#cary agos fluff
shaynawrites23 · 5 months
hi! i love the cary agos fics you wrote, and i was wondering if you could do one where he’s planning a romantic trip for his girlfriend’s birthday? thank you!
Romantic Getaway
Word count: 1033
A/N: I'm not entirely sure this is what you had in mind, and I apologize if I didn't get his character quite right in this one, but nonetheless I hope you enjoy!
It's not unlike Cary to have plans for your birthday. Plans with you, in any case. Every year, you tell him all you want is time with him, special time alone during which neither of you have to worry about work and you can focus completely on the other.
And every year, Cary fulfils your request.
Five birthdays. That's how many you've celebrated with him; it might have been six, if you'd met just slightly earlier than you did. If you didn't care much for birthdays before, Cary would be the one reason why you do now, with how much he dotes on you, showering you with affection every time.
Cary's always affectionate, but even more so on your birthday. The day to celebrate your existence, to remind you how much you're cared for, how much he loves that you're here and alive and that you're here with him.
Of course, you never know in advance what he has up his sleeve. The lawyer takes secrets and surprises to a whole new level, never letting you even catch a hint of what he's got planned until he's ready to reveal it, and this year is no exception. For several months now, he's had this trip planned, ensuring neither you nor him would have any work obligations for a week, and all the travel details have been arranged and double checked a dozen times over.
Only the best for his angel.
Oh, he knows you don't care, you've told him time and time again just having him on your special day is more than enough. He knows you're happy just sitting on the couch watching movies with his arms around your waist and your head tucked under his chin, where you fit so perfectly, but he still longs to make your birthdays memorable. Cary is observant, and never fails to pick up on the way your eyes light up when he tells you he's taking you out, or to pack up for a little getaway, with that bright twinkle in his warm, brown eyes that promises you a good time and plenty of kisses.
This day starts just like all birthdays do for you. Cary's arms still cradle you to him when you wake, his chest rising and falling in time with his slow breathing; it feels like safety and comfort. You know he always wants to make your birthdays about you, but as you wriggle up slightly to be able to look at your boyfriend, you can't help the soft smile on your face.
You're worth the world if it makes you smile like that, and he intends to devote the rest of his life to making you happy. Starting with tomorrow. Little do you know, he has a small black ring box in his coat pocket, and it's for you.
He looks like an angel, you always think. Gorgeous enough a man when he's awake, there's always this sense of giddy pride that fills your heart, alongside the love, when you realize once more that yours is the bed he chooses to fall asleep in, that you are the person he trusts so when he's asleep.
As though he can feel your gaze on him, he stirs, eyes fluttering open softly and then you're greeted by that warm, golden brown you adore so.
"Happy birthday, angel," he murmurs, arms reaching for you to pull you back into his embrace, and you let him, content to spend the first moments of your day together resting on his chest. "The way you're starin' at me though, I'd think it was my special day and not yours."
"Shush, and give me a birthday kiss," you demand, wriggling back up to face him, and Cary obliges with a grin. You kiss him once, twice more, just because you swear he gives the best kisses, and then you pull back to speak again. "So... did you listen to what I said this year?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
Oh, but you know better. That cheeky grin, the twinkle in his eyes... he didn't. He never does.
"Do you wanna know what we're doing this year?"
How could you not? Your curiosity is piqued, and you nod. Cary gently moves you off his chest, warm hands on your shoulders, and reaches over into the drawer of his nightstand. You watch him as he does, watching the way this beautiful man moves so gracefully, and you nearly miss how he produces a clean, cream colored envelope, just like the ones he uses at work every day. As he hands it to you, though, you notice your name penciled in his handwriting in the corner; does your name always look prettier when he writes it?
"Go on, angel, open it."
You do. It's thicker than what you'd expect from a simple letter, and the first thing that falls out is tickets. Plane tickets. The cogs are turning in your head as you slip out another paper, and another... A hotel booking. Couples' massage. Spa day. A map of Paris...
You're going to Paris. With your boyfriend.
He must see the disbelief on your face, laughing softly at your expression. "Happy birthday, baby. Do you like it?"
"Yes!!" It comes out a little louder than you'd intended, but neither of you care as you fling your arms around him, pressing five kisses to his face in quick succession before Cary turns his head just right to catch your lips in a proper kiss. "I love it. You know I love traveling with you. Oh my gosh, Cary, how did you do this-"
You won't find out. Cary may love you, but he's good at keeping secrets, and the way his eyes twinkle at you, you realize he won't say. What he does tell you is, "Get your suitcase, darling, we're leaving tonight."
Tonight. Tomorrow, you'll be in France, in the oh so well known city of love, and safe to say, you're excited. Seven kisses later, you've hopped off of him to prepare, and Cary's left in bed a moment longer, gazing after you with a soft smile on his face. God, how did he get so lucky?
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dangerpronebuddie · 29 days
Inspiration Saturday!!
Tagged by @wikiangela who is writing some adorable bucktommy fluff y'all should show some love!! 💚🩷
The photos we're getting for the next episodes have inspired a new WIP! (And my sister gave me a brilliant whump idea for the story too 😁). It also qualifies for the BTHB prompt: Severed Artery! I have the actual whump written, but I decided to share some of Buck's conversation with Helena, cause I don't know how I feel about the scene yet. Fair warning, Tommy is not portrayed in the very best light, so if you don't want to be tagged for this fic, I understand and I'll alter the taglist if need be 🥰:
“Where is Christopher?” Ramon asks before Helena could speak again. “He's at school,” Buck says. “I was planning on bringing him here as soon as he's out.” “We will get Christopher,” Helena declares. “As soon as we call the school, they'll understand.” “They already know the situation,” he assures her. “I um… called yesterday.” “You?” Helena frowns. Buck hums an affirmative. Trying to keep from falling apart while on the phone to Miss Townshend wasn’t an experience he ever wanted to go through again. “I would’ve thought Pepa would take charge,” Helena says to Ramon. “Evidently, she’s letting Buck lend a hand,” Ramon says. “Uh, actually, Eddie is letting me help,” Buck says, “has been for years.” “First I'm hearing of it,” Helena says with a challenging raise of her eyebrows. Eddie once described his mother like Katherine Hepburn's character in The Philadelphia Story. Cary Grant described her disapproving scowl as “the withering glance of the goddess.” The resemblance was uncanny. “Well, you haven't really been around,” Buck says with a wince, fighting the urge to hunch his shoulders around his ears. Tommy places a reassuring hand on his back, then squeezes the nape of his neck. “How would you know?” Helena asks. “I'm his best friend,” Buck says with a nervous chuckle. “And that gives you the right to take over while my son is incapacitated?” Buck takes a deep breath. “It does, actually.” “I beg your pardon?” She folds her arms, that withering glance never faltering. “It was Eddie's choice,” Buck says. “A few years ago, he chose me to act as Christopher's guardian should something like this happen.” "It doesn't stop us helping out," Helena persists. "I understand that," Buck says. "And I thank you for wanting to, but we have it handled." "Evan, he's their grandkid," Tommy points out.
"And he's my kid," Buck bites back with a disbelieving frown before whirling around to face the Diazes again. "I'm sorry, but Christopher stays with me."
(tags under the cut. As always, please let me know if you want to be added/ removed)
Absolutely no pressure tagging:
@kaseysgirl86-blog @darkrose6578 and anyone else who wants to share!! 🥰🩷
@13shadesofanni @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @tizniz @loveyouanyway
@ronordmann @steadfastsaturnsrings @daffi-990 @kitteneddiediaz
@inell @exhaustedpigeons @spagheddiediaz @hippolotamus @diazsdimples
@actuallyitsellie @daniwib @fortheloveofbuddie @wildlife4life @theotherbuckley
@rainbow-nerdss @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @lunarspark-cos @idealuk @shipperqueen6
@misshiss727 @likeamollusconarock @lin27 @jshadow01 @orangeboxfox92
@smallandalmosthonest @thegeekcompanion @emilybahu @lemotmo @awolfnamed-nyx
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socalwriterbee · 6 months
Oh, Christmas Tree!
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Book: Open Heart
Characters: Ethan Ramsey x Tessa Martinez (FMC)
Rating/Warning: Teen/Fluff
Word Count: 982
Summary: Ethan and Tessa's niece (Melody) are on the look out for a Christmas Tree, only to find out that the tree they are looking for his for his home.
A/N: It's been a minute since I've posted on a story on here and a few weeks ago I got this idea from a conversation about a christmas tree farm with @cariantha @txemrn and @peonierose. I hope it this is ok Cari, it got my mind going. I would also like to thank you for the little something I will be adding at the end. I absolutely love it!!
A/N 2: This was quickly edited, sorry for any errors and typos.
A/N 3: My posts will not have any tags, if you happen to stumble upon this story, Thank you for taking the time to read, like and/or share! Hope you enjoy!
Characters belong to our friends at Pixelberry!
Happy Holidays!
The sun sat bright in the sky, only giving some warmth to a cold December morning, the smell of pines surrounding them. Ethan found himself in search for the perfect Christmas Tree. Tessa was somewhere else with the rest of her family at a local Christmas Tree farm that was just outside the city limits. The ground crunched under his shoes as he tried to keep up with the little girl in front of him. 
It wouldn’t be hard to lose sight of her they way she was dressed, black pants, shoes that lit up with each step she took paired with a ‘ugly sweater’ as Melody called it and a beanie with a white pom right on top.
Ethan knew if he did not have her in his eye sight she would turn and go off on one of her adventures, where he would call out for her and he would only hear her soft giggles when she hid from him. 
Ethan sighed, he had been bested by Mel more times than he cared to admit. “Have you seen one you like?”
Melody answers him with a simple shake of her head.
What she was looking for Ethan had no clue, they passed trees he would have chosen, full, a nice shape to them, height was perfect for Talia’s family home. 
They were all here when Talia mentioned to Tessa and him about doing this when they went over to her home a couple weeks ago. Tessa’s sister was trying to work around their hospital schedule, Ethan found it quite nice to be included in their family activities and memories. 
He watched Melody stop in front of tree, it stood only a few inches taller than her. Ethan came to a stop next to her, looking down he saw the cold had nipped at her nose making the tip rosy. 
He felt the opposite of a chill when Melody’s warm little hand settled into his. “This one Uncle Ethan.”
The words he wanted to say died on the tip of his tongue but that didn’t stop him from thinking them in his head. The tree in question was quite sad, he tilted his head to the side while he took it in, it was more branches than anything, the needles sparse.
“Mel, are you sure?” He asked, she had to be mistaken the space meant for the Christmas Tree in her family room would swallow this little runt up. “We passed by a lot more bigger ones…”
“But I like this one.”
How was Ethan going to sell this one to Tessa and her sister, he saw a smile spread across Melody’s little face and he knew that this little tree was going home with them. He could already hear Tessa, “that little girl has you wrapped around her finger.” 
“I guess we could make room for two trees in the family room.” Ethan said. 
He started pulling out his phone to call Tessa, when Melody’s voice stopped him. “No, Uncle Ethan it’s for you. Auntie Tess said we could decorate a tree for you.”
Ethan tucks his phone back into his coat and drops down to the four year old’s height, sort of he was still a couple inches taller but that didn’t stop her brown eyes from locking with his. “I don’t need one, sweetheart.”
Her little arms wrapped around his neck, Ethan lets out an oomph as he balances the two of them from the force of her hug. “I don’t want you to become a grinch.”
A grinch? Tessa. Ethan shook his head before taking the little girl in his arms, balancing her as he stands them up. “I won’t become a grinch.”
“But you don’t have any Christmas decorations, how will Santa find you to leave presents.”
“Oh.” Santa, right. Ethan tickles Melody, feeling her wiggle and her infectious laugh fill the air, it’s a quick distraction, one he hopes will buy him some time to come up with something. 
When she stopped laughing, Ethan turned them back to the tree in question. “You really like this one?”
Melody nods. 
“There you guys are.” Ethan and Melody turn to see Tessa making her way towards them. “What did you two find?”
“Auntie.” Melody calls out, trying to wiggle out of Ethan’s arms, before she can fall, he places her down and watches her run towards her aunt. 
“Did you find it Ladybug?” Tessa asks.
“Santa is going to like it aaalot.”
“Is he? Show me which one.” 
Ethan watched the interaction between aunt and niece before they made their way to him and the tree he stood in front of. When they reached Ethan, he heard Tessa let out a soft laugh before she turned to him. Tessa was biting her bottom lip to prevent herself from laughing even further. 
Ethan leans down and places a kiss at the corner of Tessa mouth, “This has you written all over it.”
Tessa’s eyes go wide. “Me?”
“You’re the only one who calls me a grinch.” Ethan says wrapping an arms around Tessa and bringing her into him. “And you’ve been trying to get me to decorate, so you enlist a child to do your bidding.”
The two of them look out in front them, Melody skipping around Ethan’s tree singing a Christmas song he doesn’t recognize. 
“Did it work?”
Ethan doesn’t answer her because Tessa already knows the answer. “This is the one Mel.”
Melody stops skipping and singing to only start jumping with excitement. “I did it Auntie Tess.”
“Yes, you did Ladybug.”
“I picked the ugliest tree like you said.”
Tessa slipped out of Ethan’s embrace before he could say anything that Melody could hear. Ethan could only laugh to himself, he had fallen once more to the mischief niece and aunt came up with.
This time it was with a little holiday spirit.
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my-dumb-obsessions · 1 year
OC Lore: Cariane Amell's Grimoire
A week ago, a friend of mine showed me the extensive grimoire he made for his mage OC, and it inspired me to create this little bit of worldbuilding fluff for my Warden Commander, Carie Amell. Thank you, @maleficarlife for the inspiration!
Here is the link to the complete project, and a few in-progress screenshots from this past week:
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Read more about Cariane (and her eventual husband, Nathaniel Howe, and the whole Vigil's Keep family) in my series, Under Your Command, on AO3!
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hockeyboysimagines · 3 years
All good boys go to Heaven, but bad boys bring Heaven to you.
Chapter 9
Warnings: Language, some angst, some fluff.
Okay third time is supposed to be a charm. Tumblr said they fixed the problem so my things should appear in the tags again. Hopefully it’s actually fixed this time and I can start posting again. One more chapter after this! Then I’ll start working on PLD, Carter and Ashes and Wine! Let me know what you think!!!
Just imagine being on the other end of this look. Sheesh🥵🥵
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“Hows our girl doing?”
Matt turned to find Johnny had taken the seat next to him in the locker room. Word had spread through the team about what had happened to Hallie. While it was awesome to be a part of an organization that really cared about him and his personal life, he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. He’d barely slept and he was playing like shit, but he couldn’t get any rest until she was awake and okay, and he knew for sure if she hated him or not. He was emotionally and mentally drained and he wasn’t sure how much more he could take.
“She hasn’t woken up yet.” His voice cracked at the end. It had been awful to find her that way, and even worse that the last time he’d seen her they’d been fighting. Johnny put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a pat.
“She’s gonna pull through this Chucky. She’s tough. Before you know it she’ll be back to yelling at you for doing something dumb. You’ll see.” He smiled for the first time in almost a week, something Johnny had always been good at doing.
“You heading there later?”
“Yeah probably. My mom went to check on her this morning, and Carly is there now. My parents are heading out tomorrow and my mom wanted to check in before they left.”
“Tell you what. Go have dinner with your parents before they leave, and I’ll go sit with her for a little bit.”
“Johnny I-“
“Come on man. You haven’t seen them in months. I don’t mind.”
He was right, it had been months and it would be months. He had been so consumed with what had happened he hadn’t realized how fast the week had gone. He’d struggled to talk about it at first, but the more time she spent asleep the more things started to come out.
“This isn’t your fault Matthew.”
“Then why do I feel so bad.”
His dad sighed “Because you love her. But this should be a lesson, and when that girl wakes up you need to do everything in your power to fix this.”
He took those words to heart.
That had been 6 days ago, and there was no change since then. She’d taken a nasty blow to the head, which is where all of the blood came from, and no one really knew how long she’d been on the floor. He shivered at the memory.
“Well. Deal? I promise if anything changes I’ll call you.”
He hesitated before he nodded “Okay. Thanks. But if anything happens-“
“I promise I’ll call you first.”
“ Excuse me Doctor?”
Hallie’s doctor turned and smiled at Carly.
“I’m just wondering if there’s been any changes or anything? It’s been over a week now…” Carly stopped talking, lip trembling. The doctor nodded understandingly.
“This must be so hard on you all. I wish I had better news but her condition is the same. Good news is her vitals are strong, and it doesn’t appear the fall did too much damage but we’ll have to run some tests when she wakes up. Keep your head up.”
Cary nodded. This whole thing had been hard on her and Jay, and the guys in the team. But it had ravaged Matthew. It was now that Carly realized how much he really loved her. She had been so pissed at him when she slapped him, but the love they shared for Hallie had brought them back to being friends. She fired off a quick group text.
No changes.
Her phone rang a moment later. It was Matt.
“Hey. Uhm. Johnny is gonna sit with her for a bit tonight. My parents are leaving town tomorrow so I’m gonna have dinner with them.”
“I think that’s a great idea. You should spend some time with them before they head back to St.Louis. I’ll stay till he gets here.”
“Matty it’s okay. Spend time with your parents. That’s what Hallie would say.”
She heard a sniffle on the other end before he cleared his throat “Yeah your right. But she’d probably yell it at me.” And then he chuckled, for the first time in a week.
The sound warmed her heart.
“Alright I’m gonna head home. He should be there within the hour. Talk later. Bye Car.”
He hung up and Carly sighed. She picked up the folder sitting on the tray table in the hospital room and flipped it open. She absently read through the papers when something caught her eye.
Johnny had busied himself with watching NHL network, social media surfing, and now was sitting in the chair trying not to look at her.
He had really come to love Hallie in the past few months and to see her pale, and hooked up to a bunch of machines…it was too much. It had been hard on the whole group, each for different reasons. He was startled from his thoughts however when Jay opened the door.
“Hey. What are you doing here?”
“I can’t sit in my apartment anymore. I figured I’d pop in and check on her. How’s she doing?”
“Same as last week as far as I know.”
“How’s Matt?”
Johnny shook his head “Not doing well. His parents are leaving town tomorrow so he’s at dinner with them now.”
“Good good. He needs to spend some time away from here. Carly said he’s been here every night.”
“This hit him really hard. We all-“
A soft breath that turned into a loud breath interrupted them. Goosebumps erupted across a Johnny’s skin as he watched Hallies eyes open once, twice, three times before they closed again.
“Doctor!” Jay yanked the door open and bolted down the hall calling for a doctor.
Hallie looked confused and the alarmed when she saw she wasn’t at home.
“Hey hey hey.” She turned to him eyes softening and tried to pick her head up “Don’t do that. Relax.”
“Where am I?” She closed her eyes again, wincing in pain.
“Your at the hospital. You hit your head. You’ve been out for a week.”
He could see she was struggling to put his words together in a way that made sense. The doctor and several nurses came in and ushered him and Jay from the room so she could speak with Hallie privately.
“I’m gonna call Chucky.”
It had been nice to spend time with his parents. He found himself smiling and laughing a few times and the tension that had been settled in his bones for the last week wasn’t as heavy.
His phone rang at 6:45 pm as he and his parents were getting in the car to head home.
“Chucky. She’s awake.”
A rush of adrenaline surged through him and he quickly hung up before turning to his parents. He fumbled with his words for a few moments before his mom laid a hand on his arm.
“Calm down, what is it?”
“Hallie’s awake. I need-“ he turned this way and that looking for his keys.
“Matthew honey the keys are in your hand. Come on. We’re coming with you.”
“How are you feeling? Doing okay?” The nurse asked leaning down to look Hallie in the eyes. She nodded and closed her eyes slowly.
“I’m just so tired.”
“That’s normal honey. You took a nasty spill we heard.”
She looked at Johnny, who nodded “It was.”
“Who brought me here?”
“The ambulance, but Chucky found you.”
She closed her eyes again. It was hazy, and some of it was completely gone, but she did remember feeling sick. After that it was a blank.
“That boy has been here every day and night.” The nurse said, one hand on her hip.
“What boy?”
“That cute one with the curls. If he’s not your boyfriend he definitely should be.” Johnny laughed and smiled “There will be no stopping him now.”
Carly arrived two seconds later, Noah in tow. They cried and they hugged and cried some more.
“Are you okay? I’m so sorry I wasn’t there-“
“It’s fine Car. I’m fine really.” Hallie had a raging headache and felt stiff all over. If she hasn’t been so exhausted she would have immediately asked for a shower but she wasn’t sure she would make it through one anyways. The nurse left, telling her she’d be back to check in her in an hour, and Carly turned to her. She looked awful, Jay too, like they hadn’t been sleeping.
“I’m so glad your okay babe.” Carly said sitting on the end of her bed. Noah was smiling encouragingly from his chair.
“We really have been so worried. All of us.”
Hallie smiled softly and closed her eyes “I love you guys.”
There was a large commotion at the door as Matthew came charging in the room stopping in the doorway. His eyes were huge, cheeks red like he’d ran up the stairs to get there. Hallie turned her head, took one look at him and big fat tears began to roll down her cheeks.
“Matty I’m so sorry.” She cried, reaching a hand out. She couldn’t move her neck and the tears burned her tired eyes but she was so overcome with emotion she couldn’t stop them.
“Sorry for what? I’m sorry. Don’t Hal. I’m just so glad your okay.” He fell into the chair next to her, and gripped her hand. Carly covered her mouth and swiped at a tear, and Chantal was holding her heart.
“Let’s give them some privacy.” Noah said ushering everyone from the room. He pulled her hand up to his mouth and kissed it.
“Are you okay?”
She nodded and let out a raspy breath before she spoke “What happened to me?”
“I don’t know. You went to lunch with my mom and then no one could get a hold of you. Do you remember?”
She shook her head “The whole day is kind of a blur. I just remember feeling sick.”
“Jay called me and said he was trying to call and you weren’t answering. So I came to check on you and found-“ he shook his head and took a deep breath “You must have passed out and hit your head. I found you in the bathroom.”
She reached up and gingerly touched the bandage on her head “I don’t remember anything.”
“It was awful, finding you that way. But what matters is your okay. You are okay right?”
“I think so. I’m tired, but I wanna see everyone.” She reached out to hold his hand “But before they come back. When I get out of here, can we fix all this?” She was crying again, but she was looking at him so hopefully he smiled.
“Yes Hal. We can fix everything. It’s gonna be fine I promise.” She nodded and closed her eyes with a small smile.
When their friends rejoined them, Keith and Chantal included, they filled in the blanks of her memory. The more they told her the more things started to come back.
“I’m just not sure what made me so sick.”
“When I got to your apartment, your door was unlocked. I thought maybe Ryan-“
“No. I think your right hook sent the message pretty clearly.”
They laughed before Chantal spoke “You seemed fine when I dropped you off, food poisoning maybe?”
“Maybe. The doctor said they were gonna do some more tests so maybe they can give me the answer.”
She made eye contact with Carly, who was giving her a strange look. She furrowed her eyebrows and Carly shrugged.
Everyone filtered home after a while. Keith and Chantal would come see her on the way to the airport the next day, and Carly would be there in the afternoon while the guys had practice and tape review. She said goodnight to them.
“I’m gonna take my parents home and then I’ll come back.”
“Matty you look like you haven’t slept in a week. I’m okay here-“ but he was shaking his head.
“No way. Im coming back.” She smiled but rolled her eyes. His face lit up.
“There’s the Hallie I know. I’ll be back soon.”
She smiled and closed her eyes, and was sound asleep before they even made it down the hallway.
Keith and Chantal’s morning visit had been so pleasant. Hallie had been up early and the morning nurse helped her take a shower and she felt so much better. They had invited her to St.Louis that summer, provided she could take time off work, and made her promise to keep in touch. They sent her well wishes from Brady and Taryn before they left, and then it was just her and Carly.
“Your doctor is on her way in here.”
“Your acting weird.”
Carly was looking at her strangely and they stared at each other for a minute before the doctor poked her head in the room.
“You look much better.” She had a Manila folder in her hand and she flipped it open “We have some answers as to what caused your fall. Did you want to discuss it now or-?” She looked between her and Carly before Hallie spoke.
“She can stay.”
The doctor nodded and shut the door before she sat down.
“Well for starters we are so glad that your okay. We’re still trying to figure out exactly what caused you to pass out, but after what I’ve heard I’m pretty positive in saying this is stress and alcohol related. In this instance the two didn’t mix. However we ran some blood work and it would appear that your pregnant.”
The words hit Hallie like a smack to the face. How? They’d been so careful, and had done everything to prevent it. But now everything started to make sense. The nausea, which she’d attributed to the Allie situation, the emotions, the fatigue. All of the signs had coincided with the drama of her relationship and she hadn’t thought in a million years she was pregnant.
But she was.
Carly reached over and grabbed her hand squeezing it.
“I’m- im pregnant? Are you sure?”
“Positive. Your blood work looks excellent and as far as I can see your 6 weeks into a healthy pregnancy. You’ll need to schedule an ultrasound before you go. I have some pamphlets here for you to take a look at, and some paperwork to review and sign. I have to ask, will the father be present? It’s important to discuss decisions together and be a United front during this time. Some women struggle more than others.”
“I don’t-“
“I’m assuming that boy that’s been living here the past few days is involved. Why don’t you take some time to digest all this and we can talk tomorrow. You’ve had a lot of info thrown at you. But I must tell you, in all the years I’ve worked here I’ve never seen someone have as much support as you. Your very lucky.”
Hallie smiled and squeezed Carly’s hand back “I am.”
The doctor left them and Carly turned to find her crying “Hal. Your gonna be a mom. Are you happy?”
Hallie nodded tearfully “I’m so scared Car. What if he isn’t happy?”
“Are you kidding? He’s gonna be ecstatic. Come here.” Carly situated herself on the bed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders “He loves you. So much. He’s gonna be so excited. You’ll see.”
Hallie came home 4 days later, still tired and on strict bed rest but she was so glad to be home. There was flowers, and gift baskets and cards all over her counters.
“What is all this?”
“Some of from your neighbors, some from coworkers and some from the Calgary Flames.” He set her stuff down and turned to her “I think you should lay down for a while. Get some rest.”
“I’ve been laying down for a week. I just want to spend some time awake.” She was nervous. She hadn’t told him yet, but this was her moment. She’d had an ultrasound 2 days prior in the hospital and had hidden the pictures in her pocket in a white envelope.
“Where’s your instructions from your doctor? I want to read them.”
She pulled the envelope from her pocket and handed it to him. He was distracted as he opened it, mumbling stuff to himself as he eyed the meds on the counter making sure they were all there. But he frowned when he looked in the envelope.
“What is-?” He pulled them out and looked at them for several seconds and then at her and then back to the photos.
“Is this? Are you-?”
“I’m pregnant Matty.”
His face went from confused, to shocked, to happy, to the most excited she’d ever seen him.
“I’m- I’m gonna be a dad?” She nodded and swept at a tear coming from her eye. He pulled her in and hugged her tightly.
“Are you happy?” She asked against his neck.
“I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I love you Hal.”
“I love you too Matty.”
“Gather round Gather round.”
It was one month later and the night before another Ottawa v Calgary game, in Calgary. The Tkachuks were in town with some family she hadn’t met yet, and they had arranged for everyone, his teammates, Brady and some players from Ottawa to meet for dinner and drinks. She, Matthew, Carly and now Jay were the only ones in on the secret. Matthew had decided now was the only time in the near future they would all be together so he was doing it now.
He was dinging a fork on the neck of his beer bottle trying to get everyone to pay attention but they only stopped talking when he very loudly said “Hey! Shut up!”
When they all quieted he cleared his throat “Thank you. Now first I just wanna say thanks everyone for coming, and thanks for all your support. You were all there for us, and we both really appreciate it.” He pulled Hallie closer and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She smiled but looked confused.
“Which brings me to my second part of the evening.” He was smiling mischievously.
“Matty I-“
“Now relax Hal, I’m not gonna tell them your pregnant-“
A low hush went around the room and mouths fell open.
“I’m just gonna tell them that I’m gonna be a dad!”
Everyone immediately started screaming and crying. Keith and Chantal were elated to find out they were going to be grandparents, Carly was calling dibs on godmother and Brady and Taryn were already arguing over who was going to be a bigger bad influence.
Hallie rubbed her stomach absently, knowing that somewhere in there, there was a life that was just beginning. A little boy or girl, hopefully with Matthew’s curls and her big blue eyes. She smiled, feeling for the first time in her life truly at peace. She had made a life here, with beautiful people in a beautiful place. She finally got what she’d been chasing all these years. Matthew smiled at her from across the room. They would do this together, every step of the way, no matter what happened, no matter who tried to come between them.
Forever had only just begun.
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things-happens · 3 years
In Memory
Levi Ackerman x gn! Reader
Armin Arlert x gn! Reader
Erwin Smith x gn! Reader
Mikasa Ackerman x gn! Reader
hola 😎 i have a request for ya! which i do hope you like cause I literally spent hALF aN hoUR thinking of how it should go... anyWAYS, i’m gonna request it rn cause why not? .. anyways—maybe a hc for Levi, Armin, Erwin, Mikasa, and Pieck; their S/O’s favorite memories with them are playing in their mind. They wished it happened again. people thought they (they = pieck, levi, armin - yk)—people thought they went crazy. out of their mind insane. They do often smile, when they hear their S/O’s laugh. They cry when they hear their S/O’s screams. They couldn’t save them in time. they were now dead. // now do keep in mind, that this all happened weeks after their S/O’s death. they felt so useless at the fact that they couldn’t save them in time. the one they loved the most...
Note: I DELETED THIS AND HAD TO MADE THE POST so... please like and share thank you. Also I'm not caught up on season 4 but I know what has happened so I don't know Pieck's personality, I didn't want to get her wrong.
Prompt List
Summary: their s/o passed, they blame themselves and other and sadly cannot cope.
Warnings: Death, Blood, Feels and Fluff Words: a lot just a lot
Levi Ackerman (Sadderdaze)
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Somethings never change for Levi losing the ones he loves left and right but why did he think that would change with y/n.
During the Battle of Shiganshina, Y/n was by Levi’s side the whole time.
They always was anyways, the lone survivor of Levi’s Squad after the 57th Expansion. Years ago, they vowed the loyalty for him then again 3 years later, till death did them part.
They both lead the group of soldiers to eliminate the Beast Titan.
As the Beast began to throw rocks everyone took covered in an abandoned town, after the first-round y/n and Levi resurfaced on the roofs.
They both noticed the beast was readying for another throw, yelling for the other to go bad into cover.
“GO BACK!” Y/N yelled into their cupped hands; they still couldn’t hear them.
Levi started to run to help them, only to be held back, y/n telling him there isn’t enough time.
Levi protested only for Y/n starting to push him back down to between the houses.
Suddenly, Y/n gave him a hard push on his back making him lad down on the ground. Looking back up to his love, their leg of in a now, missing part of the roof.
Levi quickly shot back up to help them out, grabbing their hands pulling as hard as he could.
“Levi… LEVI! Please take cover, you’ll die.”
“I’m not leaving you behind… not again.”
Levi had left Y/n in charge of his squad as he joined Erwin in the 57th Expansion. Nearly dying because of the Female Titan and protecting Eren.
Y/n pulled their arm away from him, giving him one final hard push in the chest right before the rock came pass them.
“I love you” they whispered.
As Levi flew back to the ground, he held eye contact with them all of his memories going through his head, knowing that this was the last time he would see of them, forever.
As for y/n, all their memories flew through them.
Late nights with Hanjie, mornings drinking tea with Erwin and Levi.
Levi… the night of their wedding, cake, slow dancing together, then stargazing. Oh, what they’d give to do that one more time with him.
Then they were gone.
Days later, everyone was concerned about the Captain. They could hear his cries and sobs when they’d pass his room. If you’d knocked, his cries would stop, and he’d stay silent till he watched your feet leave.
Every time Hanjie would open his door to bring breakfast or dinner, they could see the hopefulness in his eyes only for them to fall. Not like he ate till he was starving and knew he had too.
Years later, as Levi slept at night, he could still hear the whisper and cries of his love. That’s all he could hear ever, yet now he hid it well.
The nights he couldn’t sleep he’d walk through the halls of the fallen soldiers. In the middle of all the paintings, was Erwin. A gold frame shining in the moon light. Next to him was y/n.
They also had a golden frame and at the top were their favorite floor in their favorite color. Whomever painted it, Levi thought they did an amazing job.
The captured the brightness of their eyes, their gloss on their hair and the perfection on their hands.
Levi sat on his knees, lightly placing his hand on theirs. Wishing he could feel them just one more time.
“I bet you’re not popular with the ladies…” Zeke sighed.
Levi looked down thinking about y/n for the first time since the battle. “I was popular enough…”
Armin Arlert (When Will I See You Again)
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Most people admired Y/n relationship with Armin, never put a title on side thing but the two and others knew they loved each other.
And when y/n died… well it was hard on everyone.
Since Armin inherited the Colossal Titian he saw and heard y/n die with his own eyes or really with Bertholdt eyes.
They stood by Armin till the very end or what they thought was the end.
The two stood in front of the giant titan, directing him. The plan… they knew they were going to die but it was with Armin and that’s all y/n would ever want.
Bertholdt let out the burning steam, burning them alive. y/n’s eyes looked at Armin, they screamed and cried till nothing… black.
Armin on the other head was giving the Titan Serum, eating Bertholdt and becoming the monsters he hated.
From the second he woke from the shift, all he could thing of was Y/n.
Where are they?
Are they okay?
Then and dare he say naturally, the memories caved in.
Seeing through his predecessor’s eyes, he remembered his love burn to death. Hearing their caries and he saw them always looking at him.
He cried and blamed himself for their death, y/n thought they were dying together but Eren couldn’t let him live in peace.
“they died thinking they were with me.” He whispered.
He always tired to keep his resentment in around Eren and Mikasa, but everyone could here him scream in pain in the forest next to the HQ.
He used Bertholdt’s memories to see them together all the time, Sasha and Mikasa would become worried he wasn’t grieving well but soon like screams every night stop.
Instead, it was quite crying at night, which wasn’t any better for anyone.
Then they left to find the Sea, one thing that could make Armin come to peace with himself.
Reaching the ocean everyone would play and have fun their but looking down in the water, Armin could’ve sworn he saw his love looking back at him but alas he lost the sight as fast as he saw it.
He knew Y/n would and still is by his side everyday till death brought them back to each other.
Erwin Smith (My Kind of Woman)
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Everyone knew Erwin as a very stoic man, a calm gentle giant but with a heart and will of Iron.
And that was true, but that was after someone not one would talk about.
Their name is Y/n, Erwin Smith’s great love.
In 845, the Survey Corps returned from an expiation, but most do not know what happened.
“Four abnormals on the right wing!” some one shouted
Erwin looked at y/n who was smiling but still looking out for themselves and others. They looked over at Erwin and smiled even wilder.
Ever since training, Y/n saw bright side of things. It was their idea to recruit the Underground rebels.
In all most a flash of lighting, rain pored down soldiers dying all around.
10 abnormals flailing around, killing and eating people.
Erwin stared behind him, watching his comrades die under his orders. Then he locked eyes with y/n as they jumped off their horse as a Titan waved its arm at her.
Y/n yelled hoping he would turn and help them, and he did, yet despite the connection they had…
It was too late, they were harshly picked and swished, screams reaching everyone’s ears. Held above the Titan’s mouth their blood poured into then as the life quickly left their eyes they were dropped into its mouth.
If it wasn’t for Levi, Erwin would’ve been died too.
Ever second since then he blamed himself, knowing if he was just a little faster.
He paid someone to make a painting of her for his office, they were his right-hand person, but others knew it was more than that.
He would cry as quite as he could for years till it was small smiles or few tears while in his office or drinking tea with Levi or Hanji.
They both learned not to question it as it was a normal thing for the man after five years.
The new recruits would ask about the painting of a random person in his office, he would say someone special.
Yet it’s been years he would still become choked up that night.
Mikasa Ackerman (i wanna be your girlfriend)
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Mikasa and Y/n met in training, two people how just sat not needing to say anything to enjoy each other’s company.
Eating dinner, they’d just sit and watch everyone else bicker and talk, nothing needed to be said. Despite being Sasha’s sibling, the older one seem to get all the personality then again there was nothing wrong with the way they were.
Although being close to death of a many of times, they lived and slightly loved Mikasa and watched her grow into a beautiful women she was.
Over the years, y/n become more vocal not wanting to miss out on the moments they had left with everyone. They and Jean would bicker and laugh about dumb things, Connie and they would just sitting and reminisce on old times.
Then Sasha met Nicolo and well y/n had never more vocal about anything before.
“Oooooh the cook, he’s perfect for you.”
y/n would tease Sasha along with Jean and Connie, although Nicolo didn’t seem to mind, Sasha would turn redder than a beet!
Then the war came, Y/n didn’t leave Mikasa side unless it was to save their ether extremely brave or stupid sister.
As y/n and Mikasa run to Eren’s ad after killing the War Hammer Titan, Mikasa yells at Eren.
Y/n watches the two argue, as the War Hammer Titan stands tall and definitely not dead.
Y/n watches as it starts to shoot a crystal goop at them, Y/n wipps around slamming themselves into Mikasa, holding onto her and they both flay away from the now hardened crystal.
“thank you, y/n.”
Y/n only nodded, looking back at the crystal. Again, they themselves in danger for Mikasa but they knew if it came down to it, they would die for their family.
After the battle, everyone was on the air ship, Mikasa had left y/n with Jean, Connie and Sasha. They talked happy to see each other alive.
“You guys are really special to me.”
Next thing anyone knew, both Jean and Y/n heard rumbling from the entrance. Turning around they saw a little girl with a rifle.
y/n quickly realized she was aiming for everyone of the ship, mainly their sister. Running in front of the fire, trying to do the same thing they once saw Hanjie do years ago still the girl shot.
The bullet went straight threw y/n’s stomach; push through the pain they grabbed the gun from the girl. They butted it into the little girl’s head, knocking her out.
The adrenaline wore off, y/n put their hand on their stomach. Their hand covered in blood, they turned around to see their sister on the floor surrounded by their friends.
“Guys…” they dropped the rifle on the floor.
The word came out their mouth, everyone with tears in their eyes slowly turned to look at them.
Jean watched as the blood dripped from their suit on to the light brown flooring.
Y/n began to walk to them, waddling side to side.
Mikasa entered the room watching Y/n fall over into what was now a pool of blood. She quickly ran over, flipping them over sobbing.
Jean quickly applied pressure into the wound, but it was too late. Y/n looked up at Mikasa, their bloodied hand lightly touching her face.
Mikasa sat head on her knees, in between both Blouse graves. She could still here the raspy breaths, the yells of Jean telling them to stay awake and the laugh Eren let out seeing the dead bodies.
She’d cry at nights realizing she loved them more than a friend, she felt like a piece of her was now gone.
During dinners Mikasa would push her food around till she couldn’t sit and not laugh or sob. Armin had become worried of her, but he knew she just needed time.
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personasintro · 4 years
how love works | myg drabble
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⏤𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴; your new colleague who ends up showing you around in your new job, finds his way to your broken heart
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨; yoongi x reader
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: fluff, nurse!yoongi, single mom!reader
⏤𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 5.5k
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: strong language, making out, mentions of sex
𝘢/𝘯: commissioned by @hyacinthgrrls​, thank you for being so patient about this one! I'm sorry if this one seems to be messy, but I really tried to squeeze everything you wanted here!
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...I'd be more than happy to show you around, but unfortunately, my shift already started and I need to be there before Dr. Jung throws a fit,” His words are unclear, barely audible as he rushes through a long hallway, greeting a few patients along the way.
It feels like all hospitals look the same – white walls with a little bit of different, but still nonchalant colors popping every now and then. This one is matched with beige color, visible thanks to the intensive white lightening. The omnipresent smell of antiseptic caries through the whole hospital.
“Yoongi is going to show you around.” Namjoon, as you've learned his name just five minutes ago, says and briefly looks over the shoulder to check up on you, making sure you're catching up with him.
It's tough, his long legs move quickly and you barely get to catch up with him, ushering behind him. He finally stops in front of the white door, the same ones like all those tens you've just passed by, before he pushes it open and walks in. Following him, you close the door with a soft thud as you try to get a glimpse behind Namjoon's tall figure. He moves away, allowing you to see the whole room. It's medium sized room with two wooden tables next to the windows, a small kitchen unit on the left side with a white fridge.
It must be a break room, but before you can look around, your attention is caught by Namjoon's voice and another person in the room.
“Great, you're here!” Namjoon calls out enthusiastically, smacking his hands together as the young man with dark hair stares at him. “You're going to show Y/N around.”
His eyes widen, before he frowns with his puffed cheeks as he holds a sandwich in his hands. “I'm on my lunch break!” he exclaims with his full mouth, visibly annoyed by the sudden interruption of his chance to finally eat and take a break.
“I know, but Jung needs me and you're the only one free.”
Namjoon doesn't seem to be surprised by the man's grumpy attitude, not even when he grunts in annoyance at him. You watch the dark haired man swallow, putting down his sandwich before he opens his mouth.
“I'm not free, I'm on my lunch break.” he reminds him, dusting off his blue scrubs that nicely contrasts with his pale skin.
Understandably, you get his reaction of having to show someone around when it's his time to finally eat. You don't take it personally, but it still leaves you awkwardly standing next to Namjoon with tongue poking the inside of your cheek.
“I can wait.” you speak up, their eyes snapping to you as the man opens his mouth before he can, Namjoon already interjects.
“No, someone needs to show you around. It's your first day but you need to get to work as soon as possible.” he dismisses your idea immediately, glancing at his colleague that fumbles with his eyes before he sighs.
“Fine.” he mutters, tossing his almost untouched sandwich down onto the table.
“Great!” Namjoon exclaims in excitement and claps his hands again. “See you guys later!”
Not even waiting for you response, he's already out of the room and leaves the two of you alone. You wonder if the man hates you for not being able to finish his sandwich, which doesn't even look like a proper lunch, because of you. He sighs, leaving you standing awkwardly in the middle of the room with your handbag clutched in your hands.
“It's okay if you want to finish that,” you speak up, feeling like you need to do something rather than just staying in silence with awkward atmosphere in the air. “I can wait.”
You've heard Namjoon, so did he, but you just need to say something and you feel bad for being a burden to him. The man looks up, meeting your eyes properly this time, and you expect him to glare at you or at least show kind of irritation, but his gaze is soft.
“No, it's okay I can finish it later,” he says, speaking to you for the first time with much more relaxed tone than he spoke with to Namjoon. “It's your first day here, huh?” he chuckles, packing his sandwich and places it into the fridge.
“Yeah,” you answer with a mere smile, noticing the untouched cup of coffee on the counter which makes you feel even more bad.
“I'm Yoongi,” he tells you, stretching his arm towards you. You take it, glancing into his dark orbs as you tell him your name.
Something about him makes you want to observe him, maybe it's his interesting personality you got to see and even though you don't know him, he doesn't look as intimidating as you first thought now that you think about it.
“Very well then, let's go before Namjoon bursts through those door again,” he jokes, causing you to laugh at that, remembering how in rush he's been ever since he introduced himself to you. “Come on.” he walks up to the door and opens it, motioning for you to go first as you thank him, ushering back to the busy hallway.
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If Yoongi ever felt annoyed by the sudden interruption of his lunch break, he definitely doesn't seem to be in a bad mood at all. He's very polite, showing you each floor and explains how it works there, answering your every question with friendliness and even briefly talks about himself when you ask how long he's been working here.
For some reason, you're surprised when a 'four years' as an answer resounds from his mouth, you don't even know why but it makes sense, judging how much he knows about their work ethic and other employees. He makes you chuckle couple of times, whispering about some of the older nurses, warning you to stay away from them because they're grumpy all the time. You're pleasantly surprised by his humor and thanks to him, the nerves you've been feeling the whole morning are eased up. He doesn't know it, nor you acknowledge it loudly but you're grateful for him being the one who shows you around.
When he tells you it's your time to get changed to your work attire, you can't help but feel disappointed over the fact that it's over. His presence is weirdly pleasing and nice, and you wonder if the rest of your colleagues are such nice people as him.
He leads you through the hallway which you recognize as the same where the break room is, before he stops in front of the identical door, just with the different sign next to it.
“This is the dressing room, obviously, women and men have separated rooms.” he informs you, opening the door as he lets you to walk inside first before he follows after you.
You don't expect anyone to be there, especially not a woman wearing jeans with a bra covering her breasts as she looks at the both of you. Your cheeks heat up, not at the sight of her not covered chest, but from the situation. She doesn't seem to be phased, and her smile spreads into a huge grin as she cocks her brow at Yoongi.
“If you wanted to see me naked, Yoongi, you know all you need to do is just tell me.” she speaks up, lips curving into a smirk as she pulls out a shirt out of the opened locker, putting it on.
“Well, see, I'm not here for you.” he says nonchalantly, not phased by her flirtatious attitude which makes her grin even more.
“Ah, what a shame,” she sings out, closing her locker with a loud thud as she collects her handbag. “And who's this?”
“Y/N, our new colleague.” Yoongi answers before you can even open your mouth, and somehow, you're grateful for that.
Maybe it's the way she eyes you, wiggling her brow at Yoongi which you don't miss. She's not an introvert, for sure.
“Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Mishil but you can call me Misha.” she smiles, showing you a set of her white teeth in confident and cheerful smile.
You notice the dimple in her cheek and her sharp eyeliner, wondering if you might possibly look this good after the whole shift. She's beautiful, her strawberry blonde complimenting her soft skin and even though you can't see her mascara slightly smudged under her eyes, she can still pull it off.
“It's nice meeting you.” you smile at her.
“As much as I'd love to talk to you guys, I gotta go. The whole night shift was a nightmare,” she complains, rolling her eyes in exhaustion as she makes her way to the door. “Bye, bye!” she sings out, not waiting for the two of you to react, identical to the way Namjoon did it.
“...and she's gone.” Yoongi mutters, chuckling when he sees your widened eyes.
“She's... quite something.” you comment with a similar mutter.
“Yeah, you'll get used to her, it just takes some time.” he waves off his hand, assuring you.
“She's flirty.” you voice out your thoughts, causing him to chuckle once again.
You're not sure whether you said something funny, but once he opens his mouth it causes your mouth to drop open.
“She's married.” he tells you, laughing when he sees your opened mouth and bulged out eyes.
You're mesmerized by his smile, it instantly catches your attention as the way he shows his gums and his eyes crinkle in the ends. No, no, stop! This is your colleague, you remind yourself.
Gulping, you find words to ripple out of your throat. “Her husband doesn't mind it?”
“Wife,” Yoongi says, “She has a wife.”
“Oh,” you let out, “Doesn't her wife mind it?” you ask again, chuckling at your correction as he shrugs in response.
“I think she's used to her personality,”
You're not sure if you 'd liked it if your partner would flirt with other people, most likely not.
“Love works in a weird way.” he shrugs, opening one of the drawers besides the lockers as he pulls out the same blue scrubs as the ones he's wearing.
You thank him once he hands it to you, smiling lightly. “The size should be right, if not just pull out the correct one. I'll leave you to it, I'll be waiting outside.”
“Waiting?” you ask in confusion, watching him walking towards the door.
“It looks like your first shift is with me.” he smirks, opening the door as he leaves without any other word.
You stand there for a few minutes, surprised how fast your heart beats just from the single exchange of a few words and looks. This hasn't happened for a long time, it feels almost new and never experienced. Unfortunately, you've felt this way before and it brings nothing but sadness and anger.
Looking at the fresh clothes in your hands, your smile spreads into a wide grin before you even realize.
He got the right size.
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“I'm scared,” The little boy murmurs, staring with wide eyes at the needle in your hand.
His eyes averts to his mother who's standing just a few meters behind you, giving you the space to work, while her son stares at her in a hope she'll take him away before the needle can even go through his skin.
“You don't have to be,” you tell him, eyes filled with sympathy as his bottom lip trembles. “It's probably going to be a little bit uncomfortable, but you're a big guy. I'm sure you can handle it.”
You search his eyes in question, which dance between the needle in your hand and your eyes. He thinks it through, wondering what his response will be before he inhales shakily.
“I'm a big guy.” he assures you, straightening himself to prove his point.
It makes you smile, looking over your shoulder to call his mother to hold his hand. Stitches aren't comfortable, he's lucky enough to end up with only two of them instead of more. He cries out as soon as you pierce the needle through the skin of his forehead, trying to work fast but precise. It breaks your heart, even though you're helping him by sewing his wound. He whines and cries, even when you're done and he looks almost mad.
“We're done, you did so good!” you cheer him up, ruffling his curly hair as he looks up at you with a mere glare but you don't take it personally. “Now you know it's better if you listen to your mom not to run on stairs.”
His mother chuckles, ruffling his hair the same way you did as she praises him for holding still. You fish out a lollipop which you hid into the pocket of your scrubs as soon as you've heard about an emergency with a kid and bleeding forehead. Candy always helps and you just happen to carry them in your bags ever since Em was little.
The boy's eyes shine as soon as he sees the lollipop in your hands, reaching for it almost immediately as he takes it from you.
“What do you say?” His mother chimes in, caressing the dark skin of his soft skin as he mumbles a cute 'thank you'. “Thank you so much.” she turns to you, a gratitude shining in her eyes as you give her a smile in return.
When they both leave, it's just you and Yoongi in the room, who made sure you're doing your job right. Instead of breathing down your neck, he started to sanitize equipment as soon as you started to take care of the poor boy.
It's your first day working as a nurse and thanks to your colleague, it's not as stressful as you thought it would be. He seems to be very chill and laid back, yet precise and skilled. You're glad he's the one training you.
“You're good with kids.” he comments, putting the disinfection back on its place, glancing at you.
“Yeah, I have a--”
“Hey, slackers. We need you here.” Namjoon walks into the room, rushing the two of you out of it before you can even response to Yoongi.
Sighing, you both follow Namjoon who keeps telling you to hurry.
Yeah, Yoongi is definitely much more chill than Namjoon is.
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Two months in and you think everyone hates you.
Maybe it's just the sixth sense inside of you, or you're completely overthinking everyone's reaction. You wouldn't expect them to understand, nor you're shocked by the glares you receive on daily basis. In other situations, you wouldn't care about it that much, even though it's uncomfortable and some part of you feels bad. But what really bothers you is none other than your colleague, one of the first people you've met on your first day and was kind enough to show you around.
From what started as a great relationship between two colleagues, turned into brief greeting where he wouldn't even meet your eyes. It affects you more than you'd like to admit, especially when you started to cook more food, just to pack it and bring it to him during your shifts together. Those sandwiches from the vending machine are unhealthy, and just as Yoongi said, there's nothing which compares to the home-cooked meal.
It became a routine, you packing him a soup and meal every time you both had shift, no matter how many times he told you, you shouldn't bother. Everything went well, after you had to run home whenever you got a call from the babysitter or school, which led to someone else taking all of your shifts.
It ended up with almost every colleague glaring at you, for not coming into the hospital and not doing your job. Little did you know, it was mostly Yoongi who ended up taking most of your shifts causing him to sport a dark bags underneath his eyes.
If you haven't been through so much, you would probably cry somewhere in the corner at the thought of everyone hating you. But you don't. However, one particular person bothers your mind more often than it should. Deciding you're over with the cold shoulder he's been giving you, you ignore everyone's stares once you walk into the break room. The chatter quiets down as soon as they notice you. Without doubt, they were talking about you behind your back but you could care less about that.
Although, one pair of particular set of eyes catches your attention in the corner of the room, munching on that distasteful sandwich. If he weren't so stubborn, declining your lunch and attempt of feeding him with a home-cooked meal, he could have eat much better food now. It was just another sign of Yoongi's friendship fading away.
Their lunch break ends as most of them just go back to work, making you stare at the floor with a frown settled on your face. Do they hate you so much?
As if Namjoon could hear your thoughts, you met his soft smile but he doesn't say anything as he walks away. You watch Yoongi tossing the plastic package into the bin as he starts to clean the mess on the table, completely ignoring you.
With a sigh, you walk up to him feeling almost awkward that you're practically standing right next to him and he doesn't even spare you a glance. Once he's done he turns around but you don't allow him to walk away, standing right in front of him with a raised brow.
“Can we talk?” you ask softly, praying he's just going to drop this act full of ignorance.
When his eyes meet yours, for the first time in weeks from such a close proximity, you hate how fast your heart starts to hummer against your ribcage. Those dark orbs glaring at you seems to soften at the pleading look you give him, and you feel some kind of weird hope before he shutters it in a second.
“I gotta work.” he murmurs, shoulder slightly bumping into yours as he tries to make a way towards the door.
You don't move, watching his back as he leaves out of the room, with a pain in your chest.
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You're done.
You're done sitting around, trying to catch Yoongi's attention who somehow always manages to avoid you before you can even open your mouth.
When you see him walking through the hallway, completely oblivious to your focused gaze, staring at him as if he was your prey, you won't let him get away. Not anymore. Before he can react, or even properly meet your eyes, you're pulling him into the room which happens to be janitor's closet. It's small, but it'll do.
His stutters of confusion are ignored, as you flick the light open and stare at him.
“What the hell?” he asks, confused that you just grabbed him and pulled him into the janitor's closet.
“We need to talk.” you tell him with a persistent tone, brows furrowed in concentration.
“What? Now? You can't just pull me here--” he looks around, glancing around before he continues. “I've a lot of work to do.”
It's just another attempt of avoiding you, which makes you want to loose your mind by this man. Before he can reach towards the door, dangerously stepping closer to you, your mind works on its own and you lock it. The doorknob digs into your lower back but you don't care, you're just trying to make him stay and talk. With your back pressed against the door, he looks at you in confusion before he sighs. It's clear he has no intentions talking to you, simply staring at you with a raised brow. The same look of ignorance he's been giving you for weeks.
“What's your problem? Why are you so distant and avoiding me all of a sudden?”
He chuckles bitterly, shaking his head at you before he looks down with a cold glare. “My problem? My problem is that I've been covering your shifts, saving your ass every time you haven't had the decency to come to work and do your actual job.”
Okay, you didn't expect him to be so vocal and straight forward. His tone is cold and bitter, surprising you which is evident on your face before you frown in hurt.
“No,” he deadpans, “don't look at me like that. I'm not a bad guy in this. I'm fucking exhausted, overworking myself because of--” he stops himself, and you almost push him to finish his sentence but you just dryly gulp.
“My daughter kept getting sick, and I had to be at home with her, there's nothing I could do. Her babysitter wouldn't look after her if she's sick and she couldn't go to kindergarten either. And you know what? If I got a call from her babysitter or her kindergarten saying she's sick again, I'll drop everything and go and take care of my daughter. So hate me all you want, but I'm a mother before I'm a nurse.”
The frustration has been built inside of you for so long, that you finally snap at the one person who made your shifts always more fun and bright. He seems to be caught off guard by the new information, slowly processing it as he widens his eyes.
“You've a daughter?” he breathes out.
“Yes.” you hold yourself back from exclaiming loudly.
“You've never told me that.” he murmurs, almost expression of hurt crossing his soft features.
It's not like you kept Em as a secret, but before you could talk about your private life in more depth and how her father cowardly left you before she was even born, you barely got enough time to go back to work and talk to him. You're surprised you haven't got fired yet. You can't get fired, you've got a family you need to support and Em relies on you.
“I was going to.” you admit, looking down at your feet with a puzzled look.
Who knows what would've happened if you just told him sooner. Would he be more acceptable? Isn't he saying it right now because he's trying to put a blame on you?
You almost jump when he cups your face, holding up your head so he can stare right into your eyes with the same look you've. They're filled with apology that spark in his dark orbs, slowly caressing your cheek.
“I'm sorry,” he whispers, “I'm sorry for being so hard on you. I thought you just don't care about this job, or us.” he admits shamefully.
“It's okay.” you assure him with a soft voice, but he shakes his head in response.
“I was an asshole to you, I'm so sorry,” he says right back, still holding your face as his eyes drops down to your lips, eyeing your face. “I really want to kiss you.”
Your heart jumps, not that uncomfortable way whenever he would straight avoid you or glare at you. It's different this time and you react almost immediately.
“Then kiss me.”
Expect him to do it slow, he surprises you with his lips right on your own, not wasting a second as he starts kissing you. He deepens it, a touch of his lips full of emotions and regret and it's almost unbelievable how you can feel it just from the single kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer as he hungrily kisses you, too stubborn to pull away for some oxygen. It's needy and you moan into his lips when he squeezes your ass in his palms. But you still need to pull away, lips attaching from one another but your foreheads stay leaned against each other as you both breathe heavily.
“Let me take you out.” he whispers, thumb tracing your cheekbone as he admires your make-up free face.
“A date?” you sound surprised, wondering if you've heard him right.
Is it too soon to jump with joy?
“Of course, I've been meaning to ask you since that time I saw you with that little boy, stitching him up.” he admits, causing you to giggle in shock.
He delivers a soft peck onto your nose, biting into his lower lip. “Uhm, you're an amazing woman. I wanna get to know you, and your daughter.”
He seems to be nervous, patiently waiting for your response but he doesn't move away from you, still wrapped in your embrace even though your frame is smaller.
He's the first man who doesn't run away knowing you've a daughter, but not just that. Yoongi is the first man who managed to make your heart flutter with the simplest acts. It's too soon to talk about him fixing your broken heart or him being the love of your life, but time with him seems nice. The thought of spending it outside of the hospital, trying to get to know him as something more makes you want to yell in excitement.
For now, you hold back your happiness and smile at him.
“I'd be more than happy to get to know you as well.” you admit, enough for him to envelope you even in a tighter hug that makes you squeak in surprise again, but you squeeze him back.
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“Stop it,” you chuckle, sitting up from your bed as you watch your boyfriend trying to find his clothes that are scattered all around your room.
You thought sex would help him relax and it did, for twenty minutes that you were sucking him off and then bouncing on his cock. But now that you both reached your high, he's back to his quiet self with tensed muscles. As much as he tries to hide his nervousness and fear, he's doing an awful job with it and it's nothing than amusing to you.
“You're about to meet a four year old, not a monster that's gonna eat your head.” you joke, meeting his glare in response silently telling you he's not in the mood for joking.
“What if she doesn't like me?” he asks, setting on the edge of your bed completely naked, forgetting to find his clothes.
“She will. I told her about you so much, she's excited to meet you.” you assure him, slowly crawling to him as you hug him closer to you.
Both of your bodies are coated with sweat, and you could use a shower, but you can't let this go. He's been tensed from the moment you made plans on introducing Em to him. Of course, he wants to meet her. He was the one who kept being persistent, asking about her all the time and show him the pictures of her on your phone. The truth is, you were waiting for him to naturally set what's the right time to meet your daughter. You've been dating for the past two months, barely making any plans outside of the hospital since you've a child at home.
Your babysitter, which happens to be your neighbor, was kind enough to look after her in late nights while you went on a couple of dates with Yoongi. It's been tearing your heart apart knowing you've your little girl at home, but you still wanted to spend some time with Yoongi. It feels like the right time for them to meet.
“Now come on, let's shower before we have to pick her up,” you nudge him, kissing his cheek before you stand up. “If we're quick enough, we might have a round two.” you suggest, causing him to stand up abruptly, ushering you into your bathroom while you both start to laugh at his eagerness.  
When it's the right time to pick up your daughter, Yoongi decides to stay in the car while he tries to occupy himself by playing some games on his phone. His knee bounces even when you open the door to put Em into her car seat. She notices the stranger in your car right away, her words slowly fading away as she went off about her day.
Yoongi slowly turns around, his scared eyes meeting hers as he tries his best to muster a proper smile. You've never seen him being so nervous. This must be more important to him than it's to you. You know Em is going to love him, that's why you're not worried about it too much.
“Em, this is Yoongi. You remember him? I was telling you about him.” you tell her, putting on her seat belt as she slowly nods.
“Yoongs?” she asks, her eyes looking up at you as you nod with a smile.
When you make sure everything is secured, you go and sit in the driver's seat while Yoongi looks at you. “Yoongs?” he asks confusingly.
“Yeah, she made you a nickname.” you shrug, causing him to slowly nod and for the first time, you see one honest smile lightening up his face.
“Hey, Em, I brought you something.” Yoongi says, gaining her attention right away which causes him to chuckle.
“You did?” she asks, her eyes widening as he pulls out a pony plushie, the very one she has been begging you to buy her for a few weeks now. “Pony! Yes!” she starts to bounce in her car seat, already reaching for the toy that Yoongi gladly gives her.
“What do you say, Em?” you speak up, your eyes solely on the road, although you wish you could see their exchange better.
“Thank you, Yoongs! I love you!” she almost yells, the both of you erupting in laughter as your four year old daughter keeps happily squealing for the rest of the ride.
“See? She loves you.” you tell him quietly, a huge smile stretching on your lips as Yoongi joins you, looking back at Em to admire her and her happiness.
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“So, he's just your friend, right?”
You hide your smile, slowly cutting the vegetable as you hear Em letting out a frustrated sigh.
“Yes, dad!” she whines for the hundredth time, your heart tingling at the sound of the name leaving her mouth.
It's been almost a year since Yoongi officially adopted her and became her father, filled that empty spot that her heart was craving for. She wanted to have a father for so long and now she has to put up with overprotective Yoongi almost every day.
“Okay, okay. I'll be here while the two of you play.” he reminds her, causing her to groan but she doesn't say anything in response, coloring her drawings in silence.
Yoongi walks up to you, hugging you from the back while his chin is propped on your shoulder.
“She's seven years old. Don't you think it's too soon to worry about her dating life?” you tease him, giggling when he slightly bites onto your shoulder.
“I don't want someone to break her small heart. Have you seen those heart eyes whenever she talks about him? That is not just friend.” he informs you, causing you to laugh at him as he groans in annoyance at you.
You put all the vegetables into the pot and turns the stove on, as you turn to him. He takes your hand, twisting the wedding ring in his hold as he smiles down at it.
“I love you.” he tells you, your heart warming once again as if it's the first time he said it.
“I love you.” you tell him, kissing him on his small and plump lips.
You turn around, glancing at your daughter that stares at you with disgust on her face.
“See? You don't have to worry about her dating anytime soon.” you point out, causing him to roll his eyes at you before he's kissing you again, this time accompanied with your daughter's fake coughing in the background.
Indeed, love works in a weird way.
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marvelgurl · 3 years
Off-Limits: Part 9
Characters: Tom Holland X Reader Osterfield, Harrison Osterfield, Holland boys (mentioned), Dr. Riley Cotter (OC)
Word Count: 4780
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Therapy, Mild Anxiety/ Panic Attack
A/n: Sorry there was no update on this series last week, Life decided to be a bitch and get in the way. 
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As always Feedback is more than welcome. The Good and The Bad. I really helps me.
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You don’t know how long you were standing in the middle of this giant hug but when it was over, it seemed like it was too soon. After everything that has happened the last couple months, there was this sense of peace that finally came over you. Now you were going to work hard to keep it like this. You know it’s going to be an up-hill battle, but you know that you have an amazing support system behind you.
“Hey, what are you thinking about?” Tom’s voice brought you out of your thought.
“Just how lucky I am to have all of you. I’m starting to realize that I can’t do this on my own. I have built up so many walls around myself that I need to learn to break them down to let the people that I care about most back in.” You looked down at your feet, you didn’t want to see the reactions on their faces.
“We are all here for you Y/n. No matter what, we will help you in any way that we can.” He pulled you into him and kissed the side of your head.
Not being able to trust your voice, you just smiled. You leaned into Tom resting your head on his shoulder. It was getting late, and you guys have had a long day. Harrison could see that you were tired.
“Y/n I think it’s time to go. You look like you are about to pass out right here.” He let out a small chuckle.
“Okay.” you let out a yawn. “Goodnight guys.”
“Goodnight Y/n.” The boys said in unison.
“Goodnight Darling.” Tom gave you one last hug before letting you go with Harrison.
“Goodnight Tom.” You walked to the car with Harrison. Tom didn’t go back inside until your car was out of sight.
You started falling asleep on the drive back to your flat. After Harrison parked the car, he came around to get you out. You stopped him from trying to pick you up, you got out of the car and wrapped an arm around him for support. Once you had gotten into your flat you let go of him and turned to him.
“I have a surprise for you.” You gave him a sleepy smile.
“I’m sure it can wait until morning Y/n.” he chuckled.
“No, it can’t. Follow me.”
You turned and pointed down the hall. You dramatically walked like Gollum towards the spare room. This caused Harrison to double over in a laughing fit, but that also didn’t stop him from pulling out his phone to record you. You were currently using the spare room as an office, but you wanted Harrison to feel more at home. You also didn’t want him to have to sleep on the couch anymore while he is here. Once outside the door, you were still in a crouching stance. You reached up to the doorknob before looking up to him with a scrunched-up face.
“Are you ready Harrison?” You said in your best Gollum voice.
“Absolutely not, but I am loving this.” He gestured to all of you. “For someone who was dead tired less than a minute ago, you sure have a burst of energy.”
“Well, I am just excited.” You stood up and started talking normally. “I just wanted to do a little something for you. You have done so much for me, that I want to return the favor.”
“You didn’t have to do anything for me. You’re my sister I would do anything for you.”
“Exactly! I’m your sister and I would do anything for you too.” You moved back to the door and opened it. “Come on, go in.” You gestured for him to walk in.
Harrison hesitantly walked around you into the room. You had gotten him the full set up, a queen size bed, nightstands, dresser and a television. Even after he wasn’t staying with you anymore you would have a full guest room/ office.
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“Oh my…” Harrison was speechless. “When did you…? How did you…?” He was walking around the room in awe.
“Well, it wasn’t easy I can tell you that much.” You said as you slightly sat on your desk. “I had to do it over a few days. Do you remember when you had to leave to help Tom with movie stuff for a few days?”
“Yeah, you did this when I left you?”
“I didn’t do most of it.” You lifted up your hand, it was almost fully healed now. “I had a lot of help, I did more of the decorating part. So, I hope you like it.”
“Like it? I love it.” He came over and hugged you. “I may never go back to mum’s.”
“Woah let’s not get too caried away here. As much as I love you, that’s going to be a firm no.”
“Oh, come on, you don’t want to live with your favorite brother?”
“Haz you are my only brother.”
“Then by default your favorite.” He had a big grin on his face.
“I am so not awake enough for this anymore.” You gave him a pat on the shoulder before heading towards the door. “Goodnight Haz.”
“Thank you for this Y/n. Goodnight.” You walked to your room for some much-needed sleep.
The next morning, you were up earlier than Harrison, so you decided to make breakfast for the both of you. You grabbed two plates and mugs, setting them on the island for when you were ready for them. You made a quick breakfast of bacon, eggs and hash browns before starting on making the tea. When you were almost done Harrison came out of his room, his hair was all over the place. You couldn’t help but smile.
“Wow… You look amazing.” You were trying to hold in your laughter.
“Well thank you.” He attempted to fix his hair but only made it worse. “That bed is amazing. It’s better than the one I have at home.”
“Well, I’m glad you like it.”
You put food onto the plates for the two of you. Then you handed him his cup of tea. You both sat down to eat. Harrison could tell there was something on your mind, just by the look on your face he knew.
“What do you have planned for today?”
“Umm… I was able to find a therapist. I figured that it’s time that I try to deal with things like an adult.” You were just pushing your food around at this point. You ate a fair amount but all of a sudden you weren’t hungry. “I umm... was wondering if you could maybe…”
“Go with you?” You didn’t look at him, just nodded. “Yes, I will go with you.”
“Really?” You finally looked over to him, with a shocked look in your face.
“Don’t act so surprised.” He gently pushed your arm. “I would do anything for you. You know that, right?
 You had decided that you should take the doctor’s advice and go to see a therapist. In all honesty you didn’t think it was going to help. You were going to give it a chance though. You had found one close enough to your flat that you could walk to, his name is Dr. Riley Cotter. Today was your first meeting with him, and you were nervous. You had initially asked Harrison to come with you instead of Tom because there are things in your past that you just needed to keep quiet, and right now you were kind of wishing you hadn’t asked Harrison to come.
You and Harrison were standing outside of his office. Your appointment was in a few minutes, but you couldn’t bring yourself to go inside.
“Are you okay?” Harrison noticed you shaking.
“I… I don’t know if I can do this.” You started rubbing your hands together, in an attempt to try and steady them.
“How about we sit here until you’re supposed to go in, then if you don’t think you can, we will go back home. Okay?”
“Yeah, let’s do that.”
The both of you sat down on a bench outside, Harrison wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close to him. You sat there for a few minutes before you heard the door to the building open. You looked up to see a man standing in the doorway. He looked over to you and Harrison with a smile.
“I’m guessing putting a bench in was a smart idea.”
“Yeah, sorry I just needed a few minutes to calm my nerves.” You said as you stood up, pulling on the sleeves of your jumper.
“That is completely fine. Take your time. I’m here when you’re ready.” He gave you a reassuring smile.
“I think I’m ready.” You looked to Harrison who stood up.
“Y/n.” You looked back up to the man. “For the first couple of sessions, I don’t allow my clients to bring other people in. I just want you to be able to talk freely. I want you to feel like you can say certain things and you can’t do that with someone else here.”
“Oh… Okay.”
Harrison gave you a look as to ask if you were okay. You just nodded your head and walked to the door where Dr. Cotter was standing. Once inside, the building had an open concept. It was wide open; it didn’t feel like what you thought a therapist’s office would feel or look like. It looked as if you were just walking into someone’s home. You were looking around for a while, just scoping out the place.
You looked over to where Dr. Cotter is standing. There were a few different places to sit. Over to the left side there was a large couch with a few matching chairs around a coffee table. Off to the right by a large window was a table with a couple of chairs.
“This doesn’t feel like a therapists office.” You gestured to your surroundings.
“I know. I wanted to make my office different. I get a lot of clients in here that absolutely hated the whole stereotypical, leather couch and single chair with a wall of books behind it. I do still have that, but I want my clients to feel like this is a safe place for them to come in and be themselves. I want them to be able to talk freely, and the environment plays a role in that. That’s why I have different areas. So, any place in particular you want to sit?” He stood there explaining with his hands behind his back but gestured with one hand when asking you were to sit.
“I guess the couch is fine.” No matter where you sat down, you were still going to be nervous.
“Okay, just let me grab a few things and we will get started. Would you like some tea or water?”
“Tea please.”
He walked over to a small kitchenette, putting a kettle on to boil. He grabbed out three cups, one of which was a to go cup. You were confused for a minute. He made the tea in the disposable cup first and walked outside, you guessed he gave it to Harrison. That made you smile; he was out there for a little while. Once he came back inside, he went into another room, coming back he had a couple of things in his hands. He came over to you and handed you a notebook, he set down his notepad and pen before going to get the tea.
“Thank you.” He handed you your tea and sat down in one of the chairs.
“You’re welcome.” He gave you a smile, then picked up his notepad. “So, let’s get started, shall we? I’m not going to pressure you into telling me anything. Like I said earlier this is supposed to be a safe space for you. When you are ready you can tell me as much or as little as you want. I will be writing down notes, one of the few things that will never change when it comes to therapy.”
“Okay. I… I don’t know where to start.” Once again you started shaking, you wrapped your arms around yourself to try and calm down.
“Let me just say this. You can quickly lose yourself because you’re silent about things. Everyone thinks that their world is crumbling around them, but when you talk to someone about what you’re going through that’s when you realize that you are not alone in this.”
“Well, if that’s the case. I lost myself a long time ago.” You took in a deep breath, before letting it all out. It was time to start getting things off of your chest. “I guess that happened when I thought that jumping into a relationship was the best thing I could do. Boy, was I wrong.” You let out a small chuckle.
“Why do you say that?” His brows furrowed together, in a curious fashion and not a critical way.
“Well, back then I was trying to run from my own feelings. I have been in love with a guy that I have known forever. I didn’t want to face my feelings for him. I ended up trying to get over him by dating the wrong guy. All though I didn’t know that at the time. He was so sweet to me in the beginning, I was an idiot to think that it was real. It was one of those too good to be true situations. I knew it was, but I stayed with him. After about a year, it was like a switch flipped in his brain. I didn’t know what I did but shit hit the fan.”
You needed to take a breath before you could keep talking about this. When you told Harrison and Tom “everything” it wasn’t exactly everything. You didn’t really want to face this right now. You just wanted to get up and leave. You may have also looked towards the windows and door for an escape. Dr. Cotter could see it too.
“Y/n, you don’t have to keep going. I can see the gears turning in your head. I can see that this is making you uncomfortable to the point that you are about to bolt out the door.” He leaned closer to you to look you directly in the eyes. “Therapy isn’t a sprint that you have to get done in one day. It is going to take you a long time to deal with any issue. Even the ones you think are small, they can bring up so many emotions for you. Let me ask you this. Have you tried explaining any of this to anyone that you are close too?”
“I did, but I didn’t tell them everything. Faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why I’m sad and broken.” You looked down at your hands before moving onto something else. “Nobody knows how depressed I truly am. Or how alone I really feel. It’s so hard being your own best friend when you secretly hate yourself more and more as the time passes.” Tears had formed in your eyes; you were trying to hold them back.
“Why do you think you are broken?”
“I don’t know how to explain the reason I feel this way, I just do. I know I have so many issues and problems that I have to deal with. My brain is so messed up from the shit I have gone through. I can tell you right now that I don’t think that you can help me, I feel like I’m too far gone.” You got up and started pacing. You raked your fingers through your hair. “I just hate feeling like this, I hate that I have put myself in a position where I can say or do one wrong thing and I’m on my own. I know that the people in my life say they will be there for me no matter what, but I have a hard time believing them.”
“No one is too far gone. We just have to help you to learn see that.” He just looked up at you for a second, just searching your eyes. “Not everyone in your life is going to leave you Y/n. You have to know that.”
“How am I supposed to believe that? If I were them, I would have left me a long time ago, and not turned back. The thing is I just need one person, to never give up on me. Just one.” You stopped to look at him, holding up one finger. “With the way I was going and still kind of am going, it’s only a matter of time before they see it too.”
“I can tell you that your brother Harrison.” He pointed towards the door. “He’s not going to leave you; he’s not going to give up on you. I know I only talked to him for a short amount of time, but he cares about you so much.”
You sat back down, putting your head into your hand. You were still trying to fight back the tears but so far you were fighting a losing battle.
“Here.” You looked up to see him holding a tissue out for you. “I think that you have done enough for today. Honestly, I didn’t think that you were going to tell me anything. Well not for a few sessions anyway.”
“I just need to start letting things out. I can’t keep them bottled up anymore.”
He picked up the notebook that he had handed to you earlier. “Here’s a good place to start then.”
“What is this for?” You took the notebook from him.
“That is for you. I would like you to write at least one thing a day. It could be a page, a paragraph, a sentence, a word, you could even draw a picture if you want. I just want you to do something. Most people don’t like expressing their feeling to others in the fear of getting hurt. You don’t have to show it to me if you don’t want to, but I would like you to at least try.”
“I will, and I’m sorry I was all over the place. It all kind of came out so fast.”
“Don’t apologize, I was able to keep up with you. I can tell that there is a lot of things that you need to get out, you just don’t know how. That’s why I am here to help you, and that’s another reason I give people these notebooks.”
You just smiled at him. Then the both of you just walked to the door. When you walked out Harrison was on the phone, but as soon as he saw you, he hung up.
“Hey, is everything okay?” He saw the redness in your eyes, and instantly pulled you into a hug.
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
He pulled back slightly, looking at you. You brought your hand up to wipe the few tears that had fallen out when Harrison hugged you. He took one hand off of you and waved to the Doctor, you did the same. As you walked back home, the both of you held onto the other. You needed this sense of comfort right now.
You walked in silence; you didn’t want to talk after that. You could tell Harrison had something on his mind though. Just by the way he kept looking at you. Once you finally got inside your flat you asked him about it.
“Harrison?” You leaned with your hands braced on the back of the couch.
“Yeah.” He looked over too you.
“What’s wrong?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Haz, I have known you your entire life, I know all your little quirks. So, what’s going on?” You crossed your arms and just looked at him.
“While you were in with your therapist, I got a call from Tom.” He was avoiding eye contact, so it wasn’t a simple phone call.
“He has to go to New York for a week or so to do reshoots, and he was wondering if I could go. He also doesn’t want to leave you alone. I don’t want to leave you here either.”
“Haz I will be fine without you for a week or even two. I think its time for me to start taking charge of my life again. I am doing better. Go with him to New York, I will be fine.” You gave him a smile, a fake smile but a smile none the less.
“Are you sure? I can tell him you’re not ready.” You quickly cut him off.
“Harrison, if you don’t go, I will personally kick your ass all the way to New York myself.” You pulled out your phone and dialed Tom’s number.
“What are you doing?” You held up a finger to Harrison and mouthed “I’m on the phone” before turning away.
“Hello Darling.”
“Hello Thomas.”
“Oh no, what did I do?” You could hear a hint of fear in his voice.
“You haven’t done anything, but what you are going to do is make sure Harrison gets on the plane to New York with you.”
There was a moment of silence between the two of you, while you waited for his response.
“Are you sure love? I can ask Harry or Sam to come with me.”
“I’m fine, plus this week will be my first week back to work. So, I won’t even be here ninety percent of the time. I don’t need a babysitter; I have gotten better. if you feel so inclined to have someone here with me, you could always bring me Tessa.” You had a real smile on your face now. You absolutely Love her.
“Alright. I will let Tessa watch over you.” You let out a squeal and did a small happy dance. “You have to promise me that you will let me know if something happens, or if you need me or Harrison to come back.”
“I promise but like I said I will be fine. I talk about Tessa all the time, everyone at the studio wants to meet her. Which means she won’t be stuck here; she will be with me all day. Plus having Tessa with me will make my week a lot brighter.”
“I know, you love her. I think she loves you more than she loves me though…” He paused for a few seconds. “Maybe its not a good idea for her to spend a week with you…”
“Thomas Stanley Holland! Don’t you dare!”
“I have no idea what you’re implying.”
“Don’t you dare dangle Tessa cuddles in front of me just to take them away.”
“I would never do that to you.”
“Umhm. When do you guys leave?”
“Tomorrow morning.”
“Oh wow, that’s so soon. Maybe you guys should just come over and stay the night here and I can take you to the airport tomorrow.”
“That sounds like a good idea. I will be over there later. I still need to pack for myself and for Tessa.”
“Okay, I will see you later.”
“See you later Darling.”
You hang up the call. You look to Harrison with a smile on your face.
“Go pack for your trip Haz.”
“Yeah yeah.” He just waved you off as he walked to his room to pack.
A few hours later, Harrison is on the couch watching tv, while you are in the kitchen making dinner. You were making a quick caprese chicken in pasta, I was one of the many meals you learned while you were in the states. One of your friends was obsessed with food and cooking, so you asked him to show you some good recipes, which he gladly did. You had pulled out three plates just in case Tom hasn’t eaten by the time he gets there. You were just about done when you heard the knock on the door.
“Harrison, will you get the door please?”
“On it.” He got up quickly and went to the door.
The next thing you hear was the little nail taps on your hardwood floors. You knew it was Tessa. Which means any second you would hear Tom next.
“Hello Love.” He said as he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Well hello to you too.” You were trying to focus on finishing dinner, but Tom wouldn’t let go. “Tooom, I need you to let go. I’m trying to get this done.”
“No.” You could hear the pout in his voice. “I’m not going to be able to do this for a week, I have to do it as much as I can.”
You turned around in his arms. “I promise if you let go, I will let you be as clingy as you want. I’m almost done.”
“Ugh… Fine.” He let go of you.
You turned back a round to finish. You moved the pan off the stove and started plating the food. Tom came in to help you take the plates to the table. You grabbed two beers and a bottled water, taking them to the table. You gave the boys the beers and kept the water. You were really trying to not drink as much. So far you have been successful.
After dinner you guys decided to watch a movie. You were slightly sitting/laying in the corner with your legs up on the couch, but as promised Tom was laying down with you. His head was on your chest, his arms wrapped around you. You were playing with his hair, making him slowly start to fall asleep. Harrison was sitting on the love seat with Tessa cuddled up next to him. You couldn’t help but smile, everything was perfect.
Once the movie was over Harrison got up to go to bed. You both said goodnight, Tessa came over to you, putting her face on the couch and looked up at you. You knew it was time for her to have a potty break, but when you tried to get up Tom’s grip tightened.
“Tom, I need to get up.”
“No. Too comfortable.” He mumbled.
“Tessa needs to go out, then we can go to bed.”
“Okay.” He laid there for a few more seconds before getting up. He looks so tired.
“Tom, go lay down. I can take her out really quick.”
“Are you sure? I can come.” His eyes were still closed, while he was talking to you.
“I’m sure. Go to bed, I will be there soon.” You gave him a quick peck on the cheek before taking Tessa out.
When you came back in, you made sure Tessa had plenty of food and water out. Then the two of you made your way to your room, leaving the door open enough for her to come and go. You looked over to see that Tom had already passed out.
You looked to your desk to see the notebook for Dr. Cotter. You walked over and finally sat down to write in it, but you didn’t know what to write. You just sat there for a while staring at the blank page. When your pen finally moved, it was like as if someone else was controlling it.
I don’t know what to write in here. I know I should write my feelings but the feelings I am having right now, I know they are temporary.
I am happy that I have my brother, my boyfriend and my Tessa here. Tomorrow will be here soon to ruin it. Harrison and Tom will leave for New York. I will still have Tess, but I just feel like something is going to happen. I don’t know what it is, but I just have this pit in my stomach.
That’s just my life at this point though. The feeling of something is going to happen, just not knowing when. It’s one of the worst feelings in the world, but I don’t know how to stop it. That scares me so much.
You got up closing the notebook and turning to your bed. Tessa had already made herself at home on it, walking over you gave her a few head scratches. You got in and moved close to Tom, you gave him a kiss on the forehead. His arms instantly tried to find your waist, pulling you as close as he possibly could, eventually you were laying on his chest. You don’t know how long it took you to fall asleep, but the sound of Tom’s heartbeat was lulling you to sleep.
Series Tags: Open 
@aidinniram, @houseofflufff, @justafangirlduh @thevelvetseries  @bella03riv  @call1800coochie @shrutipatel08 @adriannauni
@sarahjoestewy-blog @thenoddingbunny-blog @just-levyy  @bornforfangirling
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sserpente · 5 years
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A/N: Request from anon. I couldn’t stop laughing when I wrote the last bits!
Words: 1450 Warnings: wisdom tooth removal, fluff
You moaned when another wave of pain tore through your jaw, pressing your palms against your cheeks in a desperate attempt to numb it out. You had been living off of liquid food and painkillers for the last few days, making you grumpy and tired.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you took a sip of your coffee, not realising that Loki was watching you. He leaned against the kitchen counter, his scrutinising gaze making you both nervous and excited. Loki was dangerous—and you loved it. None of the Avengers knew how badly you were crushing on him; that you couldn’t believe he was truly evil and cruel. In fact, your conversations, as rare as they were, were always pleasant. Loki had never called you names or treated you like you were beneath him.
“You’re in pain.” He stated bluntly, not taking his blue eyes off of you.
“I’ll get over it. I’ve fought monsters and aliens, for Heaven’s sake, I’ll have to be able to deal with a bit of tooth-ow-ache.”
Loki opened his mouth to reply when Tony entered the kitchen, as per usual ignoring his presence. He arched an eyebrow.
“Still? Seriously, (Y/N), you need to go see a dentist.”
You shook your head so fast and frantically that the pain intensified. Did you have any caries? Perhaps… now, you brushed your teeth two to three times a day like any other normal and hygienic person but every now and then… it could happen to anyone.
“At least let me have FRIDAY run a quick check with you. The scanner is in my lab.”
“No, Tony…”
The billionaire didn’t allow any contradiction—not this time. You had been silently complaining about the pain for a good two weeks now and it was gnawing on your concentration and sleep.
Ignoring your protests, he had you sit down straight on the metal table and reached for a metal detector looking device.
“Mouth open.” You obliged, noticing from the corner of your eye that Loki had followed you. He was leaning against the threshold mutely, his arms crossed.
There was a barely audible bleeping when Tony switched it on and a thin net of red lasers appeared on your skin.
“FRIDAY, perform a quick scan of (Y/N)’s teeth. She’s been in pain for days.” A short break followed, the red lasers moving around eerily. Then, the artificial intelligence spoke.
“It appears that the pain is caused by both the upper and lower wisdom teeth pushing around her other teeth, Sir. It would be recommended for them to be extracted.”
Your eyes widened. Your wisdom teeth? Now that would explain everything, including the regular inflammations of your gums around the extra pairs of molars.
Great. Just great. As if the thought of visiting the dentist wasn’t bad enough already, it wouldn’t just be a regular procedure with some harmless narcotics and some tooth fillings. Having your wisdom teeth removed meant a full-fledged surgery. You swallowed thickly.
“See? That wasn’t so hard,” Tony switched off the device and put it aside. “I’ll get you an appointment. The sooner it’s done, the sooner the pain is gone.” Prying his phone from his jeans pocket he sent a quick text message to his dentist of trust.
“That’s really not necessary, Tony, really. I’m sure they don’t need to come out right away.”
“You heard FRIDAY, (Y/N). And we have a mission coming up this weekend. We’re going to need you there.”
You growled, murmuring inaudible curses when he left the room.
“If the… dentist performs your wisdom teeth removal and thus relieves your pain permanently, then why would you refuse to go?” His voice wasn’t mocking or reproachful. Instead, you sensed genuine interest and confusion.
Blinking, you looked up at Loki. He had approached you and he was dangerously close now. Timidly, you locked your eyes with his.
“It’s just… I’m scared. It’s a childhood thing, I guess and it just stuck around. It’s called dentophobia. I get panic attacks and anxiety even thinking about going to the dentist.”
Loki frowned, not a hint of amusement on his face. “It sounds like a necessary procedure, (Y/N).” Your heart jumped when he spoke your name. Yes. He was right. It was a necessary procedure. Many of your friends had had to have their wisdom teeth removed already and they all survived it. You sighed.
“I see. Is there anything I can do?”
Your lips parted. There. Right there. There was the proof that Loki was not the heartless villain the Avengers and occasionally even his own brother made him out to be.
“That depends. Can you put a spell on me that would make my wisdom teeth fall out on their own?”
The God of Mischief smirked. “No. I’m afraid not.”
Clint held back a laugh when you jumped into his arms and hugged him so tightly he literally gasped. Tony was about to dart forward and protect you, not knowing how the God of Mischief would react, apart from a growing confused expression on his face. His look was poignant when he met Tony’s, one of his arms sneaking around your waist to steady you.
“How did it go?”
“It went well…” He replied suspiciously. “No complications. She’ll be fine.” His eyes found Clint. “She was about to have a panic attack before the anaesthetic finally kicked in.”
Clint chuckled. “Well, have her take a nap.”
“I’ve missed you so much!” You shouted up at Loki, ignoring the two Avengers speaking about you right behind your back. Your arms were still wrapped around him tightly.
He tilted his head. “You saw me this morning.”
“Yes! That was ages ago!” Your voice was muffled, due to the cotton-wool balls in your mouth, your speech a bit of a slur.
“It’s the anaesthetic. It’ll take a while to wear off.” He explained with a shrug, realising that Loki was not going to hurt you for the unrequested body contact. “Come on, (Y/N), you should remove those cotton balls now and take a nap.”
When she didn’t let go of him, he sighed. Strange little mortal. “I’ll take her upstairs.”
Clint’s expression darkened. “If you hurt her…”
Loki rolled his eyes. When you didn’t move, he simply scooped you up into his arms and carried you.
“Now what about those cotton balls Stark mentioned?” He said when he had tucked you in so tenderly you purred. Upon his question, your eyes widened.
“They’re in my mouth! But I don’t want to eat them, Loki! Please, don’t make me eat them!” Loki bit back a chuckle when you panicked.
“I will not make you eat them. Spit them out now.”
“On the floor?”
“On the floor.” He repeated. Obliging, you did. It took you a while to manage. You teared up when you saw all the blood on them.
“I’m bleeding! Loki, am I going to die?”
“No. You are not. That is perfectly normal.” He wasn’t familiar with Midgardian dental procedures but a bit of blood surely wasn’t concerning.
You nodded.
“I’m hungry! I could eat a pigeon! Or a horse!”
“As delightful as that sounds, solid food does not exactly sound like a wise idea now, pet. I shall bring you some water later.”
You grinned, reaching for his hand and intertwining your fingers with his. “Pet? I’m your pet.” For a moment, Loki simply stared at your joined hands. Then, his gaze met yours. It was soft.
“I know you’re not evil, Loki.” You said out of the blue. The God of Mischief frowned.
“That is good to know.”
Your eyes closed, your hand still holding his.
He paused. He really liked the way you spoke his name. “Yes, pet?”
“You’re a Frost Giant.”
“That is correct.”
“But you’re not really a giant. Not compared to the Jötuns anyway.”
“So… does that mean you’re just Frost?”
Loki blinked. An amused smile tugged at the corner of his thin lips. He was beginning to like this anaesthetic.
“I like you.” You suddenly said. And just like that, his face fell. He frowned.
“I like you, Loki. Like, like like. You’re so handsome. You’re so dangerous and mysterious. And you’re sooo nice when no one looks. I think I’m in love with you.” Your eyes remained closed and yet, despite the anaesthetic, Loki could sense the honesty in your voice. You might have never told him this consciously… but he could tell you were not lying. You were in love with him? Him of all people?
He kept stroking the back of your hand when you finally fell asleep exhausted from the surgery, smiling down at your sleeping form. Well… he liked you too.
A/N: If you liked this story, I would appreciate so much if you supported me on Kofi! kofi.com/sserpente ♥
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meteora-writes · 4 years
We Could Be Perfect One Last Night ch.9
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Fandom: Hannibal Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham Warnings: Angst, Talk of Mental Illness, Talk of Hallucinations, Confessions, Extreme Fluff, First Kiss Chapter: 9. Never Be Afraid (Again) Description:  While driving with Hannibal and Chiyoh, Will admits to something he never shared with anyone. Once they reach the house in New York, something changes between Will and Hannibal.  Authors Notes: So I posted this days ago on ao3 and didn’t get a chance to set it up on here until just now. I apologize. I’m working on creating a twitch channel so once or twice a week people can watch me write, and this will likely be one of the things I work on there, so I promise delays in posting are worth it in the end. Read On AO3
~~~~~ Read Ch.1.Ch.2.Ch.3.Ch.4.Ch.5.Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8~~~~~
Will doesn’t know what to feel when he climbs into the backseat of the SUV Chiyoh brought to spirit them away. He’s grateful to be leaving for someplace less damp and confined. But a part of him feels like he’s leaving some part of himself behind as he watches the cabin shrink in the distance through the rear-view mirror.
It doesn’t help that he’s feeling mixed emotions from Chiyoh that he has to separate from his own. He can tell she’s happy to see Hannibal again. But there’s something else churning beneath the surface. An unease that he suspects has to do with old worries he might ask her to go back to a life of solitude somewhere for his own amusement. Given the life Hannibal has had for the past three years, he doesn’t see the man being so cruel as to ask her to seclude herself again.
And then there’s Hannibal, who masks so much of what he’s feeling. What he does give off is usually faint and easy to navigate. It’s nice, not having to sort out if he’s feeling his own emotions or someone else’s when it comes to being with Hannibal. Yes, Hannibal has a presence that draws out Will’s darker nature. Which he initially mistook as belonging to Hannibal and Hannibal alone. He knows better now. It’s not that Will was mirroring Hannibal when he wanted to kill or hurt him or others, it was Hannibal drawing his own suppressed feelings to the surface.
“Are there going to be any stops along the way?” Chiyoh asks once they’re on the highway. She’s behind the wheel, Hannibal riding in the front passenger seat beside her and Will in the seat behind him. It’s the first time she’s spoken in the ten minutes she’s been with them, aside from greeting them both upon her arrival. She believes Hannibal would have informed her in advance if they were picking up any… guests… But it doesn’t hurt to ask.
“Not today, no,” Hannibal says simply as he watches the trees pass by. “I believe Will and I both would benefit from a few more days to recover before we should attempt anything strenuous. And I would like to take some time to get the house ready for guests first.”
“Will you be needing my assistance then? Or am I free to go once you and Will are settled?” she asks carefully. She’ll help if asked, but she doesn’t want to kill anyone if she doesn’t have to. And she doesn’t want to bear witness to the things he intends to do to his enemies. She accepts Hannibal, loves him in her own way, but she won’t be a part of the things he does to those he deems to be less.
“Depending on how things go after we’ve dealt with Bedelia, having back up when we go after Jack might be a good idea,” Will suggests, earning a questioning glance back from the woman. “Hannibal filled me in on your aptitude with a sniper rifle. Thank you, by the way, for not aiming anywhere vital when you shot me back in Palermo.”
“Thank you for not giving me a reason to,” she counters with the faintest hint of a smile. Will can see it when he looks in the rear-view mirror. “I promised Hannibal once before that I would watch over him. If he needs me to, I will be there to keep watch while the two of you do what needs to be done to Agent Crawford.”
“Thank you, Chiyoh.” The warmth in Hannibal’s voice is as evident and clear as the smile on his face.
Will catches sight of it when he looks to the mirror on their side of the vehicle. It’s nice seeing Hannibal so open with his feelings towards others. It’s a stark contrast to how he acts when those he doesn’t consider to be family are present.
“I was able to locate and purchase a ship similar to the one you described,” Chiyoh notes with another glance in the rear-view mirror to Will. “It has sails, as well as a diesel engine. It was well cared for by the previous owner and should meet your needs. I was told it would be ready to sail by next week. I paid an additional sum to have them upgrade the navigational equipment and install a new engine.”
“That’s great.” Will can’t help being a little surprised that she found a boat like the one he wanted so quickly, given how specific he was about what it needed to have. Hannibal insisted on Will giving her exact details for what he would feel most comfortable sailing since he would be the one captaining and maintaining the vessel. He really needs to stop underestimating her. “Did you ask them to order spare engine parts?”
“I did. They said you would be more than prepared should anything happen while at sea,” Chiyoh assures. She sat with the people at the marina for several hours working out every aspect of the transaction and the services they would provide to get the ship seaworthy in a timely manner.
“That’s wonderful news. I look forward to seeing the ship when the time comes. What is the name of the vessel?” Hannibal asks, tone of voice never wavering from the openly pleased tone it caries. He never doubts in Chiyoh and her abilities to carry out a task with exceptional results.
“The Black Stag.” She’s about to explain that she already placed an order for most of the other supplies they would need now that the ship is taken care of, but she’s cut off abruptly by the sound of sudden, near-hysterical sounding laughing from the back seat.
Hannibal actually turns in his seat and peers over the back to get a look at Will. He’s doubled over, arms wrapped around himself as if his sides hurt from the action, laughing so hard it sounds like he’s on the verge of hyperventilating. “I take it there is something you find amusing about that name?”
“It’s…” Will manages to say in a wheeze before another loud laugh escapes him beyond his control. “It’s just that… When I… When I had encephalitis… That was what I saw… that made me realize something was wrong with me… A massive black stag.” His laughter starts to calm down as he explains, and he gasps in great lungfuls of air as he tries to calm himself from the manic reaction to hearing the name of the ship Chiyoh found them. It’s impossible. He doesn’t believe in God in any form of the traditional sense, but that name has him wondering if this is some kind of a sign from above.
Hannibal thinks back, remembering Will talking about antlers after killing Garret Jacob Hobbs, and then later mumbling about a stag when he would use the phototherapy lights to help him get inside Will’s mind and nurture the seeds of change sprouting inside of him. “God has quite a sense of humor. Tell me, Will, when you saw this stag, what was it the creature would do?”
“Usually? It would follow me. Or just stand off to the side watching. I saw it at the hospital, work, home,” Will explains as his breathing starts to go back to normal at last. “The real irony is that it still appears in my daydreams and nightmares sometimes. But its shape changes depending on where I am and who I’m with. It becomes humanoid. Takes your face but remains a monstrous black being with antlers and the twisted body of a man.” Will scrubs his face with both hands, trying to calm himself down just a bit more. He still feels the urge to laugh despite himself. It’s just too crazy.
“Like a wendigo?” Chiyoh asks out of the blue, surprising both Will and Hannibal.
“Yes, exactly like a wendigo!” Will exclaims as he finally sits up straight in his seat once again and runs a hand through his hair, brushing his bangs back from his forehead in the process. He blinks in confusion a moment later when he notices Hannibal still staring at him from over the edge of his seat with a look that Will can’t read. It takes a second for him to realize what Hannibal is looking at. He now has a clear view of the scar on Will’s forehead. He’s been letting his hair fall over his forehead for the past two weeks, unintentionally keeping the mark covered.
Will runs his hand over his forehead, fingertips skimming over the raised line of tissues as he averts his eyes from the other man’s. He can still remember the feeling of the saw despite the haze of the drugs Hannibal had given him. The way it sent vibrations throughout his skull and down into the rest of his body as it ripped its way into him. The horrible sound of it beginning to cut bone that still echos through his skull in his nightmares. “That actually makes a lot of sense now that I think about it…”
Hannibal hums at that, understanding what Will means. It started appearing to him when he had to hunt down a cannibal. The fact that it stuck around after clearly shows how that case affected Will. And then for it to take on the appearance of Hannibal? He’s not sure how he feels about that exactly, knowing the legends of the wendigo and their association with madness as well as cannibalism. Hannibal is far from mad. And he imagines if one were ever to become such a creature, he surely would have long ago.
The conversation is dropped there. None of them feels the desire to continue on or change the subject.
Will is grateful for the quiet after everything he just shared. He never even told Molly about the stag. She knew about his nightmares. How they would creep into his mind even when daydreaming or spacing out and leave him shaken at times. But he could never bring himself to try and explain it to her and she didn’t push.
He feels oddly hollow now. Not in a bad way. It’s more like the feeling of relief one gets from finally being able to tell the whole truth about something. He always felt he couldn’t talk about the stag. Like it was a sign of how deeply messed up he really is. And he was certain that he would be sent back to the mental hospital if he told anyone about it. Put on medications and told he’s crazy.
But Chiyoh and Hannibal aren’t like the other people he’s known in his life. They don’t seem to think he’s crazy. And they don’t look at him like he’s lost his mind for admitting to seeing this imaginary creature. Hannibal knows and understands how Will’s mind works. Almost better than Will does at times. He gets that he has the imagination of an overactive child but the dark impulses of a man.
It shouldn’t surprise Will that the other man would be accepting of this quirk as well as all of his others.
But it does surprise him. Leaves him feeling strange. In the end, he decides not to think too hard on it or the feeling, and ends up turning his head to watch the scenery go by through the dark tinted windows of the SUV. He falls asleep less than an hour later.
The house is about what Will had expected for one owned by Hannibal. It had the exterior aesthetic of a log cabin, with the modern interior of a luxurious modern house. All dark woods and sleek designs opposed to the softer outside. There are two floors and a basement, obviously. As well as a garage and a fenced area out behind that looks like it might be for a garden of sorts.
Hannibal walks into the house ahead of Will. He immediately hung his coat in the small closet next to the entrance before taking a few steps to enter the living room. It’s a bit dark. Some light filtering in around the curtains that weren’t closed properly the last time someone had been there. He doesn’t seem to notice though, as he immediately goes to the closest armchair and pulls a dusty sheet off of it, which he begins to fold meticulously.
“What can I do to help?” Will asks, standing in the doorway still. He’s looking around slowly. Taking in the few pieces of art he sees on the walls and the comfortable-looking furniture that Hannibal is beginning to uncover in the living room area.
Hannibal pauses in his folding to look across the room at Will. He seems to consider the question a moment before glancing towards the windows behind him. “Opening the windows would be a great help. It’s been quite some time since this place got a bit of fresh air.”
“Sure, I can do that,” Will agrees as he shrugs off his coat and hangs it in the closet beside Hannibal’s. The air does smell fairly stale. Musty almost. Full of dust. It makes his nose itch with the urge to sneeze that isn’t quite strong enough to actually come forth on it’s own.
Pulling the curtains open floods the room with light, making the dust motes floating in the air strikingly obvious. The fresh gust of cool air that comes in when Will opens the window only adds to the effect, making them swirl and dance in the open space.
Once all the windows in the living room are open, Will looks around and notices the doorway that leads to what he assumes is the dining area or kitchen. With a glance to Hannibal, who is still uncovering furniture, he heads that way to open more windows.
The kitchen is so strikingly similar to the one in Hannibal’s old house that Will actually freezes in the doorway upon seeing it. The only real differences that Will can see are that the fridge is on the opposite wall, and the counters are a different color of marble. It’s like stepping into an alternate reality for a moment. And he has flashes of himself and Hannibal there. Chatting over coffee. Watching him cook the two of them dinner… And then it shifts and twists back to the kitchen in Baltimore, to blood and Abigail and ungodly pain. And then finally to a bloody Hannibal walking away from the two of them...
Hannibal sees the way Will’s body locks up momentarily upon seeing the kitchen before he clearly forces himself to walk into the room in an unusually stiff manner. It makes a pang of something that feels dangerously like guilt hit him. He can imagine the things that have to be going through Will’s mind in that moment, and they’re far from pleasant he’s sure. He can only imagine what kinds of things might trigger Will to relive the more horrible moments of his past. Moments that Hannibal caused...
It takes about an hour to get things in order. They get all of the furniture uncovered, windows open, electricity and water turned back on. Chiyoh shows up with groceries just after they finish getting things in working order, and she helps them clean things up a bit before bidding them goodbye for now and heading off to wherever it is that she intends to stay, since she declined to stay with the two of them. She lets Hannibal know there is an SUV in the garage now that they should be travel in without issues. He thanks her, and with that, she’s gone.
They don’t talk much that evening, Will and Hannibal. It’s been a long day and they’re both tired. It isn’t until late that evening when Hannibal comments on going to sleep that it strikes them both that the house has multiple bedrooms. They don’t -have- to sleep together. But one look shared between them makes it clear that isn’t what either man wants.
So, Will sets aside the now empty glass of whiskey he had been sipping as they sat by the fire, and walks over to where Hannibal stands beside the stairs that lead up to the second floor. He reaches out slowly, as if afraid of being rebuked for the action, and gently takes Hannibal’s hand in his own, lacing their fingers together.
His eyes are downcast, looking at their hands and pointedly not at Hannibal’s face. A mix of anxiety, embarrassment, and whiskey coloring and warming his cheeks. He feels ridiculous. Like a schoolboy with a crush. But he just doesn’t know how the hell to feel about the other man in that moment or what to make of Hannibal’s feelings towards him. He just knows he doesn’t want to be away from him if he doesn’t have to be...
Hannibal turns towards Will, making the other man’s breath hitch audibly as he draws closer. He raises the hand not currently being held, and uses a finger under Will’s chin to make him look up, worried blue meeting warm brown. “Stay with me, Will?”
Will seems to relax at the question, shoulders sagging just a little as he looks Hannibal in the eye and nods. Hannibal’s finger stays under his chin. Keeping his head tilted and eyes locked with the older man’s. He can see the longing in them. Feel it. It mixes with his own... And before he can overthink it, he leans in, tilts his head ever so slightly, and brings their lips together.
It’s soft. Brief. And Hannibal returns it readily. His every nerve singing with the pleasant shock of it. When they part Will has a questioning look in his eyes. Wanting to know if he read the moment wrong. If he’s just made a huge mistake. All Hannibal can bring himself to do in answer is gently slip his hand around to the back of Will’s neck and pull him into another soft kiss.
They stand there a long moment, Will hedging closer into Hannibal’s space as they give in to the desire that’s been building between them for some time. They finally part when Hannibal needs a breath, and he opens his eyes to find a small smile on Will’s lips. “Let’s go to bed?”
The question is innocent. No implication of wanting any more than what Will just shared with him. It’s late, and they’re both still healing. In more ways than one. He has no intention of rushing this. And Will seems to feel the same.
“Lead the way,” Will utters before stealing one last, quick kiss. Because he can. Because it feels like he is allowed to do that. And because it lets him know that what just happened was real and not some imagined moment in his overactive mind.
Hannibal does lead the way. And they take their time changing into nightclothes before slipping under the covers of the king-sized bed of the master bedroom. Even with the much larger sleeping space, the moment they are in it together Will gravitates towards him. Seeks him out and moves in close enough to feel Hannibal’s warmth and solid presence.
They fall asleep curled together much like they would back in the cabin. Only now, Will leans in and gives Hannibal one last kiss goodnight before they both drift off.
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elite-polos · 4 years
30 Days of Élite Fic ♛ Day 6: Sunrise Pairing: Polo x Carla Rating: G Notes: Pre-season 1 fluff
When Polo wakes up, it takes him a moment to remember where he is. He’s warm and comfortable, with a profound feeling of ease in his chest, one he doesn’t feel often. The room is dark, but even so, he can sense that it’s not his own. He squints, raking through in the groggy depths of his mind to recall where he’d fallen asleep. 
After a moment, he becomes aware of the arm wrapped around his waist. Carla, he remembers, and the thought of her name alone is enough to make him sigh contentedly, shutting his eyes again. He feels her warm breath fluttering the hairs on the back of his neck, her face burrowed into his shoulder. 
Last night had been the first night he’d stayed over at Carla’s house. They’ve been dating for a couple of years already, but now that they’re older, Polo supposes, their parents are actually beginning to believe they might be something serious. He knew from the start that Carla would be the girl he spent the rest of his life with, but when you’re twelve years old no one really seems to take your opinion into account. 
Luckily, now that they’re fourteen, Polo and Carla’s parents are more than happy to see them planning for a life together. They are, by all accounts, each other’s perfect match. So a few days ago when they’d brought up the idea of maybe, perhaps spending the night together, they’d met very little resistance. Carla’s parents had even had their housekeeper lay out a toothbrush and a set of pajamas for Polo at the foot of Carla’s lush bed. 
Polo feels at home here. When he’s with Carla, he feels like there’s no place he’d rather be. He doesn’t want to wake her up, because he could live the rest of his life with her arms wrapped around him like this and not have a single complaint. 
But he just wants to get a look at her. Just one look, so he can capture this moment in his memory...
He can turn over without waking her, right? She’s told him she’s a deep sleeper, as evidenced by the fact that she once slept through a whole painting falling off her wall and crashing onto the hardwood floor. It would take much more than a little movement to wake her. 
Polo decides to chance it. Slowly, being careful not to shift Carla’s position, he rolls over. He feels like a ninja as he does so, trying to make sure his every move goes undetected. 
“Mmgh,” Carla mumbles, wrinkling her eyebrows. 
“Shhh,” Polo soothes her, “go back to sleep, cari. It was just a dream.” 
Carla seems to accept that as a satisfactory explanation, and it takes her less than a second to drift off again, leaving Polo with the most picturesque sight he’s ever seen in his life. 
She looks breathtaking like this. Although she puts on a cool exterior around other people, in her sleep she looks innocent, vulnerable. Polo is the only one who gets to see her like this, and it sends a surge of pride through him. The corner of her mouth twitches, the only giveaway of the restless energy she harbors inside, while the rest of her body rises and falls steadily with her breath. 
And out the window behind her, the sun is just barely peeking over the horizon. The tendrils of its soft light reach into the room, tingeing Carla’s golden mane of hair with a pinkish hue. Polo is seldom awake to see the sun rise, but he’s infinitely glad he is today. 
He plants a kiss on Carla’s forehead. He knows they’re still young, but he prays to whoever’s up there that he can look forward to a lifetime of this, with her. 
Is that too much to ask? he wonders silently. 
He receives no answer. 
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shaynawrites23 · 6 months
Hiya! We're at 400 followers here, and I want to thank all of you again. I honestly never thought I’d hit anything over 100, so thank you all for following and for sticking around!
It’s time for another celebration! I have no better ideas than an event like this lol so let's go! I will do my best to keep up with any requests, I promise :)
Not here for a request? That's fine! I've got some ask games below, or feel free to send in anything you'd like!
(Small disclaimer: I will be writing requests as fast as my mental health and my life allow! I promise you I see and will write everything that comes in, in no particular order, but you're also always welcome to check in on your request!)
General rules:
- please specify whether you’d like angst or fluff, i can do suggestive too but not if you're a minor so please do follow that guideline 💜
- you don’t have to be following me to participate! feel free to request something, or just join in!
- be respectful! we're all here to have a good time, let's have some fun together 😊
Ask games:
🥰 - Touches
Send in the above emoji together with a prompt from this list and a character listed below, and I'll write you a lil blurb!
❤️ - I Love You
Red heart with one of these prompts plus a character and I’ll write a lil blurb!
👌🏻 - Fic Reblog
Send me this with a link to your fic, I'll read, reblog and comment!
🌅 - Vibe Check
Pop in my inbox with a sunset emoji and I'll compliment your vibes, or you as I know you if we're moots! Off anon please for this one 😄
🆓️ - Anything!
Whether it's random questions, or you just wanna hop in for a chat, or send in a request that doesn't follow the prompt lists, or something else still, go for it!
Characters (for requests)
- Remus Lupin
- Sirius Black
- Bucky Barnes
- Loki Laufeyson
- Peter Parker
- Cary Agos
Tagging some moots:
@kimorna @the-young-and-forgotten @johnmurphyisqueer @naviation-xx
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anne-white-star · 4 years
Nightmare 3rd doctor x reader
The reader has a nightmare about killing the doctor fluff in the end don't worry.
Warnings : choking, death and nightmares
Words : 707
This is based on a nightmare i had a few nights ago so i decided to Wright Something about it
Please ingnore any spelling mistakes thank you 😊
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It was late and y/n was asleep in bed the day had been pretty bussy. Helping out the brigadier with some political things, helping jo pick an outfit for her date with Mike yates, making tea for the doctor and benton plus looking trough unit administration. Her head has been a big mess the past few weeks and it started to get Worse and worse. Which resulted in that she hasn't been sleeping good the past few nights. But this time everything seemt fine. In her dream Y/n was sitting under a big willow tree in a field full of beautyfull wild flowers there was a stream of water running by not far from where she sat. She layed down and closed her eyes.
Y/n opened her eyes, she wasn't in the field anymore she lies on the ground of a dark room. She stood up And put her hand on the wall "hello is anyone there?". Y/n walked around trying to find a way out of the dark room. Then she heared a voice, y/n followed the sound it was the doctor. "Oh doctor its you" the doctor turned around when she looked at the doctor's face he had a scared expression on his face he put his back against the wall and din't move. Y/n colappsed she din't know what was happening but all of a sudden she had an outer body experience she was transparant while her body layed on the floor. She saw that her body started to move on Its own. The eyes were not their usual y/e/c anymore but they were red. She watched her body walk up to the doctor he was still standing against the wall not moving. Then something happend what she din't expect her hand shot out to the doctor's neck and she held him there against the wall y/n flooded up to her body and tried to get her out of controle body away from him but there was nothing she could do her hands disapeared right trough it. "NOO PLEASE STOP, STOP I BEG YOU PLEASE!!!!". But nothig could stop her body from choking the live out of the doctor. He started to close his eyes and slidded down the wall. Y/n closed her eyes after she opened them and she was back in her own body. Y/n checked if the the doctor was still breathing or if he had a puls but she could find nothing. Y/n started to preform CPR on the doctor "please wake up doctor please don't leave me" she was crying but there was nothing she could do anymore "I love you please, im sorry, im sorry " . Y/n woke up crying from her nightmare and stepped out of bed running out of her room she had to find him. The tears were stil running down her face "please old girl where is the doctor?" Y/n asked the TARDIS. The TARDIS awnserd back and told her to go to the library "thank you" wispered y/n. When the came to the library she found him reading a book and drinking some wine. The doctor heared someone comming in "y/n why are you up so" the doctor stopped mid sentence and saw the tears running down her face "oh dear whats wrong?" he stood up And walked over to her. "I had a nightmare" she replied still crying. "Oh sweetheart" the doctor took her in his arms and she clinged on to him as if he was going to disapear any moment. "What was the nightmare about?", " i killed you i had no controle i tried to revive you by giving CPR but you died in my arms" the doctor huged her back "Don't worry it was just a nightmare im still here" he stroked her hair "lets go back to bed" the doctor picked y/n up bridal style and caried her back to her bedroom he opend the door and placed y/n on the bed, he took his shoes and jacked of and placed it on a chair the doctor lay down next to y/n. "I stay with you tonight my dear if those nightmares come back im here to help you", "thank you doctor", "sleep wel dear".
The end
I hope you enjoyed reading 😊
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🏐 Protection; Russia / Ivan Braginski (Sportember #023)
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📑 Table of Contents | ⚾ Challenge Post
Genre: Slice of Life, AU, Fluff
Word Count: 2,355
Pairing: Reader x Russia
World: Hetalia
Prompt: Protected
Sport: Volleyball
Author’s Note: This was inspired by the movie Girls with Balls, which is a girl’s volleyball movie on Netflix that I think is worth checking out. I enjoyed it more than I expected to!
“Sarah, I’m subbing you out for Y/N,” captain Natsuki announced, shifting her eyes from you to the older girl, who straightened her back in response.
“We need to change up the pace so we can stop their momentum,” she explained.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Sarah sneered, eyes narrowed at you, making you shift awkwardly from one foot to the other. “They just joined the team, why the hell are you replacing me with them? I’m the ace, I make this team!”
Natsuki rolled her eyes. “Will you knock off the dramatics? Volleyball is a team sport, no one caries the team. All of us have to work together for the better of the team, whether you’ve just joined or been here since day one.”
“This is bullshit. You can’t win without me.”
“My decision is final.”
The two girls glared at each other and you could see the lightning between them, but before the fight could get worse, Natsu situated himself between them, a soft smile on his face. “Come now, ladies. Let’s stay focused on the task at hand!”
“Whatever. Have fun losing the tournament, losers,” Sarah humphed before turning on her heel and storming out of the gymnasium.
Kevin came up behind you, patting you on the shoulder with a bright grin upon his face. “Don’t look so worried, rookie. Just do your best!”
Natsuki nodded in agreement, holding her hand out with her palm facing the ground. “Let’s win this, team!” One by one, the other team members added their hand on top of her own, with you being on the very top of the stack. “Let’s go, Llamas! We’re gonna win this!”
“Yeah!” Everyone’s hands shot up into the air before they headed back onto the court.
You took your position on the right side of the net, taking a deep breath to try and calm your racing heart. To be honest, you were feeling very anxious, your knees shaking as you tried to focus on your breathing. You had only been with the team for a month and a half and this was your very first official game. If the team lost this match, they would be kicked from advancing in the tournament.
Part of you felt guilty for taking Sarah’s spot and you wondered if the captain was making a mistake by putting you in the game at such a crucial point. Your eyes slid to the scoreboard behind the opposite team. Second set, twenty-three to twenty-four in favor of the other team. If they get one more point, they win the second set and we’ll have to fight through another one.
‘Two points… just two points and we win the game. We have to win!’ But that’s easier said than done. Your eyes shifted to the stands when you felt eyes piercing into you, locking onto the violet eyes of your boyfriend, Ivan. When he caught your gaze, he smiled brightly, waving at you. Knowing he was there supporting you definitely made it easier.
The other team served the ball and Natsuki received it flawlessly. “Kevin, cover!”
“I got it!” He prepared to set the ball and both you and Natsu rushed forward, feet pushing off the wooden floor. You didn’t expect him to send it to you, but it made sense in hindsight because Natsu was being marked by the other team’s tallest players.
It all happened so quickly. In a split second, the ball was in front of you, your hand slapping against it in order to spike the ball to the other side. The libero dived for it but fell a few inches short. You had done it, you had scored a point for your team.
Your feet touched the ground again and you stared at your hand with wide eyes, the skin red from the impact. Your first point in an official game… and it felt amazing!
“Nice kill!” Kevin smacked your shoulder.
���Don’t lose focus!” Natsuki ordered, glancing to Natsu who was up to serve the ball.
You held your breath as he tossed the ball into the air before running forward and launching his body into the air, his palm smacking into the ball and sending it flying over the net. It was heading straight for the back corner where no one was and you were sure it was going to land, but the libero dived for it, just barely managing to save it.
“Chance ball!”
“I’ve got it!” Lex received, popping the ball up toward Kevin.
Kevin’s eyes met yours and you knew he was going to set it straight for you again. This time, though, you had one of the other team’s blockers on you and damn if he wasn’t tall. The ball fell into his hands for a split second before it was back in the air, heading straight toward you as promised.
You pushed off the ground, jumping into the air with the blocker following your lead, arms towering over the net. You didn’t feel comfortable with the challenge, but you were determined not to let them get the point. With every ounce of strength you had, your hand slammed into the ball, trying to curve it toward the left where there was an opening. It scraped against his pinky, slowing down in the process.
One of the spikers managed to grab the ball and, as soon as your feet touched the ground, you jumped again along with Natsu and Natsuki, trying to block their spike. You spread your fingers as wide as you could, barely touching the ball.
“Nice one touch!”
“Lex, cover it!”
“I got it!” Lex received and Kevin set up again, sending the ball to Natsuki who spiked it with enough power to make the blocker stumble when he landed. Several of them dived for it but were unable to reach it.
The crowd cheered but the sound was drowned out by the screaming of you and your teammates as you all piled onto Natsuki, hugging onto each other as if the win would disappear if you let go.
“Good job, guys!” Natsuki grinned.
“You did good, rookie,” Kevin ruffled your hair before hugging his captain.
Arms wrapped around your waist from behind, the familiar smell of vodka and pine invading your nostrils as Ivan’s warm chest pressed against your back. His lips brushed against the shell of your ear, “Congratulations, lyubov moya.”
Your cheeks heated up and you pouted, tapping his large hand. “Ivan, I’m all sweaty!”
He laughed, tightening his grip around you. “I don’t mind.”
“Hey, rookie. Wanna join us for some dinner?” Kevin questioned with a bright smile, not paying any mind to the large man behind you.
Although tempted to agree because you were starving, you could feel Ivan’s aura darkening because of the other male and you didn’t want to cause any issues. “I appreciate it, but I think I’ll just go home and get some much-needed rest.”
“No problem! If you keep playing like that, you’ll be a regular in no time!” He winked before turning around and heading back to the others.
Ivan’s smile remained, his voice cheerful, but you could hear the anger in his tone. “I don’t like that man~”
“You don’t have to,” you replied softly, turning in his grasp and meeting his intense violet eyes. “I love you, Ivan. Thank you so much for coming to support me! Let’s get home now, okay?”
His muscles relaxed, eyes sliding closed as he gave you a soft, genuine smile. “Da, let us go now.” He slid his large hand into your own, fingers lacing together as he tugged you toward the door and away from the rest of the team.
You glanced at the clock before returning to the workbook in front of you, filled with various Russian words and phrases. It was slow going, but you were trying hard to learn the language of your boyfriend’s homeland because you thought it was beautiful and you wanted to surprise him with it.
It was getting late, just passing nine-twenty at night, but you had suddenly gotten a craving for an icee, probably because of how hot it was. It was the end of summer, after all, the season clinging on with everything it had and it just so happened that the AC in the house had gone out earlier that day. The fan was working hard to keep your cool, but it simply wasn’t enough to do so.
Ivan had been called to a meeting that he couldn’t afford to miss earlier in the day, promising to return as soon as he could but, as of thirty minutes ago, he claimed that the meeting didn’t seem to be ending anytime soon. You told him not to worry and decided to use the time away from him to continue your studies, but you just couldn’t get the image of a cherry icee out of your head.
Finally, you decided to say fuck it and hid your notebooks just in case Ivan returned home before grabbing your keys and heading out into the night. The dark sky was covered with light grey clouds, blocking out the crescent moon and the stars. The street lamps were casting a dim yellow light on the road, making the darkness between them seem even inkier.
To be completely honest, you felt calmer at night. It was nice being out and about as the city was sleeping, homes dark and stores mostly empty, the streets barren. It was like the world entered an alternate dimension once the sun disappeared and you loved it.
You turned the corner, seeing the bright lights of the convenience store in the distance, feeling your spirits brighten at the thought of getting an icee. A hand shot out, grabbing you roughly by the shoulder before shoving you back against the brick wall with enough force to knock the wind from your lungs. Your eyes snapped toward the person before widening in surprise.
She sneered at you. “You’ve got some nerve, bitch, taking my spot. That shitty team has only made it as far as they have because of me, because my spikes can’t be stopped. You think you can take my place? Fat chance! They’ll get rid of you as soon as you fuck up.”
You scowled at her. “You’re just bitter, but you brought this on yourself. You’ve never been a team player and you really think you can win volleyball on your own, but it doesn’t work that way. I was given your spot because you refuse to play nice with the others or respect the captain! You’re a joke, Sarah, get over yourself.” You tried to brush past her but she grabbed your upper arm, nails digging into your skin. “Let go!”
“You can’t take my place if you’re injured,” she smirked, eyes shimmering with malice.
Fear gripped at your heart, not knowing what she was planning, but you held on to the hope that she was just venting and not being serious. You licked your lips nervously. “Even if you get rid of me, someone else will just take my place. You can’t play a team sport alone and until you get that into your head, Natsuki will keep replacing you.”
“Then I’ll just keep making them have little accidents,” her grip tightened on your own and she pushed you back against the wall, her free hand going to your throat. Panic gripped you as your airflow was cut off, your hands swiping at her to try and get her to release her grip, but it was like iron. She was clearly stronger than you after years and years of playing volleyball.
Your body wriggled under her grip, trying desperately to kick or scratch her, but nothing was working, her grip only increasing. Your head was beginning to feel fuzzy from the lack of oxygen, tears stinging at your eyes. Was this where you were going to meet your end?
The grip on your throat disappeared and you fell to your knees, gasping for air as your hand went to your sore skin. Through blurred eyes, you looked up at the dark silhouette of a man standing with his back to you, towering over the unconscious girl. A lead pipe was clenched tightly in his gloved hand, blood dripping from the tip where he had struck her.
The man slowly turned around, the light of the streetlamp lighting up his face. Violet eyes softened when they landed on you, lips tugged down to show his displeasure. “Are you injured, lyubov moya?”
“Ivan,” you breathed out, pushing yourself back to sit against the wall. You always knew he was more than capable, and willing, to commit violent acts against others, but you had never actually seen him do this before. Then again, you had never been in a life-threatening situation before, either.
He shifted, his weight from one foot to the other, his heart clenching within his chest. “Are you afraid of me, lyubov moya?” he questioned softly. “I do what I must to protect my most beloved. You understand, da?”
“Yeah, I understand…” you breathed deeply, leaning your head back and closing your eyes. “I know you’d never hurt me.”
Those words gave him confidence and he closed the distance, kneeling down beside you, the pipe clinking as he set it down on the ground. “I’m glad you understand!” he responded cheerfully, bringing his large hand up to ruffle your hair. “I love you, Y/N. I will do anything to protect you.”
You looked into his eyes, shimmering with love and warmth as his hand slid to cup your cheek. “Is she… dead?”
“Only if you want her to be!” He chirped happily, tilting his head so that his sandy blonde bangs shifted across his closed eyes.
You sweatdropped. “Let’s not, okay? I just want to go back home.”
With a nod, he slipped his arms under your body, bringing you against his warm chest, his lips pressing against the top of your head before carrying you back home, thoughts of the icee long forgotten.
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rpf-bat · 5 years
I Could Have Been A Better Son
Pairing: Mikey Way x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Friendship
Summary: After many months spent touring, in support of Bullets, Mikey is finally back home in New Jersey. He wants to tell his beloved grandmother the truth - that he’s a trans man. Requested by @nonbinaryvulcan
Mikey stared out the window, deep in thought, as the van rolled down the Turnpike. 
“Are you excited to finally get back home?” you smiled from your seat next to him. 
“Yeah,” Mikey shrugged. “I guess.”
“You guess?” Ray repeated from the seat behind you, surprised. 
“We’ve been on tour for a long time,” you reminded. “I think it’s going to be good to see Belleville again. Say hi to my folks. Grab a brew at my favorite bar - you know old Hank knows exactly what I’m gonna order, before I even say it.”
“Yeah, there’s no place like home!” Gerard grinned from the driver’s seat. 
“So, why are you moping?” Frank asked from the shotgun seat in front of you. 
“I need to tell her when we got home,” Mikey sighed. “I’ve put it off long enough.” 
“Tell who, what?” Gerard asked, looking at his brother in the rear view mirror quizzically. 
“Tell Grandma that I’m….y’know…. a guy,” Mikey stammered. 
“Oh….that.” Mikey had come out to you, and his other band mates, on the first night of the tour. That was months ago. You’d been surprised at first, but,when you saw how happy wearing men’s clothes on stage made him, you’d quickly accepted it. Calling him he/him just felt natural by now. It would feel weirder to call him a woman. 
“Grandma gave me my deadname,” Mikey frowned. “She named me Michelina, after her mother.” 
“But, you’re not Michelina,” you shrugged. “You’re Mikey.” You thought that the name he had chosen for himself, suited him really well. 
“You don’t think she’ll be like….mad, that I don’t want to use that name anymore?” Mikey asked nervously. 
“Mikey, when you were at Maxwell’s, performing a heavy metal song about vampires and murder, Helena was there in the crowd, to support you,” you reminded. “I’d say she’s a lot more open minded than most old ladies.”  
“True,” Mikey chuckled. “I just….I dunno. She’s Catholic.”
Historically speaking, her faith had not been so kind to LGBT people. That much was true. 
“I know, but….I think she loves you, unconditionally,” you reassured him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I don’t think there’s anything you could do, to make her stop caring about you.” 
“I hope you’re right,” Mikey muttered, pulling you into a tight hug. “Will you….be there with me? When I tell her?”
“Of course,” you promised. He wasn’t just the bassist of your band. He was your best friend. Nothing could keep you from being there to support him. 
After a peaceful sleep in your own bed (the first time in months, that you weren’t sleeping with an amp for a pillow in the back of a tour van), you made yourself breakfast, and then drove over to Mikey’s house. 
When you knocked, Gerard answered the door. 
“Hey, Y/N,” he greeted. “Come on in.”
“Hey, Gee,” you smiled, stepping inside the house. “Surprised to see you out of the basement. Thought you’d be happy to be back in your lil Batcave.” 
“Oh, I was down there earlier,” Gerard chuckled. “But, I knew you’d be on your way here. Mikey’s anxious to….y’know…”
“I know,” you nodded. “Do your parents know yet?”
“Nah,” Gerard shook his head. “I think he wanted Grandma, to be the first person he told. Aside from, y’know, us.” 
“Her opinion is really important to him, isn’t it?” you realized. For the first time, you considered how crushed he’d be, if she didn’t accept him. 
“Well, of course it is,” Gerard considered. “Ever since we were kids, she’s been the number one person to encourage us, with our music, and art, and stuff.” 
“She sounds like an amazing woman,” you admitted. 
“She is,” Gerard smiled. “I’m sure she’s going to accept him with open arms. He was always the apple of her eye. The baby of the family.” 
“I hope so,” you said uncertainly. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Mikey said, entering the kitchen where you stood, to refill his coffee mug. 
“Hey, Mikes,” you smiled. “You ready for this?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Mikey gulped, downing his java, as if for courage. 
You took his hand, lacing his fingers with yours. “It’ll be ok,” you promised him. “I’m right here with you.”
“Me, too, lil bro,” Gerard smiled. 
Mikey smiled back, comforted by the fact that his two favorite people in the world, stood by his side. “Let’s go upstairs,” he decided. 
When you reached the top of the staircase, you heard the sound of soft piano music. Mozart, you recognized. Mikey led you into a small sitting room, where a grey-haired woman sat at a baby grand, making music.
She stopped when she saw you, and her grandchildren, enter the room. 
“Miei cari!” she said delightedly. “You’re home!”
“Yeah, we got in around midnight last night,” Gerard smiled. “You were asleep, Grandma, and we didn’t want to wake you.” 
“That was considerate of you, Gee,” Helena nodded. “But, it’s so good to see you again! I see you’ve brought a friend?” 
“Grandma, this is Y/N,” Mikey introduced. “They plays drums in our band.”
“Ah, yes, of course. I remember seeing them at your show. Hello, Y/N,” Helena smiled, getting up from the piano bench, and extending a hand to you. You shook it firmly. 
“It’s an honor to meet you, Ms. Rush,” you said warmly. 
“Oh, please,” she tutted. “Call me Helena.” She grabbed a plate from off the top of the piano. 
“Would you like a pizelle?” she offered. 
“Oh, thank you,” you nodded, taking a cookie. You bit into it. “Wow, that’s delicious.”
“Thank you,” Helena smiled. “I baked them myself.” She extended the tray to Gerard and Mikey. For a moment, it was silent, as everyone sampled the baked goods. 
“So, how was the tour, Michelina?” Helena asked. 
Mikey flinched  involuntarily at the sound of his deadname being spoken. 
“What’s wrong?” Helena blinked, with concerned eyes. “Did the shows not go well? Did not enough people come to see you play?”
“No, the tour was great,” Mikey shook his head. “We sold out most of our shows. The kids loved us.” 
“Then what’s wrong, mi bambina?” Helena frowned. “Talk to me. I can see from your face, that something is wrong.” 
“There’s something that I need to tell you,” Mikey said, summoning his nerve. 
“I’m listening,” Helena encouraged. 
“I…..,” he faltered, not sure how to put it into words.
“C’mon,” you encouraged, squeezing his hand. “You were able to tell me, and Gee, and Frank, and Ray, when we were in Newark. You can find the words, here, too.” 
“Grandma, I….I don’t think I’m a girl,” Mikey said finally. 
There was a pregnant pause. It lasted mere seconds, but it felt like hours, as Mikey waited for his grandmother to say something. 
“You think….you’re a boy?” she realized. 
“Yes,” Mikey nodded. “While I was away, with the band, I started asking people to call me him, instead of her.” 
“And how did it feel?” Helena asked. “Being called that?”
“It felt….right,” Mikey explained. “Like it was what I was always supposed to be called.” 
“But if you’re a boy,” Helena considered, “then, we can’t call you Michelina anymore.”
“I’d….I’d like it, if you would call me Mikey,” Mikey pleaded. 
“Ok...Mikey,” Helena said, uncertainly at first, as if the word sounded foreign on her tongue. 
“You’re..alright with that?” Mikey stammered.
“Certainly, mi bambino,” Helena said softly. The effortless switch, brought a smile to your face. 
“I think….maybe, I knew for a long time...Mikey,” the old woman confessed. “You never like dolls, or tea parties, when you were a little one. You always wanted to play baseball with your brother. I remember when he was Batman for Halloween, one year, and you asked me to make you a Robin costume.” 
“I wanted to be Robin,” Mikey smiled softly. “Not Batgirl. Not Catwoman.” 
“And you were the cutest Robin in New Jersey,” Helena smiled. “Boy or girl….you will always be my kind, talented grandchild. And I will always love you.” 
“I love you, too, Grandma,” Mikey said, looking like he was going to cry. The elderly lady embraced him, and Gerard joined her, making it a group hug. 
You threw yourself onto the hug pile, as well. Now, Mikey really was crying. 
“We all love you, Mikey,” you said softly. “And we always will.”
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lailannajacobs · 5 years
Talk You Out Of It
Pairing: Amelie X Hitman!Bucky 
Summary: Amelie goes after a story or more precisely, someone. 
Word Count: 3.1k 
Warnings: Mainly fluff! 
A/N: Decided to try and see what Amelie’s up to, don’t know if it actually worked or not but seeing as it’s spring break for me, here’s a little surprise Monday post before Thursday’s post! Feedback is always appreciated and welcome! 
“I need someone to go after ex sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. You’ve heard of him?”
I nodded, but my boss, Cary, kept going as if he hadn’t.
“He’s ex-military. He defected five years ago and has been working as a hitman ever since. If the cops are right, then he’s to blame for over a dozen high profile kills since. I’ve got a source telling me he’s in Boston, about to hit his next target. I want you to find him and get me a killer story before anyone else even thinks about it. And before you say anything, I know you’re a reporter, not a cop, but this could be huge for the Globe.”
Like hell I would say anything. Finally, a real case. “Do you know who the intended target it?”
He shook his head, “my source wouldn’t say. But I need to make sure you’re okay with this Novak. He’s cunning and dangerous. I don’t want you walking into this expecting peaches and roses.”
I nodded, afraid he would take the case away if I looked even the slightest bit unsure. “It’s no problem sir. This will be my number one priority. I’ll stay focused, I promise.”
I could barely contain my excitement.
With a curt nod, he waved me out of his office, apparently satisfied by my conviction. I was almost out of his office, but I couldn’t stop myself from asking the question I’d been dying to know. Curiosity got the best of me.
I paused in the doorway, glancing over my shoulder, trying to look as nonchalant as possible, “Why me?”
He didn’t bother to look up from the papers he was now engrossed by, “They told me, when I hired you, that your biggest asset as a reporter is that you’re constantly being underestimated. I figured the best way to get to someone like him, is to send someone like you. Am I wrong?” he didn’t wait for an  answer. “Didn’t think so. Now get to it Novak, somehow I doubt he’ll be here for long.”
I left his office, unable to contain my smile.
I stared at the computer screen finally understanding why Cary had sent me, a reporter of all people, after a known criminal. I had agreed to take on the job because, quite frankly, I’d been stuck with fluff pieces ever since moving to Boston, but really, my first thought had been that maybe the police, FBI, bounty hunters or even PIs would have been better suited for the job.
However, digging up more information on the hitman had made it clear why I had to be the one to find him - or more precisely, find his next target. And no, it wasn’t as simple as finding him to save some man’s life. Or woman. He didn’t seem to care.
I stared at the article from the Chicago Tribune. Dangerous hitman yes, but even I couldn’t deny that he was good at what he did - which happened to be taking out criminals before anyone even knew that’s what they were. The hit would lead to an investigation, which would lead to the exposure of the skeletons in their closets. It didn’t make any of his vigilante hits any less of a crime, it only meant that getting a story like this before anyone else would be huge for anyone who got it. All I had to do was find the scumbag my little hitman was after.
The only problem it seemed, was that no one was ever able to figure out who Barnes’ next target would be before the body dropped. It seemed random, but it couldn’t be. I had reached out to other journalists across the country but all anyone could say was that he was a ghost.
So the problem was finding him.
But that’s where I came in.
I was pretty good at digging up dirt, and better at following a lead but for some reason, I had the uncanny ability to be at the right place at the right time. I never could explain it, not that I tried to - because who wants to sound crazy - but those instincts had lead me in the right direction more often than they hadn’t. It was what I was going to rely on to find him. I figured it was my only advantage over the dozen or so journalists who had gone up against Barnes.
There was a photo in the article of the Sargent from his military days. I didn’t doubt that he looked nothing like the picture now. The cropped dark hair and clean shaven face would be long gone, especially that he was aware he was a wanted criminal. I knew I would have to rely on recognizing the rather striking, ocean coloured eyes. Seeing him in his military uniform made it hard to remember that the sergeant was an infamous hitman.
I kept digging. It seemed that most of his hits were in large, public areas, creating mass chaos and the perfect opportunity to escape. So that’s where I would start. Tomorrow. I wasn’t going to be able to find him without a full night’s sleep and I had promised myself that I would unpack at least three more boxes before the end of the day. Boxes that I should have packed away weeks ago.
I wandered though Quincy Market, weaving through families decked out in Celtic’s green, ready for tonight’s big game against the Raptors. I let myself be stopped by tourists asking for directions, and popped into gift shops, looking for a little trinket to send back to (y/n) to say that I was adapting just fine. If it was weird being friends with your ex’s ex, we had gotten past it a while ago.
I kept an eye out for him. Every ball cap in sight caught my eye, though none were hiding incredibly blue eyes. But I was sure he would be wearing one. It was the best way to go through a crowd incognito and he definitely didn’t want to ping on someone’s radar. Still no sight of him.
After an hour I considered leaving but ended up deciding against it. My instincts had gotten me this far and I wasn’t going to start doubting myself during what was probably the most important story of my career.
Before I could decide where to wander to next, I was sent flying to the ground, pain zinging through my wrists. Where the hell the basketball had come from was beyond me, but I pushed myself up, wincing, as it rolled away.
“I’m so sorry miss, are you all right?”
I took in a deep breath and forced a laugh, “I’m fine, it happens to the best of us right? Let’s just hope none of that happens to our team tonight right?”
The chubby man in a stretched thin jersey picked up the ball and handed it to his son, my assailant. He smiled, most likely pleased by the kind smile, cheery attitude, and the fact that I wasn’t chewing out his son. They always were. Nice was usually seen as a weakness. Nice never seemed to make anyone look twice.
He finished with another apology and whisked his aiming impaired son away. I watched them as they left until settling on someone far more important, about fifty yards behind them. The cap, which is what I spotted first, was a dumb choice on his part. The navy only brought out the colour in his eyes, making it so much easier to spot him.
I grinned.
It was time to pay him a little visit.
I wove through the crowd, with purpose this time, keeping an eye on my target so not to lose him. Stalking him like a creep wouldn’t do any good. I could do that later if need be. Right now, he was probably hyper aware of people trying to tail him, and less wary of people actually trying to talk to him. So that was exactly what I was going to do.
I knew I should feel afraid. There was an incredibly accomplished - albeit good-looking - hitman walking among us, but the only thing I could feel was excitement. I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt it. This was what I was good at. This was what I had come to Boston for.
I tapped on his shoulder, “Hi! I’m a reporter from the Globe’s sports section and we’re conducting a survey to see who’s watching the game tonight and where. Mind if ask you a couple questions?”
He turned around, narrowing his brows, as if surprised to have been spotted in the crowd.
“No.” He answered gruffly, walking away.
I hurried after him, “technically that means you don’t mind!”
He kept walking.
“Please. I’m never going to be taken seriously if I can’t even get this silly task done. And I’m so done with the sports section. Please, just answer one little question for me.” I begged.
He sighed but thankfully stopped, “If you want to be taken seriously then lose the perky attitude.”
“I’m asking you a question not asking you to act like an-” I cut myself off, trying to get a grip on the ditzy girl act.
“That’s better.” he smirked. “You get one question.”
I couldn’t roll my eyes at him, no matter how much I wanted to. I couldn’t be threatening or suspicious. He couldn’t suspect that I was anything other than what I pretended to be. A cheery woman, somehow stuck doing an article for the sports section. That’s who I had to be. That’s who I would be.
“If you’re watching the game tonight, are you watching at the Garden, at a bar or at home?”
His face was a perfect image or boredom. I wondered if it was something he practiced in the mirror.  “I see why you don’t want to keep asking these questions.”
“I’m glad you agree.” I said dryly, unable to help myself.
He stared, his blue eyes focused solely on me, which meant that he wasn’t looking for someone else. He seemed like he didn’t want to be here, answering questions but he didn’t seem like he was in a rush to leave either. Whoever his target was, he or she wasn’t here. So either my hitman had been fed false information or he was scouting a location rather than looking for a person. It wasn’t much of a clue, but it was something.
“Let me guess,” returning to the perky Amelie act, I hoped to get a solid answer out of him this time. “you seem like the kind of guy who would go to a bar to watch the game.”
He squinted his eyes, so I leaned into the act even further, widening my smile. I couldn’t slip up now. He sighed. If he was suspicious, he quickly dismissed it.
“Are you trying to prove your journalist’s instincts with that question?”
“Are you trying to evade the question?”
“Maybe. What about you?”
I held that piercing blue gaze, refusing to be the one to back down first. Arching a brow, silently challenging him, I waited for an answer.
“Yes.” He conceded. “I’ll be watching in a bar tonight.”
I let out a sigh of relief, “Good. Thank you. See, was that so hard?”
He snorted and walked off without another word.
“Have a nice day!” I called after him with fake chipper, muttering asshole under my breath.
He didn’t turn around, not that I had expected him to. I watched him leave until he was out of sight and hopefully I was already out of his mind.
The game didn’t start for another couple hours. I had been hoping he would prove me wrong by saying that he was going to the game tonight but of course he couldn’t make my life easier than it had to be. One arena was a hell of a lot easier to search than over a dozen bars. I couldn’t even be sure he was telling the truth. Odds were, he wasn’t. Yet, as irritating as he was, for some reason, I believed him. Rude hitman didn’t necessarily mean sure liar.
I let out another sigh, the adrenaline wearing off. It had been risky giving myself away so obviously, but I had banked on the fact that not many people, especially someone who looked like I did, would knowingly approach a hitman. Though I still didn’t understand why I hadn’t been intimidated by someone I most likely should have been. Infuriating sure, but he was nothing like the scary man the articles had made him out to be.
There were a couple hours to kill before the game, so I went home. There was no sense in alerting him by following him all afternoon, even it it meant finding him more easily. No journalist had ever gotten close. I wanted to be the first. I would be. None of the others had killer instincts and luck on their side like I did. I sucked in a calming breath. I could do this.
I had tried five different bars before finding him in a pub known to be a hang out for members of the Irish mob. My feet were sore, someone had spilt a drink on me at bar number two when the Celtics had scored, and it had taken an extra fifty just to convince the bouncer to let my through. But it was worth it.
Because I had found him.
I had gotten so caught up in trying to find him that I had forgotten to plan out what I would do when I actually did, so I did nothing. I found a seat at the bar and ordered a drink, close enough that I could see him, but far enough that he couldn’t. The pub wasn’t as packed as most of the other placed I’d been to, but it was just as noisy. After finishing the first drink, I still wasn’t sure what to do, so I ordered another one, waiting for my instincts to kick in, and glancing at him from time to time. That was, until he wasn’t there anymore.
I cursed myself for being so sloppy and pushed off, only to run into a broad chest in a grey tee and leather jacket. I tilted my head only to realize I was face to face with the exact man I was looking for. His narrowed eyes probably meant it wasn’t a good thing. I smiled.
He leaned over so that I could hear him when he growled, “sit down.”
My eyes widened in nonexistent fear, following his order, while he slid into the free seat on the right and ordered a drink, letting me stew. He was probably hoping to ramp up my supposed fear, which, unfortunately for him, had absolutely no effect on me. Although to give him credit, it probably would have worked on most people. But he had no idea; I wasn’t most people.
“Who are you?”
“Oh! Right! You didn’t get my name earlier. I promise I’m not stalking you or anything, it’s purely personal.” I could tell the sweetness in my voice threw him off guard so I continued, laying it on thick. “It’s not everyday I get to interview someone so…handsome. I just thought that if I ran into you tonight-”
“Who are you?” he interrupted.
Clearly manners weren’t his thing. I forced a giggle even though it was getting harder to keep up the charade. What I really wanted to do was shake him and tell him that manners were for everyone, including good looking hitmen.
I extended my hand. “Amelie Novak.”
He looked as though he thought it might bite him but took my hand anyways.
“I wasn’t expecting such a firm grip.”
“From someone so perky?” I asked with a pointed look.
I couldn’t help it. His attitude made it impossible not to want to answer in this same tone, regardless of the goal here.
He let out something that might have been a laugh, if hitmen did indeed laugh. And judging by the looks of him, it wasn’t thing that he did all that often. At least not in from of other people anyways. But before I could go ahead and psychoanalyze him, he stood up.
“I’m flattered by your…interest, but I have to go. If you’re lucky, some overgrown frat boy will take my place.”
I was too annoyed to be insulted.  “I tried that already.” I muttered, thinking of Bryan as he left, “didn’t work out.”
I ordered another drink, following him out the bar with my eyes. I wasn’t going to get anything else out of him tonight. Or at least, that’s what I had thought before realizing that he was following someone else out of the bar. Someone I very much recognized. And if that man was my hitman’s target, then all I had to do was find that man’s dirty little secrets. And finding skeletons was something I was pretty good at.
The article had gone viral. Mine. Amelie Novak’s. Cary had actually smiled when I had turned it in two days ago. It had managed to get enough press that even (y/n) had heard about it. Thinking about it still made me giddy. The man, a corrupt CEO, working with the Irish mob, had been placed in protective custody, despite his white collar crimes. Putting him in jail would make it too easy for any good hitman to finish the job.
I probably should have felt better about having saved a life but it was hard to feel proud when the man was pretty much a grade A scumbag. I didn’t want to think too long about what kind of person that made me.
I fumbled with my keys, trying not to drop any of my grocery bags as I let myself into my apartment. It was late evening and the place was dark, the city lights barely making their way through the window. Without any strength left in my arms to flip the switch - gone from carrying the milk jug, eggs and five pound sac of potatoes - I wandered into the kitchen blindly.
“I’d have to say I’m impressed.”
I shrieked, almost dropping the bags. My heart hammered but I didn’t move to turn on the lights. I didn’t need to. I recognized the voice in the dark. Sargent James Buchanan Barnes was in my kitchen. And he was most definitely trespassing.
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