#channel a touch
momotonescreaming · 6 months
Cooking Youtuber Steve; who has series where he makes good family friendly meals, dishes for picky eaters, tips for everyday cooking. As well as series where he tries to make historical dishes, food and drinks from games and TV.
DnD Youtuber Eddie; who has a long actual play series, videos about his characters and the world he's built. Videos about tips for your role-playing, getting immersed. A series where he tries other TTRPG's and board games.
Dustin persuades Steve to make videos about medieval inspired, DnD friendly meals. And because it does actually seem like a fun challenge, he does it. Dustin looks horrifically smug about it when the videos are a hit, the bastard. (Steve will make him eat something gross as payback. Its fine. Gotta keep him humble.)
And because obviously, Eddie sees the videos. He's always on the search for good DnD shit. But the guy is so fucking hot Eddie doesn't quite know what to do with himself. Except daydream about those eyes, and that hair, and those hands.
So Eddie records himself trying (and only sort of failing) to recreate the food. It comes out sort of ugly but actually nice tasting, so Eddie calls it a win. References the Hot Chef Steve in his video, adds a link to his channel, and tries not to feel his heart beating out of his chest when he sends @'s him with a link to the video. His channel is way bigger than Eddie's, he probably won't see it, Eddie's fine.
Except the Hot Chef does see it, and Eddie sort of loses his mind when he gets a comment or a message from him, thanking Eddie for giving his recipe a go, and giving him credit for the recipe. Eddie's not fine at all, this guy is way out of his league, and Eddie can feel the crush bubbling up under his ribcage, and Oh Fuck he's messaging Eddie.
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benevolenterrancy · 2 months
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@hereticcryptid i'm late responding to this prompt, but have a continuation on baxia and hensheng wanting more cuddles than one would normally expect from a spiritual sword!
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reveluving · 7 months
mini batmom thought of the day!
🥧 fuck work. i just want to bake with cass.
🥧 if my baby wants me to make a microwave mug cake or some dessert that I can't even pronounce with her, then im not questioning it. i'll put everything down, and we'll immediately be in the kitchen.
🥧 and then when bruce comes home, the three of us would share the dessert together. him still in his work shirt, his blazer laid on the other side of the counter while i feed him a spoonful of the treat. then we can praise our daughter's baking, even if she needed me to tell her what to do from the recipe book.
🥧 i just want to take photos of the final product, then show it to my staff/coworkers and praise my daughter's work like the proud mother i am.
🥧 bonus: making extra batches for when the rest of the family comes home/visits!
check out my batmom m.list!
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boyfriendunsolved · 2 months
even if watcher backs down from this decision i don't think they realize the backlash will be permanent. like did you guys not see what happened when the fine bros tried to trademark React? the bad taste will not just go away because you changed your mind and many fans will never trust you again
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sergle · 2 months
I love to hear what people say about Youtube Drama* but it's SO tacky when it gets so offbase that the posts people make start to be about completely off topic infighting within the Watcher fanbase
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ginnungagay · 3 months
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realizing that the Silly Prank has some logistical complications so now we are feeling awkward and frustrated and less smug about it
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niuniente · 1 year
Oh. To wake up for my Twitter being frozen because it violates some rules I have no idea of.
Guess retweeting cats and cute art is too much. Unless someone hijacked the account on my sleep and posted something horrible there while I slept.
Though, having said that, it doesn’t surprise me that this happens, knowing how much of a mess Twitter management is nowadays. Not the employees’ fault.
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ratatatastic · 3 days
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matthew trying to backcheck davo, missing by a mile because davo dodges the speeding train coming at him and leon comes in to check him back (off the puck)
welcome to whatever these 3 got going on
edmonton oilers @ florida panthers game 1 | 6.8.24
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pianokantzart · 5 months
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Yes. I love angst... you all know this... but I'm also a big ol' sucker for happy endings where everyone gets to talk it through and hug it out.
I think if something happened to Mario– if he was presumed dead, even for only a few moments– Luigi would take up the mantel.
He'd do it with quivering hands and tears in his eyes, but he'd do it determined to honor his brother's memory in every way possible, even it means pushing himself beyond his limitations.
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heavensickness · 1 year
I know that we have talked about the subtle hints in Leander's words and actions that point out to him potentially being possessive and jealous over MC; such as not letting Ais treat them a drink and how he talks about other LIs slightly negative enough that MC doesn't take an interest in them (in another words, he is trying to manipulate MC in an unnoticable way). One of the things that really caught my attention (and I didn't see someone pointing out to) was when MC said Kuras saw them without their clothes. He just chokes, and a long, uncomfortable silent follows.
Leander is portrayed as the guy who always tries to lighten up the mood and smooth out the awkward moments. I found it very odd that he didn't even try to say "Yeah I see how that happened! Anyways-" etc. to save Kuras and MC from that awkwardness. The long, tense silence that extended between them was also emphasized. That was one of the few moments where I felt that Leander was actually displeased and upset, and maybe even jealous of Kuras seeing MC naked. I just wanted to point out to this as another hint regarding Leander's true emotions because he sure guards them well, especially his ugly feelings
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jomeimei421 · 6 months
GYAAHHH people are reblogging ANCIENT art of mine
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hotpinkandsparkly · 3 months
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♡ / ♡
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73suggestions · 11 months
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 month
I think part of the reason I'm so affectionate toward Hunters is just how off-the-wall it feels. "Let's just throw up all the crazy, cool ideas we have and see what sticks" kind of energy. Metroid has always had its own particular vibe, sitting in this weird tension between Retrofuture Biological/Eldritch Space Horror and Hype Super Robot Anime. Hunters is still kinda doing some of that, but also kinda not.
Most typical multiplayer first-person shooters at the time, meanwhile, were in their Brown Is Real phase, along with an overabundance of Iraq War Jingoism. Even Halo, much as I do appreciate it for being... less that than the rest, still had undercurrents if you look at the subtext any amount. So Hunters, being a more multiplayer-focused shooter, could easily have gone that direction too if so inclined. But nope, not that either.
I don't know how to really describe it, honestly. The designs, if anything, remind me of like, Ben 10 aliens or Buzz Lightyear or Toonami Tom almost. There is just this very distinctly Early Aughts Saturday Morning Action Cartoon vibe to these characters and their backgrounds that you didn't see anywhere else in games, and just don't see anywhere period now. It's definitely still Metroid, especially with the main stuff with the Alimbics and Gorea, but it's also doing its own thing. And for how different it was from other shooters, Hunters also feels like it couldn't have been made any other time than exactly when it was.
The Prime Trilogy is already responsible for broadening the scope and adding a ton of worldbuilding. And then Hunters, this obscure spinoff on hardware much too limited for its ambition, tosses out all these crazy things in the span of some character bios that could fit on the back of an action figure blister pack, and refuses to elaborate further. And I think that's part of the vibe right there - action figures. They feel like action figures for some weird Jetix cartoon, and I adore that so so much.
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hanniedream · 2 months
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