Bruce would have interesting ways to discipline his kids.
Bruce: Listen to me, Damian! You can not steal my car and drive across country to visit Jon.
Damian: Then why do I know how to drive! And my mommy says I can! You don't own me!
Bruce: Young man, when you are under my roof you will follow my-
Damian: No I don't.
Bruce: If that's how it's gonna be. *Draws a circle around Damian* Stay there for five minutes.
Damian: D-d-d-daddy?
Dick: *swinging from the chandelier that has been pass down in Bruce's family for generations* I'm gonna swing from the chan-
Bruce: Get down here this instant!
Dick: I'm not doing anything.
Bruce: Richard Grayson
Dick: You're not my dad!
Bruce: *brings out a bag of m&ms*
Dick: What are you doing? Those are mine?
Bruce: *opens it slowly*
Dick: Bruce?
Bruce:*eats one*
Dick: STOP, I'm coming down. Don't eat them!
Jason: You can't make me. I'm not going to the party.
Bruce: *head vein throbbing* This is important. You can't skip this event.
Jason: *shrugs* You'll have to carry me.
Bruce: *takes a deep breath and walks away*
Jason: ahah, baby.
Bruce: *comes back with a bottle of castor oil and a spoon*
Jason: You sick sick man. Fine I'll go.
Bruce: Tim you disappoint me.
Tim: I didn't think it would blow up the Batcave. Or make mustard gas. Or create a sinkhole.
Bruce: *sighs* I have no choice. You going on a nature retreat.
Tim: Bruce!
Bruce: Over two weekends. With the Boy Scouts.
Tim: *tears glisten in his eyes* Bruce...
Bruce: As a junior member.
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Alfred: Right! That's it, Master Bruce. *Pours a spoon of castor oil8
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starsweater · 8 months
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batcavescolony · 5 months
New Camper #1: hi, we're new.
New Camper #2: yeah, we were told to-
Mr D: MY SONS! HOW ARE YOU? Do you have wine?
Chiron: he's not actually your father, he just wants wine.
Castor(new camper #2):oh
Pollux(new camper #1):so who is our-
Mr D: ...so funny story *waves hand*
Purple grapes symbol🍇: *appears over Castor and Pollux's heads*
Mr D: so about that wine?
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beamattack · 8 months
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ken & shinjiro
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fyanimaldiversity · 1 year
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Piebald American beaver (Castor canadensis) [x]
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cestacruz · 5 days
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the argonauts og post:
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reality-detective · 5 days
Intimidated and Censored
This amazing woman has been on the receiving end of many media attacks, and even got banned from treating people.
Before you start buying castor oil, it's of utmost importance to look for:
* organic (it never goes rancid)
* cold-pressed
* without hexane
* free of preservatives
* free of additives/ fragrances
* unrefined
AND try to find it in a dark glass bottle, if you can't find it in glass, then go for the plastic but make sure you pour it in a glass container, you don't want plastic leeching into it. 🤔
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goobygnarp · 2 months
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hazard-c-horror · 3 months
1/? Doodles from TSBS Hunger Game video on the Lunar and Earth show.
I’ll draw more but just wanted to post what I have
CW: Blood, mild gore?
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dozydawn · 7 months
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truffle-draws-turtles · 3 months
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✨ The twins ✨
I read this today and had to draw them:
The constellation Gemini is named after the twin brothers Pollux and Castor. According to legend, Pollux was immortal as he was the son of Zeus, the father of the gods, while Castor had a human father and was therefore a mortal. The two brothers were great heroes and never parted ways. When Castor was killed in a battle, his brother Pollux was inconsolable. He was particularly distressed that Castor had to descend into the dark, subterranean realm of the dead. Pollux asked his father to let him die too, so that he could follow his mortal brother.
Zeus was so touched by Pollux's brotherly love that he suggested that instead of always living with the gods in Olympus, he and Castor should alternate between spending one day in the realm of the dead and one day in Olympus. Without thinking twice, Pollux decided on this option so that he would never have to be separated from Castor again. Later, Zeus is said to have turned the two brothers into stars as a reward for their loyal bond. Since then, they have stood as a constellation in the winter sky, reminding people of brotherly love.
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Edit 12/03/24
Edit 13/03/24
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meemo32 · 3 months
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Like this scene
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hikkokoro · 4 months
Random doodle for todays SAMS/LAES episode
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deadwooddross · 3 months
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Looking through some old art and realizing: I don't think I ever posted some of my favorite Castors? And a couple pollies too Huge mean tarantula woman, her personality is essentially that of Mr. Hyde from the one Van Helsing movie, you know the one. For every character I get attached to and make a little more tender soft, she gets one additonal bastard point added to her mean meter
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actually-azi · 9 months
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Michael Sheen is an absolute masterpiece 🔥
I wish Tumblr would let me post more gifs bc he has so much more range even than this, but alas, I had to pick 10 😭
Honestly though, how can one person absolutely rock so many different roles like he does? It's delicious
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notokbutthriving · 23 days
video idea/theory
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Lunar KILLS MOON!? in vrchat [sams]
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Lunar is SORRY?! in vrchat [laes]
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