#charecter thoughts
destinedtobeloved · 9 months
Cruickshank. Hansen. Jiang. Sujiadi. Tony- everyone else.
Died within the moments of what seemed like a lifetime. In what in reality was only really was only a couple of weeks.
He feels those memories inside him anytime he does anything.
The biting of Cruickshank’s foot as it hit him as she died- the splatter of gore Jiang was left of. Digging through the clumps of flesh and blood with Jiang, searching for something - anything to bring their brother back. Stacks unretreived.
Sometimes he’ll think about the others too.
Tony dead at his own hand- the wolf gene in him sobbing as he watches him go down with a look of shock on his face- maybe a look of betrayal as he watches from a third person perspective as he is killed.
The doctor who had known of his plans- falling to his knees crooning, ‘I knew it. I heard you, I saw you. Kovacs- I knew you’d do it.’ Over and over again, like the battle the Martian starship was replaying that infiltrated their heads to no end. And even Jan- thrown up into the abyss of what space claims to be- a deserter, and a traitor in all forms. A new sleeve. A fresh cut deal as the rest of them can’t control themselves from hurling over every ten minutes from the radiation. Regardless, Takeshi was guilty of making Schneider fear. Making him run away.
A stupid son-of-a-bitch beliver, arguing with Takeshi on the roof of the corporate building days before their mission about religion. A stick permanently up his ass, a serious and boring corporate executive like all of the rest at Mandrake, being kicked down by Carrera for a bounty- his stack cut out.
Takeshi probably could have afforded to bring him along- but he wasn’t sure if it was worth it in the end. Someone would end up like Cruickshank again with his ass still there. The cooperation would track him. He doesn’t know if he could handle another set of nannodes.
Sometimes he misses hearing his hushed prayers from the barracks, though. He won’t ever admit it regardless.
Tanya wardani. Not dead, but sometimes she might as well be. They won’t speak again. Come, eleven years, maybe. The time they spent on the beach- the way he’d watch her work and the surge of what emotion he really couldn’t tell everytime he saw her inching back from the ledge.
She was a murder. A traitor. Killing her teammates souly due to greed, wanting to keep this one for herself. A coward. Siding with the terroists the Kempists were, just for the sake of her planet.
Still, Takeshi couldn’t help himself.
He’d grown a family with them. An envoy bond. A pack.
For each of them moments were shared- proving them human.
And now they were gone.
He remembers ribbing on Cruickshank. ‘Dead at 22,’ he’d said. Maybe he manifested it. She’d been dead before- but this was real. Takeshi almsot wants to throw up when he thinks about her- someone so young killed for nothing by nanodes for the sake of what? A fucking starship? The greed shared by two men- killing humans because they are cheaper than machines- not caring who is caught in the crossfire or who does not return.
Fuck Mandrake corporation.
For once he gets to latimer- he will notify her family of her death. He will save the details of how she was torn apart- the body bag she was gathered into not even resembling a human- the layout of gore on the turquoise sand- the way her head landed somewhere apart from everything else. Letting those words out alone would make him retch. She never even made it to the Tanya Wardani. She never made it to space. She never saw what they saw. She would never share the look of admiration and true shock at the sight of the warship- the Martian skeletons hanging there- captivating them. She never saw.
The crying of cruikshanks mother he will hear. The look of shock on her father’s face. ‘She was just a baby,’ he will mutter, ‘she was only 22.’ Takeshi will bite his lip and nod his head, giving the family news of her passing 7 years too late.
She was the first one dead.
Maybe that’s why he remembers it the most. Or maybe he was more alive when she died than he was when the rest of them went down.
Dying was a serious condition. Fucks with everything you do.
They were all supposed to die, in the end, regardless of their true survival of the mission. The explosion of Sauberville by the Kempists proved that true.
But that was different. Stacks intact- promised millions of credits and a passage to Latimer City where new sleeves were garuiteed.
Out of the 10 of them, only four of them had made it out- the wolf in him screaming and crying and scratching his eyes out with hands covered in blood that isn’t his over a graveyard with fresh soil laying above the land.
Even as he stays in that construct on the ship, making his 7 year journey to Latimer city- a journey to better jobs and newer sleeves, he thinks of them every once and awhile.
Their journey will always be apart of him.
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keripulli · 1 month
gangler stickers
made some homemade gangle stickers cus I like her (+ bubble)
the lighting was horrid in my home tho
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Now some close ups & a rejected gangle
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Uhhh idk where to put em tho-
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dallasgallant · 2 months
Cherry has guilt too, though hers is a little different than Randy’s. She got in a fight with her boyfriend and then he died. He died with her mad at him, potentially even thinking she hated him (drunk and a kid.). There’s no apologies, no sweet little action he’d do to make up for it- no placing his ego aside. He went too far that night and died because of it. He died with her mad at him.
God I can’t even begin to imagine the guilt and anger she must feel over that. Things would’ve gotten better and she knows that and knows it can never happen. Maybe she too thinks she could’ve done something… but that’s the real tragedy of all of it isn’t it? A lot of the story happens because the characters are who they are, products of a system that they’re all too aware of but not able to break- across all sides.
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You think she may believe she killed him? That she got so mad she willed something bad happening to Bob into the universe…. Now that’s not possible or even true but the human  conscious is a wild thing.
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lucentstarss · 2 months
I was thinking how empaths should I’m theory be the most emphatic people since their whole thing is feeling others emotions .However I feel like I’m the contrary what if the overexposure of emotions they experience cause them to find less value and meaning behind them. I mean in the books we often see empaths announcing people’s emotions to the room I think that might be due to the fact that they don’t see the secrecy people feel towards their emotions since it’s so out in the open for them. they might not understand how personal an emotion could be since to them it’s out in the open.
TO CLARIFY IM NOT SAYING EMPATHS CANT BE EMPHATIC what I am saying I think the concept of empaths might not really understanding the significance of an emotion hence they might not be as emphatic is really interesting and has a lot of potential to be explored
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hitmeupaep · 11 months
Erik Krippe, Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins could all come to my door and look me dead in my eyes and say destiel isn’t real and i would not give a single fuck
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ciellstrashbin · 10 months
I'm not saying that Chris Colfer is a bad writer by any means, but the fact that the first time we meet Xanthous in ATOM he's on his way to kill himself after being physically and mentally abused his entire life, and attempted again in the third book is completely brushed over and reduced too a game of skeleton in the closet or a small "I think I'm gay and I just didn't know cus my dads a bich" moment in the motel is a crime.
Also him and Elrick's relationship. So rushed, no depth whatsoever, terrible. I love the ship with all my heart and the two hold a special place in my mind 24/7, but the way they were played out in the book sucked ass. They way they meet is super cute, but right of the bat Elrick and Xanthous skip any sort of awkwardness and Elrick starts calling him cute, in a very straightforward gay way, despite the previous chapter featuring Xanthous being about how careful "people like him" have too be because of the homophobia that exist in the current world. Elrick seemed too not think of that at all despite his own father being homophobic.
And their ending is just a lame "let leave together even though I've barely just met you I'll go too literal hell with you" trope. Not like earlier in the book with the "Lets run away together just for sillies" which was great. Their kiss was also so unsatisfying, no development into the moment they just kiss. From them meeting to kissing to leaving for the pits of hell to live happily ever after and have biologically impossible children all happen within a day and a couple of after hours. Like ??? I don't mind the love at first site trope but WHAT WAS THAT??
Brystal and Seven got more depth the Elrick and Xanthous did, like WHYY.
In conclusion, we need a fourth book that focuses more on Xanthous, and a lil more on Tangerina and Skylene because they're also neglected after Madame Weatherberry kicks the bucket and becomes spirited emo elsa. But not nearly as much as Xanthous. Even if they all go Emeralda treatment that would've been fine. Lucy carried the entire book no questions though but I don't need everyone too have that level of swag.
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ghostwriter2203 · 2 months
Tell me that I am wrong about this one song from a Disney movie called Encanto and song that reminds me of a character from Triple Frontier is Surface Pressure. That character is Will Miller.
Cause he’s a big brother and seems like the more leader of the group.
Am I wrong?
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breezysuffers · 7 months
did i miss something cause who in tf is Matt?
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mossfordays · 11 months
Guys new charecter pitch:
Seamus Finnigans mom
“Dads a muggle, mums a witch, but of a nasty shock for him when he found out.”
(Detailed headcannons below)
What we know:
Left the Wizarding World sometime after Hogwarts
Didn’t talk about it for a while (trauma?)
Had a son named Seamus who acts like that
Is Irish
Has a sibling (source: Seamus discussing cousin who does magic)
Took Seamus riding through the countryside on a broomstick throughout his childhood
Potential names:
Claire Finnigan (my favorite)
Cleo Finnigan
Cassie Finnigan
Finn’ (nickname of her last name, doesn’t use her first name) (I’m gonna refer to her like this cause it’s short)
Potential Blood Status:
Muggleborn or half-blood (elaborate headcannon about Seamus’ cousin in relation to Finn’s blood status)
Potential House:
Hufflepuff (based on the fact we have like no Hufflepuffs, but also look at her son, tell me it wouldn’t make sense his mother was a Hufflepuff)
Quidditch? Yes, Seeker
Potential friendships:
Mary? In the “Mary is Deans mom” headcannon this would be fun to play with, both of them leaving the Wizarding World together and raising their sons as best friends, or simply both leaving the Wizarding World and their sons meeting at Hogwarts
Peter, potentially. I think this really stems from the fact that whenever there’s an extra person I think they should be friends with Peter so he had a life
Pandora! I think they would get along because Finn would have a bit awkward but extremely kind and friendly personality and her and Dora would vibe
Amelia Bones as… mentor! I headcannnon Amelia as a Hufflepuff in Alice, Frank and Narcissas year so I think it would be fun to see her also act as a mentor to Finn like they all do in their respective households.
I don’t think she ever got that close with the core Marauders, except for Peter, because they were all very intimidating to her. I do think she got along quite well with the Ravenclaws. I think this also fits well because Amelia and Sybil were very close (according to my mind and one mutual that said so), so as Amelia spent a lot of time with the Ravenclaws and decided to introduce this scared quiet Hufflepuff to them.
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gar-trek · 2 years
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I’m exceptional Zed!
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commbowman · 10 months
Logically, I can understand why most of the catalog is in audio or digital format but I miss the physicality of real books. I have two, they’re great, but It’s different…
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destinedtobeloved · 1 year
Takeshi’s personality is so hard for me to understand and it keeps me up at night, trying to figure out how to write him as a character
He’s sarcastic most of the time, emotionless around most, gentle with certain people like Lizzie and even Alice, emotional with Quell, and all of these with Rei and even Ortega sometimes??
I actually want to pull my hair out because I can’t figure out how to write him interacting with people because I actually have no clue
I have a issue with making characters too emotional and I think I’m doing this w Kovacs too and it stresses me out
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evermorethecrow · 1 year
how did you discover bsd ever...........
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rubeslovesthesmiths · 6 months
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Ducky is so me core
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teetertotterseesaw · 1 year
consider for a moment:
tsats isnt bad, u are
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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After his waking conversation in the inn, Alaun turns to introspection. [A further look into the paladins head and his reasons for following the code]
Surrounded by unknowns in a city once filled with life, the inn was a place of rest and small comforts.
The latest paladin to walk through it's doors had finally woken, tension bleeding out of his body, not once it was confirmed he was safe, but when his hesitant offer to stay and protect was refused.
It's like Seelah and Wenduag said, paladins are crazy. Allthough they meant it very differently.
Alaun was a paladin, but first he was a soldier. He had an underlying practicality, and understanding of people. The so called 'naivete' of paladins was less ignorance on his part, and more shoving your hand into what you know is a deadly trap and praying to whatever god can hear you that you can defuse it before it takes the limb.
He probably wasn't the only paladin like that, calculated recklessness is par for the course and just because you believe and follow your oaths doesn't mean you don't know better.
Blind faith in people is hard to come by in the world wound, so hard it almost comes back around to trust. The place is so bleak and your chances alone are so slim, what does it matter if you die to a centerpede or a blade in the back. Dead is dead. Well mostly.
A long way of saying he knew wenduag was not entirely on their side. That the hope she would stick around was doomed to wither- or die to locusts and hellfire. It made him all the more a fool he supposed. But he had been a fool for a long time, and he would be for much longer, gods willing.
He did believe in helping people, in walking with an outstretched hand, in making what little good you can in this world.
But he had woken up entombed by the corpses of his comrades, woken up to flashes of traitors opening the gates to the demonic hordes that had been laying seige.
He woke up to a broken city drowning in corpses.
With him alone, shimmering with Iomedaes light, alive.
He would not let this city share the same fate.
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