#charecter grief
destinedtobeloved · 9 months
Cruickshank. Hansen. Jiang. Sujiadi. Tony- everyone else.
Died within the moments of what seemed like a lifetime. In what in reality was only really was only a couple of weeks.
He feels those memories inside him anytime he does anything.
The biting of Cruickshank’s foot as it hit him as she died- the splatter of gore Jiang was left of. Digging through the clumps of flesh and blood with Jiang, searching for something - anything to bring their brother back. Stacks unretreived.
Sometimes he’ll think about the others too.
Tony dead at his own hand- the wolf gene in him sobbing as he watches him go down with a look of shock on his face- maybe a look of betrayal as he watches from a third person perspective as he is killed.
The doctor who had known of his plans- falling to his knees crooning, ‘I knew it. I heard you, I saw you. Kovacs- I knew you’d do it.’ Over and over again, like the battle the Martian starship was replaying that infiltrated their heads to no end. And even Jan- thrown up into the abyss of what space claims to be- a deserter, and a traitor in all forms. A new sleeve. A fresh cut deal as the rest of them can’t control themselves from hurling over every ten minutes from the radiation. Regardless, Takeshi was guilty of making Schneider fear. Making him run away.
A stupid son-of-a-bitch beliver, arguing with Takeshi on the roof of the corporate building days before their mission about religion. A stick permanently up his ass, a serious and boring corporate executive like all of the rest at Mandrake, being kicked down by Carrera for a bounty- his stack cut out.
Takeshi probably could have afforded to bring him along- but he wasn’t sure if it was worth it in the end. Someone would end up like Cruickshank again with his ass still there. The cooperation would track him. He doesn’t know if he could handle another set of nannodes.
Sometimes he misses hearing his hushed prayers from the barracks, though. He won’t ever admit it regardless.
Tanya wardani. Not dead, but sometimes she might as well be. They won’t speak again. Come, eleven years, maybe. The time they spent on the beach- the way he’d watch her work and the surge of what emotion he really couldn’t tell everytime he saw her inching back from the ledge.
She was a murder. A traitor. Killing her teammates souly due to greed, wanting to keep this one for herself. A coward. Siding with the terroists the Kempists were, just for the sake of her planet.
Still, Takeshi couldn’t help himself.
He’d grown a family with them. An envoy bond. A pack.
For each of them moments were shared- proving them human.
And now they were gone.
He remembers ribbing on Cruickshank. ‘Dead at 22,’ he’d said. Maybe he manifested it. She’d been dead before- but this was real. Takeshi almsot wants to throw up when he thinks about her- someone so young killed for nothing by nanodes for the sake of what? A fucking starship? The greed shared by two men- killing humans because they are cheaper than machines- not caring who is caught in the crossfire or who does not return.
Fuck Mandrake corporation.
For once he gets to latimer- he will notify her family of her death. He will save the details of how she was torn apart- the body bag she was gathered into not even resembling a human- the layout of gore on the turquoise sand- the way her head landed somewhere apart from everything else. Letting those words out alone would make him retch. She never even made it to the Tanya Wardani. She never made it to space. She never saw what they saw. She would never share the look of admiration and true shock at the sight of the warship- the Martian skeletons hanging there- captivating them. She never saw.
The crying of cruikshanks mother he will hear. The look of shock on her father’s face. ‘She was just a baby,’ he will mutter, ‘she was only 22.’ Takeshi will bite his lip and nod his head, giving the family news of her passing 7 years too late.
She was the first one dead.
Maybe that’s why he remembers it the most. Or maybe he was more alive when she died than he was when the rest of them went down.
Dying was a serious condition. Fucks with everything you do.
They were all supposed to die, in the end, regardless of their true survival of the mission. The explosion of Sauberville by the Kempists proved that true.
But that was different. Stacks intact- promised millions of credits and a passage to Latimer City where new sleeves were garuiteed.
Out of the 10 of them, only four of them had made it out- the wolf in him screaming and crying and scratching his eyes out with hands covered in blood that isn’t his over a graveyard with fresh soil laying above the land.
Even as he stays in that construct on the ship, making his 7 year journey to Latimer city- a journey to better jobs and newer sleeves, he thinks of them every once and awhile.
Their journey will always be apart of him.
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dabblingreturns · 3 months
So I was relistening to the Mrs Polifax series again by Dorothy Gillman. And this time i was struck by Mrs polifax's lack of comment on the late Mr. Virgle Polifax.
Because they were married for years and raised two children together. Buy she goes books without mentioning him.
I'm lucky enough to only have a handful of people to greaves.
But when you love someone and go out into the world and see things. You find yourself going, "so and so would love this."
And after they die, you don't stop going, "so and so would love this" you see things, hear this, and remember your loved ones joy, sometimes it comes from a large pair of sunglasses, or a funny bit of malicious compliance, or a cookie, or a new fact.
And you thing about thier smile, and thier joy.
And Ms. Pollifax travels though 5 countinents and never sees a thing that re minds her of Virgle. And that's so very damning to me.
After i finished the last book I listened to an interview with Dorothy Gillman and I learned that she wrote the first Mrs pollifax book right after her divorce.
And Mrs pollifax is a widow, not a divorcee....but I think that says more about a no-fault divorce accessibility in mid century America than it does about Mrs pollifax "love" for Virgil.
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littlecelestialmoth · 4 months
Prompt: The blood dripping down his forehead was hot and sticky
Relationships/Charecters: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley mentioned
Word count: 2.7k
Tags: Hurt & Comfort, pre-relationship, post-season 3, pre-season 4, depictions of canonical injuries, wound cleaning, grief surrounding being disabled, lots of domestic comfort okay
Thanks to Juniper for this prompt! (Xe don't have Tumblr rip)
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The remnant feeling of smoke burned in his lungs and his eyes felt dry from when they had watered from the acidic fumes of the fireworks and burning flesh. The blood dripping down his forehead was hot and sticky and the left side of his face felt sore and swollen.
Steve knew he couldn't go home like this.
Even if his parents weren't home he couldn't be alone right now. Robin being taken home was bad enough but worse was the fact that Steve probably had his third consecutive concussion. At this point even in his delirious post high state knew falling asleep right now was a risk he can't afford.
His body feels heavy with exhaustion as he pulls himself into the Bimmer, but he knows the chances of his mind letting him sleep now are slim. The first weeks after Upside-Down incident are always filled with near sleepless nights. At least he doesn't have to worry about getting up for work anymore he resolves. He lets the engine run, feeling the cool air from the vents dry the tacky sweat on his face.
He knew if he didn't figure out a plan quick he'd end up falling asleep in his car in the Starcourt mall parking lot. The paramedics had insisted on taking him to get checked out at the hospital but he didn't want to leave Robin. It's a crazy world to live in now, Steve’s pretty sure he and Robin are bonded for life. His friends now consist of one Lesbian and a handful of middle schoolers. If King Steve could see him now.
Steve sighs at this thought. He couldn't go home with Robin and any of the kids are out of the question. Especially after last year's incident.
Traitorously his mind provides him with the image of another acquaintance, maybe almost friend, a sharp grin and dark curly hair.
Steve sets his head back on the headrest and groans. Robin's confession had led to thoughts of his own. The easy banter he had developed with the metalhead working in the game store across the way, about how it was surprisingly easy to get along with Eddie Munson now that he had fallen from his throne. He was starting to realize he was happier down below, surrounded by nerds. He was also starting to realize he very possibly had a type.
The way to Forest Hills wasn't familiar to him but not foreign either, back in the day he had gone with Tommy to make a home call at the Munson's residence for some harder drugs than what he carried around the school yard.
Steve paused again in the Bimmer, giving himself one last chance to excape. He knew Eddie was most likely home. He'd had a show with his band up in Bloomington last night and had taken off work for it well in advance, and the day after. It's all he'd been able to talk about these past few weeks.
Steve hauls himself up the trailer steps, taking a quick look to see if anyone else is home but Eddie. His van stands alone in the dying grass.
Steve knocks gently first. It's late but he's not sure if it's late enough for Eddie to be asleep or not.
After another minute he knocks a little louder and more urgent. A light flicks on in the far window and Steve hears the pounding steps of someone approaching the door from inside the trailer.
The door swings open.
“Jesus, what do you wa- what the fuck happened to you man?” Eddie exclaimes incredulously. It's at this moment Steve remembers he's still in his vomit and blood stains work mandated sailor suit.
Steve groans in pain, Eddie's volume pounding in his head.
“I have a concussion. I can't be alone right now.” Steve explains, he doesn't have the energy to say much more right now.
“Okay, okay shit man, why didn't you go home or to a Hospital?” Eddie asks, gently pulling him into the trailer.
“M' parents are home, can't.” Steve closes his eyes for a moment and remembers he isn't supposed to do that. Eddie guides him over to the couch and hesitantly has him sit down.
“I'll get you some clothes and the first aid kit, you're not meant to fall asleep okay? I need to try and figure out how bad your concussion is.” Eddie says, crouched down in front of Steve, briefly checking him over. His eyebrows are furrowed and Steve’s knocked around brain supplies that Eddie is pretty when he's all concerned with his wide deep brown eyes.
“It's pretty bad.” Steve provides, trying to stop himself from sluring his words. Eddie puts a hand on his shoulder briefly.
“Even more of a reason for you to stay awake sweetheart, I'll be right back.” Eddie stands and walks to the back of the trailer.
Steve leans his head back on the couch and regrets it pretty quickly. His brain feels like it's capable of sliding around in his skull like it's on ice. He turns his head, curling into the couch a little in an attempt to relieve the pain. The left side of his face throbs as he thinks. He doesn't let himself close his eyes but it's a near thing.
He vaguely registers Eddie walking back over, a wad of clothes and a first aid kit in hand. His mouth is moving but everything sounds muffled and far away.
Steve lifts his head from the couch. “What did you say?” Eddie frowns.
“I said do you want to change first or take care of your face first.” He repeats.
Steve hears him fine this time. “Shit, it got worse again.” Steve gets out, voice cracked. His throat feels tight and burns as he tries his hardest to not let a pathetic and exhausted sob crawl up his throat.
Eddie kneels in front of Steve again, taking his face into his palm on his less injured side.
“What's worse baby, what happened?” Eddie's thumb rubs at a tear that has slipped down Steve's cheek. Steve sobs a little again at the affection and turns his face further into Eddies warm hand. With Eddie speaking closer to him now it's easier to realize he doesn't hear much of his voice in his left ear.
“You remember last year,” his breath hitches again with a suppressed sob “when Billy beat the shit out of me? I found out I had lost some of my hearing in my right ear.” Steve shuts his eyes tightly and tries to breathe, Eddie lets him take his time before he continues. “It's worse now, I could barely hear you.” Steve explains brokenly, another quiet sob slipping out.
“Oh.” Eddie breathes, looking a little broken himself. He gathers up Steve's hand with his own that isn't holding his face and squeezes it gently. He lets Steve release his grief and tears.
“I'm sorry, I'm just so goddamed exhausted.” Steve breathes.
“I know, I know, it's okay, you don't have anything to be sorry for.” Eddie soothes.
Steve goes to wipe the tears from his face and hisses in pain when his bunched fist aggravates his bruise. He opens his eyes again and meets Eddie's.
“Why don't we get your face cleaned up okay?” Eddie suggests, reaching for a rag on top of the first aid kit. He wets it with warm water in the kitchen sink before returning to Steve and sitting next to him in the edge of the couch. Eddie sits on his right side and some part of Steve is glad for it.
“Can I get you to turn towards me a little bit?” He requests. It's easier to hear Eddie like this. Steve complies, slowly turning his head.
Eddie reaches forward and holds Steve's cheek again. Eddie meets his gaze unafraid, and with something warm in his gaze. Steve shuts his eyes for a moment and breathes. He scrunches his face when Eddie gently presses the wet cloth against his face. He holds it to Steve's forehead, loosening the dried blood there. He wipes as gently as he can but it still stings.
Steve makes a low whine of discomfort and shifts his face further into Eddie’s hand.
“I know love, almost done, you're okay.” Eddie comforts. Steve lets the weight of his head rest further in Eddie's palm.
Steve opens his eyes when Eddie starts swiping the cloth under his swollen eye. He feels another tear leak out. He's just so beyond exhausted and being cared for like this is almost too much. Eddie gives him the smallest fond look through his lashes even though it's lined with concern.
Eddie pulls away, settling the hand that held his face on Steve's knee while he turns to dig through the first aid kit one handed. Steve appreciates the consistent contact.
Producing butterfly bandages, Eddie removes his hand to peel away the backings and gently apply them to the split skin on Steve's face. It's the most gentle anyone has been with him in a long time. It makes his throat burn for a different reason, and his chest feels compressed with emotion. He closes his eyes and focuses on his breathing as he gets patched up. It's too much to watch Eddie right now, and he knows Eddie won't let him fall asleep.
Eddie smooths his fingers over Steve's good cheek and he opens his eyes.
“You with me?” Eddie questions.
Steve hums affirmative. He sits up a little straighter after noticing Eddie has packed up the first aid kit.
“Do you think you can stand? I wanna get you out of those clothes,” Eddie explains, but his eyes widen suddenly. “because they're gross, obviously, sorry.” He clarifies, turning his head away. In the low light Steve can see that his face is a couple shades darker and red. He huffs a laugh and smiles for the first time since the fucked up drugs from earlier. He musters a little confidence.
“You can just ask you know.” Steve croaks with a smirk.
“Okay stop it, you're in no state to be, all,” Eddie flaps his hands vaguely at Steve. This earns another smile. “do you need help getting changed or not Harrington?" Eddie demands, putting on a firmer commanding tone that is obviously false.
Steve tries to stand on his own and manages it for the most part but Eddie supports him by his shoulder as the room spins.
“A little help, just make sure I don't fall and hit my head or something.” Steve requests. He doesn't have it in him to care about anything much more today. Eddie helps him pull his soiled uniform over his head, avoiding his cleaned and sore face.
Steve eyes the shirt Eddie selected for him. It's a very worn band tee, reading ‘DIO’ in red script, the font big enough for him to make out without his glasses. He shrugs and pulls it on, trying to ignore the way his head pounds. He steps out of his shorts next after kicking off his sneakers. Eddie steadies him by his shoulder and respectfully averts his eyes as Steve pulls on the pair of borrowed sweats.
Steve rights himself and meets Eddie’s gaze.
“Alright, I'm going to put you in my bed then get you some water after we check how bad your concussion is.” Eddie commands, pulling Steve down to hall and into a very messy room. It's cozy in its own way in Steve's mind, used to a neat but cold house. The warm light doesn't hurt as bad as it could but it's still uncomfortable.
He lets Eddie guide him onto the bed and faces him as Eddie crouches to peer at his face.
“Okay, can you follow my finger for me?” Steve nods a little and regrets it, but follows Eddie's pointer finger as he moves it left and right in front of his face. It makes his head hurt to do so.
Eddie puts his hand down, seemingly having gotten his answer.
“Yeah you definitely have vertigo sweetheart, shouldn't have driven with this bad of a concussion.” Eddie sighs softly. Steve tries not to let the pinch of shame in his stomach grow bigger.
“I'm going to go get you some water, I'll be back in a minute.” True to his word Eddie returned within the minute, pressing a mug of water into Steve's hands. He steadies it as Steve drinks and then sets it on his busy nightstand.
“I think you'll be okay to sleep for a bit at this point, but I'll have to wake you up every hour or so.” Eddie explains, sympathetic.
“Okay. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep right now.” Steve says in a small voice. He thinks about his bat in the car and wonders if it would be weird to ask Eddie to retrieve it for him. What would he think Steve would do with it? Give it a snuggle? Yeah, that's a no.
“I'll go crash on the couch and set an alarm on my watch, I'll leave you be man don't worry about-” Eddie assures, waving his hands about as he speaks. Steve grabs his wrists and interups him.
“Please don't go.” Steve rushes out, panic suddenly tight in his chest. His breathing picks up.
“Okay, okay, I'll say, I don't know what I can do for you but I'll stay, okay?” Eddie assures, sitting on his right side on the mattress. Steve's grip looses on Eddie wrist some. He scoots back to lay down and tugs Eddie along with him. Hard enough to get the point but gentle enough to leave him the choice. Even though Steve is fairly heavily concused he doesn't think he'd been reading things wrong.
Eddie shifts up the bed to lay to the right of Steve. They face each other as they lay down, Eddie's wrist still in Steve's soft grasp. Eddie gives him a small tender smile, and Steve lets out a heavy breath before returning it. Eddie shifts for a moment, un-pinning his arm to cup Steve's face again. Steve closes his eyes.
“Will you tell me about your show?” Steve requests.
“My show?” Eddie asks, puzzled.
Steve cracks his eyes open, an amused smile on his lips. “The one you played last night Eddie, you haven't shut up about it in weeks.”
“You sure you wanna hear about it?” Eddie questions, seeming unsure. Steve hums a yes and let's his eyes slip shit again for a moment.
Eddie props himself up on his elbow to tug the sheet over them both. The smell of his sweat and cigarettes on his sheets should be gross to Steve but instead the inherent Eddie-ness of it was only a comfort that soothed his sore heart.
He hears Eddie clicking around on his watch before settling back down. Steve opens his eyes again, deep brown meeting deepest brown.
Eddie leans over carefully and kisses Steves brow bone, right to the left of where his left eyebrow was split and now held together.
Steve sighs contently, eyes slipping shut as he reaches for Eddie's hand. Eddie's hands are bare and warm as his fingers wrap around Steve's own.
“So, this show was definitely different from the usual Hideout scene. For starters there was less drunks and way more fans that know what the good shit is. So, Jeff and I start out with this insane guitar solo from…”
Steve slips into the most peaceful sleep he's had after a run in with the Upside-Down even though he knows Eddie will rouse him in an hour. He's content to curl towards Eddie after being woken and let his hands running through Steve's hair lull him back to sleep.
In the morning Wayne will be home and Steve's parents will be gone again. Eddie will ask him to stay a little longer and insist on reading him the Hobbit as they waste their afternoon in bed.
A few weeks later when Steve makes a reference to The Lord of the Rings in front of the kids, he realizes Dustin's shock and antics will never be valued in his memory the way that Eddie’s hours of reading to him and caring for him will be.
Dustin's shock a few months later when he meets Steve's boyfriend will be a little more memorable if only for the way Eddie grins proudly at him.
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dallasgallant · 1 month
One of those “charecters come back from/rise from the dead” au’s but it’s Johnny and Dally stumbling their way to the Curtis home because it’s instinctual within the gang by now. It’s where you go when something happens. Both intrinsically aware of what’s going on, as one has to be, and incredibly confused.
Only, it’s Darry who answers the door. Who offers food and when that doesn’t work a shower and tries to ignore the scars and dirt. Darry keeps them a secret. On some level it’s selfish, on another he can’t do that to his brothers or to the rest of the gang. He keeps the dead boys in his parents room, no one goes in there anymore, and tries to figure out what to do- stopping by when he can- loosing more sleep.
It doesn’t last forever, as these often don’t… the dead can’t stay for long no matter how alive they look and feel. It’s a lesson really— he has to process and grief and all these other things and on some level he’s a little bitter it’s his friends and not his parents but who wouldn’t be —
Meanwhile Johnny and Dally brought back from the literal dead and having to deal with knowing it’s not for long. It’s for a reason. There’s no catching up or second chances as it might’ve felt at first— the world moves on and you can’t slide back into a life that no longer exists. Serving a higher purpose you don’t remember being made a part of and fighting for a chance? A goodbye? Something.
Knowing, trusting— needing Darry as he needs you in a way you start to grasp right as you need to go stumble back and
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robby-bobby-tommy · 1 year
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wake up, Alpha Trion nation.
kind of bishoujo A-3 + OP
its just my take on her and im not very good at designing charecters. Also kind of an idea that we never see her upper face. Usually she wears a mask, but sumtimes its something else (sunglasses, hats etc)
ive seen a lot of charecters as bishoujo, but not alpha trion. ig ive changed that.
(good grief my lower back hurts)
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I was not prepared for Ocie to explicitly imply that she thinks Centross killed himself. It makes sense that she would think that though. Notably Rae doesn't think that which is interesting because he saved Centross from that previously. He keeps saying that he "doesn't know what happened." While Ocie says "I think I know what happened." Also it's interesting that when Ocie learned about Chaos she took Oscar when she ran from home, but this time she doesn't know she has someone to blame so instead of making Ulysses (cause vorogo) or Ven (cause Chaos) stay away from Oscar she has decided that she needs to stay away.
Oscar is probably going to be really mad at her when she comes back, like he was mad at Jerry because of the Reset. Also Ocie is hitting the stages of grief like a textbook so far so she's been through denial anger bargaining and she's just vibing in bargaining. Like if she abandons Oscar and Jerry then she won't have to watch them die. Even Momboo, the only other person like her is leaving and she can't stop it.
In conclusion this is very in charecter for Kai but it makes me sad.
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barelynotsinking · 1 year
Songs I think work well with Gen V Characters/Relationships
this will mostly just be taylor songs
Getaway Car (Taylor Swift)
Castles Crumbling (Cate) (Taylor Swift)
Little Talks (of monsters and men)
The song is about this husband who died and his wife is still alive and living in their house. She is experiencing a huge amount of grief and begins to hear the voice of her husband which even the songwriters don't know if its real or in her head.
Like real people do (Hozier)
Delicate (Marie) (Taylor Swift)
First Time (Jordan)(Hozier)
I interpreted the song (first time) differently than from what's on Genuis (which is something abt dantes inferno, idk I didn't really get it, I like mine better). But the way i interpreted it, its a song about how the speaker enters this relationship and is so desperate to hold onto that person that they change themselves for them, "killing" parts of themselves to do so. If you interpret it that way the first verse is very trans coded
All American Bitch (cate) (Olivia Rodrigo)
Evermore (cate) (taylor swift)
Tolerate it (Jordan)(Taylor swift)
mirrorball (emma) (Taylor swift)
mess it up (emma) (gracie abrams)
22 (emma) (taylor swift)
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Hi, I have been really into young royals for a while now and so I have read quite a lot of Wilmon fanfics!
But in my previous fandom (wolfstar) there were several fic rec accounts that would compile rec lists for particular tropes (such as charecter A pining, or established relationship fluff) usually in response to an ask, and then would have a masterpost, compiling all the differnt tropes they made rec lists for in alphabetical order so you could search to see if they made a rec list for the trope you are in the mode for (examples of these accounts are wolfstarlibrarian and wolfstarhaven) and I don't think an account exists like this for Wilmon yet! Do you know of any accounts like this for Wilmon?
If not I might try and start my own, as I find they are a very useful tool in fandoms (bc often fics with very specific or charecter specific tropes won't be tagged under that trope on ao3)
If I were to do this I would probably copy wolfstarwarehouse's format for fic recs (bc I am bad at compiling lists.) Basically this format is just posting individual fics with a link and the summary and the word count and ao3 rating and tagging it with specific tropes.
There would be one for the fic length range (like under 5k, 5-10k etc), a royal/ non royal tag, a non canon/canon complient tag, mabey an charecter age tag (teen/ adult), (a tag for ao3 rating???) and mabey a tag with the charecters POV it's written from (not sure if this one would be helpful or not)
But most importantly there would be tags for different tropes, such as Simon: jealous, or Wille: oblivious, or Simon: famous
And a tag for their relationship status at the start of the story, so like relationship: friends, relationship: established, relationship: ex's, relationship: roomates, relationship: enemies
And a tag for mood so: fluff, crack, (light) angst, angst with a happy ending, fluff and smut, hurt/ comfort
The orignal creator of this also has theme tags (eg: theme:drinking, theme: grief, theme: clasism) and I would try to do this but idk if it's easy or not
I'm not sure how many tags would be useful to have as idk how many you can filter with at one time.
(I used to always just search up the length and 1 specific charecter trope I wanted to read and scan the other tags when scrolling.) But I think I am getting slightly ahead of myself bc I would first need to ask the fic compliler from my old fandom if i could copy there concept (which they could very understandably not want) and I dont even know if there is a market for this yet 😅 (that's what this ask if for)
Ideally i could also receive asks with fic recs and people would say the key tropes, mood and relationship status, so there are more fics for ppl to sort through, but I could also do it with just fics I've read
Anyways I'll problaby just use this to see if anyone is intrested
PS: sorry for the massive overuse of bracets in this ask (I know I have a problem, I just can't stop myself), and the length (can you tell my ADHD meds have worn off?)
Check out @impossibleknots fic spreadsheet and rec lists. Not sure if it's exactly what you're imagining, but definitely a great resource!
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understandableparadox · 10 months
Persep “Perse” Rhiali
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She streams, she draws, she always has a knife on her, with a small size and big personality Perse WILL either be your friend or A Problem (TM)
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Worrow is a wight (homestuck fanspecies that i own) who feeds on the dreams of those in mourning. At first she is seen as a source of comfort, offering her support to the dreamer. However, her true aim is to keep the dreamer in a state of mourning, forever drowning in the feelings of loss and grief. She has an interest in funerals and other rituals surrounding death.
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I wanted to know a good way to show trauma and disabilities in my work.
More specifically, I have a charecter that, in a point on the story, will lose her hearing. Although she will get medical care and probably a hearing aid, because of the plot she almost immediately have to get back to work. I wanted to know a good way to express her mourning.
Also, about this is placed basically as "something the main character have to sacrifice to win," which is almost in the end of the story. Is this an okay place? How do I make it not feel rushed?
Showing Character's Grief About Hearing Loss
Grief can be expressed in so many ways. There's really no right or wrong way to grieve as long as it's not harmful in some way, and there's not just one way to grieve or express grief in any particular situation.
That said, it's up to you to think about this character, who they are personality-wise, what kinds of experiences they've had in the past (what level of experience they've had, if any, with loss and grief, and with facing hardship), and their specific situation. What makes the most sense for this character in terms of how they might grieve their hearing loss?
You can do research to learn about hearing loss and some of the ways people might feel when they experience it. You can look for articles and blogs written by people who've had the experience, as well as interviews and videos. Hearing stories of hearing loss from people who have experienced it is the best way to get an idea of how your character might deal with it. Once your story is written, I would also recommend hiring a sensitivity reader who has experienced hearing loss so you can make sure your portrayal isn't harmful or offensive in any way.
As far as the sacrifice being placed near the end, that's fine, but typically you want this sacrifice to be made in association with the climax. The climax being the "to win" part of that equation. The climax is the moment where they face their biggest obstacle and/or face the antagonist/antagonistic force and try to overcome it once and for all. So this is the moment where a character would make a big sacrifice in order to win.
If the sacrifice is their hearing loss, that only works if the hearing loss is the result of a choice they make. For example, if the protagonist and their group are fighting an evil sorceress in her cavernous lair, and the protagonist tells the others to run while holding off the sorceress, then releases magic that creates a big magical explosion that finishes off the sorceress once and for all--and the hearing loss is the result of that explosion--that would count as the sacrifice. Because the hearing loss is the direct result of the protagonist's choice to stay behind and save the others by creating the magical explosion. But, if the hearing loss is a random injury received in the broader battle, that wouldn't count because it's not the direct result of a choice. I hope that makes sense!
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radiomurdeer · 7 months
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a charecter I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
Hannah, from Until Dawn. I thought really long and hard to find one that you might not know lol and I'm HOPING I managed. I'll be very disappointed if you knew/remembered me as her because I THINK it was before we met. I only played with her on Tumblr for a few months but it was fun :D
She's hungry, so very hungry. It never stops, cold and a hollowness eating away at her insides. She couldn't even remember what it was like to feel full, to stuff her belly and still feel sated. In the cold and the dark she watched the house jealously, some fragment of memory surfacing. None of it pleasant, any good memories dissolving into the rotten miasma of a mind overwhelmed by grief and suffering. She hated them, in their warm coats and warm fire. Drool slipped past ruined lips as she pictured them roasting, skin and fat bubbling as it cooked --
Raw would be better. Her teeth ached, yearning to bite and tear. Patience, patience. She'd waited this long, she could wait a little longer.
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 7 months
Thank you!! sorry this took so long, i rewrote it because i was not coherent with my previous choice! and then had to transcribe the lyrics myself.
Human Algebra! from the album of the same name by the Selector! im probably overdue talking about it given its important enough to Celia to have her stand named after it.
Cold ground was his bed last night, Rock his pillow to Cold ground was his bed last night, Rock his pillow to Mama so blue, mama so blue, mama so blue Mama so blue, mama so blue, mama so blue oh boy you better run, look what you've done no joy will ever come, from that kind of fun your friends just ran away, left you all alone blood red stains the gray, cold paving stones
Human Algebra is a song about knife crime, and the tragedy of young lives cut short by said knife crime. i feel weird about relating it to a character, but given its constant presence in my life i think i can, if that matters in any way. Knife crime is a major issue in the uk, both not taken seriously enough and taken too seriously [depending on who was involved]
For Celia, its very much about her death at the hands of the violent she finds herself, and i find the song captures that haunted environment, the overwhelming grief and almost sickening tragedy. the beat is technically up, but the lyrics are haunting and no matter how fun it is to dance to, they stick with you.
Celia's story is a tragic one, an opera, full of grief and pain and violence, and the song reflects that well. Celia gained her stand after weeks of fighting, where many young people were left to bleed out on cold paving stones, and those weeks taught her that little fun was to be found in violence. Celia herself was bleeding out in the process of getting her stand, and in many ways, it feels to her like she died then and there, and all that's left is a ghost.
the haunting chorus of 'Mama so blue' really resonates with Celia's constant grief over her mother, and her constant questioning of how her mother feels about who she is now.
the song is seemingly upbeat and yet so tragic, and for all i love it, its haunting lyrics leave me feeling uncomfortable every time i listen. its a very unsettling song to me, digging up old memories.
and thats why i think its fitting for Celia- a song about tragedy of young life cut short and the grief it causes, with her being both the victim and perpetrator, as well as her stand representing her mother, protecting her child, and decrying the tragedy of her child life.
quickfire lyric association & then full transcript-ed lyrics under the cut:
another day finds Wednesdays child, with nowhere to run- Celia rarely has anywhere to run to, always cornered and limited in her options,
you fell to far, and the well so deep, slumber now, my little one, born on the street- Celia's 'death' from getting in over her head and her telling her younger self to rest
nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, you only think about yourself and got no pride- Celia's core charecter- if you just expand 'yourself' to a few more people.
Full lyrics as transcribed by me, italics are where im uncertain of my words used.
Cold ground was his bed last night, Rock his pillow to Cold ground was his bed last night, Rock his pillow to
Mama so blue, mama so blue, mama so blue Mama so blue, mama so blue, mama so blue
oh boy you better run, look what you've done no joy will ever come, from that kind of fun
your friends just ran away, left you all alone blood red stains the gray, cold paving stones
Mama so blue, mama so blue, mama so blue Mama so blue, mama so blue, mama so blue
caught on camera, a tragic opera, many points of view, words of wise are true, Human Algebra
Close you eyes, daylights to bright, here comes the sun, another day finds Wednesdays child, with nowhere to run
bright less bombs, you fell to far, and the well so deep, slumber now, my little one, born on the street
Mama so blue, mama so blue, mama so blue Mama so blue, mama so blue, mama so blue
caught on camera, a tragic opera, many points of view, words of wise are true, Human Algebra
nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, you only think about yourself and got no pride Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, got to sell the ship on the pass safe side
Mama so blue, mama so blue, mama so blue Mama so blue, mama so blue, mama so blue
Mama so blue, mama so blue, mama so blue Mama so blue, mama so blue, mama so blue
Cold ground was his bed last night, rock his pillow to Cold ground was his bead last night, rock his pillow to
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irasamu · 2 months
𓍯 ࣪ ִֶָ 𓄹 . • 𓂃𓂅 ❛ REFLECTIONS ❜
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synopsis . . . (🍷) ֶָ֢ 𔓘 meeting a popular rockstar -- your favorite singer -- seems like a dream come true but trying to pick up his broken pieces left you in pieces instead. [ fem!reader x rockstar!chuuya. romance, tragedy, angst. wc : ?? ]
general warnings . . . 𔓘 alcohol usage, alcoholic!chuuya, hallucinations, social withdrawal, social anxiety (not accurate, may be exaggerated), mentions of panick attack/anxiety, unhealthy living habits shown by chuuya, unresolved grief and trauma, unhealthy alcohol consumption, charecter death, pathogenic stressor, angst.
𔓘 . . . please don't let this flop. *fingers crossed*, divider belongs to @rookthornesartistry .
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ch 01. where have you been?
ch 02. maybe it's a blessing in disguse
ch 03. I see my reflection in your eyes.
ch 04. do you know if you're coming back?
ch 05. we were too close to the stars
+ extra chap.
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shuezapato · 2 months
Godzilla X Kong Review
Director - ADAM WINGARD 
Composer - Tom Holkenborg / Antonio Si Lorio 
- Mad Max Fury Road 
- Deadpool 
- Batman Vs Superman 
- Godzilla Vs Kong
- Anita Battle Angel 
Budget  - 135M, cheapest monster film to date
Time - 1.55 min
Faq - Millie Bobby not returning as Madison Russell in this movie
Summary in a few Sentences 
In pursuit of finding more of his kind Kong stumbles upon a new threat that requires him to team up with Godzilla to beat
Jia has seizure visions so the human character can go with Kong because reasons
Godzilla is here just to beat up other Titans because he’s an asshole who needs to show he’s the Alpha 
The Good
Following Kong through hollow earth shows even without words you can have a Kong solo film with little to no human characters
His emotions of grief depressed hope all show up and his first scene vs The Scar King works very well, the tribe like setting and Kongs cry to others to stand up for themselves speaks loud even though none of these charecters can talk, Scar Kings presence as a brutality as a harsh ruler shines with in minutes of meeting Kong
Even thought there only there for plot exposition both Trapper and Bernies charecters are fun, they make what could have been some dull moments of dialog plot dumps into actual fun scenes and could carry a movie if needed to 
The dynamic of Jia and Kong is cool to see how both are essentially fish out of water with Jia going to live a “normal” life and Kong in his natural habitat, both are tied together and both need each other as they have created a family bond both there to protect one another
Baby Yoda Kong is here and gives Kong a sense of family purpose
Mother is the Queen of the Monsters and takes no crap
The Bad 
Godzilla has no purpose in this film other then to get stronger because reasons and he knows he needs to get stronger because reasons
Hollow earth sizing, Hollow earth is gigantic and it makes Kong feel small or normal size and you forget how big these titans are compared to the surface world, there size loses its aw
Dr Ilenes character has nothing to do but exposition dump
The Scar King ultimately is weak with out help and does Godzilla really need a power up 
Godzilla new powers seem the same there is no way to show his power scaling other then a slimmer appearance that is barley noticeable 
The Scar King got locked away from the surface world because reasons 
The Ugly 
We dont need Godzilla in this film, Kong Vs Scar King would have been better, having Kong try and save his kind and his kind not want to be saved because of how fearful they are to scar king would have been a great idea to expand upon 
They tease an Ape vs Lizard war again and it doesn’t feel like it makes much sense when you compare strength and powers 
Another throw away villain 
Destruction without consequences 
End Thought 
If you can turn off your brain for 1.55 min and enjoy Titans fighting with some great comedy coming from Trapper and Bernie this is the movie for you 
If you think to much you’ll keep asking questions that the studio doesn’t have answers to like how did Kong found The Scar King in what seemed like days and The Scar King couldn’t find a way out in thousands of years?
Solid 7.5 / 10 would watch just for the fights 
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evermorethecrow · 2 months
give me the chuumeno
anyway i think when it comes to chuumeno we should really think about how both of these charecters deal with grief and relationships with other people of all kinds...
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autobot2001 · 11 months
Day 22; I'm Sorry
Charecters; A & B Rating; T Description; Charecter A watches their friend, B get hit by a car and finds out they died. They struggle with the loss of their friend who's ghost visits later.
Angstober; grasp Whumpober: vehicular accident AI-lesstober; "why didn't you save me?" OC-tober: encountering a ghost Flufftober; (skipped)
Characters A and B walk down the sidewalk towards the crosswalk. The signal indicating it's safe to walk turns green. Character B starts crossing when character A sees a car speeding towards them. "Character B, run!" They yell. Character B doesn't hear them. Character A watches them get hit by the car and then run over by the same car. The driver continues to speed away. Character A stares shocker. They don't even hear someone calling 911 or someone else trying to get their attention. "They're in shock," the civilian observes. The civilian continues to try to get character A's attention.
The sound of the sirens gets character A back to reality. "Hey, are you ok?" The civilian asks. Character A can't speak.
Next thing character A knows, they're at the hospital, in the psychiatrist's office. They hate retelling what happened. They don't know if B is ok. The psychiatrist asked to be updated on character B the second they found out they're A's friend. It's not how it's typically done, but the psychiatrist is concerned about character A finding out bad news elsewhere. Within a half-hour, the psychiatrist gets the call. Character B died and couldn't be revived. This is why I wanted to keep them in my office. The psych thinks seeing character A's reaction to the news. They are worried about character A being alone. They're unsure how to help them since they don't believe character A needs to be admitted to the mental ward. They're in psychological shock after watching their friend get hit by a car and then being told their friend died. With their schedule empty for the afternoon, the psychiatrist lets A stay in their office. They do the best they can to help A before they go home. The psychiatrist is still worried about them as they watch character A watch down the hall.
Character A walks into their house and sits on the couch. Character B not being their roommate isn't helping with their grief. They struggle to grasp the reality that their friend is gone. They don't move as it gets dark out. They don't care that they're sitting in the dark. "A," they hear a voice, "A." I must be imagining it. Character A thinks. Until a ghost appears. "B?" "Why didn't you save me?" Character B asks. "It happened too quickly. I couldn't do anything. I'm sorry." Character A cries. Character B knows A can't take crying. They realize they were angry to think B would have tried to help if they could. Now they're hurting, knowing A is gone. Character A didn't think ghosts could hug. "Promise me you won't do anything stupid?" Character A begs. "I don't know if I can go on without you," B cries, "you know I have no one else." "Death isn't the answer—." "Yes, it is. We'll be reunited." "No, that's not right. I may be a ghost, but I can call the police and have you sent to get help. I'd rather not, but you worry me." Character B says nothing. They don't want to let A go, but B can't stay in the physical world long. They will only be able to watch B but hope to return to the physical world when needed.
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