#china syria
workersolidarity · 1 year
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Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad to jointly announce the establishment of a China-Syria Strategic Partnership after their meeting in Hangzhou, China yesterday in the first visit by the Syrian President since 2004, long before the start of the Syrian Civil War.
The meeting comes on the backdrop of illegal US Sanctions meant to stifle economic activity in both Syria and China have failed to depose Assad or slow down Chinese technological advancement.
Chinese Officials say the partnership is of great practical importance as the partnership will greatly improve Syrian lives that have been hammered by war and sanctions.
Bashar Al-Assad and his wife were seen on Friday visiting the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, one of the largest Buddhist temples in China, and video appeared online showing Assad and his wife exchanging hugs and handshakes with smiling locals.
According to President Xi Jinping, Syria was one of the first Arab countries to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China and even co-sponsored the resolution to restore China's lawful seat at the UN.
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weepingfireflies · 11 months
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People & countries mentioned in the thread:
DR Congo - M23, Cobalt
Darfur, Sudan - International Criminal Court, CNN, BBC (Overview); Twitter Explanation on Sudan
Tigray - Human Rights Watch (Ethnic Cleansing Report)
the Sámi people - IWGIA, Euronews
Hawai'i - IWGIA
Syria - Amnesty International
Kashmir- Amnesty Summary (PDF), Wikipedia (Jammu and Kashmir), Human Rights Watch (2022)
Iran - Human Rights Watch, Morality Police (Mahsa/Jina Amini - Al Jazeera, Wikipedia)
Uyghurs - Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) Q&A, Wikipedia, Al Jazeera, UN Report
Tibetans - SaveTibet.org, United Nations
Yazidi people - Wikipedia, United Nations
West Papua - Free West Papua, Genocide Watch
Yemen - Human Rights Watch (Saudi border guards kill migrants), Carrd
Sri Lanka (Tamils) - Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch
Afghans in Pakistan - Al Jazeera, NPR
Ongoing Edits: more from the notes / me
Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh/Azerbaijan (Artsakh) - Global Conflict Tracker ("Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict"), Council on Foreign Relations, Human Rights Watch (Azerbaijan overview), Armenian Food Bank
Baháʼís in Iran - Bahá'í International Community, Amnesty, Wikipedia, Minority Rights Group International
Kafala System in the Middle East - Council on Foreign Relations, Migrant Rights
Rohingya - Human Rights Watch, UNHCR, Al Jazeera, UNICEF
Montagnards (Vietnam Highlands) - World Without Genocide, Montagnard Human Rights Organization (MHRO), VOA News
Ukraine - Human Rights Watch (April 2022), Support Ukraine Now (SUN), Ukraine Website, Schools & Education (HRW), Dnieper River advancement (Nov. 15, 2023 - Ap News)
Reblogs with Links / From Others
Indigenous Ppl of Canada, Cambodia, Mexico, Colombia
Armenia Reblog 1, Armenia Reblog 2
Armenia, Ukraine, Central African Republic, Indigenous Americans, Black ppl (US)
Rohingya (Myanmar)
More Hawai'i Links from @sageisnazty - Ka Lahui Hawaii, Nation of Hawai'i on Soverignty, Rejected Apology Resolution
From @rodeodeparis: Assyrian Policy Institute, Free Yezidi
From @is-this-a-cool-url: North American Manipur Tribal Association (NAMTA)
From @dougielombax & compiled by @azhdakha: Assyrians & Yazidis
West Sahara conflict
Last Updated: Feb. 19th, 2024 (If I missed smth before this, feel free to @ me to add it)
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butterfly-95 · 10 months
I think people need to realize that it was sheer luck that they have been born in developed countries with decent living conditions, away from the threat of war or civil conflicts. It is by pure coincidence at times that you end up being a citizen of a developed country, rather than one with an impoverished population experiencing man-made (because it is man-made in this day and age) famine, diseases that have been long eradicated or war (be it a civil conflict or due to selfish interests of developed nations who profit from these, at the cost of civilian lives). You could have been born into these conditions.
The point is: NO ONE should ever be made to witness the horrors of war, famine, poverty, disease or any other trauma inducing situation in which they have no free will or say about its outcome.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 months
reminder that asia is. fucking massive. btw
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anarchistin · 8 months
This paper examines the ideas of people coming out of the left who call themselves “anti-imperialists,” but who have become defenders of dictatorial governments—some of which call themselves Communist or Socialist—that oppress national minorities, beat down movements for democracy, and crush workers’ struggles for a better life.
Those who support these authoritarian governments have been called “tankies,” an allusion to those Communists who supported the Soviet Union’s crushing of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, or “campists,” referring to the notion that the world is fundamentally divided into two camps, one imperialist and the other anti-imperialist.
They have also, and more recently, been called “authoritarian leftists” because, though they claim to be on the left, they have become supporters of authoritarian regimes.
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progressivemillennial · 8 months
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 10 months
Where were You?
These "Activists" don't want Palestinian lives to be saved, they want to annihilate Israel and all it's history, culture, and people. Want proof?
Where were they when Assad gassed Syrian civilians?
Where were they when Armenia was invaded by Azeri forces?
Where were they when The conflict in Sudan escalated?
Where were they when China incarcerated innocent Uyghurs?
No-one spoke out, they left it to the people who were suffering and had their family going through hell. Is it only Palestinian lives that matter? Is it just Israel you want to see burn?
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year
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Tasteful bitches love doing knotwork. There's a lot more knot appreciators but I don't know if I can fit them all in a meme
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stupidjewishwhiteboy · 7 months
So the frequent criticism that Zionists have towards anti-Zionists is that it’s not hard to find members of their movement who are unapologetic white supremacists, Islamists, or Arab chauvinist supremacists.
But I feel it’s also important to call it out when people who call themselves pro-Palestine have totally wackjob opinions about Syria, China, North Korea, Russia, Venezuela, and the new one, Somalia. It feels like the easiest way to find someone claiming that the DPRK is more democratic than the USA, for example, is to go looking for Palestinian flag emojis in Twitter handles
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vivixrocks · 8 months
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troythecatfish · 7 months
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ladyimaginarium · 10 months
from mikjikj-mnikuk/turtle island to inuit nunangat to kanata to kalaallit nunaat to anahuac to abya yala to alkebulan to the levant to moananuiākea to sápmi to éire to bhārata to zhōngguó to nihon to aynu mosir to siberia to niugini to nusantara to bandaiyan to aotearoa, from coast to coast to coast to coast, from sea to sea to sea to sea, none of us are free until all of us — men, women, enben, children, queer people, disabled & neurodivergent people, elders, animals and the land and the sea and the sky — are free!!!!
#arcana.txt#turtle island = north america aka canada america & mexico (& the carribean & central america & greenland depending on who you ask)#inuit nunangat = the arctic aka inuit territory#anahuac = the traditional name for mexico#abya yala = south america (& the carribean & central america depending on who you ask)#alkebulan = the indigenous name for africa#levant = the place where israel & palestine are but also includes cyprus jordan lebanon & syria#moananuiākea = the hawaiian word for the pacific ocean & all the pacific islands#sápmi = the traditional land of the sámi in the northern parts of scandinavia & sweden norway finland & russia#bandaiyan = the indigenous word for australia / aotearoa = the māori word for new zealand#& the reason why i& included animals & the land sea & sky was bc that's central to indigenous activism just as much as it relates to humans#ya can't just free the humans ya gotta free the lands seas & skies too!!#btw mikjikj-mnikuk means turtle island in mi'kmawi'simk i& found it fitting to use the oldest language that yt europeans heard when arrivin#as the mi'kmaq were literally the first indigenous peoples that yt settlers spoke to & saw in 'canada' aka kanata which is the actual word+#which it originated from which came from a huron-iroquois word!!#+ zhōngguó is the chinese word for china ! i& included it bc the uighurs & tibetans & other idigenous peoples are still struggling there!!#+ nihon is the word for japan & i& added it bc we can't forget the ainu & okinawans !!#kalaallit nunaat = greenland & éire = ireland in gaeilge#niugini = new guinea in tok pisin / nusantara = indonesia & the archipelago from old javanese bc they have a lot of indigenous peoples#bhārata = india — i& added it bc there's a LOT of indigenous peoples there & the caste system often has them at the bottom#aynu mosir = ainu homelands !!#siberia also has MANY indigenous peoples living in literally the coldest parts of the world & they're going thru a lot rn#nobody's free until all of us are free!!!!#protect indigenous peoples everywhere!!!! protect each other!!!!#protect the lands seas & skies & also keep them centered in your activism while making sure human rights are valued!!#land back#activism.#psa.#** post; okay to reblog.
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The Palestinians are more animated by the deaths of their own people than sorrowful over the total waste of life that their disgusting terrorist attacks and pointless and unwinnable wars have caused. Instead of calling for peace in Gaza, Mrs. Younes wants to throw one hundred more men into the meat grinder of Yahya Sinwar and Ayatollah Khamenei’s genocidal delusions. This despite claiming that such men were obviously more useful living peacefully in their own neighbourhoods.
It will take a long time to excise this sick mentality from the Palestinian psyche. Too many criminal actors profit from it. The Lebanese, who would be better deserving of Mrs. Younes’ anger, given their blatant discrimination against Palestinian Arabs and fomenting of internecine strife; the Iranian-backed terrorists in Syria; the Qataris, bankrolling Hamas while complaining that Palestinians in Gaza don’t have enough food; the Turks, who have supported Islamic terror openly since at least the rise of Islamic State; the Egyptians, who were mysteriously silent about the fact that Hamas had dug tunnels from Gaza into their territory despite agreeing to flood such tunnels at least nine or ten years earlier; the Iranians, who call Israel the ‘Little Satan’ and whose dictatorship cannot survive without endless foreign wars; the Russians, who funded and trained Palestinian terrorists back in the 1960s and who concocted many of the now familiar canards that Zionism is ‘colonialism’ and ‘racism’; the Chinese, who for whatever reason were discovered in a Hamas terror tunnel earlier this year, and who publicly supported Ismail Haniyeh; and the crowds of gullible Westerners who desperately want Israel to be the villain and will dismiss any evidence that suggests the opposite.
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agentfascinateur · 27 days
Losing to China
... over the last three decades, the US' magic touch in the region has almost systematically failed. These failures encompass everything from the collapse of an Israeli-Palestinian deal in 2000 and the "war on terror" across the broader Middle East (including Afghanistan in 2001 and a renewed invasion of Iraq in 2003) to an ignominious withdrawal from Kabul two decades later and the delivery of Iraq to pro-Iran militias after 2011. They also include the “Assad must go” policy in Syria in 2011, followed by the country's readmission to the Arab League and the reopening of Arab and western embassies in Damascus, along with an intelligent nuclear deal with Iran in 2015, followed by the Trump administration's ignominious withdrawal from the same deal three years later.
In addition, the US' failures encompass the biased Abraham Accords, which only served Israel’s interests, and an ironclad and blind support for Israel in its murderous assault on Gaza, which has led to accusations at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) for genocide and crimes against humanity.
#some excellent points
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