#cause the moon fell in love with endymion
tangocardiaca · 3 months
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Princess Serenity would sneak down to Earth. That's where she met him, Prince Endymion. This meeting was so impactful, that she fell in love with him. The next day in her Moon Kingdom she collapsed. She was taken to her chamber immediately and checked. Her heart was beating like crazy, that's what her royal doctors diagnosed. Sailor Jupiter had an idea. In order to calm Princess Serenity's heart, she placed her symbols on princess' chest surrounding her heart. Sailor Jupiter focused, chanted and released a dose of electrical energy. This caused Serenity's chest to rise for a moment. When doctors checked her, her heart came back to normal beating. It's really interesting, how love can affect one person's heart.
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1solone · 2 years
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"Tʜᴇ Sᴜɴ ᴀɴᴅ Mᴏᴏɴ"
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧🌕
“A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth…”
In the Greek myth of Selene and Endymion the goddess of the Moon fell in love with a sleeping shephard that she saw on her nightly journey across the sky. She begged her father the god Zeus to put this mortal man into an eternal sleep so that she could love him forever.
Endymion represents the humanity of Earth, asleep and under the hypnotic influence of the Moon.
The Moon is the Mother of the Earth
Esoteric science teaches that the Moon is the mother of the Earth. In a previous cosmic epoch the Moon was a planet filled with life and human civilizations. Eventually the civilization and the planet degenerated and the life-force or soul was transplanted to our Earth.
The vitality of life on Earth became our Mother Nature and so the Moon is our Grandmother. Thus the Earth and the Moon are intimately connected through this shared vital energy.
Although the Earth is subject to all the cosmic influences of the Suns, stars and planets, the power of the Moon is the strongest because of this particular maternal connection. As a humanity we have more of a lunar nature, more selfish, reactive, and passive. We are subject to the push and pull of the Moon and also the push and pull of other people and outer circumstances.
The lunar influence is not necessarily negative but it is out of proportion, especially with the solar influence which is one that generates its own light and shines it out in continual selfless sacrifice. To awaken consciousness is to bring more solar influence into our psychology and our actions.
The Moon controls the flow of water. All water- from the great oceans, rivers and waterways on Earth to the fluids in our physical bodies- are subject to the lunar influence.
Without the pull of the Moon the oceans and waterways would be completely flat, the fluids and sap within plants and trees could not rise up to nourish the whole organism, and even the human lymph system would not be able to circulate properly.
The lunar cycles create a monthly rhythm throughout the year. The waxing and full Moon causes a stronger pull away from the Earth and an energetic dilation. During the waning and new Moon that pull is relaxed, and there is an energetic contraction.
It can be useful to leverage the force of the full Moon by starting new projects or making a change that requires an extra bit of energy. At this time there is less holding us to the Earth so to speak.
During the waning and new Moon we are more “grounded” in the Earth, since the pull upwards and outwards is weaker, but there may be less force or motivation to start projects or make changes.
There are systems of traditional horticulture that include the lunar cycles in their rhythms of planting and harvesting to take advantage of the lunar push and pull. Many systems of traditional medicine incorporate the lunar cycles such as purging treatments during the waning moon and nutritive treatments during the waxing moon.
The Lunar Influence
moon“Like the Moon which has two aspects, one that is seen and one that is hidden, we also have a hidden side that is never seen”.
The Moon influences us physically and psychologically. The nature of the Moon as two-faced shows us something about our internal psychological state: half hidden in darkness and half in light.
The ego inside of ourselves is dark and hidden to us, but we can learn about what is inside of us by studying our outer circumstances. The outer is a reflection of the interior.
The visible side of our psychological moon is seen with a little bit of observation, but the invisible side takes more effort because normally we live in a small region of our consciousness.
The Internal Moon and Sun
The cure for the mechanical influence of the Moon is to create our own psychological center of gravity. The gnostic teachings describe the esoteric spiritual path as a transformation from lunar to solar beings.
This begins by becoming aware of our mechanicity, the push and pull of all of the circumstances of life that influence so strongly every moment. It is normal to react mechanically to life in a selfish way, everyone in life is expressing some sort of selfishness most of the time, and this is the lunar nature we want to overcome within ourselves.
What is revolutionary is to strive to imitate the solar life of generating a light within and shining it out to others with love unconditionally.
As creatures of the Earth we are subject to the influence of the nearest cosmic bodies: the Sun and the Moon. When we learn about both, physically and psychologically, we discover them inside ourselves. If we are honest we will see the lunar influence is strong and pervasive and the true solar force is lacking but its potential is always there.
To access the solar influence we can work with compassion, prayer, meditation, transmutation, devotion and helping others. Practice emulating the Sun to overcome the mechanical influence of the Moon.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧☀️
“At daybreak, when thou arisest on the horizon,
When thou shinest as the Aton by day,
Thou drivest away the darkness and givest thy rays.
The Two Lands are in festivity every day,
Awake and standing upon their feet,
For thou hast raised them up.
Washing their bodies, taking their clothing,
Their arms are raised in praise at thy appearance.
All the world, they do their work.”
Akhenaten and the Hymn to the Sun
To Him who made the great lights,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting:
The sun to rule by day,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
-Psalm 136:7-8
The Sun is the center of any solar system, and many stars in the sky are Suns in their own right.
Physical Reality of the Sun
The Sun is a massive sphere of nuclear power, radiating light, heat, and infrared radiation into the universe. The Sun provides life to this planet by feeding the plant kingdom through photosynthesis, which in turn nourishes the animal and human kingdoms. Sunlight is crucial for all development of life and normal functioning. Prolonged lack of sunlight can cause severe physical and mental illness.
Psychological Reality of the Sun
The Sun is the way that humanity organizes life. To be “oriented” literally means to be facing the East, where the Sun rises, where the day begins. To be oriented means we have direction in life, we know our way, and we are going always toward the light, toward life.
The fact that on an astronomical scale the Earth revolves around the Sun is useful. But the psychological truth is that the Sun appears to revolve around the Earth, and this concept is important for our shared reality. The Sun rises in the East, a new day begins, a fresh start for life. The Sun sets in the West, the day is done, time to reflect and rest in the darkness.
The rhythm of the day and night is a fundamental part of psychological reality, as is the extended rhythm throughout the year of the seasons, and the gradual lengthening and shortening of days. Sun worship exists in all cultures and religions for this reason.
The tropical zodiac of Western astrology is based on the interplay of light from the rhythm of the Sun and Earth.
Esoteric Reality of the Sun
Esoterically the Sun is the cosmic Christ, the sacrificial principle of the universe known as the solar logos. Christ, the Son/Sun dies in the West and is reborn in the East, giving life, light, and love in abundance from His own radiant heart. The physical Sun is a part of the cosmos of spiritual suns.
“Unquestionably, the first cosmos [Protocosmos] is formed by multiple, transcendental, divine, spiritual suns.
Much has been spoken about the Sacred Absolute Sun and obviously every solar system is governed by one of those spiritual suns. That means that our set of worlds possesses its own Sacred Absolute Sun, as do all the other solar systems of the unalterable infinite.”
Astrology of the Sun
The astrological symbol of the Sun is the circle of pure spirit with a central point. The circle represents God, totality, unity. The point represents the center, the pivot point or point of rotation. The most important thing is what our lives revolve around. The Sun can represent our highest aspirations or our most selfish inclinations.
The Sun moves through the entire zodiac each year, spending about one month in each zodiacal sign. Therefore one’s “Sun sign” is the particular zodiac sign the Sun was in at the time of birth.
While there are other important significations in an astrology chart, particularly the rising and Moon sign, the Sun sign represents something very core to a person’s life. The general arch of life, the themes that come up over and over, often the strongest personality traits that persist throughout the life are indicated by the Sun sign.
The Sun is one of the two luminaries, along with the Moon. While each planet rules two zodiac signs, the luminaries only rule one sign each. The Sun rules the sign of Leo, the lion. The Sun is at home in the domain of Leo, the large, proud cats who thrive in some of the sunniest places on Earth. The Sun is the center, the fire radiates outward and brings joy, warmth, and light to all that surround it. Leo is the king and the Sun always indicates the sovereign.
The Sun is exalted in the sign of Aries, where it becomes the solar hero- Hercules, Gilgamesh, Odysseus, Hunahpu and Xbalanque, Jesus Christ, and many others. The being who conquers death to bring the solar light to humanity.
The Sun in Medicine and Healing
The human body is a microcosm of the solar system, with each organ corresponding to a planet.
The Sun is the heart, the center of functioning, which not only pumps blood to every limb, organ and cell in the body, but has its own miraculous system of electricity and intelligence. The heart is the seat of intuition, of emotional intelligence, and of spiritual essence.
An emotional wound to the heart can be so profound it causes physical illness. However for every wound there is a remedy and wonderful practices exist to heal the heart from spiritual and emotional wounds.
Each planet also corresponds with various plants, such as trees, herbs, flowers etc.
The Sun is associated with plants that are bright, that thrive in sunlight, that are yellow, orange, or gold in color. Extractions made from solar plants are like concentrated sunshine and can help increase vitality, motivation and energy. Esoterically solar plants are related with the elementals of the air and are related with the power of intuition.
“The solar plants are aromatic and of an acidulous flavor.
The elementals of these plants possess great magical, curative powers. These elementals are called sylphs and they are the elementals of the air. The sylphs say: ‘Where real worth is hidden, there the sun’s rays shine.’ They impress upon the student the importance of gaining what is called the consciousness of knowledge, that is to say, intuition.”
"Tʜᴇ Sᴜɴ ᴀɴᴅ Mᴏᴏɴ"
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tarotofbadkitties · 2 years
Goddesses and men...and women
Buckle up guys...cause this meta’s going a lot of places. I’m a big Snyderverse fan, and one of the things I most like about it is the same thing I like about a lot of Zack Snyder’s work, including projects unrelated to DC like Watchmen and Suckerpunch, is the sense of grandiosity. The heroes have epic journeys and the scale of their power and feats of daring are awe-inspiring. The tone is always sincere and the concept of these characters having the potential to be mythic in their power is never presented as something inherently silly. This bothers me deep in my soul, and I just recently put my finger on precisely why.
There IS nothing silly about these stories. There’s also nothing silly about stakes involving the fate of all humanity and nothing silly about the concept of being with powers far beyond our own that don’t obey the laws of nature that bind us. To see the same people that don’t blink at stories about angels and demons, gods and goddesses and heroes like Odysseus, Hercules, Beowulf and Jason consider the genres that most heavily borrow from that iconography and those themes inherently silly is just absurd on its face. Where else besides fantasy, sci fi and superhero media, which is a blend of both, do you find a conflict like Satan (Lex Luthor) persecuting Job (Bruce Wayne) in order to get him to renounce God (Superman) and show God and the world that neither he nor his faith is all it’s cracked up to be? Where else do you find a story of a mortal man like Prince Endymion who falls in love with a space goddess, like the moon goddess Selene?
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Well technically...here is one place you’ll find that, in Sailor Moon’s central romance with our protagonist Princess Serenity and her lover...the Earth prince Prince Endymion. Now here’s where I fell into the rabbit hole (and certainly resisted making a pun about Usagi Tsukino because I’m a mature adult.) My first ship, the first series that captivated me and sent me online to find other people that loved this thing I loved so much I couldn’t stop talking about it...it’s these two. And the thing I’m currently VERY enthralled with, particularly the central romance...why it’s a space princess with goddess-level power and...a human man she falls in love with.
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Kory, princess of Tamaran, owner of a power so great it’s beyond our Earth technology’s ability to even measure, woman who can command the elements, fly in the sky and run right off with the heart of this bedazzled mortal. But wait...this is actually a thing ALL OVER THE PLACE in properties I’ve loved!
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And no, Diana isn’t from space, but this goddess-like being IS from a magical land that’s entirely separate from the mortal world and impossible to be reached by normal means. And who is this person who has been her love for all these years captivating audiences? Why it’s Steve Trevor...mortal human man. And Wonder Woman 1984 that everyone swore they hated but watched anyway was about the struggle for this immortal woman to try to live without her mortal love and attempt in desperation to overrule the powers that be to keep him by her side. Certainly reminds me of the myth of Selene and Endymion where was made keeper of his own death so that he would not leave her in death until he was willing.
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Honorary mention...Xena and Gabrielle. Sure, Xena is only technically not a goddess, but even at the start of the story her power rivals that of the gods and she DOES achieve godhood...and as the myth decrees, her love Gabrielle stays as human as the day she was born. 
Myth-making is what we do, and getting enthralled in the adventures of gods and mortals is something we’ve done as long as we’ve told stories of any kind.
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emily-mooon · 4 months
Hmm, OK, if we wanna look at this economically (aka not running out of characters lol), what if it was something like: Billy was one of Jonathan's past knights but he betrayed him to Beryl (Henry?). So in the 30th Century, Chaos (the Mind Flayer?) reincarnates him as a member of their Black Moon Clan & his place in Jonathan's guard is filled by 30th Century reincarnated Argyle (as he deserves!) I actually don't remember if he has knights in the 30th Century but he should lol.
Hello anon!
I cannot remember either if Mamoru in the future had knights but from the most briefest google search, I don’t think he does
For the sake of this au though, Jonathan will cause this is such a good idea. I’m going to expand on it too:
Billy (who’s name will be another gem) used to be apart of Prince Endymion’s, aka Jonathan’s, guard.
One day though out of an act of jealousy, he attempts to kill him but is stopped by the other knights and is banished. He then finds Henry, (soon to be king beryl) who recently came across the mind flayer (who will be the ultimate evil throughout the whole plot), got brainwashed, and gained evil powers with the goal to destroy the peace had between the earth and moon kingdoms
Billy, being swayed by his desire to enact revenge on Endymion, joins forces with them and too is brainwashed by the mind flayer
Everything pretty much plays out how it does in canon sailor moon. Serenity and Endymion die and the moon kingdoms destroyed
And that’s all I got for backstory. I’m not sure what will make Billy jealous of Jonathan but I think it will be because Nancy (or in this case Serenity) fell in love with Jonathan and not him. My reason for saying this is because I think one of black moon clan members has a thing for Usagi and kidnaps her for that reason. Idk it’s been awhile since I read the black moon arc so I could be VERY wrong
Billy will be replaced by another character in the guard and that character will be the one Heather/Jupiter fell in love with in a past life cause I’m not a fan of Billy ships
Anyways, thank you anon! you’ve been such a big help :]
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i-spilled-my-soup · 2 years
reminder to sleep facing upwards and with the shades/curtains open so the moon can see how sexy you are and make you sleep forever so she can watch your pretty face for eternity
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writing-fanics · 3 years
Mamoru X Fem!Reader
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•[ Legend of the Forgotten Moon Princess ]•
[Part I]
[ y/n was reincarnated before Usagi, so she’s around Mamoru’s age.. they are still twins but it’s confusing cause I’m making things confusing ]
[ Y/n ] sighed, as she looked out the window. Looking up at the moon, every night she’d do this. It always seemed to give her comfort, and the moon felt more like home than it did on Earth.
“I wonder, if the moon princess. Looked at the Earth from the moon, wondering if her lover was doing the same.” She says, looking up at the moon with wonder in her eyes.
The moon seemed to look back at her, as if it was listening to her thoughts what she was saying.
She touched the necklace, the was wrapped around her neck. She stared at the moon, reaching her hand out as if to touch it.
‘Find Me...’
She heard a voice say. She looked around, for any sign of someone.
“Who’s there?” She says, looking around and finds no one. She sighs, sitting down on her balcony and looks back up at the moon.
“What I want most in the world is the love, that Prince Endymion and Princess Y/n had for each-other.” She says, looking up at the moon.
“As if that would ever happen though.” She says, laughing at herself. She looks down, smiling softly.
She stands up, and dusts herself off. And walks inside her apartment, closing the balcony door behind her; and goes to her room to sleep.
‘Find me, please don’t forget about me.’ A voice said, as [Y/n] looked around for the source of the voice.
‘Who’s there! Where are you?’ She shouted, looking around trying to find the voice. It sounded so familiar.
‘Find me, remember who I am.’ The voice says, appearing as an apparition but fading before she could look at it.
‘W-who are you?’ She shouts, nervously looking around. She begins to walk, and the ground beneath her turns into water, and she falls in.
She screams, in the water thrashing trying to swim up but it sees to be getting further and further away.
‘Find me, my Star.’ The voice said, appearing before her but she passes out before she got a good look at them.
[ Y/n ] wakes up, gasping for air. Sweat ran down her forehead, she clenched her blanket as she looks down.
“Who was that?” She says, out of breath. After a few moments she finally calms down, and looks out her window.
It’s morning. The sun was out, and she missed the moon already.
She sighed, and looked at her alarm clock. Her eyes widened, at the time.
“I’m late!” She shouted, frantically getting out of bed. And running to her closet, grabbing her clothes and then into the bathroom.
Showering, getting dressed, and getting ready for the day. “Oh man, I’m so late.” She shouted, as she left her apartment.
She ran down the hallway, “Oh man, my boss is gonna kill me.” She cried, as she was about to reach the elevator.
Someone was coming out of their apartment, and she accidentally ran into them. They both groan, “Excuse me, I’m so sorry.” She said, but she didn’t have time to stay.
She didn’t know, that her necklace fell to the ground. And she continued making her way to the elevator.
The person she bumped into, was stunned didn’t even have a chance to say it was okay. He shrugged it off, and was about to walk towards the elevator.
But noticed the necklace, on the ground. “She must’ve dropped it, when she ran into me.” He says, picking it up.
As he looked at it, a wave of familiarity hit him. It was as if he’s seen this necklace before. The necklace was in the shape of a star, with a crescent moon around it.
[ Y/n ] arrived at her job, and bowed at her boss constantly. Apologizing for being late. She was a assistant teacher, at Juban Middle School.
And she went to a university, in the afternoon. It was a lot of work, but she always had the time. She was always busy, and didn’t really have time for relationships.
As she made her way, up the stairs a girl came running passed her. Causing the girl to, trip and fall.
“Ow~.” The girl groaned in pain, she rubbed the back of her head.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” [ Y/n ] says, to her helping her up. She smiles at her.
“My name is L/n Y/n, I’m looking for Sakurada Haruna’s class. I’m her assistant teacher for today.” [ Y/n ] asks, and the girl’s face seems to get all flustered.
“O-oh um actually I’m in her class. That’s why I was running, I’m a scatter brain and I’m running late.” The girl says, and [ Y/n ] smiles at her.
“I’m late too, we can both be late together.” [ Y/n ] says, smiling at her.
“M-My name is Tsukino Usagi.” Usagi says, and [ Y/n ], nods at the girl who leads her to her class.
“W-well this is th-.” She says, opening the classroom door. To only have her teacher, Haruna. Look at her in anger.
“Ms.Tsukino! Late again.” Haruna shouted, at her and Usagi looked down embarrassed.
“I-I’m sorry,” she said, making a pouty face.
“I-I’m sorry, Haruna-sensei. Ms.Tsukino helped me find the class. If she hadn’t stopped to help me she would’ve been here much earlier.” [ Y/n ] said, bowing at her.
“Ugh, fine go to your seat Ms.Tsukino.” Haruna says, and Usagi nods and goes or her seat.
“Everyone, this is L/n Y/n she’ll be my assistant teacher. For the next couple of weeks, treat her nicely.” She says, and everyone bows as [ Y/n ] walks into the class room.
“Hi, Ms. Y/n.” Everyone says, and [ Y/n ] bows and smiles.
“Thank you, for having me everyone. I’m going to enjoy helping your teacher to teach all of you.” [ Y/n ] says, smiling.
‘Find me..’
She heard the voice, say again. And it’s been happening more and more often. She sighed, bringing her hands up to touch her necklace.
But gasped, “A-ah, oh no.” She said, frantically looking around for it. She begins to panic, looking for the necklace.
That necklace meant everything to her, her mother made it before she passed away. It was the necklace that Endymion, gave Y/n. The day before the Dark Kingdom destroyed the Moon Kingdom.
“Maybe I dropped it on the way here, or when I bumped into that guy this morning.” She says, pouting she looks down.
‘I can’t believe I lost it.’ She thinks, to herself.
It was lunch time, and [Y/n] sat outside eating her lunch while reading the book her mother made of the Forgotten Moon Princess.
Usagi noticed, and walked over to her. “What are you ready?” She asked, and [Y/n] looked up at her and smiled.
“Oh, it’s a book my mother made. It’s about the forgotten moon princess Y/n.” [Y/n] says, looking up at Usagi.
“Ooh, Whats the story like?” She asked, and [Y/n] gives her space to sit and smiles.
“It’s about the forgotten princess, all the stories go towards Serenity. But everyone forgets about her twin sister Y/n. Who my mother named me after, the story is tragic and filled with romance. Between the moon princess Y/n and Endymion.” [Y/n] says, looking down at the book.
“How sad.” Usagi says, tearing up hearing what happens in the story.
“It is, this story means everything to me. And I may sound like a child, but I believe in it. I think what happened in this story is real. I feel a strong connection to the moon, maybe it’s just me but..”[Y/n] says, looking down at the book.
[ Flashback ]
“Mommy tell me the story again.” She asked, holding her plush that her mother made of the Prince Endymion.
“Again?” Her mother asked, and the girl nodded. Her mother sighed, and pulled out a chair. And placed it, at the girls bedside.
“Okay, one more time then bed.” Her mother said, the little girl nodded.
• The Legend of the Forgotten Moon Princess •
“Long ago, on the moon was a castle a big and beautiful one. And in this castle lived, the queen and her two daughter.”
“And the two princess were sisters, twins. Serenity and Y/n”
‘That’s my name!’ A young [y/n] giggled, smiling.
“The two princesses were protected, by the Sailor Guardians. Who had powers of their home planets.”
“But as you know; no one knew of the princess Y/n. And only of Serenity. Leaving, Y/n. Forgotten.”
‘That’s not fair’ a young [Y/n] pouted
“But... She wasn’t forgotten, for one day when visiting Earth for which she was fascinated with. Ran into him. Eventually leading to two them falling in love.”
‘Yeah!’ [ y/n ] shouted..
“The two would secretly meet, each-other when they could. It was a true story of Romeo and Juliet between royals.”
“Eventually, her sister found out about the secret meetings. And told the Senshi. Who was angry at the princess.”
“Who was doing something, so dangerous like going to Earth. But of course, the Princess didn’t care she wanted to be with the one she loved.”
‘Good for her!’ [Y/n] said smiling..
“But, not all good things last. The Dark Kingdom attacked, the Senshi where killed, and many of its people too.”
‘No!’ [Y/n] said, looking down tears in her eyes.
“And, sadly the Prince Endymion died protecting Y/n. Causing her to be grief stricken, taking her own life to be with the one she loves.”
[Y/n], whimpered hugging the plush close to her.
“The Moon Kingdom, was over the Dark Kingdom destroying it. Leaving no one alive, expect the Queen. She gave her life, to send everyone to Earth. And to be reincarnated, into Present Day.”
[Y/n] wiped away, her tears she looked up at her mother.
“So who knows, maybe you’re the reincarnation of the princess..” her mother said, and [Y/n] gave her the biggest smile.
“So maybe, I might find Endymion and fall in love!?” [Y/n] asked, and her mother shrugged tucking her daughter into bed.
.“Maybe, my love.. maybe.” Her mother said, and she kissed her daughters forehead.
“I hope so...” [Y/n] said, hugging her plush close to her.
“Goodnight mommy.” She says, watching as her mother left the room.
“Goodnight, my moon princess.” Her mother said, closing the door and turning on the night light.After a few moments, she watched as the hallway light turned off.
And [Y/n] quickly sat up, and looked out the window. And she looked at the moon, she looked at it longingly.
“I promise, I’m going to find Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity.” She says, smiling reaching out towards the stars.
She’s about to lay down in bed, when she sees a boy who seems to be around her age. Looking out the window as well, and he looks familiar. Like she’s seen him before, he notices her and smiles at her.
And she smiles back at him...
[ ended ]
[Y/n] sighed, as she made her way back to the apartment. As she made her way home, she would look around for her necklace.
The last place to check, was the hallway were she bumped into that guy. She looked around, and found nothing. She sniffled,
“Oh no, it’s gone.” She cried, looking down. As she made her way to her door, she noticed something on it. A note, she read it.
You dropped this, looked important.
The person you bumped into.
Was all it said, and she smiled seeing her necklace. She took it, and kissed. “Oh thank, goodness.” She says, happily.
“I’m gonna have to thank him tomorrow, since it’s late.” She says, walking into her apartment. Closing the door behind her, she makes her way towards her balcony.
And heads outside, and looks up at the moon once more. She holds the necklace close to her, and smiles.
‘My Star, there you are.’
A voice says, she shakes her head. And looks at the constellations, she teachers out to touch them. Reaching higher and higher, she wanted to touch them.
She wanted to be amongst the stars, the moon. Her hand was on her railing, when her hand slipped causing her to off her balcony.
It happened so fast, her entire life flashed before her eyes. As everything flew past her upwards, she looked up at the moon that gave her comfort.
She screamed, as she was falling getting closer and closer to the ground. And closed her eyes, thinking she would meet the ground but didn’t.
She opened her eyes, and looked up she was in the arms of someone wearing a tuxedo suit. She gasped,
[ idk what better to have him say]
“Balconies aren’t to be played..” He says, and she just nods. Looking up at him, he seemed so familiar and this warmth she was feeling from him felt familiar too.
He placed her on the ground, “Thank you.” She says, to him smiling. And he smiles, at her and leaves. She stood there for a few good minutes, and decided to eat out.
After an hour, she made her way back home. While walking towards her apartment, she noticed the guy from this morning entering his.
“Oh, wait!” She shouted, he turned to look back at her. She made, her way towards him.
“I-I wanted to thank you, for finding my necklace. Making sure it makes it’s way back to me.” She says, looking up at him.
And boy she didn’t, mind cause was he attractive. “It’s no problem, the names Chiba Mamoru.” He says, and she smiles at him.
“The names, L/n, Y/n.” She says, looking at him. The two stood there, this interaction them being there felt so familiar.
“I’m sorry for bumping into you this morning, that’s my fault I was late for my job.” She says, looking down embarrassed.
“I’ve been bumped into quite a lot lately.” He says, jokingly and she giggled rubbing the back of her neck.
“I’m not usually, clumsy. To be honest I’m lucky to even be alive, just an hour ago. I was saved by someone in a Tuxedo suit. Cause I fell off my balcony.” She says, looking down nervously.
“Are you okay?” He asked, worriedly. And she nodded, smiling at him.
“Yep. I’m fine just a little shaken.” She says, she looks up at him and nervously plays with her necklace.
“W-Well it is getting late, sorry we couldn’t talk a bit longer. Hope to run into you more often Mamoru.” She says, bowing at him and walking towards her apartment.
Mamoru watched her, that laugh, that smile. Was too familiar, he’s seen it before. But where.
[Y/n], sighed as she walked into her apartment. She closed, the balcony door. And sat on her couch looking at the moon from inside.
Fiddling with her necklace, something flashed in her head.
‘It’s beautiful!’
‘Not as much as you.’
‘My love.’
‘My star’
She gasped, and groaned in pain. She fell to her knees, and looked down at the ground. Then her necklace began to glow, she gasped looking at it.
The light develops her and she begins to transform into, Sailor Luna.
[ Star ]: Nickname given to Princess Y/n, by Endymion
[ Sailor Luna ]: only in live action version of Sailor Moon.
[ Part II ] sneak peek
[Y/n] trips and, Mamoru catches her in his arms. The two look each-other in the eyes, the familiar warmth and feeling returning.
They quickly avert their gaze, and blush.
‘Lunar Cosmic Power Make Up!’ She shouts, as she begins to transform into sailor Luna.
Helping alongside Sailor Moon to fight..
‘Lunar beam!’ [Y/n] shouts, at the villain.
[Y/n] collapses to the ground, tired and exhausted. Tuxedo Mask, picks her up and carries her back to her apartment and places her on the couch.
‘Find me..’
He hears a voice, say. Even though he just met [Y/n], it feels like he’s known her for years. He places a blanket over her, and leaves a kiss on her forehead.
Could she be the princess he’s been looking for?
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vampire207343 · 4 years
Serenity D'Luna
What if... Princess Serenity D'luna has a younger half sister by the name of Princess Selenity D'luna.
During the Sliver Millennium the Queen of the the White Moon Queen Serenity the fourth has two daughters, the oldest daughter Princess Serenity D'luna the crown Princess of the Moon and the one who would one day inheart the Sliver Crystal from their mother. And then their's the youngest daughter, Princess Selenity D'luna who has always been jealous of her elder half sister who would be the future Queen, while she will be nothing but the spare heiress.
Evenutally the youngest daughter of Queen Serenity the fourth, Princess Selenity D'luna
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End up falling in love with the Prince of Atlantis, Prince Endymione the sixtheenth, their engangedment cause the destruction of the Moon, Princess Serenity and her closet friends and guards
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The captain of her guard Sailor Venus.
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The secound in command of guard Sailor Jupitor.
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Sailor Saturn(let's pretend that this is Hotatu).
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Sailor Saphir the younger sister of sailor Mercury.
Managed to escape the destruction of my kingdoom along with the few survival of the moon, we all went to the Kingdom of my secret Lover that mother isn't aware about, and we seek asylum in the kingdom of Babylonian ruled by my lover King Gilgamesh of Urk.
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Which my king allowed, my people adopt to their new way of life because of the foolishness of my younger half sister Selenity.
Our mother Queen Serenity the fourth sent the soul of Selenity and her guards along with her beloved Prince Endymion to be reborn in the future of Earth during the peaceful time and after the crystal granted my mother Queen Serenity's wish, it seek me out as it's true misstress who is still very much alive.
Princess Serenity manged to saved Enkidu's soul by allowing him to be reborn in the future, which Gil was glad that his only friend beside his beloved Queen has given her the secound chance of life she desver, maybe in next life we will meet again even if he dosen't remember our past together.
1000 years later..
On July 31, 1980
It's been cenutries since the destruction of the Moon kingdoom and all my people has already pass on to their next life but their descendents still lives on. The only one who still lives beside myself and king are my four generals.
We were currently staying in one of our property in England, when both Gilgamesh and myself felt the rebirth of Enkidu in this very country. Enkidu's new life has began, she was like a sister to my husband grow up with her as his only friend.
A year later...
On October 1, 1981
While Gilgamesh and I were taking a night stroll, we found a man abounding 1 years old baby girl in front of a door step of Privet Drive number 4 with just a thin Blanket in this cold October night, that man is a fool if he think that baby would survive the night with just a thin blanket as a protection, after the group left. I approach the baby that was left behind.
"Gilgamesh you might want to see this" Serenity said.
"What is it" Gilgamesh ask his beloved.
"Gil look at her and tell me who she is" Serenity said.
"Beloved what are you.... Enkidu?" Gilgamesh said.
Serenity and her husband Gilgamesh decided to adopt the reincarnation of Enkidu as their daughter, they made sure to blood Adopt her in Gringotts Bank after discover Enkidu is abounded.
Enkifu's new parents Lily and James Potter died because of some prophecy, while the man who they saw that left Enkidu, in Prive drive number 4 with just a blanket decided to train the younger twin sister. So they blood adopt Enkidu's new life give her the life she deserv, we gaved her a new name Azalea Diana D'luna the new daughter of King Gilgamesh and Neo Queen Serenity of Urk.
The newly name Azalea D'Luna formerly known as Harriet Lilian Potter, her hair changed when she was blood adopted her hair once black as ebony turn purple along with her green eyes and she look so much like her new mother Serenity.
After staying in England for almost 2 years they return to their home in Japan along with their new daughter Azalea D'luna.
5 years later...
July 31, 1986
Azalea D'Luna look more like her mother every day, she even has the lunarian royal mark in her forehead she was also train by her father how to protect her self and how to fight and her mothers friends and guards also taught her a few things when they aren't doing anything.
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Azalea has alot of tutors to teacher her many things from a young age, she's a very smart child, and she dream of becoming a fashion designer when she come of age. She is also being trained to be a senshi along with her future court.
16 years later...
 Azalea Diana D'luna is now 21 years old finishing College with her boyfriend, Felix Culpa we been dating for about 3 years now we meet in our 2nd year of College where we meet our three friends
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Claude and Allen
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Marinette Dupain-Cheng
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 cut any connection she may have with her former friends in high school after entering College she even went so far as drop Adrien Agreste as a friend since he promise her he will have her back but he never did, he allow Lila Rossi to continue lying to everyone and he even watch the others bully her and he did nothing the only one who did anything at all was Chloe Bourgeois and at that time We weren't even friends but she still help me.
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Sailor Venus, Minako is reunited with her lover Kunzite, and Neo Queen Serenity of Urk return his memories back, before Beryl find him again and try to brainwash him once more.
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Sailor Jupitor, Lita is also reunited with her lover Nephrite and they gotten to him before Beryl found him again and brainwash him once more.
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The two couple are back together and happy and getting to know each other again. They also manged to find Jadeite back as well but he's alot younger than his fellow Knight, his the same age as Princess Azalea Di'luna. But they are unable to find Zoisite in time and Beryl seem to have turn him into a woman and since she was unable to find the rest of them, Queen Beryl made a clone of the three ofvtgem to be her Dark General. Where Zoisite and Kunzite act like a couple in love.
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And the clones and Zoisite dosen't even look like any of them at all. 
He is befriend by Azalea where Jadite is introduced by Azalea to Marinette and he fell in love with her
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For the feelings he use to have for Sailor Mars, Rei has long died out during his first life beside he has always known that Mars is in love with Prince Endymione it's the very reason they split the first time around. The first time Jadiete meet Marinette he feel so attracted to her, even though he never meet her before he never even felt anything like this with Rei before either.
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2 years later..
   Sailor Venus & Kunzite, and Sailor Jupitor & Nephrite are having a double wedding.
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(Minako and Kunzite)
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(Lita and Nephrite)
The wedding was huge all their friends are their giving their support .
     It was only a matter of time before Princess Selenity D'Luna awaken since, Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury are already active in Juban and with Sailor Venus, and Sailor Jupitor, never reborn in this new life for they never died during the Moon kingdom was attack and they escape with Princess Serenity.
Luna is under the empression that Selena Tsukino the reborn self of Selenity is the missing crown Princess of the Moon Princess Serenity instead of being Princess Selenity.
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On December 5, 2001
Princess Azalea D'Luna  and Felix Culpa and their friends are all 21 years old and one of them are getting married today. On this especial day.
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(Let's pretrend that this is Both Marinette and Jadeite)
All their family and friends are all attending the wedding. All their friends are happy for them and they aren't tye only one getting married, next year both Azalea and Felix are getting married them self in July 5, 2002.
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Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus are active protecting Princess Selenity D'luna younger princess of the moon. Who is now a sailor scout called Sailor Moon. But they aren't the only senshi active.
Princess Azalea and her court are active as well the Astorid Senshi.
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Neo Queen Serenity of Urk  made her daughter's famale friends as a member if her court as Sailor Irene. (Let's pretend that this is Marinette as a senshi)
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(Let's pretend this is Allegra)
Marinette wasn't the only one made into a sailor Scout Allegra did as well she's Sailor Psyche.
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(Let's pretend this is Chole)
Chole was also made into a senshi as sailor Galatea.
The three of them join the rest of the Astorid senshi of Princess Azalea in training with rest of the inner senshi of Neo Queen Serenity of Urk. Along with Azalea who is also being train as a senshi of the moon.
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(This is Azlea's senshi suit as Sailor Raven)
Then their's the rest of my court: 
The first one is Irina, she Sailor Iris
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Then their's Amelia the daughter of Sailor Saturn, She is leader when their princess isn't present, she is Sailor Amphitrite.
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Then their's the 3rd and final senshi, her name is Linda the daughter of Sailor Saphir, she is the 2nd in command between the girls when their princess and Sailor Amphitrite aren't prescent, She is Sailor Hermes.
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Azalea and her court has been active longer than Selenity's court, they only been active for 2 years now but Azalea and her court has been active for 5 years so many people of Earth already know who they are and unlike Selenity and her senshi who dosen't fix any damage they cause during battle, Azalea and her senshi on the other hands dose so many people favored Azalea and her group. 
1 year later....
     On July 5, 2002
Princess Azalea Diana D'Luna and Felix Alexsander Culpa gotten married in the Kingdom of Urk infront of all their friends and family.
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 2 weeks after Azalea and Diana gotten married their future daughter Princess Alexa Serenity Culpa the crown Princess of the 21st Century of Earth and the only daughter of Queen Azalea and Felix Culpa of the Earth.
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It wasn't long after Alexa Culpa arrived to the past that Darien Shield the current self of Prince Endymione broke up with Selena Tsukino claiming that he no longer loves her and what they had their past life should stay dead for he no longer loves her like he use to for his heart now belong to another before leaving her without any backward glace left Japan to study a board in Harverd. And Sailor Mars, Rei Hino fallowed Darien without Selena knowing that one of her friends left and join her now wx-boyfriend to America. 
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magic713m · 3 years
Before The Sun Sets
It was a beautiful day for the celebration in the Moon Kingdom. A wonderful event was occurring, celebrating the birth of the next heir to the throne, Princess Serenity. Everyone from the system was invited, including the King, Queen, and Prince of Earth. Among the other guests were the princess’s guardians Sailor Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. It was an amazing event, filled with music, dancing, and a wonderful feast.
Finally began the presenting of the gifts. Queen Serenity sat on her throne, with her most loyal advisor Luna standing beside her. Luna, wearing a beautiful yellow dress for the occasion, was also the princess’s nanny. She stood near the cradle as the event took place. The representatives for the other planets presented their gifts for the sweet princess. Some material, others had gifts that were not physical, but more mystical to bestow on the fair maiden. When the royal family of Earth was called, Queen Gaia picked up her three-year-old son and walked beside her husband as they presented their gifts to the princess. The Earth prince, Endymion, looked at his betrothed and the second their eyes made contact, the infant princess smiled and laughed, causing little Endymion to giggle as well. Finally, it was the Inner Senshi’s turn to present their gifts. Each Sailor Senshi represented their planets and were currently only children, around the Earth age of five. They swore eternal loyalty and friendship to the princess.
However, a blast of thunder roared through the halls. A black wind swept through the room as it dimmed. As light began to return, the guests stared at a figure in the center space of the room. The figure was a woman with long black hair, tied in a pair of buns. Her skin was pale and she wore a long dress and wore crescent-shaped earrings on her pointed ears. She stared at Queen Serenity with her blue slit eyes and gave a wicked smile.
“I see so many faces, filled with such joy.”
“Queen Nehellenia, what are you doing here?” Sailor Jupiter demanded.
“I wished to see what could be such a joyous occasion. More importantly, what possible event could not possibly warrant the invitation of a queen.”
Princess Serenity’s cries began to fill the quiet room and Nehellenia looked towards the cradle.
“Ah, the birth of the heir of the Silver Millennium. You did not wish for me to know, dear Serenity.”
“Queen Nehellenia,” Queen Serenity said regally, “You were not invited because of my fear that you would wish ill on my subjects. If you come here with peaceful intentions, you may stay. But if your purpose is to inflict harm, I will ask you to leave. You are welcomed, but your darkness is not.”
Nehellenia gave a loud and wicked cackle, “Serenity, the darkness is as much a part of me as the light is for you. Yet I am resigned to the corner of the moon hidden from the light. You should know the light will always attract the darkness.”
As she spoke, the dark aura around her spread, and gusts of wind were unleashed. The people fell to their knees as the Senshi prepared to fight the wicked ruler.
The four Senshi unleashed their attacks on the evil queen, but they failed to make contact with the evil queen, as she casually walked past the attacks, unable to even touch her, and threw the Senshi aside, approaching Queen Serenity. Luna placed herself between the princess and the wicked queen. Queen Serenity summoned a wand with a crescent moon, holding the Silver Crystal.
“Begone uninvited guest,” she said as she unleashed a blast of light from the crystal. The evil queen fought back, trying to use the darkness to suppress the light. She then looked at the infant princess as she dissolved into the darkness. The darkness filled the room but Queen Serenity was shielded by the light of the Crystal as she began expelling it.
“Queen Serenity, I will take away the most precious thing you cherish. I still have not provided my gift for the blessed occasion. My gift for the princess is this prophecy. The princess shall die before she will rule your kingdom. A prick from the spindle of a spinning wheel shall end her life. This I swear. ”
As the last word filled the room, the darkness retreated from the palace.
As the darkness faded away, people started to gather themselves, now with a feeling of tension. The princess was crying, and the queen picked up her daughter, comforting her, as Luna began to stand, to catch her breath from the attack.
“Your highness,” the queen’s advisor, Luna said.
“There is still a chance to save the princess. I have not yet provided her gift. At this moment in such a celebration of joy, there is a chance we could save her.”
“Luna, even with such a gift, altering Nehellenia’s curse will come at a cost. Are you sure?”
“She is our kingdom’s hope. We will do what we must to ensure it.”
Queen Serenity watched as Luna walked to the cradle and Luna placed a hand on the baby’s forehead.
“Beloved Princess Serenity: should the worst come to pass, and your finger pricked by a spindle, my gift to you is hope. The terrible prophecy shall not bring death, but vast slumber. And through true love’s kiss, this curse shall break. This I promise.”
At her last words, a bright light filled the hall.  Luna was gone, replaced by a black cat, looking over the child.
However, even with Luna’s sacrifice to save the princess, it was clear the princess was not safe in her home on the Moon. After the celebration ended, the four guardians met to discuss how they could continue to protect their charge. While these girls may be children, they were trained on their home planet, preparing for any challenge they must face.
The four decided that it was best to take Princess Serenity away from her home and hide her away on another world until she came of age to inherit the kingdom and the Silver Crystal. They spoke with the Queen, who agreed and that night, the Senshi spirited her out of the castle, to the least likely place anyone would expect: Earth.
“Usagi, get up!” the blonde-haired girl heard her friend shout, breaking her from her peaceful slumber.
“Why do you have to be so mean, Rei,” Usagi asked, hiding under her blanket.
“Ami tried to wake you, and you didn’t listen. So, now it’s my turn. Now get up. Breakfast is ready.”
Usagi sat up and stretched, letting out a loud yawn. The sun was shining into her small room. She washed herself, applying an elixir to her hair, unknowing that it was hiding her silver locks. After she finished washing, she put on her dress. Today was her birthday and she knew her friends had something planned for her. She wondered what it was. They were more guarded around her whenever the subject was brought up. But she had other things on mind.
Makoto was preparing breakfast for the family. It had been sixteen years since the curse was placed on Serenity and the Senshi quietly spirited the dear princess from the Moon. They knew that Earth would be the last place the Queen of the Dark Moon and her ilk would expect to look when the princess had vanished.
Keeping their promise, the Senshi swore off their magic when raising Serenity. The last bit of magic they used was to create a cottage for them and the princess, along with furnishings.
They began calling the princess Usagi, and she grew up in a very happy home. They taught her about the planets and their kingdom and kept her educated on life in the kingdoms, though they had yet to tell her of her royalty. While they were protective of her, they gave her some space and freedom. Every morning, she’d go out to collect fruits and plants for their meals, as long as she promised to come back before dark. And occasionally, on days they needed materials, they would go into town and sometimes take Usagi with them.
They did, however, begin to notice that when Usagi went out to collect, she seemed to return a little later than she had in the past.
“Hm, that smells good,” Usagi said, coming downstairs, sitting in her seat as Makoto poured her some soup.
“So, do you have any plans,” Usagi asked.
“For what,” Rei answered, nonchalantly.
“Well, it is a special day,” Usagi said, waiting for someone to say something, “You know, like a special day for a certain girl…”
“Oh, right,” Ami said, looking up from her book, “It’s your birthday.”
“Happy birthday,” Makoto said, kissing her on the head.
“Wow, sixteen years, I can’t believe it. We should celebrate,” Minako said.
“Yeah, I’ll make you a special meal. We’ll celebrate when you get back,” Makoto said, handing Usagi the berry basket.
Usagi grabbed the basket. After she was gone, the four girls gathered.
“Is it just me or did she seem a little…eager to leave,” Rei asked.
“Maybe she wants to get back to catch us before her present is ready,” Minako said.
“Well, if she wants to spoil her party, then that is her fault, but right now we need to prepare,” Makoto said, gathering up supplies from the kitchen, “I’m going to make the best cake that the Usagi has ever had in her sixteen years.”
“I’ll set up the decorations,” Ami volunteered.
“I’ll make the dress,” Rei said, pulling out the fabrics and sewing supplies.
“And I’ll get the Sailor Wands,” Minako said, heading for the stairs.
Everyone immediately stopped and looked at her.
“What?” she asked, “It’s been sixteen years. We are just doing some quick chores for this one day.”
“Minako,” Ami said, “We can’t. We promised.”
“We can’t take that chance,” Makoto said.
“Minako stop this nonsense and come over here,” Rei said, “I need someone to be the dummy, and you and Usagi share a similar build.”
Disappointed, Minako walked back and stood near the sewing station.
“Since when can you sew,” Minako said, getting into position, as Rei began measuring.
“How hard can it really be?” Rei answered.
Usagi strolled through the forest, humming. She grabbed a few berries and plants to bring back to the cottage. But she was searching for something else.
Suddenly, two hands covered her eyes.
“Got you, my lady,” the supposed assailant said. Once Usagi heard his voice she immediately relaxed. He let go, allowing her to turn around to a man dressed in servant’s attire for the royal family.
“Hello, Mamo-chan,” Usagi said sweetly.
“Usako,” he answered, using his special name for her, before giving her a sweet kiss.
Usagi had met the man, Mamoru, in the market several months ago. He was dressed in his filthy work attire, with his face dotted with dirt and grime, after having tripped in the street.
When their eyes had met, Usagi had known that she just had to talk to him. She was able to slip away from her guardians and the two had spent the day around the square. But as the day had ended, Usagi had known that her friends would be worried, so she had told the man that they could meet the following day, somewhere in the woods, near the creek. She had worried about how her friends might react if they saw someone knocking on their door, and she had been taught to be wary of telling someone where she lived, so she had figured that somewhere close to home would do.
They had begun meeting each other every few days. She had learned so much of him, and about life in the royal court of Earth. Their relationship had started off innocently, just simply talk or play. Learning about themselves, and their dreams. But it soon began to change into something more. A few weeks ago, they shared a first kiss, and their friendship changed forever.
She told him about her morning.
“Happy birthday, then,” he said.
“Thanks, it is a special one. My friends are planning something. I just know it.”
“I wish I could be there.”
“As do I. I know they would love you if they had the chance to get to know you. I wish they weren’t so overprotective.”
“It’s alright. I enjoy our time here.”
They strolled through the forest and talked about their day. Apparently, the Earth court was busy lately. The royal family was planning for a huge trip to the Moon. Soon, the teleporter to the Moon would be set and the family would be on their way.
Finally, the two reached an overlook on top of a hill and enjoyed the scenery of the kingdom.
It was too soon, as Usagi had to return home before her friends worried. She reached her meeting spot, where she’d part with her beloved. But Usagi didn’t want it to end yet.
“Mamo-chan,” Usagi said, stopping him in his tracks as he was heading in the other direction, “I would really love it if you could visit me tonight. At the cottage.”
“Yes. I’m tired of hiding you. I want you to meet them tonight.”
“I’ll come with you right now, if you want.”
“No. It’s better to wait until tonight. If they see you with me, they’ll panic and I do not want to know what they might do. I’ll tell them about us when I get home. It will give them some time to cool.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I love you and I want you in my life.”
“I love you too, Usako. I can’t wait,” he said, smiling.
“Remember, tonight. Right after sunset.”
“I look forward to it.”
They shared one more kiss, before heading in their respective directions.
Makoto was finishing her four layer cake, and Ami was trying to hang the last of the decorations. As Rei tried sewing in the final stitches, Minako continued looking in the mirror with disgust. The fabric colors were clashing, the seams were hanging loose, barely holding the dress together, and Minako knew the dress was only one wrong step from falling apart.
“Perfect,” Makoto said, finishing icing the pastry, “Just need to add some candles.”
“Wow, Ami, the decorations…” Makoto began, finally noticing Ami’s work. Honestly, Makoto thought, while the decorations were nice, Ami covered most of the ceiling and the wall with them. And some of them were hanging, obtrusively, at neck level.
“Well, if Usagi didn’t know it was her birthday, she will certainly know when she walks through the door,” Makoto finished.
“And finished,” Rei announced, sewing in the last stitch. Ami and Makoto turned to see the dress Minako was begrudgingly modeling.
“Wow,” Ami said, “It’s certainly not the way it looked in the book.”
“I can honestly say you’ve added your own style to it,” Makoto said, trying to stifle a laugh.
“Really? Thanks,” Rei said, looking at the dress, “Hm, I think perhaps it might need a few more ruffles. What do you think, Minako?”
“What do I think,” Minako echoed, bitterly, “Well I-”
Minako turned and tripped on the long skirt, ripping the dress, as the seams began to unravel. She quickly grabbed one of the hanging paper-chain-ring decorations and it ripped off the ceiling, taking down the long line of rings, with one of the chains getting tangled around the cake As the girls went to help Minako up, Rei tripped over the fallen decoration and the cake was dragged off the table, onto the ground.
As Minako began to get up, she slipped on some icing and got covered in some cake. Everyone was silent, seeing all their hard work undone.
“That’s IT!” Minako shouted.
“Now, please be reasonable,” Ami said, trying to calm her fellow Senshi.
“Reasonable? I’m covered in cake and in a dress that was a mess before it trashed the house. And Usagi will be home within the hour.”
She stood up, and marched upstairs, with the dress pieces just falling off her in her path.
“Desperate times, desperate measures. I’m getting the wands!”
Rei picked up some of the pieces of cloth from the ruined dress, “Hate to say it, but I think she’s right.”
“Here we go,” Minako said, happily, showing their wands, which glowed.
“Careful,” Rei immediately said, “If we’re doing this, we have to do this right.”
Ami nodded, “We can’t let anyone know of this.”
“Alright,” Minako agreed, “Doors, windows, cracks, nothing gets a peek inside this house.”
The girls darkened the cottage, cutting off any natural light from getting in. But soon as the girls grabbed their wands, the place began to light up as the wands began brightening the room.
“Okay, so since we are pressed on time, we all do the same tasks as before,” Rei said, “I’ll make the dress, Ami will decorate the cottage, and Makoto makes the cake.”
“Hey, this was my idea,” Minako pointed out.
“Which is why you have the task of making this place spotless before Usagi gets home.”
“Fine,” Minako said, begrudgingly.
The girls went to their individual tasks:
Minako animated the cleaning utensils such as the broom and dust pan and other supplies, and began cleaning up the mess. She had the floor mopped and she was able to dry it quickly before anyone could slip on it.
Ami commanded the decorations to rise up and place themselves on the walls and ceiling, though this time higher, no longer a hazard to anyone passing by it. They looked more organized and less cluttered.
Rei waved her wand and the unused cloth pulled out. With cloth and scissors, and sewing material in motion, a beautiful dress was formed, not a stitch out of place. Something that was more suitable for a princess to wear.
Makoto was now in the kitchen, commanding the ingredients to go into motion to form her cake. While she preferred the satisfaction of cooking the mortal way, there was no getting around the speed needed that only magic could provide. The cake took shape and she waved her wand to cook the dough, ready within minutes, and she put the candles and icing in place.
The girls were finishing their tasks when they heard the gate outside open.
“Usagi’s back!” Makoto said, hearing Usagi humming. The girls quickly cleaned up their work spaces, and hid just as soon as Usagi opened the door.
“I’m home-” Usagi gasped, seeing the place decorated along with a lovely dress and a delicious cake.
“Surprise!” the girls shouted in joy.
“Oh this is so lovely,” Usagi said, looking at the room, “I can’t believe you all did this for me.”
“It’s a special day,” Minako answered, “and we have another surprise for you too.”
“Actually,” Usagi began, “I actually have a surprise for you, as well.”
Usagi cleared her throat.
“Well, um, for the past few months now, I have been meeting with someone, and invited him-”
“Wait, you met some stranger and he’s coming here?!” Rei interrupted. The girls bombarded her with questions.
“Who is he!?”
“What did he say to you?”
“Please, he is not dangerous,” Usagi answered, “We have been meeting for a while now.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Because you have always been so overprotective. I wanted to meet him without having to worry he would be scared off by my sisters.”
Usagi continued, “Anyways, we have kinda been...courting.”
“He was a perfect gentleman,” she continued, “I invited him over to meet you all tonight. He is a wonderful man and he is kind and-”
“Oh no, she’s in love,” Makoto interrupted.
Usagi said nothing but blushed in response.
“Usagi, I’m sorry to say this, but that is not going to work out. You’re going to have to stop seeing him,” Ami sympathized.
“What, why?! Why can’t I be in love? You haven’t even met him, so I don’t see why you are suddenly forbiddening me to see him.”
“Because you are already betrothed,” Minako blurted out.
“What?” Usagi was stunned. Rei glared at Minako, but looked back to Usagi.
“You are betrothed to the heir apparent of the Golden Kingdom of Earth. Prince Endymion.”
“That’s not possible. I can’t be betrothed. I’m just a peasant.”
“No, you are not. You are royalty. You are Princess Serenity, the long lost daughter of the Silver Millennium.”
Usagi’s eyes widened. She had no idea how she could possibly believe such news.
“That’s not possible,” she said, trying to form a coherent thought.
“It’s true,” Ami said, “We’ve been keeping you safe all these years, and tonight you will be revealed to the court, safe and sound.”
“And I have to marry a stranger? You can’t do this. I never asked for much, but this I know I want. Please don’t take him from me.”
“I’m sorry Serenity-”
“Don’t call me that! It’s not fair. I can’t-”
The princess began to breathe heavily and she fell to the ground. The girls ran to help her, but she screamed. She grabbed her head and suddenly the crescent moon symbol appeared on her forehead. As she screamed, a bright light shot up from the spot where she collapsed, into the sky. It lasted for a few seconds, but soon the light faded, and she was there, still displaying the crescent moon mark, and her hair turned silver.
“Your coming into your powers,” Ami said, “You are becoming the true princess of the Moon”
“We have to pack, right now,” Minako said, “I’m sorry we can’t ease you into this, but anyone might have seen that light. We have to move, get her to the Moon before sundown.”
Usagi looked up, her face still covered in tears, “But I promised Mamoru I’d be here. He’s expecting me to be here.”
“I’m sorry princess, but we have to go. I know this is harsh, but it is best you put him out of your mind,” Rei concluded
As they all hurried to pack, they failed to see a winged fiery eyeball watching them, hearing everything they say, before flying back to its wicked queen.
Before the final day was over, the Senshi returned to the Moon, with their princess. They did not inform anyone of their arrival, just in case Nehellenia had spies planted in court. They didn’t even tell Queen Serenity, so that she would act normally, until the prophecy was defeated by sundown.
They finally made it to Princess Serenity’s intended room. The bed was all made up for her, and the place was decorated in the moon culture fashion. They helped her prepare for the ceremony and got her dressed into the gown Rei had made for her birthday.
“Princess,” Sailor Jupiter said, looking at the dresser mirror, “You look so beautiful.”
Serenity held back her tears, trying not to ruin the work her friends had done with her make up.
“I promise, princess, you will be happy,” Sailor Venus said, and quietly talked to the others in a whispered voice, “I just heard. The prince is running late. He did not arrive with the rest of Earth’s royal family.”
“Do we know when he will arrive?” Sailor Mercury asked.
“No. Hopefully soon.”
“Please,” Serenity began, “Can I please just...”
“C’mon,” Sailor Mars said, herding the others out, “She needs a few minutes.”
“We will be right outside, if you need us” said Sailor Jupiter, closing the door behind them, leaving the princess with her thoughts.
Serenity could not hold back her tears.
“Mamo-chan,” she whispered to herself.
Serenity turned around and saw a passageway she did not notice before. She got up and heard an echo through it. She got closer and closer to the passage, but felt a force, resisting her attempt to walk through.
“Mamo-chan?!” she shouted down the corridor.
“Usako”, Mamoru’s voice shouted back from a distance.
With more force, Serenity pushed through, into the passage. Unbeknownst to the princess, her Senshi arrived just in time to see her push her way through a big mirror.
Serenity climbed the stairs. The corridors made no sense, and she was surely going to be lost for days, but she continued to follow her love’s voice, calling to her. She finally reached a tower, and as she opened the door, she lost her breath. Standing in the room was Mamoru, still in the same outfit as he was wearing earlier that day.
“Mamo-chan,” Serenity said, about to cry. “What?”
“I saw you leaving and I had to find you. I am so glad you’re here.”
“Is this...” Serenity started, “Is this real?”
Mamoru extended his hand, offering it “Let me prove it.”
She hesitated, but she looked into his beautiful eyes, and unconsciously reached out for him, accepting his hand. But instead of the comforting warmth she was expecting, she felt a pinch on her forefinger. She looked at her hand and saw in front of her a spinning wheel, with a sharpened spindle, which she scratched her finger on. She looked back up and in place of her love stood a tall scary woman. Before the princess could say anything, she felt her eyelids getting heavy and she started to get dizzy, and soon everything went black.
“I feel so bad for her,” Venus said, “She meets the love of her life, and we just took it from her.”
“Our duty is to the princess. She might not like all our decisions, but we are doing this for her,” Mars responded.
“And this is better for both kingdoms,” Jupiter added, “After years, we are so close to peace.”
“It still sucks.”
“Wait, do you feel that,” Mercury interrupted them. The girls stopped and felt a dark chill down their spines. They felt it coming from Serenity’s room.
They swiftly opened the door, and saw Serenity entering a mirror that was not there before.
“USAGI!” they cried.
They ran for her, but before they could grab her, she passed through the glass and the mirror was dark, sending no reflection.
“Out of the way, Mars Flame Sniper!”
“Jupiter Oak Evolution!”
Lightning and fire struck the mirror but it remained undamaged.
“It’s no use!”
Venus stepped forward, “Come on. Let’s combine our powers.”
Using their abilities, they directed it at the mirror and opened a way for them to slip in through.
“Usagi!” They shouted, their voices echoing through the various corridors. They heard nothing back. They split up and went through various corridors, but they continued running into dead ends or being drawn back to the same passages. The place was a big complicated maze, and they soon found themselves right back at the entrance.
“Nehellenia’s making us run in circles,” Jupiter said.
“Wait, the princess’s powers were unlocked. We should focus on that and follow it,” Mercury said.
“Worth a shot,” said Mars.
They closed their eyes and focused. They felt an intense cold in the world they were in. But soon, they felt a warm pull. They opened their eyes and followed the warm light in the distance.
They finally saw their princess in the distance, entering a doorway and the door closed behind her. They rushed forward, but it felt like the door was getting further away. But soon they reached it and pulled it open with such force.
“Usagi,” they shouted as they saw the poor girl collapsed on the ground, in front of a spinning wheel. Eyes shut, not moving. She looked uninjured, except a cut on her finger, her blood on the spindle.
The Earth prince, Endymion, rode through the forest, following the path his love, Usagi, had given him, before she left. He decided that tonight, he would tell her everything. That he was a prince and heir of the planet, and he loved her dearly. And if Usagi could look past his deception, he was going to ask her to marry him. He did not care that he was betrothed to some stranger from another kingdom. He wanted to see his love everyday, in public, no longer as a secret in the forest.
When he had first met her, it had been a day filled with stress caused by his royal obligations. He had needed to get away, so he had disguised himself as a servant, as he had done on more than one occasion, and went into town, exploring the marketplace. It had been there where he met his angel.
He had not wanted her to treat him differently, so he had continued the ruse as a servant, and had continued their meetings in the woods. It had been a wonderful few months, being with her, getting to know her, as a wonderful person, with a beauty to match her soul. He needed her in his life.
He finally reached the cottage, where Usagi had said it would be, and got off his horse. He took a deep breath and knocked, but the door slowly opened, left ajar, revealing to a dark living room, illuminated by only the moonlight.
“Come in,” he heard a voice say. It wasn’t Usagi’s voice, but maybe it was one of her friends….maybe one with a sore throat.
He walked in, and as he moved further into the room, the door slammed closed and he found himself overwhelmed by what looked like small balls of darkness. He fought them off but he felt them draining him of his energy, collapsing to the ground. He tried to access the power of the royal Golden Crystal, but he lost too much energy to be able to use it. He looked up from the ground, too weak to grip his sword, and saw an old grey woman-like creature. She had blue robes and had a staff that had a flaming eyeball at the top.
“This is quite a development. A princess of one kingdom cursed, and a prince of another kingdom a prisoner of the Dead Moon.”
Mamoru remembered hearing stories of the Dead Moon. The very name stirred up dormant and vague memories of a terrifying experience he had as a child, when he visited the Moon Kingdom.
“My queen will love such a prize,” he heard the woman say as his vision went dark.
The Senshi were devastated, their friend in a death-like slumber. By the time they found her, they were out of Nehellenia’s mirror dimension and they were in the tower of the castle. They arrived, in horror, to find Serenity lying on the ground, eyes closed, with a small scratch on her finger. Nehellenia stood before them, cackling as she vanished back into her mirror, as it disappeared. The Senshi knew the curse was fulfilled. They couldn’t leave their princess lying in the tower, so they carried her back to her room. The stairway back down was more direct, now that they were no longer travelling through Nehellenia’s mirror realm. It wasn’t until they were near her room, where they saw the full impact of the curse.
They soon discovered guards and castle staff having collapsed, in a similar deep slumber. They realized the curse was feeding off of Serenity’s power, strengthening itself to spread far and wide, putting the whole kingdom into a deep sleep with their princess. It was by good fortune that, being Senshi, they were able to resist the curse. They knew to end the curse, they needed Serenity’s love, Mamoru. If he loved her as much as she had claimed to love him, he could end the nightmare.
After placing their princess into bed, they took the teleporter back to Earth. They found that Earth was suffering from the curse as well; nobles passed out in the streets, knights fallen off their horses unconscious, peasants slumbering in the fields. The Senshi rushed back to the cottage, in hopes that Serenity’s true love would be there, as she said, and hoped he did not fall victim as well.
They arrived at the cottage and saw the door left open. They cautiously walked in and saw the place was a mess, showing clear signs of a struggle.
“What happened?” Mars said, looking around with worry.
“Hold on,” Mercury said, pulling out her computer and activating her goggles, and began scanning the room. She looked around and was directed to a small dark corner of the blackened room. “Over there,” she pointed.
Jupiter and Venus walked slowly and cautiously to the corner. Suddenly, something jumped out: a small dark black circular creature. It shot past the two Senshi and bounced around before escaping the cottage.
“Was that...” Jupiter began.
“It was a Lemure. One of Nehellenia’s,” Venus finished her sentence, “The Dead Moon Circus. They were here.”
“It looks like there was a fight,” Mars said, “Mamoru must have been attacked by them.”
“But I don’t see a body. So they either killed him, or he escaped.”
“That was just one Lemure. They travel in packs. If they caught him off guard, they could have overwhelmed him.”
“Which begs the question, why not kill him?”
“I don’t know. But if he’s not here, there’s only one place he could be.”
“Nehellenia’s castle.”
“We have no choice. We have to save him.”
Getting to the evil queen’s castle was quite the feat, but together, the four combined their power to teleport into the castle. A trying task, which they wouldn’t be able to do again within the castle walls. The Senshi quietly snuck around the castle, finding a lack of security, only needing to avoid a couple guards.
They soon found themselves overlooking the throne room and found out why the security was so lax. There was a dark, twisted feast occurring in the large room. A celebration of sorts with vile monsters partying.
The Senshi looked disgusted by the event, but Jupiter looked on, “Over there.” She pointed and saw Zirconia, Nehellenia’s most loyal servant observing events. But the hag began to walk away from the room, and the Senshi quietly tailed her. They followed her to the castle dungeons, and they heard screaming, as Zirconia opened one of the cell doors.
“You choose when you want this pain to end, dear prince,” the Senshi heard inside, from a familiar voice.
“Mistress,” they heard Zirconia, “Your desires are almost achieved. The princess is gone, both great kingdoms are cursed, and the crystal is almost within your grasp. If you don’t mind my saying, you’ve had a long, productive day. Perhaps some rest can do some good.”
“Yes, perhaps I am pushing myself. Thank you.”
The Senshi took cover as they heard footsteps leaving the cell. They looked behind and watched, as Nehellenia and Zirconia left the small cell. Zirconia tapped her staff on the ground and the cell door closed behind her. She turned her head towards the Senshi and they ducked behind the corner, unsure if they were seen. They waited for a few moments before looking to see the hag leave the dungeon, behind her mistress.
They quickly moved to the cell, and Jupiter kicked the door open, with full force, breaking it off the locks.
There, they found someone they had not expected
“Prince Endymion,” Venus said. The prince raised his head, staring wide-eyed at his visitors.
“You-you’re the Sailor Senshi,” he answered, questioningly, not quite sure if they were real.
“What are you doing here?” Mars asked, as she, Mercury and Venus approached him and Jupiter stood watch. He was wearing his armor, but they could see burned marks and other injuries on the prince.
“They want the Golden Crystal.” he answered.
“How’d they catch you? Shouldn’t you have been protected?”
“They caught me off guard. One minute, I was going to meet someone at their residence in a woodland cottage, the next thing I know, I am being attacked and found myself in a dungeon.”
“Who were you supposed to meet?”
Endymion suddenly stopped talking, and looked away from them.
“Wait a minute,” Venus said, “Who was it exactly you were planning to see?”
He did not answer, still avoiding her gaze.
“Usagi?” Venus said. He slightly flinched, and she had her answer.
“You,” Venus said, “It is you? You’re Usagi’s Mamoru?”
“How do you know her?” he asked, as the last of his restraints were broken.
The Senshi’s eyes lit up to this revelation.
“We need to hurry, but there is something you must know, prince” Mars said, “We need to tell you the truth about your maiden.”
Endymion could not believe it. The very news just sent shocks throughout his body. Usagi, the peasant girl he had met so many times in the woods, was the lost Princess Serenity, his betrothed. And was trapped in a horrible curse.
“You love Usagi, right?” Venus asked.
“Yes,” he said, quickly, without hesitation.
“Then there is hope. True love can break the curse. You can save her.”
“We need to go,” Jupiter said to the group.
Endymion closed his eyes, and used the power of the Golden Crystal to summon his damaged armor to repair and called on his sword to appear in his hand. The group of five made their way out of the cell, and proceeded out of the dungeon, when they heard a commotion. Noises of monsters getting closer to them, forcing them to run faster down to the corridor.
They travelled down the passage ways, until they made it to the courtyard. However, the yard was now filled with monsters, with Zirconia standing at the forefront.
“Senshi,” Zirconia said, “I have to say, it is a surprise to see you up and about. But I am afraid this is as far as you go. Our guest still needs to surrender the crystal.”
The five fighters stood back to back, surrounded by the forces of the Dead Moon.
“Kill them,” Zirconia commanded.
The creatures rushed forward, attacking. The fight expanded around the courtyard. At first, the group stayed together, but soon were forced to split off and fight the monsters with their powers. Mars used her fire attacks as she thinned the number of her attackers. Mercury used her water, sweeping away her foes, freezing them, and even misting the air to blind them. Jupiter used her lightning, taking out many foes caught in the lightning chains. Venus blasted her foes with raining light beams from the sky. And Endymion used a combination, blasting his enemies with his powers and swiping his sword at those who got too close.
The battle went well, until Endymion was blasted from a dark power, coming from the sky. He fell, and soon Zirconia was right in front of him, with Zircon on her staff.
Zircon flew from the staff, floating over the group, as Zircon levitated. A cone of shadow was released from the eye, and the group collapsed from it, as if being weighed down. As they were pinned, Zirconia unleashed powerful blasts, each hitting one of the Senshi.
Zircon returned to the staff as Zirconia laughed.
But Endymion defiantly stood up, and he felt the energy of the Golden Crystal flow through him. He pointed his palm at the hag and a shot of golden energy was released at her. She screeched as she tried to endure the attack. The Senshi stood, regaining their composure. They focused on pooling their power together. Endymion could hold his attack no longer and he had to stop, with Zirconia exhausted but still alive.
However, she looked at the Senshi. Eyes widened, knowing her fate.
“Sailor Planet Attack!”
Together, the Senshi used their power, striking Zirconia, and she and Zircon dissolved into ashes.
With their foe destroyed, the group made their way out of the castle walls.
They made their way to the Golden Kingdom’s castle. All they had to do was get Endymion to the teleporter, to the Moon Kingdom, and he could free Serenity from the curse.
However, as they got closer, suddenly the road was bombarded by strikes of dark lightning.
They turned around and saw a figure from a distance, standing at the tower of the dark castle: Nehellenia.
She extended her hand again and from the tips of her fingers unleashed a chain of black lightning. The group scattered, dodging the attack.
Knowing how close they were to the castle, they made a run to the fortress. Lightning from the sky continued to crash down as they swayed back and forth from it.
With the castle in sight, the Senshi led Endymion, but they tripped. Looking down, the warriors found they had stepped in a field of webs. They looked ahead and saw the whole castle and the surrounding area encased in webbing.
The Senshi struggled to no avail. However, Endymion was fortunate to avoid the trap. He took out his sword, and channeling the power of the Golden Crystal, swiped the webbing, freeing the Senshi. They moved forward as he continued swiping at the threads. He was close, reaching the gates, but suddenly, in front of the gates stood a mirror, with no reflection but a dark void.
“You will not stop me, dear prince,” a voice said.
He saw before them Queen Nehellenia in the mirror as the object began to levitate. It ascended higher, and soon the queen’s silhouette formed around the mirror. As it reached high, it had vanished within the chest of the gigantic queen.
The Senshi and Endymion prepared for the last push to save their princess.
Meanwhile, in the Moon Kingdom, the princess remained in slumber. Yet somehow, she felt something troubling her soul. That her loved ones were in grave danger. Not knowing how, she knew she needed to help and reached out to them. Her body began to glow and a bright beam of light was released from her body, heading to Earth.
Endymion and the Senshi were now on the ground, Injured, failing to defeat the giant as she continued bombarding the field with lightning. She raised her hand, as it glowed with dark power.
Suddenly, a bright light from the moon created a shield around the group, and Nehellenia’s power failed to penetrate it.
“Usako,” Endymion said, knowing, somehow, that it was her power that saved them. He felt renewed strength as he stood, along with the Senshi.
“Let’s end this,” Venus said. The Senshi charged at the queen and used their powers, causing her to flinch and push backward.
Endymion picked up his sword, and saw it begin to glow with Serenity’s power. He focused his own power within it and it shined brightly. He charged at Nehellenia and threw the blade, embedding the blade into her chest.
She screamed, as an echoing, cracking, sound was heard. The Senshi stopped their attack, as the queen looked at the sword, not embedded in her chest, but in the mirror now floating outside her form, as more fractures began appearing. The whole mirror shattered into dust, and the queen screeched, as she, too, dissolved into the darkness. With all traces of her gone, the only thing left behind was the glowing sword, as it lost its shine.
Endymion exhaled, finally taking a rest, but suddenly, Mars and Jupiter helped him to his legs.
“Don’t rest now, prince,” Mars said, smiling, “You only have a little further to go. Someone needs to wake up our lazy princess.”
They let Endymion go, as he was able to balance himself on his feet, and led them to the planetary teleporter. Soon he was on the Moon, and the Senshi led him to the princess’s room.
And there he saw her, now in her princess gown, but his Usako, no doubt. He approached her bed and she looked so peaceful. He cupped her cheek and leaned in, placing his lips softly on her’s. He drew his head back and looked at her as she slowly opened her eyes.
Serenity’s eyes took a moment to adjust. Her vision was blurry, but soon her vision cleared and she was staring into those midnight blue eyes, of the man she loved.
“Mamo-chan,” she whispered.
He cupped her cheek, lovingly, “Usako.”
The two kissed deeply, and just as they separated, the Senshi burst into the room.
“Usagi,” they shouted. Endymion backed away as the four jumped onto the big bed, where each of the Senshi got a chance to give Serenity a big hug, as they all laughed, playfully.
Moments after Serenity awoke, the curse that had spread across both kingdoms had lifted and everyone slowly woke from their slumber. The Senshi were very quick to inform the royal parents of the events and the celebration was put back on track within hours.
Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion entered the grand room, arms linked, and the moment they were standing before the royals, Queen Serenity quickly got up from her throne and embraced her daughter, not having held her since she gave her to her guardians sixteen years ago.
The prince and princess were wedded, and they began the celebration by sharing their first dance.
“It’s funny,” the prince whispered.
“What is,” she asked her now husband.
“Yesterday, I was prepared to give up everything, to marry some beautiful peasant girl I met in the market.”
“What a coincidence. When I heard I was betrothed to a prince, I did not know how I could ever be happy with him, after courting a handsome stranger.”
They looked at each other, and smiled, sharing another kiss.
And They Lived Happily Ever After
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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Yo, what up? Sorry, I've been MIA, had a LOT going on. Three/four weeks of moving and then Eid with a week-long stay with friends/family. Then I had to get my kid registered for school which was more stressful and ridiculous than the last month combined. Why I had to do a physical for my kid to do virtual school, I'll never know. PS, it's kindergarten so what the hell does she need the physical for? (Gave them shot records too so IDK anymore). Just now getting back into the swing of things. Thank you all for being patient. Here is a nice long chapter for you this evening. I hope you are all doing well and surviving/thriving.
Fanfiction HERE!
Chapter 18
She wasn't surprised in the least to find him on the couch when she left her room at 4 am. Their connection flowed with ease once again.
His eyes were closed and his breathing was heavy but his mind was racing even in his sleep. Stopping for a second, she watched him for a moment, her heart swelling at the sight of him slightly peaceful. But then the memories of the night before cracked it all over again.
Her braid swung heavily on her head as she turned quickly towards the door. "Where do you think you are going."
His voice caused her heart to jump into her throat, making it sore. "Out."
"At least let me go with you."
He was right behind her and she swiveled around to block him with her hand. "No!"
Backing off, he sat on the arm of the couch, his arms crossing over his chest. "Did you sleep?"
She balked at him, "Did you?"
His silence was his answer, feeling his exhaustion in him as well. "You should rest. Not run off in the middle of the night."
"It is not the middle of the night, it's morning. And I am heading off to train."
"I thought we talked about this…"
"No, you talked and I listened, so now it is my turn. If you think you can just walk in here and have me bow at your feet, you've got another thing coming."
She held out a finger to point at him, not realizing it had also drawn her into him until he wrapped an arm around her. "I don't want you getting hurt."
"I have been doing JUST FINE without you."
"Usagi, I care about you, that's all."
The knife that he planted in her last night twisted at his words. "You care, huh?"
He was confused, not sure why his words gained that reaction. "Of course, I do, I love you."
She shoved away from him, backing away to the door again. "You should really make sure to finish your sentences, Chiba. You might give someone the wrong impression."
"What are you talking about?" He stood, following after her.
"You mean, 'I love you, Serenity'. See, if you finish it, it has a whole new meaning."
Her back found the door and he caged her in. "You're putting words into my mouth. I mean you. I love you, Usako."
Sticking her arm out, she pushed him away as far as she could. "Stop saying things you don't even understand. You will never know and neither will I; if you love me or Serenity. Endymion has been overruling your feelings from the start."
"I do know and I love you both! The only difference between Mamoru and Endymion is that Mamoru was an idiot! He didn't know love even when it bit him on the ass. Endymion did!"
She looked down at the ground, unable to stand his dark blue eyes on hers anymore, probing her feelings. The lack of sleep was making her weak and her thoughts were a blur.
Her hand dropped, no longer holding him back and he pulled her up from the door and into his arms. He kept his mouth at her ear, talking into the shell of it. "I'm sorry, Usako...I'm so sorry, I should have told you before. Before all of this. From the moment I first saw you, the time you hit me with that awful test score and when you poured your milkshake on me, I have been in love with you. But I didn't because I was a fool and a coward. Now I have to pay for it." His head dropped to her shoulder and she could feel him start to shake with her. "I love you, Usako, more than anything. And so, I will give you the space you want. I will give you as much as I can."
He stepped away, right after planting a kiss to her neck, and released her without another word. He was retreating back to the living room, his back to her, and she watched as it rippled with tension. "There is something I don't understand. How did you awaken? I never wanted you to. I thought I had to want it for it to happen?"
He stopped but didn't turn around. "You didn't, you wanted Endymion to awaken. So I did."
A sad laugh escaped her. "Yeah, I wanted you to wake so I could tell you off!"
He chuckled as well, flopping down to the couch and facing her. "Are you going to go out alone?"
"No… of course not."
On cue, two doors opened, Minako walked out of one and Makoto out of the other. "Oh great, someone else living here?"
"Relax, Makoto. I'm not moving in."
He rose, walking towards her again, but then she realized he was heading for the door. "I'll see you in an hour."
"What happened to giving me space?"
He smirked, standing not very far from her at all. "I said I would give you as much as I could. One hour is all I can give you for now." He leaned in even closer, his face inches from hers. "Besides, if I'm not there, who would you spar with?" Her mind started to wander to some of her previous spars, ones with the boys, and he grabbed her arm at her elbow. "Don't even think about it."
His teeth gritted, he hissed the last bit out to her and she couldn't contain her own smirk in response.
Turning towards the door, he pushed it open, but then stopped and faced her again. "Oh and be careful, dancing like that again. Cause if I catch you, I can't be held responsible for what I do to you."
The memory flashed through her, but this time, from his perspective. Including his… feelings while watching her. She wasn't sure how she felt about his little threat but color rose to her cheeks just the same. He shot her a smirk as he shut the door behind him.
The girls and Usagi waited for a beat before taking off behind him. She didn't want to run into him on their way out. Usagi knew it wouldn't be long until the girls started layering her with questions. But they at least waited till they were halfway to the warehouse.
"So….Mamoru is Endymion huh? That explains a lot."
She glanced over at Makoto, the brunette smirking and wagging her eyebrows at Usagi. Her eyes rolled, "Yeah, it explains why Mamoru ever showed me any interest in the first place."
"What do you mean?"
"Usagi thinks Mamoru is only interested in her because she was Serenity."
Makoto looked past her to Minako, the two of them having the conversation without her. "So?"
"So, she thinks he isn't in love with Usagi, she thinks he is in love with Serenity."
Makoto scrunched up her nose in confusion. "I don't understand. She is Serenity."
Minako just shrugged, "I don't get it either. I mean, I know Kun loves me because he loved Aphrodite. We are the same person."
"But Serenity and I are not the same person!"
They had just made it to the warehouse when it hit, the tightening in her stomach and their communicators going off. They stepped inside just to transform and head off to danger.
The creature didn't seem too bad, it even looked almost human by comparison. Save for the green skin and tiny horns on its head. Its long blue hair flowed down its back and it was yet again in a tight little leotard, leaving very little to the imagination. But it hardly seemed like all seven of them were needed. Eight, if you counted Mamoru who was sure to show up any second now.
The boys stayed back, watching as the three of them took it on. Looked like they agreed with her, they were not all needed for this one.
There were several bodies on the ground around it, the creature already had time to drain people. It was a lot. A lot more than usual. How did it take so long for them to notice? No way it did all of this so quickly, they all got there within seconds of the call.
The only thing she could think of was the creature must have some way of taking multiple energies at once. The fact that it attacked the Juban business district so early in the day was no coincidence either, the place would be full of victims. If it had waited an hour more to attack, it would have close to a hundred victims. As of now, she counted close to 40 and she wasn't sure she could revive all of them.
"Guys, we have to hurry and get those people their energy back!"
Venus and Jupiter gave her a silent nod, fanning out to circle the creature. Even with the other two moving around it, it kept its eyes on her, a sneer forming on its lips.
"Hello, little Moon girl."
It gave her a curious look as if it had been waiting for her. Then it threw its hands up, a silvery net forming out of thin air. It blanketed the air above her, shimmering in the street lamps. At least that explained how it drained so many people so quickly.
It fell over her, the weight of it a bit unexpected, and she could feel it trying to pull on her energy as soon as the netting touched her skin.
Pulling out her moon wand, she set it on the ground before her and extended it. The net was pushed upwards and off her skin, the staff pulling it tight across the sharp crescent on her wand and cutting it. The frayed ends fluttered around her, a small hole around her the reward.
The creature sneered and then out a visceral yell, pulling the net back to it hard. The remaining net swept around her, knocking her feet out from under her. "Watch your feet goddamnit!"
Her head hit the pavement, causing it to spin for a second, Kun's voice coming out a bit warbled. He was right though, that had been a stupid mistake. She could hear the calls of the girls' attacks and the popping and sizzling in the air. Looking back up, she saw the creature dodging and blocking each beam of energy, while its net began to glow a little with each hit. They were just feeding it.
"Venus, Jupiter, wait!"
They froze and the beast turned back to her, sending the same attacks her friends had just shot at it hurtling back at her. She hadn't even made it back to her feet yet, hitting her head harder than she realized. Putting up her arms so they covered her face and squeezed her eyes shut, she hoped her friends' attacks didn't hurt as much as they looked.
Her gravity shifted, the sound of the attacks hitting the pavement instead of her prone body ringing out, and she opened her eyes to black. A flash of red and she looked up, finding a masked Mamoru holding her up and taking her to safety.
"Sorry, I'm late. Had to dig this thing out and dust it off."
She looked him over, the tux he always used to wear now on him again. "You are still wearing that thing?"
He chuckled, "I remember very distinctly, the old Sailor Moon loving this get up."
"Pretty sure she was just in love with the idea of a mystery man swooping in to save her ass."
"And now? That she knows the man behind the mask?"
He set her back on her feet out of harm's way as usual and she shrugged. "Clearly some people love a fantasy."
He raised an eyebrow, telling her he followed her meaning even without reading her mind. "Not me, I love the reality."
Bending down, he gave her a quick peck on the lips before bounding off straight for the creature while she stood, spellbound after him.
She watched as he knelt to the ground, not too far from the creature, and pounded his fist into the ground. It shook and cracked, the girls jumping up and out of the way as the shock wave barreled towards the monster, knocking it back. It rose from the ground, smirking even with the blood on its lips.
"Good, you are here too. My Masters will be pleased!"
"And just who are they? A bunch of cowards who have yet to show themselves!"
It didn't even bother addressing Makoto and her words. It just continued to stare down Mamoru, only breaking to glance back at her from time to time.
In a flash, it threw its net out again, the silvery bands stretching out over Mamoru's head. Regaining herself from her stupor, she raced to his side, not being nearly fast enough. But Mamoru pulled out his cane and swiped the net away, causing it to fall harmlessly next to him. Just as she was about to reach him, he sped away, running right up to the monster and punching it square in the jaw. This time, she knew, the sickening pop was not Mamoru's fist.
A hand to its face, holding onto the afflicted bones, it glared back at Mamoru. But then grinned.
Shimmering, it disappeared. Everyone going wild, turning, and searching. Then the little hairs on her body stood up on end, the creature's breath hitting the back of her neck. Turning, she raised an elbow at the same time, but the creature stopped it, grabbing and holding her arm still. Its claws dipped into her skin, a scream coming from her while the beast laughed. Her brain reeling from the pain, it managed to slip some of her energy from her, her guard down. But soon, she was ripped away from its grasp, Jupiter grabbing her hard and pulling her out. Sending a kick to the monster's chest to push it back even further.
That's when she saw it, the funnel that was dropping down on it at a rapid pace now that she was no longer in the way. It sucked up the creature and she watched as it tumbled and swirled high up in the air. After a few moments, the funnel disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. The creature fell to the ground hard, its body limp.
"Now Sailor Moon!"
She adjusted her wand in her hand, pointing it at the limp body of the beast and charging up. But as soon as her energy began to pool, the creature's head yanked up from the ground, sneering, before shimmering away to nothing.
"Where the hell did it go this time?" Jupiter stood near to her, just behind her ready to jump in if it grabbed her again.
"It's gone."
The boys had moved closer as well but she wasn't sure when they had joined the battle. Venus was eyeing Mamoru carefully. "Are you sure?"
Mamoru nodded and a new voice joined the conversation. "He is right you know!"
Everyone turned, futilely looking for the source. Something told her they would not find it, only knowing it was a man that spoke to them now.
"My Cardigan has successfully returned with all that energy and we are now feasting like kings. Thank you, Sailor Moon, for your contribution!" Mamoru growled but the voice continued, speaking to her specifically. "Good luck, reviving all those people. Sorry to say, those you do not, will surely die."
He cackled and then faded away. But her mind was already on the 40 some odd bodies that laid just across from her now. Men and women, all innocent and just trying to make an honest living. Their suits dirtied and crumpled as they laid on the ground unmoving. Even with the helplessness she felt, knowing she could not save them all, she had to try.
"Sailor Moon, don't."
But she tuned Venus's voice out and Mamoru's as it screamed in her brain. She quickly extended her wand into a staff, the silver crystal materializing within it, and connected to the people on the ground, feeling her silvery energy race across the cold ground and find each and every single one of them. The most people she had healed or restored at once was 20, and it nearly killed her. This was far and away more than her body could handle. But these people didn't deserve this, to die in the cold dark all alone. If they had been faster, gotten here sooner, these people would be fine, it was her fault.
Already, her lungs and heart started to burn, the extent of her energy's depletion painful. It was her body dying. Closing her eyes, she focused, pushing out more energy into the fallen. They each needed more to survive, each one was almost completely empty. She could feel each of their hearts, struggling to beat.
Hands grabbed her, trying to pull her off or away, but she was tethered. Then they stopped, giving up she figured. Then arms wrapped around her, warmth flooding her. She had managed to block him out, to keep his angry words from reaching her so she could focus. But now that he touched her, there was nothing to keep him at bay. But instead of anger, she just felt warm.
His hands grabbed her wrists and she thought for sure he was going to rip them away from her staff. She wasn't sure he could, but if anyone was able to do it, she knew it would be him. Instead, he pulled himself in tight to her, his body wrapping around hers. His chest on her back and his arms laying on top of hers, she felt cocooned in him. Then she felt it. His golden energy leeching into her. It pulsed, heating her from head to toe and mingled with hers. The two danced together, a beautiful and playful waltz. Then it took turns, gold filling some of the victims in the place of her silver.
With his cheek against hers, she finally opened her eyes, glancing at him from the corner of her eyes. His focus was straight ahead, watching and assessing those on the ground. Each one's heart started to beat more steadily and together they eased back, pulling the threads of their energy back.
The others raced over to a few of the victims, checking vitals.
"Oh thank God!" Jad stood, satisfied with the person he checked.
"Someone should still call an ambulance." Venus was pulling out her cell from her subspace as she spoke, already dialing the number.
Her staff shrunk and shimmered away, the crystal returning to its place on her chest, in front of her heart. She lowered her arms and Mamoru did the same, but instead of removing himself from her, he wrapped his arms around her. One around her ribs while the other went around her waist, his hand sitting on her hip. And his energy still mixed inside her, his connection to her especially strong.
He rested his head on her shoulder while she stood in his arms, waiting for him to let go. "What happened to giving me space?"
His chuckle shook through her, his head lifting to put his mouth just below her ear. "This is as much space as I can give you. Especially if you are going to try and kill yourself."
Her eyes lowered guiltily to the ground. "I couldn't just let them die. I wasn't trying to kill myself."
He gave her a squeeze. "I know that, and so does the enemy, somehow. They set you up, wanting you to use up all your energy and end your life on your own."
She shook her head at the thought, being used so easily. "Well, they failed. They can't know me that well."
His energy twisted inside her, reminding her it was still there as if she could forget. "That's because they don't know me, or us."
Letting her head drop back to his shoulder, she said one of the hardest things she ever had to. Next to telling her parents goodbye. "You can stop now. The people are saved."
"No...you are not ready yet."
She felt her skin pull on her arm and lifted it to see the holes on her arm close up like magic. Because it was magic, his gentleness making the claw marks a faded memory.
Bringing her arm back down, she rested it on one of his. The material of his Tux was scratchy, compared to his skin, and his gloves contained some of the heat his hands usually put through her.
He chuckled again, bouncing her slightly. With a slight shimmer, he was back in his plain clothes. "Is that better? I never realized how much you hated that tux until now!"
Her hand still rested on the thick coarse material of his coat, but his hands were bare. The heat from them found their way through the material of her fuku without a problem. She was sure that, once he let go, she would freeze to death.
His mouth was at the shell of her ear, whispering even though he didn't need to speak at all for her to hear him. "Maybe you should change back too."
She glanced over at the sound of sirens in the distance, the girls and the boys back in their plain clothes already. If they had looked at the two of them before, they didn't see anything worth concern. Or maybe the boys talked the girls out of interrupting because now they were making their leave before the authorities arrived.
Releasing her transformation, she felt no change in her temperature as her sweats for training and heavy pea coat replaced her tiny fuku. Mamoru's energy still furrowed inside her, the realization of the intimacy they were sharing at this moment hitting her harshly, a blush finding its way to her face.
"Oh now Usako, if you keep having thoughts like that, I'm not going to be able to give you any amount of space."
He slowly began to pull out of her, his energy fighting him a bit, but slinking its way out of her once again. "Mamo.."
Her voice caught in her throat, wanting more than anything to tell him to stop and to stay. "Mamo huh? I like that." She pulled her head off his shoulder, the last of his golden threads leaving her while his arms remained around her. "Now imagine if both of our energies mingled like this. Actually, get your memories back and you won't have to."
She looked down at her hands that rested on his arms. "We did that? Both of us?" He nodded and even though she couldn't see it, she knew it. His grip loosened and she began to pull away from him. "You must miss that, miss her very much."
Her back hit his chest hard as he pulled her back swiftly. "I didn't have it with Serenity, I had it with you!" His frustration was clear in his voice and through their link.
"Endymion and Serenity spent their time split between Earth and the Moon. When she was on Earth, her power was dampened significantly. And Endymion was completely powerless on the Moon. No Usagi, this is something only you and I share. And even if it was for a short time, you are right, I do miss it, I miss you!"
Her heart was erratic, pounding all over the place. She wasn't completely sure it was even in her chest at the moment. She struggled to understand, to rationalize his words.
With a heavy sigh, he released her and every fiber of her being mourned the loss. "I guess I need to work on getting you your memories back. Either that or prove to you that we are the same, that you are the same as Serenity."
He stood a short distance from her, watching her shiver as she stared back at him in return. A frown on his face, he turned just as Makoto and Minako slowly made their way over to her.
"I'll see you after school, Usako."
Poor Mamo is working hard! I hope you all enjoyed the update!
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emilyschoi · 4 years
From First to Last Series Included:  Eunha (Emily), Jupiter (Lucas), Serenity (Jane), Venus (Minah) Daehyung (Daniel)  Mentioned : Endymion (M), Sungjae 
⁺˚*・༓☾ kitchen ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Jupiter stood by Princess Serenity as the Elysian’s elite gathered around her, gawking like she was some sort of exhibition. Prince Endymion had held a ball in their, well Princess Serenity’s honour. The night had been tense, to say the least, half of the earthlings thought they had the right to ask whatever they wanted not showing any of them an ounce of respect while the other half were more forthcoming about the disdain for them. The other Senshi were spread out across the room, Mars was leaning against a scowl permanently scarring around most people away from him as he eyed the exit. Mercury was a bit more civil but Jupiter could tell she was forcing a smile while dealing with them. Venus was nearby but surrounded by Elysian men who were making passes at her, he half expected her to pull her sword out and slice them up. The prince’s royal guard were also around each of them watching over their Prince and Princess Serenity.
“Are you okay?” Jupiter asked as the latest hoard left Serenity to no doubt go gossip with their friends about the princess from The Moon Kingdom. Serenity turned to him a small smile on her face as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I am fine,” she assured him but Jupiter knew better, there was sadness in her eyes. “I am just-” she said eyeing Prince Endymion who was stuck talking to bureaucrats and court officials. “I know the Prince means well, I can see it in his eyes. He truly believes that we can have peace but -’ she frowned as more people walked past her hushed whispers escaping their lips. “I have to wonder if it is worth it for him?” she said.
“Of Course it is, these people are probably stuck in the old ways and don’t want to change it because they might lose their power,” Jupiter said. “Plus they are jealous that I have managed to nab the prettiest girl in the room,” he said nudging her lightly. Princess Serenity smiled a real smile at him.
Venus finally made her way over to the pair muttering about how she needs a drink. Princess Serenity giggled turning to Jupiter with her eyes wide. “Lu-Jupiter, sorry i keep forgetting i meant to use your codenames, but could you get Venus and I something to drink, oh and maybe one of those delicious cakes we had at lunch?” she asked. Jupiter looked to Venus waiting for her permission, Serenity was their Princess of course but Venus was their leader. Venus nodded, her hand casually grazing over her waist where her whip was wound around unnoticeable to the untrained eye.
Jupiter walked away not trusting any of the already filled glass of champagne, Venus was still wary of the royal staff and until she was sure they would take no liberties. He made his way out of the ballroom heading in what he had hoped was the right way to the kitchens. Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed he had a shadow following him.
Once he was far enough away from the party, in a dimly lit empty corridor he turned catching his new shadow and pinning it against the wall. His eyes widened as he recognized one of the royal guard, Eunha, the only female Knight. “What are you doing?” he asked softening his grip but not letting her escape.
“Getting my arm broken by you apparently,” she said through gritted teeth. “What are you doing sneaking around in the hallways?” she asked, pushing him off. Jupiter blinked, surprised that someone so small could push him away. “Well?” she asked her hand moving to reach for her sword.
“Stop,” Jupiter said holding his hands up. “Look i am trying to get the princess a bottle of champagne or actually she prefers wine, i don’t suppose you have any Plutonian red?” he asked.
“No sorry the ship hasn’t come in yet,” Eunha responded sarcastically. “And why do you need to get her a bottle there is more than enough in the ballroom,” she pointed out.
“Don’t take this the wrong way but your people have been a little hostile,” Jupiter said. He knew he shouldn’t explain anymore, Venus was still not sure about the royal guard, she believed that Sungjae was loyal to the Prince so, for now, they could trust him but the other three not so much.
“Oh so you want to make sure it’s safe,” Eunha said nodding, “Makes sense,” she said. Jupiter let out a relieved sigh at least she understood. “But can you explain why you are headed towards the Astronomy tower?” she asked raising an eyebrow
“I may be a little lost,” he admitted scratching the back of his neck. Eunha giggled and it might have been the sweetest thing he had ever heard. “Can you show me to the kitchen, the princess also wants cake,” he said.
“Well i can but first we are going to make a pit stop to the wine cellars, I know it’s not Plutonian red but we have a lovely Sauvignon from Komo,” she said. “I think Princess Serenity will like it,” she said with a grin. “Come on,” she said turning around and walking in the opposite direction that he had been headed. “Are you coming or should i let you just wander around on your own?” she asked tilting her head to the side as she looked back at him.
“Huh, no I,” he started to say before Eunha raced back grabbing his hands and pulling him along.
“Just come on,” Eunha said pulling him along. Jupiter smiled to himself that he would follow this girl anywhere, at least for the rest of the night.
“Are you sure you can reach it?” Jupiter asked as Eunha climbed the least sturdy ladder he’d ever seen.
“Give me some credit,” Eunha laughed, “I got it,” she said, she turned to show him the bottle proudly. Jupiter gave her thumbs up, wishing she would just get down. As she moved to climb the room shook, the wine bottle fell to the ground with a crash as Eunha clutched onto the ladder for dear life. A second wave hit the room and the ladder lunged backwards, Eunha falling off with it. Without a moment hesitation Jupiter raced forward catching her in his arms.
“Uhm,” Eunha said, her cheeks heating up. “Guess Princess Serenity is going have to drink something else,” she muttered, tapping Jupiter’s arm to be put down. “What the hell was that?” she said as he placed her firmly on the ground. “We should have known if there was an earthquake,” she mumbled a frown on her face.
“I am glad you are okay, we are lucky we didn’t get hurt,” He said, a wine cellar full of glass bottles, they could have been covered in glass shards. Eunha turned to him a small smile on her face.
“Thank you for before,” she said. “That would have been a real pain in the -” she trailed off with the laugh. “Anyway should we just grab something and get out of here, i think they might need our help up there,” she said going to the door trying to open it but nothing happened. “Ah i hate to say it but do you think you could -” she said gesturing the door.
Jupiter nodded trying to open it himself but frowning it seemed the Earthquake seemed to have lodged into place. He tried to put his whole body into it but it still didn’t budge.
“Okay change of plans then,” Eunha frowned, walking over to a nearby barrel. “Come sit,” she said tapping the leftover space.
“Shouldn’t we send for help?” Jupiter said siting down. “I can try and get one of the guys to come down,” he said, pulling his communicator out, frowning as he looked over the screen, it was glitching, he couldn’t even get it to turn on.
‘I take it, it didn’t work,' Eunha said looking over his shoulder. “I guess there are worse places we could be stuck, at least we won’t dehydrate,” she joked. Jupiter continued to frown as hit the side of his communicator. “Hey, I’m sorry you are stuck down here, I should have just shown you to the kitchen like you asked,” she said softly.
“No you were just trying to help,” He said. “I am sure the will come to find us eventually, they are probably just helping everyone else get to safety,” he said. “So…. you look nice,” he said. “I mean you look good in a uniform, no that's still not right,” he said, shaking his head ignoring the giggles that were coming from beside him.
“Thank you, your suit looks very nice as well,” Eunha said, “It must be nice to be able to wear whatever you like,” she pouted. “But i guess since you are royalty you can -” she said, frowning. “Though the four heavenly kings title, though it would have to be changed to a queen - sorry i should stop talking,” she said closing her eyes.
“While i am sure you would have looked beautiful in a dress you look great in what you are wearing now,” He said. “Plus it’s pretty cool that you are the only female knight, your family must be proud,” he said, eyes widening as Eunha frowned. Did he say something wrong? “I’m sorry-” he started to apologize.
“No you did nothing wrong,” Eunha said softly. “It's just my family should be proud but apart from my cousin who is also part of the royal guard but they aren’t,” she frowned. “Infact, I am pretty much disowned until I give up on this foolish escapade and accept Lord Gideon’s proposal, be a proper lady of society, live the aristocratic life,” she said fiddling around with her bracelet.
“Well they are stupid,” Jupiter said, grabbing her hand and threading his fingers through hers. “On my planet, you’d be praised for your bravery and hard work,” he said. “And what are you talking about, you are a queen aren’t you,” he said causing Eunha to laugh. “A queen should not be slumming it with a lord,” he pointed out.
“Do you happen to know any single princes?” she joked.
“Just one, I think you’d like him, he wouldn’t care that you are a royal guard he’d think it’s pretty cool,” he said. “Plus he is very handsome,” he said.
“Oh really, well you will have to introduce me to him one day,” Eunha giggled.
“Hi I’m Lucas, Prince of Jupiter, “ He said squeezing her hand lightly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said letting go of her hand to stand up and bow.
“Oh,” Eunha said purposely avoiding eye contact, her falling to frame her face trying to her pink cheeks. “Is Lucas really your name?” she asked not looking at him. “It doesn’t sound very Jupitery.’ she said as Jupiter snorted. Jupitery.
“It’s the Elysian version,” he shrugged. “You wouldn’t be able to pronounce my name,” he said.
“Well that somehow sounds you like are insulting me,” Eunha said as Jupiter spluttered ready to apologise to tell that he didn’t mean it like that. “But I’ll allow it since your very handsome”“ she laughed.
‘I have been told i look good in a suit,” Jupiter laughed.
They both stopped as the door opened, one of the royal staff, Eunmi, a friend of Eunha’s stood there a look of confusion gracing her features as she took in the scene in front of her. They weren’t in a compromising position by any standard but still, the look on Eunmi's face was one of disapproval.
“Eunmi,” Eunha called, “You are okay? Is everyone else okay? How bad was the Earthquake?” Eunha rushed over as her friend’s brows furrowed.
“What are you talking about? There was no Earthquake?” she said looking from Eunha to Jupiter barely hidden her very obvious distrust.
Eunha frowned, “Yes there was, I almost fell off a ladder, if it wasn’t Jupiter i would have broken my neck,” she said. Eunmi shrugged pushing past them and grabbing two bottles of champagne
“I think you should go back to guarding Prince Endymion,” she said as she walked past them. “Maybe he’ll know about this earthquake,” she said with an eye-roll. Eunha scowled at her friend, wondering what her problem was.
“Sorry about her,” Eunha apologized to Jupiter. “She just really hates most people actually,” she said frowning. “It’s not as good as the Komo but that Antares is pretty good, very sweet though,” Eunha said nodding to a bottle a lot closer to a reachable level.” Jupiter nodded, grabbing it. “Do you still want to go to the kitchen?” she asked.
“Hmm I am feeling a little peckish how about you?” he asked.
“I could eat,” Eunha said with a grin.
“Ladies first,” Jupiter said holding the door open for her.
“Age before beauty,” Eunha said with a giggle as Jupiter rolled his eyes walking out of the wine cellar. Eunha followed, looking down the hall to see Beryl, one of the workers sneaking out of a room. She frowned.
“Are you coming?” Jupiter called out with an eye roll Eunha followed after him thinking nothing more of Beryl or the weird not quiet Earthquake.
“Daehyung you can’t let them to this me,” Eunha cried as she was thrown into to the cell, soldiers ordered by her so-called leader, locked her way with a harsh glare. “Dae please,” she whispered looking at her cousin desperately hoping some remnant of her cousin was left.
“Oh Eunha,” Daehyung spoke, his normally vibrant brown eyes were cold and maniac. “This is only temporary just till we defeat those bastards and get you free from his control,” he said, stepping forward and trying to reach out to her, she stepped back a cold glare of her own thrown his way.
“Right,” Eunha said. “I am the brainwashed one,” she said rolling her eyes. “You are so stupid Daehyung,” she said mockingly.
“I am going to forgive you for saying that because i know it’s not you,” Daehyung said eyes narrowing. “But i would suggest thinking very hard about what you say next, actions have consequences,” he warned.
“Threatening me now Dae?” Eunha laughed darkly. “So when exactly did my cousin die? Was when you decided to betray our prince or -” she trailed off. “Just go, i never thought i would have something in common with your father but just seeing your face right now is making me sick,” she spat. For the briefest second her Daehyung came through, her harsh words managed to get through if the hurt look on his face was anything to go by.
‘And your mum is right you should never become a member of the royal guard, you are too emotive, too easy, one guy gives you a little attention and you’re ready to betray your entire planet,” he spat and like the Beryl controlled Daehyung was back. “I’ll make sure to bring back lover boys corpse, maybe that will snap you out of this,” he said.
Eunha said nothing, turning away from him instead of looking at the wall. Was it to make a statement? Sure, but it was mostly to hide her tears. She waited until she heard his footsteps disappear to turn around. She couldn’t stay here, she had to get out of here and warn Endymion and Serenity.
She was about to enact her escape plan when she heard footsteps coming down to her. She frowned, who was left. Daehyung had surely gone.
  “You should have just agreed to marry me,” Gideon said, stepping out of the shadows. Eunha bit back an annoyed groan, seriously. She looked over at him dressed in the new Elysian uniform. “If you did you wouldn’t be in this situation.”
“Gideon?” she said softly, “My head hurts,” she lied as he stepped forward. She felt bad for playing on his emotions, sure he was arrogant normally but deep down he was a good guy, well normally, now he had been corrupted Beryl who knows. “What is happening?” she groaned grabbing at her stomach. “Make it stop,” she whined. Gideon stepped forward putting his hands throw the bars only for Eunha to grab the back of his head and slam it against the bar, knocking him out.
The idiots, in a rush to get out of the way, didn’t check for weapons, well they thought they did but they didn’t look at her jewellery, an anklet from the Mercurian Royal Family, one Lucas had given to her on their last visit, just incase something happened to her. Well, this definitely counted as something happening to her. She stood as far away as from the bars as she could before breaking the chain off her anklet and throwing it at the bars blowing them straight out of the way. The blast wasn’t as large as she expected but it did the job and thankfully left Gideon and his uniform completely unscared.
“I am sorry Gideon,” she whispered as she stripped him of his uniform, smiling as she found his credentials. She threw his uniform in a rush racing out the garden where ships we being filled with Elysian soldiers. She couldn’t go with them she would be found out in instant but the transporter pods, those would be useful. She saw Parker one of Sungjae’s right-hand men about to take forward, she ran forward pushing him out of the way stepping on the pod and instantly being transported to the moon.
She looked around seeing wave after wave Elysian soldiers storming through the moon kingdom. To her left, she saw a Lunarian family quivering in fear staring at her wide-eyed and shaking. She shook her head removing the dagger Gideon had on his uniform and passing it to the mother who looked at her unsure. “Use it protect your family,” she said. The woman said nothing grabbing the dagger and looking at once more before nodding.
Eunha nodded racing forward pushing past Elysian soldiers as she got into the castle. It seemed the Elysian army had already managed to make it’s way into the castle because all she saw was ruins and bodies. She shook her head looking around for anyone she knew, ideally finding Prince Endymion would be the best option but she would take anyone right now. She saw sparks coming from further inside, Jupiter, she ran forward spotting him.
“Jupiter,” she called out running forward. “Look it’s not them, they are being controlled by Beryl,” she said as she got to him. She didn’t notice the look Jupiter and Mercury shared, “We have to find Endymion and Serenity, Beryl wants them -” she said, Jupiter grabbed her holding her still. “What are you doing? They are coming? They are going to-” she spoke as realization hit her like a punch to the gut. He didn’t believe her or he thought she was part of it.
“Lucas, you have to believe me, I am still me,” she said. Jupiter whispered that he was so sorry. She looked up at him, a frown on her face as she felt the dagger pierce her skin, her eyes widened as her hand went to her chest, she felt the warmth of her blood being spilled.. Stumbling forward Jupiter’s arm wrapped around her, she choked trying to speak but her mouth was full of blood. She tried to push away from him, desperately trying to breathe but her body had stopped working.
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thetokenmuggle · 4 years
From First To Last
The Prologue Included : M, Jane, Sungjae,Minah, Daniel, Tyler, Emily, Lucas
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ The Beginnings ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
“And these are your quarters.” Prince Endymion, more commonly referred to as M by his inner circle lead the Moon Princess and her royal party to the left-wing of the castle. “All the rooms are fully furnished and the staff we will be more than happy to help with any of your needs,” he said. One of the maids scoffed glaring at the interstellar royals, M shook his head not understanding why his people were suddenly so against the treaty between Elysion and the Moon Kingdom. It was a step towards the future, a golden age for their people. “Ah,” he scratched the back of his neck. “I should let you all rest, you have all had a long trip,” he said. “There is a lot planned for tomorrow,” he said nodding awkwardly. “Goodnight,” he said bowing to the Moon Princess, “Ah should i -” he said looking at her royal guard who are also the Princes and Princesses of their respective planets. “No, I’ll just go,” he said with an awkward wave before turning on his heels and speeding away, hoping to get that tragic interaction out of his head.
“.... Not that i think you aren’t pretty, because you are, not that you are just pretty - i mean … ” Daehyung mocked as Eunha fell into a fit of giggles beside him. The two of them were putting acting training to good use and doing a dramatized version of M’s rather tragic interaction with Princess Serenity.
“So the Prince, is he, you know, an idiot,” Mars commented with a snigger. “Do earthlings not know how to form a sentence?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I think he was just nervous,” Jupiter responded. “It’s the first time Elysian has interacted with the Moon Kingdom in a century, he has a lot riding on this,” he pointed out.
“Your majesty,” Enzo said, cutting off Eunha and Daehyung. “Do you perhaps need some tips on how to talk to a girl?” he said. M looked up, eyes narrowed, Enzo was known around the kingdom as a bit of a ladies men. “I am sure Eunha can pretend to be a lady for five minutes for you to practice,” he teased as Eunha growled at Enzo.
“Daehyung should play the princess, his blonde and we all know how much he loves the attention,” Eunha said as Daehyung ran a hand through his blonde locks.
“Oh Prince Endymion.” Daehyung teased fluttering his eyelashes before puckering his lips and blowing a kiss to M. “I better stop, I don’t want our dear prince to fall in love with little old me, it would just make things too awkward,” Daehyung grinned.
“That and he was blown away by Serenity’s beauty,” Mercury said. “I think it’s sweet,” she said with a soft smile. “Someone is just being mean because his longest relationship is the one he has with his own right hand,” she teased her brother who threw one of the many, many cushions that littered Serenity's bed, at her head.
“I am not being mean,” Mars huffed. “I am just pointing out that this Endymion is hardly princely, if acted like that Father would have Phobos and Deimos on my back like that,” he said with a click of his fingers. “And please we all know i have the most suitors apart from Venus,” he boasted, Venus looked up from brushing Serenity’s hair rolling her eyes at Mars and his antics.
“But you reject them all because you know your true love is out there, you’ve seen it in one of your premonitions,” Jupiter teased. “Could you imagine if people knew the Prince of Mars was a romantic,” he said with a whistle.
“Sungjae you are on my side right?” M said looking at his most trusted knight and oldest friend. “I wasn’t that obvious right?” he asked hopefully. Sungjae looked at him, a small smile on his face before shaking his head.
“Honestly M it was pretty bad,” he said with a frown. “But perhaps it's better this way, this is already a fragile treaty, we don’t want things to get more complicated,” he said seriously. Eunha and Daehyung booed from their spots.
“Don’t listen to Mr Moody pants over there,” Daehyung said. “Treaty Smchetty you should give the princess your meaty,” he giggled. His innuendo caused several reactions from the other shitennou, Enzo chuckled with a shake of his head, Sungjae looked disgusted and Eunha swiftly smacked across the back of the head.
“You are so lucky you prefer the company of other knights,” she said shaking her head. “M please for the love of Gaia do not take relationship advice from him,” she said rolling her eyes at her cousin. “If you really did like this Princess i suggest you be yourself, even if that does lead to some awkwardness - honestly is the best policy,” she said sincerely. Sungjae nodded in agreement but didn’t comment, not wanting to make anyone think he approved of this potential pursuit of the Moon Kingdom.
“Didn’t being yourself get you dumped by Lord Gideon,” Enzo questioned as both Eunha and Daehyung glared at him. “Okay shutting up now,”
“Min- I mean Venus,” Serenity said softly while the rest of her royal guard bickered amongst themselves. “What do you think of Prince Endymion?” she asked. When it came to opinions there was no one Serenity valued more than Venus, well apart from her mother ofcourse.
“I think he is a good man who wants what is best for his planet,” Venus said, placing the brush down on Serenity’s bed. “He is a little awkward but he has the whole planet's fate in his hands, its alot of responsibility to handle on your own,” she said. Serenity hummed, the death of the former King and his wife was a tragedy to say the least, she could only imagine what Endymion was going through.
“It must be hard,” Serenity said softly. “He seems so sweet,” she commented, a warm welcoming dimpled smile coming to mind as she spoke, her cheeks heating up as she smiled softly.
“ I am sure he is but did you forget about the rumours that Lord Jaehyun is going to start courting you when we arrive back on the moon,” Minah said softly but the warning was in her tone, don’t get too fond. “Let’s just focus on improving relations between our Kingdoms,” she said.
‘Do my ears deceive me or is the Princess of Venus telling someone to think with their brains and not with their hearts?” Mars commented in a sing-song voice. “The same Princess who was caught canoodling with several misters at her Debutante ball,” he asked, teasing.
“Your just jealous you weren’t one of them,” Jupiter laughed. “And shush you know Venus takes her position as leader of the Sailor Senshi very seriously,” he said.
“And she wishes you two would start taking it more seriously,” Venus commented. “Now off to bed you three, I will take tonight’s guard shift,” she commented getting up off Serenity's bed.
“What? Why? Venus you should rest as well,” Serenity said with a frown.
“Your highness, as much as Prince Endymion is trying not everyone else on Elysion shares the same good will,” Venus said softly, not wanting to upset her friend.
“As fun as teasing M is we have a big day tomorrow,” Sungjae commented, “We should let his highness get some rest,” he said seriously. The other Shitennou knew when he used that tone that the fun was over. “I’ll do a quick round on the Lunarian parties wing the rest of you should all go to bed, who knows who these talks will play out,” he said with a frown.
The other three stood up gathering their things and heading towards their respective rooms, not without a few quick jabs at M, Daniel telling him to dream off him before sending him another flying kiss. “M everything will be fine,” Sungjae said softly once they were alone. “You are a good ruler and everyone will see that,” he said with a quick nod before leaving to do his rounds.
M flopped back onto his bed, eyes closing as soon as his head hit the pillow, one single thought on his mind.
“Good morning your majesty,” Prince Endymion greeted Princess Serenity with bow as they walked into the dinning room“I hope you found the room to your satisfaction,” he said politely. Venus heard Mars snigger beside her muttering about how the prince learned to speak over night. Venus rolled her eyes knowing this wouldn’t last, as soon as the Earth Prince looked up and saw what Serenity was wearing or not wearing for that matter it would be back to mumbled words if they were lucky.
“Give her your jacket,” Venus said through gritted teeth as Mars rolled his eyes handing Serenity his jacket.
“Your highness.” Venus said carefully. “Forgive me if i am wrong but i believe Princess Serenity did not have anything planned for this morning so her attire isn’t exactly proper,” she commented stopping herself from snapping at him. Yes he was a Prince but he still had to follow protocol.
“Huh?” Prince Endymion looked up before quickly looking down, face bright red. “Oh uhm, I was just going to offer you all join us for breakfast,” he muttered.
“Why is there something wrong with the one your staff -” Mars started to speak before Princess Serenity spoke.
  “We’d love to,” Serenity said quickly, “Just give me a moment to get changed into something more appropriate,” she said looking down at her nightgown, sheer and shimmering in the Earth’s sunlight.
“Right of course, Sungjae,” he said, turning to one of his Knight’s. “Would you stay here and show them to the formal dining area,” he asked. The Knight looked between the Prince and their royal party, nodding with a frown. “Okay i’ll see you then,” Prince Endymion said with a huge smile, a huge smile that Serenity seemed to bloom under. Well this was tooth rottingly sweet, Venus knew this was going to be trouble.
“Your majesty shall we?” Venus commented as Serenity nodded turning away from Prince Endymion, a soft smile on her face. Venus and Mars moved to her sides as they made their way back to their quarters, the Prince’s Knight stood a few steps away from that all times but he was a looming figure, the sniggering staff all backed away at the sight. Something Venus appreciated because threatening to kill them in her native tongue just didn’t have the same effect.
“I’ll be right back,” Princess Serenity said to the three mostly to Endymion’s guard. “Mars, would you be able to wake Mercury and Jupiter up,” she said sweetly as Mars nodded stepping past the Elysion guard with a scowl. Venus rolled her eyes, Mars had a tough time believing that Elysian and it’s people truly wanted peace, especially after his father had filled his head with stories of the Solar wars.
Silence had fallen over the hallway, Venus standing inside of a slightly ajar door frame as to keep an on Princess Serenity. “I don’t doubt your Prince wants people but from how the staff is reacting to us i don’t your people do,” Venus said to the Guard who looked up brow cocked.
“It has admittedly been harder to convince some people that this is the best step for our future as a nation,” The guard spoke, his tone steady conveying no hint of emotion. “It has seemed to get worse of late,” he admitted. “The Prince is trying so hard to quell the situation,” he said, Venus noted their was a crack in his armor, one that mirrored her own, her Princess was always number one and she had a feeling that it was the same for this guard and Prince Endymion. With a nod silence fell over the two as they waited for the rest of the royal party to come back out. The other guards returned, Mars resuming his one sided glare off with the guard while Mercury and Jupiter looked over at him curiously.
“Mi-Venus,” The Princess shrieked, causing the four of them to rush towards the door.Only to find the Princess standing there holding up two pieces of jewellery.
“Sorry guys,” Princess Serenity said sheepishly, “I’ll be out in a minute,” she said shutting the door once Venus was in the room.
15 minutes later Princess Serenity walked back out fully dressed. “Uhm, Sungjae was it?” she asked as she stood in the hallway, her guards flanking her side. “Is this … I tried to replicate Elysian’s style,” she said smoothing down her gown. Sungjae looked her over, her outfit while a perfect replicate of an Elysian gown but the fabrics and intricate patterns was far more over the top then what an Earth girl would wear, especially not a breakfast, Sungjae knew better than to point that out.
“It’s a lovely gown your majesty, your dressmakers are very skilled,” he said softly as the younger girl smiled widely, “But please don’t feel obligated change your style to match ours, you are an esteemed guest you should be able to dress however you please,” he said politely. “Now if we are all ready,” Sungjae said ready to lead the party to breakfast. “Prince Endymion has planned a busy day for you, he is quite excited to show you all our humble palace,” he said looking at the Lunarians curiously. Today was going to be interesting.
➤ proceed to the library
➤ proceed to the gym
➤ proceed to the astronomy tower
➤proceed to the kitchen
➤proceed to the garden
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1solone · 6 months
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"Tʜᴇ Sᴜɴ ᴀɴᴅ Mᴏᴏɴ"
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧🌕
“A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth…”
In the Greek myth of Selene and Endymion the goddess of the Moon fell in love with a sleeping shephard that she saw on her nightly journey across the sky. She begged her father the god Zeus to put this mortal man into an eternal sleep so that she could love him forever.
Endymion represents the humanity of Earth, asleep and under the hypnotic influence of the Moon.
The Moon is the Mother of the Earth
Esoteric science teaches that the Moon is the mother of the Earth. In a previous cosmic epoch the Moon was a planet filled with life and human civilizations. Eventually the civilization and the planet degenerated and the life-force or soul was transplanted to our Earth.
The vitality of life on Earth became our Mother Nature and so the Moon is our Grandmother. Thus the Earth and the Moon are intimately connected through this shared vital energy.
Although the Earth is subject to all the cosmic influences of the Suns, stars and planets, the power of the Moon is the strongest because of this particular maternal connection. As a humanity we have more of a lunar nature, more selfish, reactive, and passive. We are subject to the push and pull of the Moon and also the push and pull of other people and outer circumstances.
The lunar influence is not necessarily negative but it is out of proportion, especially with the solar influence which is one that generates its own light and shines it out in continual selfless sacrifice. To awaken consciousness is to bring more solar influence into our psychology and our actions.
The Moon controls the flow of water. All water- from the great oceans, rivers and waterways on Earth to the fluids in our physical bodies- are subject to the lunar influence.
Without the pull of the Moon the oceans and waterways would be completely flat, the fluids and sap within plants and trees could not rise up to nourish the whole organism, and even the human lymph system would not be able to circulate properly.
The lunar cycles create a monthly rhythm throughout the year. The waxing and full Moon causes a stronger pull away from the Earth and an energetic dilation. During the waning and new Moon that pull is relaxed, and there is an energetic contraction.
It can be useful to leverage the force of the full Moon by starting new projects or making a change that requires an extra bit of energy. At this time there is less holding us to the Earth so to speak.
During the waning and new Moon we are more “grounded” in the Earth, since the pull upwards and outwards is weaker, but there may be less force or motivation to start projects or make changes.
There are systems of traditional horticulture that include the lunar cycles in their rhythms of planting and harvesting to take advantage of the lunar push and pull. Many systems of traditional medicine incorporate the lunar cycles such as purging treatments during the waning moon and nutritive treatments during the waxing moon.
The Lunar Influence
moon“Like the Moon which has two aspects, one that is seen and one that is hidden, we also have a hidden side that is never seen”.
The Moon influences us physically and psychologically. The nature of the Moon as two-faced shows us something about our internal psychological state: half hidden in darkness and half in light.
The ego inside of ourselves is dark and hidden to us, but we can learn about what is inside of us by studying our outer circumstances. The outer is a reflection of the interior.
The visible side of our psychological moon is seen with a little bit of observation, but the invisible side takes more effort because normally we live in a small region of our consciousness.
The Internal Moon and Sun
The cure for the mechanical influence of the Moon is to create our own psychological center of gravity. The gnostic teachings describe the esoteric spiritual path as a transformation from lunar to solar beings.
This begins by becoming aware of our mechanicity, the push and pull of all of the circumstances of life that influence so strongly every moment. It is normal to react mechanically to life in a selfish way, everyone in life is expressing some sort of selfishness most of the time, and this is the lunar nature we want to overcome within ourselves.
What is revolutionary is to strive to imitate the solar life of generating a light within and shining it out to others with love unconditionally.
As creatures of the Earth we are subject to the influence of the nearest cosmic bodies: the Sun and the Moon. When we learn about both, physically and psychologically, we discover them inside ourselves. If we are honest we will see the lunar influence is strong and pervasive and the true solar force is lacking but its potential is always there.
To access the solar influence we can work with compassion, prayer, meditation, transmutation, devotion and helping others. Practice emulating the Sun to overcome the mechanical influence of the Moon.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧☀️
“At daybreak, when thou arisest on the horizon,
When thou shinest as the Aton by day,
Thou drivest away the darkness and givest thy rays.
The Two Lands are in festivity every day,
Awake and standing upon their feet,
For thou hast raised them up.
Washing their bodies, taking their clothing,
Their arms are raised in praise at thy appearance.
All the world, they do their work.”
Akhenaten and the Hymn to the Sun
To Him who made the great lights,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting:
The sun to rule by day,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
-Psalm 136:7-8
The Sun is the center of any solar system, and many stars in the sky are Suns in their own right.
Physical Reality of the Sun
The Sun is a massive sphere of nuclear power, radiating light, heat, and infrared radiation into the universe. The Sun provides life to this planet by feeding the plant kingdom through photosynthesis, which in turn nourishes the animal and human kingdoms. Sunlight is crucial for all development of life and normal functioning. Prolonged lack of sunlight can cause severe physical and mental illness.
Psychological Reality of the Sun
The Sun is the way that humanity organizes life. To be “oriented” literally means to be facing the East, where the Sun rises, where the day begins. To be oriented means we have direction in life, we know our way, and we are going always toward the light, toward life.
The fact that on an astronomical scale the Earth revolves around the Sun is useful. But the psychological truth is that the Sun appears to revolve around the Earth, and this concept is important for our shared reality. The Sun rises in the East, a new day begins, a fresh start for life. The Sun sets in the West, the day is done, time to reflect and rest in the darkness.
The rhythm of the day and night is a fundamental part of psychological reality, as is the extended rhythm throughout the year of the seasons, and the gradual lengthening and shortening of days. Sun worship exists in all cultures and religions for this reason.
The tropical zodiac of Western astrology is based on the interplay of light from the rhythm of the Sun and Earth.
Esoteric Reality of the Sun
Esoterically the Sun is the cosmic Christ, the sacrificial principle of the universe known as the solar logos. Christ, the Son/Sun dies in the West and is reborn in the East, giving life, light, and love in abundance from His own radiant heart. The physical Sun is a part of the cosmos of spiritual suns.
“Unquestionably, the first cosmos [Protocosmos] is formed by multiple, transcendental, divine, spiritual suns.
Much has been spoken about the Sacred Absolute Sun and obviously every solar system is governed by one of those spiritual suns. That means that our set of worlds possesses its own Sacred Absolute Sun, as do all the other solar systems of the unalterable infinite.”
Astrology of the Sun
The astrological symbol of the Sun is the circle of pure spirit with a central point. The circle represents God, totality, unity. The point represents the center, the pivot point or point of rotation. The most important thing is what our lives revolve around. The Sun can represent our highest aspirations or our most selfish inclinations.
The Sun moves through the entire zodiac each year, spending about one month in each zodiacal sign. Therefore one’s “Sun sign” is the particular zodiac sign the Sun was in at the time of birth.
While there are other important significations in an astrology chart, particularly the rising and Moon sign, the Sun sign represents something very core to a person’s life. The general arch of life, the themes that come up over and over, often the strongest personality traits that persist throughout the life are indicated by the Sun sign.
The Sun is one of the two luminaries, along with the Moon. While each planet rules two zodiac signs, the luminaries only rule one sign each. The Sun rules the sign of Leo, the lion. The Sun is at home in the domain of Leo, the large, proud cats who thrive in some of the sunniest places on Earth. The Sun is the center, the fire radiates outward and brings joy, warmth, and light to all that surround it. Leo is the king and the Sun always indicates the sovereign.
The Sun is exalted in the sign of Aries, where it becomes the solar hero- Hercules, Gilgamesh, Odysseus, Hunahpu and Xbalanque, Jesus Christ, and many others. The being who conquers death to bring the solar light to humanity.
The Sun in Medicine and Healing
The human body is a microcosm of the solar system, with each organ corresponding to a planet.
The Sun is the heart, the center of functioning, which not only pumps blood to every limb, organ and cell in the body, but has its own miraculous system of electricity and intelligence. The heart is the seat of intuition, of emotional intelligence, and of spiritual essence.
An emotional wound to the heart can be so profound it causes physical illness. However for every wound there is a remedy and wonderful practices exist to heal the heart from spiritual and emotional wounds.
Each planet also corresponds with various plants, such as trees, herbs, flowers etc.
The Sun is associated with plants that are bright, that thrive in sunlight, that are yellow, orange, or gold in color. Extractions made from solar plants are like concentrated sunshine and can help increase vitality, motivation and energy. Esoterically solar plants are related with the elementals of the air and are related with the power of intuition.
“The solar plants are aromatic and of an acidulous flavor.
The elementals of these plants possess great magical, curative powers. These elementals are called sylphs and they are the elementals of the air. The sylphs say: ‘Where real worth is hidden, there the sun’s rays shine.’ They impress upon the student the importance of gaining what is called the consciousness of knowledge, that is to say, intuition.”
"Tʜᴇ Sᴜɴ ᴀɴᴅ Mᴏᴏɴ"
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valiantsword · 4 years
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au: sailor moon ( anime & manga based )
age: 27-30
location: plot dependent
occupation: english teacher
          thousands of years ago he’d been known as prince daimon of camelot, one of the kingdoms of earth.  though not as mighty or prosperous as that of prince endymion’s kingdom, camelot was known for it’s magic and wonder.  unfortunately, unrest was starting to grow.  murmurs of his father’s bloodlust caused neighboring kingdoms to question loyalties, ties, and everything in between. 
         he’d been there when endymion fell in love and he’d travelled to the moon.  it was queen serenity’s guidance that helped ease daimon’s own soul in terms of what needed to be done about his father.  although, not all of his travels to the moon kingdom were for his friend’s benefit.   daimon discovered his own heart had become attached to a member of the moon kingdom’s royal family.
        on the day of metalia’s invasion he’d been carrying a ring.  a ring he’d hoped to show his one true love.  but, there wasn’t any time. one by one the people of earth fell to a mysterious negative energy.  both he and endymion, despite the fall of the shintennou, travelled to the moon kingdom in order to protect their princesses.
        in the twentieth century, daimon has been reincarnated as arthur pruitt.  born in cornwall, he’s always felt this tug in his chest, as if he’s missing something.  someone.  there’s a piece missing and that always meant he didn’t pay nearly enough attention to the family business for his sister’s liking.  so, he turned his back on it.  he walked away from violence and secrets to become an english teacher.  with it he travels the world, hoping that one day he’ll find what he’s looking for.  or, at the very least, that his dreams start to make sense.
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fairyk1d · 4 years
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 As you may know, one of my interests is botany, general nature study, but specifically plants, are my favorites! I love researching, writing, drawing, and painting them. Today, I will be discussing bluebells. bluebells are mostly known as a perennial plant of an indigo-ish hue, and appears to be shaped like a little horn or fairy cap (in my opinion!). but there is so much more than what meets the eye! Most people associate bluebells with humility or gratitude, whereas others believe they are a symbol of eternal, everlasting love and care, as well as long bound loyalty. And as for the rare white bluebell (yes, there is such a thing!) they are mostly emblems of spirituality and purity, like most white flowers, and candles! Fun fact- in scotland, bluebells are called “harebells” and are believed to be witches who turn into hares and hide among the grass. Another piece of myth based on the plant is in ancient greek mythology. Hyacinths were believed to grow from the blood of  Hyacinthus (and bluebells are apart of the hyacinth family!) Anyways, continuing on about white bluebells, they are typically known as “albino” bluebells, that lack the purple pigment of the others. there are also pink bluebells too! White bluebells are also called fairy flowers, as it is said that picking one could result in being led astray or even trapped by faeries! also,there are 11 variations of this plant in total. Bluebells originate from the family Asparagaceae, formerly known as Hyacinthaceae, and are toxic to humans, horses, dogs and other cattle because of the glycocides all over the plant which can cause serious stomach pains, or even death.  Some more mythology, is like this one, for the  Liliaceae family variation of bluebell, as the story goes- (in greek mythology), goddess Selene, of the moon, fell desperately in love with the young man Endymion, a handsome greek shepard. She was so madly in love, she put him to an everlasting sleep just to be with him! this type of bluebell slightly leans to the ground, and appears to be sleeping, which is why it was given the nickname “endymion”. As for the plants benefits, it can protect against certain animals and insects, and even diseases. Bluebells usually stand from  20 to 40 centimeters high , and flower in april or may. Anyways, hope whoever read this enjoyed it! resources/learn more at:
 Fascinating Facts About Bluebells — England's Favorite Wild Flower  Bluebell Flower Meaning Dictionary | Auntyflo.comwww.auntyflo.com › flower-dictionary › bluebell 
  Incredibly rare white 'albino' bluebells spottted in Worksop | Worksop ...www.worksopguardian.co.uk › news › incredibly-rare-wh... Amazing Meaning and Symbolism of Bluebell Flower You Should ... https://www.britannica.com/plant/bluebell-plant-genus-Hyacinthoides
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sarasalandhistory · 4 years
Jiao-Yue, the Daughter of the Moon
Princess Jiao-Yue was born the first princess of Sarasaland, however, what should’ve been a happy day was disheartened by the fact that Jiao-Yue was born extremely sickly and wouldn’t have much time but her mother wouldn’t allow her firstborn to die. Eventually, the empress learned from a fortune-teller named Merlee that the only way to save her dying daughter was to take her the sacred pool inside the highest point of Easton, Mount Hiyoihoi when the full moon was directly above. Immediately, the queen ordered a Gao take them to the Mountain. 
The parents and child managed to reach Mount Hiyoihoi and placed their daughter in the sacred pool as the moon shone above. The child then began to cry which was the most beautiful sound to her mother and father and they saw her eyes for the first time and unlike her parents, they were white in color like the moon that saved her. 
As the princess grew up, she was the exact opposite of her free-spirited mother. She was demure and quiet (Honestly, I still can’t see how she’s my ancestor) who rarely spoke to anyone which caused people to believe that she was strange and cold. However, she was known to have an unnatural beauty that surrounded that people compared her to a moon fairy and many revered her due to this, but this made her lonely as many were too intimidated by her to approach which continued her isolation. 
One night, however, while she was walking around the capital she was nearly attacked and since she never had any real need to use any offensive magic (It’s actually unknown her actual magic level due to records saying she had rarely used magic during her short reign, however, given what happened to stop the civil war, I would rate her about 7 or 8 on a scale of 10.), however, before she accepted her fate, a young human man saved her. His name was Endymion and that was the beginning of their love affair and with each passing day they fell deeper for each other. However, it was not to be for Endymion was a peasant from Crumbleden while she was the sole heir to a fledgling country and deep down they knew this and that their love was doomed (I’m glad I’m not held down by this anymore since I... Not that I’m implying anything because I’m not! Shut up!). 
Eventually, the two would have to be separated due to the princess being engaged to the lord of Birabuto’s son in order to keep them inside Sarasaland as rumors began to spread that they were trying to separate into their own country. Queen Empress Li Xiao wouldn’t have this, especially with what a delicate a situation their kingdom was in so Jiao-Yue was married off at 18 and became queen. As for Endymion, the two were forced to break it off and he knew that Jiao-Yue would always do her duty, no matter the cost. (I have to give my mom this, even if she did pressure me to be ‘a perfect little princess’ she allowed me to wed whoever I wanted, so I guess thanks mom).
Eventually, the Queen Empress and her husband had one daughter named Hatsheput who had her dad’s features. However, it was during that year that the outbreak of a civil war began as some in Sarasaland felt that it was wrong to have a single queen. Fearful of what was to come, the Queen Empress fled to Mount Hiyoihoi and begged the moon to help save her and her people from the treachery of war. Having been given life by the moon so long ago, she was able to hear its voice, and it told her it would help but their help would be at a great cost. Jiao-Yue promised to pay whatever price it wanted as long as Sarasaland would continue to be united and the moon gave her its great power and when the first battle was to begin at ‘The Center’ where the four kingdoms met Queen Empress Jiao-Yue herself appeared and created a great wall of water preventing the sides from harming the queen’s forces and swept the rebels away. Soon it was over (Today’s it’s called ‘The War that Never Was’). However, Jiao-Yue had given everything she had and her body could not take the immense power of the moon and she fell down dead. Her sacrifice held the kingdom together and her mother took over the regency until her baby daughter, Hatsheput, came of age and to this day, Jiao-Yue is known as the Daughter of the Moon (Also the Queen of a 1000 Days). Rumors say that on the day of her funeral, a mysterious cloaked man watched from afar and many believe this was her lover Endymion who paid one last respect to her.
(Yes this does take the story of Yue from Avatar. How did you know?)
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floraone · 5 years
A Kiss Because Time Is Running Out
There you go, @mooniesparklemakeup 😉😘
He kicked the heavy door shut with a roar, anger a palpable, ugly thing in his veins.
He'd never been so angry. It lay like a cloud on his mind and tinted his world in solid rage. The urge to break something, to scream, to run away... it wasn't a new feeling. It was a welcoming venom that crooked its finger and tempted him into the darkest, familiar corners of his mind.
The frame rattled dangerously, the gold hinges groaning and shuddering and he felt ashamed for a brief moment.
Someone in his chambers had shrieked and jumped and he whirled around, heavy brocade cape barely moving with him. He fully expected a startled chambermaid at this time of day, replacing his sheets and cleaning the floors. Instead, his anger was lifted from his chest, lifting the cloud and clearing his mind for a tunnel of light.
She was wearing a thin cape and hood, inconspicious and simple, the same she'd worn when they'd first met, so many moons ago. And when she lifted her startled gaze, he saw her forehead covered in powders and creams, hiding her.
His jaw snapped shut, resettling into his angry scowl and hardened face and in three broad strokes he was across the room and his thumbs were angrily wiping at the heavy make-up covering her forehead without so much of an utter of a greeting.
She didn't know him like this. He didn't know himself like this. This snarling animal in his chest was new and ugly and so unlike the gentle calm she loved him for, and he hated himself in this moment almost as much as he hated everything except her in this moment.
Her eyes were wide and she hushed soft protests at him. And while he cradled her face softly, his frown set deeper and deeper with every harsh stroke of his fingers to set her royal insignia free from hiding.
He was so frustrated that it wouldn't come free easily that with a snarl he pressed his lips to it and ran his tongue flat and harsh across the skin.
It would have been a laugh that escaped her lips, if it hadn't burst forth from her in a cry, spilling sudden tears that caught on his cheeks and chin.
He rubbed again, using the expensive fabric of his gold-embroidered tunic and probably ruining it forever, and the crescent moon on her forehead was finally free.
When he pressed his lips to it again, it was hot and pulsating, a tingling glimmer beneath his lips, a calming force.
She'd once confessed - in a hush, hidden under his covers and the deepest night, her creamy thighs pressed around his, his hands buried in her soft flesh - that it tickled when he kissed it, but never unpleasantly so.
He didn't move his lips away but sighed and closed his eyes and moved his hands out of her soft hair to cradle her whole form in a hard crush against his frame.
She collapsed against him, hands against his chest, surrendering all her weight to him as she fell against him and let him hold her.
The grief radiated through her in crushing shudders.
"You've heard," he whispered. "How could you have already heard?"
They'd just told him minutes ago.
Her hand curled against his chest.
"They've decided long before you knew," Serenity whispered back. Her hand was shaky. "It was announced in a formal ceremony last night. Along with a strong reprimand that the Moon was not to send a suitor for your hand."
Like a snake writhing, the anger pushed hot and hard and slow through every limb of his, again, hot and hard and coiling.
"We've long known we were running out of time," she whispered into the velvet and he once again felt the need to rip it all off of him.
No. No, they haven't. There was still time.
His hold became desperate and too strong, but Serenity didn't protest. Instead, she raised her hands to his cheeks and he blinked when her eyes found his.
They were so full of sorrow and regret.
Only when her tender and pale hands started to wipe at his cheeks did he realise they had been wet.
She curled her soft hand around his cheek, the tips of her fingers slipping against his ear and into his hair and she tugged him down with the lightest of pressure that still always would cause him to collapse against her immediately.
His lips found hers like a drowning man his saviour, and he whimpered into her mouth. The kiss was soft and slow and hard and painful all at once.
He wrenched his lips away from hers with a growl, appalled.
She was kissing him in the way she was kissing him every time she attempted to say goodbye, when she insisted she was 'setting him free'.
She was giving him up. Again.
No. He wouldn't let her.
He snarled and this time it was him who emprisioned her face, trapping her cheeks with both his hands and boring into her eyes.
"No," he growled, almost feral. "This is not goodbye."
"Endymion," she breathed, eyes shining and full of pity and remorse and crushing, painful grief - it screamed in his soul; an ugly, crushing sound. "You know they're right. This is wise."
He shook her, ever so softly and yet so very vehemently.
"No," he bit out. He was angry at her and angry at the world and angry at his court and angry at the royal colors in this room and so, so, so angry. 
When he kissed her again it was demanding and possessive, his tongue invading and his teeth bruising as he claimed her lips as his. She whimpered, but her hands fisted in his hair and her tongue dove just a deep as his did. Desperate. Hanging on by a thread.
When he released her just as suddenly, eyes blown wide in panic and rush, her face still trapped in his dark hands against her porcelain skin, the adrenaline under his fingertips turned from despair to hope.
"Marry me," he pressed out, his eyes jumping between hers as her forehead crinkled into a pitying frown. "Marry me tonight."
She blinked, her gentle fingers curling around his wrists where he held her face imprisioned.
If he was already married, he could not be married off in this war against his will. Even if they kept it secret, her ring would keep him safe once the day came, so would the laws of Elysion.
He could not lose her if he was already hers.
The hope curled up in his throat and in his chest and in his face and it spilled out in tears that were not at all under his control.
"Please," he sobbed, pulling her face closer and laying his forehead against hers, the glimmering thrum of her insignia against his skin a grounding force, squeezing his eyes shut.
Her hands were so very gentle when they stroked his cheeks.
He nearly swallowed his heart when he heard her soft and shaky "ok."
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