I was looking for.”
You set your book down and stood up, walking around the desk to stand in front of it as the other vampire walked around.
He smiled softly at you and you gave a tiny one back.
“What can I do for you Carlisle? You’re not my usual clientele.”
“No, I’m not here about a bounty, I was wondering if you had any of these.”
He handed you a list and you looked through, nodding to yourself.
“Yeah, I’ve got them. Do you want me to bring them to yours?”
“That would be wonderful, thank you so much.”
You smiled at him, setting the list on your desk and you glanced at him before turning away.
“Yeah, I’ll be around later that’s no problem. How is everything?”
He sighed, shaking his head.
“Honestly? It’s all over the place, but I can’t do anything about it, he loves her, we need to protect that.”
“Even if it means putting yourself in danger?”
“Everybody has someone, Bella is the someone Edward has, it’s important we protect that.”
You gave a small shrug.
“Maybe, but maybe it isn’t worth it.”
“I know you don’t fully agree with the way we do things, but I am really grateful for everything you do to help.”
“Don’t worry about it, you should go, I’ll sort these.”
Carlisle nodded, glancing at you one last time before he left.
The moment you came into town he was smitten with you, but he was finding it hard to grow close to you.
You kept everybody at arms length, you made it clear that you were by yourself, you did things your way with your own rules, and there wasn’t much they could do about it.
You didn’t hunt on their grounds, you ran your shop just outside their territory, but sometimes if they came to you for help you would help.
You were like a box of mysteries, just then he think he has you figured out there’s something new there that surprises him.
Later that night you turned up at their house with the box of books, and you carried it upstairs, setting it down on the counter and began to take them out.
You were talking to Rosalie and Alice about them, explaining what they were about and what was in them, and Carlisle stood across the room watching you.
“Why not ask her on a date?” Emmett asked.
Carlisle shook his head.
“I could never do that.”
“Yes you could, and you deserve it.” Edward said.
“She isn’t exactly the most social person, there is just no way she would agree, I think I would rather try be friends.”
Edward glanced at his adoptive father before looking at you.
You glanced at Carlisle, and all the noise Edward heard in your head just seemed to stop, then when you looked away it picked up again.
“She carry’s more anger and pain then the whole universe combined, I can see it. Betrayal, hurt, deception, heartache, they’ve been through it all. She walked through hell a thousand times.”
Carlisle turned to Edward, his back towards you.
“Why are you telling me this?”
Edward smiled a little, gesturing to you with his head.
“Because the only time I’ve ever seen true peace in her eyes is when she saw you.”
Carlisle turned back around to face you, and the moment you connected eyes with him you smiled.
“I think it’s worth a chance.”
With that, Edward left, and Carlisle walked over to help you, all the others quickly leaving.
“You seem to enjoy being around them.” He said.
“It’s nice knowing you guys get the whole immortality thing, and I don’t have to pretend to be something I’m not.”
“I understand that, it does get exhausting after a while.”
You nodded your head, resting your arms on the counter.
“At least when you’re human you know everything stops when you die, as a vampire you still have to live with all that pain from your human life and more. You have to do it alone.”
“You don’t have to.”
You turned to him, furrowing your brows a little.
“You can still find people, have a family, friends to support you.”
You scoffed a little.
“Nobody wants to be around a vampire who’s bounty hunter.”
Carlisle smiled softly, turning fully to face you.
“I do.”
You stood back up, looking at him utterly confused.
“I want to be around you, I would like to be with you. You’ve spent so long by yourself that you’ve forgetting life still has beautiful moments, even for a vampire, I want you to see that it still does. I want to see you smile (Y/N).”
“If you don’t want that then it’s okay, I hope we can stay as friends but the offer is there, just a drink, that’s all. Nothing more unless that is what you want.”
You stared at him, and he could see the little spark in your eyes that was there when you saw him.
Usually you held a cold and callous look, but when you looked at him it was with nothing but pure softness, fondness.
“You don’t have to be alone..” he whispered.
“People will talk.”
Carlisle reached out, taking your hand in his.
“Then let them, I want you around, I know everybody else here wants you around as well.”
You smiled, looking away.
“I haven’t been for a drink in a while, I cant even remember what I like.”
He chuckled.
“Well, I have plenty of options for you to chose from.”
He raised your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles before he let go.
“Take some time, think about it.”
“I will.”
You left a few moments later, his offer still running around in your head.
A life as a vampire wasn’t easy, and you thought there was nothing else too it, but you couldn’t lie when you said the world was definitely better when you were around Carlisle.
You didn’t have to think too much about his offer, you were going to accept, but you didn’t want to come across as too eager so you decided to wait before agreeing, and at least it would find you time to find something to wear.
Carlisle didn’t need Edward to tell him that you would agree to his offer, he could see it on your face, the pure happiness you had when he had asked.
He had a good feeling you would agree, and he couldn’t wait for you to tell him so he could see you again, because there was nothing in this world quite like you
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volturissideslut · 5 months
hi can I request a Carlisle fic maybe yandere Carlisle when he finds his mate in a difficult situation and decides to act in her best interest even if she or gn reader may not see it that way at first …hope this request is ok
𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖑𝖊 𝕮𝖚𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓
"Come on, love, drink the blood" he says softly, eyes pleading as he held out a plastic cup filled with animal blood toward you. Your transition had taken days and your had been awake for a few hours now. Yet you were refusing to eat.
Starvation coursed through you, but the smell of the deer blood in front of you right now made you feel sick to your stomach, and the idea of drinking it made you want to gag.
"I know you didn't want to turn so soon, but you were dying" his voice is broken with thinly veiled worry and heartbreak. "Drink, please, you must be starving"
And though you were upset at the situation, you couldn't really bring yourself to be mad at him. He was just doing what he thought was best. And so you fought down the gross feeling of sick that was bubbling its way up your belly and throat and downed the drink in one go.
"Down the hatch, love. Good girl, thank you. I'm proud of you" his mouth quivers and it looks like you drinking that lifted a huge weight off of his shoulders and chest. His hand wraps itself around the back of your head and pulls you close to him. "I thought i'd lost you" he whispers into your hair.
"You've got me. I'm still here" you speak for the first time since your transition, and he breathes in for comfort rather than necessity.
"I know, I love you"
"i love you too Carlisle"
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Carlisle Cullen x Fem Reader (2)
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This fic is a continuation of this drabble here.
Warnings: mentions of death, destruction and one curse word. Edward is not manipulative or controlling in this au.
“It’s all going to be all right Bella,” Alice soothed.  “(Name) won’t mind if this runs over time.”
“But it’s her birthday,” Bella protested.  “She shouldn’t be worried about us.”
“She won’t be worried about us,” Edward replied.  “She and Carlisle are spending time together.”
Bella cheered up at that; seeing you and Carlisle together was like witnessing everything romantic in the world all at once.
“At the back there, pay attention!” Mr. Mason barked. 
Edward, Bella, Alice, and Jasper murmured apologies.
“Now that we are all focusing and not distracted, perhaps you can describe the painting that we are standing in front of.”
“They were talking about Edward’s mom’s birthday,” Mike interjected.  Mr. Mason ignored the comment in favour of staring at Edward until he began to speak.
“This painting is part of a series of three paintings called La Purga.  They depict the destruction of Olympus by its own King.”
Mr. Mason’s expression became a little less severe, “Miss Cullen, what is the backstory of the paintings?”
Alice needlessly cleared her throat, “The story behind these paintings is that the King of Olympus, Zeus, feared that someone he was related to would destroy Olympus.  He slaughtered everyone that he shared a bond with.  There are many interpretations regarding Zeus’ final fate but the prevailing theory is that his own power destroyed him.  In the last painting, the artist leads you to believe that his lightning rebounded and killed him.”
Bella looked at the bottom right corner of the painting where the artist had signed.  The writing seemed familiar and the longer Bella stared at the signature, the more she realised it was an anagram.  Reshuffling the letters in her mind, she came up with a recognisable name.  Rosalie Hale.
As Alice drove her to the Cullen’s home, Bella voiced her thoughts.  Alice grinned, “Rosalie may have painted the picture, but who do you think told her the story?  The real story?”
“No way!”  Bella gasped.  “I thought Zeus killed anyone even slightly related to him?”
Alice shook her head with the grin still on her face, “Zeus couldn’t detect (Name) when she lived with the Volturi which is how she met Carlisle.”
“Zeus was destroyed by his own power.”  Bella breathed, “Which was wielded by his own daughter.”
Jasper leaned forward, “As Emmett always says, ‘Mom’s a badass.’  To date, she is one of the only outsiders to have the Volturi’s respect.” 
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happy74827 · 4 days
Fate’s Design
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[Carlisle Cullen x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Not even fate can stop forbidden love. {GIF Credits: Pinterest}
WC: 2051
Category: Angst (with a side of fluff)
Can you tell I rewatched Twilight? 👀 Edward? Jacob? Nah, I’m team Carlisle all the way.
In all seriousness, this took me so long to write out since I’m in that stage of life where there’s no free time 😭
But, regardless, here’s a fic that no one asked for (and hopefully won’t mind 👀). So, uh… enjoy :)
Funny, how the world works, how fate works.
The day you had first laid eyes on him, you could tell immediately there was something different about him, something... strange. Stranger than strange.
A simple hospital visit, a clumsy fall down the stairs, and here you were, stuck in a place of healing with the smell of antiseptics and disinfectant all around you. For a simple wrist sprang, being around deathly ill people who had no sense of common courtesy was the last thing you wanted to experience.
Still, it couldn't be helped, and so you endured. Endured until that one fateful encounter.
When the nurses brought him into the room, you couldn't help but stare. A young, handsome man who looked barely a few years older than you, pale, cold skin that reminded you of the snowy tundras, and bright eyes you swore turned gold in the light.
Strange, yes. Very strange. But a very good kind of strange, the kind of strange that was captivating.
Carlisle Cullen.
You couldn't help but smile as you thought of the name, as the memories came back to you. The first meeting, the second, and then the third. You remembered all of them, every single one, and the way your heart fluttered like a caged bird each time, wanting to break free.
How long had it been since that first meeting? Five months? Six?
You couldn't be sure, but it was enough.
Enough for you to know that you loved him.
How funny, how ironic, how cruel fate was, giving you someone to love and then making it impossible to be with him.
You were just an average girl with average interests and average talents who had a boring, average job that didn't pay much and was living an average life.
But you were human; he was not.
You were a creature that could live, grow, age, and eventually die while he was frozen in time, a beautiful, timeless statue with an old soul that lived a hundred years in the span of one.
You knew this, he knew this, and that was what held you both back.
Even though you loved him, even though when he looked at you, his eyes burned with the same emotions you felt, the two of you were still unable to come together.
You would’ve given up had it not been for your own stubbornness, your own will to hold on, to see this through to the end.
He was worth it, and you knew it.
And so, you decided it didn’t matter if your time with him would be short because you would spend it happily, without regret.
After all, a few months spent with him was better than none at all.
You found yourself storming into the hospital, pure determination set on your face as you went up to the reception desk and demanded to know where Carlisle Cullen was.
The nurse gave you an odd look but didn’t question you further, and after giving her the information she needed, she directed you to his office.
You were assured he was filing papers, so you didn’t bother with knocking. Instead, you barged in with the burning desire to make your mark, to make your presence known, to show him, without any doubt, how you felt.
You didn't care if he was startled by your sudden entrance, and as you approached him, he stood up, surprise written on his face.
"I’m done, Carlisle," you said, your tone final, a declaration. "I’m so done."
He tilted his head in confusion.
Your hands came to a fist as you rested them against his desk, eyes narrowed and burning.
"I'm done holding back," you said, voice steady. "If you don’t kiss me right now, I'll never forgive you."
Your name came out as a soft sigh from his lips, and you couldn’t stop the shudder that ran through you at the sound of it. The mellow, gentle tone that held your entire being was always catching you off guard, even after all this time.
It wasn’t fair; it really wasn't.
"Kiss me, goddamnit!" You yelled at him, the demand clear in your tone.
And, like always, he denied you. In fact, he practically told you to shut up in his own way by bringing attention that you were still… quite literally, in the hospital.
You didn’t care. It was obvious by the way you kept going at him, demanding he take action.
And then, a gush of wind.
Your eyes widened, and before you could utter a word, the door from behind slammed shut. Not enough to create a loud bang, but enough to get your attention, and when you looked over, his arm was extended out, hand resting on the door.
Just inches away from your head.
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked up at him.
He was towering over you completely, and the proximity made your breathing hitch. His gaze was intense and golden, and it burned right through you like it always did. But you weren’t scared, not even the slightest bit.
This was what you wanted, after all.
So you kept silent and waited for him to make the first move. Any move, really.
A few seconds passed, and then, ever so slowly, he lowered his head. But he didn't lean down far enough, no. Instead, his face inched closer and closer to yours until, finally, all you could see were his eyes.
And all you could think about was his lips.
"As much as I want to," he began, voice soft and smooth. "You and I both know it's not that easy."
"Yes, it is," you retorted, stubborn. "You're just making it hard."
"I'm being realistic."
"Realistic? Really?" Your face twisted into a scowl. "Says the man who's not even human."
"That's precisely why," he said. "You’re…"
His voice quivered, just slight enough to be noticeable. It made your heart ache, and you were ready to interrupt him, to say that it didn’t matter; nothing else did.
But you stopped yourself.
It was only right to hear what he had to say.
"You truly wish to want… this? To give up the happiness of your future, the family you deserve, to be drowned in sorrow, all for me?"
His words were sincere, his voice quiet, and the expression on his face was one you could barely comprehend.
"Drowned…? Drowned?!" You echoed his words; brows knitted in a deep frown. "Carlisle, I'm already drowning! Right now!"
You paused, trying to calm yourself, but you could feel tears prickling your eyes. This wasn’t how you had imagined it going.
"It hurts," you confessed, voice low. "It hurts me that you don’t understand, that you think so little of yourself."
Carlisle's breath caught, and his lips parted in surprise, but you weren’t finished yet.
"It hurts me that you think I could ever be happy without you," you continued, your voice rising a bit. “Carlisle, I have found happiness in you. I am happy with you. The day we met, I was a wreck; my wrist was a wreck… everything was a wreck. But then you came, and now, now I'm happy. You make me happy."
The look on his face was unreadable, but it didn’t deter you from speaking your mind.
"Why can’t you see that? Why can’t you see that you’ll always be twice the man than any other human being out there?"
He didn’t answer, and the longer the silence stretched, the more your heart hurt. Carlisle was a good man; he was. He was a good doctor, a good father, and, of course, a good-looking guy.
He deserved the world.
And if the world couldn't give it to him, you would.
"If you can't see it, then fine," you finally spoke, and it was almost a whisper. "Then I'll do it for you. I'll tell you every day. I'll keep telling you until it sticks."
The corners of your mouth tugged upwards into a shaky smile.
"Even if I have to keep yelling at you."
He exhaled, and suddenly, he looked much more relaxed, and you realized that you had gotten through to him.
It made the tears that were gathering in your eyes spill over.
"At least I know you wouldn’t toss me aside when my personality eventually overpowers my looks," you mumbled, laughing.
"Toss you aside?"
There was a sudden, sharp edge to his tone, and when his hand came to rest under your chin, gently, carefully, your eyes shot up, staring into his own.
You didn't realize it, but the way you looked at him, the expression on your face, it made him see something different, something he never expected.
A woman who loved him. Truly, sincerely, deeply, and completely.
He couldn’t believe it, and yet, you were right there, in front of him, your eyes shining and reflecting nothing but adoration and admiration.
Your eyes were shining, but not with sadness, no, not anymore.
It was a beautiful sight, one he would remember for all of eternity.
"I'd be a fool to do that," he whispered, his tone sincere, and when his other hand came up, his fingers brushing over your cheek, a featherlight touch, he could hear your breath catch.
"A complete and utter fool."
You watched the smile grow on his lips, and it was so beautiful, it was unreal.
But this, the feeling of his hand on your skin, the coldness contrasted by the warmth of your own body, the gentleness of his touch, it was surreal.
"Carlisle," you murmured, and he was still staring at you, but there was a new intensity in his gaze. "Let me give you the happiness you deserve. Let me."
You took a small step forward, and his hand was still resting under your chin. You didn't dare move or speak again, not until you could read his face, the expression on his features.
It was difficult, however, and just when you thought he wouldn't say anything, he spoke.
"I can't guarantee the future or the happiness," he admitted. "Not for myself, and not for you, but-"
"But?" You couldn’t help but smirk.
"I can try," he answered. "For your sake, I'll try."
You should’ve expected the response after that, the speed at which his hand moved from your cheek to the back of your neck, pulling you forward, and his other hand, moving downwards to rest on the small of your back.
You should've, but you didn't.
All you could do was stare at him, your eyes widening, and just when you opened your mouth to speak, to say something, anything, his lips were on yours, and all the coherent thoughts left you.
You could hear the thumping of your heart, loud, thundering, and it drowned out all the other sounds around you.
He was gentle and careful, and the kiss was nothing more than a brief, feather-light press of his lips, but it was enough. It was enough to set your whole body on fire, to have you lean in, to have your hands come up, grasping onto his lab coat for dear life.
You could feel the coldness of his skin, but the taste of his lips was indescribable.
He tasted sweet, like vanilla, and the longer his lips were on yours, the more the flavor lingered until you couldn’t remember how your own lips had ever tasted.
When he finally pulled away, it was as if the world was spinning and all the strength left your body.
"We're not in the clear just yet," he murmured, his gaze still intense, and it sent a shiver down your spine. "There are many things we have to talk about and many things to work out, but-"
"Carlisle," you breathed out, your grip on his coat tightening. "Don’t talk. Just relish."
You leaned forward, and he did the same, his eyes fluttering shut, and as your lips connected with his, your mind was filled with a single thought.
This was right.
It was perfect, and the world was a better place.
The funny thing about fate is that if two people are meant to be, no matter the time, the place, or the circumstances, they'll find each other.
The two of you were living proof.
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forksianbeaute · 7 months
Bleed Me Dry | C. Cullen | Prologue
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𝚈𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚏𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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Warnings: This entire story is intended to be read by those who are at least eighteen years old. This chapter itself doesn’t contain any mature content, but I will block all ageless and underage blogs who interact with this post.
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It’s still early — too fucking early. The sun has not risen above the horizon just yet, though from what you have been told, you figure that it wouldn’t really make the scene look any different even if it had, since there’s a thick, dark curtain of clouds veiling the skies of Forks more often than not.
Glancing outside, you take a brief moment to appreciate the beauty of the picture that opens right behind that steamy, clearly never-washed window of the Forks Hospital’s break room. It’s something you’re not used to viewing as beautiful, but now — looking at the endless sea of dark green and gloom, and seeing how both of those elements tie the picture together whilst somehow only adding to one another’s beauty —, you’re beginning to think you’ve never seen anything as beautiful in your life.
“I would like for all of you to meet the newest addition to the team.”
It’s one of the board directors — one of those four people, who actually have a say in what goes on inside the walls of Forks Hospital these days —, who introduces you to the entire staff.
You’re not quite sure what kind of a welcome it was that you were expecting to be greeted with upon arriving, but it surely wasn’t anything like this.
A couple dozen pairs of tired, still half-closed eyes staring back at you. Unimpressed, perhaps even a little bored expressions carved onto the features of what seems that is literally every single person present. Coffee cups in the hands of most — the smoky aroma of that freshly brewed, nearly black liquid that is supposed to knock some life into the employees of this hospital now lingering in the air.
Forcing an awkward smile onto those cherry-red painted lips of yours, you say, “Hi.”
It’s not that you’re shy, or not-that-good with people, because really you’re not either of those things — you’re quite the opposite, actually —, but something about seeing those nonchalant, ‘Can we go now?’ looks on the faces of your new colleagues seems to shove every single thing you thought you could say to them down your throat — making sure that this situation is way more awkward than what it needs to be.
The board director, Samuel White, gives his throat a rather loud clear, making it evident to everyone present that he doesn’t approve of this being the kind of a welcome new employees are greeted with here, at Forks Hospital.
Noticing that his efforts don’t really make a difference — noticing that not a singular person straightens their spine, or even tries to fix the look on their face —, he sighs, the audible exhale loud enough to be heard over the steady humming of the air conditioning unit that you’re sure runs on full speed all day and all night, just to be able to keep the humidity of this rainy city outside the hospital’s walls.
“Anyway…,” he then says, bringing his hand up to scratch the back of his neck. “She’ll be with us until the end of her residency. She’s a damn good doctor and surely a great addition to the team, so… Be nice.”
It almost feels as if you were eleven years old again. Standing in front of the classroom, with a backpack full of heavy books resting on your shoulder. An awkward smile tugging the corners of your mouth upwards, while waving at your new classmates — something that the teacher insisted you do.
Come to think of it, the situation which you’re in now isn’t that much different, actually. Only now you’re standing in front of a hospital’s break room instead of a classroom. Only now the room is brimming with highly educated adults instead of kids whose parents have spoiled them rotten — who they either don’t seem to give a flying fuck that you’re here.
Though it is something you don’t notice, at one of those flimsy-looking, white cafeteria tables that someone with poor taste has decided to decorate the break room with, sits Dr. Carlisle Cullen. There is no coffee cup in his hand like there is in the hands of many others, but instead a few patient files sitting in a nice and neat pile before him, patiently waiting for him to start his day by going through them.
With both of his elbows resting on top of that god-awful table, and with one hand’s fingers curled into a loose fist that is now positioned right before his nose and mouth, he sits still — not really having it in himself to do anything else because God, that’s how good you smell. And though every single person in this room kind of does smell good to him, this is different. You are different.
He has been around for a while. He has treated more patients with open wounds than he cares to count, and thus has become very familiar with the scent of fresh blood and the iron-like tang there is to it that tickles his nostrils each time he allows air to flow into his lungs at work.
Yet still, right here and now — with the air conditioning unit circling the air that to him now smells like a mixture of fresh coffee, you and the scent of that sweet, floral perfume of yours —, he feels the need to excuse himself.
God, it’s going to be a hell of a long next few years.
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lavender-at-heart · 22 days
Hello!! Can you please make "Dating Carlisle would include" like you did with other Cullens? I saw you wanted Twilight request, and I really want more Carlisle content, so. Thank you in advance!
Dating Carlise HCs:
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Pairing: Carlisle Cullen x GN!reader (but fem in mind)
Warnings: none
So the whole "I've waited a hundred years for this" is kind of applicable to all the Cullens, but-
It's different! Carlisle has waited like 300 years. He's honestly given up hope in ever finding a mate, thought it wasn't in the cards for him
And despite having a loving family, seeing all of them and his friends find a life partner made him lonley. He was happy, but a lonley person.
So when you come into his life it's like a million fireworks go off at once!
He may be very rusty and old-fashioned, but that doesn't mean he doesn't sweep you off your feet!
You would be seriously head over heels within the first 5 mins of talking
Wether you were one of the Cullen kids' friends or you were in need of medical attention, you were hooked the minute you met
You definitely thought there has to be a catch
He can't be handsome, rich, kind, smart, respectful, AND sane
I'm not sure how it would work with his super self control, but he would probably feel at least a little bit of a thirst for your blood
He'd probably freak out a bit and be overall shocked
Maybe a bit repulsed with himself for even slightly wanting to indulge in human blood
Nevertheless he overcomes this and quickly works on spending time with you
Obviously he wants to come across as normal as possible but he can't help but be overly enthusiastic
Dates would include dinners to expensive restaurants, way too expensive in your opinion
Long walks by the beach or in the forest near his house
Reading by the fireplace
Loves reading you to sleep
Ballet, Opera, or classical music shows are probably a must
But he's down to more casual things too
Being with you makes him feel human, so late night 7-11 trips, or binge watching a show gives him a new, fresh, taste of a cosy life
He loves loves loves to cook for you
Puts on the cooking channel and gets to work
Will try different recipes and cuisines and have you rate each meal
Will go with Alice to the mall so he can buy you all sorts of gifts
Will teach you how to properly dance, none of that jumping up and down business
Would love the idea of getting married soon, he knows you both will never want anyone else
But he would also love to support you in your future in normal society, while you have it
Wether that be post-seccondary or a career
Speaking of weddings, probably a big one
He would invite his long list of friends of course, maybe even the volturi
But simple. He never wants to be showy, but he's just so proud and exited!
Definitely nothing extravagant, keep things classy and nice
He would always be there during difficult times
Obviously if your going through physical difficulties he's the man
You get the best, at home treatment
Top quality soup, tea, and medicine
Due to his super hearing and even smell he can tell if there's a tickle in your throat or a bug in your stomach
But if your feeling down or going through a rough patch he's there
He knows better than anyone that life is full of highs and lows, and he sticks around for the lows
Thanks for reading, I welcome any feedback!
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ccalhoun · 7 months
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carlisle cullen x m!werewolf! reader
warnings: male reader, werewolf reader, imprinting, twilight lore, omegaverse?, forbidden love, reader gets hit by a car lol, love confessions??, esme doesnt exist (still love her tho)
wc: 2.1k
cut for length!
you drove into town in your dad's truck, old and slow. your family hated going into town, and you never understood why, which is why you were on a sort of errands run for them. of course you knew of the cullens in all of their vampire-ness but you never found it as much of a problem, what were the chances you'd run into them anyways?
the laundry list of things to do was long, longer than you'd expected, so last minute you called your friend jess to help keep you company on your long day ahead of you. you picked her up from her cute but humble house and headed towards the first place on your list, newton's olympic outfitter's. "aren't you and one of the newton boys together? mike, right?" you asked as you looked at the list on the seat next to you while pulling out of jess' driveway. it'd been awhile since the last time you'd hung out even though you considered jess to be one of your closer friends, the reservation didn't get good enough phone reception to call as frequently as she wanted.
"uh, no, we broke up actually," she mumbled quickly from the passenger seat next to you. "oh, damn, sorry. what a bitch," you added the last part jokingly, trying to cheer up from the topic. you both laughed it off and continued the drive until you got there, continuing your conversation as you walked into the store. "i just need to get a few things for my sibling(s) and dad, shouldn't take too long," you assured her as you quickly found the first thing on your list. the day went mostly like this, stopping by random shops for the few odd items before the final store on the list, just getting a few groceries that are cheaper to buy in forks. you entered the store and followed the routine as normal, getting whatever you needed and getting out as soon as possible.
caught up in your conversation with jess, you hadn't even noticed the small red car speeding through the parking lot. everything happened so fast all you can remember is walking with jess, hearing her scream, and then being on the ground of the parking lot. "tyler! what the fuck is your problem!" jess yells, you only vaguely hear it before she rushes over to help you sit up. "at least call an ambulance asshole, don't just stand there with your door open!" you heard her yell again before she started to check on you.
before you knew it, you were being taken into an ambulance and rushed to the hospital. the hospital. a shiver runs down your spine and you hear the heart rate monitor pick up its beeping as you realized you're going to the one place in forks where you have been forbidden to go by your family.
you start panicking, trying to get out of the ambulance in any way you can.
"hey, calm down, we're going to put you under for the rest of the ride, okay? we can't help you if you don't let us," you hear the nurse in the back with you say after trying to get you to stop freaking out.
you woke again in a hospital bed, the smell of medicine invading your nostrils immediately and making you sneeze.
"ah, you're awake, and just in time. the doctor's on his way right now." the same female nurse says before finishing up on writing your vitals and waiting for the doctor. your heart drops when you hear her mention him, no doubt it was carlisle cullen. what if he killed you in the hospital, right there, he probably had manipulation powers to make everyone think nothing happened.
"i don't need a doctor, i'm fine, let me go," you rush out as fast as possible while trying to sit up, the action only making you dizzy as the nurse gently laid you back down.
"once the doctor says you're fine you can leave. you only have minimal bruising and a few cuts, you'll be out of here in the blink of an eye," the nurse comforted you, and it seemingly worked as the heart rate monitor went back to normal. you took deep breaths, only a few minutes with the monster and you'd be able to leave and never go into forks again.
you heard footsteps approaching and turned your head to the door, the door knob turned and your heart dropped again, fear pulsing in your veins more than it ever has before. then he stepped into the room and you were filled with a new feeling, your heart started beating faster, and it was like you had tunnel vision on him and him alone. you couldn't hear the busy sounds of the hospital, and you surely didn't notice the nurse standing too close for your liking anymore. the first thing your brain registered was that the doctor had the best smell you've ever encountered, like vanilla, honey, and lavender all at once.
"-use me, sir?" the nurse said, only hearing the last part of whatever she was saying. you adjusted back to reality quicker than you wanted, then you noticed the doctor standing in front you, trying to get your attention for an unknown amount of time.
"cullen," was all you managed to squeak out, staring with wide eyes at the man in front of you. he was better looking than anyone you'd ever seen, like god himself graced the doctor's face. he wasn't what you expected from the stories you've been told. you were told his eyes were empty and loveless, but as you looked at him his eyes were warm and more full of love than a father seeing his newborn baby for the first time.
"i see you're from the reservation, brave of you to come here," his voice was angelic, like he was singing a song only for your ears to hear. you gave him an alarmed look before you could stop yourself, was he threatening you? was your pack right?
"what?" you stuttered out and you were met with a soft, too soft to be real, chuckle and a warm smile from the doctor. "i don't see many of you in the hospital, i was starting to think you've all been avoiding it because of me,"
"they have," your words came before your brain could filter them, his frown was quick and the cutest frown you've ever seen, the kind of frown that made you want to hold him and kiss it away. "sorry, just something the tribe elders told us to do, it's not like any of us hate you," you stumbled over your words, and lied through your teeth. some of the members of your pack hated the cullens like they'd been personally attacked by them. the smile on his lips made your heart skip a beat, which was well documented from the heart monitor you nearly forgot about.
the doctor, carlisle you think, shone a light in your eyes, and then checked your ears, and listened to your heartbeat. his hand was on your chest, and you're sure he could hear the affect it had on you.
"well, good news, you can be released and you already talked to the police so there's no need for you to stay." you didn't think it was possible but your heart dropped again, you'd almost wished you got hurt worse so you could spend more time with him. "i'll finish this paperwork and get it on file as soon as possible, you should be able to leave within the hour. is there anything else you need?" you barely heard the rest of his sentence, still focusing on the fact that you wouldn't be able to stay around the doctor for longer.
"um, would it be possible to talk to you? in private?" you asked sheepishly. you were 110% sure you were imprinting on him, and you were even more sure he was definitely a vampire. you didn't hear any heartbeat, and you were quick to notice his larger than normal canine teeth. your question was met with another warm smile that made your heart restart and a nod.
"yes, of course, let me get you unhooked from the equipment and i'll walk you to my office, okay?" his voice was soft and reassuring, like he knew what you were going through. there was no way he knew that much about werewolves, right? just as he said, he helped you get the various wires off and led you to his office. his door read 'doctor carlisle cullen', you had remembered his name correctly. he opened the door and held it open for you, the gentleman you could only dream of. he closed the door gently but swiftly behind himself.
"please, take a seat. what were you wondering about?" he asked sweetly as he took his own seat and set a few papers before himself. you didn't plan to get this far, you hadn't figured out what you were going to say, so you just said what came to mind first, "i know you're a vampire," your words came out jumbled. he stared at you with a blank look, millions of thoughts racing through his head. you picked up on his reaction and rushed out the rest, "i'm not gonna expose you, everyone in the pack knows," hardly comforting, but better than him thinking you want to ruin his life. he let out a small noise of understanding, and that itself made your heart skip another beat.
"what is it you came here to tell me?" his voice was colder now, but still melodic like he planned his words for centuries.
"i'm sure you know about, you know, the whole werewolf thing," you paused as you spoke, looking at him to gather his reaction, and he nodded to signal you to continue speaking. "do you know anything about... imprinting?" you whispered the last word like it was poisonous.
"ah, you came to ask about that. i can try to help as much as i can, but wouldn't you prefer someone from your tribe to explain it to you?" carlisle's words were soft and understanding, with a hint of genuine curiosity.
"no, uhm, hold on i think i need a minute," you stuttered out, trying to figure out the least awkward way to explain you think he's your soulmate. you thought for a minute, carefully putting a sentence together before speaking again.
"doctor cullen," you started, "carlisle, i think i," your voice was caught in your throat, but you tried your best to finish you sentence. "i think i imprinted on you," you ripped off the band-aid and rushed it out. you stared at your shoes, though you'd rather be looking at carlisle's godly beautiful face. after a moment of silence you peeked a look at his face to gather if he was upset or not. you couldn't pinpoint the emotion on his face, shock? fear? anger? your heart started beating at an irregular pace again, "i-i'm so sorry, i'll go," you felt tears in your eyes and started to gather the small bag of belongings you were given before his voice stopped you.
"no, no, you're okay. i'm sorry, i didn't know that was possible," for once his words didn't seem as well thought out, it was jarring but his words flowed together as beautiful as always. "and you're sure?" he asked.
"yes, i think, i don't know. i haven't felt this way before, it's just like it was described to me. like you're the only person who actually matters anymore," you spoke freely, which surprised you.
"hm, well, i'm new to this too, we can figure it out together," carlisle's voice was warmer than ever, you felt like a blanket was being placed over you. you smiled and were going to stand up when he was suddenly standing right next to you, you jumped slightly and he let out a playful laugh, his laugh was beautiful, like angels singing in a choir. "apologies, forgot to warn you,"
you stood up and hugged yourself to him, his arms wrapped around you in the best hug you've ever had. he was cold, but you were sure you were warm enough for the both of you. you never wanted to separate from it, and let out a whine when he pulled away, surprising yourself more than you thought you could today.
"i'll tell the hospital something happened with one of the kids and we can talk about this more, if you're okay with it," you agreed quickly, the other patients could wait, how much trouble could happen in forks while you hog him for a little?
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eupheme · 1 year
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Watch What Happens | Day 29: Candles
carlisle cullen x f!reader x charlie swan
Rated E | 5k
Tags: soft filth, est. open relationship, threesome, voyeurism, implied mutual attraction, brief mention of alcohol, sub/dom elements, fingering, oral, unprotected PiV
There’s moments Carlisle can’t share with you, as soft and human as you are. Luckily for you, he finds out he likes to watch. And even more fortuitously - you both find out that Charlie likes to give.
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He’s hard to resist.
It could be what he is - so much about him calls to you, makes you starry-eyed. Inhibitions and the filter on your mouth disappearing - leaving your mind as foggy as a chilly winter’s morning.
But you think maybe it’s just him. The silk of his voice, the cool slide of his fingers raising goosebumps in their wake. Trailing down between your breasts, his chest pressed against your back as you knees open between his.
The little shiver when his lips press against your neck. A sharp inhale, the brush of his tongue against the spot where your pulse thuds - a balm against your burning skin.
Your breath comes out a shudder, how he’s so close. His sweet cologne has you sinking against him, his fingers pausing at your mound, sliding over soft skin.
“Carlisle.” You breath his name, and he can feel the gasp in your throat, a hum coming from low in his throat as he indulges you.
Fingers dipping lower as your thighs nudge wider. Feeling where you’re slick and hot and oh - he wants to bury himself in you. Feel that warmth wrapped around him, so soft and so yielding.
Instead, the tip of his finger drags up. Slipping against your clit, first a slow, small circle, and then another. Until your head is tipped back against his solid shoulder, your hips bucking into his touch.
“Please.” You whine, and Carlisle makes a comforting sound, his other hand splayed across your belly, thumb stroking the valley between your breasts.
“You know I can’t.” He admonishes, but it’s soft edge tempers the rejection - your teeth clicking together as they clench.
Lips parting as you pant, close enough to the edge that you’re not above begging, “But you’re - you can handle it. I know you can.”
A mess for him, and he’s still so composed. Not a hair out of place, the only signs are the wrinkles in the clothes where you’ve clung to him, and the hunger that burns in his eyes.
“I don’t think I could hold back.” He admits, though he says it without shame.
Just the truth - why he keeps you at arms length in some ways. Giving you his fingers and his mouth, but no more - even in spite of your sweet pleas.
You’re protesting again, something about how he manages just fine as a doctor - that if he can handle that then certainly this has to be easy - and his kiss is sweet against your temple.
The softest tsk as he chides you.
“It’s easy not to want what you’ve never had.”
And then an intake of breath, the sound sharp against your ear as he inhales you, your scent. Fingers sliding down until they’re slipping into you, unable to resist giving you just a tiny bit more.
But no more than that.
“And you must remember… I’ve tasted you, darling.”
An idea forms, just a small bud of a thing. Slowly growing, blooming - unfurling at each meeting.
It hadn’t been hard. Carlisle had seen the way he looked at you both, the lingering glances. A curiosity, your eyes flicking Charlie’s way when you think no one is looking. When he looks to Carlisle, and then you when he makes a some sort of jest or snarky comment, waiting for a soft smile.
A loop, ebbing and flowing.
Carlisle brings the idea to you when you’re in the car, after picking you up for the evening. Broaching the topic just as you pass the Police Station, the neat flick of his eyes towards the parking lot, automatically checking to see if he’s still there.
He’s not, and the car keeps going.
“What do you think about Charlie?” Carlisle asks you, as if he’s asking about your weekend plans, what you’d like to have for dinner.
You frown, “As a person?”
“Yes.” He hums, “More than that, but yes.”
It takes a second to form words, the thoughts tumbling around. Not sure where he’s going with his question, but you try to answer honestly - there were few secrets between you. Many things laid bare, expectations discussed.
Even if you poked at them, sometimes, in the heat of the moment.
“He’s been a good friend.” You settle on something vague, though a heat rises to your cheeks as you glance out the window, “I like him.”
A thumb taps against the steering wheel, once, twice. His gaze always has a weight that settles over you, a gravity that always pulls to back to him.
So you glance, where he’s smiling.
“I like him, too.”
You blink, “Yeah?”
“Mhmm.” He watching, gauging your reaction. If you understand, or if he’ll have to leave more breadcrumbs.
But he doesn’t need to worry. It’s something you’ve discussed - just whispers in the dark, cozy with the afterglow. Sometimes, you think it’s just a dream, the memory of some unconscious thought.
How he imagines, sometimes, you with someone else. Wanting to see just how much you could take in the hands of someone who didn’t have to be careful like he did.
How well you might listen to them, under his instruction. How you might look, pinned between them, each of his movements so measured and careful as he finds his own end.
How you’ve thought about that, too.
“Do…” You hesitate, before surging forward, “What makes you think he’d say yes?”
There’s the slightest curve of his lips, the hint of a dimple.
“He’ll say yes.” His voice is certain - the same tone he uses in the office. A hand reaching, cool to the touch as his fingers fit between yours.
“I wouldn’t bring it up if I wasn’t certain, love.”
It’s on a chilly December night when Carlisle asks him.
The subject broached after an evening of pizza and beer, a game on Charlie’s television half-watched in quiet companionship. Bellies filled with drink and food - sitting cozy on the couch, before Carlisle finds the perfect segue. His pitch clean and effortless, much like everything he does.
Charlie’s brow pinched and furrowed as he listens to the solicitation - not sure if he’s heard correctly.
A quick darting of eyes after, as he glances your way. Over the years in Forks he’s gotten used to not asking questions too many - taking opportunities at face value.
If anything he looks like he’s not sure why you’re asking him, and it makes you smile at his obliviousness. Fingers passing over and smoothing the edge of his mustache as he processes.
For a long moment, you wonder what he’s thinking about - if the two of you have gotten this all wrong. Not too worried about discretion, both of their jobs made keeping knowledge quiet second nature. But you didn’t want to mess up the friendship that had formed, over the past few years.
But Carlisle is right - as he always is.
“I don’t like… “ His hand waves in the air, discomfort evident, “Complications. So as long as it not-”
“No complications, I assure you.” Carlisle smiles warmly, “Just the occasional favor, if you’d prefer to think about it that way.”
“Hell of a favor.” Charlie huffs, his mustache twitching with a bemused smile - but he’s intrigued, leaning back against the worn couch.
A beat, before he nods slowly - a sense of finality to his answer.
“Fine with me.”
He’s warm beneath you.
You’ve forgotten what it’s like - too used to the feeling of carved marble in human form. Sculpted by the gods and shaped in their image.
But Charlie, he gives. Your hand flat against his chest, sliding up to his shoulders. Fingers digging into the thick muscle as his own grip at your waist.
Hot-blooded, with the way those hands squeeze, tug. Rocking your hips against his as you straddle him, his back bumping against the headboard.
The room dark with the wintry, evening light. Ending up at your place together - an almost tangible tension in the room after the conversation. A mutual agreement that there was no sense in waiting until another night, not with all possibilities so beautifully ripe and swirling in your mind.
Candles illuminate the cozy space - one on your dresser, another on your bedside table. Carlisle thought it would soften him, make him blend in.
He was right - about more than just that, tonight.
If you turned your head you could see him from his seat in the cozy, overstuffed armchair you liked to read in. Looking like he’s been bathed in gold, achingly beautiful. As close to human as you’ve seen him.
You can feel the weight of his gaze, where he watches - still as stone. But another shift of your hips brings you back, rocking you where Charlie is thick in his jeans. A low breath of a moan as you push the flannel from his shoulders, your lips dragging around a stubble-lined cheek as he tugs his arms from the sleeves.
The shirt and bra you’re wearing goes next, disappearing over the edge of the bed to join your pants - discarded before he had pulled you onto his lap moments before. Fingers roaming over newly-bared flesh, his touch greedy as he palms your breast, eyes dropping to see how they look in his hands.
“Christ, you’re beautiful.” He’s murmuring, as your fingers slip around the buckle of his belt, “You sure you want this?”
Charlie’s gaze flickers over your shoulder, just to the side. A careful confirmation, and you use this distraction to palm him, your hand curling and cupping.
“God, yes.” You breath, as he groans, a small thrust of his hips into your touch. Fingers pressing and teasing and stroking him over his jeans, as he finishes loosening his belt, popping open the buckle.
“Be good for Chief Swan, sweetheart.” A soft voice chides, capturing your attention. Your head turns, meeting his gaze as the edge of his lips tilt in a knowing smile, “Can you do that for us?”
It has you nodding, turning back to Charlie, so he can see too. Easing back off him, kneeling on the bed as you wait for him to work the zipper - lift his hips. Helping him tug the fabric down his thighs, before settling between them.
His t-shirt pushed up to his abdomen, the thick curve of his cock resting just below against a dusting of coarse hair. Legs spread across the top of your thick, soft comforter, one still bent at the knee, foot flat against the bed.
His leg straightens, muscles flexing, when you take him in your mouth. Nose brushing against his abdomen as your head dips, lips parting to wrap around the flushed tip, enveloping him.
You can be good. Make him moan with your mouth, your hands. More - if he still wants that, if he hasn’t changed his mind.
But you don’t think he has, not when his fingers are brushing over your shoulders - wide hands coming to cup your jaw as your head bobs.
Seeing the way he sinks into your pillow, the small, unconscious thrust of his hips as you meet his eyes, something you’re sure Carlisle catches.
Eyes closing as your tongue swirls, over velvet-soft skin, taking him as deep as you can into your throat. Pleased when you hear the broken moan in response, his breath harsh.
You like this. It’s different, how responsive he his. Soaking in the rising of his chest with each breath, the throb of his cock against your tongue. Words you don’t quite catch as your thighs press together, trying to relieve an ache of your own.
It’s not as subtle as you thought, not from where your lover sits, near the end of the bed. Fingers curled underneath his chin, his elbow resting on the padded arm as he watches beneath sharp, half-lidded eyes.
“Touch yourself, kitten.” Carlisle tells you, “I can see how wet you are. I want you messy when he fucks you.”
His words make you clench, the hand on Charlie’s thigh gripping on a little tighter as you moan. Your lazy pace slowing as your eyes glance up unconsciously, where he’s watching you, too.
“You let him call the shots like that?” Charlie asks - a thumb swiping over your cheek, as he rests heavy on your tongue.
His question is amusing to you, you’d smile if your mouth wasn’t so full - an answer coming as your fingers slide between your thighs, feeling just how soft and soaked you really are.
Fluttering shut as you suck on him, as your fingertips circle, pressing at your clit. Basking in relief as your own throbbing is answered and eased.
Shifting your weight for balance, leaning more onto his sturdy thighs. It’s hard to do this much at once, your brain fuzzy with desire, your own pleasure now at war with the need to make him come with your mouth.
Charlie’s voice breaks through your thoughts, the words rasped out, “You like being told what to do, baby?”
You nod automatically, in between the slow bobs of your head, the sharp exhale of breath through your nose as you concentrate.
There’s a rumbling groan in his throat, as he pieces more things together. What you like, what he likes, what all three of you do.
“Fuck. Can you make yourself come for me?” His voice lowers, gaining a hint of an edge, “I won’t fuck you until you do.”
There’s a low hum of amusement and approval from the corner, a curving smile as you melt with Charlie’s words. Leaning into his permission, as your attention shifts. The teasing touches becoming more focused, knowing that you don’t have to keep yourself on the edge anymore.
Almost making you forget keep moving, an apologetic look thrown Charlie’s way as you take him deep again. Not that he seems to mind, his gaze fixed fully on the movement of your wrist, eyes watchful and greedy.
“I know it’s hard, darling.” Carlisle’s soft voice chimes in, a balm and an accelerant to the building ache, “Just hold him in your mouth, okay? Keep him nice and warm.”
There’s a hiss of breath at his words, Charlie’s hips rocking into your mouth. They make you tremble too, a tightening in your belly as your fingers slide over soaked skin.
Closer, closer closer - getting lost as he fills your mouth. As you bring yourself to edge, and then plummeting over.
A muffled whimper buzzes in your throat before you’re releasing him, your face pressed against the curve of his hip as you ride out the pleasure with your fingers. Moaning senselessly as your thighs flex, as the pulsing relief grows and spreads throughout your body. Leaving you to catch your breath, panting through kiss and cock-swollen lips.
Limbs pliant as Charlie moves you with a gentle, “Turn around for me, baby.”
Propping yourself up on your knees, letting your back curve down so your head can rest on the bed - until the thudding in your chest wanes, a sigh of contentment leaving your lips.
Only then does he move, pushing himself up as well. Hands tugging the shirt from his shoulders, before palming the curve of your ass - the slightest tug as his movement bares you.
“God, just look at you.”
The words are no more than a rasp, fingers tracing slick skin, down to where your thighs are damp with your release. Tracing up to puffy lips, your thighs tensing when his thumb nudges your clit, where it’s still tender.
Fingers moving to press at your opening, until the tip of one sinks into the first knuckle, and then deeper. Pumping slowly, working you open before the second notches at your entrance.
“So fucking tight.” He growls out, “Need to get you ready for me.”
You had been expecting him to take you, to fill you. His tenderness is something that makes you warm, as you peek over your shoulder at him. Where he’s backlit by the candlelight, his features becoming softened and movements fluid.
A gentleman, though in a much more different and gruff kind of way than Carlisle. Not for the first time, but certainly the most realistic, you imagine both sets of hands on you - the contrast making you shiver.
Your fingers curl in the blanket, holding on as Charlie nudges at a spot that sends up sparks in your belly. A soft moan as he pauses for a second, before doing it again. Feeling how you clench, imaging himself how you’ll feel wrapped around other parts of him.
Scissoring you open, the briefest pause before there’s the sound of his body shifting, then a soft and warm exhale of breath against your thigh. Followed by the wet brush of his tongue as he tastes you around his fingers, making your sleepy eyes snap open.
“Fuck.” You groan the word through clenched teeth, an arch to your back as his tongue sweeps against your clit.
Fingers withdrawing to grasp your thighs, holding you steady and open against his mouth. Dipping inside to taste your release, the sound of skin against skin as a hand leaves your hip to wrap around his cock.
“Taste so good, honey.” He murmurs the words against your skin, pulling back to press a kiss against the sensitive skin of your thigh, “So fucking sweet.”
Your eyes lift, to where Carlisle sits - seeing how he’s watching, the hand propped under his chin now moving. Ghosting over the front of his trousers, gently palming where his cock strains against the woolen fabric.
It does something to you, his look hungry when your slow sweep meets his. Knowing what he wants to see, wanting to give that to him.
“I want you.” You beg, your eyes on him, a two-edged meaning to your words. His eyes drop to your lips as Charlie groans behind you, a hand pressing down against your back for leverage as he pushes himself up until he’s kneeling.
The kiss of his cock as it presses against you, the head just nudging against your slit. Holding himself there, one last confirmation, “Is this what you want?”
You shift against him, trying to press him into you - voice clipped with the effort, “Yes.”
“Oh darling, I know you can do better than that. Ask him nicely.” Carlisle’s soft tone cuts in - it’s almost annoying how easily he finds the words to fluster you.
The hand on your back curls, biting into your skin as there’s a sharp exhale of breath. Your eyes hold for a second longer before your head tilts, your ear pressed into the mattress.
If he wants to watch you beg, you will.
“Please fuck me, Charlie.” You whine, fingers curling into the blanket, rocking back towards him. Feeling the head of his cock just starting to press into you, as he makes no effort to hold himself back or move away.
Too far gone himself, to actually deny you of anything. It fuels the heat in your belly, making you want him even more, for him to take you, “Oh, I want your cock so bad.”
You’re the one watching as his jaw clenches, the way his eyes darken. The hand on his cock leaving to curl around your hip, tugging you back onto him. Splitting you open as your plead turns into a long, high moan - filling you with a single, sharp thrust.
“Christ, sweetheart.” He grits out, feeling the way you clench around him. Ages since he’s had someone like this - so soft and sweet and begging.
Hands still gripping on as he pulls back, no more than half-way, a grunt as he buries himself again.
“Is she warm, Charlie?”
When you finally move your head, you see how Carlisle has shifted. Thighs spread open, his elbow pressing into his knee as he leans closer. Almost on the edge of his seat, no more than a few feet from you now.
There’s a huff of breath, the slow slide of Charlie’s cock as he thrusts. Once, and then again, grinding himself deep until you’re moaning.
“Yes, your girl is gripping my cock. So fucking tight and warm.” His voice is close to a growl, coaxing your hips into a rhythm.
Watching the way your ass bounces against his hips, the peek of his wet cock when you rock forward. Disappearing into your cunt as you arch into him, using your grip on the bed for leverage.
You don’t know how to interpret the look Carlisle gives you. Almost wistful, his lips parted with the memory of a breath he no longer has, soaking in the bliss on your face.
“And how does he feel, love?” He asks you,
“God,” You gasp, “You feel so fucking good, Charlie.”
There’s a flush on his cheeks behind you, a groan in his chest as his hips slap against your thighs. The wet squelch each time you take him, slick from desire and your release and his hot, warm mouth.
His strokes nudging where his fingers had been, your mind going fuzzier with each stroke. Eyes focusing on where the fabric pulls tight against Carlisle’s crotch, a question you are just barely able to voice.
“You want me to take care of you?”
Carlisle has said he preferred to just watch. Something that had been discussed, something that Charlie agreed to, but had almost seemed almost surprised about. Like he had assumed otherwise, when he had agreed.
His eyes flicker above you, a glance at the other man. Lips curling with a knowing look that you’re not sure you understand, a flash of white teeth that only you can see.
“Next time.” He promises, “Okay, kitten?”
The nod comes quickly and eagerly, but he’s not done with you yet. His hand lifting, his first finger curling under your chin. Shifting you, the angle making you groan, as his thumb presses against your lower lip.
You open for him, lips wrapping around and sucking - his thumb cool when it presses down against your tongue. Giving you something else to keep your mouth busy, letting his own mind wander to stolen moments together.
Feeling each muffled moan as it buzzes in your throat, the warm suction of your mouth as you feel the pressure building again. Letting your teeth scrape over the pad of his thumb when a thrust pushes it deeper into your mouth, knowing you can’t hurt him.
Already close from Charlie’s fingers and his mouth - a throbbing bloom of pleasure that feels close to bursting. The sounds becoming more rhythmic, drunk on the feeling of being so full - content to let it build until it becomes overwhelming.
When your eyes start to go hazy is when he pulls back, smearing the string of spit over your lower lip, leaving it glossy. Surprising you as his mouth presses to yours, a low, pleased hum in his throat when your lips brush.
“What do you need?” Carlisle coos, stealing one more kiss before leaning back. Knowing that it won’t take much for you to shatter - content to watch from his seat so that he doesn’t miss anything.
The answer is easy, the answer is on the tip of your tongue when Charlie beats you to it.
“I know just what she needs.”
He had slowed to a grind when Carlisle teased you, but now he man-handles you. An arm curling around your waist, pinning you in place against him. His thrusts sharp and shallow, shifting until he hears you gasp, feeling you clench down hard around him.
“Christ, that’s it. Good girl.” Charlie croons, fingers reaching to pet the bud of your clit, touching you like he had watched you do before.
“I want you to come for me. Want you to cream on my cock, sweetheart. I know you can do it.”
His voice is soft and low, an edge like before - circling and pressing, his cock pounding into you - you’re so close that you can hardly breathe.
“Oh god,” You murmur, toes curling, muscles stringing tight in anticipation, “Oh my god, please-“
“That’s it, come on.” Charlie urges, the words sounding fuzzy in your ears - drowned out by the thud of your heartbeat.
A cool hand nudging at your chin, tilting your face from where it dips between your shoulders.
“Show me.” Carlisle murmurs, just for you.
And so, you do.
Letting him watch the way your brows pinch, the stiff arch of your back as you come. Eyes focused on his, the light of the candles dancing off dark pupils, until stars are exploding behind yours as they flutter shut.
Your release torn from you, leaving you gasping and moaning, half-formed words as his cock makes you gush. Soaking him like he wanted, each thrust slicker and louder in your small bedroom.
Another low whisper, just for you, “Good girl.”
It’s only his centuries of self-control that prevents you from seeing just how far gone Carlisle is. Watching you take and take - the bliss crossing your features as you came undone.
So much more carnal than the gentle lovemaking that he’s limited himself too - worried about getting too lost in the moment, unable to forgive himself if he ever injured you.
Never wanting to test the limits of his abilities as much as he did right now. If it were possible to feel pain, he thinks he’d be throbbing right now with need.
But the evening is not over - even as your wanton cries turn into contented moans. The sharp pulses turning into waves that leave you relaxed and euphoric.
Letting Charlie set his own pace, hands grasping at your hips, tugging you to meet each thrust. Not far behind, not after the way your pussy clenched around him, as he heard the way you sighed his name.
The grind of his hips turning shorter, faster. His voice matching his need, low and rasping, “I’m close, sweetheart. Where do you want me?”
“You can come in her, Charlie.” Carlisle answers for you, his eyes glittering in the dim of the room, “I assure you, it’s safe.”
Charlie’s groan is strangled, a stutter to his hips, “Fuck. You hear that baby? Is that what you want?”
You clench down around him, murmuring a dreamy, “mhmm” as he groans.
Only lasting a few more sharp thrusts before he’s there - chest pressing against your back as he bends over you. Shoving himself deep as his cock throbs, spilling into your heat.
You take him, every last drop, until he’s easing himself out - until his release threatens to drip from you. Waiting until he’s collapsing back on your pillows before you join him. Suddenly shy, in spite of everything.
The bed dips with added weight a moment later, as Carlisle finally moves from the armchair. Fitting himself on your other side, pushing you closer to Charlie. Hips bumping against yours as his hand slides up your thigh, to where your legs are still parted as you catch your breath.
Fingertips trail over the sensitive skin - down to where you’re puffy and slick. Watching you with golden eyes as the tips of two of them press into you - as you’re unable to stifle a gasp of surprise, and then a moan.
Nudging deep, where you’re wet and filled. The sound lewd as his fingers pump, and then curl.
Your head tilts fractionally, as your eyes slide to where Charlie is stretched out beside you. The arm he had thrown across his face has lowered, moving behind his head. His own gaze focused on the careful movements between your thighs.
“So warm.” Carlisle hums, his lips curving as he finds a spot that makes you to jolt, clench around him. The flash of pretty teeth as he smiles.
A hand drifts to rest on your hip, moving slowly. A very warm, very human hand - sliding over skin as it moves up to your waist.
Charlie’s bare chest pressing against your shoulder as he curls onto his side. His thumb brushing the underside of your breast, a soft back-and-forth. Flatting his palm when you arch into his touch, and you can feel the exhale of his breath against your ear.
Their touches, the attention, feels overwhelming. Your breath coming in short pants, a sharp “ah” with half-lidded eyes as a thumb slides across your clit.
As Carlisle dips down to steal a kiss, a swipe of his tongue against yours. A noise almost like a growl - the flickering light dancing across the arch of his sculpted cheekbones, almost making him glow.
The press of a hip against yours, as Charlie shifts against you. Trapping the taut peak of your nipple between his knuckles, the breath you’re holding dragged out in a moan.
“You got one more, honey?” He murmurs, his eyes dragging from where Carlisle leans over you, his gaze heavy and curious and wanting.
Your lips brush his next as you nod, and you wonder if he can taste Carlisle on your tongue. If he’s thinking about him, wondering - though the thought is quickly slipping from your mind.
Sliding through your fingers like smoke as his thumb presses just a little harder, as Charlie’s fingers pinch and tug and it’s all too much.
Your back bowing against the bed they bring you over the edge - fingers slowing, pressing deep. Keeping you full so the spend doesn’t leak from you, not yet.
Enjoying the tight clench of your cunt as you pulse around his fingers, listening to each gasping breath, the sound of your moans. Committing your pretty, human, reactions to memory - the thudding of your pulse, the way you gaze at him so reverently.
Until gently, his fingers slide from you. Slick and shining with you - with Charlie. The flash of his pink tongue appearing between parted lips as he sucks the tip of one clean, before taking both into his mouth.
Slowly sliding them out - licked clean - before his head is dipping to kissing you again. His tongue already seeking yours before your lips fully meet.
“Shit.” Charlie hisses next to you, carefully watching every moment.
Carlisle’s laugh as soft as his voice, when he pulls back. His thumb running over your lip, as his eyes find Charlie’s.
“Thank you.” He tells him, and you think only Carlisle could sound so composed after such an evening.
Charlie’s ears and cheeks flushed pink - a huff of an incredulous, pleased breath.
“Uh, sure.” He manages, a hand brushing through his hair, yet not making any attempt to move. Still uncertain that this wasn’t a dream, a fantasy.
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(No pressure tags: @andrewrussgarfield, @luxuryberzatto, @jedicouncilmember)
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andreafmn · 3 months
Collision | Chapter 22
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Word Count: 3.4K
Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life is at its first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same.
A/N:  can't believe how different my characters are in my twilight stories. this Paul is so much different than Speak Paul, and so is Jake, it kinda breaks my brain 😅
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A moment can feel like an eternity when the soul isn’t at ease. Time seems to reverse and turn over on itself, holding the body hostage to its grapples. It twists the mind, numbs all reason, and feeds doubt. Time can sometimes be scarier than death itself.
(Y/N) could have sworn the entire day had passed before the pack finally walked through the doors. But the light coming from the outside told her it was still early. They walked in as though nothing had happened, and they hadn’t just torn a vampire to shreds. The boys laughed and patted each other on the backs, celebrating as though their lives had not been in peril.
As soon as they came into view, the girl ran to her brother and wrapped her arms tightly around him. She wrapped them around his neck as his own caught her by the waist. Once she felt him with her own hands, she finally let out a strangled breath, allowing all the anxiousness to roll off her body.
“Oh, thank the spirits you’re okay,” she breathed shakingly. “I thought something happened to you.”
“You need to give me more credit here, bean,” he chuckled. “We take this job seriously.”
“I was scared.”
“Come on, he was outnumbered,” Sam shrugged. “There was no way we were going to let him go. He was easy meat.”
“So, none of you got hurt? You’re all okay?” 
“Of course we are,” Paul interjected. “That guy had nothing on us.” 
“I told you they would be okay,” Emily said, carrying a plate of fresh biscuits that the boys dug into as quickly as it reached them. “The boys always come home. Especially when they know that there’s food on the table.”
“I knew I could smell chicken,” Jared grinned. “I’m starving, man.”
“When are you not?” Embry teased as he walked past him.
“Oh, the young kid has some bark in him,” Jared chuckled. “You’re finally one of us.”
Laughing, Embry, Jacob, and Paul walked right past (Y/N) and to the dining table. Jacob was about to do the same but stopped next to her. “Bella’s okay,” she said. “She got home a while ago. She’s still a bit shaken up, mostly because of the giant wolves she saw.”
“Okay,” he said as he let out a breath of relief. “Thanks.”
“She’s tougher than she looks, Jake,” (Y/N) smiled. “She’s also smart, and she has a lot of questions.”
“I know,” Jake sighed. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do.”
“Forcing the imprint bond hasn’t worked out?” the girl teased. “I thought it would.”
“Not funny, (Y/N),” he pouted. “But no. I guess everyone was right. It’s just… she deserves so much better.”
“Don’t we all, Jake? Don’t we all,” she said as she patted him comfortingly on the shoulder. “Now, go eat. You gotta refuel.”
“Yeah. I’ll see you around, (Y/N).”
“Bye, Jake.”
As the boy left her by herself, her gaze found her brother. He was sitting on a bench in the backyard, his shoulders slumped and a hand over his eyes. Sam was tired, that much she could tell. But it wasn’t because of the vampire. No. It was a fatigue she knew very well.
“Hey,” she said softly as she sat next to him. “How’re you doing?”
“I told you we’re all good, Bean,” Sam smiled weakly.
“That’s not what I mean, Sam. How are you?”
“I’m fine,” he breathed. “Just… tired. I was worried before that. We caught the leech’s scent first, and we were ready for a fight—finally finish up who’s been killing all those hikers. But then your scent was mixed up in it and I got so stressed that I wouldn’t get to you in time. I’ve been worried that a bloodsucker would take you away from me, but I never thought it could’ve happened this way.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Sam,” (Y/N) said as she wrapped her arms around her brother. “Not for a while, at least.”
“It was scary to realize how easy it would have been for that guy to kill you.” His voice trembled as he spoke, the protector mask quickly falling away. “With how things were going with the doctor, I was sure I would have to get used to not having you near again. But today reminded me about how you could have been gone for good. And what would’ve happened if you had no idea who we were? You would have no idea that we were trying to protect you, and you would have been just as terrified as Bella was. You would have been scared of me.”
“Well, I guess that’s one thing you can be grateful about him,” (Y/N) smiled, squeezing her brother’s hand comfortingly. “This is one secret you don’t have to hide from me.”
“It’s a shitty secret.”
“It’s a necessary one, Sam. You taught me that.”
“Yeah, it’s the reason two of the people I love most in the world got hurt,” he grumbled. “It’s a shitty secret.”
“What? You’re saying if it had been a choice, you would have said no?”
Sam sighed and let his head fall back as his eyes closed. “I don’t know, honestly,” he admitted. “It’s an honor to have been chosen to protect our people. But sometimes, I just wish the responsibility fell onto someone else. If it hadn’t been for this, so many lives would have been different. I know I’m meant to be the strong one, but I just can’t help but wonder why me sometimes.”
“Do you remember what you told me before I left for school?” (Y/N) said. “I wasn’t sure why I had been the one chosen for the scholarship and I was so scared that the school had made a mistake that I wanted to stay home. You told me that the only one who didn’t believe in me was myself —that I would always be my harshest critic and that I would never believe how amazing I was no matter how much people told me. Well, now it’s your turn, Sam. You’re doing an amazing job as an alpha. You’re keeping out people safe, you have a beautiful fiancée that loves you, and you’re the best brother a girl could ask for. If the universe chose this job for you, it was for a reason.”
“Yeah, an alpha that didn’t have a hold on things and managed to not only scar the woman I love, but I couldn’t even stop you from getting hurt,” he exclaimed. “And now all these hikers are dead, and even though we killed this leech, another one with a vendetta is gonna come here for the Swab girl. I just can’t seem to do things right. I have no business caring for all these people.”
“Sam, I can’t think of anyone else that would be perfect for the job. You’ve been taking care of me and mom for a long time. Even when you didn’t have to, you always made sure we were okay. You made me dinner when mom was at work after school, you were there at every science fair, you even taught me how to ride a freaking bike,” she chuckled. “I don’t think you realize how good of a person and a leader you are. How you always step up to the plate when anyone needs you, no matter how trivial the matter is. You’re an amazing brother and an amazing alpha. We are all gonna lose someone sometime, no matter how hard we try to save them. Our job is to save those we can.”
Sam allowed the words of his sister to skin into his head, slowly allowing his body to relax. He settled into the bench comfortably and draped an arm around (Y/N) to bring her in for a side hug. “Since when do I have a little sister that is so smart?” he teased lovingly. “Don’t remember the moment you got old enough to give me advice.”
“Sam, you���re barely older than me.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that I’m older.”
“No. You’re just old.”
The pair of siblings joined the rest of the pack soon after, gathering around the table to enjoy the feast that Emily had prepared. They ate, they laughed, they talked, and finally, they crashed all around the fireplace in the living room. Jared and Embry had taken the sofas, and Emily and Sam had excused themselves to their room while Jacob had said his goodbyes and gone back home. The only people that were left awake were Paul and (Y/N), tension surrounding the air around them.
(Y/N) knew that avoiding Paul couldn’t last much longer, especially not when she could have lost him that afternoon. She had waited for him to come home, breathless and terrified that the last moments she had spent with him had been avoiding him. The survival of their friendship rested on the conversation she did not want to have with him, but she knew it was essential if she ever wanted him to stay her best friend.
“So,” she said, finally breaking the silence. “How’ve you been?”
“Oh, you finally have some time for me in your busy schedule?” Paul teased. “How lucky am I? Maybe I should face vampires more often.”
“Very funny, Paul.”
“Hey, I’m not the one that has been avoiding you for weeks now,” he shrugged as he threw his hands up in defeat. “What’s that about?”
The girl sighed as she restless her head against the wall, staring up at the wooden ceiling than into Paul’s eyes. She could feel his state burning a joke through her skull, seaman ding entrance into her innermost thoughts.  “Paul, you know what it’s about,” she responded. “You were getting too attached, and I didn’t know how to manage that.”
“Are you serious, (Y/N)? I was growing too attached?” Pail spoke in shouted whispers, wanting nothing more than to explode at that. But exhaustion clawed at his body, and the last thing he wanted was to let his wolf out. “And what have you that brilliant idea?”
“Paul, come on. The night Jacob finally turned, I could hear it in your voice,” she recalled. “You said there was something you just had to tell me, and I’m pretty certain I know what it is.”
“Oh yeah, Einstein? And what’s that?”
“That you want more,” she stated. “That you want us to be more.”
Surprise ran through Paula’s face before quickly transforming into an angry scowl. It had been what (Y/N) had wanted to avoid, but it was no use to continue pushing the inevitable. “Come on, (Y/N),” he exclaimed. “You can’t tell me it doesn’t make sense. We work well together, we have chemistry, and we have known each other for so long. Why won’t you just give it a chance?”
“Because I don’t see you that way, Paul, and I never will,” she responded. “You’re my best friend, yes, and we get along well because of it. It doesn’t mean that I want to be with you. I told you from the start that this was not gonna be anything other than just a physical thing—I was very clear on that.”
“So, what? You just use me for my fucking body but won’t even give yourself a chance to see if you might have feelings for me?” Paul spat. “Is it because of the bloodsucker? He broke you so much that you won’t give anyone else a chance?”
“This has nothing to do with him. I simply don’t have feelings for you, Paul.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” His voice rose as he jumped to his feet. “He’s not coming back, (Y/N)! He left you. He took his family, and he left you. Why won’t you get over him already?”
“Whether he was here or not, my feelings for you wouldn’t change. I see you as a friend, and I’ll always see you as a friend, Paul,” (Y/N) stated, trying her best to stay calm. She knew that playing into his game would only work to make him angrier, and the result could be catastrophic. “If you can’t handle that, then I think it’s best we just cool things off.”
“Oh my god, you are still in love with him,” he scoffed. “After all that bullshit that you went through for months. He told you he didn’t care about you. He said you were only a moment in his eternal life. He doesn’t love you, and he never fucking did.”
By that point, the pair had gotten an audience, the two teens that were asleep on the couches had woken up and Sam had come out of his room. But none of that seemed to deter Paul from continuing with his rant. He was seeing red and didn’t care if what he said hurt her. “You don’t care that he stomped on your heart and didn’t give it another thought. I bet you’d take him right back if he asked,” he spat. “I guess you both have something in common, though. You take what you want from people and, once you’re done with them, you throw them away.”
“That’s quite enough, Paul.”
“No, Sam, it’s okay,” (Y/N) interjected. “From the beginning, you knew what you were getting into, Paul. I didn’t want a relationship, and I sure as hell have never given you any indication that I wanted one with you. I’m sorry if you are hurt, but I was very clear about what I did and didn’t want. It’s not my fault you believed this could ever go anywhere.”
“You knew exactly what you were doing when you asked me to be your fuck buddy,” the boy seethed. “You knew you’d be leading me on, and you held it over me like a fucking toy.”
“Don’t you dare put this on me, Paul,” she said, her tone rising as frustration overtook her. “I was very clear. I was very honest. Not once did I ever say or even insinuate that I wanted to be with you. I’m sorry that I did use you for your body and the convenience, but it is not my fault that you deluded yourself into believing that we could be together.”
“You are honestly unbelievable, (Y/N). You used me, and now you wanna make it my fault,” Paul pushed. He closed the distance between them, towering over her like a dark cloud. He could see or hear reason; he couldn’t even admit that everything he was saying was a lie. All he could see was red. “No wonder you fell for a bloodsucker. You’re just as heartless and cold as them. I bet you wouldn’t even give betraying us a second thought if it meant you could save one of them. Maybe he left you before you could leave him. After all, it is in your genes.”
The words struck a chord in (Y/N). She gathered all the strength she had, recoiled her hand, and slapped Paul firmly across the face. But where everyone was expecting her hand to shatter at the contact, the hit went through and made the boy’s face snap to the side. The mere surprise had him stumbling a couple of steps back, holding his face as it grew pink from the strike.
After the initial shock, anger bubbled inside him, and he charged toward (Y/N). But he couldn’t even make it a step toward her before Jared and Embry were shielding her. The boys grabbed Paul’s arms and held him back as he fought, yelling at them to let him go.
“That’s enough!” Sam’s voice bounced off the walls, sending shivers even down (Y/N)’s back. “Get out of here, Paul, and cool off. That’s an order. Go with him, Jared.”
The second-in-command pulled Paul out of the house and far from view, leaving Sam and Embry with a tearful (Y/N).
“Hey, Embry, can you give us a second?”
“Uh, yeah, sure,” he mumbled. “You okay, (Y/N)?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” she sniffled. “Thanks.”
 “I’ll, uh, be in the guest room until my shift starts.”
Once the boy had left, Sam wrapped his arms tightly around his sister, allowing her to crumble in his embrace. “He’s an ass, (Y/N),” he whispered. “And he had no right to say any of those things.”
“But he’s a little bit right,” she cried. “A few months ago, I was ready to leave everyone behind for a man that didn’t even spare me a thought. And then I used Pau to fill a void someone else left, knowing he had feelings for me. I’m just like dad.”
“Hey, absolutely not. You are nothing like him,” Sam affirmed. He cradled her face in his hands, wiping away the tears on her cheeks. “You are by far one of the most amazing human beings I know. You’re intelligent, you’re caring, and so determined. I don’t think you know just how proud I am of you. Paul’s just butthurt that you don’t like him. He doesn’t deal well with rejection.”
“It doesn’t mean he’d no right.”
“What could he possibly be right about? He’s barely passing his classes.”
“I still love him,” she answered meekly, her voice so low and broken she wasn’t sure she had said anything at all. “I miss him every single day, no matter what I do to forget him. I keep waking up thinking he’ll be just a drive away, but then I get to the hospital, and his office is empty. It’s not a bad dream, Sam. It’s my reality.”
“Bean, I didn’t… why didn’t you tell me you were feeling like this?  I thought things were better.”
“Well, I thought the last thing you wanted to hear about was about my ex-boyfriend, who is literally centuries older than me and is your natural-born enemy,” (Y/N) chuckled through her tears. “And it’s not easy to say that I’m not over the guys that told me I was just a spec of sand in his lifetime.”
“Love is a strange thing, (Y/N). It’s hard to come by, and it takes forever to move on from. It hurts for a really long time, until one day you wake up and it doesn’t anymore,” he said, brushing back strands of her hair. “I don’t care who this guy is, Bean. If you need me, if you need to talk, you just have to tell me. I am here for anything you need. He may have been my enemy, but you are my sister, and that trumps everything.”
“Do you think they’ll ever come back?”
“Maybe not in our lifetime. The last time they left, they didn’t come back for almost seventy years. If they do come back, it’ll be long after we’re dead,” he shrugged. “Do you want them to?”
“Is it selfish if I say I do?”
“I mean, it does make me question how we’re related,” he teased. “But I don’t think you’re selfish for it. Just promise me one thing.”
“If by some weird trick of the universe they do decide to come back, that you won’t go back to him, (Y/N). Or at least give him hell for it first.”
“I can promise you I will make him grovel until his knees give out,” she grinned softly. “But I do hope that, if they don’t come back, living without him gets easier soon enough. I hate carrying this black hole inside me.”
“It’ll get better one day, Bean,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her. “But while it isn’t, let me carry this burden with you. And just take things one at a time. Focus on school and work and forget about this whole thing with Paul. He’ll see reason soon enough.”
“I love you, Sam. Thank you fed everything that you’ve done.”
“I love you too, kid.”
“I’m only a year younger than you,” she laughed.
“A year is still a year,” he smiled as he chuckled. “Now, let’s get you home so you can rest and forget this all happened.”
Yet, it was a moment none of them would be able to rid from their minds. (Y/N) should not have been able to slap Paul without hurting herself, and she most definitely should not have hurt him. But, at that moment, no one was thinking about that. All they wanted was comfort and rest, and that’s all they did. Because in their town, there was always something new lurking around the corner.
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volturiprincess · 4 months
Carlisle Cullen w/ His Mate Mood Board
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Surprise, Surprise! Technically when I was checking the poll earlier of "Who should be next" regarding Mood boards, Carlisle was in second place after Paul so...... Just checking now, Jane is now second (not surprised, she deserves first but no judgement). But I got to say something about Carlisle is just muah, Chefs kiss. I found it amusing when I was reading Twilight and Bella's reaction to him in the hospital was literally "handsomer than any other movie star", she's not wrong (the only time I agree with her) but like I got to say he is Daddy Cullen, The handsome Vampire Doctor.
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velvetcloxds · 9 months
Looking for somebody =
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+ could you pls make the reader chubby cus am chubby girl and it would be a comfort for me after today 😅❤ but only if you want to ofc anyways i hope you had a good day ♡♡<3
word count: 0.7k
warnings: chubby!reader, not specified anywhere but it's chubby-reader-friendly as always, I also have not read the vampire diaries books, just watched the show
summary: carlisle and edward find your obsession with the vampire diaries books a little ridiculous, especially when you've got your own house of vampires right there in the real world
It was a dangerous thing, reading around Edward, whatever you were reading was bound to count as entertainment for him as well, even if he was busing himself with his own thing which he always was. Lately, you'd been getting into a silly little series of books you'd been gifted as a joke at first, the writing wasn't really something to rave about but the characters had stolen your interest and you were deadset on finishing the whole series despite the mind reader's distain.
"Edward, I can't focus with all that ruckus," you noted with an overly dramatic sigh, expecting that very look to rest on his face as he caught you telling him off for doing something in his own home. He lifted his hands from the ivory keys of the piano with a sigh of his own. "Must you play while I'm reading?" you huffed and stuffed the faded receipt into your book to hold your place.
"Must you read while I'm playing?" he demanded in return and you heard the softest scoff from the kitchen where Carlisle was making you dinner, his favorite pastime as of late, making the most of his fancy kitchen on your behalf.
"Carlisle, your son is being insufferable," you noted with a delicate smirk, tilting your head back to see a similar look on his face as he met your gaze. "His irritation with my book has turned to actual sabotage."
"You truly think I spend my days planning ways to disrupt your reading?" Edward played a few notes, it wasn't half as bad as you'd expect from your words but it was untimely. How were you to focus on the current villain taking his shot to kill Elena if you were distracted by Edward's rendition of Mozart? "Burning those books of yours would take up much less of my time, this-" he pushed down onto a lower key, humming at the sound and chuckling lightly at your frown. "This is merely to help me endure it."
"You know, you may look like a teenager, Edward, but you can't hide the fact that you're really just a bitter old man," you informed him, and when he chuckled you did too, wanting to get back to your book. Still, you weren't all that bothered that you couldn't when Carlisle sat down on the couch next to you, giving the two of you a familiar look before taking the book from your hands and scanning the page.
"Bitter old men, she says," he mused, very perfectly landed on a page where Elena was stuck right in the middle of some vampire crisis having to be saved by a vampire named Damon who by the looks of it seemed more popular for his appearance than his actions based on Elena's reaction which didn't at all match her description of him. "Seems you have a type," he concluded and was sure to take note of the page you were on before closing the book and chucking it onto the coffee table.
"You jealous, my love?" you teased and he was happy to play along if it meant you'd draw closer to him, leaning onto his chest and brushing a hand around his neck.
"Should I be?" he furrowed his brows in mock concern, shamelessly dragging a hand to cup your waist, the other lifting your palm to steal a kiss, at the ever-disgusted expense of Edward who had gone back to playing as loud as he could.
"Never," you replied earnestly, kissing the tip of his nose before brushing against it with your own. "You're the only dead man I have eyes for," he pinched your waist at that, leaning in for a kiss of his own satisfaction only pleased when you smiled against his lips to end it. "Plus," you hummed, tugging lightly at the hair settled in the nape of his neck to keep his focus. "He's far too young for my liking, you got a good two or three centuries on him."
"Watch it, trouble," he laughed, smacking lightly at your behind when you jumped off him to taste whatever he'd concocted for your dinner.
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Carlisle x reader - lead the way
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If you're comfortable with it, could you please write a Carlisle x Fem Reader fic where she has really bad social anxiety around Christmas time, but still wants to get gifts for her family and his and he comforts her through it? I got overstimulated in a store trying to find a gift for my mom :') - Anon 💜
Walking through the mall, you looked at the list in your hand, trying to ignore the fact that you were shaking.
“So darling, what’s our next step?” Carlisle asked.
“I uh… the book store..”
Carlisle glanced at you, and he gently gripped your arm, making you stop.
You looked up at him, and he gently took your elbows, leaning down a little bit.
“You’re nervous, that’s okay. It’s okay to be nervous..” he whispered.
“There’s just.. so many people… so many things…”
He smiled softly, taking the list from you to put in his pocket and he kissed your forehead.
“I know, I know you don’t like any of this, we can order it all online if you want?”
You shook your head.
“No.. I.. I need to do this like this…”
“Okay, that’s okay. Come with me.”
Carlisle took your hand, and he led your through the crowds of people, letting you hide yourself behind him so you didn’t have to deal with people.
He parted the crowds for you both, and he took you around to a part of the mall that was closed.
He ushered you past the temporary wall blocking it off and he closed it again.
It was empty, but there was still all the noise from the other side.
Carlisle took your hands.
“Let’s sit down for a moment.”
You both sat down and he raised his hands, blocking your ears and dimming all the noise.
All he did was smile at you, letting you rest your hands on his arms.
You just stared at his golden eyes, focusing on nothing but them.
Carlisle listened closely to your heartbeat, it was still slightly fast, but he could hear you slowly calming down.
When you were ready he knew you would move his hands away, and he would sit there for as long as it took.
When you did, he took your hands, running his thumbs along your knuckles.
“We’ll take it on shop at a time, alright?”
“Yeah.. I uh.. I like that idea..”
Carlisle leant forward and he met you halfway, gently pressing your lips to his in a soft kiss before you pulled away.
Carlisle stood up first, and then he helped you up, taking his jacket off to put around your shoulders and began doing it up for you.
“Stay behind me alright? Just tell me where you want to go and I’ll lead the way.”
“Will you hear me?”
Carlisle smiled, softly kissing your forehead.
“I will always hear you darling.”
With that, he took your hand and led you back into the busy small, making sure to keep his hand behind him so he could guide you.
You kept your gaze in his back, holding his hand tightly, smiling a little when you felt him gently squeeze your hand
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yngrimes · 1 month
Main masterlist twilight masterlist request
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Carlisle cullen and his soon to be wife
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Carlisle Cullen x Fem Reader Drabble
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AN: Implied smut.
“I love the way your skin feels under my lips,” Carlisle murmured while kissing up your arm. You felt as if you were melting into the bed at your mate’s adoring touch.
You felt him whispering sweetly against your skin. Moments later, you were able to identify the words - the poem Carlisle was reciting against your skin was a piece of poetry you were quite familiar with.
Carlisle finished uttering the words to Love’s Language by Ella Wheeler Wilcox and you dragged him back up to you so you could kiss him on his plush lips.
“Do you think that we have time for another round before the kids come home?”
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