#celia what do you know what are you hiding
fandom-animals · 7 months
"Do you know who voices Chester?" im gonna be SICK
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melandrops · 5 months
Sam broke up with Alice.
He broke up with Alice because she didn't know how to take some things seriously. She didn't know when to turn off the jokes. She made one too many jokes about something that wasn't funny and Sam got sick of it.
Do you ever wonder if Alice sat alone in her flat, wishing she was a different person so that she could be what Sam wanted?
And now he needs a job and she wants him back in her life. As a coworker, as a friend, anything. She'll take anything. She misses him.
She's learned her lesson this time. And now every time Sam tells Alice to "turn it off" she does so without any hesitation. She shuts right the hell up. She doesn't do that with any other person in the office. But for Sam, she'll try and be what he wants her to be.
And he goes and gets a crush on his coworker. Not Alice, though. Never Alice. No, he gets a crush on the beautiful, emotionally available girl that he has no past with and all the promises of a future. And she has to watch him bounce around her in a twitter pated mess, trying and failing to flirt and she remember what it was like when he was flirting with her. She remember that sweet, earnest care he gave her and how he too once offered her his good teas.
Maybe it wasn't enough just to be coworkers, to be friends. But it's too late now.
And now he comes back from his date, drunk and happy and looking like he's just a few more dates from getting lucky. She probably doesn't make awkward jokes because she doesn't know how to be real and authentic. Celia's probably perfect for Sam, the way Alice never was.
And now all Alice has left are the jokes, so she makes them and she hopes they hide everything.
They don't. Of course they don't.
"Be professional."
And now she's standing there. The ex girlfriend who's not over her old flame and everyone in the office knows it. She's standing there alone and Sam has robbed her of all the jokes.
Who is she without them?
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romanteacism · 27 days
Knight Aemond x Princess Reader Lonely
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Synopsis: Ser Aemond grew to realize the gravity of his decision to distance himself from you; unable to bear the shift in your demeanor that was the consequence of his actions. Warnings: None (yet), Infatuation, Jealousy, Fluff PREVIOUS PART / NEXT PART
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“Goo—“ You ceased the words that were to escape your lips as you exited your chambers and realized no guard was waiting for you outside your chamber doors. Today was your first day of not having a sworn protector by your side—an odd sensation of freedom and as well as loneliness surrounding you. You walked down the halls in silence, without the clang of armor that cuts through the quiet. “Good morning,” You smiled as you saw two maids, them bowing their heads as you walked past them, noticing their curious gazes as you were alone in the halls. 
You walked down the stairs to venture into the gardens, nearly tripping on the steps, and no one was there to assist you and wrap their arm around your waist to steady your frame. You bit your lip as you realized how truly dependent you had become when in the presence of your knight, and you pondered if that was a good thing or not. “Good morning, princess,” A squire greeted you as you were served your first meal in the gardens, noticing that he, too, was curious about the absence of your guard. His eyes passed around the near vicinity to search for Ser Aemond, and you were itching to di the same. “Thank you,” you smiled as he left, breathing in deeply. You had the urge to speak and engage in conversation, but no one was around to listen to your babbling. 
Ser Aemond watched you from above the gardens, alone in your usual spot with a distracted look in your eyes as you tried to hide your dullness. Though he was granted leave for a week, Aemond felt no want nor need to venture out of the castle walls. He was rarely granted respite from his duties— and never once was he given such a prolonged leave; he never knew what to do with himself when he was not in his post. Aemond took in a deep breath, his scowl severing as he realized how stale the air was when your scent did not envelop it. “Good morrow, Ser Aemond,” the knight heard a greeting from a distance, making his attention shift from you to your chambermaid. “Celia,” He nodded in greeting, quickly glancing towards you once more before turning fully to the girl. 
“I heard the princess granted you leave,” She mused, stepping closer to the knight. “She has.” He confirmed, trying not to show his displeasure about the arrangement. “Then might I ask why you are spending it here? If I were granted such opportunities, I would venture to the town— there is much entertainment there.” Celia smiled, still inching closer to the knight standing by the railing of the balcony that overlooked the gardens. Only then did she realize that where Ser Aemond stood provided an unobstructed view of the princess who sat alone in her usual spot. “I do not care much for entertainment,” Aemond stated, resisting the urge to turn to you as he heard an audible sigh leave your lips. 
“Then… what do you do on your days off?” Celia questioned, and Aemond could not find a response. There was a silence that surrounded them, and the chambermaid was shifting from one foot to the other. She did not want to leave and cease her conversation with the knight, but she knew she must tend to her duties. “Would you might want to join me? I… I can tour you around the keep,” Celia proposed, holding her breath as she waited for the reply of the knight she had been eyeing since his arrival by the side of the princess. Since the beginning of the summer, she had been praying for an opportunity to have a moment alone with Ser Aemond, but he was always by your side, and now, it would seem her prayers had been heard as Ser Aemond was finally pried away from the princess’ presence. “Very well then,” Aemond agreed, knowing that touring around the castle he found no particular interest in was better than watching over you from afar when you had made it clear that you did not wish for his presence. 
You frowned as you heard Ser Aemond's distant voice. You looked around your surroundings to search for his unique silver locks. You raised your gaze to the balconies and saw as Ser Aemond walked the halls, and beside him, was your chambermaid who looked completely besotted by your knight. You pursed your lips and felt your hand clench tightly around your fork as your eyes followed their departing frame, a burning throb in your chest that was hard to ignore and an irritable twitch in your eye that you could not control. 
Ser Aemond walked with Celia through various halls of the keep, the girl constantly speaking and telling him facts about the castle he had no care for. He could not even pay attention to what she was saying; everything she uttered went from one ear then out the other— different from you, who he still remembered all the things you babbled about. As they turned a corner, Aemond halted in his steps as a portrait caught his attention. He looked upon the artwork, a furrow returning to his brows. “When was this portrait of the princess made?” He asked, interrupting whatever Celia was saying. Aemond grimaced at the painting; the artist had lots of lapses in how they pictured you. Though you were still your breathtaking self— the painter had failed to capture the actuality of your eyes or the small beauty marks that riddled some parts of your face, and he even had the gull to make you appear older.
“That is not the princess,” Celia informed him, the girl noticing how focused the knight was on the portrait. “What?” Aemond asked, distracted. “That is not the princess; that is her great-grandmother— the queen.” Aemond glanced at the chambermaid, not fully believing her words, as the portrait he looked upon convinced him that it was you. “Why is there a knight’s helmet by her foot?” Aemond asked, turning to a small plaque at the bottom of the frame, confirming that the portrait was of your great-grandmother, whose beauty you had inherited significantly. “They say that it was an ode to her husband, the king consort who was once her sworn protector.” Aemond almost choked at the words he heard. 
“This portrait was made for her coronation, and it was said that under the knight’s helmet was a wolf pup to signify her past betrothed, but they had painted over it after her coronation as she broke off her betrothal and instead married her knight. No one could hinder her, for she was queen,” Celia shrugged, gaze growing curious at the more obvious tenseness of Ser Aemond. There was sweat beading from the side of his forehead, and he looked rather flushed. “Are you well, Aemond?” She asked, moving to take hold of his upper arm, but Aemond quickly moved away, unaccustomed to anyone else’s touch. “Yes,” He said, but there was an obvious imbalance in his voice. “I must go,” Aemond said and marched away, leaving no room for Celia to reply as he left her alone in the halls. 
Thankfully, the week without Ser Aemond by your side was quick to pass. Aemond was growing restless as he had nothing to do. At his witts end, all he wanted to do was return to his post. All he did was trail you from afar during the days that were supposed to be his break. Watching over you even though he was dismissed from his duty because that was all he knew— and if he were being honest, anxiety filled him as he feared something might happen to you and no one would be there to come to your aid. 
When it was the day for you and your family’s return to the capitol, Aemond walked the halls of your chambers and stopped by his post, sighing in contentment as he returned to his rightful place. When the doors of your chambers opened, Aemond parted his lips to greet you as he realized that he was perhaps too harsh with his choices before of trying to ignore you altogether. He came to the realization that he could still maintain your distance and cease the wagging tongues of the court but still be cordial with you. However, the words died on his tongue as you walked past him and went your way without even giving him a glance or at least acknowledging his presence. Aemond hurried his steps to catch up with you, whose once leisurely pace now fastened as you walked the halls. 
You were holding your pet cat in your arms, your gaze completely focused on your pet, and Aemond knew all too well what he needed to do. He moved to assist you as you walked through the halls, but before he could place his hand on the small of your back, he realized you already knew the obstruction in your way, not at all needing his help. When you two reached the steps, Aemond offered his arm to aid you as you descended down the stairs, knowing that your dress was cumbersome when in such terrain, but his furrowed brows furthered as you only placed your hand against the wall to assist your balance, and ignoring the help he offered. 
“Are you excited to return home?” Your brother asked as you met him by the entrance hall. You hummed and shrugged, staying silent because, in the past week, you had learned to control your tongue and ceased babbling, leaving your thoughts to yourself. Your brother frowned as he realized he had not heard you speak much the past week, and not once had he seen a true, beaming smile on your lips. “Welcome back, Ser Aemond,” Your brother greeted your knight, who led out his arm to assist you in the wheelhouse, but you ignored his aid once more. Aemond bit his tongue and gave a curt nod before going to his horse. He watched as your brother bordered the wheelhouse that housed you as well. 
Aemond rode beside your wheelhouse, his eye flying toward the small gap that offered him a glimpse of you from time to time, a bored look on your face as your brother tried to speak with you, but you were in no mood to hold a conversation— something quite concerning for you always had a multitude of words ready to spew from your lips. 
Your convoy was halfway to the capitol when the king and queen’s wheelhouse halted to a stop, confusing Aemond and, from the looks of it, you as well. 
“What is going on?” You asked, turning to your cat, who had woken from the commotion of guards shouting orders and the halting of the wheelhouse. “We are set to go to lord Dacre’s house— some business to tend to,” Your brother explained, moving to stand. “We are?’ You asked as you were not privy to such matters. “Well… we— mother, father, and I are.” You frowned. “But why can I not join you three?” You asked, but your brother did not answer your question as the wheelhouse doors were opened by Ser Aemond, your mother waiting outside. “Because you will only be a distraction— constantly trying to chat up the lords and ladies, distracting them from the important business on hand. This matter is of quite importance, and we cannot risk bringing you to disturb this meeting.” 
Aemond’s gaze flew to you as he heard your mother’s words. He never realized how estranged your relationship with your mother was; seeing that both of you would have luncheons almost every day, he would think you two were close. But now he recalled how he would listen to the silence of the royal apartments as you and your mother were alone together. Aemond observed your hands tightly grasping the pillow on your lap as you looked upon your mother with nothing but hurt in your eyes, but you did nothing to defend yourself. “You’re leaving me?” You asked your brother, “Do not be so dramatic; we will return in three days,” Your mother sighed, impatient, as she waited for your brother to stand and lead her back to the other wheelhouse. “And we’ll bring you back a present,” Your brother smiled reassuringly, hoping the promise of a shiny trinket would lessen the melancholy in your eyes. 
Your brother gave you a quick kiss on your temple before exiting the wheelhouse and turning to your sworn protector. “Take care of my sister, Ser Aemond,” He said, and Aemond gave a nod, glancing towards you, who could not even meet him in the eye. “Of course, my prince.” 
For the remainder of your travels, you tried to console your mind and not let yourself succumb to the loneliness brewing inside you. Your family often did this— leaving without you knowing their plans and returning with a crate filled with gifts to justify their disappearance. You tried your earnest effort to distract yourself with the fact that when you returned to the capitol, the scarce friends you had made with some of the ladies of the court would be waiting for you. 
“Welcome back, princess,” a maid greeted, and you offered her a smile as you threaded the halls in search of Lady Grace and Lady Cassandra. Aemond followed you silently as you hastily roamed the castle, searching for your friends. Your legs were aching with the various halls you passed and stairs you ascended and descended during your search. You had the mind of just finding them the next day, but luckily, you ran into the brother of Lady Grace. “Lord Abbey,” You called and curtsied, “Princess, great to see you back,” He bowed. “Thank you… might you tell me where Lady Grace is?” You asked, but confusion quickly took over your face at the shocked expression of the lord. 
“Oh… you had not heard. My sister was sent to the south to be acquainted with her betrothed… I believe she had left you a letter in your apartment. She regrets not telling you directly, but all the arrangements were quick to happen.” Lord Abbey said apologetically. You could only nod and force a smile through your disappointment. “And Lady Cassandra? Might you know where she is?” You asked in hope. “Oh, princess… the Lady Cassandra has fled,” Lord Abbey said slowly; the matter was of delicacy and of scandal. “What do you mean?” You questioned, dread pooling in your stomach. “A moon ago, Lady Cassandra had run off with her father’s squire, who she had revealed was her lover— having no choice, she was disowned and had fled with the said squire.” 
Aemond could practically feel the anguish exuding from you as Lord Abbey informed you what had happened during your absence. He remembered your concern as neither of your friends had replied to your letters during the summer. Aemond followed you back to your chambers; your head hung low as the friends you were looking forward to seeing again had left you alone. “Shall I ask your maid to bring your supper to your chambers, princess?” Aemond asked before you entered your room. He watched you shake your head, not even uttering a word nor turning to him before closing your chamber doors. 
When the hour of the bat came, Aemond stood restlessly at his post, uneasy at the behavior you presented. He never thought you were capable of being anything but the cheerful, affectionate, and loquacious princess that he had come to know and accustomed himself to since his first day. He never thought that it was possible for you to hold and display such somberness— he never thought the light of the realm that constantly radiated upon them could grow dim. 
Aemond was brought out of his thoughts as he heard the jingle of your cat’s collar. Theodore made his way through the halls and stopped your door, hissing at Ser Aemond to open it. Aemond rolled his eyes, pushed upon your chamber door, and left a gap big enough for your cat to enter, but as he partly opened your door, Aemond felt dread consume him as he heard the sound of your sobs. Aemond froze, not knowing what to do. Should he just close the door and ignore your crying? Or should he enter and console you? Aemond was leaning toward choosing the former, but as he heard another heartwrenching sob leave your lips, he knew he could not just stand there and let you cry into the night. 
“Princess?” He called by the door, cautiously threading closer to your bed where you lay and cried onto your pillow, your whole frame shaking with each sob. “Princess, are you hurt?” He called again, and at the sound of his voice, your sobbing ceased. Aemond felt his knees grow weak as you turned to him with your bloodshot eyes and quivering lips. “Wha… leave, Ser Aemond,” You say, holding back your cries. Your knight did not do such things but only dared to step closer to the side of your bed. “You… you’re crying— are you hurt?” Aemond asked, having no idea how to console someone in such a state. 
You frowned at your knight’s words. “I’m fine— please, Ser Aemond, leave.” You say once more, sitting up on your bed, embarrassed that your knight had caught you in such a state— balling your eyes out and helpless. “Not until you tell me the matter at hand— why are you crying?” Your fists baled the sheets of your featherbed. “You overstep, Ser. I have asked you to leave twice now— go and return to your post… that is all you care for anyway.” You muttered the last part, remembering the first and foremost reason for your somber mood that had plagued you since a fortnight ago. “I shall return once you tell me what is wrong,” 
You bit your tongue, your usual tendencies of vocalizing all the thoughts that ran your mind coming forward. Aemond challenged you with his eye, standing straighter by your bed, signifying that he truly will not leave until you explain to him the reason for your tears. You sighed, wiping away the tears from your cheeks before letting out a huff of breath. “The matter is, everyone leaves me!” You erupted. “They always leave me alone! And I would think I would have gotten used to it by now, but it just keeps gnawing at me. They constantly leave me lonely! My family leaves me for matters of the crown, my friends to get married— even my past guard left me! And I wager it is only a matter of time when you leave me alone as well!”Aemond’s heart pitted at your words. He stood there in silence for a moment, having no words to offer you comfort. 
You scoffed as Ser Aemond just stood there in silence. “There, I’ve told you the matter— now, leave.” You sighed, trying to calm the anger and sadness that had consumed you. “No,” Aemond answered. You looked at your knight in disbelief. “You are aware that you are disobeying the princess of the realm,” You say, one of the few times that you had held your title over someone’s head. “I’m not leaving. I’m staying here. I’m staying with you.” Aemond said, voice filled with sincerity, his words an oath. 
You could only roll your eyes. “Are you certain? Are you not wary of what the court will think?” You taunted, reminding him of his words. Aemond’s jaw clenched, not particularly enjoying this side of you, but he would have your stubbornness and animosity any day rather than your ignorance. “Princess… it’s just that— I do not like to be gossiped about,” You scoffed, “No one does. You cannot control what the court takes as their new chatter piece— you can, however, control how you handle it.” 
“I did not intend to offend you,” Aemond explained. The words he uttered before had struck something deep inside you, something that brought forth such emotions you had always repressed, but just one word from him had undone all your efforts to hide such unpleasant dispositions. “Were you not the one to tell me that whatever intentions one has, you must know of the consequences?” You asked, the heaviness in your chest miraculously disappearing with each moment you finally spoke with Ser Aemond. You knight sighed, shaking his head. “I did not think anything I say would be of such consequence to you— I did not think you would care,” You stayed silent, not having to utter a word as it is evident that it did. “I… I apologize— I was only trying to protect us both from speculation and the whispers of vipers.” 
“I’m afraid there will always be a devious snake lurking in each garden I roam,” You sighed. “Well, then, it is a good thing you have your knight who’ll always stay by your side to protect you,” you breathed out a laugh, finally meeting Ser Aemond’s eye, seeing sincerity in the lilac orb. You nodded, choosing to believe his words because every part of you told you not to doubt him. “Good night, Ser Aemond.” You say as his cue to leave. Aemond bit his lip and gave a nod. “I shall be at my post,” He informed you, and you gave him a small smile. “I know you will.” 
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avoxrising · 10 months
Saw You In That Dress
Finnick x Reader
Masterlist Link
So @kittimbo posted this fic idea on their blog and I wanted to give a shot at writing it (see repost of the request on my blog).
Basically the reader is another victor from District 4 and Finnick’s childhood best friend. She has to go to an event in the capital in a sheer dress and it leaves Finnick very flustered and things heat up back at her place… smut ahead!
Content warnings - cursing, prostitution, unwanted public nudity, very smutty
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“Tigris you can’t be serious,” you groan as you see the dress she brought you. It was made of purple organza and was very see through. Your whole body would be on display. Tigris had enough decency to provide you with a small nude thong but your chest was fully on display.
“Client’s request,” Tigris responds. “You just have to be with him during the event and then you get the rest of the night off to wear whatever you want. The siren must make her appearances after all.”
The capital had called you “The Siren” since your games. During the final eight interview your sister told the capital how you were the best singer in District 4 and the capital ran wild with that comment. You were made to pick up singing as your official victor hobby and the rest is history.
Knowing what would happen if you didn’t comply, you reluctantly let Tigris dress you. The dress wouldn’t actually be so bad if it wasn’t see through. The fabric flowed beautifully around your features and the halter top was covered in expensive jewels. Unfortunately, all anyone would notice was your bare top half, not the rest of you.
As your driver takes you to the event at Snow’s mansion you have a moment of panic. The fact that your childhood best friend and mentor, Finnick, was also going to be in attendance was a sense of relief until you saw what you would be wearing. Now you have to avoid him. You can’t let him see you in this dress. That’s literally the definition of embarrassing.
Luckily, the event is fairly crowded. You’re stuck to your client like glue for the whole evening, trying to hide your dress behind him as much as possible. Unfortunately, he purchased you and this dress for the sole intent of checking you out and showing you off, so he mainly kept you in front of him so your girls were in eyesight at all times. You could barely hide your discomfort.
“Come on Siren darling you need to meet my sister,” he coos. “She’s a big fan of Tigris and she would love to see your dress. I’m sure her date would too.”
You reluctantly join him as he glides across the room. The sight of his sister and her date makes you freeze. Of course it had to be Finnick. The second he notices your outfit his eyes shoot to the floor, doing his best not to stare.
“Celia my dear sister!” your client exclaims as he introduces you to a woman with green hair and eyes like a snake. “I’d like you to meet my lovely victor for tonight. Did you know Tigris designed her dress?”
The woman gushes over your dress, running the fabric through her fingers as you stand their uncomfortably. Ironically, Finnick looks more uncomfortable than you. He’s sweating and shifting from foot to foot. What is he doing?
“I’ll be right back,” he tells his date, scurrying away. She’s too enthralled by your dress to notice his absence but you can’t help but feel betrayed. Why was he leaving you alone to fend for yourself?
The rest of the event passes too slowly. It’s finally 3am when your driver picks you up to bring you back to the victors’ apartments in the capital. You spend the car ride removing all the pins from your hair and the jewels from your neckline that Tigris glued on.
When you get back to your apartment, all you want to do is change into actual comfy clothes and go to sleep, but your plans are sidelined by Finnick sitting at your kitchen counter. You can’t help but stare at him in disbelief, as if he had the audacity to think you’d want to hang out with him at this hour, right after he left you alone with your client and his.
You let out a long exhale before dropping your shoes by the door and heading to your room, eager to get out of your dress. Finnick, of course, follows you. What the hell was his problem?
“Hey,” he says as you walk further into your apartment. “How was your night?”
“Awful,” you huff, finally turning around to face him. “What are you even doing here?”
“I wanted to see you,” he nervously replies, doing his best to keep his eyes on your face.
“Well everyone has seen a whole lot of me tonight,” you retort. You cross your arms over your chest, causing Finnick’s eyes to abruptly snap back up to your face. He was definitely looking.
“I like the dress,” he comments. You roll your eyes and turn to head towards the room when he stops you, putting one of his hands on your arm.
“Wait,” he says. “I just wanted to apologize for leaving you with my client. I just couldn’t control myself with you in that dress. You looked…”
You look up at him, slightly confused. Sure you two had always been somewhat flirty for two people who were just friends, but something about the way you two were flirting tonight felt different.
“You couldn’t control yourself?” you smirk.
“No,” he shyly replies. “I really couldn’t.”
“Well what would you do if you didn’t have to control yourself?” you ask, dragging your fingers down the arm that lay on your shoulder.
“Do you really want to know?” he asks, using his arm to maneuver you so your back was against the wall. Things were definitely different tonight.
“Yes,” you nervously swallow. “Please.”
He hungrily encapsulates your lips with his as his hands hold you firmly against the wall. Was your childhood best friend and longtime crush actually kissing you?
His hands roamed up your stomach until they sat just under your boobs, hands pressing gently into the sheer fabric covering them.
“If I didn’t have to control myself in there I would have dragged you to Snow’s office so I could bend you over his desk and fuck you till you couldn’t walk,” he growls. “You would be singing my name like the deadly siren you are. I would leave marks all over you till your arms and neck matched your dress and everyone knew you didn’t belong to them.”
His hands dig into the flesh of your boobs and you let out a soft moan. You needed his hands in a million different places right now but the words wouldn’t form to tell him that.
“You just look too good in that dress,” he groans, pressing himself closer to you. Your hands drift down his torso until they come to rest over his dress pants. They were definitely getting a bit tight due to the conversation.
“I might look better with it off,” you smirk at him, sliding your hand down gently over his bulge. He let out a deep groan at the contact and swiftly guided you back over to your couch just a few feet away, where he promptly had you sit on his lap, facing him.
“I want to show them that they don’t own you,” he says as you kiss his neck, definitely leaving marks. You pull back for a moment to look into his deep blue green eyes. The two of you had crossed a line, and there was no going back to just friends.
“They don’t,” you tell him. “I won’t let them own you either.”
The moment intensifies until Finnick smashes his lips back into yours, hands pulling up the bottom of your dress. He slides your thong to the side and quickly goes to undo his pants. You impatiently yank them down to his knees, watching his very prominent erection bounce up to hit his stomach.
No words needed to be said, you two already knew what the other was thinking. You take ahold of his member and line it up with your soaking entrance. Only he could do this to you.
He unties the halter top of your dress, fully exposing your breasts to him. He can’t help but run is hands over them and give them a squeeze.
“They’re perfect,” he grins, looking up at you. “You’re perfect.”
You pull his lips to yours as you sink down onto him. He stretches you out nicely and it takes you a second to adjust to his size.
Slowly, you pull back up before sitting yourself back down onto him, moaning in the process.
“Fuck Finnick,” you groan. He ruts his hips up into yours, telling you to get moving. You heed his command and begin to bounce up and down on him, the sound of skin hitting skin filling your apartment.
He presses his face to your chest and gently bites and sucks as you ride him, loving the way your boobs bounce with every thrust. Eventually he has you turn around so he can wrap his arms around you and hold your boobs while you bounce on him.
He lets out a groan and you can tell he’s close, his dick twitching inside of you. The feeling in your stomach lets you know you’re close too, but you need something more.
You wrap one of your hands around his, guiding it down to your swollen clit.
“Please,” you beg as you push his hand towards your core. He does not disappoint as his fingers make contact with your clit.
It’s only a few moments later before your orgasm comes crashing down on you, with Finnick not far behind. He pulls you down onto him as he spurts himself deep into you, burying his face in your neck. You don’t think he could get any deeper but he continues to thrust as he coats your walls.
When the moment fades, he gently lifts you off of him, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as he goes to get a warm towel. You lay back on the couch, exhausted. You would have to lie to Tigris about why the dress got so sweaty.
“Here,” Finnick hums as he lays you back on the couch. He proceeds to wipe you up, your clit throbbing from the contact. After you are both cleaned up, you ditch the idea of pjs and climb into your bed together, the sun already rising over the capital.
“We should have done that a lot sooner,” Finnick states. You give him a happy hum in response as you nuzzle up against him. “Thank god I saw you in that dress.”
I hope this was in line with your idea! Let me know in the comments what y’all think of this and if I should do more of possessive Finnick in the future.
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jo1sstuff · 17 days
I think I know who the Archivist is, and it's not Jon. (TMAGP SPOILERS AHEAD)
(TLDR: I think it's Celia. Read on to see why!)
I know the title sounds kinda click-baity, and this is gonna be a bit long, but this is such a ground-breaking theory that you'll hopefully want to stick around.
This is just a theory, so I might be wrong, but it would explain a lot.
I listened to TMAGP 29 earlier, and since my sister doesn't listen to TMA/TMAGP but I like to talk to her about it, I was mentioning the whole "It's on the train" thing, and a crazy theory popped in my head. So now I'm here sharing it with you all, so you can discuss it and maybe prove me wrong/right.
Anyways, I'm gonna start with something that might seem confusing at first, but it'll make sense later.
So we all know Celia, right?
Well, it's pretty much confirmed that she's from the TMA universe, but there are still a few things that don't quite make sense.
For example, the 'sleepwalking' thing she does. She'll wake up somewhere with no memory of what happened.
While I've seen some theories explaining it as the TMAGP Celia sharing a body with TMA Celia, it doesn't make much sense to me. Why would the TMAGP Celia still be in there? Wouldn't TMA Celia be able to communicate with her? Why hasn't anyone else mentioned seeing Celia when she 'sleepwalks'? Wouldn't TMAGP Celia have friends that would talk to her? If so, why wouldn't they notice it's not the same Celia?
Anyways, that theory just doesn't make sense to me.
Another thing that will make sense later: We all remember Michael Distortion from TMA, right?
And how his reflection looked different than how he sometimes looked in person?
An Avatar looking different through glass; whether through Sasha's window, or in the reflection of the cafe's window.
That was the thought that made me first come up with this theory.
The other thought was the "It's on the train" bit.
Sam and Celia get on a train to 'follow' the Archivist. Alice, however, sees it on the train with them.
(technically we don't know for certain that it was the Archivist, or if it was in or on top of the train, but it context makes it seem like the Archivist was in the train with them)
Why wouldn't Sam and Celia notice it? It's a monster that's all eyes, how could they miss that? Sure, it might have been hiding, but they likely weren't the only passengers on board. So why didn't the other passengers see it?
Well, what if they do see it, just not it the right way?
Because of the whole 'avatar looking different in windows' thing, what if that's why they don't notice?
Because they're not looking through the window?
Alice is though.
Alice is looking through the window.
She sees it.
What if, the Archivist is in a human form, but Alice can only see it because she's looking through the glass at it?
But who would it be?
It's Celia.
Who else could it be?
What if, when she's 'sleepwalking', she's actually in Archivist form?
Sam got Archived, after all. And shortly after that, Celia appeared.
Wouldn't Celia have noticed the Archivist leaving?
Unless she just came to.
And she's so used to it happening, that she isn't bothered by the time she finds Sam.
Who knows how far away she got, after all. Maybe it was only one alley away, maybe it was a few blocks.
She'd have some time to compose herself.
And after that disorienting event, she managed to find her way to the O.I.A.R. and found Sam.
She was in the same area and time-frame the Archivist was there.
It's her.
Another thing: The statement-givers. Aka, the talking corpses. Aka, people that got Archived by the Archivist.
I'll bet that every time it mentions Celia having a 'sleepwalking' episode, it was around the same time that someone got Archived.
I'm not gonna go back through the episodes to see if I'm right on that, but if someone else will, it would be very much appreciated.
How exactly Celia became an Archivist, I don't know.
Maybe when she changed universes the Eye decided to make her its new 'precious little boy girl'. Maybe (if we believe that TMAGP is Somewhere Else) the Archivist part of Jon got stuck in Celia. Maybe she even became an Avatar by herself, who knows! I certainly don't.
Another thing I don't know is whether she'd remember what happens when she's the Archivist.
She seemed surprised to find Sam, after all.
And (if I remember right) she doesn't know how she gets to places while she's 'sleepwalking'.
I also don't know how Jack fits into this, but he's a mystery of his own.
Anyways, feel free to chip in with your own thoughts and criticisms, I could be completely proved wrong next episode after all!
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annabelle--cane · 6 months
I swear my brain is trying to tell me Something about the motifs of food and drink, but I've only got a few sides of it, not the whole yet. some of sides I do have:
lena made sure than both sam and celia ate something in the office immediately after showing up for their first days, and that jives in a certain way with two case subjects having encounters with creepy strangers who made sure to give them food first thing.
I feel like caffeine and alcohol are serving as contrasting symbols. you drink caffeine in the workplace to keep going and stay productive, and you drink alcohol when you clock out to relax and socialize. an upper vs a downer.
colin is the character we've seen be most selective about his diet so far. he doesn't eat meat, he prefers a pub party to an office party, he prefers scotch to coffee, and he's cutting caffeine just as he gears up to do something suspicious to the office computers.
alice cautions sam against coffee and beer while she drinks both herself. she also tries to secretly hide her own snack foods at the office, but sam knows where they are and sneaks them sometimes.
and--this one isn't a positive observation, it's a negative, something about what isn't there rather than what is: I don't think we've had any references to cigarettes or smoking so far. it was a massive motif in archives right from the off, and statement givers were smokers fairly often, and it's just not been a thing in these first ten episodes of protocol. archives started us off with a statement about being lured in with cigarettes, and protocol started with an office party and a conversation about unsatisfying refreshment options.
huge list of relevant quotes under the cut
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immortal-if · 30 days
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It was supposed to be... well, maybe not a simple job, but it wasn't your first time being hired to track down a teenage runaway. But this one... you had a weird feeling about this one from the start.
As the dreams you've suffered from your whole life start getting more intense, and your missing persons case becomes a murder case, you begin to realise you've bitten off far more than you can chew. Now the only person who seems to have the answers you seek is a professor on a culture that has been extinct for centuries - and all you know about them is that they're hiding something.
Find the meaning behind your mysterious dreams. Will they lead you to catch your mysterious killer? Or lead you straight into their clutches?
Immortal is an 18+ interactive fiction novel created in Twine using Sugarcube. Content warnings will include death and murder, animal death in the context of religious sacrifice (looking at around chapter 7 - skippable) and sexual content (skippable). List will be updated in the future.
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Play as a male, female or nonbinary private investigator - cis or trans. Customise your appearance and personality, and choose how you wish to proceed with your case
You're not you when you dream. Who are you? Customise your mysterious dream figure, including gender (male or female, cis or trans) and appearance.
A single gender-selectable RO. Get to know the secrets they keep hidden and enter into a deeper relationship - or spend time together as friends.
Find the answers to the dreams that plague you. Repeat the mistakes of the past - or make whole new ones.
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Rue - gender selectable he/him or she/her (cis) RO.
An expert on Rosutan culture spending a semester teaching at Crescent Hill University - half an hour from the site of the murder. They claim to be willing to help you - and they did save your life. So why do you feel like they're not being honest with you?
Officer Frankie Vega - they/them (nonbinary)
You know them well enough. An officer at the Crescent Hill police department. You've been in contact a few times when your job has overlapped with theirs, but this is your first time actually getting to know them.
Detective Celia Brand - she/her (cis)
The detective working the murder case you've inadvertently stumbled onto - and she does not like you. Less, now that you're interfering in her case.
Liam Veere - he/him (ftm trans)
He works as a teaching assistant at the university. Pleasant and cheery, you've never seen him without a smile on his face - though that's not hard, you've only met him twice.
Abigail Cayde - she/her (cis)
All of this started with her disappearance and murder. What was she doing?
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Demo (Prologue - updated 31/08/24) | Characters
This is my first attempt at an interactive fiction game, I have no experience in this. Please be gentle with me.
Other WIPs: From the Depths
Avatar Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Banner Photo by Niccolo' Candelise on Unsplash
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fridayyy-13th · 2 months
gonna be honest, feeling very conflicted about this episode, lads. i've been really hoping Protocol won't explain away the (NARRATIVELY IMPORTANT) mystery left at the end of Archives, i.e. Jon and Martin's fate, so seeing as they're the next thing Sam and Celia are gonna be investigating, this is kinda gonna be the thing that makes or breaks Protocol, for me.
i do think there's a solid chance Chester and Norris are the Jon and Martin from Protocol's universe, and that is something i absolutely would not mind. but i haven't actually made a post explaining why i think that, and i should probably do that before it's explained, just so i can mayyyybe say i called it.
(for the record, i'm pretty sure i came up with most of this before the series even officially dropped, when all we had was the ARG and the trailer. i haven't done much to connect this theory to the further information we've learned, so it's probably not fully accurate (if accurate at all). and quite a bit of it is kinda baseless conjecture; i'm just throwing my thoughts out there. just a little disclaimer.)
in Archives, Jonah's primary motivation is fear of death. turning to the Eye is what allows him to body-hop as he does for 200 years, trying to create a world where his Patron reigns supreme, where he is seated upon its throne and cannot die. assuming his motivation is the same in Protocol, this new universe is (likely until recently) untouched by the Entities. if Jonah wanted to evade death, how could he do that without the help of an eldritch fear god?
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i'm not particularly knowledgeable about the subject as a whole, but i'm certainly familiar with the Philosopher's Stone (the symbol of which is also present in the OIAR's/podcast's logo, though it seems the OIAR is more focused on balance than on experimentation).
i also know that the seven metals used in alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron, and tin) are all components of computer chips. i've been thinking Jonah, or maybe his successors, saw that and began turning their research to how it could be utilized to extend—or preserve—life.
to cut to the chase, bc frankly it's hard trying to sound like i know what i'm talking about and this post would take forever to write otherwise, i think Jonah tried to Sergei Ushanka himself into a computer, because metal and plastic are a hell of a lot longer-lasting than a human being.
but he wouldn't shove his consciousness into some random motherboard without making sure it was safe, what do you take him for?? he is a man of academia. obviously he had to test it on others first, and then he'd do it himself.
cue the thought experiments the Institute ran on kids. the things the experiments quantify are empathy and obedience to authority, which to me screams that they were trying to find kids who were easy to manipulate into more dangerous experiments.
and who are two characters who were kids in the 90s, with circumstances that left them lonely, isolated, and who, even as adults, are desperate to please (whether a parent or a bad boss)? Jon and Martin.
i posit that Jon and Martin were both victims of these experiments, perhaps the first (and only) successful subjects, and Jonah uploaded his consciousness to the computer soon after. their records could have been stricken from the spreadsheet to hide that they'd even been part of the program, and given the Institute burned down soon after, and there were no survivors—it could have been assumed that they'd died in the fire. it isn't like they had the most doting guardians to worry over them.
...but Chester and Norris's voices are those of adult Jon and Martin.
best i can figure, Jonah's plan might have worked in the short term, but computers have had date/time hardware in them since the 80s, so they—and Augustus—are still aging. so they've been trapped in computer software since 1999, and now that Sam and Celia are digging into what happened, they're desperate to catch their attention and find a way out.
(and lastly, a fun little thought—given Jon and Martin were both born circa 1987, they would have been twelve in 1999. they didn't even get to be teenagers.)
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krispycreamcake · 29 days
sakamaki with a latin gf!!! pleasee
From author: I fucking love poc asks so much. Also to make this just a tiny bit easier on myself since I have writer's block rn, I'll just do something a bit short today
Sakamaki's with a Latin gf
Shu Sakamami
🎻- Slightly intrigued by the culture
🎻- Would honestly ask a couple questions if he was up to listening to you rant about your customs
🎻- Honestly likes the music you play sometimes (he has a playlist of Celia Cruz but shh)
🎻- Also yes yes before you shoot me, I know he likes classical but he seems like the type of guy who could appreciate the way how salsa music incorporates different instruments to have a specific kick to the genre
🎻- Once you told him about paella and now he asks you to make it for him almost all the time
🎻- Terrified of meeting your family and avoids it at all costs but tries to pretend it doesn't bother him
Reiji Sakamaki
☕️- Extremely educated on Latin culture
☕️- Asks you for local book recommendations
☕️- Genuinely wants your opinion on Japanese culture and how much of a difference it is compared to your own
☕️- Like Shu, he enjoys the music and if he had to pick he'd say Los Tres Diamantes was his favourite band from that genre
☕️- Invested in learning Spanish and takes pride in tackling another language alongside German
☕️- Since Latino culture is extremely diverse, he'd ask you about your OWN personal experience a lot of the times
Ayato Sakamaki
🏀- "Of course the great ore-sama could obviously get any girl he wants from around the world!"
🏀- Cocky asshole
🏀- See it's one thing being able to charm those around you that you share similarities with, but it takes something special to make someone completely different than yourself fall in love with you
🏀- And Ayato knows this, takes pride in it even
🏀- Hmm when it comes to how interested he is about the culture I'd give it 5/10
🏀- He cares about you more than all those fancy songs and food, but that is YOUR culture, so by extension he kinda has to care even if it's just a little bit
🏀- Asks you to speak Spanish and if you can't, he'll make fun of you for it and tease you by telling you to go learn a thing or two from Reiji
🃏- Lorddddddd
🃏- Well before I start, let me just say that he's also educated on the culture just maybe not as much as Reiji, so anything he does is a means to tease you by playing coy and outright stupid
🃏- Just also would like to add, if you're from Brazil and happen to have a curvy body, he WILL comment on that
🃏- If you have a flatter body type, he'll tease (annoy) you by asking how come you don't have more uh curves in certain areas because that's supposed to be what you're "known for"
🃏- Trust me, he's only saying this to get a reaction, he loves you in his own weird fucked up way
🃏- But expect a lot of comments like that and at some point you'll probably need to tell him off
🃏- Midnight salsa dancing because well, do you honestly expect anything else from him?
🃏- One of his favourite things to do is watch those cliche over dramatic Spanish dramas and eats it up every single time there turns out to be a twin brother
Kanato Sakamaki
🧸- Like Ayato, doesn't care that much about the culture, rather his main focus is on you
🧸- Probably likes to hear you tell scary folklore stories from wherever you're from
🧸- And on that note, he already knows about La Lloronoa and Sihuanaba
🧸- Makes Teddy™ cover his ears when you get to the scary parts
🧸- Comments on how he'd still love you as a vengeful ghost and might even prefer it that way
🧸- Like Laito, he has this preconceived notion that you're meant to be curvy but doesn't care if you aren't
🧸- Besides if he only liked you for your body, he'd kill you and preserve you somewhere, hiding you away from the rest of the world where only he could see you. But he'd never do that riiiiiiight?
Subaru Sakamaki
🥀- Learns how to salsa when no one is around so he could impress you one day
🥀- Like Laito, he also watches those cliche Spanish soap operas but pretends he doesn't like them and think they're overrated (He's on the second season of Monarca)
🥀- Secretly interested in the culture and would ask Reiji for some books so he could learn more
🥀- Doesn't want to seem dumb in front of you but also doesn't want make a fool of himself by saying words he doesn't understand or asking dumb questions
🥀- If you speak Portuguese or Spanish, likes hearing you talk in your native tongue
🥀- Out of all the brothers, he'd be the one to treat you the most "normally" by not pestering you with questions or flaunting you off like a trophy he just won
🥀- You try to teach him your native language so you could both shit talk his brothers right in front their faces
From Author: It has been so long since I opened this app omfg but I've been busy with a lot of irl things so now I should have a bit more time to produce more content yay (I'm this close to jumping off a bridge with how dead the fandom is rn)
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vamossainz55 · 1 year
toy swords - carlos sainz jr.
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summary: family antics on a summer vacation, or a really quick drabble inspired by @scuderiasundays insta au 'holiday, celebrate' a/n: very short drabble (600 words) but thought it was so much fun. we need more dad!carlos fics. yes this is my cry for help. enjoy xoxo.
“I leave for five minutes. Five minutes- and this is what you decide to do?”
Carlos is grinning from ear to ear, arms crossed with a satisfied look on his face as he watches the three little rebels run around the square. It’s a normal sight really, they loved entertaining each other. The only difference this time though, are the plastic swords that were being waved in the air.
“I thought we said no more toys?” You ask, sitting down on the metal chair next to your husband. He looks over at you innocently, with wide doe eyes and a small pout on his lips.
His hand snakes to your knee, giving it a squeeze. “Sorry?” He says, smiling when he receives a gentle peck on the lips in return. You let the kiss linger before pulling away, just enough to let Carlos think he’s off the hook. When you catch him smiling victoriously you pinch his side, earning a yelped out ay that has you snickering. 
“Come on, you know the puppy dog eyes stopped working as soon as Riley learned how to do it better.” You tease, laughing when he groans and throws his head back dramatically. 
Your attention is ripped away from him at the sound of Celia’s shriek and for a second your heart leaps. Your eyes search for her as Carlos nods to their direction, this time giving your hand a squeeze instead. 
“No pasa nada,” It’s fine. He says just as you spot them. To nobody’s surprise, you find her being chased around this time, Riley and Sam following her with the swords. You can’t help but soften at the sight of Celia running, much smaller legs struggling to keep away from her brothers. 
“They’re going to be the death of me, you know?” You breathe out, shaking your head as your heart rate slows down again. Carlos hums, intertwining your fingers with his before looking over at you. 
“What?” You ask after a few seconds, eyes drifting from the kids to him. 
“Tengo muchísima suerte.” I am so lucky he murmurs, sneaking a kiss to your cheek. You bite the inside of your cheek, trying your best to hide the smile threatening to creep on your lips, but you can’t do anything about the blush forming on your cheeks. 
“Te estas poniendo roja!” You’re getting red, Carlos grins in triumph and you poke his side just as the waiter comes with your drinks and the gelato you had ordered for everyone. 
“Chicos!” Kids, Carlos calls out. The sight of ice cream is enough to have all three running to the table, all of them soon fighting to climb into their chairs. 
The gelato is gone in mere minutes and you question whether giving already hyperactive kids sugar was the best idea. 
Riley and Sam share looks before grabbing their swords. You watch them in curiosity as they stand up, going to their father. Your brows raise as soon as they point the swords towards him. 
Celia giggles, climbing onto your lap. 
“Ogre! Surrender the princesses!”  Carlos scowls at the name to which you hold back a laugh. 
“How are you going to get out of this one hm? Big guy?” You tease Carlos as he lifts his hands up. You barely catch the smirk on his face though as he leans down to grab something. 
It takes you a moment to realise what it is and you can’t help but grin, shaking your head. Of course he did. 
Because there he was, a plastic sword in his right arm and a plastic shield on his left. He gets up and steals a glance towards you, and no matter how hard you try to keep a serious face you can’t. 
“If you want the princesses, you have to get through me."
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celestine-witch · 4 months
Rapid fire, no organization, just as they come:
Alice: "Haven't seen someone die since..." - OH, she was there when her parents died, wasn't she? Of course Celia didn't even need a second to believe Alice's story- you saw much worse during the Eyepocalypse, didn't you girlie?
I checked, madamelectrum.wordpress.com isn't real. Don't know why I thought it might be, but I might save someone the trouble!
I adore Ink5oul's voice. I'd let this terrifying goth give me a cursed tattoo after like, a five-minute conversation.
The internet lingo is killing me; MadamElectrum will be the death of me, and it will be Alex J. Newall's fault.
Ink5oul: "Dig." Didn't know Ink5oul collabed with Too Close I Cannot Breathe. Damn, that's cool!
The fact that Chester/FR3DI can access unposted content is deeply terrifying tbh.
Hey, transcripts, what do you mean by something is tearing itself free from her chest??? Did the tattoo really just say "fuck this shit I'm out" ???
Gwendolyn Bouchard, my beloved idiot, you had the golden opportunity to step away from all this Externals bs and you just... didn't! I don't blame you but damn girl, you're girlbossing directly into the sun P.S. Lena, she's kinda right. I know you're on that "I'm hiding things to protect you" bullshit but if she's gonna be meeting these Externals you should be doing more than nothing to prepare her for it.
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(theories and reactions)
Sorry this is late, I didn't have time to listen to the episodes last night 😭
Pre - Case (Sam, Celia, and Alice):
Celia classified the case as "dog?" Idk, it's been bothering me (like it was with Sam) because it had no cross-reference whatsoever. Putting that aside, this scene, it felt like Celia was manipulating Sam a little bit? Like the tone she had while asking Sam what he was worried about felt werid. It could be just me but idk.
Yay! Establishing and respecting boundaries about the Institute! /pos
Helen tried to eat Celia, so it makes sense that she would bring a big knife to their meeting. "It is remarkably easy to buy an axe in Central London."
Also, can we take a moment to appreciate the word "Magnussing?" It was very clever on Alice's part, and I have a feeling that will become a new word in the language of the OIAR.
Case (Chester):
This case is Eye-related, mainly because of [Error], but it also feels like the End a bit? Not just because Rumins's father and Jarrod died, but when Rumins's father died - so did his love of running and his relationship with Jarrod.
The line "...if I took my eyes off him, something truely awful would happen." reminded me of Graham in TMA, the person that told his neighbor to keep watching and was later taken by the Stranger (specifically a Not-Them). Maybe Rumins is Eye aligned?
Jarrod's statememt (or at least the fragment we get) "They're coming now and getting close and when I slow and when I stop they will catch me and they will hurt me." makes him seem like he was a victim of a fear before [Error], as he is forcibly giving a statement. Perhaps he was a victim of the Hunt (his running reminds me of prey running from a predator)?
[Error] is an Archivist!!!! (Annabelle Cane theory fell through, but failed Archivist theory still stands lol)
Post Case (Alice and Gwen):
Alice realizing that [Error] is from the Archives!!!
I really like the Alice/Gwen back and forth here, even if it was a small bit. You can really see how each character shines through here!/pos
Post Case (Helen):
Helen is getting a section dedicated to her because something feels off with her.
Helen yay!!!!!!!!!!! (She is my favorite character from TMA so I am so happy)
Helen feels like she's reading off a script? IDK how to put it, but it feels like she's trying to manipulate Sam and Celia with a facade. When they start talking about the Institute, her voice lost it's softness, and it feels more real. I might be reading into this way too much, though.
She seems to have a good amount of information on the Institute. I wonder if she will have a reoccurring role...
Institute requirements - big basement, security options - what was the Institute doing? What kind of experiements were they partaking in?
Helen hasn't had contact with the Institute in 20 years, and she assumes all contacts are out of date, and she can't share them because of a GDPR. She could be hiding something. I wonder if she's had contact with Gertrude since she was firm about nor giving up contacts. Maybe she wants to try to steer them away from information, like Gertrude?
She is giving Celia and Sam real estate information that relates to the Institute, violating her GDPR... She is most definitely manipulating them in some way. We know that she wants to be featured in the documentary, but I wonder if there's more.
Also, her laugh - it is very reminiscent of the distortion. It says so in the transcript, lol. I wonder if this is a different path for her, sort of like Gerry. With Gerry, instead of being traumatized, he's happy. Maybe with Helen, she feels more in line with the Spiral as time went on. So instead of being forcibly turned into the Distortion, could this be a path where she slowly Becomes on her own? It would be cool to see how the Distortion could come to be, without forcing someone to it's heart.
Post Case (Sam and Celia):
Sam is worried because he and Alice let out [Error], which is to be expected, but Celia? It feels like she's more disappointed here, not knowing how to outplay [Error], since they don't act like Jon. It's a bit suspicious on her part.
Celia is very nervous around Helen, which makes sense because, again, Helen tried to eat her.
Sam and Jack are so cute, I love his little impression of Helen!
Celia said she felt like they were being watched - perhaps [Error] is on to them?
The Celia and Sam scene - where they flirt and kiss - it felt wrong to me? This could be because I'm demi romantic and sex - adversed ace, but it didn't feel right. Sam is awkward during their conversation and seems uncomfortable at first, while Celia is not. It feels like Celia is manipulating him again. She's trying to get closer to Sam and pushing him further down the Magnussing route in order to figure out how/why she is in the TMAGP universe.
I might add more to this later, because I feel like I'm missing things....
Overall though, I really liked the case and the character interactions, especially with Helen and Alice/Gwen!
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starsoftheeye · 10 days
TMagP Live Reaction Ep 30
Finale Spoilers!!!!
Ahhhhh I am so scared. samalicelia my loves please live. also the episode title is worrying me
train time train time
sam open your damn messages alice is the designated "would survive a horror podcast" friend
celias just like me fr I'm the designated painkiller friend
... that is a worrying cough
celia being wonderfully vague and suspicious as always I love you girl
ohhh just wait til the last season sam that's when the apocalypse gets you
"we're safe here" jon watching them from the next carriage like 👀
call him a bitch alice it's okay he's earned it
ah yes, ticket prices, the real horror
oh no colin what did you do
are there people in the computer colin
welp he's probably dead
oooooh gwen meets the consequences of her actions this is gonna go brilliantly
lena also being suspicious and vague I love you too girlie
honestly iconic of her. you go lena ily
ah yes, the laugh of someone who should be in charge of a government office
celia don't act like you don't know what you're looking for
the way she said that makes it sound like they did think it was there
oh I'm sure it has its ways to get round transportation
"call it a hunch" girl you are not subtle
honestly ever since getting braces that's what I think dentists are like these days, there's no way they don't have ulterior motives
woohoo footsteps
celia "knows what genre she's in" ripley
"that's one hell of a reflex!" scottish voice acting I love you so much. also who's this guy I love him already
oooooh scottish guy what do you know
I love him so much he's so real
LMAO I would also give up client confidentiality for 50 quid
*one normal night* begins playing
oooooh scottish guy who are youuuuu
is this a statement I hear?
oh god it's being pulled from him
hmmmm I wonder who this boss is
mmm lovely
oooh is it like a siren shop
oooh people mannequins love that
oh god he has a daughter
woooo the boss is dead good
job so bad that it haunts your worst nightmares
I'm so sorry I have no idea what you're saying my guy I'll need to consult the transcripts for this one
okay sam at that point you need to call her back you can't hide from consequences forever
girlboss and malewife
ooooh what do you seeeeee
yeah what does that mean????
ah yes, they finally have the argument
tell himmmmm tell him celia
oh yeah she doesn't know that the eyepocalypse is over does she. she probably thinks she's gonna go ba k to another fear domain. I don't blame her tbh
is she gonna send him to the tma universe. IS SHE GONNA SEND HIM TO THE TMA UNIVERSE
welp. samcelia was cute while it lasted folks
... I am taking that "get away from her" as a final samcelia crumb
...uh oh that's not good
ooh alice is gonna be pissed
oh hey scottish rock guy how's it going
ah hi gwen. it's good to see all the girlboss villain arcs starting
everyone wishing gwen luck really bodes well for her /s
boy everyone's dealing with consequences now
I am not ready for the break between seasons I need more already
hey at least no ones confirmed dead. also I support celia 100% I still love her and I will continue to be a samalicelia truther despite recent events
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be-missed · 11 months
Not So Secret
Florence Pugh X Fem!Reader
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(picture not mine)
Summary: Everybody knows that Florence Pugh and Y/N are best friends, but after attending a costume charity party, will everybody still thinks the same about their friendship?
A/N: Hi, thank you for the support. Keep safe, always.
Warnings: pronouns used (herself, she, her, themselves), implied sex (I guess?), notify me if there are any.
"Are you sure you want to attend with this costume my love?" Y/N asked Florence while they are waiting for the hotel elevator to arrive at their floor.
"Yes darling, I know how you love the characters, and it suits us don't you think?" Florence answered while wiggling her eyebrows.
"Okay my love, thank you for the support" Y/N replied with a shy smile and added "you look wonderful with that green dress, I love how it fits you." and Y/N smiled and squeezed Florence's hand.
Florence gets close to Y/N and whispered "You'll love what's under it" and bites Y/N's earlobe.
Y/N blushes and pushes Florence "You got to stop saying that my love, look at me I'm all red." while fanning herself for blushing.
"Well coloring you hair red suits you, can't wait to see it spread on our bed sheet though." Florence then again tease Y/N.
"Florence stop..." Y/N covers her face while she tries to calm her heart, beating faster than it should be.
The elevator dings and it signals that one of them should go down and ride the car.
"I'm gonna go first, yeah? I'll see you there my darling." Florence announced and kissed Y/N in her lips tenderly.
"See you there, Evelyn." Y/N said.
"I'll be waiting for you, Celia." Florence replied with a smirk and the elevator door closes
The ride to the party was not that long, ton of paparazzi are waiting outside with their big cameras flashing lights like diamonds in the sky, a red carpet is spread, reporters are lined waiting for stars, and a hall full of spooky designs waiting to be fulled.
Florence was the first one to arrive, greeting every fan that's waiting for her, posing for every camera that she saw, and finally, stopping at a reporter.
"Good evening Florence, you look stunning with the green dress, you look like a rare jasmine. Can you explain and introduce who you are dressed as?" The reporter asked Florence.
"Well as you can see, I am wearing a green dress with my blonde hair, nominated and won some Oscars, starred in Little Women but not as Amy. I am Ms. Evelyn Hugo" Florence said with a sexy smile and a wiggle on her shoulder.
The reporter cheered for Florence and Florence did a little swirl and asked "So if you are Evelyn Hugo, will we spot your Seven Husbands here? Or will one of them come?"
Florence answered "Well it's better to spot them then, if there are any of my lovers will attend" and winked at the camera.
Screams can be heard from far away, notifying them that another stars have arrived. Florence saw that it was Y/N her eyes can't just leave Y/N and stared at Y/N with a wide smile on her face.
"Well it looks like your best friend is here Florence, do you know what she is dressed for?" The reporter asked Florence with curiosity.
"Uhm, I think you might need to ask it herself." Florence answered with a cheeky smile and bid her farewell to the reporter.
As Y/N arrived to the red carpet, Florence had made her way inside the hall and started to mingle with people.
"Hello, Y/N what a nice outfit that you have, you look stunning as ever. Can you please introduce us who you are?" The same reporter that interviewed Florence asked Y/N.
"Well, I'm an award winning actress, I have a lover named Edward, and played Lady Macbeth. I was called "Screen-Queen", I am Celia St. James." Y/N ended with a graceful smile and did a curtsy.
The reporter was trying to connect the dots with her earlier interviews but tried to compose themselves but hides it and continues to ask Y/N.
"Well what a wonderful character you are. The red hair really suits you. And if I may, your best friend, Florence Pugh is attending as Evelyn Hugo, did the both of you talked about it?" The reporter asked.
"Well, yes. Florence and I talked about our costume tonight and isn't she wonderful in that dress." Y/N answered.
"If you are Celia and Florence is Evelyn, does your relationship, not only being as best friends, but also lovers, and being married also applies just like in the book?" The reporter asked with a smile.
Y/N smiled widely and answered "Well, we aren't in Spain, in our bed with our nightgown, so the married part not yet."
The reporter was speechless for a sec and Y/N bid her good bye as the reporter was silenced because of the news that was dropped at her.
"Well folks, you heard it here first, Florence and Y/N dressed as Evelyn and Celia is here tonight and will surely enjoy it. Hoping for a strong relationship from the two wonderful actress." The reporter stated after recovering from the shock wearing a bright smile.
As Y/N entered the Hall, everybody is looking at her with a bright smile on their faces with congratulatory words. Trying to find the only person that she wants to be with for all of her life, a hug from the back surprised her and when she looks back, its Florence.
"Good job out there" Florence noted as she can now freely kiss Y/N in front of every body after keeping their relationship in the low "Are we gonna get dressed in our nightgowns tonight and marry each other?" Florence teased Y/N/
"We aren't in Spain are we now, huh?" Y/N answered Florence with a smile "But Spain or not, nightgowns or not, in bed or not, I'm gonna marry you." Y/N said and again kissed Florence.
"I love you." Florence whispered
"I love you more" Y/N answered.
A/N: thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!
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sheinthatfandom · 2 months
My god I hate Sam.
Alice is doing everything to warn him and get him to understand what’s happening and he was two seconds away from calling her full on fucking crazy until Celia agreed with her and he switched up his tone all the way until Alice said to leave shit alone. Then claims “Okay, so let’s say, just for the sake of argument, that we believe you. What are we supposed to do about it? Hmm? I don’t know if you noticed but we’re not exactly equipped to fight off monsters or evil VHS tapes or whatever.” Sir you’re going around trying to sleuth around and doing it horribly trying to interrogate people (god I wanted basira to knock him all the way out) the way he talks to Alice has me fucking grinding my teeth just ugh!
Also basira hi!!! I’ve missed you!!!
Please let Alice survive she don’t deserve none of this. Wish she’d just go hide out with Colin.
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Alice Dyer and Gwen Bouchard. Thoughts?
Not sure if you mean the ship or just the characters in general so I'll answer both
Ship: Eh, take it or leave it, it's not gonna make or break anything for me. Mainly I'm a platonic relationship person over romantic relationship person, it has to have something I really enjoy for me to actively ship them romantically. That being said if them being together gets rid of the love triangle (my greatest enemy forever) between Celia, Sam and Alice I am 100% on board with their relationship.
Alice: She's great fun (very jokey) and yet a buzz kill (trying to stop curiosity killing everyone) at the same time. I've loved many very similar characters so it makes sense I'd like her character. She's super chill and yet cautious and is reasonablly frightened when crazy stuff happens. I love that she just tunes out all the talkers and has fun reading through the stuff she knows is nonsense. Her take on it better to be ignorant then curious is flawed in it's own way (there is no war in Ba Sing Se) but I love that it's the opposite to what every other OIAR employee is doing at the moment. She's also lowkey very suspicious and I always enjoy when someone is up to suspicious activity, her and Celia feel disconnected enough from say Sam and Gwen that they don't feel too much like POV characters and they always seem like they're hiding something even with an open book type of personality. Oh and a great big sister I love seeing how familial relationships are played out especially in a horror. 10/10
Gwen: I wish I liked Gwen more. I love a good bitchy women in a story, but Gwen doesn't hit my criteria in bitchy women. First she's not all that bitchy, like yeah she's a bit rude to people but I think that's the repressed middle class English upbringing, she doesn't take any enjoyment in being bitchy. Also I would make a joke about her hating Mr Bonzo and blackmailing Lena since they are my pookies, but honestly understandable and very girl boss of her to go after that promotion. In the first episode I liked everyone's character and I didn't particularly like her but she fills a crucial role in the story that would feel empty if she wasn't there. She's very wet cat coded right now and I feel bad she's been going through so much horror so soon (no one in the archive was this traumatised after 23 episodes, sorry Martin) she deserves a break. I think she'll have some sort of a redemption in my opinion of her by the time the series ends, but right now she's a character I don't feel really any way towards other than I think her character is important to the direction the story takes, also I'm holding out to see what her relationship with her family is like (especially Elias god please I hope he's her older stoner brother.) 6.5/10
Funnily enough me and a friend of mine have completely opposite opinions on Alice and Gwen it's fun to have both sides in a discussion
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