#case in point: supernatural
y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
Vampire babbling time: So vampires are split into age categories, and they tend to get stronger with age (although, disclaimer that this is 2e not 5e - it is still D&D lore though. Hooray for home ruling and porting stuff over. Anyway.)
Fledgling: 0-99 years Mature: 100-199 years Old: 200-299 years Very Old: 300-399 years Ancient: 400-499 years Eminent: 500-999 years Patriarch: 1000+ years
It's also notable that this categorisation is used by hunters, not vampires themselves, but the point here is the mechanics of the categories; their strength, dexterity, intelligence and charisma increases over the centuries, they can move with greater and greater supernatural speed, and their regeneration abilities increase as they heal even faster, and you need enchanted weapons to harm them and the strength of the enchantment must be stronger the older they are.
Edit: Oh, and they can also control more and more undead minions. (Their supernatural powers, like spider climb and gaseous form aren't connected to age: They have those from the moment they become vampires and they don't weaken or strengthen.)
Because of this increase of power with age, the vampire pecking order is decided by age; younger vampires are fully expected to fear, obey and revere their elders, who consider themselves entitled to it.
For every day a vampire doesn't feed properly, it drops an "age category". So an "old" vampire who doesn't drink enough blood (12 HP in game terms) will regress to "mature", and back down to "fledgeling" if they don't feed again (which would be the base statblock for vampires and spawn in the monster manual). If they then feed sufficiently (source is irrelevant; animal, human[oid], corpse, bottled, it's fine) then they will be restored to the "mature" category, and with another feeding be restored to their actual power levels. (You cannot starve a vampire below the supernaturally enhanced base stats it started with when it became a vampire (the fledgling stage); if you translated this lore over directly (again, it's not 5e) Astarion being weaker than the average fledgling vampire spawn is the tadpole's fault (which is basically canon))
If a vampire wanted to keep their "children" at the comparatively weak fledgling stage then they'd have a balancing act to do. One can't simply starve a vampire - because then they'd turn into howling rabid corpses trying to drain everything in sight - but if you carefully managed their feeding habits you could keep them "weak" (by vampire standards) without them becoming non-functioning.
As far as the rank and power levels of Cazador's victims go, without somebody keeping them weak;
Yousen and Leon are still fledglings. Dalyria mentions being on the parliament, considering she doesn't seem that rich and the only parliament I know is the Parliament of Peers, she's around 50-ish, and thus a fledgling.
Petras mentions a century, so I assume he's either mature or at the end point of the fledgling stage.
Taking on the headcanon that Violet was taken in Reithwin before Shar wrecked the place, she's 100+, and either mature or old.
Astarion is considered an old vampire. Aurelia seems old and mentions centuries, plural, so I assume she's in that category with him.
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sage-nebula · 8 months
I can't sleep so I'm just laying here in the dark thinking about how at least 3 different sets of "older brother raised younger brother and so the older one is both brother and parental guardian" sets of fictional characters have given be brainrot at different periods in my life.
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hitmeupaep · 6 months
what if we see cas wearing mary’s ring in the reboot
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the-rainbow-meme · 11 months
heaven being a blank and lifeless office place was already giving me brainrot from supernatural but good omens just amplified that A LOT for me and goddddd top tier concept I wish I could put into words all it makes me feel
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they-them-pussy · 1 year
being a supernatural fan is whatever the opposite of 'tumblr ruining reading comprehension' is, but it's just as horrible. not only are the curtains blue, but several different writers specified the different shades that these curtains are. the curtains are simultaneously turquoise and ultramarine. you might be tempted to go OH!!! MAYBE IT'S A METAPHOR FOR DIFFERING PERCEPTIONS OF THE SAME THING!!! but no, this isn't on purpose. the curtains just accidentally stumbled into a vague idea that MIGHT be deep. but it's really not. or it might be. only the curtains know. you're left either watching it in horror or in intrigue as everything accidentally connects like the world's most disastrously entertaining wine glass stack.
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boywifesammy · 5 months
ok guys since im committing to this wincest VN idea…
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preseriesdean · 2 years
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What the hell did he say to me?
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destiel-wings · 1 year
context: I'm writing a LONG wip (should be 55 chapters, an actual epic story with action and plot though romantic destiel filter) and I'm thinking about when i should start posting it. Generally I'd want to finish first and post afterwards, so i can update regularly and not be distracted from the actual writing, but it's gonna take me way too long to finish it (like two years realistically??) so I'm thinking maybe i might start posting it before, even if less regularly? So i can share it with you earlier and you can engage with me as i write it?
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thevioletcaptain · 2 years
Y’know, over the past couple of years I've seen a lot of like, ~Jackles Longcon~ folks saying that they think Jensen had a big DeanCas awakening during the confession scene, but if we're gonna clown then I have an alternate take.
I think his italicized oh moment was actually when they were filming 15.08
Specifically, in that one scene where Dean says "And if you wanna stay here? Then maybe you should stay here." 
Let me explain. So, in the episode Dean is saying it because Cas thinks it's a bad idea for Sam and Dean to go to Hell just to speak with Michael in the cage. In context, the line means essentially like, "Fine! Don't come with us if you think it's such a stupid plan, just stay put in the bunker until we get back." 
It’s basically just Dean being pissy about Cas disagreeing with the plan, because they haven’t actually made up yet after Cas walked out in 15.03, and things between them are tense and unresolved.
But!!! There’s this one clip in the S15 gag reel where Jensen delivers this line differently. 
Initially, it’s obvious that he’s just hamming it up and playing around, but then... well, he starts kinda breaking down with it. Putting the emphasis on different parts of the line so that it takes on a different meaning than it has in the actual episode. 
It basically ends up sounding like Dean is distraught about Cas leaving him all the time, and begging for him to stick around. He’s on the verge of tears. The way he delivers the line, it has the energy of like "If you really want to stay, then why won't you just stay? Why do you keep leaving me?"
Like. Look at this:
Anyway, it’s November 5th Eve and I'm going through it, how's everyone else doing
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How silly is your Michael on a scale from 1 to 10?
Like a solid 7 I think he's actually a bit fucked up. His dad's like an 11 so he's not quite there but the more Mikey tries to differenciate himself from his silly arse dad the more he becomes like him.
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memento-mariii · 2 years
I just know that right this moment, Quincey and Lucy are having their cowpoke adventures in heaven, with that horse the (presumably non-supernatural) vampire bats had gotten 🥲
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beaft · 1 year
it hurts me to say this but i am really not enjoying cabinet of curiosities as much as i hoped i would :-( sorry guillermo del toro. i still love your work but i can only look at so many cgi tentacle beasts before i get bored of them
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#listen. im just gonna rant abt something real dumb for a sec#the framing of missing 411 stories make me so annoyed. and if u dont kno. missing 411 stories are focused on ppl who went missing in#national parks or just out in nature with no real explanation. i dont even kno why i watch these videos they just make me mad#theyre not all bad but like mother fucker do u not kno how easy it is to get lost in thr fucking woods?#theyre like: this person was an experienced hiker. they wouldnt have just done X#like no. fuck off. it only takes one bad move. one bad day. one unexpected run in and boom that's it#its not that crazy???? its not magic or bigfoot. its ppl getting confused or disoriented and panicking#i mean. obvously not in every case but fucking im like 99% sure its not spooky stuff. its just easier than youd like to think to get lost#my little sister got lost in the woods when she was like 6. she took a wrong turn on a hiking path and walked so far my dad almost turned#back bc he thought she would never get that far but there she was. one tiny blip in a big big forest and she was on a path#its so so easy to miss one tiny point out there. this also goes for places out in the desert#like sure its flat. how could a person get lost in an open space? but no fuck u. ive gotten lost walking along a 50m flat transect#i looked up and for about a minute i wasnt where i thought i was. the heat and not drinking or eating enough can really mess with you head#ugh. i dunno. one of my lab mates has done more like serious outdoors stuff. like not going back to civilization for weeks doing field#work out in Colorado. and he says there is something weird about being alone out there. like some places have a call to them. a temptation#compelling you to do things u kno r bad ideas. but i also pressed him and it seems to come from a lack of othet ppl watching you#like a lack of socal constraint enables the temptation to make reckless choices. so like i dunno it sounds more like a human thing#than the supernatural but like what do i kno? anyway. missing 411 stories make me man#mad. god. there was one i watched where the guys were like. hm they seem to happen around weird places like swamps. or around bad weather#events. so maybe these places or events cause disappearances to happen. like fucking no! do u hear what ur saying?????#the disappearences occure around places that are objectively difficult to search under conditions that delay search effort????? is ur brain#broken? the bad conditions make it hard to find ppl so u find less ppl and theyre marked as missing. jesus christ#anyway. its baffling to me. but i keep watching thr videos. probably bc i have nightmares about running into wild animals out in the woods#so im searching for like. god what not to do if i get lost in the woods. when what i shoukd do is watch survival videos rip#unrelated#ugh. also ive done some work in a national park where u would think its super super hard to get lost but our fieldwork got delayed bc ppl#had to go do search and rescue and the person was dead by the time they were found. i dont kno the details but like its a thing that#happens. its not that crazy#not to mention all the dumb fucks who fall of the cliffs every year down where i grew up. every fucking year. it happened to one of our#neighbors. he was at the bottom of this cliff for a whole day and survived. i dunno bad things happen everyday. u r not immune
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Destiel means so much to me and I can’t even tell you why.
But seeing Cas and Dean existing in the same space & interacting with each other already makes my day better.
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
Survival of the Fittest
Okay, time out.  I just stumbled across some “anti-hunting” posts and I want to address it.  Before I do, though, I want to make clear my loyalties.  I watch Supernatural and I like the show.  I vastly prefer both Dean and Cas to Sam, while there is very little disparity between my affection for Dean and my affection for Cas.  I recognize that all characters make mistakes, with varying degrees of justifiability.  I recognize that, in some limited ways, hunter-hate can be valid.
But.  I want to address one particular point.  I no longer remember who posted this because I’ve been stewing on it for a while, but I remember that they argued that, “a group of humans going around and killing non-humans for the simple crime of killing a human, even when they were just starving and needed to eat, are the bad guys.”  And just.
And I say no, not because I’m blindly on the side of the hunters — since, as I said, I fully recognize that they’re not always in the right — but because predation exists???  In the natural world???
I mean, put it this way… My family keeps chickens.  Hawks and raccoons eat chickens.  They do not eat chickens because they’re cruel or sadistic; they eat chickens because they’re hungry and chickens taste good.  Shocker of all shockers, the chickens don’t want to be eaten.  If you don’t think the chickens are going to attack any hawk or raccoon that comes into the coop, you’re mistaken.  They will do their very best to attack the predator before it kills them.  Oftentimes, they will fail and they get eaten anyway.
Saying that hunters can’t attack supernatural creatures who are eating humans simply because “the monster is just trying to survive” is like saying that chickens cannot attack the creatures that go to eat them, or that any prey doesn’t have the right to defend itself against its predators.
Also, to rephrase the initial point, it’s basically an argument that hunters have no right to kill supernatural creatures because said Supernaturals are just trying to survive.  In other words, Supernaturals shouldn’t be killed because their mission is survival.  Which… like… sure, I guess I follow the point, but also; the point of hunters is to protect humanity’s survival (albeit on an individual level)?  So the argument is that the Supernaturals’ survival somehow deserves to be inviolable at the cost of human survival?  But that’s deemed illogical by the alleged “logic” of the initial argument; if killing a Supernatural is horrific because they’re just trying to survive, then killing a human is horrific because they’re just trying to survive.
With all due respect… just no.  At this point, the entire human-supernatural conflict should just be a matter of predation and what truly affects the outcome is survival of the fittest.
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darkshrimpemotions · 1 year
The thing about Sam ships is, with very few exceptions, they HAVE to be people he's barely interacted with. Anyone he interacts with more than a dozen times becomes Dean's in the silent game of "which brother are you more directly emotionally invested in" that we're all playing.
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