#chapter six: Ignihyde
shiny-jr · 2 years
Spoilers for chapter seven (disasomnia) and a bit of chapter six (ignihyde) below the cut. If you want to avoid spoilers, do not look. 
So... I don’t think people are getting how absolutely horrifying Malleus’ curse he placed on practically the entire campus/island is. Think about it, the intricacies of it. Basically, you’re under a sleeping curse for 1,000 years, right? There’s two ways that can go. Do you age during that sleep process or not? 
If you age, it might be a slow process or something but you’ll probably die as soon as you wake up anyway because of how old you would be. That means everyone Malleus cursed, on campus and on the island, would die. That would be hundreds if not thousands of people. For now, I’m going to assume that only the island was cursed and not anywhere else. This means that no one would even be able to reach the island because of the thorns, so all the families and loved ones outside would eventually die never knowing what happened to the people they knew on the thorn-covered island. 
However, if you don’t age, it’s not like that’s much better. Even if you don’t age, time will continue to go by and everyone on the outside will be unable to reach the island. So by the time those on the island do wake up, everyone they know that wasn’t cursed will be long gone. Everything on the outside would have changed by now. Their loved ones and friends? Gone. Their homes? If it’s not gone, it’s changed beyond recognition. The entire world would be different. The only ones and things the victims of the curse would have would be each other and the very island they slept on for 1000 years. Even Yuu/Mc, would have only the island and those on it left after their slumber. Because everything is likely to have changed from their homeworld too, meaning everyone they knew would be long gone too. 
I think it’ll be hard to get a decent ending out of this one. Let me clarify. With chapter six (ignihyde), I liked the conflict and most things. The seriousness went up several notches with the threat Idia and Ortho brought. HOWEVER, I did not like the ending. Yeah, I wasn’t expecting much considering what the game is, but Idia and Ortho essentially got off with a slap on the wrist because their family is rich and influential despite the fact that they literally almost destroyed the world. So considering how that went, I don’t expect to be content with the Diasomnia ending considering the effects and possible outcomes of Malleus’ curse. Yeah, I know things are going to change, no one is actually going to sleep for 1000 years, but the malicious intent was there and that’s more than enough. 
Reminder: if you’re sending in a chat or ask about this, remember to put a spoiler warning for those that wish to avoid them!
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yuurei20 · 12 days
Interview with Twst Music Composer Ozawa Takumi from the Soundtrack:
Q: How were the individual tracks for the Overblot battles created? (pt2)
"The story of Chapter 4 was filled with Jamil's hatred, and I found myself really able to relate to him, thinking- ‘Yes, I totally understand that feeling!,’ which made me like him even more.
I set out to make ‘Showdown in Scarabia’ (Disc 2-26)- the most ominous of all the overblot battle music."
"While I sang the choruses of the other six Overblot battle songs on my own, for this one I added male and female voices to create the atmosphere of frightening incantations infused with envy.
I received instructions to make Vil's ‘Showdown in Pomefiore’ (Disc 3-06) majestic and dramatic. I included tragic-sounding blocks that bordered on cliché. Then there comes a key change, and I remember feeling so happy when Toboso-sensei listened to this track and said, ‘I am able to feel the sadness of not being able to become number one. The oppressive scariness is very characteristic of Vil.’"
"Out of all the overblot battle tracks, Idia and Ortho's 'Showdown in Ignihyde' (Disc 3-11) took the most time to produce.
Similar to the dorm's theme song it goes in the direction of digital Eurobeat, so every instrument (except the guitar) was recreated digitally and it features a lot of different sounds. I believe that the chaotic noises effectively convey the brothers' anger, frustration, anguish, and woe."
"Malleus's 'Showdown in Diasomnia' (Disc 3-14) was designed to be full-on goth rock, which I really enjoyed creating as I am a fan of goth metal.
While the choruses of the overblot battle songs are mostly gibberish, there is a part in this track where Malleus is explicitly mentioned by name. It might be interesting to listen for that detail."
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homemadeaxolotl · 5 months
Obey Me x TWST Chapter 1
(Y/N)'s POV:
(Y/N) jumped a bit when they heard the smooth, yet mysterious voice, quickly turning around to see a slightly taller man with fair skin, dark clothes, and a black crow mask. (Y/N) looked confused as they looked at the man, quickly snapping out of their confused stupor as they spoke cautiously. "Umm… Who… Who are you…?"
The man smirked and chuckled as he stepped closer and spoke. "I'm Crowley. The Headmage of this school behind me." Crowley motioned to the large castle looking building behind him as he spoke dramatically. "Night Raven College." The eccentric man then turned to face (Y/N) and leaned in close to them, speaking curiously with a little bit of a little bit of a mischievous edge. "Now, who might you be?"
(Y/N) backed up a bit, a little startled by how much Crowley's eccentricity reminded them of Solomon as they spoke cautiously. "I'm (Y/N)…"
"(Y/N), hmm? Interesting…" Crowley smirked, backing up a bit as he spoke softly to himself. "Certainly not from here… Powerful magic energy… Even alerted Malleus during the housewarden meeting… But I couldn't… Or could I?" Crowley tilted his head sharply, much like (Y/N) remembers Mammon and his crow familiars doing, as he kept speaking softly to himself. "I quite possibly could…"
Suddenly, a new voice could be heard along with multiple different pairs of footsteps. "Crowley? Who is this?"
"Hmm? Oh, Divus! I'm so glad you all could join us!" Crowley quickly added onto his statement when he saw eight other people behind the staff. "Along with the housewardens and our prefect. How wonderful!" He then turned back to face (Y/N) and spoke. "This is (Y/N), the apparent source of the magical energy Malleus sensed. I was about to place them in Ramshackle with Yuu and Grim."
Before Crowley could say anything else, a slightly taller man with green and black clothes, black hair, and black dragon horns spoke up. "Actually, Headmage, I would prefer for them to be in Diasomnia with me, if it's all the same to you. I'm quite interested in finding out just how powerful they are."
"Tch, that doesn't mean the herbivore has to stay with you, you stupid lizard." A man with tan skin, shoulder length brown hair, and lion ears and a tail, rolled his eyes as he glared at the black haired man. "Guys, I think Leona's jealous of Malleus." A boy who looked to be (Y/N)'s height smiled jovially as he spoke teasingly, making Leona turn to glare at the younger looking boy, his tail flicking in annoyance. "I'm not jealous of that damn lizard. Why the hell would I care where some stupid herbivore stays?" Malleus, the "stupid lizard", smirked at Leona as he spoke almost condescendingly. "Now, now, beastie. There's no need to be jealous."
Before Leona could escalate any further, Crowley clapped his hands together once with a wide smile on his face. "I think Malleus' idea is excellent! As long as Malleus is okay with it, which he clearly is, our guest can stay in Diasomnia until further notice!"
"Shouldn't we ask our new friend what they think? They look quite confused." A man with short black and purple locs, predominantly purple clothes, and white gloves, quickly spoke up as he motioned to (Y/N), who did indeed look very confused. "Who are you people? And what's Diasomnia?"
"Seriously? You herbivores were just going to make them live with the damn lizard without even telling him anything?" Leona growled before rolling his eyes and turning his uninterested gaze to (Y/N). "This is Night Raven College and us seven-" Leona motioned to himself and six other people behind him "-Are the housewardens of the different dorms. The housewardens are Riddle Rosehearts, the Heartslaybul housewarden, me, Leona Kingscholar, the Savanaclaw housewarden, Azul Ashengrotto, the Octavinelle housewarden, Kalim Al-Asim, the Scarabia housewarden, Vil Schoenheit, the Pomefiore housewarden, Idia Shroud, the Ignihyde housewarden, and that damn lizard-"
"My name is Malleus Draconia, prince of the Briar Valley, and the housewarden of Diasomnia. And you will be staying in Diasomnia. Normally, this wouldn't happen, but you are a special case, child of man. I've never sensed such powerful magic from anyone before, so I am quite interested in you." Malleus smiled softly at (Y/N) as he interrupted Leona, who growled in annoyance. Malleus then motioned to Crowley and the mysterious man with split dye hair who had a fashion choice that would give Asmodeus a heart attack, along with the other man who spoke up earlier. "These two are Crowley, the headmage of this school, Divus Crewel, our sciences professor, and Sam. He runs the school store."
(Y/N) looked around as everyone was introduced to them before they noticed another person and a walking cat. "What about those two?"
The human sighed and stepped forward, smiling at (Y/N) as they spoke. "I'm Yuu, and this guy with me is Grim. He would have introduced us, but he was hexed by Vil not too long ago and Vil refuses to undo it." Grim looked very annoyed and Vil looked smug as he smirked down at Grim before turning his sharp gaze to (Y/N) as Yuu spoke again. "I don't think we ever got your name." (Y/N) nodded as they spoke. "My name is (Y/N)."
Crowley grinned and clapped his hands together as he spoke excitedly. "Excellent! Let's get you settled in, shall we?"
Alright, I finally got this chapter out! I'm sorry it took so long, it's getting close to finals week so I'm focusing more on my college classes right now. I can't promise I'll post another chapter before the second or third week of May, but I'll definitely work on it and I'll post it if I just so happen to finish it, but don't expect anything anytime soon.
Taglist: @axvfr
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egophiliac · 2 years
This may seem a bit dumb question for someone who's main in en server. But I need to prepare myself before chap 6 is coming. Anyway, is chap/book Ignihyde gonna be THAT hard?? I've seen a lot people kept saying they're not ready for chap 6 or good luck for 'that' battle. Is it that difficult?
some preparation would be a good idea, actually! if you just want advice with absolutely no potential spoilers (even vague ones), then I'll say this:
the best thing you can do for yourself is -- for the later part of episode 6 -- try to have at least one SR or SSR card no lower than level 40 for as many characters as possible (specific ones at the bottom 👇👇👇). I've seen 40 as the minimum recommended level but honestly, go as high as you reasonably can, especially with your SSRs.
I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum, hopefully it'll still make sense :')
SO! most of the frustration revolves around chapters 6-66 and 6-67, which are both split into subroutes with multiple subchapters/battles that follow three different groups of characters. you have to finish all three routes to get to the next chapter, and they force certain requirements that can make it a lot more difficult if you aren't careful:
you build your teams at the start of the chapter, and can't change them without resetting your progress. (if I remember right, you do get a chance to rebuild for 6-67.)
teams are built by character, instead of by card like they normally are, and each one has 2-3 required characters locked into that team. you can use any cards of that character, but you can't use multiple of the same character, or use them in a different team. also, no guest/friend cards.
they tell you what the element of the bosses are, but the other battles are just...whatever. if you can manage more than one 40+ card for a character, having good type coverage will help out a lot (why yes, I did get stuck for an embarrassing amount of time on a low-level rando because I got unlucky with type matchups, what about it).
there's a couple of points where you have to wait several real-time hours before continuing. this doesn't have anything to do with the team building, it was just annoying. c'mon. >:(
to be fair, I think some of the general frustration comes from how out of nowhere it was, so it's sure to be much easier if you go in with some idea of what it'll be like. (on my first attempt I tried to be cute and put everybody with their friends. it...did not go well.) I also had a particularly hard time of it because 1) F2P = less SSRs to carry me, and 2) I hadn't really focused on any cards outside of my special little garden of favorites, so not being able to use multiples of the same character for everything kinda left me boned. I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel great when I finally got through it though!
more specific info:
in 6-66, the bosses are a 5-turn survival battle; in 6-67, they're infinite battles (reduce their HP to 0 to win) and, subsequently, much harder to get past. personally speaking, the Wood one was the hardest for me because it heals itself between turns (and also I had literally no good Rook cards at the time). your mileage may vary!
Team 1 - required characters are Vil, Epel and Rook, boss element is Wood
Team 2 - required characters are Leona and Jamil, boss element is Water
Team 3 - required characters are Riddle and Azul, boss element is Fire
teams are 5 characters as per the usual, so make sure you have good cards of the required boys and at least six to complement them, plus a few more if you want to be careful. this is ONLY for those two chapters, which are pretty late in the episode (for JP it came out as part of the final episode 6 update) so you've got time to prep!
there's the obligatory overblot battle later on that is technically harder (stronger + more HP and all that), but it felt SO much easier in comparison just because it was back to normal Twst rules. really hoping that episode 7 doesn't pull its own shenanigans 💀
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dotster001 · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland
Masterlist 2
Return Home? Yes
Dot's friend code: Pn8CT4dH
Soulmate Mark- Riddle x reader. Riddle has never met his soulmate, but he wishes it could be you.
The Shadow- Ace x reader. Ace tries to keep the student shadowing him away from you.
The Couch- Ace makes you sleep on the couch.
Mystery Date- ? X reader. The prefect is secretly dating someone, and Deuce and Ace have to figure out who.
Mystery Date- ? X reader. The prefect is secretly dating someone, and Deuce and Ace have to figure out who.
On Love and War- Trey x Reader. Trey was a jerk on beans day. You get revenge.
QOUR-100- Trey x reader. While tutoring you in the language, Trey takes you to his family's bakery to practice.
Stay-yan!Cater x Reader. Fake dating to lovers trope but it ends badly.
When the Lion Disappears- Leona x reader. It's a bad sign when your boyfriend "vanishes"
Kitty Cat- Leona x reader. Leona didn't realize that a portal that could take you back and forth would mean he'd have another cat to compete with
Tsum Leona- Leona x reader. What happens when his tsum gives you a gift?
Those are the Eyes...- Jack x reader. Jack develops a second unique magic; puppy dog eyes.
Kiss the Shrimp- Azul x reader. You taught the twins "Kiss the Girl", and now they are adapting it for their own needs.
My Drowning Heart- Azul x reader. Azul helps you through a depressive episode
Elder God-Now bound to Azul, and given three days to get affairs in order, you turn to your neighbor Idia for help escaping Part Two Part Three Lore
Study Me- Azul x reader. Azul doesn't believe you when you confess
The Other Shrimp- Floyd x reader. Floyd's ex is a shrimp mer, and you get jealous.
The Other...Goldfish?- Sequel to The Other Shrimp. You have a chat with a goldfish.
Floyd's Birthday Gift- Floyd x reader. Jade "asks" you to help with Floyd's present.
Message in a Bottle- Floyd x reader after Floyd's graduation, you are destined to be separated by the sea
Scientific- Floyd x reader Jade has caught a human to study in his lab. You only seem to react well to Floyd. Chapters One Two Three
Dilf Floyd Leech Universe Masterlist
Slippery Eel- Jade x reader. Jade plays hard to get and Floyd is his wingman
Leech Vs. Morality- Jade x reader. You debate the morality of love potions.
Bad Boi- Kalim x gn!reader.Kalim becomes a bad boy to win your heart.
Hidden Desire: Jamil x reader. Jamil thinks you are the key to restoring his reputation. Chapters: Prologue One Two Three Four Five Six
Enemies to Lovers- Vil x reader An enemies to lovers route with Vil. Chapters: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Epilogue
Of Lavender and Apples- Vil comforts you through a depressive episode.
A real Fairytale-MDNI Yan!rook x reader. A fairytale, and what actually happened
Lover- Rook x reader. It's time to break up with rook, for the sake of your heart
Beloved- happy ending to Lover
Le Chasseur d'Amour- Rook x Reader. You're transported back to earth, but Rook is still able to trace you with his SS. Chapters: One Two Three Four Five
The Guardian of Love- Rook x ace!reader Rook defends you from a toxic flirt
Does Teamwork make the dreamwork?- Rook x gn!reader You're getting too close to Rook. Malleus and Leona have to stop this before it's too late.
On my way to Somewhere- Epel x reader. After you break up with Vil, Epel takes you on a road trip to clear your head
Idia with a Reader who is touchy and gives kisses as a cultural greeting
How to Befriend a Demon King- yan!Malleus x reader. You didn't realize your coffee shop friend was a demon.
Ace's like Dragons- Malleus x Ace reader. You're asexual, and Malleus is a dragon.
Sugar Baby- Malleus x reader. Malleus doesn't understand how to use the term sugar baby.
Halloween Lovers- Malleus x reader Malleus wants to have a romantic Halloween with you.
And I would Walk 500 miles- Malleus x reader. Malleus is a tall fae who walks too fast for you.
Protective Charms- Malleus x reader. After an argument, you and Mal have fun with Fae lore.
Defense Against Overblot- Malleus x reader. You worry your boyfriend is the next one to overblot
The Ruler of the Abyss- sequel to Defence Against Overblot
From this Slumber You Shall Wake-part three in the overblot series
The Spell Shall Break-Part four/finale in the series
To Prove A point- Malleus x reader. You get him a cake for his birthday
Malleus x gn! Crow s/o HC's
Single Parent- Lillia x Reader. Lillia has a son. 😱
Trick With Treat-Teaching Lilia an enstars song about bats was a wonderful idea.
A Feast for a Prefect and Belle- Lilia x reader and Clavis x au!reader. Ikemen Prince twisted wonderland crossover involving the culinary crucible... You're screwed.
Found- Lilia x reader. You've returned to him in every lifetime. Until now. Chapter Two
A Lesson in Humanity- Lilia x reader. Lovers to enemies
Lilia x clingy s/o head canons
Where Did I Come From- Silver x reader. After explaining his heritage to you, he finally wants to know where he came from.
Pass the Test- Sebek x reader. Sebek wants you to prove that you are worthy of Malleus; you want to prove you're worthy of Sebek.
Unresolved- You and Grim get stuck in a time loop. The question is why?
Drunk Crowley Request - Crowley x reader. You need Crowley for something, but mans is plastered.
Crow(ley) Brain- Crowley x reader your love language is thievery, and guess who you love
Courting HC'S for Crewel
HC's for if Trein Dated Your Mom- Fem! Reader
Sam x Reader: Romantic Headcanons
Eric Venue
Eric Venue- Vil never realized he'd have to compete with his dilf of a dad. Technically, Vil x reader .
Galavant Au Masterlist
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October Prompt list
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the-knaves-world · 2 years
Time-Lilia Vanrouge x gn!reader
Spoilers for main story, up to the end of chapter six! Minor but still.
Can be read as platonic or romantic, I'm just a lilia simp so meh🤷‍♀️
Angst? Idrk but I DO know that, if in readers position, I would cry after bottling it up for months and then breakdown when everyone was asleep.
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As the doors to Ramshackle close on another day of madness, you sigh, what is with nightraven students? The answers must be stupidity. That is the only answer, or at least the only answer you could find.
Walking over to the couch and then to the window, you reflect on the last six months and all the moronic antics that have plagued your time at Nightraven College.
The alchemy lab explosions, the late night walks with malleus, the huffy playfulness of leona and Grim. All these little and not so little things have become comforts in your new world.
"I don't have a clue why the little mermaid wanted to enter a new world. This has been absolutely bonkers." As you slump down onto the window nook you notice, the moonlight reflects off of the new floorboards. All the improvements made after the events of ignihyde were really nice.
You stand up and quickly nab the blanket off the back of the couch and settle back into your previous position. Snuggling into the blanket and watching the moon cover the college in pale light. This was one of the quietest nights you have had since arriving in twisted wonderland.
Grim was snoozing in your shared room and everything was quiet. The ghosts about the dorm were somewhere playing a card game, if their raucous laughter and loudly talking about finding a deck of cards was any indication.
In the dark of the dorm, you finally allowed the tears to slip down your cheeks. These six months and all the hardships that you have had to go through were never allowed to wear on you. All the hard work and the fighting was getting the best of you. Now there were cryptic things being said by lilia about mortality.
The nauseous feeling started creeping in. Being thrown into twisted wonderland and befriending lots of people, now the ominous statement of one of those friends possibly dying? This was to much, all too much for you.
Who would overblot next? Who would be the catalyst for the next overblot? Will it be malleus? Will lilia die? Will you lose the man that hangs around and takes care of you when you get sick? The man who encourages everyone but also teases and trolls people anytime he can?
Time is a valuable asset to you, I trust? Those were the words he said to you. Now though, these words replay in your mind over and over. Did they mean something more? Or were they simply a remark about mortality? Were they about your time in twisted wonderland? Nothing seemed to make sense when lilia was involved.
'Will time claim his long life while I'm here or will I get to keep him to myself for my time here? Everything seems so jumbled.' As your tears flow, your shoulders tremble and you keep your choked breathes as quiet as you can.
A hand on your shoulder startles you and as you look over to see the fanged man you feel yourself pulled into his arms, against his chest and then the comforting warmth of his body.
There you both sit, wrapped up in the blanket and cuddled into the most intimate contact you have had since ace ended up on top of you after an alchemy mishap. This was warm and sweet, something you didn't think you would ever have in twisted wonderland.
"Time is all we have, little one." As he whispers against your temple, you feel calmer. He truly does have the power to soothe people. As he rocks you back and forth, you hear a familiar tune. You recognize it as the song you hum under your breathe whenever you cook, clean or are mixing and measuring in alchemy class.
That song coupled with his soothing touch and having finally broken down makes for quite the sleeping brew.
As you drift off, you faintly hear "I will gladly give you all the time that I have left in this world, my little one." You have finally felt at peace, it only took six months and a breakdown, but eh, better late than never!
Time, huh? His time is all that really matters right now. You just hope that his time isn't running out.
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twstchaos · 2 years
Original Character: The Goddess
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Introducing: The Goddess!!!
Technical Information
Name: Kore Meraki (Κóρε Μεράκι)
Japanese: コレ・メラカイ
Romaji: Kore Merakai
Nickname(s): Betta* (Floyd), Mademoiselle Bosseuse (Rook)
*Floyd has to specify which “Betta” he is talking to using scientific names: Betta splendens (Vil) or Betta persephone (Kore).
Warning: Contains chapter six spoilers
Biographical Information
Gender: Female
Pronoun: She/Her
Age: 18
Birthday: March 20
Starsign: Pisces
Height: 180cm
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Homeland: Kingdom of Heroes/Island of Woe
Family: Ourios Meraki (Father), Demetria (Mother), Teleia Meraki (Step-Mother), Khalkeus Argos (Half-Brother), Ergane Meraki (Half-Sister), Enyalius Argos (Half-Brother), Cythereia Drepanum (Sister-in-Law), Cynthia Aigletou (Half-Sister), Phoebus Aigletes (Half-Brother), Poimandres Pleiades (Half-Brother), Lysius Meraki (Half-Brother)
Professional Status
Dorm: Ignihyde
School Year: Third
Class: 3-B (No. 13)
Occupation: Student, Aide to the Heir of the Shroud Household
Club: Board Game Club
Best Subject: Classical Literature and Classics in Art
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Gyro
Least Favorite Food: Olive
Dislikes: Running errands for Idia
Hobby: Tabletop Roleplay Games
Talents: Instantly finding whatever dice she is looking for in her dice sack
Kore has long dark brown hair tied back into a high ponytail, leaving some longer strands of her bangs to neatly frame her face. Before moving to the Island of Woe, she had an olive complexion, but years of living with the Shrouds faded her skin tone which make her freckles and eyebags more noticeable. Her eyes are purple in color. Kore sports a permanent pout from having to do all of the heavy lifting for Idia.
Kore dons the standard Night Raven Academy female uniform, which consists of the black blazer on top of the blue, gold-lined vest designated for students of Ignihyde, and a short black skirt, all without the black and white tie. She ties the Ignihyde armband around her hip. In the dormitory, Kore wears a dark navy blue deep v-neck tank top with the standard bright blue half-vest over her right shoulder and across her torso, navy-blue pants, and black and blue boots. She either drapes the jacket over her shoulders or ties it around her waist.
Kore is a very snarky individual, spending years around Idia would do that to a person. Somehow his introvertedness did not rub off on her, helping Ortho drag the Ignihyde dorm leader out of his room. Where Idia is not, Kore will be, running errands for him and generally doing the hard work. Despite her hatred towards doing everything for him, Kore and Idia do get along well, but him making up by buying her dice and gyros does make Kore a tiny bit willing to do it. Speaking of dice, she is the textbook definition of a dice goblin, always showing up to the Board Game Club with a new set of dice. Kore is one of the more competitive members of the Board Game Club, either dishing out challenges or readily accepting them from others.  
(Chapter Six Spoilers)
The Merakis are a prominent family in the Kingdom of Heroes and one of the head families of the Jupiter Conglomerate. The patriarch of the household, Ourios Meraki, sired eight children; the youngest of which is Kore with his ex, Demetria. Her parents split when she was an infant, resulting in her spending her time between the Meraki household in the Kingdom of Heroes and Demetria’s in the Shaftlands.
Growing up, due to business relations, the Merakis and Shrouds had a decent connection with each other. Thus, Kore and Idia were somewhat close as children. However, at the young age of ten, the two would become inseparable. Disaster struck the Shroud family, and as the youngest of eight with zero possibility of ever becoming the head of the Merakis, Ourios handed custody of Kore over to the Shrouds as a companion to their grief-stricken child. She was forced to leave her brothers and sisters behind and live in the Island of Woe.
Kore was there by Idia’s side through all of the failed test runs, supporting his attempt at creating life. She held him as he broke down, and he held her when she missed her siblings too much.
Four years after Idia successfully brought Ortho to life, they both received their letters of admission to Night Raven College. Together with Ortho, Kore and Idia attended the prestigious school and were both placed into Ignihyde. In the crowd stood a certain student of Ignihyde about to embark on his journey as an interning fourth year: Poimandres Pleiades, the youngest son of Ourios Meraki and the older half-brother of Kore. Upon their arrival into the dormitory, Poimandres took it upon himself to welcome his baby sister whom he had not seen in six whole years with open arms. After their reunion at the school, Kore was finally able to reestablish her bond with her older siblings, starting with Poimandres.
Abilities and Unique Magic:
Because of her experience and enjoyment with tabletop roleplay games, Kore is very adept and quick with improvisation and thinking on her feet.
Kore’s Unique Magic is called “Restoration”. Restoration is a purely support-based power, which allows Kore to negate and remove any and all effects from an individual target. Additionally, she can act as a conduit for blot accumulation by siphoning blot from whomever she is in physical contact with and must keep holding on to the person to take in blot. Kore can also redirect the accumulated blot into another target.
Incantation: “Take a rest. Debuff negation. Heal upon my word. Restoration.”
She is twisted from Persephone from Greek Mythology 
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and Megara from Disney’s Hercules.
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More information will come out in the future~
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mio-actuallywrites · 11 months
Chapter Six Guide
ɢᴀᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀᴡᴏʀʟᴅ
Idia Shroud
Gen Z reader
Phantom Pain
Ortho Shroud
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wildnya · 2 years
in light of the final coming on May 20, it is time i repost this
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misteria247 · 3 years
So I'd just seen a bit of Idia from Chapter six and holy fuck-
I was literally bitch slapped with similarities from Grelle Sutcliffe when she was working for madame Red and Undertaker with his experiments involving souls and the dead.
This chapter is gonna be an absolute cluster fuck and I'm all for it.
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twsted-seas · 2 years
For those of you EN players who may be considering reading ahead on the JP versions, these are the methods I’ve been using.
When the chapter was released, I was mostly scrolling through Twitter and finding liveblogs. If you want to do this, I leave it in your hands. They are currently the most updated and recent translations I’ve found, but not always the highest quality.
Overall, I recommend either the Twisted Wonderland Unofficial English Wiki or Ryota's Musings on WordPress for easy-use compiled translations. Neither has the most recent Ignihyde update posted, but Ryota's Musings will likely get it done first as they are further ahead in translating the second update than the Wiki. My preferred Twitter threads aren’t even done the full update yet and YouTube is the closest behind. That being said, nothing but respect to Twitter translators. You are the only thread keeping my sanity together in these trying times.
The best and most complete translation I've found of Chapter 6 outside of Twitter so far is, unfortunately for people who prefer reading such as myself, a YouTube video (【TWST】Chapter 6 story 51~65 Underworld keeper Tried to translate it into English【Eng Sub】 by ガスマスクゲーマー, aka Gasmask). The final part isn’t translated yet, but it’s the most overall complete collection that I’ve found outside of Twitter.
The Unofficial TWST EN Wiki has multiple people working on translations and a slightly more complex layout. As a wiki page, there are overview sections for chapters, sub-chapters, characters, etc., and image icons for speakers plus occasional background images. However, I sometimes find the chapter navigation a pain to access, and the multiple rounds of translation checks mean that only the first Ignihyde update is posted. However, if you would like to check this out, I linked the start of the Chapter 6 translations here.
Ryota's Musings blog is where I started out for translations before switching to the wiki and then switching back. The format is much more straightforward and the first page has links to chapters which in turn have links to the episodes, so it is roughly the same as the Wiki (but without the character pages and added details). Although there aren't speaker icons and overall fewer background images, important scenes are still uploaded. Also, the first two sections of chapter six are already posted… mostly. It’s further ahead than the Wiki by 20ish episodes, but almost 20 episodes behind the YouTube videos and 40+ episodes behind the most recent update.
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shiny-jr · 2 years
Who’s ready for the war that will be the Ignihyde in just a few hours? Ahaha, we’re all gonna perish. I breezed through all the bosses before but I’m legit scared about chapter six. Idia being the character I kin the most so going through his trauma again all while fighting for my life through the multiple bosses with my cards? Damn. Double homicide. 
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twstwinnie · 2 years
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♛ · 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒜𝓇𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓋𝑒
» Masterlist for all Fics
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. . . Continue Below ⇣
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♛ Table of Contents
❧ Chapter 1 ~ Heartslabyul ♥︎
❧ Chapter 2 ~ Savanaclaw ☀︎
❧ Chapter 3 ~ Octavinelle ♞
❧ Chapter 4 ~ Scarabia ♝
❧ Chapter 5 ~ Pomefiore ♜
❧ Chapter 6 ~ Ignihyde ♛
❧ Chapter 7 ~ Diasomnia ♚
❧ NRC Handbook ~ Teachers / Staff ✧
❧ Special Edition ~ Multi-Dorm, Series, etc. ✩
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♛ House Heartslabyul
· Chapter One ⇣
1. Love Languages (Heartslabyul Edition)
2. With You (In a Relationship with Ace)
♛ House Savanaclaw
· Chapter Two ⇣
1. Love Languages (Savanaclaw Edition)
2. With You (In a Relationship with Ruggie)
♛ House Octavinelle
· Chapter Three ⇣
1. Love Languages (Octavinelle Edition)
2. With You (In a Relationship with Floyd)
3. With You (In a Relationship with Azul)
♛ House Scarabia
· Chapter Four ⇣
1. Love Languages (Scarabia Edition)
2. With You (In a Relationship with Jamil)
♛ House Pomefiore
· Chapter Five ⇣
1. Love Languages (Pomefiore Edition)
2. With You (In a Relationship with Rook)
♛ House Ignihyde
· Chapter Six ⇣
♛ House Diasomnia
· Chapter Seven ⇣
1. With You (In a Relationship with Lilia)
2. Tea for the Prefect (Malleus Draconia)
» when you’re stressed out, malleus takes matters into his own hands to comfort you
♛ NRC Handbook
· Staff & Teachers ⇣
♛ Special Edition
· Multi-Dorm, Series, etc. ⇣
1. Intertwined (hand holding headcanons)
» ace trappola, deuce spade, jack howl, epel felmier, sebek zigvolt
2. Request for Support! (asking you to be their vice housewarden)
» leona kingscholar, idia shroud
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— fin.
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thehollowwriter · 2 years
Also, how about purple petal and crystal cloud with Idia?
An Idia ask! Let's how this one goes ehehe...
Whoops I wrote a bunch of angst. Sorry if it's not quite what you wanted.
Warning: Spoilers for Twst Chapter Six!!!
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤)
One Purple Petal And One Crystal Cloud
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Idia Shroud was always cold. Cold an empty. He could be on fire and he would still be cold. Ironic, considering his hair.
However, no matter how cold he got, he did not want to meet you.
He knew it had only one ending and it was not a happy one.
He'd rather be cold and lonely than cold, lonely, and heartbroken.
Then... one fateful day he ran into you in Ignihyde.
Warmth burst forth and flooded his very being and you stared at each other in silence.
Your eyes lit up in utter joy and you moved closer to talk to him. "Oh hey! You're my-" He pushed you back. You blinked. "Huh?"
"Get out of the way." He mumbled. He was so warm. It was so nice. Treating you with such indifference was going to hurt his damn heart so much.
Yup. He was right. The look on your face made it hurt bad.
"What..? I'm... I'm... your soulmate!" "Yeah? So?" You were crestfallen. Tears threatened to spill. You had imagined this day for so long... but... but now...
"Out. Of. The. Way." Idia repeated. He really didn't want to push you. He knew he had to be firm to prevent getting attached.
"I'm your soulmate!" Your voice was breaking a little and you tried your hardest not to cry. "C'mon I can't be that bad can I?! You don't even know me!"
Idia sighed and moved you to the side."You don't know me either." He took a deep breath. He always feared having to say this.
"I don't want you."
The words cut like a knife. He... didn't want you..? What... what did you do wrong? Was this some kind of joke? What... what was wrong?!
Idia walked past you and left you there, listening as you collapsed to the floor and burst into tears.
He was cold again.
He wanted to go back to you and your warmth so badly.
But he couldn't. It just wasn't meant to be.
Why fall in love when you would forget him anyway?
A/N:.... Cold is no longer a word
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over-blood · 3 years
Fun Facts about twst’s card distribution until now!
Fun Facts about the cards so far, gleaned from looking over my silly little spreadsheet
there are currently 46 event cards in total! 47 if you consider grim’s singular card an event card or not.
the number of all cards currently in the game are a steady and staunch *inputs numbers into spreadsheet*
174 cards in total!
lilia vanrouge has the highest number of SRs, at a whopping FIVE (Lab + Robe + Masterchef + SM + rerun Groom)
actually, all diasomnia event cards so far are only SRs. all of four of those guys have nothing but event SRs
while we’re on that note, trey currently has the highest amount of R cards because the twst devs have decided he apparently doesn’t deserve rights or something. he has FOUR R cardstwo event Rs. twst why have you done my man dirty like this. you havent inflicted this on anyone else yet.
to no one’s surprise, Heartslabyul has the largest amount of cards for a dorm! they all come together at a lovely and healthy 41!
the next largest is Diasomnia with 27. 27. would you look at that difference
the dorm with the least amount of cards is Ignihyde, which im sure surprises no one. Ignihyde currently has 15 cards to its name, probably getting bumped up to 16 once chapter 6 is done with, and they release idia’s dorm card
the highest amount of cards to any one character’s name is currently 9 cards! (which is achieved by getting both your dorm uniform and birthday card + three event cards) 
the five people with this high honor so far are currently
Cater Diamond
Trey Clover
Kalim Al Asim
Jamil Viper
Jade Leech
the LEAST amount of cards any characters have so far is six. this dubious honor is shared by silver and sebek. (they’re the only characters to not have a dorm card + only 1 event card)
there are only four characters left with only one event card to their names! these sad, sad unloved creatures are
Sebek Zigvolt
Silver (just silver)
Ortho Shroud
Ace Trappola, somehow. how hasn’t he gotten a second event card yet
jack howl has not had a new card in nearly a year and im dying. im starving. twst please
anyways for funsies this i what my spreadsheet ended up looking like
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color coded babey. organized. i know the total amount of any card type you’d like. amount of all SSRs? amount of specifically event SSRs? the amounf of dorm uniforms? the amount of event cards each dorm has all together?
all here babey. girl, i have USELESS information you can only DREAM of. 
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dotster001 · 1 year
Looking through the game's events and chapters, I always wondered what months they took place in. I got the impression that Prologue was September, Heartslabyul was October, Savanaclaw was November, Octavinelle was December, Scarabia was January, Pomfiore was February, Ignihyde was March, and Diasomnia was April. The last chapter took place in May, though. I noticed that the prologue and heartslabyul were in the same month, since at the end of the prologue Ace stole the cake and came to Yuu at night.
Also, everyone thinks that the Halloween event and Masquerade happened in the same year, but I don't think so. Epel awakened UM in chapter 6 and the Masquerade happened right around Halloween. Since the students were divided into who would go to the Masquerade and who would stay for Halloween.
Can you tell me which months the events and chapters happened?
Obviously, these are my HC's since we don't have canon confirmed months.
So in the states school starts in August. So in my head the prologue and chapter one are in August, mostly because chapter one takes place only a couple days later.
Savannaclaw....probably September or November? Long enough that they'd be in classes for a bit.
Octavinelle and Scarabia I think of as in December, because that's finals and winter break.
And then I pictured the sdc in February?
Also, I hate that book six takes place not long after the SDC, because I want it to be springtime for that book but it's not 😂 so that's probably still February maybe March.
As for events, obviously Halloween events are in October. I see fairy gala as around spring time...partially because of how bright and sunny the cards are I live in an area with a permacloud that is only absent in spring and summer. I also kinda view the masquerade and some of the recent JP events as being a different year? It makes more sense to me 😂 Vargas camp gives heavy October-November vibes though, and I think the one where you stay in Epel's town screams January.
And I think that just leaves ghost marriage. I want that to be in October, for max spoopiness and what not, but it's probably like April or may. Idk it's what I feel in my gut 😂
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