#cause he knows gregg needs this
phddyke · 4 months
damn casey hartley really like...haunts the narrative huh
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 22 - Degrees
@jegulus-microfic June 22, Word count 961
Previous part First part
James said, I love you. He actually said it and he’d said it back. Regulus couldn’t hide the goofy grin on his face. He quickly got changed, made the bed and picked his poor lion up off the floor. He gently put him in the centre of the bed, protecting it from intruders, before he accepted James’s hand and headed downstairs to breakfast. 
Out of the comfort of his bed, his mind began buzzing again. He really needed to sort out this whole Barty thing. He didn’t know where he was living now, so he couldn’t confront him, and he’d deleted and blocked his phone number, even if he could remember the number, this was something that he needed to do face to face. He pulled out his phone and looked up the mechanic who picked Barty up last night. His shop was only round the corner. 
Luckily, after breakfast, Sirius challenged James to a game of Mario Kart, and knowing his brother it would turn into hours of play. 
“Hey, I’m just popping to the shop, does anyone want anything?” He asked as he picked up his coat and a set of keys. 
“Tony’s, the salted caramel one, please,” Sirius said through gritted teeth as he tried to turn with his controller as if it would actually help, James still managed to pass him. 
“Er, same as Sirius, that sounds good,” He said, now holding his controller at an odd angle, copying Sirius. A banana flew out of the back of his car, causing Sirius to almost spin off the track. It seemed to work for James.
“Shall I come with you?” Remus asked kindly. Regulus shook his head. 
“No, no, you stay here. I’m only getting a couple of things anyway.” He crinkled his eyes, trying to make his smile look genuine, but by the suspicious look on Remus’s face, he was failing spectacularly. He quickly walked out of the front door and set off in the opposite direction of the shop. 
Evans Mechanic came into view and his step faltered. Was he really going to try to find Barty? 
The garage was surprisingly clean for a mechanic. He stepped further in and could hear the angry mutterings of someone under the Honda Civic parked over the pit.
“Come on you little bitch, move!” The someone growled. There was a loud squeak and a cheer. “Yes baby, I knew you had it in ya!” 
“Er, hello?” Regulus asked nervously. He jumped when a metal tool was dropped to the ground and Evan appeared from under the car. 
“Regulus?” Evan looked around nervously, “What are you doing here?” 
“I need to know how to get hold of Barty. I need him to understand that we’re over,” Evan’s eyes darted to the door Regulus had just walked in through. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Regulus. I’ll keep him away, okay, but the more he sees you the more he’s going to want to see you.” Just then the door opened again and Barty appeared with a Greggs bag in his hand. The smell of the sausage rolls wafted in, filling the small garage with its moreish scent. 
“Reg?” Barty’s eyes went wide.
“Damn it,” Evan groaned. “Use the office. If it gets too heated I’m breaking it up, do you understand?” Barty walked over to Evan and pushed the bag of food into his hands. Evan hissed something that Regulus couldn’t quite hear before Barty rolled his eyes, but nodded. “I mean it, Barty,” Evan said louder as Barty stalked through the door into the office. 
The office was small. It was full of paperwork and smelled of oil. There was a computer chair behind the cluttered desk. Barty took that one and gestured for Regulus to take the one on the other side of the desk. 
Regulus slowly lowered himself onto the blue plastic seat.
“Go on then,” Barty sneered, his lips curling into a scowl. “Let’s hear it.” He leaned back on the chair and put his scuffed boots up on the desk, somehow avoiding all the paperwork.
“Barty, look,” Regulus started. “We don’t work, we never have.” He really should have rehearsed what he was going to say to him, but it was too late now. “I have James now, and I need to be able to find out if we’re going to go anywhere, without the fear that you’re going to pop up and ruin it. Please, Barty, please let me go, please,” He begged, lowering his head. He was exhausted from all this drama. 
“And why would I do that?” Barty huffed a laugh. Regulus felt anger bubbling inside him. Why wouldn’t Barty just let him go?
“JUST FUCK OFF BARTY!!!” He screamed, hot, angry tears began to push their way out of his eyes. 
A commotion in the garage stopped him from continuing. The door burst open and Remus swept in. 
“Reggie, out,” He ordered. Barely able to see with the tears streaming down his face, he ran out of the room and right into Evan. Remus slammed the door shut and locked it. 
“Er, do I need to worry about that?” Evan asked warily. Regulus shrugged as he furiously wiped the tears from his skin. 
A minute later, Remus unlocked the door and walked out without a care in the world. 
“Ready to go home?” He asked pleasantly, linking Regulus’s arm and walking them out. Regulus waved at Evan and managed to catch a glance of a very pale-faced Barty. He flinched when he saw Remus walking by. Regulus wondered what the sweet, kind Remus he knew had said to Barty for that kind of reaction. "Don't worry, he won't be bothering you again," Remus told him as they headed home.
Next part
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no-damsel · 7 months
Just friends
Warnings: Swearing, minor violence
Chapter three
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“Son of a bitch!”
“Stop,” you hiss, smacking Adam’s hand away from your face. “Trust me, I’m fine.”
You had gotten in between two drunken assholes when they started fighting in front of you while you were collecting dirty glasses from tables. You ended up getting punched twice in the face since both men swung at the same time; however, the fight immediately stopped when they realized they’d hit the wrong person.
Two bouncers threw them out, and that was the end of it until Adam got involved. He got riled up, thinking he was going to have both of them thrown in jail.
“Is there a problem here?” Jasper walks into the staff room and says, “I heard there was some kind of altercation.”
“I got caught up in a bar fight; I’m fine.”
Since you were facing Adam, the owner couldn’t see how swollen your eye had become or the blood gushing from your eyebrow.
Adam steps up towards the owner, but before he can say anything, you lightly shove him in the chest, gaining his attention again. “Tommy, I’m fine. Take a walk or go back to work.”
He lowers his head slightly. “I’m sorry, boss, I just hate seeing a woman getting beat on, you know? It sets me off.”
Jasper pats him on the shoulder and says, “I get it.”
At this point, you turn to toss the tissue in your hand into the trash and go to get another one. “I think Angel should go home,” Adam says. “Have you seen her face? It’s a mess.”
“Angel, let me see.”
You turn and look Jasper in the face, and his jaw clenches. You were under no false illusion that he cared for you personally; rather, he cared about how you looked. He makes a tsk sound. “This just won’t do. Princess,” Jasper clicks his fingers at a blonde dancer when she enters the room. “Go and find Gregg for me; tell him I need a word with him. Tommy, go back to work.”
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“I’m not excusing him shouting his mouth off.” You top off the whisky in Jasper's glass with your free hand while the other holds ice over your eye. “But one of the dancers told me his dad used to beat on his mom and sister as kids; he was just being protective. Which is more than I can say for the pathetic excuse of bouncers who let a fight like that break out.”
You felt guilty saying that Bob Ruzek was a good man, but you needed a cover story to excuse ‘Tommy’s’ behavior.
“No sweat, baby,” he motions for you to sit beside him. “Have you thought about my offer? More money, fewer late nights.”
“Why did you pick me?”
Jasper chuckles. “You’re the only one in here I trust to have my back.”
Adam and Antonio had been undercover for almost three weeks, and they were so close to making an arrest; they had found the stash house. They now just need to catch him handing the drugs over to his dealers. But now, his newest revelation was something you needed to discuss with Voight as soon as possible.
“Gregg,” Jasper says, standing up.
“The blonde girl said you wanted to see me.”
You hold back a snort. Antonio would go out of his way to call the dancers by their show names; whenever he heard someone being called Princess, Heaven, or Angel, he’d screw his face up.
Jasper pulls multiple twenty-dollar bills out of his pocket and hands them to Antonio. “Take our angel to the emergency room. Make sure they take good care of her.”
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“The bleeding has stopped,” Antonio says, tossing the bloodied cotton ball into the trash. “I don’t think it will scar; just leave a nasty cut for a couple of weeks.”
“Thank you.”
Instead of taking you to the emergency room, Antonio took you back to his apartment to clean up your wound. If you went to the hospital, you’d need to use your real name, which could blow the whole operation if Jasper caught wind.
Antonio disappears from his bathroom and reappears moments later, holding a bag of ice in one hand and a hand towel in the other. He says nothing as he places ice on the material, then holds it up to your swollen eye, causing you to flinch.
“Sorry,” he mumbles.
Your fingers brush against his when you take the ice from him. You felt slightly uncomfortable; Antonio always seems wary of you. As if he’s expecting you to somehow betray him.
He leans back against the wall with his arms crossed. “Do you think Jasper bought the cover story you said about Tommy?”
“I think so. Although Adam looked pretty pissed,”
Antonio motions for you to follow him into the living room. “Can I ask you something? Sorry, gotta take this.”
He walks into a bedroom you presume is his own to answer his mobile and starts talking in Spanish. Every so often, his voice would become louder, so you would assume he was mad at something. You were grateful he cleaned you up but didn’t want to impose, and you would probably leave once his call was finished.
Sitting on the couch, you glance around his apartment and notice the framed pictures on the table. One stands out more than the other; on one side of the frame is a happy-looking young girl surrounded by balloons and banners with the number eighteen on them, and the next one is Antonio standing between the same girl and a young boy with his arms wrapped around them. All three of them were smiling brightly.
Hearing the sound of a door closing, you look up and see Antonio coming out of the bedroom. Before you can say anything, he shoves his phone into his pocket and says, “Sister.”
“Are these your kids?”
He nods.
“They are beautiful.”
He picks up another picture frame and sits down beside you. The kids look younger in this picture, and there is a brunette woman hugging them. “That’s my sister Gabriela, my daughter Eva, and my son Diego.” Smiling, he places the picture back down. “Do you have kids?”
“None biologically, but I’ve been raising my nephew Eli since he was two; he’s just turned seven. The only downside to being undercover is being away from him.”
“Yeah, I get you. When Laura filed for divorce, she took the kids with her, and it killed me. Eva did come and live with me for a while, but she’s now at college, and Diego only stays with me the first two weeks of the month.”
It took you by surprise that he was sharing any personal information with you since you didn’t really know each other.
“Where’s Eli now?”
“In our home with my dad. My dad’s a retired detective; he moved back to Chicago to help me with Eli.” You trace your finger over the thin red bracelet, a friendship bracelet your nephew made. “Is Gabriela your only sister?”
“Just the one sister,” he says. Antonio relaxes his arm over the back of the arm chair. “Gabby is younger than me and is incredibly strong-willed. She is a paramedic firefighter.”
You smile seeing how his face lights up when he talks about her. “Does she work in Chicago too?”
“She did. She moved to Puerto Rico a couple of years ago. Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
“I’m the youngest of three girls. My oldest sister, Cherry, lives in London.”
“What does she do?”
“She’s a sonographer. She moved to England to live with her husband and her stepson.”
“So I’m guessing she’s not Eli’s mom?”
“No, he’s my sister Amber’s son.”
He laughs, “You’re kidding me? Cherry, Amber, and Viola?”
“Yeah, yeah. My mom named us after her favorite colors.”
Antonio senses your change in emotion and, in a lighter tone, says, “So, does Amber live in the city?”
“Amber moved to New York when she was pregnant. She died five years ago.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he says sincerely. “Eli is lucky to have you; not everyone is willing to raise a kid; that’s not there.”
Before you can respond, your work mobile vibrates in your pocket. You answer the call and put the phone on loudspeaker. “Hey, I’m guessing you got my voicemail?”
“Yeah, I did. You okay? Adam said you got caught in a fight, and Dawson left with you.”
“I’m fine.”
When Hank doesn’t seem to believe you, Antonio speaks up: “Hank, we are sitting in my apartment; the bleeding has stopped.”
“Okay, good. So what was so urgent?”
You lick at your dry lips, mentally reading yourself to share the information you learned right before the fight.
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iamsherlocked1479 · 1 year
Hey could you do a smut where virgin reader is pretty looking and Sherlock feels a little smitten. But she has lot's of admirers of her age so Sherlock thinks he doesnt have chance. but they ends up in a fucking situation. I don't know if that makes sense.
Hold it together
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Description: Pretty much what the request is Sherloc is mildly obsessed with you and becomes tired of watchng men talking to you just becuse your pretty and well you? you spend your days fantasising about sherlock taking your V-card and welll, he's an intelligent man ;) no use of y/n that i can rember
Word count: 3.3k words
Warnings: 18+ Smut so much smut. Losing virginity so hurts for a little bit.
That was guy number seven, Sherlock had only partly been paying attention to the party around him. He was too busy watching you, you were his soul focus. He wanted to make sure you were okay, it was John and Marys wedding and you were a bridesmaid. And as 
Janine had made him aware that it was tradition for a bridesmaid to sleep with a groomsman. He wasn’t going to let that happen to you, he had closely analysed each one of them, none of them were a good match for you. You were the main attraction of the evening besides the newlyweds, he had watched the way most of the singles and some of the taken men watched as you floated past them, well maybe not literally floated but to him you did. He hated the way he was so, how would he put it, human around you. He hated how he lingered slightly closer to you as he explained anything the way you scent intoxicated his mind breaking down any walls he built. He hated the way he always made sure he was awake to remind Mrs hudson to bring up tea in the morning so you would maybe stop and talk with him. He loved your little talks, he made it his mission that even if he could make you smile in the slightest it would pull at his heart causing his brain to fuzz as he watched your eyes brighten. 
Yet he could never understand why he couldn’t just tell you, part of him knew Mycroft would torture him if he found out about his childish crush, and then there was the age gap. There was a good twelve years between you, he wondered if that would put you off, if you thought he wouldn’t be able to keep up with a young thing like you. But he’d beg to differ, he would often find himself sleepless at night, tossing and turning ignoring the needs of his cock, before eventually giving in and toying with himself until he came moaning your name imaging all the positions he could make you cum in. He wondered how you liked it, if you would fight to be in control, pinning him down and riding him, or if you would lay there wanting him to take control. Either way he would just want to please you, he would make you cum until you couldn’t anymore. God if his brother could know what he thought of you. “Get it together he thought.” He looked over at you again leaning against the bar laughing with what was it? Gavin? The officer. He couldn’t remember and he didn’t really care. Until he did, he watched with jealousy as Leatrades arm reached out and touched your own as you laughed. He turned green clutching his glass, he wanted the way you pulled back slightly, he wasn’t going to let yet another man try his way with you.
“Honestly, you should come to the next one.” Gregg laughed, emptying his fifth drink.
“I’ll have to think about it.” You laugh while taking another nervous drink, Greg wasn’t exactly an unattractive man but he was recently divorced and very obviously emotional at the moment and you did not want to get caught up in that. And even if you did, you would have no idea how to even begin, at the ripe age of twenty four you had only managed to ever get to third base. Not that you didn’t want to, it's just you were aware of your looks, you weren’t big headed but as you’d been reminded by multiple people this evening you were pretty and you weren't about to become some guys trophy or bragging rights. And anyways how could you ever make it past third base if you wanted him. 
That's right your curly haired, insanely attractive, thirty six year old, high functioning sociopath, detective of a roommate. Who happened to be making his way over to you right now, yup your eyes don’t deceive you, he was zig zagging his way through the crowds with his eyes focused on you.
“So what do you say? Would you want to come to the next office gathering?” Greg still persisted handing you another glass of champagne.
“I uhh” yup you did it again, you completely blocked out the rest of the world over your attraction to an older man. “I’m sorry if I’ve led you on here Greg, i uhh.” You froze, how would you politely tell him to back off.
“Come on Gavn, can you go fund your rebound somewhere else please.” Sherlocks hand was firmly placed on Gregs shoulder.
“It's uh greg, you should know that by now.” Greg muttered before turning to you. “I’m sorry.” He smiled awkwardly and huffed as he walked away. 
“Thank you.” you sighed “I didn’t want to upset him.” You joked 
“Why not, it's not your ego that will be damaged.” He laughed 
“Oh Sherlock there you are dear.” Mrs hudson, your landlady, pulled on sherlocks arm intruding him to a gaggle of her friends who all cooed at the adorable detective they had seen on their Tv screens.
“He isn’t as tall as he looks on the telly.” One of them cackled. You watched as his body stiffened, he wasn’t enjoying this party at all, first he was losing his best friend and now he was being paraded around like a prized pony. You were becoming sick of the constant attempts so you did what any saviour would and returned the favour.
“Sherlock, do you fancy a cigarette, my treat as seen as you prevented a murder today.” Your hand gripped firmly on his hand pulling him away from the women. 
His body hummed at your touch, his wrist burned and his head fuzzed. He could feel his collar tightening and breathing staggering. Hold it together, he thought, don't be a child. “Silly boy brother, holding hands are we now.” Mycroft taunted his mind.
“Had to save you, I saw you roll your eyes at least three times.” You say as you both leaned against the cold brick wall, the venue was nice you’d admit and the countryside highlighted the night sky perfectly.
“You like stars?” He asked, watching you look up.
“I only admire how far away they are from people.” You laugh, you pull out a single cigarette from your purse and Sherlock hands you a lighter. “You know for someone who is supposed to be quitting smoking you sure do come prepared.” You say with one brow raised
“Some cases may require a lighter.” He says allowing you to take the first drag.
“Thanks for helping me back there, I wasn’t sure how to solve that problem.” Your thighs tightened as he leant against the wall exhaling a large drag of smoke, your tightened together. “Hold it together” you thought, you looked away, god you’re acting like a teenager.
“Personally I believe you were doing great, a few more minutes and i reckon you and him would have been on the dance floor.” He laugh sarcastically 
“Believe me you would not want to see that.” You took the cigarette from his hand, grazing his fingers with your own, it didn’t go unnoticed. 
“Im sure you’d do fine.” He tilted his head witb a smile
“Oh really, are you an expert?” You laughed 
“You don’t believe me?” He looked almost offended as he pushed himself off the wall. “I’ll show you.” 
“Go on then.” You encouraged him by crossing your arms together. He stepped in front of you and lifted his arms as if he was holding someone and did a perfect pirouette or as perfect as the gravel would allow. “Okay then i admit that was pretty good.” You laugh, he brushes off his jacket and takes the cigarette from your hand. 
“And now you.” He nodded
“You’re not serious. Are you?” You choke a little on your laughter 
“Am i ever one for fooling around?” Well shit, he was right. He took the last drag of the cigarette and threw it to the ground. “It’s easy, straight back, lift one leg and spin.” He gestured his hands outwards encouraged you to do it
“Fine but only because it's you.” You rolled your eyes. Your attempt was far from perfect, you held out your arms and tutted before spinning and tumbling, these dam shoes, you wanted to wear converse. You stumbled and Sherlock reached forward and pulled you into his broad chest. “See i told you. Not a dancer.”
“I can help then.” He smiled, pulling your arms up into the correct position. “You have to ease into it.” He pushed himself closer and your hearts touched, he began slow as you spun “keep your eyes onto your partner and then-“ you both performed and amature pirouetted before stopping, you stopped still clinging to his chest. “You see.” He gulped, rather loudly. “ all you need is the perfect partner.” You could both feel the force pulling you closer, his eyes were fixed on your lips. You leaned in and locked, he tasted like smoke and mild hints of champagne, it was sweet, your hand clung to his coat, you moaned into his mouth as his tongue crossed with yours. You pulled away to take a breath.
“Sorry uh something just came over me.” You laugh
“I'm not complaining. I’ve actually been thinking about that for a while.” He still held you close, he had you finally and he wasn’t about to let you go. He leaned in again, he kissed you and ran his hands down your body settling one on you ass, you flinched slightly.
“Sorry.” You blushed
“No, it's fine.” 
“Yeah I'm not really used to that.”
“What do you mean?” He asked
“Well, I’m a virgin. I never really got round to all that.” 
“That's okay sweetheart, I'm not going to judge.” His hand stroked your cheek. Hus words gave you a sense of boldness
“But, maybe we could change that.” You hand made it way through its curls 
“Be careful sweetheart, are you sure.”
“Positive.” You smiled kissing him again leaving a small bite on his lower lip
“Great” he pulled your hand through the doors towards the stairs. “Room?” He asked 
“304” you replied, taking the lead. It's not that you were desperate, but you’d been thinking about him in this way since the day you moved in, your stomach knotted and your core began to heat up in anticipation. You practically barged open the door of your room and he was on you in an instant pulling down your dress as you struggled with the buttons of his suit. 
You pulled his shirt apart revealing the olive skin of his chest, his scent intoxicated you. You ran your hand across his chest trembling at the intensity of his heart beat. 
Your hand burned his chest, his cock grew wild but he’d have to be patient. It was your first time and he wanted to make sure you’d remember it. He laid you down slowly tracing his lips down your neck and inbetween the crevice of your breast. Your soft moan encouraged him to go lower down your stomach twirling your hardened nipples with his fingers.
Your breath hitched as his fingers glided over your soaked core, he could feel your wetness through the thin fabric of your panties.
“Don't be nervous, i’ll be gentle. Need to get you ready. Tell me what you want sweetheart.” His eyes stayed locked on yours, you hadn’t seen this side if him before he was still the same determined sherlock holmes but part of him looked desperate, like he wanted you as much as you wanted him.
“You, I want you. Your hands, your body please.” You begged gasping slightly at the sensation of his finger pressing against your panties.
“Okay baby. Just breathe, it will feel good I promise.” He started by pulling down your underwear and livking his finger before sliding it through your folds, he smiled at the motion of your legs stiffening. He spread them apart with his free hand and then used his dextrose fingers to tap at your bundle of nerves. He took his other hand and slowly edged two fingers into you curling slightly to hit that perfect point. “Fuck you’re so tight, gotta loosen you up.”  He fucked you gently with his fingers looking at you occasionally, making sure what he was doing was right.
“Fuck- i, i wont be able to hold it much longer Sher-fuck.” Your head pushed back into the mattress and your back arched as he added another finger slightly picking up his pace. Your walls trembled as he brought you to your climax, it felt as if it burned all your nerve endings, a feeling you’d never be able to reach on your own. You winced slightly at the overstimulation of him pulling out his fingers and licking them clean.
“I always knew you’d taste sweet.” He chuckled and sat back on his knees relishing in the state he had left you toying with his uncomfortable hardness. You noticed and brought yourself to his lips again kissing him as you unbuckled his belt. It unked away and you discarded it somewhere in the room and dropped his trousers. Your hand dipped beneath the waistline of his boxers and he released a small sigh. You looked up at him with mildly worried eyes, he was so big, so thick. “Are you sure you know how to handle it?- shit!” His cockyness was soon displaced with his head falling backwards at the sensation of your lips around his cock. You swallowed as much as you could, trying to get used to his size. You bobbed your head up and down moaning as his hand came to rest in your hair, pushing your head gently further down. You swirled your tongue around his base as you swallowed him down. He pulled you off sighing at the sight of a line of spit connecting your mouth to his cock. “You gonna let me fuck that pretty little mouth of yours sweetheart?” He pushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you nodded. “Tell me how much you want it.” He said jerking himself 
“Fuck- i want it so bad, want you to fuck my mouth make me gag please.” You batted his hand away and took him in both your hands, he hissed at the sensation then edged you open your mouth. You stuck out your tongue allowing him to slide his tip across it. He pushed In further, slowly allowing him to get used to his size, you gagged and he wiped a tear that slid down your eye and slowly began thrusting his hips gently into your delicate mouth.  
“God, wanted this so long. Been watching you, you looked so good tonight. Hated watching other guys trying their luck. Gavin couldn’t do this to you.”
“Mh-Greg” you corrected him barely being audible by his size. He grunted and pushed harder.
“Don’t correct me, this is your first time, don’t wanna be too rough yet- shit.” He cursed as your hands snaked around his balls massaging them. “God gonna make me cum- fuck you wanna taste me?” Sherlocks pase became sloppy he held on waiting for you to nod and when he did the salty tastes of his thick ropes spewed into your throat. You hummed, gulping down every last drop. He pulled out, his stray loose curls sticking to his sweaty head. You leaned backwards smiling at the state he was in.
“Guess I'll never make it past base three.” You laughed a little disappointed. His eyes opened, they looked different, a smug smirk appeared on his face and his eyes grew darker.
“You think i'm done? Honey there's alot for you to learn.” He pushed you into the mattress and spread your legs with his knee, his hand came to your pussy and slid easily through your folds. “Sweetheart you got this wet just from sucking me off. You gonna let me fuck that cute little pussy of yours?” He smiled watching your eyes roll back
“Please Sherlock, I need you.” You looked up watching as he examined your body.
“Okay honey, gonna take this nice and slow, ease you into it.” He held his cock at your entrance sliding it through your folds. “If it doesn’t feel good, let me know and I'll stop.” He entered you slowly, you winced slightly as he entered, your walls stretching and getting used to his size and then he paused for a moment. “How's that feel? You feel good.”
“Its good, its just a new feeling. But it feels good. Can you move?” You ask with puppy dog eyes he laughs slightly and slowly thrusts his hips. It's a new feeling for you, the pain had melted away and was turning into pleasure. Your walls opened letting him in further, his pace was gentle. You could tell he was holding back, he didn’t want to hurt you or push you further than you could go. You hand found his cheek and his eyes locked with yours. “Go faster, show me how you want to make me feel good. I want you- I need you.”
“Are you sure, if it gets too much, tell me.” He kissed you again picking up the pace- now this was good the friction he pushed into your clit only added to the pleasure it didn’t hurt, it was great. He went in all the way to the hilt scraping his tip against your g-spot starting a chain reaction through your body.
“Fuck- thats- shit thats great.” Your eyes rolled back and his teeth nibbled at your neck leaving a small purple mark. The bed began to creak with his pace the sound of skin on skin adding to the room's heat and smell of sex. He rutted into you cursing and moaning your name, his hand found your clit flicking it with each thrust, watching as your legs widened giving him more space to fill. He pulled you closer, lifting up your hips. “Fuck that feels great, you moan.” 
“Does it? Here, try this.” He grabbed a pillow and put it under your lower back angling you just right, allowing him to reach your g-spot with ease. 
“Fuck- ye. Thats it fuck im gonna- shit i-!” You couldn’t speak, your orgasm pushed all the air from your lungs, your muscles twitched causing your hips to seize. He kept fucking you through your high chasing his own orgasm. 
“Fuck your so tight feels so good.” He moaned, biting your neck again, moaning as you tugged on his hair. His pace became staggered and he began to pull you in closer you knew he was close
“Fuck need your cum in me. It's okay, I'm on the pill. Shit need it. So bad.” You cried out, it's like he was waiting for you to say it, he finished with one last thrust holding you as close as possible. your walls were coated in his thick white ropes. He stayed in you a while peppering your face with light kisses “you where so good, fuck never had anyone like you.” He winced as he pulled out, the over stimulation getting the better of him. 
“Anyone in here? They’re about to cut the cake!” A voice came from the door along with loud hard knocks.
“I’ll be out in a sec.” You called out looking at sherlock. “I wish we could stay here forever.” You rolled onto him, resting you chest on his as you played with his curls.
“Then why don’t we?” He smiled along with a cheeky slap of your ass.
A/N: hey guys sorry for my recent abscence work has been a factor in this issue the next chapter of thats not how I'd do it is commng probably soon, definately not disapointed that i can't do weekly uploads :( another thing is, something is comming that Im currently writing a preveiw for and i can't wait to share it. HOPE YOU ENJOYED SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO MAKE
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polaroidcats · 8 months
Breadcrumbs and broken families – a very scientific analysis of “Savour It (I’m Tasty)” by epicblueblanket
One of the most complex literary works of the 21st century is without a doubt “Savour It (I’m Tasty)” by epicblueblanket, also known by the pseudonym @kaaaaaaarf on the popular blogging website tumbler dot com. In less than 1000 words, the author manages to write a story that is not only captivating to any reader, it is also packed full of inspiring and deeply philosophical metaphors.
In this essay I will explore how the sausage rolls and breadcrumbs serve as a metapor for Sirius’s broken family, which might be one of the reasons why Remus feels so familiar to him even if they barely know each other - they're surrounded by broken pieces of something that should have been wonderful but has now been destroyed beyond recognition.
One of the most emotional moments of the story is at the beginning, when Sirius asks Remus if he eats sausage rolls when he is not at work, to which Remus replies with: "Well, I take home the leftovers at the end of my shift. It’s wasteful to throw it away, you know?", causing the following reaction from Sirius: “Sirius shakes himself. ‘Right, yes, of course—makes sense.’", obviously affected by the parallels between his own life – being thrown out and disregarded by his family as a teenager for reasons beyond his control – and the sausage rolls at Gregg’s being thrown out at the end of the day for health and safety reasons, no longer wanted or needed, through no fault of their own at all. The scene leaves the reader breathless with emotion, and it is impossible not to feel sympathy towards Sirius, as well as the sausage rolls at Gregg’s, who now both rely on Remus to help them fill the emptiness they feel from their respective rejections. And Remus seems more than willing to fill any sort of emptiness Sirius needs him to, acting as a very firm support system for Sirius, something he likely has been lacking up to that point, his life most likely as structured as a sausage roll that has been lying in the warm shop window of a bakery for a little bit too long.
Obviously affected and embarrassed by the sheer intimacy of sharing such an intense moment with his new lover, Sirius is quick to belittle himself (“I’m being stupid”) when Remus asks him if he wants to stop their sexual activities in the name of the sausage rolls. Remus is delighted by Sirius’s refusal to stop their activities, stating he has been looking forward to it since Sirius gave Remus his telephone number the previous morning. An interesting detail here is Sirius making the first step, not only in giving Remus his number but even before that, by coming into the shop and consuming “his own weight in vegan sausage rolls”, which not only shows his consideration for other living creatures, but also hints at possible future acceptance towards his difficult situation with his family. Through eating the sausage rolls - on a daily basis - he is helping them fulfill their destiny, something his family has failed to help him achieve. But Sirius’s selfless acts help the sausage rolls reach their goal of being eaten and not going to landfill, something Remus also seems very passionate about, so it is no wonder that the two of them seem like such a perfect match.
Sirius describes watching Remus eat Yum-Yums, and occasionally also sausage rolls, with so much passion, and it is not hard to imagine how this affects Sirius, who sees a piece of himself in every bit of pastry Remus consumes. While on a surface level Remus seems oblivious to the deeper meanings behind the sausage rolls and even misguidedly asks Sirius if it is some sort of sexual fetish, one can speculate that on a more subconscious level, Remus also knows about the healing power of eating sausage rolls in bed with one’s lover, allowing each other to create a mess of crumbly pastry pieces, and finding joy in the brokenness and vulnerability of it all.
Remus understands that not everything needs to be perfect or whole in order to be devoured, a philosophy he applies to sausage rolls as well as Sirius. The hopeful ending of the story sees Sirius enjoying a post-coital cigarette, Remus enjoying a post-coital sausage roll, both of them covered in sugar as well as pastry flakes, and Sirius starting to see Remus’s perspective through all the pastry flakes, feeling the healing powers of sausage roll consumption and sex.
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racerchix21 · 7 months
Current WIPs
- Drunk Men’s Actions are Sober Men’s Wants: The team went out for drinks and Eddie may have admitted that he was in love with Buck. Or maybe Buck admitted it first. Either way they don't remember it and now the teams giving them a hard time for it
- God Bless the Broken Road : Eddie Diaz comes home, gets married, has a kid, gets divorced, goes to therapy, falls in love with his therapist (kindred spirit former Seal Evan Buckley) and gets a Dom he didn’t know he needed. (baby girl Eddie fic I’m writing for @sammysouffle)
- Untitled Crossover (Teen Wolf & 911): Buck and Eddie get called upon by old friend Derek Hale and Derek’s boyfriend Stiles Stilinski to help deal with a supernatural caused fire in the preserve. Eddie finds out he’s a supe in the process and finally admits he’s just a little in love with Buck
- Greggs: Eddie has a breakdown and finally tells Buck more about Afghanistan and why he’s so squirrelly when it comes to sex. (aka Eddie has trauma and Bucks a really good boyfriend) posted 2/24/24
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vermillionbedfellow · 1 month
Can we please, finally, admit to ourselves that the problem was not immigrants, or asylum seekers, or black and brown British people. It was never their fault, and historically, if we're being honest with ourselves, it never has been. The British fascist terrorists (and let's call them out for what they are, thanks) and the disgusting complicit UK press took a horrendous event and monopolised it as a means to do what they do best, sow fear and division in already petrified communities, drink cans, chuck bricks into holy buildings and rob sausage rolls from Greggs. Brave martyrs to the 'British cause' such as they are, clutching imported beers and novelty £1 cupcakes. It has been clear from the start that the terrible actions of one young black man acted as a catalyst for pogrom like behaviour from some of Britains finest advertising for corsodyl, already angry and indoctrinated crowds looking to scapegoat communities already in a vulnerable position in the fabric of this weird, very weird island.
The issue, the repeating factor in all of this violence, is men. Misogyny in the UK is killing us. It's killing our boys, destroying their lives and warping their brains into hateful, spiteful, twisted rage machines , and it's killing us. Age won't protect us. You could be six years old at a Taylor Swift dance party, eleven years old and visiting Trafalgar Square with your mum, 33 and walking home from a quiet drink with friends, in your 60s and at home with your two daughters. You could be dressed in a tutu, a raincoat, a hijab, pyjamas. You can fight back, you can comply, you can run and you can dance, but you will always be at risk of a man having so many feelings that he just might have to kill you about them. We can't help but exist in the vicinity of men, and it's becoming increasingly clear that there is very little being done to stop them from destroying us for having the audacity to be visible. Today, authorities deemed violence against women to be at epidemic levels, but ask any woman living her day to day in this country and she could have told you that years ago. It's scary out here, and it's getting worse. I bartend for a living, and at least once a day a man says something so harmful and rude and repulsively sexual that it makes my eyes sting. Mostly it's more than once a day, often it's more than words. With the insidious surge of right wing populism and their major macho bullshit talking points creeping into politics, news media and daily vernacular, I don't have real confidence for the future and for womens safety going forward. No wonder the birth rates continue to decrease in the UK, I don't want to have to raise a girl in a society that will fail to protect her, nor do I wish to raise a little boy in a society that might just turn him into a 'red pilled' knife wielding maniac.
What's more is that it's women of colour who are so much more at risk of being victims of femicide. These women are being attacked on two fronts, on the basis of their sex and on the basis of their race. We also know that crimes against women in these demographics are woefully underreported due to a lack of trust in policing institutions, with police often mishandling reports of violence when they are brought to their attention, causing further risk of harm. In London last year, 62% of the victims of femicide were black women (not that one would know that from a glance at the headlines, crimes against black women may as well be invisible to the uk media). And yet, where is the outrage over their safety from the bald headed pricks bellowing 'protect our women' and waving stolen crocs? It's almost as if only one form of compliant white woman is worthy of sympathy, but again, further than that, seeing as these brave protectors of woman have often been found to have had previous dv charges themselves, it's almost as if it was never about protecting women at all.
There is no conclusion to this post. Sometimes you just need to get thoughts out of your skull. Especially ones such as these. They make my teeth hurt. I don't have anything else to add. Just sad and apoplectic and feeling pretty powerless.
(In the tags are the names of some of the women and girls killed in the last year in this country. Just a few of them. If you have the strength to learn about their stories and honour their memories please do so, and if this isn't something you can face right now, they remain in our world even after death as long as we continue to share and speak their names, so share news articles and posts when you are able)
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Is the original Vengeance of Moonknight run a good read?
Are you talking about the 2009 Vengeance of the Moon Knight: Shock and Awe by Gregg Hurwitz and Jerome Opena ?????
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Oh boy.
You are asking me to review things out of order and ahead of schedule you naughty annon.
Trust me, I will review the heck out of this one.
If anything, the art alone is STUNNING. Opena went OFF.
It also involves a fantastic approach to his armor/outfit that works wonderfully. The colorists also went off on this series and the clash of warm and cold colors makes me very happy.
The bad guys? It takes place during a huge Osborn uprising in the comic timeline and Osborn sure is causing PROBLEMS.
It also involves another of my favorite heroes that Marvel tucks away and brings out once in a blue moon: The Sentry!
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(We love Bob Reynolds in this house). He is often seen as the other side to Moon Knight. He embodies the light and sun and all that is good. He also has three sides to him (though it's not confirmed or cannon that he is a system with DID). He does have significant mental health issues as Bob/Sentry/Void.
As for the story itself….
Now the thing to know about Shock and Awe is that it takes place after the Huston/Benson run 2006-2009.
In the Huston run, we get a LOT of Marc dealing with Marc issues. Not to mention that time Marc faked his own death (again) and ran off to take care of business.
So him coming back is VENGENCE for all the shit that went down in the Huston/Benson run.
In Shock and Awe, we also are following Marvel Civil War (2006-2007) so the Avengers are also having a time and are licking their wounds and a little bitter… And Moon Knight is also a little bitter about the way that he was dismissed as too crazy to get involved…. But then again… so was Bob.
.......I'm getting way ahead of myself. IS THE STORY GOOD?
I haven't read it since at least 2010. Back then, just getting into Moon Knight, I ate it up. But there was also zero Moon Knight content out there so I'd have taken anything (ALMOST ANYTHING. No thank you Bendis/Bemis/Aaron) that was handed to me that vaguely looked like Moon Knight.
So younger me greatly enjoyed it. Has it stood up to time and the current understanding of Moon Knight? I don't know... I haven't started the re-read yet. So... Keep that in mind when I say YEAH I loved it! But I also know it had a LOT of problems.... like... a lot. But not nearly as bad as certain other runs....
It 100% treated Moon Knight's mental health as a big joke, you got a lot of violence and angry moody Marc, and anything with Avengers and Osborn is gonna get messy. ...BUT THE ART IS SO PRETTY.
...I'm sorry I can't answer your question well right now. I really need to get back into re-reading soon. My memory is absolute dog shit.
I'm taking January off from my re-reads for personal reasons and hope to get back in Feb or March.
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garudabluffs · 5 months
Recorded Live: 9/23/1970 - Fillmore East - New York, NY, filmed for PBS. Personnel: Gregg Allman - organ, vocals Duane Allman - guitar, vocals Dickey Betts - guitar, vocals Berry Oakley - bass, vocals Butch Trucks - drums Jai Johanny Johanson - drums Tom Doucette - harp
“Dickey was larger than life, and his loss will be felt world-wide”: Allman Brothers Band co-founder and legend of southern rock guitar Dickey Betts has died, aged 80
“I think the single greatest guitar solo I have ever witnessed was Dickey playing Blue Sky,” said [Derek]Trucks. “Y’know, I’ve been on stages with a lot of great players, and I think his solo was only time when someone finished when I thought, ‘What the f**k am I supposed to do now?!’ What do you possibly do after that? He just locked it in so hard and it was so profound and powerful, and beautiful, dangerous. It was a beautiful moment.”
The Rolling Stone reports that Betts’ died of cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease."
READ MORE “Dickey was larger than life, and his loss will be felt world-wide”: Allman Brothers Band co-founder and legend of southern rock guitar Dickey Betts has died, aged 80 | MusicRadar
The Allman Brothers Band - Blue Sky - 1/16/1982 - University Of Florida Bandshell (Official)
The Allman Brothers Band - Blue Sky (Eat A Peach, February 12,1972)
Dickey Betts wrote this about his Native American girlfriend, Sandy "Bluesky" Wabegijig. Walk along the river, sweet lullaby, it just keeps on flowing, It don't worry 'bout where it's going, no, no. Don't fly, mister blue bird, I'm just walking down the road, Early morning sunshine tell me all I need to know You're my blue sky, you're my sunny day. Lord, you know it makes me high when you turn your love my way, Turn your love my way, yeah. Good old sunday morning, bells are ringing everywhere. Goin to carolina, it won't be long and I'll be there You're my blue sky, you're my sunny day. Lord, you know it makes me high when you turn your love my way, Turn your love my way, yeah, yeah, yeah
Gregg Allman - organ, vocals, piano, electric piano, acoustic guitar Duane Allman - (Left Track) slide and lead guitars, acoustic guitar Dicky Betts - (Right Track) slide and lead guitars, vocals, Jai Johanny Johanson - drums, congas Berry Oakley - bass Butch Trucks - drums, percussion, tympani, gong, vibes, tambourine
Dickey Betts, Allman Brothers Band Singer-Guitarist, Dead at 80
The co-founder of the Southern rock institution was known for “Ramblin’ Man,” a countryfied guitar style all his own, and inspiring a character in Almost Famous
APRIL 18, 2024 READ MORE Allman Brothers Band's Dickey Betts Dead at 80 (rollingstone.com)
Dickey Betts: 15 Essential Allman Brothers Band Songs
From "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed" to "Ramblin' Man," the guitarist, songwriter, and sometime singer's most memorable moments with the Southern-rock group
Dickey Betts: Best Songs With Allman Brothers Band (rollingstone.com)
The Heartbreaking TRAGEDY of Dickey Betts on Allman Brothers Band. Real Cause Of Death
Dickey Betts of the Allman Brothers, Dead At 80
We've Lost Dickey Betts
@otisgibbs@otisgibbs 3 hours ago
Here's the Dickey Betts/Bob Dylan video. https://youtu.be/W8KxCdESrCE
Here's Greg Martin sharing Dickey/Allman Brothers stories. https://youtu.be/5G9G_EsZxnM
Townes Van Zandt once jammed with the Allman Brothers. https://youtu.be/LgbUkejofaY
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scrapyardboyfriends · 2 years
Doesn’t surprise me that Darcy Grey quit. Makes a lot of story things make sense too.
I feel like maybe they were supposed to get Harriet’s house but then they had to switch it last minute to Charles and Manpreet swooping in because they had never even mentioned looking for a house before that. And I feel like the Gregg thing was probably supposed to be a bigger thing but then they just decided to end that abruptly to trigger a break up so Marcus could leave.
Maybe, I don’t know. It’s a shame the character was so wasted but I don’t blame Darcy for wanting to leave because they did absolutely nothing interesting with Marcus. I mean we spent half his run waiting to see if the Pierce connection would materialize into anything whether we wanted it to or not and in the end it meant nothing. He didn’t even talk to Rhona after their initial scenes. And then the rest of the time he was just kind of nothing.
He annoys me less than Ben cause he’s not dating Aaron but the character feels much the same. He’s got a weird backstory connection that should have been a bigger thing but they did nothing with it. His only other character trait is his job. His relationship moved at strange speeds and will end abruptly because of actor exits.
Sorry Marcus…you deserved better. I mean they could have actually done something with his and Ethan’s relationship, especially after the Eddie debacle, where Ethan falling in love with another blue collar guy teaches him not to be so snobby about that sort of thing. There could have been character growth. Instead I feel like Ethan’s going to end up right back where he started, being too career focused and looking down at everyone because they’re not another hot shot lawyer. And I’m not sure they can really try this a third time.
But if they do, for the love of god can they just bring in a character with no convoluted backstory connections to another character and establish him as a character in his own right first and then start working towards a relationship with Ethan. Like have Vinny or Jimmy need to hire someone to work at the scrap yard or the haulage. Or have Kim bring in a new young business minded guy to rival gabby but he’s gay so she can’t go after him and eventually he ends up with Ethan. Or Charity needs to hire someone at the pub now that Bob has defected to the B&B. Or Leyla needs to hire someone to work at Take a Vow with her now that Priya has left. There are plenty of opportunities for new kinds of characters.
But I won’t get my hopes up.
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚘𝚏 𝙼𝚎 (𝙿𝚝 𝟹)
(Blue - Y/N) (Red - Dream Y/N)
"Well, aren't you a sexy son of a gun" Y/N says, smiling at dream her.
"We need to talk" Dream Y/N says, and Y/N nods as the two begin to circle each other.
"I get it. I get it. I'm my own worst nightmare, is that it?" Y/N asks "Huh? Kind of like the Superman III junkyard scene? A little mano y mano with myself?"
"Joke all you want, smart-ass. But you can't lie to me. I know the truth" They stop walking, not having changed place. Y/N stands by the desk, Dream Y/N by the door "I know how dead you are inside. How worthless you feel. I know how you look into a mirror... and hate what you see" Y/N swallows, getting a hold of herself.
"Sorry, pal. It's not gonna work" Y/N smiles "You're not real"
"Sure I am. I'm you"
"I don't think so. 'Cause see, this is my siesta. Not yours" Y/N raises her hand "All I gotta do is snap my fingers and you go bye-bye" She snaps her fingers once, and nothing happened, and her smile fades, and she naps again, noticing nothing's happening. Dream Y/N just watches her with her own smirk as Y/N snaps them three more times before letting her hand fall to her side, eyebrows lifted.
"I'm not going anywhere. Neither are you" The door slams shut behind her, and locks. Y/N's face turns serious "Like I said..." Dream Y/N raises her right hand, in which she is now holding a sawed-off shotgun "...we need to talk"
A bang is heard, and Sam wakes up, gasping. He looks to the front at Y/N and Dean, who are still asleep.
"Guys," he shakes Y/N, but she doesn't wake. "Dean," he hits him on the arm. "Hey. Wake up." Sam hits Dean on the arm two more times, then he turns around, revealing Jeremy with a hard, evil look. Jeremy hits Sam in the head with the tip of the bat. Sam grunts and opens the door. Sam falls out through the door, face first, still grunting over the pain. Jeremy gets out of the car, the bat resting against his shoulder.
"Boy, you don't know when to leave well enough alone, do you?" As he walks towards Sam, who's reached the back of the Impala still on the ground, he closes the door Sam fell out through and continues to walk up to him. Towering over Sam, who's now turned over, looking up at him, still moving backwards.
"You're a psycho," Sam says in a pained voice.
"You're wrong."
"Yeah? Tell that to Dr. Gregg."
"The doc? No, no. The doc's the one that got me hooked on this stuff and then he took it away," Sam is lying still on the ground, looking up at him. He leans on the Impala, raising the bat, holding it like he's about to swing, looking down at Sam. "But I needed it, and he wouldn't let me have it."
"So, you killed him?" Sam says.
"I can dream again. You know what that's like, not to be able to dream? You never rest, not really. It's like being awake for 15 years."
"And let me guess. That makes you go crazy?" Jeremy leans down towards Sam, holding the bat out at him.
"I just wanna be left alone. I just wanna dream."
"Sorry. Can't do that."
"That's the wrong answer," Sam is suddenly pulled flat against the ground. He groans and gasps heavily. Sam's now tied to railroad spikes, unable to move. "I'm getting better and better at this. Stronger and stronger all the time," Jeremy's still standing by Sam's feet, now examining the bat. Sam looks to the side, and Jeremy looks down at him. "But you, your brother and sister? You're not waking up. Not this time. I'm not gonna let you," Sam looks up at him.
"I mean, you're going to hell and won't life a finger to stop it" Dream Y/N says as they begin circling each other again "Talk about low self-esteem" She chuckles "Then again, I guess it's not much of a life worth saving, now is it?"
"Wake up, Y/N. Come on, wake up" Y/N says to herself.
"The end of your year is coming. Faster and faster, and you can't stop it. You won't even ask for help or stop it yourself" Dream Y/N says "Huh? Why would you, right? All you care is about Dean and Sammy's life, not your life. As long as they live their lives, even if you're not in it?"
"Shut up" Y/N mutters.
"Let's take a moment to imagine how their lived would be like, after you die. Hmm? Let's see. You see how they fight. They fought like a pack of wild dogs. You always had to be the mother and step in and pull back their leashes. Calm them down. Keep them in their places. The only thing keeping them sane and together as a family, was you. Keeping them alive, is you"
"Just shut up" Y/N mutters, a bit louder.
"Once you're gone...Everything's gonna change for the Winchesters. All of it will fall apart" Dream Y/N says, smirking "Your brothers, will fall apart. No more brotherly moments, no more connection. Just Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester. They'll act like they were never related. You're going to Hell, Y/N. You sold your soul for Sam, the boy you nurtured since he was a baby, yet he left you to look after your drunken father and idiotic brother" She says "You know, you may save them today, they will always face another threat tomorrow. Maybe an even bigger threat than today. And one of these days, it's gonna get the best of them, and you won't be able to save their asses. Because you won't be there. They are gonna die. Burn into ash. Melt into blood. The death of the Winchester brothers- is you"
"Son of a bitch!" Y/N pushes Dream Y/N hard, knocking her into the wall above the desk "My brothers won't ever leave each other! And they'll never die because of me!" She says "And my father! He was an obsessed bastard!" Dream Y/N tries to get up only for Y/N to kick her down on the desk again. Y/N holds the weapon as a bat and hits Dream Y/N once and then pins her to the wall with it "All that crap he dumped onto me and Dean, about protecting Sam! That was his crap. He's the one who couldn't protect his family. He-" Y/N steps back and swings the weapon again, hitting Dream Y/N twice "He's the one who let Mom die" Y/N pins Dream Y/N again "-who wasn't there for Sam. I always was! He wasn't fair! I didn't deserve what he put on me" She looks away from Dream Y/N "And I don't deserve to go to hell!" Y/N shoots Dream Y/N twice in the chest. As she lowers the weapon and looks at Dream Y/N, blood splattered on Dream Y/N’s face and her eyes are closed.
Jeremy hits Sam repeatedly on his legs and knees, both with the bat and with his feet. Sam grunts through the assault, not able to move.
Y/N approaches Dream Y/N on the desk, looking at her. Suddenly Dream Y/N's eye flickers open and they're completely black, causing Y/N’s eyes to widen. Demon/Dream Y/N sits up, looking to Y/N's eyes.
"You can't escape me, Y/N" Demon/Dream Y/N says angrily, sitting up and looking into Y/N’s eyes. "You're gonna die. And this? This is what you're gonna become!"
Jeremy stands over Sam, the bat hovering above Sam's chest.
"You can't stop me. There's nothing I can't do here" Sam pants.
"Because of the Dream Root" he says.
"That's right"
"Yeah? Well, you're forgetting something" Jeremy holds the bat, ready to swing down on Sam.
"What's that?" Sam looks up at him.
"I took the Dream Root too" Sam smiles.
"Jeremy!" A voice shouts Jeremy turns around to see his father, standing at the edge of the woods "Jeremy!"
"No. No..." Henry begins walking towards him "Dad?"
"You answer me when I'm talking to you, boy" Jeremy backs away from Sam and Henry, he no longer has the bat in his hands.
"No..." Suddenly Dean shows up and hits Jeremy across the face with the bat.
Jeremy's eyes flicker open.
Dream/Demon Y/N stands up.
Dean hits Jeremy again.
Jeremy turns over on the cot he's sleeping on, a clear reaction to the hit from Dean. He begins to shake and gasp in his bed, most likely from being beaten by Dean in his dreams, and then he dies.
Demon/Dream Y/N disappears before the three then wake up, panting. They share a look before looking away, Y/N clearly looking shaken.
Bobby and Sam come around the corner and walk down the hallway together, Sam holding a key in his hands.
"So, you did a little dream-weaving of your own in here, huh?" Bobby asks.
"Yeah. I just sort of concentrated and it happened, you know?"
"Didn't have anything to do with...you know, your psychic stuff?" Sam looks at him, and they stop walking. Bobby turns and looks at him.
"No. I mean, I don't think so," Bobby nods.
"Good. Good." Sam swallows, looking a little worried. They continue walking down the hallway. In the motel room, Y/N is on the phone with her back to the door, hanging up the phone. Dean is standing near her. They hear the door open and they turn around to see Sam and Bobby enter.
"Hey, you guys seen Bela?" Y/N asks. "She's not in her room. She's not answering her phone." They close the door and walk closer.
"She must've taken off or something."
"Just like that? It's a little weird," Dean says.
"Yeah well, if you ask me what's weird is why she helped us in the first place."
"I thought you saved her life," Bobby looks at him confused.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"The thing in Flagstaff," Y/N says. Sam turns around and looks at Bobby.
"The thing in Flagstaff was an amulet. I gave her a good deal, that's all." Dean and Y/N look confused, closing their mouths. Sam turns around and looks at them, confused before turning back to Bobby.
"Well, then why did y-?"
"You three better check your pockets." Sam reaches into his pockets, as does Dean and Y/N.
"Not literally." Y/N stops what she's doing and slowly looks up at Sam and Dean and then turns to the safe in the closet. Sam and Dean, who are looking at Y/N, do the same.
"No, no, no, no," Y/N says walking to the closet. She goes over to the safe and opens it up, revealing it's empty.
"The Colt," Sam says. Y/N looks over at Sam and Dean and slams the safe shut. "Bela stole the Colt."
"Damn it, guys!" Bobby says.
"Pack your crap," Dean says. Dean walks over to his bag on the couch, followed by Y/N to her bed.
"Why? Where are we going?" Y/N turns to him.
"We're gonna go hunt the bitch down.
The three stand by the open trunk, Y/N zipping her bag closed and Sam puts his own in there, Dean standing next to him.
"Hey, guys. I was wondering. When you were in my head, what did you see?" She asks.
"Uh, just Jeremy. He kept us all separated. Easier to beat my brains out that way, I guess," Sam says.
"Then I found him, then started beating the hell out of him," Dean says. "What about you? You never said." Y/N shakes her head.
"Nothing. I was looking for you two the whole time." Y/N takes the keys out of the lock to the trunk and closes it. They get into the car, each in their respective seats. Y/N, however, sits in the driver’s seat, not turning the engine on and instead looking thoughtful for a moment.
"Guys." The two look over at her.
"Yeah?" they say. Y/N doesn't look at them and she clears her throat.
"I've been doing some thinking, and... Well, the thing is...I don't wanna die." Sam and Dean's expressions soften, sadden. "I don't wanna go to hell. I wanna stay here with you two." Sam swallows, not answering right away. He nods his head softly, and he shares a look with Dean, who nods.
"All right. Yeah. We'll find a way to save you," Sam says. Y/N looks over at them and then looks away, nodding. She looks back at them, a little smile on her lips.
"Okay, good," Y/N says a little shaky. Dean nods at her, reassuringly. Y/N then remembers what she had seen.
"You can't escape me, Y/N
"You're gonna die"
"And this? This is what you're gonna become!"
0 notes
mlmxreader · 1 year
Love that puppo was able to get his steak! Hope the visit to the psychiatrist went well.
"Feisty could potentially have a 2nd part" 👀👀👀👀👀👀 um, yes please. If all things permit (and obviously no pressure) but holy hell yes FUCKING PLEASE!!! I need more of our favorite enby baby!
Anyways onto the TV/Movie ask game. I don't know if you watch it or not but what about The Walking Dead? Or Peaky Blinders (cause I know you watch this for sure, lmfao).
he does like a Greggs steak bake ngl, but next time I get one I'm go I'm gonna get Flash one as well bc she does like a Greggs every now and then. might be something that they put in the pastry, idk - I'm vegetarian so I can't say bc I don't eat it except the vegan sausage rolls.
there IS a possibility to have a part 2 of Feisty. I'm not entirely sure where I'd go w it atm, tho.
alright, TV show game:
The Walking Dead:
favorite male character:
favorite female character:
least favorite character:
prettiest character:
funniest character:
favorite season:
favorite episode:
the pilot
favorite romantic ship:
favorite family ship:
Michonne and Carl
favorite friend ship:
Michonne & Rick
worst ship:
Peaky Blinders:
favorite male character:
favorite female character:
least favorite character:
Tommy. I can forgive gangster crimes, but I can't look past union busting.
prettiest character:
Luca Changretta
funniest character:
Alfie, obviously!
favorite season:
favorite episode:
I'm p sure it's episode 2 of season 2 where Alfie's introduced?
favorite romantic ship:
favorite family ship:
favorite friend ship:
worst ship:
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Nova Scotia Power and province battle as citizens dream of a grid that can weather storms
As Nova Scotia's electrical utility and government quarrel over the cost of preparing the grid for the next hurricane, some ratepayers are hoping they'll start working together.
On Wednesday, the province announced it would place a cap on power rate hikes at 1.8 per cent over the next two years for non-fuel costs -- saying that's sufficient for Nova Scotia Power to strengthen its distribution system to face a storm like Fiona.
But within hours, the utility's president, Peter Gregg, issued a news release warning the proposed bill "limits ... the amount of storm preparedness and system hardening we can do in the province."
For Scott and Karry Morrison, whose Sydney, N.S., restaurants lost power for 10 days and saw more than $6,000 worth of food spoil -- the conflicting messages are frustrating.
"The only logical answer is for both parties to find a way to work together to minimize any future impacts of weather at as low a cost increase to customers as possible," Scott Morrison said in an interview Thursday.
He said he and his partner believe the privately owned utility could have done more to improve its distribution system before Fiona, and they see little point in the province "taking a hard line against it (the power company)," rather than "sitting down and working out the way forward."
Amanda McDougall, mayor of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality, said in an interview on Thursday the conflict is disheartening at a time her city and others are still struggling to clean up.
"It's disappointing to see this back and forth, when communities are working to rebuild, post Fiona .... Getting lost in the rhetoric is there's actually no planning at either end (by the utility or the province)," she said.
Kristen van de Biezenbos, a law professor at the University of Calgary specializing in energy law, said there are built-in disincentives that cause privately owned, profit-driven utilities to put off upgrading their grids, even with climate change suggesting more storms are on the way.
She says the formula used to calculate how much profit the power firm can declare is partly based on the size of its assets. Van de Biezenbos said this motivates the utility to spend on new infrastructure rather than on improving the reliability of existing lines.
However, she also said even Crown-owned utilities across Canada have been reluctant to make the needed investments in distribution systems, "because it will still cause a rate rise, and governments are loath to create negative press for themselves by even implicitly allowing that."
She suggests the battling parties should consider pursuing other sources of funds besides ratepayers, such as the federal government, to prepare the grid to withstand more intensive hurricanes.
One option, she said, would be going to the federal government or an entity such as the Canada Infrastructure Bank, a federal Crown corporation, "to let Parliament know that the situation is serious but can't be addressed in the usual way -- by raising rates -- because economic pressure on households is already so high."
"Sometimes it seems like a lack of imagination because the utility rate is traditionally the only funding source for these costs, policymakers and regulators seem unwilling or unable to think outside the box."
Still, the Progressive Conservative government said Wednesday it thinks the utility has the means to harden its system before another storm like Fiona hits, which slammed the province with wind speeds of up to 170 kilometres per hour on Sept. 24.
During his news conference on Wednesday announcing the rate hike cap, Tory Rushton, minister of natural resources, said that 90 per cent of power outages are due to trees falling on power lines, and he blamed "poor vegetation management" -- referring to the utility's budget for cutting trees near power lines.
According to Nova Scotia Power, it spent between $20 million and $25 million in capital and operating costs on tree management annually over the past five years, with a slowdown in 2020 due to COVID-19.
During the news conference on Wednesday, a department official estimated the province's proposed legislation could mean an increase of up to $30 million in the annual operating budget for tree trimming and other measures to improve reliability.
"We believe that's what is needed for the reliability of the grid to maintain and keep the lights on throughout Nova Scotia," said the minister. "We expect major improvements in restoration times."
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 21, 2022.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/WdMAcgU
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shuttingupwards · 2 years
Mae’s issues. (NITW SPOILERS)
I should preface that I am a huge Mae fan, she is my favorite character. So there may be inherent bias however there are concrete things in the story that don’t have bias that I’d like to point out in the complexion of her own character. To start let’s say that Mae has many issues that kind of go under worked on. It’s obvious that she’s reckless, adventurous, and a little oblivious. However core issues seen in her is her lack of mindfulness, apathy, and general privilege.
Her black and white vision is troubling as she doesn’t think clearly on what is correct or true about other people. She lacks filter, she doesn’t have consequences and this is a huge part of her character. Her lack of consequences is due to her childish like nature and her privilege she has unlike characters like Bea, Angus, and Gregg. She is of course aware of some things, similar to how she is aware about the fact that her friends just deal with her because she is all they can get.
She’s learned not to ask for help, and this is mostly through some form of miscommunication through childhood. We see her parents to be extremely supportive. They talk to her and ask her caring questions, but It could be the possibility that she through her extreme tunnel vision was never clearly taught what to do. This is common in every parent to make, even small mistakes, but specifically with Mae was she grew up surrounded by reckless people and wanted to stay in that childhood. Where she could smash things and have fun, and not deal with the consequences from her parents. This is especially normal throughout people you see growing up.
However one of her largest flaws is her ineptness to ask for help. We see her rot away often despite the support she has, however this recklessness could quite be the same answer to explain this conundrum in her character. When characters grow so used to something, it becomes that coping mechanism. It could be very well that she genuinely believes help just isn’t something she needs. Just because it’s an option doesn’t mean a character is comfortable to take it. Mae likes short, easy things. She doesn’t like the long route, and because people around her have enabled her to have it she doesn’t see the point in reaching out. That even means helping others, which is why she’s so apathetic.
Mae is another thing, incredibly blunt. Not only does her black and white thinking interrupt any form of interaction with other people, she has odd dialect and views everything as something not as serious as it is til it effects her personally. She thinks Bea is “badass” for her moms death, or dealing with the shitty situation she’s in. This is a harmful mindset that she applies to herself. She’s extremely self destructive and stuck in her own head about her own fantasies.
This is most likely a cause of her dissociative disorder she seems to have. Dissociation is a feeling more then just feeling outside your body, it’s like being stuck in it as well. Even when your thousand of miles away you’re still stuck in your own bias. Mae realizes things often, but chooses to stay ignorant to them til it hurts. Like her knowing half the time her friends only stick with her because they are all they can get. They know her for her childish and dangerous attitude and know that it’s something that she needs to move on from.
Mae holds extreme privilege from everyone else in her life. Bea is poor and has to work emotionally and physically constantly for her father and the business, Gregg works a bad job with constant fear that he’ll lose Angus, while Angus is still dealing with his own emotional turmoil of his trauma but also his want for something more then where he is. All of them have that theme, wanting more then what they have but having to cling onto what they have no matter what happens. Which funny enough happens to be each other. They rely on what they are given, and they are given Mae who is to ignorant to be a genuine person around them. Half the time she’s a clueless asshole, but apart of her is charming in that it helps reflect a newer perspective to others. Which is half the reason the three stick around her.
Not only does Mae lack social cues with other people, but mindfulness of her own actions. She’s constantly self destructive and hating herself that little does she realize the pain she causes herself. It’s a painful process of self harm that affects other people in ways she’s not aware.
Now there’s the elephant in the room, which is her dissociative break in high school where she attacks a student almost to death. She doesn’t have consequences for this, rather is shifted into shitty solutions that heightens and again, enforces her mental anguish. She does not have the resources to help herself and doesn’t even know how to obtain them because of lack of understanding of how being a person works. This is definitely an important thing to remember about her is that she’s only broken the shield of ignorance when everything gets the worst that it gets.
Finally, when her consequences catch up to her and she meets the weird cat god and the cultists, does she have her realization. While in a realistic situation, having the realization after all of this isn’t recommended. Having to make sacrifices to realize something about yourself is an extremely destructive thing to do, but it fits Mae’s narrative and that’s why it works. It shows the theme of her own self destruction build up and finally bite her back down. As a story plot, it works that she only comes to the epiphany here. Then, does she apologize and work towards a better self. She feels bad for her actions and the way she’s been affecting Bea and Gregg especially. Bea seems the most affected as she has her always tagging along, and Bea has her own situation that with Mae’s blunt force doesn’t help.
I think what people forget about Mae is that she’s not a comedy joke and nor is she a good person. She’s done awful or just mean things to people because of her own mental issues, but that’s what is so important about her character. Is that she’s such a complicated and working person, that from there one does she realize her need for help and how she could help her friends.
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buckymylove · 3 years
Just kiss me - B.B.
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Collegestudent!Bucky x collegestudent!reader
Prompt: *sees ex* "shit, kiss me" "what?!" "Just kiss me" 'what the-" you cut him off, smashing your lips to his. (Enemies(kinda) to lovers)
Warnings: mentions of a bad ex (no descriptions), alcohol (reader is of age), crowded space?, lots of Fluff.
Word count : 1,200
A/n: Hi!!! This is my first fic ever! So it's probably crap and it's definitely terribly written but it's just for a bit of fun, hope you enjoy! Xx
Please do not translate on steal any of my works! Reblogs and likes are welcome if you would like! X
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It was a Friday night, you and your friends were hanging out at a bar not far from the college campus. Your roomates and best girlfriends Nat and Wanda were over on the dance floor with their boyfriends, Steve and Sam, and since there were only 6 of you that went tonight, that left you at the bar with Bucky Barnes, much to your dismay. You'd only just arrived but of course your so called best friends immediately ditched you and left you with, who you considered to be your arch nemesis. (but you never said that in front of Nat cause the last time you brought it up she just rolled her eyes and mumbled something about being a "dramatic ass" which you did not appreciate) It wasn't that he was a bad person, you knew he wasn't, he was just the most annoying pain in your ass ever and had been ever since your first year of high school.
You let out a long sigh before waving over the bar tender to get you some sort of alcohol that you know will be necessary in order to survive a night with Barnes.
Bucky leans over to you and you suppress the urge to roll your eyes.
"Whats got your panties in a twist"
Ugh. Here we go.
"Leave me alone Barnes, if i knew i'd be stuck with you all night, I wouldn't have come."
"Ouch, you wound me doll" he says with his hand on his chest, feigning offence.
You can't hold it back any more and roll your eyes. 'Oh and Natasha calls me dramatic' you think as you look down at the drink that was placed in front of you and then back up at the bar tender and nod in a casual thanks.
"Don't call me that" you say in the most bored tone, after having said it nearly everyday for 8 years. You know he'll never stop, which you suppose is the only reason you still say it, because not that you would ever admit it, but you would hate for Bucky to stop calling you that.
He completely ignores your comment (as usual) and looks at you with a sly grin.
At the feeling of being stared down you groggily lift your eyes from the straw that you're twirling in your drink and meet his eyes. You raise an eyebrow, silently asking him to explain what ever mad shit he was thinking.
He stands up and offers a hand to you.
"Would you care for a dance m'lady?"
You cringe at the hideously awful attempt at a British accent and tried to cover your amusement. You hesitantly take his hand and let him drag you to the dance floor. You know theres no point in fighting it so you figure you'd get a little tipsy and sway around with Bucky for a bit. After all, it was a Friday night and you needed to have some fun, even if that meant dancing with your 'nemesis'.
You and Bucky mindlessly dance around for a couple of songs until a slower one starts and he jokingly twirls you around.
You sway together for a bit and at one point you turn your head only to spot your ex boyfriend, Gregg, standing round a table near the entrance. You turn back to Bucky with a panicked look.
"Oh shit"
He looked over your shoulder to see what you were looking at then turns back to you with a confused expression.
You take another quick glance over your shoulder to see your jack ass ex looking over at you.
"Ugh Shit shit shit...kiss me"
Bucky looks at you with wide eyes "what?"
"Ugh shush just kiss me"
"What? Why would-"
You cut him off, grabbing his face and crashing your lips to his. You feel Bucky tense and it takes him a few seconds to react. Once he's registered whats happening, he lets his body relax, and brings his hands up to rest on your waist. Your hands fall from his face and wrap around his neck. As you feel yourself get lost in the kiss you momentarily forget that your in a crowded bar and that the kiss you share with Bucky was meant only as a distraction. The kiss was dizzying, and makes you wonder why you and Bucky hadn't stopped your useless bickering and tried this years ago. You feel his hands tighten on your waist and you let out a small whimper, which you instantly regret and pray to whoever's listening that the loud noise of the bar covered your mistake. As if Bucky Barnes needed anyone else to feed his ego, and letting him know you actually enjoyed the kiss? No way, never, because you don't like him like that. You don't...
You pull away only to see that your prayers were not answered as you watch Bucky's face turn from, flushed? (No, he can't possibly have liked that, shut-up) to smug as a cocky smirk slips onto his face.
'No no no, please no' you think to yourself as you stare at Bucky, wide eyed, and face as red as a tomato as you realise you actually want to kiss him again.
You're broken out of your daze when Bucky opens his mouth once again.
"So you liked that huh"
You groaned and dropped your head against is chest. Great. So he did hear you.
You looked back up but refused to meet his eye. "Oh shut up, I only did it coz Gregg over there saw me" you nodded your head in the guys direction.
It was then that you managed to look at Bucky and see that his eyes immediately softened and the cocky smirked was replaced by a somewhat sympathetic look at the mention of your ex boyfriend. Bucky was a pain in your ass but you were still friends, so when you mentioned Greggs name Bucky felt his chest tighten, and anger bubble up inside him. He knew what you'd been through with that piece of shit and he hated the guy for it, because you were Buckys friend of course, and he cared for you as a friend, definitely just a friend...
You looked down at the floor and Bucky felt his heart ache.
"Hey" He gently nudged your chin up with his hand.
"You ok?"
You looked up at him once more to find nothing but genuine care and concern on his face and you can't deny that it warmed your heart.
You gave him a small smile. "Yeah im okay" and you really were. Its not that you weren't over Gregg (You definitely were, he was a horrible person) it's just that he put you through a lot so seeing him brought up some uncomfortable memories for you, but honestly? You felt safe and at peace right now. Sure, seeing him had panicked you at first, but being in Bucky's arms, also knowing that Sam, steve, Nat and Wanda were all close by was comforting.
And thats what made you realise.
You were still in Bucky's arms.
You felt yourself tense from the realisation before relaxing as you noticed that it wasn't uncomfortable at all. It felt... right? You let your head rest on Bucky's shoulder, with a small smile on your face, you looked up at him. He made no move to pull away, and looked down at you with a mirroring smile.
Once he knew that you were actually ok he let the cocky smirk return to his features.
Your smile turned bashful and you turned into him to hide the blush on your face.
"So you are in love with me? I knew it" Bucky said with the most typical arrogant-asshole tone you had ever heard.
You tried to hide your face as it turned a deep crimson. "ugh, you wish Barnes"
"Yeah, yeah I do wish"
He said it so quietly that you almost missed it over the roaring sound of the bar. Almost.
You brought your head off his shoulder to look him in the eye. Completely denying to yourself that he had said what you thought he'd said.
"What?" Your matched his volume, your voice barely above a whisper, mostly from pure shock. You refused to believe that this Greek God of a man actually had feelings for you. Unless... no. It literally wasn't possible, maybe he was just playing a joke on you? Yeah, that had to be it.
" I do wish you were in love with me. It'd be a dream if you finally felt the same"
"Huh?" You said, much louder this time, completely baffled at this turn of events. You searched his face for any sign that he was teasing or just anything that didn't show he was being dead serious, but you didn't find anything. You realised whilst looking at him, that you'd never seen him like this before. Ever. He looked so... vulnerable.
It wasn't quite the reaction he was expecting but then again he'd spent the most part of 8 years convincing you, you were just as much of a pain in the ass to him as he was to you. So he tried again.
"Y/n, im serious. I know we act like we hate each other but I've spent years pretending and I really just have to tell you." His eyes are pleading as he looks at you, his hand comes up to gently rest on your cheek whilst the other keeps its loose grip around your waist, making sure you're comfortable and also making sure you know that you can get away easily if you need to. "This isn't just another joke, i promise, I know I've been an ass but I wouldn't mess with your feelings like that"
You feel tears stinging in your eyes as you stare at him completely in shock but also ecstatic that he feels that way about you.
"Bucky, I don't get it, if you really like me then why be such a pain in the ass all these years?" You both share a light chuckle at that.
"fine i'll admit, I could've been a tiny bit nicer over the years-"
You give him a pointed look but can't help the giggle that escapes you, that he follows with his own chuckle.
"But! But you have to admit it was kinda a two way thing" your both still laughing as you say "Well yeah but you started it! I was totally ready to try to be friends with you but I believe one of the first things you said to me after steve introduced us was "suck it up sweetheart and put on your big girl panties"
You almost burst out laughing as you watched him cringe at the comment from his past self. Truthfully, he took one look at you back then and thought you were drop dead gorgeous. It only got worse when instead of dropping at his feet and sucking up to him like the majority of other girls and guys at the school, you actually stood up to him, you weren't afraid to tell him to fuck off and honestly? Bucky thought You looked adorable when you were mad. And he told you as much now.
"Im sorry! Ok" he said laughing along with you.
" you were gorgeous and didn't suck up to me like other people, i just wanted your attention" he admitted the last part sheepishly with a blush on his face which let you take over his cocky attitude, but once Bucky noticed this he immediately flipped it around.
"And honestly sweetheart? You look adorable when you're mad." And just like that you were once again reduced to a blushing mess and he took back his much to arrogant smirk.
"For the record? I think this blushing thing is adorable too babydoll"
You find that your belly erupts in butterflies at the pet name contrary to your usual reaction.
"I can't believe I've waited so many years to do this" he whispered and with that, he leaned down and took your lips in his, in a gentle, loving kiss which you happily returned.
Ok so maybe Bucky Barnes wasn't too much of a pain in your ass anymore, but he still had his moments. You would never admit it but now those moments just made you fall for him harder.
A few feet away from you, at the now slightly less crowded bar, sat your four friends with the most shit eating grins on their faces.
"Hand it over man" Sam held out his hand to Steve expectantly and Steve groaned.
"Damn it Wilson! It wasn't meant to happen for at least another year"
"Nah these two idiots were due to figure this shit out years ago, I can't believe it's taken this long" Wanda says looking at you and Bucky with a soft smile.
Nat just smirks, being the only one that knew from the very beginning, right from when Bucky told you to "suck it up sweetheart", that you two idiots were bound to fall in love.
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adarafaelbarba · 2 years
Hiiii, hope you're doing great? Love your work and I was wondering if you would write the sfw/nsfw alphabet for baldwin? I'm on S1 crushing for him lmao
Thank you so much for asking, I’m doing well, hope you are too. Also I’m happy you’re loving my work! ❤️ I absolutely LOVE Trystan Gravelle’s portrayal of Baldwin! I do also love what Peter McDonald did in one season as my favorite vampire! 😍
These two alphabets will mostly be with a mate, not him with whoever he’s casually sleeping with 😅
SFW alphabet template
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
At first Baldwin isn’t affectionate at all. He’s so used to being a stone cold business man who juggles work, the congregation and his family (looking at you Matthew and Diana!) But as he spends more time with you he’ll loosen up, and becomes more affectionate. He’ll deny it of course, should it ever become known to anyone. That’s not to say though that he absolutely loves treating you like a God/Goddess. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Like with anything, it takes time for Baldwin to open up. He’s got associates of course, but not too many friends. Even fewer best friends. Those he does have though, stem from years, even centuries of shared interests. Some old battle buddies, dare I say even Domenico is a some what friend for him (since Trystan and Gregg seemed to be good buds) 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Secretly? Yes, he does! But if anyone ever finds out he’ll swear on the Gods that he doesn’t!
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Baldwin doesn’t know the first thing about cooking! He’s never needed too. When he was a human, a soldier, he wouldn’t cook. and As a vampire, there’s no need to, cooked food tastes disgusting to vampires.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Mating is for life though, so if you’re mated, you’re stuck with him for as long as you’ll live. If it’s just a fling though he’ll end it quickly (and painfully for you) then move on with his day.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
If he knows you’re the one he’ll tell you right away, hoping you feel the same. If the feelings mutual you’ll be mated soon enough, with the wedding following after! Which will of course be GRAND.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
At first not so much. And still after committing to you he’s not that gentle, but he can be! If you ask him to. However he’s more emotionally gentle with you than physically, cause have you SEEN that man?! 🥵
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He gives the BEST hugs! But it takes time for him to do so! His hugs isn’t as bear like as Gallowglass’ or as comforting as Matthew’s but it’s not like hugging rocks. His arms will wrap around you, often from behind, kissing the side of your head, and then your shoulder. He’d losen the hold once you started turning in his arms, and then he would hug you, just enough.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Like with fiance(e) he’d do it when he knows you’re the one. And he’ll tell it to you in every language that he knows!
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s not as jealous as Matthew is, but he can definitely get jealous. If you’re alone with him and tell him something that makes him feel jealous, he’ll roll his eyes and tell you «whatever» before leaving the room, which will usually result in you running after him and asking what’s wrong. HOWEVER, if you’re out and he sees someone hitting on you or touching you he’ll walk over, pull you behind him and tell the person in a deadly quiet voice «Try that again and you’ll find yourself without a tongue/arm».
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Like fireworks! He loves kissing the side of your head, your shoulder, obviously your lips, and over your heart. Where Baldwin would like to be kissed is over his heart, lips and cheeks.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s so awkward around them, mostly tries to avoid children if possible. But will do anything for his niece and nephew.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’ll be awake as you wake up, reading something or just scrolling on his phone, smiling as you roll over to cuddle him closer. A soft «good morning» will be whispered between you, and he’ll lean in to kiss you. All mornings (if neither of you are needed elsewhere) is spent lazily in bed, cuddled close.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He’ll drag you to bed and spend it (after you’ve done your nightly routine) loving every inch of you, absolutely wearing you out before you sleep 👀😏
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Long after you two have mated! Unless there’s a way you can see into him (like a bite or a witches kiss). If Baldwin can help it, he’ll reveal things slowly. He wouldn’t want anyone to find out anything about it, and if he can reveal snippets (under the promise that you won’t share it with anyone) he will.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It depends on the situation of course. I feel he’s more patient with his mate than with his family (looking at you again Matthew). He’s more calm in the Congregation (even if they almost had him beheaded—Matthew). While at work he’s quite hot headed.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers everything you’ve told him. No matter how small.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He has some favorites, like your first kiss, first «I love you», mating, first time.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Like any vampire, Baldwin is very protective of you, especially when you’re mated. He would kill anyone for you, and would give his life to keep you safe. In return though, he would claim that he doesn’t need protecting. «I’ve survived centuries. I’ll be fine.»
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He’ll gift you little things here and there. Coffee from your favorite café, chocolate from your favorite confectionary, your favorite flowers. Anything to make you smile. Dates and anniversaries are especially thought out. And he has a tendency to fly you to Paris for a date, or Rome for your anniversary. Anywhere you want to go, and he’ll bring you there.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Is it dumb of me to say there’s nothing bad with him? He could of course relax every so often, I’m sure the world won’t crash and burn if he did 😅
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He prides himself in looking good. It gives him a good image in the finance world, as well as to the creature world who sees him as the head of one of the most well known vampire families
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
At first? No. But as he grows closer, and later mates with you, ABSOLUTELY
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If Baldwin is really stressed, frustrated or angry, he’ll switch over to latin, where he can curse more freely (though not around other latin speakers of cours)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
If someone took his brother’s side (before the covenant was brought down) 🤣 In general though, when it comes to his fights with his family, he needs you to take his side, because all he feels is all of them against him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
As a vampire, Baldwin doesn’t sleep that often, but when he does, he likes to pull you close, it’s a way for him to know you’re safe.
NSFW alphabet template
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He takes care of you. Making sure that you’ve got everything you need. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part of yours is your hands. He loves to hold them, and adores the feeling of your fingers caressing his cheeks or chest when you lay in bed after sex. On a smuttier note, he absolutely loves when your hand is wrapped around his cock 😏
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Although he prefers the cleaner way of cuming inside you, he also does like the occasional times when he cums on your chest/stomach/back/ass.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He was once choked by someone he was sleeping with. And although it was an accident, and he said he didn’t like it, he actually did. He just didn’t like it from them. So even if he won’t bring it up, he wouldn’t mind you doing it to him, especially if your hands are too small to reach all around his neck 😏
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s had centuries to gain experience, and has tried everything.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Either missionary or doggy style. That’s not to say he doesn’t love when you ride him. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s serious and dominant, but if you crack a joke or something he’ll crack too, and laugh before leaning in to kiss you. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Baldwin has a hairy chest, but isn’t overly hairy, being well trimmed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
As mentioned in goofy he’s serious and dominant. But he can be more intimate if you need it.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He only does it if he’s too pent up and needs a release, and if you’re not available to him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Although vampires get angry if bitten, Baldwin loves it when you do it, especially if you can’t pierce his skin. He loves the feeling of your teeth grazing his neck or over his chest before sealing your lips over it, «kissing it better»
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Mostly in bed. He can really drag it out there. Baldwin also likes fucking you against the wall, but that’s usually quickies.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You. You turn him on. Just looking at you sometimes will have him hard and yearning.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He won’t drink from you during sex (in general) only if he’s drinking from your heart vein to learn about you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He’s a MASTER at oral! Giving fantastic pleasure. Baldwin also loves receiving head, just not as much as giving it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s not fast and hard enough to seriously hurt you (especially if you’re a warmblood). That’s not to say he won’t fuck you fast and hard though. He does it so amazingly.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He does them when things need to be done that he can’t postpone. As mentioned earlier he’s almost always turned on around you so there’s always a want for you!
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
This little shit will take risks whenever he can 😏
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go on for a very long time! Varies sometimes though. But mostly he got the stamina for quite a few rounds. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own them, but if you have them he’ll definitely use them on you 😏
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s the biggest shit when it comes to teasing! And he’ll make you practically beg for him to fuck you by the end of it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not particularly loud, in control of his pleasure/sounds, but that’s not to say he won’t grunt and moan when the pleasure happens.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Baldwin will always know just what you want. No words need to be spoken from you. He doesn’t even need to take your blood, he just knows.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s nicely built, and his cock is big enough, not to big not to small. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
I’ve mentions this a little earlier, but Baldwin has quite a big sex drive. He can hide it nicely, but if given the chance he’d have you under him in bed all day.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
As a vampire, Baldwin doesn’t sleep often, but if he does after sex, he’ll wait until you fall asleep, making sure you’re safe and okay, before he falls asleep himself.
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