#carol ross x abby gerhard
blackacre13 · 1 year
I’m many of your recent Belivaird fics Carol and Therese are engaged so I was wondering if you could do a fic with how you imagine that proposal happening? (My headcanon is that Carol was the one to propose but I can also totally see Therese doing it so you can do whoever feels right for you haha)
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“You’re a star for doing this, love,” Carol beamed, turning to Therese who was sitting in the passenger seat of the car trying and failing not to glower at the windshield in front of her.
“I’m doing this for you, not Abby,” the brunette reminded her.
“Oh, hush,” the blonde laughed. “Don’t act like that. It’s no secret you and Abby are the best of friends these days. If anything, I should be upset that she’s replacing me. Should’ve known she’d end up liking my f-girlfriend more than me.”
They both caught the slip in speech, locking eyes for only a moment before the younger woman’s cheeks starting burning and she looked down at her lap.
“You promise you’ll come check on me at lunch? I don’t know anything about selling furniture.”
“I promise, sweet. And you don’t have to. Just explain your covering for the owners and take down any interested customers or questions. Abby and I will patch things over with them next week. We just need a body.”
“A body?” Therese snorted.
“A very cute body,” Carol amended. “A beautiful woman. With the sweetest smile. To bring in shoppers from far and near.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Therese rolled her eyes, reaching for the door handle.
Carol’s blue eyes danced and sparkled mischievously in the sun, her lip caught in a smirk.
“Wouldn’t you like a parting kiss?” She teased, leaning over towards the brunette.
Therese melted against the blonde, letting their lips softly meet as she sighed into it.
“I love you,” Therese whispered softly, resting her forehead against the blonde’s.
“Not as much as I love you, dearest,” Carol murmured, stroking Therese’s cheek with the back of her hand. “Now go. Before we get too distracted.”
A few stolen kisses later, from teasing and procrastination on each side, Therese was gone in the shop and Carol was turning the corner, discretely parking only a block or so away where Abby was meeting her in a diner.
The blonde slid into their favorite booth, Abby already waiting, cigarette in hand and coffee untouched in front of her.
“I did it again,” Carol admitted, blushing as she sat. She slid Abby’s coffee in front of her as Abby rolled her eyes, but allowed her to take a sip, offering her a drag of her own cigarette next.
“If you would just go ahead and get it over with, the next time it happens, it wouldn’t be a mistake. You’re going to get caught, nitwit.”
“I can’t help it, Abby,” Carol sighed dreamily. “I love her. I want her to be mine. My everything. My always. My—“
“We get it,” Abby huffed, but she was smiling. Truly proud of and happy for her friend. “But you need to actually propose first. You can’t just declare her as your wife you know.”
“I can hardly sit still,” Carol whined. “Do you have it? Let me see it again.”
“No, I forgot it,” Abby rolled her eyes. “And what? You think the setting will change? The band will turn from gold to silver? It looks the same as when you bought it and every time you’ve looked at it after that.”
“Abby,” Carol exhaled. “Give it.”
“Here,” the other woman sighed, pressing the green velvet box into Carol’s waiting hand.
Carol shifted the small box from one hand to the other. Peeking into it carefully like something might pop out and bite her.
“She will say yes, won’t she?” Carol asked.
“Of course,” Abby promised. “I have no doubt.”
As planned, an antsy Carol helped Abby around town as she did some last minute Christmas shopping, the box feeling heavy in her coat pocket, burning a hole in the material. She wanted Therese to see it. She needed to see her face. Needed to see it on her dainty little hand.
After what felt like eons, Abby declared it was lunch time and Carol was ready to book it back ti the furniture shop, almost forgetting the lunch she was bringing as her ploy for dropping by.
“Carol!” Abby called out, propping her sunglasses on her forehead. “I’m so happy for you. Both of you.”
“She hasn’t said yes, yet!” Carol threw back, her hands clammy with anxiety and excitement.
“She’s never been able to say no to you,” Abby smiled. “Go get your girl.”
Carol took a deep breath as she opened the door to the shop, the bells chiming softly overhead as she entered. Therese was leaning against the front counter, elbows on the glass, busy doodling something in the margins of the receipt notebook.
“I was wondering if you might help me with something,” Carol smiled shyly, approaching Therese as the brunette raised her face to meet Carol’s own.
“Very funny,” Therese laughed. “Looking for a doll? I’m afraid we’re all out. Bright Betsy, was it?”
“I had something else in mind actually,” Carol waved her hand. She dug through her purse, acting like she was looking for her cigarettes.
“I won’t bother telling you that you’re not supposed to smoke in here since, you know, this is your own store and all,” the brunette grinned. “Did you bring me lunch at least before you light up?”
“Hold these for me for a moment, won’t you darling?” Carol asked, slipping off her gloves and putting them down on the counter. She rummaged through her purse again, using the activity to take a deep breath and steady herself before she put the small velvet box on top of the gloves.
“Um. Carol.”
“Left it too long,” the blonde smiled, eyes practically glowing. “Go ahead. I’d love to know what you think.”
“Carol, I—“
“Therese Belivet,” Carol murmured, her voice deep velvet. “What do you do on Sundays?”
Therese was staring at her blankly with wide eyes as the blonde opened the velvet box for her, the simple but stunning diamond ring glimmering between them. “I thought perhaps, you might like to marry me?”
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Curtain. (i)
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Carol (2015) fanfiction 
Summary: An on-and-off job as photographer can only pay so much, so Therese Belivet has taken a job at an elementary school's art program to help pay the bills. One of her last jobs before the school year begins is photographing a preview night of a successful play where she meets the well-known artistic director of the show, Carol Ross. She forgets about their meeting until September rolls around and she starts teaching an inquisitive young six-year old by the name of Rindy.
Characters: Carol x Therese
Word Count: 1,491
Warnings: none yet!
Therese was staring intensely at her laptop, watching as all the little photo icons from her camera began transferring over to her drive. Rain tapped gently against her windows and a can of Coke sat on her desk, half-empty. She had shut all the windows to avoid any light or outdoor distractions as she tended to daydream while looking out in the distance, but this time Therese was determined to get this job finished.
As she waited for the files to continue transferring, the brunette arched her back, yawning as her body creaked and popped from sitting for so long.
It had been three days since her lucky photography gig at the Hudson Theatre. Thinking about it still made her limbs jittery. It was a smaller theatre, but being the oldest theatre in the city and having hosted many successful shows, it was still a landmark. Therese had been overjoyed at the prospect of working inside the theatre for once and seeing all the ins and outs of the show she had been asked to document.
Her phone pinged from where she had haphazardly tossed it on her bed. She stood up and shuffled over, stretching again and giving her legs a shake as she opened a message from Dannie.
preview done. again.
how was it?
tbh a little messier than when u were there, richard kept missing his mark
of course he did.
yeah ross wasn't too pleased with him...
At the mention of the director's name, Therese's stomach lurched a bit, though she couldn't tell why. They had only exchanged a few words during the preview when she'd been there.
...anyways, manager wants to know how ur doing with those photos
workin on em right now actually
tsk that's too bad
why? did she need them now? i thought i had until next week
nah i was just gonna ask if u wanted to get some food and then get plastered w me and phil
Therese snorted and looked back at her laptop, which lit up, indicating all the files had been successfully imported. Temporarily forgetting about her conversation she hurried to glance through them, immediately noticing the faulty pics that she knew she wouldn't be able to use.
Her phone rang and she picked up.
"Is that a no?" Dannie asked from the other end. Therese rolled her eyes.
"Dannie, not responding in 30 seconds does not automatically mean no. But yeah, I don't know if getting drunk right now is such a good idea, I have a lot to go through. Plus, don't you have to work tomorrow?"
"Preview isn't until the afternoon, Belivet. I have all morning to sober up."
Sighing, Therese flicked through a few photos, stilling as she found one of the director whose back was to the camera as she directed Gen, the lead actress, who stood off to the far side of the stage.
"Hm? Yeah, for sure. I'll come for food, but I'm going home afterwards, I really don't want to be hungover. I've had three cans of Coke already, alcohol and caffeine don't mix well for me."
"Alright, sounds good."
"When do you wanna head out?"
At that, the intercom buzzed at Therese's front door, indicating someone was in front of the apartment building.
"Jesus, Dannie, really?"
"I know you're always hungry, Therese. Plus, getting off the subway from work at your place is so much closer than mine. Forgive me?"
"Ugh fine, give me 20 minutes to get ready though. I don't care if you're stuck in the rain outside. That's what happens when you constantly drag me out for last minute plans."
"Yeah, yeah, Belivet, just hurry your ass up. We're not going anywhere fancy cause God knows I don't get paid enough to afford anything like that."
"Is Richard coming?" Therese asked, brow furrowing in a split second of worry.
"Him? Nah. I actually think he somehow managed to lure Gen into a date tonight. I saw them talking after the show."
"Oof, poor girl."
"Yeah, maybe I should warn her, y'know. Get her out while she still can."
"Terrible idea, McElroy. You know how actresses are with stage hands."
Dannie barked out a laugh. "Shut the fuck up, Belivet. You're one to talk, considering you were ogling the director the entire night."
"I was not."
"Yeah you were. Now get going, or I'm gonna melt in this downpour."
Therese smiled and ended the call, closing her laptop and hurrying to put on some decent clothes before meeting Dannie outside.
"C'mon Terry, not even one shot? As a celebratory drink for this job and the next."
"No, Phil," Therese laughed. "I already told Dannie, I have work to do later."
"Alright, suit yourself, but that means I'm gonna drink extra just to make up for you!"
After having grabbed a bite at a cheap Thai restaurant, the McElroy brothers had dragged Therese to their usual bar even though she was still determined to stay sober.
"Do you even know how to deal with kids, Therese? Elementary school can be vicious, y'know," Dannie said, sipping his beer as he ignored Phil stumbling from his seat to order another drink.
"It's only part-time, Dan," Therese shrugged. "Plus, what kid doesn't like art? If one of them throws a temper, I'll just let him go ham on a canvas with some paint, no big deal. It's therapeutic that way."
"How'd you manage to get a job there anyway?"
"Well, their usual art teacher had to take a break for a year 'cause of an injury, so I'm just filling in for the younger grades. They were desperate for more staff for their programs."
"Jeez, is that allowed? You've barely worked with kids until now."
"I dunno. I did a full police check and stuff, besides I'm not hired for the school, just the programs afterwards so I'm not technically a teacher. But it's a small school with a shit ton of younger kids that often need an after-school program. Chances are they won't even need me in the New Year if the other teacher comes back."
"So they just really need extra hands on deck?" Dannie concluded and Therese nodded. Phil came staggering back with a glass of water, grouchy and mumbling something about the bartender not letting him have another.
"Yeah. What about you though? What's happening after Woolf?"
Danni sighed and slumped back in his seat. "Who knows at this point? Ross is taking a break too, from being artistic director-,"
"Wait, really? She's not retiring is she?"
Dannie smirked at Therese but ignored her sudden eagerness in the conversation.
"Nah, just something about needing to be home with her family. She's worked her butt off for the theatre more than anyone, so it makes sense she wants a break for a little while after this show's done. But she'll probably be back in no time, cause she's like that. In the mean time, Gerhard is taking over. I don't know what she has up her sleeve yet, but I'm thinking a typical Christmas show is coming up."
"Any idea what it might be?"
"Nope. Everyone's talking and wanting to do A Christmas Carol but it's been so overdone, and Abby's always doing unexpected things."
"Damn, I wonder what it could be," Therese chewed her lip in thought.
"You sure you're not just upset at the idea of Ross not working there anymore?" Dannie teased. Therese smacked his arm.
"Dannie," she scolded.
"What! Even a blind person could see she's literal eye candy, though she can be a tough boss. I'm not blaming you for liking her, but I am telling you that she's not as sweet as she looks."
"Hmph, whatever. She's probably got someone anyways, if she's taking a break with family."
"I dunno, Belivet, I've never noticed a wedding ring." He winked at her.
"God, you're the worst y'know?" Therese sighed, though her eyes were twinkling. "I never should have come out to you when all you do is tease me about every girl who I just happen to find kinda cute."
Dannie grinned. "That's what you get for being besties with the McElroys, Belivet. Besides, since Phil doesn't like girls, who am I supposed to go to when I get lady problems?"
Therese shook her head and chuckled before checking her watch.
"Damn, it's getting late. Alright boys, I'm going home. I really need to work on those photos. Don't drink yourselves to death, please?"
"Wouldn't dream of it, Belivet!"
She grabbed her purse before going to hail a cab as Phil and Dannie waved goodbye, her mind whirling with thoughts of the intriguing blonde director. Therese wondered who she was, besides the 'literal eye candy' that she'd managed to capture on camera. Sighing, Therese shook her from her mind during the brief cab ride home, deciding it was best to leave her daydreaming behind for the rest of the night.
A/N: heh... hi. here's my take on carol/therese because i can’t get enough of them honestly. Let me know what you think; this’ll be a pretty packed series so enjoy :3 
I’ve also been posting my stuff on AO3 if any of you use that as well so you can find this and my other stories there too! <3 
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blackacre13 · 2 years
im obsessed! your writing is soo addictive could you do a y/n with mommy kink X Carol where Carol finds y/n masturbating and punishes her for it; bonus if there is squirting ;)
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Y/N had been waiting for almost an hour now for Carol, but they weren’t worried. In fact, they were chiding themselves, as the longer they waited the gigglier and more excited they got.
Y/N was planning to surprise Carol with a little something. Well, rather, barely a little more than nothing.
Carol’s day had been nothing but stressful, the blonde tied up in meetings with vendors for the furniture house, and messages from Harge’s lawyer, and Abby was sick, leaving Carol to manage the shop and their most recent dealings alone. Carol had called Y/N at lunch, sighing and murmuring how she wished she was home with you instead and how she wished she could flee right there and fall into your arms the second she was done, but Y/N had the displeasure of reminding her that she had a meeting at Rindy’s school after work and that a long hug and her subsequent collapse would have to wait a little while longer.
Y/N thought about drawing the blonde a bath, but there were some days where the stress went beyond a bath, and Carol wanted to simply fall against the bed and close her eyes. End the day early. Head straight to bed. And Y/N could certainly help with that.
The idea was enthralling. Y/N wasn’t sure how long Carol’s meeting would last, laying against silk sheets, hair tousled against the pillows, thinking about Carol.
Welcoming her home. Wrapping arms around her tight in an embrace. Pulling her in. Your skin close. Your lips brushing until Y/N could pull a gasp from the blonde’s lips. Ease her onto the bed. Tell her to relax. To let go. To give in to Y/N.
Y/N wanted to taste her. It was a craving. A must. Y/N’s mouth was watering just thinking about it. There was nothing like tasting Carol. Nothing like the flavor of her on your tongue.
Maybe even better than Carol’s tongue on you, though the thought sent delicious tingles down Y/N’s spine as they let out a shaky breath, sliding down the sheets slightly as their hand trailed across their thigh softly, wishing it was the blonde’s delicate fingers. Suddenly caught up in the fantasy, surroundings fading away as Y/N’s hands traveled underneath their barely-there slip, breath hitching as Y/N felt their own wetness, moaning with relief as deft fingers trailed slow and teasing, losing themselves entirely as they hastened the pace, letting Carol’s name fall from their lips, teetering on the edge with a soft curse until—
“Well, isn’t this a delightful surprise?” A voice mused, Y/N practically hearing the smirk in Carol’s voice.
“C-Carol,” Y/N gasped, sitting up suddenly, hand still between their thighs as they snapped their legs shut, cheeks turning red.
“Oh, don’t stop on my account, darling,” Carol smiled, sitting down on the edge of the bed as Y/N’s eyes watched Carol’s hands, fingers sliding gloves off before they fell to the floor, her coat following shortly behind as she turned to face Y/N. “You look like you were enjoying yourself?”
“I wanted to surprise you,” Y/N admitted, looking down, suddenly bashful, trying to ignore the wetness rubbing against their thighs as they watched Carol crawl forward, pencil skirt and blouse and heels still on, rich perfume wrapping around them like a vice.
“It was quite the surprise,” she whispered, with a chuckle, brushing Y/N’s hair back and tucking it behind their ear. “But would you have kept going, darling? If I wasn’t here? Hmm? You know you aren’t supposed to come without my permission.”
Y/N let out a shaky breath as they nodded their head. “I wanted—I—yes, I was going to,” Y/N admitted quietly as Carol clicked her tongue. “I was thinking about you and I—I’m sorry, mommy,” Y/N whispered, looking up at the blonde with guilty eyes.
“So naughty, Y/N,” Carol breathed, her nose ghosting along Y/N’s face before it brushed against their lips. She straddled Y/N’s body, rolling down the covers to spread Y/N’s legs, groaning at the glistening arousal between them. “Whatever were you thinking about me doing, darling?” Carol whispered, nails trailing down Y/N’s body, teasing over the silk fabric. “Couldn’t resist a little touch could you? Even though I wasn’t here and you wouldn’t be able to beg me oh, so nicely to let you come. I think that’s cause for some punishment, Y/N. Don’t you?”
“Yes, mommy,” Y/N whispered, Carol rolling them gently to their stomach, caressing their bare bottom as they sucked in a breath before she brought her hand down hard with a smack.
“I think four more should do it,” Carol decided. “Count them for me, would you darling?”
“T-two,” Y/N gasped, as her hand came down again. “Thank you, mommy.”
Y/N counted and thanked Carol for each spank before they felt the coolness of Carol’s lips, kissing and soothing over the redness, rolling Y/N to their back once more.
“What do you say, Y/N?”
“I’m sorry, mommy,” YN breathed, still squirming beneath the blonde. “God, I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll be good for you.”
“How good?” Carol asked, her tongue settling between Y/N’s thighs as they whimpered, starting to lap at them. “You’re going to come for me, Y/N. And then you’re going to come for me again, and again, and again.”
“I—Fuck, it’s too much, I—shit.”
“Too much?” Carol chuckled, pushing three fingers inside before her tongue returned, lapping faster, the blonde pushing Y/N’s legs apart as they tried to push them back together. “But you were so greedy before when I wasn’t here. Now that I’m home—“
“Fuck, I—mommy, please, shit— I—oh god.”
Carol looked up at Y/N in awe for only a moment before her smile grew wicked.
“Well,” she chuckled. “Someone is excited. That was quite the surprise, darling.”
“I’m sorry, mommy—I—“
“Nonsense,” Carol whispered, her head disappearing behind creamy thighs once more. “Now that I know you can do that. You’re going to do that for me again and again and again. Until you just can’t take it anymore.”
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blackacre13 · 2 years
Okay. Now I’m interested. How about a Carol/Abby fic where they fall back into the affair?
I have no other specifics but I’m confident you’ll make it into a fantastic story as usually do. :)
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“I feel a bit guilty,” Carol sighed, leaning over so Abby could light the cigarette she held between her lips.
“Why?” Abby snorted. “Because you’re finally having good sex again?”
“You mean sex at all,” Carol winked with a laugh, but her face stilled as she took a puff of her cigarette, watching the smoke curl through the air as she looked off, her blue eyes, seeming empty and far away. “I’m lying to Harge again.”
“Are you?” Abby sighed. “Or is he just too blind to see what’s going on? Does he even realize how unhappy you are? Probably too caught up in his own life to notice.”
“No, it’s not that,” the blonde frowned. “Well, that’s part of it. Of course. But he doesn’t really care. He’s never really cared. As long as we look presentable to society and his mother and Rindy looks happy and I look pretty, that’s all that matters to him.”
“Carol,” Abby started, frowning with concern as she reached out for Carol’s bare shoulder, the blonde shaking it off as she looked down at the sheets around them, biting at her lip.
“I told him that we were over,” Carol admitted with a shy smile as she met Abby’s eyes. “That we were over, long before Harge and I were over. But that’s not exactly true, is it?”
“It was true,” the brunette sighed. “Maybe not so much now,” she laughed, gesturing to the bed they were sharing before taking a draw of her own cigarette. “But it was true then. And you had only thought you and Harge were getting into a bit of a rough spot. We didn’t think it would last this long. I never dreaded it would get even worse than it was. The things he’s said to you about me and used Rindy to keep you behaved like some sort of animal pining for a treat.”
“I’m tired of arguing with him,” Carol whispered. “Abby, I’m so tired.”
“I know, honey,” she frowned, playing with one of Carol’s curls as the blonde leaned into her touch. They both chose to ignore her initial flinch. Abby’s heart panging at the realization that her dearest friend probably wasn’t used to receiving affection as simple as this anymore. Her husband barely paid her any attention at all. Gifts of perfume and pearls and letting her have ice cream dates with her own daughter wasn’t the same at love. Wasn’t much of anything at all.
“I shouldn’t be doing this, Abby,” Carol smiled sadly, tears welling in her eyes. “Tell me we can’t do this.”
“I can’t say such a thing,” Abby whispered, her fingers moving from Carol’s hair to her cheek as she stroked it gently, leaning in towards the blonde as she breathed her in. “I can’t say that you don’t deserve love. That you don’t deserve pleasure. That he has no idea what s stupid, useless moron he is,” she whispered, kissing Carol deeply as the blonde tried to stop her away with barely any effort, as if it was just for show. “Abby, we shouldn’t—“
“Why shouldn’t we?” Abby whispered, kissing Carol softly as her hands trailed down the blonde’s chest, brushing against her nipples as Carol gasped. “Why shouldn’t you feel good? Have someone worship you and your gorgeous body?”
“Abby,” Carol breathed, the name half-protest and half pleasure as Abby kissed down her chest, pushing carol gently back against the pillows until the blonde was laying horizontal, her eyes fluttering closed as her hips rolled up to meet Abby’s as her own slid against her, nose running down the curve of her abs and stomach, before her head disappeared between the blonde’s thighs.
“Does he have any idea how glorious you taste?” Abby whispered, her eyes meeting Carol’s blue ones, now darkened with lust as her long tongue swiped through the blonde’s folds, Carol arching off the bed with a moan. “Can he make you come with his tongue like I can?”
“Fuck,” Carol gasped, her hands finding Abby’s head as she pushed her down against her, moaning as she heard how wet she was for Abby her tongue lapping at her happily and greedily, creating vibrations as she moaned against the blonde. “God….I…Fuck, I missed this.”
“You missed coming on my tongue?” Abby smirked, looking up as she wiped Carol’s arousal from her chin with a cocky grin.
“Don’t tease me, you nitwit,” Carol gasped, lifting her thigh sharply as she pushed it between Abby’s legs, making the brunette gasp. “How long has it been since you’ve ridden my thigh?”
“As long as it’s been since you’ve ridden my face,” Abby moaned, Carol’s thigh pushing against her more forcefully.
“I want you inside me,” Carol decided, tugging Abby’s hands towards her before pulling her in for a kiss, groaning as she tasted herself on Abby’s lips. “And then I want to touch you, Abby. I want to make you scream my name.”
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blackacre13 · 2 years
can i ask for more Carol/Therese mommy kink where Therese gets either teased in public/spanked/railed over the desk at Carol's workplace (or a combination hehehe) thanks so much bestie <3
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“Carol?” Therese called, dipping through the door as the bells jungled overhead, the brunette looking around the shop for the blonde.
“She’s in the back.”
“Abby,” the brunette breathed, unsure why she was surprised to find Abby in her own place of work. She did own 50% of the shop as the counterpart to Carol, after all. Perhaps Therese had been expecting a secret desire behind Carol’s request to drop off the lunch she’d forgotten. The brunette chided herself for hoping that she’d forgotten it on purpose as a response to see her partner.
“You can hide your disappointment,” Abby chuckled, throwing her coat over her arm as she rested her other hand on Therese’s shoulder. “I’ll get out of your hair. I’m meeting someone for lunch downtown. She’s in the back.” Abby tossed her a wink, laughing to herself with a hum before she left, the bell jingling once more as Therese sucked in a deep breath, brushing down her skirt, her palms sweaty on the brown bagged lunch.
“Back here, darling!” Carol suddenly called, her velvet voice making Therese jump, her stomach knotting with pleasure. She paced towards the back of the furniture shop, past Abby and Carol’s office toward the overflow storage room where she could spot the back of a tall, blonde head and a bare shoulder that made Therese gasp.
“Carol?” Therese asked, turning the corner to find the blonde perched on top of a beautiful chestnut desk, only wearing a silk slip, the thing strap falling over her shoulders. “Carol, baby, I—“
“I’ve found something that belongs in our home,” Carol smirked, brushing her fingers against the top of the desk delicately as Therese licked her lips, watching Carol’s fingers carefully, arousal stirring between her thighs as she placed the bagged lunch down on a bookshelf near her that was in the middle of being repainted.
“Would that be you?” Therese asked softly, returning Carol’s smirk with one of her own as she blushed. She came to stand in front of the blonde, Carol wrapping her legs around her, pulling her in.
“The desk,” Carol chuckled, kissing Therese softly on the lips before she left a light peck on each of her cheeks and then her forehead. “Mm, I’ve missed, you dearest.”
“And I, you, honey,” Therese smiled, breathing in Carol’s rich perfume that tickled her nose, tracing against Carol’s shoulder, always in awe of how smooth and porcelain her skin seemed. “Dare I ask about the neglige?” 
“It’s hot back here,” Carol shrugged, winking at the brunette. “What do you think of the desk though, darling? I thought you might like it for your home studio. The wood goes just perfectly with your main table and I thought that with the drawers, we could—“
“Why are you wearing this?” Therese whispered, tracing her index finger down the thin strap as she hooked it lazily back over Carol’s shoulder, watching it fall once more, slipping her finger in between Carol’s breasts, between the silk as the blonde let out a shaky breath.
“I told you, Therese, it’s—“
“Hot?” Therese smirked, running her hands down Carol’s thighs. “So if Abby walked back here right now—“
“She has lunch plans,” Carol insisted.
“Which you made,” Therese guessed with a grin.
“I might have met someone in the shop the other day I thought she’d like,” Carol shrugged.
“Right,” Therese nodded. “So you set Abby up on a lunch date, found me this desk you just had to show me, forgot your lunch I just had to bring by the shop, and then I come here and find you wearing this?”
“Therese,” Carol chuckled warmly, gasping as the brunette’s fingers brushed against matching silk panties.
“Coincidence I’m sure,” Therese murmured. “But then why are these panties soaked?”
“Dearest, I haven’t the faintest idea why you’d—“
“Carol,” Therese chuckled, shaking her head. “You’re going to make a mess all over my new desk, love.”
“Careful, Therese,” the blonde hummed, pulling her in tight against her as her red nails started to scratch along her back and arms. “Need I remind you who’s in charge here?”
“Well, Carol, I—“ Therese stumbled, her face burning red as Carol’s fingers started crawling up her thighs, slipping under her skirt to pull her panties down.
“What did you call me?” Carol asked sternly, hoisting Therese up on her lap, grabbing her hips as she pushed them to roll against her, moaning as she felt Therese’s wetness meet her own.
“I’m sorry,” Therese whispered, looking down bashfully. “I’m sorry, mommy. I’ll be be better.”
“That’s a good girl,” Carol purred, her nails moving back to Therese’s back as she started to rake them along her skin, under her shirt as Therese moaned. “Why don’t you show mommy just how badly you want me to touch you, hm? Keep rolling those pretty hips for me. Grinding against me. Making a mess on my lap.”
“Yes, mommy,” Therese panted, grabbing at the blonde’s hair, fingers tugging tight as Carol let out a deep moan. “Please.”
“You want me to Fuck you, Therese?” Carol breathed, pulling the brunette tighter against her, the two of them gasping as their arousal mixed together, nipples growing hard as they rubbed against each other. “You want me to flip you around? Throw you down against this desk and lift your skirt up like the naughty girl you are? Spank that pretty little ass of yours hard until it’s blushing as red as your cheeks now, until I can see you dripping down your thighs for me? And then, only then. You want me to Fuck you? Push me fingers inside you as you cry out? Until you can’t take it anymore?”
“God,” Therese groaned, grinding faster, her hips getting more desperate. “Please, yes. Please, mommy.”
“Please what?” Carol purred. “Ask me nicely, dearest.”
“I’ll do anything,” Therese cried out, her hips bucking without will. “Please, Fuck me hard mommy.”
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blackacre13 · 2 years
Omg omg pls do one where it’s revealed that Lou has a posh twin sister— Carol
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“I hate to ruin the element of surprise, but this isn’t really coming as a shock to me, Louise,” Debbie smirked. “I know you mentioned having a sibling way back when. Where does she live? Australia?”
“England,” Lou sighed. “Moved there for college. Cambridge then Oxford. Stayed in the area.”
“Wow,” Debbie nodded, impressed. “Sounds, posh?”
“You have no idea,” the blonde mumbled, leather-clad legs sinking further down the floor as her body slid down the couch with a low huff.
“Come on, baby,” Debbie smiled, rubbing the blonde’s shoulder as she leaned in against her. “She can’t be that bad.”
“She’s not,” Lou frowned. “She’s beyond charming, honestly. You’ll love her. The thing is just—I don’t know. Carol can be a bit different.”
“I’m not following,” Debbie laughed as Lou sat up, looking back at her partner.
“It’s like she’s from a different time,” Lou tried, her brows furrowed as she tried to think of the best way to explain things to Debbie.
“Alright, Bowie, sure,” the brunette smirked.
Lou shot Debbie a deep glare before letting out a long breath.
“Wait,” Debbie panicked, her face paling as realization hit her. “Are you saying that she’s a bit, I don’t know, reserved? Like does she know that you’re—that we’re…”
“Oh, that?” The blonde snorted. “Not even an issue.”
“But you just said—“
“Debs, she’s gay.”
“Guess we both take after dad that way,” Lou grinned, kissing Debbie’s forehead. “Come on, let’s set up the guest room. She’ll be here in less than an hour.”
“You’re just gonna leave me hanging like that?”
“You’ll see for yourself soon enough,” Lou sighed, ruffling her bangs the way she did when she was nervous.
Right at 12:00pm on the nose, there were two crisp knocks on the door, and Lou shot a look at Debbie.
“Brace for impact,” she grumbled, shooting up from the couch as she walked towards the door, straightening the thin pencil tie that hung against her vest before rolling down the cuffed sleeves of her blazer. “Here we go,” she whispered.
Debbie stood, lingering near the couch in a place that would allow her to observe at a glance before Lou invited her into the conversation. Debbie knew all about Lou’s warped past, but she had yet to actually meet anyone who was related to Lou.
Lou opened the door and a flurry of blonde hair and red wool fell inside, piling itself on top of Debbie’s fiancee.
“Louise! Darling! Gosh, how long as it been since we last stood in front of each other? Ages!”
“Carol,” Lou nodded, looking uncomfortable as she accepted the embrace before shrinking out of the hug.
“And who is this?” Carol asked with a smirk, shrugging out of her coat as she tossed it at Lou, who caught it easily, an incredulous look on her face as she rolled her eyes at her sister. She strutted forward as Debbie observed her, wearing a blazer like her sister, but looking anything but. Her blonde hair was set in curls, in a way that could only be described as coifed. Her blouse peeked out of her blazer, fitted and crisp, with a matching pencil skirt and a broach on her lapel that looked like it was from the 1950s. She just managed to stand slightly above Lou’s height, but Debbie noted the stilettos she wore, putting them, otherwise, around the same height if not exactly. “You must be the infamous, Deborah Ocean!” Carol smiled, wrapping her arms around Debbie as she stood there awkwardly while Lou shot her a look as if to say: “See?” as she raised an eyebrow and smirked at the brunette.
“Just Debbie’s fine,” Debbie smiled, patting Carol’s shoulder, seeking a way to exit the hug as Carol finally drew back, red nails still wrapped around Debbie’s shoulders as she stepped back to observe her. “You’re right. She’s beyond gorgeous,” Carol winked at Debbie as Lou came closer to them.
“She is,” Lou spoke proudly. “And also taken, Carol.”
“Don’t fret, dearest,” Carol hummed, stepping away from Debbie as she pursed her red-painted lips. “As much of a delight as I’m sure your Deborah is, I happen to have a lovely lady of my own.”
“You do?” Lou asked, looking anything but convinced.
“Surprised?” Carol smirked, practically gloating as she whipped out a cellphone that looked like it belonged nowhere near her realm of technology. “Therese,” she provided simply, without anymore details, the name melting out of her mouth. “Now,” she spoke, clapping her hands together. “Shall we grab a bite to eat? It’s been ages since I’ve lunched in New York.”
“Lunched?” Debbie mouthed, looking at Lou with wide, curious eyes as the blonde merely shrugged and shot her an apologetic look.
“Debbie, darling. Where do you like to dine?”
“In 2019,” Debbie mumbled to herself as Lou snorted nearby before the brunette looked up at Carol, her eyes meeting blue ones that reminded her of Lou’s, but didn’t quite have the same knowing glimmer.
“Why don’t you pick, Carol?” Lou suggested. “We don’t normally dine as upscale as you like. Pick somewhere where you’re comfortable. Our treat.”
“I know just the place. Abby never stops raving about it.”
“Abby?” Debbie asked quietly, clinging to Lou.
“Just think of her as Tammy in relation to us. That’ll save about two decades of history,” Lou chuckled.
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blackacre13 · 2 years
Could you do a Carol and Therese enemies to lovers fic? I’ve never really seen this trope when it comes to this pairing but I think if anyone could pull it off- it’d be you💗
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“Hey! Terry!”
Therese rolled her eyes at the nickname, but pasted a smile on her face as she turned around to face her co-worker.
“John,” she nodded. “Something wrong? I’m wearing the hat. See?” She sighed, shaking the pom pom portion of the Santa hat at him to demonstrate.
“Nah, nah, nah,” he laughed, coming forward to lean over the counter as he waved her closer, urging her to lean in. “Just wanted to tell you I had this interaction with a customer. I mean what a bitch.”
“John,” Therese hissed, reaching out to smack his arm as he let out a yelp, shaking it dramatically as he winced. “You can’t talk about the customers like that. Forget it. You can’t talk to women like that.”
“You don’t understand, Terry,” he warned her. “I wouldn’t talk about just any woman like that, but she was all up in arms, trying to smoke on the floor. Something about her husband needing new damn skis and how he’d ruined Christmas and she just needed to get out of there and—you know what? You’ll see for yourself in a minute. Said something about having a daughter and had me direct her to the toy department, so don’t say I didn’t warn you when she blows through here.”
She had some choice words on the tip of her tongue, but thought better of it as she thanked him curtly and went back to studying her book, ducking half-behind the counter until she noticed a woman over by the train set, studying the little train chugging around the track with an amused look on her face that made Therese curious, but as much as she wasn’t a fan of John, her guard was certainly up now. This could’ve been the woman he had been talking about and her mood was already sour enough without a hysterical customer to make matters worse.
The blonde woman seemed to be smiling at her, probably about to ask for assistance, and Therese was suddenly grateful for the harried woman who appeared in front of her with a toddler in her arms, asking for directions to the bathroom, the blonde woman gone by the time Therese appeared back at the counter. She wasn’t sure why she was partially disappointed, but decided to thank her lucky stars that she had avoided extra chaos from customers around the holidays as she snuck another glimpse at her book, suddenly distracted by black leather gloves landing on the counter, Therese looking up as she swallowed thickly.
“Hi there,” the woman sighed with a tired smile. “Let’s hope you can help me more than that bastard in the ski department.”
And there was all the confirmation that she needed. No apology. No shame. And already setting Therese up for failure that she just wasn’t having.
“I’m looking for a doll,” she explained, her hands fumbling in the air as she tried to explain it. “She’s about—I don’t know—this tall and this…let me try that again, shall we?”
Therese merely frowned, studying the woman as she rummaged through her purse, finally producing a crumbled slip of paper that looked very much like a letter to Santa from a child that ordinarily would have made Therese’s heart flutter at the thought of such sweetness, but she was already more mad than she probably had any right to be, already having decided her opinion of this woman, who merely seemed dismissive, rich, snooty, and utterly ridiculous. Even if she was one of the most beautiful women Therese had ever seen.
“I was wondering if you might help me find this doll for my daughter,” she murmured softly, passing the slip over to the brunette as Therese snatched it from her, her eyes running over the messy scrawl.
“Well, that is what we do here,” Therese smiled sarcastically. “At the doll counter.”
The woman’s lips twitched with irritation, but her smile only broke for a moment, before she continued looking at Therese hopefully.
“Bright Betsy,” Therese nodded. “She cries.”
“Oh?” The blonde laughed. “I suppose I may want to rethink that choice then.”
“I suppose so,” Therese mocked through her fake smile. “Wets herself too. But, we’re out of stock.”
Luckily, Therese thought. Maybe the woman would go elsewhere to look for the screaming doll. A little, twisted part of her hoped that it drove her as crazy as much as the child loved it.
“Left it too long,” the blonde sighed, staring to rummage through her purse again. “Right. What was your favorite doll as a girl?”
Lucky again, Therese thought. She didn’t even have to lie. Therese had never wanted or played much with her dolls and didn’t have a recommendation for the woman.
“Me?” Therese laughed. “Not many—ever—nothing comes to mind. To be honest,” she added, not wanting to come across even ruder than she meant to be.
The blonde lifted a cigarette to her lips, placing it between them before rummaging again for a lighter, and Therese was happy to have an excuse to possibly have her removed from the store. Or at least, to direct her outside and then make her escape.
“Sorry,” Therese smiled. “No smoking on the sales floor.”
“Oh, of all the—“ the woman started, her face growing red. Here came the anger. But she seemed to cool down, rethinking the comeback she’d mapped in her mind. “Forgive me,” she sighed. “Shopping makes me nervous.”
Then leave, Therese thought. Go smoke your little cigarette outside.
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blackacre13 · 2 years
hey i love ur work and I’ve seen u also wrote carol once. Would u write a carol x abby one how they met or like first date or so? I really would love that also cuz I’m hoping for a Carol prequel bc I think this relationship is so interesting and so much to explore and show and how it just was around that time and so yk
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“With you and Carol,” Therese breathes, about to ask a question that Abby knows she doesn’t quite want to ask, but still has to know the answer all the same. “What happened?”
What happened? Abby smiled almost bitterly at the thought. What had happened? How many times had she thought about that night and everything following? So kismet. Storybook in an unexpected way. But then all of that hurt…
“It’s completely different,” Abby snapped, regretting the tone instantly. The pain wasn’t Therese’s fault and if she knew her best friend as well as she knew that she did, the contents of her purse were going to put a lot more similarities between Therese and herself than either of them had with Carol. “I’ve known Carol since I was ten years old,” she smiled, the memory seeming both far away and all too close at once.
Long, blonde ringlets looped up with ribbon into two ponytails that swung about wildly as the young girl ran across the grass, shrieking with delight.
“Wait for me!” Abby panted, giggling as she tried to catch her breath, letting out a garbled noise as she tripped over her shoe lace, landing in the grass with a dramatic sigh as the blonde stopped and backtracked, skipping over to Abby in the grass and plopping down beside her.
“You should have let me tie them,” Carol smirked, practically gloating. “See?” She asked, holding her shoe up at Abby as the brunette let out another round of giggles at the other girl’s shoes, that didn’t have any laces at all. They had a buckle, and a fake one at that, simple enough with a strip of velcro to stick against the top of the shoe, the black patent Mary Janes glistening in the sunlight as the two girls giggled together.
“Those don’t have any ties, nitwit.”
“I still know how to do them!” Carol insisted, leaning over, her tongue darting out between her lips as she concentrated, mumbling something about bunnies and loops and logs that Abby couldn’t quite follow. She was too distracted by the pretty soft pink ribbons that swayed in the wind against blonde curls. The blue sparkle of Carol’s eyes that reminded her of the ocean by her aunt’s beach house. The creamy skin that looked like the statute in the fountain by the park a few blocks down the street. “There!” Carol sang, flicking the toe of the shoe with triumph before jumping up once more, the skirt of her dress swaying with the flowers in the breeze. And the ribbons that Abby couldn’t stop sneaking glances of.
“Race you to the swings?” Carol asked, helping Abby up with hr hand as the brunette stared at her in awe, flustered for a moment without knowing why as butterflies swirled in her belly and her heart pounded faster before she shook away the feeling, nodding at once as she took off, full speed, bound for the swing sets to the call of the blondes, “Abby! You rotten cheater!
“It was…” Abby thought, trying to think back to the first time. She knew the story she wanted to tell Therese. The story she always told when it came to her and Carol. But was that the true story? Had that in fact been the first time?
It hadn’t, Abby knew. At least not for her. And a wicked and hopeful part of her wished the same of her best friend.
“Late one night,” Abby nodded. “My ford,” she laughed emptily, thinking of her wreck of a car. Carol throwing her head back as she laughed, lugging the spare tire with them just in case to throw in the trunk.
“Don’t just stand there, Abby, there’s a lady in distress here. Help me with this!”
“Carry it yourself, nitwit,” Abby called, sticking her tongue out at the blonde as she slipped into the driver’s seat. “After all, I’m only driving up here because of you. It’s the least you can do.”
“Broke down,” Abby swallowed. “Near my mother’s house. We tried to stay up, but…”
“Do you remember that day in middle school?” Carol asked softly, looking up at the ceiling as Abby turned to look at her. Of course, she knew that day. She thought about it almost every day since then, but she didn’t dare ask Carol about it. Had never spent any thread of hope wondering or wishing that Carol would also think about it. Abby simply assumed she hadn’t, because nice girls probably wouldn’t. Probably didn’t. But Abby thought about a lot of things that other girls probably didn’t ever think about. That was often the problem.
“Which day?” Abby laughed, trying to cover the lie. “There were a lot of days of middle school.”
“You know,” Carol whispered seriously, turning to look Abby in the eye as she cradled her head against her hand, pushing back against the pillows. “That day you asked me…”
“Whether you had ever kissed any boys,” Abby nodded.
“And I said yes, and you told me you hadn’t,” Carol murmured. “And then you told me that you had never wanted to kiss a boy.”
“Yes,” Abby squeaked.
“And then you told me you had always wanted to try kissing a girl, and I had giggled and told you that was silly.”
“And then you called me a nitwit,” Abby laughed softly. “Yes, I remember.”
“I don’t think you were being silly,” Carol breathed, leaning in closer to Abby as her breath hitched, Carol never having been this close to her before.
“Oh?” Abby laughed nervously. “You don’t think I’m a nitwit?”
“Oh, you definitely are,” Carol laughed softly, her hand finding Abby’s hair and playing with a strand of it. “Kiss me.”
“Carol, I—“
“Kiss me, Abby,” Carol whispered, her lips softly brushing against the brunette’s as tears of joy lingered against Abby’s eyes.
“Curled up together in my old twin bed. And that was it…for a while.”
“I’ve met someone,” Carol cleared her throat, looking up from the novel she was reading, a bitter taste starting to swirl in Abby’s mouth.
“Oh?” Abby asked, pretending to keep reading through her notes as she fought the tears brimming in her eyes. She knew where this was going even if she was trying her damndest not to. “Do you think he’s the one?”
It was a him. It had to be. That was the only reason Carol every stopped things. And every time since, things had picked back up again in between her “meeting someone” and finding “the one”, but Abby had to prepare herself for the fact that one day there would be no more on again in their tangled on again, off again, relationship. If you could even call it that. Carol certainly didn’t.
“No,” Carol laughed, her voice sounding like music to Abby’s ears and it made her sick. She wished, she always wished, there was even one thing that bothered her about Carol. That would make things easier. “I suppose I don’t even know if there is a ‘the one’, but I have to keep trying. I mean, think of the fit my mother would throw if I didn’t. She’ll be expecting me to bring someone home for Christmas.”
You could bring me, Abby thought. It was a dream and a threat all in one. Sure, Carol could bring her home, but then Carol could never truly return home ever again.
“And then it changed.” Abby winced.
“You met someone,” Abby guessed, her stomach already sinking as she tried to avoid Carol’s probing, knowing eyes.
“Not this time,” the blonde whispered, somehow making this all sting more. “But we can’t keep on like this. You know it. I know it. Mother has arranged a dinner for me. Wants me to start taking things seriously. Find a husband. Settle down. Have a family. Keep house.”
“Is that what you want?” Abby asked bluntly.
“Does it matter what I want?” Carol chuckled bitterly. “It’s how society works. How it’s always worked.”
“Is that what you’ll tell your daughter?” Abby asked coldly. “If she came to you and told you she didn’t want to get married. If she didn’t believe in it. If there was a girl in her class, I don’t know, who she—“
“Abby, Don’t,” Carol warned, her voice breaking. “You can’t say things like that to me.”
“I don’t have anything to say to you at all then,” Abby huffed, turning away.
“You don’t have to,” Carol whispered. “Not now, anyway. I know you’re hurt. But I do hope—Abby, you’re my best friend. My everything. I would hate if this…you’ll tell me when you’re ready,” Carol decided, speaking for them both.
Abby was too stunned and hurt to utter a word.
“Well,” Carol sighed, picking up her coat as she lingered at the door for a moment. “That’s that.”
 “It changes.”
“He proposed?” Abby asked, trying to disguise the disgust on her face.
“Can you believe it?” Carol sighed dreamily, admiring the rock on her finger.
“What’s that smell?” Abby wrinkled her nose, sniffing at the air.
“You like it?” Carol smiled, too distracted and full of herself to pick up on Abby’s tone or lack of interest in news of the engagement. “Harge bought it for me. Said he’ll get me one every year. How sweet is that of him?”
 “Nobody’s fault.”
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blackacre13 · 2 years
Here to fill the void for non-explicit Carol x Therese prompts! 😉
Can we have Therese planning a birthday surprise for Carol? Maybe she gets a little stressed out bc she doesn’t have that much money so she can’t buy any extravagant gifts or book a fancy restaurant the way Carol does for her but she plans something adorable and romantic and Carol is so happy
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“I didn’t ever think it would come to this,” Abby exhaled, the smoke from her cigarette curling into the air as she watched it float away, disappearing into the air.
“You should really stop that, Aunt Abby,” Rindy sighed, shaking her head at her pseudo aunt as Abby merely winked at her, trying to tousle her hair as the girl dipped away with a screech.
“Not all of us have younger women to fall in love with who persuade us to quit smoking,” Abby explained dramatically to the younger girl as Therese took her turn at rolling her eyes. Though her dynamic with Abby had changed vastly over the past few years, the woman never missed an opportunity to throw a good jab out, especially at Therese’s sake. The only thing that made her feel better was that it was certainly in light jest even if there was some truth trickling around the edges of it, and knowing that Abby gave Carol an even harder time than she did with the brunette when it came to teasing.
“You have Rindy,” Therese smirked, tapping the eraser of her pencil lightly against the girl’s hand as she giggled. “She’s younger than you and you’re in love with her. And as her favorite aunt, you’d do anything for her, right? So might as well quit for her.”
“Because you’re in love with me,” Rindy snickered. “Thanks, T.”
“Of course,” Therese grinned, squeezing her shoulder. “Now if the aunt of the year and the love of her life could turn their focus to me so we could actually get to planning for Carol’s birthday, that would be swell.”
“And way out of character for this trio,” Abby mumbled, stubbing out the cigarette against an empty dish she’d stolen out of the cupboard much to Therese’s chagrin. Though she couldn’t blame her. Carol used to do the same.
“Okay,” Rindy nodded, swinging her legs back and forth under the table as she bounced in her chair with excitement. “What did mom do for your birthday, T?”
“Oh, I’ll tell you kid,” Abby chuckled. “But we wait until you’re 18 alright.”
“Abby,” the brunette snapped. The other woman held her hands up in surrender.
“Kidding!” Abby assured Rindy before mumbling quietly to herself, “not.”
Therese cleared her throat, intent on not thinking about what Abby was insinuating, but probably for very different reasons. Because Carol had shared something very intimate with her for her birthday, but it left her flustered and red to think about and it was certainly nothing she was going to discuss in front of her future daughter and Carol’s best friend/ex girlfriend. The more tame parts of that leading up to it, however…
“Carol took me to Chicago,” Therese continued, smiling down at Rindy. “We stayed in a beautiful hotel. Had a fancy dinner. She bought me a gorgeous camera.”
“A hotel in Chicago, huh?” Abby smirked, leaning back in her chair as she stared at Therese pointedly.
Neither of the older women missed the faint blush that passed over Therese’s cheeks, each knowing the significance of the location and Carol’s desire to perhaps recreate their past and do things a bit differently this time. Turning back the clock a bit, only to race ahead of the memory.
“Anyway,” Therese sighed, shooting a warning glare at Abby, before she continued. “We all know I can’t pull something as marvelous together as Carol can, and I don’t have a fortune to spend either, but I still want it to be special, of course.”
“I want to help!” Rindy exclaimed.
“Well, that’s just why you’re here, silly,” Therese grinned, squeezing her hand. “I was hoping you might like to help me make a cake.”
“Me?” Rindy gasped. “Can it be pink?”
“Of course,” Therese laughed with the younger girl. “It can be whatever you’d like. And I know your mom will love it.”
“I have an idea!” Rindy announced, racing off into her room, no doubt to grab her colored pencils that Therese had gotten her as a surprise a few weeks ago, so that she could draw out their design.
“Contrary to popular belief,” Abby smirked. “I may be able to help you.”
“Just don’t tell anyone I’m being nice,” Abby warned.
“I wouldn’t dare.”
“Darling, I can’t believe you did this all for me,” Carol gushed, blotting the napkin against her lips as she looked out at the water. “How did you even know about this spot? I’ve loved it since I was a girl.”
“I had some help,” Therese shrugged.
“Well, I know that Rindy had a hand in the cake,” Carol laughed heartily. “Quite literally.” The two shared a laugh as Therese leaned back against the blonde, Carol humming against her as Therese looked down with a grin at the cake, that sure enough, had a messy handprint made of icing right smack in the middle of it that had originally had Therese wanting to cry and race out to the bakery, but then she thought better of it, knowing it would make Carol’s heart flutter to know that Therese and Rindy had baked it together and Therese had let the little girl run wild with ideas.
“Abby suggested the place,” Therese murmured, closing her eyes as she leaned further back against Carol, the blonde kissing the crown of her head.
“She can be nice sometimes,” Carol whispered.
“That’s exactly why I wasn’t supposed to tell you,” Therese giggled. “She might get a good rep.”
“There is one thing I was wondering you might do with me once our stomachs have settled from that beautiful picnic and Rindy’s…interesting…cake.”
“Anything,” Therese breathed, enjoying the gentle sway of the breeze around them and the smell of salt water in the air.
“Dance with me?” Carol asked, turning her head slightly to face the brunette as her eyes twinkled, her face already seeming to be dancing on its own.
Therese didn’t need to point out the fact that there was no music besides the occasional squak of seagulls or the sound of waves crashing in the distance, but she jumped up all the same, Carol pulling her head against her chest, circling her with gentle, strong arms as she started to sway them back and forth.
“I never thought I could be as happy as this, dearest,” Carol whispered into her hair, squeezing her tighter as Therese let her eyes flutter shut, feeling Carol’s embrace and love surrounding her.
“Happy birthday, baby.”
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blackacre13 · 3 years
please do a carol x y/n one with top!y/n and bottom!carol, maybe they’re out and y/n plays with carol for a bit before going home?
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“You seem distracted,” you smile sadly, toying with Carol’s fingers gently as you try to get a read of her face, wondering what the blonde is thinking about. Her eyes seem far away from here. Dreaming almost.
“Oh, come off it,” she chuckles, brushing away the thought.
“Would a kiss help?” You ask, leaning in towards her, your eyes fluttering as you’re met with the scent of her perfume that always makes you weak.
“Only one way to find out, darling,” she smirks, pressing her red painted lips against yours gently.
You sigh as she pulls away, eager for more, and she gives you a knowing look.
“You’ve been so patient with me, dearest,” she hums. “Let me take you to dinner tonight. You deserve to be spoiled.”
You blush at the statement. You’ve done nothing extraordinary at all. If anything, you’ve just been a bit more concerned with your partner than usual. As much as you love her dreamy, faraway eyes that twinkle with hope and wonder, you want to know why she seems to be daydreaming more than usual lately. You know what you’re afraid to ask. Is it because of me?
You shake the dark question off for the time being.
“Where shall we go?” You ask excitedly, one of your hands finding Carol’s thigh. She looks down with a raised eyebrow, a smug look on her face.
“Why don’t you let me worry about that,” she grins. She lifts your chin slowly with her index finger. “Go on and get dressed. I’ll join you in a moment.”
You leave the room with some hesitation though you are excited to get dressed up for Carol. She’s always seemed in awe of you in something as simple as a dress and merely paying extra attention as you curl your hair.
You glide into the bedroom, bound for the closet, letting your fingers run along the fabric that hangs there, closing your eyes to let the material make the decision for you. Smiling, your hand lands on a silky material that feels cool to the touch. You love how it feels against your skin and just know that Carol will love the way it falls on you and the way it strokes against her when you brush against her own skin.
You shed your clothes on the floor, underwear and all, slipping the silk slip-like dress over your body, blushing to yourself as you decide to skip the bra for the evening, but intent on finding your silk panties to go with the ensemble.
It seems you were too slow to decide. You feel cool hands on your shoulders sliding down softly, inching towards the pearl buttons on your back.
“May I?” Carol whispers, her velvet voice cutting through the silence of the room.
You nod your consent, breathing in as you try to still the butterflies in your stomach as the blonde’s sure fingers button the pearls against your back.
“You look radiant, darling,” Carol tells you, spinning you around to face her.
“Oh shush. I haven’t even done my makeup yet,” you giggle.
“You also don’t have any panties on,” she smirked, lifting up the skirt of the dress with a grin as you swatted it back down with a dramatic gasp.
“I was just about to get them.”
Her voice is different now. Sharp, even. Your stomach is flipping with delight at the command, already wondering what awaits you back at home after dinner without having even left for the restaurant yet.
But then it hits you. This is how it always goes. Carol the cat to your mouse. Playing with you. Teasing you. Now that she seems a bit distracted, you have your chance. Perhaps that’s what her faraway eyes are seeking even.
“Y/N?” Carol whispers, as if worried she startled you with her instructions.
Before she can call your name again or ask what you’re doing, you’re backing her against the frame of the closet, your hands running down her chest and slipping beneath the waistband of her skirt, fingers running against her panties.
“I won’t wear any if you don’t wear any,” you murmur, sliding the underwear halfway down her thighs.
You don’t miss the way her eyes widen, seemingly darker at your bold counter-offer.
“You really are delightful, Y/N,” Carol chuckles, nodding her head. “Alright. Just give me a moment to freshen up and we’ll be on our way.”
Only moments later, Carol drives the two of you to a restaurant you’ve yet to eat at, the way she always manages to surprise you, but you toss the surprise right back as you sit down next to her at the table instead of across, your hand immediately finding her thigh.
The blonde has also opted for a dress, and while you have yet to check if she’s abided by your pact, you wait patiently to find the perfect opportunity to check.
Carol offers to order for you with a “trust me, daring” and you do, waiting for the waiter to come over and engage Carol in conversation as she rattles off her drink selection and meal choice for you both. Now is the time.
You let your hand slide down the fabric of her dress, lifting it gently under the table as your hand snakes up her leg, over her thigh, over the hip bone, knowing there’s no trace of elastic or fabric there, but still, you let your hand travel over her center, your palm cupping her heat as she stifles a gasp, maintaining her usual cool and calm demeanor as she speaks to the waiter, even as you run a single finger through her folds, having to stop yourself from moaning as you realize how wet she is.
The waiter nods his thanks and leaves, Carol turning to you immediately and shooting you a look.
“What has gotten into you, Y/N?” She whispers urgently, her eyes blazing, but you know she isn’t mad. In fact, she looks incredibly shocked in the best of ways.
“I was hoping actually that I could be in you, actually,” you whisper back before reaching for your glass of water, taking a sip as you watch Carol’s mouth flounder from the corner of your eye.
“Y/N,” Carol breathes, her lips curling into a wicked smile. “You naughty girl.”
The waiter returns with your champagne before you can say anything and as Carol takes a sip, you ask her to tell you about her day at the furniture house, your hand still against her, now adding a second finger between her folds, teasing gently.
Her eyes are wild. Her cheeks flushed. But she takes the hint, starting to tell you about the pieces she found and how she thinks they’ll sell, her voice giving nothing away even as you push into her, starting to pump your fingers in a rhythm, sliding in and out, only half-listening.
“Y/N?” She asks.
“Oh,” you blush. “You’ll have to forgive me Carol, I was just thinking about dessert.”
“Darling, we haven’t even had our dinners yet.”
“Well, I already know what I’m ordering,” you shrug.
You wouldn’t be surprised if Carol’s eyes popped out of her head as the waiter sits down your meals and you ask for the check.
“Take your time,” you smile at him. “But you can leave it whenever. We already have dessert waiting at home.”
You tease the blonde throughout the meal, eating and drinking one-handed all evening and Carol lets you get away with it for whatever reason. Even as you drive home, she gives you a withered, strained look, desperate for release as you shrug and demand “drive”, your fingers still on and in her, teasing relentlessly.
You make your way into the house and Carol presses you up against the wall, her nails raking down your sides as she looks down at you tsking.
“Now it’s my turn,” she hisses. “You’ve had your fun, Y/N. Let me tease you.”
“I don’t think so,” you smirk, flipping your positions as you hoist the skirt above her waist completely now, bunching it up behind her. You lean in to kiss her, losing yourself in the moment until she brings you back with a low moan that makes you groan yourself, your naked thigh sliding between her legs as she grips you between hers.
“Y/N,” she moans, gripping you tight. “Please.”
“Please, what?” You smirk, pushing your thigh further against her as she gasps. You can feel how wet she is against your skin and it makes your eyes roll back.
“Bed, Y/N,” she pants, gripping your neck. “Now, darling.”
“Oh, Carol,” you laugh, taking her chin in your palm the way she does when you’re desperate, begging for her. “I’ll decide what we do tonight, love.”
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blackacre13 · 3 years
hiiiii i’ve been very into carol lately and your carol x therese mommy fic is just so gooood, i love the way you write! could you maybe write another mommy kink fic with therese being a brat or acting up and carol has to put her in her place? extra points if orgasm denial/overstim is included 🥺❤️thank yoooouuuu!! have a good day and stay safe!
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed it (was my first attempt at Carol x Therese and that kink lol but I’m glad it works!) Here you are! You too!!💛
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“You couldn’t have called?” Therese sighed, rapping her nails against the table as Carol walked in, not bothering to look up and meet her eyes.
“I’m sorry, dearest,” Carol spoke genuinely. “Traffic was a nightmare. Did I ruin dinner? Let me take you out.”
“You were with her again, weren’t you?” Therese hissed, looking up with sad eyes that quickly flashed to anger as Carol laughed.
“That’s how every weekend works, darling,” Carol hummed, hanging up her coat. She walked around the table to put her arms around the brunette, but Therese let out a deep huff, pushing Carol away as she stood.
“I can just serve dinner cold,” Therese sighed, slamming the chicken down on the table before sliding a fork dangerously fast towards Carol followed by a plate slammed down, rattling around near the edge.
“Therese,” Carol gasped. “What has gotten into you? I love you more than anything, dearest. But she means the world to me. Surely you can’t—“
“The world?” Therese scoffed. “Nice, Carol. While I’m here cleaning and cooking some bullshit thing called marriage chicken you’re out with Abby doing god knows what and—“
“With Abby?” Carol asked, confused. “Therese—“
“I don’t want to hear it,” Therese spat, starting to walk away as Carol caught her wrist.
“Sweetheart,” Carol purred, her lips curling into a knowing smile. “Are you jealous I was spending my time with someone so beautiful?”
“You really don’t know how to grovel do you?” Therese grumbled, trying to back away from Carol.
“She’s cute,” Carol shrugged. “Smart too. And I know you’d think her mother is gorgeous.”
“Carol!” Therese screeched, tugging away with more force as she headed towards the door, her hand inches from the knob.
“It was Rindy.”
Carol could practically see Therese’s face fall even from the back of her head as her shoulders dropped, slowly realizing her slip up.
“Told you she was cute,” Carol smirked, moving forward, biding her time until she was right behind Therese. She framed Therese with her arms up against the door, pushing her hips into the brunette’s. “You think I would talk about another woman that way? When I have someone who looks like you waiting at home for me?”
“You could’ve called,” Therese whispered.
“What if I was just so excited to get home and see you?” Carol asked. “To tell you about my day. Tell you how excited Rindy is for dinner with you next week.”
“Carol, you still—“
“And you thought I was out with another woman,” the blonde scoffed. “Thought so low of me and then thought I was prancing back in here to brag about it when all I was really thinking about was getting home to you.”
“I’m sorry, Carol,” Therese whispered. “I didn’t—“
“You’re what?” Carol hissed, grinding against the younger woman.
“I’m sorry, mommy,” Therese whispered, trying to move back against Carol as she smirked.
“That’s what I thought,” Carol hummed. “Did you still want dinner, darling or—“
“Take me to bed,” the brunette mumbled.
Carol raised an eyebrow that Therese couldn’t see.
“Please, mommy,” Therese whispered. “I’ll be good.”
“What makes you think you deserve me making you feel so good, darling? You were such a naughty girl.”
“I—I don’t think I do,” Therese frowned, turning around.
“You don’t?” Carol asked, taken aback. She hadn’t truly meant it, clearly, with the other woman pressed against their wall.
“I think I deserve to be punished,” Therese whimpered, Carol’s perfectly manicured nails almost slipping from the wall in surprise as her stomach fluttered.
“Then mommy will teach you a lesson,” Carol agreed, her voice going dangerously low. “Take off your clothes.”
“Right here? But Carol I—“
“Don’t make me ask twice, darling,” Carol hummed, an edge to her tone.
She watched the brunette undress, her clothing pooling to the floor. And then Carol’s hands were on her in an instant, stroking down her back and down the curves of her hips before landing with a sharp slap on her ass, the skin blooming pink.
“Anything to say to me?”
“I’m sorry, mommy,” Therese whispered.
Another spank.
Therese panted out at the motion, her legs shaking slightly.
“Go wait for me on the bed,” Carol instructed, rubbing at Therese’s ass to soothe it. “On your knees.”
She moved away from Therese, watching her retreat into their room before carefully stepping out of her own clothes, knowing it would take Therese by surprise.
She stalked towards the bedroom, only in her underwear, garter and thigh-highs, kneeling on the bed behind Therese as she let her breasts settle against the brunette’s back, her nipples perky against her as Therese let out a soft moan.
“Will you be a good girl for mommy?” Carol whispered, running a hand over the younger woman’s shoulder to fondle a breast as the other trailed down her stomach and towards her waiting heat.
“Yes, mommy,” Therese nodded, her hips trying to move.
Carol’s fingers danced over Therese’s heat, two fingers dipping inside her as they both moaned out, feeling how wet the brunette was for her. Carol pumped slowly as Therese moaned, leaning back against her trying to grab at her waist and hips.
“I’m close,” Therese panted.
“Already?” Carol whispered. “Well, we can’t have that.”
“But—“ Therese panted.
Carol stopped her movements, moving to circle Therese’s clit lightly for a moment as the younger girl squirmed in front of her.
“You promised me you’d be good for me,” Carol reminded her. “So I need you to tell me when you get close. Every. Time.”
“Every time?”
“Of course, darling,” Carol chuckled. “Then I know when to stop. Can’t have you come for me without permission now, can I?”
“No, mommy,” Therese panted, trying not to groan in frustration as Carol slid three fingers inside her, the brunette clenching around her with a gasp. “I’ll be good. I’ll be good for you.”
“So good for me,” the blonde murmured, licking along Therese’s neck. “Such a good girl for mommy.”
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blackacre13 · 3 years
Do you write Carol fics? If you do,,, mommy kink belivaird please 🥺
I don’t have any on AO3/haven’t written them before but I love me some Carol x Therese so I had a go at it for you! Hope you enjoy!
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The cab ride home between them was quiet. Carol suspected that Therese was a bit resentful they’d risked dinner out tonight. It was still a delicate balance of fitting Therese into Carol’s friend group and vice versa and somehow, talk of her and Abby’s decades past relationship had been brought up which Abby teased Carol mercilessly about, forgetting a certain younger brunette woman who may have found it uncomfortable.
Carol paid and tipped the driver, leading Therese up the walkway and into the house, her gentle hand on the small of the other woman’s back.
The blonde closed the door behind them and flicked on the entryway light.
“Darling, I get the feeling something about tonight made you uncomfortable.”
“I’m fine, Carol,” Therese deflected, physically waving her off.
“Now, see, I don’t think you are, Therese,” the older woman frowned. “Please tell me what’s wrong? I want to make it right. I want tonight to be perfect for you.”
“Tonight?” The brunette asked, looking up at her quizzically.
“Our evening is far from over, dearest,” Carol smiled. “Surely you didn’t think I’d send you straight to bed without some fun first, did you?”
“I honestly wasn’t sure what to think,” Therese frowned. “Sometimes I feel l get lost in the shuffle of dinner menus and cigarettes and talk.”
“However do you mean?” Carol asked sympathetically, sitting down on the couch. Therese maintained her standing position and the blonde could see she was attempting to physically distance herself to keep her tone and strength as she revealed the truth to her partner.
“With Abby there, it’s like I’m invisible.”
“Darling, I promise you have nothing to worry about,” Carol sighed. “Whatever Abby and I had, I’ve told you, it’s long gone. She’s one of my dearest friends and I can’t erase that part of history, but I promise you I don’t see her like that.”
“It’s not even that,” Therese groaned. “I trust you and I believe you. It’s the way she looks at you. The way I don’t even bother her at all. She can just go on talking about you like you’re still together, paying no mind to me. It makes me—it makes me—“
“Jealous?” Carol smirked. The older woman smiled to herself as she stood up from the couch.
“It’s not funny, Carol,” Therese sighed. “It’s a bit infuriating actually. She doesn’t understand that we’re together and you’re—“
“Mine?” Carol tried, meeting Therese in the archway of the room, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind the curve of her ear.
“Yours,” Therese whispered. “But Carol I—“
“Let me show you,” Carol whispered. “Let me tell you all the ways that you’re mine in kisses and touches and more. Let me prove it to you.”
“I just need to get out of my own head,” the younger woman admitted, biting her lip. “Abby has driven me a bit mad, and I need to relax. I know it’s not you, but I’ve gotten myself so worked up.”
“I think I know what’ll help, love,” Carol smiled. “You want me to show you you’re mine?”
“Of course I—“
Carol looked at her sharply, suddenly.
“Yes, Carol. I do.”
“No names tonight,” the blonde whispered. “Let go of the thoughts in your head. It’s just you and me. Showing you I’m all yours and you’re all mine.”
She offered out a hand that Therese took as she led the brunette towards their bedroom.
“Yes—“ Therese paused. “Carol, what should I call you?”
The blonde woman thought for a moment. “What feels natural to you?”
The younger woman looked down at the floor, her ivory skin quickly turning scarlet.
“Mommy,” she mumbled.
“Mm?” Carol probed, pretending it hadn’t been fully clear and sent heat straight to her core that doubled with the shy brunette already so submissive for her. “You’ll have to speak up, darling, so I know what you want, Therese.”
“Yes, mommy,” Therese smiled, bashful eyes looking up into Carol’s own.
Carol’s painted lips curled into a devious smile. “Well, aren’t you a naughty girl?”
“I’m sorry, I just thought—“ Therese stuttered, second guessing herself.
“You’re sorry, what?”
Therese gulped, realizing this had turned into a scandalous game of cat and mouse and that Carol wasn’t offended by her suggestion. She was completely turned on by it and was already using it to her advantage, creating levels of power and struggle between them without laying so much as a finger on Therese. It made her stomach flip wildly.
“I’m sorry, mommy,” Therese finished as Carol rewarded her with a nod and a smile.
“Come here, darling,” the blonde whispered, patting the bed beside her. “Lay on your back for me, love.”
Therese nodded silently before crawling from the foot of the bed to the center and waiting on her back, her chest in her throat in anticipation. A moment later, the blonde was hovering over her, making Therese antsy in the most thrilling of ways.
Carol started to unbutton her blouse, meticulously slow, Therese trying to follow cream fingers and pearl buttons as each one was released and she could finally see the blonde’s matching pearl white bra, the swell of her breasts prominent as she leaned forward. She left her skirt on for the moment, but the brunette didn’t miss her pushing the panties down her thighs and calves before throwing them to the ground behind her in a little ball.
“They were too wet to keep on,” Carol whispered in the younger woman’s ear. “You see, while you were sitting at dinner being jealous and angry and whatever it is you were. I was thinking about taking you home and enjoying you as my meal. I mean, darling, you taste so much better than dinner or dessert.”
Therese’s eyes widened as she moaned lightly. Carol leaned into kiss soft lips, her hand on the brunette’s chin, the other reaching under Therese’s dress to feel for her panties.
The blonde started to rub them as she kissed Therese feeling the younger woman start to search for friction of any kind as she rubbed against Carol’s palm.
“So naughty, my darling girl,” Carol Tsked. “You want mommy to take care of those wet panties?”
“Please,” Therese whispered as Carol slithered down her body. She pushed the skirt of the dress up and licked over the cotton of the underwear, Therese crying out.
“Ask me nicely, baby.”
“Please,” Therese panted. “Please mommy, make me come.”
“Of course, dearest,” Carol smiled against the brunette’s heat. Red fingernails found the waistband of the underwear and tugged it down, Carol’s tongue licking a wide stripe through the wetness before Therese could even adjust to the gush of cold air the room brought with it once she’d been exposed.
The blonde reached an arm up through the dress and started massaging one of Therese’s breasts, her fingers rolling the nipple between her fingertips until it hardened under her touch.
She kept licking at Therese, teasingly and gentle, making the woman’s legs squirm frantically, wanting more and too sensitive at once. Only pausing to tell her, “you taste so wonderful, darling. I can’t wait for you to come on my tongue.”
“Fuck,” Therese panted, her hips bucking.
“Keep these down for me, my precious girl,” Carol warned.
Therese bucked into Carol’s mouth again against her will, too close to her orgasm to control her hips, but she let out an “I’m so sorry, mommy” that made Carol moan into her pussy as she licked, Therese groaning at the vibrations in response.
“Can you be a good girl and come for me, Therese?” Carol asked, removing her tongue and lips for a moment.
“Yes, mommy,” Therese moaned as Carol dove back in, her tongue at full force and speed, two fingers sinking into Therese and pumping fast as Carol’s tongue lapped at her clit.
“Fuck, fuck, Carol!” Therese cried out.
Carol didn’t even care about her own rules in the moment. She was thinking about how she couldn’t wait to kiss Therese so she could taste herself and have Therese come again but on her fingers alone this time and she couldn’t tear her eyes from the brunette’s quivering lip and shaking thighs and eyes closed tight at the sensation, hands gripping the sheets.
“Come for me, angel,” Carol whispered, “you’re so beautiful, darling.”
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blackacre13 · 3 years
Hiii this is not an ask but I was just wondering am I the only one who thinks Carol and Abby had more chemistry and unlike others want to see a Carol prequel or are there others who think this way too?😑 Also I love your little fics they are such a delight 😍
I’m so glad you’re enjoying reading!
So personally, when it comes to Carol/Abby, I think it’s very reminiscent of that conversation about your first love. I’ve heard this talked about in a lot of literature, podcasts, etc. where there’s a canon lesbian/WLW couple or even in real life that regardless of whether it’s your first and only or simply your first relationship with another woman, it’s so much more than just oh hey I dated a woman for the first time. It’s probably linked to admitting to yourself and others that you’re gay, realizing what it’s like to be attracted to a specific someone now in reality and not just in your mind, deciding whether you’re sharing yourself and that person with the world, maybe having sex for the first time, noticing differences in smaller things like kisses, and conversation, and communication etc. it comes with this extra depth and bond if that makes sense.
So I think with Carol x Abby (credit where credit is due to Patty Highsmith for the ultimate oh no there’s only one bed fic) their relationship represents that first wlw. I think even in The Price of Salt or it’s the original Carol script there’s a line about Carol saying at one point she would’ve left and gone away with Abby even if it meant leaving Rindy and I think that’s a great example of: wow, back when I was in love with this woman I would have gone so far as X but now that I love this other person, I can have Y without making that sacrifice.
I wouldn’t say they have more chemistry, but it’s definitely deeper. And I think you’d be right to say there’s things and levels Abby understands where Therese might not connect with Carol and Carol would still go to Abby about. But yes, I am pro a prequel of course. Their dynamic really intrigues me and I love a good backstory but I think in a nutshell: we’re supposed to get this picture of wow, I learned who I was with my best friend who I trust more than anything but she wasn’t meant to be my forever partner/wife/etc. and I think Carol and Abby are both grateful to be each other’s first loves and obviously still care about each other and will defend/protect/rescue them but there’s mutual respect that they were something once and it was everything then and built a good foundation but it wasn’t meant to be long term.
Without more word vomit, I think you may see Therese x Carol as less “chemistry” because were seeing that first love/exploration only on Therese’s side because Carol had already established that and is seeking other things from her relationships but I think Carol has learned from Abby that her first relationship with her taught her a lot and beyond the complex situation with Harge, Rindy etc. that’s part of the reason she has it in her mind to let Therese go because she’s sure she can’t be the end all be all for Therese and may just have been the right relationship/first love at the right time...
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blackacre13 · 3 years
Will / have you wrote any carol fan fics? Would love to see them if you are writing them
Hey anon!
Yes! ✨I don't have any full length ones on ao3 or anything yet, but I've done a few different prompts on Tumblr! I am totally open to accepting more ideas and have some ideas ticking away in my notes for one day. Check out the list below:
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Carol x Therese mommy kink E!
Top!Y/N x Bottom!Carol teasing in public before going home E!
Carol x Therese Mommy kink/Bratty!Therese/Orgasm denial E!
Bratty in public Bottom!Carol x Top!Therese E!
Possessive!Top!Therese and Bottom!Carol E!
And as a bonus:
Here’s a Carol AU with Lou and Debbie
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Curtain. (ii)
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Carol (2015) fanfiction
Pt 1: x
Word Count: 1,874
Warnings: Swearing, but that’s it.
June - three days earlier
"We need to have any photos before the start of the run, so you have until next week to finish them. Can you do that?"
"Of course, Miss Gerhard."
"Oh, please, call me Abby. Dannie did say you were too polite for your own good. I don't bite, you know."
Therese blushed and glanced down, fiddling with the buttons on her camera as Abby led her backstage. The stage manager gave her a quick tour, and Therese scanned the premises, looking for the best angles to see the stage from the wings. The seats were empty and the lights were dim, focusing on the minimalistic set of a living room as the backdrop of the show.
"Anyways, it's an early preview so there'll probably be loads of kinks to work through as the show progresses tonight, and knowing our director, she'll probably pause the show a lot. You have free range of backstage and the seats to do as you please. The last photographer we worked with during rehearsal only showed up with blurry photos, which sent the PR team into a fit."
Therese was testing out her camera on stage, moving from the wings to the front seats as Abby gestured around. There were few workers around, cleaning and preparing for the preview of the theatre's production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
"So! All we're asking for is some good photos of our lovely actors, the stage, and whatever tickles your fancy. It's a small show and we need all the promotion we can get," Abby continued. Therese nodded, chewing the inside of her cheek as she glanced around the theatre, taking note of the lights and seats.
After agreeing on her deadline and payment, Abby was typing in her theatre contact in Therese's phone in case anything came up, and the young photographer was quick to hurry out of the theatre, bustling with excitement for her job later that day.
"Cheers to finally being done!" Dannie exclaimed dramatically, popping open the bottle of champagne.
"Oh, stop it Dannie! I've been crying since the curtain call," Gen scolded him, whacking his arm with her purse. The actress was dressed impeccably, a silk silver dress draped around her voluptuous frame like she came straight from the silver screen. Therese felt inadequate with her simple green turtleneck and black dress pants.
"Seriously though folks. Congratulations on an incredible run," Dannie said. "I almost cried this time around. Almost."
"You sound just like old bat Gerhard, y'know," Richard stepped in, who was sitting across from Therese with a wide, arrogant posture and his arm slung over Gen's shoulders possessively. "I swear that lady has a stick the size of a tree trunk up her fuckin ass."
"Maybe she wouldn't be so uptight if someone just hit his marks," Gen said coldly. Richard's gaze darkened considerably, but all Gen did was sip her champagne, flicking auburn hair over her shoulder in that celebrity-style manner that Therese couldn't help but admire.
From what Dannie had told her, Gen and Richard had been on and off during the show, creating tension left and right. A classic backstage romance filled with just as much drama as the show they were in. Apparently it helped the actual tension needed during the performance, though that was really the only thing it was good for.
Closing night had been a huge success either way. Critics had raved about their electric performances, tiny hiccups going unnoticed by the audience. Therese was overjoyed to see her images in papers, on posters and on the theatre's website, her name printed in the corners of the photos. Gen had asked Dannie to bring Therese to their small celebration at the restaurant they were sitting in. She desperately wanted more female companionship after being surrounded by the likes of Dannie and Richard.
"Speaking of the fucking devil," Dannie commented, nodding his head to the front door of the small restaurant. Therese turned and caught the sight of Ms. Gerhard -no, Abby, she corrected herself- wearing a stunning jumpsuit. On her arm was a tall, familiar blonde beauty and Therese sucked in a breath as time slowed down for her while watching the two walk in.
Director Ross was dressed in a timeless black suit, bowtie and high heels, hair swept up in a sleek hairdo. The way they walked together was like watching power and confidence personified in the two women.
Therese took a sip of her water to help the blush that she felt creeping up her neck.
"Ah, shit, no way, why they gotta go out for dinner the same place we are?" Richard grumbled. "I really don't want to talk to them."
"Nonsense! They deserve just as much praise as we do," Gen snapped. She stood up from her seat and waved at Abby, who caught sight of the actress easily. Gen always had a way of commanding the room whenever she felt like it.
Therese felt her excitement plummet as she noted that only Abby was approaching their table. The blonde stayed back in their booth, shrugging off her blazer, revealing a crisp white button down that made Therese squirm.
"Fancy seeing you lot here," Abby said, leaning on their table. "Celebrating, I assume?"
Dannie held up the champagne and grinned. "You got that right, boss."
Therese kept her eyes fixed on her glass, afraid that by looking at Abby her gaze would give her away. Were the two a couple? No, of course not. They  were coworkers. Nothing more, right?
"Well I saw Gen and just wanted to come over and congratulate you guys. It was a terrific run, despite everything," with a pointed look at Richard, "so you deserve a well-earned night out."
The other three all responded to Abby with some sort of thanks and Therese forced herself to look up at her and smile. Her eyes were met steadily by the brunette, and though the gaze was firm, Abby smiled nonetheless.
"Good to see you again, Therese. A wonderful job on those photos, by the way."
Therese smiled, beaming proudly. "It was an honour, Abby."
What the fuck? An honour? Am I even saying coherent things? Therese tried to keep herself nonchalant and cool, though a prickling sensation on the back of her neck made her flustered. She looked around and found a pair of deep blue eyes staring back at her from the booth across the restaurant. Ross was looking at her intently, fingers grasping a martini glass. Therese felt her mouth go dry.
"I best get back, enjoy your night," Abby said and with that walked away. Therese lost contact with the blonde's eyes as Abby got back to their booth, their sudden and immediate chemistry forgotten.
Reminding herself to breathe, she tried tuning into Dannie arguing with Richard over some theatre related technicality, and she was filled with the sudden and desperate urge to abandon the three and run over to Abby and the director to hide away, just to get to know this Ross lady better.
"But hey, Terry, you're gonna come back to the theatre soon right? With your pictures and all that?" Richard's annoying voice brought her back to reality.
"Oh, I don't know," she shifted uncomfortably. "I've got a different job starting next week, so photography might be on hold for me for a while."
She chewed her lip, not wanting to say anything else. She had nothing against Dannie or Gen, but after her and Richard had broken up she tried to avoid talking to him as much as possible. In group settings, she was fine, and with their intimate circle of friends it was hard to avoid him so she didn't mind putting up with him.
But no, this job was hers. Not Richard's, Dannie's, Gen's. It was a step into a different direction for herself. And even though she told herself it was more for the pay, she couldn't help but be excited about the kids she was going to meet.
Dannie shifted the conversation to some lewd story from a theatre when he had been just starting out and Therese felt she could breathe again.
"Who is that girl sitting next to Dannie?"
"Therese? Oh, she was the photographer we had in just before the run, don't you remember?"
"Hmm right. I thought she seemed familiar," Carol sipped her martini slowly, eyes darting over to the petite brunette again.
"Stop it," Abby scolded.
"Stop what? I'm just getting a good look. It's been a long time since I've seen her."
"Whatever you're thinking of, Ross, you better cap it. I'll have you know she's a terrific photographer and I want to hire her again, though I won't be able to do that if my artistic director decides to... involve herself."
Carol smirked but backed down, leaning back against the seat and glancing out at the dark street, illuminated by hazy lights dancing in the fog that had spread over the city.
"You all set for September?" Abby asked. Carol's smile disappeared, her fantasies of the brunette forgotten as she looked at the year ahead.
"I have no idea, Abby. I haven't had Rindy for a full month since, well, since this whole mess started. Plus it's the beginning of the school year for her, you know how anxious that can make her."
"And you. You're always a mess when those things start up."
"Hush. At least the first week is cleared up for me, I can relax and take Rindy to school, pick her up, make her meals..."
Carol drifted off again in her non-working, stay at home mom dream that was finally happening in just over a week. Her and her daughter together without a show, without court, without fights... Bliss, she thought.
"You haven't forgotten our meeting with Jeanette though, right?" Abby asked cautiously, brows furrowing. Carol's head snapped up.
"The meeting to finalize that you're stepping away from the theatre? C'mon, Carol."
"Oh, god, I'm so sorry Abs. I genuinely forgot." Carol whipped out her phone and hastily looked up the email Jeanette sent them. Wednesday. 3pm. At the exact time she was meant to pick up Rindy, she'd be on the other side of the city.
"Fuck," Carol groaned. "I guess I gotta get a sitter for Rindy then." God, she couldn't wait to be done work.
"Do they not have an after school program at Rindy's school? Just let her hang out there and we'll pick her up once we're done. It won't be more than an hour, Carol, I don't know if it's worth getting a sitter."
"No, you're right. I'll call them tomorrow and see what they can do," Carol sighed, putting her phone away.
Suddenly feeling the urge to check, she glanced over at the party from across the room, trying to catch a glimpse of the photographer again. She was disappointed to see that only Gen and Richard were left, who were at it with their usual banter at their table while eating. Dannie and Therese had disappeared.
"Carol," Abby warned.
"I know, I know. Sorry." Carol forced herself back to the conversation. "I'm hopeless, aren't I?"
"Yes, you are, you nitwit."
A/N: Life is insane, y’all. This story stumped me for a bit, but here I am. Hope you’re all good, let me know your thoughts <3 
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